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CORRESPONDENCE CORRESPONDENCE qJU City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. '.Boynton '.Beadt '.Bou!evan[ P.O. '.Bl1;{310 '.Boynton '.Beacn, :JforUfa 33425-0310 City 1faff: (561) 375-6000 :JJl/X: (561) 375-6090 April 23, 1997 Jlmerial's (jateway to tM (juifstream , of / t9 ~"\ V' ~.J \ (~-A 'r I.f> Page 2 Mr. Dan Weisberg Traffic Study Woolbright Place PUD and Shoppes of Woolbright PCD File Nos, MPMD 96-005 and MPMD 97-002 line trip count. Please assign a base line total Ilested trip count to the PCD using the project as depicted on the master plan (Exhibit "B") including the data identified in the Barton-Aschman report. Also, determine the number of trips that are remaining for the undeveloped portion of the PCD using the following information that identifies development within the PCD that is either built, under construction or have current development orders associated with site plan approval: Restaurant - high turnover (3,710 sq. ft,); Restaurant - fast food (3,175 sq. ft,); Gas station/convenience store (3,404 sq. ft,); Restaurant - high turnover (9,970 sq, ft,); Commercial- retail (6,745 sq, ft,) and Home Depot (102,250 sq, ft,), Food Court (site plan approval) Burger King (under const.) Race Trac (built) Cracker Barrel (built) Discount Auto (in for permit) Home Depot (built) The land uses identified in the January 23, 1990 Barton-Aschman Associates report for residential and church represent the Woolbright Place PUD portion of the project. The land uses are accurate for the PUD with the exception that the city has granted the applicant an additional 40 multi-family units and 16 duplex units, Please assign a base line total vested trip count for the PUD using the land uses identified in the traffic report including the additional 40 multi-family an 16 duplex units, Also, determine the number of trips that are remaining for the undeveloped portion of the PUD using the following data that identifies projects within the PUD that are built, under construction or have current development orders associated with site plan and/or plat approval: 83 single-family detached units and 548 multi-family (apartment) units Crystal Key (plat approval under cons!.) Vinings Phase I (built) and Vinings Phase II (under const.) This request is not to oppose the traffic comparison prepared by MTP Group, Inc., dated January 17, 1990 (find attached), but rather to confirm that the trip generation comparison correctly defines the project as originally approved. If the results of this request are contrary to the data provided to me in your letter dated March 7, 1997 (find attached), this current data will govern, If you have questions regarding this matter or need to further define land uses, please call me at (561) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written response to the above address, with a copy of your written response to AI Newbold, Deputy Development Director also at the same address. Sincerely, Tambri J, Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director T JH:dim Enclosures cc: AI Newbold w/attachment Central File s: \projects\wlbrtplc\traffic\ Department of Engineering and Public Works Po. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL .3.3416-1229 (561) 684-4000 http.llwwwcopalm-beach.fLus . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Burt Aaronson. Chairman Maude Ford Lee. Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Carol A Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Ken L. Foster County Administrator Robert Weisman, P.E -An Equal Opportunlty Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper !JI ~ ~ ~ U W rn r..'\ dnl .' j H: "!i!i :::; ;U! '-- , -' fLANNltJG ANI) ZONING DEPT. March 7, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PCD/PUD Dear Ms, Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the trip generation comparison for the project entitled Woolbri9ht Place PUD/PCD, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The analysis is intended to address a change at one out parcel from 4,000 square feet of retail to 3,710 square feet of high turnover restaurant The analysis compares the total traffic for the land uses in the original approval to the total traffic for the proposed land uses. It shows a decrease in net trips from 16,117 to 16,114. The land uses and the trips associated with them are show in the attached table. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030, Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER -x~ ~~f Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer attachment File: New - TPS - Traffic Study Review g :\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn67 ;lJ;lJ;lJ()G);lJ;lJ ""r~;: CD m mow m m _ ~ c ar6i~::Icn6i"!!!.~!::;(Qa: ==:Q)(ii(J)=wwn(i"1 5:J=- 5r::~~ar oi-.=- olD) w3 :3~Cr ::J::I 3= - 0:::1 - - -.'< 'co I I -< ;!;en ;;r;!; tg-o se.~ ~ -I m " -I c: 0 c: 3 03 o Co 0 < < m m ~ ~ ~~....l.""'cn""'''''''''''ma.a. aooomoooQ!=!= aQOac:aaoCD 0000000000 en en en CA::J cn CJ) (1J :-:-:--:- :-:-:- ~ o w ....l.r'J~:e. (J1I'\)CCO .......01.......". o>w :.....:....a.~ c.n ~-"""",-.Q)m .....c.n<.n....l.~CJ'IJ:tr,. ::l ., 0'0' 0- 33(\.)...... 3mN ceDe:..> cWO Q)iii"!'J~ WCO,J::l. ....l.(.lJ <>>com 1\)0) ~ 0.... .CO........!'>.!\) ....l. N .!N w......Oc.n.......WO............,(X)<D mm.c:.....l.J:l, CCm.......NCDO.......f\.>QOOO .c:.J:I,.....l..c:.c.n.,l:l..w.....,l:l.Oc.n mi:noooeooo '!.'$.cf!.tf!.cf.';fl.';i. ww ~ coow:....~c.nm....l. <DmOwwOJo...... ..a:...............O.c:.COI'\)"J:lo. 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'~_Ir..O &"Iu .~~."jf, ':l~. . _ MTP Group, Inc. , 2198 I'll. 1'0_1 IIIB BIwI., SIJh. 702 Won "-1m _, A. 3:U'4 ",-., (4071 79s.ofl711 T.I"""" (401/ 7S5-023O January 17, 1997 William Hukill, P.E. Director of D~eloplRtnt Cit)' of Boynton BeadJ 100 East BoyntOn Beach Boulevard Boynton Beac:h, Florida 33425-0310 Re: WOOlbright Place I'CDIPVD Dear Mr, Hukill: MTP Gmup.. /lie. has prepared the anached trip ge.noration mmp'arison of the approved venus lbe proposed land II$llS at Woolbright Place PCDIPUD, The aaa1ysis bas been performed usint lbe trip generation rates included in lbe Palm .Beach CoI/1U)' UwJ Delll!lopwtelll Cotk Seemm 10.8: FQir Share Road IfIl/JIJ4 Fees, This iIIlalysis is a revision of our previous aoalysis 10 iDc:otporilte the proposed 3.710 square feel restaurant in one of lbe out-pan:e1s previously assurned as a 4,000 square feet retail. We are attaching tablel' 6. 1. S, 9 IIlclIO which SUIIlIDarizes the trip leuerarion comparison using Palm Beach County standatlls. We bave lISed the same table nUlDbe~ for pUIJlOse of comparison wilh Our previous study. As shown In these rabIes. the Del ~r.ernaltrip generation potalltial of the proposed development is lower then that of the approved development. Thecd'ore, there is no additional traffic illlpact resulting from die proposed chauge. Please do DOt hesiw.e to give us a call should you have any questions about Ibe COMeatS of Ibis letter. Sinc;erely. Mm. ,Palombo. P.E, Pr.ident Mrt1Chmef1ll Copy: Michael Motton NI'P\M_I."".LQ . R~U-~' Out Parcels , .- . ..., pomm..rclal r~" '" '" G"'Lllft> I NC wPB FL + 1 506 1 7951il231il P_3 WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PCDJPUD TRIP GENfRAl10N RATes TABUi I; Palm Beech County. Land Development Cede. Section 10.8 Fair Sh... Road Impact FflfI$ Single-Farnly: Mufti-Family; Dupler. Single Family Delllc::hed AlIached HOUSing AlIllched Housing Palm Beach Caullly -lill'ld Development Cede - Section 10,8 Fair Sha/lJ Road Impact Fees Commercial: a.nk: Remurant: G_tal Commercial Under 570,000 SQ, Ft, Drive-In Bank High.TllI'Ilover (~Down) Restunnt Fast Food Reslaurant G8$ StallOll Convenience Store OilS Sinon: Convenience Store: P_m Beach COlInI)'. /.MId Oevelopment Ccc1e. Secticn 10,8 Fair Share Road Impact Fees Commefllial: General Commercial Under 570,000 sq, Fl , --.. "',~ -j J--I~::::JI Il.20AM FROM MTP GROuP INC wPB FL +1 561 795023111 P,4 . WOOlBIlIGHT PI.IoCE PCOIPUD lWL Y T'IUP GENERA110N APPROVED LAND USE$ TABLI7 TripO_.IticII Oaiy p~ New Land u.e U"ilB .........nt IUle T~ "-'CAI'IlaIle ~-b) Trips ...~..1l111:11 Multi-Flmily o....ting UnM ll40 7 4,480 NlA Q 4,~ 0ulI1ox ~ VnlI:s 16 7 112 NlA 0 112 $- 4,592 0 4,512 Qw!Z - 14 . 75IJ NlA Q 750 SubtDtol 750 0 750 OuIl'at1loIs BanI< 1,000 Squ8rt FMI 4,!OQ 265.21 1,140 46,0% 524 Ole R_&nnl- His1h T....- 1,000 Sq.w. F_ 5.000 2OS.3li 1,027 15.0% 154 873 R.-nnt - Fast fllOd - 1,000 S4lIanI F_ 4,300 632.12 2,718 20.0% 544 2.114 C_lltCiIII 1,000 SquIre Feet 4,000 - 945 45.0% 425 520 CGnI/Mrcil! 1,llOO $ql8'a Feet 58.COO - 5.028 43.8"4 2.m 2,828 ~I 10.1l!iIl 3.849 7.txJ9 c.o.,.._,*J Home Oepor 1,000 &qu.e Fftl 1oz.2SI - 7.11lll 42,016 3.0G7 4,Il99 Commen;iol 1.000 Sol...... Feet 137.730 - 8.&33 4~ ua r.,W1 S~ 15.789 '.&83 9.106 TOTAL $15.580 31.9!IIl 10,542 21.457 '__T__~23,ll1O) -F..._R__.......~.......211..-.or - UI(I)' .,251.""" . 1.1185 .oo&,......I.'MC4 -....- Of,..... ._" "..-- '-'Kt...A-Jf"'" J.I'II\",. Wlo-'~ FL + 1 561 /95023121 P.5 waot.IIlUGKT P~l! PCD/PUD DAlL V TRIP GEIlIEIlATlON .. PROPOllED LAND U8ES TABLE . T~Gone._ o.Iy Paser-tlJ Nww land '* Un I\moolnt Rfto Tripa ~-j~ P.h.JIlI'Ily T~ D_~ SkVe-FIITJI, o...Iq \Jnila Il'! 10 8:l'O HlA 0 ll50 M..F....., 0w0I0lg UNto - 7 3,838 HlA 0 3.818 0..- DweDing \JI1Ib 16 7 112 HlA 0 lla ~ 4.798 0 4.78lI \:IIoIlIlll - '4 . '180 HlA 0 ~ ......... 750 0 750 0lIl_ ~d-. Rtf .A. High lurnc:rYllr 1,000 Squon Feel 3,710 205.. 762 1S,~ I" HI t-~ c....~ 1,000 $quaIw Feel e.7.c5 - 1,310 ",lH(, 5e9 721 ~~.L'.'1 _-Fatr-_- l,lIOD~FHl 3.115 132.12 2,C1J7 3O.ll'l' eoz 1,406 GelI S1IIliIlft $..... 1,000 748 748 58,0% Ol 314 ~~~ CclrMo<...... sw. 1 ,000 8qlIIre Feet 3.0404 737,. 2,512 A$,O!llo 1.130 1,382 &.....'-' ~.....TIlIJlQlOeI' l,lIODSqua.-F_ 9.870 2ll5.36 2,047 1S.0~ JlJT 1.740 ~I WltolIf .,386 3,115 6,210 commlll'Ciaf - a.p.t l.oooS__ Il12-2Sl 7,111& 42,~ 3,~ 4,0118 C-.........a;.I l.lllXl sq.... "-l 157.lllXl - 9,_ .1.81lo 3,884 5,41S ~ 1&,535 6,i61 9,574 TOTAL 287254 31,_ 10,137 21,332 -____IJol"""'l'2>"nG) .l.ofIl..f;S~n(lCj..1l8S -F_c:.."R.........~l'hoc.Wfl ~tV'I." .- -... -~.. .' --~.., r~UM M1P uM~ !NL W~~ ~L +1 SOl 79S0230 . " WOOLBRIGHT PLAce PCDIPUD NET EXTERNAL TRIP GENERATlON APPROVED lAND USES TABLE II New Internal Intemal Net Land Ute Trip$ capture Trills external TlIps RHidAftti2f 4,592 20% 918 3.674 Churc:h 750 0% 0 750 out Ptlm.k: 7.009 25% 1.152 5,257 Commwo:ial 11,106 29% 2.670 6,436 '1.1451 5'<.40 16117 ,\ ~-: ,,:;;.', i+';:~c;~"'~';'I'L:)j '..;~->j~~.~~.~ ,rt'1)r:...''';!/'':;', ("\ ;',(',',.. ~,' '''''''. ,'~ ..,,(,q', .1'4- .,_" ,~.,...., ~ l. . . ,,;...:;.t. ",;~.I _' ~....' - ,I, , , ,_ , ,,1,oJ', 1-, , WOOLBRIGHT PLACE PCDlPUD NET IXTEANAl. TRIP GEJIleRATION PROPOSED lAND USES TABLE 111 New Internal Internal Net Land UIe Trips Capture Ttips Elcternal TriPs R~I 4,798 20% 980 3.838 Church 750 0% 0 750 Convenience stare 1.382 32% 442 lil40 ~.ut PelCllls 4.828 25% 1.207 3.&11 cDmw"l!rci~ 27% . P.6 'Ui~,iS!\- Ii!._, .""a;'m~(~...~r,.'-'<_\"....lo;~f~'''''''';'''''''''-:.,.r;;.illllL'~''~~'''\'-~ '.'- ....I\U\\\.\rT...fif:.:::.;-;:.'~' ~f ' -l= b ... Iii ~....- ~ ~ ,\ \i~ u e \= _~ ~"I> .~ r ,,~ \.' , i ~ ", i\l:'..' .r fi~t' I // ; ',. ~~ I ' '" '~'J.r/~ ~ 11\\\\1\' . .\. ~ "l--lt:t '1;1 · ,,', ' nit i!\1I '.' ~ ' ,- .' ~~ .::-----J. ~!~ ~~~ " .......="Jr. ~ . ~ ....., , 'r-- ~~ 11 ~ \" \l\,,\, ,.\~.::' ,~~., . "'T' ,~~-. '.~ \' i 'i ,; \ ~ , \" !~~' ~~ ' ~ ""., ~. " 11";;.-; .::.~ "':f'\t I' ::\ t ' \. \ _- ll.:-:--:lil."';;J.'_"-:' ,j r-- ..;:--:-_/. ;"- \\. 0 \., \". " ' U'''::;. "v \. \/ ~lj~~~, --1y --...,! '~. \ ~ ... . 1\ 1F '{"'''[ 'if? - ~n I~" , . m =n \ I \ . I '-..:. ,1' III' /T--' '- \ I i :~~ f'1 . i ~i 1" ,\ 1'- :\ 1 \\ ...., . / : -- f.' -'~ ~ ,I ~ <0 m ,'I! . '1 =r r. · --' t. . '.1i~ :El l:~ _'\,'\ \ '\' I" II II , ,e" 'z:~-' ~~~ 1 g' . . \ ]"r" I "-~' '1" ""-.. - . \ \ ft '." ~-. i.~~ II \ -:- \ It (i' - \ la I! ~ ~ "6 . .' \ 1....'. JL;! !i 1 1:'1\\ ~ \ Ii' .. ! ,:C i~i " \", ~ cI.!.o -'L _ I ___,.Ii \ \ all, i ~ l~ :i "r\'l I.!' I ~?, \" \ 'I!!~f'! ~~ 0 :~ II: \ l.\:! !~I! \, ~,.- 1\I!'\\llk\ -' ...... (fl :\ 1;1'1' \. 5~~ \ l ." ~;II~\\jJ,1\ I.Q ~ - 1!\ I :\ \ !IV'\~' ,~! I,' I r: "-~:: . /"\.1'/1., H .~\ ,\ '. ...; . Yl,:, 1:( ~ I ..;;... ',,"' / ( ,.-, I:' l:" II \ In 1\' \' I \ - -~ \ I ~ I' - ." ~ II \\' '::~=-"". - _''- .".~, ;.J." \ I i \' --...... ...., 11' m . I ' \ ~ ~ _ ,~ :::'.' ..,,--, AI \. ' '.0 --,""""" , I Z I . i " : '-'~r' -----.. --"'.J v ' .~., , " -' , '_ ____ __ _ __ ~...."'" I _ ,- t -. , \ \ _ ...__, 7l' _ _ '-.-, ) '\.J '11!l' Ii - : : ",-." ~, :.u.: ~"'Tl- -~~0 ~-"l I" G) \ : ~ ,..- -UI~ I "illt...J _ =-=---= ,.: ~ - ~-= ~ !l r'-=-='- I-m,- i\ri...."...:C., ""T -- I ~ _;\\: \ Il\ ~ ~ ~ \\ ii\~ \n~ '\\\\ ! ~ i"il , 1,~""\' . ,\_ :p n ~ ;. _ .,iU, ,. ! 19 ! a Em: . V". I - 1'. ~~ E i!!~2. I .=-- :~ E itl~g 15 I 1I ... ..~.J,.~IL---- ~~. .1:: .SHOPPES OF WOOL9RIGHT ~~:..~~':l~-- mE\lK""'~ P.C.D. :,:'.::,~~'i8'-=== ~r~~ SOYNTON BE,ocH, F~ORIOA .<." l' l ._. -- f MASTER PLAN' \ --~---~--=-. Ul <> u ~ -; , .. Q, ~ ~ m :lJ 1] t; Z "0 "U!iun .\ iUI I~n II c ~ - } 'r", :.. ':r ) - "-<, KIkI...,bAuMllllm. landSC:J(IlIA,rl'lIl!l'IUI'I.""".,\ ''M>~ f 1'1"'" 1'1,1< " Svitlllnn" Wrsll'"lllllh:,,,I, '1,."d.I,lHOI \ .\(1'_,\ (,ll',! ~/..' : 1_1" ' 1 .. f . . , =-~ . , , (0 . r . ~ \ I/r ..., .... '--- ,/ . /-,,1.' 'I . ., Barton-Aschman Associates, Inc. 2627 N,E. 203rd Street (Ives Dairy Road), Suite 207 Miami, Florida 33180 USA January 23, 1990 Phone: (305) 935-0410 Fax: (305) 931-1097 Nt'. F. Martin Perry SUite 1000 1665 Palm Beach lakes Boulevard West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Woolbright Place RID/PCD Erlhancenrmt Revaluationj1986 Dear Nt'. Perry: As requested, we are herewith submitt.inJ the results of a re-eva.luation for the Woolbright Place RID/PCD in Boynton Beach. '!his report replaces the interim reports of October 23, 1989, ani JanuaJ:y 10, 1990. '!his analysis holds cxmstant the basic assunPuons, backgrourrl corxtitions ani level of service staIxlards oontained in the original report of record, prepared by David N. M.1rray, P.E. of ~y-D.ldeck & Associates dated April 1, 1986. Traffic generated by the original roDjIO) was extractei from the daily ani peak hour volumes ani replaced by traffic from the enhanced lani use plan. '!he methodology used for intersection analyses was the 1985 Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209, p.1blished by the Transportation Research Board. '!his method, an FlX1l' stamard, provides greater acx:uracy relative to nultiphase signal sequences ani exclusive tuming lanes. \ '!he results of the analysis, using the new 1arx.1 use plan ani methodology, identify that the Woolbright Place RID/PCD can be a...........'....Jated uOOer these corxtitions with minor signal inprovements at the affected intersections ani the provision of turning lanes at SW 8th street, as detailed in the SUnunary of fiIrlings ani recclIl1ll'oE!Itions. sincerely, BI\R!ON-ASalMAN ASSOCIATES, me. An:lre G off Principal Associate ~D'~~ Principal AssoCiate co: David I.evy (6J TllAFFIC IMP'l\Cr ANl\LYSIS WiOOLBRIGH'l' PUCE PlJD/l'CO E:NIWa:D UlND USE PUIN 1986 CXlNDITIONS JANlll\RY 23, 1990 Prepared for: 'l'R1IDEWINt'B GR)lJp Clint Moore Cozporate Plaza 902 Clint Moore !load, SUite 124 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Prepared 1ly: BARTON-1\SCIlM1lN 1\SSOCI1ITFS, IN::. 3U1 SOUth Dixie Highway SUite 222 West Palm Beach, Florida 33405 1703.09.01 TABLE OF a:lNl'ENl'S Intrcducti.on Project Ian:i Use Data Trip Generation Traffic Perfomance Stan:1artls Intersection Analyses SW 8th street Sumllary of Fin.:lin;Js ani Rec:onunerx:lations APPENDIX A1 - A10 A-ll AU - A14 A15 - A16 A17 - A26 signalized Intersections, SUn1nary Reports. Kilday & Associates site Plan/Access Plan for SW 8th St. Mixed Use/Capture worksheets Trip Generation Rates, 3m Fidition ITE. Intersection Worksheets ii 1 1 1 4 5 6 7 LIST OF T1lBLES Tables 1. Mixed Use Intemal Capture 2. F\rt:ure Traffic Frcm Project Developrent WOOllJright Place FUDfPCD Enhanced I.ani Use Plan 3. WOOllJright Place FUDfPCD Distril:luti.on of Project Trips 4. WoollJright Place FUDfPCD 'Ihorcughfare Dtpact:s 5. Intersection Level of Service Highway Capacity Manual Existin; + Backgroun:l + Project 2 2 3 4 6 Hi IntroCluction '!he ~ of this traffic study is to re-evaluate the reported illIpacts and i1t1provements as contained in a report by Murray-tAJdeck & Associates (Mm). dated April 1, 1986. '!he re-evaluation is necessitated by a chan;e in the Woolbright Place FUD/PC!) land use plan, and a directive that this c:han;1e be evaluated basei on the original 1986 backgrourrl conlitions and perfonnance stan:lards. A substantial portion of the MD.lI. report addresses the development of backgroUIrl ClClniitions. Since these are bein:J held constant, this refvLl will not replicate that data, but accepts it by reference as is appears in the MD.lI. report on Table 1 page 4, Figure A, Figure 22 page 12, Figure 2D page 13, Figure 3 page 14, and Figure 4 page 15. Proi eat Land Use Data The enhanced land use plan for Woolbright Place FUD/PC!) contains the followin;J elements; - Multi-Family Residential - Home Depot & Garden center - Retail/Shopping - <hurch - School - 0lUrt:h 600 D.U. 102,250 S.F. 215,750 S.F. 500 Students 1200 Seats TriP Generation To maintain consistency, the same 'Ihird. Fdition of the Institute of Transportation's Trin Generation Report was utilized for the enhanced land use plan. Trip Generation rates for the Church/School were taken directly from the prior MDA report. The Horne Depot trip generation rates were obtained from Barton-Aschman studies of 6 Home Depots l=ated in Florida (4) and Texas (2). These studies were corxiucted in 1985, and peak hour counts were corxiucted at the Lauderdale lakes store on Friday October 13, 1989. 1 Internal trip capture resultin] from a mixed use develq;ment had to be reduced fran the z.m report due to the shift in 1"-~rtion of land use elements. '!he rates were held as close to the original L~Lt as possible.' However, when an =ealistic pat1:m:n resulted, the rates were adjusted (reducej) to produce a realistic c:onli.tion. '!he rates use:i are detailed in Table 1 and graphically depicted in the appen:iix. Table 1 MIXED USE INl'ERN1U. cr.PrtJRE Residential-to-r~i:ai1 Church/School-to-Residentia1 5% 15% J:M Peak 20% 15% Weekday Dail v 25% 25% Ian:i Use oriain to Destination AM ~ Rates for retail passer-by were held at 25% consistent with the z.m report of 4/1/86. 'lbi.s is particularly CXlnservative since the ITE 4th Fdition now penni.ts 38% durin:J the peak hour, and 28% f= the entire weekday. A summaJ:Y of the trip generation data as applied to this re- evaluation is detailed in Table 2. 'lhe distribution of project trips as applied in the z.m l.o:},AJl.t is detailed in Table 3. Table 2 JfllJ:U1<I:l T.IlAFFIC FllCM PR:lJECT m:vEIDI'MENl' lD:lLBRJ:GllT PI.r.c:E PUD,IFCD ENIwa:D UIND USE PLAN Weekday AM Peak Hour Ian:i Use # units Dailv Trios in out Horne Depot 102,'250 SF 4540 70 30 Retail Shopping 215.750 SF .J.Q21ll 86 43 SUb-Total 318,000 SF 15458 156 73 Passer-by (25%) -3854 -28 -28 11594 128 45 J:M Peak Hour in out 160 180 506 529 666 709 -167 -167 499 542 2 , Table 2 (Continued) .IfU'J.'Ul(ll; TRAFFrC F1'Ol ProJECT llEDEVEIDPMENr 1DJLBRJ:GllT PIU:E PllD/l?CD EN!mN::ED L1lND USE PI>>( Weekday AM Peak Hour :EM Peak Hour IandUse # units v Trips in out in out Res. IDlti -Family 600 D.U. 3960 60 300 240 120 O1urchISchool 500 students 510 90 60 2 6 Church 1200 Seats 240 .2 .2 18 18 4710 156 366 306 144 Mixed-Use Intemal Capture (trip-en:ls) 2356 42 42 79 79 Total External Trips 13948 242 369 680 607 Source: 1. Barton-Aschman/HCllI'e Depot studies 1985 & 1989. 2. ITE 1986 3rd Edition Trip Generation Report. 3. ~y D..1deck & Associates 4/1/86 Report. Table 3 1DJLBRIGHT PIU:E PllD/J?Cl) DISTRIBUTION OF l'roJ"EX:T TRIPS Res/Church/School Retail/Comm. 'Ihorouohfare Seament In out In out Woolbright Rd. Seacrest - I -95 N. 5% 5% 20% 20% I-95 N. - I-95 S. 20% 25% 30% 30% I-95 S. - SW 8th 40% 40% 40% 40% SW 8th - SW 18th 15% 15% 30% 30% SW 18th - Congress 10% 10% 20% 20% Co1':l1:e..5 Ave. So. of Woolbright 5% 5% 5% 5% No. of Woolbright 5% 5% 5% 5% Boynton Beach Congress - SW 8th 5% 5% 5% 5% Road SW 8th - I-95 S. 15% 15% 0 0 Seacrest Blvd. N. of Woolbright 3% 3% 10% 10% S. of Woolbright 1% 1% 5% 5% 3 Traff'io Perfomanoe standards '!he MI:li\ report of 4/1/86 evaluated the projects iJrpl,ct relative to the Pal:m Beach Camty Traffic PerfOl:lllaJ1Ce starx3arCs (R-81-6). since the initial analysis fOlIl'rl all links within the influence area to be operatin; belcm IDS-D, the project was identified as category~. since background corDitions have been held constant, the category renains ~ with the enhanced lan:i use plan. '!he follcming ccmrnents are offered, an:i remain consistent with the MI:li\ report. I 1. In analyzing the daily traffic un:ier the criteria in Cate;Jory "A" on all affected links, the results iIxllcate that the project is not. a Cate;Jory "A" project. '!herefore, this project OOES NOr have to commit to offsite roadway ~ts, before being considered a viable project submission. 2. the proposed developnent at full capacity the project is a Category "B" Project, based on the 1986 design of Congress Avenue. 3. tJnjer Category "B" phasing examination, this project does not. generate traffic in excess of the stan::Iard, since Congress has been brllt to a 6-lane facility. 'Ihus phasing will not be nece'Ssary. '!he specific perfomance stan:lards an:i levels of service applie:l to the 4/1/86 MI:li\ report of re..x>:tu. appears on Page 21, an:i awerdix B - Page 4 of the MI:li\ report. '!hose values were held constant in this ~uation. As detailed in Table 4, Project traffic added to background and "other' development" trips does not cause any of the segments un:ier study to exceed the Level of Service ~ threshold. Table 4 mclLBRIGHT PIACE PUD/PCD TmIDUGHFARE IMPACTS 1985 Background Proj ect Total Level of '!horouahfare Secnnent Base Traffic Traffic Traffic service Woolbright Rd. Seacrest - 1-95 N. 22718 1489 2486 26693 C 1-95 N. - 1-95 S. 18375 4825 4230 27430 C 1-95 S. - SW 8th H031 8161 5580 27772 C SW 8th - SW 18th 14031 5075 3980 23086 B SW 18th - Cor":j..=S 14031 4691 2652 21374 A 4 Table 4 (o:mH""'~1 1IOOLBRIGRr PL1\CE POI)/PCD '.l:nuKJU\OIU:A1lE IMPJ\Cl'S 1985 Backgrcurxl. Project Total Level of '!horouahfare Seament Base Traffic Traffic Traffic Service COI":I.=S Ave. So. of Woolbright 15078 1105 747 16930 A No. of Woolbright 15078 2928 1996 19912 A Eoynton Beach Congress - SW 8th 28798 329 747 29874 A Road SW 8th - 1-95 S. 28798 329 502 29629 C Seacrest Blvd. N. of Woolbright 14060 745 1193 15969 A S. of Woolbright 16295 373 646 17314 A Notes 1. MDA ~. 21 an:i Apperxlix B cites the follcwID;J Level of Service values ~ 4-W 6-ID rns-< 30,000 46,400 I.C6-D 36,000 55,800 Intersection AnalYSes . Fach of the five critical adjacent intersections identified in the MDA report were re-evaluated for AM an:i 1M peak hour levels of sexvic:e based on the enhanced lam use plan. '!he method of analysis for this report consists of the Highway Capacity Manual (Ha.!), released in 1985 an:i cm:rently the stan::lard adopted by FOOl'. 5 Table 5 INl'ERSECl'rON LEVEL OF SERVICE HIGIOO\Y CAPACITY JmNm\L EXIS'l'Im + Bl\CXGOOUND + PmJECT rnr...,.,.,.,..,r; on 1. Woolbright Road & SW 8th St. Condition 4 Ianes WOOlbright, Pi-us westbc:P.mi Right Turn. SW 8th Northbcurxi, Left, Left-thn1, Right. SW 8th Scuthbourrl, Left, Left-thn1, Right. Split phasing North/South with EastjWest Left turn overlap Peak Hour AM m D D 2. Woolbright Rd. & I-95 South Existing c C 3. Woolbright Rd. & I-95 North C C 4. Woolbright Rd. & Seacrest Blvd. Seacrest Ncrthbcurxi, c c Restripe Left, Left-thn1, 'lhru-right. Split phasing North/South 5. Woolbright Rd. & Congress Existing 1989 (Reconstrocted) c c SW 8th street '!he realignment of SW 8th street am site related driveways am intersections should be consistent with the access plan prepared by Kilday am AssoCiates. A copy of the plan is attached, inticating the proposed lane arran;ements an:i spacing for driveways A,B,C, (D-deleted) E,F am G. 6 SUII1t1arV of Findinqs , Recamlendations FnlDIN3S 1. '!he enhanced WoolJ:lright RID/FeD renains a category ~ project Joased on TFS StaOOards contained in (R-86-6). '!his reroers the project a viable S11bmi""",ion without up-front ccmnibnents for off-site roadway inproven-ents. 2. At full development, the project would remain a category ~ project, based on the 1986 design of COngress A{renue. 3. 'Ihe project does not generate traffic in excess of the standard since <:on:Jress has been built to a 6 lane facility am. therefore phasing will not be nece'Ssary. llECX!>IMENDATIONS 1. At the intersection of WoolJ:lright Rd. & SW 8th st.: a) ConstJ:uct three southboun:l approach lanes from the project, b) Construct a west:bcmxi right turn lane, am. c) 1ldd a third northbound lane at the Boynton Center/Pylon Interstate driveway: d) provide a :multi-~ signal ......luvller with split north/south phases. Note: Install traffic signal when warrants are met based on . MIJI'CD staOOards. 2. Seacrest Blvd. & WoolJ:lright Rd.: a) Restripe Seacrest northbourxl. for left, I.eft-thru am. thru-right b) provide protected-pennissive EastjWest left turn phasing, c) provide split phasing for the North/South approaches. 3. COnstnlct realigned SW 8th street consistent with the site plan prepared by Kilday & Asscx:iates, a copy of which is attached. 7 APPENDIX 'I'lOOLBRrGBT PUlCB PllD/1'CD ~ 23, 1990 A-\ 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT .......................................**............*.......**..********* INTERSECTION..YOOLBRIGHT ROAD/SY 8TH STREET AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE.......:..01/Z1/90 TIME..........AM PEAK 1986 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1986 DATA BASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB YB NB SB EB YB N8 58 LT 9Z 4Z4 76 Z39 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 L IZ.0 L IZ.0 TH IZ88 1355 45 105 T IZ.0 T lZ.0 LT jZ.0 LT lZ.0 RT lZ1 111 80 80 TR IZ.0 T lZ.0 R lZ.0 R lZ.0 RR 60 100 60 60 IZ.0 R IZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ PKG 8USES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE (Xl (Xl Y/N N.. Nb Y/N ",in T E8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 Y8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 N8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 0 0.95 0 N Z3.5 3 58 0.00 Z.00 N 0 0 0.95 0 N Z3.5 3 SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH - 90.0 PH-I PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 PH-l PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 E8 LT X X N8 LT X TH X TH X RT X RT X PO PO Y8 LT X X 58 LT X TH X TH X RT X RT X PO PO GREEN 16.0 34.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN 10.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOY 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOW 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GAP. V/C G/C DELAY LOS APP. DELAY APP. LOS E8 L 0.045 0.589 5.9 8 38.0 D TR 1.0Z8 0.378 40.Z E Y8 L 0.984 0.589 45.6 E 39.Z D T 1.017 0.378 37.4 D R 0.016 0.489 7.7 8 N8 L 0.335 0.111 Z8.5 0 Z5.9 D LT 0.303 0.111 Z4.0 C R 0.IZl 0.111 Z3.3 C 58 L 0.499 0.Z00 Z5.3 0 ZZ.7 C LT 0.511 0.Z00 Z1.6 C R 0.036 0,378 11.4 B INTERSECTION: Delay' 36.6 (~ec/veh) VIC = 0.617 LOS = D A2- 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT ..............................***...........***.....********************** INTERSECTION..UOOL8RIGHT ROAD/SU 8TH STREET AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE..........01/Z1/90 TIME..........PM PEAK 1986 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1986 DATA 8ASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY E8 U8 N8 58 E8 UB NB 58 LT 315 118 134 41Z L IZ.0 L IZ.0 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 TH 1336 IZ45 165 111 T lZ.0 T IZ.0 LT \L0 LT IZ.0 RT 34 39Z 445 Z31 TR IZ.0 T IZ.0 R IZ.0 R lZ.0 RR 34 100 100 60 tZ.0 R IZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 lL0 lZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 IZ.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ PKG 8USES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE ('Xl ('Xl Y/N NI'I Nb Y/N l'Iin T E8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 U8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 N8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 0 0.95 0 N Z3.5 3 58 0.00 Z.00 N 0 0 0.95 0 N Z3.5 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH . 90.0 PH-I PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 PH-l PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 E8 LT )( )( N8 LT )( TH )( TH )( RT )( RT )( PO PO U8 LT )( )( 58 LT )( TH )( TH )( RT )( RT )( PO PO GREEN 13.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN lZ.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 VELLOU 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOU 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. V/C G/C DELAV LOS APP. DELAV APP. LOS E8 L 0.80Z 0.567 Z1.3 C Z8.4 0 TR 0.98Z 0.389 30. I 0 U8 .L 0.141 0.567 7.0 8 19.6 C T 0.908 0.389 ZZ.1 C R 0.510 0.389 14.1 B N8 L 0.600 0.133 30.9 D za.4 0 LT 0.70Z 0.133 Z9.0 0 R 0.8Z9 0.Z78 Z7. I 0 S8 L 0.787 0.Z00 33.7 0 za.5 0 LT 0.756 0,Z00 Z7.1 0 R 0.571 0.Z00 ZZ.6 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION: Delay = Z5.3 (Gec/veh) VIC = 1.014 LOS . D 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZEO INTERSECTIONS SUMI1ARY REPORT ........................****..............**.............................. INTERSECTION..UOOLBRIGHT ROAOII-9S SB RAMPS AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......AG OATE..........01/Z1/90 TII1E..........AI1 PEAK 1986 COI1I1ENT.......ENHANCEO LANO USE I MOA OATA BASE VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB UB NB SB EB UB NB SB LT 0 Z08 0 110 T IZ.0 L IZ.0 lZ.0 L lZ.0 TH IZZ4 1441 0 0 T IZ.0 T IZ.0 lZ.0 L IZ.0 RT 411 0 0 519 R lZ.0 T IZ.0 11.0 R IZ.0 RR 100 0 0 60 IZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 lZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 IZ.0 AOJUSTMENT FACTORS GRAOE HV AOJ PKG BUSES PHF PEOS PEO. BUT. ARR. HPE (X) (Xl Y/N NI'I Nb Y/N l'Iin T EB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 11.5 3 UB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 11.5 3 N8 0.00 0.00 N 0 0 1.00 0 N Z0.5 3 SB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH . 90.0 PH-I PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 PH-I PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 EB LT NB LT TH X TH RT X RT PO PO UB LT X 58 LT X TH X X TH RT RT X PO PO GREEN 31.0 30.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN Z0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOU 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOlol 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. VIC GIC OELAY LOS APP. OELAY APP. LOS EB T 1.041 0.333 46.0 E 37.6 0 R 0.380 0.556 7.4 B UB L 0.360 0.344 16.9 C 9.4 B T 0.579 0.711 4.3 A 58 L 0.153 0.ZZZ ZI.4 C IZ.l 8 R 0.334 0.933 0.Z A -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION: Oelay. ZI.8 (Gec/vehl V/C . 0.869 LOS . C (:.-'; ~_.._------~ b-4. 1995 HeM: SIGN~LIZEO INTERSECT!ONS SUMMARY REPORT ........*..................*..~......*.............~.......*.............. INTERSECTION..WQOLBRI5HT ROAO/I-9S sa RAMPS ARE~ TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......A5 OATE..........01/21/9~ TIME"...........PM PEA!': 1990 CCMMENT.........ENHANCED LAND II~I:' I toIlna tooe nOTA ooce ...,~O- . .....,.. ............ ...,.... ........0- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'JOLUM.ES r.:r:('\MCTOV OJ..............'.. co 100 ..0 se co 110 "0 CD ~~ w~ uU ~u wu uu ~u LT '" ?7' 0 ?'" T .? '" , .. '" 12.0 L I? '" u ~~. "'~ .~..v ~ ........ ........ TH 1e?r.\ 1074 0 0 T 1Z.0 T " '" I? '" L I? '" ~~u . ......... ......... ........ RT ,,"'a 0 0 ssa R IZ.0 T t. '" t'Z.l0 R " '" ~u~ . ........ ......'" Pu'l I"'''' 0 0 IIMl 12..0 tZ.0 IZ.0 1. '" uu 'uu ......... : 17...0 12.0 \2.0 .. '" ......... 1Z..0 t' '" I? '" I? '" I....... ........r .&...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT c~rTnoc . ..~ .......hi GRADE UII ADJ eve Dltere cue Dt:'Me PED~ OIIT "CO TVOr= ", . .~.... """............... . 'u . .......... ~..... ~ ..." ~. , " ~ ("" ''''' Yl~l ,,- .... VIal T .. . .. .".. ..~ ...... ,....., ES 0.00 2..00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N t t.5 7 ~ US 0~OO 2..00 !l '" 4- 0.95 '" .. " t: 3 u u " , , .