AGENDA DOCUMENTS Attachment "B": staff Report, Memorandum 94-208, Final Judgement G~~J~' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-208 FROM: carrie Parker, city Manager Tambri J. HeYden,~~ Planning and zoning Director TO: DATE: June 29, 1994 SUBJECT: Planning Area 8.h - office Commercial Parcel at Hunter's Run (File No. LUAR 94-007) Land Use Amendment and Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment Please place the above-referenced item on the City Commission agenda for July 5, 1994 under Public Hearing (tabled from June 18, 1991), DESCRIPTION: As detailed in the City Attorney's memorandum dated June 29, 1994, this amendment was tabled at the June 18, 1991 City Commission meeting. A further summary of the events which have occurred relative to this property are as follows: The City's Comprehensive Plan was adopted on November 7, 1989 which changed the land use on the subject property from Local Retail Commercial to Office Commercial (a rezoning from C-3 to C-1 was to have been subsequently processed as part of the plan implementation procedures). At the october 16, 1990 City Commission meeting, prior to rezoning the property, the owners requested that the land use be reverted to Local Retail commercial, as office Commercial land use is inconsistent with the 1973 Final Judgement and the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. This agreement restricts uses on the property to those which were permitted in the C-2 zoning district in 1973, excluding specific permitted uses as listed in the original Final Judgement (see attached Planning Department Memorandum #90-312 which compares the uses allowed under today's C-3 zoning with the 1973, C-2 zoning district; circled uses are those uses excluded pursuant to the 1973 agreement). On June 18, 1991 the City Commission was presented with this request to amend the Future Land Use Map to show the sUbject property as Local Retail Commercial. cognizant of the contradicting opinions regarding the current validity of the 1973 Final Judgement, the City Commission directed legal staff to seek a Declaratory Judgement. This action was filed in Circuit Court of Palm Beach county on June 19, 1991. On June 3, 1994, the Court determined that the original Final Judgement remains valid (see attached summary judgement) and consequently, the City is required to maintain the C-3 zoning, and classify this property as Local Retail Commercial. RECOMMENDATION: staff originally recommended against this amendment, and the Planning and Development Board, by a unanimous vote, also recommended that this request for Local Retail Commercial land use be denied. Despite previous recommendations for Office Commercial land use, staff now advises, pursuant to the recent finding of summary judgement in favor of Summit Associates, Ltd., property owners, that the comprehensive plan Future Land Use Map be amended to show the