PERMIT· - WARNING TO OWNER: "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOIJ~N(~TICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Date Applied: NOTICE I IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE ~ ~TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY~ | BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT ~ DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. Prepared By: Date Issued: Permit No.: 08 ~3 Pmparty Address Zoning 6/!5/01 GUIFARROC 7/17/01 010000Z4`78 INSPECTION. Rat/Book/_Peo-~ Permit Type: 1~~-~116~ ~:~QUIRED: SI:I: BACK OF' PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED 4,5 3Z 03 019 014`0 BD 13Z1 SW ZSTH AVE ~MsionName Legal Addmss GOLF VIEW HARBOUR ZND SEC Ow~r'sName/Addmss/~IcP~ne Contractor's ~me/A~mss/Li~n~/~bphone INC ROSELLO, CARLOS &LAUREN 13Z1 SW ZSTH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 561 73Z-6759 NEW ENERGY ELEC 3065 NE 14`TH AVE FORT LAUDERDALE 954` 566-4`3Z7 Additional Description General/Architect/Engineer TENANT: AS PER APPROVED Constr~t~n I BFE INGROUND POOL & DECK P:ZRMITTED FFE PLAN Schedule of FL 33334` SUPERIOR POOLS SPAS & WATERFAL GENERAL Sq. Ft. Valuation Improvements SWIMMING POOL * THIS PERMIT FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE * CERT/REC NCC IN FILE ~ C E ' 7 -'~' UANCE, OR NOT]' .... THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AFTER ~ IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. ~ Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Flodda. This permit fee is not refundable. WARNING TO OWNER: "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDINGDIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YO~R~E~TICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Date ~.,~,~: ~ / ~ ~/o i NOTICE I" ADOITIO, TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDmONA_L_R_E.S..T_R.I.CT[.O~I._S _AP..P.L~AM~yE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE FOUND IN THE PUBLIC RECOROS OF THIS C;UUNIY ANU ~.CHC M BE ADOmONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT OISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. Prepared By: CONK L I NC Date Issued: 7/10/0 1 Permit No.: 010000Z478 INSPECTION. Plat/Book/Page Rc~ ~-:.~-d by I~DC~~ REQUIRED: SEE BACK OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED 08 43 45 32 03 019 0140 BD _Prope~ _rty A:ldress 13Z1 SW ZSTH AVE Subdivision Name Legal Address GOLF VIEW HARBOUR ZND SEC Owner's Name/Address/Tc~cphone ROSELLO, CARLOS &LAUREN 13Z1 SW ZSTH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 561 73Z-6759 334£6 Contractor's Name/Address/Ucense/Telephone SUPERIOR POOLS SPAS 44§0 W SUNRISE BLV FORT LAUDERDALE 959 3Z1-gZgZ Additional~scri~ion General/Amhit~t/Engineer TENANT: INGROUND POOL & DECK & WATERFAL HLDG Clll FL 33313 Construction BFE FFE IFLZ Oc~y I ~.Ft. ~luation Impmvemen~ I 10,500 SWIMMING POOL ~du~ofFees * THIS PERMIT FEE IS NOT REFUNDABLE CREDITED 168.00 DATE- 7/10/01 RECEIPT#- ZSZ88 000000000 NO INSPEC UNTIL CERT/REC NOC RECD NOTICE: CALL 7~,Z-B35§ FO~ IN.gPECTTC]~.g 2~, HCilIR I THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AP~-H ISSUANCE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORI7I=D HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. WARNING TO OWNER: "YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COM- C~TY OF BOYNTON BEACH MENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE BUILDING DIVISION FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANC- ING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOI3R'Ni3:I'ICE OF COMMENCEMENT." Date Applied: 6/15/01 INOTICE Prepared By: CONK L I NC IN ADDITION TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT, THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTY THAT MAY BE POUND IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTY AND THERE MAY BE ADDITIONAL PERMITS REQUIRED FROM OTHER GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES SUCH AS WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICTS, STATE AGENCIES, OR FEDERAL AGENCIES. Perm~ Type: PLUMBING PERMIT INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED: SEE BACK Date Issued: 7/10/01 Permit No.: 010000Z478 OF PERMIT CARD FOR REQUIRED INSPECTION. CitY08 I Range43 I Twnshp. Property Address Plat/Book/Page Section 3£ Sub Dvsn. 03 Block I Lot 019 01~0 ~ni~ Revlewed~ 13Z1 SW ZSTH AVE BD ~MsionName Legal Addmss GOLF VIEW HARBOUR ZND SEC OwnefsName/~dmss/~lep~ne RQSELLO, CARLOS &LAUREN 13Z1 SW Z§TH AVE BOYNTON BEACH FL 561 73Z-6759 Additional~scri~ion TENANT: INGROUND POOL & DECK 334Z6 Construction BFE FFE FLZ Oc_-c~r~_ncy I Sq. Ft. Schedule of Fees Valuation 10,500 z 'i'H£5 WARM Contrac~r'sName/~dmss/License/~lephons SUPERIOR POOLS SPAS & WATERFAL ~50 W SUNRISE BLV BLDG Clll FORT LAUDERDALE FL 33313 959 3Z1-gzgz General/Architect/Engineer I m_p.r.o_ve _rne _n t_s_ _ ~ w.