AGENDA DOCUMENTS Ii q( 7.A.2 POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL PUBLIC HEARING PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 95-602 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. HeYden,~ Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner DATE: November 7, 1995 SUBJECT: poinciana Elementary School (LUAR 95-001) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning INTRODUCTION Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1.5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to, the existing approximate 8.6 acre poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N,W. 13th Avenue (see attached location map), Specifically, the subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the project along N,W. 13th Avenue, and at the southeast and southwest corners of the site which front on the pending abandonment of N.W, 12th Avenue. All subject parcels are currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-1-A5(Single-family residential district) or R-2 S (Single and Two-family dwelling district). The applicant requests that the land use of the subject property be reclassified and it be rezoned consistent with the existing school campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) and Public Usage (PU) , respectively. f-".},,-ceAf f''C''1'',,",+1'"-''' i",,,-{~J1e- . . . - During the past 12 months, The School Board of Palm Beach County has acquired the subject parcels, removed existing structures on those newly acquired parcels, has submitted abandonment applications for the adjacent rights-of-way of N.W. 12th Avenue and Washington Avenue, and begun construction of a new Poinciana Elementary School, With respect to current school use, the existing school facilities will continue to be utilized during construction of the new building, This school redevelopment project will enable consolidation and better utilization of the campus (in part by abandoning NW 12th Avenue which has always separated the school from their larger recreation area), and the replacement of multiple antiquated facilities with a single and larger modern elementary school. This school expansion project received official support from the City of Boynton Beach in 1992 when the City processed Resolution R92-209, which in part, conveyed the community's desire for the continued operation of this school. Furthermore, to facilitate the coordination of certain joint City-School Board activities such as land acquisition, the two entities entered into an interlocal agreement in 1993 (this agreement will be amended to also allow city-owned property to be used for project drainage in order to meet both SFWMD and city drainage requirements) , PROCEDURE As this amendment to the Comprehensive Plan represents a small-scale amendment pursuant to state law, the proposed amendment will not be reviewed by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) but will become effective 31 days following adoption of the ordinance, While documentation on the small-scale amendment is required to be sent to the DCA, no review for compliance is conducted, ADJACENT LAND USE AND ZONING Since the subject parcels are rather isolated within the existing school campus, few other properties are immediately adjacent to the affected properties, As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels front on NW 13th Avenue, Seacrest Boulevard, and on the abandoned NW 12th Avenue, The only exception to this statement regarding limited adjacent / II-:l SL1nl., tl"'1.e a...1""l.a...3_ys is l::lc.....""'>:l:~tiorl. of report f~=cts that th~s req~est expa=s~o= of the school: th~s aI~ct * ~re COrl.s~ster~t ~ith the Compreherl.si~e Pl.ax""1, ,... _r..~e.l:::>l~eSel""1 ts a lo-g:i..cal 8..X"'1.ci e~pa..~sio~ to the e~:i..stirl.g Usage zo~i~g district, rn 3-1"101- P.Ll.I..." 1 ~ c ,... is 1::>-a5 eo 01"'1.. a1""1 sc:l"'l..o<...""'>l l=>c>a:L~d, c>b~i<-.....,"'L~S I~eect by tl~e * ~s felt by the comm~=~ty a=ct c~ty as a rl.ecessity; a~d that it~ ". "",~ll n.ot affect t.b.e C~ty' s i~frastr~ct~re beyo~d that c~rrerl.tly impacted by the exist:i..rl.g school. Memorandum No. 95-602 -2- November 7, 1995 properties is at the southwest corner of the campus where an area to be rezoned directly abuts a single family home within the R"l-A (Single- family Residential) zoning district, Lastly, those properties separated from the subject parcels by NW 13th Avenue are predominantly single family homes zoned R-2 (Single- and Two-family dwelling district) , Pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 8 (Administration and Enforcement), when a rezoning request requires an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, staff shall evaluate such applications with respect to the following criteria: CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES The Comprehensive Plan does not contain policies which specifically address expansion of the poinciana Elementary School campus. However, the Plan does include an objective and general policy that require the City to assist Palm Beach County with "maintaining or improving" school quality, Objective 8,22 and Policy 8,22,2 read as follows: Objective 8.22 - "The City shall increase the mechanisms for intergovernmental coordination with the Palm Beach County School Board in order to assist the School Board in maintaining or improving the quality of the County's school system and to ensure consistency with the plans and policies of the school board."; and Policy 8.22,2 - "The City shall