~ !IS 0.00 '" """ N 0 0 t.00 0 .. Z0.5 7 ....u.... u w 5S 0.00 2..00 J! 0 4 0.95 0 1I 2.0.5 7 ,. w -------------------------------------------------------------------------- CTt:II.IQI SETTINGS rvrl r I'TU - a", '" oJ............. ... .~...... ..............,. ............ PH-t PH-Z PU_'2 PH-4 ou_, eu_? DU_~ DU_II " w .,. . '" ... ". ... . I'''' ES LT "0 LT u~ TI-I l{ TH RT v OT " ,., PO on . ~ US LT v CD LT v " ~~ " TH v v TH u " RT RT X PO PO GREW ?, '" 4Z.0 13.0 0.0 GREEN 19.0 "'''' '" '" 0.0 .... .v u.u u.u YELLOW 3.0 7 '" 0..0 0..0 VCI I Mil 7'" '" '" "'''' '" '" ~.u ...._"'"vw w.u u.u u.u v.u -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LCUCI OF CCOtJTr'r= ""","""... ...""".........""" LANE GP.P IIlr I':/r DELAY I nc "DO OELRY oco , nc . .. v ~. v ~v~ .... . '''' ~w~ ES T '" ao... '" ."., ?" " n ?? a C ......w..,..,. .......,...., ~.......... ~ ......~... R 0.5t8 '" "e., t: 7 B ....~IUIU. ~.~ US L 0.5.2\ '" ?77 25.0 C II'" 0 ........oJ... . . ~ .., ~ T 0.419 t.\ "''2'2 ~ '" 1\ ... ~ . ...... w.u 59 L 0..370 0.200 23.8 C 1Z.3 B R 0.435 ~ a~"]' 0.3 1\ ""~......... -------------------------------------------------------------------------- INTERSECTION: 0_,_.. - ~.......~ 18..1 ( lJ/C - 1 ~ t 14 lnc - r V~ v 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT A- S" .***.....**.....................**.**.......................*............. INTERSECTION..WOOLBRIGHT/I-95 N8 RAMPS AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE..........01/21/90 TIME..........AM PEAK 1986 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1988 DATA -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB UB NB 58 EB U8 NB SB LT 382 0 520 0 L 12.0 T 12.0 ' L 12.0 12.0 TH 970 1126 0 0 T 12.0 T 12.0 L 12.0 12.0 RT 0 378 100 0 T 12.0 R 12.0 R 12.0 12.0 RR 0 100 80 0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 -------------------------_.~----------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ P:~6 BUSES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE (Xl ( Xl Y/N NI'I Nb Y/N I'Iin T EB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 11.5 3 lJB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 11.5 3 N8 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 58 0.00 0.00 N 0 0 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS PH-l PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 EB LT X NB LT TH X X TH RT RT PO PO lJB LT 5B LT TH X TH RT X RT PO PO GREEN 23.0 35.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN YELLOW 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOW CYCLE LENGTH. 90.0 PH-l PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 X X 23.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. V/C G/C DELAY LOS APP, DELAY APP. lOS EB L 0.848 0.256 33.8 D 16.9 C T 0.409 0.878 4.2 A UB T 0.821 0.389 18.3 C 18.2 e R 0.291 0.644 4.6 A NB L 0.627 0.256 23.6 e 23.9 C R 0.053 0.511 7.1 B INTERSECTION: Delay. 17.3 (sec/vehl -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOS = e vie. 0.773 1995 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT A-fp ........................*......*............**........*****............... INTERSECTION..WOOL8RIGHT/I-95 NB RAMPS AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE..,.......01/21/90 TIME..........PM PEAK 1996 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1996 DATA BASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB WB N8 SB EB WB NB SB LT 576 0 420 0 L 12.0 T 12.0 L 12.0 12.0 TH 1221 911 0 0 T 12.0 T 12.0 L 12.0 12.0 RT 0 254 166 0 T lZ.0 R 12.0 R 11.0 12.0 RR 0 100 100 0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ :'KG BUSES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE (X) (Xl Y/N NI'I Nb Y/N ",in T EB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 11.5 3 W8 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 11.5 3 NB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 S8 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH . 90.0 PH-I PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 PH-I PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 E8 LT X NB LT X TH X )( TH RT RT X PO PO W8 LT SB LT TH X TH RT )( RT PO PO GREEN 32.0 32.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN 17.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOW 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOW 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. V/C G/C DELAY LOS APP. DELAY APP. LOS E8 L 0.967 0.356 42.3 E 18.6 C T 0.469 0.744 3.0 A we T 0.726 0.356 17.5 C 19.2 C R 0.192 0.544 6.7 B NB L 0.685 0.189 28.0 0 25.4 0 R 0.048 0.933 0.1 A I NTERSECTI ON: Delay. 18.3 (sec/veh) vie = 0.8\3 LOS = e 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT ***..**................................................................... INTERSECTION..UOOLBRIGHT ROAD/SEACREST AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE......... .01/21/90 TIME..........AM PEAK 1986 COMMENT,......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1986 DATA BASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB UB NB SB EB WB NB SB LT 80 70 252 91 L lZ.0 L 12.0 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 TH 284 407 188 3Z5 T lZ.0 T 12.0 LT lz.0 T lZ.0 RT 185 16 26 143 TR 12.0 TR 12.0 TR 12.0 TR lZ.0 RR 60 16 Z6 60 lZ.0 lZ.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 lZ.0 12.0 12.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ PKG 8USES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE (Xl (Xl YIN NPI Nb YIN P1in T EB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 UB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.S 3 NB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 SB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.S 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PH-l EB LT X TH RT PD WBLT X TH RT PD GREEN 4.0 YELLOW 3.0 SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH - 90.0 PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 PH-l PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 X NB LT X X TH X X RT X PD X S8 LT X X TH X X RT X PD 34.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN 20.0 20.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOU 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -------------~------------------------------------------------------------ LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GAP. V/C G/C DELAY LOS APP. DELAY APP. LOS EB L 0.073 0.456 10.5 8 11.9 B TR 0.324 0.378 lZ.9 8 WB L 0.073 0.456 10.5 8 lZ.1 B TR 0.308 0.378 lZ.8 8 NB L 0.349 0.ZZZ ZZ.S C Z1.1 C TR 0.488 0.ZZZ Z0.4 C SB L 0.Z44 0.ZZZ Z1.9 C 19.0 C TR 0.54Z 0.Z2Z Z0.5 C h -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I NTERSECTI ON: Delay - 15.8 (sec/veh) V/C . 0.9S1 LOS - C A-1 ;i\-8" 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORl' .......................***............**..........*....................... INTERSECTION..WOOLBRIGHT ROAD/SEACREST AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE......... .01/21/90 TIME..........PM PEAK 1986 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1986 DATA BASE VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB WB NB SB EB WB NB SB LT 2Z1 131 371 109 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 L 12.0 L lZ.0 TH 577 752 437 Z99 T 12.0 T 1Z.0 LT 12.0 T lZ.0 RT 24Z 131 120 lZ6 TR IZ.0 TR IZ.0 TR lZ.0 TR lZ.0 RR 60 60 60 60 12.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 12.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 12.0 lZ.0 12.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ PKG BUSES PHF PEDS PED. j;lUT. ARR. TYPE (X) (:0 Y/N NI'I Nb Y/N P1in T EB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 WB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 NB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 SB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH . 90.0 PH-I PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 PH-l PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 EB LT X X NB LT X TH X TH X RT X RT X PO PD WB LT X X SB LT X TH X TH X RT X RT X PO PD GREEN 14.0 Z9.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN 19.0 16.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOII 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOW 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. V/C GIC DELAY LOS APP. DELAY APP. LOS EB L 0.18Z 0.511 9.0 B 15.3 C TR 0.699 0.3ZZ lB.4 C WB L 0.030 0.511 B.3 B 17.0 C TR 0.740 0.322 19,0 C N8 L 0.871 0.211 39.6 D 29.1 0 LTR. 0.775 0.211 Z4.6 C 58 L 0.366 0,178 ZS.1 0 Z1.3 C TR 0.603 0.178 Z3.0 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I NTERSECTI ON: Delay = 19,9 (sec/veh) V/C . 1.077 LOS . C 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT f1-i ..**...............**............................**...**..**......***..*** INTERSECTION..YOOLBRIGHT RD/CONGRESS AVE AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE..........01/Z1/90 TIME..........AM PEA~ 1986 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1986 DATA BASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB YB NB SB EB YB NB SB LT 3 399 39 4Z0 L IZ.0 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 TH Z7 19 458 55Z T lZ.0 T IZ.0 L lZ.0 L lZ.0 RT 1 313 Z7Z 4 TR lZ.0 TR lZ.0 T lZ-0 T lZ.0 RR 1 60 60 4 IZ.0 IZ.0 T lZ.0 T lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 TR lZ.0 TR lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 lZ.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV ADJ PKG 8USES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE (Xl (Xl Y/N NI'I Nb Y/N I'Iin T EB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 3Z.5 3 YB 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 3Z.5 3 N8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 S8 0.00 Z.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N Z0.5 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH z 90.0 PH-l PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 PH-l PH-Z PH-3 PH-4 EB LT X X NB LT X TH X X TH X RT X X RT X PO PO YB LT X SB LT X TH X TH X RT X RT X PO PO GREEN 15.0 Z6.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN 16.0 Z1.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOY 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLOY 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. V/C G/C DELAY LOS APP. DELAY APP. LOS EB L r 0.0Z8 0.489 9.1 8 7.6 B TR 0.016 0.489 7.7 8 YB L 0.869 0. Z89 34.0 0 Z4.5 C TR 0.313 0.Z89 16.2 C NB L 0.068 0.178 23.4 C 20.0 C TR 0.57Z 0.Z33 20.1 C SB L 0.7Z8 0.178 29.6 0 21.2 C TR 0.449 0.233 19.2 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I NTERSECTI ON: Delay z 19.7 (5ec/veh) V/C . 0.701 LOS . C 1; -\ D 1985 HCM: SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS SUMMARY REPORT ............................................**.....*..**..........****.... INTERSECTION..~OOLBRIGHT RD/CONGRESS AVE AREA TYPE.....OTHER ANALYST.......ANDRE GROENHOFF DATE......... .01/Z1/90 TIME..........PM PEAK 1986 COMMENT.......ENHANCED LAND USE I MDA 1986 DATA 8ASE -------------------------------------------------------------------------- VOLUMES GEOMETRY EB WB NB 5B EB WB NB sa LT 64 359 29 377 L 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 TH 62 21 702 550 T 12.0 T 12.0 L 12.0 L 12.0 RT 8 392 309 7 TR 12.0 TR 12.0 T 1+.0 T 12.0 RR 8 60 60 7 12.0 12.0 T 12.0 T 12.0 12.0 12.0 TR 12.0 TR 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 ADJUSTMENT FACTORS GRADE HV AOJ PKG BUSES PHF PEDS PED. BUT. ARR. TYPE ( X) (X) Y/N N... Nb Y/N T EB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 32.5 3 ~B 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 32.5 3 NB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 SB 0.00 2.00 N 0 4 0.95 0 N 20.5 3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIGNAL SETTINGS CYCLE LENGTH . 90.0 PH-l PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 PH-l PH-2 PH-3 PH-4 EB LT )( )( NB LT X TH )( )( TH X RT )( )( RT X PO PO ~B LT X 5B LT X TH )( TH )( RT X RT X PO PO GREEN 15.0 26.0 0.0 0.0 GREEN 16.0 21.0 0.0 0.0 YELLO~ 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 YELLO~ 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEVEL OF SERVICE LANE GRP. VIC G/C DELAY LOS APP. DELAY APP. LOS EB L 0.028 0.489 9.1 B 7.8 B TR 0.036 0.489 7.7 B WB L 0.818 0.289 30.3 0 22.0 C TR 0.407 0.289 16.8 C NB L 0.050 0.178 23.3 C 23.0 C TR 0.805 0.233 23.4 C 5B L 0.654 0.178 27.9 0 20,5 C TR 0.448 0.233 19.2 C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I NTER5ECTI ON: Delay. 19.5 (sec/veh) vIe = 0.717 LOS = C ~4~ ,.H:'l ~ ~I.s.n '.': . ;";.' J. J. . :.'.:' r .'.".J in , ,,' I I' " -ill' ' II"II! \.' 1I1l!1 ~l:' .. . 1'\li0: : : ~ ..I, .. 'Il:!' . . , . . ~l '~ ~1. . : . - ~l . . I . . I , . t' It.L NO. ... \!J' . ~ 'II , ~u . . . . ~ u.. .. \ I ! !lll,li I ill! l~l- !n~ ~ I J~ i~ u. ~ ~ 4l~ 11V III -- --- '1', J4tl,. ~ ..... ~ itV' ..J k1.l ~ <l:l. ......n" J1-.d ~ -.... \ <. -- I "I"''' -~ ~i !\ i rbl1 L9!J r . ' : I' I. . Barton.Aschman Associates,' Inc. : I I I' " 2627-N,E.f203rd Street,(lves Dairy Road), Suite 207 Miami, Florida 33180 (305) 935-0410! !' . -~ ___ +---'_-_0"'''' .--------t-.- ,.~ _.~- --. . ,~.- -. ~ ! Ii: ': ; I i ~ ,,'.,u,...+ "_ I. !..- .)....+ ...-., i. , '. ~ :t"t\,t~c.:D.. V:^...t.~it U~ ~~ · I I . ! . I I I J.t. :-5 ..~. -~1-Id.ev-..+Ie..e...;, , : ~_~~ ~ f<.4SIJ14.-! 115"' i ,-' . I _ l. _!... : I. I .: , . e-~+~t.1..: ~'t -'R~s~ C~~ 'I --+.., J. i, ' '. <; i . 3e..-t~ i 'l-!( i 1(0 ; I I i I ! , \ 'I' ,.. I I ! i l c::'KL-Iul.A. I rt ;, I i~ct.+" ' ~I~/C.OMM I I~ .. 'I , " I 1'1 I -1- l~ !--1..L \~ I~fo ,. , . \ \ \ j i I , ' ! :~ 10 I 7'!> :1 I ovr i I ., '\ , 7 '5/ ,A't. :4 t.. ~(p+- /I,,' 70 5"0 e. D v.c.\\ 0 '" -", L.. Z '5 /0 rc ! I 1 i 'I \ , ,-' I. , , i :n4L. Tf.11l,S, I ; I 1 I. ~7!~11"$ :T, ~JlCQVC11nlJS >-:!U~ 'iPTAL I ' ~1l\AC.-n o"-=l >r- p~s ~':i '......~, VV"'TI----C> "In( A'( z.. ,....,...WboLlI./Zl&I'I"'I' . (JI/tO/ PC-OJ.b". \103> 0"1 oz... i.. I 'S~bl'" ~Y1t.N~1) l..A1vD v<!lL S."'_ o' I ' ' , .L-!_-.l--,:.'~~ :_'t ~ I'" ,I(~ ~..c~ 1!157qo I "r , , 70 I I ;~ ' r Ii! I .. , , I . ' , f'~\<:>1:>. ~ ~ 4 & (", l\ V\'1 (1~~lI! +-ll2.. ..- - I . Milt es; !IASe.., wq-2..\<:..;>-je;:i;;.-r r' , I , ! ! I, I. , I ~'/.T.~'N~L. . :'It-.) Vlz... .0",,'" -; ("Cf A<So$\(, f'.:l ~YOt-JD UI\1I'1'" o~ ~o~-r lIt:) ~e O\,,<"'- (Z-f3) ! D\ V~1ei rAOM Bi-I:,\ -n Mf ''- 2..10 '!Jq:r M>:'I(,~ AT 1ll'l\\)e;.)A--fS :1.... [i~:j i- u! " 'J A :I~ Uj 'f- -, ,- - .,- , ' ,....,..,'JJCOI..fl.r2l(.r.l, Pl-io( Pc..oJobNO n07 0-, o~ ! 1 I \ I ' Barton~Aschrt:lan Assoclat,es, Inc. ., 'Su.,.., ~Yt~Nu"n ~D \;l~L Sh..._ 01 ; I I I : I " , \ ' 2627.'N.E".203rd Street,(lves OalryRoad), Suite 207 i :......bY,' , A6. Da.. ,I/~ Ch.c'''.' ' Dala ~~~~~,~~d~_33180~~5)!~~~oL. 1_ : :_", ,.__: L 1 " ~\/f~l"() _ut.._.tJ~ ~~I~~t~~ 4~+ i 'T": ('1$1<:>..,:; y1Y\11 (hClIL ~10tA Ie. , . ,~J\ck.r.,~\e..e !-to:4+4t: :--zo 70 : ' ,~iy~-r.. I, .'.' ,wO;e.' ~ -$ckni -u,; QQ..tM,~ ' \ ~ 'k" ; I ,....'! ,. - r--';' ..,;,. e-'l-t~~ ,~'t -Ptl-S$ ~-<.. . , ~ , , '{j ,-~+""'r" I ' , , 'Z~' It :.D, eq~~~L. , IN! 1030 , Ol,<-r ~o :;... A<;5 Ie. I-J ~yOtJD Ul\.lrr t)'f' fRo~-r i .1 I , \ I i ~\-t"'UM I ;~Of..;. I' ' , , t'.' ~o . r ;"" , , , .' n" , \ I\~ Ih1' I~ I , ~v..r( I <0 7 ~ I DI voe-r FAOM Bj.IS" ,21"f1''- i' J ., ! , 'I' -\-1 11 I I I t i I ,\, ,I tl4?- 794- I T I A$~'6~ /1-T \>te.\ \J-<:Wto-tS , , , !. ._u 709 I '/ I. I i i , i I , ~\~ko.MM , c.(,.~ ., nv.c.-n9~ {. p.~s- ~y , " 1+1 Cj ?~ 70; Ih7.-" , q ~07Q '544-, , z. ~, !e \ 7 r,".j. m<... 1t.1'P,s, '. A7u~\'l&llD"s : I' r. I'1UlQV'C11OIJS' ~~ IVTAJ cilY'C.." 0 lo,)-eerl=>lL \~L ~e'1?,lVnl. r i [\S)i]:"--; , ' , 'I ! ' Barton~Aschman Assocla~es,' Inc., I . I I ; , I ; i: 1 2627 ,N.e.. 203rd Street'(/ves Dairy Road), Suite 207 i i ;M....Y.' , A6. ~,~~,_F.!e.~d!.331,80~~.5) ~_~~~o lu ! _ i ,~___ _ ': .. L _ .;. _, j, __ , I' '; I ,: ! .. ..' "1 "-'4- .". , . .. '. - - .t.. .-. - I ! ~ ~ r . , _ J:"'T~~ ,^^~"f.~iJ. U~ ~!.- : I , - , ' I , I I, --- "J ~11~'heJ2, ''k>, 4++t, 't-5 (0 ~-ScknL ~ ~S'MI~ t-~.?:., A -14- , ,- / '"",I,,,,/)jCOL.Il.l'2.t(,~1 ,Il/AP 'Pc..O Jo.Ho n03> o"l Oz.., 1IU."C' ~\4~Nu::ri L.A-1vD v.~E- 0.001_ cl , , I /' , 1;)1'- .1, 'I ~ecked by. . O.te i :,; : eeNI/\c..../c"O , I ea.IC>'P ~ ADT IJJtt..~DC.Y , i Y\AjY~. vtS..a.. t...u {.,-e.l~!".U cr:.-r- , , t",,-t~e...l ,~'t -'R~S$ C~-<... , : 'J.J --~-+ -, I ' , I 'l~: 19 : l (I : ") D 1 I e:~T.~~jIl.'- l~ (pql-tk O....T" ~ C(:; 4- A<;.SIC,I\.) ~YC'ND UI\II'l" of:. ~O:rc:.c.,.. :J:TlIll... \t.l~.$: "Z 0 I G.:> ,'3 , -3;. A7t9t\C110"!; II ~ e , ' 'Ii, I',~OVCTWJ\ II +- B l)~~ WAU :t-~ 1'2.. , , , I < :':'!l~c.-nOI\,;) \ \,1- 70 , "l /. ~. PM>~-1l;;o"1 ,/ :~ ",,4- , , ~e..I:l&c.-nO~-et'T):>'L ? S, /0 " I I I \~ '::77 ~v.-0I'4YZ....L I : I'" ;:;'10 & B'Hoh I i ~ ''['' I Dl Vt;;Je1 !"AOM ei-I!:>" "'Ie M-f' '- I , , -i .-.. +.. I I i I 1 , ,..\ , t' , 1 -- I , i .i ,- I --1- -,- i ,I ! I I I I , I I " -- . ".- r'.;- r t .. ,. i.. I .,. .;. t , ~~'6~ AT \l)'Z.\\l~trtS 1- -j.. e::K.(.(~ .~Dl,;. l L : ~?-S-- .' ! :-.... :~ :~ I~ ,....... !'-. 7-12.~ "1 f 'll1 ~ 75'- ! I . j ~ /080 /16'0 C,,- ' \,!,CI/cto I'" ""..... 1'''; ".,. ,~ ,- Mil:) ,;' SUMMARY OF TRIP GENERATION RATES Land Use/Building Type ~f1!JP1"g (""""to>,.. 200.000 299.999 a.a.F. ITE Land Use Code 1\'3 Independent Variable-Trips per 1. 000 Gross Sauare Feet of Leasable At"PPl , Average Number Average Size of Trip Maximum Minimum Correlation of Independent Rate Rate Rate Coefficient Studies Variable/Study Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends "n ,; 01 0 1? " . ':10 ?.,,, Peak A,M. Enter 0.4 .~ 0.2 ':I ?711 O. Hour Between Exit 0.2 0.':1 0.1 ':I ?711 of 7 and 9 Total 0.6 0.8 0.1 ., ?711 Adjacent P.M, Enter 2.1 2.7 1.6 7 ?k' Street Between Exit 2.2 ':1.0 ' . Q 7 ?k' Traffic 4 and 6 Total 4.8 7 ? '~ ,; ,,, ?II7 Peak A.M, Enter 2.0 ?" 1 R 11 ""0 Hour Exit 2.2 1.R 1<:; " .,,,., of Total ':I. a (; ':I ",1 ,,; .,.,11 Generator P.M, Enter 2" ':I ? ",n 7 "'''7 Exit . ?,7 ., " , <:; 'H~7 7 Total <:; .., 7 II ., 0 'lr' .,.,c Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends 711 ., nil , r:C ':I ,n ""., Peak Enter ':I " II " " 11 ,- "en Hour of Exit ':I ':I 11 11 ? ., ,; ",-r: Generator Total ,; II II ., " 7 e ",-n Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends .,.., ., .-., , ,-" I' I 0 .,,,e Peak Enter n ,; n 0 n I, ., .,.,0 Hour of Exit , , .., II n I, , " .,e.- Generator Total , .., , C n II ., .,.,0 Source Numbers 3. '3, 11.1 . '9, 1.IR, 1.19. 51.1 59. P 7h. 77, ?R . gll, l 00 , , , 110. 1"'1.1 ITE Technical Committee 6A-6- Trip Generation Rates Date: J::].5~-".::J9, Rc v-"___.19.B2_.._____ ..__u...__ -.'- -.- ,n -' ..-- --- I , ..~. o " , : ~ I . 1. : ".~ ;0', , ~ A- -lIo o SUMMARY OFTRIP GENERATION RATES "- Land Use/Building Type Low-Rise Anartment ITE Land Use Code ??1 Independent Variable- Trips per Dwelling TTnit Average Number Average Size of Trip Maximum Minimum Correlation of Independent Rate Rate Rate Coefficient Studies VariablelStudy Average Weekday Vehicle Trip Ends h h o ., e: , .,., .,<:" Peak A,M, Enter n , 1'1 '.1 1'1 , I .,., .", Hour Between Exit n Ir !\ ., 1'1 ., .,., .,,, of 7 and 9 Total 0.'\ O.Q O.'l ?ll ?no Adiacent P,M. Enter 0.4 0.6 O.'l ?< ?" Street Between Exit 0.2 0.4 1'1 , ?'.1 .", Traffic 4 and 6 Total 0 6 O.Q 1'1 11 ?ll .,,,,, Peak A.M. Enter 0.1 0.< I'll ?ll .,1Ie: Hour Exit l'I.ll 1'1 ., 1'1 ., .,/1 .,/", of Total I'Ih 1'1 0 1'1 '.1 .,e: .,,,, Generator P.M. Enter 1'1 11 1'1':: " ., .,,, .,1,,,, . Exit " ., 1'1 II " , .,,, ..,Ir" , Total ," ., " n " " ." .,.,0 Saturday Vehicle Trip Ends ., ., n ., " Ir ." ~~... Peak Enter " ., " I, " , .,,, ..,." Hour of Exit 0.'.1 o 4 1'1 ? ?I'l ., ." Generator Total O.h 1'1.8 " '.1 ." .,.,1\ Sunday Vehicle Trip Ends h , 88 11 ., ." .,.,1\ Peak Enter o < 0.7 11 ., ?I'l ., ." Hour of Exit 1'1." 1'1,,\ 1'1 , ?n .,." Generator Total 1'1 h , ., 1'1 ., ." .,.,1\ Source Numbers II. 2l. 7l. 98, 110 ITE Technical Committee 6A-6- Trip Generation Rates Date: J982 ______.___. ___. -- -.,- --------.-- -.-- - ---- -~--- --~-- u }4-1 ::f. Prol'c' l.0lVll'r;e.I("H, )OIA \) /f)c.:D JObNo,1'7D~ ()Cj at:. S.bloc' I q y.~ wi l;?IV\-tjo>1\lCl<;JI\.IfAJlsh"'_ of Mod, by A-&. Do" I / IS Ch,ck,. by DOl' , 'i &t D , ~ 1/10../"10 ton.Aschman Associates, Inc. . N.E. 203rd Street (Ives DaIry Road), Suite 207 nl, Rorfda 33180 (305) 93&0410 W601.. ~ 72.1C:> 11'1 ~ -;,'W e~1 I (ICi.!'c:.) j)..vv... <i"'i.rG. ) "1'1'1.-\ o ~ 9 J j l we. L 0 ~ \?,B:; r 42A- A-_ I'\.. ^-6 -;- 13a rtl8" ()u,,:t' ~\l JlL tll.J I~IC.- O--:!. wy!. z.oz.. ..J 1419~ 0--, ~ 11(" I). I!\ " /Il I\J " " " Ii, ~ '\) C) f>. 'il- _ ,st.J8 'C:JN8 tll'::o'1"'e161oo'7ioN , /~L!C/", ()<<,~ :sl..J'n'J,",: ~ ~'\" ~~.~ 11\.;)".. ~ L.,'\l~ 'L4o ~ IIj~J ~f....7D ~ ~ ~ ~ 404 '- "- j ~ .J ! <" rL 1. \,. !. I~.-f' t Zt.;~ r~ 30 j,,-' i 101. 10/0 ~ ~ ';' 1\ ,..., \:::..J 6~A'\.o""\ ......, foI'I '""' ::--. v vI},') '-' ();) l.t, "- (') !\) ~ J .L ~ CLI](/sJq J C<.:' , / _ ,I/o c, (': .\) - '.. 1:: I -I - c~ Tj't\y~ f""':In~ \!) '" <:l ~~c::::., ........~'""' ." '''' \::/~~ ,G\ ~ Q ." " \I) ,) 1. l.,;, [loJ('Z.) 38~ 1 '" -::::- ~ {Jf'v\ 'C ~4Cq4J8:z..J 'L- 10 I (f. )[<1 ':, J t ~ ~ '-' r;;;, L...J ,-- \~ ".__.__.__._~-~._-_...._'-_.~-'-~~---~~~-,._--,- ~ .L\ -1'6 :larton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 2627 N,e. 203rd Street (Ives Dairy Road), Suite 207 MIami, Florida 33180 (305) 935-0410 P",'ee' \.uC>ct- 'l? 1Z 1(,......' r (ll-1 iJ Sobt.C'! Ci'~ (p wI f ~....., ~CG. Mad. by ~ Dill 1/ /; Checked by , ~ I (Ic.."/qo JobNo 170:' OC, ot. Sheet_ 01 0...1<1'10 I,WOOLr':>2.IGn1' ~ swG-rn \c\r(." P"A-5~ Y\'l tj,l'kS Sl~ A-'\,IV\ ~ _f~ ~ r\..~~ .....\Ill);} J J. I... -L !i'.;' - r~e 3- r4zA- ~ ,-' "- 51. \.l I'll 'Cl " " - I" Z.S Jll 'r lIe \NY!> 'I z.. J li( I 4- ''1 --'" '" ~ L, ::,4-~ ~ ~ ~ s... fr ~ ~ '" .J \:'1(",- IZ-I~ ~& ~t( I\. ~ ~ ~\1~C(<;v ,;;' Ii '-:-"I ~,....., ~ L""""'tl V';,G \l- \D ~ CJ CJ L:J -ti2.) p~ L::....~6 ~ N\' "" l'l...... L, IL Bt.[ z.S'-:].?7 .... "'-- ~ l4-B ;J? .... I l: N\ .... J. J 1 ~ -ell> -&~ -, ~'%l'2.0J , t ~qz-J ;,\,J t -loB ~ -e7 v r;J1 ''1-\ C:.J ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ \11 ~~ ..... IV Eo-l 'J.~:; ) i- ~ C 4Z-4- o,Z- J ~ t r I"Z.$B -4' 'l{ ~ ~ IZ.I~ ;-o.,-)>.t..- \C\bt, +- ~ N\-fI~C~}) ~l'24jfcr :::-....... 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[00] " ~~-fl:::-1<- ~ JJ. -20 Barton.Aschman Associates, Inc. 2fl27 N.e. 203rd Street (lyes Dairy Road), Suite 207 MIamI. Florida 33180 (305) 935-C410 """oct l1bl-'l,.Al, 12.1 r. ",1"" I'IA P/lt..D Job No nb~ 0" 6z" SUb'te' I t! g. ~ U" II;) 1) I i1 cr'I-.l ~ $hee' _ 0' ~ D.'. I/.$ Chec'" by Oa.. I ti Ii D ete\l \I\~ /qv . 't,' Wtn>lA~l2.IC.t1"\'" f. :t:-c;; SO. (Wl:;.~.,.) \ '1.t~ P,/~e. Wi Ill"''', S )""i€: lN6 AlAA ~'5 $p;/~ry No ~. ~ ~ l!>t;o ~ ~ .;:- z.oB I/'Z.B- ~ 57- "l. 4 PY'Vl c:j '5 :.I~ 0(>' ~~ \ON J l. <!- 8go r- Z,3>1 1\)6 \4z.t.)-, BS~ ').,. Se, Q7o') <:\'5':>60";' t;j) ~ ~ tl [1-;]8} -) [4-J ~/)~ ~r7A1'Jt0l !..MJO V\.So!, 'reI IS /l \\) ~ ..... '" d. ~ 4-1 Q 41J (10~ J l6-?" I C ~4-Jq, ~ +-tsh~J f;I\M. -ro~" PJV. ~O \t\0',," tb () In .::: ... c-.~ ~ 14-&.[ t /-.JHtl?JCO \J) t.j t-- \0'+4- ~ l, + ZOE' PiUJ'j! c:r J.. \. ,-- 1: ;, I ..... IZZ4-> I ""t.O- 4- \1 -:l," & 09 -:).. A-2..l n.Aschman Associates, Inc. .e. 203rd Street (IveIl Dairy Road). Suite 207 Flo.!'da 33180 (305l ~10 PlOjOCtIJYY:Lf.:,/2.I(.././-f f>'iA'\)}"'(.D",_12~.J' t, t.ffNtl;"'!1 mJ'7 _.. P<:> ' 0... I / $> ""....... V:1V 1//'1/0..0 . '''N.l'iD:$ CC, at- Sheet _ of ""10 ICt'l D W~v"hI2\6H'1" e.. "!-'\OS )..joe1'\-lCtYl~-r) , 1\ Ct ~c..) to- yIA 6'1.';-(,) (.'0'1 Cj '5 Nt.J/ () t-> d(~ f>1)1~," II::- l':fh . _ \l~o I~ ZS'4- _ l;bGo Iv'?; :.oS'lJ ,\1-l-9 fl ( ,r,.. ~ ~ ~ - S'c..e -..1 1z.~0~ ~(' ~~ q,,; )jD/GN' ,,",S' \.>0/'Jf~ 'i>\':>~Il!1I.<i1D>> ~/Sr.A./d-, Oi'n~c..- ~.Jr~ ~S"k ~\Olo ~ Z.Ofo to'~ ") U~ ~Q 10/0.....1' ~ S '~-"'I loi~-"I l070-"l ~ ~ .., ~ <l .... ...... t1M A'(Vo. [zS) (\4)Z,5"J CSGlc.) h_ ~ ~ 0- ,~ r ~,l \~" __I \ \ \ , \ i ~ \:!:;> CJ )['163 l~} (<;,)5\ ....!' [\t-) (\) l'!>-"J )0 (u'o/c,..../a, 'I:) \), j ,rL .l)J,z~nlIL ~>(7)U<Y '" ~ ~ (:, I"<\t G ----~----~~~ ----- ---~--_.- U ton.Aschman Associates, Inc. . N.E. 203rd Street (lves Dairy Road), Suite 207 nJ, Florida 33180 (305) 935-0410 , , , Projec. WDOc..'bJ2./6h"T ytUi)/ PCP ...1.... /'let;, WlU))/;701AJ S:, Mod. by A6 D.;~ \ 1$ CIIockoG'" ~ \1'tA./ &\0 . A-~'Z.. Jo..olft) s C)'f ol. s"..t_ of D.,.1'140 ~le..\c..l-t,. i I-qs- DD'f.jl.{ (tM..,.) A-w\ \4~t... )>.", Uv." ~l-r!. yOlNl , i ~/O"" u/D^, e.'V wI'!> I L Z54- ~ goG rz.l' /N13 t"'lIJ q 4~ -:;> 1?t-~1~ iE-loCj"=> ~ ( - ~~ ~~ qStl/ol'f' 5"'04- -....J '" ( II bb--"7 : ~ 'J) \~~ tt ~/o 11' ~~ll"l"'1\)ltJ) L-~D v.~€. ~l'<' ~~[~4--) ~ 10 ["1~J (4]ft>l-J ~ C~l'Z.~J "l [ '0 J Il- -, .~ l iq) (p-=; ..... -.... ~ "'> r~ CJ . t-:, MM. "'fZ)fY-l-l.. PM ~\-f""'1\)ll::1:> L y+'- 1...A-lJ1J ill ~€.. 1\...... Z. S-4- ~ 1\1..J.p It\j? ~'11/ ~v~ ~p S71fo J ~ ( cpO -7 ~a I 'll..( --7 !)~ ").... ~~ ~. rton.Aschman Associates, Inc. !7 HoE. 203rd Street Oves Dairy Road), Suite 207 ami, F10rlda 33180 (305) 93!Hl410 A'B Plojoct iAJDbt..n.e..16l-A.,... v:v.D(~("P Jo.No\iD'} c'1 at.. 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("''to 4- ' lA:IOOL 1!. e IG 1-17" ~ ~C e.f~., wr; ~t" 1\1. ~ 0"- .......pI) ~ L l. /).VV\ \~fft.. VVlIIV\.<"- '::>i-U: rY\1 \0 0-... ~ L- I~I No..~~ ~7t...$' ~ '" j L l,> ..r:- I ~I 1'15" -1 '1 i r S"(P3 - IV) t'I.. <:) Z.'Z.1- ~ ~~ '" ..... "- \ t..> "-~Cjq r +0 ~e.J z. 7' 6 -'i' 118 J. "" "- , ~o iL It.-~ t.'5' "-"'1 1+ ""''6 Iti "'~\!) ~~N s~ 5~ ~~~c~o L.-Y\-1.Jo l,.A ~ e:; 1'"le-l flS ~, iL \O~ z.~~ 5"5' 14--;:< I $" -.:J. ~ ~ -~ 4- Z?- ~ Co "-- I '" ,..PTtll ICI!b \O~IT\ 1..-1'7:>1 ~In ....... wll./VHWlJCC'? '\I q- <:l ~f\J \I" ~40+ ...... I\J ...... _"":i5!.. -01\ L. J+'Tvj) \I1~e. J L l d .J. l7 r ~o r /::.( eoJ 'IiI Z-Z-I-.J ~1 r 2$4-- 5'f}~ I\J<\'~ .......("1.,-0 I e>~ 4- t"...,t\J z.. 4 2.--:j- rI..,.I)l\I ~ - N)~, jJ.-Z.5 ....toctlJ.)OaL~12I(,H1"' fI) D/~("o "'"0110". O~ Dt. _' ta..~~ Ca"NO\'iloN ~ ShH'..,... of "",by ACR, I I ff Clloc:kodby 0.,. l'1"iO , IZ-v::vt~ J ,ct' '7 0 n.Aschman Associates, Inc. I.Eo 203rd Street (Ive, Dairy Roed). Suite 207 . Florlda 33180 (305) 93&0410",..~~Ic..l'"1"- ~ ~G-f2.t.SS, , 6<q ~~) ;\ M Qqs~) 1'1'\.1 ~ N:~ ~ ~ II) I j L l.. A.- ; lot.. _ '[../ r ;~O wGo ~Nti- ~~ J ~ l, \.- ~\:; -- l~ r~q-:;. wI$. ~4-J (, t,. -=;1 8'-:;. ~i(' ~N' to,) '\) ~ ""tn ~-' ~:t- .- ,~ 11 r- '3\<1"...... (<) ~~ co r-lGo d puc. \)\-,reIi1\.;1'l1m-) o>>iet. U~/~/ sd.-- ~Il IC- ~ic:> L,;j \. .c 5"76 ,'0 '0 LIO'o ... ~ r~ft:1 r <0'\\1 ~+~ ~Il "-ls70 ~ ;-51.. r ~\o T~\~S ~ ~ '"' .:> ~ A.M N .... ~ ........ ~ '-/ ~ '4 I::.. l~ (I 1( ~") ~ \ 'H. , )['!> l wjSG-I-!(C 1'1' D'(-fl ~t ) y.> f '1'<1'- r Ii\ ---- ~ ~ W _____n_.' _.__" ,.-"" r $7.. p/lA ~ Co- h (<OJ C~~J .c"O)O~J r f') "' ::;. \",./ Q , c:.J ._-,-----,_.._---_...~-------- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. DD 98-073 Kerry Willis, City Manager Jim Cherof, City Attorney John Yeend, P,E" City Engineer Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Manager Michael E, Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator Bob Donovan, Permit Applications Supervisor Bulent 1. Kastarlak, Director of Development .Il/I(, DATE: March 27, 1998 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: PURPLE HEART WAY AND EXPO CENTER I have reviewed the documents and issues related to the referenced proposed road and have made the following determinations: 1, The November 1995 Woolbright Place Settlement Agreement required that the referenced road be constructed within 21 months of the date of Agreement, The construction of the road has been postponed beyond the 21 months, Now, the road is under consideration for a permit by the Department concurrently with the permit application for the Expo Center by Home Depot. 2, City Code, Chapter 6, Article III, Section 12 reads "All streets shall be constructed by the Developer." in accordance with City regulations," This is now being complied with by the Expo Center through an agreement with the original Developer (Mr, Morton), 3, City Code, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section lOB reads that the minimum street right-of-way for a local street to be 50 ft with mountable curb and Section 10C states "two 11 ft lanes" for the same, The Agreement stipulates a 50 ft R,O,W, and a 22 ft pavement with a "crown," This signifies a "local street." The standards adopted by the County and FDOT define the "Urban Local Street" as providing direct access to abutting uses, connections to higher order streets and offering the lowest level of mobility, 4, The proposed street will meet the FDOT and County standards after an error of judgement made by the Engineer of the Applicant is corrected. The error involves not lowering the elevation of a drainage manhole located at the lowest point of the road to accommodate the proposed 54 inch drainage pipe along the northern edge of the street. Lowering the elevation of the manhole will make the "crown" section of the street possible without requiring additional fill material. The correction will be made and plans will be resubmitted by the Applicant, Development Department Memo DD 98-073 RE: Purple Heart Way and Expo Center March 27, 1998 Page Two 5, City Code, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 10 reads" " , the new street, where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract, , ,to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands", ," In this case, it will be necessary to determine the final elevation of the street at the boundary with abutting tract to carry forth the design and construction of the street to the boundary of the tract, Without this final elevation figure, the design and construction of the street cannot be completed, Currently, this fmal elevation information is not available, since discussions between the abutting property owners, the Winchesters, and CSX Railroad is still continuing about the feasibility of the railroad crossing, 6, City Code, Chapter 6, Article V, Section 4,B,2,e reads "Construction details showing compliance with City standards, or alternate design as approved by the Director of Development," When corrections in elevations are made, construction details will conform to City standards, RECOMMENDATIONS: 1, The proposed street design should be revised to reflect the R,O,W, width of 50 ft with 22 ft pavement and mountable curbs and a crown, plus new and lower elevations for drainage manhole and other points, 2, The submitted plans could show Purple Heart Way ending about 75 ft short of the abutting property boundary line, including a culvert crossing easement, In the absence of final elevations at the boundary line, it would be preferable for the Developer to postpone, and the City to agree that the construction of the remaining 75 ft be done at a later date, For this, the Developer will deposit an amount in escrow equal to a certified construction cost, plus 15% contingency for engineering design and field supervision costs, The design and construction will be completed by the City at a future date when all design information is available, I think that the resolution of this matter as proposed will be acceptable to all parties concerned and will expedite the completion of the review process for permitting Home Depot Expo Center, BIK.:bg \\CH\}.tIAIN\SHRDATA\Development\Building-6870\Documents\Memos in Word\Purple Heart '!Vay.doc ,.,....,a '-';~i' --. SooSE ~ ~ 1IlIG'o&I..... ..J ..~_.~ . -- ----. ,.....,........f'\lIIIJlII ...--- -.r ~ euat......... ... --- ~.o. ...-- ..arr ~ MoICIt., n..afIIM ...... ~-- OR~ S. Kneo. P.A. 'IT 0 ., "'II 13Z-$IllIl 'hLD:O..-, (!Ill e>>o:l8' Marc:l120. 1998 VIA FAX~ 954-771-4923 lames ~ Esquire Ioaias.t Oar= 3099 8th c.._Qal Blvd.. Suite 200 Ft. Laudenlale, Florid. 33308 ./ Re; Woolbriglrt PCD - Jndustrizd Access Read Dear Jnn: CcmfUmiJsg 0lIr conversation of~y afternoon, aDd in III. eff'on to resolve the cimiag lIlld mcil1a1)' iJsuea ~ the ...-b.~ of the iDdustriaI =:esa toad. we would like to offer tbc followillg ~ to the City ofBoymozlBeadz. Home Depot Elqlo Desisll Ca7ter ("Home Expo")wiU COXISt1'Uct the imlwuiallK:c:esl road as retlectecl OIl their approwd sire plan For that t~12g pomOIJ of the iIldusuial aa:css load ii'om die tcmIiDus of the road as sbowu by the Home Expo site plan to the property D, mydleacwill ollaiIlacenifiedcostt.,t' .....Ieftom Call1~& Wheeler, HomeExpo's projC(;t eagincc:r. IlIli tbat sum of1S1JJDll:y will be givea to the City for the ......all~DD cftbe ,.......;..d<<, af'thc rDad. If ilIId wb= a l1Iilzo3d c:ras5iag is I:ftr lIpJlX'OVlld ill that 100000uoto. the fimds em be 1lI8dtbr tile completiol1 af the project If md1 ~ is IlOt forthcoming, the City may utilize such fimda fer my other appl'Oprill&C public purpose. As you clirKteli, my clim1 will deal diRetly with Pete MamdI& 011 the appI'OYIIi of the certified estimate, We ~ this ia the moat pf&tical approach to resolviDg tbillong-standiq _c. .