APPLICATION '.' ~.g t:1E: E ~!~j~;.l:12 L ~D.~~ _C: ~-: C! t.~ = ::::I ~ ;).I _ etJ1:~ i~f 12 t'Jr~ b! I _ atE!:: I ~ Q I l.Q~ eit'! of Boyn.tor\ Beach~ Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or TYP2 all Irlfarmation. I. 0s~s8eb_l~EQB~eIlQ~ 1. Applicaflt~s Name (person or business entity in l~hOS2 name this application is made): _~i_c;.Q,,-'tl_h.~_S-~bJ::.Q..eiLe.L, 7'rll ,,1- eB..____________ __________ _____ (';ddr-e,s:s: _~ ~At.~_~l,..'L-:.lL2_~~5_ J~_J,SLd_e_f'i__Ellil..d.._____________ _____.________~_ _ ~o... o...'!._li,,- t.9_ll.'-_~_J;,_ _1.3_ 4...3J___ _ __ _ __ ___ __._ ___ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ - ____ - ----- Telephone Nu mb .",,- '; _L4..0_7_L_Z_4_l::_Q..3_0_0___ __'__'_.___ ____ _-'-_.___._________._____.__0____________ ., ~:.. . ?\g:''2nt'',:,. j\l<:;.,rn':=~ (p(-z::r-sDr-;~ .Lf ":-.n'./,, !--~...~pf-'=:"'.0'.:.\nt::_nq 0'(pp~icz.rlt): J5_:L._~_:r:.q!l. _CL_"_ XUS1<l.Y-____ _______._ -0_______ ___ ______________________ :~ [j d !--. F~ ~3 ~:, :: -x ~_ ~.l_ ]_Clr::c!!1l J2_lq_~~,_ __J?,J,sig.....LQJlA_ -_ _ -_ __ _ _ - -.. -- - -_ -- -.-- -- - - -- --- -- _Y!.~_s..1:_J:.q_J,!l!__J?,_~_q9JIJ___n_.3_3...lil.L__ _________ ___ ___ _______ _ ________ ------- ',- G]. CZ:i tl D "j G _."'L.4_p_?_.L_J~_8_~_::_;>_~)__2__ ___ __ __.._ ,,_ ..-0_.. _ _._ __ _~"'__.._..__ _..,..__,_. _ __ __ ________._____ _______._._ ~.,!u.lT:bc~r- : 0. CorrGSpOncl8!'lC~Q Addr~0s ~l'f jif~~I~pnt than'ap=l~c~n~ or agent):'.~ ------.--------,--,---,.------.---.-----.-.----------.--------------------- ".., -... ..... -, ..,.. ,--.-..-.-...,-..... "-"--'- . ,.., -- -.- _"" ..... .-..--..... -- --..-.....-... .--.'...,..-..- ---' .- .~,.- - -.--'-- ---"'-"-. -.- --.-----..-- -11"' T 1''': i '.::i i ~~i t. ~1 c:, ::'. t~ c:: j'- c, !::: ~:; +. C) 1,..: n i ;:!'i ,'. ::.~. ('::',:::! c'r' d ,:,', ::, " .~,.~ ".:. t. '::;'. r- '::; " tt '"I C! 01: r' 8~- CIU. i: r:::: 1'- i :;11:;;l T;'J :i. :~]. L: (:':') IT:,', ':;. 1 '.:':' c:! " "!. I" E:~:;~2f.::n~;:[:;;P_O!J[;~~~;Ptl);;i:jI~!... Th"..:: },i"':c!CI'-'" ':. c:ncDcI h ::?,'- :':;:\.)... :: :::1....',::. t:. cn c; t!")E~ e~. ,J.nr": i nq E,nd LtJntng :::\UCt,'"'C~ _:.).n(~ C::i ::;l l.~c)unc'~J. ~:J the' '.-'::i :.:'-/ ~:'-: ~::u'r'ntJr: :~:'~:::,.cl'l:, T":'loi~'i.c!a to :::\r.1E~nd -th,:::;- -(:(?,:t. c::.f 'i.:h;::.~ C':;:T1or-c?i'lcn':,1i.'v'(2 P': ,-:".!l -~,.Jl'" t:-IF' :"-C:;,\::::,Dn'~; :"2'!'::,:\':.:,.j ~1~C\lo~>J:: F'l.:,nniril;! ['2pt,. ~.-C6 i ,/ ,:.l~,:.1 c-::' Attach additional st,eets. if nQcessary. 1. Section, page numtJer~, and exact l~nguage c:ofltained in 'the COMprehensive Plan which the applicant desires to b~ am~rlded: See Attached Exhibit "A" ___..__.________________ --------------------------------------------------- ______~e.3~~~1O.iE.L<!.':1_.'::::!:.~'"_..'?i_~~J'?D..'?~i,,~3_"'!}.s.<:..n_c_,,_~_t.r_'?!.!!_~"_LtJQI}. _VJllLJ.M!LU3J:___ ______p~.9~!::.J:?!J'_~ll...9l'~QI~_T.llll.!'!:.~~_'__J_ c!<-'_l!.'2.:L,,!'_'?D~.'?2'_;;<_~~1.]jl.:c~_"J.l'_Q!l_~.Y.th._S5.dg_Q.C____ ______l!.?.2'~!.~'"_i'~"'_c:h_ll.!:::.<!.'_2!!._~_'!lcl_~~'!..:__~Il,(2_S_"__E~c:..c~JL"'!9-S h_l.i~_t'"..r_tJ.l-'2I.y$2!_'2J19.!!11J>e _____y}2~~<!._iE_!:.~e_.!!i~~.!J_"'!}~:Lt:Y_~<:..~.ol~'2.~~L;h,!O~.__"'''_~_~jl!~oI.Y-'-__~!.!!!.!!"'_c:..cj.21_<!.e.YglQJ?.men t ______'!!'-_::h~_s_yE:E.'=_e}__!!.I1_"_u}.ol_I1.o_t:...E ~y_es_"'i~t.~~__!?i'_lc~._.~..."_~!1g1."'_.1.i!!.!!i1y_2!!llAt.yi2iQ.Il.li"'_'i. _ _ ~__. _?o..m.r!'.",d_ :!-''!!-''.1.z _ t:'? _.:: J:c<:.. ."-,,,,-.s. _.!'EL ~_cLe.9!!"-.s. ,,_ 52,,,I!'. ~S_t.'e.l_P.IQP" '!..rj:'y _"'_'f.iJ'.t 2 _ '!..l.l'_'i'"hITL ilL _______t:.!~_:::~_cLniEx_...:'___LP3~_"'._~.11____._ _ ___.__. ____._.__ __ _..___ ___________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ~ ~. Natu~e of amendment requested: __._~::::__~ ~~~~~~~. ]:;1>)Jjj,j.t ..'.'X'-________ Reques ting the f 01 lowing .1an8..u.a.K~_.1e.~_i1_<!_':j~.c!._~..9_'2.~S;.~JQ!!..S]:.Jl~...L.AmLU_'S_E________._ ------------------------------- - __ _ _ _ _~!' 2!3. Iol':!'!:!' _~12_ .9.!::P..Q~.T.llll.g:.~.l'LS _'_.?.. ,k -' ._ !!l];i._,!~ .9I.p.Qr'et; "-"1.. ..P,'n.: [;e.1."_.oil _Q9.!ith _fU>Ji! __Q.f. _ _ _.. ___. ._. _._~oy'~.~.()l~ ..!l~",_c.l1.11.~ ".~_ CJJe ",g~_.2.1. ta..s_ _f 2.l-1.9_!C$ -' ..'J;j1g..P.e.L~g l~. yj:J.i,C;Q .Ue_f.!U:tD!<L .._ _ ___ __ ___ _. _ t:.::> _:: ~.e_ y_~~ ~_.m-",x.. ~.e.. .1J.~ ~.1_ ~_z.~2 .....f_".r _.:1:: g. ~.l1.rg.. ~.o_mJ1leI ",-:i.aL fkv_ECJ.Qll1]]!~J1L _~\!.llis;_t __'-0_.... _.. . .__ __ __- _.':.~~_()':"\~n.K~._ J:."...:t'..1" ':,peel._ .g"I11!".e.E 0'. =!_a;1...Ii .".".,,;1..0 .PI11".'!J:.... T:J.:!. 13tr.;i~ t~ _?,];lQ.. tJl.e_.. g s. t.i!.9.1-.iabmS'.!.1.!; _._ _m_._.. .... . "f..a.Ae.Ql1.<l.t.e. _b_u.f.f. er_s.E:<i.laO'.ep.t._.t..o..'e$;l!,-gle__La_Il)UY..13Y Q'l:i.yj..s.:!.Q.1}_ .Fbkb_Jj.ga__ __... immediately to the west of these parcels." ----------------------.--....-.------.----.------...--.-.-'--,----.,. '-' ~ F'I.... C P 91'- .!:: i i.?: ',: ::l :.- n (,2 to. ~.: D n ':c; t :") t:~ '1:.: i,h) (:) L'.~. c~ 1:.:, ~::~ ~:\ -; .\ ;:.) c: "::. .:2 c:J !J '.' i:: r. C pc::: ~:; d ::~ ;T; '.:' n f: i;1 (::1 "::' : .. _~e.",_. ...a_~ .t.i1S_h..e'LI'E.ClP ~t.t.Y_.. 1\.p.p.r.a is e.r..'.s. . Map. ..and .._corr esp.onding..P.r op.er.t.y_.. wne.r _. 1.is.l:___ ... .-,..-......... .......-.....-. -.---....... . .....~..._....._.....-... ...'"._......~._,.._......_.'_.- -'-'---'--'--- !='l ,;;\nni nq D~'nt. l-'-E~!:-, ,.) ::':','0;:; .:.. EXHIBIT "A" The following is the requested Text Amendment for the Comprehensive Plan: VIII. LAND USE PROBLEMS AND OPPORTUNITIES 7.k. I!ninc,orp_9_~..LeJ:l_ P"'F_ceL~ on 5_S'-lJj:J:l. ;?id_",_ 01'. l!.qxnton Beach B",--", I ev",-,d These parcels constitute an unincorporated pocket which should be annexed. The first row of lots lying to the West of the present City limits, having an east-west dimension of approximately 300 feet should be placed in the General Commercial land use category and C-4 zoning district. These parcels should be required to dedicate right-of-way and construct the adjacent street consistent with the requirements that were placed on the U.S. Post Office. The commercial parcels should be developed so as to be compatible with the future residential use of the property which lies to the wes t. .,.--oo"......pa.l'-C.-e-ls_JoLhj,.eR--l--i€---f-u-P-t-Re-r-_e-&-t.-....Reu.I-<l-~ p1=d--i..,.-the--Hi-g-h--l}eft5-i-t,y--R-e-<>icde-A-t-ica-l--l-a..&...."<;>--Ga~~l'y~_ €""""""rci-a+-~-I-epmeR-t--<)-fi --t-h-i-s-- pa-'t'-ee-l--<rhe-H-l-d--J>e-t---be- -pG-1'm.t-U;.Q Q_ !'f" -nee-a--..-i-R-g+e-f.aill-i-l-y--su-as-i -v-i-s-icen--l-i&S--i-uHne4i-a-ta-I-:,<_-t.o-_t l>e-- wes-t,--afttl.-_s~te--ee-mllKH'-eia-l--?p<>pa-l'ty-_l<..~-..-!-SGWi+<o>-l--Q._j,-"1-_t.b.. v-i-e-i-..i-t-y-.- The_ parcels. ",higll Lie .fusJhet. to .tJ:lQ west may be ut i 1 i zed_ 'f or futu..!:..?~ .~omm_~j32- de~~~ent sub iect to rezonings !-o Pla.2lne_st ~om_~>~rcia-'_ 12~veI2..E!!!~nJ:. s.Jistricts and the establishment Qf adequate buff~ ?EJ3~ent !~ ~ ~ingle family subdivision whicJl 1 ies A.Jllmediate ly tq, !h~ wesj;_ of these ~arc~~_~ Furthermore, building heights on this parcel should be limited to 2 stories (25 feetl within 150 feet and 3 stories within 400 feet of these Single-family lots. 9i - - --~-~._~~-~ / required to submit an ~pplicatlon for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 of this property, in accordance with the adopted Boynton Eeach Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential land use category. Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1- and 2-story residences lie in close proximity to the south and southeast. 7.k. Unincorporated parcels on south Side of Bovnton Beach Blvd. ( These parcels constitute an unicorporated pocket which should be annexed. The first row of lots lying to the ~est of the present City lim1ts, having an east-west dimension of approximately 300 ::eet should be placed in the General commercial land use category and C-4 zoning district. These parcelS should be required to dedioate right-of-~ay and oonstruct the adjacent street consistent with the requirements that were placed on the u.s. Post Office. The c8mmercial parcels Sl10tlld be develcped so as to be compatible with the future residential use of the property which lies to the west. Those parcels which lie further west should be placed in the High Density Residential land use category. Commercial development on this parcel should not be per~ic~ed since a Single-family subdivision lies immediately to the west and ac!eqllare commercial property ~xists elsewhere in the vicinity. Furthermore, building heights 011 this parcel should be limited ~o 2 stores (25 feet) within 150 feet and 3 stories wlthin 400 fe~t of these single-family lots. " PLANNING AREA 8--S0UTHWE3T QUADRANT OF CITY 8.a. Lake Bovnton Estates (language which was included in the draft Plan and su?port documents which were trallsmitted to the City Com~ission on October 17, 1989) r' \ ~h~e-~s-a-~~aEreB-BHE-~aF~elY-~fi~ffi~Fevee-9~BBiv~8~efi7-wR~efl The northern Dortion of this subdivision 1S zoned primarily for single-family use, but includes mUltiple-family zoning along the eastern bounda:-y, and Neiqhbol:hood Commercial ::oning z, t the northern and 30tttnern ends. TIle southern por~ion of Lake Boynton Estates snd several unplatted tracts lie within a Planned Unit DevelopmGllt (pun) al1d Planned Commercial Develooment (peD' r ~1]lich are tne .=u1:-5 ect of court-order"d settlement stipuluticns. aFe e1:'.rr'=HF.3::-,"-~}1~-ette5"t'et-e:t-a-:l:awgt-l:i:t concel.-ning t~le l~dld use and zcni11g for the area. On tIle northern portion of Lak~ Boynton Estates the property. which is not within the PUD or PCD-ehe sH~~eeE-ei-ehe-~aw9H~e7 the land use for the R-1A zoned portion should be changed from Moderate Density Residential to LOW Density Residen~ial. to reflect the existing zoning and pattern o~ developmellt. and the land tlSe for the R-3 =oned portion should be changed from High D'2nS:L ty Bes .lden tial to :1edi urn lJensi ty r~esid~!ltial 21ld P-2 zoni~~. ag3inr to reflect the existing pattern of ~evelopment. TIle parcel occupied by the Americ~n ~egion 91 required to submit an application for annexation. The City should permit Local Retail Commercial on the northern 225 of this property, in accordance with the adopted Boynton Peach Boulevard plan. The remainder of the property should be placed in the Moderate Density Residential land use category. Building heights on this property should be limited, however, to 2 stories (25 feet), since 1- and 2-story residences lie in close proximity ~o the south and southeast. 7.k. Unincorporated Parcels on south Side of Bovnton Beach Bl'ld. ( These parcels constitute an unicorporated pocket which should be annexed. The first row of lots ly~ng to the west of the present City lim~ts, having an east-west dimension of approximately 300 ~eet should be placed in the General commercial land use category and C-4 zoning district. These parcels should be required to dedicate right-of-way and construct the adjacent street consistent with the requirements that were placed on the u.s. Post Office. The commercial parcelS should be develcped so as to be conpatible wi~h the future residential use of the property which lies to tbe west. Those parcels which lie further west should be placed in the High Density ReSidential land use category. Commercial development on this parcel should not be permi~~ed since a single-family subdivision lies immediately to the west and adequate commercial property exists elsewhere in the vicinity. Furthermore, building heights on this parcel should be limited to 2 stores (25 feet) within 150 feet and 3 stories wlthin 400 feet of these single-family lots. ., . PLANNING }\REA 8--S0UTHWEST QUADRANT OF CITY 8.a. Lake Boynton Estates (language which was included in the draft plan and support documents which were transmitted to the City Commission on October 17, 1989) .r ( ~R~8-~9-a-~~etEe8-BHt-}ar~e~Y-HR~m~=evea-9~Baiv~9ieR7-wfl~efl The northern portion of this subdivision ~s zoned primarily for single-family use, but includes multiple-family zoning along the eastern boundary, and Neighborhood CommerCial coning at the northern and 3ot!thern ~nds. The south9rn portion of Lake Boynton Estates and several unpl~tted tracts lie within a Planned Unit Development (PUD) and Planned Commel-cial Development (PCD), "']lich are t~e 5ubi~ct of court-ordered set.tlement. stipulaticns. afe ~~~~eR~~~-~h~-~H~~eet-ef-a-lawsM~~ concerning tI1e land tlS~ and zoning for the area. On the northern portion of Lake Boynton Estates the property. ~fu~ch is not within the PUD or PeD-!Re sH~~eet-ef-t~e-lawsH~t7 the land use for the R-1A zoned portion should be Changed from Moderate Density Residential to Low Density Residen~ial, to reflect the existing zoning and pattern o~ d,?velopmel1t, and the land use for the R-3 =oI1ed portion ShOll1d be changed from High Density Residential to Medium DenSity Residential and P-2 zoni&G, again, to reflect the existing pattern of c.evelo;;:lInent. The parcf21 occu~)ied bj the American Legion 91 -------~~~ ---------------------------,.---------.----------.-.---------------------------- --------------------------.---.------------------------------------------ 4. Statement of conditio~s~ !lard~hips, or otf1er reasons jLIstifying the proposed amendment: -------------------------------------------------- _________ ____________s!.:__':.~t!_'..'!:~_~.:!~~_t:.i_fJ_"~1:_=Lo_"_;!.t."'1:._,,IQ~T1.1;________________ _ _______ ----------------------------------.------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------.-----------.------------------- --~-------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------.------.---.-.---------.--------------------------- ------------------------.-.-----.--.----------------------------------------- ---------~---------------------_._---_._---_._----.-----.'--.---------.------------- ---------------------------------------,---_.,--------.-------.---.--------.--------- ------------------.---------,.------------.,----.-.-------.-.--------------.-------------- ------------------.,--.---.----.-----.----..--.-------.----------------------------- I I r " t=~~.~I_pr:::_!3L:.[:::~~~~::~U_~.::t:.~sU_::~E~T~::_I:J~.::h.~:r:~;::~:;;:.~.. ::::-"-'r' .:."1iilEN1dme!":t: !:.; ~..JJ-j.i C !"j \'.l:'-.>U~.~:! c:: h "~"tn (; (;::, t 1"'1 c. :; C'I'- m~. t:. t. r~~cj .,11 ?ropos2d CClmprehensive Plan L\'~e of ~11~O~le~ty, the applicant "lust 3ubmtt tt~G {ollc~ling 'n~lt2r'i~.. n '\-,'\~:': (:,'~:' cc,p:~ :::.,,;': A c::mn10.t? 1.i~;t of 0J ,::)!' Li~:)C:')-'!:.;I CI:.,..Jr-:(,::t-.