CORRESPONDENCE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Department of Engineering FILE COpy OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF ENGINEERING September 17, 2001 Ms. Angelena N. May Kimley Horn and Associates 60 I 21st Street, Suite 400 Vera Beach, FL 32960 Re: Wal-Mart at Boynton Beach Plat Deal'Ms. May: Enclosed please find a list of the City's comments regarding the subject plat. Also enclosed is an "exhibit A" to be incorporated for the City approval section. If there are any questions or concerns regarding the comments, please call us. When the plat has been corrected and the required signatures and seals have been incorporated, the original and six blue line copies should be submitted along with your check for $45.00 payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. The cost of the additional review now required by a licensed surveyor will be collected prior to plat recordation. Upon receipt of the above, an agenda item will be prepared and submitted for approval at the first available commission meeting. Please note that your submission must be received at least two business davs prior to the upcoming meeting so as to be placed on the following commission meeting. As an example, your plat would had to have been received no later than September 14 to be eligible for the October 2nd meeting. ~67/ j}/) Kenneth Hall ~, Engineering Plans Analyst/Inspector KRH/kd Attachment Xc: H. David Kelley, Jr., PE, PSM, Utility Engineer Lusia Galav, Principal Planner Laurinda Logan, PE, Civil Engineer Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box. 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6280 Fax: (561) 742M6285 REVIEW COMMENTS FOR THE W AL-MART AT BOYNTON BEACH PLAT NOTE: The city's code of ordinances may be accessed at www.boynton-beach.fl.us Planning and Zoning Dept: The plat shall contain a statement that "no buildings or structures shall be placed within easements" per city code. On sheet one, provide a key map showing the site in relation to the rest of the city including a north arrow. Provide a title certification in conformance with F.S. 177.041 and Chapter 5, Article 5, Section ID6f. The applicant shall provide an acceptable lake management plan that shall be recorded in the public records. The plan shall address both the maintenance of the retention areas and the care and maintenance of the upland and littoral plantings. Chapter 8, Article IV A. ., Engineering Department: Reposition the "L4" line callout for readability. Provide a detail of the area containing lines "L4" and "L5" to identifY the two distances. Provide a boundary survey as stipulated in F.S. 177.041(1). Prior to plat recording, certify that the "P.R.M.s" have been set per F.S. 177.091(7). Provide additional "circles" for the corporate seal ofWal-Mart Stores East, and another for the review surveyor. Delineate and identify tract "A" on the plat. Also, insert the recording information for the "stormwater easement". Delineate and identifY as a water management tract the retention area in the southwest comer of the plat. Include the maintenance responsibilities for the tract. Chapter 8, Article IV A. Correct the "curve 5" radius to agree with curves 6 & 7 and specify a P.R.M. for the P.O.B. per F.S.I77.091(7). Provide a Basis of Bearing. State Plane coordinates may be used to define the section comer to the PRM comers per F.S. 177.151. Page 1 of 2. Page 2 of2. Dimension all platted easements not already dimensioned per F .S.I77.09l (17). Indicate a five foot limited access agreement (L.A.E.) around the perimeter of the site exclusive of all three drivewavs. Provide the appropriate dedication to the City of Boynton Beach and delete the second note 4 in the dedication section. Add the L.A.E. to the legend. Chapter 6, Article 3, section 6. All platted utility easements shall allow for the construction, installation, maintenance and operation of cable television services per F .S. 177.091 (28). Delineate the south driveway in from Winchester Park Blvd. and designate it as an ingress/egress driveway. Provide the month and year of the plat preparation at the top of the first sheet. "' In note two of the dedications after the words "it successors and assigns," add the words without recourse to the citv or anv other public agencv. Under the dedications, add the following: The City of Boynton Beach shall have the right but not the obligation to maintain any portion of the drainage system encompassed by this plat which is associated with the drainage of public streets, including the right to utilize for proper purposes any and all drainage easements associated with said drainage system. The ingress/egress easement is shown for the Winchester Park Blvd. entrance, but there is no corresponding easement at Old Boynton Road. Please clarifY. Add to the notes that no landscaping shall be placed within utility easements without the expressed approval of the utility department. EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH APROV ALS: State of Florida County of Palm Beach This plat is hereby approved for record pursuant to the Laws of Florida, the Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach and in accordance with Chapter 5, Land Development Regulations, this _ day of ,2001. It has been reviewed by a Professional Surveyor and Mapper in the employ of or under contract with the City of Boynton Beach per Section 177.081 (I) of the Florida Statutes. BY: Gerald Broening, Mayor BY: ., [ ] Acting Director of Engineering Attest: (as to both) Janet Prainito, City Clerk BY: ] Professional Land Surveyor 10/26/00 THU 08:47 FAX 561 778 3222 ~=~ URBAN RESOURCE GROUP Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ~ J.:,~fD, {lJV~~ F IfJ 1~ October 24, 2000 VIA FAX: 561/742-6357 Mr. Don Johnson City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Wal-Mart #2789 Plaming Substitutions Dear Don: The landscape contractor for the proposed Wal-Mart, (Southern Sun Landscape Contractors, Inc.) is having difficulties obtaining both the Majestic Beauty Indian Hawthorn and the Silver Buttonwood understory trees. We would like to substitute with Ixora, Nora Grant and Green Buttonwood, respectively. Native landscape percentages remain unchanged at 84 %. If you have any concerns with this proposed change, please contact me at 561/794-4034. Cordially, .. David A. Sims, RLA DASlbam cc: Lusia Galav, City of Boynton Beach Planning Dept, - 561/742-6249 Steve Spack, Case Contracting - 813/752-6732 Kevin Roberson, KHA Leo Repetti, KHA File G:\BOYNTON\WP\Corresp\johnson.doc . TEl 561 512 7981 FAX 561 562 9S89 141001 . Sui. 400 60121~SI1eeI V.rolleach, RoIida 32960 JUN-Ze-Ol IZ:3ePM FR~GREENBERG TRAURIG. P A 5616556ZZZ ~~UUt~D AlTO_HIt'S AT LA' H~~~I~ TO Fax Number cc: Fax Number FROM File Number Commeots Date No. Pages T-ZZO P.OOI/Oll F-Zle TraDsmittal Cover Sheet James A. Cherof, City Attorney 742-6054 and 954-771-4923 James F. Moore, Jr. 501-204-0152 David M. Layman 29657.010700 ConeerolDg Wal-Mart/SoDoy's BBQ, we bave slightly revised the ameDdment to unity of title at Wal-Mart's request. It is attached. Wal-Mart is requesting a letter from the City stating that the amendmeDt 15 acccptable. Can you pleasc provide? July 6, 2000 Including this cover sheet II Please notify us immediately if not received properly at 561-650-7900. Tho Informalion OIlf11Illned In lhis Ira",mission ;0 atlamey pJiYiIeged and c:otlIld....1. II is intended only for 11,. use of the indivldual or entity named .bove. "the readet of INs m_ is nol the intondtd rec;p;enl. you ... ......by n_ tl1al any lfi__. d;alribulion or copy 01 \Ilis """"'"'_ is s1liclly pmn;tJi1ed. II yOIlllaW - tIlis """,,",,nicalion In error. pie... notlfy us i_ly by lelep_ colIecI and return the original message 10 us at tIle_..... balOw....1he U.S. _, S.".;cs. WewiHrembufwyOlllotyO\lr_. ThlInltyou. m South Flagler tlriYe. SUite JOG E..L Wes' P8lm BelIch, Florida 33401 (561)650-7900 Fax (561)6$5-6222 J~-Z8'Ol IZ:38PM F~GREENBERG TRAURIG, P A. 561S556ZZZ T-ZZO P.OOZ/OII F-ZI8 This instrument was prepared by and after recording, rerum to David M. Layman, Esquire Greenberg Traurig, P.A. 777 South Flagler Drive Suite 300 East West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Will Ca\1 #42 AMENDMENT TO UNlIT OF TITLE TIDS AMENDMENT made as of the day of June, 2001 is executed by W AL- MART STORES EAST, INC., an Arkansas corporation ("Wal-Man"), having an address of 2001 SE 101h Street, Bentonville, AR 72716-0550, Altn: Robert M. Bedard. Backnound A. Wal-Man executed a Unily of Title, dated April 28, 2000 and recorded May 3, 2000, in Official Records Book 11757, Page 798, of the public records of Palm Beach Counly, Florida, (the "Unity of Title"), in consideration of the issuance of a pennit for the constrUction of a Wal.Man Supercenter in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida (the "City), concerning certain property located in Palm Beach County, Florida which is described in Exhibit A in the Unity of Title B, The Unity of Title pennits the sale of three outpatcels, which are described in Exhibit B to the Unity of Title, The legal description of Outparcel 2 has changed, and Wal-Man wishes to amend the Unity of Title to correct this legal description, C. The appropriate officials of the City have approved this Amendment and evidence of such approval may be found in the pennanent records of the City. Terms of Amendment IN CONSIDERATION of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the Unity of Title is amended as fo\1ows: 1. Exhibit B to the Unity of Title is hereby deleted and replaced in its entirety with Exhibit B-1 attached hereto. 2. Except as stated herein, the Unity of Title is not otherwise amended. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] . JUN-Z8-01 lZ:38PM FROM-GREENBERG TRAURIG. P A Witnesses Print Name: Print Name: STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF BENTON 5616556ZZZ T-ZZO P 003/011 F-Z18 W AL-MART STORES EAST, INC., an Arkansas corporation By: Robert M, Bedard, Assistant Vice-President of Rea! Estate The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of June, 2001 by Robert M. Bedard, Assistant Vice-President of Real Estate of Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc., an Arkansas corporation, on behalf of the corporation. 0 He is personaIly known to me or 0 produced as identification. NOTARY PUBLIC Print Name: State of Arkansas Serial No. My Commission Expires: IIwpb.,MlIISHERMANPI341 S21vOI 179SPOI !.DOC\6II3IOI\Z9657 010900 - 2 - JUlI-IH \ \1:4np~ fRO""GRttNBtRG 1RAURIG. P A 56\ 555m2 \ ....~ i- -. ... t8lIIIC- .. ,~ _.....,.",...--",.. 1 - :1 i: .. ("C'~.:a::lltill~"" ~ ,~1 j~ - .....~..O~_.......,... . ;;;'''01 ""........ 1! j~ : ~3; rOt -"nor" t :1 - Ii .. ;i~ \ \h\\ . ,< ..1 .i . '. \ .\ .i <'- \ <:D t:: ~ - ~ W \\1 1\ \ \ 't 1 '\ 1 1L- v ~[r- .... . ,~ . ' ; \ \ i \ \ (:J\ "~ .. ~ <.: " (J: ,... 9 '" -i~ '.:(.~ :iv ~~eV' S~5~ -~ h'i!Ut .. .. zwZ "-W1l !t'~'i~ r..."'';( 1:~~Q z -~ Jl~~l '41~';: s ~ ~- -..-- -- C',..:r...J""'~ ",:,,,," .:r ~ l't. J;;""- ~ ." --I.l.~; ~ NCO"fO'" rw i7f5J \ I \ o.t" .:1 \ ~~ M \ l .n: ~~.".... . , I I , I \ I . \ \ \ #- ,... . .;.: . -< :2 ~ p:. 'C70~ - ,.., ..- .. In ~ -- 1..,.,~U:"..,.'JJ"s. ; ; 'Ii " w ;;; .. '" . 1. .. '" l!. ~ ~ ':: ~ = :.:.. ~ '" .. 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".o....,>'r.!.......~""S\lIl5~....\Il<O,l\lJlll'" \. --------~ ,-.--.-'- ... JUN-Z8-01 12:41PM FROM-GREENBERG TRAURIG, P A 56165562ZZ T-ZZO P 008/011 F-ZI8 ,. ';E~~'.:~'~~:~~'.:t:-:'~~~~,:;.~~rt:.-.;'::._~~t.1~;;~~~~~~~.' -- _'.';C;" ....... ~_.. ......,.. ..J'., . ,t.\;.~.C'1~"'"'!~1'~~',:t.'" . :' ....::~. -"';~'-(f~_:;:I';~':~_'~::~\:"- :.~-,~:';:: -~:~;:":'~~~~~~~f~T~~~' ..' ." ."~: :.:. "~~" - .... ~ I I I _~.!:L.~-_ II' t , , . , , . ~. I ~ , t ~ I' !i; I - ,: ,"-.~. I. I rc.. ..," I ....._J..M... lI.W'" I I: I I .,.":', -. ~':;".........:I --: I .". f: I r-L-.._.. 'L ~' ~~J'-:/-&'-----..rJ":'. .)., i/ I y' r ,. .......... '..Jt ... ' ---- --- - -- ----- - . '........ ---- I ....r.... ------ --- .. I,IL_l.r.I - . I / ~I' IlL. '. g,.-&M - L I . l \:.- I :...... .~. ~ tn "' U\ 0'" 1> c:JJ .. i 8 : ~ '... = (16 .. Lf ...' . .. ... ,ia - ., " .~ '..n.,..,. " --- E~N ..' ..' --I" ,,,,. ., .. . ~-- Scole ~I ~ &~ ~[ Ii il' 8\ I II"" ~,o... 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I ! -,' , ,.. r---- , , , .. .... .-' .-" N.8l1'511'I5"W. 290.... JUN-2S-01 12:4IP~ FROW-GREENBERG TRAURIG, PA 5616556222 T-220 PODS/Oil F-2IS EXHIBIT B-t LEGAL DESCRIPTION OUT PARCEL 2 A portion of Tract 42 and the vacated road of Subdivision ofthe Southeast 1/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, according to the map or plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 19 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the South Right-of-Way line of Old Boynton Road and the West Right-of-Way line of Win chesler Park BO~lllIWd; thence along said West Right-of- Way line Winchester Park Boulevard, South 010 06';06"\E~a distance Of24~.12. et to the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence continue SOUlh 01~' 6' ast a distance 0 .., feet 10 a point of curvature of a curve to the right; Ihence 193.50 fee along the arc of sai urve having a radius of2041,31 feet, a central angle of 050 25' 52" and a chord of 193.42 feet, which bears South 010 36' 50" West; thence leaving the West Right-of-Way line of Winchester Park Boulevard, _ 580 57' 39" West, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence North 890 59r~est, a distance 94 t; lhence along the East boundary line of Tract 45, North 01 ~~ West, a distance 0~S:8~]llet: thence North 89050' 16" East, a distance of 119.91 feet; thence 50mh 01000' 33" East, a distance of 121.95 feet; thence North 880 09' 06" Easl, a distance of217,61 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, Y.--: :-1 (! ? '(Y 'I, )o..<.:J ".-. I I.?, 0 '1\'-_" " \, ; .,; - . PA<i~ loof 8 JUN-Z8-DI IZ:4IPM ~ I tQ FROM-GREENBERG TRAURIG, P A 5616556ZZZ T-ZZO P DID/Dl1 F-ZI8 G I h =r ...- a. ~ Jl ~J.an:IO~,",4 :if 11111 ' ,,~ - ("a ... _ =-........... 'Oil ; 8 ~1 ", .- "V1Ot'a~......,... ,. "" . - - . ~'!'!" r .....4M'O , ~-1 ii!~h - ---.,., I .- . .. I .; Q :::! P SOO'09'.g~ I- ai b ~ " 2lJ9..s0 ~~JI.S! II g.... I" ..+..<11 ~I;:t I Qt"'i I ie L' .. ~ i 'J ,j I :.] .1 i \::: ..0 - ::t:: )'( \l) -J I .:; I_I,. ~ "".r:n )I' ~~i~:ii ~ ~Ziih.. : '.:~iil t ~';J:tt & 31!.:~ e. H i'l=H: xi jtlt ~~:: Ge !..hhl' ~l t,~:~,~s .s .;\SClJ~':.d...: ,.. i :.l':;.-"'~~' . '!1l t.. .. ~ t; .,. O' . 3 ~ fl iii.t.-.ll ~~~ al. =~ .. -1'i ';" , .. I l:!III' q.ti~":~. t\' _:I' 1",,\..,1\--'1: d tl.~ ~ ;;.. :... !t~:'. f! =l~f'~kt. ,.i~ ...:!:.=t~'1Y\': 8& ....."..l...."lt I ,- ;l,~i.!:. .v t :!. .U;(!..;!J i.. . is .. ....~~ ~ ~!t :' ::!a ;:;:;'" ~ ~~~~ ,/; _u 'I: hill! .% ...-~~. S i'f'~~ s: iF~8 a =-c.~f . 0 .~~::' !! ~ s ~ r ';! 1.,1 ~ !i , % ; :c :I; 5 S .:. -'" v CD ii~ ~ 15 ~ ~ Is ... "';J. ~ ~ u ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~! [~$H:x2~U ~ " ~ ~::;: :z ::Ie ~ ~ ~..... :.. G..:.".... . '" - '0 " ~~i" t!lel 01\18 ~ '" l'i1i a-' ....'" .... ... ~lt:... o:r tb~... " Ci"_ - Qt)...c.., .ti~".< ..... '0 I D:: sr;rc 'a' . ~~ ""l;::!'- II (j tI~ ., '" >f~'!;r """"11:1:1;; g:..,..,~ ~ ~3~s~ ~.9~ ~~~~ - -'>H:::>NIAA ..,"-" ~ '.., ~;:;'It.2 __ ., . ',S;;; ;;"':G~n.t l:t_...a ~.,.vi I:) lD ' ... '", U Q I:Is;:I lil~.. .....<;"'~ -- ,.'IO:~ ...;~t:;Q1 1'\ ~-.I.!Q Si:g- & ; "'ro..lI_ , . g "I \ ~...I.;Q I I I ___ I "':ro' :: ".. .... ~t" -" l~ 1~ to coj c:i l:l; ~ Co. 0: I I i ~. I 7- ~Q'" I . C'Irt_ I "..u ,.~ .... oct ...~"..ro!~ .~ .... - q,. a ....r ~ d .. 0. ~ <- o~ ';:'" ~ ". I ::2 i ~ I I I ~ ".. .. ...,;.? .., .. !i " " ~ ;~ of CP".I :~ ~ .... ..~ a. ~~ t;N ....; o~ <. <t... .,.: L 101..'':.' I -'3:>~"'d I~Jl" _,;;::.;.~ ;;;-f '3:>~\fc;,".(',O.I.O!:!-_ ~ //l.J.iJYA-.- I I I , ...... (r,,, .~~ 'JH' ,:JG lI:Jd Q.1lf'.)M! !I/' ar=. ,or . 5 f . .- . .. i'" .. g ~ f r ~ i I P ! I r t ." i i i I I P . ~ . i i e 11_. " i . . ~ ~ L-' li. i~ I . -..:. I ~ .;~ .. ~ . 01 . B ~~ '" .. i it; ,,~ ; 3 II l: I :: a.l! ", b ~~ I i ~. ~r f !l il Ii ~ .. =,:: 'I .,. _;:,_ x i aiU ;:0: # .. OM':J '~r-.w'...JA.nS\"'lik:J!IMt.'INCJ.......08\ ~:) ro Q. o ;\- u> ~ ~ l>- .'. JUN-zg-OI IZ:4IPM FROM-GREENBERG TRAURIG, P A .cl I ~ t: ~ ~ ~ r. Jf ~il =1 .,1 .. ~ ,I ,I '.j .i i ihlt ".'JI ~~.~ $-U i'="Q _~ Co .~~ ~h =%\01 il-.. -<< -lIu ~ii ~z ~ \15"2 8"~O Uj.~ 'Is! :'C ~_.... ..,4.... <"S~ 15!i,,~ l!a:!: 1,,_1; OU ...~!~ a..:~~ ~t::Q ;....C<t uR~! :E .-dz: iE..tl '^ i~:'.c i.-I d~ ~.- t'? J ~ W< Oc.. ~5 00 -- Ii. .. .~ . ,,- lOot i" 131 i iiill! i -< f ....~g ..c g........ E' !(e........ :oco$\= ~ !~~a _ ...-15_ m cwo "" 'S~W1~ iii ~~iG o uti!~~ 2,"8..: t t:tico( Z :r"ot..e ~ ;;&!t 5 ~::;~.. .. zt:!; ; "."a ~ ~;~'f .... ~2 ~; ... .bi:l~ ~ I-,,;g ;;. ~~"" E t~:: g '1'"i- '" ~.c, & ~ ;Iii: f .~.... . -~"... , 2~=';: ... '" u ~ZU' ~ 6r1ioC c: !2ri~l t' ~ Ii - .. 15 :;j ~ o Z .. . ~ . )0- ,. S 0 a" . i ;1 i - \1 ~ ~. t ~ ~e 1i; 2 ,-:,u ;,; ut'" ~ u ~... J = .~~ :c ~i~ ~- go(' ~b ~ =~ 0;: ai ,~ ~- Q.... 'i~ !~ ~.c '" .. ..~ ~~~ l:l5 u-lj z" 'i! :!~!g " " s ~ ..- iS~ ~ II' . .~~9 ::=L1~ ~i&to!f ;;i! a!i~ 10.& ~l~:i l5oi:;o u~....'" r.!"'"~ ~ -N ;'~s'~ ..,.,."", "fls" c~ a s.",'d.., "," i!~~~ ~&;.c: f,..:..~ ~=:S:lo'S -;tZ "''''loo't: ....- ."" !ii:'t" ~-;tl" ....il " ~i:-! 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Itl<:i1 -9~8 '& ~~ -~!~ '"'-~16 ;&~C c:...,.-""': O"~- d9-~ \,01,.,< ~ ... :-;'-'..= ~ !id~ g $l~~ i !.il4 '" ,.,o",t g :!.a""~ ... uc:-- a ell":;:., ~ ~"~iE'a ~ :cles . ;tce:k~ ~ i~ ~ i ~ i ~ A ! 2 i 0 ~ ~ i~i ~ ~ ; ; ; ; ~Oc'1oI i ... <~_~ ~ w ~ ~ u ~ w ~~~2 ~ ~ ~ = - ; ~ ~ g~~. ~; ~ " & e ~ : ~~.~d ~ ~ ~ i ~ ; 2 ~ 6.~f~ - vo~~.. ii'tll:l"t Q<<" l:lIt.c~ ~...":;dv i=~i~ 5...,..:[1 c-Jli' ba~~t. . loP ~ ~ ,.. ~8'Jt"4.t ". ., ... 1.,.;G~ fI b "~ a2QB :;,..- ;~~Ir~ :IE: u";;I"'" ~ =~~~a .... ~"'*&,Y " U U ~ c,1 ~..-". t . ~ ~ ; iil~~i1!l , ~ ~ ~ ~ i1i-..Iol.....~ ~ Q ~ ~ " f~~b~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ 9':F"- ~ ~ z & z z ~Si~t ! t ! ! l ! . " ~ " ~ . . Q e i: ~ ~ N .. .. " Oi .. ;0 a % ~ z ~ ~ =: ~ "S! ;: S ; ! ~ I . i ~ ~ ~ I !t . l;: ~ ~ i i I!. -l ., . t. , n .j1 ." J:i~ Iii ~h _..-.1- tl l:lU:l l'iJ.~i !i.l:u . if.....;.II: : l!hii't~ 1 \ 1,..4 '..' . ltl'~~':-':.A,: ! j ..~ ":.I &-t~- . . ..." ill "....~ . ,.;. ...,!. st. QI ~!~lil'.1~t~~~1 =~ "-1' .. 1,.\ . .. .; : I'" -;~ <"\t ii ~'l.iili~~~: i. !'t.I;,,;'l!!.L~"'.: .~ 't".,_1"~~ I t- i.iJil!1 :~ ! i~ ....... :; ':" i5 e 'j i i .. ~ i ~ .. u ,,; ~ ~ ? ! I'"-~'" cO u.- o CP W ~ ~ ~.'WOlo'_"\.I.~ll1S~'DtOl~.':O , .-. .~, 'Jun-20-2001 03:46pm From-GREENBERG lRAURIG TO cc FROM File Number COJJUnents Dale Time No. Pagel! 561 T -842 P. 00 1/005 F-830 ~Hun~ ~ 41'1"oaJlWfr:, AT ......, n~~~I~ ~. O. ?tC()A_~ TrallliWnal Cover Sheet Jim Cberof, Esq. - 954-771-4923 James F. Moore, Jr. - SOl.2Q4-0lS2 David M. Layman, Esquire 29657.010900 Pleafte see anacbed letter. June 20, 2001 11:44 AM Including this cover sheet 5 Please nOlify US immedillICly if not receive4 properly at 561-650-7900. TIle ",lcnnallOR con_ In ""$ frn/lOIlllSSIllIl " auolT1Oy l"i",lego<l _ toI1lJQ"ntiaI . oS 1I1l8O(l0<l Only tor 1t\9 ulia of lI1B inGll/IUt.l1U 01" 8Tn11V nam~ OPDvG. If d1B raacMr of U"IiS mesage IS not tne ~ l8ClpaOOt. yOu lire h8f$,. I'lOldlflQ ... any d"~leml"'leon. dlS1r\bu1lOn Ol ~ Of ns commLln~'llOO IS 5trtQty pronltli1ec2 If you hive I"6C6iIlGd "115 cammunecat.on IfJ error. plWlSl" 11OItf)' a.t6 ilMlOO_y Py lfllfllll1CnU COIIOCl _ rO\Um 1l1e ollQlnlll m_ 10 u& a11l1" aoO..... tlOlOw via II1e U S P<mar Ser.nC9 We WIll ~. yOu 1DT ,our pD5tage ThQ,nk yO\.f Tn Sow," FlaglC( 110... Suillt __ W.. PIIm _. F~ _1 (5lI1) ll5ll-79lIO F... (56111165 ...., Jun-ZO-ZOOI 03:46pm From-GREENBERG rRAURIG 561 r-842 P.D02/005 ;-930 PA V lD M l.A YMAN waT p^l-'4 afA"n oFFlC'e ~~H~n~u ATTu.foIt-I:I> ...C' lAW H~~~I~ a.:>!R.ECiDl^L: l561)fISO-199C.l .Em.lll l:a,.uaIl4"P\lll ~om June 20, 2001 VIA FACSJMIU James A, Chcmf. City AttOrney Josias, Goren. Cheraf. Doody & f'zrol, P.A. 3099 E, Commercial Blvd" Suite 200 Fan Lauderdale, FL 33308 Re: UDitV oeTide Dear Jim: As we dlscussed, I have prepared llll Amendment to lhe Unity of Title for the Wad-Mart Unity of Tille. It is a very simple cIocument and it is mtlll:hed, Unless I hear otl1erwise from you, I will assumo: that it is acceptable to you and the City, DML:dmb cc: J.anes MoOre, Esq \\WP~",Ql\l4~...ol 1.:1l~"'sBl:t".1:6lu.':B.It;, P-A .1'.0. 811l. :l062~ YI."'f l"A.LIl BIo...I.:.&1. 6I,IIKI.,. 33".LO-1I6:!9 $ol.bSO-7900 j'AJ. 561.6S5-c>>;:;!;! www.Jd_., 1:014 771 30IJTh FL../lCLl:ll Dlu~' Stjj'r~ 300 f!""'j" WUT f"'l "" br'\ch, F~O.'DA ;I}4U1 MIA"" l'l.:w YO.a. W...&il1l'\-';'I'U:\, U C. "'I'~A~'f", PIlUAUJ.L1"h'A l'y~uf<i., CCJltL\t:8 CII,t:",CO RU~'IUN PBu..IIIIX WIl..U.......TOllti I.".. _"'."C€L~'=, l>~",v~ :;...0 PUll f.o ~UR.T 1.4uUL&DA. t )facia. R4'rolll Whl' ....LII Burft OaLAMJU 'l'ALUh",'SU: . Jun-ZO-ZOOl 03:46pm Frum-GREENBERG tRAURIG 561 T-842 P.003/005 F-830 Th. illSrtUlIk<IIt wu prepared by and after recording. retum to David M. Layman. Esquire Greenberg Trallrig, P.A. 777 50mb Flagler on Vc Suite 300 East WeSt Palm Beach, fL 33401 Will CllIl 142 AMENDMENT T9 UNITY OF TITU nns AMENDMENT made as at the _ day at JIllIf!. 2001 is execultd by WAL- MAllT STOllES EAST, INC., l1li Ark""sas corporation ("'Wlll-Mart"), having l1li addtess of 702 S.W, 8Th Stnlet, Pernonville. AR 727111; AWl; Raben M, Beqatd. Backflround A. Will-Matt executed a Unity of Title, dated Apnl 28, 2000 IlIIU recorded May 3, 2000. in Officilll Records Book 11757, Page 798, of lhe public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (the "Unity of Title"), In consideration of the iSSUllllce of a pemut for the conslruction of a WaI-MatI Supen:enter in the Cily of Bayman Beach, Florida (the "City), concerning cenain propeny localeu in Palm Beach County, Florida which is describel1m Exhibit A in me Umty of Tille B. The Unity of ntle peTlIlJ.[S the slllc of Ihree oUlparceb, wluch ~ described in Exhibil B 10 1Iu: Unity of Title. The legal description of OlUparcel 2 has changed, and Wal-MatI wishes to amend the Unily of Title to correct lhis legal description. C. The appropriale officials of the City have approved this Amenllmenl IlIId evidence of such approval may be found in the permanent records of t/u: City. Terms of AI1IencJm..nt IN CONSIDERATiON of Ten Dollars ($10.00) llI\d olher good i\lId valuable conSideration, the Unity of Title is amended as follows: 1. Pages 7 and 8 of EJl.hibn B to the UnilY of Title are hereby dc:leltd and replaced in their "mirety wilh Exhibit B-1 attaChed hereto. 2, Er.cept as slarea hetein. Ihe Unity of Title is not otherwise amen4ed. [SIGNATURES ON NEXT PAGE] . Jun-20-2001 03:46pm From-GR~ENBERG ~AURIG 561 T-84Z P.004/005 F-S30 Witne$scs WAL-MART STORES. INC. an Arkansas cOl'pIlration By: Prim Name; Roben M, Bedard, Assislanl Vice-President of Real ESUlte Prim Name: STATE OF AlU{ANSAS COUNTY OF BENTON The foregoing inSlTUll1Cnt was acknowledged befon: me this _ day of June. 2001 by Robett M. Rellard. Assistam Vice-President of Real Estate of Wal-Man Stores East, Inc., an Arkansas cotporation, on behalf of the corponu:ion. [:I lk is pc:l"SODlllly known 10 me or CJ pro4uced as identificlllion. NOTARYPUBUC Pnnt Name: Slate of ArkansllS Serial No. My Commission Expires: \\'"Pl>-sMI1 ISHeIlMANl'I34U2I..oI\1lJSI'OI! llOC\6I13I01\290S1 OIlI!lOO -2- . Jun-2D-2DDl 03:47pm Fr..-GR~EN8ERG tRAURIG 561 T-842 P.DD5/005 F-SSO EXfllRIT 8-1 LEGAL DESCRIPrION OUT P"RCEJ..1 A ponion of TI1ICl 42 and the yacaled road of Suhdivlslon of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 19, TownShip 45 South, Range 43 East, acconling to the map or plat thereof, a:\ recorded in Plat llook 7, Page 19 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, bemg more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the intersection of the SOlllh Right-of-Way line of Old Boynton Road ana the West Right-of-Way line of Wmchester Park Boulevartl; Utence along slliel West Rigln-of- Wa'lline Winches1CrPark Boulevartl, South 010 06' 06" EaSt, adisWlCe of 243.