REVIEW COMMENTS KlldIly & AAocI_ Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Piece Suite 100A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 November 23, 1994 Ms, Tambri Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Request for Time Extensions PROJECTS: Tara Oaks P.U,D, (Ordinance 90-75) Knuth P.C,D. (Ordinance 90-70) Boynton Beach Boulevard P,C,D, (Ordinance 90-73) Dear Ms, Heyden, This letter will serve as a formal request to have the City Commission of Boynton Beach review the status of the above three (3) Planned Developments and to grant further time extensions for their commencement of development. I have reviewed your Zoning Code in an effort to determine the proper procedure for extending these project approvals, It appears that the only process available at this time is contained in Section 9, Article 13, Time Limitation for Development of Property, In fact, this section was the basis for a similar review of the Capitol Professional Center PCD (located at the southeast comer of Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road). In that case, the Commission, after determining that the existing Planned Commercial Development zoning was the most appropriate zoning for the property, granted an indefinite time extension, I have attached the staff report and time extension letter for your review. -- All three (3) of the above referenced Planned Developments were approved on December 18, 1990, Since that time, while there has been some activity conceming each of the projects, there has not been formal final development plan approval and/or construction, The original eighteen (18) month time limit of the approvals would have expired on June 18, 1992. However, on June 16, 1992, the City Commission approved our request to extend the expiration dates of the three (3) planned developments for one (1) year until June 17, 1993 (see attached letter from Chris Cutro dated June 29, 1992). No action or review has taken place since that time, Due to the down swing in the economy, the property owners have been unable to successfully commence development which, in this case, is recording of a plat of record for the first phase of development. However, the property owners have worked continuously on all three projects since the last extension in an effort to commence development. rno\I'Jrn rn 1\;1',,1 ? ,8 ~ ....', '- ' ~ '- ...: a.. ~ I.JJ 0 . C) ... 'Z: :z z < z ..., 5 a.. ENGIKEEllP"" DEPAllTKEllT KEMOIlAIIDUM 110. 91-l"'8 January 12, 1991 TO: J, Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RE: City Manager Memorandum No. 91-011 Boynton Beach P.C.D. Knuth Road P.C.D. I am in receipt of the above referenced memorandum and provide you the following information to support my opinion that the Boynton Beach P,C.D. and the Knuth Road P.C.D, should not be considered exempt from adherence to the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards and all associated Municipal Ordinances governing the subject properties. In accordance with the provisions set forth in our City's Code of Ordinances, specifically Appendix "A" - Zoning, Section F, "Planned Commercial Development District", subsection F8, "Procedures for Zoning Land to Planned Commercial Development", requires a formal submission of geotechnical (soils) test data as referenced in Section F8a3. which states the applicant must submit Subdivision Master Plan Requirements Not Listed Above. Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting, Section 4, "Master Plan", subsection4C(15), requires the applicant to submit the results of geotechnical tests for the subject properties, This required submission as referenced in Appendix "A" is a requirement for the application process for zoning property to P.C,D. The applicant failed to submit the required test data as evidenced by the May 10, 1990 Report of Geotechnical* Investigation conducted by Nutting Engineers after February I, 1990, This report is available for your review and supports my opinion that the applicant failed to submit the required data within the threshold date contained within County Municipal Ordinances, Referenced the aforementioned Appendix "A" submission requirements relative to Master Plan requirements set forth in Appendix "c" Subdivision and Platting, Article VIII, Section 4D, (Traffic Impact AnalysiS> the applicant submitted the T,I,A. to this Office on April 17, 1990, The T,I.A. conducted by K,S, Rogers, Consulting Engineers dated the report 1/31/90*, The required submission document for zoning property to P,C.D, was received by this office approximately one and one half (1 1/2) months after the County's threshold date and again supports my opinion that the applicant failed to submit the required data within the threshold date contained within county Municipal Ordinances. *Engineering Department Memorandum No. 90-102, transmitted to you, Item #1 of the April 17. 1990 Technical Review Board Comments, specifically indicates that the soil test data which is a required submission for zoning property to P,C.D, clearly indicates that the data was not provided this City prior to February 1, 1990, Additionally, it is clear that Item #3 of Engineering Department Memorandun No, 90-102 (cross-reference Engr. Dept. Memo No, 90-103) conflicts with Item #5. The intent of this conflict was to document that at the time of submittal, a Traffic Impact Analysis was omitted and was immediately submitted to my office the day the T,R,B. comments were being typed and that is why the compliance statement contained w thin Item #5 appears at the end of the TRB comments which concurs with the Traffic Egineers statement that the subject properties shall comply with County Traffic p'rformance Standards and applicable Ordinances. Additionally, this office never r ceived a Market Feasibility Study as referenced in Appendix "A". I should also be noted that Planning Department memorandum No, 278, dated A gust 21, 1990, and the subsequent Planning Department memorandum No, 313, dated o tober 16, 1990, regarding fully exempt and partially exempt projects, did not c ntain any reference whatsoever to the subject P,C.D. 's being exempt, Planning Department memorandum No, 368, dated December 20, 1990, recently included the subject properties, furthermore requesting a review of the attached exemption list by my department relative to the formulation of objections to any projects contained therein, I requested the presence of the City Engineer, Consulting firm of Gee & Jenson, but W, Richard Staudinger, P,E. did not attend and as the Planning Department requested an immediate and expeditious written reply to this issue, I formulated one based on information available within the public records of this City. con 't... ............... ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT HJ!MIllIANDUK NO. 91-008 con 't, RE: Boynton Beach p.e.D. & Knuth Road p.e.D. As an employee of this City, it is my obligation to disclose my knowledge of factual information regarding all public matters, as(it is my opinion)for me to knowingly withhold information which would confer a special privilege unto others (ie. traffic exemptions, etc,), would be improper and not in the best interest of the citizens of Boynton Beach, Florida. In response to your Memorandum No. 91-011 relative to the administration of these articles regarding traffic and drainage exemptions, I respectfully request that you re-visit Section 19-87(c)(e) which indicates to me that it is my office who determines which projects are vested for traffic and drainage exemptions and I therefore take exception to Paragraph #2 and Paragraph #7 of City Mananger's Memorandum No,. 