APPLICATION CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD _L~D~SE_AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. I . GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: ,:lL/fJy,5, r-;'c-kK'/'9L 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only K c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): Ep7/9S" 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): 1318/1(,)0 /1,jJAlPJ.o L#-', / Address: .:lL(ClLj .)~ J-pr/r'/'/l/ I-lIJ~) /1/')yJAl hMJ /~/4~'~ FL. .]:PI.3..1/- / (Zip Code) Phone: /ICl'/-1.3L'j-IJt.? FAX: L/tJ"7-7.J'i/-CJ"/'c;/} 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): . 7;, "-, r": /)11 c.:;. ,")4'/ Fl;t;J /J/lJr<: / Address: :Jf/vL./ ,5 /:e/Ir,/'.4j U~Jl/ .!J/Jr,)NiYA) /?""'A/j; 7i/J 31'-s{?3- , (Zip Code) Phone: L'/C/J-Z.PI-/3t:J3 FAX: ij~'7-73'ij 9L/eJO 6. Property OWner's (or Trustee's) Name: If:,</AJ t;,AJ _7:M LAIC:, . , , J / /J I I-It"?-'(J/C F 5o//J/M/),h' //'e.91:l1"'/VT {..357 //~/'i# ~29 LLJ~"i f (lrjdi::!f..r7 ,~,':J6?lt , JZ~p Code) tjvL/-!Jw-/o99 FAX: 904. 3/"!-3::>~(e, Address: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse (2) 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) : "","'Jp,/t? 8. 9. IO. l1. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. lB. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. *This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) /;;A./ JA'!-/J/':I 4/1'. c.fAl <;r;/t" Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: ,:)t/oy . ~ /~/,"j..,/I/J/ /~y 8t!J,c~AJ~A) /:h.4(4)7" Legal Description of Subject Parcel: ~:~~A) ?~. fiCAdA'iC 1 ~7' 11'3 fA.-";/ ;;D/U_'5I1~/J L/!.J; . 'S;uIJ) A/t)l;ffl~Jt'.J 1/ I gL/ </(f ~~T 0/ Tli,.. O/,?7J,.,..../V 'f"l'i oj:? /pe!.T /// 7/? p'.4Sr.fl7 /J/ 77I~ 5,.,ul/I,:.,44 y<? LVj~.k.f ;F/HI /"d hdeK'AL. /!t9hn)l41/ i'.u . / / ! /T/ ".' 0 C/I{'L:.uiTCoa I; /"v ;'J;1.h:J' c>1<!- 74bN/3.e~.' C?aAlT.:,J/F&KYotlH ~c JIl.. /-,. ~ C?J.<Jf,~ C!: o!J-'I3-'i.33-o -cJOO<5'" ,U/f.JSI.I5 T.c'A4J/hIIflMIe. ;?3' Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 1.'-/5' J)/.J'I':?S Current Zoning District: C. '.:s Proposed Zoning District: 12-3 //;911 /1/110/'/1.,) Current Land Use Category: L/Jo4/ ;{{,14rl.. ~fflr11f"iI'/IAL Proposed Land Use Category: '~(r~~~':'i,~f /.i?..,.r:.<lf/Jf,<};).;1!-. t'EC f) L I(t; I{ t- EI <;L .,.. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: c:.JLftCRLA ,/ //?/(.,v)rJ.411 ,(j lill# j!,t/.s / ~)O I h 1;1.-> , Developer or Builder: /1/';e}1)/) 6/Jc;/f../"/;J/11 lAy. 1 ' /7 . .:/{jC;!/ ,), )-;/!.-if'JAI li.tIY t5NI/iJtiVU D?4c...A /~/ 33135 / ~ Architect: Tilt<:. 1<1(:;.1) G.e.N.l1'J rb"LIl:J;4 )T;{ 'e . Landscape Architect: n-{ <" kT ,,; Y c,,( N) il ~G1Li ;014. Lu/" I , Site Planner: It/p ;.(.T(~V b-,e.L'O'.o F:Z.r!l.eifJJ4 L~)( / , f Civil Engineer: r../".i (-OAY;LlI-f/-/A.J!S Traffic Engineer: l''MrJU GIf'-L'tI d Lnc, mAlfl.ifl I. d!JJ111bIJ , Surveyor: Jl6r'hAI'2fJ L, 5f/eLJI/Ait!J<J f/ J!!""-;/:Jr.-. . PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse /' (7) .' III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statement. and any .tatementa or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) know dge and belief. This a lication will not be pted unless signed according to t 'nstr ions be V. Agent {I~/;5 Itate ) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. felj. i/ .;;{?:i ate Signat ner(s) or Truste or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. tJ,B.AVO ~pf,,^, ,"I..vc.. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse II. MATERIALS TO BE SUBMITTED WITH APPLICATION ( 3) The following materials shall be submitted in two (2) copies, unless otherwise indicated: (check) ---1L.. a. i/ b. This application form. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed. 7,4>( BiLL c. The following documents and letters of consent: ~ (I) If the property is under joint or several ownership: a written consent to the application by all owners of record, ~ (2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: a copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and ~ (3) If the applicant is represented by an authorized agent: a copy of the agency agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and ~ (4) If the applicant is a lessee: a copy of the lease agreement, and the written consent of the owner, and L d. v' (5) If the applicant is a corporation or other business entity: the name of the officer or person responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the corporation. A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following information: ~ (l) An accurate legal description of the subject parcel. ~ (2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (l/IOO) of an acre. v/ (3) A tree survey, which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. (Also refer to Page 6, Sec. II h.(12) of this application if property is occupied by native vegetation.) This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with the application. L-e. A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the sUbject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county courthouse shall be furnished by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification of surrounding property owners will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse ../ f. (4 ) A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and their relation to the subject parcel. L g. A statement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existing zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. ~ h. A comparison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which will include: ......lL... (l) ---1L.. (2) (3) --1Jlt (4) ..L (5) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under the proposed zoning or development. A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. Proposed timing and phasing of the development. For proposed zoning of property to commercial or industrial districts, where the area of the subject parcel exceeds one (l) acre, projections for the number of employees. A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For projects that generate more than five hundred (500) net trips per day, a traffic impact analysis must be submitted which complies with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. (a) For projects that generate two thousand (2,000) or more net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted to the City at least 30 days prior to the deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by the City's traffic consultant and Palm Beach County. The applicant shall be billed for the cost of review by the City's traffic consultant. (b) For projects that generate between five hundred (500) and two thousand (2,000) net trips per day, the traffic impact analysis must be submitted at the application deadline for land use amendment and/or rezoning, in order to allow for timely processing of the application and review by Palm Beach County. A: LandUse PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 (5) However, if it is the desire of the applicant to utilize the City's traffic consultant for review of the traffic impact analysis prior to review by Palm Beach County, then the procedure and requirements outlined under item "a" above shall be followed. NOTE: Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner prescribed above may delay approval of the application. ~ (6) ~ (7) -L (8) m (9) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. For parcels larger than one (l) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. For proposed residential developments larger than one (I) acre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well as proposals for mitigation of such nuisances and hazards. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, exclusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, and mechanical equipment, screening of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site A: LandUse PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 (6) -4,L.,J 10 ) lighting. Nuisances and hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contained in the City's zoning regulations and the standards contained in the City's noise control ordinance. Also, statements concerning the height, orientation, and bulk of structures, setbacks from property lines, and measures for screening and buffering the proposed development shall be provided. At the request of the Planning and Zoning Board or City Commission, the applicant shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Commission, the applicant shall also submit the following information: ~ (a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. ~ (b) Existing and proposed grade elevations. --JJ.A (c) Existing or proposed water bodies. ~ (d) Form of ownership and form of organization to maintain common spaces and recreation facilities. ~ (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatment, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. ~ (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. ~ (12) Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance is required, an Application for Alteration of Environmentally Sensitive Lands (Environmental Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) prior to or concurrent with the submittal of the Land Use Amendment and! or Rezoning Application to the City. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse ( 8 ) SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review and Processing Schedule: ~~Jq~ Date Accepted by Planning Department I Date Transmitted to City Clerk Date Notifications Mailed to Surrounding Property OWners Dates of Advertisement in Newspaper (rezoning and/or land use amendment) Dates of Advertisement in Newspaper (annexation) Date of Transmission of Departmental Review Forms to Department Heads Date of Review by Technical Review Board Date of Pre-Hearing Conference Date of Public Hearing Before Planning & Zoning Board Date of Public Hearing Before City Commission Date of Transmission of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Florida Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. l63.3l84 (l) (a) Date of Transmission of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment to Other Governmental Agencies Requesting Notification, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. l63.3l84 (ll (b) Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of Community Affairs Regarding Comprehensive Plan Amend- ment, pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. l63.3l84 (4) Date of Hearing Before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3184 (5) (b) Date of Hearing Before City Commission on Revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. l63.3l84 (6) (a) Date of Transmission of Revised Comprehensive Plan Element to Florida Department of Community Affairs, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. l63.3184 (6) (a) Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of Community Affairs Regarding Revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse (9) SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date of Hearing Before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, Pursuant to Florida Statutes, F.S. 163.3l84 (7) Date of First Reading of Ordinance to Annex Date of First Reading of Ordinance to Rezone and Amend Future Land Use Map Date of Second Reading of Ordinance to Annex Date of Second Reading of Ordinance to Rezone and Amend Future Land Use Map Date of Expiration of Zoning Date of Expiration of Time Extension for Zoning PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse N ~ ~ ~ - - < - - ~ - - 6 = - - - - E ~ ~ ~ ~ :;; N - Miscellaneous Cash Receipt CITY Of BOYNTON BEACH Acco..... No. 1- ooe:> - 4--- 4-I;3::{ L u fI. R,.. cr.s- -<:0.3 .~~. Received of ~l2-AvO :s8;>~^:>>"'>_/ Addreu '0. ~ Ut) "<- ~~ Dope. ~ ~.~ j IIr No. 009'~ , c!l.- #- ~ . - '.1 . 19~ Sp,.-~""0 BRA VO BOYNTON. INC. 2404 SO, FEDERAL HWY. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 PH 407-734,2244 if!,"o~n'tE /3/j ,i g~MZ'm4 A~ ..- . . 114 Nortb ,..,.. "I.....' ; I h.,mon ...11, "oricI. 3U35 FOR z:....,fll/.&" ~~L~T V 11"0010 b 111" 1:0 b 7008 58 21: /1I(tu~ ~1 3063 //L.- 19z2. 63-858/670 30 1$/000- DOLLARS ~(;LAAKE ^'''E~;CAN whOSe po<t office address I~ 2404 South Federe1 Highway, Boynton Beach, of'h~CoutJ/yof Palm Beach at/dSlalltaj Florida parlY of "'~ ;ei:ot/d pari ,1iJlJitlle&l!iet~: . , I Thai Ihe said pari} ojlhe fim pari, for alld "1 cormilrratiofl oj the sum of ,/n--nn-----n..nnu_.._TEN and no/lOO {$IO.OO)~-n----.-n___u_n__u_ Dolla/'S, I /0 ,i ifl haml pdd by I/'( smd parI y oflhe second pari, Ifte receip' whereof if hert:by adllow/cdged har grall/ed, I . bargm/ltd md wid 10 tlte saId part Y oflhe ILwlld pafl, hi sheil1 a"d assigllS foreM':r, Ihe fo/lo11ing dtsm'btJ larl'! !lillalt, iylnx alld btill/: in Ihe CoIlIII)IOf Palm Beach at/d Stale of F/onda, lo-u,i: ,IA parcel of la~d lying in the South half of Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 III East, Palm Beach County, Florida; said parcel being more particularly described as ,fo!lows: Begin at the intersection of the East-West quarter Section line of said II Section 33 ~ith the East right-of-way line of U.S. Hwy. No.1 (State Rd. No, 5) as : shown In Road Plat Book 2 on Page 159, PublIc Records of Palol Beach County; thence 1'1 Easterly along the said East-West quarter Section line a distance of 33~.48 feet; I thence Southerly at right angles to the precedIng course a distance of IB4.li6 feet; !i thence \'}esterly along a 1 ine 184.46 feet South of and parallel wi th the said EaH- I' West luarter SectIon line a distance 0' 352,14 feet to an Intersection with the said East right-of-way lIne of U,S. Hwy. No.1; thence Northeasterly along said rlght-of-I way 11,,,, a JIst..nce of 185.34 feet to the point 0' beginning. oWOO SUBJECT TO taxes for the year 1982 which shall be pro-rated between the parties, , the Gr..ntor re I mburs I n9 the Grantee for O!1e-th I rd (I 13) of the 1982 taxes. Taxes ~6 I for the year 1983 and subsequent years. ' 7S 0' SUBJECT TO Mortgage to Broward National Bank of Boynton Beach dated 2/12/76 In , to pay. . SUBJECT TO Mortgage to Century NatIonal Bank of Palm Beach County dated April, ' 1980 in the orIginal sum of $150,000.00. Grantor shall pay the mortgage payments fOI- the "'onths of May, 1982 through and including January, 1983 as they fall due and I Grantee shall assume and agrees to pay the ~alance.of :,ald payment~,__ I SUBJECT TO easements, reservations and r:e,~lct~9r1S":~:7.~~r~~ <>\:., I ""-~'" ~ '-,>,;~".\.... . , ' , ~..:.,. ::" ('r7 "'" CO .... Q ::::> .. :I:) - .... .. - ..' E ~ :-i ~,: ::l n ...., ~ :n ,., II;) .., D FrGn : -c:..C;:'TE:;: 1=:=:!'Jr,jCL . F'. H. F'HClt!E ~',b. 4D7 3r:: 0"~q-:; Ppr-. ~]t:. 1 ;3'~1:::, J: 5tPr"1 PC12 WAf~RAt,jTY htrfO ""MOO FORM A_3 _arrant!, Ileeb <1111iz ~nbe1tt1trl', M"d~. Ihl-' 29 d".yoj Oc::.-I ~R . A, D. 1.982 1I1dluult GCNTLEI1AN JIM'S I NCORPORATEP , e-" , Q cO']I(Jfal/(l11 ~,\"!llil,)' IIIder I"~ 14"" ol'lt~ Slale oj Fl od d" . hal"/g lis III1Hapol plae~ oj pwme." 11/ II:~ l,,"n~y of alii SIiI!( III F I or I da , ""'T /allful{y "tHl'an~'. ' " If" "l,-r hwww '" llie Slt1IC (If Flonan, parly oj lire finl pari, and "nNTON JIM, J"r" a 1'10rld.. CorpOI',Hi"" And Ih& rmd F~rl/afi;,; A~ "'pa~/dIN'J Itmby /u/iy ~~a/lltl~.uik 10. Said /i",d. "lid WI'I dej;'d Il:e famE tl!:;ainsf tilt. lawful . 1J of all pr.rxm.r w!IomsoeJ4(T.-'.. .',," J.- "".~ \. \ (~.. . 1 ." " '.. , ~11 llilihlcs!,\":mlYl'rt'of, Ihe said parly oj Il:i first pari Itas ctlu,<<:d time prr.Jmts 10 be signed m lis flamt by Its proptr officm, afld ,iJ corporate J(nl,o be ajfixed, 4/1<'..<1- cd hy ,is sccrt:lary, I"~ day 'lJM yaf ahm't: wnl/m. AI/cst: , .<relary. GENTLEMAN JIM'S INCORPORATED il.1C\'rbittPn'51.'1ln'nfU6:]~ .t. ~~. - ,-- 7+es,ilt/ll ,/ I Thi.. [/lslnllllml pnpared by; ;~ l J Ii :! Ii I; " I' 'I I I II II ii ,I ,: il " !, :-:::I II w. !''> II j' ..:~ II ...', II II .1 'I ~- I ",.. I - 'I I I - at') I ('00./ , - a.; . I , I ~,I r' . , ' (.. rr'cr,1 :=r:;P;-EC 1= . . . ....,. FH]~"jE r~D. 4CF "::'0' ~j~"?3 Hp'--. C1t, l'3'?r:, 3: 57f=T"1 PO] ;tl'_iL I i j /, II II Ii ,. , ~httt' of ~l\Jr~~~,'" . } QIllUtltv JJf ~~~~." ",-' . , ,~" ,31 ~t'l'rb~ QImifl;! IlJm 0111111; Olt) day oj OcTt:;be,<.. It JJ. '982 i hri . 'Iii' pmOll.1/fy appcaml ~ I LL I AM J. CALLAHAN Prmilml " of SENTLEMAN JIM':; 'NCORPORATI:D , II '1I'l"'raI101l Imdrr lilt fa", of Ilie Slale ,,/ F I or i <1a In /tit' ['m"", ,- '" Ihe pas"", whu JiEnd II;, j~r~s'"i'~I; Ltrr:nllllt'n! a( .~1/(.'/ {!l/'~as (lffd Jtl'C/'allr ad.:lIowkd!{fd the fX((uli(~ '::> hr. their Irt>! a[l and ;It,=J m sue!: tifl,'''''' h Ifl, "in ..;"d plll}"'5"5 11"",;'1 1110111"",,1 alld J/ulllhey 'do lite ofjlLwl Ji'o! oj'md wrpora. /r;.m. and /lla/ f!i.c iatd ins/rulIJtn! is lilt (1(."/ and dad 0/ Jairl Co;Pi.J':.. 3!NitltfS'3 'i~V "!;/:/lIII'" illld olliail.' 51'<1/ III ~ y..--f/ (Cld ts.-e1'tC rf i ",d'r'C"!l1!ro!T$~o(.0l9-~b flNdSlille'f Florida .':..' ...... .,1 1!leJI/}'lIId'yr;rl,15!af';!c!i1Id ~~'" 'lOt, . '..::1 ,,-Iv [OfI:-tt;rJ-...-iti!l t".xnJJ'ts: . .:,' _:_~~ _~:~ C/ t ..~ ..,.'" '..'1 ~-~- ~ ..' '''"';;;J'" -' , NOlary PuMe, f\~a~t: o! &rlfl1i", j .,.:~, "::.".""~~,\>!:-:' j , . I i.-;';',~,' ',' \ ' : I , , " ;i , 'I I: II Ii II I II !: 11 [: !~~TI~RY rUB~iC :,TATf OF fl0RfOA ,flY ~,:)'"-'\'\I~S:O.',, €Xf"IPJS MAY 22 1986 pO~.,O~i:> It),,",-') G.tJ~i;RAl. I N~. UNDE"W~lffiU .._.._--_._...,-~---- .r", = _ t1?= r-.. -~~ -.::f" ,.." :1~ ~ " ",... L ..... -------...-..----~ "c : OPi'JA I "'"r-". - "'... X' i., ~.'i.MP__.c 1\ _ ' .,. , ~1:..: l ~.!9 0 O. 00,; ____..__---.l , I -- ! ~ II I I I, :... ! II I.):j' Vl -, I, "'J .~ ..,., $;Q il ~ ;>;: :... () 4""t I .~ .... ~ -. "'J ~ ;g I ~ 6 () = I ::t b '" f'""t"- j: , ~ () ~ " I ?' " ."" ~ ...., W " ~ ....; :1 "tl (;. ~ ~ ~ '- ~ f:f .:> .- ~ ,-';' --. L.j' I" ~ , RECORD VERIFIEO pALM BEACH COUNTY, F ~ JOHN a, DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT caUR i ~ " ~TI- U/\I\lJv r:UIIIIL:I\L L:~TI\1 ~ T1(I\l\Ivl\t.; IIUI\J0 I A. EVIOENC; Of titLE: the Sellor Ihnll. nl Solie,', OJl,Jonsn. 1m "Ish to Ih, Duya, nollo$,1111111 fillol1f1' 16J dnVs (,,1m to UtI! c1o!tillg ellh",: 11' It tOIll,"lol'! C'tJIJII.J IIbslrnet olllllt) whlth el,,,,, C'OflUIltUlCfl wllh Iho o"'''o~1 "ohllc ,ncords "IfO!lUh Iho t:Unell"" U;,h.: or C'1J:t cnrlili(!dnh!:lrncl ul Ill'" which ~hl'tI COIIIIIIOncn wilh Iho "",Ihu.. ,,,,bile '''culth wllhcnlllflnd snnrch Illlf'lIuh thn I:flncllvo Unln; IJI (:I'" lull" o\Vllnl'~ li"n Irlo;l"~nr." ItI,liq.i~<:u,"fhr n ru"tll1ll,- - ':eo"!lo" 11110 I"su,nllcn cOUl,ln"y 'lIId ,,,,,lint, urlllhu.l "h!lhnCI or emUflnd I:IJhlch "oUllhn dat" It' !tlll;h'lUlir.y tI II 111111" Iho ':If,'r:li"" l);'h!. SoliN !thnll r.ullvr.r rnnfll"1nhhl1illn, !tuhJncl unfl'lollnn~. nUCUlIIlllllrlU!l. Okr.lt..lIUIl!: fU flllnlilif:nllul1~ ~nl "J"lt tlllhh Clllltllltt "fIlllh"~f1 Wlltdl 0:11;111 hll "i!ldl:ll"'~I'hv :;ntlrl :II 'I' hnfoftl clo!IIlU" Mn'hlnbln 111I1t !llIallhn dnhulI1it"", nl:cuHflllU 10 OII,llIc"lIln filln Slnlllln"l!: nllulIlndhr lit.. fh"h!n Un. :,,"1 ill nnuIII:II...:" willi 1:'\"1 1I",r 1"(llln'ly I, 16enlelf wi'hfn 8 counly In which 11110 cOlltllli""nlll~ n,,, HIlII",d In Ihm 01 fth~llncl~, !;'llhu ~hnll. AI !;III1",'~ ""1"1110:'\ dl?li\'", to lhl,.I?' III !1I1p!,~ nlloflto,. .1I1J8 "UII'IHlce C01l1lfllllllnni 1~~,,,'t1hr 0 rlorhln ffclJlIl;nd1l1lo Ilt!allOf t1ctn"lnlJln 10 ""Ijllt '"!:li1ulhlflnll"u""I$lu IIII! tll1l111y win"" IIln 1'1 l'llllI IV h fOUlod "V' nino In luutllo Ih,\,(tf, U,IOll ,ocording of 1ho tfnod lu UUl'n" nit tJwnr,,'s ,toliq' uf litlo lll!:ulnflclt In tho t111mllllt ,.llh" IIIUt:"I$" Inicr" 1"$Ulillo IIInlhlnble Utln 'It 'hI) nU}.'" In Ihn f'lol't"ly. lIvhloc' Dilly lu IInll!t. nftcHlI1h'nIlCfJ!'. q:cc""lIo", ur .,tlllliflcnlluIIII: ~""Ollh ;11111i~ Cmlll"d '11111 II 11111: n VlI.ith II:h:"lll Ito di!lcho'Un"'by Sftllnl "10' ""h,.t' chnlno. IIUYOf 'hnll hnv" Inllll OJdnVJ hom thn dn'n o'.nc"lviIlU nvhl"lII:n 0' 111In h, "JHllfllnll ~nulfl.lllilllllo: 1,,"11.1 tn I", tJr,llJc1iVlJ, tJu,'o, d,nll wilhl" !Inhl'lfulotl. f,olif,'III" Solin' I"wrlling ltllnclfylllg Ilul dn'nc'II.11 ~uch I'nlnc'" '"111"11 Ihn 'itl" ulllllmbtlnhl".III" ~;r.f1lff ~I,"" h:t",. , nl,,"IYI9UI dnYII Irom Iho I ncnl,11 0' !lIch noliCfllo eUfO Iho d,,'ncU. nnd if nflo, enld ,to, Iud SnlhJf ~llIIlt lIul 'Invn fill otl 1'111 Ifn"!':l!:" l1uy", lIh:lI' hnv" tlon "IIlinl1 0111' IIccn,,"ng 11I1l) n!llt IIlRfll~, 0111) dnlltnrulillQ n, n'ulld 0' nlf Il1ollln!lllDld IIn, OUI1lJo,. wl,le" r;hnll 10I1hwllh Itf. . f!1U1 It'!d III lito II u,.", , OI"J Ih", "uI'lm 11ft' Our.' ."d S.II., .h.1I b. ..I....d 01.11 IUllh.. obIlO.llo". 10 ..ch ,'ho, ....I.'lhl. Co"".~1. O. MOl" U^Oe rnOVISIONS, . ISIIUO MOlUGAGEASSUMrIlOU: Tho Sollo, Ihllll oblnln nud lurnl!th n Iln IlIlhn 1lI0'lununo 10111110 'ftflll I"" IIIlnclpII'bnl:.ltell.' "'odo' '''Iym'n. lu1 rlllo. nfldwhoUuu Iho ~MI'1Ino MO'10nun Is 111 pIlI"f !Ilnl ' . Iltor.', n ehn. lIllIch"nu" 0' ownn'l'Ohi",rwllll: h O'luntlf!~,1f shllll bll borno by "yo" nu,'n, IIhnll wlll,h, II.,,, (6Jdl'l},!t "(lm "nCII.,o Un'. ItInh nl'llllcnllon 'ur n. . I IHuH 11111", r,,;0;11 IIllnnun, 1111\'1" n~'f'!'" 10'";1~" n good ,.flh. dill" 01110 nuu"'n Iho EMI,1 o"unun nlul nU'nfl!l to ltJlnculo nlltlut"IfI11ItI!l.nll"hm mlll:1""" 11II1"n "O:II"'IIIII;UII, hi 1ht ,"on' Iho Mo,lon008 do!)! 1101 I' ho 0 n~!uu," Ihl) E:d~IlIlU MOl1unun. tho UU}'nr. nllluYIII'C I .ltIfty will ItlOJrI:tYI: 0' such dn"i..I, cltncelllth Conllnel. IlfU' 1111 1110,,111' on 'chn~n futu !!flAil Itn ."hll1dn" III lIuynl. nlllllll . '"'' ~hnll hIt ,,,In:lo;mllll "Ulm lltliualifllll; AllY "Ininnco In 1ho "mounl 011 "tiftl' MO'lUnUIt nnd II 111111 ,IAlntn" Ihh eOnlllll:1 III fIIllIfld I"tll dnllul:I",' "Ulflll", (lIo;lll'"YlIlfllll. I suchMor10nvo bn s fIIU10 If'''"lltfonI''IICOIIIIJ~J'f1u 1hn" Inunll"d "Ih'" COlt" nd. !i"Um dutll h"vn 11m l'lllinllO' .uJi,'Slln" lit" "nlc! rrlcfllo lOunl wholo IIf" diflorllflllnl h no mOlo Ihnn Ihe lilt no ~J "now,,"', (1f nill"" 'lnl'," s;,nU hl:J ,mfll,illolllo cnnenl1his . cl U'Ion IIn no lice 10 Iho olho. Iwhlch nollco llIuSllJo UI~ltr11101 I on f1vo IGJ tiny! 0 Iltn Gfo!:IIIV Un',,', 2. r SE MOIIEY MOfllUAGE IIElO bY SI: . 1n ,tUfch.... 1II0IlnY''''111 ftmJmo.lvn IIh"'I1" 'Ollllnl';(:1I 101110 Snlh" n,"1 o:h:tfl follow Ihe 'Offll! velto' CIII,Ind nnd u!od I" II UIllywho,o 1"" r,o"n,'y IlIlocn:"tf, ^"urchnso UfO""" n Ilfo"jt'" It., llrumor,noo' of,,",,""'''1 0' 111111:" IlItfln'UfllllClJ nm !1m Ufllns1 'on by Ihe wll" olllnfltfotlcov,,,npft In nit n"lOm" IIOIIIJS 110 IIIl1bln VII"'" 0' I"" lr"InDvm"""I!':.- 'f! ""'lllno'1gnUII. Ihe nol flor !IhllUfllovldo Itu "(,CO"""llo". nlllln "lllIon ul thn hol In' IhhlvIJOJdn,'!; tll! . Ill' III n jUllto' ",,"III:tpo :1f1~r;. toullOJ tfnl'l d . Junior mo.l"nUln , , ("ho thn UWUIII of "m "rt'IIolly 10 nil "rllII 1I",1~ "lid ""culub,nne"!; IlllltlUI" Ii"" nflt! '",bidllll! -lIn, "rfOfJO'" hum Itcco"lIn" modlflcnllon . 1uro ndV""cflt:. 1111110' mOIlU"U". Itul'n. I:lInll hnvn Ihll "Uhllo 1f'II:ty:.1I 01 l:Ill 0' thl! cI"nlll IllY IIlIIe 0' 111110' with III1o'8SIIo doto 01 flnymol ,10llnl1y IInd snh.f 'I"YIIIOII1~ !Ihnll ftflllly nunill!:IIII" I"iudl,nl, J. II fino r^"IY MOnlGAGES: If Uuyn, uocuto' n lIlollgnuo 10 OliO o'lIollho" Iho Sollo,. nil co!:l!! nm'chnruns IlIclllnfll:tlllflll~lu slltlllhn I,nid byllln nu",,, If IllIt Co"trnclltlO.,idOl 'A' O"YOIlo oblnll1l1l1o,,', mOllVngll, Ifllln OU\"",'Slflnlofll1n"Cll undo, Ihl, C""llnct ~hnll Itn cuulln1JI!1l1 ",mfllllll'rl ull!:ltnl"" a / v,.llIl)ltcornml1rnnnl 'or ,nldmo,lvnun ""11hil1_,,,,-_~dny! 1,1(; IIn}', if Ihl!lltlnl1k 's l1ollillodlllJ IIlmn lito ItUIn~ !:tnlfll'.1J1 ilIIOIII, "' rr !:1"""t.1hnl' UI""'1h,! 'flf"', Vltllfunlly '11".,..111110 III !lIIeh 1111101111110 County \'V'UIIO "ur I',o"nfly I, loeD10d. Ih.} 0' nOlflll!: 10 ",IIIIl" within livlI t!;J ,,"}"!: nlu' h, fUllh:t uood 'ltilh, dffioolll orrorl 10 oblnln Ih.. mor 'Unoo ""nllcln", If lIu}'", In II, 10 ohlol" Ihlllonn cOllunlUllnul. "lid IHolllfllly !lulifi", 50llm '" wlltinQ." I1hrr. diliUtll11 0"011':.115 10 mUllh. 1"1111 nnd cont.lltlolHl 01 tho COlttll1lll1toltl 0' to w"lvG OUYII, '!I r iuhlfl "l1dll' Ihf, suh"n, nUf flllh wlllll" Iho limo slntnd lu' otllninillp H'n cOllffllhllt!111. Ihlll ,lIhof fJnlly mny Clltlcol 'hI, Conlrnel nnd DUfO' chnll bo ,o'undod Iho "o,'d.lllsJ. C, sUllve Y: burn,. 0' huv.r '! 0"1'011':0. wll'lIl1ll1110 IIlIowlld 10 1..1011'10' tlvldnm;o 0' 1111, Imd 10 OMOII,II,,, ~nllln,l'ln}'ltn.,n tlln flr.nl r"".r'll' !:UI.,O}".,t.I "'1(' t~f li'if!d lit" ~ '~ohll,,"tfrtorh.ln !:u'''o}"o"lf !IU1nr show! ',"c'(lochmon' on finn' r,ol,a.lyo, t"nl '"I,IIOVOI1l011IS 10cn'0IfonnOll,r'Ollol', IIIIc.,,:.ch Oil sOlhnd: UflI!S. e(l~'lIlonl'. 'and, 01 olhol!. 0' vlolnlo ony (otl,'cllol1'. COl1hoCI coverulnls 0' Ol'lIlIcllhlo 00,,0"1I"On1n' 'f!gulollon. tho !:nltln shnU COUSIiIUIO II lille do'l!c1. O. rr"SU"ANCI:! Tho IHGllllum Oft nny "nu.d In'UIlH'ClIIJollcy In lo,co covll,lng tho r,ol,n,ty. shnll bit ,,,,,,n10d blt'wonn "lflll"ltlr.!:. Of Iho "llliey ItI:1Y to" Cll1clIlled IS Ihll Ouyttr IItn, nltttl,lf Insurnl1cols lohll ,noln'nd. Iho Solin' Ihllll, un 0' bfllufO Iltn CI,,~lno Unlit, hunl!:" 10 lito ltuyr.' nIlIIlSUlIIIIC'! f10licirli or Ctt"llI! tho,ool. SenVICE COr'I"ACf: Iho Ouyn, hn'lhoo,llloll 01 nt!thfllll1p o. '''loc1lIlu Ihoco,ulnunllonol nlty !:o,vlcn COlllriltt. nlulil nr:cnjllcl', Ihll ch:11lJ~S Ihtlnloll .holl bo pro.e10d Itlovldod llro unlctl conlfllcll. Os!IUl1olJlo 10 Duyo,. E. INOI1ESS ^NU EOI1ESS: Sollo, WOrr.nll.nd l.p'OUiilllhollhoro I.'"o,on .nd 'O'OU 10Ih.I1..,I'IOI'nrlr ."llid."II,,'ho ,,,... dosc,lb.d ill Ihi. Conlfect. r. hall, 10d"y, .nlm 10 clo,lnv. fulnld,lo UU,"O' COltlnl 0' 1111 wlllln.. IO"!lIIl!1 "ntl fI'ItJIIIIf,llnllfl'~ "IIIU nnclllnn " . ......h'lIL..I...., Ihlll dUltl,Ion 01 Itld 'ellftl1l'. OC'C'UlltltlC'y, 'm,~"i..1 ;.~-; .-..;. lit ucullIr ~OllqJi.II.J....pal4~, von n 0.11 "",,h", Iu oh1"ln snfd 0l;1011,,1l1 "Un" hom lonflnl, I"" 1111110 l"fo'lI1 tfrl,' il~tU r ~n 10' 10 nuyo, In 'h,loUII 010 3ullIJN mlleRlnd un"n, !;lloci:l1 Clnusos. :II ft no usa 0' 110"1 of occuj,nncy tlllcumberlng Ih. r,o"otly. J. LIENS: Sell8, ,hftll 'urul,h 10 buyn, ft1 llrul of clo.I"O '''1 nllh'lIvU nUa"f"g 10 Ilia nhUlIcn. unlou ollulfwlStllllovltlod 101 hnlOII1. 01 nl1y liftOllclllO "1'11ll'1t1', elfllnu of lion 0' "olonlhilllonot. known 10 Stili., IInd hlltho, nno!l1lnv Ihnlllll:lIo hnyn boon no Irn,"ovomon', or '"I'nll$lo Iho rlollnlly 101 90 doV' 1!flln,dlIl10Iy 'lfocodlno dnht 01 clo,lng" II Ih. rtoJlolly hili boon hllprovod, 0' ttlfJolr,t1 wllhlnlhnlllllln, SlIlInr sltnlt IlnlivN IlIlonsos 01 \\01I1Vr.'l; 0' U111Chllfllu'UI"n OlllculodlJy Il1gol.1o,"1 cOf1hnclOfl, ~ulJtonhoclul.,IlUI'lllIl'I" nmlnlllttulnhl1nn III nddiUon 10 Snllt1,'slinn "nillnvlI slIllillU fOflh thl! nnllf('~ 6f .U lueh gnmll nl COI1'f nclOf!l, .uheol1h .CIOI!ll, !lI"I,lIol., nflll IUlIltlllnhnt1n nnd ""lIun nffilll1iuu Ih:11 nil chn.un~ Jut htlllf"Vflllll'"I~ (11 ll',mi,!: \vlti!"" (.,uhl '''--''''I'' II lJfl!ll. '0' n llIochonfc'IIIiOI1 0' II tin"" fo, dOlllnUn' hnvn hnnn Ilnid 01 \',lIn"l flnhl nl du!:l"u" I. , ".. ,";1: OF ClOSINU: CloslllU Ilhnll bn II.."J (lllh. olllen or Ihtyn,'I'c1OflIIlU n"fllIl. If lucnlntlwlthlll 1110 cotflllywltlfln 11m l'IIl'Wlly io: Im:fI'lIll. ;,,"1 il UU1,1I11'fl .llh" oUleo of Solhll" "Vol1l.lIloclllnd wilhln Ih" coul1ly ",holn 1110 1',ol'OIIY II locnlod. nllll II 1101. Iholl nl !'Juc" olhnr '11nU;l~ "lUllI;1Uy "VII!"" "1"tII. I. T'Me: llrue pe,lod, h",ell1 of Ins! Ih,,'1 G dol" ,hnllln Illfttolllltulnllufl ududn SnllltdflYl, Gund:t", "1111 ,Inlo 0' Jlnlioll:tll""nl holilf:1\,~, rlltd allY tilllP.IIOliod r,ovld.d lor h...I" which ,holl."d." SOIu,d.y, Su"dor 0'100.1 holld.y .h,1I o.lo"d 10 6;00 1'.111, .'Iho "0.' bu.;"... d'r. f, OUCUMENlS ron ClUSINU~ Soller .11011 lumlsh Iho deod"HlfclulIO 1lI0llny 1II0IIUnOo o"dnolll. bill 0' ulo, nffhfnvh fo"nuli.." 'h",~. flIH'IA "llhl.1vil nlld !U1Yllr feg.udfllo COllin' ConlHuellol1 Conl.o' LIllO. r.s. 1 G 1.67. If "f',llIcoblo. Iud fillY couoellvlt IlIShuII_Ion1' Ihnl ","yo I!.!! rn1luiln!!.hl r.1"lIInrllunwilll . .1'!!!Jctl"o IItUItJ.. . 1"") .. . .. .-. ...~. .......v.."v..:t '" UII\... VIII'" UI1UO' ,"11 \.0111111(:1, O. MOIIHMOE rIlOYISIONS! ISJUIU MOI1TG^GE ASSUf\ .Of': 111n SOliD, !hnll obln!1I omJ lurnl,h n sin IIIlhl1 II1011\1"U"0 ~ollIIlU rorlll Illn Ilfilldllhlbnl;lIlcn, II Otlol fHllymen. II)!I 'blo, ftlld\'VhollllU Iho Exl""1" Mo,tong" IslllUoo,' "In I ' , lho,o Ie n cllnl Ihn eh""u" U, uwn"l~hil..rC(tI"!: It u'llInU'!'!, il Ihnll bft bo,t1t by "yn'. ".,,'n, ..11..11 will.ln li.....,6J ,'n,., "{l11l ntll...o Unto IIInko nllllliclIllufllor n. 1 'Iiult 01 Ih.. r .Ili,:1l (II IU"lI".lIu,'", "'" ~..!: IU/llah II aoo,f"lilll, dill" 01110 IIR!tu"''' Iho tJIIlsI o.lgnU" nm' nUln,,!, 10 ....nCUh1 nlltlucUlllftl1l!t r"lIui'n<< mll/aU"IlI"1 Ihll n~IHllllllliulI, lu lhl ....Ollllho "-lo,Iunono dOlu f1ot,1 1110 . 10 IIS'Ulf1n 1119 E:d~lillg MorlunU"',lhn UtI)'nl, nllluyf""!:" ' ,lIIny wil ,(10) tI;I)'1: uf such IIrtl1i;1I, _tIIftcol UIls C0I1f1nc1, nnd nil f1Hmln~ Oft ,chn~n ,,,lcI) "'Inlll", rtlftlfll'ncllu lI.,y"" "1111111 . IfI~ ~hhlll,n Ifll";I'OI"lul "II hll Ihlit/:llillm, AlIv fhllln lit 1ho nll10ulII 011 ,lil1l1 MOIIUnU" "lid II 111111 ,lntnlll.1 1"1, Cont, ",:1 '" 1..I.IfIIll" (II "",Im:l"" frfllll thll cll,:h,IIIVlIllIIll. I .n:hMurlunpo bo S IIIOJO Illnll 111100 1"HCOfll (3:'(.) In!l' Ihnll munllnd' It II1IR COIIII net !tlJllnl ~hnll hn...n lI11f 111'lilln uf ntljuii;lil1u UIAI,We! plie.. 10 10UI11 wholo IlIn diflolnllllnll, 110 mOl" II1nl11110 111Ino ~J nllownd. or nilhn, '1"'1," ~;'nll IIIJ '1nllllillod IQ C::""cnllhis . cl U"OIl fln 110llell0 lho olho, (which uolleo lI1usl bo ulvlm 11011 01111...0 (6) tiny, 0 Iho Clo~illU Onlnl. 2. r SI: MOIIEY MOn I U^GE IIElO DY SE . IIn "ulehnn "'OllllY noln nmJ mo,tun II h" hf II 'Olf'" fleen IlIlho Snltflr 111111 ~h;rll lollow Ihe 'o,m, vetllu cfll'tntf nntlu,od In II Wily who,. Ihn r,o'''lfly 1..locn;nd, ^,mlel1ns:o fII011"y II ,novldn 1m 1111111101'"0010'1'","1110"101 IIIJIl'" IIlltf ''''VIIHleo Off( !tIn gnln!ll lo'!t hy fhe willi oxlnntfodco....unOfl In fin nrrltml1lllullfJs Iho '=t1.nhlo ..."1",, 0' 11m 111I1"ovnIlH'"I~. "! n Ihcl 1I10'tU"UtJ, Ihe nol 1Il0I ,lInll,.'O"'do fo' nccolnlnllol1, nl II In tll,Hort ur Ihn filii I.., Ihllly(JOldn,'!: dl! i 1111 "" n ;lIllio, IIfOI'''''\.I0 ilftl!r;, 1011 (IUJ dn'l" d ,JUl1101 nlo,lunUIJJ I I I ufro IlIn uwnnl of tho 1'''11'0' IV 10 nil "dill IIn"!:: nlld IIIlClIffll,,"l1cn!: In Ullm, lin" nlltl fOlbidl"'! owmu 0 r,opolly horn nccOI'lllltllHodillcntlon , limo ndvnJlcllf:, ft ,ulol 11I01l""Un. f1u'(n' I;hnll "nvllllln dulll 10 1f~II:ly nil Of Inll 0' 1hl! ncllJn'altllY 111118 or IImol with h.loloS( to dolo 0' '''IrIllOI ,ufI1nlly nflll $nld ,mvrnOllU !thnllllfll,ly nUIlIII!:llIur l,rindl'lll" J. II1lHU rAn I Y MOn 1 GAGES: If Ihlv'" flXOCUfo! n fIIollungn 100110 olho, Ihol1lho 501l0r. nil co!';l!! nlll' chll'Ons I"clllnnl;l' Ihlll ~ltl ~hnll hrt 1"lid by IlIn OU,"" If thl, Conhne11uovlcJOI fo, Un'(o, 10 ublnln 0 now mo,'u"O". Iltnll Ou,"n,', Itn"lI11nnheo umlor Ihl. Cnl1l1nct ~"nll Itn cmllhf1lf!ul "lml1lh,v~, oblilillillu tI ,. wdll"" cOlUlIIlInlonl fo, ~nhJ Itlorlonun Wl1hir1_""'--__ dlly!t I'H; fin)', if thl!ll hf"nk Is 'Hlt Iillod 111) "Imn Iho Itl'ln!l: !:In'flll, 0' if 11111'" Ilf 1'1 !:lnhJlI, '''nn ",UJU 'h~ tfllll'" VflfUHnlly 1"9...,,111"0 nl !tuetl 111110 In Iho Counly whn.o Iho p,o,tlllly It 10CIIIIJtl, nU)'" nUII'I(l!: 10 n,II.I" whhi" livn I!;J llny!: 111111 h) mn,," :t uood Inil". dlfloenl offo, C 10 oblnh'lhn lI1ollUn(Jo f1l1nnclnu"If lJur'" foil. 10 ohloilllhn Ion II eOl1l1l1l1rnnlll. nnd 'ffOlfllllfy "(I'ifill' Soil", '" \1'1111111" 01 nh..., diliulln1 ollotl fl'llts lomnllhe len", nmJcol1dllloll1l 011110 cornmlllUonl 0' lownlye Ouvn"!t fiuhllllndn' thlt suh"nlnV"'ph wi'hilllho 111110 Slnlnll to, uhlniuiuu ,I", ctlflII"llmt"1I1, Ihon elll"rr "n'ly IIIny ertlfcollhl, COHlrncl nnd Ouvo, ahnll bo lofundod Iho dOI)d,lItsl. C. SU.nVEY! bul'"r,1l1 nUye,', OJtflom::n. wlthll1 111110 ftllOWlId 10tfoU...o, o...hJl1l1crtol fllle olldlol)llomh,1l snlUl1,ll1nrhtl..." Il1n nf!nl r, III"'" I)' !,;lIIvol"fd ontfcl!'lilir.tI by" ,eohlerttd r1o,ldn SUf...o,'or. If !IUr..."y thoVl' ttflc'oochrllonl on flnnl '-;;OII'ltyO' Ihnt IlIf,Il0...0fllollls foc"lollol1 noltlr,olln.1, mlcrolleh all UIII,ncJ: 1I1l!!'J" el!l'J.me.nJ.landt 01 Olho't. 0' vlotOlo I1I1Y "'lIlclto",. COllllnel eo...."n"ls 0' "1",lIenblo govolnmonlnl 'l!uulollon. Iho snmo shnll consli"'I" n lith! dolr.CI. U, INSUf1^NCE~ Jho luomlum on nl1Y hnu,d II1.urnueo IlOlIcy In 'OICO covnrlnu Iho r,o'lnlly. shrtll bn IlImMod lrnlwoon IfUf Ilnrli~~, 01 IlIn flt,licV lll:ry he unulll!ld 8' 'ho Uuytl, Iffnr nhlcl.lllt1JUfnnco Is 10h" Inorn!od, Iho Golln, .holl, on 0' bo'o,o IluI Ch:nlllg Ontn, 'uml!:h to Iho lIuym nlllmmnner. flolicir.. 01 e(',IIt'! Ihe,ool. SenVICE CO", "AC I: 1 ho fluyo, hili Iho Ol'lloft 01 n~eh'lllnu or ItllncHIIU Iho conllf1unllolt 0' nny ~n' vlco con" ncl, nllll if n(cnplcd, 11m Chill ljr. S Ihe"tor. ,h,,1I be Plolllod fHovldod lito unlco c0I111oelll ou1vnoIJlo 10 Ouyo" E, INOnESS ANO EOneSS: Sollol W011ln11 ond IOPf""". UIII! Ihoro Illllu,ot' Dud .orou '0 tho IInol I'rol)lllly sulfide,,1 fOllho U!:O;lS doscrlbrdin Ihis Conl'let. F. hllll, 10dny, III 1m loclo,IItU,lu}nl-:h 10 UU)'O' co"lnt uf nnwlhton lon!tf1!1 nnd 1I!1lol'l,nllnlln.. f'tJfIlIlPt:J.'m " . ,...aM I",I""J Jur",lol1 of Itld '.""nr. Dccul,"ne." 'h1rI~":'d: ill;;., ....;. IU IftCUIUY ~0IuJJ.I1..I...fI.aW""""'" VOIl" 0,15 unnltln III ohtnln snh' UIOl1,IIJI ItUlllt h0Il118'UI"I, ,',,' IIImO lufortllllll"" m_y It, Itf,,,,,i,ulrbr:>>o 10110 Duror In theloflll 01 n 5ul"'N Irullenlnd Ul1lftlf S"oci:ll Clnuso1:,:lI .11"11101111118 .h,d be no 181S8 0' rlv"I of occuj,nncr Incumbollng UI' rfOpOIlY. J. liENS: Setll!l' .h..1I fU'lll,h 10 Duynl 111111111 of clotlno 1111 nllh'nll enullllg 10 Iho nh,olleo. union ol'""wiso Inovhlod for 11"'0111, of nllY Iil1nl1t1119 'Iellmenl.., cl"h", or lieu or ,'olonllolllol1ofl ~nown 10 Sellor I nt' hnl'"'' IIHullng 111nllho,o Itn,," bonn no hu,uovofnOl1t!:: Of "lpnll\~ 10 Iho rloplflly lor 90 day. "nmedlntoly f'lI"cotllllg dnl" 0' c1o,'ng" IIlh, rlo"olly II", boon hll'JfOvod, 0' Up.lted wllhllllhnllllllfl, Snllll' shnll dlJlivt'f rlllnnso$ 0' ",nlvr.!!l 01 IIIllrl,nl1le,'lIon, OJlllc\llrrdby nil gflllo'ol cOllllneloll, t:ubcol1lfoClut., RII1'fl1lo'1 fllld flIf11trrlnlmnl1ln nlldillon 10 Stllhll's litlll "nitfnv;1 snlll"p fOllh lit,. IInfll(!~ 01 nil wllch o"nolol eon1rnc1U1!l1, IIuhcOIlI'f1clo'!t, '''''1,11..., nmlll1nl",lnlrnnn nlltJ hutl"" nllhmilllllll.ll nil ehnIU"~ 1m hllp1frVIII11I1t11!: 1" '''I':'Iil!; whir" cOII"I telv. ftJ II bull for n 11I0chnnlc"lliol1 0' n c10lm fOI "n'"nuns Itnv" hnnlll,nilf 0' \',111 Itn 'fnlll nl t:l,,~11I1I, I. rl^CE or ClOSINU: UOsllIU .hnll bn hnl~ 811ho olllen 01 IIl1yn,', do.11I1I nllnlll,lfloenlotlwllhllllhocIIII1I1Y wl""n II,,, 1''''I,,,,ly j, 1..."'1",1, .",Iil ""1.11,,,,, ~I Ihe oHlco 01 Sollor'l nuout.II IUCIIlnd wilhln Ih. counly who'(Ilho 1"UIIOffr 1810enl0ll, nud If 1101, tll0lllt1 !litter. olhnr Illncn ns Il1uIU;1IlV nU'f!Ulf \lImn. I. JIME~ 111111 fJlrlodlluuoll1 ofl"S!llIIO" G dOt"S !thnllllllhn cOllll1u1nllUIl ,-,xcludn SnlUltJnYlI, SUllll:l)"' nllfl 'Inlo 0' "nHon:" ftlunl htlritl;l"~, "l1d iU'V lill"'! l'Ofiucf ",ovldfd lor helOln whIch Iholl olld on SOIUHlIy. Sundoy or legnl hoUdDY chnll ox10lld 10 G:UU IUI1" or the 11911:1 business d;ly" f. OOCUMENJS ron CtUSINO: sene, Ihnll furnish Iho dnd, 'It It c::Iuu 0 fno""rlllorlongo ontlnoltl, blll 0' lillo, nflhlnvll ,op"ulinp 1iC1!H:, nl1f'IA :lflid;1vll nntl IU"."y '''Oft.d'"0 COI'I"I COIlIHuc,lon Conl'ol Uno. r,s. 1 G I.G 1. If IlIJlllleolJhr, nnd IIIIY cOllocHv" hlSlfufttonls Ihlll tuny bo ,olI11i10tl in counGe1luII with pOI ".lIn~ Ih, 1111" :. EXrENSES! OocUmenlnry Uolt1fJ' on lh. dud end IIcoldlng cOlf8cllvo II1!HUII18111',hnll bu pllld by Soll8r. Ooeuttlonl.uy slon1"1:, IfllolIuibte I.Ul: Ind n.o,dln~ lI1o'l~o~o. ~,.d nnd IIn'ncln~ .lol,rn,nU .h,1I bo pol~ by Ouyo,. "' rnUf1^ HOrlS: CI1EUII 5: t U'U,IIC!lOUllltlf1U, IIInl, 'nlo,nU,lftSlUnncQ nndulltcu O,llI'Otl!lIl' nnd 'OV",lIIn If' "ftllm,l)' !:hllllhn "111',11011 IhIQuUlldny"n'orn cloJfnv" Duro' .hnll havlIlho 011 lion of loklng OVOI any oJl:I,lIng 'Ionclo!l 01 Iml1nnllctt, " l'ItsUlIInhl". In vll:ir.h nVriilll',nlllimm: dlftlllJn I"OInl"d: C:1sh"1 clo"Il\1 "'''IlIb, 'nCfl)ftud oj tIPcleli!lJd 0' IIII1Y bft IfI'luh"dhY,Holnlloll'. ^dvnncn Innl nnd CneHlily Ihtl','~f1" will Itn tlntlilnlllu Ihl)"II' nlul III;CIU",.lnl,(,l;il'. ''''lId by IIll:J,tgogl'ln will bD CICulillld 10 5""rtl. httU ,hnll bn "'f Hillin' bn'olf nit 11.11 CUtinnl ynn"~ In'l Vlllt. dUll nllO\"lnl1cII Inntlrt lell mn_hulI'" :llh'\"III\1I" dhcolltll. hOfl1I!l!l1ud e"d olftor I)XIII1,'lion"lhflo,lnv occur, III" dnlo whoU1hlJ CUIHlnl '(1:'""$ llIi11ngn It nOllilll"'" ,1I1f1 Clf""lll ,"""1"( nH~!:~"'rflt 10: ....I!fIl"bl~,lu'" will be P'O'lllod b:tl~d U"OI1 SUdl8'iRos.tIlonl rind ""'11110' VOlIl', IIIl1h'gtJ.1I tUlln,,' von,t U!lI!J:!tIlIIJIfI;$ ""lllynil""'n. Ihl!lIlllxU ",ill h~ pro'aled 011 Ihe '11'0' Yfulf'lln~." thell 'f8 cOfn"I01ed Inln'ovo",o"" 01'1 n..nl r'O,Jef1y by Jnnllnrv ht 0' ynnl 01 closinlJ which i"'I"ovnHlnnIS VlUln Il{ltl" tl':-......n~e on JIIIlUIlIY I!lI oil"" prlo, '(0'" Ihol1luu Ih"lfblt luornlodbn!l:nd upon rho ,u'or y.,n"J: fIIi"" II II "nd"' (In '''I''ilnM" n!:~"~!:"1f1ll11()1", n9Inn"",,'1" b. dnlh. ""r1lo~, 'nlliug whlth. 'ertUtUl wIll bl tIlndo 10 Ihll Counl" r'f','Ollr ^"llInl!lo, '0' IIIf IlI'ollllnl nJ:~I'I!lSmn'" InldflU 11110 t:tIl1~hJI}Ifltiun "Y;1l1nlll'! ueltlpliont. ^ny In proflllon b",,,d on 8n osllrnollJ may, III '(lI1UO$1 of 01111l1l Duro' or ~e"o', bo !Il1hUlluonllr ,ond;Ullod "lrOIl locoilll olln.1l bill. SPECIAL ^SSESSMEr~ r llENS: COI'illetf, conn,mod IIndrlltlflod !:p~c1"1 f1ssos~rnl)nl lion' flS of Cfo:':illp Onle (:ll1dnot i'S 01 t::Hf'clivn Oil In' "11'110 It" ,,:tll'(,v S"II..., r"nding nll1S It! of Clos1r1g 08111 !lh"Ubll 8S~umlld by nu""r"1f lIullmpro"'"lnon1 hns bl!"n 'luh'lnfllinll\' cl}lU"Inlnrf n!l 0' ~ffnclivn I1nl". !llleh 11~11t1ll1tJ Ii," '''flU b, conthJe'l!Id" 1:"'1II,,d\ c::onlhfl1l!1d Of 'f1ll1ied l!Iud Selin' ~hllll, It' c1oJlnu. be chnrUlId"" nmo""1 '''1''111 to Ihl'llftU nllrun'" 01 n!l$t1$SlIltl"1 'ur tilt 1n'tlto...~mel11. .!.rri'shelltJN. /lErAIJl ANU ~~ IN I ENANCE' . I. -UUy.;t.!lflll hove Ih. rluhl. II, ,ft" tIJIIll""I~. fVO luof, unwell, tfoc~. fmo!, t 'lcnl.11lulIlhll1U Ilklo. ,,~I"II1. Willduw, ~l1lllic ~V~IOIII.I''''ulI hll,udo\" .ubUlnc.. tlflvlrol1l1u,"lnf. IOfll1hn, wuod dUlfoylllg Olunl1""', nl' concllllonluu Alld honlltlU t.,lilOItl, Illnr.lll'llllcnl. .mLl ~Ifucltllnll"'lllnclhllll tufll'" by hUPtI:'u,. fl".llfllu' "mlllcef1,"d 'nl,o,lof'" .tlcll !QIviut. If luchln'I"Icllon. fovonllullt:linnnldolocU Ins .liflll.IIl1lin,",' h,,", n!tllullic ,lnlncl!;'lh' Sell.. ,hell 1'''( .It coslS 0' '111'flllll1\1 ultJ def.cU.1f Ih.).e It nny 10o..lla 0' Vlood duUoyllld ofunllhlllllllOSlnllon ur ,(nl1lft"n. !:1,IIIJ' ~h..IIII:lV nil cu~l!ln ""Imtnl Ind ft,'lh ol,"eh dflll1flulJ.1I '01'811" nrt nol CnUIIIlolfnJ ,ulul 10 dOII,,". SlIfllclnllllulIth shnll ho UClu,.'Otl,.I 11'0 111110 01 clo~illg In ollncl s"cl ,."..ht.AII w"n," 'UllOIU 01 luch '''!Illectlol1'loU"lho, with lito "$lIl11nl..lco,' u, &uchIOI,,.h$. Ihnlllto lIolivOfndlo Solltu 0' 5'I"nl'~ "uolIl wllllin I r, cln," 01 Ihl ElllcllVI VI'" 0' of .eeol", "I mo.IUIlV" co"",,11I110'" IiI nl'lllleoltlol If lo.el. bUI.n."v ovollI lIul Inllll 111011 I Ii dn,'~ I"leu 10 tlu!:inU Ulllo$$ thfYOI 'nllOll1 tuch delee" wl1hln IluIIUm..lJu'to' ,h.lI he doomod 10 h"YfI Vlolvod Ouyeu', tlUhl! 1t",oulld"l "lid .hIYo, ,hnll ncen"lllto "'"ftOllv il1"ns.I~'. cUllIlillon S,1I11 wlf,.nlt th.. en '1',III,"to! .nd 1I11lchlllll' Im:ludod III 1111'lInl" dU11I bo In wmklllU oldol flllll.n,'flir liS ollho dnlo of clo~il1u "lltlIlIlYOI i!l "lIli11..llh. r w.l\ Ih,ouoh In,.,.cllonlulllt.dle..f, 1'1110' 10 clo,'uG 10 vo,lIy cOIl1I,U'"t1 willi lhll SucUon olld 10 volilv Ihnl 110 IItlllo' 'uucliunol d!J'p.1:15 hovo OCCUIIO' .ubnqulnllo lhl Inlpecllonl, . I 2, sen.. .hlll. urou ,...onlblt nol''''. provide tlllIlly IOlvlco. 10' In'JuJcllol1t. Sollor oml 50110'" 0,",0111 hovl Iho ,lUhllu bo IlIoSonl nl "'" li.tIt. 0 Insr,ctlon, find .hlU bl glvln "llflll,.MI 1I011r.II of lilt ICll0th"o olln'pocllo"I, 3, II cotl ol.uch Ilpelft IICCOflth _' _ . __J(2" 01 Iho '1urch.... rrlcell Ihlt hlollk 1.1101 U1hH.J InJ. UtlYOI 01 Solin' ,un)' olncllull;ty sHeh fIIlC(l!:~, ,..ifill! which. elllu" fll"tV mly ClIuullhh Conl'lIel.l" IhlllYll,,1 Ihnl Solll" dluUflol willi lJuYO,"'Il'flocllufl rOf'ofl~, Sollo, JhnllllnvlllIlo IIUhllo !tRV" Im'lnc1lnll! mld..1 s.n,,'. UI,.nu,lnthe eVlml Dtlyo,', ftlt(.J Sollor', hUllocllonro"oIU 110 nol "0'00.1110 1,"'lfos sholl nVloo 011 n thhd il!':l'r.tlul, whu~" "'11011 shnll I~I ,blnd.uo upon Ih. ""Utll. lh, cost 01 Ihl I"ltllln'.teclo' .hnll bo bOll10 l'l"eUy hy nu.,.nl nm.J Snllnt, 4. n.lwlnuEU.ellv. O"Illmll II.. closlno. Sollo, Ihnllmnlulnlnlho r,opo,'y, hn:ludlnuhulllollhnl1o.llu II:., fnwn 3".1 tIIlUhlllll\'. inllnl snlllo coluli1ion nS 0 'h. EII.cll.... U.I.. oldln"y wll' IInd tu~ u:coll1ed. Sollor Is ,0sl'onsl"'o IOlloovlllV r,ollo,'y III n e1un. hlooln'CVlOI,I cUllltitlun, O. nlSK or-lOSS: 11 th. rrolu,,'y I. dfllllllUedby 11r. or olher Cft.unI1ybofol.dtIlVII' of 1he lIeoll ond eon ho rllsloled 10 sub~I(I",inll)' 11111 ,orno eOlldlllnn II' 0 Iht Ellecllve 0.1. whhln ."nrlod o',I",I"OO)""ly,II""81'lor. Soller mev..Uo.o Iha r,olun1y. nnd 1ho <<':10,1110 0010 .111111 1,,, "",'""d,,., IIceoldlllply.1f Soll'l I"U, 10 do .0.lhe nUYIf ,hllllll,v.lhll O,Jllonoll1lldluu Iho 1'101"'1, n!ll, looellhor wllh In!HJflutCe IIIocoods.lIDIlY, Of PI cnllcnlllll1lhl, COlltracl nnd tll d.p..II. .h.1I b. ,."hwllh ,.Iu,".d 1.11" Ouy" IlId Ih.I,."I.. rel.oud ol.ny IUllh.. lI.blllly h...,Illd.,. r. rnOCEEUS Of SALE ANU ClOSINU rnOCElJUnE: lho dood.hnlllJn ,oco,dotlllt1ct ovlclom:n of Iho 1111" conlilluflcf nlnnyn"!; ''''1111'$0. 1ft shuVl1illn It Ouy". whhoullny ,,,cumhrlllt:.' 0' thDno". which would 'f",do, S.lIe,'IIIII. UfunorJr.olnhh,. hOUllho tlnlo of IhlJ In,l nvlt'"I1CII nllllll"l c"!lh ,IIOr:""," U nl. IIlftr ht hlld 1"f1leIOW by SollcH '. &IIO"'oy Of hy ."clt olhn, "Iu~ffiw nUlJlllnt IUllr 110 IIIUlUnlly n"l"nd "I'on fUI n 11m Iud olllull"""nr lhnlllollll OJ "ny~.1 S.U,,', thl.,. 