APPLICATION ), CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - TEXT AMENDMENT APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. APplicant's Name (Person or business entity in whose name this application is made): ~dl/I? Af-//UIcJ/I/1 L/L- Address: 2l/1JLI ,5, hd,-Jt!A/ d.//t; ,d/JI'/-tJIo.,u J&~A0j, ?LJ"l I (Zip Code) phone: ftYI- 7Y/-/3IP8 FAX: 1::J,L(-tJ49/J 7 . I \ , 1 J 2. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): . /dS--;'o# ,,:;. :~;",,/ ~vrJ/)A..Ir" Af'IIJ}t3/1'_ Address: :2ifof/ ,-), J-;k.<'1AL IlIJ// /7 ( /1/JU/l/7'-/)/I/ /5/.4<:-.0 ,t::2 / 32 '13.5' , I (Zip Code) phone: f{)/j., I'J :Ji/-/3t, -"'3 FAX: 2/z/1-731/--9L/9/J 3. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) :* ( <)/lflte) (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. II. PROPOSED AMENDMENT. The undersigned hereby petitions the planning and Zoning Board and city commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, to amend the text of the Comprehen- sive Plan for the reasons stated below: 1. Section, page number, and exact language contained in the Comprehensive Plan which the applicant desires to be amended: /1Ip-r)~ 1.5 A/I) ~XAc::T 1J4t1J9u,4fi~ {/}AjjA/~M.J:} //0 /~~; ::~<'/ ",,-,,1<,',/::" /lfiAJ (' /MY~.r!4/;"jl d " t -' 1/-__,:7_0,1(./ /) / / /A'~i) .:se..op-'r'fl ~ x:J/I~Fff'_7'J.P'b . I, /'/' -I I ' / /<//7/1 rT/-I-j,,;2//"J?AJ .2':,AJI,{)9 AFlJ/J ,~~r/1.14LK , 0 lie U 7tPr CC ",,;7'-(, <: (Fe >~/"ec'/'r(c vr-<-~ ':At(.i/") v5'E r(IL'{ /)[5/'C:"/I/ ("C>l\I>t:7>rp4.,.(o~5.. -T,;{liL,c -r,;, a,c drV?FIli7':><f:r-.. -;7;; ">/h~f (,;{Ni? AR0'A F,-,)/, ;'7111' hit., :L,tIcj'Er1SFb 7:5f I- '(5 eRE:;,' /~(..)~,JI-c-r A2,;~A /P~IJ'~k2/Y')... PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend ( 2) 2. Nature of Amendment requested: ,(1);, 1&e.'i)(7,Clt/L/"'r j(JP1'JI,o:s T. //-/A / r;/", F/!r.:6/~A"./J,/ /, '-I.5~ /l<!./I"es ,ocIlJ# ~'~':I :,,),1:-33 ':"0 ON; 6;50 CJI t'Jt/iL ,fiR'1~Pr'/f/ 6~ d.Jdt/d/':4 ~ ~ 01/ ;J"~,,,/ AIJ Z~..,C' /,,0 Ti#- pdu= / "AlE U.1[ /II"fJ )J/J ~/)~k".-/ /1)9 TIIr> r;H.'S T er/..V ;?, ()() ,4.J.(!r;C; jJ en) If () 'iftf 3/533 lJor1/'YJ.5/'I,7) , 'i, E r: :t T t' /VI ""L 3. Properties or persons that would be ~ffected by pro~~sed amendment: -rll.....vr." ,',/ ,I/JuLq" 6~ /11/1... /9K.. A.J('? ,q &'eLl "<,AI,Ad.JyLh4P- 0/' AVo! ,:}/C/:J/JPJtl./V .6~c..I4/"/Se 77-k /5,.//9/5/ 'I 1 /) / III/" ~/~j//~)r d//Jld",/ ,4,.--.:> ~,.o/I/r~..d' (i!Y-CJLI/:-.:;-;;:':dhf/ ,JUt/' /I )nyh"?L')/,!j~) /M.}j:J 7)};, d/,j,-//~j9 '///I/JI",/ 1/ /}fIJr/ ,Yc".-4/~ a)1 ill A,1/ -eL)P/U ~!flL/), /;U /"i /JJ9J1'k ~R.,.., .<;/'"/7//uf ' / , 4. Statement of conditions, hardships, or other reasons justifying the proposed amendment: "4'iI/JH~/d/f7//';// fl1eLes tJ~Llr1df!?"l/tTJ,/ d.Jlrfl c/; ~II'P-",/Jf.5~T 6,4,// tf!,&?/fI!IiI'PivJPIC//5 o",PA!e.s /I?AJ5I/J/!b4EJ/f- /JJ!I.L;A&J'14"i /"'L', 71/,.. ,4.<],::I,,,M-I/O /;/'" Li<f''- /J'<?r-n';;";'} // I Tile. / ' I . fJlc1 ~,lJ Site- r.le-,)eLo'yO/1?""/IJT ?/rHII rXI-p,/l,I'nlt', <1"''';''9';0 #A)~ /-n' Vr'lLLTI / / 1/ r/lc- Z('))Olll.'Y' p,""rYl/',,).5 //1", "'''''_''", ::J ~,:.y"".-J7c- 6/./'!~ ~ >' ,v1~J9fJ hl'lte ;;, ,.<.. ~/;II; i~!M/6A!I U,I.J 71le I':;~d)':?/ 1';/" /./1f}~/5 /JtU T& /st')"""'A':'/~ //1.44 uhllLcI A.ll>T~'" LJdlAfAI9/"'- 1/, 7/1.-. ~';I?")hr.-:, "('e,,>/lJ/./o/,, _'rh<7A/~/'A'" , / "'Ii! d',..,,I.,d,,":,,dPd'5 /)/ 7/;; ,Q/~';,"J<'>Jl'/~, ;/).1;;' A1""A,I/,,,,(; r//... A.J./;~";J..;L , , (:,,1,1 I;IIJ/'/"'''/ ,AI ,3',..",,,,,,-',.111" ~r",,,z1uIAt".<;_ r:/ Ti/,.,. ,,10"'-";-"'/') iJnrr;,,;'oolrl/e . ' , /K<i~/V ilIA'-/~tJ/IUtI,.t! 1;0 TIle' 'f;xbilL /'11. ,;""/,,,'y ",)/'11'1,;41( "'" TlI,. ;::;;/</1'1" (j;1J{Ji!) 5<' c'" e ~ , !! oj l foe 5dt.',Vft ANa rile ,.4,I4,7';'/1JFlL aud'" ~/JA ,)eiolf' 6;<1es:<' e ,ce<",'" I i_1M 'l <-v""L4'6.-. t4 u'/rJ5,QU'/lIfiI-, III. LIST OF AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS. For all proposed Compre- * he~sive Plan amendments which would change the permitted use of property, the applicant must submit the following materials in two (2) copies: 1. A complete list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties for which the permitted uses of said properties would be changed, as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county court house shall be furnished by the applicant. Mailing labels for these addresses must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. Notifi- cation of affected property owners will be handled by the City Clerk of the City of Boynton Beach. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend /J I, -I I 'if/",/!L-ftfLlu-rr;oes.?>(Tl?::{f/1J?6, IN J,4""V","J:,U Cc<~7/?Jt!,'(j(.kI/!riSj<~ ON ;,tJ; /" rr< I . 1 r (3 ) 2. A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all of the properties referred to in paragraph 1, above. IV. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the attached schedule. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the planning and zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that ehe a~ove Itatdments and any leatemente or Showing. in any pap.rl or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless sign acco ng to the instructions below. fiee:>. r /:;-/9; / fate si of App).icant - ~.e'" vO Y:Jo'ftJro..v I .L.uc.- AGENT o/d/?5 D'ate Ae Applicant I .--- -- o'!KJfi?N ,),YM ( Lve- above signed person as (my) to this applica ion. q( PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend ( 4 ) SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review and Processing schedule: ~;.j1/?~ate Accepted by Planning Department I ' Date Transmitted to City Clerk Date Notifications Mailed to Affected property Owners Date of Advertisement in Newspaper Date of Review by Technical Review Board Date of Public Hearing Before planning and zoning Board Date of Public Hearing Before City Commission Date of Transmission of Proposed Comprehensive plan Amendment to Florida Department of community Affairs, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. l63.3l84{l)(a) Date of Transmission of Proposed comprehensive Plan Amendment to Other Governmental Agencies Requesting Notification, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. l63.3184{l){b) Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of community Affairs regarding Comprehensive Plan Amendment, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. l63.3l84(4) Date of Hearing Before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. 163.3184(5){b) Date of Hearing before City Commission on Revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. l63.3l84(6){a) Date of Transmission of Revised Comprehensive Plan Element to Florida Department of Community Affairs, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. l63.3184(6){a) Date of Receipt of Notice from Florida Department of community Affairs regarding Revised Comprehensive Plan Amendment Date of Hearing Before Florida Division of Administrative Hearings, pursuant to Florida Statutes, S. l63.3184(7) Date of First Reading of Ordinance Date of Second Reading of Ordinance Attach additional sheets if necessary PLANNING DEPARTMENT - JANUARY 1991 A: TxtAmend .. lilt MTP Group, Inc. 1509 Rsd Pins Trail West Palm B88Ch, FL 33414 Phon.; (407) 795-0678 T.I.f.x; 14071 795-0230 March 30, 1995 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Traffic Impact Analysis - 2404 South Federal Highway Dear Mr. Rumpf: Bravo Boynton Inc. is proposing a development to be located east of South Federal Highway directly across from SW 23rd Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. MTP Group, Inc. has been retained to determine traffic impacts associated with the proposed development. This development is to be located on a 3.45-acre tract which has an existing restaurant in operation. In order for the project to proceed, the existing facility used as a restaurant will be demolished. The proposed development is to include a maximum of 70 multi-family dwelling units. This letter presents a comparison of the traffic impact of the existing restaurant to that of the proposed residential development. Existinl! Development The existing restaurant has a total of 6,600 square feet and a capacity of 265 seats. It has the characteristics of a quality restaurant and it also includes a lounge. The trip generation rate contained in Section 10.8 Fare Share Road