REVIEW COMMENTS Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION TO: Slattery & Root Architects FAX #: 561-392-5402 DATE: 7/28/99 HE: BANANA BOAT RESTAURANT Please find attached the first review comments for your project To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC meeting scheduled for August 24, 1999. 1. Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted); 2. Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments;( i.e. traffic analysis, engineering certification, etc.) 3. Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans (this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting); and 4. Submit reductions (8 Y:z x 11) for the proposed site plan, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and publiC presentation). The applicant should not attend a TRC meeting (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff review. Page 1 of q Planning and Zon;ng Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 If plans will not be fully revised and brought to the scheduled TRC meeting, contact JoAnn Alea in this office by the Thursday prior to the schedule meeting date. Projects deviating from the original schedule are eligible for review at subsequent meetings, which are held every Tuesday. To reschedule, contact JoAnn Alea by the Thursday prior to the Tuesday TRC meeting that you desire to attend. The remainder of the review schedule will be adjusted accordingly. If you have questions on the attached comments, please contact the respective reviewer using the attached list of TRC representatives. If less time is needed than scheduled to revise the plans, you may attend an earlier TRC meeting; follow the same notification requirement as described above. If the plans are reasonably complete and all significant comments are addressed Following TRC (2nd review), the project is forwarded to the Planning and Development Board meeting that falls approximately 2 to 3 weeks following the TRC meeting. An "*" by any comment identifies a comment that must be addressed prior to moving forward to the Planning and development board. Note: Items recognized by staff as typically outstanding at this point include a traffic report and/or confirmation of the traffic concurrency approval from Palm Beach County, drainage certification by a licensed engineer, and colored elevations of the proposed project This information is necessary for the project to proceed. If you have submitted this information, please disregard this note. TRC MEMBERS BOB BORDEN, ASSISTANT FIRE MARSHAL KEVIN HALLAHAN, FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALiST LEE THOMPSON, POLiCE DEPARTMENT PETE MAZZELLA, UTiLiTIES DEPARTMENT MICHAEL HAAG, BUILDING DIVISION LARRY QUINN, PUBLiC WORKS DEPARTMENT MARK LiPP JOHN WILDNER, PARKS DIVISION JACK CASLER, ACTING CITY ENGINEER KEN HALL MICHAEL RUMPF, PLANNING AND ZONING 742-6602 742-6227 742-6105 742-6404 742-6352 742-6202 742-6226 742-6280 742-6260 II! I st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name: Banana Boat Restaurant File number: MSPM 99-003 Reference: I st Review, Major Site Plan Modification, File # 99-003 with a July 9, 1999 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. " DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: 1. The Public Works Department is not agreeable to dumpster locations due to bad turning radius, not enough room for backing. We recommend pick up from south side of enclosure, or stay with compactor pickup. UTILITIES Comments: 2. All utility easements and off-site utility lines shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements, or in the vicinity of water mains. Canopy trees may be planted so that roots and branches will not impact utilities in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 3. Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules ofthe City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, sec. 7F) 4. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 26-33(a) of the Code. 5. LDR chap. 6, Article IV, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 6. Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. 7. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 8. A scaled drawing showing the site drainage plan shall be submitted. (LDR Chap. 4, sec. 7F) " . Page 2 File Name: Banana Boat Restaurant File No.: MSPM 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 9. Provide drainage calculations showing the amount of rainfall to be retained on-site, and the eventual discharge point. Please be advised that if the on-site system is required to connect to the City's stormwater system, there will be a fee for improvements the City is planning to make for off-site stormwater treatment and conveyance, as part of the Downtown Watershed Stormwater Improvement Project.(Sec. 26-406) 10. Please show the routing of the proposed sanitary sewer service line that is currently under review for permit. FIRE Comments: 11. The fire hydrant location was not shown on the plan; LDR 6-16. A hydrant location is required prior to Fire Department approval. POLICE Comments: 12. Have site plans show "stop signs" locations for entry and exit onto property. 13. Directional arrows on plan to indicate direction of traffic and flow on and off property. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 14. Change the aisle widths from 24' to 27' for 900 stalls per City Standard Drawing B-90013. 15. Add a note that all markings and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing B-98001 and show the markings on the Site Plan and Paving & Drainage Plan. 16. Add a note that all plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERN, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with the permit request. 17. Provide a Site Lighting Plan and Drainage Plan in conformance with Chapter 4 and 23 of the Land Development Regulations. 18. Valet parking shall provide a passenger loading zone at the entrance protected from the weather by canopy or roof overhang to comply with Pag~ 3 File Name: Banana Boat Restaurant File No.: MSPM 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Section 4.1.2.(5)(e), and 6.2 of the Florida Accessibility Code. 19. To meet the 27' back-up requirement within the parking lot consider placing the wheel stops along the north side next to the bulkhead to provide a 16' stall and 2' overhang. Also, since the cars along the south side will be buffered by the grade of the new bridge, remove the 3' landscape buffer which is generally a requirement to screen vehicles from the abutting right-of-way. Stripe two lanes at the front entrance, one for valet parking and the other a pass-thru lane. 20. In the southwest comer reduce the 8' landscape area to 6' to provide a 27' back-up area. 2!. Cross hatch the "turn around" space with yellow stripes and show the pavement words "No Parking". Also show a post mounted sign designating the area as a "Tow-Away" zone with the appropriate information. Consider paving the 5' landscape area abutting the space to the west for better maneuverability. 22. Locate the dumpsters in the Northeast corner of the parking lot to eliminate back-up maneuvers in the ingress/egress access road. This will also make the entrance more esthetically pleasing by not having three sets of dumpster doors facing your patrons. 23. The decorative light fixtures shall be the same being used for the bridge lighting for continuity. Per Visions 20/20 Redevelopment Plan (see attachment). 24. Consider a one-way traffic plan for ease of circulation. 25. Show an accessible route from the public sidewalk to the building. If route cannot be constructed, obtain an exception by the Building Official per 4.1.1 (5) of the Fla. Accessibility Code. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 26. Add to the building that is depicted on the site plan drawing (sheet AI) a labeled symbol that represents the location of the handicap accessible entrance door to the building. Show and label the same door on the floor plan drawing (A3). 27. Identify the location of the handicap accessible parking spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be consistent with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. The location of the accessible parking spaces shall be located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel to the accessible building entrance. [Section 4.6.2 ofthe Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction] Pag~ 4 File Name: Banana Boat Restaurant File No.: MSPM 99-003 28. Add to the site plan drawing a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location and path ofthe accessible route that is required between the accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance door to the building. Add text that would indicate the label represents the accessible route and the route is in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verify that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction including, but not limited to, width, slope and cross slope. 29. Identify the finish floor elevation within the footprint of the building that is illustrated on the site plan drawing and the floor plan drawing. Add to the site data, found on sheet A I, the flood zone that the building is located within including, where applicable, base flood elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans. 30. Provide detailed and dimensioned elevation view drawings ofthe site sign age including dimensioning the width and height of the sign and the overall height of the sign structure. Add computations to the drawing that verify the total sign area is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, show and dimension on the site plan drawing the location ofthe sign and the distance the site sign is located from the adjacent property lines (note: ten feet is minimum setback dimension from adjacent property lines). If a site sign is shown, delineate on the landscape plan the location of the landscaping that is required for site signage. Drawings of the signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code (Chapter 21 of the Land Development Regulations). Or Place the following note on the site plan: "Site signage is not approved for this project. Separate site plan review and approval is required for site signage." 