'Ind",d ul1llHlfhlllble. Uur".' clo.lliV nvonl !lhnll. wll"'tllftldlllut 100dny 1,,"lud,lInllly 5nlln' UI f,OIlIlI.!1I1UlIIIlIlY III WlltlHtf 1,'11." Iln'nd Iud senll Ihlll hIVllhh'., 1301 doy. horn the dIll' 01 recell,1 of !!Iueh 11011c;10 CUll told doloe1 nlld !hnll usn bosl OlfOft~ t"ll" so. In lito ovolll Snlt", ';tits Ie IIm.'y Curl ..Id dorect. oil 11101110' 11 I It.l ""lunde, by Du.,.o, shnll. "lIOn w,llIon domnnd thololor. nlld wHltln 11'0'1161 tiny' 111010nhor, bo .01Ulltod 10 nu\,ol IInd. IhnuIUI180UslV wllh itleh 'IIlerlllen\' UuV" .holl vncnl. Iho l'Ir.,Jo,ty .nd ,oeouyoy Ih" r,nl'orly 10 lit. Sollor by ~1"IcI,,1 'Nn'tlll1ty dnod,ln Iho (tVIIII nur.r hi" 10 md.' Ihnlfydlllllfll1dfo, ..rund. Ouy.. .hlllloh 1111.11. h. wlllvl.." nil IIVh" ovnlml511110r U fo suchlnlotvolllllo t.Iolod OltCOII' such .i"hh 01 mllr be IVIII.blllo nUYlu by vlrttltl ot V/III'''U" toltlelnod III dlotl, roue'Slol1 elld occupnncy will bo doUver.d 10 UUVIII nllillln 0' cluslng. lltn 1J,,,Ir:OI'~ ,Jtol,,,'onlllunlce fIe .hnll bl IlIsbulItd Shl1ul1tl180URly wllh dl,huttolllGlll or 50Iln", clu~lllu IUOCOGd,. rOYIUOUIIO Sollo, ,hnll bo Inndo In ,lto hUIII 0 U,S. curr.ncy. local co.hlol" chid.. or locnl ellofnoy"i tHul nccounl chnc". union In Iho ovonl 0 IHulion 01 "tlJ Innchllso 1,lIco I~ 10110 tlodvl'd hOIl InUllullol1lll1nlllclnv o. ..Ummelno. Ihl II(IUhom8nt, 01 lito 10lldlnu Inslllullon U 10 "In co. 111110 nnd IlIocotl\no, lu, clo!II1Q olld 101 1I15hutSn"u",' 0 mo'lo"gl f1loCflld, ,holl eonllol. flllylhlng In '''Is COl1l1llcl1n Iho conhllfl' f1olwl'h!lIIUldlng, 1,," 10"001110 nOlwllhunuclll1v,lIlltlo IUSUIDneo Is lyeiln"t';II 1'lnderd,.t..lnIU,lug nuy" IS to any Ihl. d,f.c" Odll"obotwool1 Iho oflaellYldll1 01 11110 hlnd.n end locoldino 01 l1u1el's doruJ.l'rocoeds 01 tolD shnll b' dl.bUl..d I. 'h. SIIIII .1 <I..lno. . O. E scnow: Any uc.ow .0.nll..Ao.nl..'....I.lno lund. .. oqul..r.nll. .ulh..I..d .nd 00' ... by ..c.pl.n.. oflh.", I. d."u,lIlh.'" I"..nl,lly. huld ~.Ill. I ISC'OW .nd. .ubJetllo cln,.net. dltbur.e lhlml" accoldnnce wllh lo,m, IUldcondlllon. 01 Con',scl. Fnlhllo 01 cleD'lnco 0' hunJ, shnlll10l OIlClIS" Duyn,. "l1lot ",.ncI.1f In doubt fit 10 AuolIl'. dull.. 01 fhlbflllln. ulldn, Iho 1"ovtslol1. o. Conllnet. ^oonl 1II0Y. 01 Auouflllllllun. coulinu" ,,, holtll"" suhlllClll1l11l11 of Ihl .tctOW unlll Ih'IlIl'II.' f1IUIUfllly nO'.llo lu dl.hUfIOllloltt. 0' unlit IndVIllOll1 01 0 COlli I of COIllI'OI'"'Jurlsdlcllon !:holl dnl"'1II1110 """luh1~ nl ,', "'11111 01 Auont ",IIV 'dellosll wl1h Ihl cltlk cI tho chcull cotlll "nvlng Imlsdlcllon 01 Iho dh:llUlo. U(lUI1 IIolll,'II1I).ff 'Hillin!: COIICOlllOd of ::ueh nellel". n liehill1., on Ih. pili 01 Apent ,"elllultv 1"lIIlnol". IXClJfll 10 Ihe Iltlonl of accounllng lu, tiny Iltun",rovlutlslrd.lIvofod 0111 0' Ur:IOVl, If n licollsodro:ll ul:.l blohl.Avlnl wlllcolnplr whh 'Jfovltlon!l 01 Chlll'lll 1116. r.H,11901J, U Imomfld.Any lull holwoon Durnl Gnd SOliD, whoro ^uolll h Illude 1I1'"rlyh!ctWs ollc1lnu ",AUlnl ',,,.und,,,. 0' In I"y .ull who,.lnAV8111Inlol,lleod. Ihe lubJncl fUOltO' ollh" tIICIOW. ^uonl "tnll ,ecov"' ,","()IInt.l" OIlOlflOY'S 1'1111' n,' co," 1ncUl'IdV'lflh ,helu. nllllco,I.lobtcltoIUlJ" nnd 1I!!!Ios!lod n, COllII co,u Itl favo, ollho ,'Iovnlllnv l,nr'y,l'nl,l" nUfoo till'll ^uon' shnlflloll,n Ii:."'n I Inr plt'r 01 penol1 10' II1I,dellvery 10 nuy.' 0' S.Uer olllol1l!l .ubJOtllo ..II. "C'OVl. unless such tnlldollvolY Is duo lu willlul bfooch of Co""nel uf O'o~ "'0110'''.' 01 Ao.nt. n. AHOnNEY'S FEES: COSTS: In ..nn..II.11 wllh .ny ..bll.oll.1I ..1I110.'I.n arl.t"u .111 ul., In d.I.llu ollhl. COllI,..I,lh'I"...iIIno I'."Y. wh.lI" 8uYlr. S.U". 0' Droke,. .hell be enllllld 10 ,ecovlI III co.I.lncufltd IIICludlllV IlIoIIIOy',lqot IInd louolenlsllnl r.os: 10f so'v'co~ ,omJo,ollln cOllllocllo Ih.ltwlth.lncludlno .,.p.II.I. p.....dh'O. .nd p..' ,udom.nl p.....dlno.. S. DEFAULTI 1. In Ih, IVlnl 01 d,flult of Ill"" PI",.lhl.lqltU ollila non,dol.uHlno 11ft'" Dud lhl O,oko, ,h,,1I ho n!llnovhJod hOI oln nnd sHch rlllht. shnll ho dnlllllld b. Ih. .01. .nd ..clu.I.. IIUhllln luch 'VIllI: ('1 If lIuy.. 101l.1'I'."Olln .ny o'lh. c..on.nll ullhll C.III..cl..1I IIIonoy I,.hl o.ln I... I,.hl.. ".1"..1 p"IOU'"' I. 'hlt C.n".eI by Ih. O"y" Ih.1I b.ItUln.d by 01 lorlh. o..ounl.lllll S.II" .. ..",ld.,.lIun 10. Ih. oxo.ullon ullhl. COIII,.clo. .u.co,lo' IhIUldl"" ".mIV" .nd In lull.."llIn."I., ,"y .1.hll.I.. d.mou.. Ind 'I'.clllc 11.,I.""on.o by Ih. 50110. ounln'llholl"y.'.lhlll Soli., loll. 10 I'.' 10"".' .llh. ....n.nl. .llhlo c,".".,..1I ",.n.y p.ld.. dll,.I""d 1101 !uonllo Ihl. Conl..cl hy Iho Uuy.' !h.1l b.'Ollllnod lu Ih.llny.' "I.on d.",.,,,I, o,.h. Uuy th.n hlvllhe rlohl ollp.cllle IJ..foffnencl.ln flddlllon, Sollo, Iholl r'y 'o,lhwllh '0 nlohl tho lult fllotoulonnl5o,vlco len It,ovl''ed fUI ii, thh Cun"n. 2. ^"yco"UOYII'r 0' clllnlbe'wlln Ou.,." Ind Soller "I.IIIU OU' 01 0' 1IIII1Ino 10 'hh Conlrl1Cl. 0" b,olteh Iholeol. Illny, lit lho oloellol1 01Iho'lfIl110s.1 ..Ill.d by IIbll..ll.n In Ih. Co"nly wh". Ih.II..1 r,ol'.I'y 1.lo..lod, UndOllh.I.WI.r Ihl SI.I..I f1..ld.l"oc..III.".. will, Ih. 1111.. In I.... .111 A",,,I..n A,bl,..II.n AII.c1.lI.n .nd Iny 'UdU""II' UI,.n Ih. ow..d ..nd....d ",.y bo ."1.,.,11,, ."y c'UlI h..lno 'u,l.dl.II,"lhu,o.L I, CUIHIIACT NUT IIECUIIUAUlE: I'EII~ON9I1UUIIU:.NUllCr:: lIu"h., 1It11 Conll.el"''' ."y null.. ulll.holl h.,.wlIl",111I nny I'"blic ,nwlIl.. II C.nl...1 .10.11 Mnd I"d In".. 1.lh. bonolll 01 Ih. 1'0111.1 nn" Ihnlr '\lccollollln Inl.' oil, Who"o..' Ih. .u",~.II'.II"i1.. .lnll"lo, ,,10.11 l"l:h"l. 1.1",.1. · 0"0 o."d.. .h.III".lud. .11.11.11.. olvon by,' I. II,. .1IU1".y lur o"y 1,..ly Ih.1I h... .11.1:11.. ..11 ul..1I1.y u. In 1I11,II..,ly. u. CUNVEY^NCE! senor .h.1I conv.y 1hl.lo lIell rrO,10flv """elulol'( Wllllftllly. IIucloo'.. '101'01101 '011l01nf111l1lvo', ur IIIIII"lInll'$ .llllltf, ns "l'llfllllllnlll ',I" "..,,,, 01 Snit". ,ul'Jncl only 10 10nhuJ, ",..leUo"', ,,(olllblllou. Illul olhe' rlfluhomolll.Ir'lI'O.od by UOVO'I1f11011Ifll n"111111hy; 'n~11lcllollC 1I1111lU0111 ""'1'1"lnO on ,h, 111111 Of olll"rwl.. comll1on 10 Ih. ,ubdlvl.lon: .,uhllc V11111, filii'''''''''' 01 l,colII tOllltlllnnnlt 111810 holoc"11I11 cnlllluuo"~ '0 nonl f'IOltll _~d.u.n.llUnl._I1ul.nl1lh.t11lt\Yl.dlhUJo th~J.!.~~I1' Ilonl 11,," IInd1 '/21011Inwhl\h ..10 Iho .hl.II..... 11,Il'Vlh" 'I."cilloll h","I"I: '""ot _...._~__.._______.__.__~~"__---1..a..1.......'-. ,. .1.... .... ..lnt..II.... n' 1 ... .. ........ '.. .._~... w" __. _ .... _" which. .11',," 1""')' IIIlJvtllllt'" Ihf. COlllffltt.lnlllf1'Vftnl H,nl Sallo, Jt;nu,ootwIH, rjuvllr"111!t,'Btllvrllfl,I"fU. ~'bl1kr U,ft"flf\"'ltfho ''lVl'i. 'ol'l"~i1 rm:l,ncrll1n, . mldl.i SeUtI', eJllllnn.ln 1111,. '-'11 OU)'''''I nnd Sello,'! hupocllon,nltOfU IlOilO' l'IUUIlJ.lho 'lAlllos sholl "UIOft 011 n 'hhdino;pr.c1u.. wltO~fI "'ll(llt 511:111"" ,blndlno u,..on 'h. r"lllll, 111, tt , Ih. Ihhd h",H,clof .hnll bo bOllia 'fluolly lIy III ~lId SqUnr, it, Oelwla" EUICllvl Ullll.IIUl If.. c1o,lnO, Solie, Ihnllmnllltnln Iho ",o"olly,lncludhlU 1111111011111111011 tv ll:-.Inwn alUlsllluhhllq'. iJllho !:nlllfl CUlIllitioll ns 01 Ihl Elflcllve 0111. ordlnel)' Weef IlfId IOI~ Utellled, Sollo, Is IOSI'Olulblo for loovlllo r,ol'o,'V lit n c1oen,luoorn'CVlol.I cUlltlillun. 0, "ISK OF lOSS! If 'hi r'O,HU'y It dnlllftU8dby Ih. 0' olho, cft.""ltv bofol' dllln,yo' lh, dud nntl C"" IIn rn"ofnd to sulnlnlllinll)' t'", ,""'. contllllnn "t 01 'ht elfeclln U;', whlll111 ,.."dod of .llttyIOOJthlrllltnruhftl. Sollo, IIII1Y "110'0 tho ",ol,n,ly, nnd Iltn (;Io,h,o Ollie shnll ".. exlom'o.' "ecoldh'p'y.lf SlIlltu -- hll' to do '0, thl OUt'" 1"111'"1"'1 Ihe o,JllolI 0'(11 '''''110 Iho I'I0I",ly tI!I II'ounlher wIlli fIlSIlf8f1CG l"ocootls,1I OI1V. 0' PI cnllcollllU Ihl, COIIIl:'lct (lnd nit d,p..II. .h.1I b. f.f1hwllh /.Iu""d 1.11" Ouy.r IIId Ih.".,"" '.I....d ol.IIY IU,lh.,II.bllllY h."u"d.,. r. rnOCEEUS Of SALE ^NU ClOSINO rIlUCEUUIIE: Iho d..d .h.1I b. ,oco,d.d nllll ovle'oll..n ollh.lIll. c."lillu.1I nlll"y",', '''1,""",1" ,how li,l. In OUY". wld;oullllY Inculllt"II1CU 0' ch."gnl whIch would ,olldo, S.lIo,'.IIt1" U1l1no,ketnhlrt. hOllllho dnlo of lito Inti Ovh'lUu::n nllllll", C"~1t I"ot.",ul\ 01 nil fIllI)'I'1 ".ldlll f1cc1owhr Sollo,', "II01floyor lIy I"ch otlln, qllr.UlW nurmlllt IIlllybn IIIUIIl"lly nll,nlld"l'nl1 fUI n ,Indudo' 1101 IUllllo, lImnloll(lOJIIIIy~,1I S.II.,',IIIIII. "ndelld lIf1lnolhtrrblo. Ouy,,', clo.lnu nuolll ~hnll. wl,"111 '1I11J InflllOJdny Ilhd,ul,IIf11lfy 5nllnl ot !:ollll"!Illllu'I1I1Y I"WIIIIIlIII" Illn ,'"IIIrl. Ind S,U" .hell hlY' Ihlrly 1301 dOYI hom Ih, dnll of ncul,.l of !llICIt nollce '0 cure .old dolod "lid !llInll ,,$It bo~1 oflo"~ to Ilu $U. In II.., "vnlll Snit", ':rih 10 thnl't Curl uld do'lct. nil monlUl ,..lld hlt.ulldo, by Ouyer sllflll. ullon vulllen tlomrtnd l!torolo,. 'HId wllllln nYI tli' t'ny! 11,(1'1'1:11111'. ho 'IHllllld 10 (JlI,.tlt Ind, ,hnulllnlously wllh such 1IllllYllltrnt. buyo, .holl vnclllo Ih. ",r:I'o,ly 1m' recollvoy Iho r,oporty 101'10 Soli., by s,,,,ctn' wnlfnllly "ud. IUlhn nVIIltl Ouyol hll, lorulke 111I1.IVd'U1lfuuJ fOlllfund. Ouylt .lInlt lokrr IltIo III I,. wnlvluG nil rlvht! oUlIlfI" SlIlIor U 10 suchlnlolvOltlno doloel OXCOI.I slIch ri"I'I~ n, ""y bllV.nlbl, '0 OUV8I by vlllue of V/IIHII1111.. eonlolnod In dood. rouenlOt1 Iud OCCUII"flCY will 1,,0 dnllvlI.d to OUYIJI "t IlllIn 0' c1o~lno, l"n Ih"h,s p,ollulonll..,vlu I.. thntl bl dlsbulnd ,fmul"""ollllly wllh dl.bUllOlllonl 01 SOIlOI" cluslnu ,"oeooth. roVmolll h) So1l01 ,hnll bo mntlo In Iho hum 01 U,S. COff'flCr. Iou I co!hlol'! ched. 0' Iou I 8110ttlor'. lIu,1 ncco""1 chnd. union Inlho ovolIl 0 'Ituliun 01 Iho Inlfchn5D IHIeO I~ 10 htt tlo';Ylld hOIll Irulltullonlllln.nc:lllg or nllnrlllcltlg. thl "llutrom."U or 11.0 10ndltlU 1111U1utlon U 10 1,lncI, IllIto nlll. ,l'OCltlUl81 10, clo!ino nfld '01 dlshUlSlllUnlll 01 1II0flVflVIII'OCflld. .helt conlrol. Inyllllng In Ihlt Conl,oc' 10 Iho conhalY uolwlfhlttlndlllO, 1hn (onoolng noh....lll1slam"..U." 11110 11I5UlllllcIIs tlyoilnhh. II Ilflndlfdut..ln!u,II1U nuy" it 10 Ir1Y 11I1.defeclllI,lclng bolwlon Iho offlctlv' d.,. 01 "110 blndn, ."d .eco,dIIlG 01I1U)'I"5 domf.I'loCood5 01 '010 s"nllbe dl.bu,..d 10 Ih. S.U.. .1 clo.lng, . 0, ESCIIOW:Any esc'ow noellll"^oenl")'lcnlvlno fundI 0' oqulvnlollll1 nUlhorhod and noroo. b)' oecoplnnce ofthomlo dOJlu~lllholllIIlOl1llJlly. hold 1=:11110 In Ilcrow Ind. ."blec' 'OClllfflI1C11. dbburllllhlll1 In .cco,dnnc8 wllh 1011111 fllldeondUlon, ofConlrocl. ranUla 01 cl00f811eo 01 hnul, slInlll10l 0l(C1l$O UUYII", fI'" 'oulllnee, II In doublllc I"AvolIl'. dutlet 0' ".bIllUai lImlo, Ihe 'I,..,vlslon. of Conllnel. Agonllllny, .1 Avo 11ft "1,lIun, cUlllillun 10 hold lhn suhfncllllhll'lr 01 thl "CfOW unllllh. ,111111.,. ",uluftlly nO'11 10 ftl dll'HIt'OlnOIlt. 0' utI,lIludUll101l1 of" COlli I 01 COIIII.olerl"",I~dlcl1o" !:holl dlllnrlfllno Iho ,lul'1' nl "If! p8ltl., or "VllllmllY do,losll wllh thl ct"k rf I'" chcull COUll having lutl.dlctlon ollho dlslI\Jlo. Ul'uII11011l,'llIl.I81111:rllinll COllCOfUOd 01 ::lIch IIcllon,"1l Ii,bililt on 'h. II If I 01 Avon' ,hen lully h,,,nlmtlfl, unf,t 10 Ihe 'ulllnl of IIccotlntlno 10f euy IlolII"JI ovluuslt d.ll",ol od oul 01 1Sr:1 ow, II II ticr",sod ronl esl.,le b,olt".^vent wltlcoltllllywhh,novl,lof1i of Chl,..I., '" 1G. r,~;,119U1.. I. Imomf,d.^ny ,ull "ol.,..,oon Outn, Dud Sollor WhOID ^UIIllf I!: modo OIJ",tyhecllusl of le11"u III Aglnl h".under, 0' In "'f .ull whe,.lnAganlll1loJflllOd.lh. .ublac:l mallOJ 0' Iho "c,ow. ^UII"I t'!nll,oeovn, 'OIl!Onn(,llllllloIIlOY.S I""s :...d co,tI Incu"ld with Ih,I... .lIltl c011t to bo chll'Vld nnd ""ouod n, coml CO", In 'ovo, ollho '" aynlllng ,'ft"y. rnllll' nv, on Ihlll ^UIIIII shllll flol IIn 1I:tltllllo B"Y plllyor ".noll 10' mlsdollvorv to Duyo' 0' Sill" 01 hom! .ubJocllu U"...c,ow. unless such lIIilrdullvory Is duo lu willl"flrro"clI 01 Conllncl UI urou ...gUg...c. 01 ^g.lI!. ^1I0nNEY'S FEES: COSIS: I.. cOII...cllon wllh IllY "bll,.II... o,lIl1g.1I01l.,I,IIIU 01/1 or or III d.lo,,'. ollhl. Co"lI.cl, Ih. IIIOV.llll1g ,,",Iy. wholh" Buy". sin". 0' 9IOh,. Ih,1I b. tnllUld 10 recover .It eOllllncuutd IncludltlO IU0Il10(lllJOl Dnd logol 8ulsl81111ns lor sorvlcas 10mlolDIII" conlllcllon Ih...wllll.lncludl"g '1,,"11," p'oclldlngl .nd pOllludg/l1.nl ploclldlng., S. DEFAUlTl I. In 11.1 event 01 dll.ull olollh", filii,. thl ,IQhl' 0' Ihe non.dohlUlll110 Ilnlly Bnd Ih. O,oh, Ihnll h. 1I!I,uovldod horolll IInd slIch ,IlIhls chnll 110 dllomo" 10 bl Ihl '011 ."d Ixelullvl 'Iuhllln Iuch .v...I: 11)11 /Juy./ 1111110,"/1011" Iny ollh. covO"nnl' ullhl. Co"I,.cl. .11 "IO"'y II.hl or 10 hll ,ooh' o. .I"Il..II. pIll.U.llllo Ihls COllllt,1 by 1101 Ouy" Ih.1I bl 1I1.III.d by 0' ro,'h. ncc'UIII ollhl Snll.. 81 cOII.Il,...lloII 10'1hl oxoellllo" ollhi. CIIIII,od.' np,..d n"d IIflUldl',d d111l801' ,,~d fl1lulllollltmllll of eny cl.llI1! 101 dnlllllUo, IlId sJtoclllc '101 fO'll1ltllCO by tho Sollol nUlIlnst Ih. IJuyo' .Ihlll SI~lInllllll, '0 1101 10'''' nuy 01'111 COVtlUU,11 ollhlt ContI let. III ,"onev fl"ld 0' tln"olllnt! litH ,unnt '0 'hi! Conh lei hy tho Uuyu, sholl bo I eh"floll 10 Iho n"v!'!' upon ""mllud, or tho UUYIl' ,h.1I "nllhelluhl of 1f'llJdflc IJlI'Offn8f1CI,ln nddUlol1. Sollol shelt rey fo,lhwllh '0 "loko, 1ho lull ,,,olonlonnl sa'vico len ",Dvllh,.. 'U, in 'his Cunl.acl. 2. Any ton',oYlllY 0' cletrn b81wnn Duy., Ind Soli" "'llng nUl 0' 0' IIIn1l110 '0 Ihb Conllnel. 0' I b,ooch thoroo'. fllny, nllho olocllon of ,II.. "rr,tlos. "0 ..1I1.d by ..bll,.II."I"lh. Coullly wh.ltlh.1I1I1 rlOl,olly 1.locnlnd. u"d.. IIl1lnw. 0111.. SI.I..r rlo,ld. III .cco"lollc, wllh ,h, 1111..1" 100C..1 II' ^'"tflc.n ^lblt"UolI Alloellllon end Iny JUdUll1811t Ullon Iho owo,d Ilndolod IlIDY bo ohlolod In .IIY COUll havIng JUllnJicllon 11101001.. I. CUrHII^CT HUIIIECOIIU^,llE: I'EIISON911UUflU: HUlICr:: lIullh8l11l11 GOlll,.cl"''' .IIY "ollco of II.h.Uh. ,."",,11111111 o"V1",lolic In,",d,. 11 C."lltcl .h.1I bI"d 1",11111" 110 I". b.".1I1 ollh.".,II.. .",llhnle IUCCOtlOIt '111,,101 BIt Whn"ov.. ",. COIII~'II'O/llli", "1111"10' .111111 hll,hlll."I", .1, no" 0'" goUt'" 1".lIlncludo III. "otlco ulvolI by Of 10 Iho nlluIIIDV fUI OilY I,nlly Iholl ho ftl DHncllvn hili U1vlln Itr o. )I) Ih"' IlfIflV, U. CUNVEYANCE! Sell"' ,hllll cOllvey Uti" '0 1181' rfOllolty hy 1I01ul0lY wOlfnllly. t'UCIGO'I.I"'''OJlIIII"'lffl~"f11I1tlvo'l 0' U""flllnll's tlnlll'."S "111"flIIII..I" 10 "he "f1ttl' o. Sallll, .uhl'c' only 10 10nlntJ,..'lllellon,. ,uoIIIIJIUol1t IInd oilier ".lullafOollll 'mflO.otl by Dovornl1lollllll 1It1lh",l1y; 1"!Il1lc1lullll 11,,,1 mrtUfll1 JlIII'8,,100 on III' plllt 0' 011111,,,,,1,. C01111110" 10 lhe lubdlvr.lon: I,uhlle u1ll1t, 01"0'111,,"'1 0' .Ieold tOft!n1nqlllt 1'1110 "0 loclltnl' cOJlllgHm" 10 flo,,1 ,t,oIIO,I'I I1nl. ""dnol mO'1 Ihen 10',", Inwldlh I' '0 'hi "11' 0' honl 11111' ft"d 7 t/llo,I IlIwld'h Rllo Iho .Ido IIno.. Ulllo!s 011101...,1$0 'I'nclliod hornlnl; 1n""! Ill' 1''''' of dotIng Ind .uhuf1u,,,,' I'll"': f1..umld l11o'ltJlIlJa, elld ,..",chln fII0"ly mOltUllvnl, II II ny, hllovldod. Ihnl Iho,o oxl~11I nl clo,I"U no vlolnlion "I ",~ lo,evolno Ind 110lle of Ih.m,Hevoul.lhe U'I 0' 'ho rfoporly leu 1110 'Hllpole rnlllosonlod IlIlhl, CotlunctJ nndmnlln,c CUIlI"I,,"d III Ihle Conllnel n",llho'~ olhllwf.. ICC.plld by OUYII. rlflol1all, Ih,II.., IIfluUI of Ouyo,. bl lIon,'oflod by nl1 rrltsolnlo blU 0' 5010 wilh "'""nllly of lillo, slIbl'le' only 10 slIch mltlll' ""'1' b. oth..wlu IJ,ovlded lor h..IIII. V. OlllEn AOnEEMENtS! liD ,..rlo, 0' IIflU8111 "Utollllu",l, 0' 1O,1I.."nlollo"l Ihall bll hhullnu HI.OII Ih,yor n' Soll,u u..lflll!: IlIdtldod Inlhh: [nnt,"cl, lrplvvrltt,n fI,ovhlon. .hlU 'u".,nd, rul,,',d P'OVlllolll nml hnm.lwIIHon IIIovlttol1llhllllltrllOrlodlJ Iytlowrflloll 1'111' IlIlfllm' IIlIIVhloll,. UlIlllfllfJlir.f1110l1 0' ehlllV' In thlt Conllllel,hall be valid 0' blndlnv "l1onllto l,nrllo' UI11011 rn VlIIIIIIIIIlItII uoellllld by Iho 'Irllly or Ilnllin, 1I110lltlud 10 "" hound '.'Y It . W^nn^" liES: SoU.. 'IJOclllclllly f1ck\ufwleduos and unrhllllnlHh lhnl H Solill' know. or lr'InnldnlflclllIln'nriJllly nllncllJlll 11,0 Vl1ll1n ,,' III" l'tl11'011" whitlr ". d,llctl nol ,eedlly obstlyeble,lIlln S,U8f It undo... duty 10 dllclo.. 'oldlalolll dolrclll0 'hf'l nUytn. SOliDI rOIUOlllnl..I""1 if Sulln' It"nw, ol.nhllnlfll11 d.l.ell, Ih.y '" ..I follh In wrlllng ulld.. Ih. "Splcl.1 CI.u..... p'ovhl.n bnl.w. Snll81 nnd oUY.' nu,.n 10 IIIdollllllly .",1 hold h.",,'o.. n".'.n, "" Drolte,', lub"O",I' horn d.lI1.vu luultlno homlhelnfteculIJcy 01 nlel 111101l1l1l1l0n. X n^OOI~ O^S: ".don It. ""',,,eUy occulrlng ,odlollclln onll Ilu,'. Vlhllnll hilt ntcum"lnlotlln n hulldinv III 11IIIIclnlllflllnllllllp'I.lflfty '110<<:"111 h!lnlll. li~~, II fJfll'Ol1t who .ft .,tlond '0 It ovtf IIrnl, llv," 01 "donlhftl ucud Jod"el Ind ,'.tl ollh.lolll,tt' hovo boolllo..",,1 '" hulltlillO' In flod,'", ^tf,lillo"" Inloll".,lon 'IUlldlnU ,.don Ind I.do" IIIUno tn'V be obl.lnod horn your counl, ,..ublle hO"'11I UIII1. .,. MTP Group, Inc. 1509 Red Pine Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33414 Phon.: (4071 795,0678 T.I.fax: 14071 795-0230 March 30, 1995 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Traffic Impact Analysis - 2404 South Federal Highway Dear Mr. Rumpf: Bravo Boynton Inc. is proposing a development to be located east of South Federal Highway directly across from SW 23rd Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, MTP Group, Inc. has been retained to determine traffic impacts associated with the proposed development. This development is to be located on a 3.45-acre tract which has an existing restaurant in operation. In order for the project to proceed, the existing facility used as a restaurant will be demolished. The proposed development is to include a maximum of 70 multi-family dwelling units. This letter presents a comparison of the traffic impact of the existing restaurant to that of the proposed residential development. Existing Develovment The existing restaurant has a total of 6,600 square feet and a capacity of 265 seats. It has the characteristics of a quality restaurant and it also includes a lounge. The trip generation rate contained in Section 10.8 Fare Share Road Impact Fees of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code is 96.51 daily trips per 1,000 square feet. Using this rate, the existing restaurant has the potential of generating 637 daily trips. Reducing this trip generation by 15 % to take into consideration passer-by, the total external trip generation potential of the restaurant is 541 daily trips. Proposed DeveloDment The proposed development is to include a maximum of 70 multi-family dwelling units. A site plan for the property has not been prepared yet. Therefore, this analysis presents a worst case scenario with the maximum number of multi-family residential dwelling units allowed. The trip generation rate contained in Section 10.8 Fare Share Road Impact Fees of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code is 7 daily trips per dwelling unit, Using this rate, the proposed development has the potential of generating a maximum of 490 daily trips. Mr. Michael W. Rumpf March 30.1995 Page 20f2 As shown above, the proposed development will generate less traffic than the existing development in the property, Therefore, the provisions of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards have been met. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (407) 795-0678 if you need any more information about this project. Sincerely, ! MTP GrouP1 l, ' ~_=, 11R.ff . WJ1?(;.iqs Maria T. Palombo, P.E. President Florida Registration Number 44095 SALAMONE.LT2 [\;i ~ aJ ~ ! L'J r---- lie'" : ,~ I ; ! '.' nr.. Ii; ~ :i \'1 It; '-"--l ~I i.d !J.II. ; ~ 'I . (~ III- MTP Group, Inc. 1509 Red Pins Trail West Palm B88ch, FL 33414 Phon.: 1407) 795-0678 T.t.f.x: 1407) 795-0230 March 29, 1995 Me. Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Proposed Land Use Change 2404 South Federal Highway Dear Mr. Rumpf: The purpose of this letter is to summarize the traffic impact of a proposed land use change. The property under consideration is a 1.45 acre tract located east of South Federal Highway directly across SW 23rd A venue in the City of Boynton Beach. There is an existing restaurant in operation at the property. The existing land use classification is Local Retail Commercial. The proposed land use classification is High Density Residential with a Special High Density Overlay. The maximum density allowed under the proposed land use is 20 dwelling units per acre (20 DU/acre). Using a 0.25 FAR (Floor Area Ratio), the property has the potential to develop 15,791 square feet of retail under the existing land use. Using the 20 DU/acre mentioned earlier, the property has the potential to develop 29 multi-family dwelling units under the proposed land use, In order to determine the traffic impact of the proposed land use change, the trip generation potential of the maximum permitted density in the property has been determined. The attached table summarizes the trip generation potential of the property for both the existing and proposed land use. As shown in the attached table, the proposed land use generates less traffic than the existing land use, Therefore, traffic to the adjacent roadway network will not be negatively impacted by the proposed land use change. Please do not hesitate to give us a call at (407) 795-0678 if you need any more information about this project. Sincerely, I .,c. MTPGroup Maria T. Palombo, P.E. President Attachments SALAMONE.LT1 3O-Mar-95 09:36 AM BOYNTON1.wK4 TRIP GENERATION PROPOSED LAND USE CHANGE BOYNTON BEACH Existing Land Use: Local Retail Commercial Maximum Density: 15,791 Square Feet Proposed Land Use: High Density Residential Maximum Density: 29 Multi-Family Dwelling Units Daily External Trip Generation Daily Passer-By Daily Land Use Amount Rate Traffic Percentage Traffic Commercial 15,791 * 2,230 44.74% - 1,232 Residential 29 7 203 0 203 *Daily Trip Generation Equation for Commercial: Ln(T) = 0.625 Ln(x) + 5.985 Where x = 1,000 S.F. GLA **Passer-By Percentage for Commercial: Passer-by % = 45.1 - 0.0225(A) Where A = 1,000 S.F. GLA BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. &- March 23,1995 Our request for rezoning can easily be justified for the following reason: Because the neighborhood is primarily residential it would be unsuitable for most commercial uses,such as office buildings,gas stations,shopping center,ect. It is our opinion the water front sites in the city of Boynton should be preserved and enjoyed by as many people as possible. The present zoning allows a restaurant along the federal Hway which has no view of the intercostal water way. The adjoining property to the east along the intercostal is already zoned R-3 which means residential units would have to be build behind a commercial development. This would cause considerable problems which includes security for the entire neighborhood,noise and traffic. Security is a very important issue in today's society. It would be much more suitable to conform with the neighborhood and change to R-3 High density, 7 pres. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY-BOYNTON BEACH - FL-33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 B-1 The existing zoning allows no units under C-3 and the R-3 high density zoning would allow us to build very comfortable 1350-1450 sq. ft. 2/2 or 2.1/2 bath and den units more suitable for the area. ....1 I I /~ectf~lll Submi~t:.d t- _~.d'-~~___ ~oseph G Salamone.exec.vice pres. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY-BOYNTON BEACH - FL-33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 B-2 The use would be residential only,allowing for a quite, relaxed and secure environment. 7 , / Res:pect~y ~~ Salamone.exec.vice pres 2404 S FEDERAL HWY- BOYNTON BEACH -FL -33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRA VO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 B-3 The project would be completed within eighteen (18) months. -~ R~spe~fUllY s itted (d~--;:7x. ~ ~:~~~~i~one.exec.vice pres. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY- BOYNTON BEACH -FL -33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRA VO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 H~4 Not applicable. H~5 See attached exibit "c". Traffic Study. H~6&7 See attached exibit " D ".City letter. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY- BOYNTON BEACH -FL -33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 H-8 The projected population for the proposed zoning would be 70 people.R-3 high density. The existing zoning has a projected transit population of 150 people per day. the age group under the existing zoning is 60-85 years of age. Transit. Under the proposed new zoning the age group would be 45-65+ years of age.Perma~nt. Res~ctfull mitted ,;./ t.k__ / , fJoseph G Salamone.exec.vice pres. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY- BOYNTON BEACH -FL -33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 a-9 There are no land use conflicts with the surrounding properties.If anything the proposed zoning change conforms with the neighborhood much better than the existing one. There is much less nuisances and hazards associated with the development under the proposed zoning.The proposed zoning would elliminate the nuisances created by the existing zoning such as,loading areas, dumpsters, mechanical equipment, locations of driveways, service entrances and lighting. There would be much less noise and the set back and height restrictions are addressed and defined in the Comprehensive Plan for site development consideration under the site specific recommendations.i.e. set back from property lines. Re~~ec:f~Jly. submitted ~ if;t. ...... / oseph G Salamone.exec.vice pres. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY- BOYNTON BEACH -FL -33435 PH(407) 734-1363 BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. March 23,1995 8-10 a.See exhibit "F".Soils report. b.N/A c.N/A d.N/A e.N/A 8-11 N/A 8-12 See Exhibit "G".Environmentally sensitive land ordinance. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY- BOYNTON BEACH -FL -33435 PH(407) 734-1363 To whom it may concern: March 23rd,1995 Thi8 letter i. to confira that BRAVO BOYNTON, Ina. and Jo.eph Q Salaaone, partner and vice pre8iden~, i. applying for a land use amendment on the property known .s p. C. N . * 08434533000005150 or stre.t address 2404 south Federal Highway, Boynton Beach Fl. with my 1>""",100100 and ~ul1 oonol t. He Bo " CORPORATE RESOLUTION On this day the 27TH of March,l995 the board of directors of Bravo Boynton Inc. has adopted the following resolution: Joseph G. Salamone partner,executive vice president will be designated the responsibility for properties owned or under contract and any and all duties to be performed in connection with the development of the properties including zoning applications,preliminary architecture and design, financing and approval processing of same with the city of Boynton Beach, Fla. or any lending unity approached. Present at this meeting were: Diego Amador,President, director Joseph G Salamone,exec. vice president James T Stephanis,Director Emmanuel Calambichis,Director The meeting was was adopted. lution ~ ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF gRAVO gOt~TON, tNe. The undersigned, aoting as indorporator of: a cortloration tlursuant to Chapter 607, Florida Statutes, adopts the f:ollowing Articles of Incorporation. ARTICLH I NAME The name of the corporation shall bel BRAVO bOYNTON, INC. ~~ICLH II PRINd1PAL OFFICE The tlrincitlal pl4de of: bUsifie~8 and mailing address of this corporation shall bet '!1108 14; W. 3jrd Place, Sunrise, FL 33351. ARTICLE III CAPITAL STOCK The nutnber of shares of stodk that this cortloration is authorized to issue at this time iSI 7500 shares of common stock at $1.00 par value. ARTICLE IV PURPOSE The specific purpose or tlurposes for which this corporation is organized is the transaction of any and all lawful business. ARTICLE V INITIAL REGISTERED'AGENT AND ADbRESS The name and address of the initial registered agent is: Diego Amador, 9108 N. W. 33rd Plaoe, Sunrise, FL 33351. ARTICLE VI DIREC~ORS This corporation shall have two directors constituting the initial board' of diredtors. The number of directors may be increased or decreased from time to time by the by-laws. However, there shall hever be less than one director nor more than five '. directors of this corporation. The names and addresses of the initial directo~s of this co~poration arel Diego Amador 9108 N. W. 33~d Place Sun~ise, FL 33351 Joseph G. Salamone 714 5th Street Mosinee, Wisconsin 54455 ARTICLE VII INCORPORATORS The names and street add~esses of the incorpo~ators to these Articles of Incorporation arel Diego Amado~ . 9108 N. W. 33~d place Sun~ise, FL 33351 ~ The undersigned has executed these Articles of Incorporation this ~day of Novembe~1 1994. --&L~ Diego Amado Registe~ed Agent 2 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD BEFORE Me, . the uttdersigtted l1utht>d.ty, persottl11ly ap~eared, DIEGO AMADOR, to me well khOWtl And knowtl tt> me to be the ind~vidual described itl atld who e~ecuted the foregoitlg Articles of Incorporation for the pUrposelt thereitl stated this ? day of November, 1994. . . FL. L,\.lI.hS t /1536 -lhll.io61-oY/~3 My Commission Expires! .,.':"..." MIRIAM J. PAXtON ij~i)i' lAY CllMI.tS8IOIf, CC211ll8II EmlE8 , """", IfI1 , , ,.. -1IIlU_1lllI......1III. 1?vvv A~ () r;d;; Notary PUblic CERTItICATE ot DES1GNATION REG1STERED AGENT/REG1STERED OFFICE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 607.0501, Florida statutes, the undersigned cor~oration, organized under the laws of the State of Florida, submits the following statement in designating the registered office/registered agent, in the State of Florida. 1. The name of the corporation iSI BRAVO BOYNTON, INC. ! 2. The name and address of the registered agent and office is: Diego Amador 910B N. W. 33rd Place Sunrise, FL 33351 Having been named as registered agent and to accept service of process for the above stated corporation at the place designated in this certificate, I hereby accept the appointment as registered agent and agree to act in this capacity. I further agree to comply with the provisions of all statutes relating to the proper and complete performance bf my duties And 1 aM familiar with and accept the obligations bf my position as registered agent. ///9/iY Date / / Diego ./] - " EXHIBIT A Legal Description: Section 33, Range 43 East Township 45, South northerly l84.46 feet of the westerly 334.48 feet of the East 1/2 of the Southeast 1/3, lying East of Federal Highway, in accordance with the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, Palm Beach County Control No: 08-43-45~33-00-000- 5150, Cerisus Tract Number 83 ~ . ,:. .! ! ASSIGNMEN~ O~ OPTION TO PU~CHASE REAL ESTATE For the consideration of value received, TEN DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($10.00), receipt of which is acknowledged, and other value received, I, LI~DA K. KRISTEFF, President of TOO HOT FOR YOU, INC., of 3710 Coral 'l'ree Clinic, Coconut Creek, Florida 33073, assignor, assign to aRAVO BOYNTON, INC., a Florida corporation, assignee, all rights and interest of assignor in an agreement, dated October 24, 1994, Whereby assignor was given the option to purchase from BOYN'1'ON JIM, I~C., the following described real estate at a price and Under the terms and conditions therein contained I as described in Ex~ibit A attached hereto. Such option commenced on ~ovember 1, 1994, and is good until October 31, 1995 and may be extended 6 months, pursuant to Paragraph 47 of that certain ausinesll Lease between TOO HOT FOR YOU, INC. and BOYNTON JIM, INC., dated October 24, 1994, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit a.) Assignor, by virtue of this assignment, grants to assignee the right to exercise or reject the option in good faith and the right to recover any moneys deposited by assignor to secure stich option. Assignor warrants that SUch option is, by its terms, assignable and that the option is valid and in full force at the time of this assignment. , 1994. {J~ '-.. LINDA K. KRISTE ,as PRESIDENT OF TOO HO'1' FOR YOU, INC. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF BROWARD BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared, LI.NDA K. KRISTEFF, to IDe well known and known to IDe to be the inifvidual described in and who executed the foregoing this day of November, 1994. -R/~ NO~C My Commission gxpiresl , , (1)' IIlllAMJ, "AXTllN I IIV CllM\tIstIoN , CC277tJ1O bI'IIb __ AId 11.11117 , -1IIlI lfllr,."lIIUIIIIr:t. III. - .." ,. BUSINESS l.EAS13 THIS AGREEMENT; entered into this 24th day of October, 1994 between BOYNTON JIM, INC. hereinafter Called the LANDLORD, party of the first part; and TOO aOT FOR YOU; INC. of the County of Palm Beach, hereinafter called the TENANt, party of the. second part: WITNESSETH: That the said Landlord does this day lease unto said Tenant,and said Tenant does hereby hire and take as Tenant under said Landlord the premises and located at: Legal Description attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and the fixtures; furniture and equipment located therein and set forth on the attached Exhibits for the term of one year (or until such term shall sooner cease and expire as hereinafter provided or as hereinafter extended as the case may be) to commence on the 1st day of November, 1994 and to end on the 31st day of October, 1995 both dates inclusive, at an annual rental rate as follows: SIXTY THOUSAND ($60,000.00) DOLLARS plus sales tax; all of which Tenant agrees to pay in lawful money of the United States, in equal monthly installments in advance on the first day of each month during said term, at 63S1 Highway '329 ~est, Reddick, Florida 32686 or such other place as Landlord may designate, without any set-off or deduction whatsoever, except that Tenant shall pay the first monthly installment(s) on the e~ecution hereof to-wit: $5,000.00.00. The demised premises are leased to the Tenant to be used and occupied by the Tenant solely for the purpose of restaurant and lounge selling alcoholic beverages. Tenant has deposited with Landlord the sum of $NONE Exhibit B ~ as security for the faithful performance and observance by Tenant of the terms, provisions and conditions of this Lease. 1. The Tenant covenants and agrees that neither the Tenant, an assignee, sublessee, licensee or concessionaire will use and occupy the demised premises for any other purpose than that set forth herein. 2. The Tenant shall not assign this Lease, without the prior written consent of the Landlord. Sub-letting is prohi~ited. 3. The Tenant has examined the demised premises, and takes and accepts them in the present condition. The Tenant shall keep at Tenant's cost and expense, the entire demised premises including any alterations or additions, and including any fixtures, equipment, or facilities used in connection therewith, in good condition, repair, and appearance, painted at all times throughout the term of the Lease. If any. portion of the demised premises, or any of the fixtures, equipment, utilities or facilities are reasonably in the opinion of Landlord beyond repair, the Tenant shall promptly, at Tenant's own cost and expense, replace the same with material, equipment, and labor of first quality. The Tenant shall replace promptly, at the expense of the Tenant, any and all broken glass in and about the demised premises including, but not limited to, plate glass. 4. Tenant will not at any time use or occupy the demised premises in violation of the certificate of occupancy issued for the demised premises. Tenant shall promptly comply with all requirements of all laws, orders, ordinances and regulations of the federal, state, county and munit:!ipal authorities, and with any direction, pursuant to law, of any public officer or officers, which shall impose any duty upon Landlord or Tenant with respect to the demised premise, or the use and occupation thereof. The Landlord represents that the demised premises may be used as a restaurant and that the premises meet the qualifications required to obtain a SRX 4COP beverage license. Landlord warrants that its former use of the property did not violate any municipal or state law or ordinance. 5. In the event of any default resulting in the termination of this Lease, then all furniShings, fixtures, equipment and partitions in the premises immediatelY prior to such default which are not already the property of the Landlord shall become the property of Landlord. 6. Tenant shall comply with all rules, orders, regulations or requirements of the Board of Fire Underwriters, or any other similar body and all governmental agencies, and shall not do, or permit anything to be done, in or upon said premises, or bring or 2 .. '.. keep anything therein, which shall increase the rate of fire insurance on the building of which the demised premises form a part, or on the property located therein other than as is customary for the use identified herein. If by reason of the failure of Tenant to comply with the provisions of this paragraph, the fire insurance rate shall at any time be higher than it otherwise would be, then Tenant shall reimburse Landlord, as additional rent hereunder, for that part of all insurance premiums thereafter paid by Landlord which shall have been charged because of such violations by Tenant, and shall make such payment upon the first day of the month following such billing by Landlord. In addition, if the nature of the Tenant's business is such as would require the payment of an additional insurance premium then, in that event, the Tenant shall pay such additional fire insurance premium either to the Landlord in reimbursement of such premium having been paid by the Landlord or directly to the insurance company, as the Landlord shall direct, and such additional insurance premium shall be deemed as additional rent. 7. This Lease is and shall be and remain subject and subordinate to all ground or underlying leases and to all mortgages which may now or hereafter' affect such leases or the real property of which the demised premises form a part, and to all renewals, modifications, cortsolidations, raplacements and extensions thereof. This clause shall be self-operative and no further instrument of subordination shall be required by arty mortgagee. In the event any mortgagee shall require further documentation in substantiation of this paragraph, then the Tenant shall execute such documentation upon written request for same by the Landlord and upon the Tenant's failure to so execute said documentation in the manner and form requested within five (5) days from the date of delivery of said documentation by the Landlord to the Tenant, then the Tenant hereby constitutes and appoints the Landlord as the attorney-in-fact for the Tenant to so execute said documentation. 8. The Landlord shall not be liable for and the Tenant agrees to indemnify the Landlord against and save it harmless from any and all liability, loss or damage by reasort of any injury or damage to any person or to any property belonging to the Tenant or any other person, occurring in or about the demised premises, or on the sidewalks and curbs adjacent thereto or in and about the parking area forming part of the demised premises resulting from any cause whatsoever. . 9. In the event the premises shall be destroyed or so damaged or injured by fire or other casualty during the life of this. agreement, whereby the same shall be rendered untenantable, then the Landlord shall have the right to render said premises tenantable by repairs within 120 days therefrom. If said premises are not rendered tenantable within said time, it shall be optional 3 . with either party hereto to cancel this Lease, effective on the date of such fire or casualty. Notide of termination shall be given no later than 130 days from date of destruction or damage. 10. If the building of which the demised premises are a part shall be condemned by any government authority for any purpose, then the term of this Lease shall terminate on the date of the vesting of title in the condemnation proceeding. If a portion of the demised premises or of the building and premises of which they are a part shall be condemned by any competent authority for any purpose, the Landlord shall have the option of terminating this Lease, effective on the date when the possession of the part so taken shall be required for such use or purpose. If the Landlord does not exercise the option to terminate this Lease, it shall continue in full force and effect as to the remaining portion of the premises and there shall be a proportionate abatement of rent in accordance with the amount of the demised premises thus taken for public or quasi-public use. The entire award for such taking, whether of the whole or onlyp~rt of the demised premises, shall belong to Landlord and Tenant shall not have or make any claim against the taking authority for any award or damages for the taking arising out of any interest in this Lease, except for making claim for the taking of Tenant's trade fixtures. Tenant shall promptly execute such documents required by the condemning authority for Landlord to process its claim and receive any award or awards resulting therefrom. 11. Tenant shall, at its own cost and expense, provide heat and/or air conditioning for the demised premises including all necessary fuel and shall keep the apparatus in good order and repair, and maintain a service contract on same with a responsible contractor, satisfactory to Landlord. The Tenant agrees to pay, when due, all bills and charges rendered in connection with water, sewer rent or charges, electricity or other utilities in the demised, premises, which if unpaid by Tenant shall be deemed as additional rent due landlord. 12. Tenant shall, at Tenant's own cost and expense, maintain the entire demised premises, interior and exterior, clean, neat, and safe and in good appearance. Tenant shall, at Tenant's own cost and expense, provide for the removal of all garbage and refuse, and shall insure that same is not kept in an unsightly or unsanitary or odorous manner pending such removal. Tenant shall not store anything including, but not limited to, machinery, equipment, materials or other products outside the demised premisee. Tenant shall comply with all governmental regulations concerning garbage disposal, type of garbage containers, selection of the garbage removal service. 