APPLICATION '. r CITY Of BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. 1. Project Name: Dr hj ie. nop' c-L( A~,n" )t.c..-fl~Yl - '"f.}ojr,,-'<YI 1. GENERAL INFORMATION 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only ~ c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Address: k:or><3-(& ::r c>-",Q (YJo..."<'"Ju"r.+<", n""'jl", 3 v. '0' "'~- Gc-...-.De.n s. 1)...(<<o,..y ~<>..col" I PL .33Y5(.<; (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): N/A Address: (Zip Code) Phone: FAX: 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: ().. S a.. h..cn/e Address: (Zip Code) FAX: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse (2 ) 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) : *This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the sUbject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) o G.o ()~ r 9. street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: AfPl< 0"50 f~c.-f ~c-s-r ,{F.:=de-ro-( /-fr..v. im~~C...-f",,(v .5,ov-H, ~f('r,(Cln~"'( 1/ ' cr' - () .. vQ<....':.~(n(.....Yl'\ lO. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: 20. site Planner: /V~A 2l. civil Engineer: AI/A 22. Traffic Engineer: AJ/A ll. l2. 13. 14. 15. l6. 17. 18. 19. 23. Area of Subject Parcel (to (1/100) of an acre): the nearest hundredth 0.3'- j -I<=- 'K0 (Ke s;dJ...n -f)~( 1'l7d:: </W'o ~sdY) ""'''1/ 72-1. -;1 (::.;1]1/<>-' km~ t X.:=s,) R /_"> (fJt.J"UT'l Ke~,jhn+io..~ 5) j-~ IYldd~ v--f-c V........,,: 1',v i} ,,; c r;. /J ;io( Current Zoning District: Proposed Zoning District: Current Land Use Category: Proposed Land Use Category: Intended Use of Subject Parcel: jIl/rI Developer or Builder: tV/A Architect: /V/A Landscape Architect: II/A Surveyor: ;II/A PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse (7 ) III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or -plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Annexation Program, see annexation application Signature of owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. 8/17/93 Date V. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Date Signature of Authorized Agent (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. Date signature of owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: LandUse ATTACHMENT "A" LEGAL A parcel of land in Section4, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the westerly right-of- way line of Intracoastal Waterway with a line 61.2 feet south of, measured at right angles to and parallel with, the north line of said Section 4; Thence continuing on an assumed bearing, due west, Parallel with the northline of Section 4, a distance of 150.00 feet; Thence S 60 07' 20" W parallel with the west right- of-way line of said Intracoastal Waterway, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence S 130 46' 24" W, a distance of 26.43 feet; thence S 90 31' 12" E, a distance of 36.00 feet; Thence S 180 18' 54" W, a distance of 29.30 feet; Thence due east, parallel with said Section 4, a distance of 150.00 feet to the said west right-of- way line of the Intracoastal Waterway; Thence N 60 07' 20" E along the said west right-of-way of the Intracoastal Waterway, a distance of 104.5 feet to the point of beginning. Together with riparian rights, if any, appertaining thereto. A:LEGAL3.JM C I T Y o F BOY N TON B E A C H PLANNING & ZONING BOARD ANNEXATION APPLICATION NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the planning Department. (2 copies of application required. ) PROJECT NAME: RG"'~('O .I. ",-".Q.. nl/d'J.>ilc-.t.---W"'Jk- A",,-,,~-t,<,^- -P""J''''-<y\'' AGENT'S NAME: N/A ADDRESS: OWNER'S NAME: 'Roh<l--(cQ.J;""n,Q fYI"".'i'"....,+.. 't::::I"'''','i(''' (or trustee's) J.J ADDRESS: J "'<,j""o... Gc;.,&"",:,> u<"!k~'('R.e...c:..~ J "FL33 '(R'~ PROJECT LOCATION: (not legal descript1 n) CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) *This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl ( 3 ) C I T Y o F BOYNTON B E A C H APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR: REJECTION: ORDINANCE II REJECTION: AGAINST DATE ANNEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/OWner: Ronc..(J!. T. ~n.(' P\~<Ju'c,fe D""JI<<.. Area of Subject Property: Sq. Ft. or O.~~ Acres Estimated Present population: ,2 ( R"s. d~,,-t,~( Rtyl M~,u......1)c."s:.-t~ Density Allowed:5'-~, Existing Zoning: d.u. 's Proposed Zoning:__~-1-A Density Allowed: s: i d.u. 's EXISTING UTILITIES: Water: f'./ / A Wastewater Collection: ~ IA Solid Waste (garbage): NIA PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl ( 4) STATEMENT OF USE Existing Use: Re s',dk-",+: ~( Proposed Use: f\1/A JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: AY'l'h"".l"r\. -f',OVl -P""'ji"<!.YY\ - l.)(\..+<:.., "",,-nnC~ ~rc:.<"'V'V'."'-"'-* K---r<: ,t y EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See Af,t-o---c hMC" "- t "A ,. PLANNING DEPAR'L~ENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl (5) . . . . . , I , , IIlU 1...J. 11 l' elly 01 BllYn'on Buch ~!o~~ln. Coportmont Name of Development/owner KC't'-<..c\&. :t o......~ (V\("'J"~ ("~~ 'CY'hJ I" Locate the subj~ct property on this map and shade in the area. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:AnnxAppl (6-.;';;'-'" n,. <::s- A-" 2) (6) ~r; -:>4 7::J OWNER'S AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for Voluntary Annexation, Florida statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority authorizing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must be attached to and accompany such petition. Annexation Program, see attached water service agreement SIGNATURE OF OWNER(S) OF RECORD SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Ronald J. &Marguirite Dingle TYPE NAME OF OWNER ( s) TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT 3 Virginia Gardens STREET ADDRESS STREET ADDRESS De+ray Beach, FL 33483 CITY & STATE CITY & STATE TELEPHONE NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER FAX NUMBER PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl (7) APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (I) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable. APPLICANT IS: x OWner Annexation Program, see attached water service agreement SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT Optionee Ronald J. & Marguirite Dingle TYPE NAME OF APPLICANT Lessee 3 Virginia Gardens STREET ADDRESS Agent Delray Beach, FL 33483 CITY AND STATE Contract purchaser TELEPHONE NUMBER FAX NUMBER PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl Annexation Program, see attached dee~water service agreement ( 8 ) AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS COUNTY OF PALM BEACH) Before me, the undersigned authority personally appeared , who being by me first duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: l. That he is the fee simple owner of the following described property, to wit: (Give legal description) Annexation Program, see attached deed (attach an additional page if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. That he has appointed to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. see attached water service agreement (SIGNATURE OF OWNER) Affiant Sworn to and subscribed before me Notary Public, State of Florida at Large My Commission Expires: PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: AnnxAppl ATTACHMENT "A" LEGAL A parcel of land in Section4, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersection of the westerly right-of- way line of Intracoastal Waterway with a line 61.2 feet south ot, measured at right angles to and parallel with, the north line of said Section 4; Thence continuing on an assumed bearing, due west, Parallel with the northline of Section 4, a distance of 150.00 feet; Thence S 60 07' 20" W parallel with the west right- of-way line of said Intracoastal Waterway, a distance of 15.00 feet; Thence S 130 46' 24" W, a distance of 26.43 feet; thence S 90 31' 12" E, a distance of 36.00 feet; Thence S 180 18' 54" W, a distance of 29.30 feet; Thence due east, parallel with said Section 4, a distance of 150.00 feet to the said west right-of- way line of the Intracoastal Waterway; Thence N 60 07' 20" E along the said west right-of-way of the Intracoastal Waterway, a distance of 104.5 feet to the point of beginning. Together with riparian rights, if any, appertaining thereto. A:LEGAL3.JM II I ,I I 'i " ,I I' " I ,I II " :1 II I. I .<:: II u I1l Q) II l:Q I, s:: 'I 0 I +> s:: I >. , 0 , l:Q i 4-l 'I 0 I, >. I, +> ...-1 II () Q) II .<:: II +> II >. ..Q 'I 'tl I, Q) 'I 1-1 I1l 0- Q) I 1-1 I P< I I I II " I, 'I I, ~ I' J') ~ I ~ Ii Si '-, }.~- '" ~~' ~~ ~ ~'~ o~~ '-.) ..r:: ~ -:, ('Y) ;. I ,......~ - :=:- ><:..;! j'\"..)_w _, ......."I'\.) a __ ~...) ~ _.........., Q .. ':"'.....~ >>0 ~ .... ~-.-=: . ~ Ouc....ca . r-l:i:h:4-1YB 3:36pm 89-052918 .. ... ~ to 1, ~ , ....B 5977 29 1243 AGREEMENT FOR WATER SERVICE OUTSIDE THE CITY LIMITS This agreement, made on this ~':~ay of ;r....N"A~Y , 19l1 by and between R^"oJl..O ~ OlN61.E , hereinafter called the "Customer", and the City of Boynton Beach, a municipal cor- poration of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "CITY". WITNESSETH, that the Customer, his heirs and assigns, for and In con- sideration of the privilege of receiving water service from the Municipal Water System agrees to the following: 1. The City agrees to provide Customer with water services from It. Municipal Water System only as necessary to service the project described In the Application for Water Service submitted by Customer. The Customer has specified that there will be . "'- r;""'" V'....lEqulvalent Residential Connections and the City hereby agrees to serve t ose Equivalent Residential Connections. 2. The Customer agrees to pay all costs of engineering, material, labor, Installation and Inspection of the facilities as required by the City Code to provide service to the Customer's premises. The Customer shall be responsible for Installation and conformance with all applicable I codes, rules and regulations of all service lines upon the Customer's premi Ises and all such lines shall first be approved by the Director of Utilities and subject to Inspection by the City Engineers. The City shall' have the option of either requiring the Customer to perfonn the neces3ary work or the City may have the work perfonned In which case the Customer will pay In advance all estimated costs thereof. In the event the City has such work perfonned, the Customer will also advance such additional funds as may be necessary to pay the total actual costs. 3. Any main extension made under the Agreement shall be used only for the Customer, unless pennlsslon Is granted by the City of Boynton Beach for other party or parties to connect pursuant to the Code of Boynton Beach 4. Title to all mains, extensions and other facilities extended from the City Water Distribution System to and Including the metered service to Customer shall be vested In the City exclusively. 