AGENDA DOCUMENTS PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-186 .' , ~ TO: ~ J. Scott Miller, City Manager FROM: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director DATE: June 13, 1990 SUBJECT: Land use Element Amendment/Rezoning/Text Amendment Knuth Rd PCD Please place the above referenced item on the City Commission Agenda for Tuesday. June 19, 1990 under Public Hearings. DESCRIPTION: Request to show annexed land as "Local Retail commercialt! land use and to rezone from AR (Agricultural Residential) in Palm Beach County to PCD (Planned Commercial Development), to allow for the construction of a 120,000 square foot Shopping center. Project is located on West Boynton Beach Boulevard at Knuth Road, southwest corner. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Board recommended approval of this request, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached, and further suPject to developer's agreement with residents of Banyan Creek, which is to be further negotiated. :z::-- /? "'^-~ ~~ &~~ , TIMO P. CANNON JJG:frb Enos A:PM90-l86 ...- PLANNING DEPT, MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 THRU: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon 71/ Interim Planning Director TO: FROM: James J. Golden Senior City planner DATE: June 8. 1990 SUBJECT: Requests for Annexation, Future Land Use Element Amendment, Rezoning, and Comprehensive plan Text Amendment Submitted by Kilday & Associates for Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee (Knuth Road peD) - File No. 494 SummarY: Kieran J. Kilday, agent for Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, is requesting that a 13.87 acre parcel be annexed into the City, rezoned from AR (Agricultural Residential) in Palm Beach County to a PCD (Planned commercial Development). and that the Future Land Use Plan designation for this parcel be amended from "Conunercial 3" in Palm Beach County to "Local Retail Corrunercial, II in the city. In addition, the applicant has submitted an application for a Text Amendment to Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, which currently reads as follows: 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational Land Use and Zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, the owner or developer should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 feet of this property, in accordance with the adopted Boynton Beach Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential Land Use category. Building heights on this proeprty should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25) feet, since 1 and 2 story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. The amendment to Area 7. j. would be necessary to allow for the issuance of a Development Order, pursuant to Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes, since the proposed development is not consistent with this section of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcel occupies 613 feet of frontage on West Boynton Beach Boulevard and 985 feet of frontage on Knuth Road. (see attached location map in Exhibit "A"). The property is currently vacant and is occupied by exotics and several stands of slash pines. The proposed use of this property, if rezoned, would be to develop it for a 120,000 square foot shopping center, inclUding two outparcels (see attached master plan in Exhibit nB") . Surroundinq Land Use and Zonina (see attached location map in Exhibit "All): Abutting the subject parcel to the north is a 106 foot wide right-of-way for West Boynton Beach Boulevard. Abutting the subject parcel to the east is the existing 60 foot wide right-of-way for Knuth Road. Further to the east, across Knuth Road, are the Plaza West and Knuth Road office buildings zoned C-1 (Office PrOfessional), and the Stonehaven Planned Unit PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO, 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members. Planning & Zoning Board June 8. 1990 Page 2 Development zoned PUD, which consists of single-family zero lot line units (a/k/a Banyan Creek). Abutting the subject parcel to the south and west is the Quail Ridge golf course, zoned AR (Agricultural Residentiall in Palm Beach County. Proposed RezonlnQ (see master plan in Exhibit "Sn): According to Section 6-F.l of Appendix A, Zoning. the purpose of the PCD zoning district "is to provide a zoning classification for commercial developments that will better satisfy current demands for conunercially zoned lands by encouraging development which will reflect changes in the concepts and technology of land development and relate the development of land to the specific site, to conserve natural amenities and to allow for the mitigation of negative impacts which result from land development. The proposed development is a 120,000 square foot retail shopping center which includes two outparcels: a financial institution and a restaurant. A ten foot wide greenbelt is provided along the northern boundary, and along a portion of the eastern property boundary--where the subject parcel abuts non-residential zoning categories. A twenty-five foot wide greenbelt is provided along portions of the east, south, and west property boundaries where the SUbject parcel abuts residential-zoned parcels in Boynton Beach (Stonehaven) PUD and Palm Beach County (Quail Ridge North). The proposed perimeter greenbelt conforms to the requirements of the PCD zoning district regulations. Access is provided by a driveway onto West Boynton Beach Boulevard and two driveways onto Knuth Road. Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use Map and Text: The property in question is currently shown on the Future Land Use Element for the Reserve Annexation Area as a combination of "Moderate Density Residential" and "Local Retail Commercial", so an amendment to the Future Land Use Element to "Local Retail Conunercial", as requested by the applicant, would be necessary. In addition, Area 7. j, of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents contains the following language: 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational Land Use and Zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely. however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, the owner or developer should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 feet of this property, in accordance wi th the adopted Boynton Beach Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential Land Use category. Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1 and 2 story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast, The applicant has submitted an application for do Comprehensive Plan Text Mnendment to Area 7.j. above. The proposed amendment reads as follows: PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman' Members. Planning' Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 3 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as II. golf and tennis facility, If developed as such, a Recreational Land Use and Zoning designation would be appropriate, It is likely, however that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, the applicant should be required to submit an application for annexation, The City should permit Local Retail Commercial eft-~fte-fter~fterft-~~5-fee~-ef-~ft~s-preper~Y7-~ft aeeerdaftee-w~tft-~fte-adepted-BeYft~eft-Beaeft-Be~ievard-piaft.--~fte reMaiftder-ef-~fte-preper~y-sfte~id-be-piaeed-ift-~he-Hederate BeftsitY-Re.ideft~iai-iaftd-~se-eate~ery. BUilding heights on this property should be limited, however. to 2 stories (25 feet). since 1 and 2 story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. An amendment to Area 7.j. would be necessary. given the proposed nature of the development. Procedure: These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, text amendment, and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes and Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S, 163,3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, 2. F.S, 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: MuniCipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix AJ Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. · 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance *79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution 176-X: Procedures for Annexation. Boynton Beach Section 9.C: Rezonings. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Briefly, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and Ci ty Corrunission, review by the Department of Conununity Affairs, and Corrunission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element/Text, and rezone. These procedures take approximately 8 to 9 months to complete. 7. Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Comprehensive Plan Amendments/ Planned Commercial Development Standards: There standards listed in the PCD regulations which affect and ability to serve from a planning perspective. standards are: are three the location These three ,. PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman' Members. Planning' Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 4 1. Relation to Maior Transportation Facilities standard number one suggests that PCD's should be located where access to major roadways is afforded, and where traffic levels generated in residential areas will be acceptable. The project meets the major road access portion of this standard. However, with respect to traffic levels generated in residential areas, the proposed shopping center will likely increase the volume of commercial traffic on Stonehaven Drive, which links Knuth Road to Congress Avenue, and serves as a bypass for the traffic signal at North Congress Avenue and West Boynton Beach Boulevard. 2. Roadwav Improvements and Utility Extensions Standard number two suggests that the applicant shall be responsible for constructing and dedicating all infrastructure necessary to serve the site, including the dedication of additional rights-of-way and the maintenance of roadway capacity when applicable. It can be assumed that the applicant will construct all necessary water and sewer mains which are needed to serve the site, In addition, the applicant is proposing the following roadway improvements at the intersection of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road: a. Lengthen the existing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach, to accommodate additional left turning vehicles. b. Signalize the intersection, when warranted. as determined by the County Engineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersection with Mall Road (Winchester Park Boulevard), these two signals should be inter-connected. 3. The Physical Character of the Site Standard number three is concerned with the environmental aspects of the site. The geotechnical data submitted by the applicant indicates that the surficial soils are the Basinger Series which consist of nearly level, sandy soils with rapid permeability. There are no significant organic deposits on the site. Concerning vegetation, the site is primarly occupied by open grassy areas with several stands of slash pines existing on-site. The slash pines must be preserved, relocated or replaced in conformace with the requirements of the tree preservation code. Taking into account the above, it can be reported that the site is appropriate for the suggested development from an environmental point of view. Economic Standards: In connection with the Planned eormnercial District Regulations, two types of economic analyses are required: A market study and employment projections. The market study concludes that the proposed development is economically feasible (see Exhibit lie"). The employment projections indicate that approximately 320 mployees will be needed for the proposed shopping center. f I PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 5 Issues/Discussion: Section 9.c.7 of Appendix A. Zoning. of the Code of Ordinances. requires the evaluation of plan amendment/rezoning requests against criteria related to the impacts which would result from the approval of such requests. These criteria and an evaluation of the impacts which would result from the proposed development are as follows: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be con- sistent with applicable Comprehensive plan Policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed land use amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents. However, the applicant has submitted an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Area 7.j. to amend the existing language to accommodate the proposed development, as outlined in a previous section of this memorandum entitled nComprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Text". The Discussion of Supply and Demand for Commercial Land in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents (Volume No.1) indicates that there may be up to 198 acres of excess commercial land at build-out. However, this figure may be reduced to a surplus of only 30 acres when certain adjustments are taken into consideration. Thus, it was concluded that the supply of commercial land in the Boynton Beach market area will match the demand. In addition, this section of the Plan also states the following: "The Future Land Use Plan which is proposed for the City and areas to be annexed by the City will accommodate all of anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out, Therefore. the City should not change the land use to convnercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or si te requirements, and therefore, cannot be easily acconunodated on already designated commercial area". (page 40) Policy 1.19.6 of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Subsequent to Plan adoption, do not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, unless it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses, or a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by existing commercially-zoned property, or no other suitable property for a commercial use exists for which a need can be demonstrated, and the commercial use would comply with all other applicable comprehensive plan policies. II The proposed rezoning would not be consistent with this policy. Concerning the location of commercial land, this section of the Plan states the following: "Commercial land uses west of Interstate 95 are dominated by the regional mall, and its satellite stores and offices. Neighborhood Shopping centers and office buildings are located in the vicinity of most major intersections. The PLANNING DEPT, MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman' Members, planning' Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 6 City should continue its policy of encouraging commercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip commercial development, due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems that strip development creates. Furthermore, allowing additional commercial land use in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall would be likely to cause traffic levels on roads in the vicinity to fall below established levels of service. Commercial development beyond that which is shown on the proposed land use plan should be permitted only if the City. or the applicant for development applies for a lower level of service, by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved as a regional activity center and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact". (pp 40-41) In addition to the above, there will be a further discussion concerning consistency with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies in subsequent sections of this memorandum. At the end of this memorandum, in the section entitled "Project Approval", the Planning Department shall recommend limitations and requirements which should be imposed on subsequent development of the property, if this request is approved. in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Concerning consistency with the County's Comprehensive Plan, the Palm Beach County Planning Division has been notified of the proposed annexation. However, comments have not been received as of this date. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the pUblic welfare. As outlined in Area 7. j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, "the City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 feet of this property and the remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential Land Use Category". In addition, the section of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents that discusses the location of commercial land states the following with respect to further commercial development in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall: The City should continue its policy of encouraging commercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip commercial development, due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems that strip development creates. Furthermore, allowing additional commercial land use in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall would be likely to cause traffic levels on roads in the Vicinity to fall below established levels of service. Commercial development beyond that which is shown on the proposed land use plan should be permitted only if the City, or the applicant for development applies for a lower level of service by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved as a regional activity center and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact". ,~ PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman' Members, Planning' Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 7 With respect to the above, the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern and would arquab1y constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. There has been no vicinity of this Comprehensive Plan desirable. significant change in property, since the which would make the conditions adoption proposed in the of the rezoni,ng d. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The proposed rezoning would be compatible with water and sewer systems. Concerning roadways, The Traffic Impact Review prepared by Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc. indicates that the applicant' s analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised. A copy of Mr. Keller's report can be found in Exhibit "0" of this memorandum. The proposed rezoning will also consume road capacity that will be needed to allow for commercial development of other parcels in this area of the City which are designated for commercial land use on the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as outlined in the attached supplement dated June 6, 1990 from Walter Keller in Exhibit "0". Consistent with various policies contained within the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, a copy of the developer's traffic impact analysis was submitted to Palm Beach County for review and comment. Among other issues, the County does not consider this application to have been complete prior to February 1, 1990, the adoption date of the Municipal Implementation Ordinance (see attached copy of correspondence dated June 5, 1990, from the Office of the County Engineer in Exhibit D). e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby propertie~, or would affect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties, The proposed rezoning would be incompatible with and would likely have a negative impact on property values in the Stonehaven PUD, due to the additional traffic that would be generated through this neighborhood. In addition, the proposed development would likely have an adverse impact on those single-family residences that are located immediately south of the Knuth Road office building site and across Knuth Road from the southeast corner of the proposed Shopping center s1 te. Typical characteristics of shopping centers that would be incompatible with nearby residential uses include noise from trucks, noise from loading and unloading activities, noise due to unloading of dumpsters and removal of compactors, odors from dumpsters (which can be detected up to 200 feet away), trash and litter accumulation and the unpleasant aesthetics that are typical for the rear of a Shopping center. Policy 1.17.1 of the Comprehensive Plan provides the basis for the above comments. It is not anticipated j PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO;. 90-161 TO: Chairman ~ Members, Planninq ~ zoninq Board June 8, 1990 Page 8 that the proposed shopping center would have an adverse impact on the sinqle-family residences in Quail Ridge, as the closest units are separated from the shopping center site by a 300 foot wide expanse of golf course, and a 6 foot high buffer wall and a 25 foot wide greenbelt are required at the rear of the shoppinq center. f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the exist- ing zoning. Under the existing Agricultural Residential Zoning in Palm Beach County, the property could be utilized for a variety of agricultural or conservation purposes, Single-family dwellings are permitted on a minimum lot area of 5 acres. If annexed and developed consistent with the pOlicy for Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, the property could be developed for a maximum of 77 dwelling units under the Moderate Density Residential Land Use category, and a PUD zoning category and a maximum of 55,170 square feet of retail floor space under the Local Retail Commercial Land Use category and the C-2 or C-3 Zoning category. Based on the above, and lacking any documentation to the contrary, it is arguable that the property could be developed economically under the existing zoning. g, Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. Based on the discussion in item "an concerning Area 7. j. and the analysis of supply, demand and location of commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, it is arguable that the proposed rezoning is not of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. Furthermore, approval of additional retail development in this area of the City may limit and compete with redevelopment in the Central Business District, along U.S.l, and along Boynton Beach Boulevard east of 1-95. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. As outlined in the discussion of supply and demand for commercial land in the Future Land Use Element Support Documents of the Comprehensive Plan, "the Future Land Use Plan which is proposed for the City and areas to be annexed by the City will accommodate all of the anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out". This paragraph of the Plan further states tha.t lithe City should not change the land use to commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special Ioeational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily acconunodated on already designated commercial areas". This discussion is formalized in Policy 1.19,6 of the Comprehensive Plan. A further detailed analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land is contained within the Future Land Use Element Support Documents (Volume No.1) of the Comprehensive Plan. t PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 9 conclusions/Recommendations: The Planning Department recommends that the requests for Future Land Use Element Amendment, Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text 1\mendment submitted by Kieran J, Kilday for Elsie A, Winchester, Trustee, be denied. This recommendation is based on the following summary of findings contained within the staff report: 1, The proposed Shopping center will likely increase the volume of commercial traffic on Stonehaven Drive, which links Knuth Road to Congress Avenue and serves as a bypass for the traffic signal at North Congress Avenue and West Boynton Beach Boulevard; 2. The proposed land use element amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with the policy for Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents; 3. The Discussion of supply and Demand for Commercial Land in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents indicates that there may be anywhere from 30 to 198 acres of excess commercial land at build-out. Thus, the supply is expected to match the demand. This section of the Plan and Policy 1.19.6 also state that the Future Land Use Plan for the City and areas to be annexed by the City will accommodate all of the anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out and, therefore, the City should not further change the land use to commercial categories, except for minor boundary adjustments; 4. The discussion for the Location of Commercial Land in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents states that further strip commercial development should not be allowed in this area of the City due to the aesthetic and traffic safety prOblems that are created and that traffic levels on roads in the vicinity would likely fall below established levels of service. This section of the Plan further states that commercial development beyond that which is shown on the proposed land use plan should be permitted only if the City, or the applicant for development applies for a lower level of service, by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved as a regional activity center and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact. 5. The proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern and would arguably constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare; 6. There has been no significant change in conditions in the vicinity of this property since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, that would make the proposed rezoning desirable; 7. The applicant's analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised. It should also be noted that the proposed rezoning will consume road capacity that will be needed to allow for commercial development of other parcels in this area of the City which are designated for commercial land use on the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. -0 PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman' Members, Planning' Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 10 8. The proposed rezoning would not be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, due to the additional traffic that would be generated along Stonehaven Drive and the proximity of the shopping center to the homes in Banyan Creek, as provided for in Policy 1.17.1 of the Comprehensive Plan. 9. The property is physically developable under the City's current Moderate Density Residential and Local Retail Commercial land use designations for 77 dwelling units and 55,170 square feet of retail floor space respectively, and it is arguable that the property could be developed economically under the existing zoning. 10. It is arguable that the proposed rezoning is not of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole, 11. Approval of additional retail development in this area of the City may limit and compete with prospects for redevelopment in the Central Business District, U.S. 1, and Boynton Beach Boulevard east of 1-95; and, 12. As outlined in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, and formalized in Policy 1.19.6 of the Comprehensive Plan, there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, as well as in the City's Reserve Annexation Area. PROJECT APPROVAL If it is the desire of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City commission to approve these requests, it is recommended that approval be contingent upon the following: 1. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Text l\mendment to Area 7.j, as modified below: 7,j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated, County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. regardless of how the property is developed, the owner should be required to submit an application for annexation, If the land use is changed to Local Retail Commercial, the property should be developed as a Planned Commercial District (PCD). In addition, the following restrictions should be placed on the development of the property if rezoned for commercial land use to minimize adverse impacts on adj acent residential conununities: a. Building heights should be limited to one story (maximum 25 feet). b. Pole-mounted lighting should be provided instead of building-mounted lighting and lighting fixtures should be properly shielded and directed so as to minimize glare on nearby residences. ! ! PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 11 c, Screening and noise mitigation should be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment, and all such equipment be roof-mounted. d. The architectural treatment at the rear of the Shopping center is to match the front of the Shopping center. e. Trees planted in the perimeter greenbelt are to be placed 20 feet on center with canopies above the 6 foot high concrete block wall that is required adjacent to residential zoning. 2. The staff comments contained within Exhibit "E" of this memorandum. r.~ ~ J~S MJ1 J. GOLDEN JJG:cp NOTE: Pursuant to Section 163,3174(4)(d), Florida Statutes, the Planning and Zoning Board, as the Local Planning Agency, is required to make a recommendation to the City commission with respect to the consistency of these proposed amendments with the Comprehensive Plan, -'t 1 . . . - f " ..... \. .. , ,,' ,.1'" foP+"" ~ ," .,r ,- 7M KNUTH ROAD peD LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 THRU: Chairman & Members Planning & zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon 7Li Interim planning Director TO: FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: June 8, 1990 SUBJECT: Requests for Annexation, Future Land Use Element Amendment, Rezoning, and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Submitted by Kilday & Associates for Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee (Knuth Road PCD) - File No. 494 Summary: Kieran J, Kilday, agent for Elsie A, Winchester, Trustee, is requesting that a 13.87 acre parcel be annexed into the City, rezoned from AR (Agricultural Residential) in Palm Beach County to a PCD (Planned Commercial Development), and that the Future Land Use Plan designation for this parcel be amended from "Commercial 3" in Palm Beach County to "Local Retail Commercial," in the city. In addition, the applicant has submitted an application for a Text Amendment to Area 7.j. of the Comprehensi ve Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, which currently reads as follows: 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated county as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational Land Use and Zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, the owner or developer should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 feet of this property, in accordance with the adopted Boynton Beach Boulevard plan, The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential Land Use category. Building heights on this proeprty should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25) feet, since 1 and 2 story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. The amendment to Area 7. j. would be necessary to allow for the issuance of a Development Order, pursuant to Chapter 163 of the Florida Statutes, since the proposed development is not consistent with this section of the adopted Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcel occupies 613 feet of frontage on West Boynton Beach Boulevard and 985 feet of frontage on Knuth Road, (see attached location map in Exhibit "A"). The property is currently vacant and is occupied by exotics and several stands of slash pines. The proposed use of this property, if rezoned, would be to develop it for a 120,000 square foot Shopping center, inCluding two outparcels (see attached master plan in Exhibit "B") . Surrounding Land Use and Zoninq (see attached location map in Exhibit "A"): Abutting the subject parcel to the north is a 106 foot wide right-of-way for West Boynton Beach Boulevard, Abutting the subject parcel to the east is the existing 60 foot wide right-of-way for Knuth Road. Further to the east, across Knuth Road, are the Plaza West and Knuth Road office buildings zoned C-1 (Office Professional), and the Stonehaven Planned Unit PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 2 Development zoned PUD, which consists of single-family zero lot line units (a/k/a Banyan Creek). Abutting the sUbject parcel to the south and west is the Quail Ridge golf course, zoned AR (Agricultural Residential) in Palm Beach County. Proposed Rezoninq (see master plan in Exhibit "B"): According to Section 6 - F . 1 of Appendix A, Zoning, the purpose of the PCD zoning district "is to provide a zoning classification for commercial developments that will better satisfy current demands for commercially zoned lands by encouraging development which will reflect changes in the concepts and technology of land development and relate the development of land to the specific site, to conserve natural amenities and to allow for the mitigation of negative impacts which result from land development. The proposed development is a 120,000 square foot retail shopping center which includes two outparcels: a financial institution and a restaurant. A ten foot wide greenbelt is provided along the northern boundary, and along a portion of the eastern property boundary--where the subject parcel abuts non-residential zoning categories. A twenty-five foot wide greenbelt is provided along portions of the east, south, and west property boundaries where the subj ect parcel abuts residential-zoned parcels in Boynton Beach (Stonehaven) PUD and Palm Beach County (Quail Ridge North). The proposed perimeter greenbelt conforms to the requirements of the PCD zoning district regulations. Access is provided by a driveway onto West Boynton Beach Boulevard and two driveways onto Knuth Road. Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use Map and Text: The property in question is currently shown on the Future Land Use Element for the Reserve Annexation Area as a combination of "Moderate Density Residential" and "Local Retail Commercial", so an amendment to the Future Land Use Element to "Local Retail Commercial", as requested by the applicant, would be necessary. In addition, Area 7. j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents contains the following language: 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated county as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational Land Use and Zoning designation would be appropriate, It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, the owner or developer should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 feet of this property, in accordance with the adopted Boynton Beach Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential Land Use category. Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1 and 2 story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. The applicant has submitted an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Area 7. j, above. The proposed amendment reads as follows: PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 3 7,j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational Land Use and Zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, the applicant should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial eft-~he-fter~herft-225-ree~-er-~his-~re~er~y,-ift aeeeraaftee-wi~h-~he-aae~~ea-Beyft~eft-Beaeh-Be~ievara-~iaft~--~he relllaiftaer -er -~he -~re~er~y-she~ia -Be -~iaeee.-ift -ehe -Meaera~e Beftsiey-Resiaeft~iai-iafta-~se-ea~e~ery, Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1 and 2 story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. An amendment to Area 7.j. would be necessary, given the proposed nature of the development. Procedure: These applications for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, text amendment, and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes and Boynton Beach codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F,S. 163.3161: Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2, F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. . 5, Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. 7. Boynton Beach Section 9.C: Rezonings. Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Comprehensive Plan Amendments/ These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. Briefly, these regulations require newspaper advertisements, pUblic hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission, review by the Department of Community Affairs, and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element/Text, and rezone. These procedures take approximately 8 to 9 months to complete. Planned Commercial Development Standards: There standards listed in the PCD regulations which affect and ability to serve from a planning perspective, standards are: are three the location These three PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 4 1. Relation to Major Transportation Facilities Standard number one suggests that PCD's should be located where access to major roadways is afforded, and where traffic levels generated in residential areas will be acceptable, The project meets the major road access portion of this standard. However, with respect to traffic levels generated in residential areas, the proposed shopping center will likely increase the volume of commercial traffic on Stonehaven Drive, which links Knuth Road to Congress Avenue, and serves as a bypass for the traffic signal at North Congress Avenue and West Boynton Beach Boulevard. 2. Roadway Improvements and Utility Extensions Standard number two suggests that the applicant shall be responsible for constructing and dedicating all infrastructure necessary to serve the site, including the dedication of additional rights-of-way and the maintenance of roadway capacity when applicable. It can be assumed that the applicant will construct all necessary water and sewer mains which are needed to serve the site. In addition, the applicant is proposing the following roadway improvements at the intersection of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road: a. Lengthen the existing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach, to accommodate additional left turning vehicles. b, Signalize the intersection, when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersection with Mall Road (Winchester Park Boulevardl, these two signals should be inter-connected. 3. The Physical Character of the Site Standard number three is concerned with the environmental aspects of the site. The geotechnical data submitted by the applicant indicates that the surficial soils are the Basinger Series which consist of nearly level, sandy soils with rapid permeability, There are no significant organic deposits on the site. Concerning vegetation, the site is primarly occupied by open grassy areas with several stands of slash pines existing on-site. The slash pines must be preserved, relocated or replaced in conformace with the requirements of the tree preservation code. Taking into account the above, it can be reported that the site is appropriate for the suggested development from an environmental point of view. Economic Standards: In connection with the Planned Commercial District Regulations, two types of economic analyses are required: A market study and employment projections. The market study concludes that the proposed development is economically feasible (see Exhibit "C"l. The employment projections indicate that approximately 320 mployees will be needed for the proposed shopping center. PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 5 Issues/Discussion: Section 9.c,7 of Appendix A, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, requires the evaluation of plan amendment/rezoning requests against criteria related to the impacts which would result from the approval of such requests. These criteria and an evaluation of the impacts which would result from the proposed development are as follows: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be con- sistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan Policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed land use amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents. However, the applicant has submitted an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Area 7.j. to amend the existing language to accommodate the proposed development, as outlined in a previous section of this memorandum entitled "Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and Text". The Discussion of Supply and Demand for Commercial Land in the Comprehensi ve Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents (Volume No.1) indicates that there may be up to 198 acres of excess commercial land at build-out. However, this figure may be reduced to a surplus of only 30 acres when certain adjustments are taken into consideration. Thus, it was concluded that the supply of commercial land in the Boynton Beach market area will match the demand. In addition, this section of the Plan also states the following: "The Future Land Use Plan which is proposed for the City and areas to be annexed by the City will accommodate all of anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out. Therefore, the City should not change the land use to commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial area". (page 40) Policy 1.19.6 of the Comprehensive Plan states: "Subsequent to Plan adoption, do not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, unless it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses, or a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by existing commercially-zoned property, or no other suitable property for a commercial use exists for which a need can be demonstrated, and the commercial use would comply with all other applicable comprehensive plan policies." The proposed rezoning would not be consistent with this policy. Concerning the location of commercial land, this section of the Plan states the following: "Commercial land uses west of Interstate 95 are dominated by the regional mall, and its satellite stores and offices. Neighborhood shopping centers and office buildings are located in the vicinity of most major intersections. The PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 6 City should continue its policy of encouraging commercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip commercial development, due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems that strip development creates. Furthermore, allowing additional commercial land use in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall would be likely to cause traffic levels on roads in the vicinity to fall below established levels of service. Commercial development ,beyond that which is shown on the proposed land use plan should be permitted only if the City, or the applicant for development applies for a lower level of service, by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved as a regional activity center and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact". (pp 40-41) In addition to the above, there will be a further discussion concerning consistency with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies in subsequent sections of this memorandum. At the end of this memorandum, in the section entitled "Project Approval", the Planning Department shall recommend limitations and requirements which should be imposed on subsequent development of the property, if this request is approved, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Concerning consistency with the County's Comprehensive Plan, the Palm Beach County Planning Division has been notified of the proposed annexation. However, comments have not been received as of this date. b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare. As outlined in Area 7, j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, "the City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 feet of this property and the remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential Land Use Category". In addition, the section of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents that discusses the location of commercial land states the following with respect to further commercial development in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall: The City should continue its policy of encouraging commercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip commercial development, due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems that strip development creates. Furthermore, allowing additional commercial land use in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall would be likely to cause traffic levels on roads in the vicinity to fall below established levels of service. commercial development beyond that which is shown on the proposed land use plan should be permitted only if the City, or the applicant for development applies for a lower level of service by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved as a regional activity center and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact". PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 7 With respect to the above, the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern and would arguably constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare. c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. There has been no vicini ty of this Comprehensive Plan desirable. significant change property, since which would make in the the conditions adoption proposed in the of the rezoning d. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The proposed rezoning would be compatible with water and sewer systems. Concerning roadways, The Traffic Impact Review prepared by Wal ter H. Keller, Jr. , Inc. indicates that the applicant's analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised. A copy of Mr. Keller's report can be found in Exhibit "D" of this memorandum. The proposed rezoning will also consume road capacity that will be needed to allow for commercial development of other parcels in this area of the City which are designated for commercial land use on the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, as outlined in the attached supplement dated June 6, 1990 from Walter Keller in Exhibit "D". Consistent with various policies contained wi thin the Traffic Circulation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, a copy of the developer's traffic impact analysis was submitted to Palm Beach County for review and comment. Among other issues, the County does not consider this application to have been complete prior to February 1, 1990, the adoption date of the Municipal Implementation Ordinance (see attached copy of correspondence dated June 5, 1990, from the Office of the County Engineer in Exhibit D). e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties. The proposed rezoning would be incompatible with and would likely have a negative impact on property values in the Stonehaven PUD, due to the additional traffic that would be generated through this neighborhood. In addition, the proposed development would likely have an adverse impact on those single-family residences that are located immediately south of the Knuth Road office building site and across Knuth Road from the southeast corner of the proposed shopping center site, Typical characteristics of shopping centers that would be incompatible with nearby residential uses include noise from trucks, noise from loading and unloading activities, noise due to unloading of dumpsters and removal of compactors, odors from dumpsters (which can be detected up to 200 feet away), trash and litter accumulation and the unpleasant aesthetics that are typical for the rear of a shopping center, Policy 1.17.1 of the Comprehensive Plan provides the basis for the above comments. It is not anticipated PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO;. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 8 that the proposed shopping center would have an adverse impact on the single-family residences in Quail Ridge, as the closest units are separated from the shopping center site by a 300 foot wide expanse of golf course, and a 6 foot high buffer wall and a 25 foot wide greenbelt are required at the rear of the shopping center. f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the exist- ing zoning. Under the existing Agricultural Residential Zoning in Palm Beach County, the property could be utilized for a variety of agricultural or conservation purposes. Single-family dwellings are permitted on a minimum lot area of 5 acres. If annexed and developed consistent with the policy for Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, the property could be developed for a maximum of 77 dwelling units under the Moderate Density Residential Land Use ca tegory , and a PUD zoning category and a maximum of 55, 170 square feet of retail floor space under the Local Retail Commercial Land Use category and the C-2 or C-3 Zoning category, Based on the above, and lacking any documentation to the contrary, it is arguable that the property could be developed economically under the existing zoning. g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. Based on the discussion in item "a" concerning Area 7.j. and the analysis of supply, demand and location of commercial land uses in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, it is arguable that the proposed rezoning is not of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. Furthermore, approval of additional retail development in this area of the City may limit and compete with redevelopment in the Central Business District, along U.S. 1, and along Boynton Beach Boulevard east of 1-95. h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. As outlined in the discussion of supply and demand for commercial land in the Future Land Use Element Support Documents of the Comprehensive Plan, "the Future Land Use Plan which is proposed for the City and areas to be annexed by the City will accommodate all of the anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out", This paragraph of the Plan further states that "the City should not change the land use to commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial areas", This discussion is formalized in Policy 1,19,6 of the Comprehensive Plan. A further detailed analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land is contained within the Future Land Use Element Support Documents (Volume No.1) of the Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO, 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 9 Conclusions/Recommendations: The Planning Department recommends that the requests for Future Land Use Element Amendment, Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment submitted by Kieran J. Kilday for Elsie A, Winchester, Trustee, be denied. This recommendation is based on the following summary of findings contained within the staff report: 1. The proposed shopping center will likely increase the volume of commercial traffic on Stonehaven Drive, which links Knuth Road to Congress Avenue and serves as a bypass for the traffic signal at North Congress Avenue and West Boynton Beach Boulevard; 2. The proposed land use element amendment/rezoning would not be consistent with the policy for Area 7.j. of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents; 3. The Discussion of Supply and Demand for Commercial Land in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents indicates that there may be anywhere from 30 to 198 acres of excess commercial land at build-out. Thus, the supply is expected to match the demand. This section of the Plan and POlicy 1.19.6 also state that the Future Land Use Plan for the City and areas to be annexed by the City will accommodate all of the anticipated demand for commercial land through build-out and, therefore, the City should not further change the land use to commercial categories, except for minor boundary adjustments; 4. The discussion for the Location of Commercial Land in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents states that further strip commercial development should not be allowed in this area of the City due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems that are created and that traffic levels on roads in the vicinity would likely fall below established levels of service. This section of the Plan further states that commercial development beyond that which is shown on the proposed land use plan should be permitted only if the City, or the applicant for development applies for a lower level of service, by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved as a regional activity center and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact. 5. The proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern and would arguably constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare; 6. There has been no significant change in conditions in the vicinity of this property since the adoption of the Comprehensive Plan, that would make the proposed rezoning desirable; 7. The applicant's analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised. It should also be noted that the proposed rezoning will consume road capacity that will be needed to allow for commercial development of other parcels in this area of the City which are designated for commercial land use on the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 10 8. The proposed rezoning would not be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, due to the additional traffic that would be generated along Stonehaven Drive and the proximity of the shopping center to the homes in Banyan Creek, as provided for in Policy 1.17,1 of the Comprehensive Plan. 9. The property is physically developable under the City's current Moderate Density Residential and Local Retail Commercial land use designations for 77 dwelling units and 55,170 square feet of retail floor space respectively, and it is arguable that the property could be developed economically under the existing zoning, 10. It is arguable that the proposed rezoning is not of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole; 11. Approval of additional retail development in this area of the City may limit and compete with prospects for redevelopment in the Central Business District, U.S. 1, and Boynton Beach Boulevard east of I-95; and, 12. As outlined in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents, and f6rmalized in Policy 1.19.6 of the Comprehensive Plan, there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, as well as in the City's Reserve Annexation Area. PROJECT APPROVAL If it is the desire of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City Commission to approve these requests, it is recommended that approval be contingent upon the following: 1. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment to Area 7.j. as modified below: 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14 acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. regardless of how the property is developed, the owner should be required to submit an application for annexation. If the land use is changed to Local Retail Commercial, the property should be developed as a Planned commercial District (PCD). In addition, the following restrictions should be placed on the development of the property if rezoned for commercial land use to minimize adverse impacts on adj acent residential communities: a. Building heights should be limited to one story (maximum 25 feet). b. Pole-mounted lighting should be provided instead of building-mounted lighting and lighting fixtures should be properly shielded and directed so as to minimize glare on nearby residences. PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-161 TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board June 8, 1990 Page 11 c. Screening and noise mitigation should be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment, and all such equipment be roof-mounted. d. The architectural treatment at the rear of the shopping center is to match the front of the shopping center. e. Trees planted in the perimeter greenbelt are to be placed 20 feet on center with canopies above the 6 foot high concrete block wall that is required adjacent to residential zoning. 2. The staff comments contained within Exhibit "E" of this memorandum. ~ ~ );Jli JAM~ J. GOLDEN JJG:cp NOTE: Pursuant to Section l63.3l74(4)(d), Florida Statutes, the Planning and Zoning Board, as the Local Planning Agency, is required to make a recommendation to the City Commission with respect to the consistency of these proposed amendments with the Comprehensive Plan. EXHIBIT "A" LeCATION MA~' KNUTH ROAD PCD f. . ".~-.'"..., ',I 011111 II I Ill' 1:]' U: -~ '~.. 1'1 " . . -, ~ . , ': ,~'~ " " ~ 'T::r~ ..I I. . = ,~I ~ ,',," J' ~r '-Jlf I;' 1 1 ,"-, :li ,<,,';;":1 'L-~' ~ ~ I 11'1, "BovrTON BEACH ~ II) ";~ . I 4' II "0'>/ I 1 I II I r- ^ J ~ ,.~~~II n, D~ ,n I ~,' "~II II Tim+ ~ ,. C~ ... . 'IT IT I... , I II l_rQP '--. -.. I . I \ " ~ "r;~ '_ ,'11"'"" -"":\ ' ~,', ,,',' . ~,'.:ilIF' M" ~. '=:l l .. -I 3 . ...,," , , "J!~ '..IIV,' .vum" ""'l...:ip. -or . , \ III ~ p C --i D ~ I . , OI.V' J TO . - ND,. - IN CITY .. I , \ . . E . .' .. ~., c ~ITE" · ,.~(, ~\ t!I ' ~n~}1'J. 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''\11111181' 1/14\ MILESV -'.0. 40Q '800 1 600 EI=~T m' ) "'~ L.. -'~: E~' 3 ~'i Nl T I ~ CI V P , I j tc ~I B III , I _ '<C:I J:lU J lie 1/, , - \" ~ J~ J;: (lj ( C1 .. I t.".'~ : I ~ ~ : t ~r -' ':.:.... J ~ tI, Il ...... )\' ~'J.:}~ ~ () : ,~~~VJ ,. ::.' " \1. bt>. , " , I~~: __ ' :~, , <<'I -,,",",,'. ~ .. _ ~ ____~___."....~_._ ..__.__ . , ,~~ ri EXHIBIT "B" I - -,- , . ~"PIBiB~' ~ (f) I .. ;; :):!~~ ~~ /l:- C ) i ~ ;1;V>lti~ -~~ i WI , ..... IOtJ.... .....It' c.(f) ~ I ::.i;~""~ ;~<:". ~ '1 ; ~'~~1;t~..~~,2'!: CI -.:.;- ....=...Ul~C,;ll(l~ 1I}J, I .:.,." ..t.O)t~""Vl~'" ~"n I ,"~ !f'l99"~i'5~ ~ "- ". "_. .'..g. a "I .:~': ~"~t~l;C:~t ~ 0 I I ""'," -<'J:...:;!...~.... In '... ~;,~... (;~ ~ i I ::~ ~~l ~;~F~ ~ 8: I ~ ~:. i;~~~i:~" 'f Z I '~.' r;~~G.O)"- 't,~ ~ 0 _'. r" ,~.o . -. '" I "'i'i'~i!?GSl- ~.J 11\1' I . .,. ~e ' 0 .:.~,,~v>~\e y " I -.,.. .' "7 .'"'IZ ~ ,~1:',., ~ (f) "d - 't'" C\ ' :u r ~ I' .~ 10 :~ I , I I 'll ::'ii .l", 1< G; l'Oil I~ ,0"" ~ ' o ~ I~I : , , i , I , . ij . '" , . ;ri .' i ~ ,r " " ,. -, :!e, : I ~ ,0 " :;8 0" 0'- " w~AJ t_U oiil u -~ . U> I , i I \ 'I : I : . . : ( : I . : I" I ", II I \~ "\,,' \ I ", ~ I . \) \ ',' i' I .',', I \ ' . I I I ., , 'l , '.., LlI ',\, ,I (~\ '\ I \- . ~ tee'IX'"'''' ..,DO' A~ QUAL ~OGE PL,l.. T NO 20 P8 40 P 17~ ,J ~~,~~~ ~~~~~ ;W~~ r~~~ ~~~~ I~ m~~~ ~.g6 ~ ~ ~'~~Ir ~~p.n~ e~l(f) ,~?2 M.i:li~~T'1-' f;::.' I ~~~r 1"- ~~1J:~8~~;r~Ur~ I ~~~2~ T;f:7:";;~.,;J~Rn&'I' L ,) -. ~--,.- -. - EXHIBIT "e" , , KNUTH ROAD P,C.D, Commercial Market Analysis May, 1990 Prepared for: Bill R. Winchester Prepared by: THOMPSON CONSULTING. INC. 560 Village Boulevard Suite 315 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 Phone: 407/697-2581 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS... ,. ."".".."..'".'" ,. INTRODUCTION. . , , . , . . . , ,. . . , . . . , . , . , . , , , . . , , , . , , . . " , , . . , , 3 5 r TE ANAL Y5 15, . , . , , . ' , , . . , . . . , . . . , . . . . . , . , , ' . , . , . ' . . . . , . . 5 RETAIL MARKET ANALySIS..........,........,.,...,......... 6 Reta il Trade Area,.,.,.,....,................,...... 6 Population/Demographic Characteristics"..., "'" ,., 9 Retail Space Demand (Trade Area)..........,......... 18 GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS,......"...,.."".",......, 22 ADDENDUM.......,... "" '..... ..' , ,.",."",., """'" " 23 LIST OF EXHIBITS PAGE EXHIBIT 1 Site Location Map 4 EXHIBIT 2 Retail Trade Area Map 7 EXHIBIT 3 Summary of Demographic Characteristics 9 EXHIBIT 4 Existing Retail Centers Map (Trade Area) 13 EXHIBIT 5 Existing Retail Centers List (Trade Area) 14 EXH I BIT 6 Approved/In Process Retail Centers Map (Trade Area) 16 EXHIBIT 7 Approved/In Process Retail Centers List (Trade Area) 17 EXHIBIT 8 Retail Space Demand (Trade Area) 18 EXHIBIT 9 Supportable and Existing Commercial Space (Trade Area) 19 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS The data and analyses upon included in this report, and conclusions associated for convenient review: which our conclusions are based are A brief summary of the salient points with this project is presented below Palm Beach County is a rapidly growing and increasingly significant economic factor in the growth of Southeast Florida, The County contains approximately 892,500 people, representing an 55 percent increase in population since 1980, In addition, the population is expected to reach over 1,000,000 by 1995. Consistent employment gains in the past decade in such sectors as manufacturing. finance. trade and government confirm the growing diversity of the area's economy, hence, lessening dependence on tourism as the County's primary economic base. Per capita income in an 85% increase since power for retail goods 1990 for the trade area is $14,108 - 1980, translating into increased buying and services. Based on a 1990 population in the trade area of 79,692 and supportable square feet per capita figures derived from data available from the Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida and The Urban Land Institute (ULI), approximately 3,93 million square feet of retail space can be supported, Existing and space in the square feet. approved/in process/under construction retail trade area totals approximately 3.14 million - Adding the 120,000 square feet of retail space proposed for Knuth Road P.C.O, (as well as the 120,000 square feet proposed for the Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.O.) to the total of 3.14 million square feet cited on the preceding page, yields a figure of 3,38 million square feet, which indicates that even in base year 1990, an additional 555,168 square feet~ of retail space can be supported in the trade area, With projected increases in population and the additional attendant buying power in the trade area, approximately 4.58 million square feet of retail space, comprised of the general categories surveyed, can be supported by 1995. 2 INTRODUCTION This report presents findings and conclusions relating to the market demand for a commercial retail development in the amount of approximately 120,000 square feet on 13.87 acres~. The total site development concept includes an anchor store of approximately 34,000 square feet and ancillary retail in the amount of 74,532 square feet. In addition, 11,468 square feet is proposed on two (2) outparcels intended to accommodate one (1) restaurant, and one (1) financial institution, This well-anchored center will be in a strong market position to attract other miscellaneous convenience as well as shoppers goods/comparison stores as co-tenants, It is well documented that generally speaking, anchored centers fare much better than unanchored strip and specialty centers. Neighborhood/community centers such as the subject center generally exhibit the highest occupancies, with this trade area being no exception, The subject site is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. (See Exhibit 1), The factors affecting the existing and future market which would support a neighborhood/community retail development at this location are examined in this study. 3 Exhibit Site Location MARTIN COUNTY -'-'---'-'-'-j , I , J , r I i -"._.-._._.1 ,/ .I --\.- .. ~ BROWARD COUNTY " .... i ~ 1 I i, U1C~"IU to.. I I i i r--' L._._.i h .... r- h '" .... C) ~. H~ .. i.ClJ!oc, . ~ f ., " I~" .., " ... <. .., ... ." .. .~ " 0 C) l_.. .. ~ A '" h ... ~ '" i i 5 .. f " I~"'~' "II' .. .. ". . . i SITE , .. i i . . ,., .. .. ;: .. " ,., i ! ..' - H ell.' 01"1 ~ t 1 :u..... i .~....... 4 SITE ANALYSIS The subject site falls within unincorporated Palm Beach County. The predominant and developing land use pattern in the immediate area is commercial, with the Boynton Beach Boulevard/Congress Avenue commercial intersection (including commercial development to the direct north on Congress Avenue, proximate to the Boynton Super Regional Mall), dominating the land use pattern along those major arterials in the area. Major roadways which provide access to the site are Boynton Beach Boulevard, Congress Avenue, and Military Trail. Population and demographic information pertinent to the general trade area which generally conforms to the suburban as well as Boynton Beach proper area (See Exhibit 3). The population in the area for 1990 is estimated at 79.692.* In addition, based on 1990 figures, averaae household size is 2.17 persons and the median age is 55.1. 1990 per capita income of $14,108, although slightly less than the County median, is generally comparable to the County, while the median age figure indicates an older population in the area than found countywide (55,1 in the trade area versus 42,3 in the County), Although the population projections utilized in our analysis are those of a well known national firm, this firm is unfamiliar with the dynamics of sub-area/local situations, Statistically, the estimates for area polygons of the County which are developing at a rapid pace, are less than estimates for the same area by local government (i.e., Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization). Hence, our demand estimates are conservative. *Based on Urban Decision Systems, Inc. projections, 5 RETAIL MARKET ANALYSIS Retail Trade Area The subject center will be designed to capture a share of existing as well as new purchasing power in a growing area of the County. The trade area's population has increased by approximately 50% since 1980 and is expected to increase by some 16% by 1995 (projections by Urban Decision Systems), The center proposed will have characteristics of a neighborhood center, providing for the sale of convenience goods (foods, drugs, and sundries) and personal services (laundry and dry cleaning barbering shoe repairing, etc.) for the day-to-day living needs of the immediate neighborhood, However, it is conceivable that the subject center will provide a wider range of facilities for the sale of soft lines (wearing apparel) and soft lines (hardware and appliances), hence, potentially exhibiting characteristics most often associated with a community center, Exhibit 2 depicts the trade area boundaries for the proposed retail space. As indicated earl ier, the boundaries generally conform to the suburban as well as Boynton Beach proper area. For a neighborhood type center, the ULI recommends a trade area determined by a one (1) to three (3) mile radius from the subject site, This is appropriate, in terms of a generalization, however, when determining actual markets, factors such as physical barriers to access and existing competitive uses must be 'taken into account, With this factored in, the trade area is defined for the subject site. All existing shopping center retail process retail space was included in area,* The boundaries are as follows: as well as approved/in the survey of the trade North: South: East West: Hypoluxo Road One (1) mile south of Golf Road~ U .S, 1 El Clair Ranch Road Centers included in the retail space survey are found in Exhibits 4,5,6,& 7. *'Fi.lld--s-urvey by Thompson Consulting, Inc., 1990; Palm Beach County Department files; Boynton Beach Planning Department, 6 Exhibit 2 Trade Area -.-'-.-'-.-.-j . I . I , r i i -,\,_.-._._.1 MARTIN COUNTY .. . , ~..I' ~.. \ \ \ \ " , ~ i ~ fll:''''''II:O " I~.t .. .., .. ." ." " . ,~ ,., ~h' .. I ! .. ,en ", i n..' 11000 U '\'''' ~ , , , .. , I t .... I .n f ...11 BROWARO-COUNTY . ... . I J::...'l~.....1 .._ " "" 7 .. . , .-,::( . ., l> ... r- l> "'- -l n " n ,." l> ~ ..-"..... -illr Population projections (as prepared by Urban Decision Systems, Inc,) for the trade area are as follows: 1980 - 53,102; 1990 70,692; 1995 - 92,801, Based upon these figures, it is estimated that the population, hence purchasing power will experience steady growth in the next five years. The estimated purchasing power of the resident population of the trade area was used as the basis for determining supportable retail space, However, it is important to note that a substantial number of "daytime" persons in the al'ea and their attendant buying power were not factored into our analysis, All those persons brought into the trade area each day as employees of other commercial retail and office developments in the area represent a substantial secondary purchasing power base. 8 EXHIBIT 3 Summary of Demographic Characteristics Owner occupied (%) Renter occupied (%) 1980 Trade Area Palm Beach Co. 53,102 576,863 18.4 21.3 7 , 2 9.8 18.1 23,6 7 . 6 9 . 3 14. 7 1 2 , 6 34.0 23.3 53.3 40.2 76,5 75.3 23.4 24.7 2 . 3 1 2,42 68.5 58.1 10, 7 21,2 $ 7,646 $9,017 Characteristic Total Persons Age Distribution 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-54 65+ Median Age Households % Two or more persons % Single person Persons/Household Per Capita Income ---------- Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc, 9 EXHIBIT 3 continued Summary of Demographic Characteristics 1990 Characteristic Trade Area Palm Beach Co, Total Persons 79,692 892,357 Age Distribution 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 65+ 15,9 18.4 5.7 7.3 19. 8 27,2 8.4 9 . 7 1 5 , 8 1 2 . 9 34.4 24.0 55,1 42.3 74.5 73.8 25,5 26.2 2.17 2,27 68.5 58,1 10.7* 21.2 $14,108 $15,653 Median Age Households % Two or more persons % Single person Persons/Household Housing Units Owner occupied (%) Renter occupied (%) Per Capita Income ---------- Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc. *Constant is assumed over time from 1980 Census data. 10 EXHIBIT 3 continued Summary of Demographic Characteristics 1995 Characteristic Trade Area Palm Beach Co, Total Persons 92,801 1,043,469 Age Distribution 0-17 18-24 25-44 45-54 55-64 65+ Owner occupied (%) Renter occupied (%) 15. 