~~ Grq;oJy S_ Kiuo GSIClag 27564 cc: Pew W.".,n., Assistam to Utilities Oirector (375-6ZSlS) Miebael MortOD (S61124I-0646) ,.'--. ..~- .....~_._- REGULAR ClTY COMMISSION BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID' FEBRUARY 3. 1998 Eddy Estime with "Island Beat Band" to provide music at Black Awareness Day 5, Proposed Resolution No, R98-27 Re: Authorizing approval of an entertainment agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Annie Murzike with" Jr, Drinkwater and the Thirst auenchers" to provide music at Black Awareness Day 6, Proposed Resolution No, R98-28 Re: Ratification of South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board action of January 21, 1998 as follows: a, Authorization to expend on an emergency basis $2,500 from the Sinking Fund to repair Hycore Press; b. Authorization to increase the contract with R. J. Sullivan Corporation for the construction of Grit Discharge System in the Screening Building from $289.010 to $291,940 to cover $2.930 of Change Orders and extend contract completion by 120 days; c. Authorization to increase Ric Man's contract for the Northwest Reuse Project from $2,535,701.75 to $2.573,516.79 to cover $37,815.04 of Change Orders and extend the contract time by 18 days; .-_ d, Authorization to increase J. J. Kirlin's contract for the Northwest Reuse Project from $4,595,784 to $4,658,008 to cover $62,224 of Change Orders and extend the contract time by 80 days; and e. Authorization to expend on an emergency basis $25,000 from the Sinking Fund to repair two (2) EQ Motors and Blowers D, Ratification of Planning & Development Board Action: J-~ ,1, \ ~n. ~ ,\L7 /" - \ - V \<" , J~e '7 'f I r "" I ~(" ,Go \' ~J Q' ~fp( . , I , .. c v , Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Request for modification of the previously- approved master plan to move the north property line between Home Depot and the undeveloped property to the north 40' and to subdivide the Undeveloped property and vested square footage into a 3,99 acre parcel with 49,106 square feet of retail and a 10.626 acre parcel with 108,004 square feet of retail ' 2. Shoppes of Woolbright - Home Depot Expo Design Center - Request to construct 108,004 square feet of retail space on 10.626 acres within the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Items 0,1 and 0,2 were moved to "Development Plans", E. Approval of Bills F, Approve refund on Cemetery Lots 470 A & B. Block S, at Boynton Beach Memorial Park purchased by James J. Houlahan G, Approve refund on Cemetery Lot 415 A, Block N, at Boynton Beach Memorial Park purchased by Peter Castronova 6 JUL-18-67 16,40 FROM,J051AS GOREN ET AL ID'6547714823 PACE 3/12 JOSI.A,s. GOREN. CHEROF. DOODY & EZROL, P.A. ATTQFtNEY$ AT LAW SUITI!: i!OO ~~. ~ C;QMMC..e..... 8OULI:VAAO FOllY UU:OB8PAU, F,1.01l1DA 33308 STEVCN 1,.. "'OSI.... SAMIJEL S. OOIII'filt ......ME. A. C"'~RO' pQHAL,D J. 0000,," K'~"'" l,.. 1:901. TEU~HOJtilE (...~ "1.4.00 "'ACSIMILE {1itS4.l''''-423 LCONARD O. AU.IN ItO_CRT W. VAl.e LVSAN C. VANI:5KAHIAH "'le"~L O. Cl"U,"",O. .JR. Transmission Via Facsimile Only July 18. 15196 Brian B. Joslyn. Esquire 200se, Casey, Ciklin, et al. Northbridge Tower 1 - 19th Floor 515 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Boynton 2each/Tradewinds/Woolbright Place Our File No. 900304 Dear Mr. Joslyn: I am in receipt of your letter dated July 18, 1997. I have forwarded a copy to the City Manager, Al Newbold. and the City Clerk so that they can provide the appropriate documents that you request. I will respond more fully to each of the issues that you raise in your letter when the City staff provides me with their impressions regarding the TRC meeting. I feel compelled to address the issue regarding the recording of the Plat to some degree. I for one, felt that Mr. Morton made a clear and unequivocal demand at the meeting on Monday, July 14, 1~~7 that the Plat be recorded. It seems disingenuous for you or Mr, Morton to now suggest that the staff should have inferred something in direct contradiction to that express demand. Nonetheless, if you fell abandonment or vacation of the Plat is necessary, I would be happy to entertain your suggestion on how the City can assist your client in doing so. I am responding to the proposed Second Addendum to Settlement Agreement drafted by, your associate, Creg Kino. I am SUbmitting the proposed Agreement to the City Commission for consideration at JUL-1B-B7 17,03 FROM,JOS1AS COREN ET AL 10,9547714923 PACE 1/1 Brian B. Joslyn, Esquire July 18, 1997 Page 2 their August 5, 1997, meeting with a request that they schedule a workshop meeting. It is my intent that you and your client be available for that workshop so that the full Commission can consider the status of this development and any proposals you have for bringing it to fruition. I need to advise the Commission in advance of the workshop meeting of the status of Mr. Morton's negotiations with the County regarding the impact fees as the County has linked the City in that dispute, I am requesting that you provide me with that information so that I can request a workshop meeting with the City Commission to discuss a comprehensive settleme of the issues raised in the Second Addendum. JAC/ltlh '00104 JOSLY1I.L'1'R J cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager Al Newbold, Sue Kruse, City Clerk 10013547714823 PAGE 4/12 ~"'-, JUL-1S-87 16.40 FROM.JOSIA6 GOREN ET AL , -~ ........... ...-.., ......... -- , 800s& C#l.SI!:'I' CllCUM LUBn% ~1tS McBANe; /5. 0 CONMEU. ..........,.... l~-~"''''-'' ....:LA~ .-aIIM L.. . = I..... .-woE 8. ....,.- ...- ",JIt. ~.. 8&Pt. ~.A. ~"...-c. II..... .-- o. .... ".A. t.DIIINIEll-. ~~.~.".A. ~M. _ 1\1.'" .......~.~... ~..'CiO"" & .....,.L.~. ..... _C, __...~.~A. ""**.. ".- -II ......,....,... ""'.. ~o#- :YJAIl'AX: _m-4923 -...g,~.-, ~,\~ ~ A. ...... ..A.. ...... .. ..wr.,,'nt, "... ~..-- <::......... ~.A. .... 0. L~ ~,-~fJA ~...~....... ~p......:C"a 14'(.......; .....,.M.O~...oA. IIMIL Do O' ~'.dl.. PO""'. - '" """".... ..uUC.... .......... ......~.~ - ..-.illll 1QWGt 1- ''''" P\"GGflI :oIS _,.......- .... fIllllI.M MACH, f'1.aIIIM aND1 - . = 1: (SIf)13MIIID .,., .:It CIIU___1 01. -"It _.._I~ ~"'~IJfIlI. ............ ~ .IOteI ... ~. ~.A- -- ....0.__ .... ..... ....... A. ...... July 18, 1!l97 JlIIIIaI CJ.ot; BIquiro JoUI ct; Goren 3099 IthO......-.a.! Blvd" Sui1c 200 Ft. I..mderdaIc, Florida 33308 Itc: WoolbslgJ1t PCD ~. Cherof. The foIlcrwiDg ia a lilt at our Ow.... ,.. we 'I\lWIcI1ib to _ addtaIcd ;_ood;....1y ill all attempt to .....u...bIy ruolve our cIIf&....cts with the cay over the lum"';"g of the Wool1lricbt PCD: 1, We ........r-6 _ t:be Cly his recorded the plat for Parcel OC- ~o my c:lient'a IIIli our RC(1I8Il ofW~~y DOt 10 do 10. We have received Mr. Newbolcl'a mcpIuIa1ioIl of the timilIs of the 1........La, I'Icu.provid&myotllcewith~ 1balMr.HaIl:lllucl the.........didg receipt dated July 15th to my c:IiIat llt5:01 p.m. oa tbIl day. We1biat1bllt _lllIdeit very dearMoaday ewaiDg that the c;Q1Ill'Kt with DiIcouat .Auto PIrts !lad bllllll ClOOl'Ued IS I resu1t of tbl: delay, in the City'alum~ oftbis project ml u a cllnuJelUlt oftbe July 1st, 1m IlImlCX'lIIlIIufiom V__ Uaa to Mike HIq. We did III!!;..n.. at tbIt~"';'" ',).,..4'.,& that then lII&y be the polalbility of rovMDg the QODtm:t if III oflllol8 items could be Iddr.sed ~"'1y, We haYe ...c:ei....ed DO iudilJldion tbat !be pm.;'" items CllD be timely IUd "";ofio"'on1y IdJIr --...I by the City, therefore, tile recordiac of the plat doea nothing but eIlQ""""" my cIieal'a property lsua. Tbe plat COlIld ba'fe beea recorded within & matteI: of haun if we c;oW.d bve rwdJed uallllllentmllDg with 1be City OIl the _ important i_1iatDd iu that II18IlIlXUIIlum p~ be adviIed tbIt* Cily's ldiaD,.,nmIt ill tbl:Dlled to ~ die pial wbk:h ~MUld loot for tbe City to timdyprocelllltita O1IlIll~cr.u~ -b o...d,V'[ se., A SA+" 2. "__J...l it a SlIt- of Al:cwDl &om Ullited Nuioaal BIIIk througk JuDe 30, 1997 and a nc(elom t1IIitcd N1doaal wbidl ~ tbln have been AIllldcitionll depoRts to the Impact Fee Eacrow A4lCOUllt through yeat<<daY deposita should have bcalllllldo for the Kamedy Homa' ~c.. lnal1~CityWlll quit..d.mllltatourl~that,itbad ~ molri"l depoalu IS required ~',A_I io (-0\J_t~ (~pt of: de.p6~k-; lAC \,{.)(,L~ ry.J-,1,U> --fD.r()'\ (1 ~A--P i -Fel'~~c:l- Ufill"tD -PtO:N-' ~~~, ~ r>..QJ-tM-J ~ V'U l"PL(1....l~' 0(.' ~Dsl.;t* -7 .:J:, ruu:i -b Ve..cL"vG't-COfi MD.J..jW '1p- C"Cj ---yoDAY " JUL-1B-97 16,41 FROM,JOSIA6 GOREN ET AL ~ """"""-I . _._~ v..... ........"'... 10,9547714923 PAGE 5/12 JIIIIICS Cbetof; Esquire 1uly 18, 1m "2 by the aU.~ procecme agreed to lIIId ~ by PIIm Bcial;h COWIly. Prior to UI coat...., Palm Beach CowIty I'C&II1IiD8 tIlis breIdI of agrwnn, WI wcuJd like to siw the City 0JaI week iD order to pmido evideDce of the cL.y 4ltl iD tile tbrm of IlIIQQ1l'llle lUl\lOuDting 10 us aad provide c:opiaI of the "fact Ibeeu" IIIIl the oc.dlilo4 Rel;cipta" refereaucl in tile Jaauuy 16. 1997 pRICCIdureI-bliAhM by PIIm *~ CoatJty. Weare quite diIuIlbed by ~ CitY.SI~ 1lIta1i0lll,.()ll tIU. ..-:- 1I111f/.--'1D ~U~ V!o'~ VJ'ht1::C,b;(~~~UJ -Hl'((l'\~ nSAfJ 3. My...,...;..... GnlgEiaD, lIltaed tbu:ltedulecl TRC lIIllOtiaa on Tuesday, 1uly IS. 1997. Jw....,. "",It _ DOt VU'J pmcIudiw. "10""''1'' __ bmI-dclivcrcd lJIII' Mutclr P1an ModitiIlatioA to tho CII.y 0ll1Ull8 23, 1 WI. IlIIIII City Dcputmeats W1i-...l that tbey bad DOt nMewcd it muda lc:g provided ~CA _.....-)H . reqoincl prior to d1e TJlC ~g We m;eiwed a = ~ KeviD f1'on.h",\ Fo~~I!nviroIllDClll.R. c\ated JUDe 30, 1991 wbieh lIddrcIRd the 2S.fbot butB:r alq the oortbeIIIt l'I~ Iia ofd1ePCD. UufortuData\y, Mr. ~~~ was IIDt at the TRC ~IIO tbal be c:ou1d bar the ............-48 from 1be Po1ice lIIIlI Utility DtlpartmeDts reprding their CODCeI1I with the location of the bu8i:r WII1. TbeIe lIIC4& to be. "'-tJtlS with the appropriate City stldf pet'SOllS and my diu regarding the *-h tbal wu .-..Jvd to tile Noveamer 1995 ~ wbi:b IddraIed the plac:emeat of the bufl'a' MllIIIId 1....1...." betw_tK PCD IIIId PUD. Appareatly, those City 0epIItmeIda UI4 the nsideDtB . lMng IdjUlCllt to the PCD wooId be DIIlCb better serwd by ~ oftlroc wall Uld Imdscapecl area. .:k PIMa 0 ...1.-. UI ,_dio.& . ~.. to disc:uSJ this issue ~ may ~~. nMaion to tbe Sllttlemeat _ -D ........OJ".etch 1tu'V\.b.-n ---fD tl-d..t:;i.f-l,.':~S !.AA-- !,Vrd.l-<'--'10 11~...Q...."I..b+r.xm AsA, We wa-e quite diJtulbed tbal TIIIIbri Heydea _ IlOt It the me ~ to lUkhas the very "'r"ell'" Ullll'''fll'"''s ...."""..1 ill the IUldled 1une 30, 1997 letter ftom her Depar1meDt. We lUIdatUJ.d thIt MI. HeydII1 'YPicaIly meuda thll8Cl TRC m....mtv 'l'benl.... ..,ii1,.., __ in this .............,f..... iIldudiIIa tbIIe1i...i-- of III important fiw..s1andina sip livID llUI" project, the Umiu& of the CCIIItnIGticm of * iDduatrid IIoce8I fOld IIlll tho i3me of the rectified Muter PlIa wbil;h rdI Deed to be addRued n.....-Gdtly. W.lIl'!. ~ a r~ TlIDlbri Heydalllld, ocher appJ.'Opripte atajf~ ,J) ~ blcUrlrto~tbaeilluel, ~K.... s <l-()d-d~ 1'I::::t\r I I t'JJ)ot~.....1 YYl.u :5rt , 0 I It _ tD cur """"IIIloo It the TRC ~ that tho City approved a MalIler Program for our v'~ wbich to our kDowIedge we haw aewc been provided the r-1lri"l DcMlIopmmlt Orda'. It is oar UIId......-'lI- Ibis DeftIopmem Order may have RIIlOged & second pro;ject py10a sign that bas bem IbmvD OIllllMllllppIU\'Wd MIar Plms clII&iDiblllkto 1990. P1_ provlck ow o~with a copy oftbat ~)(~ prLfXW-- a..-~ Ie.-i+-u" w/:;!;b~~ of: /), 0 , It u llUI" ~ that the Muter P1aD DIllCliliadiOIl is ic::II~ for a"8 and Deve10pmcat BOlII"CI D*fi'll os AI.... 12. Gn& KiDo wu informed at the mc m~ ':''& that IiDal ..........-. 0Il1be MutCJ Plu mocIifieIdoa IlIIlY DOt be lMiIIble 1IIItil AuiUIt 11. ID liabt of the camlIIt -1::-~. wnOllkh'4Qlllt that chaft .._...:~.~proyided from all the cIepuuneats by August S, ]997. -ilia)' IJaq III YWwI"','L, to Ta'MW IIIId UD:t with Stall" prior to tlm P&D IJIlllJliDa. Mike Haq IIIId Jerzy Lewicki ;.,.r.~.-' It the TRe """';'l8 that we would be receiviDa . &xecI copy ottbe JUL-18-S? 16,42 FROM'J061A6 COREN ET AL ~"""""""f ............."".. ...._ .........._ lo,eS4??14S23 --.. -.. .. PACE 6/12 Jaawa Cherot Esquire J1I1y II, 1997 PIp 3 . ~ -*:r:.v-it.a~ OO"III....W the afterDClOl1 ofIIlly 15m u tlleywme JWt relumed on the due date '1:~Xl~~C:!D~~~fY\td'\~)&>f'Y oLt fJ.Ls 4. We hcliew that Moaday eYllIIiDi we a4equatcly ~5IlCl d.e ir.1ues rcttbrth ill tile July I, .,j 1997 1etter 60m V_ Ucla to Mike Haag uui will DOt reiicnte those agaiIl; bowavw, we eJqJec;t a --r\ reapol1R from tIw City as to how it will be IddreIIiag tbollll. If they c:umot b. dcah with ill WI)' shott <<der. dilly IICt U ID ~p..- to any aUempllO ICYivetbe Discount Auto P8rtB' c:o=lIQt. We IR also CJIlIO' JI'l! fiom 7W a '-'1Dv 10 our.... of May 211tlul1c1 .July 2nd. which iadudo tho propOlClCl Second Am-f-.t to SettIemeIIt AII""dIllIIt We look fOrward to . prompt nlt{lODIO fi'om the Cily 011 th-.llIIC1 otIIIlr iIIueI that WI: c1iscuaacd at our July 14, 1997 ~ with you. City SId and !Ix; Mayor. ( , , . CG: Lfieh-'" MOItOA (S61-Z4I..(646) Wi1IiIm 1l Boote ~ EIqvip <JRlso., S. Ki1Io, EIquinl , , , JUL-1S-97 16,42 FROM,JOS1A6 GOREN ET AL ID:9547714923 PAGE 7/12 -.-...- - ....-. .Y .,~, UNITED NAnONAL BANI( OPERAnONSCENI'ER 5901 MIAMI LUES DRIVE EAST ML\ltO lAKES, FlDRIDA 33014 PAX II 305.a7b-a_ FAX COVER SHEET DATE. T?' FROM: RE: _-3'/,.,/ f7 GA." ~u.o H_~.t1' S~,..~ U....~....r E4... A<<.".4" NUMBER OF PAGES, INCLVDING COVER SHEET, 2. ~ ADDmONAL COMMENTS & f&.hlr "e".Ew &.A'1' ~r,.~e"'4ir- DIITU '/J-/'7. l.ue "" 1 '&_.1 ,I' At.~.~.'I1 s_1: 1",,-, ,,.rF, I,. 1." .1&1.0) "'tiT, ......~ W'~AT'''' '",fl... C , ".11'''''' ",~ . , L f_ ...... IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL "ASS 1'LIiAS~ CALl 3QS. 82:f.M32 CONPIDENTIAI..l1Y NonCE Th. clocun.m. ~,.....tIIlQ INw t.II:UlPler nnsmlsslon ~ltidl. CCIl'~ infclrmItilln belonging " .. NnCIer, wtlic:h ill ~ prMIIQR. The j,~ iI ilt8ncIed anti far 1118 u. at' the indMduaI(l) or __ ~ above. If you ... not .. ;'_lCI8d ~ ~ .. heMtot r....lIIIed lhld ~ ~........... _,ll",. dIIIrtIuIian Gr the IwIdllQ at' ." aaIIon in . n _ an .. _......e.. fit 1tI. tl') l"-'t .,............ ,it WIeldy "'....1..1 Ii If l'OU ..... - -.1IU "'IaaP'lIl'l.... pIMM ~ not/rr ua lay 18l~.al16 It" numb.. 8bo... tD ...1gIt b' .. ..rum of .. ....ilIL.... .-cument to w. . ~ I l ..L .&-._ -. JUL-18-87 16,42 FROM,JOS1AS COREN ._'NIIiol.~J_ ET AL 10,8547714823 PACE 8/12 r I . SIaL .lilt at Aec:a1Rt r.. . ..., '" "" 1l1li . "-.. 1'" 121...... .... 1 ~ 1 0incI', . . ..liD: 407 . 0<<l0 ' ;tt. __ ~ lIB M UCICIIt ... .... ..... RACII CIIn' .. Ill""- ....At'Tl' M'''~_. 1IIOIAI8Irr rLMS ~ a.D 811. aD ... IrAI'UIr UBitadJl~ ... 1"" ........1MIIa mvd Waf PIlla.... PI. JM)l42JS o _III ...... " 1IOIIt. C30 ~ ... --, .. ... :io'~ UoIo Q5.3CI JCD.l~ DIIII . ( ( 6,43 PROM "l061 1'6 . c:.?R:~,! ~.:- ~:-.. JU1.-te-97~ .....~I ~ lEACH CTY "'TN . -- .eLSe c.u. t.uM& ~ *8Mc .. O'coRNIILL ArM.......... 1~ ..-.-.,. r\'fl7 \614\ -.. .. .......~- I.""'" -..-- _,,_LPA -..-- _L_ -.-rA........ -... _4.__ --'_.11 -..-- _e. II ......_p.... '._.. 1 "'....., ...-. ".... ., 355 A398 p.8'iVt8 . ............. p.... _L__. -..- -...-- _.... t.. _.._..... fit'r;:I(t,r _.._...... !~JlU ........ 11 II...... -. _1Ll'L ........ I JAIl 24" ...... ft .... .____"'" ~ ...., ~ .. -..-.... _4._ -...-- ,......n' .___ - -- --- -~- -- --- ---,,- - I _"__ ..--- ----- ""'--Jl.flI ..__ .. v --....... - .----. .. ~1' tw7 VIA. .~. ~ V- I 1 .I~rl."'. All' ..... ~ t JCl.' ,- ,...... ("per .\In p\..JI'I06lt '.O...ltD .', " ................DtCI'l :. " .' 0, _ II' "".'i _A')C' '-'j'", .~'ID 'JfflfCD~" . ...~ e...A . '_1., ....L .,.._......-. .i._1III,.ILiI.LII,..... (I,' oil I"f J_CllJA.. -"'10"'111'\1111-' .....-...- ."ipJlCD _J'OD: J. ,"M""cI1 ~r .,....~.....a...........,. "',N'~ .. _................ -...., ........ -" .. dlU~ ... or.... ....... ',.__alIIIr_I"'~_ li-....IltQJ........1::. .CIIt~1ly" . ...... .CIllI'1.,........ "SI.... _ c..., r.,.creeo.---. tlr .....tif &,- of .1 It. due. !'JttCly.................... -.....~ "., '*... eo.,. Nr.I-.1prWll WII'y_"'_ ../.....__....CY'.d . .lfJ wid""" '" Jir....-- ",hil .. . - "... a;t1llpt"'t.uI, Llu. sr........ "t" ...... die Cilr.... r 'I. -<;:' ..iL~1f .'... "~!."''''''''''''''1J!l..Ott'a~1'~'~' ,.-'" ...... v........1 - J r ..."Qi. '( tJpea.....,.. ....lId 1Ia..... -0, "",r-. 0....,-. 1~ JP' l. J ....... WII......,.or..llapect.. co.... A..- j '. ...... I. -,.. j ..,......... a. . ..l..1"- .p.iIiIta.lIIlIrlilr;'" l.,tlllCitJ............__r.t1&4 'I ~.......~........ ,."Il.......................C!J. ..VIdaI ~\'-"I!I....IIr.C"n.,.lociMiu......l.alrlllc,d lid........_..r ill. JUL-IB-97 16,43 FRO",JOSIAS.~~~~~ ~~ ~~.~ ~~- ( .." 161.1 ~ 1!SQ4 ClY <<rTY .,,/ ~ /' //' 10'9547714923 PAGE 10/12 ., 35\5 C9B p.WI18 - '-tV "hJIr. 17,' t -..,.1" 1997 ..~ 5611.. MOO. 1._ lllMlk......, ."be.......,........ ,.,...~... u,. JI'ClpIr A ... ar-,.ct"''' ......... till...... .....II.ldt l 1_". Cafi&d ,-- . I . J\.\'\'" J. ,...0lJ."IIJ IT- ',laftbt, .... -',Ill-.. I)....,.....,c-.Jj,. "y- '.I~_1IlIiIdIr :11 .........!Ii.... dh." neae.w . . .00000aI.....,..._.... 'Q.CllrIllllll /..'v..' 'IlIIi1llilliD1IntO)'11I" ___aIijIIlc..dI U j"._..(2).....tllw.s~.. A ~_ ..c.niIDIIJ ...l ..........11' bV1Cl.Mlr~.. . _...~. . . .. -- 4. ,., 10-'.. /IIpIct .. ..., 1 All' r .11'" h 1. .. I8d .... .. till ~I Jt -~ at.... -:. :":~~":."!le""'Ia-__ml_"""CitJ_.. !J.. - 7-' 1M. AT "t _oJ .111.......... r.......uw.........c:a, ,'..........."".....,WlDdlat' ,.lIlor''V-.'WIIIl' r.U. . .....mll..~JlIL dIIcaI_ec...;.. tli AIIr_Cir1It---- ",at ...............W~-lr..PUD...PQ)....t &.~ ..".' .w.w__.... 1lM.....,......lkCla,yCOl<lill a.... <Mt._ nat47f6I IMl. - ...KIII fl. __,.~ rr H(.":J~i67 ill' 'jr. 4)" , ~ tI.21/fJ' .. JlIlU_ JUL-18-87 18,44 FROM'JOaIAS.~~R_~~ ~~ ~~_ ~........,..., . DEVl JPMENT seRVICES DEPARTM~rr pLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMI!tt1 MEMORANDUM NO. &1-364 10,9547714823 PAGE 11/12 DATE: SUBJECT: TIII'Ibri J. Heyden, Ale? .-,nlng and ZonIng DIloectDr JMZy t.ewicki. Acting Senior Planner June 30, 1897 Shoppes of Waalbright pee - ~ PWn ModItIcIatIon. r- review CDI..~,ta Fie No. MPMD m.clO2 TO: ~ PIeae be IIdvlled of the following oommenIa NIative to the HCCnd review of the modII'Iecl ma&1ll. pI8n for the ebcNe-,.....'IIIlC*f ...aje..t. ,. l1le . &lg115 shown on lhe subnitlrld plan do not num::h the signs shown on lie ~ lIign pragr&m. Ermin.. from the mastIlr plan Ute lite ... tom ht fuIclwing lites: . CIac:ker BItreI. . Race TI'lIC. . Home Depot 2. 1lle MICOlld fi'ee . ....d/ng ... on tI1e Home Depot property hu not been .,em.iled by the molt __nt sign program for ~ of WoaIbi~ht Pen. EIfminatIt any ~ in rwpeclt to Chill sign fnIlTI the .,...,. pIIn. 3. MadIfy lie fht nclIe from the noteI eec:tIan of the maslief plan to f88d .. fcl~ "s.. plan for Jocdon fIIJd .. of minimum I'fIqlJired perlphetaI gt84nbeIf'. 4. Amend the char1 that idIt..tlfi.. ll.....ious muter pIeml where l1lCldilled to reftec:t the -......._ d8ee the ......' plan mocIltIc8lIon wu ~ by lhe CIty CvmlIA.:Ion. AI8o; incficaI8 1tlat1he appl'OV8la .. subjec:tto atIIIJ COllin 8eI1ta. JUL-1B-97 16,44 FROM,JOSIAS GOREN ET AL 10.9547714923 PAGE 12/12 Page 2 MemoNndum No.I7~ ShClPl* afWDolbright peg - MIIItlIr PIIIn MudificItIon Fite No. MPIoID 97.002 5. It i$ recommendlld tf1lIl1he pIlInt epeeie. .. and spacing plan within 1tle 25 foot Wide perip.... greenbelt reqund aJong the nonh side of the PCO ust of S.W. 8" Street be IiItied on Ute rMIter ..... inGludt1g notes ,.G..,etalll inigalion. plant gl8de and ~n ~r....1S. e. Considering 1he time fnIne fat the ~ of InduatriaI Aot:.llJ Road! MOItIlnS Way/Pulple IWIrt way which 1110- -......... 1M PUD Is SepeImber 7, 1007l111d there is not. cun8Ilt appIt II,,, SUblullled for ;..lPfOllemetD In 1he WOoIbliyl4 PIKe PUO It It ..Ie UIIMllflerlthat the applicant maka perlldt applic8Iian for the RoadN/ey wIJhIn 30 days of the ~,161' ;011 8ppnMI of the \IUbjrt request lIfld complete the "*' by the pcWou8Iy approiled date of S.,-nber 1,1997. 7, SWI.' ion of.,..JifIbd m.11., plan IIhowing ...oI'I1IIli8nce wIlh the conditions of appnMIJ for 1he pmject wiD be requlnld to be ewnlibd to , the PJ.nning and ZOning Departrna. prior to ~ of 00Cl'~ for ' DIscount Auto or Food Court (wh1ch8ver oca.n fnt). 8. To provide consist8ncy beb.een all e/ementa of aubmiCtal. amend the requeat IatIer to elimin8te aubatIlulion of th~ 25 faot p.:.~ grMnbelt with 1110 fi:Iat periptlenll jJIMrIbeIt canIlIlning a 5 feet high maIIOIlIY wall. CentnII File ~....TA\PI~..J~_....... -C\I&;wr\\1OQ~MCNENCJImt~Y.. 2M)M\IleNCClt~.naoc I . . CL / OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID. INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM (C(Q)[pl1 TO: FILE: NWSP 97-024 ~,,~- IU ill FROM: Tambri Heyden. AICP Planning & Zoning Officer Rig~ Police Dep:~ DATE: 01/20/98 SUBJECT: Home Depot Expo Center 2n REFERENCES: PZ 98-021/ PZ 98-022 I have no additional comments in reference to this submittal. ENCLOSURES: JAN20B PlANNING AND ZONING EPl ..., ~'?/i:.~~:,'" . Recreation & Park Department Memorandum fo) ~ ~ ~ u w m ~1 l~ JAN 2.08 I~ From: John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Re: S~fffS /) r WtrOC:!3rx I'Crl.t ~C Jj Date: J ~ / 6 ~ '1 ~ To: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the above listed plans. Thcre are currently no outstanding recreation-related issues. The plans may continue through the normal review process. JW . 1:. \ll ~ U\ ~ ~ - C I ~ () '6 C'\ ~ , ~ (f II ~ W , ft~:~"'~__ lIJHl11,j _ NIJ1IWJ\I, ~_ . -);>'8 "cr"'d ~ lH91YS'00M ::10 S3dc. IS Ill" :.1"':7' '!llI" . ..i ! 35:1 = il i..... III i it !i~~ii j J611 I.; I: ~~..:: .. .~'!o8' '. . -:; . ex_ ... I: '. ~ '. '... ..~... 0","'u:..2 ~I- .. .. .; .: = Ii! ~. e!:.~9 i I" ... .. III - . I ....I....l: c 1 I fi i~=~~j!l!:: I . ..~...o -II ,I :'t Ili~I!=, :::1 l. ;1"1!~~.:i 1'.1 ... "z"'a=~".1. i i f ~5gl;~;! Illr i ....~!12 aloo!i _ .. ! tU!~=~i!i~E in. i 1..I~=Q$::~i ~4Af l.~mlii~!: ~BB llle,fiE":""f= 'Ill ...tAU ~ ;till.. : O!l2ii:.:::!iii illl ~... i 1 i,ll nIB1H~: j I il'~~& I ;;iJI'IIU.I~;UIlI 'i' *i*'I~:' 'li:'I! . '-'I I" 'hi ! ,I !;i,ht hI! 'jl:,1 II!!lill,lili!hl ! 11 nilllllli,' I I :!i!l ! 1!!IMli!I!111 ; 1; il!!i'I'Ui 1 ! ~;ii: llnll;l~l~-ih:, ~ , ~ j~ ~!i.~i H~! j I:?II.~ J illlf~~:;I:!!WI ~ :: ~ ; Ii: 1!l:~!II'I~i II 1 !ij:i I 1II,:jiilllll',; ~ ~ 2 ! ii IFi~. I- " , HI"I,l 1 : n~.hl:.l~ I! ;;( ; rr i;ijlild II ! ~!Iil! i :'ji!:lilil;i!ll' t ~ It I:'"I;I,::-II!! 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'5A 5: III~i i i !i< i =~ ~ -. f!i:l ~I~. ff" !".. d!si .c1~ u....~ i51~ , .; i ~:.. . (J If ;" /;)U~ I( "Ldr tJlfH'D 1?V -- '11 (0 '\). ' r v ~ /I Jo$ov.J- l~ (~. /qq/ll tz. LAW OFF/CU BOOSE CASEY CIKLlM LUBITZ MAFlTENS McBANE Ii. O'CONNEL.L. " ~ER$H'I!> INc....uDtNa ~ROFE!l~ION.A.L ...aaQ<i:I,A.,'I'IQN$ VOSEp)ol l.., ....eKItRMAN, .,J~. IIAt-lQE.().....~"'Ol:R.,..... .JEiltA,I,.C,~. "~E"', "'..iI.. WiLLIAM R. 8oasE, III, P-.A., .JOJolN 0, eOYKIN ~,A. F'ATR:lcK J, CASEY, ~.A. f'A,,.RICI). M" CH'A:I~i'IANSEN AlJt,1'i oJ, <;:IIC;LIN, Fl,"', MIQtu&l.. W, ,::;OtO'."Ol'll!5 FDEI~~ L.. CFlA.NE, P.A. RONALO E. C;;Rf:SCENZO MARC e. OORIN, P.A. .J^~..cN s. 1-'A$.El,.KOFllN W, .J....y MUNSTOH, ..JR. ,, ETHEL ~. I~C~ PHILI,.IP D. O~ON~ELL, SR, r19O'l'-19Sn Ct~tlRA A, .,lE~t<;:;. P."". S"iIAN a. JOSLYN, P,..... c,::u:'oo!'W.e. I(j~ CMAFl:J..ES A. LUII11":I, ~.A. EDWI~ c, ~l,lt.l3FO~O ,",ICHARD L. iIolARn:Ns, p..... LOUIS A. "'IeBANJ;;, P.A T11Yl0Tl-l'r" p. l"iecA.R"THV, P.A. 5\11l1""" M. O'CCWl"l::\..I... '=',A.. PklL O. Q'OOHNI!!:L.L.. ".I~.. ",A, .J, KQ~ l"'ARKHuCiS'l" CHAf'IiILlt$ L. I!>ICJtEfT, ..I~. TlMOTI-t( J, FlI00~ ,JOHN R. YOUNG, "',,ii.,, OF cou~~EL .JU\,.\E. -.HN .A.l..1..\$ON LJCH"I L. FilEMSEN t<<OQ'TlotQllrlOOE TOWI!Pi 1 "1erH "L.OOR 515 NOR'r'H FL,,a,QI-ER. OltlVli WEST PAL.M IiU,CI-l, FLO~IOA S340"! T1i:1.EPHOf1E (551) 832-5900 TELe.CQ~Tt.R f.XJ1) a~zos MA1UNO !>.DOFtEss '"'_0. eax 46:2S WEST P^L.,., BEACH, FL. 3a4~O August 14, 1997 Via Facmmile 375-6090 Tambri Heyden, AICP Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boule:vaJ:d Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re Woolbright PeD-Master PllUl Modification Dear Tam1:>ri: Because Jerzy Lewicki and you wer~ both unable to attend the Planning and Development Board meeting Tue&lay evening, we were unable to have lll1.y real substantive discussions with the Board regarding the Staff's sLlggested conditions of approval. EssentiaJIy, we noted our concerns I\ll.d objections lUld indicated that we would attempt to work out our differences with Staff' prior to the City Commission review of the Master Plan. Since our requcst for a mreting bas yet to be accommodated and a significant condition dealing with the industrial access road is to be workshopped by the City Commission 01\ the 25th, it does not make any selllle to have the Master Plan modification heard by the City Commission on August 19th, Jerzy Lewicki suggested I send you a note regarding our request for a postponement in light of the unresolved issues, We would therefure request that the City Commission consider our Master Plan Modification after we have been able to workshop with the Commission and perhaps resolve some outstanding issues affe<:ting the \.faster Plan, We also request a meeting with you to discuss the Planning and Zoning Department's comments, Because of SCheduling conflicts, we would request that we able to meet with you sometime on Monday, August 18th, It is my Llnderstanding that Pete Mazella hu b_ selected by Kerry Willis to coordinatc the ~OIW 'd (1:9T L6, In 6111j 6S~O-O~8-T9S-T:xe~ NIl~I)'^3SIj)'3S00e Tambri. Heyden August 14,1997 Page 2 resolution of llll outst.,oding igSUCll Jl!\d we request. that he be made" pll!t of this meeting, We look ibrward to resolving our differences in a fair aud reasonable manner, vm"L.. ~ry S. Kmo OSK/rcb 27564 cc: Mayor Gerald Taylor (via mail) Kerry Wlllis, City Manager (via fitJl: 375-6011) Pete Mazella, Utility Administration Assistant (via fax 375-6298) James Cherof, City Attorney (via fax 954-771-4923) Michael Morton (via fax 561-241-0646) WilliamR, Boose, ill, Esq, Brian B, Joslyn, Esq. ~O/m'd 31:91 L6, v1 Bn~ 68~O-O~8-19S-1:Aej NI1~I)'^3S~)'3S00e DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 98-076 TO: FROM: Jim Cherot, City Attorney Mike Pawelczyk, Assistant City Attorney Tambri J, Heyden, AICP-rfj1J Planning & Zoning Director DATE: March 12, 1998 SUBJECT: Shoppes ot Woolbright PCD - Amended and restated reciprocal easement and operation agreement Please review the attached document which has been submitted to address comment number 16 on the attached conditions ot approval. Notify me ot your concerns or approval. T JH:bme Attachment cc: Central File J:ISHRDA TAIPlanninglSHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIShoppes of WoolbrightlEasement-Operation Agree,doc '~ n Wi ~ m ~ MAR "" ifl~ AMENDED AND REST A TED RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AND OPERATION AGREEMENT THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AND OPERATION AGREEMENT (this "Agreement") dated as of this _ day of , 1998, is made and entered into by and among HOWARD R. SCHARLIN, as Trustee ("Scharlin"); HOME DEPOT U.S.A. INC" a Delaware corporation ("HD"); THE WESTWIND GROUP, INC., a corporation ("Westwind"); DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC., a corporation ("Auto"); and FAVORITE FOOD COURT, INC., a corporation ("FC"), Preliminary Statement Scharlin is the owner in fee of certain real property located at S,W, 8th Street and Purple Heart Way in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, consisting of _ acres more particularly described on Exhibit"A-l " annexed hereto (the "Scharlin Parcel"), The Scharlin Parcel includes a square-foot area shown as the Future Retail Area (hereinafter referred to as the "Future R _'n" ^ _0.."\ M thot cprtoin .ite nlan (the "Site Plan") attached hereto as Exhibit "B", The Future Reti '--" J)"f; annexed hereto, /~ HD is tb f j,/ "Depot Parcel") ~I'~ . i h include a build 4 ' /,,,, j1-' ground floor ar( 'if" ' 1t'W rIJ CA~J-# and compactor ) b ~ ~it, ~u.A - ~~~ f~{zLfJ) [)o,~w~~jcrlf~ If,fl r 'I'IUu I~ . ~;1J_/I'~ i"- ~' ~ !'j-" J.1;/:L f"---'" Westwil1u,. "", v"u~. ... .~_ __ u..