5. The Customer agrees to pay all charges, deposits, and rates for service and eqUipment In connection wlt~ water service outside the City limits applicable under City Ordinances and rate schedules which are now applicable or as may be changed from time to time. 6. Any rights-of-way or easements In this area shall be provided by the Customer. 7. It Is understood by the Customer, and shall be binding upon the . Customer, his transferees, grantees, heirs, successors and assigns, that all water to be furnished, supplied, and sold under this Agreement Is made available from surplus. If the surplus does not exist at the time of Customer's actual request for commencement of service, as determined by the City's Director of Utilities, then this CITY, without liability, may refuse to Initiate service to the subject premises. 8. The Customer further agrees In consideration of the priVilege of receiving water service from said City, that the execution of this Agreement Is considered to be a voluntary Petition for Annexation pursuant to Section 171.044 of the Florida Statutes Or any'successor or amendment thereto. Furthermore, should any other general law, special act, or local law be enacted which provides for voluntary or consensual annexation, this Agreement shall also be considered a petitionary request for annexation under such other laws. The premises shall be Subject to annexation at the option of the City at any time they are eligible under anyone or more of the above referenced laws concerning annexation. Customer will Inform any and all purchasers of any or part of this property of this voluntary petition for annexation and Its applicabilities to such purchasers. 9. The Customer acknowledges that this covenant for annexation Is Intended to be and Is hereby made a covenant running with the land described In "Exhibit A", attached hereto and made a part hereof. This Agreement Is to be recorded In the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and the Customer and all subsequent transferees, grantees, heirs or assigns of Customer shall be bound by this Annexation Agreement. I' il I I I , i '.ji'1:l :JY I I ~g 1244 10. It is agreed that the City shall have no liability in the event there is a reduction. impainnent or tennination In water service to be pro-I vided under this Agreement due to any prohibitions. restrictions, limita- tions or requirements of local, regional, State or Federal agencies or other agencies having Jurisdiction over such matters. Also the City shall have no liability In the event there Is a reduction, Impairment or tenn- Inatlon of water service due to acts of God, accidents, strikes, boycotts, blackouts, fire, earthquakes, other casualties or other circumstances beyond the City's reasonable control. 11. The Customer hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and hold hannless the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, its Mayor, Members of City Commission, , Officers, employees and agents (both in their individual and official capact ities) from and against all claims, damages, law suits and expenses including reasonable attorneys fees (whether or not incurred on appeal or in connect.ion with post judgement collection) and costs rising out of or resulting from the Customer's obligation under or perfonnance pursuant to thi s Agreement 12. It is understood by Customer and by the City that the attached site plan "Exhibit B" has been reviewed by the City of Boynton Beach, found to be generally acceptable to the City and is to be the guide for develop- ment of this subject land. In the event that the site plan is not approved there shall be no commitment on the part of the City to serve Customer. Any service by the City shall be only as delineated and contemplated by the site plan. In the event that the premises are used for a purpose other than that which Is delineated in either the site plan or the application for Water Service, the City is under no commitment to serve the project. 13. No prior or present agreements or representations shall be bind- ing on any of the parties hereto unless incorporated in this Agreement. No modifications or change in this Agreement shall be valid upon the parties unless in writing executed by the parties to be bound thereby. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th parties hereto have set ~eir hands and seals thi s ~ 1.1 day of .' 19B.,l. , I !i , I I, II il Ii ,i I! I I 'i !I II I I I I ,I WITNESS: , /J--. -?1( ~-m~u- / "~i L Ir s t usto ~- II I INDIVIDUAL(S) AS OWNER(S): FOR INDIVIDUAL(S) NOTORIZATION: STATE OF Fk>!2,p;f- ) COUNTY OF ftft. ;11 8e d.V/' ) i \1 Ii i; , 'I I I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized In the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgements, pers nally appeared /l!Mf've,t?Jl7..- L P/~6--LC e ,to me known to be the person~ described in and w~ xecuted the oregolng instrument and ~P~J acknowledged before me that # Jf executed the same. ~ "1d}F:E~~ h::~ :;' ''}~~-;~ tho C,,,,, ':":::t I'"~ ",,,- (If(if~#;1~~)~~',:~. /2/Auf? 2~A./ ..,.' " " ' ,', Nt P bllr :::',~":';,.J..~-, .-'; .L~ .... ~ 0 ary u i~.~?:tr':. ~::~: 0; ::; ",.~Jt. " --- :::>'. " '," ....; '':'.". ~-. i',. ,. .-. ~:. ,; \'\"""', ....... "." /. ' (:,:'{2i,;,.';;:,;;:' '.---,:>" :--, II My Commission Expires: t...~:(;,! :,"-y-~, :'.:>~ ~/b~J~j~1 :,',; :~~~~~"j',,~:~': -~ :.;~ . ,;'.,. ':":. , , ~"KRli "', ('.,1. '_Au,_. S.,.~.. .' _\.V~ ;"\"~"i' .0. \",. ....~.. . ~'.~ . "f' '/ ..~~~o...,'!. "1\ R '.. -:.- ,.,.~..'t.: t"', . ~ g~:~.':;1 ,',' (NotartSeal) 1:;;~: . I '"' ':"1J~ . I ::; , %rt"o'~'f I.