CORRESPONDENCE To: Mr. Ron Dingle ill Q"'\ 561-395-3072 , \ {iu~" Fax: (" , I (',.....- r (s From: Michael Rumpf Date: March 24, 1998 Pages: From the desk of... Michael Rumpf Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach I 00 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561-375-6260 Fax: 561-375,6259 2, including cover sheet. I received the fax from you which was an excerpt from the minutes of the Planning and Development Board meeting when your annexation was reviewed, I should explain that this issue was likely raised to be sure that the legal description on the ordinances included the adjacent right- of-way, otherwise the road could be construed as still being under County jurisdiction rather than City, This is only an issue of jurisdiction for purposes of emergency service, Property that is annexed only changes jurisdiction, not ownership, For example, your property was annexed by the City, but the City does not now own it, You remain the owner, So if the roadway is privately owned at time of annexation, it remains in private ownership, Rights-of-way only change ownership if specifically "dedicated" by the owner to the local government (or if taken by the city through an eminent domain or condemnation process), It should be stated that dedication is not automatic; the local government must want to accept the right-of-way in order for this process to occur. Most older, private rights-of-way do not meet city standards such as width or material, therefore, the City does not typically want the liability or cost represented by the substandard right-of-way, I hope that I have enhanced your understanding of this annexation process, Please contact me if I can provide you with further information on this issue, Respectfully yours, il!)icbAel ~umpf MAR-24-98 TUE 8:00 ADVENT LUTHERN SCHOOL P.01 . , ,f! FAX ,COVER 'SHEET &1) /)r'y/e- tbtJl<~ 39'~g{,E;J.. I1IRft I);mk PHONE: 395.3631 FAX: 395.3072 . /' U;~1Z1t. TO: !'ne, , .(/07 f' F FR.OM: RON DINGLe . DATE: .3 'tl t.f ? . FAX TO NUMBER.: (6'"'C; I) :3 ') ~ - G Po.5' r NUMBER OF PAGES: :L' . ~ InCluding cover sheet . ,~ .' (?.$ . . . , i;' , , '. -MINUTES . Pl.ANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA NOVEMBER 9. 1993 Mot1on Mr. Miller moved that we accept this proposal to rezone from RM to R-1A and show It as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and accept staff recommendations for the annexation. Mr. Weigle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Hoplamezlln Property - Annexation Program (Application '10) , Michael H. Hoplamazlan The 0.21 acre parcel located approXimately 400 feet east of Federal Highway. Immediately south of Colonial Club Condominium ('2 Virginia Gardens) Requests to show annexed land as Moderate Density Residential and to rezone from RM (Residential Medium Density) In Palm Beach County to R-1-A (Single Family Residential). ThiS property Is Immediately west of Application '9. and the situation Is simi- lar to that of Application 19. The current use Is a single-family home and no change is proposed. Staff's recommendation Is the same as that of Application 1/9. _-'-'-- ' -.'