APPLICATION K,S, ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC, 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 18, 1990 Mr, Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N,E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Winchester Projects Knuth Road I Boynton Beach Blvd, Dear Mr. Cutro: In response to our recent telephone conversation, I am writing you this letter to expound on the information submitted in my report dated December 10, 1990. In that report, we made adjust- ments to the projected traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue reflecting the amount of traffic expected to be diverted from these roads once the Woolbright Road extension and the N.W, 22nd Avenue interchange at 1-95 are constructed. -~ " The amount of traffic expected to be diverted as a result of the construction of the missing link of Woolbright Road was obtained ~ from "WOOlbright Road, Palm Beach County, Florida, Traffic Analy- sis", September 28, 1987, by Barr, Dunlop & Associates, 1nc, This study was commissioned to demonstrate the need for Wool- bright Road. That study indicated that a substantial number of trips would be diverted off of Boynton Beach Boulevard both east and west of Congress Avenue, The estimated diversion off of Boynton Beach Boulevard as a resul t of the N. W. 22nd Avenue interchange was calculated in- house. This office analyzed both the A,M, and P,M. peak hour turning movements at several major intersections and the 24 hour volumes on the adjacent roadway links to estimate the amount of traffic either originating or having a destination north of Boyn- ton Beach Boulevard which would use the N. W. 22nd interchange when available. The intersections analyzed were: Boynton Beach Blvd, and 1-95 Boynton Beach Blvd. and Old Boynton Road Boynton Beach Blvd, and Congress Avenue Boynton Beach Blvd, and Lawrence Road Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue RECEIVED DEe 18 _ PLANNING DEPT. - - Mr, Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach December 18, 1990 Winchester Projects - Page Two A review of the diverted trips on Boynton Beach Boulevard west of Congress Avenue appears to show an inconsistency, The calculated diverted traffic totals 14,000 trips per day. This number is higher than what logic or common sense would support. Thus, for the purposes of presentation for these projects, the total di- verted traffic was reduced to 10,000 trips per day to conform with good judgment. I hope this additional information provides you with the data that you require, If there is anything else we may do, please call me directly. Very truly yours, /~~~ K,S. RO RS, P.E. KSRI j r CC: Mr, Kerry Kilday K,S, ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC, 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F _ West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 18, 1990 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Knuth Road Extension Dear Mr, Cutro: Mr. Kerry Kilday has requested that I comment on the planned extension of Knuth Road between Woolbright Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, As a little bit of history, Knuth Road has been a planned roadway by the City of Boynton Beach for a considerable period of time. The City required the Stonehaven project to protect right-of-way for its future development. Knuth Road has always been meant to be a minor collector roadway primarily for the residential development in the area immediately west of Congress Avenue to access both Woolbright Road and Boyn- ton Beach Boulevard, From a planning prospective, Knuth Road is extremely important to provide north, south alternative access for the residents in the area other than Congress Avenue. Short distance trips are meant to be made via collector roadways leaving the arterial roads for the longer distance trip. If short length collector roads are eliminated forcing all trips onto the arterial system, the arterial system will fail and concurrency will not be able to be achieved, Very truly yours, ;5<\<J RECEIVEf' KSR/jr QjC 18 lS PLA.NNll"lG DEf-T. f" CC: Mr, Kerry Kilday ~ " 1(;' . i:.? ( Ll~f ,I I 1/ , i. K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC, 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 10, 1990 Mr, Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Winchester Projects Knuth Road I Boynton Beach Blvd. Dear Mr, Cutro: It has been requested that we provide further documentation in support of the letter prepared by this office dated December 3, 1990, That letter addressed the recently announced construction programs which will both add capacity to the nearby roadway system and also divert traffic off of roadways in the immediate area of the project, The two roadways which were shown to have some potential capacity problems in the original Analysis submitted in January 1990 are Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard, The back up infor- mation shall focus on these two roadways, AddreSSing Congress Avenue first, since the preparation of the Analysis, Palm Beach County has awarded the contract and construction has commenced for the widening of Congress Avenue from four to six lanes from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Miner Road. This construction will mean that Congress Avenue within the project's study area will be a six lane divided road. This widening will also provide ade- quate capacity to that section of Congress Avenue which showed a potential deficit. There are two road projects on Boynton Beach Boulevard which will provide additional capacity. Palm Beach County has scheduled the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard from four to six lanes from Old Boynton Road to 1-95. This construction has been scheduled for this fiscal year, The second widening is from Military Trail to the Florida Turnpike. This widening is being done by FOOT, Boynton Beach Boulevard is being widened from two to six lanes from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road and from two to four lanes west of El Clair Ranch Road to the Turnpike, Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach December 10, 1990 Winchester Projects Page Two There are two other roadway improvements which are expected to lessen traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue by diverting traffic onto parallel facilities. The missing link of Woolbright Road, between Congress Avenue and Military Trail, is presently under construction. This link will divert traffic off of the links of Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Military Trail. FOOT has scheduled for construction during the current fiscal year the construction of an interchange with 1-95 and N.W. 22nd Avenue. This interchange is also expected to divert traffic off of Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Military Trail as well as Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to N.W. 22nd Avenue. The projected total traffic at each project's buildout was calcu- lated for these roadway links, The total volumes for each project are shown in Figures A & B. As it has been almost a year since the submittal of the original analysis for these two projects, the existing traffic volumes have been updated from 1989 to 1990 AADT. Similarly, the growth rates have been adjust- ed to reflect the 1990 AADT Volumes, Reviewing these Figures it is seen that adequate road capacity is available for these projects. The cumulative impact of each of these two projects is shown in Figure C, There is adequate capacity for both of these projects, If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~~.,.....--S K.S. GERS, P.E, Fla. eq, No. 24068 KSRI j r Encl, HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS HISTORICAL EXIST, GROWTH 1990 1991 1992 1193 RATE MDT MDT MDT MDT BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD: I-95 - Old Boynton Road 5.59% 45,335 47.869 50,545 53.370 Old Boynton - Congress 7.01% 33,112 35,433 37,917 40,575 Congress - Knuth 12.63%(2) 32,060(1) 36,109 40,670 45,806 Knuth - Lawrence 12.63%(2) 32,062(1) 36,109 40,670 45,806 Lawrence - Military 11 . 69% 28,002 31,275 34,981 39,015 Military - El Clair 9.23% 23,660 25,843 28,228 30,833 CONGRESS AVENUE: N.W. 22nd - Old Boynton 5.84% 30,878 32,681 34,590 36,610 Old Boynton - Boynton BB 5.84% 30,878 32,681 34,590 36,610 Boynton BB - S,W, 15th 12,34% 28,628 32,161 36,129 40,588 (1) The 1990 MDT for this link of Boynton Beach Boulevard was measured at 37,954 which is a 38.7% (10,589 tpd) increase over the 1989 MDT. Reviewing the relative increase in the 1989 to 1990 MDT volumes for the north, east and south sides of the intersection of Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard, there was no similar increase found. Therefore, it is assumed that this 37,954 trip per day figure is an anomaly and should not be utilized, A volume of 32,060 was projected for this link based upon a relationship established with this link and the other three links of the intersection with Congress Avenue and the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard east of Military Trail. (2) Based upon an estimated 1990 MDT of 32,060 tpd. ~'I '.., ~'.."f)".."'t':'1 "lU~ . O^,g lS3IJ~V3S w > 0 '" > .... ~ '" " .....~ 96-1 lU - I :--. "''''''0''''' :> (0)0:1(1)0 CD 0 0{ (')......00....('1) -..:::; ~ Ir') CO.,..M(Q ..,. .... vv - ,,,, w :~ 01""""1"" 0- > --=:::::.... ....Nr.oO 00 It) '" ....<>>'1:1'0 U)(I') 0- M ",-0) NtO /"'1 0 - , a: "'~OI"I~o M . ""-C?ONO N COlC""O Nt'I) , o 1t)C'\IIIH,Q - (') -'Z! 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U> OU<() .. lU rtl >- .... u::u::a::U:: 0 '" I,LI,Lt-LLO ..J OIJ 0:(<t:::t~U: t- Dor a::a:Zt-Ll. <( t-t-=, 0:( "....Ooa:: >- zua:w.... !:: -UJ(!}I--1 0 0 I-...,~(t'< '" Z :200WI- Q. 11 w XCl:0:(2o <( , , OIJ I-l:)NVl::I Cl wc:LmOI- 0 N3DVH W ..J o ~ '" Olr- , 0 CDMvOM 0 O"lt""ON "' 3)f(dN~n.L T ('I,(C'IIMOCO "' S,ValtlO1:1 M ....:: M ... , k, s, rogers, consulting date engineer. inc, REVISEO TOTAL TRAFFIC OEC 90 west palm beach, fl. KNUTH ROAD .PCD figure A 1Ift.'......~oIolI1OlC."'... .. O^lB iS3tt~V3S w > 0 .. > .J ~ III ...... 98-1 ..... , w ~ , ,. "''''''01''0 .. ('I)OH"O <DO ('1)""'00 -('I) I II) co- M(Q '" w .. ~-r- ~ ,>- > - I NO",> 01"0"' .. : ....C"II<DO 00.... ....O)vO 11)('1) ('I) ,....C)N<D M - (')V 0 ------ I ~ I a: <OONO[OO " , ""COMO 0)0 N (011)"""0 .... M ~ I o II)C\I 1.t)<D <0<000["'0 CO) -CO)"'f' '" NO)<D- coO '~ <J (Q<DCI'J (\l(') .. a'J .... _CO~ J w --... "' N - oot~f1) '" 0 0 3^Y z 1 SS3~()NO;) a: a: ~ 1 0 O",<OO[NO <0"''''01<00 >- <DII)""O COO ,...,,(')NO MO Z ON.....O 0(') 0 <OII)NO CDM >- NC\lMO <O<D a: o Cf)Olt (QCD 0 (') ...._M"lt 0 CO) -M"It CD Oy 1""....,-, - I 0 Z I :: ~~~ .. N 0 a: N a: w ;!i, ~......- 2, 0"'<001'"0 Q~ HinN)t , CDcovO a'Jo I 00"'"'0 <0(") I C\I(\l(')O ,...CD 00"'01"'0 CO) ...._ C'). i - 1 CDCDvO 0)0 .. 0(0","0 <DC? C\I....MO ,...<D e M ........ M"" Q~ - 1 30N3ttMVl 0","- ,. .. .. o '" ::> J o .. >- '" >- W .. .. :r <J W J Q~ J1 k, s, rogers. consulting engineer, inc, west palm beach, fI. J z o .J o ~ 1 Z N<OMO["'O o o C').... 0 l()0 .... 0000 OM Z cn.........o O<D )- (\l .......... M""W o - l~ .. llVtli AttVil1lW ~ I OC')1l)OI<OO <D""CO-<OO CD C"II <0 ,.... c:? (") "'"' ....CD N _ -.:tv I '" >- "' Otl HONVtl tlIV10 '3 J '" Dor . , HONVf:t Q~ N39VH I.... 3~ldN~n~ T S,VOltlOl.:1 REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC BOYNTON BEACH BLVD PCD ... .J o " w " .. .J o u: u. oo<ccS'! UJ Li:u:a:u. 0 u.I.L.I-u.o~ <<c~U:I- a:a:zl-I.L.< 1-1-::::> -< (!)f-oca:~ zoo:wl-t: -weJl-..Jo I--,~a:<< o !:200WI-Q. Z ><a:<~o< w wa.mcl-O Cl W ..J . o . ~ I o _ to 01" 0 <0(")....0(')0 O..,.,....OC\lC') C\IC\I C')O co <0 C') ....C')"lt - I date DEC 90 figure B "UA.'~_ 1 ...._ I..... ........... Q a: Jt O^19 Q a: a: w :!:I ", I I i all 71'- ~ co o )( :> .. o .. > x ... w ... .. :r " w .. all k, s, rogers, consulting engineer, inc, west palm beach, fl. 98-1 .. I IOCOII)OI<OO MCOMO 11)0 (l')tt)00 mM lI)....co- MCD ... ':;"'y ~ w > .. .. I <O_NOI_O ,...,mMO 00 CO....,...,O COM O....ION 11)(0 t") -(1')'" I 3^V Q % N N ,% <O_NO~-O~ ,..mMO OOz 10_""'0 COM> O...II)N 10(00 M (I')"'r CD .. I O"COIOO C.....O C'IlO 011)"'0 MM N.,.(I')O OC M "'T""". ~ I 30N3!::1MYl " % . , 3>1ldN!::InJ. v [.....- all Q .. o lIYI::U. .. I OClOOI-O CCCOCO- -0 ccootCO 0(") M ,..., C'Il co C'Il _ .<o:t I all l1Y~ Q > .. lD .. , NOH"'OI"'O X T""N<OO 00 .... T""m..o 10M fit) M ,...,m C'IlCO .- (") - t'?.. I .. I <oooolNO J: N'"ItCO-""'O o colOm N(f) -c CO......... NCO~ ~ ('II - ..~(/) .. I 0,.. coOl'" 0 coco..o mo oco,....o '"It (I') ('<,IvMO OCO ('I) ....... ''It''lt f"'::""""" - I !...'.'":... (/J W I- ia m-er Hl.nN>I .. I o '"It co 01 0 0 (Om..o 00 0.......0 (1')(1') N('I)('I)O 0)<0 (") ...,.. ('I)" ~ I .. I z ('<,I co (1')01-0 o o""'T""omo ... ooooot? Z (0('<,1.....0...<0 >- <\I T"".-t?..w o - I~ III att HONVI:t "or all T ~~ HONVU w > .. J.S311:JV3S SS311"NO:J .. .. o " A !::I VJ.l1lrt x ... '" ~ MIY1013 " Ul N30VH S.VOIllOl' REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC BOYNTON BEACH BLVD PCD AND KNUTH ROAD PCD ~ Q a: <') N ~ Ul Q a: Q .. o a: .. 51 w " .. .. 2 lL lL oo<~ UJ --ttu.. 0 ~~.....u..O-l <- <<oa:u....... ~:=5.....~< C]t-Ooo:> zuO:WI-!::: -wC]......Jo 01-..,::.::0:<< zUJOOwl-Q.. wxa:<2:o< "wQ.OOOI-O W .... . o . <\I(I)t?'O OMT""O 0000 0:)......0 N __ I "'0 ",0 0'" oeo "'... date DEC 90 figure C ROAD/Link BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: 1-95 - Old Boynt. Old Boynt, - Congress Congress - Knuth Knuth - Lawrence Lawrence - Military Military - El Clair CONGRESS AVENUE, NW 22nd - Old Boynt. Old Boynt. - Boynt BB Boynt. BB - SW 15th BACKGROUND TRAFFIC HISTORICAL GROWTH 8,035 7,463 13,746 13,746 11,013 7,173 5,732 5,732 11 , 960 MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,692 3,493 -0- -0- BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 8,035 7,463 13,746 13,746 11,013 17,865 9,225 5,732 11,960 . Mr, Christopher Cutro. Planning Director, City of Boynton Beach December 3, 1990 Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Page Two 4. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has committed to the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard from two to four lanes from the Florida Turnpike to El Clair Ranch Road and from two to six lanes from El Clair Ranch Road to Military Trail, This construction is scheduled to commence during the first quarter of 1991. 5, FDOT has scheduled the construction of the interchange on 1-95 with N.W. 22nd Avenue during the current fiscal year. This interchange is expected to initially divert a minimum of 8,000 trips per day off of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Con- gress Avenue and 1-95 and off of Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.W. 22nd Avenue. 6. Palm Beach County has scheduled improvements to the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and 1-95 which will expand that link to a six lane road. This work will be completed during the current year. The completion of this considerable list of roadway projects will provide a substantial amount of additional roadway capacity in the area around these two projects, These improvements will also allow for the redistribution of traffic away from Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue and onto Woolbright Road (S.W, 15th Avenue) and onto N.W. 22nd Avenue, With this additional roadway capacity and the redistribution of traffic which is expected, it is concluded that there is adequate roadway capacity available for these two projects and that the City's goals and objectives for providing adequate capacity have been met. Very truly yours, K.S, Fla. S, P.E, No. 20468 KSR/jr (cr:commtp2.krd:Dec90#1) Kilday & A..oeiate. Landscape Architects/Planner<; 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 334)1 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: 14071 689-2592 ~~,~ ~rp~ June 15, 1990 Mr, Vincent A, Finizio City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Knuth Road P.C,D. - Our File #799.5 Boynton Beach Boulevard P,C.C. - Our File #799.9 Tara Oaks P.U.D. - our File #799.10 Dear Mr. Finizio, Attached please find three (3) copies of the revised Master Plans for the above referenced projects. These have been revised pursuant to your Technical Review Board comments (3ngineering Department Memoranda Nos. 90-101, 90-102, 90-103) including the specific verbiage agreed upon at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting on June 12, 1990. Sincerely, Kieran J. Attachments cc: Jim Golden; Boynton Beach Bill Winchester Mike Schroe'ler > K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 3, 1990 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Reply to DCA Response Dear Cutro: We have been asked to prepare a reply to the comments prepared by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) concerning the compati-' bility of the traffic impacts from these proposed commercial developments and the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan, . Since the preparation of the Traffic Impact Analysis for the two projects, a number of traffic related developments have tran- spired which impact these projects. These traffic developments are: 1. Palm Beach County has awarded the contract for and construction has commenced on the four laning of Woolbright Road (S.W. 15th Avenue) between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. Computer estimates prepared by Palm Beach County show that there is expected to be a 10,000 trip per day decrease in traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard between Military Trail and Congress Avenue and a 3,000 trip per day decrease in traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress and 1-95. 2, Palm Beach County has awarded the contract for and construction has commenced for the expansion from four to six lanes of Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard north of Miner Road. 3. Palm Beach County has awarded the contract for and construction has commenced for the expansion from two to six lanes for Military Trail from Boynton Beach Boulevard north to Hypoluxo Road. K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC, 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 June 12, 1990 Mr. Timothy Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Knuth Road PCD Dear Mr. Cannon: Please accept this letter as an Addendum to the Traffic Impact Analysis, Knuth Road PCD, dated January 30, 1990 which was origi- nally prepared by this office, The Addendum has been prepared in accordance with the letter report addressed to you by Walter H. Keller Jr" P,E. dated May 29, 1990, The following points discussed in Mr, Keller's letter have been addressed as follows: 1, Traffic Counts - This office did perform field counts of roadway links where there were no established count stations. A summary of these counts are shown in the attached AppendiX G, 2, Mall Road - The existing and projected traffic volumes on Mall Road are shown on the revised Figures 2 and 4. 3, Woolbriqht Road Extension According to an analysis pre- pared by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), the exten- sion of Woolbright Road between Congress Avenue and Military Trail will cause the traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress Avenue and 1-95 to reduce by 3.000 trips per day and will reduce the traffic on Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Woolbright Road by 4000 trips per day, The total .' traffic volumes as shown in Figure 4 for Boynton Beach Boulevard ~~~n:ongress Avenue have been adjusted to reflectItjEt:~li[) JUN 1 A 1;90 PU>.NNI,j\.:i udr. - .. ' Mr, Timothy Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach June 12, 1990 Knuth Road PCD - Addendum 4, Siqnificant Links which were identified as revised Figure 4. The projected traffic on the links missing by Mr, Keller are shown in the 5. Trio Distribution and Assiqnment This office does not agree with Mr. Keller's comments concerning the distribution in the Lawrence Road I Mil i tary Trail corridor north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, However, a revised distribution and assignment was performed as requested by Mr. Kell er, This revised assign- ment is shown in the revised Figures 3 and 4, This revised assignment does show two links of Military Trail with Significant Impacts, however, there is adequate capacity to accommodate this additional traffic, 6, Boynton Beach Boulevard The section of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Military Trail and Jog Road is shown as having a widened capacity of 46,400 trips per day (six lane divided). 7, Peak Hour Volumes The discrepancy between the peak hour generation and the volumes shown in Figure 5 has been corrected, A revised Figure 5 is attached. As the changes to the volumes at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road were minor (and showed a decreased in volumes) it was determined that it was not necessary to revise the intersection capacity analy- sis. Reviewing the total volumes as shown in Figure 4 with the crite- ria established by the City of Boynton Beach, this project meets the approval criteria with the exception of the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard, between Old Boynton Road and 1-95, Until this I ink of road is reI ieved by the construction of the N. W. 22nd Avenue interchange with 1- 95, some temporary congestion on this link can be expected, .. Very truly yours, ~~~ K,S. RorrERS, P,E, Fla, Reg, No. 24068 iE{;ilVED J,W]N I r1~ H9ft' Pj,t~~NVNI.?P(;)e1'J. KSR/jr Encl. ... CC: Mr, Walter H, Keller, Jr., P,E, Mr. Kerry Kilday, Kilday & Associates APPENDIX G FIELD COUNTS PERFORMED 1, Knuth Road approximately 75 feet south of Boynton Beach Boulevard: Count: Date: 2,042 tpd Jan 22/23, 1990 2, Knuth Road approximately 100 feet north of Boynton Beach Boulevard: Count: Date: 668 tpd Jan 22/23, 1990 3. Mall Road approximately 100 feet north of Boynton Beach Boulevard: Count: 4,135 tpd Date: Jan 22/23, 1990 NOTES: (1) All counts were performed by staff members of K,S, ROG- ERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC" with junior counters, (2) These counts, which were performed during the peak season, were not factored to MDT vol urnes due to the lack of comparable data, . RECEIVED JUN 1,1 qq~ PLAr~i;,,;u Ut:.PT. ."'"'1 ".rA'V.U......, Ji. . O^ 18 w lS3t!:)V3S > 0 <( > -' b-.. al /: ..... I--' 96-1 ~,o ~ ~ W alO ,. "'.. " M'" .... W " ~~ I- > ~ '" <( ~ T r 00 MO T 0>0 0- 00 0 O>~ O>~ ~o "'M a: 0>" M -'" '" M" r or T T 0[0 T T "'0 "'0 00 00 ~o ~o "'0 0>0 0>0 "0 T -.. 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Fax: (407) 689-2592 ,-~, " .> February 26, 1990 J, Scott Miller Boynton Beach City Manager PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Attached memo from James J, Golden, S~nior City Planner Dear Mr. Miller, Today I was somewhat dismayed to received a copy of the attached memo regarding six annexation requests my office submitted to the City of Boynton Beach. As we discussed in the meeting held with you last week, these applications represent the annexation of a significant area within the planned expansion area of the City, previously, similar applications had been made and then subsequently withdrawn for a portion of the sites. It is my belief that the City of Boynton Beach should annex these properties (as indicated in your own Com- prehensive Plan) and that the ultimate use of and rev- enue created by these properties will be of benefit to the City. Therefore, I am chagrined to see the word "incomplete" occur on the second line of the attached memo, This term is extremely important in assessing the applica- tion of traffic performance standards to these individ- ual parcels, In adopting the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance standards Municipal Implementation Ordi- nance, the term "Complete Application" is described~as,Ii' ";"'v'r;'D- .I,.~)i..... \ .tiL:,J .ti MAR 1 1990 PLANNiNG DEPT. , ~ Scott Miller Golden Memo February 26, 1990 Page 2 of 4 "An application filed with the municipality which satisfied the application requirements of state law; all agencies; and the relevant land develop- ment regulations, the general rates and policies adopted, and the customary general practices of the municipality." Applications submitted to the municipality prior to February 1, 1990 would continue to be reviewed accord- ing to the traffic regulations in effect in the munici- palities, For that reason, all six of the applications were submitted on January 31, 1990. The letter to my office of February 13, 1990 which is referenced and attached to the memo in no place util- ized the term "incomplete". My office interpreted this letter as the normal review which takes place upon any application submitted to the City and we deemed it to be "the customary general practice of the municipal- ity", ,We did not deem it to be a statement that the applications were "incomplete". In fact, many of the items requested in this application had already been submitted on January 31, 1990, and should not have been referenced therein, In any event, a reply letter was prepared by me on February 26, 1990. This letter indi- cated which items had previously been submitted, al- though copies of the items were attached again in the event they were misplaced. My recent letter was pre- pared according to the normal sequence of application submittal and review and update. I am writing you at this time to make sure that the City makes a determination of "complete application" strictly in accordance with the definition provided in the Ordinance, I feel assured that utilizing the normal City criteria, it will be agreed that complete applications were presented to the city on January 31, 1990. Because I know Palm Beach County has taken a critical interest in this matter and talked to the Planning Department several times and that the City Planning De- partment has provided the County Engineer with a copy of their February 13th letter, I should clarify the Scott Miller Golden Memo February 26, 1990 Page 3 of 4 fOllowing fact. The application for the annexation of '-. < '" . 49 acres of property~designated commerc~al on both the Palm Beach County's and the City's Comprehensive Plan will, in fact, have to meet the new county wide Traffic Performance Ordinance, No development plan was submit- ted at the time of this submittal and it is the under- standing of the owner, Mr, Bill Winchester, that any future development will have to meet the Traffic Ordi- nance in place at such time an application is made. This application was not intended to meet any special deadline but was the result of a recognition that the property belongs in the City of Boynton Beach and should be planned and developed under the City's Muni- cipal Ordinances, Additionally, Mr, Winchester fully understands and intends to comply with the stipulation in the text of the Comprehensive Plan which indicates that this property "should" develop as a Planned Comm- ercial District, Mr, Winchester has indicated that such a stipulation could be made a condition of the annexabion approval providing further safeguards that the property will not develop except in accordance with whatever traffic standards are in effect at the time the application is received and that the property will not develop without a proper determination as to whether a development of regional impact is being requested. Finally, the planning staff and I have not been able to agree on whether a text amendment is in fact necessary for the three annexation parcels which are less than three (3) acres in size, These parcels do not meet the minimum size for a Planned Commercial Development and therefore cannot request the same. As I indicated in my January 31, 1990 cover letter to the Planning De- partment, I believe the word "should" as opposed to "shall" provides discretion to the City Council. I suggested to staff that the matter be discussed by the City council at the same time as any discussion regard- ing "binding letters" regarding the Development of Re- gional Impact issue. At that time I will make myself available to explain the distinctions contained in the Code and the reason why these three parcels should be entitled to proceed forward through the approval pro- cess without any text amendment being necessary. J. Scott Miller Golden Memo February 26, 1990 Page 4 of 4 This letter ~~vers a lot of issues. I will be happy to meet with you and'd~scuss anyone of these matters in greater detail. Mr. Winchester previously committed in your office that he recognizes these parcels properly belong in the City of Boynton Beach and intends to move forward with this annexation as originally submitted, I am hopeful that we can resolve any issues of inter- pretation in the City Council meeting so that the mat- ter may proceed in a timely manner, Sincerely, ~ ~'2~~-:UY7j:;;t~1 KJ~. KJ.ldfY C/ Enclosures cc: Tim Cannon Jim Golden Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder . . r, III ~~,~:-'''''1r{.~ treOlure " COOl.t I ,,,,,,A reglona planniog council rv'~~ . st. lude martin ." .f. . ~ :~; .:' August 20, 1990 ,it; -.' Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of community Affairs Bureau of state Planning 2740 centerview Drive The Rhyne Building Tallahassee, FL 32399 Subject: city of Boynton Beach Local Government comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Arredondo: '.- , Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida statutes, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council reviewed the amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan at its regular meeting on August 17, 1990. Comments were approved by Council for transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs pursuant 1:0 sections 163.3184, Florida Statutes, for consideration by the City prior to adoption of the amendments, Evaluation \ i " ., r: J It . ~ 1 " ., 1 . The proposed amendments have been reviewed i.n accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Council's review procedures, and Council's adopted plans and policies. Enclosed is a copy of the full staff report to Council, The report was formally adopted by Council at its regular meeting with no revisions, If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ;z-, -:f /I-/:r- Daniel M, cary Executive Director - ex:: James Golden 322' t.w. moIfIn down. blYd.. ,uHe 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, Ilortdo "'90 phone (0401'1 221....060 sc 26'....060 tox (.cO?) 221....067 rJ~.(.1~1\TED, RECEIVED 1\\\r:, ?,~ 1000 AUG 22 '1990 rv.n;i\; ~c; DEI'I. CITY MANAGER'S OFFII ---~ - DMC: lb ..- TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL M E M 0 RAN DUM To: Council Members AGENDA IT81 6Bl From: Staff Date: August 17, 1990 Council Meeting subject: Local Government comprehensive Plan Review - Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS), the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption, The City of Boynton Beach has submitted proposed amendments to the State Department of Community Affairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the proposed amendments with the regional policy plan developed pursuant to section 186,507, FS, A written report, containing any objections, recommendations for modification, and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments, Backaround . On January 10, 1990, the DCA issued a Notice of Intent to find the comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in compliance, pursuant to Section 163,3184, FS, AS part of this finding, the ADOPTED plan was found to be Inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The city of Boynton Beach is considering draft amendments to the text and policies pursuant to a stipulated settlement agreement with the DCA. In addtion, the City is considering five draft amendments to the Future Land Use Map,' not related to a stipulated settlement agreement. The locations of the properties under consideration are shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are summarized in the following list: 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FUTURE LAND USE MAP Current proposed Map Amend. Approx. Land Use Land Use No, No. Acreaae Desianation Desianation Aooroximate Location 1 494 13,9 *Commercial Local Retail Southwest Corner of High/3 and Commercial Boynton Beach Boulevard Commercial and Knuth Road, Recreation 2 493 14,8 *Residential Local Retail South side of Boynton 8 units Commercial Beach Boulevard, per acre between Post Office and stonehaven PUD, 3 473 20,1 Low Density Medium Residential Density Residential Between the Lake Worth Drainage District L-25 and L-26 Canals; west of the Lakes of Tara PUD, 4 471 1.1 Recreational Moderate Density Residential 'Within Woolbright Place PUD: 1,800 feet north of Woolbright Road. 5 ** 1.3 *Commercial High/8 Local Retail Commercial Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. * County Designation - Annexation request has been made, **(unnumbered) Mall Corner Restaurant Evaluation Amendment No. 494 is located on the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. This property has been proposed for annexation into the City, The current county designations for the property are Commercial High/3 for the northern third and Commercial-Recreation for the southern two-thirds, while the proposed City designation is Local Retail Commercial, Amendment No, 493 is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, between the Post Office and the Stonehaven PUD, This property is a county enclave which has been proposed for annexation into the city. The current County designation is Residential/8 units per acre. The proposed 2 city designation is Local Retail Commercial, Both of the proposed changes in land use designation (amendments '493 and #494) would allow additional retail commercial in the area. The city of Boynton Beach adopted comprehensive plan indicates that there may be up to 198 acres of excess commercial land at buildout. However, this figure may be reduced to a surplus of only 30 acres when certain adjustments are taken into consideration, The plan concludes that the supply of commercial land in the Boynton Beach market area will be sufficient to meet the demand. Since the southern two-thirds of the property represented by Amendment No. 494 has been designated as residential by the city in their plan for the reserve annexation area and the County's Commercial-Recreation designation would not allow office and retail commercial uses, a change to Local Retail Commercial would increase the supply of commercial land. Amendment No. 473 is located between the Lake Worth Drainage District Canals L-25 and L-26 and west of the Lakes of Tara PUD. The proposed land use change would allow an increase in residential density from 4,84 dwelling units per acre to 9,68 dwelling units per acre, Development on these properties would be required to connect to the City's central water and sewer lines; however, sufficient water treatment capacity will not be available until July 1991, according to the City of Boynton Beach utilities Department. ~Traffic on portions of Boynton Beach Boulevard is projected to ~ exceed capacity and no improvements have been recommended. Development on these properties should comply with the Countywide Traffic Performance Standards to ensure consistency with the Regional Plan, Amendment No. 471 is located within the Wool right Place PUD, The proposed land use change is the result of a settlement agreement between the developer and the City. The parcel was originally dedicated to the City as a public park site; however, the park will be relocated to a 3.5-acre recreational parcel outside the PUD which will be dedicated to the city, The Mall Corner Restaurant amendment is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. This property is being proposed for annexation into the City; therefore, the proposed land use change is to incorporate the property into the City's Future Land Use plan, The change would not allow additional commercial within the City, In addition, water and sewer services are available to the property. 