Impact Fees of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code is 96.51 daily trips per 1,000 square feet. Using this rate, the existing restaurant has the potential of generating 637 daily trips. Reducing this trip generation by 15 % to take into consideration passer-by, the total external trip generation potential of the restaurant is 541 daily trips, Proposed Development The proposed development is to include a maximum of 70 multi-family dwelling units. A site plan for the property has not been prepared yet. Therefore, this analysis presents a worst case scenario with the maximum number of multi-family residential dwelling units allowed. The trip generation rate contained in Section 10.8 Fare Share Road Impact Fees of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code is 7 daily trips per dwelling unit. Using this rate, the proposed development has the potential of generating a maximum of 490 daily trips. Mr. Michael W. Rwnpf March 30,1995 Page 2 of2 As shown above, the proposed development will generate less traffic than the existing development in the property. Therefore, the provisions of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards have been met. Please do not hesitate to contact us at (407) 795-0678 if you need any more information about this project. Sincerely, MTP Group ~ c. n ' 1 ,.,/ ~ ,i/,y"i5 Malia T. Palombo, P.E. Presi<k~t Florida Registration Number 44095 SALAMONE.LT2 , .r'j i1;l'~ t.~- 't-{~ . I.. MTP Group, Inc. 1509 Red Pine Trail West Palm Beach, FL 33414 Phone: 1407) 795-0678 Telefex: 14071 795-0230 March 29, 1995 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner Planning & Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 1 ()() E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-{)31O Re: Proposed Land Use Change 2404 South Federal Highway Dear Mr. Rumpf: The purpose of this letter is to summarize the traffic impact of a proposed land use change. The property under consideration is a 1.45 acre tract located east of South Federal Highway directly across SW 23rd Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach. There is an existing restaurant in operation at the property, The existing land use classification is Local Retail Commercial. The proposed land use classification is High Density Residential with a Special High Density Overlay. The maximum density allowed under the proposed land use is 20 dwelling units per acre (20 DU/acre). Using a 0.25 FAR (Floor Area Ratio), the property has the potential to develop 15,791 square feet of retail under the existing land use. Using the 20 DU/acre mentioned earlier, the property has the potential to develop 29 multi-family dwelling units under the proposed land use. In order to determine the traffic impact of the proposed land use change, the trip generation potential of the maximum permitted density in the property has been determined. The attached table summarizes the trip generation potential of the property for both the existing and proposed land use. As shown in the attached table, the proposed land use generates less traffic than the existing land use. Therefore, traffic to the adjacent roadway network will not be negatively impacted by the proposed land use change. Please do not hesitate to give us a can at (407) 795-0678 if you need any more information about this project. Sincerely, r [:\ ~ @ ~ U - \f1C,'-" I:Ulr-- r 1 :,)\ ~ \;. , "'P:'1 0 10q5 I r 1\ ; MTP Group, loci I.' : i !, ~.! C_::::tl",,"!-!,r/~ ~hUJ; "V( Maria T. Palombo, P.E. President ~ Attachments SALAMONE.LTI 30.Mar-95 09:36 AM BOYNTON1WK4 TRIP GENERATION PROPOSED LAND USE CHANGE BOYNTON BEACH Existing Land Use: Local Retail Commercial Maximum Density: 15,791 Square Feet Proposed Land Use: High Density Residential Maximum Density: 29 Multi-Family Dwelling Units Daily External Trip Generation Daily Passer-By Daily Land Use Amount Rate Traffic Percentage Traffic Commercial 15,791 * 2,230 44.74% - 1,232 Residential 29 7 203 0 203 * Daily Trip Generation Equation for Commercial: Ln(T) = 0.625 Ln(x) + 5,985 Where x = 1,000 S.F, GLA -Passer-By Percentage for Commercial: Passer-by % = 45,1 - 0.0225(A) Where A = 1,000 SF GLA