CORRESPONDENCE iI/ie City of 'Boynton f}3etUn L j~ /2d. Pet:; , I h?$ <d' ..J PCannillfJ & ZonillfJ 1)'partrru:nt 100 'E. 'Boynton 'B,ar.n 'BouUvara P.O. 'BO'l:,JlO 'Boynton 'B,ar.n. 'Jforida. 33425.0310 (407) 7.38.i490, 'J.VC: (407) 7.38.7459 '~ June 29, 1992 Mr. Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Dear Kieran: This is to inform you that on June 16, 1992 the City Commission approved your request to extend expiration dates of the Knuth Road PCD, Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD for one year. This means that the plats for these developments must be approved by June 17, 1993. If you are in need of further extensions, your request should be addressed to this office no later than May 17, 1993. I hope this letter is of some help to you. If you should have any questians regarding this matter, please feel free to call me. Yours truly, ~~ Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director CC/jm Y1merica's gateway to tfie g~fjst!!:!1-m_ KlldIly & A_I_ Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 1407) 689.5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 November 23, 1994 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Request for Time Extensions PROJECTS: Tara Oaks P.U.D. (Ordinance 90-75) Knuth P.C.D. (Ordinance 90-70) Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D. (Ordinance 90-73) Dear Ms. Heyden, This letter will selVe as a formal request to have the City Commission of Boynton Beach review the status of the above three (3) Planned Developments and to grant further time extensions for their commencement of development. I have reviewed your Zoning Code in an effort to determine the proper procedure for extending these project approvals. It appears that the anly process available at this time is contained in Section 9, Article 13, Time Limitation for Develooment of Prooertv. In fact, this section was the basis for a similar review of the Capitol Professional Center PCD (located at the southeast comer of Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road). In that case, the Commission, after determining that the existing Planned Commercial Development zoning was the most appropriate zoning for the property, granted an indefinite time extension. I have attached the staff repart and time extension letter for your review. ~ All three (3) af the above referenced Planned Developments were approved on December 18, 1990. Since that time, while there has been some activity conceming each of the projectS, there has not been formal final development plan approval and/or canstruction. The original eighteen (18) month time limit of the approvals would have expired on June 18, 1992. However, on June 16, 1992, the City Commission approved our request to extend the expiration dates of the three (3) planned developments for ane (1) year until June 17, 1993 (see attached letter from Chris Cutro dated June 29, 1992). No action or review has taken place since that time. Due to the down swing in the economy, the property owners have been unable to successfully commence development which, in this case, is recording of a plat of record for the first phase of development. However, the property owners have worked continuously on all three projects since the last extensian in an effort to commence development. Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 2 Since the expiratian of the time extensian on June 18, 1993, the properties have been in a sort of limbo. If you recall, the two commercial properties were annexed into the City of Baynton Beach at the same time that they were rezoned. Therefore, the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District is the only zoning district that has ever been assigned to them within the City of Baynton Beach. With regard to the Tara Oaks property, the project was already an existing Planned Unit Development when it was modified to its current master plan status. Therefore, assuming that the Planned Development approvals have expired for all three projects, I have no idea what the actual underlying zoning would be. I believe that is why the provisions of Sectian 9, Article 13 were provided in the Code. As in the case of the Capitol Professianal Center PCD, the prajects clearly need to be revisited by the City Commission to determine whether the existing zoning is the most appropriate zoning and, assuming that it is, formal action shauld be taken regarding the extension of these approvals. Needless to say, my clients are actively seeking extensions of these approvals. Despite the econamic problems which prevented these projects from moving to the next step in the development process, there has been activities undertaken throughout the entire timeframe of the appravals to ready these projects for development. For the purpose of yaur analysis regarding the status af these projects, I have prepared a summary of activities for each project below. Additionally, I will be calling your office to set up a meeting to review these projects with you and I will be prepared to be present at the time of their consideration by the City Commission. At this time, I am not aware af any formal application procedure. However, if there is an application document, we will be ready to submit it to you promptly. I. Tara Oaks Planned Unit Development. This project received a rezoning approval from P.U.D. - Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 4.0 to a P.U.D. - Planned Unit Development with a land use intensity of 5.0. This project also received a land use amendment approval from Law Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Both of these ardinances were passed on final reading by the City Commission on December 18, 1990. As part of the rezoning and land use approval, the applicant entered into an agreement with the Stonehaven Homeowner's Association which required the applicant to commit to numerous conditions of approval including providing a buffer wall on the project's north property line along with a twenty-five foot wide landscape buffer and a 40' setback for all buildings from the north property line of Tara Oaks P.U.D. (copy attached.) This agreement is still active and binding. Since the approval of the project the applicant has done the following: 1 . Pursuant to the approved master plan, the south portian of the property was designated for utilization by a church. In fact, this property was sold Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 3 to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on June 26, 1992 (see attached warranty deed). Therefore, the Planned Unit Development now has two separate owners, the applicant and the church. 