CORRESPONDENCE tTfre City of t.Boynton t.Beacli '~:'o ;,~ '/<c_ ~) ~ ,~" .~ , , '~ ~/ "'~~ 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Btadi 'Bouk'(JQ.T({ P,O. 'llo:{.31O 'Boynton 'BU1&., Jroritfa 33425.0310 City:Hoff: (407)375-6000 July 6, 1994 J"JU: (407) 375-6()9() Mr. Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning and Management State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 PEl Transmittal of Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Planning Ar'ea 8.h) Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find SIX (6) copies (individual copies have been simultaneously sent to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the FOOT-District Four, the South Florida WMD, and the Department of Environmental Protection) of the required transmittal documents for one (11 proposed Comprehensive Plan amendment. This proposed amendment, also referred to as Item 16, consists of an amendment to the Future Land Use Map and an amendment to the Text of the Comprehensive Plan. This proposed amendment has been initiated as the result of a Summary Judgement for Declaratory Relief as ordered by the Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Court for Palm Beach County, on ,June 3,1994 (see Attachment IIf)II). ~,s detailed in the staff r'epor't, the 1989 Compl'ehensi vee Pl,3n changed the 1 and use on th,~ subject property from Local Retail Commercial to Office Commercial and, consequently over looked a 1973 Final Judgement on the property which declared the right of the property owners to develop the property with a set of uses which are generally comparable to the current C-3 zoning district (and Local Retail Commercial land use class; fi,~ation). In changing the land use to Office Commer'cial, th" City was restricting the property to be development in accordance with th," more r estr"ictive C-l zonin'~ distr'ict. This or"i'~in,,,l actie,n was based on City Commission opinion that the Final Judgement was no longer valid for the following reasons: 1) circumstances have changed (development patterns in the area, the surplus of retail uses, etc.); 21 no attempt was e.er been made to develop the property classified ,3,nd zon"d for r'etai!; and 3) it wa:" felt that offlc," uses wer'e most compatible with the adjacent residential community. This property remains undeveloped. Given that court action has declared the land use for this property, as well as ordered the city to take all steps necessary to comply with s.3id or'der., staff is seeking ~he most efficient process to expedite this pr'oposed amendment. Therefore, we are requesting that this item be processed accordingly and, particularly that no review be c.ondLJ(.t~d. This item was reviewed by t~e Planning and Development Board (LPA) on Jtmeriazs (jateway to die (juifttream To: Mr. Robert Pennock - 2 - .Julv 6. 1994 ,June 11, 1991 and originally tabled by the City Commission on .June 18, 1991. In response to the recent court order. the city Commission removed this item from the table and took appropriate action on .July 5, 1994. .Iith r'espect to adoption, staff anticip,'3tes tf",t ordinances will be adopted in October or November of the current year. Pursuant to this court order and related time constraints, staff was unable to conduct a thorough analysis of this amendment as r'equired by Rule 9,)-11. However. I think that the following infor'm,ation will be sufficient for your evaluation of this proposed amendment given that there exists text language which justifies commercial land use and, the only concrete justificaticn or documentation against Local Retail Commercial is the projection in the data and analysis which indicates that the greatest commErcial surplus, at build-out, will be that of land designated for f"etail uses. In fact, this br'ief analysis indicates that, although thlS proposed amendment is inconsistent with the Future Land Use Map, there is information which justifies the conver'sian t() Local F:etai'l C'ommer'cial. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 9.J-l1.006, please be informed that the subject amendment is not in an area of critical state concern or the Wekiva River Protection Area, and nor are they related to a proposed development of regional impact or to be adopted under a joint planning agr'Eement. FUI,ther'mor'e, ,33 indicated by the letter's included within Attachment "A" of the r'epor't for' pr'oposed amendments lI'l thl'lr lI5, the Comprehensive plan and related support documentation was previously provided to other reviewers and they were informed that said documents would be updated by subsequent amendments. Should you have any questions on the subject amendments, please contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at: City of Boynton Beach, P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 375-6260 With respect to the remaining submittal requirements outlined in amended Rule 9.J-11.006. the following has also been provided for your information: (l)(b)(l) Six copies of the map indicating the proposed future land use map designations, fJr'oper'ty boundaries and their' relation to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network are i ncl uded in Attachment "A", and the pr'oposed Text .3mendment is also indicated in the staff report (please note that only those pages with amended text at-'e inclllded, as the entit-e Future Land Use Support Document, including Section VIII. Pr'ob1ems ,and Oppor'tunities, ,.as pr'ovidecl to you and th," other. r'€vie....'er's on December" 14,1993 within amendment package 9353), Thi" map is a portion of the cLJr't"ent Futur',", Land Use Map which indicates the impacted area. Only an except has been submitted which reflects my interpretation of the submittal requirements of 9.J-ll This Rule indicates wh,st infolmation is to be shown on a map! however', To: ,,1r'. Robsr't Pennock - 3 - ,Julv 6. 1994 not specifically the city's Fufure land Use Map. If this is ,3 rni:311ndEf'st.snding clild, an :.;:<nt-if"B map '1S needed, the ver'sioil pr'ovided tv you in amendment pac~age 9353 is our cur'r"ent verSiOi). If this is unavailable to you, please lEt me l<n0w and 1 w'll immediatelv provide you with a current Plan; (1)(b)(2) The pre3ent land use designations of the subject properties an:l abutting pr'oper"tl~s Eir'c~ IJl:::o indicated on the rnap c1sc:c,'il).,d Elb"ve and found in Attachment "A" (please note that only an exceret of the Future land Use Map is included, which addresses the subject property, as the current map was pt'ovided to you and other' reviewet~s withirl the 93S~ amendment pack,3ge tr'ansmi ttec! ,)n D',cember 14, 1993); (1)(b)13) The size of the subject property is 30 acres (23.71); (l)(b)(4) An indicati,c.n of the aY,elil,:ibility of, Elnd the demand on public tacilit';es is found b'210w; however', ,'lease note that time did not permit formal notification of and review by s; e \" \, !I' C e p r' 0 v "j de t" 3 . ::;, .;: f" vie e P I I 0 v '; dE r' s wi l 1 be not i f'i e d r.) f this proposed amendment and particularly the court-related b8Sis :,n whi(i, it is t.eing pr'ocessed: (1)(b)(5) Information regarding the compatibility of the Future Land 1)30 Marl ameildrrlEnts with the Compr'el,ensive Plan, and othSl"' iilfor'mation t'elativ2 to the !)asis of the r'ecoolmendation3 is pr'ov"ld;~;din t.he st'?!"ff r'~por't v.rithln Atta,:hm>?nt IIB'I ~ dnd ,~ddr'e,33ed iil the summary t.elow: ( 1 ) I,' C ~ st3ff f-econim'211datioi1 and thE r'ecornmenJatiGll o"f the local p 1 3nni il'~ ,~']elli: y i 2~ i nd i <:.;.'1te d '\")1 thi Ii ~1em()r"tjndum i)o. 94 - 208 (i\U ,oichmc fit "e"); an:1 (2) NA In addition to the staff r'port which indicates, in part, th~ l~gal basis Oi-I wh~ch t~lP Futuf'e I_an,j llse Map and Te~t is be~r)9 anlended, tl10 follc1willg illfGr'm~!tion fur'th3f' jU3tifie3 or" ,'Jescrib~s this proposed Compreh0nsi~e Pl~n amendnl€nt with I"e~pect to (compliancE with S.163~ F.5.. Rules 9J-5 and 9J-l1, F,A.C,. and the City's comprehEnsive Plan: 1. As indic,3ted ,:;jbove, thlS ~,1ap amendment and Tei\t amendrnen1" i::; being pr'ocessed pur'suant to ('ecent cO\Jrot actio!) which r"equir'es the City tel t"0Vel't th\".: 1,:::Uld use on the subject proper'ty to Loc,::Jl Retail Commer'ci3l, fr'om C'ffi"" '~ommer',:ia1 (see attachments). In Addition to the Map amendmEnt, specific Text must also be amended. Section VIII. Land Use Problems and Opportunities (Futu'''e Land US'2 '"uppor't Document), which was adop'ti,d by rsference into the Comprehensive Plan, provides recommEndations for" individual pr"op~rties. Par'aqr'aph 8.h (P1annin9 Area 8,.hl, L, found on page 100/101 within this portion of the support document and i5 the basi3 for the curr'ent Office Commercial land use designation. As indicated in the staff report and on the replacE,ment pages within Attachment "02", text r'elated to 'Jffice Commercial land use is to be deleted, and te.t referencing the court order is Added. To: Mr. Pob~rt Pennock - 4~ Julv 6, 1994 Although these proposed amendments are court ordered. there is evidence within the plan which, in part, justifies the proposed Local Retail Commercial land use classification. This justification is based on the following: a. Policy '1.4.13 This policy states that the city shall oppose changes in land use which are in conflict with the city of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan. Notwithstanding the subject court order, the information below, in part, indicates that this proposed amendment is generally consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. b. Policy 1.17.1 This policy discourages against additional commercial uses bev0cd those shown on the Map, except where access is greatest and impacts on residential land uses are least. With respect to access, th~ subject croperty is located on a malor 11or'tll-south thor'oughfar'2 (rongr'ess Avenue) wtlich is locat,.:c! b.2t'I",JE'En 1-95 .3nd Militar'y Ti"8'il. VI/i'tll r'e~.pect tc. lrnp.]cts on r'...:;~c;idc:?ntl,31 uses~ as indicated by th"2' cUf'r.s-nt descl'iptie.n ot this pl,,(.per"cyin the Text (AI'ea 3.h), "th,,, pl"opel'ty ,s fai 1'1 y \"le'll -buffel"Ed fl'om ,oouITound'i ng I" e 5 ide nee S l t I-I i,:' II e.3 r- est 0 f \..IJ hie h \"1'1 11 1 i >:.' (I \' e i" 5 0 0 f '2 E: t to rhe we'3t" (actuall y OV'?I' 600 f0et when conaidel' i 11'J buffer'l n9 ,gnd setba.:ks) and lIthe inter'venin'] pr'oper'ty is occupi,~!d by a lake and ';Jolf coul'se" (which pl'0v'id,c's naturE,l buffer''in'9 and separation! in addition to that r'squit'ed on site, and which will remain in p0r'petuity); c. Pollcv 1.19.6 This policy states that additional commercial acreage should not be allowed unless a particular property is unsuitable for" other' uses, a geographic need exists, or no other suitable property for the commel'cial use exists. with r'€spect to a geogr'aphic need, the nearest retail center (within the City) is located over 2 miles to the north. It 3hould also be noted that no locations exist between the subject property and the nearest shopp'ing center which will likely support shoppin9 c0nter development, therefore this distance to nearby reta'il amenities will not change. Furthermore, although the Text describes the residential at"sas as havin9 1l1ow avet'age den:;~itv't, the adjacent res'idential community (Hunter's Runl contains approximately 1.500 dwelling units. At an average rate of 10 trips per dW0llin9 unit, this single residential community alone could generate in excess of 15,000 trips per day. According to current traffic counts. over 23,000 average tr'ips per day haVE been calculated for this segrnent of Congr'ss! Avellue. other adjacent land uses which would generate demand for such a commercial (retail) center Include the employment cellter's of adjacent industt-ial businesses, one of the County's t0chnical schools (South-Tech), and two nearby h'igh density residential neighborhoods. Therefore, a ge09raphic need could be exist. To: Mr. Robert Pennock -5- ,July 5,1994 d. planning Area 8.h (Future Land Use Support Document) This descr'ipt'ion of the 5ubject pr'oper'ty indicates that "the supply and demand for commercial land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this comrner'cial p,'oper'ty, which is cur'r'ently in the Local Retail Cammer'cial land use cate'3ol"'Y". It 03150 indic.stes that office us~s ar'e pf'efer"able as the nearEst shopping centers aI".? locat",d (it implies "just") 2 1/2 miles to the nor'th a'Hl 1 1/2 miles to the south. By comparison, with the exception of this southern end of the City, cornmercial shopping center's along Congress Avenue ar'8 spaced apar"t by no more than 1 1/2 miles. In fact, at one location there are tW0 adjacent shopping centers (with majo, grocery stores), and at a secan,l location thet-'e are thr'ee shoppii18 centel'S adjacent to one another. Based on proximity to nearby comme,'cial activity cE.nters, this proper'ty could poss'ibl y 3upport r'etai I use,;. e. Traditional Neighborhood Design A pr'ima,'y' benefit of TND is the ,'eduction of tr'affic, particularly on primary thoroughfares. A commercial center at this location would provide services to this region of the city and therefore, theoretically reduce travel distances (traditlonal neighborhood design is not specifically addressed in the City's Comprehensive Plan). The adjacent residential cornmunity was designed to provide direct access to subject property, therefore