CORRESPONDENCE VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS C cc: Plan. Dev. Uti1 SCHROEDER AND LARCHE. P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ONE BOCA PLACE. SUITE 319. ATRIUM 2255 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431-7313 MICHA.EL A.. SCHROEDER w. LAWRENCE LARCHE * ALAN PELLlNGRA BOCA RATON (407) 241 -0300 BROWARD COUNTY (3051 421-0878 TELECOPIER (407) 241-0798 . fLORIDA BAR BOARD CERTIfIED WILLS. TRUSTS M<lD ESTATES LAWYER May 12, 1995 VIA HAND DELIVERY - Carrie Parker, City Manager City of Boynton Beach City Hall 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Dear Ms. Parker: Enclosed you will find three (3) original letters from Bruce D. DeLaney, Director of Real Estate, University of Florida, with regard to the above referenced matter. We would appreciate it if you would distribute copies of the attached letter to the City Commissioners for review prior to Tuesday's meeting. Mr. Schroeder is in Alabama until Monday and requested that I have the enclosed delivered to you. Very truly yours, :;.~ ..~' r' ~,.'P"~D' ... '..,.L,. '-, _.l.-,JI.. ~ 1....c1 JLJ:lj Enclosures (CLIENTS\WINCHEST\PARKER.012) MAY 12 i995 C. N MANAQiRS OFflC( ------...------------ _..._~".._------~'--_. UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FOUNDATION, INC. 2012 West Uni\'crsitv Avenue rD. Box 14425 . G,\incsville, FL3Z604-2425 Tclcph,mc: (904) 392-1691 . F,lX: (904) N2-~n6 May II, 1995 City of Boynton Beach Attention: Carrie Parker, City Manager City Hall 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Dear Ms. Parker: The University of Florida Foundation, Inc, is the owner and Trustee of the property that is commonly referred to as the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. The Foundation acts as the University's endowment corporation. As such, it is our duty to solicit, receive, manage and administer gifts to the University, The property in question was a gift from which we ultimately plan to fund scholarships for worthy students at the University, Each dollar we spend to maintain or pay the taxes on this property is a dollar taken away from our charitable purpose, instead of adding to the good deeds we are able to accomplish as a result of the generosity of friends such as the donors of this property. As you know, the property in question was rezoned to a PCD designation and was given a commercial designation on the comprehensive land use plan, At the time this was accomplished, the real estate market, unfortunately, entered a severe slump from which it is only now recovering, Between our efforts to protect the interests of certain designated beneficiaries of the original donor of this property to the Foundation, the cost of securing clear title to the property and the payment of real estate taxes based upon the commercial designation, over the last several years the Foundation has had to spend well in excess of $150,000.00. As I believe you are aware, the soils conditions on this property are less than desirable, to say the least. Based upon information provided to me, it appears that some 120,000 to 130,000 cubic years of muck will have to be removed from the property and even more fill than that will be required to bring the property back to grade, all of which will have to be accomplished at tremendous expense. The commencement and eventual completion of this work will, however, significantly improve the likelihood that the property will be sold and developed soon and it is expected that this work will commence within the next thirty days. All of the necessary applications have been filed and approvals obtained for the issuance of the necessary permits for this work. It is our understanding that, once the required Letter ,,l, Direct Support Or~<lni/i1til1n f(lT the Lllivcrsitv of Florida Equal Opp(,rlulllt\ i .\l!lTnlilli\'L' Action In~titutilln t - 'WI City of Boynton Beach Attention: Carrie Parker, City Manager May 11, 1995 Page 2 of Credit is submitted to the City, the permit will be issued and the work can begin. We have made the necessary arrangements for the issuance of the Letter of Credit and expect that it will be delivered to the City within the next week. Obviously, it is difficult for anyone to justifY incurring the expense of the site work without some assurance that, at the end of the day, the appropriate zoning will be in place so that the property can be sold and developed. Moreover, not having this zoning in place creates a significant chilling effect on efforts to market the property to prospective users. The fact that the commercial real estate market in the Boynton area is improving is evidenced by the fact that the twenty-three acre parcel along Congress Avenue, directly to the north of our property and lying between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, is now under contract. The availability of this property over the last several years has significantly hampered efforts for the sale and development of our property. Many retail users were not willing to consider locations without Congress Avenue frontage so long as location upon the property along Congress to the north of us remained a possibility, We are optimistic that we are finally entering a period of time where it is going to be possible to secure users for this property and, as a result, be able to achieve our overall objective of finally realizing additional funds for the charitable purpose I referred to above. We at the Foundation hope that the City Commissioners will take all of this into consideration in evaluating the currently pending application for extension and that they will grant the extension as requested and thereby assist the Foundation in its objectives. It would be most appreciated if you would make copies of this letter available to the Mayor and other Commissioners for their consideration prior to the upcoming Commission Meeting on May 16th. 1 would welcome the opportunity to discuss this issue with any of them, with you, or with any City staff member should that be considered to be beneficial, BDD/ndk boynton\051Icp.bdd UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FOUNDATION, INC. lOll West University Avenue P.o. flux 14425 . G<1inesville, FL 32604-2425 Tdcph\lnc; (904) 392-1691 . Fax: (904) 392-H736 May 11, 1995 City of Boynton Beach Attention: Carrie Parker, City Manager City Hall 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Dear Ms. Parker: The University of Florida Foundation, Inc. is the owner and Trustee of the property that is commonly referred to as the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. The Foundation acts as the University's endowment corporation. As such, it is our duty to solicit, receive, manage and administer gifts to the University. The property in question was a gift from which we ultimately plan to fund scholarships for worthy students at the University. Each dollar we spend to maintain or pay the taxes on this property is a dollar taken away from our charitable purpose, instead of adding to the good deeds we are able to accomplish as a result of the generosity of friends such as the donors of this property. As you know, the property in question was rezoned to a PCD designation and was given a commercial designation on the comprehensive land use plan. At the time this was accomplished, the real estate market, unfortunately, entered a severe slump from which it is only now recovering. Between our efforts to protect the interests of certain designated beneficiaries of the original donor of this property to the Foundation, the cost of securing clear title to the property and the payment of real estate taxes based upon the commercial designation, over the last several years the Foundation has had to spend well in excess of $150,000.00. As I believe you are aware, the soils conditions on this property are less than desirable, to say the least. Based upon information provided to me, it appears that some 120,000 to 130,000 cubic years of muck will have to be removed from the property and even more fill than that will be required to bring the property back to grade, all of which will have to be accomplished at tremendous expense. The commencement and eventual completion of this work will, however, significantly improve the likelihood that the property will be sold and developed soon and it is expected that this work will commence within the next thirty days. All of the necessary applications have been filed and approvals obtained for the issuance of the necessary permits for this work. It is our understanding that, once the required Letter A Direct Support Organization h'r the University of Florida EqU,ll Oppt'rtunitv I Affirmative Action Institution , ... 'WI City of Boynton Beach Attention: Carrie Parker, City Manager May II, 1995 Page 2 of Credit is submitted to the City, the permit will be issued and the work can begin. We have made the necessary arrangements for the issuance of the Letter of Credit and expect that it will be delivered to the City within the next week. Obviously, it is difficult for anyone to justify incurring the expense of the site work without some assurance that, at the end of the day, the appropriate zoning will be in place so that the property can be sold and developed. Moreover, not having this zoning in place creates a significant chilling effect on efforts to market the property to prospective users. The fact that the commercial real estate market in the Boynton area is improving is evidenced by the fact that the twenty-three acre parcel along Congress Avenue, directly to the north of our property and lying between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, is now under contract. The availability of this property over the last several years has significantly hampered efforts for the sale and development of our property, Many retail users were not willing to consider locations without Congress Avenue frontage so long as location upon the property along Congress to the north of us remained a possibility. We are optimistic that we are finally entering a period of time where it is going to be possible to secure users for this property and, as a result, be able to achieve our overall objective of finally realizing additional funds for the charitable purpose I referred to above. We at the Foundation hope that the City Commissioners will take all of this into consideration in evaluating the currently pending application for extension and that they will grant the extension as requested and thereby assist the Foundation in its objectives. It would be most appreciated if you would make copies of this letter available to the Mayor and other Commissioners for their consideration prior to the upcoming Commission Meeting on May 16th. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this issue with any of them, with you, or with any City staff member should that be considered to be beneficial. Bruce D. DeLaney Director of Real Estate BDD/ndk boynton\OSllcp.bdd UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FOUNDATION, INC. 2012 Wc~t UniversilY Avenue P.Ll. Box 14425 . Gainesville, FL 32604-2425 Telephone: (904) 392-1691 . Fax: (904) 392-8736 May 11, 1995 City of Boynton Beach Attention: Carrie Parker, City Manager City Hall 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Dear Ms, Parker: The University of Florida Foundation, Inc. is the owner and Trustee of the property that is commonly referred to as the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. The Foundation acts as the University's endowment corporation. As such, it is our duty to solicit, receive, manage and administer gifts to the University. The property in question was a gift from which we ultimately plan to fund scholarships for worthy students at the University. Each dollar we spend to maintain or pay the taxes on this property is a dollar taken away from our charitable purpose, instead of adding to the good deeds we are able to accomplish as a result of the generosity of friends such as the donors of this property, As you know, the property in question was rezoned to a PCD designation and was given a commercial designation on the comprehensive land use plan. At the time this was accomplished, the real estate market, unfortunately, entered a severe slump from which it is only now recovering. Between our efforts to protect the interests of certain designated beneficiaries of the original donor of this property to the Foundation, the cost of securing clear title to the property and the payment of real estate taxes based upon the commercial designation, over the last several years the Foundation has had to spend well in excess of $150,000.00. As I believe you are aware, the soils conditions on this property are less than desirable, to say the least. Based upon information provided to me, it appears that some 120,000 to 130,000 cubic years of muck will have to be removed from the property and even more fill than that will be required to bring the property back to grade, all of which will have to be accomplished at tremendous expense. The commencement and eventual completion of this work will, however, significantly improve the likelihood that the property will be sold and developed soon and it is expected that this work will commence within the next thirty days. All of the necessary applications have been filed and approvals obtained for the issuance of the necessary permits for this work. It is our understanding that, once the required Letter A Direct Support Org':lllizatilll1 !llT thl' Uni\'l,~rsilv of F]oridil EqUill Orrorlunitvi Athrm,1tln' A,lion Institution .... ..... City of Boynton Beach Attention: Carrie Parker, City Manager May II, 1995 Page 2 of Credit is submitted to the City, the permit will be issued and the work can begin. We have made the necessary arrangements for the issuance of the Letter of Credit and expect that it will be delivered to the City within the next week. Obviously, it is difficult for anyone to justify incurring the expense of the site work without some assurance that, at the end of the day, the appropriate zoning will be in place so that the property can be sold and developed, Moreover, not having this zoning in place creates a significant chilling effect on efforts to market the property to prospective users. The fact that the commercial real estate market in the Boynton area is improving is evidenced by the fact that the twenty-three acre parcel along Congress Avenue, directly to the north of our property and lying between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, is now under contract. The availability of this property over the last several years has significantly hampered efforts for the sale and development of our property. Many retail users were not willing to consider locations without Congress Avenue frontage so long as location upon the property along Congress to the north of us remained a possibility. We are optimistic that we are finally entering a period of time where it is going to be possible to secure users for this property and, as a result, be able to achieve our overall objective of finally realizing additional funds for the charitable purpose I referred to above. We at the Foundation hope that the City Commissioners will take all of this into consideration in evaluating the currently pending application for extension and that they will grant the extension as requested and thereby assist the Foundation in its objectives. It would be most appreciated if you would make copies of this letter available to the Mayor and other Commissioners for their consideration prior to the upcoming Commission Meeting on May 16th. I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this issue with any of them, with you, or with any City staff member should that be considered to be beneficial, Bruce D. DeLaney Director of Real Estate BDD/ndk boynton\OSllcp.bdd qTU City of iBoynton iBeadi 100 ~. 'BoyntQII. ~ tJJoukvarti P.O. ~310 'lloyntQII. '1luIdI. %Jrida 33425.0310 City:JfDll: (407) 375-6000 '.flU: (407) 375-6090 November 23, 1993 Bill Winchester P.o. Box 1240 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Dear Mr. Winchester: Doing the research for the excavation and fill permit recently submitted to the City, it was discovered that the Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.D. was originally issued on December l8, 1990, and was granted a one year extension until June l6, 1993. Therefore, the P.C.D. has expired as of June 17, 1993. The approval of the excavation and fill permit on Tuesday, November l6, 1993 should not be construed to be a Development Order issued by the City, nor does it imply any vesting of the property on behalf of the City. I am enclosing a copy of the applicable zoning code (Section 6.F.lll regarding time limits on P.C.D's. Please contact us and let us know what your plans are regarding the P.C.D. status of the property. Thank you. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~;J~ Carrie Parker Assistant City Manager CP:smb Attachment c: J. Scott Miller, City Manager Jim Cherof, City Attorney Tambri Heyden, Acting planning & Zoning Director Don Jaeger, Building Official rn Jlmerica's (jateway to tlie (julfttream APPENDIX A-ZONING Set. 8 10. ConditiolUl and stipulations. In recommending zoning of land to the PCD classification, the planning and zoning board may recommend and the city council may attach suitable conditions, safeguards, and stipulations, in accord with standards set out in these zoning regulations and in this section. The conditions, safeguards and stipulations 80 made at the time of zoning to PCD shall be binding upon the applicant or his successors in interest. Deviations from the approved master plan except in the manner herein set out or failure to comply with any requirement, condi. tion, or safeguard, shall constitute a violation of these zoning regulations, It is intended that no conditions, safe- guards or stipulations be required which are not within the standards set out in these zoning regulations and in this section and that conditions, safeguards, and stipula. tions be clearly related to the ends and objectives of these zoning regulations and this section. 11. Time limit. The approval of the zoning to PCD by the city commission shall be in effect for eighteen (18) months from the effective date of the approval of the ordinance to re- zone. Failure to record a plat of record for the first phase of the development or for the total development as the case may be within the aforementioned eighteen (18) months shall result in the approval of rezoning being suhject to review by the city commission. The city commission shall direct staff to submit to the city commission an application which will down zone the property to the original or appr<r priate zoning district. Following such direction by the city commission, no new development permits affecting the prop- erty shall be issued by the city until a fmal determination is made by the city commission following notice and public hearing. Upon written request by the applicant prior to the expiration of the PCD classification the City Commission may extend for one (1) additional year, the period for com. mencing platting procedures. In granting such extensions, the city commission may impose additional conditions to insure completion of the platting process and conform the project to current development standards, and to protect the health, safety and welfare of adjacent developments. Supp, No. 49 1924.13 fJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli f!U.,~L<FYc &aeA. <:c ?CD Planning & Zcning 'Department 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi 'Boulevara P.O. 'Bo'{,310 'Boynton 'BelUli, 1'foriaa 33425-0310 (407) 738-7490. TU: (407) 738-7459 June 29, 1992 Mr. Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 3340l Dear Kieran: This is to inform you that on June l6, 1992 the City Commission approved your request to extend expiration dates of the Knuth Road PCD, Boynton Beach PCD and Tara Oaks PUD for one year. This means that the plats for these developments must be approved by June 17, 1993. If you are in need of further extensions, your request should be addressed to this office no later than May l7, 1993. I hope this letter is of some help to you. If you should have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me. Yours truly, ~~ Christopher Cutro Planning & Zoning Director CC/jm 51merUa's (jateway to tfie (julfstream BoafJOTtounty Commissioners Kar,'n T. Marcus. Chair Carole Phillips, Vice Chair Carol A. Roberts Carol J. Elmquist Mary McCarty Ken Foster Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Engineering and Public Works February 12, 1991 Mr. Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 ~. RE: PREVIOUS APPROVAL DETERMINATION NOTIl)CATION , ADDITION INFORMATION . Dear Mr. Cutro: This letter is to inform you that Palm Beach County has completed its review of the additional information provided by Boynton Beach, dated January 18, 1991 and received by the County on January 18, 1991, for the four Previous Approval Determination Notifications. The County has no objection to the determination of these projects as Previous Approval s in accordance with the 1990 Traffic Performance Standards Code (Ordinance No. 90-40). The four projects are as follows: , - Mall Corner Restaurant, (1. 34 acres) at the southwest . corner of 01 d Boynton Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard, consisting of a 7,000 square foot family style restaurant. - Winchester Boulevard Restaurant, (0.84 acres) at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boul evard and Wi nchester Park Boul evard, cons i st i ng of a 4,000 square foot fast food restaurant. - Knuth Road PCD, (13.87 acres) at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road, consisting of a 120,000 square foot retail shopping center. - Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, (14.76 acres) on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, consisting of 120,000 square feet of retail shopping center. ai..' RECEIVED 9/ FED 21 PLANNING DEPT. r "^n~Eqll'lr Opportunity. Affirmative Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA ]3402-2429 (407) 6~4-4000 @ printed on recycled pllper ~/T /. Page 2 These approvals are contingent on the successful annexation of these properties in the City of Boynton Beach. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~~~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer cc: George T. Webb, P.E" Deputy County Engineer Charles R. Walker, Jr., P,E., Director of Traffic Barbara Alterman, Assistant County Attorney Allan Ennis, P,E., Development Review~Engineer , File: TPS. Hun. - Traffic Study Reviews / f, " , // / __::...l______.. (17ie City of ~OYlltOll ~eacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beaefi 'Boulevard' '1'.0. 'lie".! /() 'Royuton 'Reaefi. J [oridll 33425.0310 ('itl( }I;,[(- (40;1 ;,l.18 III 'T:,lX: {40;J ;38.;41'.<1 30 January 1991 Ms. Terry Manning Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 ,. Dear Terry, As stated in our conversation of 1/28/91, there are two conditions regarding the recent amendments for the City of ' Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan that you should be aware of: 1. In regard to the Tara Oaks PUD, the City of Boynton Beach will not allow any development of this site until a wildlife mitigation plan has been approved by state agencies; specifically, the Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. 2. In the case of all amendments, the City will not allow the level of service on roads affected by the Tara Oaks PUD, Boynton Beach PCD, or the Knuth Road PCD to go below the level of service adopted in our plan. In addition, road improvements required to maintain acceptable levels of service for these projects will be required to be under contract for construction before the City will release building permits on these properties. I hope this information is of some assistance to you. If you should have any questions regarding these matters,please feel free to contact me. Yours truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Ch.r"L--,- e,,-tJv Christopher Cutro, AICP Director of Planning CC/cmc Jlmcrica:, (ialnl'll!! 10 tfic (iuf/,trclIm treOlure '. COOlt regional planning councn ( January l8, 1991 Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Including Those Amendments Pursuant to a Stipulated Settlement Agreement Between the City and the DCA Dear Mr. Arredondo: Under the Council's contract with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA), Council is to make an overall finding of consistency or inconsistency of local plan amendments with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) . This finding is to be made following the local government's adoption of the amendments, and by formal action of Council. When possible, Council will make such a finding by the 30th day of the 45-day compliance review period. It is Council's understanding that the DCA will consider the recommendation of Council prior to issuing a notice of intent regarding local plan amendment compliance. On December 26, 1990, Council received a copy of the formally adopted comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach. A review of those amendments was done, with a focus on the City's response to the comments made by the Council as a result of a review of the City's draft comprehensive plan amendments. Attached is a copy of the complete agenda item as approved by Council at a regular meeting held on January l8, 1991. In brief, the adopted comprehensive plan amendments for the City of Boynton Beach were found to be consistent with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. . RECEIVED ., \ _ 22 ~: PLANNING DEPI. 322. LW. martin downs bIvd. sua. 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm cttv, nortda 3"'990 phone (407) 221_ - Mr. Robert Arredondo Department of Community Affairs Bureau of state Planning January la, 1991 Page Two If you need additional information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. s;ncer:eil- ~ :2l M. Cary Executive Director DMC:lb Attachment cc: Chris Cutro, AICP TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Members AGENDA ITEr~ 5C2 From: staff Date: January 18, 1991 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government comprehensive Plan Review-Adopted Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduction Pursuant to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's contract with the State Department of community Affairs (DCA), the Council must review comprehensive plan amendments after their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted adopted amendments to the DCA, which in turn is seeking-council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the adopted amendments with the Regional comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP) developed pursuant to Section 186.507, Florida Statutes. A written report, containing a determination of consistency with the Regional Plan is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements, or amendments. . Backaround The City of Boynton Beach entered into a Stipulated Settlement Agreement with the DCA .on July 12, 1990. The City previously submitted draft amendments pursuant to this agreement, as well as six draft amendments to the future land use map not related to the settlement agreement. Council approved a review report for the draft amendments pursuant to the Stipulated Settlement Agreement and five of the draft future land use map amendments on August 17, 1990 (see attached). Council approved another review report for a small-scale amendment on september 21, 1990 (also attached) . On October 22, 1990, the DCA issued Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) amendments. On December 18, 1990, the comprehensive plan amendments. their Objections, report on these City adopted the .. -- -- , Evaluation staff has completed a review of the adopted comprehensive plan amendments to the City of Boynton Beach's comprehensive plan for consistency with the RCPP. Council had one objection to the Settlement Agreement amendments previously submitted by the city. The Objection related to the City'S decision to adopt a "maintain" level of service on four regional roadways in the City. The City standard would allow Level of service E to be maintained on these roadways, inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The City'S revised objective 2.1 was an improvement over the City'S adopted plan, however, which established a "maintain" level of service for all roadways where level of service standards had been exceeded. The DCA did not include the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council objection in the aRC report issued for the settlement agreement amendments. The City made no changes to the draft amendments to address Council's Objection. Council had one Objection to the City's draft amendments to the Future Land Use Map. The objection. was rtiated to. Amendments 494 and 493, which consist of two parcels of, land being proposed for local retail commercial land use totaling approximately 29 acres. The objection was based on the City's failure to demonstrate a need for additional commercial land at these locations and the fact that the City's comprehensive plan indicates an existing over- allocation of commercial land use. The City has prepared a response which indicates that a shortage of commercially designated land has been projected in this area and is documented in the Economic Element of Palm Beach County's comprehensive plan. However, the County staff has indicated that the data upon which the projections were made is outdated and needs to be revised. The City further indicates in its response that much of the commercial land referenced in the City's plan is located in other areas of the City where lack of demand and/or the depth of the parcels make the future prospect of development unlikely. Much of the available commercial land is along U. S. 1 and the parcels are of sufficient depth only to accommodate strip commercial development rather than shopping facilities which include larger anchor stores. The City's plan discourages additional strip commercial development. The City also considers the changes in land use for these parcels to be minor boundary adjustments, which are consistent with its plan. Since these. parcels will accommodate neighborhood shopping centers which can provide for the sale of convenience goods and personal services for the day-to-day living needs of the 2 immediate neighborhood, the amendments may be appropriate for this area. The City is strongly encouraged, however, to prepare a new analysis of the supply and demand of land uses within and adjacent to the City and to identify needs which are appropriate for each area of the city. An analysis which identifies specific geographic needs is especially important to balance the local distribution of land uses as these areas are nearing buildout because the opportunity to correct any deficiencies is becoming more limited. The failure to carefully balance and organize land uses often results in traffic congestion and subsequent large expenditures for roadway improvements. After a new land use needs analysis is conducted, the City should amend its comprehensive plan accordingly. Conclusion The adopted amendments appear to be basically CONSISTENT with the goals and policies contained in the RCPP. Council continues to object to the City'S adoption of traffic level of service standards which are not consistent with the RCPP. Recn1ft1lNlllndation Council should adopt the comments and recommendations outlined above and approve their transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of the 1990-91 contract with the Department of Community Affairs. Council encourages the City to further address the issues of traffic level of service, public/mass transit, elimination of the ocean outfall for sewage effluent, water quality, removal of invasive exotic vegetation, financing of transportation improvements, and upland habitat preservation in order to be consistent with the Regional Plan. Attachments 3 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL To: Council Members M E M 0 RAN 0 U M NOTB: TJ[B CITY'S ACTIONS TO ADDRESS COUNCIL'S CONCERNS ARE NOTED IN BOLD TYPE From: Staff Date: August 17, 1990 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Amendments to the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Introduotion Pursuant to the prov~s~ons of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (FS) , the Council must be provided an opportunity to review and comment on comprehensive plan amendments prior to their adoption. The City of Boynton Beach has submitted proposed amendments to the State Department of Community A1~fairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's comments. Council's review of the information provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency of the proposed amendments with the regional pOlicy plan developed pursuant to Section 186.507, FS. A written report, containing any objections, recommendations for modification, and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-11, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backaround On January 10, 1990, the DCA issued a Notice of Intent to find the comprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in compliance, pursuant to section 163.3184, FS. As part of this finding, the ADOPTED plan was found to be Inconsistent with the Regional Plan. The City of Boynton Beach is considering draft amendments to the text and policies pursuant to a stipulated settlement agreement with the DCA. In addition, the city is considering five draft amendments to the Future Land Use Map, not related to a stipulated settlement agreement. The locations of the properties under consideration are shown on the accompanying map, and the number of acres and proposed changes in land use designations are summarized in the following list: 5 '.r .r CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS FUTURE LAND USE MAP CUrrent Proposed Map Amend. Approx. Land Use Land Use No. No. Acreaae Desianation Desianation ADDroximate Location 1 494 13.9 *Commercial Local Retail Southwest Corner of High/3 and Commercial Boynton Beach Boulevard Commercial and Knuth Road. Recreation 2 493 14.8 *Residential Local Retail South side of Boynton 8 units Commercial Beach Boulevard, per acre between Post Office and Stonehaven PUD. 3 473 20.1 Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential 4 471 Recreational 1.1 Moderate' Density Residential 5 ** *Commercial High/8 1.3 Local Retail Commercial Between the Lake Worth Drainage District L-25 and L-26 Canals; west of the Lakes of Tara PUD. Within Woolbright Place PUD: 1,800 feet north of Woolbright Road. Southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. * County Designation - Annexation request has been made. **(unnumbered) Mall Corner Restaurant Evaluation Amendment No. 494 is located on the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. This property has been proposed for annexation into the city. The current County designations for the property are Commercial High/3 for the northern third and Commercial-Recreation for the southern two-thirds, while the proposed City designation is Local Retail Commercial. Amendment No. 493 is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard, between the Post Office and the Stonehaven PUD. This property is a county enclave which has been proposed for annexation into the City. The current County designation is Residential/8 units per acre. The proposed 6 City desiqnation is Local Retail COlDlllercial. Both of the proposed changes in land use desiqnation (amendments #493 and #494) would allow additional retail cOlDlllercial in the area. The City of Boynton Beach adopted comprehensive plan indicates that there may be up to 198 acres of excess cOlDlllercial land at buildout. However, this figure may be reduced to a surplus of only 30 acres when certain adjustments are taken into consideration. The plan concludes that the supply of cOlDlllercial land in the Boynton Beach market area will be sufficient to meet the demand. Since the southern two-thirds of the property represented by Amendment No. 494 has been desiqnated as residential by the City in their plan for the reserve annexation area and the County's COlDlllercial-Recreation desiqnation would not allow office and retail cOlDlllercial uses, a change to Local Retail COlDlllercial would increase the supply of cOlDlllercial land. Amendment No. 473 is located between the Lake Worth Drainage District Canals L-25 and L-26 and west of the Lakes of Tara PUD. The proposed land use change would allow an increase in residential density from 4.84 dwelling units per acre to 9.68 dwelling units per acre. Development on these properties would be required to' connect to the City's central water and sewer lines; however, sufficient water treatment capacity will not be available until July 1991, according to the City of Boynton Beach utilities Department. Traffic on portions. of Boynton Beach Boulevard is projected to exceed capacity and no improvements have been recommended. Development on these properties should comply with the Countywide Traffic Performance Standards to ensure consistency with the Regional Plan. Amendment No. 471 is located within the Woolright Place PUD. The proposed land use change is the result of a settlement agreement between the developer and the city. The parcel was originally dedicated to the City as a public park site; however, the park will be relocated to a 3.5-acre recreational parcel within the PUD which will be dedicated to the city. The Mall Corner Restaurant amendment is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. This property is being proposed for annexation into the city; therefore, the proposed land use change is to incorporate the property into the City'S Future Land Use plan. The change would not allow additional commercial wi thin the city. In addition, water and sewer services are available to the property. 