3 staff has an objection to two of the above proposed Future Land Use Map Amendments. In addition, staff has one objection to a policy change in the Traffic Circulation Element. Obiections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments Amendments No, 494 and No. 493 A. obj action 1. Regional Goal 16.1.2 is to provide for a balanced, well- planned, compatible mix of land uses which are appropriately located, and Regional Policy 16.1,2,2 calls for Future Land Use Maps of government comprehensive plans to be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the amount of land required to accommodate anticipated growth, the projected population, the character of undeveloped land, the availability of public services, the ability fo government to provide adequate levels of service, and the need for redevelopment. The need for additional commercial land at these locations has not been demonstrated by the City. The city's comprehensive plan documents an existing over-allocation of commercial land use, Recommendation for Modification 1, Provide an analysis which demonstrates the need for additional commercial land at these locations within in the city of Boynton Beach. If such a need can be documented, additional changes to the City plan may be warranted. Traffic Circulation Element A, Obj action 1. Modified Objective 2.1 allows for a lower level of service to be maintained on several regional roadway facilities than called for in Regional policy 19,2.1.3. Policy 19.2,1,3 states that the regional roadway network shall be maintained at Level of Service (LOS) C or better during annual average daily conditions and LOS 0 during peak season, peak hour conditions. The City proposes a "maintain" level of service on four specific regional roadways within the city's juriSdiction. They are: 1-95 from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Woolbright Road; Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to Congress Avenue; Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to the south City limits; and Hypoluxo Road, east of 1-95. The city standard allows for LOS E to be maintained on these facilities which is not consistent with Regional Policy 19,2,1.3; If the City has 4 determined that lower levels of service are appropriate in order to successfully implement other city goals (i.e., redevelopment), then the City would need to provide a complete rationale for the lower levels of service, perhaps in conjunction with the submission of a Downtown Development of Regional Impact, Reoommendation tor Modification 1. The City should adopt a level of service for all regional roadways in its jurisdiction that is equal to or better than Council's LOS C/O policy 19,2.1.3. LOS C shall be maintained during average annual daily traffic conditions, and LOS D shall be maintained during peak season, peak hour conditions, Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and their transmittal to the State Department of Community in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Statutes. approve Aff?lirs Florida Attachments 5 _ _ _ _ _ _HYPOlUXO All_ ~ 1/ I I V,": .11 . ' Ie: I la'i" 121. I I' .-J'I I -,I I I I I I I i I ~ I I I -Jl I . ~ .IHOI lID ...rt I l- lV( H .., . I , ;J I I1ll SOYOTON I 5 P--, 90YNTON: a Of I I I I 1;._ ~I 2~ · '" 41 I i 13 .... WOOlBRIGHT All I -.lj Ii I , .. I ~_~ .I.~_~_~~~...J " III il': !! I !I' IlL. .. 'w-._-..-.- L!S!HO l. I I . ..., .JHllllIUI f J , - / / I r} ,:( I ~ Ie - - I " '" u i, SL'/O at , " > '. - .. ~ . :lI 23 -'VI S ----C1TY LlMITS - - IST1JlJY lIlE.l 9DU1<<lARY CITY OF ~ BEACH DRAFT PLAN AMENIl-1ENI'S GENERAL LOCATIOO MAP SOURCE: Waner H, Keller Jr,. Inc. I I ~ "t lo., <." ~ <." ...... ..... ~ "t " ..... "t ~ No< To _ May, 1989 ~ALTER H, KELLER JR.. INC. consuJtin'! en9JMIt'S ; PI_It's CD,., SiJr InflS, I'JDI' j OJ :5 .. "'~'C''''!S''''''I "."...._ "'", . "1'\ ~. , ' ~..'\...... .. \ ~'" .~~. . ...,..... -~. .. ','...'. . ..,~' "\...' ,'1, .,.... ~'" . ;"'. ~ ' '~:,:\,~, ."~~' :',;:~'''''' .:' '''-,'' ,~..t'l,. ....::.6. -', .. ~''''l "J ......~.. '" I ~: . '\ '''',.1 '. .! '... '''''' ~ . . -"I ..". "'!'1' " .......~~~,'.,\ .,....:-:.:- MAP K~Y . ---..-..-.. " '.. ... ..,.- RESIDENTIAL ::; -1 .. - .",. . _. ..- --- -.-.- " "\..- .- .-.--._.&. o L..OW,OENSJTY (LOR), 0' ~' MAX 4.84 D.OJ"A-cR""E , . "-"- - .-..':: 0:' , " I- '( :::-: _ M Q.O E.R.~EM.s.tT.Y _, (MOO Rl: ' ': ~ /:"-'MAX j ;,2,'6"'i:i.UJA C'R'e::'t,; ~::: r / . '. ' . ..' ._---~-:.-. ....~.;.- \.~ - -! 1ili:::::::~4 'ME.DIUM DEN.Srr,Y,._ .CMeo.R) ::'," MAX 9.68 D.UJAC"RE'::- ~':'~::=~~-r-;-'-':'----"'" .:-~--:=~ " '. '" , j , _ )iIGfi...DENSJ.IY: ~(HnR) ,.. ,'-M:A.X 10.aQ D.U.7 ACRE, , -'" '. ~~. ", 'CO M M'~F.i'C IA,L~ ~: ~ - -.. --- _.-- ... --. - - -.--.....-.. . r.,. " . '~,' I OFFlCE . ;~OCy. ", ~ I '.' .'!J ; , J, ' , .J..,(~' ,:,..' ..0(' . . :; -~ -- -.- --- -" . . . ,'- , ,,{ . " ,. ~ -..-. .. .:=or--" . ',:'''-. . ' . ~ "lOCAL RETArL (LRC) .- ...p I , ~ . , , ,. ~ ___ _ _ .___. .~.J_' .... GENE~Al I , /p ;;~, :' rg 'of__ ;' ,I ' I / I i I ~ ~ ~ .~_.", (G-C) ~p tN'DUSTRJAL - m , ~, , I "~." '0" -rHER--'- ~0'~:' " ~-"". .'.. .' , . -~ .' ~ . ~--_.._.~. \.{ :f .~ ~ ~-'~. .: , .. ' -l ' . , '. .', I', . I~--'.: ~ I', , , - .': t ~~:B /AGRtcli'l TURE. "':,(A)' I ,;,-~.~; ~ . - 7' . 'I , j, r .. ..- ----..~ ~";<::l 'RECREATIONAL' (R) - _.._, --......_: -. - . 1/ ... ii~~. PtJB'~,&_ eRlVAIE (PPGI). G'O VEANMEN:t ALlINST./f11TTON.A - , '-~"':=,--- :'-::--:- -, -----,..~ ~ ....-. = MIXED USE (M~) (;../' 7 --------=-.'- --- . , ' II ~ -;----_. --- .--.- ...... -.---..- . . ..- .".-'- ^ . ...e~,.,ov TU ^ M TU,A T' ~H(")WN r-,- 0 ~' \, ~ " ,,.., ,"1,-/'" 11;--:::~~- ,.[ ~,~, ~ .,~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::; U\~:.:.:.:.:':.:.:.:~::.: ,..................... 'I "t...................... ...................:., , .....1............. " ::.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.::: ~ :.:::::::::::::;::::.: ~ :::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::: () :::::::::::::::::::.: .....................' \) ..................... ..................... ::::::::::::::::::::: .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:::::: co I ..:.!r :-~~~~ ..,;' .. '(- 8 M~~f';!.~ ::::;:~' ,"ot.. . ....... ....... ........ ........ ........ ....... .......\. .:.:.:.\ ....... :-:.:.. :~. rl':~:~:; . ...... . ...... .. ....... . ....... .~.:t<.,:!<.',. ~ .' {(:~J:: ~:t:~:.~: ~ .{:::'~~ ~'.\~:-::::: :.:(::-~.~::::. ~ . .f' " ." "'';'.;._.lII,",!;_ ...... . . .....:i. '. . :.0. ,-, _ _ _ -HYPQ.UXO RD_ -I 'I I 1 /I 'I' V I' ,II I I., t 14,r- ,z,I I II .-J .1 L...~ I I I I I I i i 4 ~ I I I -Jl , I .1ItIJI 011 _Ji I L... n 'vl . .., " I I , ;..J I I U!lI'llflll1l !oJ..., BOYNTOIl : a CI , I II I ill , I ' I I .' ., h ---... JI . I : I I I : I ---..: --- ...J. 11,.!!..-J!l----- : ., . II 5 I . III : II . - . !I: ! 'll. 5 .' 'w-__...,..-__ _ . I.ESEND ---"'-!l'I/ I II 01'"'11'''''' I ~ , ",I,. , , I~" I I I~'\ I ! / '-,~~ / I /: / f II / g I !J l 11;- / ~ ;1 I I t, II I ~I II I 'v 1 I j:! / tll I I Ii I I / I, I '-- I~'" ('. --r- ,:~~ '/1 :: I ~/) i / I - I' - - i .. .. u II~'" . . . . . ~. ~- 4_ . ... "'- Ii CJ =..OI1.8Al6HT AD i II - ~ ill . . . . . . . . n 'll 5 - -~-CJT'I LJMITS _ - ISMY AilEA BOlHllRl I . , , ! SOURCE: Waller H. Keller Jr,. Inc. . th LOS " l.._J-..~J_ " 1111111111 Regional Roadways Wl. .-................. 10 ~ ~ ~ <." ~ <." .... "- ~ ~ 'J "- '~ ~ NoeTo_ May, 1989 MALTER H, KB..LEll.Jl.. INC. Cllnsl/J/ in, en,in,lf's . PJIIIVIlf'S CI1r,J Sprinp. F'Jllf'ifU , MAYOR AI Meria" VICE MAYOR F'alrlcla Weeks COUNCIL WIlham Hanway Carmel Self Ken Schultz Ronald E. Young PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD Harry Gren (Chairman) George Deltlinger (VIce Chairman) Carmine Bruno Vello KovalSlnen Joe. Cardinal TOWN CLERK Barbara L. Searls BUILDING OFFICIAL Dick Packard TOWN ATTORNEYS Manley Caldwell Charles Sehoech Mary Viator . Telephone (407) 582,0155 Town Hall Office Hours 103.m .2 p.m. TO\.'"N OF HYPOL~XO Home of the Barefoot Mailman 7010 South U,S, Highway 1. Hypoluxo, Florida 33462-5493 I rtl. , , AUG ~8 ..f'I,"".... 1-....:.1 ......--... August 6. 1990 .~. -. ..-!'-... ,::.1. _A. .. Mr. Terry Hess. AICP Pla~ning Coordinator Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 3228 S.W. Martin Downs Boulevard, P,O. Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 Subject: City of Boynton Comprehensive Plan Documents. Beac~1 Local Government Dear Mr. Hess. Receipt of your letter dated July 25, acknowledged. 1990 is hereby Your giving us the opportunity to comment on the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Documents is greatly appreciated, 'Boynton P,each and Hypoluxo have been enjoying a rapport for many years. We are pleased to inform you that we continue to maintain our cooperative and harmonious rela'tionship with the Mayor, the Commissioners, the Appointed Officials and their very fine staff. The writer takes this opportunity to thank valuable assistance and understanding that the Town of Hypoluxo. YOLI for your you have given Sincerely, {.~( '):<...1.. t~'>\ Al Merion Mayor cc.The Honorable Gene Moore, Mayor and Commissioners AM:tem 11 , ), ,'" , ' EN3INEERI~ DEPNt1MENf MIMlRllNDUM NO. 90-103 April 17, 1990 W: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T,R.B. Ccnnents Knuth Road P.C.D. (Annexation) Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. Kilday and Associates landSCape Architects/Planners In conformance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, l\ppendix "C", Subdivision and Platting, Article VIII, Section 4, "Master Plan", the applicant for the above referenced project shall subnit the follCMing technical data, information and plan corrections: 1. Provide a tract boundary which includes bearings, Appendix "C", Article VIII, Section 4C(6) "Dimensions & Bearings Required". 2. Provide location(s) and test results of required geotechnical investigations. lIppendix "C", Article VIII, Section 4C(lS) "SUbsurface Soil Conditions", . 3, Provide a statement on the master plan indicating the availability of utilities (telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc.) in coordination with alli:-equired utilities, Appendix "C", Article VIII, Section 4C(l7) "Utilities Statement". 4, 13ased upon the data provided within the Traffic Irrpact Analysis provided '* by the applicant this project in accordance with Palm Beach County Ordinance 1187-18 is classified as a '''Significant Project" and the following statarent shall be provided on the Master Plan docunenl: KNlJrH ROllD p.c.n. SIW,L CCMPLY WITH TIlE REQUIREMENrS SEIT' Fffi'TIl WI'ImN PAlM BEAm cnMl'Y 1'RAFFIC PERFOOMIINCE SfllNDARDS OODINANCE /187':'18, U~^".."..d A:-:b'-':r Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner . , ~G...-~IL ~u yl!.. 'f....-t'.~ . ~"........-.!, ; ,Ju-':t"'-i .,r-'~' (c &~/ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ OFFICE 100 E. Boynton Beach allld. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734,8111 OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR April 3, 1990 Palm Beach County Engineering Dept. Attn: Mr. Charles Walker PO Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis For Two Shopping Centers Proposed on The South Side of Boynton Beach Boulevard West of Congress Avenue Dear Mr. Walker: Enclosed you will find a copy of the traffic impact analysis and master plan for the fOllowing annexation, land use element amend- ment and rezoning requests to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) : 1, Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD 2. Knuth Road PCD These projects were submitted to the City on January 30, 1990 and are being reviewed by the City's traffic consultant for consis- tency with the Traffic Circulation Element of the City of Boynton Comprehensive Plan. Please forward any comments that you may have by May 31, 1990 for incorporation in the June public hearing proceedings. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH t~'-/' )~, JAMES . GOLDEN Senior City planner JJG:frb Enc cc: Timothy Cannon A:CWalker 1 ! ROSSI AND MALAVASI ENGINEERS. INC, CONSULTING ENGINEERS ~I~ -+ t(&M+ ~I~ 580 VILLAGE BOULEVARD, SUITE 140 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33409,1904 (407) 689'()554 FAX: (407) 689,1109 April 16, 1990 City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 ATTN: Mr. Jim Golden Assistant City Planner RE: Application for Re-zoning and Annexation for tbe Proposed Development of Tbree Parcels of Land to be Entitled: BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. P.C.D. KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. TARA OAKS P.U.D. Dear Mr. Golden: Enclosed are six (6) copies each of the Conceptual Drainage Plan and Master Water and Sewer Plan for each of the three (3) referenced re-zoning applications. The seventh set was hand delivered to Mr. Peter Mazzella. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office. Very truly yours, R~~LAVASI ENGINEERS, INC. ~;-~~~~ -EnrtCo Rossi, P.E. R.ECEIVED:" , ER/jh APR 16 1990 PLANNING DEPT.' Mr. Chuck Yann~~Q \ Kilday and Associates ~ Mr. Bill Winchester " enc. cc: BoaNt of County Commissioners Carol J, Elmquist. Chairman Karen T, Marcus, Vice Chair Carol A, Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillip, County Administrator J an Winters June 5, 1990 Department of Engineering and Public Warks James J, Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSES FOR BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD AND KNUTH ROAD PCD Dear Mr, Golden: As requested by your letter of April 3, 1990, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic reports for the two proposed shopping centers entitled Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD and Knuth Road PCD. The following comments are submitted for your consideration: 1) Based upon copies of correspondence from your office to the applicant's agent (Kilday & Associates, Inc.) dated February 13, 1990, we do not consider the applications for these projects to have been complete prior to February 1, 1990 and therefore vested against the new Countywide Traffic Performance Standards (County Ordinance 90-7) as per the Municipal Implementation Ordinance (County Ordinance 90-6). To comply with these County Ordi nances, new traffi c reports need to be submi tted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review. 2) If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area, 3) Under Test #1 of the new Countywide Traffic Standard (which is comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard - County Ordinance 87-18), s i gni fi cant project traffi c woul d occur on two 1 inks of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to exceed their existing and committed capacities. No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). Without some commitment from these developers to improve~~e two links the traffic standard is violated. ~~'~1?Jr~l?1:) -8 'I J () '\1']'" ' I ]' ,PLArvlV".,'G 1990 "(HI :'(jUd ppurtunity -' lrm",tlH' /1cllon :mp oyer ", DEPr.. BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH. flORIDA 11402-2429 (407) 684-4~ @ printed on recycled paper Kilday & Aaaoelataa Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 ~---. . ,- .. February 26, 1990 J, Scott Miller Boynton Beach City Manager PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Attached memo from James J. Golden, S~nior City Planner Dear Mr, Miller, Today I was somewhat dismayed to received a copy of the attached memo regarding six annexation requests my office submitted to the City of Boynton Beach. As we discussed in the meeting held with you last week, these applications represent the annexation of a significant area within the planned expansion area of the City. Previously, similar applications had been made and then subsequently withdrawn for a portion of the sites. It is my belief that the City of Boynton Beach should annex these properties (as indicated in your own Com- prehensive Plan) and that the ultimate use of and rev- enue created by these properties will be of benefit to the City. Therefore, I am chagrined to see the word ,"incomplete" occur on the second line of the attached memo, This term is extremely important in assessing the applica- tion of traffic performance standards to these individ- ual parcels, In adopting the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Municipal Implementation Ordi- nance, the term "Complete Application" is described~ aS7ti' i :-'V "~-D ,I,,~J.-,' ,,",;A' -U_ MAR J 1990 PLANNING DEPT. .. Scott Miller Golden Memo February 26, 1990 Page 2 of 4 "An application filed with the municipality which satisfied the &ppIication requirements of state law; all agencies; and the relevant land develop- ment regulations, the general rates and policies adopted, and the customary general practices of the municipalitv." Applications submitted to the municipality prior to February 1, 1990 would continue to be reviewed accord- ing to the traffic regulations in effect in the munici- palities. For that reason, all six of the applications were submitted on January 31, 1990, The letter to my office of February 13, 1990 which is referenced and attached to the memo in no place util- ized the term "incomplete", My office interpreted this letter as the normal review which takes place upon any application submitted to the City and we deemed it to be "the customary general practice of the municipal- ity", .We did not deem it to be a statement that the applications were "incomplete". In fact, many of the items requested in this application had already been submitted on January 31, 1990, and should not have been referenced therein, In any event, a reply letter was prepared by me on February 26, 1990, This letter indi- cated which items had previously been submitted, al- though copies of the items were attached again in the event they were misplaced. My recent letter was pre- pared according to the normal sequence of application submittal and review and update. I am writing you at this time to make sure that the City makes a determination of "complete application" strictly in accordance with the definition provided in the Ordinance. I feel assured that utiliZing the normal City criteria, it will be agreed that complete applications were presented to the city on January 31, 1990. Because I know Palm Beach County has taken a critical interest in this matter and talked to the Planning Department several times and that the City Planning De- partment has provided the county Engineer with a copy of their February 13th letter, I should clarify the " _.__.._________n________..___ _____ _ ~___~_____._ Scott Miller Golden Memo February 26, 1990 Page 3 of 4 fOllowing fact. The application for the annexation of "-' ... 49 acres of property~designated commercial on both the Palm Beach County's and the City's Comprehensive Plan will, in fact, have to meet the new county wide Traffic Performance Ordinance. No development plan was submit- ted at the time of this submittal and it is the under- standing of the owner, Mr, Bill Winchester, that any future development will have to meet the Traffic Ordi- nance in place at such time an application is made. This application was not intended to meet any special deadline but was the result of a recognition that the property belongs in the City of Boynton Beach and should be planned and developed under the City's Muni- cipal Ordinances, Additionally, Mr. Winchester fully understands and intends to comply with the stipulation in the text of the Comprehensive Plan which indicates that this property "should" develop as a Planned Comm- ercial District, Mr, Winchester has indicated that such a stipulation could be made a condition of the annexation approval providing further safeguards that the property will not develop except in accordance with whatever traffic standards are in effect at the time the application is received and that the property will not develop without a proper determination as to whether a development of regional impact is being requested, Finally, the planning staff and I have not been able to agree on whether a text amendment is in fact necessary for the three annexation parcels which are less than three (3) acres in size, These parcels do not meet the minimum size for a Planned Commercial Development and therefore cannot request the same. As I indicated in my January 31, 1990 cover letter to the planning De- partment, I believe the word "should" as opposed to "shall" provides discretion to the City Council. I suggested to staff that the matter be discussed by the City council at the same time as any discussion regard- ing "binding letters" regarding the Development of Re- gional Impact issue. At that time I will make myself available to explain the distinctions contained in the Code and the reason why these three parcels should be entitled to proceed forward through the approval pro- cess without any text amendment being necessary. J. Scott Miller Golden Memo February 26, 1990 Page 4 of 4 This letter QQvers a lot of issues. I will be happy to meet with you-and'd~scuss anyone of these matters in greater detail, Mr, Winchester previously committed in your office that he recognizes these parcels properly belong in the City of Boynton Beach and intends to move forward with this annexation as originally submitted, I am hopeful that we can resolve any issues of inter- pretation in the City Council meeting so that the mat- ter may proceed in a timely manner, Sincerely, ~~y~~/ KJ~, Kildp C/ Enclosures cc: Tim Cannon Jim Golden Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder -.- -~._--~ .------.,---------- PLANNING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 90-174 TO: Chairman & Members Planning & Zoning Board THRU: , h ~I C T~mot y P. Cannon Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: June 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Knuth Road PCD - Conditions of Zoning Approval With respect to the above, please be advised of the following: 1. A master plan modification will be required if a drive-thru restaurant is proposed at the outparcel site (Sections 6.F.5.a and 6.F.13 of Appendix A-Zoning), 2. Right-of-Way to be dedicated in accordance with the Palm Beach County Right-of-way Thoroughfare Protection Map and POlicy 2.6.3. of the Comprehensive Plan. Said right-of-way dedication should include any right-of-way that is necessary for expanded intersections. 3. Pursuant to the Traffic Impact Review prepared by Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc" dated May 29, 1990, the applicant's analysis of impacted roadways is incomplete and should be revised in accordance with the recommendations contained in said Traffic Impact Review. The applicant's analysis should also address the finding by the Palm Beach County Engineering Department (see letter dated June 5, 1990) that Boynton Beach Boulevard from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road would be over capacity. With regard to the County Engineer's comment that the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to I-95 will be over capacity, it should be noted that this link will be improved by Palm Beach County, however, this link will still be overcapacity according to the findings in Mr. Keller's report. 4. Roadway improvements recommended by the developer's traffic consultant and the City's traffic consultant, pursuant to approval of the revised traffic impact analysis by the City'S traffic consultant, should be bonded prior to final plat approval. The bonding of said roadway improvements should be coordinated with the City's Engineering Department. 5, The billboards that exist on the property should be removed within 60 days of annexation, as they are not allowed under the City's sign ordinance. , " /;.tu..<. / JAMES/J. , , I ~ 'I' / . ~,(....x.;;.t:Ii\,,,,,, GOLDEN JJG:cp A:PM90-174 ".,:.<;j " ~;'- ,- Geotechnical &. Construction Materials Hydrogeology &. Monitoring Wells Engineering' Inspection' Testing March 28, 1990 Bill Winchester P. O. Drawer 1240 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Knuth Road PCD Knuth Road & Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL Gentlemen: Per request of Chuck Yannette of Kilday & Associates, Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has performed geotechnical engineering services for the referenced project, namely a site inspection and review of the soils map. The results of our evaluation are presented hereafter. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The referenced site is located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard in Boynton Beach, Florida. The site is 13.9 acres and has dimensions of approximately 614' in the east-west direction and 984' in the north-south direction. For the most part, the site is open field used for grazing of cattle. Pine trees were noted along the west side and a large stockpile of soil within the south center of site. There are some shed type buildings located on site. The boundary survey indicates on site elevations ranging from a low of +15.4 to a high of +18.5. Visually the site appears level. The grades along Boynton Beach Boulevard average approximately +17.5 and along Knuth Road from +13.5 at the south property line to +17.5 at Boynton Beach Boulevard. Quail Ridge Golf Course is located to the south and west of the site. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The United States Department of Agricultural Soil Conservation Service Soils Map for Palm Beach County indicates that the surficial soils at the referenced project are the Basinger series which consists of nearly level, sandy soils formed in thick beds of sandy marine sediments. The sand colors range from white to dark reddish brown to pale brown and the sand is typically fine. Permeability is typically rapid. The soils map indicates the BasingerjMyakka depressional sands along the west side, south half. These are nearly level, poorly drained, sandy soils in shallow depressions. Thin shallow organic zones are sometimes associated with this soil series. The closest significant organic deposits indicated on the soil map are approximately 1,000' to the east and 1,800' to the west of the site. The groundwater may normally be anticipated to be of the order of 4' to 5' depth however, may be deeper during the current drought conditions. CONCLUSIONS Based on our inspection of the site and review of soils maps it is our opinion that the site can be readily developed for the intended commercial usage using conventional construction techniques. Of course, a geotechnical investigation should be performed prior to construction during the design phase to assess the subsurface conditions at specific building locations. Such test borings will determine the presence or absence of deleterious materials and will determine the density and any ground modification procedures required in providing suitable support for the proposed construction. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 Boynton Beach (407) 736.4900 . Pompano BeBch (305) 941.8700 . FAX (407) 737-9975 " We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and would look forward to working with you and your consultants during the geotechnical investigation and construction phases. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, NUTTING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. JaJ!lt~~(!// Florida Registration #21083 Vice President/Chief Engineer Attachments: Limitations of Liability cc: Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 KNUTH/pm @NUTTING ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 .. " - \ ..-.. KildBY & Associates Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 February 26, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: Boynton Beach Annexation Parcels Dear Mr.. Golden, This letter provides a response to your letter of Februa~y 13, 1990 concerning six Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and Rezoning applications which were submitted to you on January 31, 1990. Prior to discussing the individual parcels involved, there are several generaL issues which need resolution. These are: 1. Text Amendment - As indicated in my previous letter to you of January 31, 1990 (Item No.2 - Proposed Service Station), I do not be I ieve a Te)(t Amendment is necessary regarding those three parcels which are less than three acres in size and therefore not eligible far consideration as Planned Commercial Districts. As indicated then. the crilical language in the Comprehensive Plan is the word "should" as opposed to the word '''sMa II tt. ' Obv ious J y,. these three parce 1 s of land which do not Ineet the minimum three acres criteria for a Planned Commercial District cannot. in fact. be zoned as Planned Commel'cial Districts. We have reviewed the Ordinance and find no provisions for any waiver from this requirement. Because of this, we have. made appl ication for straight C-3 zaning~ However" as y.ou are well aware, the City Comlllission may place conditions UpOl1 any Annexation approval similar in nature to conditions which could be placed upon an actual Planned Commercial District. Because there seems to be some uYlcer'L8inty regarding the interpretation of this section of tile Comprellensive Pion. 1 would therefore request lha-t this matter be discussed by the Ci ty Comm~s~on as to their intent in including this lanr;uap:e in t'M~.2IVED MAR 1 1900 PLANNING Df;;PT. . Hr. James J. February 26. Page 2 Golden 1990 2. Development of Regional Impact - Your letter of February 13, 1990 indicates that these applications when considered "either separately or together may constitute a Development of Ref-ional Impact". I need further clarification of this issue. I have reviewed the Statutes and do not find any indication that Development af Regional Impacts must requested at this time. [ agree with you that the City Commission should probably make a final decision regarding this item. Perhaps we can schedule the Text Amendment and the DRI issue on the same agenda and resolve these matters together. 3. Ownership - My letter of January 31, 1990 was incorrect in one critical assumption. At that time, 1 indicated that Mr. Winchester had some involvement in all of the parcels being submitted. Subsequently, learned that that is not the case. For your information, J am attaching Warranty Deeds indicating the ownership of each of the parcels being submitted. Specifically, Mr. Winchester has no involvement in either the Mall Corner ~arcel which was purchased in 1988 from the Florida Gas Transmission Company or the University of Florida Trust parcel which has been owned by the Trust since 1986. Additionally, I am attaching a map showing the names of the ownerships of the various parcels between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. You will note that these parcels we~e purchased at v~rious times and in various combinations of names. For the purpose of this Annexation, we have ~athered these parcels toget.her. But again, there is no development plan being requested at this time and we will further stipulate that no development will take place on the 49 acre tract until an actual Planned Conlmercial District is requested by the pelf tianel". (However. in the meantime, we are requesting a Commercial Land Use designation and Zoning District be applied to this property in order to be consistent with both Lhe City and County Plans,) Regarding f 0 I low i n g your specific concerns response is provided: for each nppl icati.on ~the I. Proposc_c;L?~rvic~_?t;::d;~_L9_1J. - This .80 acres of property is located at tl,e southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road 3nd is owned by Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester. Applications submitted are for Annexation. Land Use Element Alnendment. and Rezoning. I.. Applicant necessary.. disagy.ees As sCaLed that a Text Amendment is above, the applicant requests .' MI'. James .J. Februat'y 26, Page 3 Golden 1990 that this matter- be discussed at the City Commission level. 2. Additional copies of the property owners list, talC map and affidavit are attached. 3. Items 6 and this site However, we Consulting by you in attached. 7 of the application do not apply to as the parcel is less than one acre~ did submit a statement by K.S. Roget's, Engineer, providing the data requested your letter. An additional copy is I I. Pr().E2?_()..st2L'?,)_L_?oLl.!J}_P;o,r,~.!,-!. - This 1'9.52 acre pa.rcel is located on tile east and west sides of Winchester Park Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard and is owned by Bi II R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester. and Ernest Klatt. The applications are for Annexation, Land Us@ Element Amendment, and Rezoning~ 1. A Text Amendment is not needed as the applicant has already agreed to stipulate in the Annexation agreement that no development will commence prior to a Rezoning of the property to a Planned Commercial District designation. However, the applicant is requesting C-3 ZoninB at this time to ensure that the property is entitled to develop consistent with batt) the County and the City Land Use Plans. Ttle stipulation regarding no development until a Planned Commercial District is approved for this site is sufficient to satisfy the Text requirenlents of the Plan. 2. Additional copies of the property owners list, tax maps arld affidavi!: a~e attached. 3. The of has ConsenL of Ernest Klatt was the appl i.cation.. l-Iotv(?vel', been a'ltached tlereto. submitted as p~rt an addition~! copy 4. Pursuant to our diScussion with tile City Forester, a veget.ative assp.ssment will be sufficient at this time. Such :1.n as!:~e~':;SITl0nt. ),5 att3ched here'toa 5. I terns (a)~ (b). ,:IDe] (c) \'-'er~ included in the application as "lial South Justification Impacts". This document al!~o addressed Item (d) regarding traf1"ic. BeCaljS~ there a,re no development plans far the property at this time ~nd because the MY". James J. February 26. Page 4 " Golden 1990 applicant has further stipulated that no development will take place prior to the approval for a Planned Commercial District and/or Development of Re~ional Impact (if applicable), a traffic comparison cannot be enlertained at this time. Similarly, Items (e) and (f) regarding sewage flow cannot be calculated without a known use for the site. Again~ a "specific development plan wil 1 be required in order to assess future employment.. ./ /1 f 1 I.. e_!:.~ose~n.-_LL-G9_~_f]_~_Ji~.~J:..~<:1_':f?2':~ - Th i s 1.31,. acre parce I is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard and is owned by Mall Corner, Inc.. Appl ications: are for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment. and Rezoning. 3. 4. 5. 1. Applicant necessary. that this Commission d i sagl"ec~s As stated matter be I eve l. that a Text Amendment is above, the appJ icant requests discussed at the City 2, Information contained in the by this office from our duplicated on n standard attached. application computer City form submitted has been which is Additional copies of the property owners map and affidavit arc attached. list, tax Signature of the applicant on PaRe submitted. However. an additional attached herf..