~ \ ": ."" ." I'/: ..... <,' . I" rA.....'. \,' J. If ..' \ .' . '/ \;,<. Approved as to form: ~...-t!.. I ~,.. o~Q_ I ~ - Cl ty Attorney ,I " " II I 111~~_L " ~ " " ]1 'I Boynton Beach j' II II ~ I " " I' I II " WITNESS: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FL l ATTEST: erk (~orp. Seal) Il _ . ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) STATE OF FLORIDA , I! I HEREBY CERTIFY that on thIs 'I authorIzed In the State aforesaId and Ii acknowledgeme ts, persona ly appeared I ~ Mayor and 'A/ / , I' the Mayor an y er respec 1vely of the C1ty named In the I! foregoIng agreement and that they severally acknowledged executIng the same, 11'1' In the presence of two subscrIbIng wItnesses freely and voluntarIly under authorIty dilly vested In them by saId CIty and that the CIty seal affIxed II thereto 15 the true corporate seal of saId CIty. WITNESS my hand and offIcIal seal In the County and State last afore- saId thIs /7 day of r=iii~.tuu<~.'I 19Bf'. ~;;~~~~/. My CommIssIon ExpIres: NOTARY PUSlIC. SLHE OF FLORIDA. MY COMMISSION EXPIRES: JAN. 2.1993. 9'Jtj,~';;:l T:,,,,) i:Oi.'l_IY Pl,.IBLIC i,lNCERW;lITERii'.; I: II " , " !! :1 " :1 , , , Legal DescrIptIon Approved: 1ty EngIneer , !! 11/21/85 t;UNIIIAt;1 I-UII :'I-\LI:. I\I.U ~'U"""H~~ lRGINIA HOWARD. a single !'IOIll~,! ,(':;..lIe!l. #2 VlHGINIA_GARDENS, D~:LRAY IIEAlA', FLORlIJA (pho"o 71~-I~r;q l. _ RONALD J. DINGLE and ~IARGUElUTE L. DINGLE ,('Boye(), _ 3296 LAKEVIE\o1 BLVD.. DELRAY BEACll. FLORIDA 33~~5 11M. ~98-5878 IPho"e\o1K. 'J9S-16'J7 ) "lgrr9 1I~~1 the SI'IIN shall !':cll rind Buyer shnll buy Ill(. following renl properly ('"Rnal Prone! Iv") ..nd f)rrsnnnl propmly ("F'ersormlly"j (collf!cllvely "Properly") upon the followinq ",.l!idcondIIIOOS which INCLUDE the Standards lor Real Estate Transactions printed on the reverse or all ached ("Standard!s) ')--mid allY addendum 10 this Instrument. DESCRIPTION: lalleQal c1cscllpllon of Renl Properly localed In PA!.}! BFACH County, Florkh SEE ATTACHED I':XHI13lT A Ib) SI'eel addmss. ..;I",;p, ollhe Pmpmly;s #2 VIRGINIA GARpl:;NS. DELHAY BEACH. PALM BEACH COUNIY. FI A. Ie) ,Pmsonally: CAHPr~T, REFRIGERATDH, RANGE. WASHEH/DRYEH PURCHASE PRICE.. ... PAYMENT: ...........,....,.,.................,......,...... $ 262.500.00 lal 'Depos'lls) 10 be held In esecow by SUNPOINT SERVICES TIlLE IN3l!WrE E3Ju-I ~I;,mounl of (b) Subject to AND assumption of mortgage In good standing In,lavor of $ 100.00 0.00 62.500.00 I2.lo00.00 187.500.00 having an approximate present principal balance of $ Purchase mnney morlgage and mortgage note bearing annual Interest al % on terms s81 fortll hemin, In amount r)1 :......... $ Olh." BALANCE Of DEPOSIT Wl1lJIN fIVE DAYS Of ALL PARTIES Sf(NI~ CINIIWT $ tel Balance to close (U.S. cash, LOCALLY ORAWN cerlllled Of cashier's check), subJect to adjustments And prorations $ I. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE: II Ihls offer Is not executed by and delivered to all part~s OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated In writing between the parlies nor belore JANUARY 5, 1989 , the deposlt(s) will, at Buyer's optIon. be returned to Buyer and the oller withdrawn. he dole of this Contrnct ("ElIecllve Date") will be the date when Ihe lasl one 01 the Buyer And the Seller has signed Ihls oller. I. FINANCINQ: tal If Ihe purchase prlce or any Plil~t Al It Is 10 be linancnd by a Ihlrd POtty loan, this Contract for Sale and PutcI)Q~P ("Conlract") Is conditiol1C'ct on the BlIyN btalning a wrlllen commitment for tho Imm withIn L~{.Jj, days from Effective Date, at an InlUallntero91 role not to exceed ril A %; term 01 NlA yemfl; Ind In the principal amount 01 $ N/ A . . Buyer will make BPpllcallon within N/ ^ dnys Irom Effective DRlo, rlfld usa rensollabla dmganco 10 obtnin the 10:1n corn- nit~nt and, thereafter, 10 meet the terms and conditions 01 the commllllTM:'lnt and to close Ihe loan. Buyer 8hAII pny Alllonn elCpenses. If Buyer falls 10 obleln the loan commitment and. lromplly notifies Seller In wrillng, or aller dlllgenl elfort faUs 10 l11fIet the terms nnd condillof1s 01 the commitment or to waive Buyer's rlghls under Ihls subparagraph within Ihe lime ;taled lor obtaining the commitment, then either party may cancellhe Controct and Buyer shall be relunded lhe deposlt(s), (bl Tho existing mortgage described In Paragmph lI(b) above has (CHECK (1) OR (211: 11) 0 a var~1.ble Inlerest ratA O~ (2) 0 a fixed Interest rate 01 N/ A % per annum \t time of title transfer some fixed interest rates ore subject to Increase. If Increased, the rate shall nol exceed l'lLA % per annum. Seller shall, within lays Irom Ellectlva Date, furnish a slatement from all moftgagees slallng principal balances, method 01 payment, interest rate and stalus of mortgages. " Buyer has agreed 10 aSSllme 1 mar tgnge which requires approval of Buyer by the mortgagee 'qr. q9sumpllon, then Buyor shnll l1fomplly obtain all required appllcnlions and wlll diligently complele Imd return Ihern .0 the mortgagee. Arty morlgagee chalQ('{s) not 10 exceed $ J::1LA shall be paid by N/ A (If not filled In, equally divIded). If the Buyer is not nccf'!pled JY morlgogee or lhe requirements for assumption are not In accordance with the terms of the Contract or mortgagee makes a charge in excess 01 Ihe slaled amount, Seller or 3uycr nmy rescind thIs Conltact by ~Ompt wrltlen nollce to the other party unless either elects 10 pay the Increose In intemst rale or excess morlgngee charges. V. TITLE EVIDENCE: At least. . dayS belore closing dale. Seller shall. &t