13. Tenant shall make no alterations or improvements in or to the demised premises without the Landlord's prior written consent. All alterations or improvements upon the demised premises made by 4 either party, including, but not limited to, electrical wiring, junction box, heat, air conditioning and duct work, shall, unless the Landlord elects otherwise, beeome the property of the Landlord upon installation and shall remain upon, and be surrendered with, said premises, as a part thereof, at the end of the term of the Lease or renewal term(s) of the Lease. In the event the Landlord shall elect otherwise, then, and only then, shall such alteration(s) or improvement(s) as made by Tenant and as selected by the Landlord, be removed by the Tenant and Tenant shall restore the premises to the original condition, at its own cost and expense, prior to the expiration of the term of the Lease. That in the event any Mechanic's Lien be filed against the demised premises, the Landlord shall have the absolute right to have said lien discharged whether by payment, bonding or otherwise, and any and all expenses or disbursements in the accomplishment of such discharge including the payment thereof and any attorney's fees relative thereto shall be borne by the Tenant and be deemed as additional rent. Notice is hereby given that Landlord shall not, under any circumstances, be l~able to pay for any work, labor or services rendered, or materials furnished, to or for the account of Tenant, upon or in connection with the demised premises and that no Mechanic's Lien or other-lien for work, labor or services rendered or materials furnished, to or for the account of Tenant, shall under any circumstances attach to or affect the reversionary or other estate or interest of the Landlord in and to the demised premises or in and to any building, alterations, repairs or improvements, erected or made thereon. Any Mechanic's Lien filed against the demised premises or the building of which the same forms a part for work claimed to be done or for materials claimed to have been furnished to Tenant, shall be discharged by Tenant within fifteen (15) days thereafter at Tenant's expense. Prior to the commencement of any work or the delivery of any materials to the Tenant's premises by reason of which a Mechanic's Lien could be filed, the Tenant shall deliver to the Landlord a waiver of the right to file a Mechanic's Lien against the premises which shall be executed by the party who WQuld otherwise be entitled to file such Mechanic's Lien. - 14. Tenant shall not display or erect any lettering, signs, advertisements, awnings, or other projections on the outside walls, interior or exterior of store front or roof of the demised premises without Landlord's prior written consent. All items enumerated in the prior sentence shall be at the sole cost and expense of the Tenant, as to both the item itself and the cost of installation, erection, and maintenance of same. 15. The Landlord, the Landlord's agents, or any other party authorized by the Landlord shall have the right to enter the demised premises at all times to examine the same, and to show them to prospective purchasers or lessees of the building and shall have the right, but shall not be obligated to make such repairs, alterations, improvements or additions as the Landlord may deem 5 ~ " necessary or desirable, and the Landlord shall be allowed to take all material into and upon said premises that may be required therefore without the same constituting an eviction of Tenant either in whole or in part. During the sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the term of this Lease, Landlord may exhibit the premises to prospective tenants, and place upon said premises the usual notices "To Let" or "For Sale" which notices Tenant shall permit to remain thereon without molestation. If Tenant shall not be personally present to open and permit an entry into said premises, at any time, when for any reason an entry therein, shall be necessary or. permissible hereunder, Landlord or Landlord's agents may enter the same by a master key, or may forcibly enter the same, without rendering Landlord or such agents liable therefor (and during such entry Landlord or Landlord's agents shall accord reasonable care to Tenant's property), and without in any manner affecting the obligations and covenants of this Lease or constituting an eviction hereunder. 16. The prompt payment of the rent, sales tax and additional rents for said premises upon .the dates named, and the faithful observance of the rules and regulations contained within this,Lease and attached hereto are hereby made a part of this covenant. Such other and further rules or regulations as may be hereafter made by the Landlord are the ~onditions upon ~hich the Lease is made and accepted. Any failure on the part of the Tenant to comply with the terms of this Lease or any of said rules and regulations now in existence, or which may be hereafter prescribed by the Landlord, shall at the option of the Landlord, work a forfeiture of this Lease, and constitute a default under the terms of this Lease, and all of the rights of the Tenant hereunder. If the Tenant be more than sixty (60) days in arrears of the monthly rent as herein required, the Landlord, his agents or attorneys shall have the right to enter said premises and remove all persons therefrom forcibly or otherwise, and the Tenant hereby expressly waives any and all notice required by law to terminate tenancy, and also waives any and all legal proceedings to recover possession of said premises, and expressly agrees that in the event of a violation of any of the terms of this Lease, or of said rules and regulations now in existence, or which may hereafter be made, said Landlord, his agent or attorneys, may immediately re-enter said premises and dispossess Tenant without legal notice or the institution of any legal proceedings whatsoever. 17. Tenant will, before the commencement date of this Lease and throughout the term of this Lease, maintain at its sole expense and provide the landlord with a certificate of insurance naming Landlord as a co-insured as their interests appear, providing for the following coverage: a) To keep the buildings and all improvements which may be erected containing the demised premises, and contents insured 6 against loss or damage by fire (with extended coverage) flood, and war damage, if obtainable (during the period of war only) in an amount no less than $500,00.00 with a deductible no more than $1000.00; (b) General accident and liability insurance fully protecting Landlord against any and all liability occasioned by accident or disaster in the amount of $2,000,000.00; (c) $5,000.00; Personal property of others-replacement cost (d) Products Comprehensive $1,000,000.00 each occurrence; and Adverse Injury (e) Fire damage per incident $50,000.00; (f) Medical Expense-per person $5,000.00; (g) Auto Liability-garage Keepers Liability $100,000.00 with a per-car deductible of $1,000.00; and (h) outdoor sign-extended sign coverage $5,000.00. 18. If the Tenant shall abandon or vacate said premises before the end of the term of this Lease, or shall suffer the rent or additional rent to be in arrears, the Landlord may, at his option, forthwith cancel this Lease or he may enter said premises as the agent of the Tenant, by force or otherwise, without being liable in any way therefor, and relet the premises with or without any furnishings, fixtures and equipment that may be therein, as the agent of the Tenant, at such price and upon such terms and for such duration of time as the Landlord may determine, and receive the rent therefor, applying the same to the payment of rent due by these presents, and if the full rental herein provided shall not be realized by Landlord over and above the expenses to Landlord in such re-Ietting, the said Tenant shall pay any deficiency, and if more than the full rental is realized Landlord will pay over to said Tenant the excess on demand. These shall be no obligation upon the Landlord to re-let or attempt to re-Iet the premises. In the event of the termination of this Lease on a date other than the natural expiration hereof as hereinbefore set forth, the Tenant shall immediately be liable for all rent due and payable during the term of this Lease as herein set forth as of the date of termination of this Lease such that- all rent reserved hereunder from the date of such termination to the termination date ae eet forth in this Lease shall be immediately due and payable. 19. The Tenant agrees to pay the costs of collection and reasonable attorneys fees on any part of said rental and additional rente, that may be collected by suit or by attorney, after the same is past due. 7 . , 20. The demised premises and the fixtures, furniture, equipment which are the subject of this Lease have been inspected by the Tenant and are bein~ leased to Tenant "AS IS". All f~xtures, furniture and equipment which have been lost broken or destroyed from any cause whatsoever, shall be replaced by Tenant prior to the termination of this Lease, unless Tenant purchases the property as a result of the exercise of its option to purchase as contained herein. Tenant agrees to purchase from Landlord, at Landlord's cost, all unopened inventory which is in a usable condition; said payment shall be made to Landlord no later than November 5, 1994. Tenant agrees to assume the current leases on the soda machine and the dishwashing machine, and does hereby hold Landlord harmless from all liability regarding same. 21. It is agreed that in the event Tenant defaults in respect of any of the terms, provisions and conditions of this Lease, including, but not limited to, the payment of rent and additional rent, Landlord may use, apply or retain the whole or any part of the security so deposited to the extent required for the payment of any rent or additional rent or any other sum as to which Tenant is in default in respect of any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease and the repair'of any damages to the demised premises such as to place same in rentable condition. In the event of a sale of the land and building or leasing of the building, of which the demised premises form a part, Landlord shall have the right to transfer the security to the vendee or Tenant and Landlord shall thereupon be released by Tenant from all liability for the return of such security; and Tenant agrees to look solely to the new Landlord for the return of said security; and it is agreed that the provisions hereof shall apply to every transfer or assignment made of the security to a new Landlord. 22. No act or thing done by Landlord or Landlord's agents during the term hereby demised shall constitute an eviction by Landlord, nor shall be deemed an acceptance of a surrender of said premises, and no agreement to accept such surrender shall be valid unless in writing signed by Landlord. The receipt by Landlord of rent or additional rent with knowledge of the breach of any covenant of this Lease shall not be deemed a waiver of such breach. No provision of this Lease shall be deemed to have been waived by Landlord; unless such waiver be in writing signed by Landlord. 23. Tenant agrees to indemnify and save the Landlord harmless from all claims by brokers other than Bea Morley Real Estate, Inc. for commissions for bringing about this Lease, and for any costs and expenses of litigation including, but not limited to, attorney's fees in defending any action brought for any brokerage other than as herein specified. 24. Tenant shall look solely to the estate and property of the Landlord in the land and buildings, comprising the demised B . . premises for the collection of any judgment (or other judicial process) requiring the payment of money by Landlord or performance of an act in the event of any default or breach by Landlord with respect to any of the terms, covenants and conditions of this Lease to be observed and/or performed by Landlord, and no other property or assets of Landlord shall be subject to levy, execution or other enforcement procedure for the satisfaction of Tenant's remedies in the event of a violation by Landlord of any of the provisions of this Lease. 25. In the event the rent and additional rent reserved hereunder is not received in the office of the Landlord by the fifth day of the month, Tenant shall pay to the Landlord as additional rent a "late charge" which "late charge" shall be interest thereon at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per annum. 26. Tenant herein shall only sell or display for sale such items or services as are normally found in a restaurant of the nature for which the intended purpose of these premises is defined. In the event there shall be any question as to whether or not a given item falls in the category of that which is normally sold in the type of restaurant herein specified the Landlord shall be the sole and final determining judge and such judgment shall be in the Landlord's sole and absolute discretion. Should the Tenant not comply with the written request of the Landlord to discontinue displaying and/or selling same forthwith, then the Landlord shall have the right, in addition to all other remedies provided herein and provided by law, to injunctive relief. This non-compliance shall be deemed a default hereunder as if it were a default in the payment of rent or additional rent and all remedies available in the event of such a default shall be available for this breach. The Landlord, in addition to the injunctive relief herein permitted, shall also be entitled to recover all costs of such action including reasonable attorney's fees and such costs of recovery and reasonable attorney's fees shall be deemed as additional rent reserved hereunder. 27. Tenant acknowledges that time is of the essence of this .contract with respect to the performance of Tenant's obligations contained herein. 28. Tenant covenants and agrees to pay as additional rent to Landlord contemporaneously with its monthly rental payments. (a) 1/12 of the ad valorem property tax bill based upon the most recent tax bill using the November payment as the denominator; (b) its proportionate share of such insurance premiums paid or incurred; and (c) 1/12 of the tangible personal property tax bill assessed as a result of all personal property located upon the 9 . . subject property that is owned by Landlord. 29. In the case of damage to the demised premises by any cause within the scope of insurance on the demised premises, whether such damage be caused by the negligence of either the Tenant or the Landlord, or by any party for whom either the Tenant(s) or the Landlord is responsible, then one party will not look to the other party for reimbursement to the first party's insurance or to any third party against which the first party may have a claim. Landlord and Tenant agree that they will obtain a Waiver of Subrogation from their respective insurers of all right of subrogation against Landlord or Tenant in conjunction' with any loss or damage thereby insured against. Neither party nor its agents or employees shall be liable to the other for loss or damage caused by any risk covered by insurance. The Waivers of Subrogation shall be delivered to the other party prior to commencement date. 30. The additional rent represented by real estate taxes and insurance premiums may be collected in equal monthly installments by the Landlord which equal monthly installments shall be predicated upon the prior y~ar's real estate taxes and insurance premiums and adjusted when the actual figures are known. 31. Tenant shall pay to Landlord, as additional rent, all levies, assessments or charges of every kind or nature whatsoever, or any charge that Landlord may be required to pay in lieu thereof, for the taxable entity containing the demised premises. 32. In the event that, at the commencement of the term of this Lease, or thereafter, Tenant shall be in default in the payment of rent to Landlord pursuant to the terms of another lease with Landlord or with Landlord's predecessor in interest, Landlord may at Landlord's option and without notice to Tenant add the amount ~f such arrear ages to any monthly installment of rent payable hereunder and the same shall be payable to Landlord as additional rent. 33. Wherever in this Lease the written consent of the Landlord is required, such written consent shall be totally discretionary with the Landlord and shall be at the Landlord's sole and absolute discretion. 34. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Lease shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof. 35. This Lease contains the entire agreement between the parties, and there are no warranties, representations or other agreements between them. No agreement shall be effective to change, modify or discharge this Lease or to waive any agreement or condition thereof in whole or in part unless such agreement is in 10 writing and signed by the party sou~ht to be charged. 36. The term "Landlord" as used in this Lease, means only the ow~er or the mortgagee in possession for the time being of the land and building (or the owner of a lease of the building) of which the demised premises form a part, so that in the event of any sale or sales of said land and building or of said lease, or in the event of a lease of said building, the said Landlord shall be and hereby is entirely freed and relieved of all covenants and obligations of Landlord hereunder. The words "re-enter" and "re-entry" as used in this Lease are not restricted to their technical legal me~ning. 37. Wherever herein a notice is to be "mailed", "given" or "delivered", said words shall be deemed to mean that said notice shall be in writing and, if to the Tenant, mailed to the address of the Tenant as set forth iti the openin~ portion of this Lease or mailed to the demised premises or delivered by hand to the party in charge at either of the above locations. . Any notice mailed herein must be mailed by certified or registered mail, return receipt requested. Said notice if mailed shail be deemed received five days following the date of mailin~ whether or not said receipt therefor has been signed and returned providing that, in addition to such mailing, a copy of said notice has been delivered or mailed by regular mail to the party herein designated at one of the above 'referenced locations. Notice to the Landlord shall be given in writing and sent by certified or re~istered mail, return receipt requested, to the address of the Landlord as herein set forth, and shall be deemed received by the Landlord five days after the date of mailing providing a copy of same has been delivered to the party in charge at its office as herein designated within said five day period or upon the date of signing of the receipt for said mailing, whichever is earlier. The address herein set forth for that of the Landlord or for that of the Tenant may be changed by either party hereto from time to time by giving notice of such change of address in the same manner as herein prescribed for any other notice. No notice shall be deemed received by either party hereto except and unless given in the manner herein prescribed. "Mailed" shall be deemed to mean the depositing of same in a postage prepaid wrapper at a post office or postal box maintained by the United States Postal Service. 38. In addition to any other obligations of the Tenant hereunder if, as the result of a Tenant vacating the premises or any other use of the premises other than is herein contemplated, the insurance premiums are increased, then the Tenant shall be directly responsible for such increase in insurance premiums and said increase shall be deemed as additional rent. In the event the Tenant's contemplated use of the premises is such as to cause an increase in the insurance premiums as are normal without the Tenant's contemplated use, then the Tenant, as additional rent, 11 I, .. shall pay such differential in said insurance premiums as result from the Tenant's contemplated use. 39. In the event the mortgagee so requires them, Tenant shall supply to Landlord Financial statements and Profit and Loss Statements of Tenant and/or any Guarantor within sixty days after the end of Tenant's Fiscal Year. This Lease is subject to the approval of the mortgagee. Landlord represents that the said mortgagee has fifteen days after receipt of the Lease and Tenant's financial statements within which to accept or reject, and Landlord agrees to submit the Lease and Tenant's financial statements for such approval promptly. 40. The covenants, conditions and agreements contained in this Lease shall bind and inure to the benefit of the Landlord and the Tenant and their respective heirs, distributees, executors, administrators, successors, and, except as otherwise provided in this Lease, their assigns. 41. Tenant shall, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, furnish and install such other installations, partitions, fixtures and equipment as may be necessary for the conduct of Tenant's business at the demised premises and shall seCUre all necessary approvals, permits and authorizations for Tenant's installations as aforesaid. All work to be performed by the Tenant shall be accomplished in a good and workmanlike manner. Tenant shall promptly furnish the Landlord with all certificates and approvals with respect to Tenant's work that may be required by any governmental authorities for the issuance of a certificate of occupancy for the building, of which the demised premises is a part. 42. In the event of any litigation under this Lease, the Landlord, in addition to any other recovery, shall also be entitled to recover the costs of such litigation including, but not limited to, reaspnable attorney's fees. 43. (a) If, at the date fixed as the commencement of the) term of this Lease, or if at any time during the term hereby demised there shall be filed by or against Tenant in any court pursuant to any statute either of the United States or of any state, a petition in bankruptcy or insolvency or for reorganization or for reorganization or for the appointment of a receiver or trustee of all or a portion of Tenant's property/and within 60 days thereof, Tenant fails to secure a dismissal thereof, or if Tenant make an assignment for the benefit of creditors or petition for or enter into an arrangement, this Lease, at the option of Landlord, exercised within a reasonable time after notice of the happening of anyone or more of such events, may be cancelled and terminated by written notice to the Tenant (but if any of such events occur prior to the commencement date, this Lease shall be ipso facto cancelled 12 . and terminated) and whether such cancellation and termination occur prior to or during the term, neither Tenant nor any person claiming through or under Tenant by virtue of any statute or of any order of any court, shall be entitled to possession or to remain in possession of the premises demised but shall forthwith quit and surrender the premises, and Landlord, in addition to the other rights and remedies Landlord has by virtue of any other provision .herein or elsewhere in this Lease contained or by virtue of any statute or rule of law, may retain as liquidated damages, any rent, security deposit or monies received by him from Tenant or others in behalf of Tenant. If this Lease shall be assigned in accordance with its terms, the provisions of this Article 16 shall be applicable only to the party then owning Tenant's interest in this Lease. (b) It is stipulated and agreed that in the event of the termination of this Lease pursuant to (a) hereof, Landlord shall forthwith, notwithstanding any other provisions of this Lease to the contrary, be entitled to recover from Tenant as and for liquidated damages an amount equal to the difference between the rent reserved hereunder for the unexpired portion of the term demised and the fair and reasonable rental value of the demised premises for the same period. In the computation of such damages the difference between any installment of rent becoming due hereunder after the date of termination and the fair and reasonable rental value of the demised premises for the period for which such installment was payable shall be discounted to the date of termination at the rate of four per cent per annum. If such premises or any part thereof be re-Iet by the Landlord for the unexpired term of said lease, or any part thereof, before presentation of proof of such liquidated damages to any court, commission or tribunal, the amount of rent reserved upon such re- letting shall be deemed to be the fair and reasonable rental value for the part or the whole of the premises so re-Iet during the term of the. re-Ietting. Nothing herein contained shall limit or prejudice the right of the Landlord to prove for and obtain as liquidated damages by reason of such termination, an amount equal to the maximum allowed by any statute or rule of law in effect at the time when, and governing the proceedings in which, such damages are to be proved, whether or not such amount be greater, equal to, or less than the amount of the difference referred to above. 44. That in the event of any litigation under this Lease, each of the parties hereto hereby waives the right of trial by jury and, further, the Tenant shall not have any right of counterclaim or set-off in any action for the collection of rent or additional rent. 45. That in the event there is a typewritten rider to this Lease, and there is any conflict between the rider and the printed portion of this Lease, then the language as contained in the rider shall supersede. 13 I ..' 46. In order to secure the payment of the rental and lease money herein reserved, the Tenant hereby grants and conveys to the Landlord, in addition to the lien provided by law, a security interest in and mortgages to the landlord, tenant's furniture, equipment and inventory which the tenant has or will hereafter place in the demised premises, and tenant does hereby agree to provide landlord with an itemization of same and any replacements or additions thereto within five (5) days of the time that same is placed in the demised premises. 47. For and in consideration of the execution of this Lease, Landlord does hereby grant to Tenant, if Tenant has complied with all covenants and conditions of this Lease agreement, the option to purchase the demised premises and all equipment, machinery, fixtures and inventory described therein and on the attached Exhibits. (a) In order to exercise this option written notice of the exercise of same must be given to Landlord no later than 60 days before the termination thereof of the base term or any extension thereof. (b) The purchase price shall be $695,000.00 with the Tenant to be credited at closing with no sums except pre-paid rent. , The closing of the purchase option shall take place no later than the termination day of the Lease. At the closing the Landlord shall convey title to the demised premises by a good and sufficient . warranty deed free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and shall convey title to all equipment, machinery and fixtures by a bill of sale free and clear of all liens and encumbrances. (c) All inventory, machinery, equipment and fixtures together with the demises premises are purchased "AS IS" and there are no warranties or merchantability or fitness for particular purpose. (d) In the event that the Tenant exercises this purchase option, the closing shall be governed by the Standards for Real Estate Transactions set forth on the attached Exhibit. 48. In addition to the covenants and agreements set forth above, the Landlord and Tenant agree as follows: (a) The Tenant represents that it has performed a maintenance check and inspection of all equipment and machinery and that said equipment and machinery is in good working order. (b) During the term of this Lease agreement the Tenant shall not repaint the building located on the demises premises. In the event that the Tenant exercises the purchase option, Tenant may after the closing date repaint said building. 14 " . ... 49. For and in consideration of the execution of this Lease, Landlord does hereby grant to Tenant, if the Tenant has complied with all covenants and conditions of this Lease agreement, the option to extend this Lease for an additional period of six months for the total rent of THIRTY THOUSAND ($30,000.00) DOLLARS, which shall be paid monthly at the rate of FIVE THOUSAND ($5,000.00) DOLLARS per month and the right to exercise the option to purchase the demised premises and all equipment, machinery, fixtures and inventory described therein and on the attached Exhibits. (a) In order to exercise this option written nQtice of the exercise of same must be given to Landlord no later than sixty (60) days before the termination of the base term which notice must include the payment of $10,000.00, which represents consideration for the extension, is non-refundable, and shall not be credited to lease payments or the purchase price in the event that said purchase option is exercised. -.....-:"..-- ----- ,.~ ./ AIfv~ BY: .-' ;'. 50. Landlord, BOYNTON JIM, INC., warrants to tenants that it owns fee simple title to the devised premises and to the fixtures furniture, and equipment that.are the subject of this lease. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed, the day and year above written. SIGNED, SEALED and delivered in the presence of: Witnesses as to Landlord: MON, Pres~dent Witnesses as to Tenant: TENANT: TOO HOT FOR Y~U, INC. ~---~ ./ A lJR , '-- BY: -..... 15 .. l' ~ . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Before me a Notary Public in and for said State and County, personally came Henry Solomon, as President of Boynton Jim, Inc., to me well known, and known to be the person named in the foregoing Lease, and he acknowledged that he executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. My commission expires: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and ~ffixed official seal the 24th day of October, 1994. ~&-trto.A 01 UJcU--/:-v-.- Notary Public --" [,U;.)Ii!-,f1 i. ,.!:.ia:.i< '~" C .. 'l/""/97 1 "'1 ornm t.~,'. ,. .'0 rlOfAPV b_ I. d Uy " . I ~ PUBliC .; D\Jni,c.'er,,,.'~ IlS ~ "-,.{j r.C2~6'il(l \f:> ......:.....;.:~oq. / n"~ ~ ,;. l.'I.... OF!y "",,_,x_ 1)"""'''0. my STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before me a Notary PUbiic in and for said State and County, personally came Linda Kristeff, a. President of Too Hot For You, Inc., to me well known, and known to be the person named in the foregoing Lease, and .he acknowledged that she executed the same for the purpose therein expressed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the 24th day of October, 1994. D.JHnCfJ-J. at!. f.-v'OJ../~ Notary Public My commission expires: This Instrument prepared by: Andrew J. Connolly, Esquire CARTER & CONNOLLY, P.A. 1200 North Federal Highway Suite 312 Boca Raton, Florida 33432 l6 ". EXlllorr 1\ Lcglll DC9crlpUon: SccUon 33, Range -13 East Township 45, SOUUI norUlcrly 1 MAG fcel of U1C wC9terly 33".46 feet of Ule Eallt1l2 or Ule SOUU1ClIS(1I3. lying Eost of Federnll-llghway. In nccordimcc wlUlthc . Ornce of UIC Clerk of Ule Circuit Court. In ond for Palm Beach Counly, Florida, Public Record9 of Palm [Jeoch Courlly, Florida Palml3ench Counly Control No: 06-43-45-33-00-000-5'150 Census Trllct Number 03 , " . 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U._ c E~ .5 ill 3 ~WlI00 Z u .0':: j~~jl .. u .. ~~e-~ ::t::t,,~B '" oi: en , " . ~- !:! z ::- en ~ .. .. '" ~ ~ 1i e .-I .. ~ .. ;;; i ..: .. J! "ii :.= :C l! ;; ~ ... :El il i:! il en I I I I . . . . . . - . . . . . . I t@ NUTTING . ~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. . ESTABLISHED 1967 I REPORT OF PRELIMINARY GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION 2404 SOUTH FLORIDA IDGHW A Y BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FOR BRA VA BOYNTON, INC. C/O GENTLEMEN JIM'S RESTAURANT 2404 SOUTH FEDERAL IDGHW A Y BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 FEBRUARY, 1995 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering' Inspection' Testing 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE. BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33426 Boynton Beach (407) 736-4900' Pompano 8each (305) 941-8700' FAX (407) 737.9975 ESTABLISHED 1987 Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering. Inspection. Testing March 1, 1995 Brava Boynton, Inc, do Gentlemen Jim's Restaurant 2404 S, Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Report of Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation 2404 S. Federal Hwy, Boynton Beach, Rorida Gentlemen: Nutting Engineers of Rorida, Inc. (NEF) has performed a preliminary geotechnical investigation of the current site of Gentlemen Jim's Restaurant in Boynton Beach, Rorida. The purpose of this exploration was to develop information concerning the site and subsoil conditions at the referenced site and to discuss any potential cost impacts that the soil borings reveal. The site is a 3.5 acre parcel with frontage on Old Dixie Highway on the west property line and the Intracoastal Waterway on the east property line. The parcel measures approximately 720 feet east-west and 215 feet north-south, 1.0 PROJECT INFORMA nON Since the site is not currently planned for any particular project or design, the boring locations represent the available soils near to where a building could be located, Care was taken not to disturb existing pavement. More specific locations would be needed in the next phase of exploration. 2.0 GENERAL SUBSURFACE SOIL CONDITIONS The United States Soil Conservation Soils Maps for this area indicates that the rear two thirds of the property near the Intracoastal to be Arents-Urban land complex, organic substratum, lllis complex consists of nearly level, somewhat poorly drained, sandy soils and urban land overlying organic soils. The areas were formerly organic marshes and swamps that were filled for urban use. The remaining one third of the property closest to Old Dixie Highway is indicated as Myakka- Urban land complex, The Myakka series consists of nearly level, poorly drained, sandy soils in broad, t1atwood areas in the eastern part of the survey area. They formed in deep sandy marine sediment. The organic content of this soil is low. Boynton 1311) NEPTUNE DRIVE . BOY~TON BEACH, FLORIDA Beach (407) 736-4900 . Pompano Beach (305) 941-8700 . 33426 FAX (407) 737-9975 I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.0 SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION A total of four test borings were perfonned; three to 20 feet and one to 35 feet. Copies of the test boring logs are attached to this report. The watertable was encountered at a depth of 4 feet at the time of the tests. Groundwater levels will fluctuate with the amount of precipitation, water levels in the Intracoastal Waterway, construction activities and other environmental factors, 4.0 ANALYSIS & CONCLUSIONS In general, the borings reveal close consistency with what was predicted in the soil maps. Test borings I and 3 woUld be in the rear two thirds of the parcel near the waterway. . Organic material, which is finely graded peat, in this case, was found to have a 148 percent water content. This is indicative of compressible soils that are considered unsuitable for conventional support of buildings and pavement. Since this material is relatively close to the surface. the most cost effective solution would likely be to remove the upper suitable soil for reuse and dispose of the unsuitable materials. Borings 2 and 4 were found to resemble Myakka series soils. These soils are suitable for construction. 5.0 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS We recommend that any proposed use of the site should budget for the removal and replacement of this unsuitable material. At such a time as a particular use of design is contemplated, it would be useful to more closely examine the extent of unsuitable material under the proposed structures. This preliminary investigation is not intended to serve as the geotechnical study for a particular design. When a proposed design is planned, a further investigation of specific foundation location will be needed. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service. Should you have any questions or if we can be of further assistance during the design and construction phases, plea~e contact our office at your convenience. Respectfully submitted, J;;~::ZS~LORJDA' lNC (~;~acLean, P.E. Project Engineer Attachments: Test Boring Logs I - 4 Soil Cla~sification Criteria Limitations of Liability I BMYffWJ~ @ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 2 . I I . NUTTING ENGINEERS e:==== OF FLORID.... INC 1310 Neptune Drive '30YNTON BEACH, FL 33426 , ,07) 736-4900. (305) 941-8700 TEST BORING REPORT Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Mon~oring Wells Engineering . Inspection . Testing FAA# (407) 737-9975 an gr.y qua ne Depth .Description of Materials FT. 70 Blows 80 go N SamDler C..INI 2 an qua n. .. fr.gment. . . .an y w.e. = 146.9" . rown an qua ne ~ ,. o . Penetration - N Valua 20 3) 40 50 EO 10 ..n . 7 ~ ~ 24 ~ ~ 4 Ii 13 I. 13 ': 17 -------- -------- I------ -------- ~ r------ > 220 / ~ ./ V 41 J 38 J 32 L-_ ..nd Igme I . green qua ne 211 In qua ne fragment. .. an qua ne 35.8 Teat bOring tennlnlte. g 35.8' .~lient 'roject Project Location ~ole Location )riller -Ievation Reference Caslng:Dlameter .amPler:Dlameter & Type 'roundwater Depth:lmmediate Ii . 120/114 Order No,: 10069.1 Report No.: 1 Hole No.: 1 . coqu na . race cor. agme . Bravo Bovnton Inc. Prooosed Geotec:hnicallnvestiaation 2404 S Federal Hlahwav Bovnton Beach. FL ADDrox. 55' S & 480' E of NW Drooertv corner J. Hoaan ADDrox. @ road crown 3" 00 BX Flush CauDle 2" 00 x 2' SDm Sooon 4' 113 4/5 11118 9fT 2/2 2/2 3/5 8/10 7/' 7/9 71S 10 9/10 18 20 130 88 240115 27 70145 30 35 35 17 18120 11 21124 22 28 30 25 16/18 22 20/20 25 20 16 16 17/18 14 16/16 21 28 38 ----1-0_ Date Started: 02-23-95 Date Completed: 02-23-95. HammerWT 280# Fall 24" Hammer WT 140# Fall 30" ,s WlU eE DISCARDED IN IlO DIIVS UNLI!SS INSTRUC'TI!D OlHERWISE. James J v l..ient: !IIoject Project Location lI'e Location 'lIer evation Reference ,Isfng:o,ameter mpler:olameter & Type , oundwater oepth:lmmedlate NUTTING ENGINEERS """=== Of' FlORIDA, lNe 1310 Neptune Drive ~ 130YNTON BEACH, FL 33426 )7) 736-4900. (305) 941-8700 TEST BORING REPORT Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Mon~oring Wells Engineering. Inspection. Testing FAX # (407) 737-9975 Depth FT. Description of Materials . Penetration - N Value 20 30 4l 50 eo Blows Ill) N Sampler Cuing o 10 70 eo . own QU8 z ne fragmenta . reee. e 114 11 7/8 818 12 815 4/5 13 8/11 ~ 8112 ", 28 14/14 8/12 . 24 12112 ~ 10/13 13 27 14/14 15 15 / 13 9 < 1/1 5 2 112 9 19 I'- 817 15 8/9 3 wn que ne ne que ne . green que z ne .. rng ennn .a Bravo Bovnton Inc. ProDOsed Geotechnlcallnvestiaation 2404 S Federal Hlahwav Boynton Beach. FL ADDrox, 45' S & 310' E of NW DrODertv corner J. Hoaan ADDrox. llll road crown 3" 00 BX Flush CouDle 2" 00 x 2' SDIR SDOon 4' Order No.: 10069.1 Report No.: 1 Hole No.: 2 Date Sterted: 02-23-95 Date Completed: 02-23-95 HammerWT 280# Fall 24" Hammer WT 140# Fall 30" ~ Will ee DlscA~DeD IN eo DAYS UNLess INSTRUCTeD OTHERWise. James NUTTING ENGINEERS "'===== OF FLORIDA, INC 1310 Neptune Drive lOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 ,.Ill) 736-4900. (305) 941-8700 TEST BORING REPORT Geotechnical & Construction Malenals Hydrogeology & Monnonng Wells Englneenng' Inspection' Testing FAX # (407) 737-9975 Dorth FT. Oescnption of Malenals . rown qUI ne frogmento o 10 . Penetration - N Value 20 30 40 50 60 70 60 Blows OON SIC . Ice. I~er oong 1/4 11 718 6/8 12 6/5 4/5 13 6/11 ""'-. 6/12 I", 26 14/14 9/12 I 24 12/12 ~ 10/13 13 27 14/14 15 I. 15 / 13 9 < 1/1 6 2 1/2 9 19 1"- 617 15 8/9 . 3 . rown qUI n. 7 ne I. own qUI ne 11 . green qUI z ne 2"-- rng e""nae. , . lIient: oject Project Location 'Ie Location 'lIer evation Reference jsin9:Diameter mpler:Diameter & Type oundwater Depth:lmmediate Bravo Boynton Inc. Proposed Geotechnlcallnyestiaation 2404 S Federal Hiahway Bovntan Beach, FL ADDrox. 45' S & 310' E of NW DrODertv corner J. Hoaan ADDrox. Ifil road crown 3" 00 BX Flush CouDle 2" 00 x 2' SDllt Spoon 4' Order No.: 10069.1 Report No.: 1 Hole No.: 2 Date Started: 02-23-95 Date Completed: 02-23-95 Hammer WT 280# Fall 24" Hammer WT 140# Fall 30" I WIll ee OfscARDeD IN 60 DAYS UNLess INSTRUCTeD OTHeRWise. James . I NUTTING ENGINEERS I 1310 Neptune Drive .~ BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 )7) 736-4900. (305) 941-8700 I "'''''''''''' OF FlOR:IDA.INC Depth FT. -Description of Materials an qua ne TEST BORING REPORT Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Mon~oring Wells Engineering. Inspection. T esling FAX # (407) 737,9975 Blows eo 90 N Sampler Casino 1/3 6/8 10/11 12/9 8/6 4/3 3/3 3/8 7/8 10/11 817 71ll o . Penetration - N Value 20 ~4050eo 70 10 ace ecompoa . 8 ~ ~ 23 / I 9 6 "'- 18 / ~ 14 ~ 16 \ ~ 23 . 2 race " . green agmen a ~ IS rown cernen . . 20 e ng enn nil e. 4 rown ne gr. n . . rawn qua ne rool 8 . own qua z ne Iient roject ! Project Location _ole Location rlller , levation Reference Casing:Dlameter lIamPler:oiameter & Type roundwater Oepth:lmmedlate 8/8 8/9 7/11 12/14 Order No.: 10069.1 Report No.: 1 Hole No.: 3 Date Started: 02,24-95 Date Completed: 02-24-95 Hammer WT # Fall HammerWT 140# Fall 30" Bravo Bovnton Inc, Geotechnicallnvestiaation 2404 S Federal Hwv Bovnton Beach. FL ADDrox.100' W& 35' N ofSE Drooertvcorner A. Phllllos ADDrox. @ road crown NA 2" 00 x 2' SDIi! SpOon 4' . us WILL 8~ DISCARD~D IN eo DAYS UNL~SS INSTRucn:D OTHERW1S~. II ,. NUTTING ENGINEERS ""'''=-'"'= OF FLORID..... INC 1310 Neptune Drive . 'YNTON BEACH, FL 33426 (. 736--4900' (305) 941-8700 TEST BORING REPORT Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monnoring Wens Engineering. Inspection' Testing FAX tI (407) 737-9975 Depth FT. Description of Melerials . Penetration - N Value 20 :30 40 50 o 10 8J 70 8J 90N I I 3 I I S .n rown qua ne I race coqu n. fragment., trace .hell fragment. I 10 I 10 ~ I~ 9 23 ~ 22 I 20 21 . l' . qua ne . rown qua ne 10 rown que ne 15 . green qua ne 2ll o "g enn n. ea ~lient broject "roject Location ~ole Location ~ri"er _ :Ievation Reference :aslng:Dlameter ~ampler:Dlameter & Type ~roundwater Depth:lmmedlate Bravo Boynton Inc. Geotechnlcallnyestlaation 2404 S Federal Hwv Boynton Beach. FL ADDrox. 250' E & 95' S of NW DroDerty corner A. PhilllDS Aw>rox. tal road crown ~ .OD ax Flush Couple 2" OD x 2' SPlit SDOon 4' Blows Som Cooing 1/3 7/6 6/6 4/4 3/4 6/8 6/8 16/15 9/10 12/13 7/9 25 11/12 60 27 22 20 16/12 17 '/9 21 24 9/8 10/11 Order No.: 10069,1 Report No,: 1 Hole No,: 4 Dale Started: 02-24-95 Date Completed: 02-24-95 HammerWT 28011 Fall 24" Hammer WT 140# Fall 30" r- 'VILL ae OISCAADI!O IN 60 DAYS UNLess INSTRUCT1!O OTHeRWise. James J v~ I I II I I -- I I - I I II II I II II SOIL CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA RELATIVE DENSITY SAND SHEAR STRENGTH CLAY SPT N-VALUE RELATIVE SPT UNCONFINED CONSISTENCY N-Value COMPo STRENGTH (blows/ft.) (tons/ft.2) (blows/ft.) DENSITY 0-4 5 - 10 11 - 29 30 - 49 >50 100/6" Very Loose Loose Medlnm Dense Very Dense Refusal <2 2 - 4 5 - 8 9 - 15 16 - 30 >30 <0.25 0.25-0.50 0.50-1.00 1.00-2.00 2.00-4.00 >4.00 Very soft Soft Medium Stiff Very Stiff Hard PARTICLE SIZE DESCRIPTION MODIFIERS Boulder Cobble Gravel Sand Slit Clay >12 In. 3 to 12 In. 4.76m1i1 to 3 In.. 0.074mm to 4.76mm 0.005mm to 0.074mm <0.005mm 0- SOlo 6 - 10% 11' - 20% 21 - 35% >35% Slight trace Trace Little Some And M-iOfDlvltio.'lI ...... T_ CLHtlflc..IonC,I1.,i, Symbol. N_ l~~n C,,"'Oso/D1O Gf'''1",~."4 w.lI...aded".......-<I -Ii Ii GW .....l_nd mi.",..., 103012 81___" t .nd 3 lim.or no Ii.... Ct" D,o.D8O i . ~ Od iW '"-IV"**' .._I. 1M 8 G. ..