___,_,___,__.., Mr. Rumpf conf;~ed for Chairman lehnertz that Virginia Gardens road will be ~ o.nexed Into ~he City along witn Applications 119 and 1~.,_,__ ~ 10. ProJect: OWner: location: Description: ... . THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK ON PUBLIC HEARING. Motion Mr. Dube moved to accept the P}annlng and Zoning Department's recommendation to annex the Lewis Property*. existing land use of MR5 to Medium Density Residen- tlal. existing zoning RM (Residential Medium Density) to R-IA (Single Family). and to show It as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Vice Chairwoman Huckle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. *See note after Application III motion. Lewts Property - Annexation Program (Application '11) Sally Lewis The 0.11 acre parcel located on the east $'de of Old Dixie Highway, approximately 845 feet west of Federal Highway Requests to show annexed land as Medium Density Residential and to rezone from RM (Residential Medium Density) in Palm Beach County to R-1 (Single-Family Residential). The current use on this property Is a slngle.famlly home and no change Is pro- posed. This application Is consistent with the Future Land Use Map and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 11. proJ ect: Owner: Location: Description: - 10 - nduent Lutheran Church ~ ,~ The Reverend Dr, Roneld J, Dingle Margue~te L, Dingle. Eerly Childhood AdministrBlOr Rob Rose. Youth Minister 5001 N,E, fourth Avenue' Boca Raton, florida 33431-4903 phone (407) 395,3632 ' fax (407) 392-1470 The Reverend David E, Dangerfield Philip Frlederichs, School Principal (Gr, 1,8) Ed Lee Counseling March 10, 1998 Ms. Joyce Costello Administrative Assistant to the City Manager City of Boynton Beach P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Ms, Costello: Thank you for giving your sincere attention to the issue of whether or not the short road that I live on is a private road or belongs to the city, The enclosed correspondence and other documentation will demonstrate that my wife and I have been pursuing this decision for nearly two years, The fact of the matter is that city officials have only responded to our inquiries after we have either sent copies of our correspondence to the mayor and city commissioners or have made repeated phone calls, When I asked Mr. Wilfred Hawkins over the phone some six months ago to please get me a response to my inquiries, he became indignant and rude but said that he would get back to me as soon as possible, I have not heard from him yet. In regard to this matter of paving the road, if I do not receive some indication as to a date for a definitive decision, I will take all of my documentation for presentation to a public forum of the city commission, It is not that I am an angry or vindictive person, but after nearly two years of looking into this matter, I am beginning to lose patience, -* This bring me to the second item that I discussed with you and that had to do with the ~ irregularity of trash pick up (in this case, trash is defined as grass cuttings, tree limbs, palm frons, etc,), My wife and I received information from the city that Monday was our day for pick up of yard and trash items, At best we have had service 50% of the time, Either I or t:Y my neighbors have called on an average of at least monthly in order to get the trash picked up, I mentioned to you on the phone that my property taxes of $7,200 per year seem outrageous for the services I receive, Thank you for being such a good listener over the phone and' for pursuing these two very frustrating concerns for me, ~ Ron Dingle Vb)U';'''?,h 0<..- RECEIVED MAR I:': 1998 Enclosures (14 pages) C.,l,'Y ~ h~;-,\NAG~R'S OFFiCE "Wltere !1es/ls is brd tlHd tveq/Dvd!l i.