7 1 8 . 3 5 . 3 7.3 19,1 26.8 10.5 11.6 15,6 12.4 33.8 23.6 54,5 43,3 74,0 73.4 26.0 26.5 2,13 2.22 68.5 58.1 10.7* 21.2* $17,452 $21,655 Median Age Households % Two or more persons % Single person Persons/Household Per Capita Income Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc. *Constant is assumed over time from 1980 Census data. 11 EXHIBIT 3 continued Summary of Demographic Characteristics (Trade Area Only) Characteristic 1990 Total Persons 79.692 Per Capita Income $14,108 Median Age/Population 55.1 Average Size/Household 2,17 Source: Urban Decision Systems, Inc, 12 Trade Area 1995 92,801 $17,552 54.5 2',13 4 _ cv.stin~ Retail centers (irade Area) E)<.\'dbit "'~. '" ~\ \ ; \ \l ~ , , 1, < \, "1:< ~~ ~~i -\\ \ . , ~ c o .... 6 5'8 <<- co r- -r co <<- ~ ;;. h o r;: l? l'l 0 AIL>.~i\C"" o r;: r;: '" ~ o:t Ll LltrrOH 6LVO p..~J'c. ~ - -......, '~ ;.t )..:,.::~~\l Co?'<l"." t .\ C.',l~ \C\...11'ff \i" Ii. ----- 21"'0 ,', v- '" '" c; ;z. c <.,; L>'!<C \0"- p..IL;-HI\C LO",seH &\.'>10 '" " <<. L\Hl0H (0 ....."':o~~ ~';.>J.>' . l'~ >- ;:: J: ), i ~ ;: -' SQ9 () ...' c: ] ;; i ' I 1" ", ' ~. 1 cU~" flO co '.3 -~---_._.-._--- . 8o~n.~ol1: . Inlet '. , ' '. " " . ." ,,' " ' -:.'.'" ~ .:; " , ' ~ . .', . . , ," . -' ~ .' ."';' , . : .~: '. : : '.' . ", , . .,' .:::' ,", . :;~. T.._":.. .... ,', . ...... : ~:. - ~ ....'<~.';,: :; . :. .:.:~,:.:. #:.;~. ." .::" <: ..' :. . :..~...:.~ '.>,: :-: - ,~ .........-- - EXH I BIT 5 Map Ref. 1t ....--..-..........- 1- 2- 3- 4- 5-' 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- 18- EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS (Trade Area) !:'""!..rn""!L.~gS',,"!,,j:,,i,g", Meadows Square (S.W, corner-Hypoluxo/Congress) Catalina Center (W. side Congress/N. of Soynton Mall) Soynton Beach Promenade (W, side Congress/front of Boynton Mall) Boynton Seach Walk (Herman's Plaza) (W. side Congress/front of Boynton Mall) Lionel Playworld (W, side Congress/front of Boynton Mall) Greentree Plaza I & II (N. side B,B. Slvd/W. of Congress) Oakwood Square (E, side Congress/N, of B,S, Blvd.) Villager Plaza (N,E, corner-B,S, Blvd/Congress) Leisureville Plaza (S,E, corner-S.S, Slvd/Congress) Boynton Plaza (S,W, corner-S,S, Blvd/Congress) Gateway Center (S,W, quadrant-B.S. Blvd/I-95) Cross Creek Center (N, side B.S. Slvd/W, of 1-95) Soynton Trail Center (N.E. corner-S,S, Slvd/Military) Boynton West Center (N,W, corner-S.B, Slvd/Military) Applegate Plaza (S,E. corner-B.B. Blvd/Military) Vill age Square (N.E, corner-Golf Rd/Military) Westlake Hardware (W. side Congress/S. of Woolbright) World of Furniture Plaza (S,W, corner-Hypoluxo/U.S, 1) 14 ?_i,?"""!/.,,?,,,,,,!,,,,, 96,300 162,000 76,940 42,300 36,600 28,000 168,200 17,700 88,000 102,500 27,200 20.000 233,000 1 51,400 25,500 80,000 25,000 50,000 (EXHIBIT 5 CONTINUED) Map g,'=-,f....,......11. 19- 20- 21- 22- 23- TOTAL t'..".rn.,,=-l~,CJ.c;,,,t:,,i,g..n., Sam's Wholesale Club (S,E. quadrant-I-95/Hypoluxo) Yachtsman Plaza (N & S) (E. side U.S. l/S, of Hypoluxo) Boynton Beach Plaza (N,E, corner-Boynton Beach Blvd/U,S, 1) Sunshine Square (S,W, corner--U,S. 1/Woolbright) Causeway Square (S,E, corner-U.S. 1/Woolbright), 15 ?j..?;,,~,l,?,..,..L, 107,000 38,320 52,500 146,570 110,000 1.885,030 Exhibit 6 _ Approved/In Process Retail Centers (Trade Area) tJ o ~ HY?OLUXO ~ c "', " o " " " " It It, j: I li ! . ~;.I f ! . :::: : . ..'-i . ' - if ~ ...... '. 5 4 ~! I \ OLD BOYNTml W RD BLVD , ' sw -' < c:: l- i )- c:: < LAXE I- ~~ -' ;;. 0 c: 2"JRD "' '" '" c:: c z c () IDA A nANTIC tJ W 0 ATLA~H1C"'" o c: e:: l.D l- e:: <( u AVE lOi'1SOH BLVD "' > LINTON < I lO~9.."">Si'O'fi' FO >- S: :t: I. I , . ..' -' . ~:.,\. -, '~":;''''."' ~:. .~.:." ..."!." . .' . .., .~'.- .-- ...:. .<~ . '.< ~ '".i ;~~:: ~ '~{~,,:.." ....~~..:.~ LINTON BLVD gf; \\ ~ ~ ~ . n - --..., 5 ~ >'~~tt.'1 . C.",,::::y I .i c~" \CU~T ~ ..:- ," ........ .: . ~. - . .' ..... ~ ;; ~ : .:: ,,:;.:,~...;.t::::'r.: '.:' . '.' '. I ' 809 RD ClI."'lT ----- c:: 16 . Bo'\nron 'l~j'el . .' ' -,," ,".. . ..... '.. --_._--.-~~----_.----_._._---_._.._--_.__.~-- EXHIBIT 7 Map 8",1',..11: 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- TOTAL APPROVED/IN PROCESS RETAIL CENTERS (Trade Area) .N...':'..rn..".L.\"..9.C;.':'.:t:.j..9..n.. Hypoluxo Shopping Center (S.E. corner-Hypoluxo/Military) Boynton Lakes Center (S.E. corner-Hypoluxo/Congress) Trails End Plaza (E. side Military/S. of Hypoluxo) Cocoplum Plaza (E. side Military/S. of Hypoluxo) Aberdeen Square (N.W. corner-Military/Le Chalet) Village Shoppes of Boynton (N.E. corner-N.W. 22nd/Congress) Catalina Center (W. side Congress/H. of Boynton Mall) Woolbright Plaza (S.W. quadrant-I-95/Woolbright) Grove Shopping Center (N.E. corner-Old Dixie/U.S. 1) .::3.5.."..".1..'2..,..1'...,. 87,000 133,700 100,000 130,000 71,400 175,600 80,100 315,580 160,020 1,253,400 Source: Survey research by Thompson Consulting, Inc. 1990. 17 EXHIBIT 8 Retail Space Demand (trade area) ESTIMATE OF SUPPORTABLE COMMERCIAL SPACE GENERATED BY RETAIL SPENDING PATTERNS Estimated Retail Space Needs Per Retail Category* Capita (sq. ft.) 1990 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) 1995 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) Food 5.05 402,445 468,645 Eating/Drinking 7.05 561,829 654,247 Gen'l Mdse 8.85 705,274 821,289 Apparel 3.17 252,624 294,179 Drug Store 1.72 137,070 159,618 Furn/Appl 5.69 453,447 528,038 Lumber/Hardware 4.38 349,051 406,468 Automotive 1.68 133,883 155,906 Cinema/Theater 2.11 168,150 195,910 Q1:b"r....................................~...,.9.9_..............I6..9..!.?2..??~9.L4.?? TOTAL 47.81 3,933,598 4,580,758 *Categories consist of the following subcategories: FOOD: Grocery store; meat markets, poultry; seafood dealers; vegetables/fruits; bakeries; delicatessens; candy, confectionery, sundries. EATING/DRINKING; Restaurants, lunchrooms, catering services; and taverns, night clubs, bars and liquor stores. GENERAL MERCHANDISE: Department stores; variety stores; limited specialty retail; dry goods. APPAREL: Clothing stores, alterations; shoe stores. DRUG STORES: Drug stores; pharmacies-apothecaries. FURNITURE/APPLIANCES: Furniture stores (new and used); household appliances, dinnerware, etc.; music stores, radios, television, record/tape shops and electronic supplies. LUMBER/HARDWARE: Hardware, paints, light machinery; bicycle shops; decorating/painting/papering/drapery; lumber/building materials, fabrication/sales of windows, doors, cabinets, etc. AUTOMOTIVE: Auto accessories, tires, parts, auto A/C, etc. CINEMA/THEATER: Movies and other admission charging business. OTHER: Second hand stores; antique shops; store and office equipment; barber and beauty shops; cosmetics; reducing salons; book stores; dry cleaning linen and laundry; tobacco shops; florists; gifts; cards, novelty, hobby, stationery and toy stores; magazines, post cards, brochures; photo and art equipment and supplies, art galleries, etc. Source: Retail sales and use tax business classifications; Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Florida, and year end retail sales for Palm Beach County - 1987. Dollars and Cents of Shopping Centers, 1987, The Urban Land Institute. 1 8 EXHIBIT 9 SUPPORTABLE AND EXISTING COMMERCIAL SPACE Retail Category Food Eating/Drinking Gen'l Mdse Apparel Drug Store Furn/Appl Lumber/Hardware Automotive Cinema/Theater Other TOTAL Vacant space TOTAL 1990 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) 402,445 561,829 705,274 252,624 137,070 453,447 349,051 133,883 168,150 769,825 3,933,598 3,933,598 1995 Demand For Space (sq. ft.) 468,645 654,247 821,289 294,179 159 , 618 528,038 406,468 155,906 195,910 896,458 4,580,758 4,580,758 19 1990 Existing Retail Totals (sq. ft.) 271,240 168,070 327,500 77,230 102,865 116,820 110,550 4,260 22,000 264,625 1,465,160 267,770 1,732,930 Based on the methodology utilized in this analysis, as evidenced by the information contained on the preceding page, an additional 2,200,668 square feet can be supported by the population in the trade area in 1990. However, the above figure does not reflect any of the approved/in process nor non-retail space (financial institutions and office users that also occupy space in these facilities) in the trade area. Approved/in process retail center developments within the trade area are also examined since, upon completion, each will also be competing with the subject site for certain retail customers. (See Exhibits 6 & 7 for these centers). An additional 1,253,400 square feet of commercial/retail uses have been approved but not yet built/completed within the trade area. In addition, there are 152,100 ?quare feet of non-retail space within existing centers in the trade area. To account for this space, the total approved/in process space, as well as the non-retail space referenced above, should be added to the total retail space in existing shopping centers. Combining inventoried existing competitive space total (including vacant space) of 1,732,930 square feet (as well as the 152,100 square feet of non-retail space in existing centers) to the approved/in process space total of 1,253,400 square feet, yields a total existing and committed commercial/retail space figure of 3,138,430 square feet. By adding the retail space proposed for development at the subject site (i.e., 120,000 square feet as well as the 120,000 square feet proposed for the Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D.), the total of existing, approved/in process and that proposed for the subject site is 3,378,430 square feet. This total is below the 1990 estimated demand of 3,933,598 square feet and indicates that an additional 555,168 square feet can be supported in the trade area in 1990 (over and above that proposed for Knuth Road P.C.D.). In addition, with projected population increases to 92,801 persons by 1995, an estimated 4,580,758 square feet could be supported in the trade area. 20 Examining the individual categories of retai 1 presented in Exhibit 9 indicates that in no category does supply exceed demand. It is important to note that the supply side total does not include the Boynton Beach Mall. It was not included because this super regional center serves an area which extends into southern Delray Beach on the south and West Palm Beach on the north. In addition, the anchors and on-line merchants of a super regional center do not directly compete with nearby tenants that are located in neighborhood, community and unanchored centers. Super regional centers attract destination oriented trips to the major anchors with spin-offs for the "national chain" shops. The super regional centers come closest (currently) to reproducing shopping facilities and customer attraction once available in Central Business Districts (CBD's). . . In addition, those competing shopping centers located near the periphery of the trade area were not discounted (in terms of the ratio of population within the Knuth Road P.c.D. trade area to the population within the trade area of those competing shopping centers located a good distance away from the subject site). The further away a competing shopping center facility is, the less direct competition it represents to the subject site. In summary and conclusion, the subject 120,000 square foot neighborhood center proposed at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road, is in a favorable market position in terms of location, visibility, access and timing (particularly with projected population increases in the trade area in the near future) . 21 GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS Every reasonable effort has been made to insure that this report contains the most accurate and timely information possible, which is believed to be reliable. However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies in reporting by developer, developer's agents or any other sources. Contractual obligations do not include access to or ownership transfer of any electronic data processing files, programs or models completed directly for or as a by-product of this research effort. This report may not be used for any purpose other than for which it is prepared. Possession of this report does not carry with it the right of publication and its contents shall not be disseminated to the public through advertising media, sales media, or any other public means of communication without prior written consent and approval of Thompson Consulting, Inc. 22 23 ADDENDUM KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. (May, 1990) 23 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Meadows Square 1 Catalina Center 2 B. Beach Promenade 3 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant By Retail Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 43,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 7,000 4,710 11,540 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 77,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 5,000 7,650 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 12,000 22,315 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 2,000 4,710 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr /H rd'.Nr / Bldg Supply ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 1,300 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 9,000 8,830 11,540 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 12,000 21,950 5,385 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 5,000 37,150 26,160 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 96,300 162,000 76,940 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Boynton Beach Walk 4 Lionel Playworld 5 Greentree Plaza I & II 6 Oakwood Square 7 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant By Retail Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 2,100 29,450 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 7,680 4,200 21,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 10,100 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 10,280 20,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 5,050 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 9,240 8,400 28,600 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Bldg Supply ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 1,400 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 2,800 19,350 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 10,200 36,600 9,800 21,900 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 2,800 1,400 10,950 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 42,300 36,600 28,000 168,200 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Villager Plaza 8 Leisureville Plaza 9 Boynton Plaza 10 Gateway Center 1 1 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant By Retail Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 1,700 36,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 1,700 13,300 8,500 4,290 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gjen'l.Mdse 6,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 850 1,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 10,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fu rn/ App 1 850 4,100 1,430 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ Sldg Supply 5,550 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 3,800 9,600 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater 16,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 7,560 1,900 13,600 8,580 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 5,040 41,300 7,050 4,300 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 5,700 6,100 8,600 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 17,700 88,000 102,500 27,200 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Map Reference: Cross Creek Center 12 Boynton Trail Center 13 Boynton West Center 14 Applegate Plaza 15 Name: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant By Retail Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 48,000 2,700 3,190 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink 3,400 27,000 21,600 6,380 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse ----- ----- 65,000 ----- --------------------------------------------------~-------------- Apparel 2,700 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 10,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Fu rn/ App 1 3,200 24,000 2,700 1,590 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwl'/ Bldg Supply 40,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 9,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 6,000 8,200 9,550 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 12,200 18,000 13,500 3,190 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 1,200 51,000 35,000 1,600 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 20,000 233,000 151,400 25,500 EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Name: Village Square 1 6 Westlake Hardware 17 World of Furniture Pl 1 8 Sam's Whole- sale Club 19 Map Reference: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Tenant By Retail Category: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Food 38,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Eat/Drink ----------------------------------------------------------------- Gen'l Mdse 107,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Apparel 1,200 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Drug Store 12,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Furn/Appl 1,200 7,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Automotive ----------------------------------------------------------------- Lmbr/Hrdwr/ 8ldg Supply 25,000 40,000 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Financial 1,820 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Theater ----------------------------------------------------------------- Prof/Med Offices 3,640 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Other 11,400 2,500 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Vacant 10,740 ----------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL 80,000 25,000 50,000 107,000 Name: Map Reference: Tenant By Retail Category: Food Eat/Drink Gen'l Mdse Apparel Drug Store Furn/Appl Automotive Lmbr/Hrdwr/ 8ldg Supply Financial Theater Prof/Med Offices Other Vacant TOTAL EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS Yachtsman Plaza 20 7,100 8,520 3,550 3,550 4,260 5,680 5,660 38,320 Boynton Beach Plaza 21 20,000 7,300 2,400 6,000 6,000 1,200 7,200 2,400 52,500 Sunshine Square 22 40,000 7,800 17,600 10,000 10, 000 6,000 6,500 11,700 36,970 146,570 Causeway Square 23 1,250 60,000 15,000 3,750 1,250 3,750 25,000 110,000 Name: Map Reference: Tenant By Retail Category: Food Eat/Drink l,en'l Mdse !\ppa re 1 Drug Store Furn/Appl ilu t omot i ve Lmbr/Hrdwrl Bldg Supply Financial Theater Prof/Med Offices Other Vacant TOTAL EXISTING RETAIL CENTERS TOTAL 271,240 168,070 327,500 77,230 102,865 116,820 4,260 110,550 26,920 22,000 125,180 264,625 267,770 1,885,030 EXHIBIT "D" Walter H. Kellc... Jr.. Inc. TRAFFIC lIE TRANSPORTATION. PLANNING. ENGINEERING. LAND DEVELOPMENT May 29, 1990 Mr. Timothy Cannon, Acting Director City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Traffic Impact Review - Knuth Road PCD Dear Mr. Cannon: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. has reviewed the traffic impact study for the Knuth Road PCD. The results of our review indicate the Applicant's analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised. The proposed site is located at the southwest comer of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road and includes the development of 120,000 square feet of retail floor space. The site is currently located in unincorporated Palm Beach County but is proposed for annexation by the City of Boynton Beach. The traffic study is dated January 30, 1990 and is based on the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance #87-18. The review of conformance to County Standards is based on all roadways in the study area while review of conformance to the Boynton Beach Traffic Circulation Element to the City Comprehensive Plan is applicable to roadways within City boundaries. A summary of our review is provided in the following text. Existing Conditions - The Applicant's analysis of existing traffic volumes is based on 1989 traffic counts and is consistent with data provided by Palm Beach County and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Existing traffic volumes are also provided on Knuth Road north and south of Boynton Beach Boulevard. It is assumed these counts were performed by the consultant and traffic count summary sheets should be provided in the Appendix. The analysis of traffic conditions is based on the LOS "C" capacities as provided in both the County Traffic Performance Standards and the City Traffic Circulation Element. The analysis shows three over capacity roadway links including Boynton Beach Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and 1-95, Boynton Beach Boulevard between Military Trail and El Clair Ranch Road and Military Trail south of Golf Road. Programmed Improvements - There are a number of programmed and planned improvements located in the Applicant's study area, most of which have been identified in the traffic impact study. Table 1 provides a summary of these improvements and indicates those projects considered assured per County standards. continued... 10211 W. SAMPLE ROAD, SUITE 204. P.O. BOX 9740 CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA 33075-9740 (305) 755-3822. (407) 732-7844 (Palm Beach) Walter H. Keller Jr.. Inc. Mr. Timothy Cannon May 29, 1990 page two Table 1. Programmed Roadway Improvements Roadway Section Imprvmnt Boynton Beach Blvd Acme Dairy Rd to Jog Rd Jog Rd to Military Tr at Florida's Turnpike Old Boynton Rd to 1-95 +2L(4LD) +4L(6LD) Interchange +2L(6LD) Military Tr Hypoluxo Rd to Boynton Beach Bd Boynton Beach Bd to Stiener Rd +2L(6LD) +2L(6LD) Old Boynton Rd Military Tr to Knuth Rd +2L(4LD) Congress Ave Miner Rd to NW 22nd Ave NW 22nd Ave to Boynton Beach Bd L28 Canal to L30 Canal +2L(6LD) +2L(6LD) +2L(6LD) Woolbright Rd Military Tr to Congress Ave Congress Ave to 1-95 NC(4LD) +2L(6LD) Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. Palm Beach COWlty Engineering Florida Department of Transponation Const Date FY 90/91 FY 90/91 FY 90/91 FY 90/91 D/C FY 91192 FY 91192 1990 1991 FY 91/92 FY 90/91 1991 Respons Agency Assured FOOT Yes FOOT Yes FOOT Yes County Yes County Yes County Yes County Yes Devel No Devel Yes County Yes County Yes Devel No Note: ule - Under Construction Balded projects not analyzed by Applicant Table 2 shows the planned improvements to Woolbright Road from Congress Avenue to 1-95 and Congress Avenue from Miner Road to NW 22nd Avenue are not assured. Note the improvement on Boynton Beach Boulevard from Jog Road to Military Trail will provide a six lane divided facility as opposed to the four lane improvement discussed in the Applicant Study. Trip Generation - The Applicant's estimate of project trip generation indicates a total of 8,365 total daily trips including 3,547 captured trips from existing traffic and 4,818 new external trips. The Applicant analysis of PM peak hour traffic shows 336 vehicles accessing the site and 349 vehicle trips leaving the site. These estimates are based on the 4th Edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual and are acceptable. Trip Distribution and Assignment - The Applicant's analysis of trip distribution and assignment is reasonable, however the assignment of traffic to Lawrence Road is heavy compared to Military Trail. The Applicant shows a significant number of project trips accessing Military Trail via Boynton Beach Beach Boulevard, Lawrence Road and Old Boynton Road. The shortest and most convenient path for this traffic is continued... Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. Mr. Timothy Cannon May 29, 1990 page three Boynton Beach Boulevard direct to Military Trail. A revised assignment would cause Military Trail from Boynton Beach Boulevard to NW 22nd Street to be considered "Significant" per the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. The Applicant's assignment of peak hour traffic shown on Figure 3 (page 6) of the traffic impact study is not consistent with the PM peak: hour trip generation estimates. Background Traffic Analysis - The Applicant's analysis of background traffic is based on a 1993 buildout year, a historical link analysis and committed traffic per the Aberdeen, Palm Isles, Rainbow Lakes, Sun Valley, Indian Springs and Quantum Park developments. The results of the background traffic analysis are acceptable and indicate a significant amount of traffic growth on all roadways. The projected traffic volume on Boynton Beach Boulevard should be revised to indicate traffic diversion due to the extension of Woolbright Road from Congress Avenue to Military Trail. This improvement should reduce traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard. Traffic Impacts - The Applicant's analysis of projected traffic impacts is incomplete based on the assignment of project traffic and the identification of "Significant" links as shown on Figure 3 (page 6) of the traffic impact study. Table 2 summarizes the Applicant's analysis and shows 8 links where the analysis of total traffic is not provided. Some of these links are discussed in the text of the report and background traffic is shown in the Appendix but are not included on Figure 4 (page 8). For the purposes of this review Table 2 also includes all assured roadway improvements. The results indicate Congress Avenue from NW 22nd Avenue to Old Boynton Road is over capacity. The Applicant fails to identify this and discusses two different links which are not shown on Figure 4. These links include Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95 and Boynton Beach Boulevard from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road. The Applicant's analysis on the segment west of Military Trail is incorrect because the roadway improvement is to six lane this facility thereby accommodating projected traffic. It is assumed the Applicant's conclusion on the segment between 1-95 and Old Boynton Road is based on a total volume of 61,613 which includes the background traffic shown on Appendix E. Note also two Military Trail links, from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Old Boynton Road and from Old Boynton Road to NW 22nd A venue should be added to the Table per comments made under the Distribution and Assignment subtitle. Site Access - The traffic study shows three unsignalized access drives, one restricted access on Boynton Beach Boulevard and two unrestricted access drives on Knuth Road. The analysis of peak: hour traffic operations is based on an unsignalized and continued... Walter H . Keller Jr ., Inc . Mr. Timothy Cannon May 24,1990 page four Table 2. Analysis of Significant Links 1993 County Exist Back Proj Total LOSC Roadway From To ADT ADT ADT ADT Cap VIC Boynton Beach Bd Jog Rd El Clair Ranch Rd 10,500 Inc 198 - - - El Clair Ranch Rd Military Tr 20,636 Ine 243 - - - Military Tr Lawrence Rd 24,420 7,232 1,083 32,735 46,400 0.71 Lawrence Rd Knuth Rd 27,365 8,104 1,604 37,073 46,400 0.80 Knuth Rd Mall Rd 27,365 8,104 2,575 38,044 46,400 0.82 Mall Rd Congress Avenue 27,365 8,104 2,431 37,900 46,400 0.82 Congress Avenue Old Boynton Rd 31.972 12,337 929 45,238 46,400 0.97 Old Boynton Rd 1-95 43,886 Ine 794 - - - Congress Avenue NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 29,808 19,263 535 49,606 46,400 1.07 Old Boynton Rd Boynton Beach Bd 29,808 15,770 611 46.189 46,400 1.00 Boynton Beach Blvd Woolbright Rd 25,170 11,414 842 37,426 46,400 0.81 Woolbright Rd Golf Rd 25,170 Inc 490 - - - Lawrence Rd NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 8,680 Ine 384 - - - Old Boynton Rd Boynton Beach Bd 8,680 2,912 472 12,064 13,100 0.92 Knuth Rd Old Boynton Rd Boynton Bch Bd 668 Ine 341 . - - 2,042 Ine Ine - - - Old Boynton Rd Military Trail Lawrence Rd 11,383 3,261 138 14,782 30,000 0.49 Lawrence Rd Mall Rd 11,383 3,261 164 14,808 30,000 0.49 NW 22nd Ave Military Tr Lawrence Rd 6,412 Inc 192 - - - Note: Balded links are significant links not analyzed by the Applicant. Ine ~ Incomplete signalized intersection analysis. The analysis results indicates left turn movements from the minor street will operate poorly under un signalized conditions and improve measurably with a traffic signal in place. Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. Note the turning movement volumes shown in the analysis are not consistent with peak hour trip generation estimates. However, this should not have a bearing on the results since the volumes in the analysis are overestimated. Conformance to City and County Standards - The analysis on Table 2 shows that the Congress Avenue link between NW 22nd Avenue and Old Boynton Road will be operating over capacity at the improved six lane capacity. In this instance, the project would have to be reduced by 13% to meet the 1 % LOS "C" impact. continued... Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. Mr. Timothy Cannon May 29, 1990 page five However, the project does meet City Standards because LOS "D" is acceptable on this link. The results of this analysis are incomplete because so many impacted roadways are not included in the analysis of future conditions. Summary - The results of this review indicate a more expanded traffic study should be provided. The revised analysis should provide projected LOS for all roadways in the radius of development influence and "1 %" impact areas. The expanded study should address all comments within this letter. Also note, if the revised study addressed the current Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards the Applicant's radius of influence is reduced to 2 miles and all other links over 1 % capacity. A revised analysis shall also include revisions relative to comments contained within this letter including: a revised analysis based on all assured construction projects; an appropriate assignment to Lawrence Road and Military Trail; a revised peak hour analysis and revised peak: hour turning movements on Figure 5. If you have any questions please contact me at (305) 732-7844. S~~~ Walter H. Keller Jr., PE, AICP President WHK/us l ",',"""'" " 1.1'_, ,">1. '., "'1,1 "I from: f1bJton Inte,I"" ~--_.__._-~- 7~~ 3866 ,'Oyt' .:.. Of ) ____Quality: >tandal'd June 6, 1990 Mr. Jim Golden, PlaullingDepartment City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Traffic Impact Review Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd PCD Dear Mr. Golden: ,I!js per your request, the traffic impact of the proposed rezoning of the above referenced sites on projected 2010 traffic has been reviewed. Table 1 below indicates the cummulative impact of rezoning the Boynon Beach Boulevard site (Residential 10.8 to Commercial) and the Knuth Road site (Residential 7.2 and Commercial to Commercial) would increase projected traffic by approximately 6,000 trips. Tabl~ 1. ln~r~a.cd Trip Proj~~tion E.timatc. CW'renl Zoning Proposed I New Exl Trip~ Difference, , ~ Proj eel Size Units I I i Knuth Rd peD 77 MPDU I 41,380 Sqfl Corn Trips I Toml Knuth Rd I Boynton Beach BId peD 130 MP DU I Total Impact I ! Source: Waller H. Keller Jr., Inc. 517 2,303 2,820 1\01 4,818 4,818 1.998 ! 4.017 6.014 Exhibits A and B attached, show the individual rezonings would also increase on roadways projected to be over capacity. The Knuth Road rezoning impacts a,e less than 1 % in all locations except for Lawrence Road. traffic however, If you have any questions please contact me at (305) 732-7844. Sincerely, Walter H. Keller Jr., PE, AlCP President WHK;us Attachment n r.CTIIVTID .1......1.:. J".... JUN 'l 1990 , i ~JI_?T. PL^il:I,,10 ..... HI UUYUllJlIIH'.,. I" ,l~~ IH _ ...!.t:'!.m: !lbaloE...!!~J.,]H IIHI.,):W I', I AJ t:~',;'M 7'j'j 386L_____ l'age j uf j Quality: Standard kn ..+l; RJ, Pea &hibit A. AaelYlllil of R..oaiaR E:oDODRon 2010 Volumet I Addta'! I Rev I 2010 2010 2010 I Pro'; 2010 2010 : Roadway From To Cop ADT VIC I ADT ADT vIe I i Boynton BeacnBd Knuth Rd Mall Rrl 46.400 35.5oU OJ7 I 1.068 36.568 0.79 ! MaIlRrl COnllteS6 Avenue 46.400 35.:00 0.;; I 1.008 36.5U8 0.79 : Conpteii Avenue Old Boynton Rd 46.400 42.400 0.91 I 385 42.785 OW Old Bornton Rd 1.95 .1.1.800 56,BOO 1.021 329 57.l2~ 1.02 : i ('o~ll:res8Aveoue NW22ndAve Old Boynton Rd 55,800 56.500 222 56,722 1.02 I.UI Old Boynton RJ Boynton Beach Bd 5.1.800 56.500 101 253 56,753 102 Bo~nton BOll.b Blvd WoolbriRht Rd 46.400 50.70') l.l19 .149 51.U4~ 1.10 Woolbri/iht Rd GolfRd 46.400 56,700 1.22 2U3 56,9iJ~' 1.2) I LawrenceRd NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd D.100 15,100 1.15 159 15.259 1.ltJ Old Boynton Rd Boyntoe BeachBd D.lOO 15.100 1.15 196 15.2% lP i sw nnd Ave Military Tr LnwrenceRd 50.000 13,900 (UA 80 13.980 n,+7 Sourc" Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. K.S. Ro~en. Coosultin~ Enwneer, Ine. , Exhibit B. 8t1y"'f.,.. 8t'dC t. f31vd _ /'Cf) Analysis of RezoninR BllJlibln Blvd peD on Z010 Volu:nes I , I Addlo'l Rev Rev 2010 2010 2010' Proi 2010 2010 Roadway From To Cap ADT vie I ADT ADT VIC Boynton Beacb Bd Knuth Rd MallRd 46,400 35,500 0.77 2,147 3'7,047 0.81 Mall Rci ConweBB Avenue 46,400 35,500 0.77 2.027 37,527 0.8l ()on~.6Plvenue Old Boynton Rd "MOO 42,400 0.91 77~ 43.17:' U,I)J Old Boynton Rd 1-95 55,.00 51;,800 1.02 662 57,Jn2 l.O2 I I C)~~re"'s Avenue NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 55,SOO 56,500 1.01 446 56.9"6 l.02 . Old Boynton Rd BoyntoeBeachBd 55.BOO 56,500 l.01 5l'9 57,009 1.02 Bo)nton Beach Blvd Woolbri/iht Rd 46,400 50,700 1.09 702 51.402 1.1l Woolbri~ht Rd GolfRd 46,40(; 56,700 1.22 4U'l 57.109 ." J....' ~ U:l\vl'enzeRd NW ZlndAve Qld Boynton Rd 13,100 15,100 wi 320 15.420 1.18 : I Old Boynlcn Rd BOYDton BeachBd 13.100 15,lOO 1.15 i 394 15,494 US i I I NW22ndAve Military Tr Lawrence Rd 30,000 !:l,900 0.46 ; 160 14.0611 0.4; I , Sourc.e: Walter H. Keller Jr., Ine. K.S. Ro~en, Coosultln~ Enl!ineer, Inc. City 01 BoyntOD Beach ComprehensiVe Plan c ~ ' r .lUN I r " CITY 0 f BOYNTON BEACH @ OFFICE 100 E. Boynton B.ach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton B.ach. Florida 33435.0310 14071734-8111 OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR April 3, 1990 Palm Beach County Engineering Dept. Attn: Mr. Charles Walker PO Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis For Two Shopping Centers Proposed on The South Side of Boynton Beach Boulevard West of Congress Avenue Dear Mr. Walker: Enclosed you will find a copy of the traffic impact analysis and master plan for the following annexation, land use element amend- ment and rezoning requests to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) : 1. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD 2. Knuth Road PCD These projects were submitted to the City on January 30, 1990 and are being reviewed by the City's traffic consultant for consis- tency with the Traffic Circulation Element of the City of Boynton comprehensive Plan. Please forward any comments that you may have by May 31, 1990 for incorporation in the June public hearing proceedings. Very truly yours, CITY OF BO~TO~ BEACH t~~f- )'~,., JAMES . GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb Ene cc: Timothy Cannon A:CWalker Boa'" al' Count" Commluion... Carol J. Elmquist. Chairman Karen T. Marcu., Vice Chair Carol A. Roberta Ron Howard Carole Phillip. County AdrrUlllttrat... J.n WI",e" Deplutment of Engineering .nd Public Work" June 5. 1990 Jamas J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Belch Blvd, P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33436-0310 REI TRAFFIC IMPACT AMALYSES FOR BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD AHD KNUTH ROAD PCD Dear Hr. Golden: As requested by your letter of April 3, l~~O, the Palm Beach county 1raffic Division has reviewed the traffic reports for the two proposed shopping centers entitled Boynton Beach Boulevard pce and Knuth Road PCD. The following comments are submitted for your consideration: 1) Based upon copies of correspondence fTOm your office to the applicant's agent (Kilday & Associates. Inc.) dated February 13, 1990, we do lW. consider the applications for these projects to have been complete prior to February 1, 1990 and therefore vested against the new Countywide 1raffic Performance Standards (County Ordinance 90-7) as per the Municipal Implementation Ord1nance (County Ordinance 90-6). To comply with these County Ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the app11cant to your office as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use. their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Z) 3) Under Test #1 of the new Countywide lraffic Standard (which i~ comparable to the previOUS unincorporated area ~tandard - County Ordinance 87-18), significant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to Qllceed their Qx;sting and committed capacities. No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). Without some commitment from these developers to improve these two lInks the traffic standard is violated. RECEn'ED JUN :> 1990 "An Equd Opportunity. Affirm.tive Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402-~4~ (407) 68.~~oNNlNG Df.PT. \ C ptlnrad on rw.-clH pap., - James J. Golden Palle 2 Junl 4, 151!lQ Your transmittal of thsss traffIc repDrtE fDr our review iE apprecIated. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you hllve any quect10ns concerning these comments. Sincerely, COUN.TYTY -'EN INEER ~~ 11an A, Enni., P.E" AICP Development Review Engineer AAE:sb cc: Audrey Wolfe, SpecIal Projects CoordInator - County Engineering Dept. File: General - TPS - Munlcipalit1es . Traffic study RevIews Intersection: "Boynton Beach Blvd, & Knuth Road" General - TPS . Municipa11t1es . Vesting DeterminatIons aae\BB&KnPCD " _ _ A" ~ . ~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton B.ach, Florida 33435.0310 (4071734.8111 I OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 13, 1990 Kilday & Associates, Inc. Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, ~L 33401 Dear Mr. Kilday: . , Please be advised that the Planning Department has reviewed the six applications submitted on January 31, 1990. Our comments are as follows: I. Proposed Service Station (.80 acres) at southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road owned by Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply wtt~ the text language for Planning Area 7 of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (3) The water/sewer impact statement reqUired pursuant to items 6 and 7 on pages 4 and 5 is based on comparison of existing and proposed zoning categories and not . eXisting and proposed land use categories. The statement also does not indicate that calculations are based on the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department. TO: Kilday & Assoc -2- Feb. 13, 1990 II. Proposed Mall South Parcels (49.52 acres total) located on the east and west sides of Winchester Park Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, owned by Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester, and Ernest Klatt (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. ( 2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (3) Pursuant to item c(l) on page 3 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, written consent to the processing of this application from Ernest Klatt. . \ (4) Pursuant to item d(3) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a tree survey which meets the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. (5) Pursuant to item h on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a compari- son of the impacts that would be created by develop- ment under the proposed zoning with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: (a) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under th~ proposed zoning or development. (b) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. (c) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (d) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with' the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements' , TO: Kilday & Assoq. -3- Feb. 13, 1990 that would be necessary to accorrunodate such traffic movements. For proposed developments which would generate three-thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required. Said traffic impact analysis shall include projected trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersections within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well as traffic that would utilize local streets through residential zoning districts. said traffic impact analysis shall compare traffic levels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development of the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent cities, and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within' a radius of five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are, not currently zoned for urban land uses, the potential' , land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the density range shown on the County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of traffic generation at build-out has been adopted or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traffic in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. The format and standards used in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those which are required by Palm Beach County, with the exception of the requirements lisl;ed above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recorrunendations for the mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted by or are utilized by Palm Beach County. (e) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Corrunitment to the provision of improvements to the TO: Kilday & Assoc. -4- Feb. 14, 1990 water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (f) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the eXisting facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (g) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the ' proposed zoning or development with that which would be generat~d under the eXisting zoning. Sewage flows I \ \ shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (h) For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more tha~ fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall also provide projections for the number of employees. I , TO: Kilday & Assoc. -5- Feb. 14, 1990 III. Proposed Mall Corner Restaurant (1.34 acres) at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Mall Corner, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) A standard City of Boynton Beach application form for the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application (the reproduction submitted is not acceptable). (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) Signature of applicant (owner) on page 6 of the Annexation Application. , , . (5) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (6) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. IV, Proposed Retail/Oil Lube (2.44 acres) at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher and Schroeder, al Florida General Partnership (applications for. annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since a portion of the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. TO: Kilday & Assoc. -6- Feb. 13, 1990 (3) Correct "Proposed Zoning" on page 3 of Annexation application, as a County land use category has been indicated instead of the proposed City zoning category. (4) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (5) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. v. Proposed Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development (13.871 acres) at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road owned by the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: , , , (1) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was submitted). (2) ( 3 ) (4 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) Since a portion of the proposed land use and zoning categories does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.j of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. Signature of applicant is missing from page 6 of Annexation Application (copy of owner's authorization signed by Bill R. Winchester). A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.l(b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations). Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -7- Feb. 13, 1990 (7) Pursuant to item hIS) of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (8) Pursuant to item h(ll) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. VI. Proposed Boynton Beach Boulevard Planned Conmmercial Development (14.76 acres) on the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard owned by University of Florida Foundation, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: ( 1) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant, to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was submitted). \ , (2) Since the proposed land use and zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.k of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.1 (b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations. (5) Pursuant to item h(l) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). (6) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (7) Pursuant to item h(ll) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -8- Feb. 13, 1990 Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. (8) Signature of Owner/Trustee is missing from page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application. Pursuant to Chapter 163.3187 F.S., none of the applications submitted meet the criteria for small scale development activities as a result of the text amendments that are necessary and the fact that an amendment cannot involve the same property more than once a year or the same owner's property within 200 feet of property granted a change within a period of 12 months. It appears likely that several of these applications, either separately or when considered together, may constitute a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Therefore, a description of the petitions, a map showing same, and a tabulation of the acreages will be forwarded to the City Commission. The Commission will need to decide whether a binding letter should 'be requested from DCA regarding DRI status. .' . If the City Commission approves the transmittal of these applications to DCA, you will be required to submit to the Planning Department, prior to transmittal, a description of the availability of and demand on public facilities pursuant to 9J-ll.