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CORRESPONDENCE -A~-t . 0 rn /?~ International, Inc. . Colliers Lehrer R d .- " ct OR ' 4850 We" Pro,pe . 33309 ' J dale Ronda Fort LaUt er , /7 . 76 , rI/. j~'(ump-f: fl/iC~ I 6up~ r-- +!Ua . ?;/t7/rr . ;70e,><. Cha.llcrJ ~l1~1fC~tcJ,L 'ic. "iW1.. /llCUl..Q. - ~.>tJ...y .l' Colliers Lehrer International, Inc. ~50 West Prospect Road Fort lauderdale, Fl 33309-3082 USA Te1954.731.6000 Fax 954.735.7528 EmaiJ lehrer73I @aoLcom .~EPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT [] 8750 Doral Boulevard, Suite 280 Miami, Fl 33 I 78-2499 USA Tel 305.463.8600 Fax 305.463.0900 Email August 13, 1998 Mr. Bulent 1. Kastarlak, NCARB Director of Development City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 rn~uoum Re: Boynton Commerce Center Phase II Groundbreaking Ceremony and Reception 1-95 and Woolbright Road, Boynton Beach, Florida Dear Mr, Kastarlak: , .~. . ... .,., . .~ .. ...,h-.; On behalf of Dalfen's Limited, the majority owners of Boynton Commerce Center, we are pleased to announce plans to construct an additional 226,000 square feet of new office / light industrial space in this great location at 1-95 and Woolbright Road. This will more than double the size of the project! We would be honored if you would be part of this groundbreaking ceremony, A cocktail reception will be held at the site on Wednesday, August 26th. We anticipate a very short program with brief remarks from you and other dignitaries, along with the ceremonial gold shovel turn of dirt to follow. We apologize for the short notice. The date for this event was moved-up considerably to accommodate the travel schedules of several individuals. The reception is scheduled from 5:00 P.M, through 7:00 P,M" with the remarks and ceremony estimated to take place at 6:00 P,M. Please contact David Pawlowski at 930-6000, ext. 312 to confirm your availability for this event. Enclosed for your review is a sample of the new master site plan and renderings of the new buildings. We hope to hear from you soon. Very truly yours, . COLLIERS LEHRER RNATIONAL, INC. Ronald Dav J. Pawlowski, SIOR Director Real Estate Property Services Offices in: The Americas. Europe. Africa. The Pacific Rim fb~- fi:W-'- U;U"- ,~ ~; (FirA.1 '7_~':'C kJ 'T f // ,1 ,..;... H,L-l,A -Uo ''''-- b , ;f.~L (;L "J}!-_ '+L-.-"~ ..... f /1 /' I",. ,- .r;~i:!.-t.t:(:f-/ . ,.--" ..~~ t(){.(I al6;i/ "'/ ,/5-.;1/ F '.-" I~- . " DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent I. Kastar/Ilk, NCAJUJ Director Building Planning &: Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment April 16, 1998 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Statement: Boynton Commerce Center Corporate Drive File #'s: NWSP 98-002 and MSPM 98-001 Dear Mr, Weisberg: The revised traffic statement on the Boynton Commerce Center site dated April 8, 1998, prepared by Simmons and White, Inc. was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above referenced applications. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/approval to the above address, Sincerely, -;ft::j/~ Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme Cc: Central File S:\projects\Bcommctr\NWSP Phase lI\traffic America's Gateway to the Guifstream 100 Ea'l BoynloDllea<h Blvd.. P,O, Bo, 310 Boynton Ilea<h, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 ( 'FR[)'I COLLIERS LEHRER INTERNATJ~--'L PHONE NO. 9547318177 Mar. 04 1998 05:01PM Pi Collier. Lehtor b"..mation.l, In<:, 4850 We" Prosp<ct Road F<l" uuderdal., FL 33309-3082 954,731.6000 954.735,7528 Fax<t@c1ehtor.cotll DATE. FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL FORM ~~tw ~. Ck..-Q;....J 0 ~~~ TIME: TO, COMPANY NAME. FAX. NUMBER, TELEPHONE NUMBER. FROM. rua..- ~~ NUMBER OF PAGES (lncludini Cover letter) _ s COMMENTS. ~HO~O~. PLEASE NOTIFY US IMMEDIATELY AT 954,731.6000 IF NOT RECEIVED PROPERLY The information cxmtal.ned in thili facsimile ~tI~. is lep]lv privileged and confidential information intended only for the we of the in,dividual or entit.y named i\~. If the r~lICIer of this me.ssage i.J not the inteaded recipient, you are he'l'ebv notified th..t any dissemination, distribution or copy of this telecopy U strictly prohibited. If you have J'ceeiwd this tel<<ODY i1\ error, pl~ immediately nQtify us by telephone and ntUtft the original u;aellA. to us at the addft:5f 5et forth. below via the 'Ul:'ited Stata P05tal SeM.ce. Thank you. it Wl'<)\l1'V~\?