CORRESPONDENCE @ -" ,,... ."..- , f:k 111 ~ LJ.tr ""i. MOTOROL INC. April 26, 198 Mr. Herb Kahl rt, P.E. County Engi ne r Palm Beach Co nty Courthouse P.O. Box 2429 West Palm Bea h, FL 33402 Dear Herb: Several weeks ago, we discussed the issue of who has the responsibility for the cost f turn lanes in the public right-of-way on 22nd Avenue, on the north ide of Motorola's Boynton Beach site. As we discuss Treasure Coas which Palm Be Boynton Beach sector is spe turn lane imp impact which tax revenue g be expected t serve the sit funds on Moto were undertak d, these improvements were specifically referenced in the Regional Planning Council's DRI Assessment Report, into ch County Commissioners has substantial input, and in the DRI Development Order. In both documents, the public ified as having the responsibility for the cost of these ovements. Because of the tremendous positive economic otorola will bring to the community in terms of job creation, neration, etc., it was agreed that the firm should not bear the costs of the transportation improvements needed to The State Department of Commerce committed to provide ola's behalf to ensure that the necessary improvemnets n in a timely manner. Because of th above background, Motorola is assuming that you concur that the Coun y is responsible for the costs of these turn lanes, and that appropri te arrangements are being made to finalize the design and incorporate t e improvements into the Congress Avenue widening project now underway. Thank you for your assistance on this matter. Si ncerely, L \ (l,\L\ lklL-- Mary Lou L-afkey Manager, Facility Planning and Sourcing Receive Date "'e Paging Products DiViSi~ 8000 W. Sunrise BIVd'l Lauderdale, Fl.. 33322 . (305) 475.5000 . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ef "", .... --- P. 0 BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 --.- '-:~-;'~~~~~~~;EE--="! ~~~L C_.~ ~;::~:;~it~-, " ~, . .>,,~.-- .... f~ '. August 21, 1981 Mr. Thomas J. Baird Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council 50 Kindred St. P.O.Box 2395 Stuart,Fla. 33495 Dear Mr. Baird: Accompanying this letter you will find the completed questionnaire which was sent to me with respect to the Motorola DRI. Please advise if you require any additional information. Yours truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. CSA:mpc :$ CC: Central File Motorola c~ Sc: (;1'-&.~ Carmen S. Annunziato City Planner J'1(l/t;M <'.. /~,:, /,;"7 - ~ ; Board of County Commissioners Frank Foster, Chairman Norman Gregory, Vice~Chairman Peggy B. Evatt Dennis P. Koehler Bill Bailey County Administrator John C. Sansbury June 29, 1981 Department of Engineering and Public Works H. F. Kahlert County En~jneer Mr. Michael A. Holleman Heery & Heery, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 RE: MOTOROLA SITE PLAN AND DETAILS Sheet #1 May 19, 1981 Dear Mr. Holleman: Pursuant to our conversation, I am providing you with the County Engineer's Office comments on the proposed Motorola Plant roadway improvements for Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd. Avenue. They are as follows: 1. The South entrance on Congress Avenue should be 24' of pavement (2 lanes) exiting, a 12' median and 30' pavement (2 lanes) entering. 2. The North entrance on Congress Avenue should be 24' of pavement (2 lanes) exiting, a 12' median and 24' of pavement entering (2 lanes). 3. Each entrance should use flush header curbs (detail attached) rather than 6" non-mountable curbs. 4. All site plans should indicate the ultimate right-of-way lines for Congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd. Avenue. Thank you for your continued cooperation in this matter. Sincerely yours, R"'i~d~. (;P;.~ Oate~ &' Time /a'i<- ~ r' '-.S OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER G. Haney Frakes, Jr., P.E. Assistant County Engineer GHF:HBS:nd Copies: Alan Kurtis, P.E., Thomas Clark, City Carmen Annunziato, Director, Land Development Engineer, Boynton Beach ~ City of Boynton Beach ~ BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402 (305) 684.2460 o w ex: w :I: 3'cn ex:tX: w::l :I:'-' t:) _(f) 0.: :I: I- _ W ,.. - W I- ~::E ><t .~ :::: .J-- :>> ",,,, ~~ :0 .~ "ZI -;~' PALM 8E.o.CH COUNTY STANDARDS ~PPROVEO __._______...._n____..' .. ..9 :I:,... '-'<: I-~ w<:w ~::E:> '305: <f)1-0 (f)<f) (f)(f) 00 0::0:: '-'u Ww ^~: 1- }~'-' tO~~ ex::"':::!: ~0..J OO::..J u..