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNT~N ~~ACH r!~'~ JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb cc: City Manager Central File bcc: Alan ~nhi~, PBCty Trattic Dept Kilday I I ;' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 7 June 1990 . Mr. Alan Ennis Palm Beach County Engineering Department P.O. Box 2429 Building S-ll70,PBIA West Palm Beachr FL 33402 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis for Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD and Knuth Road PCD Dear Mr. Ennis: Please be advised that the City staff found the applications for the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD and Knuth Road PCD to be complete as of the submittal date of January 30, 1990. The City considers any application which is sufficiently complete to allow process- ing through the staff and various city boards to be a complete application. In the case of both of the above-mentioned applications, the items listed in the letter to the applicant, dated February 13, 1990, were minor in nature. The only missing item which could be possibly considered substantial in nature were the requirements for a subdivision master plan, however, since these sites will each be developed as a single shopping center, the lack of subdivision plans did not constitute a major ommission. All of the improvements which would be required for a subdivision were shown on the conceptual site plans for the PCD's, or would be constructed as a part of the shopping center site. Since the City considers the two applications to have been complete as of the submission date, the City will continue to process these applications, subject to the applicant demonstrating that the roadway levels of service, as set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan, would be maintained, as well as applicable levels of service in the unincorporated area. The provisions of the City's Plan and Code Ordinances which were in effect at the time these applications were submitted require that a traffic impact analysis be submitted when property is rezoned, using the methodology and standards utilized by Palm Beach CountYr but subject to the levels of service set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan. ,. TO: Mr. Alan Ennis Page Two 6/7/90 If you have any questions with regard to these applications, please feel free to contact me. The City appreciates your review and comments regarding the traffic studies which were submitted for these two projects. The Planning Department will recommend that the approval of these applications be conditioned upon maintaining the adopted levels of service within the City, as well as the adopted levels of service in the unincorporated area. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 5?~~~ Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director TPC/cmc cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Vincent Finizio, Engineering Dept. EXHIBIT "E" STAFF COMMENTS KNUTH ROAD PCD LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT BUILDING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memorandum CITY ATTORNEY: See attached memorandum , BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-158 (Revised) May 31, 1990 THRU: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning DirectollL7~ _ Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site DevelO~~dministrator TO: FROM; RE: MASTER PLAN - KNUTH ROAD peD (ANNEXATION) upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Where proposed PCD is directly adjacent to a residential zoned district show a 25' 0" wide green belt. All drawings must be consistent in identifying the green belt area. RECEIVED JUN I 1990 PLANNI;~G DEPT. meh:eaf cc: Don Jaeger KNUTHPCD.SDD PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-174 TO: Chairman & Members planning & Zoning Board THRU: rc Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: June 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Knuth Road PCD - Conditions of Zoning Approval With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. A master plan modification will be required if a drive-thru restaurant is proposed at the outparcel site (Sections 6.F.5.a and 6.F.13 of Appendix A-Zoning). 2. Right-of-Way to be dedicated in accordance with the Palm Beach County Right-of-Way Thoroughfare Protection Map and Policy 2.6.3. of the Comprehensive Plan. Said right-of-way dedication should include any right-of-way that is necessary for expanded intersections. 3. Pursuant to the Traffic Impact Review prepared by Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc., dated May 29, 1990, the applicant's analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised in accordance with the recommendations contained in said Traffic Impact Review. The applicant's analysis should also address the finding by the Palm Beach County Engineering Department (see letter dated June 5, 1990) that Boynton Beach Boulevard from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road would be over capacity. With regard to the County Engineer's comment that the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to I-95 will be over capacity, it should be noted that this link will be improved by Palm Beach County, however, this link will still be overcapacity according to the findings in Mr. Keller's report. 4. Roadway improvements recommended by the developer's traffic consultant and the City's traffic consultant, pursuant to approval of the revised traffic impact analysis by the City's traffic consultant, should be bonded prior to final plat approval. The bonding of said roadway improvements should be coordinated with the City's Engineering Department. 5. The billboards that exist on the property should be removed within 60 days of annexation, as they are not allowed under the City's sign ordinance. 1 ~ i. hJl", , AMESl J. GOLDEN JJG:cp A:PM90-174 '"), J~' J J..; . J 1...,1.... ~ H~, hi iL 1.::I:",,'j"I',,1::I4 Il.1..... I i'_,; _'0::,/:,:;-', 11-4':".::.._, i~~l::,l r'U,;. , KBKODlmUH FROM: DATE: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planninq Director and Tambri J, Heyden, Assistant city Planner Scott A. Elk, Assistant City Attorney ~ June 1, 1990 Determination of Unified Cont1='ol for Tara Oake PUD, Boynton Beach Boulevard pcn and Knuth Road PCD TO: RE: In response to your memorandum dated Kay 15, 1990 to, James A. Cherof, city Attornl)y, upon lilY review of the above referenaed Land Us.. lunendment and/or Rezoning Application.., I find that the applications for the Boynton Beaoh Boulevard, PCD and the Knuth Road POD oontain affirmative;> statement.. aqreeing to the Unified Control provision.. of Seotion 6, Boyntoll Beaoh Code, whioh will allow the City in the future to implement all requirements provided tor under this Seotion. please note that in both statements of Agreement to Unified Control, Paragraph c, there is a typographioal error Which refers to .Sub Section 3A" and should refer to "Sub Section. A". A similar agreement to the Unified Control provisions ot Section 6, Boynton Beach Cod., should be obtained from the applicant tor Tara Oake PUD, to insure that the city ot Boynton Beach may implement all Unified Control Ret;IUlrelllents ot section 6, llnd implement all necessary Asreements, Contracts, Deed Restrictions, and Sureties, acceptable to the City When appropriate. Please note that this Memorandum does not constitute an examination by the city Attorney or all Agreements and evidence ot Uniried control, nor a Certification by the City Attorney that any such Agreements and Evidence of Unified Control meet the requirements of the Zoning Regulations. When such Agreements, Contracts, Deed Restrictions, and Sureties are dsemed appropriate and required by the City, at that time I shall review the sams and provide all comments and revisions, prior to my final ExaDination and Ceritlfication. If I lIIay be of any further assistance to you, please do not hesitate to contact me. SAEjkem BOYNTON MEM02 OCI James A. Cherot, City Attorney IwCE,rlE"D JUlt .1. lOOO pU\NNING DE.PT. ~ - , . ., . / _.; J. '(I.;.~"':"", ,--.......~... . /-/P.1o , BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: Knuth Road P~€.D.. AGENT'S NAME: Kieran J Kilday/Kilday & Associates, Inc. ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 PHONE: (407) 689-5522 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: The Winchester Family Partnership,Ltd.,Bill R.Winchester, _Ruby A. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,individually; Bill R. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,as Trustee General Partner: 9290 Nickels Blvd. Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 PHONE: 407-732-3961 PROJECT LOCATION: Soubhwest corner of Knuth Road and (not legal description) Boynton Beach Blvd. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- . '. " CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE>> DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Ruby A. Winchester; Elsie A, Winchester,individ- Name of Developer/Owner: ually; Bill R.Winchester;Elsie A.Winchester,as Trustee The Winchester Family Partnership, 6 4 B6ill R.Winchester,G~~e~~l Partner Area of subject Property: 0 ,220.7 Sq. Ft. or ~____Acres 13.87 acres Estimated Present Population: -0- AR-A~ricultural Existing Zoning: Resi ential Density Allowed: 1du/5ac. d.u. 's proposed Zoning: P.C.D. Density Allowed: n/a d.u. 's EXISTING UTILITIES Water: City of Boynton Beach Wa~tewater Collection: City of Boynton Beach Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach . -3- STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Planned Commercial Development .- JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See attached EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See attached Exhibit "A" . -4- '. J . 0 [liE 1J 11 (i' Clly or Soynton. Seach ~!81J!1lng Department . " . . . \ I , I Ruby A.Winchester;EIsieA.Winchester,individuall~ Name of Development/Owner Bill R.Winchester;ElsieA.Winchester,as Trustee & The WInchester Family Partnership, L td,. Bill R.. Winchester, Gen. Partner Locate the subj~ct property on this map anQ shade ~n the area. . . " ~ . -5- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. U/~JL,~L--h 'Signa ture of Owner ( s) o'E Record ~ t/ a/aA#;o....&-.. gnature . Applicant /- Bill R.Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applicant 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 407-689-5522 City and State 407-732-3961 Telephone Number Telephone Number -6- '. OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. X- ~Ld.ut1.aJ~ Signature of Owner(s) of Record ~C;ld/~ ~.. 'gnature .f ~pplicant ~ Elsie A. Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. KIld~y/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applicant 9290 Nickels Blvd. 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,FI. 33401 City and State 407-732-3961 407-689-5522 Telephone Number Telephone Number " -6- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. )< CPA..;U# tI.J~..d.Mf:f ~ Signature of Owner(s of Record ~aM/4~. . nature .f Applicant Elsie A.Winchester,Trustee Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. KIlday/Kilday & Asso~iates Type Name of APFlic~nt 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,FI. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,FI. 33401 City and State 407-732-3961 407-689-5522 Telephone Number Telephone Number -6- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. ~ I 1) 7Z cr AA /'n 7'J A.-l ..vt l) Itj).JIJ 1.1 Signa re of Owner(s) of Record Ruby A.Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J.Kilday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applicant 8495 S. Haverhill Ext. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl, 33437 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State 407-732-4602 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number . -6- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provlslons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. ;:/'1 A., J Slgnature '-..1/7 "-A." . /'1 i ~/..,i?~1 / 0/ /~y.. gnature AppYicant ;/ " . t Bill R.Winchester,General Partner The Winchester Family Partnership,Ltd Type Name of owner(s) Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applic~nt 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and state West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 city and State 407-732-3961 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number . -6- .-....,,,..-..... APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true ,to the best'of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. ; '. APPLICANT IS: Owner ~c1 a/tU!bA-r., LSignatur0f Applicant . v .~. Kieran J Kilday Kilday & Associates, Inc. Type Name of Applicant optionee Lessee 1551 Forum Place 100A Street Address xx Agent West Palm Beach,FL 33401 City and State Contract Purchaser (407) 689-5522 Telephone Number .. -7- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority persona~tY appeared Bill R.Winchester , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed KieranJ.Kilday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. z'#/~M~i~ . (Signature of OWner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~L; iYUJ:\<.. ~/;d~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large r'!cf~;I'Y PIJ~)!;..:. SZ':J:l c.! ~r':ri13 r)~~' C;ra;:,;::;,;:,,;t ,. " :': ;-dl. 1:], T~?S My cominission Expires: fi'"',;1,v!"llc,,l',ryi,,;r..ln'\J;Qncoln~ -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority persona~tY appeared Elsie A.Winchester,individually h b' b f~ t d I" I W 0 e~ng y me ~rs u y sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" .. (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. ,(' C#'A/~/a. hL~/..IM/;A-) (Signature of Owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ..:$~ -i'n (Jc,-,-,-!~.~.-r- Notary Public, State of Florida at Large . ~.:?t~~T ~,!~}rk;. 5!=t~ f]>f n~ridd f: ,\' '~"."" .. ~ " ~ ,.. - 3 J.;, '-'..J'_""''''h. ,. ,';;-; c-':~. ~ , 19~3 My Commission Expires: il..;.r,.:;'~c.'j,r,ul."/i..in :1I;Wflll<;Qlnc. -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority persona~~y appeared Elsi~A Win~hp~tpr as Trustee , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.Kilday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. )( ~~d IIL~./.Af;ff~ ~ (Signature of OWner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~\'-&.~ 1l\;0( ~ ~ ,k ~~ Notary PUblic, State of Florida at Large Ue~':!7V r-~1,r:.' ;~:'l~~ r,! ~';:-<'b .~.~': r.'?rt:;~":r.:'.:d; ;:." ",C'"_J; r,,~ ;3 }tJ~1 My Cantrnission Expires: . ~~,"'I(;,!."'.:"::,',,.i:>.j,~-.h:,:,n~ll]r,,C. -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority persona~tY appeared Ruby A.Winchester , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" .' (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. x/t~ CL~ tel ~4 0 ~-j; J'c., (Sig ture of Owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me , 'S~L~'-fYl01-..Q.~~ Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: UttG~' f'u :Jfic, ~!dl! 01 RcrhlD Ilri {c.litr.~jlO::~;~ ~:~~"':!~$ f.::u.. ~ 3, i993 '" ' 'T' -: ~ r~;.. l"~...~,,..,,{.... _ -8- - - AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personal~y appeared Bill R,Winchester,General Partnyrwho being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1, That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit"A" .' (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. ~~ // X A;:;ff/ I I (Signature Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~~-m\0~~'-' Notary public, State of Florida at Large My coromission Nn1Ef"f ~:1 'ii~~', S:~1~ \:~~ r;~d!l!'] . M; t('<i:;':~~>..:.t;. r~~::;. '/":;, 1':i\}~ Exp~res : r.",,'!c~ :~"J T,"y; "in .IM\!tanCe Inc. .. -8- .K~'t frY Itb.1?J:; EXHIBIT "A"- lot'" ...._#.. ...~. __... . . ~ 'i. ; Oc5CI2'IP'/lCN' , "',, ..... ,,,. " ..- . . AU. tJ"e'rklAC'T:5' '3 A#'O. ItJ LYING .:5'tJt/,7k d/' ;{I,5'H/ 6'tJY#'/~)/ /?tJ4CJ (' ,rrt,T"c: . RtJ,.10 A/.., &1&4) rtA/O .//?/!t'/5 &;7 .4A/0:Z~ r7ALA4' gc-rt<?/V /,/J/?"wS" . at1N1/l/!.1/Y P.(r1/~. p;, /J (?t:I'.t'/?L7h-(/~ 7"j T//c- /lL/f./ T#e!?C"t:::V R,5'<?dRL?EO 1# ~LA/ .8tJtJ~ f? /1./ P/1Cc~ 72> t>'/ ?'"#E /,t/g,t./C RcC!~RL?f d/" 1?1t!'u 8.!"/1t:1'# C!tP?'A/m ,.ccC?A"/CM, .LE:5:S r#e' &".1157'" /5;tJ FEE/' 77/..;"..f":'.tJr:" ( , . ! ." ....... ...."y on~A "--'--'--_.__..~-~ -._- Kilday & AaaDeiatsa Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 . Fax: (4071 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR KNUTH ROAD PCD The petitioner is requesting Annexation of just less than 14 acres of land into the City of Boynton Beach. This parcel of property is currently zoned AR-Agricul- ture Residential in Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designates the north one-half of this property as CH-High Intensity Commercial and the south half of the property CR-Commercial Recrea- tion. This land use designation is due to the fact that the property has an eXisting Special Exception approval to allow for recreational facilities to occur on the site including a tennis club and golf driving range. This facility has never been constructed and the site remains vacant. In conjunction with the request for Annexation, the petitioner is aSking for a change in land use designa- tion in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Currently the City of Boynton Beach has the northern portion of this site designated as Local Retail Commercial. The southern portion of this site is designated Moderate Residential. The petitioner is requesting that the entire site receive a designation of Local Retail Commercial. The petitioner believes that the proposed designation of Local Retail Commercial will allow for an appropri- atly designed Planned Commercial Development to be established on this site. This site is located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Two perimeters of this site abut Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development in Palm Beach County. The Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development is already fenced and buffered from this site. Therefore, utili- zation of this property for commercial purposes will have no negative affect upon the adjacent residential development. In addition, the golf course wraps the perimeter of the PUD providing further separation be- tween the nearest residential units and the site. The site already has received a previous approval for a commercial use in Palm Beach County. However, that specific use of a tennis club and golf driving range has not proven feasible for the property. The Planned Knuth Road Statement Page 2 Commercial Development District provides many safe- guards that other straight commercial districts do not contain. Because this site does exceed the minimum 3- acre requirement, the petitioner has been able to make the request for this district. The other surrounding land uses in the area are generally commercial along Boynton Beach Boulevard. Additionally, this property fronts on Knuth Road. Knuth Road is scheduled to be constructed from Golf Road north to the Boynton Mall. The north area of Knuth Road has a new approved align- ment which will allow Knuth Road to serve as direct access to an entrance to the mall making this road more significant than the average collector. There is a limited amount of property left in this area to provide for commercial services. The Boynton plan has, in the past, recognized the intersection of Con- gress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard as a major node for commercial services. This proposal is consis- tent with that past history. Development of the site in a commercial nature will add great additional reven- ues for the tax base for the City of Boynton Beach. EXHIBIT "A" ,u". ,~ I Jj .... Oc!!5'CU'/;::'T/o/!/:-'. ." -< ,J!{t:L tJr'rRAC'7:.> 9 AA/O ;tJ /.y/A/C:; 5.()t/",r!/ tfr' A/EH/ g~JlA/7t:?Y RMO (5';rrJrc R{)/JO AId, f:1t:?4) "'/I/O rRrJt'75 23/lA/Cl Ztf, PAt!.A4 8c/fC?// /,fR,W.5' Ot?,#,.cJ/I,1/Y pt:""r /{/P. g; /I {!c"t:?RC/A/c:: ,T,:} 7rYE /'L.47 >>/c:'-R'E&'r'REet?RCeO IJ/ .PUT .8'.().()/ 5' /'17,P"/1CI!' 73 tfr" r#c /'V-8,?/c Rec?,tJ/.!?p.5,:}/' ;::'/lL,u 8E/I d# c:!#U',1//~ r"t:&'R/c?A, LE55 THE' .ells?" /5;0 n.e/ rR'.ffceJr': ...''''- . " ., R'" )- i . i , .. bB!'J!L!d2s-Bt:1s!'JRtls!'JLB!'J!2LQ!LBsIQ!'Jl!'J!2_BEE:bl!;;BnQ!'J City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. 2s!'JsB6b_l!'JEQBtl6IIQ!'J 1. Project Name: Knuth Road p.e.D. --------------------------------------------------- 2. Type of Application (check one) -------- a. Rezoning only -------- b. Land Use Amendment only XX c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning ._------- 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled aut by Planning Department) : -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant~s Name (person or business entity in whose name this- application is made): Bill R.WinchesterjElsie A.Winchester,individually; Elsie A.Winchester as Trustee; Ruby A.Winchester, The W i -;:ch~~t~-;:.-F~.~;j.-iy-p~~:t.-;;~-;:.~hip~itd-:-BilTR-:Wirictiester_;Gen-.P art n e r Address: . __Jj'.9iUlj..9_~]ll_Jl]..Yj--'________________________ _____________ --~~!~~~~-~:~:~~!!~-}}~]~------------------------------- Telephol'le Number: __3~!~!)}~)JJJ__________________________________________ 5. Agent~s Name (p~rson~ ii any~ representing applicant): Address: ~j~~3P_~~~_iJj~j!j]Q~~_~_}~~2..9j2J~~_____________________ 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A --------- ----------..--.------.----------------------------- West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 -------------------------------------------------------- Planning Department 1-86 page 1 Telephone Number: 401l-689-5522 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: ___~~~!_~~_~2_~.~3E~____________________________________ Address: Telephone Number: 7. Correspondence Address (if diffenmt than applicant or- agent):* * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Owner 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. & Knuth Road 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See attached Exhibit "A" 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 13.871 acres Planning Depart~ent 1-86 page 2 - - ---_._._-'--,._.,_._--~----~--- " 12. Current Zoning District: Agricultural Residential ---------------------------------------- 1"" ~. Proposed Zoning District: __~~'::::::.~_.~~IE.IE.':.~~:!:.~~_I2.EO.~EO.!.<2.2.l!!.EO.IlL______ 14. Current Land Use Category: _~I:!.~~_L~_.'2.'lIlSLL____________..___________ 15. Proposed l_and Use Catr.gory: ~_<2.l!!.l!!.EO.r.:.~:!:.~~_~'2.~~~J3..~t.'i:ll______________ 16. Intended Use of Subject Par-eel: __~'__Q.'__l2..'____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Developer or Builder: __~~~~J_~~li~'iP_t__________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: __ll!_'!.._______________________..__________________________ 19. Landscape Architect: KIlday & Associates -------------------------------------------- 21. Civil Engineer: ____K_i.J....W_A....A ""0('; '" t "'3..