subject property as Local Retail Commercial. Furthermore, staff also recommends that the text be amended to delete from the Future Land Use support Document, Section VIII. Land Use Problems and Opportunities, Planning Area #8.h that text which restricts the land use to Office Commercial (as indicated in the original staff report). In addition to the original text change, the text amendment will also add language which references the use provisions from the Final Judgement. The text amendment, as indicated in the original staff report, has been revised to indicate this new language (see attached). TJH:mr Att. ANX2:PA.8lUA.AGK ':-~'~ . '''1. f; .'.:.i ~ .. . At" ~., . .1 ! .~ f '.~ t '~ 'p Jl :'. J' i.. .' i' . .' 'f~ \.' I..... 1". '.( ., ~ -:i; '.~:\' " I'~ . :;t , ., , '. : ':' ." , ' ." -'-"_'0-':' ~- t _.~i:"' -- I .... l.- .' ~ ... At'~'-'~.' ~~~.. - '..,"~':"~;,,,.~.{ .'~ (k~'::.'t....,;~~:"~ I,,, . "" ~,~~ ';:-l'"~'" .:I~ I;.~ .;' "',';" . . ...11 ; '~.,. ., ..:j!' .t~l';,,' ~ ...,t1!" Ilil.:: . '~' ')I:: ,'. \. ' ;.... ; ,'i!It,,: ,...., ., ,,{" , .. l' Itl 11111 CInCUlf cou;rt OI'.'':'I!J1 PlfTEnrlTlI .JUDICII,I.. CUaaI1T. ~~O~igA~on ~~\;r~"11~~. '-, 'Ij. M~"" X-, ~l.:;t 4. "';. .....,':. .".... ~ . I '':'':~JH ';~. .~.,.~ ....:! ,:. 1",1 '*H' ,_"" ~', ~.'. . 11.~I.. '. ::. . "., .~...tij I ~ ~.'t,-" . f" . .:.; j.~\l'~ :Rftf~b")": :" CIVIl. ACTI01f~~}'.'1S.:i~ y;tL (1.)-Ol-s,,;r/l Jj . . . . "., '~:"c!I~~~ '~ r" .J: .,'.f.. ~, .~; ... :'?;: ~" '.~~...W ~ . . ' 'i<.:.~t~.._. S:lt..,~ "I!J"" . .,....!j;e:hll' ~I." "Tl -~''\f ~_. 'j ) i,ijt:;tfl F{f!l~~ r= ,,~I~l~~iil~ii:t'i ~ , .~llj~<.\"\;t";1'.... FINAL .JUDGI,r.iNT . \, 'E- ....~t..tXlii""..\.; .'ryJ.~~~ '... .\~..... '-~. THIS CAuse is before ~he Court UpOft th.::~~Dpi.1DC herein and upon the Stipulation and Allree",el\t;.. ,ex,e,cut.a by. the rarties, through their respective attorney.. ':'rh~:..1I. , . . ' . '. - '~.< StipulatioQ and Agree..ent ~s attached hereto as 1!~.bl1: A and 1s .incorpor..ted into and ..ode a part of'"'thls Final .J1K&;:lQllt~ 'The . . Court finds froCl the said Stipulntion end AC:04lCOD1: '.&IIeS 'rOpfC!lC:1- , '.'" 'I . .~ tations ....de to the Court by counsel that' tho'co~::o~r,y~1l t~is '. _ ,'. . i ..,,,," -,. . - action and in Ac~ion No. 7Z'C-6624 arisoa'out'D!'ii;.~ot13!=:1 , . . ' '. ~. Ordinz.."lce No. 72,27, cOi'Y of whic!l is c.ttc,clte4 to';tillt"St:~::ai~::!!l;: . , 'I . and Agr!ement heroin and out of tho oubsc~u~r.t c~n~~ct,02 ~~. Cl:~ .... J~l.. " of 80)'::ton Belich in pr.ssin:: Ordinances t 'U-! &:4 (1.3~11. '.' .. wherein and whercb)' th'CJ 6!mercl .UIOD por:lttc4 1::~;.t6;b~' o~e:-.- , . " "~'>> ~ ;;. '-~:;;' <", ancn in existence I:t the tics of tho. ,,::11:4:;0 'e~!~:#~~~l"d,\.U.-21 '~ere ch~nced Im~ fu=:her r.=lslnC O:lt of It:~~:F~~~i~r~f~~~'S~. of ~ .. ' fI :~" ,......... .- various officials of tho City o~' Bo)'n:o:lll~~c!l~ ~~f~~~~~'I~~~ " : zoning elllssHicntions on tho propor:y OI:nC:l ,1:7.'il:'~.'l..;n~~15.