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continue South 01 006' 06" East a distance of 7.30 feet to a paim of cu:rvature of a curve to the right, thence 193.50 feet along the arc of said curve having 11 l'lIdius of 2041.31 fect, a centr.u angle ofOSo 25' 52" and a chord of 193,42 fect, which bem South 010 36' SO" West; thence iellving the West Right-of-Way line of Winchester Patk l'Ioulevard, South 580 57' 39" West, a distance of 40.00 feet; thence Nolth 890 59' IS" West. a distance of 294,06 feet; tbence along tile East boundary line atTract 45, Nolth 01000' 33" West, a disumce of 335.84 feet; wnce Nolth 890 50' 16" EOCI\, a d1sumce of 119.91 feet; thence South 01000' 33" East, II di~ance of 121,95 fect; thence North 880 09' 06" East, a distance of 217.61 feet w the POINT OF BEGINNING. Log-in Number CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH REQUEST FOR PUBUC RECORD INFORMAnON REQUEST SUBMITTED BY: U00-. ~ NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: (Above information is optional and not required from requesting person) INFORMATION REQUESTED: ORDINANCE # RESOLUTlON # MEETING MINUTES Meeting &. Date (entire set) Meeting &. Date (excerpt only) Other tIJ:,~)t~ dV\ /JAdltlacl - , NOlIeE: You .... not required to till out till. form. Offtce penonnel .... required to complete till. form, If you c:hooM not to. 1. You may inspect the requested records without charge unless the nature or volume requested requires intensive dertcal or SUpc!lVlsory assistance In which case you will be advised of a special service charge. (Extensive defined as taklng more than 15 minutes to locate, review for confidential information, copy and re-flle the requested material) Department of Administration Hearing - FACC 12197, Vol. XVII, NO.3) 2. Plain paper copies shall be furnished upon Pdyment of 15. if the paper is copied on one side and 20. if the paper Is copied on both sides. 3. Caples of mlaoftche shaH be furnished upon payment of 25. per page (a copy on one side of the paper only). 4. CertIfIcation of documentations shaH be charged at $1.00 per document. 5. Used cassette tapes shall be furnished at a charge of $1.00 each. ~ 7~b~O/ Date of Request ,/ .,./ 7 LJ/ () / Date Completed I ' 5kJS_of~, By Department Employee Dale Returned to CIty Clerk F'olwarded to CIty Dept. OatIl Revised 12113/99 JMP 1:\SIVdlIla\CX\WP~ for puIlllc .-ll1nf'o.dOC Prainito, Janet From: Galav Lusia Sent: Friday, July 06: 2001 2:51 PM To: Prainito, Janet Cc: Kelley, David; Cherof, James; Lamanna, Rosemarie Subject: Request for Legal Document Janet, I am researching a legal matter regarding Wal-Mart. I need a copy of the following legal document: It was a ROW vacation ORB 2586 PG. 1378. Please provide me a copy of the document ASAP. Thank you for your cooperation. Lusia . (Ii r) JUL-09-2001 15:5:3 ;:~~..., - ~~~r~~:. . P.s. COUNTY ~INANCE DEPT. 1:-.1 '">'~i.:':';:j.'j~/:::~;;'~~;:~' . .;;;:. ...' . .~.,..j~~\ .~~"~~Th,:~':'~_:"';";1..."" ", .,.:... ,....,..'~. --I.':J - c -: ...~';.>.~.......~ '. ..~~' ,~,-", ,_.> .. ,;f. ":..:.. ... . ..;~'~':l.j/"':.~ ,~,; 0""" SE!) t.r191~-'- UIoumOllio.=-.J::&:.8t'". .. . , U81111%1lJ1 to ._ . GD.'I'AUC '0 reen WIl ' IUQq.... W4~. fIl fIIlJI _ r_ c_ Pt.Yl MIl. I .\IIIl 4I.SO SHCllllIIlII tIlE ru.r ", '11IW". OIVISION or SD:UOll 19, TCIhlI\lIP 4' _, 1lAlICE 43 fASt . Ul PAUl IUCII .Ccmrry. 1LIlIl11l1o .~~, --..--- I i. il- I ~tEREAS. the Board of egUnCy.C~l.'loa.re of Pel_ lleab COUbC7t rl.~i4~1 ~r.UGnt to .u~~.rl', in ~.,t..'S'.a91 Wl.~J4. St.~,.., ~... th<< petft10n d Il.h and I.R. Wino....,tu, ulled. ~ P'....bl1~ Mi.rlr. t"o h. I belli .. tn. Cau1'lo11 e.........f.etn......' Ch.-b..,.. I <:aurt~og.. I w... '.h_ I.." Flor14., on eh. 14th day of S'pt~b.r, l"6, co cons1d,1' ~nd determine YhC.hCT .. .__ ~fte ~.ty youl. VG..'., .~an4.n. .t.c~~aiftu. ."4 010.., rcn::l\lnc:e .nd d1.dai.lll any r:tshc of the Councy ec:. Chill rc)~ right ot v~y, fir 1~rA.e8t therein. vhi~b i. hqr.i~aCt.r d..c~i~.d: &ad ~, nociee oi th. ho1din& of .uch ~e.tlnc w.. duly pu~11.hod in tho pd.. J.~h "U 1't__, ... Culllod..,. Au.",.c, :ll. 1976 u4 S\lII..&AYI ;,op....... 3, 1976; and VRElEAJ1 chi. ....4 whit. Aonv...d 4_ ...~1.~ .....~Oft 6n cha 14th .., of Sapt..ber, 1976, did hold .ueh ...t1~& Ie .uch t1.. ADd lucb-Pi.c.. ... t:b.b lo~b.v1.D. 1l.~.nd.M. that: .~.h "t.f.Oft will ... "".ILaU,. late~!era v1th the County road .y.tem and will cot deprive ICY ~.rton of _ ....m...1. ..... ., iner... .~ _,v... .. L.. ,w.-L... f..- .. t.4.~ one County, St~t. or red.raL h1&bv.yl . . ROW, t'DUI'om:; DC n aUQL\I'lD n ':HI 'IOAAD C)f CClJtrrV CQ1Oa.lllDftU 01' . . . -.. VAl.K aw:H COIlfl"l. P'l,C&l.1lIo. tbot tho &11_.. rl~t .r _ 6....1h6 h'h"'. to. vi'l S..1I> .at tha a.teb....i ....... iif tt04t 4Z; a. ..b......ia th. .ubdlv1UOn of ~"Uan 1t, 'IftM1u......J Myth I 11&". U '.". .. nc:.nd." 1ft Plu Ioo.k' 7 a. ..... 10, Pu'dt. a.C&O~" 01 'aX. Such County,' rlD..~~a; .thenc. muthil.dy, &10lIl tbe ....t 11ft. of t...t 42. . d1lc..... .f 212.13. fa.t...o tho ~lftt 01 "'l~nt~ of tne pareal to b. ~.ln dtlcr1blG; .~. ....tiLMl. 1000ala...ly' .1.... ~il. ..,.at ~l.. ,~f h_t. 42. 4S j aM 44, II IhOWft oa. .Aid pl., to,' point 10. the Swth lh. of oaid s..u... lt, ._. 1I.....1y.. "loq 'WI .....) 1.1..'& . "'.C4ac. ot :!to r..e.a r.MDrII" unb.'I'l" ....anr. cbe . .... Lt..... .. or...... 50'. U IUd. A., ...- .hli:ND. .... tba .fG~" ..td..!..Lf. to. "l~ d 213.61 'HC._I:lI.."C" 100tb . 'niht. _ of.olir.o,.;to" ....; .~. root _ 111_ .. . W ald'.pial D' I.CUIII,lh t1t.cu.....C..d1.' .......cllllt;., ot 30.0 .t!e.t..te dui ,Mat or "'bllllftl.- to. aNI &est: 1.aclWsiq cb. ....h ZO r.n" tb....r.. . Bl:11Drt1nc at' 'the DOn'tNut QOn.r d .1D\;lI; 4. ., .~ 'gO t'hll 'ala IaMh ra_ p..p&ftJl' 'lae.,.Ie. e. .. 1:*C:0'rdecl iA 'bt'loek 5 .. ,... 73. PubU.o ....ri. of. ,.llo .o..h" Couftt)'". 'lorida; . ,tII_. .outh..ly. .11... ~. _t.,11.. ti~ JaLd B100k It. . dlac:uc:,.. o~ z:n rue, .x-. 01'". 1..., 'co t~ north rqbr till W'1 , ~. - ."., \ ' , .. 15:53 :'L~.':'... .- ~::r '~~"'t~. ."... -' .,. I \ Ii I, II P.B. COUNrl F:NAtKE DEPT. .. ~~'~:::..,,~';~,:..,.'''',~~~: :,.,~'~~.;;.: ,.',', :.:"./." ,_.~j:'~~L:JT~"'''-'~ ~ ;,; (' ::, ..::~:".. .f. . .":. ~.:~;.~i. . . .SEP 14 1916,..;._ .-..,..' ,.. ". .: 'J;~,~;: . ~t.. .Df rl,rl<<iJi:.t. Io4d Ill. B04 (IIo.t _~I!K) "' ,,"-l:J: 10111 oat oM u. '''1. tIIo... ....~l:J:...~ ....4 .....b. .f We, 11._,".& dht,ms:. << '0 r"~t4- . aom.rly, IlOae the MA' liM ~f 'toek 51 .. e'HvD oe, t.\. ofo._ntlooecl plot to ~b. Northou. .o"".~ of 11... S, chlnc:e eUUrli, ". -ahtlUlCe" of 30 tn.: to thll! Po1m l)f B*iinn'ft'., Le__ ~~ftO~. iacl~d~nl ~~ ft~~h 3"ec~ the..of. b. and the; saDe Ife hereby ..rae&tM,' &t.br.D.doned ani! GJ,d8ed. .. publ1e P.02/04 . I: ,. ~.4 ~leh~ af w<<y ~d thl. Do.~d d~. hereby renDunce tn~.d~.~&1~ any If. tilht ~E the Cou~t1 Qf Pal_ De.~h aQd tbe pub11~ in ADd to the .~c , , it I il dl!l.eitlh..d If.~. .1 BE It PUIXftER RESOLVED tnat notice of the adcpetqn of ~1. re801ue1on be ~bll...hltd -!.n a.-,. luua Iltf "be P..l~ Ikoll.\:lh !'o8[ '1'1.l!Ie.s. Wut P~lm 8l!!-.c.1\ ., '. ., Florid.. with1~ chirty (30) daY6 fol10Yinb the ~.te of .doptior. o~ this I: '. rellolutio!"!.. ,. " .; I; II , ii II ., ,. !b@ !oreaoini r~tolut1Qn vas .offered by ~igaiQnQr Weaver Wh8 navad it. .'optto.. Th~ ~tign va. seconded by C~.8ione~ ~e~per ~ upou bet"! pat to a 'IOte, the VQte was ...fol1~: ~ WII.l.IA)I R. ~ ~ .. Aye - Alr_ i , I II I .1 I. Ii II , E.. ll. 'WEAVER WIERT Y. C\lT.P1lPpo,R IJ.1II LY'lAL . J.:Je .. ,~~ ~IERT C. JORK50N - A!J- The ChaLr.MAft thereupon dG~lar.d th. reEolu~1o~ du1, ,..... ... "opted t:tll.~~Of 1976. I -a" all .- ~'nQllllRS- -r or 'AUl BEACIl CarnTY. 1'l.OJI:ID.\ .JOlIN .. tlUK1l:l.l, elOrlc . ~-' ~',I'I .. - . \ 1" Iy: "~,"':'.'. , ~~.r;)UL ., ~'I;~"',\j.'. . .~ ....-. ~, .".. (, 1. ... 'I: 1 " '.. ~,.~. . ~ (a. "'.- ,.~~. ',' -.. ~',; 0 '. I; .,!:,: :.:. '.. ...: 1.1 . - - ':1. - 'I -~ 'r'~"" ~1:'~.. C).; OJ! ....,:,..~ ,<'" f ,..... ~. . . ."I.:.a"~'l>..."': .", I" I . I ! _.....r AI'l'tIO\'tO AS 'to fORM ""D r4~ SOF1::: COuNT)'.a. 0 .......... III -~ OJ!. .. .A.,,,, ,~ .AND .1U:~Dm '" RaounlOM. M~UTI!: DOCtt H.... ' 1../ A"r ., "NI!.i~.."O~VIltU"~. II . JOHN e. DUMKLE. CLERK. I' ~'- .t '~.' I' 1fT. ol..~ d".~g" ~ -,. .. . . Ii I J ""I" ", . -~.... .. '.. -~;; ,.,-.... ' , . -.' . -~~ \ .'''1 ".........:.r .:..:......:.:.....' ..,......;,. JUL-09-2001 15:55 ..;;. ":~"'.;~...~' .' ~ _'_""., ",I '."'. .. . " " ,~":'-', . .."'\, ." ""',"/,' . -, :':'~ P , B . CO!.!t,T I F I :,i=<NCE DEPT, '.'~.. .'. :'v~':.~. ....~,.".".j!'w.:':,!",;;.~~.. .. .....'ta: ,~''''~':'~\ '1,." ,"- ,:::_'....._... - ....." ".... _~,,-'$ . 'lti""",~~(."" . '.,. '... (jEI:-'~.~:".." '.'l!i\\i:~it., ., .... .. .i?..... ..:; .' '. ~;~e?'~~~;,::;.,::'\.':;~l:(.. SEP 14 1976 r " , .. -.,. ! .. . .. j on' .\ . ... ... .r .\ I ... .. .~ ... aT .. .--.-. -:h' . L.' DC4T/' N SA".E 7 .;' ,. f .. \ - (7 - 19) . ~ . n .. " .~ .. ,t i ... i I i u i;oj . I ,'. 1&1' .-, . _aT' !It.. U1'" R' .eOYN7'~N . -'Alc, . .' .1 .w . ~ .or '" -' ~ _J::: ilJ "" 4" 4. 41 "" ::.. 1 , ~ . . r. ; ( , - -. ~ ..e' ~ &r:-'. ..,',. If: ) ~ .."".,.~~ t I , . .. i 4!l L ~ . . .$'" . , .., ,"! " IJ .. .... - i J .... .. - .. m - .' I .~; .A I. .2!I - }:-:: 1~' ,. ., t ..~,.. , I. A , -. ,~ .. '"" . I . .",.: .. .' ,!, . I ..., . '"" .1. .R .~r '. f sli ,. . ,-:.. It t. '''.' , . , , . . ".. ... I;. ; :"'8, '. ..-<\._, -- ..,..... 8041 .. ~ . t ;:srH'nIt """"",.0 SO" ... .' . ~ G .. ~ @ . i ,@ " ..~, I 6 , , . . .. <ll . ::@ . <D.. ~ ~ ~ ~ i A. 8 ::.~. '. A -~.." ',. . ,.... .~.~". .. @.; . ..... . -.~ .18.... 'C"e G..;.' S.~ . ..~ . It, ~~\.. - - tIi. .. . . . . ,,", ~ . .' o. , ., . ,. ',.. .- , .... .;.~ . ...... ,. . .-..,.,....;. ..---.... _. '.-:..;.~,., .. ,_. ".._- ......; .., . TOTAL P,<l4 JUL-09-20Gl 15:54 $.q~?~-~;;~~ \~~ ,::':t g.~. P. B. COUNTY F 1 NANCE DEPT. P 03/04 .-..... ,..:. :.':-'~1,~'~"~:Sb~',i'~'I;;'~-:'5'",,~"1t~:t.""":"~...~~, .- ....., .. ",.'-.. "::i!:J~'."ilI ~~~.-==. ,..-;.:~ .'7'\-~~'.'.' :';...._';>".,:;.'.;~~~'i~~:~:'.:.X:..,: ~.<~ , .., :S~p 14 1976. "'. THE PALM BEACH POST.TIME!? ....""-h..~.....,. W.." PJlm 8.Mh. -r.!m 8IIctI CcHcnt.,. fWIt:I. PlOO' O!' P\IlruI;ATIOM _ BrATI or F\.O:RIDA c;otJNTY 0-' rAl....1 "EACH ) &.t_..fj,.........,:pod....W;I)'IW~ItIlliJ."~. 'f.r.'.~1f: -"'""U..ar.t.~U.. WfhOOflOlltl'l~Y.lblll.hC;" ..4l.'Y",\~L,;,lt"..;....~:f... .' .ar'lbtJ'.lmRtactl rn,l.T'lfml, . Qlndty l'\~~ l\lJIII:mlll:l -:t-.w..... ".IM 3o..-'t '" PalM "-':It' CnunQo' norilM: thl lJle "~MlI..1'lY of llid"""~I""IIK'l'II. tMnlt I. . ~,..\........ ~.... ,\o'JJ,' .1.n::'~~i.02l.... InLh~IM'\.e'r !If.. o1.w.ndvn/(",o,,:,l:i:t..u. .P.:..i..::;a,....htfiM. .b~4r=.a, .1.;0... Int_...."". thal&nRlof... ...-..---- ,. .... "" ......,. ...... .C4ur\...pwllflh~ in .4M....,.......... ...~\;,;j,t.,,~9 ..~j.';='.lJr.r..:;..1f1.7h AIr..t. hb-iMr "Y' t'r\,t\, t.M ..Wi l'.1m O"d1 f'lm.rur,e, i~ I nf"'lpaper ~'JQlI.:o.1'd It ""I"'l\ hila BaKh, 1ft ..tit Pt.lm 8c!rci ~nty. florilia, .na VIM. ,,,. 'Mid ~"... 'oM 1-...1_ ....... ctftUlluaUII, jN'I)lIll'lal In _lei !"aim Aor"flo C......I,., n.".w.. _h !!llo,lIldlloY aI1.d k. ~"'I\ ....llnld u -.il.a_ -'1.\ 01........ ..rr";1I W~\ ~ 8aIr;b, 1Il1N:l f'l.Inl &.Ie/l (Aunt)'. n.,r,dl;.. ~ of OfIt YlIlr n~t ~ill. !h~ r".~ I'lIbbm~"", 11:1' t~e .t~hol!Ci llllp)' of 1IdW:"-I\lftlf'lrl'lt: I"d .rr~ liJrtbB' "'Y" ,~t M ,.... ft&LMr ;:tlIi.:l nar p~m;..o Ill)l peUM. firm !If to/"?Clfltlur. .Y dl.-.nt.. r.bIw, tomrni~lIi<,)M or nfund rn, the JN~fIolI c( t<.'Q;';I'~ d.1lI8do.'~~M rOf plJllnolll.lon iD.ld~. ~r...~(~~.-:':-.. ; ........ hon.~..l1!IUhll'l'\l'JfdbefarlmetlVl .7~h" ...... u,..t ,:"'.UJ~t..~O:O"A.tl.1f;}!.. 1ID1"~ ......;. ~'.'l DI h''''Ci~ It"'= ,/j./J ~ (JA. -/1 II, . '" e....IO" ~.-~ ~ce.,~,~.I.~~-,....,'~..,. ~ t'I ..~,.-;p, g. .'...,.. NG'f'M3 or ON TQ .AUK! \. "fiAlCA1. ., ~ "1lUC I. III~ ~ .. iL ,"fA'. ~~~'ll"::''':'''.... *1. If~~, CO_lko ... ':t~~~=~b. . ~~"""."""'. . ... ~ 1'II~'l~tJ.:",,,,!IlI.n:' .JkJ!..II_"'elt'~~t,(t~ '1l'1.1I-;:,~--.=.ftIr*, , III MJ , ." ttt'Vftllla 1"1kll'II111ll1 . ,il....tl.a......"...,...~..:I:.~. , '7, ""'~aI: tMnw __""fy. .1....1Il.. =:'J~~~t~~,.."~~:t,.. ~ .-ftIl'_~""...I.~lC;I~l3I~", ~~irrJr.Il..!r".':: ,~~~ . ~J~ II PIlI! It! \h _1_ ..... 'ill 'A\lt. .~" ~:II'ri=:..n~fJ~ -'lao,..,. AI.... 'M 'tllI!l'!fiii Tnom "'d-.~tI. "'_":"'~.'__"" := '::b ~J'I~r;:1' JQill"'~-::- ,M....~tai'if.....;_.~_........ PJIlt.. ....It: 11It1lo:t~.Itf\r,."I,. ;i: . ~'Il. \'.l/"...~'II"..Itf';; ",wrHf. 1l1-=.t-:'~I~'1I"I'T~ , t.~,~:"':1::h"ll~ , ",",.:"io:r"'&:';;;C_'.f'Ionll'" ..........'/oiIff,...'IIltl((M1OftCI.Ile"W ....~.~.tI\....Ilft.'..I...."_ .2!.!.'.fati:,iNt;),r\Iht~:".l'lIMItI' ferr:.&.t '=t.~tr m.1=r.!:~ .N: 11IIt.... ~J' "'re:'''''' "m'" .. 11 _.41_......1 "'", =~.lIIOl'lIlU...._t 1..:lWoe . ,&I'~9flI!lol.~lIolooN.u.l. ~1IIOr ..~"".."'_ M _10 ,. ....... '.I".'If! wlllIloKIIIV'r.JJlI .. ~.A/I4Il1I*liMlllll'" &,& lfo ilAil It m ~+-~, ~ I 1j.~ S. Iilf..'P'k- . :, 11lP.... ".', . ~.., A..._t IMII..... ........"-.. J! __ ,.-- t.-" , . , I . I , I r I I, I i 'J i f. ~ I i I , , , , .. I I I i " Q.. i i , . I J.-- i I I , i , g, l II. I '"d r : j . ~ c .. I .'" g; f r ..:.....l .. ._...- :....-.. ~. .. f ~ i r .... - '0 ,I- .1' ~ ::s p -. .. , ' .:: .,'L. .~.,;,.,_..- DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment May 17, 2000 Land Design South 1280 N. Congress Avenue, Suite 215 West Palm Beach, FL 33409 Attn: Ms. Jennifer Liszak Dear Ms. Liszak: / In response to your request for confinnation of concurrency for the Wal-Mart Store on Boynton Beach Boulevard, I submit the following: The City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department has verified that adequate water and sewer capacity exists to serve the proposed development. Wal-Mart Stores has executed a Public Facilities Agreement with Palm Beach County. Wal-Mart Stores must satisfy the requirements of that agreement in order to meet County's Traffic Perfonnance Standards The level of service requirement for drainage will be satisfied through the pennit review process. Should you have any questions or require further information, please contact me at (561)742- 6260. 1J:' ;L~ Dick Hudson, AICP Senior Planner J:\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\HUDSON\WA-LMARTCONCURRDOC America's Gateway to tlte Gulfstreom 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425~0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 RUDEN MCCLOSKY SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, RA. 200 EA~T BROWARD BOULEVARD FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33301 POST OFFICE BOX 1900 FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33302 ATTORNEYS AT LAW (954) 527-2412 FAX: (954) 333-4012 SPM@RUDEN.COM , May 12, 2000 f: fir' I.. Via facsimile 561/742-6259 and Regular Mail "---.- :" ..".._.~-- Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Platting of Property Subject to Unity of Title Between City of Boynton Beach, FL and Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. ("Wal-Mart") Dear Mike. This letter shall serve as written confirmation that at the time W aI-Mart conveys one or more of the outparcels included in the Property subject to the Unity of Title recently executed by WaI-Mart, Wal-Mart shall process any plat required for the overall Property pursuant to applicable regulations. It is my understanding, however, that a lease of any outparcel or portion of the Property would not trigger the platting of the property. I hope this is sufficient for your file. Thank you again for your assistance with this project. Sincerely, RUDEN McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHU ER&RUSSELL,PA SPMlls cc: Tim Cribb Tim Rogers Kevin Roberson FTL,682440,1 FORT LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPLES. PORT ST. LUCIE . SARASOTA. ST PETERSBURG . TALLAHASSEE.T AMPA. WEST PALM BEACH 05/11.'00 THU 10:41 F.U 561 56~ 9689 KIIA URG VERO ..,..,,-......-~ ""........Ji( l""BC .~FIC eIi 1iI001 561 478 S7?0 P.B2/9:2 ~. ~..~ F.. . DoIo~ ,. a<> F_'-6::> Co. K<1o\L.e tN f'!Ion..~ 9.01.. ~il F... "1<8 May 8, 2000 D_.....Do. "01"'- L' uuI PaItlIc __ pa!ax 31n9 West Palm 8eac:b.. Pl. JJ416-tU9 (,50I)oa_ www.:Q.?OIlm-bnc:hft.us Mike Haag City of Boynton Beach Building Department 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 3343 S . RE: W AL-MART - BOYNTON BEACH (E), FL STORE 2719-00. NEW SC WINCHESTER SITE h1ra k&ch CO_." -"'-." CoI'IUfti..imIea Dc:ar Mr. Haag: Ma.uCe :01'1:1 ~ Chair This i3 in response to the attached letter dated May S, 2000 from Mr, Kevin Roberson, Project Manager with Kimley-Hom, requesting that I forward you this letter providing the County's release concerning building permits for the subjec" project. ~ Ii. ~ Vice Chilirttan Karen T. Mareus M..y "ce.fty Wal-Man has met the conditions as imposed by the attached Public Facilities Agreement dated November 11, 1999, and Palm Beach County bas DO objection to the building permit being released. Please note that the conditionfor ud." stztes: C:aroJ A. ~b.1'tS Sur: Aaron:son Tony ~m d. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until Wal- Man has completed the consttu<;!ion of an eastbound right turn lane at the Project's Old Boynton Road access C'Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane). The Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane is part oftha Wal-Mart Road Improvements. C_^,,_ Your cooperation and assistance in this matter is appreciated. 1Iobel'l WOllman Sincerely, omCE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~K- Charles R. Walker, P.E. Director. Traffic Division CRW:sb .~" em,tt( G,pgmpn:0' ~UirMllcivc A~II ~mJ'lo7"'. pc: Kevin.~~ P.L, Pmjcd:MiIiiIiiCt,.,.KiJIilc1.~Harii.! Asso<;;;lhc, ! Linda Monroe. Monitoring Section . PZ & B KCIl Roger.;, P .E.. Direclor . Land Development Division Dan Weisberg. P.E.. AssiSWII Director - Tr.IIlic Division File: SiD . Wal-Mart Stores, rnc. ';_w.Jmut.~--BeIl no., ror.... P.a2 05/11/00 THU 11:34 (TI/Rl NO S9461 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number: Project Name or Address: 99-5764 Wal Mart REVIEWED BY: Departmentand/orDivision: Planning and Zoning Name of Reviewer: Jose Alfaro Trade: Phone # (561) 742-6260 ex!. Fax # (561)742-6259 Date Started Review: 03/28/00 Type of ReView: Building ~ 1st o 2nd 03,d o 4th DOther__ Which Review: COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identified on the application to. receive comments: Name Phone # Fax # (area code:561) (area code:561) ex!. 0 Date(s) reviewer called: Person who received the call THE FOLLOWING AREA SHALL BE FILLED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PLANS ANALYST AND/OR PERMIT CLERK: COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) reed. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments reed. by print name and date: . Page2of2 1" 2"d 3'd4'" Plan Review Comments for Permit Application # 98- Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments. Prior to making the changes to the plans and/or documents please read the attached Submittal of Corrected Plans form. This form contains important information relative to amending documents and submitting corrected plans and/or documents. Questions regarding the comments may be directed to the reviewer named above. If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment with the reviewer. Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff revieW of the amended plans, Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correctresponsetbthe information provided in this document. Find attached, a form titled Submittal of Corrected Plans, this document shall be properly completed and stapled to the file copy ofthecorrected plans when submitting them to the Plans Analyst. 1- Proposed monument siQn differs from the one aD proved bvtheGitv Commission. Please verify colors. desiQn. size (dimensions). 2- Indicate if satellite dish will be needed for Wal Mart operations. Uso.please provide information reoardinQ size. location. Separatepermitwillbe required. 3- Letter from Palm Beach Countv referencino. comQUance with trafficis required. Jose 2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number: Project Name or Address: REVIEWED BY: 99-5764 Wal Mart Departmentand/orDivision: Planning and Zoning Name of Reviewer: Jose Alfaro Trade: Phone # (561) 742-6260 ext. Fax # (561) 742-6259 Date Started Review: 03/28/00 Type of Review: Building ~ 1st 1X12nd D3rd o 4th 0 Other n Which Review: COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identifiedonthe applicationtoreceive comments: Name Phone # Fax # (area code:561) (area code:561) ex!. 0 Date(s) reviewer called: Person who received the call THE FOllOWING AREA SHAll BE FillED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PLANS ANALYST AND/OR PERMIT CLERK: COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) reed. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments reed. by print name and date: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number: Project Name or Address: 99-5764 Wal Mart REVIEWED BY: Department and/or Division: Planning & Zoning Name of Reviewer: Jose Alfaro Trade: Phone # (561) 742-6260 ex!. Fax # (561)742-6259 Date Started Review: 02/22/00 Type of Review: 1Z!1,t D 2nd 03rd D 4th D Other __ Which Review: COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identified on the application to receive comments: Name Phone # Fax# (areacode:561) (area code:561) ex!. 0 Date(s) reviewer called: Person who received the call THE FOLLOWING AREA SHALL BE FILLED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PLANS ANALYST AND/OR PERMIT CLERK: COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) recd. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments recd. by print name and date: Page 2 of2 1" 2"d 3,d 4th Plan Review Comments for Permit Application # 98- Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments. Prior to making the changes to the plans and/or documents please read the attached Submittal of Corrected Plans form. This form contains important information relative to amending documents and submitting corrected plans and/or documents. Questions regarding the comments may be directed to the reviewer named above. If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment with the reviewer. Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff review of the amended plans. Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to the information provided in this document. Find attached, a form titled Submittal of Corrected Plans, this document shall be properly completed and stapled to the file copy of the corrected plans when submitting them to the Plans Analyst. 1- Color Schedule on drawino A-2, Elevations, shows blue and palomino tan codes (P-3/P-4) switched in comparison with theapprovedseHrom TRC. As a conseouence, the split face strip that is at the bottom(base)oHhewalls appears as blue in two walls and as tan on the other two walls. Also, blue sion backoround at main entrance appears tan on submitted permit plans. Please modify schedule and strip and sion backoround colors accordino to TRC approved plans.. 2- Blue accent strip width on front wall should be 2' maximum as per condition #25, Development Order. Please place a note and show dimension accordinolv. 3- TRC approved plans show east elevation wall with a blue accent strip. Submitted permit drawinos are missino the strip on the side elevation 2 (east). Please show it. color and dimension. 4- Identify decorative ceramic tile color on elevationdrawinos. 5- On elevation drawinos Place a note indicatino that "All rooftop eouipment must be completelv screened from view at a minimum distance or600 feet". 6- Application for this permit includes sionaoe but nO sionaoe drawinos nor sionaoe schedule were included. Submit both schedule and drawinos for monument and wall sions or modifv application. 7- This permit includes Landscapino drawinos that are accordino to the set approved bv TRC. There exist another set of drawinos (permit 00-286) that also includes Landscapino drawinos NOT in accordance with the set approved bv TRC. This permit 99-5764 can not be sioned-off until the discrepancv be corrected. 