~in. fi \~as previously copy has been The proposed indicat.ed on app I ieat ion. be noted an attachc::!d. squa,re footaRB for the restaurant was the sit.e plan Stlblnitted as part of the "rile square footage has additionally the revised "Requirements (el and (h)n , G. It is csl:i,rnated that Ltl~ rosta~rant will provide approxilllately 50 employment opportunities. In all pr'obabi 1 ity, ther(~ \"i.ll be 25-,30 employees working on anyone shift. However. while hours of operation have not been fully defined, it is estimated tt_at at least lwo shifts wil I be required for the restaurant. Tllis I"atter has been incorporated under the revised "Requirements (g) and (h)" of the application. Mr. James J. Golden February 26. 1990 Page 5 IV. Proposed Retail/Oil Lub~ This 2.44 acre site is located at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard and is owned by Winchester, Winchester1 Zeiher, and Schroeder, a Florida General Partnership~ Applications are for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendolent. and Rezonine. 1. Applicant necessary. that this Commission disagrees As stated matter be level. that a Text Amendment is above, the applicant requests discussed at the City 2. Additional copies map and affidavit of the property owners are attached. list, tax 3. The term CO"lmercial-3 has been amended to "C-3". 4. Additional information pertaining to proposed square footage has been added to the revised "Requirements (g) and (h) which is attached, 5. Additional information pertaining to employment figures for the project has been added to the revised "Requirements (g) and (h) which is attached. V. Proposed Knuth RO.'!c1-J.1.i?-_':!!'.!"...<L-..f.(lmmercia I .Deve J opment- This 13.871 acre parcel is at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road and is owned by the Wincl)ester Family Partnership, Ltd. and various members of the Winchester farnily~ Applications are for Annexation. Land Use Element Amendment, and Rezoning. 1. An additional $100.00 filing fee is attached. 2. A Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment application is attached. Previously. the applicant was under the impression that the Comprehensive Plan Amendment appJicalion which WRS ~ubmitted as part ~f.the oVRrnll Annexation, Comprehensive Plan and Rezoning appllcation was sufficient to indicate that change on tho Plan. However. based upon your letter, we are in agreement that a separate Text Amendment \.,il1 be req1.Jil~ed. 3. Additional copies of the property owners {naps and affidavit are attached. list. tax Lt- . The siR1l8 turl:;-;> of l".ht: applicant on PORe 6 of the 11r. Jamt-!s J. February 213. Page 6 Golden 1990 Annexation applica'tion has attached. completed and is been 5. As with the other applications, the applicant did indicate the proposed square footage on the previously submitted site plans. However. these figures have additionally been added to the attached revised "RequIrements Cg) and (h)ff. 6. Employment calculations have been attached revised nRequirements (g) included and (h)". in the 7. Documentation submitted by the applicant indicates tllat the property is und~r single ownership and is currently subject to Unified Control. Attached herein you \o/i I t find an additional document indicating ttle willingness of this owner to maintain Unified Control pursuant to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in the future and require any future owners to likewise a~ree. V I. PrgJ~g...?f'~~_Q,y_!U:ol]_J3e_~~J-~_~..!?..!.-.!...L~vard p l <l~l).n_~E~ Comlnercia I _p'eve-1-~.E..~_~~~_- This 14.76 a.cre parcei is located on the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and is owned by the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. Charlene Boynton. and Dona.ld Lo~o/e. Applications are for Annexotion. Land Use E~ement Anlendment. and Rezoning. 2. 3. 4. ,- co. G. 1. An ndditiona I $1.00.00 fi I ing fee is aLtached. l\ Comprehensive attachr::-d. Plan "rext ^mendment application is Additional copies of the property owners maps and affidavit are attached. I ist, tax Pursuant to 8. vegp.tative 1:hp. .TanuElry survey which our discussion with the City Forester, a5se~:sment ,,""as submi ttcd as ~art. of 31. 1090 application in lieu of.a t.ree \.Ji I I bE.' submi tted at n 1 ater date. Th~ proposed the revised attached. has ( ~p been and included (h) which in is ~;qu;Jr~ t'aotag!'? "Rcqu:i rements Employment calculations revised ~Rcquil'ements attachi?d. have (g) added to the (hl which is been and . . Mr~ .Jnmes J. February 26. Page 7 Golden 1990 7. Documentation submitted by the applicant indicates that the property is under single ownership and is currently subject to Unified Control. Attached herein you wil J find an additional document indicating the willingness of this owner to maintain Unified Control pursuant to the requirements of the City of ~oynton Beach in the future and require any future owners to likewise agree. 8. Page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application has been completed and is attached, If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely. / ~ Kieran J. Ki day K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 " January 31, 1990 Hr. Lindsey Walters Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Way BUilding 100A West Paim Beach, FL 33402 RE: Knuth Road PCD Water Useage Dear Lindsey: At your request, this office has projected the water and sewer demand for the above project. The Palm Beach County' Health Department has developed wate, useage standards for different 'land uses. For gener'l retail uses which do not include restau- rants, a flow rate of 0.1 gallons per day per square foot of floor area has been establ ished. As the exact useage of this center has not been establ ished, only estimates, based upon a reasonable guess of the amount of restaurant use, can be made. An average daily water useage of 32,840 gallons per day has been calculated for this project based upon the fOllowinq assumptions: General Retail Space Restaurant Space (435 seats) 110,900 sq.ft. @ 0.1 gal/sq.ft. 9,100 sq.ft. @50 gal/seat . 7his parcel of land is currently zbned agricultural in Palm Beach County. As such, an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit at the existing ~oning would generate an average of 1,050 gallons per day. The County's 'Comprehensive Plan shows commercial designation for this site. Thus, there is no difference in expected flow rates between this request and that which would be allowed according to development regulations if developed according to <:l County's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Lindsey Walters January 31, 1990 Knuth Road peD Pilge Two " Typically, there is very little difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irrigation is going to be done from public water. At this time, the source of irrigation water is planned to be from on-site wells. Very truly yours, ~~:;. KSR/jr ..J -r/~ _l (,' 1-' f " Kilday & Associate, Landscape Architectsl r-Ianners 1551 Forum Place Suite tOOA West PBlm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 j1~. ~Ti::1 Colden, ~eniIJ;~' City Planner City of Boynton 2pac:1 120 I:. E.(,untcn :.~eac!: I.7ou18vard DATE J,muarv 31, 1990 PROJECT NAUE 79 Cl . subni t tal s ATT PROJECT NUMBER WE TRANSMIT: Q HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COvER VIA THE FOllOWING o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDEN~UM DTRAc,NGS/SEP,AS 0 SUBMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDeR D SHOP DRAWINGS 0 copy OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTION CODE: CD FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMt.tENT o FOR YOUR USE 0 AS REQuESTED A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E DO NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FILES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO CODE -- , '\L~ ~~c~.r_'L r....;~CrL - :~:ln(-::~ c ti.on , La nJ Use .3.L ~~o r~ i ~'FJ .. . . J:FlSEL,' S,r.r:'\'ICl ~'j'l..l ~'Cl; i - l\nneXR t ior, , LaDet l,'~~; 0ne~ ~'.~()ninq 'J . '\LL C(ln.;I::; (:l.;:,";i,l': ,\:,,~.,) - I\nnc.x;l t ion , lod.r.d ~: ::; ( , 1 ;1(: ~.~ 0 r, i TI ~': ." . (l;--DSr [1 :~L1 I.... IL7C' TL :.11.:[;1.- l,rlne..{a tiC'n, l,dI1lJ. . L~::; C' :1 ['lL. ZO:1illrr ( V.ll.,....,,; . .,!\,..,. BI.\'ul~~..;'_ '"2'j~ RC:-Mtlflll::il t icn ,> .. . , ... '. ~, l~';':'~ ,_ 1 , L~~rLd Use ar:j " ' ,"onJ.no ( . ; " IiISF..~~lr..."'Y ,)F FL,\ . T 1~~ U ~... '.l..' Pl\LCJ:L - ~\nn(~~:~tjor~ =...,:'1'([ Use :l.:1G ~()nig.') Ll :(' , 1 j) LY : -~- DJ.."~'.L... : - - -- IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONe COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o FilE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV SIGNED -- Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: 14071 689-2592 January 31. 1990 Mr. Jim Golden, Senior City Planner City of 80ynton 8each 120 E. Boynton 8each Boulevard Boynton 8each. FL 33435 RE: Proposed Rezonings Annexa.tions, Land Use Designations, and Dear Mr, Golden, Attached you will find six applications for a variety of Annexations, Land Use Designations and Rezonings. While each of these paroels have separate and distinct proposals. they share some similarities which are addressed herein. While the Winchester family has some involvement in all of the parcels, the ownership of the parcels varies. In many cases. Mr. and Mrs. Winchester have additional partners in the parcels necessitating that each application be considered separately and distinctly, I make this notation due to our previous discussion regarding "aggregation" and its effect on possible future Development of Regional Impacts. After giving you time to make a preliminary review of these applioations, I will set up a tormal meeting with yourself, myself, and Mr. Miohael Schroeder, attorney for the Winchester's and. in tact. applicant on some of these paroels. At that time. we can review the specific language of State Ordinanoes regarding "aggregation" and make a determination as to whether this section of the Ordinance applies to any or all of these properties. Additionally, I have submitted site plans and Site Plan Review data sheets for all of the projects except the large annexation (Mall South), We are not requesting site plan approval tor any of the projectsat this time. However. due to the special regulations required for some of the uses and our desire to indicate intensity of the proposed use (which relates to the traffic study submitted as part of the rezoning requests). we believed this information was necessary for zoning purposes. Separate applications for site plan approval will be made at a later date. 11r. Jim Golden .Januarv .31. 1990 Page 2 Addressing the specific requests before you. the following should supplement the applications: 1. Mall South Parcel - This 49 acre parcel of property is only seeking Annexation. Land Use Designation, and Zoning consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach. There are no development plans tor this parcel at this time. In the past. there has been discussion whether development of this site will constitute a Development of Regional Impact. That determination cannot be made until the petitioner develops specific plans for future construction on this site. There are no plans at this time. The application clearly indicates that the site will require ultimate rezoning to Planned Commeroial Development at which time the Development of Regional Impact thresholds can be assessed. This Annexation. Land Use Designation and Zoning is identical to the rezoning of 450 acres at Foundation property which occurred approximately two years ago in Palm Beach County. At that time, Palm Beach County designated this 450 acres as IL-Light Industrial Zoning. The undestanding at that time was that future development of the site would require submittal of a Special Exception for a Planned Industrial Development or further rezoning to a Planned Industrial Park Development Zoning District. For that reason, this paroel was not deemed a Development of Regional Impaot at that time. The property is currently zoned in accordance with the Land Use Plan although stil I vacant. A determination of Development of Regional Impact thresholds will occur at such time as this property actually makes plans for development. 2. Proposed Service Station This application includes Annexation. Land Use Designation. and Rezoning. In our past conversations. references were made to special language contained within the Comprehensive Plan regarding the property south of the Boynton Mall (Area 7f). I have carefully read this section. It includes the following verbiage. ....particular requirements of the City should be that these parcels be annexed prior to development, that parcels be developed as planned zoning districts..... This statement raises the question as to whether al I parcels must be zoned and developed as Planned Commercial Developments. As you are aware. the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District requires a minimum of three acres. Three of the applications within this area do not meet this requirement. Therefore, the Planned Commercial Mr. Jim Golden January .31. 1990 Page 3 Development Zoning District could not apply to these sites. I would note the critical word in this statement is "should" as opposed to "shall". I do not believe that any text amendment is necessary to accommodate the rezoning of these parcels to C-3. In fact, the City's Code requires specific site plan approvals for any development occuring in these commercial districts and, in fact. the goals and intent of the Planned Commercial Distriot will be achieved through those reviews. The proposed use of a Service Station is a permitted use within the C-.3 Zoning District. However, due to the tact that there are special regulations. a site plan has been submitted with this applioation. 3. Mall Corner (Restaurant) The issues discussed above regarding the Service Station apply also to this parcel. This parcel is less than three aores in size negating its ability to be rezoned to a Planned Commercial Development. Therefore. the petitioner is requesting the Commercial C-3 Zoning whioh would allow the establishment of a Restaurant on the site. A Restaurant is a permitted use within this zoning district. However. for the establishment of the specific intensity, a site plan has been submitted along with additional site development information. 4. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube Site (Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard) - This application is somewhat unusual in that a portion of the site is already located within the municipal boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. In this case, that property is already zoned Commercial C-3. The petitioner will be rezoning the balance of the site to C-3 to make the zoning consistent throughout the entire parcel. The Boynton Beach Zoning Code does not address uses such as a Quick Oil Change facility. Clearly, this facility does not meet the definition in the Zoning Code for Ma)or" Auto Repair. Therefore, it is assumed that it is a permitted use tas are Service Stations) in the C-3 Zoning District. 1 will be happy to discuss this matter with you more tUlly. 5. Boynton Beach Boulevard/Knuth Road Site - This parcel. in addition to an Annexation request, wi II require an amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan to change the existing Land Use Designation. The petitioner is requesting a designation of Local Retail Commercial. This property is currently designated as Loca I Retai I Commercia I. in part. and Moderate Density. . . 11r. Jim Golden Jatluarv 31. 1991) Page " in part. The petitioner is requesting that the entire parcel be designated as Looal Retail Commercial. Within Palm Beaoh County the property is designated Commercial (High Intensity!, in part, and Commercial Recreation in par t. Additionally, because this property does exceed three acres. the petitioner is requesting Rezoning of the property to the Planned Commercial Development Zoning Distriot. Again, a site plan has been submitted for the purpose of designating the proposed land use intensity consistent with the traffic study which accompanies the application. Final plans for site plan review wil I take place at a later date. b. University of Florida Trust This parcel is similar to the Knuth Road parcel in that a Land Use Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan will be required. Both the Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plans designate this property as High-Density Residential. The petitioner is requesting that a designation of Local Retail Commercial be established tor the site in its entirety. Again, this property is of sufficient size to allow a request for the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District. While all of the attached specific. believe this cover to assist you in their review. applications are complete and letter helps provide a summary My clients are concerned that these applications move forward in an organized and consistent effort. Therefore. Mr. Winchester. Mr. Schroeder. and/or myself will be available at any time should you have any questions regarding these matters. As previously indicated, I wil I contact your office shortly to arrange a meeting between yourself and my clients to review these applications and answer any questions. Howeve r. 1 be I i eve you need adequa.. te time to ma ke YDur own preliminary review prior to us getting together. As indicated in your Comprehensive Plan. all of these parcels of property belong within the jurisdication of the City of Boynton Beach. We anticipate that these properties wi II make a significant contribution to the tax base of the City helping to relieve some or the burden on the residents. Thank you very much tor your assistance in this matter to Mr. Jim Golden January 31, 1990 Page 5 date. future. am looking forward to working with you in the Sincerely, ~ Kieran J. Kil ay KJK/Isk c.c. Gene Moore Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder F i Ie ljEElO(;~1I COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) ) ss ) .~;T A TE OF FLori! DA BEFORE ME APPEAREO__________________ THIS 29th DAYJan/90,PERSONAlLY ________E.:'::.':..a_.:'.::::?-!______________, ""-10 BEING OUL Y SWCiR~I:, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanyina Property Ownars List is, to the best of his/her knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailIng addresses and property control numbers a~ recorded in the latest official lax rolls in the County Courthouse for al I property within three ~undred (300l feel of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is leaally descr'ibed as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" ... '. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. i . (' . . I ' i . F " ~ /' ") r) / I ,-1 : ~ ! .. J r~U.L' U:c... dlzij~-l. . / f ------------------------------ (Signature) Sworn to and subscribed before me of _J_a_lJ.ll.'U'..'L___ A. D., 19 -9J)..-_ . C~!J~ Notary Public State of Florida at Large liOTl.P,y PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA NY COMMISSION EXP. APR.ll.1992 11y Commi s s ion Exp ire s: ___.!!~N::E~_T~~_G~":~~_I~~_U~'::..;_______________ this _29~lL__ day NOTARY ~.Er.L 22 . . . EXHIBIT "A" .l' 1...__,--_. ~~~~~#, ~ AU. 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Drawer 1220 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 January 23, 1990 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a General Partner of The Winchester Family Partnership Limited, I, Ruby Ann Winchester hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester to sign all annexation, land use amendment and zoning application documents pertaining to the property described on Exhibit "A" attached. ~~n~(j,eGt~~ COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) ) ss STATE OF FLORIDA ) On this 23rd day of January, 1990, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Ruby Ann Winchester, personally known to me to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes stated therein. .. c\ \ ~ ~\-ll...ll, --rY\J.0:J\J0:-~\l./L~ Notary Public, State of Florida My commission expires: r,f.:l:orv ;":.!~_1~";. ~t~e 01 Flor~df1 r'~r (n:;~)";.;;..;d~:~ f.:~riif\l:1 feb. 1~, ,,9J- eCll(;~.; ci :-~".oJ T ruy fa;[I . 1!l'ilFr<;.:(tC/f 111(, The Wincl1ester Famlly Partnership Ltd P.O. Drawer 1220 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 January 19,1"90 TO WHOI1 IT HAY CONCERN : As a General Partner of T~e Winc~ester Family Partner8hip Limited, I M. Frank Finfrock hereby authorize Bill R. \<>lincl1ester to f,ign all 'anr'ex2.tion, land use amendment and zoning 5ppli~ation documents perta~ning to the property described on Exhibit "A" attClcIH"cl. vp~,- --:3~fl~ ,--It:. -, -. ,'. .... " += .~ . ~ Ii. Fr ,,:1.1.1'\. t .In ,..L O. ,~ COUNTY OF CLARK ) )ss STATE OF NEVADA ) On this 19th day of January, 1990, before me, Helen E. Jones, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared M. Frank Finfrockr personally known to me to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes stated therein. ~r Hel~n E./Jo es NOTAr-V PUBLIC' STATE OF NEVADA Counly of Clark HELEN E. JONES My Appointment Expires 1\'lnrch 16. 1990 - .--- .' --..:'.....:,...;...~,/ .., I o. 9<0' . , r I : BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTHENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the ?lanning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAl-IE: Knuth Road P.C.D. " ADDRESS: Kieran J Kilday/Kilday & Associates, Inc 1551 Forum Place 100A AGENT'S NANE: West Palm Beach, FL 33401 PHONE: (407) 689-5522 O\>lNER' S NAl-IE: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: The Winchester Family Partnership,Ltd.,Bill R.Winchester; Buby A. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,individually; Bill R. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,as Trustee General Partner: 9290 Nickels Blvd. Boynton Beach,Fl. 33~36 PHONE: 407-132-3961 PROJECT LOCATION: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and (not legal descrip~ion) Boynton Beach Blvd. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- .._---,._----~- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIuA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the sUbject of separate applications. No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit two copies of this application and other required information. Before an application may be accepted, it must furly comply with all required information as stated below. ATTACH THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. a. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record. or b. All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property. The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre. 2. A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. If joint and several ownership; a written consent to the annexatioR petition by all owners of record, or b. If a lessee, a copy of the Lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, ~ c. If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or written consent of the seller/owner, ~ d. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is' in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, ~ e. If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the seller/owner. COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION FORM AND SUBMIT WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 NO. SEACREST BLVD. . BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 (407)738-7490 -2- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: " DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE>> DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: " FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE Area of GENERAL DATA Ruby A. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,individ- Developer/Owner: uallYi Bill R.Winchester;Elsie A.Winchester,as Trustee The Winchester Family Partnership, Bill R.Winchester,GeNe~~l Partner subject Property:604,220.76 Sq. Ft. or ~___Acres 13.87 acres Name of Estimated Present Population: -0- AR-A~ricultural " Existing Zoning: Resi ential Density Allowed: 1du/5ac. d.u. 's " Proposed Zoning: P.C.D. "Densi ty Allowed: n/a d.u. 's EXISTING UTILITIES Water: City of Boynton B' cch "-__l ',,~-.:r3,nn~ of Boynton Beach STATEHENT OF USE EXisting Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Planned Commercial Development " JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See attached EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See attached Exhibit "A" " . --"."~~---- ~ " EXHIBIT "A" .Ii-. - ~ .. OcGCU'/;:?77rJN: ". '" ~ Ac.t. Or- rI?AC75" 9 AN'O /Cl iY/N6= 5,:jt/7// dr- ;(16'1{/ C:Mj/A//~,(/ RtMO (-5"/-1rc- Ro/!LJ ;1/", gt'<;t) /1#0 r/?/It'/5 2.7 .-"lA/Cl "24/ ,PALM 6'c/lC!// r-1R.M.5" C~#I,cJ/!A/Y ,.c7L/!/~. ~ -1 C?~cRO/A/c 7"4 T;1/C" ,Pi"'/' T#cH"c~/" -R'cC!t'RL?c'V' /,{/ ,Putr L?cc/:" 5" n'/' 'p-1cc' 73 #/' ;r/./E r:'O'L9L./C Rcc!N;?t:?.f Pr ~A~M 8E/1c!// c!tf7C/,A./m r-Lt:?/?/c?A, L.E55 TN&" &"Asr /5;0 ,cEEr r#E..f'"C'or:"" " . " ~ . ~ [ -'" r:-~ ~,', ' ..;' t:'":.....:-:'.';. l' " .~' ("'" '" ~ ,. - Kilday & A.socletes lHnd!;cnno ^rchifoCf~/PI;)nnP.rs 1551 Forum Place Suit. l00A West Palm Bf!ach, Florida 33401 14071 689.5522 . Fax: 14071 689.2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR KNUTH ROAD PCD ," ," The petitioner is requesting Annexation of just less than 14 acres of land into the City of Boynton Beach. This parcel of property is currently zoned AR-Agricul- ture Residential in Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designates the north one-half of this property as CH-High Intensity commercial and the south half of the property CR-Commercial Recrea- tion. This land use designation is due to the fact that the property has an existing Special Exception approval to allow for recreational facilities to occur on the site including a tennis club and golf driving range. This facility has never been constructed and the site remains vacant. In conjunction with the request for Annexation, the petitioner is asking for a change in land use designa- tion in the City's Comprehensive Plan. currently the City of Boynton Beach has the northern portion of this site designated as Local Retail Commercial. The southern portion of this site is designated Moderate Residential. The petitioner is requesting that the entire site rec~ive a designation of Local Retail Commercial. The petitioner believes that the proposed designation of Local Retail commercial will allow for an appropri- atly designed Planned commercial Development to be established on this site, This site is located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Two perimeters of this site abut Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development in Palm Beach County. The Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development is already fenced and buffered from this site. Therefore, utili- zation of this property for commercial purposes will have no negative affect upon the adjacent residential development. In addition, tre golf course wraps the perimeter of the PUD providing further separation be- tween the nearest residential units and the site. The site already has received a previous approval for a commercial use in Palm Beach County. However, that speci{ic use of a tennis club and golf driving range has not proven feasible for the property. The Planned ~ \' < .' Knuth Road Statement Page 2 Commercial Development District provides many safe- guards that other straight commercial districts do not contain. Because this site does exceed the minimum 3- acre requirement, the petitioner has been able to make the request for this district. The other surrounding land uses in the area are generally commercial along Boynton Beach Boulevard. Additionally, this property fronts on Knuth Road. Knuth Road is scheduled to be constructed from Golf Road north to the Boynton Mall, The north area of Knuth Road has a new approved align- ment which will allow Knuth Road to serve as direct access to an entrance to the mall making this road more significant than the average collector. There is a limited amount of property left in this area to provide for commercial services. The Boynton plan has, in the past, recognized the intersection of Con- gress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard as a major node for commercial services. This proposal is consis- tent with that past history. Development of the site in a commercial nature will add great additional reven- ues for the tax base for the City of Boynton Beach. . . ~ . . . , , , I u ; . . . . . " RUb' ,.."O"""';51"".."O",,,,,"d" 1 ' t/o'.'ne' B'" ".'"0""";51"".."0""""" T' N"" of Dev' 0",,00 . . c- .,. ."0""" F,mil' ,a",""'o,L'd, B'" Ri.w~~hester,Gen. . . ... n""""V c- . "0 ann ,.,d' n' eare.. ~\n L.J L L & City el Bey.,O..seleh el.e~~\"O oe~.f\met\\ ,. OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. &/ ~AL~~L~b Signature of Owner(s) o~ Record ~ r? d/aAtAJ ...,,&.. gnature . Applicant tf1" Bill R.Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applic~nt 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 407-689-5522 City and State ;. 407-732-3961 Telephone Number Telephone Number OI-INERS AUTHORI ZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign suc~ a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. x ~~ti.-r:J~u Signature of Owner(s) of Record ~(),d/J~ ~.. . gnature .f Applicant c;:/ Elsie A. Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. KIld~y/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applic~nt 9290 Nickels Blvd. 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State '. 407-732-3961 407-689-5522 Telephone Number Telephone Number -----....--.- ~~----- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such 'a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. --....... v' lJ O'.>lner(s) of Record Ruby A.Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J.Kilda~/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applic~nt 8495 S. Haverhill Ext. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33437 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State . 407-732-4602 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best'of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: Owner ~c1 a/~k.. Signature f Applicant . t? .~. Kieran J Kilday Kildav & Associates, Inc. Type Name of Applicant Optionee Lessee 1551 Forum Place 100A Street Address xx Agent West Palm Beach,FL 33401 City and State contract Purchaser (407) 689-5522 Telephone Number AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SS Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared Bill R.Winchester , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "AIr (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed KieranJ.KildaylKilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. /';/f'/U~L,;t (Signature of owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me --S\'J..L; !}UA\"..._L~Q~--'I,.i--- Notary Public, State of Florida at Large ~~c~:"...; IV,~::. >.:n ~.: r:';ti~3 t,;:" ~-::;L':'.' - - 'I. :;, I:'~':: My coroinission Expires: L...!".t~"" ",:r. '",u,Q""QI~:. -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me, the undersigned authority personaltY appeared Elsie A.Winchester,individually h b" b f" t d 1 , w 0 e~nq y me ~rs u y sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "All (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. (" ch./:'.;d /,)/:.",-1,,,.1';..) (Signature of OWner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~~~ -m GJVA~~ Notary ~ublic, State of Florida at Large My Commission ;J..,',~; "';!":J~ ~!:b d tl~ti~c! r,:/ ~c:i'.' :":'.',~.. . ~ .. .. :....3 Expires: '_,.';,~:.,.u '.", ..:~"':,:'~~~~";"c. ...... -8- .._~--~~~ --~---.~- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH SS Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared E]sipA Win~np~rpr as Trustee , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "All (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.Kilday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. v: ~ JfA",;tZ (/L~dl,AJ'4IJ ~ ISignature of owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~\'S..~ --n\. ,1..0\ , , k \ .o--:t<-r- Notary ~ublic, State of Florida at Large r~G~:!1)' :,~,,;::. ::::"~~ I'! :-;~~ .,!:; !:~ (~::',,:..;::_'!'. ,"" -:: "';J.i3. jlJ~3 My, Commission Expires: ' '" ." ",oIM. -8- ----------------------- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ss COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me, the undersigned authority personal~y appeared Ruby A.Winchester , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: [Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "AI' (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. :</?_~'-4- LVvYYL r (I ,;.. e:f. Q ';/;li (Sig~ture of OWner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~I.V--L~ '-In 0'--<ClU-vl::::...- No~ary Public, State of Florida at Large H~r-:' rl.~:.li(, ~~o:1l of r1r:r~" r4y Coltlmission Expires: lk{ ~~\~.:::'~:';"~ Z~:~~~~s"~.~~..:,~:,~9~ -8- - --~~--- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me, the undersigned authority personal~y appeared Bill R.Winchester1General Partn~rwho being by me first duly sworn I on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached ExhibitIIA" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. fL1; ~_, 1:1 of OWn-er/ Sworn to and subscribed before me Sl'-.J.~-rn 0~-~;:N..'- Notary ~cblic. State of Florida at Large r:[o~{;l' ~.~ .:::, $:'~~J ", '::7:~<] My commission Expires: M; \~:,:~ ;::~.,;-. _ :':~I..':':;'::;;"':':'':':: -B- -------~- p . ,', . I ( '*' ~~.t=~V~~~~::..~~.t=g,\.~'U' UQ~~~~~~~~~'\.~~VQ~~~~ ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~'UQ O~Q ~c ~c ,n~ on~ ~ ~ ~~ ~\;j ~'UQ O~~ ~c ~c ,n~ on~ ~'UQ O~" ~c ~c Jn~ on~ ~' U ') f!Jpt1urtmpttt of ~tutp !l\UA ~c ~ ~c J n ~ a'{)~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5rCl~ a'{)l-j ~ ~ ~ I certify that the attached is a true and correct copy of Amendment to ~ ~\;j the Certificate of Limited Partnership, filed on April 23, 1985, for THE ~\;j ~ ~ ~()~ WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, LTD., a Florida Limited ~~ ~UQ O~UQ ~ C Partnership, as shown by the records of this office. ~^l: ,n~ olJ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~UQ ~ ~ l: The number for this Limited Partnership is A18620. ~AC , n ~ ;;i()'\;, ~VP- ~UP- ~ ~ ~UP- ,",UP- ~ ~ if()~ iifl'l"ts ~ ~ ~ ~ ~UQ ~ ~ C ~>;(C ,n~ ~l'l"ts ~~QQ '~~ ~ C :5.l: , n 0 iifCio ~~Q ~ ~C ~ ,no d()"ts ~ @i\Jrn unbrr mp I)anb anb tbr ~ ~' g g . ~rrat ~ra[ of tbr ~tatr of j/1oriba, ~~' 8 g ~ C at \!::alIal)assrc, tbr (Capital. tl)is tbr ~ c ,n~ f ,n~ ~ 25th Imp 0 April, 1985. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ J~r ~~ ::!C ~ n ~ \"'. : -. ~ ~ .....~l....%'- -:/../ . ~ ~ "'.!Z2P wr.j'!;:/.. llProrur $Irrs!onr ~ ~ CER.I01 ~r(rrtarp of ~tiltr ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED F I! ;:: n CERTIFICATE OF LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Of, - -- '-' THE IVINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP r LTD,:S APi'! 23 "!! 2- fd - C:8 ,_ v The unders igned Partners pursuant to T~~G,";i:tk:qn.s :of.~.a Limited Partnership Agreement dated December 20, "f9.1l4;;:':a..'