CORRESPONDENCE treQ/ure COOl.t regional planniQg council RECEIVED FEB 1 7 1993 February 12, 1993 Christopher cutro, AICP Planning Director city of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Subject: city of Boynton Beach Comp~ehensive Plan - Adopted Amendment; DCA Reference #9351 Dear Mr. Cutro: Council staff has completed its review of the adopted amendments to the city of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and has prepared a report for Council consideration. This report will be presented to Council at its next regular meeting on February 19, 1993. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you wish. Enclosed are staff's report and the agenda for the meeting. Following the meeting, the report as finally approved by Council will be forwarded to the DCA. If you would like to discuss the staff report or council procedures for plan review, please do not hesitate to call me. Sincerely, T2:tL~e~, AIe: Planning coordinator TLH:lb Enclosure 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, t10rlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269-4060 fax (401) 221-4067 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 5Bl From: staff : Date: February 19, 1993 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendments to the city of Boynton Beach comprehensive Plan~ DCA Reference #93S1 Introduction- Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's contract with the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review Comprehens~ve p~a? ~endments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to the DCA, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Statutes. A written report containing a determination of consistency with the Regional Plan is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backqround The City of Boynton Beach has adopted one Future Land Use amendment and related text amendments under the 1992 revisions, to Chapter 163, F.S., which provide the authorization for an expedited review and adoption process for small scale amendments. This will be Council's only opportunity to review and make recommendations on these amendments, which were adopted by the city on January 5, 1993. Evaluation Local Planning Perspective The subject parcel propo~ed for a Future Land Use Map amendment is 8.2 acres 1n size and is located at the southeast corner of Hypoluxo and Lawrence Roads. The site , is presently vacant. Part of the site has been used as a plant nursery in the past. The landowner has requested annexation into the City. The property is contiguous to the City, and within the city's Reserve Annexation Area. The present land use desiqnation by the County is CL/5 (Low Density Commercial with an underlyinq residential density of five dwelling units per acre). The proposed city land use designation is Local Retail Commercial, which is considered comparable to the County designation. The County has previously approved a site plan called the Lawrence and Hypoluxo Commercial Center for part of this site (on August 31, 1992), with two restaurants and a bank. A condition of the site plan approval was that the city annex the property. The City has agreed to annex the property and considers the proposed use to be appropriate and compatible. Existing land uses on adjacent parcels include a high school across Hypoluxo Road to the north, citrus groves to the east, large lot residential and a commercial nursery to the south, and vacant lands across Lawrence Road to the west. Future land use designations include low_or medium_density residential to the east, west, south, ana Institutional to the north. = The city has quoted a nwnber of city Comprehensive Plan objectives and pOlicies with which the proposed amendment is consistent, including those dealing with the compatibility between different land uses, the location of and need for commercial uses, the desirability of a full range of land uses, the expansion of commercial uses into new areas based on geographic needs, suitability, and location at major intersections. Sewer and water lines are available in the area. The developer will have the responsibility to make appropriate connections. Service capacity has been reserved for development of this property. The City has also made text amendments in relation to this amendment. The only significant