8- Environmental Review Permit for Photo Lab and Auto Service must be secured. Jose 2 ( 1 I , EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Aooroval Project: Wal*Mart Supercenter File number: CDPA 99-001 Reference. A letter ofreauest dated Mav 18 1999 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: N/R UTILITIES Comments: N/R FIRE Comments: N/R POLICE Comments: N/R ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: N/R BUILDING DIVISION Comments: N/R PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: N/R FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: N/R PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: I. To confirm that the overhead bay doors are adequately screened from view, provide a cross-section or comparable diagram showing the needed relationship (elevation) of the road, wall and landscaping, and the bay doors (both east and west sides) to provide visual buffering. Buffering deficiencies identified by the cross-section shall be off, set with additional and diverse landscaping. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 2. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 3. To be determined. EXHIBIT "e "l :J: i5 :J: ~ r- ~ (l3 /Jl 21 !l! > ~ ~ F '~D"FC3 iiil!i:ij!ii!I'(I"i!ljB !.:,i!i1I!'I'!,lmill ,~u '.c -x !I: i'!"llil'l .Ilili. II','!' III il' i . .. ... .... .m...... .. ....... '11',1,1'" "'Ir" .,,',1'.' !'j .,.... ... ... .... __ . ... .. ~MJTHJ!O~.c.....=.ywr.. - .'c.... ~ii'lll"il;; Ii,: II ;,i'llIllll. , n'~f."----......-.-r=;;::7."'- ...,.......-, .. \ ,H' : "M'lll!..I.. "':, I 'I IT-_...._'c.~'_.,._...._.... , ,,,I!"I'.;' ~'!lI.. , I -. .,_..."".~./ _ _ - ~~----'I i~1 8~: Ill";"I"' ar :~i; ~ . \ ,l -- no : "'I!"'" III'" ,'I, , ..'1' " -- _~ !'l ,1\' :',1111 :1'11,;1 i"1 :1',1 I I it"! .ill ~= i-i ~c g I i -I-if 1 : I + i3 P' Ii e ~ 0( , tGl C 0 ~i I !I~ i; !ib,1 .1~!I!dl ~. ; .,' ,,~.,.jii;i I I Ai :!:~ "- ~.I .- ~ II i~ ~I ~~ 'll ~ RUR : ~ i '. [! g ~ ~ II ! ; i j i j,-' li ~ 1;1 ,ii j ;,= ; i~ll!i !i ! ; ~; : ' I ~ i ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ Ii: Ii: -.......... I i .~ "I ! ' · il". : i ~ - III ~ C i I I : . l :! ~ ~. ~ ! : - ~ ~ ! Kj ! ! 2CNED PCD j' n I' ! l :!'" 'i I LAND USE - DC: b . I, l , J " , ' D::==: I ., ;~ ,=.." I! i -.\. ':-: _:~:..-::---- ,.....u,~~::u..c;;=;;;;;7. 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I ZSE9-Z17L (I9S) :IIlIlH '3: lauq:JIW - (sJuawwo:J nWlad pUll :J!J!oaas anS) uOIsIAIO iluIPI!u9 :Sjuawwo:J llu!MOIlOJ aljjljj!M aouu!Idwo:J MOqS OJ pa!J!POW aq Iluljs SUllld pall!wqns alj.1 SJuawwoo MalAal JSI - ([00-66 dSMN) Ullld ans MaN paYIJoall- JlIlW",IIlA\ :trn (j 6661 'plaqwaAoN ~IJ::.IO!JJO llu!PlmlI Alndaa 'lluUH .3: puq:J!W ~ lOpal!a llu!uoZ pUllllu!UUUld 'Jdwn"M pllq:J!W :3:.1 ya :WO"M..:r :0.1 SSZ-66 'ON WnONVlIOW:tlW NOlSIAIO 9NIO'lmg .LN3:WdO'l:tlA3:0..:rO .LN:tlW.LlIVd3:0 __. ~...un.IC:N I UKDER OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE C' " OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIt: ., . PROJECT NAME: Wal*Mart APPLICANT'S AGENT: Kevin M. Roberson P.E" Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc, APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 601 21st Street, Suite 400 0::-.; !-- !--:. / '7 ~ . . ~ i :/1) (",'./ .J.... J. , .),'", - _ J~'_ DATE OF HEARING BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: August 3.1999 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: New Site Plan LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northwest Comer of Winchester Pari< Boulevard, & Boynton Beach Boulevard DRAWlNG(S): SEE EXHIBIT 'C' ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above, The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations, 2, The Applicant .L. HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, ar suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit '0" with notation 'Included', 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby .L. GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof, DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Cieri<, 7. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order, \\\\\lIl1l1rIIIIZ \\\ '//., ,\' ,{ NTO.. 'I/o ,~ .......0 'Y ~ ... V .,'''h. I!j ~ '=' (/ ..r0r1.Q1j.... ~ ~ .:;:' 0 .",0 ~"."" ~ - , ~ o. Cl - :::'-:05 \z.~ %,~ \..... ~920) J ., "0, .... ~ ........ to ~ ., "lOf',\O ,,\0$' '" ,\' '/J11/fUltn\\\'\ Other 6. ~~~/y".c7;r~"'.-1" City Cieri< J:\SHROATAIPla""'"9\SHAREDI'M"IPROJECTS\Wal MartllfflSPlOevelop Order CC 7-3-99.doe DATED: /JNIO~ ..d /997' ~---~~--~ EXHIBIT "E" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' Final New Site Plan PJannimz and Zoninll date stamoed 6-1-99 File # NWSP 99-003 . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES . . Comments: J. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings X so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements, Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LOR Sec, gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: None X POLICE I Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION I Comments: 2, At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and X specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick, Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk, [LOR chapter 23, Article II.P.] BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 3. Add to the site olan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location X Page":' ot ~ File Name Wal-Man Supercentl . File No.: NWSP 99-003 I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verify that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 3. Verify that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are X accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard, Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. Identify within the Site Data the panel number of the Fl::MA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 4. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage, X The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 5, Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign X located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project, The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code, Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (I 0) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 6. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that X combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 7. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 8. Existing Tree Schedule: X The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. Page.3 of ..+ File Name Wal-Mart Supercent. . file No.: NWSP 99-003 @ I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site, Staffwill field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees, 9. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, IS, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, X 104, 105, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees, (Le, Oak) 10, Lake Planting Plan X The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter, II. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings, X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 12, Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, X materials and colors: I.cl U91<-. V..( Or- ~I~ It 1- Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec. 10 Par.C.3) ~ '-~~- / -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at IS'. City Drawing #B-900 13 13. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to X ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development ck.({ C of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch,9 See, I I ; .(2l) '- k !- ',,- ~ Par,A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- '.zY,f" line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: (b~io(f" decorative columns, tiles, architectural fonn and should discourage extreme f s" color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. \A"W W L<o r-< 0" ., 1-< q7lb~ t+v:. \) \-e' e,. 7v..-t \<I.A.<' .;-A-.<-:)I I o l.<., ' . ':}'..)>../r <Y" 14. Label all bay doors. Bay d~StY not face selected roadways. Ch.9 X -. 7 .) (.\ ; '.)~U ' r,(",,; Sec. I I Par.J,1. An appeal ~ e submitted and obtained for approval to I I -. f'ff IJ r r-:. ; v 0 olJ." locate the bay doors facing oath Knuth Rd, and Winchester Blvd, Q {) 'A1' ~. t<t <!.~ IS. The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is X Lt :0.. to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will re~ire a site plan ' OlA ~~ G Dk~-I"~ modification. 'J ,! . Project bu~~~~ ~all~all be CBS and ~~ed ;im;lar to th~ bU~~ ::l :t Sf e I (' 16. X lithe adjacent shoppiDllceiiteno the east and painted to match the principle x 'color of Will-Mart (add notes on site plan to document same). 17 ~blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances , , X /' ----. ,j) !r;~ fl." fiJ' ~ Q (~- Page 4 .of ~ File Mame Wal-Man Supercentf File No . NWSP 99-003 ) .. DEPARTMENTS [NCLUDE REJECT and areas enhanced with the E.LF.S. surface in order to minimize - incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match, and to be consistent with proposed design standards. C4-~ cVi ",(vCJ' III Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure _ X ? IJ completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for 1-:> 'd~'--' .' (c:>c.'-<'"' traffic concurrency approval. @: f"d" p..;/"j pfb r .--- Pf"", f" p~ ('e..J"s~i.. b k '''" 1- - 19. Provid~ss-sect~r comparable graphic showing that adequate buffering X of the overhead bay doors is attained. Additional landscaping enhancements I.- bJI,.\:J. '^ \/- /,tp", , ~ and berming shall address identified deficiencies. 20. ",iC- U...r.(.J ::r.",,(-..O~.Q 1" p<~f{..~ Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DR! X qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA- 1.-" : '.\.2. '.1 t._~c....- that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. I 21. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the X 0':"" tv tz~ Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fa<;:ade shall be kept free orall .:s.r-'(\~ Sr Vok u\ ",0 /i.IH" or vending machines and merchandise (except that displayed as part of the I I garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. ""O~"I 'p"'" ";.. 00 22. To properly soften large wall spaces, tree grate areas shall contain trees as :.- X ~ I noUf' well as those species shown. 1l~J\41j;y i(J.. Z 1 23. Update tabular data to show correct maximum building height (elevation ( X "",v drawing indicates 39 feet 2 inches). 24, Modify parking data to include entire garden cent ritu~ ( iU X accom9 minimum of I parkX~er 5,000 sq feet, exclud .rr from required ~~aces." mO~irV'" .-e.l'rovide spacA. as neede :. .11 ? ~I ': __ .... ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS ( 7 ,f:,.' (1P~> d". (,:~. 25. Blue stripe along front fa<;:ade shall be a maximum of2 feet in width, X ) sir+"" ? C ~Lv f:;t. I ' ce t; 26. Perimeter and parking area deciduous trees.shall be replaced or .. v[;l, u, Iv . , , supplemented with tree species that maintain foliage and therefore . "../~ characteristics with greater planting intensity in vicinity of ov~ead b~ \w>- '}"'" fv'- , doors. ~ ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 26. T.e- \$.... dIiO'LIWIIU~uIWJ.~ ~..(/e ~ /<. ,;..,... lA ~ ...h, 1""1- t" ,.' ~'( J:\SHROATA\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\wal Mart\NWSP\cond of approval CC 8-3~99.doc: fVW J _ Jvu ::'f(Q ~ D~ LtA'v... - ~ 'x' .~ I '1 L.."i \.1 - ~ I /, I).' v', ')' r}-&U \p.~ \,lP ~ DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Building - Planning & Zoning . Neighborhood Services . Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment April 7, 2000 Facsimile 561-562-9689 Leo Repetti Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 60 I 21" Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Subject: Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. - Issuance of building penn its Dear Mr. Repetti: . I understand that the review process for the subject penn it is nearly completed, which is for the entire building. However, we must adhere to the conditions of the Palm Beach County Public Facilities Agreement, which requires attainment of certain benchmarks in off-site road improvements prior to the issuance of building pennits. Since the agreement does not clearly state what penn its are subject to, or exempt from the agreement, I must assume that no penn its related to the building (e.g. foundation penn it) will be issued without first completion of the related step in the respective road improvement project, and written confinnation of same from the County. Alternatively, where applicable, staff would accept a letter from the County stating which, if any, pennits would be exempt from the agreement and therefore unrelated to road improvement progress. Please contact me at 561-742-6261 if you have any questions or have infonnation on road improvement progress related to the Public Facilities Agreement. I can be contacted at 561-742- 626 I. Sincerely, --~ G-C....- Micheal W. Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director MR CC: Susan Motley (fax 954-333-4012) Todd Howder Mike Haag S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ WaI Mart\permit & fac agreement.doc . City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425~310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (56l) 684.4000 www.co.palm-beach.flus . Palm !leach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee, Chair Warren H. Newell, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Robens Mary McCarty Bun Aaronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman -Ian Eqwrl Opportunity Affirmative- Acrion Employer- @ printed on rec:ycIod paper . I?l- M ~{i. t" ()) r1' (f' '11-- 6. / (0 , {@;U--~.. [! .. !} n?i ,o!; Ii FE8 - i ((n. i;. I . ..,In f . ! , January 27, 2000 \,lAND DEPT. Michael Rumph Planning & Zoning Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: PUBLIC FACILITIES AGREEMENT FOR WAL-MART STORES EAST, IblC. I BOYNTON BEACH STORE Dear Mr. Rumph: Please find enclosed a copy of an executed Public Facilities Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores. This store is located within the City of Boynton Beach between Knuth Road and Winchester Park Boulevard, This Public Facilities Agreement addresses the requirement of Wal-Mart Stores to meet Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards, As can be seen in Section 5 ofthe Agreement, it is intended that "conditions of approval in the local Development Order issued by the City of Boynton Beach shall include conditions that phase the Project to the improvements and schedules listed herein." It is requested that you coordinate with this office to ensure that the phasing conditions of this Public Facilities Agreement are adhered to. Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUN ENGINEER ~ Charles R. Walker, P.E. Director - Traffic Division CRW:sb Attachment pc: George T. Webb, P.E., County Engineer Omelio A. Fernandez, P.E., Director - Roadway Production Division File: SID - Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. F;Icrw\WalMartPFAboynl _._---_._--~-~---------- R 2000 0033 JAN 11 2001 PUBLIC FACILITIES AGREEMENT ZGREEMENT (" Ag=mort") . mod, "'" ort~od into <if<<ti" ~ of'", / /.,j( day of 1r"'-~12 , 1999, between WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC., an Arkansas corporation ("Wal-Mart") and PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("County"), RECITALS WHEREAS, Wal-Mart is the contract purchaser of certain real property, as more particularly described on Exhibit "A ~ attached hereto and made a part hereof, located in the City of Boynton Beach on which it intends to constnlct a retail Supercenter for which it has obtained site plan approval from the City of Boynton Beach ("Project"). WHEREAS, Wal-Mart submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis to the County prepared by Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc. ("Traffic Impact Analysis"), which meets Countywide Traffic Performance Standards ("TPS") with the phasing of the development program to the commencement of certain improvements as more specifically identified herein. WHEREAS, in order to ensure that certain improvements will be constnlcted, Wal-Mart is required to execute a Public Facilities Agreement prior to the County issuing a Municipal Concurrency Letter to the City of Boynton Beach to ensure compliance with TPS, WHEREAS, by entering into this Agreement for purposes of ensuring the constnlction of certain improvements in order to meet the requirements of the TPS, the County and W~Mart agree that this does not waive any rights the County may have to object to or challenge a Comprehensive Plan amendment or development order relating to the development of the Property if the I FTl:413397:4 1?ofN'f'tW toC#. rL if '2 7.P? development of the Property as proposed by Wal-Mart would result in an increase in density or intensity over that currently authorized by the County's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of these premises, the mutual understanding and conditions contained and assumed herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Wal-Mart and the County hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein, 2, Wal-Mart shall have the choice of posting either a bond or a letter of credit ("Performance Security") to secure funding and construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 4 below as Wal-Mart's obligations ("Wal-Mart Road Improvements"). Wal-Mart's obligations for the Wal-Mart Road Improvements shall include, but not be limited to, the cost of plan and document preparation, right-of-way acquisition, survey, design, permitting, bidding and awarding of contract(s), all construction costs, and staff' and outside costs incurred in completing the Road Improvements, To ensure the faithful performance of the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements Wal.Mart agrees to the following: a. For purposes offunding and constructing the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, Wal-Mart shall provide the County, within six (6) months from the issuance of a development order for the Project by the City of Boynton Beach or at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, whichever event occurs first, a Performance Security in the amount of 110% of the certified Engineer's cost estimate for the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, as approved by the County Engineer, The County shall be authorized to draw against the Performance Security in any amount necessary to finish the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements or make payments to all persons identified in Florida Statutes Section 713,01 should Wal-Mart default on the payment andlor performance of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements. County shall give Wal-Mart thirty (30) days advanced written notice of its intention to draw funds against the Performance Security. Prior to the FTl:413397:4 2 etJy,.,rtW !J&ff., Ft... H'.l..7.rr < expiration of the thirty (30) day notice, Wal-Mart shall retain the right to pay to County all funds requested to be drawn from the Performance Security, Upon receipt of payment from WaJ-Mart within thirty (30) days after the notice, County agrees not to draw upon the Performance Security. b, Wal-Mart hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save County harmless against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgements, liabilities, losses and expenses of any kind or nature, including litigation costs and attorney's fees, whether for injury to person or damage to property, including, but not limited to, wrongful death or impairment of any property interest arising out of or connected with the performance of this Agreement by WaJ-Mart or the negligence, whether by act. or omission ofWaJ-Mart, its agents, employees, contractor, licensees, and invitees, pertaining to the construction of the WaJ-Mart Road Improvements unless claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgements, liabilities, losses and expenses of any kind or nature arose prior to Wal-Mart asswning responsibility for the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements or is the result of, or due to, the County's negligence. c. To ensure the faithful performance of the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements and to indemnify and hold harmless the County from any and all damages, either directly or indirectly, arising out of any failure to perform same, the general contractor selected by Wal-Mart will be required to execute and deliver a payment and performance bond satisfactory to the County equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price ten (10) days prior to the commencement of construction. The bond shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and having a current valid certificate of authority issued by the United States Department of Treasury under Sections 31 USC 9304-9308, Such bond shall be made on forms acceptable to the County, The contractor shall verify at the time of execution of the construction contract acceptability of the surety provided thereunder, Such bond will not be accepted unless the surety is a surety company authorized by law to do business in the State of Florida and satisfactory to the County. FTL:413397:4 3 t;;I).(~~ ~if, n. 1I2-7n 3. In the event that another private party corrunences construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, prior to the time in which the construction of the Road Improvements corrunences pursuant to this Agreement, Wal-Mart's Perfonnance Security shall be promptly returned by the County within thirty (30) days of the corrunencement of the construction by the other private party, 4. The issuance of building pennit(s) and certificates(s) of occupancy for the Project shall be phased to the following improvements: ~ Building pennits in excess of 83,000 square feet of general corrunercial retail c\ , a, use shall not be issued until the award of a contract by the County for the widening ,; of Lawrence Road between Gateway Boulevard and Hypoluxo Road from two (2) i lanes to five (5) lanes. The Lawrence Road Improvement ("Lawrence Road Improvement") is separate from and is not a Wal.Mart obligation. b. Building permits in excess of 144,900 square feet of general corrunercial retail use shall not be issued until the corrunencement of construction by Wal-Mart f of the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Jog Road and the existing six (6) lane section east ofEl Clair Ranch Road from four (4) lanes divided to six (6) C:C ! lanes divided ("Boynton Beach Road Improvements") and the design and .. modification to the traffic signal at El Clair Ranch Road and Jog Road, The Boynton Beach Road Improvements are part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, c, Building pennits in excess of 176,000 square feet of general corrunercial retail use shall not be issued until the corrunencement of construction by Wal-Mart of the westbound right turn lane on Old Boynton Road at its intersection with c , Congress Avenue ("Old Boynton Road Westbound Turn Lane"), The Old Boynton r: Road Westbound Turn Lane is part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, FTL:413397:4 4 /!f.;Y,IoIIDU i>cltfl. FL... ;/1.711 ..,..,.rL ~" . ) nod 1>')Y ? d. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until Wal-Mart has completed r V(\f; the construction of an eastbound right turn lane at the Project's Old Boynton Road access ("Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane"). The Old Boynton Road (Y"^f,f {4."JI;,'<- Eastbound Turn Lane is part of the Wal.Mart Road Improvements. -t..>((' .)L Additionally, the County has requested, and Wal-Mart agrees, that Wal-Mart shall also design, at Wal.Mart's sole expense, a right turn lane from eastbound Boynton Beach Boulevard to southbound 0"'S' El Clair Ranch Road ("Additional Turn Lane Improvement"), Wal-Mart's obligation for the . ~f Additional Turn Lane Improvement is limited to the design of the Additional Turn Lane {( ("':' Improvement. The construction and completion of the Additional Turn Lane Improvement is -io t separate from and not a part of Wal-Mart's Road Improvements. In the event Wal-Mart has not completed its contemplated retail Supercenter Project within thirty-six (36) months of the Effective Date, as defined in Paragraph 12 below, of this Agreement then Wal-Mart may be subject to additional obligations to meet TPS standards, ch 5, Wal-Mart shall be responsible for ensuring that the conditions of approval in the local C-'c Development Order issued by the City of Boynton Beach shall include conditions that phase the Project to the improvements and schedules listed herein, 6. The County shall issue a Municipal Concurrency Letter to the City of Boynton Beach informing the City that the Property meets TPS within ten (J 0) days after the Effective Date (as defined in Paragraph 12) of this Agreement. Cvd (p,f 10 en- 7, The provi~ions of this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, but only in writing signed by all parties to this Agreement. FTL:413397:4 O:J,!PIcrN ~C7Ic(-( p,- J# "2. 