assist the school board in locating future school sites." CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN The subject request represents a small expansion to the PPGI land use classification and PU zoning district currently in place on the poinciana Elementary School. Therefore, the subject request is consistent with the established land use pattern, the request would not create an isolated district, and lastly, the approval of the subject request would not be a grant of special privilege. CHANGING CONDITIONS AND DESIRABILITY OF THE REZONING Although it is known that most schools in the County are overcrowded, the Palm Beach County Educational Concurrency and Task Force has reported that "the greatest need for student stations is at the elementary and middle school facilities", The combination of the demand for school space and the age of the poinciana Elementary School represent the principle justifications for school expansion and the subject rezoning request, COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC fACILITIES The lots proposed to be rezoned and incorporated into the existing school campus will allow for the construction of a new school building which will replace the multiple buildings currently being used. With respect to impacts on public facilities, as the project is intended to only replace obsolete facilities, and in general, to unify the school into one building, the projected demand on principle facilities (i,e, roads and utilities) will be comparable to the demand currently being generated, COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH NEARBY PROPERTIES AND IMPACT ON VALUES Schools have typically been recognized as attributes within residential areas, as it is felt important to have children attend school within their own neighborhood. Such facilities provide a local source of recreation and education resources and meeting facilities for both adults and children. The City of Boynton Beach has acknowledged the desire to have maintained at this location the poinciana Elementary School, and documented this objective through the aforementioned resolution. ~ Memorandum No. 95-602 -3- November 7, 1995 PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICAL DEVELOPABILITY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY There are no known unique physical characteristics which would limit further development or redevelopment of the subject parcels, SCALE OF REZONING RELATIVE TO NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY The combined area of the subject parcels are only approximately 1,50 acres, and the redevelopment project is merely a replacement of the existing multi-building campus with a single, modern school facility. Given the small size of the project, and that which was stated above regarding compatibility with nearby properties, the proposed zoning and school improvement project are relative to needs of both the immediate neighborhood and the City, AVAILABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SITES ADEOUATE FOR PROPOSED USE With respect to alternative sites for this project, the existing site is the most logical location for this school given its proximity to residential neighborhoods and its location between the nearest two elementary schools (i, e. Galaxy Elementary School and Rolling Green Elementary School) -r-! (1_ i nefef' ~ RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the application submitted by Jan C, Hansen for the School Board of Palm Beach County be approved, based on the following: 1. The proposed rezoning is consistent with "" _ " ~ " . ~ the Comprehensive Plan; ~~ 1'1 - ~ ' " the established land use p~tt~rn~ -:;:tlS- c~;;.~."i~ .1._..' ~ ~with adjacent land uses and will not negatively affect property values; : 2 . 3 , 4. The scale of the proposed rezoning is relative to the needs of the immediate neighborhood as well as to the City as a whole; and 5. The proposed rezoning is consistent with Resolution #92-208 which encourages and supports maintaining the poinciana Elementary School at its current location, and is related to an inter local agreement between the City and The School Board of Palm Beach County which facilitates the joint City-School Board effort to redevelop the existing school campus. TJH:mr Attachments xc: Central File MISCX:POINC.REP -r~_.1 C-~(.lJ JL. ..L+~ \ C\ -"'~ <="-"- M. Y rp k~cL(\~ , '\ A 6 ATTACHMENT "A" LOCATION MAP 1- L0CATION MA~ POINCIANA SCHOOL , I --- . I/J f'~ '1 ~:'~I': ::J"W" '" . ;~- m-n". ......... . /lJI'1 -. t:: .ll.l.y '" I' ., Ii -'?i I I- ........ ,L. ~ R c' " ~ I . ~;3. I . ~, ,i ~ tl.. . 1\ ~' ~ ~' I 1 ~' 'r : ~_ 3 I- . ~ .~ {(,,:~ ~\ .l; :\ I- I ~ -RC3 /-m1,; -1 1-. }--I- PU 88: I- 111 ~~- ,r'h - ~ 1<: 'xi vlJ. ,.. ':I..A~:)1~--- f-- I- ~ ;]-~:LJ . .... I-~ - '-... - /-1'1 '-'- :: ~"r- '- >- I ( rr IT TTTI d,llllTl III' .. =ff ~ ;;;JL-, lire a1/1 ,I q:; --;;1/1 :_ ~ --;;_ ~~. '.-. - I . f.-.--1 I I ' ~. . , -,i' . ." _. L~~. :_~'::'_:-.-:->;.:.' - - -............. - I - ~ ~ I ; ~ I I=- I I J CPI'JA.... =-l.', . III ,llf1Illllllllllillll' ~... ~H '11'1\11, ~. rTTlll ...u i!lliilllli~.~ i ",.,rOlf-li .t t1'\~I;"I,IT r!~d:."'" :~~, -;. '. i~'~ .' L:: . III!I::::-" rTTTI 'I~l I.T_~. 1'.:II!Ullll 'ill L. " ~~ '111\" '~llIill. 