Galav Lusia
Galav Lusia
Friday, June 23,200010:16 AM
Kelley, David
Hall, Ken; Rumpf, Michael
Banana Boat Restaurant
We have received correspondence from Joe Patterson, Slattery and Associates dated 6/21/00 regarding an unresolved
comment from Ken Hall regarding the location of the handicapped ramp. Apparently this is the only item holding up the
issuance of a permit for The Banana Boat. The P & Z Department is responsible for monitoring this project. Would you
please investigate this issue and let me know how it will be resolved. I have a copy of the correspondence with attached
plan in my office if you need it.
Thank you for your cooperation.
sf ~hr" 9&whu_JI ~"""",,"ttnd ~ ~Yl~
p.o. BO%."" . 0."'" BcoJ., EIo,Uh sun . S61,'~0.J56
Dear Paul,
It bas eome to lilY attention that your plan of Banana Boat renovatiol1S bave
been well rec:eived by tbe City of Boynton Beac:h with the exeeptioa of the dumpster
system. We are very strongly opposed to puttioC IInotber eompaetor on the
propert)' for many reasoDS and most oftbem have to do witb past experience. Here
are just a few of the objections we have to the compaetor:
1. Odor. Garbage stinks! Over tbe 10 . 12 year period we bad our
eompactor, we bad literally bundreds of eomplaints from eustomers about the
steaeh cominc from tbe sittiallllarbaee. The sludge and garbage fluids sit in tbe
plU'kiDg Jo' under Florida's bot summer SUD IInd stink. We have tried maay
metbods to overcome tbis foul problem, and none work. We installed an expensive
InOne maehine, tried to bave our own staff ond clean the filthy eompaetor. used
various perfume devices IIIId aa on.going program of bosing and bru.hiDa sfalldin;
water whieh still goes on tocla)'. The eompaetor is an enormOUs labor intensive
Z. Rats and VermiD. Obvioully a no-brainer. Rats love filth and thrive next
to it.. At least a dumpster is emptied often and the contents eliminated. A
compactor ill a reCUR bolder and nothing better.
3. Leaks. Our compllctor eventually developed lellb where foul smelling
garbage juices contilluaUy were running into theparkinlllot. Our efforts to hose
the area down were on-golnl, but futile. What a niee weleome for the person
Pllrking Dm to tht nightmare. Great first impression.
4. Otber Locations. We operate four restaurallts ill Delray Beach and
Liglltbouse Point Ind the Baa ani Boat is the oaly one witb a problem compactor.
AU of the others are virtually trouble and complaint free. The dUmpsler system is
mIlCh more sa\litarv. faT less offe.oove and extremely e.syto maintllin and dean.
01' , . .
Paul, I bave a file with years of serious complaints from neigbbors alld
cuslomers about the eompaetor. I eould also list Dumerous more reasons to let rid
oUhe thing. A compaetor anywhere on that piece of property is not acceptable.
Please continue in your efforts to replace it with dumpsters.
Belt neards.
~/);t _
>--:::" ~ ~
Tom BIIllDIJobn Therien
~-j\ M S P- '(Cf-QZjf
Division of Planning and Zoning
Planning & Zoning
Occupational License
Community Redevelopment
January 18, 2000
Joe Peterson
Slattery & Root Architects
2060 NW Boca Raton Blvd.
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Dear Mr. Peterson;
Re; Banana Boat Restaurant - Site I Building Modifications
MMSP 99-024
In response to your request for administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the above-
referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed changes are "minor", as defined within the
Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review.
The location of the dumpsters remains an issue for the Department of Public Works. Based on a previous meeting.
they maintain that a sufficient turning radius does not exist at the proposed dumpster location. To obtain a sufficient
radius, parking spaces may have to be eliminated. Also. Public Works has recommended that a trash compactor
would be the preferred method of trash removal.
In addition, the elevation drawings do not indicate the colors that will be used for the building fa,ade and entrance
improvements. Provide a list of colors for all new architectural elements proposed.