preventing the n0ed to traverse the thor'ougilfar'e when accessing the pr'oper'ty. 2. This property conteins no environmentally sensitive, or native features wo,thy of consideration in the City's Comprehensive Plan or the Palm Beach County inventory of native ecnsysterns. Furthermo,e, this site consists of no historic features worthy of f'ecognition by either" t~le City or Palm Beset) County; 3. With respect to the elimination or reduction of land uses inconsistent witl1 ttl8 city1s char"aetsr' and, the need to incres36 or decrease the intensity of land uses, this arnendrnent is pursuant to a court order, is reasonably compatible with ad.i,~cent land !!ses, dnd par'tiall y justificed bv the text ,and policies with the ("mprehenciive Plan; 4. The subj.?ct proper'ty is located within the "A" flood zone; however, development must comply with applicable drainage regulations and policies of the City, the Lake Worth Drainage [I '; 51: I' i ct, a nd/ or-- the '3cut h F lor" i ,::1.3 \4a t €I' Mana'deme n1: [I i st t" i ct ; S. \'Ii th "espe::t to T,'aff'ic ci rcu'l ation El ernent anal ysi s '" e qui rem e n t s, s t a f f has de t eel" m i n e ,:1 (U f'I" e n t t; a f f i c co u n t s to be 28~605 average tr'ips per' day f.)f' Congt"EsS Avenue, and accor'ditlg to the ma.irnum volume allowed to maintain levels of service (29,400), there is currently a surplus of 800 trips. It should be ~mphasized that this site would be subject to concurrency review in accordance with the City's Comp,ehensive Plan and the Countywide Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. No To: Mr. Robert Pennock -6- Julv 6, 1984 development would be permitted which would lower the adopted level of service standards and, therefore, the policies of the Plan would be complied with. 6. With respect to Housing Element analysis requirements, this Element is not applicable as the amendments will not affect the demand for or availability of the housing supply; 7. with respect to Infrastructure Element analysis requirements, please note that sewer and water capacity is rated at 12 mgd and oVer' 23 mgd, r'sspectively. Based on current demands for' these services, there is capacity is an e~ce3S of 7 mgd for sewer service, and 11 mgd for water' ser'vicE. 8. The Coastal Management Element is not applicable as the subject property is not located within the coastal management area; 9. The Conservation Element is not applicable as this site contains no characteristics recognized by the Citv's ConsErvation Element or' the County1s Compr'ehensive Plan; 10. The Recreation & Open Space Element is not applicable as the amendments do not affect the demand for or availability of recreation amenities; 11. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element analysis requirements have been satisfied as proper notifications to service pf'ovider's and adjacent entities hav~ been sent; 12. With respect to Capital Improvements Element analysis requirements, there are no impacts upon capital facilities that have not been projected within the analysis of the Comprehensive Plan. Levels of service will be maintained, as when appropriate, thi3 site would be subject to concurrency review; 13. With respect to consistency with the ~tate Comprehensive Plan and the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan, the above statements, along with the information provided within the staff report address ell pertinent issues and topics within the State and Regional Plans. Such issues and topics include housing, natural systems, endanger'ed species, levels of sel'vice, intergQVerrlmental coordination, public facilities, historic resources, and transportation. If you have any questions concerning this amendment package, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very Truly Yours, CC:nlt' Enclosures A1G1PZneA2.L.~ Tambri J. Heyden Acting Planning and Zoning Dir. .I> :::::= ~ ,-,", 11'\" "0,> " ' '(--~"7\,':l!i-,I~. ",)1,~), u.l 0L~"'" 1_/'...., I'/"_:>.~:~;',:~~~) " ',,' I ' \...., -,.) ~ ~-, : fil~:~,~i'7:;{': ,(y~.u~~Wfu\\lGl~ \ 'l', '<:;,i-- ,';' /:;:"0 .7:,,' '1/'" ~ ~. .....:. \~.:.> S'" ':-~,i I ""-.;;/ . . -. " c$> ~ "'. " '.'" ,-'"',""'\ \ _j"- :.' 0"'0/ / '" \ r-f>I"l':" ",}~~ " ~' :>,'., I. f'1' _', ~ I ~ Sf E r. ' Cr1 ":'~.u~. " ,: OJ i ""'''';p<::fl ~i I HGJamg)~1lI 0- ... ".' - " "J ,y------ '''l'J --.",0 ' t' ' ,':c((~~~'~ ~i'-~~~' -\' ~ ",7 ; ,j' ~~~$ <Jr,. ~ ',' .' " " _ ':--'-S' 8 f, :1~ 8' , :(~~~:'i:\'~1 :. :"YJ' -"'.' ......... {lJ ~m \ ',-" ~..'w ' '- u,ifi:;<<;" ~0 ~. . .: ,) ..' _. , "-.'