<: ex::0:I: wcrJ Woo:: O(i)w c( I- ,W:I:l- :I:S!.::l :I:~ %W :I:O:I: enol- ~Wu.. .J(f)0 u..::l zW w~ :r::'3 .~(() ~ (() W(() :I:w l-..J Z o::l z- ~ <: -cD l-W ZeD W ::E..J . w..J(() ~<::z c;.:r::<: (()..J l-~~ :z- w..J:z ~wo ...,,:I::z ;al-- u..~ wo:I: :I: <n l-<n u..<n\j\ 0~3 w:.:::o:: Cl-'-'~ 5~1- (f) 1-.0 ex:: W l- I- ? C) ~ to 4. I- Z ? ~\\ ~\ .....l 4. ~ I- Z W :::;: ww ~e. ~(f) tZII ~J . A . . . . . .I. " . . . ~ . . . . . . . j, . to :cD " -><t C\l A . A. .co ,. " ..9 ,,6 REV\SED Ty?\CAL RO.o.O SE.CTIONS R 9.\ CURBS a GUTTERS ----_.--~--- - S\-\e:~T I ~ -,------_.,'~---------~-~ III ',l! ~ "I" V 'if""" \ .~ ,eir ..\- 01 ("', \-;:' .~\ ,y \" it ti ,I, ILl ,.t"'i 1 JJJ ~I." ;)~ I." i '? n{; U .~.-~\l. i .,"~ '( \,~ \);1 .\,9 P r10f-" vl . ~. \" V (_,V" ~\~'- \!)J/' _ {} 1 ~~~.~v A. ~;e./4r ~)9 r~ L ,0 LJ<J.1! rid Mr. Tom Clark Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach r\-"'~ HEERY .....- ."-- ..-. ~ /h~-.,~ . :.-.n7?~ May 19, 1981 City Hall T. , Florida 33435 RE: Motorola Inc. \; ')9. Dear Mr. Clark In compliance with the .City of Boynton Beach E,reliminarv plat regulations, please find attached supplemental drawings to those submitted by Dailey Fotorney in conjunction with the Motorola plat. The drawings consist of the following: 1. General site plan showing the property line, easements,driveway cuts, and bike path. 2. One drawing containing the water meter vault and details. 3. One drawing containing the lift station 4. Electrical drawings of the lift station. If any further drawings or changes to these docuements are required, please inform me at the eariest possible time. Sincerely HEERY & HEERY ~a~ Michael A. Holleman Project Architect Enclosures cc: Hr. Pete Chaney Mr. Ray Ochocki Mr. Jack Gesbocker 7916 a Heery & Heery. Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street. NW. Allanta. Georgia 30309.Telephone (404) 881-98801Telex 54-2165 CITY of BOYNTON BEACH d' ~. f P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 "- ..J,'::;. ~" h- June 17, 1981 Mr. Michael Holleman, Project Architect 880 West Peachtree St., N.W. Atlanta,Ga.30309 Dear Mr. Holleman: On Tuesday, June 16,1981, the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat for Motorola Planned Industrial Develop- ment submitted for the Motorola Corporation subject to staff comments: Engineering Dept.: Subject to Memo City Planner: Subject to Memo Prior to submitting your Final Plat to the City Engineer for review and approval by the City Council, all staff recommendations and other materials listed above and adopted by Council in their approval shall be provided. If you have any further questions concerning this matter, please contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH . C~0~ Carmen S. Annunziato CSA:mpc City Planner CC: City Manager Bldg.Dept.w/plans & attrnts. Eng.Dept.w/plans & attrnts. Utility Dept.w/plans & attrnts. Police Dept. Fire Dept. Parks & Rec.Dept. Public Works Dept. Central File w/plans & attrnts. Energy Coordinator '" "" p ?I.'.';' ._zi. ~ s ,~,,'.r ~ .-:-.:::r--C-===;1~I~' O\!\;;\ =[> '~\-".:;! b~lS Zl -,.",,,,~z _ zl ~ ____::/..li: r ;;: ;:: ;:: :; :; 1S I \ o~~1.S:~ s MN~::I Z Z Z z Z /-' ~, d c N\N -----iT . =-";8:~ . .l.S? l 0' -::i"," -.. 'Z "~1l". .< ';g/ -:"i { o ~I\I '" ~- \. \i~_:r ,._ ~1 : '" L... ~ -,iJ L MN '" '" :7 r \- ~ <1 I !~~o 8 ooMNs \C1~ _-'" z ~~;=-?~~L~ ':~N~ ~~ .~J B M" ~ -:: 21S0tMN ;;: 0):- ~ i Z..~. J-..t · __~L---~ -0 0' ____ /l1JI;1;77'm/....JI/~!.1/1/.1 I 0::' ",/,/1/ /,/ . ' 'I j, ;,/:///;/-/'.' ./ '/1, ~, /, '0 1/" 'I . , I, " (QI 1."//' .' . ...... ~I,'i"/; /.; /1 ,>j'l I",',' ,'J I I I . , ' I II' . u.J /,.1) / ,JI /;,:,', " ("")' ," . II/f/I 1','//.',1' 1'li/~v'I" 'I ' ' " ..,'1/11;1//1/1 ~~~, ,//1" S3MOt-fOY:'" .c. ~ <; ~V 1 \ IS ",Z ~ ,.,- /JI_~ 11 I 2. ~.L"1f -- \ ),,1 lHZ:O:; MN ,.... '~-\ZL.,:; N _ ol.IN} \'" 00l N ('.IN N ...-- ;;\ lS $. II ,"",N ~ :;2 2 Ii: 2 (0 (/It..:) ~ _ r;Z,G. Z -' c-' 2- .;:::> I '" \ ~ .----1 I \ . -' --~-'-~~ ,...., -' I ~ ' -- - <-:: .- \\ ~3^\{'-1 :::\\ . l -:)\ r, " <:::) D c: ~1 ~J,'^('r I ~.>~> ~T ~1 ~1 ~.. \f~ -I~ ' to- \: ~ ,:!\ 4: 4.' .<::4\ ' ~ ,. .,..,JLU . \ 13~\~.\ ~ ~ \1 Ht>\.< ,"-I :: lJ. - _'\Pt"l~_ll"Ll\ 2~ L_ \ wI ~ .':'.''';''';. ";1>' , JQ}.- ( 0:;' = i I _ -~ I -0 C X ,...:\ rMop"w~uOl ~.