$.Jal.ll~n"t~i;l by The First Amended and Res tated Cert if ica te of '"tl.i1I'i'eEi8 Partnership Agreement dated December 2J.st, J.984, do hereby cer- tify that the following is their Second Amended and Restated Certif.icate of Limited Partnership effective January J.7, 1985 ("Partnership Agreement"); Section 1. Name. The name of the Partnership is The Winchester Family partnershipr Ltd. Section 2. Purposes. The General and Limited Partners desire to ca rry on a bus iness for the follow ing purposes: to own, lease, operate and develop the real.' estate, real estate interest and partnership interests listed on the attached Schedule of Contributed Assets for investment purposes only, and to sell any partnership property and reinvest the proceeds thereof in similar properties or other assetsr for investment purposes only, and to borrow money in the furtherance of such purposes. In connect ion therewith the Partneship may issue evidences of indebtedness and to secure the same by mortgages or other liens on the Partnership property and may perform all acts which may be convenient and incident to the foregoing, subject to the limitations of this Agreement. Section 3. Principal Place of Business. The location principal place of buslness of the Partnership shall be South Haverhill Extensionr Boynton Beachr Florida 33435, other place as the General Partners may designate from time. of the at 8495 or such time to Section 4. Partners. The names and place of residence of each General and Limited Partner are listed on the attached Schedule of Capital Contribution Percentages. Section 5. Term. The term of the Partnership will commence upon the- flllng of this Certificate and shall continue until Decembe r 3 J., 2035 or prior to such da te upon the occurrence of anyone of the following events: A. Upon the Partners and Limited Partners bution percentage interest in cent (66%) at the time the Partnership. i mutual agreement of the General having an aggregate capital contri- the Partnership of sixty-six per- decision is made to dissolve the ( B. Upon -the last of Ruby Ann Winchester, Bill R. \oJinchester or M. Frank Finfrock to die, to be declared income pe ten t, to be removed as a General Partner, or to I nvoluntar i ly Transfer (as such term in defined in the Partnership Agreement) r all of his or her Partnership Interest in the' Partnership to another. C. Upon the bankruptcy of any General Partner. Section 6. Contributions. 6.01 No Limited Partner shall make cash contributions. 6.02 Limited Partner, Ruby Ann Winchester, has contri- buted for her interests in the Partnership certain real propertYr oil lease and Partnership Interestr the description and value of which are set forth on the attached Schedule of Contributed Assets. No interest shall be payable on these Capital Con tri bu t ions. Each Limi ted Partner I S interest 1n the Partnership Property and its Capital shall be equal to his or her respective Capital Contribution Percentage. "Capital Contribution Percentages" as used herein shall be those percen- tages set forth on the attached Schedule of Capital Contribution Percentages, Section 7. Additional Capital Contributions. The Limited Partners are not obligated to make any additional contributions of capital to the Limited Partnership. Section 8. Return of capital Contributions. Capital cont~i- but ions made by Limi ted Par tners or rece i ved by Limi ted Partners as gifts shall only be paid to the Limited Partners (i) if such Limited Partner elects to withdraw from the Partnership in accor- dance with the provisions of Section 13. of the partnership Agreement, (ii) out of cash distributions from time to time made by the General Partners and (iii) from distributions in liquida- tion of the Partnership as provided for in 516.03 of the Partnership Agreement. Section 9. Profits and Compensation. The net profits and net losses of the Partnership for any calendar year shall be allo- cated among the partners in the same proportion as their Capital Contribution Percentages, Net profits shall be distributed annually by the General partnersr except that the General Partners may retain a portion of the net profits, and transfer same to the Capital of the Partnership if required for the reaso- nable needs of the business of the partnershipr subject to the -2- ( 1 imi ta t ions of 55.03 of the Partnersh ip Agreemen t. No Limi ted Partner shall receive any other compensation by way of income from the Partnership. Section 10. Assignment of Limited Partnership Interest. 10.01 The Partnership Interest of any Limited Partner in the Partnership shall be assignable in whole or in part, to any Permitted Transferee as such term is defined in 511.01;D. and 511.02 of the Partnership Agreement. The Partnership shhll not be required to recognize any assignment.to a Permitted Transferee until such time as an instrument conveying such Interest has been delivered to the General Partners. An assignee who is a Permitted Transferee shall become a substituted Partner if the assignor gives the assignee such right, and in such event, the General Partners and Limited Partners, or General Partners acting as attorney-in-fact for Limited Partners shall file an Amended Certificate of Limited Partnership showing the assignee to be a substituted Limited Partner. Section 11. Additional Limited Partners. The General Partners reserve the right to admit any lineal descendant of Ruby Ann Winchester and any of their spouses as Limited Partners to this Partnership, but the Interest of such new Limited Partnership must be transferred from the Interest of Ruby Ann Winchester or the General Partners admitting such Limited Partner to the Partnership; otherwiser the admission of such new Limited Partner must receive the consent of all Limited Partners if each Limited Partner's interest is to proportionally reduced for the admission of such Limited Partners. This restrictionr however, shall not restrict the voluntary transfer by a Limited Partner of all or a por t ion of hi s or her Partnership In teres t to another Limi ted Partner or to a Permitted Transferee, Section 12. Priorit.Y' No Limited Partner shall over other Limited Partners as to contributions or sation by way of income. have priori ty as to compen- Section 13. Business Continuation. Upon the death, retirement or incompetency of any General Partner, the other General Partners shall continue the business of the Partnership without interruption, except as provided for in Section 5. B. The Interest in the Partnership of the deceased or Incompetent General Partner shall be and become the interest of a Limited Partner unless the representative of the deceased or Incompetent General Partner elects to withdraw. -3- ( Section 14. Contribution. No Limited Partner shall have the right to demand or receive property other than cash in return for his or her contribution irrespective of whether the capital interest is contributed by the Limited Partner or given to the Limited Partner. Section 15. Transfers. This Second Amended and Restated Certificate of Limited Partnership is made to reflect the assign- ment by gift made as of January 17,1985, of a portion of the Limited Partnership Interest and General Partnership Interest of Ruby Ann Winchester to the General Partners and Limited Partners listed on the attached Schedule of Capital Contribution Percentages. IN WITNESS WHEREOFr the Partners have executed this Certificate effective the 17th day of JanuarYr 1985. () , .' ~G ~.tj (Y;[,)!- 1/ /l1~ tJ-rl j!>tdZ1 -' UBY N WINCHESTER, General Partner B Partner '71'--:::;; ) --/. '.'/:.../u. ..' -/,. je< ,. /<. M.' FRANK FINFRO~K, General Partner A:-i-/~ CA-,l,l'l. ~-C 'lIe (I_Pu. J/._i;j<-~ RUBY WINCHESTER, Limited Partner , .-/ ~', It dill;;:. WINCHESTER~' lmlted Partner, by Bill R. Winche ter, as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 26, 1984 -4- ( '/7 (L~e?(( Jr!.J. MELISSA WINCHESTER, Ll it ~ Par by Bill R. \'/inchester, as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 26, J.984 ' .1 r /7 ?{.;: / ,(.., ER, Llml W Partner~ y Bill R. Winchester, alii attorneyin-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 26, J.984 // ' /'"".1 ~..--"..... / ( ," V / I.' I ,A,w /';>/-. . <-h ' .:' " SHERRI M. AILSTOCKi Llmlt d artn r, by Bill R. Winchester, as attorney- in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 24, 1984 ~jUL It tJ;,Jl-dU.df.t.L ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 3J., J.975, for the benefit of Susan patricia Winchester, Limited Partner I , j' G"- C~ /, //' a//':/,,~, // c,.:zfi: ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31, J.975, for the benefit of Ka thryn Joy \Hnches ter, Limi ted Partner c:.' , '. ... ~---- :/ 1 . " '...".~ ., ~ 1 /.. -;j_.;'-L(. r/,? (/V/~L/L:,_-1~ L, ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 3J., J.975r for the benefit of Bill Ray Winchester, II, Limited Partner -5- ( ~ . '/ /' , ~ L; UL ({ L-I // u'jddtL E SIE A. WINCfrESfER, Limited Partner //;'C-I.'<Y (:t./:..t.<'L- ~!<~J' MARY LICE FINFROCK, Partner .~~, ~ Vu . " /' MES A. INCH ESTER , Partner, by Bill R. Winche attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 26, 1984 ',L;~: : I CHESTER, J. Llm Partner, by Bill R. Wincheste , as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 24r 1984 .'-1 j)~ .....::J-' ~/ ~.~' ,I{ ~:: /-:d!- - ./l}>.:/;:w...... ' /14.< < /e D. FRANK FINFRO K, Limited Partner, by M. Frank F'tlfrock, as attorney- in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 24, 1984 i:J /~B-(~.J -:i-j~<"_1 ~'"\ Ji. - .ffj ,L" ..~:3 C/~'".t,<~.J ~t,~~I/ LAURA F. CHAMBERS, Limi ted Partner, by M. Frank Finfrock, as attorney- in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 22, 1984 Ie': 1"( ( ". ..-:::J .'!.L-, (l~") h. :rn-::t t. "':1)' " - :./. ;' '?J"' /-'/L'~ . ~h...;", REBECCA F. GODFREY, Limited Partner, by M. Frank Finfrock, as attorney- in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 22, 1984 -6- ( ( I I ~ <C. JAC ,ELINE C. WINCHESTER, under Trust Agreement December 27, 1984, for the benefit of Lee A. Way, Limited Partner - ;J, <d,JC~ INE C. WINCHESTER, as Trustee nder Trust Agreement dated December 27, 1984, for the benefit of Ray Way, Limited Partner d~, WINC ESTER, as Trustee i Trust Agreement dated' December 27, 1984, for the benefit of Amy Way, Limited Partner STATE OF ..:.~<i?/Oll COUNTY OF PlfAh ,(JEH,'lf Sworn to and subscribed before me by RUBY ANN \HNCHESTER, General Partner, this ./'lTLf day of March, 1985. , ~~~tf~/1/)Z~ My Commission Expires: ".::'-::y ~~.:~;: STATE OF .~1C:~:~/,; ~'(i.ARGE _ ...'.:...... ~.. '--' ':.Ar ~ ;76$. - - -... "'''~ ............,:.. i ,,:). Uj',:.JER\'/RITE~ STATE OF r, . /'^t'RIO/7 COUNTY OF P,q~H 8c,q" k Sworn to and subscribed before me by BILL R, WINCHESTERr General Partner, this /1'''.P day of March, 1985. , ~~::T:,;'{ ?;"'=~~~ ,~T/,iE OF FL'::~:OA AT LARGE .'. ..._'....,..i0:~t.~i'".:S:,'...:.,r b ;?o:) ",-,.~,",..,.I .'(11'"" ~~'''':~L Ii,,;:). Lr:.;u:.i-\'~P.UE&S ~~'L~r~u7~' NOTARY PUBL C " My Commission Expires: -7- STAn~ OF COUNTY OF General Sworn to and i~scribed before me by M. FRANK Partner, this day of Marchr 19 Of Fl \ t. O.f ,. , ... 0 ~ y FINFROCK, My Commission Expires: ~ ~ M'f cc.'.u.\;~,:::C:J ~~:;'l':,:~ I:':~ 27 1N.l7 t.C'~::;L::._~;l,:'j t..:~:'.~.'''''.l J~,;~J.~,\~~~~ UMt STATE OF Ht)1l IPII COUNTY OF pI)A 11 gEI-},"11 Sworn to and subscribed before me by RUBY ANN WINCHESTERr Limited Partner, this /?7Hday of March, 1985. ~/~/p~h OTARY/PUBLI My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUOlle STATE OF FLORID MY COfMAISSJON [).,,""'\ : ~ AT lARGE 'u JI\... M,...y 0 IYd ~ NOd) THRu G't"" ".) .- . .. 't!V\L U'iS ~ lINOl/{WII.I rEPS STATE OF /-,l t"R IP" COUNTY OF PI1J.n !le"lhll Sworn to WINCHESTER, Limited in-fact under that 1984, this /9-r.t/ and subscribed before me Partner, by Bill R. Winchester, certain Power of Attorney dated day of March, 1985. by STERLING as at torney- December 26, 4!;t/)? fcf;J14~:7J NOTAR-Y PU LIC My Commission Expires: NOTARY PUOllC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE MY CO/A/,~;SSION EiFI,-'~S /.. . I ' .... ..~Il " ')0" ~ POND"O THRU GU~Liv\1. lI~S . u,'IUtI, vv t.:1 ll;RS -8- ( STATE OF ;j. elf I)) I~ COUNTY OF PI;'-h gc/u If Sworn to and subscribed before me by MELISSA WINCHESTERr Limited partnerr by Bill R. Winchesterr as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 26, J.984, this /f'TN day of Marchr J.985. - I ~i61a/-rlA4'~ My Commission Expires: NOTARY PU,lIC STAT My C0i,l/{dSSJCN /?~.~.:LOf..1D~, AT LARGE ~UI~D Ll l' _ ^ I.,.. MAY 0 1905 L ../'1i1.U Gl..j~l;i\AL 1/ S . "I : UNUER~Vi<1 lEU I " STA TE OF;::';' t R Ii7/.7 COUNTY OF ?Il;.h 8EII?/{ Sworn to and subscribed before me by JON J. WINCHESTER, Limited partnerr by Bill R, Winchester, as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 26, J.984, this /9711 day of March, 1985. - , 'i€ ~~.>::' -L,p~~ - OTARY' PUBL C My Commission Expires: NOTI,RY punllc STATE Of FLmlDA AT LARGE . lilY COMN.jS510j~ E^Pl~J.S MA'( d I'tBJ 201\ll)LD .THKU ~i;N,jV\L ll~S 1 UNl)~f\wkl rEFS STATE OF F;1.v/>"/p/l COUNTY OF /'111./7 /JOI~H " Sworn to and subscribed before me by SHERRI M. AILSTOCKr Limited partnerr by Bill R. Winchester, as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 24, 1984, this /9'01 da~ of March, 1985. ~ffk~/>1?/~/1 OTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires' . NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLO<IDA AT LARGE &~y COl,'A\ISSJON E)"P1KES MNf a 196:> NL>cD .THRU Gd'kKAL JJ-lS. UN[)[i.:'v'ntll.i:R5 -9- ( ( STATE OF 1" t'R lOll COUNTY OF PIl/./1 80ltll Sworn WINCHESTER r as 1975, for the Partner r this to and subscribed before me by ELSIE A. Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31, benefit of Susan patricia Winchester, Limited /9"/'"/I day of Marchr 1985. ~"?h ~~ 'it::rV1VP! OTA PUBL'1C " ,\ My Commission Expires: NOT/,RY.PU3l1C STATE OF FlO1lDA AT LARGE M,! CO:iII',\f:'SIOU [i.PII~ES '{lAY 0 19&5 b()'~U..L) lHRU 0'"/''' . "".. v\ 11>;5. UNDlltWl.:.lJERS STATE OF //. t)f,'IPR COUNTY OF /'1)) It II Dlt' II '\ Sworn to and subscribed before 'I me by ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31[, 1975, for the benefit of Kathryn Joy Winchester, Limited Partner, this J'l"Tf/ day of March, 1985. JU~v5Y My Commission Exp ires: NOTARY pUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAya 19&5 ~ONChD IHRU Gi:l-it..r'J\l INS: UNi.JLRWk.lltRS. STATE OF /'.J. I".-f /LJ/-) COUNTY OF ?/?,< // 8fjJJ!.h' Sworn WINC;:HESTER, as 1975, for the Partner, this to and subscribed before me by ELSIE A. Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31, benefit of Bill Ray Winchester, IIr Limited /1",<,,P day of Marchr 1985. a ~fj! /~y# OTARY"" PUBLIC , I My Commission Expi res :NOTARY PUBLIC STATE MY CO,^,~.ISS'ON E "OF FlOR'~A AT lARGE 00, .J........ ,,,,.:'" 1.1. " It.~~ ....If w .,....; .~.. .~ .. " .. ~"'" -10- STATE OF /i. OJ? /Pf) COUNTY OF ?fi~ /1 /.J c IlC 1/ ( Sworn to and subscribed before me by ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, Limited Partner, this I1Tllday of Marchr 1985. My Commission Expires: STATE OF COUNTY OF ~"- /~ . _ ~~~ ~J~4</)/ OTAR PUB!:; C NOTARY PUOllC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES MAi a 1985 ~OND,q IHRU "ENEI\AL INS. UNDERWRITERS. Sworn to and subscribed .before me by MARY ALICE FINFROCK, Limited Partner, this I,.T"^day of March, 1985. My Commission Expires: STATE OF /"1. tJlf IB/l COUNTY OF /,/71./-1 IJO}CII ...0 /) //) 'S. .->..-".------,,- ';0-'"". ,>. ~...-".k-- NOTARY PUBLIC Notary Public. State 01 florida at Laree My Commission Expires July 13, 1987 ~ Sworn to and subscribed WINCHESTER, Limited Partner, by Bill in-fact under that certain Power of 1984, this /97/1day of March, 1985. My Commission Expires: before me by JAMES A. R. Winchester, as attorney- Attorney dated December 26, ~r. 9d . .' ..... Z ~/?r4"'. ,. OTARY PUBLIC . NOTARY PUBLIC ST MY C()MM'SSIO,~TE OF FLORIDA. AT iARGE 'r. .~ f,\Pli;,"( '" ~ .....1,,0'0 TriJ<.u G/"';';1\A1 c....",..,'( ,0 198':; .. J N:;. U"Vr..Jd: Vr ~I fERS ( STATE Of COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me by D. FRANK FINFROCKr Limited Partner, by M. Frank Finfrockr as attorney-in-fact urd/r that certain Power of Attorney dated December 24, 1984, this l day of March, 1985. \. Of FlO"'- ,..'\ ..or ~."\ ... (), ., ( , My Commission Expires: NOT o\'.y PU"c!C S TAlE Of fLOKIDA MY cO.'.',....ISS;C:J cX?:f;~S AUG 27 1987 ).OND(L) ~ ~1;~U GlNi.:\AL 1l~5U:u..N~E UNO, STATE OF COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me by LAURA F, CHAMBERS, Limited Partner, by M. Frank Finfrockr as attorney-in-fact und~r that certain Power of Attorney dated December 22r 1984, this !Y day of March, 1985. - STATE Of \ My Commission Expires: COUNTY OF My Commission Expires: )'... \v of... r \Jlt" _:..- 0 NOTARY PI'~UC ST.\TE Of fL P.I /0,\'( cC'.',!,'.;SS::"",:J D',;',:-:::5 A:.JG 27 1?37 6CI'.o.:..El) fI-:,.., :-,::,;.:~..~ll:-<SU:l.,\t~Cf UND -12- ..------- ~-~~ ( ( STATE: OF /"1. t:R /Pl/ COUNTY OF 1'//;'/1 b'Cj)<.'/I Sworn to and subscribed before me by JAMES A. WINCHESTER, JR., Limited Partner, by Bill R. Winchester, as attorney-in-fact under that certain Power of Attorney dated December 24, 1984r this /:ir.u day of Marchr 1985. ~~L"'f/J/1A'7J NOTARY" PUB):; C My Commission Expires: I NOTARY PUBlIG STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE' MY COMMISSION EXPli<..iS MAY is 19- j ; ~ONP,P m&u QlNERAlINS. UNPlRW;' Tlij , STATE: OF COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me by JACQUELINE C. WINCHESTER, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated Decmeber27, 1984, for the benefit of Lee A. WaYr Limited Partner, this Iff/' day of March, 1985. r.... .... cdc\'2:A5::s:Q NOTARY PUBLIC 7L~~ I to/' - r- Nol.1ry Pub5c. sw~~i F1ori~ My Commission Expires: Illy Commis....~pir.s D.c. 4.1985 6on""4 ThN rtot h'l: U.III'UU, Inc. .J STATE OF COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me by JACQUELINE C, WINCHESTERr as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated Decmeber 27, 1984, for the benefit of Ray Way, Limited Partner, this /.'r'rc, c--- day of Marchr 1985. cdv^<e~l ~':D J. y~ '(-J(Q.,l f NOTARY PUBLIC My Commission Expires: ..- NolMy Pubn~ Sl.1I.~r Flor,a;-- &lye. " mmlSllOf'1 Expir~s OCt. 4, 1985 _....llfrWlf.lllll...,..., .. u,'D. ,.IIooU"U. 'n,~ .....J -13- ( STATE OF COUNTY OF Sworn to and subscribed before me by JACQUELINE C. IHNCHEST8R, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated Decmeber 27, 1984, for the benefit of Amy way, Limited Partner, this /f:-'f(, day of March, 1985. r:o--1Ry -^..5C.SQ.. -:A. ,~p PnlL-r --t- NOTARY PUBLIC . My Commission Expires: t;;:- N-.::::-:r'''--S-I -I ; ..,.":--"-- JY._ ot.Yy I'U~I(. a l! ~. k.r....3 U~y Commiulon hfsil~~ ..,:~. I" 'i;'~ ~lrtn.d {ht.. t,,,, '.'.11 ~ II....'....... I0Io4" --l , -14 - SCHEDULE OF CONTRIBUTED ASSETS M. Frank Finfrock, General Partner, cash One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) for his initial interest as General Partner. Bill R. Winchester, General Partner, cash, One Thousand Dollars ($lrOOO.OO) for his initial interest as General Partner. Ruby Ann Winchester, General Partner, and Ruby Ann Winchester, as Limited Partner, contributed the assets described below for her initial interest as General and Limited Partner. DESCRIPTION OF CONTRIBUTED ASSETS Description 1. An undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in all of Tracts 9 and 10, lying south of the new Boynton Road, together with Tracts 23 and 24r as shown on Palm Beach Farms Company Plat Number 8, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 2. The East Half of the Southeast Quarter (E 1/2 SE 1/4) of Section Nineteen (19); the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N 1/2 sw 1/4) of Section Twenty (20), and the East Half of the Northeast Quarter (E 1/2 NE 1/4) of Section Thirty (30); All in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Thirty (30) East, N.M.P,M., Quay CountYr New Mexico. 3. One-Sixth (1/6th) interest in the surface right and .0104180 percent interest in the royalty interest in the Northeast Quarter of Section 11, Township 26 Southr Range 4 East, Butler county, Kansas. Value 'i $409,000.00 $ 75,000.00 $ 30rOOO.00 $ 36,000.00 4. Forty-nine percent (49%) interest in the Fin-Win Partners, a General Partnership established under the laws of the State of Florida under Partnership Agreement dated August 15, 1979, between M, Frank Finfrockr Mary Alice Finfrock and Ruby Ann Winchester. . 5. A six and six-tenths percent (6.6%) interest as a $ 53,000.00 Limited Partner in the Limited Partnership known as the Savannah Square Associatesr a South Carolina Limited Partnership, under Limited Partnership Agreement dated September 28, 1981. '.' \ , SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL CONTRIBUTION PERCENT~GES Partner Percentage In terest Bill R. Winchester, General Partner 9290 Nickols Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 3.475 M. Frank Finfrock, General Partner 2899 Banyan Boulevard Circle Boca Ratonr Florida 33431 2.975 \ Ruby Ann Winchesterr General Partner 8495 South Haverhill Extension Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 3.306 James A. Winchester, Limited Partner 5060 D. Elmhurst Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 6.116 Sterling Winchester, Limited Partner 5060 D. Elmhurst Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 2,810 James A. Winchester, Jr., Limited 2251 pinnit Drive, #932 Falls Church, virginia 22043 Partner 2.810 \ Jon Winchester, Limited Partner 1901 Caribbean Road West Palm Beachr Florida 33406 il 2.810 Melissa Winchester, Limited Partner 1901 Caribbean Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 2.810 Elsie A. Winchester, Limited Partner 9290 Nickols Boulevard Boynton Beachr Florida 33436 2,810 Sherri M. Ailstock, Limited Partner, 9290 Nickols Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 2.810 -1- .. ( Elsie A. Winchester, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31r 1975r for the benefit of Susan patricia Winchester, Limited Partner 9290 Nickols Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Elsie A. Winchester, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31, 1975r for the benefit of Kathryn Joy Winchester, Limited Partner 9290 Nickols Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Elsie A. Winchesterr as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 31r 1975, for the benefit of Bill Ray Winchester, II, Limited Partner 9290 Nickols Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Mary Alice Finfrock, Limited Partner 2899 Banyan Boulevard Circle Boca Ratonr Florida 33431 D. Frank Finfrock, Limited Partner 2333 Easthills Way Norcross, Georgia 30071 Laura F. Chambers, Limited Partner 1046 Brookhollow Drive Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70810 Rebecca F. GodfreYr Limited Partner 4900 Heritage Trace Court Marietta, Georgia 30062 Ruby Ann Winchester, Limited Partner 8495 South Haverhill Extension Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 Jacqueline C. Winchester, as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 27, 1984, for the benefit of Lee A. Way, Limited Partner 1901 Caribbean Road wes~ Palm Beachr Florida 33406 -2- 2.810 2.810 2.810 6.116 2.810 2.810 2.810 35.862 2.810 i IJ ( Jacqueline C. Winchesterr as Trustee undercTrust Agreement dated December 27, 1984, for the benefit of Ray Way, Limited Partner 1901 Caribbean Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Jacqueline C, Winchesterr as Trustee under Trust Agreement dated December 27, 1984r for the benefit of Amy Way, Limited Partner 1901 Caribbean Road West Palm Beachr Florida 33406 WAZ/sj ( W FP 1 : C. 1 -C . 3 ) -3- ~ 2.810 ( 2.810 :1 .,.-,....'...,,"',........ k : Warranl!J Iud .. .... :: IJ/rl. JnlIrnturr. Mod. ,hi, RETURH TO: / Thi. InltnnMrit wa. ~,epo,.d by. / I. IiIU.INI A. ztDIER ~ "-. ~ _.8CIlR~ ~ .us-::r.:.=_ --- .....- I'OIlT I ....~..... 1'LOaIDA.... (IIATUTOr; fOIll-IICTlON 111.01 f.I.) ", tW 1:~:"3~!~ ;J. I ,.A-- c/oyof December '9 84. ..1_ ~ III RUBY ANN WINCHESTER, individually 01 'h. Co"nry 0' Palm Beach . Stoll of THE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP, Florida LTD. . 0'01\10'-. .net .. whow pau atliul etdd'.n iI 8495 St:JJth Haverhill Extensial, 8oyntoo Beach, FL 33435 ~ 01 the Co...n"1 01 Palm Beach Slolr of Florida . gran..... IE .ttlU'..rtty. Thai '<lid g'onIO'. for ond i.. (OftwM'Qfion 0' fh~ 'IJm of ~ -----~------Ten and no/l00-----------------------------.---------. ~~ M and oth.. good and wolvobl. conwderotiOf'l\ 10 \aid '01'0"10' in hand paid by \oid '01'0"'''. 'he ,<<..pt w"~rltO' is ".,.eby 1!5 ock"owl~d'ilKJ. has Qron"d. borgoinKJ orod ",Id to tlw wid Qran'ft. ond gronl.'.' h.i., and anit"n\ for.....'. lhe loll_ing : I d'''ribed land. \ilvol,. lyi"9 o"d be'"9 in Palm Beach Co"",!- ~Iorjda. lo.wit, An undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in Bll of Tracts 9 and 10, lying south of the new Boynton Road, together with Tract. 23 And 24, as shown on Palm BeAch Farms Company P'at Number 8. recorded 1n Plat P?Ok S, Page 73. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. J. ;:D Ud,bO ':';'4!J SUBJECT TO real estate taxes for the year 1984 and all subsequent years; zoning requlat10ns and ordinances of governmental authorities, c<.venants, conditions, reatric- tions, limitations and eaSeD.'!;mts of record. --....., ,. PC . (-I r . I.'........... N. ct.~rl...... and \O,d 9'0"'0' dor:' ....r~by IlJ",. ... .."unr ~ fit"'" 10 100Id lo"d. 0,.0 w.1I d.lr"d Ihf' WIYI. ogain" IhI' 1....1.., c1o,rn\ of an ~'\Of\,....hc:''''~''''' .. '~G,on'o" O'ld "V'Q"'''''.' _ v~ '0' ""'9vl,Jr .,. plu,ol. 0\ (onl~.1 'I'qlJi,~,. 1ft Wiln..s IIbrna!. ~. G,c:l'ltor ho\ .....~Io ~t Q,ontor, hand ond '1'01 ,h. do", ond 'l'l'Or I.u' obt'ly. _n~". 'fh ( ) /; St (l..Yl H -'{JAM1 C {W{(.iA.- RUBY WINCHESTER -Seoll 'SooI, lSooII ,.... STATt Of FLORIDA COUNTY Of BRONARD I HfREIY CUTlf'l' tho, _ ...." d-:1v boP'o., _. _ lIlfr.c... duty ouolof"KJ ro to.. oc:IIIKlW~9"""'h. ~ OPPI'O,ed 'RUBY ANN WINCHESTER, individually d~\("bed 1ft or>d ...110 ,_""1Wd ,... '-II'QOO~ .mlnlmen' and oc._ledgoPd be-'OO'. ~ that 'O_.IWI""nlO"...."'"_ S h. 'U.(V.reI....._ wrTNf S5 ...... ho...:l o~ oft.coal 'IflJ1 1~4. ... rh.r c_... 00ld Slat. knr .,f~ tho, 37 day 04 Deceaber .~~~~~..,._ / ___.M<< . ,EC~~D V!:RJF!EO -. . ~ALlI ""~H COUHrv f\..i:' .~"'~ B. DUNkLE ' CUI\;( C1RWIJ COUIlT My (QIn"""'O,, I'.ClOT" ~',~a;..-:~~rc Surr ~ '!.aIM 1 ....111 (U'. I'" 1'5.... fClliD(t 'u~ iUt_-ra. .. , .'.Il'. s " -. , . - , ~WI ... ~'b 3' 902 I -- n . 7'.01 lor Lawy....' Ti.IJrtla. . ny nlnd, rl.n 0, Florid. 78 \ 01,- ') Z I, o...l r This instrument was pn'parcd by: ~arranty Jttd Name G. Robert Fellows Addeo,"_ 610 E. Atlantic Avenue (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.l Df'lray.J3each, Florida 33444 m~ill 11ulll'uturl'. LOUISE SUGGS, Made this 1st da y of June 1978 , iYrhul'l'u a single woman, and JEAN G. HOPKINS, a single woman, of tll<' Couuty of Palm Beach , State of Florida ,graotor", and to the following named persons as tenants in common: 26% interest to Ruby A. Winchester; 25"/0 interest to Elsie A. Winchester, individually; 25"/0 interest to Bill R. Winchester; 6% interest to Elsie A. Winchester, as Trustee under Trust <cont)'d. Oi whos<o post office address is P. O. Drawer 1240, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 attached page of the County of Palm Beach , State of Florida . grantl'eo, Bitul'lIl1l't~. That said grantor. for' and in considerat;oo of the sum of Ten and 00/100 ($10.00) ----- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - Dollars. and otht.'1' good and valuahle considerations to said gn\ntol' in hand paid hy said grantee, tht.' rt.'t'cipt wherl'of is lWrt'hy .acknowledged, Iws gJ'alltcLl. hargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assi~lIs fon'ver, thl' fol- lowing descrihed laud. situate. lying aod being in Palm Beach Connty. Florida. to-wit: All that part of Lots 9 and 10 lying south of the right-of-way of New Boynton Road, and Lots 23 and 24, all in Palm Beach Farms Company Plat #8, according to the Plat thereof on file in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 5, Page 73, all lying in Section 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, LESS any right-of-way of record. SUBJECT to restrictions and easements of record, if any; taxes for the year 1978 and subsequent years, and to all valid zoning ordinances. = STATE OF FLORIDAI N . DOCUMENTARV= , :r ~ " Q 90CUMENTAR~-"';~TAMP TAX I u <:> :~'fitJ.i FLORI A SUR TAX = ~.' ~I ;.. ~~ '" ".~ .- ttl~ ~PT, o~ <<EVENUE (J~\ l I W~. ~'. :i~ "'~"B : :'>.0 "" = ..' I ~<.J = = JUL'S'78 \\~- ii' 6 3 o. 0 0 I ~v -, DEPT. JUL -5'1. '" <:> - eB -. 'i,.~. .:, '" 01 P.B. "" ~__. '...~~...~ \ .1 RI',"" 11106 and said grantlll' does herehy fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the s..me ag"i"st the lawful claims of an persons whomsoever. o "Cnmtor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural. as context requires. 11u BitUl'lIB 1IlIllJl'rpuf. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day '.lIIe! Y"'U' nrst above written. Signed. sealed and deliv~~ll' presence: L LJ _ I ~..h/Jr6:U:t- a:/:'GuOv-' ~~~.,~~=:Lf'-l() __ (S,'al) . Louise Suggs . ~ (~,...1\ ".....J ~- ('~\~ 'L:J\~ , . '-l- r"u ~ s. J n G. Hopkins '\. -1.1t6 (S'>al) (Seal) f -1....,.1') l.'.AJ,vvSTATE OF FLORIDA ',:', /')COUNTY OF PALM BEACH l'~I."" I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an offieer dnly qnalified to lake acknowledgments, personally lIppe'lred LOUlSE SUGGS, a single woman, and JEAN G. HOPKINS, a single woman, to me known to be the person S descrjbed in and who executt'd tht' foregoing instrument and acknowledged hdort" me that t he y executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal io the County and Stllte lllst afo/'<,sai I this 1978 . My commission expires: March 29, 1982 RetUftl tel j WlLUAH A. ~ krl'O-"" 2881 Eut Odland !lark ~ fcirt Lalid..uIe; JT<I!Ida'- 'l".tl'PhOlle:' Gut "SIOll' June m: 2887 PAGE 1 926 '. ,~\;,.\.::,:.l' ,'.~;'~ .;' ' , N<Jhtr'y,Public'. :'f'. :{~~:,- "(:',~ "- ~.'. \;' ~ "" - . '. , """''':~'~' 'J- /; :'i" l II .-l- ...- between Ruby A. Win~hester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Bill Ray Winchester, II, Trust No. 1; 6% interest to Elsie A, Winchester, as Trustee, under trust between RubyA. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Sheri Me10dee Winchester TruRt No.1; 6% interest to Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trus1ee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Susan Patricia Winchester Trust No.1; 6% interest to Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Kathryn Joy Winchester Trust No.1. orF. 2 8 REC. 8 7 PAGE 1 9 2 7 p Retard 'krifiel aim 8eaM CDIIIJ!J. ~ John 8. OUllkll .Qark Circuit C:.:t II Ij i' I 19~, by and between RUBY A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the I Ii "GRANTOR", and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the ;1 "TRUSTEE". I I II I I herein contained, the TRUSTEE and the GRANTOR agree as follows: I' I I I i I i I property listed in Schedule Ar hereto annexed, the receipt of I which is hereby acknowledged by the TRUSTEE, upon the express I terms and conditions and with the powers and limitations herein- ! after set forth. 11 transferred by the GRANTOR or by any other person or persons to II the TRUSTEE, with its consent, and such property shall thereupon become a part of the Trust Estate and shall be held, managedr TRUST AGREEMENT THIS TRUST AGREEMENT, made this 31 day of December WIT N E SSE T H : That in consideration of the premises and the covenants ARTICLE I The GRANTOR hereby transfers and delivers to the TRUSTEE the Additional property may from time to time be I I invested, and reinvested and disposed of on the same terms and I II conditions as the property originally transferred. ARTICLE II The TRUSTEE shall hold, manager invest and reinvest the Trust and shall collect and receive the interest, incomer and profits therefrom for the benefit of SUSAN PATRICIA WINCHESTER I hereinafter referred to as "BENEFICIARY" r granddaughter of the I GRANTOR, born December l3r 1964r upon the following terms: I A. Until. the BENEFICIARY attains the age of TWENTY-ONE (21) years, the TRUSTEE may pay to or apply for the benefit of I, . II to confer with, agents engaged by the TRUSTEE for the protection and administration of the Trust principal. ARTICLE VIII Notwithstanding the fact that the GRANTOR or the BENEFICIARY I or the TRUSTEE may be residing or domiciled in a state other than I 'I I I, ' I I I the State of Florida, and notwithstanding the fact that the TRUSTEE hereunder maybe residing or domiciled other than in the dance therewith. I I hereof shall be determined and governed in all respects by the I laws of the State of Florida, and the Trust powers and provisions I I shall be administered, exercised, and carried in effect in accor- ! I i I than the State of Floridar the validity and the construction State of Florida, and administers the Estate in a state other ARTICLE IX This Trust is hereby declared to be irrevocable and the II GRANTOR shall have no right to alter or amend same in any respect I [lor particular. The GRANTOR shall have no right, title or interes~ in any of the income which shall accrue during the term of the ' I Trust, and shall have no incident of ownership in the corpus. ! I I ARTICLE X This Trust shall be known as the SUSAN PATRICIA WINCHESTER Trust Number 1. I I II I I I, I I i II I ARTICLE XI The TRUSTEE hereby accepts the Trust herein created. - 10 - . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered &iI;~/ r4cU~ ~f'aM/ ~~~ ,d dd;L~ STATE OF FLORIDA I COUNTY OF ~n/ ~..A_"-~ } I GL~O.~/u-Aee/;t-u ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr TRUSTEE I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly I qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RUBY A. WINCHESTER, as GRANTOR; and ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr as TRUSTEE, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the Iforegoing instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official last aforesaid this ~I day I 'I II seal in the County of ~-c~c:t-v and State , 1975. ~~ A c2~eL Notary Public My Commission Expires: Notary Public. State of F10fida Dt lllrge My CommiSSion Expires Dec. 20. 