______________________________ Rossi & Malavasi 20. Site Planner: ------------------------------------------------- 22. Traffic Engineer: K.~_~~~~~~!~~~~!_~~~~n~~~_g}~~~~~____________..______ 23. Surveyor: .9.I~s .i-_lO_IL,..S_\.\.il51LlLll..!.Bri.e.n.,..I.n.c...-------------------------- II. ~eI~81Bb~_IQ_D~_5YD~lII~R_~!I~_BEEb!~eIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies. (check) x a. This application form. A ~opy of the last recorded warranty deed. x b. x c. The following documents and letters of consent: (1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: A written consent to the application by all owners of record, and (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and .:... (3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: A copy of the agenc~ agreement, or written consent of the applicant, an~ (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Department 1-86 page 3 " Kilday & Associatas Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689.5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 REQUIREMENTS G. & H. KNUTH ROAD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Requirements IgI and Ihl of the Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Application require a justification and a comparison of impacts he tween existing zonin~ and proposed zoning. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach designates the north 300 teet of the site as Local Retail Commercial with the remainder of the site as Residential Moderate Density. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designates the north one half of the property as CH (Commercial High) and the south one haif of the property as CR (Commercial Recreation). The petitioner is requesting the entire site be designated as Commercial Local Retail under the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. This request is reasonable in that currently both the County and the City Comprehensive Plans recognize that a~ least some of the property should develop commercially. Additionally, the property 11a5 been in single ownership for many years and the owner has never intended to divide the site for multiple uses. Finally, a Local Retail Commercial designation for the property permits the entire property to develop within the Planned Commercial Development zoning category. The comparisons required in I~equirement H. are as follows: 1. The current zoning IAR-Agricul tural Residential I in the County allows for one dwelling unit per five acres which would allow two homes to be built on the property. Additionally, there is an approved Special Exception on the site which would permit a recreation center including a driving range and tennis club. This use is Commercial in nature although permitted in the AR- Agricultural Resi-dential Zoning District. The current City Comprehensive Plan designates 4.11 acres of the site as Local Commercial Retail which could easily accommodate a lot coverage of 20% or 36,764 square feet of retail space. Additi.onally, the balance of the site permits Moderate Density Residential which would al low the construction of 70 units. I , ' . Requirements G. and H. Proposed Knuth Road PCD Page 2 2. "I"he proposed use is a Planned Commercial Development with a mixture of retail uses and outparcels as designated on the submitted site plan. 3. The owner anticipates development of the property to commence upon finaL approval and permitting in the normal restraints of time common to the process. 4. The potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed Planned Commercial Development zoning is 120,000 squa~e feet (as shown on the submitted site plan). 5. EmpLoyment Projections: Item h(8) of Amendment/Rezoning application requires a the number of employment opportunities for They are as follows: the Land Use projection of the project. Department Store Bank Restaurant Reta i I Stores 35 employment opportunities 15 employment opportunities 20 employment opportunities 250 employment opportunities Total 320 employment opportunities K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 January 31, 1990 Mr. Lindsey Walters Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Way Building 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Knuth Road PCD Water Useage Dear Lindsey: At your request, this office has projected the water and sewer demand for the above project. The Palm Beach County' Health Department has developed water useage standards for different land uSeS. For general retail uses which do not include restau- rants, a flow rate of 0.1 gallons per day per square foot of floor area has been established. As the exact useage of this center has not been established, only estimates, based upon a reasonable guess of the amount of restaurant use, can be made. An average daily water useage of 32,840 gallons per day has been calculated for this project based upon the following assumptions: General Retail Space Restaurant Space (435 seats) 110,900 sq.ft. @ 0.1 gal/sq.ft. 9,100 sq.ft. @50 gal/seat This parcel of land is currently zoned agricultural in Palm Beach County. As such, an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit at the existing zoning would generate an average of 1,050 gallons per day. The County's Comprehensive Plan shows commercial designation for this site. Thus, there is no difference in expected flow rates between this request and that which would be allowed according to development regulations if developed according to the County's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Lindsey Walters January 31, 1990 Knuth Road PCD Pilge Two Typically, there is very little difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irrigation is going to be done from public water, At this time, the source of irrigation water is planned to be from on-site wells. Very truly yours, ~~~. KSR/jr (b) E::iz-,ting and prc'p05~c1 ':;p-i;de elev,ntj nn~. (!:,~ E:ri sting o~- !~jl"'OpO~.f:.~r.:I lA1r.;\.ter bC)clj.('?~5.. Cd) Form of ownership and form of organiz~tion to maintain common spaces 3nd recreational faciliti~=. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm dr~inage, I~a'ter sL:pply~ 5~wage collection and treatment~ solid waste disposal, h2zardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights--ot-wav, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications ~~ may be r~quired_ _X_(11) Far 1""(?ziJliings .to pl~.\nned zoning distt-ic:t<:;, the ~.pecific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermc)r~~ ~11 materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be ~ubmitted. !II. eEELl~eIlQ~_E~~~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which ha~A been ~dopt~d by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fee5 shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. Qs8IIEIG6IIQN (I) (We) understand ttlat this appllcatiDn and all plan and papers submitted herewith betome a part of the perman~nt records of the Pl..;-.nn;.ng and Zoning Board. (1) (~Jo) tH?rob, certi-fy that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plars C:;;Ltbmj.-tt~d heref,o.sith are 'l:r-ue to 'l:he bc.~~:d: o.f (mv) (oLlr) knowledge ~nd belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless signed Ix~;!i2~1:i t:~j:dl~ons bclo,". ___L:2L:LE_____ Si gna.ture of ownE'r.t~ TrU!3tf.,~t~, Date or Authoriz~~ Principal. if property is owned by'a corporation O~ other business entity_ v. a~IDQBIZ8IIQ~_QE_8~~~I ~ ~/.u . ----___ __Q:..~~~5!~ L:_~,"~' Signat '"e of Authoriz I"gent /_.,;2)Y- 9~ ---~------~~---- Date (I) (We) h~reby de5ignatn the ~bove signed persor ::J, ragent '.Jit~:z:Ird to tl,i;?lPplication. y Li:.f'1L_~~o.__"-~_LJ;?=JtQ: Signature of Owner(s) ~ Truste~, uS (my) (OLIt-) authorized ____1.:.,;]2-:24._____ Date Planning D~p~rtm~nt 1-86 p.:\ge 7 "b) E;.:i ~ting and propo'5ed ':;p-ddQ elevt1'ti on::;~ (c) E::j ~t.in{,j O~.... pl....oposed l^'r."'\ter boclip-s. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintdin common ~pace5 and recreational facilitioc. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm dr~inage, !~ater sL:pply~ sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, h~=ardous waste disposal, fire protection~ easements or rights--of-w~v, roadways, recreation ~nd park ~reas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedic2tions ~~ rnay bE reqlJired. _1<__(11) Fot- r(~2oi"\ings .to pl;'.\nned zoning district,:';, thE? specific ~equirement5 for submission of applications for r~zoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. F~Jrthermclre~ all materials required fo~ a subdivision master plan shall also be s:ubmitted. III. BEEblgBIIQ~_E~~~~ FemE Ehall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which ha~'e been &dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Depar.tment will inform the applicant as to the fees wt,ich are required. All fees shall be paid by check~ payable to the City of Boynton Beach. I" v. g~BIJ.EIgeIlQl':J (I) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the F'1~lnning and Zoning Board. (I) (VJe) hereby certify ttlat the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitt~d herewith are true to the bast o"f (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless signed according to the instructions below. x G~attJ~~ / -------------------------------.- Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authori~e~ Principal if property is owned by'a co~poration or other bUEiness entity. /- 75-0(/ _____-c____L~_____ Date Q~I~QBI~eIIQ~_QE_e8s~I _~ _~M~4#~e'a.;~. 19natur-I? Of"-t~thOri.2e~~;~t7 f' / -,;2 0, ~v' --------~-~~---- Date v. (I) (tl!e) h~rE?l:Jy desi gnate the above si qned persor. .:\5 (my) (OLU-) alJthori z ed ~gcnt with regard to this applica'tion. y ~f4~JL~_-------- Signatu~e of Owner(s) or Trustee, / -25'- 9(} .------------tf'..J----- Date Planning Dep~rtment 1-86 p.':\ge 7 (b) E~.:i5ting and proposed gt-,!tde ele'vation:5. (c) E:,:i!":it.ing OF' proposed l^'ater bDdic~s.. (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common ~paces and recreational {-aciliti~s.. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm dr2inage~ I~ater 5Llpply~ ~cwage collection and treatment, solid w~ste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights--of-wav, roadwaY5~ recreation ~nd park areas~ school $ites~ and other public improvements or dedic~tions as may be reqlJired. _){._(11) For. r!~zonings to planned zoning di.:;tr-ict,:;~ the s.pecific ~equirements for submission of applications for r~zDning to such districts shall also be satisfied.. FtJrthermc)r~. ~11 material$ required fo~ a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. III. BEELl~BIlQ~_E~~~~ Fmes shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to th~ fees which ha~'e been ~dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are reqllired. All fees ~hall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. I" v. ~sBI1.EI(;;aIE2tj (I) (We) understand that this applIcation and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the PI anni. ng and ZCln i ng Board. (!) (oJe) herebv carti fy that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless signed according to the instruction5 below. /~ ch;/)..fLd~ ~ Signature of Owner(s) ~r Trustee, or AuthorizB~ Principal if property is owned by'a corporation or other busi.ness entity. /- '7S-9tJ __L__~___~______ Date v. 6UI~QBl~BIlQ~_QE_B~r:~I _ ~ _ Q,-gA/7b.~~/F'~ ~ignature of AuthoriZBd~t , __L"2J':.;.?.d-__._ OOt:;; (I) (lIJe) hprl.~by de~;i gnate the above si qned persor. agent with regard to this application. X- _~ 4. /'(J ).iL~T;!A{'0L!/L Signature of Owner(s) or rruste~, Z\13 (my) (OLtt-) autt10rized / -,?? 5'- 9c/ .------------r.;..---- Date Planning Department 1-86 p.:\ge 7 Ib) E:o<t',tl.ng and preoPQ5ec1 9'-,,,de elevation3. (c) E;{:i.!"iitif1f;} !.Jl'- pJ....DpL"')SE~d ,^1i.\1:el'- bddic?s. Cd) Form of ownership ~nd form of orqanization to m~intain common spaces and recreational facilities. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage~ water sLlpply~ sewage collectiDn ~nd treatment~ solid waste disposal, h~zardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-wav, roadwaY5, recreation and park ~reas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedic~tions as may be reqlJired. __~_(11) For rl:~z()nings to pl-:1nned zoning distt-tc:t-:'i. thi? ~.pecific requirements ~or submission of applications {or r~zDnif'g to such districts shall also be satisfied. FtJrthermr\r~. ~ll materials requi~ed for a subdivision master plan shall also be s.lJbmitted. III. eEEbIQeI!p~_E~i~~ Fee5 shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to th~ ,fees which ha~e been ~dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planninq Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are reqlJired. All fees shall be paid by Ch8Ck~ payable to the City of Boynton Beach. I" Y. !;;~BI.I.E:IG6I!Q!:J (I) (We) understand 'that thin appllcation and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the F'l<lnnin~J Olnd Zonin<:} Board. 0) (~Je) t,ereb,. cer"tify that the above statements and any 5tatements or showings in any pap~r5 or plans submi.ttcd here',vith are 'CrLlCi? to 'I:he bc~st o.f (my) (our) knowlE?dge and belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless signed :< ,~),"c:cordin~ to "I::'e ~7~'";2liO~5 !Jelm~. j-';'?~(J / .i: ---- ~L_~ld:\:.4.I.:L_ !t. --r----=-- ______ Signat' re of Owner(s) or Trustee~ Date Dr Authorize~ Principal if property it; ol.oJned by'a cor-pl"Jration or c.d:hf:':~I- busi.ness l:?ntity.. v. e~I~QBlleIlQ~_QE_e0g~I '/'1 ~ . _______ ___~~~~ __ _ B ~ SignatuI"_ of Authol"i.zed .,g~' --/.:d-l-~-_.- Date (I) ell}e) hl?r(;?by desi gna't~ 1:he Clbove 5i gned pers'.:w , ~gQnt with regard to this ~pplication. U '~ y ~ig~;~~~~~~~*-;;;:"T;::~;t;;;;, 3~ (my) (our) authorized ----..l:d.2.:r2!____ Date Pldnning Depurtment 1-86 page 7 < . (b) E}{).stlng and pr-c.paseQ ~ri~ide elevD:tion:=.. (c) E:.~:i.!:;~ting CH- pr"'oposed 1^'t3."t:el'" boclif?5~ Cd) Form o~ ownership and form of organiz~tiGn to maintain common ~pace5 and recreational facilitios. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilitios for storm drainage, water supply~ sewage collection and treatment, solid waete disposal, h0=ardou5 waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-Df-w~v, roadways, recreation and park ~reas, school ~ites, and other public i.nprovements or dedications as may be required. _A_(ll) For- r-~?::~onings -to planned zoning di'Z.tt-ict-:';~ thi? ~.peclTlc requi~ement5 fer submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermc'r~~ 311 materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be slJbmitted. III. 6E:E:bII;;;BIIQt:LE~s!2... Fees shall be pclid ",t tho time toh',+: tl,e appl ication is submitted, according to the fees which ha~R been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. gsBIIEIg6IIQ~ (1) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the PI ,mnj. nCJ and Loni ng Board. (I) (oJe) hereby certi fy V,at the above statements and any statem~nt5 or showings in any papers or plans submitt{?d here~'JitI1 are tt-ue to thE? bc~st o'F <my) (oLlr) knDwlf~dgE' <:'1nd belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless signed /"ccordinq .~~~ instruction,; belm'. /x _~d!L}~;;:~_',j=V- '<J--------- ___I.:2-L-/1.----_ Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee~ Date or Authorize~ FYincipal if property is owned by'a corporation or other business I?ntity.. v. 6YI~QBI;eIIQ~_Qf:_e~s~I ~~~_Q~~/~c'QtO~. ~~-of Authori~~~;~' /~2?~ 9&7 ----------~!----- Oat., (I) (tIJe) h~?rl?by desi gna'te the above si gned persor l"ger'7ZZ'/Jd to this application. y~jt~--~~-~G---------- Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, .:IS (my) (our) autt1ori::ed /-2S-9t1 ._----------~.!:.._--_.- Date Planning Department 1-86 p.:\ge / The Winchester Family Partnership Ltd P.O. Drawer 1220 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 January 23, 1990 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a General Partner of The Winchester Family Partnership Limited, I, Ruby Ann Winchester hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester to sign all annexation, land uSe amendment and zoning application documents pertaining to the property described on Exhibit "A" attached. ,~~/j~i ~(l/n. Zt1-~1.-~ Ru~nn WInchester COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) ) ss STATE OF FLORIDA ) On this 23rd day of January, 1990, before me, a Notary PUblic in and for said county and state, personally appeared Ruby Ann Winchester, personally known to me to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes stated therein. .. ~~j.\. -rn.J0~"'--"-~\J.<iik Notary Public, State of Florida My commission expires: I'~':.'ar". :fl"_1!1'r, S.t~1c 01 Floridu I,~~~ 1,:,q~;:;L~:;,:n t:(r3;'\1; hob. ~ ~t 1993- el;"..:~;i :.:"....1,<3'1 ~~,:, .lo"'''l;nc~ If\~. The Winchester FamIly Partnership Ltd P.O. Crawer 1~20 Boynton Beacn, FlorIda 33425 Jal':ua:.-".r 19 r l?'~IO TO WHOM IT HAY CONCERN . As a General Partner f The Win~~ester Family Partnership LImited, I M. Frank Finfrock hereby authorize Bill R. \o1incJ1est,c;r to sign all ailii"ex2.tion, l'nnd u:-:e amendment and =oning ~ppli{:AtioIl d0CUt~~nts pert a ~ing ~o thF' propprty descl-ibed on Exhibit ")1." attarh0(l.. 7lJ?~/L 0~j/>-C' .Ai ~ Fr.~11~ ~11~~~0 ~ , . . - .. ,~ .... .... ~ ',1 '. COUNTY OF CLARK ) ) ss STATE OF NEVADA ) On this 19th day of January, 1990, before me, Helen E. Jones, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared M. Frank Finfrock, personally known to me to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes stated therein. ~r Hele.n E. /J, eS EXHIBIT "A" ~i 'I" ._~.. ..~ ; .oE5ck'/;:1.17o #, .... .... . ... .... . ACt. tJr- rRAC'7:5 9 AA/O. /tJ Ly/tl/c;: 5tJt//,t/ or- /,IE/{/ 8cJy,v/,tJ# RtJAO (5/'Arc- ~t7,1a A/d. g?>-1) rl/l/c7 rRAe/'5 :'Z;? /1//LJ Z.;f/ PA~M 8cAc?// r-r!R~.5 tJJtJ,<-f,L!/!,1/f/ /?,(/f/~, ~ /1 {?c!'tJR?l~c/t;:: 70 7#E ~Ld/' ;;</E"?Eb?/' REC.'oR?1C'O /,(/ r"'LAT .6'tJtJ/ 5" dr "pACe( 7'3 t:f/' 7'#E PV-8,t./c REt:?tJR??f or- r'AL.M 8E//dk c!tJCA//'t; /''(b'A''/CA, .l..E:55 T#E' E.t15T"" /:5;0 ,c;;E.r 77//.f"c~r:- .,. .' " ~~._-----~- February 23, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Knuth Road peD Dear Mr. Golden, As applicant, I(we) agree to the following items regarding Unified Control for the subject Planned Commercial Development: a. Proceed with the proposed development according to the provisions of the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations and conditions attached to the zoning of the land to PCD: b. Provide agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, and sureties acceptable to the city for completion of the development according to the plans approved at the time of zoning to PCD and for continuing operation and maintenance of such areas, functions, and facilities as are not to be provided, operated, or maintained at public expense; and c. Bind their successors to title to any commitments made under subsections 3a and b above. All agree- ments and evidence of unified control shall be ex- amined by the city attorney and no zoning of land to the PCD classification shall be adopted without a certification by the city attorney that such agree- ments and evidence of unified control meet the re- quirements of these zoning regulations. ai'J(udJ; Bill R. Winchester, -Benerti-partner ........,;... "" " - ~.,.~.." :: 18arranbJ Betd ll- lY! ~ lJ4IJI Jl1brn/urr. Mod. ,h;, RUBY lINN WINCIlESTER, RETURN TO: ./ Thil Il'lltntl'lMrit wen pr.por.d by, / ~. WIILI1IM A. ZElllER It ...... , v :r:&IIID... 8aIIIO!'!'D ~ _1.... ctr.::;~._ -~ ..- roar . &.~ J1.OIJD.A...... 1'.;' ~ (i-::~' '1JJ.!'~ (STATUTO I',' fOIJl-\[(!ION m.OT f.\.) ;1'P- doV 01 December ,. 84. 1I,llllrrll ;. 00 individually of Ih. Cov"ty of Palm Beach . ::"(11,. 01 TilE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, Florida LTD. , orOI'lIO'.. 0,", .8 who.. $10.' olliee oddrn. i. 9495 St:uth llaverhill Extcnsioo, Doyntcn Beach, FL 33435 ... 01 the CovO'\ty 01 E Wlbtr..,JI1. Thol t.Q;d o.onlo,. 10' 'Jnd in con"d.,Olion of Ihto IU", 01 .~ -----:------Ten and no/l00----------------------------------______ f!i =1 Palm Beach Florida S'C'to 01 .0'0",.... DolIa". and orh,., (JOod ond volvobl,. eonl;o.,olion\ 10 \Oid 0.on10' ;n hand pQid by \oid ~'o"''", t.... 'ece,pt wh.,.ol i, hefeby od.M>wl.dO.-d. kOl o'on'.d. bo'ooinffl ond void to ,... loid O'onl",. oO'\d o,onl,..', II.;,. and ouion, 10'.""'. It.e lollowinv d"e,ib,.d land. lilvol". 1.,.;1'\0 anti be'ftO .1\ Palm Beach Count>- ":Io,;do, to....it, An undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in all of Tracts 9 and 10, lyinq south of the new Boynton Road, together with Tracts 23 ~nd 241 AS shown on Palm Beach Farms Company Plat Number S, recorded in Plat P~ok 5, Page 73, of the pUblic Reco~ds of Palm Beach County, Flo~ida~ /. ~ "d.&1) ~'1~ SUBJECT TO real estate taxes tor the year 1984 and all subsequent years; %oning regulations and ordinances of governmental authorities; C(Nenants, conditions, restric- tions, limitations and eaBeR~nts of record. _____...., T_ 1'01 , (-I r . r...",I".,. N. (..~'I"'" orod lo.d 9,onI0' doe, ....'..by Iulr., '" ""(1'''' ...... ",c.. to '-O,,:~ !cond, oO'\d ...,Il def"nd Ih. \.O",e oooitu, r~ 1.._....1 (lo.",~ of 011 IM'\QI\\ ~hc::'::"Ot'V.... ..',!.' . oOG,o..'o. . ond "9'0"'''''' Of'r "'H'<1 10' ""'9uIJl' "). plu.ol. en COnlul '.Qui."I. )n WUn". lI~rr'rtr. C.enlo. h,ol ...........nlo .e' Q'Qnlo,'1 hatOd tt..d It-oj .1o,.e dot o..d yeo' I.." obol..e ..".""... Sto""'. W<l10!'d and delo_otd ... cu' p'e~' 1 I k.. ,. (..... . ~~ x.t~()..vt),.rjAM1C/u-...!.li.--L 'Soo" '. '. - -. ... ~.~~~_~ Il!NCllESTER ,s..c, -- fSeolI ,..... sun: Of FLORIDA COUNTY Of BROWAAD I nUtBV CrqTlfY tfoo, tHO "'" ,J..,., b#lo'. _. _ oIr..c., dv1y ()VOI.I...d PO to\. oc\__IrdO_h. ~ oppcoa'ed 'RUBY' WN WINClIES't'EJt, individually o fOr .. .. - d~~.,be.d '" Q#Od -"'0 eu'<vPwod ,...... '-"'OO'''iI '~"U.......f 0.... od_~ bt-'Ofe ...: tf.of 10 _ 1.1\(1..... ~ be ...... ~'WI"" S", eu'c:u.rd.....,___ W)TNtSS.,..... ,.",rod DIId Cl"><od wool "Il~ . My ((...........\00.. e.OoO" the C_,., (00'0(1 s..,.. /,0" .,fOO'rlOOd"", ;17 day 01 DecCDlbe..r ~~~. ~ "-<........ . ,EC~~!i VERJF!E'D '. . PALM ~;':~~H COUNTy FLi:: ;~~~ e. OUHKU: . CLEfiX C;llClllT COURT .' .' ~. --. 01(:.... "j.~rr S'irt'" 'tMDoI .... ,.,...::::.,~ ('.. t,. 11.!. JIC!'Cf( }::, i!:.I(ut '/11. ... . .. . ,ll'., ~---_._------------ t 15 '. .. . ,. I ~ "'b 3' 02 I " II -;) n . 7,..1 {". I..wy..... Ti'IJgz\ln~Uny Fund. rlnnd.. FJ"ridn 7 8 , 0 ('. 0 2 /, ~ ...J r TlIis instrument W;,lS pn'parcd h~': Nnmc G, Robert Fellows ijfarranty Jeed Add.,.,., 610 E. Atlantic Avenue (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.) Dl"lr'ly-B.eacb FJoridA..-33444 tlIt,il1 311\~l'ntttrl', LOUISE SUGGS, Made this 1st day of June 1978 , tilrh\ll'rl1 a single woman, and JEAN G. HOPKINS, a single woman, of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida ,g\':\ntor', :\nd to the following named persons as tenants in common: 26% interest to Ruby A. Winchester; 250/0 interest to Elsie A. Winchester, individually; 250/0 interest to Bill R, Winchester; 60/0 interest to Elsie A, Winchester, as Trustee under Trust (cont'd. on whilSt' post office address is P. O. Drawer 1240, Boynton B each, Florida 33435 attached pAge) of tht, County of Palm Beach , State of Florida . p:I'antpt.