\"I:I1C'-' ,. .~ )~'I'<4t~n,:,., - [lent Carpor'cHon froi:! Cltl~slficctlo:lll Pol tho>,: c.::1,u.~.'i~;,tj'...Oft1-:-~l'.c::1 " ' - 72-27 ,to r.-l-'\ or r.-l-A~; Co~trovor::y ru::,t~::r C~lCC.~',,>b:~~~cc~ t:l.:I' p~rties i:t these suits ell to the \'r.:!.iC:it~. of O'::,'~::.::1c'orl~3~:i b:lt~ ,,; " .,.. . . t ~. r ~I. ':"'~ .4!: to itls c.:\~~::::.:ion 'nnd :cninc p,:,o\-ielc:1=. . It t'.::t:.~o~,.c'i'~:=:I ,. :" '.,:.-, . to the Cc~:'~ th~t tho p::'.Ttlcs hovo ncu :;:rec! :!:.::.~'f.;~hor;a .'cc:":c!.:!. 1 :..~; .....~' . . . , \ , . , ~ :..--' . , . 5'JS~ - - - " PALMLk~D DEVELOPMENT COr~ORATI0K, . . ,corporation, .f _~l ,. ~. Plaintiff I -vs- .' CITY OP BOYNTON BEACII, FLOlllM, . Flcrlda cuniclpDl corporation, Tm; PLk"'lIltIG A1:D ZONUIG tOAM of the CITY OP BOYNTON BEACII. FLORIDA, at al., Defendants . i .- A. 'j:1) .! " , ~..l 'I,.t 18' .." \'~*~.; ", c~ . \\...1; dll: ..'t:}:~ l\1f' ~r:;'r .r'.l! :. .~~~ ..... /, . . ::lo . . I; , , ':i: " .,. . . , '" .' . " . Innds bein~ r-cr~iculcrlr dellcr~bcd 1:1 c~il. '. .. I;' " ~t' .. ~\ '17- .Y ,. .. .. .' .......", t::n (.... ,:::l...._....il ....'- .. .' ..:- -_.....~. ,. -, "j .Exhibit: "e". . .......~.._...._, . . . .... ., -. I , I .' -; It::.. , f: ;;,....S. .,:','\ :':. .' :. I he. ~-r.:':''.Ur'~'''''''-'''' .~..:..~ _ ,. . .. . . " ."J., 'l~ i~ r :j :~ .. : .:: i '1 l , .. :1 ;1 i .. ;.J J i ~.l. I ~ .. t r . t :'!j ! .., :. ?.. ',. ~... .. J , .!I . I ! ~ ~ .... , ' .1 . I i:~i " 'l ... I , 1 "1 t. . 1'. " I . ... .t.......ow-.~.~~\.,. -"..- .',\ . /':'.~ ,""~'~9rl...!",~> ~ .. ~_. ..;....l ". ....-........ ~- ..... ..... ''1."., . 'S:~'im.'I;:::; ""ft't" . .. " ~ A' "iI :', ,.;:'1ii:tt".. .. '1~:r.1Nrt:f ," .....~of :,"I....L.c:~, .. i i.!?~~.io(... ~ \'r r\,,"'l~t;: .. .~~<f' :~~~~, !:lent as fOUOIlSI -: ~'~:~~F.(.. Section 6,Township 46 South. < .' . ,,:'~. l'~!\ Ren!:e 43 East. and tho Eost hell! . , ' .t.s.-;~;,. t, of Section 1. Township 46 South.. .'. . J\3n~e 42 East. loss threo percels on tho ,. ~~: periphery of the ElISt hDl.f of 50c1:10l\ 1.<!!'! ..'~':'i '.' totalina llpproxlaato1y 20 Acns. . .Y...,::..;,""'.... r-../ ' ,.<" '\JHr. '.. were ~ are vol idly onnexed. into the Clty.Ol,~o,~~~n~...~J::~ by the said Ordln3nco 72-27 and flnds thoe .eh~.'~~~4,~i~~~~r. nUdiy loned by the sald OrcUnanc;o. Th. 'lolli~&'!a~~~~i~.\t~~4 .. ~. U . ill the ,said c;>rdlnance is Clore particularly ..e oue!.~~!l'~~\~r.,' . reference to that certdn Rod Phn NO"73S01':'COPi'\o~~lI!ish'l ' is attached hen to as Exhibi.t a an4 !:Iaa. a:';~rc;~~i~~wl~',:" parc!,ls as indicated on the sdd ",ap. by nuC\~~~'\'~r~~{~:~Y th~ said Ordinance 7Z-27 and are nOli VaUdly'conod!...\toUo"..""",':- . . 1'.lN....J:...l.' &. ...,..,- .:M,,:....,. parc.lsl 1,2,3.4,5.6,7, 1I 8 are Zoned. RZ'~ '~:" ';' " .lL . . '. ",.)=tCf',_"~ parcels: 9,10,11.12,13.14,15.16 an4 .' . . ." , 'd 'It" . .,.. 