Please either submit a new version of the modified plans showing the dumpster locations as approved by Public
Works and the color scheme to be used for the building improvements, or manually place corrections on the plans
previously submitted for this request.
Upon fmal approval from the Department of Public Works for the location of the dumpsters, and our approval of the
color scheme, this project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application. Please
contact Jim Nguyen at (561) 742-6260 or Mark Lips at Public Works (561) 742-3208 if you have any further
cXE~A J1~v
Lusia Galav, AICP
Senior Planner
l:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\BANANA BOAT REST. MSPM'Minor Modification Letter.doc
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
tOO East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boyoton Beach. Flo,ida 33425.0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742.6259
't-A S f qa., - 02,+
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October 21, 1999
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Mr. Mike Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
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RE: Banana Boat Restaurant
Project # 96012
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
We made application this week for a minor modification for the site and building at the
Banana Boat Restaurant in Boynton Beach, Florida.
At the time we made application for the minor modification we provided the application
fee of $100.00. Previously we had given to Boynton Beach a check for $750.00 for site
plan review. At this point in time we request removal of the original site plan application
and the return of the $750.00 application fee.
Please feel free to contact either Joe Peterson or me with any questions or comments
you might have.
cc; John Therien
2060 NW Boca Raton Blvd. . Boca Raton. FL 33431 . (561) 392.3848 . FAX (561) 392.5402
Lic # AA C001011
APR-19-ee 10:19 AM H&M
Page: of 3 1":'" 3'" 4'" Plan Roe,'i.,.. Comments for Penn;t Application ~ Oo-u956
Your permit application and supporting documentation do I,ot comply with the City of
Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install
the requested improvements the plans and documents shull be amended to show
compliance with the below listed comments. Prior to mal;ing the changes to the plans
andlor documents please read the attached Submittal of :orrected Plans form. This
form contains important information relative to amending documents and submitting
corrected plans andlor documents. Questions regarding the comments may be
directed to the rel/iewer named above. If a conference is necessary. please schedule
an appointment with the reviewer. Please note that additional comments may be
generated following staff review of the amended plans. Tirnely approval of your project
is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to tre information provided in this
document. Find attached, a form titled Submittal of Corr,acted Plans, this document
shall be properly completed and stapled to the file copy of the corrected plans when
submitting them to the Plans Analyst
e northeast oarldna area does not have a 27 back-uo (,~cales 25').
variance thru the Dlannina deoartment Der Chao, 23. Art. 1. Sect. 38.
To continue valet Darkina. an accessible ramD must be imltalled in lieu of the existina
two steo barrier as well as a oroteclive canODV for incleme,nt weather to conform with
the Florida Accessibilitv Code for BuildinaConstruction, Sections 4.1.2(5)(e), 4.6.6. and
Show a $250.00 line plate underneath the HIC oost sian t:> satiSfy latest Fla.
accessibilitv codes.
towina comoanv.
name a ress and hone number of the aooroved
Scecifv on the plans whether the oarkina lot is to be rese~lled or receive a one inch
There is insufficient room for two wav traffic alono the north side of the oarl<ina lot in
the area between the landsC80e island on the north side <Ind the landscaoed. terminal
island containina the liaht Dole (20' reauired - onlv 17' indicated). Due to the
bottleneck. orovide one wav traffic thru the site as follows Direct all incomina traffic
thru aoorooriate marl<inas and slanaae to 00 thru the aCCl!SSWaV between the
landscaoe islands and then east to the front entrance and thence west bound alona the
north aisle el h r to exi or 0 0 around the 100 ain, Chao. 23. Art, 1 & liB.
I :5TIc>"-1.-J .
Provide photometries for the parl<ina lot liQhtina, ChI:). 23 Art.IIA,
Overla f the arkln lot shall re uire another ermit a llication
Comp Plan Dolicl/ 3C.3.4 requires the conseNation of Dotable water. City water may
not. therefore, be used for irriaation where other sources are readllv available.
