LEGAL APPROVAL . -- " ' rn U1 o o U1 nJ ..0 00 o o ~ ~ .:r N c.. ~ ~ )9.00 I. a() o.W- cr r- U1 0 a.... Ul -l 0 Ln \ /Xl .., ~ m m -:,.e ro ~ ~ =g . C",,) CU 0 ,~&: ~ ~ ~~~~ - >. '" OXCD _CDO o CU '" CD 'b 53 ~ ~ >.0 f::. -::::: .0 au c... co " ')"1 t / } I,. 1/ 'Ordinance No. 8b~ -7 ..' / / AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ANNEXING A C~RTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO THE CITY LIMITS WITHIN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND THAT WILL, UPON ITS ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADDITION TO THE 'CITY TERRITORY, PURSUANT TO A PETITION OF THE OWNER OF SAID TRACT OF LAND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO SECTION VII(32) OF THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF'BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AND SECTION 1?1.044, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING THE PROPER LAND USE DESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING OF THE PROPERTY SHALL BE REFLECTED IN SEPARATE ORDINANCES TO BE PASSED SIMULTANEOUSLY HEREWITH: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING A SAVINGS CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR ADVERTISING; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING'AUTHORITY TO CODIFY; PROVIDING THAT THIS ORDINANCE SHALL BE FILED WITH THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, UPON ADOPTION; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. " '"': ~ ,,)\:, r! \/, , " WHEREAS, MAX SCHORR as owner of the following tract of ,land as hereinafter described, has filed a Petition for Annexation to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, directed to the City Council pursuant to Section VII(32) of the Charter of the City and Section 171.044, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, said tract of land lying and being within Palm Beach County is contiguous to the existing City limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and will, upon its annexation, ccnsti tute a reasonably compact addition to the City territory; and WHEREAS, the proposed use of said land and Land Use Designation have been determined to be consistent with the future land uses of the City of Boynton Beach. . ' NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON,BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: Pursuant to Section VII(32) of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and Section 171.044, Florida Statutes/ the following described unincorporated and contiguous tract of land situated and lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, Florida, to-wit: 1 i .J~ / /" . o 00 U1 o CL LJ1 -I Cl U1 CO / , , A parcel of land in Government Lot 1, Section,17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of " Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; (Beg inning Point also being the Northeast corner of Government Lot 1); thence running south Ol~ 21' 38" East, along the east line of said section 17 and Government Lot 1, a distance of 1311.10 feet to a point on the North corporation line of Boynton Beach (as referred to in Official Record Book 1804, Page 225), thence running South 88" 38'41' West, along said North corporation line a distance of 413.43 feet to a point; thence running north 00"12'57" West, a distance of 1310.76 feet to a point on the north line of said Section 17 and Government lot 1; thence running North 88~ 33'21" East, along said North line, a distance of 387.04 feet to the point of beginning, less the East 40.00 feet thereof and containing 10.841 acres more or less. also That portion of High Ridge Road dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach and recorded in OR Book 3869 Pages 0314 through 0317 inclusive. , . ..-.....~ '/ /' . , . / -t 00 U1 C) 0- U1 -l o U1 CD is hereby annexed to the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and such land so annexed shall be and become part of the City with the same force and effect as though the same had been originally incorporated ip the territorial boundaries thereof. Section 2: That section VI and VI{a) of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, is hereby amended to reflect the annexation of said tract of land more particularly described in Section 1 of this Ordinance. Sect ion 3: That by Ordinance adopted simultaneously herewith, the proper zoning designation and Land Use category is being determined. Section 4: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict he~with are hereby repealed. Section 5. Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Section 6: This Ordinance shall not be passed until the same has been advertised for four (4) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, as required by the City Charter and Section 171.044, Florida Statutes. Section 7: This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its final passage. Section 8: Specific fluthority is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section 9: This Ordinance, after adoption, shall be filed with the Clerk of the Citcuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida. FIRST READING this 5ZiL day of /luGU/sr , 1986. i I ..::L / , '" ./ ..' / . /' SECOND READING and FINAL PASSAGE this ~ day of ;:)-{'pfrmh-e/ ,1986. f " CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. J/;Il aa,~~~ YOR 8c~~e~~4~ VICE HAYO co~(!/-/ 4.y/L 1J~L ,~ COUN1:i HEMBlm (/ j(,y ~~/'(%'~. , COuNCIL MEMBER -J J A'I:'J.'.t;:;'.r: _.~.- . ' ! ,..,!:' n ~ , -!,' ,,'~f~ i, CI~C ~I (SE:AL) I, BETTY S. BORON I , City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, do hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Ordinance No. 86-22, as it appears in.the records of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. '. Clerk N 00 Ul o 0- Ul -l o U1 m i' ". (SE:AL) '.' RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY. FlI\ JOHN B, DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT \ . ...-::::-- MEMORANDUM 17 July 1985 TO: Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: Carmen S, Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Schorr Annexation Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of an annexation re- quest submitted by Roy Barden for Max Schorr, Trustee. Please advertise this request for a Public Hearing with the Planning and Zoning Board for September 12, 1985 and with the City Council for September 17, 1985. The applicant will forward in the very near future, a request for an amendment to the Land Use Element and a rezoning which should also be advertised for these dates. Thank you, (/M4JI//loVJ?~~ / CARMEN S. ....ANNUNZIAT /bks " . . . J ,. J j . I j .1 J t . , J 1 J I I , '. ~ . A- , AFFIDAVIT . STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH' ) S5 Before me, 'the Hax Schorr. Tru~tee (Name of o.mer undersigned authority personally appeared , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and s a.ys: ' 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) " A 10.84 acre ]:isrcel of land on High Ridge Road wlidch is part of Old Government Lot 1. Section 17. Township 45 South. R~e 41 East in pA1m Beach County. See ~ the attached legal sketch and description. (Attach if insufficient space) , 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. Roy O. Barden 3. That he has appointed_____(Name of Aqent) . to act as agent 1n his behalf to accomplish the abovy\' )))..{J)-J c~t>U~L' (Signature of' Owner) Affi ant I Sworn to and subscribed before me ql.i' j! this day of O'ulj.. , 1 91)5 .: tIot ry Pub 1f c. State " t\Y Comnlsslon Expires: 'orARY PUBLIC STATE OF flamrOA If r.n~r~~'~ (XD ~ut ~. 1'87 IONOEO rHRU GEl, l.SURAlCE UID . . - '-----1; I: , o' i ~ I I !: A-7 MEMORANDUM June 26, 1986 TO: Bill" Doney, Esquire FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendment Accompanying this memo you will find a set of information which consists of four corporate legal descriptions and the attendant requested action. Note that in all cases annexation is involved and that ordinances to annex, amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element and to rezone are required. Please advise if you require any additional information. C'-A~-<~ J~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZIA"rO flat cc: City Manger Central File SABRA/SINGER PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION THAT PORTION OF TRACT 8 OF THE "PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY NO. 8", ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 73, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING NORTH OF THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 804, LESS THE NORTH 54 FEET OF SAID TRACT 8; BEING MORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT A POINT OF INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NEW