~~:" ..:.'n..i. .!. f-:'" -', ::j j r- E:~;:: ::::' E' -:j ,i ::\ncJ L el,:]D.l ::;;"'1:L J tz:..:-: d '::' ::::. c j'"' i. P t i <:.: ;'"1 ':; F :'j i"'. :\ 1. 3. !.,- ..':~ r:. \~: f- .J: ~.:::::' ::~ I'-'='P [,:;[,.. t j. ;,.,.s :-JDU:. (:! L)E' : !...~ '",.n'-' >'II:!" e,-., ,.... (",1 l:3 i. r-: .i: 1-., ;,':~ .:~: (.J u. r"; J:: . . :) I ,1'- ,. ~"': (J t.'. ,..' .. C.~I'" !,'ih:i., '1.-: ,).. I., ,_. .., .. t.)~. t t ;::::cj L.!~.~C::'S o.t . ~':.:' r::: OJ' . c! : :' c:! '-1"":- :-,t ~:..-:t. :Ld c':" Oi,.+:L =i::d. :'h~.~lI , .," ",!: \ ,.. ~. -, " '.; :::hf:~ :::-tp p.~ ~ i..: ':'".1.n t !:~21::. c~ l.:L ~3t. ~1,'Cii.l j.nq , ~".,t):'::'l.;., Fe:,!'-' .!'~C:~::;C:-:' -'cjd:".C"'<:~-;E,'~:;; inu "1" :\.r. ~::,(" I....:~.. '" . c;',' :i. (~i:'~ (:I .. ~:; ~"1 t\ 1], '.. ... <:'. i-' ;:: ,-:: .-;1 p . :\ ]""') j. 1 ':' ':~. .:."';:Jp.l:~ :::;:"tf""l't:" ~.. !-:. .')C: ,,1 i;:::..'d''':f;C'~1 1''.1 ,~:; 1,: i .r :i. (: :::\ t ::. C! 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Fax: 1407) 689-2592 JUSTIFICATIUN STATEMENT FOR UNIVERSITY OF ~LORIDA TRUST PARCEL CUMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT The petitione~ is requesting a text modification to allow for a Comprehensive Plan amendment to designate property located immediately west of the existing Post Office and south of Boynton Beach Boulevard to Local Relail Commercial. Currel\tly, this property abuts four different land uses. As previously stated, the Post UfficA is located to the northenst, and to the southeast is existing IL-Light Industrial zoned property in Palm Beach County. To the south is existing Institutional tn the form of playgrounds to an existing school and to Lhe west is a sinRie family residential development. The petitioner believes that the proposed text change will allow for Commercial development while respecting the need to buffer the propertiRs located to the west of the site. Accompanying this text change, ttlB petitioner has filed a request for a Compr811ensive Pian Amendment and Zoning change. lncluded in the Zoning change is the requirement that the property be a Planned Commprcial Uislricl with the site plan designed to face away from the existiTlg residential area. In designing the site, the petitioner provides both visual and acoustical buffering between the CommercIal, Post Office~ lndustrial areas. and the single family subdivision to the west. ,..........___ ___,-",,~ "'--0',... ~~."._~", ~."__~_~"'__ i.' IV. a!::Ebl!;;aIlQ!~LEss!a.:.. F"e5 "hall be pZlid at the time that the applica.tion is submitted, according to the following $chedule. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. For amendments to tl~e text of the c:ompr~hen5ive plan far the b~nefit of a partic~\lar property or properties. $~500. (10 Where postponement of action by the Pl~nning and Zoning board or City Council is requested by the applicant, after the application has been advertised, the following fees shall be paid: For re-advertisement of the application, $12:5.l)1) where re-advertisement is roquired For each ~dditional transmlssion of $ 25.00 t~e application to the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council, after the inilial tr.'1nsm1ssion. , v. g~BIIElgOIlQ~ (I) (We) ~\n(jerstan'.1 tha.l th~" C\ppli.c~~t,ion ,md all plan and papers submitted herewith b2coln~ a part of the Ferm?nent r[~cords of the Planning a d Zoning Board. (I) eWe) hereby csrtify that the abov~ statements and ~ y statements O~ showings in ~,ny papers or- rJl~~s ~ubmitted her~with are . Lle to tl\Q beS',t of (rT1Y) lc)\"lr-; !.nowl~:c(,~G li:l.nd b~::liG'+. This application ill no{ L1~~.~~~.~::_:~:~'~G "cC':J:'-d'..r:g to th~ ~:~~~~~~:::_::~::. i gnaturl!l! of A~:ipl i cant ')ate MI~ A. SCHroEDER, ESQ. VI. ~~I~Q8J?'0IIQN_gE_aQGNI ---------- ----------- -----.... ....- ..".,,, i g:1~turf~' of r.tLlth(.:)I'.~.::! C:L~~ r\~~!:':)nt, -~-~-------------- Date .:.~ I!!"!y' (QLl~; rilCp], ~. -:-.: iill.1":. i on... _2/.2.619Q__________u___ ::,1;"),t:1Z1' Planning D~pt. 1-86 ';'t:iR .'j. ~ . IV" BeEbl~QIIQ~_E~~~~ Fees shall be pai~ at .the ~.~ e:"bml..tt-pcl ~ccCJI~cl' c ."c' 'I-~"'" .r:-~"-"~r'CIf;'_l"'.'-Cill'- ... .:: ;.;.> _ . ..";.,':':t _ J ). n:J .. ~.I .0' ).::. ! U .. .;''',:.1. ':;' ,.L., d:.' . ......1;;: k check~ payable to the City of Boyrton B2 hR ~ time tha.t 'the application All 'Fee~ shall be'paid by For amendments to the te'~t compraherlsive plan for the of a particul~r pro~Jertv O~ rJ-~ 'tt-It'! bE'nF:.Y: i. t O ~- rl:",r, ,~.-:'t-1- ; ~.;l.C:~ , '1' t- '-- .. ... ,- .~ ~ ':p~:!(\O ~ no Where postponement of actiDn by the,P12nning and Zoning board or City Council is r~quested by ttle applic2nt, Bfter the application has been advertisDd, the following fees shall be p~id: For re-advertisement of the application, where re-advertisement is r~quired .':'; 125. i)O For each additj.onal .transmlssion of t~e application to the Planning and Zoning Board or City Council, after- tt18 ini~ia]. .transmi s~:.)j. Dn. .." 2'3.. ,)0 v. ~~BIIEI~eIIQU (I) (!,sJe) Und\2'I-st.::o.n-:J i::.l-;.;:,"t: thi::; :;)pplic.::ttion :;:'.nd <::\1'1 p.L':"'lf) ::...nd p3.pE,rS submitted h2re~~~th b2cofne a pai-t. o'!: tho ~erm:'nent 1~8CO~ds of the P~anni'ng and ZCtnii""Ii.] E~C)<~\;I-d" (I) (l'JF') ~.IPI'~i'::;'::1\' c~3.']--tif': thi.:it th!~ ::'i.b(j'It:~ statemG'n.ts and .::\T1';/ st.,:~t.(::.:'mE'nt~:: C~- '3hDl,'.:iDgSi :i.f! ,;,n" p~;ltJE;!""'-:: c.-r'. rj}Et)"";S 1)::Jrn:itts\d h8Y-~!/Ji't:h ",ire t:-U\:;2 t:o t:"i\:~ !::o~:;~~::;t c:~~ (1'(;,,,/) .CJLii~.\ 1 ,--:c\1-Jl>:dq(;? <:"'f-il.:.! ~:'~;i.:.:,j.i[:"l'" 'n"d.~:j 3ppli,c.c.\tian will rot b9 accept'?d unless ~it1~?~ &cc:J~d~n9 to th~ irlstructions below~ Sigrlaturp of ~rlplicant 'Oat':::.' VI.. {il..!TH::J::~:J::::P:-~~TU!",\ l::;:::. f'!~JE1\,lT . ~~~a~~~A#~;0;1~Uy' ~'f;~',,/dl'.'r:.' c;{ ",u.o.I-,::.,V'''''''' ~'.'CI"":i.:y / __d~_d3_/tL_ D,::\"!.:c (I! ,:11;':.:,) :'.!.~:~r~ctj ,_.I " .1_". -', t~ ~:' \ i \:.?: :.~I"" ::1d .:) ,'.,!.... "-,::r'" ,..;.: l!'~\/ I ( ;:J Ll.:'- ; ,:i.l.~."!.::-~~Jr::,~:'c'd ,~".c.;r.:n.t: :.11.t!-. ""'''-,'.;_I~'d ~-""', ",:!.-::~::-, i:\[:::J . ...~'.~':.::.ll('I_ ,"___~______..._.._._..~~..HH'''''___ ..._......'"'.... ......._.__... ....__~_~_ '.'.1,::.\ t ;~: ':3,;. qn:::\"'.:.L~i"~'::,' ,::).1,.. .'-\p;:)~.:' . t;\f"i 'I" F'l ::'.\nni nq Dc..pt:. "L-~\:J6 J;-).<;:C::' -"!- t,.4 - SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ONE BOCA PLACE. SUITE 319 ~ ATRIUM 2255 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON. FLORIDA 33431-7313 MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER W LAWRENCE LARCHE. TELECOPJER (407) 24] -0798 BOCA RATON (407) 241-0300 PALM BEACH COUNTY (407j 833 - 5605 BROWARD COUNTY (305) 42] -0878 FORT LAUDERDALE OFFICE: 1415 EAST SUNRiSE BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33304 . FLORIDA BAR BOARD CERTIFIED ESTATE PLANNING AND PROBATE LAWYER December 17, 1990 VIA COURIER Christopher Cutro, AICP Planning Director city of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 RE: Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD Dear Mr. Cutro: As I believe you are aware, Charlene Boynton had a life estate interest in a portion of the property included within the proposed Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD. On Friday, December 14, 1990, Charlene Boynton, at the offices of her attorney in West Palm Beach, Robert Oglesby, executed and delivered a Deed with respect to her interest in the property to the University of Florida Foundation, as Trustee. The Deed has now been recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and the certified copy of same is enclosed for your records. MAS: j m Enc. cc: Mr. William R. Winchester You~s very truly, V'lAl d ({j...J GY. Lb:cJ ()(J~~" MICHAEL A. SCHROE-DER 'j20 ~.~ RECEIVED DEe 1 7 1990 PLANNING DEPT. n~r 1""1 1""0 'no f! 90 -.-=--,.9-....' vl:~_. ,- 17 L.'t'tam -"':>...1 i L.'T PREPARED BY: MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, ESQ. SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P.A. SUITE 319A 2255 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431 (407) 241-0300 ORB 6672 pg Br27 Con 10. 00 Doc .55 JOHN B DUNKLE, CLERK - P8 COUNTY, FL WARRANTY' DEED This Indenture made this \y~k day of December, 1990, by CHARLENE BOYNTON, a single woman, hereafter called the ("Grantor") to the UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FOUNDATION, INC., a Florida corporation, TRUSTEE whose post office address is Post Office Box 14425, Gainesvile, Florida 32604, hereinafter called the ("Grantee"), WITNESSETH, that said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of Ten and nojlOOths-----($lO.OO)-----Dollars, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, remise, release, convey and confirm unto the Grantee, Grantor's life estate, in and to that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, viz: Lots C, D and E, Block 4; Lots C, D and Block 5; all according to at Page 73, Florida. less existing State Road Right;-of-Way, E, less existing State Road Right-of-Way, of PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 5, of the Public Records of Palm Beach' County, SUBJECT TO: Taxes for the year 1990 and subsequent years. TOGETHER with all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. AND the Grantor hereby covenants with said Grantee that it is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that it has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that it hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused these presents to be executed in its name, and its corporate seai to be RECEIVED OEC 17 1990 PLANNING DEpT, "' ,~: . , . : ~ '" . ..:' " "' ORB 6672 pg 828 hereuntoaffixed, by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (, \- ,,) ~ <<if" v ~~('" ~--!.-.. v;/ STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH . )\ \ \ C;KI1JLPRM9,fJ"IMj~ ... CHARLENE BOYNTON I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the county aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared CHARLENE BOYNTON, a single woman, to me known to be the person described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and she acknowledged before me that she executed the same. ,// WITNESS my hand and official seal ,in ~he County and State last aforesaid this \~lh day of December, 1990. , 61::.. 7 ,.//~-:' G. / / /c..(L[ct 1/--:' Notarx~jubl ic My Commission Expires: /1 (frm\wduf. boy) - ------1 ..,~~;;;;:;:>. OFf\C!AL sr.:. t . ... {' . nnS'R" E ,..,,.-.., -'.,', : f.- " r,... e, , . \~-~:..t::;I';' { ~7T 1 NOIDry rutl!IC Stat~ ()l F~cridJ" \.,. ~../ My Ccmrr'I~!.lon E;ltp!lcs .,.,::.,,:.~,~.... OCT08e;! 16. HlO -- RECORD VERIFIED oALM 8EACH COUNTY. fLA JOHN B, DU~!KLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT '.:, .. ,(: ,. . ,1.':. ,', "."'~'i~' . ,.,.~,.,~~ -"'~"\ - : \ "",,\'~'?;,:;: . . . .:0:-, tl"~tl" 't .' ',... ., ',:: ;:"~~.,,,l. " . . ~~/'-' , \~"I.' ;'. . ' ,...,: ,,,,,",..,.,, ,..~. r . , ...~. '. - .. ,. ".. ....,..,. -ff-'lt ."UlllllA /1'7:" . 'p.. '. ~.'" , -' , .. ~t!iy that th._ , "~4"J '" '~." "','~' , , " .~,,\<..)infl1!! a true cOpY . .~~["'f, t"\;~# ~f'."H<C1d2.a;:off~ . \\,~'\."..","""4, .:. .J. - no;. L1 o.v d . .~19.jj, .lQHN Ii.. DUNKI.E i?a.d< 0...:'.1* Court ,d.~uj.L1u/u.~ o.c. "I!i'" \... ;'J , February 23, 1990 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner city of Boynton Beach PO BOX 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Boynton Beach Blvd. FCD Dear Mr. Golden, As applicant, I(we) agree to the following items regarding unified control for the subject Planned Commercial Development: a. Proceed with the proposed development according to the provisions of the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations and conditions attached to the zoning of the land to PCD: b. Provide agreements, contracts, deed restrictions, and sureties acceptable to the city for completion of the development according to the plans approved at the time of zoning to PCD and for continuing operation and maintenance of such areas, functions, and facilities as are not to be provided, operated, or maintained at public expense; and c. Bind their ~uccessors to title to any commitments made under subsections 3a and b above. All agree- ments and evidence of unified control shall be ex- amined by the city attorney and no zoning of land to the PCD classification shall be adopted without a certification by the city attorney that such agree- ments and evidence of unified control meet the re- quirem t of these zoning regulations. "'---,. _____ JAN-22-'90 MaN 12:13 ID:KILDAY & ASSOCIATES TEL NO:407-689-2592 tl204 P02 - Mr. Tim Cannon Director of Planning & Zoning .City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Agency Agreement Dear Mr. Cannon, This letter is to serve as permission for Kieran J. Kilday and Kilday & Associates to act as the agent, to prepare and submit all documentation, and attend all meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Exhibit "A" as it re- lates to the Annexation, Land Use Plan Amendment, Zoning and Special Exception or Site Plan approval process. Furthermore, Mr. Kilday and Kilday & Associates are author- i d to agree to terms or conditions which may arise as part the approval of this application. ITU!AEL l\.. SOiIDEDER, STATE OF: COTJN'l'Y OF: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ON THIS 0-- ')-- day of ESQ., Trustee ~./c/<~/(/ /;:;'(1/54..)7 January , 1990, before me personally appeared MI01AEL A. SOIROEDER, Trustee to me known to be the personCs) described in and who executed foregoing instrument. ~ Notary blic state of: My Commission Expires: ' the WITNESS my hand and official seal in day and year last aforesaid. (NOTAAIAL SEAL) to,,_v PUBLIC Sl.1E OF FLO_IOA n CO""ISSI~H EIP. 'UG 27.ml IP.OED ~"U _~[~~'t \~. 0<<0:_ ,- (jEEl[!(jl,!LI STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) S5 COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) 8EFORE ME APPEARED__________________ THIS 29th DAY Jan/90 'PERSONALLY ________!?=':.:..":...::=~:.1!