-'-_net mi.",,". iU,~ Not IMI,i", both c,lt.,. for GW N d ~ I i I.RIIOf"ofl_ t ~~f I j: ~ 1 h.f GM Silry......ll.......I1Md. ! ~3e.r "n,,"bert limits JIIot below "14",,,,- An.b." lirniu l>lC1t;... I .iltrni:lII1u", OfDl"ljcltv;l'adul_t~"4 InhUthlld....... Ii ! 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II t~ 1- If' fl' I I. ~ , I WARRANTY LIMIT A TIONS OF LlABILI We warrant that the services performed by Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. are conducted in a manner consistent with that level of care and skill ordinarily exercised by members of the profession currentty practicing under similar conditions. NO OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, ARE MADE. While the services of Nutting Engineers of Florida. Inc. are a valuable and integral part of the design and construction teams. we do not warrant. guarantee. or insure that the quality or completeness of services provided by other members of those teams, the quality, compleieness, or satisfactory performance of construction plans and specifications which we have not prepared, nor the ultimate performance of building site materials, SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION Subsurface exploration is normally accomplished by test borings; test pits are sometimes employed. The method of determining the boring location and the surface elevation at the boring is noted in the report. This information is represented on a drawing or on the boring log. The location and elevation of the boring should be considered accurate only to the degree inherent with the method used. fi , ,- iI ~ , The soil boring log includes sampling information, description of the materials recovered, opproximately depths of boundaries between soil and rock strata and groundwater data. The log represents conditions specifically at the location and time the boring was made. The boundaries between different soil strata are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling. The transition between soil strata are indicated at specific depths; however, these depths are in fact approximate and dependent upon the frequency of sampling. The transition between soil strata is often gradual. Water level readings are made at the times and under conditions stated on the boring logs. Water levels change with time, season, canal levels and local well drawdown. ", I 't I I . . LABORATORY AND FIELD TESTS Tests are performed in accordance with specific ASTM Standards unless otherwise indicated. All determinations included in a given ASTM Standard are not always required and performed. Each test report indicates the measurements and determinations actually made. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The geotechnical report is prepared primarily to aid in the design of site work and structural foundations. Although the information in the report is expected to be sufficient for these purposes. it is not intended to determine the cost of construction or to stand alone as a construction specification. Report recommendations are based primarily on data from test borings made at the locations shown on the test boring reports. Soil variations may exist between borings and these variations may not become evident until construction. If significant variations are then noted, the geotechnical engineer should be contacted so that field conditions can be examined and recommendations revised if necessary, The geotechnical report states our understanding as to the iocation, dimensions 'and structural features proposed for the site, Any significant changes in the nature. design, or location of the site improvements MUST be communicated to the geotechnical engineer so that the geotechnical analysis, conclusions, and recommendations can be appropriately adjusted. The geotechnical engineer should be given the opportunity to review all drawings that have been prepared based on his recommendations. CONSTRUCTION MONITORING Construction monitoring is a vital element of complete geotechnical services. The field/inspector is the owner's "representative" Observing the work of the contractor, performing tests as required in the specifications, and reporting data developed from such tests and observations. THE FIELD ENGINEER OR INSPECTOR DOES NOT DIRECT THE CONTRACTOR'S CONSTRUCTION MEANS, METHODS, OPERATIONS OR PERSONNEL. He does not interfere with the relationship between the owner and the contractor and, except as an observer, does not become a substitute owner on site. He is responsible for his own safety, but has no responsibility for the safety of other personnel at the site. He is an important member of a team whose responsibility is to watch and test the work being done and report to the owner whether that work is being carried out in general conformance with the plans and specifications. REQUEST FOR PUBLISHING LEGAL NOTICES AND/OR LEGAL AD~RTISEMENTS A completed copy of this routing slip must accompany any request to have a Legal Notice or Legal Advertisement Published and must be submitted to the Office of the City Attorney a working days prior to the first publishing date requested below. ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PREPARED BY: Michael Rumpf DATE PREPARED: August 24, 1995 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NOTICE OR AD: AD FOR LAND USE ELEMENT AND TEXT AMENDMENT AND REZONING - 2404 So. FEDERAL HIGHWAY (GENTLEMAN JIMS) AND FbjAL'READING . COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT FOR TABLE #24. (HEARING DATE SEPTEMBER 19,1995) SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS AND REQUIREMENTS: (Size of Headline, Type Size, Section Placement, Black Border, etc.) THE AD MUST NOT OCCUPY LESS THAN ONE-QUARTER OF A STANDARD NEWSPAPER PAGE. THE HEADLINES MUST BE NOT LESS THAN 18 POINT LETTER SIZE. PLACE AD IN "LOCAL HEWS" SECTION AND NOT IN THE CLASSIFIED SECTION OR LEGAL SECTION. IF AD IS REDUCED, ONLY REDUCE TEXT, NOT MAP OR HEADLINE. SEND COPIES OF AD TO: NEWSPAPER, ATTORNEY, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT. NEWSPAPER( S) TO PUBLISH: THE NEWS DATE(S) TO BE PUBLISHED: To be determined by City Clerk APPROVED BY: (1 ) ~~ '7 J-/ ~ Q.;( (Department Head) q:z 'I/'j'(S (Date) (2 ) (City Attorney) (Date) (3 ) (Date) (City Manager) RECEIVED BY CITY CLERK: COMPLETED: -'-" -, NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC CHANGE HEARINGS The City of Boynton Beach, in addition to amending related text within the Comprehensive Plan, proposes to change the land use and zoning on the property indicated on the map below, A public hearing on these proposals will be held before the City Commission on September 19, 1995 at 7:00 P,M, at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida, JJ I , , I , . , . , J I . e. 2'''. , I , , , , : . I , ." "'t!' ~ JI "" ...,..'" ~._, ., lJIl' ~,.,~ PETITIONER: AGENT: 1NTENDED USE: LOCATION: LEGAL: REQUEST: REQUEST: REQUEST: PETITIONER: PURPOSE: DESCRIPTION: cr.j :;j rr , , , , / / I f I ' ,/ 11 , , , , " " " .. ., , , , , ,. , , , . : I ", /,' "I "'~" '" ," " I' :.'~' , , ."..," :..cti": "'~j'" " ....,'. .' 'Sh' I I' .>,'. I.. ..,.J.: I :.I:!(,.,. . . 'r-,,' ','0 , . ~~'n I '" .. , I .0'. I 0' '~... ;I', I" ,I' I " ._ I, I ., !Z.. , : 1'-" : , .. ::; 0-" ............DEP. ,-_<<XI ,-- @> (j) 2404 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY Bravo BO~lton, Inc. Joseph G, Salamone, Partner Multi-family residential 1.45 acres on east side of S, Federal Hwy, at Golf Rd, (Gentleman Jim's Restaurant-2404 S. Federal Hwy,), Complete legal description on file in the Planning Department, 100 East BO~lton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - Local Retail Commercial To - Special High Density Residential (20 dwelling units/acre) REZONE: From - C-3 Commilllity Commercial To - R-3 High Density Residential AMEND TEXT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Amend Table 1124, Site Specific Futur"e Land Use and Design Recommendations within Comprehensive Plan, Coastal Management Support Document to reflect increased acreage of area classified Special High Densi ty Residential. More information on proposed t.ext amendments are on file in the Planning and Zoning Department. POLlCY 7.9.6/TABLE #24 TEXT AMENDMENT City of Boynton Beach Correct inadvertent error made during Comprehensive plan adoption pr"ocess, Amend Table 4124 of the Coastal Management Support Document which was adopted into the Comprehensive Plan by Policy ],9,6. Table #24 is to be amended to indicate the adopted maximum density for the Special High Density Residential classification as 20 units/acre rather than 16 .l.l.U.lJ ",-= - iL--1)l,......, /~" "'" H n...- Hm1f II j::1 ;:;; .- PO_I,:" " Mi;iH= . .~ ;'~IIII ::~~ I:'?r= ,~/ . II i:'TFIIllll 1IIIi I l ' :1:1!, I! ~ ~ 111m mr. f- u'~ii I:::: illll~ ::.t: ~~ \ ~ "j "'/ ,If; II,m I Ii:: lill II t I:~ 11:1 J ,~:I,T).g:\11 I I ' / [I,.,.-, . I /;s:.,r I I " I 1)\:) II . I::: III ill [ III ui t= ."~il,,)f-f4'o~;:t-';fC';':' '(' iJI~, .m :;I:IIHI :::. " '-Ii J~ LJ I I I \..-I ~ I I I I 1111 III III II II ti . I r-.I r-<'l !, I l.r,; : i _ LJ ~ ,~:t~_ :: I.: :::1 L::II~ '1111 II 11./;. I,~"':' "'11'1-'((' ,.(~- //, ~ ... I III III II II IIF. ,.--.."/' I I I ;1.../ I, J 7...... ' III 111111 liD II II:' '~.~'h<l.' 11;/1~ ! I I I H H . I I I III II] II III: I . :t--' ,,:C: I / _ ~ ~ I II I I III ILl ' 1M\. - - - , , i;_~ 1-.- II ,. "I 1rl111!1I!' :r.~ ' ", II II f- PU ~' '! ! . L I- ~k:v," ..C::/1/ ~ ru~-- '1:.;. .,... ~....!, f ! ". : 0 ....-..r " r i Ii. ~ , i . III r-: :. II = 'f f I I I If _ ':1 - (A~iT"".... I ;.~. i ; : i '. E= -II~; 7f' . ~ IftE I,itl(/ -. ~ : = JILuh>. _' f= ~ i r-r- _ -; :,r I~ . 'ii, ,J r--.~ 'f'LY~'~ ',_ ~~ i;';;, I ",.J .. ,,'Ir ;~. I ;-:\ ",' ......... y / If . II.: t ~_ i:I,:/~-.. ~ . 1"/1:' fi I!- J 'f-,- ::111 '.- r~r..." J'/ II" II i ' . f--~, '::j!/" ~... I ~" II IJiI II j' ~ ~:/,;:", . , r:'/IIIIII!liIL ~J f.." alPlI!C !if;' ' I" ~'~lll :~.. ~ i /. I II L. /':,;., I II ~. - ..~~ [,I I I I . ~. I"'.. './ _ ..:.-\ II I: t ~"'-I!'''.,...r J. . i ',: . I II I I, ", '. . . //--/"j IIPII I :' I ':;--' ! ,'j ~([;;I [\. ''II ~' I //'" r"1 f :i' f fl ~'~'./L ' :: J: "-,4.. U I..J " ,..,' . /-- '-1.0.. ;';.':~ f - ; I I 'j' ,.: I I: ',~,;, I: --:1 ::~: i ~,~ ~ : JI- ,'I '0 1/8 MILE.S R~, ;, (tiC TIIII I, , t 'J::I:'O 400800 : J f-f- -f- f- " ,~', ' ..,. .:;J - f- 'C'. f :: :, r., ... . - '1': ,;f I I I~,b-J'I " """' 11111"" II ., e+: I ~ LeCATION Mf:P GENTLEMAN JIM'S II I GJ rnmm ,jlll II f~ .~ 7 REC .uc f0- r I .I"':.~ .....Je. ( H__ I-.~ h,.JI~- I I u I L... F= ",E '-- - ...1 CO" , 'j , ilHIII/~~,~ .Ii: " _ Jg I I 1:6-a :1 1 11 r I ~/ 7 il M, II ~~. , - l' c:J r- ,I' . .~' -f"- ~ 'l.. Iiii~~ ~ F~ET '-- , ",c....,., 5-9<; --'1 March 15, 1996 treQ/ure cOQJ.t regional planning council I w ~~51 1001 ~ "~\ ~ : I~C" I: , L_,___,,___ F'''' :, Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 r'7 ( , '/[L(,(-<: Subject: Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments - DCA Reference # 96-1 Dear Ms. Heyden: Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council reviewed the draft amendments to City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan at its meeting on March 15, 1996. A review report was approved by the Council for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs as required by Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, A copy of the approved report is enclosed for consideration by your governing body prior to adoption of the amendments. . C,ouncil will consider your responses to any objections or comments ,contained in this report, as an important factor in making a consistency/inconsistency -', recollll1lelldatiQILo,n thel!.dQPte,d~endments. -.- -- Please remember to ,send ()ne copy of all materials related to these amendments directly to this office once they are adopted by your governing body, pursuant to Chapter 9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. Thank: you, ()~relY~ ~ . ~~~A, I~ Patricia A Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt Enclosure 3228 S,W. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269-4060 fax (407) 221-4067 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDtJM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 6Al From: Staff Date: March 15, 1996 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendment to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #96-1 Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council must be provided an opportunity to review comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption, Under the provisions of Chapter 163, F,S., local government plans will not be subject to the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report process unless: 1) specifically requested by the local government; 2) deemed necessary by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA); or 3) requested by the Regional Planning Council or an affected person. Council's review of the proposed amendment is limited to the effects on regional resources or facilities and extra jurisdictional impacts, If an ORC Report is requested by the local government, a written report containing any objections, recommendations for modification and comments (as defmed in Chapter 9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 30 days of receipt of the amendment. Back~ound The City of Boynton Beach has proposed one Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment. The City has not requested the preparation of an ORC Report, Council's responsibility is to review the amendment and make a recommendation as to whether an ORC Report should be prepared, The deadline for Council's recommendation is February 28, 1996. .. Conclusion Based on the lack of identified extra jurisdictional impacts or effects on regional resources or facilities, Council does not recommend that the DCA prepare an ORC Report. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments .. 3 Ii. , " --- LANIJ USE DESIGNA.nONS \Lj, SUBJECT PROPERTY: CURRENT LAND USE: LOR LAND USE CATEGORIES: CITY R:RECREATIONAl lDR:LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL COUNTY R-2 RESIDENTIAL 2 R-3 RESIDENTIAL 3 R-5 RESIDENTIAL 5 C-5 COMMERCIAL 5 ill 1-96 PLANNING DEPT. 1"=400' R I , . I . . LOR CITY '-I/'IIIT;, 5 C-5 R-2 R-2 L [ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R-5 .. 3 .. 1 .. '" .. .. .. .. ^._.._..l_~_~1i.:_ South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406' (407) 686-8800' FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 GOV 10-28 February 20, 1996 ~'> :~-C::' - --~ v, I' A "_." ~.'-' ~.. i."V ";. p1 I e .._,~'" ;..-2 FEB f; f i~:;u Mr. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager plan Review and DRI Processing Team Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive . Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 'TREASUR::: '::c::[~. k:.~..J,\~ PlA;~\!N~ COUN:tL Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Local Government: DCA Amendment #: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 96-1 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendments be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincere~~ ~...O". AICP Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LP/RLlng .. c: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director, City of Boy ton Beach Michael Busha, Executive Director, TCRPC Gov~rning BOtmf. Valcrit= Bovd. Chairman Frank Wilii:tmsnn.Jr., Viet' Chairman William E. Craham \ VilIiam Hammond Betsv Krant 7 Richard A. Machek Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Miriam Singer Samuel E. Poole III, Executive Director Michael Slayton. Deputy Executive Director ~" ~_\ ~-j ~ !W'I NOV I 3 1995 ',!.iijl.':I' 'Lj' STATE OF DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA COMMUNITY PlANNING AND ZONING Den AFFAIRS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LAWTON CHILES November 9, 1995 LINDA LOOMIS SHELLEY Governor Secretary The Honorable Jerry Taylor Mayor, City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mayor Taylor: The Department has completed its review of the adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Ordinance Nos. 095-33, 095-35, 095-036; DCA No. 95-3) for the City of Boynton Beach, as adopted on September 19, 1995, and determined that it meets the requirements of Chapter 163, Part II, Florida statutes, for compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.3184(1) (b). The Department is issuing a Notice of Intent to find the plan amendment In Compliance. The Notice of Intent has been sent to The News for publication on November 10, 1995. Please note that a copy of the adopted City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the Notice of Intent must be available for public inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the city of Boynton Beach, City Hall, Planning and Zoning Department, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425. If you have any questions, please contact Greg Stuart, Planner IV, or Roger Wilburn, Community Program Administrator, at (904) 487-4545. sincerely, (!).'\ /,.'\, \.v) b~~'-'-- Charles Gauthier, AICP Growth Management Administrator Bureau of Local Planning CG/gsj Enclosure: Notice of Intent cc: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Michael Busha, Acting Executive Director, Treasure Coast RPC 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399.2100 flORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN SOUlH FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE GREEN SWAMP AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN fiELD OFFICE P.O. Bo, 4022 FIELD OFfiCE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suile 212 8600 N.W. 36th Street 155 East5ummerlin Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 Miami, Florida 33159-4022 BarlOW, Florida 33830-4641 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE OF INTENT TO FIND THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENT IN COMPLIANCE DOCKET NO. 95-3-NOI-5005-(A)-(I) The Department gives notice of its intent to find the Amendment to the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach, adopted by Ordinance Nos. 095-33, 095-35, 095-36 on September 19, 1995, IN COMPLIANCE, pursuant to sections 163.3184, 163.3187 and 163.3189, F.S. The adopted City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Amendment and the Department's Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report, (if any), are available for public inspection Monday through Friday, except for legal holidays, during normal business hours, at the city of Boynton Beach, City Hall, Planning and Zoning Department, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425. Any affected person, as defined in section 163.3184, F.S., has a right to petition for an administrative hearing to challenge the proposed agency de~=rmination that the Amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan is In Compliance, as defined in Subsection 163.- 3184(1), F.S. The petition must be filed within twenty-one (21) days after publication of this notice, and must include all of the informa- tion and contents described in Rule 9J-11.012(7) , F.A.C. The petition must be filed with the Agency Clerk, Department of Community Affairs, 2740 Centerview Drive, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100, and a cnpy mailed or delivered to the local government. Failure to timely file a petition shall constitute a waiver of any right to request an adminis- trative proceeding as a petitioner under Section 120.57, F.S. If a petition is filed, the purpose of the administrative hearing will be to present evidence and testimony and forward a recommended order to the Department. If no petition is filed, this Notice of Intent shall become final agency action. If a petition is filed, other affected persons may petition for leave to intervene in the proceeding. A petition for interven- tion must be filed at least five (5) days before the final hearing and must include all of the information and contents described in Rule 60Q-2.010, F.A.C. A petition for leave to intervene shall be filed at the Division of Administrative Hearings, Department of Management Services, 1230 Apalachee Parkway, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1550. Failure to petition to intervene within the allowed time frame consti- tutes a waiver of any right such a person has to request a hearing under Section 120.57, F.S., or to participate in the administrative hearing. ~t~D~or Department of Community Affairs Division of Resource Planning and Management 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 treQlure COOf.t regional planniQg council rrDJ !l~r.::-[ Ii - ""'..~ ~ , i., , October 24, 1995 <.-.... "'-., Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box310 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard BOYi1ton Beach, Florida 33';25-03W Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Adopted Amendments - DCA Reference # 95-3 Dear Ms, Heyden: This is to notify you that the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council will be providing a recommendation to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on the above referenced amendments, which were received in our office on September 29, 1995. Council staff will review the documents for consistency with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP), pursuant to the Council's contract with the DCA. A written report containing a determination of consistency with the RCPP is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the amendment. It is anticipated that the report and recommended comments will be presented at the Council meeting on November 17, 1995. Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda, report and recommendations from staffwill be sent to you. You are invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to address the Council. Following the Council meeting, the recommendations as approved by the Council will be sent to DCA. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. ~c.:~~~ Patricia A. Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt 3228 s.w. martin downs btvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 phone (407) 221.4060 se 269.4060 fax (407) 221.4067 treOlure COOf.t regional planniQ9 council 'DCA qS--3.(.'~ '/2'(c,<( 5_ ,h-.Q ~y-' November 9, 1995 Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Adopted Amendments- DCA Reference #95-3 Dear Ms, Heyden, Council staff has completed its review of the adopted amendments to your Comprehensive Plan in accordance with Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) and has prepared a report for the Council's consideration. This report will be presented to the Council at its meeting on November 17,1995, You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you wish. We have enclosed the meeting agenda and the staff's report and recommended comments. Following the meeting, the report as approved by the Council will be forwarded to DCA If you would like to discuss the staff report or Council's procedures for plan amendment review, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, ~~~,~ Patricia A Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt Enclosure 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florida 34990 phone (407) 221~.060 sc 269~4060 fax (407) 221.4067 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Agenda Friday, November 17, 1995 - 9:30 a.m. Howard Johnson Motor Lodge 950 U.S. Highway One, Stuart 1. Roll Call 2. Agenda 3. Minutes 4. Financial Reports A. Financial Statements for Period Ending September 30, 1995 B. Audit Report 5. Strategic Regional Policy Plan - Update 6. Developments of Regional Impact A. Royal Palm Mall - Assessment Report and Recommendations 7. Local Government Comprehensive Plan Reviews A. Plan Amendments - Adopted I) City of Boynton Beach 2) Town of Jupiter 3) City of Palm Beach Gardens 4) Palm Beach County - Stipulation for Dismissal 8. Project Reviews A. ICR Log 9, Public Cornment 10. Staff Comment II. Chairman's Comment 12, Council Comment 13, Adjournment It is requested that there be no smoking in the meeting room. TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCn. MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 7 Al From: Staff Date: November 17, 1995 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #95-3 Introduction Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review comprehensive plan amendments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to DCA, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP). A written report containing a determination of consistency with the RCPP is to be provided to DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments, Backl!:round The draft (proposed) amendments to the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan were reviewed by Council on August 25, 1995 (see Exhibit A). The amendments consisted of one Future Land Use Map amendment and two text amendments to the Coastal Management support documents. The City did not request an Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report be prepared, Evaluation Council had no objections or comments to the proposed amendments. DCA did not issue an ORC Report. The City adopted the amendments on September 19, 1995. ... ... Conclusion Based on the information received by Council the adopted amendments are considered CONSISTENT with the goals and policies contained in the RCPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of the 1995-1996 contract with the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 2 EXHIBIT A TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 8A2 From: Staff Date: August 25,1995 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #95-3 Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive pl....ning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council must be provided an opportunity to review comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the Provisions of Chapter 163, F.S., local government plans will not be subject to the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) report process unless: 1) specifically requested by the local government; 2) deemed necessary by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA); or 3) requested by the Regional Planning Council or an affected person. Council's review of the proposed amendments is limited to the effects on regional resources or facilities and extrajurisdictional impacts. If an ORC report is requested by the local government, a written report containing any objections, recommendations for modification and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-II, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backwound The City of Boynton Beach has proposed two text amendments to the Coastal Management support document and one Future Land Use Map (PLUM) amendment. The City has not requested the preparation of an ORC Report. Council's responsibility is to review the amendments and make a recommendation as to whether an ORC Report should be prepared. The deadline for Council's recommendation is August 13, 1995. 3 'W' ..., .. Evaluation FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT The Future Land Use Map amendment is shown on the attached map and summarized in Table 1. The 1.45 acre parcel is developed and occupied as a restaurant. The property has a present PLUM designation of Local Retail Commercial. The City proposes a FLUM designation of Special High Density (20 du/acre). Existing land uses on surrounding properties include a restaurant to the north, vacant property to the east, condominiums to the south and U.S. 1 and a gas station to the west. The surrounding PLUM designations include Local Retail Commercial and Special High Density Residential (20 du/acre) to the north, Special High Density Residential and High Density Residential (10 du/acre) to the east, High Density Residential to the south and Local Retail Commercial to the west. The amendment is being requested in order to assemble this property with the property to the east (a1ready designated Special High Density Residential) and develop condominiums. The Special High Density residential land use designation was established in 1989 with the adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The intent was to encomage development and redevelopment of this coasta1 area In exchange for the increased density allowed by this land use designation, the City requires special setbacks from property lines and the shoreline. This property would not be affected by the shoreline setback since it is not directly on the Intracoasta1 waterway. TABLE! FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DCA Reference #95-3 '~'-~~~F~, _!.1:,J,;3~1_\-;-' . .. -', - ~',"~":;' ~~~".":, .- . __l.>):4."'~;___~2~ ~'Bl': ';..... ',('1 Gentleman Jun s Restaurant (2404 S Federal Hwy.) 1.45 Local Retatl Commercial SpeCial High Density East SIde of U.S. I, directly (20 du/acre) opposite ofSE 23rd Street's intersection with U.S. 1 TEXT AND POLICY AMENDMENTS 1. Coasta1 Management Support Document - One of the two text amendments is directly related to the map amendment and affects Table 24. Table 24 refers to the total land area in acres designated Special High Density Residential. The amendment would increase the referenced acreage from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres; adding the 1.45 acres, assuming the PLUM amendment is adopted. The other text amendment corrects a reference in Table 24 that limits the density in the Special 4 High Density Residential land use designation to 16 dulacre instead of 20 du/acre. The Special High Density Residential land use designation in the Future Land Use Element references 20 du/acre. E~iurimictional Impacts No significant extrajurisdictional impacts are expected as a result of the amendments. The amendments were processed through the Palm Beach County Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee Process and no objections were received. Effectlii: on R~ainnal ReSOllTCes or Facilities No detrimental effects are expected on significant regional resources or facilities. Obiections Recommendations for Modification and Comments A. Objections 1. None B. Comments 1. None Conclusion Based on the lack of identified extra jurisdictional impacts or effects on regional resources or facilities, Council does not recommend the preparation of an Objections, Recommendation, and Comments (ORC) Report. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 5 LAND USE DE~GNATIONS 1IITIIID j j . ~ II II i .=Jj: :' .: .L.::...~...:...~...!... ..EAST ......-.. ....WOOLBRIGHT ................ROAO~...-------:- , . I , L I I - l If ;'.:: I, ~ ':'" f , : ~; .':' ' I ,: ::: '"..... , :/i ::,j' I , :, I ,." ' I ::' ,.:, ':"- ~ I , I" ,;: " ""I- 0 iii.! .:111. ~ J . , I. I E: : , Ii:': I:.!,: ~"".CT" ~ R ~ I = ii ,if @ . - s~ ~rL f~ ~ )! J!;taI-~ 41,:: I : ~ ~ // If! ~ ~., I ::"" rrr!:'- L I...L-f I' J I !! If! !~~(l:. wJ . ''-;''T.1 v~', L!! !: !~l I -. q, TIf!~ r- J '_ I .h ~/S_ !I !//_t ---, ~ L---- . I ',' I k: " ---l::!L--r--1 .. I. ". IC,- C3 RC " " --: Ct"i- - .. :,' Y ,'; I I '- ,';;:;:;;: ,f,:! r- ................ :- 'I I o I ". :1' F ~HDR r-' ! ! i .'.'1 " ' " ' .. ,'., " ' ;, " ., " . i'l ., . I,: " :i~ !:.' ., " l0, If " " " ., " :' , ' ., " ./ " f......... ,..,1, -, . 'W' - r ' , , , . fL.U : -I) I . .... ;::e- " J t/ '-"'~"'" ,j=-' , I ~ . . I ;, '" . , t , .... . '7/ t"""u. "'vI- J - '---.; j I.'. ~ ~ , C3/LRC l . . 'Ii' e ~ ,"'" l.Io!!I .. ","'y -... .:' ,,' " '" " ' I,: I, '" /, " " '" " , " ': ~I.C."'~ SID el'"Y PROPERT"(: -PAElIENT ZONNG/LANO USE: C3/LAC -PIlOP08ED ZllNING/LNlD USE: A3/8H Z~bAll'IILollli' " I ", :: J ,;; " , ," j . / , ,'. ,', ':. " ' '. . ,,' 'ii '" '" " d' ., " , '. ' ,,' , ", .. lO - :::,;; 11,\ ~t ~i) ~ O' I~ dJ:~ (j) ,... ....-- - - - 1-- : i-- ~ caCOMMl.NTV--IEI _q AaM1ll.Tl-fNllU' AE8mENIw. ......, USE ClnEGOAEll, LfIOoIDCAL RE'1aL -- ~~ -_ DENIllTY REIIII1ENlW. IlICIIlolll'EQAJ. ltIlH IlEN8ITY -.mAL 6 ".;.' .~ T.~~ ;( 13 - ' ~ ~ UJC'''"", '''IlIS COl.! C'OUlUl - .. " lOot Well IeKf' ItWll ... c it OE II: ;:) .. "~IIQC ''''''"ONIAI,'''''''' .50l,.,C1C,..7I" ....... ~._, n - I I~MIfA,t'W :J COt!.COIMSl ~ - ~ i I = ... - ...' - .. ...., .. Vlll.... fJfUA' i CO,, COunl ~jll"':B 0' ~.'OtE ~.IAl'" " eOI' COV.S1 "" ~ , DIUA'T- " ""CJ ~Ol""'. COt I COUJfSf . .EACH , , Z . 'HO.I'.VI '''''OACS !" ."'... . "OJ"'".I ~ ,.~.w__ Q .... . ii! i 0 w ... lOt "- CI.". "00" .. - 7 ....--.-.-.--...-.....-- Atlantic _.__.........O'cealL.. I ~~ ...." It" South Florida Water Management District , 3301 Gun Club Road, West Polm Beach, Florida 33406' (407) 686-8800' FL WATS 1-1100-432-2045 GOV 08-28 ~, ~'.:" ~... -: - ~' ~~~ ,~: W.o' L ..... .,' . ._ , ~ Ii' " , i. ~"...~ ,~: !i. " '" . j (~ ~. ~:: ""( "C~r- ;,;,;:,:' '-~'........" :.;.,~ August 4, 1995 Mr. Ray Eubanks Bureau of Local Planning Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 TRE.i;;'~;:'f,;:':.:":.'.. ~.:;r :-',;. ~",;"'".,.- \. , . ., ... ,,- '" ~ ";l., Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Local Government: DCA Amendment II: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 95-3 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendment be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincerely, !:;l~ Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LPIPElvir c: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, City of Boynton Beach Michael Busha, Treasure Coast RPC Executive Director Jim Snyder, DCA GOVn7t;nK Board: Valerie: Bovd. Chairman Frank Wiliiamscm, Jr., Vice Chairman William E. Grah:tm 8 \Villiam Hammond Bc:rsvKr.mr Richard A. Machek Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Miriam Singer Samuel E. Poole 111. Executi.. Director Michael Slayton. Depury Executive Director l\lailin!: Add,,:s;: P.O. Box 246RO. We..t Palm llcach. FL J:1416-46flO rJ1ie City of flJoynton flJeacfi "~2li #. . . i@ 100 'E. 'Boynton 'BuIdi. 'Bt.fevarrl P.O. '1lo'l:31O 'Boynton 'Beadi, 1'Coritia 33425-0310 City:J{Q[[: (407) 3754J()() 1'.!U: (407) 375-6OfO september 25, 1995 Mr. John outland Plan Review Sect., Rm. 914B Dept. of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 RE: Adopted Plan Amendments 95-3 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Land Use Plan Amendment (LUAR 95-003) 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Text Amendment (CPTA 95-001) Table #24/Policy 7.9.6 Text Amendment (CPTA 95-002) Dear Mr. Outland: Accompanying this letter you will find the City's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs which transmits for compliance determination the above-referenced amendments. You will recall receiving within a previous amendment package (93- S3, December 14, 1993) our entire comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use support Document, Section VIII. Land Use Problems and Opportunities. It is my understanding that these documents will be kept current by inserting subsequent amendments. please note that two subject text amendments pertain to Table #24 within the Coastal Management Support Document. This document was not provided to you with the other Plan documents as it is rarely revised or needed for reference. If you prefer to have a copy of this entire support document for your records, please contact this office, otherwise, please maintain this revised Table #24 in your records for future reference or replacement. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, J~~I-4~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures Mila :2fo04DKl'C.:'l!!:'l' Jlmerica's fjateway to tfie (julfstream fJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'lJeJzcfJ 'Boukvartf P.O. 'Bol(310 'Boynton 'Beam, %>>itfa 33425.0310 City 1lDll: (401) 375-6000 ~M: (401) 375-6090 september 25, 1995 Mr. Michael Busha, Acting Exec. Dir. Treasure Coast RPC Post Office Box 1529 Palm city, Florida 34990 RE: Adopted plan Amendments 95-3 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Land Use Plan Amendment (LUAR 95-003) 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Text Amendment (CPTA 95-001) Table #24/policy 7.9.6 Text Amendment (CPTA 95-002) Dear Mr. Busha: Accompanying this letter you will find the city's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs wnich transmits for compliance determination the above-referenced amendments. You will recall receiving within a previous amendment package (93- S3, December 14, 1993) our entire Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Support Document, Section VIII. Land Use Problems and opportunities. It is my understanding that these documents will be kept current by inserting subsequent amendments. Please note that two subject text amendments pertain to Table #24 within the coastal Management Support Document. This document was not provided to you with the other Plan documents as it is rarely revised or needed for reference. If you prefer to have a copy of this entire support document for your records, please contact this office, otherwise, please maintain this revised Table #24 in your records for future reference or replacement. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, /" . -'/ d/&nt#/A- 9: r6ky ~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures KI5CZ:2'O'~PCC.~E~ Jlmericas (jateway to tlU (juIfstream fJ1ie City of 13oynton 13eac/i 100 'Eo 'Boynton 'Beac# 'Boukvartl P.O. 'llo'(310 'Boynton 'Beadi., '.f{oriQa 33425-0310 City 9fa{(; (407) 375-6000 J".9IX: (407) 375-6lJ9O september 25, 1995 Mr. Tilford C. Creel, Exec. Dir. SFWMD Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 RE: Adopted Plan Amendments 95-3 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Land Use Plan Amendment (LUAR 95-003) 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Text Amendment (CPTA 95-001) Table #24/policy 7.9.6 Text Amendment (CPTA 95-002) Dear Mr. Creel: Accompanying this letter you will find the city's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs which transmits for compliance determination the above-referenced amendments. You will recall receiving within a previous amendment package (93- S3, December 14, 1993) our entire Comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Support Document, Section VIII. Land use Problems and opportunities. It is my understanding that these documents will be kept current by inserting subsequent amendments. Please note that two subject text amendments pertain to Table #24 within the Coastal Management Support Document. This document was not provided to you with the other plan documents as it is rarely revised or needed for reference. If you prefer to have a copy of this entire support document for your records, please contact this office, otherwise, please maintain this revised Table #24 in your records for future reference or replacement. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, .r- r ,~'/ / ,. I .1 LH"h'~ --:~/,DHV()",V ,1 ., '--'-/v ~ "/./ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures MlSCX,?O.VMDC.LE~ ){merica's (jateway to the (julfstream --~,-------_...~_..._-~-,..----_.._--- -_.".__._-_..~----_.__._---- %e City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacli 100 'E. 'Boynto1l 'Buuh. 'Boukvartl P.O. 'Bo;t310 'Boynton 'B=r., 110ritUz 33425.0310 City!Jfa{[: (407) 375-6()(}() ~.9IX: (407) 375-6090 september 25, 1995 Mr. Joseph Yesbeck FDOT District Four 3400 West Commercial Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 RE: Adopted Plan Amendments 95-3 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Land Use plan Amendment (LUAR 95-003) 2404 S. Federal Hwy. Text Amendment (CPTA 95-001) Table #24/Policy 7.9.6 Text Amendment (CPTA 95-002) Dear Mr. Yesbeck: Accompanying this letter you will find the City's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs which transmits for compliance determination the above-referenced amendments. You will recall receiving within a previous amendment package (93- S3, December 14, 1993) our entire comprehensive Plan and Future Land Use Support Document, Section VIII. Land Use Problems and Opportunities. It is my understanding that these documents will be kept current by inserting subsequent amendments. Please note that two subject text amendments pertain to Table #24 within the Coastal Management Support Document. This document was not provided to you with the other Plan documents as it is rarely revised or needed for reference. If you prefer to have a copy of this entire support document for your records, please contact this office, otherwise, please maintain this revised Table #24 in your records for future reference or replacement. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, J~<- J,4C~"71.- Tambri J. Heyden Planning and zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures ~nsa: :24.C4DOTC. LI!:T .9lmerica's (jateway to t~ (juifstream %e City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. '.Boynton '.Btac/i '.Boufevanf P.O. '.Bo'(31O '.Boynton 'B=/i, 'ftorilfa 33425.0310 City 7laU: (407) 375-6000 1".!U: (407) 375-6090 September 25, 1995 Mr. Robert pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning and Management State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: Adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments 95-3 2404 S. Federal Highway Land Use Plan Amendment (LUAR 95-003) 2404 S. Federal Highway Text Amendment (CPTA 95-001) Table #24/Policy 7.9.6 Text Amendment (CPTA 95-002) Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find five (5) copies (individual copies have been simultaneously sent to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the FDOT-District Four, the South Florida WMD, and the Department of Environmental Protection) of the required documents for the above- referenced map and text amendments. This set of adopted amendments consists of 1) one map amendment for a 1.45 acre tract (from Local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential), 2) a text amendment to Table #24 of the Coastal Management Support Document (which was adopted by reference by Policy 7.9.6) to amend the total acres classified as "Special High Density Residential" from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres, and 3) a text amendment to Table #24 to correct an inadvertent error which caused Table #24 to show the incorrect density of the Special High Density Residential land use classification as 16 units/acre rather than 20 units/acre. It should be noted that Policy 7.9.6 has not been revised per se, rather Table #24 was amended which was adopted by Policy 7.9.6. With respect to date of adoption, all three (3) amendments were adopted on September 19, 1995. Regarding provision of the Plan to other agencies, the Plan and adopted support documentation has been provided to the reviewers. They were informed that their copy would be updated, rather than replaced by subsequent amendments (new versions of the map will be provided). With respect to the remaining submittal requirements outlined in the amended Rule 9J-11.011, the following has also been provided; (5 ) Five copies of the text amendment to be used to update your copy of the City's Comprehensive Plan (Revised Table #24 Coastal Management Support Document), which includes the JImeru.as (jateway to tlU (julfstream Mr. Robert Pennock ( 5 ) (5 ) (5) (a) (5) (b) (5) (c) (5) (d) (5) (e) (5)( f) -2- September 25, 1995 revised text, ordinance number and date adopted, and amendment number (Attachment "A"). Five copies of the amended Future Land Use Map (Attachment "B") ; One (1) copy of each ordinance (Attachment "C"); N/A, as no changes have occurred; N/A, as the findings on which the amendments have been approved remain unchanged; see transmittal package dated July 13, 1995 for explanations; N/A, as ORC report was not necessary; N/A, as all amendments have been adopted simultaneously; A revised Table #24, which is the subject of both text amendments, is attached and to be inserted into the comprehensive Plan, Coastal Management Support Document (Attachment "A"); The new cumulative table of contents of all amendments to the comprehensive Plan is within Attachment "0"; and , (10) Ordinances which reflect this new requirement relative to the effective date are within Attachment "C". If you have any questions concerning this amendment package, please do not hesitate to call Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at (407) 375-6260. TJH:mr Enclosures MJ8CZI2.0.COMP.L.