78 7 5 < 8. All of the tenns and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and are enforceable by the parties and their respective administrators, executors, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns (collectively "Parties"). 9. All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed sufficient to each Party when sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid to the following: As to the County: GeorgeT, Webb,P.E, County Engineer Governmental Center 301 N. Olive Ave., Suite 1105 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 With a copy to: Palm Beach County P.O. Box 21229 160 Australian Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Attn: Charles R. Walker As to the City: As to Wal-Mart: City of Boynton Beach Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. JOO E, Boynton Beach Blvd. 2001 S,E. 10th Street P,O. Box 310 Bentonville, AR 72712-6489 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Legal Depar1ment Attn: City Manager With a copy to: With a copy to: City of Boynton Beach Susan P. Motley, Esq, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Ruden, McClosky et al. P.O, Box 310 P.O, Box 1900 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33302 Attn: City Attorney 10. This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce this Agreement shall be held in Palm Beach County, No remedy conferred upon any Party is intended to be exclusive; any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise, No single or partial exercise by any Party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof, II, In the event that any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision hereof is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement and the same shall remain in full force and effect. FTL:413397:4 6 PJ'f/oJ foP ~f(IFL-, ~?..7Jj 12. This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon execution by the parties ("Effective Date") and shaIl remain in effect until such time as the Agreement is terminated by one or both parties, following the adoption of a resolution for that purpose, The Party seeking to terminate shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to the other before adopting said resolution, In the event Wal-Mart provides written notice to the County that it has decided not to commence construction of the Project, the County shall promptly return Wal-Mart's Performance Security within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written notice and this Agreement shall be null and void. . 13, Wal-Mart shall be entitled to a credit against Palm Beach County road impact fees assessed against the Project in accordance with County ordinances, Wal-Mart agrees that the credit against road impact fees for the design and survey costs for the Boynton Beach Road Improvements L C((J- CO IV.(~ .( I!" shall be limited to one hundred four thousand dollars ($104,000). 14. This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all other negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, relating to this Agreement. 15. County's failure to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be considered a waiver of the right to later enforce that or any other provision in this agreement. 16. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, 17. This Agreement is valid and enforceable. Only the Parties to the Agreement have standing to enforce this Agreement, 18, This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, all of which together shaIl constitute one (I) and the same instrument. FTL:413397:4 7 I*HtJrl) Jol 1Jc7c If I FL. #. 2- ? ! 'f < 19. The parties will each promptly notify the other of any citizen complaint, claim, suit, or cause of action threatened or commenced against it which arises out of or relates, in any manner, to the performance of this Agreement, 20. The Parties expressly covenant and agree that in the event either Party is in default of its obligations under this Agreement, the Party not in default shall provide to the defaulting party thirty (30) days written notice before exercising any ofits rights, 21. The preparation of this Agreement has been a joint effort of the Parties, and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial constraint, be construed more severely against one of the Parties than the other. 22. This Agreement is not intended to supersede or replace the codes, ordinances, rules or regulations of either party pertaining to review of Development Applications or Concurrency Review. Nor shall this Agreement be construed to limit either Party's authority with respect to review of Development Applications or Concurrency Review, 23. Any costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) associated with the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be borne by the respective parties; provided, however, that this clause pertains only to the Parties to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written. COUNTY: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A TrEST: Dorothy H. Wilken FTL:413397:4 8 80Y TP'v ~/kI{. rL #- 2..7 r1 _.~_._~_.,----- " , '. . J~ ~. .........."",'\\,,\\\\ It ......-.; \ N. TJ' \\\111 'l.,/ / / J -.,p By: V- :_...,;..... '..J?p'/III/~Y: /J'\,'~,~_ ~d ,r.- Deputy Clerk ffi<.. .... lit g_ "~~~ ChlUr to! <1~\. l:.io-s- \u;~ ~o[ COUNTY i~PROVEDASTOFORMAND \~'." ,eLOAID~ ...f$lEGAL SUFFICIENCY ," 0" ,"'>): (J a I" .n..,.. .',',~ E a %:.~ 'I, V' ........ v~ "A17' Il'",\\""~,,,,,,,~,",,",, By!.A~l(f.1.. A ( . ' , " ssistant County Attorney JAN 1 1 201M R200000"33 -~~ ( ~~ Witness . ~, 17 E. CA.It3~ P~~~f- IWltn s I pCZ;;/~e ~i~-bj:s~ By ray t Vice President ofRe STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTYOF &~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by 1. ROBERT BRAY, as Assistant Vice President of Real Estate ofWal- Mart Stores East, Inc" freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. He is personally known to me or who has produced as identification, FTl:413397:4 9 I!orrpv ~ff, Fl- 7f27yf ,.."..:...... FTL:413397:4 iO ~mlJ ~. FL.th-7N , '- , ~ my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this .I1:IJ...... day of ,'999 ~~.~ No Public ~ R.t" ~ --:D.l!!;r'1 Printed Name ofN My Commission Expires: 10- ,30-:I6ot;- . NOTARY SEAL. Karen D. Milligan. Notary Public Washington County. State 01 Arkansas My Commission Expires' 0/30/2008 .0 FTL:413397:4 iJoImJ.) ~.'::'L.th-7N ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ~~ ~ a;-F 1I0Jr'- ,': q I .. FEB252000 .._.-J :G AND ; DEPT. February 24. 2000 KHA 047153079 L(2002) E(2072) Via Federal Express Priority (561) 742-6260 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Subject: Wal * Mart - Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store #2789-00, New SC / Winchester Site Re: Moditication of Boynton Commons Stormwater Pond Dear Mr. Rumpf: This letter is in regards to the relocated stonnwater pond modification for the above referenced site. As discussed in our phone conversation on February 22, 2000, the relocated detention pond located in the northeast comer of the site was modified to save the existing cluster of trees in the northeast comer. In order to do this, the pond had to be pulled back in that area to meet the proper slope requirements for the trees. This "pull back" decreased the pond's size, which in turn decreased its storage capacity As discussed in previous coorespondance, the relocated pond had to be sized such that it meets the existing drainage requirements set forth in the Off-Site Drainage Easement agreement between Mr. Bill Winchester and the Boynton Commons Group. Therefore. in order to maintain the required pond volume, the access strip had to be removed from the pond. This allowed the existing trees to remain while meeting the drainage requirements for the Boynton Common's Shopping Plaza. In addition, please note that this was discussed with Mr. Kevin Hallahan during our site visit on January 6,2000. We achieved our goal to save the existing trees and still provide the Boynton Common's Shopping Plaza with its proper drainage facility. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 562-7981 Sincerely, KIW1~,mc ~J.H~> cc: GWW KMR LJR MCS . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 G:\BOYNTON\WIN"CHSTR\\VP\CORRESPIRumpfl Oa.doc ~,r .......;)>rr '-""" 11 nil II , II j I . 8ull,400 60121stStreet Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Galav Lusia From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Tuesday, February 08, 2000 11 :41 PM Galav Lusia Matras, Hanna Wal-Mart road agreement with County FYI, we have received the County's Public Facilities Agreement indicating the type and timing of the necessary improvements and respective square footage thresholds that must be monitored by the Building Division when permits are requested (which is now). I will have the original copy placed in the file and an extra copy made for our notes and marks. MR 1 Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.co.palm-beach.n us . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Maude Ford Lee, Chair Warrep H. Newell. Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Aco'on EmploYf!rw @ printed on recycled paper rtDJIJtfJ : n!, FEEl - i 2r:~~ , ,/ ! I I January 27, 2000 --~ .- <J "1/\D . DE?r. Michael Rumph Planning & Zoning Manager City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: PUBLIC FACILITIES AGREEMENT FOR WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC. I BOYNTON BEACH STORE Dear Mr. Rumph: Please find enclosed a copy of an executed Public Facilities Agreement with Wal-Mart Stores. This store is located within the City of Boynton Beach between Knuth Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. This Public Facilities Agreement addresses the requirement of Wal-Mart Stores to meet Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. As can be seen in Section 5 of the Agreement, it is intended that "conditions of approval in the local Development Order issued by the City of Boynton Beach shall include conditions that phase the Project to the improvements and schedules listed herein." It is requested that you coordinate with this office to ensure that the phasing conditions of this Public Facilities Agreement are adhered to. Your cooperation and assistance is appreciated. Sincerely, OFFI~gNEER Charles R. Walker, P.E. Director - Traffic Division CRW:sb Attachment pc: George T. Webb, P.E., County Engineer Omelia A. Fernandez, P.E., Director - Roadway Production Division File: SID - Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. F:\crw\WaIMartPFAboynt R 2 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 JAH 1 1 2001 PUBLIC FACILITIES AGREEMENT ZGREEMENT ('A_t") i, ,""" "'" ~,~"" in", df~ti", ~ ofth, //-d day of 'Ir"-~)Z , 1999, between WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC., an Arkansas corporation ("Wal-Mart") and PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("County"). RECITALS WHEREAS, Wal-Mart is the contract purchaser of certain real property, as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, located in the City of Boynton Beach on which it intends to construct a retail Supercenter for which it has obtained site plan approval from the City of Boynton Beach ("Project"). WHEREAS, Wal-Mart submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis to the County prepared by Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc. ("Traffic Impact Analysis"), which meets Countywide Traffic Performance Standards ("TPS") with the phasing of the development program to the commencement of certain improvements as more specifically identified herein, WHEREAS, in order to ensure that certain improvements will be constructed, Wal-Mart is required to execute a Public Facilities Agreement prior to the County issuing a Municipal Concurrency Letter to the City of Boynton Beach to ensure compliance with TPS. WHEREAS, by entering into this Agreement for purposes of ensuring the construction of certain improvements in order to meet the requirements of the TPS, the County and WaJ..Mart agree that this does not waive any rights the County may have to object to or challenge a Comprehensive Plan amendment or development order relating to the development of the Property if the FTl,413397'4 t70tNTO'; teql.rL tf"27'?Y development of the Property as proposed by Wal-Mart would result in an increase in density or intensity over that currently authorized by the County's Comprehensive Plan, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of these premises, the mutual understanding and conditions contained and assumed herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Wal-Mart and the County hereby covenant and agree as follows: I, The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein, 2. Wal-Mart shall have the choice of posting either a bond or a letter of credit ("Performance Security") to secure funding and construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 4 below as WaI-Mart's obligations ("WaI-Mart Road Improvements"). Wal-Mart's obligations for the WaI-Mart Road Improvements shall include, but not be limited to, the cost of plan and document preparation, right-of-way acquisition, survey, design, permitting, bidding and awarding of contract(s), all construction costs, and staff and outside costs incurred in completing the Road Improvements, To ensure the faithful performance of the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements WaI-Mart agrees to the following: a. For purposes of funding and constructing the WaI-Mart Road Improvements, WaI-Mart shall provide the County, within six (6) months from the issuance of a development order for the Project by the City of Boynton Beach or at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, whichever event occurs first, a Performance Security in the amount of 110% of the certified Engineer's cost estimate for the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, as approved by the County Engineer, The County shall be authorized to draw against the Performance Security in any amount necessary to finish the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements or make payments to all persons identified in Florida Statutes Section 713,01 should WaI-Mart default on the payment and/or performance of the WaI-Mart Road Improvements, County shall give Wal-Mart thirty (30) days advanced written notice of its intention to draw funds against the Performance Security. Prior to the FTl:413397:4 2 ~"'7tW JJElir.f/.; Ft.... 1tJ...7/rt expiration of the thirty (30) day notice, Wal-Mart shall retain the right to pay to County all funds requested to be drawn from the Performance Security. Upon receipt of payment from Wal-Mart within thirty (30) days after the notice, County agrees not to draw upon the Performance Security. b. Wal-Mart hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save County harmless against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgements, liabilities, losses and expenses of any kind or nature, including litigation costs and attorney's fees, whether for injwy to person or damage to property, including, but not limited to, wrongful death or impairment of any property interest arising out of or connected with the performance of this Agreement by Wal-Mart or the negligence, whether by act or omission ofWal-Mart, its agents, employees, contractor, licensees, and invitees, pertaining to the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements unless claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgements, liabilities, losses and expenses of any kind or nature arose prior to Wal-Mart assuming responsibility for the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements or is the result of, or due to, the County's negligence. c. To ensure the faithful performance of the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements and to indemnify and hold harmless the County from any and all damages, either directly or indirectly, arising out of any failure to perform same, the general contractor selected by Wal-Mart will be required to execute and deliver a payment and performance bond satisfactory to the County equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price ten (10) days prior to the commencement of construction. The bond shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and having a current valid certificate of authority issued by the United States Department of Treasury under Sections 31 USC 9304-9308, Such bond shall be made on forms acceptable to the County. The contractor shall verify at the time of execution of the construction contract acceptability of the surety provided thereunder. Such bond will not be accepted unless the surety is a surety company authorized by law to do business in the State of Florida and satisfactory to the County. FTL,413397,4 3 bPip.;rojJ ,~(fJ r--L, 1!'). 7i 7 3. In the event that another private party commences construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, prior to the time in which the construction of the Road Improvements commences pursuant to this Agreement, Wal-Mart's Performance Security shall be promptly returned by the County within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the construction by the other private party. 4. The issuance of building pennit(s) and certificates(s) of occupancy for the Project shall be phased to the following improvements: a, Building permits in excess of 83,000 square feet of general commercial retail use shall not be issued until the award of a contract by the County for the widening of Lawrence Road between Gateway Boulevard and Hypoluxo Road from two (2) lanes to five (5) lanes. The Lawrence Road Improvement ("Lawrence Road Improvement") is separate from and is not a Wal-Mart obligation. b, Building permits in excess of 144,900 square feet of general commercial retail use shall not be issued until the commencement of construction by Wal-Mart of the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Jog Road and the existing six (6) lane section east ofEl Clair Ranch Road from four (4) lanes divided to six (6) lanes divided ("Boynton Beach Road Improvements") and the design and modification to the traffic signal at El Clair Ranch Road and Jog Road, The Boynton Beach Road Improvements are part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, c, Building permits in excess of 176,000 square feet of general commercial retail use shall not be issued until the commencement of construction by Wal-Mart of the westbound right turn lane on Old Boynton Road at its intersection with Congress Avenue ("Old Boynton Road Westbound Turn Lane"), The Old Boynton Road Westbound Turn Lane is part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, fTL:413397:4 4 /!fJY#T<>W ukfl. Ft.... -;i1.7S 7 d, A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until Wal-Mart has completed the construction of an eastbound right turn lane at the Project's Old Boynton Road access ("Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane"). The Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane is part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements. Additionally, the County has Tequested, and Wal-Mart agrees, that Wal-Mart shall also design, at Wal-Mart's sole expense, a right turn lane from eastbound Boynton Beach Boulevard to southbound EI Clair Ranch Road ("Additional Turn Lane Improvement"). Wal-Mart's obligation for the Additional Turn Lane Improvement is limited to the design of the Additional Turn Lane Improvement. The construction and completion of the Additional Turn Lane Improvement is separate from and not a part ofWal-Mart's Road ImpTovements. In the event Wal-Mart has not completed its contemplated retail Supercenter Project within thirty-six (36) months of the Effective Date, as defined in Paragraph 12 below, of this Agreement then Wal-Mart may be subject to additional obligations to meet TPS standards. 5, Wal-Mart shall be responsible for ensuring that the conditions of approval in the local Development Order issued by the City of Boynton Beach shall include conditions that phase the Project to the improvements and schedules listed herein. 6. The County shall issue a Municipal Concurrency Letter to the City of Boynton Beach informing the City that the Property meets TPS within ten (10) days after the Effective Date (as defined in Paragraph 12) of this Agreement. 7. The provisions of this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, but only in writing signed by all parties to this Agreement. FTL:413397:4 m'l/o//<?Iv f)C7tC{'( pt... Jf2.78? 5 8. All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and are enforceable by the parties and their respective administrators, executors, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns (collectively "Parties"). 9. All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed sufficient to each Party when sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid to the following: As to the County: George T. Webb, P.E. County Engineer Governmental Center 301 N. Olive Ave" Suite 1105 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 With a copy to: Palm Beach County P,O. Box 21229 160 Australian Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Attn: Charles R. Walker As to the City: As to Wal-Mart: City of Boynton Beach Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. 200 I S.E. 10th Street P.O. Box 310 Bentonville, AR 72712-6489 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 At1n: Legal Department Attn: City Manager With a copy to: With a copy to: City of Boynton Beach Susan p, Motley, Esq. 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd. Ruden, McClosky et al. P,O, Box 310 P,O. Box 1900 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33302 Attn: City Attorney 10. This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida, Any and all legal action necessary to enforce this Agreement shall be held in Palm Beach County, No remedy conferred upon any Party is intended to be exclusive; any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any Party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. 11. In the event that any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision hereof is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement and the same shall remain in full force and effect. FTl,413397,4 6 ~'I,<.Jro;..J e:.etcff/ Fe.... tP '2..-7!f 12. This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon execution by the parties ("Effective Date") and shall remain in effect until such time as the Agreement is terminated by one or both parties, following the adoption of a resolution for that purpose, The Party seeking to terminate shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to the other before adopting said resolution. In the event Wal-Mart provides written notice to the County that it has decided not to commence construction of the Project, the County shall promptly return Wal-Mart's Performance Security within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written notice and this Agreement shall be null and void. 13, Wal-Mart shall be entitled to a credit against Palm Beach County road impact fees assessed against the Project in accordance with County ordinances, WaI- Mart agrees that the credit against road impact fees for the design and survey costs for the Boynton Beach Road Improvements shall be limited to one hundred four thousand dollars ($104,000). 14. This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all other negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, relating to this Agreement. 