~ ~ J.~ POOL LT ~'~2~ 3.5 NUT J{K~'UNUAHLK x NO INSPEC UNTIL CERT/REC NOC RECD AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE ....... THIS PERMIT SHALL BECOME NULL AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WI~IN ONE HUNDRED ~D EIG~ (1~) DAYS A~i~H ISSU~CE, OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED HAS NOT RECEIVED AN APPROVED INSPECTION FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS. Any change in building plans or specifications must be recorded with this office. Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting. In consideration of the granting of this permit, the owner and builder agree to erect this structure in full compliance with the Building and Zoning Codes of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. This permit fee is not refundable. JLJL-lO-ZOOl 12:§iPU FROU-SLJPERIOR POOLS + NOTICE' :OMMENCEMENT sta~ of Florid~ County of~/,~ ~-~ Tho urldofls~ned hereby gives notice the~ improYemm~t wlJl bo m~do to ceflaln real property, md Jn aceordo~e with Chapter 7~3, FJodda Statutes. the following Information is IX'Ovtdad io INs Notice of Commefle. d~t: DRB 1 ~:~64~ Pa I 1~c~ Immmlllllli.EBllmmlllB OoMroGtOr nlme: Address: Phone Nmnber. If Sumy Bond, Name: and addrns of Surly: and amount of Bond: Phone Numben emldreu of homer If o~hK I~lfl ~ Improveme~c Properly Owner Name.' Ma~ng Addr~: and Imrm In IXo~rty: ...~moe=iam_ _~]-% Spas .n~ ~Fnlls: T.n_ 4450. W. b'~LU~iM BI~. C-111 Ptan~at/on Fl. 33313 (9541 321-9292 Fa~(~B~k~y-~hm=~) ~95,~) 321-9190 Address: Phone Numbec (Copy of bond must be 8Ueched to ~ds Nc~Tce at time of recoKlkl~) Fad: (~,-dd- Y.adm by bx ~ eccoptabb) Fax~. ((~lona. I(.n4~ by fK Is ac=pt~e) Per~ofl~ wII~M the State of florida (nmue~ and add .,f.~es) designated by properly ownm' upon whom Notices or other docfl. Tmnts may be served as pi'ovlded by Section 7t3.13(4)(A)7,, Florida Sbtules: Name: Phone Numben ' -- Fd: (~pBonal- If w~ by hx imH) 8. In addib to hknself, Owner desklnates the following person(e) to rKeivo a copy of the Umor's Notice as provkbd by Seellofl 713,13(1)(BJ, Florida 5tatut#: Name: Address: Phone Numbec ,. FaxR (~-~ u sm~o by ~ b ~) ~er ~g~um: ~er s~na~: $ubdlvldontCondondnlum - o/ ~' ~ '~ ' ,~ )Lengthy t.~am, pleme Me de.crOon attached hew PERMIT # RESIDENTIAL SWI1VIMING POOL, SPA AND HOT TUB SAFETY ACT REQUIREMENT (pieue I~int C~nU~pu~r's Name) / ~ License # methods will be used to meet the requirements of Chal~ter 515, Florida Stalutes. lzr~b¥ affum lhat o~ of the followiug The pool will be isolated from access to the home by an enclosure that meets the pool ben'iez requirements of Florida Statute 515,29; Tho pool will be equipped with an approved safety pool cover that complies with ASTM FI34&-91 (Standard performance Specifications for Safety Covers for Swimmin~ Pools, Spas and Hot Tubs); All door and windows ptov!ai-g dh~t access from the home to the pool will be equipped with an'exit alarm that bas a minimum sound pressure ratiug of 85 decibels at l0 feet; All doors providing direct access from the home to the pool will be eq"uipped with a self-closing, SeLf-catehlng device with a release n~¢hanism placed no lower than 54" above the floor or deck. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instmm~t ,,vas ackriowledged before me this & - ~~ ~ ~ ~e ~ ~ffic~' ~vi.. ~owled~L ~ ~ ~ s~ed ' ~~ .............. understand that not having o_la~Lthe~ve install~ at the time of real inspec~on..will cons~.to~ .a viol. a. tio~.~o.f ! - ' the second de ,.i~n~v~e ~s province m secuon -,-,~ no-~ ~ o l ..,~,aee,~d d~t this does not relieve ~e olme earner requucm=ma ~L,'~IL,..I l- Pool and .qua l~.eguh '~-/ff,,=_aop .tm.~lg~Ptember 4. 1996LfOr thC cxtcrior perimeter of my pool or spa. Contraator ' U Cenl~¢to~'~ N~me (Pt~ PrinO ~ / COI~REC~ED [lie COP'/ L .j BriNG DIVISION 5 (s~) STATE OF FLORA CO~Y OF P~M BEACH p~sonally ~o~ to m~ or who h~ pre.ced ~ I ~ > oa~. ~~. . ~ .... Title or ra~ Serial numb~~ \~CHXIVlAIN~SHRDATA\DevelopmenfFOP-M$-doc~R2SIDENTIAL SW[MMING POOL & SPA I~QU]RP. MENT.doc - 10/04/00