REVIEW COMMENTS d,- / ~ 50' hI; A/<.s-~(~: tfcO "'1 (0 f f. fY'<> f-. t:.. S j . 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS E,c(e.o5'''''' 0/ "<~.{., p",=- "v<'-f't-..LLL.~ ,<"' ,~-",<~f-k. L, a~sf...r; . Project name: Foster Farm PUD rr= (' '"'7 < ~ rf / ~,..s 6~-..{ File number: MPMD 99-001 Reference: The plans consist of I sheet identified as 1 st Submittal. Master Plan Modification. File # MPMD 99-001 with a Januarv 12. 1999 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking, fY7Q -' -1<"(' d-p/'l'?' DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS '" S'l'-"",,e cC""r"'\s~.r-h~"V- CC-7"'>""._..-.<l"~_+ Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: 1. No planting other than sod will be placed within 5 feet of a hydrant. Ch, 9, Sec. 29, The entry gate will provide emergency access as determined by the Fire Marshal. POLICE Comments: 2. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. Change the name "FOSTER FARM P,U,D." to FOSTERS MILL A P.U,D. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.C.] 4, Add the street names to the plan. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.C.] 5. Update the "Site Data" and "Development Team Data" to reflect current information. 6. Reflect the "Cut Corners" as shown on the plat document at the intersections of the two cul-de-sacs with the main road. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section 1,C.] BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 7. Add the following notes to the master plan: a. Site signage shall be subject to site plan review for compliance with the applicable codes and regulations. b. Fences located on common ground tracts shall be subject to the fence regulations specified in the Zoning Code with the J-. v~ft:...: . 77 'lev l<::,.l U"",,. cJ ,.cd C"",,-cC' f.:rr Page 2 File Name: Fosters Mill PUD File No.: MPMD 99-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT exception that no side of a common ground tract shall be considered as a front. 8. Show the location of both site signs by dimensioning on the master plan the distance from the property lines to the leading edge of both signs. ..-Note the minimum setback dimension allowed is ten (10) feet. / It is recommended that the sales trailer and model homes that are '-/ illustrated on the master plan be removed. The sales trailer and model iP((. homes are currently being reviewed for permits or have been permitted through the Building Division. Sales trailers and model homes have historically been processed as a minor site plan modification through the permit process and not shown on the master plan. Removing them from the master plan will eliminate inconsistency in submittals and allow the master plan to illustrate actual conditions, not temporary conditions. / Place the following note on the master plan: The sales trailer and model homes shall be reviewed as minor site plan modification through the permit process, 11. To protect adjacent lot owners from the activities of tot lot, it is recommended that a ten (10 foot setback be established around the perimeter of the tract of land that contains the tot lot. The setback shall be referenced and shown on the master plan. The following note shall also be added to the master plan: No portion of the tot Lot plan equipment or ancillary structures shall be located within the ten-foot setback area. 12. All line changes marked on the current rectified master plan shall be transferred to the new modified master plan. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALlST Comments: 13. At, n{" PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: r- ~;;~ci. " - - :/ -0- f \ /bm~ f~ro"'- .'f... ~~~ - . ...:~~ f -~_~.~-/1-4_:_ / .:,IIt", ~ f">!'" -----.....-. " . .-'t:.. - , s:\projects\c:ond of appr\ - \I ~------ . D m n w m ~ Morales, Lisa To: Cc: Subject: Ellanson, Beverly Borden, Bob Fosters Mill MPMD 99-001 & NWSP 99-001 PlANNING AND ZONING DEl'T. No planting other than sod will be placed within 5' of a hydrant. Gh, 9, Sec. 29, The entry gate will provide emergency access as determined by the Fire Marshal. We recommend these plans move forward, DIG Gale Fire Rescue Dept. ~~N ~~~-w-~rn ill_I L \ PU\;'j~i~;lG AND lONU,G OEPT. 1 ill .M 2 5 1999 001 ! rn@rnDW~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM ENG 99-014 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPI FROM: Michael W. Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Manager Raymond F. Davidson, P.E., Acting City EnginafJ January 22, 1999 TO: DATE: RE: FOSTER MILL - NEW SITE PLAN (NWSP 99-001) 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS We have reviewed the subject plans and offer the following comments that shall be addressed prior to the project being forwarded for Board review. I. Two sets of sealed paving and drainage plans shall be submitted for the parking lot permit. RD:KH/ck Xc: Ken Hall Sebastian Puda C:\My Documents\Foster Mill New Site Plan 1st Review.doc D rn@rnnw~ Ellanson, Beverly From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mazzella, Pete Thursday, January 28, 1999 2:44 PM Ellanson, Beverly Guidry, John Fosters Mill - Master Plan Modification PLANNING AND NING DEPT. Please be advised that we have no comments at this time regarding the changes to the master plan, A memo lIlill..wlt follow, Peter Ma=ella 1 ~ I ill rn~~"\Wrn ill FEB ,- - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #99-018 SUBJ: Mike Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning D~r:~o~ C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Dirlc~ ~r~- Al Kim, Sanitation Superintendent ~ Master Plan Modification - Foster Farm P.U.D. - 1st Submittal TO: THRU: FROM: DATE: January 28, 1999 The Public Works Department has no comments at this time in reference to the Master Plan Modification listed above. AK/cr Ellanson, Beverly From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Mazzella, Pete Thursday, January 28, 19992:44 PM Ellanson, Beverly Guidry, John Fosters Mill - Master Plan Modification 11 U I(j) ~ fffi ,- Please be advised that we have no comments at this time regarding the changes to the master plan, A memo lIlilLn.Ql follow, Peter Mazzella 1 TO: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Administrator Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit AdministratOr'\) f r'~ January 28,1999 U ,i i rFB ~-L, PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. 00 ~.l@rn~wrn I: ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. BD 99-027 I" FROM: DATE: RE: Fosters Mill- Master Plan Modification (MPMD 99-001) 1 st review comments We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that the following comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits, Buildinl! Division (Site Snecific and Permit Comments) Michael E. Haag (561) 742-6352 1. Add the following notes to the master plan: a, Site signage shall be subject to site plan review for compliance with the applicable codes and regulations. b. Fences located on common ground tracts shall be subject to the fence regulations specified in the Zoning Code with the exception that no side of a common ground tract shall be considered as a front. 2. Show the location of both site signs by dimensioning on the master plan the distance from the property lines to the leading edge of both signs. Note the minimum setback dimension allowed is ten (10) feet. 3. It is recommended that the sales trailer and model homes that are illustrated on the master plan be removed, The sales trailer and model homes are currently being reviewed for permits or have been permitted through the Building Division. Sales trailers and model homes have historically been processed as a minor site plan modification through the permit process and not shown on the master plan, Removing them from the master plan will eliminate inconsistency in submittals and allow the master plan to illustrate actual conditions, not temporary conditions, 4. Place the following note on the master plan: The sales trailer and model homes shall be reviewed as minor site plan modification through the permit process. 5, To protect adjacent lot owners from the activities of tot lot, it is recommended that a ten (10) foot setback be established around the perimeter of the tract ofland that contains the tot lot. The setback shall be referenced and shown on the master plan. The following note shall also be added to the master plan: No portion ofthe tot lot play equipment or ancillary structures shall be located within the ten-foot setback area. 6. All line changes marked on the current rectified master plan shall be transferred to the new modified master plan, MEH:bg J:\SHRDA T A \Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\MPMD 99-001 1 st review Fosters Mill.doc MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO, 99 - 040 o WI ~ .. 