15. County's failure to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be considered a waiver of the right to later enforce that or any other provision in this agreement. 16. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, 17. This Agreement is valid and enforceable. Only the Parties to the Agreement have standing to enforce this Agreement. 18, This Agreement may be executed in two (2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, all of which together shall constitute one (1) and the same instrument, FTl:4' 339N 7 13oytJrl),J 1)c7r: II, FL. :;{ 2..7! 'f 19. The parties will each promptly notify the other of any citizen complaint, claim, suit, or cause of action threatened or commenced against it which arises out of or relates, in any manner, to the performance of this Agreement, 20, The Parties expressly covenant and agree that in the event either Party is in default of its obligations under this Agreement, the Party not in default shall provide to the defaulting party thirty (30) days written notice before exercising any of its rights. 21. The preparation of this Agreement has been a joint effort of the Parties, and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial constraint, be construed more severely against one of the Parties than the other. 22. This Agreement is not intended to supersede or replace the codes, ordinances, rules or regulations of either party pertaining to review of Development Applications or Concurrency Review, Nor shall this Agreement be construed to limit either Party's authority with respect to review of Development Applications or Concurrency Review, 23, Any costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) associated with the enforcement of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be borne by the respective parties; provided, however, that this clause pertains only to the Parties to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written. COUNTY: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS A TrEST: Dorothy H, Wilken 8 FTL:413397:4 fj::>y" 'P,iI ,&~. Ft #- 2..7 r'1 J~. e.. ~. :"..........,,''',,\\\\\ 1:& ~...\ ~ TY \\\11 / / -" By: =- \.J~~ -....!2p'II"I~y: ,,~- ~ ~ "1f:Jy..l .r_ Deputy Clerk ffl.t....... .", B- "~~~ ChaIr ffo: ~~ ~C\~~ MN l1Z~ ;; : "J' ~(J')~ ~o\ COUNTY !~PROVEDASTOFORMAND \~\ '<"LOAIOi\ ...~iEGAL SUFFICIENCY ''''',0&;..., ....::O-'>;J /7 /J /2 ~ "'III"I",~~{~~~)"f. ByU71(M,-~/)A. ( I~ kffZt' , ssistant County Attorney R20000033 -~(;z [ O~ Witness . -x;:.,f) E CIlIt'3~ P~~~;L%~s < iWfiJ's"f / ' ~ /l;{/~'1me ~i/nfJ:s~ By 1. ray Its: As s t Vice President ofRe e TEAM STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTYOF &~ I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by J. ROBERT BRAY, as Assistant Vice President of Real Estate ofWaI- Mart Stores East, Inc., freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. He is personally known to me or who has produced as identification, FTl:413397:4 9 lturrp~ &mcff, PL -If 27 Y7 " 0, .' WI~SS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this .IJ::fL.. day of fl~ ,1999. ~ ~,^-,~.~.~ N~N,lic t:j 1!a'A.t"i\ 'J). ~cfa"l Printed Name ofN My Commission Expires: jO- .3(h~1S0l(- "NOTARY SEAL" Karen D. Milligan. Notary Public Washington County, State of Arkansas My Commission Expires 10/30/2008 FTl:413397:4 10 (Jo.(mv ~, PL,'fI')..7N RF.R-27-2G30 12: 15P FROM:R~1S5R 18 ~'JTH '3547644996 TO:21;JS#1'3583#004911#156 P:J'3 RUDEN MCCLOSKY SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL" RA. '00 E.<\H 6KOWARD BOUlEVARD F()Rf lAUDERDALE, FlOA:IDA 33301 POST OFf-ICE BOX' 900 fORT LAUDERDALE, FlORID^ 3:1]0:1 Al f'JI-{NF t::; II 1 LAW 19>41527-1412 F A:k (l)54~3:.n-4012 SPM@RUIXN.COM DATE: April 27. 2000 ,OO~~: ~ \1 ~ 8. I' L_______ . fl..i;i:i';i;'IS t\:",p, < III>- ",,~zw.qw: fl'r'f ...",.) FACSIMILE COVER SHEET FROM: Susan P. Modey FILE NO.: 19583-0049 Boynton Beach NUMBER OF PAGES: 3 (Including this Cover Page) If there llre llny problems or complications, please notify us immediately at (954) 764-6660. TO: Michael Rumpf (561) 742-6259 COMPANY: FAX NO.: COMMENTS: Here is a copy of the executed letter confirming that Palm Beach County has no objection to the issuance of the Foundation Permit. Would you please let me know as soon as possible if the revised Unit}. of Title document i5 acceptable to the City. Thanks for your help. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATTORNEY PRIvn.WED AND CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION mTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIV1DUAL OR WTlTY NAMED ABOVE. IF 1HE READER OF TI1IS MESSAGE IS NOT TIlE INTENDED RECIPlI1NT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED TH'''' ANY DlSSEMlNATlON, DISTRIBUTION OR COpy OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMUNICATION IN ERROR. PLE"SE IMMEDIATIlLY NOTIFY us BY TELEPHOSE (IF LONG DISTANCE, PLEASE CAlL COLLECT) AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MBSSAOE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVrCE. THANK YOU, PTL60~75G:l Hl:659767:1 RPR-27-200~ 12: loP FROM: Rr1SSR 18 ='.ITH 9547544995 APR-24-2001!l l'1:l!lel dC TRAFFIC ENG TO:2~28#19583#0049##155 P:2'3 61 478 5770 P.1!l2/0J RUDEN MCCLOSKY SMrrM SCHU5TE:R. &. RUSSELL, RA. 100 t.4,ST DIlOWI'IKI;) IOVL!V^RO F'ORt l-^uCEIlIM\.E. FLORII)^ .13301 Jlosl'O,flC'..EIO)i1IH)O JORT LAVCUOAl..t fWKICM ;lUtll \1101 ~IC"~ .,T 1,1W (~S"..J~i'.a"12 FAX: (U504) l:lJ.-tOll f.fWiRUDW.COM April 14,2000 Charles R. Walker, Director. Traffic Divi5ion Palm Beach County P.O. Box 21229 160 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Reo" Comellt of PIlI," Beach COIUIty far Issll/Jllce "f FOllndllllon Pennit by ciry of BoynwJI BBIIl:h, FL ("Cityn)/or WaI.MIl11 SIlpet'center Prior to Achi",erIW/It of Phaud Road I11fJ11'OW11"M COlltlitiof18 Dear Charlie: A$ you, AMi!tllllt County AttIlmey Marlene Everitt and 1 discussed today by telephone, WaI-Mart Stores u,t, Inc. ("Wal-MartO), a party to that certaiD Public Facilities Agreement dated NOVllmber II, 1999 between Wal-Mart and Palm Beach County, recorded in Public Records Book 2000, page 33, is req~esling that Palm Beaell County evidence (by sign~ below) that it has no objection to the City of Boylll.on Beach issuing a foundation peO'llit (limited to Don- vertical constrUction) for the Supercent\ll', pnor to the ach.ievement of the phased road m.l>fOvement benchmark_ c::onteined in rhe Public Facilities Agreement. Mike Rumpf, Pla~jng aIld Zoning DirectOr for the City, lies agreed :0 accept a letter from tile County confl1Tning that a foundation permit is permitted by the County. You detennined in our telephone conversation that 1he issuance of a foundation permit would ::lot be in violatioD of the Public Facilities AKr.emem and suggested I prepare th is lell.r. Wat-Mart acknowledges that it is pro,.din8 at its own risk with th" foundation pennit IOd that it is not c:utitJed to tbe: issuance: of a buildinll permit (for vertico.l construction) from the City until WaI-Mut has sati3fied the applicable terms and CQnditions of the Public FacilitiCll Agreement. 1"1'l:61"'tl3:1 FO~T LAUOfROALE . MIAMI' N"P.ES . ST.PE1iRSBURG' SARJ\>DTA . TALLAHASSEE. TM<1PA . WE5TPAlMBMCH APP-27-2000 12: 17P FRorl:R~ISSR 1'3 .-'JTH 954764499E, TO:2Lg8#19583#0049##156 P:3/3 RPR-24-2000 17:~O Pac TRAF'F I C ENG 561 478 57'70 P. 03/03 Charles R. Walker April 14. 2000 Pase 2 If this meelll with. your approval. pleue sign below mo fax it to me so that I may fOlward this to lbe City of Boyntoll Boach. On behalf of Wsl.Mll11, I want to thank you aod Marlene for yo\ll' cooperation, If you have allY questions or need any additioDa! information, please call me as soon as possible. Sincerely, RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER. &; RUSSELL, P.A. 0~~ SUSllD: P. Motley ConflJ'Jl1ation ofilie Consent to Issuance.of Foundation Permit for Wal-Mat'l Superce.nler by City of Boynton Beach Building Depar1uleJlt By.. C~~mffieDiVislon Dated: 4;/ 'IA-/IO SPM:!b Enclosure co: Marlene Everitt, Assistllllt County AitOmey Tim Rogers (o-mail) Tim Cribb (..mail) Kevin Roberson (o-mail) I..eo Repetti (e-mail) FT..:(,'....03.' TnTAI P _ Yl.":'\ ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, December 8,1999 KHA 047153079 L(2002) E(2072) Via Federal Express Priority (561) 742-6260 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Subject: Wal * Mart - Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store #2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Re: Rectified Site Plan Submittal Dear Mr. Rumpf: Pursuant to our meeting on December 2, 1999, please find enclosed four (4) sets of the revised Site Plan, Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan, Utility Plan, Landscape Plan, Littoral and Upland Planting Plan, and the Docking Bay Doors Cross-Section Plan for the above referenced store. In addition, I have included for your records a copy of the off-site drainage easement agreement between Mr. Bill Winchester and the Boynton Beach Development Associates for the relocated wet detention pond. Per our discussion, upon the receipt of the enclosed documents, the Planning Department would release the plans and allow the Building Department to begin its review of the Architectural Plans. Please notify me as soon as possible upon the release of the Site Plan. I wi11 then provide the Building Department with two (2) sets of the plans required for their review. If you should have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 562-7981. Sincerely, . Suite 400 60121st8treet VeroBeach, Florida 32960 ~4r~TES'INC. Todd J. Z~r ~o))t~. ~i ...!"1!n;7~ n I . '.' ':.ill, DEe 9 L cc: TWR GWW KMR MCS ", , <.\",' . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9889 G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Rumpf9.doc ~=~ Kimley,Horn and Associates, Inc. December 2,1999 KHA 047153079 L(2002) E(2072) . Suite 400 601215t Street Vera Beach, Florida 32960 Via Hand Delivery 11r.11ichaelFtumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Subject: Wal*11art - Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store #2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Re: Rectified Site Plan Submittal Dear 11r. Ftumpf: On behalf ofWal*11art Stores East, Inc, we hereby submit four (4) sets of the rectified plans for the above referenced project. These revisions are in response to Exhibit "E" of the Conditions of Approval and my meeting with 11r. Jim Nguyen and 11s. Hanna 11atras of the Planning and Zoning Department on November 24,1999. In addition, please find enclosed four (4) sets of the survey. signed and sealed, four (4) copies of the building elevations and four (4) copies of the cross-sections for the bay doors. 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDFt Sec. 7.5 - 18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility easements or public rights-of-way. Comment: Response: All utility easemellts are showll all the Lalldscape Plall. 2. Comment: At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDFt chapter 23, Article I1.P.] Respollse: See ellclosed Site Plall. . TEL 561 562 7961 FAX 561 562 9689 G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WPICORRESP\RumpfS.doc ~=n 3a. 3b. 4. 5. Mr. Michael Rumpf, December 2, 1999, Page 2 Kimley,Horn and Associates, Inc. Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Add to the site Dlan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. The symbol has been labeled on the site plan. VerifY that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. IdentifY within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. This is not applicable. This item has been omitted. At time of permit, submit dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. See the enclosed Architectural Elevation Plan. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2, at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign form the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. See the enclosed Architectural Elevation Plan. The set back for the monument sign is dimensioned on the site plan. G"\BOYNTON\WINCHSTRIWP\CORRESPIRumpfS doc ~=n 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Mr. Michael Rumpf, December 2,1999, Page 3 At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land form being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. Comment is noted and will be submitted upon receipt. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. Comment is noted. Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. Pursuant to my meeting with Mr. Kevin HoJlahan on November 24, 1999, this comment was omitted from the list. Please see the revised Landscape Plan for the revised tree list. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 44, 94,97,98,99, 103, 104, lOS, 106, 108 and 112, should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) Pursuant to my meeting with Mr. Kevin Halahan on November 24, 1999, this issue was resolved and removedfrom the requirements. Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland- planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. Comment is noted, please see the enclosed Littoral Planting Sheet. G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Rumpf8.doc ~=n II. 12. 13. 14. Kimley,Horn and Associates, Inc. Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Mr. Michael Rumpf, December 2,1999, Page 4 An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. Comment is noted. Please see the enclosed Irrigation Plan. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials, and colors: Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.10 ParC.3) - Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012). The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013. Pursuant to my conversation with Mr. Mark Lips, City of Boynton Beach Public Works Department, on November 29, 1999, the trash compactor location is called out on the site plan. Mr. Lips required no further detail. The typical parking and handicapped spaces are detailed on the enclosed Miscellaneous Detail Sheet. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility between future development of our parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch. 9 Sec. II Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous scoreline with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. This item was submitted by Susan P. Motley of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A. to Mr. Michael Rumpffor his approval. Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face selected roadways. Ch.9 Sec.ll Par J.1. An appeal must be submitted and obtained for approval to locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Road and Winchester Boulevard. All Bay Doors are labeled and noted on the enclosed Site Plan. The appeal was approved on July 27, 1999, by the City of Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board. G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CQRRESP\Rumpf8.doc ~=n 15. 16. 17. 18. Kimley'Horn and Associates, Inc. Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: Response: 19. Comment: Response: 20. Comment: Mr. Michael Rumpf, December 2, 1999, Page 5 The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel IS to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. Comment is noted. Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at the adjacent shopping center to the east and painted to match the principle color of Wal*Mart (add notes on site plan to document same) . Comment is noted. See note #9 on the enclosed Site Plan. Limit blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign to main entrances and areas enhances with the E.I.F.S. surface in order to minimize incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match, and to be consistent with proposed design standards. Comment is noted. See the enclosed Architectural Elevation Plan. Provide to the County an acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to road improvements required by county for traffic concurrency approval. Comment is noted. This item will be provided to the City of Boynton Beach upon receipt. Provide cross-section or comparable graphic showing that adequate buffering of the overhead bay doors is attained. Additional landscaping enhancements and berming shall address identified deficiencies. Please see the enclosed Cross-Section Plan for the Bay Doors located off Winchester Park Boulevard and Knuth Road. Additional landscaping enhancements have been provided to increase the buffering for both of the bay doors. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DRI qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, G\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Rumpf8 doc ~=n Kimley,Horn and Associates, Inc. Response: 21. Comment: Response: 22. Comment: Response: 23. Comment: Response: 24. Comment: Response: 25. Comment: Response: Mr. Michael Rumpf, December 2,1999, Page 6 provide confirmation from DCA that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. Please see the attached confirmation letter from the Department of Community Affairs dated October 19, 1999 from Mr. Charles Gauthier. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fayade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchandise (except that displayed as part of the garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. Comment is noted. Please see note #10 on the attached Site Plan. To properly soften large wall spaces, tree grate areas shall contain trees as well as those species shown. Comment is noted. Please see the enclosed Landscape Plan for foundation plantings. Update tabular data to show correct maximum building height (elevation drawing indicates 39 feet 2 inches). Please see the site data on the enclosed Site Plan. Modify parking data to include entire garden center which must be accommodated by a minimum of I parking space per 5,000 square feet, exclude cart corrals from required spaces, and modify site to provide spaces as needed. The parking data has been revised. Please see the site data information on the enclosed Site Plan. Blue stripe along front fayade shall be a maximum of 2 feet in width. Comment is noted. Please see the enclosed Architectural Elevation Plan. This item was also discussed and agreed upon with Mr. Michael Rumpf from the City of Boynton Beach Planning Department and Mr. Hal Havens of Boice, Raidl, Rhea Architects, Inc. G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\RumpfB.doc ~=n 26. Mr. Michael Rumpf, LJecember 2, 1999, Page 7 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Comment: Response: Perimeter and parking area deciduous trees shall be replaced or supplemented with tree species that maintain foliage and therefore buffering characteristics with greater planting intensity in vicinity of overhead bay doors. Comment is noted. The perimeter and parking area trees have been revised to a less-deciduous species. Building Decisions (Site Specific and Permit Comments from Mr. Michael E. Haag) 1. 2. 3. Comment: Response: Comment: Response: Comment: The plans submitted for rectification's are not complete. Add to the submittal the same drawings that were included with the submittal that the City Commission approved, including a current survey. Comment is noted. All plans are attached. The second comment #3 from the development order indicates that the plans shall identify specific elevations with respect to establishing the finish floor elevation for the building. This information has not been provided on the plan. Therefore, add to the site data found on the sheet tilted Site Plan a statement indicating that the proposed floor elevation is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] Identify the appropriate floor elevation that the design professional has established for the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the site plan, floor plan and civil plan. The minimum elevation required for the SFWMD is elevation 15.49. Wal *Mart is proposing a finished floor elevation of 16. Therefore, the proposed finished floor is adequate. Please see the site data table on the enclosed Site Plan. Submit elevation view drawings of the building that include the proposed wall signage. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawing that will verify that the area of the wall signage depicted on the plans G:\BOYNTON\WlNCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Rumpfll.doc ~=n Kimley,Horn and Associates, Inc. Response: 4. Comment: Response: 5. Comment: Response: 6. Comment: Response: Mr. Michael Rumpf, lJecember 2, 1999, Page 8 complies with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Indicate on the drawings of the wall signage whether the signs are illuminated and specify type of illumination. Please see the sign schedule on the enclosed Architectural Elevation Plan for the sign computations and ratios. Considering that detail drawings of the site signage were not provided, place the following note on the site plan: "Site signage is not approved for this project. Separate site plan review and approval is required for site signage." Detail drawings of the site signage are attached on the enclosed Architectural Elevation Plan. Please see sign schedule. Submit an executed Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the configuration of the property that is depicted on the approved site plan. Comment is noted. The Unity of Title will be submitted upon receipt. Add the text "Will require site plan approval" below the words Future Development found on the drawing title Site Plan. Comment is noted. Please see the attached Site Plan for the text addition. We look forward to working with your staff towards a successful completion of this process. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 562-7981. Sincerely, K.JML:::;;p ~TES' INC. ~J. Ho:gr' cc: TWR GWW KMR MCS G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Rumpfll doc Department of Engineering and Public Works Po. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416~1229 (561) 684.4000 www.co.palm-beach.ft.us . Palm Beach county Board of County Commissioners Maude Pord Lee, Chair Warren H. Newell, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilatti County AdministJ"ator Robert Weisman ~An Equal Opportunity Affirman"ve Action EmployerH @ printed on recycled paper November 19, 1999 Mrs. Hanna Matras City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425,0310 RE: Wal -(( Mart - Boynton Beach Traffic Performance Standards Review Mrs. Matras: Per my May 10, 1999, correspondence to Mr. Joe Pollack of Kimley,Hom and Associates, Inc., the Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study (dated March 1999) for the project entitled Wal -(( Mart - Bovnton Beach pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Proposed Use: New Trips: Buildout: Old Boynton Road, west of Congress Avenue Boynton Beach General Commercial Retail (220,000 sf) 6,923 trips per day 2000 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has detennined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. Provided, however, this approval is expressly contingent upon and conditioned to the execution of the attached Public Facilities Agreement by the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County and the inclusion in the municipal development order of the phasing and conditions as set forth in the Public Facilities Agreement. In the event these items do not occur, this approval shall be null and void. Please contact me ifyoll have any qu~stions regarding this r~view. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER attachment: Public Facilities Agreement cc: Joseph Pollack, .Jr., P.E. . Kimley-HQrn and Associates, Inc. Steve Morales, Palm Beach County Planning Fil~; Gcncrul - TPS . Mun . Traffic Study Review F:\TRAFFIC\apf\tps\99012app.wpd. TAZ ~~(; PUBLIC FACILITIES AGREEMENT GREEMENT ("Agreement") is made and entered into effective as ofthe / / d t-- ,1999, between WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC., an day of Arkansas corporation ("Wal-Mart") and PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida ("County"), RECITALS WHEREAS, Wal-Mart is the contract purchaser of certain real property, as more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, located in the City of Boynton Beach on which it intends to construct a retail Supercenter for which it has obtained site plan approval from the City of Boynton Beach ("Project"), WHEREAS, Wal-Mart submitted a Traffic Impact Analysis to the County prepared by Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc. ("Traffic Impact Analysis"), which meets Countywide Traffic Performance Standards ("TPS") with the phasing of the development program to the commencement of certain improvements as more specifically identified herein, WHEREAS, in order to ensure that certain improvements will be constructed, Wal-Mart is required to execute a Public Facilities Agreement prior to the County issuing a Municipal Concurrency Letter to the City of Boynton Beach to ensure compliance with TPS. WHEREAS, by entering into this Agreement for purposes of ensuring the construction of certain improvements in order to meet the requirements of the TPS, the County and WaJ..Mart agree that this does not waive any rights the County may have to object to or challenge a Comprehensive Plan amendment or development order relating to the development of the Property if the FTl,413397:4 l3<>'{foJ'\~ 13a\Ct-(~ FL:tt 2.7 8"'f I development of the Property as proposed by Wal-Mart would result in an increase in density or intensity over that currently authorized by the County's Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of these premises, the mutual understanding and conditions contained and assumed herein, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Wal-Mart and the County hereby covenant and agree as follows: I. The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein. 2, Wal-Mart shall have the choice of posting either a bond or a letter of credit ("Performance Security") to secure funding and construction of the improvements identified in Paragraph 4 below as Wal-Mart's obligations ("Wal-Mart Road Improvements"). Wal-Mart's obligations for the Wal-Mart Road Improvements shall include, but not be limited to, the cost of plan and document preparation, right-of-way acquisition, survey, design, permitting, bidding and awarding of contract( s), all construction costs, and staff and outside costs incurred in completing the Road Improvements. To ensure the faithful performance of the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements Wal-Mart agrees to the following: a. For purposes of funding and constructing the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, Wal-Mart shall provide the County, within six (6) months from the issuance of a development order for the Project by the City of Boynton Beach or at least ten (10) days prior to commencement of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, whichever event occurs first, a Performance Security in the amount of 110% of the certified Engineer's cost estimate for the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, as approved by the County Engineer. The County shall be authorized to draw against the Performance Security in any amount necessary to finish the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements or make payments to all persons identified in Florida Statutes Section 713.01 should Wal-Mart default on the payment and/or performance of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements. County shall give Wal-Mart thirty (30) days advanced written notice of its intention to draw funds against the Performance Security. Prior to the FTl:413397:4 BVfpTOrJ "€I'O.\. fl- ~ ,,1S'f 2 expiration of the thirty (30) day notice, Wal-Mart shall retain the right to pay to County all funds requested to be drawn from the Performance Security. Upon receipt of payment from Wal-Mart within thirty (30) days after the notice, County agrees not to draw upon the Performance Security. b. Wal-Mart hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save County harmless against any and all claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgements, liabilities, losses and expenses of any kind or nature, including litigation costs and attorney's fees, whether for injury to person or damage to property, including, but not limited to, wrongful death or impairment of any property interest arising out of or connected with the performance of this Agreement by Wal-Mart or the negligence, whether by act or omission ofWal-Mart, its agents, employees, contractor, licensees, and invitees, pertaining to the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements unless claims, demands, actions, suits, proceedings, judgements, liabilities, losses and expenses of any kind or nature arose prior to Wal-Mart assuming responsibility for the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements or is the result of, or due to, the County's negligence, c. To ensure the faithful performance of the construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements and to indemnify and hold harmless the County from any and all damages, either directly or indirectly, arising out of any failure to perform same, the general contractor selected by Wal-Mart will be required to execute and deliver a payment and performance bond satisfactory to the County equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price ten (10) days prior to the commencement of construction. The bond shall be issued by a company authorized to do business in the State of Florida and having a current valid certificate of authority issued by the United States Department of Treasury under Sections 31 USC 9304-9308, Such bond shall be made on forms acceptable to the County. The contractor shall verify at the time of execution of the construction contract acceptability of the surety provided thereunder. Such bond will not be accepted unless the surety is a surety company authorized by law to do business in the State of Florida and satisfactory to the County. 3 FTl:413397:4 Bo~oJJ I18f<:*tJ FL-. "W2.7S1 3. In the event that another private party commences construction of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements, prior to the time in which the construction of the Road Improvements commences pursuant to this Agreement, Wal-Mart's Performance Security shall be promptly returned by the County within thirty (30) days of the commencement of the construction by the other private party. 4. The issuance of building permit(s) and certificates(s) of occupancy for the Project shall be phased to the following improvements: a. Building permits in excess of 83,000 square feet of general commercial retail use shall not be issued until the award of a contract by the County for the widening of Lawrence Road between Gateway Boulevard and Hypoluxo Road from two (2) lanes to five (5) lanes. The Lawrence Road Improvement ("Lawrence Road Improvement") is separate from and is not a Wal-Mart obligation. b. Building permits in excess of 144,900 square feet of general commercial retail use shall not be issued until the commencement of construction by Wal-Mart of the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard between Jog Road and the existing six (6) lane section east ofEI Clair Ranch Road from four (4) lanes divided to six (6) lanes divided ("Boynton Beach Road Improvements") and the design and modification to the traffic signal at EI Clair Ranch Road and Jog Road. The Boynton Beach Road Improvements are part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements. c. Building permits in excess of 176,000 square feet of general commercial retail use shall not be issued until the commencement of construction by Wal-Mart of the westbound right turn lane on Old Boynton Road at its intersection with Congress Avenue ("Old Boynton Road Westbound Turn Lane"). The Old Boynton Road Westbound Turn Lane is part of the Wal-Mart Road Improvements. FTL:413397:4 f1H/J1l'JJ 1JB'a4, Ft-. fI. '). 7f1 4 d. A certificate of occupancy shall not be issued until Wal-Mart has completed the construction of an eastbound right turn lane at the Project's Old Boynton Road access ("Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane"). The Old Boynton Road Eastbound Turn Lane is part of the W aI- Mart Road Improvements. Additionally, the County has requested, and Wal-Mart agrees, that Wal-Mart shall also design, at Wal-Mart's sole expense, a right turn lane from eastbound Boynton Beach Boulevard to southbound EI Clair Ranch Road ("Additional Turn Lane Improvement"). WaI-Mart's obligation for the Additional Turn Lane Improvement is limited to the design of the Additional Turn Lane Improvement. The construction and completion of the Additional Turn Lane Improvement is separate from and not a part ofWal-MllIt's Road Improvements. In the event Wal-Mart has not completed its contemplated retail Supercenter Project within thirty-six (36) months of the Effective Date, as defined in Paragraph 12 below, of this Agreement then Wal-Mart may be subject to additional obligations to meet TPS standards. 5. WaI-Mart shall be responsible for ensuring that the conditions of approval in the local Development Order issued by the City of Boynton Beach shall include conditions that phase the Project to the improvements and schedules listed herein. 6. The County shall issue a Municipal Concurrency Letter to the City of Boynton Beach informing the City that the Property meets TPS within ten (10) days after the Effective Date (as defined in Paragraph 12) of this Agreement. 7. The provisions of this Agreement may not be amended, supplemented, waived or changed orally, but only in writing signed by all parties to this Agreement. FTL:413397:4 !bO'f/tlro!J ~H.. 'It" 27 81 5 8. All of the terms and provisions of this Agreement are binding upon, inure to the benefit of, and are enforceable by the parties and their respective administrators, executors, legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns (collectively "Parties"). 9. All notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be in writing and deemed sufficient to each Party when sent by United States Mail, postage prepaid to the following: As to the County: George T. Webb, P.E. County Engineer Governmental Center 301 N. Olive Ave., Suite 1105 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 With a copy to: Palm Beach County P.O. Box 21229 160 Australian Ave. West Palm Beach, FL 33416 Attn: Charles R. Walker As to the City: As to Wal-Mart: City of Boynton Beach Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. 2001 S.E. 10th Street P.O. Box 310 Bentonville, AR 72712-6489 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Legal Department Attn: City Manager With a copy to: With a copy to: City of Boynton Beach Susan P. Motley, Esq. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Ruden, McClosky et al. P.O. Box 310 P.O. Box 1900 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Ft Lauderdale, FL 33302 Attn: City Attorney 10. This Agreement shall be construed by and governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Any and all legal action necessary to enforce this Agreement shall be held in Palm Beach County. No remedy conferred upon any Party is intended to be exclusive; any other remedy, and each and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute or otherwise. No single or partial exercise by any Party of any right, power, or remedy hereunder shall preclude any other or further exercise thereof. II. In the event that any section, paragraph, sentence, clause, or provision hereof is held invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this Agreement and the same shall remain in filII force and effect. FTL:413397:4 6 (?oYNlOlJ bGAcP-., Ft-. ,ft.2.787 12. This Agreement shall take effect immediately upon execution by the parties ("Effective Date") and shall remain in effect until such time as the Agreement is terminated by one or both parties, following the adoption of a resolution for that purpose. The Party seeking to terminate shall provide thirty (30) days written notice to the other before adopting said resolution. In the event Wal-Mart provides written notice to the County that it has decided not to commence construction of the Project, the COlmty shall promptly return Wal-Mart's Performance Security within thirty (30) days of receipt of such written notice and this Agreement shall be null and void. 13. Wal-Mart shall be entitled to a credit against Palm Beach County road impact fees assessed against the Project in accordance with County ordinances. Wal-Mart agrees that the credit against road impact fees for the design and survey costs for the Boynton Beach Road Improvements shall be limited to one hundred four thousand dollars ($104,000). 14. This Agreement represents the entire understanding between the Parties and supersedes all other negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral, relating to this Agreement. 15. County's failure to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not be considered a waiver of the right to later enforce that or any other provision in this agreement. 16. This Agreement shall be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 17. This Agreement is valid and enforceable. Only the Parties to the Agreement have standing to enforce this Agreement. 18. This Agreement maybe executed in two (2) or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, all of which together shall constitute one (I) and the same instrument. FTL:413397:4 7 ()oyr'f"o.J dell-Or I PI- #- '2.- 7F'f 19. The parties will each promptly notify the other of any citizen complaint, claim, suit, or cause of action threatened or commenced against it which arises out of or relates, in any manner, to the performance of this Agreement. 20. The Parties expressly covenant and agree that in the event either Party is in default of its obligations under this Agreement, the Party not in default shall provide to the defaulting party thirty (30) days written notice before exercising any of its rights. 21. The preparation of this Agreement has been a joint effort of the Parties, and the resulting document shall not, solely as a matter of judicial constraint, be construed more severely against one of the Parties than the other. 22. This Agreement is not intended to supersede or replace the codes, ordinances, rules or regulations of either party pertaining to review of Development Applications or Concurrency Review. Nor shall this Agreement be construed to limit either Party's authority with respect to review of Development Applications or Concurrency Review. 23. Any costs or expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) associated with the enforcement ofthe terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be borne by the respective parties; provided, however, that this clause pertains only to the Parties to this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned have hereunto set their hand and seals the day and year first above written. COUNTY: PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: Dorothy H. Wilken FTL:413397:4 8 &>'1t1i"loAl lJetkH, ~c... ,ff'Z 1f< f '. By: Deputy Clerk --r-- - I~ofz; C ~ wzr ' - of/....... E (}/,g~ lliij1L;- ,witn / G. ~6Ya;?; .J. I~J-' Printe N e of Wit ss STATE OF A~SAS COUNTY OF ~ By: Chair APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY By: Assistant County Attorney B I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me by J. ROBERT BRAY, as Assistant Vice President of Real Estate ofWal- Mart Stores East, Inc., freely and voluntarily under authority duly vested in him by said corporation and that the seal affixed thereto is the true corporate seal of said corporation. He is personally known to me or who has produced as identification. FTL:413397:4 tx;'IlllroAJ &k:H I PI.-. R-7-1n 9 WITNpSS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this JlIi.. day Of..:1LW.w.k.a1 ,1999. ~ flJ ~... ary Public k'a~'l \).~tl. " Printed Name ofNotliryJ My Commission Expires: } 0 - qo- ~t16~ "NOTARY SEAL" Karen D. Milligan, Notary Public Washington County, State of Arkansas My Commission Expires 10/30/2008 FTL:413397:4 10 I>v?r IJtV !)E'frc.# t Fi--. :# L ? 11 10.' 26.- 99 T1JE 17: 10 FAX 561 562 9689 KHA l'RG VERO 141001 ~=r' Klmley-Horn and Associates, Inc. . FACSIMILE TRANSM11TA.L Suhe 400 60121. Strut Vem Beaeh, P'lOfldt. J29GO TBL !61.!62-'981 FAX 561.562-96&9 To; Krzrl 74Z 62 6S Occpr S3 0 7'7 h ~i:> 2. ' Job No.: It-""" ~ Il.AA-I.r~- fVJr.r11 ~ ~H F L J ~ 70 '<JZ... ILO. 'Z. / A 9 -Q::) /)'t-<.uS L J1~1I\ t~B~", Fax No.: ~l Firm/Location; Crf';' OF- B(.I'(Il qll &..l. Subject: Lv,t'lC~7V2 .s,'?~ From: Dale: / 0 .;. U,- '1'( Original coming by mail: Yes: No: x If you have any problems, please call 5611562-7981 and ask for 5MD'r Total number of pages, including cover sheet; ;$ Comments; W'i. AAv€... ~iS6l) ~ 5iT~ p(..//-/) "7D I (lC I u.t... T /-tI? 5;!'1 'i.. kAAl..K r? v7t;;".1 /:I, l'l t::, ~nt.\k.: T;.J.k O12.Nr.. ~'r'..s. U/ir/./-f1. J./f?.IW'( 7\" W. 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CLl/-4 (,y,..(~c. aj eGo (( +- M Cc. -f 1-.,;--f1 -r;:cS1!l {"~ (,00-.( M<>-<"''t (,,,.,.(50 (\l f ~7 H~ J,)^ IS J'" -Ke. b~fP-.[ I.v~'~~ /~ fr-~,f,JcLJ /" .1 k<"'S 15'1 7<':..o"C"",S' ty ~\ -") \ --.......-.. C Gt ( ( 6 (;~" (L 1" --.... 1i 11 ,< ,< ^ ,h"' L" " n < S ~ ^", he" :7.0 ^' l' It nw vl.)- l,,- f\CC'cs. -f,..5f- j(.:'<=.o- M<' <oy- !( j'~ c,~ ~f, L, 'r "n' s-~; (- (, :<,7 - II If ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. _..--~.- ~t~~I~q1 '\..--'" . .--'" October 21, 1999 KHA 047153079.2002 E(2072) Via Federal Express Priority (561/375-6260) Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 \ "~ y..'-- \' ~:_l')::~:f,.., --";':~'I Subject: Wal*Mart - Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store #2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Re: Rectified Site Plan Snbmittal Dear Mr. Rumpf: On behalf of Wal*Mart Stores East, Inc, we hereby submit five (5) sets of the revised Site Plan which includes the Site, Paving, Grading and Drainage, Utility and Landscape Plans. Revisions are resulting from comments made at the City Council Meeting, Planning and Development Meeting, and other issues that have arisen with site plan approval. Please note that we have reduced the size of the Wal * Mart on.site pond and have added a pond to accommodate the drainage for Boynton Commons. If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 562-7981. Sincerely, KIMLEY -HORN AND ASSOCIATES. INe. tZ~/~ Kevin M. Roberson cc: TWR GWW MCS TJH . TEL 561 562 7961 FAX 561 562 9669 \\DOGBERl\ VOL I\PROJECnCADD\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Rumpf7.doc , . ... ~ ;, ..... . $uite400 60121'I81reel Vere Beach, Florida la960 ......' ;, i:-;l"....i1-1:~ !", If' I I ,,I . ,~ . t r; ~.,. i i ocr 2 I, ~Qqq STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS 'Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities' JEB BUSH G~rnor STEVEN M. SEISERT Secretary October 19, 1999 Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32301 RE: Binding Letter ofInterpretation For Development of Regional Impact Status File No. 1000-001, Wal-Mart Supereenter Boynton Beach Final Order No. DCA99.BL-266 Dear Ms. Kemper: The Department has evaluated your application for a Binding Letter ofInterpretation for Development of Regional Impact Status dated July 12,1999, and received July 13, 1999. Based on the information contained in the application, supplemental information received September 2, 1999, and other information obtained during the review of the development proposal, we enter the following Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, and Order. FINDINGS OF FACT I. The applicant is Margaret-Ray Kemper, authorized representative for Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc., which proposes to develop the Wal-Mart Supercenter Boynton Beach. 2. The proposed project is located in the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Winehester Park Boulevard in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, Sections 19 and 30 Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beaeh County, Florida (See attached map). 3. The proposed project is retail development consisting ofa Wal-Mart Supercenter and 7 out parcels on 39.609 acres. The Supercenter will have 221,000 to 231,000 gross square feet of retail with 1,105 to 1,155 parking spaces. The out parcels are to be developed with retail uses totaling 64,000 to 74,000 gross square feet with 320 to 370 parking spaces. The total of all retail 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD' TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: (850) 488-8466/5uncom 278-8466 FAX: (650) 921-0761/Suncom 291-0781 Internet address: http://www.state.fl.us/comaff/ flORIDA KEYS AreJ of Critical SCate Concern Field Offke 2796 Oveneas Highway, Suite 212 M.:aralhon, Florida 33030.2227 CRHS SWAMP Area of Critical SUle Concern Field Office 203e~st~L1;nSlf~.Su;te 1Q4 BinoW', Flodd.:a3),B()..4r,41 Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper October 19, 1999 Page Two development shall not exceed 295,000 gross square feet and no more than 1,525 total parking spaces on the 39.609 acres. 4. Section 380.06(2)(c), Florida Statutes, (F.S.), provides that the Department shall apply the guidelines and standards which were in effect when the developer received authorization to commence development from the local government. The Wal-Mwt Stores East, Inc., has not yet received authorization to commence development. Therefore, the applicable DRI guideline for this project is Rule 28-24.031, Retail, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.c.) 5. Section 380.06(2)(d), F.S., and Rule 28-24.014, F.A.C., provide that development that received authorization to commence development after October I, 1985, which is at or below 80 percent of all numerical thresholds in the applicable guidelines and standards shall not be required to undergo DR! review; a development that is between 80 and 100 percent of any numerical threshold is presumed not to be required to undergo DR! review; a development at 100 percent or between 100 and 120 percent of any numerical threshold is presumed to be required to undergo DR! review; and a project which is at or above 120 percent of any numerical threshold in the applicable guidelines and standards shall be required to undergo DRI review. 6. Rule 28-24.031, F.A.C., Retail and Service Development, provides, in part, for any retail, service or wholesale business establishment or group of establishments which deal primarily with the general public onsite, the DR! threshold is 400,000 gross square feet, 40 acres, or 2,500 parking spaces. The development of295,000 gross square feet of retail space on 39.609 acres with 1,525 parking spaces is 74 percent of the square footage threshold, 99 percent of the acreage threshold, and 61 percent of the parking threshold; therefore, the project is presumed not to be required to undergo DR! review based on the retail and service development threshold. 