91-011. (Cross-reference Section 19-88(d)(1), Ordinance 90-18) In the spirit of intergovernmental coordination, I meet, speak to and transmit information on a continuing basis to the County Engineer, Engineering Dept. Planner, Roadway Production Department, the Attorney's office and the County Speci~l Projects Administrator as a normal course of my duties, As Administrator and Coordinator of Engineering I hold membership on the MPO's Technical Advisory Committee, where side by side, City and County Officials strive to improve over capacity roadway lengths, many of which are located within this City. I feel my actions in this matter were neither inappropriate or improper as you are well aware I coordinate with the aforementioned County offices on most all transportation, master plan and platting issues, As you are well aware, I have always copied you on correspondence sent to County offices and I take exception that I am being singled out for transmitting this specific memo when I feel I am properly performing my public duties in the best interest of our City. During discussions held in your office on January II, 1991, you voiced your support for me relative to these two projects contributing to a improved roadway system and it pains me to know you wrote the County Engineer requesting he ignore the public document I sent to him, when in fact you have never requested he ignore the dozens of other documents sent by me to the County offices, I should never have been invited to a staff meeting to determine which projects are exempt and which are not, especially when the end result of my honest opinion (seemingly contrary to others) was the generation of an embarrassing letter, sent by you, to Mr, Charles Walker, Jr. Respectfully submitted, L~A.~' Vincent A, Finizio ~ Administrative Coordinator of Engineering RECEIVED JAN 14 ql PLANNING DEPT. VAF/ck cc: Christopher Cutro, Director of Planning Central Files Engineering File - Knuth Road P,C,D. Engineering File - Boynton Beach p,e,D. I Note: \ I I I I t ! Sections of the Concurrency Management Ordinance relative to issuance of Land Development Orders is in direct conflict with Appendix "e" Subdivision and Platting Regulations and furthermore exempts all non-residential uses from providing proper levels of service for potable water, sanitary sewer, solid waste and parks and recreation facilities. ............ ~lf~ \:.~~ W-EU April 23, 1990 A~U_ ~~mG DEPT. , , \ BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-158 ~ - TO: Timothy Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & zoning DirectoroddL~ Michael E. Haag, zoning & Site Developmen~ Administrator THRU: FROM; RE: MASTER PLAN - KNUTH ROAD peD (ANNEXATION) \ , Upon review of the above mentioned project, the fOllowing comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Identify on the master plan drawing the zoning district of the property that is adjacent to all sides of the proposed PCD. 2. Where proposed PCD is adjacent to a residential zoned district show a 25'0" wide green belt. 3. Show on the master plan drawing the location of the buildings and the associated parking spaces that comprise the 72,000 sq. ft. out parcel space as identified within the land use breakdown data. 4. All drawings and/or documents submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. E. Haag meh:eaf cc: Don Jaeger KNUTHPCD.SDD ~IRE DEPARTMENT ~E~ORA~OUM NO. 90-205 ~DC T(I ~ JIM GOLDEN. PLANNING DEPARTMENT F R':)!~1 : \"ITLlII\,; E', ':AVo,N"lliiH, FIRL C.'LPAPH1ErH L'A T F : APRIL03.lq,,)(] RC I,N U TH f ':'AL' r:. r, [, rIRL HYDRANIS ARE REQUIRED TO CONFOPM TO LITY SUB DlvI~ION :~f'F' TFI': ,~TI"'N:,. 41[~1fk~?ffn~ FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I \^ID'~ ip'] MEMORANDUM POLICE # 90-054 TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt, Dale Hammack RE: Knuth Road P.C.D. DATE: April 19, 1990 As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board meeting of 19 April 1990, I am recommending the fOllowing: 1. No parking spaces to back into major through aisles on future plans. ilnaP~~- DH/cm RECEIVED APR 20 1990 PlANNING DEPT. .~ EN3INEERIN3 DEPAR'IMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-103 April 17, 1990 TO: J. Scott Miller City Manager FROM: Vincent A. Finizio Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T.R.B. Carrrents Knuth Road P.C.D. (Annexation) Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. Kilday and Associates Landscape Architects/Plarmers In =nfonnance with the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Code of Ordinances, Appendix "C", Subdivision and Platting, Article VIII, Section 4, "Master Plan", the applicant for the above referenced project shall sul:mit the following technical data, information and plan =rrections: 1. Provide a tract boundary which includes bearings, Appendix "C", Article VIII, Section 4C (6) "D:iJrensions & Bearings Required". 2. Provide location (s) and test results of required geotechnical investigations. Appendix "c", Article VIII, Section 4C (15) "SUbsurface Soil Conditions". 3. Provide a statement on the master plan indicating the availability of utilities (telephone, power, water, sewer, gas, etc.) in coordination with all required utilities. Appendix "C", Article VIII, Section 4C(17) "Utilities Statement". 4, Based upon the data provided within the Traffic Irrpact Analysis provided by the applicant this project in accordance with Palm Beach County Ordinance #87-18 is classified as a "Significant Project" and the following statement shall be provided on the Master Plan document: KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. SHALL CCMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH WITHIN PAlM BEAG! OJUNTY '!RAFFIC PERl"Ct<MANCE STANDARDS ORDINANCE #87-18, U~A"AL4 A~:..... r Vincent A. Finizio VAF/ck cc: Jim Golden, Senior City Plarmer /' ::ITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Tim Cannon DATE March 9, 1990 DEPARTMENT Planning Director FOR YOUR FILES o o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION OTHER o o o APPROPRIATE ACTION EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION NOTE AND RETURN ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: Six Annexation Applications submitted by Kilday & Associates As you are aware the City Commission at Tuesday evenings Commission Meeting relative to the Agenda item of six applications submitted by Kilday and Associates for annexation, land use element and rezoning took the following action: 1. Recommended to continue the processing of the six applications and directed staff to process accordingly. 2. Recommended that the three sites under the three acre rule be processed accordingly as if they were in fact three acres or more, Both of these recommending actions by the City Commission are to occur , simultaneously, therefore, I ask that your department move forward in an expeditious manner on these applications. Your prompt attention is appreciated. ?~;( ~---- J (Scott Miller City Manager JSM: j c RESPONSE: TO: J Scott Miller The above information has been forwarded to the applicant. RECEIVED Date (Action Completed) /0/; '( /1'[ I I , . t <-;/.::..-"/,/ sJ.gna ure" ')'. -../ ,/ , , I MAR 9 1990 ,''',fP1;ANNIi~G DEPT. // ,," / )' .-:1'>--. ,. ~ .