\'ITl%l.~lJwllA"r\f',l~r:v<.1wP FRCJ.I COLLIERS LEHRER lHTERNATl'--lL PHONE NO. 9547.318177 Mar. 04 1998 05:01PM P2 March 4, 1998 Via Fax (561) 375-6259 and U,S, Mail Ms. Tambri], Heyden, A.!.C.P. Planning and Zoning Director TIle City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Collie", ..eft..., International, In!; 04850 West Prospect Roacl Fort ~udlrdAI.. FL 33309.1D82 USA Tol'54.73I,6OO<) "x 9S4,711,7S18 EMall plehrer@dehrer,com Re, Boynton Commerce Center II Master Plan File Number MPMD97.(l(l5 Site Plan File Numbers NWSP97'()21 & NWSP98.()02 Dear Ms, Heyden: Pursuant to a meeting I had with Dan DeCarlo of your department on Wednesday, March 4, 1998, 1 am forwarding this letter to you today to advise you that the Owners of the BoyntoT\ Commerce Center, Parcels 3A, 3B and 3C, are considering a minor modification to the Master Plan referenced above and approved by the City of Boymon Beach City Commission on February 17, 1998. Attached to thIS let"', you will find two (2) copies of Master Plans for Boynton Commerce Centet 11, The coPY marked E><hibit "A" i. the Master Plan as approved by the City of Boynton Beach at rhe February 17, 1998 Commission meeting. The Master Plan marked Exhibit "B" is a revised Master Plan showing the chaIlll"S we propose to make to the previously approved Master Plan fOr purposes of this letter, You will note rhat Master Plan Exhibit "B" shows three (3) officel distribution buildings as opposed to the six (6) individual officel distribution building.; on the previously approved Master Plan (Exhibit "A"), We .r~ ~ont~mplating cOlll1ecrinll the six building.; and constructing three larger buildings rather than six individual buildings ar this time, The new proposed Master Plan will inorease the squarc footage of the project nom 206,460 to 2.31,160 for an increase of 24,700 ,qU<lte feet. In addition to combining the six buildings into three buildil1g~, we propose to relocate our fountain features to the front of the driveway areas adjacent to Buildings 6, 0 and F. I'urthermore, we will be deleting several overhead doors and truck loadinll areas behind the former Building E and be replacing those areas with additklnal parking to oompensat.e for the parking we wil1lose by combining Building's E and F. At your earliest possible convenience, 1 would like to schedule a meeting with you and the appropriate members of your staff to discuss these changes and to inform me as to how you wish to handle these changes through your m<l>ter plao and site planning pto<:e.$es. In the meantime, I Reallstate Itropercy Services Offices in: The Amerius . 'urope .A((ica-Tlwt PJ.('IQ<: Rim "FRDM COLLIERS ,-EHRER INTERNATl" lL F'HONE NO. 9547318177 Mar. 04 1998 06:02PM P3 Ms, Tambn Heyden Page Two Match 4. 1998 will refrain from submittillll any changes to Site Plan submission NWSP98-00Z. which is currently under review by your department, until such time as we have had a chance to discuss the appropriate course of action for the changes to the Master Plan and the previously approved Site Plans for Buildings A, B. C. and D. Thank you very much for your time and coopen\tion with this matter, I look forward to yout response. Sincerely, COLLIERS LEHRER INTERNATIONAL, INC. ~fh1.A,~ Alan M. Oainsborg Dite,-~ot of Construction Management AMG/ea ce: Dan DeCarlo Midee Jones, via fax FRCl'1 COLLI ERS LEHRER I NTERNATJ ,- lL PHONE NO, : 9547318177 Mar. 04 1998 05:02PM P4 \ -23- 1 ~&8 I I : 1 7' A~1 r:~:()t1 ('Uf...;L.HUE A,\'C C:O~,~PA\ry .e07 39: ~442 - ., \, ~\\ I:..X\-,.,Ic:"..... I"'J ., . ~ -" _.....- ':f t . 'i .. .t ,- c: <:::: ,-I -' '...,j ...J =: '" ..... .., 's-i)" ~ ~IJ.A-.a: ~. ~-#S, t.. PR0D""'~",.., I."''!!/II dA ,..J1- "2 Dra U,bO T..~\ .> 'FRCK'! CO~LlERS LEHRER INTERNATl" lL PHOt,E NO. : 95473181 n 3~.rJ4'-! 