change is a revision to the recommendations for planning area 6(c.) to make this parcel an exception to the strategy of assigning a low density residential designation to annexed parcels in the northwest portion of the City. ConSistency/Compatibility with Adjoining Local Governments The County approved a site plan on this property' with the condition that the property be annexed into the City. Both the County and the city have agreed that commercial land use is appropriate for this parcel. Plans of Adjacent or 2 Regional Planning Perspective The proposed amendments should not have any significant impacts on regional resources and facilities. The City will face a number of problems in conjunction with development of this property. One of the most serious will be providing for enhanced and safe pedestrian facilities for students who will be crossing Hypoluxo Road from Santaluces High School to the commercial/retail establishments to be located on the amendment parcel. Multiple entrance-exit locations for vehicles may complicate the pedestrian safety situation. The Lawrence Road access will be potentially troublesome, as northbound traffic backed up on Lawrence Road may block turning movements. The total lack of a street grid in the area will further complicate access. The City, County, and School Board should come to a cooperative agreement on how to best handle the pedestrian traffic which may be crossing Hypoluxo Road. Also, according to a letter from the Palm Beach County MPO (see attached), the amendment should be conditioned on another review of traffic volumes prior to approval of subsequent phases of the development of ,this property. .- ,'r-- :_- " Conclusion The adopted amendments appear to be CONSISTENT with the goals and pOlicies contained in the RCPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments and recommendations outlined above and approve their transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of the 1992-93 contract with the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 3 "-"- : rl' 1, ~, ..~.. , , '--1 ... I.U: i.......(7-~ke I\;'rth ; f r ~ ,l : '\ I , \ I I I I i QI .lo: '? t'" ~II "- ''-h_ :;1- ~ f . ..~" ':~J<~\i \ J!~ ~I: ~ \N == f..... :> " ~ " \l. h .0<; WE,ST, PALM BEACH _\ -, ~'I -. s.~ ,,_!1J 11' <<I' ~ --,.C I ,loS,' 16 ~~, i ..~ Il.o ' n..- '(....If.--"i 111 :HI 01, (,~,,- '"<Ill "Ij Okeechobee Blvd. '" .. . 704 " " ~ ( IZ", t- ..-. "u .!- -1. " .__..---!... e.. .. In 5 " ,;". DlLlllrnc.",. I "1..---- _.... : r"-;r,~.;-;;,~ I .._..~.. ..~..l-i..'~ '1..L-'_._~.! - -,- ,- "J 'C,,-.-, ...........-.. ;;.''''''..~ l,,"" 'Boyn;on 1- ~ ~t~C.~'. ~l~t.. I -l .. I I 3IILL.!!.J. . 21. ~_._l.~!-L.. .n~~. HYPOL.UXO ."'1'3 MAP 1 GENERAL LOCATION 4 In/l'f > -1 : "OPI,JO.I a () tr] i !I I TEil ASH " 812 d ~ r . . " ~SJ,.OClt~ 3 ~. ~ " u 11!!' AN L IN ~'~1 f! - ~~ ~~~l!il ~ r~ ::;=- ~ ~' t:; ;~ l' oH': [T -----1 - - h , ~ I , I I '-- " - F . ~I i'~ ~ -7.11!i g MILI7A11' fRAIL MAP 2 LOCAL AREA 5 ~ @> Cll <@> ... 21.eMAC. = ~ j @ = PO @) RS E @ d.nAC. @]:> Q!V SANTA LUCES : : / : CoMMUNITY - , C@> HIGH SCHOOL PALM BEACH n Hypoluxo Rd. - - L~2-1-]) 1€2-1-3> \ ~2-I-:V 1--- I ~2::i3> I ~-I-~ 02 -2- '- AR fI ~ .. ~-9-~ Amendment Site ~ RIA (ill) AR @!) BOYNTON BEACH @) .,,- MAP 3 AREA ZONING 6 METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION OF PALM BEACH COUNTY Mr. Terry L. Hess, Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Post Office Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990-1529 '00 ^""""," ^"""" '"" '" w_ ..," ..". "'''''') ]!~ "'."!'! 7 ~ D January 2a. '99' fEB 0 1 1993 "~ TREAsURE c.~' ' , PlANN""~~ ';,;, u.u l".,.,o '. " ,I.~ Subject: city of Boynton Beach Amendment; DCA Reference comprehensive Plan tll3S1 (presUllled) . .' , - Adopted Dear Mr. Hess: .- =-- This letter is in response to your request for comments to the above proposal. The proposed action, annexation and change of land use designation for a 8.2 acre parcel, does not present a problem since the proposed land use classification is equivalent to the existing classification. The first phase of the proposed two phase development of the parcel has already undergone concurrency review including traffic impacts. However, approval of this amendment must specify that the second phase of development remains subject to review as it relates to impacts on traffic volumes. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Don't hesitate to call if I can be of further assistance. "neoro'y. ~ e~~f10';>'~ . Director ) RMW:fdea 7 r u OUA "",,::3 WVl;:~l r g'l" uca...',. fl",,,,... 3!348.!: I"'l3 rLHNI~ING PZTB TEL:407-L33-5365 Feo 10,93 11:5~ No,010 F ,0_ .' Board of cOuDty CoDunlolonen Mary McCarty. Chair Ken L. Foster. ViCleClialrman Karen T. Mucus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Burt Aaronson Maude Ford Lee County AdminlJtrator Robert Weisman Deparl:IIlent of PJannlns. Zoning Ie Bullcllng February 9, 1993 Mr. Terry Hess, A.I.C.P. Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Blvd. P.O. Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 ;: Subjeota Adopted AaeDdments to tbe City of .OJDtOD .e.oh Co~~eheD.ive 'laD. Del "fe~eDoe "'8-1: I ~: Dear Mr. Hess: Palm Beach County has reviewed the above referenced Subject in the context of the relationships and impact. of the plan amendment. on the County's Comprehensive Plan. Our comments are as follows: The city of Boynton Beach propose. to change the future land use map (FLUM) designation of an 8.22 acre property located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Lawrence Road to Local Retail Commercial. The subject property was designated Medium Residential 5 (MR-5) at the time the County's Comprehenaive Plan was adopted. In 19511, the Palm Beach county Board of county commissioners adopted an amendment to the County I s FLUM changing the designation of the property to Commercial Low-Intensity with an underlying Medium Residential '5 designation (CL(5). A copy of the County'. Staff Report for the PLUM amendment ia attached. On December 15, 1992, the property was annexed into the City of Boynton Beach. The City now propo.es to amend their FLUM so that it reflects the designation that is equivalent to the County's CLIS designation. The County has previously reviewed and raised no objections to the annexation requeat (aee attached December 23. 1992 letter) and the Planning Division finds that the adopted amall-acale FLUM amendment is consistent with the intent of Objective 1 (Annexation) of the Intergovernmental Coordination Element and it. implementation policies. 8 . An Equal OpportunIty. 'Afftrmatlve Adlon Bmployer" "~,;..,...}~,~:.,, .' ..;-'~:., ". . _. . I .....", J...._. ...... .......... ~LHNNING ~~'tB TEL:4Ur-233-5365 Feo 10.93 11 : 53 No. U 1(1 ~. (13 Please call Earl R. Hahn of .y .tatt at (407) 233-5327, SUNCOM 274- 5327 if you have any que.tion.. Cordially, Oennb R. Poltz, .I-Y- Planninq Director "(::] , p.e. Chrb cutro, Planninq Director, Boynton Beach Orran L. Hud.on, A.I.C.P., Prinoipal Planner Earl R. Hahn, Senior Planner File - E: \WPDATA \SHARE\INTERGOV\BOYN'l'_S. 931 " " f - 9 r , ! \ ! . \ \ TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Agenda Friday, February 19, 1993 - 9:30 a.m. Howard Johnson's Motor Lodge U.S. Highway One, Stuart 1. Roll Call 2 . Agenda 3. Minutes 4. Project Reviews A. ICR Log 5. Local Government Comprehensive Plan Reviews A. Plan Amendments - Draft 1) Palm Beach County a. Proposed Changes Except Jog Road Right-Of-Way Issue b. Jog Road Right-Of-Way Issue 2) Town of Jupiter 3) city of Port st. Lucie B. Plan Amendments - Adopted 1) city of Boynton Beach 2) City of Delray Beach 3) Village of Tequesta 4) city of Vero Beach 5) City of West Palm Beach 6. Developments of Regional Impact A. Boca Raton Downtown - Development Order Amendment B. st. Lucie West - Proposed Change to the Development Order C. Waterford Place - Proposed Change to the Development Order 7. Contracts A. Statewide Future Land Use Mapping Agreement B. Florida's Coastal Future Map Agreement 8. Financial Statement 9. Public Comment 10. Staff Comment 1I. Chairman's Comments 12. Council Comment 13. Adjournment It is requested that there be no smoking in the meeting room. FEB-10-1993 10:06 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P,01 A-I i: , , \ I \ \ 1 ~ti'f' - ~: :3 ~ Cl "" ,Treasure Coast Regional Planning Coundl .. SIll A,\lidtj, I'\w _IWSuIIa IDS. P.O."'. "*' av.. JlL3401Xl PhDI-. <C7) 111460 Fell! (.07) 1Il-tD67 T1I~.&DI\ ~ ITnIIlIlf' Ion" . a 110 Itlf3 Faxl'Ull1. . 73 '6 -"1l.fS; , \ Nutnbw of ~ (InoludIn; IhilIIaI_iAJ 1eU1Ii): "7f" o,nIDl. To: MlcJt"c.1 (lu,.",r. Ct'i-t o,fby"*,,, 8~ From: ie...,..,.y He ss Project Ad..tfCd c..