-_ ~.'~ ~8\\,,\ U,/ " --- I .- :'C!rlJ%";"_-~~~;::/~', ., I l-am~~~~4~p'--"'o- [.:,' 00,: '. . - ~ 1-1 :,' .'u~ ,',.. ~ .._ '<(> , .. ~ '.,Ill_o.l,~ \''''I-D - L',"O . ~ t1 r;r-="-- . 01J1 DELR ~ ;';,I:I;.~ .. :jl 0 / '''1'''' Hr"" , ---- .1:1~1'" ;,~ r"liTh r 'ir=Jf~~rl1j ij' ::' /~ . *NOTE: THE LAND USE,lONING.USE,AND DEVELOPMENT OF THIS PH PERTY IS TO BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE COURT-ORDERED SE TLEMENT STIPULA TIONS IN EFFECT FOR THIS AREA AS SET FORTH IN APPENDIX D OF THE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT SUPPORT DOCUMENTS. \ , , If NOTE: THIS PROPERTY IS THE SUBJECT OF A COURT ORDER ENTERED MAY 10. 197: , \ REFERENCE SHOULD BE MADE TO THAT COURT ORDER. A PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN IS CONTEMPLA TE[ l,..~ l'V ! r , I ! ~-'- }L'f _ , I:: i :~ ! I. ,,,," 'I .\ To I Ii' I I! j j 1 .. ~! CH I,', .'- " , . ,/:(. /. ' CD 7.9~ j I MAP KEY RESIDENTIAL LOW DENSITY (LDR) MA'X 4.84 D.U.I ACRE : J~.L / .~ ~- M i _.~.- I -. ~ , , --- -- ]L{-"l~f- ~ ,~ . Ii r '. . ..1 ~i':~il!,.~_ .......v. .'" ..~. I( 1/.'" . I --d )0", " I ~', ... ' ; f '; -....-..-. , ~~I" "Il~ .. I , ! ' , #11:11'1 , :i I 'I 'I I . I I . , I. '~.,~ W ," t U r; jJjU:~U-.Rl' f1 ~:::::3 MODERATE DENSITY (MODR) , MAX 7.26 D.U.I ACRE ,~ . ~' I:::...:.:l MEDIUM DENSITY (MeQR) MAX 9.68 D.U.lACRE fI!JII HIGH DENSITY (HDR) M~X 10.8 D.U.I ACRE COMMERCIAL .' i' '{ .'; i/ !' 1.- -j 1,1 I N--1 . . ( \M ii I " . f , ~ OFFICE (DC) - .1 ~ LOCAL RETAIL (LRC) . ' "'iW D~ ~ GENERAL (GC) ) !) , " '-- , I ,r-., L...;.j INDUSTRIAL (I) -i , , OTHER i :/1 _-' I I' , 1 f'7""1 uw AGRICULTURE .- . (A) I . - l."__. AECREATIONAL ! (R) I' ;1 I I , ; I I r:r"0.l ~ ~ --._---..,-~_.....-,. -- ~ E;j,~\!m PUBLlC & PRIVATE (PPGI) GOVERNMENT ALl INSTITUTIONAL , ~ MIXED USE (MX) ~ I I I . fJ1ie City of '.Boynton '.Beac.n 100 'Eo 'Boynttm 'Beacft 'Boufevruri P.O. ~310 'Boynttm 'Buz&. %nitfa 33425-0310 City 1fDJ[: (4lJ7) 3754JOO :flU: (4lJ7) 375-6090 June 27, 1994 The IPARC Clearinghouse c/o Town of Lantana 500 Greynolds Circle Lantana, FL 33462 RE: ADDENDUM TO PLAN AMENDMENT PACKAGE BO,{-l HUNTER'S RUN COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Pursuant to the results of a Declaratory Judgement requested by the City, in connection with a Final Judgement rendered in 1973, the City is now required to revert the land use classification for this property to that which was in place prior to adoption of the 1989 Comprehensive Plan. Furthermore, a text amendment is necessary to amend an adopted portion of the Future Land Use support Document which is the basis for the current office Commercial Land Use. This item was reviewed by the Local planning Agency on June 11, 1991 and tabled by the City Commission on June 18, 1991 in order to seek a declaratory judgement regarding the original Final Judgement (1973). The City was denied summary judgement and, consequently must now comply with the original (1973) Final Judgement. Pursuant to the advice of legal staff this amendment must be expedited, and therefore will be included within the BOY-1 amendment package. As the city Commission will review this proposed amendment on July 5, 1994, transmittal is anticipated on July 6, 1994. The public hearing is to be held at 7:00 P.M. in the Commission Chambers at city Hall, 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. Should you have any questions or need additional information, contact Michael Rumpf, Senior planner at 375-6260. Sincerely, ~:t.-~ Planning and zoning Director TH:mr Enclosures 'BOT1A.1:Pe'.L." ~merU;a's (jateway to tlU (julfstream. Page I of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: JUNE 24, 1994 Reference #: BOY-l (ADDENDUM) General Information Initiating Local Government: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contact Person: MICHAEL W. RUMPF, SENIOR PLANNER Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD.. BOYNTON BEACH, FL 3342ll Telephone/Fax: (407) 375-6260 (407) 375-6090 Applicant! Agent: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Telephone/Fax: Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: - amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks - amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: -X- land use - traffic circulation - mass transit - ports and aviation - housing - infrastructure sub-elements - coastal management - conservation - recreation