______________. ~IHO BEING DULY SWORN:, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That lhe accDmpanying PrDPerty Owners list is. to the best of his/her knowledge, a complete and accurate Jisf Df all prDPerty owners, mailing addresses and prDperly cDntrDI numbers a~ recorded in tho latest Dfflcial lax rolls in the County CourthDu5~ fDr al) properly within three hundred (300) feel elf the, beJo\,1 d(,,,cribed parcel of land. . The property in queslion is legally descPibed as follows: See attached Exhibit "A" " FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. IltUlO Q[J ------------------------------ (Signature) Sworn t a and of _.J.'iQ\!.sU::L__ A.D.. 19_2Q__. (]~-1)f)~ Nolary Public State of Florida at Large subscribl~d before me t his __2....2.tJ'L_ day NOT fiRY SEAL 11y CommissiDn ~OrARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA MY COM~!SSION EXP. APR.Il.1992 . BONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO,. . ExPlres:________________________~?----------- 22 . '. ......_,...~.......~..._~....~- '.. ..~ jt,..... ., .~~;.......--...-I_~. . ':, EXHIBIT "A" ,. . , " ". '. .... )......'., t'.'t ~..,..'; ~::j.i.,:~~ I.oT5..C THRV E;':LESS .ST" TE ROAD RIGHT Of WA y, PLOCK 'I;LOTS.:C'THRU,;t:~; '::~:':: L~SS STATE ROAD RIGHT or WAY, BLOCK }, LOTS ^ nlRU l!, BLOCK 28 AND" . LOTS ^ 'f!;RU E. aLOCK 29, A5 RECORDED IN PALM ilEACII r^,~MS COMPA'NY PLAT NO.8, IN PLAT nOOK 5, rAGE n or THE I'(J!~LIC ReCORDS OF PALM BEACH COt.,lNTY, [,LOR!DA. '. . --. ... ..'-:'~'... " ,':,.:' . ..f . .~: : '.: ." .~:t~" . . '. ,.~: ::: ...~. .. , . (-:-:,:' .'" ,. ;:? ,". ...... At6lc : Ct.?17 /a//?/1"71 /4, 7 ~ 4c mor~ OY /e6s':;~' \ EXHIBIT "A" l.OTS C TlIRU E LESS STATE ROAD RIGHT or W ^ Y, Bl.OCK ~; LOTS C nllW E., LESS STATE RO^D RIGHT OF WAY, BLOCK " LOTS A THRU E, BLOCI~. 2lI AND LOTS A TliRU E, IILOCK 29, AS RECORDED IN PALM BEACH FARMS <:=OMPANY I'LA T NO.8, IN I'LA T liOOK 5, PAGE n OF TilE PUBLIC RECORDS_ ,?!'. ~~.~M 8l!.ACH COVNTY, FLORIDA. Tc:q:::tr-lti~-\vjTII THAT PAin UF rilE 30' I{(),I\I) IUClll-OF-WAY AS SHOWN oN" Al30Vr:. SA I D PLAT, HOllNDED ON THE NOIHII IW THE SOllTH RIGHT- (IF-WAY LINE OF [lOYNTON I)EAUI f\Lvn. ANI) I\OUNDED ON THE EAST IW LOTS C, D, E, I3LOCI< (/, AND LOT'> A, 1\, C, D, E, 13LCCK 29 OF A1\O\lE SA ID PLAT AND rlOUNDED ON THE WEST IIV LOTS C, D, E, BLCCK 5, AND LOTS A, n, C, D, E, I\LOCK 28 OF ABOVE SAID PALM BEACH FAI~MS CO'vlPANY PLAT NO.8, AND I\OllNDED ON TilE SOllTH IW THE EASTERLY EXTENS ION OF THE NOR111 LINE OF TRACT "G" AS RECORDED IN STONEHAVEN PLAT 1'K). I, PLAT IlooK 118, PAGES 1-5, OF TI-IE PUrlLIC RECORDS OF PALM nEACH co INTY, FLOR I DA. /\~ Ie : Lan /0/.0.'/71 /4.7t:. Ac More" 01' /e.s.s , , i. "1 I,.. \ J " . 0 (.J- IP . .".t(\ /' ATTORNEY /\,T V\W J r' 'w 63\1 EAST octm 1.' u Wilt 307 "--< ooYNTON BEACH, Fl. 3~5 1bls f1ult.Cl.4Jm llttd, EU'f"UlrJ r/,/, 15th:lll7" or Ol!lct:mber . ,I. D. 10 06 . ~ I ~ --- l.lOllXS R. LOWE """"..,..y, to oon1S R. LOWE, for her lifGtirne, o/lnd upon her daJlth, t.hon to CHARLENE BOYNTO. and DON~D LOWE, for their lifetime., and upon'the death cf CHARLeNE BOYNTON s~d PONALO LOWE, rem.ind.r to The UNIVERSITY OF ...'""" "..1.111('1' .Jlhr.' u F'LORIO~ .'OUNOA.TION, INC., ,. Florida corpot'llt.ion 150} N.W. 'nd ^ve~ &oynton ~&Chl rL 33~36 ~t"t"'b#1,l pouly: :.~~";;;~~ ~f~~ ;~I~; 0;;: ~~~'~ ~'"t:.;:;:':-.~J!::'~-'= ......."~........I Wdlttutth. TJ,~I Ih, ~;J J'I'~J P'i'tt:.r,IOf' .....J 11\ ~........:J..,..:l00H .1 f~" ....III .( S lO. co . I,,: hAnd pc',) "1 ,fw. Mllrl J~ "..rly, tJ.... rff~pr wh~( iI J.l'Hh ~Wf"" JIH'W ~....,.t,,, t-MtIu. ,.. I...,. .,WI '111.' '~H,,", W'!l~ ,h. J.w #~^C/ ",,'1)' f~... .H t"# oi9J,~. ml., fnftNlll. rltrlM W J.",...,.J ,,~1(I. 11.,. ",,i f'nt p.rl, "f:A f... ."" 10 (". Joffowl"" Jf"~~,.J t.-I. ~K'. ... ~ .; l.~. ffr,"'~, Ill"" ~ bwt, In 11.. f:""uwtr..1 PAL."1 ~EACT1 S'IIII# of f'lAnIOA. , hJ"IlUf'~ LotlS C, 0 And E, le!J1!J o)(i.t;;inq StAte "R,Q,tld ,U,qht-of-Way, BloOk 4: Lot. C. 0 and r., le.. .~iltln9 S~at. ROAd RIqnt-ot*W.y, Block SI of P.lm Stach farms Company Plat No. e, according to ~h. plat thereof at plat Book 5, "4g. 73, publIc Record. of Palm &eaoh COl.lnty. . Florida. -gubj~ct to restriction. recited in quit claim deed of ~ven dGt~ conv.~in9 'Ubj.~ property to Oori- R. LOwe, recorded under C1&rk s llw,~er_'$k:. ?"2<:1.,-\)( , Public llec;,rds of Palm lluch .'unty. F or ds. , .:Jr reSf,' .:^6 untc- hd'rsel! the risht ~l,d pow_r to r.V<';:t~tt any ~ll li!~ ~~tat~ and re~&1nd~r int~r..tl ~tanted heroin, ~..."'H' , .;-0_ . I........',.'..,..N. (h~~~~: ~f... ID )L,ut and tD liDld eI... 11I'"'U' lo;tr'tJ,H u'll~ .rr ..wl ,Uft.out..- ,"-., -HWt~ ,~. ,,,,.f.J.t\plPl' tlot' I" _,,)\1';11' ."p.rrlllll"lrl~, ~"J .11 .E'f f"ttl" H,~,. mf., !"'..w-tf, li~, "'u1t1 ..nJ riM.. wJ..,. 1M'I'''' oj t"f 1.IJ flU' putl)'. ,.Hh.., In {II..,I IV ,...,ull)'. '0 ,hi> onl, prt,...., ".,. *,.J., .JWJ L.t"-f 't/ II." ,.u .... u"J "...11)' rOf'llWf', . In ltfitnas' ltfhtrtolt Th,.. JfSillljr~1 p.ttfl,v '0&.1: Jf'1"Ml .M .,..r...,t II......... P"'"f'"h .for J.., ~ ,.,... ri ~""l'oUIHI. -+I. 1 1t(IJ,.tll,dJ"1H"",r~..,,.(Of ..D ClO .D -l Q.. CO o ... lI'. Q:\ } r:;J ~ If..;.~ DO~IS R. LOWE ~ '" l...o- \--' ,IC""- .... .....cD ,. t ntUIV CU,TITV It.al ~ dl.it 4..,. w.,. -. .. "'t....., 41111., allthaf,ttd ht do" IW~ .,~ioI atwl \It W C-,,', a(6ffM.Oi uk _.-4rdC'"W'*'.. "...,..,...~ .........,... DORIS R. LOWE shG atl.......Sr-tIvtf t" rrw "Mowll \-II ~ t~ I"~r"'" .,>nt.1:Io-1I i" ,fIod "two ."~"I..J llw- f ...-.:. .,..d bo.'Qrf _ 'h.t ~hl!l ....".....'...i ."" ,...M't Wt1"St5'J VI'lr lHII"d Ind iAftfl~l v.1 .1'1 ,...., c:.".." .fOII 51,) ~.. CflCft,mb5:" .... D. ItSr. lSth ... oi .".....'''.;:...-..-.- .' ',:" ~1~t.rA" loIAlf,IfIt!-. NO"'~ ~1C -r..-= Surf cor ,...."'DO AT .."~:t .- "..",,'"'-"'1'" I' ".\, R'fCt,>I1DVC~I"'':O PA!...'.' !.~i<;! I :Ol}rin Fl.l. ,. }"'J.l'~ tl \ 'J~iI<L e ' I' C!:"'CL>IT CO;'J.'U . "~':'" ,.... J . ;- r ,... ... .., .. . :; tit ~ .... - l!i m iP \0 . L,!O f)U \ lI\ m .D -; "- co o .... II' a:> WfW,l.M MANIIQ.$ l'J'!l?Il!lEY AT LAW ..:tP WI' OCEAN AVE. :ILI1Tt 307 8O'/NTON 1ItAeH. A. ~5 Thls ~uit-(Wm lIttd. -''\\'", '" '-- J", of ex....'.,! ,hi. 15 oecember '-" ./1.0.1086.'" DOllIS It. LOWE 11,",...,.,. ,. The UNIVl':MIT'l OF FLOIl!O'\ FOllllOl'!rzml. a rlorida Cor;>;,raHon ",1l4tl.. PN,.IIt.c... nJJ....,. II P. O. Box 14425. Gain~~vill~1 FL 32G04 ~p4Il'r)': ~~";~:;:~ ~f~ ~~-:(~r.-::; = ~l~"~ ~;;=..~.~_~ w.~."""""""'l ltfIbuistlh, 1'1"., Ill" utd !lhl lJOti,.. 'PI' ~.wl III l"OrLlIiJ.-f-.U.,.,.. .,f lit.. fU"'f wIlD. &0 . ,. hM,1 "..JJ b, ,'" ..,J ...,.... ,...,.,. ,'" .......P, ../,...../ .. ....b, ~..,J. J... J....t, -t... ... L-cu .nJ '1uJJ.....l..i"'" MIl) I~" MjJ ~ J>Wf1 {ut~t. .tl chI' ri,Af. uil.r. ~t. dol;'" AnJ J~ wMJ. II.. .-.rf lftd ,.n1 "., ''1 eM 10 It. t~~~ d"u,.,1,tJ 1M. pi..,.. _ "....-aoI ", 1.;.J. ,lfb4't". Ipl'f,! ....J l,.!1\lf ,,. tit. CMMtIJ 0' PJ\Ul nUCH Star. (II I'LORIOA .I.-.lh Lot. A~ llf C. 0 and E, nlock 2A~ Lot. A. n. C. D and E. Block 29, of palm ~.ch ramI' co~;>.ny Plat No.8. according to the Plat thereof at Plotlt, nook 5. I'oJge ?J, Public R,e1.":ords of P8.1m k-8ch County, Plor.id~, !) J!JJ .t:CT 'I'D T}U: rOLLOWINC RESTRICTIONS; 1. Th~t th~ road running north-sout.h and lyinq' bet.ween ~lock2aand ~loek 29. upon being d~.lqna~ed .Earl ~e Drive. by or with the approval of Palm Beach County. sh.ll not thereafter ~ de.19n.ted by any other name, 2. Th.at the .;>ropex-ty be U,fSl:'d for residential purpOses only: which shall .b-incl the Grante-e and its sueee.sors ~nd assiqns forever. " ..., .1'0_ .....,....,."... ~ .... 1....,n... hili I ~~._.. d~r It. _ __ To llAlft &td tD 116ld Jh... ,._ '1l9l"fJ..... w""), .." .-t .i"1ll..J.r. ,fu. .,..url~ t~ 1k'1Qt\1J/"9 Of' in dltfUflw opprorl",itlihfl. al1cl .U r'~ ....(.,.... "fll.l. t:r~. ""......." Iu-". ""'fUllY' ~ ..I..M. ~. ~_ 0/ tlw "Ill f,t''' tuU1~. ..Jfl.rr in t.tl. fi1t ~tult,. '0 ,J.,. ~'" ~ ...... l.rM{if ...J ~ 0/ rJ....., )oN or..J p.rly Jvn-VH. In. lettntss Mtrtof. TI.l' Mid /i~f 1,<<r1r Sac, u-,....l .,.J Jl'1J'Inl fro",. pt""'Hf\" ,,", JtIlf 4Nl ,.... l/rJi .J1OUoI IIU f'f\, Slo I nJ df'llt.......J in ~ol' of: Cn JJ.~jf ~:?c.. DORIS R. LOwt .m" ......... f I Jotu.tIY CEJtT1rY ~ ~ IJut da,.. '""'- aoto. lMI ulhr..' duly ."d"H"iH'(J m t"" :s4nr ..rOl"-lwt .Il.d il\ thr- c....f7 al~ ~.... ~ .,.,..~ :\T.'\Tf. 0,. fLOtlID". \;.'Il':-rrv 0,. PALM nEACH: DORIS R. loOm: to mt k~ "" tw ,~,.,......... ~liW...104 w~ Mlt't..t<td ,.' t L'O'pf(' _ d"1 lIIhe """"'v~ .t.,.. u...... Y.'llNtsS ra, to.l.M a..a ..tfid,t.f ,"ul ,A 1M r..ll.l'lt.,. .ftd 5~ [J8CC~r A. D. t~ti, ~r~~r~" ~1~~~. HOT~ ~JC ,oot:: ST,Ut D" f1.CQ'JOA -'T LMt,;,C ~ t~t~~IOH r.xPJ~~ jf~I~-tO Rr:l";C""'~ vt:m'IF:D PAU.' !":.. 'O,...;k Ct.'oINT"'. FLA, JOI-ifj (1 I;IJJJloU r; eLl:' :,~ Ci" :,ul1 COl.n,. . p' (:)',:. -:;::":'~17r:...:~ :'~.".!~:: .,~,~. - .' '. '". -:'~. ' $he .......ooa-~ 1St:, ...,. oJ " ..,..... ,-.~".,. .- ,... UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FOUNDATION, INC. P.O. Box 14425 GAINESVILLE. FLoRIDA 32604 (904) 392-1691 January 22, 1990 Mr. Tim Cannon Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County Zoning Division 3400 Belvedere Road West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 Re: Annexation Petition Dear Mr. Cannon: This letter will serve as verification that Bruce DeLaney is Director of Real Estate of the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. and is duly authorized to act on behalf of the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. regarding any matter relating to the annexation process for property described in the attached Exhibit "All. jrf:a -- Robe,' R. "~ Executive Vice President - J_2:/-'% ..,IN .<:16 lO:KfLOA'( & A~r^TES TEL ~~ n t-():04. 00_.:5$2 ~2Il4 i'06 - AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ss ,.' Before me, the undersigned authority personallY appeared ". . . BRUCE Po. DELANEY, Director of Peal Estap'whc:i being by me 'flrst duly sworn, on oath deposes and says: Un.i.versj..ty. of Florida Foundation, Inc. 1. 'l'hat/ite< is/the fee simple owner of one of property, to-wit: (Give legal desoription) 6EE ATrAQlED EXHIBIT n An the following described I (Attaoh if insuffioient spaoe) 2. Uni versi ty of Florida That/~ desires annexation to Boynton Beaoh, Florida. Uni versi ty of Florida That/~ has appointed Kilday & Associates 3. to aot as agent in(h4s behalf to aocomplish the above. its UNIVEroITY OF FLORIIll>. rooNIlATION, me. ~=?y,.~. Affiant . . BRUCE D. DELANEY, Director Peal Estate Notary before me D~0 at Large My ...........r.-.L'" .. 1'f':r1'< '- 'Id. ~ . '" fUlI'lOll .......",..It l1i 'nt:l ....... . v.,. / / "'. JAN-22-'90 NON 12: 16 ID'KllDAY & ASSOC1ATES Ta NO:407-&rJ-2S92 "204 P06 AFFIOllVIT STATE OF FLORIDA COONTY OF pALM B~ACH 55 ,., Before me, the undersigned authority persona~tY appeared r::aWll Wffl!. , who being by me .flrst duly sworn, 1. deposes and says: one of That he is/the fee simple owner of the following desoribed on oa th property, to-Wit: (Give legal description) SEE EXHIBIT "All ATTACHED .. (Attach if insufficient space) 2. That he desires annexation to Boynton Beaoh, Florlda. 3. That he has appointed KILDAY & ASsoc:u.:rES to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. ~o x (j)~ M~ (Signature of er). Affiant . OONAID J:.C:WE: me--rt..;j ~v...., 'Z1..,/ffO Sworn to and subscribed before Nota.ry PUblJ.c, My Commission Expires: , Notary Pubu(. State of Florid. My Commiuion Expires feb, 23, 1990 'u4.4 T~", f..~ hl..I.,yr."" I"e. .. ., / / - --.--.-'-------- ~~-- - JAN-22-' 9 101 .16 !D:KILDFlY ~ ASSOCIATES TEL "0:4 .~ m ~204 Pll6 .. AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA ss COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ,." Before me, the undersigned authority personallY appeared ". , who being by me 'flrst duly sworn, 0lARLl'm: BOWroN 1. deposes and says: one of 'I'hatShe is/the fee simple owner of the following desoribed on oath property; to-wit: (Give legal description) SEE l\TrAOIED EXHIBIT 11 All .' (Attach if insufficient space' 2. Thatshe desires annexation to Boynton Beach, Florida. 3. Thatshe has appointed Kildaf & Associates to act as agent in his behalf to accomplish the above. x ~~fl3~ Affiant . 0I1Il1LENE BOYNTCN Sworn to and subscribed before me1J,..i.s ~"'II""''1 7:Z.( /990 ~.()Q Notary Publ~c, State of Fl rida at Large Notary Pl,1bk SlIte of RoIidI My Commiui<lo fqIires nb. 23. 1990 k.d.4'...yT,.ylolol....__.... My Commission Expires: I I "' -~~ ~~. --- AGREEMENT This Agreement entered into this IOU, day of June, 1990, by ,and between STONEHAVEN HOMEOWNERS AS~riON, INC., a Florida -corporation ("Association") and BILL R. WINCHESTER ("Winchester") and MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, TRUSTEE ("Schroeder"). WHEREAS, there are currently pending before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, applications for Annexation, Future Land i Use Element Amendment, Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for projects known as "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" and "Knuth Road PCD" and an application for Future Land Use Element Amendment from "Low Density Residential" to "Medium Density Residential" and rezoning from PUD with a Land Use Intensity of four (4) to PUD with a Land Use Intensity of five (5) to allow for the construction of 192 mUlti-family dwelling units and a church with respect to the project known as "Tara Oaks PUD"; and WHEREAS, Schroeder is the Applicant with respect to the application, known as "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" pending before the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property which is the subj ect of the Boynton Beach Boulevard application; and WHEREAS, Winchester is the Applicant with respect to the application known as "Knuth Road PUD" pending before the city of Boynton Beach, Florida and as a general partner of the Partnership which owns the property which is the subject of the Knuth Road PUD application can bind the owner of same; and WHEREAS, Winchester is the Applicant with respect to the application known as "Tara Oaks PUD" pending before the City of Boynton Beach, Florida and is the Contract Purchaser of the property which is the subject of the Tara Oaks PUD application; and WHEREAS, Association represents the property owners the residential development known as "Stpnehaven PUD" within the City of Boynton Beach, Florida; and WHEREAS, Association is entering into this Agreement after having a membership meeting at which a quorum was present and having received the approval of a substantial majority of its members as evidenced by a signed petition; and within lying WHEREAS, Association and its members have had the opportunity to review the various applications and to make such inquiries with respect to same as they deemed appropriate including meeting with representatives of the applicants; and WHEREAS, Association is opposed to the development of the property which is the subject of the "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" as high density residential and to the development of the ._-".