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Public hearings on these proposals will be held before the Planning and Development Board on November 14, 1995 and before the City Commission on November 21, 1995, both at 7:00 P,M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, BO~lton Beach, Florida. l.' - - -- V~t6tf c~I9A1-:C::1Jt --_-_~~= ~=~~-_~-_-_~:~= ~ =-_-_~-~__ I f1--.. N.W. " N.W II Iii III ~IE MARTIN L. KIN'G 81.: D. ITIIIlllIIllIll illIIIJllIIIill -- R1A1MeDR TO PU/PPGI".... , \ R2/MeDR TO -- - PUlPF' I . . n ci ITIlJTIIIIII ~ OJ ~ w a: ~ w IW~ - <D - - - - PlANNING _ 8TH .. I I AVE.. ,--, r--l W II POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL LEGAL: The School District of Palm Beach County Jan C, Hansen Redevelopment/expansion of existing elementary school Portions of the entire 10,2-acre site located between N.W, 11th Avenue and N,W. 13th Avenue, immediately west of Seacrest Boulevard, Complete legal descriptions on file in the Planning Department, 100 East BO~lton Beach Boulevard, BO~lton Beach, Florida, PETITIONER: AGENT: INTENDED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: LAND USE AMENDMENT: From - MeDR Medium Density Residential (all parcels) To - PPGI Public & Private Governmental/Institution (all parcels) REQUEST: REZONE: From - R-1A Single Family and R-2 Duplex (see map for selected parcels) To - PU ~lblic Usage (all parcels) A COPY OF THESE APPLICATIONS AND CORRESPONDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW BY THE PUBLIC IN THE PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT AND IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY AND BE HEARD, ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OR CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. PLEASE CALL (407) 375-6260 FOR ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ABOVE MATTERS, M1SCX:POINC400.AD SUZANNE M. KRDSE CITY CLERK NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P.M. on Tuesday, November 14, 1995, at city Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd" Boynton Beach, to consider an application for REZONING covering the parcel of land described as follows: APPLICANT: The School Board of Palm Beach County AGENT: Jan C. Hansen LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 50<1+l Wf of- IAs Lf;t{~4''I,_L/I5"/'''.d- 5oJf-h..~of+k.. w 30,3'50' -of /0-1- 1 of fk.. SvblAvI'S"o,,- of- (of.3/ L.a.re.Iu.....-h SvJ,cf,.'v(s,'o",- Il..cco,,-J'j 1;; Pj...f BooK IO) PV of -fk. ?.J/AA-:$tj r.,""'ty fJ.kc ~~ , (~.,- 'toy-flter "".~k ".' k---) Lo h '1. +J.>MJ 10 I blocK c" '^~ W q,oS/ of/of i I j,lock b of flu.. HettI Ho__ Hei~kf-5 Sv!,d,'",){o... IACCo-rl.'':J to 'P1..1--f,ooK. 1/,~C-30 of ih..pl 0u..J.. c-. ~ rJ~ ilL. Rc.o-rrY (C^~... +o5c-~1t..-- wd-l..... .Jso..) f<. I It/ /1eJ)t -iP) - b+5 /3/ I'r/ 15,...J.. 1ft, blo(.1:: 1'0 r tJ lIP G I "/ Mc:c r-dj''j -t;- 11,,",* ~oolC II J Y"Je. 10 or-l-k rz z.lJk~~ ;;- rUjPpGJ o....e. J-t-e.0+-hs 5v1J\""'Ji;'... 'Jl.J..... ;l!A.cA. c;,v"t pv\,l.-c rw>4 ' PROJECT NAME: poinciana Elementary School PROPOSED USE: Expansion of existing school campus /,'30 Multiple parcels totaling ?7??? acres located on the west side of Seacrest Blvd., between NW 11th Avenue and NW 13th Avenue, LOCATION: REQUEST: Reclassify from MeDR (Medium Density Residential) to PPGI (Public & Private Governmental/Institutional), REQUEST: Rezone from R-I-A (Single Family Residential) and R-2 (Single- and Two- Family Dwelling District) to PU (Public usage) . A PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the city Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on November 21, 1995 at 7:00 P. M, at the Commission Chambers, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning and Development Board or the city Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. please call (407) 375-6260 if there are any questions on this information, MI5CX:POINCNEW.AU PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-718 Agenda Memorandum for December 19, 1995 City Commission Meeting TO: Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. Heyden nJ Planning and Zoning Director ~ (;f) , FROM: DATE: December 13, 1995 SUBJECT: POINCIANA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (LUAR 95-001) ORDINANCES FOR LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT AND REZONING Please place the above-referenced items on the December 19, 1995 City Commission meeting agenda under Legal - Ordinances, Second Reading. DESCRIPTION: As originally described in Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-602, Jan C. Hansen, agent for The School Board of Palm Beach County, requests to change 1,5 acres of property which are adjacent to, and being added to the existing approximately 8.6 acre Poinciana Elementary School campus located on the west side of Seacrest Boulevard, between N.W. 11th Avenue and N.W, 13th Avenue. The subject property consists of multiple parcels located at the northeast corner of the site, and along N.W. 12th Avenue which have always separated the school building from the recreation area on the south side of the campus. As indicated on the location map, the subject parcels are all currently classified Medium Density Residential, and zoned either R-1-A (Single Family) or R-2 (Single and Two- family dwelling district). The applicant requests that the subject property be reclassified and rezoned consistent with the existing school campus, which is Public & Private Governmental/Institutional (PPGI) and Public Usage (PU) , respectively. First reading of the attached ordinances was approved by the Commission on December 5, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that these ordinances be approved on second and final reading, TJH:dim Attachments MISCX:POIN1ST.AGM