Seller's expense. deliver 10 Buyer or Buyer's attorney, In accordance with Standard A, (Check (1l or(2)):(1) o abslroct 01 tllle OR (2)UI tltle Insurance commllment. -. h=f: t.An""'.... lc;, lQQQ VI. CLOSINQ DATE: This transaction shall be closed and the deed and other closing papers delivered 00 or . ore ~"-;I\Jr~ ~rfded by other provisions of Conlract. VII. RESTRICTIONS: EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall lake lille suble'ct to: zoning, reslrlcllons, prohibitions fHld other requirements imposed by governmental aUlhodty; mstrictiofl"; tlnd matters appearing on the pial or otherwise common to the subdivision; public lltnlty e:lsemenls of record (easements are to be localed contiguous to Real Propelly lIn/;'s find fl0t nKlfe Ihan 10 feet In wldlh l'lS to the rear or front lines and T'h feel In wkUb.iJ:I to lhe side lines, unless otherwise specllied herein); laxes for year of closinQ and suhseqIJPnt ynars; assumed mortgnges and purchase money mortgages. il any; other: !!l.I:i~' lei Id) providod, that th{'fa oxl!lts al closing no vlollll1on of the foregoing ROO IlOIlO 01 lhem prnvenls use 01 Real Properly lor RKq I Ill-Nfl AI. 11I.IfpO~f1tsl VIII. OCCUPANCY: S!'!lIer wflrrant!l that there fire no parties In occupancy olher thnn Soller. but II Propmly Is intend!'d to be rented or occupted beyond closIng, thp. Inct (fnl! tmllls t1H~reol sholl be staled horein, end the lenant{sl or occupants dIsclosed purSUAnt to Slnndmd F. Scll~r ngrees to ddiver occupancy 01 Proparly t'lt time of closing unless olhefwi!;(! stalfld herein. " occupancy Is to be delivered bnlore closing, Buyer assumes all risk of Ios! to Proporty from dala of occupancy, shnll be! responsiblp, and li3bte for mnlntel1!l~e IrOlll Ihl'll dalo. And shall be deAmed 10 hnve accepted Property In their existing condition as 01 lima of Inking occupancy unless otherwise stAted Mrein or In a separnte writing IX. TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten Of h[lndwriUen provisions shall contlol 311 prinled provisions of Contract In conflict wllh them. X, INSULATION RIDER:" Contract is utl1b:ed for the sale of a new residence, Ihe Insulation Rider or equivalent may be attached. XI. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE ("CCel") RIDER: II Conlract Is utilized for the sale 01 Properly allecled by the CCCL. Chapter 161, F.S., (1987), as nmended. shan APply and the CCCL Rlder or equivalent may be allacfiea to Ihls Conlract. XII. FOREIQN INVEST"'E~:T IN REAL PROPERTY TAX ACT I"FIRPTA"J RIDEA: Tho pmlles shall comply wllh Ihe plOvlslons of FlnPT^ find Applicable regulations which could require Seller to provide additional cash at closing to meel withholding requTremenls, and the FIRPTA Rider or equivalent may be e.ltached to this Contract. Xllt. ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK ( 1) or (2)): Buyer (1) 0 may assign OR (2) 0 fTlay not assign Contract. XIV. SPECIAL CLAUSES: (CHECK (1) or (2H: Addendum (uK] 19 attached OR (2)0 Is nol applicable. " THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS FORM HAS BEE." APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR. AWOval does not constitute 8f1 opinion tlmt any 0' the 1em1S snd conditions In this ContJact SflOlJfd be accepted by the parties fn 8 particular t!ansaction. and condiflons should be negoJlated based t4Xl" the respective fntcrosts, ob{ectives end bargefnfng positions of 8" interested pet'SOI1$. " COPYR HT 1988 e'y THE FLORIDA BAR ANO TH:!,l~R~A ~S~CIATION OF REA~lTORS' INC, 1///'/89 Dafe '-1/. -r~U'h(j!~t~/l--.p Buy..' (, -~IA (ene HOWARD Social Security or Tax 1.0. # 38/-.3f/-,!J 3?O Social Secullly or Tax 1.0. 'If ~~~L~ S-OG'al Seeu,;!y 0' Tex 1.0,' 3t.;J.. -~O -l?O;l.[j Tcnns 1/ /89 Dale 1/ /;L /89 Dale Onte (Sellerl Social Security or -lax 1.0. , Depositjs) under Paragraph II received; IF OTliER TI1AN CASH. THEN SUBJECT TO CLEAIlAhICE. BROKER'S FEE: (CHECK & COMPLETE THE ONE ^PPUCABLE) By: o IF A LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: Qer agrees 1O pay ihe Broker -rnimccrbelow. h1CIUdmg cooperating sub-agents named, according to the lerms 01 an exlsllng, separale listing agreement (Escrow Agpnt) OR o IF NO L1STiNQ AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: Seller shal(pay lhCgrokerrm;~a Delow, at'-i1me"OfClOsrng, from the disbursements of Ihe pfoceods 01 Ihe sa18. compe11S<:lllon In the amount 01 (COMPLETE ONLY OfJF) _ % of gross purchase price OR $ , lor Broker's services In effecting Ihe sale by finding the Buyer ready, willing ami nble to purch!'lse pursunntto the foreqnill'l Conlract. If Buyer f<lils to porlorm and deposit(sl Is retained, 50% thereof, bul not exce('dinq the Broker's h~p- ahovo provIded, slmll be pnld Broker, as full considcmlion for Brok('r's services Including costs expended by Broker. and the bolanCA shall be paid 10 SeHer. " the hnnsncllon slmll tlot closo beclluso of relll~nl or fanure 01 Seller 10 perform, Seller 5h;111 pay the lull_ fee to ~ok~r on domand. In any litlgnlion arising out 01 the Contract concerning Ihe Broker's feo, the prevailing party shall recover rells~r~llble allorney Ices and costs (IIrm name of Broker) ,.' ~ . ". (name of. cooperating &lib-agent) (Setler) By: (Seller) (authorized slgnalory) RIDERS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS OR THE FLORIDA BAR. fAn/BAn 00 1-8Bb (1/R8) ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BETWEEN VIRGINIA HOI"JARD, Seller, and RONALD J. DINGLE and MARGUERITE L. DINGLE, his wife, Buyer - regarding #2 VIRGINIA GARDENS (see EXHIBIT A attached) SPECIAL CLAUSES 1. The purchase money mortgage shall encumber "Parcel B" on the attached EXHIBIT A (legal description). The promissory note shall be made and signed by the buyers for the principal sum of $62,500.00 at eight and one-quarter percent per annum (8.25%) amortized over a five (5) year period for purposes of calculating payments. Payments shall be one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per month each and every month for sixty (60) months beginning ApriI15, 1989, with the principal balance payment of $21,175.4,4 to be paid in a balloon payment on March 15, 1994. Purchaser may pay additional amounts without penalty or extra balance. 