7. The Department has reviewed the representations made by the applicant in the application and has considered relevant comments made by the reviewing agencies. The Department finds that the regional issues identified during the review of the binding Jetter applieation are transportation and adequate housing. Transportation The regionally significant roadways in the vicinity of the project that may be significantly and adversely impacted by the proposed development are Boynton Beach Boulevard (State Road 804) and Congress Avenue. Both are identified as regional in the Treasure Coast Strategie Policy Plan. The applicant utilized the methodology set forth in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, 6th Edition. ITE Land Use 820, Shopping Center, was used in Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper October 19, 1999 Page Three the analysis. The total trips were adjusted to refleet the capture of traffic passing by the site using the methodology set forth in ITE's Trip Generation Handbook. The analysis was conducted for a 2003 buildout with 100 percent occupancy. The development is estimated to generate 1,282 PM Peak Hour trips. The Florida DepllItment of Transportation eoneurs with the assumptions and methodology used by the applicant in the transportation analysis. Therefore, the Department finds that the assumptions and methodology as used by the applicant to determine trip generation, background traffic, and trip distribution are acceptable. Pursuant to Rule 9J-2.045(6), F.A.C., the Department considers a significant impact to occur on a state or regional roadway when project generated traffic will use five percent or more of the adopted Level of Service (LOS) maximum service volume of a roadway segment and the affeeted roadway segment is projected to be operating below the LOS standard adopted in the comprehensive plan at buildout. The Boynton Beach comprehensive plan has adopted a LOS of D for the identified regionally significant roadways. Based on the applicant's analysis the project is estimated to use five percent or more of the LOS D service volume on one segment of Boynton Beach Boulevard. However, based on projections of background and project traffic at buildout, the road segment is not projected to operate below the adopted LOS standard ofD. The Florida Department of Transportation has reviewed the analysis and indicated it does not believe there will be any substantial adverse impact on regionally significant roadways. Therefore, the Department finds the project will not have a substantial adverse impact on regionally significant roadways. Adequate Housing A housing analysis was prepared using the document entitled Housing Demand, Supply and Need Methodology for Accessing the Affordable Housing Impact of Developments of Regional Impact. The analysis demonstrated that the proposed development will generate employee demand for 171 housing units for very low income workers. 69 housing units for low income workers, and 4 housing units for moderate income workers. Under the provisions of Rule 9J-2.048(7), F.A.C., a proposed development is considered to have a significant impact when the projected need for affordable housing units is projected to exeeed five percent of the applieable DRI residential threshold (3,000 units for Palm Beach County) or 50 units whichever is greater. In this instance five percent of the applicable threshold is 150 units. . The applicant addressed the adequate housing issue by conducting a Multiple Listing Service (MLS) search to determine the number of available purchase housing units reasonably accessible to the proposed development. The search indicated that there are a total of 182 very low income housing units, 294 low income housing units, and 199 moderate housing units available and reasonably accessible to the proposed development to meet the projected demand. Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper October 19, 1999 Page Four Thus, based on the information provide by the applicant, the project will not create a significant housing need because there is an adequate housing supply to meet the housing demand created by the employees of the development. Therefore, the Department finds that the proposed development will not have a significant impact on the ability of the development's very low, low and moderate income employees to find reasonably accessible adequate housing. 9. On July 23,1999, notice of this request for a Binding Letter of Interpretation was published in the Florida Administrative Weekly. In addition, the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council and the Florida Department of Transportation were notified. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW I. The proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter, which will contain development totaling 295,000 gross square feet of retail space with 1,525 parking spaces on 39.609 acres, represents 99 percent of the retail development acreage threshold set forth in Rule 28-24.031, F .A.C. Therefore, pursuant to Section 380.06(2)(d), F.S., the Department concludes that the proposed development is presumed not to be required to undergo Development of Regional Impact review. 2. Furthermore, based upon Finding of Fact Number 8, the proposed development will not have a substantial impact on regionally significant resources or facilities. Therefore, the Department concludes that the proposed development is not required to undergo Development of Regional Impact review. ORDER I. The proposed development as described above is not required to comply with the review requirements of Section 380.06, F.S. 2. The development and its associated regional impacts evaluated in this binding letter shall be eonsidered cumulatively with any future additional development in terms ofthe guidelines and standards contained in Chapter 28.24, F.A.C., and Section 380.0651, F.S. Should any of the above representations made by the applicant be substantially changed, further review of the project may be required. 3. This binding letter shall expire and become void as of October 19, 2002, unless the plan of development has been substantially commenced by this date. This date may be extended by mutual agreement of the Department, the local government of jurisdiction and the developer. Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper October 19,1999 Page Five The determination does not obviate the need to comply with other applicable state or local permitting procedures. You have the right to request reconsideration of this Binding Letter (see Attachment - Notice of Rights). Any questions regarding this determination may be directed to Roger Wilburn, Community Program Administrator, in the Bureau of Local Planning at (850) 487-4545. )~~75;t,J j of?.. Charles Gauthier, AICP ./1 Chief, Bureau of Local Planning CG(rw Attachment cc: Mr. Jim Snyder, Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Mr. Gustavo Schmidt, FDOT Mr. Michael Rumph, Boynton Beach FlUNG Am..: p,;, ~',H;F~,:.:"::jy;r ,aENT FILED, on Hi:;: d~l3; ;,~;lh .JC ;Jeslgnaled Agency CIBl~, rsceipl oj which is here!7j acknow!edgai. ~ ;, ; /, ~' 10 1'i1'tfJ Miriam S~;J:l)3 Dale DeiSlll"; 1l"f::1tV e!~;k ) VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE ; L__.... ~ o .... .::: . NOTICE OF RIGHTS THE APPLICANT HAS THE RIGHT TO REQUEST RECONSIDERATION OF lHIS BINDING LETTER PURSUANT TO RULE 9J-2.016(14) & (15), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. IF YOU DESIRE RECONSIDERATION, YOU MUST FILE WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS A WRITIEN PLEADING ENTITLED "REQUEST FOR RECONSIDERATION OF BINDING LETTER" WITHIN 30 DAYS OF FILING OF TIllS LETTER. A REQUEST IS FILED WHEN IT IS RECEIVED BY THE AGENCY CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, 2555 SHUMARD OAK. BOULEVARD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100. THE REQUEST MUST DETAIL THE FINDINGS OF FACT ALLEGED TO BE SUBSTANTIALLY INACCURATE, SET FORTH ADDITIONAL MATERIAL FACTS NOT PREVIOUSLY CONSIDERED, AND DETAIL THE CONCLUSIONS OF LAW ALLEGED TO BE SUBST ANTIALL Y INCORRECT. THE APPLICANT ALSO HAS THE OPPORTUNITY FOR A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING REGARDING THIS BINDING LETTER PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 120.569 & 120.57(1), FLORIDA STATUTES. IF YOU DISPUTE ANY ISSUE OF MATERIAL FACT STATED IN THE BINDING LEITER, THEN YOU MAY FILE A PETITION REQUES'fIN"G,A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING BEFORE AN ADMINISTRATIVE LAW nmGE OF THE DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS PURSUANT TO SECTIONS 120.569 & 120.57(1), FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CHAPTER 28-1 06, PARTS I AND II, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. AT A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING, YOU MAY BE REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL OR OTHER QUALIFIED REPRESENTATIVE, AND YOU WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PRESENT EVIDENCE AND ARGUMENT ON ALL THE ISSUES INVOLVED, TO CONDUCT CROSS-EXAMINATION AND SUBMIT REBUTTAL EVIDENCE, TO SUBMIT PROPOSED FINDINGS OF FACT AND ORDERS, AND TO FILE EXCEPTIONS TO ANY RECOMMENDED ORDER. IF YOU DESIRE A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING, YOU MUST FILE WITH THE AGENCY CLERK OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS A WRlITEN PLEADING ENTITLED "PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDINGS" WITHIN 30 DAYS OF RECEIPT OF THIS NOTICE. A PETITION IS FILED WHEN IT IS RECEIVED BY THE AGENCY CLERK IN THE DEPARTMENT'S OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL, 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100. THE PETITION MUST MEET THE FILING REQUIREMENTS IN RULE 28-106.104(2), FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, AND MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH RULE 28-106.201(2), FLORIOA_ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. THE PETITION MUST INCLUDE THE SIGNATURE OF SOMEONE AUTHORIZED TO ACT ON YOUR BEHALF, A PETITION MUST SPECIFICALLY REQUEST AN . ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING, IT MUST ADMIT OR DENY EACH MATERIAL FACT CONTAINED IN THE BINDING LEITER, AND IT MUST STATE ANY DEFENSES UPON WHICH YOU RELY. YOU WAIVE THE RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE ~.' - r - Notice of Rights -'"',_n' _ ,_ .- Attachment .. - ." .' .- _..: _. -"._-,:,- -- . ..,' . . . ~ fJ PROCEEDING IF YOU DO NOT Fll..E A PETITION WITH THE AGENCY CLERK . WITHIN THE TIME FRAMES DESCRIBED ABOVE. YOU MAY ALSO DECIDE fHAT NO FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING OR RECONSIDERATION IS REQUIRED FOR TInS BINDING LEITER. IF YOU DO NOT REQUEST A FORMAL ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEEDING OR RECONSIDERATION, TInS BINDING LEITER CONSTITU1ES FINAL AGENCY ACTION AND IS SUBJECT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW AS SET FORTH BELOW. ANY PARTY TO TInS BINDING LEITER HAS THE RIGHT TO SEEK JUDICIAL REVIEW OF THE BINDING LETTER PURSUANT TO SECTION 120.68, FLORIDA STATU1ES, AND FLORIDA RULES OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.030(B)(1)(C) AND 9.110. TO INITIATE AN APPEAL OF TInS BINDING LETTER, A NOTICE OF APPEAL MUST BE FILED WITH THE DEPARTIvffiNT'S AGENCY CLERK, 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD, TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100, AND WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL WITIIIN 30 DAYS OF THE DAY TIllS BINDING LETTER IS FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK. THE NOTICE OF APPEAL FILED WITH THE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL MUST BE ACCOMPANIED BY THE FILING FEE SPECIFIED IN SECTION 35.22(3), FLORIDA STATUTES, AND MUST BE SUBSTANTIALLY IN THE FORM PRESCRIBED BY FLORIDA RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 9.900(A). YOU WAIVE YOUR RIGHT TO JUDICIAL REVIEW IF THE NOTICE OF APPEAL IS NOT TIMELY FILED WITH THE AGENCY CLERK AND THE APPROPRIATE DISTRICT COURT OF APPEAL. MEDIATION UNDER SECTION 120.573, FLORIDA STATUTES, IS A V AlLABLE WITH RESPECT TO THE ISSUES RESOLVED BY TIDS BINDING LETTER. A REQUEST FOR MEDIATION MUST INCLUDE THE INFORMATION REQUIRED BY RULE 28-106.402, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE. CHOOSING MEDIATION DOES NOT AFFECT THE RIGHT TO AN ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING. .' .. q;:s~ f?t~, WM {Y)(1~~t O1tCd.Q~,rna '- ~-~~~ mL'~(j- Q) C0ut lO~~ ~ CJdd Jll W ~_~ C"J1jJ~JL~ Ct~ ), L.J l.y .~fl""1 A& ~ S(.,( _ ~ f,6::Z - ClC 77 C0 ~f\. 0=M . - ~\C\;~~ __J;- ~~'C ~~--Q q ~ QN,-_O(?v\ - vv.~ I~~ 00 ~ '-I1Av.<' 1, cr,(b~ dv0 '(YCiU_~ ~L~0..Q ~Q (k~-. -pg .. ~ ~\. ) CJ:b;+.- ~~,vld.o~/\& ....'::J fall~. !3c..../ W /"'y Cc=.c?=) f/;; 7 0_.___ _ Dc,.cYe. C><"~+7' f' r~::J2~<.-f ~"'''''- <S , - C{l 2> - a (c.'2. .- clOQS- x. -- qt'~.- C)G'L..- ~o4Y {va.!, /VtAP..( Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: fax#: date: from: re: pages: Theresa Murphy 913-262-9044 10-20-99 rr1 ike Rumpf Responses to questions: I) Sale of beer Contact the appropriate ABT office at 561-682-0077 for information relative to licensing which is required prior to issuance of city occupational license. 2) Garden Center Canopy - My comments would relate to appearance and degree that it blocks view to the enhanced surface of the building which staff worked hard to achieve. 1 would request good graphics, renderings, or computer image accurately showing the end product. 3) Building materials - The city is under the Standard Building Code (1997) and the city will accept product approvals from Dade County. 4~J~" G. rc=c.(7ft<;oQ 5,'-1""c. P,{,,/"l ,..;. 5r'r /"/' fc~~'r,""Q ;:',:,,, "" l...., including cover sheet,::,d;'F>1,/,47 f:' /,c('(V1; 7}. Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742-6260 Fax: 742.6259 "RANSMISSION \!ERIFICATION REPORT L. TIME 10/20/1999 17:34 NAME BOYNTON BEACH P & Z FAX 5513755259 TEL 5513755250 DATE, TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 10/20 17:34 31913252904440991 00:00:29 01 OK STANDARD ECM 10/07/99 09:38 SCH~OEDEF & cHRCHE, P.H. NO.010 ~02 5~~ .s, ; J'2,.~' 4_ SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P.A. .rroa"ns .H...W 0"1 IOc.\ '\.ACe. suITe 119. 'TIlIU.. Z3'l a"""'l$ 101.0 1lOC" R.4TQN. fl.OllDA l34ll . 131l WCHACl. .... ""'OlOca . ~-'WUN" l.A1ICMl . ICC4-.uO"" ('''12<11 -ClOO OIWI&OI ... eDIIaO CI&f'If1C. wn.&.a. ""'" ....IIM,...~.. TI~OPt.u 'Jo" '" . 01tI October 7, 1999 VZA TBLRCOPYER (561) ~42-'259 Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning The City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Re: Wal-Mart . Utility Easements located within Landscape Buffers Dear Mike: I very much appreciate your taking the time from your busy. schedule to meet with Bill Winchester and me with respect to the above-referenced matter. As you may recall. Wal-Mart has been requelilted to conlilent to certain utility ealilemente being required by the City Utility Department which, to some extent, lie within the landscape buffer areas on the approved Wal-Mart Site Plan. Wal- Mart's concerns in this regard are twofold. First, there is a concern as to whether the City will permit utility easements within landscape buffer areas. Second, there is a concern that there might be a conflict between the plantings required to be located within the landscape buffer areas by the approved Landscape Plan and rellltrictionll that might be imposed by the City Utility Department with respect to the types of plants that can be utilized within utility easements. It is our understanding that Wal-Mart has no objection to the easements so long as it is 9iven reassurance by the City as to these two concerns. During my meeting with you and Bill, it was pointed out that the conditions to the Wal'Mart Site Plan approval include a condition to the effect that no canopy trees may be located over utility linelil. As the utility ealilements in question were not part of the Wal-Mart development and not, therefore, reilected on the Wal-Mart Site Plan, this condition did not previously come into play with respect to the portions of the landscape buffer areae which we now know to be affected. Since the City has already approved the location of the utility easements and the utility lines have, in fact, been installed within thoee easements. pursuant to appropriate permits, it is my understanding that it is the City'S position that the Site Plan condition in question controls over any conflict with the approved Landscape Plan. Further, you indicated that, to the extent the application of this condition requires any modification in the plantings contemplated 13/07.'99 89:38 SCHROEDE~ & ~ARCHE, P.A. ~iO. 010 1103 Michael w. Rumpf Cirector of Planning and Zoning The City of Boynton Beach October 7, 1999 Page 2 by the Landscape Plan, this modification can be attended to at the ti~ of permitting and will be handled on an administrative basis. r know that Pete Mazzella at the Utility Department is under considerable time constraints and needs to receive the original utility easement documents as soon as possible. r am in possession of the original easement documents and can release them to Pete as soon as I have Wal-M~t's consent. Wal-Mart's representatives have indicated that they will provide us with the requisite consent as soon as they have confirmation from you that (i) the City does not object to the location of theae utility easements within the landscape buffers shown on the Wal-Mart Site Plan; and (ii) that conflicts between the approved Wal-Mart Landscape Plan and the requirements of the Utility Department with respect to plantings located over utility easements will be attended to by modifications of the Landscape Plan at the time of permitting which shall be handled on an administrative baS1S. Recognizing how busy you and your department are at this time, rather than asking you to write a separate letter to Wal-Mart I s representatives with respect to this matter, I am sure that it would suffice if you would merely sign this lettsr, where indicated below, confirming your agreement to the foregoing and sending it back to me, via facsimile, at the number indicated above. r, in turn, will provide a copy to Wal- Mart's representative who will, r believe, then authorize me to release the original utility eaaemente to Pete Mazzella. As always, your help is most appreciated. V~i MICHAEL A. SCHRO R MAS:sj cc: Mr. Bill R. Winchester (Via Telacopier) David K. Blattner, Esq. (Via Telecopier) Peter Mazzella, Utility Department, City of Boynton Beach (Via Telecopier) 12Y07/99 0'3 : 38 SCHROEPER & LRRCHE. P.R. ",0.010 [104 Michael w, Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning The City of Boynton Beach OCtober 7, 1999 Page 3 Items (i) and (ii) above are hereby confirmed: THE CITY OF BOYN'l'ON BEACH 7L,;::/c By; Michael W. Rumpf Its. Director of Plarming and Zoning (J:\7\CLIENTS\WINCKBST\WALMART\RUMPFOOG.NPD 0645.0.5) 10/07/99 00:38 SCHROED8' & LARCHE, P.A. NO.010 Gl01 SCHROEDER AND LARCHE. P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ONE BOCA PLACE, SUITE 319-ATRIUM 2255 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431-7383 TELECOPIER (561) 241-0798 TELEPHONE (561) 241-0300 TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL SHEET BILLING NO.: 0845-025 (561) 742-6259 (561) 732-3993 (954) 764-4996 (561) 731-0065 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Mr. Bill R. Winchester David K. Blattner, Eeq. Mr. Peter Mazzella TELECOPY NO: TO: ce: FROM: RE: Michael A. Schroeder. ES~, Wal-Mart - Utility Easements OCtober 7, 1999 DATE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS, Correspondence of even date. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW: "''' ,..., 1 ~N"Tn~'2I.T.T1'Y lITnTR 'llIIl DIFORMATION COlrI'AINBtl III nlIS FAX 'l'RAIISMISSIOll IS IoEGAUV flUVIUGBP l\IIlD CONPIllEln'IAL llIFOlIIlATIOH IIiTENDIlD ONLV FOR TIlE USE OF TIlE IMlIVICUiII. OR IlIl1'ITY N1\MIlll AllOW. IF TIlE Ri:llIlER Of THIS TRAIISMISSION IS NOT TIlE INTEmlllD JU:~IfU:NT. VOt] AIlE HEREBY NOTIFIED 'l'IIAT ANY DISS6MIHATION. DISTRIBUTION OR ~O~YING OP THIS TRANSMISSION IS STRICTLY fROHIBITBP. IF YOII HAVE RECEIVED THIS 'I1U\NSMISSIOII IN llRROR, flJlASE IMMlilDIATIlLY NOTIFY t]S BY ~OLLEC'I' ~l'HONE CALL AND U'l'l1IlN 'l'IiE OlUOIlJAL TRANSMISSION TO t]$ AT TIIS lIDDRB$S ABOVE VIA t].S. MAIL. 'I'IWOt vou. IF 100 DO IIOT IlECBIVI ALL OF TIll PAGES PL!l\SE CALL (S61) 241-0300 AS SOON AS POSlJliLl. 09,23'99 THU 09:56 FAX 561 562 Jl689 , KHA URG VERO ~=~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. - - -'.... L./ < YI . t- ~ ." o..-r-ir C c_.'S<C" Y>1c:.-nt3- 1.)/(( C~ c f Wi +i..;J. ~~ 3 SZ'! ~-\r ",f -r-i,,- u) ,( ~+ 1$ ,,-f~... , L.-~(J, 'f'1 !">I( U 5 -f ~" Q. ({ "'-l<"L.(' (II-. T'lc '''" ~c ~ . Pe.~ """< . D,Sc",-'S CN! S :;0, te , , Engineering Planning and E1tvironm~"tal CQnsultants FACSIMILE TRANSMll'TAL To: Michael RumDf Fax No.: 561/742.6259 Finn/Looation; City ofBQvnlon Beach Job No.: 047151179<2002\ Subject: Wal * Mart .Bowton Beach (E). Florida Store No. 2789.00 NewSC Winchester Site From: Todd J. Howder Date: SeDtember 23. 1999 Original coming by mail; Yes: X No; If you have any problel118, please call561/562-7981 and ~k for Debbv Total number of pages, including cover sheet: 4 Comments: Michael: Per our nhone conversation this mominll nlt:a.'oIe find ltLLBch~ St~i1k &. Shakes nrooosed utility easement nltm ror !.heir wl:I.lcr Imd scw~'lluw. I have also attached a copy of the Wat * Mart site Dlan with the landscaue buffers shown. As vou can see there is a discreDaDcv ,,~th Steak & Shakes DroDOsed utilitv easements and our landsoaoe buffer. The only trees that can be Dlanted within utility easements are nalms (oer Peter Mazzella). This is not in accordanoe with the City's aDOrovaI of the Wal*Mart site Dlan. Please call should VOll have anv ouestions. Thank VDU. Todd Howder cc: KMR \\OOOIWlTWOLI..,a.oJf.C."fI{:./'J)D\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\COJlRt!l!I~tFu2..4M Thi, facsimile is intended only for the QQdreuee named herein and may contain infonnation that Is CQntldent1al, Uyou are not the intended 1C'.cipirmt or the employee (IT agent respoIlsibll fOT d~livC1)' to the addrasee, you are hereby notifjed that any review, dissemination, disolo8\lre, or copying of this communicatton 1S strictly prohibited. If you. have received. thiJ facsimile in error, plc&St immediately notify us by telephon", and return the oriainal f8C$imile to us at the address.oove villthe U.S. Postal SeJVice. ThankyoLl. ,"",.~\'''' ~(J(JZ: ...' O'fl; IJoG rt\.1t. 15\'U. O":':"J lUll\. t'1\G VnRv ;99 14,CIdI ~ I Q, ~. ...~~. ... F.I~'" L 0 . ,.. _'II" $NIl ., __ /!,.SQlI!Nf Af $rP:AIt. g,AKt. 8OJll/1tOlN MAc;.. '1.0/110.- . fPl~r DUJ aMNrDN~ / f'\---------------... i~~-~!-~---~~-----.-----i~ . I.' ' J .1 _I !! "i . : I I I I I I I I ~ i I I \ + I . I ! i . , , . i , i : I I . ! I I J _~._ ......___.....-- ~.~-~_y ~-------..~....._-,,- 1~~'~<..,II1. "NOr A o5lIR~ i I .00'1 ( -- Z3' $G' _ ..1tP I, tJnIAK . tIHAK6 fI1T6 . il ..- . ~1NIt. _rr:_m.'.... __ ~_t:Nr I If'/JIWW , ! i 'Ill! . . : I i I ~ jl:- I I.~ ili 1;U I. .~. JI~"'~ ..new fa ,.... ~ ~ uu.r- "".a ~,. ru I .l\. '<. l) '" ~ ls ~ ___ _-IIeU"CUIII'D.............. ....."... ~...,~ ....ruac ..~.....". \",-... '.. r..C.;lJ, ."..........,,..-.J_;.. 1 .. ...... ... ...,...4 .....,.~ . -I.' J,.1 , ,-I . I 'r ,.r..Jtr. ...... ~.T . B #:~~~€ eLL l., -- BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY. INC. COl'18Ulttng EnQlneerlna . Planners . surveyors wc:._ .v'" __ QUle _ n. LAW_AU: In' _>on ..l ~~At: l ~ RR-nl-O . 'IP. '\~ A:\l!;('lt"':'IL11 tl:lI'II"\Uo/(l lll:lr:" OQ/23/99 THF 09:57 FAX 561 562 59 KHA URG VERO ee,....eg....s$I 141ii5!l 5CHI ~ 1. ~. p.,-. . ~ 871'111/1'" 13~," '$f ".~J_S CITY CP -r ~ . ,,'WCRA..,br. ,. ......lD. . nt:JN~ -~} ...,.... ........ I~M/INQ ~1T I '. ~ ... ..~ "'. -...r..... SHl!1!f1: , OF R . ,., ............ ..... C ~... ..... - ....... - ..." ... ....' + ~ ". 1: I . I 1 i I I O~ i.... ,. '~~r \ ~ i . '. l ~ I , 1 itL & &M....~_ l ~ 'I __.. _.. - .__--"'-_..__.......--__ ______._n__ ': -....,.-~ J --....--..--..--..--~...-..--- -r . - -'. --.. - ... "" rr ~oo3 Nl.01'" 011 ~~ D;' O' -.-.- ... M). .......-:. #III ~, 'GO' 'WOT "" -lC'>'" ... . .. ..... ...----------..--..---....--.-----..-----------1........-----.....__..----~-~~~ It .. ..no___., -.-- --- -_..iifIR~.-'l!---l---' ~~-~~---- -1 f\-..WW-W~.~_..--.y-~.~-..~----~--~-~~~-~~---..fjW_- ..-....--... _.._.... ,; : 'I "-- Ni" . ' "..-=, . . Hi ......,..." , .. t I., . . i ! I ! .. , , _t:Mflf .a ,. ::':uT "".. '... '''' tU "AS..... 1 9' I II ~I . 1,-," II "." . c;;o 1 ~ . . i ;~ 1 .. SJ&IUC" . 'BHAI(E SITE or "IW it : . ..~ .. . , I! .~ o .... 8 . .......'M "".!!fI. ."........ .,...,..... rI''''''''' ~ 06 . ...--. ........ "'...... ........, ~ II,fWPIn.-.o .... ...... ..... .; \ .,..... I.... .. ~ . .. .......J.................. _ .. 'r rf .- ..... - ...".. ---. .~., .......... . . . ...., ~ .. ~ '=":;:-.:.::~~ ';j' -.- BISCAYNE ENGINEERING COMPANY. INC~ Ccnaultlng EnalnClerlng . Plan".re ' Surveyors ....-c..,..._ .v~. ~ 81_ -.at -- ... . -- ll#~~~~€ e.. 19~ ~L ~d~~:L SS-OL-A ~ 'Ie 1a f.~SOIO~~ Uaon"'lc "'"" ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 ,.. ~ a I l!l 0 m ~ rfii1 + r~ Oc -o:n 3:m m z -i + -- L!J ' . >t':. . " , " I" ~<;.' , '. I . " + ; .~ 1\1 I I :11: ra- I,:. '" Itll I I ~ \ ' ~, , ,. ~ l ," I (' 0 -~ m ;s I ffl rft ~ m 11 r I \) r ~ "1 .... 0 ~ c ~ ~ ~ r -0 :D ~i C) s: ,.. J: m ~ '!{ ~ ~~ m i ~ ~ ~ ei~ 1'" 1- ~ l;j '!! I I , -+2- " I ------.....-- R p~f}Kl~L VD. O\l3A ::1\111 VHlI tooill .,.__.,...~.._---_._-- -' -,--'-- .. 6996 Z9S T9S xva 9S'60 11H~ 66/tZ/60 --,-~----- - ---- _.