2. In order to develop this first phase for the church parcel, the applicant requested an approval for road improvements for the Tara Oaks P.U.D. This request was made by Rick Rossi af Rossi & Malavasi Engineers, Inc. to construct a portion of Knuth Road at the south end of the Tara Oaks P.U.D. to accommodate the pending purchase of the church parcel. Subsequently, on June 2, 1992 the City Commission granted approval of the partial Knuth Road improvements required by the Tara Oaks P.U.D. (see attached letter dated June 12, 1992 from Chris Cutro). Also attached is a letter from the Boynton City Engineer dated June 19, 1992 indicating what additional work was required to obtain a land development permit for the road construction. The applicant expended over $4,000.00 in conjunctian with obtaining approval of these preliminary plans. Additionally, the applicant has obtained the previous constructian plans from the previous owner which will be modified in order to obtain final permits. (It should also be noted that over $100,000.00 has been set aside in an escrow account to guarantee canstruction of this portion of Knuth Raad at such time as the church is ready to pull building permits for the development of the site.) 3. The applicant has complied with the zoning condition of approval to dedicate to the City of Boynton Beach twenty-five (25) feet for Knuth Raad pursuant to the attached right-of-way deed (ORB 7324, Pg. 1159, dated June 26, 1992). 4. The applicant has expended over $28,000.00 for the constructian of the canal crossing at the intersection of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road. Attached is correspondence conceming the canal crossing including: a. A letter dated April 24, 1992 from the Department of Environmental Resource Management indicating that no permit would be required pursuant to the Palm Beach County Wetlands Protection Ordinance. b. A letter from South Florida Water Management District granting a permit exemption dated April 29, 1992. This letter indicates that the South Florida Water Management District will not be analyzing the surface water management system. Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 4 c. A letter dated May 8, 1992 issuing a permit far the culverting of Knuth Road from the Florida Department of Environmental Regulation. d. A letter dated June 11, 1992 from the Lake Worth Drainage District approving the permit for the Knuth Road/Woolbright Raad intersection and culvert at the L-26 canal. e. A letter from the Lake Warth Drainage District dated April 14, 1993 indicating final acceptance and final inspectian of the Knuth Road culvert crossing. f. A permit from the Palm Beach County Land Development Division dated June 18, 1992 for Right-of-Way Construction indicating approval to connect Knuth Road into the north right-of-way of Woolbright Raad. g. Three (3) letters from the City consultant, Gee & Jenson, dated January 18, 1993, April 9, 1993 and May 4, 1993. These letters reference City Commission approval for the extension of Knuth Road to the Tara Oaks church site and correspondence regarding construction plans that were prepared and submitted by Rossi & Malavasi to the City for approval. 5. Received approval for an excavation and fill permit by the City Commission on April 8, 1993 for the construction of Knuth Road (see attached minutes). 6. Cleared Knuth Road right-of-way pursuant to a clearing and grubbing permit for $6,000.00. 7. Requested a minor amendment to the master plan to amend a condition of approval regarding construction of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. on the north to Woolbright Raad. This request was made on June 15, 1992 and the petitioner paid a fee of $500.00 (see attached cash receipt). II. Knuth Road P .C.D. This project received annexation, Mure land use amendment approval, from County Commercial High to Local Retail, rezoning from County AR - Agricultural Residential to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial Development and an appraval for a text amendment to the City Land Use Element pertaining to Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 5 planning area 7, 7.J. As part of the rezoning and land use amendment approval, this project was also the subject af an agreement with the Stonehaven P.U.D. Homeowner's Association. This document is also attached for your reference. Since the time extensian granted by the City Commission on June 16, 1992, the property owner has done the following: 1. Received a master plan modification and site plan approval from the Boynton Beach City Commission on June 2, 1992. This modification was ta allow the replacement of a restaurant on a comer of this P.C.D. ta allaw a convenience store with gasoline sales. J 2. Obtained a minor amendment to the master plan to split the constructian costs of the extension of Knuth Road from the Stonehaven P.U.D. entry south to Waolbright Road. The applicant paid $500.00 for the request of this madification. III. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D. This project received annexatian approval, rezoning approval from County AR - Agricultural Residential to City P.C.D. - Planned Commercial Development, a Comprehensive Land Use Plan amendment from County Commercial High to City Commercial Local Retail, and a text amendment to the City's Land Use Element deleting language indicating that this property should be placed in a High Residential land use category. This project also was the subject of an agreement with the residents of the Stonehaven P.U.D. which abut the property to the west. Since the approval of the project, the applicant has done the following: 1. As part of the original approval, the property owner agreed to comply with a specific request from the Stonehaven P.U.D. Specifically, the remaval of several large Australian Pines along the portion of the property which the neigh bars considered to be a danger to adjacent property. Immediately upon approval of this project, the property owner contracted with Arbor Tree Services, Inc., wha removed said trees. 2. This project also was the subject of a request for a minor master plan modification in an effort to split the construction costs of the proposed Knuth Road extension. As previausly stated, the City Commission approved a request for minor master plan modification for this project on April 8, 1993 ta allow all three (3) Planned Developments to split the Knuth Road link construction costs. Ms. Tambri Heyden November 23, 1994 Page 6 3. Received approval for an excavation and fill permit from the City Cammission on November 16, 1993 (see attached letter dated November 23, 1993). We have appreciated your working with us in the past. Recently, with the ecanomy improving, the applicant has received significant interest in the develapment af all three parcels. We are, therefore, optimistic that with the proper extensions, we can move ahead in their development. In that regard, I am forwarding to you under separate cover a request to finalize the impact fee credit agreement for the constructian of Knuth Road. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Kieran J. Kilday Sincerely, cc: Bill Winchester Michael Schraeder AKJKljb{heyden.n 16 " ,~\ ',~ t C- Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (3051 689.5522 June 24, 1988 RECEIVED Mr. Carmen Annunziato, Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach JUN 29 1988 Jl'LANNI'~G DEPT. ... - RE: Capitol Professional Center (Planned Commercial Development at the Southeast Corner of Old Boynton Road and Knuth Road) Dear Carmen, Regarding our discussion of several weeks ago, my office is in the process of reactivating the Planned Commercial Development known as Capitol Professional Center. The future alignment of Knuth Road is a critical issue which needs to be resolved prior to any review of revised plans. A meeting was held with Mr. Bill Winchester and Misters Herb and Andrew Brock during which we were able to look at the proposed alignment recommended by your City Council resolution. We are all in agreement that the realignment of Knuth Road, making a clean intersection opposite the Boynton Beach Mall, is in everyone's best interest. I have been authorized to write you this letter requesting your help in achieving our common goals. " My clients, Misters Herb and Andrew Brock, are committed to the construction of Knuth Road in its new alignment along their easterly property line. Mr. Winchester has committed to provide the right-of-way required for this alignment which he now owns, subject to certain conditions which can be discussed in up-coming meetings. In reviewing the plans, it appears that there are two other property owners (Mr. Mish and Dr. Rashetti) who would be affected by the new proposed align~ment. We intend to pursue the inclusion of these property owners in some ultimate agreement. In the event that either of the property owners does not wish to cooperate, the City of Boynton Beach and/or Palm Beach County should condemn of the right-of-way through their property. Knuth Road appears to be heading in the direction of completion from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Woolbright Road. It is of critical importance that the ultimate solution of the Knuth Road realignment result in the ,. . MR. ANNUNZIATO JUNE24,l988 PAGE 2 acquisition and construction of all necessary right-of-way between the canal north of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Beach Boulevard. We do not have a definitive cost figure for this construction at this time. In the case of the Brocks, their impact fees should be credited to this construction. In the case of Mr. Winchester, he would request that consideration be given for his right-of-way donation as a credit toward future impact fees when his property does develop. However, seeing that we do not have hard costs, we will need to develop a formalized agreement down the road. Palm Beach County would need to hold a formal public hearing to specifically designate the alignment of Knuth Road. I will be contacting you shortly to discuss how this can be undertaken. By copy of this letter, I am bringing Mr. Charles Walker, County Traffic Engineer, up to date. We would request that a formal alignment be determined by the County Engineer in order that proper surveys can be made of all affected properties and realistic cost estimate can then be developed for both right-of-way acquisition and construction. With regard to the Capitol Professional Center, my clients do wish to reactivate this zoning petition, and the City Council will need to approve any future time extension on the previous approval. We anticipate that the site will need to be redesigned and, as such, a new site plan will need to be submitted for review by the City. I would like to arrange to meet with you to talk about setting up a firm time schedule. I believe that the ball will initially be in the County's Court for setting a firm alignment of the road. Setting of the alignment will probably require a formal request from the City of Boynton Beach to Palm Beach County. Thank you for your co-operation. Sincerely, cc: Bill Winchester Herb & Andrew Brock Charlie Walker LAW OFPlCES ;, 1" '..I'",". V g;~ &. ~~, Y!d :...J ;'Jil'JG u, i. NORTHBRIDGE CENT~E SEVENTH FLOOR. SUITE ONE ... ..~._~_.~ 515 NORTH FLAGLER DRIVE ~~~~~~4tJ/ F MARTIN PERRY TIMOTHY P. McCARTHY G. STEVEN BRANNOCK TELEPHONE 655.5955 AREA CODE 305 November 19, 1985 HAND DELIVERY Mr. Carmen Annunziato City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Applicant/Owner: Project Name Our File No. Knuth Road Associates Capitol Professional Center 756.01 Dear Mr. Annunziato: This will confirm my request that this petition, which is presently scheduled for this evening's City Council meeting, be continued and/or postponed to the City Council meeting scheduled for December 3, 1985. As I indicated to you by telephone, it is my understanding that Mayor Cassandra and Vice-Mayor Farrell will not be present at. this evening's meeting due to the tie vote given this project at the Planning and Zoning Board hearing last week. My clients will feel much more comfortable knowing that they will have a full council to hear this matter. Please advise in the event it will be necessary for me to' actually attend this meeting to present this request for postponement. Best wishes. FMP:skf CC: Mr. Herbert Brock Mr. Andrew Brock CITY of BOYNTON BEACH n .~ 120 H.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 734-8111 -,'" /" OFFICE OF ~HE PLANNING DIRECTOR Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division P.O. Box 2429 Building 5-1170 P.I.A. West Palm Beach, FL 33402 . Dear Mr. Walker: September 17, 1985 RE: Knuth Road Associates - Annexation and Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning request. Enclosed are copies of a completed application form and a traffic impact analysis for the above referenced annexation request. The applicant proposes to develop this property for two 33,000 square. foot professional/medical office buildings. If you have any comments regarding this request, please do not hesitate to contact me. flat Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~u~ato Planning Director . fioV' .'S c.. ' @... " .r.