2. Seller warrants that she has not utilized the services of a real estate sales person or broker. 3. Buyer warrants that they have not utilized the services of a real estate sales person or broker except Realty Exchange South, which Buyer agrees to compensate in the amount of $8,400.00. Seller shall have no liability r~garding this commission and broker agrees to said sum as full and complete compensation. 4. This contract is contingent on the Buyer obtaining permission from the proper governmental authorities to construct a single family residence of 3,000 square feet or less on Parcel B of the attached Exhibit A. Buyer shall have until January 27, 1989, to obtain said permission. In the event Buyer does not obtain permission by January 27, 1989, Buyer shall give written notice of the inability to ohtain said permission to Seller and escrow agent and all deposit monies shall be returned to Buyer(s). 5. Title insurance, closing and escrow services to be provided by Sunpoint Services Title Insurance. Title insurance charged to Seller at customary price not to exceed $1,135.00. 6. The Seller shall have the right of occupancy of her apartment until April 15, 1989, at no cost. . 7. Seller warrants that no tenant living at the property has any interest in the property except as a tenant on a month to month rental basis. """(14-1><..LJ4]<-t1 - 41/ /89 vf]t~IA HOWA~R 1//.H89 (/dJ~~hM- ~~IT- ITE L. DINGLE 1/1a-f89 By ...C: I ""', L:'" -I. ro ''''~ ..-~~ I), ". , ----) .. I' /,,. ~.,. , Real Es ta te Broker 1/ I~ /89 I , Authorized Agent or Broker 1/11/89 j t~""""t"'/ "t. " ." , ' ,":",;. . . ~ , , ,..... ,,' : " ':' .... '" .i',' .. ,.... " ,......; \' i.:... ,'~ . .- ': . '1.' . . ~,. ., .' ':." :,,':'. ':,..::' , . . . ' ',,; . '.: :I'~;':,:, .....:.:> , . ' , . . . . " :'-'; .,\' \ . ,i',', , . "',,.' i'. .;,~/, ,.'1' "'; '. ,". . ~ .' , :-1,' "..: .,.....,;:..':.. ~ '. , . . . . ,;,.-.,;,' : " ".' " '.. , :" . I.>'. " . .; :: ',/. ... '. '. ..\....:...,',.. ,.j..' -~ of':,'" .;'~-' t. ':~. .". .' . ~ " " .. . .~, ~... n, .:.~:"~;_~:...:.. .' I . , E: X- if 1-1/, Lr /I- " . WJJlMlftl' PlED Ull^L Ilnl:plJ1'JlOIl . . PA~CSL It ^ pnrl'''! of 1~n4 III 6II\!UOII 4.1'olf!'Bhtp 46 8[1utli',lIlnnc 4:) Ene, 'h111 eQlol1 . Count7' FJorldA. ~orQ f1er~lcu._r'y dA,ar!bld q. rollo~.1 5~.r~ln~,.t. pdlnt . In tl". Wut rSlh.-III-v')' Unl of tM Jluuc.....tl1 Iflunv.)' U " clhUnel of 61.~ t..~ south ~l. mRd.urld "~ rt,ht .~,1,. to, Ihl Not,h lln' of ..'4 !~cl!no It, Ihenoe Sautherly .lllllll ..td WOllt #ShluO'-WIIV Un.,. 10~,J feu, thaoce'W'Aturl, .lon~ n lloa ~.r.}l.l to thl N~rth lill. of ..14 Jearlon'~. J sO (not lq the pClfnt fof bvahmlllA nl1d tll. Sautln".t GOrnBr of rht IIUoiJi1 0' hnd h~~dn dnAar'h.~' thl!nc. '''uurly 1110118 the ',nlll' lIaur.. I dhttne4 " lif 101) foatl t.haMCl Nor~h~'l)/ nlant II Unit ~u.lhl tn thll Wnt rlkht-af-v8)' l10lll al Ell/,1 'ntraalll\lt.llin~a~lf8Y, 1I 'Ullun~a of. SV.~ feeel tl,ellct 1I~.luly , nlon, n Iln! PQr~llul to the N~Tth Iln. af .nld' ~~otlon ., .. dlBtal1CI of 100 r~nr, lhonca ~lIllth~rly 1l1Dng a llna parn11-l to ~h. ~e.~ il!ht-ot-W.V lln, . IIr the Inl~uel'/I~td WotCtr\{nr 1I~,5 fut. tn Ehll "pint ot ,1I.Hl1Mlns. . ' .. , I' . , />liD P ;hf C G. l..-' 11 ;" !..J " . , ^ poroni IIf IlInd' In Ka~t1"n 4. Town.hlfl 4'6 ~oU,111 \Ie"!:... U ~d~L, r~I'" ~nQch CnUnlr, 'l"tldl11 muru r~rllculnrly dl.orlbe~ l- lol!"~AI IIIRlnnlhl n~ tho rCdlll 01 Intnl'nClartnn ur tha 114~t.rly d"ht-"t~","y line Qf rhu InUq~outq' \J,,~or""')' \lHh 0 Hnu "1.2 ru~ 'oulh df. .""'Ullrad oe rlnl1t IInll"'~ u nnd "nfallol wIth, thu Hnrth llnb al ,..~d G~aLIDn 4, ',h.nClf lIanfllrlr rnrallo] wHir lho Ilorlh Hllo Ilf Inll! fl"nt.Jon ~ II dhtnnu nr 150 footllhPIICP J(lIl~har\Y "nroPoL IIIIIr Iho lIanl rl/l"~-f1f-\f.Y IInu I1f "hid 1"\rllr~n'ln '\lA,,',II.Y II ' dlflcnntQ IIr 1f)~,' r(lnt., t.1",no. U~tllrly "Hlllhl wllh tll' "nrlll \lnp III ,,"td ~4Cltlt'Il'" D llf"IIII1~O nf no hCl~ tp the RAid ~Io_l rhln"h"wnY 1In' /If t-hG InHq~Ull~llll "'i\url/Ol" \hon~/r N"rthurly "r[loR lh. ,Illel WII"~ rl/lhJ-III.11n1 Hnl of thlJ lotr.l~ol1llt.olllnt~r~ny n dt.~.ncp I1r ,lOlt ~ tan to tl," rulnt nt ,Dellnnlh3. lO\l~'th~r wi h "trodnll 1\11\1'01 A, If nny. "l'llllrtn11\1I'1\ ~hur~t(l. - " , , 'I. .' " 1/A"'0 nn t.AOh' t lIIun .. , -- "- "- en ...., .... 00 0..' ", s::. "" n.. N , a.. l)l il 1ft .- - ... ...... 00 "- ... ID ".i.'. -t..._...:..:.~' ....ll~~\!~.~. 'il.............r:t'"~~ ~.#5 RETURN TO (. CDI. w....^""" 0&110 '"D.".O'''''''''''''' Th;s lfIarranlu Bttd '1.../., ,~, HARIF:TTA CI.AftK 8nTI(l~. a/k/a an unremarried widow Jl?4.. Jay 01 August A l> 19 82 r,., MARlETTA D. cLARK and a/k/. MARlEnA D. Blrrnlrl. """')I""ll"" '011,..1 ,I.r .,r...lor 10 lE.l~. BARNHILL and VIRGINIA B. HOWARD. .. Joint Tenant. with Rlahta of Survlvot'8hip .../"..,. I'" ,..11.... ...U,,... i. 4611 Wellt Spaceco..t Parkway, U..l_t!!. Florida 32141 '"..,.....,;, . ,..r/,.,I fl.... ",a..'