CORRESPONDENCE K1ldl1y & Aaoc'- landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite llJOA West Palm Beech, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (4071 689-2592 September 15, 1994 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Annexation Program Application #1, Palm Beach Groves Our File No. 1172.1 Dear Ms. Heyden, This office represents Mr. H. Loy Anderson, Jr., owner of the Palm Beach Groves parcel located on the west side of Lawrence Road approximately 1 ,300 feet south of Hypoluxo Road. This property is one of six properties included in the City's Annexation Program, for properties located in the western perimeter of the municipal boundaries. A City initiated application was submitted for this property in connection with the Annexation Program based on the fact that the property is contiguous to the corporate limits and it lies within the City's reserve annexation area. Additionally, this property was the subject of a previously executed Water Service Agreement, which essentially was a commitment by the property owner to voluntarily annex at such time as this property became contiguous to the corporate limits. The purpose of this letter is to request City staff's reconsideration of this application, because it also includes a Land Use Element Amendment and concurrent Rezoning request. Our office has had an opportunity to look at this area with regard to existing uses/densities and surrounding Land Use designations. Although the property owner has no development plan at this time, it makes good planning sense to utilize this opportunity to designate the property with a Land Use designation comparable to the existing Palm Beach County density, which in this case is a Medium Residential 5 (MR5). An MR5 designation allows a density range of three (3) to five (5) dwelling units per acre. As you will note by the attached map included with this letter, the MR5 designation occurs throughout the entire area of the unincorporated Palm Beach County. Likewise, on the east side of Lawrence Road, unincorporated pockets include Land Use designations of MR5, while developments located within the City have Land Use intensities designated PUD 4.0. It is our understanding that the Land Use designation of Agricultural is recommended by staff because this property is currently utilized for agricultural purposes. However, as I previously mentioned, because this request is being reviewed by the Department of Community Affairs, this would be the time to assign an appropriate City Land Use designation of Low Density Residential, which allows 4.84 dwelling units per acre as a maximum density. Naturally, this will alleviate the property owner from initiating a Land Use Amendment request at a later time. Additionally, the property owner does agree that an Agricultural zoning designation is appropriate at this time since they have no immediate develo ment lans. fD)~ iS~ u1J r-) 9 aM 00 ,'mlG AND ( ..',;W DEP! Ms. Tambri Heyden September 15, 1994 Page 2 I am in the process of arranging a meeting with your office to discuss this matter further. Therefore, if you have any questions concerning this matter, please feel free to contact me in advance of our meeting. Sincerely, ~~"'-YU C",-/~ct~,) Lindsey A. ~lter cc: H. Loy Anderson, Jr. ALAW/jb/heyden.914 <. I-lYPOLUXO ROAD EXISTING NURSERY I APPROVE:... COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT I -, '" , · CU5(A) . 1''>' ' .,.' '2 o,~~: ~~ "4';l' ~-. f :>.1 " ~fKI.,"t:=. ~ L-.: _or;: Eg~ -f.S c ."'::: ~."T= ~,~._ I ". 