----,----~---_.._._.._--'--- ----------- property which is the subject of the "Knuth Road moderate density residential as contemplated Comprehensive Plan; and PCD" property as by the current WHEREAS, Association wishes to evidence its support for the approval of the application with respect to "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD", "Knuth Road PCD", and "Tara Oaks PUD" provided the Applicant with respect to each of same agrees to assure the Association that such Applicant will, subj ect to the terms and conditions set forth below, cause certain improvements (described below) to be made on the real property which is the subject of such application and on the real property of the Association adjacent thereto; and WHEREAS, Winchester and Schroeder wish to assure the Association that they, respectively, will, subject to the terms and conditions set forth below, cause such improvements to be made. , NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants herein set forth, the parties agree as follows: I. "Bovnton Beach Boulevard PCD". A. Schroeder agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application: (1) The installation of a minimum twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer between the project and Stonehaven PUD along the entire length of the adjacent property lines. BUffer shall include: (a) Four (4) foot high berm; (b) six (6) foot high masonry wall located in the center of the buffer; (c) Barbed wire barrier on top of the wall subject to City of Boynton Beach approval; (d) Landscaping which consists of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting, located on thirty (30) foot centers. One row shall be placed on each side of the wall. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. -2- (e) Construction of wall and berm shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings. (2) Maintenance of the wall, berm, and landscaping on both sides of the wall shall remain the obligation of the developer/owner. (3) All Australian pines within fifty (50) feet of the Stonehaven PUD property line along Banyan Creek Circle North and within the southernmost ten (10) acres of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD shall be removed by the developer/owner upon initial approval of the application by the City Commissioners of Boynton Beach, Florida. (4) Entry into and maintenance in effect of a contract to provide continuous rodent and pest control, such contract to be entered into prior to commencement of closing/site work to cover all of the property which is the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD application. (5) Building heights will be limited to one story (maximum 25 feet) for anchor store only, balance of shopping center to be maximum of twenty-two (22) feet high. (6) shall be shielded and rights-of-way. All lighting shall be of low intensity and and directed away from surrounding properties (7) The architectural treatment at the rear of the shopping center is to match the front of the shopping center. (8) Screening and noise mitigation is to be provided for all exterior mechanical equipment and to be located at ground level if approved by the City Commission, City of Boynton Beach, Florida. B. In consideration of the foregoing promises, the Association endorses the "Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD" application and requests that the members of the city Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission approve it. II. "Knuth Road PCD". A. Winchester agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Knuth Road PCD application are obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Knuth Road PCD application: (1) A six (6) foot masonry wall shall be built -3- I adjacent to the east right-of-way line of Knuth Road from Stonehaven PUD's north property line (adjacent to office building) south along the north right-of-way line of the LWDD L- 25. The Association agrees to assist the developer in obtaining approval to include this wall section in the development plans for Knuth Road PUD subject to appropriate impact fee credits. However, if impact fee credit can not be obtained, the developer/owner shall construct this wall from his funds. Where said walls meet at Knuth Road and Stonehaven Drive the placement of said walls shall be done in manner reasonably suitable to the Association. It is the intention of the Association that these walls conform with the existing layout of the present entrance into Stonehaven PUD and to accommodate IQcation of guard gates. [See II.A. (4) (c) below.] (2) The Knuth Road PCD property owner shall be required to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) years. (3) Construction of the wall shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings. (4) The owner participate as follows in Stonehaven PUD: of the Knuth Road PCD property will providing additional security of (a) Assist in preparing applications and seeking approval for the abandonment by the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, of Stonehaven Drive from Kn~th Road to LWDD L-25 to secure the safety, well being and property values of the residents of Stonehaven PUD. These applications will commence upon approval of this project by the city commission of Boynton Beach, Florida. (b) Construction of the fOllowing masonry wall segments which shall occur simultaneously with site preparation and prior to the commencement of construction of any buildings and (which will not be subj ect to any impact fees credits) : 1. A section of a six (6) foot high masonry wall identical to wall in II-A-(l) fifty (50) feet in length extending from the east right-of-way of Knuth Road adjacent to the existing office building parking area along the north property line of Stonehaven PUD. 2. Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall identical to wall in II-A-(l) along the north right- of-way line of LWDD L-25 from a point parallel with the east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD" easterly to the west right-of- way line of Stonehaven Drive. Said wall section shall commence -4- from the termination point of the wall section referenced in section III below and will be the obligation of "Tara Oaks PUD". 3 . Construction of an identical wall extended from the east right-of-way of Stonehaven Drive along the north right-of-way line of LWDD L-25. This wall shall be of an appropriate length, not to exceed fifty (50) feet, in order to create a suitable accented entry. 4. Provide landscaping to the extent possible adjacent to the wall sections subject, to a final determination of land area available. Provide landscaping in the form of twelve (12) to fourteen (14) foot shade trees on thirty (30) foot center in those areas where adjacent property is available within Stonehaven PUD and agrees to provide maintenance for said walls for five (5) .years. (c) Upon a successful completion of the abandonment of Stonehaven Drive, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property contribute to the cost of the construction of guard gates at the north and south entrances to Stonehaven PUD up to a maximum of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00). Type and style of guard gates along with the type of electronic entrance systems to be used with these guard gates will be determined by the Association. Upon completion of construction of all walls required to be built pursuant to this Agreement, the developer/owner of the Knuth Road PCD property shall deposit into escrow, with an escrow agent reasonably acceptable to the parties, the Thirty-Five Thousand Dollar ($35,000.00) amount contemplated by this Agreement. These funds shall be held in an interest bearing account. Fun4s shall be disbursed from this account, in an amount up to Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00), in satisfaction of the Knuth Road PCD property owners obligation to contribute toward guard gate construction costs as set forth in this paragraph. Upon completion of construction or disbursement of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ($35,000.00), in the aggregate, the remaining funds shall be released to the Knuth Road PCD property owner. (5) Installation of a traffic light in accordance with governmental requirements at the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. B. In consideration of the foregoing promises, the Association endorses the "Knuth Road PCD" application and requests that the members of the City Planning and Zoning Board and city commission approve it. III. "Tara Oaks PUD". A. Winchester agrees that, provided the requisite final government approvals for the Tara Oaks PUD application are -5- obtained, he, as the developer/owner thereof, shall make, or cause to be made, the following improvements and other arrangements in connection with the development of the property which is the subject of the Tara Oaks PUD application: (1) Construction of a six (6) foot masonry wall along the north right-of-way line of LWDD L-25 from the east to a point parallel with the east property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". It is the intent that his wall section connect with the stipulated wall section contained in the conditions of "Knuth Road PUD". This wall shall be landscaped in the same manner as the wall in II-A-(4)-(b)-4 and developer agrees to provide maintenance for said wall for five (5) years. (2) Creation of a twenty-five (25) foot wide landscape buffer along the .north property line adj acent to the south right-of-way line of the LWDD L-25 Canal. That buffer will consist of landscaping which consists of a minimum of two (2) rows of shade trees twelve (12) to fourteen (14) feet in height at time of planting located on thirty (30) foot centers. Tree location shall be staggered to provide the effect of fifteen (15) feet on center separation. (3) No buildings shall be located closer than forty (40) feet from the north property line of "Tara Oaks PUD". This setback creates a minimum separation of one hundred seventy- five (175) feet from the most northerly building to the closest individually owned south property line of Stonehaven PUD. B. Based on the foregoing, the Association endorses the "Tara Oaks PUD" application Q.nd requests that the members of the City Planning and Zoning Board and City Commission approve it. IV. Miscellaneous. A. Walls contemplated by this Agreement shall be masonry walls provided by Anchor Wall Systems, or similar construction, including pilaster caps on all columns with the Association approving the color and texture on all such walls. B. Winchester and Schroeder agree to pay reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Association for its law firm to review this Agreement. V. Aqreement to Run with Land. It is the intention of the parties that the obligation to make the improvements and other arrangements described in this Agreement, with respect to each of the real properties which are the subject of the applications, shall if the applications are approved, become covenants running with the land and shall be binding upon the initial developer/owner of the property and each property owner -6- thereafter so long as that person or entity shall have an ownership interest in the property . Neither Winchester nor Schroeder shall be under any personal obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements and other arrangements provided for ~n this Agreement with respect to the real properties which are the subject of the Boynton Beach Boulevard PCD, the Knuth Road PCD and the Tara Oaks PUD applications if the provisions of this Agreement with respect to all of such improvements and other arrangements are, by the filing of appropriate instruments, made covenants of record running with the land and binding upon the person or entity having fee simple title to such real properties. The Association shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction and to obtain affirmative injunctive relief to enforce specifically the full and timely performance of the obligations set forth in this Agreement concerning the making of such improvements and other arrangements and to enforce any such covenants of record. Any provision hereof to the contrary notwithstanding, neither Winchester nor Schroeder shall have any personal or other obligation to make, or cause to be made, the improvements or arrangements provided for in this Agreement as to any of the properties, which are the subject of the referenced applications, unless the application pertaining to the property in question receives all final requisite government approvals and final ordinances are adopted by the City of Boynton Beach with respect to same. (Winchester\Stonel.Agm\06/19/90) -7- Its ....1. _. :.:-.~~...:: " "nTlt:>: , TIm UNIVERSITY 01" CONTRACT !"OR SALE AND PURCHASE FLORIDA 1"OlJNDA1'ION, A PT.,ORIDI\ CORPORI\'l'T.ON .1-:"",tf("'1. I. .f.~,,,,,,""l. "t'l.(7) ?~l-O:.OO I. ."t~"~ ''''ll~~ 11,".1 I!.'l\~ :il!.llt:r :~I;,1l :1~ll1 :\I~! l'W'lr ~h:'1l ho~~ II~:~ .ll'I\(lW:'~I..":~ltlr('tl)(.uty IN!.~'.::~!..~.':1.'!:!.rZ"IIl'l(1 r~'r:;II'::~ ')tfll)j~,'Y ~-!,:~~'~!;~~''') {c;lItlolr.livdy "!:,!'j!!:!.!J'" \ttlOn 11..: 10tk.....lI"l(J :tnl:t ,IIII! (;\II....lllIur'l... whll;h IN~LUOL:; Ihe ....1.n...I.I'd... Cur /-(<;,lll...l.111.' 1f.I'I:,;,lt,;h("'~ />fmh:t1 vlllllc 'CYc':,,,: 'Jr :,U.,.;hcd { ..,.""l.n.lbj J .1l1l.l.lny .1I,kJcntlum to 1111'.. ",:.IIUII't.'I11. ., ~t1alJ\1,I, 1\. samoEorm, Su.i tc J19^, 'j'lUJS'J1':" 2255 CJ.;J(les nO':1d, .- /' (P1'lOIv, noe.l 1\.')(:('1n, I"L 33~ JJ. _ 1 . . PilJ.n\ DC,Jcll Jnl:!" l\Oo;.SCnlPTlON: {., Lr;r,,"I_~ill~(-!rnl"ll~ (1' n,:)'" T't2Ix.rfl' In-r."II/'cJ iJl -.':-;. ^~_ .r:'''''.'~ly. rJ5'[\tl:t: . .. r 13, C, 0, ~111u c., lJ.lOC< u, and LOL.::> " U, c:u, 1:.;, U.LOCK. ....:1, J:o-Cs L, v, E, U10t.:K. iI, ,,,,(] r..ot!" C,I),)':, {nock :;, ".1..1. of PN.i<'1 !JE^OI l-'^I~MS NO. fl, <.1cconb.!1<j (:o thc J.>J.ilt I:hCl"oot ,'f.; rccol~drxl in Ill;'!:: nook 5, p'-j('J('~ 7], or: l".ll("~ i)iJj)jT(~t=<1st~r;p::jJjnT~~,1ch County, F.lOr.J.<!,l (4) $lrCQl ;'ItJdrc:;s. city. Zl(J. 01 IIl1,} I~roll.~rly rs.: fe:) Pc,son:J.lly: NONE PUl\CHASEPnlct........................................................................,.....,.........................................................$ PAYMENT: (a) Ocnosil{sllo be 1~1d in escrow lJy (b) ZlJlJj~c1lo AND :l.!.sumplion of moflgO!