31. Provide detailed and dimensioned elevation view drawings of the building signage. On the elevation view drawings of the building, identify the location of the wall signage and dimension the length and height of the signage. Also, identify the total sign area and provide computations that verify the sign area(s) are in compliance with the Sign Code. Drawings of the signage shall comply with the applicable regulations specified in the Sign Code (Chapter 21 of the Land Development Regulations). Add to the submittal an elevation view drawing of the east side ofthe building. 32. Add a note to the site plan indicating that the site lighting fixtures will illuminate the site consistent with the specifications identified in the Parking Lot Code and the Central Business District Landscape Code. Include within the note the overall height dimension of the site lighting Pag~ 5 File Name: Banana Boat Restaurant File No.: MSPM 99-003 pole and fixture. 33. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall openings and wall construction comply with Table 600 of the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code. 34. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback dimension from the leading edge of the north and east face of the structure to the north and east property lines. Please note that the size or width of overhangs, covered walkways, canopies or awnings shall be included and shown when identifYing the setback dimension. The building setbacks shall comply with Zoning Code regulations. 35.. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 36. At time of permit review, indicate within the site data the use ofthe facility, type of construction and the occupancy classification. The design (building area, occupancy and type of construction) of the building shall comply with the regulations specified in the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code and the Amendments to the Standard Building Code that the City has adopted. 37. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the project, identifY on the site ifthe restaurant is a Quality or High Turnover Sit Down Restaurant. Also, identifY on the site plan the num ber of existing seats, number of new seats and the total number of seats provided. On the floor plan, chronologically number all seats including bar seats. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 38. The applicant should indicate on the landscape plans if any of the existing native trees will be preserved relocated or removed and replaced on the site. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 39. Sign and seal all drawings prior to building permit submittal. 40. On the site plan provide the following information: ChA, Sec.7, Par.B - A color for the wall and gate of the dumpster enclosure. - 5 foot landscape buffer adjacent to Ocean Ave. - 4 handicapped parking spaces per ADA requirements. - Provide wheel stops to prevent vehicle encroachment into required Page 6 File Name: Banana Boat Restaurant File No.: MSPM 99-003 landscape areas and walkways. Ch.23 Art.II Per.E - Provide a landscape island in the void at the east end of the 10 parking spaces adjacent to the Boat Basin, in order to protect parked cars in that row from west bound traffic. - All parking lot landscape areas shall be protected by a curbing. - 27 foot wide drive aisles adjacent to perpendicular parking spaces. - Minimum 44 inch wide accessible walk, separate from the drive aisle, connecting the handicapped parking spaces to the accessible entry ramp. - Setback dimensions at Ocean Avenue. Ch.2 Sec.6 Par.E - Parking details including handicapped signage. Drawing # B-90012 - Loading space or note stating that all deliveries will be made after hours. Ch.2 Sec. I I Par.H. - Accessible walk from the Ocean Ave. side walk to the building entry. Ch.9 Sec. I 0 Par.B - Details for any proposed wall or monument signs. 41. In the site plan tabular data provide the following data: ChA, Sec.7, Par.E - Parking area landscape space requirement with calculations. - Proposed Building height. - Zoning district and Land Use designation. - Building setback requirements. - Number ofloading spaces. - Water bodies in acres and square foot. 42. On the architectural plans provide the following information. ChA, Sec.7, Par.D.2 - Elevation drawings for all building elevations. - Proposed exterior color schedule in tabular form. - Overall building dimensions, including height to the entry tower peak. 43. Submit colored elevation drawings of all elevations of the building. ChA, Sec.7, Par.D.2 44. Provide a drainage plan. ChA Sec.7 Par.F 45. On the landscape plans provide the following information: Ch.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5 - Label and dimension all required landscape buffers. - Revise note #8 to state that mulch other than cypress shall be used. - The source of the automatic irrigation system. - Locate the trees along Ocean Ave. that are proposed as part of the bridge project. Following the same theme, materials and dimensions, provide trees in the 5' buffer along the portion of Ocean Ave. not planted as part of that project. Calculations for the requirements of required native trees and shrubs. 46. Site lighting must be consistent with the Visions 20/20 recommendations. \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\PLANNTNG\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\BANANA BOAT REST MSPM\l S1 REVIEW COMMENTS.DOC Si, ,F:~ " . ~2:' ., ~ll fi " , ..1 ~ ! , ; I 'j; , ~. , - j . , 5t .