~ ~~. ~ 120 E. Boynton Beach POBOX 310 Boynton Beach, CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 12 September, 1985 Ms. Jan Polson Administrative Assistant Perry and McCarthy, P.A. Northbridge Center, Suite 1 515 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33101 RE: Knuth Road Associates - Annex- ation and Land Use Amendment/Rezoning Request Dear Ms. Polson: Please be advised that the applications for the above referenced requests have been forwarded to the City Clerks office to be ad- vertised for public hearings at the November 12th meeting of the Planning and Zoning Board and the November 19th meeting of the City Council. Additional information may be required in regard to the Master Plan document pending staff review. We will notify you of any additional information that may be required to complete the Master Plan submission. If you have any questions concerning the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH f--I-ML James J. Golden Assistant City Planner flat LAW OFFICES ~,~~&~,9d SUITE 302 FLAGLER CENTER 501 SOUTH FLAGLER DRIVE ~~!J8~ ~ ~~4tl/ F. MARTIN PERRY TIMOTHY P. McCARTHY KATHLEEN Z. McCARTHY ..JACK $. COX G. STEVEN BRANNOCK TELEPHONE 655-5955 AREA CODE 305 September 6, 1985 Hr. Jim Golden Planning Department City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re : Knu th Road Dear Jim: Enclosed please find information required for the annexation and rezoning application for the Knuth Road and Old Boynton Road site. As I understand it, this completes the application. Please call if you have any questions. Jan Polson A ministrative Assistant JP/jm Enclosures ,. , i BlI:IH! 01 ('ount;.' Commi".,icllh'r.... klll Spilli:l'i, ("h:linnan IJorolhy \\ilkl'll. \'il"t' lhairtlL:11l Pq~gv B. hall lklllli, }\(It'hln Bill B:liln {(HIIlI) \dlllini\lr:llor J ( ~ 1111 l '\ J 11, ) , 1 i : ' OepartmN1t of EnU1nf'rrl1'1g :md PulJlil WCtrks H. F. K(lhlert County Engineer May 1, 1984 Mr. William Winchester 9290 Nickels Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 SUBJECT: Agreement - Dedication of Right-of-Way on Old Boynton Road Dear Mr. Winchester: On April 10, 1984, the Board of County Commissioners approved the attached Resolution and Agreement dedicating right-of-way along Old Boynton Road to Palm Beach County. Please have the attached Right-of-Way Deed duly executed and the original document returned to us. Thank you for your consideration, and if you have any further questions in this regard, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ('JLC.'tJ.:.!.- Y) __ \ ~'!.:)~ "'$ Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division '," CRW:nd Attachments: Executed Resolution/Agreement Right-of-Way Deed I .... o . (/''(1 IS .,';/,~.' + f..</." J. 0" ~' /' Q.J .~ ..L............. 1- ? -. J" 'i .-7' ('/,1 \,)' 1 'f, ( 1?J-,-I, I." \~ V /vJ'1 (f f- BOX 24?C! WESl PALM BEACH, FLORI 1)1, ":~'1 ;:: i 30h) '131; ~f;on RESOLUTION NO. R-84-459 RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY AND PROPERTY OWNERS ALONG OLD BOYNTON ROAD. ADOPTED April 10, 1984 WHEREAS, at the Board of County Commissioners meeting of March 13, 1984, the Board approved in concept a cooperative projeot between Palm Beach County and the DeBartolo Corporation to construct Old Boynton Road to a five-lane section including curb and gutter, between Knuth Road and Congress Avenue, and WHEREAS, the property owners along the south side of Old Boynton Road, between Knuth Road and Congress Avenue have agreed to dedicate the necessary right-of-way to Palm Beach County in exchange for said construction, and WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to construct Old Boynton Road between Knuth Road and Congress Avenue to a five-lane section, including curb and gutter. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; that the foregoing recitals are adopted in their entirety and the Chairman and the Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners are authorized to execute the attached agreement on behalf of Palm Beach County. The foregoing Resolution was offered by Commissioner Wilken, who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Koehler, and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: -__. ,.,._ ..> ..< .'". _ -_. n.__ _.,_~_._ ~._.~...........~.~_'~ ... _. -_"._'_....v. ,~~___.. .' '...,.____._ __.._.,..._ __,_~_ ,._ ., 2 Ken Spillias Dorothy Wilken Peggy B. Evatt Dennis P. Koehler Bill Bailey AYE AYE AYE AYE ABSENT this The Chairman thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted lOth day of APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY ~ /'i/ . .;.~ ~/ Attoi'ney April ,1984. PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS John B. Dunkle, Clerk By: ~"~ Ii I.ku.-,,--- D utyc1erk' ----,-,...__.--:~-"' ----~-,-~.,.,.,....,.,.,----_.--'---, . -, , , , " " ;i AGREEMENT BETWEEN PROPERTY OWNERS ALONG OLD BDYNTON ROAD IN PALM BEACH COUNTY CONCERNING RIGHT-OF-WAY DEDICATION AND IMPROVEMENTS TO OLD BOYNTON ROAD ., ;i II II " ;! I: " APR 10 1984 THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this by " :1 II and between PALM BEACH COUNTY, a pelitical subdivisien of the State 'Of Flerida, hereinafter referred te as "COUNTY", and preperty owners along the " I, ii seuth side 'Of Old Boynton Read, between Cengress Avenue and Javert I; " Street/Knu th Read, hereinafter referred to as "PROP8R'rY OWNI>HS". WIT N E SSE T H: I; i :1 i; WHEREAS, Palm Beach Ceunty has entered into an agreement with the DeBar tole Cerperation under Reselution Ne. R-81-1652, whereby the DeBartole Cerporatien is required te censtruct certain turn lane imprevements to Old Boynton Read, and Palm Beach County is required to obtain the right-ef-way necessary for these improvements, and WHI>REAS, it has been proposed by the Property Owners aleng the south 'I side of Old Boynton Road, between Cengress Avenue and Javert Street/Knuth Read, that it would be mutually beneficial to them and to the Ceunty if Old Boynten Road were censtructed to an ultimate five-lane section in this area, and WHEHEAS, the Property Owners have propesed that they would dedicate : i I 1ft :~~ the necessary right-ef-way fer Old Beynten Road te the Ceunty at ne cost in Ceunty's performance hereunder including exchange fer^the constructien 'Of Old Boynten Road te a five-lane ultimate s~ction in this area, and WHEREAS, the DeBartelo Corpora tion has i.ndica ted a wi llinllness te cooperate \o/i th Palm Beach Ceunty in accomplishing this i.mprovement by meeting its original obligation in terms of constructien on Old Boynten Read with a cash contribution tow rd this improvement, and WHEH8AS, it is in the public interest given the traffic projectiens in this ar..a to cens truc tOld Boyn ten Read te a fi ve lane see lion \o/i th cllrb, and gutt.er between Cengress Avenue and Javert. Street./Knuth !load. '.~ --,.-..--,',..... ., -..' -'.-~ ,-<,....,..-- I I I 3. PALM BEACH .cOUNTY .'lIRTHER AGREES that th.. fron Hng properties will I * said DeBartolo "Entrance Road A" is at a point not le!,s than forty-five (45) I 1/1/) east of the west boundary line of the property owned by Bill R. Winchester and;e;u;J Elsie A; Winchester, his wife, along Old Boynton Road, (Winchester Property), i~.I( and in no event shall the west line of said "Entrance Road A" be fewer than! . fiv-e (5) feet east of the western most boundary of the said Winchester propertf' I .