~ very Truly Yours, J'~ Q. :Ji..~ Tambri J. ifeYd~' Planning and zoning Director ATTACHMENT "A" AMENDED TEXT (Table 4F24-Coastal Management Element) (5 copies) , ~ "" <II <Il .... > <II '" ~ . ~ c ,g .. .. .. :2 ~ c o U c .. ;;; .. Q ... c .. iIC ;:) ... c ~ ... .. .. .. o c ...- 0 o c .. 0 U co.N co. < < -.: cr: .!!c - .. 0 .., IIlN U = ~ cr: 1;:) -I .... .- 0.. ~ ..." 0_ .. " co.", U ~ " ;; '" .. c W .. ... '" ~ i;) ~ .St ... ~ 5 u .. > iIC ~ ;) c 0 .. ::: .. ... .. " 0 u ::l! -- ex> .. ~ -D .. .. .. .. <! .. ... c.. ... .. .. .. -I;J:E ~.;o"'S g s ::]~~ ~>.~ N c'E~ =:.r:g ~~"".='E .E ]" Q,. Q.':'C :: ': ~ " ",= ::I '= 13 '= 0 5 _ . ~ c~ ~ ~ ::IE~~ .2.-~ ~!.~ ~i.Q e~E.~ 0..... u " "C= Z ....~I"( a",.. u'Co= o..ca.>- .~c > ~ ..D ;-:...6 Q,.,-" ... .u M.__U ~.^oel! >. ' ... u - U._ C 0 ~ - '" u e ~ ~ c ~ ~ -c U ~ "" ~.s 0 E ~ f.IQ - .5 _ u E! - u 5 U &.l cc o~~~ M -6- .~~~ b .=~~ ... ;~ . "C~...~ - ..&J..D b b =' . ~ -s "0 u ; .. Cl'N N 0 Eo.... 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'" .. ... - .. ... -- M M :::l~ ~ o M M -78- u .. ::> ] j ~ ~ u -5 .:! '" ~ ~ u < - ;;;> Q ~I! ~ .. u ;; U ,;,~ ; " ~] !I- .c'" 01).0;:: .~ :g ti _ u,~ "... - .. II u.c .- . > 00'" ~ g ':;:.2 eao ;.:.: .= .. .5 ~l~l!l 3' ~1I'I00 :z !! . 0 ,5 11('- '" -." ]~I:;"g S <~ c.. -",,,,till ~~S"'~ ~~oBi8 ;; e u iil ;; e u .. . 5i ~ "3 .. . " U ~ , '" '" , " . ...- ~ z - :: '" - ~ :!:- ~ -; e ~ u .. e C;; ] ..: .. .. .!! U :.c :Ii !! .. it: M ~ ii O! g Vl ATTACHMENT "B" AMENDED FUTURE LAND USE MAP (5 copies) , ATTACHMENT "C" ORDINANCES (95-33, 95-35, 95-36) , lal ~c_u ~ . ~O=~ E .~ o .- .D u .. 0 - u ;; >-~ :I i -5 !! D. e" c: fo) e- I -5 '8 .. Q. .- " .- u . -'- .. N o..c a=~'i" f.::I = ~ GO;;:: ::l .~ _ _ Q Q .= u.e- :E If 9 il" .S U 1; .= :l .. Z .!! .- '6 .. .. a:::: ti c u ~ .,. ~ .!! ~ a: _'~ .1 . ~ 2 ~.~ .S f u S'.~ :s,; ~ .! u g :f ell .:l ~ := ~ !l :21'5 ~ ~ "II a':I .;;"& ~ g! l; - - i-=.= .. ; u ".- c > - 0 ir.- N .- .8 .- ;Ii "o"::S ~ ;;ul~>i-~~ -; u n u~ ~~ ~~-M '2 ~a:> -. 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" OJ .5 ." .. ~ i ":E ~ ... ~~ l'l - M ::l~ ~ :El g " .3 - M M u III -78. ORDINANCE NO. 095~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING POLICY 7.9.6., TABLE #24, COASTAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT DOCUMENT, TO PROVIDE FOR CONSISTENCY IN MAXIMUM DENSITIES FOR THE SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LAND USE CLASSIFICATION (SH); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. I I 'I WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton 'I Beach, Florida has adopted a comprehensive plan and as part of said plan, Policy 7.9.6., by Ordinance 89-38 in accordance ,1 with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and " III WHEREAS, an inadvertent error caused Table #24, as adopted by Policy 7.9.6., to describe the maximum denisty of I the SH area as 16 units per acre rather than 20 units per acre as adopted on the Future Land Use Map and within Policy 1.16.1 (where all future land use classifications are I defined); and I II Ii II WHEREAS, this amendment will revise Table #24 to correctly show the adopted density for this SH classificaton and provide for consisistency in the Plan; and WHEREAS, this amendment does not affect the data and analysis of the Plan which established the maximum density for the special high density land use classification at 20 DU's per acre; WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the text of the aforesaid Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. NOW, THEREPORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: The aforesaid Table 24., Map area description #16, Site Specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations, of the Comprehen~ive Plan is hereby amended to show the maximum denisty of the SH area as 20 units per acre, as adopted on the Future Land Use Map and within Policy 1.16.1. Section 2: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 3: Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not I affect the remainder of this Ordinance. II :1 Section 4: The effective date of this amendment shall be: The date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S.; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S. FIRST READING this J day of ~"'f,.:1T"e'"~;t( , 1995. ~I ~S.U ~ " k ,,;::. ~ '.c o .- ~ '" 0 - ~ ;; >.~ :I j !! Ct. e. c: c - g .. c:. .- e ._ u . .!!.- - II M Doc: aU-' -a:l.. ~ DO;;5: ~ .le _ _ 0 0 ." tl.!!o :E If 9 11" .5.. ~ ." :l . Z J .- 'S ... · a:: ii c: u ~ .. ~ .... ] 0: .~ i a M ~ .5 5' .. ~.= :.6.: 15.l! S .j( VI ~ . ,,;"c!I'" II S "~" e"k .... " ~ :: -l:l !:.- > '5 .. i ."'.;i -l:l a 0 - - i - ." M ; U ..- c > - . 0 .- N .- .8 .- 0;; · O. u ~ ;=ue=>~-~~ ~~ e u u~ .~ ~3-M .~ ko: > c:._ . i ~.- ~.. 15ll1S- ~"~D;' ~ ~ >.. -< - if to -ClO __ ii 0 we 0 "'.i ';;.l!; @lIJ ~:!! M S.5 11 :i .!! .. 0: . 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Acts. 90-58/12-18-90 3) Mall Corner Rest. LUEA 90-60/12-18-90 4) Winchester Blvd. Rest. LUEA 90-66/12-18-90 5) Knuth Road PCD LUEA Text 90-69/12-18-90 90-68/12-18-90 6) BO~lton Beach Blvd. PCD LUEA Text 90-72/12-18-90 90-71/12-18-90 7) Tara Oaks PUD LUEA 90-74/12-18-90 8) Woolbright place PUD LUEA 90-76/12-18-90 9) Mall/Win.Blvd Restaurants Text 90-77/12-18-90 10) Comprehensive Plan Text 90-78/12-18-90 11) Ray Flow/Little D.Ranch urEA 91-57/8-20-91 12) Application IIl6 Text, 92-36/6-2-92 13) Application 1120 LUEA Text 92-34/6-2-92 92-35/6-2-92 14) Application .21 LUEA LUEA Text 92-29/6-2-92 92-30/6-2-92 92-31/6-2-92 15) Application .25 LUEA Text 92-27/6-2-92 92-28/6-2-92 16) Application '26 LUEA Text 92-18/6-2-92 92-19/6-2-92 17) Application .10 LUEA Text 92-25/6-2-92 92-26/6-2-92 18) Application ill LUEA Text 92-32/6-2-92 92-33/6-2-92 19) Application .3 LUEA Text 92-23/6-2-92 92-24/6-2-92 20) Water Treat. Plant Exp. LUEA Text 92-20/6-2-92 92-21/6-2-92 21) Mall South LUEA Text 92-15/6-2-92 92-16/6-2-92 REVISION Low-Med. to LOR Remedial Actions CH/8 to LRC CH/8 to LRC CH/3 to LRC Plan. Area 7.j R/8 to LRC Plan. Area 7.k LOR to MeOR Rec. to MoOR Plan. Area 7.f P.l.16.1 Adult Ent. R8 to HOR Plan. Area 1. a. HOR to LRC Plan. Area 1. g. HOR to LRC HOR to LDR Plan. Area 1. h. OC to LRC Plan. Al'ea 3. f . LRC to OC Plan. Area 3.f. MeDR to LDR Plan. Area 4.a. LDR to MeDR Plan. Area 4.b. LDR to MeDR Plan. Area 4.h MeDR to PPGI Plan. Area 4.e. CH/8 to LRC Figs. 17&18(Traffic) AMENDMENT RECORD - PAGE 2 21) Law. Hyp. Comm. Center LUEA Text 92-62/1-5-93 92-64/1-5-93 22) High Ridge Road LUEA 93-12/6-1-93 23) James Titcomb LUEA Text 93-56/12-7-93 93-58/12-7-93 24) Storage Part. III Ltd. LUEA 93-41/12-7-93 25) Kowal Property LUEA 93-44/12-7-93 26) Lynn Property LUEA 93-47/12-7-93 27) Broward Pump & Supply LUEA 93-50/12-7-93 93-60/12-7-93 28) Beach Property LUE:A 29) Dingle Property LUEA 93-63/12-7-93 30) Hop1aJllazian Property LUEA 93-66/12-7-93 31) Lewis. Property LUEA 93-69/12-7-93 32) Palm Beach Groves LUEA 94-33/10-18-94 94-36/10-18-94 33) Kno11wood Groves LUEA 34) Epstein Property LUEA' (aka Sausa1ito Groves) 94-54/1-3-95 35) Heartland Health Care Ct LUEA 94-42/10-18-94 94-45/10-18-94 36) Greentree Plaza I LUEA 37) Planning Area 8.h (aka Hunters RUll Commercial Tract) LUEA Text 94-47/11-1-94 94-48/11-1-94 38) Epstein Property LUEA (a.k.a. Sausalito Groves) 94-54/1-3-95 39) Main Street Car Wash LUEA (95-S1/0.23 acre) 95-07/S-2-95 40) Royal Manor M.H. Ests. LUEA (95-1, aka 95-2) 95-12/6-6-95 41) Carriage Gate Condo. LUEA (95-1, aka 95-2) 95-18/6-6-95 42) Lawrence Oaks LUEA (95-1, aka 95-2) 95-15/6-20-95 42) 2404 S. Fed. Hwy. LlIEA (95-3) 95-33/9-19-95 CL/8 to LRC Plan. Area 6.c. LR-2 to LDR LRC to DC Plan. Area 1.q. CHIS to LRC & GC Comm/5 to LRC Comm/5 to LRC Comm/5 to GC Comm/5 to LRC MER.5 to ModR HER.5 to HoDR MER.5 to MoDR MER.5 to AG HER.5 to AG HR8 to MoDR HR8 to HDR Comm/8 to LRC DC to LRC Plan. Area 8.h HR8 to HoDR MeDR to LRC HR8 to MoDR HR8 to HDR MR to LDR LRC to SHDR AMENDMENT RECORD - PAGE 3 43) 2404 S. Fed. Hwy. (95-3) 44) Table #24/Policy 7.9.6 (95-3) AKKNDKTS.TAB Text 95-35/9-19-95 Table 1124 (size of SHDR area) Text 95-36/9-19-95 Table 1124 (SHDR density error) , treOlure COOf.t regional planniQg council August 25, 1995 Ms. Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments - DCA Reference #95-3 Dear Ms. Heyden: Pursuant to the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council reviewed the draft (proposed) amendments to the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan at its meeting on August 25, 1995. A review report was approved by the Council for transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs as required by Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes. A copy of the approved report is enclosed for consideration by your governing body prior to adoption of the amendments. Council will collSider your response to any objection or comments contained in this report as an important factor in making a consistency/inconsistency recommendation on the adopted amendments. Please remember to send one copy of all materials related to these amendments directly to this office once they are adopted by your governing body, pursuant to Chapter 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me Thank you. Sincerely, ~~~~ Patricia A. Tobin, AlCP Regional Planner PAT:pt Enclosure 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, f10rida 34990 phone (407) 221.4060 sc 269~4060 fax (407) 221-4061 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 8A2 From: Staff Date: August 25, 1995 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #95-3 Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Govemment Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council must be provided an opportunity to review comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the Provisions of Chapter 163, F.S., local government plans will not be subject to the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) report process unless: I) specifically requested by the local government; 2) deemed necessary by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA); or 3) requested by the Regional Planning Councilor an affected person. Council's review of the proposed amendments is limited to the effects on regional resources or facilities and extra jurisdictional impacts. If an ORC report is requested by the local government, a written report containing any objections, recommendations for modification and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-II, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backjp"ound The City of Boynton Beach has proposed two text amendments to the Coasta1 Management support document and one Future Land Use Map (pLUM) amendment. The City has not requested the preparation of an ORC Report. Council's responsibility is to review the amendments and make a recommendation as to whether an ORC Report should be prepared. The deadline for Council's recommendation is August 13, 1995. . ... ..., Evaluation FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT The Future Land Use Map amendment is shown on the attached map and summarized in Table I. The 1.45 acre parcel is developed and occupied as a restaurant. The property has a present FLUM designation of Local Retail Conunercial. The City proposes a FLUM designation of Special High Density (20 du/acre). Existing land uses on surrounding properties include a restaurant to the north, vacant property to the east, condominiums to the south and U.S. I and a gas station to the west. The surrounding FLUM designations include Local Retail Conunercial and Special High Density Residential (20 du/acre) to the north, Special High Density Residential and High Density Residential (10 du/acre) to the east, High Density Residential to the south and Local Retail Conunercial to the west. The amendment is being requested in order to assemble this property with the property to the east (already designated Special High Density Residential) and develop condominiums. The Special High Density residential land use designation was established in 1989 with the adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The intent was to encomage development and redevelopment of this coastal area. In exchange for the increased density allowed by this land use designation, the City requires special setbacks from property lines and the shoreline. This property would not be affected by the shoreline setback since it is not directly on the Intracoastal waterway. TABLE! FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DCA Reference #95-3 Gentleman Jim's Restaurant (2404 S Federal Hwy.) TEXT AND POLICY AMENDMENTS I. Coastal Management Support Document - One of the two text amendments is directly related to the map amendment and affects Table 24. Table 24 refers to the total land area in acres designated Special High Density Residential. The amendment would increase the referenced acreage from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres; adding the 1.45 acres, assuming the FLUM amendment is adopted. The other text amendment corrects a reference in Table 24 that limits the density in the Special 2 High Density Residential land use designation to 16 du/acre instead of 20 du/acre. The Special High Density Residential land use designation in the Future Land Use Element references 20 du/acre. E~urisdictional rmpact~ No significant extra jurisdictional impacts are expected as a result of the amendments. The amendments were processed through the Palm Beach County lnterlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee Process and no objections were received. Effect~ on Rell:ional Resources or Facilities No detrimental effects are expected on significant regional resources or facilities. Obiections Recommendations for Modification. and Comment~ A. Objections 1. None B. Comments 1. None Conclusion Based on the lack of identified extra jurisdictional impacts or effects on regional resources or facilities, Council does not recommend the preparation of an Objections, Recommendation, and Comments (ORe) Report. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 3 ... - , , , I ~ 10" ~ ! ':' [j . ~ I , ,.. ~ 11.'(:1: , I . - I ~v )~... ~,IIM. '~;r. )\. '155- .,.". I . , I . 'I , . , ~ f 5.1. I ~ ~ ~ ~,. ~ ; ~"i'i[(.C'l. C3/LRC l '. 'Iio < ~ ~1"" .~I f-,~ SUB..ECT PROPERTY: -PRESENT ZONING/LAND USE: C3/LRC -PROPOSED ZONING/LAND USE: A3/SH [I f I '~D ~ ~ I F /HDR I .' ,. .. :' . , " " ., '. " " " :' " ., :, ~ L '--../,) ! ZONING DISTRICTS' caCOMMUNITY COMlIERCIAL RaMUlJl-FAMlLY RESIDENTlAL. 4 - H, H, :: 1 ,; ; ::! , ' :. " ,', ':' '. ' ,/,'; ,;; '" '!I , .: I ., " I " . ,,' , I'. . . . . :, ' " . . ;. I '. ' :, : " " . i'l '. , ;, . "I, :j! :' . , '. ' " ' , . " , '. ' II: '" ." , t,. .. " r'" ~ I : '. .. ":::.:) .. n i( -)') ,~ " ~ t) ~ 0-" l.t~ dJ'~ (J) ,... ....-.. IlEPT I-- ~ I-~ '-- --~ f- ~" LAND USE c.<TEGORIES, LRCll,DCAL FE1M. COMMERCW.. HDR:ttGH DEHSJTY RESIDENlW.. SHDASPEaALHGH DENSITY RESIOENTW. -.. Ilo! "'"c,oc ;.z;3 ".;VIIONIMI'-IJAI "~- .SCJllo,Cl(l-.rll ........ II" ~~ 'f ... "'AU' ....- _....r-4..". 112 PAUl ~ CLARKE Il"N(J .~~-""".. RINGS SHORE ~ ~ . . 1/ .~ - DOC7IlIS _.1 .. _I<f05"1rAl. "OIlDNACRU " CITY LA<<f wo.1H "'OSI'IJA .. , 102 LAIr. ......... - . '. ! tUC"NI JA<<ES - .. COLf COU'SI _.. " . i I ~ PAN Oltl 104 WI'SI "'et' ItYll ... .D QUAIL "Del COLf COUUl . - ... .. ii: z ~ ... ...' ...... ... ...., .. ",.. Oil'" i COLI COU.st . . . .. . Lat, lit .. ~lu"'~LS Of O.'OtE Il'U.Z.... I ;J, 'If ~ .. Ro' COt I COLlaSf 106 ~ .,,,cs"o,Oot" COI f 'OURS! . . . . , " ::t'c:.YT . SW 10IIl .. _ i - ill . 'Al/.OAlI!:S HOSIl''''''1 ~.. c: .. '" ~ Q ii: Q ... "- ell"' \'n".. .~'I 1I"llh 6 \,~ )1:..-. ~9.. '! . u 109 ,. " I "OOff ReI ; QIftl iMo.. 5 ....-__...._h.__........_ .__ Atlantic ..Dcean.. South Flo"';ida Water Manage;;'ent District ill 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. (407) 686-8800. FL WA u t~.lJG 2 9 1995 GOV 08-28 'j flY. ,"''''' .~ W . )I' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ."J" -::r....'".....~_ -...... ....l .r~ t' >i ;, 111 (~- '; ~ .... -.J ~- ,: !"i ".,.~ !'Y,.. I :'_}~ t1c'C: . (19$ "-. ... August 4, 1995 J"'JI , ., .,.. .'...." .' Mr...f.Iay Eubanks ~Bureau of Local Planning ~ Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 T'I:ItCG~"! ~,~".::- '_.,'.,' , '. "_~ '" I"... .....,--'t. j.." . "~'it.. P-LAt\7:~2::::";: ~<~;~;,.:~;r"t~ Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Local Government: DCA Amendment #: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 95-3 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendment be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincerely, ::.a~::: Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LP/PElvir c: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, City of Boynton Beach Michael Busha. Treasure Coast RPC Executive Director Jim Snyder, DCA GO'lJerninl( Board: Valerie Bovd, Ch"irman Frank Williamson,Jr., Vil:c Chairman William E. Gr;lham \VilIiam Hammond Betsy Krant Richard A. Machek 6 Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Miriam Singer Samuel E. Poole: III, Executive Director Michael SI:lyron, Deputy-Executive Director i\lailinl( Address: P.O. Box 24680, Wes~ Palm Beach, FLJJ416-461lO PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-454 FROM: Jim Cherof, City Attorney Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner fYlZ' TO: DATE: August 22, 1995 SUBJECT: Preparation of Ordinances for: 2404 S. Federal Highway-Future Land Use Plan Amendment (LUAR jI95-003) 2404 S. Federal Highway-Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (CPTA #95-001) Table 4124 - Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment (CPTA 4195-002) Attached please find for your assistance with preparation of the above-referenced ordinances, excerpts from respective applications and staff reports I necessary attachments, and required text for the ordinances pursuant to the Florida Department of Communi t.y Affairs. Please prepare these ordinances in conjunction wi th our intention to t'equest that first reading be scheduled for September 5, 1995. cc: Joyce Costello, Administrative Assistant MISCI:lS-30RDS.JIM treOlure COC\l.t regional planniQg council 2:(. 'l (JC- August 16, 1995 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 E Boynton Beach Bouelvard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments - DCA Reference #95-3 Dear Ms. Heyden: Council staff has completed its review of the draft (proposed) amendments to YOul Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes and has prepared cornments for Council consideration. These comments will be presented to the Council at its meeting on August 25, 1995. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you wish. We have enclosed the staff's report and recommended comments as well as the meeting agenda. Following the meeting the comments as approved by the Council are forwarded to Department of Community Affairs for transrnittal to YOul governing body for consideration before final adoption of the amendments. If you would like to discuss the staff report or Council procedUles for plan amendment review, please feel free to call. ~ Patricia A. Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt EnclosUle 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 phone (407) 221~4060 se 269.4060 lax (407) 221-4067 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL Agenda Friday, August 25, 1995 - 9:30 a.m. Howard Johnson Motor Lodge 950 U.S. Highway One, Stuart I. RollCall 2. Agenda 3. Minutes 4. Financial Reports A. Financial Statements for Period Ending June 30, 1995 5. Council Membership 6. Strategic Regional Policy Plan - Draft 7. Developments of Regional Impact A. The Reserve Substantial Deviation Assessment Report 8. Local Government Comprehensive Plan Reviews A. Plan Amendments - Draft I. City of Boca Raton 2. City of Boynton Beach 3. City of Palm Beach Gardens 4. City of Port SI. Lucie 5. Village of Royal Palm Beach 6. City of Stuart B. Plan Amendments - Adopted I. City of Boynton Beach 9. Factors Affecting Energy Demand - Presentation by FP&L Staff 10. Project Reviews A. ICR Log B. Florida Power and Light Ten-Year Power Plant Site Plan C. Florida Municipal Power Agency Ten-Year Power Plant Site Plan II. Public Comment 12. Staff Comment 13. Chairman's Comment 14. Council Comment 15. Adjournment It is requested that there be no smoking in the meeting room. Reminders: The Strategic Regional Policy Plan Committee will meet immediately following the Regular Council Meeting. Please inform Council staff office (407) 221-4060 of any change in your mailing address. South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. (407) 686-8800. FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 CI GOV 08-28 August 4, 1995 >> 10. "'~.'~' -<'. - .- ~, ~.. ii' .. ,. -'I :'-"""1 t.-:' . '" , ,." / l ~ ," ~ ^ .. ..... .., C."~ :. ~. )j" -" : (.'.;.-)~' rt :', '-..s;:: l' '''':':'"'' ~ "f"lOt: L.....t K"c; . (1:J.<>r -' ......".,... ~! 1'--" \ ' jt.-:"": 1-:',:)1) 1 Mr. Ray Eubanks Bureau of Local Planning Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 ~=- {,''':'-:' ;':"'~::-'-',c<. ~ , , . .>.~, ~ 1i1i_"""""'4 \ ' ". " . "'~'t.l'.' P'vt€~..:: .~ i ~.'~~;~ '~~;;,;; .::;r' .(~ti. Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Local Government: DCA Amendment #: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 95-3 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendment be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincerely, t1~::: Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LP/PElvir c: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, City of Boynton Beach Michael Busha, Treasure Coast RPC Executive Director Jim Snyder, DCA Go'U~rninK Board: Valerie Bovd, Chairman Frank Williamson, Jr., Vice Chairman William E. (;raham \ViUiam Hammond Betsy Kranr Richard A, Machek 6 Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Miriam Singer Samuel E. Poole III, Executive Director Michael Slayton, Deputy Executive Director "'twin/( Address: P,O. Box 24680, WL~t Palm Beach. FL 31416-4680 ;, "''''l/oe fI>,;VlltOIVIUIlJ7A.; .SC/,,,-CI CI...Tlf ......., u.z 'QREENACIlQ CITY IG2 w ""( . - ............. 112 -~.-~'",,,,,f.S .~-~.. ~ -....;:;.~ .:.i:i5.i " .. ' ~ IUetlNE tAKES COLf COU<<JE '''''''' .. I' ~ - - -........-. -"______n""n_.___ , ." "'.aT 10' PAUl; CLARKE PRINOS SHORE .11 .. .0. .. DOC7I>U ."'OS""~ LAw. L. .12 -' I'AfMII14CH COL'NT"''''''' + ""ltfOflT ... ~ ., u., .. astOrlit' , , , " ... -.. ~ n f i . - .,' !" ~ Q ii: Q ... ... . ell"' .04 West e..c~ Blvd au .. it z II: ::> .. "ll"'Cc> 0' OltrQU It/A.].... COt I COutSI 106 --- .''''CI "0'...... co.' COUI/Sf . ".nl1'."VI ".011. to \!;.lot~ ~9-. '! . u "oorr Rd VIHA OEUAr i eOI' COUIUl it . '''''''0'''',($ "'OSI"""I .., - .0 .u OUAI! .'OCI COLf CouaE . w_ J 601' ....... ... ...... .. .. !l' . . . ~ i - . !1; . ..... ... !r .. f ~ ~, AtA E.I .. . Atlantic .......... , ~ I: ~ ., ..Dc.e4n. DEUl""T r /- BEACH s. - .. . Ii I ." . - '" .09 5 LAND USE DEi:iIGNATIONS , . r- I l IIIIIIID ': ..(AST......_.. ...WOOLBRIGHT ...............ROAD. I , , , , , , , I . DO- , , , ,,' , I , I . l > ". ~, .... ,I . 'I , , I , ",.(1... " . .. ~. (.... SI.JB.ECT PROPERTY: -PRESENT ZONING/LAND USE: C3/LRC -PROPOSED ZONING/LAND USE: R3/SH .. z ~ " ~ z .. Z . ,. R3/SHDR ............... I: J " , " , .; I :: : " , ., ' !I J :, : , , ;, , /' _1,1 --.. , .............................. :. ' " . , ' " ' . . ,,', ., '0- , . ~ - . . - . - " / ,', I I," " / "/ fUs. ., , " . , , :; I " , .' i : f%jC.gOCTAW : 'I - d J: I' ." ~ I I _. , ' - : : ='...""'[[ '" .;u...,. . , " " . :::- - ~ ,I' 1 :: i ;....iJBC. .,. (--~.." "': : I I., ::: ~II-.I,!. j f 1- "~I. Cia] I' ""I ,. .. ,f' I ,. >' ',; .- ! I, ' _ , ,': " IltUTHMUlY (..C... N. , , " . , " . , , , , , , , :1 r ," f " , , , " , " , , , :',' , ' " , " , ", ", :: I , , " , ,'I " , , ' , , ,', .', ,', '!. " ' " . 'i; " , '" 0', ,!I , , " / " ' ,,/ , ". , . , , :, ' " ' ;. I " ' ;, : " " , " I " , !,: : :j1 ,:,',' ,. " ., :. , , , , '. '. " :' , ' , ' , , . ' ., " " :/ :' (I) ,.... ................ ZONWG DlSlAICTS: caCOMMLWITY COMIAERCIAL R3:MUl..Tl-FAMlLY RESIDENTW. LAND USE CATEGORIES: LRCtl..oCAL RErnUL COMMERCIAL HDR:ttGH DENSITY FESIDENTW. SHDR SPEQAL HIGH DENSITY RESJCeNl1AI. 4 \w' ..., High Density Residential land use designation to 16 du/acre instead of 20 du/acre. The Special High Density Residential land use designation in the Future Land Use Element references 20 du/acre. Extrlijurisdictional Impacts No significant extra jurisdictional impacts are expected as a result of the amendments. The amendments were processed through the Palm Beach County Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee Process and no objections were received. Effects on Re~ional Resources or Facilities No detrimental effects are expected on significant regional resources or facilities. Obiections. Recommendations for Modification and Comment~ A. Objections 1. None B. Comments 1. None Conclusion Based on the lack of identified extra jurisdictional impacts or effects on regional resources or facilities, Council does not recommend the preparation of an Objections, Recommendation, and Comments (ORC) Report. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 3 Evaluation FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT The Future Land Use Map amendment is shown on the attached map and swnmarized in Table 1. The 1.45 acre parcel is developed and occupied as a restaurant. The property has a present FLUM designation of Local Retail Commercial. The City proposes a FLUM designation of Special High Density (20 du/acre). Existing land uses on surrounding properties include a restaurant to the north, vacant property to the east, condominiums to the south and U.S. I and a gas station to the west. The surrounding FLUM designations include Local Retail Commercial and Special High Density Residential (20 du/acre) to the north, Special High Density Residential and High Density Residential (10 du/acre) to the east, High Density Residential to the south and Local Retail Commercial to the west. The amendment is being requested in order to assemble this property with the property to the east (already designated Special High Density Residential) and develop condominiums. The Special High Density residential land use designation was established in 1989 with the adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The intent was to encourage development and redevelopment of this coastal area. In exchange for the increased density allowed by this land use designation, the City requires special setbacks from property lines and the shoreline. This property would not be affected by the shoreline setback since it is not directly on the Intracoastal waterway. TABLE! FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DCA Reference #95-3 Gentleman Jim. s Restaurant (2404 S Federal Hwy.) East side of U.S. I, directly opposite of SE 23rd Street's intersection with U.S. I TEXT AND POLICY AMENDMENTS I. Coastal Management Support Document . One of the two text amendments is directly related to the map amendment and affects Table 24. Table 24 refers to the total land area in acres designated Special High Density Residential. The amendment would increase the referenced acreage from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres; adding the 1.45 acres, assuming the FLUM amendment is adopted. The other text amendment corrects a reference in Table 24 that limits the density in the Special 2 w ..".; TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 8A2 From: Staff Date: August 25, 1995 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #95-3 Introducti on Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council must be provided an opportunity to review comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the Provisions of Chapter 163, F.S., local government plans will not be subject to the Objections, Recornmendations and Comments (ORC) report process unless: I) specifically requested by the local government; 2) deemed necessary by the Deparbnent of Community Affairs (DCA); or 3) requested by the Regional Planning Council or an affected person. Council's review of the proposed amendments is limited to the effects on regional resources or facilities and extra jurisdictional impacts. If an ORC report is requested by the local government, a written report containing any objections, recommendations for modification and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backiiround The City of Boynton Beach has proposed two text amendments to the Coastal Management support document and one Future Land Use Map (FLUM) amendment. The City has not requested the preparation of an ORC Report. Council's responsibility is to review the amendments and make a recommendation as to whether an ORC Report should be prepared. The deadline for Council's recommendation is August 13, 1995. .~....'\l!r".~...""~ Ijj ". !( - T, .~. - ~~.. ~;I ,~~ STATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS .,.,-- dol ff @ [ff olf" Ii n'i, 'UU ALG 221995 PZLANNING AND ONING DfPl .,~.- EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT' HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LAWTON CHILES LINDA LOOMIS SHELLEY Governor Secretary August 11, 1995 The Honorable Jerry Taylor Mayer, city of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mayor Taylor: The Department has conducted a preliminary review of the city's proposed comprehensive plan amendment which was received on July 14, 1995, (DCA Reference No. 95-3). The Department has determined that the proposed plan amendment need not be formally reviewed for consistency with Chapter 163, Florida statutes, and Rule 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. In addition, the Department has not received any recommendation for review from the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Councilor any affected person regarding the proposed amendment. Therefore, the proposed amendment will not be reviewed and the Objections, Recommendations and Comments report will be waived. The local government may proceed to immediately adopt the amendment. Also, pursuant to Chapter 163.3189(2) (a), F.S., the Department recommends that the City include the following language in the adoption ordinance regarding the effective date of the adopted amendment (if the local government has been determined to be In- Compliance) : "The effective date of this plan amendment shall be: The date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S.; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration commission finding the amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F.S." A }.l A:.J-:.;: 2740 CENTERVIEW FLORIOA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Over,easHighway, Suile 212 Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 DRIVE' TALLAHASSEE, SOUTH FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE P.O. Box 4022 8600N.w. 361hSlreel Miami, Florida 33159-4022 FLORIOA 32399.2100 GREEN SWAMP AREA Of CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OfFICE 155 East Summerlin Bartow,Florida 33830-4641 The Honorable Jerry Taylor August 11, 1995 Page Two Further, the Department's notice of intent to find a plan amendment in compliance shall be deemed to be a final order if no timely petition challenging the amendment is filed. Any affected person may file a petition with the agency within 21 days after the publication of the notice pursuant to Chapter 163.3184(9), F.S. This letter should be made available for public inspection. If you have any question, please contact Greg stuart, Planner IV, or Roger Wilburn, the Community Program Administrator overseeing the review of the amendment, at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, eM~~ ~ Charles Gauthier, AICP Growth Management Administrator Bureau of Local Planning CG/gs cc: Tambri Heyden, Local Planning Official Michael Busha, Acting Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council treOlure COOf.t regional planniQg council November 20, 1995 roo c, .,,"",, ,.:-::1 ," i\.'7 n ~""'.'\ is .iJ -S IU \IJ is l ![J:'] ," ",/ ls j;-': ~~_.,,;,--''''"~ .. f 1 'I ; Nav ? 2 I9!li ! 10 Mr. D. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Planning Plan Processing Team, Room 252 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100 L PLANNING AND ZONING DEPI Subject: City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Adopted Amendments - DCA Reference # 95-3 Dear Mr. Eubanks: Under the Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Council is to make an overall finding of consistency or inconsistency of local plan amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP). This finding is to be made following the local government's adoption of the amendments and by formal action of the CounciL Attached is a copy of the complete report as approved by the Council at its November 17, 1995 meeting. In brief, the adopted amendments for Boynton Beach were found to be CONSISTENT with the RCPP. If you need additional information or have any questions, please calL Si~d~ Michael J. Busha, AICP Acting Executive Director MJB:pt Enclosure cc: 3228 s.w. mortin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, f10rlda 34990 phone (407) 221.4060 sc 269.4060 lax (407) 221.4067 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 7 Al From: Staff Date: November 17, 1995 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #95-3 Introduction Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review comprehensive plan amendments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to DCA, which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP). A written report containing a determination of consistency with the RCPP is to be provided to DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backl!round The draft (proposed) amendments to the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan were reviewed by Council on August 25, 1995 (see Exhibit A). The amendments consisted of one Future Land Use Map amendment and two text amendments to the Coastal Management support documents. The City did not request an Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORC) Report be prepared. Evaluation Council had no objections or comments to the proposed amendments. DCA did not issue an ORC Report. The City adopted the amendments on September 19, 1995. 'W' 'WI Conclusion Based on the information received by Council the adopted amendments are considered CONSISTENT with the goals and policies contained in the RCPP. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of the 1995-1996 contract with the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 2 EXHIBIT A TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEM 8A2 From: Staff Date: August 25, 1995 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review Draft Amendments to City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan; DCA Reference #95-3 Introduction Pursuant to the provisions of the Local Government Comprehensive PI....ni...g and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the Council must be provided an opportunity to review comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. Under the Provisions of Chapter 163, F.S., local government plans will not be subject to the Objections, Recommendations and Comments (ORe) report process unless: 1) specifically requested by the local government; 2) deemed necessary by the Department of Community Affairs (DCA); or 3) requested by the Regional Planning Council or an affected person. Council's review of the proposed amendments is limited to the effects on regional resources or facilities and extrajurisdictional impacts. If an ORC report is requested by the local government, a written report containing any objections, recommendations for modification and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-l1, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backwound The City of Boynton Beach has proposed two text amendments to the Coastai Management support document and one Future Land Use Map (PLUM) amendment. The City has not requested the preparation of an ORC Report. Council's responsibility is to review the amendments and make a recommendation as to whether an ORC Report should be prepared. The deAtlline for Council's recommendation is August 13, 1995. 3 'W' w Evaluation FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT The Future Land Use Map amendment is shown on the attached map and summarized in Table 1. The 1.45 acre parcel is developed and occupied as a restaurant. The property has a present PLUM designation of Local Retail Commercial. The City proposes a FLUM designation of Special High Density (20 du/acre). Existing land uses on surrounding properties include a restaurant to the north, vacant property to the east, condominiums to the south and U.S. I and a gas station to the west. The surrounding FLUM designations include Local Retail Commercial and Special High Density Residential (20 dulacre) to the north, Special High Density Residential and High Density Residential (10 du/acre) to the east, High Density Residential to the south and Local Retail Commercial to the west. The amendment is being requested in order to assemble this properly with the property to the east (a1ready designated Special High Density Residential) and develop condominiums. The Special High Density residential land use designation was established in 1989 with the adoption of the City's Comprehensive Plan. The intent was to encourage development and redevelopment of this coasta1 area In exchange for the increased density allowed by this land use designation, the City requires special setbacks from ployerty lines and the shoreline. This property would not be affected by the shoreline setback since it is not directly on the Intracoasta1 waterway. TABLE! FUTURE LAND USE MAP AMENDMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DCA Reference #95-3 . ~-<~'~~~E_~" _~.i~~i~I~\~ _ _il.l:~';'~~~;_____"#~~~'~Q~.~ ':.~.. '. II Gentleman Jun's Restaurant (2404 S Federal Hwy.) 1.45 Local Retail Commercial Special High Density East side of U.S. I, direct1y (20 du/acre) opposite of SE 23rd Street' 5 intersection with U.S. I TEXT AND POLICY AMENDMENTS 1. Coasta1 Management Support Document - One of the two text amendments is directly related to the map amendment and affects Table 24. Table 24 refers to the total land area in acres designated Special High Density Residential. The amendment would increase the referenced acreage from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres; adding the 1.45 acres, assuming the PLUM amendment is adopted. The other text amendment corrects a reference in Table 24 that limits the density in the Special 4 High Density Residential land use designation to 16 dulacre instead of 20 du/acre. The Special High Density Residential land use designation in the Future Land Use Element references 20 du/acre. ExtraiurisdictinnRl Impact$ No significant extrajurisdictional impacts are expected as a result of the amendments. The amendments were processed through the Palm Beach County Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Committee Process and no objections were received. Rffect.~ on Rf:iional Resources or Facilities No detrimental effects are expected on significant regional resources or facilities. Oi)jections. Recommendations for Modification and Comment.~ A. Objections 1. None B. Comments 1. None Conclu.~inn Based on the lack of identified extra jurisdictional impacts or effects on regional resources or facilities, Council does not recommend the preparation of an Objections, Recommendation, and Comments (ORC) Report. Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and approve their transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs. Attachments 5 LAND USE DE~GNATIONS ,- I l .-::J :':'.: ................ROAO. 'W' mmrn,: ..EAST ......-- ...WOOLBRIGHT , , , , , , , , , I , I ,.. I '0 , I I , I I I --' , --. , I ; ,. ,7'! - . . . . . . . . . [JO .,.... .f ,/ . I I I t"!t(41. I . """<::2 - ~. Co'" S'D ~CT PROP&RTY; -PRESENT ZONI<G/LAND USE: ca/LRC -PROPOsED ZONING/LAND USE: A3/SH ca.COMMuNny-~- "--L RlloMUlJ1-llMollY ~ 6 o z ,: I " , " , I: , :,' : " , ill ; . , :, I " ' ;i , , , ' , " " , ' , ': " " " :' \:.r-- R3/SHDR . . ,,t. " .. " ,--. " , '" ,." .,', .. , II!!. " , .' , , , :;, " I . I: ~C..OCT.. " , , , :: ~ r:, ._" _. I' - :; IC-.U.ft ......., . , " ,I I ,': /- :;: ..'l~ _(_... ." . ,:. t.- ,,' I I ! ,,, 1 ::;IU.lmC......(-~.." "I __ ; I t _' ",. -. ", It 1'1, j!j'iIIli. I. , ""'......,...,. ... ~ ~ i z . " " ., " '. " . , . , ., .' , . , :' f " , " '" " , " :,' " ' .' . " , '" II, II / I! I " , ,'I " , " , . ,'. ,', ':' '. ' " ' ..' Iii '" '" ,', ,!. " " , " ' ,,! ", ,',', " ' " ' ,', I " ' ;, : " ' " . il" ,'. f,: : ", 'I. ~ I . . " " " ., :' ., " " '. " " ., " :' , ' ., :, " :' :' (j) ,... ..-- LAND USE Clm!GOlEll: UlC>LOC:AL RE1M. W--1ERCtAL -_ DI!NlIITY IIE8mEN1W. -~HlGHIIEN8nY_ .. ;f I'CNIaT "''it ,oe '..."'"()fl,IIt1'-n.... .SCIlIOo.C1C,..UI - .... 112 , - ............. << -, ." .-=: , ...... ~ '. .,. Il .. ' - _.Z '"G......CIIQ .. CITY ~ ~ wel.Nt i"'US CDlf COut.JI - - ., - ....--.-.---...-...--- . .. I . - '" 104 -'..... .... - III Ie ii: lI: .. ::. ... .... - .. ...., .. GULF i~ VIUA ~UA' COI' COUtu . . ~'HA,CH 0' O.rOLl "'AlA ., ' eOI I cau.Sf 10' -- """CJ"O,,,,,'. COI' Cav"S! . ............... ............................. At/antic -..--",,",Dcean...,, .. C Q i o ... "- e'l"' ;r 'I..n.'..VI ....... "~.M_ .to .. i w . '''''.OAlf5 HOS~''''1 lOt ...." ~ 7 . .. ..~.. - South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Oub Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. (407) 686-8800. FL WATS 1-1100-432-2045 GOY 08-28 ~, ~.;~' ~... -: - ~' ~~~ ''':: n~-:' . ...n,,' _, ~ [ ~",~:~: ~ " ... - I iJ ..... P'<" "C:-:!