CORRESPONDENCE Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 2 Since the expiration of the time extension on June 18, 1993, the properties have been in a sort of limbo. If you recall, the two commercial properties were annexed into the City of Boynton Beach at the same time that they were rezoned. Therefore, the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District is the only zoning district that has ever been assigned to them within the City of Boynton Beach. With regard to the Tara Oaks property, the project was already an existing Planned Unit Development when it was modified to its current master plan status. Therefore, assuming that the Planned Development approvals have expired for all three projects, I have no idea what the actual underlying zoning would be. I believe that is why the provisions of Section 9, Article 13 were provided in the Code. As in the case of the Capitol Professional Center PCD, the projects clearly need to be revisited by the City Commission to determine whether the existing zoning is the most appropriate zoning and, assuming that it is, formal action should be taken regarding the extension of these approvals. Needless to say, my clients are actively seeking extensions of these approvals. Despite the economic problems which prevented these projects from moving to the next step in the development process, there has been activities undertaken throughout the entire timeframe of the approvals to ready these projects for development. For the purpose of your analysis regarding the status of these projects, I have prepared a summary of activities for each project below. Additionally, I will be calling your office to set up a meeting to review these projects with you and I will be prepared to be present at the time of their consideration by the City Commission. At this time, I am not aware of any formal application procedure. However, if there is an application document, we will be ready to submit it to you promptly. I. Tara Oaks Planned Unit Development. This project received a rezoning approval from P.U.D. - Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 4.0 to a P.U.D. - Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5.0. This project also received a land use amendment approval from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Both of these ordinances were passed on final reading by the City Commission on December 18, 1990. As part of the rezoning and land use approval, the applicant entered into an agreement with the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association which required the applicant to commit to numerous conditions of approval including providing a buffer wall on the project's north property line along with a twenty-five foot wide landscape buffer and a 40' setback for all buildings from the north property line of Tara Oaks P.U.D. (copy attached.) This agreement is still active and binding. Since the approval of the project the applicant has done the following: 1. Pursuant to the approved master plan, the south portion of the property was designated for utilization by a church. In fact, this property was sold Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 3 to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on June 26, 1992 (see attached warranty deed). Therefore, the Planned Unit Development now has two separate owners, the applicant and the church. 2. In order to develop this first phase for the church parcel, the applicant requested an approval for road improvements for the Tara Oaks P.U.D. This request was made by Rick Rossi of Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. to construct a portion of Knuth Road at the south end of the Tara Oaks P.U.D. to accommodate the pending purchase of the church parcel. Subsequently, on June 2, 1992 the City Commission granted approval of the partial Knuth Road improvements required by the Tara Oaks P.U.D. (see attached letter dated June 12, 1992 from Chris Cutro). Also attached is a letter from the Boynton City Engineer dated June 19, 1992 indicating what additional work was required to obtain a land development permit for the road construction. The applicant expended over $4,000.00 in conjunction with obtaining approval of these preliminary plans. Additionally, the applicant has obtained the previous construction plans from the previous owner which will be modified in order to obtain final permits. (It should also be noted that over $100,000.00 has been set aside in an escrow account to guarantee construction of this portion of Knuth Road at such time as the church is ready to pull building permits for the development of the site.) 3. The applicant has complied with the zoning condition of approval to dedicate to the City of Boynton Beach twenty-five (25) feet for Knuth Road pursuant to the attached right-of-way deed (ORB 7324, Pg. 1159, dated June 26, 1992). 4. The applicant has expended over $28,000.00 for the construction of the canal crossing at the intersection of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road. Attached is correspondence conceming the canal crossing including: a. A letter dated April 24, 1992 from the Department of Environmental Resource Management indicating that no permit would be required pursuant to the Palm Beach County Wetlands Protection Ordinance. b. A letter from South Florida Water Management District granting a permit exemption dated April 29, 1992. This letter indicates that the South Florida Water Management District will not be analyzing the surface water management system. Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 4 c. A letter dated May 8, 1992 issuing a permit for the culverting of Knuth Road from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. d. A letter dated June 11,1992 from the Lake Worth Drainage District approving the permit for the Knuth Road/Woolbright Road intersection and culvert at the L-26 canal. e. A letter from the Lake Worth Drainage District dated April 14, 1993 indicating final acceptance and final inspection of the Knuth Road culvert crossing. f. A permit from the Palm Beach County Land Development Division dated June 18, 1992 for Right-of-Way Construction indicating approval to connect Knuth Road into the north right-of-way of Woolbright Road. g. Three (3) letters from the City consultant, Gee & Jenson, dated January 18, 1993, April 9, 1993 and May 4, 1993. These letters reference City Commission approval for the extension of Knuth Road to the Tara Oaks church site and correspondence regarding construction plans that were prepared and submitted by Rossi & Malavasi to the City for approval. 5. Received approval for an excavation and fill permit by the City Commission on April 8, 1993 for the construction of Knuth Road (see attached minutes). 6. Cleared Knuth Road right-of-way pursuant to a clearing and grubbing permit for $6,000.00. 7. Requested a minor amendment to the master plan to amend a condition of approval regarding construction of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. on the north to Woolbright Road. This request was made on June 15, 1992 and the petitioner paid a fee of $500.00 (see attached cash receipt). II. Knuth Road P .C,D. This project received annexation, future land use amendment approval, from County Commercial High to Local Retail, rezoning from County AR - Agricultural Residential to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial Development and an approval for a text amendment to the City Land Use Element pertaining to Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 5 planning area 7, 7.J. As part of the rezoning and land use amendment approval, this project was also the subject of an agreement with the Stonehaven P.U.D. Homeowner's Association. This document is also attached for your reference. Since the time extension granted by the City Commission on June 16, 1992, the property owner has done the following: 1 . Received a master plan modification and site plan approval from the Boynton Beach City Commission on June 2, 1992. This modification was to allow the replacement of a restaurant on a comer of this P.C.D. to allow a convenience store with gasoline sales. 2. Obtained a minor amendment to the master plan to split the construction costs of the extension of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. entry south to Woolbright Road. The applicant paid $500.00 for the request of this modification. III. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D. This project received annexation approval, rezoning approval from County AR - Agricultural Residential to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial Development, a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from County Commercial High to City Commercial Local Retail, and a text amendment to the City's Land Use Element deleting language indicating that this property should be placed in a High Residential land use category. This project also was the subject of an agreement with the residents of the Stonehaven P.U.D. which abut the property to the west. Since the approval of the project, the applicant has done the following: 1. As part of the original approval, the property owner agreed to comply with a specific request from the Stonehaven P.U.D. Specifically, the removal of several large Australian Pines along the portion of the property which the neighbors considered to be a danger to adjacent property. Immediately upon approval of this project, the property owner contracted with Arbor Tree Services, Inc., who removed said trees. 2. This project also was the subject of a request for a minor master plan modification in an effort to split the construction costs of the proposed Knuth Road extension. As previously stated, the City Commission approved a request for minor master plan modification for this project on April 8, 1993 to allow all three (3) Planned Developments to split the Knuth Road link construction costs. ~~ n GEE & JENSON EnQlneers-Architects.Planners, Inc One Harvard Circle \/iesl Palm Beach, FL 33409 Telephone (407) 6833301 F8X (407) 686-7446 May 4, 1993 Erico Rossi, PE Rossi & Malavasi Engineers 580 Village Boulevard Suite 140 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: Knuth Road Tara Oaks P.U.D. Church Access Portion Dear Ric: Of the three (3) sects of Construction Plans you recently sent to my office, two (2) were of the previous layout with the retention pond still located in the Knuth Road right-of-way. I have returned both sets to you with this letter. Please forward two (2) up-to-date, signed and sealed sets of the Construction Plans to my attention, along with a copy of the executed Water Management Tract documents for this project. All of the other comments from my April 9th letter have been satisfied. , IC-~;S;Z~ W. Rich rd Staudinger, P.E. City Engineer -A~ RECEIVED' , WRS/jer cc: Vincent Finizio Chris Cutro Mike Sewell J. Scott Miller MAY 5 PLANNING DEPT. 92025/207 / n GEE & JENSON EAgi neers-Architecls- Ptanners,lnc. January 18, 1993 Mr. Ric Rossi Rossi & Malavasi Engineers 580 Village Boulevard Suite 140 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: Knuth Road to Tara Oaks Church Dear Ric: , Enclosed please find one executed original each, of the Prior to Platting contracts for the extension of Knuth Road to the Tara Oaks Church site. As noted in the cover letter, the City Commission approved these contracts by Resolutions #R93-04 and R93-05 at the January 5, 1993 Commission meeting. In accordance with Appendix C of the Code of Ordinances, you are to report in writing monthly on the status of these projects. All construction is to meet City requirements, including completion and certification of construction. Please call if you have any questions on this matter. Very truly Yours, Gee & Jenson Engineers-Arc' ts-Planners, Inc. . ~{~~A City Engineer . ...... - WRS/bf Encl. 92-025/207 cc: Vince Finizio w/encl. J. Scott Miller Chris Cutro Don Jaeger James Cherof RECEIVED JAM 19 PLANNING DE.PT. - One Harvard Circle. West Palm Beach. Florida 33409.1923,407/683-3301. FAX 4071686-7446 rz1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beadi 7ill<'<- {D",.J"-'L puP PUlnnillfJ & ZonillfJ 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boukvara P,O. 'Bo'(310 'lloynwn 'Beadi, j'fcrida 33425-0310 (401) 138-1490, j'.';jX: (401) 138-1459 June 29, 1992 Mr, Kieran J, Kilday Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Bldg, 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 D<ear Kieran: This is to inform you that on June 16, 1992 the City Commission approved your request to extend expiration dates of the Knuth Road PCD, Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD for one year. This means that the plats for these developments must be approved by June 17, 1993. If you are in need of further extensions, your request should be addressed to this office no later than May 17, 1993, I hope this letter is of some help to you, have any questions regarding this matter, please call me, If you should feel free to Yours truly, ~~ Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director CC/jm 51merica's (jateuJay to tne (julfstream l11ic' City 0/ II~o!lll {(J11 Ilkl1c1i 100 'J:. '};OYfI[(I!l '}fel1th '1;ollll'i!t11d '/'.0, 'J!"t 310 '!ltl!futmr 'Bl'odi, :f(midll 3J.12S 0310 (';111 :II,,[{; (40;1; l.f8111 :1 '1.\ '(10;1 ;:8 ;/1" 30 January 1991 Ms, Terry Manning Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 .. .. DCilr 'rerry, As stated in our conversation of 1/28/91, there are two conditions regarding the recent amendments for the City 'of . Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan that you should be aware of: 1, In regard to the Tara Oaks PUD, the City of Boynton Beach will not allow any development of this site until a wildlife mitigation plan IUlR been approved by state agencies, specifically, the Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. 2. In the case of all amendments, the City will not allow the level of service on roads affected by the Tara Oaks PUD, Boynton Beach PCD, or the Knuth Road PCD to go below the level of service adopted in our plan, In addition, road improvements required to maintain acceptable levels of service for these projects will be required to be under contract for Gonstruction before the City will release building permits on these properties. I hope this information is of some assistance to you. If you should have any questions regarding these matters,please feel free to contact me. Yours truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH C~~~ · Christopher'Cutro, AICP Director of Planning CC/cmc ,qll/nictI', (;lI/l'lI/lIy 101ftI' fjl/(fSITl'1I11/ treQlure " COOlt regIonal Plonnlnng counc , January 18, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of State Planning 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Including Those Amendments Pursuant to a Stipulated Settlement Agreement Between the City and the DCA Dear Mr, Arredondo: Under the Council's contract wi th the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Council is to make an overall finding of consistency or inconsistency of local plan amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) , This finding is to be made following the local government's adoption of the amendments, and by formal action of Council. When possible, Council will make such a finding by the 30th day of the 45-day compliance review period, It is Council's understanding that the DCA will consider the recommendation of Council prior to issuing a notice of intent regarding local plan amendment compliance, On December 26, 1990, Council received a copy of the formally adopted comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach. A review of those amendments was done, with a focus on the City'S response to the comments made by the Council as a result of a review of the City's draft comprehensive plan amendments. Attached is a copy of the complete agenda item as approved by council at a regular meeting held on January 18, 1991, In brief, the adopted comprehensive plan amendments for the city of Boynton Beach were found to be consistent with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan, 322. loW. malfln -.._ suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, _ ~990 phone (~ 221._ . RECEIVE.D I' JNl 22 ~I \ PLANNING DEPT. - - -- ..",.. .,..",.. '__ '''"~ ...,. AnA" Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning January 18, 1991 Page Two If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call, 7cer{it- ~ ~l M. Cary Executive Director DMC:lb Attachment cc: Chris Cutro, AICP -' oj TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL M B M 0 RAN DUM To: Council Members AGENDA IT81 5C2 From: staff January 18, 1991 Council Meetinq Date: Subj.ct: Local ,Government comprehensive Plan Review-Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach comprehensive Plan I:ntrMuction Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Reqional Planning Council's contract with the state Department of COlDlllunity Affairs (DCA), the Council must review comprehensive plan amendments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to the DCA, which in turn is seeking-council""s' comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Statutes. A written report, containing a determination of consistency with the Regional Plan is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days, of receipt of the plan, elements, or amendments. Backaround The City of Boynton Beach entered into a StipUlated Settlement Agreement with the DCA on July 12, 1990. The City previously submitted draft amendments pursuant to this agreement, as well as six draft amendments to the future land use map not related to the settlement agreement. Council approved