\)C in good sl:J.I'K.JII'K"J ir'l r;lvor of Sd11:ocdcr n!1c1 I...JJ:chc, P.A. in Ihe O!mounl 01 $ h:lVin!J .,1\ :lPIlfUxintOlfC pr(l~wnl prim:ip<'ll 1J:.Jnnce 01 $ Purch.;1SC money morlv.1!Jc ::\nd nX>llg:'lgll nolo lJe:'lring ::mnunt intercsl III ~I~ on lefll1~ sct forlh herein. ill ~flJounl at ...........$ OU'lCt: Additional deposit pursuant to Addendum .$ 1<1 1"1 tel O;II;u'\Cc to clo::;~ (U,5. cnroh. LOCAllY DHAWN cCllilit.!l! Of c.,::;hier'~ check). :;ubicCllo ndjllt>\rl\cnl~ ;ullJ Ilromlions ....................... 3: n. TIM( FOn N':C(PTANCI:: I!FF(CTIVr: OATI!: It fll;.,; ,,11m' is nul Cxccult.'d u1 :mtllk:hV<.!rcultJ allll:lrlie!. on FACT OF exeCUTION comnll.mic.'!eu i" writincJ ootlM!t.'I1 till! ,hulIeS )11 (X l>cJL)J1! _ _ t2/6/8 9 , lhc ulmo:;il(s) will, :11 OUYCf'S option. \.Ie r~lurnctl 10 auy~r ;;till) Ihc oUer wilhtfr<1wn. 'he t1:llc 0: Ihis Conlmcl ("r;lfr.r.liv" n:ll.~~) will br. Ihe c1;'\le when the 1;'\:;1 orle! <II Ihe Duycr ;UllJ 111(: Sellcr 11;15 :;igncd Ihis oUer, V:-FIN""NOJN~")-ft-t~J-nn,. ,."........ ""J r,,,,I.,,1 ,I;.. Iv I". 1;~-h;-n-fhtm-,-,-nrl;-lc'trtt'l';4I".. C.",I.....I ~t... ".~II"',,,c~~........I...,..~ M.llnll\1:1 wflllcn cOllll\lIlmcnl 10( 1l\lJ 10;uI wllhm (f;lYr. frum L//\!Clivl.: Dille. ;,1 ;JJl "lilr;.1 inh:r(l51 rnln nul It) Ollcecd '\;.. lenn 01 ",!OlIS; .md m Ihe 1""W;~1.,1 ;:mlt.'lUnlof :r. . UlIycr win 1lI.llll.! ;'JlphC<1/fl"Ift wr/hi'l IJ;,y!: from C;ll~clivu O:ih!. m'lfJ lr..u lu..sOl'~hlt: tlrl~Jt'",.,. I .lIn ll-c Iu;.lIt com. 'mlen!:J1ltJ. Ihcrc.,flCI.to mecllhc It:rnls nnt! cou(lihon:; Ql the cOlllllli1im~~nl ;llllf to dO'5t: lllf! lo:lIt. llU}'Uf z!);tlll).1Y ;11110;:\1\ cxpcn:'o5, II UWj'Cr I;uls In nhl:' .Io:1r'l commilmenl "rd. f"onlfd1y IltoJilil:s ::>en!:r in wrili"'J. Of :,Il'lr di!~Jt~nl d!url ';lils 101l\Ct:1 lht.! I!:rl\l~; and condition'!> or fh:! Cr",Ul}i!IlH.'Il! or 10 VlOIivl~ OU).I(:f':". .~ sulJP;:II."MJ';lph With", lh~ lithe !,l.,t1I.'tJ lor oht,'"lif"J lilt.! c.OOllllilmcn1. Ihl..'u cllhm p:1fly Ill:\'( c;ulc:cl thc CUlllme;! :1/111 IJlrylN' ~1l.1111)1~ m/u/Jued IIltl dep(J~II(:>). Ib) TIIQ cll'$lit"llnOrIU;ItJt1 d\~5t':"hctl in P"r;,wnllh lUll) :,lIovt: ha~; (CHECk' II 011 (~'n: (l) 0;) W.ri"lJll: inl~h \~J 0 .., hltutl illh~,!!ol f;llr. 01 -,;;. I"" nnnum. Al hnw. III line Ir:U1~lcr ~unlt! lilted Irllt~rl~:;1 r~tc!:". <In! ~(fll{f:cl III incll!.;'!>Il. II iIlC(f1;'1:'i,,,I, 11111 rl,h~ :;11:111.\,,1 I'\..I':I~ . .", ..."r I1I1nllll1. !:.?T1,.r "I.hlllt w.lIl1n d...,.. Ir(,JI1l lllt:chvc U.lft.. l\frfll::!1;J SI.11,~mlml l1uo1 ;1111ll0rl!ra~ll~t!;-, :>l;lttl~r IlIll'Clp;.l !J;ll;Ul\:l!::. ntlllhl.ld f~~I. mll:H::.I ..,t.~ .1I1t1 sllllus ol/lwnIU"IIl'$. J/ (It'Yt!, '1"":;' "'!.IU~t!() 1(, ;t~~..\<tt il """,,~..~..~ wlleh WIIl'II.!;-. :11-IJ,f(lV:11 01 UlIyer It'! lhll mt)rl~latlt~C lor ,1::M,llIlll,nn. 1I11~n O\lY"" !:I~or(JlI~'{1y {Jul;nll Illl/l.'fl"iwfl Ol/J1,hc..lI01\5 :""1(1 will tl,h'JI:lllly r.l)fllpll!h! mvl mil"" 1I1t"111 In "...:"",..J,,.,,,.~.~. A'~' ll'Yul\l.")t:e ch;II!.1cl~lllull" I!ltccml5. ~;h..III,,' I.~r::- Iii '\hl III1"c1 ill. .~tIU:lllv Ihvlllt!lll. 11 lIu, btlyr.f I~ "01 ;u:cl'rt1t.d I.... Itv;'fI"ll~",,,lC tor U'll~ 1l1Iltlllt!n..!nl... I(u ;I!io:'.Ull1lllion II"! nol .11 aq;/If"."..;.! w;lI~~",:; ..I Iltu e",,".\I;1 ur murl":"If!I! m:.k,~:. Of ,:ha't/l: ill ""t:m.s or 11"1 ::;/.11(.,,1 ,lnJO\U1I. $dlt.v or (~r...!r nloilV U!:i.CII"llh,~ (.;0I1f',l<:llIy l"mlllll Wlllh!J\ /Inl".:u 10 lhe olllel l>.'~~':' ."Ihl:f l.:lm:1!. h) p:l,/I"'.: nll.:rU;I:;!! II, lnlmc!>f 'a{.: ur W<'.'11:;~ lI1(nffJ,iJUt.,>t.. cJJ:"lJt!!i.. V. TtTLE EVIOltNCE: AI 1,::1:;.1 _fl;ty::; he/urc closin~1 II;, . 1(tfc, ::.11."1. :1! ::il!llcr':; t~.c:l'l~lI:;I!. lll:livcr 1\1 (luyer (II' Ulr/m's :lllulfl1~. It) ;'t:cultl:,,~t.! w,th ::>I;t'\tlmd ^. (Chock {11 or 1:'1};( J) 0 ;lbsl'.'\C1 oll1Uc 01-1 (;,00 1I11'J inSllr:U\r.I~" ll,llml. VJ. CLOSING DATE: Thi~ lr:1ns:lclion :;hnU h.. . ,..I..ld ;ullJ Ihe decd .md olher dtl5ill'./ p:t/lt.'r.:; lJdivnrcd ttll . unlc!.s cltlemJctl by olher IHOVISIOIIS of Conlr;\cl. VIl. ntsTOICTIONS; IJ:ASIJ:MGNT8-UM .ATIONS: l)lIyr.r ~.h:\ll lakn lilfl~ m'/li~(:1 In: LW';'l~l, m:o;hH:lj,~1l11..1"Olllhitil)m. :lml oll'll!r wllllir'mll~nl~ illlf\l'):".t~c1 h... 'klVt'!Um'lt..'fl!:,1 :ltllht"lll'.... rt.~lficrlOrl"" :"., n~llh.!!;-. il!ll"!;'UI'llJ .m II,., .r.rI'or (J!h':rwl:>t! <.:.lnm"", l<:r lIlH ';J,jJ,div",">I'. r"lhllC ul,lily l~w:,~nlt:lll~. 01 f1~(;0i" !lll,!;.!lIlt:l\ll. Wt~ III lit! locall!!' t:ulllf!IUo)ll'; In Hl:''lI PI'(ljmtlV' IIfV!S :n..1 l....lf 11'f!)r1~ Ih.lll fll t,.,.' ,II./llt a~; It) Ihe ".';\( (Ir 1")11\ bue:: and ,,'1, h:d II' Yllt.llh :1:'; \u Ih..: :'IIJ,~ lil1l.!~. ullh:~;s Ul(\CIWljU :;fJt.''':flftfd 1t<:1(.'m); 1,'JlL's IOf y..:.lf 01 (.\o';""J ....1l1 !oul.JSt.'tIU:111 !""'Jt:~ .'u1tllJUfch..l~c IIlll/leY ll......rl~I;''.Jt.':;.ll ;1II,/; I,Jllu.!1': "...R. .1. 'hnl.l .~1 ,_I~. '.' "~..I....,...'~lwH~f'.....,.,....~..__l-..H.....Ooi...........lo.-l,~.....Ll4oot_.t~ Jo1III:-OG(;-UP"N~~""'...f:Y-f""'t-/hootn-n~".rl....~'l....'II:"';"-<.ll.....-ill......I:..-ll,'o-:--l...I...I-+'o..t-'"1.,........,II.....I...t-I....I~...I...t..._....rr-14......,...-! I I. 11 ~""':;h;'1U~I;'lI~'";-:l.nr1-1hr:-1f':":.nll~I-nI""'"T)!':f'''l'"..I..~h~.f':I.t:"'f'1t-I"''t'I.''''ll-In-Slnrvhllt''''''' ~;,'If,'r "<l"'\~'i ,.. ~!dlVl~1 f..:t~ll.Ilal>l:Y ul 1'''"lllrlv :Il Ill"'! ..I l:....,.....1 "... I I " II '" ".," . I, In. .1.-l.........r.d4_'-r.._...t:""H..'f..__'".......-+tII-r~-J,.,.,..o,...I~~.,....c...........I..I~M.......oron.~....t11 .". II _11,1' I "....1 11..1 ,L.l..... 1..I.nll-bc:-t~lo..hlll'..!~I'!."r.1"t"t:'d.f-'r.-~r..'"..fI,......,,-....,"'h~.llIhh.....'tl~,H,,'"'::-UI-l"h,...H-to~,,""'~I...~"'~~f-h_.---t. lll. , IX. TVP(WRITTI!N on HANDWntTT1!N F'FtOvtSION.:i: Tyw....wllllcll or h.llld....mllO':l\ pwvi:.illll:O ;>110111 ...."lIhlll ;,1I pflnlml pr\wi:;iQ,,:; ul CIII\II;'r.( In c.unff.,:f 11',,111 Ihum. >c':"-1~Ul:Nr10t+t\IOr::R.1I (X".I..".\'J "1;1,,.." /v, If". ..."h, "I.. '''.'' ......;d~rn-:-hT~ll~I.I,., ." ,., ".",,=,"~W'l-ffil~. XI. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL UNE C"CCCL", n1D("I1: 11 r...ml(,;1t::1 i:,. ~1\,li/'!" lor IIlI! :>:lle ull'lUllclty ...lh:clc(1 by Ihe CCCL. Challll!r leI. F.r;.. (l~IJ:'). ;tS 1I~"',J.~J.. ~..tn .IIVY OJI1t.J UIo.: CCCl f(lt.lt:r ur C'(/UlV;llt:flllll;IY tit: .,II.,Chud II) lhl:; Cunlr.lCI. XII. FOntlCN INVt:STMt;NT IN nfAl pnOPEnTY TAX ACT '''FHlPT^''J Rloen: Thll Il:1r!l(J!: :;h:,ll r:nmply willi 1I'11l f'llrw,!:iol'l~ "r rlnplA :tntZ :ffJrAcc./I~ 'l.-'lJIII:III()I'I~ whICh could rt.'t.lIJut.! :ic:llt.:r tv IJrOVM.k! ~II.kJ/htJn.J1 C:1:,I, ;)1 CIoSIl"J lu m~cl VlllllhulcJlI"J'ic[l\.llrcll'lt:nl:;.lI,~j 1Ih: nlllJ1A fli\lur 0' (.'(IUlvak..'flllllay l~' ,1lU:lt..hcI1I0 \III:'; t;o!llr.lcl. Xlii. A5SICNADILlTY: (CHeCK (t1 or (2)): OV)'l..'r, I) ~ mny :1!OsilJn on (2) 0 lll:1Y nol OJ:>:.igll Conlrne!. XIV. speCIAL CLAuses: (CHeCK (I) or {211: Addendum (llll2 is llUnchod on 1210 is 001 :tpplic;'lble. (IU/'I"'JiI!Is.), 11 " ~". .1 THIS IS INTENDED TO or; A Lr;GALLY DINDINC CONTR^CT. IF NOT FULLY UNOEHSTOOD. SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. T",U5 FonM H^~ aCCN ^PP1~VCV uy n'l[ f'L011l0^ A:';:;OCIATION or I lEAL101 1$ ANU THe; FLOlIIO^ DArt AWOlr.Jl docs nol con::tirllte :1Il c.y)/ni&r !1m/ ""1>/ IN t1J(~ /cmL< "InrI conditlolls in tll/S COlllmr:t SfloulrJ be ,7CCcplcc/ by 111" p,:vr,'cs ilf tf /"..,/;r.tI/':1' Imns;x;/iOl1. ;Vk/ Ctx1l'/lfions slJOUIl1 be nC!Joti:r/(.'(/ &:Jst.'C1 UPUII 'he IC:.i)I.-clivc illlt:t!::lfs, o1J/ccr,vc:.: ."II1(] IJargJillin(j positions 01 :M/ inlf....,t.:.sted J>Cf$OIt$., GOPYnJGHT 1!.JOU OV THe FLonlOA DAn ^NO TI'IE r-LonIDA ~:;oc,^nON Or- RCALTon.=;. INC. - - -- l' T",ms TRUSTrn Y: A n-"- r-n ISeller) n. !t'>"'" 1- ih?_)(J.$_ Ob...t& ::iecurity or Tax 1.0. t I t./ t /'5] oO'e . ' \'2..S,3~ D:lIC (UuyerJ D:lle 0.110 Soci..,15ccurilyor Tax 1.0. .1 l:iollor) :;Oci:l.rSccurilyor T:I)(!.D." ')Q-OQ7471c) O.,mositts) under P:\r<:l{lr.:\ph II received; IF OTH(n 'THAN CASH. :HCN ~UOJCCT TO CLc^nANCt. CHOW:It.\ n:c. tCllt:t:H l'l COt.1( LCI: 'rllE--eN~~I:€) Oy: ~r-^"'t:l:)TIN'O""t\aftEeMeH""':J-CUftR f-H-R.y...,N-Cf-FC-o-Y': ~1e<-ttY'_ ~ '''' . 1~~."IetH~~..d""'T<JUt)rJC',"I~!}"'tttflJ-tI~I~M>fm'lt:'((:-1't!CQl'tI;ttoJ'"l~~t!f~hl~lir...." " ., ' I;"" On . o &C.hrr:: nn~;::'h~ ]> A (escrow A9t'I'II I~ NO LISTING ^GI1~CMCNr IS: Cunnl'ZNTLY IN r.r-n:CT: ~"k..,-:ohan-').Jy"!l~-Ulokcr "1I;,II1Cd.l.Jl.:low:.al'11l11l:-u(c;lv:'1I1\1. 1.-011\ Ih,~ f'j::!.11JL1.OtJIl"'~f~nltc l/f()t:\~e"~; 0/ Ih~/,""'''(,' c:omJlcm~:.lion in I"" :Io'r)unl 01 ICOMI"LCTC ON\.V ONe _ "t. (,I urO~5 !'It.,rCh.:l$1\ pricu on $ Ia+-(~.r.::, :. !.\!..viclJ~; ill dlm:!i/1fJ !!'It: ~;Jlfl lY, lilldif\jl !ht~ OI!Y(~r r,,:ltly. wilh'....! :tn.1 "hie 10 IIt.IICh.'Sl! \'ltlrs.t..,,,, 10 ll~ fQl'~ Cur11rM:;\.1I OV'/or Inil!\. In 1''''''''''' 10-,,,,,,,,,\:,, 11. .ullUm:d. ~O'l'. 1I1C!rl..'<':'1. hul nol f.'.lfCI,,,,lir'!J ll...~ Orul\C!I"r, lnc :,hovn Iltovidl:-U. ~1,,"1l1w. I"...ill O.okt'(. :,,~ hdl COI1'li!I""o'di!"Jn IN ,,,,,,,,,,.,', ~!l"'Il'il:e'\ irw:~.!r ." "'nd~tl hy lImltr.r. :\,.., Ih,: h;tl:u'!Cu 5h;\1I b" lmit.! In :...!lhlr. II lllH 11:"'~;l1r':linll ~;":llll'ltll 1:':.1(')~H I.\('!::"':'il~ 01 m/tl!::d or l;Jilllm 0' ::".lItlr I'. ",.r1('rO\, ~;"tt.., !Ioh... 1~'1 ll..._.t>> 1... 1_ 1:1...1,.::.. ~. ~le"''ll'l"d~n-n~~Jrtttnn-nfY.:IiMtJUtll-cHht.~nll'tlet-eor''le~I1r:-8r'o~ee:-t~I''''J ,.....1, ..h:ttI..._~._. ........"'...IJl.~ .,llv..n" k.... .....1..."..1. .r,1; !fuIlJU:"",,:ul.IJ.lIl...." (1':111"1 01 t.:.Jut,,~rl'lil~.l ~1I"1':'11<"1l1 [~>o.:llt.:n STANDARDS FOR Rl:AL :::STATE TRANSACTIO;"!S ~IOe..JC!;"of=-n:n.~""lh...II;~~lil~II'IIf...!-.,.-hftll"'thl""llln",,,141')'-ll"~~,"1.II.l~lIl1~'"'t--f'lktill'ttt"..Jittt..;il II LI '1'!:\I~hoot ,. 1 r'Ufl'lOlhn'J It) bu:m ,",,=CUI;ltl.!' :''''''kJri~~;-;;i,'';;1i0iiNlI(..nl.'' ;11J..'I:I"II') lilh! It I rlt!i1II\ftlJM:r1y r'J.:.,'-ucd j" II'" pllhlic mr,O(t!,1 ollh" C!"llull'/ Wl~~lll nll,lI Pt'f'ln'fly i., 1ot'o.:,IN' .l:IIt'CI.....~ f):,lc .lIld Vlh..~h .-.h.,11 c,'.mln;~,..;.~ \'IIllh 11'11' .!;lIliu:".1 pllhhe Ic(:ml!:;. ur '.lIch I.lb~r ,bl" 'I:, 111:1'/ 11.! ONI~II1\:lr\. 11\ Ill" C(Il,'nl\'. Upun ch~inn -.,1 II'.... It;'ft!'';:f(~I''''''f' . ."",ft:1 ,.II,')" 1/f'll:l.Im., Ih,:'''''JI./t!lI\' loll Ouy"r. ~ulJl....::l 10 1I'\1! !~.lhl ul mltlnliOll 111(.,...."1..1111'1 h~;1 IlIl,II'.l:lfl'to' 1111111 11l11~' p.ll,l. l:n " "1~1 ;1I::ln:u'\l';" t:l'tmnl,\ll"'l\ ,....lI...1 hv .., r "';'~II~"'II hlll, 1I~11l" '".lIm'II''' In r.\SI.~ II.) Ot"'f"':r. \tlv.tn ft'cnh'i~ nf II,.~ dl'l..(f 10 lJuyr1t". :m own.!r'.!> po1it::'1 oj lillo' in.\t1r:II~~f! III lhn :1I1ww{I-;;rlf;t:iii~i?i!i'iik;!:- rn':lIIi .~.~I s hl~ 1(1 U,';'II P'O("M~rIY. sllhir",,1 onlv In 11l.!1~. "I1C,""hr"I'Cn~.. 1~.c...,)Ii()r,~; \"If llU;,hIICOlllrln ~.I.:I I\)rlh ill 11m. Conlr:..;1 :lIvl Ih...,.! whlr:h ':h:111 1)01 1.1i!:I.:h:mlcll bV ::;'~nf" '1 J"!"'I' r:loJ5iwl ~,,'I~'~r <;/1.'1" .~~ :. tlI.1rs..'I:,hlt, Illt..~ SI."lfilC1 ('IIIly t.1 I,,',,~. '~\Cll1l'hr,"";:tl~. 1!I(CI~p1i\'n!: nr crll..lilil~nll("I~; ~.o1l lorlh ill GnI"I~":1. 1vL1t111~1:,hl~ t'lll! :.11."'11\ h~~..1 :1I'r:o,,1inr, 10. nl'll"io".:;,h", TIIII, :'>1:IIVI;I"". :lt1c.'ptrrl hv :1u1h(IIIly."1 f111! ':'01"\1.1.1 0.11 01'''' III .,c.:nlfl;lIlr:o': wilh 1;IW. IItl'/'!t ~;h.llllmv>,' :'U 11:..,..:., If ;11,~.1r;1I;1. ')1' :, rl~j.-mr.;-O.lll1llli\rl1P.1'1. 1f<)I11 d;.,.~ .)1 11,:IlIVIIIII '~V""!nr:I' 01 1'1'" I" (ll(n''''I''' .1. II IoIll,J I:. I.",,,vl o.h.'I'J.;hltu. Ou.,.." ~h.,lI. Willi'" :1 <1;1""", lIohl.,. :..;dl,.'1 II' "lt1lill~1 ,;",:o..:,ly"".1 .r..I,',:.!.~l_lI'-.r,,~ .h'll.!dbl 1I~1\l.11'1' hUn U"'Il;\lh.O't;.h~,. ~""lf",'f w.:! h.W\,!' 1.'(' 't."<'yU r'(JI1t fffC(>If'1t Of nollCl' wlllltn wl....:h I.) hmouvu Ih.: .J,~I'lc.l(l.l. 1:1I1"~1 whICh Illr/,:r ~h:l1l 11;IVH II,,' ,~......",t-'-:;lI"tl :\r.':Hlll"l\J Ih., lill!! :I:. II \111..1 I!. ... ,1I'm;.."I""1 n '1.:'1111...1 nl 1"'I,n""I!.1 !I:...'I wlw:h !oha" ,,"lv,.h.Il~~IV 11-11 wIUl.""t 10 U"V,:r. ffl"fI:,urIl'UI /Itf\"\!t ;,/1.1 :~"l!'.'f .';');,JJ ...!!:~; ;n.,\lh.~, III ;lll Illllh,.'r ,,1.1"':Ilioll~. \tI'I\I\lI Ih'~ Ct'llhacl. :';'~IIoJI will. II hl~~ I!; ',,","1 UI\lI"Hkt.'I;llk. !r,iu "'''''(JI.'111 \:lIvoll... '::0.11(0.:.;1 t1d.~c1I~II" 11110.: will "" tlltJ 11I1It,,! IJIUV,t!,:.11 .lor:!l..,I\J\linU 11t~ blil1Vu"J ul HI.!C'l:.~lf'l :"uII:>. - n. PunCHASI! MONey MonTG^Gt!; Sr:;CUIlITY M:. . liT. TO SClLen: ^ ""n:h;I'~<:' mOI1f!Y morlq;<<,,~ ;md tl"'lrl!J..,r~ nOli! 10 Sf!U"" sh:lIl l'\I'tMlJi' ~or ., :'10 (1,1'( r,row:to ,mOotl in lilt:! \.ovwll 01 {~~lo.IlJlI II d 111:)1 murI\I,,,,.J ;\1101 l "'I ~lr;:L(;.: 11')(ltld " :1 ~'~'~(lIvl ur !f:.;.;..f lllorCq:'(}I:; ..11(1/1 pr\'Wk/l!' 10' ri-JIlI <II 1'\T""\."lyn~\I in whol" .'ll" '" J'I:lrl wllI""11 ')O!lIlllIy; "1\..,,, '''lll...~mlll .w:.:,,..,,..dtVrl .)1 1,,'/:11".' " 1t~,,'11 III uVl-'III ul ,t!$II.: ul /1.:,.1 Prop.;!rly; ..\1.111 ",quill! illl pdl)l" I"m 111\1.1 .~I'\r.lIl1lh':Il\C.!s' 10 h... k,!nl in 1.f..)tJ o;l;"l."IIIvj ."llvl 1,)I'Il...1 111l1l11ItC:llior"" t)t or '(lft/i'~~ ~II''''.'''';'''' III to" tIIv'hl.......~f..l: ...,.,1 Ih.! n'k...rl.),hl~. l1.lh""! ill1o.1 s'~l~urily :l1t",'nll"!1I1 ';hall,htl ''1l101rwi.,., ill 1f}(11I ill\,'1 cunl\!1I1 "~llIill,d hy r..!Il'!I; !J..I f...,II~r "'''''I OIl"" ~(1\I.P. d.\u';.w.. .:'r,I," '.........1 11\ 1\l('rl"""J'~'" JI1'_""J;I'J'~ 11VI.!~. .u\oJ :>'!'~Ulit'l .1',IIHtllll<~l1f~ .)om'~(:lrty l,ti/tr"lll"{ !;:tvttlOJ .lIro;lla,l/J 1/1'.fll.lllo)JI'::" f'\( 0:;:1.11.! (I( ";11~)'\'1I h;lnk.. "",~~",(III' 1I1l1 l':(lIll1ly ...oJt"... , 1't'Jf",rly l'i ~)O::'lh~'1. All P"r>;';li1:11l'l .11\\1 lr!:I')'~:i b,""!i"q t;'.I11W,y.,rI .)1' II.:!;..;,I"'" Will, :11 :,;'_'lIi:r'_.. .'lph'JI1. t).: o;uhr.::d II,) Ihl~ lI..m .)f a o;,~\,:\ltily .\'Jrt:CIIICI1I .~lo.:l'lCed hy rCCOlljmJ .1...11,.....11'.. ',1" I 1'1 11\. C. SURVEY: o..l'Nr. .\1 0,,1'/'1r"1 e)lll~Il"~, willun liml' :'lllow...:1 10 dl~1ivcr ':lVi(~!I\Cf! 0' lill.~ .,,":1 I.' ''''^;llllill1~ 'lill1\':. m:W lu'll" n~:l1 PmPNI" o;lI(V(''I'~d "nd r:p,r!ificd f", .1 rlX)io;lC!~ rlrwib !>O("'_')"')!, II $l.IIWY -:;h)Yr') .!I":nl,,dl'U'!lIll)tlll....ll Prl)ll"fl'l or 1Il.lIIl11l'n.\VI~Ill':IlI<; ll1t~.Ik'.ll)n I h.~.tll)r(lp'lrly el\l.;loJ;lch Ull ~\'l\,.\Ck lint's, I~""ellk..'nl!>. r.lI'tlls. 1)1 OU"!IS. or v~)I.II'.! .ltrf rlJSlnCIIlJr1$>, Conll.II;1 ~.)Vt:n."\I'i 01 ""I)!~:.llJlo..! 'J'JVCfIUll,ml.ll fl:\lul.llivtl. Iho..! ~lll1C t;h.ll! 'XIIl~fil(fl.... ;1 lilh df.!l.....;1. -D:-Tt-RMlrCS.B. " .In.,.'