7 -- -- staff has an objection to two of the above proposed Future Land Use Map Amendments. In addition, staff has one objection to a policy change in the Traffic Circulation Element. Ob;ections. Recommendations for Modification. and Comments Amendments No. 494 and No. 493 A. OJ:)jection 1. Regional Goal 16.1. 2 is to provide for a balanced, well-planned, compatible mix of land uses which are appropriately located, and Regional Policy calls for Future Land Use Maps of government comprehensive plans to be based upon surveys, studies, and data regarding the amount of land required to accommodate anticipated growth, the projected population, the character of undeveloped land, the availability of public services, the ability of government to provide adequate levels of service, and the need for redevelopment. The need for additional commercial land at these locations has not been demonstrated by the city. The City's comprehensive plan documents an existing over-allocation of commercial land use. Recommendation for Hodification 1. Provide an analysis which demonstrates the need for additional commercial land at these locations within in the city of Boynton Beach. If such a need can be documented, additional changes to the City plan may be warranted. The City has prepared an analysis which indicates the need tor additional commercial land. However, the analysis is based on information in Palm Beach county's Bconomic Blement, which the county staff has indicated is outdated. Traffic Circulation Element OJ:)jections 1. Modified Objective 2.1 allows for a lower level of service to be maintained on several regional roadway facilities than called for in Regional Policy Policy states that the regional roadway network shall be maintained at Level of Service (LOS) C or better during annual average daily conditions and LOS 0 during peak season, peak hour conditions. The City proposes a "maintain" level of service on four specific regional roadways within the City'S jurisdiction. They are: I-95 from Boynton Beach BOUlevard to Woolbright Road; Boynton Beach Boulevard 8 from Old Boynton Road to Congress Avenue; congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to the south City limits; and Hypoluxo Road, east of I-95. The City standard allows for LOS E to be maintained on these facilities which is not consistent with Regional pOlicy If the City has determined that lower levels of service are appropriate in order to successfully implement other city goals (i.e., redevelopment), then the City would need to provide a complete rationale for the lower levels of service, perhaps in conjunction with the submission of a Downtown Development of Regional Impact. aecommendation for Modification 1. The City should adopt a level of service for all regional roadways in its jurisdiction that is equal to or better than Council's LOS C/D Policy LOS C shall be maintained during average annual daily traffic conditions, and LOS D shall be maintained during peak season, peak hour conditions. The city ha. _de no apparent change. to adopt a ,level of service OD regional roadway. con.istent withthe-aegional Plan Recommendation Council should adopt the comments outlined above and their transmittal to the State Department of Community in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Statutes. approve Affairs Florida Attachments 9 _ _ _ _ _ _HVPQ.UXO Rll_ J 1 \ I I I W \! 'il V I' ,II , lei , lii'- -I' ;:,' I I ~I: ! ~ I I I I I I i ---'1 ~ 2'2 lyE H I-..-, I I ~ I I , I I ,..J I / I I -.11 , I .-11I al. I iil I I ' I I ~_..-i ^ - - ---"-~I I _".UIU" I i:! I . "'~ 18'1 / I~'\ / I ..~ ~ : I: I ~! / g / I ~ I, /. . I ~ /: ! l, ~;I! / ~/. [II I ~.~ I 11 I ~ "\; ! ~ .~. /1/ I ~ I ~ /,:. I I I I ..-... i ,'- I,. --r- '}'I! 'j t-I I I I --, _!Ill I r I t / I - "" ! " '" " . . . . . . . . T . .. . . ... ,.. c- . ",. ",- iiWOlUAlSfT Rll 'J ... ~ I '1:- - III illl a I III Ill. ...... '------~ - ~._----- . . . . . I I . ~..: - - .. I: - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . " \ " \~ , - L.EGEHO Hal To s... May, 1989 .........CITV L.1MITS _ _ ISMl lAEA BllUNIlAR"l SOURCE: Watter H. Keller Jr., Inc. ._.... Regional Roadways with LOS " !1a:intain " MAlTER H. KEllER JR., INC. CllnsuJtin1 fnginHf's G Plant/It's ClJrl SprfnfJS, FJDf'ftf6 10 . . . .. .I~ I ~~ liZI I~t\ ; I &.~ ~ I j:; rlll/gj i ;1 / ! . t // / ! 1/ I I 1/ ; ; I IV I:' ; ~ ! III I ;! ill I I I ~l ,,"- I,. -; '~'} ';1 ~ ; I ~ ; ~-I /""" - " - - . . . . . .HYPll.UXO RD_ J I I / , I V 'il I I. I~I I I I~: , /0'- 15!" I ..11 " I II I , .-J !I , '-....J I '1HIlI1II i ..., , ~ L... - / ~ Z2 .vE K ~ - - I I ~ I ~ / I , r . I ,.l ~ I (5 " on " 'l. I I I -, J01NUI": ~ II.VO I I I I lit. ~l 2~ ad '" I' on 4 I on 13 ! I " WOIUllI&IIT RlI -1 C1 I 23 .vt s I I '--~ '1,. · "'!.!!...~ J , Iii :Ii !Il Ill. .. ~-__ii___ " \' ,\ ,. '.J' ,. LEGEKO .....----CITY LIMITS . _ IST\JDY AREA BOUHllARY SOURCE; Walter H. Keller Jr" Inc. CITY OF IDYN1'ON BEACH DRAFT PLAN AMENJlolENl'S GENERAL LOCATICN MAP I ; ~ "l: ~ ~ <::l ~ ..... ..... ~ "l: 'J ..... '1: T .... To Sc:aIe May, 1989 WALTER H. KELLER JR., INC. COI/Sultin9 fn9J/"erS i Pliflflers ClJrll $prinp. FJoriiM II , ~- , : I I I " ;' El" Ii / ' . , t . - il,bcf'l' , I: . I ,I I II . I ,/ ' ! ~IJ V , , I I' , I II I I I ...... , ' /1 ".-.------ , i '., , I f , J - I~ MAP If-E_Y -1 . --- --- --,- RESIDENTIAL ~. - . -. - . - - - .- -- - _..- .- "1.,.-- . - ----~ tii+t LOW .OENSJTY (LOR).", '.' M.(X 4.84 O.U:7A"'CR-e -I......... _... .---- _.~ "----- .......- -. ::::: . MOOERATE_.D_a~SI'1:'Y. (MOOR)' ,. ---=-:. -_~.~ .---..... f - '.~_' .... "'.0 .'-. ~::. -..~ '.' " 'MAX.7.26 O.U./ACRE ~. , - . \ --- -..-'-'-- ~t:~~~~j MEOIUM .OEN.SrrV .- .(MeQ.R) MAX 9.68 0 .UJ ACRE', .- ',' ~_ . ~.::_- ~-:...~ -._ '~_:--=.-=-"":.~7_-"'7- -,~----' =---=:.~--~ .t _ ':HlGI:LOENSLTY :.O::iOR) ~ . .' '. ,--M~X to.8 O~U.7 A-CR~ , ,u,- . I . __ .~ ': -'- - ...,-,-., -- -- ~ ----:--- --.---- --..--- __' ._', t~OMMERC1A.L,~: i; . .jl . j' .~, ~-,. ,- ._-- .. " .' ~ --- -.-- - ....- f.. __ . .~------ m ,OFFiCe' I toe)' t ... , t' ~. ----. - .. .-:.:---" _ ~ 'lOCAL RETML (LRC) , ., , , - --.-- - --.-"-" .;-:--'~ ~ e GENEAAt. (GC) -,-' -~ ...-:--.- . tN'OUSTRIAt.. (J) ..f ~ . i ~ - t ; --- -. - ...,- -' :,.OTHER . ~., . ..,.-" ". ~ .----. -- --. --' - - ~ . . . ..". ._" . n_~__._"'" ' 1~S!~~t J~AGRtcul TURE .- ': (A) ! r-----~. --=--=--w;:--:-- k:"".(~J RECRE"A T10NAL (R) . , - --.-..'- -----.-'... - -- - _~. .PUS'Ll:.C. .&u I?RIV A IE (P PGJ). 'GO v ERN ME N:'r A L. / I NS T IfUtTo'N.A I _ ~I'XEO --~~~--'--~(~~';-'~:, ,t"::' " . L " ~ '17 -- -- - ---'-.--: :-'-:"'::':':"=.==-:=_. . . _ .. _ _ _. _ _ _ ..--. .... " .., I A". T U A"" Q U n 'AI"" r g' ! I "'N'/~~ '^,' .' ~'G 'N", ,r ..",,< -""':':, " t:>:,_.,.::,,:\..,:_,,:::,/(. '(?"(:/::::::t '-:l lJ)'::::::::::::::::::::.::::::: \1\;.:....:.:..::.:.:.:.:.::.: ~:.:.:.....:........:.:.... 1l.ar..............I.....O..,,'. ,...................:..~,.. ~..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.::.:.:.:: ~c:::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~(.:.:.:.:.:.:.::::::.:.:.:: ~ .............. . . . .... ~;:::::::::::::::::::::::::: \) ....:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: aJ I _~:Jr >- cc :-"'--'~N?:__:::>:':~':!;:g~ "J,',,,.:,.. ,T(---- ,':irJ ':~i,p:\~2~+~::::'~; -... . ..'..1 ' :::::::; :::::::. ::::::::, . ~ ". '. .:.::.:. ":":':1. :::::.::j '. ..... ~ :::::::::,. ............ '. eo:_.' :: ::.::. :: :::::.::.- . -~. '- . -.- ' " n.._ _ "-:','-' . ... . ..... . .. w TREASURE COAST REGIONAL PLANNING COUNCIL MEMORANDUM To: Council Meml:lers AGENDA ITEM scza FrCIII: sta~~ Date: Septlllllber 21, 1990 Council Meeting Subject: Local Government Comprehensive Plan Review - Amendment to the City of Boynton Beach COIIIprehensive Plan In~:rcdu~ion Pursuant to the provisions o~ the Local Government COIIIprehensive Planning and Land Development Requlation Act, Chapter 163, Florida statut_ (li'S) , the Council lIlUSt be provided an opportun.i. ty to review and cClIIIIIent on - cOIIIprehensive-plan amencl:iIaents-prior. t.:l thoaiJ: .sd.....Lion. The City o~ Boynton B_ch has. sulmi.ttacL a proposed amendment to the State DepartJllent ot! CClIIIIIun.ity Ufairs (DCA), which in turn is seeking Council's ccmmants. Council's rev i_ o't the ~o:cllation provided by the DCA is to focus on the consistency o't the proposed amendments with the Reqional COIIIpreherusive Policy Plan developed pursuant to Section 186.507, FS. A written report, ,containing any obj ections, re<::OlIIIII&ndations for modi~ication, and comments (as defined in Chapter 9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code) is to be provided to the DCA within 45 calendar days of receipt of the plan, elements or amendments. Backaround On January 10, 1990, the DCA issued a Notice o't Intent to find the cOlllprehensive plan for the City of Boynton Beach not in cOIIIpliance, pursuant to Section 163.3184, FS. As part of this finding, the ADOPTED plan was found to be inconsistent with the Reqional Plan. The City of Boynton Beach is considering one draft amend- ment to the Future Land Use Element. The 0.84 acre parcel is located on the northeast corner of Winchester Park Boulevard and West Boynton Beach Boulevard and is shown on the attached maps. The parcel has been proposed for annexation into the City and the proposed land use change is frCIII the County's Commercial High Intensity to the City's Local Retail CClIIIIIercial. The amendment is not related to the finding of noncClllpliance by the DCA. 15 Eva.luation The proposed amendment has been reviewed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 163, FS; Council's review procedures; and council's adopted Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan. The subject property has been proposed for annexation and is =ently vacant. The chanqe in land use is n.cessary in order to incorporate the property onto the Boynton Beach Future Land Us. Map. Development on this property is required to connect to the City's central water and sewer lines. SUfficient water treatment capacity will not be available until July 1991, accordinq to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department. Development should also comply with the countywide Traffic Performance standards to ensure consistency with the Regional Plan. Ob;.~ions. Recommendations tor Modi~ication. and Comments htur. LAnd U.. 81_t A. Objection NOn. B. CClIIlIIent Non. Recommendation Council should adopt the CClIIlIIents outlined above and approve their transmittal to the State Department of Community Affairs in fulfillment of the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. Attachments 16 - - _ _ _ _ _ _HYPOl.~XO 11I_ -l ,/ I I I I I 1/ ji' I ,II I I., I I ~'j" 11, I .. I II I I ~I: I I I I '-11II , I ,., i -, - ~ j,ViE"'~ " ! I - - I 4 I I ~ I I r I I ,.1 Ii I / " .. " I I - - - .. -I~ I I I ~~ \ 11'1 I , r I~'\ I I ! I";.,~ !..., _...l r I I: I r I / g I Ii I I , , - If / ! I ~ I~ if / / " :e l 1/1 I ~ " ~ ~I ~ I U I I '" .. I:::l I - I '" .... I ..... ~ I ~ I .... ..1 ..... ~ -j- ! n ...ve s T II.YO I , --.t ~- I ~'l 11:1 I I I I I 18--1 .. .. 4 '" '" I ~!8IlT1II I 1,- .\:_ _ _ - - -1 'III II: 9 I III ill . --- .. _ ;;r-.~.. f I I ~ ( ! ,; / \ 1.. I '- ; l.ESEMO NDI fo ScaI. --ern l.lMITS _ _ 'S1lJDY AREA BllJICIAA"/ May, 1989 SOURCE; Waller H. Keller Jr., Inc. General Location Map WALT6I H. K8J..ER JR.. INC. Ca!6UJ/iny tn,illHl'S ; P!annrs CQrl Sprinp. FJDf'I/M 1 ... MAP KEY '... -1 . - -.,...- --.. ... - RESIDENTIAL . _. ..-. .-.--. .... -_. .. - .::. o L..OW OENSITY (LOR) _, MAX 4.84 O.U:? A1:R-e -...... .-. ---~- . . '~-".-':....-'- ~;::::~ __MOOI:R.~I..aJt~NSr,T.Y " (M.FOR) ,-'MA.X,~.2fe"o.U./ACRE '~ ..,- -- --~-.'-'''- .".. .' --. .. ..- - ~ ~ MEDIUM OE.M.SlTY , (MeD.R) . ' MAX 9.68 O.U./AC"RE -~ ',::-: .~_. . ._- ---- .. ....' - ". -.-- - ," ._. _ .H,IGl:t, OENar!Y: .c.&iOBl-. Ml\X 10.8 O.U.7AC'Rc - -.' ---, -- _. - .. ---. - --- ;' COMMERCI.A.L", --- -..- - , ' .. ~ . ...__ ._..ItI.....__.... _. -... . '; ~ . ,,.. _._ . __ _n . I... '. ~ OFl=ICe ,(OC) -, .- ' - -- ....----- ~ '1-0CAL RETAf1- (LRC) '. .. ..- .- .-."--- ~ GENERAL (GC) --.-.- -. . --.- ~0~~1 IN"DUSTRIAL- (J) -.---.- -.- -: , \ \ .. .. .. '"OTHE'R ,- . --.- - - - .. - . .. n_.;__ ~ . ,"- ..- - I~i( . AGRICU1-TURE ..'. (A) r-----:-- ----;:-- 1:;:...'...:1 RECREATIONAL (R) ~"'!1,~ueLl:.C, &. PAW A LE____(1?P,~.1 L__ 'GO VERNMEN:-r ALl INST1TUTIO'NAL --. -.--. .._. . .,_.._~/''"'"'~ --....- _ MIXED USE (MX) -' , -....... ---- ~~ ....-. , - - - 18, - ._-- . .. ---. =:=J =:], ---, .........J" . .....,. -1 't~ \;'r:r:< w__~~ t It, ,:~",1,: ~ ~..... \ "",' ,,\ i ... II f :'--:,:..<;;s~j ~.',:. ~,-:.:.' ,', -:.: -', '/.,..~('..: :~.;~.'~<:,.:.':.~ '," '. . ,",' ...../.~'....'. ._..,....~}\,~,(...... . :,:.~:< ...>..:.:.;~?:::.: :;:.: :,<,;:~~~<:6,:.~~~ , , .,' . , , ... '..', ' , , ..' ,,,,.'S;X;.6c, . ';'.<<W. ,<,>:_,.>;~.:~~.~~~~~<", ' :::.(~",>:> / (~<,>:,,{;\)~,,:} .r'~<Sc~ "'/ ,."'/ ... )t.' ..v".-'.";<.x'/;/,; ":It ..',,,'." /,.'........(./..."... ,..:>(.r'I'<"/"'<:': . -: ~.>:/ ..<::'< '>"'::-:>~'::'~::';:'~::~;~" >..(~j~~~~~ . J;.' ,-.:;. ,;<~ " "t ('~/"~< ~ (,,'.,',' f l \./,' '< ' , .:::.:.:.:.:........ . :.::::.:.:.::.:.::::.:.::::.;.:.:"';:t )::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ 00 . . ,0 . .... . . 00 . . .0 . .~ ':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. '~~llH.liWWllliimlliWli~ ~.:: ~:::::: ~:::::: ~:::::: ~:::::: ~:::: ~ ~ ~:::::~::::::~::::::f::::::f::::::~::::::-:, ~ J!!!! i i i i i i i! i! i i! 1 i!! i i! i i!! i i! i i! i i i i i \ :11 j j i i i i 1 i 1 i i i j 1 i i j j! i i 1 i i i 1 i 11111 11 i i 1 j li!J 1::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::::::::::':i ~~:j::j:1::::1:j:j::j:j:i::i:j:j::j:j:j::1:j:~ (;iiii11ii1i1111iiiii1!i11i11i1iiii11iiiii1i1if )......... ......... ... li1:jjjjjj1jjii1j!jijjj1:jijjj1i :i:j: lj1ii~ - " ........:.:.::::.:.:. :.:.' ::.:.: . ..-. . .... .:::::, ~~_.~_r ,.......-- - ..-.....,-. I n__ . ~ l i' 'I , , 14. .' . .. .- --.:' -. - - -+ t ..... .J '"~" ~ \t=f~ I' ~' k. '1'" - . . ..!T~,,(.... "'=" --... :.:~ ::~.~.:: .:..:.:......: :...:.,. ...~ .-. ::~::t .... 'l; ...... ........ ." ...: ........ :.::::.: .:.~ "~...' . ~.'.. .~ .... .J~ .:,,~-~ ....~-..:: = 19 :.;.;...... ~ ......... ......:....:. . . .. . . (. .. ... ..::::::::f. .~~JJrf~'~ .........~,.. ,j;f J;,:I::Y ~ - .-- ::......:. ~CJ~. .tttJ:a;1 _...-~:,"':7- ::.:..... .~.~:~ ,. ., ... - . To: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- December 19, 1990 90-2 and 90Sl, in addition to the Remedial Plan Amendments, were adopted by City commission on December 18, 1990 pursuant to Chapter 9J-ll.Oll F.A.C., and are being transmitted for Compliance Review. Pursuant to Item ~31 in the Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the Department of Community Affairs, I am also requesting the release of second payment of assistance funds. As requested, a copy of the Plan Amendments was sent directly to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. To assist in the timely review of these Plan Amendments, it was understood that one copy would be provided directly to the Regional Planning Council, concurrent with the transmittal of the remaining four copies to the Department of community Affairs. If you have any questions concerning these Plan Amendments, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~T~P Planning Director MR:cp Encs. K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407l 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 10, 1990 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Winchester Projects Knuth Road I Boynton Beach Blvd. Dear Mr. Cutro: It has been requested that we provide further documentation in support of the letter prepared by this office dated December 3, 1990. That letter addressed the recently announced construction programs which will both add capacity to the nearby roadway system and also divert traffic off of roadways in the immediate area of the project. The two roadways which were shown to have some potential capacity problems in the original Analysis submitted in January 1990 are Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. The back up infor- mation shall focus on these two roadways. Addressing Congress Avenue first, since the preparation of the Analysis, Palm Beach County has awarded the contract and construction has commenced for the widening of Congress Avenue from four to six lanes from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Miner Road. This construction will mean that Congress Avenue within the project's study area will be a six lane divided road. This widening will also provide ade- quate capacity to that section of Congress Avenue which showed a potential deficit. There are two road projects on Boynton Beach Boulevard which will provide additional capacity. Palm Beach County has scheduled the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard from four to six lanes from Old Boynton Road to 1-95. This construction has been scheduled for this fiscal year. The second widening is from Military Trail to the Florida Turnpike. This widening is being done by FDOT. Boynton Beach Boulevard is being widened from two to six lanes from Military Trail to El Clair Ranch Road and from two to four lanes west of El Clair Ranch Road to the Turnpike. Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach December 10, 1990 Winchester Projects Page Two There are two other roadway improvements which are expected to lessen traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue by diverting traffic onto parallel facilities. The missing link of Woolbright Road, between Congress Avenue and Military Trail, is presently under construction. This link will divert traffic off of the links of Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Military Trail. FDOT has scheduled for construction during the current fiscal year the construction of an interchange with 1-95 and N.W. 22nd Avenue. This interchange is also expected to divert traffic off of Boynton Beach Boulevard from 1-95 to Mil i tary Trail as well as Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard to N.W. 22nd Avenue. The projected total traffic at each project's buildout was calcu- lated for these roadway links. The total volumes for each project are shown in Figures A & B. As it has been almost a year since the submittal of the original analysis for these two projects, the existing traffic volumes have been updated from 1989 to 1990 AADT. Similarly, the growth rates have been adjust- ed to reflect the 1990 AADT Volumes. Reviewing these Figures it is seen that adequate road capacity is available for these projects. The cumulative impact of each of these two projects is shown in Figure C. There is adequate capacity for both of these projects. If you should have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, ~~--;', Fla. Reg. No. 24068 KSR I j r Encl. HISTORICAL GROWTH CALCULATIONS HISTORICAL EXIST. GROWTH 1990 1991 1992 1193 RATE MDT MDT MDT MDT BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD: 1-95 - Old Boynton Road 5.59% 45,335 47,869 50,545 53,370 Old Boynton - Congress 7.01% 33,112 35,433 37,917 40,575 Congress - Knuth 12.63%(2) 32,060(1) 36,109 40,670 45,806 Knuth - Lawrence 12.63%(2) 32,062(1) 36,109 40,670 45,806 Lawrence - Military 11.69% 28,002 31,275 34,981 39,015 Military - El Clair 9.23% 23,660 25,843 28,228 30,833 CONGRESS AVENUE: N.W. 22nd - Old Boynton 5.84% 30,878 32,681 34,590 36,610 Old Boynton - Boynton BB 5.84% 30,878 32,681 34,590 36,610 Boynton BB - S.W. 15th 12.34% 28,628 32,161 36,129 40,588 (1) The 1990 MDT for this link of Boynton Beach Boulevard was measured at 37,954 which is a 38.7% (10,589 tpd) increase over the 1989 MDT. Reviewing the relative increase in the 1989 to 1990 MDT volumes for the north, east and south sides of the intersection of Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard, there was no similar increase found. Therefore, it is assumed that this 37,954 trip per day figure is an anomaly and should not be utilized. A volume of 32,060 was projected for this link based upon a relationship established with this link and the other three links of the intersection with Congress Avenue and the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard east of Military Trail. (2) Based upon an estimated 1990 MDT of 32,060 tpd. BACKGROUND TRAFFIC ROAD/Link BOYNTON BEACH BLVD: I-95 - Old Boynt. Old Boynt. - Congress Congress - Knuth Knuth - Lawrence Lawrence - Military Military - E1 Clair CONGRESS AVENUE: NW 22nd - Old Boynt. Old Boynt. - Boynt BB Boynt. BB - SW 15th HISTORICAL GROWTH 8,035 7.463 13,746 13,746 11,013 7,173 5,732 5,732 11,960 MAJOR PROJECT TRAFFIC -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 10,692 3,493 -0- -0- BACKGROUND TRAFFIC 8,035 7,463 13,746 13,746 11,013 17,865 9,225 5,732 11,960 ....t'..,.,,..,,tJ..,...I(:. "1"- ....1"- V' o a: Ji. O^18 o a: a: w !I :2 I I I I O~ ~"f'.. 1 o X ::l ... o .. >- :I: ... w ... .. J: (J w ... O~ k. s. rogers. consulting engineer, inc. west palm beach, II. W :> .. 96-' """ - I 1t)~1t)01" 0 t')0)C"J0 coO C"JI'-OO ,...("J It) CO.,... (f) U) " ~;(1 - I "'-"'01-0 1'-""(")0 NO CO<O,....O (\IC"J o I()N I()U) M -Izt ,",--, 3^V _ I Z <0101001"'00 1'-<') NO (")01- <oIONOCOC")Z o cn"ltCO<O> (") - (")"lto ~ I CD " " o > ... .. w :> " lS3~~V3S '- - ,:I: W -=- "'''''''01''0 ... :> ,...N<OO 00 It) " ,...Q)~O 10M.... M ,...01 (\I co ",/"'1 0 a: '" I " - I ""'00100 N"lt\'D-MO <oCOQ) ~M co .,... ,... co J: l: N ,... ~~CIJ '" SS31::10NO:J :I: (J .. W _ I CD 0"" co 0\" 0 COC"J~O <')0 o 'It,.... 0 (\1(') NNMO coco I M ,...,... M~ I - , I I I I I I - ,I ~:~gl~gl 00000(")1 <<)""""0 OeD Z N .,....,... ('')'It ~ - 'I z W >- :> g .. - , 0-.<0000 CDO-'O .,...0 ocor--o ~(") ~,...~~ ~~ 01::1 ~._-'" HJ.nN)t - , - ---.:...-. w !:: III 3~N3~MVl l: z o ... o 11Vl::IJ. Al::IVll1lrt - I 0<')1001"'0 CD 'It co- coO J: ",NCO ,...('1') I- C"J r-- ,... co 10 N .,... 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T H:)NVt;i N30VH S.VOll:101~ REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC BOYNTON BEACH BLVD PCD w > '" -=- c a: '" .. , ~ on c a: c '" o a: '" e .. ... o '" w " '" ... o u: ... 00<2 rn u::u::a::u.. 0 u..u..I-u..o..J <c(Q~U:1- a:a:z....l.Lcc t-I-=> c( ~I-oca:>- Z()a::wl-~ -wol-...Jo r.;,....,:::.t::a::<< Q ~O()w I- Q. Z xa:.cc~O< w WQ.(J)QI-O Cl W ....I . c . ~ , 0'" <0 OIl'- 0 l'D(f)vO(f)O O........OC\lM NN(f)OCO(Q (f) ......(f)"lt - I date DEC 90 figure B . -..-..... OJ .-lICt I'''''' 0^19 o > ...l ., w lS3l::t:J...3S > .. ~ r 98-1 ... ~ , IU 00<00001<00 " > <":I CCI <":10 100 "" <":IlOOom<":l 10....<0.... <":IfD ~ , · ~r "'''''''01.0 :J: ....N<OO 00 I- ....m<o:tO 10(') It) ~ (') I'm NCO .... (') -(')'<o:t , o a: o a: a: w !I 21 I I ! all ~.,..... ... .. o )( " ...l o .. >- :J: ... IU ... "" :r o w ...l all 71 k. s. rogers. consulting engineer. inc. west palm beach, fl. ~ I "~"'ol~o ,...m(')O 00 <0_,...0 m(') O....IOC'Iol 1t)(D <":I -(')..... I 3^Y o % '" '" ,% <O~"'o;....oo ""(1)<":10 00 ~ (0....,...00:)(') >- 0_1llC\4 lOCI) 0 (') (')1m ~--, o'<o:tfDoloO fD_'<o:tO <"0 0",,""0 (')(') C'Iol.....(')O OfD CO) ....-.......... ~ I 3:JN3l::tM...1 ~ % , , 3}4ldNl::tn.l / all 1'''''' ----- all o ...l o 11Vl::t.l ~ , OfDlO 0 I~ 0 CO<OfQ- - 0 fQ.....CX) 0('1) <":I ,... C'Iol co <" _ <o:tv I ~ I <00001"'0 % ('11.....<0-,...0 o <011)<7) ('11(1) -< cO........ ('I,lCO:r; ~ C'Iol .... .....10 ~ I 01''''01'''0 coco<o:to (7)0 OCOl'O .....<? N"ltC":lO OCl) (l') ........''It''lt ~:I~ - I I I I I I I I I I I % "'''''''OI~6 I o 0,.......0(7)0 00000<":1 I !E CO('l,l.... o....co >- C\4 _....(')<o:tw o - I~ '" en w I- gj ~~ H.lnN}4 ~ I 0"lt<D0100 CO(7)<o:to 00 o<o:t,...o <":Ie? ('11(')(1)0 (7) co (I) ........ (I)"lt ~ , Ol::t H:JN...l::t "or all ~ T HONVl::t SS311"NOO ... ...l o " Al::tV.lI1IW :J: ... '" l::tIV,:J 13 ~ '" N39...H S.... 01 l::t 01.:1 REVISED TOTAL TRAFFIC BOYNTON BEACH BLVD PCD AND KNUTH ROAD PCD w ~ ~ ~ o a: '" '" ~ '" o a: o .. o a: .. ':! w " "" ...l o u: ... 00<2 en --a:... 0 u..u.......u..0..J LL. u.. <(_ c(c(C a: I.L..... a:cr:z.....l.L< .....I-~ <( o.....oocr:> zoa:w.....t: -wC!)l-...Jo c.......,~a:<< Z ~ouw.....a.. wxcr:<2::o<( owQ..[Qo.....o w .... o . ~ I ('I,lco(')ol"'o 0(')....0100 00000<":1 <0........00(0 ('I,l ........ (')..... date DEC 90 figure C ,~ K,S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 June 12, 1990 Mr. Timothy Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Dear Mr. Cannon: Please accept this letter as an Addendum to the Traffic Impact Analysis, Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, dated January 30, 1990 which was or iginall y prepared by this office. The Addendum has been prepared in accordance with the letter report addressed to you by Walter H. Keller Jr., P.E. dated May 29, 1990. The following points discussed in Mr. Keller's letter have been addressed as follows: 1. Traffic Counts - This office did perform field counts of roadway links where there were no established count stations. A summary of these counts are shown in the attached Appendix G. 2. Mall Road - The existing and projected traffic volumes on Mall Road are shown on the revised Figures 2 and 4. 3. Woolbriaht Road Extension According to an analysis pre- pared by the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) , the exten- sion of Woolbright Road between Congress Avenue and Military Trail will cause the traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress Avenue and 1-95 to reduce by 3,000 trips per day and will reduce the traffic on Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and Woolbright Road by 4000 trips per day. The total traffic volumes as shown in Figure 4 for Boy~ton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue have been adjusted to reflect this irtforma-~ tion. RECEIVED JUN 14 1990 PLANNING DEPT. - Mr. Timothy Cannon, Acting Director Planning Department City of Boynton Beach June 12, 1990 Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - Addendum 4. Siqnificant Links which were identified as revised Figure 4. The projected traffic on the links missing by Mr. Keller are shown in the 5. Trip Distribution and Assianment This office does not agree with Mr. Keller's comments concerning the distribution in the Lawrence Road I Mil i tary Trail corridor north of Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, a revised distribution and assignment was performed as requested by Mr. Keller. This revised assign- ment is shown in the revised Figures 3 and 4. This revised assignment does show two links of Military Trail with Significant Impacts, however, there is adequate capacity to accommodate this additional traffic. 6. Boynton Beach Boulevard The section of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Military Trail and Jog Road is shown as having a widened capacity of 46,400 trips per day (six lane divided). 7. E~~k_HQg~_YQlgm~~ This office did perform peak hour turning movement field counts at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Mall road. The field count sheet is shown in Appendix G. The project enter and exit volumes as shown in Figure 5 total 685 trips which is the calculated P,M. peak hour volume. Reviewing the total volumes as shown in Figure 4 with the crite- ria established by the City of Boynton Beach, this project meets the approval criteria with the exception of the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard, between Old Boynton Road and 1-95. Until this 1 ink of road is reI ieved by the construction of the N. W. 22nd Avenue interchange with 1- 95, some temporary congestion on this link can be expected. . Very truly yours, ~/ .~ ~~YZ .~ K.S. RaG S, P.E. Fla. R . No. 24068 RECEIVED JUN 14 1990 PLANNING DEPT. KSR/jr Encl. CC: Mr. Walter H. Keller, Jr., P.E. Mr. Kerry Kilday, Kilday & Associates APPENDIX G FIELD COUNTS PERFORMED 1. Knuth Road approximately 75 feet south of Boynton Beach Boulevard: Count: Date: 2,042 tpd Jan 22/23, 1990 2. Knuth Road approximately 100 feet north of Boynton Beach Boulevard: Count: 668 tpd Date: Jan 22/23, 1990 3. Mall Road approximately 100 feet north of Boynton Beach Boulevard: Count: 4,135tpd Date: Jan 22/23, 1990 NOTES: (1) All counts were performed by staff members of K.S. ROG- ERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC., with junior counters. (2) These counts, which were performed during the peak season, were not factored to AADT volumes due to the lack of comparable data. . R.ECEIVED JUN 1 <'/ ]~~I) PLAN^' , ' ~ O^lB '* w lS3l:f::l'V3S *-I:! > 0 "10 ,'* '" > "'0 ..- -'" -I" "- .. ..- ~ m ": f-'" 96-1 w " "'0 '" "'0 ~'" J: W ~ tlg~ .... > ~ '" '" *. - T '* -'" - - -r "'I" ;f'~1;; 0 ~O -'" "'", ".. a: "'.. "'- M '" '" J: * _10 "'10 010 0 01" T ..0 '" "I" "'0 "0 "'.. ;t "''' ;t "'0 ,,'" "'''' "'''' w ,,'" m "'.. OIl .... OIl 0 0 3^V '* Z SS3l:f8NO~ a: a: 11)100 ~I" _0.... 010 ,,'" 0 _"'z "0 "," a: > ..'" 0 all 0 0 m z 11'V~ E9~ I '" " * 0 a: " "'[0 I a: w '" ~o *1- ~I "1- -'" I "'~ "'" 0.. _ * ::! ..- '" en I 0" H'lnN~ I 101;; "'- I '" I I "'1- 01" ;:;1;; '" 1- ..'" 0)<0...0- I '" i "1- ~.. "'M "'" e "'- ,,- I 0" 30N3"MV1 I ~r ..'" I "'- '" M\.. I 0" "1- "'1- ~.. I "'~ ..~ z 0 I "'.. .... .. "'"' ;t 0 z 'T w .. REC~ lYE' "'I" z "'I" .. > "'0 > 0 0"' 0 0 ;;1" ".. "'" '" " m i 11'Vl:fl At:f'V ll1t~ ~I" JUN 1990 .... T A "'.. ..'" ,,- J: '" .... '" PLANNII\G DEP "1- - ... ..~ 0 w .. 01::1 H:JN'Vl:f ~rV10 13 a: x '" :J J: .. .. 0 .... 0 "1- W.... 0 .. W "'M O~O '" > .. .. J: -..'" ~ "0" 0" ~ > ~ .... Dor 0:0.... z * .... .. z '" "I;; .... 0 '" 2 0 0 OJ:O .. "- WcnU:: Z '" z , w - e UJ w o a: Z Z (!) a:J:" OIl :J , W Q.I-cn ~ .., , 0" H~NVt:f N39'VH ...J - - r c "''' ~* :: .. UJ !!2 > UJ a: .'I'..'f.('."r;......r\ "lOIn J/. 3)4ldNt:lnl T S,VOIH01.;1 k, s, rogers, consulting en9lneer, inc west palm beach, fL DISTRIBUTED TRAFFIC date JAN 90 figure 3 , - G^ 18 W lS3~~OS > 0 < > -' ---- III ...... ./ ...... ""P"'" r 96-1 ......V "- , w ...."'1"'0 '..: ~ :> come? -0 "" col'-m fOO (') (I') coO ~ , .... _10M 1: W llloor ( , > I- --.:::::.... 0(1)'" 0 on < GOIO..... ... C) - ":F: \" , ...."llllO NC'Il(') (')0 CDQ!(')N.... 0 .... m INfO to) "'1 " ,., N , 0"'''1'''0 CCI U')N CD..,. 1: ,..,Oh- a)O CD CDCDQ) \ () .-CD..,N" IN -....... < It) ,..,C?U) ;!: ;!: , W N ",,, III , '" '" 0 3h. z , SS3~"NO~ 0 0 "''''''r " " 10100(\:0 I- (')(\1....,...... 0 Z .....Na)....O " ,. N "'.. 0 , a~ 0 0 III ~:<:':>:':-1 < Z , 1'VW ~i~ I 0 N N "''''~''O I " " C01' coo W (')_ "'"0 I ~I _ "0 ""'N co- " - -'" .. ..en I '\ a~ HlnN)I I I , i I 0"'''100 , a)m_COo "'0"1"0 I i <D mOO- a)(1) 0 It) 0 < co N_M (')a)-(')"" ~ -- ...._CO....<D I , .. 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V 011::101.:1 k,~, roger~, con~ulting engineer, inc. we~t palm beach, fL TOTAL TRAFFIC dote JAN 90 figure 4 a: ~ Kilday & Aseociatas Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: 1407) 689-2592 DEe 7 m~ PLANNING DL'T. I ?/ r"( c'F J?:>.'y,JT,-,j :C>e=;;oC>....c,-r!- FL-Ar-kj,J",'7 C>EF'r ATT "AF< G- t-!f2./ <" WE TRANSMIT .-: '--, 7,z2-c' DATE/:2- - tf:;;. -- <; r) PROJECT NAME &.,y~,...,.J PROJECT NUMBER 7'1'7., "5' , , A--D. !:rlwn-/ P",.6 , 7'7'7. f o HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOllOWING o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENOUM OTRACINGSISEPIAS 0 SUBMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER ~1;~~D~~~~8~~~~ ~;E~ ~~=T'- ACTION CODE: D FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT ~OR YOUR USE ~AS REOUESTED , A REVIEWED e. NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E DO NOT RESUBM'T F RESUBMIT FOR FilES I DATE :2-( / /<",0,'7 DRAWING OR ITEM NO DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION CODE NO OF COPIES /-;J? /VI (J,,_ '- ~- L;:v.J.-::, /.:;,/>>,d/?~-4~ ~4~ IrJZ>~;'S7.L"2./P-L- U.S/- ;254''-'/=-^''L=_-/7'S i / - - P".~'r-<"-"/V, _._ /-I_E/V1E'i--ff 091- /c>~/"/ T 7 ?'~.r'-ri.f-?r""./.==-r-I.i=/~/""""';"= P~I BE~../ P::-A--/ I ,AVD5-Hl::d.J1vl TO MA~r A~-E:$ p:>( TJ-iO/YfPso',...J ?e>"/C:S~L..f:J'7 1 /.JL-, * *7Ji.t5 ADZ:::>~;-/DUJo>1 5...JM~1Z-IZ.GE5> ~OP/L?MI"- e<.-i!!E'NfL?'N'T -I 4/:zN-1 J-hL..i- =T4<::>, - S"ec: FA<>7~ 2.. IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o FilE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV I SIGNED c::::.-/ P -<-__ f 4 J ~;;;T /.k=- ''Ilie City of 13oynton 13eac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Boulevard 1',0. 'Bo{31O 'Boynton 'Beach, 'f[orid'a 33425,0310 City J{a[[: (40i) i34,8111 'f!U: (40i) i38,i459 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR December 19, 1990 Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource planning & Management State of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: Transmittal of Adopted comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find four copies of the following: A revised Future Land Use Map, Adopted Comprehensive Plan Amendments, and response to the Department of Community Affairs' Objections, Recommendations, and Comments (ORC) Report. The Plan Amendments and ORC response is organi~ed as shown in the sections listed below: 1) section 1 - includes the Remedial Plan Amendments adopted pursuant to the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, and corresponding ordinance, 2) section 2 - includes the list of Findings Which Provides Basis For Adoption of proposed Amendments (response to ORC) , and related plan amendments and ordinances, 3) Section 3 - includes those adopted Land Use Plan Amendments and corresponding ordinances as previously reviewed and without objections, recommendations, and comments, and 4) Section 4 - simply includes the adopted revision to Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.l6.l to allow adult entertainment establishments within the Industrial Land Use Category. The Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as referred to as Amendments 5111lcrica~' ~latcuJaY to t/ie (jul/<tream ,. . ~- no additional commercial land is needed at the subject sites based on the methodology used to allocate commercial acreage (which includes all commercial lumped together/such as office. personal services, hotels/motels, nursing homes and ACLF's, marine commercial and other miscellaneous uses in commercial districts) in the City's Comprehensive Plan is mu~h too generic an approach. Site specific analysis is required to make such a determination. Given the commercial categories comprising all commercial land uses within the City of Boynton Beach are lumped together in the Comprehensive Plan (particularly on the supply side - ACLF's, nursing homes, marine commercial, etc.) and the fact that Boynton Beach as well as Palm Beach County used supply and demand figures bas ed, 0 n a ere age rat her t h a,n 0 n s qua r'" e fee tin the i r Comprehensive Plans. our response is based on 91"'055 acreages,. even though, as a1 ready pointed out. we bel ieve this approach is too generic and a site specific analysis for particular types of commercial uses on a square footage basis is more appropriate. In the Economic Element of Palm Beach County's Comprehensive Plan, the trade area of the subject sites falls within both Planning Areas 5A and 5B (subject sites in Planning Area 5B). In both tKese Planning Areas, the Economic Element indicates that a shortfall in commercial acres exists. In Planning Area 5B, commercial land use needs are estimated at 1,153 acres in 1990, while occupied commercial acres* are estimated at 1.042 - a supply shortfall of 111 acres,':" In Planning Area 5A (located to the direct west of 5B - predominantly unincorporated Palm Beach County), commercial land use needs are estimated at 310 acres in 1990, while occupied commercial acres* are estimated at 224 - a supply shortfall of 86 acres=, The approach taken by CH2M Hill (the County's Economic Consultan~) was to estimate the relationship between population and commercial development using an input-output model, and after making adjustments to reflect anticipated changes in demographics and employment character, they estimated future demands for commercial lands as a function of projected levels of population, It is also important to point out that the analysis performed by CH2M Hill recommended an additional 5 year inventory above current needs be permitted/designated in each Planning Area to allow time for the development process to occur. Therefore, the 1995 recommended acreage figures of 1,303 acres in 5B and 502 acres in 5A are indicated in terms of what should be allowed to be designated and zoned for development during 1990, which serves to increase the supply shortfall and supports the results of our market analyses. * Occupied commercial acres includes all developed, zoned or designated commercial land. ..