____ _ _ , . / purchased from Scharlin comprising approximately _ acres (the "Westwind Parcel") located to the south of the Food Court as shown on the Site Plan, on which Westwind currently operates a Burger King restaurant. The Westwind Parcel is more particularly described on Exhibit "D" annexed hereto, ,ing approximately ten (10) acres (the ting improvements on the HD Parcel ,proximately square feet of ruck loading docks, customer pickup in the areas indicated on the Site Plan, HD is a (the "Expo Pare operate an app related parking as the "HD Pm .onsisting of approximately _ acres on which lID intends to develop and Center store (the "Expo Store") and rcel are herein collectively referred to :ribed on Exhibit "C" annexed hereto, Auto is the owner in fee of certain real property purchased from Scharlin consisting of approximately _ acres (the "Auto Parcel") located between the Food Court and the Westwind H:\REG\1BJ\1458S\02\DOCS\REA.06 03/0611998 4:21 pm Parcel on which Auto currently operates a Discount Auto Parts store. The Auto Parcel is more particularly described on Exhibit "E" annexed hereto, FC is the owner in fee of real property comprising _ acres, which is the area designated as the Food Court (hereinafter referred to at the "Food Court Parcel") on the Site Plan, The Food Court is legally described on Exhibit "F" annexed hereto, The Scharlin Parcel, the HD Parcel, the Westwind Parcel, the Auto Parcel, and the Food Court Parcel, as more particularly described herein and on the Site Plan, as same may be enlarged from time to time, are herein collectively referred to as the "Parcels" or the "Center", and each individually as a "Parcel", The Food Court Parcel, the Wes!,,yind Parcel, the Auto Parcel, and that portion ofthe Scharlin Parcel located to the north of the Food Court Parcel and marked as Additional Outparcels on the Site Plan are hereinafter sometimes referred to collectively as the "Outparcels" or each an "Outparcel", Scharlin and HD (and Westwind, FC and Auto, as successors in interest to land previously owned by Scharlin) are parties to that certain Reciprocal Easement and Operation Agreement dated February 12, 1990, as recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida in Official Records Book 6378, Page 1953 on March 8,1990, as amended by instrument dated August 18, 1993, recorded at Book 7850, Page 1577 on August 23,1993, aforesaid records (the "Original REA"), Scharlin, HD, Westwind, Auto and Fe (collectively, the "Owners" or each an "Owner") recognize that for the most favorable development of the Center, it is necessary that they agree and cooperate with respect to the operation and maintenance of their Parcels and the common areas and facilities to be erected thereon as indicated in the Site Plan (collectively, the "Common Areas"), The Owners therefore intend herein to amend and restate the Original REA in its entirety (such that such Original REA shall no longer have any force or effect) and those certain reciprocal easements for pedestrian and vehicular ingress and egress and use over the common curb cuts, roadways, driveways, aisles, retention areas, walkways and sidewalks for access and for delivery and to grant certain rights to install and maintain utility lines, drainage und site facilities within the Common Areas, The Owners also intend herein to provide for certain obligations and restrictions with respect to the operation and maintenance of their respective Parcels and the Common Areas and facilities constructed and to be constructed thereon, Such easements, obligations and restrictions shall run to the benefit of, and bind the respective Parcels, and the owners from time to time of the Center or any portion thereof, The terms Scharlin, HD, Westwind, Auto and FC shall be deemed to refer to such parties and their respective heirs, successors, grantees and assigns, and any net lessee of any Parcel or part thereof who has assumed all of the obligations of the respective Owners, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, and other good and valuable consideration, the rec.eipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Scharlin, HD, Westwind, Auto and FC hereby grant, covenant and agree as follows: H:\REGIJBJ\1458S\02\DOCS\REA.06 2 03/0611998 4:21 pm ARTICLE I - GRANT OF EASEMENTS Section 1.01. Access and Parkine Easements. (a) Each of the Owners of the Parcels hereby grant and convey, each to the other Owners, for the benefit of the other Parcels, a non-exclusive easement and right to use during the term of this Agreement, the Common Areas and the common curb cuts, roadways, driveways, aisles, walkways and sidewalks located on the respective Parcel ofthe granting Owner, as the same may exist and be relocated from time to time, each for the purpose of ingress, egress, passage and delivery, by vehicles and pedestrians, (b) Each of the Owners of the Parcels hereby grant~ and conveys, each to the other Owners, for the benefit of the other Parcels, a non-exclusive caeement and right to the use during the term of this Agreement, the parking areas, as the same may exist and be relocated from time, located on the respective Parcel of the granting Owner, for purposes of vehicular parking, Notwithstanding the foregoing easements, each Owner shall maintain on its respective Parcel the parking ratio required pursuant to Section 3,OI(c) hereof. (c) The easements granted hereunder, including those granted in Section 1.02, shall be for the benefit of, but not restricted solely to, the Owners of the other Parcels and each such Owner may grant the benefit of such easements to the tenants and other occupants of their respective Parcels (except as otherwise specified in this Agreement) for the duration of such occupancy; and, to the customers, employees, agents and business invitees thereof; but same is not intended nor shall it be construed as creating any rights in or for the benefit of the general public nor shall it affect or benefit any real property outside of the Center, Such easement areas are reserved for said use for the term of this Agreement. Section 1.02. Utility Easements, Each of the Owners of the Parcels hereby grants and conveys, each to the other Owners, for the benefit ofthe other Parcels an easement in, to, over, under and across the Common Areas of the respective Parcels for the purposes of installation, operation, use, maintenance, repair, replacements, removal and relocation of underground storm drainage and sewer lines, other portions of the storm water drainage system, sanitary sewer pipes, lift stations and related apparatus, septic systems, water and gas mains, electric power lines, telephone lines, and other underground utility lines (collectively the "Utility Lines" or each a "Utility Line") to serve the facilities located on the benefitted Parcels, The installation or relocation of any Utility Lines shall be subject, as to location, to the approval of the Owner on whose Parcel the Utility Lines are to be located (the "Granting Owner"), which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, The Owners of the Parcels or any permitted designee served by such Utility Lines may operate, maintain, repair and relocate such Utility Lines, provided such repair and maintenance is performed expeditiously and only after five (5) business days' written notice to the Granting Owner, Before an Owner can repair or relocate a Utility Line in any parking area of the Center, said Owner must provide written notice to the Owner of any Parcel with a beneficial appurtenant easement over H:\REG\JBJ\1458S\02\DOCS\REA.06 3 03/0611998 4:21 pm or on said parking area pursuant to Section 1.01(b), The party performing the repair or relocation shall, at its cost and expense, repair any damage to any improvements and restore the area to the condition existing prior to such repair or relocation work, Each Owner shall indemnify, save, defend and hold the Granting Owner and any occupant of the Granting Owner's Parcel hannless from any claims, damage or loss which may result from such maintenance, repair or relocating activities for its facilities, including without limitation claims, damages, and loss resulting from an interference with the use of the Granting Owner's Parcel. Section 1.03. Temoorarv Construction Easement. In connection with any construction work to be performed in the development of the Center, each of the Owners of the Parcels hereby grant and convey, each to the other Owners, for the benefit of the other Parcels, temporary easements for incidental encroachments upon the respective Parcels which may occur as a result of construction, so long as such encroachments are kept Within the reasonable requirements of construction work expeditiously pursued and so long as customary insurance is maintained protecting the other Owner(s) from the risks involved, Section 1.04. Pylon Silm Easement. The parties hereby agree that HD shall construct (or modify existing structures, as necessary) one (1) pylon sign (the "Pylon") in the area indicated on the Site Plan, which shall be the only pylon in the Center, The Pylon shall be (i) in conformance with the City of Boynton Beach Code (the "Code"), and (ii) designed substantially as set forth in the sign exhibit annexed hereto as Exhibit "G", HD shall have the right to no less than 160 square feet in the aggregate of space on the Pylon for the display of signs fcr the Home Depot Store and the Expo Store, HD shall have the highest panel positions on .he Pylon, The other Owners shall use their standardized logos and colors, if any, for the display of their signs on the Pylon, Otherwise, the design, color and size of such other signs shall be subject to the approval ofHD and such other signs shall be maintained in good repair at the sole expense of the respective Owners, Scharlin, Westwind, FC and Auto shall reimburse HD for their proportionate shares of the costs of constructing, lighting, maintaining and repairing the Pylon based on the ratio of the area of their respective signs to all signs on the Pylon, HD may make changes to and/or replace such Pylon structures and/or its HD signs, so long as all necessary governmental approvals are obtained therefor, Scharlin, Westwind, FC and Auto shall have reasonable access to the HD Parcel for purposes of erecting, maintaining, repairing and/or replacing their signs on the Pylon, Section 1.05 No Build Easement. No building or other similar structure or improvement shall be constructed on that portion of the Scharlin Parcel designated as the "No build Easement" on the Site Plan. Section 1.06 Restrictions. The easements granted by this Article I shall be subject to the covenants and restrictions set forth in Article III. ARTICLE II - MAINTENANCE AND OI'ERATION Section 2.01. Maintenance and Repair. H:\REG\JBJ\14S8S\02\DOCS\REA.06 4 03/0611998 4:21 pm (a) Each Owner shall maintain, repair and replace all improved portions of the Common Areas located on its respective Parcel, so as to keep such areas at all times in a safe, sightly, good H:\REG\1BJ\14S8S,02\DOCS\REA.06 5 03/06/1998 4:21 pm and functional, condition to standards of comparable community shopping centers in the market area. (b) Each Owner shall be responsible for keeping the Common Areas on its own Parcel clean and free from refuse and rubbish, Any landscaped areas on the respective Common Areas shall be mowed and otherwise tended to by the Owner thereof, (c) Each Owner shall repave, re-stripe and replace markings on the surface of the parking areas and driveways in its Parcel from time to time as and when necessary so as to provide for the orderly parking of automobiles and shall place and maintain adequate exit and entrance and other traffic control signs to direct traffic in and out of said parking areas, Any striping and other markings shall be consistent with the Site Plan, and the lighting, paving and striping materials shall be consistent with that used in the Center, as mutually agreed upon by the Owners of the HD Parcel and Scharlin Parcel (exclusive of the Outparcels), (d) Each Owner shall service, maintain, repair and replace, and pay the cost of any fees or charges in connection with the Utility Lines located on its Parcel to the extent that such Utility Lines service the improvements on that Parcel or service the Center, including without limitation the Common Areas, as a whole if such services are not provided by the applicable utility company, To the extent that any Utility Line exclusively servicing any Parcel crosses another Owner's Parcel, such Utility Line shall be so maintained by the party served by the Utility Line, subject to the provisions of Section 1,02, Maintenance of any portion of any Utility Lines serving more than one Parcel shall be performed by the owner of the Parcel crossed by the Utility Line, but the cost thereof shall be shared on an equitable basis based upon the relative consumption or usage of the utility furnished from such Utility Line, (e) Each Owner shall payor will cause to be paid by an occupant, prior to any penalty attaching thereto, all real estate taxes, assessments and personal property taxes, if any, imposed upon the land and improvements and equipment located on its respective Parcel, including, without limitation, the impact fees, if any, separately assessed, (f) Each Owner shall cause the Common Areas and all buildings and improvement located on its Parcel to comply with all applicable requirements of law and govemmental regulation applicable thereto, provided however, that an Owner may contest any such law or regulation so long as such contest would not create any material danger of a loss of title to, or impairment in any way of the use of all or any portion of the Common Areas for their intended purposes, (g) Each Owner shall pay utility charges related to the Common Areas located on its Parcel, excluding those charges otherwise provided for in this Agreement. (h) Each Owner shall maintain the sprinkler system for the Center to the extent the same is located on each Owner's respective Parcel. H:\REG\JBJ\1458.5\02\DOCS\REA.06 6 03/0611998 4:21 pm (i) The maintenance ofthe medians located on S,W, 8th Street adjacent to the Center shall be maintained and operated by the Woolbright Place Master Association, Inc, pursuant to a separate agreement; and shall therefore not be the subject of this Agreement. Section 2.02. Oneration and Lighting. (a) Except on holidays during which the Center is closed, each Owner shall keep the roadways and parking areas of its respective Parcel open to the customers of the Center seven (7) days a week at all times and lighted after dusk until II :00 p,m, on Monday through Saturday and from dusk until 7:00 p,m- on Sunday (the "Normal Lighting Hours"), The Owner of either the HD Parcel or the Scharlin Parcel (but not the Owners of the Outparcels) may require the lights on any other Parcel to be kept lighted after Normal Lighting Hours if such Owner reimburses the requested Owner for the additional electrical costs incurred thereby, which cost shall be shared on a pro-rata, square footage basis with any Owner or occupant of any Parcel which remains open during such additional hours, (b) Any facilities and fixtures to be used in the lighting of the roadways or parking areas of the Center shall be mutually compatible with the overall design of the Center as agreed upon by HD and Scharlin and shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications mutually agreed upon by the Owners of the HD Parcel and the Scharlin Parcel (exclusive of the Outparcels), The Center's lighting facilities and fixtures shall be designed and installed with separate meters to measure the electricity consumed on the respective Parcels, The meters and lighting control switches for the exterior parking and roadway lighting for each Parcel shall be located in an exterior, accessible location on each Parcel and the Owner of either the HD Parcel or the Scharlin Parcel (exclusive of the Outparcels) and any occupant occupying more than 30,000 square feet ofretail space in the Center shall be provided with keys to such controls, (c) Scharlin agrees that the Additional Outparcels located in front of the Expo Parcel shall be lighted in a manner consistent with the lighting of the Expo Parcel such that the lighting of the Additional Outparcels shall not be brighter or dimmer than the lighting of the Expo Parcel. ARTICLE III - COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS Section 3.01. Center Restrictions. The Center shall be subject to the following restrictions which shall be binding on each Owner and each of its tenants, occupants, employees, agents, and invitees: (a) No obstruction to the free flow of traffic and use of the parking and delivery facilities in the Center shall be permitted, except to the extent, if any, indicated on the Site Plan or herein expressly provided, (b) No building or other structure of any kind shall be permitted on the "No Build Easement" area designated on the Site Plan, H:\REGVBJ\14.5SS\Q2\DOCS\REA.06 7 03/06/1998 4:21 pm (c) No building or other structure shall be permitted within the Center if such building or other structure would reduce the parking ratio within the Center, or any Parcel, to fewer than (A) five (5) parking spaces for every 1,000 square feet of floor space (excluding (i) mezzanine level space used only for storage and related office and non-sales uses provided that same are incidentally related to a retail use, and (ii) the garden center on the HD Parcel which shall have a minimum parking-ratio of one (1) parking space for every 5,000 square feet of floor space exclusive of non- sales areas) located thereon, or (B) the number of parking spaces required under applicable governmental rules, regulations and ordinances, or (C) the number of parking spaces needed to meet the effective needs of the customers and invitees of such Parcel so as to avoid the need to use parking spaces on any other Parcel for the operation of its business, In no event shall this provision detract from or negate the grant of parking easements pursuant to Section 1.01(b), (d) Any construction within the Center shall be conducted in a manner which will limit, to the maximum extent practicable, any interference with the operation of the balance of the Center. IfScharlin constructs improvements on the Future Retail Area after HD's store on the Expo Parcel is open for business, Scharlin shall perform such construction so as not to deprive HD of the use of any parking areas, driveways, entranceways, and the location of any staging area shall be subject to HD's reasonable approval. (e) No portion of the Center shall be used for a business or use which creates strong, unusual or offensive odors, fumes, dust or vapors; is a public or private nuisance; emits noise or sounds which are objectionable due to intermittence, beat, frequency, shrillness or loudness; or creates unusual fire, explosive or other hazard; or as an adult bookstore or establishment selling, showing, exhibiting or distributing pornographic or obscene materials; massage parlor; a facility which sells illegal drug paraphernalia cornmonly referred to as a "head shop;" unsupervised amusement arcade or game room; body and fender shop; car wash (except as incidental to a gasoline filling-station); or off-track betting parlor. (f) No portion of the Center exclusive of the HD Parcel may be leased, used or occupied as a health spa or exercise facility; theater; movie theater; bowling alley; billiard parlor; funeral parlor; flea market; industrial manufacturing facility; automobile dealership (except a dealership which stores, displays, sells and operates entirely from the interior of its building provided HD's prior approval of its plans and specifications is obtained); discotheque; skating rink; bar (other than incidental to a business operated primarily as restaurant), a so-called "social encounter" restaurant or restaurant or bar/restaurant marketing a style of operations substantially similar to those bar/restaurants operating under the name of "TGI Fridays", Chilis or "Bennigans"; restaurant or fast food operation incorporating coin-operating amusements or showing movies to its customers thereof other than as an incidental or immaterial part of its business; general offices aggregating in excess of 1,500 square feet (exclusive of the office space used for the management of the Center which space shall not exceed 1,000 square feet in size), (g) No portion of the Center exclusive of the HD Parcel may be used for a home improvement or home design center or for the sale of lumber, hardware items, plumbing supplies, H:\REG\JBJ\14SS.5\02\DOCS\REA.06 8 03/0611998 4:21 pm electrical supplies, paint, wallpaper, carpeting, home security devices, lighting, appliances, tubs, sinks, mirrors, vanities, counter tops, other components of home improvements, floor coverings (including tile), cabinets, siding, ceiling fans, gardening supplies, nursery products, furniture and pool supplies and other related items customarily carried by a home improvement center, or home improvement design center, except for the incidental sale of such items (as defined below) so long as the HD Parcel is used for a home improvement center and/or home improvement design center, No restaurant shall be permitted to operate on any Parcel in the Center within 300 feet of the main entrance of the building located on the Depot Parcel or the building to be erected on the Expo Parcel. The use ofless than 2,000 square feet for the sale of paint, wallpaper or ceiling fans in the aggregate shall constitute the "incidental sale" of such items and shall not be deemed to constitute a violation hereof, The parties shall be responsible for any special permits to be required by ordinance, law, rules or regulation of any governmental entity for certain uses of its Parcel, such as the storage of lumber, garden supplies, paint, etc, (h) There shall be no promotion, entertainment, amusement or other activities in the Common Areas, including the sidewalks immediately adjacent try the premises occupied by such merchants, which would interfere with the use of the Common Areas and related facilities for their intended purposes, Notwithstanding the foregoing, HD may utilize the portions of the Common Areas designated by HD in the future, in areas on the Depot Parcel and/or the Expo Parcel and on the Site Plan which do not materially alter the parking requirements set forth in this Agreement, for purposes of Christmas tree sales and other seasonal sales, (i) In the event HD has not used for a successive period of one year or longer (exclusive of any period of renovation, remodeling or restoration) the HD Parcel for a home improvement center or home improvement design center, the restrictions of subsection 3,Ol(g) above shall be null and void, Section 3.02. Outparcel Restrictions. In addition to the terms and conditions of this Agreement which relate to the Outparcels as part of the Center, the development of the Outparcels shall be subject to the following restrictions: (a) The Owners of the Outparcels covenant and agree to submit to HD for approval complete plans and specifications for the improvements to be constructed on said Outparcels which approval must be obtained prior to the commencement of any construction upon the subject Outparcel and will not be unreasonably withheld by HD providt:d that (i) the improvements and landscaping shall not obstruct access to, parking on, nor deviate from the matters set forth on the Site Plan, (ii) the building and other improvements including Utility Lines, driveways, signs, curbing, parking areas, lights, access ways, landscaping, and site preparation and site development work erected or performed on the Outparcel shall be performed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications, (iii) the Owner of the Outparcel shall provide evidence of its intention to indemnify, defend, hold and save the other Owners, and their agents, servants, employees, officers and directors harmless from any and all loss, damages, liability, costs or expenses arising or alleged to have arisen out of any intentionally tortious or negligent act or omission of the Owner of the Outparcel, its H:\REG\JBJ\14S8S\02\DOCS\REA.06 9 03/06/1998 4:21 pm agents, contractors, subcontractors, servants, employees, licenses or invitees in connection with any construction work to be performed by or at the direction of the Owner of the Outparcel; (iv) the construction and improvements on the Outparcel shall be performed in accordance with its construction schedule which shall be an element of the plans and specifications, and (v) the balance of the Outparcel shall be paved, striped, lighted and landscaped in a manner subject to HD's prior written approval, which approval shall not be wrreasonably withheld, In addition, no building shall be constructed on the OUlparcels outside the Permitted Building Areas designated on the Site Plan, (b) No pylon signs shall be erected or permitted on the Outparcels, (c) Access to the Oulparcels shall be by curb cuts only as designated on the Site Plan, (d) Among other uses permitted by this Agreement, the Outparcels may be used for no more that two (2) restaurants, provided however in no event shall such restaurants be the type of restaurant or bar/restaurant restricted by Section 3,OI(f), Section 3.03. Develonment of the Future Retail Area. The Owners acknowledge and agree that Scharlin intends to develop the Future Retail Area for shopping center and related retail uses with cornmon roadways and parking areas with the Center as indicated on the Site Plan, The following provisions shall govern the development of the Future Retail Area: (a) Scharlin shall construct and develop the Future Retail Area as part of the Center in accordance with all the terms and provisions of this Agreement, and the plans and specifications as approved by HD, and in a good and workmanlike manner reasonably designed to minimize any interference with the HD Parcel. Any modifications, revisions or additions to the plans and specifications for the Future Retail Area after HD approval shall require the prior written approval ofHD, All such work called for in the approved plans and specifications shall be done at Scharlin's sole cost and expense in accordance with all requirements oflaw, including all rules, regulations, ordinances, statutes and guidelines promulgated by any applicable governmental or quasi- governmental authorities, agencies or organizations, Scharlin will apply for and obtain, at its own expense, any and all necessary governmental approvals for the on and off-site improvement work to the Future Retail Area including without limitation the building permit for any of its improvements. Scharlin shall indemnify, defend, hold and save HD and its agents, ~ervants, employees, officers and directors hannless from any and all loss, damages, liability, costs or expenses arising or alleged to have arisen out of any intentionally tortious or negligent act or omission of Scharlin, his agents, contractors, subcontractors, servants, employees, licensees or invitees in connection with any construction work to be performed by or at the direction of Scharlin, (b) In addition to any other limitations set forth in this Agreement, Scharlin hereby covenants and agrees with HD that the height of the improvements (including all roof top apparatus and architectural embellishments) constructed in the Future Retail Area shall not exceed _ feet from grade and that such improvements shall not protrude in front of the Expo Store (i,e" be located nearer S,W, 8th Street than the Expo Store), H:\REG\1BJ\14585\02\DOCS\REA.06 10 03/0611998 4:21 pm (c) Such improvements shall also comply with the following architectural and construction requirements: (i) The building finished floor or pavement of the Future Retail Area shall not be more than 18 inches below the finished floor of the building constructed on the Expo Parcel. (ii) The loading dock serving the Future Retail Area shall be located at least fifteen (15) feet from the perimeter of the building constructed on the Expo Parcel. (d) Scharlin and HD hereby grant to the other a non-exclusive right and easement to install, maintain, repair and replace canopies, roof flashing, roofs and other like projections and any insubstantial encroachments attached to the improvements to be constructed on the Expo Parcel and the Future Retail Area; provided, however, that any such encroachment (i) shall be subject to the prior written approval of the owner of the Parcel affected thereby (which approval shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed); (ii) shall not materially or adversely interfere with the use and operation of visibility of the Parcel burdened thereby alld (iii) shall not require the removal or alteration of any building or other improvements located on the Parcel burdened thereby, Section 3.04. "Unlimited Area" Restrictions (a) Subject to the following provisions of this Section 3,04, HD and Scharlin hereby specifically consent to the placement of buildings on the Scharlin Parcel and the Expo Parcel in the locations shown on the Site Plan, (b) HD and Scharlin agree that all buildings constructed on the Scharlin Parcel and Expo Parcel shall comply with the following requirements: (i) no building shall be constructed within sixty (60) feet of any common boundary lines unless such building (hereinafter referred to as the "Adjacent Building") shall be located immediately adjacent to the common boundary line and is attached to the building, if any, on the adjacent Parcel; (ii) if an Adjacent Building exists, then no building shall be located within sixty (60) feet of the Adjacent Building unless such building is attached to the Adjacent Building (the Adjacent Building and all other buildings on the Parcel that are attached to the Adjacent Building and to each other are hereinafter referred to as the "Building Group") (iii) any building that is not part of the Building Group shall be located at least sixty (60) feet from the Building Group; and (iv) the Adjacent Building or the Building Group, as the case may be, shall comply with the building code requirements applicable to an "unlimited area" building, including, without limitation, the installation of any approved sprinkler system for fire protection, (c) In addition to the requirements set forth above, the parties hereto agree that no building shall be placed or constructed on the Parcels in a manner which will, based on the then existing governmental regulations, either preclude the construction of an "unlimited area" building, or cause an existing "unlimited area" building thereon to (i) no longer be in conformance with applicable building code requirements; or (ii) require a change of "fire rating" to comply with such H:\REGVBJ\14S8S\02\DQCS\REA.06 11 03/0611998 4:21 pm codes; or (iii) require the use of different building materials or other alterations to the existing building to comply with such codes, ARTICLE IV - LIABILITY INDEMNIFICATION Section 4.01. Liability: Indemnification. Each Owner shall indemnitY and hold every other Owner, tenant, and occupant of the Center harmless (except for loss or damage resulting from the tortious acts of such other parties) from and against any damages, liability actions, claims, and expenses (including attorneys' fees and costs in a reasonable amount) in connection with the loss of life, personal injury and/or damage to property arising from or out of any occurrence in or upon such indemnifying Owner's Parcel, or occasioned wholly or in part by any act or omission of said Owner, its tenants, agents, contractors, employees, or licensees, Section 4.02. Liability Insurance. Each Owner shall maintain or cause to be maintained commercial public liability insurance insuring against claims on account of loss of life, bodily injury or property damage that may arise from, or be occasioned by the condition, use or occupancy of the Common Areas in the Center by the Owner and its tenants, agents, contractors, employees, licensees, customers and invitees, of such Owner or the occupants of its Parcels except as herein provided. Said insurance shall be carried by a reputable insurance company or companies qualified to do business in the State of Florida and having limits for loss of life or bodily injury in the amounts of not less than Three Million Dollars ($3,000,000,00), single limit coverage for each occurrence and One Million Dollars ($1,000,000,00) for property damage for each occurrence, or such greater amounts as are typically carried for similar developments in the Palm Beach County, Florida area, Each Owner shall be named as an additional insured on each other Owner's policy, except that the Owners of the Scharlin Parcel and the Expo Parcel need not name the owner of the Outparcel or their policies, Notwithstanding the foregoing, any Owner or party responsible to maintain such insurance may "self insure," or provide for a deductible from said coverage related to the Parcel, to the extent of one percent (I %) of the net worth of said Owner or party in its last annual or fiscal year as certified by an independent certified public accountant and computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles consistently applied, Such insurance may be carried under a "blanket" policy or policies covering other properties of the party and its subsidiaries, controlling or affiliated corporations, Each Owner shall, upon written request from another Owner, furnish to the party making such request certificates of insurance evidencing the existence of the insurance required to be carried pursuant to this Section or evidence of a self-insurance capacity as hereinabove provided, as the case may be, Each Owner hereby waives any rights of recovery against any other Owner, its directors, officers, employees, agents and tenants and occupants for any damage or consequential loss covered by said policies, against which su.:h owner is protected by insurance, to the extent of the proceeds payable under such policies, whether or not such damage or loss shall have been caused by any acts or omissions of the other Owner or its directors, officers, employees, agents, tenants or occupants, H:\REGVBJ\14.58S\02\DOCS\REA.06 12 03/0611998 4:21 pm ARTICLE V - CASUALTY AND EMINENT DOMAIN Section 5.01. Casualtv. (a) If any of the buildings or other structure located on any Parcel is damaged or destroyed by fire or other cause, the Owner of such building or structure shall promptly cause either: (i) the repair, restoration, or rebuilding of the building or structure so damaged or destroyed, or (ii) the razing of any damaged building or structure, the filling of any excavation, and performance of any other work necessary to put such portion of the Center in a clean, sightly and safe condition, (b) In the event any Common Area improvements are damaged or destroyed, the Owner of the Parcel on which such damaged Common Area is located shall promptly cause the repair, restoration or rebuilding of the Common Area improvements to the extent necessary to restore the area outlined on the Site Plan to its previously improved condition and restore such other areas to the extent necessary to avoid interference with the remaining Common Areas of the Center and to adhere to any required parking ratios required by law and as set forth herein, Section 5.02. Casualty Insurance. In order to assure performance of their respective obligations under Section 5,01, the Owners of the respec!ive ParcelJ shall cause to be carried fire and extended coverage insurance on all buildings and improvemcnts and Common Area improvements on their respective Parcels in the amount of the replacement cost of such improvements, and in amounts at least sufficient to avoid the effect of any co-insurance provisions of such policies, except if the Owner of said Parcel, or party responsible for any required restorations, is permitted to "self insure", as hereinafter set forth, Said insurance shall be carried by a reputable insurance company or companies qualified to do business in the State of Florida, Such insurance may be carried under a "blanket" policy or policies covering other properties of the party and its subsidiaries, controlling or affiliated corporations, All such insurance shall include