~~~ -ft:> c,"-Iy C-t PI-. j 7.?~ 1JoI. "* "".31 Cornl1'l8l1tll: i << -/')-~ ~ "1orl L.ltSn"$ er c:.6...-=t5. _ P'69l. c.", .f\)- ~ ~ ~ RECEIVED FEB 1 0 1993 FEB-10-1993 10:07 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.02 Date: TREASURE COAST JU;GIONAL PLUmING C:Ot1HCIL MEMORANDUM DRAFT SUBJECT TO Council Members MODifiCATIONS Staff February 19, 1993 Council Meeting Local Governlllent COlllPrehensive J:llan Review - Adopted AmenClments to the city of Boynton Bsacm Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #9381 Introduction" TO~ FrO.: Subj ect : PUrsuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planninq Council' ~ contract with the State. Department of community Affairg. (DCA), the Council must review COlIIprehensiv.. Plan .Allllmdmontg. after their adoption. The City of Boynton Seach hac submitted adopted amendlllents to th.. DCA, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information providQd by tho DCA io to focus on the consistency of tho adoptod amQn~nts with the Regional CO'IlPrehensive POliey Plan (RCPP) developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Sta'l:u1;o... A writ.'l:en report containing a dete%'lllination of com:istency with the Regional Plan is to be provic!od 'l:o tho DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. :e8oka.,."nnd The City of Boynton Boach has adopted one Fut~e Land Use amendment and related to~ amendment.. under the 1992 revisions to Chapt:or 163, F.e., which provide tbe authorhation for an oxpedite<l review and adoption process for i!:lIlall Slcal. alllGrLdmenta. This will l:le Council's only opportunity to review and _ke recOllll1endations on tJl.ese alllendmQntll\, whi<ffi were adopted 'l:rf the City on January 5, 1993. Eva,1uat.ion Looal Planning Perspective The subject. parcel proposed tor a FUture Land Use Map _enaon'l: i8 e. 2 acres in sille ana 1s located at the ll'outhoas'l: corner of Hypoluxo and Lawrence Roa<lS. The site FEB-10-1993 10:07 FROM Treasure Coast R,P,C. TO 84077387459 P,03 is pres.ently vacant. Part of the sit. ha.s beD IlE T plllnt nurcery in the pelSt. The landowner hijJ" ttB~ annexation into the eit.y. The proi'~rty 1s conti l~ . S C1t1', and within the city'S Reserve ~exation fl The p~eeent land use designation by the COunty is eL{s (Low Density Commercial with an underlying residential density of five dwellinq units per acre). The proposed City land use deaignation is Local ketall commercial, Which is considered oompe~able to the county designation. The county has previously approved a site plan called the Lawrence and Hypoluxo COll1lllerclal center tor part of this site (on Auqust 31, 19'2), with two restaurants and a bank. A condition of the site plan approval was that the city aMex the property. The cit.y has agreea to annex the property and considers the proposed us~ to be apprcpriate and compatible. Existing lan<l uses on aCljacent parcels include a hiqh school across HypolUxo Road to the north, citrus groves to the east, large lot residential and a commercial nursery to the south, and. vacant lands across Lawrence Road to the wast., Future land. use designations include low or medium densit.y residential to the east, west, south, and Institutional to the north. The cley has quoted a number of City Comprehensive Plan object.ives ana policies with which the proposed amendmant i~ consistent, including those dealing with the compatibilit.y between different land uses, the location of and n...:! for cOll1lllercial uses, the ctesirability of a full ranq. of land uses, the expansion of commercial uses into new areaG ba~d on geoqraphic: needs, suitability, and location at. major intersections. Sewer and water lines ari!! available in the area. The devi!!loper will have the responsibility to make appropriate connections. Service capacity has bOen reserved for development ot this property. The city has also made text amend:alents in relation t.o this alIIenCbaent. The only siqnificant c::hang_ ie a revision to the recommendations for planning area 6(c.) to make this p~rce1 an exception to the strato.qy of a....i91\in9 a low density residential desiqnation to annexed parO$le in t.he northwest portion of the City. Consistency/compatibility with PlaDs of Adjacent or Adjoining Local Govarnments Tl\. County approved a sit... plan on this property' with the condition that. the property be Annexed into the c1ty. Both the County and the Cit.y have aqree4 that commerc1al land use is appropriati!! for tbi.. parcel. 