. .~n~~~~J.-ttr~~ljllt-t\H>H_~",itl .I".. ,I ...If1 ,II'. I ,I. ':':.:: ~~ I:,; +1 .: ,... II Y' . .' ..I,r lJr)l!hllor ,.) .....)I..'llllll'e If ff":I'~ is .111"/ V1101h/t:! .I';lwc lermil': 1Il1'~'.lillj,"lI,,)f v,:'I!Jh. mw;titlll .1,"tl.l.'1': hl1ll1 \o"lllill! IIllil~.I.II~)I1 1111l~ irlll)l..,~., . 1 . " VI INII .II.J 1...."...1. nuy...r wdl I\"M~ 01 'J.1y-> I")ln d.llr! of WrltlClIlIIJllCU Ihl~lo:ol. wtlhlu wlll.~h I\'l h,M"! :tll II;UI1:""15, '0'11,.:1;1"" vi..I"I.~ Itr 1l.,L.ill:.~~.~I,., .! .11'11.11...111,/ .1 I'c""~..,d ht.llfo~~( .11' qrff".,.."fII:nfltr,''Cklt. Stofjf., sh.l/:f I"''Y v~llio..l c.)..I$ .)1 Ir'MIll1cnl .'I'tll I'l!IJ.llr 01 :111 d.'m'''l'~ I"' 10 ;'''Y.. 1,1 '"*'1".... ,.ii'~.lkl :>tt.;1I ';IJ:'o\:; I!ltl':r)"ll Ihal a,,""ml. UI",,'r ~.h:ln l",lVI! 1111" Of/Ii"", nt 1"..'1'11:1:11"", v'lnlr:1\.1 wlllu" ~ d.ty!\ .Ill~r luc.!!!ll .,1 l:onlr.1.~I')I... . . ~ -,/III'I"'J vml/all 1II)'iI;1I III ~;'~Jh:r (If O'IY'J' lllo"ly nle,;1 1.'1 pr'lc(!ml wllh 11,1,} 11:1II00:I.:hol1. ,n whICh 'Nt!!11 OtIy1!t shaft rl'fCnM- =' rr..,ItI ..1 .' '!il".' I,J II\I! I\llill 01 nil! lIl::1lrnl'nl lllld 1I~I'.lll 1,l':,,;litl1:'lh: Il'JI III I.'XCU"'o; vI 2"';, ul Ult! pUft,;h,lse pt'lC(:, ~lUrllll!e:>H :ilmlt he wt.'!Iwd fo lIloC/vdu :lIt YoOOt.I I. 11 d I'd I" 111" I ~..:!. E. INGRESS ANO EGRESS: $f!IIQr w.lrr.lrll'i m'K! wflr.!~o,!lll"i 111:11 "WI\! i-: ill<Jrr~s~ ~Il\d e(jll'~.'; I.) lhl~ ni::I' f'1mpcrfy 5urricicnl (or lite! illk'lKlcd ll:lC M ,Jc.$c(jlx'IJ in p.,,~,r,llIh Vl11...rcol'. fill.:: It) wh...:h I.. 111 ''':':'.11\1,111':0.: wllh :,)1:md.\r\1 A, ofo:-t:C:.4;H:S, ::..11" ..1..,11. ..~I L.. lh;ot.. I~ ,1.., .1....( ..., ~L ,i'~j. (tttnr.,!-H. n"I .._"I~..t.......J/.-wI'iIl'""f1 J..L.. I I. 1~1't~..fo..n.~"".. . h ltot'lfl....~....,.,.,-t. I .. I.. f)I 1I'\l~ 1.!'u,U1l's .V:CU!I,II\o:Y. 1I~1I1.)1 t.II.,~. .\I.lv<n\o:'ld 1\,.,1 :II1t,1 :;I:(;'unl'l .1'!I"'I<;il', 1I"irl 11'~~!T" i' ".. .IJ~.I."" .",~I. 1'.'1'.1 """. .,.tell It:":IIII, \I." $o.IUltl 11\11.)1111,,11.'111 sh:IU hQ "l(lll"'''''' !ty !~ll'" In Oor,,:,,, \'Iilhi" lit ': lilt'" "..".. I "1 Ih.~"'f..)t"TTr"U~r.1I~::-:iT1i.T.7vlI:-;lild Ut.1~'Ut m.l\, Ihule~lIlCl cUtll.<<.:1 lrltl...l1ls I.) conllrm such 11I1.)lIIlollitJIl. ~d!(!r shall. ;11 cIoSWllJ. 'I ,'.... ," '" .. J, J" ..1 ..~ 11. J. 11" . I G. LIENS: ~;'~II.!r o:;lMIl l~If"I'ih I.) Otly,~r "I lin1P, .)1 dl):')iIV} :In :1l1~:I.wit ;11l~:;lir'lll I/) 11"1 "ll~'~Ill:I!. ul\l,~..,o; OlhNwisr. provif.kd 10' hemin, t}f ;,,,ty lil\:Incilv.l ,,1;\I""\1(Onl$. cbmlS (II "'lI' nr 1)()f....IlIolI I~~''')t~ k,,,)W,, tJ &lll!r :"\01 fwlhllt :lflP.~tllllJ Illo1l lIll!ftJ hilVl!' 11f~Im 1111 ;')lfl.llW')Ill.:nI:\ or I.m.ll.... II) Pf"I)lI"rly 1m DO d:\ys '"1m.~cti;1IIJIy p..!t:....,h'1o.' \l.111l of GI..),,"~l. II PtO\IO."'V h..l~ 1,,!'J11I11IJJI.!Yt!l.I. or rl'Jl.1I"~o.I wl1hUl 11..11 IIIIII!. So.:llrJf shall .1.:ljv"r h)I,';151~'. ,,( W;U"'~r'1 ..I m.:t;IMII~:5' 1t'''I'' (!I,,!O~ulu.1 by :tll 'J.!tIlU.tl .:t,l1lr.lcl,:'r~. s~lb';onlr.l":fHrs. StlflftllP.t$, arkl tIMtnfl,""~"J .) ."lIllhon.lo So..tnl!r's lien ,'"lo.l"IYlI !';~~lhlV1lorlh Ihl~ l\o'I11I~S r)1 "II su~:h 90")1\I.!ral r::.'lfl!racll,rs. ~,lIh.:<Jnlt:tr:l/ln\. ~1~llIlt'lrf, :lI'W.1 malmt:lhllcll OII\IJ lurlhl:r "lIilll"1l1\oj Ih.;\1 ;111 dlol"Jl1$lor II11\JI(.M.,'IUCI1I$ or h..!f)oill:>; whk..h t,;1)\1I.1 ~t,!IW .,.. .1 h.,'Or.,; lO( ;ll1\cch.lIUC'S hOll or ,I 1,;/;1;111 fur d'''t''I<./'!~ J",Y'! b..'l.'1l /)..11l10( w~J he IMid ill dl,~ItIl:J. H. PLACE OF,CLOSING: CIoJ:;inoJ :i1l.IIlIN hckl illlh\! c.,I\.lI\ly .....hc...~ n~:ll r'rOlll:rly is 1,)c;,lI~Il. 01111.: ull;t,;c of Ihe .11Iorney or olhl.!r c1o!.illl) a<jelll c1esioJI1..llrXtl:J\' 5encr. 1. nME: TIn"! is r,llhe e~')t~'lCC 01' Ihis l~f)l\lrncl. rimA J'I'~I~)If~ 'vlr.~it1 0' 1(1"'> 111:111 Ij d.lY" :'i1J.,1l in )ho cOlIlJJIIl:lhon I!l(CI\ldc ~~.'\l\lt..I..'ys. $u1l<1~ys ;lnd sl;)I/) or naliol\,'IIo~:\I hold')ys. "'I'd .IIrJ 1l11~ 1)tJ1I.)!j llh)vid,"J 1.)( 11t!1I~1Il Whh:h sh.IIl'!I\l.l 011 ::;"1011.1,1"/. $lll'll.I.IY vr ItJ<J~t1 hohd,ty :ill.tll e.dl!lId Iv !..:/JU lUll. 01 [hu lll!xlIJU$UlU'$!O l.l;IY. J.. DOCUMENTS FOn Cl.05rNO: $1111.!( ~I",/I I'umish I'loc.... !)iJl 01 !;.....,l!. mC.;h:mir:':,,; \i,m .)II...I;lvil. ",;';i',1I11l1'!I'I'l 01Ic;'l:.e5. hm.lI1\ ;1tlo.llllUfl\l.'~e c!.h:aPI)o..!lll!lIC'ts. :u'kf CQrret;11VQ inslrUIl'l<'!nll:. lkl')l\.!' s.11..dllu'f\t$Il Cl....silll) SI.lfcIlI\.!I\l. t11o)rI,p')\:' 1Ill)t1')"'jl.! no.ll'J. 5uCUlily .1'j'ul.'lnl!lll. :md htl,"\I;iI~) :;lall.!lIl'::lll'j. K. EXPENSES: o.xllllV!nl."y sl""'ll.. t)1\ tho deed ;m.' ,..,ct:\rdinq cormcliw it\~lfuIllCn\~ :;1t.11l1J.~ paid by 5elll.!r."Ovcul'rll,mt:lIY SI;'lIllPS. inl,,"gibll1 t:n: :11\01 rt!cOl'1li'""J rll.lrcl1..\S': Il1QIlCy 111011y.\9u III $\:II~. d~~d ...nu 11Il.1fIr.:i'''J slJI.!rIIonl'!J, ~1':11l1)1,! p.,".1 by Uuyer. .. L. PRORAT10NS: CnEDITS: T,'lIu". .1......I!!'.'ill\l~lll';. r'~llt. inh)n}sl. inSI.lr;u'lr.(" ,lIld oll1.~r '''l(Pf)ll-;'!5 nnd "'~Vi~IlW~ .,1 Pr(II)NI., !;h:llll)f~ prnrnl~:l Ihrnuqh di1'/ b~lorc d,,"II"), 01..""1' ~h..,1I h.~ Ih.! (1)1\1)11 .)1 1...IkU1l,1 t)Yt/r ilny el(r),IIlI',1 11<,'i,:i,~s ,,1 ifl::'J(;lflC(~. II :I!'lStmWIJ!il. lJl which ev,,,ll jJrl'l\l;WHS sh:tll IJ.~ prt,r:lt"t1. C;l~h ;,1 (.:11'>'111\01 shi1l1 1M' ir1C't>.I",~1 tll d.,e.t>n,\<!'(1 n... nmy ,~ '''(l\nll...1 hy 11101".,1.)110;. Plvr;I'~}I'" Wtll IJ''! 1II.1o.1o..! \llrotl'Jh t1:W IIt.ell Iv .)o,,:(;UIl;Ult:y II tJ'~';lIp,u":V flr.:\:llr~, h.:I~)1f1 o..:lu~i'lil. ArlI,f:'l,":I' relit ,U1o.1 sl~Ctrrify tft~"'$II" WI" h., Ctl.tf"lrtwl I., Ot'V"N (JIlrl .n..:;r..,..., tJo,,!J)Oslls 11\)10.1 b'lI1\o)lI.J:ltJ.....! VIlli h.~ c,,~dlh:d 10 ~",'Il'!I. r"l(n'i. !;11;\11 I..: 1l,."f;II"d 11:1..,.,,1 Oil 1ht""! curmtl\ Y'J:''''~ ':11( wllh (h"l ,,11fJY/:lI\Cf1 tni1(11'! 1.)( m:'l)llnlum 1\Ilow..,I:aI" tbSCr."\1I11. l'lVrI\oJslc.1tJ ...11.1 011...... o.:x.~III)liutIS. II d.JSill'j IJ':CU'~, .11 .1 d:.{,.! wI"..., lilt.. ';I/o.ml )'I:''''!'; n1tIl;t.J'~ 10; 111,1 'I".,d. :11..:1 CIt"'~I1' "";11''1' :I!:!:I'!~sn\enl IS .,\wlIl.,lrle, 1:1'1..,:0 willi'" 111"('0(.11,-'\.1 lJ.'''....1 ,~)QI\ $llCh ,)":;.'I!.Sl1l1!lll .'110.1 ttll~ I";f\( )'>:.11':;. IlIttt.1t,I'~. II CtllwI11 '/'l:lr's ,l~~I!'ol.lll'ml j., nol ,w.III.I!}I", tI":1\ ',''lIJ!; will III) 1"....II,:d \'11 IIv, IlI'iul y.mr'o; I:"'. tr lf1l!l'u ;llf' <:O)t'1f""'''",J IIllf"'<"^'''''''''f>>'' Oil HuJI Pmp.Jfl'/ lIy J.ltlU.lI'y Isl 1)1 ,/11.,r 1)1 dJ~illl] whro.:::h Itlllltft\lUtnl!l\b Y"'~IC "HI III ,~I(I~lull<.:': 1)11 J.llIU;"y I~.I ul 11.1' pri....r 'fl,:;,r 1l1,m la"cs ~I\olll 1>...1 Uror:lI'~'\1 b..I.....'I:! till"''' IIw IlfloJr ",.,,'s 1II1l!'''" ",\01 "I :,,, ~quil;'lhllJ .,..:,..,!;51l1o,!1I1 I.. h.., :I.]n!!:d ("KIll 1.1t:/wo:?<.'1' 1/'1<.' INII!!(:>;'. l.llhl~) whir;lt. 1'\"I'.tU~,1 VIlli hn 1l\,~c1,~ \" lilt,' t...uollly Pltllrt:rt./ ^lJllr;.\I'A!r I.)!' un inlQl'I\1;.,1 .1S""~';"""''' 1.1kll\lj 11\10 ";..Il\s...lt!r.,t.)ll ,w.ul..IIJI,! ex.!IIIpIKllm. Any lal!. Ilrut;lli,m h:,sco.l ()n .1" l':,,;hm.lll' 111;11, .11 Il!ql.l,!:,1 01 .....Ih,,:f Olr/cf ()f ::kllt~l. 1)1.' 5UIJSt,.o{l....'..lly fe;ld~I(.'t.1 \11)011 ,...-c....q>-l oIlalf t>tJJ on corlrJil\o,)ll 111,,11 .) :i.t;.III1Ul.....'t 10 If"'l dll!r.:1 i.-;, in Iho.: Clo:;it".l r,I;Ilcmenl. M. SPECIAL ASSESSMCNT UrNS: C~rlili~d. C(lflliul1I)f1 :",,1 r;1lilll~oI !'.'~(:"';Il :I~;';t:<;';m.ml !om\'; :,~ of ..br.: fIr do:>ill(ll.wrd IlUl :1'; 01 Cll.!I:lj~ 0.1"') ~r.. I" 1m f\.liol hv $.,Il'~r, P.ll"IIIWI 1",,\'.0 as ....1 t.I;llr. 'JI <;l.....i,...] ~11.dll.., ",,':IIII1<~ol \ly (luyer. 1/ Ill,: ill1proYt'tr1t~111 h;I:; hl!t!1I :.o.tli';liltlli~.lIy t:\.m,.rd"d :1'; "I CII...':liv..' Q;.I.!, St,,~h 1)I"ltlilllJ 11"", ,>h.)1I l)l! cono;it.r....,ed :I') c",lhl~!t"I. Cl.'llI'IIII,,-'(1 or r.tCj(j'1tJ ,,.'" ::;...<11..., $lIoIIl, .11 clo~)lJ.lJc r.:l1.II!Jl.!d :1lI :1I1I'J!.lll! 1!'l1l;11 \.,' Ih~ I,I~I ....:.;lln..'I.: 01 .I5~;t.'5~>I11t.'1I1 IUI lh(~ itnl)r<)VClIl'!tlllJy Ih~ 1\\lblH.: I)oldy. f+.-tHSP(-eftOH;-f-1€'W1'H-t1Ho-M^IH-T(.t'MHCC~I~nh-ih:"l~HI-}--nt'l~tfoo-t"lo:t:"linrr.-ti'w-l~h""T:""""""~II1"i~1 l.. .~ 1.1 rid ! I ~ ; .. " ,>> 111)1 h.lY': .11lY VI~;lnl.t CVlOCNCI:; 01 "!:Ik~ IJr WOlIN .lUll;!')I! mv.1 Ill:!l 1111) ~.:p!j,: 1.1Ily.. 1")1)1. .111 tlI.l~lI :ll1ph;\I\o~'!!:. h'~:1l1"'.I, r.o"Iil",I. cl\!r:lnc:li. l1I,m"';I'" ." . ,.......h,,".'V .llI! wllNf)ll:KING ())N(lII1C\N. (lilY'" liMY. .11 0.......!1.5 I!"(!l\~n';':. Ila'o'll il1~p(:dl"f"I:; "md.' 011)11.'')'" il'>IIl'; hy:m ;1/lpIOllnalr)!y IqOf.l:'l Ii<-,'"~,.' ..'1110.1 "' \Ill! COll')!rllCh.)l1, "~11.1ir I"lI 1I1.lInlo:''')11o:'~ 1)1 11\>)111 110:0111') :IIV.l ~,I\,ll1 "")0)(1 in wnlit"l 1.1 ~",cll.~r ~;~,,:h ;h~lll:j 111;11 d.) nol 11"'''1 111,: ,'\)')VO' ~.I,,,1(I,tI..t::..-:.co-l-r ,; '. 1'".1,:1110'1' '0'1,111 II". 1.":1.)"01 nf r::......II..~III") I""m. I'"'W' to, DtJyl~",~ 1)o:C~/flo'n..."Y tlI' ,\0,1 !oJ:'i':> 11I:ln II) d:,y.. 1'1';"11 10 Clt)'\oil'l':I, whid"lYt!r '1cr:uro; flr!>.l. Utllt.o;', 1I!J'..lCL-1"'t,.)r."-;'Ii;:~lt!1;I'; wilhi" IIl:I! IU\\I.' Uu......, ~11;\1l \),~ 111'/:'111.,<1 In 1\,1\11.' W.l~J $oo\lo'r'~ w.lrlo\llb,!to ,1$ II) .t"h~.:I" l\oJI 11:1)(')11(:..1. Jl "~I),Irt:j t)f 1I!1lt.\C':II11:nl :If,~ fl" i~I~:;lri7.,y I'll /" ~)"~ .,1 !/~I plJreJ).,sl.' prie,) tor "'it..~h 11~1"li($ .)1' r"p!;~..'!11I!1lIS hy :'lI1 <I11J".(lt.llI.,I..1y t=I."ltl., 11t;;.:I1~O(ll'lel~)n $l'lrlCl.!d hy $dl'1r, 1/ \I,... '''''';1 ill!, IJ!' lI!ld,ICI:1ll111\1 .!:t':'..~rl'i :1.';' 1\1 lh~ Plltcl1:l:.;o' pfb\ Blr,,~( or SeliN liMY (ol.~.;llo tl,r/ ~tJo;I\ .'!xces<;. 1."lllYI YlI1Ir"!I .:off"lr ,'''fy III.",. t:.l1lo;d Ihi,: 1";.., I:; IIlI.lld" In coltl.'o,:l 1I'Io! deled:; fl(i"r 101 .;I'"J.,.iIVI. Ih'.1 1":(1';1 Ih,:n~.11 'lhal1 IlfJ Ilaid illl/) t'~o..:'ow ;11 -:IQo;II1U. g,,11t!t WIll. ,")0')11 'e:'1~0I\,1hll' 1l"IJo.;'!.I""I'I".'I" ,. 10..: IVI 1I,"p.!'<.:lk)l1~. ll.!lw....lII CIl,!cllv,: 0;11., w"! Ih' d'.I';U1o'1. ::":110:1' ~h.lU 11l.lltIf.lltl I....ll..rly incll/f'/i(l</lIl1t tlbll1mtl....' 10 Jht~ 1m'l :11)11 rJlluhbl:l\'. 111 th.' r.~..1I111..1 ~-::,,".I,I., 1... ...." ....11.,.. '.M."I,I~~h:tllL"I,.,.,:Il~hlt.~~lnr-1''I"1fI~_I-'-rlI-f-ltoo,r~I/ 1\'-'" I. .1,....:11,. ,.r~ k 4).1.. .ll. ~ 11 II ~1.1 1.1 6:-flf$K-OF-l-or..r5-:-tHh-I\" .1,., 1..",..,.,r[,. ("." .r~""'"'for-ho':'~i"".ll I...,J.-o-.I-'it ill I~r-- r"" .1111......._ . '~h ,. I .' d.ltI\,,.l'."1. .;~1$1 01 fl!51t)t.11~"1 f,h:1l1 h'l :Ill l,hh'l:lli.11l (II lll,~ ~;t!I"~r :lI1d dtl,:i,vl -;I'l:t!l l1r,,,~,,,"I...L~!!:!U.!JI1t.:JC::W1!;....l.>w..:.mlr"'lt-wrl~I"1I '.'~'.I': "'otJUW'''! ;1' dll"'illl'l It II,,! ....J..I uJ n.-.1......lho...., .,,..:..,,,1,; ~I"'. '" II". !"\',jl;:;;;"'" ...... .1,.., "UI_,nl"'~'I"i"!:r1l1:1y..:i;'"i";;:r.n,r.~~. 1,1I.ln "'IVI.! IIII! '.."hull IJI 1!11I1Il' 1;lklt"j Ptu!Jerly iI'. I:;' "";I.'lhcr yJt\h ulll....'! 1I11~ J"'~ VI ";' ..."..~~::;'17";:-~.;:-~~I~~I...".J.,,,,F-."'Of1O'!d"n:r-+7<)HI..-.I-ff,...' I 'j~~. P. PROCEEOS OF $Alt!; Cl.OSING pnOCEOUffE: TIIp. d.:!'~1/ ~;h:tll hr! m.:nldr~.:I 1111...1\ dol,Ir.ul':'~ 'JI Illl',.I:;. II ,ll)..lr.ICI. f!vid.)tlCi1 01 lillr! !oh;lll hI" r.OIllim....'.1 .11 Olr~'o; '!lI.p...n'\o'! 10) s.lvJW bllo: "' o..r/l..'r. wilhouf ~lI1V o.:r":l.ItltfV,rrIC"'o;; tJf dl.II1l:r'~ wll,ch ""'.I\ll.t II!lld.~r ~.;o:Il'!I"!:. hill! tll\ll\,\rkel;I!)ln llOtH 11,,~ d;II~' 01 Ihc 1.1:'.1 ,'vicl('n.:.". Prl'\<:.;!,.t1.; I)' II,,~ 5.,1(: $110111 Ira Ill..".II" ..,....IOW Il'l So;,It...,.,. .1H.)rt~1 ,,,. h'l ~,,,;h 1'Ilh,~r 1I11l11l:\lIy ;'t:':\'111.."r,~ l':~I;r/""1 WI'.~1l1 k.r :t I\crit)o.I 1)1 1",1 l,,",~)( II1;m r.. d:IYS fmll1 :II'''' :lHN CIO'ill'l'J d"f{!, It S':flo~('s lilk> 1$ 1(1l1l.l"UlfJ ,,,un.,rkpI,ll,"., IhrwJll 110, 1,Iull f,l Bll'{>~r. UUY''!I :;1\0111. w,lIl1l1 IIlI! !j 11;IY p.!"~)I.!, I,,)llly ;';t.'lIl'f ill wll1m'J ",I Ih(! ild\l.;I :ulI,1 ::;,!lIer ~;h;lll h;lVt' 3() d;lys. hom (blol 1)1 luel.:inl ('II !lt~;h fll.'IIrio:.lho" II.) .:u,.. Ih.! ~1o""!I:1 II ~"'.'lIn-r hulo; I.) 1I",,'f'l CIIlI! "'" o:Idl:I:I. .Iff .kp<l~;il{:.) ;;h..lI. 1l/.It,II wr;I!o.'n d':UI..nol lIy Ih,t,/,!' ""1f1 witrlit\ ~. d,I,/,'; .11l'.1f d...Il1:uvl. I,.! 1"hlnll.~1 10) Ut.1\..~r :11111 ~.illllln;II~1I1"Jy VlllIl 5111:11 Wll.tVl1~"I. U'M'r :;1MII 'O:OI"fn P.~"'.Hll.lll... .11".1 '0':11::1101 nl:;,1 1'f{'I"~I'I'1 ;111(1 n'I;"ltVI:Y II It I ~.;,'ll.!r b.,. ';Ilf:rt,ll w.,H:.l\ly dlJt!d. II I.lo.li"~' f.lIl'; III mnt...n lil1v:!y 11<~1It:1f1(1 W ,,<It,,,,,. o./)'f~ I'ollodl 1..10,.: hU,~ .I~ I'" W;'IVII~.l ;dl r~Jhl'i .1I1."n;.1 ::";lI\!r .I~: t., .url Inll~rV<)I'""I tl,:ll~<';' 'llo<::'!l,l .", 1l1.IY Ill! .lv,III.llJh.' III Uuycf by Vlllul: '.11 w;'tI'~lI1lil.'s ~'J1II;II,""J 11\ Ihl.' dt,!I....I. II .1 110111')11 .,1 lilt! r~III.ll.l<;'! lit.:.) I'; 10,) Ilfl fl.!(,v.:ol I/.,m in~.fiClllirtt\.11 1111,',/,,:ill<l VI' td/t},III1:IIf1J, 1'~II1J'It'III,..'tlI~; .J! lIlt! 1"1~11l1"1 tn!;lih,II\'u ;I~. 10 pb,;..., hml! III 11,1\, ;\I1rl f"I")CI,.IIIff)~ /1')1" d'"J~lIvl. .Inol l.tI .1t00b.I'o;.l!'IIIo!l11 .)1 1I1Ol'h}:,.J'~ f11n.:'~I!d~1 ~ih.'n .~.mlrt11 <:tvo:r r.nnlr:IlV pmvi'li'.II' ill Ihl~. e""I,...:1. ~';,'Il.~r 'l1t;11l ll:lVl~ Ihe "'11'11 I.) (('qUlI'I' !trllll Ill/' IpIlIIU\l) im.fII',IIif:r11 ;J wrifl"1I .....JilllllflrllMtl rlml II lVdl'1o~1 wtlhI1o)~lllr.I)I.Il~t:I1\o.'l'1 ,II I.~',I')."I': Ill"l(;.,,~d~l WI ;, 1.::;1111 01 ,Iny ltllo: d.:I._:,;! ;ll1nl"II.II~,~ I', Utryl~(.nllJ'\'J'''J'Jr. IIIoJ u:,j.;row .mJ eI.)_..",,; IJlI)t,;{:.'J\,1I! h:qUII.i'tJ by llll~ :;1;1I".!.:lIt 111;'1y b~ w,IIV!:d IIIIllu .1'J0r1ll1lo;urc:> ~d'o"~I:i1! IIMnl)'" pur..\t"llllo !j.:dlrm G~i',7.'.I<l:. F.:~.I l:;"l/). ~I.~ .111)0)1).,).:(1. 0, E$CROW: ^I~ ~-"':t.)\'" :1I'~!l1 I.A"I'~nl~) tllr.:.-,ivit,.., IlUlIh I,r equiv,llo,,:t11 i~ :lulhflril.~d :u1o'1 :'\oJr.'!':!> hy :1t.:I~'~\lI;,nr:(' of Ih"1I1 10 d.~po..il 111"111 11I)\t'l\f"IIty. 11I)~-1 !';.In'lo") in t>o::CI'<)w :11'10:1, sul",~1 l\l o::ll~.'r.lI\o:t,!. tJi,:IAI($~ lIr.!lII "I ;....-.;.../lI.II..:t.. \'111/1 1t.'1/lI'i ~>>Jd t;ol,,:hl~'t1'. or c:;,jllb~II~1. r:;lilut'1 ul ~k':lrtltll:'! ul IUlld", !lh.,Il''':.1 WICU!i1.! OUY.Jr':'l p~rl~nMI~C!'. II i,\ dr)l,dll ,'\" I.., ~~1nl's (klh..'~ .)1' I..,h"i'.~:;. 1t1'l(IN Ihl~ flI")Y1$~'t115 \)1 C,)nlr.\I:I. 1\0.1,,"1 1ll,1\,. ,'II ^,'~t\r'; .)pli,"\. ,~(Inllnll(l \0) hl\I" u,,: :llllw~r.1 l\1:,".~r of ,th' 015r:hJW utll.1 III!' It:lrlm'!: IIIUlll,"ly ....Y.)t! 10 It~ dl...I)\If~~"'l""'II, ." unlll .1 I\~JoJI1\f)1\1 .)1 ;\ .:.)t,lr( ",I cornp:.!lenl iuI'l5f1icII01\ 51,,,11 ,I~h.'rlllill'! Ihe riqhl~. f.1 U11~ p:lrlj..., t:J( Ai}I'!t\1 mOlY ChlPtJ'lil will' ll"~ cl'lrh. 01 Ihr. ClrCl.ul CQl.lr( h.wm,.1 1'.Il'l<;dl(.lion f.lI Itv- oJl">I.1lIIU. 1;,,')'II\o)ltlYI'1o) .In ".vlle:. ';,ll\o';'lIIl1,J dl ~t/f;h .lclion. .'In 1t.:lI.lilily ')1\ Ih~ f.t.'lr( '.11 ^,'nl\1 !