a review report for the draft amendments pursuant to the StipUlated Settlement Aqreement and five of the draft future land use map amendments on August 17, 1990 (see attached). Council approved another review report for a small-scale amendment on september 21, 1990 (also attached) , On October 22, 1990, the DCA issued RecolDlllendations, and COlDlllents (ORC) amendments. On December 18, 1990, the comprehensive plan amendments. their Objections, report on these ci ty adopted the Evaluation staff has cOllpleted a review of the adopted cOllprehensive plan amendments to the City of Boynton Beach's comprehensive plan tor consistency with the RCPP. council had one objection to the Settlement Agreement amendments previously submitted by the City, The objection related to the City'S decision to adopt a "maintain" level of service on tour reqional roadways in the city. The City standard would allow Level ot Service E to be maintained on these roadways, inconsistent with the Reqional Plan. The Ci ty 's revised obj ecti ve 2.1 was an improvement over the City'S adopt~ plan, however, which established a "maintain" level of service tor all roadways where level ot service standards had been exceeded, The DCA did not include the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council objection in the ORC report issued tor the settlement agreement amendments. The City made no changes to the dratt amendments to address Council's objection. Council had one objection to the City's draft amendments to the Future Land Use Map. The objection was ~lated to- Amendments 494 and 493, which consist ot two parcels of land being proposed tor local retail commercial land use totaling approximately 29 acres. The objection was based on the City's failure to demonstrate a need tor additional commercial land at the.e locations and the tact that the City'S comprehensive plan indicates an existing over- allocation ot commercial land use. The city has prepared a response which indicates that a shortage of commercially designated land has been projected in this area and is doc:umented in the Economic Element of Palm Beach County's comprehensive plan. However, the County staff has indicated that the data upon which the projections were made is outdated and needs to be revised. The City further indicates in its response that IllUch of the commercial land reterenced in the City'S plan is located in other areas ot the City where lack ot demand and/or the depth of the parcels make the tuture prospect of development unlikely, Much of the available commercial land is along U, S. 1 and the parcels are of sufticient depth only to accommodate strip commercial development rather than shopping facilities which include larger anchor stores. The City'S plan discourages additional strip commercial development. The City also considers the changes in land use tor these parcels to be minor boundary adjustments, which are consistent with its plan. Since these parcels will accommodate neighborhood shopping centers which can provide tor the sale of convenience goods and personal services for the day-to-day living needs of the 2 immediate neighborhood, the amendments _y be appropriate for this area. The City is strongly encouraged, however, to prepare a new analysis of the supply and demand of land uses within and adjacent to the City and to identify needs which are appropriate for each area of the City. An analysis which identifies specific geoqraphic needs is especially important to balance the local distribution of land uses as these areas are nearing buildout because the opportunity to correct any deficiencies is becoming lIore limited. The failure to carefully balance and organize land uses often results in traffic congestion and sul:lsequent large expenditures for roadway improvements. After a new land use needs analysis is conducted, the City should amend its comprehensive plan accordingly. Conclusion The adopted amendments appear to be basically CONSISTENT with the goals and policies contained in the RCPP. Council continues to object to the City'S adoption of traffic level of service standards which are not consistent with the RCPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments and recommendations outlined above and approve their tranemittal to the State Oepart1llent of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of the 1990-91 contract with the Oepart1llent of community Affairs. Council encourages the City to further address the issues of traffic level of service, pul:llic/mass transit, elimination of the ocean outfall for sewage effluent, water quality, removal of invasive exotic vegetation, financing of transportation improvements, and upland habitat preservation in order to be consistent with the Regional Plan. Attachments 3 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL From: staff MEMORANDUM ~l TJD: CITY'S &C'1':IO.S TO ADDUSS C01DlC:IL'S CO.CBUlS &U !IO'9D Df BOLD '!Y1'1I To: Council Members Oate: August 17, 1990 Council Meeting subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS) , the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has subllitted proposed amendments to the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's comments . Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the proposed amendments with the regional policy plan developed pursuant to Section 186.507, FS. A written report, containing any objections, recommendations for modification, and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-l1, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backaround On January 10, 1990, the DCA issued a Notice of Intent to find the comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in compliance, pursuant to Section 163.3184, FS. As part of this finding, the ADOPTED plan was found to be Inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The City of Boynton Beach is considering draft amendments to the text and policies pursuant to a stipulated settlement agreement with the DCA. In addition, the City is considering five draft amendments to the Future Land Use Map, not related to a stipulated settlement agreement. The locations of the properties under consideration are shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are summarized in the following list: 5 ... - DRAFT CITY 01" BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FUTURE LAND USE MAP CUrrent Proposed Map Amend. Approx. Land Use Land Use No. No. Ac:rBaae Desianation Desianation Ancroximat:e Location 1 494 13.9 *ColDlercial Local Retail Southwest Corner of Hiqh/3 and COlDlercial Boynton Beach Boulevard C01IIIIercial and Knuth Road. Recreation 2 493 14.8 *Residential Local Retail South side of Boynton 8 units Commercial Beach Boulevard, per acre between Post Office and Stonehaven PUD, 3 473 Low Density Residential MediUlll Density Residential 20.1 4 471 Recreational Moderate Density Residential 1.1 5 *ColDlercial Hiqh/8 Local Retail Commercial ** 1.3 Between the Lake Worth Drainaqe District L-25 and L-26 Canals; west of the Lakes of Tara PUD. Within Woolbriqht Place PUn: 1r800 feet north of Woolbriqht Road. Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. * county Designation - Annexation request has been made. **(unnumbered) Mall Corner Restaurant Evaluation Amendment No. 494 is located on the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. This property has been proposed for annexation into the Ci ty, The current county desiqnations for the property are Commercial High/3 for the northern third and Commercial-Recreation for the southern two-thirds, while the proposed City designation is Local Retail Commercial. Amendment No. 493 is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, between the Post Office and the Stonehaven PUn. This property is a county enclave which has been proposed for annexation into the city. The cu=ent County designation is Residential/8 units per acre. The proposed 6 City de.iqnation i. Local Retail Co_ercial, Both of the proposed chanqe. in land u.e de.iqnation (lUIIendment. '493 and. '494) would allow additional retail c~ercial in the area. The City of Boynton Beach adopted comprehensive plan indicates that there may be up to 198 acres of excess commercial land at buildout. However, this figure may be reduced to a surplus of only 30 acres when certain adjustments are taken into consideration. The plan concludes that the supply of commercial land in the Boynton Beach market area will be sufficient to meet the demand. Since the southern two-thirds of the property represented by Amendment No. 494 has been desiqnated as residantial by the City in their plan for the reserve annexation area and the County'. Commercial-Recreation de.iqnation would not allow office and retail commercial uses, a chanqe to Local Retail Commercial would increase the supply of commercial land. Amendment No. 473 is located between the Lake Worth Drainaqe District Canals L-25 and L-26 and west of the Lakes of Tara PUD. The proposed land use chanqe would allow an increase in residential density from 4.84 dwellinq units per acre to 9,68 dwellinq units per acre. Development on these properties would be required to connect to the City'S central water and sewer lines: however, sufficient water treatment capacity will not be available until July 1991, accordinq to the City of Boynton Beach utilities Department. Traffic on portions of Boynton Beach Boulevard is projected to exceed capacity and no improv_ents have been recommended. Development on these properties should comply with the countywide Traffic Performance Standards to ensure consistency with the Regional Plan. Amendment No. 471 is located within the woolriqht Place POD. The proposed land use chanqe is the result of a settl_ent aqre_ent between the developer and the City. The parcel was oriqinally dedicated to the City as a public park site: however, the park will be relocated to a 3,5-acre recreational parcel within the PUD which will be dedicated to the City, The Mall Corner Restaurant amendment is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. This property is beinq proposed for annexation into the City: therefore, the proposed land use change is to incorporate the property into the City's Future Land Use plan. The chanqe would not allow additional commercial within the city. In addition, water and sewer services are available to the property. 7 - - staff has an objection to two of the above proposed Future Land Use Map Amendments. In addition, staff has one objection to a policy change in the Traffic Circulation Element. Ob;e~ions. RAcommandations tor Modification. and Comments Amendments No. 494 and No. 493 A. Objectioll. 1. Reqional Goal 16.1.2 ia to provide for a balanced, well-planned, compatible mix of land uses which are appropriately located, and Reqional Policy calls for Future Land Use Maps of government comprehensive plans to be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the amount of land required to accommodate anticipated growth, the projected population, the character of undeveloped land, the availability of public services, the ability of government to provide adequate levels of service, and the need for redevelopment. The need for additional commercial land at these locations has not been demonstrated by the city. The City's comprehensive plan documents an existing over-allocation of commercial land use. aecCEa8lldatioll. for Modificatioll. 1, Provide an analysis which demonstrates the need for additional commercial land at these locations within in the City of Boynton Beach, If such a need can be documented, additional changes to the City plan may be warranted . The city has prepared all aIlalysis which ill.dicates the need for additional co..ercia! lalld. However. the aIlalysi. is based 011. information in Pala Beach county'. BcolI.oaic Bl..ent, which the county staff has indicated is outdated. Traffic Circulation Element Objections 1. Modified Objective 2.1 allows for a lower level of service to be maintained on several regional roadway facilities than called for in Reqional Policy 19,2,1.3. Policy 19,2.1,3 states that the regional roadway network shall be maintained at Level of Service (LOS) C or better during annual average daily conditions and LOS 0 during peak season, peak hour conditions, The City proposes a "maintain" level of service on four specific regional roadways within the City's jurisdiction. They are: I-95 from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Woolbright Road; Boynton Beach BOUlevard 8 from Old Boynton Road to conqress Avenue; Congress Avenue frOlR Boynton Beach Boulevard to the south city limits; and Hypoluxo Road, east of I-95. The City standard allow. for LOS E to be maintained on the.e facilities which is not consistent with Regional Policy 19,2.1.3, If the City has determined that lower levels of service are appropriate in order to successfully implement other City goals (i.e., redevelopment), then the City would need to provide a complete rationale for the lower levels of service, perhaps in conjunction with the submission of a Downtown Development of Regional Impact, aeGo..endation for Xodification 1. The City should adopt a level of service for all regional roadways in its jurisdiction that is equal to or better than Council's LOS C/O POlicy 19.2.1,3. LOS C shall be maintained during average annual daily traffic conditions, and LOS 0 shall be maintained during peak season, peak hour conditions. The ci 1:y h_ _de no appar_1: change. 1:0 adop1: a level of service on regiOnal roadway. con.is1:en1: with 1:he ReqioDal Plan Recommendation Council should adopt the cOlllllents outlined above and approve their transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs in ful.fillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida statutes. Attachments 9 ..... .. ^ - - ______HYPlI.UllI V .... -J1 n .Vl M '----. I , I ,,.j / I - .; - - - .. -l~ I I . "'~ 11'1 I f I~'\ I ! ! I.!,~ ;' : I: I r / / g / i 1/ / ' I I: ! ~ i/! / I 1/ / / 1/ I (- i- II / ~ 3/ I 2 I ~ /,:. / ;1 I I ..-.. I ~~ I., ~~ ' 'I ~ I /1 ; I f, - / I ! .. .. ... I I . ., ~ .... ,.. ... . ~: ILl" ~ . . ~ . . . . . . . I I': I '--I : II" - - - - .. J ! " . ~I i I' . II : gl : III ! Ill. : : ~ . .. - --ill......... _ . LE6EMO l2 oft S ! I ! --em Llll1TS _ _ .STtJIl AM.J, 811lHJAA'1 "0 - I 1 ! ~ ~ ~ ~ I::l 'J " ~ ~ NaI To s.:.. May, 1989 SOURCE: Waller H. Keller Jr., Inc. ..n..... Regi.ooal Roadways with LOS " Maintain " 10 lfAl TEll H, KB.LfIl ..R.. INC. CawIIJtin, Enli/lHn I PJIf/flll'S CIr.j Slri/llS. nrrita "..... ,', - - _ _ _ _ _ _lM'll.uxa AIl_ J - - - ... -I~I I I / . I V 'II I~'I I 1.1 I~'\ I ~!~ . " I r ., I I '-~ ~ .-J I: . -, I I ,J _1lIII r I Iii .-.. . , - . i II / I ,we; If L.-...., / / - .-. I -' I' / / I / r i ~ I: . I , ~;// / ,-l ! (5 ~ I' ~ " ~) j/ I I .. ~ " ~ I II I ~ l::l . ~l 2.. !I I: I Ii , ~ . :1 ~ ~ = I II ! ..., , . :2 ~ I:. .... . i3 i -.aRJ.n All ill ill ! ~ I I ~ 1;.--1 I " ~ .... ~ I I~ II:~_ _ _ - J .1' ii' !III !I: IlL , ... V__ii1___ I.E&EKO ~ NDI To ~ May, 1989 --C'T'/ l.lMJTS _ _ IS1IJlI'I AAEA SIllJNIlAAY CITY OF BJYN1'CI{ BEACH IllAFr PlAN AMEtDlENTS GENERAL I.CJCAXICE MAP SOURCE: Waller H. Keller Jr.. Inc. WAL TEFl H, KELLER .II., INC, CllnsuJtin, BI,i/lHf'S I PJ_s CIlt'6J Slrinfl$. l'JDf'itU 2.1 . MAP ~y -1 RESIDENTIAL . - .. - .- -4o ___ ._ "0 - .. _.__4 . ~*"I L.Q.w .OENSJTY (LOR).", '.' MA~X 4.84 O.UJAl:R'"E --..... -.....-- - '''..._~-.' . ~;::::~ -_MQOER.AI.!..Jl,E.N.Sf1:Y .. (~CORl .. . ." . >') .-- . -'MA.X.? .2'6 'O.U"/A-CRE ':-'-- ...- : I, . _ MEDIUM .OE~"~LIY ._ .(.MeQR) MAX 9.68 O.U.lAq'RE '. - .:.a- ~ _~.: -:.~:..;. - '~--', . l' . ~.T;;~' ' ~ . ?")~ =- It ---1.,,, 0 J. ~" :I?~ ' ~~C' ~"~ ~~, J ~"....... . t . '~ ' l' ~~i --. ,~ 1 :} &f~.~:,: :[1. -.; &f~' '-jf"" ','1_ --:' . ,..... , . -..~ ~ -J .. " /.. J.-II ' \, ..err;' :; --- ~-:t'~ J. .'L , r,. t. .-, J ~ J Jl 'c....L". III ,',- -; /;. 'if ' , i' I r / \ -.---..--.-.--- . -..-- ,".. - " -!:, =-.....:..-.:.~ '-'---=-~-::.:..._.-;. --:---"=::":"":-. '~ _ ':H.IGf:l.O~NSLT:'f: ~(HnR) ". .'..M~X 10.8 O.U.7 A-C~e: . , _ . i. I. o ; I r 1 _.- - - _.. - -. -:' -----:--- _. - I 1'7"" . . .. ';!;'i_--{C~E~CtAL'< ;../_ : I .. _-...-____" t. ;-.- . WA : OPFtce' : coc)' ..... \, ., '':L~CAl RETA'1.'~(LRC) ! 1 i I ... t . . " , - -.--- . (GC) ~p I I , ;(E4 , . - / / - , /,L ( . I JI:::::j , I , / / . 7 ; I i , /, ( i J !. ' ~ ~ Ill. m e '- .-.-'.' ..-:-"- GENERAL ,- .-..--~ tN"OUSTRtAL '. (I) i - t ; ,.( -= _. . - .,- . , ~.:OTHER . ---.- - - - . -- . . " , . '" ........ . ~ ..~ - ..-.-- --- . miD ,:AGRfCUL. TtJRE "', (A) ! II / , ' II - " r------. ------::- RECRE'ATIONAL (R) - _._..- -.--".' - -.-. - ~ " '17"-'-- - --'-:-:~'_::=:'=:~:'::_. - - - ---- - . - ----"'"""''''''" ~"......( ~UA" C!UI""'~I"'f - ----_._.__.__..._------.__.._--_._-------------~---._~-~ r--_ ~ _' 77>t.. - ('-..c' .-11/' ~r/:~' .Dll1TrJ-~~, .' ,_ ":":::J.f'~"'" .e.........'O . .ti;....:.:....:.....:I'... ... -. ...,:_:.::::.::;: I' .. ::::::.:::::.' ~ -= ~:::::::::::: :i:'::,;c.:::: t.... ...... . ............ oaf:::::::::::::::::::::::::: . .... . . .' . . ., . " ':t ..... ...... ............. '" P:":'O::':'O:":: ::.:.:~.:.:'O ...c.... ........ ............ \J :::::::::::::::::::::::::: ........... .............. :::::::::::::::::::::::::: .......:.:.:.::::::::::::: . . to I _..:~ ~ :'~ , , ., , ""'- ;.:-.. . ""h~:':'~ .""l"Y'I"'./': ..;,"Il............. ." ... \" l 'J;" ,,' "... ~ '. ....' ~/..,.