1978 TRUST AGREEMENT THIS TRUST AGREEMENT, made this 31 day of December 19~r by and between RUBY A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the "GRANTOR", and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the "TRUSTEE" . WIT N E SSE T H : That in consideration of the premises and the covenants herein containedr the TRUSTEE and the GRANTOR agree as follows': ARTICLE I The GRANTOR hereby transfers and delivers to the TRUSTEE the Iproperty listed in Schedule A, hereto annexedr the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by the TRUSTEE, upon the express terms and conditions and with the powers and limitations herein- after set forth. Additional property may from time to time be transferred by the GRANTOR or by any other person or persons to the TRUSTEE, with its consent, and such property shall thereupon become a part of the Trust Estate and shall be held, managed, invested, and reinvested and disposed of on the same terms and conditions as the property originally transferred. ARTICLE II The TRUSTEE shall hold, manager invest and reinvest the Trust and shall collect and receive the interestr income, and profits therefrom for the benefit of SHERI MELODEE WINCHESTER hereinafter referred to as "BENEFICIARY", granddaughter of the GRANTOR, born April 24, 1959, upon the following terms: A. until the BENEFICIARY attains the age of TWENTY-ONE (21) yearsr the TRUSTEE may pay to or apply for the benefit of I , I I I 'I II II il Ii such BENEFICIARY such sums of the net income and principal of the ,!Trust that the TRUSTEE in his sole discretion deems necessary for I,the support, maintenancer education (including college and pro- !I lifessional education), and medical, dental, hospital, nursing I! expenses and expenses of invalidism of the BENEFICIARY. Any II doubt as to the proper use of Trust fundsr whether income or ilprinciPal shall be resolved in favor of BENEFICIARY'S request II therefor. Undistributed net income is to be added to the Trust II principal. II B, On the date BENEFICIARY has attained the age of TWENTY- ONE (21) years, the BENEFICIARY shall have the power by an instru- Iment in writing signed by the BENEFICIARY and delivered to the [TRUSTEE within the period of six (6) months after said date, to icompel the immediate distribution to him of all of the then accumulated income and principal of this Trust. If BENEFICIARY I fails to deliver such instrument to the TRUSTEE as aforesaid II wi thin the aforesaid period of time r then this Trust shall con- il tinue until the BENEFICIARY shall attain the age of THIRTY (30) [, Iyearsr or shall sooner die. During the continued period the TRUSTEE shall pay to or apply for .the benefit of the BENEFICIARY I jaIl of the net income not less frequently than annually and II shall r in the TRUSTEE'S sole discretion, apply so much of the !princiPal of the Trust as the TRUSTEE deems necessary for the I I!support, maintenance, education (including college and profes- II sional education) and medicalr dentalr hospital, nursing expenses II and expenses of invalidism of the BENEFICIARY. II II C. ilshall terminate and any and all accumulated income and principal lof said Trust shall be paid to the BENEFICIARY discharged of the ,I h' ~terms of t 1S Trust. II II ing the age of TWENTY-ONE (21), or if he does not terminate the [ITrust at age TWENTY-ONE (21) as hereinabove provided, then if he shall die before attaining the age of THIRTY (30), the TRUSTEE II may, wi thin his sole discretion r payout of either income or 'I II I, I[ II I, 'I I' Ii Upon attaining the age of THIRTY (30) yearsr this Trust If the BENEFICIARY shall die before attain- - 2 - . II :1 II I, ii Ii I' ,I ill principal of the Trust, the BENEFICIARY'S expenses of last ill- ness, funeral and burial expenses and the balance of the principal i I j and accumulated and undistributed net income of the Trust shall I be paid to such of BENEFICIARY'S appointee or appointees (includ- ,I ing the estate of said BENEFICIARY) upon such conditions and I' ,I I' estates, in Trust or otherwise, with such powers and in such I ",manner and at such time or times as BENEFICIARY may appoint and direct by his Last will and Testament specifically referring to I this general power of appointment. , I' and income of the Trust, the TRUSTEE shall be protected in rely- i ing upon an instrument admitted to probate in any jurisdiction as ,! the Last Will and Testament of the BENEFICIARY or in acting upon I [the assumption that said BENEFICIARY has died intestate in case I I I the TRUSTEE received no notice of the existence of BENEFICIARY'S , rlLast Will and Testament within three (3) months after BENEFI- II ClARY'S death. I i , I I II power of appointment, then the TRUSTEE shall distribute all of iithe accumulated and undistributed net income and principal of the I Ii Trust to BENEFICIARY'S issue living on the date of BENEFICIARY'S lideath, per stirpesr subject, however, to the provisions of Sub- Ii Paragraph E below, Ifr however, BENEFICIARY has no issue then ,I ii living then same shall be distributed in equal shares to the ijbrothers and sisters of said BENEFICIARY living on the date of Ii said BENEFICIARY'S death except that if anyone of such brothers II II and sisters do not survive the BENEFICIARY but leave issue who do ,I 'I [I survive such BENEFICIARY, such issue living on the date of such I '!BENEFICIARY'S death shall receive, per stirpes, the share of such I I brother or sister providedr howeverr if such brother or sister or I, I! issue of such brother or sister is under the age of TWENTY-ONE I . Ii (21) years r the TRUSTEE shall hold such interest pursuant to the ii II terms of Sub-Paragraph E below. ! E. Notwithstanding anything herein contained to the con- I jtrarYr whenever pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement all Ii II ,I 'I Ii " Ii 'I Ii In disposing of the principal D. To the extent that BENEFICIARY fails to exercise such - ~ - . 'I I I I I !I il I or any part of the Trust principal, accumulated or undistributed I I net income of a Trust shall vest in absolute ownership of a minor I issue (hereinafter referred to as "minor"), the TRUSTEE is II authorized and empowered, in its uncontrolled discretion, to hold II the property so vested in such minor, or any part thereof, in a 'I II separate fund for the benefit of such minor, notwithstanding that ii'l such property may consist of investments not authorized by law , I for trust funds, and during the minority of such minor to apply II so much of the net income thereof and any trust principal, if II necessarYr to the support or maintenance of the minor as it may II determine in its sole discretion and to accumulate the balance of II the net income until such minor shall attain the age of TWENTY- Ii ONE (21) years, and thereupon to pay over the Trust principal, !I together with all accumulated income, to such minor, and if such II minor shall die before attaining such age, the Trust principal .I II and any accumulated income shall be paid over to the estate of !I such minor. The authority conferred upon the TRUSTEE by this II Ii paragraph shall be construed as a power only, and shall not II II operate to suspend the absolute ownership of such property by I: " Ii such minor. " 'I I, Ii property which shall vest in absolute ownership in a minor, and " II which shall be held by the TRUSTEE as authorized in this para- II graph, the TRUSTEE shall have all powers vested in it under the !I provisions of ARTICLE III herein. II II 1'1 in the first, second or any other degree of the ancestor desig- Ii II natedr provided that an adopted child and such adopted child's Ii lawful blood descendants shall be considered issue hereunder. " " Ii Ii II " !\ I II I'i" hereinafter in this Article referred to as "FIDUCIARY" shall I Ii have, in the administration of this Trust, the following powers 1\ ,I I! II II il II With respect to the administration of any such F. "Issue" herein shall mean the lawful blood descendants ARTICLE III Subject to the limitations of ARTICLE IV below, the TRUSTEE, - 3A - . II /' II Ii II I I and those granted the TRUSTEE under the laws of the State of Florida as now written or hereinafter amended, all of which shall Ibe exercised in a fiduciary capacity, in the interest of the , BENEFICIARY: , A. RETAIN ORIGINAL PROPERTY: To retain for such time as lithe FIDUCIARY shall deem advisable any property, real or personal, IWhich the FIDUCIARY may receive, even though the retention of i 'I' such property by reason of its character, amount, proportion to Ithe total estate, or otherwise, would not be appropriate for the Ii FIDUCIARY apart from this provision. B. SELL AND EXCHANGE PROPERTY: To sell, exchange, give II options upon, partition or otherwise dispose of any property or llinterest therein which the FIDUCIARY may hold from time to time, 'I Ilwith or without order of court, at pUblic or private sale or Ilotherwise, upon such terms and conditions, including credit rand I Ifor such consideration as the FIDUCIARY shall deem advisable, and I Ito transfer and convey the property or interest therein which is I liat the disposal of the FIDUCIARY, in fee simple, absolute or '( I!otherwise, free of all Trust; and the party dealing with the ilFIDUCIARY shall not be under a duty to follow the proceeds or jliother considerations received by the FIDUCIARY from such sale or ,exchange. I C. INVEST AND REINVEST: To invest and reinvest, as the ,I IjFIDUCIARY shall deem advisable, in stocks (common or preferred) , I"bonds, debentures, notes, mortgages or other securities in or I Iloutside the United States; in insurance contracts, or in annuity Irontracts for any BENEFICIARY, in any real or personal property, Ilin investment trusts; in participations in common trust funds, iand generally in such property as the FIDUCIARY shall deem advis- I !able, even though such investment shall not be of the character Ilpproved by applicable law but for this provision. II I II II II - 4 - II . I I II I I I D. INVEST WITHOUT DIVERSIFICATION: To make investments I I which cause a greater proportion of the total property held by , i the FIDUCIARY to be invested in investments of one type or of one , I company than would be considered appropriate for the FIDUCIARY I' apart from this provision. E. PAY TAXES AND EXPENSES: To pay taxes, assessments, ,. II compensations of the FIDUCIARY, and other expenses incurrred in I . II the collection, care, administration and protection of the Trust Ii or Estate. II F. RECEIVE ADDITIONAL PROPERTY: To receive additional Ii property from any source and administer such additional property , as a portion of the appropriate Trust or Estate under the manage- I ment of the FIDUCIARY; provided the FIDUCIARY shall not be re- !iquired to receive such property without the FIDUCIARY'S consent. I I I i compensate out of income or principal or both, and in such propor- Ition as the FIDUCIARY shall deem advisable, persons deemed by the Ii FIDUCIARY needful to advise or assist in the proper settlement of II the Estate or administration of any Trust, including, but not Illimi ted to agents r accountants, brokers, attorneys at law, at tor- \neys in factr investment brokersr rental agents, REALTORSr ap- II praisers, and tax specialists; and to do so without liability for II any neglect, omission, misconduct, or default of such agent or I\representative provided he was selected and retained with due I care on the part of the FIDUCIARY. G. EMPLOY AND COMPENSATE AGENTS, ETC.: To employ and i H. DISTRIBUTE IN CASH OR KIND: To make distribution of l\caPital assets of the Estate or Trust in kind or in cash, or II partially in kind and partially in cash, in divided or undivided !interests, as the FIDUCIARY finds to be most practicable and for II the best interest of the distributees; and to determine the value Ilof capital assets for the purpose of making distribution thereof, 'which determination shall be binding upon the distributees unless i II II II !, 1\ Ii II - 5 - 'I II " It 'I I I II II clearly capricious, erroneous and inequitable; provided, however, that the FIDUCIARY shall not exercise any power under this sub- I division unless I the property to the FIDUCIARY holds title to or an interest in be distributed and is required or authorized to make distribution thereof. , I I II II in money, or in property in lieu of moneYr to or for a minor or 11 incompetent in anyone or more of the following ways: I I l. i 1. PAY TO OR FOR MINORS OR INCOMPETENTS: To make payments Directly to such minor or incompetent; 2. To apply directly in payment for the support, maintenance, educationr and medical, surgical, hospital, or other I institutional care of such minor or incompetent; 3. To the legal or natural guardian of such minor or incompetent; 4. To any other personr whether or not appointed I I guardian of the person by any court, who shall, in fact, have the [care and custody of the person of such minor or incompetent. I II The FIDUCIARY shall not be under any duty to see to the II application of the payments so made, if the FIDUCIARY exercised Idue care in the selection of the person, including the minor or lincompetent, to whom such payments were made; and the receipt of such person shall be full acquittance to the FIDUCIARY. J. To continue to participate in the operation of any Ibusiness in which the Trust asset or assets may form a part or 'I Ilwhole and to exchange such assets for a partnership interest, a ilimited partnership interest, or stock in a corporation formed in II order to change the form of the organization operating the business I II in which the TRUSTEE holds such asset. II II I' il [i II II I' l!bY law shall be construed to enable the GRANTOR or TRUSTEE, or II II II II I, Ii Ii !\ ARTICLE IV No powers enumerated herein or accorded to TRUSTEE generally - 6 - . I I , , 'I II any other person, to purchase, exchange, or otherwise deal with or dispose of the corpus or income of this Trust for less than an I adequate consideration in money or money's worth, or to enable Ithe GRANTOR to borrow the corpus or income of this Trust, directly lor indirectly, without adequate interest or security. No person, I other than the Trustee, shall have or exercise the power to vote lor direct the voting of any stock or other security of this Trust, to control the investment of this Trust, either by direct- ing investments or reinvestments, or to reacquire or exchange any property of this Trust by substituting other property of an I 'equivalent value. No part of the corpus or income of this Trust I shall be used for or applied to the payment of premiums upon !policies of insurance on the life of the GRANTOR. I: I' , II The BENEFICIARY'S interest under this Trust shall not be I!subject to assignment, anticipation, claims of creditors, nor II seizure by legal process. If the TRUSTEE shall believe that the !interest of the BENEFICIARY is threatened to be diverted in any 'l'lmanner from the purposes of the provisions herein made, the ITRUSTEE shall withhold the income and principal from distribution, I Iland shall apply payments in the TRUSTEE'S discretion in such Ilmanner as it shall believe contributes to the maintenance, comfort, j'education, and necessities of the BENEFICIARY. Whenever the I i IITRUSTEE is satisfied that such diversion is no longer effective ilor threatened, the TRUSTEE may resume the distributions of income I' II and principal authorized. :1 !I II I ,I A. The TRUSTEE shall render a written accounting of the II II ... . i!admJ.nJ.stratJ.on of thJ.s Trust upon request of GRANTOR or of the Ilguardian of the person or property of the BENEFICIARY until the II , I I II :1 II ARTICLE V ARTICLE VI - 7 - . Ii I' II ,I II II I BENEFICIARY reaches the age of EIGHTEEN (18) years, and there- i after to the BENEFICIARY; provided such requests are not made I II more than once during each calendar year. The books of account and records of the Trust administration shall always be open to ,the inspection of such persons named above, during the reasonable Ibusiness hours. i I B. The approval of an accounting of any TRUSTEE by a I I jwritten instrument signed by: II 1. The GRANTOR, if GRANTOR is then living, and if the BENEFICIARY is not sui juris; or II 3. IIBENEFICIARY'S guardian of the person, if a guardian of the prop- I II erty of said BENEFICIARY has not been appointedr if the GRANTOR Ii is dead and the BENEFICIARY is not sui juris; jShal1 be a complete release and discharge of such TRUSTEE with lirespect to the administration of the Trust income and principal Ii I for the period covered by such accounting, binding upon all i I persons and no other TRUSTEE shall have any responsibility or II Ii liabili ty for such accounts. il Ii II II I, Ii I: II II 'iof administration of this Trust or is unable to administer this I !Trust, then in that event, BILL RAY WINCHESTER is appointed to I jlact in her place and stead with all the powers given to the Ii /1 original TRUSTEE. If said BILL RAY WINCHESTER shall not then be ,I living or shall be unable or fail to make such appointment, then II ERNEST KLATT is appointed to act in his place and stead. 'I I B. Any TRUSTEE may resign as TRUSTEE of this Trust by a II signed written instrument given to: I 1. The GRANTOR of this Trust, if GRANTOR is living on I I lithe date of such written instrument, and if on the date of such I' I , I I I I I II ,I Ii " 2. To the BENEFICIARY if BENEFICIARY is sui juris; or The BENEFICIARY'S guardian of the property or the ARTICLE VII A. If ELSIE A. WINCHESTER resignsr dies, during the course " I I' " -, , i 'I II written instrument the BENEFICIARY is not sur juris; or I) I' ,I Ii 'Ion the date of such written instrument; or II lito the guardian of the person of said BENEFICIARY if the guardian Ii of the property of said BENEFICIARY has not been duly appointed, lion the date of such written instrument, if the GRANTOR is dead on lithe date of such written instrument, and on the date of such " Ii written instrument, the BENEFICIARY is not sui juris; Ii such written instrument shall be addressed to the aforesaid ,I ilperson at their last known address, certified mail, return receipt ;1 [[reqUested, and shall specify the effective date of the resignation I' !iWhiCh shall not be less than forty-five (45) days after the date II of such written instrument. Ii Ii liment, shall prepare an accounting for the period of said TRUSTEE'S !administration of this Trust, and have such accounting approved iby the person and in the manner specified in ARTICLE VI, Sub- Ii [iParagraph B, and the approval of such accounting shall be a II II complete release and discharge of such TRUSTEE, with respect to I the adminstration of the Trust property for the period covered by 1 1 II such accounts binding upon all persons and no other TRUSTEE, III including the successor TRUSTEE, shall have any liability or i responsibility for such accounts and accounting. -I " Ii [I il rendered as TRUSTEE. [, ii E. The original TRUSTEE and each successor TRUSTEE shall Ii be reimbursed out of the Trust for any and all reasonable expenses I. incurred in the management and the protection of the Trust princi- ,. pal and for expenses incurred in conferring with, or trips made Ii Ii I! II ,I ., I: I' Ii Ii II Ii !l I' 2. To the BENEFICIARY if the BENEFICIARY is sui juris 3. To the BENEFICIARY'S guardian of the property, or C. The TRUSTEE being succeeded in office under this instru- D. The TRUSTEE shall receive no compensation for services - 9 - I' II II I I i It II II to confer with, agents engaged by the TRUSTEE for the protection II 'I' and administration of the Trust principal. I II Ii d Ii 'I I I or the TRUSTEE may be residing or domiciled in a state other than I I the State of Florida, and notwithstanding the fact that the [I I TRUSTEE hereunder may be residing or domiciled other than in the I',: State of Florida, and administers the Estate in a state other " Ii Ii than the State of Florida, the validity and the construction II hereof shall be determined and governed in all respects by the ,[ laws of the State of Florida, and the Trust powers and provisions I ! : shall be administered, exercised, and carried in effect in accor- I I dance therewith. I, I I. Ii i i I I I GRANTOR shall have no right to alter or amend same in any respect I I or particular. I Ii in any of the income which shall accrue during the term of the I' Ii Trust, and shall have no incident of ownership in the corpus. I i I I ,I 1\ II ii Trust Number l. I, I' il II II :1 , , , i i II I I , I I II Ii II \1 II ,! ARTICLE VIII Notwithstanding the fact that the GRANTOR or the BENEFICIARY ARTICLE IX This Trust is hereby declared to be irrevocable and the The GRANTOR shall have no right, title or interest ARTICLE X This Trust shall be known as the SHERI MELODEE WINCHESTER ARTICLE XI The TRUSTEE hereby accepts the Trust herein created. _ , n _ . 11 'I I, II II II II I instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. II Ii Signed, sealed and delivered !I in the presence of: ~/c a:tL# ~4~~~ b J u / ;-,/-- /~7 cJ-f~~-I'-Z &!:tk4;ff ~~A~~ I' I II ,I I STATE OF FLORIDA I, COUNTY OF ~(/ 4e4d- II II I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly Ii qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RUBY A. II I WINCHESTER, as GRANTOR; and ELSIE A, WINCHESTER, as TRUSTEE, to Ime known to be the persons described in and who executed the IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this , i , I I , I ~e./a. t!-J~cAtALvt..!-:hJj ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, TRUSTEE ! i i I : I I , i I I , I I I foregoing I the same. instrument and acknowledged before me that \ , , they executed I I . !last I I 'I II I I IMy Commission Expires: I' WITNESS my hand and aforesaid this ~/ official seal in the County of ,M"-<?-'07LLvU and State day , 1975. y~~4 ~~ Notary Publ~c Notary Public. S';:!/) nf Flnrida ill l"rgll My Commission ExjJJrc, Doc. 20. 1978 - 11 - . ,,', ...,.,. '. .' .......'.u/':;,t..:':" iI\:r.,l;~;,~M(a'"j' ,~;;..:t!;0q~.:]J~1,;,~i; t:~,}..,.,.:'0\"4'fil!~i,../;.:~L~I;I?:;''':'i'''P''';;;:;;i':le:''''': ,;';'!i~", ; J('.' t{,)..;;:...~'.p:.'(f:'r1~~.J,.'. ~..." \;;,"'~v" ?;JI.~iN'." :;'.~'>:i,.:z,;,J,~;O<"~:iw.. J.'~);11.~-";';~.F J. 'j' ", :I!(?lG/'Z~~A," ~{t ;7.l'/' ~~~( , " ,'. ' Vj"' 2f2'fC'" "",,,,,,,~,,:4,i;'!i~,,,"P.l~7.fi9flf ii2"'~.;>:""'J'~";:""''''<' ~,~ ~,'~~"'", --, .. ....~ -~...-' ' ~.t.. 1 TRUST AGREEMENT THIS TRUST AGREEMENTr made this 31 day of December - \19 75 , by and between RUBY A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the il IIG~ORII and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the! \ I ' \"TRUSTEE". \ herein contained, the TRUSTEE and the GRANTOR agree as follows: \ II II 1\ I Th' GRANTOR h,r,by tran,f,r' and d,liv,r' to th, TRUSTEE th, lprop,rty li,t,d in Schedule A, hereto ann'xed, the r,c,ipt of ~WhiCh is hereby acknowledged by the TRUSTEE, upon the express ~terms and conditions and with the powers and limitations herein- I[ laft,r "t forth. Additional property may from tim' to tim' b' Ii transferred by the GRANTOR or by any other person or persons to \th, TRUSTEE, with it' con,ent, and ,uch prop,rty ,hall th,r,upon II become a part of the Trust Estate and shall be heldr managed, linvestedr and reinvested and disposed of on the same terms and \conditions as the property originallY transferred. \ ,I 1\ \1 \ :\ ~Trust and shall collect and receive the interest, income, and I' 1\ profits therefrom for the benefit of KATHRYN JOY WINCHESTER II hereinaft,r referred to .. "BENEFIC1,,"Y", g",nddaughter of th' tGRANTORr born June 22, 1966, upon the following terms: ~I A. until the BENEFICIARY attains the age of TWENTY-ONE (21) years, the TRUSTEE may pay to or apply for the benefit of \ I \ I \ , WIT N E SSE T H : ARTICLE I ARTICLE II \ \ \ \ The TRUSTEE shall holdr manage, invest and reinvest the \ \ \ \ t \ \ . to confer withr agents engaged by the TRUSTEE for the protection and administration of the Trust principal. ARTICLE VIII II Ii I or the TRUSTEE may be residing or domiciled in a state other than i Notwithstanding the fact that the GRANTOR or the BENEFICIARY I the State of Florida, and notwithstanding the fact that the , II '[ I II I I I , TRUSTEE hereunder may be residing or domiciled other than in the State of Florida, and administers the Estate in a state other than the State of Florida, the validity and the construction hereof shall be determined and governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida, and the Trust powers and provisions shall be administeredr exercised, and carried in effect in accor- dance therewith. II " I' II This Trust is hereby declared to be irrevocable and the I GRANTOR shall have no right to alter or amend same in any respect I or particular. I in any II I Trust, ARTICLE IX The GRANTOR shall have no right, title or I , interestl I I i I I i I of the income which shall accrue during the term of the and shall have no incident of ownership in the corpus. II ARTICLE X 'I I This Trust shall be known as the KATHRYN JOY WINCHESTER I Trust Number 1. ARTICLE XI The TRUSTEE hereby accepts the Trust herein created. II II I I I' II I, Ii il Ii It instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. I II Signed, sealed and delivered Ii in the presence of: ~~ad#? IIA . I~~~ ,prf' dl~~~ b /{ ? f-//J cl1~<'J~T ~ ai~~ ~ II ? . fi~.46/~L: II II I I Iii STATE OF [COUNTY OF i! I I I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly I qualified to take acknowledgmentsr personally appeared RUBY A. IWINCHESTERr as GRANTOR; and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, as TRUSTEE, to i i. me known to i i foregoing instrument and aCknowledged before me that they II the same. \1 I i last aforesaid this ,") I I' ,I [I I I I . 1M; Commission Expires: I I I II , I ,\ !I I' ,I II II . II j, " . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this ~, 71;-- > . r L- tL-t_",. WINCHESTER, GRANTOR FLORIDA &7~ ~~ ! , I i (:;.Ldoa(d~AI!~~ji ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, TRUSTEE ! I I I I I I I I i ! i i I I , I executed i I i be the persons described in and who executed the WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County day of &~~.v and State , 1975. sxfaJ~--- xr ~L Notary Public Naf:lry fluLlic. SI:lte of Florida :::t lnrge My Commission Expires Dee. 20. 1973 II II II I' THIS TRUST AGREEMENT, made this 31 day of December 119~r by and between RUBY A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called TRUST AGREEMENT the "GRANTOR", and ELSIE A. WINCHESTER, hereinafter called the I I "TRUSTEE". ~ WIT N E SSE T H : I, Ii I That in consideration of the premises and the covenants I Iherein contained, the TRUSTEE and the GRANTOR agree as follows: i II \, II II i Iproperty listed in Schedule A, hereto annexedr the receipt of ARTICLE I The GRANTOR hereby transfers and delivers to the TRUSTEE the Iwhich is hereby acknowledged by the TRUSTEE, upon the express Iterms and conditions and with the powers and limitations herein- I rfter set forth. Additional property may from time to time be !transferred by the GRANTOR or by any other person or persons to lithe TRUSTEEr with its consent, and such property shall thereupon ibecome a part of the Trust Estate and shall be held, managed, I [invested, and reinvested and disposed of on the same terms and Ilconditions as the property originally transferred. Ii II I ARTICLE II The TRUSTEE shall holdr manage, invest and reinvest the I'Trust and shall collect and receive the interest, income, and profits therefrom for the benefit of BILL RAY WINCHESTER, II Ihereinafter referred to as "BENEFICIARY", grandson of the GRANTOR, born March 2, 1974r upon the following terms: I I 1(21) I A. Until the BENEFICIARY attains the age of TWENTY-ONE yearsr the TRUSTEE may pay to or apply for the benefit of I I I I I I, to confer with, agents engaged,by the TRUSTEE for the protection and administration of the Trust principal. ARTICLE VIII Notwithstanding the fact that the GRANTOR or the BENEFICIARY or the TRUSTEE may be residing or domiciled in a state other than the State of Florida, and notwithstanding the fact that the TRUSTEE hereunder may be residing or domiciled other than in the State of Florida, and administers the Estate in a state other than the State of Florida, the validity and the construction hereof shall be determined and governed in all respects by the laws of the State of Florida, and the Trust powers and provisions shall be administered, exercised, and carried in effect in accor- dance therewith. ARTICLE IX This Trust is hereby declared to be irrevocable and the GRANTOR shall have no right to alter or amend same in any respect I or particular. The GRANTOR shall have no right, title or interest in any of the income which shall accrue during the term of the Trust, and shall have no incident of ownership in the corpus. ARTICLE X This Trust shall be known as the BILL RAY WINCHESTER, II Trust Number 1. ARTICLE XI . The TRUSTEE hereby accepts the Trust herein created. I ~ I I I - 10 - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, ,the parties hereto have executed this instrument in duplicate the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: I d 6?r~at~. I . , - @ '" II 1t?12a/)! A~ , / GL..u.'u O. t~1..CAtdit-il..Aa.'d:t( ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr TRUST~E STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Mw 0c Cl-<l.b I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared RUBY A. I WINCHESTER, as GRANTOR; and ELSIE A. WINCHESTERr as TRUSTEE, to !me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official last aforesaid this ....~ / day seal in the County of ~'"'-?>~ and State , 1975. My Cpmmission Expires: tc-5~..-/A ~h otary Public Notary Public. Slilte of rllJrid.J ;It l.arge My Commission Expires Doc. 20, 1978 - 11 - ....." t . ?age 3 II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and ~ust appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan: Land Use Category shown in the comprehensive Plan Commercial Local Retail 2. Zoning District Planned Commercial Development 1. 3, Area of Site 13.~7 acres 604,220.76 sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a, Residential, including N/A surrounding lot area or grounds b. Recreation Areas * N/A (excluding water area) c. Water Area N/A % of site acres N/A N/A % of site acres acres N/A % of site d. Commercial g7.7 % of site N/A % of site N/A % of site e. Industrial 13 0;0;1 acres N/A acres f. Public/Institutional N/A acres g. public, private and Canal rights-of-way h. other (specify) .32 acres 2.3 % of site N/A acres N/A % of site '. i. other (specify) acres N/A % of site N IA j, Total area of site 1"1.87 acres 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft.. by 50 ft, 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building 1;:>0.000 sq.ft. area ("building footprint") 19.9 % of site. b. Water area sq.ft. N/ A % of site MIA c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of pUblic & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 35795? 7~q.ft. d. Total impervious area477Qo;;:>.76 sq.ft. 59.2 % of site. % of site N I A e. Landscaped area 43028 sq.ft. inside of parking lots (20 sq, ft, per interior parking space required- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of :..Landscape Code). Planning Dept. 1/89 7.1 % of site' , .. ".. \ '." (""~ " Page 4 f- other landscaped areas, 83,240 sq. ft, 13.3 % of site excluding water area g. other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural area~, yards, and swalesr but excluding 1> of site water areas sq. ft. h. Total pervious areas lLfJ,LbCS sq. ft, 20.9 % of site i. Total area of site 604,220.76sq. ft. 1 nn % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office 120rOOO sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq, 'ft. d. Recreational sq, ft. e, public/Institutional sq. ft, f. other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq. ft. , h. Total floor area l?n ()()() sq. ft, " N/A 7. Number of Residential Dwellinq Uni,ts a. Single-family detached dwelling units b. Duplex dwelling units c. Multi-Family '3 + attached dwelling units l " (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2 ) 1 Bedroom dwelling units ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom dwelling units ( 4) 3+ Bedroom c\welling units d. Total mUlti-family dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units NJA 8'- N/A 9. N/A 10. " , Gross'Densitv dwelling units per acre Maximum height of structures on site Required off-street parkinq feet storie,s 'a. calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spaces. provided on site plan Planning'Dept. 1/89 , . .,. Page S III. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS The following materials are to be submitted in si:( (6) copies. Each set of plans must be stapled together in a single package. Scale of drawings must be 200 ft. (or less) to the inch. Incomplete site plans will not be processed. (check) XX 1. Boundaries and dimensions of the parcel. XX 2, Scale, graphic scale, north arrow, and date. XX 3. Adjacent properties or land uses. xx 4. Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for all streets, alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes, driveways and unimproved rights-of-way within one-hundred (100) feet of the site. Also, names of adjacent streets and rights-of-way. xx 5. Location of all proposed structures, and any J existing structures that are to remain on the site. xx 6. XY 7. N/A 8. Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft. in ,height) from property lines. Use of each structure, indicated on the site plan. Number of efficiency, l-bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc., dwelling units in each residential structure, to be indicated on site plan. XX 9. Indication of height and number of stories of each structure. xx 10. Indication of structures, equipment, etc. above 4S ft. height, including height in excess of 45 ft. N/A 11. Floor plans or typical floor plans for all structures. N/A 12. Finish floor elevations of all structures. XX 13. Uses within each structure, indicated on floor plans. N/A 14. Elevations or typical elevations of all structures; including materials, surface treatments, and color scheme of all exterior surfaces, including roofs. N/A 15. Indication of the numbers and types of recreational facilities to be provided for residential developments. XX 16, Indication on site plan of location, orientation, and. height of all freestanding signs and wall signs.. X~ 17. Location of walls and fences, and indication of their height, materials, and color. XX 18. A landscape plan, showing conformance with the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation Code, and showing adequate watering facilities. Plants must be keyed out according to speciesr size and quantity. ' . Planning. Dept. 1/89 . . ...-.....,.,.,.......... Page .6 XX 19. A sealed survey, by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, and not older than six (6) , months, showing property lines, including be~r~~gs and dimensions; north arrow, date, sca~e, ex~s~ing s7ructures and paving, existing elevat~ons,on s~te, rights-of-way and easements on or adJace~t to the site, utilities on or adjacent to the s~te, legal descriptionr acreage to the nearest one- hundredth (1/100) of an acre, location sketch, and surveyor's certification. Also) sizes and locations of existing tree and shrubs, including common and botanical names, and indication as to which are to be retained, removed, relocated, or replaced. N/A 20. Location of existing utility lines on adjacent to the property to 'be indicated on the site plan, in addition to being shown on the survey. Also, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacent' to the site, N/A 21. Location of additional fire hydrants, to meet standards. set forth in Article X, section 16 of the Subdivision and plattinq Requlations. N/A 22. Fire flow calculations justifying line size for both on/off site water lines, N/A 23. Sealed engineering drawings for proposed utilities, as per City specifications. XX 24. Information regarding form of ownership (condo- minium, fee simple, lease, etc.). , xx 25. Location and orientation of garbage cans or dumpster facilities: All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders, and the dumpster area must be provided with adequate width and height clearance. . The site must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front-end loader to back into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet'garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10 ') concrete slab shall be : provided, All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accordance with the City Landscape Code. (See Sec. 7.5-35 (i). A minimum 10. foot wide opening is required for dumpster enclosures. 