REVIEW COMMENTS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 92-164 TO: Chris Cutro Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Kazunas City Engineer /ffQ DATE: June 29, 1992 RE: Tara Oaks PUD, Knuth Road PCD and Boynton Beach Boulevard peD This department's concern is that Knuth Road is not constructed in its entirety, but, a) is never build if Knuth Road PCD is constructed and Tara Oaks PUD is de1~yed or cancelled, or b) constructed in segments and not completed until both projects are completed, which is the way we read the June 10, 1992 correspondence. We have no objection to any agreement which completes Knuth Road in its entirety, conditioned on the completion of either project. MEK/ck ,... ~~1~'O ,....~^ /: " ~ or ~'c,/- >' - /-' . ~r:; '" \'\~ ~,,1.\' " '-' ":-';/'-',; , t \." ~ . , 0' " \: ~-- ~/ MENORANDUM 9 December 1985 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Outstanding Amendments The purpose of this memo is to clarify the status of the seven applications for either annexation or annexation and Future Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning which are outstanding as of this date. The seven applications by type are as follows: ANNEXATION 1. City of Boynton Beach Roadway Annexation, City of Boynton Beach, Agent. ANNEXATION, LANu USE ELEMENT ~mNDMENT AND REZONING 2. United States Post Office, Jack F. Willis, Agent. 3. Max Schorr, Trustee, Roy Barden, Agent. 4. Singer, Kerry Kilday, Agent. 5. Capitol Center, Martin Perry, Agent. 6. The Grove, Tom Kelsey, Agent, and, LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT AND REZONING 7. st. Andrews, Robert D. Chapin, Agent. Of the seven, numbers 1, 2, 3, and 4 require only the adoption of ordinances to annex, to amend the land use element and to rezone. Items 5, 6, and 7 require the adoption of ordinances as well as review by the State Department of Community Affairs. In all in- stances, the adoption of an ordinance to amend the Future Land Use Element will count against the two permissible amendment procedures per year, Because of the two amendments per year Page Two. limitation, it seems appropriate to defer action on items I through 4 inclusive, until items 5, 6, and 7 have completed their mandatory State review at which time all items can be adopted simultaneously. This would result in using up only one amendment procedure, In the future, there should be no problem in determining the status of requested amendments owing to Council's adoption of the Plan Amendment Procedure proposed by the Planning Director (copy attached). From this point forward, all applications of this nature will be processed consistent with the adopted procedure. c. ~~~ s. ":NN~ /bks cc: Central File project Files MEMORANDUM 10 Septmeber 1985 TO: All Department Heads FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Knuth Road Associates Annexation Accompanying this memo you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the information re- quired as a part of the Council's annexation policy. Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, September 27th for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings, Thank you. (!..~. . uC ~ Carmen S. Annunz to flat R:= ~ '=.~~. ~-=:) OCT I:: '::85 MEMORANDUM PLll,i '~r-'T~ \ - - October 15, 1985 TO: Mr. James J. GOlden/ Planning Department RE: S. E. Corner of Old Boynton Rd. & Knuth Rd. Annexation and Rezoning please be advised that applicant must connect existing 16" water line on Knuth Road at South side of L-24 Canal. northward to existing 20" line on Old Boynton Road. Further, plans must be submitted to extend sanitary sewer from Winchester property westward thru this property to the intersection of Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road. (]2 a~ perr~ssna, Director of utilities apt MEMORANDUM 5 September 1985 TO: FROM: RE: Bill Flushing, Deputy City Engineer Jim Golden, Assistant City Planner Knuth Road Associates Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning request. Accompanying this memo is a copy of a boundary survey for the above referenced annexation request. Please provide legal descriptions for the right-of-way for Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road which abuts the property described on the survey, Thank you. 1.- I. ,J".tL. AJames .J. Gol den Assistant City Planner !l at Attachments . A r ' J /()V-flc...... dr I< f""W ;I.o,j y, 1 !! f -,,!. - ,.v" t IN S('C;;C""" /7/ 7'_'L'V"'~("/;1 4)- " '( ACJCL,,',J ", -ILJ ""of f".vt f?"vJ..c", 1<'" Y c-< v , , ~~h'~~~~~~ /) j II ii' be 1'-'/("", f/.,{' r._UCA V111.{ - C' - c...uu \" A. (, . ~ 7 -" so"tt., "'''lid-of ,,,c'r (I-C ,,/ 6)/,1 /J"r"i..~ Nv"J ",",J C1. I/,,<c (''''h,ff,) f", a~,f 4.-q". 3;2. .reef :Xkf~ of~, Sa,J, Sd~+~ V(1~-{-oLuJQ'( So<< ./.~, Rd-rt 4J 13",( () f- +0t Sm J K "" it.., ('~'C . It: =:~=:~, -::) ocr , , 'S85 MEMORANDUM "" 1'1.', . ;.:;.-T.. ~,~.............> \ - October 15, 1985 TO: Mr. James J. GOlden/' Planning Department RE: s. E. Corner of Old Boynton Rd. & Knuth Rd. Annexation and Rezoning please be advised that applicant must connect existing 16" water line on Knuth Road at South side of L-24 Canal. northward to existing 20" line on Old Boynton Road. Further, plans must be submitted to extend sanitary sewer from Winchester property westward thru this property to the intersection of Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road. (]2 a~ perr~ssna, Director of utilities apt MEMORANDUM 10 Septmeber 1985 TO: All Department Heads FROM: Carmen S, Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Knuth Road Associates Annexation Accompanying this memo you will find a Departmental Review Form which must be completed in order to provide the information re- quired as a part of the Council's annexation policy, Please complete this form and return it to me by Friday, September 27th for inclusion in the public hearing proceedings. Thank you, t!......- . <S'C ~ Carmen S:'Annunz to /lat