\... '- ......7.. -,~ -~"'\ .... ... ~ COAST UGIOKAL PLANNING COUNCIL M K M 0 RAM 0 0 M To: Council Kembers AGENDA ITEM SC2B l'rclII: Staff Dat.: S.pt-hu" :U, 1990 COuncil Kaetinq SuJ:Iject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - AmendIIent to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan In~uct:ion Pursuant to the pravision8 of the Local Government Comprehensive Planninq anci Land Development Raqulation Act, Chapter 163, !'loric1a statut_ (l'S), the Council lIlWIt be provided an opport1mi ty to revi_ anci c~1U1t on - COlIIprehensiv~lan ~"-'Il"'-U 1I1:'io1:' to' their ~liltion. - , The City of Boynton Beach baa sw.ituc1 . PJ:'OPOsed uaendlaent to the Stat. Oeparl:lllent of l"_..,ity Affairs (DCA), wltich in turn is seekinq Council's c~-.nta. council's revi_ of the ~OJ:3&tion ~...1decl by the DCA is to t0CU8 on the conais1:ency of the pJ:'OPOIIecl amendJI8nta with the Reqional. COIIprehensive Policy Plan developecl pursuant to Section 186.507, !'S. A writ1:en report, containinq any obj ection8 , recOllllleDdation8 tor IIICCtification, anci cOlIIIIIents (as detinecl in Chapter gJ-U, !'loric1a Administrative COOe) is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendaJ:' days of receipt of the plan, al_ents or amenc1lllenta. Backaround On January 10, 1990, the DCA issuecl a !Jotice of Intent to find the cOlIIprehensive plan tor the City of Boynton Beach not in cOlIIplianc:a, pursuant to Section 163.3184, !'S. As part ot this tinc1inq, the AOOPrlm plan was tound to be inconsistant with the Reqional Plan. The City ot Boynton Beach is considarinq one drat't amend- ment to the Futura Land 0.. Element. The 0.84 acre parcel is located on the northeast corner ot Winchestar Park Boulevard and Wast Boynton Beach Boulevard and is shewn on the attached. map.. The parcel has bean proposed tor annexation into the City and the proposac1 land use chanqe is trom the County's COlIIIIIercial Hiqh Intensity to the City's Local Retail COlIIIIIercial. The amendment is not related. to tha tinding ot noncOlllpliance by tha DCA. 13 ZVlllua~ion The proposed amendment has been reviewed in accorc:lance with the requir_ents ot Chapter 163, FS; Council's review procedures; and Council's adopted Reqional COIIIprehensive POlicy Plan. The subject property has been proposed tor annexation and is currently vacant. The chanqe in land use is nec:eaaary in orc:ler to incorporate the property onto the Boynton Beach Future Land U_ Map. 08veloplllent on this property is required to connect to the City's central water and sewer lines. Sufticient water ereatlllent capacity will riot be availa.ble until July 1991,. accorc:linq to the City ot Boynton Beach Utilities 08partment. Oeveloplllent should also comply with the Countywide Traffic Pedormance Standarc:ls to ensure consistency with the Reqional. Plan. Ob;~ions. Reocmm.nda~ions tor Modi~ica~ion. and Comments Pu't1u'e LAD4 I1se .1__t A. Objection None B. COlIIIIIent None Rec01IIJIlllndation Council should adopt the cOllllllents outlined a.bove and approve their transmittal to the Stats 08partment ot Community Utairs in fulfillment ot the requir_ents ot Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Attachments 16 - - ______~UXlI~ V I , , I - - - .. -I~ I ~... 11'1 I I~'\ ! I t.J, l- I /:! I g I /: / J. ,,~ ;1 / / " !I I / :, 11/ I ~ ..! II! ~ I, I:::l f--- --- / ~ I ~ I ~ I '" I ~ - , , '" I il! ' j~ , II o , I L.., _.I ! ~ I r . .v ,..l........, - / I I -; I , . ,J / I " .. " I I I I I "--1 ~ 4 .. .. IlIlIlUIIJlIfT' ~ 11 4l1C S I I , - 11:- - - - - I III '. '1/ ~I !Il IlL iii r.....-.-... ! I l ,. ! \" / ,\ ~ I ." , 4 T LE.ENO NIl To s.. CITY LllUTS - - 'S1\GY 4AEA _ fAay, 1989 SOURCE; Wafter H. KeIfer Jr., Inc. General Location Map WALTER H. K8J r ClJnwJtilll Or or,;" , lT ~' MAP KEY - - ....-.. ..,.. .. RESIDENTIAL .... ~1 .. _. ......:. o L_OW DENSITY (LOR) _. MA'X 4.84 D.U:7 AC;R-e _.... - ----- .. '~-:.:...'-- m:::f -__~o.OeFl.~u.-D_,al'!lsn:Y " (~R) -'MAX ,-T.2'6' 'O.U.lACR~ '. ...- -- -~-.-...- .... . -- .. -- - ~d M.EDIUM DEM_SlTY (MeQ.A) MAX 9.68 D,U.J ACRE -~ ",::'"," --:-- - ._. -_. . .. .. .. --- -... _. _ _HIGI:i_ OENSl.!'V: .~O.aL. M~X 10.8 O.UJAC'RE' - .' --. - - -.. -..-. - -- --~ .. ..- " ;' COMMERCI.A,L~' '~: ,or -- -....,.....--. ...-. -... W2 I OFF;~~ "'1~) ,- - - .----- ~ '1-0CAt. RETAfl (LRC) , . "- .- .-.,"--- ~ GENERAl. (GC) --.-- - --.- ~,~~d INDUSTRIAL' (I) ---- ~ . ", OTHE-R .- \ \ . ---- - - - .. - .. . .. ..- - -.-;- "'" ~ . AGFltCtJL.TtJFl.E .-, (A) r-----:-- ----::- ~<O':i RECREATIONAL (R) . ~ ~ 2.US Ll:.C_ &. ?RJV A tE_ ___{I?f'.GJ L__ -GO VERNME~T AL/INSTITUT10'NAl ..--.- ~ /........-;-- -.. - - . _ MIXED USE , - .. ... - _.- - ~- (MX) ..... , . - - 18, - .- -- ,. . 'ltll:l:.'l' " . ,> ;'..>' :::~. ...-.. . -- , ~ "~"\. ~" .. \ " l . . .., ...; :".,.,\. [ ','"'' ~', , '.' ' ., .:' :": .\.~;:::~;~;., >:~.: .,;,;,::<:>'t;;?;i~~l: , ,'.,. , . , "",. , ,',',' . 5<",.",,\(...'i(~ :..:.<.~:~.~<>::.~..;\;~0~(.. ~:c~. . </,' ." ,,^ . ./"if'r~....~ ~(&'W ...'#'//'../?:...../..,/)(..',r:..~.~'("/'. .l '<//: . ,<.:..:~<,,~<:< .<I(."'<'/.....~ . ",.. '~'.'" .:<<.~~;<:> " ;<.<,' .....~>-~t:".~... p... ;;t?<:;~::- l' '," .'(.' t: ...., r''; ',' ~ " '.' ~''"'~ '; _ ..._4,&,....:1...._ I ~--- ---- , ~ ~ I .,. ,~ .. I ':;:.:.:........ .. ........................ .. .... - .:.:....:.:..:.:..:.:.:..:.:..:.:.~ \.......... ........................=t .;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::'! .:....:.:..:.:....:....:.:.:..:.:..: \:.::.:.:..:.:.::.:.::.:.:.:..:.:.::~ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::?l ~...................... " :j;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .~~. .' .. .......... ~jH,l.H11.HHm.m1m.m1mH,m.~~,~ .. ...... -.. ... .. :;:, ;~jH111jl1~11 jjl1~11~~j1i1 Hi1111!ilm\ :~1mmmmmmmmm~mm1l111~ra ...:.:.::::.:.::.:.::::.:.::::.:_::.:.:-::::.:..t 1:::;:;::::::;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::':; -a::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::t. ~",:,:,::,:-:,,:-:,:,,:,:,:,,:,:,::,:,:,':-:'I' ;;!;jjjijjj1111jjl1j1~1~j1jj11jjl1jljjlj1j.~,;~~~f . . . .' . .' . .... .. ... . . I:::::::::::::::::::;::::::::;:: :':. :::::l .:.:.:.::.:.::::.:.::::.:.::::. .::.: :.::.: ........:.:....:......: '.': ....:. . . .~.'. :.:. :::::: .. .' ~' , . I ~ -- - J-' ...r :i- '.... ., S ,- - - :: t I ,Jt!,.<. .. .. ~..-' :::~ :.......' ::~::: .::1::: ::.,.:: ,'~" e''i'!'' .""e" .~:~ :.:..:- .:.~ 1t:.:. .~~ .:o'.~ 1-- ..,- :~, .!.' ""'" '-' ~ . :c \ \ '1 \ . I , ' rnir City of 13cfynton 13eacl1 . 100 'r. 'Boynton 'Bcacfi 'Boulevard 1'.0, 'Bo,\. 31 0 'Boy"ton 'Bcacfi, 'J{orida 3342S.031O City:}(a{{ (40i,1 i34.8111 'J::JX: (40i! i38.i4S9 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR December 19, 1990 Mr, Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning & Management State of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: Transmittal of Adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr, Pennock: Enclosed you will find four copies of the following: A revised Future Land Use Map, Adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments, and response to the Department of Community Affairs' Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report, The Plan Amendments and ORC response is organized as shown in the sections listed below: 1) Section 1 - includes the Remedial Plan Amendments adopted pursuant to the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, and corresponding ordinance, 2) Section 2 - includes the list of Findings Which Provides Basis For Adoption of Proposed Amendments (response to ORC), and related plan amendments and ordinances, 3) Section 3 - includes those adopted Land Use Plan Amendments and corresponding ordinances as previously reviewed and without objections, recommendations, and comments, and 4) Section 4 - simply includes the adopted revision to Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.16.1 to allow adult entertainment establishments within the Industrial Land Use Category. The Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as referred to as Amendments 5Jmericas (jateway to tfie (ju(t:<tream To: Mr, Robert Pennock -2- December 19, 1990 90-2 and 90Sl, in addition to the Remedial Plan Amendments, were adopted by City Commission on December 18, 1990 pursuant to Chapter 9J-ll.Oll F,A,C., and are being transmitted for Compliance Review, Pursuant to Item #31 in the Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the Department of Community Affairs, I am also requesting the release of second payment of assistance funds. As requested, a copy of the Plan Amendments was sent directly to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, To assist in the timely review of these Plan Amendments, it was understood that one copy would be provided directly to the Regional Planning Council, concurrent with the transmittal of the remaining four copies to the Department of Community Affairs. If you have any questions concerning these Plan Amendments, please do not hesitate to contact me, Very truly yours, ~T~P Planning Director MR:cp Encs, EXHIBIT G KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. Commercia1 Market Analysis ~'ay, 1990 Prepared for: Bi11 R. Winchester Prepared by: THOMPSON CONSULTING, INC. 560 Vi11age Boulevard Suite 315 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Phone: 407/697-2581 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARy/CONCLUSIONS..... .......... ....... ... ... INTRODUCTION. .... . . ...... ., . ...... .... .. . .. . . . .. ........ . 3 SITE AN A L YS IS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 RETAIL MARKET ANALySIS..... ........ ............ .......... 6 Reta i 1 Tr'ade Ar'ea.................. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Population/Demogr'aphic Characteristics......... ..... 9 Retail Space Demand (Trade Ar'ea)..... .... .... ....... 18 GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS... .... ........ ......... ...... 22 ADDENDUM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 23 I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The data and analyses upon included in this report. and conclusions associated for convenient review: which our conclusions are based are A brief summary of the salient points with this project is presented below Palm Beach County is a rapidly growing and increasingly significant economic factor in the growth of Southeast Florida. The County contains approximately 892,500 people, representing an 55 percent increase in population since 1980. In addition, the population is expected to reach over 1,000,000 by 1995. Consistent employment gains in the past decade in such sectors as manufacturing, finance, trade and government confirm the growing diversity of the area's economy, hence, lessening dependence on tourism as the County's primary economic base. Per capita income in an 85% increase since power for retail goods 1990 for the trade area is $14,108 - 1980, translating into increased buying and services. Based on a 1990 population in the trade area of 79,692 and supportable square feet per capita figures derived from data available from the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida and The Urban Land Institute CULl), approximately 3.93 million square feet of retail space can be supported. Existing and space in the square feet. approved/in process/under construction retail trade area totals approximately 3.14 million ,- I I I r r r - Adding the 120,000 square feet of retail space proposed for Knuth Road P.C.D. (as well as the 120,000 square feet proposed for the Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D.) to the total of 3.14 million square feet cited on the preceding page, yields a figure of 3.38 million square feet, which indicates that even in base year 1990, an additional 555,168 square feet~ of retail space can be supported in the trade area. With projected increases in population and the additional attendant buying power in the trade area, approximately 4.58 million square feet of retail space, comprised of the general categories surveyed, can be supported by 1995. r- r 2 INTRODUCTION This report presents findings and conclusions relating to the market demand for a commercial retail development in the amount of approximately 120,000 square feet on 13.87 acres~. The total site development concept includes an anchor store of approximately 34,000 square feet and ancillary retail in the amount of 74,532 square feet. In addition, 11,468 square feet is proposed on two (2) outparcels intended to accommodate one (1) restaurant, and one (1) financial institution. This well-anchored center will be in a strong market position to attract other miscellaneous convenience as well as shoppers goods/comparison stores as co-tenants. It is well documented that generally speaking, anchored centers fare much better than unanchored strip and specialty centers. Neighborhood/community centers such as the subject center generally exhibit the highest occupancies, with this trade area being no exception. The subject site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. (See Exhibit 1). The factors affecting the existing and future market which would support a neighborhood/community retail development at this location are examined in this study. r- ! r- i ! 3 ~ i i , _. " 'e>' ... " .., ." " '~I ,~ .' 0 [ C) .', u.. .. .. to '" i .~ h 1 ....t .. ~ [ i ! ,. u...e... ~II' 0' r '" Il. . ~ 0 , 1 SITE 1 j ., r- . . ~ H h.' .~. Exhibit Site Loc/ltion MARTIN COUNTY .. -'-----'-'-'-i . 1 . I . r I i -'\.___0-____.1 /' i I -"" ill........ .. BROWARO COUNTY r i i \,.1 h ., r- b '" ., C) "11\.. I hlf.~I.' ! , I 1 I c--' L_._J o hU hUh ,. 1 , .--........ H'" i :.r....... I ... . I . . . ~.:!.'_I_._,_._I-=4' ..... I. t. .. -&r 4 SITE ANALYSIS The subject site falls within unincorporated Palm Beach County. The predominant and developing land use pattern in the immediate area is commercial, with the Boynton Beach Boulevard/Congress Avenue commercial intersection (including commercial development to the direct north on Congress Avenue, proximate to the Boynton Super Regional Mall), dominating the land use pattern along those major arterials in the area. Major roadways which provide access to the site are Boynton Beach Boulevard, Congress Avenue, and Military Trail. Population and demographic information pertinent to the general trade area which generally conforms to the suburban as well as Boynton Beach proper area (See Exhibit 3). The population in the area for 1990 is estimated at 79,692.* In addition, based on 1990 figures, averaae household size is 2.17 persons and the median age is 55.1. 1990 per capita income of $14,108, although slightly less than the County median, is generally comparable to the County, while the median age figure indicates an older population in the area than found countywide (55.1 in the trade area versus 42.3 in the County). Although the population projections utilized in our analysis are those of a well known national firm, this firm is unfamiliar with the dynamics of sub-area/local situations. Statistically, the estimates for area polygons of the County which are developing at a rapid pace, are less than estimates for the same area by local government (i.e., Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization). Hence. our demand estimates are conservative. *Based on Urban Decision Systems, Inc. projections. 5 RETAIL MARKET ANALYSIS ----------------------- Retail Trade Area The subject center will be designed to capture a share of existing as well as new purchasing power in a growing area of the County. The trade area's population has increased by approximately 50% since 1980 and is expected to increase by some 16% by 1995 (projections by Urban Decision Systems). The center proposed will have characteristics of a neighborhood center, providing for the sale of convenience goods (foods, drugs, and sundries) and personal services (laundry and dry cleaning barberini shoe repairing, etc.) f~r the day-to-day living needs of the immediate neighborhood. However, it is conceivable that the subject center will provide a wider range of facilities for the sale of soft lines (wearing apparel) and soft lines (hard,,'are and appliances), hence, potentially exhibiting characteristics most often associated with a community center. Exhibit 2 depicts the trade area boundaries for the proposed retail space. As indicated earlier, the boundaries generally conform to the suburban as well as Boynton Beach proper area. For a neighborhood type center, the ULI recommends a trade area determined by a one (1) to three (3) mile radius from the subject site. This is appropriate. in terms of a generalization, however, ';Jhen determining actual markets, factors such as physical barriers to access and existing competitive uses must be taken into account. With this factored in, the trade area is defined for the subject site. I , All existing shopping center retail process retail space was included in area.* The boundaries are as follows: as well as approved/in the survey of the trade r North: South: East : West: Hypoluxo Road One (1) mile south of Golf Road~ U.S. 1 El Clair Ranch Road l. Centers included in 4,5,6,& 7. the retail space survey are found in Exhibits I ! r *Fiel'~r-s-urvey by Thompson Consulting, Inc., 1990; Palm Beach County Department files, Boynton Beach Planning Department. " 5 r Exhibit 2 Tl"ade Al"ea MARTIN COUNTY -'-'-'-'-.-'-', , I , J , r I i -.,._._._._.1 .. " ~ I' BROWARO r ,- COUNTY i e , i.~oC' I i . I I ..... 1 UI(_"UI J ioU I i I r'-' l._._.i ... to ll~ " ~ .. ,. ,~., ... , " .. .., .., '" , .. .' \10. .. .. '" ,., i ! : , i H f\I" ..00' i i 7 l> -I ,.. l> '" -I n Q n "1 h '" ..