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A.J-' .' . - '-... \. l.ot :. ..... f''' ~... NURSERY A; 1 ~. ! """.,' EXISTING SiNGLE FAMILY LOTS I ,J'- ~ ~, ~l - - -,--- ~: >("101.. L oNOOC G~Ov[S KNOLLWOOD GROVES PUD LUI 4.0 ~ 'C' tJ~ f,.,. Rt. ",,' 1('. r ::.. ~~~\ . LAWRENC1 ':OVE PU~ ~UI 4.0 ,. I. I. ' ' ~ \ -' EXIS~G SINGLE FAMILY LOTS /', , . , WHISPERING PINES MOBILE HOME I PARK ~ 6.70 DUlAC. 1 ~ 5 ..,.." .~ II. .!n ,'.'" '" .. ~". '" . ~. .. I ...c~ .,. "'.... ~"uf f- :({.: j .~; CITRUS GLEN 3.74 DUlAC. ,:- jQ' ,-- ----1 JQ.J if .......: ---' ._n.,~ '-.' ""'" 4.40. , r c , I I I ! , (.15,7 ~c,) '"'' " ,.....- ;0:: 'i -:- -' j .i ,~ ..r,:;:, '~ , ct ~ / , ~ l ff ~~ ~m { ;;. ! '(~ ' : u.. ' 'I" il j ". I ..'.- . J:' ~'r , , ,,^ ...rf" ..~'.'.' .. . . . ,~.. v /J....' "".' -''"''1 r. --', "", . " ..') .<t- (. ~.p, .... -' .' ~ (' ".~ )~. ....' .:/ ..,..' ,.!'" } rr ~ ...... I .... It .; '" \ ' :"1 ---- /" ;---:-' /' " ., {o,J/J 1 ~ PO!:;"';fclf' (YIP!- . 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'.:.:00.:0" oi ....... ,0 ............:.:.. .Joo..., .: ~:.:.:::.::~:;;:;::~;:::::::.;:;.:.::.:t:l=.f.: !' . ,~HH~:;:;~::::)r);~;~~~:~~~~~ ;'::~~i( __ -.11- ,':::::ti::iIililt;:::::;:::::::::::::::::;:U)~ _ .'~'.'_'--!....' ..I-..L-L~' . . . ,0. ~~ I r;-. NA " ,1 PALM BEACH GROVES 7149 Lawrence Road. Lantana. Florida 33462 Telephone (407) 965-6699 Out Of Florida August 24, 1994 1-800'327-3208 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director city of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL. 33425 Re: Annexation Program Application Number 1 Palm Beach Groves Dear Ms. Heyden: As the current property owner for the above referenced parcel, this letter shall serve as an objection to the proposed Land Use Element Amendment for the subj ect property. Al though this property is currently used for agricultural purposes, the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Land Use Plan currently designates this property as Medium Residential 5, which would allow up to five dwelling units per acre as a Planned unit Development. Under the current Annexation proposal by the City of Boynton Beach, the development potential of the property would be severely restricted, requiring the property owner to go back to the city for a Land Use Amendment to achieve what is currently designated on this property by Palm Beach County. I h~ve engaged the Land Pl=nnin~ Firm of Kilday & Associates, Inc., to represent my interest in this property as I was not thoroughly aware of the Annexation process. I do realize that this property was the subj ect of a previously executed Agreement for Water Service, however, I strongly obj ect to the proposed Land Use Element designation of Agricultural at this time. ~ ~ cc: ~ ,'; \ I <'. \,..ij \ I AIIG 2 q mA NAVELS TANGELOS HONEY BELLS TEMPLES VALENCIAS GRAPEFRUIT ,J 0.j3/<;<4 I I I J4:02 G]BSml ~, ADAMS P.A. ~ 4077::.87459 '"0.265 GlO / GIBSON & ADAMS, P.A. 303 BANYAN BLVD" SUITE 400 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402.1629 407/655.8686 Fax: 4071832-6236 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date: October 3, 1994 lo: Tambr; Heyden, Director of Planning and Zoning Fax: 375-6090 Re: Palm Beach GrovE's Sender: Herbert C. Gibso'l YOU SHOULD RECEIVE FOUR PACErS), INCLUDiNG THIS COVER SHUT. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 10 AT 407/655-8686. THE 'NFORMATlON CONTAINEO IN THIS MESSAC"! IS ArTORNEV PRI'o/lLEClEOANO CONFIOENT",-UHFORMATION INTENCED f'OR Ttl~ us; OF TfiE INDIVIDUilL OR ENTITY TO WHOM IT .S ADDRESSED, IF THE REA.OER OF THiS MeSSAGE IS NOT THe INrENDEO RECIPIENT, THE ,~GENT OR EMPLOYEE R~S?OHSlaLE TO DELIVER IT TO THE INTENOEO RECIPIENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEr~INATlaN, DISTRIBUTION OR COOYiNO OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHI"Il;:t1. i!'" YOU t'lAV~ KECEI\,''f::D H'ti:5 GOMMU"'l!CATCQN IN ERROR., PLeASe: NOTICe: us ey Te:Lep~iONt, Pl..fASE. nEnJRN ,....,~ 1.INCO~I~O MES&AC1E TO' US 8Y U.s. MA,L TI-IANK you. _t>.fI'*_.