LEGAL APPROVAL IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. CASE NO. CL 91-7257 AN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Municipal Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership, Defendant. I STATE OF FLORIDA ) )ss: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) AFFIDAVIT IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT I, TAMBRI HEYDEN, ("Affiant"), being duly sworn, on oath depose and state as follows: 1. Affiant is the Planning Director for the City of Boynton Beach, has been an employee of the City'S Planning Department since March 19, 1987, and makes this affidavit based upon her own personal knowledge. 2. The property owned by defendant is commonly known as the Hunter's Run Commercial Tract. 3. The Hunters Run Commercial Tract is unplatted. 4. No application for development of the Hunter's Run Commercial Tract has been submitted to the City. 5. The City pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act (Florida st. 163.3161- 163.3215) adopted a Comprehensive Plan by Ordinance No. 89-38 on November 7, 1989. All required notices and public hearings were provided or held. The Comprehensive Plan was subsequently approved by the Department of Community Affairs on February 9, 1991. 6. The Hunters Run Commercial Tract was identified in the 1989 Comprehensive Plan as Planning Area 8.h. 7. commercial Commercial is C-l. The 1989 Comprehensive Plan established a office land use classification designation for the Hunter's Run Tract, The corresponding zoning for office commercial 8. Defendant Summit Associations, Ltd., did not make an appearance of record at the public hearings which were held in conjunction with the adoption of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan, nor did defendant challenge the Plan as an affected party in a manner prescribed by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regula~ion Act. 9. Following a request by the City Commission on October 16, 1990 the City Planning Department initiated a proposed amendment to the 1989 Comprehensive Plan, which if approved would permit zoning category C-3 uses on the Hunter's Run Commercial Tract. The process of amendment of the Comprehensive Plan was conducted in accordance with Florida Statute 163.3189. 10. On June 11, 1991, the City Planning and Zoning Board sitting as the Local Planning Agency held a public hearing on the proposed amendment to the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. The Planning and zoning Board voted 7-0 to recommend to the City Commission that the 1989 Comprehensive Plan not be amended. 11. On June 18, 1991, the City Commission on consideration of the proposed amendment to the Comprehensive Plan tabled its consideration of amendment and directed the City Attorney to initiate this declaratory judgment action. No subsequent action on the Comprehensive Plan as it affects Defendants property has occurred during the pendency of this lawsuit. FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NAUGHT. 4~--- TAMBRI Sworn and subscribed before me this day of April, 1994. Notary Public My Commission Expires: Personally known or Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Pla1ntLff c c C/(ny tW]- I IN' 'J'RE CIRCUIT COURT O~ 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN' AND FOR PAlM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CL 91-7257-AG ~~@~QW~~ L~ AUG - 2 1996 ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, VB. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida li.ited partneranip, Cefendant. PLANNlNG AND ZONiNG PEPT. ../ l~F'l'H 1l.1Iv.NDED AGRIlED ORDER THIS CAUSE Callie on to be heard on the Joint stipulation of the crrY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Plaintiff and SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., Defendant. The Court havinq conlilidered the stipulation of the partie. and belnq otherwise fUlly adv1sed 1n the preml.e. order.: 1. Subject to the provisions for nullification a. .et forth 1n paragraph 3 below, the real property owned by SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., which i. the .ubject of this litigation is: A. Provided a land use deeignation ot low density residential. B. Zoned Planned Unit DeVelOpllant (PUD), lilllited to single feal1y usaqe with a LOI of 4.00. a. The .a.ter Plan attached to the stipulation tor Entry of Aqreed Order as Exhibit "BII, subject to tha cevelopment Order in connection therewith, i. hereby approved and shall be b1nd1nq on the CITY, the Defendant. SUMMIT ASSOC:IATllS, LTD., their euccessors or asslgn., subject to later modification a. is otherwise authorized by the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Land Development Regulations. 3. In the event that the real property which is the subject of this litigation ie not conveyed by Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., to Ho.e Development Corporation of South Florida, a Florida corporation on or before June 30, 1996, this Aqreed Order shall be null and void and have no force and effect and this action ehall cont.inue wit.h the zoning and land use remaininq unchanged, and the maetar plan and related Developuent Order of no force or effect. 4. It closing occurs on or before June 30, 1996, and, followinq notice thereof as required by this Order, thie action ehall be dismissed with prejudice with each party to bear its own costs and attorney fees. 5. The CITY further agrees to accept a eurety bond in lieu of a letter of credit ae .ecurity to .eBUre that the eubdivleion illlprov8lllents, with respect to the real property which is the subject of this litigation, will be completed and paId for, 6. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant are ordered to submit a joint notic:e to the Court intol'lllinq the Court if the cloBinq of the traneaction ocourred or did not occur. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Palm Beaoh county, Florida, this day ot , 1996. CIRCUIT JUDGE Copi.s furnished to: James A. Cherat, Esquire Sherry Lefkowitl Hyman, Esquire J. Michael Burman, Esquire 910570 OIOER5.AII) SIGhlED l~ DPiiED JUN 1 7bSJ Judge TI,()n',:),~ E. SrlOlts Attachment "e": Proposed Text Amendment Replacement Pages (planning Area 8,h: see underlined and crossed-out text) Education for use as a broadcast facility and transmitting tower for a public radio and television station (WXEL), Since this use provides public entertainment and education for all current and future residents of the City, it should be construed to be consistent with the Recreational land use category and the Recreation zoning district. ~ 8,h, Commercial Parcel Frontinu on Conuress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district, The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. Beea~se-er-~fteBe-~We-rae~e~B--~fte ~e~~-~~~-dema~a-re~-~fte-eemffle~e~a~-ae~ea~e-a~d-~fte-afB~aRee-r~effl eMfB~~~~-a~a-r~~~~e-?es~deReeB7-~~-~B-~eeemme~aea-~fta~-eemme~e~a~-~aRa ~se-a~a-~e~~~~-~effla~R7--Heweve~7-a~e-~e-~fte-~ew-ave~a~e-aeRB~~y-er B~?~e~~d~~~-~esfaeR~~ai-~?e~ee~S7-~fte-~?eSeRee-er-sfte~~~R~-eeR~e~B-r-~fr m~~es-~e-~fte-Re~~ft-a~a-~-~fr-m~~es-~e-~fte-Se~~ft7-aRa-~fte-iaek-er-aR eaB~-wes~-~fte~e~~ftfa~eT-~ftfs-Bf~e-we~ia-Be-me~e-s~t~aBie-reE-efftee-Hse as-e~pesea-~e-~e~a~i-~se7--erf~ee-~se-weH~a-aise-e~ea~e-rewe~-tm~ae~B-e~ ~fte-aa~aeeR~-P7B7B7-aRa-~fte-€~~y-~a~k-wft~eft-~~es-~e-~fte-Re~~ftT ~fte~efe?e7-~~-~s-EeeemmeRaea-~fta~-~ft~s-~a~eei-Be-~iaeea-~R-~fte-eff~ee €emme?e~ai-~aRa-Hse-ea~e~e?Y7 It is a~se recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zoninu of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aureement that resulted from a previous court decision. includinq development of the property limited to those uses referenced in the aqreement. 8.i, Unincorporated Parcels alonq Barwick Road These two parcels, abutting the southwest corner of Hunters' Run, should be annexed and placed in a Low Density Residential land use category. These parcels should not be annexed, however, unless most or all of the properties lYing west of Barwick Road are annexed. 8,j. Vacant Parcels at Northern End of Bovnton Commercenter Deleted, PLANNING AREA 9--REMAINDER OF RESERVE ANNEXATION AREA AND UTILITY SERVICE AREA The Sanitary Sewer, Solid Waste, Drainage, and Potable Water Element of this report recommends that densities in this area be limited to the midpoint of the density range shown on the current (i,e., 1987) Palm Beach county Land Use Plan, for parcels which are currently zoned 101 agricultural, and that the densities of existing approved developments not be increased. For parcels in the County's Low-Medium Density land use category (3-5 dwellings per acre), which comprises most of the agriculture-zoned land, the midpoint of the density range would be 4 dwellings per acre. Those parcels along the west side of Lawrence Road, north of old Boynton Road which are in the County's Medium-Medium High Density land use category (8-12 dwellings per acre) should be limited to 5 dwellings per acre, however, in order to prevent land use conflicts with the surrounding low-density projects, These land use controls are necessary to ensure that water supply and treatment capacity will be adequate to serve all developments in the City's service area, and ensure that sewage flows do not exceed the ultimate capacity of the regional wastewater treatment plant. Lower densities (1 to 3 dwellings per acre) may be necessary in some portions of the unincorporated area, in order to accommodate and protect large-lot single-family dwellings. Furthermore, the City should not permit densities which are higher than those which are allowed by the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Plan. The City should annex properties west of Lawrence Road only if annexation would be consistent with Florida Statutes, and the properties could be efficiently served, Palm Beach County recently has been considering relinquishing to cities the control of unincorporated areas in which cities provide urban services. If these areas are to be annexed, as part of a county-wide policy concerning annexation and the provision of urban services, then the City of Boynton Beach should consider annexing those areas, up to the E-3 Canal, which are in its Reserve Annexation Area, except, possibly, those areas which are currently served by Palm Beach County Utilities. The City should also consider annexing those areas within the southwestern portion of its service area for which the city provides utility services, but which are not in its reserve annexation area. In the interim, it is recommended, that water service agreements for parcels within this area continue to include an annexation clause, so that annexation applications can be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. It is also recommended that the City not provide water service to urban development, which should generally include all commercial, industrial, and institutional use, and residential development ovel- 1 dwelling per acre (net density), unless connection is also made to the central sewer system, Any water service agreement for residential densities at or below 1 unit per acre should contain guarantees that this density cannot be increased without connection to the central sewer system. Furthermore, the City should have the option of requiring connection to the central sewer system at any density if septic systems would risk contaminating groundwater or surface water. Since septic tank pollution is a problem in this area, the City should attempt to provide both water and sewer service to properties which are currently on well and septic tank, where such properties can be served efficiently. The City should consider placing these properties in a special assessment district, if annexed, or make a similar arrangement with Palm Beach County until the time that annexation occurs. Since there is a strong pOSSibility that all of the area east of the E-3 102 " Canal may be annexed by the city, the City should continue to review land use and rezoning applications in this area, and provide comments to palm Beach County concerning land use compatibility, impacts on infrastructure and environmental resources, and compliance with the city's development standards and policies, 103 Attachment "0": Summary Judgement IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY. CIVIL DIVISION. CASE NO. CL-91-7257-AN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, plaintiff, vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnershfp, Defendant. I ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT/COUNTERPLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF AND ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF This action came before the Court upon the motions of the Plaintiff, City of Boynton Beach, for summary judgment for declaratory relief, and the Defendant, Summit Associates, for summary judgment for declaratory relief. Among the undisputed facts are: The City is the governing body defined in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act controlling the property in question. The property is a commercial tract, a part of Hunters Run which was acquired by Summit in 1978. There was an earlier zoning dispute over this property between the City and the owners that was resolved by a settlement agreement and an agreed final judgment in 1973, The City and the owner agreed in writing that the land in question could be zoned and developed according to criteria that are known today as C-3 zoning. In spite of the City's promise, in 1985 the City in its then new Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act down-zoned this land. Florida law did not mandate the down-zoning of the property in question, Said down-zoning was done without the consent of the land owner, The land owner had the right to rely on the written contract between its predecessor in interest and the City and had a right to rely upon the terms of the Final Judgment entered into pursuant to that settlement agreement. The Intervenor pleads a change in circumstances in that the land has not previously been developed, however all of Hunters Run was undeveloped in 1973 and since then Hunters Run has been considerably developed. There is no version of the evidence that indicates that there was no reliance by the Defendant or their predecessors in interest on this 1973 agreement when they developed Hunters Run. In fact, the evidence is to the contrary. There is no law that effectively supports the City's position. The officials of the City presumably in 1973 and in 1985, acted in what they believed to be the best interests of their constituents, however the Court has determined that the city's 1985 actions violated a binding agreement and a binding final judgment. Therefore, the Court declares that the comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act as it pertains to the Hunters Run commercial tract, is void to the extent that it is inconsistent with the city's StipUlated Settlement and Final Judgment in Case Number 73-579 CA(L)01-Smith, attached to the City's complaint as Exhibit D. Summit and its predecessors in interest relied upon the pledge of the City and upon the Final Judgment in the development 2 . of the adjacent Hunters Run property and that there have been no circumstances that would justify relieving the City of the effects of its pledge or the Final Judgment. Therefore summit Associates, Ltd. is entitled to summary judgment in its favor. The Court finds and declares that the City is bound by its 1973 judgment and agreement, that Summit Associates, Ltd. is the owner of the Hunters Run commercial tract and the successor in interest in said agreement and final judgment. Summit Associates, Ltd. is entitled to have the subject property classified as local retail commercial, and as C-3 zoned. The City is required to take all steps necessary to be in continuing and future compliance with its Settlement Agreement and 1973 Final Judgment. The city's motion for summary judgment in its favor on the same issues is ORDERED hereby denied. at West Palm Beach, Florida, this ~ day of June, 1994. EDWARD FINE Circuit Judge Copies furnished: James A. Cherof, Esq. 3099 E. Commercial Blvd. Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 J. Michael Burman, Esq. 712 U.S. Highway one, Suite 300 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Lawrence J. Markell, Esq. 7280 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Suite 202-N Boca Raton, FL 33433 Michael T. Burke, Esq. Post Office Box 030220 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33303-0220 3 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 21, 1994 Mayo r 3. Co tual Agreement for Dr E ilities Charges lng Capital Comm sioner Aguila move pproval of the co eptual agreement Pr erties regarding c tal facilities ch ges, subject to issioner Katz sec ded the motlon. City Manager Parke stated that the C y Attorney has j this conceptual reement outline c be formulated in subsequently ap oved. informed he that a final agr ment and In response Mayor Harmenlng, ity Manager Park will presen agreement t the Commission at he July 5th mee ng. 4. City of Boynton Beach vs. .f/()..11 .... : "-#, -A'r&- 3, t.. - I-t,. k K., J tu..s .f-/v...{h Summit Associates, Ltd. Update The moti Mayor Harmening stated that the judge ruled that the City is bound by the 1973 Final Judgment. Mayor Harmening felt staff should be directed to amend the Comprehensive Plan to reflect the zoning on the property. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley and Commissioner Agulla agreed. Motion Commissioner Aguila moved to direct staff to amend the Comprehensive Plan for the Summit Assoclates property to reflect the proper zoning. Mayor Pro Tem Bradley seconded the motion. Mayor Harmening remlnded staff not to forget to include the items that were deleted from the 1973 zoning. City Attorney Cherof advised that this will come back to the Commission at the next meeting for public hearing since it was tabled in July, 1991 during a public hearing. It can be finalized at that time. This will afford the public the opportunity to speak. The motion carried 4-0. - 37 - , MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA tcTtBER 18, 1994 12. PropOSed Ordinance No. 094-45 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Greentree Plaza I City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance NO. 094-45 by title only. There was no one present to speak on public hearing. . -- Motion Vice Mayor Matson/moved to approve Proposed Ordinance No. 094-45 on second.' reading. Mayor Pro Tem Bradl....onded the 1lI0tion. A roll call vote was polled by the City Clerk. The 1lI0tion carried 5-0. ' 13. Proposed Ordinthee No. 094-46 Re: Rezoning - Greentree Plaza I " , City,Attorney Cherof ,read Proposeq Ordinance Np. , , There was rlo one present to speak on public hearing.! 094-46 by ti tl.e only. !' " J Motion ' / ' <' . i/ 11 , I r { Vice Mayo, ' r Matson moved io approve Proposed Ord1na~ce No. 094416 on secon~ reading. Mayor Pro Tem'radley seco~ed the motit. A roll illl vote was polled '.by the City Clerk. The mot10n carried 5-0 ' Ji 14. Proposed Ordinnee Mo. 094-47 Re: Land Use Element Amendment - Hunters Run Commercial Tract City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 094-47 by title only. Mayor Hannening announced the public hearing. Maurice Rosenstock, ! Vill, ~ sa1d he 1s not opposed to this Ordinance because he cannot oppose a Courr-Order. However, he would like to amend the land use of this particular p1ece of property. He referred to page 2 of the Ord1nance and said that when th1s was originally change~, the Planning Department said, "due to the low average density of surround1ng resident1al projects, the presence of shopping centers ~ miles to the north and 1~ miles to the south, an~ the lack of an east/west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for off1ce use as opposed to retail. Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent PUD and the City park which lies to the north; therefore, it 1s recommended that this parcel be placed in the Office Commercial land use category.. Mr. Rosenstock said this statement has not changed. The only thing which has changed is the fact that a Court Order now exists. He feels the Ordinance should say that the land use is being amended because the Court ordered it done. Attorney Cherof said the language which is stricken in Proposed Ordinance No. 094-48, not this Ordinance, is superfluous to the Commission's consideration of this issue. The language, if left in the Ordinance, could pOSSibly be read by someone as being inconsistent with the Court Order. - 26 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY ~ISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 18, 1994 Mr. Rosenstock agreed with Attorney Cherof's statement, but pointed out that the Court Order is inconsistent with the language and inconsistent with the way the Board felt; however, the Board must abide by the Court Order. He feels that should be stated. Mr. Rosenstock is concerned about what may happen in the future. In Attorney Cherof's opinion, there is no reason to redo the Ordinance. Mr. Rosenstock disagreed with this opinion. He wondered if Attorney Cherof was saying the DCA would not accept an amended plan if it is stated that the City was ordered by the Court to amend the Plan. Attorney Cherof said he does not know whether or not the DCA will accept it. He feels this Ordinan~e properly reflects what occurred in Court. Commissioner Katz feels Hunters Run is the most impacted community and their request should be indulged. Mayor Hannening had no problem with that concept, but realizes that changes to this Ordinance will require that it be readver- tised. Commissioner Aguila understood the logic behind Mr. Rosenstock's remarks, but does not know if his concerns will ever be an issue. He is not supportive of tabling this item, and will support it as written. Mr. Rosenstock said he is concerned that some time In the future, when the de- veloper decides to develop this property, he can point to the language of this Ordinance and say that the Planning Department of this City has changed its mind and now feels that this property can be developed within the scope of the language of this Ordinance. If the language Is not Included, they can only go back to the Court decision. Motton Commissioner Katz moved to table. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion. The motion carried 3-2. (Mayor Pro Tem Bradley and Commissioner Aguila cast the dissenting votes.) 15. Propostcl OnltMnce Mo. 094-48 Re: Text Amendment - Hunters Run Commercial Tract City Attorney Cherof read Proposed Ordinance No. 094-48 by title only. Motton Commissioner Katz moved to table. Vice Mayor Matson seconded the motion, which carried 3-2. (Mayor Pro Tem Bradley and Commissioner Aguila cast the dissenting votes.) Commissioner Aguila agrees that the verbiage which Is scratched out should not be scratched out in the sense that It still applies today. However, the six or eight lines above that are not language which was put together by the Planning and Zoning Board at the time the Comprehensive Plan was prepared. He feels the part which was scratched out should be unscratched, and clearly point out that this is only happening because of a Court Order. - 27 - II tra.ct- o{ /r..d 0'~J IJ1 5ecf,c>y) &/ Towl1si'1J' Ct35uu1Aj R~ '1(, fcuil J?;L ~"-C~ ColM~1 Flon'~/5uJh.,,-d bv."., M-oy-e I, d po-. r T' t<)l.vr.~ J.v,c")Je1 M f/(ol/Js' ~ ' Tk /Vor-IJ\ f{Y7, 50 f'e of S;o~H 32-70,70 p..:t oF~,,-4 803fed/ ~ +1...:. /Jo,..l/.... 1/1,2.1 fz.-! t' ~ ~ "utL :n J f.9 J fa.-t o;.Ir>-Ect01 'j n J...-d' (Ie d +k f;.""t bO fcJ' ~y G'"),..P}).) av-e_we C'of..:t <f- "''d) of +k ftu)-f l.Jfof ~o..:J. o;eJ-:ov< bITa....,,,;,k~py3 Jo"~k) ~L '<b ~, ./ T ' ~,~~ 0" L<.M ~ Go" 'c,",,~6' ,,71,71 ,"-'oft,J'-'? ,.- s.v~-e~J -I;;' .<!cU>e..J<1J2A.~ ~ rl'lJ/vis of-""'(? <> f v-€- uo..-.t , Pc,.; : Oil-Lt3''t6-0f1-oo-,oOO-IC?(/D ,f( un ('C-f; ~K- t~cjo-/;ro-=- f if ~ /-Uz. /.-.&6-Ak I HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT A TRACT OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 43 SOUTH, RANGE 46 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE NORTH 1687.50 FEET OF THE SOUTH 3270.70 FEET OF THE EAST 803 FEET, AND THE NORTH 111,28 FEET OF THE SOUTH 3381.98 FEET OF THE EAST 423 FEET (LESS THE EAST 60 FEET FOR CONGRESS AVENUE RIGHT-OF-WAY) OF THE EAST HALF OF SAID SECTION 6, TOWNSHIP 43 SOUTH, RANGE 46 EAST, CONTAINING 29,71 ACRES MORE OR LESS AND SUBJECT TO EASEMENTS AND RIGHTS-OF WAY OF RECORD, PCN:08-43-46-06-00-000-1040 A:RJl:LI!:GAL ~)> I ORDINANCE NO, 094-1-1 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING THE HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT (COMMERCIAL PARCEL FRONTING ON 'CONGRESS AVENUE, EAST OF THE HUNTER'S RUN COMMUNITY) AMENDING ORDINANCE 89-38 OF SAID CITY BY A~;NDTNG THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF THE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER LAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERTY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER; SAID LAND DESIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM OFFICE COMMERCIAL TO LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL: PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY; AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 1973 the Hunter's Run Commercial Tract was the subject of a settlement agreement and final judgement that resolved a zoning dispute by declaring, in part, the property owner's right to develop the property in accordance with the zoning classifications as they existed in 1972 (which has been determined to be generally equivalent to the current C-3 zoning district and Local Retail Commercial land use , classification): WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, , I II I I I , Florida adopted in 1989 a Comprehensive Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; I' 'I WHEREAS, the Future Land Use Element, recommends the j: I Office Commercial land use classification for the Hunter's Run Commercial Tract: WHEREAS, a summary judgement on June 3, 1994 declared that Office Commercial land use was inconsistent with the 1973 Stipulated Settlement and Final Judgement, and ordered the City to comply with its Settlement Agreement and 1973 Final Judgement; WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future Land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth in Chapter 163, Florida StatlltRs, has been followed; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Cowmission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the aforesaid Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein. ordinance by reference, FIRST READING this ~ day of October, 1994, ,1 'I 'I SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this 1Vf:!I/ ~/I?AEFi<' , 1994, / day of , ;! _:~~~O:;;:;:~B:~~:: ~:LORIDA Mayor ()' ~ _ L- -4 Ln-r-L7;;J -..../ ;;ic~yor !I Ii 'I iI il I I I , I I I I I ATTEST: II Ii I I i I I Mayor pr ~~~~//2/ -' Ci Clerk (Corporate Seal) 1\:PA8HLU.ORD " r,-, I C ORDINANCE NO, 094-~ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE TEXT OF THE FUTURE LAND USE tfLEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IN -CONNECTION WITH THE HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL TRACT (COMMERCIAL PARCEL FRONTING ON SOUTH CONGRESS AVENUE, EAST OF THE HUNTER'S RUN COMMUNITY) WITHIN PLANNING AREA 8, H, SAID TEXT AMENDMENT WILL ALLOW A LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAL LAND USE CLASSIFICATION, PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE, WHEREAS, in 1973 the Hunter's Run Commercial Tract (a,k,a, Planning Area 8,h) was the subject of a settlement agreement and final judgement that resolved a zoning dispute by ; i declaring, in part, the property owner's right to develop the I! ., property in accordance with the zoning classifications as they existed in 1972 (which was determined to be generally equivalent to the current C-3 zoning district and Local Retail Commercial 'I land use classification); WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida adopted in 1989 a Comprehensive Plan and as part of said 'I I Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance 89-38 in accordance I with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, WHEREAS, the Future Land Use Element contains the Section VIII. Land Use Problems and Opportunities which, in " i part, indicates the basis for land use classifications for selected properties as shown on the Future Land Use Map; and WHEREAS, the Future Land Use Element, Section VIII, ,I Land Use Problems and Opportunities, recommends the Office 'i , 'i Commercial land use classification for Planning Area 8,h,; and WHEREAS, a summary judgement on June 3, 1994 declared that Office Commercial land use was inconsistent with the 1973 Stipulated Settlement and Final Judgement, and to comply with its Settlement Agreement Judgement; and WHEREAS, after public hearing and study, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the inhabitants of said City to amend the text of the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan as adopted by the City herein, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF ordered the City and 1973 Final THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1, The portion of the Future Land Use Element entitled Land Use Problems and Opportunities, Planning Area 8, Area 8,h is hereby amended by adding the underlined text and by deleting the words and figures in the struck-through type as follows: 'fIlt= C111C11Y;::L!.;:' u[ Lb.\::: ~u.!:Jl:Jly C1UJ. J\:::J.LlC1uJ [v.!. l,..;uuu.ILCJ..I,..;~o.l lo.u.J ~u. LLt:: C~Ly ~u.J~l..Jo.L..t::~ LLo.L LIJ.t::.L t:::: w~ll Lc JCJ.UC1U.J ~u. LLt::: 1UH':::l L UU [UL LL';',::, I,..;UUlI.lLcLI......i..al l:-JLU1JCLLy, wlJ.~l..Jll ~,::, ,-uJ...l..t:::HLly ..LH LIJ.c Lu,-o.l !\t::LC1~l C:UILII.LLt:::J.. L.~al lau.J uo:>t:: I,..;a.Lt:::':::luJ..Y auJ C :3 CUllIl.LlUH~ Ly CUUII.Llt::L L.~o.l L.uu.~U':::l J~o:>LJ..~L.L. nIt::: o:>~Lc ~~ [o.~J..ly wt:::ll LU[[t:::LCJ [J..UUl ~ULLUUHU.i.H':::l L Co:>~Ut::HL.t::o:>, LIlt:: L.lvo:>c~L v[ wlJ.~\...IJ. w~ll l~c uvc.l.. :i66 [ct::L Lv LIJ.c wco:>L. 'f1J.c ..i..HLcL VCH..L...L1'::-j 1JLU1Jt:::.I.. Ly ~o:> U,-I,..;U1J~CU Ly 0. lo.ke o.uJ ':::lvlI \..VULi:tC. BcL.o.u.~c v[ Ll.Lci::::I\:: Lwv [al...LvJ..O:>> LIJ.c luu'::-j LUU. UCULo.UU [VL LIJ.c I,..;UUu.uCLL.~o.l o.l.....Lt:::o.':::lC o.uu LIJ.c J~~Lo..L1l....c [LUUl t:::^..i..i:JL~u':::l o.uJ [u,Lu,.l..c LC;:,~JCUI....t:::i::)1 ~L ~~ I ; Lt:::I,..;UULlUt:::uJcU LIJ.o.L I....vuLlLit:::LI......i..o.l lo.u.J ui:Jc o.uJ. !i LVU";"UY L CJ.LLo.~U. IIVWCVCL I Jut:: Lv Llu::: luw aVc.Lo.yt:: uc,U;::,";"Ly u[ ;:'ULLVUUU";".u':::l .Lc;:,..i..JcuL.Lal I ,i I' I' !! 1J.Luj cl,...L;:" Llu:: 1-l.LC~CUI.,,;C vI ~lJ.v.tJbJ~uy L.t::uLt:::.I..'::' 2 1/2 Ul~lci::) Lv Llu::: uV.LLIJ. o.uu 1 1/2 Ul~lc;::, Lv LIJ.c i:JvuLl.L1 o.uJ LIJ.c lo.\...h. uI aU t::ai:JL vvt::i:JL LI.LULvu':::lIJ.[Cl.Lc, LI.L.L::l ;::,..i..Lc wuu.lJ. Lc UlVLC i:Ju~Lo.Llc [V..L v[I~l,...c Ui:JC o.i:J V1JbJVi:JcJ Lu Lt::La.i.l u,i:JC. aIL~I.,,;t::: ui:JC wuu.lJ o.li:tv I....Lt::o.Lt::: [CVVt:::L .LUl1:Jo.\..Li:J vu Ll.LC aJjo.\..cuL P.tJ.B. ClUJ LIJ.c C.i.Ly bJa..Lh. vvlJ..i1.,,;1 J. l~ci:t Lv LIJ.c uU..LLI.L, Ll.LCLc[u.LC, ~L .Li:J LC\..VUII.LlCUJcJ Ll.Lo.L LIJ..Li:t 1Jo..L\..cl Lc };Jlo.\..cJ ";"u Llu::: O[[~\....c CvulI.m:::LI.,.;~o.l lauJ ui:tc l,...a.Lc':::lU.LY. IL 11 ;, ,; ; ,I ; ~i:J o.li:tv .LC\....UJ.llllLCUJcJ Ll.Lo.L LU[[CL.LU':::l .LLLcai:JU,.LC~ Lc cJ.u,hoIlvycJ .J..U LIJ.c Jcvt:::lv,hJUlcu.L vI LIJ..Li:J ,hJLVbJl::LLy, .Lu.l,...lu,J.i..uy vcyo.L~vc i:tL.LCCU.LUY o.uJ J.LLl::I.,.;Lt:::J l.LylJ.L.i.u.':::l. The land use and zonina of thiR narr.el Rhall remain conRiRtent with a Stioulation Aareement and Order arantina D..f..ndant /'-01mter Pl a i nt iffR. mot ion for Partial SummarY Judament for Declaratorv Relief and Order Denvina Plaintiff'R Motion for Summarv Judam..nt for D..r.laratorv Relief in Palm Bear.h ,-ountv '-aRe No, ,-L-91-7257 AN Section 2' That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. S..r.t i on :1 ' Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof, any paragraph, sentence, or work be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. Authority is hereby granted to codify said Section 4: ordinance, Section 5: The effective date of this Ordinance shall be the date a final order is issued by the Department of Community Affairs finding this Text amendment to be in compliance in accordance with Chapter 163.3184, F,S,,; or the date a final order is issued by the Administration Commission finding said :1 amendment to be ~n compliance in accordance with Chapter 163,3184, F,S. The notice of compliance becomes a final order 21 days following the issuance of the notice of compliance if during the 21-day period no petitions are filed challenging the amendment, Once issued. the Notice of Intent shall be attached i hereto as Exhibit "A" and made a part of this ordinance by I reference, FIRST READING this J SECOND. FINAL READING ~J/.6?JLiJE'< . 1994, day and of October. 1994, PASSAGE this / day of ~y OF ~JNTON BEA~H. FLORIDA :: -l~~--"Z. May-or tI ~j~ Vi. Mayor Commission c~ CQmm~ oner \" ' ATTEST: ~~"'A'" Cb~~ ", C~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) Hunter'.Run.Orcl. 9/28/94. Rev.l0/28/94 10/31/94 ~lNUTES - REGULAR CITY C~ISSION M BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA B. LY 5, 1994 Mayor Harmening made t resentation of plaque by Atlan High School Eaglettes to thank the Commission for the' upport and to request future donations podium, Mindy Reefe, presented aque in appreciation for the sup yor Harmening announced that the Mrs. Sheila Reefe advised that e Eaglettes won three natio positions; two first place trophies and one ird place trophy. Mrs. Reef as been involved with the Eaglettes for eig years. She requested the Ci of Boynton Beach make Eaglettes & Company udget line item each year. costs between $30,000 and $50,000 to go to na onal competitions every year Participation in this group affords the you an opportunity for leaders and growth. She requested the City c tinue to donate $2,500 each ar to the national committe and requested an a tional donation of $1,000 t the Eaglettes summer camp program. or Harmening and Vice Mayor t shown by the City of Boynt aque will be displayed in Ci son with Beach. Hall. Mayor Harmeni City shares e same problem. He recomme in the year. ith stronger fund raising c V. funds and explai the Eaglettes None ~;ve -fD Ivld'''-~, -1-. .tt\i "Ie I'U - '::: f-; ,,~ ~(1. c---.f 1-+,-" .(; f,: [, t.<-It ,E' 11"11 _ Co ' (' 0-',' 1< '" t I If" '1 C1 -0" VI. PUBLIC HEARING: A. Project Name: Planning Area 8.h - Office Commercial Parcel at Hunters Run PREVIOUSLY TABLED JUNE 18, 1991 Applicant: City of Boynton Beach Agent: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director Owner: Summit Associates ltd. location: The west side of South Congress Avenue, east of Hunters Run PUD Description: LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMEN1: Request to change the land use of Planning Area 8.h from "Office Commercial" to "local Retail Commercial" on the Future land Use Map and to amend the corresponding language within the Comprehensive Plan, Support Documents to delete the "Office Commercial" land use recommendation and refer to a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement resulting from a previous court decision. Tambri Heyden, Planning Director, advised that at the October 16, 1990 City Commission meeting, prior to rezoning the property from C-3 to C-l, the owners requested that the land use be reverted to local Retail Commercial as the Office Commercial land use was inconsistent with the 1973 Final Judgement and the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. - 6 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY C~--SION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY 5. 