_ .h...,.. ~.... ......... ..... __ ...._'..... ,......... ,.................... .lIoilo ---.... ,'. ....... ....1 ................. _ _.. .. ....-.... .... .... __ ... _.. ef ~I 'Jfitnt'~dh: n.... ,I,,. "''''1'''''' f- ...J in l"IHuIJ_U_ 01 II.. ...... 01 s 10.00 ...J of1.r 1.,,1...,/.1.. .........In..''..n. ,...-,..,.. ...1.__' i. "_f.,, "'''OIl.'"",Q"" It-L, .NAb, 1>>.....,ftI. ..It.. ........ N' m...... ~.'..".... nm....". .nd ~on/jrMt ..,.,. ,I._ lJ"lft1.. .U 11._. cwt.ir. lenJ .Ih.... in 'a1. leach ('",,,,'v rl.....I.,.I.n SEE LECA.L DESCRIPTION ATTACRE'D HERETO AlQ) MADE A PART HEREOr....... SI.'BJF.CT TO r-estrl".tlon., rea@rvatlona and ..a._nta of record. lr any. taxes ror the year1982 and aubaequent yeara, and auy ~nd all valid zonlng ordinances. ~ ~ n ~. " II.. ~,fr~ ' .2)". STA E Of Florida I I COt:STY Of' ral_ ae.ch ~ti[J,,*--~, ... .., ,......,....-..-.....,-....'-..---..-'- .,.. ,- . I HDUY run,'" .... - .. ..,. ...... -. - ~ .. _.~ .. ... s.- -'-'"' ... ie .. c-r ........ . .... ...~~-.. ............ .......... Karlett. CJaTk ~ttoa. .Ik/. ~iett. D. Clark. a... a/k/. ...ieua D. IlId.t_. _ 1IIII'-.TieII ... ,,:.:=,. - .. ..~. ............... ---' ... ,..,....... --..- ... ~ _1 ",-I ....... -... ... ~--..I"" .. - C"''''':'f..:' ~~;, .. .--...~ '., ~~!~:::~ , '7---' io Ie "7~~ .4--,,--- '<,;, ..~__IJ._ ~.__.t_(._ ...----- / - - - CL. on - - .., 'ID ...".jJJ.~~~_~#~;,o:;'~ ,~...~ "'''''''!'.l''",.'' I. . ~. ~. a,,..... "'''''_~c.~. " wARJlANfY DUD LEr~l. DESCRIPTION ^ pRlcel of land in Sect inn 4. Tovnahip 46 South, "nae .) Eaat, ral. leach County. Floridt'. more particularly described .. fol1CJ1'n~ Stanina st . point in the West ri~h[-of-w.y Un-=- of the Intraco..tal W.tarva, at . diataace nf 61.2 feet South of. ....ured lit rlKht anal.8 to, the Worth llne of .aid Sectiun 4. thence Southerly a10nl .ald Weet rilht-of-va, line. 104.5 f.at; then{~ Westerly along a line parallel to the Worth line of ..td Sectlbn 4, ISO feet (0 the point of be.innIng and the Southea.t corner of the parcel III land herein described; thence W~.terl, aloaa the .... cour.. a diataace nf 100 fec~; thence Northerly a10nl a line parallel to the w..t rtaht-of..a, lIne of the Tntraco..tal Waterway, a ~i.taDce 0' '9.5 ,..t: the..c~ a.atarl, alon~ A line rarellel to the Nrtth line of aaJd Section 4. a d1atance of 100 (eet; t"em::c Snutherly alonA a l1ne pArallel to the Veat rilht-of-vay 11ne of th. Irltfl'C"llastal Waterway 89.5 (<<t to th. Point of "llo..1na. ""D A parcel of land In Stction 4. Tovnahlp 46 South, "nae 43 ".t, 'al. ..ach Cuunty. Florida. .ute particularly d..crl'" _ foU"1 ".Innt", at In pnlnt of t~.eT~ection of the w..terly rlaht-ofMWa, 11.. of the latr.co.atal W.t.rway with a line 61.2 i..t South of. .....red at riSht 8011.. to and parallel wit!.. the ""rth 11_ of ..Id Sect 1_ 4, theac. ....t.rly parallel ~lth the North line of .aid S~ctlon 4 a dlatance of 150 teet; thence Southerl, parallel with tbe We.t TtAht-of-w.,-lt~ of ..ld Intracoaat.l Yaterw.y . difttance of 104.5 feet; thence Ea.terly p.rall.1 with the aorth line of aaid s.ctir.n.~ a distance of 1)0 feet to the ..Id u..t rleht-of-vay line of the lnt TacoaaUI Vatt-. .....y; thence "",rtberty .lema the ..id v..t rtaht-of-vay 1..... of ph. IntracoAAtal Waterv., a distance of 104.) feet to the Point of lea1aa1n&. tOlletl..r with Riparian IllChu. if an,. .ppert.inlaa thereto. ....... ....1EAaI COUIITY. RA. JDHII 8,IIUIIIll.E CUIIt QlICII1 COlIIT "- 01:;;' ~/ ,~:.rn '~"lI.lddrWed .tlmped anvil """:: 1 Ronald J. Dingle --i Marguerite L. Dingle 3296 Lakeview Blvd. Delray Beach, Florida 33445 ThII IlIIlrumllll Prtplfed by: St~ L. Mackey, Esq. d/II,,,,,,, .,) (INDIVIDUAl) WDI 1O/U3/88 AlIII_: C/O SunPoint services Title Insurance 1300 W. Lantana Rd. Lantana, Florida 33462 Proptrly Apprlllll' Plfctl IdIllUllclllon (Folio) Numbll('): 00-43-46-04-00-00l-0l00 "'ACE AIOVI TH18 LN.I FOIl _81111I DATA APR-19-i989 11:35am 89-109180 ORB 6036 P9 1510 CDn 1311 250. 00 DDc 722.15 JOHN B DUNKLE,CLEffi( - PB COUNTY, FL "'ACE _ TH18 LIlli fIIR n_1II DATA This 'UJarranty ))erd Mao/,. ,I,. 13th ,lay of A . 1 pn A D, 19 89 by Virginia B. Howard, a single woman lu?rp;na!t<>r callpd III(' flmulor, 10 Ronald J. Dingle and Marguerite L. Dingle, his wife 10110.. "o,'ollic. 0,10/,,,,, i, 3296 Lakeview Blvd., Delray Beach, Florida 33445 hprp;naflpr COUPlC "Ip urall'(>p: (WheT""'" 1I,,.d ',,'rri.. IIII' Irlm. "I(ranl"'" ancl ".nnlr," indud.. all Ihf Plrli", In. lhil in\lrUmtnl. and lhl' hri,._ 11'I(al tl'lltf"I'IIUli,r. Ilnd iII";lCn. of in.li,iduah. and .hl' .urn,w,., and 1'\llln. 01 rorrlOrallon,) 1ttitnesselh: Tlletl IIIf' Hrnlllur, {or allfl ill cm1.~icl('r(lli(Jn uf ,Iuo slim 0/ $ 10 00 ancl of/lpr l'(Jlua"'p cOrl5iflpra,jor15. n>n>i", 1I'/1('rpuf is Ilf'n>',y aC~lIou,rl.clfI(>f/. IH'r(.IJ)I f1rcHtts. ')(lrnairls. splls. nliPrls. rp. misp5. rplpasps. nHII'P}'S one' cnnfirnu wIln ,Iw Urfm'('(', 1I1lllwl cl'rlflin lnrul si'uu'r in Palm Beach Counf)'. Fiorillo, I.i'%.: See Attached EXHIBIT 'A' ,~" Subject to restrictions, reservations, limitations or easements of record, if any} ogdher will. all II,. I.n.m.nts, lo.r.clUam.nts and appu,'.nanc., 110.,.'0 b.longlng or in any- wise opppr'aining. To Jlal.le and to Jlold, 'h. ,am. in f.. .impl. fo,.v.r, Rnd 110. gran'or Io.,.hy co,'."on', wUIo ,aid granl.. thai 110. granior i. lawfully ..ized of ,aid land In f.. ,im"l.; ,loa' 'h. granto, 100. good "glo, and lawful outloorily 10 ..11 and cOnl'.y ,aid land; ,loa' 'h. gran'or Io...by fully wa"an', II,. lill. '0 '0;,1 10",1 and will d.f.nd tlo. 