1", l.{(~. ~:'tt~,l~til~;'.. 23 aro lone ,,3.. ., ~ . .,;",:. .- . ,: ~'t~:~t~',jI1~. Parcels: 17.18,181.,22,%4 are .10n.4. C-J, ~.. ,io:.-~(,~;,.: :, , . ",1 tl1"'J.~"'~ao .. Parcels: 19 and 20 ara 10ned C:-I (..". " :;;J.'i"":,W'''. I ...'"".',,".rr,;..*''' . .. '... , '.". ~. .. that after' the onaclt1:lellt of,O=.UA.Ilc:e". . I , ,,":;"..\.11.'" . 7%-27, palnlnnd Deyolop~cnt Corporatlon. !lltr.1l~~~:~~Ili!~r~~~ e" ~":1"1b'''''l , Or.Unance, did substnn:1clly chllllCo It'. poolt!,oli:,tJri:t!l~.-~~.~U- , _': '. 1.":~i~~ "~1.'~ ture of su6s of Doney. The Court fu:r::::or f!s:ta. thc~,'ad.=.~.. .~ ~ 1 '..,. !t ~;'W..fi. '~1: : Davelo :ent Corpo=~ticn. in cccordanco Hlth tho '~~'.fi ~lc_!=~ . and A r=!~ent is entitled to dovolc tho ~eitrlt:l~, - .. .., It .~"^ifol . ';. , c1auHic~t!.c:lll d'the It=btd.:Jl.''! . 'f " c. "'\tJv~" .~): Uovacoe=. 1~1Z. c::cci't r.s bc::eina!tc:- H12!.tCla.:~~I" tions sicr.l1 be eHectuatcd by Pc1~lCJl:1" p1&d~lii1d't~ ..: . ... ;\ l;;~ . reH::i::i've coven:!.nt$ to run \:it1l tbe.l~n4.lr'.\'::llli. . . . '>.n"~' . ~uses as follo'\.f~'. . \ -' '. ...;. tu' nC""l\~'~y )~' - , . .r.~".t~tf) . (n) Pnln1end will not con$truct'co~.~~h ~l~ ',.. ~fi .~~-l:..r rC$ldentlcl ell:clUne units on tho lc.'\dll bcrcl:ll\bOV.~~. . - on'c C:l the ten (10) ncres of "county It.nci'';'sbO''"I\1b;~ . ..,~ h~~i . '.' ":\""~.'.)i .,. .;i~/~. t . . ....~; jJ~~. . ~, .. ':'I'1!."~#.z. ~ . ":::~;,:'~f;;;t~~." . ...., '. ..,.<. "",'trl ,; :' \~.'~\{,'~'~~'~~~- ,'. . ,..--.....,.,~ I ., ,":~.y;i{.~': .~ ' . ,1l\~' ......",.1.~ .~. ~ .~:::.\;; ~ r t . ....l.:.~ " ~)~:j~~, ,', ,~l-l" , ""~:~' J.,' ~.; ":'~"' .' , . '''~. \ . :r"~~~ . " ~'i7" - : ._.,'....., ,', .'.J-'J.f..;-J'r.1!.. C ~-,--. - --~ -...... : r. 11; '~'!~ :. .. .~ ~i or.. l:- ::;,i. ..,J ,~.,~ \.... ~..., ..~1 ", ,~ i!li~ ,~~ $ ;J,\ "., "~' t~f ~~: ~' ~, t~o1 Coli; l,LI~ I~~. .'''' _ ~lf~ ~; I': .. I '. 1." "~ r: -('~tS l"ll~ 'H',\ 'I~ri :. ...., : I " ., .. ," ~ ~ d :t' .' The Court furtber finds . ....: " , cnce wi:h ~hc abcvc zc~i~ If '. " . ',; .. ~ i::i"~ . oJ" ~.~: ~ , i.', 'f: . . i.I' " . _. liS P~rcel 25. . .; t.' - '. 1.!!ii' - ~ o v -:t. - '2 ... 'I'I'\'.?~ r.9 ,,'f _ ;l:L.._':"'V .... .. .. .. .... i: .1.'\ h' 'c.. I " Exhibit "e" . ......-- _.-. -... / (b). rr.l~land will construct only ono" I , . I / ~ , ~ ~ story structuros on Parcels 1,2,3, and 4. (c) In adHtion to the 6,700 residontial c!"elllnJ units referred to in psrosraph sub-(e) above, Polclcnd will construct a "BxiDU~ of two hund?cd (ZOO) ~otel or hotel rente1 u - " ~. " . , Cd) PalDland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by elinlnating the following peroitted uses under the above cescribed :oning classific:tions: " " '- .";1 .- ;t. d. ,. .:" ;- ;~ roons on Parcel ZZ. together with all accessory uses inci~enta1 thereto. ..' t"! c-Z " 0., -'; ..... " o. r:. ~:': .1. , , i.f !t!Y :l;_ l::i Jil. 'r. I'r"". .