1994 On June 18, 1991, the City Commission was presented with this request by staff to amend the Future Land Use Map to show the property as Local Retail Commercial. At that meeting, where this item was tabled, the City Commission directed legal staff to seek a Declaratory Judgement. On June 3, 1994, the Court determined that the original Final Judgement remains valid. This item is now being removed from the table from the June 18, 1991 City Commission meeting. Ms. Heyden advised that there has been one minor change to the text amendment which was originally proposed. Motion Vice Mayor Matson moved to remove this item from the table. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion, which carried 4-0. Ms. Heyden continued that in addition to the original text amendment, there will also be language which references the use provisions under the Final Judgement. THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT TO SPEAK IN FAVOR OF THIS APPLICATION. ~urlce Rosenstock, 1 Villa Lane. realized that the City Commission has no choice but to abide by the decision of the court. He questioned whether or not this City Commission had the ri9ht to remove this item from the table since it is not the same City Commission which was seated in 1991. He felt that this might have to go back before the Planning and Development Board before the City Commission could deal with it. Attorney Goren advised that this City Commission has the power and duty to respond to the issues and take action as ordered by the Court. Mr. Rosenstock stated that the representative body at the Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club, Inc. has filed an appeal through its attorney, and will pursue that appeal vigorously. He thanked the Commission for its help and cooperation in this matter. He further stated that the Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club objects seriously to this decision and they would have had a formal protest with arguments if this application had gone back to the Planning and Development Board. Since this is 90ing to the Department of Community Affairs, they will let the Courts decide what will happen in the future. Commissioner Katz asked Attorney Goren to explain the City's exposure if the Commission decided to vote in opposition. Attorney Goren explained that Judge Fine's Order was very clear and it directs the City. It is concise and it imposes the settlement of 1973 upon the Comprehensive Plan as it exists tOday. If the City Commission fails to comply with a Court Order, a judge could hold those parties not complying in contempt of the Court's Order. There has been an Order of the Court which has a specific affect on real estate development and property rights. If the Commission were to take negative action, there could be future claims. It is an Issue of the plaintiff's rights and the responSibility of the Commission to act in accordance with the Court's Order. Commissioner Katz inquired as to whether or not the Commission could offer any assistance to the citizens of Hunters Run when they vote to go along with the Court's Order, which would not expose the City. - 7 - MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA " JULY 5, 1994 Attorney Goren said the City and staff could assist in dealing with interpreta- tions of the Code once the Comprehensive Plan is amended, but there are limita- tions on how much can be offered in terms of physically doing something contrary to'what the Order requires. He advised that the Commission needs to comply with the Order and fulfill the Comprehensive Plan requirements as amended. Vice Mayor Matson questioned whether or not another "Tradewinds" would result if the Commission voted no. Attorney Goren said he would have serious concerns for the Commission as a public body if action was taken which was contrary to the Court's direction and which would have serious adverse impacts to a property owner who would be deterred from development rights which have been determined by the Courts to be lawfully permitted. Vice Mayor Matson thanked the Board of Directors of Hunters Run for leaving the City out of the loop. She offered the City's support. Motion Vice Mayor Matson moved that the City Commission approve the proposed Land Use Element Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment for the Hunters Run Commercial Tract, and direct staff to direct the proposed amendment to the DCA with a copy of the recent Court Order concerning the property to be sent to them also. Commissioner Aguila seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. None VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE: Motion V I II . DEVELOPMENT P None IX. NEW ~ESS: A.~tems for discussion " ,../ ,,I' 1. Reconsideration of ; Commissioner Aguila advised t he would like the oppo unity to bring this application forward again a he next City Commissio eeting in order to .'~iscuss his concerns in m detail. This is a pi of property which can and should be developed. W has been suggested at at location is clearly allow- able, but he did not nk their particular de n was appropriate. Commissioner A lla moved to bring this tern back at the next City meeting. Vi Mayor Matson seconded e motion, and stated that has some questions this issue but was not esent when it was origin y brought for- ward. The motion carried 4-0. 2. he has serious concer about the effect of the the City's emer en response. He also has con- ladder truck wi not be able to negotiate some of Commissioner Aguila s elimination of the me cerns about the fact - 8 - -_.._-------------------~ 'II' ......... tlTT Of 10'NTON IEACN REWI.Nl cln tQIIlS$IOIlIlEElIIll AII.'A Junl 18, 1991 . 7:00 P,.. r. ClPfJII/I&S. A, ColI to O~lr . -.,or Arllnl Welnlr 8. Invoeltlo. - .....t a' 5111nt Pr111. C. 'l1d91 a' Allegllntl to thl Flag 114 b1 Meyvr Arll.1 Weln.r 0, Aglnda Appro.." I. addItIons, O.l.tlons, Correttlons 2. adoptIon E. Announcements: 1. Proelametlon I) Nlttonll Baton TwIrlIng Welk - Jul1 21 through JU11 27, 1991 II. 8105: Ill. POBLlC HEARIIlI - 7: DO P.M. 011 AS 500Il THEREAfTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS A, PROJECT NAME: APPlICANT: AGENT: OWNER LOCATION: OESCRIPTlOH: Pllnnlng Aria 8.h - O'fltl Commertlll Parell at Hunt'r'. Run CIty a' 8D1nton 811th Chrtstophlr Cutro, P11nntng Dtrector SummIt ASSotlltls Ltd, Thl west std, of South Congre.. Avenue, 'I$t of Hunter. Run PUD LAllI USE EUIIEICT NIIIOENTIttIIftEItEIlSIYI PUll nxT AMElIMCEMT, Rlqulst to ehlngl the llnd us. a' Pllnntng Are. 8.h 1rGM .0ff1CI C~rctll. to -LoCI) Rltatl COlIIDIrctll. on the Future Lind U.. Map and to amend thl correspondtna 'anlUlae w'th'n the Camprahlnstvl Plan, Support Docunantl, to de,.t, thl -0111cI Cammerc1al. llnd UII ret......ndltlon Ind r.ftr to << sttpulltlon Ind settlement Ig.....nt r.sultlng ,... << preVIOUS tourt decision. IV. PUel.IC AIlDIEIICE, INDIVIDU;l,L SPfAKfRS W[(t BE llMlrED TO J MPI\JH Pj:lfSEN1Af\O',', V. mROI'IIEIIT PUllS. A. tQISEllT MEIIlA - IIWlIIGlSl. Y MPlOVElIlY PlNIUIlI a _11lI IllMD None 8. IIOlI-ClllI$EKT MEIIlA - llIlT IIWlIllllUSLY AHIOVElIIY PlNIUIlI a _11lI I. Sunfon! Plrt - R_st ,or tonsldlrltlon of I tOtltlptual tlllnge to Pll...d UnIt DIYll.,..nt (PUll) fr.. ACLf to Elderly COnd..,n". 2. Rul~ Coterlng - llndstIIMI _, - All _, to tho 1,,'nlstratIY' dltlslon concernIng Artltl. III. Stttlon 7.5-57(a)a.l to Illow a two foot Wldl landstIIMI .trlp rlthlr thin the rlqulred thrl' 'oot wldl Ilndstl\lt strIp adJltlnt to the south propertl line n. LE1iAL. A. O~I..nee. - 2nd Reeding - PUBLIC _I. 1. Proposed O~I..ntl lID. 091-38 REI Estlllltshlng a roturnoel elleek chI/'11 of $15.00 or 51 wll1e11...r I. g....tar -1- 111. PUBLIC REARING A cc~ BIdS. Plan. lna, Uti} PLAIOlIIIlG DEPARTIlEIlT MEMORANDUM NO, 91-U7 (AGEMDA KBI1ORANDUM) '1'0: J. 8C?tt M1~ C1ty HAnaq.r ~~ -rP- Chrl.toph.r cutro. Planning 01r.ct~~ June 12, 1991 Planning Are. 8.h (Office coaaerc1al Parcel at Hunterl. Run)- Land u.. tle..nt A8.ndaent/coapr.henalve Plan Text AIIendaent PROM, DATE: SUBJECT , Plea.e plac. the above-referenced it.. on the City Co..ia.ion Aqenda for Tue.day. Jun. 18. 1991, under Pub11c Hearinga_ DESCRIPTION: Reque.t to chanQ. the land u.e of Planning Are. S.h fro. "Office Coaa.rcial- to .Local Retall co...rcial" on the Future Land Uae Hap and to ...nd the corr..ponding language w1th1n the Comprehenaive Plan, support Docuaenta, to d.lete tbe "Offlce Coma.reia1" land u.. reco...ndation and refer to a stlpulation and ..ttle..nt .~r....nt r..ult1nq from a preVious court dec1s10n. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Eonln~ Board UDaniaou81y recommended 4.n1a1 of the above referenced application. cc:cp A: LanaU.. -~.~--- ------------------~----- 'AI Plannin; Area B.h - Office Comme.cial Parcel at Hunter. Run LAIIIl USB BLEIlEIlT I.MEIIllIIEIIT/CCMP1lBHENSIVB 1'L.\Il '1'BX'l' I.MEIIllIIEIIT -- Planning Oept. H.moran~u. No. 91-131 To: Chairman ~ Heaber. Planning , Zon1ng Board o...l.~k.- ~ Christopher cutro, Alep Plann1nq Director From: Date: February 19, 1991 Subject: Land Use Amendment and comprehensive Pl~n Text Amendment Reque.ted by City Commission to Correct a scriven.r's Error ln Connection with Future Land Use support Document, Planning Area a.h. Com..rcial Parcel rrontin9 on Conqr... AVenue East of Hunter', Run INTRODUCTION/HISTORY In adoptlng the 1989 rutur. Land Us. Plan, th. land use cla6,lflcatlon for the above reter.nced property wa. changed from "Local Retall coramercial" to "Office Commerclal". However, it is felt that the final judgellent .ade in 1973, lnvolving Palml:and Development Corporation an~ the City', Planning and Zonln9 Soard (6ee txhiblt A), was either overlooked or not taken into full conslderation. consequently, the owners of the above ref.ren~ed 30-acre parcel, Summit Associate. Ltd.. have requested the City commission to amend the Futur4 Land Us. Plan JJy reverting the lan~ use deslgnation to "Local Retail Co~m.rcial", and to maintain the current c..J (Office/profesaional) z.onlng deslQ'nat1on. Approxlmately tour month I. after the C1 ty annexed the area then referred to S8 Charter World, Which contained the above referen~ed property, the City, by adoptlng ordinance No. 73-7 and 73-11, purported to change the use. permitte~ in the C-2 %On1n9 district which consequently effected the newly annexed area (the SUbject parcel was originally zoned C-2~ the most 1ntenstve commercial dlstrict at that time, and hence later changed following the revision of the Zoning Code which resulted 1n the creation of the functionally equ1valent, C-J %on1n9 category). PalmI and Development corporation, owners of Charter World, subsequently filed suit against the City. on Hay 10, 1973, the Circuit Court of Pal. Seach county ordered a Final JUQqement that incorporat.d by reterenee a StiPulat10n and Agreement. The StipUlation an<l A9r..lIlent was executed by both parties involved and in part stated. that Charter World may :be developed according to zon1ng cla.sifications as they exlsted at the time that charter World wa. annexed. AS indicated above, the City's 1989 Comprehens1ve Plan changed the land use d.esignatioD for this parcel from "Local. Retail Commercial" to "Office comaerelal-, and now requ1res that it be rezoned from C-) (CoJUlunlty CODercial) to C-l (Office Commercial) . The City Co_ission acknowledg.d that a court order and stipulation and a9reellent .x1st on this property (t.he Clty's Official Zonin9 Map contain. a ref.rence to the final judge..nt). since the circuastanc.s existing at the ti.e that this :oninQ wa. originally approved, .s well a.. the land us. r'QuIationa, have significantly changed, this .valua.tion should include a fOBal analysis ?f the subject property and land USa u.na.nt request pursua.nt to pertinent crlteri. llsted Within Section 9.e.? of AppendiX A, Zonin~, of the Code of Ordinanc... CONSYSTENCY WITH TNg COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City'. 1989 COllprebenalve plan inclUde. tbre. policie. tba.t addreas tbe issue of <::o_el'c1al land u.. and ar. listed .s tollows: 1 Policy 1 4.13 - Sub.equen~ to Plan adoption, ..tab11ah procedure. to provide that the City ahall oppo.. requests for chan;.. 1n land u.. which ara in conflict with the City of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach county Comprehenl1ve Plan. Policy 1 17 ] - Discourage additional comm.rcial and industrial uses beyond tho.. WhiCh are currently shown on the Future Land U8' Hap, exc.pt where access 1. qreatest anO impact on residenti.l land us.e are lea.t. Policy 1 19 6 - Subsequent to Plan adopt1on. ~o not Allow commercial acreaoe which 18 or.aeer than the de~and wh1ch has been projected, unle,' it can b. demonstrated that a particular property 1. unsuitable for other us.., or a geoqraphlc need exist. which cannot be fulfilled by .x1Jtinq commerCially-zoned property, or no other suitable property for a commercial use exists for which . ne.d can be demonstrated, and the commercial uae would comply with all other applicable comprehensive plan policie.. Th. future Idnd. use classification for this lit. 1s "Office commerc1al <t. 'thi. request would therefore b. tnconslltent with policy 1.4.13 .inee it would conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The ,ite i. located greater than on. mile from the near.st major l.ntersect1on, anet. in clo.. proximity to residential us.. with a low average de-ns1ty. ther.fore, this request 1s also 1nconsistent with Pollcy 1.17.1 .inee acees. would not be considered "qreatest"', nor would impact upon resid.ential uses be "least". Furthermore, the proposed amendment 1. inconsiatent with polley 1.1$1.6. As i.ndicat~cl in the comprehenaive Plan Future Land Use support DOCUment, A.ppendiX B. SupplY and Pemand for Commercial Land. a ~urplus of over 140 acres of commercial land for retail and other commercial uses i. projected at build-out (I.e Exhil::nt "B"). Al~hough the Future Land u.. support Document. Section VIII. Pro~lem. and Opportun1t1es. Planning Area €.h (Ie. Text Amendment below), 1nOlcate. that there will be a demand in the long-run for this commerc1al property, it 1. allo recommenaed that office use. would ~e more appropriate. based in part on the r~asons stated above. The analyai. of the .upplY and demand for cOlJimercial land supports this recotuum4ation throul}h the projected surplus of commercial land for office use wh1ch 11 85 acres les5 than the surplua projected for cOJlUJlerc1al land for retail and other commercial uses. Plannin9 Area S.h a1ao acknowledges the existence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 m1lea to the north and 1 1/2 milel to the south of the .ite. CONSISTENCY WITH THE ES~ABLISMEn LAND USE COMPATIBILITY WITH F.XTSTING AND FUTURE USES PROPERTIES PA'M'ERtl AND OF An.TA~rNT The predominant land U.I in this area 1. re.i4en~1al. and ccnsi8t& of the Hunter's Run PUI> Which abut. the .ite to the wt"st, and Chane.clair Villa.. The Hunter'. Run 'UD ha. a land cae designation of "Low Density Re.idential", and. Chanteclair Villa. ia d..ignated .s -High Density Re.idential-. R..a1n1n;: u~es w1thin this area lnclude Manor Care ACLF and Nur.ing Center. congress Avenue co.-unity park, and the WXlL Broadca.t1n9 Facility. Cognizant of the characteristiC' and i.pact. of th... existing uses, co.pared to the potential i.pacta qea.erat.~ by those uses l~tely to ~. developed witb1n the current and propoaed land use categories, the -Office Comaereial- land. U.. CAtegory would be the Dore sultable land u.. cate9ory. THE F.F'FEC'T OF C"HANGYNG CONDI'I'10NS At the t1.. when the property was ori9inally annex.d and ~oned. mini.al co...relal developaent had taken place wi thin thi. are. of the Clty. or along congress Avenue. SiDce that t1.., bow.ver. nuaerous ~str1p. coaaerei.l .bopping C~Qt.r. bav. b.~n coapl.t.d or .pproved. and .dallion.l parcell of propect: h6V~ b.pn ~--- .. c.__~ ------------ rec1a..ifled to allow develop..nt of ai_lIar co...reial u.... Aa stat.d above. the analysis of the aupply and de.and of c~.rc1al land for retall and other u... proj.cted a aurplu. Which .xc.e4. 140 acr!!.. Furthermore. sine. there currently exists shopping cent.rs located wlth1n 2 1/2 al1e. to the north. a04 1 1/2 a11e. to the .outh. it 1. unlikely that an hUII.aiate geographic ne.4 exl.t. for auch u.... R~ASONA1U.ENF.SS OF 'I"HE !II~AU': 01" THE PRoposr:n LAN" USE REL""ED TO THE N~F.n~ OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD ANn ~E CITY AS A WHOLE See "Cons1.tency With The l.tabl1ehed: Land U.f" Pattprn..." AVAILABILITY or SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CYTY FOR THE PROPOSED USE There currently exist. Available ,it.s within the C1ty that would permi t the development of uses allowed under the requested land use category and existing C-J zoning d1strict. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOHMENDATION~ From a planninq perspect1ve. 1t i. r.comm.nde~ that "Office Commercial" 1& now & IIore appropriate land u.e category than "Local Retail commerc1al." Th_ ball. for this recolllmendation 1. summarized as follows: a) The slte is located 1n clo._ proxim1ty to residential area. with a low Avera;_ f1enI1ty. The impact. of a land use perm1tte4 with1n the "Office Co~erc1al" cateqory would llkely impact upon the residential areal the l.ast, and wculd be more consi.t.nt with the adjacent u.e_; b) The analysis of the supply and dem&n4 of commercial land tor retail and other Ule, pro3eet. a .urplul of over 140 Acr.. at bUild-out. compared with A surplu. of 56 acre, projected for land. for offic. ule. In addit1on. the pres.nc. of shopping c.nt<<rs w1thin 2 1/2 m11.. and 1 1/2 a11.8 to the north an4 south. respect1vely. shoul~ prOVide for any specific qeoqraph1c need: c) Proper access, nam.ly an .ast-west thoroughfar.. to ..rv. the most intense d~v.lopm.nt allowed und.r the "Local R.tail commercial" land us. cat. gory 40.. not exilt at this lit.; cl) The comprehensive Plan r,colUl..nc!s this ait. to b. reclassif1ed to "Off1c. Coam.reiel- .nd rezoned to C-l (Office/Profe.sional). Furth.rmor., Compr.hen.iv. Plan Policy 1.4.13 at at.. that the City will oppole requ.st. for chan9.. in la.neS. use which arlll in confllct with the Clty's comprehensive Plan: and e) The condit1ons eXist1ng at the ti.. when the property was annexed and :on.d have chanv.4. since 19'2. numerous com.ercial develop..nta have b..n compl.ted Within the .rea. and add1tional pareelll of property bave b.en recla"1fied and/or rezoned to .llow for reta1l co..ercial d.velop..nt. ~REHENSIVE PLAN ~EXT AMF.NnMv.~ There 1. an obvious conflict betw..n tb. r..ult achieved by a planning rev1ew and the r.sult acbi.ved Wh.A the final Jud9...nt 10 applied, Tbat conflict .bould b. .ddr....d by tb. City Attorney. If -Local Retall Co...re1al- 1. d.t.rain.d to b. the leqally correct land us. cat.;ory for th18 .it., based on tbe underly1nq rinAl Judge.ent and Stipulation and Aqr....nt, a cozpr.hena1ve Plan text ...ndaeDt will b. requir.d 1n Addition to the Land U,. AIIendaent. The Co.preh.nsive Plan htul" Land U.. support Docuaent. Axe_ 8.h,. whleb i. on pa9' ,. ot the support DOCUaent. currently reAds a. follows: Are4 a.h. eo...relal Pare.} Fron~inG on ~onGr... ~y.~u. ~a.t ol Hunt:.r'. Run The &DAly.1. of the supply ~d de.and [or COL~.tclal .- ....,.- ~------' -,.~,-'-'- -----------------_.~ lan4 in the Clty lndicat.. that there Wll1 b. d.. and 1n the lonq-run for thil co..erelal property, which 1. currently 1n the Local Retail co...retal land u.. category an4 C-3 Community co...rcial zon1ng dlltr1ct. Th. 11t. 1. fairly well-buff.red fro. surrounding relidence., the clo..st of wh1ch Wl11 11. over 500 fe.t to the we.t. Th. int.rvening property 1. occupied by a lak. and golf cour... B.cau.. of the.. two factor.--th. long-run d..and for the commercial acreaQ' and the dlatance fro. existing and future residences, it 1. r.coma.nded that comm.rctal land Ule an4 zoning remaln. How.ver, du. to the low average den~lty of .urrounding re.ident1al proj.cta, the presence ~i shopping centera 2 1/2 ml1es to the north and 1 1/2 .11es to the .outh, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfar., thla site would b. .or. sultable for office u.e AS opposed to retail u.e. off1ee use WQuld also create fewer impacta on the adjacent P.V.D. and the C1ty park which 11.. to the north; therefore, lt 1. recommended that th1. parcel b. placed 1n the off1ee commercial land us. category. It 1s .1.0 recommended that buftering measures be employed 1n the development of :h1s property. including vegetative screen in; and directed light1ng. The amendment to the support Document should include the removal of te:<t that recommends th1s area to be cla.llfied. as Offiee Commercial, and the addition of text that provide. notice of the underlying court order, and stipulat10n and Agreement, whlch ~overns the %on1nq of th1s parcel. The amended text should read aa follows: AreA S.h. Ccmmer~ial Parcel Frontino on Conara~s Av.nue ~A~t of Hunt@r'~ Run The analys1. of the aupply and demand for commerc1al land in the City indicate. that there will b. d..and 1n the lonq-run for this com..re1al property, whlch 1s currently in the Local Retal1 commercial land u.. category and C-3 Community co..ercial zoning dl.trict. The 11t. 15 fairly well-bUffered from aurroundlnq residencel. the clos.st of whlch Wl11 li. over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property 18 occupi.d ~y a lake and golf <our.., .;t;.;;I;tlt~;;;lt~; t;tt;t;fft~;/~;n'ft.nl_;.;n_lt;tlt~;I;;..;t;t;~/;;t;;'; ;n_lt~;I_t;t;nt;ltt;.I;~t;ttn'l;n'lt.t.t;lt;;t_;n;;;1 ttlt;lti;;..in_;_lt~;tl;;..;t;t;~/~;n_I.;;I;;_lt;.t.. t;.;t.III";.i;itll_.ilt;lt~;/~;~II;;;t;'i/_;.;tt11;t ;.tt;..'t.'lt;;t_;;tt;l/~t;I;;t;llt~i/ft;;;.;;I;t ;~;;ft;'I;;;t;t'llllI11.tl;'lt;lt~;I.;tt.I;._llllI1 .tX;;lt;lt~;I;;.t~II;;_lt.;/X;;X/;tl;.I;;;tf.;;t t.;t;..~t;t;lltXt;l;tt;/~;.X_I>>;I_;t;I';tt~X;lt;t ;fft;;I;;;I;;I;ff;;;_lt;lt;t;tll;';'llettt;;I.;;/~;;l' ;l;;I;t;;t;lt;~;tlt.f;;t'I;.ltX;I'_I;;;.tl'I;I'II;n_ tX;lttttlf;tX/~Xt;.llt;;lt;ltXi/;;tt.llt.it;t;ti/lttlti t;;;..;._;_lt.;tlt~t'I;;tt;ll>>i/;X;;i_lt.lt.i/etftti t;..;ttt;~/l;.'I.'i/;;t;.;ttJ It 1. il'; raco...ndad that buffering aeaaure. b. ..ploy.a in the develop..nt of th1a property, inclUding vegetatlve acreening and dlrected lighting. Fur~h.r.or.. th. land us. and ~onina of this narc.! shall ~e.aln conBist.n~ with a st1oulation and aare@..nt that r..ult.d from a Drevtou. court. decision. Included within Exhibit -A- Are tb. Flnal Judg...nt for Actlon No. 13-519, Ord1nancea No. 73-1 and 13-11_ and other legal docuaents raferenced above and In tbe final JUdge.ent. It sbould be not~d thAt tbe Final Ju49...nt for Action No. 72-C-6624, wh1~b 1. refer.ncea in the attached r1nal Judge..nt. wa. not lnclu4ed due to it. 81a1lar1ty to tbe attacbed Final Judg...nt. . ."....-- -- -- ~- . P ARCELA THUNTERS 'RUN ,', o "" PU -- ,.. .--~~~~ --- --- ---............--- --- ZXJIIBl'1' -A- -Pinal Ju4g...n~ IAction No. 73-579) -Stipulation and Agr....nt -Ordinance No, 72-27 -Ordinance No. 73-7 -Ordinance No. 73-11 I ~- ~~ --'.-.---.- ; ! . - - .. = Q! :fi! . 'E! . " 1 I ,. t ." ~' i~ , t" ". ftlf:~', :. '.~ . " ~1'" :Itl ',' " --.... '. .--..... .. -=:...J. . ....{.. ,:~: 1M TIll ClRA:UtT 'cou:rr OI'''~ 'l.tlanTR IUDIC~'CI~ T IN AlII .OIL ,MIl . '&.GAIDA.. . t;.. . "-, .,...,.~. U. ..' ~ ., . .AI.lILAllI DSVlLOPIlIllT COr.roMtlOIl, . "';" i.:.-lOa, ~', 1 ' .. ..corpol'aUoa.. ., .' ',,~: .iri~-rI::L''',;. . '1.Jatifl, I. '1~."~~;o.~II'!' .yo' cm&. ACTIOII,IIII~:.~~~(LJ.OI.6"':'" . '~.'tl.__~J" CItY 0' IOTICtOIl nACH. FLORIDA, .' :<r..~i ' . Flori.. ..ld,.1. carpo..ati..t. __l . .. .!!l' .... THS PLANtIlKG -"I;D IOMUfG IOAJUt .. the ~..," w CITY O' 1O't1ff0Jll lUCK. ..umlDA, .. .1... .. all :t'<t~;a.: . Dof........ ,......: ill!~ ~,!' :!! _"",=ai'" " .- :. nnl~k\:' '~; !!! ~~';\,f"tf... -- fl~.J1IDGIl3llr ,,' -I' ,.~,"i.'" '. .~::::.= '1111' CAUS' I. 'of on '''0 ColIn __ ..."c,:.,l.ta. henla ...4 upOft tb. .tlp-..laU_.... A.I'....... ..~... .,. . the p.rtl.., throu.~ tk.l~ r..p.ctlye .tt.raer~ ~!ke;.~ .. '. ._.1.... . a'lpuSatlo. ... Air...... 1. a,tacb.' ....e'- .. aab1.I.~A ... S- . .. .... . lnc.oltporace' .1"t.. 8ft. ..4. . ,.rt .,'".&. ,1aa1 ~~ . 'De Cou.. fl.... fr.. tho .... '.1",1."" ... ~ll'''''"l'''-- , ,-" >, t~ Cation. .... te the coue "" c.....a 'Ila" orceR'"'"....,-ta ttlS. ... . . * ...... , .. actloft an4 Sa Ac\loA No. ,a.~-.'2. .~l'.""I""~'..ll~l Ordln~c' Ko. 11:-27'. co,., ttf vWu I.. &,c.c.c!lM ce:'~;" .U,~ioA . ' . . ...4 A.n...ft't ".'re1n aa4 ft't.' De ...~, C9~'''I.t w es.;.r of loynton ...dt. I.. pa..la, Orit.auc.. , ."., &:4 (11:J,1..~.J... It "ho..l" ... vb.rob, w '....rOl,..... ,.dUeI. Clltli....;;i'1~' .'re:.. PCI. In lalatellCe ct tMt tlu 01 tb P~I'P'.'f~~~:l~ti.~:..~,z..al ., :'W 1 ......~~~ .. t:.r. chp1c.4 ad t=-th.r ad.ta, ~I .f~t::."R~.-r~~' \~\~~ ~.. . ...to.. official. ot tho Cll, ~''''''_ 'Iluel>' ~"~ .~.~,~~' . ....l.. d...nl..U.... .. tho .....n' ......1;7 " ~'1t_10).' .,. a,,~t Corpol'&'Soa ,nil Cl,Cf.S.'lC&tiua u ~~ '~.;;'~lj,,:..o1.~. . . n.J7 ... 1;.1-.\ or ...1.M. CoIl........' f..~.r c:iS",~... u,. . ;";./,"~' " pc.n.ll' 1~ thalO lult. .1 ,. t"- ftJ.l'tt: ... o:-r.~....,~ n..;, .......!l. . IJ' .. '.. ." '.0 1.', """.....:~I""...... _taG p....l.lc...~ I" 'c.:~~s:.n_ . " ... *tt1 . to the Cc:z:,: ".., tho pc;rtl.. Jao,.,. acu c::uc& 1kt,~I!~~~ le04. bolo:; ,.~lcuI..l, ....dbel. '" ...u. 1.~2~"I.'\4. ~ '.. . ':.. - '::IJi~~' - -, . .. .:....,-:... .. ~~II:C'\" .-'\"-r,. .. .~ fa. .. ~ ,..~~' . " . ..J'......, "... .'.,. , ., . :"'t..,~ "~ ,::1 . ./ "',;'d '. ... .....:., . ..'It.... . . . ::)I'~ .. . &'3$39 - - I, .. ." .' ': .. , .. '" ,.'. . '. fi) ,&ibUllt .c. ------- ~ .- ,.. . . "- JIIIf --- -~------ l' 1-'1 , . ... . t,:. '. ",', . . t'. ",J ". . ').! "..;.1~\ .~.. ..~ J . ... _L......;..:...a .:, . } , ,I' " :.1 .~ t l :'! ~I 'I ," !, j:! . . .. , .. " = _. -- ---- ...at .. I.UovI' S.cclon ','TOVft.~lp .. S"ck, a.alo 41 ...t, on" tho .a.e ...t, . . .,.",,~ to .f Stet loa 1. ~.Vft.hl. 4' IouCh[, . .'.fO 41 ...t, to,. tkr.. pcr~. I Oft t~. . ,~~. per phor,. .f tbo ...t ...If .f 'oeU. l,.! ,.".:;-',.. --t ~o"'.Un. .,pro.lu'el, " acr... . . f";~~l"" l, vera ... are ..1141, annoxa4 lat. ,.. Clt,..f.~lft\~~~':. b, tho ..t. Grit_aBc. 71..27 ... fl... CUI t..,.'~a1~r~~;~:r,,~ l!....~<liI.~'(t. .oU41,. .on.a.7 th~ aall Ol'.t...__. ne'~,,~~ -\~_.\\~ . ... SA Cho ,.&1" "1'.lnMco Sa adr. ,arU_l&..S.,. .... ftC ,~....",~~,: I raler.ace to tbat Ca,.t:aLR Jl~'" ,Sa. ....fl~~~.:~r.(,~$. I~..' i. attach.. ..I'oto .. Ixhl_lt I ... ~. a .....~ ~~Tl,. ..;rL ...~ ~'l'c~lI al lMlcat.. 0. the .at" "P.. '" ......."'.r.. tIf:. ~~~tr!JM: .a14 Ordlnaaca 11,-11 &ft. al'. .... ..U.l,. IOII...J"\'.U".I\::.~ .. 0", l\'~.:) ." ,arcehl 1.1.1.....1....7. . . are I_M al...4~'\\.:.~.. . . . " ...In_,;6r!t . 'ucel.. .,ll,11,1',U,14,U,I..... .," .'. "', '. .... . ,.... t.rt.. ,.;u,}I&1<f,,4 2~ .,.. .... _ ~... '; . , ' . " :'~~S"1-~~~). ,arc.l.. 17.1',liA,JI," &... ...... C-. ('t!;;" ''''~;.,: : I . to" .""~ )..00 'ared" I' .... 10 ar. ..... c.a . " :~.:' ......~:,~l:., The ~'u't funJa..i- II". C.... ....~.dl. ....tau.. <iJf;~~~.' . . I . Jt~"w.JI".f . non. PalDl'" Dqo1.,.,...c c......u... j.'"U.,~,'!I''''~~'''- Ordinanc., 4S. ,v~I'~tl.117 Ck..,. a"~. '''It!..~'t~~*'4~~ ~~- , .", ''''''t' ,,~,... tuZ'. .f 1=1 of AOA.", The Court hnMI''''!&U:''' ,M"-" ~.. D,y.lo :.nt Cor D:"aU01l .1. &ce:oriaace "1* 'W'h.J. Se t_ Int A 1'..:tln't 11 .:tUtt.. to 'on1 t r. CAe. with t;hl ,'ov. 10:11n clu.lf t!. .~ tlov'I:1t.~. 1.72. c::co,t &. boOf.tuh~ tlll!t"Z'::~' clons .~sl1 .. .tf.c.".... '" paW..." 'laclli;lI. . , . . '": ;\olD: l'.sttl~:lV. co..aD.;' t. nzD vld tie lea4.tl"l~i-~~.. ...... I' follWl1 -1-" '''',!i'' ~t-"l\~ ".._ '. ic) P.bl... "Ul ...' .....c""" rIA;'-, . ' I- r.old.n.l.l Cvollln. CDlcs .D ... 1.... ....~ .. an4 o:l th. 'cra (10) "1'.' .f "c..', J.&a4-."~~.~, """:'~ . .....~ .. 'Jl"\l ......1.' .' . '.~:""J'". ' '. ~ ;',' ~ ., '~"\i" ',:-:-: . ~.' ,:'1' . . 7'. ~.::-.~.~" ;-."1 . ~ .. 'arc_l 2S. .. .. _W':2~ 1:.:1 "- - - .a- - - '2 Sllblbl t. 'C. . I - - .- -- ---~ -~,,-~"-' Cb)' r*l~!.ftd Mill const'uct onlr one- .,." Itructur.. on '.~ccl. 1,2,S, .n. t. (c) In a4!ltloft c. tbe 1,700 r~J14.acl.1 ~v.lll.1 uftlt. reterr.. C. In p.raCtaph 'U_-(&) ..owe. 'alalGn4 will construct & ~xlau: of tvo hua.~e4 (20D) cote' or hoce' ~ont.l rooa. o. ,.".1 %Z, to.ethat vith .11 acce>>'ory u... lncl~.ftt&l therelD. ." (4) 'ala10.,,4 vlll restrict Ihe us.. of Parcell' an4 10 by dlalnaUft. t.he fol1ovlnl peraLne. ..... "1\4... the . aboy. ~,.crlb.. Ion In. classifications, C.J Anle.l bo.pitatl vh.. all IctlyJet.. .r. c.n~uct.. witht. the 'uLl41Aa Shops for painter., plu=bert, p.per han.era. ' .1.ccrlclAn.,u~~ollt.T'r' &ft4 .~be7 of . si~11~r natur.. Ouc~oor Itoras_ y.rd. are perattt.. vhea ccce..ory ,. the .~ove ~'.'l ,rovS'.4 all .~!~- Gene and A.~ch&n. I. are .acl~I.4 '~~ln4 . .creen con.l'Cl~, of pl~tl~:~ OT a clos.' or ..~1.cloJ.4 t1'. I.ace nos ~... &h~~ flv. t.cc in hGi~t_ NO~llo bo~. .alo.. u..t CAr ton. ':&TChl)~scs, vhide",1. co=':"c~::.1 c:s:=.lI. llsh:l~nt.. ' R..lt.~tlal u.~,. c.t ao&r~lnB cr.4 r~c:!n~ h:u:cs. ':o:"tu;::y. no.14c~~lol u.... (~) P.l:1~n~ ~111 cn:~r t~:o ~ C?tto~ ~o C'3- ~cy ~i~;1 (60) &~r~1 D~t. or lesl to n3~~\Y JlJ~~ for ~. c~ly .s . coIf COUfl.. S~Ul. D!LnAY C;J::iS 1Fdrcls. Ii'. C?:I~. thon "UI bo no core t.h=n ISSO rc=Ucn;IAl ~;oUl:.: el:'"; C:\ "~2 1~n~5 ,ho~ O~ E=ht~lt Me". . .3- .. .. ~:.5a ,...:1 - - ~ 3 - ---.~ :1';"1:41 : .'.." :"P']J-' ....:. ..~~.~.. ...;;.:::;,."\.. Exhibit: .C. . - - ; -- I , " . ~r . ~ .' ,. ; ., 'J, . t l \\ ~ , ~. f ~ ;:-- - :"\ '~l \.:i! ...., Jr' f.,,' '''i ; .'. i. l , i . ! t- . r. f. . . ~ .': ,:",. ,. " .. ....1: a~ ::f ":"'.4 ----------------- . '. ~. eo... (...b.. (104, tbat .a.4 ,elp.18tl.. aft. Acro~.ft' cent.la, further ICroca..tl '.tw,,. t" ,arlS.. an. .,...ncan, '.,v..n <1\0 cn, of ..,..... ...elI ... '8lal_ D".,olDpt:1.nc Corpol'aUon "1:,, ,.'e.aftc. '0 .h. ..,..1.....' of ch. ,:'" 11..4., vhle" .'2'I.II.nu the Court f1ll.. CO .. 'I".......,s. ,n. pro,ef'. -It i., ".rlllore, OlllEUD ""D ADJUDGlD .. lon....' 1. That ca't.ln Or'ln04c, tnlct.. ., the ~it1 0' loynton I..~h Oft Hoy.a~.r 7, 1912. ..JII, Or41ftaace .0. 72-11 is . vall' .xllel.. oraln.ncl o( the C117 of '~t.. ...~. 2. nat 'the hrutt aor., ,_nlntarl,. ...c'I'I.... b.r.I".~oY' ware an' ar. .111411 Inn.x.' tat. ". CltF of '01ft~ ..acb .n' .,. . p.'I .f tho cualclpal1ty .f the Cl~ ., aoraco. '..ch_ -,', s. Tha, the I.ftlnl cla.,lllcltl... .. ,~ ..14 S.... Is now .n' h.. ,..ft tinct Nov.a'.r 't 1.,a II '.11"~1 Parc,l., 1.2,),4,1,1,1.4 . ar. Jon.. JJ-A '.,c.l., ',10,ll,12.1S,S4,ll,l' aa& J:S .af. .on.. AlA ::1' , L"~C'l.t 17. II, llA. 22, Z4 .r. a~ C.J '.rc.llt II , 20 .r. 10ft.. C-I Th. pat.c. nw:.b.fI h.,.,b.c.~o.. ,.Ion,' C. &a.4 Ut. c:t. J..ol'ol:=Re . wef.rr.' :~.~. ..'In.ical.. aD 10.. '1&8 13101. &t~~~.. '.ro:. a. !xhtbi~ . en. ~:~. . P~~\ h.~oof. 4. fhll' u... pnc.hnd whhlS1 tho &Gob: clft..U't"Uc=.a h'l'.lna~=v. ref.rr... t. slld1 .. al 'Ii., wore la 1:0"=-1', 1171 unc!..r ;~. lp.,l1c&~l'. I.anlft' or4l1Duc.. of U. Cltr .f 101A;OZl ...ch, IX:.;t al '.110w't (&) ,.1:11&11..' vlll ao, coa.UU'CI con ,,= ',700 r,..ido:\'thl thre1UDI u.nh. oa cta( t.... korolD...... 4e.c~It... I. -4- "- " W;2l59 r::I " 4 - . -. ". ' ','10' ::~.; :..... :d .~ :-Iff ,!,t, t'Ui ;'1;" ;.(1,: .;J,i~ '\"r..: ';.,;( 4.;,'" :~;..:.. ;;'" 'J....:.,. ....... ,~~ ~ ~tt ~J; m ;l}r, ....t.::l. i~' I~l~ j~~,~ ~ " ..' '. 11 ~: .'fj,' i').t.: Mf:,: .t~f}t.. ',Yt" ,~,~..'; .~, t.....,,-... ~j:i. I..... -,'" I , Exltlbl t .C. [------ . :. .. , .. .. .. .,' ~ ~. ~"t\ e)o_'" ._ ~l.. ... ..... ~.. . . 't'.. . " ".........._...-~ ~c_. _____- ! .... <. ... Oft t.. c.. (10) ~cr.. .f "COUftty lan'-, ohOWft oa l.hl~L: -.- a. '.rcel IS. (" '8'.11.. viii con.truct .ftly Oft.. _tory ItrvcC.~.' Oft P.~c.l' 1.2,3. .ft4 4. (e) In "41l1on to tho .,700,r..14~tlal 4wolll.; lUllu nl.,!'.. to tl) pa.."rapfl. lub-(a). ..OY.. '.laJ.an.ll.....Ul coa... .trues . a..l.u. of tvo hun4r.' (ZOO) GOtel or hotol r.ntal ~D. o~ P.~c.l %2, tOI.th.~ with .11 &CC.$IOry .... lneltafttal 'h.1'.~o. (4) 'alai an' will r..trlcl C" .... of 'areal 11 and %0 ., ell.tn.eiR, the follOWS., ,.ratt'.. as.. aft'.r tbe above 4.,crl\.4 10Dln, cl.,.l'lclllo.,s C.2' Aai=al bo.plcaS. vb.. 811 .c~lYic1.. 81'& coftducc.' vlCkla ~ ~ul14ta.. $hop. for ,alacer,( pl.aber., ,.por .....?. .1.ctrlct.~., vphO .t.~.r. In4 .ch.~ ' ., . alDl1ar .acur.. Qut~oor ator&.. yar.. are pereltc.. ~.. acc...or" c. the above ~.... pro.l... III .qul,Q.ac .n. Q.~cb.n'l'e .,. .nclo..' b.bl.. & .cr... COba'.lint .f plCAtlac. .~ a clos.. or 4'01-, 0... type fence .., 1... . than fhe f..c lit, h.lpc... . Nobll. ho=. ..1e.. Un. car loti. ..~.~ous.t, vbo1...l. co~.rela' ..,.,. UtM.ntl. . R.II'.nelal ~.... '- C.l ..Ir.i.. .ft. rooaln. ~.... s.:o:nuGrr. koal4eaclal u.... (al 'lla1&8' .11111 'AlGI' la,o _ O)tlaa c. ctA- - , V'Y s1:ny (60) aCT" DOr' or 1... Co DIU;AT D7'~ for UI' oa1.y a. . ,~lf COUTI', Sho~l. >>ELlAY ~ e..~l.. i:-. .,tl.-. th.:. vitl b. ao core tb.. 6SS0 r..14oAti&1 tv.lll~ UAlts om t~~ la~!$ SbOWA.O_ Exbl~lt "&ft. .. '. . ~ A~ -'T'_- -s- ..... \ill t :; f' ~ ',. .. ~~4. .. " .'#', "''1.. . ... .. i.... ~,. ~~, .~ "'-.M......: ..:4: ~.;': ;..... . .'4,'. ;~. ~ ~ _0 " - 11-r:.2159 let 5 . I:xblbll, .C" ----~ r ,~ :Ii ~ j; Ij;~ '. ". " ~t i~ '., .r.;. ':t~ ,.. '. ;.., --------- -----------~ " Palata", Det-.._pac.' co,.,.raelM .. r.....he. co .~.C1:II. &a4 cau,. to ,~ ,laceA .f ttCOT', COW.Aaat. ~ala. witb cho laa6 accoa,11.hlw, Ih. r'IITtetloas .t ~.'.~re4 co ., P4r.,~?~ . herdn. I. '''at t.'. ,."tle. "'nto an nqal.nll C. coc;t'lr with e.ch. .~. 0""1'7 'l'OYldo. of the SCl,uladllA ... Ac"eeame. aceach.. ..reco ca' D&'. . p.%t h.r.oe. Tho oallsloft. ., t.. .' Cout't. 0' aft' .!OYhlo. .f th. J.14 IUpulacla u& A,I"ce.... .balt no~ op.rat. co 1...... the .ffect .f '.1. Ol'.o~ l.corp~r. atinl tho .al' SUpulnlon u4 A.re....i, .01' 10"..D tlte .t!.C& , . 01 thl. Court., Or'.r r.qulrlDI th. pal':S., CO ,.rfOrD 1_ .ccor~anc. wlth tbe ,at4 Stlpalatton aA4Asree=enc. 6. n. CO\I1't .hal1 Tnala J.d.t1c.~llft1 .f t1II1. eaus. for the p..r,.... .tat.. 1n Par"ra,h Ko. S 10 *h. 1..t eo~,l.t. p.r..raph .. .... . 0' tho ..t4 ItlpuJAtloa ea. Aln~ftt.. - IlONa AND OJU)!UD 1a 0.0..... ,,,t.. It> "7 ~. 1.73.. l'" ;..~- " , 'f d1. (#4tiJ'tB7:~.r;':S Coptca turn1.h.. to: CeOYI* !.. Ad.cs,E.~.. . AD)J;;.5t ~n.:~'" , CC:IJi'i" Suit. ,:g-H.r~for~ lul1~ln. Otlcn!a. .lorI4& JZtOl I~r.~st G. 11CGAl e.q. ~ ,. ':O,:,t3...t flnh Avenue I Delr.y S..ch. 'lortd. 3J'.. , '; 'nte:-14 I. E~l~!n:a~:--:~. accttf'J.J. ..:. ':1 p~ 1~.~lc~a ~u~lt~~: ;.~Jv. \taU 'cla :'o.c.h. P"1.o:::'La J3.eCl . t:uuc..., :. ::'r!:1o. ..q. HA!ULTO:::,.1~:SS. ;3r..~ . nr-r.~ ""';"'..r. Suite I. OCIL1 Pl_:. ~._~ .. lo:rato:& ..~C". 'lorl40. S3US . " .' .. . . lW!159 I:tt 6 - - - . . , '. r-""," .;.. ;. '. ~ . --,!~...&:...; \ ". ,~ ....... '{i...1 " ~ . . ....~(~. !: .....:-1\:;' ~#<;l\~~1 ~ .~)~~~~J4tlJ Zx!.lblt. .C. ['" .' < . .... ,~';' ..... ~~. .. ~..:..~... ..... ...~. ... _"'.... -L. ;....~~;I. . .... ..~\.. . . .. ' -~-~- -' .~:. _.'W1t:~ J!...... ~j ...~!I .; i, r; " j '., " " ", '; >', .~t, ;.:: '( :t.: ;! " ':t" }\'":. ; ;, " .' >: -- '. " , t !';. 