< SV",(Dvd!l" ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE SCHOOL: )95.)635 EARLY CHILDHOOD SCHOOL & DAY CARE: )95.)631 ADVENT COUNSELING MINISTRY: 997.8168 ADVENT SQUARE, RETIREMENT CENTER: )91.7207 ADVENT LIfE ENRICHMENT CENTER: )95-5929 I i ! 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II/Or(: GU( FSTR[AM,' @ - r, ~ ',",: ;:' :L ~~r.~~!N 88(r;g{1 ~.,l.' I,', "I"(":,,r,, ~' .' COUNT. 0,,5' ..: ,'\' ' I . . r" ,~\'I:'J('ISEi-'H!: I:: 5, LA \'INOSUB'<~Q80) .FJ33.8,f.}!,Jti!, :''''26 St.NFr.EST ELVD CONT/N<'1ING ,"', , ' PRESE:YTER/AN' CHURCH (88) PB55P/74:@ ., , " r-?'~;1W\ ______________n. '. ___~jJ.. ,~ ~t ~. r S 1~ j: \ . I r' I ! ~. ,,', .... 1:,;.' '~ ~" W," f "f' "i\ "-\~ ;., ',:. ~ ..?, ,:';' .) .l. *' ,..~ \ ,~ ,-'\ ..,,'..... ~" ., \., , ~, i~ , , IL "- \, ~ :Of! " ~Je. , " " A. pl\RCEL .REstRIbT~b JPE~~ 'lffITY ,~F ,??TL~,) > ~ *,GOM~~ARC~L YV..l!'9t.i~~T~A lo"'O'L:,: '1fi8f11 PER:S.G.H.- PROPERTY CON-mOL NU!f,;::, . , .. , CC1!W" CClCIE lWfCt .... S[V'llCIH, ~ GO 00 co _~ . ~ -0 , .' ,). .~- . .--- ~- .......... I ; t \ - ---- \ \ \ \ \ I I \ -- 'V r- [0,'33 , .' Ie) 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 1653216 12 7 8 9 10 11 12 7 '131817 16 1514 13 18 2 19 20 21 22 23 24 19 25 30 28 28 27 26 25 30 . 36 31 32 33 34 35 36 31 165432,16 ....-.. . ~ l~!=:f' ! , .... ::", Ronald and Marguerite Dingle 3 Virginia Garden Delray Beach, FL 33483 Property Control No. 08 43 46 04 00 001 0100 August 13, 1996 Ms. Carrie Parker Boynton Beach City Manager 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Dear Ms. Parker: Regarding: Road paving - Virginia Garden This letter is a request for completion of road paving of Virginia Garden. This road is approximately 500' long. Its westerly end is at Federal Highway (directly north of Sun Wah restaurant) and its easterly end is at the entrance to our own property, About 360' of Virginia Garden is already paved. This is the portion from Federal Highway extending east. The remaining 140' of Virginia Garden is a dirt road. At the November 9, 1993, meeting of the Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board (copy attached) Virginia Garden road was annexed into the city of Boynton Beach, as was our property as well, Along with this annexation from the county to the city, our property taxes have increased a considerable amount (copies of tax bills before and after attached) and our assessed value has decreased. As you can see from our address, we are also in somewhat of an "in the middle" situation as we are in Delray for mailing purposes and in Boynton for taxes, telephone, cable and utilities. This letter is a request for paving the remainder of Virginia Garden, Please let us know what needs to be done on our part to facilitate this request. We appreciate your attention to this matter. Sincerely, Ronald and Marguerite Dingle cc: Jerry Taylor, Mayor MINUTES - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 9, 1993 Motion Mr. Miller moved that we accept this proposal to rezone from RM to R-1A and show it as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and accept staff recommendations for the annexation. Mr. Weigle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Description: Hoplamazian Property - Annexation Program (Application #10) Michael, H. Hoplamazian The 0.21 acre parcel located approximately 400 feet east of Federal Highway, immediately south of Colonial Club