__, ,_._._'___._..._._________._~~__L,__... . _..__.-~,.._-~..'.- II 2 II " good and valuable consideration the parties hereto do covenant and agree as 'I I , I " 'I ! i ! follows: 1. Property Owners will: A. Dedicate to County at no cost the necessary property to provid.. 40 feet' of right-of-way from the existing centerline of Old Boynton Road. This will require the dedication of approximately an additional 20 The Deeds accomplishing feet of.right-of-way across th.. fronting property. ^ This dedication should be delivered by Proper&y Owners and recorded by County executed and ~within 30 days of formal request by the County The :: , i' ,I subject property to be conveyed as provided herein is more particularly II " described in the deeds which will be executed by the Property Owners as " : I provided herein, copies of which are attached here to as Exhi bi ts A, B, C and 'I D, incorporated herein by reference. " " 2. Palm Beach County will: at no cost to Property Owners and after recording the above-mentioned deeds: A. Within the next 12 months from the date of execution of this : ; Agreemen t. cons truc tOld Boynton Road from Congre66 Avenue to jus teas t of " :! " I) " iI Javert Street/Knuth Road to a five lane section with curb and gutter. B. Provide drop curbs to existing drive6 which provide aCcesS to ~ ; the fronting properties. Ii lJ C. Coordinate with water and Sewer utilities so that lines will be stubbed to the south side of Old Boynton Road 60 that it will not be necessary to disturb any pavement to provide utilities to anticipated ,: development along the south side of Old Boynton Road. D. Provide curb returns for a proposed roadway wh'ich will align " , " wi th the DeBartolo "Entrance Road A" .and will insure that the centerline of* " !: !: E. County will bear the cost of relocation of any pipeline 11 i, i; facility b..longing to the Florida Gas Transmission Company, if any 6uch relocation i~ required, within the 20 ft. which is being d~dicat~d by Florida Gas Transmissions. , I' q " " " 'I " urJ ~, a~ ~ ., -, I :; 3 :' , il not bd a~sessed or required to pay any sum for road improvements, signalization, signing or otherwise with respect to Old Boynton Road between Congress Avenue aod Javert Street/Knuth Road i' I' I Ii " I " " " ., 4. The foregoing terms and conditions and the rights, duties and obligations created therein are subject to execution of an amendment to the existing contract between DeBartolo Corporation and Palm Beach County which Ii ,I " ., :1 ;1 :1 :1 :1 I, shall provide for the DeBartolo Corporation to make a cash contribution toward the improvements contemplated by this agreement in lieu of constructing the improvemeots required by said agreement between ~eBartolo I I Corporation and Palm Beach County, pursuant to Resolution No. R-81-1652. The Ii !: " " foregoing terms and conditions and the rights, duties and obligations created I I I I I , I L1iJ I~ 'I thereby are additionally subject to execution by all Property Owners of the deeds referred to in Paragraph 1A herein conveying the subject right-of-way to Palm Beach County by way of dedication and at'no cost to the' County. II ii I' " :1 :1 , II ,I !i :i il 5. The Property Owners hereby waive any an all claims for other than performances by County of its obligations hereunder or* compensationAthat they may have now, or at any time in the future, arising out of the conveyance of the subject right-of-way required by this agreement. This waiver shall extend to all successors, heirs and assigns of the Property Ow s. Addi tonally, the Property Owners hereby release Palm Beach County from any and all liability it may have to pay any money to ~aid property as consideration owners, its agents, employees, heirs, successors 'or assigns ~ other than as a result of County's default hereunder said conveyance,Ait being expressly agreed that the consideration flowing to County's performance of its obligations hereunder and the Property Owners is^the increased access and value to their property fOr J .~ I e./( I; :; " .I '. " ;; caused by the improvements contemplated by the Agreement, and no additional I' " ii ., ii I' ,I , I I I I!. agre~ment between the parties hereto and any repre~entations not contained il I' i l! consideration is demanded by said property ownars, and further they agrue thuy are not entitled to any additional compensation or consideration for said conveyance. 6. The foregoing terms and conditions constitute the entire herein shall be null and void and have no force or effect. This agreement msy not be amended or modified' except by a written agreement executed by the Ii I' ,I II I, I . ~ as a result of its default hereunder, '._..____..... .----....~....._--'...... --...., ...__--__..I~...,._. . , , , " :1 I I, :1 II [I 'I , , I I I I ,I Ii iI il I, I Ii il 11 " .1 ;. " i, 'I I I I I ii !I ,: 'I I' ,I " I' II :1 II :1 II II " '. " n_'_'_.__ ~ '--_ - , , , 4 parti..s here to. 7. This Agreement may be executed in three (3) counterparts and each counterpart should be considered a part of the entire agreement, and all counterparts together shall be considered to be the ~hole agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this instrument to be signed by their authorized representatives the day and year first ~ritten above. BY: Bi Ray inchester ~a.~ Elsie A. Winchester T. M. McPeake, Sr. Right-Of-Way Agent FLORIDA GAS TRANSMISSIONS , , I Ii THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIISSIONERS 1\ OF PALM BB-ACll COUN'rY, FLORIDA ii, ~/~ I : Ch~~, ~ ( . !, II II APR 1 0 1984 ATTE:ST: JOHN B. DUNKLE, Clerk ii. B" Gt.t,:.f' ii". Daput Cl (SEAL) - APPROVED AS TO YORK AND SUFFICIENCY ~ B . ~ '" y ,y , , orney ~' - --- '~'-"--~~.' -.--- .- ..,'-"'.-,--~~~--.,..--.-,-,.._.,...-- ..-'-. ~ I ..\~\ I . \ I , \ ( .: 1 i . , ~' Inter-Office Communication ...."..;~;.' PALM BEACH COUNTY , TO Tim Lunney, Zoning Director DATE Septent.=-.: 8, 1981 FROM Robert E. Bas eha rt, Executi ve Di rector FILE Planning, Zoning and Building RE Boynton Mall - County Commission Resolution # 78-1132 Commissioner Foster has referred the attached letter ~~at he received from Jon Moyle, to us. The letter outlines the provisions of a proposed agreement between the developer of the proposed Boynton Mall and the Board of County Commissioners, which would replace the original resolution of approva 1. I know tha t you ha ve been i nvo 1 ved in ti",e negotiations described in Jon's letter. It is my understanding that once the agreement is executed the property in ~jestion would be annexed into Boynton Beach. Please advise me of the status of this matter. I pr~ume that the County Attorney has addressed the requirements of the law relative to whether a public hearing would be necessary to execute the propos'ed agreement, si nce such would ~end conditions attached to a Zoning approval. RES: 1 v cc: Commissioner Foster SION'O&~ ~ .