- ;~' ;;:., - .... \'~i . ~ : .":\; Anieal hospitals when ~ll activities are concucted within the buil~g Shops for painters, plucbers. paper hangers, r electricians,upholsterers ~nd o:her of a sinil~r nature. Cutcoor ~:ora8e yarcs ore percitted when ;ccessory to the above uses, providee all eq~~?- cent and p~rch~ndise are e~cl~sed o~~!nd a scre~n co~sisti:-:8 o~ pl::...'ti:~"3 C'I' n closed O~ se~iaclosed ty~c :e~cc not ~css th~~ five feet in hciCht. ~;o~ilc ho~= s~!cs. Use~ c::r lots. , . . "'~ ~::" . \:archo~:3cs t ,,'h~lcst.le co=~:'ciu c3:::b- lish::\':!ilts. . Resice~:i~l uses. C-l Bcar~i~a c~d roc=lnti ti~U~C~. l~o:'tu=-=;.. Rcsidc~:icl u~cs. (e) Pal~lcni ~ill cn~~, i~to C~ c?tio~ to cc~- vcy s~~ty (60) acres nore or less :0 n3L~\Y D~:3S for cse c~ly 2S a golf ccurse. Should D=LMY n:,H:ES ~':!'!rcisc it's c?:ic:l, theI"~ ...,ill be no core th~ 6550 re~idc;}:i::l C:!;c!!i:::: c:!i::~ C~ t!l~ i. . . . \ lends !iho',rn on E:-:hibit "C". t' t' ~ I I i. -3- :'I'rl,'-' -(\ p'-- .~t:l;C._~1.J ...:. n .:> - ,. - I" ;::!: :~ ,. 1 , ,I '~~~.';";~., ..~---' ,"- . ..... .I '.,.7 I " ..... : ;';j' I .:t:j':1 ". ~':':-;c.~l.J Exhibi t "e" . ...,......-.",.--c'~-_.. - ',:. 'k;;~ . '. :,;:,.. .- .. -::-:::. .. ..;.., to ~""......' t'''~ I" I: ,o...,::-r:. . . ..:. .- ":~";-::';'".. ..:..,,:;t"r~ ~ .. .:::,t, .. :....~:.:... ... .\....EA~. ." ~"'a.':rl': ".""".:frM''- - - . ...- .-..""'.. ;.I ....... 't , - ' ." .. .' '!~ .' -1 [......:--- -~~_., , " ~..: ;~'!.'i"o a _ .:~.~~~~.. .....:~:-~ _.:......!......_ ~..&. to ""'.,).;......~~" ....~ .....,; ,-. ~~ . .. ..;:.;i.~, .........6. :':1-~t -' -. t ....~.... ~~ J;~r:f. ~ I . I . .ho Court Curther find~ that ~cid Stipulation and ^creo~ont contoins fu:ther ar.:ceaent~ botwoen tho parties and ~pec1fically betwoen the City oE Boynton Bucb ond POlchncl Deve10p~ent Corporation with reference to the developccnt of the soid lands, which a&.ee~ents tbe Court finds to be reo~onob1c and proper. It is, therefore, .. ORDERED AND ADJUDGED as fo1lo~sl 1. That certoin Ordinonce enacted by the eity of Boynton Beach on Nove~ber 7, 1972, being Ordinance No. 72-27 is a valid existing ordinance o~ the City of Boynton Be~ch. 2. That .the londs ~ore. particularly described herein1=ove were and are validly annexed into the City of Boyr.to~ Beach and are a part of the ~unicipa1ity of the City of Beynton Beach. 3; That the toning classifications of the said lL~ds is now and has been since l;ove~ber 7, 1972 as follows: Parcels: 1.2.3,4,5,6.7,6 8 are Zoned R2-A Parcels: 9,10,11;12,13,14.15,16 and. 23,ore zoned R3A L ,.,;..., 17. lB. IS1.. 22, 24 are loned. C-l Parcels: 19 6 20 are zoned C-2 The parcel nu:bers herein~~~ve referred to end the c::es h:!rci:=:o...c referred t~ are as' indicated on Road Plen 73301, r.tt~=aed h~re:o as E~hibi: B ~nd c~de a pc~t he=ccf. :I . 