-/'.....V\-. PL ~ING DEPT, MEMORANDUM 90-035 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director y-C THRU: FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner DATE: February 23, 1990 SUBJECT: Applications (6) Submitted by Kilday and Associates For Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning The Planning Department has notified the applicant that the above-referenced applications are incomplete (see attached correspondence dated February 13, 1990). Whether the applications are complete is important, with respect to meeting the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, since only previously approved projects and complete applications received before February.l, 1990 are exempt from this ordinance. If the City processes these applications, it is possible that the City will be challenged by Palm Beach County, insofar as exemption from the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance is concerned. In addition, it appears likely that several of these applications either separately or when considered together, may constitute a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). with respect to the above, the City Commission should consider requesting a binding letter from DCA regarding DRI status. The reason for this request is that the site exceeds one of thresholds set forth in Chapter 380, Florida Statutes for a DRI (40 acres for retail uses, or 30 acres for office uses). ~ ,/ . GOLDEN JJG:frb Enc cc: Central File PM90-035 C\l ~. ~ oJ: c ~ t '-, t ~I , , ::?i " , 0 ,",' I '\ \ - ~ .JI ~ 0, i "". i ...!. ~,I ,. ,~ I .' ~ :: :m- ;: , ~I ". .... .,! , i ~ ~'t:~ - , '- I \.. ~ ~ i " I , T' ""Ii~ " , - 0 I I \'4 -" - , " I I ,~ .~'. . "jlu. """1" ~~ ~I ' . I . O~ ' ~ 0:: . rr, :- a ~ , '" ,..,. .:~ ...., , ....., I C/)"i~ 'Z o - J- 0...<( <(0 ~':J' 0... Z 0...- 0<(. ~~ "1\ o J-<( .J-.L ..J 't >< ~ 1',- W~I'O:~ z;: z~ ~.. <(~I" ~ o '" ..f '., . '. \ .' "\' (,~ :- . .~'\~~ .L. \ ;:, t' I. .~~. 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C , 0 C Parcel Existing Proposed Reference Owners Acreaqe Zoninq Zoninq A Bill Ray Winchester Elsie A. Winchester Ernest Klatt 49.44 AR C-3 B Bill Ray Winchester Elsie A. Winchester 0.80 AR C-3 C Mall Corner, Inc. (c/o Schroeder & Larche) 1. 34 AR C-3 D Bill R. Winchester Elsie Winchester William A. Zeiher Michael A. Schroeder 2.44 AR C-3 E Charlene Boynton Donald Lowe University of Florida Foundation, Inc. 14.76 AR PCD F Winchester Family Partnership 13,87 AR PCD Tot a 1: 82,65 ac. .\ Clry of BOYNTON BEACH @'.... I'~'" 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, florlda 33435,0310 (4071 734'Bl11 , OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 13, 1990 Kilday & Associates, Inc. Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that the Planning Department six applications submitted on January 31, 1990. as follows: . . has reviewed the Our comments are I. '. , Proposed Service Station (.80 acres) at southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road owned by Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (I) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply wh1;l the text language for Planning Area 7 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (3) The water/sewer impact statement required pursuant to items 6 and 7 on pages 4 and 5 is based on comparison of existing and proposed zoning categories and not eXisting and proposed land use categories. The statement also does not indicate that calculations are based on the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department. I , . TO: Kilday & Assoc -2- Feb. 13, 1990 -- II,L'7'-~r.oposed -Mal] C::l')uth ,Parcels (49.52 acres total) located on the east and west sides of Winchester Park Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, owned by Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester, and Ernest 'Klatt (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. ( 2 ) An additional copy of the property owner~' _ list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit, (3 ) (4) . . (5 ) Pursuant to item c(l) on page 3 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, written consent to the processing of this application from Ernest Klatt. 1 . , ~ Pursuant to item d(3) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a tree survey which l1\eets the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. Pursuant to item h on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a compari- '.. son of the impacts that would be created by develop- ment under the proposed zoning with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: (a) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type of dwelling uni ts under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under t.hli! proposed zoning or development. (b) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. (c) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (d) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements I I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -5- Feb. 14, 1990 III. Proposed Mall Corner Restaurant (1.34 acres) at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Mall Corner, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) A standard city of Boynton Beach application form for the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application (the reproduction submitted is not acceptable). (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) Signature of applicant (owner) on page 6 of the Annexation Application. (5) Pursuant to item h(l) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. , . , \ , (6) Pursuant to item h(B) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. IV. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube (2.44 acres) at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher and Schroeder, a Florida General Partnership (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since a portion of the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. TO: Kilday & Assoc. -6- Feb. 13, 1990 (3) Correct "Proposed Zoning" on page 3 of Annexation application, 'as-a'county land use category has been indicated instead of the proposed City zoning category, (4) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (5) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. v. Proposed Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development (13,871 acres) at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road owned by the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). I The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: , . , (1) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was submitted), (2) Since a portion of the proposed land use and zoning ,. categories does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.j of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (4) Signature of applicant is missing from page 6 of Annexation Application (copy of owner's authorization signed by Bill R. WinChester). (5) A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City oflBoynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.l(b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations). (6) Pursuant to item h(l) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire peD), " I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -7- Feb. 13, 1990 (7) Pursuant to item h(8) of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (8) Pursuant to item h(ll) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. VI. Proposed Bovnton Beach Boulevard Planned Conmmercial Development (14.76 acres) on the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard owned by University of Florida Foundation, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: ( 2) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant, to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was submitted), I Since the proposed land use and zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.k of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. \ , (1) , . (4) A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.1 (b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations. (5) Pursuant to item h(l) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). (6) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendmeht/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (7) Pursuant to item h(ll) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in TO: Kilday & Assoc. -8- Feb. 13, 1990 Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 40f Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting, (8) Signature of Owner/Trustee is missing from page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, Pursuant to,'Chapter 163.3187 F.S:, none of the ,applications submitted meet the criteria for small scale development activities as a result of the text amendments that are necessary and the fact that an amendment cannot involve the same property more than once a year or the same owner's property within 200 feet of property gra!1~~d_a. c:hang~_wJ~h.iI1,a pe:r;:,tod of 12 months, - I --- ~.