~ -. . , 12'-0' 12.3B PROH.ARCHlTSC:rURAL ARSFIXTURE TYPE' 714BB4Il1F-~Q?'" ~.~..- " II 61 ~ CAST ALUM., REMOVABLE. .iIBAe 11I2"WIDEx,l88" THK.ALUM. ggw; CAST AWM., SECURES TO' RTlEFl WI1lf (3) SIS BOLTS. INNER IImR ILLUMINATES EDGE OF THE TMREE RINGS. SPECIFY COlOA: ~ 1=AR ACCENT RINGS (3) 12" OIA.. CLEAR ACRYUC. RPA~RS BRUSHED AWMINUM. J:fQQQ 24" DIk, SPUN ALUMINUM. RI;R R'!TT\A SEGMENTCD. lYPE 5 UGHT DISTRIBUTION WI1lf HORIZONTAL LAMP POsmON. ROTATABLE ON SO" CENTERS. LENS F=RALM A..C!:S~UALV CAST ALUMINUM DOOR WITH GABKETEtl WATTAGE 175 CLEAR TEMPERED SAG GLASS LENS. HINGES OPEN FOR SERVICE AND RELAMPING. DOuBLe FUSfLAMP. VOLTAGE 2011 AU.lW.LA8T8 ARE HPFCON- 8TAHTW"TTAG&,.oo DmREE 8TARTRG. AU.IClCICImIARE I'OflCELlOIN, PULSIl\ATIO_'" ANCHOR BOI.TS PAGS &....& TYPE BE CATALOG NUMBER ALLOS02H6-SLA17- DB84F12-188 FINISH: POLYESTER POWD!Il COAT CIfIlOIIAT1! PIlIIIEIL AAL COLOR: SPECIFY (' TO MATCH: PROIIIDe" lIAMPLE CCl.OR CHIP I.AIIPING LAMPlYPE MH PULSE RATeD MEtllUM SOCKET ARM A~'=UBL V . 8L.A17 ALUM. TUllE. SUPS OVER POlE. SECURES WI (2) SIB SET SCREWS AND (1) SI8 BOLT. HOLE FOR BOLT MUST BE FIELD DRILLSD AND TAPPED IN POLE BY OTHERS. BOLT PREVENTS LUMINAlRE FROM WINOMlWNG. Pnl t= .. R..1JTR) .." 0.0. x .118" WAl..I., AUJMlNUM TUBE. m x .250" WAl..I., ALUMINUM 11JBE.. ~COVER (GROUND LUG LOCAnON). ~vm ECE CAST ALUMINUM. REMOVABLE FOR ACCESS TO ANCHOR BOLTS. ~ AWMlNUM. .~.:.'" ., -,. -,- .. ARCHITECTURAL AREA LIGHTING . JOB NAME BOYNTON BEACH lUU__ P.o._un La _CA. 8OG31l-lMt nMM-2700 fix 71~SZ2 _.._~Ino. _1llo_Tb~ ~PtC=11111 wtt:nout - QTY 4 . "~l INRPf;m'1nN 10101" lClC".ATInN 10 B.C. . . /... -,------ '--RVTlJ~~ t)RI~ATlON RO"rttlM VlI!;W (INDICATES POLE 18 LAYING DOWN WITH INSPEcnON HOLE FACING UP) SIZE 518" X 21" x 8" , I BOLTOIRCLE 10" PROJECTION 3 1/l" U!VB..INII NUTS & WASHERS MUSTlIe 1N8TAl1S:l LtlDEIl AU. 0NIi APPAOVED DRAWINli BE RETURN1!DTOML. IIIRlRE l'Hl8 PAOOUl;T CWI BE FAIIAICATI!D. WAANlNQ: 'IMlt PlX1\lI\e MUST I' QIlOUNOID IN 'OQOAO'NQE WI1HLOOALOODEBORntII NA1lCHALESC1JIlCAl.lXlDE. FAILUIII TO DO SO MAY IlEBlA.T IN SIIIlOUS PeIl80NAL INJURY. . " . DATE . 1-23-98 DATE DRWN JOSEPH O. APPRVD DATE REV PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-040 VIA: Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Senior Planner Christine Roberts, Interim Public Works Director c.?V Mark A. Lips, Solid Waste Foreman III TO: FROM: DATE: March 8, 2000 SUBJECT: Banana Boat If the dumpsters are to be used for this project per Code Chapter 10, Section 10-25, Paragraph 2, the Solid Waste vehicles must have free and clear access to the dumpsters. The Solid Waste vehicles require a 60-foot turning radius and a 40-foot back up. The cornpactor is the preferred method to be used since they provide easy access and are cleaner since they are contained. If a compactor that leaks or is in need of repair the company that it is being leased from will have it repaired; dumpsters will be repaired by the City upon request. Keeping the area around the compactor and the compactor itself clean is the responsibility of the business; this applies to dumpsters also. We hope that the rnethod of solid waste removal can be re-examined. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated and if you have any questions please contact me at (561) 742-6200. ~~----- MUpl Copy: Christine Roberts, Interim Public Works Director Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager SLATTER & ASSOCIATES (Fax: 561-392-5402) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #00-040 ~ i-1J C'< /7-; (\;", r' q 71-- ''\, ,4 ~. Q..K ""'(' TO: Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Senior Planner VIA: Christine Roberts, Interim Public Works Director c.?~ FROM: Mark A, Lips, Solid Waste Foreman ill DATE: March 8, 2000 SUBJECT: Banana Boat If the dumpsters are to be used for this project per Code Chapter 10, Section 10-25, Paragraph 2, the Solid Waste vehicles must have free and clear access to the dumpsters. The Solid Waste vehicles require a 60-foot turning radius and a 40-foot back up. The compactor is the preferred method to be used since they provide easy access and are cleaner since they are contained. If a compactor that leaks or is in need of repair the company that it is being leased from will have it repaired; dumpsters will be repaired by the City upon request. Keeping the area around the compactor and the compactor itself clean is the responsibility of the business; this applies to dumpsters also. We hope that the method of solid waste removal can be re-examined. Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated and if you have any questions please contact me at (561) 742-6200. ~~~ MUpl Copy: Christine Roberts, Interim Public Works Director Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager SLATTER & ASSOCIATES (Fax: 561-392-5402) !!;::!J ~ '-' z . i~~H~~~lQ~ Sl () . ~~g~lt~.~ m ~ - I ; I I I flli1.i ~ti ~ 0. : ' Phi l-p !i!l j I ~.; I' ~p ~ hi~ ; , i r IJ ~ PH ~~)l ~ ~~ ~~ tA1 ~i~i ~ lli i ~~~ flt~l! ~ 5 !~ ~ ~ o > z z ~ > "0 " i f i ~ .. ~ ID " H WS '" ~!~~_: nt~1 hI~H iP\iIHP i I r\! ~ idi i ~.tHlh I.m 1.11 r HI ~f ll'ml~, i ! ... ~~ ~.I1~"jr~J.""f~" h'l l ~~ t.'i: ,i1 ! U H H.~. 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