1 . ) .~;~ -.,:"';"---- -_.- ~ ._, .,-+ c~. l",'~~' . .,~ 1 ~f~l'\ .r~.. ,r~~ 4.~~'_~'. ~f.~r~ :jJ"~ :~:.~ ',;Ii"} ~~E" ''"k ' ..-i1'. '~'" ~,f" fit ~li~ :'~t~~... ..').1".: !"":l. ..~.':~: ~~~~. ~f t~ ,~. ;}t" ,~ ~: ,?/it , , STIPULATION A/lll AGllEElII!ln' WHEIIAS, . C~~~~iD lult i. DO. pon41A& in th. Cireui t Court of the FUt"celltb Judlc1.a.J. Clrcult of Pol. ..acla COWlty, Florida. vhndD M. nab_" ",o1mstoa.. Clarence q. ~on..,' Dorothy A. Robert., Dav!' r~~.rcs. I!IIU7 M. .Jack.oA, and "UU.. C. SextOIl cre Plah,~iff. Gel the City of Boyatoft ".ch. a Flodda Kvn:lclpa1 CorpG1''"' at-ton &.'ul. '.111:1an. D.Y.lo~t CorporaUolll. a corpor4t.10A, U'ei D.fan4aAlj, ..la, ca.. MO. 12-C."Z. &ad 1fH'E2IAS. . ""ala clYU act:loft k.. .... fil.. In tb. CIrcuit Court of tb. Flft...th ~cl.1 Ctrcul~ rala Beach. County. PlorUa, 'Wheftb '.1a1ucS 1?enlop&eft.C . Corporatloft b .lalnUff .. tu Cit7 of 101'lltOll ...cJt.. a cnmldpa1 corpOI'.~:lCJII aa4 3... "nott al'. J>etndADt".,.- bolD, ChU Actloa No. 71-511 CA(L) 01 aa4 WHlIJ!A5. . c::.rui~ c::i.ll actlOQ b... IN.. fU.4 1a t.he Circuit Court of the F1fue.cJi .Jv41dll1 Circuit 'ala S..dl CoUDt)". 'Flor!<<. ,,".rela 'a1.D1a4 Ihmtlopea& Corporatloa. a CQ90iatloa, 18 'la1atUf aM tll. Clt.y of aoyntcm ...ch. PlorlA, . '10'1'14& aaalcJ;al COJ'lllon.ttoa; n.. Plana.laa an4 %OsUAC )oar'.' en City of loyzleOA. leacIl. bUy H. Jacboa; Joe h'l.oAI. 'one.' I.: V&11ue. Ca:'f14 , ' Itoberu. Ed"."" P. Kan:rnla.;. Raben 01". I1dlard. "Utll1., _ NarU)"tl Huckle. Loroa alac.bter. Albert ,,"chrol:': 'retS .to.CUT &l!-d. OrJ'ls Waner aro Oofo,,4ut.l. HID' CivU, Actloa No. 73-$79 CA(L) 01, aa4 ~tEAs. . c.~t.1A civil actloa baa \oea fl1e4 1m tbe Cl~c~lt Court..f the Flfteentb Ju4lcl~1 C'~lt. . . -1; -. .' . &~S"lll:l 7 ~. .:\ ..,.'.,', ,"y::-. .'1'N" ~ .....~l. ""~"",~,,.: "?.r:1 ' :.~"'''1,' ~..!i~.:....<;f. .. :c."1~~'~~~~,,_.'~~~~ \...~ .- .~...' ~.; - ~'':=i~ . . ~-::t.. '.w~T~. . ~.:t $..... ...:;::~~...:..~~~r....' Exhlbl t.C" . -- _ ~~ .........---._v h I :, II i. . I I. " ::. ..1 ------------- --------- ': '. -:~. ".,m ~ii3 !:\~ .;~ d ;,:f :] .,j \ '", , . ! , " '......, - ( ( . P.l~ 'e.~ (OUder. Florida, Wh.r.in 'at_1Aftd D...lop..ft~ Corpor.'1on, a corporation, is 'lalntlff an' Robert 014.. Rlcbar. V..tine, Marl1,n fCu,kl., Loron 8Iack<<tar. Col. Alb.~ WebreU, 're4 kostner, Orrl. .dbr, laily M~ .rack.o... .Joe DaLoft', 'wrrast L. Wallace, DayS. Roborta, IdwmT4 ,. HaTDODla.. H. .obert :louston. Clar."c:.. Q. JOA.., Do1"Otbr A. Itc~..,.t. . .zuS 111111_ c. Sexton. &1'. D.t.,.AaAta. balDI ClvU ActlO1l No, 1J-SIO-CA(L) 01 ..4 WHEUAS. .ach of the partle. tv no alOY. ....crlb" chll acUo". now pnAlal 1. tJa. Clr<ult Court of the 'Uce.tath J'u4.lela1 Clrca.lt. 01 ..1. ".eIl CoUlltJ'.. '101"14., clo.he 'to ..leul1 ,<<ule ..ch of the ..14 actloAs .... WKIUAS, it Sa INtuaUy &11'''' .... 1Ia4entood. that tt.e elt.y COUllcl1 o.f t1a. Clty of BoJ1ltoa. ..ach ,u." .. Or41au.c. p tile .acon' .... fbel r...l~. OA Jlo........y '. 1.t7Z. belD' Or4iaaace Mo. 12-21, . copt ot ,he ..140~.lD&ftc. 1. attache' b.~to aa4 .&4. . pare .'1"01, ... 'WHIUAS, 'the ..&U'I'1 01 th. .al40rdluac. is 11l lu". in at lean. OIl' .f lll. t.1lcw. .tr'1- clvU, actions ..4 IH!UAS, diven 41.,,,..&. aA4 41ft.nlle.. ..... as'l.a.. It.tw... \he pant.. ...,.,to I"C&r4Su,.a to Y&1141t.T of aDd the propdety of the SOld!" .. tbo.. c.nda l&a4a. ine-lv.d... 1D the 1.14 Ot'41uac., . DOre partlaa1" .script-loA: of vblr:h la C& follOWSl S.ctlou ., Towuhlp 46 Sw:h, l.&Dr.e 4J 14&t. a4 tJae n='I' half of Section 1. t'ova.shlp 46 5OUc.ll[ . R.n:e. 'Z h.at;, 10" tb.reo p.rc:o , _ the pOl'lphery of tbe ...t h~lf of S.c:tloD 1. lat~lD. approxla&tell ZQ cere.. .. , ..,4. WUEAS. cartal.Or4tau", ".ro ,uua 'y c.he City of loyatoa 1oc.C.JI;. boine OC'41DUtU Ito. 1J-7 aut 7J-l.l .. -2- ~~~5911i! 8 "..'1 . ~~'. ."'" . .' ". . . :;.; ~"-e-2:"~~-:\""i ~. t".....~ '. .. ". ..... " ~;;,;.~. ~ . . 1-" ...; ~ . .-...,. .. ''t!' f"'~" . ..... :. ..~ ;;~.,.;.~::~:!;:"~~ SXhU.h .c. .' , _. ~---------- <. ( purporte. to ck.a~. the UI.. p.~ltt.4 S. Y~rlau. aonln. ct...lfle.tioal ua4.~ tbe Zoala. Cod. 01 the City .f IOYAton 'each and a 4bp"t.. )aa. arb.. .... 1. .....c.lu404 In che *IJOY. .cyle4 ciyll acUou re,ar4lul the ,.lUle,. 01 .&14 ch&ftl.' a. ~h.,. .,plT to. tb. 1..... berolauove 40'1:1"1"". a4 1IKIUAS, the Clty of loyntOIl '.ada, ba. r.tu... II' l..u. ..'~114i~. p.~lt for 804.1. preYlou.ly reque.t... br Palal.', *'" WJmlt.IA.S, the partl.. hereto. .. & port of the ..Ulll_at 01 tb. nrlov.s d,vU actlcms no>> pell_4ln.. 4..11'8 to .aka conal. .ar.....I. ro..r41J&a .tn.U to ,. con.... .tl'Ucte4 on the 1.14 lan'. waste ".t.~ 41.t:.l'lblltlOA .,..t._. "a'''' 'latrlbQ'tloa qat..., to ,. "cOn.ltnet" all ..14 bDc1. vator t~..t.eal ,1eat. eA4 ...to .ater t~.taeDt ,1aata co 'be C:Oft.~'I'\1.c:t.' era .&14 1...... _C t~. ..... ...4 ~Oft~ of ~h. "at4 llUl..t... It b, thaT.fore. SUpt.,.. a4 Am" a. fo110"..' 1. It is ..ip..1.... .... .'- ~I' ...4 ~.. twe.a. tlL. ,_-rd.. heT'eco ,hat: D&t. canaIa Q-"'-~"'" ~ 0Wf........ 110. IT-%T, ._0. .. 0_..... f~ ..&41q l>I' the CUy 4=o~c;l1 of Boyn.t~ leada _ JIoftIItI'er 1. 1$1172. 1. a van4 .t~..-~, th,. 1IoU" aa4 tb pnpose4 Or""~. au.uhe4 hento ca.4 ..~ . ,a" b.no' U bk11d:c "A-. v..' pt.Us1L... b 'th~ loyatOft ".elI 11.". J'01I1"B&1 OR S.,tea1rft' 14. 1:", 21 u,4 Oct.olJ.1' 5, 11n. 11LI.~ ~~ .... ... .taut. lza .&14' NotIce, a .M..ter 0..,.10pu,,& Nap u4 Ilte riD shosdAa ~. lonl'A, OT' PTOPO.... l0A1..... of the ,",ere7 'CO ,. aune4 aa4 s.m.4 1.a. 'the aa14 Ol'41nDce _ Ute ia u. offlee of the City . H.1la18.... ill the Clt7 bl1 of Soy8J;oa a.&c!a. '~0r1"'. Z. It is SUp..h....... Aar_ tIla. r.llIl""~ _1.....' DeAt CorpoJOldoa .14, after tJuI ..actDeat of oi--aiUll" .. 72..27 .u.4 ift r.UlUlc:e tbenoa, .xp..... tar:o .... of aour f~"9 r.% 9 -1. Exb1bl t . .C'! '. - - '. -'~ .,.-~---- 1. :' r-'~, ~ { . ; i \, .' , r ~ rir ~ ."; . j, .':- , .In the purcba.. of. aft. the .eY.lo~~n' .f, those 1.... "oraSft.boy. ...cd'... .Auache. h.nt. an. swle a ,art: Mroot'. h . pia' 01' ..p lft.scd1t.. III tile _raIA. ,h.. '1... ICo. 73501. .aTko. IxhU.it "I" ... lAcorporate4 1. an' aa4e . part h.,..o'. n. sa14 Pl.t Illes.lpat.. th. .,.rlou.t pareel. of laDa ~ l\uabel'. It ta specificaU, ,.are.. lllac. the pal'cota of 1~ are aow, an' w.~ I_ JfoYeaber of It72. 10ft.' .. follows: parcela: 1.2.3,.,5,6.7. . . .~ Zon.a lZ-A '.rcels: .,10,11,12.13,14,lS.11.ca4 zs Dr. lone4 1UA 'arceb: 11., II, llA..2%, 24 .1'. JPltH C..l 'arcehl,l' . 20 are aon" C-2 It 1. lurchn _SUd tha. tllo ..14 'Q'Cda :;ay ,. ..velope. 10 accol'4uce wlt'- tba ..14 .on1DI classlflcation.. as uey ..:I1~t.' OJII '&110 .ffactin "t. of or.1uAce h. 12-27 except.... h1troJAatler Ualte4a . , (a) ,a1ll11114 "Ul .... eoaatnct .... thaa .,fOG r..i...I1'Cia:L ~l1lq wi'. ... dLe 1... Mn1=~ ".aC1'lb" aa4 OD dw 'Co. (10) acr.. of ..c~'C11aa.... .~ 011 ZXhU.it. "r a. Pa~l JS. 'I . (\) ,a1a1a4 "Ul CGIlnract 0,=,17 O:l~" .' I .tor,y 'crUct~ro' ~ P.~coll 1,2,', an4.: ! (el ta a44h1... to tha '.7~a n~lt""Uu1 oba111~:I URits Teflrre4 to 11& paru.arapJa .g.(~) u~o. r&1:s1=4 "Ul c:=n:nc't . . aul=wa of two hUll4rtd, (200) _tol OJ' ~iQ:l r~ft~a1 :'O~ O~ ~ ' . Par<<l U. ta:!.~.l' w1n All acconor)' U;.. 1D~~4='U1 thn>>'to. (4) '.1::a1:ua4 will roatrict tho au.. .f 'PaTe.1 l' , and 20 b1 el1ulDatlft. the lollowla3 per=1ti04 u... ~~ che . . \ ( " ~ : ~, " . -4- 1:19'''9 Il2 10 ~~.. '~':;';~' '.:.~~~ " I..~..... ..~~~. , & ~~. ; l~.' .,.-..:..!~ ..f .' SXblbl ~ .c. i . ~, ' " .~ j...: ~. . ..f....... ... .......-_.~~.,,~_ _A..: ? ""-- . ----~ -,-~- l , , . . . 1. '. .' ii- , ::; .' " "... -.. 7S" --,- h..---=- ' \ ( , ..O~ ..,crib" Jonlft' classification.: C-Z An.....1. _,IUI. wll.. &11 actlY':lth, are conduce.. .ithl. (be ~ulldl~.. Shop, for painters. ,1U11bar., p.:apel" ......n. eloC1;rlc1aA', upholsterer. azul otbor of . .1I1U&1' aa'~.. Ou.t400l' Itorale yard. ara 'paralIC.. .... .cc...ory t.o th. .bon tilUIi. prOYld.. all ....ulp. ..a& u4 IHRUud I. are ."cloaM be"iIhl . acne. ccma1Ulaa of plu:tll1&' or .. c10." 01' ,..u-cloaa. tn_ f.~ .ot 1... lbaa 'lYe f..t 1_ ~l&bt. *taU. a.o.. ...lAl. VI" ca. lot.. .a.,..""." wal..al. COIlDe'tClal ..t&b- 111...u. ..a1'nt1a1 usa.. C-l B.lr4Ja, ... ~1~1 ....... Mo1"t_17_ .0'1""1.1 ..... Ce) hI.'''' .dl1 atn lat. .. OPeloa to coa- v.,. .lacy (60) aen. IaIne or 1... to Dl'1.AA.'f IIUXIS IN' ... oaly a. _, ,all cour... Aotll. >>IJ.U,Y DUQI Q.rei.. It.'a .lcpn, there vill ,. .0 "1". tbaa ~SSO re.14.atiol ...11laa ua!tl oa the , hob 0_ 011 bIal~U "'"., (I) T. .cco:l;>Uoll tIlo all.... 1 tr.u .. on I...oll 10 oult-p...snp!'& (.) th....;lla (0). '~1:>1=4 11111 c..... n.~dctl.,. coyu..e. to b. i.cont.d. "UeIl C8"r'OIIAt. .hall 1"Q. vIe," ta 1_ to proun tho chi:.... .llloyot... '.OQ =4 tIl.,. .. bUh,. ~.I'.. \hat '"'lb. ..1. COl'GaU "CJ:l.. 4Il!-fon... )~ the Clq of IOTAtoa ...ch .. proY14e4 '7 Sev. :I. '.lAl.... will ~lcat.. .... tIl. Cl'f "111 aceop'. ~ -,. il.'\I)1~ lOll 11 Ib!UllU: .C. ~'.H"'. .,:.. 0# .&.... ............ . ....,..~.,....~:. ~~...... I.:.)-..~....t t!' ... ....... "-, .. ~.'" a_. -~---_.~ : - , J' .'" . . ~':' ,; ;~~.r. ''''?'ti.i- r'~l;~; .....::-.-. . K-:) ~U~. ~1:~ ~:.~:..~ ~.~.,~:.~ ~~~. ~ ~:"f~: ~J'l!:!,', :1?ik":~ "l:i:' ..:t~..~ ';:rxi-.. f .~,:,J <t,l, ~' :~f I'" ~, ~ ,'i- " _.~----------~-~ --------- ., ", .!: 7{ 'I ! '{ " ~! ~ ". ( ( , . the .-I.pc".'..."ay for pubUC .'"aU as shown _ 10:14 PIa. 7.1501, attach.. hereto at Ixhllllt ..." ..4 ....... . p.,.1: tineof.. 'alalan' wl11 4esi;n .ft. co.. tract. at It', OXpOA'O. pUbliC atr..C' Oft the above rlsht...'.." 1A &ccord4ace with Chapler %S ., ,tile Co". of 1000000t.oa 1..dI. n. _illS=- widt!' .f the ,aS4 "41c.~.' pvlIUC n.,...u .!taU b. 24 I..e.. on. ,a14 pv.bl1c: slr..U sh.an be coannacto4 t.7 ..lat.... 1a phas.. as 'tJIe .ul>>Ject Ie'" are ....to,... hSltlYI nota 4T.b~l. vd,UtiDa ,i,.., CUl~.rc. OT 4itch.. fOT th~ .ald .treet. wllt .. ,roYi~ 1st. AceoI'4aa~' with accG1JUd. ...11lMl"i1l, ,racetas. n. Clty _ST... . to accept. chi ..t4 ~l1c .tnet. .... elLac ponto. of eu .1'.111.... l.proYni.Il~' r.~.t" thento 10' ..la.t'~Anc. all operatlOA "'poa the coapt.tleft a' Qitnvd of .amt. . 4. In a441~h. to dl. above t..crt:,.....OCU'c.t.. public .tr..C', P.ta1~' vll1 ...1:a aa4 c~trac' . ..,at.. of p'rlY4te Tollb. whig ,hdl,.. lItdl' '0 the Dla1:2a .peclfS.'" caUoftS u ..t fo'tt'" 1211 Cbopt.el' 2S, C04. of SoyntOQ ae&dt.. 1'o.~'lVO .toft 'nl.~I. '-:'111:1111"t,.., ~ftrt. 91' 4itche. .w111 .. ,ro...14.. .b 8Ccoft=" vUlL ~'37tl:t4 .aslr.2ol'lll1' ,r:lctlu. for ,.~. pd.~D"t. :roda. ~.1:11.mcl ,,111 :a~=la .dA. ptl....,. TO.'. GA. .bal:ase l:JJnn:aaU :01a-:04 ~.ant'O. n.. DalA ..type.. .lla1 41:2 coaat...,,"~ .0 as -:0 ..co:::ao4a~. lI..., 't.fn.. Ja ..wUS.... h=1 no4I _1:.1... =.4 to 41ft" COtlltt1lCUo:a .1.;2'81. Ira ~ ~l!c .:t.nOU 1. th~ project. s. n. C:U7 .f lIo11lt... Do.:::. =4 ~~~ :'.ft 411180&17 atto:pu4 ;0 4nl:"" .1. . ':2~0':'::'~:~ 'to .c.:t.a 'Tc~le:a ot furnl,lWla po't~l. vaUt' tot' 'CJl:t ~::~n ~oll'~~ ,~jK:'. t1w C!t7 h 4c.lrous 0: up~lnJ Ii's n~o'" ~=:2:\=n: t':dlltlcs 1.0 :lOn'O, I\ot OQ,17 Chanol' Iforl' INt. A441tl~1 :~':7 ::or:.u.. Pa1J:I14U I.. r.~7 &A4 Q10 to lucuS.latel, cO::::snco C=.1cr-A:i_ 0' ~I V4CO~ t~.t~uc f.cl1!~lQ.. 1a .t~~GS. :0 col=c!~ wt.~ it', - 4oyolop.:Mat 1'0t._. lll4:l'o~7 WII:'.b.:s tho ~-:t:11~11.It7 of fOcal. WI." ~""''''9 t:Ii M, - .e. " - ....-....,....- '. "--.:J ~ .. . , ' , \. -'~: ....;~... '.- ,~..,t::I...,,,, bh1blt; -c;_. ..:.....~~ . ~.. ~ ~ ..~~ ..~ . "",. ... '~- ----- --------._~-- -- -------- t .J ..21: .~; ..!...~ - ....... ." !:.. -~ ---------------- ~:~, .....'~ \7}. "i~ . t. '.r.j "I' ~<l ' ~. l,'tJ ':~'.: ;." " . ,;' :r, l:L ':.1, ---. ( ( : In .utflcteft' ,u.nCI~l.S ror It's ...4s, vl'hout excettlYe IAlclal .sp.n41tu~.. lor exc... trcacaeftl f,cillCY ca,aclty. Palal'.. 1. pr.YO~t.4 fr~ proYJ41~ls othor than Is .ca.o. colact41n. with It'. "yol0,...I, the entire cost of tb. u1e1..'. .ato. tTea~nt facility for _ th. enUr. project. n.. City 40.. not ~y. anUa1e, Oft luau. Iwnd. with w'lc~ to ,royld. expDD40' v.t.~ Cr..tooae t~c111tl.. aor ~. 1t den.Ul.,.1,. ,.tenlae' the 4l..!P, fwl41n.1 'O\irc.. u4 ~ .... COIIJI'hUcta at.. of ..t4 '.dUties. PatQlon4 au~t ta. al',",_ tba' ...IfJ.clen.C 4u:antlt1e. of ",..1U:YIf4UI' an ayal1l.'bl. to allow ue 1=-415'0 .tart :If 4.Y.l~n.t of ChArter tlor14 u,4 to aUow it to conti... tSltftlo1lDn' t:~C 1. oried)' 4ft4 soun4 eCaAoa.lcaU7_ . n. aboye proltlcs of t.'. C1ty all 01 1&1:11=4 are of .. .D'l.....I'1AI .,.4 tl.~"l .atuu 4n4 1'000'Ul..e la."~,,'t.' tKh:l.1cal . ~41y.i. for ult~Ce .o~~tlOft. 1ft oriel' CO ,.uo1" 1.1l1. U;t'CC of ~:1.0 .ll.,::~ bewooa u.. City 04 '~l:1:1&A4, ~2 par;:l:ts h~1":It.i11 4::::'12 ":~.1. ~...., Clt.::1::t1-nDI ...pn....tatlvtll. of U.O Clt7 &:\-1 of ,..1:11=4 ,:1:':' =c~.!.::oS1' co::,r . ..4 :::.ue ~1 :-0,.,...,.1, ~!fo':"::) 'l' en!":.J A~ ~ !~:' ~.z lHl!Il~~:'~ .oluUoa t~ .~1'illY14. l'1o~::)l" '";."':1':.:' to ~:.':'t:ll:" ::.;.:'1:1. n,.,.. 1. &1:10 Q 41~7-t:e oa tea> 1f~:~.?r c:::a.;:c:.::t~ c~:?':=J . Ih0l.l14 b. ,a14 -:Q~ C:ll:U:,);:~03 :.s to lnt2:1Q "t:~:~~c. .:!:.:SllU~:J. It Sa t~a s"cl11c ~:2At of t~o C~:~ r.:j '~GA4 ~t the lec:L~lcal ra,=c':n:~~!72~ vl1: ~-:1~t At- ~"2~~toa'~- Yltl:'l2: thO' n~c'2.s~rt ,o:~l:) ~.:A-:O:" tl3 C::.::::o,: ~;~=~'11 1:1 ~ -=2 .u:....U~los, :i~ OJ' Mot:.~ "::,,., ~~ t~I, ::J4 zs,: "2~ C"":;:11: tho :=~ :'~to of o::,ofuShu:,~ ~ P.1::.l~4 t::".lU bAn G:l'.d:'"\~D-:!' ~4 1t ....1::=" ~4 cOAStruc~~~ a f.c~ll:7 la ~t:~. :0 G,rv!c'.~~~r Uo~la. It. h furt:.:.2;: :;\~ =,:ciUc 1;1~:r.'l: tall;', -:~ 'Uc1ullc~ ~~:'~.. ..IlU.Uve3 11'111 .rrha 1:.: a aolu:!o:l :'~~r4!:S3 C1.po~l.de:l ~ tD c~n'ctloa (.,s; t"at la. tb~ full ,:I.)":USI.t.. po1:'thl ,oyant, Ol" valdA. lb._,eof .. to llltcrl::l '"at::ItA~ facl11 tl... -,- m21~ c:a ~ ....,... ~:"~.... .~~::r~~ . .....'...~.i. ,.:~ '..t \ '" SXhUol" .C. ...:......~ ,.' lS. .. ..~ ~.:~. -' ~ -- _....---- --~------ ~-_..__._. / .:, 1.-- -.' ::-; '-'" Ii:" ~:j !"; "=1 '. , tf " ~ -:,. ~', I OJ ---~-~ .. ( Suck .ol",l.,. _It 'J'o"'~. adequat.. ."ur:mc.I C. I.. CilY thaC 'al_lan. will \llli.at.lt ,.1y It'. pTO-r.ta ...ro ot the con ot .\le" 'rac1Utlu. Sue. lolaU. ..,t provlct. al!equace: ...ut.n~.' to '.tGI... ro:ar41n, lb. IVAI lability of pot#~lo water, both a. to qual1t1 .n4 quaDriC, .1 tiaes c.~t.ln, with p.,_ ..nt by 'al.laA to h ..l'tbin. It.. eccuIOlIlc pa'Z'UtOton .. a)..,.. .... crtbc4. 'urther, the .01utloa shall ,lye the Clt7 aD opel.A vho".r it' cOIll, .JoCt t.o hay. hl.lu4 ...1.. and coa.st.ruc't . '.1'!'3"O"t facUity ...Jd.dl wo\l14 beep. tho pt'Operty of Ute CU7_, n. 'Glutloll ,ball al.,.o 'al:1an4 t.he optlo~ to ...I:n aad COft$t~ct. accordJu3 to tho studarel, of .U apPUC:<J.'bl. ,ovoJ1llHJlttll alon-clo. 01" hoelle. All" ln~ludJn& the requireD.nt. of the City Cod. of Boynton leach. a tntarill wuor tr..Uli.:)~ f:u:tl1ty a, h', cost'. if 1'a121aa.. aad. tIl. Cl:y &JS'.. th:t.1: the Clt7 cunot 44.qUllte1~ ::ieOto It'. ~roJ."" ....10'- ...n: requlre:'Dt. tOT pGU,bl0 nul'. 'al:1:md. "111 I'C:lClft. at It'.. 101. can ael ex,.... uq ~Ul:la btnJII faclll-:y at .th, U.. tile .... 1. p:J.uad ou:. ne City w111 acc:-,,: l'I.poaal'blUty fa: ,ppU4t~Oll and r~l:nte".n=~ of the \:it.rill "'::'1' <<1'a.meat bell1':,. .fter coa- .trJc'&:laa J:a ca:rplete4 4~ the. "'1., a! Unt: up. Co.'t~ ~O! ~.1'4do" an; :::a1n'CeAan:;: of ad4 1:.tor1a wci:t:' Ih4t:oa.t C'.cS.U~7 Sa excu. of r,venue, a~ dot.fQta~4 by .l:c.,t~le co~t &cCOQft~!n: ,roce4u78l. . "111 b. bon. ~ 'a1ll1au4 =111. .adI <<la. .u n;,n. oqul. 01' ~.4a COlt. " .:~ ., ."f I" " ne .011&tl._ ~ba11 Ie' !or.Jt. :Jle 4QOaQ.tl;. ~ h4 t1=. of p.~.nt of ca:=ectloa dJQ"::~.. 1f =7, at ,. 1a.tft1:a.~alZll1lt ~"Ultlc.. Tha ul:ha.lc.&l r~.:;A'C4Unl .It.all pTa.'D.~ :"'wlJ' ~ol- utlO:l to t:a. Clty....... to P~lQl=4 u4 .OQ sh:l11 ~:l.ft -:~. 1'1::'lt to .p,ro"e or rej.c~ U,O 'UlO. SI14 ,ola:!.., if 4c:c~::::;'1. 'to ::S, C1:Y &Aa P~lta1an.. sluLU be _an" :0 1.11 wUl::!. oM O=-Q 0:2 ~, ,::r"c!;)a .han do .U thill,S aocon~-:y io effocl 't:tG sa.,... ~ ~ochDlc.l ...pro:lOllUtl". IM11 pnlnt Qol.. HluUoa. la vdtla.. to &he ,artt.. OIl or ~bClut 3u17" 15. 1'73. In t.... ....., ao .olaUOII II A,n" vpoa. Qe Circuit CoUR Ihall rotata. JUTls41c:tlo. '0 4etor:aln "'-0.. 'tJa. C1:)" 1. II!tlo te ~lael.1 tv,l"alsb. u... aec.en:a17 ....lel'.1 ..nlce co 'A~oa.4. ',:.;'~ ...,,' '. .< ..... .:;.". ,.' '~~~T . ~t ~. ~.. ;OJ -..,' :;'~" . ' . , :l1:"\~' "l) I".,'t 14 '.0 ....- ~, .. , "..r. .....:.-:._~ r.~"'., .'';''''''~c.'. ...' t .~,; ,~~..... r' ""? . "~"\'j' 4 -... .. "!!~~'~~"#'" ~:*..~..~~.} ..-!I .- .......i.- . . ".~ ..-t~ Ibch1b1t .C. , , ~">'~J.'., """-' - -. --~---~ ~~ '!JI <, '- , ,} i -' ,0 " ~ . " t '! ., 1. ;~ . ~~ ~.lP'~, ..' ." .f \: .'~ ~. '~'. ,.. t.., ~.f ~,. I /- : G , t. A. c. t.. ..,. ,ot.'l. waC... 11 1. .S.. _.,... ch.c P~l~l.ft. .IJl ...tea &Rd'con"rucc, .e It's .~.ns.. a vaC.r 'l.crJ'ucloD '7st~ Sn Iccor4aftce with accept.. .",'-.er- tn. ,r.cUn. I. .... I. tbe CSty 01 IoTAtft 'n.. Sa14 ...en tU.-CfiltuUOA .,It.. ,"an be conatnct" 1. ,!l&s.. .. 'ClI. n"J.cc lan4. .1'. .....dop.. AD4 wUl ,. '.UC:1cll4 co. ... accopt..~. da. Clt, of loyn1:OII "aclt al it 1, co::plocn DJkI .pprov... n. Chy ot 'oyne", .aKII .h.ll "'-..P& the .014 "SId' dbcd'buc!Oft ,,,,cou fo~ ....laCfIlAC. a' -.porat1oa 1& phu.. .. It 1. cozapln... 1. .a1alaA4 w111 ...1p R' COZlItl'Gft. at lc'lI expon... .. l:lte~l. .~ ,.mu."at w..... wnor u..t:ml't fac:111q -4/ ot' ellIJO..l tGdUcy a. b. or Da, ,. nqu1ro. ')7 eh. c.;t4tl1ca')l. lOYOr:\:lo1l.t.l 'Sncl.. or 'o.S.., lJlcludfJlS tb. 'I'Wtf'Ilra:ra't. of ~ Cl ty ..eo'., a' ta, lUll 4uisa .... coa.tnact., .s It-. ~~:.:a., 4 . It'c:dtY.lhn col1e'CtlOll qat.. accor4!:s.s to 'tJw .1:=~%U of .11 .,,11c:&.\1. lOYenclnu.l .._de. 01' bacllo., 1:acl=:1D.: t~., l'.q\\ll'~'DU of the Clt'7 Co4e. (b) ~111 d..lsa ... CODltruct~ &~ l~t, c:,o=~.. for~e JUin. &:s.; pu::Ip~J".'Ut1oa. Dent'dl:z :0 ~ o=~1"~ of .u 1l"11C:ltlo '3,o'ftt'ft:nfttcl a:'.J1c111 01' 1uttloa. lncl~!:, ~ :'O;.~!~'2" un'll. of the Clt7 Cod.. ' (~) Shall, 1f A .pa~~ fM1U,~.. c=n')' :;:" aA!.4 , . wute ~A~.r trefatant fac111tJ' aUftt tU.,oa4 ~:c.n.l:t7 cd. "'.~lft' . coltectloa. aylt"' ta p'huo. '&0 U. City of lo:rn~02 D.:~. n.. In=' .oU..Uoa fociUt7 .ball .. ~""UllCO" ill plsos... .. ~'\. 1=4 is , . ...,.1..... .... .:.aU .. __07" o. .... op.....~.. .:..1. :=1::>ui:ld 'Y u.. Cl~ of loy.nt~ '.;s.dl u it 12 cql.t..t.. 1'>> ...1:~ ,,&':ft' tr..u:..a.c. fac111t7 u.dIo~ 4bpoJa1 rOlcUl~ sbl1 'lie c=\"1t104 to 'C:~ City .f a_ton lie""" lis phaa.. as _100" 4114 CLpprvn4. n. Ci f;j" -t- tF'~"9~ :15 1"',1(- , :.. .;. rA f,~', '" ," l ,,_,): ''''. ~~.;;.;;:,;. ~. .'\ . ~.~' . 'f[:f~. ~. -;- r!':,..... t.. .r.'"" ..".1oi." .::.: ~:.. :.~. ;.........-.-.~ _11>11: .C. ..;..; :.~).":.... d.- - - . '. -----_..---"~ ----~ ( . ( " "SlI .Icce,1 ",,...,lbU1t1 lor .,or.tlo. an. oaln'.1Iaftce or ,.. WA~r. waC.r Ir..eeent lacltl', aleor con,tructlon l. coop1.C.. al cho diCe .1 .c.~, .,. Cost, ror o,.ralloft. aft4 ~alftlcaan,. .f ,aid "U'O ".'01' tr..tlSonl beUle, In l:lCeo,. of "veIN'!. A. t!otomlnN 'y .ccope.bl. COle accOQfttlas ,roc..ur". will ,. boTno .y "1~1~ until .v~ 11.. .. ,..onuo oqual, 0' .,C.'" co,t. la tho ......t, due 1:0 requJ.......u of n:;ulat01'7 .,onc..., tho w..t. waleT tr.~fDent '.cjlitt.. .to to.). CODS14.~ onl, an laUd" fac.UUy_ n. ell" will .ccQtC n$poul'bUl:,o lor oporat!on an' aalnt....c. 01 tho JntorJa v..c. vaCO? IroaC..-t I.clllty ,f'I. cClInltTQcllon 11 coapl.... at the 4ato of aCars up. CoaU tor opol'a'lon. a' Datae.aaae. of ..14 IAt.ria _.It. watol' troue..t fact.llt1 1. ..c... ., 1'..,...... .. 4eul':ll:ln "7 accqcul. con aCCO\I1I.UD, 't'oco4vr.,. vlll It. "n. b,. ..1alu4 _1'11 .K21 ct.. .. rtYlaUI equal. 01' '~C:'I" co.c. 'a1at.... vUl ....... .'1 11:'. .01. co.t all4- ,,,,u'. ..,. .udl lAtIT11l faclU,y .. '111. .&:::1. bllft' pb2..4 ou~...~., 1t', pfo-raca ..'''1 of ~o.~ '0 Jr~k.. co re.lonal ere.cae.' toclil111. .... .-.ll.bl.. Cd) lip.. _I"'''' or ., ~_,..d pomua. ...... vUlr troal..t facUlty _d/n 41Qo.aJ f.cUlI,. .d _1'''' t.l"1.t.. Dent facility, .'.1':1.1&.4 "111 .... c. the City tho" c.~u1a Jn48 .b~ 111. IxhUtlt "I", -an,adaet h.nto. .. 'aTUI. is. cOBtala1aa 12.1 acr.. tor nst~ vatn cr..=-, '.Ultl.. ..... Sf appUnJal.. P."c.l 11 A. COAtalaba 4 aerl. Mn OJ' 1... few pn::lAa1lt wnw tr2at=8:1C f.clllU.... n. ..1a CGll'ft7adCI aJaaU, .. ... aact.er U. tlm. and CGA41tlos. .. &1'1 'It fordl Ia 1:h11alC -C- a. attadJ,.. hereto ADd ...~ . paTt 'oreo!. C.) n. l.,mor 11.... Uft .ca,lous cd. a"VI'Ia=ca. eheroto. .Ilall b, la.'anotS aa. ;a14 fu 1ty hl21u.4 aD4 conq04 ae ftO COlt to the CltJ of 10111'" leach. b'RGat. tor eM bpl'Oft. . . .OAU reten" to bel'lla .ball al,. .. ,NYl4et t.7 ..blat . . an.J dl,Uea'e4 fOT perpotual ulUler ..... :ll;I~".9 l~ 18 .lD. .. ..:-- t )~) i':'J;~" .::,t:;., ~~:~ ,:fJ,.. .....l,... ,.~~ti;: : ~\~~t ;f%::'~~ f...h: ......t!"... jtt:...~ ~~":. ,,~~ '~-O;" '~";~f. .....~.i fJ;,- ' :~~~~ \i:t' '~~.1r !~~~:: .'. . , CxhJ.b1t. .C. t-"~~'~'. !"~I~~ ~.. .,.' . ../ ,- ,__':\~.._~. .:-'V1. -. ...I!lAJ"'l:' .~... ...... ~...~ j: 'f1....'i:~~....:1\1 : " ~ - - ~~..... ..."--- -- --- -------~ II ;: ., " J[ ~~ l' : .~. .. ., ; . f.: ;. ~ ~: . ( .' ell 'Didl... will con.er al1 01 tbe ..ovo wat.r. l' .ppllcDbll, and .a.e. .ater 41,lrlbutJoft 1.,'0.....'. 10 the C111, In ,h~'D' a. coapte,ot. .~ la tho OYOnl P~lalAn4 con~truc... ac It'~ esp.n,.. ... turn. crt01' t. ch. City. '.,....none ICIV4l'a:J' .r ,.m~ftctft~ ".,.,. traalmont 'Acllltl.., or P.lal~n4 pay. to chI Clt7 a~ ~ ,arc 0' 0 ..w.I'~,. Dr vae.r .y.t.. oxton,S.. ,..oject, It', pT..~~_a .hare 0' flIadl ."f!lcleAl to con.<tnzcc :!'ewer or "at:o~ 1.1'Oo1=Cl1n: l"1:.111.. .4.q~:lt~ to .ono the Curfot' "01'14 Ju'oJoct, no con:u,c:~_ O~ ca,1-:0.1 S'Dpl'oyoc:nc fo.. ,"an b. cha1'l.4 )7 ell. Cl-:'7 of 3O)'fttoa .:oSQ fol' cO:lnoctlOft to ,a14 fac.tUU... r.,..lll fa.s to '!I'J' ...en .pCd;l wlll )0 pol. Co tho Cltr. I. P.tal..... "111 IIOt. b. t'?qull'.a to po.e ..c:ttSq bona lor tho ,ll'fomacI,'p8)'IlenS ~4. coaploUcm 01 U1:'Hh ... ~o'Stlv. .tOTa ".1..3. 19pr~~~. h.r.13abo~ ~o~crt"'. 'ala.l31\4 ~rr..', hovonl', 1:ha. ao o,,.Ulicaco of Oc:~:I:I'J" .11.11 )0 - . lI.va4 .. to . put1culal' t>>aUla. ~!' ,..Ud!..'"':; UIlttl aa=:\ 11_ a. tho vater. w..t. .vat.1', It."OC u4 t!1'aba,,, S~'J'O\"'.r.:=.c~ aerY" tal tho' nractul'o .1'0 Cq18t... IfUl) 1'.rornace to bon" 'O~ g,u~ o' t'" v..t. ".t.r cr..tc:.a., f.cUIU... vat..,. tl'o.~t '.cll1U,O#. vatar 411tr1builoa .yn... .u.h.'f7 Iwn' col:acUolI ca4 '1at~lW:.!.a .,.tou, a. ah.2U ',.QIl.'C;rvcte. ., ..1Dln4 .. "'l'o!~:lf.l'. po.. YSded. bODd.. r'qu1r.. of h1=1a' .CD.bJ' tb. C~1:7 CKo .~3S1 'It. .001y fo1' tho phAse ltdaa c";la~n.ctl)4 at . ,~",lC'D1a1' t!.."':2 _4 4".::11:11::=4 "Ul no, II. re'lu!.n" to ,on . 210114 !OT ue ~~11'. "=-"1:= ua.t~ss e.3 .... be und8'" cClD.tnactloA ., 011. tt:&e. 10. Upoa 'PPI'O".l of 'Jab Acro=eat b7 ~Q! ,~~:.tlll. hu'oto, the Chy of Ioyzatoa ..ack "111 c.u~o Ca.s ~~U41J!1 ,.r:dt 101' "'Aod.1a". hnetofol" r~u..t~ ., '.lalu.!, to .. '.'11" vida. .u. dbpatcll.. 11. n. pant.. IloN't~' _1T0. c.at '''la Stlp1ll.attoa vila b. oft.rod to th. Court All. lacorpontCht la lb. Flu! JUd,,,.,,. 1" S>o1t. 110_ n-c-un, 110. n-~11 C.\ (I.) 01 Cll4 no. n- St. CA.C!.) 01. G1\:215!} r.:l 17 \ -11- ... '.-:" ., ~' '. '. . I,.' ...., '5~'''!'':fi':' '\ l'9':="'. " ....~j.:- I ~ . . ,.:1',. ,,,,.:r: ;:,; '.'~: ..,~~' , ,~ r. . ..... . .... f ..11"'..:....'::; '. '. :..s..~... .,: ~~ - .:r. ~'.. :;. ~ .:-.. ..... .... ,,.. Exldl>l t .C. .~---------- , , .../; it:;: . >. ~'J..:r~ I" i.'I", ....~' ' ", ',IIl!. ,'- :r: .' '. " . - -,------- .-. ~ ,. ''"' .~ ,\ ~;: ~t, ,:p; ~~ ..!'" ltato4; ( ~- f " /2-,. "I, .: J." f.1~1 ;,,~.o:_ "f~1 : ~l'h . (1..1 :~::~' '.. : =,:~.... ~tr:l ~ ,. ~ l' . f ,.;~. ., ::'; h t -'~ ,~,~. 1%. Th. portia. h.ro~o SClpgla~. an4 ~~.. ~h.E Sult X~. 7-,510 CA (L) 01 ~lll ~e difntssc4 with pr.ju41c. 1ay 'alalond &ad the ,.rtles tberetD will .~cb4n:. .u~val r.l...e.. 13. n. C:J'tJ' of Boynton ..oc'h &11'0" to cue sUQ accl_ .. _y be aec.s..&'fY to alllthorhe ie.s Ctt7 Attomcy co enta'r' Into Stlp1.t!.. 1. ell. .'0'1. capUOMtl actlOlts at hv so as to .ftltC.C 't.Iu!. .IT....lle. Ml'ela cozatda". 197' /./ Ceor:_ I. MUla WtOrl_ 11. .A4~ OJ: A1WlS. GILIWt , O::OPll\ s,1l1te nO..Hartford !hdl41a, 01'1 an 40 , ;101'14_ 32~1 Mtomey fol' Pa1:\lan4 D:lnlopaell~ CoTPDl'a:loa ~ /.1 Imest C. 5100_ Il.:rn...t ti.. ~...=on 7. He'nh.Me film Anllue .llitln.y '.ach. Flod4a 33"& Anon.,. tO'l ~.rt. 01a, alchaT4 ' 'fuclne.. Knllya Hud;le, Ioona .1.actete7. Col.. Abey' ..hRU. 111'.. hat".r, Ot'ris Wa1:W.., ..11" M. Jac3011" ...JH .caton.. I'OftSS 1.... lfaUaco. Dari4 'obeTU .ldWar4 ... Ham.Ala. ..4 th. City .f AoyuCOA ...ch.. .. ,., 'ro6otlcll S. aolll.Z1pvo,&1l 'to~onc" .a.. HGJ.ll-n ':J:t"O~~ tOl 'OA A>>dclIA au!.!.t1Aa Wn" 'da ..~, Plotl4,. U~Ol Att.omey ~ol"~s.)": n.. .J''1Cb~. >>ad4 ?~~'T"'~. K.. ta~2~ .1o.~t":ft. C1a:cftc~ Q.. :~~J1.. to~t:17 ..l.. :,')o~... ... srl11~.:.::a. C. S.x:ca ,., :lUll:>:> :l. r..~~~ IUJ.U~ .:. .~r!l:.;.~ . "A'Itt.TO~. J..')$S, ,:t::"Z!..3. 1.:11) -ret:::G SuUs J. Oc.,. 'It::a '40 eu'& OCC~ A'.-o:.u.'J JorntOA toA~'~ f1ori~ 33431 Attomey foJ' forrell I.. 1$alla" '. . ~!'...q CI 18 . 4, ., _1l>I.~ .C. ......! - .- - ~~ -- ~---- -~ ~-- ~~ I f~ ., I . i I ~ r. l f '., .. ~ ~'..~ '" . .. ~ .. I"~ ~~ t. ""'''t'~'' ..~-... ~ is' ..._~.'" 0+ t.;.t- t.. 0 . ~~"t$\.. go ,.,.:>:I~.. ......-si. -.. '"'!':1-)( ..<..~'~ ,..... ~.... ...... "':'It. ..... l! .... I;' ~ " ~ N ", .. . n ~ (I ~ ~ a ;i 0 ~~ ::S Es a I ". I Z . ~ IIJi~ .\ , C i:;::() l"IIiI"~ .. . ., ..'jJ.f .?"~ .: e r'l' '. . ~ ~~Z~ " :_..; i'~ ',' .~-' .: l,~..,~.; .~.~.. ?;. ::~ "g: . \t . . ( i {' . '. .' i I I , I 0>:.::tl~1::II ! '... '. I. "'I j" ',' .. ~. ,. t. -1 t- l: ... i\..' = ':. r.. ~ - ~ .. ;' S! !..).~~t";";.~.;:;.. l?-I~:,' i... ~ \' i. ~.}..... ..." ;: "I. J!.;! ~ :: ." .;.. .' ;:... i; ~ .~ ~1t#-.t./.~.f I ~ & ~ :,: it ~~"'ii~~t ~~~.~ f- 1'.. 11.,.;",,: L~~."J lii~HHi [ n~H .hH:..~..-!j; 1;\.1I J II I ;: ~r~lri>~' ~~ I" f ':JIIH~h = ~[ .~~ , iI il..~i:ff. ~ 1~11 ~1 . ~4ti;Z"Ir:q~ 'r.o '~IJilii{~II;Ii.I~tl [1 ", IftihJr ~ a~t . ~r ',iK-rii~ !.. ~ .... 'lip1HI ~Il s i at- ,'..IHh ~r ; q hhuf . Ii J.i .,.-. --~.~,--.-Z';;.:-_...7'-" "~'.:.''''.''' ~lIIltnCCorJ"'I':p,""'N:"'~Ui~~'::"~~^b _....a_'t!'..o1;lO""\lIt..I!>:rIlOl...Jll..,llrc.eo...~ !!~.!"'~I."___"."~'''''_''~_''''M'~t..._...~ ""'I: ....::.n~.......I~~K.a:..lIIooP_..._I~ "1'~~"S!Mrtf'~. ,:1,.~m." ':.~ '''''1'' ~~,. /;/." . ""<'i ....~ ... l:1:)!;,\~~ ~~'"J.r ... ,,~~~ ; . ttW>.1:\llll I \#t~... ,..~~ .~~ :~1;~W' '" 17~"":T..*.4~'" . " ~~H'~ ~ ::'~.:-. l.i:..............v,,.~...,,J_\olt1'~~_. "'......,,.. a''''"'-t..~ loN~C....."...C,lI'. ~_' ..._..........'""':!-~e~.."?:-..'';~"...>040.-... ...~~Wt~~-e: ~-...."1, ....m'li-'L':l.~_::::::r.:~Il'.::t~.'S".....:._. ~!I'}.i&.~t..r:--.t;~~.., ~..,.s:=~ ' ..-1;..,A......w.e:t"__...._-... ..uw~~! ....Ji,'l'f~)t~I!il~\-lci~~\'O!'il..~...._.r, ~_~."Jull"~i.ilc:;.;:~~_,.~..... ."...::""':;"""'l1li........... I'~-"""'_,,_ ~~-,':~_.. "''''''' ......".;.t\~..._~..v:;.. ~_..,.,... .....I...t_.,II~'_Io*1;.......ww.....__ ....1.1.'..:$,... ........_..__....... ,..".,. r-. ."'_.....~._"",.......s..,,,..,_-.- t':':;';~*'..'.~r;,:1~~ol~J~~t?1.:.r..\-r.:.=.~o- ~..........,......-".~I..,r'..I............:-t~. . ......I........o#'.I;..~\O..""""'''''......_Ul''''t.,"~ ;.":..;::-~.r;.:i...~\...O;::.;:~:..\.... _........ __..... r,...... '"..~ 'fh.'1 'lS:,:t.r~;. "'.~... ..,......_.......~..,....~. .~~i!~~\, !~~\'. ,,;;:-.......~~.::.,'::";t. -.lJ WI~.......... ...~ .....10... I ,..~,_..."..........#O.j...C'w4S-~.... r",\I;".-:~......;:,.;...:.;.tl:~'~I-;'-':':::'~:;"~":~"'" ...b.' .'f ...", ..~... ...._-, .....,. ,.._......,.........- ~:.~~.~: .:',.,',' ~:.::M"'U"~'.':~'::=;:'~~~:''''.s ::~t.~ ~'\~~:.'~.~ ::.t...\~.::,:; i~;'~:':I~;:'':'' .--.. ..f",... ..../~ :....",.....~ ."......,......"""" .-.-.._ " "'" ....... ....\.......t.'...-t.n................"". ....-. ~ !......~...( ;.....' ~~:~'".::- ~:i...':-:.t;:~:""':':.:;!.;~;...~~i ~ .. ~ ...~ -. EXHI81T. "A" .' j&.:.-:--:;;.......~ .....' ....1....... ~i'J !. - "':r. 'i'~""r .~;,;,... 1 'tI.... ~ "~.'lo" :~.~ :~"".Ar J .'2-.=...~ ' ", .' ....... ~- ZXhl1l1~ .C. - I.. .....~. :.. t~: ,....'; ., . ...... .,.. (. ....l'",;;: [.-;.~ ..:a.... .;;<<; .'~1 ~'!.;"..:II:.. W~~..~~q:~~l -- -~-~..~. ------------...-- '. .. .. ~ -- r ( (' \ ( ( ( ~ ORDINANCE NO. 72. 21 AN ORDINANCE OF mE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. EXTENDING mE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY mE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING LESS THAN TEN Rl!lGlSTERED VOTERS. LYING CONTIGUOUS THERETO AND WlTRlN THE SAME COUNTY. TO-WlT: PARCELS LOCAT~ IN SECTION 1 AND SECTION 8. TOWNSHIP 48 SOUTH. BANGE 43 EAST. PALM BEACH COUNTY. FLORIDA. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER: REDE- FINING THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES. REPEAUNO ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFUCT HEREWITH: PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY. AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS. AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. PREAMBLE WHEREAS. the owner of the prop.rty more particularly de.crlbed her.lnaner ha. heretolore petttloned the City Council of the City 01 Boynton Beach, Florida. requeatln. the annexattoD of eeJ1at.a prop.", 1ytDa adJacellt and conttll1l"u. to the territorial Umlllo of .ald Mnntclpallty and Within the .ame Coumy. to the MuniCipal t.rritoriallimlt. 01 .at d City: and WHEREAS,. all requ.trementa of the Law. of the State at Florida. r.I.tlve annexation 01 comllUO'" terrttol'J' have b.... compIled With. and WHEREAS. the City COllDcll 01 the City 01 Boynton Bea.1>. Florida. deem. the ......,..tlon 01 .ubject tract to be beneltclal to the MWlIdpaIlI1 and to the owner ot .ald tract, NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. Section 1: That the CI!J' of Boynton Be.cl>. FIortda. herel>7 annexe. to the terrttoriallimlte of the City 01 Boynton Be..1>. Florid.. the 10UowIna de.cribed par<:e1. AU of Section a. TowllOblp 48 Sonth" Renee 43 Eut and the Eutern baU ofSecUon 1. Tawnablp 4a Sonth" Raace 42 East. exclnd!nll three .malt pal'ee1a totolIna oppro>da>atel1 20 .cre., de.cribed below .. lOUO....' ~':or-. ,.......;..-' -~--~~- -~------ '. West halC I W 1/21 or the,Southweat Quarter (SW 1/41 of the Southwest Quarter ISW 1/41 of the Southeast Quarter lSE 1/4) of said Soctlon I. West halt (W 1/21 of the Southeeat Quarter (BE 1/41 of the Soutlnrest Quarter ISW 1/4) of the Southeeat Quarter (SE 1/41 of said Section I. The Northeliat Quarter (NE 1/41 of the Northweat Quarter (NW 1/41 of the Northeast Quarter (NE 114) or laid Section 1. Sectlon 2: That subject property shall be zoned in aecordance with Ma.ter Development J..'U.p and Site Plan now on fit.in the ornee of the City Mana.er. City HaU. Boynton Beach, Florida, aU pursuant to the Master Zonllll Code of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. Section 31 The territorial boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, are hereby redettned 80 11.& to include the above-described r " property. Section 4. Separability: Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable .net U UO' .ectlon. subaection. claula, phr.e. or portion ot ,.. " thla Ordinance la for any reaaon heW Invalid by any Court of compelent jurisdiction. the remalnl"ll portions abaU not be affected but .hall remain In full force and eUect. Section 51 Authority to Codlty. Speclftc authority la bereb1 ,ranted to codIfy and Incorporate thIa Ordinance to the C1t1'a malin. Cod.. S.ctlon I, RePeallnll Provisional AU ordlnanc.a or parta of ordlnancea of the CIty nf Boyntoll B...,b. Florida, In eonlllct hermth are hereb1 repealed. Section 7: Effective Datel This Ordinance abaU bocome eUoctlve In the _er and at the time provided by the Charter and Ordlnanc.a of the CIty of Boynton Be.cb. FlorldL FIrat readlnl thla 24th day of October, A. D.. 1973. -2- ,-) \ -----------.. --- A. D.. 1972. Secortd. final readlug and pasaage this ~'~. day at /,'h-!...J, J""" ( ( ATTEST. ( J: fltr-r CIl7~k ( (CORP. SEALI ( ( ~_..- - _._~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA Co cUman ~ . ~'.J/ ~.~ ~,~ ( '~'''''40/ 0{ : OUMUmll!'--" -:::>. l.'W7~~ ~~ ouDCllman -3- .~----~~-------------- :'.- '7" '. '. ." ..-.-- iJ " Q' ! .. t;l~ . Ul-o 2-r ~ ~' . . . , , ~ ~,~ ----------~._- , . .---------- ..J I I ~ ORDIIIMCIl RO. 13- ? All CIIlDIIIl\llCIl or '1'1lII CI'1T or BOYlITOII IIllICH. natJIlA. 1lMlllIIDI!IG SllC'l'IOIIS 31-6 AIIll 31-6.1 AIID 31-1 AIIll 31.8 AIID 31.9 or 'l'IIII COOInED lllIJ)IIIMCES or SAID CI'1'Y. PERTlIIIIIIIO 'l'O rAllILIIlS PIR MIlL'l'IPLIl llIII'1' AIIll S<lVllIlll POO'l'llGII PIR MIlL'l'IPLII Uln'1' AlID PROVIDING rllll AU'l'IKIRl'1'Y 'l'O COOllY. SAVIIIGS CLAUSIl. RIIPIlALIIIO PROVIBIOR, llIl El'PllC'l'lVII DlI'l'II AND 1'01\ 0'l'IU)It PIlIlPOSIlS. BII 1'1' ClIDl\II111!D BY 'l'IIII CI'1'Y COUIIICIL or 'l'IIIl Cl'1'Y 01' BOYlITOII BIACB, PLORIDA2 J Section 1. Chapter 31 of tha CodiU... Drdin....".. of the City of IIOfnton Bea"h. plorida. be and 10 ban!>y ....nd... .. fo11owa . ) " Section 31-6. .2 Nul tiDle pamilv an4 In.t:i~~ional BuilcUna District.s (lI) 1l81lS P 1IRII11"l'11D (2) 'l'wO-f0lll11y 4vallin'J.. ...lUple f.11y dwallin'J.. . garag_ apartment. .. aD aC'c...ory U8. loc:atlld on. the rear of . . loe havin'J a principal .eruceure loeae.." on the frone balf. 'l'Ifo-f_11y ....d auldple f0lll11y 4vallin'JS in R-2 Zene .ball not exc.... ewenty-Uv. (25) f..t in heil/ht (21J .t=ia~) with a max_ of thr.e faaili.. pat: prinoipal ....it and'there .ball b. a Ilin_ of twelve r..t be_ prlDcipal ....iU. (I)) auILDIIIG SIft _ 1lIIClOI.A'l'I<lliIS. (2) par 1:110 f0lll11y dwellin'JS. nine __ (9.000) &qUare f..t and ..i4 lou .hall bave alnimum widtba of ....enty- five (15) feet. (3) PO&" ault:1ple fllll11y dwelliD9 for _ dwellln9 . . unie there _11 be e .h,<_... of f""" _az04 five _ad (4.500) .quare feet of lot arn. I (1') 1m COVIIUloGII (1) Forty (40) per caDt of tile lot ar.. 18 t:IIa ..,.laa that MY be _"" by the 1*'lDcipa1 azo4 _~ bu11diDcJa crt e_eur.. 100eted ~. ewt..iD9 poola ......ted _ th1e l*'Oriat-. . r_lof4 " ....... - - -~.~~ ----- 1I~."nft 11..6 1 R-2A Multiole Pamilv DwelllnCl Dl.trict.. (1I1 USES PBRMI'1'T2Il. (2) TWo-family dwellinq.. multiple dweUinqo, qoraq. aputlllen:ta a. an ace...cry u.. located on the rear of a lot having. principal .Uuctu. locat4t4 on the front hall.. 'tWo- -' family &1>4 IINltipl. family dwelllnq. 1n R-:l;l ohaU not. .xe.ed twenty-five fe.t. (25') in height. (21t nori..) with a ......ilINIIl ot three tIlllliU.. pOll: prineipal unit. and then .holl b. a min1mula ot tv.lve teet. (12') b.tw.... principal unit... ~ Seetian 31-7. R-3 Multiol. Familv. Ofliee and Mot.el Di.tric:t... J (c) BI1ILDIJIG ftBIGII'1' RBGULP.'nOtlS &0 .t.ruet"". .ball .xc.ed forty-five (45) f"et in h.i'lht. ) (D) BUILDIIIG SITS IIRlIlI RBGULP.'nOIlS (2) For multiple family dvellin'lo ther. .ball be . minimum lot. erea of four thou.and (4.000) .~er. f..t. for .ach ) dwellinq unl.t.'. Section 31-8.. 'C-l L~it.e4 ~~.reial Di.trle~. ,) (I}) BI1ILDIIIQ BlIIGIft' RBGULP.'nOllS Ilo buildin'l or .t.ruct.ur. .ball _c.ed torty-fi.. (45) f..t. in hel'lbt.. (C) BI1ILDIJIG SITlIIIRlIlI RlIGlIIoPo'nOtlS. (1) For ....idential. the ragulatloDs aha11 be: identical to tho.. provided for Zone 11-3 in Section 31-' ot thia Coc!. pertaininq to ....ltipl. teally dvellin'l unlt.a. (2) Otherria......... (D) YARD RlIGlIIoPoTIOIIS. (1) For r..14ential. _ regulat10u aha11 be 14enu- cal to _. provicSe4 fal' _ II-S in IectiOll 31-1 of t.hioo COde pertaiainq to .aUp1. t.