00 fIB TO: Mike Rumpf, Planning Director ~ John A. Guidry, Utilities Director February 1, 1999 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Foster's Mill - Final Landscaping plans We offer the following comments on this project: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) The final landscaping plan shows canopy trees within utilities easements throughout the site, especially in the front easement crossing each property, These canopy trees, labeled "street trees" will directly conflict with fire hydrants, water and sewer services, and will also likely conflict with other utilities (electric, phone, and cable TV), Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7,5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. This plan, however, is in direct conflict with our development order comments, and should not be approved. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office, JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milar Peter Mazzella File 1.88 Board of Supervisors C. Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John I. Whitworth III Secretary/Manager William G. Winters Assistant Manager Ronald L. Crone Attorney Perry & Schone, P.A. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 February 3, 1999 Michael W. Rumpf, Chairman Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Foster Farm PUD (NW Quad of Minor Rd, & Congress Ave.) Technical Review Committee Meeting-Tuesday, February 3, 1999 Dear Mr. Rumpf: This petition is located within the Lake Worth Drainage District's boundary and will require permit(s) from the District prior to construction, Should this petition require a plat, then the District will withhold permit approval until a review of the plat has been completed to ensure that the District's right-of-way concerns have been addressed. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review and comment on this petition. Should you have any questions or concerns please contact me. Respectfully, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~fr? Lisa A, Rowland Right-of-Way Technician Delray Beach & Boca Raton (561) 498.5363. Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737.3835. Fax (561) 495.9694 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Rumpf DATE: FROM: Riggi SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: I have no additional comments at this time. 020899 Fosters Mill PZ 99-014 FILE: MPMD 99-001 NWSP 99-001 ffiOO FEB 8. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-014 TO: Technical Review Committee Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Ofc, Robert Riggle, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division AI Kim, Public Works John Wildner, Parks Division Ray Davidson, Acting City Engineer Bob Donovan, Supervisor, Permit Application Group FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Manager DATE: January 20, 1999 SUBJECT: Fosters Mill MPMD 99-001 and NWSP 99-001 Please review proposed changes to the approved master plan for Fosters Mill, The proposed revisions primarily involve the increase in building height from 25 feet to 30 feet. The applicant has also used this opportunity to add necessary details to the master plan such as privacy fence along a portion of the west property line, the tot lot location, entry wall/signage locations, and the site of the temporary sales trailer and parking lot. Please forward comments to Beverly Ellanson by 1/29/99, Due to the simplicity of this request, I only anticipate the need for one staff review, The site plan request is for landscaping, buffer, common areas, and signage. Please review and again forward comments to Beverly Ellanson by 1/29/99, MWRbme Attachments s:\projectsIFoster PropertylTRC Review MPMD 99-001 "\, 7.8.2 FOSTER FARM PUD (FKA FOSTER Mill) MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION LC8ATION MA~ EXHIBIT fl FOSTER FARM P.U.D. I -., .,; }. i ~(_.. c' ';"'''-., ''''-1-' ... l~t '.~ '_.(, I f '.!-. I "I I '" 2\ t ,~ ~ .. I -:\ , : '- ! ~: i -r- : ,- j.~~.~ I- .,.- "'~':l iJ~; u '. r. .. , -I't =-:---~" . ,,~ J I-m.. L>~ ~ 1/8 MILES \ \ I \ 'I 400 800 FEET ____ Pt.A^'.N~^:u: _':~P:- ~219srl 3 .. 1::: . -- " ~~i Z.~Lo<L' H vO,' --.' .-.... .. ~..._.... ~~L.____ ~-l' _..,_....,-....' ' -:,:-~',' ClYON NgNlW --".~'- PUDZ..... t:i~ +\, r I!r".......~.'..-- T--~ '-'-'-'---"-'-lQ T"ft'l"'''''-'-'---'-'-...+----'''l g , '.~o~lu~~.~.~,~.~.