~h,lllIIlIlY !o:fIl\lll:lI,!. r.l'c,:p1 10 \11"1 '-'"I.!"t "I ,,":.:oonlil\o.'J 'or .my il'!Il1'\ 1",,!V1('<\I~V ,1robvo!u'\ r.out v/ C~<:l<)w. II :~ Ib~n';'~o..I m.11 {ml.\It! hl'Jk.!r, Ar"J,ml wtll I:"m/ll'l WIlli flr\'lYi':>iu..... .)1 Ch:,pl':r .1,'0:... F.:O;. {I~'n n. ,,:0 ."1il1l!l'Io'Io!d. ^IlY S~111 1.'!"!IWt~l!n Clv'/," .ltll.1 ~~''!l' wll>'f'~ Ao./cnl j~ Pl'l(lo' .. Il.,uly 1)I.:":'\\MI1 .)f ....;1111oJ .11 ^'lenl h.'m:UI'Iolcr. Of ill :,..y ~ll,I wl\.m!UI ^'Jltlll inh',pl;~,I.h t11'~ l;UI,II\!o~1 tn;lll,," 'Jllh:, '~!;':r<)lV. A',Nlll $h:11I r,~{;()VI""!r (u.'!lQtrI;I\)I,!, nll,:all'lo!:y'" lows :Intl t,;')!it~ 1I'11:\1rr.,..1 wilh 1I1o! I"l'~, .11'101 '~'l'il'; 1.1 111: ,:h.If')fJ.J :\1".' ....-::l!:i:;n(/ ':1'; .:....."1 ':'J..lo;; iJl fd\~)' ..I lilt' fll""".lllil\<) l)owly. r'.Ifl~~'\ .10'11'1": Ih,,1 A'Jl~111 ~.IMll I""t 1J~~ 1",1JI\! \0) .IIlY 1).lIty ~ lJ01'!"J1 10)( ml~IM!r\' I.) Uo.rp:or ')1' :~,!Il:!( !>'11':1l1~ :;UI)I'~CIIQ Ihi'; microw. unlr:..~ !;1Jr.h l1lio::t.I.:hv,~,'I i-: .ll.~) I" will/'.Il br.)~,:h 01 C"nlf"..:1 01 l)rr)SSlv.orJI~)"'''=o 01 N)~111. R. ArrORNt;:V FE.E:$; COS r$: In ;1'", lil~)..llloJJ) .lri'$j,1o"J "'-II ,)1 Ihis C,)r,lr.I..:l. Ih,~ pmv",ilin'J p.lfly '.h"n IJ'1.:t1till,~d It> tl~~OV'~' r')M.lI\,IIM .'1(.'>1'1\0":'0"5 It!~s ...r...,l.:O$I'i. S. FAIl\JR.; OF PEAFtJRMANr::E: II 1)...,..:1' I.,il~ h) p.'!r!.),1ll Ihi~. CQI1II;lCI wilhin Ul<~ rill\'~ ~!"~,::iI;,'.1 (iI\l';ltl'"lil1<,r P;1\'/lII',,1 .,i all c!1..".)oo;il(-;ll. 1I1l' d'~I)t)..if(~III"..t by O.....~ liMy J,.. r"",;,,,,, 1.,/ ..., 1,)( Ulll .1>':';')1.1111 .JI :):~Il"r ;1$ ''')II)I:lll'p<Jf\ Ij.~r.lio.h..:d d..Ill.,,],!.... .:(.n.~j.:l:.'.'li..m l.)r Il'.l '~'-:')':III~lll ...1 1111-; (;.lIltr'.,.;1 .IllIJ in 1\l1I !;,,\I1']Il1::nl .~I .'\11'1 CL.UlII",; Whl"'''~"''J''. o..fVt!f .lIvl :;,;-otr,. :iJ\,11l1~ r...li:~...l .)1 .'11 f)I:aI~MIj,Jrt~ uI,.I.~r 1;')I11rJo:;r: I'Ir :i.~ll<~(, a/ :i.~II..',':; "'pli>;m. 11m',' 1)1(ll~",_.d ill ...:JI.lily I.) .ml,)lt;f1 ~:;.,II,~r... rirJh'~: lUlI.!.:r Ihi~ C""I"".;!. II. 1.)1' "'1)' r1,!.''':''''' .,\110" Ih:m l,;t,kll. 'JI :.wl"-<( I.) IIl.1kU :"':.;.!lI.:r':i lrll.J In..lIko.:l.lhlu .ltt~r \hlltJ.:!111 dl....'!. :::~11.11 1:111-;. 11,~,)h~I', .)1" 1I1Ii.I';I!'. I,) fI.:rl'J!'!1I Illt~ wnlr.I.:I. Iho.: Olr,rcr t11.;!y :io.:;.!k SI)l1o:;ifto: 1)(!I(Ufl1Ktllo".-o..f c)I ...k.~t t<J tC......(,'M Ih.) .~I\1rn Of O\lY'~"":i d~I,.)"tillsl VlIllll>t.Il III;,!rcby w:'livu1oJ .\1"" .\I;liOl' lor o;l.'"I.I'jt":; I'!'::;ullll\t) Ir')lll ~~n'~I'" Im~,I.:h. T. CONrnAcr NOT nECOnOAOLE: PERSONS OOUNO; NOT1C~: Ndlh.;r Ihls C"nlr:I';{ 11Ilr .''''1 ,\o...ri<:.: of if :;11,111 ba n.>r.,."""t{/ in ;'In'/ 1'11..11>1;': (I!.:<)td.., nlis C{'ll1lr.IO:I 0;/1:111 hi,"i .'1" in\l"~ to Ow OOIVJhl 1)1 111~ 11.111",5- ;111..1 U,,!i, :;11.;O:Il~"'t}to:; i,l 1lI1..,",,;\. '...Vil,:,\.!Vtlr 1110 ':(JlIl'J.(! 11I1(lIIil$. sn\oju!;lf sll;dl IllCIl.l(la pl\lr:l1 .lI'lt,l on~ tl~1o..Il!r Shilll v1CJu{lIJ "II. NvllClt '.I_I by lJ t'J foo;:tU"IlI<!V"or :U"'1J.1tlV :o;;l'l.11JlJl) ;1''; dJlI.;liY(! .\s il !jivl)nhy 0' It) Ih:~6.(.1.r1.L ' U, CONVEYANCE: ~lI.~r :;h.,1I Cf)I'lYtl'/ lill,~ 10 nC:ll Pmp,'!rIY hy ~1;'lllllr)'Y\~."(:lt1I\,. Irw.l.~l)";. rh!ff,()Ilo'II mpm':i""!111:1liVt'!'.. .,r 'J''':lrdiil'''~' "'~I~". .,~ :'I'It"''1I)ji.11.: r., lho~ ~1."tJ" f)f ~1It.!(, silh;.-..; ."lIy l.., m~ltI~ O:o)I11.)il1::oJ III I'.\(:'\o)I.I.,h VII .wld 1I'V.1!l\' olh,~rVlb.-, ;'jo,;'l'!pl.~oJ by tllr/l!f, Pl!I,;.)tl,llIy :,1\.111. "I rr.\'l\h)51 .)1 llllyoJr. ba trOlI\',!.!I".".! I>'{ :In .1bs.,lulf) bill 01 'S;\I,~ \"Il1h VI.III.tllll OJ! hlle. s1Jbr.t>:1 only 10 su.:h 111.lltl1r~ ;'1$ mOo'1y bd ofhe,wi..~ lHovtdC<11.u h.....win. V. OTHER ACREEMENTS: No J'lfior ')1' 1)f"t!$Cn\ ;1/Jmr:Ull~nl!o or tcor~!;MI.'\liI)M sh:'\ll I,,~ bil'W.lil'll) upon OWN or $(!I~r llnlr:so; inr:!lIt.l.,.j in this Co)l1lr,lCt. No) l1\odific.'1II1)r' Of d'l."f1'Jf' i. u)~ Cor'ilrxt shOo'" IJ(f v31itJ ..., 1Jir1rJm'J .,/''''1 Ihu j):1rli1.!s unlus:l in Vlrilil\fJ :lmll111c<.:vh.....J by Ih., l);.Ir!y 0')1' p,lrli,!s, illhmt.lc(1 10 bo lJouod hy il. W. WARnANTIES: $oD!!r w.,rrMts 111..'1 Il'l.:!rc ~ro no r.,cls knOVln IIJ Seller n1l11~ri:llly tlll.~o::til\o,) Iho V:lluo 01 the no..! Propcrly whio.:h are nol re<1dify olJ-scf'V:lbl'a by Ouyt.., Ot' whiel h;Iw not I)cen <I1sc.losC\J 10 Ouycr. ~ CJv.P9 " , ADDENDUM ATTACHED TO AND FORMING A PART OF THAT CERTAIN CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE BETWEEN UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA FOUNDATIONr "SELLER" AND MICHAEL A. SCHROEDER, AS TRUSTEE, "BUYER", DATED THE DAY OF , 1989 1. Lowe Interests. A. The parties acknowledge that title to the Property (i) is subject to certain interests in favor of Charlene Boynton and Donald Lowe; (ii) is subject to certain restrictions as described in Deeds recorded in Official Records Book 5108, Pages 1684, 1685 and 1686, respectively, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida: (iii) may be subject to claims by the estate or heirs at law of Doris R. Lowe; and (iv) may be encumbered by those certain Judgments recorded in Official Records Book 4742, Page 550, Official Records Book 4758, Page 491, Official Records Book 4851, Page 226 and Official Records Book 4860, Page 873, all of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, .Florida. The matters described in items (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Lowe Interests". B. title to the Interests. It is incumbent upon Seller to convey fee simple Property to Buyer free and clear of the Lowe C. Seller shall pursue the elimination of the Lowe Interests as clouds upon title to the Property with due diligence and in good faith and shall have a period of one hundred eighty (180) days after the Effective Date within which to accomplish same. Should Seller be unable to accomplish same within that one hundred eighty (180) day period, Buyer may waive Seller's obligation with respect to same and proceed to closing or Seller may cancel this Agreement and receive a refund of all deposits together with interest thereon. D. For purposes of this Contract the term "elimination of the Lowe Interests" shall mean (i) execution and delivery of such instruments and the taking of all such actions as are necessary to meet the requirements of the title insurance company, for the issuance, at standard premium rates, of the ALTA-Form B owners' policy of title insurance contemplated by this Contract, without exception for all or any of the Lowe Interests: and (ii) the issuance and delivery to Buyer of the title insurance commitment contemplated by this Contract without requirement or condition concerning, or any exception with respect to, the Lowe Interests. Within fifteen (15) days after the Effective Date, Buyer shall, in writing, provide Seller with the title insurer's requirements for the elimination of the Lowe Interests. 2. Investiqation Period. Buyer shall have ninety (90) days after the elimination of the Lowe Interests within which to inspect, examine and otherwise evaluate the Property, to conduct all tests and examinations with respect thereto, and to take such other actions as Buyer may deem reasonably necessary to determine the condition of the Property and its acceptability to Buyer ("Investigation PeriOd"). Buyer shall have access to the property generally for the purpose of conducting such investigations, tests and studies. During the Investigation PeriOd Buyer may among other things, cause appropriate soils and other tests to be made to determine the approximate amount of muck.and other organic material upon the Property and may obtain bids from duly qualified persons and entities to establish the cost of clearing, demucking and filling the Property. Prior to the expiration of the Investigation PeriOd, Buyer shall either give written notice to Seller that Buyer elects to proceed with the acquisition, or, if the investigation results are unsatisfactory to Buyer in any respect, to give written notice to Seller that Buyer elects not to acquire the Property, in which case this Contract shall terminate, whereupon the parties shall be released from all other liability to each other and the Earnest Money Deposit, together with any interest accrued thereon shall be returned to Buyer. The parties agree that should Buyer not exercise its right to terminate as provided for in this paragraph, the Earnest Money Deposit shall thereafter be refundable only in the event the transaction fails to close for same reason other than Buyer 's defaul t or in the event the Permits, as defined below are not issued. Buyer shall provide Seller with copies of all soils tests, surveys and other written reports with respect to the Property obtained during the Investigation Period. 3. Additional Earnest Monev Deposit. Buyer shall deposit with the Escrow Agent an additional Earnest Money Deposit of Thirty-Five Thousand Dollars ( ) on the 60th day following the Effective Date or within ten (10) days after delivery to Buyer of evidence of the elimination of the Lowe Interests, whichever shall first occur, bringing the total Earnest Money Deposit, exclusive of interest, to Fifty-Five Thousand Dollars ( ), all of which shall be held by Escrow Agent in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Agreement. The parties agree that the Earnest Money Deposit shall be held in a bank money market account with interest accruing to the Buyer. 4. Conditions Precedent to Closinq. Buyer's obtainment of the necessary permits for Clearing, excavating, demucking and filling the property (the "Permits") shall be a condition precedent to Buyer's obligation to close. Buyer shall file the necessary applications and pay the necessary application fees for such permits within thirty (30) days after the expiration of the Investigation Period and shall pursue the obtainment of the permits with due diligence and in good faith. Buyer's Obligation to close shall be further conditioned upon there not being in existence, at the time this transaction would otherwise close in accordance with this contract, any moratorium or similar government requirement or restriction which would prohibit, preclude or delay the development of the Property. Buyer shall have a period of one hundred twenty (120) days following elimination of the Lowe Interests within which to obtain the Permits. Should Buyer not have obtained same within that time period, then Buyer may either cancel this Contract and receive a refund of all deposit monies paid, waive the requirement for obtainment of the Permits and proceed to closing, or extend the time period for obtainment of the Permits for up to three (3) additional thirty (30) day periods by giving written notice of same to Seller and paying to Seller an extension fee in the amount of Twelve Hundred Dollars ($1,200.00) per month, with such notification and payment being given to Seller prior to the expiration of the preceding period. Should Buyer, after having pursued the obtainment of the Permits in good faith and with due diligence as contemplated hereby, not have obtained same after having exhausted the three (3) additional thirty (30) day extension periods provided for above, then Buyer may either cancel this Contract and receive a refund of all deposit monies paid, waive the requirement for the obtainment of the Permits and proceed to closing or extend the time period for obtainment of the Permits for up to three (3) further thirty (30) day extension periods by giving written notice of same to Seller and paying to Seller an extension fee for each such thirty (30) day period, prior 'to the expiration of the preceding period, with the extension fee being equal to one month's interest on the purchase price computed using the Prime Rate of interest then in effect as published by the Wall Street Journal. Should all of the extensions provided for above expire without Buyer having obtained the Permits, then Buyer may either cancel this Contract and receive a refund of all deposit monies paid or waive the requirement for the obtainment of the Permits and proceed to closing. s. Closinq. The closing of the transaction contemplated by this Contract shall take place on the 30th day following the -2- issuance of the Permits ("Closing Date"). 6. Brokers. Buyer and Seller warrant and represent each to the other that there are no real estate or other brokers with whom either has dealt with respect to this transaction, the consummation of this contract, or the closing contemplated hereby. Buyer and Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless each other against any loss, damage, liability, cost, claim or expense, including reasonable attorneys fees arising out of the breach, on their respective parts, of their representations and warranties set forth in this paragraph, which representations and warranties shall survive the closing, or if the closing does not occur, the termination of this Contract. 7. Title Evidence. Buyer's obligations hereunder are conditioned upon Buyer obtaining within fifteen (15) days after satisfaction of the requirements of subparagraph 1.D. (i), at Buyer'S expense, a title insurance commitment which complies with the requirements of this contract, which is issued by a Florida licensed title insurer, agreeing to issue to Buyer, upon the recording of the deed to Buyer, an ALTA-Form B owner's policy of title insurance, at standard premium rates, in the amount of the purchase price, insuring Buyer's title to the property, subject only to the following: A. Taxes for the year of closing and subsequent years. B. Matters appearing on the Plat of Palm Beach Farms company No.8, recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. C. Rights of way for small lateral ditches, as described in Deed Book 81, at Page 7, Deed Book 81, Page 9, Deed Book 81, Page 12, and Deed Book 189, Page 355, all of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida. The title insurance commitment to be delivered pursuant to this Contract shall not contain the so-called "gap" exception and shall provide that the policy to be issued pursuant thereto shall not contain any of the so-called "standard exceptions". Seller shall execute and deliver such documents that the title insurer may reasonablY'require in order to accomplish same. 8. Special matters Instrument of Convevance. Seller's statutory form Warranty Deed to Buyer shall be subj ect to only those described in 7.A., 7.B. and 7.C. above. 