-117 -l1in9 a1b. (21 Otboor. (a) _t ftr4. fter. lIIlall be . _t y.... baYin9 . 4ept.h of DOt 1_ _ __fi_ (251 feet.. ~. J - .~ 't ....-' .. --,--------~ ----- 0>) Sid. Yards. Non. are required .xcept "".... reer ace... 18 not available frOllli a public aU..t. or alley, . 81de / yard of not 1... than ten (10) feet shall b. provided on on. .ide. (c) It.ar Yard.. '1'h.re ohall be a r.ar yard having a depth of not Ie.. than a..nty (20) feet. except whs.. the rear of th. property 10 I>ounded by a publiC alley or street the ..ar yard may b. decr.a.ed by one-half tIl. width of such aUey or street up to ten (10) feet. but in ouch event the.e ehaU be provided a .ear ya.d of not Ie.. than t.n 1l0) feet exeludve of the aUey. ./ B.e~ion 31r9. a.neral Commercial D18trict. J (Il) IlUIUlII1G BBIGBT ItIlGUlA'l'IOIIS. SU. .. C-l. (C) BUILD111G SIft _ ItIlGlll.'lTIOIIS. ) s_ .. C-l. (D) YAIU) ItllGUIATIOIIS. lteddentiel provision.. idantieal to C-l" ) S..,tion 2. Authority to C04ify. Sp.dt1c authodty is h.re1>y ~anted to codify a1>d iDc:orperate tIlis ordinane. in ) the city'. exi.ting co4e. S..,tion J. Repeelinll Providona. AU ordin...c.. or pute of ordinanc.. in conflict bar_i th u. bare1>y repealed. S..,tion 4. SeparallUity. Ilach of the provid.... of thia ordinanc. are .eparalll., j,ncluc1ing word, clau., pbr..e o. .ant..ce. and if ""y perU....' hereof .IlaU be declared imr!'114. the r-unlD9 portioa .baU not be aff..,ted but allell r_in ill full torce _ etfect. ) S~tf.oa 5, IIffec:ti... Date. !Ida OJ:dimonc:e al1&11 be..- effecti... il1 the __ _ at the t.t.a prov14ed in the a.arter _ OJ:...u-.... of the City of IIo)'1lccD lI_h, rw14a. h!lesof4 , ...., , - ~'"; - ---_._--------------_.~- day of 7!~4"""'./t, "!rat. aeading tb.1. ~:~ d.ay of -~': ~ A.D., 1973 , Second. fin.l r..dinq end p...aq. this . :; - - . 1973. CIft OF BOiN'l'Ol9 BElICH, Pt.OIlIDIo ) . A~ce.~. . 1 . . ., I{t_'r..- City Clerl< .,',:"/' "-.#'~.'61 . hge4of4 . --it. 3'; OIUlIlWtC/l 110. 7)-11 All OIUlIIWICE OF TIIIl qry OF BOYIll'OII BEACH, FIDIlIDA, NlEKDIIlG SEC'l'IOII '1-8 OF OIUlIrw<<:E 110. 7)-7, BY AIlDIIlG EXCLUSIllNl\IlY ClAUSE. AHII P1lOVIDIIlG Fat AUTlIllUTY TO CODIF't, SAVIICS ClAUSS, REPEALIIC PlIOVISION, All EFFECTlVS DATE A/IIl fOil arHEll PURFOSES. BE rr ORIlAIllED I5't TIIIl CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE cm OF IlO'III'ItlN BEACH, FIDRIDAI Section 1: Section '1-8 (c)(l) of ONirI.."... No. 7}- 7 of the City of 8oynton Boech, Floric1e, be one! 1. horoby """",c1ec1 .. follows I .Section '1-8 C-l Limito<l CallMcciol Di.trict: (1) For reddentiel, tho roguletions .hell be ic1enticel to tho.o provic1o<1 tor Zone Il-' in Section '1-7 of thi. Code porteining to multiple fomily dwelling unit., exc:wding motols en<! hotel.. Section 2: Authority to Cod1fy: Specific ll1.Ithority is horeby grented to codify en<! UleOrporato thi. ON1nenco in the City'. exi.ting code. Section ,. 1lepoel1nq Pl'ovidon.. All orc11naneo~ or part. of orc11nence. in canfl1ct herewith an hereby ropaol.oc1. Section 4. SeparehiUty. Eech of tho praYilion. of thil Or- d1nanc:. are ..pal"~le. 1ncJ.ud1ng word. clau... phr... or .entence, and. if O"'f portion horoo,t lhell be c1ocleroc1 _ol1c1, tl>e ......1n1ng portion lhell not be eftoctec1 but lhell ....in in full torce end effset. Section 51 Effoct1ve Dote. 'rhi. O1'Ilinonco lhell bee... offoc. tivo in the _r one! at: tho t1lllo provic1ec1 in tho Chert... end 0rcl1neMe1 of tho City of Boynton Beach, Floride. Firat roedin; thia.;f..i.... cley of ~",.lX...t"'I_' A.D., 197'. I Soconcl, f:lMl reading one! pa.._ this :: " cIey of ~./,.,..(.' , 197'. crrY OF IlOYIlrOII BEAaI, Fu.IDA / j-, :. I .ft"~"~_1 . (SEAL) Cq~~'.I .-tlc.....1..; \ 'I,......J ~,J#_ COlI""''' 1-- AftES!: .~~ -.!I ",'-4IJ -..... !! - --------- --- .,-" ;-..> --~ --------- AP'IHDIJ: e. aUfPLY MD DIIWlD roa COHHUCIAL LAIIlI (r.v18ll<ll . b....uf far ~____.rC!f.t I..,,'" . Th. d...nd for co...rcl.1 l.nd b.. b..n .n.lre.d for tb. Ioynton I..ch H...tet Ar... WhiCh 1. 4aftn.d .. th. ..... bound.d by Hypoluxo Road. tho Atl.ntlc OC..n. Gulf.tr... Ilvd.-Lak. Ida-L-30 Can.l. .nd I.rwick ao.d-L'WT.nC' ao.d (... .tt.ch.d .ap). TIll. con.tltut.. . lOr. r.a.on~l' ..rk.t .r.a. for tb. purpo.. of an.lyzlng tho n..d for coa.arcl.1 l.nd. th.n tb. .xl.tlng bound.ry of Ioynton la.cb. Ixl.tlno .nd pl.nn.d co...rcl.1 d.v.lopa.nt wblcb 1. und.r tb. jurladlctlon of oth.r loc.l gov.rna.nt. In tbl. .ark.t .r.. b.. b..n lnclud.d In tb. .naly.l. of tb. .upplY of coam.rclal land. D..and for co...rcl.1 land 1. found by calcul.tlng the d..and for dlff.r.nt typ.. of co...rclal land u.... .nd tb.n .ddino tb. r..ultlno f1vur... 'or ao.t ~ype. of co...rc1al land u...# tb. d...nd for lan4 wa. c.lcul.t.d by .ultlPlrlng tb. .xl.tlng floo. .r.. br tb. lnv.r.. of the .v.r.g. floor/.... r.tlo for the u... ~.n aultlplrlng br th. lnv.r.. of . .1nl.UI occupancr r.t. for the U". .nd th.n .ultlplrlno by the ratlo (1.75) of the bulld-out popul.tlon (10.1101 for tb.lol8ton I.ach H.rk.t Ar.. to tb. 1,.7 151.573) popul.tlon for tb. loynton laach H...tet "r... Yor r.t.l1 u.... an .ddltlon.l .ultlpl1.r w.. u.1Id to .ccount for tb. f.ct that ..t.ll ..1.. h.v. Sncr.a..d f..t.r tban popul.tlon growtb In ,.1. I..ch County. According to . .tudy clOII. by tb. '11. I..cb 'o.t. tot.l r.t.ll ..1.. in the county lncr....d by ".2\ frea 1,.0 to 1"'. .nd .r. proj.ct.d to lnc..... by 51.2\ frea 1'" to 1"0. DU.lno tb... .... perl~. the poPul.tion of tb. county will h.ve gr""" by 2" and 13.7\. r..p.ctlv.ly. Wh.n tb. lncr.... In r.t.il ..1.. 1. dlacount.d for popul.tlon growth and for lnfl.tlon (lnfl.tlon w.. 33\ b.tw..n 1"0 .nd 1,.1. .nd 1. proj.ct.d to b. 1" b.twe.n 1,.1 and 1110). an 1" lnc..... In ..t.l1 ..1.. 1. found In ..cb period Whlch 1. not .ccount.d for by popul.tion orowth or lnUation. TIll. lner.... 1e probablr clue. for the .o.t p.rt. to . r..l lnor.a.. 111 p.r eaplt. Snoca.. In ord.. to .cco.od.t. thl. lneua... tba proJ.ction. for ut.11 floor .pac. .nd .or..o. wh.r. .ultlpll.d br . faoto. of 1.1.. .1ne. 1'" 1. 010.. to the ba.. y..r of 1,.7 wblch was u.. for ..tia.tlng occupl.d r.tal1 floor .p.c.. ru.tb.. lner..... ln r"l lncca. ar. lik.ly p..t 1"0. how.v.r. and th... lncr..... ar. .delr....d in th. cll.cu..lon .t the .nd of tbl. analy.l. . sourc..: City of loynton I.ach ,1.nning Dept.. 1"'. (popul.tlon flour..) ,.1. I..ch 'o.t. 'Growing witb ,.1. I..cb. .ncl H.rtln Countl.... 1"7. (r.t.ll ..1.. ..tl..t.. aDd proj.ctlon.) u.a. D.p.rt..nt of Labor. lur..u of Labor at.tl.tlc.. 1''': (lnfl.tlon flour.. ) 1 RECEIVED ..., /'1/ PlANNING DEPT. . " v ---&_~. ------ -"~ IO\'NTON lEACH RETAIL ANOOFFICE MARKET AIU!A . I ..... -.- -::=- - -.- .... ... ..... ~ ......... .,,, pave 1A - -----... tand r~lr...nt. for hot.l.. ~t.l.. nur.1ng ho.... and adult congr.gat. living facilti.. Wlr. found by .ultlplylng th. proj.ct.d nwob.r of roca. or bad. by tb. av.raga nwobar of .quata fa.t per roo. or bid for r.c.ntlr appov.d proj.ct.. Land r.qulr...nt. for ..rin. co.a.rcial u... Ind .1.c.l1In.ou. u... vera found br .ultiply1ng th. curr.nt Icr..g. br tb. r.tlo of th. bu11d-out populatlon for th. 10m ton 1.lch Marklt Aral to th. curr.nt populltlon for th. 10m ton 1.lch Nlrk.t Are.. ft..And fer Land for ~ffte. u... .tnnl.-~.n.n~ O"ie. anA Pln.neta! _.rvte... Under 20.000 .ouare ,.~~ Tbi. cat.gory con.l.t. of banka. .aving. and loan a..oclat10n.. and ..111 offlc.. bu11ding. br . .1ngl. t.nant. OCcupl.d floor Ir" .. of C/l/.7. 25',215 .quar' f.lt . , . .rojact.d d..and for land at build-out. 25',215 x {1/.2'1 x (1/.'51 x 1.75 . l,"5,tOO .quar. f..t 0.2' . Av.rlg. floor/ar," rlt10 for off1ca and flnlncial pr03.ct. und.r 20.000 .quar. f.at bullt batwa.n i'.O and 1"7 0.'5 . Hlni.u. occupany rat. l,..5.'00/C3.5.0 . 3'.7 acr.. .tnal.-~.n.n~ Ollie. .uttdtnna. OVer 20.000 asuar. r..t Tbia category cOD.i.t. pri.arily of rlg10nal or nltionll h.adquart.r. for corporatlon.. curr.ntly th.r. ar. no .uch offic.. ln th. Cltr. ant thoro i. no known .etbodologr for eaUuUng tlla d...nd for land for th... ofUc... \lIIantllll corporat. 'ack i. th. onlr locaUon in tb. CUI. wh.r. offlc.. of th1. tfpl Ir' expect.d to be locat.d. In ordlr to .atl.at. the probable acrllga In \lIIantllll COrporate 'ark that wll1 b. devot.d to corporat. headquart.re. th. IXiatlng and future land u.a ln th. Arv1da 'ark of co...rc. in Joea aaton. 10 .il.. to the .~th of lomton .each. wa. .x..lnld. In 1"'. 57.5' of th. th. offlc. floor .pac. 1n the Arvlda 'ark of COIa.rc. wa. occupi.d br corporate h.adquarterl. ~lng plaaned offic. proj.ct. 1n th.ArYlda 'ark of co...rc. to th. 1'" flgurl. would r.duc. th. parc.ntag. of offlc. occupl.d by corporlt. h.adquart.r. to 3'.7'. 81ncI th. IVlrage of tb... two nuRb.r. i. about 50'. it 1. 1..IIII.d that IPproxl.at.ly 50' of th. llnd d..lgnlt.d for offlc. u.. {lC5.' Icre.. total I in Quantllll Corporat. 2 --- . ~_.~- '.r. wt11 b. u..d for corpor.t. h..dqu.rt.r.. 'roj.ct.U d...nd for 1.nd .t IbuUd-out. . 14!.' .cr.. x o.!O . 72.' .cr.. Muttt-~.nant Offie. Buildina. Under 20.000 .auar. F..~ Thl. C.t'90ry con.t.t. of ...11 offtc. bUlldln,. with .or. tban on. tanant. occupl.d Floor Ar.. .. of 4/1/'7, '6,'64 .qu.r. f..t ,roj.ct.d d..and for land at but1d-out: 11,'14 o.ze . 20,000 x (1/.2" x (1/.", x 1.7! . !".403 .qu.r. f..t Av.ra,. floor/ar.. r.tto for offtc. tnd ftn.ncl'l proj.ct. undar .qu.r. f..t built b.tw..n 1"0 .nd It.7 0." . Htnt... occup.ny r.t. 55',403/43.560 . 13.07 .cr.. ~ulti-~.n.nt ollte_ Buildina.. OVer 20.000 .auar. r..t. Ewelu4tna M.d{~.l and ~ftndo.tnt~ Ollie. Buildina. Tht. C.t.,ory con.t.t. of l.r,.r ,ultl-t.n.nt off to. butldtng.. Tb.r. w.r. 7.'7'.000 .q. ft. of l....d or pr.l....d .p.c. In ..1. a..cb county, according to .u..ary, Office Hlrket 'urver, 'ala ..Iob County, Florid.. Octob.r 31. 1'66, by aob.rt wtlaotb A..oct.t.. .nd Lay.nthol .nd Ho.....th. Popul.tlon of ,.1. a..ch County on oct. 31, I'" w.. .pproxt..t.ly 770,'94 (tnt.rpol.tton of 4/1/.6 .nd 4/1/.7 poPul.tlon ..ttaat.. by unty.r.lty of Florid, aur.au of Icono.lo .nd au. tn... .....robl 7,'7',000 .q. ft./770,'24 . . 10.22 aq. ft. of 1....d offtc. floor .r.. p.r c.plt. In ..1. a..cb county. .. of 10/31/4', b...d upon offlc. .p.c. 1nclud.d In tb. Offtc. M.rk.t .urv.y. 10.22 x (1/.9'1 . 10.76 of .q. ft. l....d offlc. ,p,c, par clPlt. In P.l. a..ch COunty. O.9S uprea.nt. th' proportion of ofUc. floor .p.c. In tbll c.t'90ry th.t w.. .ury.,.d by the Offlc. M.rk.t .urv.,. 3 - -- ~.. 10.7' X (1/.'0' . II." .q. ft. l...abl. offlc, .p.c. ~.r c.plt. ~co~dln, to .ob.rt Wl1.otb Aa.acl.t... .5\ occup.ncy 1. ,.n.r.lly tb. bl,b..t .qul1lbrlua occup.ncy ~.t. for th. offlc. ..rt.t In ,.1. '..ch County. A .II,btly bl,h.r occup.ncy r.t. of '0\ waa ua.d to calculat. l.a.abl. offlc. ,p,c, p,~ capita. II." x 11/.'21 . 1..5. tot.l floor Ir.. p.r capita 0.'2 1. tb. .v.r.,. r.tlo of ,ro.. floor .r.. to ,ro.a l.a.abl. floor .r.. for offlc.. In thl. c.t.,ory built In loynton 1.lch b.twe.n 1"0 .nd It... 1'.5' x 11/0.", . 33.1' .qu.r. f..t p'r c.plta of 1104 for offlc.. 0." 1. th. av.r.,. floor/ar.a r.tlo for offlc. bUl1dln,. built In loynton leach betw..n 1"0 aDd 1"'. . . . 'roject.d d.. and for land It build-out: 33.1' x '0.1'0 . 2.'....'7 .quar. f.et '0.1'0 1. tb. proj.cted bUild-out popul.tlon for the loynton ..ach Martet Ana. 2.'....'7/.3.560 . 6'.62 acre. pro,.ct.d d...nd for land for office. In thl. c.te,ory .t build-out In city of loynton I..ch. ba.ed on 1,.e per clpltl offiCI .pICI In rll. I.acb County. It 1. I..uald that there will be . .i,nlflcant locatlon.l bla. In th. or.ater Ioynton I..ch Are. for llr,.r offiCI bul1dln,. to b. lac.ted In the city. rlth.r th.n blln, dl.trlbutl4 Iv.nly throu,hout tho or.at.r loynton leach Ar.. Id.fln.d .. the ar.. bound.d by Hypoluxo Road. th. AtlantiC oce.n. oulf.trl.. Blvd.-Lit. Idl-I.-30 Clnal, Ind tb. Loxahatcb.. Wl1dllfl Rlfu,.,. ~. City II a acr. vl.ibll location. 1. b.tter ..rv.d by tran.portltlon facl1ltl.., includ.1 ,rlat.r r'"id.ntial denlitiel, Ind contlinl a hi,her conc.ntrltion of r.tlil fICillti.., botel., .nd indu.trial Ilnd thin tb. .r.. W.lt of LallnnCI ROld. ~... flctor. 1I0uld tlnd to .It. tb. City I acr. .ttrlctlvl locltion for offic. build In,., thlr.for., it can b. Ixpect.d thlt . .i,nificant proportion of tbl offic. IpIC. in thi. c.t.vory would bl .llott.d on I per capitl b..i. to th. .r... ...t of I..wr.nc. Ro.d. ~i. I..u.ption can be ,u.tifi.d by .x..inin' th. dl.tribution of offic. floor.p.c. In 10C' R.ton. which Ii.. 10 .il.. to tb. .outh of Ioyaton '..ch, .nd i. con.id.rably .orl built-up th.n Ioyaton I..ch. Sn 1"', .,\ of built offiCI .p.c. .nd '6\ of tb. l....d offic. In loca R.ton offic. ..rt.t. IIhlch .xt.nd. froa th. Atl.ntlc Oo..n to .I.t.rn .d,. of tb. Iv.r,lld... w.. loc.tld Within 3 1/2 .il.1 of tho co..t. ~i. 11n. would b. co.parabl. to Lallnnc, Ro.d In Ioyaton I.ach, It i. nllonabll to ...ua. that no aore thlD 25\ of th. ofUca .paca In thll cata90rr in .lth.r loynton 1.lcb or loca Rlton 11111 b. locat.d b.yond 3 1/2 ail.. froe th. coa.t. Th.r.for., it II I..ua.d thlt 75\ of tha per clpita . "., ", ';.and for ofUea opoea for elle populaUOIl .,nt of t.Menca loa. ..nl. ; ill face. H locaeed 1n tile cUr. U. It 0", fe. of land par copleo lC , SOS.1.1 . S,S,l.f', oqGora foee of land for offlca op~o. WIllcll ~14 be aUocaced Co ella porUo" of elle Greater "JIIton '..Cll .va. lr1ng ..ot of ..awrenee ..ad S,Sll.f',/4S.5.0 . 11.'0 acreo 101,141 10 tlla projaeted bul1d-out population for tbo portlon of tlla oreator Ioynto" ...eb Aroo 1,10' ...ac of "owronco aood l""tropoUton plannin, or,an1.ot10n ~roffle Anal,olO 1000 Data. 1/1'/15). 17.40 a 0.75 . 51.05 ocroo of land ollocotad, 00 a por capleo boolo, to tllo porUoo of tba or.otor Iol1ltoo '..cb Area 11'10' ...ac of ..owronc. aoad. but WIlleb ..Ul, 1n .roce, b. locet.c! 1ll tll. CU, of Joynton '.ocb ~otol d..ond for land for ..lel-tonant, l.o,.d offlco bul1ding. In elt, of Boynton B.ach: : &1.52 + 5a.o~ . 121." .er.. '~-TO'I'A". 01_ FOa LAHIl roa onso UI", A'f IUlLD-OII'I' .!!.!-.:J~,..!.c_z:~,o D..and for ~.nd for ..~&tt u... .inat.-T.nan~ ..~.tl Au114tnaa OCcupi.d floor ar.a 00 of 1/1/111 Sal,f'7 oquor. f..t o.aa . Av.ro,. floor/ar.a roelo for roeail proj.cto built bot....n 1.10 ond 1116 0.'5 . Hinl... occupaoc, roto Projoct.el clo.ond for land a\ bu11d-out' Sal,'" a 11/0.aa) x 11/.'5) x 1.75 . 5,15',007 ,quaro foot 5.154.001/43.5fO . 111. sa ocr., ...11 Multl-~.n.n~ ..t.tl .btl~tfta. !b.o. ora ..ltl-t.nont r.tal1 or .1..d r.tol1/offle. aoo ln Iomton ..ocb Hork.t Ar.a, ln bul1elio,0 wltll 1." ellan 10,000 o...ore f..t. 5 '~.....- ~_.. - - , OCcupi.d floor .r.. .. of 4/1/.,. ".$12 .qu.r. f..t proj.ct.d d..and for l.nd .t build-out. ".$12 . 11/0.22' . 11/.'5' . 1.15 . 1.1' . '53.5'4 .qu.r. f..t 0.22 . Av.r'9' floor/.r.. r.tio for r.t.il prol.ct. bUilt b.twe.n 1..0 .nd 1911 0.'5 . Hini.ua occup.ncy r.t. '53.5'4/43."0 . 21." .cr.. .~rtD _hODDinG ~.nt.r. Th... .r. .ulti-t.n.nt r.t.il or .I..d r.t.il/offic. v.. In loynton I..cb K.r~.t Ar... in bulldin9' witb 10.000 to 40.000 .quar. f..t. OCcupi.d floor .r.. .. of 4/1/.,. 30..... .qu.r. f..t . . . proj.ct.d d...nd for land at build-out. 30....4 . 11/0.22' . 11/.'51 . 1.15 . 1.1' . 3.02'.122 .quar. faat 0.22 . Av.r'9' floor/.r.. r.tio for r.t.il proj.ct. built b.tw..n 1"0 .nd 19 II 0." . Kini.ua occup.ncy r.t. 3.02..122/.3.'10 . I'." .cr.. ea..unity AhoDDlna e.nt.r. Th... ar. .ulti-t.n.nt or .i..d r.t.II/offic. U.. .boppin, c.nt.r.. witb '0.000 .qu.r. f..t or .or.. and c.nt.r. tbat .r. i...di.t.l, .dj.c.nt to .hoppin, c.nt.r. of 40.000 .quar. f..t or .or.. OCcupl.d floor .r.. a. of 4/1/.,. "'."0 .qu.r. f..t 0.22 . Av.r.,. floor/.r.. r.tio for r.t.il proj.ct. built b.tw..n 1"0 .n4 1914 0.'0 . Klni.ua occupancy rat. pro1.ct.d 4...nd for l.nd .t buil4-out. . ~ ._- ~ -- ---- ---~~ ! I i I.S.ffO. 11/0.22) . 11/.'0) . 1.1S . 1.1' . ..'3'.'.2'.quar. f..t I,'3','.2/f3.S.0 . lS'.32 .cra. ..atonal Mall Thara i. ona ra9ional .all in tha city of Boynton ..ach. with a 9ro.. l.a.abla floor ar.a a. of f/l/., of .,...,0 .quara f..t. Proportion of r'9ional .all acraa9a allocatad to 'oynton '.ach Hark.t Ar.a. ba.ad on proportion that th. bUild-out population of .omton .aach Harkat araa 1'0.120) co.pri... of tha build-out population of 'omton 'alcb Kall .ark.t Ir.a 121$.'80): 113.0$ acr.. . 0.321 . 3'." acr.. 'ourca, population of 'omton '..cb Kark.tJlr.a. and unincorporat.d ar.a in .oynton ..aeb utility a.rvlc. araa-!'oyDton '.ach .lannln9 D.pt. .ource: Popul.tion of 'omton '..ch M.U IIark.t Ar.. outll"- of aoyDton ...cb K.rk.t Arl. end 'omton ..ach utility l.rvIC. ar.a--~r.ffla AnalYlil Ion. dlta by '"1. '.Icb County .lannin, D.pt. Th. .oynton ...ch Kill Klrk.t Ar.1 ia dafinad a. b.in9 bord.r.d on tb. north by Llk. wortb Road. on tb. aalt by tb. Atloutla OCaan, on th. walt by the LoXlhltchl' wildlife Rlfu,.. and on th. .outb by th. L.w.D.D. L-30 C.nal walt of J09 Road. th. L.W.D.D. L-32 Canll bltwa.n Jog Road .nd 1-'$. and Atlantic AVlnu. .llt of 1-9$. 'roportlon of n,ional .aU lquan footl,. aUocat.d to 'omton '.Icb Hlrk.t Ar.a. b.lld on proportion th.t tba popul.tion of .oynton '"acb Hark.t Ara. coapri.l. of population of tba .oynton .alcb Kill ,"rklt are.: 81...,0 x 0.f2$ . 313.41$ .quar. f.at Da..nd for r.,ional .111 .qu.r. foot'9a for Boynton '.acb M.rkat Ar.., b..ad on r.tio of build-out popul.tion of Bomton .alcb H.rkat Ar.. to 1'" population. 313.f3$ x 1.1$ x 1.1' . $39.11f .qu.ra t..t 'roportion of ra,lonll .all lquara foota9' .11ocatad to 'omton .a.cb M.rk.t Ara.. b,,"d on proportion tbat bUild-out populltlon of,Bomton ,"acb M.rkat arl, coapria.a of bUild-out population of lOynton .aacb Hall .arkat araa. 1.2.....9 x 0.121 . .0'.'1$ .quar. faat 1 ~~- - I , Diff.r.... betwe.a deaand for .qu.r. footage .t r.gioaal a.ll, ID4 'l"opOrtloD of ..n .qu.ra foot.g. .1locat.eS to 8OJlltoD a...1l Muket Ar... .t baileS-out. . 771.14' - 40'."5 . "',20' .quar. f..t 'roj..t.eS eS..aneS for addition.l e....rel.1 IlDd. baa.eS upGo UDalt eS..aneS for r.glonal .all floor ar... "4,20' x 11/0.221 . IJ/0.'2S1 . J.7",722 .quar. f..t 0.22 . Av.rag. floor/ar.a ratio for r.tal1 pro,..t. bulJt b.twe.o J,.O aoeS 118. 0.'25 . Mlnl.u. occupan.y\rat.. a.'Ullog J/2 of floor .r.a would ba locat.eS In .trlp .hoppl"9 e.ot.n, and 1/2 of floor ar.a wouleS be 10.at.4 In .o..unity .bopp~a9 .aot.r. 1.'...~'2J.~.~'O . I' ft. .~r.. I . 'WTOTAL, DIKAIID roll LAHD FOil III1'AIL VIII, A? aVILD-ou'I', acr.. 417.14 _.. D..aneS for Lan4 for Otll.r COII.r.ial V..a Nur.tno Mo... and adult rOfta~.d.t. Llvln. ..ellttt.. Hur.lag Ho.. and .\eLr b.eS. ia Citr, ..iating ID' plann.eS, a. of JO/J/.I. 1.101 b.cla 'roj..t.eS 4..aoeS for aur.ing bo.. and ACLr b.d., at bUl1d-ODt. 'I.' b.eS. p.r 1,000 por.on. '5+ y.ar. . 25,051 paraona '5+ ,.ar. at build out. 1.... b.eS. la.a group bo.. analral. to II. 10.1uded la Hou.lag Il...at for ..tl.at.. for b.4I IDeS nuab.r of .ld.rlr Plr.oa.' rutur. eS..and for nurolag aurllng boa. .Del Ac:Lr becla la C1t;. J. 4,. _ 1,101 . II' aeSdltioaal b.eS. Avarag. Ilt. ar.. Plr b.eS. for nurllog boa. IllCI .\eLf ,roj..ta approveeS frol J'IO tbrougb I"'. 1.421.7 .quar. f..t p.r lI.eS '.r..nt.g. of our.iog boa. and ACLr ba4I, ..latlog aoeS ,11DD.eS, la .o...relal loolog dl.trl.t., a. of JO/J/II. 40./J,OJI . 40.0' I --'-- I CUrrent. pl.nn.d c_.n1al .cr..,. occupl.d nulln, ~OII.. and AeLh. ' 12.7t .cn. . rutara d...nd for ,_no1a1 land for nareln, lloa.. and. Ac:r.r. .t 1>uild-out I '18 . 0.10 . 1,12'.1 . 4.1' .cr.. ,roj.ct .s d..anO for c...ndal land for nuroln, II.... ...d Acr.r., .t 1>ul1~ ~utl 1.15 + 15.0' . 1'.21 .cr.. at_i. And Mo~.1. ,rojocted nubn of 1I0tel and. aotal r_a a' bu110-out in city UrGe Houoln, Ilo..nt', 1,517 r~o Avar.,. olta .rao POI' 1'008, for 1I0talo anO iotalo approvaO bat..an 1/1/.0 .nd ./1/..: 1,57'.2 oquoro faat par roo. 'rojactad d.....d for land for 1I0tol. and ..tal.. .t bal10.outl 1,517 a 1,57'.2 aqu.r. f..t . 2,3'1,0" oqu.ro faat 2.3'1,0'5/13,510 . 51." ocro. Marin. eo...ret.l 1 Thl. cato,ory lnclaOao ..rln.., drr .tor.,o bul1dln,. for bo.t., and ground laval o'ora,a of boato. currant .cra.,a for ..rlno co..orclal In Gra.tar IoyDton aa.cll Ara., 11.15 acreo CUrrant acra.,a p.r 1.000 popul.tlon for ..rlno c....rcl.1 In Gr..t.r noynton aa.cll Ar... 11..5/.5.115 . 0.1715 acra. par 1.000 population. Tha IS.U5 popul.tion U9\lro 18 tll. ... of tIl.'popula\1on ..tiaata., bJ tho aoynton n.acll 'lannln, Dlpt. for all araa. o..t of Lawrano. aoad, pia. tha '/1'/'5 population oatl.ata. ..40 br tlla Katropolltan ,lannln, or,anlzatlon lIy Traffic Aftaly.l. lono, for ar.a. ...t of Lawrlno. "Id. 'rojoc'ad population of Graatar aoynton aaacll Araa, at build-out I 191,131 Tho '5,115 population flvar. 10 tIlo ... of tIl. population proj.ctlon., by tho noynton n.lcll 'lannln, Dlpt.. for .11 .raa. o..t of L.wr.nc. Road, plu. tIla '/1'/'5 populatlon projactlon. .a41 IIr tlla "atropolltan . - -----~-~ ,if. I" . ~ ".';. :~' 'lannln. or,.nla.tloD by Tr.fflc AD.lr.l. Ion.. l ".wnnc. aoed. , .~. '>, .('; , , for .r... ....t of . 'roj.cted d..end for l.nd for ..rln. c088lrct.l .... tft Gr..t.r loyntOD ...cb Ar.'. .t ~uild-out 1.11 .cr..,. 1. .....14 to ~ loc.t.d tn cttr .nd '1'_ of HypolwcoI' ltl.t31 x 0.1715 . '2.t2 .cr.. Wev Au~~ohtt. ..t.. 'J'bt. U.. 1. propo..d to b. .llow.d .. . condttton.l u.. 1. the c., aonin, di.trict. carr..tlr. th.r. .r. DO D'. c.r d..l.r.bip. in the City. 'J'b.rlforl. tb. future d...nd for tbi. trPI of u.. would Dot b. .ccounted for by ..ktD, prol.ctlo.. ba..d upon ..t.tiD' .cr..,.. H.. autoaobU. deal.robtp. tD the citr of Palrar ...ch. ....tcb U.. to the .outb of lomton leach. typic.lly OCCllP1' froa 2 to . .cr... A..u.in, tb.t on. .v.ra,.-.ta.d d.al.r.btp wtll ~. loc.t.d in lorn to. ..a.b. tb. proj.ct.d d....d for land for thi. U'.. .t build-out. i. 1.0 .cr... Mt.e.ll.naou. u... in ~~..ret.l .ontna Dlatrtet. Land oc.upted by ail..llan.ou. UI.. tn COID.rctal aODin, di.trict. lcburch... .chool.. club.. ,ov.rna.Dt.l u'.'I. .. of 1/1/17. 12.17 .cr.. 'roj.ct.d d'.'Dd for lend. .t butld-out. 12.17 .1.15 . 21.12 .cr.. 'UllTOTAto. DEI1NIll roa LAII1) roll OTIDII ClllOlIIIClAL VI.I. A., .VILD-OUT. 132.17 a.r.. TOTAto DS",,"D roll COIlIlUCIAto LAHtI "'., IVIU-clU'I 131.25 .cn. 8uftdl. af ~o...ret.l ~.n~ "'II figur.. for the .upp11 of coaa.ret.l lend .r. for D.C .cr... 'J'b. b... figur. for ..tl..tln, the build-out ..pp11 of coaa.rci.l lend iD tb. Gr..t.r Boynton 1..Ch Ar.' co..I.t. of tb. followl.,. all C-l 10ffic. and 'rof...lon.l coaa.reiall C-2 1",I,hborhood C....rci.ll. c., lConauDity CoIa.rctall. end CID lC.Dtral ...tn... Dt.trteCI aon.d prop.rtYI all PCD (.l.an.d c....rei.l ....l.,..D.I 10D.d prop.rtYI thO.. portion. of Quant.. corpor.t. .ark ""ich are ._ on the a..tar plan for .Offtc." end "coaa.rcial" land U... 10 _...- ~ _._----~---~ .uae!. af Lan. 'ep Ollie. a.. , 'C-I loD.4 propert" .. of APril I, 1'" Cepltol prof...lonal Cantu PCD . 11.11 acr.. 3.50 acn' Quant~ corporat. park--ar.. .bOND on ...t.r plan for "Offlc," ... US.I acn. IIAII rlGUllI. .UfPL'l or COIlMIIICIAL LAIlD FOil orrlCl UII OIlLf. ZOO." acr.. Th. following ar.a. war. add.d. ba..d upon plann.d or llk.l, u.. for ofUc, U'" Propert, In unlncorporat.d ar.a .a.t of Lawr.nc. 1I0ad .bOND a. "Offlc. co_ud.l. on aomton ...cb rutur. Land u.. nan. n..o acnl Incorporat.d parc.l. to .outbw..t of HI" ~ldO' C.nt.r. .bOND a. "Indu.trlal" on rutur. Land u.. .lan lal'~' I/Z acr.avo will b. u..d for offlc.. I/Z acr.aO' for Indu.trlall' IZ.ZZ acr.. .tanford .ark H.dlcal C.nt.r Iln .tlnford '.rk .lann.d Unit Il.v.lop..nt I. 1.10 .cn. Woolbrlgbt Prof..llonal c.nt.r p.rc.l lon.d C-I' Nortbw..t corn.r .. ..acr..t Ilvd. and Golf 1I0ad, Z.10 acr.. 0." .cr.. 'ro~..d C-l Offlc. and 'rof...lon.l coa..rclal lonlno. on plrc.l on loutb .Id. of R.I. .tb Av.., .a.t of u... Hl"wa, I. 0.1' .cr.. .ropo..d C-l Offlc. and .rof...lon.l co...rclal lonlno, on parc.l. curr.ntl, lon.d C-Z, frontlno on 10m ton I..cb Ilvd. b.tw..n Int.r.tat. nand ...cnlt 1000levud n.n acr.. .ropo..d addltlon.l C.l Offlc. and Prof...lonal C~.rclal lonlno, on parc.l. curr.ntl, lon.d II-IA. to nortb and .outb of parc.l. fronting on lorn ton I.acb 'lvd. b.tw..n Int.r.tat. '5 and '.Icr..t loul.vard 13.1' acn. .ropo..d C-l Offlc. .nd .rof...lonal coa.arclal lonlno alono north alda of Woolbrlobt 1I0ad, b.tw..n Int.r.tat. 'S and ..acr..t loul.v.rd 3.15 acn. .ropo..d C-I OfflC' and .rof...lonal co...rclal lonlno alonO Conor... Av.nu. adjac.nt to Hunt.r.' lIun PUll, curr.ntl, lon.4 C-3 30.00 .cr.. WoolbriGht .lac. .CD--offlce eo..erclal portion propo..d C-I Offlc. an4 profa..lonal co.aarclal IODlnG at north.a.t corn.r of COnor... Av.nue '.00 acn. '.00 acr.. n - ~._~ " ~&;:, . . '~_"III &It, .684 . !. "'r. ' ~:'.'; AUA 0. 'IlOPlIl'I'1' roa orrICI VII. TO II ADDID TO JAIl .ICIUllII ]f: 124.12 acna ';' ./ ~, ,. r>' Th. folloWIng ar.a. war. .Ubtract.d. b...d upon plaan.d or 11k.l, u.. ~;" for otllar tban offic. ua., 'ropo..d a441tlonal Local aatal1 C~.rclal wa.t of Wincba.t.r 'ark Boul.vard "01. .er.. , AUA 0. ,aOPlaTY lOa orrICI V'I, TO II IIIITIlAC'I'ID TO JAIl rICIUllI. 17 . tI acru IW'I'O'1'AL. ADJU.TID IUP,LY 0' COIOlIacIAI. LAHD lOa orFICI V'I 01110'1. 301. n acru . '.11 "Ii.. ',. i . ". Suaetv of Land Por ..tatl. ..raanat _.rvlc... Motat_ and Not.ta. Mdr.tna Mo... and ACLFa. Marina ~o...ret.l. and Mt.e.]l.~.ou. u... In eo...retal Dtatriet:.. C-2 zon.d prop.rt" a. of AprIl I, 1'" C-3 zon.d prop.rt" a. of AprIl I, 1'" CBD zon.d prop.rt,. a. of AprIl 1. 1'" Cro.. cr..k c.nt.r ,lann.d Co...rclal D.v.lope.nt, ".33 acre. ...." acr.. 11. Sf acre. 3.n acr.. Quanta Corporat. park--araa .bown on .a.tu plan for .coMudal. u... 21.'70 .era. BAIl rIoua., IVrrL., 0' LAHD lOa UTAIL, ITC.I "'.31 acru Th. following ar.aa ar. addad to tb. ba.. flgur., ba..d upon plann.d or l1k.l, u.. for r.tal1 or otb.r c~.rclal u.... 'ot.ntlal Local a.tal1 CO...rclal laa4 u.., at .outbwe.t corn.r of aomton I.acb aoul.vard and ..acr." _lavard 1. at aCr.. .ropo..d C-2 N.lghborhood coaa.rcl.1, on propert, own.d b, 'lorlda 'OWIr . LIght co., at nortb.a.t corn.r of Ioynton I.acb 11vd. and Old lomton aoad llnclud. rlgbt-of-va, for Old IOmton acad to b. abandon.d). 1.31 acr.. .lr.t laptl.t Churcb parkIng lot, .on.d C.2. 0.30 acr.. 'ropo..d Local a.tall e-rdal along I. ocaan AM., bet....n .... 1.t .tr..t and 'lorlda la.t coa.t .ailva, !Tack., .xcludlng r..ld.ntlal condoalnlal' 1.1' acr.. .ropo..d C-3 co.aunit, co.a.rclal zonIng on .a.t 1/2 of .un-Vab rutaurallt parking lotI O.SS acr.. 12 .--' , ...._~-- "'1', :*;t~r.'e4 e-2 MI1911bOrllood CoMud.l, 011 pucel .10l19.....t .1M of ",.'lorlda ...t co..t l.l1..r tr.ck., .oatll Of M.I. 22n4 Av... ' . c~ . O.SO acn. 'rope..4 C-4 Gan.r.l e....rcl.1 011 parc.l., ",.c.nt to parc.l. froatln, 011 ...t .1.. of v... Hl,bW.r 1 bet.... CID .onln, .1.trlct an4 10ratOll Canal. 1." acr.. Iomton I..cb H&11--propo..4 .ddltlO11.1 p.rkl., ar.a. 5.30 acr.. e-4 son.4 propartr frontln, on Mortb ,.4.ral Hllb.a, IV.'. 11. 10." acr.. e-I son.4 propartr lyln, .1on, H.I. Itb .tr..t, adjoe.nt to ClD Dlotrlct. 1.11 aor.. .- OD.-balf of tb. .raa of "N-l .on.4 paro.l. froatln, on lOutb con,r.a. Av.nu.. bat.aan tb. ~.W.D.D. 10-2' e.n.l .04 tb. ...tb.rD Cltr 11.1t. r 17.'1 acr.. . 'ropo-a4 boat .tor.,. .r.a 0. ...t .Id. of H.I. Itb .tr..t, .outb Of N... ..2n4 Av.na.. 3.U acral ,rti n of propo..4 boat .tor.,. bu1141n, .1t., carr.ntlr .on.4 1-', .t "t~ .n4 of City, .a.t 114. of V.I. KI,b.'r I. 4." acr.. Tr< :. ...t.ur.nt .1t.--portI0ll of .1t. foro.rlr .on.d C-I G.n.r.l COL ,dal. 2." acral 'rol rty In unlncorporat.d '1"', ...t of Lawr.nc. lo.d, .bown ao "Loc.l ..t, 1 co..udal" 0. 1In lopton ...cll ....tur. LADd V.. 'lan. ".71 acr.. '1'0' ..4 .ddltlo..1 Local I.t.ll eooo.rcl.1 ...t of Wlncb..t.r ..rk Iou v.rd 17." acr.. ..r .1. In TOWn of Hypoluxo. .bewn II .oo..ral coeoarcl.1" on Town of Hn> 'xo Putur. Land V.., tb.t frOllt on tboroulbUr... 13.10 aora. Ixl "n, .nd plann.d ..rlna .1t.. iD town of ftrpoluxo. 12.34 acr.' '1'0 rtr .1tb c....relal 1.n4 .... iD town Of Irln., .r...... 1.31 acral c:o .d C'Il son.d propartr, In lIIllncorporat.d un, lriD, &lOG, ,outll ,1d. of /poluxo lo.d, b.t.... ...or..t .1". ADd OV.rlook 1014. n.n .u.. '1'. .>OlId Loeal IIt.U ~uela1 hlld ... on ell.rell ISte 011 .000tl1 11M of aypoluxo Io.d, b.t.... Kllb lid.. load &DI J-". ,... aer.. 'r,po..d Loc.l ..t.l1 coa..rel.1 1..0 ....t .outll,..t cora.r Of co "rail Av.nu. and H.W. nll4 Av..u.. 12." '01'" 13 / - --~. '" I I ro..,. ',. ~ ~1t~oa.l r.oc.l .ltlU _rdal lU1C1 llel 'or lfOolb~I"'t ,l.cI fc:D. 'f, 17 . IS .crel ~~ . ", CIl lOlled propertr. ill imlocorpont" .re., lrl1l9 .lot19 Dortb 'Ida ., ..;"' Mf",.r Rfta4t b.t....... are". .0..dI alllll u.. IItl!lh".., t I II ..1 .ere. "1.. 'IO'l'AIo ~ NlIlaD "10 1M. nGUU. roa IVP,LY or LAlID roa IITAU AIID, _a COMIlIIIC:tAJ. V'I'. 211.10 .cr... Thl '011owl09 .rl.a wara aUbtr.ctl4 Ir.. tba b..a 'Igure. b...4 upoo curr.ot. pl'A11ld. or 111l11r 'uturl dlV.lopalDt 'or 00D-eo..lrel.1 lood U'.'t ","! C-) .on.d portlon 0' parella aoutb 0' Ibootlr" ...t.uroot. .cqulrl4 hr Cltr 'or parll U'I' 5. U aer.. , '.re.la .on.d C-', lrlD9 OD I.at alda 0' IlIlat '1.... propoa.4 to be rl.oD.4 to 11-'. 1." .erla ,are.la .0D.d Co,. lrlD9 011 ..It alda 0' l.rDard'a ...t.ur.Dt. propoa" to ha r,.oDa4 to .-,. 1.a6 .er.a 'arcll &ODld C-2. 'or..rlr OCcupl.d br 4.r c.r. caDtar. loc.ta4 00 ..1. 1,tb AYI.. propoI.d to be .cqulr.4 'or a44ltloll to park. 0.51 .cr.a ro...r C-2 &ODI4 'rollt.9I, 00 wa.t .Ida 0' .. Ilacrlat 11v4.. rl.on.4 to IIIC 'or Kortb DI.trlct 'arkl 2.11 ler., 'arcel, lotll4 ClD, occupl.4 br '1' Yarrlc. COn4Oll101UII. .t ..1. 2n4 AVI. 1114 1.1. ItD Itr..t. . 0.40 Icr.a '.rc.l. lon.4 C-' that .r. occupl.. or owoa4 br Gul'atr... Luaber. at nortb...t contar 0' V.I. I lIII4 _lbrlpt ".4. IIl4 parclla &00" c-, tb.t abut fie llI11ro14 bet..IO .... ItIlI "'fl. 1114 Gultatra.. Luaber. 14. II .cra, KlIIgrov. h...ock III ClD lotII09 4Iatr!et. 22.00 .erla c-, .0014 rlorl4. 101104 II.vl,atl.. IPOll alt.. loatlll 01 c......r ....ar. 'boppl09 Clot... propoa" to be r,"ODId to .-3. 3.13 .er.. eM .00.4 p.rc.l.. In uaIDeorpo..t.. ..... lrl1l9 ..at 0' 11.1. 4th .tr..t. .1009 nortb .Ida 0' KIII.r .0.4. to be r.IOD" to r..14.lItl.l. I' .DnlxI4. 1.43 Icrl' 1I1gbt-o'-..r 'or re-.U",.. port I.. 0' 014 "'rotOQ 1014. .t "'rot"" I..cb ...ulIY..4, 0.14 Icr.. 'ortloD 0' C-2 10D14 pacell It DO.tbwllt Coral. 01 II. ,".crl.t 11V<<. lIII4 H1Dlr 110.4. propoaa4 to hI ...011.4 to a-I l1A91. r..llr ..aldIDtlll. .4.11 Icr.1 14 ,-~ ~ --.~ -------. ',. , . ~)<, ~!'.erc.i .emed c.,. 14j.C.Dt to lO.t aup .uk. to be lcqulr" br CStr for '<;:0, ,erk e44ltSa. O.U Icr.. . ~~ . rOrMr c., 'ODa4 portS_ of lI.t.nellga 4....10pll.nt. Oil "ortll r.cler" .1""'.,. ..aoned to 11-" 1.12 acr.. e-, aon.4 p.rc.l. frontln, on v... I. l,lng .outh of ..rn.roI'. ...t.urant. '.0' ler.. eo' ao...4 parcal. fronting on 0111 Dillie Hl,hwa,. propo." to be reloD" to eo. Gln.r.l e~arel.l. ..t, .cr.a .ortla of IOlt a.., ..rk. r.aon.II trOll eo' to alc. 1.0' ocr.. C-I lon.d p.re.l. on north and .outb .111.. of lI.rtln 'uthtr lln,. Jr. Ilvd.. propo..II to ba ....d for re.lclentlol u4 for 'o...r......t.l h..4 ..... o.n Icr.. , '" e-2 aon.4 perc.la fronU.., OD II. IOJIltOD ...ch loul...r4. bet....D I-n ...11 ...cr..t 11vd.. propo..d to be cban,.~to e-1 Offlcl and 'ror...tonal co...retail : l1.as .ere. CIt aon.II propert, .t '!'hOllp.on ao.d ...d JIypoluxo ao.d (unlncorporat.d). propo..d to ba pl.~.4 LOW D.n.lt, ...lcle..Ual. 1.0. .cr.. eo' lon.d prop.rt, frontln, OD .. congr... Ava.. .dj.c.nt to Hu..t.r.' ava 'UD, '0.00 .er.. e-2 aon.d propart, In lloolbrlgbt 'l.c. 'CD to ba chang.4 to OfUc. .nd .ro,...lOllol C_rclal 1.nd u... 1.0. .u.. Adju.t..nt to .cr..,a to b. occupi.4 br IOJIltOD ...eh 11.11. b...4 upon proponlo" of builll-out populatloD of aOJlltoD a..ch II.U ..rll.t er.a 1,1ng out. Ida ao",ton I.acll lI.rll.t Ar..' 0.1" . 11'.Ot .er.. . ,,& La. aer.. 'I'O'I'AL llCIl&AOl .II8TIlACTID nclIl BAIl rICIU... roa .U.." or UIlD roa .."AIL M1l 0'nI11l COHIlIIlCIAL u.... In.s' .ore. IUJ'I'O'I'AL. AD.J\II"ID IU"" Dr UIlD roa 1lI'I'AI" AIlD 0'I'H11l _acur. UII., J.tb' 1.....~reJl (:0. I~ , ! I' " " \: .u.n, or COHIlIIlCur. UIlD I" CIn or 80fImlIt alACIt (CUIlIlIln' ern '1111"'1' IS'.I. ocr.. IU""'I or COHIlIacIA!. INID III AIlIAI 'fO II AIIIlIllID II CI" Dr IOlo,lOIl alACK' ltt..' .cr.. 'U"''I or COHIlIllerAL INID I" 'fOIIII or II'IPOWSO. IU""'I or COHIlIIlCIA!. INID III 'fOIIII or UIIlI'I a"UIII as.'. .ce.. 1.'. .ce.. u - .' , 'rOTA!. ADJUITlD au"r.t or COIlHIJCJA!. LA/ID, JII ICIIImlll alACllllAlllft' AID. 1,02'.72 aer.. . 'rOTA!. D_ roa COIlHIaCJAL LA/ID, AT aUILD-oII'r, III 1O'IJmlIl BIAClI MAIII1' AID. .n.IS eer.. I:XCIIII 'U..LY or COIlHIIICIA!. LA/ID. ovsa .1lO.l1c:TI:D D_ roll COIlHIJCJA!. LA/ID. it..n acre. Exccaa aU..L'I or COIlHIIICJAL LA/ID AI .IIICIIlTAGI OV,. 'I'O'I'A!. DI_ roa c:oHMlRCJAL LAIID. 23." ., , . II or - ~ - -_.' - . , . . , at.eu__tftft e' .UDaI. aftd a.~.ftd fer ~.ref.1 ~.ftd (l.vlae4) . A c~p.rS.oa of the .upply y.r.u. d...nd of coaa.rcl.l 1.nd .how. th.t there .,y be up to I,. .cr.. of nca.. co..erchl land at buUd-out. ~.r. .r. thr.. .44ltSon.l .dju.ta.nt. to thl. .cr..g., howey.r, Whlcb ..y r.duc. thS. .xc... .cr..g" QU.ntue corpor.t. '.rk Coaa.rcl.l Acr..g. QU.ntue Corpor.t. '.rk wSl1 cont.Sn about 30 .cr.. of property .t the c.ut.r of the p.rk whSch will b. d.vot.d to r.t.l1 .tor.., and bu. In... ..rvSc". .nd p.r.on.l ..rySc... According to tb. Appl1-..tloo for lNy.lopa.nt ApprOYal \IIIllcb w.. ._Itt.4 for QIlota .ark, tll... "... wSl1 ....tly ..rv. tb. t.n.nt. of the bu. In... p.rk. wltb only ltalt.4 a.. by penon. outald. of th. park. 'fill. d.....d wou14 oot b. .ccounte4 for by .pplylng .ultlpll.r. to the curr.nt popul.tSon. 'lnc. ChS. c.....rol.1 .cr..g. would b. 10c.t.4'on . 4-10' oOll,otor ro.d whSch S. 1... than . .Sl. fro. .n lnt.rchAng., It 1. v.ry po..~bl., howey.r, th.t up to 50\ of tb. cu.to..r. for tb... co...rcl.l u... would b. par.on. fr... out.ld. of tb. p.rk. If It ...~.d tb.t 50\ of tb. r.t.l1 eo...reS.l .cr..g. lu QU.ntu. corpor.t. '.rk would b. g.n.r.t.d within tb. p.rk, tb.n 15 .er... could b. .ubtr.ct.d fro. tb. .apply of co...rcl.1 land. co...rcS.l 'rop.rty lurroundlng Ioynton '..cb H.ll It 1. ..tl..t.d tb.t, .t buSld-out, tb.t 74\ of tb. pOpul.tloo of tb. .oynton ...cb H.ll .ark.t .n. ..111 11. OIIt.lde of tll. Ioyntoa '..ob R.t.l1 H.rk.t Ar... It 1. r...ooabl. to ...... tb.t . ...ll.r but .lgo1flo.nt p.rc.ot.g. of tll. d...n4 for r.t.ll floor .pac. Will b. 9.n.nted oUUld. of tll. 'oynton ...cb Hark.t Ar'.. 'flier. are about" .cr.. of .xl.tlng .nd pot.ntl.l .cr.. of r.t.ll c.....rcl.1 lying .dj.c.nt to tb. tlglon.l ..11, and to tb. Sa.dl.t. IIOrtb an4 .outll. ".....lng tll.t .pproxl..t.ly 25' of tb. cu.t....r. for tb. .tor.. would 0.... fr,. out.ld. tll. loc.l ..rk.t .r.., tll.o 21 .cr.. could b. .ubtr.ct.d fro~ tb. .upply of c.....rcl.1 .cr..g.. Futur. Incr.... 10 R..l Hou..bold Inc.... TIl. d...nd for hnd for retell a... 1. .pprolllHt.ly proportSonat. t. till ..ount of dl.po.abl. Snc.... Sn tb. .arkat ar... I.al per caplt. dS.po.abl. loc.... So ..1. ...cb county will baY, rl..n .l....t 10' 10 :11. 1,.0.. wbU. per c.pit. r.t.ll ..1.. w111 b... rl..o .1....t 40\ (.dj' .tlll for SnU.tSoo). 'fII. lncr..... In per c.pit. r.t.11 .al.. b.v. 111.0 . .uo Into .ccouot 10 ..k1Dg tll. proj.ctSon. for rat.11 c_rolal .crug. Tb. unly.r.lty of 'lorld. .ur..u of Icon...lo and .ualaa.. .....rcb b' . ..d. tb. follOWing ..tl..t.. and proj.ctl.... for popul.tlon. growtb ' QI\ cb.ng.. 10 real peraoo.l loc.... for ..1. ...cb collllty. ro'U1oA'I'IOIl Nt: IIICOld 'aoJtC'rIQMI lOll 'ALM 'SACK COllll'I'I 17 -- -- - - - . ., -." f 'fr;.l; ,"i,;1;t~';f 0 " . \ "~i'~ . f' '0"...