,/ZI.i<e f4f- A (1;b0 7{,J - G;2!J-9
-a~,.i:-r)~ b 1J=-'('.,,~ .:~'C'}.:J.-/'_f-.J~)
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(ii) Units and facilities that specialize in
treatment or services for persons with
mobility impairments; 20 percent of the
total number of' rovid~d
serv c suchlmitor-facility, ---
( e) Valet parking: valet parking facilities
shall provide a passenger loa.fllng zone
complying with 4.6,6 1&~edOn an
accessible route to the entrance of the
facility. Paragraphs 5(a), 5(b), and 5(d) of
this section do not apply to valet parking
facilities. ~&Au- r;;; ,2.
(c) If passenger loading zones are
provided, then at least one passenger
10ilding zone shall comply with 4.6,6,
(6) Iftoilet facilities are provided on a
site, then each such public or common use
toilet facility shall comply with 4.22, If
bathing facilities are provided on a site,
then each such public or common use
bathing facility shall comply with 4.23.
(d) At facilities providing medical care
and other services for persons with
mobility impairments, parking spaces
complying with 4,6 shall be provided in
accordance with 4.1.2(5)~ except as
follows: -
For single user portable toilet or bathing
units clustered at a single location, at least
5% but no less than one toilet unit or
bathing unit complying with 4.22 or 4,23
shall be installed at each cluster whenever
typical inaccessible units are provided,
Accessible units shall be identified by the
International Symbol of Accessibility,
(1) Outpatient units an4 faci.liti~~: 10
pe~of the total number of parking
spaces provided serving each such
outpatient unit or facility;
OCTOBER 1997 EDmoN 17
i ~I.~
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if-i. i
I:,: :
,"\ II
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4.6.6 Passenger Loading Zones.
Passenger loading zones shall provide an
access aisle at least 60 inches (1525 mm)
wide and 20 feet (240 in)(6100 mm) long
adjacent and parallel to the vehicle
pull-up space (sec Fig. 10). If there are
curbs between the access aisle and the
vehicle pull-up space, then a curb ramp
complying with 4,7 shall be provided,
Vehicle standing spaces and access aisles
shall be leve e
ng 1 :50 (2%) in all directions.
4.7.1 Location. Curb ramps complying
with 4,7 shall be provided wherever an
accessible route crosses a curb,
:z Slope. Slopes of curb ramps shall
com with 4.8.2, The slope shall be
measure shown in Fi
Transitions from ramps to walks, gutters,
or streets shall be flush and free of abrupt
changes, Maximum slopes of adjoining
gutters, road surface immediately adjacent
to the curb ramp, or accessible route shall
not exceed 1 :20,
4.7.3 Width. The minimum width of a
curb ramp shall be 36 inches (915 mm),
exclusive of flared sides.
4.7.4 Surface. Surfaces of curb ramps
shall comply with 4.5.
4.7.5 Sides of Curb Ramps.
4.7.8 Obstructions. Curb ramps shall be
located or protected to prevent their
obstruction by parked vehicles,
Accessible Route , ~ I
s ~fi E
M C/7C c
c ~j; c
o :'/.: CO
.. ...#:
G /~ C
C ~~ C
- ~':d' ~
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144 mini 60.,144 min
?r:vd ?
0-< \'-\ ~ '-: -
)' \ Q \::"
I ,
348 mm
l<-~:'-' J
~_'~tJ.o- J 1
Fig, 9(a)
Standards Parking Space Design
...,~~.~~~~~~.~~~~~..l. ~
a ~=g
o 0'" AI 0
c_w~o 0
OI.-'C1"~ C
011 'Y..).l 0
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"\2.. ~-J \) -\.11 \-\~.
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Fig. 9(b)
Alternative Parking Spaces for
Theme Park and Entertainment Complex Only
~ \ I'
\CI~ 1\
240 min '\
. .