BOYNTON ROAD (STATE ROAD NO. 804) WITH THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF KNUTH ROAD, AS SHOWN ON STATE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP, SECTION 93640-2175, SHEET 2 OF J; THENCE RUN N.OOo31'22"W., ALONG THE EASTERLY RIGH~-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID KNUTH ROAD, FOR A DISTANCE OF 137,03 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN N,87054'06"E. FOR A DISTANCE OF 313.98 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 8; THENCE RUN S.00034'43''E., ALONG SAID EAST LINE OF TRACT 8, FOR A DISTANCE OF 137.03 FEET TO A POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID NEW BOYNTON ROAD (STATE ROAD NO. 804); THENCE RUN S.87054'06"W., ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF NEW BOYNTON ROAD (STATE ROAD NO. 804), FOR A DISTANCE OF 314.11 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONTAINING IN ALL 0.99 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND OTHER MATTTERS OF RECORD. " THE NORTH 54 FEET OF TRACT 8 OF THE "PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY NO.8", ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 73, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, TOGETHER WITH THAT 25 FOOT'RIGHT-OF-WAY LYING NORTH OF AND CONTIGUOUS TO SAID TRACT 8, BEING BOUNDED ON THE WEST BY THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF KNUTH ROAD, AS SHOWN ON THE STATE ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY MAP FOR STATE ROAD NO. 804, SECTION 93640-2175, SHEET 2 OF 3, AND BOUNDED ON THE EAST BY THE NORTHERLY EXTENSION OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 8. - CONTAINING IN ALL 0.57 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. SUBJECT TO RIGHTS-OF-WAY, EASEMENTS AND OTHER MATTERS OF RECORD. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL TO LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL BOYNTON BEACH REZONING PALM BEACH COUNTY AR (AGRICULTULRAL RESIDENTIAL) TO C-3 (COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL) BOYNTON BEACH US POST OFFICE -- LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBDIVISION A AND B OF TRACT 30, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT #8, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 73, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND LOTS C, LESS THE RIGHT OF WAY FOR STATE ROAD 804 (BOYNTON ROAD), D, AND E, TRACT 3, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT #8, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, PAGE 73, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. SUBJECT TO RIGHTS OF WAY FOR SMALL LATERAL DITCHES IN FAVOR OF OTHER TRACTS AS SHOWN IN DEED BOOK 81, PAGE 2, AND DEED BOOK 81, PAGE 9. PROPERTY LOCATED WITHIN SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. CONTAINS 4.22 ACRES MORE OR LESS. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT PALM BEACH COUNTY INDUSTRIAL TO PUBLIC AND PRIVATE INSTITUTIONA4/GOVERNMENTAL BOYNTON BEACH REZONING PALM BEACH COUNTY I.L./S.E. (LIGHT INDUSTRIAL/SPECIAL EXCEPTION) TO P.U. (PUBLIC USAGE) BOYNTON BEACH MAX SCHORR PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PARCEL OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST; (BEGINNING POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1); THENCE RUNNING SOUTH 01021'38" EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 1311.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH CORPORATION LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH (AS REFERRED TO IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1804, PAGE 225), THENCE RUNNING SOUTH 88038'41" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH CORPORATION LINE A DISTANCE OF 413.43 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING NORTH 00 12'57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1310.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE RUNNING NORTH 88033'21" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 387.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE EAST 40.00 FEET THEREOF AND CONTAINING 10.841 ACRES MORE OR LESS. also THAT PORTION OF HIGH RIDGE ROAD DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND RECORDED IN OR BOOK 3869 PAGES 0314 THROUGH 0317 INCLUSIVE. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT PALM BEACH COUNTY LOW DENSITY TO LOW DENSITY BOYNTON BEACH REZONING PALM BEACH COUNTY RS (RESIDENTIAL SINGLE FAMILY) TO R-1AAA (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT) BOYNTON BEACH CAPITOL CENTER PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION TRACT 48, LESS THE SOUTH 128.5FEET THEREOF AND LESS THE NORTH 20 FEET THEREOF ACCORDING TO THE PALM BEACH-MIAMI LAND AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PLAT OF SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 7, PAGE 19, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. also A PORTION OF KNUTH ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY IN SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH RANGE 43 EAST, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS THAT PART OF THE SAID KNUTH ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY BEING 30 FEET IN WIDTH AND LYING BETWEEN THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF OLD BOYNTON ROAD AND A LINE PARALLEL TO AND 495.32 FEET SOUTH OF SAID SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE. LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT PALM BEACH COUNTY COMMERCIAL POTENTIAL TO OFFICE COMMERCIAL BOYNTON BEACH REZONING PALM BEACH COUNTY AR (AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO PCD (PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT) BOYNTON BEACH ~':L CONSULTANTS. 11'._. ENGINEERS. SURVEYORS . PLANNERS , , POMPANO BEACH OFFICE 440 East Sample Road. Suite 104, 33064 , (305) 186.1901 VERO BEACH OFFICE 3003 Cardinal Drive, 32960 (305) 231-4121 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~ PARCEL OF L~ND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 E~STl (BEGINNING POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1); THENCE RUNNING SOUTH 01021'38" E~ST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 1311.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH CORPORATION I.INE OF BOYNTON BEACH (AS REFERRED TO IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1804, PAGE 225), THENCE RUNNING SOUTH 88038'41" WEST, ALONG SAID NOR'rH CORPORATION LINE A DISTANCE OF 413.43 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUNNING NORTH 00012'57" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1310.76 FEET TO A POINT ON TilE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1; THENCE RUNNING NORTH 88033'21" EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 387.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE EAST 40.00 FEET THEREOF AND CONTAINING 10.841 ACRES MORE OR LESS. t\) ... <;) , BY CERTIFI CATI 011: 1 IIEREDY CERTIfY THAT THE ATTAOIED S~HCH ~~D LEGAL DESCRIPTIOl/ IS TRUE AXD CORRECT TO THE BEST OF HI- ~1I0h'LEDGE AND BHIH . A.~D IT .'EETS TilE HIIiHIU~1 UCHSICAl. STA."D,~RD SET FORTH BY TilE FLORIDA STATE RO'RD OF LAND SURI'El"ORS. ,/ ~t:j:{ ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND IU,.ViYOA 211#(p4. STATE OF Fl.ORIOA ISHMAEL. S. MOHAMED Pol., , . "- <u <u .s:: IS) ~ons: 1:- R[I'RO(lUCTIO~S OF THIS S~ETCH ARE NOT H.UD UNLESS SEALED "iTK AN PIBOSSED SURI'HOR'S SEAL. Z. ~~D$ SHOWN HEREOIl WERE NOT ABSTRACTED lOR [ASElIENTS AXD/OR RIGHTS.OF-WAY Of RECORD, 3. DATA SHOWH HEUON WAS CO>lPILED HON OIHER INSJRUml/TS AND OOES NOT CON- STITUT[ A FIELD SURVEY AS SUCH. REVISIONS DAlE '} ~ ~ tV "'ATE DRAWN 4"0'';5 BY f),!? P ;HECKEO FIELD BY I. S M. BOOK I u ... \:0 ",Z ~'~"'''''',';' ",) '.. ,'; ) ..~,-".. ~ONSU"ANIS; \...CL CONSULTANT~, II ENGINEERS.SURVEYORSoPLANNERS I,"" POMPANO BEACH OFFICE 440 East Sample Road. Suite 104, 33064 . (305) 786-1901 VERO BEACH OFFICE 3003 Cardinal Drive, 32960 (305) 231-4127 ) , ~ E. Cor, ~ ..}Jorlh L,'nr S~', 11( 387,04' ee, /7, ~ov'f Lot I -? IJ 88. B' el"~ "av't Lot I )01.0'" 'PO.e" N , 80' ~ Ii! 1-<)' [t <> Sc,ne: j'" 300' , Q '" , "- ..; ~ "- 0 - '-t ~ I ~ .... )(; , ~ u ..... .. l:l "1_ ~ "... <:: 0 II:. " " ,,~ ~ ...~ '" " I1t 111" "'.... Q " lie :t ~ I1t h +tJ' " : :t .... () II} , -..,J '! 0 0 , Q - < Q ,n VISIONS 80' fIJ '" <;) \\, .- 333,'/-3' -,. ./3 '9'3' I S88.31r.,rW ).... :::.. () I.!Y ~ " " .s:::; \I) DATE '} ,. C'l) t\) BY 'f10FESSIONAL lAND SURVEYOR STATE OF fLORID'" x u ~ ~o "'z DATE FIELD BOOK , DRAWN ")O,&S BY /) J?,P CHECKED BY /, S,M. .'" = '" Lr.> en "- -"'" ., -, ,,- ~!: 'I > -,' ~.rn Q:,,~ ,0 ~ " ~';'~'~ ~~~~: ~ . w- Q Z I- U ~ ~ ~ ~ E i~l o ~ z ~ ~~"d .J ,W !: t~ ~'1 ~ ~ (; w "' I z u J::' ~ >- J' Z ill >- a o m u w ~ m oc 0 z ~ oc Q w a I- oc J 0 ~ ~ z (Jl i 0 ~ I- U ;: oc "- I- 0 a z ;: I- w w Z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J I- " to hi It. Z x_ J - ~ ~ 0 It. I I W I- I- I ~ I- a a m I- " I- Z (1l W a U Z I, " .; , i' \ " ,', , , \ '-, ,; :--; rORM 1104 ~'~.l ~.U"'Tl.