\., .,t"V" , ,',; If ,'lrl. .. :, IV~ ;,..~~,!~", t '.' I . :~. ".lt~,. : ,;\~~\{ ~ , '\,"'~ll~~:,. . ,.,.,,,';;.ttt, , :~r ~\I~J\" ~. " "l'i'lr";lJ.:,... !:lent as foUowS! ': :"n'Y~i; , Sec:tion 6, Townsblp 46 South, . '1~6tl1.t'A!i Ro.nf:c 43 Eut, ond the !!Dst half. : . "\~;~' .' of Sac:clon 1. Townshlp 46 IOIlChl. '.. , Ronr.o 42 Ilut, lou thl'eo puce s on the . .:\~.: periphcry of the Eost half of SoeUon l.t! .~:}o, ',' _ , totaling IIpproxl~atoly 20 ILens. ' , , '.' L~..lS!i' , r-"'-f . '; ,'~',\j,.i., ... wel'e ~ are validly annexed. into the CltY,Of'~07~\;~~!t~~';:~ by the salol Ordln3nc:o 72-27 and finds thattb,:'~;,l.t.\\l~~t~r. validly zoned by the said Ordinan!;.. Th. '&onl~J.'a~~~(.,~~.~l~~~4 U . in the said Ordlnanco is J:\01'O particularly .et out!.h.roln:by.. . . ~; "1.' ';:-:... ..;.j;. I' re!e ronco to that c:uhln Road Phn No.' 7J~~~.:' ~p~f~~~~ .~l~~\; , . ...... .il Is attached hereto .5 Exhibit Band aado a PAtt'~.r!d~~~~,., p.rc~ll al indicated on the salol Dap, by ,nu~'~"w~riJ~~~~:~y ~b~ said Ordinance 72-27 and au no" va1ldlY &on04J...\toUoW.,',..' . . }, -~1""l."" ~' & ". I .,., ~~;{...., Parcelsl 1,,6.7. .. . are loned. 12.4..". .," ".,;,J.' s " ,',.)n..q,~,,~ PlIrcelsl 9,10,11,12.13,14.15,16 ane! . , ",." '. . .~, I.,,'. ;,,,,t~.!U:tl::lI- 23 lire zoned. R3A \'" '1 . '.~ '.~ ~.: '. .' . ,: "t~tt'~~i!1~ Parcelst 17,18,UA,22,24 are .&one4 C-l, ~ :";t.~t-.~;."":,:,. , ("'1 tttd~"!UlOO' Parcels: 19 and 20 al'e &on,d e.2 . ,., :, :."Ji":",~,.~,:'~/,', . ..: ~.~...~.-.;~t)~...... The Court further finds that after' the enact1:l'lSt ol! o::dl.ftaa.ce,' . . ! t rt~'''.~~l!itr . 7 2 - Z7, Palnland Deyolopt'.cnt Corpol'uion" in' reUuco' IIpOD4t:1~ . , ";'." ,1.: ~tfll t'!h tr - Ordinance, did lubstD~:iDl1y chaneo it", PODlt~~.~bt~~~~,~:pe~tl- , . " l,'" '!fh':\ ..." 1,,,,- tUrD of lUOS of Daney_ The Court furt:lor-!!.~!s:thc' 'C'o1C1=:i' ,'t).~ Davalo :,nt corpo~~tlen,'in cccordanco ~lth't604t~~. and A TlU::Ient is ontitled to dovolc tho ~C:lt.l"i'=F' cnc:e w1 tb tho above zo::i:1 c1aSlllflcr.t!.o:\.ll u~th~ 1 fCl~l~tUt:.n:~,1; . ; . (.~~"'!t. '0;", ... llovecla:-, 1972, c::cei't III hc~ein&fto:' HI1!.tClll;I~~~~~ S.i~r., Hens I~~ll be d:ectllatcd b)' PC~;;lCll:l" Plt.C}.~;'~d5.'; m ~ ;~~.,. rellt,1e-:1I1e c:oven:mtS to run \lit!! tlie'lCllcl,Ir'..\:tiio o"o~:, . , ,~ t-\ . ':'-:li- ' .:."': , ~I"" . .'" -I,;" ..;~..~ PO'J nt"~?:'l;'f7.. .)~" .::;/:' . I"''r... ~,-1} ..,. (ll) Pc1:Jll:nd wUl not. ccnstrllct' tiot.~;\h ,fMA>"~ 0 .:.;;,~;, ~ . , ',.' ~.,... ~--i:.\" : ~l. ~. . rcsidentlc.l c1~:lll1inll units on tho le:ld:a hcroi:tlLb.cy:.",~I.' .' ;~\-;":.. ' . ane! en the tcn (10) Dcrcs of "county ltnti";"~~,ihb~i ~' "',:l~';'" . ~ ...,;'.~~h'411~ . ~':.;. . . 'i~t "'.'. ..:f"'~.i~ ;' "":1 ";..'fi.,tj'f-\'....'.' ~ {i : ' 0"" ~~'. :J{' ~ ..~., . .. i':/7.;"~G"'" . ~:.~ :'\.!II(,.''''- . ." ..,.:~;., }~;t~~., ',' ~ I '. ,('.4. I."": r ?:~.I'~ I ; ~. t . ":" '._!.l.\~; . . '. .. '. .'!. ~;; ~." . ::,,' " ,~. .~~}' . ~"~-:1'~~:~ t . " .....~.(l:,J ' ,~ . < dl{:"h';',ro>I",~.fJ l! ,~ .\...., . . ", ",:~'(;~~~:~ '. ': ~?:~~~:r~ . . ,"'~'''~ . , ,j;J,.. . ~ .:~'.:;l.~' ~ . . "J".(.~' 'j'.;:,.~r.. ~ ':....,., _. - .', I Eye: _ : fi:;: ~~ '6, v~ : 'I '-01 ''1<-( J'-'"",<", 't, ! '. --, ......,.".-...- 'i:'tt.I.. .. ,--,. - ---- -....:;.;...~_....., - - --..... --- . . . ' ," J, ~ ,1 :t .' : t, U; '~i~ ii ;' ~J: ,i, I:: ~,. ,:94 ,\'," ,. ....~ .,:...' .~l '>; :'~ ;!,,~ '~\1 $ ~\ ""I &~;, ~..: ~. ~; ~'" " :;.: t !t ?oil;: ." ~ d~. I,S~, ' ; I " :#;;).6 ..e:- , ."'-:'1 ";"',. ....: " . I I I . " '. ; ,Y;'~ . . :/' ..-,. ~ . '. .. I;! ',~" . . i..t' " ..' .uses 2.S follol::;: " .. 3S Perce I 25. -- . . , .'.- '. t. ~ , ....'., " ., o rl't',?' ~n "'f _ .!l:,.__uiJ .... '2 1:1 _ -2- -, ... - - , ..... ., . 1 ;\. " , ,. I Exhibit "C" . ' , ' .' ~. ......; :~: 0 .... ....-r--:.:~~..:..M' ....".--.: .' "~..:..:I . ._1-- _0" ---- .'. / thereto. .. I / , ~ , I , ~ : " " " " .. . ',' , .- , " '. .) .r t d' ," .:. . (b)' rr.l~land will construct only ono- 'lory structuros on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In ad~ition to tho 6,700 residontial ~vcllinl units referred to in paragraph sub.(e) above, Pnlclcnd will construct a Daxi~u~ of two hund~od (200) cotel or hotel rentcl u roo~s on Parcel 22, together with all accessory uses inci~cntaL Cd) Palmlnnd will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliainnting the following per~itted uses under the above described :oning classific~tions: C-2 ~::, /0, ~c ~~\ .' (V \ \: '" l('- f;C,. . ~/'^ . ,,'(tnL.;' ~ ..~~ Ani~al hospitals when nIl activities are concucted within the builOing Shops for painters, plucber" paper hangers, , electricians,upholsterers end other of a sioll~r nature. Outdoor ~:orage yards are peroitted when &ccessory to the above uses, providec 011 ea~~o- cent and p~rch~noise are c~clo$ed .b~~!nd a screen cO!1sis:i~g o~ pl::.:ltl:~"3 or ~ closed or se~i-closcd ty,c :~~cc not less th~a five fee: in hcic~t. f.io:, i 10 hO:Je sclcs. ~~ It!'": ~ .. ;:~ - \' i:t -.: .:;.. Uset! c:r 10:5. " . ~::~:~ ':~rE:ho:.::;cs. ,".h~lcs::.la co=~:'ci:..! c.:;::::.b... lish::\'Jilts. Resicential uses. C-I Bcar~i~fi ~~d roc=ina ti:U:C$. l~o=:u::.=;. . ncsidc~:icl U~os. (e) ?al~lcnd ~il1 cn:~. i~!o C~ c?tic~ to cc~- \"C)' si:-:ty (60) acres no:-e or less :0 u3Lrit,Y L'::r:;:;S for \:50 c:-:.ly ; , . , 2S a golf course. Should D=LMY C~!:ES ~':c.cisc ii's c?:ic:l. there -,.,111 bo no core th:ln 6550 rc~icicnticl C:~;cl!i~= t::1i:~ C:l lends ~ho""'"TI on E::hibit "C". "',,""- ~..- \7 \7 ~ I j, -3, - 'lll"r~"-":;o r'" ;:t:t;c..__iJ ....:. .. .:l - - i " i '. - : ...t~ ~. :. .._, '..-,~.i .;:'", " . . "I.. ; .;.::,;:. i ~ :{;;X:I ,. ".~:.:-'~c.~ Exhibi t "e" ,.,....~.,.......--.:~-_.. - ~\a,;~ ...;,;:". :~ ,'":r:;- .,. "';.'. to ~"".~ .' I'~*l..< I' I: ,.,/' ......r.. . .... -.... ...,............ . .,~.fo.r.... - .....t .:... :;;..;. ~ "':.. !"'.... .;.. . .,'.H::; .....J...::;.;~,. - ~.,....._.~~.......I'J . 't' - ' .... .. " "," . . 1 r- (\ ORDINANCE NO. 72 - 27 ( AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING THE TERRITORIAL LIMITS OF SAID MUNICIPALITY BY THE ANNEXATION OF A CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED TRACT OF LAND CONTAINING LESS THAN TEN REGISTERED VOTERS, LYING CONTIGUOUS THERETO AND WITmN THE SAME COUNTY, TO-WIT: PARCELS LOCATED IN SECTION 1 AND SECTION 6, TOWNSffiP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREINAFTER: REDE- FINING THE MUNICIPAL BOUNDARIES, REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, AN EFFECTIVE DATE, ZONING CLASSIFICATIONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. ( PREAMBLE WHEREAS, the owner of the property more particularly described hereinafter has heretofore petitioned the City Council of the City of Boynton ( Beach. FIorlda, requesting the annexation of certain property lying adjacent and contiguous to tbe territorial limits of said Municipality and within the same County, to the Municipal territorial limits of sal d City: and ( WHEREAS, all requirements of the Laws of the State of FIorlda, relative annexation of contiguous territory have been complied with; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, deems the annexation of subject tract to be beneficial to the Municlpallty and to the owner of said tract, ( NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: That the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby ( annexes to the territorial limits of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, the follOWing described parcel: All of Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East and the Eastern half of Section I, Township 46 South, Range 42 East, excluding three small parcels totaling approximately 20 acres, described below as follows: \.. ( West half ( W 1/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 1. West half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1{4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 1. ( The Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (Nw 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/41 of said Section 1. Section 2: That subject property shall be zoned in accordance ( with Master Development Map and Site Plan now on file in the office of the City Manager, City Hall, Boynton Beach. Florida, all pursuant to the Master Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. Section 3: The territorial boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include the above-described property. ( Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable and if any section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion of ( this Ordinance is for any reason held Invalid by any Court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining portions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Authority to Codify, Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance to the City's existing Code. Section 6: Repealing Provisions, All ordinances or parts of ( ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, In confilct herewith are hereby repealed. ( Section 7: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective In the manner and at the time provided by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. First reading this 24th day of October, A. D., 1972. -2- l ( Second, final reading and passage this 19. day of '7/A~...Ir.'r' A. D.. 1972. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA or By: (. ~i !vCJ ( ATTEST: ( J~~r City Clerk ( (CORP. SEAL) ( c -3- l !: -' ORDINANCE NO. 73- 7 r AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. AMENDING SECTIONS 31-6 AND 31-6.1 AND 31-7 AND 31.8 AND 31.9 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, PERTAINING TO FAMILIES PER MULTIPLE UNIT AND SQUARE FOOTAGE PER MULTIPLE UNIT AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. [ BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: Chapter 31 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and is hereby amended as ( follows: " Section 31-6. R2 Multiple Familv and Institutional Buildinq District: (A) USES PERMITTED (2) TWo-family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, ( garage apartments as an accessory use located on the rear of a lot having a principal structure located on the front half. TWo-family and multiple family dwellings in R-2 Zone shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height (2~ stories) with a ( maximum of three families per principal unit and there shall be a minimum of twelve feet between principal units. (D) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (2) For two family dwellings, nine thousand (9,000) square feet and said lots shall have minimum widths of seventy- ( five (75) feet. (3) For multiple family dwelling for each dwelling " l unit there shall be a minimum of four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of lot area. (F) LOT COVERAGE (1) Forty (40) per cent of the lot area is the maximum that may be covered by the principal and accessory c buildings or structures located thereon, swimming pools excepted from this provision. Page 1 of 4 :1 ,I . Section 31-6.]. R-2A Multiple Familv Dwellinq District. ( (A) USES PERMITTED. (2) Two-family dwellings, multiple dwellings, garage apartments as an accessory use located on the rear of a lot having a principal structure located on the front half. Two- f family and multiple family dwellings in R-2A shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25') in height (2ls stories) with a maximum of three families per principal unit and there shall be a ( minimum of twelve feet (12') between principal units. Section 31-7. R-3 Multiple Familv, Office and Motel District. (c) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No structure shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. ( (D) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS (2) For multiple family dwellings there shall be a minimum lpt area of four thousand (4,000) square feet for each ( dwelling unit. Section 31-8. C-l Limited Commercial District. (B) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building or structure shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height, ( (c) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (1) Fpr residential, the regulations shall be l identical to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code pertaining to multiple family dwelling units. (2) Otherwise, none. (D) YARD REGULATIONS. I (1) For residential, the regulations shall be identi- : l cal to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code i pertaining to multiple family dwelling units. . (2) Other. (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. Page 2 of 4 ( [ ( ( ( ( <. l (h) Side Yards: None are required except where rear access is not available from a public street or alley, a side , yard of not less than ten(lO) feet shall be provided on one side. (c) Rear Yards: There shall be a rear yard having a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet, except where the rear of the property is bounded by a public alley or street the rear yard may be decreased by one-half the width of such alley or street up to ten (10) feet, but in such event there shall be provided a rear yard of not less than ten (10) feet exclusive of the alley. Section 31~9. General Commercial District. (B) BUl:LDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Same as C-l. (C) BUl:LDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. Same as C-l. (D) YARD REGULATIONS. Residential provisions, identical to C-l" Section 2. Author i ty to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the City's existing code. Section 3: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable, including word, clause, phrase or, sentence, and if any portion hereof shall be declared inv~lid, i , the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided in the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. 'j '! Page 3 of 4 " . r ( [ ( ( ( ( (. ( L ' day of ,c:D,t-. First Reading this ,~~ A.D.. 1973 ,!3- Second, final reading and passage this day of 'JJ:.aM'.1J " Atteat, 1, /((yl,,,/ City Clerk , .-I~ , -? , .t.(ti(" d ;i :1 ,i I il , 1973. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (.' ' BY, '(,~...e~1 )]) ) ....lik...:../-'e ~~ ~. , ; A'Q' .-:... yt'c 'or ' '-:rs-~I r ~ it. Councilman ,- I Page 4 of 4 ORDINANCE NO. 7}-ll AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOMON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECrION }l-8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 7}-7. BY ADDING EXCUlSIONARY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY. SAVINGS CLAUSE. REPEALING PROVISION. AN EFFECT IVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF BOMON BEACH. FLORIDA: Seccion 1: Seccion }1-8 (c) (1) of Ordinance No. 7}-7 of the Cicy of Boyncon Beach, Florida, be and is hereby amended as follows: "Seccion }l-8 C-l Limited Commercial District: (1) For residencial. the regulae ions shall be identical co those provided for Zone R-} in Section }1-7 of chis Code pertaining to multiple family dwelling units, excluding motels and hotels. Section 2: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the City's existing code. Section }: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Or- dinance are separable. inCluding word. clause, phrase or sentence, and if any portion hereof shall be declared invalid, che remaining portion shall not be affected buc shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effec- tive in the manner and ac the time provided in the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach. Florida. First reading this ~1 ~' day of Second. final reading and passage this ~(' ...J,l".,:><,_ , A.D.. 197}. .I day of :>'~'.ll" ^- 197}. CITY OF BO'lNTON BEACH. FLORIDA By.,.., . Mayor ; "..' II. - " j. , /. (SEAL) it1.t...<...t.., Councilman 7~ ~,...eP___ Councilman ATrEST: IJJ.lt.~/ ~~ 'c. t:er SUMMARY JUDGEMENT JUNE 3, 1994 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-208 FROM: carrie Parker, city Manager Tambri J. HeYden,~~ Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: June 29, 1994 SUBJECT: Planning Area 8.h - Office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run (File No. LUAR 94-007) Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for July 5, 1994 under Public Hearing (tabled from June 18, 1991). DESCRIPTION: As detailed in the City Attorney's memorandum dated June 29, 1994, this amendment was tabled at the June 18, 1991 City Commission meeting. A further summary of the events which have occurred relative to this property are as follows: The City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted on November 7, 1989 which changed the land use on the subject property from Local Retail Commercial to Office Commercial (a rezoning from C-3 to C-1 was to have been subsequently processed as part of the plan implementation procedures). At the october 16, 1990 City Commission meeting, prior to rezoning the property, the owners requested that the land use be reverted to Local Retail commercial, as Office Commercial land use is inconsistent with the 1973 Final Judgement and the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. This agreement restricts uses on the property to those which were permitted in the C-2 zoning district in 1973, excluding specific permitted uses as listed in the original Final Judgement (see attached Planning Department Memorandum #90-312 which compares the uses allowed under today's C-3 zoning with the 1973, C-2 zoning district; circled uses are those uses excluded pursuant to the 1973 agreement). On June 18, 1991 the City Commission was presented with this request to amend the Future Land Use Map to show the subject property as Local Retail Commercial. Cognizant of the contradicting opinions regarding the current validity of the 1973 Final Judgement, the city Commission directed legal staff to seek a Declaratory Judgement. This action was filed in Circuit Court of Palm Beach County on June 19, 1991. On June 3, 1994, the Court determined that the original Final Judgement remains valid (see attached summary judgement) and consequently, the City is required to maintain the C-3 zoning, and classify this property as Local Retail Commercial. RECOMMENDATION: staff originally recommended against this amendment, and the Planning and Development Board, by a unanimous vote, also recommended that this request for Local Retail Commercial land use be denied. Despite previous recommendations for Office Commercial land use, staff now advises, pursuant to the recent finding of summary judgement in favor of Summit Associates, Ltd., property owners, that the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map be amended to show the subject property as Local Retail Commercial. Furthermore, staff also recommends that the text be amended to delete from the Future Land Use Support Document, Section VIII. Land Use Problems and Opportunities, Planning Area #8.h that text which restricts the land use to Office Commercial (as indicated in the original staff report). In addition to the original text change, the text amendment will also add language which references the use provisions from the Final Judgement. The text amendment, as indicated in the original staff report, has been revised to indicate this new language (see attached). TJH:mr Att. ANX2 PA~8tUA AGM COMPARISON OF PERMITTED USES WITHIN THE C-2 DISTRICT (1973) AND THE C-3 DISTRICT (CURRENT) OCTOBER 15, 1990 (NOTE: THE CIRCLED USES ARE THOSE SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDED BY THE FINAL JUDGEMENT) PLANNING DEPT. MEMORANDUM NO. 90-312 TO. Jim Cherof, City Attorney FROM: Tambri J. Heyden, Interim Planning Director DATE. OCtober IS, 1990 SUBJECT: C-3 Zoned Parcel Adjacent to Hunter's Run For informational purposes, accompanying this memorandum, you will find copies of ordinances 72-27, 73-7 and 73-11, referenced in the Final Judgement for Case No. 73-579, pertaining to above-referenced parcel. The Final Judgement accurately references each of these ordinances as the ordinances which annexed and zoned the subject parcel, amended the code pertaining to families and square footage per multiple unit and repealed Ordinance No. 73-11, respectively. Provided below is a table outlining the uses permitted under today's C-3 zoning category (the current zoning of the subject parcel) versus the C-2 zoning category effective in 1973 (the zoning of the subject parcel in 1973 pursuant to the Final JUdgement). The purpose of this table is to ascertain whether there are any differences in permitted uses between the two zoning categories since at the time of the Final Judgement, a C-3 zoning category did not exist in the City. · Conditional Uses 1973 C-2 Permitted Uses churches banks, finance, investment and insurance offices ~tua~ hospital medical , dental clinics nursing , convalescent homes apothecary shops professional offices: physician, surgeon, dentist, chiropractor, naturopath, lawyer, engineer, architect , general business offices ~imal hosPit~ schools for primary , secondary education , nursery schools music and dancing school vocational , private schools Todav's C-3 Permitted Uses churches, places of worShip financial institutions funeral homes .funeral home with crema- torium government facilities hospitals medical and dental offices , clinics nursing , convalescent homes pharmacies, medical' surgical supplies professional and business offices veterinary offices , clinics .nursery schools, day care centers instruction and tutoring academic schools copying service PM90-312 automotive agencies with repair garages as accessory use furniture, interior decorating & home furnishing stores florist . art shops . interior decorating stores . art shop & studios book, stationery stores & newsstands gift shops beer, wine, liquor sales beauty salons & barber shops, shoe repair, hat cleaning, dressmaking & tailor shops laundromats & laundry service & dry cleaning pick-up stations photographic supplies & studios . taxicab stations -2- OCt. 15, 1990 automobile parts , marine hardware stores camera & audio visual equip- ment and supply stores furniture stores & home furnishings, antique stores flower shops bicycle shops luggage stores music stores art , ceramic stores jewelry & cosmetic stores locksmith shops sporting goods, toy stores, bait & tackle shops paint, wallpaper, tile, carpet, blinds & interior decorator shops art, craft, hobby, costume Shops & sewing supplies & art galleries & studios bookstores, religious goods, card shops, tobacco shops, news stores pet Shops repair or service shops TV, radio, video supplies & equipment household appliances & parts gift shops beer & wine sales barber shops, beauty salons, manicurists, tanning salons, pet grooming, Off-premise carpet & upholstery cleaning, maid service, tailors & dressmakers laundromats & retail laundering retail photographic studios & photofinishing fabrication & installation of furniture slipcovers taxicab offices PM90-312 gasoline service stations & automobile repair garages gasoline filling station without major repairs business services - mailing, addressing, advertising" blueprinting, printing . bakery, deli, grocery store hardware store restaurants (drive-in restaurants not subject to conditional use) drug stores apparel & shoe stores garden supply antique shop beer, wine, liquor stores greenhouses, nurseries . hotel, motel, apartment hotel mUlti-family residential units only rooming & boarding houses private clubs & lodges recreational facilities (with same exceptions as C-]) -]- Oct. 15, 1990 *automotive service stations without major repair, including Car washes as an accessory use print shops drycleaning service *drive-up, drive-through or drive-in services for any of the retail or personal services listed art or recreation instruction grocery, food, ice cream, health food, delis, butcher shops, fruit & vegetable stores, convenience stores, bakery & catering general hardware stores restaurants sundries, notions, variety stores drug stores clothing & shoe stores lawn & garden supply antique stores & auction houses bars, lounges (*, if within 600 feet of a residential district) liquor store greenhouses, nurseries department store hotel, motel, apartment hotel/motel *lumber yards & building materials stores multifamily , duplex residential units *rooming & boarding houses private clubs, lodges recreational facilities, except racetracks. go-cart tracks & water slides PM90-312 -4- Oct. 15, 1990 parks' playgrounds (City, County or state) theaters sale of ammunition , firearms theaters and aUditoriums, excluding drive-in theaters bus terminals ambulance service . bus terminals *new boat sales *marinas and yacht clubs '*yachtels , marinas utility structures , sub- stations, radio' TV stations with towers and studios *dry boat storage at marinas yachtels , boatels small equipment , tool rental governmental, utilities' communications facilities wholesale commercial establislunents trade and business labor pools (*, if walk-in) automobile wash establislunents adult entertainment (Subject to 1.000 foot limitation) minor repair of motor vehicles or tire sales , service (subject to location limitations) wholesale of certain goods car rental shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers, electricians, upholsterers trailer sales , rentals used car lots warehouses all other trade service , retail sales establislunents not listed above One other point I'd like to bring to your attention is that based on the copy of Road Plan No. 73501, attached as Exhibit "B" to the Final JUdgement, indicating the parcels by number and their general location, it appears that the subject parcel is comprised of a portion of parcel 20 (zoned C-2 in 1973 pursuant to the Final Judgement) and a portion of parcel 24 (zoned C-l in 1973 pursuant to the Final Judgement). My analysis of the potential differences in today's Co) permitted uses versus C-2 permitted uses in 1973 does not take into consideration the potential PM90-312 -5- OCt. 15, 1990 differences between today's C-3 permitted uses versus C-1 permitted uses in 1973. due to the poor quality of my copy of Road Plan No. 73501 and the lack of legal descriptions for the parcels referenced in the Final JUdgement. 11 -d~ u.;j,~J?,; Tl\MIlRI J. IJ&YD~ TJH:frb Enc cc: City Manager C:PM90-312 ,.--- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY. CIVIL DIVISION. CASE NO. CL-91-7257-AN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintiff, vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. / ORDER GRANTING DEFENDANT/COUNTERPLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR PARTIAL SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF Mill ORDER DENYING PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR SUMMARY JUDGMENT FOR DECLARATORY RELIEF This action came before the Court upon the motions of the Plaintiff, City of Boynton Beach, for summary judgment for declaratory relief, and the Defendant, Summit Associates, for summary judgment for declaratory relief. Among the undisputed facts are: The city is the governing body defined in the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act controlling the property in question. The property is a commercial tract, a part of Hunters Run which was acquired by Summit in 1978. There was an earlier zoning dispute over this property between the city and the owners that was resolved by a settlement agreement and an agreed final judgment in 1973. The City and the owner agreed in writing that the land in question could be zoned and developed according to criteria that are known today as C-3 zoning. In spite of the City'S promise, in 1985 the City in its then new Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act down-zoned this land. Florida law did not mandate the down-zoning of the property in question. said down-zoning was done without the consent of the land owner. The land owner had the right to rely on the written contract between its predecessor in interest and the City and had a right to rely upon the terms of the Final Judgment entered into pursuant to that settlement agreement. The Intervenor pleads a change in circumstances in that the land has not previously been developed, however all of Hunters Run was undeveloped in 1973 and since then Hunters Run has been considerably developed. There is no version of the evidence that indicates that there was no reliance by the Defendant or their predecessors in interest on this 1973 agreement when they developed Hunters Run. In fact, the evidence is to the contrary. There is no law that effectively supports the City's position. The officials of the City presumably in 1973 and in 1985, acted in what they believed to be the best interests of their constituents, however the Court has determined that the city's 1985 actions violated a binding agreement and a binding final judgment. Therefore, the Court declares that the comprehensive plan adopted pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act as it pertains to the Hunters Run commercial tract, is void to the extent that it is inconsistent with the City's Stipulated Settlement and Final Judgment in Case Number 73-579 CA(L)Ol-Smith, attached to the City's complaint as Exhibit D. Summit and its predecessors in interest relied upon the pledge of the City and upon the Final Judgment in the development 2 . , of the adjacent Hunters Run property and that there have been no circumstances that would justify relieving the city of the effects of its pledge or the Final Judgment. Therefore Summit Associates, Ltd. is entitled to summary judgment in its favor. The Court finds and declares that the city is bound by its 1973 judgment and agreement, that summit Associates, Ltd. is the owner of the Hunters Run commercial tract and the successor in interest in said agreement and final judgment. Summit Associates, Ltd. is entitled to have the subject property classified as local retail commercial, and as C-3 zoned. The city is required to take all steps necessary to be in continuing and future compliance with its Settlement Agreement and 1973 Final Judgment. The City's motion for summary judgment in its favor on the same issues is hereby denied. ORDERED at West Palm Beach, Florida, this 3~ of June, 1994. EDWARD FINE Circuit Judge Copies furnished: James A. Cherof, Esq. 3099 E. Commercial Blvd. suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 J. Michael Burman, Esq. 712 U.S. Highway One, suite 300 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 Lawrence J. Markell, Esq. 7280 W. Palmetto Park Rd. Suite 202-N Boca Raton, FL 33433 Michael T. Burke, Esq. Post Office Box 030220 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33303-0220 3 . ORIGINAL STAFF REPORT FEBRUARY 19, 1991 Planning Dept. Memorandum No. 91-131 TO: Chairman & Members planning & zoning Board a:J,~ edc:r From: Christopher cutro, AICP Planning Director Date: February 19, 1991 Subject: Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Requested by City Commission to Correct a Scrivener's Error in Connection with Future Land Use Support Document, Planning Area S.h. Commercial Parcel Fronting on Congress Avenue East of Hunter's Run INTRODUCTION/HISTORY In adopting the 19S9 Future Land Use Plan, the land use classification for the above referenced property was changed from "Local Retail Commercial" to "Office Commercial". However, it is felt that the final judgement made in 1973, involving palmland Development corporation and the City's Planning and zoning Board (see Exhibit A), was either overlooked or not taken into full consideration. Consequently, the owners of the above referenced 30-acre parcel, Summit Associates Ltd.. have requested the City Commission to amend the Future Land Use Plan by reverting the land use designation to "Local Retail Commercial", and to maintain the current C-3 (Office/professional) zoning designation. Approximately four month's after the City annexed the area then referred to as Charter world, which contained the above referenced property, the City, by adopting Ordinance No. 73-7 and 73-11, purported to change the uses permitted in the C-2 zoning district which consequently effected the newly annexed area (the subject parcel was originally zoned C-2, the most intensive commercial district at that time, and hence later changed following the revision of the zoning Code which resulted in the creation of the functionally equivalent, C-3 zoning category). palmland Development Corporation, owners of Charter world, subsequently filed suit against the City. On May 10, 1973, the Circuit Court of Palm Beach County ordered a Final Judgement that incorporated by reference a stipulation and Agreement. The Stipulation and Agreement was executed by both parties involved and in part stated that Charter world may be developed according to zoning classifications as they existed at the time that Charter World was annexed. As indicated above, the City's 1989 Comprehensive plan changed the land use designation for this parcel from "Local Retail Commercial" to "Office Commercial", and now requires that 'it be rezoned from C-3 (Community Commercial) to C-l (Office commercial). The city Commission aCknowledged that a court order and stipulation and agreement exist on this property (the City's Official zoning Map contains a reference to the final judgement). Since the circumstances existing at the time that this zoning was originally approved, as well as the land use regulations, have significantly changed, this evaluation should include a formal analysis of the subject property and land use amendment request pursuant to pertinent criteria listed wi thin Section 9. c. 7 of Appendix A, Zoning, of the code of Ordinances. CONSISTENCY WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN The City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan includes address the issue of commercial land use follows: three policies that and are listed as 1 Policy 1.4.13 - Subsequent to Plan adoption, establish procedures to provide that the City shall oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City of Boynton Beach or Palm Beach county Comprehensive Plan. policv 1.17.1 - Discourage additional commercial and industrial uses beyond those which are currently shown on the Future Land Use Map, except where access is greatest and impact on residential land uses are least. Policy 1.19.6 - Subsequent to Plan adoption, do not allow commercial acreage which is greater than the demand which has been projected, unless it can be demonstrated that a particular property is unsuitable for other uses, or a geographic need exists which cannot be fulfilled by existing commerCially-zoned property, or no other suitable property for a commercial use exists for which a need can be demonstrated, and the commercial use would comply with all other applicable comprehensive plan policies. The future land use classification for this site is "Office Commercial". This request would therefore be inconsistent with Policy 1. 