- s\ ~\ :; . \ c.:...=..-.--~ \ 'P r< ,.,... ,," _. il.',- ,.,1\ ~~ c;.~. ~- ."9 c- o - I ......... .~ c.; C ,,'''il'~ -_._----~_.,~ r., ~,' UJOlUllG.Y ~ ~ iJJUlUu~bU.l' UUliL.;. land surveyors, pI- JrS/ enOll1cers ,~/ C> C.. / )2(,,,..I:,{. "j / . April 16, 19,31 Hr. ThomJs Clark, Ci ty Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Fl ?ri da HE: Proposed Plat of /10torola P.1.D. . Dear ~lr. Clark: As discussed in our recent meeting concerning the I'.otorola, P.LD.,' I ar.J requesting a Haiver of a "metes and bounds" type description for the plat. I am doing so for the following reasons: State of Florida Statutes, Chapter 177.041 Title Certification. "Every plat of a subdivision submitted to the approving agency of the local governing body must be accompanied by a title opinion of an attorney-at-law licensed in Florida or a certification by an abstractor or a tit-Ie company shOl./ing that apparent record title to the land as described and shown. on the plat is in the name of the person, persons, or corporation executing the dedi- cation.... " City of Boynton Beach Subdivision Regulations nrticle VIII. Paragraph 13.f - Certification of Title "The title certificate _shall state: (1) that the lands as described and shown on the plat are in the name, and apparent record title is held by the person, persons or organizations executing the dedication...,.. " Since these statefTl2nts are basically the same and govE'rn the preparation of the plat, I think you can see the problem that would be created for the person certifying to orinion of title if vie changed the description used in the conveyance to I'\otorola (same is nOl'1 shown on our plat). To quote experts (8rol'ln and Eldridge, Evidcnce and Procedures fOI" Boundary Location) "Once a description is written and a conveyance is made using that de5cl-iption, no mattcr how [1oorly it was fi'.Jde, it is rarely advisable to cliang2 it except by agreero.cnt deed bet\leen the interested .adjoiners or by court order." Further, I see no ambi gui ty in either the State statutes or the Boynton Beach subdivision regulations concerning "description." Ileithpr set of guidplines specifically states that only a "metes and bounds" description may be shOlm on a plat. .. . 101. So......;,;'ory'''''n.w.''''''...~'''.'J.o,.,Wlc..J..J..06.~'''JH6J..'''... ..---.....------. ~ .....- .,~~,,,._-.. r-- -. Hr. Thomas Clark, City Engineer Proposed Plat of t'lotorola, P.1.0. IIp ri 1 16, 1 gill Page 2 I believe tlle problem is in the wording of the Boynton ordinance con- cerning description. In Article VIII, Section VI, Paragraph 0.3, the terminology is a "full and detailed boundarl description.... The proper designation is land description and thus 1'lOuld encompass the complete variety of descriptions \'Ihich occur in the deeds I~e must survey. Hhile J can see how Someone could interpret "boundary description" as being a recital of cow-ses and distances, J think it I/ould be ill-advised for the City of Boynton Beach to enforce such an inter- pretation. After all, the rectangular land system (sections, township, range) and the platting process \'Iere created to ease the problems of conveying land and descriptions derived from these systems are much preferable to course and distance type descriptions. In the end, changing a proper description goes against the best training of the surveying profession and is not in the best interests of the public. In addition to granting this waiver, J hope that the City of Boynton Beach will examine the l'lording and interpretation of it's subdivision regulations and further that it request opinions on this subject from lll2r;1bers of the Florida Land Title Association and the Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors. If I- l1'.ay be of any assistance, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely yours, "lZTIY, C { Ill" ,,;nee,i, ~>id,,,t cc: Ray Ochocki / Iii ke 11011 eman la ."....... - P.O, 80X 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BO'tNTON BEACH. F'LOAIDA 33435 13051 734'8111 ~ ~f. "'~!.~~~ti:-'l--~~~~ t - ,.-m,~,.- , -- ~ - . ~. ... ..,..,..... ;:_ ' I , '. . ,'. -.-.--.-- . ~J'~l I ~"''';' ..... j/j - ;.t"''''''-If:__ ~ ,,_":,~ .