-" LAW r,,,,,,.. F'UH<.-'''I' ,,;.,.,.. F''''~~''' ".. p,,,,, WAIlRM'lTY on.n-(Slallllof)' form.) @rlffifr~ ;@W1DJtmdbUtJfJ1\ L 2318 Tr'h...,...I'''''' lurn. hrrm:n., fl1~ Irrm "pnr'ly" ~h(/Il inclrmtl th~ hrlr~, pl'rMn(ll rl'"r..~rrrlfllil"r." &IUCl"uorw ,wd I or fU$i{n8 ,.,( au r('$)!rrtiv~ pm'tia herfln; tht! fI.'1' of ih,. $1:llfu[nr I/J/mhl'r whnll im'/'ufr fI,.. "lm."I, flnri/lil' ,'[IIrr11 "'f' $;nl!n/nr; tit" IIII/! 0(""11 trnrfrr ,,!,..,1/ l/trl/ld,. 1111 t!rlll/"/',_; II"d, If IM,:I/, Ihr 1(,I'm "llof,," 1If11111 inclll.(/(J aUth.. IUJfrlll.r.rrjll durriIH!,t if IIlf1n thlu~ l1/j(J .Made thi,~ 27th llIdtuttn JOHN N, BLOW, also known his wife of the County of Duval party of the first part, and MAX SCHORR, TRUSTEE of the Connty of Palm Beach in the Sta,te of Florida paTty of the Sl!condplLrt,whose mailing address is: 250 Royal Palm Way, Palm B.e,ach, Flpridg, 33480, , mUnrsstl4 that tI~e sa~a party or tlw JLrst part, for and ~n consideration oj thetflfH(1. of TEN AND NO/IOQ--------------------------------------])ollars, to It~ftt in hand paid by the sa,id party of the. second part, the receipt whereof is herl'by acknowledged, hits grmded, bargained and sold to the sltid paTty of the second part his heirs Itnd assigns forever, the following described land, situate lying anrllieing in the County of Palm Beach ' , Slale of .Floridn, to wit: A parcel of land in Government Lot 1, Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, more part- icularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; (beginning point also being the northeast corner of Government Lot 1); thence running South 01021'38" East, along the East line of said Section 17 and Government Lot 1, a distance of 1311.10 feet to a point on the north corporation line of Boynton Beach [as referred to in Official Record Book 1804, page 225), thence ru~ning South 88038'41 West, along said North corporation line a distance of 413.43 feet to a point; thence running North 00012'57" West, a distance of 1310,76 feet to a point on the North line of sdid Section 17 and Government Lot 1; thence running North 88033'21" East, along said North line, a distance of 387.04 feet to the Point of Beginning. day of August ,1, D. 1979 as JOHN NICHOLS BLOW: Elnd ELlZABE1H H, BLO'.1, in the State of Florida SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easements of record and to taxes for the year 1979 and subsequent years. And the said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the saine adainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoe/.'er. tb i In IlttnrBB :m~rrrof. the said party of. the first part has herel/.nto set h~ r hnnriBand seals the day and year first above writ ~ , ~lgnrll. ~rulrll unll IDrllurrrll In Q!)nr l.tlrrufnrr: ~ ~"'L5.t{(..(1' t At~.i7 . J}J' "j.f.'il -LJ}/j, N'-:Sfbw- - , -~---~- '.,f'1i-"i d:f,(!,~ 0" "R) a (jJt. ~ ~c~ q ~.." "" . ,\~ "'----.J \ U' l"'lLr"II"f'Y''': " beth H. Blow .::,\~, ~:: : 8.J:,;'r'::I')~u:lR,~.\ ')"I~I' i.5'J8P,~4i^O\x ;j ::: ii'...."',::--;.,!.:;,;'I",:,;,: i ", - .. ..-" t" f:t ," :..i i l~';' i' . f.D N P.B. = ,n I pt, . r 111 nr: l~ ','1 ;,,; l~tatr of 1Jnort~a } _ 1.1 " .~ ^ 'r ?q' .r, \ " - I J - L ( I' ., ,I '.. ." ,~ .... l"' ,.'. ',' ,; I ,,-, '.: " ,~ . ~. .......,..._-~~ -." _.._--- .-.' muunty uf DUVAL 11 .JJbrrby Qlrrtify That on this day personally ap/Jeltred before me, o/licer duly au,thorized to admirtister oaths and take acknOlcleugrnents, JOHN N, BLOW also known as JOHN NICHOLS BLOW, Elnd ELIZABElli II, BLOW, an to me well known and known to me to be the individual;; described in alld who eJ:ecuted the foregoing deed, and they, ack!1Qwled1,ed before me that they e:recuted the same (reely and vuluntarily for t!Lj',liltrposes therein eJpresscd. BltnrBB my hand and o/Jicial seal at Jacl<;sonvi llf ,.;. County of Duval . and State :o(Florida:.this-; 27th day of August , /1, D. 19 79. ,-,", ,I :;: .mortl Verifiod \'.' '..' '.t~~' .;;" ", 1'~!il1 r.C:lch County, J~ ""'J,7t'.' <-. -)'/ , /.' /' J, ",.1 - J'~~"n 0, D IInkln I ~-1'.I/t- (~...... . .. LlI ___( ~.....__.~_ Not rf; 'publi~ ." eLi" "', ,:,;( VC"'I My Commission EXPires::;; t'.-. 1 /,15'/ Off RFr. 3126 PC HO:2