~.'!l.~.~Jl~~:~=f=:'!!::. - .~~=Oj=~~ /!<ff;:::--- , I:! ill: 7yt-{y;;)o,~~i n-aOa""ft"1 ! L' ,I ... '-'--~.' -~- , '-.'="'\ --1......-........ = - -;--- r--;-- J ~ '~. '1> ,L ....-:;co"n "=' '0" . '..' .,.,...,.-.~.<9 " c--::- ,...,.....'.=' ;of'~d'" -" II 'I ' ___ 'A-OO l'~ 1:: III ! ~~~~\~~ ~IIQY.\diY'~d}i' i ~ I ,," $ ./ I' ---- \ IW m'~ ~, ~ : ~,' ~__ . ,\\t )t.j s.,JjJ, ': 'H~.J h Jill : ..., I I 'I" -- r J t mN~ ~ "G , _ If 'M"i!fi i ! i I /' Ii I, ,~.."" r-- ,m a '1 ' ;.;' J : m;;q ; ,- I . J/,Lr:::"::-1 hllS!,lJrl i ,) . I ; i E, l : r,~~'73~ l~ i/lsmlh' I ,m., 1 l,;ll,ii!liiiti!i,;iiiii I ; ! ~ ,~,i;n i :Q__ '::~ II '; I ~: : Itt ""~; ",' ",,','111 "I" ; l II -.:'''tt i - .".... I {I rllmrt ! I I !f If Illl,lilillll'!'hfl i i! I ~.!iJfi \ r{iIJ :1"\11 1,,1. 0 Cl" [ lill 11!~ !II III! I,ii, 'J /lln! " "1"'. ~' 'Ii "- ,'. ilImt; i' 1\1 h" I' "1'1 Iii j !' ,~:"t7L~\ \,,$ 8 ~'i~ I ~'~ ,l,t inh 111",1 fqillillil,i.i, , (,! I I~"I' "'~' $ ;;~;;; ~ ", Li.Lm01, IIfiI' I II ~ :I:J,,- II t i ~ j~- '_1. I ~Iitl. mo Ih jl11ii il i 11!lil" ~ I~~_ ~ '~I l RE~ \, r; W;;;lli~-~' ,,:;:~-i ~Mm~;' 1\",11'. 'I i ' " \ "' _ "'J;;;~' i , "'1,,,11. ~ ' ~ I . !! ,H ~'$ ~1!'! 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E!Z- --z j' ~ .~!~ {~~ i!f, ~~g:. iit3 .lSc .'"~!" ~Qm h~!t.m ~;.; I g.. tOp mo.Oil !"=l Iii! r'~im n im i! it ..f~ ~ I " iF~ - [,I~ .. i..."'ll u_... = ,11'~ l:;;::~ 1 ... ;~ Hjl5 f :ir ..__..... 1 ,., ..l""'s~ J .... i'.!~ F fJl ill.e ld ;~i::i:ll"~ aar-...."." en nn 1:.. .. c: ,.:a_ ~:e! I~ /=:E::",~5~ lii.6~ lii~s~i! ;;:l:~;:i j!:~i~ii ~ ~iii~1 j\:J~~~ . o.li~ . ! !~ii;;.:a~~:'J~t WI ~i:i :;';1 '"'.: ils" 'II _ 11'113 !c:_ ~ ~.. i";II n If'i Iii ~ itl 'f~ t ":,x~] i~ Ii ~ i; i~ ~I~' "'I....~) :';'''1' ! ~~ ,t' i~ . -II l ~ , DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-014 FROM: Technical Review Committee Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Ofc. Robert Riggle, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division AI Kim, Public Works John Wildner, Parks Division Ray Davidson, Acting City Engineer Bob Donovan, Supervisor, Permit Application Group MG-fZ- Michael W. Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Manager TO: DATE: January 20, 1999 SUBJECT: Fosters Mill MPMD 99-001 and NWSP 99-001 Please review proposed changes to the approved master plan for Fosters Mill. The proposed revisions primarily involve the increase in building height from 25 feet to 30 feet. The applicant has also used this opportunity to add necessary details to the master plan such as privacy fence along a portion of the west property line, the tot lot location, entry wall/signage locations, and the site of the temporary sales trailer and parking lot. Please forward comments to Beverly Ellanson by 1/29/99. Due to the simplicity of this request, I only anticipate the need for one staff review, The site plan request is for landscaping, buffer, common areas, and signage, Please review and again forward comments to Beverly Ellanson by 1/29/99. MWR:bme Attachments s:lprojectslFoster PropertylTRC Review MPMD 99-001 EXHIBIT 8 / " 2' f.iL-+- ~--~~~., I : I -r_ ...........,. I /r ','1\ I I' tJ ., ! jl \\ 1/ I ~ \"'-.'---/,> I I' L_______:.J ~.~=~~~~ I ...?P~'~~~~--.r_ I I t .2,' t- ']f ~CQjun'lllCIll _F_s.-_F_ l,-roBos.-ewo-.... ~2:'. lq" , < 1::Q.<__ , / I , r_C.o!r.6;!:"~L""", I' 'I : I _ r. 1:; /=--......~'\ I C"""",,"e L ----- if \\ I I I I I~ I \ I I~ ",', U I I :....---:/ ,.! ---l._______:J Dtl;Q,.uvtl30"~;)6" P,llltlCr _f.....os.na.:.nSl......,"... o:;.,_(_~~__ 24'-1)- 8.Ma.o~ryWall w~nOolc<w.",.f(W"-S"""""SIU<Oo f,"''''~'CoIcwro'''~e.~, , .' , Up_.~ ~rl~'dCghMDII~ _f_S"""""StllCCOf.... ICalarfoBo_evo..r., ,.! " .{ , , 2'.0' f ~'4' " ~~O' ~.:(t ~;[... f -~~~ I , / t , , 2" '." .~- (=:~~1~=:',=- ===;=~~~1' -/ I, f'OSTriR MILL" " + I I ~I ! "......- r=~~====- , , ., u=.2LCabm1 .. _T_~f_Ta_ "~l._'~'Oilfl_lIyo....tI ;i 1iIu;&:g~-fllUlll[e... _f_$..-.SlIICQ>f_ 'CaIar'o80~Bfo-...J 0- - -- ~-~ SF Oecorlll..,)6".3Irp,lnlOl ...""'_s..-StucalF....... c..,_ ,....,;"n._P-.r ,Ioe._~o.w.o., e' Mlollllll'J: Smi!ilIlllWilI ......O'OC'-_f___ .....C'OO'Coi<wro&._IlyOoonot' _'T"T~_,..s...-, 1..._o..".~o.,.."""'lo T"'C_Onf'..._ ~OI'i\l..3IS">>-P"I'lIr _f_S-SIuo:tof,..... c.p..........::.x..o_"'_ ,'ollo_lII'o......, Typical Sign Wall/ Panel Layout and Elevation 1'-0' SIIaD~cL.tncnng ~~~~~ =:"'''lf2'~_lOCI_ Wiler W'-' ElemeI\1 ~~:..