~~ I... m.J <et'. y.",~~~, t'~i~ i:~;-:t ~j ~.~'r.' " . , ,~ iU: I, ." ,...- ~/ / / LAW OF"f"lCES MOYLE, JONES & FLANIGAN, EA, 707 NORTH .LAGLE!=< DRIVE POST OFFiCe BOX 3888 JON C. MOYLE DANIEL H. JONE:S JOM N l' "-LANIGAN RICHARD W GRONE:A MARTI'" V KATZ E. CDLf: FITZGLRALD, m THOMAS A. SHE:EHAN. m R06ERT M. GROSS "W"EST PALM Bl::.ACH, FLORIDA 33402 TElEPHONE (305) 659-7500 DELR",y BEACM or-FleE SODQ EAST ATLANTIC AVENUE DELRAY eeACH, '-LORIOA 33... August 17, 1981 TELEPHONE: {305} 276"3294 HAND DELIVERED (/ Mr. Frank Foster Chairman Board of County Commission Palm Beach County 300 North Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Boynton Beach Regional Shopping Center - Palm Beach County Commission Resolution No. R-78-1.l32 Dear Commissioner Foster: On September 12, 1978, the Board of County Commissioners approved the petition of Homart-Boynton Associates, Inc. for a special exception to allow a regional shopping center on real prop~rty located on the west side of Congress Avenue and on the nort~ side of Old Boynton Road in a CG-Commercial General District. A coPy of the Resolution is attached to this letter for your convenience. The purpose of this letter is to outline an agreement concerning modification of the roadway construction and improve- ment conditions contained in the above Resolution. As you know, this matter has been the subject of extensive negotiations with members of your staff and all parties involved have agreed that the proposal should be reduced to writing and presented to the Board of County Commissioners for conceptual approval after which an agreement would be drafted and executed. Accordingly, on behalf of my clients, Homart-Boynton Associates, Inc. and The Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation, the following is proposed: 1. In lieu of undertaking and completing the roadway improvements described in Resolution No. R-78-1132, the sum of $1,700,000.00 would be paid to Palm Beach County by The Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation within 30 days of notification by Palm Beach County. In addition, my clients would retain the responsi- bility for the following roadway improvements (this includes Mr. Frank Foster August 17, 1981 Page Two construction only and right-of-way and utility relocation, if any, will be the responsibility of Palm Beach County) contained in the Resolution which will be constructed in accordance with a preliminary roadway improvement plan which will be prepared by The Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation, approved by Palm Beach County, and attached to the agreement: (a) The DeBartolo Corporation shall construct at the intersection of New Boynton Road and Mall Access Road B dual left turn lanes and right turn lane north approach. C " -n ~c..,...".k J d' .,.LI/'l , "(bl The DeBartolo Corporation shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Mall Access Road B: a. Left turn lanes north and south approach. b. Left turn lane west approach. c. Right turn lane east approach. (cl The DeBartolo Corporation shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Access Road A: , - , a. Left turn lane west approach. ~\ , ' ", b. Two-lane north approach. c. Right turn lane east approach. (In the Special Exception Resolution described above, these roadway improve- ments are numbered 6(a), 7 and 8.) 2. In consideration of the above cash payment and retention of the described roadway improvement responsibility, Palm Beach County will agree to:, (a) Construct or cause to be constructed the following roadway and traffic improvements: 1. Palm Beach County shall construct Congress Avenue as a four-lane roadway with median from Access Road E through the intersection with New Boynton Road (S.R. 804). Mr. Frank Foster August 17, 1981 Page Three 2. Palm Beach County shall construct at the intersection of New Boynton Road (S. R. 804) and Congress Avenue: a. Dual left turns north and south approach. b. Right turn lane east approach. 3. Palm Beach County shall construct New Boynton Road as a four-lane roadway with median from Congress Avenue to Access Road B. 4. Palm Beach County shall construct at the intersection of New Boynton Road and Mall Access Road B: a. Left turn lane west approach. b. Right turn lane east approach. 5. Palm Beach County shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue: a. Right turn lane east approach. b. Left turn lane all approaches. 6. Palm beach County shall construct at the intersection of Congress Avenue and Access Roads E, D, and C: a. Left turn lane south approach. b. Right turn lane north approach. c. Right and left turn lanes west approach. 7. Palm Beach County shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and New Boynton Road: a. Right turn lane east approach. b. Left turn lane north approach. / Mr. Frank Foster August 17, 1981 Page Four 8. Palm Beach County shall install signalization at the following inter- sections with the initial phase of construction: a. Congress Avenue and Access Road D. b. New Boynton Road and Access Road B. c. Old Boynton Road and Access Road B. d. Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. e. Upgrade existing signal at New Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. 9. Palm Beach County shall install signalization when warranted, as determined by the County Engineer, at the following intersections: a. Congress Avenue and Access Road C. b. Congress Avenue and Access Road E. c. Old Boynton Road and Access Road A. (b) Take the necessary official action to relieve Homart-Boynton Associates, Inc. and The Edward J. DeBartolo Corporation of the responsibility for the remaining conditions in the Resolution involving roadway and traffic improvements. (c) Adopt a consent resolution approving the voluntary annexation of the shopping center site including the easterly out parcels into the City of Boynton Beach. Palm Beach County will acquiese in certain modifications of the shopping cen~er site plan as follows: 1. Due to the requirements of governmental regulatory authorities, the water retention areas have been substantially enlarged, thus enlarging the actual site of the center. , / Mr. Frank Foster August 17, 1981 Page Five 2. The shopping center site has been slightly increased to satisfy parking requirements. 