4. The uses percitted within t~c :enin~ c1~ssific~tic~s hereinab:;'e referred to shall be as they I.lere in l:o\'e::~er, l!HZ uncer :~! epplicable zonina ordin:nces of the City of Eoynton . . Beach, e~=ept os follows: (a) P3!~lc~~ will not construct ..ore th~~ 6,iOO r~sidc~:i~l dwelling units on th( lands hcrcin~bove ucr.cribed -4- 'l7 'l7 ~:r'l'''''' ~n r.",[ t:(:;;~L.V~ v _ 4 - - . - I , a-:-:--.....v..~. .'~ 'l~..,; -,. t -.1",~ ..... .,.... ~"":l" I ~.~;. .r:"f!.:~': ; :..~. i.. :" ~ . :{'.! . ',.' .....a. "'\ -:.. .. . ~...tw If . J:1. ....,.. .:. ..:~~ ) .,.~.. ~:..~ ":~. .... '.. ..!...... ....'"\~.:( ~1. "',:"'1:.. 'k ~-': r...~.:.s..: '.' .l;~~If::,...r.c'::\.~"'~;,~~,! .~'!.)':.:--~ ._~_ ~.'1...c~_~-. .:........ . Exhibi t "C" . . . ~. . .._-~.' / - ~IT:\:: ': . . ..' :'.:" ~.; .... t. . . ., " it .. .~r 'i.e.. oft '1_ '~, :.~ :\-].; ..lor. ~. f.1 . .r : .t....; .1'r';5; ~",,"=,"- ... -- z..... .'t....~. .: .~!:.[. "...:d' ........ .,:~.f""'.:. .p'..~' "''';i!" '"..:~.. '"::!fi ;4f,. . ;.:~V. y:'I..t~ '':.~.t .~., ~<t" ''"lr .(...~. .t'li" - .,[Ii' "'4., '~'" '.1\'0;"'" :):H~. t~m ;,:.;11.. .1IY" ~;:t.~' ;~ I.~t ;'. '.,J.P";'. "~.h'. .. ... !;Ii[' .,.":~t': '~4.~ .~"', ht:: .tJ~1.' t..::}~. ',~,,\.;: :-. '. ,....,.~ . .. \'}.~' Ih. .; .~:.: ,Nt .1-..' ,. "t- -. . .. '-- I ! l .....--..... I -r. .\ 1J . \. ( and on tho ton (10) .acros of "county lAnd", llbavn on Ilxhlbi: ..~., as Parcel 25. (b) Pa1.1and will construct enly ono- story structures on PlIrco1s 1,2,3. end 4. (c) In addition to the 6,700,residential dwellin; cnlts referred to in Jllu'atraph sUb-tal. aboyc, Pa1ahnd..."Ul con- struct . r:ulxiaut:l of tlio hundred (200) cotel or hotcl rental roo!:~ on Parcel 22. togetber with all accessory uses incidental thereto. (d) Palmland will restrict the uses of Parcel 19 and 20 by eliminating tbe fOllowing peroitted uses under the above described zoning classifications: C-2 I I I I i Ani~al bosDitals when all activities are conducted within the buildin:. ShDps for painters, plu~bers, paper bangers, electricians, upholsterers and other of a sinilar nature. Outdoor storagc yards are pemitted whea accessory to the above uses, provided all equip~eat and cerchandise are enclesed bebind a screen consisting of pl&ntings or a closed or seoi.closed typc fence not less than five feet in heitht~ ~obile boee sales. Used car lots. ~are~ouses, wholesale co~~ercial estab- lishments. . Residential uses. . .- C-l Eoarding end roo~inz houses. 1.~ortu:1ry . Residential uses. (e) Pcl~land ~ill entcr into an o?ticn to ccn- . vey si~ty (60) acres more or less to DELOJ\Y n:r.;ss fOT use only _ as a i~l! course. Should DELr~Y DU~SS e~ercise l~ts optiqn, the~e ~ill be no core th~n 6550 resiacnticl lwel1id; u~its on th~ l:!:l':s 3ho\in.on E}:.hibit "1)". - t> -5- oil "l'!'"'' 59 r,~r 5 ia:.:C..... .... ~ - ... " ~,'~'; :.::::~::... .{f~.>:~y?t... : ,&'t.., ~.'. "':" ,.-.1:,''''' '.I' 7" ," ::.~ ~~:"... . ....:....~.... :.-..4~' '\: ,;,::~....