~=::;"::,'!l_ ;:'':':'=~~t''c:::.:~:'''''' T...~Sf"-SlgnE_...s_ r-- OKQfMl~e "'~ T.," '.jl..I.r.....__ORSlgnP_f...,.. a.....1.....__~_I(;c:o(o _T_Tolle-""Il,<-, --"- -_.~--_..'--~ ~lIgWlblc32Sf.~Acu 1_loOelal_.f""~E_Ul"Il""" TY.:pical Sign Panel Detail Scale 1 "= 1'-0' r-... - Ii MICHAEL T SCHAI U..D""..........<;..'...:<O' ...DASSoC......... p A '....~c..... A""'''''c'~~" 1_0 P,......,...,...c c"".",,, ,,,,,P,--'--',,......," ~."",,,.~, ~'"'"' """"""""'''''L'''''''''''' ~,,," "'~" ",". A.',," '",~'c. ~-'~ , '~"" .." ~4 ,'-' ~ 't:: ..Q I.( .f::." () Cll (J) CO t:: ..Q ~ o CO "- o b <:3 ;::::~ '- E ~~ f2~ ~ij5 CI):S CC8 """~ro I,." 6Janu8~199g u~''''~., II.., "'......A' 'R"""'_"'"'~~~,", _R"..T......... '--"'C'" _........."......... IM\/~J H.~,\ '\\~H'" ..:":."~!i!.,:;,;:':,:.,' s Yheet: L-11 Of: 11 1/"'1 EXHIBIT "e" Conditions of Approval Project name: Foster Farm PUD (fka Foster Mill) File number: MPMD 99-001 Reference: The plans consist of I sheet identified as I st Submittal. Master Plan Modification. File # MPMD 99-001 with a Januarv 12. 1999 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: I. Waste removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate same. UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: 2. No planting other than sod will be placed within 5 feet of a hydrant. Ch. 9, See, 29, The entry gate will provide emergency access as determined by the Fire Marshal. POLICE Comments: 3. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. Change the name "FOSTER FARM P,U.D." to FOSTERS MILL A P,U,D. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section 1,C,] 5. Add the street names to the plan. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.c.] 6, Update the "Site Data" and "Development Team Data" to reflect current information, 7, Reflect the "Cut Corners" as shown on the plat document at the intersections of the two cul-de-sacs with the main road. [LDR Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.C,] rv Page 2 Foster Farm PUD (fka Foster Mill) File No,: MPMD 99-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 8. Add the following notes to the master plan: a. Site signage shall be subject to site plan review for compliance with the applicable codes and regulations. b. Fences located on common ground tracts shall be subject to the fence regulations specified in the Zoning Code with the exception that no side of a common ground tract shall be considered as a front. 9, Show the location of both site signs by dimensioning on the master plan the distance from the property lines to the leading edge of both signs. Note the minimum setback dimension allowed is ten (10) feet. 10. It is recommended that the sales trailer and model homes that are illustrated on the master plan be removed, The sales trailer and model homes are currently being reviewed for permits or have been permitted through the Building Division, Sales trailers and model homes have historically been processed as a minor site plan modification through the perm it process and not shown on the master plan. Removing them from the master plan will eliminate inconsistency in submittals and allow the master plan to illustrate actual conditions, not temporary conditions, II. To protect adjacent lot owners from the activities of tot lot, it is recommended that a ten (10 foot setback be established around the perimeter of the tract of land that contains the tot lot. The setback shall be referenced and shown on the master plan. The following note shall also be added to the master plan: No portion of the tot Lot plan equipment or ancillary structures shall be located within the ten-foot setback area. 12. All line changes marked on the current rectified master plan shall be transferred to the new modified master plan. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 13. Place note on plan indicating that where other than palm trees are placed 1 Page 3 Foster Farm PUD (fka Foster Mill) File No.: MPMD 99-001 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT within easements, city must be provided with verification of consent from all utility easement occupants at time of individual permit. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 14, To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 15. To be determined. J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Fosters Mill PUD\MPMD 99~OOl\cond. ofappr-MPMD revised 2-2-99.doc Ibme ;{