~ (.;.... h';;..: .. (t.;..~ .. August 4, 1995 Mr. Ray Eubanks Bureau of Local Planning Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 TltE.t.'~'U~7>"~.:::" '<:;! ;..... p'~...';......J."., l;.,.~.\.,...-,' - .'..lo, Dear Mr. Eubanks: SUbject: Local Govemment: DCA Amendment t#: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 95-3 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendment be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincerely, ~~ Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LPIPElvir c: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, City of Boynton Beach Michae' Busha, Treasure Coast RPe Executive Director Jim Snyder, DCA GtNn7Ii"K Board: Valerie Bovd. Chairman Frank Williams,,", Jr., Vice Chairman William E. Gr;lham 8 \ViUiam Hammond Betsv Krant Riehard A. Maehek Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Rccd Miriam Singer Samuel E. Ponlc III, Executive Director Michael Slayton. Deputy Executive Director I\lailinl( Add":.,, P.O. Box 2-l6RO. We"" Palm !lcach. FL 31416-46RO .~fiiL South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406. (407) 686-8800. FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 GOV 08-28 ii D) l~ ~ ~ ~ w rn ~ lJl1 AlJ6 - 1 J9g) ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. August 4, 1995 Mr. Ray Eubanks Bureau of local Planning Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Fl 32399-2100 Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: local Government: DCA Amendment #: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 95-3 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendment be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincerely, b~ Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department lP/PElvir c: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, City of Boynton Beach Michael Busha, Treasure Coast RPC Executive Director Jim Snyder, DCA GO'Verninx Board: Valeric Boyd, Chairman Frank Williamson, Jr., Vice Chairman William E. Graham William Hammond Betsy Krant Richard A. Machek Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed Miriam Sin/-;cr Samuel E. Poole III, Executive Director Michael Slayton, Deputy Executive Director l\lailin~ Address; P.O. Box 246RO, West Palm Beach, FL 31416-46RO treOlure cOQJ.t regional planniQg council .....~,.,~..,- -. . "..~" , .:i r--"" !.!' [" J.~_J~_j:,-i \"<, : D I "!' , I '00" ll\jl ! - I . I L--....- _.....~._,..---I , f PL;\NNING r"t40 :>,; .~__~ ZON!t~G \)EPl --t:....-,~ July 28, 1995 Ms. Tambri J Heyden, Director Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: City of Boynton Beach Co:nprch~r..3i'/e rl~i Draft Amendments - DCA Reference #95-3 Dear Ms. Heyden: This is to acknowledge receipt of the materials pertaining to the City of Boynton Beach's proposed comprehensive plan amendments. Council staff will review the materials in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. It is anticipated that a report and recommended comments will be presented to the Council at their August 25, 1995 meeting. Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda and staffs report and recommendations will be sent to you. You are invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to address the Council. Following the Council meeting the report as approved by the Council will be sent to DCA If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, ~~7\~ Patricia A Tobin, AlCP Regional Planner PAT:pt 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florida 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269~4060 fax (407) 221-4067 oo~uouoo II 2 4 1995 PLANNING AND ( ZONING DEPT. >--' STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING ANO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LAWTON CHILES LINDA LOOMIS SHELLEY Governor Secretary July 19, 1995 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you for submitting copies of your proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) for the City. We have conducted a preliminary inventory of the plan amendment package pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida statutes, to verify the inclusion of all required materials. Our reference number for this amendment package is Boynton Beach 95-3. The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida statutes. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. The Department will conduct a preliminary review to make a determination as to whether the proposed plan amendment package should be formally reviewed. The Department will notify you when the determination has been made to review or not to review the proposed plan amendment package in accordance with Chapter 163.3184 and Rule 9J-ll.008, Florida Administrative Code. The Department's notification shall specifically identify the amendment (s) that shall be reviewed and the amendments that shall not be reviewed. V' Please be advised that since Boynton Beach has not adopted their 95-2 amendment, received February 28, 1995, and has requested a preliminary review of this amendment package (95-3), DCA 2740 CENTERVIEW FLORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 ORIVE . TALLAHASSEE, SOUTH FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE P.O. Box40n 8600N.W.J6thStrel!! Miami, Florida 33159-4022 FLORIOA 32399.2100 GREEN SWAMP AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 155 EastSummenin Bartow, Florida 3383M641 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden July 19, 1995 Page Two recommends that Boynton Beach delay adopting their 95-2 package until receiving the Department's determination on this amendment, at which time Boynton Beach can adopt these two amendment submittals together constituting Boynton Beach's second amendment for 1995. This would accommodate Boynton Beach being able to get this immediate amendment reviewed and rectify the numbering of these amendments to reflect two adopted amendment transmittals for 1995. If you have any question, please contact Dick Post, the Planning Manager overseeing the review of the amendment and assigning the amendment to the respective planner for review, at (904) 487-4545. sincerely, @~~ D. Ray Eubanks Planning Manager DRE/pcr 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Buu;/i 'Boukvartf P.O. 'Bo't310 'Boynton 'Buu;/i, 110rida 33425.0310 City:Jfa[[: (407) 375-6000 JCJU: (407) 375-6090 July 13, 1995 Mr. John Outland plan Review Sect., Rm. 914B Dept. of Environmental Protection 3900 Commonwealth Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32303 RE: Proposed Plan Amendments 95-2/3 Dear Mr. Outland: Accompanying this letter you will find the City's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs which transmits one (1) proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and two (2) proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments. Please note the unique numbering of this amendment set, which is the result of a previous dispute between the City and DCA regarding the renumbering of a previous amendment set (94-1). Please note Attachment "F" which includes a letter from Secretary Shelley that recognizes the potential for this third amendment set, 95-3. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all the necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. very truly yours, ~-9.~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Dir. TJH:mr Enclosures A:24D4DII:P.LB'!' 5tmerica"s (jateway to tlie (jutfstream '11ie City of 'Boynton 'Beach 100 'E. 'Boynton '&adi 'Boulevarrf P.O. '1lo'{.310 'Boynton 'Buzdj., ':FCorUfa 33425.0310 City 1Iafl: (407) 375-6()()(} ':F5fX: (407) 375-6()1}() July 13, 1995 Mr. Tilford C. Creel, Exec. Dir. South Florida Water Management District Post Office Box 24680 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-4680 RE: Proposed Plan Amendments 95-2/3 Dear Mr. Creel: Accompanying this letter you will find the City's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs which transmits one (1) proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and two (2) proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments. Please note the unique numbering of this amendment set, which is the result of a previous dispute between the City and DCA regarding the renumbering of a previous amendment set (94-1). please note Attachment "F" which includes a letter from secretary Shelley that recognizes the potential for this third amendment set, 95-3. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all the necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. very truly yours, ~9~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Dir. TJH:mr Enclosures Jl.::iII404nt).LBT j[muica's {jate"lllay to tFie (jutfstream 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead~ 'Boulevanf P.O. 'Bo,\:310 'Boynton 'Bead~, :JCorid'a 33425.0310 City 71afl: (407) 375-6000 :JJlX: (407) 375-6090 July 13, 1995 Mr. Michael Busha, Acting Exec. Dir. Treasure Coast RPC Post Office Box 1529 Palm City, Florida 34990 RE: Proposed Plan Amendments 95-2 (Renumbered to 95-3 by DCA) Dear Mr. Busha: Accompanying this letter you will find the City's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of Community Affairs which transmits one (1) proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and two (2) proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments. Please note the unique numbering of this amendment set, which is the result of a previous dispute between the City and DCA regarding the renumbering of a previous amendment set (94-1). Please note Attachment "F" which includes a letter from Secretary Shelley that recognizes the potential for this third amendment set, 95-3. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all the necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. Very truly yours, ,.-- ~~.~;~ Planning and zoning Dir. TJH:mr Enclosures A:2404IlPC:.L.-r JImerica"s (jateway to tlU (julfstream fJ1ie City of $oynton $eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beodi 'Boulevanf P.O. 'Bo:{.310 'Boynton 'Beadl, 7forUfa 33425-0310 City 91iJU: (407) 375-6000 7.JU: (407) 375-6090 July 13, 1995 Mr. Joseph Yesbeck FDOT District Four 3400 Commercial Boulevard Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 RE: proposed Plan Amendments 95-2/3 Dear Mr. Yesbeck: Accompanying this letter you will find the city's cover letter and related support documentation as provided to the Florida Department of community Affairs which transmits one (1) proposed Future Land Use Map amendment and two (2) proposed Comprehensive Plan text amendments. Please note the unique numbering of this amendment set, which is the result of a previous dispute between the City and DCA regarding the renumbering of a previous amendment set (94-1). Please note Attachment uF" which includes a letter from secretary shelley that recognizes the potential for this third amendment set, 95-3. The cover letter to DCA should provide you with all the necessary information; however, if you have questions or are in need of additional information, please contact this office. very truly yours, ~-9.~ Tambri J. Heyden planning and Zoning Dir. TJH:mr Enclosures A: Z4li041)O"r.LS" }lmerita's (jateway to tlU (jutfstream. 'I1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacfi ___ _ 100 'E. 'Boynton. 'Buun 'Boufevartf P.O. 'Bo't310 'Boynton 'Beaeh, ~foritia 33425.0310 City9fa{[: (<<J7) 375..(j()()() July 13, 1995 ~JU: (<<J7) 375-6090 of Community Affairs RE: Proposed Plan Amendments - 95-2/3 2404 S. Federal Highway Land Use Amendment (LUAR 95-003) 2404 S. Federal Highway Text Amendment (CPTA 95-001) Table #24/policy 7.9.6 Text Amendment (CPTA 95-002) Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find six (6) copies (individual copies have been simultaneously sent to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning council, the FDOT-District Four, the south Florida WMD, and the Department of Environmental protection) of the required transmittal documents for the above-referenced map and text amendments. This set of proposed amendments consists of 1) one map amendment for a 1.45 acre tract (from Local Retail Commercial to special High Density Residential), 2) a text amendment to Table #24 of the coastal Management support Document (which was adopted by reference into the plan by Policy 7.9.6) to amend the total acres classified as "special High Density" from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres, and 3) a text amendment to Table #24 to correct an inadvertent error which caused Table #24 to show the incorrect density of the Special High Density Residential land use classification as 16 units/acre rather than 20 units/acre. Given the lack of impact of the amendments, and since all are considered to be consistent with all goals, objectives and policies of the city's Comprehensive plan, the city is requesting that these amendments not be reviewed. with respect to the numbering of this proposed amendment package, 95- 2/3, please see Attachment "F" which consists of correspondence that documents this issue including a letter from secretary shelley. This correspondence was issued based on the city's continued position that this numbering should be 95-2, since the stat's renumbering would have eliminated one of the two allowable amendment sets in 1995. The proposed amendments were approved for transmittal by the city Commission (LPA) on June 20, 1995 at a public hearing held subsequent to due public notice. With respect to adoption, staff anticipates that ordinances will be adopted in october or November of the current year. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 9J-11.006, please be .9lmerica's (jateway to tfie (jutfstream To: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- July 13, 1995 informed that the subject amendments are not in an area of critical state concern or the Wekiva River Protection Area, and nor are they related to a proposed development of regional impact or to be adopted under a joint planning agreement. Furthermore, as indicated by the certifying letters included within Attachment "A" of the amendment package 94-1 as submitted on July 6, 1994, the comprehensive Plan and related support documentation was previously provided to other reviewers and they were informed that said documents would be updated by subsequent amendments. should you have any questions on the subject amendments, please contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at: city of Boynton Beach, P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 375-6260 With respect to the remaining submittal requirements outlined in Rule 9J-ll.006, the following has also been provided for your information; (l)(b)(l) SlX copies of one (1) map indicating the proposed future land use designation, property boundaries and their relation to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network are included in Attachment "A"; (1)(b)(2) The present land use designations of the subject and adjacent properties are shown on the map in Attachment "A"; (1) (b) Six copies of Table #24, as adopted by policy 7.9.6, shown amended with strike through/underlined text (Attachment "B") ; (1)(b)(3) Property size is indicated within an excerpt of the staff report/Memorandum #95-240 (Attachment "C"); (1)(b)(4) The availability of, and demand on public facilities is summarized in each staff report and in Attachment "D"; (1)(b)(5) Information regarding compatibility of the Map amendments with the Comprehensive Plan, and other information relative to the basis of the recommendations is provided in excerpts of staff reports (see Attachment "C"); (1) (c) Staff recommendations are indicated by the respective staff reports within Attachment "c", and recommendations of the local planning agency/local governing body (City Commission) are indicated by respective meeting minutes of which excerpts are provided in Attachment "E"; and ( 2) NA The following information summarizes, or is in addition to that provided by the staff reports which indicate, in part, the basis on which the Plan is being amended, and further justifies the proposed To: Mr. Robert Pennock -3- July 13, 1995 plan amendments with respect to compliance with S.163, F.S., Rules 9J- 5 and 9J-11, F.A.C., and the city's Comprehensive Plan: 1. For a brief explanation of the proposed map amendment and 2404 S. Federal Highway Text Amendment, please refer to page 1 of Memorandum #95-240. For documentation relative to consistency of the proposed map amendment with the Comprehensive Plan, please refer to pages 2 through 8 of Memorandum #95-240 (see Attachment "e") ; 2. Table #24 Text Amendment, which is only to correct a recently identified inadvertent error, is clearly explained in the brief Memorandum #95-241 in Attachment "C"; 3. No amendment involves property containing environmentally sensitive or native features worthy of consideration in the City'S comprehensive Plan or the County's inventory of native ecosystems. Lastly, the subject site contains no historic features recognized by the city or county. 4. With respect to the elimination or reduction of land uses inconsistent with the City'S character and, the need to increase or decrease the intensity of land uses, the proposed amendment will increase the compatibility of adjacent land uses, and is clearly consistent with the Comprehensive Plan; 5. The subject property is located within the "B" flood zone; 6. With respect to Traffic circulation Element analysis requirements, the only relevant policies in the Plan that currently apply, which regard maintaining levels of service standards, will be complied with. As indicated in Attachment "0", the amendment would result in a reduction in total potential generated trips. 7. With respect to Housing Element analysis requirements, the applicable proposed amendments are consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment represents an increase of 29 total potential dwelling units above that currently established by the plan (or only 13 units if the property is developed according to the current commercial land use classification and zoning district which allows multi-family uses at a density of 10.8 units per acre). The proposed amendment will slightly increase the housing opportunities to the city's residents, insignificantly affect the Housing Element data and analysis, and will not affect the provision of housing for low and moderate income households; 8. With respect to Infrastructure Element analysis requirements, see Attachment "0" for availability of facilities analysis. As the analyses indicate, demand for sewer services will only slightly increase, and the increase in water demand is estimated at 129,000 gallons per month. Sufficient reserve capacity exists to accommodate this projected demand for utility services. As indicated within the staff report, the proposed amendments are To: Mr. Robert Pennock -4- July 13, 1995 consistent with all Infrastructure Element objectives and policies; 9. The subject property is within the coastal management area and if reclassified to the special High Density Residential classification, development of this site will be subjected to more stringent development/design standards as established by Table #24 of the Coastal Management support Document (as adopted by Policy 7.9.6). It should be noted, however, that the subject property is currently developed, not located within the Coastal High Hazard area (Policies 7.12.2 and 7.12.3), not located on the waterfront, is absent of any natural or environmentally sensitive element, and would not generate an excess of 50 dwelling units (Policy 1.12.1). 10. The Conservation Element is not applicable (see paragraph #8); 11. With respect to Recreation Element analysis requirements, extension of the Special High Density Residential classification potentially represents an increase of 29 dwelling units above that considered in the Comprehensive Plan, which equates to an estimated 45 persons, or 29 units multiplied by 1.53 persons per unit (1.53 is the average persons per household in this census tract, 1990 Census). a) NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS - Neighborhood park levels of service will likely be met on site given the anticipated age of the future residents, and the minimum facilities to be included in the project. As with nearly all comparable coastal area developments, at a minimum, on site recreation facilities will likely include open space, a swimming pool and dock facilities. Lastly, the walking distance to the nearest park is less than one-quarter mile, which surpasses the adopted level of service standard (walking distance) of one-half mile. b) DISTRICT PARKS - The surplus of district park space was calculated at over 13 acres on July 6, 1994. According to the level of service standard for district parks, 2.5 acres per 1,000 persons, this 13.76 acres will serve an additional 5,504 residents. It should be noted that the City, at most, has grown by approximately 600 to 900 persons since conducting this previous analysis. The 45 additional persons generated by this amendment are insignificant given the current surplus in district park acreage. c) RECREATION FACILITIES - As of July 6, 1994 four of the eighteen categories of facilities nearly had the minimum number of units as required by the corresponding level of service standards (the remaining had significant surpluses). However, these facility categories include single facilities which serve large population groups such as practice fields (1 field per 10,000 persons) youth baseball/softball fields (1 field per 17,500 persons), and regulation baseball fields (1 field per 35,000 persons). The projected maximum population generated by the proposed amendment will be easily accommodated by the TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -5- July 13, 1995 remaining surpluses of all facilities. 12. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element analysis requirements have been satisfied as proper notifications and requests for availability of facility analyses have been sent; 13. With respect to capital Improvements Element analysis requirements, there are no impacts upon capital facilities that have not been projected within the analysis of the comprehensive Plan. Therefore, levels of service are met and all other related policies are complied with; and 14. With respect to consistency with the state comprehensive Plan and the Regional comprehensive Policy Plan, the above statements, along with the information provided within the staff reports address all pertinent issues and topics within the state and Regional Plans. Such issues and topics include housing, natural systems, endangered species, levels of service, intergovernmental coordination, public facilities, historic resources, and transportation. If you have any questions concerning this amendment package, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very Truly Yours, J~'9'~ Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures (!l2COCOCA..LJ:T ATTACHMENT "A" MAPS ITIJllIID ... E A S T ......-.. I , , , 1 , , , , , I , , --; -' 1 I , I , . :1 , " [[[1 - - ..) - I LAND USE DESIGNATlONS ~l i ,--,/,'.'; , , , Ii; . , ...WO 0 LBRIGH T II ................R 0 AD. ", I " J , , " I I; , : I: '.' I . I' , ,: . 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Keyd ,Planning and and Development Board TO: Zoning Director FROM: Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner DATE: June 8, 1995 SUBJECT: 2404 S. Federal Highway - LUAR #95-003, CPTA #99-001 Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning and Text Amendment INTRODUCTION Joseph G. Salamone, Executive Vice President of Bravo Boynton, Inc., a Florida Partnership and contract purchaser, is requesting that 1.45 acres of property located on the east side of S. Federal Highway (currently ocqupied by Gentleman Jim's Restaurant), directly opposite S.E. 23rd Avenue be rezoned and that the Future Land Use Plan designation be amended (see location map in Attachment "A"). The current land use and zoning on this property is Local Retail Commercial and C-3 (Community commercial), respectively. To prepare this property to be assembled with the adjacent property to the east and developed with condominiums, the applicant is requesting that the property be reclassified to Special High Density (permitted maximum of 20 dwelling units per acre), and rezoned to R-3, Multi-family Residential. Lastly, in connection with the expansion of the Special High Density (SH) area, Table #24-Site Specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations-within the Coastal Management support Document is to be amended to show the acreage for the SH area (Map Area #16) increased by the 1.45 acres. Table #24 describes the area delineated for SH and special development regulations intended to both preserve the site's environmentally sensitive features and to mitigate any potential impacts generated by development at this higher density. In brief, the applicant requests these changes to accommodate an overall residential development through replacement of the less demanded/ valued commercial use, and application of the special maximum density provision of 20 dwelling units per acre to offset the site specific development restrictions as required of development within the SH district pursuant to Table #24, Coastal Management support Document (as adopted by Policy 7.9.6). The specific design considerations include a 150 feet shoreline setback, and southern setbacks which increase with building height (e.g. 1 & 2 levels-40 feet; 3 levels-75; and 4 levels-100 feet). With respect to the text amendment, this amendment is only necessary to properly maintain the Comprehensive Plan, and specifically, the description of Map Area #16 which delineates an area immediately to the north and east of the subject property. Table #24, Site specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations, of the Coastal Management support Document was adopted into the Plan by Policy 7.9.6, and in part, describes the size of the area that the special High Density classification and design recommendations apply to (see map and Table #24 within Attachment "B"). Logically, if the SH area is expanded to include the sUbject property, the corresponding recommendations should apply to the new area, and Table #24 should be revised to accurately describe the property within Map Area #16. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS A plan amendment may follow an abbreviated review schedule as established by the Florida Department of community Affairs if the proposed amendment effects less than 10 acres of property and does not involve a land use classification with a density exceeding 10 units per acre. Since the subject amendment involves a density of 20 units per acre, the proposed map and text amendments are limited to the standard review procedure which requires approximately 6 to 8 months to complete. Memo No. 95-240 -2- June 8, 1995 The following analysis is provided pursuant to the city's code of ordinances (Part III-Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9), and Florida law with respect to the transmittal and review of land use plan amendments. This analysis will focus primarily on consistency with the City's comprehensive plan objectives, policies and text, and compatibility of the proposed amendment with the adjacent properties. ADJACENT LAND USE AND ZONING The land use and zoning in the presented in the table below: , surrounding area varies and is Direction North Use Restaurant (John Case's Streb's Restaurant) Zoning C-3 Northeast/East Undeveloped R-3 Southeast/South Multi-family condominiums (Hampshire Gardens) R-3 West S. Federal Highway (U. S. 1) N/A Farther west Mobil Service Station C-3 ANALYSIS PURSUANT TO SEC. 9.C.7 OF CH. 2. LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS This section of the code of Ordinances requires the evaluation of plan amendment/rezoning requests against criteria related to the impacts which would result from the approval of such requests. These criteria and an evaluation of the impacts which could result from development of the property are as follows: 7.a. "WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. ..". Although the Future Land Use Plan is proposed to be amended, the requests are generally consistent with comprehensive Plan objectives and policies, in part, due to the compatibility of the proposed land use classification with adjacent land uses, the availability of service capacity, and due to the Comprehensive Plan's projected surplus of commercial land. This consistency is described by the following policies and narrative: Policy 1.3.3 - ".. .limit the type, intensity, extent and location of land uses to those which the traffic generated by same can be accommodated...without exceeding the levels of service set forth. . ." Policy 1.4.4 - ".. .limit the type, intensity, extent and location of land uses to those which can be accommodated by the potable water system..." Policy 1.4.5 - ".. .residential densities shall not be increased above those which were assumed in projecting water demand in the Potable Water Sub-Element unless it can be demonstrated that capacity will be obtained by reducing the land use density or intensity elsewhere..." Policy 1.5.4 - ".. .limit the type, intensity, extent and location of land uses to those which can be accommodated by the sanitary sewer system..." policv 1.5.5 - ".. .residential densities shall not be increased above those which were assumed in projecting sewer flows in the Potable Water Sub-Element unless it can be demonstrated that capacity will be obtained by reducing the land use density or intensity elsewhere..." Memo No. 95-240 -3- June 8, 1995 Logically, the evaluation of service capacity is of particular importance when considering the expanded application of a special high density area which was not included in the original data and analysis of the Comprehensive Plan. Analyses on the availability of traffic and utility facilities have been conducted, which compare service demands of the current restaurant use with a condominium project (it should be noted that the utility analysis evaluates the potential development scenario on the subject property of approximately 20 dwelling units, while the traffic analysis was conducted tor a maximum 70-unit condominium project to occupy the entire site to be assembled from the subject property and the undeveloped property to the east. The analyses indicate that traffic would be reduced by the proposed amendment, demand for sanitary sewer would increase slightly, and capacity exists to serve the increased potable water demands of the potential pro~ect. With respect to the "reduction of density or intensity elsewhere" as required by Policies 1.4.5 and 1.5.5, this adjustment is not necessary given that the proposed increase in facility demands are low and can be easily accommodated by existing supplies. Policy 1.12.1 - "notify and solicit the comments of the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management and the City's Risk Management Officer, prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation Zone above the maximum densities allowed in the Coastal Management Element, if the proposed density increase would result in an increase of 50 or more dwellings." policy 1.12.1 is not applicable as the proposed amendments represent a maximum possible increase of 29 dwellings (1.45 acres * 20 dwelling per acre maximum permitted density) above that considered by the Future Land Use and Coastal Management Elements. The notification requirements of policy 1.12.1 are required when 50 dwellings or more above that recommended by the comprehensive Plan are approved. policv 1.9.1 - "Implement the land use and redevelopment policies contained within the Coastal Management Element." Policv 1.13.3 - "Encourage infill development and redevelopment by adopting and implementing the policies contained in the Coastal Management Element." A SH classification was created and recommended by the Comprehensive Plan to encourage development/redevelopment of the remaining 9.9 acres of undeveloped, coastal area land in this vicinity (see page 49, Future Land Use support Document in Attachment "CD). To mitigate potential effects of this higher density, the special setbacks, which increase with building height would apply to these sites if developed at this higher density. The applicant plans to utilize the special density provision currently applying to the adjacent property, and is requesting that this SH classification be extended to the subject property. Along with the special density provision, the site specific development considerations would also apply to the subject property if expansion of the overlay zone is approved. The applicant desires to incorporate the site specific design considerations onto both the area they currently apply to, and the subject property. policv 1.19.6 - ".. .do not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, ..." Policy 1.19.7 - "In areas where demand for commercial uses will not increase, particularly in the Coastal Area, subsequent to Plan adoption change the land use and zoning to permit only residential.. ." The replacement of this commercial use with a residential classification is indirectly consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, as the data and analysis projects that land for retail uses will have Memo No. 95-240 -4- June 8, 1995 the highest surplus compared to other commercial uses, and the Plan recommends, where appropriate, the replacement of commercial uses with residential uses. The Future Land Use Support Document projects that approximately 142 acres of surplus land will exist for retail uses at build-out. Although this projection was adjusted, in part, in anticipation of it being "absorbed by an increase in per capita income", which therefore increased the base demand figure, it still may underestimAte the ultimate surplus given the following Plan amendments which occurred subsequent to Plan adoption: a) the conversion of nearly 30 acres to commercial use for the Boynton Beach Boulevard and the Knuth Road Planned Commercial Developments; b) the denial of amending 11 acres along a segment of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Local Retail Commercial t~ Office Commercial as recommended by the Plan; and c) the amendment of the 30-acre, Hunter's Run commercial tract to Local Retail Commercial land use. As a result of these amendments, the projected 142 acre surplus should be increased to nearly 213 acres of land designated for retail uses. Lastly, to further encourage development/redevelopment of coastal properties, Policy 1.19.7 recommends that selected commercial sites within the coastal area be amended to residential use contingent upon a "demand for commercial use which will not increase". Staff has not evaluated commercial demand within this area (e.g. by examining commercial vacancies, business turnover, or vacant land), but given the proximity of the subject property to vacant waterfront land designated for a maximum density nearly double that permitted in the High Density Residential classification, and the proximity of this commercial use with the nearest major commercial actiVity center (i.e. Woolbright Road and U.S. 1), it is arguable that the demand for residential use of this property may exceed the demand for, or value of commercial use. It should also be noted that the comprehensive plan recommends that ideally, commercial uses should be concentrated at or nearby thoroughfare intersections. The following additional objectives, policies, and issues addressed below are either typically referenced by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), or required by them to be analyzed in the review of proposed amendments: Obiective 1.2 - "Coordinate future land uses with soil conditions so that urban land uses are prohibited in locations where it is not economical to remove or treat unsuitable soils..."; and policv 1.2.1 - ".. .prohibit development of urban land uses where the removal or treatment of unsuitable soils would be uneconomical, prOVide that unstable soils shall be removed in all construction and land development sites where soils would affect the performance of infrastructure, drainage...". No extreme soil conditions are known to be characteristic of this property which is already developed. Furthermore, policies such as those above will ensure the use of proper development techniques. Obiective 4.4 - "The City shall,. ..protect all remaining areas of substantial native upland and wetland vegetation and eliminate undesirable exotic tree species."; policv 1.11.14 - ".. .provide for open space preservation by requiring the preservation of 25% of all "A", "B", and "C" rated sites...". There are no environmentally sensitive features on the subject property; however, the existence of mangroves on and near the property to the east will warrant appropriate management techniques and permits. Staff has already surveyed the current condition of ~he site to the east, and assisted the applicant with mangrove and exotlc tree identification. Memo No. 95-240 -5- June 8, 1995 Obiective 1.11 - ".. . future land uses shall include provisions for the protection of. ..archaeological resources and historic buildings. . . " . The City's Comprehensive Plan requires that historical resources and archaeological sites be preserved and protected. However, the subject property is developed and, there are no archaeological amenities known to exist on the remainder of the site to the east. 7.b. "WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE CONTRARY TO THE ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN, OR WOULD CREATE AN ISOLATED DISTRICT UNRELATED TO ADJACENT AND NEARBY DISTRICTS, OR WOULD CONSTITUTE A GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVILEGE TO AN INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNER AS CONTRASTED WITH THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC WELFARE.; AND 7.e. "WHETHERTHE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH CURRENT AND FUTURE US~ OF ADJACENT AND NEARBY PROPERTIES, OR WOULD AFFECT THE PROPERTY VALUES OF ADJACENT PROPERTIES.". With respect to reclassification of the subject property, the proposed conversion to residential land use and zoning represents a slight deintensification of the property compared to the current commercial use, as traffic generation is projected to decrease (only water demand is anticipated to significantly increase which is not an impact which directly affects adjacent or nearby properties similar to traffic). Secondly, the proposed classification is a similar classification to, or has a similar density of that on all abutting properties except for the parcel to the north which remains designated for commercial use (John Case's Strebs Restaurant). As for the compatibility (with adjacent uses) of the proposed SH classification being extended to the subject property, the special design considerations that accompany this area are intended to offset the potential impacts generated by the higher density that would be experienced by adjacent properties (namely Hampshire Gardens). As indicated above, based on the number of stories ultimately approved for this site, the southern setback would vary between 40 feet (the standard minimum setback for the R-3 zoning district) for one (1) or two (2) stories to 100 feet for four (4) stories. Furthermore, residential use is a more compatible classification with the adjacent residential area than the existing commercial classification. The SH district applied to the subject property would allow a maximum of 15 dwellings more than would be allowed by the conventional maximum density of 10.8 dwellings per acre. Lastly, it should be noted that the relatively higher densities greatly vary along the City'S coastal area, ranging between 18.8 dwellings per acre to 45 dwellings per acre, and the actual gross density of the adjacent Hampshire Gardens Cooperative is 22 dwellings per acre. 7.c. "WHETHER CHANGED OR CHANGING CONDITIONS MAKE THE PROPOSED REZONING DESIRABLE." As indicated above and based on the request to rezone the existing restaurant, the commercial value of this property may be declining. Lastly, although Policy 1.19.7 suggests the conversion of applicable commercial properties within the coastal area, the Plan may not have considered the conversion of the Gentleman Jim's property to residential use as is necessary to provide needed access to the waterfront parcel, which has a limited 25 feet of frontage on Federal Highway. 