-..-- - ..-. .' It appears likely that several of these applications, either separately or when considered together, may constitute_a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Therefore, a description of the petitions, a map showing same, and a tabulation of the acreages will be forwarded to the City Commission. The Commission will need to decide whether a binding letter should 'be requested from DCA regarding DRI status. If the City Commission approves the transmittal of these applications to DCA, you will be required to submit to the Planning Department, prior to transmittal, a description of the availability of and demand on public facilities pursuant to 9J-ll.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. .' , If 'you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, , -CITY OF BOYN~N~~ACH ~'I' ~'L- JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb cc: City Manager Central File Kilday TO: Kilday & Assoc. -4- Feb. 14, 1990 water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (f) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison . . . - of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the eXisting facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. . , (g) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the . proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. sewage flows' \ , shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are .justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (h) For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall also provide projections for the number of employees. I I I TO: Kilday & Assoc. , . -3- Feb. 13, 1990 that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For proposed developments which would generate three-thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required. said traffic impact analysis shall include projected trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersections within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well as traffic that would utilize local streets through residential zoning districts. said traffic impact analysis shall compare traffic levels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development of the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent cities, and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within' a radius of five (5) miles. For those parc~ls lying in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are. not .::urrently zoned for urban land uses, the potential' , land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the density range shown on the County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of traffic generation at build-out has been adopted or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traffic in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. . The format and standards used in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those which are required by Palm Beach County, with the exception of the requirements listE!d above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recommendations for the mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted by or are utilized by Palm Beach County. (e) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer, Commitment to the provision of improvements to the , 76' < f... z Te 7- c '\ ,1 :: ,\ " tAu/"! \ ,r ~ --<. " . ~ .' j +- 5 I~ I:: . \ C, I: i) ,1 C [.J: S (' r-: (I i..-....; ! (~~ ~ ',~ l.-c /r / (' ~1 C c, C' J ~t IJ 1,:14 L .' r.:r f ! J ( '1 -r-I.-'I 'f u v { ~h S tr I I l- f- v( \l1ool, 1M r1 '.....:L-- I /1 A I" , Ifv' ! < r i! 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''-':_'---'<; ,LJ ~~:." , ":::I , r.! \..- -~ ~--i'..7- / ~ 5~ c' ~ , / I l~~_:_ ,'..( I -L '" ! 1-> J r I L_":! ~,_ ..J __v.~_,_,._~~_ ~ ~-~ -- - _..~ According to Section 6-F.l of Appendix A, Zoning, the purpose of the peD zoning district "is to provide a zoning classification for commercial developments that will better satisfy current demands for commercially zoned lands by encouraging development which will reflect changes in the concepts and technology of land development and relate the development of land to the specific site, to conserve natural amenities and to allow for the mitigation of negative impacts which result from land development. (. I I ,~ "\..-~'--I''''' {. , 1;1,'" I ... '1 I (-' c.l , 5"/<;,;.. C1 <1 ..... C , , 'i--- " 0 ~ " 'V'\ <- ! )' '1 . r I , -/- f ... ~ \/1 . x WU -' , iv,51 /;' tv, J :1 , cr V\), <"'- ~/(~(~f '^ 'f " " " I / Vi ';f I;'. .j. ,- C j:.' ..... ( d '",'-L I f ' ~ / ' , 'I- vi c', ...,. 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'" ~\ ~/'~; /t \/,' 'L " ,j << \.. ~ t' L -1 Y \ c < '" // lA.{ ;j L V[ .{ S ~ '-'YI ~ ( ') ~ <0 , 1 , i 'f ld ~ /' I ./ " '", i.- ^ , i,..{.< ' ( 1- I, (' ,+- c'J' I': 1,1' f';.~ ",.....;! "'_ \,._ L .Y , , I" ~ r;, \... <: i'- :' ,~ , (I--, i';, V-'\ I: , " '\ 0-( eve " \A "';-.5 r v '" ~"\. 5 t ..; \,tv " '~ " ".' 1 " " .... 1 VI' '-, j , , 7.j. Parcel at ,Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14-acre parcel which is cu"rently approved in the unincorporated county as a golf and tennis facility, If developed as such, a Recreational land use and =oning designatlon would be appropriate. It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses, Regardless of how the property ~s devel~oped, the owner or developer should be . required to subni t an 3,pplic a1:ion for annexat ien. The:i ;:y/,f ,,\ should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225vof tlns property, in accordance w1th the adop1:ed Boynton Peach Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate censity Resident~al land use c3,~egcry, E~ilding heigtts on this prcperty should be lim~ted, however, ~o ::: stcrles 1:5 feet), since 1- and 2-s1:ory residences lie in cloae proximity 1:0 the south and southeast. ~.> ' v( I " (. . . r ( <{ VI r , VI .:_ lr,) C{VI <(Yl. ('\~ r T f f., j"WI I' ",) I\U)'" t , /" L", , 5 (d,f 0" "'< '" J '^" c ,-' ,Y'\ I I .... ./ ./ov V vc l 7( 4-/?'" ( ,~1- C ~. -(, ( ,.5 ,( [.;. v...-c. /', ~ c::<. (,) Lt.yi1o '- \! '/\ ) ,. V :. I v c "'" ! ~ I ....^ ',{ (} vc. , I') ~ i' .-; . If ~' C <...{ 5 A. .s ( r.) ,'il C \.V _< J 7.j. Parcel at Southwest Corner Ql Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road I T J . " This is a 14-acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however that the property will be developed for more intensive uses~~ . Regardless of how the property is developed.;1shouJd be ~~ required to submit an appLication for annexation. The ~ shOll 1 d permi t LoeB 1 Retai 1 Commercia 1 o-I+-.:t-A-e--'AQ~....t,.h.Q.Z:.J+.....2.25-_ ~l~~-~--~fl~~-PF~~~~~--~~-~Q~~~~~~~~-~be-~p~----- 8..~..--B€-a.e.fl-..s.e..