3. The out parcels which are presently zoned agricultural, will be rezoned by the City of Boynton Beach to conunercia1. "":;,... /. By approving the consent resolution for annexation, Palm Beach County specifically waives its right under Section 171.062(2), Florida Statutes, to impose any additional C;OE.C!.!tions ~n the shopping center or out parceISund~ny county ordinance, i.e. Palm Beach County Ordinance No. 81-6. (el The $1,700,000.00 cash payment will be used only for the acquisition of right-of-way and construction of Congress Avenue between Boynton Road and 22nd Avenue and both tche construction of Congress Avenue and the' remaining roadway and traffic improvements for which Palm Beach County has assumed responsibility will be completed prior to the opening of the Boynton Mall regional shopping center but in no event later than 18 months from receipt of the funds described in paragraph 1., page 1 of this letter. (d) If you have any questions or comments concerning the above outline, please call. Sincerely, ~C. ~C. Moyle JCM/sn Enclosure cc: Robert J. Schreiber, Esq. Mr. David Curl Mr. Herbert Kahlert Charles Schoech, Esq. James Vance, Esq. v- - ~ \' , , , . I In. #truce Communication ~AL.M IIUCJot COUNTY , . I t-.. ;""'j- I'" I IU L , - TO COMMISSIONER NORMAN R. GREGORY District No. 4 MR. H. F. KARLERT, P.E. County Engineer RESULTS OF MEETING WITH DEBARTOLO REPRESENTATIVES CONCERNING CONSTRUCTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND ITS RELATION TO THE PROPOSED BOYNTON MALL DATE November 18, 1980 FROM FILE Page 1 of 2 RE On Wednesday, November 12, 1980, the following persons met to discuss the subject matter: David Curl Tom Marsicano Jon Moyle Robert Schreiber E. J. DeBartolo Corporation Greiner Engineering (representing DeBartolo Corp.) Attorney-at-Law (representing DeBartolo Corp.) E. J. DeBartolo Corporation Palm Beach County: Robert Basehart Alan Kurtis, P.E. George Solana, P.E. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. - Director,.Planning, Building & Zoning Director, Land Development Assistant County Engineer Director, Traffic Division As part of Resolution No. R-78-1132 approving Zoning Petition No. 78-190, the following condition was imposed as part of the developmental approval of the proposed Boynton Mall: "Petitioner shall construct Congress Avenue as a four-lane roadway with median from Access Road "E" through the intersection with New Boynton Road (SR:-804)." Plans for the construction of Congress Avenue from Boynton Road through N. W. 22nd Avenue are currently under preparation and that portion of Congress Avenue which the developer is committed to construct is included in the~e plans. DeBartolo's estimated share of the construction costs, or their portion of this project, is $1.6 million. At this meeting, it waS proposed that DeBartolo pro- vide these funds to Palm Beach County to meet their obligation concerning Congress Avenue. These funds could then be used as a match against the State's $2 million Economic Development Funds which have been committed to Palm Beach County to serve the Motorola Corporation. The DeBartolo representatives indicated a willingness to cooperate with the County following this concept. However, at this time they do not have an approved site plan andIDUst come back to the County for a number of revisions. There are also four large parcels between Congress Avenue and the Mall site which are currently zoned agricultural. The developer wishes to address these parcels and obtain appropriate zoning and developmental approvals concurrent with obtaining his final developmental approvals for the Mall. He indicated that when all these developmental approvals had been obtained so that there was no ques- tion as to his ability to proceed with the development of the Mall and the adjacent property, then at that time he would be willing to enter into negotiations concern- ing providing funding toward Congress Avenue. SIGN EO , ,/ .... In f/btnc...... Communication PALM BEACH COUNTY I!'''''' . ) TO COMMISSIONER NORMAN R. GREGORY DATE November 18, 1980 District No. 4 FROM MR. H. F. KARLERT, P.E. FILE Page 2 of 2 County Engineer RE RESULTS OF MEETING WITH DEBARTOLO REPRESENTATIVES CONCERNING CONSTI\UCIION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND ITS RELATION TO THE PROPOSED BOYNTON MALL It is pointed out that when the developer applies for an amended site plan, the Board of County Commissioners will have the opportunity to readdress the conditions of approval and will have an opportunity to specifically address the cash contribution of monie s toward the developer's obligation for the construction of Congress Avenue in lieu of the condition as currently written. The developer indicated that it was his intent at this time to proceed with the Boynton Mall project. HFK:CRW:eu J;,OEY.~. Robert Basehart, Director . . Planning, Building & Zoning Mr. Alan Kurtis, P.E., Director Land Development Division Mr. George Solana, Assistant County Engineer Mr. Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E. Director, Traffic Division cp(/~~ SIGNED I " i ,f ;-- >/.' ( , / / RESOLUTION NO. R-78-1132 FESOLUTIml APPROVING ZONIHG PETITION \::1I:REAS, the Board of County COIIlJi1issioners, as the govel'ning body, pursuant to the authority vested in Chapter 163 and Chapter 125, Florida Statutes, is authorized and empowered to consider petitions relating to 2oning; and WHEREAS, the notice and hearing requirements as provided for in Chapter 402.5 of the PaIn Beach County Zoning Code Ordinance No. 73-2 have been satisfied; and WHEREAS, Petition No~ 78-190 was presented to the Board of County COlT'.J:\issioners of Fillm Beach County at its public hearj,ng conduc;l.c,c1 on 24 ;,ugus't 1978. 1lC"':, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY Cmn.HS- SI01:ERS OF PALl'; BEACH 90UNTY, FLORIDA, clay of Auguzt, 1978 assembled in regular session the 21tth , that petition ::0. 78,190 the petition of HOMART-BOYNTON ASSOCIATES, INC. by Dick A. Greco) Jr.) Vice President, for Boynton Beach, Inc., J\gent, foY' ii srr:CI.'Il, ) a:CEPTIO,l 'TO [,LLO',; A REGIONAL SHOPPING CENTER INCLUDIlJG AN A\.JTO;10TIVE ~E:?-VIC: CEHTER, \-IASTE \'~ATER TREATl-lENT FACILITY AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTION W!TH D~IVE-UP TELLER WINDOWS on a parcel ,of land in Section 19, Township .5 'Sou-:?1, Rcnge 43 Eas't, being more particularly described as fol10\,s; ?e:;ir.ning at the SouthHest cornel" of Tract 38, as shO\m on the pli.lt of Sec-::io!119, To,mship 45 South, Range 43 East, recorded in Plat Book 7, ~'2.ge 1,,; the:-.ce run North 0051' 51" l'lest' (assumed) along tne \'lest line of ilnd ~-:s ~ortherly extension of said Tract 38, a distance of 1332.21 feet; cflorl,-"2 ren South 87058'21" I'lest, a distance of 20.0 feet; .thence ,'Ur1 1:01" th 0051' 51" Hest, a distance of 1191. 31 feet; thence run North 32005"2~" L."~t, a distance of 1800.0 feet; thence run South 0059'39" , f I' 7" 96 fee-;- " tJ'l"nce ~un ]'low"Lh 8c,o 0" I 2'." =--:;.;.st) C\ dl.:"';:..'