~."'__._"_.H1r_""""""'''''''_ MESSAGE: ~- ~~~~~~ 1k:r:~rt ft4-~ ~ cf ~ &/- -)A ~ fAr( ;Ik a::bC~. 1 [l/03/94 14:D2 G! BSml 8, ADAMS P. A. ... 4077387459 NO. 265 [)0:~' k ..... tJ,k", & ..r;I;t.#nIJ. .,lA"r.S 114, ADAMS ~[R.~MT C, GI.50H ,."..,Tt>I'"CI!.~.J LClOO"'''& _C;.LTl-.olLF;I ...eNA......~ ~UC" ~~tS$tON...l ASSOCiATION F IA5; UNIQN 8UII..OI..G 303 eAN'1^H IOULEV"PtO, SUtTE <400 poST O""ICt BOlt loag wEST "'A&.W 8EA.CIof. ....DRID" ~.j'" W TtA'fW GIBSON 11...-19601 t1!,..e:iII'T T. fjlil$ON lID04-IQ8!11 1"'ELC.,.ttO",lt I...C71 ee._ F'AC6t"'lIl,.C: t.c.O?1 8.4a-"~ October 3,1994 Via fac;imile: 375-6090 and by hand delivery with enclosures Ms. lambri Heyden Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Annel(;;tior1 Prnl'r;;m Application Number 1 Palm Beach Groves Dear Ms. Heyden; This office represents H. Lay Anderson, Jr., the owner of a parcel of land located on the west side of Lawrence Road, commonly known as "Palm Beach Groves," Mr. Anderson's property is one of six properties included in the city's annexation program for properties located on the western perimeter of the municipal boundaries of Boynton Beach. The annexation process for this parcel was initiated based on an agreement dated April 24, 1987 for the provision of water service. This document purports to be a voluntary petition for municipal annex3tion PU'5Uilnt to Fla. Stat. 171.044. This agrHment for water services contains, in paragraphs 8 and 9, language that purport, to Ci'eate a CQvenant for annexation running with the land, that is indefinite in duration/Not only does this documel'll fall to include a ~ limitation, but contains no provision 1'01' the contemplated land use in the event of an annexation. It is our position that under currently existing Florida law, this documenr purporting to be a voluntary petition for annexation is void as an unreasonable restraint on property. ~Iorida has a policy prohibiting restraints on property of unlimited duration as they prevent the free 10.03/94 14:02 GIBSON & ADAMS P.A. ~ 4077387459 NO. 265 [;10: HEYDEN, Tamn Re: Palm Beach Groves October J, 1994 Page 1 alienation of ~ro~erty. This principle was enunciated by the Florida Supreme Court in the case of lSleha v phillios In 1980, a copy of the case is enclosed with this letter. The court stated that in order to determine the validiti of the re$traj"t,~ou must look at th.. long-I..rm effect on im rovement and m ability of the ro A' . If it has an unreasonable negative . e mar etabili 1m rove the ro e ,It is invalid. This principle is equally tru.. wh..n the subject matter of the covenant is the provision of municipal services. See the enclosed case of Collins v. Pic-Town W~tAr Works from 1964. In reviewing the restraint in the 1987 agreement In light of Florida's reluctance to impose unreasonable restrictions on property, it is apparent that the 1987 agreement would be void as an unreasonable restraint on Mr. Anderson's property. it is unlimited in time.(~'et purports 10 run with the land for an indefinite period~ This restriction unreasonablv and adversel\! affects Mr. Anderson, or any future grantee, in an effort to improve Olnd market the property. Furthermore, the language in the agreement is va~e in that it does not make any provision for the potential land use in the 2Vent of an annexation, Under Florida law, when a covenant ;-5 vague or arnbil:uous, COUrts will resolve all doubts in favor of the free and unrestricted use of the property. When Mt, Anderson signed this Olgreement, the el<i.ting Palm Beach County land use for the property was medium residential 5, allowing