-......... -db- Population projections (as prepared by Urban Decision Systems, Inc.) for the trade area are as follows: 1980 - 53,102, 1990 70,692; 1995 - 92,801. Based upon these figures, it is estimated that the population, hence purchasing power will experience steady growth in the next five years. The estimated purchasing power of the resident population of the trade area was used as the basis for determining supportable retail space. However, it is important to note that a substantial number of "daytiCle" persons in the area and their attendant buying power were not factored into our analysis. All those persons brought into the trade area each day as employees of other commercial retai 1 and office developments in the area represent a substantial secondary purchasing power base. r- ( I I I I r- I r 8 ~ EXH I B IT 3 Summary of Demographic Characteristics Owner occupied (%) Renter occupied (%) 1980 Trade Area Palm Beach Co. 53,102 576,863 18.4 21.3 7.2 9.8 18.1 23.6 7.6 9.3 14.7 12.6 34.0 23.3 53.3 40.2 76.5 75.3 23.4 24.7 2 . 3 1 2.42 68.5 58.1 10. 7 21.2 $ 7,646 $9,017 Characteristic Total Persons Age Distribution 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Median Age Households % Two or more persons % Single person Persons/Household Per Capita Income r- ---------- Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc. r 9 l EXHIBIT 3 continued Summary of Demographic Characteristics 1990 Characteristic Trade Area Palm Beach Co. Total Persons 79,692 892,357 Age Distribution 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 1 5 . 9 18.4 5.7 7.3 19. 8 27.2 8.4 9 . 7 15. 8 12.9 34.4 24.0 55.1 42.3 74.5 73.8 25.5 26.2 2.17 2.27 68.5 58.1 10.7* 21.2 $14,108 $15,653 Median Age Households % Two or more persons % Single person Persons/Household Housing Units Owner occupied (%) Renter occupied (%) Per Capita Income L, [ [ r l: Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc. *Constant is assumed OVe~ time from 1980 Census data. 10 EXHIBIT 3 continued Summary of Demographic Characteristics 1995 Characteristic Trade Area Palm Beach Co. Total Persons 92,801 1,043,459 Age Distribution 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-54 55+ Owner occupied (%) Renter occupied (%) 1 5 . 7 18.3 5.3 7.3 19.1 25.8 10. 5 11.6 15.6 12.4 33.8 23.6 54.5 43.3 74.0 73.4 26.0 26.5 2.13 2.22 68.5 58.1 10.7* 21.2* $17,452 $21,655 Median Age Households % Two or more persons % Single person Persons/Household Per Capita Income Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc. *Constant is assumed over time from 1980 Census data. 11 1- EXHIBIT 3 continued Summary of Demographic Charac~eris~ics (Trade Area Only) Charac~eris~ic 1990 To~al Persons 79,692 Per Capi~a Income $14,108 Median Age/Popula~ion 55.1 Average Size/Household 2.17 ---------- Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc. r-- r-- I j I I- i l. 12 r Trade Area 1995 92,801 $17,552 54.5 2.13 .,h'b" . _ .".,,", .."" c."'." (",d' .,.,) .... ;d\ dl r' L, r \ ~\ ~ ~\ ) <-' o --> Si}\ Cl c; ~ W 0 A1L>.~i\C'" o c; c:: '" r- c:: 4- Ll :::~! . . ~~ -t \ ~~\ , ~ :'> - --", .~ ~ ).:,.t:f"'~ . c~.~~.~:"i I ".I c....~ ,C\..lS1' '\ ~ l-\y?OLV;i.O . 80,":011 ,[~:d ' , ' OLO SOY ~lTO~1 \.; 6~>' )-114 1 6 S','! <!. c:: ,.. )- c:: <!. ,S ;;. ;..'JE. UHTOH BLVO ----- L>':<E. AD T.)?O ,.,' " . .', v' "" c: G Z C c ".".. ' .:: : . #.... . .,- : '." \0>' " ",IL,>.~;1\C \.O."SON 6\.\10 : .;.:.......;.. ... .. .... . '.". .' .....: . . "':;<:::,'::':: ,'..~; ..' ::::~.:.~':! .~:: t .;.<,: ,fit"?;: -.;.' ..' ...'..,.: .,::. . . ........,. .~ .'. :" ',' "' :> L\H1'O~ <: I ( O..-....,l>~\c.~~ ., 1'<;) ).' 3: :!: ~ ;; ...... ...: .' "" c::: G z C v , I I ,=, I ~. j , ~09 " --- - :: ~ \ C, , , .-" . C\J~'f c:: ,3 --------,------------'~- _.-._--------~.-. ,- EXHIBIT 5 Map .ft~.f...,......lt 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- r l EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS (Trade Area) t:'!3'.Il!.~.L\..'?c .'i!.:!=..i9.D. Meadows Square (S.W. corner-Hypoluxo/Congress) Catalina Center (W. side Congress/No of Boynton Mall) Boynton Beach Promenade (W. side Congress/front of Boynton Mall) Boynton Beach Walk (Herman's Plaza) (W. side Congress/front of Boynton Mall) Lionel Playworld . (W. side Congress/front of Boynton Mall) Greentree Plaza I & II (N. side B.B. Blvd/W. of Congress) Oakwood Square (E. side Congress/No of B.B. Blvd.) Villager Plaza (N.E. corner-B.B. Blvd/Congress) Leisureville Plaza (S.E. corner-B.B. Blvd/Congress) Boynton Plaza (S.W. corner-B.B. Blvd/Congress) Gateway Center (S.W. quadrant-B.B. Blvd/I-95) Cross Creek Center (N. side B. B. Blvd/W. of 1-95) Boynton Trail Center (N.E. corner-B.B. Blvd/Military) Boynton West Center (N.W. corner-B.B. Blvd/Military) Applegate Plaza (S.E. corner-B.B. Blvd/Military) Village Square (N.E. corner-Golf Rd/Military) Westlake Hardware (W. side Congress/So of Woolbright) World of Furniture Plaza (S.W. corner-Hypoluxo/U.S. 1) 14 ?5.>;..~.I.~..:..L 96,300 162,000 76,940 42,300 36,600 28,000 168,200 17,700 88,000 102,500 27,200 20,000 233,000 151,400 25,500 80,000 25,000 50,000 (EXHIBIT 5 CONTINUED) Map ,~..€l..f..._,....1! 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- TOTAL r I ,- I I r- i L. r !'Jl'_rJ}-",l.l,gS__Cl..~..i9._Q Sam's Wholesale Club (S.E. quadrant-!-95/Hypoluxo) Yachtsman Plaza (N & S) (E. side U.S. 1/S. of Hypoluxo) Boynton Beach Plaza (N.E. corner-Boynton Beach Blvd/U.S. 1) Sunshine Square (S.W. corner-U.S. l/Woolbright) Causeway Square (S.E. corner-U.S. 1/Woolbrig~t) 15 .?5_?'..E!.i..~_.,...f...:.. 107,000 38,320 52,500 146,570 110,000 1,885,030 - ---'----------...-~~-_.~~ d/' "oco's p.c.<1 conc," (".d' .,.,) E~hibi~ 6 _ ~pproye n l-\'i?o\.IJ)(O 1 \ 0 0 .., .. ~\\ . - , . ,.... r , 1 , 01.0 \'i"n SO'< ~rro~l ,,'J 61.,,0 \3e.>- \-l 3\)4 \ ,\ C t:' " o .. " ... ., "- c:. . Bo;-n~OI1 . /nltl ' , ' '" .: ....r 5'8 23,,0 ~ <:; c::. r- J , "7- c:: "- l;:. '..) ~ L>-"'-C C', V '" c:: t: 'Z C c.; \ :: . .: " \0-" .. . p..'Jc. t< il.>-tfflC 1.0."sON ;I.VO '2\ o Vi 0 AiLA:-liIC'" o c::. c::. \:J ~ 4 U LI H,.O~1 \31."0 ,,0 ----- . ".~. ..' . '" ::> '" ',: . .. . . '." ..;<;/:.~...,-. LI~liON I (O,,",,=~...,a>~"'(O~' . 1''' " .' . .... .H'..~...~,.j,::; :\< ,~' >- ;: :I: ,. I , , I I ." I c:' i . " :. .~ , .\: .. .'/',: :', ~ -' .", .,.,.' .... ':. ~ .' .' : '.'::'/':.t ," :::".'~ :::> ! " :~.. ~ . -;', '. ';" ~()~ ~ " ,", ;; .~ .:: ... ~ <( "0 0 0.. '-' I?O [ ",1 ...: C\,.\~T c:: 16 _._,-----~_._---~-~~ EXHIBIT 7 Map 8.f'.f..:....J! 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- TOTAL APPROVED/IN PROCESS RETAIL CENTERS (Trade Area) t:-I.5'..'!!.e..ih.<?.c;_~!.i9D. Hypoluxo Shopping Center (S.E. corner-Hypoluxo/Military) Boynton Lakes Center (S.E. corner-Hypoluxo/Congress) Tra il sEnd Pl aza (E. side Military/S. of Hypoluxo) Cocoplum Plaza . (E. side Military/S. of Hypoluxo) Aberdeen Square (N.W. corner-Military/Le Chalet) Village Shoppes of Boynton (N.E. corner-N.W. 22nd/Congress) Catalina Center (W. side Congress/H. of Boynton Mall) Woolbright Plaza (S.W. quadrant-I-95/Woolbright) Grove Shopping Center (N.E. corner-Old Dixie/U.S. 1) .?:!..~}9.L..~ . C 87,000 133,700 100,000 130,000 71,400 175,600 80,100 315,580 160,020 1,253,400 ---------- Source: Survey research by Thompson Consulting, Inc. 1990. r , , 17 --~--_._._., EXHIBIT 8 Retail Space Demand (trade area) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ESTIMATE OF SUPPORTABLE COMMERCIAL SPACE GENERATED BY RETAIL SPENDING PATTERNS Estimated Retail Space Needs Per Retail Category* Capita (sq. ft.) 1990 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) 1995 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) Food 5.05 402.445 468.645 Eating/Drinking 7.05 561,829 654,247 Gen'l Mdse 8.85 705,274 821,289 Apparel 3.17 252.624 294,179 Drug Store 1.72 137.070 159.618 Furn/Appl 5.69 453,447 528~038 Lumber/Hardware 4.38 349,051 406,468 Automotive 1.68 133.883 155,906 Cinema/Theater 2.11 168,150 195.910 Q.t:..b,~.!:n....n......."........n..n'.....nn....n.n.....~...,.9.I3.._...__._n....__,......l,l?~.!...~.?~.._........._._..~..~..13..!...~.~..~. TOTAL 47.81 3,933.598 4,580,758 *Categories consist of the following subcategories: FOOD: Grocery store; meat markets, poultry, seafood dealers; vegetables/fruits; bakeries; delicatessens; candy, confectionery, sundries. EATING/DRINKING, Restaurants, lunchrooms, catering services; and taverns, night clubs. bars and liquor stores. GENERAL MERCHANDISE: Department stores; variety stores; 1 imited specialty retail; dry goods. APPAREL: Clothing stores. alterations; shoe stores. DRUG STORES: Drug stores; pharmacies-apothecaries. FURNITURE/APPLIANCES: Furniture stores (new and used); household appliances, dinnerware. etc.; music stores, radios, television, record/tape shops and electronic supplies. LUMBER/HARDWARE: Hardware. paints, light machinery; bicycle shops; decorating/painting/papering/drapery; lumber/bUilding materials. fabrication/sales of windows. doors. cabinets. etc. AUTOMOTIVE: Auto accessories, tires, parts. auto A/C, etc. CINEMA/THEATER: Movies and other admission charging business. OTHER: Second hand stores; antique shops; store and office equipment; barber and beauty shops; cosmetics; reducing salons; book stores; dry cleaning 1 inen and laundry; tobacco shops, florists; gifts; cards. novelty, hobby. stationery and toy stores; magazines. post cards, brochures; photo and art equipment and supplies. art galleries. etc. r Source: Retail sales and use tax business classifications; Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida, and year end retail sales for Palm Beach County - 1987. Dollars and Cents of Shopping Centers, 1987. The Urban Land Institute. L. 1 8 .~---.---_._-_._~~ EXHIBIT 9 SUPPORTABLE AND EXISTING COMMERCIAL SPACE Retail Category 1990 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) Food Eating/Drinking Gen'l Mdse Apparel Drug Store Furn/App1 Lumber/Hardware Automotive Cinema/Theater Other 402,445 561,829 705,274 252,624 137,070 453,447 349,051 133,883 168,150 769,825 TOTAL 3,933,598 Vacant space TOTAL 3,933,598 , I l. . L 1 9 [ 1995 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) 468,645 654,247 821,289 294,179 159,618 528,038 406,468 155.906 195,910 896,458 4,580,758 4,580,758 1990 Existing Retail Totals (sq. ft.) 271.240 168,070 327,500 77,230 102,865 116,820 110,550 4,260 22,000 264,625 1,465,160 267,770 1,732,930 Based on the methodology utilized in this analysis, as evidenced by the information contained on the preceding page, an additional 2,200,668 square feet can be supported by the population in the trade area in 1990. However, the above figure does not reflect any of the approved/in process nor non-retail space (financial institutions and office users that also occupy space in these facilities) in the trade area. Approved/in process retail center developments within the trade area are also examined since, upon completion, each will also be competing with the subject site for certain retail customers. (See Exhibits 6 & 7 for these centers). ,An additional 1,253,400 square feet of commercial/retail uses have been approved but not yet built/completed within the trade area. In addition, there are 152,10.0 square feet of non-retGlil space within existing centers in the trade area. To account for this space, the total approved/in process space, as well as the non-retail space referenced above, should be added to the total retail space in existing shopping centers. Combining inventoried existing competitive space total (including vacant space) of 1,732,930 square feet (as well as the 152,100 square feet of non-retail space in existing centers) to the approved/in process space total of 1,253,400 square feet, yields a total existing and committed commercial/retail space figure of 3,138,430 square feet. By adding the retail space proposed for development at the subject site (i.e., 120,000 square feet as well as the 120,000 square feet proposed for the Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D.), the total of existing, approved/in process and that proposed for the subject site is 3,378,430 square feet. This total is below the 1990 estimated demand of 3,933,598 square feet and indicates that an additional 555,168 square feet can be supported in the trade area in 1990 (over and above that proposed for Knuth Road P.C.D.). r I I In addition, with projected population increases to 92,801 persons by 1995, an estimated 4,580,758 square feet could be supported in the trade area. I- I l. 20 \" Examining the individual categories of retail presented in Exhibit 9 indicates that in no category does supply exceed demand. It is important to note that the supply side total does not include the Boynton Beach Mall. It was not included because this super regional center serves an area which extends into southern Oelray Beach on the south and West Palm Beach on the north. In addition, the anchors and on-line merchants of a super regional center do not directly compete with nearby tenants that are located in neighborhood, community and unanchored centers. Super regional centers attract destination oriented trips to the major anchors with spin-offs for the "national chain" shops. The super regional centers come closest (currently) to reproducing shopping facilities and customer attraction once available in Central Business ~istricts (CBO's). In addition, those competing shopping centers located near the periphery of the trade area were not discounted (in terms of the ratio of population within the Knuth Road P.C.O. trade area to the population within the trade area of those competing shopping centers located a good distance away from the subject site). The further away a competing shopping center facility is, the less direct competition it represents to the subject site. In summary and conclusion, the subject 120,000 square foot neighborhood center proposed at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and I~nuth Road, is in a favorable market position in terms of location, visibility, access and timing (particularlr with projected population increases in the trade area in the near future). [- r , l r l; 21 \ GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS Every reasonable effort has been made to insure that this report contains the most accurate and timely information possible, which is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies in reporting by developer, developer's agents or any other sources. Contractual obliga~ions do not include access to or ownership transfer of any electronic data processing files, programs or models completed directly for or as a by-product of this research effort. , i This report may not be used for any purpose other than for which it is prepared. Possession of this report does not carry with it the right of publication and its contents shall not be disseminated to the public through advertising media, sales media, or any other public means of communication without prior written oonsent and approval of Thompson Consulting, Inc. l [ [ r I 22 I" I ADDENDUM KNUTH ROAD p.c.D. (May, 1990) , 23 Name: Map Reference: Tenant Reta i 1 By Category: Food EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Meadows Square 1 Catalina Center 2 8. Beach Promenade 3 ----------------------------------------------------------------- 11,540 Eat/Drink Gen'l Mdse Apparel Drug Store Furn/Appl Automotive 1mbr/Hrd'''r/ Bldg Supply Financial Theater Prof/Med Offices Other ,- i I, Vacant TOTAL I L I , L I' , 43,000 7,000 4 , 710 77,000 5,000 7,650 12,000 2,000 4,710 1,300 9.000 8,830 12,000 21,950 5,000 37,150 96,300 162,000 22,315 11,540 5,385 26,160 76,940 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Boynton Beach Walk 4 Lionel Playworld 5 Greentree Plaza I & II 6 Oakwood Square 7 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant Retail By Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 2,100 29,450 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 7.680 4,200 21,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 10,100 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 10,280 20,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 5,050 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 9,240 8,400 28,600 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Bldg Supply ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 1.400 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 2,800 19,350 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 10,200 36,600 9,800 21,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 2,800 1,400 10,950 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 42,300 36,600 28,000 168,200 r Name; Map Reference; EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Villager Plaza 8 Leisureville Plaza 9 Boynton Plaza 10 Gateway Center 1 1 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant Retail By Category: Food ----------------------------------------------------------------- ...., 1,700 36,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink ..... 1,700 13,300 8,500 4,290 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen:l Mdse Apparel 850 6,000 1,500 Drug Store ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/ App 1 Automotive Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Bldg Supply Financial Theater Prof/Med Offices Other Vacant TOTAL L r 850 7,560 5,040 17,700 3,800 16,000 1,900 41,300 5,700 88,000 10,500 4,100 5,550 9,600 13,600 7,050 6,100 102,500 1,430 8,580 4,300 8,600 27,200 Name: Map Reference: Tenant Re;:ail By Category: Food Eat/Drink Gen'l Mdse Apparel Drug Store Furn/Appl Automotive 1mbr/Hrdwr/ 8ldg Supply Financial Theater Prof/Med Offices Other [' I l Vacant TOTAL l _ r EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Cross Creek Center 12 3,400 3,200 12,200 1,200 20,000 8oynton Trail Center 13 48,000 27,000 10,000 24,000 40,000 9,000 6,000 18,000 51,000 233,000 8oynton West Center 14 2,700 21,600 65,000 2,700 2.700 8,200 13,500 35,000 151,400 _._~-- Applegate Plaza 15 3,190 6,380 1,590 9,550 3,190 . 