2 FEB-10-1993 10:08 FROM Treasure Coast R,P,C. TO 84077387459 P.04 DRAFT Regional Planning Perspective SUBJECT TO Th~ proposed amendments should not havu / impacts on regional resources and facilitfl , ~ face a number of roblems in con 'on with 18 ro e y.. n 0 the most seriousWlll for anced and safe estrian faci iea for will be cross uxo Road from Santaluc . h School o the commercJ.a retu, es 1 s ents to be located on 1:ha amendment parcel. . MUltiple entrance-exit locations fc:>l:' vehicles may compli-crte1:be pea~'t:rian. safety situation. . The Lawr~ce-Roaa A.O~eSl!l wil;l~~entia.lly troublesoma, as northboun traffic backed Up on Lawrencl!! Road lIay-I;lIocY.: turnin<,L movements. The tOtal TacJCofii.-'gtreet ijrICf In-thO area-wilr-?urther complicate access. .The City, County~g School Board should colleto~~~;'CItivo agreoaont. on h~.., t'Obest handle the pedestrian traffic whi.;m mayh9 croseihg HY);loluxo Road. -- Arso,-- accordlng- to'-a l.tter from 1:.he. Pli.Tm I, 0' Beach County MPO (see attachAd), 1:h. alllcmdmc1n:L,J!i!hould be : "c-" cond! tion~_9n_,~nQther _ ~AviAW._ ,Clf: ,.g,~ffio V()~,\lIIelJ, prior 1:.",_ {e ,) approval of subSl!l~el1_'!:,,_P~!l,," of ,1:ho d..velopment. of t.hIS!-, property';----- - -- ' Conclusion (The adopted a:mendments appear *~oals and policies con~ainQd. in -l to b. CONS:rS'1'ENT wit.h the t.ho RCPP. .:J. Recnmmt=}ndA~ion / Council should adop1:. t.he oomaent.. and reoommendat1ons outlinlld above and. approve t.heir t.rlll'l$lllit.tlll to the state Departmen~ of Community Affairs in fulfillment of tne requirAmantc of t.ho 1002-93 oont.rao1:. with the Department of Communi~y Affair~. A~tachments: 3 FEB-10-1993 10:08 FROM Treasure Coast R.P,(, TO 84077387459 P,05 'l....;." ~, ., I .okfi " {i (> L..~ , I\.. '(____.. 'Q ~. V;;1 (_....'"OV Okeechobee Blvd, ., , "" l " DRAFT \';....=~tffi~loNs 1 ; I ;~I ,If, > , , :_1 ,-. :,'1 .....:> ....., -, ;~I . 1'-11.... .,_......;....,;..,.::... . r- ):. <: --:; -- (') L_ , ~ ....Eu t- ,..,.... 0,' .............,.-.. '.~'" !-,-!.,,\i-.... !l1 .._"....!... MA.NALAJI'AH ...... ',.._u_ HYI'OLUXO -... a uL,,, Boynton '...l. -L,llt' (') , "'T' I .-!I!.-Ln.......J.!'~-- t"tJ MAl' 1 GENERAL LOCATION 4 FEB-10-1993 10:09 FROM Treasure Coast R.P.C. TO 84077387459 P.06 DRAFT .. ~' l1i !~ ;-Sl.IK."-~ J j - 5: ~ -~.! ~Lt::I1Aln ~ ~ .". . .'"" r "", 1 I L-_ . S /tit.."""". tltML_ I MAP 2 LOCAL AREA 5 FEB-10-1993 10:10 FROM Tr.asur. Coast R.P.C, TO 84077387459 P,07 ~ SUBJECT TO MODIFltATlONS QI @l i ".~"<Il. ,..:l <@ PO CID E @ ..... &c. @ @) I l@ SANTA LvCJlS CoMMVNrIY HIGH SCHOOL PALM BEACH Hypoluxo Rd, - L~H-]) l'f'.'.y \ ~ ":":!J 1--- 1_~.':9 I~ Amendment Site ',T. 02-2:- @ 303 . I @) RIA AR & E;) @D AR @];I .. (ot-t~) BOYNTON BEACH @ ",-.r MAP 3 AREA ZONING 6 FEB-10-1993 10:11 FROM Treasure Coast R,P,C. TO 840'77387459 P,08 METROPOLITAN PLANNING oDRA~1 OF ..,..ijJBJECT TO PALM BEACH COU''MODIFICATlONS ,w_,,, ,,",_"' '"',,'" w."'''"~'" '.""Ir~l<'~",~~ 1~ I January ", "93 f[B 0 1 1993 JJJ Mr. Terry L. Hess, Planning Coordinator Treasure Coast Reqional Planning Council Post Office Box 1529 Palm city, Florida 34990-1529 Subject: City of Boynton Beach COlIlPrehensive Plan - 1dopte/l AIIlen&aent; DCA Reference 't3S1 (presumed) TREAsURE: C0,": ' PlAto/NINa C:'"c, "'C , "./,l. . Dear Mr. Hess: This letter is in response to your request for commentc to the above proposal. The proposed action, annexation and chan9'e of land use designation for a B.2 acre parcel, does not present a problem since the proposed land use classification is Qquivalent to the existing classification. The first phase of the proposC!d two phaSlQ doveloplll(lnt of thQ parcel has already undergone concurrency review incluclin<;)' traffio impacts. However. approval of this amendment must ~.cify that the second phase of development r@mains subject to review as it: relates to impacts on traffic volume~. Thank you for ~hQ opportunity to oomment. Don't hesitate to call if I can be of further assistanoe. Sincerely. ~'f ~field, Director RMW: fd&a 7 l"'",V, !:to): o1."tc.!l. VV'C'-l!o\ ''''pop ~_.... '.' ...,,~, 35lOf. i.tt~ TOTAL P.08