three to five dwelling units per acre. in light of Fla. Stat. 171.062(2), Mr. Anderson certainly contemplated that if the area was ever annexed, it would be annexed unde1' a similar land use designation as that designated by Palm Beach County. Since the 1987 agreement does not contain any design,ltion of whal the land use would be in the event of annexation, courts should construe the ambiguity against Boynton Beach and in favor of free and unrestricted use of the property. Finally, ! have grave doubts about the enforceability of a oarallr'lph aereeinR 10 a volunt.:.ry petition for annexation when the subject maner of the agreement was provision of waler services. This agreement should be voided as an adhesion type of agreement because it attempts to condition the provision of water services on agreeing to be annexed into the city at some future date. This is not eouitable and would not be enforced by a court of equity. Consider this letter a withdrawal of Mr. Anderson's purported voluntary pelition for annexation into the city of Boynton Beach. Mr. An~r<;(ln is prepared, if necessary, to lile an action challenging the validity of this agreement. Howev~Mr_ Anderson will voluntarily join In the city's annexation proces@e land use designation for the Palm Beach Croves t2k- & . cU...-.I =-ftC"~';;SIO""AL ,t..!;SOCIA"I'ION ID/1l3/94 14:03 GIBSON & ADAMS P.A. ~ 4077387459 NO. 265 [;l0, HEYDEN, Tamri Re: Palm Beach Groves October 3, 1 994 Page 3 parcel would be low rlp.nsilv residential. which allows 4.84 dwelling units per acre as a maximum density. This would allow Mr, Anderion to more easily develop the property in the fuwre, although he has no immediate develooment plans, I would suggest that you review this matter with the city's attorney. Please contact me promptly with your responSE!. "~'N/I L ~erbert C. Gibson HCG:jl'l c: H. Loy Anderson, Jr. Kiernan J. Kilday ~kn, & ..#;k,nI "-c~C:;~<:::IfQIIllAL ....!l~C;t.'I'to... lV0194 15:'54 GIBSON & RDAMS p.A. - 3756090 !to! ------- .k4f ;:!1iJJ,.,. & . TILU'HONE 1~71 '.~I"'t.C(40"'1 Y S C-1 ~e (o:f~( flC4-<;,c.- C '1" 0 0;-+<- (",,~&( ~ ('E~o-.\ ~ '['..Lv:- ~ 0r--<-5. J:7 1..Jr<~:+ .. 5 --e , j1A7 fL '&0' lI;.e!o. JA.MeS .. A.OAWI Mr.".cttT c: QI.$C;'W IUrt.TtoILCCN.J I..OGGIN. 1'tll;"TMCIIIII "'lIiflll"""""",lIt... ft~O'" ..ao'USiOfllAl. ,.,. J"'.Sl IJNIOM .1 303 .A.NYAN eOIJI..ItV.I ..csT o""'Ct _ WI:'~ _AUt 'CMlM. '\.01 f'&CSDCILZ TRA.I II \ _C1' f W- t . I ~ DATE; TO: I IfO. KO.: ( CLIENT: ) .:i? /}<S -4>{j 90 u: [ ] 1r0': YOUR APPKOVAL ] PLEAS!!: CDN'rACT Ul'O!f IlKC1!:lPT J AS YOU UQUEliTED . . BY: T C. GIBSON V PLEASE CALL BETTY A~ 0 OfrICI AT '07/655-8686 1r TRANSMISSION IS ILLEGIBLE OK NO~ PROPERLY RIClIVID. ~ ~. ~ m DU .. U _- JI!Uftl..IDJD ~ ~_..u.t ~ lftUII:II:) 1ICIII rB Il:la W ftIl J..........r. . IIIIrnr " _ IT III -... a lID __ ~ ftD 4I$'.vm IS .or '11II _. .~I -=uz.r. ftI .... . ~ --. ,.. ~ I!' 10 BI ~ aD:IPXIIn". '1W AD:: -...at BM'U1D nG\."r.-r D"'~~. D.I.~.LI.~ .. __;a..... ~ 1'JIU eO_Nuncanll. u nalC!'L~ ...,uune, n "ov .a.... a.earva. !'iLl3 ~.;anao. D __ nMK mn;pr llIllft __. ..- _ _ _DO 1B71_ t'D us ar D.3, JlI\I1.. _ ftlll. f'l .,'1/94 15:54 GIBSON ~ ADAMS P.A. ~ 3756090' -, I , I NO, 409 1t02 " I , , t I t ! I , , I I I I i I!'>' . ~,'" 'f. '" / I / /' ( I (L I W DD Canal L' r9 i /'e-a:V...... _...., -i 1/10' DESCRIPTION: The East 643.18 feet. as mea~ured at ri9ht 6ngles to t~e East line thereof. of Traets 9 , 16, Northeast 1/4 of Section 1; as shown on the AMENDED PLAT of SEC.12. TWP.45S. RGE.4~E. MAR~ A. L~MAN ET AL, as recorded in Plat Book 9, at page 74 ~n and for the Public R$icorda of Palm Beach county, Florida. E:(CZPT any and all leqal R1g11;'S-Of-way, Easement. or lle....rv..- t~ons of record.