__1[4 -- J11~:t. _ 10/- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH Office of the City Manager Mr. Michael A. Holleman project Architect Beery. & Heery 880 W. Peachtree street, NW Atlanta, Georgia 30309 D~t'J _'--~ in,ej [;CC0;'.rcrl Time RE: Motorola project Dear Mike: At its regular meeting. on June 2,1981, the city Council approved the excavation permit for which y?U had applied as a representative for Motorola. The material attached to your letter of May 29, 1981, is the plan that was approved by the city Council for this excavation permit and should be the guide that is followed up until the time that Motorola has completed the plat approval process. We, obviously, are anxiously looking forward to the beginning of activity on the Motorola site and cohtinue to stand ready to assist you in any way that we can. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '/0 . / ) y~ ,;J('~t /' ~ter L. Cheney / City Manager .PLC:jc cc: Bud Howell Tom Clark . Carmen Annunziato ...--/ Central File .-.....""'" CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 (305) 732-8111 Office of the City Manager May 19, 1981 ~ . - CYVl,e.; L Receive. / Date-- ... - -~/-!} 1/ t7l . !~/J' , Time _ --.----. --- Inc. Mr. Mike Holleman Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, 880 West Peachtree Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Dear Mr. Holleman: I am responding to some of the questions that we discussed at our meeting on Thursday, April 30, 1981. A. Letter from Nick Miller dated April 16, 1981. I have discussed this letter with Tom Clark, City Engineer, and can report that he is willing to accept a plat with the information on it as outlined by Nick Miller. B. Landscaping Requirements - When you prepare the site plan, you can include typical landscaping that you will be providing for the buildings as development takes place so that the Community Appearance Board can approve that as a concept and as a minimum. Those typical landscape plans can then be made more specific for each building when you get a building permit for that building. We can run those more specific. landscaping plans to the Community Appearance Board at that time. C. Indications of Road on the Plat - Normally at the time of preliminary plat review, construction plans for public improvements, including lift elevations, are also submitted and reviewed at the same time as the plat. Since, at the time you submit the plat, it may not be clear exactly which pieces of roadway or access lanes you are to build, if any, these things do not need to be noted on the plat. However, the plat as we discussed before will include an indication of the utility easements to be given to the City for lift station purposes. Greenbelts 'should be identified on the plat. Mr. Mike Holleman Heery & Heery, Architects & Engineers, Inc. 880 West Peachtree Street, N. W. Atlanta, Georgia 30309 Page 2 May 19, 1981 D. We have reviewed the DRI regulation and conclude that toe "land development permit" and the "development order" are really one and the same and not matters with which we really need to be concerned. The normal development review process and issuance of permits will respond to these DRI terms and procedures. I have not talked to Florida Power & Light Company yet concerning the street lights, but as soon as I do, I will indicate to you how we will deal with this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ) ~' - ~ / I..-.L~)/ . (/ [.r., r J ' eter L. Cheney City Manager PLC:mh cc: Ray Ochocki, Motorola Jack Gesbocker, Heery & Heery Nick Miller, Dailey-Fotorny, Inc. Perry Cessna, Director of Utilities Carmen Annunziato, city Planner Tom Clark, City Engineer Edgar E. Howell, Building Official (]9i1ey. F()iop~y, i~a. land surveyors, planners, engineers April 20, 1981 ~) Office of the City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida Attn: Mr. Thomas Clark RE: Motorola Planned Industrial Development Gentl emen: In accordance with the subdivision regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, we are submitting six copies of the preliminary plat of the above referenced site for review. Also enclosed is a check. for Fifty Dollars ($50.00) for the filing fee. It is my understanding that two (2) sets of construction plans, when ready, may be submitted at no additional expense. In addition, I have submitted, under separate cover, a letter requesting waiver of a "metes and bounds" type legal description for this plat. Your consideration and attention during the process of preparing this plat has been most helpful and is deeply appreciated. Should you have any questions concerning the plat, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely yours, i'lTll]L Nick Miller, Vice President enc: '^ - "r'I ,'t' l -; ~. \>-' "1 ~ t}' BOYrr,.o ',-, &.,. '1'" ~-... 