-l~F4--f'-j..a_---:j:.Ae--"."ma-i-"d~--Of-.J;.hQ-.p.r..o.pe.r.L)<. SR-..l-4_,Q.e._p+~_~...._t..l>e-~Q__-a-t..,,_.o....~""'4_R........i..d..Z\-Li.a.l_-La..ud_..u..s.e_ ea~~F~. Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1- and 2- story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. /------., ~~ 7.j, ~arcel at Southwest Corner of Bovnton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14-acre parcel which is cu"rently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designatlon would be appropriate, It is likely, however, that the property will be developed for more intensive uses, Regardless of how the property 1S develeloped, the owner or developer should be required to subnit an a~plication for annexaticn, The Ci~y should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 of thlS property, in accorda&ce w1th the adopted Boynton Eea:h Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Censity Residentlal land use categcry. E~ildlng heights on thls property should be llffilted. ~owever. to : sccries ':5 feet), since 1- and 2-story residences lie in clcae proxlmity to the south and southeast, T (~~ I .; Q /" C'/ '" I' ,/ v ~ ..: ,'. (' .- ~ ...., , " c.) " vi: 5,,, , I~ t' .... VI ~ 7 C c " 1 .,.. l...-" V\ 1q5 -1L L L"'t I~ ,/'" [ - ( ii --/ ,~.J ,. ..{.:- ( V1 ,) /( 'c. L.-,':i ,. r -, ",) , v J. .' LA, , 1 ~"" ".> 'j. c "-.. '. s r. tV , I >0) 'M.' V\ ,. " (,.'v 't c.' v of .,,\ \.: v ' /1 ) ,/ :/ .~, u v .....J (.A -I "'I ^ c j '~ T-^ l ~t" \/1... I S ! v' ~ " , !-- \" ~ I ",' 1..-'1 "" 5' ....... I ~ 'J J (( '-' /~ -;; rf <. ( i)./, ~ r (' " ' , ~ J-. \...-1; VI. ~j' '" V\ .~ .~ ''':- I ,I / '"' 1;/, l..r \.. ~, ..A \... (, ':\ I' ~" ) I " , s -' , 'r r / /rl ~ . ~:i-l " :i t ,r ..{. ) c'-' v ~ l,t (." C c"G' -~ ~ ~ or ~- <..::. , I .f ~ "1 ~) i,,\..~ . , '" I"" [/ , J u 1 " IJ V ," // I ! I; r::" c, /. Il '! )." I '. 7.J VI t I ~' !. S &f VL-';; LA /' L t/'Vt".1.I1 " , I ,~ ! / . 5 (A I ~ I " '" ~, <'f (,1 ( e (}/-~ :/ ('0 "" .' I /", \.. IF' .' /-c> ,I <0 _7 , 0' ,~i L ''.1' .^' 7'!' ~ v 'f l".c ... ., J L--" /. C ( r / ~ J ( f i V\, ; -~ " '~ ,1 _~ .J " VI i l' f. /\ - Uv I r ,. 1" ( .:l ,1 d)H ./ >Or"r ' '- .. Gl'i ( '" Q ", vt 5 I \. C '" t.V;--"-t. \, d ( [ i' "-- i + , 6'/5 <? :'" ,:I S ;1 I ("{V\) 0' C..'- (...t./~ v' ,.... /< 'J ~l ~"- r- ;7 ' ~-- ' ;._ cJ I " j" ~( J"" ')f/A2 r .J , ~ [''0 L~ ~ ~~ ~, ''--t; /I , " 0'\ .:{ (! .' i 1'--..--' .A ': /" ! ), II' J" r' / '..f--\/ . / I , VJ " i ~- v,': t11 V1 . r , -i. 50 / rl "" r I- .0 VJ I / L,,''1 ( -1 I ~ o / &' \ I 'l'-/ :l_,~ , F i A .... k! , ('/ ~ .s ,c , ~",f $" ('. "": 1c::>" I ! i~ I I" ... v' <i) l , ., , ~ \.-.0.'-. {;I \,.. /' L.ii (,.!; 5 e I -i. '0 , .' , <J ^ {' I .; ( 'f" '" ( r e.... i j- .....,- / J.' C '.' oC- I,; ,,~ , , ~ ~ ~/ /- ( (5 ; B '.. , , I l, ' ,- J ! J / J ..-( ;1 ..,,' J c" . i,/ly '-l :OJ ( '-I r! I -" / ~'1 1 L< ' 'I f"> ! Ii . ~ / ' t- ,~ i ,. r " , .J:. ",-":;.' V\ ~~~""..... '.' !- ~~.~ ""-t"~ A- ). " l-\ :~ x.. il' ~') / '. lC/ A J ^ f A r 11 I L 7 ( I :"\., \.M... .~ ",,", , .... '/ < " .. J [;v '" 'C 1/ ; vI '~ . ~ I '" .. V L Ii r C- (' 1- V\ f , Y .^ f > ) <' "/ a I.- (' , -,-((,) I.-i"'u 5 I".. (' L " '^ \f) C ("'",,' I/t.-1 vi '" ,( -I ) I & ...... {' ~.yF \., 1M \~ ''!- . '- \ L~) fv"uJ"~e : <,--, C- ~heseapp~i~a:~ons for annexation, amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, text amendment, and rezoning are being processed consistent with State Statutes and Boynton Beach Codes, Ordinances and Resolutions as follows: 1. F.S. 163.3161: Local Government Compre- hensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act. 2. F.S. 166.041: Procedures for Adoption of Ordinances and Resolutions. 3. F.S. 171.011: Municipal Annexation and Contraction Act. 4. Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, Appendix A, Section 3A5(e): Boundary and Zoning. 5. Boynton Beach Ordinance #79-24. 6. Boynton Beach Resolution #76-X: Procedures for Annexation. "/ ,. , 8r'"~.'" /],^, L ,<'-cc {, ,,"C '1. c (. Ii J / II /I ""IL' (.If l....-''''',('...,Vl'1 ''\I''.Jj ~~":~,,V . I" ") j l () (..y..-- r..;. l" ~ <! \.( f I v c. I ( / vi, ,: A J ,I ) I' , L""-:' ~1.J (ll' \'I ~ '1 '- '- ..~ ,\ '! ~ w ~ I ~'J .' ~. D"f~+~" /' I l Q \"(I)<~ .......l. ~ (~ V ..., :\ /./ \~ 11:. . / l C)~.J. f) /.^ ~ VI ~ \..1 .( 0{ I.l' fF~7-79: I ;' f) 9 Y ( \,.'\. J ( I,.... t!. These regulations have been listed for informational purposes. paraphrasing, these regulations require r.evi~1' ~y ,tlnFGi;;t;y De~~~tmefte Head.. newspaper advertisements, public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission, review by the Department of Community Affairs, and Commission adoption of ordinances to annex, amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element/Text and rezone. These procedures take approximately 8 to 9 months to complete. .....~~ / . ! 0, ~ Planned Commercial Development Standards: There are three standards listed in the peD regulations which affect the location and ability to serve from a planning perspective '\S:elil !!I[hibi,L~~. . , These three standards are.~. 1. Relation to major transportation facilities. 2. Roadway improvements and utility extensions, 3. The physical character of the site. i i' l~ , i 5 1/\ Q "1} r & d rt.J I l.' I..-t q CJ ( ~ / ve. ii I" 5 cI " .~ , '( r-. '. ,/'. ;:- "'. ,~, I, /" I +--.!.....~....::...._i<L2,~JL:::_h,L'<.,__~_:::}t:::';_!L:: " ^ ,! /.,\ .{ v..~ .J \/..... ~ ,1,/ 5 o l.dC.J 5,1.",},) 0..s: j ;- '''---(II {...V VI' (~ ~ J J " ,,/ ( "\ J "" v -!- ,! ,.. j c. """ T C, c {. i , ' ~ t t (; r , ',- (~ Vt I ~ " r f.. :.- " .. .M 5 ( " '!- '1' 1/ '" ! '...! v" r' ~ I <:> Vi '"' "I' <( -> i I '1 _~ ( I : j (~ ' ! I VL C l...- I _~ j' c) V1 l, :;, r l"l f,' I --.L~_~~t_~~"+-_::L__':~ -"'. '- II ~_~_~~'\ ' ej ~ " I J, <; " '.,/' ,-' ,.,'1 c :: ./ l! _ /1 " / . ( 'i \A <.: ~! j 5 /"" <./ V -{- /, , V" ~-(-u " L i) I' , ! f I '" (j l.' V\ i "-.-, v r / v---, > i C Cl v, ,~-: ,J ",,) 1 -~- ,le- ,r )/" <' ~~- / v. .; " ,', i\' , , , j ,~!~!, '/ ' ',r I V -...: " c- ,. \.' ~ c '~I j L I, i .,.j ,~ II r. ,,' ) 'V V(' I i _'f .1 \L, ., '1 <; , , - c \', .... l l..- '" <{ } L;\"'- ~ // / /)' '-1 ..; \ ~1 M ;" VI " 5 5 < J.. If.(, - ~+- .. -! v ....'-- ) 0- /, " ill ) , ' 1 '-...- ... (' r , ( l, .-1 ~ ~...' ( +- \vV.;;J ~ if , ' h .~ -" !- G.........~ I ,,\ "'.. J ~, ^ i 'l. "-I' ! ~ <:: 't ," ",r I- ~ . S v .. , r j. rl ,~ < ,. I ',;1, ..1 .I ,,' "1 7,' ~ }..5 (. v 1 f " ~'<'-' q ~ I, S ~t ( . l--.J i C \.- ..., ( l- i i,~ A .,< i' / j "",...' tAt L (/c- " ! I- , ;/ / ,', ::: ,;:J( ~"l" ) / A......... 1 " ~ - , , < L / ( f i'l '~o" \' i.. ,'. '-- <( i '~ vt '" V( "- .> f [ " \...- ~O! ,e1. ~ ,,) , ) ~ , L ( 5 5 r ~ lA, : I , , , 0 I "'Co L: f 5 il , " .~ Ii ...-j VI c;;J ,( '- < , a (' - [-I ...t _, V r~ fI,.. -;. j.I '" (. / l v t:' I .j l,~~ ., '-, ',-- I' i ,\ S / . j' c... A~ " fA ,-I v r , i. , v' i._,'.' 5S" )- ,j l- {~ I C( V\ ../: (jL " S ~. / f '1' ..-. , , i-- F / " ... Co f , V ~1 ( '~ V~L .I '-f '-(;: !- !~.. j, / . c, / c" .; /" c~ ~ J ~ "'4 I -_/ ...-l,.';;, q f ./.1 , , ( ~ J , ( , ~ , ~ \ <o' V,-, 'I V' , .:> \"'1 ~ I ."( <: (, , ' , I Id no ,~ I '~ , '-c ~ 1;' , peiJ 5 , 01./i ri r (J v 0((< c G "e le. <'1: \/(1 < , Ii v..-, I ,t' L'" ( 'I- \.",,~ ' /1 ,. \,...), (J ( v<v,.J VI1 -rJ c.' V ,: ';; c;, ~ i.A--- I' I, {,I l.. j ": v'. ~ .' I." , , J I V'~ v/ r-' ^ '-~ {l '--" /:-.~ J' u j ! <o'! ~,;... i..I-1 l,.'l..1,J'J{, "- / ( 'A.-- ( 'r (0 fTvJ s, \..cc.c l Ii \.-"'" 1 "-- '" f "'i "J LIv,,! '" <I ,~ '" <.- _\ \,,', ,,1 _ i. .~ FA r 1 f.~ d..! I <;i VI. ,5. +- i '.f III " (;1,. 'r'{l ( / 1../ , " ~ :J i " (.