9. Movinq Expenses for Charlene Bovnton." Should all documents required to be executed and delivered and all actions required to be taken by Charlene Boynton for the elimination of the Lowe Interests be completed within sixty (60) days after the Effective Date and the overall elimination of the Lowe Interests completed within one hundred twenty (120) days after the Effective Date, the Seller not be in default and Buyer not exercise its termination rights under paragraph 2. above, Buyer shall cause to be paid to Charlene Boynton, to defray her moving and li~ing expenses, the following: A. Should she vacate the property prior to the issuance of the Permits: (i) upon vacating the Property or exp"iration of the Investigation Period, whichever is later; (ii) per month thereafter for the next succeeding five (5) months; and (iii) an additional upon issuance of the Permits; or B. Should she vacate the property after the issuance of the Permits and expiration of the Investigation PeriOd, the sum of upon vacating the Property: -3- '. "'1' .:' 'J r. , ""'f"''''O'"''.. /':'{;;~'~:;I: ""1.>' : . ~: :,~j'~'~\ ; ~.!..~~. - . ".~ :1:-;. " . " V Klldny & A..oclntn. landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forulll Place Suito 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 14071 689.5522 . Fax: 14071 689-2592 JUSTIFICATION STATEMENT FOR BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD PCD The petitioner is. requesting the Annexation, Amendment to the Land Use Plan, and Rezoning of a 14.7 acre parcel of land located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. The property is currently'in ~e unincorporated area of Palm Beach County and zoned AR- Agricultural Residential. This parcel abuts Boynton Beach city limits on all sides and is an enclave which clearly belongs within the City of Boynton Beach. . The petitioner is requesting an amendment to the Boyn- ton Beach Land Use Plan to designate this property as Local Retail Commercial. Currently, the Comprehensive Plan has a designation of High Density for this site. Due to the nature of the surrounding land uses, the petitioner believes that a designation of Local Retail Commercial is appropriate provided that the site develops as a Planned Commercial Development within the Planned Commercial Development ~oning District. This rezoning is also part of this request. The property is located on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard immediately to the west of the existing Post office. To the south of the Post Office is an Industrial zoned area and to the south of the site is an existing school. The proposed Planned Commeroial Development has been oriented to face toward the Industrial and Post Office area and away from adjaoent residential properties to the west. A significant added buffer is provided along the property's west line. In addition, existing streets divide this . property from the nearest residential lots. , , : The proposed annexation will provide for ultimate consolidation of incorporated parcels to the City. The proposed land use will provide for expansion of the City's tax base. Already, the City provides 'many services to all the properties surrounding the site, and therefore, the effect of this use on this property should have a minimal affect on the expected added services. The Local Retail Commercial designation is consistent with the other commercially d~signated property within the immediate vicinity across the street on the north side of Boynton Beach Boulevard. . '" :~r. .~~ @MBr ..',. ....~.,ttl.., " , . ... .'; ,~-, ':-!~:'~ , '\ ~ .' ~ , ..' -. -' ~< 1-.'., . . , . Walter H. Kellel Jr., Inc. TRAFFIC &: TRANSPORTATION. PLANNING. ENGINEERING. LAND D 4,818 4,818 EVELOPMENT ning of the above e 1 below indicates rd site (Residential nd Commercial to o trips. Difference 1,998 4,017 6,014 'Iso increase traffic rezoning however, RECEIVED "'It_ PlANNING DEPT. / June 6, 1990 I Mr. Jim Golden, , ,. Planning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Traffic Impact Review Knuth Road PCD Boynton Beach Blvd PCD Dear Mr. Golden: As per your request, the traffic impact of :hc proposed rezo referenced sites on projected 20 I 0 traffic has been reviewed. Tabl the cummulative impact of rezoning the Boynon Beach Bouleva 10.8 to Commercial) and the Knuth Road site (Residential 7.2 a Commercial) would increase projected traffic by approximately 6,00 Table 1. Increased Trip Projection Estimates Current Zoning Project Size Units Trips Knuth Rd PCD 77 MF DU 517 41,380 Sqft Com 2,303 Total Knuth Rd 2,820 Boyotoo Beach Bid PCD 130 MF DU 801 Total Impact Proposed New Ext Trips Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. Exhibiis A anu B attached, show the individual rezonings would " on roadways projected to be over capacity. The Knuth Road impacts are less than 1 % in all locations except for Lawrence Road :~~y ;;:;Q:' coow" = " (305) 732-7844. Walter H. Keller Jr., PE, AICP President WHKlus Attachment 10211 W. SAMPLE ROAD, SUITE 204' P.O. BOX 9740 CORAL SPRINGS, FLORIDA 33075-9740 (305) 755-3822 . (407) 732-7844 (Palm Beach) . ., . Exhibit A. Analysis of Rezoning Knuth Rd peD on 2010 Volumes Addtn') Rev 2010 2010 2010 Proj 2010 2010 Roadway From To Cap ADT V/C ADT ADT V/C Boynton Beach Bd Knuth Rd Mall Rd 46,400 35,500 0.77 1,068 36,568 0.79 Mall Rd Congress Avenue 46,400 35,500 0.77 1,008 36,508 0.79 Congress Avenue Old Boynton Rd 46,400 42,400 0.91 385 42,785 0.92 Old Boynton Rd [.95 55,800 56,800 1.02 329 57,129 1.02 Congress Avenue NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 55.800 56,500 1.01 222 56.722 1.02 Old Boynton Rd Boynton Beach Bd 55,800 56,500 1.01 253 56,753 1.02 Boynton Beach Blvd Woolbright Rd 46,400 50,700 1.09 349 51,049 1.10 Woolbright Rd Golf Rd 46,400 56,700 1.22 203 56,903 1.23 Lawrence Rd NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 13,100 15,100 1.15 159 15,259 1.16 Old Boynton Rd Boynton Beach Bd 13,100 15,100 1.15 196 15,296 1.17 NW 22nd Ave Military Tr Lawrence Rd 30,000 13,900 0.46 80 13,980 0.47 Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer, Inc. Exhibit B. Analysis of Rezoning Boynton Beach Blvd peD on 2010 Volumes Addtn') Rev Rev 2010 2010 2010 Proj 2010 2010 Roadway From To Cap ADT V/C ADT ADT V/C Boynton Beach Bd Knuth Rd Mall Rd 46,400 35,500 0.77 2,147 37,647 0.81 Mall Rd Congress Avenue 46,400 35,500 0.77 2,027 37,527 0.81 Congress Avenue Old Boynton Rd 46,400 42,400 0.91 775 43,175 0.93 Old Boynton Rd (.95 55,800 56,800 1.02 662 57,462 1.03 Congress Avenue NW 22nd Ave Old Boynton Rd 55.800 56,500 1.01 446 56,946 1.02 Old Boynton Rd Boynton Beach Bd 55.800 56,500 1.01 509 57,009 1.02 Boynton Beach Blvd Woolbright Rd 46.400 50,700 1.09 702 51,402 1.11 Woolbright Rd Golf Rd 46,400 56,700 1.22 409 57.109 1.23 Lawrence Rd NW 22nd Ave Old Boyntoo Rd 13,100 15,100 1.15 320 15,420 1.18 Old Boynton Rd Boynton Beach Bd 13,100 15,100 1.15 394 15,494 1.18 NW 22nd Ave Military Tr Lawrence Rd 30,000 13,900 0.46 160 14,060 0.47 Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. K.S. Rogers, Consulting Engineer. Inc. City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Walter H Keller Jr IDe , ...,': I i c:nty Commissioners earo 1. I. h,fHIUis\' Chairman Ka '11 T.~!.lrnlS. Vfcl' Chair C wI ?'-. Roberts Rbn Howard Carole Phillips County Administrator Jan Winters Department of Planning, Zoning & Building June 12, 1990 B.EOlVlLD JUM ~tf 1990 PLANNING DEPT. ,- - - James J. Golden, Senior city Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 Re: Request by Charlene Boynton, Donald Lowe and the University of Florida Foundation, Inc. for voluntary annexation of 14.76 acres into the city of Boynton Beach. Dear Mr. Golden: The Planning, Zoning and Building Department has coordinated the review of the proposed annexation of 14.76 acres, generally located on the South side of Boynton Beach Blvd. approximately 950 feet West of Congress Avenue. County staff comments are as follows: 1. PLANNING DIVISION: Steven Morales, Planner The planning division has undergone a review of the proposed annexation in accordance with chapter 171, Florida Statues and Palm Beach County's Interim Annexation Review Policy. The proposed annexation is contiguous to the city of Boynton Beach, reasonably compact, substantially decreases the size of an existing service provision enclave, and lies within the City's future annexation area. However, a small enclave of land adjacent to the proposed annexation still exists. Boynton Beach should contact the property owners in the enclave and annex this property as soon as possible. The land use proposed for the site is in conflict with the Palm Beach County comprehensive Plan Land Use Atlas 800 13th Street. WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33406. (407) 697-4001 @ punted on recycled paper Page 2 of 4 June 12, 1990 designation. The 1989 Comprehensive Plan designates this property as High Residential 8 allowing a maximum of 8 dwelling units per one acre. The proposed land use for the site is Planned Commercial Development. Please be advised that upon annexation the property is subject to County development regulations until the property is rezoned by the city (171.062, F.S.). 2. ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT: tal Analyst Bob Kraus, Environmen- The majority of the site appears to be vegetated by exotic species including Melaleuca, Brazilian Pepper and Australian Pines. Wetlands exist on-site particularly in the northeast corner of the site. Culverts were observed along Boynton Beach Blvd., which discharge stormwater from the road onto the property. Should any development be proposed for this property, a wetlands jurisdictional determination will be required by this Department. The site is not located within a Wellfield Protection Zone. 3. FIRE-RESCUE: Kathy Owens, Special Projects Coordinator Although there will be a loss of revenue to Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, as a result of this annexation, the residents will receive better service if annexed. Boynton's Station #2 is 1.8 miles away from this area as compared to Palm Beach county which is 3 miles away. Additionally, this annexation would remove a county pocket and alleviate problems of confusion in service providers. 4. SHERIFF'S DEPARTMENT: Planner Diana Newcomer, Criminal Justice Annexation of this vacant parcel decreases significantly the existing pocket. However, inclusion of this parcel into the city creates an enclave of the industrial area located on the southeast side. The only access available to the Sheriff's Office to provide service is through the city of Boynton Beach on 31 Terrace S. This can result in potential hazards for either city or county emergency responding vehicles. The Palm Beach Sheriff's Office Boynton Beach pursue alternatives hazards for law enforcement. recommends the City of that eliminate potential Page 3 of 4 June 12, 1990 5. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: Allan Ennis, Development Review Engineer since the application for a city development order was not complete prior to February 1, 1990 (based on our reading of city correspondence to applicant), this project is considered to be sUbject to 1990 Countywide Traffic Performance stan- dards (County Ordinance 90-6 and 90-7). To Comply with these County Ordinances, new traffic reports need to be submitted by the applicant to your office as well as our office for review. If the outparcels on each of the shopping center site plans will be specifically limited to restaurant and financial institution use, their trip generation should be separately calculated at the higher rates that are representative of these land uses rather than included as part of the general retail commercial area. Under test #1 of the new Countywide Traffic standard (which is comparable to the previous unincorporated area standard- County Ordinance 87-18), significant project traffic would occur on two links of Boynton Beach Boulevard that are projected to exceed their existing and committed capacities. No improvements are recommended for either of these two links (Military Trail to El Claire Ranch Road and Old Boynton Road to Interstate 95). without some commitment from these developers to improve these two links the traffic standard is violated. 6. UTILITIES: Division Lorraine Peterson, civil Engineer, Engineering No comments not in WUD's service area. 7. FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET DEPARTMENT: Richard Roberts, Assistant Director The proposed annexation results in the loss of ad valorem taxes of $1,527 as the above city does not participate in Fire Rescue MSTU #3 and the Library Taxing District. No estimate can be made as to the dollar value of the services that are no longer provided by the county. In addition, certain revenue sources, i.e., utility service tax, franchise fees, sales tax and state shared revenues may be marginally reduced but cannot be estimated from available information. Therefore, the overall fiscal impact cannot be determined. Page 4 of 4 June 12, 1990 Thank you for the opportunity to review and respond to these actions. Please include these comments with your backup materials for all meetings and hearings where this annexation is discussed. The Planning Division would appreciate it if you could please provide this office with final annexation ordinances so staff can adjust the County's maps accordingly. Feel free to contact this office if you have any questions. Sincerely, Attachment cc: Board of County Commissioners Bob Weisman, Administration Lee Rosenthal, County Attorney's Office Donna Kristaponis, Planning, Zoning and Building Bob Kraus, ERM Kathy Owens, Fire/Rescue Diana Newcomer, Sheriff's Department Allan Ennis, Traffic Engineering Division Lorraine Peterson, Water utilities Richard Roberts, OFMB Keith Stahley, Zoning Division Richard F. Morley, Planning Division Anita Gonzalez, Planning Division Steve Morales, Planning Division FILE:ANNEX2/ANNXBB.RS6 .L1, Revised 5/1/75 DIRECT PAYMENT REQUISITION flease Issue a check in the amount of $ 195.00 To: Federal Express Corporation l.;: I SOl P. O. Box 1140 - Dept A Memphis, TN 38101-1140 For: Invoice #4-038-13390 Dated 07/20/90 $195.00 Requested by City Manager Date July 26, 1990 .;? ---- FUND DEPT BASIC TLE OBJ AMOUNT 001 194 5 478 00 195.00 TOTAL 195.00 Approvals: % Dept. Head~' - Finance Dept. ------~-- ~~~