.f,(.;Q 0..: ! i ~ .. '-_ J. .I. v;.;.... East, a dist2~ce "f"~'~~"""'-'''~__ 8', f th South OC5n'3Q"'" t d t 750. "'cet; ence run 0 _ ".ilS, 11 is ance of 90.01 feet; "I~nce run South 88005'26" Viest, a distance of 855,73 feet; thenc2 run >outh 113032'54" \'~est, a distance of 57.02 feet; thence run South 0059'39" East, a distan~e of 529.99 feet; thence run South 46027'06" East, a distance of 56.11 feet; thence run North 88005'25" East, a distance of 856.73 feet; thence run South 0059'39" East, a distance of 90.01 feet; thence run So~th 88005'26" \']est, a distance of 855.73 feet; thence run SO\lth ~3032'54" \'~est, a distance of 57.02 feet; thence run South 0059'39" East, a dis'ta!1ce of 529.99 feet; thence run South 46027'06" East, a distance or 55.11 feet; thence run North 88005'26" East, a distance of 855.73 feet; the:1ce run South 0059'39" East, a distance of 90,01 feet; thence run South 88005'26" West, a distance of 856.73 feet; thence run South ~3032'511" ':Iest, a distance of' 57.02 feet; thence run South 0059'39" East, 3. dista.nce of 231,G2 feet; thence run South 1404(,'19" Last, a distance ~f 207.00 feet; thence run South 0059'39" East, a distance of lSO.OO ;'eet; then::e run North 89046'34" \'.'est, a distance of 1689.:10 feet to :he Point of Beginning. Said property located on the west side of Congress '.venue (S. R. 807) and on the north side of Old Boynton Road in a CG- :eneral Comr.,ercia1 Dist:.'ict, Has approved as amended per the petitioroer's quest to D::LETE THE HASTE \oIATER TREATl'lENT FACILITY AND THE fINAnCIAl,> r;STITijTIO>: \':ITH DRIVE-UP TELLER \HNDO'ilS subj eot to the following caneli ticns: 1. Petitioner shall construct Congress Avenue as a four-lane I'oc.d',-iay "lith median from Access Road "E" through the inter- section "lith NeVI Boyn'ton Road (S.R. 804). 2. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of New Poynton Po ad (S.R. 804) and Congress Avenue: a. Dual left turns north and south approach. b. Right turn lane east approach. 3. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and l1ilitary Trail: 2.. Left turn lane north approach. b. Left t~rn lane east approach. c. Right turn lane south approach. 'I. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of New Boynton R02.d and Military T~ail: a. Right turn lane south approach. __~_ ....- .l.o....~.,,~. '"..~ _.~~~'" ~ .. I>.~-""'IV~ l.:~__~~__~_-""~_~ / / I ~ \ ", Petitioner shall construct New Boynton Road as a four-lane road\.;'ay ~Ii thO median from Congress Avenue to Access Road "B". G. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of New Boynton Road and l'~all Access Road "B": a. Dual left turn lanes and right turn laLc north approach. b. Left turn lane west approach. c. Right turn lane east approach.' 7. Petitioner shall construct at the intercection of Old Boynton Road and Access Road "B": a. Left turn lanes north and south approach. b. Left turn lane wect approach. c. Right turn lane east approach. 8. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Access Road "A": a. Left turn lane \-Iest approach. b. Two-lane approach north approach. c. Right turn lane cast approach. 9. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue: a. Right turn lane east approach. b. Left turn lane all approaches. 10. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of COllgr'ess Aven\l(' and Access Roads "E", "D", and "C": a. Left turn lane south approach. b. Right turn lane north approach. c. Right and left turn lanes west approach, 11. Petitioner shalt construct at the intersection of Old Boynton Road and.Hew Boynton Road: a. Right turn lane east approach. b. Left turn lane north approach. 12. Petitioner shall install signalization at the following inter- sections with the initial phase of construction: 2.. Congress Ave.nue and Access Road "D". b. )lel-7 Boynton Eoael and Access Road "B". c. Old Boynton P,oad and Access Roc.a "B". Q, Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. e. Upgrade existing signal at Hew Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. 13. Petitioner shall install signalization when warranted, as deteri71ined by the, County Engineer, at the follo\~ing intersections: a. Congress Avenue and Access Road "C". b. Cor.gress Avenue and Access Road "E". c. Old Boynton Road and Access Roae "A". 1', " . ','Ii thin ninety (90) days of. the Special Exception appr'oval, petitioner shall convey to Palm Beach County: a. Sixty (60) feet from the centerline for the ultimate right-of-~7ay for Congress Avenu'~. b. Forty (40) feet from the centerline for the ultimu'te right-of-way for Old Boynton Road. 15. Petitioner shall construct at the intersection of 1-95 at Boynton West Road: a. Dual left turn lanes south approach. 16. The four (4) easterly out parcels shall be in unified dev- elopment with the site of the subject Special E~ception' (. \ ~ " :1. '1, 17. .,. ,~:'.f~l\""" .,,:!~.,.~.. : ". -1itP.~:o.t:...T'..:..".:~:......':<l!"<',,-i..~........". ""r":..'"",___ , , / . '( (- ~, Pe'ti .tioner11' l,~ll provide ninety percent \ gO %) opaque landscape s reening along the west property line, said landscapino to be planted prior to any site work. ..' 18. Petitioner shall provide a five (5) foot limited access easement along the west property line to limit access to Javert Street, 19. Ho additional buildings than those shown on the Site Plan, Exhibit No. 12, on file in the office of the Director, Department of Planning, Zoning & Building, with particular regard to the western portion of the subject site, shall be allowed on the subject site without Public Hearing reconsideration by the Palm Beach County Planning Commission and Board of County Commission. 20. Petitioner shall dedicate twenty (20) feet for Javert Street along the entire western boundary of this development, provided said right-of-way is not needed for drainage or internal site requirements as per the existing Zoning Code, COY.'_r.Li ssioner Hedlen . moved for approval of the petition. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lytal , and upon being ~ut to a vote, the vote was as follows: Peggy Evatt, Chairman Bill Bailey, Vice Chairman Lake Lytal I-.'illiem l'ledlen Dennis Koehler Absent Yes Yes ' Yes Absent The foregoing resolution was declared duly pessed and adopted this 12th day of September , 1978, confirming action of 24 August 1978. PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JOHN B, DUNKLE, Clerk By ~t\-~, ~ ~SJJu.,~,^", ~~: (jDeputy UJerk \:j' '..' j!J I '. /" ,/ / J / ./ , " " , , ~. "., , ;- -' .... " J ., /. " /. ~ l"'" APPROVE AS TO FORM F:iD LEGAL SUFFI CIENCY ,..:.J ...... i-", :" -.' , , '...:.. Co""ty Attorney .. i' ~. __ .-- -- '-..;-.....:- ~ ...--l~-~~-:-- ~.__...-.: . __ ..____.-.....~-.no.,.",_..K..~"""'iti,,"^...,' <"-'''''~--'''-''''':;~~''~'!~..!IJll."1'L~...:-.....~_...............,~.,,;~~~-:,~......"....,~.....,...,,;.........,p,......... -;:".w~..----=