4 .13 since it would conflict with the Comprehensive Plan. The site is located greater than one mile from the nearest major intersection, and in close pl."oximity to residential uses with a low average density, thel."efol."e, this request is also inconsistent with Policy 1.17.1 since access would not be considered "greatest", nor would impact upon residential uses be "least". Furthermore, the proposed amendment is inconsistent with poliCY 1.19.6. As indicated in the Comprehensive plan Future Land Use Support Document, Appendix B, supply and Demand for Commercial Land, a surplus of over 140 acres of commercial land for retail and other commercial uses is projected at build-out (see Exhibi t "B"). Al though the Future Land Use support Document, Section VIII, Problems and opportunities, Planning Area 8.h (see Text Amendment below), indicates that there will be a demand in the long-run for this commercial property, it is also recommended that office uses would be more appropriate, based in part on the reasons stated above. The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land supports this recommendation through the projected surplus of commercial land for office use which is 85 acres less than the surplus projected for commercial land for retail and other commercial uses. Planning Area 8.h also acknowledges the existence of Shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south of the site. CONSISTENCY WITH THE ESTABLISHED LAND USE COMPATIBILITY WITH EXISTING AND FUTURE USES PROPERTIES PATTERN AND OF ADJACENT The predominant land use in this area is residential, and consists of the Hunter's Run PUD which abuts the site to the west, and Chanteclair Villas. The Hunter's Run PUD has a land use designation of "Low Density Residential", and Chanteclair Villas is deSignated as "High Density Residential". Remaining uses within this area include Manor Care ACLF and Nursing Center, Congress Avenue community park, and the WXEL Broadcasting Facility. Cognizant of the characteristics and impacts of these existing uses, compared to the potential impacts generated by those uses likely to be developed within the current and proposed land use categories, the "Office Commercial" land use category would be the more suitable land use category. THE EFFECT OF CHANGING CONDITIONS At the time when the property was originally annexed and zoned, minimal commercial development had taken place within this area of the city, or along Congress Avenue. Since that time, however, numerous "strip" commercial shopping centers have been completed or approved, and additional parcels of property have been ~ ~ reclassified to allow development of similar commercial uses. As stated above, the analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projected a surplus which exceeds 140 acres. Furthermore, since there currently exists shopping centers located within 2 1/2 miles to the north, and 1 1/2 miles to the south, it is unlikely that an immediate geographic need exists for such uses. REASONABLENESS OF THE SCALE OF THE PROPOSED LAND USE RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE CITY AS A WHOLE See "Consistency with The Established Land Use Pattern..." AVAILABILITY OF SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY FOR THE PROPOSED USE There currently exists available sites within the City that would permit the development of uses allowed under the requested land use category and existing C-3 zoning district. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From a planning perspective, it is recommended that "Office Commercial" is now a more appropriate land use category than "Local Retail Commercial." The basis for this recommendation is summarized as follows: a) The site is located in close proximity to residential areas wi th a low average density. The impacts of a land use permitted within the "Office Commercial" category would likely impact upon the residential areas the least, and would be more consistent with the adjacent uses; b) The analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projects a surplus of over 140 acres at build-out, compared with a surplus of 56 acres projected for land for office use. In addition, the presence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles and 1 1/2 miles to the north and south, respectively, should provide for any specific geographic need; c) Proper access, namely an east-west thoroughfare, to serve the most intense deyelopment allowed under the "Local Retail Commercial" land use category does not exist at this site; d) The Comprehensive Plan recommends this site to be reclassified to "Office Commercial" and rezoned to C-1 (Office/professional). Furthermore, comprehensive plan Policy 1.4.13 states that the City will oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City's comprehensive Plan; and e) The conditions existing at the time when the property was annexed and zoned have changed. Since 1972, numerous commercial developments have been completed within the area, and additional parcels of property have been reclassified and/or rezoned to allow for retail commercial development. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT There is an obvious confl ict between the result achieved by a planning review and the result achieved when the Final Judgement is applied. That conflict should be addressed by the City Attorney. If "Local Retail Commercial" is determined to be the legally correct land use category for this site, based on the underlying Final Judgement and stipulation and Agreement, a comprehensive plan text amendment will be required in addition to the Land Use Amendment. The Comprehensive plan Future Land Use support Document, Area 8.h., which is on page 94 of the support Document, currently reads as follows: Area 8.h. Commercial Parcel Frontina on Conaress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial 3 land in the city indicates that there will be de~dnd in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. Because of these two factors--the long-run demand for the commercial acreage and the distance from eXisting and future residences, it is recommended that commercial land use and zoning remain. However, due to the low average density of surrounding residential projects, the presence of shopping centers 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for office use as opposed to retail use. Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent P.U.D. and the City park which lies to the north; therefore, it is recommended that this parcel be placed in the Office Commercial land use category. It is also recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. The amendment to the Support Document should include the removal of text that recommends this area to be classified as Office Commercial, and the addition of text that provides notice of the underlying Court order, and stipulation and Agreement, which governs the zoning of this parcel. The amended text should read as follows: Area S.h. Commercial Parcel Frontina on Conaress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. ~~t~~~~/~t/t~~~~/t~~ t~tt~t~rrt~~/~~riirt~ri/~~~~ri~/t~t/t~~/t~~~~ttt~~/~tt~~s~ ~ri~/tM~/~t~t~rit~/tt~~/~xt~ttrii/~ri~/t~t~t~/t~~t~~rit~~1 tt/t~/t~~~~~~ri~~~/t~~t/t~~~~ttt~l/l~ri~/~~~/~ri~/t~ritriS t~~~trij//~~~~y~tl/~~~/t~/t~~/J~~//~y~t~S~/~~ri~ttt/~t t~tt~~ri~trii/t~~t~~ritt~~/pt~i~tttl/t~~/pt~~~rit~/~t ~~~pptriS/t~rit~tt/~/t/~/~t~~t/t~/t~~/ri~tt~/~ri~/t/t/~ ~tJ~~/t~/t~~/~~~t~I/~ri~/t~~/~~tK/~t/~ri/~~~tr~~~t t~~tp~~Mt~t~l/t~t~/ttt~/~~~~~/~~/~~t~/t~tt~~~~/t~t ~tttt~/~t~/~t/~pp~t~~/t~/t~t~t~/~t~j//~tttt~/~t~/~~~X~ ~~t~/tt~~t~/t~~~t/t~p~ttt/~ri/t~~/~~i~t~rit/Pj~j~j/~ri~ t~~/~ttt/p~tK/~~tt~/Xt~t/t~/t~~/ri~tt~l/t~~t~t~t~l/tt/tt t~t~~~~ri~~~/t~~t/t~tt/p~tt~~/~_/p~~t_~/tri/t~~/~tttt~ ~~~~~ttt~~/l~ri~/~~~/t~t_i~ttl It is ~Xt~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zonina of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aareement that resulted from a previous court decision. includina development of the propertv limited to those uses referenced in the aqreement. Included within Exhibit "A" are the Final Judgement for Action No. 73-579, Ordinances No. 73-7 and 73-11, and other legal documents referenced above and in the Final Judgement. It should be noted that the Final Judgement for Action No. 72-C-6624, which is referenced in the attached Final Judgement, was not included due to its similarity to the attached Final Judgement. P ~RCE.L A 1 HUN1ER3 'RUN ,1' j,;";" 7i- :1-', ~' J- '> y;, ~ . . cd "rJ T ~~~W' 3::J=' '1 T . ~ ;<:;:I' . t-:". ' ~ R' ~ ~ j. "l2,X1/'; ~;:: ,i ) \tV CC'< '\- .:::II I -, U " ~( ~\-\ /~U.;:: ':::: :2---- - ::::., " '- _,-=6 - ~;Q~,: '~~K'~7"L ~ <:: .:;r\~- ~'" ' : ~<:s. B Cf~~\ ~...... liT/ e: ~ : ~ " ." h""'" " /ty: iI fl e C '0 i' .... ..,.... / '\. - '", ~ .... .:~ ~ ~~ ~ . s J-.-'\ ~ \r ~ $' S~ lfl~""l-Q \ 11' "<, c> ' ~ . ~. ~ Jl " -'. \ ". ,~",,, . _ ,;.. ..". <r1/ "'" ) e ~a1\ 0l11la..... -', \ g;': ~1r~~ ~Q)';!I~-' \ ~ ': .. ff e~O r--v~ lJ,. /I} \\ l:l ' 1 'I e 1'r-,;"iI<' ",:. .~ % ' r \ ,"'I a .$l /. ~ e % e:. \ ' \~L. \J ~~ ,...... ~w/ i?j a " , , ~'''U~!";\\! W 0 n <:Jl' '\ ,,~~ \ iJ/... / . ,.,. ~ 8-\'%\/ /t i "7im"",,,,,~" '" - 1'-. ~ '~ I llID (lIIlllIDQIIl (IlIl ~Cl:; TJl(": 0\'- "\.' ; '................. - - \ 7 "\'0 .1 ,: .' . .... \.11J..':J'" ,. ", ~~........=~= l-- qr ~Io.. "1\ t:. 7 .---- \ L=- =:::;J ,\ ~ o ~ '" I..... N\" ,..co Tl. ..,.. -nl <-rw" \'\\\\ \ \ \ 1.- j =.J ~ .., l-~ r I ,., ~ :.- C) e(;.At4"l,,; [' .../ EXHIBIT "A" -Final Judgement (Action No. 73-579) -Stipulation and Agreement -Ordinance No. 72-27 -ordinance No. 73-7 -Ordinance No. 73-11 ~ , /. ---1.. '_'.,('10. ,J;, . '.:i ~ .. ..~~.,' . ,f ! 'If ,~ ~, :r~ " .~ .n .~:". . -;1(' ~!f'.... ",,,"". . I!I ,., :r;n~ t '. "...J .~.'. hr':,:'. .{~ ':-, .", ," ~~ J :.' ; . ,. .... .;: tll' , ' -.!:" . :', J ~ lit " i' . .' f'i'~ l~ .~. .. ,.: . :t . ", ;i;, . . '~'~\' :; t " '. , " .' ~~. ~ .~ .;~~...:. ~~~:,,:="';'.-~-'" ~ . \ .-~, ......--...,..~ .....'-:~~...~':"""...... , ;,: (1i~"Il"r3Ch;':,i~ Ie. l!t: '~.r~ .. t., ;' ;,(,~ .1l1~') :, .. ,~.I~ , '~.~;. , ., ,'l! .t,tl.... , '~':'t;lk '~i:~, "j' t <i!lt,': . ". . . ,,~ "- IN TII!! CJRCUlfCOU:rt" OI'~1/!JS PlFTElltrrll JUDICII,L' CIRCUIT. ~~o~igA~~n p~\;rl';, .~~Ft. ..... ,'r,,::.lH~ ' ~:'i l PALMLA.'lD DEVELOPMENT COr.POltATIOIl. . I.:~~!; i~ir~' ~ "~}ll . . ,corporation, I · ' " "" tl".... 'f"~" . . ., r; .~) Ii . ~,~.~.). . \ , :', ,-:-~f;rJI~,l1?tM"': CIVIL ACflOK ,),~.:':t~~\~(L).Ol_Spf;rll .,I.L" .~; .. ~.. .'.~....---w , , ' '7<::.~d~!_' =t.'?~ .m"." .,."..:!!~I~,~~.' Z! " ;;! ~...r~~'1t~' ~- '. gl~i~~~~\Ci:l'~ ~ , i'..li1.\~t!.- FINAL JUDGI,r.iNT .' " '=i .,.~t~~i\"""'; \. \.~.~~ '..~. 1"[S CAUS!! is before ~he Court upoli thl{CpDpidn1: . herein. Md upon the Stipulation and Agreel:lent ..'.executea by. ',' , the parties, through their respective attorney.. ':Tb,.).U , .., . .'.. ':" Stipulation and Agree..ent ~s attached hereto a. I!~~.bi~ A and is incorporated lnto and l:Iode a part of'~hi. Final 3~~nt~ 'Tho . . Court finds froQ the said Stipulation end AC:Qecoa~',CA4'TO~rc~o~- " "I"~ tations ~ade to the Court by counsel that'tho'ca~~:oyor.y~n t~i5 . . - . ~ ... '.. . - action and in Action 110. 7Z-C-66Z4 arboll'oue 'o:('~t:.~~od:J!:'::'l .. f I, ~. Ordinl!..,ce No. 7Z-Z7', cOi'Y of which is Cttt.CllCcl to';1:il0"St!:;::11c.:l::: , , t -. and Agr~e~ent herein ~nd aut of the .ubscr,u~r.t ccn'~ct,o~ ~~. Cl:~ , ..' ~~).' " of Boy:::on BeDell in pessin:: Ordinancll8 t 11;-7 c:cl (13~11 :,' , ,. .' r\. ..horein and wlu:reb)' tho I>!mercl ,UIOll p~t:J.t:ca. 1:~:~'t6;k~( Q'':l!::.- . . ....~'.~;..~~.~. onces in existence ct tho tic, of tho'~~'&4~O'C!'C~~~~co~"71.Z7 't' t~... t' ~..... '. t:ero ch.a::cod c.::c! ~u:'ther r.:,1slnC O:1t of It:~~:F~::Q,i~~~i,s<Qf .. various officials of the City o~'B;yn:c~ t~~~\/~f~~,:~.J,;if,~~ .,.' iff ~~1". ".\~I.. ..~ . %O:1i:1g Clllssifications on the propntr o\:nc4:t;1'i':;i;.ll,i:\'~~}1)lC".' -oent Corporc:lon fro= cla~siEicctio::; pos tho~ c~,~~\l'vr~',~J1~.~c~ '/ ' .. 72-Z7 ,to R-l-" or l1.-l-M. Contro\"or:y fu:'t::'::: c=l~ec',bClt.':C:C:1 ~~. c; . . ;P! ~",>, I', . ,pertleS in these ~uits D!l to the \"r,~i~it~. oil tl;;'~:'..*c:~'73:::7' b~~~' 'Ii'. ''''4I'l"t., . as to it' $ C:'l:to::::.~io:t '~nd ::cninc p:o\"ielcn::: ! It. '!.:it:~~~.~i:.'i':)::-:a . '. 'i'i,;'" , to the Cc~:-t the: tho pC.Ttie, hovo nen c~rec4 t!.:.~'l...~h~ca;'cQ:"~c:.!.:1 l :~/ ,....0.; . _~.J-;:":'~ ~-. -- f.' ,. , " ,. . , t ~- oJ ~~. - , 5~$~ - - PhinUff , ..vs... - ~ CITY OP BOYNTON BEACH, HOUDA, a Florida ~unicipol corporation, TIG PLA."'1Ut:G AJ:D ZONIllG tOARD of the CITY Or BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR[DA, et al., .- - - -. ~: Defendantll. - - I, ',.." . :::; '- . . .~ ~ .- , I' . - '. lands bein:, pcr:iculc.rly de~cribed i:: ~ci{' ..... .. '. t- '1 - .. ......", r::n ,. ,..- ... .. I::,l......_vl ~.~ -- ,Exhibit "e" . - ... r-'\ 17. .:.,./ --........ . . ..--....... .~._...._. . . . " . -. " I , --; 1 t . . i. 1 . . ~ . ' l~ \~ . 1," ~fl '~J ri" . ,I , ., '. '" , , ." " . . .. ,,' .. . " , . " . ,.. ,'. .: .~. , .. "," -- .... .l.....~......c"~.,......,:\.,.. -"'- .', i- /._ .:.....~.iI-~.~.;'il.. . - ~ _0'" -. - -_.&11__. - .. . . . . . , :1. . . \~ l~ r :j .' :~ .. '. , .', i 'i ( , ::i :i . acnt as follow" Section 6. Township 46 South, ' , ,.,:.~ i'{J..ii' . Rl!nj:o 43 Eut, and tho East hol1.' . ,'.,,~,;~ t. of Soction 1, Township 46 South. "., R:lnr.c 4'1 East, 10u threo pllrcels on the .' :,:< ' periphory of tbe East haU of Section 1.ol!'!,' .~. '", totaUna opproxialltoly 20 Ilcres, ' , Y'" ,'!\';'w\.'~ . r--/ '; "<' '\J). ,or .. ' were ~ are v411dly annexed. into the CltY,OI,~OY~~;~~!t~~~;:~ by the said ordin:mce 7Z.n and finds thllttb~~~..:l,\\l~h.Uf.r. validly loned by the said Ordinan~.. Tb.'zoni~&)~~~!~~ia.!\il~~~4 .. 'in the said <<;lrdinance is aore particularly set out,'b.reln,:by" .~ ..\.... ';~... ""1'-':., . reference to that certain RoaclPlan No.'73~~~,:~p~i~~l:r.~l~.,'" is attached hereto as Exhibit B anel tlad. a PQn'h.r.of~~%Il." parc~ls as indicated on tbe said aap, by nua~.f,:w~r~~~~~~r tb. said Ordinance 12-27 ond are nOlf valldlY 'zonod';.. \tollowli'i\,"", '. I. r:ey'''J.'''' ~ .. ..,.,. .4~~"'r Parcels 1 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, 4 . ar. Zoneol RI-" .:t'.. ',' " ,'~Jhtq;~H Parcelsl 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 anel . , ,',', " . . ~;. l-re;, ;<,t~..!'u~l'i':41. 23 are ~oned R3.\ '" > ,~'; :,:, " I ,o' ,'l,.~:~.~;'>!l3. Parcels: 17,18,1"81.,%2,24 are ,zon.d C.l ~ .,:"Zt'~;"hO' Parcels: 19 and 20 are zoned Co2 (,~',1Itl'fA~",~" , "'! -..',:~i~:~~~'~~ ., The ~ourt further finds that after' the en..ctaell.t of:, O=cllft.~c:..., . ., ~ l':"".~~l!i"t . 72-27, Palnland Deye1op~ont Corporation, inJrel1&n~o:upoD'~~1~ . , ~""'f';+fhhMl"r - Ordinance, did substc~tiolly chnnco it's poai~~~~,brl~~..~~.~'l- . ,", ;, t,,,'!If.i~ "f> '1.'... ture of su6s 0: r.loney. The Court fur:::or' f!.~tl :thct :P~lc1c:.~', l'; ~ , ',~ ~~'tt""1I '\'I:~ ' Develo :ent Corpo~~:icn, in cccordanco wltbtho '~~'.lt ~lc.!.=~ '. '.' J Lac CJ . and A ra!~ent is Q~titlcd to dovo1c ~ha e~1~r1e:l' - ,. ,. f r*" ,"iI".lI', 'C, , cnce \o'i :!s :ho ~bcvo tc~in" cl&s:lHlc:~t!.c:l.1I Cot" tho Qr.bt..l~!n,.:, . ;.~ <~!i";t, ' '5,'" Ilovecb!~, H'12, c::cci't llll ho~ein.fto~ Hn!.~lla.:":;'rhatJl~ tio~s shdl be ef:ec~\latcd by Pc1~lcr.:1" P1td~~V~'t~f1' , . . '.' ':., II:~ .~ re::t:i::ive coven:m::s to run \:i~ tli.lr.r.4.1~.i\:;'lJt, .. ',. , ...!I t-'.., " ;"'11' iuses a.s folloil~: .~;';' ,.>:,.~.t"'1 r..e..~~.l.'~)>.:...:t.'" .. . r.~~:1;:' , l (II) Pc101end will not con~truct tiot.~~h" .~ "." ;~. ~~{ res iden:ic.l ell/oUine units on tho lc:..'\dll bcroi:lnbov.~.~ . lI~d c:! the ten (10) ncros of "county lc:.nd".': .bl>>>"1\?;h:~ :Ii' ",' ',;;~J:;J, . ,~,,".':~h~.:r , I ~:t.:j~~'~lf~' , i'" ;;~': ~,~~ -', ..~/"'''~1fJl<l!'. " . Y~~~::.:'~(~jl ~-" "',. '. ".,..' "",'" I!~" . .~.' 1\ ',,,,,,' ,..;~.. '-. ~..:-.VJ.{; . ~,. ,O!;:~{ ,..&, . : ';,. ...,,~, . t!.":" . "'~'r-",~;-;~ t ': .,...~:.(~}f,~l:.~ . ,,111~' ...._,.;,d ~ "1\.";; J.: .< , '",1' t . -~'to'..-' , }o";"r ~-":.:.r"$l -~ !~:; . " ';~'~' ' , ,:';""';.~ . i~;~+'f., . ..., , , . :. A Jt ::1 ~ I r . t ':~ . .. .. i , ". "' :i . J , I Jf ., ~ ~ ~ .... Ii ., :..! ."..1 " 'l :." , I ,.. ,.1 : , " .. :IS pr,rce1 25. . .., o 'Il .2. .. - '2 .. .. I','I;? r;n \". _ ,;(:l._';"vv ~.... - l.. .~rl l' . 't.. . ,:". . I , ,..' . .. . ...~" .'. . '. '.'''. .. . ". ..' , .' ..'... ..1'.', ..,. ", I ._......~.:~-:....",.!OO._._... \,. Exhibit "e" . / - .. , I .' " . " " t[ . ~li :\ '. 1 'i 1 re " " !: " .; l~ ",' ., ~: .. ," "i. '.~ ~ ',' :r .' : .~ ~l :r,( >iI :~ 1 ... .14 .s; t1j; - . I lJ - f l~!' ~ . 'f ....: " . ~ , . " i::i' . :J' ~.~' i. )f: . ' i,I' " .1' . I .; "I"'~-- -." - (b)' rr.l~land ~ll1 construct only ono. I , t / ~ . ~ : story structuros on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700 residontial cllcll1ns units referred to in p,rasraph sub-(e) abo~e, Palclcnd ~ill construct e ~axiDu~ of two hund~ed (200) ~otel or hotel rcntel " " thereto. .. " , , -, " '- .) " t .. ," .:~ .- !~ roo~s on Parcel 22, together with all accessory uses incl~tntal (d) Palrnland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 C-2 I, " -~~ ,', " :.- ~~ ~;,. .1- :~ ;.;; !hl" :k!. ,'~" " 1" tfi ,[: I'l~ ~ ~.~ - ~. .~-~ \' ~; -, '. :r. and 20 by eli~inating the following perDitted uses under the above eescribed :oning classificotions: Anieal hospitals when gll activities are concucted within the builQing Shops for painters, plucbers, paper hangers. ' electricicns,upholsterers ~nd o:her of a sinil~r nature. Cut~oor ~:ora8e yares are peroitted when .ccessory to the 2bove uses. providee nIl eq~~?- cent and p~rch~ndise are c~closed b~~ind a screen co~sisti~g o~ pl~iti~~3 cr n closed or se~i-closed ty~c :e~c~ not less th~~ five feet in heicht. ~io~ilc ho~= s~lcs. Usee co. lots. ~::~:~ l:arch:3~:;cs. \o-"holcs..lc co=.::.~:'ci.:..l c.:;'::b- li:;h::\~i\ts. . Resiceati~l uses. c-} Boar~i~3 ~~d rcc=~nu ~~U~C$. r=o:-:u:.=;-. Rcsidc~:ial U~cs. (e) Pal~lcni ~il1 cn:c. i~to C~ c?tic~ to cc~- vey s:~:y (60) acr~s wore or lens :0 u3LRAY n~;3S for tSO c~ly 25 a golf course. Shocld D=L~Y CO~:i!5 q,J:crcisc it's c?:ic:l. ; , . . there ~ill be no eore th~ 6550 rc~idcflti~l C:!;c!! i:::: c~i::: C~ ...,...... t....... lends !iho~~ on E~hibit un". tI tI t' I I i. -3- - "I'C''-' -n r"- i;::l;f..._~J ...:. ... .:>> - - - .' i .. ~ ',. t. ~. :. .~. ""r . - . i ..~. ~'? 'f , '.... ; ;';-""1 ~,t:X:1 .,,-:'.-.;r":i.~ Exhibi t "e" . ..,...~".,.--c'~--" - ~. '~'.;: . '. ;~:... :..1 ,":::;- 01' "i'" to ~-~.~. .: t''''~ ,...t: ,.~ ......... . ...~, - :::..:~t:~'. ..::::~!t:tl .~. .: .:~;~t~ ,....",:...;.:::;.a....l ~ ~..."".._...~........h .~---. -. . :::-,. , ,1 ....< '~:. ~...........:..... ,)1 " '..~ . . f The :J .. lc:~s h~rCl::=O~e ~~:.,..: :""i ..' :',:o!.;' ..... ~. . . " .. :'r . 'r ~:;~. on '-f_ '..,;.:. :\ .s.; 0" ~.r. ~. f'" . . f' : "t":: ~tii~ :E~, .~;~- ",":if :-:.t4.:.'. .:::,~ ',::r.,.. i:1.':l;~, ',,;.~.h '!i,.\!; -:;-\.l.' :}.l: ........... :i's;~: ..~I, I-:jt.'~ ::t:t..\:, J"I" (, It ;,';.;P~, ,111:'; t;;~'l<;,' ."" . :J!Ji-, .t.'~.h . ..' !;Iif ~ U,1 !~..' t).'t:: 'D1; . :of<4 .: ...,. ~ ..l..~:t. f:-J'\,; ,,-'!,. .. "l.~' t!," .' . '.- 'Ni~j-~ \,.'.... . . '-, " , j - I . '. ,he Court further find: thot :cid Stipulation and Ar.reeDent contoins further or.reeaent: botween tho portios and ~pecif1cally between the City of Boynton Bcoch ond POlcllm4 Develo,ment Corporation lfi th reference to the devclopcent of the soid lands, which aereeaents the Court finds to be rco,onoble and proper, It is, therr.!ore, ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as follo~s; 1. That certoin Ordinonce enocted by the eity of Boynton Beach on Hoveaher 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72.27 is a valid existing ordinance of the City of Boynton Beoch. 2. That 'the hnds ::lon, particularly described herein1:ove were and are validly onnexad into the City of Boyr.to~ Beach and are a part of the r.unicipality of the City of Boynton Beach. 3. That the :ooing classifications of the said lL,ds is now and has been since I:ovel:lber 7, 1972 as follows: Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,6 8 are Zoned RZ-A Parcels: 9,10,11;12,13,14,15,16 an4 . . referred t~ are as' indicated C~ Ro~d Pl~~ 13501, ett~ched h~rc:~ as E=hibi: B ~nd c~ce a p~~t he=ccf. :\ , 4. The uses per::i t ted I~ithin ti~c :c:tin;: cl;o,ssific~:ic~:; hereinab:ve'l'efened to shell be as they Hcre in !::l\'C::!ler, ISiZ uneer t~! applicable zonina ordin=nces of the Cl:y of Eoynton I \. . Beach, e~:ept os follows: (0) P31~1l!~~ will not construc~ ~ore th~~ G,iOO r~sidc:t:i~l dwelling units on the; lends hcrcin~bove cer.cribed -4- o o :"......,. o;n r.'~E a:t:;::'.r.v'-' ... v - - 4 - . - I ~ ~~:::~;'!o~:.. ..'..': ,';1'. :~ ~::_..' .. ,.... .. .. .. . ".' . ..., I ~..~ ,:r:;'.;:'.,::~: :.' .. ;.i:...! .:~..,~ ,~ ."" '1:;1. _....'\-. .; ..,:~:.. ~1llI"~" .'ll'2'!"~~' ....... .,~' ..'" .....!{..! ~''..~..:.'!':;.. .\...~;.': .\.:,'_1 ~.' .a -!:~,-~~~t.~..~ ~. ~~.. ~b.:-:'. :..~ '- .........:"'.~.~-. .:....-. . Exhibi t "C" [~~.~- - ~~~- ,. . . . , .., ....-: :f:': '. . . ....;~... -:.:~ .. .::t.'!....,... .cJ'A". ...............~~ ., . .....; ," t." . .. '--~ . ~-...... .... ......_ " t_ - -. . . ,:=:J} . . -----... -..--''- ,I _. I I. . . '1 ~ I , \. ( llnd on tho ton (10) llcros of "county lond", ::ho-..n on I!xhibl: "J:" as Parco 1 25. 1 I I I I I I (b) Plllmland wIll construct enly ono- story structures on Pnrcols 1,2,3, ~nd 4. (c) In addition to tho 6,700.residenti41 dwellin; units referred to in paratraph sub-(a) abov_, PalDlllnd~wil1 con- struct a Da~i~u~ of tuo hundred (200) Qotel or hotcl rent31 rooc~ on Parcel 22, together with 811 accessory uses incidental thereto. (d) Palmi and will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliminating the following peroitted uses under the above described zoning classifications: C-2 Ani~al hospitals when all activities are conduc.ed within the buildin~. Shops for painters, plucbers, paper hangers, electricians, upholsterers and othar of a si~ilar nature. Outdoor storage yards are peroitted whea accessory to the above uses, provided all equipcen~ and cerchendise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of pl~ntings or a closed or seni-closed type fence not less than five feet in heicht~ Mobile hODe sales. Used car lots. , Warenouses, wholesale co~~ercial estab- lishrnents. . Residential uses. C-l toarding end roo~in8 houses. l.:or::u~:,y . Rosidential uses. (e) Pal~land ~ill enter into an o?tieu to cen- vey si~ty (60) acres Dore or less to DEL~\Y DJ:~S for use only _ as a ~~l: course. ShoUld DELr~Y DU~SS or-ereise it's o~ti~n. the:e .il1 be no ~ore than 6550 resiQcnti~l '~elli~s uaits on th~ i:ln::s shown.on E::hibit "Il". -5- - o '\1 "1''''''> 59 t.~r 'l[:~~(.l. ..... 5 'to - ~L, ^~\::&~~~~t, . " i - , f l' .f t - f "- t l' l f -f f I" 'j: I. l, ~r :~ .1 Ii; F f ":c: ~: t., ,. t':,; ., h .; '. ,'fi' l,' f \" :; '. ,.... 'l:" "".:" ~t - l~ )~.;: ~ i:~ ,.,' ,:*'. , , ~'r '!. '--:.::"'."i. Exhibit "e" ..: ...~., ..; : ' ,. ......~ .. . - .. .,,~:..~,. ',:,~ .. .:.~. J :....; ',,:~'..:. ..;"}':.J>~ . -..... ..t" .. I't'-''' ....... f ...~.':'::" :,..:""".... .".. ....:.....~..:..":..:....~ '.' ,. '. '~...:J;;.::"}'" .- . . ,.:' .~ .-', .-'........ . . '. . " " I , ~l iI 'J '.J Polnland Doyolopcent Corporation Is required to execute e.,4 couso to bo placed of rrcord, COyen3nt, ru~nin~ witll tho lor~ acconpllshing tho rostrlction, as roforrct to 0' rcro&ro~~ 4 horein. " i ,~ '. .; , I S. Thot tho portios horoto aro required to coc?ly with each and overy provision of tho Stipulctiun ~d A~rce=~t '. " .. ~~ 'j j :] " :l ~ 1 " 1 ~ ~ 1 . 1 1 1 ,I ; I \ 1 I I . I ! i Court, of any p~ovision of part hereof. Tho eoission. by tho .. tho s3id Stipulation end Aerec:cnt !: f :'.: attached hcreto'cnd nLde a shall not operate to lessen tho effect of this Order lDcQrp~r. ating the said Stipulation and Agreeaent, Dor losseD the ef!ect of this Court's Order requiring the parties to perfo~ in accor~anee with the said Stipulation and Agree=ent. 6. The Court shall retain juris~icti~ of this cause for the purposes stated in Paragraph No. 5 io the last conplete paragraph on Page 8 of,the said Stipul~tio~ ~d . [,; '. "~' . ,".f 1- " " ". " AgTO/!:!ent. , rT' - DONE MID ORDERED in Chaabers. this If) ~y ~f -.'1 f-:!~,..' :. . , :..;. :,. :~. " , :~.~ ,... "... T ~ :~'. 1973. '. "f /J G~ /I -:-;~.~ .,,,r.....~~, ..,..;.."..,....1-...:5 ~~,._,.-.., ~ --,."A>J.J'WV "'. ~ Cri:CJli \.0....... -:~ :. Copies furnished to: George E. Adar,s,Esq. A n>J.:s. G 1 L~'.A:'~ ~ CC~?ER Suite i~O-H&rtfor~ Euilling Orl&n~~. Florida 3ZCOl Ernest G. Si~on, Esq. c:~ 78 ~o~t~!ast Fifth Avenue ~ Delray Seach, Florida 334441 II ./l' ,.~ F . . I" ., . - Ci .r.~,'I'J TCC.Q:"lC: ~. f.':!=':.!:rS\:o:"<:."1, .c.C~",..'~-I.;_ 1,:::1 ?:.:1 I.::.c:"ic:::. =CiLc;~:::: i_V';'" 'i3St F~l::l ;'~ce..~, r:'Cr-:.c:.::. 3$~Cl .. '-:111101:.. :.:er::lo. Ese:;. P~..?!JLTO:-~tJf.!.~S. r,.3F.1:L!!.. Ii Suite 2, Ocean P~~:a Soynto~ 5ccch, Florid~ YCiP.;C .,,:"';/,: j....l.'" .- 33~3S ~.". r'-' l~ ~:':"'. r" t ~ I I. 'If " , . ,'; F, t.",:,; :. . ", - [ r ,'-, t . ': [T~.~,'::~:: ';:~J: .,::.~.:-~ .... 7;".~':,,~" i.lV!."\.\:. ..1'. .. _ .. ....,.... '_!J4.. ":J;'';'~i. .~.. .&.'A'-lI_~....___1...,...C'~... .:t .'~:!i .....l.. " .,)~ '~:;:.~(.. '.- ~ .~.~~. ' ',' t. .. ...~ v v t:..c~~., r:;n r're l!t:t:t:~vv ..... v _ - 6 - - - . . r- ....... .:,". ",* .. . .'~ : .... .. &. .. ... . .: ,.. :..... '1: ... . .. ..... .." ; .. :."~". ........ .. ~!" .. ......;s.~\,;"." .. '""0_". ',." .." .. __","r. . ~ ''''I'~'' .J:.... 'r' . . ".., '1" : ~.: ~~":- . .~: ..-..:\ ~"r J....:...:..~~~.f....... . Exhibit "e" . ,,~' ~ " ; . . n r .... - ---.....-~.. "- ...........'" ---- . '~-': --f'J l. ~ - I L:~:: . i..... J !":;.~. ! t.,-;. j t.r1"l . ., t:o.J-;":. I?r~. l :1~1:;"" ~i?;.~> J:~f.~ x_ ' .1~<>-~\~. "I~:~;~: , 10.- ~~~: ,~a. . ~~...; . ..':}i:._o. I': 1 . , , " ;, STIPULATION AND AGRE~~~NT " " 'j " i ; ",:: ,. . WHEREAS, a certain suit is now pending in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of Palm Beach County, Florida, wherein M. Robert Johnston, i " -, ,~ili(:~: t;r~t ; ~,~~~, .~ IH'~-" .~..=-.f~: . t:'~rJ~:~~ ,,;.;;:', : I:~~~"'~'; ~Bk:; r':;~~:' ~;4:F:. ,... f:~";~ i (~~:.~" f ,.-" .... . .~...- 'J};~:: +tr:i.~' ~~11;:" :;;:-1":';' -..- " ......' ~ -,'i~l' :':.' :;. Xi~': :~:.~ :11,{~ I ". ,':-1'::, -=' ;~.: -'j' ;:,1',' ,:~:: . .'_.t. ".- I [" .:; I .... , .... '.f.' ~. .":""" 1."~I'.:" :::::t. -~:-t:~~ -. . ~...... t '_~.. ~;~~:." L " ,- '''- f I , t ' \ . J ,~.....;. F.~ I I ! I I ! , . ; , : I I . . I I Clarence Q. Jones, Dorothy A. Roberts, David Roberts, Emily ~I. Jackson, and William C. Sexton are Plaintiffs and the City of Boynton Beach, a Florida ~unicipal Corpor- ation aFd Palmland Development Corporation, a corporation, c:.re Defendants, being case No. 7Z-C-66Z4 and '~ \tHER~~S, a certain civil action has been filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Palm Beach County, Florida, -uherein Palaland ~evelop~ent ~i Corporation is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach, .t .'''' a eunicipal corporatiofl and J.W. Barrett arc Defend~ts,- being Civil Action No. 73-581 CA(L) 01 and :-;. WHEP~S, a certain civil action has been ~:. filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Pale Beach County, 'Florida, wherein Palaland Developcent Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff and the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, a Florida cunicipal corporation, 1 n , 11 'I rl .j G.,; . , .. 1.; The Planning and Zoning Board of the City of Boynton Beach. Emily H. .Jackson~- Joe DeLong, Forrest L. Ifallace, David Roberts, Eduard F. Harneninz. Robert Olds, Richard Vastine. _ r.\arilrn Huckle, Loren Blacl:eter, Albert \';cnroll, Fred Kestner and Orris Nalker arc Defendants, being Civil,hction No. 73-579 CA(L) 01, :lnd KHEP~^S, a certain civil action has been ~:. i - filed in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judici"l Circuit. -1- ~~rw21.59 r-.::: 7 --=- .,-. : ';:' ":.-.;:.. '~.' . '1 .~". ;""'~ ."" .;.' ';o;;:,,'.:.j : ~-;' ;'.: . - -:,:: . I . ....1:. ..... ..'" 1 :"."~.:~'~;';I' . .._~;J:;:":':.li ". "..-'_ ~ ". .... ... .,.... ,~~ VJ 1 f' :~G~":071~i;\';i~~ :5:~:U - Exhibit"C" .....,.. "rt. :~~;,';';'~ ,.) t:,. ~ ....'~.":..:,.r. .'. -: ~.r:' _ <I : . '.lI..:;" .- . .....-l... ..- .-. ::".. '"';'__: . ',c"'~-:.a.r..' ,. . /, 1": f ' . J' .!. .: rt 0' . ~.: /~ .' \ . F:ll::! Beach County, Florida, wherein Palmland Development Corporation, a corporation, is Plaintiff and Robort Olds, Richard Vastine, 1,Iarilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer, Col. Albert '~ehrell, Fred Kostner, Orris Walker. Emily M. Jackson, Joe DeLong. Furrest L. WallAce. David Roberts. Edward F. Harmening, M. Robert Johnston. Clarence Q. Jones. Dorothy A. Roberts and William C. Sexton are Defendants. being Civil Action No. 73-S80-CA(L) 01 and WHEREAS. each of the parties to the above described civil actions now pending in the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit of P:llm Beach County, Florida, desire to amicably settle each of the said actions and WHEREAS. it is mutually agr~ed and understood that the City Council of the City of Boynton Beach passed an Ordinance on the second and final reading on November 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72-27. a copy of the said Ordinance is attached hereto and made a part hereof. and lmEREAS. the validity of the said Ordinance is in issue in at least one of the above styled civil actions and il :.... "-'/>' ....~ ;..,.. :tf! ::~;j ..,.1.:1'1 ,:.{.A: "~.""'~J _1'..._.,... .a"-':;::l .~. ,.;<.,;~' .,..... . ~i.~~~ .:...,;#.... ..... ~ :iG , 1'-~ 'lf~' , \;;; "'~ ' : ~;:.~ l:'~, ;.. !;~, . ~ a ~~ }; ~~~ ~.. ~ j r 'I I.',. ! j . ~ .. .4 and. h~EREAS. divers dispute and differences have arisen between the parties hereto regardi~g the validity of and the propriety of the zoning upon those certain lands' included in the said Ordinance. a more particular description of which is as follows: Section 6. To~~ship 46 South. Ranr;e 43 E\lst, &nd the C\lst half or Sectio!l 1. Township 46 SOt:th. R~~ne (2 East, less three parcels en the periphery of the East h:llf of Section I, tot~ling approxi~ately 20 ccres. . l'"' '_:i , " I~HEREAS. cert:1in'Ordinances 'iera passed by the City of Boynton Beach. being Ordinance ~o. 73-7 and 73-11 .; . ! . .' - 2- t', '~,?.f "9 6 11;::1r.';_.ll.u .U: B ,-~ ,;:;' I' . '~;;'~. " ;:...... : '. ... ~ Exhibit "e" 'r ". ;,~~t~:~C~~ ::':::t~:~ . ~~~~$:~}'~..~; <;~!.:.~. ,;[ "".:~:':'/:~l; .'~8"",'__'~ .....;.....~...,.....~-. ...:.Lo::r-'~I.i.~~ . ; ". ....,,: "1 .'St ::~: '.- " t~r '~:f ~.r. .- #~ .r:"": ~< :-..': .." ,.. .:~ ~ ,rt; :. '.~ .... .~ .~~ .." "'6J', ~;.>~~ ).~ -";" '1!, ;; ~;, '01 .~~ t:"~ :~ ~ ,..-: .;; ,i;~ ~~ !~ ;s:-' ~~ C~" '",,,.' '~ .>1 ~~ :.: ~:; .'. ." .~ i{~ "'i:; ~; '''' ;if Yf i~~ -!~~ :.:~ ""' ~~ ~l".!'; ~ -B ,'f ....: '. .,~ ,..' " t,~~ I". !":i , , t i i. I. I ~,.....:.~......).;: ._~:. .. . '. . -- .. ....,- -',~~ . <:........"lQ" ~........ .;~ .(("" ~' .~ . :~ .. 7:':;~ t ~ ". n--; '. 1.1 1" r I t. .. ! ( <. . . , I r purported to chan~e the uses perDitted in various zonin! classifications under the Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach and a dispute has arisen and is ~ncluded in the above styled civil actions regarding the validity of said changes as they apply to the lands hereinabove described. and WHEREAS. the City of Boynton Beach has refused tc issue a ,building perQit for models previously requested by Paltlland, and ~~ERfu\S, the parties hereto, as a part of the settlement of the various civil actions now pen_ding. desire to make certain agreements regarding streets to be con- structed on the said land, waste water distribution syste~. and .- ~; ~ f~ r; r~ . p r' i: 1 ;.1 (. , . \~ .' ,. I' i~l 1- water distribution system" to be 'constructed on said land. water treatment plants and waste water treatnent plants to be cons~ructed on said lands and the uses and zoning of the said lands. It is. therefore. Stipulated and Agreed as follows: 1. It is stipulated and agreed by and be- tween the parties hereto that that. c:.ut.a.UL <b:ciinance-. be-ing Cl'lHmmce l'T'0. 1T-ZT. passed' on second and final reading by the City_Co~ncil of Boynton Beach on November 7. 197Z. is a . ~~ valid ont;,~~n.:e:-- That the Notice and the proposed Ordin:mce. attached hereto an.d mad~ a part hereof as Exhibit "A". Was published in the Boynton Beach news Journal on Septecher 14. Z~, 28 and October S. 1972. That there was. as stated in said' Notice. a ,Haster Developlllent ~Iap and Site Plan sho:fin~ the zoning or proposed zoning of the property to bo annexed and zoned in the said Ordinance on file in the office of the City. ~Ianager, in the City Hall of Boyn~on Beach. Florida. " , \ 2. It is Stipulated and A~reed that PalmI and Dcvelop- J ~ mont Corporation did, after the enactnent of Ordinance No 7Z-27 and in reliance thereon, expended lar~e sums of money ~59 r:Sf 9 '-3- -.... " ~.' ..~ ~~ .'.' ~~j5~ . .. (f. :.~:{~~~ ", ::.;"~.J...... ......., --~....~,~ ..~-,?~ .. 4 ::-""~; . ....~:.~ .:-;.;-. ;,,:';'~~. .~~'~y~ :.---...:.. ...)t~ ;..':.::' '.:::~~ ,.~~~ ':"t...~ :.c- . :'f'~...r~ ..~t:~ :.;:~j~ _.~"G, . .:....;.;t:;::: .:~;~~ -i '';-;:~~ .':75 ".:~ "'r..~ ;....~~' ..",~ . ~::g~y .-. .:_~ :.."';-+ :~i"~, ;(;'~.:.f. ,.".,l~ . .. ":;:i .-{~~ . ,~" ....;..1 .~}t'~. ;.,:~ ":if. - :;;.~ ....... ....~~ ~oq. .., ..~.~ - ~,(. ,~..,. ~ ..r.!t .~ ~. lA ~ ~ .~. ......~ ,.... ~~ : .,::,'r" ....... ,;", " ,~.~,:~; "'~; ,-..:c ".:~~'$ ,.,,-1-: ....~ .' ... ... . ...:--~ ;~r:~~" /iV<~~?~~fJt; ~';'''''''-''i~-\:.~.~....;~' .~~..:!, f :;i};~~ri~.~:~~~.~~~.:~~t~~: - 1.. .....,..-t;'..-. -. . 'V,'':,,,,'.''''''' ,L,~~....:~..~-.~_..~~t~ . .{j0~%t\ft,;;f~~r Exhibit "e" jij I i ~ ( - t' ;; ~:-~~~ij : .!.'. ~.~ . ~ ':,.~. r: . :' '-' ~ ~.i .';". (b) PalmI and will constTuct c~ly o~e- '.~"'f':.",.' .........,. ....,~;: F::;;, t~f5:~~ ... c' 'I"'''''''',;::;,} ;." "0"1..'; "_::.~f:;' ..... .. ........~ ~.~-~~. i~~'~~:~ [t;~i .*.::r> .1.0...._,.. f.i'~il'.t f" r.~1.- t '.;b-:~ l:'!~f ;... Xl~:.: r, ~c.,.< t, ht:::. r'';~(: ~ ~ . ..... ~: ", :::- . -.t';. .h .. ~: 1;1;:., f(riItl ~~~ c.:t~ . ;;.::.,,0 ..~~~ - ;}""':~.,~ ~~~l ,: ~~~"i:~ "~~ , ,.;:cti I~:-i:l : ~~~ 'I~i~ ..... ,rl' ..... ,..: : ~~. .~i.~~ '-'!i I'" :..;; -i.~ _. ,jji:; -Fe':"" 'i~ ~~~~: ."," '1 .. t . in the purchase of, and the developDent of, those l~nds hereinabove described. Attached hereto and cade a part hereof is a plat or map inscribed in the cargin, Road Plan No. 73501, marked Exhibit "8" and incorpor,u:ed in and l!Iade a part hereof. The said Plat designates the various parcels of land by number. It is specifically agreed that the parcels of land are now, and were in November of 1972, zoned as follows: .- ] :l 4 :~f k ;= ~ ) , .:,r Parcels: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7, & 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 and 23 are zoned R3A Parcels: 17',18, 18A, 22, 24 are zoned C-1 Parcels: 19 & 20 are zoned C-2 It is furt~er agreed that the said Parcels ~ay be developed in accordance with the said zoning classifications '. as they existed on the effective date of Ordinance No. 72-27 except, as hereinafter limited: " 1. . . (a) PalmI and will not construct more than 6,700 residential dwelling units on the lands hereinc~ovi described and on the ten (10) acres of "county land", shown on :Exhibit "11" as Parcel 25. ;; }.; r-~, t. t ," story strtict~res on Parcels 1,2.3, and 4. -, (c) In additio~ to the 6,700 Tesie~~ti~l ,welli~~ units referred to in paragraph sub-(a) a~ove, Pal~~~d will cc~struct a maxir.:uJ:l of t'IO hundred. (200) motel 01' :10to1 rental :';)0::::; ca " J . Parcel 22, t03ether ~ith all acccsso.y u:es incid~n:~l thQr~~~. '. ,.i~ -. J.....~ s':': f:; ..~; (d) Pal~land will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 . ~~ and 20 by elininating the followin~ pernitted uses under the , ,'" " ... ! _.