-l., I I 1 fi -'1 ..... ,1 &l " > < 0( ., I </ vi f~o "" " v / L A~- ~ i \ ,J L{I'. v n 1 c' ^ T .1 ~. , , .0( l/' '( , T ':::' oJ e" '! I . , ( [v( r"i I h _> V .t,-L, , ! tV' i./l, , li hJ ,,1 \.,:~ ( f- ~, , \.;1"J <t.:"'-"/"" . II ;/ ~Vv-"7 , Vo" I i ',.V ~1 :.. I) l ~ . I) , A c , ) J I .1 ) .,t; L' \, ~- c i (, 7~ e , fI T", ,,)) {, !( d7 . .I ,t ~) <.P -,,1 J , -' (1 .-?' f :'"\ i." /f VI . V~/ 11 'J i t<' t<c: ~,"'''' ,,-r'\ ....... J1 't-'(.L 1- \[\ _ ':. l.- ~ L.J ',l ? s . -;, '"- , .-, 7 ( 1 -, / $ '^ a, lengthen the existing left turn lane on Knuth Road, south approach, to accommodate additional left turning vehicles. ~ 5" -1:: \...,' L' if ,"-, ! \ 0~ ,.,......, , ,./ .-.'....... b, signalize the intersection, when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer. Because of the close proximity to the intersection with Mall Road, these two signals should be inter-connected. ~ / Vt/"y ~ r...., (~/ i< oJ ~ , ......,.7 '- (, y'v: '~ VI.. <::> '-'\ ] -; r pi \A ~"'-'}7---L~~ I. / ( ,l~-'-_~'~."_~ , CI . ! lJ < '^ )' 'f (, ,c 7 ~ ~ <1 \~ "" "'- 'l \) I\. ",J (" '- I r J (' , L,'v I I- " !i ' 1 " ,. 1-/(, lI' I ~ ...r VI) o( ;- <:~ l , , J ;;.. , L"f . L J~ (, v '~'0 1./ V , 0-' It (;J VI "-" J (' V1 -<. ~ '4 '- v f VI 1.1 l.i""i, I: t 1.-",' v , , '^ ) J y'1 <,.' ,~ f }- "'/1 i '\-- + '/I:,' .5 . ~J v~ l-, !,;\ '" VI,.5 , < I ,. J .... \,1\...', i' <) ) 'i/ 5, ,,5 o H -' 5 /" ' 1M"", I. r ,~- I:""l., f v\; ;, <: , ~ ,,) '" ',,: . \.-- ,) '- ~- ,-;; ( 11 r (I:' V1 (" " " I., ,~' ( -. . ! ,'-- II' d ) . -I + I ( if I r "I , j L <: ~), .: , ,~ 1..1 J '-' '"" "(" " \/ V \.A ;;\r, : 1v1 /. ! V\ " ,~ ......1 '. ,,V i P r-" o 1 '.f- I ('1 .....,' c I;' 1 ,1 -, L 5 , r 1 - ~ dl l-, f" ~ "^ i , ..> (". , '" " ~ /' I " I L -;. LA ,1 't ~ // rC , ,I ~: i ... Lt ;v ( +,,1 I ',I (~ . s " /, (l 't ';;. , (1-' r "- or ~<~) '. : l "/ _'I f' .;, C" (' " i/ ,~ -" i' r- 1- ~ " ,,V .v r s- I t.;; ,;"I 'F I I ' 1/\ , t >- I I ~ - " ,~w l'Vj .:- ,; '1 " J" 1 l'l .- ;. i ~ - s: ",. ( ( i.. (.1,' " ~ 1 ~ C : I', ~ i 14 .".' + 1/1 !~ 'f '", , I _" -i- l\ i,' ..( (...(" ....(. ) '-I! ",,\ '-. r~J / V"j' C/ l \.. \A ( <<) >J( , I, " 5 " ( \/\ /G /: ' I' ~J ~ :c '......, ) /;:)'- J IJ i i d '" ~ "'. ...." -, 'L '" , . / ! , J, l-v,. 'l--e (? ;J v'-' 1 (' s O/)-;~ ! i I~ ,..... ,.., t.) "-_( , "~)/ lrIo f q " } \0 I J " :'J C' ,(. . "! .1/'\.1 (.'\ , .5 i q (, ~1 5 ,? '.... ....... <'f J ':;: \ I ...., " !. l.... vV', i j, 0 t I -!- CC j ",'f { , "'1" v ;;. 0;> I ; " -i- , 't' A;" -~ " ; (' ~ j (j . / ' \.- "-.,:; f; : ,'s Sf t I.' \- ~.'l t "., VI..'L ( " , q I~ \ 1. 'f- ( < Vi i-' ("!. ,/\ (:: '-- L (1 J VV(} , If ~ v, V\ ,^" 1..,\ '-' \,tv, - - '.1 v I ( -to. r ) II C ,'/ 'r " '-.-' , -' j - 1..>1.. ....' ) _ '-' '.I'" ~V ( i~ ( , " 5 ~' ,0 , 0 VI '. , I -' ~ .I / .'( . hA 0) y c. , " ," ; S ::' .> i , " Vv, C <' Y i.I'..,c v . ;- -I v, .1/ .,' V, \ ji i " ., (' (',- V 7 F- 0 I c> ,,;' " , I " ~ '- F< (+ (" '-,... '~ .J. " "" I + L r ,,',01 ~ -,/. J (l ~..., ~"! ~ ...-( ':"(' "1 ,/' <(,; \'Ni to k /::::::> I I '1!>1 r 'I V1 " '- v " .s j j (, ^ , " l,,' . ~' L ( , / '-' c I (.> VI_S /7 . I/,j' 1, l!L) L~:ti.':_,L,lj!.!~("", :,,(, ~ t, ; Z r- Section 9.c.7 of Appendix A, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, requires the evaluation of plan amendment/rezoning requests against criteria related to the impacts which would result from the approval of such requests. These criteria and an evaluation of the impacts which would result from the proposed development are as follows: a. Whether the proposed rezoning would be con- sistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Tit' .u" t;, ~ 50 c j (! ~} i'" ( "'^" Iv (I I ~ / (,.1 <1'1 11 (. {t1 VL } I.> ,'...... W I 'I V1 , ( " I f1 f j /' t:J i.k1.- ~v C ~ ~.J V\ J I l. l" ,( r( VI ~l" .~ .... ..: / I . )j <J , " Lv, " J f > · r J r / 5 v. ~ (/v1 t ' t, ~ \ d vi rZ ~/ II '~CI ~ ; : ~ ~ ? / ~ )"') t f' !, A ~ /0 1" Wt, ;. "- II i I , "f k,' .- ,t ,,' ~' {,.Vl'''~i'''f '" 'v, / VI c; f I/\, '-.,. ",J "J' " ,(- l "," () .<'~ 1/ (,.0<" 1\ i'_(.-V t (" ,..) v'^ " A , , ^ I ,. >...~t"q'l W 1- \/(1 c:'(. :..;'1.. 4? '- 'j -- ~ . /{ r: ( ( '" VI ....- --- l/ I ) v 1-'-- ( ,; 'f' , ~ ': "1-", ( (' t r V". ,'", 7 ( ./ '1- -;>' iI 1J v ~ ~~, " Ii /,'/ ~' ~..... (' '" VI -, '1; I 'F < !I <I '1 ?' I 1 ./ ,~. '~(. '\....- /1 ")\",/( '-vl I "'~ r I VI r , ; :_'J!;.> V\~r ,I,-n.( j'l )" J ,~ ( ,. "..' L'" - " i!,! . WI , ',' tV' .$ (', II" ,', <? i {; r I J o (~ l-\I1 (,j , I A v,~ [' '/ J c:.( "I .~ -I '-.' , ,,'- / J (' v-t .s ( ( d ( I c/ <\ f " I ""v \.." ....",~ \'{ E' VI I, f (.,' ell (; ) I A,' // l.( 5 - ~ I ,C' \ j .f VI. - (, /' / ' L v "'Z~.s. \.-1' .,L /' )\ ,. 'j / ~ 'l -. tv! " f:e, V'"' t ;' ! "Y .<.. . <.---\ ~~J 1), vV\,,~J , l /'l ....- <.7"'\/ ~ ' ), ~'~ ~:,' ~ T (~,"'r t^ Sir Ii{. tr<'^< F"'+t"' Cn~) vI,c tr j) .c L " ~ (' ~ f 5 (U ~ ({" '^" c: /-0'0. / ) I ( l ~r + C e \.. ~ IF' ~/J c .. ^ /" j Y q /' c" · t ",,, U ~ T :' Ty -.~, ~_ <<~ C ~ ~c<~('.. ,/) :{ ~,' , ~~,". 7: :' :3 C/ t'1 c l,., > w {~ ~,vl (I' ," , .j" ' 'VI ~ ct JJ '" ,< ii,,",, " "5 ^ "'. l,.'.:' ! i -11 / -C "~I !- . " .L I J{ "'J'" <7 (t'~ l' ~ 'I C" ";', i~ ~ vt '0 It', vq ,~, L, ({ ~ \A)" , \ f t : f ': " ,L/ ( ;: f I<v"."rl ~ "J: t ~ 'Cc "); : .1: f J: "j1 f. ::: ["1,. l...\\ L ,; q oS I \.r(! /;' ,S' IV> . - ~ f Vv1. \" ""'- ( ,- ! ' ;) '. , V\ c:;:f I ("\. ,e-s v J r )..<. , C, L (...V <T _<. ^ I I .... r '" f C. ,~ @ 5e~ fl'" ~ ., F t- [~ f{ ^VI. ~~c $1" f,s 1[t {, ((~WI::;' Tha Future Land use Plan which is proposed for the city and areas to be annexed by the City will accomodate all of anticipated demand for , commercial land through build-out. Therefore, the City should not change the land use to commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the . proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, 'whlch,have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be e!~~ly_~~~~~o~~~~~,~n already d~Signa:e~ :~~~~r:~~:_a~;a~~~~-~'e-~J' Co '^(' '-',^-'\7- i-C~ r ' \ t k.loS 5-c ",,'^ tP (Q(~+/~,^ d> f [(1V\AVVle~<I~t(~j t i-ke P (~"- .s t~ /-u f-Ce ~ r/~",~: -~.~..----.---_..__. co.aer~i.~ land uses west of Interstate 9S are dominated by tbe regional ..Uri.odin. sate lUte stores and offices. Neighborhood shopplnv centers .ad 'office buildings are,located in the vicinity of most lIIajor ln~.rsections. The city should continue its policy of encouraging co..ercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip c~ercial development, due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems t~.t strip development creates. Furthermore, allowing additional coa.ercial land use in the Vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall would be likely to cause traffic levels on roads in the vicinity to fall below established levels of service. commercial development beyond that which ,1.L.I~_2IL~11~LllrO"Dosed land \IS!il plan should be l'~mltted only if the city, or the applicant for development applies for a lower levei of .ervice, by seeking to have properties in the vicinity approved e. a regional activity cenur and an Areawide Development of Regional I.pact 0/". '[-0 - 't-I J ::-l~~111'f,~" /.. l-C~ c{[~\-CJ 'fCeH Vv,'!!, !1d.- " ...:';; -(" ~ '/- C! '" J, ~ c "'- 5 S J : V1 CO VI. ( e v VI. 1'0 C" Ol S {~ fc. 'lj; ~_ ev,'t C w~ (. ~~ ((0r(VCQ LVc5','-C. P{"Y1rJPC:,~ / V\. ) ~ C ~ Cor "" ~ t 5 (' ~ t r 0 ",.s <7 f '1-1 's V"'t ... '^'L" ~ <. "- ~ 'IA..( , . A +- t C, e) J '" { i- C ,~ (M elM" '-. " ~ V\ot J / vt -{- c.. e 5 ~ < ~I" ,. oJ H. 't'J '" f- Aa7" '^ f/j Co /' (rj~ t D CJ' " t w ~ Y1 5 k "n Vc e (<I (I.M "'" "C'" jr jr" \ ~ '~1 +~: ,}::;'":', T I~, r[7 ,~: ~J{ d (t(e), ~ ~:;:'"7;~ ,'f t ~ ,\ J "{" "I" ~ I I S W \... '- (' J 'VI. "'... <..... I~ {o 2/'- !r ". (,v I t k r c r ~. ", s {, k f.u ''"" ~ J I ~ f- [C {: V '-1- C... $I ~ '. f r { lA . r !' "(,, "I'''...,....j c.