7.d. "WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH UTILITY SYSTEMS, ROADWAYS, AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES." Florida Administrative Code, Chapter 9J-11 also requires that the availability of public facilities be analyzed in connection with a proposed amendment to a comprehensive plan, and that the maximum potential demand upon public facilities be determined. The following facilities were analyzed in order to ensure that capacity is available: Memo No. 95-240 -6- June B, 1995 1) Roads: confirmed generated The traffic statement was analyzed by the County who that the entire project would represent a reduction of total trips and therefore demand on the immediate roadway network; 2) Water/Sewer: The City's Utility Department reviewed the amendment and indicated that water and sewer capacities are to serve the maximum demands to be generated on this site. demand for sanitary sewer facilities will remain relatively the demand for potable water is projected to increase from approximately 129,000 gallons per month to 258,000 gallons per month. This review also indicated that residential development will require that fire (water) flow requirements be brought to current standards, which may require off-site improvements at the developer's expense. It is recommended that a fire flow test be conducted in order to determine the current available fire flow to the site; proposed available While the unchanged, 3) Solid Wast~: The Solid Waste Authority reviewed this request and does not object to the proposed amendment as ample capacity exists to serve the future solid waste collection and disposal needs generated on this site. This limited, non-quantitative review by the Solid Waste Authority is provided through a standard letter that they request be used for facility review until subsequent notice is received from them; 4) Drainage: An analysis of drainage facilities was not conducted; however, ultimate development of the site must comply with both drainage requirements within the Plan as well as those imposed by the appropriate district/authority; and 5) Recreation: Extension of the SH classification represents an increase of 29 dwelling units above that considered in the Comprehensive Plan, which equates to an estimated 45 persons, or 29 units multiplied by 1.53 persons per unit (1.53 is the average persons per household in this census tract, 1990 Census). a) NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS - Neighborhood park levels of service will likely be met on site given the anticipated age of the future residents, and the minimum facilities to be included in the project. As with nearly all comparable coastal area developments, at a minimum, on site recreation facilities will likely include open space, a swimming pool and dock facilities. Furthermore, a recreation impact fee will now be collected at the site plan review stage rather than during plat review, which will contribute to the construction/improvement of recreation resources which serve this area. With respect to the collection of land or money in lieu of, with the close proximity of Jaycee Park, and the proximity to U.S. 1, this site is not ideal for a small neighborhood park, but rather money should be collected in lieu of land which could be possibly contribute to improvements to Jaycee Park. b) DISTRICT PARKS - Regarding the district park level of service capacity, the surplus of district park space was calculated at over 13 acres on July 6, 1994. According to the level of service standard for district parks, 2.5 acres per 1,000 persons, this 13.76 acres will serve an additional 5,504 residents. It should be noted that the City, at most, has grown by approximately 600 to 900 persons since conducting this previous analysis. c) RECREATION FACILITIES - As of July 6, 1994 four of the eighteen categories of facilities had the minimum number of units as required by the corresponding level of service standards. However, these facility categories include single facilities which serve large population groups such as practice fields (1 field per 10,000 persons) youth baseball/softball fields (1 field per 17,500 persons), and regulation baseball fields (1 field per 35,000 persons). All other facilities have surpluses ranging between 2 (shuffleboard courts) and 10 (racquetball courts) units/facilities. Memo No. 95-240 -7- June 8, 1995 7.f. "WHETHER THE PROPERTY IS PHYSICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY DEVELOPABLE UNDER rHE EXISTING ZONING."; With respect to residential conversion of the subject property, since the property is already developed there are not likely any unique physical constraints which would limit redevelopment. As for economic feasibility, the subject property is not undevelopable as currently zoned and classified. However, as indicated in this report, there may currently be factors which create greater demand for residential use than commercial use of this property, particularly given the availability of land for assemblage which facilitates waterfront development. with respect to extension of the SH area, rather than the application of the conventional High Density Residential classification, the applicant indicates that a density in between 10.8 dwellings per acre and the maximum for the SH classification (20 dwellings per; acre), is necessary given the application of the restrictive setbacks on the parcel to the east. Although staff is unable to confirm the potential economic necessity of the SH classification on the subject property, it is possible that the plan assumed the planned development of the entire area designated for the new SH classification. This assumption would be consistent with general comprehensive plan policies that encourage land assemblage as it prevents isolated uses and conserves natural and man-made resources. Also, more efficient infrastructure can be designed for assembled parcels as compared to small parcels developed for stand alone uses that cannot benefit from shared improvements. 7.g. "WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING IS OF A SCALE WHICH IS REASONABLY RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE CITY AS A WHOLE." Criteria for evaluating the relationship between the proposed amendments and development related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City include service demands, density, use, value, and accomplishment of, and consistency with comprehensive Plan policies. As indicated above, ample capacity exists to serve the maximum potential service needs of this proposed project, the maximum density is less than that of the adjacent Hampshire Gardens Cooperative. and midway between the densities existing on larger coastal area developments within the City. The requests would comply with the intent of the Comprehensive Plan through the residential development of this coastal area and the preservation of the waterfront, mangroves, and adjacent property values (through application of the more stringent design standards). As already indicated, extension of the SH area would allow for the addition of 29 dwelling units beyond that recommended by the Plan (based on the current 9.9 acres designated for SH), and an increase of only 13 dwelling units above that if the subject property were developed for multi-family housing in accordance with the C-3, Community Commercial district or with the High Density Residential classification and R-3, MUlti-family Residential district (both limit maximum density to 10.8 dwellings per acre) . 7.h. "WHETHER THERE ARE ADEQUATE SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY FOR THE PROPOSED USE, IN DISTRICTS WHERE SUCH USE IS ALREADY ALLOWED." It should be noted that the C-3, community Commercial zoning district permits multi-family uses limited to 10.8 dwellings per acre; however, staff typically recommends that a residential use utilize the appropriate residential zoning district, and that a single parcel be unified under one classification and zoning district. with respect to alternative locations, there are certainly other sites which would allow condominium development, including those zoned C-3, community commercial, R-3, High Density Residential, central Business District, and the newly created MX or Mixed Use district (which allows a maximum density of 40 dwellings per acre). However, although there are likely vacant or partially vacant properties within appropriate districts, these areas may not include waterfront properties, would require greater land assemblage, and would lack direct visibility from U.S. 1. Memo No. 95-240 -8- June 8, 1995 RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the applications submitted by Joseph G. Salamone for High Density Residential land use, extension of the special High Density overlay district, and R-3 (High Density Residential) zoning be approved, based on the fOllowing: 1. The proposed amendments and zoning would be consistent with Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies; 2. The proposed amendments would not be contrary to the/established land use pattern, nor would they create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, and nor would it constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner; 3. The req~ested land use and zoning would be compatible with capacities of utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities; 4. The proposed land use and zoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties and, would not affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties; 5. The proposed land use and zoning are of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole; and 6. The expansion of the adjacent Special High Density classification onto the subject property is consistent with encouraging development of property under one unified classification and zoning district. MI.CVIIIIZ.O..... I , I , "'0' \1; I ~ I ~ I J t . e. 7./"'. I I I , I I : . I . ATTACHMENT "A" LOCATION MAP "'C! JI . SITE /. (1 OF 2) (1) . 0 . , . , . . . , I. , I , , , , " , I' I : I II, , I' /I I . I '>-'1 '. ,.....,.' :',~I' 0' >',' , 'tr' , :tl~": . ,I I ,. I : " -,', . . I .,g,' , . 'I ,~,', , I : ' , '..lI, , ':"5'," , , 1,.-" ' . I '0) , I . '......', I , '0::010" I- I' , I' ,U', , ., 'g'" ':" ," ::_, " ,II I, I . I 12:" , : 1'-'1: . .' . .. . .1 . . . I . . . , . . . . . . D.ell ~ (f) e-95 PLANNINQ DEP. t- . 400' . '" c .:! .. .. .. " -.; c o U c .. Xi Q " c .. IX ;J " c j .. .. " ;; to. ... C U .. ... '" :l ;;; ~ .. :;; {!. " =:.. o c ...- o c .. 0 "-1'01 .. _.5 .!.!c .. 0 fzlN il~ "'.. 0.. ..." 0_ .. " "-to. +-~ " .. .. .. .. .. <~ - .. " c .. ... ".. " .J;J~ ATTACHMENT "B" (1 OF 3) TABLE #24, PAGE (COASTAL MANAGEMENT ~ ;; \0 ~ 8 6 ~ ~ io ~ ~ >. ::f M i:: "2 tlQ ~ .. n 9 u u .J.5 l' ~.8,,~ -~ ~~- ~ ".B "~b ~t6 ~ ~g5i 1 ~ f]~~ i]~ - ~~~ i~~~ lillJ >. . '"'" u .c .0 ii: u.S c '- u ... ~ u .~ .- - U if" 0 F; g ~~~~ ~ i ~aco ~.o~ ~ .5_v E~-u aE~ij~ o ~ '; U "'l 's _ '::J::J.5 . c 0 5 .... '; -5 .R ~ t ... .c:: _-.cD b ~ ~~ ~~~~~ ~ e"--N OeO~ ~ ~CU U 0. oq-....._ .- 1! ': t: c oJ .. ..... U .. ::I .0 0 0 0 .. ~~ug ~~~cgu~... ~ ~ tiC. __~~~ .~> "-"1" ~c" II ""u~ '-".c ~liiu.~ o.::I~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~u~.~ .~ M....S~~E.w~o .~-o~c ..c; ~ !! ';: >. n -5 ........ i.j.. 0 g '0 "i: -8 .. ::I'S - c..-a : 0 t: ~ U ~ !! E! t:... 0 a.. ~ 0.. .. )! U - N - fJ ';;j ::s u u ~ u ... > E o C 0. '2 '2 6 u u - u c 5 .c .c:; co "" u -a ~ c - ... c 0 ~ c 0 ~ ~, :s ::I ..t: 0 go DOS E; '0 u.... tlO 00 0 :! .~ ~ : u :j'- ~ ti ~ u "B Q 9 Ja:.a ~') e; ~ oW ~ ~:E .~3 ~ ;.. ]] ~ ~ 8..5 ~ ~ 3 ~ ~ s 6 ~ 8 's: .~ .JC (5 w U '- w. u 0 .& r- r- U 0 ~ """ U lid U u:i -5 .~. .~..~ " " J;o" un oo~ "~n~~~M~~ ,.J~ Q.,Q., ... u U ~ oOU _ Mrr\ ~Q., _....J~ t: C::U~. e ~B ~ ~ uuc::_~..._~ --~ ...~ u ~uo o.~ ~n "5~ ~ ~ ":~-g~lfi /::'~; ~~B~< ;'Ic iiglii~ :]]~ :.;; ~~[li~:~ ~~~~!~lo;~g~~ ~~.~g.[ :.u~ 0 ~ ~~-~ ~~. NNaO~~UEU u~v o~~~u ... ~ c; .- - Vi .. > e M a 5i ~ --:- 0 0 ;: ~ ~ ... u "j; ~.:: 00 U ~tlO'i? U 11'1 g-e~ ~ ~u~~~~B --8veuUE~OIl'l c eo~~ ~ C\l._... N M .E - M'" U I"IlI U _.... bO co ~ 0..:-;:: : E&'. ~ tJ tJ ;~~Ec'O 0 .~~M~~5ill'lu. '~'~~~~~'~~~-u~gei Ai.5S~ o -I,) .... .... u- ~~ ... 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" ;'I 1i .5 > oll ~ u .. > e i :J ; ~ -0 viM o .,; ~ ... ~ 0-0 - - - ... - ,; " ~ .5 " <:> ... ATTJV;HMENT "A" (2 OF- 2) LOCATION MAP (2) (SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY) II I' -=. ._, . - ._-~- 21ST. AYE , ,-- l- I I I 1 :- i I - '1 c: Jit . , .--- , , 1 ~ W r--r ..: f---J :' JJ ' .. I r-: ~ I -, I .. I ~J , - I , .'.~c.'. J: J -JI I ~ ; UJ 4.~ ~ I "/lo ~ I ~ " en I . .JJ y ::i- t e. !. "t,.;' , ~ I ;11'" L~I I ...1~~ .... I ~ 17 1 , I ,/' 'if I = ...~l..., ..., . J , ~ ...,~ ( EXIST SPECI . . , , , I . , " I, , , I I I I ., , It f II I , , " , ',' ,. I . , ,...." . '. ~,' . "'~'I' I :, ';:>01 I : "Ir" I : :. 'W,1 : . III~,"I : .' I. ,4:: : . " ,.:5-,'. . , : :' '-1" , ",~,.I' I, 'r-" ' I, 'CI.J" . ~.g:'n :IO'!' I' ,,' . .., .' '-',! I ::"~III .:', " ,. I,' " I;;:,. , : 1'-": . .' . .. . I! : :; ~UIII:JI1IIgJ !!! I~~'''' -..! " .. I,' .:I .. , IlUtHMAIIY (DO." ., I ': , II I " I DENSI Y I AREA I i . ~ (j) 5-95 PlANNING llEP. .. .4QOl u o<t: ...... P Q o N o E-t ~ t!J Z o<t: :r: u .. Ul ~ P: U o<t: III ... .... >t I:Q ~ Ul o<t: gJ U Z H .. .. .. .. " -.; C o U C 01: -.; .. Q " c .. .. .. ;;;l " c .. ..l .. .. = " I&. " ::01: o c c.- o c .. 0 o.N .. c: U .. c. '" .. c .!!c .. 0 :&IN ~ c;; .. " .. ..;;;l .. .. o .. c." 0- .. " 0.1&. ~ ~ -Cl .. !- ATTACHMENT (2 OF 3) "B" TABLE #24, PAGE (COASTAL MANAGEMENT 78 ELEMENT) ~ :;; >. C tr(l U . NOC~ E ~ u o .- ~ u. = 0 -= ;; ~~ 2 oS !! Co e fII.. cue ... cft- '-11 ._ '_ __. NO" 0::1 ItlI ""'r .coo:lI _ U QlI....c bO c .._.. 0"0" ,,!!l c..- c __00 M~U._ ~ ~- u .- "'>. ~ 3 .!! Z .. '~.S .. oo '" ;>-;; c .. II'! .. 3 -Cl .!l :=- fi u:g -d ~ u e'~ u .~ .5 !! ~ '5 :is -d ~ 8 ~. ~ 6 :f ~",,~>~Qo~c N= ~c" ~So- -ll-~ II E '5 5 2 ai : .'.. - ~ ~ _'M e .8 'e U ct 'iil ~ ,; .~. g:: .N ... '" -< c. tJ g II" IS .2:' Ii.... J!.l! Ii:; Cl Ii en ~ !! ! '; ~ ;;.8 ~ i ~ -5 ~.!i N!5 .s 11 ~ ~ ~ '" &'./l 8. 5 i il ;;;1 2: .Il J! ~ .: ...~ i :..g .~ 9 ~ J1 ~ 1l"P, ~ "li ~ 5 .5 ;2 -8 .... ~ 's'~ e .~ '2 '"-t ~ WI .c ..6 ::s "0 i:'S :c "C..... 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E:; g..8"co.o!! ......... ~"B ::Ioo2..9~...- J:.2~..9!!~.2 "'..'s u :t:o'!! ~flGc e ~"O "-0 _~ ..-~ C-U-~..- - ~_ ~ ,e. > '" ~ c..U K u u :t: en .c:. e"O < .D e ~ < "0 -< 0 > -< cc: ~ -; t- ,:,in .;; l- I:': ;;;l " c j ~ .. -5 .!! '" III rn~ g Q :2 ~ i:' o oo " ;; u ":t ; ~ ..:." If 5 !l- -;; .c ~ e;; .~';;;...: . ... c u (3 '0 ~ '5 u u.c.!!!: U .)0 00"0 fI) g ';;j:C 00 L:-- :J __ C .8 '; u .~ '2 r= g.!: l! ::l 3...J u 0.. Z oo~oo .!!" o.!: l<'- ~ .... "0 t.)tnu~c .5"Os<~&. II.,;;" '" u '" a..c.."''-~ ell .. 0_ ~~ ..~ .c..c.OCl)u U -;: ;;; is 3 .. Z u .t: = is N 3 , .. "'z u .C ;;; is "<t 3 , .. uz u .S .. is iJ .. Z .., , '" III '":' U .., "<t U U .., eo N u .., u uu zz .., '" Q z u - z .., '" - ~ z .., u Q~ zz .., '" Q z .., '" ~ <>:: do ~ '" do ~ '" ..l ~ 6' ~ 6' jd o II u'" =- III ~ ~ .. '" =- III ~ .. .. '" ~~ ::E::E ~~ ~ .. .. .. "'''' g o U -~ o U g o U g o U ill ;;;l ::- ! '; e ~ .. t! ~ ~ e ~ ~ ;; .. u G ..: ::- ] ::- ] ...... ]] ~ .~ g 8 ~ u .. > .. -f: ',5 !!l !!l " " .5'!; H u u .. .. >> .. .. :J 11 .. i .. .. ~";:. .s c ""Vi :.r... 5.. ~'iii >::E .. DO c .;; .. DO c .;; c .. .. .. " u :.r Ii u .. > J?:o c .;; ::E ~ u .. > N.., ~I() "'''' NO - ... .,; VI ~ VI .0 :! ~ :q N N l:l~ '" - 00 '" - N -78- ;; .. E .. oo .. 5 ::E .., '" III . " . +-++ ~ z =- III ~ II '" J?:o ! ;; e olj .. DO .!: III cJ .!; .I - " .!! "il ~ :x: !! ~ ~ - M ~ il I! il II> ATTACHMENT "B" (3 OF 3) FIGURE #17 (COASTAL MANAGEMENT ELEMENT) 'I Ii! i . ~---- o lif( ! .~'D=: i .11 '~ .r:.....;..... : I I "-l I. I! I! I ....,... / , ~:w A~'! , 'I ill :::J ! '1 C! n ~! ~.::=; I L..J_..J i r- ~-;lj I........'.... 1 ; i~ II~' i ! r-:.. / ! ;::= / C I! i j i I I ! I I.. II.. " . , " ill........f ........ H ,II........... , ; I. i . III; I j t , I : /. :~~UUUL . :, i .1 I: I P&R I ~ I . . , C i: i U'J .0 I !. i I; : i; .. Ii d I .........- I fOWN oP' I I IUJ IrRE.... / I j I i r ~r L r J i If LJ-, . , I lin, I I ......--J n: L ....... ;, - i : ,--.J I I J ".,- . I' .,...... Ir~ : I . I,-.:r-~' ...." c:--_' I _____. I P&/l """ I I ".,.. I, .,., i f"'''' ; , , c --I I ( ...............- c "'"i!' c ...,.... I I I I I I I , ....." "':.... ., " .~.: c ","',. 'till" u....r ~..~:_~-:=-:.:..:-::.;--~ =.:.~ :-:....:.-~_.~.':' -81- t....i'.. ,,,,.,,.. "",,.'" ~INY .JlaUI P&R H "'" j 1 I i I I I I I I I I , I j j j I i I i I I I I I \ \ \ i i i I . , i , I 1 ; I I i i I I I i i I I I I i I ! \ I 1 I ~ .. " " '" " .., ... ~ .. , ... .. , , , , I , ,I ~~ .,,""-',," ...: c ..........~', .~; . :-~ ....::.~... :.... . :"'" ........ . ..........- :...,.... . ......,..... ..........'-. " ~, ... ",.,'" -, ..... ., '.... . ..~,. '. ... .... ....... ..,..... ",. ,.... -....... ,_.., . ~_.....,... ~ . ::'11...IID Illltt"lt \IU ..' P....,.. ~" _... ".- .-... '7 :.:- ::. .-:.:...- - .,", . ..~.~. - - - . pO' -, ....... .~. '...--. - SOURCE: Waller H. Keller Jr. Inc. May 1989 FUiURE 17 - Ft;Tl.IlE ';..I.'() t;sE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COASTAL MANAGE~ENT ELE~ENT "('lOll '---.-:;~ ---... ... .... III -,;....:.~.;- ATTACHMENT "C" FUTURE LAND USE SUPPORT DOCUMENT, PAGE 4F49 There is one other portion of the Coastal Area in which co~mercial redevelopment is desirable. The segment of U.S. 1 near the southern city limit currently contains a significant number of vacant parcels, obsolete buildings, and marginal commercial uses. In order to upgrade the properties fronting on U.S. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that the eXisting Local Retail land use category be maintained, rather than permitting heavy commercial uses. Heavy commercial uses would be limited to theiparcels which front on Old Dixie Highway. In order to absorb some of the commercial acreage along U.S. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that new car sales be allowed on the C-3 zoned property south of old Dixie Highway, on parcels that have a minimum area of 2 acres. There are several parcels and areas where increased residential densities are recommended, in order to encourage infill development. There are two small parcels, of 1.6 acres and 1:2 acres, located on the north side of Dimmick Road and at the end of Las palmas Avenue, where it is recommended that the land use category be changed from Low Density (4.84 dwellings per acre) to High Density Residential (10.8 dwellings per acre). These density increases are contingent on limiting development to two-story townhouses. In order to encourage infill development south of Woolbright Road, the Coastal Management Element recommends that the density be increased on the largest remaining vacant multiple-family parcels. Currently, the maximum residential density in the city is 10.8 dwellings per acre. The Coastal Management Element recommends that a special High Density land use category be created, with a maximum density of 20 dwellings per acre. The application of this land use category would be limited to the Coastal Area, however. The parcel in question is located along the Intracoastal Waterway and is partly occupied by mangroves. Although the mangroves are protected by law, it would be possible for this density to be transferred to the upland portions of this property. It is also recommended, in this element, that residential densities of up to 40 dwellings per acre be permitted in the CBD zoning district, and that this density be applied in addition to the commercial intensity which is permitted in the CBD zoning district. Many of the existing multi-family projects in the Coastal Area exceed the maximum density which is shown on the Future Land Use Plan. The High Density Residential category of the land use plan allows for densities up to 10.8 dwellings per acre, whereas existing mUlti-family projects have densities which range from 17 to 46 dwellings per acre. It is recommended in the coastal Management Element as well as in this element that the perpetuation of these projects at their existing densities be permitted, for two reasons: First, because public facilities in the Coastal Area are sufficient to serve these densities; and second, because claSSifying these densities as non-conforming makes it difficult for potential buyers of these units to obtain mortgages, which creates a hardship for the existing owners, who are often elderly persons with moderate incomes. It is not desirable, however, for the City to create higher-density land use categories to accommodate the existing density of these projects, since it would then be pOSSible for property owners in other areas of the City to request the same density. Also, the large 49 ATTACHMENT "A" (2 OF 2) LOCATION (SPECIAL HIGH MAP (2) DENSITY) .- .----- . . , I , , Y " , I I, ,. , , , I ", q t ii, , I " , I " " I I , ,).,,, '. 'irr',' , I',SI' . : 'ief' I : . .m,1 : "'~,'" II ~':' ." , I . .,' I'. . , ::' '...J't I ,"~I.'. I, '''-" I 'I '('1.)" , , ~~'n ,.O'!' I I 0' . i:::~' ,'!: .:', " .. , I ' " !;z" , ! I'-,t: . " : :1 ,1/ ~'E:3r.rrrrl fTm::::::1 I \ I ~Ull.U..:.i.W.LE : !t :iCOllDOVA ....., I" a- .' I ~ " : ~- ~ I' f : , I I I IlUTHMAIlY (D.C" II' ': , " , ,I ;11" ~d :r ...J m o If en ::;j : DENS AREA , , , , , .'., ~~,,,, I II , " I J t . e. ~/"" I , ,.. . ..l.' I . 11' . I I ~ . J . I i , @> CI) ~p." ~... ..., &c.JJy .",~ 5-95 PLANNJNQ DEP. ,....oD' ATTACHMENT "C" FUTORE LAND USE SUPPORT DOCUMENT, PAGE #49 There is one other portion of the Coastal Area in which co~mercial redevelopment is desirable. The segment of U.S. 1 near the southern City limit currently contains a significant number of vacant parcels, obsolete bUildings, and marginal commercial uses. In order to upgrade the properties fronting on U.S. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that the existing Local Retail land use category be maintained, rather than permitting heavy commercial uses. Heavy commercial uses would be limited to the ,parcels which front on Old Dixie Highway. In order to absorb some of the commercial acreage along U.S. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that new car sales be allowed on the C-3 zoned property south of Old Dixie Highway, on parcels that have a minimum area of 2 acres. There are several parcels and areas where increased residential densities are recommended, in order to encourage infill development. There are two small parcels, of 1.6 acres and 1.2 acres, located on the north side of Dimmick Road and at the end of Las palmas Avenue, where it is recommended that the land use category be changed from Low Density (4.84 dwellings per acre) to High Density Residential (10.8 dwellings per acre). These density increases are contingent on limiting development to two-story townhouses. In order to encourage infill development south of Woolbright Road, the Coastal Management Element recommends that the density be increased on the largest remaining vacant multiple-family parcels. Currently, the maximum residential density in the City is 10.8 dwellings per acre. The Coastal Management Element recommends that a Special High Density land use category be created, with a maximum density of 20 dwellings per acre. The application of this land use category would be limited to the Coastal Area, however. The parcel in question is located along the Intracoastal Waterway and is partly occupied by mangroves. Although the mangroves are protected by law, it would be possible for this density to be transferred to the upland portions of this property. It is also recommended, in this element, that residential densities of up to 40 dwellings per acre be permitted in the CBD zoning district, and that this density be applied in addition to the commercial intensity which is permitted in the CBD zoning district. Many of the existing multi-family projects in the Coastal Area exceed the maximum density which is shown on the Future Land Use Plan. The High Density Residential category of the land use plan allows for densities up to 10.8 dwellings per acre, whereas existing multi-family projects have densities which range from 17 to 46 dwellings per acre. It is recommended in the coastal Management Element as well as in this element that the perpetuation of these projects at their existing densities be permitted, for two reasons: First, because publiC facilities in the coastal Area are sufficient to serve these densities; and second, because classifying these densities as non-conforming makes it difficult for potential buyers of these units to obtain mortgages, which creates a hardship for the existing owners, who are often elderly persons with moderate incomes. It is not desirable, however, for the City to create higher-density land use categories to accommodate the existing density of these projects, since it would then be possible for property owners in other areas of the City to request the same density. Also, the large 49 / PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-241 TO: Chairman and Members planning and Development Board THRU: Tambr i J. Heyden ,"7lJll- planning and zoning Director ffJ;L. FROM: Michael W. Rumpf {' Senior Planner DATE: June 8, 1995 SUBJECT: TABLE #24, COASTAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT DOCUMENT (CPTA 95-002) REQUEST FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT I INTRODUCTION i staff proposes to correct the result of an inadvertent error in Table #24, Site Specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations, of the Coastal Management support Document. This Table #24 is an adopted element within the comprehensive plan pursuant to Policy 7.9.6 (please see Table #24 and policy 7.9.6 within Attachment "A"). A significant development consideration indicated within Table #24 is the Special High Density overlay (SH) district, which applies to approximately 10 acres of property on the east side of Federal Highway (U.S.1), at S.E. 23rd Avenue. This SH district was established in the Future Land Use Element and on the Future Land Use Map to specifically encourage redevelopment of this property within the coastal area through a density bonus provision. The maximum density established for this SH district is 20 dwelling units per acre, as indicated on the Future Land Use Map and by the definition of this overlay district in policy 1.16.1 (please see Attachment "B"). Table #24 inadvertently shows the maximum density for this district as 16 dwelling units per acre, and therefore must be amended to indicate the adopted maximum density for this district as 20 dwelling units per acre. EXPLANATION FOR INADVERTENT ERROR This simple error is presumed to have occurred just prior to the adoption of the plan when various densities and locations for the SH district were being considered by the city. While the Future Land Use Element was being drafted by staff, and therefore was easily revised to incorporate the current comments and conclusions generated during public hearings, revisions to the coastal Management Element required the coordination with consultants, who drafted this and other elements of the Plan. Initially, 16 dwelling units per acre was the proposed maximum density for this SH district, but was changed to 20 dwelling units per acre at one of the last workshops/public hearings prior to transmittal to the Florida Department of community Affairs in June of 1989. The incorrect density remaining on Table #24 was not realized by staff. IMPACT UPON REMAINDER OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN since the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element was based on the correct maximum density, 20 dwelling units per acre, the correction of this error would have no effect on the data and analysis of the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, only recently has the application of this SH district been requested by a potential developer, and the correct density from the Future Land Use Map was used. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT PROCEDURE The 2404 S. Federal Highway applications brought attention to this error, which if denied, should still be processed in order to correct an internal inconsistency within the comprehensive plan. Furthermore, as 2404 S. Federal Highway application is considered a large scale amendment, both will be processed together within one report to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA) according to the standard review process which takes approximately six (6) months to eight (8) months to complete. After review by the DCA, the amendments will be adopted and forwarded back to the DCA for compliance review. Ordinances then become effective 21 days following notice of compliance. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-241 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Tambri J. Heyden ,-7lJt!- planning and zoning Director ff1 ;e. FROM: Michael W. Rumpf " Senior planner DATE: June 8, 1995 SUBJECT: TABLE #24, COASTAL MANAGEMENT SUPPORT DOCUMENT (CPTA 95-002) REQUEST FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT I INTRODUCTION staff proposes to correct the result of an inadvertent error in Table #24, site specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations, of the Coastal Management support Document. This Table #24 is an adopted element within the Comprehensive plan pursuant to Policy 7.9.6 (please see Table #24 and Policy 7.9.6 within Attachment "A"). A significant development consideration indicated within Table #24 is the Special High Density overlay (SH) district, which applies to approximately 10 acres of property on the east side of Federal Highway (U.S.1), at S.E. 23rd Avenue. This SH district was established in the Future Land Use Element and on the Future Land Use Map to specifically encourage redevelopment of this property within the coastal area through a density bonus provision. The maximum density established for this SH district is 20 dwelling units per acre, as indicated on the Future Land Use Map and by the definition of this overlay district in Policy 1.16.1 (please see Attachment "B"). Table #24 inadvertently shows the maximum density for this district as 16 dwelling units per acre, and therefore must be amended to indicate the adopted maximum density for this district as 20 dwelling units per acre. EXPLANATION FOR INADVERTENT ERROR This simple error is presumed to have occurred just prior to the adoption of the plan when various densities and locations for the SH district were being considered by the City. While the Future Land Use Element was being drafted by staff, and therefore was easily revised to incorporate the current comments and conclusions generated during public hearings, revisions to the Coastal Management Element required the coordination with consultants, who drafted this and other elements of the Plan. Initially, 16 dwelling units per acre was the proposed maximum density for this SH district, but was changed to 20 dwelling units per acre at one of the last workshops/publiC hearings prior to transmittal to the Florida Department of community Affairs in June of 1989. The incorrect density remaining on Table #24 was not realized by staff. IMPACT UPON REMAINDER OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Since the Comprehensive plan Future Land Use Element was based on the correct maximum density, 20 dwelling units per acre, the correction of this el-ror would have no effect on the data and analysis of the Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, only recently has the application of this SH district been requested by a potential developer, and the correct density from the Future Land Use Map was used. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT PROCEDURE The 2404 S. Federal Highway applications brought attention to this error, which if denied, should still be processed in order to correct an internal inconsistency within the comprehensive plan. Furthermore, as 2404 S. Federal Highway application is considered a large scale amendment, both will be processed together within one report to the Florida Department of community Affairs (DCA) according to the standard review process which takes apprOXimately six (6) months to eight (8) months to complete. After review by the DCA, the amendments will be adopted and forwarded back to the DCA for compliance review. Ordinances then become effective 21 days following notice of compliance. Memo No. 95-241 -2- June 8, 1995 RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that this inadvertent error be corrected through this text amendment, as is justified by the fOllowing: 1. Table #24 of the Coastal Management Element currently indicates the incorrect maximum density for the Special High Density overlay area, which represents an internal inconsistency within the Comprehensive Plan; and I 2. Correction of Table #24 within the Coastal Management Element would be consistent with all objectives and policies within the Comprehensive Plan. Attachments Htacz,TA8LI24.KIP ATTACHMENT "A" TABLE #24 & POLICY 7.9.6 ATTACHMENT "B" EXCERPT OF POLICY 1.16.1 & FUTURE LAND USE MAP EXCERPT . .. EXCERPT OF POLICY 1.16.1 Same as Low Density Residential, except that the maximum gross density shall be 10.8 dwelling units per acre. Special High Density Residential: This land use category shall consist of residential areas assigned to this land use category in the coastal Management Element, and may be applied only in Coastal Area as designated in the Coastal Management Element. The uses allowed in this land use category shall be limited to, but shall not necessarily include, the following: Same as Low Density Residential, except that the maximum gross density shall be 20 dwelling units per acre. Office Commercial: This land use category shall consist of all C-1 Office and Professional Commercial zoning districts, and any other zoning districts which may be established, including Planned Commercial Development zoning districts, which are similar in character to the C-1 district, provided that all of the abovementioned zoning districts are shown on the Future Land Use Map within the Office Commercial land use category. The uses allowed in this land use category shall be limited to. but shall not necessarily include, the fol~owing: Business, professional, and administrative offices; and financial institutions; funeral homes; places of worship; schools and instruction, day-care centers, and educational institutions; museums; hospitals and other health care services, group homes, nursing homes and related health care facilities; social and civic clubs and organizations; civic and community centers; limited retail and business services which are related to the above uses. Local Retail commercial: This land use category shall consist of all C-2 Neighborhood commercial and C-3 community Commercial zoning districts, and any other zoning districts which may be established, including planned Commercial Development zoning districts, 24 - EXCERPT OF FUTURE LAND USE MAP k::::::::::::j MEDIUM .DEN.sITY, (MeOR) MAX 9.68 LJ.U,/ ACRE l' 1 . Ii ,"'. V<U_I.~.1 "'~'\ .'">- '," 1, ,-~ t,1 /,~ ----~ r 1;--- 1 ,I' '. _ J~. .'-' I/--' . 11';"1 --" . It I~ -~ , ,~ . " ,t I f' r I! "IQo/uo' illI :--.:.. . 10 . / . I.J , ". I .J) , , d . ~ I 1 .. } g . " ~ I' , e: ~-.J ,. j' ~' if, 1",:1" t: ,:.:.\..J,/ I ' f (; ,~. 1 '. !~'~~i 'I; i -----, " L i-~ if /; ,; C~~.,_ ' . - '. -i ;t l-/i \ ' -.. ,f !I {' . II,' I "!i~rYl -W,:.Il.~~~)(-'" . ~ 11 IL /, , I IlI'llII ,HIGH DENSITY. '(HDR) M'AX 10.8 D;U./ACRE COMMERCIAL' ", I, \';;JIJ , I ~ I -, , ,,-( , - -,' ,Je! ;,,' I f . . .. ' ,'-'~ flZtj i OFFICE l (OC): '/ ,...-on. '. ,.u . .... ~ " . ~ :'LOCAL RETJ\I'L : (LRC), ',--. -~ .:.. ,- \ .~ : GENERAL 'l'/(Gcr , ) , - '.. ~-. ; '," 1?S?1 ',INDUSTRIAL" (I)' , -, , OTHER / I .' ' I / I I Eiill h~',\:.~~ AGRICUL TURE": (A) .. . ." l, ,,__', 1 .-; ~RECRE'ATIONAL ! (R) " -_..._........_.'d...... _,", rl'.~~\)~TI PUBLI.c & PHIVATE (PPGI) , GO V ERN M E N.T A L / INS TIT UTI 0 N A l iJ , .' ,,' ' J~ 1m MIX~D USE ' ' (M'X)' \ r ). . - . . , . ..'..-.". . ,::::;1 I DIFFERENT LAN~ USE CATEGORY THAN THAT. SHOWN I -, , - j I i ON MAP AP.PLIES (AS INDICATED BY ABBREVIA TION),I ;IF. USE AND DEVELOPMENT COMPLIES WIT.H'USEl -.. - ~ RI; ~TR'CTIQNS .A'ND RECOMS.INA TION OF P AR'C~LS \ tSPEqIFII;PIN, ~TEXT OF 'FUTURE LAND, USE AND) -.q '~dA~:~~..~.A~_~.~.~_~~~;..:~:M~_~~~~_.J,_..-.- '-'~"i.~ , C I, ~ ON;~ Fiv A;;Q "'0 V~JlV. y. :'0 1ST R I eJ:::: US E.iN~' , ' \.-0 [; V E L,OP, .oM, "E;N" TO F, p'fiQp ~'Rt" YSUi'l~ e.pLrp. .-. . "\ [RI2CQMMENDA TtONS.CO'NTAINED "N, ~O.N~.J;:RVATION I . lAND' COAST A.LMANAGEMENT ELEMENtS'..... r.-.----:i ). f" '" . -,' ,. ."" ....~..., :",' ,..,..". ,. '''".'"e",~....''..e _CC_'. ;..., ,"'";.,. "I, _h' l1li SPECIAL_HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL. LIMITED TO I' , , ) I : COASTAL AREA AS SET_FORTH IN"\COAST AL, , , MANAGEMENT ELEMENt MAX 20.0" ~.U./ACRE i i I . . I' Ii i,' , POLICY 7.9.6 .. . policy 7.9.5 · l' Po ~cy 7.9.6 Policy 7.9.7 Policy 7.9.8 Within five years, the city shall investigate the long term feasibility of transit facilities to serve beach front parks. Subsequent to Plan adoption, the city shall adopt and implement the land use and zon~ng recommendations outlined in Coastal Management Element. Cognizant of impacts to established uses, the city shall subsequent to Plan adoption, establish criteria for marina Siting and to give priority to development plans which increase public interaction with the waterfront. The City shall consider developing performance standards which gUide the review of proposals in this respect. SUbsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to enforce public access to beaches renourished at public expense, enforce the public access requirements of the Coastal Zone Protection Act of 1985 and investigate the financial feasibility of providing transit service to beachfront parks and access locations. Objective 7.10 By 1995, protect, preserve and or provide for the sensitive reuse of historic pI:onerties. in the Coastal Management ~4~d. Policy 7.10.1 subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to investigate the feasibility of establishing an historic preservation ordinance that includes performance standards for development and reuse. Policy 7.10.2 Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to encourage the property owners of historic sites to maintain the design and structural integrity of the buildings. Policy 7.10.3 Prior to the five (5) year Evaluation and Appraisal, prepare an inventory of historic properties worthy of preservation. policy 7.10.4 Subsequent to Plan adoption, the City shall consider allowances for historic preservation efforts in the review of site plans and building permits. Objective 7.11 To provide for the ongoing development of the coastal area in a manner which will reduce the exposure of human life and public and private property to natural hazards by developing a Post-Disaster Redevelopment Plan. 86 ATTACHMENT "D" AVAILABILITY OF FACILITY ANALYSIS . Board of County Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works May 10, 1995 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: 2404 SOUTH FEDEP.AL HIGHWAY (GENTLEMAN JIM'S RESTAURANT) Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled 2404 South Federal Hiqhwav, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The proposed project will replace 6,600 square feet of restaurant with 70 mult i -family dwell i ng uni ts. The proposed project wi 11 generate fewer daily trips than the existing restaurant. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. In your transmittal letter, you requested traffic information for the actual traffic impacts of the project. That information is provided below. Existing development size Existing project traffic Proposed development size Proposed project traffic Traffic reduction Existing traffic volume on S. Federal Volume reduced due to project LOS D for South Federal 6,600 sq. ft. of restaurant 541 net daily trips 70 multi-family d.u. 490 daily trips 51 25,604 25,553 29,400 If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684- 4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~x~ ,- f Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review tb h:\traffic\diw\boyn41 "An Equal Opportunity. A (firm,ltivt.' Adion El11ploYl:'r" @ printed on recycled p~per Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416.1229 (407) 684.4000 Memorandum Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Coordination Program Clearinghouse 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 To: Tambri Heyden, Director of Planning and Zoning Anna Yeskey, Clearinghouse Coordinator June 22, 1995 BOY-5 From: Date: Subject: Please be advised that as of June 20, 1995, the Clearinghouse has not received any formal objections to BOY-5 from any participants in the lnterlocal Plan Amendment Review Program. cc: Terry Hess, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council CLEARINGHOUSE NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO: Palm Beach County, Briny Breezes, Delray Beach, Village of Golf, Gulf Stream, SFWMD, Palm Beach County School Board, Lake Worth Drainage District TCRPC FROM: Anna Yeskey, Clearinghouse Coordinator DATE: May IS, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a participant local government, this memorandum serves as notice of the following comprehensive plan amendment(s): Initiating Local GovernmentBoynton Beach Reference #: BOY-5 Date oflocal planning agency hearing for the proposed amendment: June 13, 1995 Date of public hearing at which the proposed amendment will be transmitted: June 20,1995 Nature of plan amendments as you have indicated is desired for review: adjacent cities Palm Beach County amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: X land use traffic circulation mass transit ports and aviation housing infrastructure sub-elements X coastal management conservation recreation and open space intergovernmental coordination capital improvements other , Instructions: Should you have any objections to these proposed amendments, please, respond at i least 15 days prior to the transmittal hearing as scheduled. 'I ~b Board of County Commissioners Ken 1. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works May 10, 1995 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: 2404 SCU!H FEDEP.AL H!GHWAY (GENTLEMAN JIM'S RESTAURANT) Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project ent i tl ed 2404 South Federal Hi qhwav, pursuant to the Traffi c Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The proposed project will replace 6,600 square feet of restaurant with 70 multi -family dwell ing units. The proposed project will generate fewer daily trips than the existing restaurant. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. In your transmittal letter, you requested traffic information for the actual traffic impacts of the project. That information is provided below. Existing development size Existing project traffic Proposed development size Proposed project traffic Traffic reduction Existing traffic volume on S. Federal Volume reduced due to project LOS D for South Federal 6,600 sq. ft. of restaurant 541 net daily trips 70 multi.family d.u. 490 daily trips 51 25,604 25,553 29,400 If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684- 4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~x~ .'~ ,I, Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS. Mun. - Traffic Study Review ~ h:\traffic\diw\boyn41 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action EmploYl'r" @ printed on recycled paper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416.1229 (407) 684-4000 P.t.AHNING AND ZONING DEPAR~ CITYOP~BR.\CII 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 DATE: To: ~~iIL~ 1- 10 - 75- PROM: :rI=: ~Yrp !~'7f '<L. /:( ;//{( lti <, 1'HE FOLLoWING IlOctJJmrrrISI/MA:rauiILISI IS/ARE BEING PROVIDED FOR YOUR: - Review _ C""-nt ~ Information _____ ProCessinq -~nse_br _ Records - Other (elate) . ~ Z ~ I ~ ~ t~: tJJ ~ r~ f'-\A(~ (!.JL~ IF YOu HAVE ANY QUESnONS/COMIlENTs CONCERNING 1'HIS mANSMI:r:riIL, PLEAsE CON:rAC:r lIE BY 'l'ELEPHONE AT (407) 738-7490. C'DoC:rRI\NS.JM r) - ;Y&-{.t7 ~>>7W ~5~1. II..CV7 S~I w ,eej;:1f5 p:' ~~ ~'I-f,-Y/-/O'j'l I :H 100 E. Boynton Dch. Blvd. P.O. Box 310 BOynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Off. 407-375-6260 Fax 407-375-6090 , , , .-..., - -J- HJD ~ ~c.:.;~. <'\t.f _ L'-'" 'POD CccC APPENDIX A-ZONING See. ILl i , I f I f structures or establiShment of any use on the lot or parcel. h. The value of buildings shall be determined from the latest tax rolls on file at the Palm Beach County Prop- erty Appraiser's Office. I :-;ONCONFORMING USES OF STRUCTURES. The nonconforming use of a building or other structure may be extended throughout any part of the building or .