'am. agalns' 'h. lawful claim' of all persolls whomsoel,er; and ,ha' said land is free of all encumbrances. excepf faxes accruing subsequent 'a n.c.mh.r ll, 19 88 In lttitness 'Whereof, tlo. ,aid gran lor loa, ,ign.d and s.al.d 110.,. p,.s.nts 110. day and y.ar 'irs' above wrillen. "d':':~~~' ~~)U.:t./13"Iir:;t.~ Virginfa B. Howard (SEAL) (SEAL) HERE_BV q~~TIFV that 00 this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the Stat~ aforesaid and in the County alore.ald, to 'tak~- acknowledgmenu. personally appeared ~ ,.1 Virginia B. Howard, a single woman to me known to be th~ penon de.cribed in and who executed the loregoing i~.tru;~nd she before me that h executed the same. ~... .> s e , ,'''''-. WITNESS my hand and olficial leal in the County and State la,.'~ .~.aid th, .' 13th A, Pt-lLV"lIlfub1u, llaf. .1 n."do . ,- &tl ~::~1''':::':.~:~:,~:~~:,:,,~~:"~~U I .. .. ................, ....e,d~..... acknowledged day of Apri 1 DINGLE/r.l419 ) ',*" EXIIIBIT "A" '. , I . l... I . / I r I ORB 6036 pg 1511 DESCRIPTION: A PARCEL OF LAND IN SECTION 4. TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION OF TIlE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY WITH A LINE 61. 2 FEE:r'SOUTII OF, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO AND PARALLEL WITH, TilE NORTII LINE OF SAID SECTION 4; THENCE CONT- UING ON AN ASSUMED DEARING, DUE WEST, PARALLEL WITH TilE NORTIILINE OF SECTION 4, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET; THENCE S 60 07' 20" W PARALLEL WITH THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID INTRACUASTAL WATERWAY, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE S 130 46' 24" W, A DISTANCE OF 26.43 FEET; THENCE S 90 31' 12" E, A DISTANCE OF 36.00 FEET; THENCE S IBo ~8' 54" W, A DISTANCE OF 29.30 FEET; . THENCE DUE EAST, PARALLEL WITII SAID SECTION 4, A DISTANCE OF 150.00 FEET TO TilE SAID WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF TilE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY; THENCE N 60 07' 20" E,ALONG THE SAID WEST RIGHT-UF-WAY OF THE INTRACOASTAL WATERWAY, A DIS- TANCE OF 104.5 FEET TO THE POINT OF IlEGINNING. TOGETHER WITH RIPARIAN RIGHTS, IF ANY, APPERTAINING THERETO. - _ p ,., .' " RECORD VERlFIE[ PAl.M BEACH COUNTY ""''''' - i ' ~J ~~urn ~H '"I'lddrUl~ .l.mped " : Ronald J. Dingle Mol Marguerite L. Dingle 3296 Lakeview Blvd. De1ray Beach, Florida ThIJ INtrlmllll Prepared by: SteJOen L. Mackey, Esq. .,1\10.." ." . oJ (INDIVIDUAL) WDI lU/UJ/B~ I) 33445 APR-19-1989 11:35am BlIJ-1.1IJ1.. ORB ..3. P9 15111 Con 131,250.00 Doc 722.15 JOHN B OUNKlE,ClERK - PB COUNTY, Fl MoI_: c/o SunPoint Services Title Insurance 1399 W. Lantana Rd. Lantana, Florida 33462 Property Apprll.er. Plrell kIlnt/IlcIUon (Folio) Nlmber(.): 99-43-46-94-99-99l-9l99 IPAC:I AIOVI THlI LIlli fOIll'ROClII'. lilT' IPAC:I 'IOVI TN. Lilli fOIl A[QlRIH. lilT' This ltiIarranty llleed Ma'/,. 11,. 13th clay of A 'l pn A f), 1989 hy Virginia B. Howard, a single woman lu!rpinaflpr callp(l "1(> oralllor, to Ronald J. Dingle and Marguerite L. Dingle, his wife wi.... PMlalfk. a'/oI,... i. 3296 Lakeview Blvd., Delray Beach, Florida 33445 hprc>itlct!lpr callp,/ 111(' grfUltep: IWhutH'r I"td IU'rrin ,I". I'''''' "lIranl"," an,t "lIlrlUllf'C'" inrhlltr .11 Ih~ pllrli.., In this in'lrllmrnl. and tht hriJ,. Itlll'll 1f'lltt'tlllilli..., and ."illn\ or indhidllatl, and Ihl" 'Urft"lOn and '~~lIlm of rnrpnrallnm) 1flIitnessdh: '1'/"'1 II", f/''''''''', for a",' ill co".i,/"",'i"" "f II,. ,"m a/ $ HI..99 a'~oI oil,., I'fJluaf,l<> coruiclprarimu. r('("(.jpl w/ll'r('uf is Iu'n'/))' nckwHI'/f.tlf/"c/. Il('r(.I))1 flrnnh, ImrUQHU, SEOUS. n/H"IS, rp. misPII. rplPQsPs. f'OlwPYs amI nHlfirms 10110 III(> nrmllpl'. (Ill ,lUll ct'rlujll 'mitt si'unll' in Palm Beach Coun'y. Florida. f.i%: See Attached EXHIBIT 'A' ~, Subject to restrictions, reservations, limitations or easements of record, if anYT ogdher will, 011 tI,e I.nemenll, hored/lamenll and appurlenanc., therelo helonging or in any- wise appertaining. To Italle and to Jfold, Ihe same In f.e simple for.oor, Hnd Ihe gran lor herehy co".nanls w/lh ,otd granl.e Ihol Ihe gran lor is lawfully ,eized of ,aid land in f.e 'imple; 11101 Ih. granlor has good righl and lawful au,horlly '0 ,ell and conuey ,aid land; Ihal Ihe granlor h.r.I,y fully warranll Il,e Iille '0 ,aiel lanol an,1 will elefend Ihe 'ame again,' Ihe law/ul claim, of all persons whomsoel1er; and rlla' said land is free of all encumbrances. excepl 'axes accruing subsequent 10 f).cem!,er ]1, 19 88 In 1CIUntSs lfIhereof, ,h. ,aid gran lor ha, 'igned and ,eo led ,he,. p,.,.nll Ih. day and year fird above wriUen. :,:~~~' '7I~u&/.13.Hdr:~~ Virgin~ B. Howard .... ..... ............ .. ..... .... ..... . ...-........ ..., ...... .....-.... (SEAL) (SEAL) l " , HERE,BY q~J;l:rJFY that 00 this day, belore me, an afore.aid, to' take- acknowledgments, penonaUy appeared oflicer duly authorized in the State aloresaid and in the County Virginia B. Howard, a single woman to me .nown to be the person delcribtd in and who executed the loregoing inttrume'!1Jlnd , ,#1"7 belore me that sh executed the lamt'. . At"" ",'" WITNESS ~y hand and official .eal in the County and State la., '.M(;.id this . ,.r" ",_..".,; r .v 1". . . I~'''''''''''' she acknowledged April A, D"lh?"lfguhlll, SI.t. .f n.lldo a, (Pmmiuioll hpi"l Jon. 26, I ~ 9:Z 1I~",d."'llm..1t#fr"l".lllJ",,,..<.IIlc. 13th day of DINGLE/94l9 ....................,...lz,d~....,