9'J€' :;:, ::l8PH ~RL... OOf\:Al-lUE I\h[:' CQ\1P~t'Jr 4Q\7!i9~ 2!l,4:.~ Mar. 04 1998 05:03PM P5 ~.. ! \:..x\..,:, '0.\ +- " ~~~ / ~ i= '- i::: 1- ,,== :-: ,""l 1".': " , , , , !",; "'" I , \ , I , ; , .L 1 \, I I , .....-i. -I "1-,'_.,,, , _..1. . . .~.. -"i'- '-.- ,Q . - ..,._1._. FROM COlL.l ERS L.EHRER I NTERNAT I r PHONE NO. 9547318177 Mar. 20 1998 05:52PM P1 March 20, 1990 Sent "'j,, Fax (561) 375.63.57 Mr. L kildtad"k, NCAIU3 Ditector of Devek'pmcnt City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Bou levard P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 334 25.DJ 10 CoJIIClr':. LQhn::r.,. il\t.ct"nlt.ti"nul. tnc. ""sse \Vllst P'''or.Jl4<t RCOId ro,~ l.~udc,<lale. FL 33309...3mD USA 1.6000 F~>< 951.7:!-5.7519 .:;~ l:~--'o" Re, Boynton Commerce Center II Site Plan Modifk"tionl 00 D~ar Mr. KClSrarlak, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Thank you very mlich fot taking the time to meet with l'nc today regardil1g the minor modifications WQ wish to make to the t\pproved .ite plan and pending ~It" plan at the Boynton Com.merce Center PID. It is my understanding from. radays discussion that we will be allC'.l.)(~J to alodj(y cur opprQvcd site plan and pending site plan (NSWP 98.(02) by submitting.. r< o;te plan for the Cl1tirt' Ph,,~<, 11 development of this project, i"(:Iu~ivc of aU englnet.ring ;.:u~d other required under YOllr site plan appr,wal process, We expect to h,we these documents rGldy for r~$ubm".ion in approximately two (2) weeks, and will addcCSS all of the conditiOns of'1l'proval ,,,,,d second r<'view comments issued under the ptcvious site plan approv,d and rho TRC Corl\mittec review (or the ~xistil1_S site plan whkh CRn be tlddr~BCd at thi~ point in the ccvdOpmt'llt pt'()~~SS, To further our un..::erstanding, 1 alU flWare that you have rc:quesred Dan DeCario o( '~'()ur Planning and Zoninu- staff to review our de<.relopment Ifview ord~r and OUr prOject rcquirelnC!'\l,~; aoS they to Ooor 1.rc.a ra'[ic.l.."~ setback requirements and approvals ;\~d parking rcqnh'tnH.'nr:o:: ,Ill/..Ier dw jlpplir.:ahk code~ ~lnd prior ::tpprova1. I appreciate your prompt response tr) this matter, as it hOlS been;) ,erious concern k)r llS in the development of this project, ~ , Dan DeCarlo Tambri Heyden SIncerely, COLLIERS LEHRER IN~ATI~~~I C. (fi~n Y- / Alan M, Ga;n~ rg' '.>l1' Director of Construction Mal, gement " , ~eal E.sta-re pr-openy Services Offil;es In: The AmcrlcCl~. Eur"fe .. Africa. The, Pa~;rr<;: Rim a. Submit a new Master Plan Modification to combine the buildings which voids the last approval and to increase the square footage (new fee, new application, new plans, etc,) b, He needs to submit a new site plan approval which will void the 2/98 approval and the one he recently submitted, but didn't finish to combine the two requests; all new plans needed. c, He may submit a zoning code variance (separate fee and application) for the greenbelt width, but I (Tambri) will not recommend approval because he doesn't meet the criteria and there is no hardship, Tell him that there is no hardship. Tell him that the current Board and City Commission are getting tough on proving hardship, Therefore chances of approval are not good and he must be prepared for modifying his site plan if it gets denied, ie. loss of entire row of parking along d. He can submit the new site plan and master plan modification on Marxch 24th. In he does so, and staff determines the application complete (within 3 business days of receipt), the new site plan and master plan modification will go to TRC April 141h, If the plans are complete and TRC has few comments, then we can skip the amended plan process and go to P & D May Ith and City Commission May 19th. He should submit the variance on the next variance deadline which is also March 24th and follow schedule (P&D 4/28 City Commission 5/5) so that the outcome is known before NWSP and MPMD go to P & D in case the site plan has to change. On the new site plan application, I'll apply the fee from the unfinished site plan so long is the new submittal is complete enabling no re submittal necessary.