APPLICATION STATEHEHT OF IHTEREST The applicant, Max Schorr, is Trustee oJ: the 10.84 acre parcel to be alUlexed to the City oJ: Boynton Beach, Florida. ~ - APPLICANT'S CERTIFIGATION . , A-5 (I) (\.Ie) affinn and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowlecge and belief. Further (I). (We) understand that this application. attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. ... .. APPLICANT IS: .. Iuav\-db.::KO;j,,] Signature of Applicant. x Owner .. Optionee Max Schorr, Trustee Type Name of Applicant lessee 250 Royal Palm Way Street Address Agent Palm Eeach, Florida. 33480 Ci,ty and State Contract Purchaser 833-7700 .Telephone Number . .. . , ! :~ . ~. .' . . .- A,-5 .. to, " " f .. ,I : ~ i; i. .' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLOHIUA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION i. :, DATE APPLICATION FILED: j" ,j ;j DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: I I I; DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXA TION REPORT: " I' If DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: .1 i: DA TE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: .1 " II DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: 'I RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR I I r DATE ANNEXA TION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: 'I I I RE,TECTION: ORDINANCE 1/ REJECTION: AGAINST I I DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE. I I I ! FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE or GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: Max Schorr, Trustee Area of Subject Property: Sq. Ft. or 1O.e4 Acr I Estimated Present Population:~A ; : Existing Zoning: as ( County) Density A lIowec1: 3 I i I Proposed Zoning: PID Density Allowed: H/A I , d. u. 's/a d. u. 'sIal EXISTING UTILITIES Water: City or Boynton Beach~ Florida I I , I I ; I , ! . I I . I II 11 : ~ , I: I: 'i I. 1. .. :: " : Wastewater Collection: City or Boynton Beach, Florida Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach. Florida A .. ,., 1 '. 'I ., STA TEMENT OF USE , i; Existing Use: I: I ,: i: Proposed Use: I. Ii !! and land use in the area. i! ., Ii '1 " I! Ii II II II Vacant. Lil1:ht industrial in conformity with eY.1sting zoning .. , I I I , j I I i I I I I I i i I I I I i I ! ! JUSTIFICA TION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boyntor Beach, Florida: Aoolicant's land abuts City property alreadv zoned for liRht industrial use . . . and is across the street from existing lismt industrial use. City now provides public water and sewer service to the site. .Land to the south. east. and north is within the City liniits. EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROpERTY TO DE 1\NNEXED A parcel of land( 10.84 acres ) in Old Goverment Lcit 1, Section 17, Township J...~ South, Range 43 East. Counvt of Palm Beach, adjacent to the City of .Boynton Beach, Florida. See attached legal sketch and description~ . 1\ -3 :, .; " 1. $300.00 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOHIUA l\PPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION Instructions I: All properties within a single application must be contiguolls and immediate I: :i adJ.acent to one another, or be the subject of separate "pplications. Ii j: ,. I; No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of I; City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit two copies of i' this application and other required information. Ii 11 Before an application may be accepted, it must fully comply with all rcquircc II information as stated below. II ATTACH THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFOHMATION TO THIS . APPLICATION: I , 11. .. 'I ,. I I . j. I I i I I I I! 2. Ii I: Ii i , I j! , I , I I 1 Ii Ii Ii " I, '. j: " I: I: " ! ~ a. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record. b. or . - All other property must be shown on a certified legal survcy made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property. The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total arca of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the annexation petition by all owners of record, 5?E. b. If a lessee, a copy of the Lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, or c. If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or IV rittcn consent of the seller/owner, or d. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corpor- ation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation or othcr business entity, 5?E. e. If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the selle:-!ov.;ner. I. I' I! 'I ,. I: COMPLETE THIS APPLICA'J ION FORM AND SUBl\HT WITH REQUIRED !, ATTACHMENTS TO: j: .. '. J: ,. i' , ,. ! " !l