-, lJIitttl'Bl1l'tll, That said grantor, fill' and in considemtion of tIlt' sum of Ten and 00/100 ($10.00) ----- ___ _ ______ -- -__ _ __ __ --- -- -- - --- --- -- -- - --- -- -- - - -- -- -- - --- - - -- - -- - -- - - Dollars. nnd ntht'r good and valuahle (.'onsiderations to said ~J"t'ntol" in hand paid hy said g:rant(.(" tlH' ,.(.(.'t.'ipt wlwn'or is 11l'1'(..I)\' o.\cknowINlg;cd. has gralltL'd. hnJ'~ajncd and sold to the said gran tel', and g:rant(.'("'s ht.'if's :Inti assiglls fnn'\'l'I', tlll" fuf.. luwing dt'scrihcd J;:1ud. situntl". lying and being in Palm Beach County. Florid.t, tn..wit: All that part of Lots 9 and 10 lying south of the right-of-way of New Boynton Road, and Lots 23 and 24, all in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat liB, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 5, Page 73, all lying in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS any right-of-way of record. SUBJECT to restrictions and easements of record, if any; taxes for the year 1978 and subsequent years, and to all valid 'zoniJ?g_ordinances. ~ " C> ~, ~o; '=::t . : :'".~ at . O;;:U .n. C> U> STATE OF FLORIDAI DOCUMENTAR~;-:::;;"STAMP-TAX I DEPT. Of REYENUE:.,~.~, '~,.~' , I - ~. ". 1 ~ ' ~ P.. ~ JUL'S'78 .1~~:~: 6 3 O. 0 0 I = I05Z4. .~..,.", \ .1 '" DOCUMENTARY'= SUR TAX'= . l:~~~J '" u = \.,~ u,;.- r- :::.-2: ~ ~u b:"\ ~ .., . '. "nd s"id grantor docs herehy fully warrant the title to s"id land, and will defend the s,une ag"illst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. . flGrnntor" and "grantee" arc used for singular Dr plural, as context requires. 31n IJIUnr1l11 llUlllrrl'of. Crall tor h"s hercunto set grail tor's halld alld seal the day '.\Ilel year hc'st "bovc written. Si!,,,,ed, se"led "nd deliv~-~'r presence: l j) . f -17/:!d:"u:l- a7hcuil",--, ~~"J~-~'.-' (St'al) . Louise Suggs . ~.- , ' . (Sl"::!} I I I I I I I I I ~ C, ~(,; _ :rei \.L::,Lj~ ,).,( . ... t ~ c::... J n G. Hopkins &6 (Sl'al) (5(':11) '" /"" ..v.vvSTATE OF FLORIDA ~I ..<')COUNTY OF PALM BEACH '~I,'N I HEREBY CEH.TIFY that on this day before me, :In oflk'el' duly llnalinl'<l to lake aeknuwledgments, Jll"'l<olHllly lIJlpe:lred LOUISE SUGGS, a single woman, and JEAN G. HOPKINS, a single woman, to me known to be the persons described in tlnd who cxccutNl HI(> foregoing: inst"llml;'nt :lnd :lcknowll'u~cd hl.forf." me that the y exccutcd the sume. WITNESS my h:lnd "nd offici", se,,1 in the County and State last a(OI'l'S:li~' thi, l~t d:lY of June 197.8 ' .\ ^ I'"'''''''' ~ ~Q ..'~\':".'+'~'::~?;~:;/~. My commission expires: March 29, 19B2 N~hl."J:PI~bhc:.:-- . :: ". RctnrD Wi / :ff~f ..:.... .\~.~:. 'I'I1LU.wA.~~ }l:.".. .:,,: '. ";:"~E~ :fi 2 B B 7 rAGE 1 9 2 6 \t},t:::,;,:::.. " " -# sLt1 <P ~ ,/ between Ruby A. Win"hester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Bill Ray Winchester, II, Trust No. 1; 6% interest to Elsie A. Winchester, as Trustee, under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Sheri Melodee Winchester TruJ'lt No.1; 6% interest to Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Susan Patricia Winchester Trust No.1; 6% interest to Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Kathryn Joy Winchester Trust No. 1. \ 8K 2 8 8 7 PAGE 1 9 2 7 ReC4rd Verifiel Pai~ Beach CDII/J!y, ~ John B. Dunt" .Clark Circuit c- -. GQtJ E: [:; s U;;t:l~ L ~:! f _C L-: (:1 0! ==1[; ~_I _6 t! \~;~~! Q tJ ~:~~ tJI_ ijE:E:~ I ~~ 61 IQ ~ Cl.ty af Boyntorl Be2ch~> Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled OLlt completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. ~s~sBeb_I~EQB~eIIQ~ 1. Applic~nt's Name (person or bU~iine5s entity in I~hose name t~is application is made): Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester, individually; __~~'!c'=.~l2..:..._~~~'?_l1.~~t..~~_~~_!~l!.~t.~~L_~l!..qyA,-Ji.i.,Jl.<;:P-~.'Lt.!"..J:.,-___ Tue Wlnchester Family Partnership,Ltd., Bill R. Winchester, Address: General Partner 9290 Nickels Boulevard . --------------------------------------------------------- ___..______.-______.._ ___ _..~<2Yn_t.C2..r1...J2..~"'_ ce..h_<_Xl._ll. Ufi.._..__________ Tell~phof10.0 !\~LlmIJl:21,... ': (407) .732-3961 ------------------------------------,---------------------- '" ~:.. ~ Ag2nt's NBm~ (per=of1, if 2n'~" r'epr9sent~nq ~pp~ic~.nt): :~ (j d 1'-- fE ~:'~; :: ... ..J~~_~':':.r:.._..~:_ _ I5-~_~~.~)'.j_E:Lld..a.Y. _~A~.s_()_~j._"'_t.~~_________________ 1551 Forum Place, BIdg.IOOA ----.-----------.-----.-.--------------------------------------- West Palm Beach, FI 33401 .------------------------.--------------------.----------------- Tl::J. C:-i::)hD~-18 ,'\lua:IJt::l'- ; (407) 689-5522 . --.-----.--.-...------------.----------..----------------------------- "-' ~ Corre=oonderlCC Address (i.F jif'~01-~nt th~n.3p~1'c2n~ or agent':'~ .:,>- TI"';:L3 i:; t~'l..::. "..i:~(::'-C::'~;:~:; ':"o:J !,';:")ich "::.J ('.;:::~p~,:,r'd..~::., ~.:z..I-_':.;:::r--:'..:., ~'!:-Id 01::[ 8;- cl..:;..i:c:r-i,:113 ('.J"L:~J. !"'-',\ J.':,:'~..l.CtcJ" i (; ;<; j_ n ~!:; l:? ;::;: ;: :~!- ;~i; ~~ ; ~ ~~ !~} :;~ ~=~ ~2!2 !~:; u f: ~~ u n (~. I::~ ~~' .the, t..?;~ t ,::.,.f. ';.:h~-",:~ C'':i:npr-c'i'~c:.:n':::ii ve::: '. r': c! c, \'- ': ' (,.: r-: t:.: cl 1'-, ..~. j" :-::.' :.:'.' :..:. ~:: I'" ": _. I: i. en:; t h "',~ F:' ~ 2. n r.... i n q <::: n d 'J t.~-I~::- Ci -:_:v ::::,-:i::u'jni- ,j!-: :':':?~::;.ch~. ':~'l o)'--i. ::~a to ::\nend P~~.n fJr .thm ~C~SDn3 ~.t~'::'~d bf~low: F':Lz:.nninq [;?pt_.. J.'-Cb i'j .:.t'::.\ (:~, Attach additional stleets, if necessary. 1.. Sect i fJn, pag[::~ numb E:?t- ~I Elnc:l e~: i::t,-:t J. c\ngUi.:...qE' cont.a:i. nee! i n '~he COr.1pl.... i:?hensi ve Plan which the applicant desires to be am~r,ded: Exhibit "A" __-See-~c1-____. ------ ----.--------.-----------........ ...---- ----... ...----------..----- ______~':...'!.EE.~i~_"'':':!:.}.:!_:'::-':g~~s!:.:!:~g a _~ext amendment to VIII. LAND USE PROBLEMS AND - .-- ---------------------------------------- _..__.9~~~R].Q~!..TJ~~'__..?~i..:._~_a.!~.':!:._at .~outh~est Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and -- --- ------------------------------------- 15~.',,- t:..h..~"'_'!..d_' _ ~ '0 ~e.:' _~ 2::..9.!: _ ~~! .?_~ ~ <;':'3-' _ _~':!-_: ~:i: c:.n_.CJ.! _-'~ :.:':' _ ':'.':..! .!'.: _ ':..0": .:~:. :..n_.: ~ ~!! .:.:_ of this property, in accordance with the adopted Boynton Beach Boulevard plan. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- __.._.:r:!:':~.!.!:'E'~:!:.~~2:_'2!'_.!E':.YE<;'.E':.JC.tl'_.".~~.!:~ b<:... placed in the Moderate Density -- --------------------------------- Residential land use category." -----------------.-------------------------------- --~-----_._----------------------_.------------------------------------- ---------------------------.--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- '"" ~. Natu~e of amendment r2qGssted: __oS S!S!_ httg>:;bS!.Q_ -E><.hi h:U:.. _c'.A~_ -- - -- --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------.-----------------------.----.-------.. - .___ _.. __._ - - - ._. _. '_"_ _._ __ n. ._. ._.... _.. _._ __ .__ _ __. ._....._ -_..._ ..- .-. _... -.- --.--.. -----.-.------..----------------------- ------------------.------.----------..-.-.-.-----...------------------------------ ..~ ._. - - ... - n_ __ .._.._ .... .... ..... .._... .... ..... ... _ _. _.. _. _. _... ..... .... n..' n.. .... _ ..... __. .... -... ..-. .... .... ...:'~ PI..Cp'21.....!.:::.I.-.~: "":,:.- ~:"ic~'r--:::on3 t:-l<~.\t ;,^!f'll'.!.CJ I:::.:':~ ~.\..:.!.,:.:,:..::t~.?j tl'/ r.:i"'CpC~;;,?;j :\,iiCr:C!c:-:c:n'c: _.... _ ..S."",... ;!t.~"<oh".cl. OfE QP_e.r_ty ._.~pp.E" :b.s."r. '.s. ..J:!."P.." l1.d . <og"espol1<!. ing. ?,.opeE .1:X.~E'~':. _L~_~~. ~.n.n... --.--------.----.----.----.--.----.-.--.-.------- ;:'l':;1nninq D'~::'p"i:. 1-.-8b iJ .;,;I.il EXHIBIT "A" Requested "ext Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan: VIII. LAND USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES 7. j. E~-!,se I a t_ Sout_h~~:?_~ ~_9rner of fJoynton. Beach Sou i evard i3~nd !<;nu..th B_oad This is a 14-acre parcel which is cu~rently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retai 1 Commercial CH+-.t.-h-e--R-Q..~~+l--2.2S__ ~4~~-~--~A4~-p~~~~~,--~R-~Q~~n~~~~~_the_<uiap~_____ Qe~-n-t.eR-~B-A-..f...",-l.........,."4--f'-..a....---:r.i""-l'-..........i..nd""'--Ot-~_.p.r..a.pe.r..t...)t. sAeu-I4--be--p.j,-a,.g.e...-4-n-- t.1>e-../4><l............t.Q_ -I4>.nlO.:i..t..;<. -g-<iJ.S.i.d..~J..a.l_.l..a.nd_.u..s.e_ Ra-l~"?,. Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1- and 2- story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. Pages 90 and 91 7.h. Residential Area between Old Bovnton Road and L.W.D.D. L-24 Canal west of Knuth Road This area contains the Oakwood Lakes project, as well as a portion of the Country Club Trails PUD. Densities for approved projects range from 5 to 10 dwelling units per acre. This area has good acceSs and is largely surrounded by commercial or high density residential developments. Therefore, this is an appropriate location for High Density Residential land use. The City should oppose any establishment of commercial uses within this area, however, since commercial uses would intrude into residential areas, access is not sufficient for commercial development, and adequate commercially-designated property already exists in the vicinity. BUilding heights should be limited to 2 stories, in order to be compatible with with the surrounding 1- and 2-story residences. The undeveloped parcels abutting Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road should be annexed if and when they become adjacent to the City. The oakwood Lakes project and the parcel to the west should ultimately be annexed by referendum or other legal means. Any annexation in this area should include annexation of the adjacent rights-of-way for Old Boynton Road and Lawrence Road. 7.i. P~rcels on North Side of Bovnton Beach Boulevard, West of Knuth Road This area consists of a 160-foot deep strip of land lying between Boynton Beach Boulevard and the L-24 Canal. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan shows only part of this strlp to be suitable for commercial development; however, it is likely that the remainder of the parcels in this area will eventually be permitted to develop for commercial uses. If annexed, the zoning categories imposed by the City for these parcels should generally correspond to the pattern of County zoning, meaning that retail commercial uses should not be permitted further than 660 feet west of Knuth Road. Properties lying to the west of this point should be limited to office uses. The City should annex the properties designated for Office Commercial only if it can be reasonably expected that Oakwood Lakes development north of the L-24 canal will also be annexed. Furthermore, if any of the properties fronting on Boynton Beach Boulevard are annexed, the right-of-way for Boynton Beach Boulevard should also be annexed. 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and . Knuth Road This is a I4-acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property lS develeloped, the owner or developer should be 90 required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 of thlS property, in accordacce wltll the adopted Boynton Eea:h Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed ln the Moderate Density Residentlal land use category. Building heights on this property should be limited, however. to 2 stories 125 feet), since 1- ~nd 2-scory residences lie in clc3e proximity ~o the south and southeast. 7.k. Unincorporated Parcels on south Side of Bovnton Beach Elvd. ,~ , , These parcels constitute an uniccrporated pocket which should be annexed. The first row of lots lYlng co the west of the present c~ty limlts, having an east-west dimensicn of approximately 300 ~eet should be placed in the General Commercial land use category and C-4 zoning district. These parcels should be required to dedicate right-of-way and construct the adjacent street conslEtent with the requirements that were placed on the u.s. Fost off~ce. The c8m~ercia: ?arcels should bs ~eve18ped so as to be COflpatible with the future residential ~se of the property WhlCh lies to the west. Those parcels which lie further west should be placed in the High Density Residential land use category. Commercial development on this parcel should nct be ~er~l~~ed since a s~ngle-famlly subdivision lies immediately to the west &lld acleq11are commercial property ~xists elsewhere in the vicinity. Furthermore, building heights on this parcel should be limited to ~ stores (25 feet) within 150 feet and 3 stories w~thin 400 feet of these single-family lots. PLANNING .i"REA 8--S0UTHWE.3T QUADRANT OF CITY 8.a. Lake Bovnton Estates (language which was included in the draft plan and su~part documents which 11ere transmitted to the City Commission on october 17, 1989) ~fl~~-=9-e-~~aEEeB-3Bt-~ar~e~Y-BR~ffi~FeVea-9BBa~V~8~eR7-wR~eR The nnrthe~n portion of this subdivision 1S zoned primarily for single-family ase, but includes mUltiple-family zoning along the eastern bounda~y, and Neighborhood commercial zoning at the nor~hern and sot~ther~ en~s. The southern por~ion of Lake Boynton Estat3~ and several unplatted tracts lie within a Planned Unit Develonm':?nt. (?LTDl and Fl3.nn.~d Commercial Develo-omenL: (?CD', v7hich ar,o, c;'1e .outject c)"' court-ordered settlement stipulacicns. ape eHFF~R~~~-~~~-~H0~~e~-e~-a-~awsH~~ concerning t~1e 1~11d tlS~ ~nd zcnlng for the area. On tIle 110rthern portion of Lake BQynton Estates t.he property I i-;rh-i.ch i$ not within the PUD or PeD-the sH~,eeE-ef-t~e-~aw8BiE7 the land use for the R-1A zoned ?ortion s]lould be changed from Moderate Density Residential to Low Density Residen~ial, to reflect the existing zoning and pattern o~ d'?velopment, ~nd "the ~3rrd use for the R-3 =oned portion ShOllld be changed from High Density Residential to Medium Density Itesidential and P-2 zoni~g, ag3inr to reflect the existing pactern of development. The parcel occupied by the American ~egicn 91 __________________~__.________'_________________.___._._------------______0-------- --------------------------.----------------.---------------------------- n Statement of conditions, hal~dship5, or ott'e~ ~2aS!JnS .justifying the proposed amendment: ----------------------.--------------------------- See Attached Justification Statement -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------.------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------'------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------._------------------ --------------------------------------------.-------------------------- -----------------------------.---'--.-----.----------.--------.------------------- " ---------------------------.---------------.-----.---.-------------------- . . --------------.---------------------------------------..------.-------.-------------- ------------------.-.-------,--------.----."------------..--------.---------.--------- -- ..- -- .--..- .... ..-. .-- ...- .-.- ..-. .... - . .....- .-- ..- -.- --. --. -..---- .-- .--..- -.- _H' "._ _H' .__ __ .__ _._ __ _..._ - .'_' ____ _____._._.._.___ __..._..___. _.. _ ........... _ _..... .___..__..._ __~....._~.._.._ ..._.__ _.., _. ....._ .__ _........___._ _ ........ _._. ___.__._ _. __._~. ...._..____ .__H_____...___._.._.____ -------------.-------..---------.--------------.---------,-.----------------------.------ --------.------.-.-----.--,--------------..---..----.-----------.-.----..---------------------- must :.;ut:)f'n~. t ~: 1"': '2 -F ':J 1 1 '::. I:.j i. !l q -n :'.\ t_ ,~.~, ~ -j, .::.\ - "i.r'l ~ll ~~DpOS2d Comprehensive Plan I..\~~i~?' ~.::,f P1"-CJpc'r-t.';-'" the D.pplic:cint. (:,?) cop.:' ::-::: ': III~ b~~I_9E_QEE~G~~D_CBPE~BI~_~~~ERS. F~~ amendment~~ :~t,ic~ ~10~J~.d chan~8 ~he ~crmitted ';""1 ~JrQP8rtie~ ~Jo!Jlc! I~G ,"-01 ~:::. ,n .1:1...,,.,_: '~_~(JI \I-it:'. "::'r~:ol'''C:!! :'c! f.... !-I-:,;:,. ", ~.. "'. '!. f: ':,~ --.;.~:::1 r- (':"~: ;~;,E''T:;;; ~\n d 1 eq Ell ....:..r~lj, tt;:,::,d I..l'~:;E'S <:J.f '~~2\i J :it~~~ offi=ial tax :\ ':~ r.'" ':'.~':-::.? ;:'\;:'FI.L LC2nt., :~)'':: . '''C'./:i.l::!;~~d" C;a::. c! }_ i <.:~t :1':\1:: t.::; "!'IF h ',,'~"._ (];: .t.:-'IC_' (..) C'::: m ~:) I "_~' -t. '0 1. :~ ::it c,i: .., d..'. pI' C;:l2i,-.I:.! . !'- ":':]::; \_:':'1'- 1_: j_ ~:.~:; " ~..~ ";:'. n"'~ r", ;:!" Z:"r, t. c:: t...J r-j (-2': t- ~~: ~J .: 1 ,_\ .1. ~. r:j":~'~;:;;::i'-'i, pt i C; i':;i ;.._.... .,. ..Ii" -'.] 1 ; C;!'- 1::/"'1 :i. 1.1: ::)1.1'-"" !...:"t.:.... "1'-'1;:::11 . ,".' 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"0'.'" :-1 " PI ;.:::cP',. ._.r t:"-I:~~ r:'.;;,lITl E:....;:.:'c'.-I '.J:..in-:~.'-/ Pl'''np(':'I,..T; "~I~~)[:\'- .'. .:;>....'1 ;.:0 + ~- ~-: L: ::::"" ::.l~', ;:; 1'-' -\: it: ,:, 1'- '~, .1.: '~.:' !,. ,r' r..' r:! .t- :::. c,. p.... ,'- : n 1''" -, I.' : '_'. b c '-.' ~:'. iil';1p:;. ,:~h'::'~~Ji(li~ :.?\J.1 :::'J 0lin:L !"'(.J D::':D'I: ~ 1...:]6 ''', C] ,...~, Kilday & A880Ciates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689.5522 . Fax: 14071 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR KNUTH ROAD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT CUMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The petitioner is requesting a Comprehensive Plan text amendment to allow this entire site to be developed as Local Retail Commercial. This text amendment request is consistent with the current Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designation which shows the property as a combination of Commercial and Commercial Recreation. The Boynton Plan already recognizes that the Commercial designation is appropriate along Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, the Boynton Plan does not recognize the depth being requested by the petitioner. As marketing changes, the needs for additional depth has been demonstrated in many projects which have been designed and constructed along Boynton Beach Boulevard. The proposed development plan allows for a unified development of the entire parcel. Development of the property based on the limited depth creates an additional problem in trying to squeeze a very small residential development in the area between the Quail Ridge buffer and the designated Commercial area along the north. The proposed plan allows for the entire site - which is a singie parceJ- to develop under a single Comprehensive Plan Land Use category. IV~ BEEb!~BIIQ~_E~~~~ Fees shall be paid at the t~me tha't the application is 5Ltbmittod~ according 1:0 t~18 fol~awing sc~edule. All f(~e~ shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. For amendments to thE~ tf~~:t o-F tht~ comprGhensive plan for the benefit of a pat""ticLllnr prop9t""tv 01- properties. .:~~;:;f=\O u 00 Where postponslner,t of action by .the P12nning and Zoning board or City Council is r9quested bv tt18 applic~nt, ~{ter the application has been advertised, the follDwing fee~ shall b~ paid: For re-advertisement of the application, where re-advertisem~nt is rGquil~ed ':';1.25. ')(l For each additional. transmlssion of the application to the Planning 3nd Zonin9 BOEd'''d Ot- Cit:.'l Council:. ~'';\.ft~l'M 'l:h'::? i,.iti::}l transmi s:::ii. Dri. :2'3.00 v. C~BIIEIGQIIgN (I) ('.!Je) undc:?I.....3t0.n'_-J tl.~;<:lt t!-'i :~. ::; :::\pP 1 j. c:::\t:i an 2'.nd <:(1 I. p.i. ari .::l;iC! p 3pE'rs '..':iut:)m:i, t"tcd h::':.';,"r2".l~. t!.: b~'::;cCJm(.;; ,~i. pE(i-.-!'. D'::: tilE' r: 21""m::,n{:?n'~: ,1"":::'~C;'!"'d~3 t)f thE' i='2 .::\nni nq i:1nrj ZOliilll,) E~c)<"]Ij'~d" (I) (L!-I[~) ht~I'~l,,_'t:,\, C~~\l-ti-f./ thi:;tt ,(:h~-:: .::.i.bD'/':~ statern;::;.nts and any st~t2ments C)~ 3h~'~:ings ~n ~.n'! p3p2~:: (~Y. !JI2~s ~tl.Jmitt2d herewith are "l::-u(:. to t:.., \,,2 b':,~;"it u-~~ (rr:y) i Dur- \ ;-:("JVJ.l t:,:-':!;Jc, ,;;',1-:8 !:: .:'~':. l l:.."r." T:":i ';:.;. :::o.pp:L i. cati on ~J.G."~C acc~h.d r1~ :'0 the instruction~ below. t')i~] >>i~:1 -,_, ~,:'d':: c:Y"~'ci L 11 -L;;tj)?)~ ~_-: rm_L'L_ Signa~ur"0 of l~pp.tlC3nt ...2 -2 r; - 7'/') --------------~-- 'C)"'.t", './1" (i!..JTH:::~::~'I.::P:..~.J.(J!'.l ':~;F f'!C3E:l'.JT . -~-----~_..,.,_.__._--_._.__.__._- ~i~t.(2~fk~~~~;~~~ /;17 ..-,dZ_~:2.3._~{L_ [}::\tc:~ rr ,'1,1",,\ J -IT-h~h.) .. ~,r. :A;Z;;~.-.~~ '.",,;. C.:Jr1,:\J,,::,_,i"":':' c~-',' '-\p~J~ ~, :;~".n" _~,t: ::'V:::!' .i'- ".'d _.. ..'.. -~c.:r-' ':~:\' \ I ,-;! i"-' '- !.~,';.- :,:, ~: :~~, : "':.":1. 2.~.:zb -Cfj _._ _.. .._. __ UM' ._........ ..... ...~ ~.~ ~L~~._. ~ ..~_._ '..'.:i.t::: 1='l;'1nninq e::?'pt~ "L---\36 ~.J..:;;c: .l . '. ~ t\JOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE 'NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE OF TEXT AMENDMENT The 'City of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land, amend the text of the Comprehensive Plan and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. 11 public hcaring on these proposals will be held before the planning alld Zoning Board on June 12, 1990, ilt 7:30 p.m. at City lIall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. 11 public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City Commission on June 19, 1990, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at city Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. II ! ,'J" .. ..,. .'j"." \, ) I':'.L t,';~8 iI,.-! :"IL~",. .l. IIJ':.'.', J!,~ldLr OLIi_DJlXNTON ROADI ..~.,,~...: l\II!1i.~'U!11f111l1 I' u__ - -.- ~. .-. i .. J -- i ftnifiiiiiloili -- -- i 'I ./--~ -- i ~ n! 0 ~"#t~}" __ 0 -_ ~T =- j Ir~ I llil~i;m r:::~;::S~\I):J,:-:: .1 I .: IInirlr/l\III1I11J I It. ~ J= 'j~,,::c:~-"~;'l . I J<~'l !t~'I~;!;::JG :;:~i~."l4: ~ 10 ~j~llr})lI~ .-----! #1_ .,-\ I \1\ [1.1'"1.1_ i It ~,,:D (l- . j 'rrl,~l "l ~~. ___ ~Il. rD cJm . ~ 11_ ll/!/ (~~ 1Il."'~ \l~~l!i( Bw-, PLICAl! N H( I \1,I}I:1 (!) II__~~~]' -=-~\ 'rldll0.1~\si~dY.: i i; r' ! '-,{,''', '-' TON AV^~., I 'j () :! fr/..'~''i{j,''', I -~ ~ ~ -: ~\(J " l . 1 I . f~" -, ~J , 11'1" i U~-~ 'I., :: -./ -:.~ .~ '.r C-'L' L:'; tlh- -,.,,:,-,,-L-.," .'d..: Vi'li \pu' 1..' Ii fE li~)>> u,l:r' ~Q.!!.;;~:fc~l:n'v '-- 1,11'#l~'11 _~, ..\ . . ( Il, ." If" I I I I" II ~ ' APPLICATION NO. 1 APPLICANT: The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Kilday & Associates I I The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development PROPOSED USE: 120,000 square foot Shopping center LOCATION: Southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. REQUEST: From - CH/3 (Palm Beach county) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD (City of Boynton Beach) AMEND TilE FUTURE LAND USE PL1IN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLlIN , '.. '" APPLICATION NO. 2 APPLICANT: Michael A. schroeder, Trustee AGENT: Kilday & Associates OWNER: University of Florida Foundation, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Boulevard Planned Commercial Development PROPOSED USE: 120,000 square foot shopping center LOCATION: South side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between North Congress Avenue and Knuth Road. REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - RIB (Palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD (City of Boynton Beach) A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the pUblic in the City's planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA \ , ~ -- --'" PUBLISH: THE POST May 27, June 3 & June 10, 1990' cc: City Commission City Manager Planning Director City At torney City Mgr's Office Mgr. I I