Condominium (#2 Virginia Gardens) Requests to show annexed land as Moderate Density Residential and to rezone from RM (Residential Medium Density) in Palm Beach County to R-1-A (Single Family Residential). , 10. Project: Owner: Location: This property is immediately west of Application #g, and the situation is simi- lar to that of Application #9. The current use is a single-family home and no change is proposed. Staff's recommendation is the same as that of Application #9. Mr. Rumpf confirmed for Chairman Lehnertz that Virginia Gardens nexed into the City along with Applications #9 and 10. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK ON PUBLIC HEARING. Motion Mr. Dube moved to accept the P}anning and Zoning Department's recommendation to' annex the Lewis Property*. existing land use of MR5 to Medium Density Residen- ,tial. existing zoning RM (Residential Medium Density) to R-1A (Single Family), and to show it as consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Vice Chairwoman Huckle seconded the motion which carried unanimously. *See note after Application III motion. Description: Lewis Property - Annexation Program (Application #11) Sally Lewis The 0.11 acre parcel located on the east s'de of Old Dixie Highway, approximately 845 feet west of Federal Highway Requests to show annexed land as Medium Density Residential and to rezone from RM (Residential Medium Density) in Palm Beach County to R-1 (Single-Family Residential). 11. Project: OWner: Location: The current use on this property is a single-family home and no change is pro- posed. This application is consistent with the Future Land Use Map and the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. - 10 - o :R::ER4: C;:%tLNOU07~::1 o~;1 1995 'ASSES~ "., IIF " EXEMPTION ~07.73;'; 25.000 1 CODE : 41 TAXABLE VALUE 282,731 LfGAL DESCRIPTION 4-46-43, E 150 FT OF S 104.5 FT OF N 165.7 FT OF GOV LT 1 W OF FIND CNL & E OF SR 5 1"II",II"I"II"I",IIIIIIIIf1IIIIIIU1III.II'Il"II",I,11 DINGLE RONALD J & MARGUERITE L 3 VIRGINIA GARDEN DELRAY BEACH FL 33483-6305 JOHN K. CLARK. CFC. TAX COLLECTOR AD VALOREM TAXES TAXING AUTHORITY TELEPHONE NO. MILLAGE TAX AMOUNT COUNTY 407 355-2027 4.2177 IH92.47 SCHOOL STATE 407 434-8B37 6.6320 1,875.07 SCHOOL LOCAL 407 434-8837 2.6450 747.82 CITY DF BOYNTON BEACH 407 375-6060 7. 9251 2,240.67 SO FLA WATER MANAGEMENT DIST. 407 686-B800 .5470 154.65 SOUTH LAKE WORTH INLET DIST. 407 969-9024 .1008 28.50 CHILDRENS SERVICES CDUNCIL 407 655-1010 .3730 105.46 F. I. N. D. 407 G27-333G .0400 11.31 PBC HEALTH CARE DISTRICT 407 659-1270 1.4250 402.89 SFWMD EVERGLADES CONST PROJECT 407 686-8800 .1000 28.27 COUNTY DEBT 407 355-2027 .3014 85.22 SCHOOL DEBT 407 434-8837 .5200 147.02 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEBT 407 375-6060 .4816 136.16 TOTAL 7.155.51 - NON.AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEVYING AUTHORITY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY 407 697-2700 RATE 151.00 AMOUNT 151.00 TOTAL 151.00 COMBINED TOTAL 7.306.51 ****ORIGINAL STATEMENT REOUESTED BY: BARNETT MORTGAGE COMPANY SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR INSTRUCTIONS AND INFORMATION COUNTY of-PALM-sEACH:NO-TICE -oF AD VALOREM TAXES-AND NON-=-ADVALOREM-ASSESSMENTS - I, PROPERTY CONTROL NUMBER: '""""",?: 1995 CMC 41 DDC .36 ACRES MTG B22 ! 