~': ~. ...... - r-';:~~~ F ~ r. ~ :..~~-: '.'~ '. y' . .:-. -4 - ,,,: ". ~59 l"..:f 10 r ~~\i ::~. 1-.;. ...:, k ::,' .... " .. r,.. ~. " :::<~ -,..~ '.' ,"0 ..... .~ ...... . .:-. . - I ..... . 'fi . ___...,;;.:1 Exhibit "c" r:.~!> ,;i~M;i:i ".;- . l . t~; , "" t..:''''':''.I'~~L.''':~' ....-.-. -. / " " ~ t . ( '" :." . , AniCH1I hosui tals 'then all activi ti,:s are conducted within the buildi~g. Shops for painters, plumbers, paper hangers. electricians, upholsterers and other of a similar nature. Outdoor storage yards are 'perQitted when accessory to the above uses, provided all equi?- cent and merchandise are enclosed behind a screen consisting of plantings or a closed or semi-closed type fence not less than five feet in height. '. , ,,"J. ' -;.t . "', "., ::.';1' ! -./,,'" '-.!~~::~ , '~t'" ~ r~.ol ~? ....~~: .;f~~ ;.:~:r.~~ ,i:~~ ~A.it',.;. ~lit}~~{ ~~.t~~.~! i;~~~i -'''~f.:'.: ;i~ .. ".-...:{: ..~~ .-.;,-. ....,:.:~ t:~ , A;.'" f:l~1~ . if:.-q ~.~ ..............~ .:..."'::;~':; ,;>ot.'~-: ;~~~ ;1 "t~" ,.~ - "'.... ~:--.=1:t3 .il~G ~. ~frE :-.~~. ... "~..;;.::-~ l'''~' =::-;:.s:..-~ ..~;:4'l ;~~i i~7~';j!1 : ....;~i'~. " " above described :oning classifications: C-2 , , . . ;1 I 'J -. 11 Mobile hoee sales. ..;,;, Used car lots. .. " , Warehouses, wholesale co~~ercial estab- lishments. i ;~ ;. Residential uses. , C-l Boarding and rooming houses. .~'. Mortuary. Residential uses. : ~ ,-, j:.. '~i .< ~. (e) Palmi and will enter into an option ~o con- vey sixty (60) acres more or less to DEL~Y DUNES for use only as a golf course. Should DELnAY DUNES exercise it's option. , ;/ if I. t, r,; there will be no more than 6550 residential dwellin3 ~dits on the . lands shown on Exhibit "!I".. (f) To accc~pli~h th~ abo~~ ite~ ~ set fo=~ .: in su~-para3rap~s (a) th~ough (e), Pal~i~~d uill c~se ~o~~~ic~i7~ covenants to b~ iecord~d. which co~cn~'ts shall ~~ Jita ~~~ . > , ~' land to protect th~ citi:cns of Boynton 3~~ch o~d th~y co =~r~~y -....:"'] co,enants ~'~~l be enfo~c~d ~y the City of agroe that the said . '. B9ynton Beach as provided by law. ~. PalQland will dedic~te, and the City will ~CCC?t. ", ".oj -5- ~ii .1: , ~I'~':l~"'n uci~~ r-.a 11 ~., ~ ..' :". ;. ;0 ~~r:~:+'t\~;r:~:~:..';:~ .._~~: .1!~...,"'.v_ ...... ........;r.. 1i:t /:':;'i~t~i2';J ~ ~[;~~,~ "t':' 7~ .;"..:.~~'.:;, 'J; . -:" .f :..',...r":i'~' -'~~'~''':''''. Exhibi t "e" ~rlL:,::,~;jj", ':" .~ L,.~., ~,,'_>'_"_, ." '" "', ~:'C.'''"::J1''~'''. ._r..........~ . t ( .. . - < the right-of-way for public streets as shown on Road ?lan 73501, attached hcreto as Exhibit "B" and ttade a par;; hereof. Palttland will dcsign and construct, at it's cxpcnse, public streets on the above right-of-way in accordance with Chapter 25 : of the Code of Boynton Beach. The mini~um width of the said dedica~ed public streets shall be 24 feet. The said public streets shall be constructed by Palmland in phases as the subject lands are developed. Positive storm drain~ge utilizing pipes, culverts or ditches for the said streets will be provided in accordance with accepted engineering practices. The City agrees " . to accept the said public streets and that portion of the drainage improvements related thereto for cainten~,ce and operation upon . . , the completion and approval of s~e. 4. In additi::m to the above c:escril>ed dedicated public stre~ts, Palmland will design and construct a system of private roads, whica shall be built to the ~ini~~~ specifi- cations as ~et forth in Chapter 25, Code of Boynton Beach. Positi~c storm drainage utili:in3.~ipQs. culve~s or ditches ,\'Iill be provided in accord::nce \Iitn ::~~?~cd engi~,,"ring practices for said pri73te rends. Pal~13nd rtil! ~~~~~in sai~ it pr2vate roads ~~d drainage i~proYe~en!~ =ol~~od ~~~~~to. The.Dai~ antranc~s sholl ~~ cc~st=uct~d so as ~o '.; ~' J- 1 acco~odate heavy tra~fic. In ~dditi~n, haul ~~ads ui:l "bo u~od to divert constructio~ cqui~~~nt froo ~~~ ~~~l~c :t=~e~s in th3 projec~. ~ ~. ? s. Tlle Cit] of Boyn:on :Dec-;:l ::':1::' ?~l::l!..::::= :lave dilig~ntly attc~ptcd ~o 3Triv~ at a =~:~;~~~ ~o ~~~ ~~cale~ of f' t~,. l"~ I" I- I' ~.' ~~'; furnishi:1~ pot::ble tiato:r for th~ C:1::1::~:= :.:,,:-.:..-: ~=oj~c~. Th~ Cit7 is desirous 0: exp=ndin~ it's W::1~cr ~~~~~=z~: f~cilitics t? ~~rv~. not only Charter World but, addi tion::l ::l';, ~"rccs. Paltll:md is ready ~nd able to i~~cd~~tcly co~~~ncc c~<<~tr~c:ion of perr~n=~t water treat~ont facil~~ics. in ~t::1ZCS, ~o coi~c~cs with it's '. ~~~ ~:'. ~.. 'l . - -~ _0-_- - --l L\.. :"~;,,..:;'.J."'~ er ',,1 . ....~.'... .......~ . ...... ::U-A'.-"~';:1"r..iJ. -.... dcvclo?~ent rate, thcro~y insu.i;\3 ." \,.:10 ~":::n::iiility of potable uater <::".,'::11';9 r.'''''.' .., ') ~;:.:;,:-,.I.V ,,~ ~ -1;- l.- :r ..,;.:~ .... .~.-: -: '. . ..". '... ' . :;:.. .-.', ..Co.'. . .;:~; ~~t~ . ~:::: ., :~,~;~~~ ~~~~~~ ;:.;l-;..~_ ~;~~~ :..~~i~; - "J<l t:~~ ,-",-..j :~fJ ;:?~: ~ .~J1 ~ ;~t-j ..:~..' ~-iff;: ';';:::'~ -. w! t. n~.~: .' f t~~ ....t~: ....~i :~~: : t;!f., .i~ .' ~1~ ~._~~: k1~ ~:1.~ . ;~:J .. " .:.~ Exhibit "e" .......,. .-...~.!""'!"'-.- ---. ......~~- ~ --' - "~'ifE~:.,.o .--/$'. )i:-... [~:..~ s""'::.r~.~~........a~~"\il i - l . . I , " i. ( .<i-,l " ';.; .r .... ~, ~ i~: to' '. ,-"" " ....~ '. . ~; :0'.- .~ in sufficient quantities Eor it's needs, without excessive initial expenditures Eor excess treatment f?cility capacity. Palmland is prevented from providing, other than in stages coinciding with it's development, the entire cost of the ultimate water treat~ent facility for the entire project. The City does not have available. on hand. funds with which to provide expanded water treatoent facilities nor has it definitively detercined the des!gn, funding sources and cethods and completion dates of said facilities. PalDland must be assuTe~ that sufficient qu:mtities of quality Hater are availahle to allcw the i~~edi3te start ~f development of Charter World a~d to allo~ it .'.:> . f ...., ,,":; ..,.u . : ~ r-;";' ~~. -~:! """ .~.. i.;.~ ; .~~; : . >.- ~ ~ -- ~~ ~ (1!- ~;~i '. tk~ ,,_.'"~ .':,:."- .~ . ~f to continue development t~at is orderly and sound ec~omically_ The above proble~s 0: the City and of ?al~lcnd are of an engineering ~nd fisc~l nature ~nd r~quire in-depth t~chnic~l a~::11ysis for ultiwate solution. In order to ~~solve this aS~'3ct of -.~ "'.,... dis~:::~ bet~!ec:t :;;~ ~g _="t ....;;. ~~: ., ::'1- :..; ~~: the City and ?o.lr.11and, :::13 par-:i~s h::rot:> ~~:-~O: -::lat ~:-..~ en::::i~e~=i~~ rep~esentatiYe~ of the Ci~y ~~1 of Pal~l~~d ~:i:l ~~~c~l=:~ly co=~~r :. and ::!~};e all =:::asonablo;} ~=.fo::-:~ t~ .a7rr:....:~ ~~ _ ::~:.:" ::.~:~.;. O'q,~i~~:,:.:l solution to ";J:"ovids pO';:;:J1:) ::.:l-::e:- t~ C..:::::to:- :-:.::-1:1. Th~re is al~o a di~~~t: os to ~1;lO-::::,)!' c:::':.~.:lc':::.:)n " c!,...---- ...-:"---.# .~ " should be pnid "i~r cO:l::~:::-::'O:l C3 to i~t~:-iw t='~:"::::~nt ';;.:.:ili:.i~:i. It is :~~ ~?cc:li:.c 5.:'l~~:1t o:! :;10 C:. ~;, ::~~ l'.::!=l:nd th~t ~he tcc~~ic~l ro,~c~~n~~:i7:)3 ~1ill ~=~i~~ ~t. ~~s~l~~io~ p=o- vici:'13 tho n'3C~S5::lri" ~o'~:::'Jl~ :-:~~o= to :::~;:.=-:c= :t;,.=:!.1 2:1 :':le s.:=.:: qu~~titiCSt ~~ or ~bc~t ~~~ O~~~ ti~ea, ~~d ~~ ~~ c~~ut tho :~3 =~t~ of '~:":;Jonditu:-3 c.s Pal::1.l~:11 t:.:~ld ~1a~~c c::!,o:-ic:l~c;,' :l:ld it desi~~d ar.d construc~~d a fac~li~y i~ ~~~:os ~o ~orv:c~ C~~zt~: tlorld. It is furt:~~-... ::;l.~ ~:?OC::'=lC i;r:~:1t t~'1!1-: ~~:: technic:!:!. =~p:';3- sent~tives "ill arri~e ~: ~ solu::o~ ~c~Grd~~3 ciispo$iticn ~~ ~o connection fe~s; th3: is, :hc full paJ~~nt, p~=tial pa>~ent7 or waiving th~4cof as to intcri~ trcat~en: facilities. -7- C'-''''':\'-''1-:::n ......, Co:l:l:.C~ WI .J.V I'. : ',. . I " ~- ' . . i. r':' ..1. ~~..... -- ..,......:..~:::~.:......:. ..... .~ ;-~fz~ ;~,:...:. ;'.;:~~.i;';_~'. .. .\!'.':-:-~. ~ ~:;~~~~.t Exhibit "e" t '~i1i~ '!~:~~l.' _.;;.:~. i ~.:.2t:;~:;C'~:':-'''f~-~ .~:~. f ,.:::!~~~:~~~'i.:t ' .... ;;.: I,~~...%..j.."....~~~ ..~'~,.....;. I'~"'~-I.,,-,.' '- \&:!:.J.L"~..... i ::.~ ~ .~~ :1 ~ .e~'- ')~ ..~t 'd "if':" ,'r: ~~~. .'. .;. r~ . ,it" s --;f~ .:~~ ,,' '" . :r ,rff .l,;... ... r.j~: . .... ..... It;s . L~_. ~ ~,~ . ,. . .. ,. : . .,.~~ .. ""'. ~ .... . 'r.', '. ,- ....,j ~ ~ . ~ .' . ~~~~."~ . :. ~:J , ~,;~ :~'" ..~- ,:< ~t' '. - , ~1 " ~J ( . . .) .r ~; Such solution must provl~e adequato assurances to th~ City that Pal~land \lill ultimately pay it's pro-rata share of the cost of such facilities, Such solution must provide adequate assurances to Palmland re:~arding tho availability of potabla water, both as to quality and quantity at times certain, with pay- ment by Palmi and to be within it's economic parameters as above des- cribed. Further, the solntion shall give the City an option "hereby it could elect to have Palmi and design and construct a per~anent facility which would become tho property of the City. The solution shall give Pal~land the option to design and construct accordin3 to the standards of all applicable governmental agencies or bodies and including the requirements of the City Code of Boynton Beach, an interim water treatmen: f~cility at it's cost, if Pal~land and the - ..... " .. .' -'" .'. I:,:: . . '. ,.- ..' -i::: ~,' .~: . I 'f' ~~. '" ~' .. ' ;~.~' 'n.' ~l: . ~ ~ ~~~ ,-' "~~~ :';':~1 '''';''-;": . '"l . .. :~ ; r~:~ '-". i._."'! i........'.. ...../. a1~ r._...-'. ~~~~ ,'".';'" : {;,: I.-~:~ ~.{!: ~.:+t) ~.:;..'t, ~~ ~~1t~ ,"- .. ,~. .t;};~ '~~". .~)t~ '~:1 .~~ .-~.~ '1-r ....O::~, ~1l ~~ "i::', .: ~~ Cit:; agree th~t the Cit, Cannot adequatel:' :!teet it's :,rojected develop- -men~ requirements fa:;: pot3bl~ 't.,at~~. Palnland ,,,ill re:::cve. at it' s. sole C05t and oxpense, ~ny such int3Tin facili~y at th3 time the same is p;,ased ou:. The City "ill acc~=,: responsibility fo~ .0per:1tion and r.3intenan=~ of the i~terim wa~or treatment faci1i:y after con- str'letion is cO:Jpleted at the dat:, 0: start up. Cost:; !or operations . . and ~aintenan:~ of said i~torin wn~~~ treat~ont facili~'l in e~c~ss of T~venue, ~~ dQteT~inad by accept~~le C03t 3ccounti~: proceduT~s, . - will be borne ~y Palmland until such time as rev~nue equals or exceeds cost. The solution 5hall set forth :he :1~ounts, ~~':Jer and ~i=~ of pay~c~t of co~~~ction c~~r:~s. if ~ny. as to inteTi~_t=~atrnen~ ~~cil1tics. . .1 Th~ technical rc?re~cn~3tives 5]1311 pTcs,nt ~heir ~~l- utio:\ to the City._and to Po.liJlo.nd end eac.h si1:l11 :'1:l'J'~ -:~e rl,:::-tt to approve or reject tho sao~. Said solution, if ~=cc,:~le to ~~~ Ci:y and Po.lnland, sh:lll be agreed :0 in UTi ti:13 tlnd C:1C:" 01 t:l~ ~=.rt:.::s shall do all things necessary to effect t~c sa~e. 7r:.~ technical representatives shall present their solution, in writing, to the parties on or about July' IS, 1973. .. : -~~ . ..~ .,' In the event no solution is :1greed upon, the Circuit Court I 1, .- shall ret:1in jurisdiction to deter::tine whether the Ci:y is :1010 timely furnish the necessary Qunicipal service to P:11~land. to .'~ ~ ;... '.':: '"' . 'A" ;..1 "'....~1:::;~ r:;t iJ.;::::4 vi) 14 -8- ::\ " -: ".-' -.- r. ~.~. ...-.' '~.."'!.~. .e :~;~4i:~~, Oo.! ;. [itf~.c,}llv;;'i>, .~ 1. - - ......,.. '.->':'~_."'''......:;' I~~~ .- .,.... I I ~r\ .. ,. ..-.., li\ ,'-.' \ ":":"': La- '- I,..J::..,~ .',. . ':'. Exhibit "e" ~ l~~~;;~ ~ .. ,- . . :1, . .} i .! I ,'-- l' ',i~; ..: ..:. . r'.~ :;: " ',,~. ~ .' t ~'''' .' '._ .' ;,":-__' ~~"t-~,~~.....; ~._~~l.:' 1.1 :.J ;.i.i -:JI ;~ i ..... ..... '. '~,-.~ '" ;!.~ "~'~ :!'-!'': ,. ~~ . .::j ":':o} ~;f :".:( ::~f . '.;;' ~ ~~" -. lf~ -..;"': @ ~ s tf:. ~;~ g ~w\ ~ i.JJ., r4' -, . .r~" '.~.: ~;~'. '_f L . .:;~. i'i;'. 1'<. ~ - .. i; :~ 1:1:1" ...; "1' ;?4'" ~, ~;: .~ '.' ;,....:.; ..,....; -.: .~ . \ 1: ..~ () , 'r. 'E.: , 6. As to the said potablo water, it Is al~o np,roed ..: ,:~.: ~;i. ~ ~~ that Palnland will desisn and construct, at It's ex~enso, a water distribution system in accordanco with accepted engineer- ing practicos in use in the City of Boynton 3each. Said water distribution system ~ha.ll be constructed in phases 015 tho subject lands are developed and will be dedicated to, and accepted by, the City of Boynton Beach as it is co=pleted and approved. The City of ~oynton Beach shall ac~~pt the said ~ater ',:. ., , r -;.f: . .. '~i I . ",,:.~ . ~. .r-:.~ ..;. !tt ..... . ~~ "'1', :.;;.:.: ~1.7 :P.' ~-~ ,- :it ~;:~, '.~ f.~t ',;::.: :1t" ':=l ....;~ :'li: ,:~ - distribution ~ystCQ for maintenance and operation in phases as it is completed. 7. Palmland will design and construct, at it's expense, an interim or pe~anent waste water treat=cnt facility ~~~I or disposal facility as is, or may be required ~y the ~??licaale ~ove~=cntal agencies or bodies, includin~ the r~quirc~er.ts or t~e City -{:ode, and (a) Will d~sign and construct, at it's e~~~~~~. a gr~vity.se~~r collection system according to ~ne s:~~~~.ds of all applica~le govern~ental agencies or bodies, incl~~in~ t~~ ~' require~ents of the City Code. (b) Will design and construct, at i:'~ .........."""--"" _.~~_....J.... ~ force nains ~n~ pu~?i~~ 'st3tions nc:ordiug :0 :~~ n~~~~~~~s of all a,?lic~bl~ ~over~~~entnl a~~nci3s O~ bodies, :irci..I"....:-~ th~ .. ----..;I> ::-C=i:J:'::"J- ments. of the City Code. (c) Shall, if a .par=~ncn~ f~cili:i~ c:~voy .-...~ ---- so:.c. waste ~later trcatoent facility a.n.d/or di:;~os::.l :::e;:i!ity .:l::.d. :;.:~;~r collection syst~~ in phases to the City of Bo~~~c~ ~1IlI"'_-" ~..._._~... . ~'..~ ~"'\....,.- .1.':'..- ~......__ collection f~cility shall be constructed in p~~~~s . !"I~ -.....!"II ~ --~- l::;).d, is developed and s~~ll be conveyed to and operated end =ei~tai~cd by the Ci ~y of Boynt~n BC:lch :s it i:; co=:pleted. T:~:: ~JOlS~:: ua:crr. treat~ent facility and/o4 disposal f~cili~7 shall ae c:~vcyca to ~..., ~...- ,. City of Boynton Deach in phases as cOMplotad ~nd npprov~d. r~~ Ci~: -9- f::....~1O;9 '"'-: ~....... v....... ..- .:1.<) .,....:.c ,'; ~.. ..' ~-, ... . ~~~~-::'.. " h; ,. ~ . , .~: , . Exhibi t "e" . '. . -:;~\f: ,:.'.' ,J1:-;. ~ .....tJ;.l~....:.. .....~I..___ ....,._:....:j .-....:;"'= ; -.1 51 ,;-1 .. f, ~, I' t,. __ . ..~., 1-.. '-".\' r '. :.: .~:(~:'-',~:; ~i!~WfJ I '. ,. . -:.:. .- "' 'J ".t' '.. . ...... ,. , .~ < " "~ M~ r 1 "'. f~, 1\ . t"; , ,. ~";' ( ... ( ,"". ..- '::.' .. .- ....1 ' :.~:-- f:' - '.'~ , .::1~~ .f:f-.~ _: ; ~ --'4, j I<ill 3ccept re~pon'lbillty for oper~tion ~nd aalntcn~nco of tho N~~rc w"tor trc~taent facllity after construction i~ coaploted at the d~to of start up. Co,t, for operation, and ~ain:enanco of ,~id waste water treataent facility in excess of revenu~_ as ~eternined . :.~. . I :. I 'j. by acceptable cost accounti~3 procodures_ will be borne b7 Pal~land until such time as revenue equal~ or exceed~ cost. In tho ovent, due to requirements of re:ulatory agencies, tho waste water treat~ent facilitios arc to,be considered only an interim facility. The City will accept respon~ibili:r for operation and maintenance of the interim waste water treatcent facility after construction is completed at the date of start up. ;:~". . .':,.9 . -...,.... . . ~~~~.t ~ ~:.-' Costs for operations and maintenance of said interiD waste water ...~, . -:{:t.'.;' ~i~~}~ ~ ~:::~.:~:'} "::r;": .. ~.""" .;=it.~' treat~ent facility in excess of ravenue, as dete~ined by accc~table cost accounting procedures, will be borne by PalDlcnd until such tiJ:le as revenue equals or exceeds cost. Palcland uill re:llove. at ~ ~f.~.~~ .. " _.~ . ~ ..: it's sole cost and expense, any such interic facility on the sa=e being phased out and pay it's pro-rata share of cost to hook up ; '~::-r.~":'~ ~: ~:;.. ;-: ~~ G::i;:~ . to regional tre3t~ent f~cilities when available. (d) Upon cOJ:lpletion of allY requlred percar.ant ';taste water treatment facility and/or disposal facility and water treat- cent f~cility. palaland will deed to the City those cart.in 1a~ds sho:m in Exhibit "]3", 'attached hereto, as Parcel 13, con'taining 12.9 acres for waste water treatment facilities and, if applicable. Parcel 19 A, containing 4 acres more or less for pe~~ent water tr~at~ent facilities. The said conveyance shall be cace ~~eer 't~e teras and conditions. as are set forth in E::hibit "C" as attached i~k-~.:~ ~.!.~.;-!...., t..~~:~-~: .~I. ~ .;.~'.". "_--J-.. . . . #.~. hereto ~nd made a part hereof. (e) The interior lines, lift stations end a??~rte~c~eas thereto, shall be installed and paid for by Pal~lcnd and conveyed at no cost to the City of Boynton Beach. Easements for the i~prove- ments referred to herein shall, also be provided by Pal~land an1 dedicated for perpetual utility uses. ---:'...... ~~r.::t: 18 -10- .. ~ - . . Exhibit "e" - l.~~t~t . ;" -;:..~-;:J;'.": I:,i:::-"..t-..~)_._ "'. . . . '.", .'. . .. ".." .. . r ~ . '::_~.~ . :~'~::;i!~:~'..' .i:i::~ .~. :.~~;:~ I f.. t :..~ i '-. ;~ ~ ~ :.~.~~ ,:" ~"'.:.: ," . " . ~"'t ~'...;.~:. .- ~<,.' U'.""-' ~,.;::' ;;~f.;i;t~~" .- '1,.... "'L:~~ti j. 1 r :1 ,{ .1 j! ~lf ~~ .' il "! T I:': .r. t . .j; '., " " - ,i. ..f. ~'~ t:I to;; " r: >;. ;.:. .'~" ':""C :-,..~ -:;4: ~ ..' ~ :.t:: i"," t:" ;,~r .:~. . . (el pnlalnnd will convey nil of tho abovo water, If Q\lpllcllble, and \~Qste wnter dlstrlbut Ion ImprovclIlents to the Cl tr, in phasos liS completed, 8, In tho event PlIlmlnnd constructs, lit it'~ expon,o, and turns ovor to tho City, pormanent sowern?,c or pernancnt wator treatmont fncilities, or Palrnl3nd pays to the City a~ a ?art of II sewerngo or water system extension project, it's pro-~~:3 share or funds sufficient to construct ~cwer or water treat:cnt facilities adeq'Jat3 to servo the Chute. \forld project, no connection or capi~al inprove~ont fees shall be charged by the Clti of 3oynton ;c~c~ for connection to said facilities. Tap-in fces to ~ny ~atcr systc~ will be paid to the City. 9. Palmland will not be required to post sec~~ity bond for the performance, 'payment ar.d completion of st~e~ts and ~ositive storm draina3e improve~cnts hereinabove dc~cribed. Palm:and ngrees, however, that no C'~rtificQte of Occ:':jl::l::cy shall ~c - issued as to a pnrticular dwelling J. buildi::; until suc~ tice as the water, waste,water, street nnd draina1~ icproV~~3nt~ ser-I- ing '~hat structure are co::!pleted. 11i th refer~nce to bo;:ds for :;!:c:: of the '~aste water treatr-ent facilities, I',ater treat::e:1t facili:io:;, water distribution system, sanitary sewer col:ection cnd dist"i)!::i~n systeos, as shall be constructed by Palnland as herei;:b~iore p~o- vided, bonds req~ired of Palnland cnccr the C~ty Coda :;::311 be only for the phase being co~~tructcd ~t a ?~~~icular t~~~ and ?~l:ll~'~ will not be required to ?ost a bond :or t~9 ~n~ire ~Js:~~ un:=ss _....-, ...~ same be under construction at one tiDe. 10. Upon approval of this Asrea~ent by :~e ?ortics hereto, the City of Boynton Beach will cause t~~ ~aildin~ pe~it for "wodels", heretofore requested by Palm1and, to be issued "ith due dispatch. 11. The parties hereto-asree that this Stipulation will be offered to the Court and incorporated in the Final Jud&~ent in Suits No. 72-C-6624, No. 73.581 C~ (L) 01 cnd No. 73- 579 CA.(L) 01. :"'~':::1:;9 p.... &.:t:,..&.. u -"" 17 . . . -11- : ". -. , ..'. "4" ., ,; ',: 'ii.:;: .'1;: ~'i.. ~~ - ,. , l'Ot i..f'~...': ...~.. -~'C ,;~L ;--:- :~ .~ ::-.. "" . - :"! ,'Sf :"::'1...1 .~ p.. '0,1;: : :".~;, :;~!- .... . ,',;. . .?"".' , p::' ii~ ~~ ~.f1; ~~-~ e:.l[<~:t n;:lj ~'ln ., Jfi' ,,,r. ~ ;:~'_1 ~:~.. fL~:: .'""'....":' rj~ -~ r~:~ ....... ~ - ~.' fo-i' :; ~.::..~ i:~J ~lf1 ~Jr ~~f, ~!i \.-. . .~ , ~ ~ - ~~ :~ :E. ..:~~ ~-;; .....,;'] " ... ------ - ," - . ",... :"~::. - -,...' .. ~ b:~~~f~~f{;~ ~0.~~~.::~,;~,~1 Exhibit "e" ./ I~ "j . I, . :: ...., rt~~ '';;:'" ~:ri' -," ,..J-, [/~' . ;: ;,.' : ': :'i 'It . ~j l .' .~ I ( . .:. 'il J" ..~.1 !'. :'~_: 1 A.\.: _ !:(;j , : t>1 ~ ;;-'~ ..jj'~" - ... ..:1 . .~ :1~~'. .' ,I " ' , ",." l_~';:' " 12. The parties hereto Stipulat~ and ^3rce that Suit ~o. ;- ,580 CA (L) 01 will be disnissed with prejudice by i'altlland and the parties thereto Ifill exchan::e mutual releases. 13. The City of Boynton Beach agrees to take such action as may be necessary to authorize it's City Attorney to entar into Stipulations in the above captioned actions a't lalf so as to effect th~ agreements herein contained. . . ~ . :.......: : ;~ .i~ I'... :;,.. ~"';.::; . Dated: . -;;<l, ~ ~:~llj~ ..... ~. ..'.f:2 ~~~fi :~~~i\ '"-.-- .....- ;1'~;".~ : i~~~~ ~ri~ ....:'-... ~ '~,.';-. :",,..',' ::;t... .: r~~:-. II ~~~ . ....~ !--......~; r ~.. .'~ !'iit~ ~.~1~ ".)f-t. ..... , 1973 /s/ Geor3e E. Ad~rns Geo rge i:. Ada::-.s 0 t ADA,\\S, GIL~!AN & COOPER Sui te 720-Hartford Bui lding Orlando. Florida 323:11 Attorney for Pal~land Develop~ent Cor?oration /s/ Ernest G. Sinon lirnest G. ;)lr.lOn 78 Northeast Fif:h Avenue ,VeIny Beach, Florida 33444 Attorney for Robert Olds, Ric.'lard Vastine, Marilyn Huckle, Loren Blacketer. Col. Albert I'/ehrell, Fred Kostner, OrTis Wal~~er, Emily 1.1. Jac!:son. ..Joe .t~Loner, Forest L. i'iallac~. D,nrid Roberts ,Ed'Jard, F. Ham~ning and the City of Boynton Beach. /s/ Fr~derick E. HollL.gs~crth FrcC!cTlc~, c. Hollln :St-;o.1:n 401 Pan ;c-:lericl!n Bui~CJ.ng West Palm Beach, Plorica 33401 AttorneY' .::or 'Boily ?toO J:lc!:.s c:\, David R:>b~:-~:;, l.I..r~:'::~ Joi1~s :-:n, Cla=cnc~ Q. :=l':t~:;" I:~=:)'t!\y A. :::.;,~c=~s and ~illl~~ C. Se~~on Isl ~'lil1i:'.:\ ~. r!9'":;~!~ '-':11J.1:1;1 .~. ~',~r::i.~ HA,\IlL rO~t, J~"'J:ES ~ =.3:-':'~!..::" !,ND '!C~:;G Suite 2, oc:~ Pl~=a 640 East Oc~~n A,enu~ Bornton ~cac:" f-lorit!:l 33435 Attome)" for Forrest L. I~01l1ace '". i:\.':'~.~ + t.. ,.~ ~. '.."" ~"'l~!=:9 r:I 18 , '..,"";-' . ...-.... i ..:;~' ....;.1 ~ -'2' \4 Ill:" .... ! e_,. ",:: .:..<..,.~::~,.:;..~,.,., .... ~ :.~~~~~.;:;~~~~:..;. . ."'- .:~1-=. ~:~ "...~-'":....,." t, , r' ," NIfJ~~L:~:.'," , .:,;i~/ ~;;:;;'\"'''''''' ;;,.,.' M''' . .' -. ::';'.;!':":';:':;"L.~~;"'''''''''' . ~':~~r?~){~;::::. :~~ ( .".. _"'4 . ..... . fA . .... :,~f' : '~:1.:-~: .:';~.>:~:':'f1;':~~.. ,- .....,~. . .,,\:...... ..,.........~- ...,..........:w:.... "1 r ~_..,. ....,', _. ',.. ", ,.. ......... . !~~.,.:. .rt...L'&~':,.._..~ Exhibit "e" I ',., ':::- -:.:',. ::-~ :d i I, i , \ I . I I I . I I '1 ! \ I I i , I I I ; I 1 . " " I I I I ! I I I I . i I . .' :l " g v .~~ U. tL ~ o : ,.,-....10:n ~:,..:"..~~ " ~~I L...:. " . ..:t:::....: -~~~:.A ~ :.,. W,:;,:. , .'~ .~ . ". ',~::~i ~i: . =.;:t..... -. J:'~':'; . ..~~':t .:. ....l...Z"........ , '~,~.._" . >:-J(, ~ :~: .? ( ~ -. ... :. ~I " ." ; ::.. f: :19 . ~~'. .~ EXH I BIT "A" Exhibit "e" " ~. " " t: " '. ::. ., . !li.'...:..:'_:: lei .r. ~..._: r ~::..,..: ~ -, Yo -, ..: ("l " :.- !! .' >- n - 1:.:.--"';: "/~ -: ;.. -~ :.! (", ".j .. " h " G ;.. . .' e.::.:.._:..:; ':'.;;. ~; ~":':? ',': ~'''' ::~'r~L!._ c ~ ~ 1 ~ c: '" ..... o > ..... o _. " '. . .: " .~ .a ';,,::~~..- ~ ~ g ~ \I'~ o r-< Z <-l , , o Z . 'I '-r t....... , . . \ . >> ::7" l.~ L', , I., I ~ . ~ i. \: U fr ~ ~. :.; ? bj t:d ;1>- f.'O - '-' ,., .'1' =... r--i : , ..... r_ I' ," -- ~ - ~ ~ ~ !i n.~ .~ ::< 7 --.. tI1 ,~ , -..... Ul 'I . ~ o c ~ '7i >- ~ ,.,. ..... ~ >:: " "- ;, ...." : .:!=".... .:!.. ' ';;" '\, ~ ',' '-3: '- ~ .~-) , '='. ~,~ ,- if-, 1': '" :- ~ ,- j: It" lL F, t~ t:..JJ }.',... L,': :.... j-.' ". .' ~.. .~ :;~.~ ...:"t r. :. ...... ,'.." "I."'. ~~~ I. ..:.:.;; ,..~: - _.~.....- .-.. .~ ", ..;-.~~ >_:: 1 I i I :':=,..l!'_.~ .' ~,.~-: . ~ .~. t ~~~; t-~ t.: rf~~.,A~~:~, '\ , / , , . .' West half ( W 1/2) of the. Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 1. West half (W 1/2) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of said Section 1. ( The Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4) of said Section 1. Section 2: That subject property shall be zoned in accordance with Master Development Map and Site Plan now on fHein the office of the c City Manager, City Hall, Boynton Beach. F1orida, all pursuant to the Master Zoning Code of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Section 3: The territorial boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach, 'Florida, are hereby redefined so as to include the above-described property. r ~ Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Ordinance are separable and if any section, subsection, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid by any Court of competent y ~ jurisdiction, the remaining portions shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect, Section 5: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance to the City's existing Code. Section 6: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, F1orida, in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 7: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided by the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. First reading this 24th day of October, AD., 1972. - 2- )1 -.- Second, final reading and passage this ,/0' day of i/h''''ml f ,'/ A. D., 1972. ( ( ATTEST: ( , ,-2~ City Clerk ( /'?L J:idiX :/ (CORP. SEAL) ( ( l CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA '(c/ft,:I/! ~!t;~.,~ Mayor t i/ ' g ." '7 . C"'\ . . (.... . l r__1 L ,'J\..,-Ct. (,7., ~J.-c, t. a , V. /' / ice A </'/ /. ' . I' I . .' . . /1 ~, (, _' /C(</.J.,(,~" COlltlcilman , 'j i ~. t,_r- , ( ,/ .. , ( .,/;, , .r: ..).p,: (;" )(-- /~(<~'- -' ~, .Councilma~7' , ~ ,/ l;iw7J'--'l'-?:1.~P ,G6.VI.~-"J I Councilman -....... I l'tf~.t~ !vrJ -3- By: l (, pU , ~ ~n ~l5' , " , . ~ 4 ' r , pi\ - . .~\ '" ,. #>. ~~~ ,. ~I . I n 7'~ ;! .. L 1: .::), ~~ ., :\ -r,- ( . I{ ,. C ?J . , " . . _ 'I ::J - -' P- (b '.,. * 0 ..... ~ ;j 0' {;}~ U1 o - -0 r J> Z- r~ ,', , , j ...' 1," .." ')l" 11 I" I 'c.,.. ..~ ,"\ ;.' ..1 ...1 "'10 ~ I" ..,.......~ ~-;;...i r'l:-t '-" O( ",!. ~'., .:;,....__...... j..._ ....... ..,,~.. ..' . _0- ._.>0..... . .:.!. . .,.t~...... _. :,,',. l...,I" 'I ....;. :t-;"7'(';--;" ", "t..,. '0': . '~'Il C.n-.J#~J. . 'I . ..I,)' ~"...~;j) , ~ '.. ..."c:...;....f...v:C.-',.. ::~f j~"..~;.1...H.,;..:-. :;.-. ~~..y~?,~. .,.::':I~::;'!1;.:}~. .@.:';- .....;..: .:~-:;::3~.(l'.,~.:.:.~~0. :" l..r:-,..., ., (:\.~ ,ill' . I "-._to'" 0'" '~~"/.'" . 16"'''- ,-_ l-'-':'._~ /.1 .' ..,.::",00 . _.' '_./.,1':-_") .... _"_" ~t~~_.. .... .... -t ~...':'1'\,~,' '\0-' .:\..~ .:c,.,.r.' ';:-.... c.....-=-~..:.. ..:);, -::....-=- .. ~Q::S \ . ',. r - .- ': "(C-u -, /G)).r..-..\':M.....: :::"~,, ......., .... l ,-:.-....;:.,...0:.......> "..-~ I. ."'".----~, ~. d'-.--::;--.....:;-r-:?, I l pe-!ray .:.".qI:(1.:~~ " .. , " , :f \ I ;:;.".- ~ ~: :l~l ...../, \ -. .L, ~ " I. , \ \. ~.J ~ '.1 ORDINANCE NO. 73- 7 ./ AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTIONS 31-6 AND 31-6.1 AND 31-7 AND 31.8 AND 31.9 OF THE CODIFIED ORDINANCES OF SAID CITY, PERTAINING TO FAMILIES PER MULTIPLE UNIT AND SQUARE FOOTAGE PER MULTIPLE UNIT AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. j J BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: Section 1: Chapter 31 of the Codified Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and is hereby amended as ) follows: I II section 31-6. R2 Multiple Familv and Institutional Buildinq District: (A) USES PERMITTED (2) Two-family dwellings, multiple family dwellings, . garage apartments as an accessory use located on the rear of a lot having a principal structure locate4 on the front half. Two-family and multiple family dwellings in R-2 Zone shall not exceed twenty-five (25) feet in height (2~ stories) with a . maximum of three families per principal unit and,there shall be a minimum of twelve feet between principal units. I (D) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (2) For two family dwellings, nine thousand (9,000) square feet and said lots shall have minimum widths of seventy- . five (75) feet. (3) For multiple family dwelling for each dwelling , unit there shall be a minimum of four thousand five hundred (4,500) square feet of lot area. I (F) LOT COVERAGE (1) Forty (40) per cent of the lot area is the maximum that may be covered by the principal and accessory I , buildings or structures located thereon, swimming pools excepted from this provision. Page 1 of 4 ~----' (1 .--' - Section 31-6.1. R-2A Multiple Family Dwellinq District. (A) USES PERMITTED. (2) Two-family dwellings, multiple dwellings, garage apartments as an accessory use located on the tear of a lot having a principal structure located on the front half. Two- ~ family and multiple family dwellings in R-2A shall not exceed twenty-five feet (25') in height (2~ stories) with a maximum ./ of three families per principal unit and there shall be a minimum of twelve feet (12') between principal units. / Section 31-7. R-3 Multiple Family, Office and Motel District. J (c) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No structure shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. ) (D) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS (2) For multiple family dwellings there shall be a minimum lot area of four thousand (4,000) square feet for each ) dwelling unit'. Section 31-8. C-l Limited Commercial District. ] (B) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS No building or structure shall exceed forty-five (45) feet in height. ) (c) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. (1) For residential, the regulations shall be ) identical to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this code pertaining to multiple family dwelling units. ] (2) Otherwise, none. (D) YARD REGULATIONS. (1) For residential, the regulations shall be identi- cal to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code ) pertaining to multiple family dwelling units. . (2) Other. (a) Front Yard: There shall be a front yard having a depth of not less than twenty-five (25) feet. ~I (b) Side Yards: None are required except where rear access is not available from a public street or alley, a side yard of not less than ten(lO) feet shall be provided on one side. (c) Rear Yards: There shall be a rear yard having -' a depth of not less than twenty (20) feet, except where the rear of the property is bounded by a public alley or street the rear yard may be decreased by one-half the width of such alley or street up to ten (10) feet, but in such event there shall be provided a rear yard of not less than ten (10) feet exclusive of the alley. ; / Section 3l~9. General Commercial District. J (B) BUILDING HEIGHT REGULATIONS. Same as C-l. (C) BUILDING SITE AREA REGULATIONS. ) Same as C-l. (D) YARD REGULATIONS. Residential provisions, identical to C-l" ) Section 2. Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in ] the City's existing code. Section 3: Repealing provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of ) this Ordinance are separable, including word, clause, phrase ) or sentence, and if any portion hereof shall be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. ] Sect ion 5: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided in the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. , Page 3 of 4 ,; . /' ----- ; ; J ) ) I . . I . , I , I ! First Reading this .:,.., day of :>:-: A.D., 1973 Second, final reading and passage this ./ day of ""1(1 .." Il...!1 -'V'i ~.fv , 1973. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (,' ' " BY: (",,\..~L.L 'jJ Mayor ,J' ., :') - / /' (L:" . ,r;.", /l C <-' /-;<- . ~icl "j.,(yor . ' , .t:.. ,J/ .r;-""--.....~ci .~.-'/~L\ Councilman .._ to L!. ..: &-,1... 7~~~ Councilman / -/ / / . >&€"/b,ttZ;//-#ttItt""Cj , ounc:Llman Attest: /, j /tc...7,:.." ../' , ; I I. , ...... L~' " ~I City Clerk Page 4 of 4 " 'J '?' ,:// .. ORDINANCE NO. 73-11 AN ORDINANCE OF THE c.rrY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FlDRIDA, AMENDING SECTION 31-8 OF ORDINANCE NO. 73-7, BY ADDING EXCLUSIONARY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY TO CODIFY, SAVINGS CLAUSE, REPEALING PROVISION, AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE crry OF BOYNTON BEACH, FlDRIDA: Section 1: Section 31-8 (c)(l) of Ordinance No. 73-7 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, be and is hereby amended as follows: "Section 31-8 C-l Limited Commercial District: (1) For residential, the regulations shall be identical to those provided for Zone R-3 in Section 31-7 of this Code pertaining to multiple family dwelling units, excluding motels and hotels. Section 2: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is hereby granted to codify and incorporate this Ordinance in the City's existing code. Section 3: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Section 4: Separability: Each of the provisions of this Or- dinance are separable, including word, clause, phrase or sentence, and if any portion hereof shall be declared invalid, the remaining portion shall not be affected but shall remain in full force and effect. Section 5: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effec- tive in the manner and at the time provided in the Charter and Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. -" First reading this~1~ day of Second, final reading and passage ,( , -,,-r,-f..I'~.':;7'f_ , A.D., 1973. .J ' this ;:!,C; day of ~:I~A,.; , 1973. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FlDRIDA .' /.; __ I , ;; ~ .;-~~.\. -.('--:..~ (SEAL) . ATTEST: 'k'H..U) :}o....,.....'rI Councilman 7~)- CouncJ.lman tl1 4- Ii ~-l:-l.. '- C:>..? :;t<:..v1,dZtr-c- .~&tt: CJ.?J' er ./ (I EXHIBIT "B" -Future Land Use Support Document, Appendix B: Supply and Demand For Commercial Land (revised) ,-- ~ , APPENDIX 8; SUPPLY AND DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND (revised) Demand for Commercial Land The demand for commercial land has been analyzed for the Boynton Beach Market Area, which is defined as the area bounded by Hypoluxo Road, the Atlantic Ocean, Gulfstream Blvd.-Lake Ida-L-30 Canal, and Barwick Road-Lawrence Road (see attached map). This constitutes a more reasonable market area, for the purpose of analyzing the need for commercial land, than the existing boundary of Boynton Beach. Existing and planned commercial development which is under the jurisdiction of other local governments in this market area has been included in the analysiS of the supply of commercial land. . Demand for commercial land is found by calculating the demand for different types of commercial land uses, and then adding the resulting figures. For most types of commercial land uses, the demand for land was calculated by mUltiplying the existing floor area by the inverse of the average floor/area ratio for the use, vnen multiplying by the inverse of a minimum occupancy rate for the use, and then multiplying by the ratio (1.75) of the build-out population (90,190) for the Boynton Beach Market Area to the 1997 (51,573) population for the Boynton Beach Market Area. For retail uses, an additional multiplier was used to account for the fact that retail sales have increased faster than population growth in Palm Beach County. According to a study done by the Palm Beach Post, total retail sales in the county increased by 94.2% from 1980 to 1996, and are projected to increase by 56.2% from 1996 to 1990. During these same periods, the population of the county will have grown by 29\ and 13.7\, respectively. When the increase in retail sales is discounted for population growth and for inflation (inflation was 33% between 1980 and 1986, and is prOjected to be 19\ between 1996 and 1990), an 19\ increase in retail sales is found 1n each period which is not accounted for by population growth or inflation. This increase is probably due, for the most part, to a real increase in per capita income. In order to accornodate this increase, the projections for retail floor space and acreage where multiplied by a factor of 1.18, since 1986 is close to the base year of 1997 which was use for estimating occupied retail floor space. Further increases in real income are likely past 1990, however, and these increases are addressed in the discussion at the end of this analysis. Sources: City of Boynton Beach Planning Dept., 1989. (population figures I Palm Beach Post, "Growing with Palm Beach, and Martin Counties", 1997. (retail sales estimates and projections) U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor statistics, 199~: (inflation figures) 1 RECENED JUNb /9( PLANNING DEPT. - ~ ,- .