26. A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City Parking Lot Regulations, and including the following information. Any . exceptions to the Parking Lot regulations that are proposed or that are to continue will require an application for Variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. ' xx . . a. Location of all parking and loading facilities. b. A parking lot layout plan, including curbs, car stops,. and double striping. . c. A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot. d. A lighting plan for the building exterior and site, including exterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lots; to include the location of lighting standards, direction of lighting, fixture types, lamp types and sizes, and average illumination level(s) in footcandles. ". Planning Dept. 1/89 . , N/A , ..,.,0"":'''''.'' ?age 7 e, Information showing conformance with the City street and Sidewalk Ordinance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. Location of existing and proposed public and private streetsr including ultimate rights-of- way. f. On-site traffic plan, including arrows and other pavement markings, traffic signs, and stop signs at exits. Location of handicap parking spaces, plus signs and access ramps, consistent with the state Handicap Code. A drainage plan for the entire site, including parking areas; to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drainage calculations, and details of the drainage system. If the total impervious area on site exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then drainage plans and calculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the state of Florida, and must be sealed. Percolation tests must be provided with drainage calculations. Existing elevations on adjacent properties, and on adjacent rights-of-way, 27, In addition to the above requirements, the following items shall be submitted to the planning Department no later than the date of the Community Appearance Board deadline: . I a. One copy of colored elevations for all buildings and signage to be constructed on site. These elevations must be of all sides of each type of building and signage proposed and the colors proposed must be accompanied by a numerical code from an established chart of colors, Elevations must also include information related to building'.materials. All elevations must be submi.tted on 24" x 36" drawings. Buildings constructed will be inspected on the basis of the elevations submitted to the City and approved by the City commission. Failure to .construct buildings consistent with elevations submitted will result in the Certificate of Occupancy being withheld. g, h, 1. j, b, A transparency of the site plan (maximum size of 8-1/2" x 11"). At the discretion of the applicant, the Planning Department will prepare transparencies from the site plan document. However, the Planning Department will not be responsible for poor quality transparencies which result from the submission of poor qua~ity site plan blueprints, and poor quality . transparencies will not be presented to the planning and Zoning Board or City Commission. c. colored photographs of surrounding buildings (minimum size 8" x lO"), . . Planning Dept. 1/89 " . '. "I"~ , , page 8 N/A 28. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Board to determine compliance with the provisions of t~e City's Code of Ordinances. Any of the above requirements may be waived by the Technical Review Board, if such information is deemed to be nonessential by the Board. -"" - Planning Dept. 1/89 , KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. APPLICANTS RESPONSE A. Whether the proposed rezoning would be ccnsistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies. The planning Department shall also recommend limitations cr requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Simult~neous with the application for rezoni~g, the applicant requested an amendment to the existing Land Lse designation and text for Area 7.j. of the Future Land Use Element Support Document. If these amendments are approved, the subsequent rezoning will be consistent with the amended text. Page 40 of the plan specifically allows additional commercial designations "for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial areas." The applicant contends U.at this site meets these requirements. 1. The property already has a Commercial Desjgnation in Palm Beach County. The County adopted Comprehensi'e Plan designated the north 450 feet High Intensive Commercial and the remainder as COl1unercial Recreation. There is an existing approval allowing for the construction of a ,olf and tennis center including driving range for this property. The City plan also designates the North 250 feet for local Retail Commercial. The issue is only one of whether the Local Retail Commercial should be extended to include the entire site, a "minor boundary adjustment." 2. Much of the commercial inventory referenced by staff is located in other areas of the City where lac}': of demand and/or dimensions make the future prospect OJ.' development unlikely. Modern shopping facilities include larger anchor stores than even several years ago. The eXl.sting recommended depth of 250 feet cannot accommoc'.ate a modern center and violates the City pOlicy of "discouraging strip commercial development." Much of the availab::e commercial inventory is along U.S. 1 and is of insufficient depth to accommodate these uses. Additionally, the nc,w uses wish to locate in an area where the population can sLpport the uses. Knuth Road PCD Applicant's Response Page 2 of 4 Again~uch of the vacant commercial land is in the wrong place. Lastly, the location of the mall in this area has designated this geographic area as a prime commercial location attracting users to where people are already going. 3. The intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard is already designated for commercial developm~nt consistent with the City policy of "encouraging commercii',l uses to be located at intersections. Knuth Road has been designated to be routed to provide a major entrance to the Eoynton Beach Mall to the North and the applicant has agreec to construct Knuth Road to provide continuity to Woolbright Road to the South. Woolbright Road is scheduled to be con~tructed by the County in fiscal year 1990-1991. 3. The applicant feels that this property is also an infi11 situation, All of the land surrounding it is ~lready developed. The text for Area 7.j. specificalJ.y recommends Local Retail Commercial for a portion of the ~,ite. As the property is a single entity the applicant is requesting that only this one land use be applied to the site. The applicant believes a properly designed Planned Commercii,l Development allows for appropriate infill and transition between this intersection and the Quail Ridge golf Course to the south and west. Staff recognizes that the development should have no adverse impact on Quail Ridge. B. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby dist;:icts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protect~.on of the public welfare. As previously indicated the property to the north and east the petition is currently being utilized for 'commercial purposes. The existing Commercial depth of the property to the east is significantly deeper that the 250' suggested by staff. The applicant is not requesting that d new use be applied to his site, only that the designated use of the frontage be allowed sufficient depth to permi~ a modern designed Planned Commercial Development. The ?lanned Commercial Development is designed to mitigate any impact with the residential property to the west, sClth and east through the use of landscape buffers and wall~. Furthermore, the applicant is required to sigrralize the intersection thereby benefitting the residenc~s who now must negotiate this dangerous intersection without a light. Knuth Road PCD Applicant's Response Page 3 of 4 C. Whether changed or changing conditions ma](e the proposed rezoning desirable. The proposed use has probably been the best use for the property for some time. Because the property was already designated Commercial in part the applicant assumed that t he whole site could be utilized for Commercial purposes at such time that development was timely and proper. The application for a Planned Commercial Development reflects the changing times in shopping center developments where integrated plans supercede old strip commercial development which would occur if the site was built according to the existing plan. The current designation was assigned by staff with no input from the property owner. D. Whether the proposed rezoning would be ccmpatible with utility systems, roadways, and other pUblic facilities. The proposed use constitutes a significant decrease in the amount water and sewer connections required \.:nder the Moderate and Local Retail designations. Mr. E.S. Rogers has addressed the issues raised in Mr. Keller's letter. Because this application was submitted to Boynton Be~ch prior to February I, 1990 it is not subject to the Municipal Implimentation Ordinance, (See letter of Mr. Cannon.) E. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adj acent and nc,arby properties, or would affect the property values of adjaccmt or nearby properties. The proposed use is entirely consistent with the existing and future land uses to the north, and east. The] applicant has designed the Planned Commercial Development:o minimize any impact on adjacent neighbors. Staff has concLuded that the proposed use would have no negative effect 011 Quail Ridge due to the existing buffers and separation of hOj~es because of the golf course design. The applicant has me~ with the adj acent neighbors in stonehaven several tim,;s I and offered a separate agreement guaranteeing certain bUff."ring conditions between stonehaven P.U.D. and the Applicant. F. Whether the property is physically and e.~onomically developable under the existing zoning. The applicant contends that the property is :.10t developable under existing zoning for the following reasons: . Knuth Road PCD Applicant's Response Page 4 of 4 1. The existing depth of the Local Retail Commercial designation promotes strip commercial development which is not in the interest of good planning or markc,table. 2. The small parcel of land remaining cannot be properly developed into a residential community as it is too small for developing a sense of community. G. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neigh~orhood and the City as a whole, The applicant has submitted a market analysis indicating that this ~roject is supportable by existing and future populations. The staff has accepted the findings of this analysis. This use will have not effect on the Central Business District as there are no properties in that area of similar configuration which would allow a development of this type. H. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The applicant has reviewed the City inventory of commercial lands and has determined there are no other sites of similar sizer shape, and location except for the companion petitionr Boynton Beach Boulevard FeD. The value of this site is particularly enhanced by its location at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard which is a major accessway to Boynton Beach Mall. , ~ AGREEMENT This Ag-raement entered into this day of June, 1990, by and between STONEHAVEH HOMEOWNERS ASSOCJ:ATIOH, INC., a Florida corporation ("Association") and BILL R. WINCHESTER ("Winchester") and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE ("SChroeder"), WHEREAS, there are ourrently pending- before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, applications for Annexation, Future Land Use Element Amendment, Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for projects known as "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" and "Knuth Road PCD" and an application for Future Land Use Element Amendment from "Low Density Residential" to "Medium Density Residential" and rezoning- from PUD with a Land Use Intensity of four (4) to PUD with a Lanl1 Use Intensity of five (5) to allow for the construction of 192 multi-family dwelling units and a churCh with respect to the project known as "Tara Oaks PUD"; and WHEREAS, Schroeder is the Applicant with respect to the application, known as "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" pending- before the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property which is the subj ect of the Boynton Beach Boulevard application; and WHEREAS, Winchester is the Applicant with respect to the application known as "Knuth Road PUDII pending- before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and as a general partner of the Partnership which owns the property which is the subject or the Knuth Road PUD application can bind the owner of same; and WHEREAS, Winchester is the' Applicant with respect to the application known as "Tara Oaks PUD" pending before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property Which is the subject of the Tara Oaks PUD application; and WHEREAS r Association represents the property owners the residential development known as "Stonehaven PUD" within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and within lying WHEREAS, Association is entering into this Ag-reement after having- a membership meeting at which a quorum was present and having- received the approval of a substantial majority of its members as evidenced by a signed petition; and WHEREAS, Association and its members have had the opportunity to review the various applications and to make such inquiries with respect to same as they deemed appropriate including meeting with representatives of the applicants; and WHEREAS, Associatiol'l is opposed to the development of the property Which is the subject of the "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" as high density residential and to the development of the , property whioh is the subject of the "Knuth Road pee" property as moderate density re~idential as contemplated by the current comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, Association wishes to evidence its support for the approval of the application with respect to "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" r "Knuth Road PCD", and "Tara oaks PUO" provided the Applicant with respect to each of same agrees to assure the Association that such Applicant will, subjeot to the terms and conditions set forth belOW, cause certain improvements (described below) to be made on the real property which is the subject of sueh application and on the real property of the Association adjacent thereto: and WHEREAS, Winchester and Schroeder wish to assure the Assooiation that they, resp'aetively, will, Subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, cause such improvements to be made. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: 1. "Bovnton Beach Boulevard PeDn, A. Schroeder agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Boynton Beach BOUlevard pee application are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the followinq improvements and other arrangements in conneotion with. the development of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application: (J.) The installation of a' llIinilllUlll twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer betWeen the project and Stonehaven PUD along the entire length of the adjacent property lines. BUffer shall include: (a) . F01.lr (4) foot high berm; (b) six (6) foot high masonry wall located in the center of the puffer; (c) Barbed wire barrier on top of the wall subject to City of Boynton Beach approval: (d) Landscaping which consists of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting, located on thirty (30) foot centers. One row shall be placed on each side of the wall. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. -2- (e) Construction of wall and berm shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings, (2) Maintenanoe of the wall, berm, and landscaping on both sides ot the wall shall remain the obligation ot the developer/owner. . (3) All Australian Pines within fifty (50) teet of the Stonehaven PUD property line along' Banyan Creek Circle North and within the southernmost ten (10) acres of the Boynton Beach Boulevard pcn shall be removed by the developer/owner upon initial approval of the application by the City Commissioners ot Boynton Beach, Florida. (4) Entry i1\to and maintenance in effect of a contract to provide continuous rodent and pest contrOl, such contract to be entered into prior to commencement of closing/site work to cover all of the property which is the sUbj ect of the Boynton Beach Boulevard peD application, (5) Building heights wi11 be limited to one story feet) for anchor store only, balance of shopping maximum of twenty-two (22) feet high. (maximUlU 25 center to be (6) shall be shielded and rights-of-way. (7) The architectural treatment at the rear of the shopping center is to match the front of the Shopping center. All lighting shall be of 10w intensity and and directed away from surrounding properties (8) Screening and noise mitigation is to be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment and to be located at ground level if approved by the city cOl1lll\ission, city of Boynton Beach, Florida. B. In consideration of the fore90ing promises, the Association endorses the "Boynton Beach BOUlevard peD" application and requests that the members of the City Planning and Zoning Board and city commission approve it. II. "Knuth Road PCD". A. Winchester agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Knuth Road PCD application are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereot, shall make, or cause to be made. the f0110wing improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Knuth Road peD application: (1) A six (6) foot masonry wall shall be built -3- adjacent to the eAst riqht-o!-way line of Knuth Road fro~ Stonehaven PUD'. north property line (adjacent to office building) south along the north right-ot-way line of the LWDD L- 25. The Association aqrees to assist the developer in obtaining approval to include thie wall seotion in the development plans for Knuth Road PUD subject to appropriate impact fee credits. However, if impact fee credit can not be obtained, the developer/owner shall construct this wall from his funds. Where said walls meet at Knuth Road and 5tonehaven Drive the placement bf said walls shall be done in manner reasonably suitable to the Association. It is the intention of the ASsociation that these walls conform with the e~isting layout of the present entrance into Stonehaven PUD and to accommodate location of guard gates. (see II.A.(4) (c) below.] (2) The Knu~h Road PCD property owner shall be required to provide maintenance t.or said walls for five (5) years. (3) Construction of the wall shall occur simUltaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildin~s. (4) The owner of the Knuth Road PCD property will participate as follows in providing additional security of Stonehaven PUD: (a) Assist in preparin~ applications and seeking approval for the abandonment by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, of Stonehaven Drive from Knuth Road to LWDD L-25 to secure the safety, well being and property values of the residents oJ: Stonehaven PUD. These applications will COlDlllence upon approval of this project ~y the City Commission of Boynton Beach, Florida. (b) Construotion of the following masonry wall segments WhiCh shall occur simUltaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings and (which 1o/i11 not be subject to any impact tees credits) : 1. A section of a six (6) fOot high masonry wall identical to wall in II-A- (~) fifty (50) feet in length extending from the east right-at-way of Knuth Road adjacent to the existing office building parking area along the north property line of stonehaven pun. 2. Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall identical to wall in II-A-(l) along the north right- of-way line of LWDD L-25 trom a point parallel with t,p,e east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD" easterly to the west right-ot- way line of stonehaven Drive. Said wall section shall commenCe -4- trom the terDlination :point of the wall section referenced in Section III below and will be the obli<;ation of "Tara Oaks PUO". 3 . Construction of an identical wall extended from the east right-of-way of stonehaven Drive alon<; the north right-of-way line of LWDD L-25, This wall shall be of an appropriate length, not to exceed fifty (50) feet, in order to create a suitable acoented entry. 4. Provide landsoaping to the extent possible adjaoent to the wall sections subject, to a final deterDlination Of land area available. Provide landscapinq in the fOrDl of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) toot shade trees on thirty (30) foot center in those areas where adjacent property is available within Stonehaven PUD and agrees to provide maintenance tor said walls for five (5) .years, (C) Upon a successful completion of the abandonment of Stonehaven Drive, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property contribute to the cost of the construction of guard gates at the north and south entrances to Stonehaven PUD up to a maximum of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00). Type and style of guard gates along with the type 0:1: electronic entrance sYllltems to be used with these guard gates will be determined by the Association. Upon compldtion of construction of all walls requireQ to be built pursuant to this Agreeaent, the developer/owner Qf the Knuth Road pen property shall deposit into escrow, with an escrow agent reasonably acceptable to the parties, the Thirty-Five ~housand Dollar ($35,000.00) amount contemplated by this Agreement. These funds shall be held in an interest bearing account, Funcls shall be disbursed from this account, in an amount up to Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00), in satisfaction of the Knuth Road peD property owners obligation to contribute towara guard g-ate construction costs as set forth in this paragraph. Upon completion of construction or disbursement of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00), in the aggregate, the remaining funds shall be released to the Knuth Road pen property owner. (5) Installation of a traffic light in accordance with governmental requirements at the intersection of Boynton Beach-Boulevard and Knuth Road. B. In consideration of the. foregoing promise.s, the Association endorses' the "Knuth Road peD" applioation and requests that the members of the City Planning and Zoning ~oard and city Commission approve it. III. "Tara Oaks PUD", A. Winchester agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Tara Oaks PUD application are -5- obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, Qr oause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in oonneotion with the development or the property which is the subjeot of the Tara Oaks PUD applioation: (~) construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the north right-of-way line of L~OD L-25 from the east to a point parallel with the east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". It is the intent that his wall section connect with the stipulated wall section contained in the conditions of "Knuth Road PUD". This wall shall be landsca~ed in the !llame manner as the wall in XI-A-(4)-(b)-4 and developer agrees to provide maintenance for said wall tor tive (5) years. (2) Creation of a twenty-five (25) foot wide landacape buffer along the .north property line adjacent to the south right-of-way line of the LWDD L-25 Canal. That buffer will consist of landscaping which consists of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (~2) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting located on thirty (30) foot centers. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. (3) No buildings shall be located closer than forty (40) feet from the north property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". This setback creates a minimum separation of one hundred seventy- five (175) feet from the most northerly building to the C10S8St individually owned south property line of Stonehaven PUD. B. Based on the foregoing, the Association endorses the "Tara Oaks PUD" application ~nd requests that the members of the city Planning and Zoning Board and city commission approve it. IV. Miscellaneous. A. Walls oontemplated by this Agreement shall ~e masonry walls provided by Anchor Wall systems, or similar construction, including pilaster caps on all col\Ullnlil with the Association approving the color and texture on all such walls, . B, Winchester and Schroeder agoree to pay reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association for its law firm to review this Agreement. V. A~reement to Run with Land. It is the intention of the parties that the Obligation to make the improvements and other arrangements described in this Agreement, with respect to each of the real properties which are the subject af the applications, shall if the applications are appravedr become covenants ~nning with the land and shall be binding upon the initial developer/owner of the property and each property owner -6- - ._-----~-----~---- 1 I , j thereafter so long as that person or entity shall have an ownership interest in the property. Neither Winohester nor Schroeder shall be under any personal obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements and other arrangements provided for in this Agreement with respect to the real properties which are the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, the Knuth Road FCD and the Tara Oaks PUD applications if the provisions of this Agreement with respect to all of suoh iNprovements and other arrangements are, by the filing of appropriate instruments, made covenants of record running with the land and binding upon the person or entity having fee simple title to such real properties. The Association shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction and to obtain 'affirmative injunctive relief to entQrce specifically the full and timely performance of the obligations set forth in this Agreement concerning the ma,king of such improvements and other arrangements and to enforce any such covenants of record. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, neithsr Winohester nor Schroeder shall have any personal or other obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements or arrangements provided for in this Agreement as to any of the properties, which are the subject of the referenoed applications, unlesS the application pertaining to the property in question receives all final requisite government approvals and final ordinances are adopted by the city of Boynton Beach with respeot to same. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation By: ROGER H. BENNETT Its President AS TO STONEHAV~ HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BILL R. WINCHESTER AS TO BILL R. WINCHESTER MICHAEL A: SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE AS TO MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE (winchester\stonel.Agm\06/l9/90) -7- , . / , --.'.-<....i!<'.;..~ I: /-/9'ft .J , BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTI-1ENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FOro-l NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the planning Department. (2 copies of application required) PROJECT NAME: Knuth Road P~C.D. AGENT'S NAME: Kieran J Kilday/Kilday & Associates. Inc. ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 PHONE: (407) 689-5522 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: The Winchester Family Partnership,Ltd.,Bill R.Winchester .Ruby A. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,individuallYi Bill R. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,as Trustee General Partner; 9290 Nickels Blvd. Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 PHONE: 407-732-3961 PROJECT LOCATION: Southwest corner of Knuth Road and (not legal description) Boynton Beach Blvd. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- . .' CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: ORDINANCE# DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Ruby A. Winchester; Elsie A. Winchester,individ- Name of Developer/Owner: ually; Bill R.Winchester;Elsie A.Winchester,as Trustee The Winchester Family Partnership, 604 B6ill R.Winchester,Ge~e~~l Partner Area of subject property: ,220.7 Sq. Ft. or ~___Acres 13.87 acres Estimated Present Population: -0- AR-A~ricultural Existing Zoning: Resi ential Density Allowed: 1du/5ac. d.u. 's Proposed Zoning: p.e.D. Density Allowed: n/a d.u. 's EXISTING UTILITIES Water: City of Boynton Beach Wa~tewater Collection: eity of Boynton Beach Solid Waste (garbage): City of Boynton Beach . -3- '. STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Vacant Proposed Use: Planned Commercial Development JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See attached EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See attached Exhibit "A" . -4- ~ -, Kilday & Associatas Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR KNUTH ROAD PCD The petitioner is requesting Annexation of just less than 14 acres of land into the City of Boynton Beach. This parcel of property is currently zoned AR-Agricul- ture Residential in Palm Beach County. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designates the north one-half of this property as CH-High Intensity Commercial and the south half of the property CR-Commercial Recrea- tion. This land use designation is due to the fact that the property has an existing Special Exception approval to allow for recreational facilities to occur on the site including a tennis club and golf driving range. This facility has never been constructed and the site remains vacant. In conjunction with the request for Annexation, the petitioner is aSking for a change in land use designa- tion in the City's Comprehensive Plan. Currently the City of Boynton Beach has the northern portion of this site designated as Local Retail Commercial. The southern portion of this site is designated Moderate Residential. The petitioner is requesting that the entire site receive a designation of Local Retail commercial. The petitioner believes that the proposed designation of Local Retail Commercial will allow for an appropri- atly designed Planned Commercial Development to be established on this site. This site is located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. Two perimeters of this site abut Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development in Palm Beach County. The Quail Ridge Planned Unit Development is already fenced and buffered from this site. Therefore, utili- zation of this property for commercial purposes will have no negative affect upon the adjacent residential development. In addition, the golf course wraps the perimeter of the PUD providing further separation be- tween the nearest residential units and the site. The site already has received a previous approval for a commercial use in Palm Beach County. However, that specific use of a tennis club and golf driving range has not proven feasible for the property. The Planned P"': " ~ Knuth Road Statement Page 2 Commercial Development District provides many safe- guards that other straight commercial districts do not contain. Because this site does exceed the minimum 3- acre requirement, the petitioner has been able to make the request for this district. The other surrounding land uses in the area are generally commercial along Boynton Beach Boulevard. Additionally, this property fronts on Knuth Road. Knuth Road is scheduled to be constructed from Golf Road north to the Boynton Mall. The north area of Knuth Road has a new approved align- ment which will allow Knuth Road to serve as direct access to an entrance to the mall making this road more significant than the average collector. There is a limited amount of property left in this area to provide for commercial services. The Boynton plan has, in the past, recognized the intersection of Con- gress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard as a major node for commercial services. This proposal is consis- tent with that past history. Development of the site in a commercial nature will add great additional reven- ues for the tax base for the City of Boynton Beach. ~ EXHIBIT "An "i-. ~. ~ . ..~ Oc5CU'I?'77c?/I/:'- , ~ ALL or' r~AC'7:S' <3 AAlO ItJ t.YING 5tJtl711 or' ,{IEI1/ 8cJY)//o# RMO (~//lr[ . RtJ,10 A/t? &!(4) A,A/O T/?/lt'/$ &;1 4A/cJ :24" PALM 8c/lC!# r-/lRkI.5" C!tJ#1~/!,{/Y ,P'L'/!/~. g; /l c?~cJK'~/#c ro rYE ,PL,.{/ ;?/c;:RE&'r' /fEeoA?'~c:O /)/ ?'L/!T .6'tJtJ/::" 5' /1/ ,,;?/lCE 773 tf'/, ;r#E .,.c:>t:/8.t./c K'cC!oK'Of or:- ;?/ltM 6'Er1~h" C!cJc/"v,.ry: rL'CJR/OA, iE55 T.t/E' EA~'- /5:0 ffE/ r#E/6L?/C ;. ~ . .. . ; I I I ., . 0 \IIE lJ 1. 1. l' Clly ot eoynton,ee.eh ~i8~!,lng Department Ruby A.Winchester;ElsieA.Winchester,individuall Name of Development/owner Bill R.Winchester;ElsieA.Winchester,as Trustee & The WInchester Family Partnership, L td,. Bill R.. Winchester, Gen. Partne Locate the subj~ct property on th~s map ana shade ~n the area. -. ", : . -5- OIVNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. m~)'L~~L~ ~ignature of Owner(s) o~ Record ~~ d/aA?;v....? gnature . Applicant tf7- Bill R.Winchester Type Name of OWner(s) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applic~nt 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33~36 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33~01 407-689-5522 City and State 407-732-3961 Telephone Number Telephone Number . -6- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. x ~.Ld.u!1.-aJ~u Signature of Owner(s} of Record ~{ld/~ ~.. 'gnature .f Applicant ~ Elsie A. Winchester Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. KIld~y/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applic~nt 9290 Nickels Blvd. 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State 407-732-3961 407-689-5522 Telephone Number Telephone Number . -6- OI'NERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. )< CfJ-<i;n# !lj~_akH' ~ Signature of Owner(s of Record ~() w^J'~. , nature .f Applicant Elsie A.Winchester,Trustee Type Name of Owner(s) Kieran J. KIlday/Kilday & AssQciates Type Name of Applicant 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State 407-732-3961 407-689-5522 Telephone Number Telephone Number -6- OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. ~ 0- --fA/>'\. if -CI' -1.-t tJ!(OJSl7;;LJ Signac re of Owner(s) of Record Ruby A.Winchester Type Name of Owner's) Kieran J.Kilda1/Kilday & AssoGiates Type Name of Applicant 8495 S. Haverhill Ext. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33437 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State 407-732-4602 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number . -6- O\VNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the prov~s~ons for Voluntary Annexation, Florida Statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. /! )( . .' S~gnature y' / .. / J~'cr{;;L'/ /) , 7.i J!;; Signature of ApPlicant ---.. --A-z., /i // . . Bill R.Winchester,General Partner The Winchester Family Partnership,Ltd Type Name of Owner{s) Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates Type Name of Applicant 9290 Nickels Blvd. Street Address 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A Street Address Boynton Beach,Fl. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 City and State 407-732-3961 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone Number . -6- APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best"i:if (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: Owner Gl a/~ Applicant .. Optionee Kieran J Kilday Kildav & Associates, Inc. Type Name of Applicant Lessee 1551 Forum Place 100A Street Address xx Agent West Palm Beach,FL 33401 City and State Contract Purchaser (407) 689-5522 Telephone Number -7- '. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA 55 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me, the undersigned authority personal~y appeared Bill R.Winchester , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal descriptionl See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed KieranJ.Kilday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. /r.l/f7/u~~;t . (Signature of Owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~:ti\s.L; --rrU "i~,,- ~l,- Q .iJvc.- Notary ~ublic, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: !'~e'~:,;.' t'ti~i~:. ~~~1:! (.,: n:ri::3 i):~' [-:;~:c_:~'::.;: r ,',:: -'.~1. ~], I~?3 r,~ "~,,.! ~-"~,, .;, n' , .,;r. _ lo;u. 011'1;1 r"~ '. -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 55 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared ; ". Elsie A.Winchester,individually h b' b f' t d l' , w 0 e~ng y me ~rs u y sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" .' (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J. KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. .<( C/A/~./a //I'.-./...I..//.,;/;-i-) (Signature of Owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me . .~ ~~~'- --fit UJc,-\(.,k'"L-- Notary public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: r:l~~:;~! r't!':!j:,. Sl=t:'! cr t'br;;a r':F ~~::~;::i ~::~.:.;.=: ; ~;'n~~;:E.~~;n:03;~~'3 " -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personal~y appeared Elsip.A Win0.hPRrpr as Trustee , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.Kilday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. \' ?;~tl al~.1p~ ~ (Signature of Owner) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~\\.&.~ '--i1U~( ~ ~ k ,--,,--:t~ Notary ~ublic, State of Florida at Large Ht~Ji)' :"~:I:~:J ::~:O~ d ~::.'~ ":,J:; ~.~:. t-:'-;:;:'";::,;:'!I ;:.-..~:-.;!: !'-;:'. ;3" 1lJ~3 My Cornmis s ion Expires: """, ',',,, "., "'e. ",. ..e,",,,, -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) 5S COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority persona~~y appeared Ruby A.Winchester , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit "A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. xH~~ O/1M'L t(,~.ef" (7.,:t-k- (Sign ture of Owner) . Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me , _$~L~'-(110~.~L:..- Notary ~Ublic, State of Florida at Large My Coromission Expires: f!~~c:;.' l\;:J!k, S~cle 0' ncrl~" 1..i3' '~mr.!;:;:'~;.~ ~:~:::!~S ~1o::1J.. "3, i993 r ' . ". r .:,. ~..~.~..~." ;..... - " -8- AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Before me, the undersigned authority personal~Y appeared Bill R.Winchester,General PartnyDwho being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: 1. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to-wit: (Give legal description) See attached Exhibit"A" (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed Kieran J.KIlday/Kilday & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. AJ ", Li;; ,~/iJ:: I n X /'0A~ ' , :/ ~I" I ,,/J_ .f (Signature of OwnB~ Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me ~~-rn c:\......~;:\;.'---' Notary Public, State of Florida at Large Hb1fi:"Y:"':'; Ii::. $;:;~c \'y ;';:r:..;/j My commission Expires: !.~.' t':;'7:-'~::I: .:: ;.' .<:'S'; :~'.~'. ;::., IS~~ :'-~ ~,..::~ ,:.t'l",',:; ~;" '1~.Wt<l"(e In<. -8- - .,:;r _'~ i , i , ,- ~e~Q_~2s_B~s~Q~s~I_e~QLQB_BsIQ~1~Q_aEE~1~aIIQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely ~nd accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. ' Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. Qs~s86b_l~EQ8~6IlQ~ 1. Project Name: --------------------------------------------------- ~nuth Road P.C.D. Type of Application (check one) -------- a. Rezoning only -------- b. Land Use Amendment onl y XX c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning -------- ..,,:.. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department) : -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Bill R.Winchester;Elsie A.Winchester,individually; Elsie A.Winchester as Trustee; Ruby A.Winchester, T~ e W i-;;~h~~t~-;.-F~~ily-p~-;:t~~-;.-;hip~itd-:-Bill-R-:\.iinctie-;ter-;C;en-.P art n e r Address: 9290 Nickels Blvd. , -------------------------------------------------------- __~~!~!~~_~!!:E~!~~_]]~]~_____________________________-- Telephone Number: 407-732-3961 -------------------------------------------------------- 5. Agent~s Name (per50n~ if any, representing applicant>: Address: ~j~r2E_}~~jlj2~1~jlj2~_~_}~~22j2J~~___________________-- 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- West Palm Beach,Fl. 33401 Planning Department 1-86 page 1 . .'. ~ --= Telephone Number: 40:7-689-5522 -------------------------------------------------------- 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Same as Applicant --------------------------------------------------------- Address: -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- . This is the address to which all agendas, letters. and other materials will be mailed. B. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract PurChaser, etc.) Owner ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9,. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: Southwest corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. & Knuth Road ------------------------------------------------------------------ 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See attached Exhibit "A" ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Area of Subject Parcel Ito the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 13.871 acres ----------------------------------------------------------------- Planning Department 1-86 page :2 ~---i~ - 12. Current :oning District: Agricultural Residential ---------------------------------------- 17 ->. Proposed Zoning District: Planned Commercial Develonment ---------------------------~----------- 14. Current Land Use Category: CHI3 (countv) -------------------------------------- 15. Proposed Land Use Category: ~~~~~~~~~~_~~~~~_~~t~il______________ 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: __~'_~'_Q..'__________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Developer or Builder: __~~~~~~li~~Q~__________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: --Qj-~------------------------------------------------- 19. Landscape Architect: KIlday & Associates -------------------------------------------- 20. Site Planner: ___Kjlda-3 Jl."'p",,,,()(>;,,tpq 21. Civil Engineer: Rossi & Malavasi ------------------------------------------------- 22. Traffic Engineer: K.S.Rogers,Consultin~Engineers ------------------~--------------------------- 23. Surveyor: _O..i'Jls_~J)._,_S_u.J.t..ar_l<..ll!.B.r.; pn, Tn" II. ~eI~81Bb~_IQ_~~_~~~~lII~~_~lI~_BEEbl~BIlQ~ The following materials shall be submitted. in two (2) copies. (check) x a. This application form. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. x b. x c. The following documents and letters of consent: (1) If the property is under joint or several ownership: A writtm consent to the application by all owners of record, and (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract ~nd written consent of the owner and seller, and -'- (3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: A cop~ of the agenc~ agreement, or written consent of the applicant, an~ (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Department 1-86 page 3 "..:': -- '. ~~, ~,~... "::';-~,'":d'ff: ~",~ ~ ,T t. l '....~ ~W;. tJ~~"",~ ~~~'~:.1 ..~~ , . ., "',: ~' ".;:" Kilday & Associates Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West ?a:m Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 REQUIREMENTS G. & H. KNUTH ROAD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT Requirements (g) and (h) of the Land Use Amendment/Rezonin~ Application require a justification and a comparison of impacts between existing zoning and proposed zoning. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach designates the north 300 feet of the site as Local Retail Commercial with the remainder of the site as Residential Moderate Density. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designates the north one half of the property as CH (Commercial High) and the south one half at the property as CR (Commercial Recreation). The petitioner is requesting the entire site be designated as CommerciaL Local Retail under the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. This request is reasonable in that currently both the County and the City Comprehensive Plans recognize that at least some of the property should develop commercially. Additionally, the property )las been in single ownership for many years and the owner has never intended to divide the site for multiple uses. Finally, a Local Ret3il Commercial designation for the property permits the entire property to develop within the Planned Commercial Development zoning category_ The compal"isons required in Requirement H. are as follows: 1. The current zoning (AR-Agricultural Residential) in the County allows for one dwelling unit per five acres which would allow two homes to be built on the property. Addilionally, there is an approved Special Exception on the site which would permit a recreation center includin~ a drivin~ ran~e and tennis club. This use is Comnlercinl in nature although permIlted in the AR- ^~ricultural Residentiol ZOllinR District. The current City Comorehensive Plan designates 4.11 acres of the site as Local Commercial Retail which could easily 3ccommodale a lot coverage of 20% or 36,764 square feet of retail space. Additionally, the balance of the site perlDits Moderate Density Residential which would al low the construction at 70 units. ". "; ~ ...:;'"j.",}j;; ! - - ,. . RequiJ"ements G. and H. Proposed Knuth Road PCD Page 2 2. "rhe proposed use is a Planned Comolercia[ Development with a mixture of retail uses and outparcels as designated on the submltted site pIal'. 3. The owner anticipates development ot the property to commence upon final approval and permitting in the normal restraints of time cammon to.the process. 4. The potential square footage which would be allowed unde~ the proposed Planned Commercial Development zoning is 120,000 square feet (as shown on the submitted site plan) . 5. Employment Projections: Item hIS) of Amendment/RezoninR application requires a the number 01 employment opportunities for They are as follows: the Land Use projection of the pro ject. Department Stare Bank Restaurant Retail Stores 35 employment opportunities 15 employment opportunities 20 employment opportunities 250 employment opportunities Total 320 employment opportunities ',;; --- K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 January 31, 1990 Mr. Lindsey Walters Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Way Building 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Knuth Road PCD Water Useage Dear Lindsey: At your request, this office has projected the water and sewer demand for the above project. The Palm Beach County' Health Department has developed water useage standards for different 'land uses. For general retail uses which do not include restau- rants, a flow rate of 0.1 gallons per day per square foot of floor area has been established. As the exact useage of this center has not been establ ished, only estimates, based upon a reasonable guess of the amount of restaurant use, can be made. An average daily water useage of 32,840 gallons per day has been calculated for this project based upon the following assumptions: General Retail Space Restaurant Space (435 seats) 110,900 sq. ft. @ 0.1 gal/sq.ft. 9,100 sq. ft. @50 gal/seat This parcel of land is currently zoned agricultural in Palm Beach County. As such, an average flow of 350 gallons per day per unit at the existing zoning would generate an average of 1,050 gallons per day. The County's Comprehensive Plan shows commercial designation for this site. Thus, there is no difference in expected flow rates between this request and that which would be allowed according to development regulations if developed according to the County's Comprehensive Plan. -- Mr. Lindsey Walters January 31, 1990 Knuth Road peD Page Two Typically, there is very little difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irrigation is going to be done from public water. At this time, the source of irrigation water is planned to be from on-site wells. Very truly yours, ~1~~. KSR/jr .-:: 'b) E~.~iSjtinq 3nd pre'poseo:1 .~t-,7\de ele\/a'tjon:;. (c~ S:d.s:"ting O~- prDpo$ed !Alate!"'" boclif?5. Cd) Form of ownership and for~ of orqaniz~tiGn to maintain common ~paces and recreational facilitiQ=_ (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilitiQs for s.torm drainage, I~ater sL:pply. sewage collection ~nd treatment~ ~olid waste disposal, h0=ar~ous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights.-o+-wav~ roadways. recreation and park areas, school sites, and oth~r public improvements or dedic~tions as may be required. _x_ell) For r9::::oning";,; to planned zoning di.:;trict~;~ the ~peCli"lC ~equirements for submi~siDn of ~pplications for r~zQning to such districts shall also be satisfi~d. F~Jrthermc'r~. ~ll materials r~Quired fo~ ~ subdivision master plan shall ~lso be slJbmitted. I! 1. eEEbl~arlQ~_E~g~& Fees shall be p3id at the time thRt the application is sUbmittod, according to the fees which ha\~ been ~dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planninq Department will inform tho applicant as to the fees which ar~ required. All fees shall b~ ~aid by check~ payable to the City of Boynton Beach. roo v. ~s8IlElk;BIlQt! (I) (We) understand that this ~ppllcation ~nd all pl~n and ~ap~rs submitted herewith become ~ part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoni nq Board. (Il (l'Je) hereby certi fy that the above statements and any ~tatement3 or showings in any papers or pla~s subr.litt~d here~"Jith are true to the b~~>t c.f (my) (Ol.lr) knowledge and belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless signed /xdd:?S2~l t:~l~~~l:on~ b01o:." ___L__2L:Z~_____ Signdture of owner~~ Trustee~ Date or Authori=a~ Principal if property is owned by'a ~orpDrntion or other business entity. v. e~r~Q811eIIQ~_QE_B~~~I ~Q. cUo."':&.v~<.~ ","~. - sig;:;~~-;f-A~th;;;:i;~tg;~t-- , /_,;; t. 9f1 ---~-_____-L_____ O.:\te (I) nlJe) h"t""(~b~1 de5i gnatQ thC" .:tbove si qned per'.:>or ydi/2;;ELl:::O APPliC.:\tion. Signature of O...,ne-r (5) ~L1-:,tl2e, .:\13 (my) (OLlt-) authorized ____~:a2~~~____ DC\te Pl~nning DepC\rtment 1-86 page 7 " "": -- 'b1 E;:i~ting ~nd prc)posed ':;;jt-udc .:?lev~'1-tion3" (c) ~::j.~.ting Ot- propo:;ed '^.~te!"'" bOdlf:?Sa Cd) Form of ownership and form of organiz~tiGn to m~intain common ~paces ~nd recreational faciliti~~" (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm dr~inage, 1~3ter 5Llpply~ sewage collection 3nd t~eatment, solid wast~ disposal, h~=ardoIJ5 wastG disposal, fire protection, easements or l~ights-of-wav, roadways, recreation ~nd par~c ~r~a~, school sit~s, and ather public i.nprovements or dedic~tions as may be required. _lC__(11) F.=.t- r"'?zc.rlings to planned zoning di5tt-ic:t~;, the ~.pecific ~equirements for submi~sion of ~pplications for r~=onir'g to such districts shall also be satisfied. FtJrthermc\r~. 311 materials required fo~ 3 $ubdivision ~aster plan shall also be ~1jbmitted. III. t'!E:E:!"I!;;eIIQtLEss~~ Fe",,, shall bi> p.:lid a't tho time th,.,t the .:lpplication is submitted, according to the fees which ha,e been &dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planninq Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check~ payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~6IIEIGaIlQ~ (I) (We) understand that this appllcation and all pl~n and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Pl~H'''lning and Zoning Board. (!) (l'Je) her-eb-;. c~rtify that the above statements and any statements Qr showings in any papers or plans submi t t2d here"'Ji th are true to the best Q.f (Ill'l) (our) knowl ~?dgE' and belief. This application will not be accar-ted unless signed according to the instructions below. /x __~~"-~0'_tLq)-:y!.{;('-.!!!!i:!=--------- Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee. or Authori=e~ Principal if property is own~d by'a corporation or other business entity. /. /,'75'- Ot! ___________L~_____ Date 6~I~Q8IIeIIQ~_QE_e~s~I _"_ t2d~~e~. 19nature of ,..tuthori=e~~;~t-7 ( / - d2 0, 9.1' --------~-~~---- Date '.J. (I) (tIJe) h~rEby dE:!'5i gnat~ the .:\bove 5i qned persor agont with regard to this application. y _(gf4&f,,- d ~________ Signature of Owner(s) Dr Trustee. ..:\13 (my) (OUt-) authorized / -25- 9tJ ____________~~---4- Date Planning DQP~~tment 1-86 p.:"\ge 7 ,fl.': , ' ~ -'>7;,,;.;: ~ ,'b) E~.:isting and prc'poset1 .~t-,:;dQ eleve:\'l:ion3. (c) Existing or propo$ed water bodio5. (d) Form of o\"nership and form o-F Qt-g.:;ni:~~tiqn t:o inaintc:"\in common spaces and recreational 1aciliti~s. (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilitios for storm drainage~ l~ater supply~ ~~wag~ collection and treatment, ~olid waste disposal~ h2zar~ous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-o+-w~v, roadways, recr~ation 3nd park ~reas, school ~it8S, and othe~ public improv~ments or dedic~tions a5 may be required. _X_(ll) Par rG~zonings to planned zoning di.::;trict,:;~ the ~peci-fic requirements for submi~sion of applications for r~zQning to such districts shall also be sati~fi~d_ Furthermor~. ~ll materials reQuired fo~ a $ubdivision master plan shall also be sl~bmitted_ III. eEEbl~eIIQ~_E~~~~ Fees shall be paid at the time thAt the application is submitted, according to the .fees which ha~'e been ~dopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department ~ill inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees ~hall be paid by ch@ck~ payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~BIIEI~aIIQU (I) (lIJe) under-stt?\nd ttlat thi:; .-application c')nc all pl.:\n and ::,~'pet-s submitted herewith become ~ part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. III IWe) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or sho,,,,,ings in anv papers or plans c::;ubmitt~d here,..Ji'!:'h are true to the best of (mv> (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be .cce~ted unless signed accordinQ to the instructions below. /( l: h;f,)-1l_a1:u".Anj;~)'1"-Z;UJ:/"" Signature of O~ner(s> or Trustee, or Authorizl'p F'rincipal i'f property is own~d by'a corpor~tion or oth~r business ~ntity. __.l:..?-.~~:!g____ Date 'J. ~~I~QEIZeIIQ~_QE_B~s~I ____~___ __?lM/2h ~ F 'aa<2.~6..- ignaturp of Authori=ed~~~ / __.L"2.Y:.;.?.d___._ Dfu."~ (I) (tl!e) h~rr?by desi gnat.~ the .:.tbo'll? 5i gn~d perozor. ~gcnt with reg~rd to this ~pplic~tion. .Y _&.1 "'t1~LL~r:IA{..lj._~L Signature of Owncr(s) or Truste~, a~ {my> (OLtt-) authorized / - .;7 S- - 9t1 ------------r~---- Date Planning Depwrtment 1-86 page 7 .~ ;':/ >i ~,~ ...-:: /b) E~.:isting and pt-opo~ect gt-ade 81e''/u.tion3.. (c) ::::::isting 0:-- p,"'oposed ",'ater bodll?S. (d) Form 01 own~r~hip and form of Qrqani~~ticn to maintuin common 5paces and recreational facilitiQ=. (e) A written commitment to the provision of ~ll necessary faciliti~s {or ~torm dr~inage, I~a~er sl;ppl!~ ~ewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, h~zar~ous wast a disposal, fire protection~ easements or rights-o~-wav, roadwaYs~ recreation ~nd park ~reas, school ~ites, and oth~r public improvements or dedic~ticns ~s may be reql~ired. __~_(11) For. rC?zonings. to planned zoning di~tt-ict.:;. tile SpeCli'lC: requi~ements fer submission of applications for r~=cning to $uch districts shall ~lso be sati~fied. Furthermrlr~. ~ll materials reQuired for a subdivision master plan shall also be ~1_lbmitted. III. BEEbl~BIlQ~_E~~6~ Fees shall be p~id Dt tho time th~t the 3pplication is submitted, according to the .fees which ha~A been ~dopt~d by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Depart~ent will inform the applicant as to the fee~ which are required. All fee5 sh~ll be paid by check, payable tc the Citv of Bcynton Beach. 1" v. ~g;BIJ.EI~BI1Qt! (I) (We) understand that thi~ applIcation anc all pl~n and p~pers sLlbmi tted her.,,,.i th become a part of the per-manent r-ecords of the PI"..nning and Zoning Beard. (ll <l'Jel hereby cer-tify that the above statements and any ~tatements or showings i~ nny papers Dr plans submitt~d herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will net be accQ~ted unless signed accordino to the instructions below. () Ii -. l) , :T:-:- /'< .i~.::<:t:"'~!"'-_~tl~4-":L&-jLk./ 5ignat~e of Owner(~) or Trustee~ or A~(thori::",p Pr-inr.:ip,J.l i 'f pr-op",r-t:y is owned by'a ~orporation or other bL\sin~ss entity. j - ,.;l. -7 - 'leJ --~--D;~~;r~----- '.J. 6~I~QBIZeIIQ~_QE_6~~~I . Q M ~ e'~ ------- --- -~---~ --- Signatut; _ of Auth<:;ri::ed ,g~' ---L:d-J-:/Jt__.- O::lt:e (I) (ll!e) hj:"loreby d~5i gnat~ the i\bove si qnC?d per:j(~r . ~gcnt with regard to thi~ ~pplic~tiDn. U '~ Y~-___~_f!~~~~f~~~~__________ Sign~urQ of Own~r(s) or Tru~tQc~ ~~ <my) (OLlt-) authorized --__L::d::f.:r?!..___ Dute Pl~nning Depw..-tment 1-86 p.:\ge 7 ~ . o'b) E}.: i sti ng and prc:'po5Ed gt-C:,de t?! eV~"1t ion 3. (e) Exi~ting or proposed water bodiQs. (d) Form of ownership and form of arqaniz5tiGn to mnintain common spaces and recreational facilitioc. (0) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary faciliti~s for storm drainage, l~ater s~Dply, sewage collection ~nd treatment, solid wastG disposal, h0zardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements Dr rights-o+-wav, roadwaY5~ recreation and pa~~c ~r~as, school sites, and oth~r pUblic improvements or dedications as may be required. _-.X_(11) For- t""(~zQnings to plann~d zoning diztt-ict,:~~ ti-H? ~.peclTlc requi~ements 10r submission of applications for r~zonir'g to such districts shall also be satisfied. FurthermGr~, ~ll materi~ls r2Quired for a subdivision master plan shall also be ~lJ!Jmitt~d. III. BEEbI~eIIQ~_E~g~~ F~es shall be pmid at thQ time thRt the application is submitted, according to the fees which ha~~ b~en ~dopted by ordinanc~ or resolution. The Planning DepartQent will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. I" v. ~g8IlE:I!;;6IlQN (I) (We) understand that thi~ application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a" part of the permanent r~cords oi the Planning and Zoning Board. (!) (t'Je) hereb, certify that the above stZttements and anv statements Dr !;.ho~...ti ng5 in anv papers or pI ans submitt~d herewith are true to the bes.t o.F (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be acce~ted unless Signed accordinq t~e inst,"uctions bC!lmo. /_ 7 )-9cJ ~ -~~~'~~~~-~~--------- -----~~--~~------ Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee~ Date or AuthorizDd Principal if property i~ owned by'a ~orporation Dr other business entity. v. 6~I~QBlkeIIQ~_QE_eGs~I ~1~_QWa~L/~~e'~. ~~~~-Of Authori~~~;~~' /-2?- 9d ----------~!----- DatE> (I) (l'le) hnr-f:?by de-5i gnate the above 5i gned pero::.or (agon~~ ZiZd to thi5 .:>pplicabon. y~J.?~___~1_~__________ Signature of Owner(s) Dr Trustee, .:\'3 (my) (our) authorized /-.?S-9t;I ------------yt:::.=------ Date Planning Dop.:>rtmont 1-86 p.:>go 7 _. "J ....-::: The Winchester Family Partnership Ltd P.O. Drawer 1220 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 January 23, 1990 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a General Partner of The Winchester Family Partnership Limited, I, Ruby Ann Winchester hereby authorize Bill R. Winchester to sign all annexation, land use amendment and zoning application documents pertaining to the property described on Exhibit "A" attached. ,e<d~i ~,1/Yl Zt1-~~~ R~nn Wlnchester COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) ) ss STATE OF FLORIDA ) On this 23rd day of January, 1990, before me, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared Ruby Ann Winchester, personally known to me to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that she executed the same for the purposes stated therein. ~ ~~crl\():j",-,,-~\ !...LIce Notary Public, State of Florida My commission expires: {'~':':ClTY :"~~,~i~, S{~t~ at FIOfil!a i.~~.l:,~,;~;':".!',:':":r:: ~:~!':t\!:: fL~. t~, 19)1'~ e~"..:~:i ;:"" 1'111 !'~::l.lrlt\i1~ru:.1t lAc. -,.;-i - .rhe \~1in:::l1eE' ter ?a.m:'...l y ~:. a~-.: nel.-?}::':~ P.O. r:'l~awer l~20 Bcynt~n Beac~, F18rida 334~5 . .......:. J aEua:--~- 19 ," .~'~ .~. 0 TO WHOH IT HAY CONCERN : As a General Partner 'f The Win~~es~?~ ?amily Partner~hip Llmited, ! M. Fra~k ?inf~ock ~ereby authorize Bill R. Winc:;.est(?r to sign .:1.11 annex2.~ion, l-iinc use :::nendment and =oning ~ppli;:atioll d0cl.1~~ents perta~ni~~ :0 thF- pro~~rty d~scribed on Exhibit I~All atta~ll~rl. . :,;!f!:;:-:i~/:;)) '-/' COUNTY OF CLARK ) )ss STATE OF NEVADA ) On this 19th day of January, 1990, before me, Helen E. Jones, a Notary Public in and for said county and state, personally appeared M. Frank Finfrock, personally known to me to be the person who executed the above instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes stated therein. ~6~ Helen E"J~ 'j; . ,"iii .. EXHIBIT "A" :Ii.' ,. .. .: L'Jc5C;:?/,.:'//tJ;V:"..'- .. " -- rlCC l7~ r,fJAC'/::5" 9/1//0 ItJ .(.]//NG .:5tJt//"# ,;f~ "v'C:tf/ 6'c?]/,{//"c,.v RtJ-4o ('5rArc:~ .RtJ,.10 tf/p, gc4) A.A/O /-4//<'/"5 &.;1 /9A/O:2"4" ,.oACA/I 8cA(Y/ /""/JR#.5' tJtl$,a/J/f/y' PL''</r~. g;, '</c?e'Pk'C/-(/c 7d 7~c .PLrf/" .o/E.REc?~ .RECcJRCcO /,(/ pur .6'00/ 5" rf/" ?'/JCc: 7.3 tf/' :7"#c r:'C/8L/C RcC!,!)RCf d/ r'.4G.#f 8Ertd# ~t?t/A/~ ,..c".(V'A"'/CA, .L.E6S TI/L" E/157"" /S;tJ .FEE/" /"A/EfcL)/." '. . ., ~ February 23, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Knuth Road PCD Dear Mr. Golden, As applicant, I(we) agree to the following items regarding Unified Control for the subject Planned Commercial Development: a. Proceed with the proposed development according to the provisions of the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations and conditions attached to the zoning of the land to PCD: b. Provide agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, and sureties acceptable to the city for completion of the development according to the plans approved at the time of zoning to PCD and for continuing operation and maintenance of such areas, functions, and facilities as are not to be provided, operated, or maintained at public expense; and c. Bind their successors to title to any commitments made under subsections 3a and b above. All agree- ments and evidence of unified control shall be ex- amined by the city attorney and no zoning of land to the PCD classification shall be adopted without a certification by the city attorney that such agree- ments and evidence of unified control meet the re- quirements of these zoning regulations. pi)( u/LYf:: Bill R. Winchester, ~r~-Partner -_.............. po . J" ~ :: :WarranuJ lleed It" ,., ~ lJQtl Jnbrnlurr. Mod. thi, RETURN TO: ./ Thi. Inl'""'"'"' WOJ. p"po,.d b.,. / ~_ WIILINI A. ZElHER ~ "- \ V :a:IIID.. 8OUl~ ~ "lX-~r=,......... ~~~Jl'. ~~~ (!TiTUIOr.' rOUl-srmo. il'-Ol r.l,) n...... ,,~:' "J~"'; ;:,~ d010J December I. 84, ilrhllNU ,.. CIO RUBY !INN WINClIESTER, individually 001 fh. CO"...,., 01 Palm Beach ' :'Iof. 01 THE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP. Florida LTD. . 0"0"'0-'., o~ .8 who... pod olfic, odd'...;1 0495 5-:uth H.n.'C%hi.ll .Dctcnaioo, Doyntcn ~, FL JJ4JS .. 01 ,h. Co.,..,.. 0' Palm Beach SIOI~ 01 Florida . G'G"..... r .Unr..rt~. ThaI ~d o.on,o,. fOf o..d ." c_tird.,o"<Jo" oj ,),. u.'" 01 .~ -----:------Ten and no/100---------------------------------------- ft_~_ _n, ~ alld o,h.. 0004 ort4 yol"'obl~ (on'id.'olion' 10 toid 0"0"'0' ;.. htI>td p"jd b, loid g.o,,''', ,.... ,,,,.ipl ...hir'irof ;1 "-..by l!S oc"I\O...I.dgl'd. ho, O',oftl.4. ba'oO'."""" O'NJ ....Jc! to lhot ,,'\id 0"0"'..... oftd O'lIn'..Ir\ h.iu flIftd oniO'''1 10""". 1M foUowinv : I d.fCfilud Io;d, ";'''011. 1"'110 o..d blrlno ;ft Palm Dcach COUI\'" '="Io,ido. ro....,.. /' ;U 1Ic::0() ~'1!J An undivided one-fourth (1/4) interest in 411 of Tracts 9 and 10, lying south of the new Boynton Road, together with TrActs 23 and 24, as shown on Palm Beach Farms Company P\at Number 8, rec~rded in Plat P~ok 5, Page 7J, of tho Public Records of Palm neach County, Florida. SUBJECT TO real estate taxes for the year 1984 and 411 8ubsequent years; zoning regulations and ordinances of governmental authoritiesf ~rNenantg, conditions, restric- tions, limitations and easea~nts of record. :.;.... ',.1\ ...-...,T..... I I hU..I~I. 't_ N. (:.~JI_&" ortd \O.d 9'0"'0' dou ......b., '..11., .. ""Cf"'" ~ ,.,r.. 1'0 '\.C.d Ic...d. ol\d _.11 d.l....d ,''. \0...... oooift\l ,"-' ..._.1,,1 (10..,,, ,,' 011 ,..,_, ,:,,~~WM_'. .' .'....;.;.'. . "C'O"'O" ond "9'0"'..- o'~ v'\.'!'.( I.,. """Q...t", ")0 plu.ol. O' (0"''''''' ,.,.q",.~t. In .Un"r..s lIbrr.."r. C'c"'-tJ. hen ~......'o u" O'Oftro,', ho..d oood \rol '''. do.,. oftd '1'<1'0' '.HI OM... w.."_. s.:o-o'. ,....,~ ond d........C'd ,,, c.... P'''~~ ( _ . ~_. .,'4<'_ _. ../'__ ,,- 'AM1C/-u~t'-'L .s-n WINCIIESTER ____ f~1 ,,-,, .s..n STAn Of ,"LOJUDA COUNTY 0# B ROHARO I IflItfB't c['nlfT rho. _ ...... d"7't h-rle." _. QfI ,,1M" 0...'" oo.KJI.t...d to ",Ire" OC'1.__WO_..h. pn,or\OIy DOPof'O..-.f 'nUB'!! ANN WINCHESTER, individually d.v..b.-,", ... 0.... _'""" ..rc..f<IrC:t .~ f.Q.r..g.oo"1l _,."........, e..J _.._~ ~I_. ,..; ....,. to _ ,,_ 10 " ,."... k<'_ S.... ..~.,.","""_ WlTNtSS _.. "o..d 0...J a'''''oaI ,..,1 .to m. Co--"'r ~ $1.0.... lot' .,,~..., :r? doy 0' Oeceabe.r 1~4.:, , '~~~~~~". My (_.....1100" ...",.n ~ ~.~.4.4' . "'.,-. "'IIIf(' SfUT" 'Y "l.JII:N ,EC::'~~ V~ruF!EO ... . ... .",..:::::. '''. I.... 11~~"" 'AUA ;;~J.~H'COtJHTY fl.4:' IC~.';/~ ~ItUl n:s. &Co .i!;H" 8. DiJHlCtE : CtEfi~ C:RtlllJ COlJ1lT - .'" . ~ .' .. ." ""0 -. i between Ruby A. Win"hester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Bill Ray Winchester, II, Trust No. 1; 6';. interest to Elsie A. Winchester, as Trustee, under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Sheri Melodee Winchester Trm't No.1; 60/0 interest to Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, under trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trus'tee, dated December 31, 1975 Imown as the Susan Patricia Winchester Trust No.1; 60/0 interest to Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee und er trust between Ruby A. Winchester, Grantor, and Elsie A. Winchester, Trustee, dated December 31, 1975 known as the Kathryn Joy Winchester Trust No.1. \ I N~[: 2 8 8 7 PAGE 1 9 2 7 I' ' ReCDrd Verifie4 1Il~ Beath Call1lly, Fli] John B. Dunk,. .ClerIc Cireuil C- -. ~ ~ ~Q t} E: [3~]j ~~ ~~1 g I~~ ~ _ :~:: L-: C!~!:: =2: ~;:;'1 _St:: ~~ Q ~ ~ t:! I_ :~E: E:1::: ~~ 2: ~ IQ ~ C~ty of Boyntort Be~ch, ~rc~i~a Planr1ing and ~Dn~nc 30ard This ap~lic3tion must bQ filled c~t complotely ~nd acc~~ately and submitted in ~wo (~) copies to the Planning D2part~ent. Incomplete 3pplications ~ill not be processed. Please Pri~t Legibly or Typ2 all In~c~mat:Q~. . . . ss~ssek_~~EQB~eIIQ~ 1. Appli=~nt~s Name (pers~n C~ ~~siness entit~' ~n ~ho~~ r3me t~is applisat~Dn is made): Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester, individually; El sie A ~ ~i.:..r::.~~~~t'=-;:'_~~_~;:'t.!..~t.~~,-_lt1.Lb..YA,,-J'!..iJLG..h_~~t.~G-___ --Tne\~lnchester Family Partnership, Ltd. , 3ill R. Winchester, ~ddrcS3: General Partner 9290 Nickels Boulevard -------------------------------------------------------- ______.__~~~ t.qn__~~~ ~l:!..,__n_:LE:L<L____________ ---------~---- Tel=-=-h,:::::~ !\~u;~LJ;!,"" : ____________________ __L4...0_7J_.:.L3_2_ -:..3....9_6_1___ ___________________ ~ 4'-a Ag~nt.s ~Jnm~ (p2r~~n, l{ .~n '. !~~p~9s2nt~~~ ~pp:i~~nt): Kieran J. Kilday_.J _Ki}:...~L_&__~S_s_osj_aJ~_e_s_________________ ----------------- -- :~:[!j~-Gs::: : 1551 Forum Place, Bldq.lOOA ------------- -- ._----- ----~----._----- --.----- - - --------------- West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 .---------.----------------------------------------------- \1U.il.~' 2~-: (407) 689-5522 . -----------.---------------------------------------------- -;.[;1. :'==~i ::::-: Cr "':'a Corr~=SGndCrlCD Addre~s (i.f ~i~~'?l-~nt th~n.~p~l\c~n~ ~r 3qent):'.~ -------------------------------------------------------------- .-------------- -- -------- .-.-".- --------.----.------- JO. TI-,::"3::= ~:'.::- ~:.t~t:~-.='!:-'.":i -1-,:; '..;:,i-::~-~ .::~~ '::l_.rlj.:-::, ~:,"_.~:r-:::. :l:--..I.~ :::,~:t.c.'- r.1.::'ttcr-: :-.1:; I.J ~:~. L:c:! 11"::'\-..], -:~~;. :T . E:~;~E:~;:~;.J_.~:q~~~~,~~~;1;;~t.!;.~, ~':~.::? _;.i"-:C~CI~.:~::;8.j ;--:-:'-?~1,. :::--~:-':_'::.C::.-; t~f'~ !-:'~2.nr;ing .::nd '~:-"f1"" --.0..:1.-..... ""'1).- . 1..." l.':;'dr.\_.l ;'J' :~;::; .::i.':_y ':-.-: ~>'~'~.nt::'r. :~'0:~C.:----:.. '~~Q:--.id2l. to 3f',1end ;h~"" t~,.: ~ ;::;f ,- -;:~2'-~ C;:n~;-'?r~;~nSi '.'-:? r:'; ,:.n .~ ;"):~ ::~l.::: ,-~:- :,':::or:---; ,":":.-:-. ':-:..:! ~-::,l o~..,: :=......:.n:ling [:?pt. .>-26 ii.J.:',:r:, " - Att~ch addi.ticnal st,eats, i~ necessQry. 1. Section, page number:, 3nd exact lang~2q~ containGd in '~he Co~pr2hensivE P13n which the applicant ~esires to be a~~n~Qd: E.~hibi t "Au __~~d-_---------_---------_-_--____-.__--_-_----_----__------- _____!.~~~EE.l.:..i.E~~U~_::.'=_~~~~:!:.~_~_~e2'.E_:::::.e2'~:;::.r:.~~::_~I!.2:.:._~;-'::'E_~~E_~~~~L!~~.!-:,:?___ ____.QK~~l~~!.T]~~"_l..:l..:Y_".!.::!:~_a t S<:.~thwest Corner of Boynten Beach Boulevard and --- -------------------------------------- ____.!5!:O'lt:...h_~9.~<!.,_~~iLe.:'_2.2._:?.!:_~~.!ol~~~: Deletion of '''... en the northern 225 feet -- -------------------------------------- ____2!._t:!'i.:'_E.r_o.P~::.SV.L2:~_"_c.::~::.~ance with the adopted Boynton Beach Boulevard plan. ------------------------------------------- The remainder of the property should be ?laced in the ~[ederate Density ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential land use category." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --~------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------.----------------------- ----------------------------------------------------.------------------ 2. Natu~e of amendment reqG2sted: __~~~_h~~~~b~g_~h~~~~_________ ------------------------------.-------------------------.--------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------.----------------.---------.------------------------ --------------------.--------------------------------------------------- -------_._---~---------- -- ------- ----- --.-.---------- - .~--- ---.-------.---. --~--_._---- , . ------------------.-.----------------------.------------------------------ ---------------_.--------~-_._---------------------- ..------.----.------.-.-...---.-.--.---...----.-.. ':;'. F'I-L:p'2I'-'!'::'i.:.~~ ~:::.- ~.i;::,,--::on.:; t:.1:.,.t ,.>!'=,l'':',::: t-..: .:\.: +t:'c.':::....-j ::.' -: ~.'f:,=.C .:;:..j :\;,,;,,:,::r:i::f;1C!T:: n____~t;,~_?~.~.?s.h~_4.._I'.I2.p_e_r._t;_y_/)..pp!"?:_is..~,~. '._~_.r1'?'p_.Q~_c.!-~~.S'~~~~_sP~o.~<! ing Proper ty Ot.;ner Lis t. ... -. .---'--...--- .-......--.----.--.-....-- ---------_.._.._-----~--_._- ._---- -. ..--.-----. --------.-------------.-----.---.- P!...\nr:inq Ds.t:)-t. 1--8b :) ';:~i~'~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT "A" Requested Text Amendment to the Compreh:nsive Plan: VIII. LAND USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14-acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a RecreationaJ land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property is developed, should be required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retai 1 Commercial ~-.:t;~-R-g~-t....t:&.o.