0845460,,'00001"'0100"; COUNTY 1,277.69 ,SCHOOL 2.769.91 , ' ',,,'" ,,' , _ CITY 2,576.85 S FL WATER 154.65 ASSESSED VALUE 507,731 INLET DIST 28.50 CHILD SVCS 105.46 EXEMPTIONS 25.000 FIND 11.31 HEALTH 402.89 TAXABLE VALUE 2B2,751 EVGLDS C P 28.27 SWA 151,00 DINGLE RONALD J & MARGUERITE L 5 VIRGINIA GARDEN OELRAY BEACH FL 33483-6305 06295276270000730651010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4-46-43. E 150 FT OF'S 104.5 FT OF N 165.7 FT OF GOV LT 1 W OF FIND CNL & E OF SR 5 COLLECTOR NO. I MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: 7 : TAX COLLECTOR. PALM BEACH COUNTY 2 - 952 - 62- 7 I P.O. BOX 3715 WEST PALM BEACH. Fl 33402-371:' _._._~~____.--l AJ.IOUNT" DUE IF PAID IN .ED:'~ 7.087,311 7.160,381 DECEMBERi ': ~::~~ ..JANUARY 7.233,4417,306.511 : FEBRUARY::;:.L. ;,:i;l2::\'MARCH,.,~~ 7.526.711 8.304,40 APRIUMAY JUNE/JULY DEUNQUENT --~~ "=:;'::;.<1:2 li~ YEAR CODE 994 41 TAXABLE VALUE 274.641 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4-46-43, E 150 FT OF S 104.5 FT OF N 165.7 FT OF GOV LT 1 W OF FIND CNL & 'E OF ,SR 5 "<O':~k~ir~f~~li&\f&ffitlfr:fil~~~i ASSESSEO VALUE EXEMPTION (299.641.:::> 25.000 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIII.II'IIII.I,IIIIIIII1IIII.11 OINGLE RONALD J & MARGUERITE L 3 VIRGINIA GARDEN DELRAY BEACH FL 33483-6305 TAXING AUTHORITY COUNTY SCHOOL STATE SCHOOL LOCAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ SO FLA WATER MANAGEMENT DIST. SOUTH LAKE WORTH INLET DIST. CHILDRENS SERVICES COUNCIL F. IoN.D. PBC HEALTH EVERGLADES COUNTY SCHOOL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, AD VALOREM TAXES TELEPHONE NO. 355-2027 434-8837 434-8837 375-6060 '686-8800 969-9824, 655-1010 627-3386 659-1270 686-8800 355-2027 434-8837 ,,375-6060 CARE DISTRICT CONSTRUCT. PROJECT DEBT DEBT DEBT, TOTAL 7~OS3.46':'-.'. . . ,....':. "f,:" NON.AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEVYING AUTHORITY SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY 697-2700 TOTAL 152.00, COMBINED TOTAL 7,205.46 ****ORIGINAL STATEMENT REQUESTED BY: BARNETT MORTGAGE COMPANY MILLAGE, 4.2931 6.9170 2.6490 '7.9251 .4970 .1014 .3522 .0490 1.4500 .1000 .2262 .6190 .5035 RATE 152.00 TAX AMOUNT \ 1,179.06 1,899.69 727.52 2,176.56 136.50 27.85 96.73 13.46 398.23 27.46 62.12 170.00 138.28 AMOUNT 152.00 _ __ ___ _ _ _.~-...::. =--.:...:~SE...E.~m~r <::,n~'f~a:..mS:rL'..t;:nQtl.V~&"'J.NEPf:.MbW:L---._........., -.- ~- ~ - - - - - --- - 'mcoUN1:y"oF'PAiiiifs'E"ActCriio'fic'e"oF'AO"VALOR'e_\Vj,TA'X'e's"AN'D"jijo'N:AD-'vALoRe'M"~ssEssMEjij'fS.m- ':iMN~R<lP~RTV;;l:;QN:plDti~t,iM!lcEil~#~K 1994 CMC 41 DOC .36 ACRES MTG B22 U't08%'(i3'W46i~:O;4!#DiW'ol1il,wOttil':ii CO U N TV 1 24 1 . 1 8 S C H 0 0 L 2 . 7 9 7 . 2 1 l.:,.,:.:.:.:....:.:.:.:.~:.::.~:.:.:.~::~;:~;.,..,::r:.;::~:~:~i;;~~::.;t:;;. "/' :;:.+..~;:;:.;:-.:~~.:>;;~.: C I TV 2: 314 . 84 S F L WA TE R 136 .50 ASSESSED VALUE 299,641 INLET DIST 27.85 CHILD SVCS 96.73 EXEMPTIONS 25.000 FIND 13.46 HEALTH 398.23 TAXABLE VALUE 274.641 EVGLDS C P 27.46 SWA 152.00 DINGLE RONALD J & MARGUERITE L 3 VIRGINIA GARDEN DELRAY BEACH FL 33483-6305 08290837100000720546010 LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4-46-43. E 150 FT OF S 104.5 FT OF N 165.7 FT OF GOV LT 1 W OF FIND CNL & E OF SR 5 COLLECTOR NO, 2-908-371-0 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: TAX COLLECTOR, PALM BEACH COUNTY P.O. BOX 3715 WEST PALM BEACH, Fl 33402.3715 JOHN K, CLARK, CFC, TAX COLLECTOR 6.917.2 6.989,301 7,061.351 7.133.411 7.205.461 ..~!:~DECEi.laEm"{l;.~iirr;t.t1~~WAN.ii~~t~~;t;;,~:i:J1EBROA.RYW.mij~~~r..IARC1ei!