~I'~/Q.,'I' - c.v,l'C f Ce {~"'..." /' '. (~"t"'('["c"<,"~c:? I f- { r.!" i '" (( :,f("~l ~f Pi "'r 8,,, l-t (~"!t'j/. ! ('.T"':,"J /J. "5"" ',\j Hf' : ~ "f. f" c,p 'I f \" (. c;-'" ('t" 1I11'.f ,if ,( O'l' k u') ~ 1'1/" w,' ~e~./ c ~ ,-" ""-@kh .. ~<(V~ (,.tll' e.~ --t. l,..~(~, Vl'~ P'lJ 0 f I~ ... (), ~, ~', I ; 7, ~/ b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be con- trary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with protection of the public welfare. 1\ . /t A, 0",1 (, v,,) t~^ H t"' 1- " ~c r r 'f- l e (0 \Ii;? t.~ f v -i- C _ b vv,,~ l' ' ~ '{t.'! iJ,,,,,....,. I - ,{" ( {- v \..- 'f- I.., e v v~ "- V1 . '1 c. Vt"'-- -l' '1.-1 ,If_' V (,.., ,'_ '-1....f i \... e v f I'" Itv\, "<- i l,~.1 r , 7,) .p UJc Er f., v", l " , I ~"I .' " , , I -+ " t </ l ~ / ,-:V l A.> /u, :/' ' [i ,^ V(. (l II /'" _t i,..u ~ Vl ~j- 5 -t VI ~ '1' S r) '/' . I:: .~ .' ....., ( () lA1 ~\A ,J L.-.'-. i t'l (//.: V1 , ,^ J' C;' L!.;f':> ,/u l""~IJ '- tr ~ VI.', ,.f- iY..' > /)' ,_~ v 't-,;.-- c;-"It" loA I ,_ l1 (:. /); \,' (l ,1; (' V ,~, 1-- 7 ,z...' ; I ~>{ - ~'\... ..... I r' i Co' ,,-y I, I J ' ,~,/V'I'f-~:.! , P ( ." Vt"/' ,"-'I ') c' ('.-t. " + -.. I C I ry(.oz~ T'"< L ,I~ , -+-- '-') (' e;', '1\' ~ 'j" t- /7 (' """ (! \-- "'- ' e i }I ..;.. /\ I ( ~ ~ ~ ~ I -.! C :rV\ A) a,<t-, ~ VI J' t C!- ~,-~;'-l ~'1 .., iP f '1- ~ e {" V' v~ L C <A 5' ''-'c }> (" Yl F11" "C if' ~J Cl5e r:L "'" <A f 5W" v f J~("0U'" s fC" t ^_, " j I ~J " .J fa.> fee {" ( ... f ( 'e V1 "F (~ tN1 VVt e '- (, ... r ..,/0( .. 5 r, J ~, f C, {, ff q W '\~J ~, 'f- ( \; err ~ c { Ie ',' _,-+_ _ {'" .... ;I- C e '" (0 WI C/Vt ~ '-( ,'01. r J (' '- e r 7/' "'" " '" f f VI. fee ,_ -,_1, v I ~ ( VI., ( {I' <I t l' [: <:. !J.. / " 1<1 vi- j) ~ ~ c k Jr... If ,~ ...."...._......."'...... The City-should continue its policy of encouraging c~"c1al uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip . C~l.l development, due to the aesthetic and traffic safety problems th.tl(atr1p development creates. Furthermore, allowing addi tional commercial land use in the vicinity of the Boynton Beach Mall would be ~ika1Y to cause traffic levels on roads in the Vicinity to fall below ~~.hed level. of service. Commercial development beyond th.t which ~~ oQ,the proposed land use plan,~!tC?111d~permitted only if the Jcs.";'i)~"tb. applicant for develQJllte"t applies for a lower ievel of '''"~..'' ~J',' .eeking to" have properti.. in the vicinity approved a. a ,re9iOQal activity centr and an Areawide Development of Regional Impact., __..~__:_ (v,' t C ve..r?-(j-~ t_ J" 1- C ~ ... C nre.) l' ke.c:" '-"r 0 H j - .l/~h lA, ':J \1\/1 ~Jl Ce. <:'} +'-'~/n I~ -r[~ I-J'i~ ((.;L~ , (... '" 1 u ( e.~ ~ {t-'c v Vl i1l VI (;va '1. [.,{ (0 VI. J!. .. (' OL / .. jh '" {. t 5 r ' ( (.... r ~ \..., . \;,. ["J e I '" V\ I Vt 1, ',-,,' " ..d> tC~C'o<cr<- w,(!~'-'c @ c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. 1 ~ ! vet A> l,. Vl ~ Q } J v\" r '( <<" fee ~ "J e ,(.,,,,J.. !-r~"5 ;V\ fee V/~' ~,' 1)'/ ., {t-k, ~ ) ..{? vr' e "", ~(;V c, 'c, C 'f<C7" [J CM" t ~ i- C ~ L('''5 e _..V~.?OI/1/~ Jc.'lv-<~rC', / V1 ..t.. ,. \. i e....t.o-. Ht' . i t' I , .+ I . ...._.,...,...~.....:.., , - ,.,..t... t @ d. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. To [3 E- (<o}{PtC:T~f) e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties. T (, ,~ ~, ;) " " t I (,..A 'f , l/", ~ /I , 5 /~<:.. \,.. Ji','I, C J i I: C .-' " r i ,. -< , :() \.. 1<,/"" J 5 ,- ;/ /Ie oCt J '...... -, \.. ~ C 1 ~ ( ,j V r ~ , ~r " '1. , ~ s v (..v 0" (/5fJ j " J / " {u (' 01. ~ f ';i l."\ oj al.,S r ! o ( t 1,;\ A ^ k ~ v C ), ve , ~ vc / (.. ;' .' (' " j (/{<A iA~F~:^ '" r ,II J " ) f- .' A " 'V\ '} -< I- ! 'I- J' .,. "'- VI. (' .> '. 5- c" (. \... <'t i, -;' &' c' 'v ': -c Vc. c! , , l 1,.1 ,~ I iV~ .,{ J I \..11- ( .~ ~ ,- , 1--- ,)' Ii. '-' ;' A iJ [. "'"I I" C ? ;('/,1,11 i 1M. " < , I (/1 i( '--I' '^ , ' '1-- /\ ..t..~! ;' (.Not' << -! <(7 \,.. I i L l~ I " .' . ''II'' ..f-v ( c r r -!-' 't- \/',4L I '/~ ' "', J .... r. ~ 5 ~ " , ... j l/\ (~cJ ~ " .'- I- I>" ( VI ( ( y 'F~ vi .f I; I r", ....../ (1 ^,; :. J , " '-S r ,~ .1 , ji -i (/- ..: 1 {, / ,+ , , '- '"'- " " ~ ~ ( C j. ( " "(' )"" ' - " J 7;, .......~~, . U ; ( 6(, , '-' / ~1.',1 i: ./ ^ , (; :' ^ ~ /' ~ ';,,,; ~' I f ^ '1 G'f ~ VI ../ I _~ ,./1 (.) v (:, (7...--' I ":.J r' <J i ( i^'J J c'[ '-,.'" cr '1. \N1 ~~ " , i-~ ~~J c ~. ( '-- _~ I..: G/ ~ << , / t t I' ~ \-v.J~ r- " { c' '" , , '!-- ,/ V" ,'" (..I v~ /~ v ,) ~ I " !' VI lJ I 1. " 'A_ -0' c" ""') VI..,. "'-,\ ..-J Wu c, , .. .J 1 .:A e '{ a -.!. I ~, M. . ~ rA/~ " CH f f i f ,~ " 5 C /' I~ r ~ of . ,J ~ ,/ " t t t ,;)' j c:? \"...\.? {ilf' ~ ' -~ ^, , ,/ / . i ,I l, [i r '.0/1 I 1- C/' I " ~ A '"'c i ( 'I. ( ,I VI I ;' 1 J C' ( ... /\ , ;' A < - ./ " ' (' ;....- r , V1 '/,i-~_I 1'''/ ,~ r f { (,v f 'f 1", i..-v '''^'' ~~J .., '! V,,;, f..vt '- v '1 ( i! (:x.- I ( .0< V II , . r 5 t" ~ / /- t "" '-" ) ! 10 J',---., 'l ,~ " .' A ."- 'i><? '- f, l^ j L-,,__ (,'. J I /~ CL~, ) 'oj; " (' I ... ~, v..', . ::;; . " i '^ (} c^' ",i j -I L, i "( il '1' . ".. ,{ V', t>d 1\ r ( tI,:'.f'l. - i,l I ';-- ~ I " >'\ r1 \....- t ):, ! -~ r:. I...- / Y ( I f6' 'vt .~I '-- ~ Ji Ji .... , ,', , rj VI. .t r1 :~ >, 'f-ll . :''j r , "t t 1"." d( iA )' ~J C VI. (11 ..s I~ i f V,,'" , ( I r ,~ Wt LII.1 r :' ( " <"-' ;7' 1 5- 11:/ ,~ !",/ PI.. . ., '~ ; i , ) J J' !~,. . I (,., 'j.~)-v> If ~ tf,^JJ ~d fC::f;L.-jI Ii L C, .,', ~ ~",) 5 v' 0 /..- /'/ t I ( ~-, ~, i I. f ,~/] \.,.1 i~ (,., 01 f. ')l,..-( kP " j ~ p.. J, (.> I r c., '-"I f.A oC ^ 5 .' I.A V\ ,/.. , i '4-_ j ~! d'.1 ~y~ 5 / ,-,' ( ,;.'..,/ " '-- $' " r J ~':?:: "c, d- dO I I "r ;.~ <-( c /, '" · ,..- -' ( I t.. i '[ I' "':'] ~ J L' 5' <'I ~ ) !; J, '~( ': ( '" '~j l- I'" .~ ^ "f -1. iN' '1 " .I /~ / ~ / ..... "~ "c l: ;' ( V <1.' {",-, '- '"' " , T'(("I (- ~ l",:" / '" v S I,r ./ c, (, j , VI." I "l' Vi ~ f i., L tVl u l """- ,/ If C,S ) , =i I~ lA/ "'/ I [/1 \.'1 W tJ-/-:1.. .^ ( i./ I -< (" f i/, C 'f ~ ~ 5- i..t1 <.//~ ~~ , VI. ""1' ,'/ f\) c... 1___ " -( Vl_ .r C 'k<'f '" <;:." 9 v,\ ,-----,,' Ii ,! J r:{,..-tc- .[ 1- ;'u ,~ i v,'" i r l.'I. f ,J l- ( :' \1\ ! ' L. t' 01 v ~ v ~f (I'( ( f "'- f 101 ^ , r "f- { C! l., dt 1 ,~ " "r ~ r ,J + I, ,) /- ~ V1 A I.,..- i~ a v1 r.f ( ) I ~'t':J!- C7 I l.;1 t r I I ^ [ -L. -I- ~ , ~ i J' ~ I r1 f- r .(. I I' I ,. (.. v 1'" (/ .> ( 0/" c' ;^ f ,/ l 1 <- r r ~ >.. r: k (' v.... _~ ~ '!- .-r J <1 Vl \,/ (' . ": ~ I ,/ I vi' ,j.. . " " ,I p\ -1. 1 ,<: '.......-.. ~ L( J (,'v <' . I,~ s (~ ,. lA-/v </ ;:' J) ~^ J i '.., '., ': 1 ;Y c'v 1 (' ~r '.' -" 1;- '-- +- C.... 4 \...-5 (.... ~L (-25' I '" r < '. ",. -.1 Vi '1' '_( 1 _, r ., c' r 1 P ?'7r,Vl ~ I 'T' J (.0, "C ~ ~ r 1 i ./ie /----"\ C!3) f. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the exist- ing zoning. O.);v +~< ",'J:J AJ v.'" {L, r, ,P.",'J.. L r ?" Vl':V J V\ P "- {"" b1" . c k {~".. I;: J t L ~ or c Or !r (0"[.( Ce CA-+l' ('u {ov Ac V~VI~ ~ "tJv,:.r1.~,,-1 ~D~u~.!Vl(, ,fr' v~< ,." {" "c'"' "5 h' >' ":.J [~ ~ {. - ~ . 0( ~ ~ .'';> VI "'C {" ~ '" 1M. , l te J' rP V\ " W\ I VC, '^" '" ""- 1... f ",,-v.... # S ",eves. , ' _ ,{' ! (; ( f Ii '! f r i + " '^ '., ". f') '" ~ ,X d, ....' "j'"" J ;. IA ~ , > 'f, .- + \;v, i ~1 i-:~~, --0" .^ ,y:p v ) v" <. 7- j' c,:L i C .c/", LAy;r' \,..,. l~ .. ,,-' , \." :"'t. ( I (~r () j r:: r L'~, L r ! ,I ,^ i", ' " (' ~' , ' J (' ,', '-"~ ~;1 ! I" / "1' < p "I J />,.~''''' 15j 'fh':vcl':"7"JI ('/~'~')' i'~1~'''c/1rt' (' 1." ~ ~J iM. ~ t' V~,';1,( C r / " c7\ vv.)" i:' '::.tJ .1 >' / C1.r.{"'" 1- i^ (: /! .,... ..{ \' .... '" .