~ .. V"""D nU('T;- b .lI:'t...L< ~,," ,c DE.C l' 1990 PLANNiNG DEPT. <I , !,~, ~;.?i ,......" EXHIBIT H - _Addendum to Mar~et Boynton Beach Analyses by Thompson Consulting,Inc. for and Knuth Road P.C.D.'s .13..9.YD.,j:.<:JD.....I3."''"',g..lJ......c:;.9..rn..I?T..'''h'''D'3.,j,Y.'''..P.l..:'''l ..,c:;9D..S..i..<:I"'T,'"',.j:,,j,.<Jn,?.,..,r.:..'" 19...j:..~,sL..,1:,9. ,c;,9.I11.,rr1,,,.!:.g,.j,.<l.l,,...cL,,.,rr1,<lD,,cJ,;,,;,,LJ..P..P..J,y : The subject requests conform with Policy 1.19.6 which indicates that subsequent to Plan adoption the City should not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, lj,n..!.,,,,?..';, it can be demonstrated that a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by existing commercially- zoned property, Within the trade area (refined from the 1-3 mile radius normally associated with a neighborhood/community sized shopping center, factoring in physical barriers to access such as roads/canals, as well as shopping patterns and the location of existing competitive/comparable uses). all existing competitive/comparable space as well as approved/in process space and zoned property was accounted for in the supply side of the market analyses. Within the same trade area, demand was derived based on estimated retail space per capita figures and the estimated population in the trade area. The retail space per' capita figures ',1.Jere developed using retail sales data compiled for Palm Beach County by the State 'of Flol'ida (by retail use classifications) supplemented with comparable data from Sales and Marketing Management's Survey of Buying Power, and sales per square foot for the same retail use classifications from the Urban Land Institute. A comparison of estimated demand versus supply within the trade area (geographic area) clearly indicated that the proposed centers could be supported in base year 1990. Estimated Demand = 3.933,598 square feet+ Estimated Supply = 3,378,430 square feet+ Estimated Supply Shortfall ~ 555,168 square feet~ In addition, with projected population increases in the trade area to 92.801 by 1995, an estimated 4.580.758 square feet could be supported in the trade area which extends more than 2.0 miles west of the Knuth Road (western corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach - usi~g Boynton Beach Boulevard as an east/west point of reference). Hence, a substantial portion of unincorporated Palm Beach County (western boundary of trade area is El Clair Ranch Road) is included in the trade area given the subject s,ites are located on the western periphery of the existing corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach. While the City's Comprehensive Plan indicates an existing over- allocation of commercial land use, the trade area associated with the subject projects does not conincide with the corporate limits of Boynton Beach in total. To make a determination that " . . . .,n. "<l"',H'~lKfU~n 'I' ..c; ~ ~~~~1l'G ,g~.~ '~t Mo~~~0 a- .~~ t~ n. .U....o..41 30."' ro _...... ~":1li1 ~~ ~ ,-?~ c .., .~ .;J~8~~.l\ ;j..91l !< .."~' >. "'.~=e a~"~ w ;'! 0 tJ e........!!- utl.9 "'"' ~ "'"':f l::: rI4 1-0 !l'~ "" ..,~ 1-.~""'o. ..u"r;., a. :; E"'.....;.lN ~~.../' 0 C ~:"i ';1o.e:':':;~ E~5:l1- ~ , ~ ~ ,9 ~_ ~ - ~- 8" ~ 10."" d II::; 0 D~ SU; 0.&1 W ~!i~ e1~~E~~ rS~~ ~ ~ t g~~ ~a.i "t.1 g~~ ~:~ ~g 1~~; ~t3 ~;:!1oe ~ to o.;:rJ-9 It OM'fi Ei ~ i.o,", 1'" <'0 ~ e n,';"J J"i.u... t:l .,o"'d'" IIQ a ~ OJ ~ = o t ~ ~ .~ "0 rIJ. ~ Q.) "0 ~ ~ '" ~ ~.~ ~ i~ e~ ~.ng:_ ~:i ~ 2l..~ i t:l 0 e? ~ -z ~ ~ ~ t:l ,2 ~ ~ t ~ = ~ ~-a o>-y,~ .;>-c~ ~a1! a, Ur:; t:-~ ~ ~ ::... 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Fax: (407) 689-2592 DEe 7 P" PLANNING D~ 'T. I ?IT'( C'F l3>-'rJp.J ~.-r-/. P,--M,.J..JL=j Lx=F'T- ATT fv1p:. L..J../,2/ 'S. WE TRANSMIT c:: L-' 7 f2-c.' DATE /~-b-c-;r) PROJECT NAME &~.;./,...,,../ PROJECT NUMBER 7'/<1. "5'; , P<::..D. ;::,,I,_m-l ?c_D . 7'7 e;. "'t o HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER iliA THE FOllOWING o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTRAc,NGS/SEP,AS 0 SUBMlfTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER o SHOP DRAWINGS DcoPY OF lEITER ISZf ~...-~,,.-:z..TS. THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU. ACTION CODE. o FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT ~OR YOUR USE ~AS REQUESTED A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E 00 NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FilES NO OF CQPIE:S DATE DRAWING OR ITEM NO DESCFUPTION/REl.tARKS ACTION CODE I :Z/I Ii?? ? ;-1.2 /'vI /J ~ '- L-A~<c:;, ~~',~,-,Jj,2~cJ~ ,4~ (~LJ'-~"5.7"?../~ LJS/~ F'E.:?L.4/~/\.-IC=r-7S j:"-.c-~-,Jc.-'/V, __ ;.-<-E/VtC=H'/ 01= L''''..->rI T I .c:oMP~:rI=JA"_k=- ?~I Bc-~-! ~ / APD~"'./::::"-'M TO MAP/LEr A,J~-G$ 2:>'( rnONP:So'r-l ~D""/;:SU,-;;J,-,? / ,../.e-. iI/( lfoE7h?-5 ALXZ::>='~D~ho1 5..I....~1Z-Iz.GE~ ~'op/&Voof(O<" e-"-=-",,e-NT .{ 41;11Y1 ;.J;L...'- -ST4Z>Y - :S'e'.:: P,A6<J~ 2.. IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o FILE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV I SIGNED 6--1 ~.<-,L-- Y A JJ.=;T I'=' . ~ no addi~ional commercial land is needed at the subject sites based on the methodology used to allocate commercial acreage (which includes all commercial lumped together'such as office. personal services, hotels/motels, nursing homes and ACLF's, marine commercial and other ~iscellaneous uses in commercial districts) in the City's Comprehensive Plan is much too generic an approach. Site specific analysis is required to make such a determination. Given the commercial categories comprisi~g all commercial land uses within the City of Boynton Beach a~e lumped together in the Comprehensive Plan (particularly on the supply side - ACLF's, nursing homes, marine commercial, etc.) and the fact that Boynton Beach as well as Palm Beach County used supply and demand figures based ,on acreage rather tha,~ on square feet in their Comprehensive Plans, our response is based on g~oss acreages, even though, as already pointed out, we believe this approach is ~oo generic and a site specifiC analysis for par~icular types of commercial uses Oil a square footage basis is more appropriate. In the Economic Element of Palm Beach County's Comprehensive Plan, the trade area of the subject sites falls within both Planning Areas 5A and 5B (subject sites in Planning Area 5B). In both tHese Planning Areas, the Economic Element indicates that a sllortfall in commercial acres exists. In Planning Area 58, commercial land use needs are estimated at 1,153 acres in 1990, while occupied co~mercial acres* are estimated at 1.042 a supply shortfall of 111 acres., In Planning Area 5A (located to the direct west of 5B - predominantly unincorporated Palm Beach County), commercial land use needs are estimated at 310 acres in 1990, while occupied commercial acres* are estimated at 224 - a supply shortfall of 85 acres+, The approach taken by CH2M Hill (the County's Economic Consui~ant) was to estimate the relationship between population and commercial development using an input-output model, and after making adjustments to reflect anticipated changes in demographics and employment character, they estimated future demands for commercial lands as a function of projected levels of population, It is also important to point out that the analysis performed by CH2M Hill recommended an addi~ional 5 year inventory above current needs be permitted/designated in each Planning Area to allow time for the development process to occur. Therefore, the 1995 recommended acreage figures of 1,303 acres in 53 and 502 acres in SA are indicated in terms of what should be allowed to be designated and zoned for development during 1990. which serves to increase the supply shortfall and supports the results of our market analyses, * Occupied commercial acres includes all developed, zoned or designated commercial land, :~ RECEIVED ,- -' . '-;,-~~ EXHIBIT H DEe 7 1990 P\.P.NNING DE.PT. _Addendum to Market Analyses by Thompson ConSUlting,Inc. Boynton Beach and Knuth Road P.C.D. 's for ,EJ.c>y"..1::PJOS"''''s.b,....9.p..r:rlP..r::,'''b'2,,,..''',,i,y.'''.. F.'lar1n'9.P,n.,.?,:L<:i"'r..."'..1::,.2_'?"."..r::."'J,,,,..1::..,,,<:i....,t.ce cgm.,r:rl,"',r..,c;"j..a..J,.....c!.."'m.a,n...cJ/",ypp,],y : The subject requests conform with Policy 1,19.6 which indicates that subsequent to Plan adCPtion the City shculd not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has be",n projected. >'.."..J.."ss it can be demonstrated that a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by existing commercially- zoned property, Within the trade area (refined from the 1-3 mile radius normally associated with a neighborhood/community sized S~opping center, factoring in physical barriers to access such as ~8ads/Ganals, as well as shopping patterns and the location of existing comoetitive/compa~able uses), all existing competitive/comparable space as well as approved/in process space and zoned property was accounted for in the supply side of the market analyses. Within the same trade area, demand was derived based on estimated retail space per capita figures and the estimated pop~lation in the trade area. The retail space per' capita figures were developed using retail sales data cornoi led for Pal," Beach County by the State 'of Florida (by retai 1 use classifications) supplemented with comparable data from Sales and Marketing Management's Survey of 8~ying Power, and sales per square foot for the same retail use classifications from the Urban Land Institute. A comparison of Gstimated demand versus supply within the trade area (geographic area) clearly indicated that the proposed centers could be supported in base year 1990. Estimated Demard = 3,933.598 square feet~ Estimated Supply = 3.378,430 square feet~ Estimated Supply Shortfall = 555.168 square feet~ In addition, with projected population increases in the trade area ~:J 92,801 by 1995, an estimated 4.580,758 square feet could be SL:~ported in the trade area which extends more than 2.0 miles west of the Knuth Road (western corporate limits of the City of Boynt~I' Beach - usi~g Boynton Beach Boulevard as an east/west poin~ of reference). Hence, a substantial portion of uninc2rporated Palm Beach County (wester~n boundary sf trade area is E~ Clair Ranch Road) is included in the trade 2!'"'ea given the subje2t sites are located on the wester~ periphery of the exist~~g corporate limits of the City of Boynton Beach. While the CityTs Comprehensive Plan indicates an existing over- alloc'2~ion of commercial land use, the trade area associated witf, ~he subject projects does not conincide with the corporate limits of Boynton Beach in total. To make a determination that , '. ''''~''H~lKPJilr\.' ~ ~ :l~;b'e g~... ... G5""....~.. c.'. '~i .,oo~'~" B .~~ _"~ ~ -,~,e;ll ,l!.~~~ ~ .... ii. ""Ie~~ '0"':'9.8 ... .~ t; ~clI.a.~e lD"~ i5 :0 ~e:1';ej; U2.~'1 :I :!! ~ li1-;..~::'I"'a.. t2 ~ ~ II ~ :f- o......e i,rt CI U c:l/t -l Q o. "...-... c~"i-' UI ptgOgn._~=o.""a' ;.> ...... a .,_~c a.!! .s.& o.t1 tal ",":I > Y't~~ ,,-otJ 0 Q ~t ;::::I,;r;~a tg~~ TIt 9;~ ,,=..;~:I'" "'Oil":': ~:~ g 1~o;;'3 ~~~~ i ~ to ~~:: oSl tor: 1 ~ n.~ ~UI" CI .a "0'" ~ ; ~ aJ ~ ~ /0 ~ ~ ~ ~ -P"'Il "0 rIJ ~ OJ ~ cd ~ "' ". " '. " " ~~.---"" { -\1'" .. " .,' " ," ,. .... r~ . Q .~ \I). ~t'*9 ~~eG 1-; ~'i tX'g~ ~U~eti': i~ e e 0 ~:It... l:; ~"%. ~ ~.{e :; >- c t ::; 5~- .~-at:-~ ~~t:... ~fj-9Cl ...., ='~ Yl O!1 n c ::1--.3 OCUli :s-~a~ ....... 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Il "' . ~ ~ 2 ~ -@- ...,,.,\001I.........,1&:) .. . , -' ____..___._._,~_ _---'.l.. ., Knd.y ft AlIlIOCi_ Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 De~lllIlleP522 ~ F8lelJ07l 689-2592 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 Re: Knuth Road P.C.D. - Ref. #799.5 Boynton Beach P.C.D. - Ref. #799.9 Tara Oaks P.D.D. - Ref #799.10 Dear Mr. Cutro, Pursuant to our meeting on 11/30/90, following for your review: we have enclosed the -Letter from Mr. K. S. Rogers, Traffic Consultant for the applicant. detailing confirmed road improvements that positively affect the traffic analysis for Knuth~oad P.C.D and Boynton Beach Blvd. P.C.D. -Proposal from CZR, Inc., Environmental Consultants, for possible Gopher Tortoise relocation on the Tara Oaks site. This proposal was requested over a month ago in anticipation of the need to relocate most of the Gopher Tortoise on site due to habitat overpop\llation. While we feel that the Tara Oaks site has be on disturbed to the point that it is not a viable native habitat, we are committed to preserving habitat if the City so desires. We have contacted Tom Fucigna with CZR and requested that they amend tha above noted proposal to include an environmental assessment of the site. We expect to work with CZR in preparing support documentation for our response report to D.C.A, The above information shoulu help alleviate any concerns you may have regarding approvalS for the above noted projects. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don't hesitate to call. RECEIVED Sincerely, at:;# / //:/ .~ //e://~--'--_u- 4.~/ / Chuck Yannette 0iC .. lWJ PLANNING DEPT. K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC. 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 December 3, 1990 Mr. Christopher Cutro Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 120 N.E. 2nd Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Reply to DCA Response Dear Cutro: We have been asked to prepare a reply to the comments prepared ~ the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) concerning the compati-, bility of the traffic impacts from these proposed commercial ' developments and the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Since the preparation of the Traffic Impact Analysis for the two projects, a number of traffic related developments have tran- spired which impact these projects. These traffic developments are: 1. Palm Beach County has awarded the contract for and construction has commenced on the four laning of Woolbright Road (S.W. 15th Avenue) between Congress Avenue and Military Trail. Computer estimates prepared by Palm Beach County show that there is expected to be a 10,000 trip per day decrease in traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard between Military Trail and Congress Avenue and a 3,000 trip per day decrease in traffic on Boynton Beach Boulevard between Congress and 1-95. 2. Palm Beach County has awarded the contract for and construction has commenced for the expansion from four to six lanes of Congress Avenue from Boynton Beach Boulevard north of Miner Road. 3. Palm Beach County has awarded the contract for and construction has commenced for the expansion from two to six lanes for Military Trail from Boynton Beach Boulevard north to Hypoluxo Road. Mr. Christopher Cutro, Planning Director, City of Boynton Beach December 3, 1990 Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Page Two 4. The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) has committed to the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard from two to four lanes from the Florida Turnpike to El Clair Ranch Road and from two to six lanes from El Clair Ranch Road to Military Trail. This construction is scheduled to commence during the first quarter of 1991. 5. FDOT has scheduled the construction of the interchange on 1-95 with N. W. 22nd Avenue during the current fiscal year. This interchange is expected to initially divert a minimum of 8,000 trips per day off of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Con- gress Avenue and 1-95 and off of Congress Avenue between Boynton Beach Boulevard and N.W. 22nd Avenue. 6. Palm Beach County has scheduled improvements to the link of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and 1-95 which will expand that link to a six lane road. This work will be completed during the current year. The completion of this considerable list of roadway projects will provide a substantial amount of additional roadway capacity in the area around these two projects. These improvements will also allow for the redistribution of traffic away from Boynton Beach Boulevard and Congress Avenue and onto Woolbright Road (S.W. 15th Avenue) and onto N.W. 22nd Avenue. With this additional roadway capacity and the redistribution of traffic which is expected, it is concluded that there is adequate roadway capacity available for these two projects and that the City's goals and objectives for providing adequate capacity have been met. Very truly yours, K.S. Fla. S, P.E. No. 20468 KSR/jr (cr:commtp2.krd:Dec90#1) , , if '1 . Kild8Y & A880ci8teS Landscape ArchitectslPlanners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 ............. . November 12, 1990 NOV ]" 106; PLANNINQ ()it!':, Hr. Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, Knuth Road PCD & Tara Oaks PUD Dear Hr. Cutro, Thank you for the opportunity of allowing me to respond to the Objections, Recommendations, and Comments Report (ORC) prepared by the Florida Department of Community Affairs staff for the above referenced projects. At the time the three (3) projects were approved, I was concerned that some of the City staff's comments in their memoranda regarding Comprehensive Plan consistency would result in further negative responses from the Department of Community Affairs. For that reason, I prepared and submitted to the City Council an "Applicant's Response" for each of the three projects for discussion at the time of the Public Hearing. These documents examined many of the consistency issues raised in the City staff's report and attempted to clarify that the proposals were in fact consistent with the Plan. I have attached these reports herein for your review as you were not present at the time of the Public Hearings. However, in organizing my responses to better address the DCA comments, ] have prepared a new report which includes some of the previous information as well as new information for issues not previously identified. After reading the DCA report I must say that most, if not all, of the concerns expressed therein can be resolved by providing the staff reviewer with additional information. (For instance, the increased intensity in Tara Oaks allowed for the clustering of units on the north side of the property.) I have therefore structured my response in terms of the specific Chapter 9J-5 Rule referenced as well as any Boynton Beach Goals and Objectives discussed in the Mr. Christopher Cutro November 13, 1990 Page Two report and any other Goals and Objectives of relevance which I believe support the requested amendments. Finally, I have provided additional historical, site specific, and/or detailed information which normally is not considered in generalized land use designations but has relevance in terms of meeting the Goals and Objectives of the Plan. I will be glad to meet with you to review this response in even greater detail. Please let me know if I can be of any further help. Thank you. Sincerely, i: ~ .~, t? ~ ~ ry-Q-fe!:'~/'-I th'eran J. K Iday U Kilday & AlIlIOCletu Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 KNUTH ROAD P.C.D. APPLICANTS RESPONSE A. Whether the proposed rezoning would be ccnsistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations cr requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Simultaneous with the application for rezoniLg, the applicant requested an amendment to the existing Land Cse designation and text for Area 7.j. of the Future Land Use Element Support Document. If these amendments are approved, the subsequent rezoning will be consistent with the amended text. Page 40 of the plan specifically allows additional commercial designations "for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial areas." The applicant contends ttat this site meets these requirements. 1. The property already has a Commercial Desjgnation in Palm Beach County. The County adopted Comprehenshe Plan designated the north 450 feet High Intensive Commercial and the remainder as commercial Recreation. There is an existing approval allowing for the construction of a ~olf and tennis center including driving range for this property. The City plan also designates the North 250 feet for Local Retail Commercial. The issue is only one of whether the Local Retail commercial should be extended to include the entire site, a "minor boundary adjustment." 2. Much of the commercial inventory referenced by staff is located in other areas of the City where lack of demand and/or dimensions make the future prospect of development unlikely. Modern shopping facilities include larger anchor stores than even several years ago. The eXl,sting recommended depth of 250 feet cannot accommocate a modern center and violates the City policy of "discouraging strip commercial development." Much of the availab::e commercial inventory is along U.S. 1 and is of insufficient depth to accommodate these uses. Additionally, the nEW uses wish to locate in an area where the population can slCpport the uses. Knuth Road PCD Applicant's Response Page 2 of 4 Again ,much of the vacant commercial land is in the wrong place. Lastly, the location of the mall in this area has designated this geographic area as a prime commercial location attracting users to where people are already going. 3. The intersection of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard is already designated for commercial development consistent with the City policy of "encouraging commerci21 uses to be located at intersections. Knuth Road has been designated to be routed to provide a major entrance to the Boynton Beach Mall to the North and the applicant has agreed to construct Knuth Road to provide continuity to Woolbright Road to the South. Woolbright Road is scheduled to be constructed by the County in fiscal year 1990-1991. 3. The applicant feels that this property is also an infill situation. All of the land surrounding it is elready developed. The text for Area 7.j. specifically recommends Local Retail commercial for a portion of the ~,i te. As the property is a single entity the applicant is requesting that only this one land use be applied to the site, The applicant believes a properly designed planned Commercial Development allows for appropriate infill and transition between this intersection and the Quail Ridge golf Course teo the south and west. Staff recognizes that the development should have no adverse impact on Quail Ridge. B. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. As previously indicated the property to the north and east the petition is currently being utilized for commercial purposes. The existing commercial depth of the property to the east is significantly deeper that the 250' suggested by staff. The applicant is not requesting that a. new use be applied to his site, only that the designated use of the frontage be allowed sufficient depth to permi~ a modern designed planned commercial Development. The ?lanned Commercial Development is designed to mitigata any impact with the residential property to the west, sc~th and east through the use of landscape buffers and walls. Furthermore, the applicant is required to signalize the intersection thereby benefitting the residencas who now must negotiate this dangerous intersection without a light. Knuth Road PCD Applicant's Response Page 3 of 4 C. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. The proposed use has probably been the best use for the property for some time. Because the property was already designated Commercial in part the applicant assumed that t he whole site could be utilized for commercial purposes at such time that development was timely and proper. The application for a Planned Commercial Development reflects the changing times in shopping center developments where integrated plans supercede old strip commercial development which would occur if the site was built according to the existing plan. The current designation was assigned by staff with no input from the property owner. D. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The proposed use constitutes a significant decrease in the amount water and sewer connections required Lnder the Moderate and Local Retail designations. Mr. K.S. Rogers has addressed the issues raised in Mr. Keller's letter. Because this application was submitted to Boynton Beach prior to February 1, 1990 it is not sUbject to the Municipal Implimentation Ordinance. (See letter of Mr. Cannon.) E. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and noarby properties, or would affect the property values of adj accmt or nearby properties. The proposed use is entirely consistent with the existing and future land uses to the north, and east. Tho applicant has designed the Planned commercial Development::o minimize any impact on adjacent neighbors. Staff has concluded that the proposed use would have no negative effect on Quail Ridge due to the existing buffers and separation of homes because of the golf course design. The applicant has me~ with the adjacent neighbors in Stonehaven several times, and offered a separate agreement guaranteeing certain buffering conditions between Stonehaven P.U.D. and the Applicant. F. Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. The applicant contends that the property is ,~ot developable under existing zoning for the following reasons: Knuth Road PCD Applicant's Response Page 4 of 4 1. The existing depth of the Local Retail commercial designation promotes strip commercial development which is not in the interest of good planning or markGtable. 2. The small parcel of land remaining cannot be properly developed into a residential community as it is too small for developing a sense of community. G. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a sc~le which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighjorhood and the City as a whole. The applicant has submitted a market analysis indicating that this project is supportable by existing and future populations. The staff has accepted the findings of this analysis. This use will have not effect on the Central Business District as there are no properties in that area of similar configuration which would allow a development of this type. H. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The applicant has reviewed the City inventory of commercial lands and has determined there are no other sites of similar size, shape, and location except for the companion petition, Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. The value of this site is particularly enhanced by its location at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard which is a major accessway to Boynton Beach Mall. Kilday & AlI8OClat.. Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.C.D. APPLICANTS RESPONSE A. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Simultaneous with the application for rezoning, the applicant requested an amendment to the existing Land Use designation and text for Area 7.k. of the Future Land Use Element Support Document. If these amendments are approved, the subsequent rezoning will be consistent with the amended text. Page 40 of the Plan specifically allows additional commercial designations "for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial areas." The applicant contends that this site meets these requirements. Much of the commercial inventory referenced by staff is located in other areas of the City where lack of demand and/or dimensions make the future prospect of development unlikely. Modern shopping facilities include larger anchor stores than even several years ago. Much of the available commercial inventory is along U.S. 1 and is of insufficient depth to accommodate these uses. Additionally, the new uses wish to locate in an area where the population can support the uses. Again much of the vacant commercial land is in the wrong place. Lastly, the location of the mall in this area has designated this geographic area as a prime commercial location attracting users to where people are already going. The applicant feels that this property is alsc an infill situation. All of the land surrounding it is already developed. The text for Area 7.k. specifically recommends C-4 zoning and the existing post office as legitimate and desirable uses. These uses abut the site. The applicant believes a properly designed Planned Commercial Development allows for appropriate infill and transition between these more intensive uses and the residential property to the west. Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Applicant's Response Page 2 of 4 Furthermore Policy 1.19.6 of the Plan states that commercial designations can be allowed when "it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses." The parcel of property is located at the intersect:~on of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Bouleva;'d directly adjacent to the post office and County zoned Industrial properties. The current designation of high density multifamily fronting on Boynton Beach Boulevard is not in the best interest of the city. Because of the intensity of the location and adjacent uses, the chance of quaL,ty residential development is slim. The Comprehensive Plan already indicates that the City will have a surplus of 539 rental apartments at buildout. This application eliminates 159 of those units. The Plan'also indicates that "the City should continue its policy of encouraging commercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip commercial development." This application, located at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard, meets this criteria. The intersection is already signalized and the applicant has offered to allow access to t:le intersection from the adjacent post office. B. Whether the proposed rezoning would be con':rary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby distri,cts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an:.ndividual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. As previously indicated, the property to the north, east, and south of the petition is currently being utiliO'.ed for Commercial or Institutional purposes. The Planned Commercial Development is designed to mitigate any impact with the residential property to the west and southwest. Furthermore, the design allows access to the post office at a signalized intersection (Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Boulevard) providing a benefit to the Boynton citizens in both the incorporated and unincorporated area. C. Whether changed or changing conditions mak., the proposed rezoning desirable. The proposed use has probably been the best use for the property for some time. Because the property was owned by absentee owners (University of Florida Trust)~he question of its ultimate use has never previously been discussed in detail. The current designation was assigned b.J staff with no input from the property owner. Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Applicant's Response Page 3 of 4 D. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other pUblic facilities. The proposed use constitutes a significant decrease in the amount of water and sewer connections required under the High Density designation. Mr. K.S. Rogers has addr,~ssed the issues raised in Mr. Keller's letter. Because this application was submitted to Boynton Beach prior to February:, 1990 it is not subject to the Municipal Implimentation O:dinance. (See letter of Mr. Cannon.) E. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or woulCl affect the property values of adjacelt or nearby properties. The proposed use is entirely consistent with the existing and future land uses to the north, east, and SOUtl, as previously stated. The applicant has designed the Plannej Commercial Development to minimize any impact on adjacent neighbors. To that end, the applicant has met with the adja:::ent neighbors several times, and offered a separate agreemeat guaranteeing certain buffering conditions between Stonehav3n PUD. and the applicant. F. Whether the property is physically and ec~nomically developable under the existing zoning. The applicant contends that the property is not developable under existing zoning for the following reasons: 1. The location of the property at a major intersection with surrounding intensive and industrial type uses makes any residential use unfeasible. 2. The property has considerable muck deposits. All building pads will have to be demucked at a considerable expense. The total building coverage of the Planned Commercial Development is much less and more compact than a High Density residential development. The applicant does not believe a residential project can absorb the ccst of this process. G. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neightorhood and the City as a whole. Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Applicant's Response Page 4 of 4 The applicant has submitted a market analysis indicating that this project is supportable by existing and flCture populations. The staff has accepted the findings of this analysis. This use will have no effect on the Central Business District as there are no properties jn that area of similar configuration which would allow a development of this type. H. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The applicant has reviewed the City inventory of commercial lands and has determined there are no other SJ_tes of similar size, sJ1ape, and location except for the compccnion petition, Knuth Road, PCD. The value of this site is particularly enhanced by its location at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard which is a major accessway to Boynton Beach Mall. Kilday & A8IIOClataa Landscape Architects/Planners 155t Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 TARA OAKS PUD APPLICANTS RESPONSE A. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies. The planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant contends that the proposed char:ge in Land Use Designation is consistent with the policies of the Plan. The attached water and sewer consumption calculat,ions indicate that the net result of the proposed changes cnticipated by Tara Oaks PUD, Knuth Road PCD, and Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD will result in a total decrease in the amount of water and sewer required. Additionally, whereas the existing Plan allows for a total of 314 units to be built, the combined proposal results in a reduction of 122 units, This reduction is consistent with the plans assumption that there will be a surplus of 539 units at buildout. B. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to arc individual property owner as contrasted with the proteci,ion of the public welfare. The proposed masterplan undertakes to provide compatibility between the new project and adjacent land uses. All units have been located north of Congress Avenue. ',:.'he type and style and placement of the units is similar i:o the project immediately to the east, Clipper Cove. The property to the south of Congress Avenue adjacent to Lakes of Tara is designated for open space and a church, both passive land uses. C. Whether changed or changing conditions mccke the proposed rezoning desirable. There is an existing zoning approval for thi:; property which has never been built. The prime reasons for !lot building are the shape of the property (very narrow due to right-of-way for Knuth Road) and the cost of the construc~ion of Knuth Road which is prohibitive but a responsibility of whomever Tara Oaks PUD Applicant's Response Page 2 of 2 develops this property, The proposed density has been ascertained utilizing':he cost of this construction and working backward to de~ermine a reasonable impact on a per unit basis. D. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. As indicated by staff, this project meets all requirements of all traffic performance standards, County and City. Water and sewer consumption has ::Jeen discussed previously. E. Whether the propos~d rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent or nearby properties. As indicated by staff, the design of the master plan with similar units abutting similar units on adjacent property results in no negative effect on any surrounding areas. F. Whether the proper~y is physically and economically developable under the ,~xisting zoning. As previously discussed, the current land use designation and zoning approval is not economically developable due to the cost of the constructi::m of Knuth Road. G. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole. The scale of the project is identical to the project on adjacent land to the e~st. H. Whether there are ~dequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The proposed use allows for the consolidation of residential dwellings away from Boynton Beach Boulevard. The two companion petitions currently allow for significant residential development in areas which are not desirable. The proposed plan allows for a reasonable use of this property without any adverse impacts on surrounding residences. FACT SHEET PROJECTED TAX REVENUES The City of Bovnton Beach millage rate is 7.9132 (per $1,0001 A. Boynton Be3ch Boulevard PCD 13.371 acee site ESTIMATED VALU~: $13,000,000 X 7.9132 = $102.871.00 TAXES R. Knuth Road PCD 14.76 acr, site ESTIMATED VALUE: $13.775,000 X 7.9132 $109,004.00 TAXES -_._-_._--+._,.~-_.~_._--~ .~-----_._-- ESTIMATED EMPL.OYEES Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Knuth Hoad PCL 290 Employees 320 Employees Tota 1 f;10 Employee Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD WATER USE BEFORE AFTER Units or Gallons units or Gallons Square Feet Sauare Feet 78 units 41,400 192 Units lOl,800 Church (650 seats) 446 77 Units 40,810 46,070 110,900 SF Retail 4,607 SF Retail 11,090 9,100 SF 9,lOO SF Restaurant 21.750 Restaurant 2l 750 l59 Units 84,270 Tara Oaks PUDD Knuth Road PCD 113,000 SF Retail 11,300 7,000 SF Restaurant l7.350 163,736 Sub-Total for Water Use 192,837 ===========================~====================~====================== SEWER USE BEFORE AFTER Units or Gallons Units or Gallons Sauare Feet Sauare Feet Tara Oaks PUD 78 units 7,020 192 units l7,280 Church (650 seats) 446 Knuth Road PCD 77 Units 6,930 46,070 110,900 S:,' Retail 4,607 SF Retail 11,090 9,100 SF 9,lOO SF Restaurant 21. 750 Restaurant 21.750 Boynton Beach 159 Units l4,3l0 Blvd. PCD 113,000 SF Retail 11,300 7,000 SF Restaurant 17 350 sub-Total for Sewer Use 54,617 79,216 GRAND TOTALS 247,454 242,952 Gallons Gallons """~li .' thereafter so long as that person or entity shall have an ownership interest in the property. Nei ther Winchester nor Schroeder shall be under any personal obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements and other arrangements provided for in this Agreement with respect to the real properties which are the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, the Knuth Road PCD and the Tara Oaks PUD applications if the provisions of this Agreement with respect to all of suoh improvements and other arrangements are, by the filing of appropriate instruments, made covenants of record running with the land and binding upon the person or entity having fee simple title to such real properties. The Association shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction and to obtain 'affirlllative injunctive relief to enforCe specificallY the full and timely perforlllance of the obligations set forth in this Agreement concerning the making of such improvements and other arrangements and to enforce any such covenants of record. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, neither Winchester nor Schroeder shall have any personal or other obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements or arrangements provided for in this Agreement as to any of the properties, which are the subject of the referenced applications, unlesS the application pertaining to the property in question receives all final requisite government approvals and final ordinances are adopted by the city of Boynton Beach with respect to same. signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation By: ROGER H. BENNETT Its President AS TO STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. BILL R. WINCHESTER AS TO BILL R. WINCHESTER MICHAEL A: SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE AS TO MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE (Winchester\stonel.Agm\06/l9/90) -7- I 'fild Land pe Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 1407) 689-5522 . Fax: 1407) 689-2592 BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.C.D. APPLICANTS RESPONSE A. Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable Comprehensive Plan policies. The planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent de>velopment of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. Simultaneous with the application for rezoning, the applicant requested an amendment to the existing Land Use designation and text for Area 7.k. of the Future Land Use Element support Document. If these amendments are approved, the subsequent rezoning will be consistent with the amended text. Page 40 of the Plan specifically allows additional commercial designations "for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial areas." The applicant contends that this site meets these requirements. Much of the commerci~l inventory referenced by staff is located in other areas of the City where lack of demand and/or dimensions make the future prospect of development unlikely. Modern shopping facilities include larger anchor stores than even several years ago. Much of the available commercial inventory is along U.S. 1 and is of insufficient depth to accommodate these uses. Additionally, the new uses wish to locate in an area where the population can support the uses. Again much of the vacant corunercial land is in the wrong place. Lastly, the location of the mall in this area has designated this geographic area as a prime commercial location attracting users to where people are already going. The applicant feels that this property is alsc an infill situation. All of the land surrounding it is already developed. The text for Area 7.k. specifically recommends C-4 zoning and the existing post office as legitimate and desirable uses. These uses abut the site. The applicant believes a properly designed Planned Commercial Development allows for appropriate infill and transition between these more intensive uses and the residential property to the west. Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Applicant's Response Page 2 of 4 Furthermore policy 1.19.6 of the Plan states that commercial designations can be allowed when "it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses." The parcel of property is located at the intersect::.on of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach BoulevaJ:d directly adjacent to the post office and County zoned Industrial prope'rties. The current designation of high density multifamily fronting on Boynton Beach Boulevard is not in the best interest of the city. Because of the intensity of the location and adjacent uses, the chance of quaL,ty residential development is slim. The Comprehensive Plan a:Lready indicates that the City will have a surplus of 539 rental apartments at buildout. This application eliminates 159 of those units. The Plan'also indicates that "the City should continue its policy of encouraging commercial uses to be located at intersections, and discouraging strip cOlnmercLll development." This application, located at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Bou18vard, meets this criteria. The intersection is already siqnalized and the applicant has offered to allow access to t:le intersection from the adjacent post office. B. Whether the proposed rezoning would be con':rary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby distr.cts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an ,.ndividual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. As previously indicated, the property to the north, east, and south of the petition is currently being utili::ed for commercial or Institutional purposes. The Planned Commercial Development is designed to mitigate any impact with the residential property to the west and southwest. Furthermore, the design allows access to the post office at a signalized intersection (Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winc:lester Boulevard) providing a benefit to the Boynton citizens in both the incorporated and unincorporated area. C. Whether changed or changing conditions mak" the proposed rezoning desirable. The proposed use has probably been the best US8 for the property for some time. Because the property was owned by absentee owners (University of Florida Trust) '~he question of its ultimate use has never previously been discussed in detail. The current designation was assigned b'T staff with no input from the property owner. Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Applicant's Response Page 3 of 4 D. Whether the proposed rezoning would be cornpatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. The proposed use constitutes a significant decrease in the amount of water and sewer connections requirer[ under the High Density designation. Mr. K.S. Rogers has addr",ssed the issues raised in Mr. Keller's letter. Because this application was submitted to Boynton Beach prior to February "l, 1990 it is not subject to the Municipal Implimentation Q,:dinance. (See letter of Mr. Cannon.) E. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or woula affect the property values of adjacelt or nearby properties. The proposed use is entirely consistent with che existing and future land uses to the north, east, and sout1, as previously stated. The appl~cant has designed the plannei Commercial Development to minimize any impact on adjacen~ neighbors. To that end, the applicant has met with the adja:::ent neighbors several times, and offered a separate agreeme1t guaranteeing certain buffering conditions between Stonehav~n PUD. and the applicant. F. Whether the property is physically and ec~nomically developable under the existing zoning. The applicant contends that the property is n~t developable under existing zoning for the following reasons: l. The location of the property at a major intersection with surrounding intensive and industrial type uses makes any residential use unfeasible. 2. The property has considerable muck deposits. All building pads will have to be demucked at a considerable expense. The total builcing coverage of the Planned commercial Development is much less and more compact than a High Density residential development. The applicant does not believe a residential project can absorb the ccst of this process. G. Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neightorhood and the City as a whole. Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD Applicant's Response Page 4 of 4 The applicant has submitted a market analysis indicating that this project is supportable by existing and ftcture populations. The staff has accepted the findings of this analysis. This use will have no effect on the central Business District as there are no properties jn that area of similar configuration which would allow a devE:lopment of this type. H. Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed. The applicant has reviewed the City inventory of commercial lands and has determined there are no other SJ,tes of similar size, snape, and location except for the compccnion petition, Knuth Road, PCD. The value of this site is particularly enhanced by its location at the intersection of Winchester Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard which is a major accessway to Boynton Beach Mall. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O, 80x 310 80)'nton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (4071734,8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR october 26, 1990 Attn: Mr. Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates l55l Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, Fl 3340l RE: Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD, Knuth Road PCD, & Tara Oaks PCD Dear Mr. Kilday: We have recently received the Florida Department of Community Affairs' Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report (ORC) which contains responses to the above-referenced comprehensive Plan amendments, and am forwarding them to you for your review. A copy has also been provided to the City's Forester/Environmen- talist, and as soon as his comments regarding the scrub habitat, and endangered and threatened species are available, they will be provided to you. As indicated in the Report, the comments must be addressed, amendments revised and adopted, and resubmitted for compliance review within 60 days. Please review the report and provide our office with your responses to each objection by November 13, 1990. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. ,/ Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH @:t;:; \ I ------ ~ --,,- CHRISTOPHER CUTRO, AICP planning Director MR:frb Enc C:Ki1day STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE' TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ C....... October 22, 1990 THOMAS G, PELHAM SKr~.ry The Honorable Gene Moore Mayor of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mayor Moore: The Department has completed its review of the proposed comprehensive plan amendments (DCA No. 90-2 and 90S1) for the city of Boynton Beach, submitted on July 10 and 26, 1990. Copies of the proposed amendments have been distributed to appropriate state, regional, and local agencies for their review and their comments are enclosed. I am enclosing the Department's objections, Recommendations and Comments Report, issued pursuant to Rule 9J-ll.010, Florida Administrative Code. Upon receipt of this report, the city of Boynton Beach has 60 days in which to adopt the proposed amend- ments, adopt the amendments with changes, or reject the amendments. The process for adoption of amendments to local comprehensive' plans is outlined in s.163.3184, Florida statutes, and Rule 9J-11.01l, Florida Administrative Code. The Objections, Recommen- dations and Comments Report does not include objections relating to the stipulated Settlement Agreement amendments; however, objections have been raised'on the other amendments which have been submitted. within five working days of the date of adoption, the city of Boynton Beach must submit the following to the Department: Five copies of the adopted comprehensive plan amendme~ A signed copy of the adoption ordinance; <:lSl11lEI> A listing of additional changes not previously reviewedGCT 24 ~ PLANNING DEPT. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSINC AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AN!, MANA<..tm'.. ~ The Honorable Gene Moore october 22, 1990 page Two A listing of findings by the local governing body, if any, which were not included in the ordinance; and A statement indicating the relationship of the additional changes to the Department's Objections, Recommendations and comments Report. The above amendments and documentation are required for the Department to conduct the compliance review, make a compliance determination and issue the appropriate notice of intent. As a deviation from the requirement above, you are requested to provide one of the five copies of the adopted amendment directly to the Executive Director of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning council. The regional planning councils have been asked to review adopted amendments to determine local comprehensive plan consistency with the Comprehensive Regional policy Plan. Please forward these documents to the regional planning council concurrent with your transmittal to the Department. Your cooper- ation is appreciated in this matter. If you have any questions, please contact Robert Pennock, Chief, Bureau of Local planning, or Maria Abadal, Plan Review Administrator at (904) 487-4545. sincerely, ~a~ r.or. Division of ~:~o~~e planning and Management ~ RGN/tmm Enclosures: Revi$w Agency Comments cc: James J. Golden, Interim planning Director Daniel M. Cary, Executive Director, Treasure Coast Regional planning council " Memorandum Page 2 Pursuant to a telephone discussion with Terry Manning of DCA: L Terry Manning has not had an Boynton's proposed amendments but on the phone she noted which ones opportunity to wh i Ie ta I king were ours. review to her 2. Additional information (from appropriate at this time and reviewed. (Identical packets submitted to the various review something after the fact would their format.) any source) would not be would probably not be of information are agencies and to submit not be in keeping with 3. Subsequent to review by the appropriate agencies an ORC report will be submitted to Boynton Beach by October 21, 1990. She did invite us to contact her if after reviewing the ORC report we had any questions or comments. The City has 60 days after receiving the ORC report to review and respond to it. (This includes also the final adoption of the proposed Plan amendments.) 4. She did say that DCA will probably raise their most common objection for these parcels which is, "How does this affect the Land Use Element overall?". The objection is less an objection to the Commercial than is an objection that the impact has not been addressed one way or another. (In our case the issue of more commercial than required by their Plan.) 5. If the proposed amendments objections contained in the addressed by the City of justification provided. are adopted then ORC report should Boynton Beach and any be a 6. Within five working days after adoption, Boynton must submit the adopted Camp Plan Amendment Ordinance and their responses to the ORC report. 7. DCA then has 45 days after adoption to review the Ordinance and the City responses to the ORC report prior to issuing their Notice of Intent that the Plan either is or is not in compliance. (This is where the second review bY Treasure Coast takes place.) Terry noted here that 90% of the time Plan amendments are accepted.) Notes: Terry has made clarification a note whi Ie to contact reviewing the me if she amendments needed any prior to , .. Memorandum Page 3 -' submitting the ORC report. She said that she is very familiar with the Boynton Beach situation not only because she is on the team that reviewed Boynton's Camp Plan initially, but because the former Planning Director, Tim Cannon is coming to work for DCA. Terry wi 11 also be reviewing Amendments and was on the team County Plan initially. Palm Beach County's Camp Plan that reviewed the Palm Beach , < , Kilday & AlISOCiat8S Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach. Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: (407) 689-2592 0./,"1_ f'u7NIi,IV& f7w MAILED OUT ,,' City of Boynton Beach Planning 200 N. Seacrest Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 DME September 18, 1990 PROJECT NAME ,.~; 1""lrol.....cr.~~r.:o.r ATT J. Scott Miller PROJECT NUMBE~ 799.5 & 799.9 WE TRANSMIT @ HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOLLOWING o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTAAc,NGS,SEP,AS 0 SUBMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER o SHOP DRAWINGS QcOPY OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTiON CODE: o FOR APPROVAL 0 FDA REVIEW & COt.AMENT @.OR YOUR USE D AS REQUESTED A REvIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o REsuBMIT E 00 NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FilES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO CODE 1 9-13-90 Attached please find a copy of a memorandum that was sent to Bill Winchester & Mike Schroede r. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office! IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED, KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o R- ~--~~-~D . .D ''l..., j~ -1 <.,t jJ 't FilE CODE ~tP 19 1990 SHOP DRAWING DIV CITY i'lI\;,':\C:::<; a@k/JfJ~ SIGNED For: Chuck Yannette , , .... ."" Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/Planners , 551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 . Fax: 1407) 689-2592 M E M 0 RAN DUM TO: Bill Winchester Mike Schroeder FROM: Linda Kender DATE: September 13, 1990 RE: DCA & Treasure Coast Review LUP's OUR FILE NO: Winchester 799.5 & 799.9 I spoke to Terry Hess of Treasure Coast Regional Council explained again about the review process steps as follows: Planning with the 1. Draft amendments (as approved required to be sent to Treasure day time frame allowed for begins from receipt of the Treasure Coast also requests municipality as wella by the municipality) are Coast from DCA. The 45 review by l'reasure Coast amendments from DCA. courtesy copies from the 2_ An ORC (Objections~ Recommendations and is then assembled at DCA and is sent Beach within 90 days from the time amendments were transmitted to DCA. Comments) report back to Boynton that the draft 3. Boynton Beach receives the DCA ORC report and schedules the final adoption within 60 days. 4. After final adoption the amendments then go back to DCA and Treasure Coast for a second review for consistency and report back to DCA. DCA has 45 days after final adoption of the amendments to respond to Boynton Beach. 5. Terry Hess further expects that the trend will be that local governments will have to review proposed site specific Land Use amendments in the light of impacts on other elements of the Comprehensive Plan. - R E HIT TAN C E A D V ICE PAY HEN T DUE I N 1 5 DAY 1035-0784-7 ACCOlM' NUMBER 4-038-13390 INVOICE NUMBER 07/20/90 DATE ~l~~f~o~~~!!~; 7AH - 7PH CST I 195.00 I AHOUNT DUE 1 AIRBILLS 1035078440381339089001950085 DON 0 T S TAP LED R PAP E R C LIP TO INSURE PROPER CREDIT, PLEASE RETURN THIS OOCUMENT HITH YOUR REHITTANCE 10086**************** 5-DIGIT 33425 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH S RANDOLPH POBOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 RECEIVED HAIl PAYMENT TO: FEOERAL EXPRESS CORP PO BOX 1140 DEPT A MEMPHIS, TN 38101-1140 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE JUL 25 1990 ~~-o.!..~~ ___ __----9UEST10NS1 CALL. OUR BIL.L1NG SERVICE CENTER, 800-622-1147, 7 AM - 7 PM (CST) MONDAY-FRIDAY SENDER ACTIVITY SUMMARY PAGE 1 OF , DATE 07/20/9( INVOICE NO. 4-038-13390 ACCOUNT NO. 1035-0784-7 TRACKING NOS SENDiR'S NAME RECIPIENT INFORMATION AND PACKAGES NET REFERENCE ANO DDRESS PROOF OF DELIVERY & HEIGHT SERVICES CHARGES CHARGES 7240983223* CITY OF BoYN-JON R PENNOCK CHMF l~ is HUNDR~g"l PO 190.00 ~ TY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~DCAL PLANNI STATE OF FLA ADORE oRR 5.00 00 EAST B2YUTON BEACV BL~ 740CENTERVIEH131 oYNTON BE C , L 3435 TALLAHASSEE 'Fb 32399 AA D~LIVERED Ot/~7/90 9:27 --------- 91748694 2 SHIPPED 07/16/90 S GNEO: L.K M 3/ 90 195.00 SENDER SUBTOTAL 195.00 PAY THIS AHDUNT 195,00 FeclEx~l4$5111 aUESTIONS? CAL.L. OUR BILLING SERVICE CENTER, 800-622-1'47, 7 AM - 7 PM (CST) MONDAY-FRIOAY pro ,.,,1'l BILL TO: ~ITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH 00 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BLVD OYNTON 8EACH, FL 33435 ACTIVITY SUMMARY PAGE 2 OF 9 DATE 07/20/9 INVOICE NO. 4-038-13390 ACCOlM' NO. 1035-0784- * ~~FE~CT~~SIAUDf~~D I~6fctIR~~oR CORRECT PIECES. HEIGHT, AND SERVICE. ANY CHANGES HADE ARE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 2740 CENTERVIEW DRIVE' TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399 BOB MARTINEZ THOMAS G. PELHAM Secretary Governor July l8, 1990 Mr. Timothy P. Canon Interim Planning Director city of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-03l0 Dear Mr. Canon: Thank you for submitting copies of your proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) for our review. We have conducted a preliminary inventory of the plan amendment package pursuant to Rule 9J-ll.006, F.A.C., to verify the inclusion of all required materials. Our reference number for this amendment package is Boynton Beach 90-l. The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed in accordance with pro- cedures contained in Chapter 9J-ll, F.A.C. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting docu- mentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. If you have any questions, please contact Georgia Katz at (904) 487-4545. sincerely, RECEIVED R~ a,...-t. Chief k'l planning ) -/ RPjgkr JUL la 1990 PLANNING DEPT. Robert pennock, Bureau of Local EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT. HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT -----------. ------""------ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT ~ @ 100 E. Boynton B..ch Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach. florid. 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 .OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR July lO, 1990 Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning & Management State of Florida Dept. of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 RE: Transmittal of Comprehensive Plan Amendments Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find ten copies of documents for the following Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the City of Boynton Beach: 1. 2. 3. 4. Knuth Road PCD (Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments) Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD (Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments) Tara Oaks PUD (Future Land Use Map and Text Amendments) Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - Future Land Use Map Amendment 5. 6. Winchester Property Text Amendment Adult Entertainment in the Industrial Land Use Category 7. Amendments to Levels of Service for Recreation Facilities 8. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated Settlement Agreement Between The City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- July lO, 1990 The above Amendments were considered by the Planning and Zoning Board on Tuesday, June 12, 1990, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, and also by the City conunission on Tuesday, June 19, 1990, at public hearings which were held after due public notice. The Boynton Beach City conunission has approved the transmittal of these Plan Amendments to the Department of Conununity Affairs. with respect to Rule 9J-l1.006, which outlines the procedure and requirements for transmitting Plan Amendments, please be advised of the following: (l)(a) l. The proposed month of adoption for these Plan Amendments will be based upon the date of completion of DCA's review within the 90 day statutory review period. It is anticipated that second reading of the ordinances to annex, amend the future land use element/text and rezone (where appropriate for each Amendment) will occur within 60 days of receipt of conunents from your agency. Assuming that the documents and information contained herein are sufficient, it is anticipated that second and final reading of the appropriate ordinances for these Amendments will occur in November of this year. (l)(a) 2. The proposed Amendments are not in an area of critical state concern. (l)(a) 3. The proposed Amendments do not constitute an exemption from the twice per year calendar limitation on the adoption of Comprehensive Plan Amendments. (l)(a) 4. The Amendments are not proposed to be adopted under a joint planning agreement. (l)(a) 5. Contact person: James J. Golden senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-03l0 Tel: (407) 738-7490 (l)(b)I&2.Ten copies of the entire amended Comprehensive Plan are enclosed, since this transmittal includes Amendments which address the Notice of Intent to Find The Comprehensive Flan Not in Compliance. The information required for items (l)(b) land (l)(b) 2 is included on the Future Land Use Map. TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -3- July lO, 1990 (l)(b) 3.The size of the subject property for Amendments No. 1 through 4 is contained within the staff report for these Amendments, and is included on the master plans for Amendments No. 1 through 3. The size of the subject property is not applicable to Amendments No. 5 through 8. (l)(b) 4.For Amendments No. l, 2 and 3 above, a description of the availability of and the demand on public facilities is provided as outlined below: Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water Correspondence is provided from the City Utilities Department under cover sheet entitled "Sanitary Sewer and Potable Water" for each of the 3 projects. Solid Waste Correspondence is provided from the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority under cover sheet entitled "Solid Waste" for each of the 3 projects. Drainage Correspondence is provided from the Lake Worth Drainage District under cover sheet entitled "Drainage" for each of the 3 projects. Traffic Circulation All documentation concerning traffic can be found in Exhibit "D" of the 3 staff repo~ts (planning Dept. Memorandums No. 90-157, 90-16l, and 90-l77), with the exception of the applicant's traffic impact analysis, which can be found under the cover sheet entitled "Applicant's Traffic Impact Analysis" for each of the 3 projects. Recreation With respect to Amendments No. l, 2, and 3, the Tara Oaks PUD, Amendment No.3, represents the only residential development of these projects. The recreation issues are outlined in the staff report (planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-177) and the conceptual details are shown on the proposed master plan for the PUD. TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -4- July 10, 1990 With respect to Amendment No.4, the Woolbright Place land use element amendment for poinciana Park was submitted pursuant to a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement for Tradewinds Development Corporation vs. The City of Boynton Beach. The language concerning public facilities for this development is contained in The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element Support Documents (Volume No.1), Section VIII, Planning Area 8, item 8.a. on page 9l. A copy of page 9l can be found in the agenda packet behind planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l48. The remaining Amendments-- No. 5 through 7--are non-development related Amendments that do not create a demand for public facilities. (l)(b) 5. Information regarding the compatibility of the proposed Future Land Use Map Amendments with the Land Use Element objectives and policies and those of other affected elements can be found in the staff report for Amendments 1 through 4, as outlined below: 1. Knuth Road PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-161 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l57 3. Tara Oaks PUD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-177 4. Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l48 (1) (c) The staff recommendations are contained within the memorandum listed under item (l)(b) 5 for Amendments 1 through 4. For Amendments 5 through 8, the staff recommendations are contained in the following memorandums: 1. Reference Amendment *5-Winchester Text Amendment - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-163 2. Reference Amendment *6-Adult Entertain- ment in the Industrial Land Use Category - Planning Dept. Memorandum dated June 4, 1990 from Timothy P. Cannon to the Planning and Zoning Board TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -5- JUly 10, 1990 3. Reference Amendment #7-see par. 4 below 4. Reference Amendment #8-Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to stipulated Settle- ment Agreement Between the City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs and the Planning Dept. Memorandum dated June 4, 1990 from Timothy P. Cannon to the Planning and Zoning Board The recommendations from the Local Planning Agency (Planning and Zoning Board) are outlined below: l. Knuth Road PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l86 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l85 3. Tara Oaks PUD - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-187 4. Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l83 5. Winchester Text Amendment - planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l88 6. Adult Entertainment in the Industrial Land Use Category Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l90 7. Comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated Settlement Agreement between the City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l91 8. Amendments to Levels of Service for Recreation Facilities - Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 90-l91 The recommendations from the Local Government Body (City Commission) are outlined below: l. Knuth Road PCD - see attached draft approval letter 2. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - see attached draft approval letter 3. Tara Oaks PUD - see attached draft approval letter TO: Mr. Robert Pennock -6- July 10, 1990 4. Woolbright place (Poinciana Park) - see attached draft approval letter 5. Winchester Text Amendment - see attached draft approval letter 6. Adult Entertainment in the Industrial Land Use Category--the City Commission unanimously recommended approval of this proposed Amendment 7. Same as *8 below 8. comprehensive Plan Amendments Pursuant to Stipulated settlement Agreement Between the City and the Florida Department of Community Affairs--the City Commission unanimously recommended approval of these proposed Amendments If you have any questions concerning these Plan Amendments, please do not hesitate to contact Senior Planner James J. Golden. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~J!~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Kieran Kilday Central File C:DCADraft CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT @ .~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O, Box 310 Boynlon Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734,8111 June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday l55l Forum Place, Bldg. lOOA West Palm Beach, FL 3340l RE: Winchester Text Amendment - File No. 468 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City commission approved the above-referenced text amendment subject to the staff recommendations contained within Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-l63 (see attached). If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH D R AFT @ 100 E. Boynlon Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynlon Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. lOOA West Palm Beach, FL 3340l RE: Woolbright Place (Poinciana Park) - File No. 47l Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City Commission approved the above-referenced land use element amendment subject to the stipulation that the subject parcel be conveyed by the City concurrently with the conveyance to the City of the park site which is required to be dedicated for the Woolbright Place PUD. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH D R AFT @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (4071734,8111 June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday l55l Forum Place, Bldg. lOOA West Palm Beach, FL 3340l RE: Tara Oaks PUD - File No. 90-473 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on approved the above-referenced land rezoning subject to the following: 1990, the City Commission use element amendment and l) Staff comments contained within Planning Department Memorandum No. l77 (see attached). 2) An amendment to the Future Land Use Element Support Documents of the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate conditions of approval and to mitigate the impact of the proposed PUD on adjacent properties (see attached). 3) Incorporation of the agreement between the homeowner's and the developer in the ordinance to rezone to PCD. 4) Construction of the landscaping, buffers, and walls presented to the City Commission. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT @. .'.,r.,... 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beech, flo,lde 33435.0310 (407) 734.Blll OFFICE OF '!HE PLANNIN:; DIRECIOR June 25, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday l55l Forum Place, Bldg. lOOA West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Knuth Road PCD - File No. 494 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City Commission approved the above-referenced annexation, land use element amendment, text amendment, and rezoning subject to the following: l) staff comments contained within Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-l61, with the exception of the requirement that the mechanical equipment be roof-mounted. The language in the proposed text amendment to Area 7.j is to be modified to allow the mechanical equipment to be ground mounted. 2) Compliance with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach county Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, if the applications are sUbsequently determined to have been submitted incomplete prior to February l, 1990. 3) Incorporation of the agreement between the homeowner's and the developer in the ordinance to rezone to PCD. 4) Construction of the landscaping, buffers, and walls presented to the City Commission. 5) Construction of Knuth Road north of the L.W.D.D. L-25 Canal, including the canal crossing, if this PCD proceeds with construction prior to the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. 