1? ('0 -' C;, ecci\>qj ~ r-:- AP C> ~- .. - ,~-' ~ g R24i 7Ef1 ::-.: ~..L-;;:;---' ~, 0't""'1rl'~'." -- ~ . -'."l....~ -.). /' ~/. ....'v.!-.... {;~,~:.L:'t',.,.:"-k """J"" . . '- " cc: Ray Ochocki Mi ke Ho 11 eman . . . 102' So. A4i1itary Tron. w.., Palm '-",FJoriclo.3J406. pS-J05196S-I1BT . . . ll8iiey- F[JiO.~OX ioc. land surveyors, planners, engineers April 16, 19i1l Mr. Thomas Clark, City Engineer City of Boynton Beach 120 Northeast Second Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida RE: Proposed Plat of I~otorola P.LO. Dear Mr. Clark: As discussed in our recent meeting concerning the Motorola, P.I.D., 1 am requesting a wai ver of a "metes and bounds" type description for. the plat. I am doing so for the fol1owing reasons: State of Florida Statutes, Chapter 177.041 Title Certification. "Every plat of a subdivision submitted to the approving agency of the local governing body must be accompanied by a title opinion of an attorney-at-law licensed in Florida or a certification by an abstractor or a title company showing that apparent record title to the land as described and shown on the plat is in the name of the person, persons, or corporation executing the dedi- cat;on.~..1I City of Boynton Beach Subdivision Regulations Article VIII. Paragraph 13.f - Certification of Title "The title certificate.shall state: (1) that the lands as described and shown on the ~ are in the name, and apparent record title is held by the person, persons or organizations executing the dedi ca ti on. ....." Since these staterrents are basically the same and govern the preparation of the plat, I think you can see the problem that would be created for the person certi fying to opinion of title if we changed the description used in the conveyance to I~otorola (same is now shown on our plat). To quote experts (Brown and Eldridge, Evidence and Procedures for Boundary Location) "Once a description is wri tten and a conveyance is made uS1ng that description, no matter how roorly it was made, it 1S rarely advisable to change it except by agreement deed between the interested .adjoiners or by court order." Furthel., I see no ambiguity in either the State statutes or the Boynton Beach subdivision regulations concerning "description." Neither set of guidelines specifically states that only a "metes and bounds" description may be shown on a plat. - ~~~.L.- '.~._.___'_LL._......._.J.. _R ~."'J" __....., . ;,. Hr. Thomas Clark, City Engineer Proposed Plat of f10toro1a, P.LO. April 16, 1981 Pa ge 2 I believe the problem is in the wording of the Boynton ordinance con- cerning description. In Article VIII, Section VI, Paragraph 0.3, the terminology is a "full and detailed boundary description..." The proper designation is land description and thus would encompass the complete variety of descriptions which occur in the deeds we mus t survey. While I can see how someone could interpret "boundary description" as being a recital of courses and distances, I think it would be ill-advised for the City of Boynton Beach to enforce such an inter- pretation. After all, the rectangular land system (sections, township, range) and the platting process were created to ease the problems of conveying land and descriptions derived from these systems are much preferable to course and distance type descriptions. In the end, changing a proper description goes against the best training of the surveying profession and is not in the best interests of the publ i c. In addition to granting this waiver, I hope that the City of Boynton Beach will examine the wording and interpretation of it's subdivision re9u1ations and further that it request opinions on this subject from members of the Florida Land Title Association and the Florida Society of Professional Land Surveyors. . If I may be of any assistance, please contact me at your convenience. Sincerely yours, ~;{:~RNY. INC'L: 'i" Mill"'~~'id'"t cc: Ray Ochocki Mi ke Ho 11 eman la