AGENDA DOCUMENTS AGENDA MEMORANDUM 11 July 1985 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: MAX SCHORR PROPERTY - ANNEXATION Accompanying this memo you will find a copy of an application for annexation submitted by Roy Barden for Max Schorr, P.A. Mr. Barden is proposing to annex a 10.84 acre tract of land located in the southwest corner of Miner Road extended and High Ridge Road. In addition, you will find an official record book and page number for a right-of-way impacted by this annexation which should be incorpora- ted. (A portion of High Ridge Road adjacent to this property.) Please place this item on the Council Agenda for July 16, 1985 for Council's consideration and for forwarding to the Planning and Zoning Board for public hearings. ~JL CARMEN S. ANNUNZ~O , - ;;:(:;; /bks cc: Central File