~~ 7.422.621 8.189.64 APRIUMAY JUNE DELINQUENT 1 ~~~~~] IffiPAJI1..IN:ttf;r,;j" PALM BEACH COUNTY NOTICE PROPERTY CONTROL NUMBER: 00 43 46 04 ~O 001 0100 ASSESSED VALUE EXEMPTIO (320,268:) 25,000 AND NON,AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4-46-43, E 150 FT OF S 104.5 eFT OF N 165.7 FT OF GOV LT 1 W OF FIND CHI: & E OF SR 5 ' "-,,. ". lullllllll,lullullllllllll'IllII,Il'IlII.I.IfIl'IlIl,ul,1l DINGLE RONALD J . MARGUERITE L 3 VIRGINIA GARDEN DELRAY BEACH FL 33483-b305 ~ ~'i ~.~ 1-r:;";: .. . ";':~'" AD VALOREM TAXES ,~.-:t- ,. ,'. -,' '-" .\ . TAXING AUTHORITY TELEPHONE No::~3>,' MIUJlGE',f,:,' ":, TAX' AMOUNT COUNTY:"':: ... " .. ,,355-2027f'-,::S'<' ':4. 327B:/,,'.... 1,27,7.86 . FIRE/RESCUE- MSTU" .: ." -. ':. 355-2 o 27':::'3,.)rl'"-; ",.::, 2; 620 1".:'.~.,.~:f.-"-"'1,'-773. 63 LIBRARY , 355-202f',~"':;-'" ,;, ; 3915 ': .. '...',,:, 115.60 .''', SCHOOL STATE 434-8837;,,',; 6.?470 :';, ",2,051.23 ;,,/:SCHOoLi LOCAL " 434-8837,," , '\ 2.5100 :; ",;;,. 741.12 " "...SO FLA: WATER MANAGEMENT DlST. ...., 687-6207,....."., ',.,..-5970"'...,' ".." :,176.27 : :,~~i:~~~~~:,~::RVICES COUNCIL", ,:':" :.:_:,.~..~~=_~~,~;3.iE~:~&,~~~~iFj;U:,:::.~~: ~~ .,':___.":P8C~HE'AL:rFr"t:'ARE:"'1ITSTR ICT-.'..'-..--,' ,. '" - 659-1270,: ,': ': 1. 475 0:' ':., """ 4:\5,52 li~~.;,;,~~:COU_N:rY~~~':i;~r' >..,:~~_:~:..;.~'~__ _ ; :": ::", DEBT _.>.':;:<~.::: ._~;):'" 355-2 0 2.l:.!/r::b(-:. :,: :-:t'f;,!:-;."22_215:.:',:::.~:;:.',,~:,,::: 6 5.58 '~~~~.!~:~S.~~;~,~~!~;,~r?'~~:,'~'~';:';":<':'~' DE,B~":"::~;1~~J:0~.:~~~~~i~::~;'{,~~~I~~13r:(\:'1 ~;,: 93 :-..rt.....t.~...,....~il~~l;-;..::'"r'"-'~- ..',.. 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",,' "SEE: HEVERSECSID EOR~I "~",;..,,,'!'h"", [,,:, _: ~,' ," ,.-- PALM BEACH COUNTY NOTICE' OF ,NON.AD VALOREM"ASSESSMENTS ~,,, PROfERT:Y.iCONTROl:: NUMBER"" :i,. ~,~O 0;;r4'31i4"~b, '~tro Ot'O oit 0 1'00 .ft)';v.....\.).~ l'iJ!i.~~"""~".~'p'~""""';"(.,:",;,,, ,'. 1993 CHC 35 COUNTY , LI 8RARY S FL WATER CHILD SVCS HEALTH DDC .36 ACRES '1,343.44 FIRE,DIST 115.60 SCHOOL 176.27 SWA, '", ' 97.35 FIND' 435.52 MTG 822 773,63 2,971.28 2:\:\,00 15,06 ASSESSED VALUE EXEHPTIONS TAXABLE, VALUE 320,268 25,000 295,268 ., . ~;'\;.i.t~~"." DINGLE 'RONALD J . MARGUERITE L 3 VIRGINIA,GARDEN DELRAY'BEACH fL 33483-b305 00248835220000b1b11S040 >..~.. .:.'~-..,.......- ....-....UN<eO<!~_.....m PALM BEACH COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR P.Q eox 3115' WEST PlWoI BIE.ACH. FL 33-'0'2.3115 JOHN K; CLARK. TAX COLLECTOR . LEGAL DESCRIPTION 4-46-43p,E 150 FT OF S 104,5 "FT OF N 165.7 FT OF GOV LT 1 W OF FIND CNL & E OF SR 5 COLLECTOR NO, 2-488-352-2 , " .: ;~:;::... ....,. ~.':\.~: '.'-J.' 6,0:\7.9:\ 6,099.54 6,161.15';::'6, :\57.981 7,014. ; . \.~.~,:!.~~::~=.~~;.::~.: ~:'_.:,: : ':..'~ ~":..:_-- ..' ,:~~i~"',~:,: ;4~: ,..,., '. "~-~"'.'~'~ . .,.___.,__u.___'- yo- ,fJJU City of iBoynton iBeacli 100 ~ 'Boynton. 'lJead. 'lJoulevanl P.O. 'lJo'l:310 'Boynton. 'lJUJdi., ~ 3342S.0310 City 1fJJll: (407) 375..