&.:':'::'''::~~:''''I''. i - I l' 'l - f " 'f t t t - 1: t:: t;.; ~. :( I: ~t . .' . :i .; ~ ; j:. .. F f?~ H7 r' t::.. ":"'" ~; 'l"'~' .. . ~ I.. ! I n ,...:. ....:: t'" - ~~ J~';: ~ t:. ,.' ~t . , ~r '\:.. '!. '--:.~."i. Exhibit "e" " -. .. -.;; :'. ..; : .. .":.' .. ,.,. :!.. ..:' ;. .. ':.,:~~t. , .' '::.~ L'. ..(w.... ',~::....;,...~.....~~~~ .. 0; ;:.~. ..t -,.:. .... -.;. ...", -. . .....~...... "Ii. - , . . - ~ I ( ,~--'--'-'-' - .. " .:;.' .-Jj ,. '. .. . ~~. .... .. . . I~ -'-:i . "'~.., ...: " 'I~: . .' i :~ Polaland Dovolopaent Corporotion ls required to oxoc~:o ~,4 cnuso to bo plnced oE record, coven3nt, ru~ninc witll tha lor~ accoaplishing tho r~strlction' as roEorred to os Pcrctto?h 4 horeln. .' I ; . if ;, 'J ,. ~ .. '! 1 1 ;, "1 ] ! j . 1 1 1 .J i \ I l I I , I 1 S. Thot tho porties hereto aro required to cocply with each and every provi~ion of tho Stipulotiun end AcroeQ~t attached hereto ~nd a~de a part hereof. Tho oaission. by tho Court, oE any p~ovislon oE the soid Stipulation CAd ABre~enc shall not operate to lessen the effect of this Order ipcoTpor- acing the said Stipulation and Agreeaent, Dot losseD the cf!ect of this Court's Order requiring the parties co perfo~ iD accordance with the said Stipulation and Agree:ent. 6. The Court shall retain jurisdic~l~ of this cause for the purposes stated in Paragraph No. 5 iD tbe last coaplete paragraph on Page 8 of. the said Stipul~tion and " " I .' . i: ~~~ :. I,; :~ "~. . '.r 's. ...;. " ;," '. '. Agre"::'.ent. . rr DONE NID ORDERED in Chaaben, this fo &1y of -:.? F.~~. fJ .. . 'f /J (3(; /I ~..~.~ i~J':",.~ ~A' .''''-,.,-:/-~.--> ~~~~".-:.~ ~ .A~_ . Cll~Ccr I ~.. . ; ~::. ~). .1~: :!'.' :..... .... . '- ."~ ~ ..... " ..~ 1973. ... Copies !urnished to: George E. Ada~s,Eso. AO)J.:S, ~IL:~' 6 CCd?:aR Suite j~a'nert!oTc tuilling Orlcn~~, Florida S2eDl Err.est G. S!cor., Esq. ~u8 78 ~o~t~.ast Fifth Avenue ~ Pelray 5each, Florlda S3~44J Frcc.e:-icl: E. ~::>!:':'l::;S\:o:..:::t. E=~J1a!.1..'~ 1,::1 ?:.:! I.=.c:-ic::::. =cile.~:::::. j.v,J-- \;3st r~l::l ~:cc..';.. rlc~:.c:.~ 3Z~Cl .. l!i111o r:.. ~.:er::lc. cs~. p.A!nLiC=':,JJ"!.~S. i-:3r~:!.a G Suite 2, Occa~ r!~:a Boynto~ De~ch. Floride ycm:c ,.;:...... '"':;.~-"",...",. 33~3S r:". ( t:. ~:I .- . roO ~ ',,: I I. .r . ". .. . t~;. - r~ r "" I'. t.~ 1:1 ~ ::';l\-;~ r;n ".'r.r. l:[.l.I'_..vv r \J _ - 6 - - - , . ~- .. '~." , ~: .. i. ..~ ::... ~'. '. . .: ,. ,'..... ,~, 1 ~ ..,0".. .. '...~ :'~f ; :. .#..~.$''';''''.' .. '..;:....t: ';.,,:~: .." .. __0 .~ . , .....l.~... .J:......... . "?, "., "., . .!".. -;.....:-...... ...: ....... ~ 4~.r .L.:~::''''~~~i''''''.'' . Exhibit "e" ['- . . :. - . .. .. :.... ...... '0,:-. . .. .~ u"" .........!';. " ." ..~. .. ,..... ~......... ..~."..: .. .....~.:.... l/-~ ..(", .. ~'. .......,.... :! fI- 00 0:1.'.'. .L'. .........-S_~.....-..& -P-l'~ .:i: 'I'~fj , . 1-" . . ~~,.. ..' ......s ....., . . L~ .~;.:.a.. '., ~ ,~.', . ..;. . .~~.. .4' . . . . /' .: n