provisions denying to the insurer subrogation rights against the other parties to the extent such rights have been waived by the insured prior to the occurrence of damage or loss, Each Owner shall, upon written request from another Owner, furnish to the party making such request certificates of insurance evidencing the existence of the insurance required to be carried pursuant to this Section or evidence of a self-insurance capacity as herein provided, as the case may be, Each Owner hereby waives any rights of recovery against any other Owner, its directors, officers, employees, agents and tenants and occupants for any damage or consequential loss covered by said policies, against which such Owner is protected by insurance, to the extent of the proceeds payable under such policies, whether or not such damage or loss shall have been caused by any acts or omissions of the other Owner or its directors, officers, employees, agents, tenants or occupants, The Owner responsible to maintain such insurance may "self-insure", or provide for a deductible from such insurance from said coverage related to the Parcel, to the extent of one percent (I %) of the net worth of said Owner or party in its last annual or fiscal year as certified by an independent certified public accountant and computed in accordance with generally accepted accounting principle consistently applied, H;\REG\JBJ\14585\02\DOCS\REA.06 13 03/0611998 4:21 pm Section 5.03. Eminent Domain. In the event the whole or any part of the Center shall be taken by right of eminent domain or any similar authority of law (a "Taking"), the entire award for the value of the land and improvements so taken shall belong to the Owner of the property so taken or to such Owner's mortgagees or tenants, as their interest may appear, and no other Owner shall have a right to claim any portion of such award by virtue of any interest created by this Agreement. Any Owner of a Parcel which is not the subject of a taking may, however, file a collateral claim with the condemning authority over and above the value of the land being so taken to the extent of any damage suffered by such Owner resulting from the severance of the land or improvements so taken if such claim shall not operate to reduce the award allocable to the Parcel taken, In the event of a partial Taking, the Owner of the portion of the Center so take!' shall restore the improvements located on the Common Areas of that Owner's Parcel as neady as possible to the condition existing prior to the Taking without contribution from any other Owner and any portion of any condemnation award necessary therefor shall be held in trust and applied for such purpose; provided, however, that in the event such proceeds are taken by a mortgagee to reduce the mortgage debt on such Parcel, such funds shall not be held in trust for such purposes but the Parcel Owner shall remain liable for and obligated to such restorations, ARTICLE VI - REMEDIES Section 6.01. Self HelD: Lien Rillhts DisDutes. (a) If any Owner shall default in the perfonnance ofan obligation of such Owner (such Owner being herein called a "Defaulting Owner"), which default affects the Owner of another Parcel (other than the separate Owner of the Outparcels) (an "Affected Party"), such Affected Party, in addition to all other remedies it may have at law or in equity, after ten (10) days' prior written notice to the Defaulting Owner and any "First Mortgagee" or "SL Lessor", as herein defined (or in the event of an emergency after such notice as is practicable under the circumstances), shall have the right to perform such obligation on behalf of the Defaulting Owner, subject to the dispute resolution provisions of Section 6,06 hereof, In such event, the Defaulting Owner shall promptly reimburse the Affected Party the cost thereof, together with interest thereon from the date of outlay at a rate equal to the lesser of (i) two percent in excess of the rate announced from time to time by Citibank, N,A, (or its successor) as its "prime rate" or "base rate", or (ii) the highest rate permitted by applicable law (the "Interest Rate"), (b) Any such claim for reimbursement, together with interest thereon as aforesaid, shall be secured by a lien on the Parcel and improvements thereon owned by the Defaulting Owner, which lien shall be effective upon the recording of a notice thereof in the appropriate recording office for Palm Beach County, Florida. The lien shall be subordinate to the rights of any first mortgage or deed of trust (a "First Mortgage") holder (a "First Mortgagee") now or hereafter affecting the subject Parcel, and to the interest of any party (an "SL Lessor") who has purchased the Parcel and leased it back to the preceding owner, or its subsidiary or affiliate, on a net lease basis with the lessee assuming all obligations thereunder in what is commonly referred to as a "sale leaseback" transaction (an "SL Lease"); and any purchaser at any foreclosure or trustee's sale (as well as any grantee by H:\REG\1BJ\14S8S\02\DOCS\REA.06 14 03/0611998 4:21 pm deed in lieu of foreclosure or trustee's sale) under any such First Mortgage or assignee of such SL Lease shall take title subject only to liens thereafter accruing pursuant to this Section 6,01. (c) In lieu of the aforesaid rights in Section 6,OI(a) or Section 6,02 hereinbelow, if a Defaulting Owner's default affects the Owner of an Outparcel or any occupant thereof, then the Outparcel Owner or any occupant thereof shall have all remedies available in law or in equity, Section 6.02. Iniunctive and Other Remedies, In the event ofa breach by any Owner of any obligation of this Agreement, the Owner of the HD Parcel and the Owner of the Scharlin Parcel (exclusive of the Outparcels) shall be entitled to obtain an injunction specifically enforcing the performance of such obligation, The Owners hereby acknowledge the inadequacy of legal n:medies and the irreparable hann which would be caused by any such breach, and/or to relief by other available legal and equitable remedies from the consequences of such breach, Any action taken or document executed in violation of this Agreement shall be void and may be set aside upon the petition of the other Owners of portions of the Center. Any costs and expenses of any such proceeding, including attorneys' fees and costs in a reasonable amount, shall be paid by the Defaulting Owner and, if recorded without an effective Dispute being initiated as provided in Section 6,06, shall constitute a lien against the land, and improvements thereon, or the interests therein, until paid, Section 6.03. Non Waiver, No delay or omission cfany Owner in the exercise of any right accruing upon any default of any other Owner shall impair such right or be construed to be a waiver thereof, and every such right may be exercised at any time during the continuance of such default. A waiver by any Owner of a breach of, or a default in, any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement by any other Owner shall not be construed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of or default in the same or any other provision of this Agreement. Except as otherwise specifically provided in this Agreement, (i) no remedy provided in this Agreement shall be exclusive but each shall be cumulative with all other remedies provided in this Agreement and (ii) all remedies at law or in equity shall be available, Section 6.04. Non Terminable A~reement. No breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall entitle any Owner or party to cancel, rescind or otherwise terminate this Agreement, but such limitation shall not affect, in any manner, any other rights or remedies which any party may have hereunder by reason of any breach of the provisions of this Agreement. No breach of the provisions of this Agreement shall defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith for value covering any part of the Center, and any improvements thereon, Section 6.05. Force Maienre, In the event any Owner (or any other party acting on behalf of an Owner) shall be delayed or hindered in or prevented from thf' performance of any act required to be performed by such party by reason of acts of God, strikes, lockouts, unavailability of materials, failure of power, riots, insurrections, the act or failure to act of the other party, adverse weather conditions preventing the performance of work as certified to by an architect, war or other reason beyond such party's reasonable control, then the time for performance of such act shall be extended H:\REGVBJ\ I 4585\02\DOCS\REA.06 15 03/0611998 4:21 pm for a period equivalent to the period of such delay, Lack of adequate funds or financial inability to perform shall not be deemed to be a cause beyond the control of such party, Section 6.06. Dispute, In the event of any dispute as to the necessity of any required action or the propriety of any action taken with respect thereto or the appropriate cost or expense of such action which is the subject of reimbursement, if any, or any other claims or dispute arising under this Agreement (a "Dispute") the disputing party ("Disputing Party") shall notify the other party in writing as to the nature of any such Dispute within a reasonable time, In the event of a Dispute against the HD Parcel or Scharlin Parcel (exclusive of the Outparcels), any action taken by the Affected Party or the owner or occupant of the Outparcel shall be subject to the rights of the Disputing Party in all respects and no lien or notice thereof shall become effective until the judicial determination of such Dispute or settlement agreed to by the parties, Any costs and expenses of any litigation determining such Dispute, including attorneys' fees and costs and fees of collection in a reasonable amount, shall be paid by the party judicially determined to be at fault or in error. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if an emergency exists or if the failure to take any action lnight subject a party to fine or prosecution for a crime or constitute a default under any mortgage or deed of trust, the party whose Parcel is so affected shall have the right, prior to adjudication of the Dispute as aforesaid, to take reasonable steps so as to protect its position, the propriety of which as well as the reimbursement of the resulting costs shall be adjudicated as aforesaid to be in default or error in such Dispute, ARTICLE VII - TERM This Agreement and the easements, rights, obligations and liabilities created hereby shall be perpetual to the extent permitted by law, ARTICLE VIII - EFFECT OF INSTRUMENT Section 8.01. Mortgage Subordination, Any mortgage or deed of trust affecting any portion of the Center shall at all times be subject and subo:'dinate to the terms of this Agreement, except to the extent expressly otherwise provided herein, and any party foreclosing any such mortgage or deed of trust, or acquiring title by deed in lieu of foreclosure or trustee's sale shall acquire title subject to all of the terms and provisions of this Agreement, subject to Section 6,01 hereof, Each party hereto represents and warrants to the other parties that there is no presently existing mortgage or deed of trust lien on its Parcel, other than mortgage or deed of trust liens that are expressly subordinate to the lien of this Agreement. Section 8.02. Bindinl,1 Effect. Every agreement, covenant, promise, undertaking, condition, easement, right, privilege, option and restriction made, granted or assumed, as the case may be, by any party to this Agreement is made by such party not only personally for the benefit of the other parties hereto but also as Owner of a portion of the Center and shall constitute an equitable servitude on the portion of the Center owned by such party appurtenant to and for the benefit of the other H:\REQ\JBJ\14S8S\02\DOCS\REA.06 16 03/06/1998 4:21 pm portions of the Center, Any transferee of any part of the Center shall automatically be deemed, by acceptance of the title to any portion of the Center, to have assumed all obligations of this Agreement relating thereto to the extent of its interest in its Parcel and to have agreed with the then Owner or Owners of all other portions of the Center to execute any and all instruments and to do any and all things reasonably required to carry out the intention of this Agreement and the transferor shall, upon the completion of such transfer, be relieved of all further liability under this Agreement except liabilities that remain unsatisfied with respect to matters that may have arisen during its period of ownership ofthe portion of the Center so conveyed, Section 8.03. Non-Dedication, Nothing contained in this Agreement shall be deemed to be a gift or dedication of any portion of the Center to the general public or for any public use or purpose whatsoever, it being the intention of the parties hereto and their successors and assigns that nothing in this Agreement, expressed or implied, shall confer upon any person, other than the parties hereto and their successors and assigns, any rights or remedies under or by reason of this Agreement, Section 8.04. ResponsibilUy. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in this instrument, each party to this Agreement shall be liable and responsible for the obligations, covenants, agreements and responsibilities created by this Agreement and for any judgment rendered hereon only to the extent of its respective interest in the land and improvements on the HD Parcel, Scharlin Parcel, Westwind Parcel, Food Court Parcel and Auto Parcel, as the case may be, ARTICLE IX - NOTI(:ES Any notice, report or demand required, permitted or desired to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be served, for all purposes, by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or delivered by courier or expedited mail service, and shall be deemed to have been sufficiently given on the date of delivery or refusal thereof, to the parties at the below listed address or such other address as the respective parties may from time to time designate by like notice: If to Scharlin: Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee c/o Morton Group 902 Clinton Moore Road, Suite 124 Boca Raton, Florida 33487 Attn: Michael Morton With a copy to: Theresa McLaughlin, Esq, Akerman, Senterfitt & Eidson, P ,A, 450 East Las Olas Blvd" Suite 950 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 H,IREGIJBJlI4S8S\02\DOCSIREA,Q6 17 03/0611998 4:21 pm If to HD: With a copy to: With a copy to: If to Westwind: With a copy to: If to Auto: With a copy to: If to FC: With a copy to: H,IREG\JB1\14383\02\DOCSlREA.06 Home Depot U,S,A" Inc, 2455 Paces Ferry Road Building C, 20th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30339-4024 Attn: Corporate Counsel - Real Estate Home Depot U,S,A., lnc, 2455 Paces Ferry Road Building C, 20th Floor Atlanta, Georgia 30339-4024 Attn: Real Estate Manager James B, Jordan, Esq, Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan LLP 999 Peachtree Street, NE Atlanta, Georgia 30309-3996 18 03/06/1998 4:21 pm - .,_.....,,-----'-- -~----~ ---------- ARTICLE X - MISCELLANEOUS Section 10.01. (a) If any provision of this Agreement, or portiun thereof, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, shall, to any extent be held invalid, inoperative or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement, or the application of such provision or portion thereof to any other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby; it shall not be deemed that any such invalid provision affects the consideration for this Agreement; and each provision of this Agreement shall be valid and enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by law, (b) Florida, This Agreement shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of (c) The Article headings in this Agreement are for convenience only, shall in no way define or limit the scope or content of this Agreement, and shall not be considered in any construction or interpretation of this Agreement or any part hereof, (d) Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to make the parties hereto partners or joint venturers or render any of said parties liable for the debts or obligations of the other parties, (e) This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto, (f) This Agreement may be amended, modified, or terminated at any time by a declaration in writing, executed and acknowledged by all the parties to this Agreement, or their successors or assigns, This Agreement shall not be otherwise amended, modified or terminated during the term hereof. (g) The term "parties" as used in this Agreement shall mean the fee simple tid.: holders of the Parcels. It is specifically understood and agreed that there shall be no personal liability of the parties in respect to any of the covenants, conditions or provisions ofthe Agreement. In the event of a breach or default by a party of any of its obligations under this Agreement, the other party shall look solely to the equity of the party in its Parcel for the satisfaction of its remedies, (h) Scharlin, HD, Westwind, Auto, and FC hereby acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is an amendment to and restatement of the Original REA, and that from the date of recording of the this Agreement in the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, this Agreement shall supersede the Original REA, and the rights, duties, and obligations of the parties with respect to their respective Parcels, the Center, and the easements herein granted, shall be governed by this Agreement. H:\REG\jBJ\ 14585\02\DOCS\REA.06 19 03/0611998 4:21 pm (i) The following documents and instruments are subsumed hereby and shall have no further force nor effect: (i) Undisbursed Area Easement Agreement between Scharlin and HD dated February, 1990, recorded in OR Book 6378, Page 1948, as amended by Amendment to Undisturbed Area Easement Agreement dated August 18, 1993 recorded in OR Book 7850, Page 1583, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida; and (ii) Declaration of Restrictive Covenarlts by Scharlin dated as of February, 1990, recorded in O,R. Book 6378, Page 1989, as amended by Amendment to Declaration Restrictive Covenants dated as of August 18, 1993 recorded in OR Book 7850, Page 1574, aforesaid records, ARTICLE XI - UNIFIED CONTROL The undersigned Owners, being the owners of the real property which comprises the Center, which entire property is legally described on the attached Exhibit "H", declare that this document shall bind in perpetuity (to the extent permitted by applicable law) all heirs, assigns, successors and future owners of the Center, to develop, operate and maintain said Center under unified control, in compliance with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances and in compliance with conditions of approval for all "Development Orders" or "Development Permits" issued for the Center, without recourse to the City of Boynton Beach or any other public agency, Exhibit "H" attached hereto contains a legal description of the entire Center, which legal description has been certified by the surveyor of the Center and indicates the total number of acres of the Center, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their duly authorized representatives to execute this Agreement under seal as of the day and year first above written, SCHARLIN: Witness Howard R. Scharlin, Trustee (SEAL) Witness H:\REG\1BJ\14S8.5\02\DQCS\REA.06 20 03/0611998 4:21 pm Witness Witness Witness Witness Witness Witness H;\REG\JBJ\1458S\02\DOCS\REA.06 HD: HOME DEPOT U,S.A., INC, By: Name: Title: WESTWIND: THE WESTW1ND GROUP, INC, By: Name: Title AUTO: DISCOUNT AUTO PARTS, INC, By: Name: Title 21 03/0611998 4:21 pm EC: FAVORITE FOOD COURT, INe. Witness By: Name: Title Witness STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beiore me this 1998, by HOWARD R. SCHARLIN, Trustee, day of Notary Public My Commission Expires: STATE OF GEORGIA COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of 1998, by of HOME DEPOT U,S.A., INC" a Delaware corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public My Commission Expires: H:\REGVBJ\14S85\02\DOCS\REA.06 22 03/0611998 4:21 pm LIST OF EXHffiITS: EXHIBIT A-I EXHffiIT A-2 EXHffiIT B Legal description of Scharlin Parcel Legal description of Future Retail Area Site Plan (marked to show Future Retail Area, Food Court Parcel, Auto Parcel, Westwind Parcel, Additional Outparcels, Permitted Building Area, curb cut locations, No Build Easement) Legal description of the HD Parcel Legal description of the Westwind Parcel Legal description of the Auto Parcel Legal description of Food Court Description and plan for Pylon sign Legal description of the entire Center EXHffiIT C EXHffiIT D EXHffiIT E EXHffiIT F EXHffiIT G EXHffiIT H H:\REG\JBJ\ i4S85\02\OOCS\REA.06 24 03/06/1998 4:21 pm DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Bulent t. Kastarlak. NCARB Director Building Planning & Zoning Engineering OccupanonalL;cense Community Redevelopment March 10, 1998 Ms, Susan Prillaman Greenberg-Farrow, Inc, I755 The Exchange Atlanta, Georgia 30339 Re: Outstanding Conditions of Approval Shoppes of Woolbright PCD MPMD 97-007 - Rectified Master Plan Dear Ms, Prillaman: Attached are conditions of your master plan approval that remain outstanding after review of your latest master plan drawings, Please recall that a building permit cannot be issued until a rectified master plan has been achieved, If further assistance is needed, please contact my office, Sincerely, - ---"" _ J 7' ~- _;';' ~,1 ~ </ /.M t:- ~, ^__'L- .-:/'l. '-*- J Tambri], Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dim Attachment Xc: Central File \\CHlMAIN\SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\SHPSWQOL\OUTST ANDING COFA-MPMD,DOC America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (56t) 375-6260 FAX: (56t) 375-6259 Outstanding Conditions of Approval Project name: Shoppes ofWoolbnght PCD File number: MPMD 97-007 DEPARTMENTS ADDRESSED NOT ADDRESSED PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: 1. Provide a copy of the agreements allowing stormwater from this X parcel to be treated on the P,U,D, property, The off-site storm water retention pond is expected to be maintained by the P,U,D" whereas this project is in the P,C,D, FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 2, Master plan needs to be signed and sealed and dated by design X professional. 3, Due to the proposed subdivision of the property north of Home Deleted Depot and relocation of the property line between Home Depot and the subject property, platting is required, 4, Show on master plan a 4 foot sidewalk abutting the "Future Deleted Retail" and "EXPO Design Center", Provide accessibility to commercial buildings with sidewalk on the south side of Purple Heart Way, BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 5, Add to the proposed master plan notes and symbols that represent X the location of the required accessible parking spaces, The configuration of the accessible spaces shown on the plan is inconsistent with the accessibility code, Also, add to the required parking calculations the computations that would determine the minimum number of required accessible parking spaces including identifying the number provided for the improvements proposed Page 3 Shoppes of Woolbright peD - EXPL" File No,: MPMD 97-007 DEPARTMENTS ADDRESSED NOT ADDRESSED ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 13, Comment No, 3 to be reviewed by the city attorney and staff X prior to the Commission meeting to determine whether the proposed ownership of the requested parcels and buildings alter existing unified control agreements and the plat of the property, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 16, Reword comment #3 to read "Since the proposed reconfiguration X of the property north of Home Deport will combine the Expo Design Center building and a portion of the parking area with the existing Home Deport property and will create only one new parcel encompassing the remaining property fronting S,W, 8th Street, the 20,000 square foot future retail building attached to the Expo Design Center and a portion of the parking area, replatting is not required, However, provide a revised copy of the reciprocal access and easement agreement and the unified control agreement to include the Expo Design Center for review by Planning and Zoning and Legal staff," 17, Delete comment #4, X 18, Reword comment #7 to read "The required 25 foot landscape X buffer along the northern property line shall be included entirely within the PCD boundaries and not encroaching into the public right-of-way, Correct location of buffer accordingly, Pending settlement revisions will waive this code requirement. 20, Reword comment #8 to read "Submit a recordable landscape X buffer maintenance agreement to provide for maintenance, by someone other than the city, of the portion ofthe greenbelt proposed within the Purple Heart public right-of-way," Tlli:dim \\CH\MA1N\SHRDATA\PLANN1NG\SHARED\VIIP\PRQJECTS\SHPSWQOl\EXPQ\OUTSTANDING COND, OF APPROVAL-MPMD.DOC\ MEMORANDUM September 24, 1997 FROM: Pete Mazzella, Assistant Director of Utilities James A. Cherof, City Attorney ~ \ ~ Woolbright PCD To: RE: Since you have been designated by the City Manager as the City's "Point Person" on the above referenced project, I am forwarding the Second Addendum to Settlement Agreement which has been forwarded to me by Mr, Morton's attorneys, I am also enclosing the September 23, 1997 cover letter which takes iSl;ue with the manner in which the Master Piar; Modification was moved for.vard, I would like to meet with you and Tambri Heyden at your earliest convenience to discuss this matter, By copy of this letter I am providing her with a copy of both documents, JAC/ral Encs, as stated cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager Tambri Heyden, Planning Director s:ca\deptsIUtilities\WooIbright Place Memo SEP-24-87 08.40 FROM.JOSIAS GOREN ET AL ID.SSQ7714823 PAGE 1/5 ....,""""'.. BOOSE CAsEY' CIICUN Lusn'% MARTENS McBANE ISo O'CoNNa.&.. AJIIIllllIImHJllIIO-~. ._. ---...~~ -ALz (" f1-Pkt C; 7 -00;;. .IOSD"M ~. ~lIh ..nlt. ...,.,... .... P~KllI1'l. ~^ oIERM.8 S. .... ..... Wlt..I.MlN...~NI....... "'"'"'..~~,,&. ~ Ie. ........ PA'I'IIIIcIloJ. CAaT, .....4. ~~"" .., III ~ 01. C"G,*, ,,""" ............._. ; -=A. 1IIIIOeCIft'...~.,..A. IIIOtW.P E. c:MI.ea,.= ..-. .. oeetlll. ".A. ~.._M"_ =UI _. ....Y t1\INSI'aI. .IAo. ~... VIA FAX: 954-771-4923 DURA A. ..IENIC5, ".A.. .-u. .. ..-...w. .A_ ~...IIlI'NO 0........ A. WIInZ. ",A. COffttte.lL.U......". RICMUID L. ~. P.A. 1.OV.. fit. MCaNC. "'.A. ~M01MV.... ~.llrH'f'. PoA. ...... M. J,- a.. ,,~ ~o.c:J--... 01"., ~_A. oI.IllrilIIIY"'~ ~~~."". '!HrGI'ttr.J.1IllOOMlIJ .IOte. R. VOUHD. P.,A., ~o.~. Sol, (1tlI1.''''' ""....""....[J.. .,IUW& AMM AIoI4Off ..JQ-tiIJ:"'.~ NOfIlloW.ttpcllt lCWUI 1 .1I'ft1 A.gcjM '1$.-... ~-..: ~ ~AI,.M eEAiClol. ~Qlto >>CI1 ........_LM.l_ ftJ...I:~lJIIt..t)""1 - -- _.0. .,. .. W8T ~ 1C.trlCJC..... ........ Se~ 23, 1997 JIUU$ Cherof; EJquire Joaiu.& Gorea 3099 8th Cnmm~ Blvd., &Ute 200 Ft. Ladcrdale, Florida 33308 Be: Woolbrigbt PCD ~~- r~ i~, f1t~ tP't), ~ ." - VO" Dear Tun: J am ~ disturbed with the City'I recent action on tbe Woolbrigb1 PCD Ma8ta- PliIIl modification. I filuad out receady 1bat the City scbeduled IIId becd the Muter Plan modificalion on September 2, 1997, On 1I1e Cily's AgauIa ItcIIIl &quat Fona it is m.G'llIted ~ tile "applicam nquatecI postpoD~ of prifi~~on of the Pl-niflg and DeveloplllClllt Board's action on this n:qucst to the SeptIllDber 2, 1997 r; ) ..........;.......III'~ng. No such req1lC8tfilrthBt datcwu evcrmadc by us. IuDI' August 14, 1997lelter It (~ to TIIIIbri ~ _ ~ . po~1 oftbe!t.llguat 19th City C(>""'"saion m...rillg on ~C:Y"'~ lIllIUc:ria ordertol'CllOlvennf"'-._.,...~ ~ 1IO clabo _ ~ all '" WCR __ how ~', it WOII!d take to nllIOlve 0lIl cIil!iIreal:es with the City, Greg Kino did meet with sta1f OIl one occasion in f *vl- an cftbrt 10 tIy 10 RIIdve tbI: Master PIm iaIua, Ul1i'tn1wmtel.y, 1011 were UD vacation IIIloI! it WIllI DOt very productive. 0110 of'the most ailical iJIuea for my c:1ieat was the issue oftbs sec;ond ~ sign ,v . whida hu been approved several times on previous Ma8Ier Plans and Is absolutely "" -"""'a' in order to _ J fi'0 (J J lIppC'Opri-'U'MttHJ the teIIIIIl oftbe _i.., 14-112 acre parcel It was our IIIlderstanding after our (.{) .f-- \...7 N~J~......t:bIIt_stidf'_dOiDJUOmlh ."""anth8pri""~.PIaI1~tQyclieatwuattcmpting (q ~ t ~Cl with Home Depot to l'Illocato from their sign to IlSmaller _-standing or . '\.7 \ ,('>fr' ~ m.....G sip:, the City's IIft11nticed.!Jearing oftJris IlIlIttcr an short the ability to TCIKlh {Y'. 5' , l,l; . ~ witbthe CIty OIl thiJ ..'MIll &coupIeof~ MNfa'PIu1.llOd~ issuCll. Ai our ADgust ~. ~ 2Sdl City WlIIbbop 1\4'-"."," ;"mcated that butcl uP<ln the City's good fmh efforts, we believed wel'\? 0f would be IbIo to come to aat""d..- on III Muter Plan ~ClIIions ~maIat the requir~_.o!'thc:..., ~, l ./ ~()fa fiuthfJr,...,nfi... ~ ~~"",_"(_'! .(j}tLw~dfv jcl iUJ-t-c~-- ivi/v ( Our dia1t ~ the filIIowiqJ fiIl:b to U& Our cIImt mumed to his oflh:allt .~lQmatcdy 5;30 ~ p,m, on Tuceday, September 2, 1997,1Iftcr beIIIg OUt of town for aevetIl days. He hJppI:Dlld to see the . ~ ageada .. to him by the City tIua day just before D90IL The.pvb iMi('llted that the Master Plan iYO \"J'",h modification was OIl that eveaing's ageDda. ~,Morton burri. . edIy left to atteIId that m-ng to voice his Q)~ ~ ~/' .. I,.'. Ie> 'r!J-v-{' . ~ f. (:1. / ~~;j~ t:'.~~~.~ V ~ 'II J.6 (.f- ,b ;~'e,{) SEP-24-97 08,41 FROM,J051AS GOREN ET AL 10:8547714823 PAGE 2/5 /' lAci.}vr" JllIDeS ~ Esq. \ ~kllJ~ -' LJ!t vv Septemb.r 23. 1997 il, (,\>,1 fj 1 ~1 . :11-,Olv, ~ I vfl L PqcTwo ,~ \ ~ L._'\. \,\(,\1'- IF ~\j: . .;f(., 7, /~ ~. ___ over _ of1be umaoIwd isles. He reaIIOftIbIy UlUl1Icd that this law firm bad been ~ /, ..I ~ tbll ..."""',I'IlIi heariDg IIId bad b_ provided with die wne materials tbat were faxed. ~him') 7;,'-;/ Sudt aJS1IIIIptioa would, with most mnnicipaIitieJ be reafOIIabJe, especially ill &pt of the tact tbayou 't~ ._spccific:ally reque.sted tba& alIlbture COJICIpOIld~l~ ~\ViIIis'beSinteiiIiiii to yVIi-aifeC;dy or YOU ~ . L ) ibaw4 be COpUlOODIt:-wDm Mr. MorlllIl ao:;r"ecI, be bad a brief' opportullity to 1p0lk with (;Qmmiuioner', I v '-'Bi'iiIJIiY-fg whom 1lll4llqll ~ c:oncems over the l'ClIlOWi oftbc previouIlylppl'OVOd no-n"""'ing qu.' / Mr. Monol1 did lit iA 011 tlw beIring IIId fiIIly expected llI1 oppoltuJlity to speU on the matter, but before he bew it. the QODIIZIf lIpIIda wbich ;"".\1'"'" the Muter Plan IIIOdi!eaUoll wu passed without (~J /'~ At that point, Mr. Mortem telt it WIll prucha fix' our mm t&:l hand1ethe iSJUC, ~j ^ / I would lib to give you llI1 opportuDity to mpoad to tbi.s Iatat don wbic:h llPPCII'S to be a fiuther atteIllpt ~ by the City to iuItrI&O IIl.Y diem'I right t&:l dewlap thD pro"..~ in =:daace ...:th 1he ~~ J1 Asr-nllIlt 8IId iDtafere with his vested ri&bts ;""t...lin,g the approved secoad ficc-Slanm"8 sign. I am lit alOlllto UIldcnIlIIIcI why tile City would ~J1r this ~~ with Ol''''''A..f:.'8 issues which we were under tbe~~ that both partia WllI'C tryiug to raolve, The tict that the City did IIOt advi$e this law firm of 1he 1KWuIed C('mmlulOll -'1& under the guise that tho app1i1lllllt nlC[\I4IIted that bearizI& date ia, lit btIt. wry ~ tl,i, :,W1. 1be Clty's ac!ioDs are a clear violaticm of our client's pI'OClOdyral due ~ righb. We do IlDt ClOIlJider any &lllion takeIl by the City at the Septemblll' 2nd -;"g to be valid iDso1ar as it """"wu with my dicm'slegal risbf.s ami staled POWOll 011 the seeond free ..."d;"8 sip. Bc:lim: tbD Iatcst evCIIt lIIld ill IlltiQpatiou of lIUIItiuuiug goocI faith .",uiOll.S with the City regardiDg all ,--.Mid iIaIelI, CJRe;.KiDG bad drafted tile ...."""'" Rviscd Second Add_dllm to llHtl_rmt Asr=nent whidl we bdleve takes into lIIlroWlt the varioca isaucs diBwrsed at tbe kiFJlZSth City Ccm",;~,jOll VIOIbbop~. Due to Mr: MortoD beiag out oftowl1 for smnl days O\'et the laat wgplc ofweokl lIIKl bim beias in fbr a week, we bave been deIayai in pltiDgit to)'CU; DependiDg on the C'Jty's expllllllltion of their !DOlt receut aetions ad its position on rectifYUI8 the Muter Plan modification coDditicms wlrich were colllnVy t&:l my dieut's ~ to develop dw I""""inmg portion oftbe projel:t, _ may ask that this matblr be brouaht t&:l tbe CO........WOQ ftJr ka~ SinI;erely. ~ Brian B. Joslyn B81/rcb g;; Mayor G<<aI4 Taylor (via tlix; 37'-6090) Keay WiIIia. City !A'-r (Yia fax 375-6011) TItIlbri HeycIea. AICP, P1mmlttg IlId ZonU\g DiRacr (via tlix; 375-6090) Micbad Morton (via fix 561-241-(640) Oregory S. Killo, Esqqn ,it- . 