and open space - intergovernmental coordination - capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: N/A Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: SECTION VIII OF FUTURE LAND USE SUPPORT DOCUMENT WAS ORIGINALLY ADOPTED INTO PLAN. IT CONTAINS SITE SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS ON WHICH THE FLU MAP IS BASED. CHANGES TO MAP WHICH INVOLVE THESE RECOMMENDATIONS ALSO MUST BE AMENDED. SUBJECT AMENDMENTS TO TEXT IS REQUIRED TO DELEr, TEXT RELATED TO OFFICE COMMERCIAL LAND USE. THIS AMENDMENT IS NECESSARY TO COMPLY WIr, COURT ORDER FINDING PREVIOUS AMENDMENT TO SUBJECT PROPERTY TO BE INCONSISTENT WITH A STIPULATED SETTLEMENT AND FINAL JUDGEMENT RENDERED IN 1973. Proposed Amendments to the Future Land Use l\iap Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) WEST SIDE OF SOUTH CONGRESS AVE. APPX. 1 MILE SOUTH OF GOLF ROAD (IMMEDIATELY EAST OF HUNTER'S RUN COMMUNITY). Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres) 30 ACRES (29.71) Present Future cand Use Plan Designation (include a density/intensity definition) OFFICE COMMERCIAL Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) LOCAL RETAIL COMMERCIAl Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) C-3 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) C-3 COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL Present Development of Site UNDEVELOPED Proposed Development of the Site, ifknown (Number of Dwelling Units; Commercial Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): NO DEVELOPMENT CURRENTLY PROPOSED Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing DatelTimeILocation Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing LPA REVIEWED AMENDMENT ON JUNE 11, 1991 (WAS SUBSEQUENTLY TABLED BY CITY COMMISSION) DatelTimeILocation Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing WAS TABLED ON JUNE 18, 1991. TRANSMITTAL HEARING TO BE HELD ON JULY 5, 1994 IN THE COMMISSION CHAMBERS, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA APPX. JULY 6, 1994. E H . /PARCEL\ THUNTEP.-S -RUN ;/ ~: -:,NJ &;;~o",,~A .. ~{ ~ql opU' f\!: ~ - ~.. QSil;' s . ~ 1...--.__.._.~ "~,.....o. ... ~ r _ ':' .' ll' I '. "'". ~ ",,'''.0 . 0 C1-, ,; ., ft r . M' ...... 11 " -. ,-I n , .. c...' .,. ;1'" \."'.. w"'......j,,;' L- ~-J' ....1- }'. &'.....~.-... , ' I'" "h' , L- / V -';.;: , l.~ - .,- \ -:"T. " I- _ --' ~ 1"'- " .\ ^ ".\= t'i:T1.~ ;= r- .~'" 'l ~"}~' ~ "r- ';J t::=.~=~ ~~..,. ~ I ..:: ~ ~ .. · J ~~,:a~' .: ) .^... tc.. C. ,,,,., c..,'~ ,1' / In ~~/Q I-- ~, ~o ~ f- ~ -1,' \ ITlI"T'T',-{/--I ~ . _ 0-" I '- ;.u""'" ,',] L. .. \ \ ~ ) -.... /'; \i 0- t ..:., !IT ' :;:~ ,.. I....., :J CoJ , 7 77 "~I ~," ''iliIi m~, . c :~ --....c. ~ l" -. J 1;._ t. <~ ""C,-~ '''e;:. " ' ;= '- ". Hj~ rr;~~'" c' .,.. :':'= '--- -'" ~ '. "" ~"".., ~ !!! ,~ c,...~.. ~ ~ .~I '~~~~ ~ o'~ -c~rr.o~1 _ ^ !::). ~~I t? '"l"N - \.-_ ,", 1~r'- ~PUj\\ ~ ~ -::;..-::;G -'- .~. , '.. ",<> 6"1/.0" /i. e' I ,.....-, ~ <:)<:) &~<rh sGJ (j 1. I ~ , lUX.. R e c ~ ~ ).- '0 ~ & ~ ~ crt\~1l!1ll1ll ft'...J' \~ ~ ~ .<" ,,~ ,"~;' , ~fE _ ~ TR/lCT-r; \ \1 7 " 0 " 1\ ~ f1 ~,t\ .. .. \VI" ," '~I ~ ~.,,~ J)'\\' \ \'1 \ '\ ---.g, 7/ ~ Nil -.> -,u:- ,..,:. ~ \ \, \ " .,J ......s jDfIIII mr alllla.;:tI --.'; .., Qi' e ..") ~~2J --: ~. .' ,. ; . ~(rz (l) '.... ';. e \; 0 -~ve (1 - ~ 'f ", : , . Ei1 ~, --A'ict "p" 9.[" ~ :: Ei1 ~t!::1'/,-~ ~ a~''''': , : ,~_,~ e ~ a f; : <;f \e _~'W'ae .', : . ----.,' tI '" l'j e '...t. . ~"~0\1. vA r.rrO /"\, ~ ;'~\L~. tr;;;am~~'" "<"~ 1'--~'1 A' llllD amommD C/Dl~."l IJ:-'"[;?.. --..,. ~:....... ~ !:7 ~ s !: l'" ...:\ m8, 'iI" ;t..' R3 (..... \ r\ Y "J~I~~ qJ; '/ ,- .c'",,.,,...L,.. . ,"0 . ..~.&....- ......... ~. .5 / , ( reclassified to allow development of similar commercial uses. As stated above, the analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projected a surplus which exceeds 140 acres. Furthermore, since there currently exists shopping centers located within 2 1/2 miles to the north, and 1 1/2 miles to the south, it is unlikely that an immediate geographic need exists for such uses. REASONABLENESS OF THE SCALE OF THE PROPOSED LAND USE RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE CITY AS A WHOLE See "Consistency With The Established Land Use Pattern. .." AVAILABILITY OF SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY FOR THE PROPOSED USE There currently exists available sites within the City that would permit the development of uses allowed under the requested