-/r---- - ' . ; . . .. . . I ~ . <.. - -'- = -...... .;. - l' cu,o, 80,nlon Belch ~~I?..nlng Otp.rtmtnt 4/87 page lA :> ---.... , Land requirements for hotels, motels, nursing homes, and adult congregate living facilties were found by multiplying the projected number of rooms or beds by the average number of square feet per room or bed for recently appoved projects. Land requirements for marine commercial uses and miscellaneous uses were found by mUltiplying the current acreage by the ratio of the build-out population for the Boynton Beach Market Area to the current population for the Boynton Beach Market Area. Demand for Land for Office Uses SinQle-Tenant office and Financial Services. Under 20.000 SQuare feet This category consists of banks, savings and loan associations, and small offices buildings by a single tenant. occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: 256,215 square feet . , . Projected demand for land at build-out: 256,215 x (1/.28) x (1/.95) x 1.75 = 1,685,900 square feet 0.28 = Average floor/area ratio for office and financial projects under 20,000 square feet built between 1980 and 1987 0.95 = Minimum occupany rate 1,685,900/43,560 = 38.7 acres SinQle-Tenant Office BuildinQs. Over 20.000 SQuare Feet This category consists primarily of regional or national headquarters for corporations. currently there are no such offices in the City, anc there is no known methodology for estimating the demand for land for these offices. Quantum corporate Park is the only location in the City where offices of this type are expected to be located. In order to estimate the probable acreage in Quantum Corporate Park that will be devoted to corporate headquarters, the existing and future land use in the Arvida Park of Commerce in Boca Raton, 10 miles to the south of Boynton Beach, was examined. In 1988, 57.5% of the the office floor space in the Arvida Park of Commerce was occupied by corporate headquarters. Adding planned office projects in theArvida Park of Commerce to the 1988 figures would reduce the percentage of office occupied by corporate headquarters to 39.1%. Since the average of these two numbers is about 50%, it is assumed that approximately 50% of the land deSignated for office use (145.6 acres, total) in Quantum Corporate 2 ~,\ ~ Park will be used for corporate headquarters. projecte~ demand for land at build-out: . 145.6 acres x 0.50 = 72.8 acres Multi-Tenant Office Buildinqs Under 20.000 Square Feet This category consists of small office bUildings with more than one tenant. occupied Floor Area as of 4/1/87: 86,564 square feet Projected demand for land at bUild-out: 86,564 x (1/.28) x (1/.95) x 1.75 = 569,403 square feet 0.28 = Average floor/area ratio for office ~nd financial projects under 20,000 square feet built between 1980 and 1987 0.95 = Minimum occupany rate 569,403/43,560 = 13.07 acres Multi-Tenant Office Buildinqs. Over 20.000 Square Feet. Exclud1nq Hedical and Condominium office Buildinqs This category consists of larqer multi-tenant office buildings. There were 7,878,000 sq. ft. of leased or preleased space in Palm Beach county, according to Summary, Office Harket Survey, Palm Beach County, Florida, October 31, 1986, by Robert Wilmoth Associates and Laventhol and Horwath. population of Palm Beach County on Oct. 31, 1986 was approximately 770,894 (interpolation of 4/1/86 and 4/1/87 population estimates by University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research) 7,878,000 sq. ft./770,824 = @ 10.22 sq. ft. of leased office floor area per capita in Palm Beach County, as of 10/31/86, based upon office space included in the Office Harket survey. 10.22 x (1/.95) = 10.76 of sq. ft. leased office space per capita in Palm Beach County. 0.95 represents the proportion of office floor space in this cateqory that was surveyed by the Office Harket Survey. 3 ~~ 10.76 X (1/.90) = 11.96 sq. ft. leasable office space per capita According to Robert Wilmoth Associates, 85\ occupancy is qenerally the highest equilibrium occupancy rate for the office market in Palm Beach county. A slightly higher occupancy rate of 90\ was used to calculate leasable office space per capita. 11.96 x (1/.82) = 14.58 total floor area per capita 0.82 is the average ratio of gross floor area to gross leasable floor area for offices in this category built in Boynton Beach between 1980 and 1988. 14.58 x (1/0.44) = 33.14 square feet per capita of land for offices 0.44 is the average floor/area ratio for office buildings built in Boynton Beach between 1980 and 1986. Projected demand for land at build-out: 33.14 x 90,190 = 2,988,897 square feet 90,190 is the projected build-out population for the Boynton Beach Market Area. . , . 2,988,897/43,560 = 68.62 acres projected demand for land for offices in this category at build-out in city of Boynton Beach, based on 1988 per capita office space in Palm Beach County. It is assumed that there will be a significant locational bias in the Greater Boynton Beach Area for larger office buildings to be located in the city, rather than being distributed evenly throughout the Greater Boynton Beach Area (defined as the area bounded by Hypoluxo Road, the Atlantic ocean, Gulfstream Blvd.-Lake Ida-L-30 Canal, and the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge). The city is a more visible location, is better served by transportation facilities, includes greater residential densities, and contains a higher concentration of retail facilities, hotels, and industrial land than the area west of Lawrence Road. These factors would tend to make the City a more attractive location for office bUildings; therefore, it can be expected that a significant proportion of the office space in this category would be allotted on a per capita basis to the areas west of Lawrence Road. This assumption can be justified by examining the distribution of office floorspace in Boca Raton, which lies 10 miles to the south of Boynton Beach, and is considerably more bUilt-up than Boynton Beach. In 1988, 89\ of built office space and 86\ of the leased office in Boca Raton office market, which extends from the Atlantic Ocean to eastern edge of the Everglades, was located within 3 1/2 miles of the coast. This line would be comparable to Lawrence Road in Boynton Beach. It is reasonable to assume that no more than 25\ of the office space in this category in either Boynton Beach or Boca Raton will be located beyond 3 1/2 miles from the coast. Therefore, it is assumed that 75\ of the per capita 4 /,~ ... occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: 96,512 square feet Projected demand for land at build:out: 96,512 x (1/0.22) x (1/.95) x 1.75 x 1.18 = 953,564 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.95 = Minimum occupancy rate 953,564/43,560 = 21.89 acres strin ShODDinQ Centers These are multi-tenant retail or mixed retail/office use in Boynton Beach Market Area, in buildings with 10,000 to 40,000 square feet. Occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: . , . 306,644 square feet projected demand for land at build-out: 306,644 x (1/0.22) x (1/.95) x 1.75 x 1.18 = 3,029,722 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.95 = Minimum occupancy rate 3,029,722/43,560 = 69.55 acres Community ShoDoinQ Centers These are multi-tenant or mixed retail/office use shopping centers, with 40,000 square feet or more, and centers that are immediately adjacent to shopping centers of 40,000 square feet or more. Occupied floor area as of 4/1/87: 665,440 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.90 = Minimum occupancy rate Projected demand for land at build-out: 6 lj- ~- 665,440 x (1/0.22) X (1/.90) X 1.75 X 1.18 6,939,982/43,560 = 159.32 acres , = 6,939,982 square feet Reaional Mall There is one regional mall in the City of Boynton Beach, with a gross leasable floor area as of 4/1/87 of 878,670 square feet. proportion of regional mall acreage allocated to Boynton Beach Market Area, based on proportion that the build-out population of Boynton Beach Harket area (90,120) comprises of the build-out population of Boynton Beach Hall market area (275,680): .. 113.05 acres x 0.327 = 36.97 acres Source: population of Boynton Beach Market.Area, and unincorporated area in Boynton Beach utility service area-~Boynton Beach Planning Dept. Source: population of Boynton Beach Mall Market Area outside of Boynton Beach Harket Area and Boynton Beach utility service area--Traffic Analysis Zone data by Palm Beach county planning Dept. The Boynton Beach Hall Market Area is defined as being bordered on the north by Lake Worth Road, on the east by the Atlantic ocean, on the west by the Loxahatchee Wildlife Refuge, and on the south by the L.W.D.D. L-30 Canal west of Jog Road, the L.W.D.D. L-32 Canal between Jog Road and 1-95, and Atlantic Avenue east of 1-95. proportion of regional mall square footage allocated to Boynton Beach Market Area, based on proportion that the population of Boynton Beach Market Area comprises of population of the Boynton Beach Mall market area: 818,670 x 0.425 = 373,435 square feet Demand for regional mall square footage for Boynton Beach Market Area, based on ratio of build-out population of Boynton Beach Market Area to 1987 population: 373,435 x 1.75 X 1.18 = 539,114 square feet proportion of regional mall square footage allocated to Boynton Beach Market Area, based on proportion that build-out population of Boynton Beach Market area comprises of build-out popUlation of Boynton Beach Hall market area: 1,244,449 x 0.327 = 406,935 square feet 1 c:J- -:0 Difference between demand proportion of mall square Area, at build-out: 771,143 - 406,935 = 364,208 square feet fc square footage at regional mall, and fo~'age allocated to Boynton ~ach Market . Projected demand for additional commercial land, based upon unmet demand for regional mall floor area: 364,208 x (1/0.22) x (1/0.925) = 1,789,722 square feet 0.22 = Average floor/area ratio for retail projects built between 1980 and 1986 0.925 = Minimum occupancy:.rate, assuming 1/2 of floor area would be located in strip shopping'centers, and 1/2 of floor area would be located in community shopping centers 1.789.722/43.560 = 41.09 acres . , . SUBTOTAL, DEMAND FOR LAND FOR RETAIL USES, AT BUILD-OUT: acres - 447.14 Demand for Land for Other Commercial Uses NursinQ Homes and Adult Conareaate Livina Facilities Nursing Home and ACLF beds in City, eXisting and planned, as of 10/1/88: 1,108 beds PrOjected demand for nursing home and ACLF beds, at bUild-out: 58.6 beds per 1,000 persons 65+ years x 25,053 persons 65+ years at build out = 1,468 beds (see group home analysis to be included in HOUSing Element for estimates for beds and number of elderly persons) Future demand for nursing nursing home and ACLF beds in City: 1,468- 1,108 = 316 additional beds Average site area per bed, for nursing home and ACLF projects approved from 1980 through 1988: 1,428.7 square feet per bed Percentage of nursing home and ACLF beds, eXisting and planned, in commercial zoning districts, as of 10/1/88: 406/1,018 = 40.0\ 8 UL/- current + planned commercial acreage occupied nursingnomes and ACLFs: 12.74 acres . Future demand for commercial land for nursing homes and ACLFs at build-out: 316 x 0.40 x 1,428.7 = 4.15 acres project d demand for commercial land for nursing homes and ACLFs, at buila Jut: 4.15 + 15.09 = 19.24 acres otels and Hotels projected number of hotel and motel rooms at build-out in City (from Housing Element): 1,517 rooms . Average site area per room, for hotels and ~otels approved between 1/1/80 and 8/1/88: 1,576.2 square feet per room projected demand for land for hotels and motels, at build-out: 1,517 x 1,576.2 square feet = 2,391,095 square feet 2,391,095/43,560 = 54.89 acres Marine Commercial This category includes marinas, dry storage buildings for boats, and ground level storage of boats. Current acreage for marine commercial in Greater Boynton Beach Area: 14.65 acres Current acreage per 1,000 population for marine commercial in Greater Boynton Beach Area: 14.65/85,415 = 0.1715 acres per 1,000 population. The 85,415 population figure is the sum of the population estimates, by the Boynton Beach Planning Dept. for all areas east of Lawrence Road, plus the 8/19/85 population estimates made by the Metropolitan Planning organization by Traffic Analysis Zone, for areas west of Lawrence Road. projected population of Greater Boynton Beach Area, at build-out: 191,931 The 85,415 population figure 1s the sum of the population projections, by the Boynton Beach planning Dept., for all areas east of Lawrence Road, plUS the 8/19/85 population projections made by the Metropolitan 9 ~~ --~ , planning Organization by Traffic Analysis Zone, for areas Lawrence Road. west of . projected demand for land for marine commercial uses in Greater Boynton Beach Area, at build-out (all acreage is assumed to be located in city and Town of Hypoluxo): 191.931 x 0.1715 = 32.92 acres New Automobile Sales This use is proposed to be allowed as a conditional use in the C-3 zoning district. Currently, there are no new car dealerships in the City. Therefore, the future demand for this type of use would not be accounted for by making projections based upon eXisting acreage. New automobile dealerships in the City of pel ray Beach, which lies to the south of Boynton Beach, typically occupy from 2 to 6 acres. Assuming that one average-sized dealership will be located in Boynton Beach, the projected demand for land for this use, at build-out, is 4.0 acres. Miscellaneous Uses in Commercial Zonina Districts Land occupied by miscellaneous uses in commercial zoning districts (churches, schools, clubs, governmental uses), as of 4/1/87: 12.47 acres Projected demand for land, at build-out: 12.47 x 1.75 = 21.82 acres SUBTOTAL, DEMAND FOR LAND FOR OTHER COMMERCIAL USES, AT BUILD-OUT: 132.87 acres TOTAL DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND AT BUILD-OUT 831.25 acres Sunnlv of Commercial Land All figures for the supply of commercial land are for net acres. The base figure for estimating the build-out supply of commercial land in the Greater Boynton Beach Area consists of the following: all C-l (Office and Professional Commercial) C-2 (Neighborhood Commercial), C-3 (Community Commercial), and CBD (Central Business District) zoned property; all PCD (planned Commercial Development) zoned property; those portions of Quantum corporate Park which are shown on the master plan for "Office" and "Commercial" land use. 10 ~h supplv of Land for Office Use , C-l zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 Capitol Professional Center PCD . 51.87 acres 3.50 acres Quantum Corporate park--area shown on master plan for "Office" use 14 5 . 6 acres BASE FIGURE, SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 200.97 acres The following areas were added, based upon planned or likely use for office use: property in unincorporated area east of Lawrence Road shown as "office Commercial" on Boynton ~each Future Land Use Plan: 37.40 acres Incorporated parcel, to southwest of High ~idge center, shown as "Industrial" on Future Land Use Plan (assuJne 1/2 acreage will be used for office, 1/2 acreage for industrial): 12.22 acres Stanford Park Hedical Center (in Stanford Park Planned Unit Development) : 1.20 acres Woolbright Professional Center parcel zoned C-l: 2.70 acres Northwest corner S. Seacrest Blvd. and Golf Road: 0.88 acres Proposed c-l office and professional Commercial zoning, on parcel on south side of N.E. 8th Ave., east of U.S. Highway 1: 0.68 acres Proposed c-l office and professional commercial zoning, on parcels currently zoned C-2, fronting on Boynton Beach Blvd. between Interstate 95 and Seacrest Boulevard 11.25 acres Proposed additional C-l Office and professional Commercial zoning, on parcels currently zoned R-IA, to north and south of parcels fronting on Boynton Beach Blvd. between Interstate 95 and Seacrest Boulevard 13.74 acres Proposed C-l Office and professional Commercial zoning along north side of Woolbright Road, between Interstate 95 and Seacrest Boulevard 3.75 acres Proposed C-l Office and professional Commercial zoning along congress Avenue adjacent to Hunters' Run PUD, currently zoned C-3 30.00 acres Woolbright Place PCD--Office Commercial Portion 7.00 acres Proposed C-l Office and Professional Commercial zoning at northeast corner of congress Avenue 4.00 acres 11 //-;7 " and Golf Road AREA OF PROPERTY FOR OFFICE USE, TO BE ADDED TO BASE FIGURE: 124.82 Clcres The following areas were subtracted, based upon planned or likely use for other than office use: proposed additional Local Retail Commercial west of Winchester Park Boulevard 17.98 acres AREA OF PROPERTY FOR OFFICE USE, TO BE SUBTRACTED TO BASE FIGURE: 17.98 acres SUBTOTAL, ADJUSTED SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: 307.81 acres 0, . ,I "i. ,.j ". SupplY of Land For Retail. Personal Services. Hotels and Motels. NursinQ Homes and ACLFs. Marine commercial. and Miscellaneous Uses in Commercial Districts C-2 zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 C-3 zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 CBD zoned property, as of April 1, 1987 65.33 acres 499.79 acres 77.59 acres Cross creek Center Planned commercial Development: 3.97 acres Quantum corporate park--area shown on master plan for "Commercial" use. 29.70 acres BASE FIGURE, SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL, ETC.: 676.38 acres The following areas are added to the base figure, based upon planned or likely use for retail or other commercial uses: potential Local Retail Commercial land use, at southwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Seacrest Boulevard 1.21 acres Proposed c-2 Neighborhood commercial, on property & Light Co., at northeast corner of Boynton Beach Road (include right-of-way for Old Boynton Road to be abandoned): First Baptist Church parking lot, zoned C-2: owned by Florida Power Blvd. and Old Boynton 1.34 acres 0.30 acres Proposed Local Retail Commercial along E. Ocean Ave., between S.E. 1st Street and Florida East Coast Railway Tracks, excluding residential condominiums: 1.14 acres Proposed c-3 Community commercial zoning on east 1/2 of Sun-Wah restaurant parking lot: 0.55 acres 12 J? .. Proposed C-2 Neighborhood Commercial, on parcel along west side of Florida East Coast Railway tracks, south of N.E. 22nd Ave.: . 0 . 50 acres Proposed C-4 on east side Canal: General commercial on parcels, adjacent to parcels fronting of U.S. Highway 1 between CBD zoning district and Boynton 1.76 acres Boynton Beach Mall--proposed additional parking area: 5.30 acres C-4 zoned property fronting on North Federal Highway (U.S. 1): 10.99 acres C-4 zoned property lying along N.E. 4th Street, adjacent to caD District: 1.61 acres 'I ~. One-half of the area of H-l zoned parcels fronting on South Congress Avenue, between the L.W.D.D. L-28 Canal and the southern City limit: . 17.84 acres , . Propoced boat storage area on east side of N.E. 4th street, south of N.E. :.2nd Avenue: 3.93 acres ~rt1 n of proposed boat storage building site, currently zoned R-3, at ~tt end of City, east side of U.S. Highway 1: 4.96 acres Tr( :s Restaurant Site--portion of site formerly zoned C-4 General Com. ~cial: 2.09 acres Pro! rty in unincorporated area, east of Lawrence Road, shown as "Local Reti 1 Commercial" on 1987 Boynton Beach Future Land Use Plan: 96.74 acres Pro~ sed additional Local Retail Commercial west of Winchester Park Bou yard 17.98 acres Par' .ls in Town of Hypoluxo, shown as "General commercial" on Town of Hyp, IXO Future Land use, that front on thoroughfares: 13.40 acres Exi .ng and planned marina sites in Town of Hypoluxo: 12.34 acres Pro rty with commercial land uses in Town of Briney Breezes: 1.34 acres CG .d CN zoned property, in unincorporated area, lying along south side of ipoluxo Road, between Seacrest Blvd. and overlook Road: 13.22 acres Pr,~osed Local Retail commercial land use of Hypoluxo Road, between High Ridge Road on church site on south side and 1-95: 3.68 acres Pr:lposed Local Retail Commercial land use at south'.1st corner of Co:,gress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue: 12.99 acres 13 / I :; , Additional Local Retail Commercial land use for woolbright Place PCD: 17.65 acres . CN zoned property, in unincorporated area, lying along north side of Miner Road. between Grove Road and U.S. Hiahwav 1: 6.93 acres TOTAL ACREAGE ADDED TO BASE FIGURE, FOR SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL AND. OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: 241.10 acres, The following areas were subtracted from the base figure, based upon current, planned, or likely future development for non-commercial land uses: C-3 zoned portion of parcels south of Shooter's Restaurant, acquired by city for park use: 5.23 acres parcels zoned C-3, lying on east side of rezoned to R-3: . , Inlet Plaza, proposed to be 1.48 acres Parcels zoned C-3, lying on east side of Bernard's Restaurant, proposed to be rezoned to R-3: 1.26 acres Parcel zoned C-2, formerly occupied by day care center, located on N.E. 19th Ave., proposed to be acqUired for addition to park: 0.51 acres Former C-2 zoned frontage, on west side of N. Seacrest Blvd., rezoned to REC for North District Park: 2.61 acres parcel, zoned CBD, occupied by Sea Terrace Condominium, at S.E. 2nd Ave. and S.E. 6th street: 0.40 acres Parcels zoned C-3 that are occupied or owned by GUlfstream Lumber, at northeast corner of U.S. 1 and Woolbright Road, and parcels zoned C-3 that abut FEC Railroad between S.E. 8th Ave. and Gulfstream Lumber: 14.84 acres Mangrove hammock in CBD zoning district: 22.00 acres C-3 zoned Florida Inland Navigation spoil site, south of causeway square Shopping Center, proposed to be rezoned to R-3: 3.13 acres CN zoned parcels, in unincorporated area, lying west of N.E. 4th street, along north side of Miner Road, to be rezoned to residential, if annexed: 6.43 acres Right-of-way for re-aliqned portion of Old Boynton Road, at Boynton Beach Boulevard: 0.14 acres Portion of C-2 zoned parcel at northwest corner of N. Seacrest Blvd. and Hiner Road, proposed to be rezoned to R-l single Family Residential: 4.16 acres 14 ~ Parcel zoned C-3, adjacent to Boat Ramp Park, to be Acquired by City for park addition: 0.32 acres . Former C-3 zoned portion of Waters edge development, on North Federal Highway, Rezoned to R-3: 1.52 acres C-3 zoned parcels fronting on U.S. 1, lying south of Bernard's Restaurant: 3.08 acres C-3 zoned parcels fronting on old Dixie Highway, proposed to be rezoned to C-4 General Commercial: 4.93 acres Portion of Boat Ramp Park, rezoned from C-3 to REe: 2.06 zoned parcels on north and south sides of Hartin Luther Xing, proposed to be used for residential and for governmental land 0.95 acres acres C-2 Jr. Blvd., uses , ,.~ C-2 zoned parcels fronting on W. Boynton Beach Boulevard, between 1-95 and Seacrest Blvd., proposed to be change~ to C-l Office and Professional Commercial: ; 11.25 acres CN zoned property at Thompson Road and Hypoluxo Road (unincorporated), proposed to be placed Low Density Residential: 2.08 acres C-3 zoned property fronting on S. Congress Ave., adjacent to Hunters' Run PUD: 30.00 acres C-2 zoned property in Woolbright Place PCD to be changed to Office and Professional Commercial land use: 2.06 acres Adjustment to acreage to be occupied by Boynton Beach Mall, based upon proportion of build-out population of Boynton Beach Hall market area lying outside Boynton Beach Market Area: 0.673 x 113.05 acres = 76.08 acres TOTAL ACREAGE SUBTRACTED FROM BASE FIGURE, FOR SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL AND OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: 195.57 acres SUBTOTAL, ADJUSTED SUPPLY OF LAND FOR RETAIL AND OTHER COMMERCIAL USES: .1a..Ul_~c;r~s ( . " ~ ,'f). ] I} \' \' SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (CURRENT CITY LIMITS) : 853.18 acres SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN AREAS TO BE ANNEXED BY CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH: 149.46 acres SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN TOWN OF HYPOLUXO: 25.74 acres SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND IN TOWN OF BRINEY BREEZES: 1.34 acres 15 .c;-; " TOTAL ADJUSTED SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND, IN BOYNTON BEACH MARKET AREA: 1,029.12 acres . TOTAL DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND, AT BUILD-OUT, IN BOYNTON BEACH MARKET AREA: 831.25 acres EXCESS SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND, OVER PROJECTED DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND: 198.47 acres EXCESS SUPPLY OF COMMERCIAL LAND AS PERCENTAGE OVER TOTAL DEMAND FOR COMMERCIAL LAND: 23.9\ : ~ . , . 16 ~. ~ _1 << , Discussion of Supplv and Demand for Commercial Land (Revised) . A comparison of the supply versus demand of commercial land shows that there may be up to 199 acres of excess commercial land at bUild-out. There are three additional adjustments to this acreage, however, which may reduce this excess acreage: Quantum Corporate Park Commercial Acreage Quantum Corporate Park will contain about 30 acres of property at the center of the park which will be devoted to retail stores, and business services, and personal services. According to the Application for Development Approval which was submitted for Quantum park, these uses will mostly serve the.~~nants of the business park, with only limited use by persons outside of the park. This demand would not be accounted for by applying multipliers to the current population. since this commercial acreage would be located'on a 4-lane coll~ctor road which is less than I mile from an interchange, it is very poss~ble, however, that up to 50\ of the customers for these commercial uses would be persons from outside of the park. If it assumed that 50\ of the retail commercial acreage in Quantum Corporate Park would be generated within the park, then 15 acres, could be subtracted from the supply of commercial land. Commercial property Surrounding Boynton Beach Hall It is estimated that, at bUild-out, that 74\ of the population of the Boynton Beach Mall market area will lie outside of the Boynton Beach Retail Market Area. It is reasonable to assume that a smaller but significant percentage of the demand for retail floor space will be generated outside of the Boynton Beach Market Area. There are about 85 acres of existing and potential acres of retail commercial lying adjacent to the regional mall, and to the immediate north and south. Assuming that approximately 25% of the customers for the stores would come frJm outside the local market area, then 21 acres could be subtracted fro:' the supply of commercial acreage. Future Increase in Real Household Income The demand for land for retail uses is approximately proportionate t( the amount of disposable income in the market area. Real per capita disposable income in Palm Beach county will have risen almost 60\ in :he 19808, whlle per capita retail sales will have risen almost 40\ (adj' ;ted for inflation). The increases in per capita retail sales have been . ~ken into account in making the projections for retail commercial acreage The university of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business Research h' S made the following estimates and projections for popUlations growth nd changes in real personal income for Palm Beach county: POPULATION AN: INCOME PROJECTIONS FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY 17 ",,-~ -, k _ - .- , 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 . Population 760,900 799,700 840,300 873,800 903,200 932,400 Real Personal 13,209.3 14 , 025.2 14,912.6 15,912.8 16,603.3 17,651.1 Income (millions, in 1982 dollars) Real Per 17,360 17,538 17,747 18,211 18,383 18,931 Capita Income (dollars ) Change in :.. 1.03% 1.19\ 2.61% 0.94\ 2.98\ Per Capita Income over Previous Year . , . Source: The Florida Outlook: Fourth Quarter, 1988 (BEBR). The total change in real per capita income over this five-year period is $1,571 or 9.05\. It is assumed that, since the annual rate of growth is neither increasing or decreasing, that the overall growth of real per capita income will remain the same from 1990 through the Year 2000 as it was in the 1986-1991 period. Therefore, overall real per capita income is projected to increase by approximately 18.1\ in the 1990s. Since projecting income past the Year 2000 is less certain, an increase of 9\ is assumed for Year 2000-2010 period. Thus the overall increase in real per capita income from 1990 through 2010 would be 1.181 x 1.09, or 1.296 (a 29.6% increase). Since retail sales are approximately proportionate to income, it can be anticipated that, if retail sales per square foot are held constant, the amount of acreage needed for retail uses would also increase by approximately 30\. Therefore, the amount of land for retail uses we Id increase by 132 acres by the Year 2010, due to increases in real per capita income. When added together, the three adjustments which are discussed above would have the effect of reducing the supply of commercial land by 3, acres and increaSing the demand by 132 acres. As a result, the 199 i-res of surplus commercial land which has been projected would be reduced 0 a surplus of only 30 acre by the Year 2010. This surplus amounts to o~ y 3.6% of the total demand for commercial acreage (831.25 acres), whict is not considered to be excessive. From the analysis above, it appears that the supply of commercial Ian in the Boynton Beach Harket Area will match the demand for this type of ind use. The supply for commercial land compared to the demand ranges fr m a surplus ranging from 1 acre to 167 acres. In terms of percentage of ~e total demand for commercial land, at build-out, these acreages repres:nt 18 ~LL to a surplus of 0\ to 20\. - Although the 20% figure would be considered excessive, it is likely th~, future increases in real - er capita income will eliminate virtually all of this surplus. The Future Land Use Plan which is proposed for the city and areas to be annexed by the City will accomodate all of anticipated demand for commercial land through build~out. Therefore, the City should not change the land use to commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary adjustments, small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accomodated on already designated commercial areas. Conversely, the City should refrain from changing substantial areas of property from commercial to non-commercial land use categories, beyond those changes which are recommended elsewhere in the proposed Comprehensive 'Plan, unless there are significant problems with land use compatibility or if roads cannot be built to accommodate the commercial development. . , . 19 s~ ( . Honorable Travis E. Kilgore July 24, 1972 Page No. 4 in clusters, a special residential use or zoning designation for residential cluster development as a part of a planned unit development is requested for the residential parcels. The details of zoning proposed for the residential parcels is set out in Exhibits C-l throug~ C-9 attached. (h) Proposed uses These items have been described in section (f) and (g) above. (i) Current zoning . 'I'he current zOIling of the entire area is for agriculture usage. (j) Compliance with city ordinances 1. Zoning The city is requested to approve the planned unit development and residential cluster development in accordance with the exhibits attached hereto. The commercial developments planned in the subject area will comply with existing zoning regulations. 2. Water and Sewer The developer will enter a contract with the City of Boynton Beach to provide water and sewer service. The on-site facilities and the transmission lines from the development to existing city mains will be constructed by the developer and contributed to the city. Each residential unit or residential unit equivalent will, moreover, pay a hook-up charge of $375. 3. Rights of Way Rights of way for public use will be 60 feet in width and will be paved by minimum of two lanes totaling 24 feet in width. The streets shown on Exhibit B will be built by the developer and dedicated to the City. The developer will install and pay for street lighting, but will not pay for its maintenance and operation. ( '. . Honorable Travis E. Kilgore July 24, 1972 Page No. 5 4. Types and quality of construction The types and quality of construction will comply with existing building codes. 5. Site planning The proposed type of site planning will be illustrated by the plan for parcel I referred to in (f) above. 6. License for firemen and police The developer will grant to the City for the use of fire and police departments a license to enter upon traverse all portions of the development, except privately leased or owned building interiors. ... ~..... ~~~ and (k) Lands for public use Parcel 21, a 20-acre tract on Congress Avenue, will be dedicated to the City of Boynton Beach for a municipal complex which must include a police station, a fire station, a public library, and a municipal building or city hall. It may include other uses by the city to which the developer agrees in writing. The city must agree to necessary easements over the property required by the developer. The developer contemplates granting the said area to the City by warranty deed containing a reverter clause expiring at the end of ten years and providing for the reversion of the said area to the developer if the city should abandon the public uses provided for it. On parcel 24, the golf club complex, there will be an olympic pool, a tennis complex, and an 18-hole executive type'golf course. Zoning to permit illumination of the golf and tennis areas until 11:00 P.M. is requested. The golf course, tennis courts and swimming pool will be available for practice and tournaments to the school children of the city at no cost to the city or to the children. The developer, however, may set the time for such use. Parcel 21 as shown on Exhibit B will be enlarged by moving its western boundary westward to a position which will increase the area of parcel 21 shown thereon by five acres and decrease the area of parcel 13 shown thereon by five acres. Honorable Travis E. Kilgore July 24, 1972 Page No. 6 (1) Schedule of building By the end of one year, a minimum of 100 residential units shall have been constructed; by the end of two years, a minimum of 200; and by the end of three years, a minimum of 500. (m) Land value The approximate value of the land in the proposed development is $6,000,000. (n) Improvement value The approximate value of the contemplated improvements in the development is $150,000,000. (0) Value of lands given to city The approximate value of the 20-acre tract to be conveyed to the city is $400,000. Respectfully submitted, S:tD DEVELOPMENT CORP. -'-., C~/~ ~.~ -' . -, ~-~_.--.>-,.. ~-_.- ~.:::_-_. ' ----. ..~.- Irving I./Il<!lbin, President U IIR': sls Attachments cc: Mr. Robert R. Largent Mr. Gene Hoore Mr. William F. Koch Mr. Joseph Gola, Jr. Mr. Dwight E. Wardlaw Mr. Francis K. Buckley Mr. Robert E. List Mr. Linton R. Lovett