-tructure which was clearly designed and intended for such use at the date of the effective adoption or amendment of these regulations. Any nonconforming USe which occupies a portion of a building or other structure not originally designed or intended for such Use shall not be extended to any other part of the bUilding or structure. No noncon- jiJrming use may be extended to occupy any land outside t he building or structure, nor any additional building or .t ructure on the same plat, which was not used for such lIonconforming use at the effective date of the adoption or amendment of these regulations. \;0 structure used for a nonconforming Use shall be en- larged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered, un- iPs. the use is changed to one which complies with the provisions of this chapter (ordinance!. However, ordinary ""pairs, maintenance and improvements, such as plumb- Ing' or wiring, replacement of nonbearing walls, fixtures or "ther interior alterations, shall be permitted each year in an amount not to exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the .'.'Sessed value of the building or structure for that year as ,j"termined by the Palm Beach Cou'nty Property Apprais- 'T, subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph aod provided such work does not increase the cubic volume "r the structure, the floor area devoted to the nonconform_ 'OR use or the number of dwelling units. Nothing in these '."~ulations shall prevent compliance with applicable laws "1' ordinances relative to the safety and sanitation of a building occupied by nonconforming Use. \( 1,'JCONFORMING STRUCTURES. The lawful existence . 'u<" '"'e or building at the effective date of the adoption or J . 1 \" I~, 1957 -.._---_.._----~ ATTACHMENT "E" LPA/LOCAL GOVERNING BODY RECOMMENDATIONS . I MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING HElD IN COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ON TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1 P~W ~ If! ,i \:';' " ,Jo!t ';~i. j I J PRESENT ~:', PLANNING ANO ..' ZONING OEPT. Gerald "Jerry" Taylor, Mayor Matthew Bradley, Vice Mayor Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tem Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner Sidney Rosen, Commissioner Carrie Parker, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Sue Kruse, City Clerk I. OPENINGS: A. Call to Order B. Invocation. Reverend Alan Brewster - Grace Fellowship Church C. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag led by Commissioner Shirley Jaskiewicz Mayor Taylor called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Following the invocation, Commissioner Jaskiewicz led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. D. Agenda Approval: 1 . Additions, Deletions, Corrections Under IX-New Business, Mayor Pro Tern Matson deleted Item A-l, "Problems at Boynton Lakes Park", and replaced it with "One Cent Sales Tax Increase". She also added Item IV-B.7, "Centennial Presentation". Vice Mayor Bradley added Item IX-E, "Consider Workshop with Planning Department for Density Strategies". 2. Adoption Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion which carried unanimously. II. ADMINISTRATIVE: A. Appointments to be made, MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTONIBEACH, flORIDA Motion JUNE 20, 1995 .--. < Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve subject to staff recommendations and comments. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. c. Project Name: Petitioner: Description: Policy 7.9.6, Table #24 Text Amendment City of Boynton Beach COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT: Request to amend Table #24 of the Coastal Management Support Document to show correct maximum density as 20 dwelling units per acre rather than 16 dwelling units per acre for the Special High Density Residential land use category Tambri Heyden made the presentation and explained that this request is to correct an error which was discovered in the Coastal Management Support Document. The discrepancy is in Table #24 which shows 16 dwelling units per acre for the Special High Density Residential land use category. The Comprehensive Plan and the Future land Use Map show 20 dwelling units per acre. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK AT THE PUBLIC HEARING. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve Policy 7.9.6, Table #24, Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment, to amend Table #24 of the Coastal Management Support Document to show correct maximum density as 20 dwelling units per acre rather than 16 dwelling units per acre for the Special High Density Residential land use category. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. D. Project Name: Agent: Owner: location: Description: 2404 S, Federal Highway Joseph G. Salamone Boynton Jim, Inc. East side of South Federal Highway at SE 23rd Avenue (Gentleman Jim's Restaurant) LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING/TEXT AMENDMENT: Request to amend the Future land Use Map of the Comprehensive Plan from local Retail Commercial to Special High Density Residential, rezone 14 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON1 BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1995 ,.,.. from C-3, Community Commercial to R-3, Multi-family Residential, and amend text of the Coastal Management Support Document, Table #24 by changing the acreage of the Special High Density area from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres Joseph Salamone, agent for the applicant, advised that the request for the zoning change was made in order to unify the two parcels of land at the Gentleman Jim's site. If the zoning is not changed, two buildings would have to be built. Tambri Heyden said the current zoning on this property is C-3, Local Retail Commercial. The intent of this request is to unify this parcel with the parcel to the east for the development of condominiums. The Special High Density land use was created to cover a number of coastal condominiums already in the City which exceed the 10.8 dwelling units per acre maximum. A change to Table #24 is also part of this request. The adjacent land uses are as follows: North Northeast & East Streb's Restaurant zoned C-3 Undeveloped Special High Density land use parcel zoned R-3 Hampshire Gardens zoned R-3 Mobil Service Station zoned C-3 South West Staff recommends approval of this request based on consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. It has been determined that traffic would be reduced by this amendment. Sanitary sewer demands would be slightly increased and potable water demands would be increased. There is capacity to satisfy all demands. The proposed increase in density is very low and represents a maximum possible increase of 29 dwelling units. The second basis for this recommendation for approval is the fact that it is compatible with the future and current use of adjacent and nearby properties. The property is developable under the current zoning and classification; however, the availability of land for assemblage facilitates waterfront development. Vice Mayor Bradley asked for an explanation of how this area became a Special High Density area. Ms. Heyden explained that the change was made in 1989, and it was done to protect the mangroves. Another reason this designation is applied to such an area is that there may be a change in the property value of properties with commercial use. Vice Mayor Bradley stated that he is in favor of the project, but he feels it is important to note 15 MINUTES- REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 20, 1995 '"' that the high density of this area is to allow development on a parcel containing mangroves. This is a way to allow the mangroves to exist and yet still allow development. Commissioner Rosen feels this type of property can add a great deal to our redevelopment when we begin to think in that direction. Mr. Salamone confirmed for Mayor Pro Tem Matson that the condominiums will be two story, fee-simple units. Maurice Rosenstock, One Villa Lane, feels this property should not be used for multi-family residential because Boynton Beach is becoming the bedroom of Palm Beach County. This parcel has the potential for development that would add to the beauty of the City or to the business community. He feels this area should be looked at in a different light. It is important to accumulate parcels to add to the vision the City is in the process of discussing. Commissioner Rosen questioned the price of the units. Mr. Salamone advised that the selling price will be approximately $140,OOi1Jer unit. ($140,000 - Corrected 7/5/95) Mr. Salamone further stated that their neighbors are condo dwellers. A great deal of time was taken in the design phase of the project. He is very concerned with beautifying the area and did not want to develop something that would upset the community. The neighbors are supporting this project. Mr. Salamone commended the Planning Department staff for their assistance and stamina i!1 dealing with the phone calls of residents who believed this project was going to be a restaurant on the water. Mr. Rosenstock's remarks are the only opposition Mr. Salamone has received relative to this project. While Commissioner Jaskiewicz appreciated Mr. Rosenstock's comments, she felt condominiums are very compatible to the area and will be an improvement. She was glad to see that these are not going to be rental apartments, and will be only two stories in height. She feels they will be an asset to the City. Mayor Pro Tem Matson agreed with Commissioner Jaskiewicz' remarks. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve subject to staff comments and recommendations. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. MAYOR TAYLOR DECLARED A FIVE-MINUTE RECESS. 16 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON ~EACH, FLORIDA ATTEST: *~./(h-~//l' ~ Ci Clerk ~ Yn. p~ cording Secretary (Four Tapes) S;\CC\WP'MINU TES\COMM\062095.WPD JUNE 20, 1995 THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH /14 Y(/ M.ym ~:\ ~ ~~-~ "'--> _ Vice Mayor . l7t . g .xI~L;-~ Mayor Pro T em ._ I. ~ Commissi Commissioner 30 ATTACHMENT "F" CORRESPONDENCE RELATED TO RENUMBERING OF AMENDMENTS STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DfVELOPMENT . RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LAWTON CHILES March 28, 1995 LINDA LOOMIS SHELLEY Governor Secretary Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director city of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-031q Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you for your letter dated March 7, 1995, concerning the numbering designation of the city of Boynton Beach plan amendments with the Department of Community Affairs (Department). It is my understanding that the City had submitted an adopted amendment 94-1, which completed five of the six originally proposed amendments. The Department found those amendments "In Compliance" as 94-1. It is also my understanding that the city contacted the Department and was advised to forward the sixth amendment when adopted with an explanation regarding the delay and this should not affect the original designation of the sixth amendment as part of the 94-1 amendment cycle. The City then adopted an unrelated amendment which the Department designated as 94-2. The City required additional time to process the earlier sixth amendment based on related annexation issues, and completed the adoption of said amendment in January 1995, The Plan Processing Team of the Department took the statutorily required procedural action pursuant to Rule 9J- 11.008(10), Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.), in numbering the adopted sixth amendment as amendment 95-1, The Department then notified the City in writing on January 26, 1995, concerning this procedural error. The Department then found amendment 95-1 (the sixth amendment) "In Compliance", Concurrently, the City had submitted the first cycle of proposed amendments as amendment 95-1. The Department then renumbered that proposed amendment as 95-2 in accordance with the procedures set forth in Rule 9J- 11.008(10), F.A.C. The result of this action is the limitation of one submittal cycle for 1995. 2740 CENTERVIEW FlORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAl STATE CONCERN FlElO OFFICE 27960vCfscd5Highwdy,Suilel12 Maralhon,florida 33050.2227 DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, SOUTH FLORIDA RTllMRY OffiCE P.O, BOK4IIl 8600NW, J"_ Miami, Florida JJlS9-4U22 FLORIDA 32399-2100 GREEN SWN/oP AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 155 Easl Surnmcrlin Bartow, Florida 33830-4&41 ., Ms. Tambri J, Hayden March 28, 1995 Page Two Given the unique circumstance of this situation, the Department could accept a third 1995 amendment package from the City. While the Department does not believe this would conform with the provisions of Rule 9J-11, F.A.C., the Department will not pursue legal action to correct or challenge the compliance of the amendments concerning the procedural submittal. However, as I am sure you recognize, any compliance determination of a third amendment cycle may be subject to a challenge by an affected member of the public based solely on procedure. Alternatively, the City could delay adoption of the 95-2 amendment package until after submittal and review of the additional amendments. The amendments could be adopted together as 95-2. The Department looks forward to working with and assisting the City of Boynton Beach in resolving the issues identified in this procedural matter, If you require further assistance concerning this matter, please contact Charles Gauthier, Growth Management Administrator, or Greg stuart, Planner IV, at (904) 487-4545. ve~~, Linda Loomis Shelley Secretary LLS/ggs ----- ~ ----;:--r ~. \; "I,! ',.. ..,.1 \',1 .,': \ ' "M "". t.....~~ , ' .". .', .' i . ,,-, . -''-J,~J "'~'-"- / ?:fie City of r.Boynton r.Beacli ))'1 ' 100'E. 'Boynton '1Juz& 'BoukfltU'tf P.O. 'Bo't310 'Boynton 'Beam, 1'WrUfa 33425-0310 City %JIl: (4()7) 375-6000 1'JU: (4()7) 375-6090 March 7, 1995 Ms. Linda Loomis Shelley, secretary Office of the Secretary State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: City of Boynton Beach Plan Amendments 94-1 and 95-2 Reconsideration of Numbering Designations from 95-1 to 94-1 and 95-2 to 95-1 Dear Ms. Shelley: The City has been unsuccessful in disputing the inappropriate reclassificat~on of a portion of our #94-1 amendment group as a ~95-1 amendment (the City did not process a #94-2 set). Given that we still consider this request justified, we respectively bring this issue to your attention for possible reconsideration. The issue originated when five of six #94-1 amendments were adopted, and the sixth item was delayed pursuant to the need to process an annexation agreement (the amendments are connected to annexations pursuant to an Annexation Program) prior to continuing the amendment process. Since staff was uncertain when the sixth item would be adopted, staff was placed in a unique situation having to decide whether to hold back from transmitting the five adopted items until the sixth element is adopted, consequently exceeding the 10-day period to transmit adopted amendments, or transmit the adopted items with the intent to forward the sixth item once adopted. Given the lack of direction of FAC 9J-11 for this scenario, staff contacted the DCA for assistance and was advised by an individual reviewer (e.g. Planner I or II ) to forward the adopted portion of 494-1 with an explanation regarding the delayed item (Incidently, the delay enabled the City and the developer to work out a compromise with regard to certain development issues of concern-an important role of government which we are now being penalized for with the numbering redesignation.) In addition to this recommendation, staff was informed that this separation should not affect the original designation of the #94-1 package. Complicat~ng this circumstance was the need to immediately process a subsequent. amendment set (our actual #95-1 transmittal). Almost simultaneously with the completion of our ~95-1 amendment report, we ~merica's (jateway to tfie (julfstream // Page 2. Ms. Linda Loomis Shelley, Secretary March 7, 1995 were notified of the determination of the DCA to break up the #94-1 set by establishing a #95-1 amendment (Note: If our original #95-1 amendments were delayed, the City would have interfered with a scheduled development process). Consequently, the creation of the #95-1 amendment by the DCA would bump our scheduled #95-1 amendment package to a #95-2 amendment set. The ultimate result of this action by the DCA is the elimination of one submittal process for 1995. This submittal period, to be initiated April 1, 1995, is currently the deadline for possibly two privately-initiated amendments and as a consequence of the renumbering, both would be delayed until the next opportunity for the City to initiate a Comprehensive Plan amendment, which is in October, 1995. We have continued to dispute this reclassification and maintain the sUbsequent amendment set as 95-1, based upon the following: 1) our original understanding that the sixth item could be separated from the 94-1 package without reclassification; 2) the separation was unavoidable given the necessity to process an annexation agreement for the sixth item while also forwarding those remaining adopted amendments within the time required; 3) since we were not informed of the consequences of separating the package until the sixth item was already forwarded (rather than immediately notifying us when the first group was forwarded); 4) a previous exception has been made for another jurisdiction allowing for the deviation from the twice per year limitation; and 5) from the origin, the #94-1 amendment set was intended as one submittal package and not any time has the City attempted to process more than the established limit of two transmittals per year. I will conclude by indicating that the City has always been capable of interpreting and following procedural rules established in FAC 9J-11. However, this situation appears to be an exception for which provisions are warranted, or clarification within the procedural rules is needed. The City respectively requests your reconsideration of the decision to redesignate a portion of our Comprehensive Plan amendment package #94-1 to #95-1. I hope I have provided you with the necessary information to properly review this issue; however, if additional information is needed please contact Senior Planner Michael Rumpf in this office at (407) 375-6260. Very truly yours, .~:>vt~'h-'7 ;iy~~,-- Tambri J. H~n ' Planning and Zoning Director TJH:mr MI.CS:~tWDADCA.~CT %e City of 13oynton 13eac/i "",", 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadt 'Boukvartf P.O. 'BO'l:.310 'Boynton 'Beach, J'{oritia 33425-0310 City 9faII: (407) 375-6()()() J'5U: (407) 375-6090 April 5, 1995 Mr. Dan Weisburg, P.E., Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 RE: Traffic Analysis for 2404 South Federal Highway (LUAR 95-003) (A.K.A. Gentleman Jim's Restaurant) Dear Mr. weisburg: This office is processing a rezoning/land use amendment request for a portion of the above-referenced project, which is located on a 3.45 acre site on the east side of US. 1, immediately opposite SE 23rd Avenue (Golf Road). For your information, the project is to combine two parcels, a 1.45-acre parcel containing a restaurant and zoned C-3 (Community commercial), and a vacant, 2-acre parcel to the east which is zoned R-3 (multi-family). The commercial portion is to be reclassified and rezoned consistent with the second parcel, and the high density bonus overlay district (20 dwelling units per acre) is to be extended from the 2-acre portion to the 1.45 acre parcel. The restaurant is to be removed and the entire site (3.45 acres) developed for condominiums at a maximum density of 20 units per acre. Please review the accompanying traffic analysis and comment relative to the Palm Beach county traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. In addition, in fulfillment of requirements of the Department of Community Affairs for consistency review, please include in your response the specific quantitative information which indicates the actual traffic stated in the study, and the resulting surplus (or deficit) existing on the roadway after ,project completion. As indicated to you before, your response to the Woolbright Commercial rezoning traffic analysis (dated January 23, 1995) ideally fulfilled our needs as well as those requirements of DCA. Lastly, to assist in the timing of your review, public hearings for this request will begin on June 13,1995. Sincerel;;, 7h:..{... 7':'-71- Michael W. Pampf Senior Planner Attachment KISCX;2.04TR~.t!T Ji/.mema's (jateway to the (julfstream lof/ IL South FloLda Water Managen..~nt District 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33406' (407) 686-8800' FL WATS 1-800-432-2045 GOV 08-28 iW 'L'.' M \:: ill' [~[Q;~~W~ PLANNING AND ""'_..: ZONING DEPT. ~ August 4, 1995 Mr. Ray Eubanks Bureau of Local Planning Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Local Government: DCA Amendment #: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 95-3 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendment be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincerely, ~~::: Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LP/PElvir c: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director, City of Boynton Beach Michael Busha, Treasure Coast RPC Executive Director Jim Snyder, DCA GO'l..'erninl,'" Br.lflrd: Valerie Bo....d. Chairman Frank \Viliiamson, Jr., Vit:c Chairman William E. Craharn William Hammond Betsy Kranr Richard A. i\hdH:k Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel P. Reed i\liriam Sin~cr Samuel E. Poolc III, Executive Director Michael Slayton, Deputy ExecuriVl.: Din:nor "lai]jn~ Address: P.(), Bo, 2.JORO. West Palm Beach. FL JJ416-.JORO Memorandum Palm Beach County Intergovernmental Coordination Program Clearinghouse 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 To: From: Date: Subject: Tambri Heyden, Director of Planning and Zoning Anna Yeskey, Clearinghouse Coordinator June 22, 1995 BOY-5 Please be advised that as of June 20, 1995, the Clearinghouse has not received any formal objections to BOY-5 from any panicipants in the Interlocal Plan Amendment Review Program, cc: Terry Hess, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council CLEARINGHOUSE NOTICE OF PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO: Palm Beach County, Briny Breezes, Delray Beach, Village of Golf, Gulf Stream, SFWMD, Palm Beach County School Board, Lake Worth Drainage District TCRPC FROM: Anna Yeskey, Clearinghouse Coordinator DATE: May 15, 1995 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a participant local government, this memorandum serves as notice of the following comprehensive plan amendment(s): Initiating Local Government:Boynton Beach Reference #: BOY-5 Date oflocal planning agency hearing for the proposed amendment: June 13, 1995 Date of public hearing at which the proposed amendment will be transmitted: June 20,1995 Nature of plan amendments as you have indicated is desired for review: adjacent cities Palm Beach County amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: X land use traffic circulation mass transit ports and aviation housing infrastructure sub-elements X coastal management conservation recreation and open space intergovernmental coordination capital improvements other Instructions: Should you have any objections to these proposed amendments, please respond at least 15 days prior to the transmittal hearing as scheduled, Board of County Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H, Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works May 10, 1995 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: 2404 SOUTH FEDE~AL HIGHWAY (GENTLEMAN JIM'S RESTAURANT) Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled 2404 South Federal Hiohwav, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The proposed project will replace 6,600 square feet of restaurant with 70 mult i -family dwell i ng units. The proposed project wi 11 generate fewer daily trips than the existing restaurant. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. In your transmittal letter, you requested traffic information for the actual traffic impacts of the project. That information is provided below. Existing development size Existing project traffic Proposed development size Proposed project traffic Traffic reduction Existing traffic volume on S. Federal Volume reduced due to project LOS D for South Federal 6,600 sq. ft. of restaurant 541 net daily trips 70 multi-family d.u. 490 daily trips 51 25,604 25,553 29,400 If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684- 4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~ :Uu~// Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review ,- 1/1."" ) h:\traffic\diw\boyn41 "An EquJI Opporlunity - t\tfirl1lativL' Action Employ/,-'r" Ei-- -....C' printed on ff/Cyclad paper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 %e City of '.Boynton '.Beacli (' c.)'e I :}J I' ' 100 'E. 'lJoynton 'lJea& 'lJoufevartf P.O. 'lJO'l:310 'lJoynton'lJea&, JIoritW 33425-0310 City 1fa[[; (407) 375-6000 J'JU: (407) 375-6090 ~lay 10, 1995 The IPARC Clearinghouse c/o Tm," Of Lantana 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, I'L 33462 RE: M1ENDNENT TO COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - REF, ;i95-J 2~01, S. FEDERAL Hw1'.-GENTLEHAN JUl'S (WAR 95-003/CPTA 95-001) The City of Boynton Beach is processing two (2) amendments to its Future Land Cse :1ap, and a "text" amendment to Policy 7.9.6 through tl"O (2) changes to Table 'i24-Site Specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations (Coastal Nanagement Element Support Doctunent). The Hap amendments include 1) the cOl1\'ersion of a 1.45-acre parcel from Local Retail Commercial to High Density Residential, and 2) the expansion of a special high density (SH) overlay area to include the 1.45-acre subject property. Both proposed changes are part of an application entitled 2404 S. Federal Highway (Gentleman Jim's Restaurant). The text amendments include 1) an amendment to Table 1124 to increase the size of the SH overlay area/Map Area iFl6 from 9.9 acres to 11.35 acres to include the subject property, and 2) a correction of an inadvertent error in Table '124 by changing the maximum densit.y of the SH overlay area from 16 DUs/ACRE to 20 DUs/ACRE as established by the Future Land Use Map and Element, Whereas the first proposed text amendme.nt is also a part of the 2404 S. Federal Highway applicaLion, the second text amendment is being initiated by the City of Boynton Beach. Public hearings on these proposed amendments will be held before the Planning and Development Board on June 13, 1995 and before the City Commission on June 20, 1995, both at 7:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers at City Hall. 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Should you have any questions or need additional information, contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at 375-6260. Sincerely, / ; / ' __ /-::~:-.., !. c-.{ (. ./ ; ':-) , '.::~...:'<: !..' - (~~.,.. Tambri Heyden' Planning and Zoning Director TJH:III1. Enclosures ~ISCZ.:~;S:F?:.LET ~merica's (jateway to tne (julfstream Page I of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: MARCH 10, 1995 Reference #: 95-3 General Information Initiating Local Government: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contact Person: MICHAEL W. RUMPF Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD, PO BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425 Telephone/Fax: (407) 375-6260 / (407) 375-6090 Applicant! Agent: BRAVO BOYNTON INC./JOE SALAMONE Telephone/Fax: (407) 734-1363 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: - amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks - amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: -1L land use - traffic circulation - mass transit - ports and aviation - housing infrastructure sub-elements - X coastal management - - conservation - recreation and open space - intergovernmental coordination - capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: N/A Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: A) AMEND POLICY 7.9.6 BY AMENDING TABLE #24 OF COASTAL MGT. ELE.. TABLE TO BE CHANGED TO SHOW LAND AREA FOR MAP AREA #16 1.45 ACRES GREATER (SIZE OF SUBJECT PROPERTY. B) AMEND POLICY 7.9.6 BY AMENDING TABLE #24 BY CHANGING MAXIMUM DENSITY OF SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY OVERLAY AREA FROM 16 DUs/ACRE TO 20 DUs/ACRE TO ACCURATELY REFLECT THAT ESTABLISHED IN THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT AND ON MAP. C) AMEND MAP TO SHOW EXPANSION OF THE SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY OVERLAY AREA OVER THE SUBJECT PROPERTY. Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) 2404 S. FEDERAL HIGHWAY (GENTLEMAN JIM'S RESTAURANT) Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres) 1. 45 Present Future Land Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) . LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL BUT DENSITY WOULD BE ACCORDING TO SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY OVERLAY WHICH IS 20 DU's/ACRE. Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) C-3 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) R-3 MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL Present Development of Site RESTAURANT Proposed Development of the Site, if known (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): CONDOMINIUM HOUSING UNITS Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing Date/Time/Location Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing JUNE 13, 1995/7:00PM/COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY HALL 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. DatelTimeILocation Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing JUNE 20, 1995/7:00PM/LOCATION AS ABOVE Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA JUNE 27, 1995 LOCATION MAP -'=1L--1 F= if.'. '---':'. l"...~ -~ I=R~' I:, ...~:<;'" -l-~' ~ :==:0,; .:, 'II-. .... " , . .- ,. ;' :; -, . 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Li:::;~ ~ .'1; I II III rrm 0 ; ~ :3 j:m: " " : I. ~ ,/''''''1 Llh'tf :~... "";1t ~ !, ~. ~[I 1111 1 f 'YI). j ~!il-.. _' Lf- e~). '" , II' ~: ~ f..J ~ lo.- "i. !;, /) t ~~ / / "<"'- -@], f r -..,.".......... I _~ , V _ t. ~ ~I I lIfj,:' 7,-~Ir.',' - '~-(-{rr ~ . "--, r- - fj , W ':,' .a:-r '" ;, ~ I / ~ ...J !j. 7./ ~. I '.ITR f, r- c. , , , , , . , ! , , . ! '}EIIIW I t II' II I \J[l-\-,VnH II 'I I' I J lIEHElE d ] ~I W .;.; LOCATION Mft-P GENTLEMAN JIM'S i " 1""_'. II!! 1111 ~ II III illllll'1f I I' 1lill1tP,f11- 11I1EIIDf1 E . ~ Imf~ \- - . II " "1 II III III II 1111 III 1111111 1111 fll I I 1111 III III I III III III I '1111 III 11111 II' I II I II! "III III I II I I1II 1111 II III In II III II ,.:::0. .~ 111 LJIT _ .. Tfl-i H f+i-W. III ~'III ITm III I "II III .It. +~I'~ +H ;' REC Q PU~ I!...:: I L I " , ,. I l- I :::: ~ E '-- - -- - I / r 1(1 lifT ~ r- , + I , 1 I I , , , l-l. 4L~ R -+ -J '. 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'K.' ::i 1~' _"_0'_; . __;or- - c1' ..~, ..",,'.. EXISTING SPECIAL HIGH DENSITY OVERLAY BOUNDARY SUBJECT PROPERTY fI-/, r F CJ LO r '."..'t. .....'.~ ". - . LR -, . ! I r'-T- ,.:' 1.19;< << =1 t:J 1 -~.- - -1/ ~-- '.. J "oJ "l.: .~./ mTIo. ... . ..... MO ~ /'<"',','.<1 ME r GC .:"..!~s ~.'- "" l < , . , ! ~ HIC --c..-. _ " -~"'!-. l.. "'.( c&..ftRn.lnUr I\ftU "-Ul'fJ.tiI\i u.tU"AK'J.lIIlENT CITYOFBOYH'l'OHBEACB 100 E. Boyn~~n Beach Blvd. Boynton B I, FL 33435 DATE, To. IAA;UftUlX 'l'RANSIIIftAL PORII 1- 10 - 75- ~1~~fW 1 ik. -::;..f, ~:z...ft, R& 1M (Le P 12 UA,"'F-5 ,<, ;-I'/; I '/' -. .'" n. '- PROM. TITLE . 'rIlE FOLLOWING IlOCllMENTlSJ/MATERIl\LISI IS/ARE BEING PROVIDED FOR YOUR, Review Comment ~ Information _____ Proce..inq Records Other _Re_~br (eIatel. z ~ I ~ Wt; ~ Iv ~ r ~<\t~'-'ffi~ '..J.L.L lJ-..(J.4 ( i.JL! / - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUES'l'IOHS/COMMEN'TS CONCERNING THIS TRANSMITTAL, PLEASE CON:rAc:r lIE BY TELEPII01I1!: A:r (407) 738-7490. c. DoCmANS. JM r-: -' /~ -{ IJ ~>>7 t/U ~5S/ It.cvy 52{ w ;ee/) ;;:~j~ t5: ' . ~~ ~/cf -[;~/-I 07 7' ~ w H 100 E. Boynton Bch. Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Aorida 33425-0310 Off. 407-375-6260 Fax 407-375-6090 -I HJD- ~c.:...,<,,>' '''1' "t.'-'" t lD Cc6f?- APPENDIX A-ZONING See. 11.1 i t l t , i structures or establishment of any use on the lot or parcel. ii, The value of buildings shall be determined from the latest tax rolls on file at the Palm Beach County Prop- erty Appraiser's Office. I :-;ONCONFORMING USES OF STRUCTURES. The nonconforming use of a building or other structure fIlay be extended throughout any part of the building or ._tructure which was clearly designed and intended for such use at the date of the effective adoption or amendment of these regulations. Any nonconforming use which occupies a portion of a building or other structure not originally designed or intended for such use shall not be extended to any other part of the building or structure. No noncon- lilrming use may be extended to occupy any land outside the building or structure, nor any additional building or ,t I'ucture on the same plat, which was not used for such IIl1nconforming use at the effective date of the adoption or ,IInendment of these regulations_ \;0 structure used for a nonconforming use shall be en- larged, extended, reconstructed or structurally altered, un- Ips< the use is changed to one which complies with the pl'ovisions of this chapter [ordinance]. However, ordinary ""pairs, maintenance and improvements, such as plumb- '"~ or wiring, replacement of nonbearing walls, ftxtures or other interior alterations, shall be permitted each year in ;1() amount not to exceed twenty-five (25) percent of the ,1,'Sessed value of the building or structure for that year as dO'termined by the Palm Beach County Property Apprais- ,'r, subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph and provided such work does not increase the cubic volume "f the structure, the floor area devoted to the nonconform- illg use or the number of dwelling units. Nothing in these ,"~ulations shall prevent compliance with applicable laws "I' ordinances relative to the safety and sanitation of a [""Iding occupied by nonconforming use. \t J:>{CONFORMING STRUCTURES. The lawful existence 'l'l<'t tll'e or building at the effective date of the adoption or j . 1 .,0 i \,. . \ 1957 BBI BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc. April 6,1995 To:Boynton Jims Inc. 6351 Bway 329 West Reddick,Fl 32686 Att:Benry Solomon, Pres. Re:Gentleman Jims Boynton Beach Fla. Dear Mr. Solomon, In the event after securing the zoning change as being applied for, with the City of Boynton Beach,and Bravo Boynton Inc. does not proceed with the development, Bravo Boynton Inc. agrees to pay Boynton J~'s Inc.the sum of $9,000.00 dollars plus $1,000.00 to be paid to the City of Boynton B.a~.... reapplication of zoning to C-3, #:IA '_ -- 7t ------------- Jo'se . e. v. p director C lambichis, Director ~~:_-------------------- Emrnanue a ambichis. 2404 S FEDERAL HWY-BOYNTON BEACH - FL-33435 PH(407) 734-1363 o ~'i;~ aiii: ~ SWA March 21, 1995 SOUO WISIE AUIHORJIY YOUR PARTNER FOR SOLID WASTE SOLUTIONS City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Ann: Pl2nn;ng Director Subject: Availability of Solid Waste Disposal Capacity Dear Planning Director: The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County hereby provides certification that the Authority has disposal capacity available to accommodate the solid waste generation for the municipalities and unincorporated county for the coming year. This letter constitutes notification of sufficient capacity for concurrency m2n2gement and comprehensive pbnn;ng purposes_ Capacity is available for both the coming year, and the five and ten year planning periods specified in 9J-5.005(4). As of September 30, 1994, the Authority's North County L2nrlf;1I~ had an estimated 38,200,000 cubic yards of landfill capacity reID2;n;ng. Based upon the existing Palm Beach County population, the population growth rates published by the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business and Research (BEBR), and projected rates of solid waste generation, waste reduction and recycling the Solid Waste Authority forecasts that the existing landfill capacity will be depleted in approximately 2021. The Authority continues to pursue options to increase the life of its existing facilities and to provide for all of the County's current and future disposal and recycling needs. As part of its responsibility, the Authority will provide an annual statement of disposal capacity, using the most current BEBR projections available. , If you have any questions or if I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to call. V~~o~~ Marc C. Bruner, Ph.D. Director of Planning and Environmental Programs ill rn@rnowrn rn MAR 2 2aG:) PLANNING AND ~ ZoNING DEPT. 7501 North Jog Road. West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 (407) 640-4000 FAX 683-4067 Recvc:eaaJDe: -"- fJ1U City of '.Boynton '.Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Buu;n 'Boultvartl P.O. 'Bo't31O 'Boynton 'Bea&, J'foritla 33425-0310 City 9fa{[: (407) 375-6000 1'.9IX: (407) 375-6090 / March 15, 1995 Mr. Joseph G. Salamone, Partner Bravo Boynton Inc. 2404 South Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: Issues Relating to Development of Gentleman Jim's Property Dear Mr. Salamone: Pursuant to our conversation on this day, I am providing you with responses to issues indicated in your letter to the Planning Director dated February 20, 1995, which pertain specifically to the application of recommendations/requirements of the comprehensive Plan on the subject property_ The responses are organized in the same order as listed in your letter, and are as follows: 1. Restrictive setbacks unreasonable based on size of subject property (relative to area delineating special high density area)? The Comprehensive Plan does not provide for adjustments to increased setbacks regardless if the restrictions are applied to an area smaller than delineated in Comprehensive Plan. 2. Benchmark for the 150 feet setback from "shoreline". Since the Plan is recognizing the environmental sensitivity of the shoreline area, the setback is intended to be measured from the shoreline rather than the property line. 3. If unified, can special high density zones/classification be applied to entire site? Unless amended through the text amendment process, the overlay zone (Special High Density Residential) is limited to the area demarcated by the pattern as shown on the Future Land Use Map. This boundary, with respect to the subject property, is limited to the eastern portion (as defined by current property boundary), with the exception of a narrow strip on the south side of the property as defined by the eastern extension of that portion which includes the southern access road. Therefore, the special high density provision (20 du/acre) would apply to the eastern portion (along jfmerica's (jateway to tlie (julfstream Joseph G. Salamone -2- March 15, 1995 with the special site development considerations including setbacks based on number of stories), and the High Density Residential classification would be applied to the western portion (assuming rezoning and an amendment from C-3 and Local Retail Commercial to R-3 and High Density Residential, respectively. It should be noted that the eastern portion is currently zoned (R-3) and classified (High Density Residential) appropriately for the proposed project. As discussed, unless a text amendment effectuates the expansion of the special high density area, you would be limited to two different maximum densities. 4. Discrepancy between maximum density of Special High Density (20 du/acre versus 16 du/acre). The maximum density provided by the Special High Density zone is 20 dwelling units per acre. I hope that responses to your questions have been adequately documented in this letter; however, if you need additional information, please contact me. Sincer~y , / ".' ~A~l-t-ZL ;P,;2JYt(tL Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director HISC%!JOKSAL.LET ~ I BRA VO BOYNTON, Inc I February 20,1995 Tambri J. Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 SUBJECT: Zoning Clarification Dear Ms, Heyden: Our company, "BRAVO BOYNTON, Inc.," has recently entered into an option agreement to purchase the property at 2404 South Federal Highway, known as "Gentleman Jim's," 1.47 acres and the 2,0 acres adjacent to the east, along the Intercoastal Waterway, for a total of3.47 acres, In an effort to determine a development plan, we have come across a number of issues which are confusing and conflicting; issues which need to be addressed before we can proceed with the costly design phase of the project. We respectfully request clarification of the following issues: 1. The restrictive setbacks listed in Table 24, Page 77, of the "Site Specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations" are set for 9.9 acre parcels, leaving unreasonable setback requirements for our property, which is only 3.47 acres, Is there an adjustment for smaller parcels? 2, There is a 150' setback required from the Shoreline. The shoreline on our site was the Lot Line, until The Florida Department of Transportation installed a storm sewer pipe along the north side of the property. The sewer pipe was stopped approximately 100' short of the Intercoastal waterway, which caused an erosion of the shoreline of approximately 20'. Therefore, should the setback be from the lot line? 3. It is our intention to unity the title on these two parcels, If, after the unification is complete, the two acres along the intercoastal is zoned SR3, and the 1.47 acres presently the site of Gentleman Jim's Restaurant,. zoned C-3, can the entire 3.47 acres be zoned as SR-3? 2404 South Federal Highway - Boynton Beach, FL r~~::~ rn PLANNING AND ~ ZQ.t:!lliQJlEPT. '.".,,, Ms, Tambri 1. Heyden February 20, 1995 Page -2- 4, Table 24, Page 77, shows special high density land use category as 16 DU/Acre, and the future land use map (Figure 17 dated May, 1989) shows special high density land use SR-3 as Max 20 DU/Acre, The map is dated after the table, What is the density? Please advise. BRA VO, BOYNTON, Inc. is excited to be in Boynton Beach, It appears to be a City on the Move, The cooperation we have received from your staff has been a refreshing experience, Any way they could help, they have, The issues mentioned above were the only issues they could not help us on, and we appreciate the time they have spent with us, Thanking you, in advance, for your time and clarification of these issues, Respectfully submitted: #1 ;; / . '.. ~.../t- ... / ..~ .. . ... .--- / // /f .. /~/ , .../j I ".-!-.t:-/...'.L-'--,.)-- JOSEPH G. SALAMONE, Partner 2404 South Federal Highway - Boynton Beach, FL