~.,J:),......2.2.5-_ ~~~-~--~fl4~-?~~~~~,--~~-~Q~~~~~~t~~~Q_~P~_____ B~..--B<=e-A-~""""""i'4---p.l-a_---+~-"'Qma-i.-~d"'-"--O;f_.:W>a_.px-O.pe.r.J:...,\,- sJ.eu.I-Q-.be--?.l,~--J......-t.~~<l.......-a.t.,,_.o.s.~,".,i-t..)'-_R-GS-i.d,,~l.a.l_...l.a.tl<L..u.s.e_ ~~~i'~. Building heights on this property should be limited, however.. to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1- and 2- sto~y residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. Pages 90 and 91 ..-:: , 7.h. Residential Area between Old Boynton Road and L.W.D.D, L-24 Canal west of Knuth ?-oad This area contains the Oakwood Lakes project, as well as a portion of the Country club Trails PUD. Densities for approYed projects range from 5 to 10 dwelling units per acre. This area has good access and is largely surrounded by commercial or high density residential developments. Therefore, this is an appropriate location for High Density Residential land use. The City should oppose any establishment of commercial uses within this area, however, since commercial uses would intrude into residential areas, access is not sufficient for commercial development, and adequate commercially-designated property already exists in the Vicinity. Building heights should be limited to 2 stories, in order to be compatible with with the surrounding 1- and 2-story residences. The undeveloped parcels abutting old Boynton Road and Knuth Road should be annexed if and when they become adjacent to the City. The Oakwood Lakes project and the parcel to the west should ultimately be annexed by referendum or other legal means. Any annexation in this area should include annexation of the adjacent rights-of-way for Old Boynton Road and Lawrence Road. 7.i. Parcels on North Side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. West of Knuth Road This area consists of a 160-foot deep strip of land lying between Boynton Beach Boulevard and the L-24 Canal. The Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan shows only part of this strip to be suitable for commercial development; however, it is likely that the remainder of the parcels in this area will eventually be permitted to develop fer commercial uses. If annexed, the zoning categories imposed by the City for these parcels should generally correspond to the pattern of county zoning, meaning that retail commercial uses should not be permitted further than 660 feet west of Knuth Road. Properties lYing to the west of this point should be limited to office uses. The City should annex the properties designated for office Commercial only if it can be reasonably expected that Oakwood Lakes development north of the L-24 Canal will also be annexed. Furthermore, if any of the properties fronting on Boynton Beach Boulevard are annexed, the right-of-way for Boynton 3each Boulevard should also be annexed. 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard ~nd Knuth Road ,-' This is a 14-acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and 30ning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses. Regardless of how the property ~s develelope~, the owner or developer should be 90 ...-::; ~e~~~~2d ~o submit an applic~~lon for annexaticn. Th9 Ci~y s~c~:i per~it Local Retail C~rmercial on tl1e ncr=he~~ 2:5 of thlS ~~=~~~~y, l~ accordance ~:~t!l :je ad0p~~d 30yntcn ~ea=h E0ulevard p:a=. 7he remainder oi the ~~op~rty should be ~l~ced In ~he Mode~ate Density Residential :and 115e category. 3uilding h~ights C~ ~~~S prcperty should be l~~ited, 11owe'ler, to 2 scories (:5 ~ee~~. 5i~ce :- ~nd 2-sto~y ~~sidences lie in cl~3e ;roximity to t~e so~th and soucheast. 7.k. ~ni~corDorated ?arcelE ~:~ South Side ~f Eov~ton 3each Elvd. These parcels co~stitute an unlccrporated pocket ~hi=h should be a~n~xed. ~he first row of 10ts lYlng co the west ai the present C:t7 ::m:ts, having an east-west dime~sicn of approximately 300 ~ee~ 5~C~!~ be placed in the 3e!leral Commercial ~and use category snd C-4 =oning district. T!lEse parcels should be required to ~ed~=a~~ right-of-'~ay and constru(:t the adjacent street C2~s~~~ent with the ~equi~eme~ts that were placed on the U.S. ?25~ :~~~CE. T~e c~~~erci2: ~arce:s s~culd })~ ~evel:ped 50 as to jE ==::~s~ible ~1i~h the future ~esid~ntia~ ~se ot the prc?erty wt~=~ :~2S to the west. Those parcels which lie fur~her west Ehcu:~ ~e placed in the Hig~ ~?nFity Residential land llse C3=e~=~y. Co~mercial deve:op~ent on tl:is parcel should nct be ~2==~~~e~ Sln(:~ a s~11g1e-f3m~~y subdivision lies immediataly to ::::e :-;~S~ s.r.:l ac:equat".e conmerc.:.al p:.~opel~:'Y -=:~ists ~2.sewhere in the ~:=~~~:y. Ft~rt~ermoref bUlld~~g height~ 011 this parcel S~Ollld be l:~:~ed ~o ~ stores (25 feet) ~ithin 150 fee~ and 3 stories ~:~~~:: .;00 fe~t of these sing2.e-fa~ily lets. ?:"A~;X::~JG .;RZA 3--S0UTHWEST G\,:_J,.:)?,;'NT OF C:TY 3.a. ~~ke Bov~ton Estates (language which was included in the =.:.-:::.::-= ?2.2.1': Clnd su?~~rt docurne:l::s ~..;hich Nel~e tra:~s:rii. tted to the ~~:7 ~ommission on October 17, 1989) ~ =~==-=s-=-~~~t~ee-3~~-=ar~e~Y-~R~ffi~=e~ee-9~B5~~~5~e~7-wfi~eR ~11~ ~~r~~~~~ ~0r~icn c~ ~hi3 stljd~~ision is zoned pri~arily ~or sl~~:e-family ~jZe, but incllld2S multiple-family =oning along the eaS~S=:1 ~?unda~y, and Neighbo~~hood Commercial =~ning at the r;::;:.--:::-=r::. 3.nd :::::i_~tl~l;~r:l >:-nc~.s. -:'he sO"..lth2rn por'Cion or :'=.ke 30Y:lton E3~a-:~3 ~nd several llnplattej ~r3cts lie wlt~i~ a ?1311n~d Unit :-?':~:" :-:-::r,':;;, t: (?l'S) o::.nd F 131;.r;..?d C8rrmel-C ial De\'elca:nen:: : ?CD'. -,-;11 icl1 ~~~ ~~~ E'.lbiect ,)~ ~Ollrt-orde~pd settlement stiPtl12ticns. a~e ~~~~~~~~~-~~~-~H~~~~5-0~-a-~~WSH~~ CO!lcerning ~:~~ l~l:~ l!S~ ~~d =:~~~:~ ~~r the area. on ~lle :lorthern ~Or~iOJl of Lake B~7nton ~s=a:~3 t~e pr()p~rt7, ~~ll:ch is not wi~h~n ~11e pur ~r ?CD-~~e ~~~~~~~-~!-~Re-~aH9~~~~ the 13~d use for t~e ~-l~ =oned ?ortion S~10~:~ ]Je :h~nged ~rom Mo~~rate Density Residen~~al to Low D2::~~~? Residen~ial. ~o r~f~ect the existing zo~i~g and pattern ':~ ~?~e~Opmell:. ~nd:lle ~3~lS t:se for ~he R-3 =olled ~;)r~ion S:1~tl1d ~e c::a~ged fr0m Higll Density Residelltial to ~ediurn ~ensi~y ~eS~~~lltlal End R-2 zonil:~. ag3in, to reflect the ~xisting ~astern of ~evelOpme!lt_ T!le parcel occupied b} the Am'?rican :'egicr: 91 I'" - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ State~~~~ ~~ ccr.di~:c~s~ h2rds~i;3. propDsed a~~~sment: See Attached Justification State=~== I I I . ~~.~I_~E_2~~~~:~D_~8gE~B=~~_~~~5E~~ .=-- .:i;ns-n d m~?:: t!::; ,1IL~St. :;UQm". t. ~" =':..:~. ~.:! r.:h.:\;j.:;~ t '-I !::' -:='r!:~: ":.t.i?C '.~i.,: =. :1 iJ ';1 ::': ,-:. ~- -:. ~: - ~ ~-, ." - ~- :: ~ ~ C "'/:;. , ""1 e,f -' -1..'. i ! 1- ~::;::::: ~- : "/ =.:...w..:?~-~ . --,;: I: _."......._ ,j,:-:::.::i,-j=-:.:=-.r;. ;'::;1"- ~'.Jl ~-'-:i-,_:t.-~:=:; '-'::7""" :.'I'"'::'P:2l'-"':: ~s ;';c-:.l'.~:! !.:F' '::~:::n.-r-.,:!. t--::":8~-:=:-:-:: ,'" r")l ~ ::. .JI'I-;J.:,. .-:":L,...- '- ; t. .1_ M.:\i 1 ~:; ~-'l ,=\ 11 ,-\~)P 1. .C -.. .-:.~ ..:. "fH- ~"'C':C' .. -:-:,-::;-.. :,!...'. "::'~c.,:; ': .,-= ::,,-). : rOOI j, (':~' . ,~.. r :'," J_-, ...,':' ,I t .''..'ti .-' .-'" ~ .-' .-. ~ .:i ....:;t. ;, tel 1: ;, .~~ j. .: ::. .: .:. ....J... .J. 'F '.= . ,'=".: c~;._: '-:;-..:;:: :i- :,. ;r ,;:~- E"~JV ),-.':::1 - . - '- _' ., _. I ~ ~ ':'-I:? ~::-_,lm r::'.~.-..:~) ~~::,'_:n7"'1 ?~-o~,::r;. PI ~)+ ''=CP'..' ':!:c: ;- -:-:=,::.r--.-::r::! 1-"'. ~.. p::-':- :::~-=:::~I-ti::..'s P)..:I.iinir.t;j ['1=,::.,)"':.. ::;::. ~~? ~. - :J';:J ---~~ ~2a~On~ ~~stifvIng the :r=~G~20 Camprehensiv8 Plan c~O~ErtY1 th~ Jpplicant 2. ,-.'" -.':::j:-f?S:::'E:~3.; ~ eq 2.1 2\r:d --"--'1 ttr':'fj U'.3!?S .:J.F ::;.:ti.J ~t:::~,.t :::-Jffi.:i :\1 t~-:t:: :-l ...... '..~'::= ::\;::-p~ ~\':2.n"t.~ .- C' , .i. l.~ ::: I J ~ f-~ "' _ ".., c : i ,::t ",e l~ -_"'_"_ -);: ::-:~ -. :...~~ . ~c;: ~_)'.. ',: ~1(~ '':::. t y .=.f ::'Cl--: ,:'_r'":; "II iTI.'.r-== t-:~h':'t.,i n'~ ..bc:,'..'~-. ~ ~ Kilday & AAOClat.. Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR KNUTH ROAD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The petitioner is requesting a Comprehensive Plan text amendment to allow this entire site to be devetoped as Local Retail Commercial. This text amendment request is consistent with the current Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan designation which shows the property as a combination of Commercial and Commercial Recreation. The Boynton Plan already recognizes that the CommerciaJ designation is appropriate along Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, the Boynton Plan does not recognize the depth being requested by the petitioner. As marketing changes, the needs tor additional depth has been demonstrated in many projects which have been designed and constructed along Boynton Beach Boulevard. The proposed development plan allows tor a unified development af the entire parcel. Development ot the property based on the limited depth creates an additional problem in trying to squeeze a very small residential development in the area between the Quail Ridge buffer and the designated Commercial area along the north. The proposed plan allows for the entire site - which is a single parcel- to develop under a single Comprehensive Plan Land Use category. ~ IV~ GEEbl[QIlQ~_E~~~~ Fees shall b~ paid at the is submittcd~ according to "tho fol:owi~g 5c~edule~ check, payable to the City of Poyntcn BeacM~ t~8e th3t the 3pplication All f(~e$ s~~ll be paid by Far amendmeni:s to t!l{~ .[:;:~~:t o-F the comprehensive plan for the ben~fit of a particL\lar property 0r properti~s. .,;,~3f)O. 00 Where postponelnent of action by the Pl~nning. and Zo~ing board or City Council is r9quested by ttle applicant, after thG appllcatlon ha5 been advertised, the following fge5 shall be paid: For re-advertisement of the application, where re-3dvertisement is rQqui!-ed ":p~.::5. ..)(1 For each addition31. tra~smlssion of t~e application to the Pl&nni~g 311d Zo~in~ Elo~\rd or City Coun,=i 1 ~ ::'.ft'~r. tt.~:) i'-,i ~i ;-:-:1 tr-ansmi s:::.i on. :2-3. ':1;) ", v. ~~BIIEI~QIlg~ (I) ('l~e) U;-tdC'?l-::;'to.nj t!-,<?\t :!~;::"j ';:'.p::,lj.'::::l':::iQn z:.nd c;l:i. p.L.J.r1 ~'\~""1d P3.PE'r-5 submitted ~~~Q~~j.th bnCOln~ ~ ~~:-+. Q' tt19 ~2rm:n0n~ ~~ccrd5 of the O!anning and Z'~nincJ BOi;;\j'""d. (I) (',I,IE') he.l'.;-;,'::"" c:::-I-tif..j tht.\t ".:::(2 ,:i,C,OV'::? .o:;tatemG.nts and =\n~../ st:,:~-::'-,2mE'ilt,s: C~ ':;hi:JI'.lings ~,n .'::.~-;'.' ~':lP::::~!-::: C~~ ~:,l~,.;-~s '::'..'.:~lmit.t2d her-~,..Ji.t:h are t:-U'? to t~"02 t:.-::~':jt c.~ '. r.:'Ui'. ~ r1o:t-Jl ~:'C(Jt'? ;:;'.11d ~.: ::<. i s'+ Th~~ S 3.pp 1 ~ cati on ?~ ~cc~~~:.~~ 1'0 i:he instructions below. ~@ljZ~~~__~~I:_:~:~ 5ign~~ur-r? of I~pp~lcant ..2 -2.{ -1'f) --------------~--- ')",ts' VI. e~I~g81~GIIQ~-SE-0g~UI . ~,;~;ea_4.j,j!-6~f7f:::~A;~4~-5' /;!-4y s: c;:;~r:d:+~.\..~.{ .:')Jutl-:t;:.::: ;~:'c! ''':(]~:':-:~~ij / ./ d-,dA - 9C n..________~_~-!_-_ [l,:--.tC? ~ I) ,:l,;c:.:.) :";.~~l'-f:~"}'" .'.-..... :~:~,'~"'. "-.". '~;L~-~:~!_~~:-.C___~~__ '~j.j, qn.:,.J..::._.;,~::, C''',' ',p~~"i~.: '.~':.tn! =-,t,-.=,V,'::: ~., ...:J ":' ,:'!'-'. '::1"-' .~.~: :':\' , , r: '-:~. ] ... '., ~ .- :,7\C;:" . ~. ': -:. ' 'I I, 2.. ~ .2J; - Di) . _..._.___._.~~__~_.I.!::__~..___ '..:::\1.:;:: F'1::1iHI).n() D2pt. t.-~:16 J.:lC; c: ..~ I\lOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE 'NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE OF TEXT AMENDMENT The! 'City of Boynton Deach proposes to annex, change the lI~e of land, amend the text of the Comprehensive Plan and rezone the land within the area shown in the map in this advertisement. 11 public hearing on these proposals will be held before the planning a",1 Zoning Bonnl on June 12, 1990, nt 7,)0 p.m. at City lIall in the commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. 11 public hearing on these proposals will also be held before the City commission on June 19, 1990, at 6:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. ~~.hUi'.._-!, il~..,. .\. il.I'i':J'n,~I~;,:II! ~Ld~QY.NTON ROAD! L -I[-~:~ i '~Ji%~ml ~J .----=~ ..- ~ I /-- = .~ i 0 ~iJ~: L7?rFT ~ --.-. If-! "'lmnU;;iiiii ,- -/"--, _\_J :::}.:-.- . I .: IIhjl'III1I1\\\\\lb lit' '. = I-/<~ I /r~'r'~~~:'~~GL~~r::~:r~ :0 ]'~l~\\ I~. 'u # '-l~ ( '[,'Unl_ '1\ C ,If) (\- I {It '1' L.W '1111=' \/\ ~~. ,. ~1_\D QIJ _ ~ I IW~ (t~~ Ill. .,.> \l EL?:( \1W, PLICW N +2( I \III}L f (!.) '1.:;:"--;'--;' _ -::.~\ .[,dll~~\S~~1IY : i: : r' ! -./., -' . TON) ^V"'~ - I .\JJ : ( ;,~.,j,'i.b.~ ~ -- - ~"; \(1' . I .L i i ;- ~~( /Ill - - ~ ()J ' r .IIT i lj..--\.:: -/ -:.' . - '~)-II~.Il:I. l:-:;l{:d,~,-;-,:"::,--::,!.,,,_,"!;-i_: . _......_ ""_" . ,:tJ1\ fI - II 1R'l1 \,?U' I ,''{ fE\l~)j,; u.:;r ;o.!":;~:L~I:nl.,,_r"('Miilk'll _I I ..\ . ,( I) , ." If '. I I I 1 ~ II}' I APPLICATION NO. 1 APPLICANT: The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. Kilday & Associates r I The Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: Knuth Road Planned Comnercial Development PROPOSED USE: 120,000 square foot shopping center LOCATION: Southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. REQUEST: lIMEND TilE FUTURE LAND USE PLlIN CONTlIINED IN TilE COMPREIIENSIVE PLAN From - CH/3 (Palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (city of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - lIn, lIgricu1tural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD (City of Boynton Beach) '.. '" APPLI CATION NO. 2 APPLICANT: Michael A. schroeder, Trustee AGENT: Kilday & Associates OWNER: University of Florida Foundation, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Boulevard Planned Commercial Development PROPOSED USE: 120,000 square foot shopping center LOCATION: South side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between North Congress Avenue and Knuth Road. REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - R/8 (Palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD (City of Boynton Beach) A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE POST ~ay 27, June 3 & June 10, 1990' cc: City Commission City Manager Planning Director City Attorney City ~lgr's Office Mgr. I I . , , '.. APPLICATION NO.2 APPLICANT: Michael A. Schroeder, Trustee AGENT: Kilday & Associates OWNER: University of Florida Foundation, Inc. PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Boulevard Planned commercial Development PROPOSED USE: 120,000 square foot shopping center LOCATION: South side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between North Congress Avenue and Knuth Road. REQUEST: AMEND THE FUTURE LAND USE PLAN CONTAINED IN THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN From - RIB (Palm Beach county) To - Local Retail commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach county) To - PCD (City of Boynton Beach) A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's Planning Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect to any matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE POST May 27, June 3 & June 10, 1990 cc: City Commission City Manager Planning Director City Attorney City Mgr's Office Mgr. I I . ., ~.. "..r-ri AGREEMENT This Agreement entered into this lijU, day of June, 1990, by and between STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS AS~ri:ON, INC., a Florida corporation ("Association") and BILL R. WINCHESTER ("Winchester") and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE ("Schroeder"). WHEREAS, there are currently pending before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, applications for Annexation, Future Land Use Element Amendment, Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for projects known as "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" and "Knuth Road PCD" and an application for Future Land Use Element Amendment from "Low Density Residential" to "Medium Density Residential" and rezoning from PUD with a Land Use Intensity of four (4) to PUD with a Land Use Intensity of five (5) to allow for the construction of 192 mUlti-family dwelling units and a church with respect to the project known as "Tara Oaks PUD"; and WHEREAS, Schroeder is the Applicant with respect to the application, known as "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" pending before the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard application; and WHEREAS, Winchester is the Appl icant with respeot to the application known as "Knuth Road PUD" pending before the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and as a general partner of the Partnership which owns the property which is the subject of the Knuth Road PUD application can bind the owner of same; and WHEREAS, Winchester is the Applicant with respect to the application known as "Tara Oaks PUD" pending before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property which is the subject of the Tara Oaks PUD application; and WHEREAS, Association represents the property owners the residential development known as "Stpnehaven PUD" within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, Association is entering into this Agreement after having a membership meeting at which a quorum was present and having received the approval of a substantial majority of its members as evidenced by a signed petition; and within lying WHEREAS, Association and its members have had the opportunity to review the various applications and to make such inquiries with respect to same as they deemed appropriate including meeting with representatives of the applicants; and WHEREAS, Association is opposed to the development of the property which is the subject of the "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" as high density residential and to the development of the property which is the subject of the "Knuth Road moderate density residential as contemplated comprehensive Plan; and PCD" property as by the current WHEREAS, Association wishes to evidence its support for the approval of the application with respect to "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD", "Knuth Road PCD", and "Tara Oaks PUD" provided the Applicant with respect to each of same agrees to assure the Association that such Applicant will, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, cause certain improvements (described below) to be made on the real property which is the subject of such application and on the real property of the Association adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS, winchester and Schroeder wish to assure the Association that they, respectively, will, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, cause such improvements to be made. ' NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: I. "Bovnton Beach Boulevard PCD". A. Schroeder agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application: (1) The installation of a minimum twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer between the project and Stonehaven PUD along the entire length of the adjacent property lines. Buffer shall include: (a) Four (4) foot high berm; (b) six (6) foot high masonry wall located in the center of the buffer; (c) Barbed wire barrier on top of the wall subject to City of Boynton Beach approval; (d) Landscaping which consists of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting, located on thirty (30) foot centers. One row shall be placed on each side of the wall. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. -2- (e) Construction of wall and berm shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings. (2) Maintenance of the wall, berm, and landscaping on both sides of the wall shall remain the obligation of the developer/owner. (3) All Australian pines within fifty (50) feet of the stonehaven PUD property line along Banyan Creek Circle North and within the southernmost ten (10) acres of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD shall be removed by the developer/owner upon initial approval of the application by the City Commissioners of Boynton Beach, Florida. (4) Entry into and maintenance in effect of a contract to provide continuous rodent and pest control, such contract to be entered into prior to commencement of closing/site work to cover all of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application. (5) Building heights will be limited to one story (maximum 25 feet) for anchor store only, balance of shopping center to be maximum of twenty-two (22) feet high. (6) shall be shielded and rights-of-way. All lighting shall be of low intensity and and directed away from surrounding properties (7) The architectural treatment at the rear of the shopping center is to match the front of the shopping center. (8) Screening and noise mitigation is to be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment and to be located at ground level if approved by the City Commission, City of Boynton Beach, Florida. B. In consideration of the foregoing promises, the Association endorses the "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" application and requests that the members of the city Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission approve it. II. "Knuth Road PCD". A. Winchester agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Knuth Road PCD application are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Knuth Road PCD application: (1) A six (6) foot masonry wall shall be built -3- , adjacent to the east right-of-way line of Knuth Road from stonehaven PUD's north property line (adjaoent to office building) south along the north right-of-way line of the LWDD L- 25. The Assooiation agrees to assist the developer in obtaining approval to include this wall section in the development plans for Knuth Road PUD subject to appropriate impaot fee credits. However, if impact fee credit can not be obtained, the developer/owner shall construct this wall from his funds. Where said walls meet at Knuth Road and Stonehaven Drive the placement of said walls shall be done in manner reasonably suitable to the Association. It is the intention of the Association that these walls conform with the existing layout of the present entrance into Stonehaven PUD and to accommodate lo.cation of guard gates. [See II.A. (4) (c) below.] (2) The Knuth Road PCD property owner shall be required to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) years. (3) Construction of the wall shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings. (4) The owner participate as follows in Stonehaven PUD: of the Knuth Road PCD property will providing additional security of (a) Assist in preparing applications and seeking approval for the abandonment by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, of Stonehaven Drive from Kn~th Road to LWDD L-25 to secure the safety, well being and property values of the residents of Stonehaven PUD. These applications will commence upon approval of this project by the City commission of Boynton Beach, Florida. (b) Construction of the following masonry wall segments which shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings and (which will not be subj ect to any impact fees credits) : 1. A section of a six (6) foot high masonry wall identical to wall in II-A-(l) fifty (50) feet in length extending from the east right-Of-way of Knuth Road adjacent to the existing office building parking area along the north property line of Stonehaven PUD. 2. Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall identical to wall in II-A-(l) along the north right- Of-way line of LWDD L-25 from a point parallel with the east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD" easterly to the west right-of- way line of Stonehaven Drive. Said wall section shall commence -4- from the termination point of the wall section referenced in section III below and will be the obligation of "Tara Oaks PUD". 3 . Construction of an identical wall extended from the east right-of-way of Stonehaven Drive along the north right-of-way line of LWDD L-25. This wall shall be of an appropriate length, not to exceed fifty (50) feet, in order to create a suitable accented entry. 4. Provide landscaping to the extent possible adjacent to the wall sections subject, to a final determination of land area available. Provide landscaping in the form of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) foot shade trees on thirty (30) foot center in those areas where adjacent property is available within Stonehaven PUD and agrees to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) ,years. (c) Upon a successful completion of the abandonment of Stonehaven Drive, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property contribute to the cost of the construction of guard gates at the north and south entrances to Stonehaven PUD up to a maximum of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,OOO.OO). Type and style of guard gates along with the type of electronic entrance systems to be used with these guard gates will be determined by the Association. Upon completion of construction of all walls required to be built pursuant to this Agreement, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property shall deposit into escrow, with an escrow agent reasonably acceptable to the parties, the Thirty-Five Thousand Dollar ($35,OOO.OO) amount contemplated by this Agreement. These funds shall be held in an interest bearing account. FunCls shall be disbursed from this account, in an amount up to Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,OOO.OO), in satisfaction of the Knuth Road PCD property owners obligation to contribute toward guard gate construction costs as set forth in this paragraph. Upon completion of construction or disbursement of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,OOO.OO), in the aggregate, the remaining funds shall be released to the Knuth Road peD property owner. (5) Installation of a traffic light in accordance with governmental requirements at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. B. In consideration of the foregoing promises, the Association endorses the "Knuth Road PCD" application and requests that the members of the City Planning and Zoning Board and city Commission approve it. III. "Tara Oaks PUD". A. Winchester agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Tara Oaks PUD application are -5- obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Tara Oaks PUD application: (1) Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the north right-of-way line of LWDD L-25 from the east to a point parallel with the east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". It is the intent that his wall section connect with the stipUlated wall section contained in the conditions of "Knuth Road PUD". This wall shall be landscaped in the same manner as the wall in II-A-(4)-(b)-4 and developer agrees to provide maintenance for said wall for five (5) years. (2) Creation of a twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer along the ,north property line adjacent to the south right-of-way line of the LWDD L-25 Canal. That buffer will consist of landscaping which consists of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting located on thirty (30) foot centers. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. (3) No buildings shall be located closer than forty (40) feet from the north property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". This setback creates a minimum separation of one hundred seventy- five (175) feet from the most northerly building to the closest individually owned south property line of Stonehaven PUD. B. Based on the foregoing, the Association endorses the "Tara Oaks PUD" application <;lnd requests that the members of the city Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission approve it. IV. Miscellaneous. A. Walls contemplated by this Agreement shall be masonry walls provided by Anchor Wall Systems, or similar construction, including pilaster caps on all columns with the Association approving the color and texture on all such walls. B. Winchester and Schroeder agree to pay reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association for its law firm to review this Agreement. V. Aqreement to Run with Land. It is the intention of the parties that the obligation to make the improvements and other arrangements described in this Agreement, with respect to each of the real properties which are the subject of the applications, shall if the applications are approved, become covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon the initial developer/owner of the property and each property owner -6- thereafter so long as that person or entity shall have an ownership interest in the property. Neither Winchester nor Schroeder shall be under any personal obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements and other arrangements provided for ~n this Agreement with respect to the real properties which are the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, the Knuth Road PCD and the Tara Oaks PUD applications if the provisions of this Agreement with respeot to all of suoh improvements and other arrangements are, by the filing of appropriate instruments, made covenants of record running with the land and binding upon the person or entity having fee simple title to such real properties. The Association shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction and to obtain affirmative injunctive relief to enforce specifically the full and timely performance of the obligations set forth in this Agreement concerning the making of such improvements and other arrangements and to enforce any such covenants of record. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, neither Winchester nor Schroeder shall have any personal or other obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements or arrangements provided for in this Agreement as to any of the properties, which are the subject of the referenced applications, unless the application pertaining to the property in question receives all final requisite government approvals and final ordinances are adopted by the City of Boynton Beach with respect to same. (Winchester\stonel.Agm\06/l9/90) -7- Its NOTICE OF ANNEXATION NOTICE OF LAND USE CHANGE J NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE The city of Boynton Beach proposes to annex, change the use of land, and rezone the land within the areas shown on the map in this advertisement. A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the City Commission Tuesday, December 18, 1990, at 6:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permit.f', at: city lIa]l in th<? cnmmission chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. i i i l'~' I I i Ii If APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: J 'BgnltoN BE CH j, ,II i i i ION .,. dJ , '(" 1(1\ ,,' , I APPLICATION No.1 The Winchester Family partnership, Ltd. Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development 120,000 square foot shopping cente~ A 13.87 acre parcel located at the southwest corner of W. Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road t ANNEXATION: Ordinance No,' 90-61 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - CH/3 (palm Beach county) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE :' From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach county) To - PCD, Planned commercial Development (City of Boynton Beach) I t I I I t APPLICANT: AGENT: OWNER: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME:' PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICANT/ OWNER: AGENT: PROJECT NAME: PROPOSED USE: LOCATION: REQUEST: APPLICATION No.2 Michael A. Schroeder, Trustee Kilday & Associates University of Florida Foundation, Inc. Boynton Beach Blvd. Planned Commercial Development 120,000 square foot shopping center A 14.76 acre parcel located at the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard, between North congress Avenue and Knuth Road ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 90-62 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - R/8 (Palm Beach County) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD, Planned Commercial Development (City of Boynton Beach) APPLICATION No.3 winchester, winchester, Zeiher & schroeder A Florida General Partnership Kilday & Associates Winchester Boulevard Restaurant (f.k.a. Retail/Oil Lube) Fast food restaurant A 0.84 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Blvd. ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 90-63 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - CH/8 (Palm Beach county). To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton B~ach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (palm Beach county) To - C-3, Community Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) APPLICATION No.4 Mall Corner Inc. Kilday & Associates Mall Corner Restaurant Restaurant A 1,34 acre parcel located at Winchester Park Boulevard and . the southwest corner of old Boynton Road ANNEXATION: Ordinance No. 90-64 (Proposed) AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - CH/8 (Palm Beach county) To - Local Retail Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) REZONE: From - AR, Agricultural Residential (palm Beach county) To - C-3, community Commercial (City of Boynton Beach) The complete legal description by metes and bounds and the proposed ordinances can be obtained from the Office of the City Clerk. , A copy of the proposed comprehensive plan' amendment and rezoning request is available for review by the public in the City's planning,Department. All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purposes, may need to ensure that a verbatim record for the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. SUZANNE M. KRUSE, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PUBLISH: THE POST - November 22, 29, and December 6, 13, 1990 I , . 1\t';GLlJr'. 1'( , (.!),..rtk'\.;(. j'el + 1'1,"\ C:,,-n-r i\! . -i\r 1..,( C',I{~1s, A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney 8 working days prior to the first pUblishing date requested below. Cup)' AQ to(. REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES ANDIOR LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ORIGINATING DEPARTHENT: PLANNING PREPARED BY: 'Michael W. Rumpf DATE PREPARED:--ll/l~/qO BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: r~p AMENDMENT FOR ANNEX- l\'ElON, I.AND USE ELEMEN'l' AMENDMENT, AND REZONING OF PROPERTIES (Knuth Rd. PCD, Boynton Beach BLVD, Retail/Oil Lube, and Mall Corner Restaurant) . ' SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREHENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size. Section Placement, Black Border etc.1 THE AD Mus'r OCCUpy NOT LESS THAN ONE-QUARTER OF A STANDARD NEWSPAPER PAGE. THE HEADLINES MUST BE NOT LESS THAN EIGHTEEN POINT LETTER SIZE. PLACE AD IN "L9CAL NEWS" SECTION AND NOT IN THE CLASSIFIED SEC'rION OR LEGAL SECT ION. IF MAP IS REDUCED STREET NAMES ON MAP MUST BE LEGIBLE. AN EXTRA COPY OF TilE ACTUAL MAP IS ATTACHED FOR THE NEWSPAPER. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: NEWSPAPER, PLANNING DEPT., CITY ATTORNEY NEWSPAPER(S) TO PUBLISH: PALM BEACH POST DATE(B) TO BE PUBLISHED: NOVEMBER 22, 29, DECEMBER 6, 13, 1990. APPROVED BY: 11) ~~mtl~~ . I( /, r,Jro flDa ( 21 (City Attorney) , ""/ 7<.~, ): < -./ ' UI(/ /U{/;r--- ) ci ty Manager) I (Date) I J) I(-(f- ftJ (Date) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLET~D: REZONE ~ From - AR, Agricultural Residential (Palm Beach County) To - PCD, Planned commercial Development (City of Boynton Beach) i