Fig. 10
Access Aisle at Passenter Loading Zones
5'. -
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2060 NW Boea Raton Blvd., Suite #2. Boca Raton, Florida 33431. (561) 392-3848. Fax (561) 392-5402
lie #AA C001011
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2060 NW Boea Raton Blvd., Suite #2 . Boca Haton, Florida 33431 . (561) 392-3848 . Fax (561) 392-5402
lie #AA C001011
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2060 NW Boca Raton Blvd., Suite #2. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 . (561) 392-3848 . Fax (561) 392-5402
lie #AA C001011
October 13, 1999
Planning & Zoning Department
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
RE: Banana Boat Restaurant Renovation
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to briefly describe the extent of renovations proposed to the existing
'Banana Boat' restaurant. This is to be considered as a 'minor modification' and
regarded accordingly,
As shown on the drawings provided, we are proposing to enlarge the entry element
and extend a covered pedestrian access around to the north side of the building,
Because of the existing grade difference, this will allow us to have handicapped
access to the front doors as well as the covered deck seating area behind the
We are proposing to demolish the existing 400 sq. ft, storage building across the
parking lot on the west side ofthe property. This space would then be "added" to
the existing building with a new 400 sq. ft storage addition. In conjunction with
this area, the existing 230 sq. ft, walk in cooler, which is exposed to view from the
exterior, would be incorporated inside the building to eliminate the 'eyesore' that it
is currently.
Thirdly, we are proposing to demolish the fenced in area on the west side of the
property that contains the existing ice machines. As shown on the floor plans, we
are proposing to contain these into a covered area on the north side of the building.
Although this would be an open area, we are proposing a solid roof with wood
louvered walls and gates to screen and protect the machines.
2060 NW Boca Raton Blvd. . Boca Raton, FL 33431 . (561) 392-3848 . FAX (561) 392-5402
Lie # AA C001 011
--?41' ......S,. ..,',,,,
October 13, 1999
Planning & Zoning Department
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
RE: Banana Boat Restaurant Renovation
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter is to briefly describe the extent of renovations proposed to the existing
'Banana Boat' restaurant. This is to be considered as a 'minor modification' and
regarded accordingly.
As shown on the drawings provided, we are proposing to enlarge the entry element
and extend a covered pedestrian access around to the north side of the building,
Because of the existing grade difference, this will allow us to have handicapped
access to the front doors as well as the covered deck seating area behind the
We are proposing to demolish the existing 400 sq, ft, storage building across the
parking lot on the west side of the property. This space would then be "added" to
the existing building with a new 400 sq, ft storage addition, In conjunction with
this area, the existing 230 sq, ft. walk in cooler, which is exposed to view from the
exterior, would be incorporated inside the building to eliminate the 'eyesore' that it
is currently.
Thirdly, we are proposing to demolish the fenced in area on the west side of the
property that contains the existing ice machines, As shown on the floor plans, we
are proposing to contain these into a covered area on the north side of the building.
Although this would be an open area, we are proposing a solid roof with wood
louvered walls and gates to screen and protect the machines.
2060 NW Boca Raton Blvd. . Boca Raton, FL 33431 . (561) 392-3848 . FAX (561) 392-5402
Lic#AA C001011
SLATTERY AND ASSOCIATES ~ 5613756259 A \l. k..
: " and
. . .'" .r:: ASSOCIATES
2060 NW 80ca Rerton Blvd. '2
80c.. Raton, FL 33431
561;392.3848 (Tell
561/392.5402 'Fax'
TO: ~ ~~
FAX: C~i) 74Q.... ~(2CSCf
DATE: Q"Qb.oo
FROM: ~~ ~~esoJ
PROJ: ~~,t.. qa.~kT
II Uj,,, .."...-., '''/''1
11 r: I '1 I
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--11.l~ I +\-1 IE ~,4 L... ~ ~""- 0 u~ ~ .. TT
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~w~ ~1a- ~>11!>~ Ct>~1:~ ~~~"OL.
If Fax is incomplete, please notify sender at 561/392.3646
MMSf q'1-0d~