1,600 25,500 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Village Square 16 Westlake Hardware 1 7 World of Furniture Pl 18 Sam's Whole- sale Club 19 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant Retail By Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 38,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 107,00.0 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 1,200 ------------------------------------------------------------------ Drug Store 12,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 1,200 7,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- r Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Bldg Supply 25,000 40,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 1,820 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 3.640 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 11,400 2,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 10,740 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 80,000 25,000 50,000 107,000 r- "" -------- EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Yachtsman Plaza 20 Boynton Beach Plaza 21 Sunshine Square 22 Causeway Square 23 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant By Retai.l Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 7, 100 20,000 40,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 8,520 7,300 7,800 1,250 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 2,400 . 60,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 3,550 6,000 17,600 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 6,000 10,000 15,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 3,550 10,000 3,750 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive 4,260 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Bldg Supply ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater 6,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 5,680 1,200 6,500 1,250 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 5,660 7,200 11,700 3,750 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 2,400 36,970 25,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 38,320 52,500 146,570 110,000 [ EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Map Reference: TOTAL ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant Retail By Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 271,240 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 168,070 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 327,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 77,230 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 102,865 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 116,820 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive 4,260 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Bldg Supply 110,550 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 26,920 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater 22,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 125,180 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 264,625 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 267,770 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 1,885,030 c r- r ! K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 10, 1990 Mr, Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Winchester Projects Knuth Road / Boynton Beach Blvd. Dear Mr, Cutro: It has been requested that we provide further documentation in support of the letter prepared by this office dated December 3, 1990. That letter addressed the recently announced construction programs which will both add capacity to the nearby roadway system and also divert traffic off of roadways in the immediate area of the project. The two roadways which were shown to have some potential capacity problems in the original Analysis submitted in January 1990 are Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. The back up infor- mation shall focus on these two roadways. Addressing Congress Avenue first, since the preparation of the Analysis, Palm Beach County has awarded the contract and construction has commenced for the Widening of Congress Avenue from four to six lanes from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Miner Road. This construction will mean that Congress Avenue within the project's study area will be a six lane divided road. This widening will also provide ade- quate capacity to that section of Congress Avenue which showed a potential deficit. There are two road projects on Boynton Beach Boulevard which will provide additional capacity. Palm Beach County has scheduled the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard from four to six lanes from Old Boynton Road to I-95. This construction has been scheduled for this fiscal year. The second widening is from Military Trail to the Florida Turnpike. This widening is being done by FDOT. Boynton Beach Boulevard is being widened from two to six lanes from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road and from two to four lanes west of El Clair Ranch Road to the Turnpike. Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach December 10, 1990 Winchester Projects Page Two There are two other roadway improvements which are expected to lessen traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue by diverting traffic onto parallel facilities, The missing link of Woolbright Road, between Congress Avenue and Military Trail, is presently under construction. This link will divert traffic off of the links of Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Military Trail. FDOT has scheduled for construction during the current fiscal year the construction of an interchange with 1-95 and N.W. 22nd Avenue. This interchange is also expected to divert traffic off of Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Military Trail as well as Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to N.W. 22nd Avenue. The projected total traffic at each project's buildout was calcu- lated for these roadway links. The total volumes for each project are shown in Figures A & B. As it has been almost a year since the submittal of the original analysis for these two projects, the existing traffic volumes have been updated from 1989 to 1990 AADT. Similarly, the growth rates have been adjust- ed to reflect the 1990 AADT Volumes. Reviewing these Figures it is seen that adequate road capacity is available for these projects. The cumulative impact of each of these two projects is shown in Figure C. There is adequate capacity for both of these projects. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, /~P~. Fla. Reg. No. 24068 KSR I j r Encl. HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS HISTORICAL EXIST. GROWTH 1990 1991 1992 1193 RATE MDT MDT MDT MDT BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, 1-95 - Old Boynton Road 5.59% 45,335 47,869 50,545 53,370 Old Boynton - Congress 7,01% 33,112 35,433 37,917 40,575 Congress - Knuth 12.63%(2) 32,060(1) 36,109 40,670 45,806 Knuth - Lawrence 12.63%(2) 32,062(1) 36,109 40,670 45,806 Lawrence - Military 11.69% 28,002 31,275 34,981 39,015 Military - E1 Clair 9.23% 23,660 25,843 28,228 30,833 CONGRESS AVENUE, N.W. 22nd - Old Boynton 5.84% 30,878 32,681 34,590 36,610 Old Boynton - Boynton BB 5.84% 30,878 32,681 34,590 36,610 Boynton BB - S.W, 15th 12.34% 28,628 32,161 36,129 40,588 (1) The 1990 MDT for this link of Boynton Beach Boulevard was measured at 37,954 which is a 38.7% (10,589 tpd) increase over the 1989 MDT. Reviewing the relative increase in the 1989 to 1990 MDT volumes for the north, east and south sides of the intersection of Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard, there was no similar increase found. Therefore, it is assumed that this 37,954 trip per day figure is an anomaly and should not be utilized. A volume of 32,060 was projected for this link based upon a relationship established with this link and the other three 1 inks of the intersection with Congress Avenue and the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard east of Military Trail. (2) Based upon an estimated 1990 MDT of 32,060 tpd. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC ROADlLink BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: I-95 - Old Boynt. Old Boynt. - Congress Congress - Knuth Knuth - Lawrence Lawrence - Military Military - El Clair CONGRESS AVENUE, NW 22nd - Old Boynt. Old Boynt. - Boynt BB Boynt. BB - SW 15th HISTORICAL GROWTH 8,035 7,463 13,746 13,746 11,013 7,173 5,732 5,732 11 , 960 MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,692 3,493 -0- -0- BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 8,035 7,463 13,746 13,746 11,013 17,865 9,225 5,732 11,960 ....'.....,.,.../)......'"'(:, "1"" Q^19 ~..... o a: o a: a: w ~I lfl , I i O~ ;1' o x :0 ... o .. ,. J: 0- '" ... " J: o w ... all 71 k. s, rogers, consulting engineer, inc, west palm beach, II. o > -' '"k 1ii!;1 l""-.;~ lI).lOol~ 0 (0)0)("'0 co 0 (0)""00 ....C") It) cO- ('I) CD ~ ~? "' ,. ) - , cO-NOI~o .....-MO NO co CD"'" 0 C'\Ir) o ll)C\I 11)<0 M -I~ 3^'t _ I Z a)1l) lO 01'" 0 0 ",,('I)NO MO... cgll)NO <0(") Z o (J)"lt COeD)- C") - ('1)"""0 ~ I CD N N "", - , O..-CDO 00 (00",,"0 -0 Oq)"-O vt? ~-~~ ~~ Otl ~'~ r-- .::IN.lfM V1 ;t z 11 V 1::1.1 - I 0('1)\001"'0 eD"lt'<O- coo <ONCD f'.".M (") ..... -Q;) C\l ..... ""t""t I , , 3~ldNlfn.L o -' o w > << lS31f::l\l3S " _ ,:r (1,10)("'01"'0 ... ....NfQO 00 10 ....(7)""tO \0(0) - C"1 ""-'" C\l <0 /"1 _ I CC1NOOIOO (1,1..,.<0- (1)0 <Oa)(7) -.C? a) - .....<P~ C'\I .... .~(/J :r o << W _ I m 0....<001....0 <OC?""'O MO 0""'''''0 f:VC? C\lC\lMO lDCD I (0) -- ('1)""'1 ~ I I I I I I I SS3tHJNO~ ~""' - ,I ",,,,.,01.,01 OC?_O 100 0000 OM a)-_O Otel Z C\l ........ M"'" ~ ~ 'I z w ,. > o << '" At:lVJ.I1I~ :I: ... '" Q1::I H~N't'ij 1::IIV10 13 ;t '" Dor 01::1 H:)N't'~ T s,va'lfOH REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC KNUTH ROAD PCD N30VH W > << ~ -..::::..... o a: '" N , ~ '" o a: o << o a: << e u. -' o " w " << -' 2 u. " u. . 0001(0 en u::u:a:U:: 0 u.u.....U.O ..J <.cb<U:: .... a: D:Z g:LL. < ........::::> < (.?~OCD: >- zoD:w.... t: -WO......J 0 O.......,~a:<< Z ~ouw... CL xa:<~o < ~wo..mc....o W ...J o-co'Or-- I <0 (0) .. 01" g O"lt""OC\l M N(\IMOCOtO C? ....-C?"'" ~ , date DEC 90 figure A o^,a w .1S3tt~'t3S > 0 .. > -' ....-: III ..... 98-1 V III ~ I > "''''''01.0 .. (')0)(')0 coo "''''''00 -(') 10 co- (')<D :I: III ~ · -r ~ ,.. > ~ I "".., 01. 0" .. ~ : _('\1<0000"- _m'"to to", CO) "", CI) ('IfD (I') -(")11#' ~ I 0 I a: "'0"'0100 '" , ,...,COMO mo '" (010""0 ,...(') I o lOC\I I.D<D "'"'001100 (f) -,~ :I: NO>(D- coo 0 (CcoO) Nt") .. 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III i:i:Li:a:u.. 0 > '"'J :I: u.u.~u..o-, c(<c~ lL,... a~ 90r a:a:z.....l.L.< ~....::> c( C)....oolr> zoa:wf-t:: -lLIol--JU 0 t;;~~ffi<< -00 I-Q., Z xa:<2:0< . W wQ.COQf-O , O~ HON'tti N3'DVH 0 W .... ~ , 0-<00.....0 (0(")...,.0(')0 O.....,....OC\lt") N(\I(')OCO<O ,"ll&"'~"II'" l1. 3~ldN~ni T S,YOIijOH k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, 11. REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC BOYNTON BEACH BLVD PCD '" _1. ~ I dote DEC 90 figure B -.-..~. "~ , OA1a .... o a: o a: a: w ~I 2, I I ! OH ~.,..... ... .. o )( :> -' o .. > :I: .. w -' '" :I: U w -' OH Ji k. s. rogers, consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, II. 9.l-1 I Il)CO Il) 01"'0 (')co(')o 11)0 (')lOOO m(') lO,...cQ- (')(0 .... ,........... ~~ ./ > '" - I CO_NOI~O ,..,m(')O 00 to-,....o tOt') OT""lO(\I It)fQ (f) -(f)~ I 3^V o z .. .. ,z "'~"';o...oo ,....att')o oo~ CO...,.... 0 COt") >- O...lON 1O<Q 0 t') M1m - I O~CDOIOO U),...~O NO 01,(.)""'0 Me? N..,.MO OQ) e? ,...T""""~ ~ I 3:JN31::1M Yl ~ z . , 3~ldNHnl / ---- o -' o llYl::I.l - , OCDI,(.) 0 I~ 0 Q)<OCO- ,... 0 (Q~CO OM M ,.... (\I <0 N - "'.... I OH llY~ OH o > -' .. " ~~ - I Nme?OI"'O :I: _C'l<OO 00 .... ,...m~o \0(') \I) M ,..,0> (\1<0 - (') - (')..,. I - I COOOOI"'O % C\I",<o-""'O o <Olt)m N(') < CO,...,... (\I<O~ :: N ,... ~ifl) - I 0"'" <0 01'" 0 (QCO"tO 0>0 OCD"O "'M (\I"t(')O OeD (') --..,...,. E.:~- I (/) I w I ~ I Ef'~ H.lnN)I I I I I I I I z "'<O"'OI~6 I o O,....-OCDO .... 00000(') I Z CO(\l_O_<O > C\l __<?....W o - l~ CD - , O"tCOOIOO <0(7)""000 0"t"0 C")(') N(')t')O e>><D t') ,....... t')..,. ~ I Otl H:>NVl::I "or OH HONVl::I UJ .lS3t1:>V3S > .. SS3H"NOO AtlVJ.,111Vt :I: .. .. tl1V1:> 13 ~ If) N39VH S,YOU:I01.:l REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC BOYNTON BEACH BLVD PCD AND KNUTH ROAD PCD k T w > .. o a: " .. ~ '" o a: o '" o a: '" 9 .. -' o '" w " .. -' o u.. u.. OO<~ UJ --a::lJ.. 0 lJ..lJ..I-lJ..U...J LLU- <_ <<Oa:LLI- a:a::z....LL< ........::J -< CJ....ooa::> zuo:WI-t: -wCJI-..JO O....~~a::<< Z(t)OOwf-Q. W xa::..:(~ 0..:( "WD.aJO....O W -' . o . NCO<?O OM""O 0000 <0__0 '" ~~ I 1"'0 ",0 0'" 0<0 "'... I date DEC 90 figure C # lJ4.U_N.........U..1<.Ao'fVV...--... . i.,..... - . , '. \ I f P .' ~."f~; '"J::>I'~o .~:,: ~. -:~""".: .,:,. :~, Q.aIll, II!' P'rcopeoty 0........ ~.. . ..... 3715 Golf ROad. Boynton Beach. F1orIdI33436 (407) 737.5100 t .Ltv ..r J. Scott Miller City Manager P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33<425 December 1<4, 1990 RE: Proposed Shopping Center - Southwest Corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. Dear Mr. Miller: The petitions to annex the subject property into the City of Boynton Beach. to change the zoning for AR (Palm Beach County) to PCD (City of Boynton Beach). and to approve a 120,000 square foot shopping center of this 13.87 acre parcel will be held on December 18. 1990. The subject property abuts the Quail Ridge community on the property's west and south sides. We are, therefore, intensely concerned as to how this land is ultimately used and configured. Quail Ridge will be represented at the City Commission meeting of December 18, 1990 to add our voices to those who are protesting the aforementioned petitions. Some of our concerns are the noise, sight and lighting intrusions that figure to be generated by a mall of this size. Traffic, deliveries, accumulations, wildliCe preservation are other issues that would adversely impact the quality of liCe at QUail Ridge. Provisions for containing these must be anticipated now. Therefore, should the applicant's petitions be approved we would expect -- perhaps "demand" is better -- that the petitioner not only retain all existing perimeter vegetation on the property, but agree to work in concert with Quail Ridge to achieve and maintain in perpetuity a uniform, dense, natural screening buffer along the full length of those two common perimeter areas. .. It is further requested that this letter be December 18, 1990 City Commission meeting. Sincerely, ~/~, Community Manager wrRE~"~f)1utes Iyt ", "~l' of your l ~"-'i~ ~::. ""tJY{'J p..,;,--,...., '.- <. - R D .~ r: T 'f. l-E 'F'\-' ...--'''..- ~'_"L:,i." '.v jPB/dmh DEC 19 1990 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE 41')/4 _ ~a~/.s.Yllj . I U~. t:'/ ,P'/AMAIl.AJ6- ~ t taef::. - o,zttW...vz. STEVEN A. LASHLEY'~M & t~ SHERRE COLEMAN 143 N. CONGRESS AVENUE B. BEACH, FL 33426 DECEMBER 20, 1990 CITY MANAGER MR. SCOTT MILLER 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. B. BEACH, FL 33425-0310 ATTN: MAYOR & CITY COMMISSIONERS GENTLEMEN: I, SHERRE COLEMAN, ATTENDED THE CITY MEETING ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1990 SOLELY TO SUBMIT THE ENCLOSED SIGNATURES IN OPPOSITION TO THE TWO SHOPPING CENTERS IN BOYNTON BEACH AT KNUTH ROAD AND WEST OF THE POST OFFICE. WHEN I GOT THERE, THE HALL WAS PACKED FULL WITH PEOPLE WHO WERE THERE WITH ANOTHER PURPOSE. I ASKED THE LADY WHO TAKES ROLL TO WHOM I WOULD SUBMIT THESE SIGNATURES TO AND IT WAS SUGGESTED THAT I MAIL THEM DIRECTLY TO YOU. WE WOULD APPRECIATE ALL THE HELP YOU COULD RENDER TO TURN THIS PROPOSAL DOWN. THANK YOU VERY MUCH. ERRE COLEMAN FOR HERSELF & DR. LASHLEY --" - "(Hi' .B:liCErVE"D DEe 26 1990 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE ,12/14/90 -' -I!-T-I-T-I-O-N THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH HAS BEFORE THE BOARD, A PROPOSAL TO BUILD TWO SHOPPING CENTERS ON BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD (LOCATION BELOW): 1) Boynton, Beach Blvd. and Knuth Road 2) Boynton Beach Blvd. West of Post Office IF YOU ARE CONCERNED THAT THE BUILDING OF THESE SHOPPING CENTERS WOULD ONLY INTENSIFY TRAFFIC IN THE AREA AND TAKE AWAY SOME OF OUR NEEDED OPEN AIR, PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION. THIS PETITION WILL BE TAKEN TO THE OPEN MEETING SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th, 1990 AT CITY HALL. AT 6:00 P.M. IN ADDITION, IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN SUBMITTING A LETTER AGAINST THIS PROPOSAL, PLEASE SEND LETTERS TO THE FOLLOWING: CITY MANAGER MR. SCOTT MILLER 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 -~ THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! 1, \ I KI..y It ...--,- Landscape Architects/Plann... 1561 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 D e~1IlIU523 1 FbS 91071 689-2592 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 Re: Knuth Road P.C.D. - Ref. #799.5 Boynton Beach P.C.~. - Ref. #799.9 Tara Oaks ?U.D. - Ref #799.10 Dear Mr. Cutro, Pursuant to our meeting on 11/30/90, we have enclosed the following for your review: -Letter from Mr. K. S. Rogers, Traffic Consultant for the applicant, detailing confirmed road improvements that positively affect the traffic analysis for Knuth'Road P.C.D and Boynton Beach Blvd. P.C.D. -Proposal from CZR, Inc., Environmental Consultants, for possible Gopher Tor~oise relocation on the Tara Oaks site. This proposal wa~ requested over a month' ago in anticipation of the need to relocate most of the Gopher Tortoise on site due to habitat overpopulation. While we feel that the Tara Oa):s site has been disturbed to the point that it is not a viable native habitat, we are committed to preserving habitat if the City so desires. We have contacted Tom Fucigna with CZR and requeste~ that they arrend th2 above noted proposal to include an environmental assessment of the site. We expect to work with CZR in preparing support documentation for our response report to D.C.A, The above information should help alleviate any concerns you may have regarding approvals for the above noted projects. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to call. Sincerely, ../7/'~ /,~~/~>:*~&,-y Chuck Yannette RECEIVED ----- Olt 4 $ PLANNING DEPT. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH 'I, @" .~' 100 E. Boynlon Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florid. 33435-0310 14071734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR October 26, 1990 Attn: Mr. Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FI 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD, Knuth Road PCD, & Tara Oaks PCD Dear Mr. Kilday: We have recently received the Florida Department of Community Affairs' Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report (ORC) which contains responses to the above-referenced Comprehensive Plan amendments, and am forwarding them to you for your review. A copy has also been provided to the City's Forester/Environmen- talist, and as soon as his comments regarding the scrub habitat, and endangered and threatened species are available, they will be provided to you. As indicated in the Report, the comments must be addressed, amendments revised and adopted, and resubmitted for compliance review within 60 days. Please review the report and provide our office with your responses to each objection by November 13, 1990. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ I J ________ ~ .... 11- CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP planning Director pJR:frb Enc' C: Kilday STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2140 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ C_ October 22, 1990 THOMAS G, PELHAM Secret.". The Honorable Gene Moore Mayor of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mayor Moore: The Department has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendments (DCA No. 90-2 and 90S1) for the City of Boynton Beach, submitted on July 10 and 26, 1990. Copies of the proposed amendments have been distributed to appropriate state, regional, and local agencies for their review and their comments are enclosed. I am enclosing the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report, issued pursuant to Rule 9J-11.010, Florida Administrative Code. Upon receipt of this report, the City of Boynton Beach has 60 days in which to adopt the proposed amend- ments, adopt the amendments with changes, or reject the amendments. The process for adoption of amendments to local comprehensive' plans is outlined in s.163.3184, Florida statutes, and Rule 9J-11.011, Florida Administrative Code. The objections," Recommen- dations and Comments Report does not include objections relating to the stipulated Settlement Agreement amendments; however, objections have been raised on the other amendments which have been submitted. within five working days of the date of adoption, the City of Boynton Beach must submit the following to the Department: Five copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendme~ A signed copy of the adoption ordinance; <:~l11JEI) A listing of additional changes not previously reviewedecT 24 ~ PLANNING DEPT. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PlANNING ANF> MANA"'M'''~ The Honorable Gene Moore October 22, 1990 Page Two A listing of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance; and A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report. The above amendments and documentation are required for the Department to conduct the compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. As a deviation from the requirement above, you are requested to provide one of the five copies of the adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. The regional planning councils have been asked to review adopted amendments to determine local comprehensive plan consistency with the Comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. Please forward these documents to the regional planning council concurrent with your transmittal to the Department. Your cooper- ation is appreciated in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Pennock, Chief, Bureau of Local Planning, or Maria Abadal, Plan Review Administrator at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, ~a~ t.or. Division of ~:~o~~e Planning and Management' RGN/tmm Enclosures: Review Agency Comments cc: James J. Golden, Interim Planning Director Daniel M. cary, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council . DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS FOR BOYNTON BEACH AMENDMENTS 90-2 and 90S1 '. , October 22 1990 Division o~ Resource Planning and Management Bureau of Local Planning Thil report i. prepared punuant to Rule GJ-ll.010' INTRODUCTION The following objections, recommendations and comments are based upon the Department's review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) pursuant to s.163.3184, F.S. Objections (A. in the attached report) relate to specific requirements of relevant portions of Ch. 9J-S, F.A.C., and Ch. 163, F.S. Each objection includes a recommendation of one approach that might be taken to address the cited objection. other approaches may be more suitable in specific situations. Some of these objections may have initially been raised by one of the other state agencies. If there is a difference between the Department's objection and the state agency advisory objection or comment, the Department's objection would take precedence. Each of these objections must be addressed by the local government and corrected when the amendment(s) is resubmitted for our compliance review. Objections which are not addressed may result in a determination that the plan is not in compliance. The Department may have raised an objection regarding missing data and analysis items which the local government considers not applicable to its amendment(s). If that is the case, a statement justifying its non-applicability pursuant to Rule 9J-11.004(2) (f), F.A.C., must be submitted. The Department will make a determination on the non-applicability of the requirement, and if the justification is sufficient, the objection will be considered addressed. The comments (s. in the attached report) which follow the objections and recommendations section are advisory in nature. Comments do not represent objections and will not form bases of a determination of non-compliance. They are included to call attention to items raised by our reviewers. The comments can be substantive, concerning planning principles, methodology or logic, as well as editorial in nature dealing with grammar, . organization, mapping, and reader comprehension. Appended to the back of the Department's report are the comment letters from the other state review agencies and other agencies, organizations and individuals. These comments are advisory to the Department and may not form bases of Departmental objections unless they appear under the "Objections" heading in this report. OBJECTIONS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND COMMENTS city of Boynton Beach Amendments 90-2 and 90S1 FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT A. ' OBJECTIONS Analvsis 1. 9J-5.006(2l (bl4. The proposed Tara Oaks Planned Unit Development (PUD) map amendment of Amendment 90-2, which will increase the density from 4.84 dwelling units per to 9.68 dwelling units per acre, does not include an analysis of the site in order to determine its suitability for use based on natural resources even though an internal City memorandum (Recreation & Park Memorandum #90-278, dated June 5, 1990) states that an assessment of plant and animal species is needed for the site, and should address the existing gopher tortoise (a protected species) and scrub jay (a threatened species) populations. Another internal City memorandum (Planning Department Memorandum #90-177) states that scrub oaks, the scrub jay's habitat, are also found on the site. In addition, another internal City memorandum (Recreation & Park Memorandum #90-321, dated June 18, 1990) states that a preliminary survey of the site on June 15, 1990 revealed that are a significant number of gopher tortoise burrows existing on the site. Recommendation Include an analysis of this site in order to determine its suitability for use based on natural resources. Revise the densities to protect the existing natural resources. Alternatively, increase the amount of open space on the site to protect natural resources. 2. 9J-5.006r2l/cl The proposed Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development (PCD), Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD map amendments of Proposed Amendment 90-2, will change the density or intensity of land use; however, proposed Amendment 90-2 does not include an analysis of the cumulative affect of these land use changes on the amoun~ of land needed to accommodate the projected 1 population. In addition, the proposed map amendments are not consistent with the analysis in the adopted plan, which states that these sites should be developed at lower densities or intensities of use and that an over-allocation of commercial land exists in the city. Recommendation Include an analysis of the cumulative affect of these land use changes on the amount of land needed to accommodate the projected population. Include in the analysis how these land use changes are consistent with the analysis of future land uses in the adopted plan. Goals. Obiectives and Policies 3. 9J-5.006(3)(bll.. (3)(cI3. and 141: and 9J-5.007(3)(bI2. Proposed Amendment 90-2 is not consistent with Objectives 1.3 and 2.1 and Policies 1.3.3 and 2.1.3, which commit the city to coordinating future land uses by limiting the type, intensity and location of land uses to maintain traffic circulation levels of service, because the Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach PCD map amendments will exceed the traffic circulation levels of service. Recommendation Include an analysis of how the Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach peD map amendments are consistent with Objectives 1.3 and 2.1 and Policies 1.3.3 and 2.1.3. Alternatively, revise the densities and intensities of the proposed map amendments to be consistent with Objectives 1.3 and 2.1 and Policies 1.3.3 and 2.1.~. 4. 9J-5.006131IbI4.. 1311c16. and 141 ... The proposed Tara Oaks PUD map amendment of Amendment 90-2 which will allow higher density development on a site where known endangered or threatened species are found, is not consistent with Objectives 1.11 and policies 1.11.2, which commit the city to the protection and preservation of native habitat and endangered species. Gopher tortoises (a protected species) and scrub jays (a threatened species) are known to exist on the site. In addition, an analysis of the site in order to determine its suitability for use based on natural resources has not been included. See also the objection raised for 9J-5.006(2) (b)4. 2 Recommendation Include an analysis of the site in order to determine its suitability for use based on natural resources. Revise the densities to protect the existing natural resources. 5. 9J-5.00613llcl7. and 14l The proposed Knuth Road PCD, Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD map amendments of Proposed Amendment 90-2 are not consistent with Objectives 1.17 and 1.19 and Policies 1.16.4, 1.17.1, 1.17.3, 1.17.8, 1.19.5 and 1.19.6 because these amendments will change the density or intensity of land use, which commit the City to discouraging and preventing increased commercial and residential development. The proposed map amendments will increase the density or intensity of use. In addition, Proposed Amendment 90-2 is not supported by the analysis because an analysis of the cumulative affect of these land use changes on the amount of land needed to accommodate the projected population is not included. See also the objection raised for 9J- 5.006(2) (c). Recommendation Include an analysis of how the proposed map amendments are consistent with Objectives 1.17 and 1.19 and Policies 1.16.4, 1.17.1, 1.17.3, 1.17.8, 1.19.5 and 1.19.6. Include an analysis to resolve the referenced objection for 9J-5.006(2) (c). B. COMMENTS None. CONSERVATION ELEMENT '~ A. OBJECTIONS , Data and AnalVsis 1. 9J-5.01311llbl The proposed Tara Oaks PUD map amendment of Amendment 90-2 does not include an identification of all wildlife and species listed as endangered, threatened or species of special concern found on the site and an analysis of the potential for protection of species listed as endangered, threatened or species of special concern. This is a site where goph~r tortoises 3 (a protected species) and scrub jays (a threatened species) are known to exist and a significant number of gopher tortoise burrows have been found. Recommendation Include an identification of all wildlife and species listed as endangered, threatened or species of special concern found on the site and an analysis of the potential for protection of species listed as endangered, threatened or species of special concern, and in particular address gopher tortoises and scrub jays. For example, the threatened eastern indigo snake is a commensal of the gopher tortoise and use gopher tortoise burrows as habitat. In addition to the eastern indigo snake, more than 80 other wildlife species, including the threatened scarab beetle, and species of special concern, such as the gopher frog, pine snake and burrowing owl, use gopher tortoise burrows as habitat. Goals. Obiectives and Policies 2. 9J-5.013121Ib14. and 1211c15. The proposed Tara Oaks PUD map amendment of Amendment 90-2 is not consistent with Objective 4.5 and Policy 4.5.1, which commit the city to the protection and preservation of native habitat and endangered and threatened species, because the proposed amendment will allow higher density development on a site where gopher tortoises (a protected species) and scrub jays (a threatened species) are known to exist and a significant number of gopher tortoise burrows have been found. See also the objections raised for 9J- .006(2) (b)4. and 9J-5.013(1) (b). Recommendation '~ Include an analysis of how the proposed map amendment is consistent with Objective 4.5 and Policy 4.5.1. Include an analysis to resolve the referenced objections for 9J-.006(2) (b)4. and 9J-5.013(1)(b). B. COMMENTS None STATE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY A. OBJECTIONS 4 . 1. 9J-5.021l11 Proposed Plan Amendment 90-2 does not adequately address and further the following state Comprehensive Plan goals and policies: (a) Goal 10 (Natural Systems and Recreational Lands), Policies 1 and 3 because the Tara Oaks PUD map amendment will allow higher density development on a site where gopher tortoises and scrub jays are found and the amendment does not protect endangered and threatened species. (b) Goal 16 (Land Use), Policy 1 because the cumulative impacts of the Knuth Road PCD, Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD does not encourage efficient development and maintain level of service standards for roadways. (c) Goal 20 (Transportation), pOlicy 13 because the level of service standards for roadways cannot be maintained. Recommendation Revise Plan Amendment 90-2 to be compatible with and further the above referenced state Comprehensive Plan goals and objectives. B. COMMENTS None REGIONAL POLICY PLAN CONSISTENCY A. OBJECTIONS 1. 9J-5.021l1l '. proposed Plan Amendment 90-2 does not adequately address and further the following Regional Policy Plan goals and policies: (a) Goal 10.2.1 (Natural Systems and Recreational Lands), Policies and because the Tara Oaks PUD map amendment will allow higher density development on a site where gopher tortoises and scrub jays are found and the amendment does not protect endangered and threatened species. (b) 'Goal 16.1.1 (Land Use), Policy 16.1.2 because the 5 cumulative impacts of the Knuth Road PCD, Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD does not encourage efficient development and maintain level of service standards for roadways. Recommendation Revise Plan Amendment 90-2 to be compatible with and further the above referenced goals and objectives of the Treasure Coast comprehensive Regional Policy Plan. B. COMMENTS None '. "" " \'~i~'> ~~I ',? :"",.("r ,""~ STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE' T^LLAHASSEE, fLORIDA 32399 Governor THOMAS G. PELHAM Secretar)' BOB MARTINEZ July 18, 1990 Mr. Timothy P. Canon Interim Planning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Dear Mr. Canon: Thank you for submitting copies of your proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) for our review. We have conducted a preliminary inventory of the plan amendment package pursuant to Rule 9J-ll.006, F.A.C., to verify the inclusion of all required materials. Our reference number for this amendment package is Boynton Beach 90-1. The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed in accordance with pro- cedures contained in Chapter 9J-ll, F.A.C. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting docu- mentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. If you have any questions, please contact Georgia Katz at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, RECEIVED 1<r4T- rL...d. RP/gkr JUt 2$ 1990 PLANNING PE.PT. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND M^N^GEMENT CITY :of' BOYNTON BEACH D R AFT ~ ~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach. florlda 33435.0310 14071734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July 10, 1990 Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning & Management State of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: Transmittal of Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find ten copies of documents for the following Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the City of Boynton Beach: 1. Knuth Road PCD (Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments) 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD (Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments) 3. Tara Oaks PUD (Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments) 4. Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - Future Land Use Map Amendment 5. Winchester Property Text Amendment 6. Adult Entertainment in the Industrial Land Use Category 7. Amendments to Levels of Service for Recreation Facilities 8. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated Settlement Agreement Between The City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- July 10, 1990 The above Amendments were considered by the Planning and Zoning Board on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, and also by the City Commission on Tuesday, June 19, 1990, at public hearings which were held after due public notice. The Boynton Beach City commission has approved the transmittal of these Plan Amendments to the Department of Community Affairs. With respect to Rule 9J-ll.006, which outlines the procedure and requirements for transmitting Plan Amendments, please be advised of the following: (l)(a) 1. The proposed month of adoption for these Plan Amendments will be based upon the date of completion of DCA's review within the 90 day statutory review period. It is anticipated that second reading of the ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element/text and rezone (where appropriate for each Amendment) will occur within 60 days of receipt of comments from your agency. Assuming that the documents and information contained herein are sufficient, it is anticipated that second and final reading of the appropriate ordinances for these Amendments will occur in November of this year. (l)(a) 2. The proposed Amendments are not in an area of critical state concern. (l)(a) 3. The proposed Amendments do not constitute an exemption from the twice per year calendar limitation on the adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendments. (l)(a) 4. The Amendments are not proposed to be adopted under a joint planning agreement. (l)(a) 5. Contact person: James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FI 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 738-7490 (1)(b)I&2.Ten copies of the entire amended Comprehensive Plan are enclosed, since this transmittal includes Amendments which address the Notice of Intent to Find The Comprehensive Plan Not in Compliance. The information required for items (l)(bl 1 and (ll(b) 2 is included on the Future Land Use Map. TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -3- July 10, 1990 (1)(b) 3.The size of the subject property for Amendments No.1 through 4 is contained within the staff report for these Amendments, and is included on the master plans for Amendments No. 1 through 3. The size of the subject property is not applicable to Amendments No. 5 through 8. (1) (b) 4.For Amendments No.1, 2 and 3 above, a description of the availability of and the demand on public facilities is provided as outlined below: Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water Correspondence is provided from the City Utilities Department under cover sheet entitled "Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water" for each of the 3 projects. Solid Waste Correspondence is provided from the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority under cover sheet entitled "Solid Waste" for each of the 3 projects. Drainage Correspondence is provided from the Lake Worth Drainage District under cover sheet entitled "Drainage" for each of the 3 projects. Traffic Circulation All documentation concerning traffic can be found in Exhibit "0" of the 3 staff reports (Planning Dept. Memorandums No. ~ 90-157, 90-161, and 90-177), with the exception of the applicant's traffic impact analysis, which can be found under the cover sheet entitled "Applicant's Traffic Impact Analysis" for each of the 3 projects. Recreation With respect to Amendments No. I, 2, and 3, the Tara Oaks PUD, Amendment No.3, represents the only residential development of these projects. The recreation issues are outlined in the staff report (Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-177) and the conceptual details are shown on the proposed master plan for the PUD. TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -4- JUly 10, 1990 With respect to Amendment NO.4, the Woolbright Place land use element amendment for Poinciana Park was submitted pursuant to a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement for Tradewinds Development Corporation vs. The City of Boynton Beach. The language concerning public facilities for this development is contained in The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents (Volume No.1), Section VIII, Planning Area 8, item 8.a. on page 91. A copy of page 91 can be found in the agenda packet behind Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-148. The remaining Amendments-- No. 5 through 7--are non-development related Amendments that do not create a demand for public facilities. (l)(b) 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendments with the Land Use Element objectives and policies and those of other affected elements can be found in the staff report for Amendments 1 through 4, as outlined below: 1. Knuth Road PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-161 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-157 3. Tara Oaks PUD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-177 4. Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-148 (1) (c) The staff recommendations are contained within the memorandum listed under item (l)(b) 5 for Amendments 1 through 4. For Amendments 5 through 8, the staff recommendations are contained in the following memorandums: 1. Reference Amendment ~5-Winchester Text Amendment - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-163 2. Reference Amendment ~6-Adult Entertain- ment in the Industrial Land Use Category - Planning Dept. Memorandum dated June 4, 1990 from Timothy P. Cannon to the Planning and Zoning Board TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -5- July 10, 1990 3. Reference Amendment *7-see par. 4 below 4. Reference Amendment *8-Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated Settle- ment Agreement Between the City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the Planning Dept. Memorandum dated June 4, 1990 from Timothy P. Cannon to the Planning and Zoning Board The recommendations from the Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Board) are outlined below: 1. Knuth Road PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-186 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-185 3. Tara Oaks PUD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-187 4. Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-183 5. Winchester Text Amendment - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-188 6. Adult Entertainment in the Industrial Land Use Category Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-190 7. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-191 8. Amendments to Levels of Service for Recreation Facilities - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-191 The recommendations from the Local Government Body (City Commission) are outlined below: 1. Knuth Road PCD - see attached draft approval letter Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - see attached draft approval letter 2. 3. Tara Oaks PUD - see attached draft approval letter TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -6- July 10, 1990 4. Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - see attached draft approval letter 5. Winchester Text Amendment - see attached draft approval letter 6. Adult Entertainment in the Industrial Land Use Category--the City Commission unanimously recommended approval of this proposed Amendment 7. Same as #8 below 8. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated Settlement Agreement Between the City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs--the City Commission unanimously recommended approval of these proposed Amendments If you have any questions concerning these Plan Amendments, please do not hesitate to contact Senior Planner James J. Golden. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ J! 6_.~~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Kieran Kilday Central File C:DCADraft Ji=t+-ll-'91 FRI 15:33 !D:KILMY b ASSOCIATES TEL NO:4el7-669-2592 11913 P02 ....,.,et . -S- " '-' SOLJ WASTE AUIHORI1Y v OF PALM BEACH COUN'IY 7801 North Jog Rood Weet h1m Il<aob, Florida 33412 Telephone (407) 64C.IiOOO June 29, 1990 Hr. Charles Yannette Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects & Planners 1551 ForuM Place - Suite 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Availability of Solid Waste Facilities; Your Project Numbers 799.5, 799.9 and 799.10 Dear Mr. Yannette: This is In response to your letters dated June 25, 1990 requesting availability of solid waste facilities for the above-referenced projects. The Solid Vaste Authority of Palm BlIach County is in the process of implementing Its Comprehllnsive Solid Waste Management Plan. This Plan is designed to accommodate the County's waste disposal requirements through build- out and beyond. The Plan envisions the development of two major resource recovery facilities with associated sanitary landfills and a series of six solid waste transfer stations. At the present time, all solid waste in Palm Beach County is disposed of at the North County Resource Recovery Facility site. Based upon the through- put capacl ty of the waste-to-energy facil ity and associated landfill s, the Authority is able to adequately manage and provide disposal capacity for the County's waste disposal requirements through the year 2000, barring any unforeseen emergency, such as a hurricane, which could have an immediate and negative impact on such capacity. As additional facilities are added to this systell and the recycling program is integrated. our ability to manage the wastestream and provide disposal capacity will be extended accordingly. DLL/ja cc: Timothy F. Hunt, Jr. Mark Ha11lllOlld Mark Eyeington Marc Bruner James Adams RJ2(:E]fl~~:Q., I" . ." /1 J,.. ,.,d~~i .. ~ V'I ( PLANi~ING DEcPI" '\ -- -, JAN-ll-'91 FRI 15:34 :D:KILDA1' & ASSO::IATES TEL 110:407-689-2592 0111 v LAKE WOFlTH DAAINAGIi DISTRICT 13011 MILITARY TRAIL DIlLflAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 June Z7, 1990 Mr. Charles C. Yannetta Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Availability of Drainage Facilities for 13.87 Ac. Planned Commercial Development at Southwest Corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Blvd. Dear Mr. Yannette: The subject parcel is in the Lateral Canal No. 24 drainage basin and as such is entitled to drain to the L-24 which is approximately 300 feet north of the subject parcel. Providing you have legal access to l-24, your parcel can discharge the currently permitted quantity and quality of water as provided for in the policies of the Lake Worth Drainage District and the South Florida Water Management Oistrict. You are required to obtain a drainage connection permit prior to beginning construction. If you have any questions, please call Mr. Patrick A. Martin, P.E., of this office. Very truly yours, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT c21~ ;/~- Richard S. Wheelihan Ass't. Manager RSW:jma OIlray lINen .. 80CI Raton 481-&183 . EIoYnIon BMcft I: wen Palm BMch 737.-:15 11913 P03 7""" 4"" ....."..... ~ lilooovo-' C. ....IOV_... -,- ~ Will..... Q. WI...,. -- ",....... ..-- ......... ....rv.lIC_.~.A. /'" ( .JAN-11-'91 FRl 15:35 !D:VILDAY & RSSOCIATES 'fa NO:407-689-Z= 11913 F'04 '-' v KIlday .., IIIt.. I.tndoolpe A,dtltetIs/PI.nn... 1111 FonIm PI... Sulll lOOA WOOl Pllm iNOh, Rorido 33401 (407) ..&622 . FIX: (407) _-2692 June 2S, 1990 Mr, Riohard Wbeelihan take Worth Drainage District 13081 Military Trail Delray Beach, FL 33445 Re: Availability of Drainage Facilities for 13.87 Ac. Planned Commercial Development Our Project No. 799.5 Dear Mr. Wheelihan, OUr office is currently in the process of obtaining Annexation, Land Use Amendment and Rezoning (peD) approval in the city of Boynton Beach for a 13.87 ac. tract of land on the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard IS.R. 804). As part of the approval prooeee, we are required by the Florida Department of community Affairs to provide a description of the availability of and demand on drainage faoilities pursuant to 9J- 11.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. The City has asked us to provide them with a letter from your office indicating the above. The proposed use is a 120,000 sq. ft. retail shopping center. Enclosed is a copy of the proposed Master plan for your use. Due to time constraints imposed by City staff, I would aek that you pleaee contaot me at 689-5522 when the above noted letter is ready and I will have our runner pick it up. Your help in thie matter is greatly appreoiated. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to oall. Sincerely, /~/~~- ~harles C. Ya~te Encl. h j' , , , - , i , , :1 I III f" , I , 'J t. , , t r',ni I m I _ t._ i "'.ii-It ;;0.::.1 " L '~ ' ,'\.. " " Ii t + , t - t , , , '. T ii U , , .. , , i'" i,oJ i' ","'/ i t I ... ,- t h 'I it =~ :; :: P,i:;;- 1 C! 1 ~~':1D, I! "i:; ~. . i .,; ~- i -\ "; ,_'I .!i 1,_ ti il .:::' rn t t ::~ l 'I.: , " '" ,'0, , f "ii, ~ i ", ,I;" I, ~ I' ,I I '1 ,:illl ;i. t ~- I'i , ; I I . I ~ eL" , 'I iii " ~~, I }::;i^,uth r~0,;5d PCD , i '. 1 ~,' I I ,'] i t- i i,i 'i,'! Iii' 1'1, , 'II j' i" I, 1"'1 IIJ :111 u, " :31- ." il; ~.) "), Ii '''1 t' ;i' :i'l 'I ! i i ,:' j [I' t- ".!_ :11< ,.ll.!!"':c:.., : ~I :~1 ) ,J t i <,. n~' \ U ,~~ t- ':': ~:, f I' I' :' ii (,:";;.11 (: .:' I -i ': \,1)' ~ i I '~i '.1 , " ',~ .j L D " C T:i !: ' .>! (-'I :1" I I 'J .:, I ,~. :~":t il t + ., '..I , , J :~; n .~, .>'.1t ..1 . , ~ r. '. ( ~'- . i'!" ,:.1 1: t I , .. j\'i ;':J V I ! j ,-, ',/./ , f j h ,m r. '. ',,/,,10, t!-, ':"" L 'i; '.) :: i', t II' !i" n~ ,-I ; t 'i,' '.. " [,1.,-:,-, i-I ,:! 1 ,(: ! c' 'I I I. i .'111 c "<1: I.' " , i j'll 1 'i I' Ut , : I, ~, . ~"I '1-' ':'11'< " t ri 1 i"'I'C ).1 Ii'lt'i l'li " ,i: "r'j ,', !ii,' i-I ,I' h:Jt 1'-1 t~ I , 1 ~; ~ '"I' ',' I'.' , : i. n 1 i'l '~.j .'j::' I.,' . ~ ! ", ~ 1 i I,,,' I i'l ,:;!! 1 ' 'I~I ,:'j .~ " , I' i'l ~, , t i",. in:: n. I,i"[ ii .-,f 0: + ~' i~' :1 t '.11"'" r' ,t ;,,- 'j]1' !', . , ~ L ' I I oii:' I."i t , I " , . I , , " I -. i'! - I .1 :', L ,"" I - ~ !I - t I .:, ~- '~1 :) f , 'OJ I" ! I ~ ,i " t t. '3 t I, i \' lit " "tI f':'I' \/.,1 jU Ii 211 '-.' r U",'lli i c.;:-::) 1,- ",I ',,/1 i 1 " 1-1', -:'( -I "t:,': t rr. {'I'" , l..., . j, 1:1 ,I :r. .~ I, :. 1 i I ~ I ''": CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ 100 E. Boynlon Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 7 June 1990 Mr. Alan Ennis Palm Beach County Engineering Department P.O. Box 2429 Building S-1170,PBIA West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis for Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD and Knuth Road PCD Dear Mr. Ennis: Please be advised that the City staff found the applications for the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD and Knuth Road PCD to be complete as of the submittal date of January 30, 1990. The City considers any application which is sufficiently complete to allow process- ing through the staff and various city boards to be a complete application. In the case of both of the above-mentioned applications, the items listed in the letter to the applicant, dated February 13, 1990, were minor in nature. The only missing item which could be possibly considered substantial in nature were the requirements for a subdivision master plan, however, since these sites will each be developed as a single shopping center, the lack of subdivision plans did not constitute a major ommission. All of the improvements which would be required for a subdivision were shown on the conceptual site plans for the PCD's, or would be constructed as a part of the shopping center site. Since the City considers the two applications to have been complete as of the submission date, the City will continue to process these applications, subject to the applicant demonstrating that the roadway levels of service, as set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan, would be maintained, as well as applicable levels of service in the unincorporated area. The provisions of the City's Plan and Code Ordinances which were in effect at the time these applications were submitted require that a traffic impact analysis be submitted when property is rezoned, using the methodology and standards utilized by Palm Beach County, but subject to the levels of service set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan. TO: Mr. Alan Ennis Page Two 6/7 /90 If you have any questions with regard to these applications, please feel free to contact me. The City appreciates your review and comments regarding the traffic studies which were submitted for these two projects. The Planning Department will recommend that the approval of these applications be conditioned upon maintaining the adopted levels of service within the City, as well as the adopted levels of service in the unincorporated area. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~ Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director TPC/cmc cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Vincent Finizio, Engineering Dept. 2851 John Street SUite One Markham, Ontano L3R 5R? (416) 477.9200 Facs.mile: (416) 477.7390 NORTII AMERICAN ACQUISITIONS CORP. May 28, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 BO"i"NTONBEACH, Flurida 33425.0310 U.S.A Dear Mr. Golden: RE: LAND USE AND ZONING CHANGE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP LTD. KNUTH ROAD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MICHAELA. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PLANNED COMMERCIAL .....--------------.---------------------------------.----------------------------------.--------- This letter is to express our concern with regard to the above-noted applications. North American are the owners of the Boynton Plaza located at the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. and Congress Ave. These applications proposing large retail developments could have detrimental impacts on the viability of Boynton Plaza and its tenants. It would be appreciated if the City of Boynton Beach could continue to keep us informed of any future pubric hearings, etc. and the progression of these application~. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Yours truly, d~1 ~:~~~t~ . IJ Planning & Research SKB*pb RECEIVED "ll99O PLANNING DEPT, - . -... -- . .., CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.Bl11 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR April 16, 1990 Mr. Dennis R. Foltz, A.I.C.P. Planning Director Palm Beach County 800 13th street, P.B.I.A. West Palm Beach, FL 33406 RE: Notification of Annexation Applications Dear Mr. Foltz: Enclosed you will find a copy of the application, site plan and related documentation for the following annexation applications: 1) Mall Corner Restaurant 2) Retail/Oil-Lube 3) Service Station 4) Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD 5) Knuth Road PCD In addition to the above, there are two more annexation applications pending which have not been forwarded to our City Clerk for advertising at the request of the applicant. One of these applications includes application no. 3 above and a portion of application no. 2. If the applicant decides to proceed with these applications, application no. 3 would be withdrawn and application no. 2 would be modified accordingly. I will notify you concerning the status of these additional applications when a decision has been made. Applications no. 1, 2 and 3 are scheduled for public hearings on May 8 and May 15, 1990. Applications no. 3 and 4 are scheduled for pUblic hearings on June 12 and 19, 1990. Mr. Dennis R. Foltz - 2 - April 16, 1990 Please provide our office with your comments prior to the scheduled public hearing dates. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH r'<' ,;1, ~~L JAMES .:f. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:cp cc: Interim planning Director Central File Encls. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR April 3, 1990 Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc. Attn: Mr. Walter Keller PO Box 9740 Coral Springs, Fl 33075-9740 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis for Two Shopping Centers Proposed on the south Side of Boynton Beach Boulevard West of congress Avenue Dear Walt: Enclosed you will find a copy of the traffic impact analysis and master plan for the following annexation, land use element and rezonings to Planned Commercial Development (PCD): 1. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD 2. Knuth Road PCD Please review the above for consistency with the Levels of Service and criteria contained within the City of Boynton Beach comprehensive Plan Traffic Circulation Element and section 9.c.4.h(5) of the City's Zoning Regulations and provide our office with your comments by no later than May 11, 1990. Include in your analysis any recommendations for right-of-way dedication, turn lane improvements, signalization, etc., that would be necessary pursuant to Comprehensive policies or Palm Beach County/FDOT policies or standards. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, JJG:frb Encs CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH rf- AiL JAMES . GOLDEN Senior City Planner A:WKeller cc: City Manager Central File CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, f1o,lda 33435.0310 (407) 734-B111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 5, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Annexations Dear Mr. Kilday: The Planning Department has reviewed your letter of February 13, 1990 and the additional items submitted. Our comments are as follows: General Issues 1. The proposed .80 acre service station is currently a portion of a 25.3 acre parcel which is proposed to be annexed as part of the Mall South application. Therefore, this parcel can be zoned PCD and it is not intended in the Comprehensive Plan that the .80 acre parcel be removed from the 25.3 acre parcel. Concerning the proposed Mall Corner Restaurant and Retail/Oil Lube applications, these two parcels do not meet the minimum acreage requirements for rezoning to PCD. However, it is the intent of the Comprehensive Plan that the above parcels be combined as part of a unified development, rather than developed on a piecemeal basis. Because these parcels fall within Planning Area 7 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, any rezoning to other than the PCD zoning district would be inconsistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. As noted by the Interim Planning Director, the word "should" as opposed to "shall" has no bearing on this matter as far as DCA is concerned. In order to place these three parcels in the C-3 zoning category, an application for a text amendment will be required. Only one application would be necessary to amend the text lanaguage for Planning Area 7 to cover all of the parcelS which lie within this area. TO: Kilday & Associates -2- Mar. 5, 1990 2. The DRI issue is scheduled to be reviewed by the City Commission at the March 6, 1990 meeting. 3. As documented in the description for each application in the February 13, 1990 correspondence, staff is aware of the ownership issues. Concerning the proposed Mal,l South Parcel (49.52 acresl, this parcel is being placed in a commercial land use and zoning category and the analysis of impacts on infrastructure are required pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Regulations (Section 9.c.4l. In addition, this information will also be required by DCA, as outlined in the last paragraph of the February 13th correspondence. Concerning the status of the six applications, the following items noted in the February 13, 1990 correspondence are still outstanding: I. Proposed Service Station -l-tem-no _,1. ;' II. rc Is Concerning item no. 3, the signed at wa mitted does not include Ernest Klatt's signa ture. The-photoGepy--ef "enly-Brnest -Klatt's signature on page 7 is not acceptable. The original page 7 of the application should be removed, signed by Ernest Klaff and returned, or a- new- ,fully signed original of page 7 should be submitted. III. Proposed Mall Corner Restaurant -'Items llU ,_, >i and 4. The signatur.e.._of the--applic"anE-isstill missing from page--oaiia: the original signed copy~hould be modifi~aeeordingly. IV. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube ,I-rem 'no...-l. V. Knuth Road PCD Items no. 4, 5 and 8. Concerning item no. 4, an original signed copy is necessary. VI. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Items no. 4 and 7. The above items should be submitted in two copies for standard zoning districts and 3 copies for planned zoning districts. six additional copies of the subdivision master plan for the rezonings to PCD will be required for review by the Technical Review Board (9 totall. TO: Kilday & Associates -3- Mar. 5, 1990 If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTOr BEACH ~ f ~"-- JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb cc: City Manger Central File KildayII ~'. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ '. . : !.. . ~, I'f. '" ~. 100 E. Boynlon Beach Blvd, P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 14071 734.BlIl I OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 13, 1990 Kilday & Associates, Inc. Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 , , Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that the Planning Department six applications submitted on January 31, 1990. as follows: has reviewed the Our comments are I. Proposed Service Station (.80 acres) at southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road owned by Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A, Winchester (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply wttl;1 the text language for Planning Area 7 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (3) The water/sewer impact statement required pursuant to items 6 and 7 on pages 4 and 5 is based on comparison of existing and proposed zoning categories and not . existing and proposed land use categories. The statement also does not indicate that calculations are based on the standards adopted by the Palm Beach county Health Department. I ~_.._-~-_._- ----,--~- TO: Kilday & Assoc -2- Feb. 13, 1990 II. Proposed Mall South Parcels (49.52 acres total) located on the east and west sides of Winchester Park Boulevard between old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, owned by Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester, and Ernest Klatt (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. ( 2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (3 ) (4 ) (5 ) Pursuant to item c(l) on page 3 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, written consent to the processing of this application from Ernest Klatt. ! ., ~ Pursuant to item d(3) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a tree survey which meets the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree preservation Ordinance. Pursuant to item h on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a compari- son of the impacts that would be created by develop- ment under the proposed zoning with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: (a) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under th~ proposed zoning or development. (b) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. (c) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (d) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with' the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements I I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -3- Feb. 13, 1990 that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For proposed developments which would generate three-thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required. Said traffic impact analysis shall include projected trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersections within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well as traffic that would utilize local streets through residential zoning districts. said traffic impact analysis shall compare traffic levels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development of the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent cities, and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within' a radius of five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are, not currently zoned for urban land uses, the potential' land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the density range shown on the County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of traffic generation at build-out has been adopted or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traffic in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. The format and standards used in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those which are required by Palm Beach county, with the exception of the requirements list,ed above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recommendations for the mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted by or are utilized by Palm Beach County. (e) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the TO: Kilday & Assoc. -4- Feb. 14, 1990 water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (f) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison I of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (g) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the " proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows' , , shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (h) For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more tha~ fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall also provide projections for the number of employees. I I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -5- Feb. 14, 1990 III. Proposed Mall Corner Restaurant (1.34 acres) at the southwest corner of old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Mall Corner, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Documents, an application for a comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) A standard City of Boynton Beach application form for the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application (the reproduction submitted is not acceptable). (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) Signature of applicant (owner) on page 6 of the Annexation Application. , , \ (5) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (6) Pursuant to item h(B) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. IV. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube (2.44 acres) at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by winchester, Winchester, Zeiher and Schroeder, a Florida General Partnership (applications for. annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) since a portion of the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. TO: Kilday & Assoc. -6- Feb. 13, 1990 (3) Correct "Proposed Zoning" on page 3 of Annexation application, as a County land use category has been indicated instead of the proposed City zoning category. (4) Pursuant to item hell on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (5) Pursuant to item h(B) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. V. Proposed Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development (13.871 acres) at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road owned by the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: , , . (1) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was submitted). (2) Since a portion of the proposed land use and zoning categories does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.j of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) Signature of applicant is missing from page 6 of Annexation Application (copy of owner's authorization signed by Bill R. Winchester). (5) A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City oflBoynton Beach Tree Preservation ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.1(b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations). (6) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -7- Feb. 13, 1990 (7) Pursuant to item h(8) of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (8) Pursuant to item h(ll) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. VI. Proposed Boynton Beach Boulevard Planned Conmmercial Development (14.76 acres) on the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard owned by University of Florida Foundation, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant, to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was submitted). \ , (2) Since the proposed land use and zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.k of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.1 (b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations. (5) Pursuant to item h(l) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). (6) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (7) Pursuant to item h(ll) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -8- Feb. 13, 1990 I Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. (8) Signature of Owner/Trustee is missing from page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application. Pursuant to Chapter 163.3187 F.S., none of the applications submitted meet the criteria for small scale development activities as a result of the text amendments that are necessary and the fact that an amendment cannot involve the same property more than once a year or the same owner's property within 200 feet of property granted a change within a period of 12 months. It appears likely that several of these applications, either separately or when considered together, may constitute ,a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Therefore, a description of the petitions, a map showing same, and a tabulation of the acreages will be forwarded to the City Commission. The Commission will need to decide whether a binding letter should 'be requested from DCA regarding DRI status. " , If the City Commission approves the transmittal of these applications to DCA, you will be required to submit to the Planning Department, prior to transmittal, a description of the availability of and demand on public facilities pursuant to 9J-ll.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. If ~ou have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNT~N~~ACH ~'f' ~'L- JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior city Planner JJG:frb cc: City Manager Central File Kilday