6) Prohibition of automobile repair and servicing within the site. TO: Mr. Kieran J. Kilday -2- June 25, 1990 If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.B III June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Bovnton Beach Boulevard PCD - File No. 493 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City commission approved the above-referenced annexation, land use element amendment, text amendment, and rezoning subject to the following: 1) Staff comments contained within planning Department Memorandum No. 90-157, with the exception of the requirement that the mechanical equipment be roof-mounted. The language in the proposed text amendment to Area 7.k is to be modified to allow the mechanical equipment to be ground mounted. 2) Compliance with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance standards Ordinance, if the applications are subsequently determined to have been submitted incomplete prior to February 1, 1990. 3) Incorporation of the agreement between the homeowner's and the developer in the ordinance to rezone to PCD. 4) Construction of Knuth Road north of the L.W.D.D. L-25 Canal, including the canal crossing, if this PCD proceeds with construction prior to the Knuth Road PCD. 5) Construction of the landscaping, buffers, and walls presented to the City commission. 6) Prohibition of automobile repair and servicing within the site. ---~ -- -- -_._~------,---_..,.._- TO: Kieran Kilday - 2 - June 25, 1990 If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs. A:KJKilday ) U (I;;;; " ; CJ ~H^: I"ii P 1 [~~, n r'I'j" i"il iiJ r j C' ': t + ,,) i F' -I IT! ::,:;,:;.: h '~" 1 J t.: 1"1 ';: t j" IJ nt \' ':? t ~ ,', c.'. I" ,l-' v.,I€ p ,'~j 1 m L' s .;' :. i~1 ,-I , . :~; ~~ -tj 0 '':; ",:t. (Jc,t i j:1 ::! t i ~,n f ~,:^I ;I::';: ,51 t 0 i ',I P r 1 " ':.: ,J t 13: Uj'. cI',t "I'f ..6:J (' ! :3 o (\i~I' 3Pcri~~n:0 L' --:: 11 f'i o t:~_" <,,..,!'; t;." :?-; i:7 .:i -~ .3~' e i~- 1: <:..u (" .'\r) j" i 1'3. h-:c'\ \ :?'::j:::': 1-. _,.1 Ll :i'..!\' -~' (~ .,.f '-,'I :9 f) < :::::('i' i"espo:~(I.::n"~: t :1;: -f-::) 'r lov,,' nq. 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I, h pi' CUI' + ~ ;~ __ j,':, :..0:: t< ');:\1"<:' 1-'" :: I,' ;1"1 'i r:::- ,~i ,:1"':0 I~\ i :::. t' '': ifl :"1;:, I', j L n't i i If! ::,1 !',t ;;,' i fi If, 1 [", -; i'l t C, .'", .1; ,;j:0 :.!m~~ iidril":: t] t t 1 j (,71 t' \.! -~ \' I,: '1. t t r (. 'I ~ I,:; i";+ t' I~ .'i T'(; ,j~,::: l' ;" ,::. n'r t ~'I t::'~. 'j t (., t::1 (i'l (, j ,0; i'i (I :-! I, h _ ~,j,)::) 1 I--l.._ , :,,:" . , I, t h _ ---' :J ') :1 -,t "li:'O, d t 11'_" .1.-] 1. I. '. 1 t,: ,:1 t "" t i U 'j ,:111 ot ~ V'2 'I C'r) ":- i' :..--: Ui)nll'~ t,:~ ,. . " f ,\C ,<:1 c n :~, ,loll ill" . "'It' 1 i ,. " tc :'.':' t"; 'I' ';1 t in IT'! i)F R Y~)~O(! SCA ~t ,Iaill ;"1 " ~I (' 0- li 1.,/ P 1 .~" (' c' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT ~ ~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 14071734.8111 June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD - File No. 493 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City Commission approved the above-referenced annexation, land use element amendment, text amendment, and rezoning subject to the following: 1) Staff comments contained within planning Department Memorandum No. 90-157, with the exception of the requirement that the mechanical equipment be roof-mounted. The language in the proposed text amendment to Area 7.k is to be modified to allow the mechanical equipment to be ground mounted. 2) Compliance with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, if the applications are subsequently determined to have been submitted incomplete prior to February 1, 1990. 3) Incorporation of the agreement between the homeowner's and the developer in the ordinance to rezone to PCD. 4) Construction of Knuth Road north of the L.W.D.D. L-25 Canal, including the canal crossing, if this PCD proceeds with construction prior to the Knuth Road PCD. 5) construction of the landscaping, buffers, and walls presented to the City Commission. 6) prohibition of automobile repair and servicing within the site. TO: Kieran Kilday - 2 - June 25, 1990 If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim planning Director JJG:cp Encs. A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH D R AFT @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 14071734-8111 June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Tara Oaks PUD - File No. 90-473 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on approved the above-referenced land rezoning subject to the following: 1990, the City commission use element amendment and 1) Staff comments contained within Planning Department Memorandum No. 177 (see attached). 2) An amendment to the Future Land Use Element Support Documents of the Comprehensive Plan to incorporate conditions of approval and to mitigate the impact of the proposed PUD on adjacent properties (see attached). 3) Incorporation of the agreement between the homeowner's and the developer in the ordinance to rezone to PCD. 4) Construction of the landscaping, buffers, and walls presented to the City Commission. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.BIll June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Woolbright Place (poinciana Park) - File No. 471 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City Commission approved the above-referenced land use element amendment subject to the stipulation that the subject parcel be conveyed by the City concurrently with the conveyance to the City of the park site which is required to be dedicated for the Woolbright Place PUD. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH D R AFT @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.8111 June 26, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Winchester Text Amendment - File No. 468 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City commission approved the above-referenced text amendment subject to the staff recommendations contained within Planning Department Memorandum No. 90-163 (see attached). If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday CITY of BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT ~ @ 100 E. Boynton Be.ch Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Booch, florid. 33435.0310 14071 734.8111 OFFICE OF 'llIE PLANNIN3 D~R June 25, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Knuth Road PCD - File No. 494 Dear Mr. Kilday: Please be advised that on 1990, the City Commission approved the above-referenced annexation, land use element amendment, text amendment, and rezoning subject to the following: 1) Staff comments contained within planning Department Memorandum No. 90-161, with the exception of the requirement that the mechanical equipment be roof-mounted. The language in the proposed text amendment to Area 7.j is to be modified to allow the mechanical equipment to be ground mounted. 2) Compliance with the Municipal Implementation Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, if the applications are subsequently determined to have been submitted incomplete prior to February 1, 1990. 3) Incorporation of the agreement between the homeowner's and the developer in the ordinance to rezone to PCD. 4) Construction of the landscaping, buffers, and walls presented to the City Commission. 5) Construction of Knuth Road north of the L.W.D.D. L-25 Canal, including the canal crossing, if this PCD proceeds with construction prior to the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. 6) Prohibition of automobile repair and servicing within the site. TO: Mr. Kieran J. Kilday -2- June 25, 1990 If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim planning Director JJG:cp Encs A:KJKilday PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-199 TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager THRU: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director ~ FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner DATE: June 18, 1990 SUBJECT: Mall Corner, Inc., Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD and Knuth Road PCD - Requests for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment and Rezoning Attached you will find a copy of the correspondence from Palm Beach County concerning the above-referenced requests. Said correspondence should be included in the City Commission agenda packet for the Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road PCD requests. ~/~ S#J. GOLDEN JJG:frb Enc cc: Central File Board of Count)' Commhlioncra Carol J. Elmquist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus, Vice Chair Carol ^, Ruberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips TEL,No, Jun 17,90 22:47 P,Ol , Coullty Admlnl.trator Jan Wlnt." D'l"'rtdlelll or PI.....d"K. z....;"1I .. J"Udl"lI , , ~ .ACS1X1LB COVBR SKBBT TO TIUl A'l'TENT1QJI 0.1 ""S"fY\ &0 \J.t N I'ROKI q.""1'\f........ tv'\.O"'"'e ~ I 1'"" L..Pt,N"'. '" DATil 6//J'1 to TIUI , IO:~$'" NUMBBR 01' 'AGSS IINCLUDrKG COVBR 8KBZT,a~ COMllliN'l'8: A1;,"J"\lU ~ tf- ~t: \'-1,"'6 fltt..~ l'f"t~' Aar....,:t..vr....) .......:-" '.M ~T 0,"","" ~~"'i' BSljaO I'ILBIJ3/I'ACSIMLB 800 Ilth Strut. WF.5T PALM IJEACli, FLORIVA U406. (40'7) 6'7-4001 palm Beach county Comprehen~ive plan Land U5e Atla~ TEL ~No . Jun 17,90 22:52 P.ll June 12, 1990 James J. Golden, senior City Planner City ot Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard p, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request by Charlene Boynton, Donald LoWQ ana the University of Florida Foundation, Inc, for voluntary anne~ation of 14.76 acres into the city of Boynton Beach. Dear Mr. GOlden: The Planning, zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 14.76 acreB, qenerally located on the South side of Boynton Beach BlVd. approximately 950 feet West of Conqress Avenue. County staff oomments are as follows: 1. P]~NNING DIVISION: stevon Morales, Planner The planning divi~ion has undergone Q review or the proposed ann';'.xation in aooordanoe with chapter 171, Florida Statues and Palm Boach County's Interim Annexation Review Pol icy. Tho proposod annexation is contiguous to the city Of Boynton Beach, reasonably oomp~ct, substantially decreases the size of an Q~istinq service provision enclave, and lies within the City's future ~nnexation area. However, a small enclave of land adj aeent to the proposec1 annexation still exists, Boynton Beach zhould contact the property owners in the enclave and annex this property as soon as possible. The land U3. proposed [or tne slte 18 ln conflict with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Atlas TEL -11I0 . Jun 17,90 22:47 P.02 ~ Page 2 of 4 June 12, 1990 designation. The 1989 comprehensive Plan designates this property as High Residential 8 allowing a maximum of 8 dwelling units per one acre. The proposed land use for the site is planned commercial Development. Please be advised that upon annexation the property is subject to County development reQulations until the property is rezoned by the city (171.062, F.S.). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANA~EMENT' Bob Kraus, Environmen- tal Analyst 'l'he majority of the ..ita appears to ba vgggtated by exotic apeciea including Melaleuca, Bra~ilian Pepper and Australian Pinea, Wetlanda exist on-site particularly in the northeaat oorner of th.. sit... culvertlll were ob..erved alon<] Boynton Beach Blvd., which disoharge stonnwater from tha road onto the property. Should any development be proposed for this property, a wetlands jurisdiotional detel"lnination will be required by this Department. The site is not located within a Well field Protection zone. J. lJRE-RE5CU~, Kathy owens, special projects coordinator Althou9h there will be a 10S8 of ~'evenue to Palm Beach county rire Rescue, as a result or: this annexationr the resIdents will receive better service it annexed. Boynton's station #2 is 1.8 miles away from this area as compared to palm Beach county which is J miles away. Additionally, this annexation WOUld remove a county pocket and alleviate problems of confusion in service providers. 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Annexation of this vacant parcel decreases significantly the existing pocket. Howeverr inclusion of this parcel into the city creates an enclave of the industrial area located on the southeast side. The only access available to the sheriff'S office to provide service is through the city of Boynton Beach on 31 Terrace S. This can result in potential hazards for either city or county emergency responding vehioles. The Palm Beach Sheriff'S Office recommends the City of Boynton Beach pursue alternatives that eliminate potential hazards for law enforcement. TEL .No . Jun 17.90 22:48 P.03 , PaliJ8 3 or 4 June 12, 1990 5. TRAfFIC ENGINEERING: Allan Ennis, Development Review Eng neer since the application for a city development order was not complete prior to February I, 1990 (based on our reading of city correspondence to applicant)r this project is considered to be subject to 1990 countywide Traffic performance stan- dards (County Ordinance 90-6 and 90-7). To Comply with these county ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your ottice as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the shoppinQ center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at thl!! hiqhl!!r ratl!!s that are rl!!prl!!simtative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Under test #1 of the new countywide Traffic standard (which is comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard- county ordinance 87-18), aignificant project traffic would Qccur on two links of Boynton Beaoh Boulevard that are projected to exceea their existin9 ana committed capacities. No improvements are reoommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate ~5). without Bo~e oommitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard i5 violated. G. l1TILITIl:5: DiVision Lorraine peterson, civil Engineer, Engineering ~o comments not 1n WOD'S service area. 7. fINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: R1cnaro Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $1,527 as the above city does not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU *3 and the Library Taxing Oistrict. No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the services that are no longer provided by the county. In addition, certain revenue sources, i.e., utility service tax, franchise fees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be estimated trom available information. Therefore, the overall fiscal impact cannot be determined. TEL.No. Jun 17,90 22:49 P.04 , page 4 of 4 June 12, 1990 Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please include these comments with your backup materials tor all meetings and hearings where this annexation is discussed. The Planninq Division would appreciate it if you could please provide this office with final annexation ordinanoes so staff can adjust the County's maps accordingly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. sincerely, Dennis R. Folt~, AICP Plannin9 Director Attachmant OOt Board of County Comroiss!onQrs Bob Weisman, Administration Lee Rosenthal, Countr Attorney's Offioe Donna Kristaponis, planning, Zoning and Building Bob Krau.., ERR Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, Sheriff's Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Enqineering Division Lorraine petersonr Water utilities Richard Roberts, OFMB Keith Stahley, zoning Division Richard r. Morley, Planning Division Anita Gonzalezr Flanning Division Steve Morales, Planning Division FILE: ANNEX2/ANNXBB. RS6 TEL, No, Jun 17,90 22:49 P,05 ", I. Bo.ud of C<>unl)' Commi..i<>nc,', elml J. )'Im,!"i", ChJirill.llI "~HI'll '1', 1\1.1 r('II'\ , Viet' Ch.lir C.nnl :\, Rulll'rts I~on Ilo\\'ard Carole I'hillil" Count)' Admh.l.t....lo. Jan Wlnle" Dopa.lm.nIM Planning. Zoning & Iluildinll Io'~- _. -. June 12, 1990 James J. Golden, Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request by the Winchester family for vOluntary annexation of 13,87 acres into the City ot Boynton Beach. Dear. r1r Golden: Th'" PI anning I Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 13.87 acres, general- ly located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boule....ard. County staff comments are as follows: 1. FUNNING bIVIIHON: ste....en Morale.., Planner The planning DiviSion has undergona a review of proposed annexation in aecordancQ with Chapter Florida statutes and Palm Beach County'", Interim Annexation Review Policy. The proposed ann..xation is contiguous to the City of Boynton Beach, reasonably compact, and lies within the City'c future annexation area. the 171, Th.. land u.... propollO..d for the eite is in conflict with the Palm S..ach county Comprehensive Plan Land Use Atlas designation enclosed. The 1989 Comprehensive Plan de.ignate~ th.. Northern half of the p~operty as Commercial High Intensity and the Southern half as 800 11th Sln'''I, WEST PALM IlI:ACll, rI.Ol\IUA 33406. (407) 697-4001 f'A 11,"",;(1 (m rf!C:J'c/c,'p p,,'pc.' TEL_No. Jun 17,90 22:50 P.06 . , Pl'oge 2 of " June 12, 1990 Commercial Recreation. commercial Recreation provides for outdoor and indoor recreational rac1l1 ties, golf courses, parks and recreation, limited excavation, and accessory tacilities and activities that are an integral part and supportive or. the recreational r.acll1ty. The proposed use is Planned commercial Development. Please be aavised. that upon annexation the property is subject to county development regulations until the property is rezoned. by the city (171,062, F.B.). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Environmental Analyst The property has been cleared of significant vegetation wi th the exception of scattered slash pine along the western half of the property. The site is not located within a wellfield Protection Zone. Scattered piles of rubble were noted, apparently the remnants of former buildings, Bob Kraus, 3. FIRE-EESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator This area is currently being provided fire rescue service from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue station 51 which is 2.8 miles away. If annexed, Boynton Beach would serve the area from its Station #2, approximately 2 miles away. As the area is contiguous to Boynton, we anticipate few operational problems. There will be, howeverr a loss of revenue to palm Beach county Fire Resclle. 4. SHERIFF'S DEpARTMENT; Diana Newcomer, Criminal ~UGtice Planner AnneXation of this vacant parcel will not hinde~ ~ervice levels for the Palm Beach Sheriff'S Office to surrounding unincorporated areas, nor for the city of Boynton Beach. The Sheriff'S Office does not find issue with this request. . 5. ~RAFFIC ENGINEERltlQ: Allan Ennis, Development Review En91n8&1:" Since the application for a oity development order was not compl"te p1:"ior to Feb1:"uary 1, 1990 (basod on out' 1:"eading of oity correspondenoe to applicl'ont), this projeot is oonsidered to be subjeot to 1990 countywide Traffio Performance Standards (county Ordinance 90-6 end 90-7) . TEL No . Jun 17,90 22:50 P.07 , Pag'8 3 of 4 June l:ar l1l90 To Comply wit.h t.hese Count.y Ordinances, new trarric reports need t.o be 5ubmi tted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the shopping- center site plans will be specifically lilllitea to restaurant ana financial institution use, their trip generation shoula be separately calcul"ted at the higher rates that are r..pr..sentative of these lana uses rather than incluaea as part of the general retail commercial area. Under test ~l or the new countywide Traffic Standard (which is comparable to the preVious unincorporated area st:andara - county Ordinance 87-18) I significant project trartic WOUld occur on two linKS or Boynton Beach BOUlevard that are prOjected to exceed their existing ana committed capacities. No improvements are recom- mended tor eitner or these two links (Military Trail to ~l claire Ranch Road ana Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95), without some commitment trom these developers to improve these two linKS the traffic standard is violated. 6. UTILITIES: Lorraine peterson, Civil En9ineer, Engineering DiVision No comment - Not in WUD's Service Area 7. fINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGE'! DEPARTMENT: Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $23.00 as the above City does not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU #3 and the Library Taxing District. No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the services that are no longer provided by the count~. In addition certain revenue sources, i,e., utility service tax, franchise tees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marqinally reduced but cannot be estimated from available information. There- fore, the overall fiscal impact cannot be determin~d. Richard Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please include these comments with your backup TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:51 P.08 , , Paqa 4 of 4 June 12, 1990 materials for all meetinqs and hearings where this annexation is discuSls.ad. The Planning Division would appreoiate it if you could please provide this ottica with rinal annexation ordinances so staff Can adjust the county's map. aooordingly. Feel free to contact this otfice if you have any questione. Sincerely, DQ~~AICP Planning D~~~:ibr Attaohment 001 Board of County Commiesioners 80b weteman, Adminietration Lee Rosenthal, County Attorney's Office Donna Krietaponis, Planning, Zoning ana Building Bob Kraullr EfIM Kathy Owens, Flpe/Reecue niana Newoomer, Sheriff's Deparemene Allan Ennie, Traffic Engineering Division Lorraine Peterson, water Veilieles Richard Roberts, OFMB Keith stahley, zoning DiVision Richard F. Morley, Planning Division Anita GOnZalez, Planning Division steve Morales, Planning Division FILE: ANNEX2/ANNXBa.R57 TEl No. Jun 17.90 22:51 P.09 DUllr,1 ur Cuunl>, Cummi..ioll"'" C.unl ]. 1'11\1<]111>1. ChairlllJn ".lh'n T. MM(,"U:>. Vh.c Chf,h Carol A. Bolwrt, ROn Ilo\\'.1I"d C.rol" I'hillil" Count)' Admlnldrator J... WIllie," Department or rlanning. Zoning & BuildinG - June 12, 1990 James J. Goldenr Senior city Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Of rice Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request b~' Mall corner, Inc. for voluntary annexation of 1.34 acres into the City or Boynton Beach. Dear Mr, Golden: The planning, zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 1,34 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of old Boynton Road and Mall Hoad. County staff comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING I1~IQN: steven 11orales, Planner The Planning Division has undergone a review of the proposed annexation and finds it in compliance with Chapter 171, Florida statutes and Palm Beach County's Interim Annexation Review POlicy. Annexation of this parcel reduces the size of an existin<;t unincorporated enclave area, is contiguous to the City's current boundaries, and is located within the City's future annexation area. 2. ENVIRONMENTAl. RESOllRr.R1; MANAGF.JIlRNT: Bob Kraus, Environmen- tal Analyst ~hi~ property appears to have been recently cleared of all vegetation. An ahove-ground tank wa& noted on the propQrty. This site is not located within a WQllflQld Protection 20n9. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Speoial Projects Coordinator This proposed annexation will remove B County pooket inside Boynton Beach and will be oloeer to Boynton'B Fire station ~2 by one mile. Although Pal~ Beaoh county Fire Resoue will 108e revenue from thi:s annexation, operationally it make" good planning senae. 800 BIll Strcct , WEST PALM BEACH, nORlIJA JJ406. (4117) 69'-4001 R~ ,..",,,,,,rllVl,,r."'(,!rlrltlo1f'tf'lf TEL.No. Jun 17,90 22:52 P.10 Page 2 of :I June 12, 1990 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT, planner Diana Newcomer, criminal Justice Annexation of this vacant parcel will not create an immediate service problem for the Sheriff'g oftieo. As the parcel is boundea on the north by Old Boynton Road (city) and Winchester Boulovard to the west (county), city patrol ana emergency response is not hindered. wo are notin9' however, that this reque.t augments already serpentine boundaries of the oounty pooket. The Sheriff' e Office oonoern 19 with future development. The entire area between Ola Boynton Road, Congress Avenuer New Boynton west Road and Knuth Road is a mixed service.. area, with the majority Of the land mass belns vacant and county patrolled. If more pockets are identified for annll",.tion (.uch an thin request), the boundaries of this area will become even more serpentine. Service provision to a mixed services llrea oreates oontusion for re5id.entll and law enforcement, llnd. potential hazards tor emergency respondinq unit$. we would encourage the City of Boynton 8each to adopt propo.al. that eliminate ~ixed services areas and potential hCI2larQ5, ~, TRAr~~c ~NGINEERING: Allan Ennisr Development Review En'llneer Since tne application for a city development order was not complete prior to February I, 1~90 (based on our reading ot city correspondence to applicant), this project is considered co be SUbject to 15190 countywiae Trarric PertOrl1lance Stan- dardS (coun~y ordinance 90-6 and 90-7). To Comply with these county ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your oftice as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specitically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Under test ~l or the new countywide Traffic Standard (which is comparable to tbe previous unincorporated area standard County Ordinance 87-18), significant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to exceed their existinq and committed capacities. No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). without some commitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard is violated, FILE:ANN~X2/ANNX55.R83 TEL.No. Jun 17.90 72:53 P,12 Page 3 ot 3 June 12, 1990 6. ~: Di vISIOil Lorraine Peterson. Civil Enqineer, Engineering No comment - Not in WUO's Service Area 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGF.T DEPARTMENT: Riohard Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation result" in the lo&s of ad valorem taxes of $867.00 as the above city doss not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU #3 and the Library TaKing Oistrict. No estimate can be made as to the dOllar value of the services that are no longer provided by tho county. In elddition certain revenue sources, i.o., utility service tax, franchise fees. sales tax and stato Shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be ostimated from available information. Therefore, the overall fiscal impact oannot be determined. Thank yoU for the opportunity to review elnd respond to these actions. Please inolude ~hoso commonts with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings whero this annexation is discusse~. The Planninq Dividon would approoiate it if you could please provide this otfice with final anneKation ordinances so statt can adjust the County's maps acoordingly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any quostions. SincerQly, Aetaohm..nt cc: Board of County Commissioners Bob weisman, Administration Le. Rosenthal, County Attorney's ottice Donna Kristaponis, Planning, zon1ng ana Build1ng Bob Kraus, EM Kelthy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, sherirf's Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Eng1neer1n<1 Division Lorraine Peterson, water Utl1it~es ~iehard Roberts, O~MB Keith Stahley, ~oning Division Richard F. Korley, Planning Division Anita GOnZalez, Plannin9 DiVision steven Morales, Planning Division FILE:ANNEX2/ANNXHB.RS3 To: Boynton BeGch, City of From: Abaton InterfaH Thu, dun 7,19904:35 PM 755 3866 PGge 2 of 3 Quality: Standard June 6, 1990 Mr. Jim Golden, PlanningDepartment City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 Re: Traffic Impact Review Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd PCD Dear Mr. Golden: As per your request, the traffic impact of the proposed rezoning of the above referenced sites on projected 2010 traffic has been reviewed. Table 1 below indicates the cummulatlve impact of rezoning the Beynon Beach Boulevard site (Residential 10.8 to Commercial) and the Knuth Road site (Residential 7.2 and Commercial to Commercial) would increase projected traffic by approximately 6,000 trips. Table 1. Increased Trip Projection Estimates i Proj ect Size Units Trips propose~' i New ' I Trips I Difference i Current Zoning , I ; Knuth Rd peD 77 MP DU 517 I 41,380 Sqft Com 2,303 , Total Knuth Rd 2,820 iBoyntonBeachBldPCD 130 MP DU 801 I Total Impact i Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. 4,818 1,998 4,818 4,017 6,014 Exhibits A and B attached, show the individual rezonings would also increase on roadways projected to be over capacity. The Knuth Road rezoning impacts are less than 1 % in alllocations except for Lawrence Road. traffic however, If you have any questions please contact me at (305) 732.7844. Sincerely, Walter H. Keller Jr., PE, AICP President WHKJus Attachment RECEIVED JUN 7 1990 ... '''T PLAl"I~\' iG ~j!-[ . - To: Boynton Beach, City of From: Abaton InterfaH Thu, Jun 7, 1990 4:35 PM 755 3866 Page 3 of 3 Quality: Standard r ' f,.",,;;,.! E.hibit A. AD81J'li. of at2loninA &:alKlDROD ZOI() Volume. I Addto'l I Re. 1 2010 2010 20101 Proj 2010 20101 Roadway From To Cap ADT VIC i ADT ADT V/C: Boynton Beaen Bd Knuth Rd MallRd 46,400 ~5,5oo 0.77 I L068 36,568 0.79 MallRd COnlU'eii Avenue , 46.400 35,500 0.771 LOO8 36.508 0.79 C(jn~aii Aveoue Old Boynton Rd 46,400 42,400 0.91 385 42,7B5 0.92 Old Boynton Rd 1.95 55,Boo 56,800 L021 329 57,129 1.02 (;o~are'iAvenue NW22ndAve Old Boynton Rd 55,800 56,500 222 56,722 1.021 1.011 Old Boynton Rd Bt1yntonBeachBd 55,800 56,500 1.01 . 253 56,753 1.02 : BoyntonB...ch Blvd Woolhriaht Rd 46,400 SO,7OO 1.09] 349 51.049 1.10 ' Woolbright Rd (lolfRd 46,400 56,700 1.22 : 203 56,903 1.23 ' LawrenceRd NW 22ndAve Old Boynton Rd 13.100 15,100 1.15 1 159 15,259 1.16 Old Boynton Rd Boyntoo Beach Bd 13,100 15,100 1.15 196 15,296 1.17 , i NW22ndAve Military Tr LawrenceRd :30,000 13,000 0.46 I 80 13.980 0.47 , Souroe: Waiter H. Keiler Jr" lac. KS. Rogers. (;onsulting Engineer, Inc. " , c" ,. ",l~;", Exhibit B. Analyai. of Rezon;ng BllJeIIIn Blvd PCD on 2010 Volumes , I I Addtn'l Rev Rev I , 2010 2010 201O! Proi 2010 2010: i Roadwav From To Cap ADT V/C 1 ADT ADT Y/C i ! , , Boynton Beacb Bd Knuth Rd MallRd 46,400 35,500 0.77 i 2,1.17 37,647 0.81 I MallRd COnll1'eii Avenue 46,400 35,500 0.771 2,027 37,527 0.81 (;o'lU'ei8Avenue Old Boynton Rd 46,400 42,400 0.91' 775 43,115 0.93 Old Boynton Rd 1.95 55,800 56,800 1.02 ' 662 57,462 LOS ~n~8s)tveaue NW 22ndAve Old Boynton Rd 55,800 56,500 1.01 446 56,946 1.02 Old Boynton Rd Boynton Be.ch Bd 55,800 56,500 1.01 509 57,009 1.02 BOjntonBCllch Blvd Woolbright Rd 46,400 50,700 1.09 702 51.402 1.11 ! WODlbright Rd GelfRd 46,400 56,700 1.22 409 57,109 1.23 LawrenceRd !I,:V Z211dAve Old Boynton Rd 13,100 15,100 1.15 3Z0 15,4Z0 1.18 Old Boynten Rd Boynton BeachBd 13.100 15,100 l.lS 394 15,494 1.18 NW ZZnd Ave Military Tr La\\TenceRd 30,000 13,\QO 0.% 160 14,060 0.47 Sourc.e: Walter H. Keller Jr" Inc. KS, Ro~er8, Consulrlng Engineer. Inc. - City of BOI'l'ltO!l B...ch Comprebe""lve Plan ",' ~"~iD 1"'1" ' . '. ,. "i ,,~~:, ,i '\..........--. .jUN ')' I.. r !' Board of Count" ComMiulollen Carol J. Elmquilt, Chairman Karen T. Marcu.. Vice Chair Carol A. Roberto Ron Howard Carule Philli pi @",Jnt<<JiM,.<<",,._,,.,,,,, County Admlnl.trator Jan Wlmen June 5, 1990 Department of Engineering ~nd Public Wor~, Jamu J, Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33436-0310 REI TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSES FOR BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD AND KNUTH ROAD PCD Dear Hr, Golden: As requested by your letter of Aprl1 3, 1lI~0, the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic reports for the two proposed shopping centers entitled Boynton Beach Boulevard pee and Knuth Road pce. The following comments are submitted for your consideration: 1) Based upon copies of correspondence from your office to the applicant's agent (Kilday & Associates, Inc.) dated February 13, 1990, we do Mi consider the applications for these projects to have been complete prior to February 1, 1990 and therefore vested against the new Countywide Traffic Performance Standards (County Ordinance 90-7) as per the Municipal Implementation Ordinance (County Ordinance 90-~), To comply with these County Ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review, If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Z) 3) Under Test #1 of the new Countywide Traffic Standard (which i~ comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard - County Ordinance B7-1S}, significant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are proj"cted to Qxceed thaiI' existing and committed capacities, No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to E1 Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). Without some commitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard is violated. RECEIVED JUN S 1990 "An Equal OppOrtunity - Mflrmaril', Action Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402-il429 (407) 684~tcoNNINu DEPT. - James J. Golden Page 2 June 4, 199O Your transm1ttal of these traffic rOpDrts for our roviow is appreciated. Pleaee do not hesitate to contact me if' you hollvI any questions concerning theee comments. S1ncerely, COUNTY ~IHEER -rf'-~ 11tn A. Enn1a, P.E., AICP Development Review Engineer AAE:sb ce: Audrey Wolfe, Special Projects Coordinator - County Engineering Dept. File: General - TPS . Municipalities. Traffic Study Reviews Intersection: "Boynton Beach Blvd. l ~nuth Road" General - TPS . Municipalities. Vesting Determinations aae\BB6.KnPCD .. .to "'" ....... ,.........,.. TE L No. Jun 17.90 22:47 P.Ol --<)+/15 {oP! , Board of County Commhlioncl'l Carol J. Elmquist. Chairman Karen T. Marcus. Vlc~ Chair Carol A. Rubens Ron Howard Carole Phillips '. Cou"ty Admlnlalrllor Jan Wlnten I I I ~ Uepartmeltt or PI..""Io'II. %o"i"lI .. a"Udl"lI FAC8IKILB COVER 8KBBT TO THE .ll.'1"rEHTIOH OF! ""'S'."" <r..\.kN DATI!:l 6//,J' / ?(J 'rID I 10: '-IS'" ! , , I I'IlOMI q.~~ ""0.""11:\0 J ~I.o.PtNN." NUMBSR 01' PAGBS (INCLUDING COVBR 8BBBT"~ COMJUlIlT8: A'S~{\l,o"\j ~ ~ +1-.. \'-1."" ~l.~ ~IL' ~..,:t...........:II .......:~\ , '- ~T 0.....'1- ~~..i. BSljaa I'ILB:J3/I'ACSIKLB 800 13th Street. WEST PALM 8E"CH, FLORIVA 13406. (407) 6'7.4001 palm Beach county Comprehensive plan Land U5e Atlas TEL No, Jun 17,90 22:52 P,ll June 12, 1990 James J. Golden, senior City Planner city ot Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard p, 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request by Charlene Boynton, Donald Lowe and the University of Florida Foundation. Inc, for voluntary anne)Cation of 14.76 acres into the city of Boynton Beach. Dear Mr. Golden: The Planning. zoninq and Buildinq Department has coordinated the review of the proPosed annexation of 14.76 acres, generally located on the South side of Boynton Beaoh Blvd. approximately 950 feet West of Conqress Avenue. county staff comments are as follows: 1. P]~NNING DlvrSION~ stoven Morales, Planner The planning divi~ion has undergone a review oC the proposed ann""xation in aooordanoe with chapter 171, Florida Statues and Palm aoaoh County's Interim Annexation Review Pol icy. Tho propo~ed anne~ation ia contiguous to the city or Boynton Beach, reaGonably compact, lSubstantially decreases the size of an existing service provision enclave, and lies within the City's future annexation area. However, a small enclave of land adjacent to the proposed annexation still exists. Boynton Beach shOUld contact the property owners in the enolave and annex this property as soon as possible. The land U~e proposed ror the site is in conflict with the Palm Eeach County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Atlas TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:47 P.02 f Page 2 of 4 June 12, 1990 designation. The 1989 comprehensive Plan designates this property as High Residential 8 allowing a maximum ot 8 dwelling units per one acre. The proposed land use for the site is planned commercial Development. Please be advised that upon annexation the property is subject to County development regulations until the property is rezoned by the city (171.062, F.B.). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT. Bob Kraus, Environmen- tal Analyst The majority of the site appears to be vegetated by exotic speci.. including Malalauca, Dra~ilian Pepper and Australian Pine., Watland. exist on-eite particularly in the northea.t cornar of the site. Culverts were observed alonq Boynton Beach Dl vd., which disoharge stonnwater from the road onto the property. Should any development be proposed for this property, a wetland,. jurisdiotional dete!:'mination will be required by this Department. The site is not located within a Well field Proteotion zone. 3. FIRE-RESCUE, ~athy owens, special projects coordinator Al though there will oe a 1055 of revenue to Palm Beach county rire Rescue, as a result or this annexation, the resi~ents will receive better service i' annexed, Boynton's station #2 is 1.8 miles away from this area as compareo to palm Beach county Which is 3 miles away. AOOit1onally, th1s annexation WOUld remove a county pocket and alleviate problems of confusion in service providers. 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Annexation of this vacant parcel decreases signiticantly the existing pocket. Howeverr inClusion of this parcel into the city creates an enclave of the industrial area located on the southeast side. The only access available to the Sheriff's Office to provide service is through the city of Boynton Beach on 31 Terrace S. This can result in potential hazards for either city or county emergency responding vehicles. The Palm Beach Sheriff'S Office recommends the City of Boynton Beach pursue alternatives that eliminate potential hazards for law enforcement. TEL No. Jun 17.90 22:48 P.03 , paqe 3 of 4 June 12, 1990 5. TRAfFIC ENGINEERING: Allan Ennis, Development Review Eng neer Since the application for a city development order was not complete prior to February 1, 1990 (based on our reading of city correspondence to applicant)r this project is considered to be subject to 1990 countywide Traffic performance stan- dards (County Ordinance 90-6 and 90-7). To Comply with these county ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the Shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the hiqher rates that are representat,ive of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Under test #1 of the new countywide Traffic standard (which is oomparable to the previous unincorporated area standard- county Ordinance 87-18), .ignificant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beaoh BOUlevard that are projected to eKceed their eKistins and cOl1llllitted capaoities. No improvements are reoommended tor either of these two links (Military Trail to EI Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). without Bo~e commitment from theee developers to improve these two links the traffic standard 15 violClteu. 6. UTlt,ITII!;/) ; Division Lorraine peterson, civil Engineer, Engineering NO comments not in \fUD'S service area. 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: R1chara Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $l, 527 as the above city does not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU #3 and the Library Taxin9 Distr iet, No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the s~rvices that are no longer provided by the county. In addition, certain revenue sources, i,e., utility service tax, franchise fees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be estimated from available information. Therefore, the overall fiscal impact cannot be determined. TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:49 P.04 , page 4 of 4 June 12, 1990 Thank you for the opportunity to review and. respond. to these actions. Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this annexation is discussed. The Planning Division would appreciate it it you could please provide this office with final annexation ordinances so staft can adjust the county's maps accordingly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. sincerely, Dennis R. Folt2, AICP Plannin9 Director Attachment 001 Board of county Commissionars Bob Weisman, Administration Lee Rosenthal, County Attorney's Office Donna Kristaponis, planning, Zoning and Building Bob Krau8/ ERM Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Dillna Newcomer, Sheriff's Department Allan ~nni5, Traffic Engineering Division Lorraine Peterson, water utilities Richard Roberts, OFM5 ~eith Stahley, zoning oivision Richard r. Morley, Planning Division Anita Gonzalezr Planning Division Steve Morales, Planning Division FILE: ANNEX2/ANNXBB. RS6 TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:49 P.05 ,.' I. Board of Cnunt)' Commissioners Cd"') J. !'11ll,!";S!, Chair,".11 K,tn'll T. l\t.unl"i. Vice Ch,liI' r.:.rnl .\. RlIlll'ns 1-(011 Ilo\\'ard Carole Phillips Count)' .\dmh.l.t....tor Jon WIJ1t~" Department of' Planning. Zoning & Building ..'-,- - 1"1""""11 June 12, 1990 James J. Golden, Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request by the Winchester family for VOluntary annexation of 13.87 acres into the City of Boynton Beach. Dear 11r Golden: The PI anning I Zoning and Buildinq Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 13.87 acres, gp.neral- ly located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. County staff comments are as follo~II>: 1. PLANNIHG DTVTSION: steven Morales, Planner The planninq DiviSion has undergon" a roview of proposed annexation in accordanoe with Chapter Florida statutes and Palm Deaeh County'e Interim Annexation Review Policy. The propo~ed annexation is contiquous to the City of Boynton Beach, reasonably compact, and lieg within the city'~ future annexation area. · the 171, Th.. land u.... propo,,"..d for the aite is in conflict with the Palm Beach county Comprehensive Plan Land Use Atlas designation enclosed. The 1989 comprehensive Plan de8!gnates the Northern half of the p~operty as Commercial Hiqh Intenaity and the Southern half as 800 Ilth S'reet . WEST PALM m,ACII, Fl.ORIIJA 33406. (407) 697.4001 f'tJ 1"1""..'(1(", ,,~(yc!(-'P t:'i.'IIC.' TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:50 P.06 Page 2 of 4 June 12, 1990 Commercial Recreation. commercial Recreation provides tor outdoor and indoor recreational facilities, golf courses, parks and recreation, limiteQ excavation, and accessory facilities ana activities tnat are an integral part and supportive or the recreational racil1ty. The proposed use is Planned commercial Development, Please be aavised that upon annexation the property is subject to county development regUlations until the property is rezoned oy the city (171.062, F.S.). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Environmental Analyst Bob Kraus, The property has been cleared of significant vegetation wi th the exception of scattered slash pine along the western half of the' property. ~he site is not located within a wellfield Protection Zone. Scattered piles of rubble were noted, apparently the remnants of former buildings. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator This area is currently being provided fire rescue service from l'alm Beach County Fire Rescue Station 51 which is 2.8 miles away. It annexed, Boynton Beach would serve the area trom its Station 112, approximately 2 miles away. As the area is contiguous to Boynton, we anticipate tew operational problems. There will be, howeverr a loss of revenue to palm Beach County Fire Rescue. 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Diana Newcomer, Criminal Ju~tice Planner Annexation of this vacant parcel will not hinder aervicQ levels for the Palm Beach Sheriff'S Office to aurrounding unincorporated areas, nor for the City of Boynton Beach. The Sheriff'S Office doea not find iSsue with this requ@st. . 5. ~RAFFIC ENGINEE~: Allan Ennis, Development Review F:n9in"..r Since the application for a oity development order was not oomplete prior to February 1, 1990 (based on out" reading of city correspondenoe to applicant), this projeot is considered to be sUbjeot to 1990 Countywide Traffio Performance Standards (county Ordinance 90-6 and 90-7) . TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:50 P.O? . 1>.9'0 3 of 4 ..Tuno l:lr 1090 To Comply with these County Ordimmces, new trarric report.. need to be 5ubmi. tted by the applicant to your office 815 well as our office for review. If' the outp8rce15 on each of the Shopping center site plans W'ill be speci1'ically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation Should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses ratner tnan inClUded 85 part of the general retail commercial area. Under test #l or t!l.e new countyvlCle Traffic Standard (which is comparable to tne preVious unincorporated area s.tandara - county ordinance 67-18) I significant project trartlc WOUld occur on two linxs ot Boynton Beach BOUlevard that are prOjected to exceed their existing ana comrni tted capacities. NO improvements are recom- mended tor eitner or these two links (Military Trail to E1 claire RanCh Roaa and Old Boynton ~oad to Interstate 9~) , without some commitment trom these developers to improve tnese two lin~s the traffic standard is violated, 6. UTILITIES: Lorraine peterson, Civil Eng'ineer, Engineering Division No comment - Not in WUD's Service Area 7. fINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET IJEPARTMENT: Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $23.00 as the above city does not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU #3 and the Library Taxing District. No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the services that are no lonqer provided by the count~. In addition certain revenue sources, i,e., utility service tax, franchise tees, sales tax and state shared revenues may bf;l marqinally redUCed but cannot be estimated trom available information. There- fore, the overall fiscal impact cannot be determined, Richard Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please include these comments with your backup TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:51 P.08 , PatJe 4 of 4 June 12, 1990 materials for all Meetinqs and hearinqs where this annexation is discussed. The P1anninq Diviaion would appreoiate it if yoU could please provide this offico with final annexation ordinances so staff oan adjust the County'. maps acCOrdinqly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, DQ~~AICP Planning D;~;~ibr Attaohment 001 Soard of County Commissioners Sob weisman, Administration Lee Rosentha1r County Attorney's attice Donna Kristaponis, Planning, Zoning ana 8uilaing !lob Kraus, ];;fU\I Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newoomer, Sheriff's Department Allan Ennis, Traffio ~n9ineerinq Division Lorraine Peterson, water Utilities Richard ROberts, OFMB Keith stahley, zoning DiVision Richar~ ~. Morley, Planning Division Anita Gonzalez, Planning Division steve Morales, Planning Division FILE: ANNEX2/ANNxaa.RS7 TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:51 P.09 BOAr.1 or COlin I)' Commi..io..",', Count" AdmlnllitrAlor JOIl WIllie," c.",,! I. 1'1111<]111>1, Ch~irll\~1l K,ur:1l 'I'. MM('Il~. Vh..c CIMir enol A. Hoh.'rt' Hon IICJ\\",ml Ciirolt.~ Phillipli Departmenc of Planning, 2'.oning &; Building -~ - -.. ' .- June 12, 1990 James J. Golden, Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request b~' Mall corner, Inc. for voluntary annexation of 1.34 acres into the City of Boynton Beach. Dear Mr. Golden: The planning, zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 1,34 acres, generally located at the southwest corner of old Boynton Road and Mall Hoad. County stafr comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Steven Morales, planner The Planning Division has undergone a review of the proposed annexation and finds it in compliance with Chapter 171, Florida statutes and Palm Beach County's Interim Annexation Review Policy. Annexation of this parcel redUOes the size of an existinQ unincorporated enclave area, is contiquous to the City'S current boundaries, and is located within the City'S future annexation area. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOHRr.F.il lolANAC;F."MENT: Bob Kraus, Environmen- tal Analyst ~his property appears to have been recently clearea or all vegetation. A~ abova-ground tank wa~ notad on the proparty. This site is not looatad within a Wallfiald Protection Zone. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator This proposed annexation will remove a County pooket inside Boynton Beach and will be closer to Boynton's Fire Station f2 by one mile. Although Palm Beach county Fire Reaoue will lose revenue from this annexation, operationally it makes good planning sense. 800 Blh Street, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA Jl406. (407) 6"-4001 ~ n';f'lr~rllV1'''r.v.-1f1rln.lnf1' TEL No. Jun 17,90 22:52 P,lO Page 2 of 3 June 12, 1990 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT. Planner Diana Newcomer, criminal Justioe AnnQ~ation of this vacant ~arcel will not creato an immediate service problem for the Sheritt'. ottioo. As the paroel is bounded on the north by Old Boynton Road (city) and Winchostor Boulevard to the West (county), city patrol and emergency response is not hindered. wo are notins, however, that this reque.t augments already serpentine boundariee of the oounty pooket. The Sheriff's Office oonoern iLl with future development. The entire area between Old Boynton ROad, Congress Avenuer New Eloynton west Road and Knuth ROl1d is 11 mixed l5ervioes area, with the majority of the 1l1"d mass being vacant and county patrolled. If more pockets are identified for anneKation (such as this request), the boundaries of this area will become even more serpentine. Service provision to a mixed ..ervices lll:'ea creClto" contu"ion for re..idents ami law enforcement, Clnd potential hazards for emergency reBpondlnq unit.. we would encourl1ge the City of 80ynton 8each to adopt proposal. that eliminste mixed services areas Clnd po~ential hazoards, " TRAF~IC ~NGINEERING: Allan Ennisr Developmen~ Review Illn9ineer 5ince ~ne applica~ion ror a ci~y developmen~ oraer was not complete prior to Fe~ruary 1, 1~90 (~aseQ on our reaaing ot city corresponaence to applicaht)r ~hls pro)ect 1s considered to be SUbject to 1990 countywide Trarric performance Stan- dards (county Ordinanoe 90-6 and 90-7). To Comply with these county ordinanoes, new traftic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your offioe as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each or the shopping center site plans will be specitically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commer6ial area. Under teat #1 of the new countywide Traffic Standard (WhiCh is comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard County Ordinance 87-18)r significant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to exceed their existing and committed capacities. No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to E1 Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). without some commitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard is violated, FILE:ANNEX2/ANNXBB.RS~ TEL No. Jun 17,90 ?2:S3 P.12 page 3 of 3 June 12, 1990 6. UTILITIES: Division Lorraine Peteraon. Civil Engineer, Enginaering No comment - Not in WUO's Service Area 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation result" in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $867.00 as the above city do.~ not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU 113 and the Library TaKing- District. No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the services that are no longer provided by thQ county. In addition certain revenue souroes, i.o'r utility eervioe ta~, franchise fees, sales tax and stata sharod revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be o"timatad from available information. Therefore, the overall fisoa1 impact oannot be determined. Thank you for the opportunity to review and re5pond to these actions. Please inolude tho~$ comments with your b~ckup materials for all meetings and hearings whare this annexation is discussed. The Planning Division would appreoiate it. if you could please provide this office with final annexation ordinances so staft can adjust the County's maps acoordingly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. sincoralYr At~..chrn.mt. CCI Board of County Commissioners Bob weisman, Administration Lee Rosenthal, county Attorney's Office Donna Kristsponis, Planning, Zoning and Building Bob Rraul!l, EM Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, 3herirr's Department Allan EnniB, Tratfic Engineering Division Lorraine Peterson, water Utilities RiChard ftobertSr orM5 Keith Stahley, zoning Division Richard F. Morley, Planning Division Anita GOnZalez, Planning DiVision steven Morales, Planning Division FILE:ANNEX2/ANNXHB.RS3 ...1 Kilday ft AssociataB Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 334)1 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: 14071 68')-2592 p~.~ ~,p~ June 15, 1990 Mr. vincent A. Finizio City of Boynton Beach PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Knuth Road p.e.D. - Our File #799.5 Boynton Beach Boulevard P.C.C. - Our File #799.9 Tara Oaks P.U.D. - our File #799.10 Dear Mr. Finizio, Attached please find three (3) copies of the revised Master Plans for the above referenced projects. These have been revised pursuant to your Technical Review Board comments (3ngineering Department Memoranda Nos. 90-101, 90-102, 90-103) including the specific verbiage agreed upon at the Planning and Zoning Board meeting on June 12, 1990. Sincerely, Kieran J. Attachments cc: Jim Golden; Boynton Beach Bill winche:;ter Mike schroeder Board of County Commissioners County Administrator Jan Winters Carol J. Um'luist, Chairman Karen T. Marcus. Vice Ch,lir Carol A. Roberts Ron Howard Carole Phillips Department of Planning, Zoning & Building June 12, 1990 James J. Golden, senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request by the Winchester family for voluntary annexation of 13.87 acres into the City of Boynton Beach. Dear Mr Golden: The Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 13.87 acres, general- ly located at the southwest corner of Knuth Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. County staff comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Steven Morales, Planner The Planning Division has undergone a review of the proposed annexation in accordance with Chapter 171, Florida statutes and Palm Beach County's Interim Annexation Review Policy. The proposed annexation is contiguous to the City of Boynton Beach, reasonably compact, and lies within the City's future annexation area. The land use proposed for the site is in conflict with the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Atlas designation enclosed. The 1989 Comprehensive Plan designates the Northern half of the ~~~~; as commercial High Intensity and the souROCH-V J!lt./ J'" 18 ., PLANNING DEPT. 800 13th Street. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIQA 33406. (407) 697-4001 - @ printed on recycled paper Page 2 of 4 June 12r 1990 Commercial Recreation. Commercial Recreation provides for outdoor and indoor recreational facilities, golf courses, parks and recreation, limited excavation, and accessory facilities and activities that are an integral part and supportive of the recreational facility. The proposed use is Planned Commercial Development. Please be advised that upon annexation the property is subject to County development regulations until the property is rezoned by the city (171.062, F.S.). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: Environmental Analyst Bob Kraus, The property has been cleared of significant vegetation with the exception of scattered slash pine along the western half of the property. The site is not located within a Wellfield Protection Zone. Scattered piles of rubble were noted, apparently the remnants of former buildings. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator This area is currently being provided fire rescue service from Palm Beach County Fire Rescue station 51 which is 2.8 miles away. If annexed, Boynton Beach would serve the area from its station #2, approximately 2 miles away. As the area is contiguous to Boynton, we anticipate few operational problems. There will be, however, a loss of revenue to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue. 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Planner Diana Newcomer, criminal Justice Annexation of this vacant parcel will not hinder service levels for the Palm Beach Sheriff's Office to surrounding unincorporated areas, nor for the City of Boynton Beach. The Sheriff's Office does not find issue with this request. 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer Since the application for a city development order was not complete prior to February 1, 1990 (based on our reading of city correspondence to applicant), this project is considered to be subject to 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance Standards (County Ordinance 90-6 and 90-7). Page 3 of 4 June 12, 1990 To Comply with these county Ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Under test #1 of the new countywide Traffic Standard (which is comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard - county Ordinance 87-18), significant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to exceed their existing and committed capacities. No improvements are recom- mended for either of these two links (Military Trail to EI Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). without some commitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard is violated. 6. UTILITIES: Lorraine Peterson , civil Engineer, Engineering Division No comment - Not in WUD's Service Area 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Roberts, Assistant Director Richard The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $23.00 as the above city does not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU #3 and the Library Taxing District. No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the services that are no longer provided by the county. In addition certain revenue sources, i.e., utility service tax, franchise fees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be estimated from available information. There- forer the overall fiscal impact cannot be determined. Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please include these comments with your backup Page 4 of 4 June 12, 1990 materials for all meetings and hearings where this annexation is discussed. The Planning Division would appreciate it if you could please provide this office with final annexation ordinances so staff can adjust the County's maps accordingly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. sincerely, D~~~AICP Planning Di~;~ibr Attachment cc: Board of County Commissioners Bob Weisman, Administration Lee Rosenthal, county Attorney's Office Donna Kristaponis, planning, Zoning and Building Bob Kraus, ERM Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, Sheriff's Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Lorraine Peterson, Water utilities Richard Robertsr OFMB Keith Stahley, zoning Division Richard F. Morley, Planning Division Anita Gonzalez, Planning Division steve Morales, Planning Division FILE: ANNEX2/ANNXBB.RS7 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734-Blll OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 7 June 1990 . Mr. Alan Ennis Palm Beach County Engineering Department P.O. Box 2429 Building S-1170,PBIA West Palm Beach, FL 33402 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis for Boynton Beach Blvd. PCD and Knuth Road PCD Dear Mr. Ennis: Please be advised that the City staff found the applications for the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD and Knuth Road PCD to be complete as of the submittal date of January 30, 1990. The City considers any application which is sufficiently complete to allow process- ing through the staff and various city boards to be a complete application. In the case of both of the above-mentioned applications, the items listed in the letter to the applicant, dated February 13r 1990, were minor in nature. The only missing item which could be possibly considered substantial in nature were the requirements for a subdivision master plan, however, since these sites will each be developed as a single shopping center, the lack of subdivision plans did not constitute a major ommission. All of the improvements which would be required for a subdivision were shown on the conceptual site plans for the PCD's, or would be constructed as a part of the shopping center site. Since the City considers the two applications to have been complete as of the submission date, the City will continue to process these applications, subject to the applicant demonstrating that the roadway levels of service, as set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan, would be maintained, as well as applicable levels of service in the unincorporated area. The provisions of the City's Plan and Code Ordinances which were in effect at the time these applications were submitted require that a traffic impact analysis be submitted when property is rezoned, using the methodology and standards utilized by Palm Beach County, but subject to the levels of service set forth in the city's Comprehensive Plan. ,. TO: Mr. Alan Ennis Page Two 617 /90 If you have any questions with regard to these applications, please feel free to contact me. The City appreciates your review and comments regarding the traffic studies which were submitted for these two projects. The Planning Department will recommend that the approval of these applications be conditioned upon maintaining the adopted levels of service within the City, as well as the adopted levels of service in the unincorporated area. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~7~ Timothy P. Cannon Interim Planning Director TPC/cmc cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Vincent Finizio, Engineering Dept. ~,UOI]l-'-'i!'i't o~.~~ler!"-" 7,2;Ll8b\i.,__.____,_ t'(J~t' I. UI .) __,_GualiIY:2.!.andar"----. "n." , .~ q '" " j jj \<, ..J~'H I.' i..1 ,..J _I I ."1 June 6, 1990 Mr. Jim Golden, PlanningDeparlment City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 Re: Traffic Impact Review Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd PCD Dear Mr. Golden: .1\1; per your request, the traffic impact of the proposed rezoning of the above referenced sites on projected 2010 traffic has been reviewed. Table 1 below indicates the cummulative impact of rezoning the Boynon Beach Boulevard site (Residential 10.8 to Commercial) and the Knuth Road site (Residential 7.2 and Commercial to Commercial) would increase projected traffic by approximately 6,000 trips. Tablc 1. Incrc,,"cd Trip Projcction B.timatc. I I If!,ojeet Current Zoning I Proposed I New Exl Size U nits Trips I Trip~ Difference: KIlYlh Rd peD 77 41,380 MF DU _ ~1? I SqftCcm ~ 2,820 ' MP DU 801 I 4,818 4,818 Tctal Knuth Rd Boynton Beach BldPCD 130 [Total Impact ! ' Scurce: Walter H. Keller Jr.~ Inc. 1,998 I 4,017 [ " 6,014 [ Exhibits A and B attached, show the individual rezonings would also increase on roadways projected to be over capacity. The Knuth Road rezoning impacts a,e less than 1% in all locations except for Lawrence Road. traffic however, If you have any questions please contact me at (305) 732.7844. Sincerely, Waller H. Keller Jr., PE, A1CP President WHKlus Attae,hment RTirrI"VSD .L"p. . JUN 7 1990 PLAid ;,.h ~J'._i.jr. .... III. UU!JlIiull ht'Oll" Il\oi UI li:~"': Abalo~1,IIll~IJ~_ Illtl, oJ:,W .', t ':"JlJ 'i;)) i"M 755 3866 -----_. Paye j uf ) Quality: Standard f//<<Tft pp E.hibit A. Aae.lYli. of R.ozoaiaM lKalOD RoD. 2010 Vohlmo. I" , , , , I AddID'1 Rev I I 2010 2010 2010' 2010 I , Proj 2010 i RoadwllY V/C I , From To Cap ADT ADT ADT V/C' I , i Bol'oton B..e. Bd Knut. Rd MoHRd 46,400 35.500 0.77 1.068 :36,568 I 0.79 I Mall Rd Conareli Aven~e 46.400 35,500 0,7i 1.008 36,508 0.79 ; COr.p;eSi Avenue Old Beynlon Rd 46.400 42,400 0.91 385 42,785 0.91 Old B"~'nton Rd 1.95 55.800 56,800 1.02 329 57.12~ 1.02 ' i CO~litressAveoue NW22ndA", Old Boynton Rd 55,800 56,J00 1.01 222 56,712 1.02 i Old Boynton RJ Boynton Beach Bd 55.800 56.500 LOl 253 56.753 , 1.02 i BosntonBeaeh Blvd Woolbrillht Rd 46,400 SO. 700 1.09 , ,)49 51.\144 1.10 ' Woolbriaht Rd GolfRd 46.400 56,700 1.22 ' 203 56,90: L23 , La'weno.eRd NW22ndA", Old Boynton Rd 13.100 15,100 wi 159 15,259 Uti Old Boynton Rd Boy~toa BeachBd 13.]00 15.100 U51 I'lli 15.296 1.ii , ~\V22ndAve Miiitar,Tr LawrenceRd 30.llOO 13.900 OA,; ! R!', [3,980 O.-t7 So~rce: Waiter H. Keller Jr., Inc. K.S. Ro~erl, c..'llBultin~ Enllineer, In.. &~ ' "I"j,..\ Illthiblt B. Aooly.i. of Rezocina BBJsbIn Blvd PCD on 2010 Volune. I AddtD'1 Re" Rev , 2010 2010 2010' Proi 2010 2010 , From To Cap ADT Y/C ADT ADT V/C I Roadway Boynton Beach Bd Knuth Rd MaURd 46.400 35,500 0.77 2,147 3'.M7 0,81 I MallBci C:on~e""ven~e 46.400 35,500 0.77 2027 37,527 O,bl C:onwes, Avenue Old Boynton Rd 46.400 42,400 0.91 775 43,175 0,93 Old Boynton Rd 1.95 5S,8OO 56,SOO 1.02 M2 57,.161 i.03 , C)[!)l;t"e86 Avenue NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 55,800 56,500 1.01 446 56,946 1.02 Old Boynton RJ BoyntonBeachBd 55.800 56,500 1.01 509 57,009 1.02 BoyntonBeach Blvd Woolbrillht Rd 46,400 50,700 1.09 702 51.402 1.11 Woolbri~ht Rd OolfRd 46,400 56,700 U2 4Q9 57,109 [,23 . : La\....~cmceRd NW220dA", Qld Boynton Rd 13.100 15,100 U5 320 IS,4~O 1.18 : , Old Boynten Rd BoyntonBeachBd 13.100 15,100 Wi 394 IS,494 1.18 : I r NW 22nd Me Military Tr Lawrence Rd 30, ilOO 13,900 0.46 ; 160 14,060 0.41 I Source: Walter H. Keller Ir,. Inc, KS. Ro~et'I. CollBultln~ EDI!iDeer, Inc, City or BaInton Beach Compreb.nslve Plan ." r..... ,lU!'l I i ,; r ,~, ' Board 01' Count" CommiuioDen Carol J. Elmquiar. C....lrman Karen T. Marcus. Vice Chair Carol A. Rob.rt. Ron Howard Cawl. Phillip. @"'intMlOll'K'I'''.~'' County Admlnl.trator J.n Wlnttfl June 5. 1990 I.)ep.rtment of Engineering and Public Work.s Jamlls J, Golden SAntor City Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33436-0310 REI TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSES FOR BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD peD AND KNUTH ROAD PCO Dear Hr, Golden: As requested by your letter uf Aprll 3, 1990, the Palm Beach county Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic reports for the two proposed shopping centers entitled Boynton Beach Buulevard peD and Knuth Road peD, The following comments are submitted for your consideration: 1) Based upon coples of correspondence from your office to the applicant's agent (Kllday & Assoclates,- Inc,) dated February 13, 1990, we do D.l!1 consider the appllcations for these projects to have been complete prior to Fllbruary 1, 1990 and therefore vested against the new Countywide Traffic Performance Standards (County Ordinance 90-7) as per the MuniCipal Implementation Ordinance (County Ordinance 90-6). To comply with these County Ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review, If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financ1al institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Z) 3) Under Tllst il of the new Countywide Traffic Standard (wh1ch i~ comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard - County Ordinance 87-18), sianificant project traffic would occur on two link~ of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to QlCceed their QlChting and committed capacities, No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). Without SOme commitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard i, violated. RECEIVED JUN 5 1990 "An Equd OppOrtunity - Mflrm.&th'. Action Employer" BOX 242' WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33402-2429 (407) 68.~~NNING DI::PT, - \ , James J. Golden Page 2 Jun. 4, 11l1lO Your transmittal of these traffic reportE for our review ;E appreciated. Please do not hesitatA to contact me if you have any questions concerning these comments. Sincerely, COUNTY ~INEER ~~ 'lan A. Ennis, P.E., AICP Development Review Engineer AAE:sb cc: Audrey Wolfe, Special Projects Coordinator. County Engineering Dept, File: General - TPS - Municipalities. Traffic Study Reviews Intersection: "Boynton Beach Blvd, & Knuth Road" General. TPS . Municipalities. Vesting Determlnatlons aae\BB&KnPCD 2851 John Street Suite One Markham. Ontano L3R SR7 (416) 477.9200 Facsimile' (416) 477-7390 NORTH AMERICAN ACQUISITIONS CORP. May 28, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 . . BOY~"TONBEACH, Fiuriua 33425-0310 U.SA Dear Mr. Golden: RE: LAND USE AND ZONING CHANGE WINCHESTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP LTD. KNUTH ROAD PLANNED COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT MICHAELA. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE BOYNTONBEACHBOULEVARDP~DCOMMERCIAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This letter is to express our concern with regard to the above-noted applications. North American are the owners of the Boynton Plaza located at the southwest corner of Boynton Beach Blvd. and Congress Ave. These applications proposing large retail developments could have detrimental impacts on the viability of Boynton Plaza and its tenants, It would be appreciated if the City of Boynton us informed of any future public hearings, these applicatioru.. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated, Yours truly, Beach could continue to keep etc. and the progression of ~~I ~E~~~t~ . IJ Planning & Research SKB*pb RECE1VIID "1_ PLANNING DEPT. - .- --,. -. ,. Mr. Dennis R. Foltz - 2 - April 16, 1990 Please provide our office with your comments prior to the scheduled public hearing dates. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ 1- ~~L o / JAMES J. GOLDEN senior City Planner JJG:cp cc: Interim Planning Director Central File Encls. ~ CITY 0 f BOYNTON BEACH @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734,8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR April 3, 1990 Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc. Attn: Mr. Walter Keller PO Box 9740 Coral Springs, Fl 33075-9740 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis for Two Shopping Centers proposed on the South Side of Boynton Beach Boulevard West of Congress Avenue Dear Walt: Enclosed you will find a copy of the traffic impact analysis and master plan for the following annexation, land use element and rezonings to Planned commercial Development (PCD): 1. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD 2. Knuth Road PCD please review the above for consistency with the Levels of Service and criteria contained within the city of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Traffic Circulation Element and Section 9.c.4.h(5) of the city's Zoning Regulations and provide our office with your comments by no later than May 11, 1990. Include in your analysis any recommendations for right-of-way dedication, turn lane improvements, signalization, etc., that would be necessary pursuant to Comprehensive policies or Palm Beach County/FDOT policies or standards. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, JJG:frb Encs CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH t--t.. ML JAMES . GOLDEN Senior City Planner A:WKeller cc: City Manager central File CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ OFFICE 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435-0310 14071734-8111 OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR . April 3, 1990 Palm Beach County Engineering Dept. Attn: Mr. Charles Walker PO Box 2429 West Palm Beach, Fl 33401 RE: Traffic Impact Analysis For Two Shopping Centers Proposed on The South Side of Boynton Beach Boulevard West of congress Avenue Dear Mr. Walker: Enclosed you will find a copy of the traffic impact analysis and master plan for the following annexation, land use element amend- ment and rezoning requests to Planned Commercial Development (PCD) : 1. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD 2. Knuth Road PCD These projects were submitted to the City on January 30, 1990 and are being reviewed by the City's traffic consultant for consis- tency with the Traffic Circulation Element of the City of Boynton Comprehensive Plan. Please forward any comments that you may have by May 31, 1990 for incorporation in the June public hearing proceedings. Very truly yours, C~OFf~O);e.,~EACH JAMES . GOLDEN Senior City planner JJG:frb Enc cc: Timothy Cannon A:CWalker Geotechnical & Construction Materials Hydrogeology & Monitoring Wells Engineering. Inspection. Testing March 28, 1990 Michael Schroeder One Boca Place Suite 319 Atrium 2255 Glades Rd. Boca Raton, FL 33431 Re: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Boynton Beach Blvd. West of US Post Office Boynton Beach, FL Gentlemen: Per request of Chuck Yannette of Kilday & Associates, Nutting Engineers of Florida, Inc. has performed geotechnical engineering services for the referenced project, namely a site inspection and review of the soils map. The results of our evaluation are presented hereafter. EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The referenced site is located south of Boynton Beach Boulevard approximately 950' from Knuth Road in Boynton Beach. Florida. Banyan Creek Estates is located immediately west and south of the site and the US Post Office immediately east of the site in the north half. A Palm Beach County School is located immediately southeast of the site. The site is approximately 14.8 acres and has dimensions of the order of 655' in the east-west direction by 964' in the north-south direction. Due to inaccessibility to the site. our inspection was made from adjacent properties looking into the site. The grades at the site generally appear to be a couple of feet lower than adjacent property along the west side and several feet lower along the east side adjacent to the Post Office. Most of the site is heavily wooded with what appear to be Brazilian pepper trees with the eastern half, northern two thirds appearing as a marsh with many cattails observed. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The United States Department of Agricultural Soil Conservation Service Soils Map for Palm Beach County indicates the presence of the Okeelanta muck within the eastern one-half of the site. Our experience is that this particular deposit can pertain to depths of 15' below the level of Boynton Beach Boulevard. The soils map indicates Basinger sand within the northern two-thirds of the western one-half of the site and Basinger/Myakka depressional soils within the southern one-third, western one-half of the site. The Basinger sand consists of nearly level, sandy soils formed in thick beds of sandy marine sediments. The sand colors range from white to dark reddish brown to pale brown and the sand is typically fine. Permeability is typically rapid. The Basinger/Myakka depressional sands are nearly level, poorly drained. sandy soils in shallow depressions. Thin shallow organic zones are sometimes associated with this soil series. Groundwater levels are anticipated to be 4' to 5' below existing grades and may be somewhat lower during the current drought. A water level is apparent within the marsh in the northern two-thirds of the eastern half. 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33426 Boynton Beach (407) 736-4900 . Pompano Besch (305) 941.8700 . FAX (407) 737-9975 A..... , -. CONCLUSIONS The referenced site can be developed for the intended use. However, a considerable amount of earthwork will be required in demucking the site and rebuilding structural fills within the eastern half of the site. The northern two-thirds of the western half can probably be developed with conventional construction techniques, that is within the Basinger fine sand area. There is potential for some shallow buried organic deposits within the Basinger/Myakka depressional series in the south one-third of the western half. In any case prior to proceeding with construction at this site a geotechnical investigation including an appropriate number of standard penetration test borings must be completed in order to assess the subsurface conditions and develop appropriate criteria for support of foundations and parking areas. We appreciate this opportunity to be of service and would look forward to working with you and your consultants during the geotechnical investigation and construction phases. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Sincerely, NUTIING ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA, INC. Ja ~g~~ ~12"f':fK~ation #21083 Vice President/Chief Engineer Attachments: Limitations of Liability cc: Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Place Suite 100 A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 BBBL VD/pm @NUTTING ~~ ENGINEERS OF FLORIDA. INC. ESTABLISHED 1967 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO: Tim Cannon DATE March 9, 1990 DEPARTMENT Planning Director EVALUATION/RECOMMENDATION [2( o o FOR YOUR INFORMATION APPROPRIATE ACTION o o o NOTE AND RETURN FOR YOUR FILES OTHER ACTION DESIRED PRIOR TO SUBJECT: Six Annexation Applications submitted by Kilday & Associates As you are aware the City Commission at Tuesday evenings Commission Meeting relative to the Agenda item of six applications submitted by Kilday and Associates for annexation, land use element and rezoning took the following action: 1. Recommended to continue the processing of the six applications and ,directed staff to process accordingly, 2. Recommended that the three sites under the three acre rule be processed accordingly as if they were in fact three acres or more. Both of these recommending actions by the City Commission are to occur simultaneously, therefore, I ask that your department move forward in an expeditious manner on these applications. Your prompt attention is appreciated. .:::- 2SM5\ ~ J I Scott Miller City Manager JSM : j C RESPONSE: TO: J Scott Miller The above information has been forwarded to the applicant. RE.r"E< T~ TTID. \..., J_~. " "u., Date (Action Completed) /2}/;;; /?/;. ! ' / . t =7-:'-:->:/ S~gna ure"7"/'u,. / I MAR 9 1990 /-?;7 P1pNNII~G DEfT, /.. /~....:,--/!, "~.(~1,, . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ \ill 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734-BIlI OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 5, 1990 Kilday & Associates Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum Place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: Boynton Beach Annexations Dear Mr. Kilday: The planning Department has reviewed your letter of February 13, 1990 and the additional items submitted. Our comments are as follows: General Issues 1. The proposed .80 acre service station is currently a portion of a 25.3 acre parcel which is proposed to be annexed as part of the Mall South application. Therefore, this parcel can be zoned PCD and it is not intended in the comprehensive Plan that the .80 acre parcel be removed from the 25.3 acre parcel. Concerning the proposed Mall Corner Restaurant and Retail/Oil Lube applications, these two parcelS do not meet the minimum acreage requirements for rezoning to PCD. However, it is the intent of the Comprehensive Plan that the above parcels be combined as part of a unified development, rather than developed on a piecemeal basis. Because these parcels fall, within Planning Area 7 of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, any rezoning to other than the PCD zoning district would be inconsistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan. As noted by the Interim planning Director, the word "should" as opposed to "shall" has no bearing on this matter as far as DCA is concerned. In order to place these three parcels in the C-3 zoning category, an application for a text amendment will be required. Only one application would be necessary to amend the text lanaguage for Planning Area 7 to cover all of the parcels which lie within this area. TO: Kilday & Associates -2- Mar. 5, 1990 2. The DRI issue is scheduled to be reviewed by the City Commission at the March 6, 1990 meeting. 3. As documented in the description for each application in the February 13, 1990 correspondence, staff is aware of the ownership issues. Concerning the proposed Mall South Parcel (49.52 acres), this parcel is being placed in a commercial land use and zoning category and the analysis of impacts on infrastructure are required pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Zoning Regulations (Section 9.c.4). In addition, this information will also be required by DCA, as outlined in the last paragraph of the February 13th correspondence. Concerning the status of the six applications, the following items noted in the February 13, 1990 correspondence are still outstanding: I. Proposed Service Station Item no. 1. II. Proposed Mall South Parcels Items no. 1, 3 and 5. Concerning item no. 3, the signed original that was submitted does not include Ernest Klatt's signature. The photocopy of only Ernest Klatt's signature on page 7 is not acceptable. The original page 7 of the application should be removed, signed by Ernest Klaff and returned, or a new fully signed original of page 7 should be submitted. III. Proposed Mall Corner Restaurant Items no. 1 and 4. The signature of the applicant is still missing from page 6 and the original signed copy should be modified accordingly. IV. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube Item no. 1. V. Knuth Road PCD Items no. 4, 5 and 8. Concerning item no. 4, an original signed copy is necessary. VI. Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Items no. 4 and 7. The above items should be submitted in two copies for standard zoning districts and 3 copies for planned zoning districts. six additional copies of the subdivision master plan for the rezonings to PCD will be required for review by the Technical Review Board (9 total). TO: Kilday & Associates -3- Mar. 5, 1990 If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTOf BEACH ~ I )>~~ JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG: frb cc: City Manger Central File KildayII ;. 'iI /' Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite l00A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689-5522 . Fax: 1407) 689-2592 February 26, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 RE: Boynton Beach ^nne~aticn Parcels Dear 11ra Golden, This letter provides a response to your letter of February 13, 1990 concerning six Annexation, Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and Rezoning applications which were submitted to you on January 31, 1990. Prior to discussing the individual parcels involved, there are several general issues which need resolution. These are: , L Text Amendment - As indicated in my previous letter to you of January 31, 1990 (Item No.2 - Proposed Service sta t ion), I do not be I i eve a Text Amendment is necessary regarding those three parcels which are less than three acres in size and therefore not eligible for consideration as Planned Commercial Districts. As indicated then, the critical language in the Comprehensive Plan is the word "should" as opposed to the word "shall". ~ Obviously, these three parcels of land which do not Ineet the minimum three acres criteria for a Planned Commercial Distx"ict cannot, in fact. be zoned as Planned Commel'ciaI Districts. We have reviewed the Ordinance and filld no provisions for any waiver from this requi rement. Because of this, we have. (Kade appl ication for straight C-3 zoning. However, as y.ou are well aware, the City Cornll.ission may place conditions lJpOll aTIY Annexation approval similar in nature to conditions which could be placed upon an actual Planned COlumercial District. Because there seems to be some UTlcertainty regarding the interpretation of this section of the Conlprellensive Plan. l would therefore request that this matter be discussed by the Ci ty Comm.ir\s,j"on as to their i.ntent in including this lanr,ua.ge i.n t~eEIVED MAn' 1 19~O PLANNING DLPf. .' Mr. James J. February 26. Page 2 Golden 1990 2. Development of Regional Impact - Your Letter of February 13, 1990 indicates that these applications when considered ~either separately or together may constitute a Development of Regional Impact". I need further clarification of this issue. I have reviewed the Statutes and do not find any indication that Development of Regional Impacts must requeSted at this time. I agree with you that the City Commission should probably make a final decision regarding this item. Perhaps we can schedule the Text Amendment and the DRI issue on the same agenda and resolve these matters together. 3. Ownership - My letter of January 31, 1990 was incorrect in one critical assumption. At that time, 1 indicated that Mr. Winchester had some involvement in all of the parcels being submitted. Subsequently, I learned that that is not the case. For your information, I am attaching Warranty Deeds indicating the ownership of each of the parcels being submitted. Specifically, Mr. Winchester has no involvement in either the Mall Corner parcel which was purchased in 1988 from the Florida Gas Transmission Company or the University of Florida Trust parcel which has been owned by the Trust since 1986. Additionally. [ am attaching a map showing the names of the ownerships of the various parcels between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. You will note tha't these parcels were purchased at various times and in various combinations of names. For the purpose of this Annexation~ we have gathered these parcels together. But again, there is no development plan being requested at this time and we will further stipulate that no development wiLl take place on the 49 acre tract until an actual Planned Commercial District is requested by the peli lianeI'. (However, in the meantime. we are requesting a Commercial Land Use designation and Zoning District be applied to this property in order to be consistent with both the City and County Plans.) Regarding f 0 1 low i n g your specific concerns respoTlse is provided: for each appl icati.on .the I. Erop~?_~_L~_~~~i~,g___~.iQJ~_L9}.! This. 80 acres of property is located at tile southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road and is owned by Bil I Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Wi,rlchester. Applications submj_tted are for Annexation, lJand Use Element Alnendment~ and Rezoning. L Applicant necessary. disagrees As sta.ted that a Text Amendment is above, ttle applicant re~ue5t5 .. Mr. James oJ. February 26. Page 3 Golden 1990 that this ma-r~ tet' bl~ discussed at the City Commission level. 2. Additional copies of thf.:!' property owners list, tax map and affidavit are attached. 3. Items 6 and this site However, we Consulting by you in attached. 7 of the application do not apply to as the parcel is less than one acre. did submit a statement by K.S. Rogers, Enftineer, providing the data requested your Jetter. An additional copy is I I. e.!:..9...EOS~E.-.t12_LL--?OL!.!J!_.J)ar~~_L - This /~9.52 acre parcel is located on the east and west sides of Winchester Park Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard and is owned by 8i II R. Winchester. Elsie A. Winchester. and Ernest Klatt. The applications are for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment, and Rezoning. 1. A Text Amendment is not needed as the applicant has already agreed 1:0 stipulate in the Annexation agreement that no development will commence prior to a Rezoning of the property to a Planned Commercial District designation. However, the applicant is requesting C-3 Zoning at this time to ensure that the property is entitled to develop consistent witl) botll the County and the City Land Use Plans. "rt,e stipulation regarding no developmcn'l until a Planned Commercial District is approved for this site is sufficicn't to satisfy the Text requireulcnts of the Plan. 2. Additional copies maps ar\d affidavit of the property ar-e attached. owners list, tax 3. The Consent of Ernest Klatt was of the appli.cation. HO\.Jever, has been attached tlereto. submit.ted as an addi tiana-{ p;ut copy 4. Pursuant to our discussion with tile City Forester, a vegetative aS5cssrnent will be sufficient at this time. Such an assessment is attached tlereto. s. it.pms (a). (b)~ and (c) ,,,ere included in the application as ")1al South Justification Impacts". This docunlsnt al~~o addressed Itcul Cd) rega~ding traffic. BeCnlJS~ there a,re no dcveloplnent plans for the property at this time and because the .' Mr. James J. February 26, Page 4 Golden 1990 applicant has further stipulated that no development will take place prior to the approval for a Planned Commercial District and/or Development of Regional Impact (if applicable), a traffic comparison cannot be entertained at this time. Similarly. Items (e) and (fl regarding sewage flow cannot be calculated wilh6ut a known use for the site. Again, a" 'specific development plan will be required in order to assess future amp I oymen t... Ill. Prop..9s~~ M'!J_LCo_rner_.B.S'.s_to.~l!]'a_nJ:. - This 1.31, acre parcel is located at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard and is owned by Hall Carner, Inc.. Appl ications are for Annexation, Land Use Element Amendment. and Rezoning. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Applicant necessary.. that this Commission that a Text Amendment is above. the appl icant requests discussed at the City di5agrec~s As stated matter be I eve]. Information contained in the by this office from our duplicated on a standard attached. application computer City form submitted has been which is Additional copies of the property owners map and affidavit are attached. list, tax Signature of the applicant on Page 6 submitted. However. an additional attached hert~in~ was previously copy has been The proposed i nd i eel 'l:c~d on app I i CD. t i on ~ be noted on at taclwd. square footage for the restaurant was the site plan sllblnitted as part of the 'fIle square footage has additionally the revised "Requirements (e) and (h)" , 6. It is estilnated that tt~c rQsta~rant will provide approxilna-tely 50 elnploymenl. opportunities.. In all probabi.lity, ther(~ \o/ill be:! 25-.30 employees working on anyone shift. ~lowcver. while hours of operation have not been fully defined, it is estimated ttlat at 'east two shifts will be required for the restaura,nt~ This matter has been incorporated under the revised "Requirements (g) and (h) ,. of the appl ieation~ Mr. James J. February 26. Page 5 Golden 1990 IV. Proposed Retail/Oil L,ub<:>. This 2.[,4 acre site is located at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard and is owned by Winchester, Winchester1 Zeiher, and Schroeder, a Florida General Partnership. ^pplications are for Annexation, Land Use Element ^Inendnlent~ and Rezoning. 1. Applicant necessary. that this Commission disagrees As stated matter be I eve I. that a Text Amendment is above, the applicant requests discussed at the City 2. Additi.onal copies map and affidavit of the property are attached- ownerS list, tax 3. Tl1e term COllllnercial-3 has been amended to "C-3ff. 4. Additional information pertaining to proposed square footage has been added to the revised "Requirements (g) and (h) which is attached. 5. Additional information pertaining to employment figures for the project has been added to the revised "Requirements Cg) and (h) which is attached. v. Propos~~nui;.~B...9~~~~!~-"J},l~g~_<;:_q~}!lercia I _pevelomnent- This 13.8"11 acre parcel is at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road and is owned by the Wincllester Fanlily Partnership, Ltd. and various members of the Winchester family. Applications are for AnnexatioTl. Land Use Element Amendment~ and Rezoning. 1. An additional '100.00 filing fee is attached. 2. A Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment application is attached. PreviouslY1 the applicant was under the impression that the Comprehensive Plan Amendment application which w~s submitted as part ~f "the overull Anrtexation. COlnprel1ensive I~lan and Rezoning application was sufficient to indicate that change on the Pla.n. HO\,Jover. based upon your letter, we are in agreement that a separate "ext Amendment will be required. 3. Additional copies of the property owners maps and affidavit are attached. List. tax '1. Tile sig1\"i:ur~" of tho applicanL on Page G.'of the Hr. James J. Golden February 2t3. 1990 Page 6 Annexation application has attached. been completed and is 5. As with the other applications, the applicant did indicate the proposed square footage on the previously submitted site plans. However. these figures have additionally been added to the attached revised "Requirements' (g) and (h)ff. 6. Employment calculations have been included in the attached revised "Requirements (g) and (h)". 7. Documentation submitted by the applicant indicates that the property is under single ownership and is currently subject to Unified Control. Attached herein you \"i I t find an additional document indicating the willingness of this awner to maintain Unified Control pursuant to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach in the future and require any future owners to likewise agree.. V I . P T'..9_E..9..2Q.~_.~_9-Y..!'_ t ~D~ e_?~J::L_1?9_~-!..L~~1?.:..~.9----E-U.~.~.DAne d Gomm ere i a I .Qeve~~Rn:t_Q...1JL- Thi.s 14.76 acre parcei is located on the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and is owned by the University of Florida Foundation,. Inc.. Charlene Boynton, and Donald Lowe. ApplicatIons are for Annexation. Land Use Element Anlendment. and Rezoning.. 1. An additional $100.00 filing fee is attached. 2.. ^ Comprehensive attached. Plan "rext Amendment application is 3. Additional copies of tile property owners maps and affidavit are attached. 1 ist, tax 4. Pursuant: to a vegetative 1~he J8.nuary survt'':'Y which our discussion with the City Forester, assessment was submi.tted as part of 3.1. 1~190 appl ication in lieu of:a tree \"1 II br-~ submi tted at. a later da"te.. (g J been and included (hJ which in is ,. C>. Th~ proposed the rnvised a.ttached.. ~;qUD,rp. footage "Requirements has 6. Employment calculations revised "Requil"ements attached. have (g J been and added to the (hl which is " . Mr. .Ja.IRes J ~ February 26, Page 7 Golden 1990 7. Documentation submitted by the applicant indicates that the property is under single ownership and is currently subject to Unified Control. Attached herein you will find an additional document indicating the willingness of this owner to maintain Unified Control pursuant to the requirements of the City of. ,Boynton Beach in the future and require any future owners to likewise agree. 8. Page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendm~nt/Rezoning application has been completed and is attached. If you have any questions concerning any of the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Since("ely~ ., CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @"" l',~" 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435.0310 (4071734.8111 I I OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 13, 1990 Kilday & Associates, Inc. Attn: Kieran J. Kilday 1551 Forum place, Bldg. 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Dear Mr. Kilday: . , . \ Please be advised that the planning Department six applications submitted on January 31, 1990. as follows: has reviewed the Our comments are I. proposed Service station (.80 acres) at southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road owned by Bill Ray Winchester and Elsie A. Winchester (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete' the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply wtt~ the text language for planning Area 7 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocoPY acceptable) and affidavit. (3) The water/sewer impact statement required pursuant to items 6 and 7 on pages 4 and 5 is based on comparison of existing and proposed zoning categories and not . existing and proposed land use categories. The statement also does not indicate that calculations are based on the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department. TO: Kilday & Assoc -2- Feb. 13, 1990 II. proposed Mall South Parcels (49.52 acres total) located on the east and west sides of Winchester Park Boulevard between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, owned by Bill R. Winchester, Elsie A. Winchester, and Ernest Klatt (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. ( 2) An additional copy of the property owners I list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. (3) Pursuant to item c(l) on page 3 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, written consent to the processing of this application from Ernest Klatt. , \ , (4) Pursuant to item d(3) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a tree survey which meets the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance. (5) Pursuant to item h on pages 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, a compari- son of the impacts that would be created by develop- ment under the proposed zoning with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: (a) A comparison of the potential square footage or number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under th~ proposed zoning or development. (b) A statement of the uses that would be allowed in the proposed zoning or development, and any particular uses that would be excluded. (c) Proposed timing and phasing of the development. (d) A comparison of traffic which would be generated under the proposed zoning or development, with' the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrounding roadways, and improvements I I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -3- Feb. 13, 1990 that would be necessary to accommodate such traffic movements. For proposed developments which would generate three-thousand (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips within a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required. Said traffic impact analysis shall include projected trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersections within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well as traffic that would utilize local streets through residential zoning districts. Said traffic impact analysis shall compare traffic levels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development of the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would be possible under the current zoning within the City, adjacent cities, and within the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County within. a radius of five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach County, which are, not currently zoned for urban land uses, the potential' , land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the density range shown on the County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of traffic generation at build-out has been adopted or is utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are projected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traffic in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. The format and standards used in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those which are required by Palm Beach county, with the exception of the requirements list,ed above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recommendations for the mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted by or are utilized by Palm Beach county. (e) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed zoning or development with water demand under the existing zoning. Water demand shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. commitment to the provision of improvements to the TO: Kilday & Assoc. -4- Feb. 14, 1990 water system shall also be included, where existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (f) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (g) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the " proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows' \ , shall be estimated using the standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be included, where the existing facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. (h) For proposed residential developments larger than one (1) lacre, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be required, where more tha~ fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms in the case of group housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall also provide projections for the number of employees. I I TO: Kilday & Assoc. -5- Feb. 14, 1990 III. Proposed Mall Corner Restaurant (1.34 acres) at the southwest corner of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Mall Corner, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) A standard City of Boynton Beach application form for the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application (the reproduction submitted is not acceptable). (3) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocoPY acceptable) and affidavit. (4) Signature of applicant (owner) on page 6 of the Annexation Application. (5) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (6) Pursuant to item h(B) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. IV. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube (2.44 acres) at the northeast corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard owned by Winchester, Winchester, Zeiher and Schroeder, a Florida General partnership (applications fo~ annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) Since a portion of the proposed zoning category does not comply with the text language for planning Area 7.f of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (2) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocoPY acceptable) and affidavit. , , , TO: Kilday & Assoc. -6- Feb. 13, 1990 (3) Correct "Proposed Zoning" on page 3 of Annexation application, as a County land use category has been indicated instead of the proposed City zoning category. I (4) Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning. (5) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. V. Proposed Knuth Road Planned Commercial Development (13.871 acres) at the southwest corner of West Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road owned by the Winchester Family Partnership, Ltd. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule {a check in the amount of $900 was submitted). (2) since a portion of the proposed land use and zoning categories does not comply with the text language for Planning Area 7.j of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. (3 ) An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. signature of applicant is missing from page 6 of , Annexation Application (copy of owner's authorization signed by Bill R. Winchester). A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.1(b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations) . Pursuant to item hIll on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). (4 ) ( 5) ( 6) . , , , TO: Kilday & Assoc. -7- Feb. 13, 1990 (7) pursuant1to item h(8) of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (8) Pursuant to item h(11) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. VI. Proposed Boynton Beach Boulevard Planned Conmmercial Development (14.76 acres) on the south side of West Boynton Beach Boulevard owned by University of Florida Foundation, Inc. (applications for annexation, land use element amendment and rezoning). The following items must be submitted in order to complete the above-referenced applications: (1) ( 2) (3 ) ( 4) ( 5) The correct fee for rezoning to PCD is $1,000 pursuant, to the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Fee Schedule (a check in the amount of $900 was sUbmitted). \ . Since the proposed land use and zoning category does not comply with the text language for planning Area 7.k of the Future Land Use Element support Documents, an application for a comprehensive Plan Text Amendment. An additional copy of the property owners' list, tax maps (photocopy acceptable) and affidavit. A tree survey which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach Tree Preservation Ordinance (see section 7.5 - 6.1 (b) of Article I of the Environmental Regulations. L , Pursuant to item h(l) on page 4 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, the potential square footage which would be allowed under the proposed zoning (total for entire PCD). (6) Pursuant to item h(8) on page 6 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, projections for the number of employees. (7) Pursuant to item h(11) on page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application, conformance with the requirements for Unified Control outlined in TO: Kilday & Assoc. -8- Feb. 13, 1990 Section 6.F.3 of Appendix A-Zoning and submittal of a subdivision master plan pursuant to Article VIII, Section 4 of Appendix C-Subdivisions, Platting. (8) Signature of Owner/Trustee is missing from page 7 of the Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning application. Pursuant to Chapter 163.3187 F.S., none of the applications submitted meet the criteria for small scale development activities as a result of the text amendments that are necessary and the fact that an amendment cannot involve the same property more than once a year or the same owner's property within 200 feet of property granted a change within a period of 12 months. It appears likely that several of these applications, either separately or when considered together, may constitute a Development of Regional Impact (DRI). Therefore, a description of the petitions, a map showing same, and a tabulation of the acreages will be forwarded to the City Commission. The Commission will need to decide whether a binding letter should 'be requested from DCA regarding DRI status. If the City Commission approves the transmittal of these applications to DCA, you will be required to submit to the Planning Department, prior to transmittal, a description of the availability of and demand on public facilities pursuant to 9J-ll.006(1)(b)4 of the Florida Administrative Code. If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNT~N ~~ACH ~'/~'~ JAMES J. GOLDEN Senior City Planner JJG:frb cc: City Manager Central File bcc: Alan ~hhi~. PBCty Traffic Dept Kilday , , . I I :J -+-/1 _~ (c' e ( " Kilday & Aaaociat.. Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: 1407) 689-2592 ;1.t:'. ~TL:1 Golden, SeniIJ:_' City Planner City of Boynton 8('aC:1 120 E. EC1"nten '3eacL 1!oul",vard DATE Jnnuarv 31, 1990 PROJECT NAME 799. subnitta1s ATT PROJECT NU~BER WE TRANSMIT: Q ~EREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOllOWING o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 AooeN~UU DTRAc,NGS,SEP,As 0 SUBt.tITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER D SHOP DRAWINGS Dcopy OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTION CODE: G FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COt.At.tENT D FOR YOUR USE D AS REQUESTED A REVIEWED B. NOT REVIEWED C. REvIEweo & NOTED o RESUBMIT E 00 NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FilES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO COOE \L!-... ~~c:'r_<!:: ,. :>..:{CLL - :~;-I nf::-: _~ t ion Land Use .. . ., , '''L.t '.~()ninq .. . '.' <CA€ELi.~l sr.::::\' rei" rJl?,T~OiJ - l\nnexation , Land , CS~? ~c1 ~-::on i i tCj 'J . '\LL cr'n~;r:~ ( :u;;~~!~-' 7'~Lr: ~,\:, r~, ) - ]\nncx:ttion , L.'lnd ~~: ~ C' J :ld :_~()r,in~~' .. ~J)p()sr [' ~~[:'r:Il.IL7C'Il"/ r.Jcel.'- l.\~.lnoxa. t.ir:n, ' . . ..J~.lnu L:>C' :~ nLt 20:1 inrr " CY~!': :-:1\ l_i.?\CI DL\:Dl~~.::"''T1I RI:'-M!Um::i1ticn , L~i r~d Use ar:d :~onin(T I: . ; \ I'I.r::I~Flr-..."',;, OF PL;:,. . TF:u~~r.l.' Pi\ECJ:L - .l~nne::Cl.tjon :.Ji:::'J'd Use i1nd ~(")nig'J LJ :(' I.Tll LY : .~ :)r.'~'-L-. ; - -, IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCI COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE D D o o o FilE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIY. SIGNEO -- K.S. ROGERS, CONSULTING ENGINEER, INC, 1495 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite F West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (407) 964-7300 (FAX) 969-9717 January 31, 1990 Mr. Lindsey Walters Kilday & Associates 1551 Forum Way Building lOOA West Palm Beach, FL 33402 " RE: Boyn ton Beach Boul evard PCD Water Useage Dear Lindsey: At y6ur request, this office has projected the water and sewer demand for the above project, The Palm Beach County Health Department has developed water useaqe standards for different land uses. For general retail uses which do not include restau- rants, a flow rate of 0.1 qallons per day per square foot of floor area has been established, As the exact useaqe of this center has not been established. only..estimates, based upon a reasonable guess of the amount of restaurant use, can be made, An average daily water useaqe of 28,650 qallons per day has been calculated for this project based upon the fo~lowinq assumptions: General Retail Space Restaurant Space (435 seats) 113.000 sq.ft, @ 0.1 qal/sq.ft. 7,000 sq,ft. @50 qal/seat This parcel of land is currently zoned aqricultural in Palm Beach County. As such. an averaqe flow of 350 qallons per day per unit at the existinc zoninc would cenerate an averaqe of 1.050 qallons per day. The C,ount y' s Comprehensive P Ian shows an allowed land use of 8 dwelling units per acre, Thus, 96 multi-family units could be" constructed on this parcel, At a flow rate of 300 qallons per day per unit, an averace daily flow of 28,800 qallons per day can be expected'; Thus. the flow rate for this commercial project is eqUivalent to the residential development rate allowed under the County's Comprehensive Plan. ,.,., Mr. Lindsey Walters January 31, 1990 BOYllton Beach Boulevard PCD Page T~o Typically, there is very little difference in water and sewer flow rates for commercial uses unless irri9ation is 90in9 to be done from public water. At this time, the source of irri9ation water is planned to be from on-site wells. ~ Very truly yours, ~~E. KSR/jr . . . ~t ~. : ':';:*f.~:.},qr:,~: "t::, 'c' , ..i....I.. "0 .~. .... ' ... ~. '::~;}~ ../~i /i- T ':~ "rL":t.r.r_f,~ ,.. ..". ., Kilday & Aaaoclat.. Landscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 . Fax: 14071 689-2592 January 31. 