~ <2 J t g" \A ..l...1 ...L I' . ,,", ( ,';' " c ~" ^! / ~ "J ,'i 5 (;; ! d" "/'1', i<O:~ ~ .", "~\." t I' F ! r -, 'j' [,' - I" I I ((' '" (' 1 v '0 r I ';1 ~' . 1/.."; j.J' C;' ,S>;' \,.. e ; i',~ :-?' v: f ~ ~ ,! (/ .:; '\ V ..t""'" 0(. ( ~l U V -( II \,. "f- Vi Ii L <::,-' {""l', < '2. 'f "( I 0 1tV. ,",l,,\ ~ \..-l)....... / ~ "j ,Ie:: (' "J" r;J ""V\J,i- C I:. (' -:<' <> ~ (- 3 7", V<, I:J {' '" ~ JJ ~ vI' q ~ 5 '0 ~ "vo ~ l e (' C He J ~vc J / ~ ~ r r i \ """'ydOC'l.(lA<.r<<t-, 't-(~", fo ikc ("".... !-L-I\"'t./Y,J t"- jJ-'I^_C. } (- " r I' 1 ' c I' ~_I.. (/ .1- ' I'.' /r~' C> c 1 "l' \r cf:,/ '. I t<,~ ,('-c'2't ~ // /{' c." <'" ~ l eYe' V'C (b/"" </ (':. v, " 01 , (_. y U '" J ': v f (." I.' ~~,~ 1 -" f I",:; ~ , U vi ' V~J . Cii g. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. BA.f<J OlA +-Cc. J'~<'<-~5'~v'\ /"" l'fclM "'""II CO '" < c "",-,':; ~ \, ~ A. .3 A "' J tee f n7: ~ J 1", 1M . ~ .. (. 't? c, L "" " PC .. F J" ! ^' CD, E 1 ~. < f .. ;- u~ v f Po ( "- CM. c '" f5 } }'I " .... J '" "\ rrJ '" 5 I 2J tv ~ ~ ,tC c v, f C ~ c:? L r ~ ) (' V ~ {' 0 '^ 'p ! ~ c f "- 5 < . /lu ~ I, c C U, VI' d. V1 ., (~~ v~ rJ P. 10 fee VI C c Jls , C7 + t [ 0., 0 ~ 'J [ c. v C ~ J. VI"' f C e{: I;- ~)' ~ V:- { , (co . Fo.-i-~l"M'~CJ w-\'.v~L~t ~lir'r~,,~l vefu' ( .,)c~e('Gjf~t"t I VI, rt<~ ~vc<- 0 F +-Cc 1','1;-;, ~"/ ( l' to<(",) (0 r t + c: IN r 'f- C c? L-Q t-v <!: c 1- oS' .r" V' ;. ~ Q. (!.'-L (p VI.< (l'" '(oIL f- C c. {~"'- t.L."- [ [J", -" VtU.J /J; ~,c f .. (jJ "". - h. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use in districts where such use is already allowed. A5 ..,C,,) ;'. ,C j,;,qr.:, _)f 5~t0- C< .' c{'" J j e 1M. 'l ... J {,. ~ {q 1M. W7 c! c, , '... r (.. '" I (vt i- ~ (! " F... + "'-,Q. G A...) () (e /: (" Uq "' t S' 'Y1~" ~ I- , j)" c.. '^'t e "'- f,S c F 1- C c. {g V 'Q e <I1..r ' v C' f 14..1'\ } " (( f k (' r '" J.. ~e (.." 1 a f C P ( 0{ l{) (,v C ,: C ,; t/1 "("",S t'..-1 .. {.v fCc:.._(,'ly cI..J <1IVL~U Iv te <'t0vtc'xe)1;(.'f-C ,_ (,' r)' ~,rr <11 ( ,J ~ .. J " f ~ d< (( c t f- C (! Cf" r~ r. u .,','" ': Tk('S((~"J'-C-k,dF~C~ /1(,,",- ("vi- e'- s /" d , ; - 1- [ ^] f [~ L { ! 7 s L,,, (J VI J t C [ ~ J e f C: ) '_',;_101"'- VlU, ~<7 {..~Vvt<"'-{f'" r Co{ lu. ~res J t1'1'" ,_ ;, 1- C. ~ v- C. ,C '5 5 C. ~" -" 1- Cere? '/' - ", ,_'.. f", f" ~~ {n 1 JJ f? P r AI J r:? y: Ut7 f (., v Vvc I l.1 0 v Led " .. J ~ '/ dI J ~ '" ~ f 1M. ,Q..., >) s... ^ (r I '1 (< (r . .P ;. CO of ~{ ~ [tJ <7 v ({) fM.~ f "c I "" r tf 5 e J' <I7 {d< C J, ( --..._ 'ti r <" f .. \ ( C (J '\.. f., "C) (,./ C,' c C ~.. <-C .5{" (' f , "' "d';' 1,("\ rd~", f&v 5':!-e vic{' cc fM.c f'-Iff / c/",j f ~J<-c ~l..' . ..'~ ot O\,J Cj 1" f,' f; ,:{ ({a ~,:J J -< 'fe.) ('" ^ r..(' (f. /:'J' . (, j,,'J. l' Cd. "" ,<>. r "'e<" ~ A/:f,''f~,(. " c;{",,, (r 5 ( 5 \ <<' F f C ~ ~ 5 W f; .. vtJ 1), lA.1 '" ""j' "'I t ",p", '...." L (() lI-{ lNl,..e, \...',... U. -~ 15 ('" +, J' '" e (;v; 1- C ' V\ ;~ ,! ~ f C0- Fr/... J.-~ ! "'"' are. Ii r: "'-eve f_ ']' f'rraV"f jOL.W.fMP~ -5 {v. (~V'-ta >>0. I) <9 r 1-te ;, (" P "'e" C e, ~ ~ f v~ P (~ "l. ; I' , .' , , ----...- t~ I' I /' '" lA, " (. il~ l' I'"~ \~ ,. d A~. I' 'f- '" v " ( (, -4' ;,1 : 0 (~ lA_,,__ J c , ~ "'5 " 7 , /' ,7".;- ,~ r vl .! -' f !/l -,- f- [, 'z ( r A f- + !--- '. ''"', ~ '" eM , ~ / l' .....}o ) fJ ~'l." i ,"\ <:" <.) Lv( vV\ ..........,.-----------r---~-----.---~-- ~_.,- ,+ "t- O " I/VI , '" i 1': I " '~ " '~C v. i v,~ ( <" J ! ~ /' <1 I( "Vf Vi/I '_' I "i- I i Vf . (.t , 1 .,J fV "',j'~ I VI J v'v';....I jA ~ VI. ~J, , i' .r) 1/ 5 c.. ( J "fAy'? 1..(1 /' .:.-' y", '..J v'v. ; 5 ' , \,. ~ .' J f is),. e ~ ~ / (. . A [)/ , '" r f"" / r' / V J.> "" \...-- j -- ( ~ ~ "'! "1 C. ,? r ;.' lrvr VV! ,;.I j/ II ",,/ /' T r , \;1 5 ..,. I + ~<:; 1M ~. Vl 1/, e' < vl' '2) vl 'M rl '; 1(' " Lv -I- '- ~ '" i f /, / <./\ V' ~ 5 " i,.- V' - v 7<.::) . ,.-, o- pt. ( c/ /11-.) ( 1- :.. ~:-.J! t . . 1 , j f, / CJ ,-, J "') ~ ~ I f') I ~ I ~ '" '" (vlJ , ,) " v~' /'" J. l' -" l ~ } IV" " Vc 't ) ,\ .( """\ (, fC .J , , fce "'-.5 ! 5 VIr S 'J -1-. ! J / , I) /J 1.Yli r / f' , I, 5 I, d ~ ,/v I I v.., j ~J J r ::"." L1 '/..., lA ". t- 1'-- ,..--,---------" , -2 l '---:::...- ' (1p '" J E ( f '_J [1 r, /' C' 1/ ;{- L ~. .t 11 .-(VC) "7 (r~':J + / r ; ! 1 [ , .~ i J f? ' /, <-' ,t ,-. ~d , 5 r ,I. 1< ~ ~ c/ I' 5 r +- I vC d), I ~J L1A Vv;,' lA.J 1-- ,~ '~ (.... '- ,^ I </<<( ) {, ~I / f l-1:!. Jl L ' VI~ruvV!M 55:01../\,\ 1/ j Vl J _I d I "f c:J c~ -o/,^1 i... ",' L. i! (' ,.F ! f 01 .... d /1/"~ Lv '0 o \..-"'t d' ..... <I v '! <: a ,^ , / (,' vVl l'l/1 J' ' I VI':'! r 5 \." \" ,~1 ,,j Vl ''!. ~ I , " , i _) .> / 1'1;-,,,, /" \...:' LA. i l ':. { ., '.A :; C ~ ,., I ,~ I v rr '...., , , C ~.A " VI 1 ~ ~-~! fI' ~ (..l V\ 'f VI .~ <' I' , '- i- ( 'i- VI. (. /' " 0 \":i<' ,,' 'I.d ,. VI.<:, 1.:J , f' ,', .....,... , V ,.-r-- .i~,\ I~I-~ 'J "j w<' ,.,r'~<y,1 I J 1 li,/'.? ' , L ^ ,f~' J f!,iMp.i"",.'" r I ) c.,' '\. -;; ~j . 7 <J vrs ) ~ t/ Lv . 7. j. Parcel at Southwest Corner Ql Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road This is a 14-acre parcel which is currently approved in the unincorporated County as a golf and tennis facility. If developed as such, a Recreational land use and zoning designation would be appropriate. It is likely, however the property wi 11 be developed fot' more intens,~vEL-..~_s_es../ Regardless of how the property is developed, [;Should be required to submit an application for annexation. -r' r ' ) I' i I i (, ," r -j{f\,," f ," , t'C 1,< c'''J~J:rJ )"';'0 1:--",")1, "2 -;- ~', ',0 I , I (. c' i rl( f ~~; 7- t. "',!\ A..... tl. _C v( " (:( !' '".; (..' "7' ,> i ~f'~; l~ , ~., I"'l ~'o'.!. ,,,'" . '--', '/' ~ 1 . ,I (' -'~,c~, '-;,/ ,0C:>J. /~ -<'iV' ','1,,! I.: .v/'j 'i-jr\.!.' 'fo: aJ~/~1 ~I' , 0' " fL' "- '~'" _S ~ i" ~ " !" "c ',( f ,'~ 0 '" ~ '" " , "r Cr ,,~ "'/Ir CJ ,: i......, 't /i:, '- ,'/ -. . \,. "-- ]~' (' ~ '< l...l (.. v (<'/V" lA1 , ',. ~;,1 ! < ,,-) , ,.J. J . (7 I,' 'd't I -.c '- > ~ ,I' 1.Ay \., ~, .5 .g vt 0{ I "", r>..... -:- v( -" i!.- l' '-' rv. 1"./ r' ^-( C [ ~ r;.. ~ 7- . .) " v1 f..,.. ( (' C l"'l vi.l1 '-I l{_ > that f C, 1...1......' \,-' .\1 :.A..1,~ I. ( ,., j 4'f':>{ t.,. vt.( ....,. L" '<- } s . (j" t "- '<7 (;J {.1 t. .> ,. , / v ~ y / _, v1'" '-< , 1M. , t i , 0 J ^ r J 1 <(J '-.."J , '" H I '.!.. , <' ; i, , ,) 1-" ; , /1 ,/ r & ~ ! -:{i) L t.' ...., ,/ t.. I' ( ,"J";'''') /1__ II, t.I ,...;tJ ld'l.~ \.. .4 _ 1/ / '." v ~, i "'-- t) ~) \... < I,..- (I " c;(~.,( " I 1/ -~ '"'- t ' , ) v. ...1' rJ' ( S~'~i J" IM..::: "'(A ,e ( ('.f '7 tr '--".s f 'r j c/ L {' tC f e v'l . ( I ~1 f' Of '"' &~/ C7V1 c '\ ) tJ u (;: .. 1M " , T J,j r, 1 i- r c "' i, 1 r 1', I '~ v' ,~, '"J (' ,( i) ~ Ij vc~ I .1. .}, VlJ ^ , I: ~ I I! I .. Jc ''';/1 ' 1JJ Vt ,J ( I 0' ,;.0 ~ , / I' , , , (/(' ( , '" ? f) J ol ft iM v 1M , ? I~ ,-y 0( "-(: 5"" ( i!. J . C'{ '-1. ,,: Ii r;!<'\ II I, .J (//" e Kf~ ; c \ ) ! .>- C "':'(' 1/1' I~l, i I (j 'J\.cv.c~,J( To' e, ' ,5 0: , c.~ rf-J'-<' A l'''IC<i .... vi 5 "qJ~ V,_ -i- U..{ C' ~ .I ~ I--J t1 \..- c-vr L" c (I'll U I,.. f> f :,/ ,~ / ,~\ ,''7 ') I ;;~~/' ~-~ j , / J ,! r / J _, ,r I I ! \/1 I L I- . lA c' , t f 01 a c, <A , , 'v~(' < 1M , "I I ~ I: v,' ~ .... t (' r r " , I {' I , ! I k , --! , i J , 'i- I """ ~ , Vi cJ i( ~_ 0 c,~" <,.. , "''9' ( ~; H C V j (' ~ C " F If' I C / , - ,) / ~ '- , I, v VI 'T- , ? " ( I. 0 Y1 ./l ~/-"/ -L , '".1 ,. " , 1 v - ( I /" S 10:" I ~/ /' V1 'f- ,.., ,~ // 'V r, , "t ~ I WI ,I i., ~r.J o V,_ (" v "f- I) I.i~ {...I.....(i 1.(, ( , , ~ r /; f) i (- ) l' ;' ,. , (' e '; I j T ~ (, ,^ r, df '-' C o ',/ e ,)l. c -, " J :Zu ( 1-/1 ., ^. i/v I f- l-t, h (~ ~ l.'\ ,~/~" I': ,..... t, .? .J I 0\ ~f &J \. ;:.' 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