0~ 7 , SEP-24-S7 08.41 FROM;JOSIAS GOREN ET AL 10,8547714823 PACE ;3/5 B&:D"-"..t. ~o,ENDIJM TO SrM'I.r.MY.NT ~ n ~.." J:lD: .~ _.- -- , This ~ 'l4W,.JIIIIl m 1IltII....d inro tbia _ day of ---J 1997, betwOll1 the CITY OF BOYNI'ON BEACH ("CJTY") UId HOWARD SCHAlWN, TnIStee for Woolhrisbt Place, Joiut VCIIture ("SCHAlWN"). WBBREAS, tbe CITY IIIl SOIARLIN hawb..M....1I1Icnd into a S..-...... wbic:b '-' tbD cia ofNcm:mber 7, 1995, IIIll which 'WIS Iipxl by the CITY on May 11, 1995, aDd by 5aiAlU.IN 011 NovaotJer 7, 1995; IIId WHEREAS, the CITY IIIli SCHARLIN have cmterod iDto a Addellldum to S<<f.....~ AalUIlMlllt 8ipocl ad CIaIed FcIwuy 6, 1996, ~ wu appfCMICI by die CITY by llelO!utiQll NuIIIber R96-15 ....... tbIt ame dab: ill orela- to darifY a '"i""8" iAuo; IDIl WHElmAS. auilluc oftbe "W'~ D'tlIod lIIld1evel ofiDlplllt fee paymtIIlI baed upon the recopized WlIteclItldlll oftJlo project baa arisa lDId. request for 1I1........i<)a oftbnc to CODItnIct an iDduIIrial __ roC bu b-.lmde by SOlAlU.IN wbich are both ~Je to raollllioD widiD tho c:outllllU ofdlo SIct....... Aant-.4. _ WHE&EAS, die parIia _ .........J.. to .n""~ oCtile ~ Aar.........nt by tIIiJ ~ ~""-Io'1l\ IeaWlg II of1be otb8r temlIlIId -ffiottt theteoffully IIId completely imIct. NOWnmaEFOlm, ill ~ oftJlo.lDlltllal cowaauta .......ClIIed he:reiu, till 181'_ as fol1ows: 1, '1'be fi,.~ "WHBREAS0 ..Jo,,_ _lr1Ie aad c:uaec:t. 2. TbD Sett,l- Aarecmeat iaheteby lDIIIIded as to1Iows: A. Panpph 3 m'DCI in itII...di.ety II foJ1owa: 3. INDUSTRIAL ACCBSS ROAD; SCHA1UJN lIbaIl obtai/a .-4111d 1lO'" 'WlR ~ oftU iDdustriallCCOlllVId ~..d withiD. SO' ~ _-ot-way aIoas ~bouiiiIIiY')Ctbe PCD ;""JI1",. but { IIOlImitrxl to, lOIoIriIIllIIll draiDap-UYtbe ~ olOM attbll ioUowia,g ~ wIIidIm:r sIIaI1lXlWl' first; V\ (i) 120 dayI I.iom lire plan appnml fOr pen;el E ol tJlo Woo!briPt PCD (14.5 _ .-.-v. parocI); or (ii) 120 dayI &om site plan appmIII1 for tile property east oftb CSXIllilway.1llUdI ofOHMo A-lIIIlI ~m-w:Q91hr;ght ~ ipprovaJ ofa miINId cnJIIiaa by C.S.x. ~' No Tbe road IIId improvaDalts sbaIl be built IlIIll ''ll)'!....piu. iDBtelled in ~ with ~....,.. deign .......Js lIIIlI 'With die typical croll section depidaf os '6>o'lIi1Jit 0 AO IIttlIcItecI bIQto, The City asrees _ SCHJ.1UJN may haweD) __ tlIIlIe (3) poiIIlI ofmp. ad epeIS to tba PCI> fiom 1 . 1 ~ s: ~ f;I;l f o ... ~ ~ ~ ~ o t < ... z ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ ! ~ ... ~ o ~ 8 iId < ~ == " ~ ~~ ~ ~~ i!!", Q " ot:: 0" ~ ~ .. ] II *l " ~ 00 r- ;;:;"6- O"~ ga a- . o\r; ~ I r'-i ~; , ~ := ~ B 0 >:~u Qc::!~ ~u~ c.;~f.:) '<l:l%lal ~ L~ Jl~ u " " u u~ ~ !-, --- ~:::== 1:.I').s.s ~ ~ ~ e ~~~ -a- N"" ~~O o ~~ U. -- ... al ~~ ~ ot::ot::4:I 0"0"0" ~ ~ ~ ~~~ -.i..cN , , "0"0'" u ~ c B~~ ,- :a .. ] ,5~ '0" '0 ~ " " U u ao ::>::>~ ......... ::E::E", ~ .. ~ ~ "" - N -N... 'UUO U ~ ~ ~ tf&':~ ~888 !-o .:::: 0" ~ l!' - '" l;l ~ " 5 ~ ~ ] .!. ~ ... .s 1 .. ... ::E :3 ~ "' "' ~ u .. 00 ... a- d on '" '" ~t .Q :a ~~ "on N_ ';0 "" ; oi 0" ~ oi 0" ~ ""8 ~ .. . ~~ " . ,- ot:: ~ g' ~o ""- ~ - '" Oi- oe 4i " 0" ~ ~ 08 u . . on N "bioi "" "S ~ :.all") ,5 go , .~ v~~ ~ - ~ ot:: 0" ~ ~ ... g '''' " '3 B i;J "Il .. ] ~ .!: ot:: ot::g' 0" ,..: ~ 0 on ~~ ~ ... \ ~ -" " E U 08 '8 Q. c t o~ -g ~ c3 '~ ="Il I>: - - ':; .0 .::: ] ... ::E ~ e U " ... "" ,..: ~ ~ U .. !<l ...; - ~ " ~ U " ... Cl '" . p "" ~ - U " ~ - U " ~ !-o - ~ !-o g ~ Or: ~ !-O Q ~ [;S ~ >: Q Or: g; '<l: ~ ... ~ '" ~ '<l: i-l ~ ...:..:< ~= N U--.:l ~B~ ~ci!iS ~ 'S " ~ N on N " "' .. .c ... "' .. " '2 ;> " ~ - ] "' e al "" ~ r- - ~ " '> " ~ l;l c.. .. " '6 co ~ " '8 " .2;- " " t: " u :3 'g i. " "" a- N , - - " ~ "' gf '2 ;> " ~ ... ::E ~ " ~ ~ - ~ on - l%l N -.:l o ... i!J '5 ~ " "" .. " :2 ':; .0 -.:l " " OJ c.. ~ ,g -.:l " ~ " '> " ~ gf :8 .2;- E " ~ ~ 8 l!l '2 " ... " -.:l ... ~ '" 00 N - .. ;;:: " al ;;:: .E ,2i' ~ .0 "6 ~ ... ::E "' " ~ ~ on o ..j - -.:l o ... "' 'S " >< " ~ "" - ... ::E "' " ~ U " '" <') '" ... -.:l o ... ~ i ~ ~ .. ~ ... ::E "' e U .. ~ 00 . l%l tl ~ "il ~ "" .c B oS u ... ::E ~ " ~ al 00 - ~ . f'o ~ ~ " > ~ " "' " ~ "" ~ ~ > 8 Q. Q. '" '-' ::: '" - Q. ~ 'Vi ... :2 1/ l:l.o <Il ~ t w " 11 z 13 .. 11 ~ < ~ ~ ~ " ~ U .. o on o ~ ~ > 8 Q. ~ '-' iIJ . ti " ~ ::: '" i5. .... <J ... '" '" E 1/ l:l.o :2! u ~ w Z ~ > o w w o > ~ u = /l1.G 2 5 I99J AU~-25-97 07,20 FROM,JOSIAS GOREN ET AL 10,8547714823 cc ya;rJw:' TO: Mayor and Commission rn FROM: James Cherof, City Attorney Woolbright PUDIPCD August 25.1997 RE: PAGE 2/'3 m DATE: Mr, Morton, on behalf of Howard $charlin, Trustee, has made a proposal to amend the 1995 Settlement Agreement. Pete Mazzella, Tambri Heyden. AI Newbold, the City Manager and I reviewed the proposal and offer the following to assist the Commission in its consideration of this matter: 1995 Aareement Morton PropOsal Staff Recommendation Industrial Access Road: Construct a road within a Delay construction until Delay construction until 50 ROW along the north the earlier of (1) the earlier of (1) 120 boundary Of the PCD by issuance of a certificate days from site plan August 7,1997_ of occupancy for the approval for the adjacent 14112 acres or adjacent 14112 acres or (2) necessity for and (2) 120 days from site /' CSX approval of the pain approval for any ,/ railroad crossing portion of the property east of the RR, north of Ocean Avenue and South of Woolbright. New cross section as ~ Der attachment. \, City Impact Fees- If $charlin is applicant- Fees collected from all 1986 fees collected applicants at 1986 If Schar! in is not rates, Differential applicant- City collects previOl.lsly collected by current fees and pays City paid to Morton differential between provided release in 1986 and current fees to favor of City from all Scharfin interested narties, I[O~ .~~~ ~ I~>-J/ ~ t~' ~ jJ-4; , AUG-25-97 07:20 FROM:JOSIAS GOREN ET AL 10,8547714823 PAGE 3/3 / ------- ; / {D County Impact Fees: COllect 1986 from all applicants, Plans Review Procedure: Expedited procedure and time table, Traffic Approvals: Not specifically addressed --- ,~ / ." ~., , Vy-d yf~~4V ~1/U1 ~ . 01 Collect current rate fees and remit to escrow agent per current agreement between Scharl!n and Palm Beach County, Join Scharlin in litigation against County if Scharlin dispute not favorably resolved. City to use 'best efforts" to avoid 'unreasonable' dela Property not subject to to current City and County traffic regulations and ordinances propvided 14,5 acre commercial parcel and church site do not exceed traffic levels established 51201 Collect current rate fees from all applicants and remit to escrow agent pendlgn settlement of impact fee issue with County, Interplead fees with Court is ScharlinlCounty dispute not resolved in an manner which is not adverse to C' Resume standard processing. Staff is still evaluating this issue and discussing with County staff / ' .~ lA\Oi / .' "J'A ~ ti Pi ~ \\": ,\1 It u8"22/97 FRI 1U,22 FA! 1561241uiU6 lIORTi,:i GROUP ~UU2 REAL ESTATE Ih'VEO ,TS . GENtRAL CONTRACTORS Mor'toD. Group 902 CLINT MooRE ROAlJ, Sm. 124 Bo<:.. lUTo.~, FLORIDA 33487 PHONE' 561-994.3131 . Fa, ~lm64@ rn 0 WI rn ~ lJ1) I AUG 2 5 I99l W August 20, 1997 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPI To; Peter Mlll2ella City ofBoYDlon Beach Via fax: (561)375-6090 From: Michael Morton Morton Group Rc: Woolbright Place P.C,D R.ectified Master Plan Submission DeaT M,r, Mazzella, Pursuant to our telephone conversatIon this day, we have mutually agreed that tho details at the industrial access road and the relationship to the P.UD, and P,C.D, be rl!:~olved when the remaining 15 Acres P.C,D. parcel is submined, Tn 'ore, the wall location is wi drav>1l and the issues Of the "greenbeIr' ""ill be r' . ed as welL . . '/ " '~... .~ ------- ichaeI Morton Jo - '{iV4; MhuJ~ 7 f'MnAf;ffL, !trCtfJ17 t'Yl /5 1fM'A( FUd ~ w~ v A clUv~ ~" ~ \.~~: f:~nv '/, 1 ~' . /\ ~fz~j riL~ t" J.1 ('/1 D (l(vV.JI..'l-{- . \ 14' (17 ~ "] (mJLjz~')~ It., (, ~. // . , ~.. (tv' Il /1 (;' th (C!A./:':5/ [.>}L, . - SLtIt- /1 Li!tL:f {L(!Li,'7~{{1_ ! /. -I- L.... ^f.j ~ I}~ (L~A 7tint/Lj,~) '--H! / j +C f7J!- . '--e. ( ie, I, I / r -, 4 .. I <C" . -r;v' f I? v ";, I L'/ l BOOSE,CASEY,CIKLIN Fax: 1~561-820-0389 Aug 15 '97 13:49 P.;u o.A'" V,nCE:ll BOOSE CASFY C\lOCUN LUlllT% MAI't~NS McBA"F 5. O'Col'lHE:LL ..,IV>>....., L.. .....:,(Clll.u.". "'Ill, 1I....x::t. u, "'~Ot:~, ~."". ,'J'QALO S. .&1;'19, ~'''', W"II...'-t'l'l.Ill~t.,I.I,~,,,,, ..."...~ I"l IIOT<<'lN,.. ,.... p^'fRIe'I/:.1 t":..'K"". P..... ,......'I'nIQIA M. ,......I~I....N~N JllA/'f.J, ~IfU", T'.A, r"l1,,1"\I\CL. w. eQlmoM "eDt.toll ..... (.lY>IiE, ........ ~N....LtI E. ...~t..:lI....~~ro ~""pr'l!;;, OOIIIH. "'.A. J^;t;tN '" MA~ELKOPN W JAY I'lUJlCl.'T"nH, .Jill.. P.~. E~\.E.I~........c'" Via Fac.illlik 17,-6090 A ,....""41;"::01 III" lflc,-""e,ltv' JlM~ONA'" ~~':;!J(":'tol(O "l.P'llll'A A. "'tNI\:>>. P ,Il, .~161O " .JOSLYN. "'.It.. a.RG:~!O; KINO c~.w.a.C9 A. ' tlAITI, _.A. t:CWI~' ~. LUIol~"'nRr"I l'lr';f"UU'Ie l,.. MAm'SJI5, Co." loUUI~ ~, M~D...W;, r".'" TIMC)IHT ... MC:C:Al'lTI;V, "".j.,. 1\R1"N M. (J1\.i.....Ntlo.... ~.'" ~I l"l O'CO/'tI1t.Io'-,>JFt.,,...... ..I, ""RY ".,QI<I.4U/'f5'r Otv.l'l'-II:S L. oln",lMT. JA. T1!"tOT'1'( oJ, noo",. "Ul"l~ Ill;. ~'OUltQ, r"".^. r'H11..L.'P t, O'(;Otl'I~I..I... O:;!I'. (1llfl7.19&n U!'"';'vl,l_l!:1.. ..JU(./t.AN,.At."l~' uOI'lN 1.., Ht.f'l:.t:N Io,InA'fHB"'1O(;t TOWEJIIII . 111M ~...oo.. !'i1!'> NO"~ l!'l.AOLER OHIVt. WC::-'I"1"'M.)ofIlc..w.... "'I ("jRlt>>. ~'I Tl;I.l;:r"MON5 ~1) IU;o-NlilOCl TE:LL<;~~II:~n (1e1) 8D.4:Znu N,,,,IL.lljO ...DPr'lC5S Y,U, IlVX"Cl2O WUTP"LM yt.I'>UH, 'L OO..~ AUl:Ust 14, 1997 Tamb" Heyden, AlCP 1'Ianmng & ZoDiDA Dir~"IU1 C:iiy ofDoynton Beach 100 F...,l BOYDlon !:leach Boulevard BOyntOll 8eil<.h, rL 3342~ 1<.e: Woolbrigbl Pen.Master l'lIln Modillcation Dear Tambri: .B_rerzy LewiclU ~nn you were both unable to aneJllllhc PlawllJlS lllld Development Board lllmillg Tuesday cvClling, we wet.. lIuab'" to have any teal substantiv.. di.l<.~,",;ons with the l:Io3rd regllfding th~ Slafl'. lII18se3ted conditions of applllval. Essentially, we noted OUI louc.em. and obJeetions alI.d indicated that we W<TIlld attempt to work out our dillhenccs with ~tllif prior to the City CUlnmi~mon review oftllo Master Plan, Siuce <TIlT ~uest for a meeting Ills. yet to he accommodated alId a signific"nl ...,udition dealing mlh the industrilll ~ccess road La to be workshoppeu by the City COmnllssion on the 2jth, it <II l(;.'l 1~1t make lllIY sense to have tbt- M....!el' Plllll mod1fication heard by tue City COrnIlll&sion on Aui\Ust 19th J"o,y Lewl(:lti 3Ugge6ted I send y(n, A note rcgnrcl1ng our filT H'l,ostponement in h$t of the lmreMllved iSS\1ea. We wollld ther.fu,~ request tbnt the City Comroission ""I/sider ow. Master Plan Modifklll.iun after we have been able tl) w(lfk.hnp ....'th the Commission "I1J perhaps rcaolve some OUlSllWJ.liue j,,,,es affecting the Master Plan. We ahl) 1<'\1"...t a mectUlg with yOU to W.ClISS tl,.. Planwng tUld LoniIlA Depanm~Jll" Wllllllcnts. ~eeau$e of schem,liTl!; "onflicts, we would request th<lt we .ble tf) meet with you sometime on Monday, August 18th. It is my llTIIlelstaoding that I'ete MueUa ha. bet'u ,.!eded by Kerry WUlis to eoordil1nlt': the EOUSE,CRS~Y,CIKLIN Fa~:1-561-82C-J3B9 Aug 15 '97 13:49 P.03 Tambri Heyden August 14, 1997 Page 2 resolution of all outstanding issues and we request that be be made a part of this meeting. We look forward to resolving our differences in a fair and reasonable manner. ve~~oi' . /\rj~L~ o!.gory S. Kmo GSKircb 27564 ce' Mayor Gerald Taylor (via mall) Kerry Willis, City Manager (via fax 375-6011) Pete MazeUa, Utility Administration Assistlillt (via fax 375-6298) James Cherol, City Attorney (via fax 954-711-4923) MIchael Morton (via fax 561.241-0646) WilliamR Boose, ill, Esq. Brian B. Joslyn, Esq. BOOSE,CASEY.CIKLIN Fax:L-561-820-0389 Aug 15 ~97 13:48 P.01 BOO~C:;E CASEY C"'IIaIN LUBITZMARTEN~,) McBANE & O'CONNEL.L 515 North FItIf!.ler Dro'e, Suite 1700 Westl'alm Beruh, Flmda 33101 561.832-S900 Fax: 561820-0381 FAX TRANSl\Ut>til<JN C<JVER SHEET D,lle: .,4-uguSt 14, 1997 To: Tmnbrt Hepden, AICP hu: J-.7s-6fJ9!)-.. ";:"I"')~ b~5c\ Dr.: r1R.9.27564 Sender: Gregory S. Kino, Esq. YOU SHOULD REC/?TVP. '1 PAGE(S), TNCLUDING 'l1Wj (.'()V.l.iR ::i)-fE.i'{. 11' YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL561.832.5900. Till! mronMATlON CON"l"AIN5D IN TlllS PACSIWU ~1i:S5AGE IS ATrOIUIIEY PIUVIU..." ..N" CON1'Jl>ENTIAL INl'OkMATION INTi!NDW ONLY ron. I.HE 11SJ; OF TIIIlINDIVlDV.u OR llNTITY N"M'," ....OVE. IF TH,; DAD';1\. 0' THIS M~5SAGIlI5NOT TB! INTENDIID ~PI&NT, YOU AIlIl HEURV NOTIFIED THAT ~Nl( In~"'.",MI NA"I"(UNr nlS1'lUBVTlON all COPY' 0' nus COMMVNJ<:ATIOlf IS STlUCTLY PIlQHlJlITW. IF YOU HAVE QCIlJV= 'AM'. UJ...'-OHlCATJON IN ~lUI.OR. PLMSE IMMIlDlA.TEt'l:" NOTll'Y 11S BY TJ:LCrnOlfn MID llETOllN Till: OlUCllfM. MnUl.i!; 'A'O .TS AT:rHl' 1l1lOV1' AnT>IlF~.~ VJA THF. U.5. PQllTAL lllllt'YICE. TIfAN.K YOU. The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. B"Y"ttm B-'t B",,'-am P.O. B_!JIO B"Y"t.... B-'t, Florida !J!J42S-o!J 1 0 0fJft:e of tlu1 CI~ A",,~ (561) !J75-6050 FAX: (561) !J75-6011 w ~ & ~ II WI ~ @/ , ~/; I'll 2 q ,. '.,. i!J !' ,/I ,_ ,I., I:. ~ ..-.... , PLANNING M'D ZONING fJEit ~..- July 29, 1997 ~/ i4P~LC""- J (!: f ~" "J~w~gL 1\ g~:7}1 ~ . ""pv;.4<'0', r /.Y' - -V>' \ " .;J tJl.- 'p- tV"'" ,,-o,.;,,>c ,. . V. jvt!C"-' (JJ 1~,-y1L , " /IV'" "i':' r t ( Via Facsimile Onlv (561) 833-4209 Brian Joslyn, Esq. Boose, Casey, Ciklin, Lubitz, Martens, McBane & O'Connell Northbridge Tower, 191h Floor 515 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Woolbright PCD & PUD {I.,f ...{1:,,(.." , Dear Mr. Joslyn: The City staff is receiving mixed messages from Mr. Morton regarding the Discount Auto Center project. Your recent letters and those of Greg Kino only serve to complicate the issue. On one hand you have indicated that the Discount Auto project is dead and that the p:at was improperly recorded. On the other hand, Mr. Morton is currently making inquiries of staff as to the processing of the site plan. Please provide the City with specific written instruction regarding your c1ien~ desire to have the site plan processed further. I have instructed staff to suspend any response to Mr. Morton regarding the site plan until I hear from you one way or the other. Additionally, if the site plan is to be processed, what point would be served by attempting to undue the recording ., of the plat? I look forward to an expedited response from you. JAC/ral cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager AI Newbold, Deputy Director of Development Tambri Heyden, Planning Director Very truly yours, ) e~f!Wi6 ~ City Attorney .:CII"""~.WIl.I,;.t ~'-.2 "An Equal Opportunity/Aff;rmativ. Actian/ADA Employ..-" uU~-l~-~{ \6,q~ FROM,~OSlAS GOREN E~ AL 10,5547714823 PAGE 3/12 JOSI.A.S. GOREN. CREHOl'. DOODY & EZEOL, P.A. ATTO/itNCYS AT ~.w SVITf 200 ~9. u.,sT <:OMMC."el~ CIOu\..t".t..AO rOilY u.VOBBllAl.S. ll"j.01UDA 33308 STevc'" 1,.. ...0$1.... u,MV&:l. S. 00"'" .I....e. A. CMCROF pQlUt.\..O ,J. 0000'1' ~"..,", l.. EZJlOL TE~"HOfljE ("4~ "1' 4100 'FM:.$IMI~ ~954) ,,")-.a3 L.CON~O G. Ave.N "OBEItTW. VALl!: "USA"" C. VANE$K.HIAN Mlc:...At:L. O. C:j"UC"~. .JR. Transmission Via Facsimile Only July 18. 1996 Brian B. Joslyn, Esquire Boose. Casey, Ciklin, eC al. Northbridge Tower 1 - 19th Floor 515 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Re: Boynton Beach/Tradewinds/Woolbright Place Our File No. 900304 Dear Mr. Joslyn, I am in receipt of your letter dated July 18, 1997. I have forwarded a copy to the City Manager, Al Newbold. and the City Clerk so that they can provide the appropriate documents that you request. I will respond more fully to each of the issues that you raise in your letter when the City staff provides me with their impressions regarding the TRC meeting. I feel compelled to address the issue regarding the recording of the Plat to some degree. I for one, felt that Mr. Morton made a c:ear and unequivocal demand at the meeting on Monday, July 14, 19~7 that the Plat be recorded. It seems disingenuous for you or Mr. Morton to now suggest that the staff should have inferred something in direct contradiction to that express demand. Nonetbeless, if you fell abandonment or vacation of the Plat is necessary, I would be happy to erl.l:ertain your suggestion on how the City can assist your client in doing so. I am responding to the proposed second Addendum to Settlement Agreement drafted by. your associate, Greg Kino. I am submitting the proposed Agreement to the City Commission for consideration at ...... .... ., .""~ ."""n."""",,"":::' lIUt<:.M .1:0. ~l.. 10,9547714923 Brian B. Joslyn, Esquire July 18, 15197 Page 2 PAGE 1/1 their August 5, 1997, meeting with a request that they schedule a workshop meeting. It i9 my intent that you and your client be available for that workshop so that the full Commission can consider the status of this development and any proposals you have for bringing it to fruition. I need to advise the Commission in advance of the workshop meeting of the status of Mr. Morton's negotiations with the County regarding the impact fees as the County has linked the City in that dispute. I am requesting that you provide me with that information so that I can request a workshop meeting with the City Commission to discuss a comprehensive settleme of the issues raised in the Second Addendum. Ve J JAC/ll1lh 'OOJ04 JOSLnI.LTR cc: Kerry Willis, City Manager Al Newbold, Sue Kruse, City Clerk .LJ ~tJ~ ((lQS23 PAGE 4/12 ............ ..... """ .....-~'";:l...i""I~ ""u~c.J, .c.. """'!.. IoA.A...IV\.. ...._. ..." ......... --" ......... -- \ BoesE CIosI!:Y C\l(UtC UJarn: ~s MCBANE ~ 0 \,.ONNEL.L. ...,...,._ ItIC'i. m _.....e~&. MKlCUIr.~ .....,....L,.~.JI(. ~.. ~r v-".".. ",CMLPs.~~Jrh WllJ,J,UIIII. ...c. II. -..... ~ O. .."... PJ4.. 1...t:IMNIEK..~ ~....~.PA M.'I1IIlCUoM. ~ _lllJarr ......~GJIICI.Mt."..A.. ~".';~l"""1;J" .....,..~~. .... --.0 C. __ So ...._ ".A.. ........ ,..- If w. ....." .......... VA.. '"4 iJA _AX: 954-711-4923 ..... ......,...t.. ...... .. .IOILnt. f#.... ~.. .... e..... A.. u..rn. ~.A. PMffG. L~ ~L-~fiJ.A. ~......... ...... ~ P. ~_a M\". P"A.' ...........o~.P.A. RftLo.o' -. ......A. ~. -""It _A-'--w' ~"".~.JII. -...- ".".,...~,...A- ~ o. o'CoNlcu..~. r-r.'1IllIl - '" """".... oIUU&___ .-.. s.. ...... ___.41. -;1'OIWIt ,.,,,,.. ~ >lS_~- WEST ""'-M IICICH. ~ .-n - .: "CIII)DMIDD '1_ r... ~--, ......... - ".0.__ -."1IlN.tlI ~ ~ ...... July 18, 1997 IID\t.5 Cberot; BIquiro loa. & Goren 3099 8th ("...'"........;.] Blvd., Suite 200 Ft. Lauderdale, PIoricJa 33308 Rc: WI>>"'rlpt PCD D~. Cherof The fOIIowiagil a list ofour .............. _ WOIIId lib to .. addressed im"'M;"~ly in an mempt to ....;,."WyRlOlve ourcl/ff'cmu:es with the City ov..the: h.n,m"i of the WoolbtigbtPCD: 1. We l...JlaAud that tbe City lID recmded the plat for Parcel "C- dcIpito my diem's and our I'llqUeIt ofW~.y!lOt to do so. We haYc r=eived Mr. Newbold's "'T,.ftM;ion of the tiIlliDg of the I-di..&. J'Ica:. provid& my olBce with ~ lbatMr. HaIlf.alted thc.......diDg receipt daud July 15th to my dia .5:01 p.m. oa that clay. We1biak __lllIdeit 'Iffit'J dt.arMcaclay eveaing that the: c;outtaa with DiJccgt.Auto Parts l1ad been CIIIlleIlcd as It result of the delays in the: City's '-~ oftbis projec;t IIll1hndlm:ufSlIllof'theluly 1st, 1997ma1lCX'11K1amfium VIlIelI8llUclatoMib Hug. We did iDdi-.. at tbIt V.....;...1ll.,..4:."5 !has then: IIIIY be the paaaibi1ity of reviviDg tbe CODIraCt if all ofthollfl items could be addrwIod :........,d;_ly. We hIwe ...c;e;..ed 1IO indiI:aton that the I"""';"~ itc= can be timeJy IIIId e.orit&"'only IIddrllssed by the City; therefore, the recording of the plat does lIOthing but ezIcumber my c!ieIIt's property is8ues. The plat could 11m: been recorded wiIhin a matter of haun if we could !lave rwdlDcI &111111denuudl11g with the City OIl tIm man: important issues IiataI in that IDIlIIIIXUIdum. P1cuD be adviIed !has tI= City's adiaallllJ' rauIt ill the u=d to ablllldonlvlcate the plat wbk:h r()would look for the City to timely proceI8 &tita OWIl~~cr.uoP -b M\I't 5L. .A ::::>n-r 2. ....--- iJ a s~- of Al:couII11i"om Uaitecl Nmoml Buak tlIrouglt JuDe 30, 1997 and a ~ i'OIII United Natiomd wbk.b. hl'ilic:;wo that thin have been All additillllll1 deposits to the Impact Fee Esc%ow Al:couat through ytIIterday~ deposita should have been IIIIIdc for tIIc Kamedy Hc-m.... iDlpIct feel. I recall tile CityWllS quite Id8mmt at our .~ that it had ~ m.ldng dc:posIu as rIlCluired -'f;:. .A_1-tD (Ad\1(~ {U;e)pt ()t: de.p6~d-,<; vV.... LZJ"'L~ ~,(..D --+D-rm f; SA-P) -Fcy~()A'd.- Upll "!1f-/ ~~~. . ~ o..JlJ-i>,U ~ V-ULh(l-i~ or ~()S-L-T?: -7 -1-. rV..Ui -tc V e.Ge.-\"vG 't- c.uf 'I M iUj ov' 't- c..c..; ~ DAY'. ~UL-l~-~7 16.41 FROM:JOSIAS COREN ET AL . &.AAJ~ ~,,^-I ,........._... ..,..., ..,..,...... ID,S54??14S23 PACE 5/12 JlIIIICS Cherot: Esquire July 18,1997 Page 2 by the aU_*" prcceclIJe agreed to lIIId required by PIIm Beac:h COlIIll)'. Prior to us CO'1'."'ft,g Palm Beach CowIty reprd.iDg tIIis llrelId1 of agrtemlWlt. WI would Ilb to give the City ODD week in order to pmide llVidalcc oftb8 dcpoeits in the filrm of III iltlQll'llIO a=llIltiJ1g to us aad provide c:op1aa of the ". Ibecls" &ad the "Cw.1ifiW Rec:cipts" refere:Dccd in the JlIIW&J)' 16. 1997 pRlClCduteI..."H.'-l by Palm *~ Cowlty. We ve quite diItwbed by ~ eitys ';X: mta1iOllllA'D tbia ~':" ylll...r.!....-fo ~l.a...$S '-""_ I)Jht:iz;.,b, .~.L-ro.U.J rc(()II- r,oSA{J 3. My auociIte. G2egltiDo, -"8Ied the sd1eduIed TRC 1D88tiaa em Tuesday, July IS, 1997. Iu "^i"'" te<I. it was DDt VGY prodw:tiw. .A1thno,s" we baDd-clclivuc:d gur Muta' Plan Modification to the CIty an JulIa 23, 1991, SllIIl8 City DeputmeDU iodir-lted that tblly bad DOt nMewed it 1I111c:h _ provided ~ ..............". . reqoirecl prior to the TRC ~g We m:eived . mllIIlO tiom KeviD p.llah_n. Fc.~""IEIlviro."'-J.llot, dated lWIe 30, 1997 wbic:h lIlIdrcIRcl the 25._ ba5:r along the Dortheaat jIl..9<d;y Iiae oftbePCD. Uufortuuatc\y, Mr. p"lf.h~ was IIOt at the TRC m-..IO that he could hat the commeatll &om die Po&e 1II1II U1iIi1y ~ regarding their conc:em withtbe locatioll of the buil'a" wall. Tblfe aecd$ to be & ...-, with the appropriato aty staff pen'OIlS and my c/itlllt regarding lhe **h tbIl wu II:r8dll:d to the November 1m ~ wbich IlIcIrased die pJaQClDCllt of the bua'er waIJ lIDIll-l'<::lI~ bctwccathe PCD IIIIl PUD. AppareatIy, those City Depalcm...dls UId the residents . 1iving adja=at to the PC!) wal!d be much better serwd by rdomiaa of die wa1I aacI ial2dscaped anlII.. -* ~ m..'_oY us ,.-diui a ~'18 to disc:uSf this issue ~ II1llY n:'l~ uevi3iem to die S=emeat ~ -D ~.......- .etch -r tu'Y\.p--n ---fD o..d..tU'-l:S.S /AI-- l).Jyl_t,.........,O I1~MI...b +rxrY'. AsA T We were quite distw'bed that TUllbri IkydeD wu I10t at the TRC ...-, to addms the very sirfl...... IIId i...~ ia the 1IU,d1ed ]Illle 30, 1997 1etter fiom her Depanmem. We lIDdllrStUl.d that MI. HeydIllIYPfcl1lY meads these TRC meedngs. 'l'Iun.. .,,141... iaua in this IIIliII1llnIDCl iJldudilIa thII.1i",i"lOtlOll of mlmponant he-s1andini mID Itvm our projec&, die Umiug of the comttuGticm of tho iudustrialllllCe8l road and tho iJIlle of tho recti&ed Muter PllIl which IIlI nced to be addressed ;"",,~"'-ly. We lI1!. nllJ..llurinp ~with Tambri Hoydf~lInd. ocher Btaff~ ,J) ~ b1or~to~theaeiatues. ~lL tt;u:..s ..~(\Oh/~ AStw I 'luYtb......1 M.u:50+ . DI , It ClIIm UI cur .......ntioa It ttJc T1lC ~I that tho City approved. a Muter Prognun fur our V"~ which to cur kDowIedp we haw _ hem provided the r-"ri"l DcMIopma1t Orda-. It is gur 1IIId.........., 1111& tbiI Deftlopmmt Orda' may haw . .......JeCIa SCCOlld project pyIml sign that bas been IbowD emllCYlIIhpplUwdMaDrPbmsclBli:DiblKlkto 1990. Pl_proviclc OW' omcewitha copy oftbat -ro~)(~~~ tL~ leA+e/ wltb~~ oF D.O. It is our that the Miuter Plm mDdifillllioll is "'~ed. for a pl......;'I& and Dew10pmeat BOlrd -"1 011 A...,.. 12. <mg KiDo _ iufonned at tba me "'~ that liDa1 . ..........-.. 011 the Muter Plu mocl~ may DOt b.lMiIablc lII1til Au&ust 11. III Jiabt ofthc eamnt ~="O. MwvuldnqllClCtbatdmft,,"...n._.~providedfiomalldlecleDlam-4:a Z, August 5,1997. -may bave ID "PJowI,",'L, to renew lII1Ii ma:t with Sta1fprior to tbo P DIlllltiDi- Mike Haag 1II1d Jeny Lewicki ;.,di,..r-' at the me meeting that we WC)u1d be leceilliDg a tixed copy of the ~Q~' ~Q:~~ r~u~l'~~~~~b ~U~~N ET AL ~ _"""-I . ......~......".. _..... __..... ID,S5'l771'lS23 PAGE e., j, 2: JUlIa CIlcof: Esquire 11dy II, 1997 PIp 3 . -*.r:,'f5:'''''''';''''~S co,..",..nt. the eftenlllOD ofIuly lSthanbeyweremn returned on the due date of July 14th. Welllm:yettorcceiyethem. . ~ '-f). ... 'fAX itu~ C1DC.{.mu-~ I m~ , ) c.opy oIJ... fi.-lUL-S 4. We beIiew that MoIIday eveaiD; we adequately sed !be issues sctfbnh in the July I, -../. 19971etter Dom. V_ Ucla to Mite Haag and will not reiiente those apin; however, we eJtpect a -r'\' respoDle 6"om tba City as to how it wiD be ~ those. Itthey CII1IlOt b. dcaIt with in vet}' short order, tbey lICll as III ~- to II1y attempt to revive the Discount Auto Parts' eomnct. We 1IR also ellp [ J:.., tmm)'QIJ a ~ IlIISO to our !lam of~ 28thllllll July 2nd. wbich iDctude tho proposed Second "'",_..1.. lIIIt to Settlemeat ~ We look fOlWlIld to a prompt ~ from tile City on ~ aDd othcir iIsues that WI: diSQI=d at our July 14, 1997 m-ilw w.ith you, City staft' ADd the Mayor. f . ( cc;: MidIaeI MOltOA (561-241-0646) William 1l BoOfO m, Esquire G;~ S. KiIlO, Esquire , . , ~__ 6~~' 6V.'~ r~vn'vv~,~~ ~O~~N ~~ AL 10,S547714823 PAGE 7/12 ...--- - ....-. -. .-- .-- -. 0; --' UNITED NAnONAL BANI( OPERAnONSCENIER 5901 MIAMI LAKES DRIVE EAST ML\llQ lAKES, FlDRIDA 3301.. FAX 1# 305 &26-B266 FAX COVER SHEET DATE. T?: FROM: RE: -1/,.,/'7 G "Ii" I! ...0 IoIAM.ltl" S'r'llt~"" UH""",...r ~4... A"....~ NUMBER OF PAGES, INa..VDING CC'V'ER SHEETI 2. & ADDIDONAL COMMENTS ~ r&.h,r ,.,I:",rl<l &./t.1" ~r,.-re "' iJlJTu '/J./ '7 . r IIhC 11" . '&IIJ ". Af..~u,"1 S~& .,.".,- ,,,rt; I, ,.... "".." ,. ilflT. ......~ iii' ,,"'n '" ffo.C....C c...r.l/IC.r fit. . , , . f_ ""'0 IF YOU DO NOT RECI!IVE ALL PASS PLEASE CALl 305- ...1132 CONPlDEN11AU1TNonCE The c:Iclc:unenI5 acc...,.pal.t!ltg lNw t.lll4ller tI'InsrnIsslon QiM~, 0ClI'lfic:IlInt information belonging " fie linder, which . IIpIly pril.Oeud. n. illomlltbt ill intended ClI'lI'/ far 1h8 use f:I the indlvidual(a) or .may ,... 1Ibove. If you .. '* 1he ftIIld8d ...c';n, ~ .. ~ r_lItied hit .ny +--'--. .......,jo~ dIItribuUan or the fIIkIl'IG d ." action in , IT _ CII'I .. _A.dIo. fIf II. .'. _~ 101\;"......, it ftIctJy fA......I! t If JIlU t.- - l-,.d Ulla .r'!lopy II'l error, pie.- ~ I'lCIIify UIJ by btlepta.. at.. numb.. .... tl:t .._Ige *'" .. nIIurn of .. Ol~..d ~ent fa w. . Woo> · . . of \loa.-. : "'411 - .........w-lO-~f lO'''tot:. rl"l:\JI'I:-.JU:::;.LI4~ I.iUREN .g~'NItiOnaI ~-.. t:;;'J: AL 10,5547714523 PAGE 8/12 , , . Stateme, ~ . nil . 121..... lit Accallt ..., 31, Ut7 "- 31, 1", ....adl OincIi .. ~co: IIf1 .. 0400 . ~ _ftD IIUtaML lAB AI uaow ... ... .AUI at.c:II CIl'I"I' . .,.,.."" ~tl')t ~..... laOLII.Iaf lLAC& .1D'JWlr ..~".z IllUI aIL &ftII ... I:&IUII U1IiIaI NIIilaI .. 16G ,........ tAD IIlvcl Waf .... &.oIa FL u.Gl.221S o Toalll_ " .... ~30 lt~ ~te' lUr 81M DIIr 1 . u. QS.3D ~ I - 3OZ.101.16 UIIo Q&.30" ~ 30UU~_ DII& - r , -f"I to.&. 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W,...Jf -Jw.kto....'IJlIl . _...._.......'t-.ICD _JU): J no- 1 .... ,.-- -"...............,.--ilr..--- '- Unl.. . -- .. .- '!'"'I'. , _. .... ne _... .......... -. ....1bw...lIIpICt.." ! .. 1M S ..1#.... _ 'I ....,....... .allot.) t.-..~.......~: f: .cs.,...."......... .COJI1G1'111a.......wa81 1~I,.ea..,JIIpIIlt,.ew. . .tw....r ....-of II II... n. CIIr ...11ti1iII-..... .....II1II .l~.- · '" 1'l1li.... c.a,. Mr. h. flpCldI "."..._ .btf...........llI'id . .11" "'~""'I.. ~ jir...tlvr ..:hil t . . ....Cil;t~,..<:Dldi I", 'iJ."""1' ..' ....11 -'.. ., ,,1l..._-,.....1l!'..~. .-,... . -......... ...... v' ',~ r-". Jl<1l- , 11poa..... "... \ _.:.4 III:t ...... ... aa,-........ · c.i1r-" H" .:n::::.....~WII..-k.,.af_Ial&*tl'ft1: .lJ..~ "' wIlIda . - -J_1 I - .- 2. . ....wr- 1""'."'-; ..........,"tilaCilr........IIIIl...CIatiliId " '. ,... _.'.' I.........,,....,.... tlJ 11 .11 t1DitaS N ": 181* lit: Clh~.h .MiIl..Naa~I.aIra....d1narll__..Jr Itlt. ---...----- .~~ .~~I~'V~V.~~ ~v~~" ~~ ~~ .~ _.V,:~~~;~-~'~ , :/1. till ,/ / lO'::I5'i7714S23 r........_ - _ 3515 alii P. ll1'18 - LeG .t...,. "r I . .. ,.., 1" t"" ...~ HlIl~ NClO. .U..IlI........, be 1lIiIal))-1IIa..... 10 .......... -. u,. IfOIW tMJ .... fIlilDplc:t __,......... .. fCOIIl/ .....1l4 ~ F nOt. CcciItd ,... . l . A.\'\fl' J. 1IIt0tJ.1lJ1Wl-'Utclld. '.' "'.JIICI.. rly~CftlW~ '.I__.1IIIiIdIr \~"Jl lIII!P........... ..~I iU ne~"', . . ...".at........._.IL "'~lIIlI\J /.~ ..........O)Nl .......IIIiIi..U:....R ..u....OO...toTillleS- lip. It. ~_ _c.tiIcdl .Ii.. ........un lIa'tDdIt~.;.~,{ . -.-c:...,. . - . -- . 4. "'" ....... .... .. ...., I n 11 r *r NOlI 1.. 1. USl6 IlId ... III . ~. ..J. -1r elf....: -. :.l~~~.~~.....kl...--m ~...,..&,c... ;P, ~ - 7~ .M. A J' I .. · IT......,.. 1 .to_VI........tIh.aa, /........e.u"'_....ID_~ia......1IIIII,.... . L J. Jr. __.m-- ......I'CIIa.. Cclaldp, ~. n & 1Ilr_ G1I ,,-- - '. at ...._ . IIr_WG.~PUD_J'CD."'''"G.'''.''.' 'w.w....1OIiIl fill". ..&.Iw fa_ CIIy CltIlllj,_ 1 R..... CJStriIIaII 11lI47f6I JIM. oc: "'K" .,., ...,.a.o, IT K(...awi671J JtI: - ..f , .... l' - I1F _ ~I --_._-~-~------ . _ _. .... ..... .- ,,_.., . ....._............ . :..":'"...':~ ~_J.. ":":-._ -..............--. 10'::11:>>'177145123 DEVELOP:. :NT SERVICES DEPARTMENT PLAItIING AND ZONING DEPARTM!NT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-384 TO: Tambri J. lle)den. Ale? Planning and ZonIng OIIedDr J8IZV t.ewicId. AGting Senior P1ann.. June 30. 1897 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Master ~ MadItIclIIIlon, 2"" review Q..,I...,. FIle No. MPMD 97.QOZ ~ DATE: SUBJECT: Please be advised of the foIowing cammenlll AlIative to the sec:and review of the modIfiecll1lllllta. pIIn for the abave-reftnnced fllojN. 1. 1be silB algl15 shawn on the $Ub"."-d plan do not match 1he signs shown on tle lIPP'OVC!d llign pI'ClQmn. Eliminate from the masfIH" plBn the site 8Igna from the foIawing sites: . Cr.Icke. Barrel. , I . Race Trac. · Home Oepgt. 2. The aeco.ld free _tdlng lIlgn on the Home Depot pt~ l1as not been pemJilted by the mast IWlCIInt sign program for Shoppea of WooIbIiv'11 PCD. Eliminate anv reCer8nce In /WpIICt to thil sign tram the master plan. 3. ModIfy 1he first note from tile nctes eedIon of the maslIIf plan to re8d _ fallows: .S.. p/IIn fOr IocdJn <Wi .. of minimum F8qUiI8d perip/lBnII gI'8dJtbeIt". 4. Amend the chart that _.dilia. previous mD* Pl8nI wtIent modified 10 l~ the ~'''l'iiIde dlIle the ...... pJan mocIllIcation was epfIIvved by the CIty Commission. AIlIo; ind'1C8Ie that the approvals .. subJec:tto ..." co. ..,..,ms. . ~ PAGE 1 1/12 P8Ige 2 MenlOlWldurn No. 97-384 8hClPl*Clf~i;ht PCD- M..,...PIan ~1 Ate No. MPUD 97412 5. It '- recommended that ttle p/ant specie. size and ~l!J plan within the 25 foot wide peript.8lgreenbell required along the nortft aide of the PCD east of S.W. sa Street be IiIIted on the n..... '*" inclfumg notes ,J.."",1Cing it~liot'1. pl8ntgradeancf In~n speUi,A.ns. 10'S547714S2:3 \ PAGE; l~/ l~ ~U~-1~-~7 \~~q4 FROM'J051AS GOREN ET AL G. CoMIderinsI U. time frane for the campletion of Industrial Acel.. Rad/ MDdGnS WayIPwpIe HlIIrt way which is 10. ....low;I within the P\JD Is Septiember 7, 11D7l111d 1h8nt it not a CI.lm!I1t appIi ",'...1 suDl.1itled for imptovements in the WOolbright PIKe PUD It II ,.~ ~ JfII.....fhat the applicant make pen,lit appllc8tian for the RDadNItIIt within 30 days of the c..dh' -~ 8JlPfO\'8l of the subie'1 request and COt.1pIele the IOIId by !he previou8Iy appl'lMd date of Swpta.nber 7.'997. . . . 7. Sub..' to" of a 1..Aifa,d mu., pl8n S1awing ..omp1i8nce with the conditions at appnMII for 1he project win be requlr8d to De UJmiIted to . the PJ.mlng lII1d Zoning Dep..b...m. prIOt to ~ ofoco~ for . DIscount Auto or Food Court (whichlwer oc:c:ln fht). 8. To proIride consistency between all elemlml8 of submiCl8l. amend the request IetIet to eliminllte substitution of the 2S faat polpheralglMnbelt with a 10 fi:Igt ""rip" gnaenbeIt contai'Ung a 5 feet high muonry wall. CenInII File J.