AGENDA DOCUMENTS <; ;.:: PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 94-315 Agenda Memorandum for October 18, 1994 city Commission Meeting Carrie Parker, City Manager Tambri J, Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director ~At DATE: October 13, 1994 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: AnnexatIon Program - Palm Beach Groves Proposed Ordinance (Revised) The attached ordinance for the above-referenced property, which is scheduled for second reading at the October 18, 1994 City Commission meeting, has been revised since first reading to address the property owner's objection (as discussed today during a meeting with him) toward the "Agriculture" land use classification. Section 3 of this proposed ordinance has been revised to indicate that following annexation of this property and reclassification to "Agriculture", staff will immediately process an amendment to the Future Land Use Map changing the classification from "Agriculture" to "Low Density Residential", and rezone the property to R-1AAB single Family Residential, This is a logical solution to the objection raised by the property owner since the original process is nearly complete, and annexation would be delayed if the applications were withdrawn and reprocessed with the preferable land use classification. TJH:mr Attachments MtseVltI=PBcaOORO.C'