1990 Mr. Jim Golden. Senior City Planner City of Boynton Beach 120 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Proposed Rezonings Annexations, Land Use Designations. and Dear Mr. Golden, Attached you will find six applications for a variety of Annexations. Land Use Designations and Rezonings. While each of these parcels have separate and distinct proposals. they share some similarities which are addressed herein. While the Winchester family has some involvement in all of the parcels, the ownership of the parcels varies. In many cases. Mr, and Mrs. Winchester have additional partners in the parcels necessitating that each application be considered separately and distinctly. I make this notation due to our previous discussion regarding "aggregation" and its effect on possible future Development of Regional Impacts. After giving you time to make a preliminary review of these applications, I will set up a formal meeting with yourself, myself, and Mr. Michael Schroeder, attorney for the Winchester's and, in fact. applicant on some of these parcels. At that time, we can review the specific language of State Ordinances regarding "aggregation" and make a determination as to whether this section of the Ordinance applies to any or all of these properties. Additionally, have submitted site plans and Site Plan Review data sheets for all of the projects except the large annexation (Mall South). We are not requesting site plan approval for any of the projectsat this time. However, due to the special regulations required for some of the uses and our desire to indicate intensity of the proposed use (which relates to the traffic study submitted as part of the rezoning requests). we believed this information was necessary tor zoning purposes. Separate applications tor site plan approval will be made at a later date. Mr. Jim Golden .January :31. 1990 Page 2 Addressing the specific requests before you. the following should supplement the applications: 1. Mall South Parcel - This 49 acre parcel of property is only seeking Annexation. Land Use Designation, and Zoning consistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan of Boynton Beach. There are no development plans for this parcel at this time, In the past. there has been discussion whether development of this site will constitute a Development of Regional Impact. That determination cannot be made until the petitioner develops specific plans for future construction on this site, There are no plans at this time. The application clearly indicates that the site will require ultimate rezoning to Planned Commercial Development at which time the Development of Regional Impact thresholds can be assessed. This Annexation. Land Use Designation and Zoning is identical to the rezoning of 450 acres of Foundation property which occurred approximately two years ago in Palm Beach County. At that time, Palm Beach County designated this 450 acres as IL-Light Industrial Zoning. The undestanding at that time was that future development ot the site would require submittal ot a Special Exception for a Planned Industrial Development or further rezoning to a Planned Industrial Park Development Zoning District. For that reason. this parcel was not deemed a Development of Regional Impact at that time. The property is currently zoned in accordance with the Land Use Plan although still vacant. A determination of Development of Regional Impact thresholds will occur at such time as this property actually makes plans for development. 2. Proposed Service Station This application incLudes Annexation, Land Use Designation. and Rezoning. In our past conversations. references were made to special language contained within the Comprehensive Plan regarding the property south of the Boynton Mall (Area 7f). I have carefully read this section. It includes the following verbiage, ",.,particular requirements ot the City should be that these parcels be annexed prior to development, that parcels be developed as planned zoning districts...". This statement raises the question as to whether all parcels must be zoned and developed as Planned Commercial Developments. As you are aware. the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District requires a minimum of three acres. Three of the applications within this area do not meet this requirement. Therefore, the Planned Commercial Mr, Jim Goiden January 31, 1990 Page 3 Development Zoning District could not apply to these sites. I would note the critical word in this statement is "should" as opposed to "shall". I do not believe that any text amendment is necessary to accommodate the rezoning of these parcels to C-3. In fact, the City's Code requires specific site plan approvals tor any development occuring in these commercial districts and. in tact, the goals and intent at the Planned Commercial District will be achieved through those reviews. The proposed use of a Service Station is a permitted use within the C-3 Zoning District. However. due to the fact that there are special regulations, a site plan has been submitted with this application. 3. Mall Corner (Restaurant) The issues discussed above regarding the Service Station apply also to this parcel, This parcel is less than three acres in size negating its ability to be rezoned to a Planned Commercial Development. Theretore. the petitioner is requesting the Commercial C-3 Zoning which would allow the establishment of a Restaurant on the site. A Restaurant is a permitted use within this zoning district. However. for the establishment at the specific intensity. a site plan has been submitted along with additional site development information. 4. Proposed Retail/Oil Lube Site (Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard) - This application is somewhat unusual in that a portion of the site is already located within the municipal boundaries ot the City of Boynton Beach. In this case, that property is already zoned Commercial C-3. The petitioner will be rezoning the balance of the site to C-3 to make the zoning consistent throughout the entire parcel. The Boynton Beach Zoning Code does not address uses such as a Quick Oil Change facility. Clearly, this facility does not meet the definition in the Zoning Code tor Major Auto Repair. Theretore, it is assumed that it is a permitted use tas are Service Stations) in the C-3 Zoning District. I will be happy to discuss this matter with you more fully. 5, Boynton Beach Boulevard/Knuth Road Site - This parcel. in addition to an Annexation request, wi 11 require an amendment to the Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan to change the existing Land Use Designation. The petitioner is requesting a designation of Local Retail Commercial. This property is currently designated as Local Retail Commercial, in part. and 110derate Density. . . 11r. J 1m Golden Januarv 31. 199\} Page " in part. The petitioner is requesting that the entire parcel be designated as Local Retail Commercial. Within Palm Beach County the property is designated Commercial (High Intensity), in part. and Commercial Recreation in par t. Additionally. because this property does exceed three acres. the petitioner is requesting Rezoning of the property to the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District, Again, a site plan has been submitted for the purpose of designating the proposed land use intensity consistent with the traffic study which accompanies the application. Final plans for site plan review will take place at a later date. b. University of Florida Trust This parcel is similar to the Knuth Road parcel in that a Land Use ~mendment to the Comprehensive Plan will be required. Both the Boynton Beach and the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plans designate this property as High-Density Residential. The petitioner is requesting that a designation of Local Retai I Commercial be establ ished for the site in its entirety. Again, this property is of sufficient size to allow a request for the Planned Commercial Development Zoning District. While all of the attached specific, I bel ieve this cover to assist you in their review. applications are complete and letter helps provide a summary Mv clients are concerned that these applications move forward in an organized and consistent effort. Therefore. Mr. Winchester, Mr, Schroeder, and/or mysel f wi 11 be avai lable at anv time should you have any questions regarding these matters. As previously indicated, 1 wi II contact your office shortly to arrange a meeting between yourself and my clients to review these applications and answer any questions. However. believe you need adequate time to make your own preliminary review prior to us getting together. As indicated in your Comprehensive Plan, all of these parcels of property belong within the jurisdication of the City of Boynton Beach. We anticipate that these properties will make a signiricant contribution to the tax base of the City helping to relieve some ot the burden on the residents. Tnank you very much tor your assistance in this matter to ~Ir. Jim Golden January 31, 1990 Page 5 date. future. am looking forward to working with you in the Sincerely, Kieran J. KJK/lsk C.c. Gene Moore Bill Winchester Michael Schroeder F i Ie APPLICA TION ',~, c\';'" .'/ ---- " - ':/. /I,) p] i bBNP._~?s_0.~s~Q~~~I-BNQLQ8-8sIQ~lN8-BEEbl~BIlQ~ City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be proce!:'~sed M Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. 8s~s8Bb_l~EQB~BIlpN Boynton Beach Boulevard, PCD 1. Project Name: --------------------------------------------------- 2. Type of Application (check one) -------- aM Rezoning only --------- b. Land Use Amendment only ._. ____...xx.._ c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department) : -------------------------,--------------------------------- 4. Applicant~s Name (persDn or business entity in whose name this' application is made): Michael A. Schroederr Trustee ----------------------------------------------------------- Ad d r e5S : : ~'2.!:.~'=._~~~:.~.,.~~~_~_~~<:.~=_:.._~~:________________________------ 1l2.c::.~_~~!.2.~!..._~~:._~ ~~~~...-----------------.----------------- Telephof'le. Number: _1Q2=~1l=Ql~~___________________________________________ 5. Agent~s Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Ki ~':..<:.~_~:.._~.i}:.~_<:.:U~i_~d_':.Y.__&_~:..:..~'?.~':.~:..___________________--- Address: ~~~~_~~~'2.~_~~<:'~'=.~_~~=_:"_~~~:'~____________________________ 1:i~t.._~~lJ!l._l2.~~<.<h.LL:J;",'__ll'!.Q..L_____________________________- Planning Department 1-86 page 1 . Tel ephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- (407) 689-5522 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: __...____~~_~~_..~~__~,eE~_~_c::_~:t:,________________._____,--------------- Address: -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- Telephone Number: -------------------------------------------------------- 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* __.___.____ _~_____._..________M_.____M__.________________________----- -------------------------------------------------------- * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) ConLraCL_Eurchas.e.r_ ___,__.________________.____________________________ 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: South side of ------------------- ~2Y~!2~_~~~~~_~1~9~_~EEI2~~_2~Q_f~~!_.~~~~_Ef_~Q~gE~~~-~~~~-------- 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: ---------------------------- ______________,~~::___~.!,!_~~!:~9._~~.!!J!?g___~ I\~__..____________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 11. Area of Subject Parcel Ito the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre}: ---------------------------------------p-------------------------- 14.76 acres Planning Department 1-86 page 2 ,J " EXHIBIT "A" 1.0TS C TtlRU E LESS STATE ROAD RIGHT or WAY, BI.OCK ~; LOTS C nllW 1:. LESS STATE RO;\D RIGHT OF WAY, BLOCK ~, LOTS A THRU E, BLOCK 28 AND LOTS A TliRU E IlLOCK 29 AS RECORDED IN PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, IN 'PLAT l\OOK' ~, PAGE 73 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS_ ,?F. ~~_LM 8~^CH COVNTY. FLORIDA, TCX:;Etfftl~-\VITII lIlAT PART UF TilE 30' I<OAD 1< I(;IIT-OI' -WAY AS SHOWN oN' !\130VE SA I D PLAT, IJOUNDED ON TilE NOI< III IW THE SOUTH R I GilT _ OF-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEAU I f\LVD. AND nOUNDED ON THE EAST BY LOTS C, 0, E, L\LOCK II, AND LOTS A, Il, C, 0, E, I3LOCK 29 OF AnOVE SA I D PLAT AND BOUNDED ON TilE WEST I\Y LOTS C, 0, E, I3LOCK 5, AND LOTS A, n, C, D, E, IlLCX~K 2S OF A130VE SAID PALM BEAUI FARMS CO'vlPANY PLAT NO. S, AND IIOUNDED ON TilE SOUTI'I IIY TilE EAS TERL Y EXTENS ION OF TilE NOR 111 LINE OF TRACT "G" AS RECORDED IN STONEHAVEN PLAT 1\0. I, PLAT nOOK liS, PAGES 1-5, or THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM nEACH COlINTY, FLOR I [)A. A.0lc : Co/? 10/,1///77 /4.7&:. Ac !nOTe or less ., 12. Current Zoning District: A,kAg.ri.cult-llr.al.Resii!pnti..) 13. Proposed Zoning District: C.DllWlarr.i" 1 .IF' "nnpn .cowner.ci......l-~-e.J.~t 14. Current Land Use Category: 118" -------------------------------------- 15. Proposed Land Use Category: Commercial Local Retail ------------------------------------- 16. Int.ended Use of Subject Pay'cel: _.!'_'~_,!l_'j1.9.9111,_BJ?j;llj_LJl~J?~________ ---------------------------------------.--------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ 17. Developer or Builder: __~Lb______.__,.._____.___________________.________ ------------------------------------------------------------------ 18. Architect: ,__.__, .J;;JLb___.._._._._,_,_ __.____._._____..___,____________,_____.________ 19. Landscape Archit.ect.: ,_ JSi.e!: i:HL iJ _ Eilday,L.Kil da;,z _ ,,_A.ssoc ia:t.esT - .:r...c..-- 20. Si te PI anner: ..___,Ki.eJ;.aJL.J....Kilda;,z,L.Kilda;,z-"-A.ssoc.iaj;.e,sT-..J:J'l~~-------- 21. Civil Engineer: K~S~_RQger5~Conslll~ing_Enginee~s----------------- ?'"' .......:M. Traffic Engineer: _._,KLS.....,RQgers.....Consul:ting._Engin.e.e..._.__.._____----- 23. Surveyor: _ ~,tgh9,!:.g_,1.,.....$h~l2hg;rg_.&_a5SQcia:tes+._Inc__________------- II. ~aI~81Bb~_IQ_~~_~Y~~!II~g_~lI~_BEEbl~eIlQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies. (check) X a. This application form. ~___b. A copy of the last. recorded warranty deed. ~____c. The foIl owi ng documents and 1 et.tf~rs of consent: (11 If the propert.y is under joint Dr several ownership: A written consent to the application by all owners of record, and (2) If the applicant. is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and 131 If the applicant. is represent.ed by an authorized agent: A copy of the agenc~ agreement, or written consent of the applicant, and (4) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Department 1-86 page 3 and the written ccmsent of the owner, and (5) If the applicant is a corporation or ether business entity: The name o.r the o.F.Ficer or per"son responsible for the application, and written proof that said person has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity~ or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is in fact an officer of the cor-poration. x d, A sealed boundary survey of the subject parcel by a surveyor registered in the state of Florida, dated not more than six (6) months prior to the date of submission of the application, at a scale prescribed by the Planning Department, and containing the following infoy.mation: II) An accurate legal description of the subject parcel. (2) A computation of the total acreage of the subject parcel to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre. (3) A tree survey, which conforms to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach TreQ Preservation Ordinance. This requirement may be waived by the Planning Director where found to be unrelated to the land use or zoning issues involved with the application. __~_e. A complete certified list of all property owners, mailing addresses, and legal descriptions for all properties within at least four hundred (400) feet of the subject parcel as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the county court house shall be furnished by the applicant. Postage, and mailing labels or addressed envelopes must also be provided. Said list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. Notification of surrounding property ownerS will be done by the City of Boynton Beach. __lef. of to A copy of the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser's maps showing all the properties referred to in paragraph e. above, and their relation the $ubject parcel. __X_g. A statement by the applicant justifying the zoning requested, including reasons why the property is unsuitable for development under the existi~g zoning and more suitable for development under the proposed zoning. X h. A comparison of the impacts that would be created by development under the proposed zoning, with the impacts that would be created by development under the existing zoning, which shall include: (1) A comparison of the potential square footage Dr number and type of dwelling units under the existing zoning with that which would be allowed under the proposed zoning or development. (2) A statement of the zoning or development, e:-, c 1 uded. uses that would be allowed in the proposed and any particular uses that would be Planning Department 1-86 page 4 ~~_(3) PropoRed timing and phaRing of the development. N~h__._(4) For. propoRed "oning of property t<o commercial or industrial districts, where the area of the slJbject parcel exceeds one (1) acre, a market analysis shall be submitted. Said market analysis shall estimate and take into consideration the availability of all other properties within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcels, which are zoned for uses similar to those proposed on the subject parcel, and shall estimate and take into consideration the vacancy rate of all existing buildings within the same distance which are occupied by uses which are similar to those proposed on the SUbjf:?Ct. pal"o!:l'?l. ,_1<..._ (5) A c<omp"....ison of tt-a.ffic which w<ould be generat.ed under the proposed zoning or development, with the traffic that would be generated under the current zoning; also, an analysis of traffic movements at the intersections of driveways that would serve the property and surrolJndi.ng roadways, and improvements that would be necessary to accomodate such traffic movements. For proposed developmf..:?nt.:; l,."Jl.,ich t"Jould generate thre.e-thou5and (3,000) vehicle trips per day or more, or two-hundred fifty (250) or more single-directional vehicle trips wittlin a one (1) hour period, a traffic impact analysis shall be required. Said traffic impact analysis shall include projected trip generation for the development, for all major roadways and intersections within one and one-half (1.5) miles of the subject parcel, as well as traffic that would utilize local streets thr<ough residential zoning districtR. Said traffic impact analysis shall compare traffic levels between the existing zoning and the proposed zoning or development of the subject parcel, and shall take into consideration all development that would he possible under the current zoning wittlin the City, adjacent cities, and within the ur1incorporated area of Palm Beach County withirl a radills o.f .five (5) miles. For those parcels lying in the unincorporated area of Palm Beach COlJnty, which are not currently zoned for urban land uses, the potential land uses according to the Palm Beach County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where said parcels are shown on the Palm Beach County comprehenRive plan under residential land use categories, the midpoint of the density range shown on County comprehensive plan shall be used. Where a county-wide study of traffic generation at build-out haR been adapted or i~ utilized by Palm Beach County, the levels of traffic that are prOjected by said study shall in all cases be used to project background traffic in the traffic impact analysis submitted by the applicant. The format and standards URed in the traffic impact analysis shall be the same as those which are required by Palm Beach C<ounty, with the exception of the requirements listed above. Such traffic impact analysis shall include recommendations for the mitigation of traffic impacts, consistent with the standards which have been adopted by or are utilized by Palm Beach County. x (6) For parcels larger than one (1) acre, a comparison of the water demand for development under the proposed "oning or development with water demand under the existing "oning. Water demand~shall be estimated using the standards adapted by the Palm Beach County Health Planning Department 1-86 pi?ge 5 .' Department for estimating such demand, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the water system shall also be included, where e}:isting facilities would be inadequate to serve development under the proposed zoning. __4(7) For parcf.ls largel" than one (1) acre, a comparison of sewage flows that would be generated under the proposed zoning or development with that which would be generated under the existing zoning. Sewage flows shall be estimated using the standards adopted by th,. Palm B"ach County Health Department for estimating such flows, unless different standards are justified by a registered engineer. Commitment to the provision of improvements to the sewage collection system shall also be incllJded~ where the ewisting facilities would be inadeguate to serve development under the proposed zoning. __~ll:I3) For proposed resid<?ntial developments larger than one (l) acy-e, a comparison of the projected population under the proposed zoning or development with the projected population under the existing zoning. Population projections according to age groups for the proposed development shall be requj,red, where more than fifty (50) dwellings, or 50 sleeping rooms irl the case (]f grOljp housing, would be allowed under the proposed zoning. Applications for rezoning to commercial or industrial zoning districts which exceed one (1) acre in area shall also provide projections for the number of employees. (9) At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Council, the applicant shall also submit proposals for minimizing land use conflicts with surrounding properties. The applicant shall provide a summary of the nuisances and hazards associated with development under the proposed zoning, as well a~ proposi1ls for mit.igation such nuisances and hazardC:::L. Such summary shall also include, where applicable, e:{clusion of particular uses, limitations on hours of operation, proposed location of loading areas, dumpsters, arId mechanical equipment, screening of service areas and mechanical equipment, location of driveways and service entrance, and specifications for site lighting. Nuisances an hazards shall be abated or mitigated so as to conform to the performance standards contairlPd in the City~s zoning ,regulations and the standards ~ontained in the City~s noise control ordinance. Also, statements concerning the height~ orientation, and bulk of str-u'ctl.H..E~'::i, setbackS"! .from pr-oper1:y lines, and measure'5 for screening anel buff <>\".:[ ng tl',p prDpos<>d c1evE,lopment shall be provi ded. At the request of the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council~ the applicar,t shall also state the type of construction and architectural styles that will be employed in the proposed development. (101 At the request of the Planning Department, Planning and Zoning Board, or City Council, the applicant shall also submit the following information: (a) Official soil conservation service classification by soil associations and all areas subject to inundation and high ground water levels. Planning Department 1-86 page 6 I ~ JAN-22-'90 MON 12:13 ID:KILDAY ~ AS~uCIATES TEL NO:407-6S9-2592 11204 P03 Cb) Existing and p~oposect grade elevations. (c) Existing O~ p~oposed wate~ bodies. Cd) Fo~m of o\.nenship and fo~m of o~gani::ation to maintain common Spdces and recreational facilities. (e) A w~itten commitment to the p~ovision of all nece$sa~y fBcilities fo~ .to~m d~ainaq8, wato~ supplY, sowago collection and t~eatment, solid wasto di"posal, hB::a~dous waste disposal, fi~e p~otection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and pa~k a~eas, school sites, and othe~ public improvements or dedications as may bo ~equJ.red. (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements fo~ submission of applications for ~.zoning to such dist~icts shall alsO be sat.i.sfi.ecl. Furthermor'", ol.l m"terials required for'" subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. 111. ~EE61~~Il9.~_E~~~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, acco~ding to the feeB which have been sdopted by ordinance or resoll-Ition. The I:>lanning Department will inform'the applicant as to the fee. which are required. All fees shall be paid by Check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. v. g~BIIEIGeIlQ~ J. (1) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (1) CWe) hereby certify t.hat the above . ~tatements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans ~ubmitted herewith are true to the b.Bt of (my) (our) knowledge and alief. This plication will. not be accepted unless signed accorf9~ h instructions beloW. ~ ___~-____~__- __~~~-."'c. ____j/n.b:P..-- Signature of QwnerCs) or Trustee, Date or Autho~ized Principal f property i9 owned bY'" corporat10n or \Jther~ I / /:1.b'/ I.I"'~QA bU"J.?!'~~ 'Wtity. ~ -1- X _6:S-IC~ Vr _ -' 'L"'-'~7..v ~n&!!:f.u t> _ LJt;~ roe D IDNE ~eJ C:HARLENE B9YNI'ON II-~/i' () . . . e~I~Q8lbeIIQ~_QE_e~~~I Date @~~t2.tf.ldd0,&f;:..~JL~ (:?Q.-;?~.a~ r;~ ---~~- ~~---- signa;yre of Authoribd'- A9~ /' Datr- I. (1) (We) hereby designate the above <;igned person 1"'5 (my) (oLtr) .authorized agent with regard to this opplico.tion. y--~~~-~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~:~:~~~~--- Signature of owner(,;) or Trustee, ------------------ Date Planning Department 1-86 p.:"],,, 7 APPLICA TION ~;:- /~ . S ..i-::.!/:y , BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT ANNEXATION APPLICATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to the planning Department. (2 copies of app1icat~on required) .. PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Boulevard,PCD AGENT'S NAME: Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates ADDRESS: 1551 Forum Place, B1dq. 100-A West Palm Beach, FL. 33401 PHONE: 407-689-5522 OWNER'S NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: Charlene Boyntonr Donald Lowe & University of FLorida Founda tion, In, 1505 N.W. 2nd Ave.r Boynton Beachr FL. 33436 PHONE: 904-392-1691 .. PROJECT LOCATION: South side of Boynton Beach Blvd. approx. 950 (not legal description) feet west of Congress Ave. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. -1- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION INSTRUCTIONS All properties within a single application must be contiguous and immediately adjacent to one another, or be the subject of separate applications. No application shall be accepted unless it is presented on the official form of City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The applicant must submit two copies of this application and other required information. Before an application may be accepted, it must furly comply with all required information as stated below. ATTACH THE FOLLOWING REQUIRED INFORMATION TO THIS APPLICATION: 1. a. A copy of the recorded subdivision plat if the subject property is a lot or lots of record. or b. All other property must be shown on a certified legal survey made by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida and drawn to a scale appropriate to the size of the subject property. The legal survey shall include an accurate legal description of the subject property to be annexed, and a computation of the total area of the subject property, computed in square footage and to the nearest one-tenth (1/10) of an acre, 2. A statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be annexed, including a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and: a. If joint and several ownership; a written consent to the annexatio~ petition by all owners of record, ~ b. If a lessee, a copy of the Lease Agreement and written consent of the owner, ~ c. If an authorized agent, a copy of the Agency Agreement or written consent of the seller/owner, ~ d. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the application and written proof that said representative has the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity, or in lieu thereof, written proof that he is' in fact an officer of the corporation or other business entity, ~ e. If a contract purchase, a copy of the Purchase Contract and written consent of the seller/owner. COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION FORM AND SUBMIT WITH REQUIRED ATTACHMENTS TO: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 200 NO. SEACREST BLVD. . BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33435 ( 407)738-7490 -2- CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR ANNEXATION DATE APPLICATION FILED: DATE OF TENTATIVE APPROVAL: REJECTION, DATE OF COMPLETION OF ANNEXATION REPORT: DATE OF ORDINANCE PROPOSAL: ORDINANCE I DATE OF ORDINANCE ADOPTION: REJECTION: DATE OF REFERENDUM IF REQUIRED: RESULTS OF REFERENDUM: FOR AGAINST DATE fu~NEXATION BECOMES EFFECTIVE: FOR DEPARTMENTAL USE ONLY DO NOT WRITE ABOVE THIS LINE GENERAL DATA Name of Developer/Owner: University of Florida Foundation, Inc. Area of subject Property: 642,945,60 Sq, Ft. or' '.4.76 Acres Estimated Present population: -o- AR_Agricultural Existing zoning:Residential Density Allowed: Idu/Sac.d.U.'s Proposed Zoning: Commercj: "l/?CD Density Allowed: d.u.' s EXISTING UTILITIES water: Bovnton Beach Utilities Wastewater Collection: Boynton Beach Utilities solid Waste (garbage): city of Boynton Beaoh -3- " STATEMENT OF USE Existing use: Vacant p,opo,ed ",e,Pl.nned Co..e"i.l Develo ment with a total of 120 000 - gross square feet of Retail, Bank and a Restaurant. . , . JUSTIFICATION Express in your own words why this annexation will be beneficial to Boynton Beach, Florida: See Attached EXACT LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE ANNEXED See Attached Exhibit "A" EXHIBIT "A" ~OTS C TtIRU E LESS STATE ROAD RIGHT or WAY, Bl.OCK 4; LOTS C THRU 1;, LESS STATE RoliD RIGHT or WAY, BLOCK 5, LOTS A THIW 1:, ULOCK Z3 AND LOTS A TliRU E, IILOCK n, AS RECORDED IN PALM (lEACH fARMS C::OMPANY PLA T NO. S, IN I'LA T !lOOK }, PAGE 7) 01' TIlE PlJ!lLIC RECOR,?S. ?I'. ~~.LM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. rcx;ctfIEll'\VITlI IIIAT PAin uF TIlE 10' IlOAD IUGHT,or,wAY AS SHOwN ON' IiUOVE SAID I'LAT, IlCXINDED C'N THE NOIHH BY THE SC1UTH RIGHT. 0F,\VAY LIN!: 01' I}OYNTO'J I)"AUI ~LVI). AND BOUNDED C'N THE EAST ~y LOTS C, n, r:., L\LOCJ< II, AND LOTS ^, n, C, 0, E, GLOCK 29 or- AIIOV[ SAID PLAT AND nOUND"D C'N THE W[ST II\' LOTS C, 0, E, !lLCCK ). AND LOT..) A, n, C, [), E, "LCCK 2 3 OF AIlOVE SA I D PALM !lEACH FAHMS CO\II'ANY PLAT N:.). 3, AND IICXINDED C'N TI-IE SOUTH Ill' THE EAS TEllL I' EXT[NS ION 01' TilE I\KJH111 LINE OF TllIiCT "G" AS RECOHDED IN STC'NI:iIAV!:N PLAT NO. I, PLAT mXlK 43, PAGES I.), Of THE PU~LIC H!:COlms 01' I'ALM IIEAClI COIINTY, FLOR IDA. /'v~ Ie : tCln/;'/,1)//7j 14.7~ Ac /i7o/'col'/e.ss :":. g ~ ~ > . If ~ .:.>; ~ I ~ f .'" ',wt_~ '. "'..1' <' . ;'.) " r "r"".'""":: /SL~ "'" -"- ~'-----:'T' io, I -1," . .'-~~;- " ' ..' Kilday & Assoclat.. Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suito 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (4071 689,5522 . Fax: 1407) 689,2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD The petitioner is, requesting the Annexation, Amendment to the Land Use Plan, and Rezoning of a 14.7 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. The property is currently 'in ~e unincorporated area of Palm Beach County and zoned AR- Agricultural Residential. This parcel abuts Boynton Beach city limits on all sides and is an enclave which clearly belongs within the City of Boynton Beach. The petitioner is requesting an amendment to the Boyn- ton Beach Land Use Plan to designate this property as Local Retail Commercial. currently, the Comprehensive Plan has a designation of High Density for this site. Due to the nature of the surrounding land uses, the petitioner believes that a designation of Local Retail commercial is appropriate provided that the site develops as a Planned commercial Development within the Planned commercial Development ~oning District. This rezoning is also part of this request. The property is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard immediately to the west of the existing Post Office. To the south of the Post Office is an Industrial zoned area and to the south of the site is an existing school. The proposed Planned Commercial Development has been oriented to face toward the Industrial and Post Office area and away from adjacent residential properties to the west. A significant added buffer is provided along the property's west line. In addition, existing streets divide this · property from the nearest residential lots. The proposed annexation will provide for ultimate consolidation of incorporated parcels to the City. The proposed land use will provide for expansion of the city's tax base. Already, the City provides 'many services to all the properties surrounding the site, and therefore, the effect of this use on this property should have a minimal affect on the expected added services. The Local Retail Commercial designation is consistent with the other commercially d~signated property within the immediate vicinity across the street on the north side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. , :":. j,'" ," ..;~ .'t~. ---~_:,'- ~_.." ... . :~f~~>-t~ ~ . :.:,,: .': .:;I~" ,..~.,.. .4.!:Z:J....., ' ___~....._':....,'n'.'"t"___.. .. . . . .' . ~/'$ [liE l..~ 1 1 (J' City at Boynton' Buch I?l.~!,lng Department Name of Development/Owner Michael A.Schroeder,Trustee/Charlene Boynton Donald Lowe,Univ. of Florida Foundation,Inc. Locate the sUbj,ect property on. this map and shade in the area. == JAN-22~'90 MON 12:15 ID:KILDAX ~ ASSOCIATES TEL NQ:407-689-2592 11204 1'05 - OWNERS AUTHORIZATION Under the provisions for voluntary Annexation, Florida statutes require that a petition for annexation must bear the signatures of all owners of property in an area to be annexed. The authority author' zing a person other than the owner to sign such a petition must etched to and accompany such petition. IT'i OF FLORIDA ATION, INC. QJ~ ~ Q11IRLENE BOYNTON '. , /( ature of ~wner(s !..fJ;jE of Record Charlene Boynton Donald Lowe University of Florida Foundation, Inc. TYPe Name of ownerls) Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Asso~iates Type Name of APplic~nt '. 1505 N.W. 2nd Avenue Street AddresS 1551 Forum p]nC~. R1nq 1nn-A Street AddresS Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 City and State West Palm Beach,.FL. 33401 City and State 904-392-1691 Telephone Number 407-689-5522 Telephone NumDer APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION (1) (We) affirm and certify that (I) (We) understand and will comply with the provisions and regulations of Boynton Beach, Florida Zoning Code. (I) (We) further certify that the above statements or diagrams made on any paper or plans submitted herewith are true ,to the best"of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. Further (I) (We) understand that this application, attachments, and fees become part of the Official Records of Boynton Beach, Florida and are not returnable; : '0 APPLICANT IS: optionee ~~1/'7 ..., I //...... . ~.~~," 'gnature 0 Applicant . t:i! Kieran J Kilday Kildav & Associates, Inc. Type,Name of Applicant Owner Lessee 1551 Forum Place 100A street Address '. xx Agent West Palm Beach,FL 33401 City and State Contract purchaser (407) 689-5522 Telephone Number EXHIBIT "A" l.OTS C TtlRU E, LESS STATE ROAD RIGHT or WAY, BLOCK ~; LOTS C nllw 1.:, LESS STATE ROM) RIGHT OF WAY, BLOCK " LOTS A TliRU E, BLOCI~ 2& AND LOTS ^ TliRU E, IILOCK 29, AS RECORDED IN PALM BEAClI FARMS <:=OMrANY PLA T NO.8, IN l'LA T l\OOK " rAGE 73 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECOIWS. ,?f'. ~~~LM BEACH CO\,JNTY, FLORlDA. TOGEtHEI~-\VjTII TIIAT PAIn LiF Til[ 30' I{(),/\D I{I(;IIT-OF-WAY AS SHOWN oN" A13LiVE SA I D PLAT, 1\()lJNDED ON TilE NOIHII II)' TilE SOUTH R I GilT - OF-WAY LINI:: OF 130YNTON I3EAl:i1 [lLvn. AND I\OUNIJED ON THE EAST !W LOTS C, D, E, I3LOCK I" AND LOTS A, 1\, C, D, E, I\LOCK 29 or AI\O\lE SA I D PLAT AND BOUNDED ON TIlE WE,:) l' II)' LOTS C:, D, E, BLOCK 5, AND LOTS A, Ii, C, D, E, I\LCX~K 23 OF A!\OVE SAID PALM BEACH FARMS CCYv\PANY PLAT NO.3, AND 1\01lNDEI) ON TIlE SOUTH Ill' THE EASTERLY EXTENSION 01' TilE f\K)R111 LiNE 01' TIMeT "G" AS RECOIWED IN STONEHAVEN PLAT NO. I, PLAT liooK 43, PAGES 1-5, or- THE PUliLIC RECORDS OF PALM I\EACH COINTY, FLORIDA. !I-0!C : Can!a/////7j 14.7~ /Ie More OY less