land use category and existing C-3 zoning district. - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From a planning perspective, it is recommended that "Office commercial" is now a more appropriate land use category than "Local Retail Commercial." The basis for this recommendation is summarized as follows: a) The site is located in close proximity to residential areas wi th a low average density. The impacts of a land use permitted within the "Office Commercial" category would likely impact upon the residential areas the least, and would be more consistent with the adjacent uses; b) The analysis of the supply and demand of commercial land for retail and other uses projects a surplus of over 140 acres at build-out, compared with a surplus of 56 acres projected for land for office use. In addition, the presence of shopping centers within 2 1/2 miles and 1 1/2 miles to the north and south, respectively, should provide for any specific geographiC need; c) Proper access, namely an east-west thoroughfare, to serve the most intense development allowed under the "Local Retail Commercial" land uie category does not exist at this site; d) The comprehensive Plan recommends this site to be reclassified to "Office Commercial" and rezoned to C-1 (Office/professional). Furthermore, Comprehensive plan poliCY 1.4.13 states that the City will oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City's comprehensive Plan; and e) The conditions existing at the time when the property was annexed and zoned have changed. Since 1972, numerous commercial developments have been completed within the area, and additional parcels of property have been reclassified and/or rezoned to allow for retail commercial development. t COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT There is an obvious conflict between the result achieved by a planning review and the result achieved when the Final Judgement is applied. That conflict should be addressed by the city Attorney. If "Local Retail Commercial" is determined to be the legally correct land use category for this site, based on the underlying Final Judgement and Stipulation and Agreement, a comprehensive plan text amendment will be required in addition to the Land Use Amendment. The Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use support Document, Area 8.h., which is on page 94 of the support Document, currently reads as follows: Area 8.h. Commercial Parcel Frontina on Conaress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analysiS of the supply and demand for commercial 3 ( land in the City indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. Because of these two factors--the long-run demand for the commercial acreage and the distance from existing and future residences, it is recommended that commercial land use and zoning remain. However, due to the low average density of surrounding residential projects, the presence of Shopping centers 2 1/2 miles to the north and 1 1/2 miles to the south, and the lack of an east-west thoroughfare, this site would be more suitable for office use as opposed to retail use. Office use would also create fewer impacts on the adjacent P.U.D. and the City park which lies to the north; therefore, it is recommended that this parcel be placed in the Office Commercial land use categor~. It is also recommended that bUffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. The amendment to the Support Document should include the removal of text that recommends this area to be classified as Office Commercial, and the addition of text that provides notice of the underlying Court Order, and Stipulation and Agreement, which governs the zoning of this parcel. The amended text should read as follows: Area S.h. Commercial Parcel Frontinq on Conqress Avenue East of Hunter's Run The analYSis of the supply and demand for commercial land in the city indicates that there will be demand in the long-run for this commercial property, which is currently in the Local Retail Commercial land use category and C-3 Community Commercial zoning district. The site is fairly well-buffered from surrounding residences, the closest of which will lie over 500 feet to the west. The intervening property is occupied by a lake and golf course. ~~~~~~~/~t/t~~_~/t~~ ' fa~t~t_fft~~/~~~~ft~~/~~~a~~/f~t/t~~/t~~~~ttta~/itt~i;~ a~~/t~;/~t_ta~t;/tt~~/;tt_ttri~/a~~/f~t~t;/t~_t~~~t;_J tt/t~/t~~~~~~ri~~~/t~it/~~mm~t~tiX/X~ri~/~~~/a~~/t~ritri; t~mitnj//~~w~y~t'/~~~/t~/t~~/X~W//iy~ta~;/~;~_tti/~t ;~tt~~ri~tri~/t~_t~~rittaX/~t~~~tt~,/t~~/~t~~~~t~/~t ~~~~~tri;/t~rit~t~/~/~/~/mtX~~/t~/t~~/ri~tt~/a~~/~/~/~ ~tX;_/t~/t~~/~~~t~J/ari~/t~~/XatK/~f/i~/~a_tf~~~t t~~t~~~~tat~l/t~t_/_tt~/~~~X~/~~/~~t~/~~tta~~~/t~t ~fftt~/~~~/a_/~pp~~~~/t~/t~tatX/~_;j//~fftt~/~~~/~~~X~ aXt~/tt~at~/t~w;t/t~~att_/~~/t~~/a~~at~rit/'j~j~j/ari~ t~~/~ttl/~atK/w~t~~/xt~~/t~/t~~/~~tt~l/t~~t~f~t;'/tt/t~ t~t~mm~~~~~/t~at/t~t~/~att~X/~~/~Xat~~/t~/t~~/~fttt~ ~~mm~tttaX/Xa~~/~~~/~at~i~tlj It is aX~~ recommended that buffering measures be employed in the development of this property, including vegetative screening and directed lighting. Furthermore. the land use and zoninq of this parcel shall remain consistent with a stipulation and aqreement that resulted from a previous court decision. Included within Exhibit "A" are the Final Judgement for Action No. 73-579, Ordinances No. 73-7 and 73-11, and other legal documents referenced above and in the Final Judgement. It should be noted that the Final Judgement for Action No. 72-C-6624, which is referenced in the attached Final Judgement, was not included due to its similarity to the attached Final JUdgement. 4 06,'21/94 11;25 FA,t 407 .155 3963 ....... .. APPRAISER ~002 . '11ie City of !Boynton 'Beacft. /",.O'i"!r~1- I~" 't;]' It.':., J It", " 1/~~, .,/.'.... '_".,'r;'.:" '~/j :.00:-:;,;)," ~y.... :r-ne'DiJ'Mtmmt 100 ~ ~Il tJjU1tfL IJlJ1itfial'd !t.O. ~jl0 '&ytttt" /fJuJi, :I"''''''' JJ-1:ZS.DJlO (4071 i'30,7J!I(), :J5I.X.. (40;') rJ8.14~ .1Anuary 13. 1992 M~. T1na ~ld~n. SPUC1~4i$t palm B~,ch CQUfity Prop~.ty Appraiser's otfice 301 N. Olive ~vBnU8 w".-t: i'a:'ll\ Beo.<;h, n, 33<1.0.. RZ .. ZON%NlJ ON GOMM1l'.IlC'II\L 'ltOl'n.1"! 1\." lWNTEH' S R.UN PlJ\NNBtl UNt'r nB"lfo.oPXl$NT All or JANUAJl.Y 1, 1t1U. Deial;' iUI ~ GoldAI\! In reDPQnBe to your r4~.5t for IhfQrmatlon r.g8rdin~ tne current aQnin~ QR ~he above r~ter.n~e~ ~rop.rty, I am prov141og yoU With aft ~ndi~.:ion of thA cu~r.nt ZQninw, 1ncluding an ~lan8tion Of a.veral iaBueejevents wntc~ n6V$ had, &Q~ c~~tlnue to have, an impact on the land use and zouiQ~ on th~. p~ope~ty. Tho~. i8au~./ev~nts are j~m.r1zed ~.lQW; 1) 1'be Cj.tT'l!l C>:>llll;l:>"h..ns1ve PllUl was a.(\opted on NovllJll.tler 7, 1S9~. The new tutu.~ Land Use Map, ~~~cb was adopted 88 p&rt of the COMP~~n.n.iv. plan, cha.nqa4 the .and u.e cl..lJiUC:llti",~ of e1l1,e .,.Qpe.t.y tralll LOl:'1I1 aetllU COIIllllflre1al t~ OffteD Cc~~.~c~~l. The currunt ~Q~inq on this property, e-3 eo~unity Comm~~e~~l, will ..main unt~l the zoning Map is gfficially cha~g44 as pArt of tbe $ubaequent proceduree to i.pl..ant th~ eompr$henaiV6 rlan. 3) ~) 'l'hie pi:'opect:y wa" t:hll! sul:l~ ..<::1: of .. l!l13 r~nal. Jud;ellent r .n~ ~O~ several yee~~ hed b~.n 1nee.~r.ted to restrict this pl:'Qperty's zon1ni ~o tn.e v~1Qh wa. ~n ~ffect ~ Nov.mber of ."~. sub8~q~.nt to tbe aa9pt1oft 0: ~. Comp..~.n.1v. ~~an, ye~ prio~ ~~ ~e r~%onin9 ol thie prop.tty, the owne.. Q% t~$ .ubjeot p~o~erty ~e~~e8t.d thftt the land Qas be ..v.rte~ back t~ tocal R~t~~l Co.~erci&l, a~ offic. C~$rciAl 1~4 ~.. i. ineonsiatent with the Vinal Judiement that they b.lteVQ etill 9ove~s this p~opeTtf. Jon Juae 18, 199. the C1ty co~ia.lcn WAS pre..nt6~ with this , roequ",.t fot an am..nl3zngnt to the :rl.\~II.. LenCl Ill.... Hap.'u,~ CO<.lnitllll.t of th.. oon-e.!l'lIdi(l!tin>T 9>>,:l.n1onlll r"garding rohe current u~lidity of ~b. 1973 r~nal ~Qi&me~t, the City Commi9sion ~irQetad tho City ~ttornQY to >>aak a De~~ftratorr Ju~Q.rnent. Thi* setion wa~ filed ift e1rcuit Coyrt ot Pal. Beach County on June 1~. 1991. ,,1' "i ~ .!l.tn$1Ua'J rjii.tBway :0 tlit. cjuJf:;l~ .~.~.' 2J.' 94 11 : 26 FAI 407 355 396~ APPRAI SER raJ 00.1 To: MI Tina Goldin -2- D*olZber i3, 1991 sinee the oeclaratory J1.ldqlilDlent was filed., no action hu oceurred that woul~ ~hanqe either tbB future land use or the zonin9 on this property, Tberefor~ I conclude by indicating that the future land uam classification remaine, a. effeetuated. QY tne COlllPrrillil:ll1v$ plan, of tic. COlllllercid, And ainc@ the zoninQ has nQt been changed to conform to the 'uture Land Use Map, the zenin; remaine C-3 Comm~it1 Commarcial (85 indicated ~y tba current official zonia; Hap). 1 hope I have lIuffic1.ently rOllPonaea. to 1'01.\1' request, Iiowever, if you a.= in need of additional clarification or in~or.la~1Qn, please eontaot SaD10r Planner M1eha&1 Rumpf it 7J$.74~O. Very Truly To~ra. ~~ Cnrlltopher Cutro, AXep Pl&An1nw n1r8ctQr CC:mwr A: ZONHtl'N'1'