__TMI'Ul..llMlJjl"a._IF'. - C Ie .._ _"091 w,_ r.AI Of'WOClUlIlllCitlTNOWNlIImI ~y . aDReVlt!NWMlInooc I . t 1 DEVEL. t'MENT SERVICES DEPART~i-rT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97-392 TO: Kerry Willis City Manager Tambri J. Heyden 04 Planning and Zoning Director FROM: DATE: July 22, 1997 SUBJECT: Response to July 18, 1997 correspondences from Jim Cherofand Brian Joslyn Please be advised oftbe following with respect to the July 18, 1997 letter to Mr. Cheroffrom Mr. Joslyn, attorney for Michael Morton: l. Item 3 , paragraph 1 - The attached sketch made part of the referenced November 1995 agreement specifies the location of a hedge (on the north side of Morton's Way), but does not address the location of the code required buffer wall. Police, Utilities, Planning and Zoning, and the Forester (all TRC concerned about the buffer wall) recommend that the buffer wall be located along the south side of Morton's Way. Therefore, there is no conflict among staff with the respect to the wall location and no need for a s\lbsequent meeting with Mr. Morton regarding this issue. '. 2. Item 3, paragraph 2 - Regarding the referenced freestanding sign, please see the attached Planning and Zoning Memorandum No. 97-369 from myself to Mr. Cherof. Staff did not eliminate this sign, the City Commission denied Mr. Morton's request for an additional sign in 1990. Since Mr. Morton has never finished the master plan rectification process since 1990, the denied sign is still showing the plans. Mr. Morton's concern over this denial came up again when he revised his sign program in 1996. The City Commission did not change their 1990 decision. Mr. Morton is refusing to accept this and remove it from the plans. The last settlement agreement requires that Morton's Way be constructed by September 7, 1997. Staff comments indicate this should be completed on time, altho\lgh Mr. Morton has not yet applied for a permit. Furthermore, he has not requested a revision to the agreement. This is the extent of the rectified master plan issues. However, if you feel the need for a meeting with Mr. Morton regarding these issues, please let me know the meeting date and I will be more than happy to attend. 3. Item 3, paragraph 3 - The development order for the referenced master sign program was mailed to Mr. Morton's agent, Anna Cottrell, on December 9, 1996 as is the city's policy (see attached transmittal letter). 4. Item 3, paragraph 4 - Second review comments were faxed to Mike Morton on 7/2lf97 from all TRC members, with the exception of the fire department. The fire department's comments were not received until today and were faxed to Mr. Morton today (see attached fax verifications). Tffi:dim Attachments Cc: Jim Cherof Al Newbold TRC Representatives Mike Haag Jerzy Lewick Sebastian Puda Bill Cavanaugh Sgt. Marlon Haris Skip Milor Mark Lips John Wildner Kevin Hallahan \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\sHPSWOOL \request memo.doc ITEM 3, PARAGRAPH 1 A TT ACHMENTS M'I'!r.; : RESOLUTION NO. R95-~ :! " RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND HOWARD SCHARLIN, TRUSTEE FOR WOOLBRIGHT PLACE, JOINT VENTURE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Tradewinds Development Corporation and the City of Boynton Beach have heretofore been engaged in lengthy litigation over the development of property located in Boynton Beach, Florida. which litigation is subject to stipulations and judgments entered in Palm Beach County Circuit Court. Case Nos. CL 86-3661 and CL 87-1638 AE; and WHEREAS, Howard Scharlin, Trustee for Woolbright Place, Joint Venture, is the successor in interest to the rights of Tradewinds and is the sole owner of the property which was the " subject of the above referenced litigation; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter into an Agreement, I which shall supersede all previous agreements, stipulations ,: and judgments concerning the rights of the parties as it relates to the development of the subject property; , NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF I THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT~ Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Agreement between the City of Boynton Beach and Howard Scharlin, Trustee for Woolbright Place, Joint Venture, which Agreement is attached ,! hereto as Exhibit "A". 'I, Sectio~ That this Resolution d effective immediately upon passage. shall become I I PASSED AND ADOPTED this /h day of ~#v , 1995. , " :1 " I ~ i ,I I ,I II , 'I I I , 'I ATTEST: , :i~~9-t: ~"aL. , Ci y Clerk I (Corporate Seal) Authug.dolOl ~r.d.wt~d..'ln.1A.~ 4'111'5 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT is entered into between THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ("CITY"), and HOWARD SCHARLIN, TRUSTEE for WOOLBRIGHT PLACE JOINT /., ,',; /." X ;c~, VENTURE ("SCHARLIN") , this /? day of ~, /1.- , 1995. WITHESSETH WHEREAS, TRADEWINDS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, acting for the Woolbright Place Joint Venture ("Woolbright") and the CITY have heretofore been engaged in lengthy litigation over the development of property located in Boynton Beach, Florida, which litigation is subject to stipulations and judgments entered in Palm Beach County Circuit Court, Case No. CL 86-3661 AE and CL 87-1638 AE; and WHEREAS, Howard Schar1in, Trustee for Woolbright Place, Joint Venture, is the true party in interest to the rights of TRADEWINDS and is the sole owner of the property which was-,the subject of the above referenced litigation; and WHEREAS, Scharlin desires to enter into an Agreement with the . . CITY which shall confirm the good standing of the parties under the stipulations and judgements entered in the above referenced litigation, and; WHEREAS, the parties have engaged in negotiations which are intended to resolve 'all current and future development issues with respect to the real property identified in the above referenced litigation, including issues inVOlving the interpretation of the previous stipulations entered into between the parties and the Court Orders implementing same; and Final 5/16/95 WHEREAS, the parties have agreed upon the terms that will bring the litigation between them to a final conclusion in a manner which is equally beneficial to all interested parties, and to the citizens of the CITY; and WHEREAS, SCHARLIN has represented to the CITY that Scharlin is the only party who holds legal title to the property which is the subject of this litigation and represents all those with equitable interests therein, or who has standing to enforce the stipulations and orders entered into in the above referenced litigation. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants expressed and exchanged herein the parties agree as follows: 1. The foregoing whereas clauses are true and correct. 2. All references to SCHARLIN herein shall mean Howard Scharlin, Trustee as authorized representative of owners of 100% of beneficial interest in Woolbright, his successors or assigns. 3. INDUSTRIAL ACCESS ROAD: SCHARLIN shall construct the industrial access road centered within a 50' public right-of-way along the northern boundary of the PCD within twenty-one (21) months of the date ot this agreement including, but not limited to, curbs and drainage. In return, the CITY agrees to abandon or convey to SCHARLIN the southernmost 30 I ot the industrial road right-ot-way. The road shall be built in accordance with applicable design standards and with the typical cross section depicted on attached Exhibit "A". The design shall incorporate ~ west bound left turn lane on the industrial access road onto S.W. 8th street, a sidewalk along the north side of the road from S.W. 8th Street to Final 5/16/95 the eastern termi...Js of the road, with curbs and gutters along both sides, and a continuous ficus hedge along the property line which separates the PCD from the Vinings Development.. 'SCHARLIN shall provide surety for the roadway improvements in the man~er prescribed by the CITY's Land Development Cod~. The CTTY agrees that SCHARLIN may have no more than three (3) points of ingress and egress to the PCD from the industrial access road, provided the access points are located following the customary approval process for the location of drive~ays. 4. LANDSCAPE BERM. In addition to other berms or walls which are required to be constructed in the peD or PUD, SCHARLIN shall construct irrigated landscape berm along the west boundary of the PCD and PUD, less the church parcel, within three months of the execution of this Agreement. The berm height shall be measured from the elevation on the Leisureville side of the berm and may - consist of five (5) feet of earthen berm and a ficus hedge. The berm shall be landscaped along its high point with a continuous ficus hedge planted and maintained in accordance with the memo dated May 11, 1995, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "C". 5. VESTING: The CITY agrees that any and all CITY and county impact fees which are required to be paid for the PUD and PCD shall be calculated at the fee rate in effect in November, 1986 and the CITY shall collect such 1986 impact fee from the applicant as development orders are issued and as a condition precedent to the issuance of any building permits. SCHARLIN shall pay all other building and permitting fees in effect at the time of applic~ion. Final 5/16/95 -,.,~~ To the extent that d category of impact fee did not exist in 1986 and was thereafter implemented by the CITY and/or County SCHARLIN shall not be required to pay such fees. The CITY is not a party to any agreement between SCHARLIN and Palm Beach County regarding County impact fees. The CITY shall remit to the County any impact fees paid by SCHARLIN to the CITY for County impact fees but the CITY shall have no additional liability to SCHARLIN or the County if the County demands additional fees, and SCHARLIN shall hold CITY harmless from any such liability. 6. USES IN THE PCD: The parties agree that all uses permitted under current PCD or C-J zoning regulations are permissible in the boundaries of the current PCD, subj ect to conditional use approYal by the city commission when so designated in the City Code.. By way of example: fast food restaurants are a , permitted use, restaurants with drive thru are a conditional use ~ requiring Commission approval. 7. FORCED AIR BURNING: The CITY agrees to permit one (1) controlled air/forced air burning on the site, from the date of this agreement, subject to Fire Department approval and proper atmospheric conditiQns. 8. GARDEN CENTER/ACCESSORY USE: The CITY acknowledges that the Home Depot Outdoor Garden Center is an accessory use and that said Garden Center shall not be included as part of the retail gross leasable area. 9. REVIEW PROCEDURE: The CITY and SCHARLIN agree that the development review procedure attached hereto as Exhibit "B" shall be implemented and applied to all applications by SCHARLl:N for Final 5/16/95 Agreement by bot.. parties and approval by Court order all prior stipulations, agreements, letters of understanding, negotiations shall be deemed in good standing and satisfied and the future rights of the parties shall be governed by this Agreement and the applicable provisions of the CITY Code of ordinances, as that Code is amended from time to time. a General SCHARLIN shall provide to the CITY ~,...... ". from SCHARLIN" all,0: ~-/ ~-.;,h / /-, ." jt-t,4 _ ".#,O'JCr ~....-... ,(.,.?-'-.,..,.. ( ~ WOOLBRIGHT PLACE, JOINT VENTURE, and MICHAEL MORTON Release {;"1 I r releasing the CITY from all claims or actions accrued or outstanding which either has or may assert against the CITY, except those claims or actions which may accrue in the future based upon either party's failure to comply with any provision of this Agreement. 15. COMMISSION/COURT APPROVAL: This Agreement shall have no force and effect until approved by a majority of the CITY Commission and the entry of an Order approving a stipulation for settlement and Dismissal referencing the terms of this Agreement. 16. ATTORNEY FEES: SCHARLIN shall pay to the CITY Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, representing attorney fees and costs incurred by the CI~Y in this action. 17. CODE COMPLIANCE: The parties agree that unless herein stipulated, all current and future activities will be governed by City Codes and Regulations in force and effect upon the date of application fO~ an activity. 18. REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS: SCHARLIN agrees to complete construction of all required improvements including, but not limited to, the industrial access road referenced in paragraph J Final 5(16(95 .-...- _._,-~-,~- above, and prevJ....usly required landscaping. SCHARLIN further agrees to provide 110% surety for all required improvements and to complete the required improvement within twenty-one (21) months of tpe date of the CIT~ Comm~ssion acceRtanqe o~ this ~greement. 19. RIGHT-OF-WAY LICENSING AGREEl-lENT: The parties agree that the Grant of License by the CITY to SCHARLIN as recorded with Palm Beach County on December 11, 1990 (90-352210, Official Record Book 6667, Page 103) remains in full force and effect. The parties agree to correct an error in the legal description contained therein. 20. ENFORCEABILITY; Nothing herein shall constitute a waiver on the part of either party to seek judicial enforcement of the terms of this Agreement. This Agreement shall be binding on all successors or assigns of SCHARLIN. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH by: A'ITEST: (CITY Seal) - 1-9r JAC/lms 900304 AGREE.l rd Scharlin, Trustee of Wool right Place Joint ve~ " / fJ c.:.Cl ~''''e:/) I ,,.i:.LL"/~ ,/21 -L;,~ ~ .. ( rei ?/f.; Final 5/16/95 ---_._.._~ 2- - \fI II - - - .~ \J -.j\ .~ \ - -() U) ~\ 1I\~Q. ~1~ - '2' ~ ~ dt ~ - - L\!; ~ '1\ 1\~ : 'I, tl v ~ I.,. ,\ \1\, U. 5 -:r\. "\~'-' - \. ~i", ~~ ..1- . '; \l \) ~ \ '''' : -:1. - t\L . .., ~, St ' "":J ., t H~ 1 ~ ili\ .. \I' ~ (l ~ :~ ,. ~~\J\~ .. 1=~'\tl - ii) - o :: ~_'._ ~ f- ~ :. AO' ;(1: !\ . I'"': - - ~ - - - - ~-- . '\ \ . \ \\ \,\\ \ 1 l\ i ~ , ~ \J -(\) , ~ *'f. ~ - \ ~ 'Jl " ' ~ ~ ,~ ~ III \Jl "2 3 ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ ~ , g. \l .) C::I. '"2' o ~ ~ ~ 1 ~. - \,-' Q ~ It; \.U ~'~l \J) s'$. -. o ~~~I\ (l.. f>l\ t! I - 0 'l'~ ~l (t ~~JI \ :n~ ; (){. s~ ~ & ~~3 :t ~~~ ~ ~~~ \.U ~:1 'I 1\1 \l \i\ ~v - - - -- EXHIBIT B The following procedure shall be implemented and followed by both SCHARLIN and the CITY in the filing and processing of all requests for development approval: Step 1. SCHARLIN contacts the Planning Director to Schedule a pre-application meeting. step 2.. Written documentation outlining request should be submitted to the Planning Director no less than five (5) business days prior to pre-application meeting. This will permit the Planning Director to make appropriate inquiries of other staff members. Step 3. Pre-appl ica tion meeting with staff. Staff will provide comments at this meeting. Step 4. Formal submission of application by Tradewinds. Step 5. Staff will review application within ten (10) business days. step 6. Planning Director will provide written response on or before tenth (loth) business day following submission. step 7. Application will be placed on the P&D.agenda for next P&D meeting, if P&D meeting will occur within two (2) weeks. If P&D meeting is not within two (2) weeks, a special P&D meeting will be called. Developer may, at its discretion, request delay of the Planning and Development Board meeting but such request must be in writing. step 8. Following P&D action, application placed on next City commission agenda. Final 5/16/95 In the event ~hat public notice is required by city ordinance or state law for public hearing, then in that event, the scheduling of meetings under step 7 and step 8 shall be extended to meet the notice requirements of law. Final 5/16/95 ---.....---....---..-.-.-. UiiI~UJ(f.YiU... COMMUNITY ASSOCL\TION, INC. 1001 OCrAN DAIVI! I eOYHTON BrACH. 'LDRlllA :13421 MEMO ; To: FrolDl Subject: Dace: CARRIE PARKER, CITY MANAGER PETER 1. KELLY, PP.ESIDBNT, PALM BEACH LEISUREVILLE MEETING REGARDING BERM ETC. 8TH A VB May 1" 1995 Today, r met with Mr. Houliban, Mr. Han IlId Mike Morton.This meetllli w.. called together by Mr. Ken Hall. After discussion, tho f'ollowins wu 'srecd upon pendinl'PProvaJ 9fthe Cit)' Mlnapr. 1. Benn 10 b. minimum oC! tcot blah with . J pl. Hedil planCed on cop. ThIs berm iJ co be tapered and hedse planted to polnc oflnrcraocllon oCold .t new road. 2. Hedge to bo conUnued Il'om thac point to tho utility box on weac alde orath A\'e. and will be a 'Sa! hedS" 3. Irrisatlon will be cOMectcd Into PB Lcl.urevllle briS.lIoD IyItem. 4.Mr. Morton will do tho benn plantiaJ Illd IIedaJns and aU COMccdollJ to mSltloll system. ,. He will be respollJl'bl. tor maillUinin, the .nt/ro buill IIIId be responslbl. for the itriptlon. . . . 6. PB Lei.umill. will maIIlcaJn the heds.ltom tho point oflnleraectloa co thl end oCthe hedS" W. will a1.0 impto the area. AJllh. Ibov. condlt/ona "1lfJ'eed upon only Ifchcy III" with the conditlollt lit tonh by M.: C&nio Parker, Clly Man'aer. TIw1Ic you. ..... IV Pcllt-lt" Fax No.- '" (! 7111 ".to . Co. P"""". ~?,~7'?-"tj II' CoJOosIl. . II' It u ._-'-f:~ c THIS INITRUN~NT PAlPARiD Ir & A.TUAN TO: JAMal A. CH~ADf, ISQUIAE JOIIAS & GOREN, P.A. 3099 loot coaIOrclol IGUI..ord SulCo 2011 Fort Laudarda'., 'L 13308 OmllU!.Y, ltELBASB KNOW ALL MEN Bl! THESE PkES:a:NTS: That WOOLBRIGHT PLACE JOINT VENTURE, first party, for ~nd in consideration of the sum of Ten And NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS, or other valuable considerations, received from or on behalf of THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, second party, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged. (Wherever used herein the terms "first party" and "seoond party" shall include sinqular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, whorever the context so admits or requires) . HEREBY remlae, release., acquit,.,satisfy, an%for.vne~L!liscllarcr.. /lJ>i\l-'\io&. ~'~l*!""-r~r'~u:"~_~ .. ^~ .e_~ ~u'~If/,l. said second party, ~~<4~df.git' tl~4,";"aJaall :ari~:;:'; of action ~ the and actions, cause and causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums at money, accounts, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, covenants, contr.cts, ccntroversie., .greements, promises, varianoes, tresp.ssec, damagQs, judgments, executions, claims and d8Jllands whatsoever, in law .~r ;,n equity, which said tirlit party ever had, now ha'S, or which any personal. repressntat1velil, successor, heir or as.iqn of said first party, hereafter can, shall or may have, aqainst said second party, for, upon or by reason of any matter, caUIilG or thing vbat'~oever, from the beginning of the world to the day of these p..eseuta. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, 1 have :1ereunto set my hand and seal this ~ day of ~,~~( , 1995. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: I ~ti .J{l;rldt.L . Y.. {} .L t ('.en/a. '::'C;nt!'nt'Z. Printed Name, C>>~ ~vid..n:- print':d Name _.__._.....~ BY:,./ . VENTURE /L- STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before ma, an offlcar duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, personally appeared ilewarrll!..:L.i'"k.,rI,',.. the c::..a....s!<a. of WOOLBRIGHT PLACE 30tNT VElI'rURE, known to lIle to be the person described in and who exac'.1ted the foregQing instrument, who acknowledge before 1IIE1 that he .axecuted the same, is personally known to ms and an oath was not taken. - - ... . .. .~. ..' Witness lilY hand and official seal in the county and State last aforesaid this lifl-' !iay. ot' jtJrlb'1..h.$f' , 19.1.C. <fihNL ^4--_d / NOTARY PUBLIC '( printed Name My commis.ion Expire.: .. JAC/IM "0104 WOOlIRT.RIL . .. .. . XINL\ 5o\NOIIiZ NOrMY I'UIUC 11'''11 CIII'LClIIOA CONMlll&lCll\I NO. 0::111140 MY COMMIS&IO EXP. Y 4\_ TN IS INSllWllEllr PR!PAllED IT & AJiTURJI TO: JAlES A. CllERDr, IIQl/IU JDSIAS & GOREN, '.1. 3099 Elit C......rcl.1 loul......., Suit. 200 Fort LauderdRl.. 'L 33301 GBNERAL RBLBl\BB !<NOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That HOWARD SCHARLIN, first party, for and in cpnsideration of the sum of Ten and NO/100 ($10.00) DOLLARS, or othe~ valuable considerations, received from or on behalf of THE CITY OF BOY~TON BEACH, second party, receipt whereot is hereby acknowledged. (Wherever used herein the terms "first party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the succa.sors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires). HEREBY remise, r.ale.slll, ac~it, satisfy, anfl forever elischarge I /",,<<,-,- e,...,~l... f~ p',..d!~ (",.......s.;.II.......... ~/~~ b~....t, the sald second party ~~;;-d~~o~~a11; action and actions, cause And causes of action, suits, debts, dues, sums of money, account&, reckonings, bonds, bills, specialties, Clov.nants, contracts, controversies, agre.ments, promise., variance.,, damaq.s, judgments, executions, alatlllS and demandll whatsoever, .In law or in equity, which aaid first party aver bad, now ba., o~ which any personal repre..ntativ.., successor, heir OJ':' a5R1gn 0:; ~alC;; L'lrst party, hereatter can, shall or may have, a9ainst said second party, tor, upon or by reason of any matter, cause O~I thing whataaever, from the beginning ot the . , world to the day af these presents. ~ . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and 8eal this gt/L day of tVVV(~~ ,.1995. /71 signed, .ealed and delivere~ in the pre5ence of: (Nu/~ 4~~ ~P4/~ ~Qn~~~~ __ Printed Name , ~~~~ E\Ja\'\jet'M. e. \Jl~~ Printe Name . BY; ! 57'ATE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF . ) I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, betore IDe, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, personally appeared HOWARD SCHARLIN as of , known to lIle to be the person describQcS in and 'Who executed the foregoing instrument, who acknowledge before lie that he executed the same, is per!lonally known to IDe and an oath was not taken. Witness my hanl1 and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this E()!Lday of /lJpv~##f."o#r , 19.fL. { b//Lf.,.....J.....d / NOTARY PUBLIC J Printed Name H1 Commission Expires: ~l_ 9OCWl4 " QNIA SANCHEZ NOrMY I'\lIUC $fA" OF fLCR10... CXlMMlSSION NO. casmo ; MYCOMMISSlONEXP. ULY4.1IW . ITEM 3, PARAGRAPH 2 ATTACHMENTS ------".~ ,. ----~---~ DE\ ..:.LOPMENT SERVICES DEPAR1MENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 97-369 FROM: Jim Cherof City Attorney . . -- !~ [lIll~l~U;- Tambri J. Heyden, AICP /t::,,Jr d~";} I'" Planning and Zoning Director TO: DATE: July 15, 1997 SUBJECT: Mr. Morton's master plan modification for Shoppes of Woolbright PCD At Monday (7/14/97) night's meeting with Mr. Morton, Mr. Morton made numerous references to the above application which is in progress and scheduled to go before the Planning and Development Board August 12, 1997. The modified master plan is necessary as a prerequisite to subdividing the land within the PCD to create the separate parcels Mr. Morton desires for Discount Auto and Food Court. However, even if these uses don't materialize, and Mr. Morton withdraws the application, he stilI needs to complete the process of rectifying the PCD master plan. Such a master plan, that addresses all master plan modification comments approved by the Commission in connection with the five different master plan modification applications processed since 1990, has never been received. Mr. Morton's last attempt at such a plan was not received until 2 Y:z weeks ago (6/24/97). It was Mr. Morton's choice to combine the rectification process master plan with the master plan to subdivide the parcels (and change their access); the latter being the master plan needing Board and Commission approval and needed to release a Discount Auto certificate of occupancy (see bullet five of Vanessa Llera's attached memorandum distributed by Mr. Morton at Monday's meeting). I doubt Discount Auto has pulled out as Mr. Morton claims, since Mr. Morton has not returned their refundable deposit. Be that as it may, Mr. Morton is asking for the items in Vanessa's memorandum to be disconnected from Discount Auto's certificate of occupancy. He further claims that the master plan modification is not needed since Discount Auto has pulled out. However, based on the above concerns, relief from the master plan modification must not also relieve Mr. Morton from rectifying the master plan. This is consistent with the City Manager's statement at the meeting that the city should not allow Mr. Morton to keep putting off obligations. You need to be aware that Mr. Morton is close to achieving a rectified master plan, but there is one issue to which Mr. Morton refuses to agree, and which is holding up the process. This is the J c._~-~.-~.~------- ~-----------_._- Page 2 of2 Memorandum No. 97-369 issue with the number of allowed freestanding signs on Woolbright Road. Herewith I am reforwarding to you the documents which staff believes verify that Mr. Morton's request for two freestanding signs was not approved. Despite this he refuses to remove the extra sign from his master plan. Please advise as to whether you disagree with this conclusion. Lastly, you might be interested in knowing that although Mr. Morton stated that Planning and Zoning staffwas refusing to process his master plan, the application came in on 4/18/97. It was incomplete. However, in order to work with Mr. Morton, staff started processing it as a first review plan. Mr. Morton missed the revised submittal deadline and did not resubmit until late on 6/24/97. The resubmittal was distributed by memorandum to the Technical Review Committee within the timeframe allotted by code. Comments were due back yesterday, also within the timeframe set forth by code. TJH:dim Attachment Xc: Kerry Willis, City Manager AI Newbold, Acting Development Services Director Mike Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator Jerzy Lewicki, Acting Senior Planner Vanessa Llera, Plans Review Technician J;ISHRDA T A IPlanninglSHAREDI WPlCOItRESPlCITY A lTYIMorton's MPMD Shoppes ofWoolbrlght.doc .J ----- -------------- Ul:vt:LOPMENT SERVICES DEPABTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING OM ::>N ME.. .ORANDUM NO. 97-176 (Amended) TO: Mike Haag Building Code Permit Administrator FROM: Vanessa L1era Planning and Zoning Department DATE: July 1,1997 RE: Shoppes of Woolbright - Discount Auto (permit # 96-5843) The following is a revised list of the requirements that must be met by Discount Auto prior to receiving a certificate of occupancy as stated by City Commission on 3/4/97, file no. NWSP 96-013: · City Commission has approved plat for Tract "C" of Shoppes of Woolbright. Plat has not been recorded. Development Order of the City Commission dated March 4, 1997, comment # 15. · Installation of remaining landscaping at west buffer of Woolbright Place PUD ( old 8'h Street right-of-way between north property line of church parcel and Ocean Avenue) and lake perimeter planting and littoral planting for the Water Management area, are currently in the inspection phase. Development Order of the City Commission dated March 4, 1997, comment # 33. . A copy of cross easement agreements for northern and southern driveways has been submitted, but not the recorded copy. Development Order of the City Commission dated March 4, 1997, comment # 16. . Current Master Plan is in the submittal process, has not been presented to PID Board. Development Order of the City Commission dated March 4, 1997, comment # 34 & 36. · Landscape for Discount Auto has not been submitted for permits. Development Order of the City Commission dated March 4,1997, comment # 21. The Planning and Zoning Division will keep you informed when the above criterion has been met. VHL : vhl xc: Steve Cooper Jerzy Lewicki Central File ) S:\PLANNINGlSHAREOIWPIPROJECTSIDISCAUTO\MEMO.DOC ) eOYNTON BEACH ~ @ 100 E. Boynton Blvd. P. O. Bo. 310 Boynton BUCh. florid. 33435.0310 14071734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR August 27, 1990 Mr. Robert Gomez 902 Clint Moore Road, Suite 124 Boca Raton, Fl. 33487 .::;;; IC/j f/2p.:.(< "1/'1'\ RE: Shoppes of Woolbright - Site Plan Modification /Signs) File No. 527 Dear Mr. Gomez: ) Please be advised that on Tuesday, August 21, 1990, the ci t: Commission approved the referenced site plan modification (sigl program), sUbject to staff comments, copies of which arl attached, and including the landscape stipulations recommended b, the Community Appearance Board (see attached). With respect tl the sign variances requested, the City Commis'sion approved onl, those variances allowing the Home Depot building signs al presented and one freestandina sign limited to 30 feet in height 150 square feet in size and the identification of the proJecI name, Home Depot and ~wo l:enants. Said sian snal.l be cen~ra.u~ ~located alon9 t-be WnnlhriQht Road frolltaq!h with a mJ.nimw setback of 10 feet from any property line so as not to conf1ic! with required landscaping and easements. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with tht attached stipulations and must now be modified to incorporatl same. To initiate your sign-off procedure, please submit two (2: sets of modified plans to the Office of the Site Deve10pmen1 Division of the Building Department, which will record tht required identification markings on each set of the modifiec plans. After each set of modified plans has the appropriate markings. you should proceed with your sign-off on each set of plans frol each Technical Review Board member who made comments. The Zonin! & site Development Administrator will provide the Bui1din! Department sign-off and is the last Technical Review Board membel ~---- --- ---- -------~~-- -~--------------- ..) TO: Mr. 1 Jert Gomez -2- August 27, 1990 to review and sign-off the plans. If the Building Department not have comments that require sign-off, they are still the department to handle and process the plans. One (1) set of f signed-off plans will remain with the Building Department and other set of plans will be returned to you to be retained at job site. To help facilitate the sign-off process, you should make appointment to meet with each Technical Review Board member (0 those members who made comments), to allow them sufficient t to review and sign-off the modified plans. After securing the required Technical Review Board member signatures completing processing by the Site Development Division, you I apply for building permits by submitting the approprii documents and fee to the Plan Review and Permitting Division the Building Department. The Building Department will advise y as to any additional permits which may be required, such as pa Beach Health Department (water and sewer), clearing/grubbin excavation/fill, drainage, paving, site lighting, landscaping a, irrigation. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only tt improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will t viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If yc have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitat to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BO~EACH t: I-GOLDEN Interim Planning Director JJG:frb Enos cc: Technical Review Board C:ShofWl - -,.-------~ ~----~ I I I I \ .;K -_ ~",rt l:ITY COMMISSION MEETING Qu~NTON BEACH. FLORIDA AUGUST 21. 