(j()()() :J!lIX: (407) 375-6090 September 27, 1996 Ronald and Marguerite Dingle 3 Virginia Garden Delray Beach, FI 33483 Dear Ronald and Marguerite: This letter is in response to your letter dated August 13, 1996 addressed to Carrie Parker, City Manager. The roadway into Virginia Garden was a private road while it was within county jurisdiction, The annexation of Virginia Garden into the City of Boynton Beach jurisdiction does not change the fact that it is a private road, It is the City of Boynton Beach's policy not to build, rebuild, improve or maintain private roads, We understand your request for the city to pave tne private wacl bUl, lile City l,;annot do :;(;, 'Ne approciate hearing from you and if you have questions you may call this office at 375-6010, Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ Hawl,ins ant to the City Manager c: Mayor and City Commission Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Tambri Heyden, Planning DireGtor .9lmerial's (jateUJaY to tF.e (julfstream OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER MEMORANDUM NO. 97- 083 TO: FROM: James Cherot, City Attorney Wilfred Hawkins # Assistant to the City Manager DATE: February 25, 1997 SUBJECT: Determining it Virginia Garden is a private road Attached please find a letter trom Marguerite Dingle regarding Virginia Garden. Ms. Dingle states that the tax records show this road has no designated owner. Therefore, by default the road is owned by the jurisdiction it is located in. Would you please provide a detemination on the road ownership issue as, described. Ms, Dingle's original correspondence was requesting Virginia Garden to be repaved. The City's initial response was the road was private and therefore not the City's responsibility. If you have any questions please call me. I anticipate your response by March 7, 1997 if possible. Thank you. Attachments: Map and Letter c: Ms. Marguerite -Dingle (w/o attachments) w -' ----- -- ...-- .' Ronald and Marguerite Dingle 3 Virginia Garden Delray Beach, Florida 33483 Apr\} 8, 1997 Wilfred Hawkins Assistant to the City Manager The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Wilfred: Thank you for sending me a copy of your February 25th memo to James Cherof, City Attorney, regarding determining the private road status of Virginia Garden. According to that memo you anticipated a response by March 7th. Please let us know, what response has been received and what action may be expected. ~~M Marguerite Dingle . . ,f}JU City of 1Joynton 1Jeadi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'lJeac!r. 'lJoukvarrf P.O. 'lJ~310 'lJoyntOll 'lJeadi, !J1'oriIfa 33425-0310 City 9lafI: (561) 375-6000 jJU: (561) 375-6090 May 8, 1997 Marguerite Dingle 3 Virginia Garden Delray Beach, FL. 33483 Dear Ms, Dingle: Thank you for your letter dated May 5, 1997, I concur we have been corresponding over the last eight months and we finally have a partial resolution to present. Based upon research done by Department of Development staff, it has been determined that Virginia Garden is a private road, However, the City Attorney's Office suggests in order to make a definitive determination a survey should be done and then sent to a title company to perform an cwnership search, This is a costly endeavor and how this will be paid for is the issue, I will obtain more information on the cost of a survey and title search and pass it along to you, We can arrange a meeting with you and City staff to further discuss the survey and title search issue, My phone number is 375-6010, We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEJ~H , ft. 1bu~ Wilf Hawkins As tant to the City Manager c: Mayor and City COl!lmission (I!, J.f!fI"~'!,,) City Manager---lf(A.A..'(4._~~.1 j ,...'" "" City Attorney ,_:::._.._....,.{L ,.." Department of Development Director Public Works Director Jlmerial's (jateway to tlit (jut/stream