1990 Mr. Chuck Capella, representative for the owner, noted his company was not responsible for the banners. Once Mr. Capella has the permit, he estimated the sign could probq.bly be fabricated and installed in about three weeks. Scott Blasie. Administrator of Code Enforcement stated the 30 day clock on the violation had started about two weeks ago, so they were looking at another two weeks. The restaurant would be brought before the Code Enforcement Board during the third week in September. . Mr. Jaeger explained the Sign Code does allow temporary signage once they submit for a permit. They could be issued a temporary sign permit to allow the banners. The Mayor thought businesses should be advised of that fact rather than finding out from Code Enforcement. Mr. Jaeger indi- cated they have told them that, however, they have to go through the site plan approval process first before they can ~ubmit for the permit. Once they submit for the permit, they can submit for the temporary signage. It was noted the Community Appearance Board and Planning & Zoning Board had approved the sign. Johnnetta Broomfield, Oirector of Community Improvement indicated the sign complied with the downtown sign guidelines. ". Vice Mayor Wische moved to approve the sign. Commissioner Olenik seconded the motion for discuss!on purposes. Cynthia Greenhouse, 618 N.E. 20th Lane, 'Soynton Beach stated banner signs are presently prohibi ted. Sh'e made remarks about the three draped banner signs and statad the restaurant was requesting approval of a sign'~hen they were in violation. Mrs. Greenhouse thought the restaurant had .. tl1umbed its nose" at the Ci ty, since being ci ted., and she explained. " \ \ \ \ . \ , I Discussion took place regarding ba ner signs that some ~ tenants at the Winn Dixie shopping enter had put up during: recent renovation and the fact that ~ey had also been cited by Code Enforcement. Mr. B1asie indic~ted all but one \1 tenant had removed the banners voluntar~ly. The remaini~g case had been cited. ' , Mayor Moore called for a vote on the motion. The motion , carried 4-1. Commissioner Weiner voted against the motion.:' Shoppes of Woolbright Robert Gomez, Project Manager Tradewinds Oevelopment Corp. c/o Howard Scharlin Woolbright Rd. at the L.W.D.D. E-4 5. Project: Agent: Owner: Location: ) 11 --- --- -~~-----~-------~~ ..." \...lTY COMMISSION MEETtNu __~_"Ul.'l BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 21, 1990 Canal, northeast corner Description: SIGN VARIANCE AND SITE PLAN: Request for approval of an amended site plan to allow for .project signage . Jim Golden explained the TRB recommended appro~al of this re~uest with the exception of the sign variance request WhICh had to be addressed by the Commission. When this request went to the Planning & Zoning Board; the Board recommended approval and at that time the developer offered to move the 50' high free-standing sign from the southeast corner of the building to the northeast and reduce the height from 50' to 40'. Vice Mayor Wische reported on the CAB's recommendations. City Manager Miller stated there were two pylon signs, one on the east and one on the west. Staff recommended the east pylon sign, referred to as the uBu sign, (next to 1-95) be eliminated. Mr. Miller stated it was recommended that sign "A" be centrally located somewhere in that vicinity, but kept within the height limitation of 30'. Relative to the other two wall signs, it was recommended that the 720 sq. ft. for the maximum wall signage be allowed and the 150 sq. ft. of signage, with the owner given the discretion of choosing the advertising matter. - ".... ..--- ~ Michael Morton, Tradewinds Group, Boca Raton stated they ) were eliminating the 50' pylon sign in its entirety. They were going along with the recommendations of the CAB, TRB, Planning & Zoning Board and Building Dept. and were requesting the rest of the sign variance be approved. He noted everything else they had presented was approved. with the exception of three items. Mr. Miller indicated a 30' pylon sign remained which would need a variance in connection with the square footage which would be 150 sq. ft. In this district, 80 sq. ft. is the maximum. In connection with the Home Depot ,.a1l signs on the front and side of the store, a variance was needed to set the maximum sq. ft. at 720 sq. ft. The Ordinance allows 64 sq. ft. Mr. Jaeger noted this is in a PCD and the Ordinance doesn't really address what happens when you have a building of this magnitude. All it allows per tenant is 64 sq. ft. He thought it was really meant to address strip shopping centers, however, in a normal commercial zone they would be allowed 10% of the face of the building which would be 1,300 sq. it. A variance request was also needed in connection with the multi-use on the remaining free-standing sign. Staff recom- ;_) mended approval of this aspect. 12 _._~ ^~ CITY COMMISSION MEETlN... BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AUGUST 21, 1990 In connection with the remaining pylon sign, Mr. Morton explained the 150 sq. ft. would consist of 72 sq. ft. for the Home Depot portion, 38 sq. ft. for the Shoppes of Woolbright portion and 30 additional sq. ft. for two addi- tional tenants to go on in the future~ Mr. Morton calcu- lated even with the two additional tenants listed, there would sti~l be 9'6" of clearance from the bottom of the sign to the ground. Discussion took place regarding the ren- dering which was before the Commission and Commissioner Olenik noted the rendering didn't reflect what Mr. Morton was proposing. Mr. Morton indicated that the rendering was not up-to-the-minute as some of the decisions were made after the ~~B meeting which was held the prior evening. -Mr .-..Mor-ton-rerfpon-d"ed-thcrrrgll confi-guration-to -b; used would be a compromise between the 50' sign and the 30' sign. You would have The Home Depot, Shoppes of Woolbright and space for additional tenants below i~. The~~~ld be one sign ins~~~~~; tw~_!.s!!!.:.- -XOei1gt1iy discussion ensued:--"U-was--- --clarified that the wall sign on the west and south elevations combiDeP would total the 720 sq. ft. of s1gnage. ,~-.p - - - .- - -..---.- .----.--...-..--..- --. Motion Regarding Sign Variances ) l .----- - -----_. -. In connection with the sign variances, moved to approve the recommendations. seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Vice Mayor Wische Commissioner Artis ) " Motion Regarding Site Plan Modification Commissioner Olenik moved to approve the site plan modifica- tion for the Shoppes of Woolbright. Vice Mayor Wische seconded the motion which carried 5-0. Mayor Moore called a brief recess at 7:40 P.M. The meeting resu~ed-at 7:50 P.M. ~ - --- - -.-~,---- LEGAL. " ordinan'cies - 2nd Readin0ublic Hearing 1. Proposed Ordinance No. 90-~ , Re: Height R~,ferendum ~ \~ City Attorney Cherof read proposed dinance No. 90~7 b caption only: ~ , "AN ORDINANCE OF ~E CITY COMMISSION , , I BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIQA; SUBMITTING TO R ERENDUM AN AMENDMENT TO APPENDIX~A. SECTION 4.F.l (HEIGHT LIMITAT.~ONS AND EXCEPTIONS); PROVIDING FOR MAXIMUM o 13 -~--_...........-----~----------- --- ft )0..., ITEM 3, PARAGRAPH 3 ATTACHMENTS %t City of tIJoynton tIJeadi .~ ~-- 100 'E. 'lJoynton :Bead. 'lJoufevara P.O. 'lJU,I(310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :JWriifa 33425-0310 City:J{aIl: (561) 375-6000 :JJU; (561) 375-6090 December 9,1996 Ms. Anna Cottrell, AICP Basehart & Cottrell, Inc. 1532 Old Okeechobee Road, Suite 101 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Re: FileNo.: Location: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Sign Program MSPM 96-005 Southeast and southwest comers of the intersection of S. W. 8th Street and Woolbright Road Dear Ms. Cottrell, Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order regarding Commission approval of your request for major site plan modification. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 375-6260. Sincerely, ----- .. / ~' ~1/t.-,'-f"L{,'~. ""-4 Tambri J. Heyden, AI Planning and Zoning Director /7/ 1, M<-y. cJJ2.v TJH:dar Attachment xc: Central File Michael Morton D-\SHARE\ WP\PROJECTS\SHPSWOOL\MSPM\OEVELDRD. WPD 5tmerica's (jateway to tfit (julfstrtam DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (f D ~ U \YJ ~~ f'C'(" j ..., _.~ ~'.... ..; ..--.., PlANNING AND ZONING DEPt APPLICANT: Michael Morton. Tradewinds Group APPLICANTS AGENT: Anna Cotrell. Acent for the Tradewinds. Inc.. DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: November 19.1996 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Maior Site Plan Modification. Recuestinc approval to modify the approved sicn procram. In addition to the freestandinc sicnsthat have alreadv been approved. additional sicnace is requested. more specificallv. new freestandinc (monuments) and wall sicnace for outparcels and main buildinc tenant(s). LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Southeast and southwest corners of the intersection of S.W. 8th Street and Woolbricht Road. DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the pUblic finds as follows: 1 . Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Appli"....( 3AS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "e" with the notation "Included". 4. The Applicarri's application for relief is hereby --!!'GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. -------..--..---------- DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other: DATED: November 19. 1996 f / I / / ..~~,,~/.'U. /~~~ City lerk ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS FROM COMMISSION MEETING 1. Submit a rectified master plan for the Shoppes of Woolbrioht PCp. showino compliance with the conditions of all previous approvals. prior to issuance of any further buildino permits within the PCD. excludino the buildino permit for Buroer Kino. 2. All monument sions lincludino RaceTrac. Buraer Kino. Discount Auto and future parcel tenants) be desianed to match the monument sion proposed for RaceTrac and that the size of monument sions be 56 souare feet. with a maximum heioht of 4 feet and a maximum width of 8' on top of a two foot hioh base. EXHIBIT "C" r. Conditions of Approval Project name: Shoooes of Woolbrioht PUD - Sian Prooram File number: MSPM 96-005 Reference: The olans consist of 9 sheets identified as 1 st Review. Maior Site Plan Modification. File #MSPM 96-005 with an Seotember 25. 1996 Plannino and Zonino Deoartment date stamo markina. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - UTILITIES " FIRE " POLICE . NONF DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Comments: 1. Reference si9n locations by dimension to property lines. Chap.21, Art.!, Sec. 58 / & C, pg. 21-1. 2. Designate tenants for all around signs. Chap.21, Art.l, Sec.5K, pg.21-3. ,/ 3. Provide justification for proposing more than one pylon sign for Home Depot. ..-- Chap.21, Art.IV, Sec.3B, pg.21-17. 4. Provide justification for proposing additional ground signs on Parcel 3. Chap.21, ..-- Art. IV, Sec.3G, pg.2H7. 5. Walmart and Discount Auto signs are limited to 64 sq. ft. Chap.21, Art.lV, r./"" Sec.28, pg.21-16. 6. Reader board for Burger King must be part of ground sign subject to code ./ specified maximum size. Chap.21, Art.IV, Sec.2D, pg.21-16. 7. Show colors, leltering types, logos. Chap.9, See.101, pg.9-5. / 8. RaceTrac wall sign is limited to code specified maximum size. Chap.21, Art.IV, / ,::;,,,.?r nn21_1R PARKS AND RECREATION FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 9. The applicant shall identify any existing trees which may be affected by the / Int i..inn.. . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 10. Provide a clear identification system correlating the table of contents with the /' submitted sheets. All cross,references included in the project shall be made in reference to the sheet code as identified in the table of content. / 11. On the site plan, sheet 2 of 9, distinguish locations of existing and proposed V signs. 12. No business identification (sign copy) was submitted for the monument sign proposed for the northernmost portion of Parcel "C". Provide a note on the master plan that the approval of this sign is limited to location only. A / subsequent submittal of the sign copy shall meet the conditions (regarding color and helvetica letter style) of this sign program approval, otherwise a future revised sign program (Major Site Plan Modification) will have to be submitted for review and approval by the City Commission. 13. On sheet 5 of 9, specifications for typical store signs are laid out. Clarify in ....--- which locations these typical store signs are to apply. 14. All signs proposed must meet the minimum setback requirements of 10 feel. On the master plan include all required setbacks. Also, provide colored elevation drawings of the missing sign elevations for Burger King and Discount Auto at / the Planning and Development Board meeting with color samples of all materials to be used in manufacturing and constructing the signs. 15. City's LOR, Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan allows only two (2) colors, (except for white and black) to be used for signs in shopping centers. On the site plan, sheet 2 of 9 include a tabular summary of all colors proposed for the ~ signage in this development Mark with an asterisk colors already approved by the City Commission. 16. If colored elevations of all proposed signs, as required by the LOR, Chapter 4, Section 0 are not submitted for the Planning and Development Board meeting, ./' it is recommended that the elevations go back before the Commission as a future site plan approval, prior to application for permit. 17. Chapter 9 of the LOR, Community Design Plan, Section 10.1.2 requires that a / single sign style shall be used for wall signage on all buildings on the site signs are predominately channel. Therefore comply with this requirement of the city code or file an application for a Community Design Plan appeal from this code provision. 18. Chapter 9 of the LOR, Community Design Plan, Section 10.1.8 allows only one lettering style, in addition to the lettering styles of the nationally registered copy, to be used by all tenants/outparcel owners in the PCD. Signs are currently helvetica. Comply with this requirement of the city code or file an application for ...--- a Community Design Plan appeal from this code provision. (Burger King's letter style must be changed. No letter style information was submitted for the remainino uses.) Page 3 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Sign, . -lgram File No. MSPM 96-005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 19. For the Home Depot property, two pylon signs are shown along the frontage of Woolbright Road, approximately 220 feet apart. The sign code allows only one freestanding sign for Home Depot, on the Home Depot property, therefore pylon signs shall be limited to one. No business identification (sign copy) was / submitted for the easternmost sign. Provide a note on the master plan that the approval of thiS sign is limited to location only. 20. Submit a rectified master plan for the Shoppes of Woolbright PCD showing compliance with the conditions of all previous approvals, prior to permits being ~ issued for signage approved with this request. 21. All monument signs shall provide appropriate, unobstructed cross-visibility at all ./ points of access as described in LOR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H. 22. Two freestanding (one pylon and one monument) signs are proposed on the Burger King property. The sign code allows oniy one freestanding sign for Burger King. Therefore, freestanding signs shall be limited to one. Since ./ there are pylon signs existing and proposed along Woolbright Road, it is recommended that Burger King's sign be located along S. W. 8th Street and not Woolbright Road to minimize the number of signs in the short distance between S.W 8th and 1-95 alona Woolbriaht Road. 23. Submit a rectified master plan for the Shop pes of Woolbright PCD, showing ~ compliance with the conditions of all previous approvals, prior to issuance of anv further buildina oermits within the PCD. 24. Since at this time it is unknown whether the remainder of the PCD will be developed as one large commercial use or multiple stores within a shopping center arrangement, a revised sign program application shall be submitted in the / future simultaneously with a site plan application for the remainder of the PCD, to provide details for store wall signage (in-line tenants), if this type of use is oroposed in the future. 25. It is recommended that all monument signs (inCluding RaceTrac, Burger King, ~ Discount Auto and future parcel tenants) be designed to match the monument sign proposed for Race Trac and that the size of monument signs be four feet hl;;h i,,, ';'Inht f....t \n"n nn In" nf" . . "~M ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 26. Delete #3. 27. Delete #4. 28. Delete #13. 29. Delete #15. Page 4 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Sign r lram File No. MSPM 96-005 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 30. Reword #1 B as follows: Chapter 9 of the LOR, Community Design Plan, Section 10.1.8 allows only one lettering style, in addition to the leltering styles of the nationally registered copy, to be used by all tenants/outparcel owners in the PCD. Signs are currently helvetica. Comply with this requirement of the city / code or file an application for a Community Design Plan appeal from this code provision. (Burger King's letter style must be changed unless the lettering is a registered trademark. No letter style information was submitted for the remaining uses.) 31. Reword #20 as follows: Submit a rectified master plan for the Shoppes of ...--- Woolbright PCD showing compliance with the conditions of all previous approvals, prior to platting of Discount Auto (parcel 2). ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 32. To be determined. JL:bme d:\WOOLPCO.lwWD , --.-.--------- ITEM 3, PARAGRAPH 4 ATTACHMENTS ~~~--------------- POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-0045 TO: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT ~ JULY 2,1997 SHOPPES OF WOOLBRIGHT PCD-MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION. 2nd REVIEW FROM: DATE: RE: r have reviewed the above listed plans. I feel there is traffic flow concern in the area of the Home Depot Garden Center. I propose that the 'CUSTOMER PICK-UP ZONE" be shortened and not extend north of the access road to Shoppes of Woolbright. This area is already a traffic problem with customers blocking the area of the intersection. Pick-up and temporary parking for the Garden Center needs further design and consideration, prior to construction of the rest ofthe shopping center. I recommend a traffic signal be installed at the intersection of the access road and S.W. 8 Street. " I ~, ; Ii' ~ ,~.:..'- ......=-.' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director Kevin John Hallahan ,Forester I Environmentalist kJfl- Shoppes of Woolbright PCD -Master Plan Modification RE: DATE: June 30, J 997 Recommendation The applicant not be granted the request to substitute the 25 foot wide peripheral greenbelt along the northeast property line of the peD with a 5 foot tall wall within a 10 foot wide landscape buffer along the south side of Purple Heart Way. This peripheral greenbelt requirement is to visually and aesthetically protect the residents of The Vinings from the commercial improvements proposed in the above project location. . ....... ,~~...._.._.__.- '1. ., .'i: RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #97-320 TO: RE: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department Director John Wi~n"', P,m s".."nt'ndent~ Shoppes of Woolbright FROM: DATE: July 15, 1997 There are no comments to this project. The project should continue in the normal review process. JW:ad ill rn@~UWI MEMORANDUM Utilities # 97-229 ilJ r r 1'11'(' ,. - ~ " :7':'. Pl.ANNING AND ZONING DEI'[ TO: Tambri Heyden. Planning & Zon. ector FROM: John A. Guidry, i\ Director of Utilities U July 15, 1997 Date: SUBJECT: Shoppes of Woolbright peD, Proposed Master Plan Modifications, Second Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: I. Please show existing easements along the east property line, west of the canal easement, (LDR Chapter 3, Art. IV Sec.3 (H and I). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sml woolpcd2 xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella File ill g t]ij ~ U \lJ ~ 'ii .....1!.Jh ~ ,- -, . ........+ ~ . -, ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-174 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Al Newbold, Deputy Director of Development 4~~~.. TO: DATE: July 14, 1997 RE: SHOPPES OF WOOLBRIGHT PCD - MASTER PLAN MODIFICATION 2ND REVIEW We have reviewed the above referenced plans and offer the following comments. Building Division No objection Engineering Division 1. Change "outparcell" to Lot 2, change "outpareel 2" to Lot 1 and change "outparecl 3" to remainder ofTraet"C" to mirror "Woolbright 100" plat document. [Chapter 5. Article V, Section I.C.] 2. IdentifY the roadway between Burger King and Discount Auto as "Tract A (private)" to mirror "Woolbright 100" plat document. [Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.C.] 3. IdentifY and locate the casement between Food Court and Discount Auto as a 27' ingress/egress casement (private). [Chapter 5, Article V, Section I.C.] 4. Correct the dimension along the north property line of Burger King from 165.89 to 165.23 to reflect the plat dimension. 5. Correct the dimension along the west property line of Discount Auto parcel from ] 67.97 to ]67.86 to agree with plat dimension. AN/ck xc: Mike Haag Ken Hall Sebastian Puda C\My Documcnls\Shoppes of peo, MaMcr Plan Mod. :!nd,doc - ~ ~ -~-- . DE'. .LOPMENT SERVICES DEPAr<TMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 97-364 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Ij-d Planning and Zoning Director Jerzy Lewicki, Acting Senior Planner ::J \-..-- FROM: DATE: June 3D, 1997 SUBJECT: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Master Plan Modification, 2nd review comments File No. MPMD 97-002 Please be advised of the following comments relative to the second review of the modified master plan for the above-referenced project: 1. The site signs shown on the submitted plan do not match the signs shown on the approved sign program. Eliminate from the master plan the site signs from the fOllowing sites: . Cracker Barrel, . Race Trac, . Home Depot. 2. The second free-standing sign on the Home Depot property has not been permitted by the most recent sign program for Shoppes of Woolbright PCD. Eliminate any reference to this sign from the master plan. 3. Modify the first note from the notes section of the master plan to read as follows: "See plan for location and size of minimum required peripheral greenbeJr'. 4. Amend the chart that identifies previous master plans to reflect the appropriate date the master plan modification was approved by the City Commission. Also, indicate that the approvals are subject to staff comments. Page 2 Memorandum No. 97-3 Shoppes of Woolbright PCD - Master Plan Modification File No. MPMD 97-002 5. The required time frame for the completion of the Industrial Access Road (aka Mortons Way/Purple Heart Way), which is located within the PUD, is September 7, 1997 and there is not a current application submitted for improvements in the Woolbright Place PUD. Therefore, it is recommended that the applicant make permit application for this road within 3D days of the commission approval of the subject request and complete the road by September 7.1997. 6. Submission of a rectified master plan showing compliance with the conditions of approval for this request will be required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, prior to certificates of occupancy for Discount Auto or Food Court (whichever occurs first). 7. To provide consistency among all submittal elements, amend the request letter to delete the request to change the 25 foot peripheral greenbelt for a 10 foot peripheral greenbelt containing a 5 feet high masonry wall. 8. Correct the master plan to reflect the access between Burger King and Discount Auto as an easement on the Burger King parcel as per the recorded agreement and plat. Central File J:ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDlWPIPROJECTs\SHPSWOOLlSHOPPES OF WOOLBRIGHT MOVE NORTH DRIVEWAY - 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS.DOC City of Boynton Beach Development Services Department Planning and Zoning Division PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561/375 - 6260 Fax: 561/375 - 6259 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET D ,< 1.-, , /-...., ate: i ./0"'/ : I To: 1;,)([ /I{J{:;";/;! Fax: .~,~)/ ..:.:lfl- (...,'(/1-() Re:~_~,Ljvff ~-:; v,~ ,'u.'.;.:;L8I.'/G#1 r:?;:;h7ffic'":l!J7 Sender: C,: 1/ YOU SHOULD RECEIVEJ,PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL 561/ 375 - 6260. ,::;) .-, /..7, -:;. 7 if l 1 fRAt-lSMISSIOfl VERIFICATION REPORTJ TIME 07/22/1997 16:3e NA~IE BOYNTON BEACH P FA~ 5613756259 TEL 5613i56266 DATE. TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 67/22 16:29 815612410646 66:66:47 02 Of( STAI"IDARD D7!~2/1~~7 16:17 561~E47382 FIRE PREV PAGE 0" ill~ @rnuwrn rn ,"\ ....~ 'Ul '1.. ,.-, oJ L.. L. -_ ......8 f PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION Memorandum No. 97-274 TO: Tambri Heyden, Director Planning & Zoning Division FROM: William D. Cavanaugh, Act. FPO II /JJ 1~1l ,n - ,.,/ Fire - Rescue Department / rYl/'1IU1('7/rI~ ~ DATE: July 22, 1997 SUBJECT: Shoppes of Woolbright SW 8 Street MPMD 97-002 We have no objections at this time. CC: Deputy Chief Ness File 05!12/9i nON li:2i FAX 954 9i3 2686 CCL CONSULTANTS @002 I'll tf/:j iJ }.'(JlJ) CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. EngiIIeers PlannfiJf$ Surveyors /.and'cape ArChitects Environmental Consultants 2200 PARK CENTRAL BLVD., N, SUITE 100. POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064, (954) 974-2200' FAX (954) 973-2686 May 13, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Proposed Master Plan Modifications Boynton Beach, Florida eCl Project No. 3101 Dear Ms. Heyden: Transmitted to your office under separate cover last month (by Me Michael Morton), were revised Master Plans for the project identified above. Please be advised that this submittal was made specifically to request a Master Plan amendment for the above-referenced project. Therein, we are proposing to amend the existing master plan which was last reviewed by the Commission of its 5f7/96 meeting, as follows: A. Outparcel1 will be revised from a 5,930 S.F. (2-story) bank type facility, which was verbally modified at the 5f7/96 meeting, to a 4,000 s.f. facility, to what is now the Site Plan approved 3,710 s.f. Food Court (high turnover restaurant) for the site. B. Outparcel 2 will be revised from a 6,745 S.F. (1-story) retail type facility. to the new Site Plan approved 6,492 s.f. Discount Auto store. C. Outparcel 3 will be rl':lvised from a 1-story 2,625 S.F. Non-Proprietary Fast Food Restaurant with drive-thru. which was verbally modified at the 5f7/9S meeting, to a 3,175 s.f. size building, to what is now the Site Plan approved 2;911 s.f. Burger King restaurant with drive-thru. 05/12/97 MON 17:27 FAX 954 973 2888 CCL CONSULTANTS ii2J 003 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Beach May 13, 1997 Page Two D. Modify the are north of the existing Home Depot Garden Center, by combining the 14,095 s.f. and 25,000 s.f. commercial building pods into one (1) 39.095 s.f. pod, allowing for temporary parking and the ultimate parking drive/service drive when development is completed. E, Modify the existing North Property Line of the PCD, along the Industrial Access Road (Morton's Way), reflecting a reduction in that R.OW. from 80' to 50' width. Based on the Master Plan modifications outlined above, the following proposed water, sewer and drainage impacts are anticipated as compared to the currently approved Master Plan. I. Existing Plan currently shows: Outparcel #1 / Water & Sewer A) 5,930 s.f. Comm x 0.1 GPO/s.f. '" 593 GPO B) 593 GPO + 350 GPD/ERC = 2 ER.C's (169) Outparcel #2 / Water & Sewer A) 6,745 s.f. Comm x 0.1 GPD/s.f, ;;: 674.5 GPO B) 675.5 GPO... 350 GPO/ERC = 2 ERe's (1.93) Outparcel #3 / Water & Sewer A) 3,175 s.f.l93 seat restaurant x 50 GPD/Seat = 4.650 GPO plus 50 GPO/Drive-in car space x 5 spaces = 250 GPO B) 4,900 GPO.. 350 GPO/ERC = 14 ERG's Drainage (overall) Total pervious area = Total impervious area = 358,518 s.f 1,069,814 s.f. II. Proposed Plan shows: Outparcel #1 / Water & Sewer A) 3,710/83 seat restaurant x 50 GPO/seat::: 4,150 GPD B) 4,150 GPO + 350 GPO/ERC ::: 12 ERC'S(11.86) CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. 05/1219; liON 1;;2; FAX 954 9i3 2686 CCL CONSULTANTS 14I 004 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Beach May 13, 1997 Page Three Outparcel #2 / Water & Sewer A) 6,492 sf. Comm x 0.1 GPO/sf.;::; 6492 GPO B) 649.2 GPO... 350 GPO/ERG '" 2 ERC's (1.85) Outparcel #3 / Water & Sewer A) 2,911 sf./84 seat restaurant x 50 GPO/seat =: 4,200 GPO plus 50 GPO/Drive-in car spaces x 5 spaces =: 250 GPO B) 4,450 GPO... 350 GPO/ERC =: )3 ERC's (12.71) Drainage (overall) Total pervious area :; Total impervious area :; 359,325 s.f. 1.069,007 sf. III. Net change if approved: Outparcel #1 - increase of 10 ERe's Outparcel #2 - no change in ERC's Outparcel #3 - decrease of 1 ERC TOTAL =: increase of 9 ERe's Drainage (overall) TOTAL;::; increase of net pervious area for entire PCD by 807 s.f. Should you have any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, eCL Consultants. Inc. Richard C. Wohlfarth, P.E. President RCW:BAN:wmg-k cc: Mike Morton, Tradewinds Group K:\WENDY\wpeoc;s\BAN\3101U'rcw. wpJ CCl CONSULTANTS, INC. 05/1~/9i MON li:26 FAX 954 9i3 2686 CCL CONSULTAN ~~, INC. CCL CONSULTANTS- If!JUU.l Consultin, En,.,..,. -,.". -- Un~ A,chJ'liels h"';""'mItIltsl Consul_,s m ...2l 2200 PARK CENTRAL BlVD.. N. SUITE 100 POMPANO ecH.. FL 33084 TEL: (954)974-2200 FAX: (954)973-2686 SURVEY FAX: (954)974-5808 _ 2603 MAITLAND CENTER PKWY. SUITE C MAITLAND. FL 32751 m: 14071680-2120 FAX: (407)875-8308 FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: FROM: OPERATOR: '5- \~-'il , e:,~ ~\("\ V-'2-4 TO: ATTN: FAX NUMBER: klUe-.~ k..~("o~ '7~\- ~\-ND~ RE: ... 0f\c,"~ & ~\ ~\:T"'r ~GD -3\(")\ CCl PROJECT NO.: '1 (INCLUDING COVER) NUMBER OF PAGES: REMARKS: ....-.--..~..~.....-.--.........---..._......_..._..-.........-......--.-....-.......---..-......-.....-....-.-.-..---...----..--.......-- NOTICE OF CONFIOENTIAUTY This facsimile may comaln info'mation tMt Is privileged and confidential andlo, enmpt from dlscJosurB under applicable law. This transmi:ssion is IntendH :So/Illy for ths Individual or entity dllsignated a/)o",.. If you are not the Intended ,ecipient or the employes or agent re:sponsible for _venng It to the Intended recipient. you :should under:stand tMt any dlStl'iburion. copying or u:se of the info,mation contained in this fac:simlle by anyol7{J other than tlHJ designated rscipient is ulUufhnrinuf IInd ~rncflv t:J'tJh;blred. If you M"e ,8ctJived this facsimile in wro,.. please immediately notify the Sllnd.. by tel8pMne. REPL Y TO, ~POMPANO BEACH _MAITLAND 04/24/97 THU 15:16 FAX 15612410646 MORTON GROUP ~002 REAL ESTATE INVES NTS . GENEI\AL CONTBACToIlS Mo....on G...OUp 902 CLINt Moo.. Ro40, Som124 BoCA RATON, FLoImA 33487 PHON':561-994~l33. F \ April 24, 1997 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Proposed Master Plan Modifications Boynton Beach, F10nda CCL Project No. 310 I Dear Ms. Heyden: I submitted (12) signed and sealed prints ofthc revised master plan VIa Fed Ell to your office on Monday April 2 I. We are proposing to amend the eXIsting master plan as follows; A. OutparceI I was revised to reflect the: approved 3.710 s.f Food Court project. OutparceJ 2 was revised to reflect the approved s.~. Disco t~t Parts L. project as shown on the pennit plan Ilpproximately s.f. /~ fIT , ~'If~s.:." Outparcel3 was revised to ret1ect the approved 2,91 I s.f Burger King project (Fast Food Restaurant ""th drive-thru lane). B c. 04'24/97 THl' 15:17 PAX 15612410646 MORTON GROFF ~003 Morton. <<t~m~rYden Planning Director City of 6Qyton Beach April 16, 1997 Page Two REAL ESTATE {JOVES ,NTS . GENEIIAL CONTRACTORS 902 CWIT Moo.. Ro.u>, SIIlTll124 BocA. IIAToN, FLOBmA 33487 J'HoNo;: 561-994-3133 . FAA: 561-<l41-Q64Ai D, The bwlding area north of the Home: Depot Garden center has been detached and the two commercial buildings of 14,095 s.f. and 25,VOO s.r, were combined into one totaling 39.095 sf. E. ModiiY the existing N property line ofthe peD, Road (Pllf\)le Hea ay), reflecting the approv reduction in that 80' to 50' in 1, and omit the 25'0 green t, and add a 10' I cape buffer and hed iUong With a 5'0 high mas wall or concrete nk fence parallel with rple Heart Way. , F, Move north approximately 40'.0 the dnveway between outparcell and outparcel 2. We respectfully request that this proposed master plan amendment he placed on the next Technical Review Committee agenda and thusly on the next available Planl1lng & Development Board as well as CIty Commlssion Agenda Should you ha e any questions or need any additional information, please do not hesitate " \0 contact. . Michael Morton President Enclosures cc: lioward Schar1in, Trustee Michael Haag, Planning Oept Greg Kino Esq ---_...,-~--_._-----~-