---~_. ------.- STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable communities" JEB BUSH Governor STEVEN M. SEIBERT Secretary September 14,1999 Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A. 215 South Monroe Street Suite 815 Tallahasssee, Florida 32301 Re: Wal-Mart Boynton Beach Letter Request File No. BUD- 1000-00 I Dear Ms. Kemper: The Department has reviewed the information you provided on July 13, 1999 and September 2, 1999 in support ofthe Wal-Mart Boynton Beaeh Binding Letter of Determination (BUD) applieation and has determined that said application is now sufficient to enable the Department to proceed with the review. Therefore, pursuant to Section 380.06(4)(d), Florida Statutes, the Department will issue a BUD for this project withing 35 days from the date of this letter; that is on or before October 19, 1999. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to call me in the Bureau of Local Planning at (850) 922-1822. S;;:;~L cp; I f, Roger Wilburn Community Program Administrator RW/ cc: Mr. Jim Snyder, TCRPC Mr. Michael W. Rumph, Boynton Beach 2555 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD' TALLAHA5SEE, FLORIDA 32399-2100 Phone: (850) 488-8466/Suncom 278-8466 FAX: (850) 921-0781/Suncom 291-0781 Internet address: http://www.state.fl us/comaffl FLORIDA KEYS Area of Critical State Concern FieldOlfice 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon,FloridaJ3050-2227 GREEN SWAMP Area of Critical State Concern FieldOlfice 205 EaslMain Slreel,Suile 104 Bartow, Florida 33830-4641 1119/1113/99 1111:52 SCHRoEDE LARCHE, P.A. NO. 1112111 Gll1Il SCHROEDER AND LARCHE. P.A, ATT6RNEYS AT LAW ONE BOCA PLACE, SUITE 319-ATRIUM 2255 GLADES ROAD BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33431-7383 TELECOPIER (561) 241-0798 TELEPHONE (561) 241-0300 BILLING NO, : TELECOPIER TRANSMITTAL SHEF.T 0845-025 (561) 742-6357 (561) 732-3Sl93 TEJ"ECOPY NO: FROM: Ms, Nancy Byrne Mr. Bill R, Winchester Michael A. Schroeder, Esq. September 3, 1999 TO: CC, DATE: SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Correapondence of even date. TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLl.lPING THIS PAGE: ? ORIGINAL TO FOLLOW: CONFID~N'TTAr,TTV N'rlTe T!ili; INFORMATION CONTAINED IN TIllS FAX TRANSMISSION IS LEGALLY PIUVILEOlm AND CONFIDllNTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ONI..Y 'OR THIl tlSI! 01' TIlE INtlIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE:. IF TIlE READER OF THIS TRANSMISSION IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIfIIi:NT. 'lOV ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT AN'! OI~~iMINATION. OISTRIBUTION OR COPYINO OF TIllS TRANSMISSION IS STRICTLY ~OHIBITED. IF YOV HAVE: IlECEIVE:D TIllS TRANSMISSION IN El\Il.OR, I?LEASl!: IMMEDIATIlLY NOTIFY VS BY COLLECT TELEPHONE ~ ANC RETURN TIlE ORIGIN~ TRANSMISSION TO US AT THE ADDRESS ABOVE VIA U,S, MAIL, THANK YOU. IF YOV DO NOT RECEIVE ALl. OF TIlE PAGES PLEASE CALL (oH) 2U-QJQQ AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. 09/03/99 10:52 SCHROEDf ~ LARCHE, P.A. NO. 020 [;I0~ "K:~AEl It.. SCHIOEl)U .., ~"W.IHCC. LA.OII . SCHROEDER AND LARCHE, P. A. ~tTO'NnsAnAw ON! lac" P~E. SUITE 119. ATRIUM 22" CLADES ROAD BOCA Il,ATON, Fl.OIIO" 13411 .7181 IOCA "TON 1561) ~I . O!OO . "'-OC'OA au IOII.ID CtlTtl1to 9I\W. rQ5T3o ..... CI'Wa loA....'.. nr.rco,/Q '''II ZIt. om September 3, 1999 V1A TELECOPIER (561) 742-6357 Nancy Byrne Actin~ Director of Development The C~ty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 Oear Nancy: There are several matters that Eill Winchester and I need to discuss with you. The topics include the following: Ii ,ry( 1. Pl'ooessing a CRALLS designation for the l'oadways in the' ;. \&1 ~~) Congress Avenue corridor between WOOlbright:: Road and Hypoluxo Road. , 1'- 't-' /~ 2. Annexation of 11. parcel adj acent to the propo::led W<ll-M<lrt \\~~' ct~ !'roperty and preferred points of access. ~~.t" ,}.,: 3. In conjunction with the development of the Boynton ,\0)< r'c "'ck-commons Shopping Center and the Ste,,-k 'n Shake rest:aurant, a sewer ~-of ~~7 line wae installed under Winoh.ster Park Boulevard and then north j/~',,~N''< adjacent to the western right-of-way line of winchester Park L~ .~~- Boulevard to the Steak 'n Shake site and a water line was installed .;.' ~o from the Steak 'n ShaKe site running west along the southern .~~ boundary of the gas transmission property and then north to Old \ Boynton Road. This work was properly permitted prior to construction, These utility lines, however, appare~tly lie within the area designated on tne Wal-Mart Site Plan ',a8 "Landscape Buffers". Wal-Mart: has no objection to the location of these utilities within the landscape buffer, but is concerned because of the very specific landscape requirements imposed by the City in the Wal-Mart landscape plan. Since chese uti.lity lines and the proposed eae~m.nts run across the property that is under contract for sale to wal-Mart, Wal-Mart's consent to the location of the easements is required. Pete Mazella has advised thac the Utilities Department has no objecCion to these easemenCs being located within the l~ndsc~pe area, but m~y have some requirement with respect to the type of landscaping that is placed above the lines themselves. We need to obtain a written confirmation from your departmene that Wal-Mart will be permitted to modify its landscape plan, on an administrative basis, so as to bring it into compliance with the requirements of the Utility Department if those requirements conflict with the already approved landscape plan. Iv tfe! U ( ~.{ \ly'1" 09/03/99 10:52 SCHROEDF & LARCHE. P,A. NO.020 (;10:: Nancy Byrne Acting Director of Development The City of Boynton Beach September 3, 1999 Page 2 4. The next topic deals with the City lift station property located on the north side of Boynton Bea.ch Boulevard between Congress and Winchester Park Boulevard. Title records indicate that the City owns a narrow strip of land, which I believe is approximately 6' wide north and south, running along the northerly ~oundary of the lift station site. This property lies within the Lake Worth Drainage District right-of-way, doe~ not appear on the Site Plan for the lift station property and, thus, does not even appear, I ~elieve, within the Utility Department property records pertaining to the parcel. The strip in question is under the use and control of the Lake Worth Drainage Di~trict. Bill Winchester previously entered into an agreement with the District, in connection with the culverting of the District canal, which permits him to use this property for landscaping and parking in conjunction with Che ownership of a parcel or land at the souchwest corner of the Boynton Commons Shopping Center ~ut which was not included within that development. We would like to discuss the procedures necessary to obtain title to this small strip of property. ~. As you are probably aware, the Steak 'n Shake restaurant at the southwest corner of Old Boyncon Road and Winchester Park j): Boulevard has proven extremely succe~sful. The restaurant has {' expressed an intere~t in acquiring a small addiCional piece of ol V i,;r" property to expand their parking area, The parcel in question is ~~~~ i' approximately 11,000 square feet in size and is located within the \'d!'~ property included in the Wal-Mart Site Plan. Assuming that Wal- ~')h4' Mart would agree to exclude the small parcel in question from its ~ purchase, we need to know what the City'S requirements would be to transfer title to this parcel to Steak 'n Shake in view of it having been included wichin the Wal-Mart Site Plan. I believe that these matters can be addressed in a 60 minute meeting which we would like to schedule for one day next week at your offices at a mutually convenient time. I would appreciate it if you or someone from your staff could call 50 that we can schedule the meeting. If I am not available when you call, pleaee speak with my secretary, Sandy Jeffery. Bill and I will bring sketches, aerials and the like to facilitate the discussion and we look forward to meeting with you. MAS:s; cc: Mr. Bill R. Winchester (Via Telecopier) (J:\7\CLI~TS\WINCY2S~\WALMlRT\aVRNE~02.WPC 0845-025) DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Communily Redevelopment August 11, 1999 Todd Howder Kirnley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 601 21 sl Street, Suite 4000 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Re: Wal*Mart Boynton Beach -LUAR-99-001 Dear Mr. Howder: I have reviewed the proposed location for the site sign. I am generally indifferent as to whether it is to be placed at the east or west sides of the driveway, which you may ultimately delineate on the rectified plan (please document this change in the cover letter for the rectified plan); however, the sign is shown within the 10 foot landscape buffer. In accordance with the design guidelines for the site and outparcels, "No sign will be located in the ten foot (10') buffer area which surrounds the property." Please contact me if you need to discuss this matter further. Sincerely, /l1.-.0C: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWRlnl l:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\CORRESP\Kimley-Hom.doc 100 Eas' Boyn'on Beach Blvd.. P.O. Bax 310 Baynton Beach, Florida 33415~310 PilOne: (561) 742.6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 Review Date Date Est Cpl Step Number In Out Date Action .. APPLICATION ACCEPTED 1000 2/23/99 2/25/99 2/25/99 CO APPLICATION DEADLINE 2000 2/23/99 2/23/99 2/23/99 CO COMPLETENESS REVIEW BY P&Z 3000 2/23/99 2/26/99 2/26/99 CO DISTRIBUTION OF PLANS 4000 2/26/99 2/26/99 3/01/99 CO BUILDING REVIEW 5000 3/06/99 3/10/99 3/12/99 CO ENGINEERING REVIEW 6000 3/06/99 3/15/99 3/12/99 CO FIRE REVIEW 7000 3/06/99 3/03/99 3/12/99 CO FORESTER REVIEW 8000 3/06/99 3/10/99 3/12/99 CO PARKS & REC REVIEW 9000 3/06/99 3/03/99 3/12/99 CO PLANNING & ZONING REVIEW 10000 3/06/99 3/12/99 3/12/99 CO Review Step PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BD MTG COM AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COMMISSION MEETING DEVELOPMENT ORDER Number 21000 22000 23000 24000 Date In 4/06/99 4/27/99 4/27/99 5/04/99 Date Out 7/01/99 7/01/99 7/01/99 7/01/99 Last Date Action 6/22/99 Deleted 4/29/99 Deleted 5/04/99 Deleted 5/07/99 Deleted ~v,,~ 08/06/99 P~l 07:30 FAX 561 562 ~89 KHA U~G VERO ~- r" Kimley-Horn a...: _ , and Associates, Inc. V" \ o ~ [.., . .s.uite400 60l 2'- Street Vcro Beach, Florida 3296D TELS61.S62.798 ! FAX S61.S6z.9689 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL To: I!/;Ck4d I?~ From: -10M .${Qt-~7S -l.t>~5q Job No.: 04/1.~O/''lf2c:.oz.) v'/A(- MAr\- - bD'(~~ \5e~~ LE), r:L tJ; 27t'3- 00. W,yJeskr 'Sd< J l-lowJer Date: 'fJ I ~! 91 v'"'" Fax No.: Finn/Location: C. O. ~ _ 8,. Subject: Original coming by mail: Yes:__ No: (fyou have any problems, please call 5611562.7981 and ask for ~J. Total number of pages, including cover sheet: z. "' Comments. M;(.h~c.l; 71-e",st': {.'I\..:!: -tie. f~\Jl':;ed. mDnIAM~"'-t. _ .s;~ fO,......flo-;" s~ed, We: ~AIk.. rd"'....,,4<A .;+- _-to "tItL E...s+ Cor'let'" D~ Ot<f" "X\1Tc.."0' *~ ~ R,-,y"'-b., ~).' l'l.....~e. f"U1;"~,, .,. (..o.....",..J. ::c+ tl\dC.~ft-l, I..... I 1<.><.- w: I( f\"''''I\V OlAr ~4" ~ n.rl"'n..I"'...41y j\..." ",-I...,...,,~ i~ 0....1 0........'4.;."." p)e"J~ ~c.el .!-/-e<f' , , -\-P c....lt '"""1\....."" ~ y"v.. ~Ji This Ia~sUtuJe IS imended on!;'I far 1I1e addressee named herem and may canU::i'1 inf"rmali~;.tl that is cOlifidemial. lfyou are not Ihe intended recipient or the employee or a~nr respMsib!e for deltvery to tile addressee, you are hereby flotified that any rl?yi-ew disseml'latio/l, disclosure. or cop)lillg afthis communication is slY'iclly prohib!lt!d, /fyol-l. !l(1','t received tl:lsjacslmile in error, pl"cw! i',/mediauly I!OtifY liS by !eJeo,~,me, a!1d return rAt! original Jacsim!fe to liS at tho> address above ~'ia tlie US Paslal Service. T'l'3'l.~ }'Oll U:',ro\.X,rJo..: hl.:'-"..6 U\N \!,.,-; ~-,-_.- ~- ,. - OS/06/99 FRI D7;31 FAX 561 562 ",-q KHA URG VEI<U ~[)02 f'~' L 0-' 'L, W a./-MarT- - 'B""I"'~ I 'P.>t-JH_h LE:), Y<. ~~~e~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~==~=~=~5=~~~~~~~~~~-f~~e -- -- =-=----==-----~- - =---- L___ ... ..... " -:--:.::.. \... V I ;E@[MfE[D !L jJJ [f(j It) flf ~ IE -=- =--=-- -- Ii ~ MONUMENT SIGN ,. ~--- .~ ''- ~ . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Helping Floridians create safe, vibrant, sustainable commu,nities" JEB BUSH Governor STEVEN M. SEIBERT Secretary August 4, 1999 Ms. Margaret-Ray Kemper Ruden McClosky etal 215 South Monroe St., Suite 815 Tallahassee, FL 32301 Re: WaI-Mart Supercenter Boynton Beach; File No. BLID-IOOO-OOI Dear Ms. Kemper: The Bureau of Local Planning within the Division of Community Planning received your application for a Binding Letter ofInterpretation for WaI-Mart Supercenter Boynton Beach on July 13, 1999. Public notice of your application was published in the July 23, 1999, issue of the Florida Administrative Weekly. Please address questions or additional information concerning your application to Roger Wilburn in the Bureau of Local Planning at (904) 488-4925. We would like to work as closely as possible with you or your representative to ensure smooth and expeditious handling of your application. Sincerely, '7). &? CZt D. Ray Eubanks Community Program Administrator DREldh Enclosure cc: Mr. Jim Snyder, Treasure Coast RPC City of Boynton Beach rll~ 9 !q()(~ 2616 SHUMARD OAK BOULEVARD. TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 3231'-2100 Phone: (850) 488.8486/Suncom 278-8466 FAX: (650) 921-0781/Suncom 291-0781 Internet address: http://www.atate.f1.us/comaffl FLORIDA KEYS AreIo cA Critical state Concern Field Office 2798 OWrseu Highway, Suite 212 M.,..thon. Florida 33050-2227 GREEN SWAMP Area 01 ClItical State Concern FIeld Office 20S East Main Street, SUite 104 Bertow, Florida 3383()...46.41 FioridD Administrative Weekly Volume 25, Numb~r 29, July 23, 1999 ) SUNTRUST BANK, WEST FLORIDA PENSACOLA MERGED WITH SUNTRUST BANK, TAlLAHASSEE. N.A. TO FORM SUNTRUST BANK, NORTHWEST FLORIDA LOCATED IN TALLAHASSEE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN that the Division of Community Planning, Department of Community Affairs, received the following petitions for binding letters of Development of Regional Impact, Vested Rights and Modification Determinations, pursuant to subsection 380.06(4)(a), Florida Statutes. FILE NO.: BLIM-5oo.001 DATE RECENED: July 6, 1999 DEVELOPMENT NAME: Pine Ridge Unit III DEVELOPER/AGENT: Gulf to Lake Associates, Ltd. DEVELOPMENT TYPE: 28.24.023, 28-24.020, 28-24.031, FAC Citrus Citrus County COUNTY LOCATION: LOCAL GOVERNMENT: NOTICE IS HEREBY GNEN that the Division of Community Planning, Department of Community Affairs, received the following petitions for binding letters of Development of Regional Impact, Vested Rights and Modification Detenninations, pursuant to subsection 380.06(4)(a), Florida Statutes. FILE NO.: DATE RECEIVED: DEVELOPMENT NAME: ~ DEVELOPER/AGENT: DEVELOPMENT TYPE: COUNTY LOCATION: LOCAL GOVERNMENT: BLID-I 000-00 I July 13, 1999 Wal-Mart Supercenter Boynton Beach Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. 28-24.031, FAC Palm Beach Boynton Beach City DCA Final Order No. DCA99-0R.137 IN RE: MONROE COUNTY ORDINANCE NO. 008-1999 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS APPROVING THE REQUEST BY MARILYN AND GINGER HENDERSON TO CHANGE THE LAND USE DISTRICT MAP FROM IMPROVED SUBDIVISION (IS) TO IMPROVED SUBDIVISION-DUPLEX (IS-D) FOR PROPERTY DESCRIBED AS PART OF PARCELS 5-G AND 6A OF SOMBRERO PROPERTIES, BOOT KEY, LOCATED IN SECTION 15, TOWNSHIP 66 SOUTH, RANGE 32 EAST, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AT APPROXIMATELY MILE MARKER 50, AND HAVING THE REAL ESTATE NUMBER 355300. FINAL ORDER APPROVING LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS The Department of Community Affairs ("Department") hereby issues its Final Order pursuant to Sections 380.05(6). F1a. Stat. (Supp. 1998), and 380.0552(9), Fla. Stat, (1997) which require the Department to enter a final order approving or rejecting land development regulations adopted by local governments in the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. FINDINGS OF FACT 1. On May 26. 1999, the Department received for review Monroe County Ordinance No. 008-1999, which was adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on January 13, 1999. 2. The Department has reviewed the land development regulations adopted by Ordinance No. 008.1999 for consistency and compliance with the Principles for Guiding Development for the Florida Keys Area of Critical State Concern. Sec. 380.0552(7), Fla. Stat. 3. The land development regulations adopted by Ordinance No. 008-1999 establish a change to the Monroe County Land Use District (zoning) Map from Improved Subdivision-Duplex (IS-D) for property on BOOl Key at approximately Mile Marker 50. Section XII - Miscellaneous 3337 s.~t b~IRUDEH McCLOSKY 18FL J~l- ) 9 (I. ~ 2!51"" f'l frOM 9=4?644996~5613756259 I""ao;l"" c <-; (,e.(\.-+ RUDEN MCCLOSKY SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. 200 EA.<;T BROWARD 60Ut.fVAR:D fO~T lAlJDElWAl~, f:..OR.IDA BJOl POSi OPPICE BOX 1900 "on L^VoeIt,O"~(. FI.ORIQA ~H02 (954) S27.2412 F~]t ('::1~; 764-4S~ SPM(a),RUDEN.COM FACSIMILE COVER SHEET DATE; Jl1iY~7;'i999 FROM: SUlan P. M()tJey FILE NO.: 19583-0049 NUMBER OF PAGES; 8 (lr.dudinllthb Cover Par;c) If there are any problems or complications, please notify us immediately at (954) 764-6660, TO, Michael Rumpf COMPANY; City of Boynton Beaeh FAX NO,; (561) 74~-6259 COMMENTS: Attacbed Is revised Desl2n Guidelines per your comments (redllned I pagell allo attached) i I THb rNFORMATION eONTAINED IN THlS F4CSIMIL6 M8SSAUlJ IS ATI'ORN~V PRlVILl!(;gD4NDCONl'lD6iJTlAL INFORMATION r<TENDSOONLV FOR THE USE OF1"lIE rNDlVIDUAl. ORENTIJ"Y NAMED ABOVE IF TtlE READBR OF THIS i\.ll:S::;fI,OJ:! IS NOT Till: lNTCNDl:D l\,I?:ClilI3N'f, yOU AlU: nr.IU::OY NO'TlnLO Tllt\1. ANY OISSf,M&l!lfiON. OIS1'rtIOUTfOH OR COPY OF nus COMMl!NfCA Tl0N IS ~'TRJCTL Y I''ROHIBTTED, (f' yOU HA Vl'. RECEIVll1) nus COMMUNICATION IN ERROR ~LEABE IMMWIATELYNOT,PY us 8Y TELEPHONE (If l.ONO[;lSTANCE, PLE^)e C-\Ll. "Q~l.E~T)ANI) RtTUI<N Hi" ORIGiNAL MESS.~GE TO us ATnm "BOVE ADDRESS: VlA. THE U.S. POSTAL SE~VICij. THANK YOU, FTL:ij04032. I S@>wt b'::!:/oiUDEN Mc.ClO~d'.Y 13Fl JJ!l- ~9 134125,.." I'rc~ 9~4754~996t5b13755259 ,.ao;1e- 2 W AL-MART CENTER MASTER PLAN DESIGN STANDARDS June 1999 Boynton Beach. FL Prepared by: Kimley-Horn & Asso~iates, In~. (JOl Zht Sf., HofOO Vel'o Beach, FL 3:1960 Rud~n, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russel~ P,A. 200 East BrowlIrd Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 .;"1'1.:417015:5 S"lOIt b':f:PtJDEN McCLOSkY 18Fl JJJ,I-2?-99 B4:2S,./Il rrc~ ~54?64~9967S613756259 ~aq. 3 -DESIGN GUIDELINES. INTRODUCTION W AL-MART SUPERCENTER Boynton Beaeb, FL OVERVIEW These desil;!n stmdards mG cTitcria have been established at the requC$l of rhe City of Boynton Beach, Flonda to ensure overall quality and continuity of desIgn for th€ approximately thiny-nine (19) aCl"e~ of property ("Wal-lI1m Center") located in the "outhwe$t ."'.oer of the inter~ectlon of Winchester Park Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, The development offhe property will consist of a large parcel intended for development of a Wal-Mart SUptl1:cntel and an 1.illdetclmined number of outparcels for typical outpllfcel retail \ISe, The Steak 'n Shake outparcel currently being developed adjacent to the northwest corner of the yropert> is not pa.l1 of Ihese Design Guideline~" The WaJ-Mart Center prC'perty is designated Local. Retail C<1mmercial on tlJ<: City'5 Comprehensive Land Use Plm It is \lot the intent of these lluidelines to restrj~t or regiment creative design but ratiler to aSS\lIe minim\\m ;1andard6 for compatible and consistent design. The criteria set forth h~lein are in audItion to a!1d suppl~m.tlt those d~velopment regulations of the City of BQynton Be.a,c-h a,ed other applicablt so'- euuuent.!ll regulatory authoritie~. These guidltlincs will set minimum standards for site planning, landscaping, signage and roadway access. Other regulations of the City and applkable governmental agencies. such as the design and constructioIl of utilities, drainage and structutes are not affected. PURPOSE & INTENT It is the intent and purpos~ of the regulations and guidelln~S established herein to ensure that the goals and objectlves of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code are met. SITE UTILIZATION The exact sizes ofthe outparcels will he determined at a later date when they are site planned and developed, The driveway; shown on the attached E>!hibit ';/1." WaP,farl Sit. Plan will provide access for the outparcels Cross access easements will be established W1th each our.parcel. Each outparccl shall provide, at a minimum, the parking required by the City Code of Ordinances for the mtended use The Wal-M2Tt S:lf Plan shall be amended as each Qutparcel is developed to reflect the f1l-:4l'Ol,'1 Sltllt b~:,,"U[)EN M(.ClOSK'I' 13FL .r.l::I-27-'~? 04:26PM frc~ 954~644~96~561375b259 F'a<;1!' 4, ':I additional outparcel developm~nt. TIle Stellk 'n Shake shall also have cross access righl3 to utilize the drivcway~ shown on the Wal-Mart Site Plan. IMPLEMENT A nON Standards :'()t landscaping and signage remllln general, provIding gUldehnes for si<:;e, looation alld d~.sign. The Wal-Mart Supcr~mtc;r's landscaping and signage ghall sel the standard for development cf the outparcels. These standards ",ll be f"Urth~r defined as paIt of the site plan sllbmittal paCkUl;\J to thG City [OJ the develapment of individual outparceJs Oround signs, id.entifying the use of each outpar~l, shall be single 01 double fac~d, Each of the outparcels shall!:e allowed one (1) such sign, 'l ma..;imum offorty-ei~t (48) &juare feet in size, ill1d no greater than ten feet (10') in height. These sIgns may not!:e placed within tho ten foot (10') landscape buffer strip adjacent to the roadway. Each ground sig;} must be of conelerc Ot masonry construction with solid stucc.o finish design~d ger.el'ally sImilar to be Wal-Mart slgn, Balle colors must b~ compatible with building colors, LelterilllS andior corporate logos ma)' vary in size, font and color, based on the particCllar user and rts trademarl,ed colors, font and !ogos. Each groll."td sign must be ,surrounded by a one foot (I') high, or greater, planter wall within which groWKi cover such a, t10wermg shmbs or other landscaping sball be mstalled and mainiamed. Exterior building colom, moluding body, trim und roof coloro ClI"e to be 3elected from II palette of colors consistent with suuounding comtllercial development ,uch as Boynton Commons to rhe easr (but not the Ste.;{ 'n Shaloe",. The 00101' palette generally oor,sist, often. cotta and elUth tones for the roofs, pale earth tones and pastels as the primary building colors and various brighter acc.ent colcrs on building sigm, accent tile'; und color bands. Ttademarked colors find signage shall be permitted bot shall be used in such a manner as to be compatible witb primary building colors Specific guide.lines are: T'!.'" Il]e ll:al.MarT Supercenler Parcel * Sig1.age The Wal-Mart Supercenter 9ignage will consist of one (I) double faced monument sign to be iocated at the Old Boynton Road entranceway to the Wal-Mart Center. This sign will not exceed sixty-four \ 64) square feet of signable area pet face end shall not exceeJ ten feet (10') ;11 'jvtrall height. This SiWl will not be located in the ten foot (10') buffet ill'ea which surrounds the property. Signage lor the Supereenter building shdl be as allowed in the City Sig;l Icgulatlons ,md as Sh)\V11 ()l', attached Exhibit "B" ElevationlSignage Plan" * Landscaping I'TL:42'7I)IS~ 2 :,~I(",t. b~:ldJDEt~ Mc..CliJ5t(Y l8Fl J_\:!.1-27-3384:261""" fron 9547644936~5613756259 l"!IIqoeo S - q, lhe landscape OIl the Wal.Mart SU(lercen~ej' p<u\:el wiU be in accordallce v..1th the City Code req:u.irerllent5 as enhanced by the approved plan. The plant palette shall be consistent and compatible wIth that of the Boynton Beach Mall and the Boynton CODl1Doru; Shopping Center. To the extent feasible, ellisting trees will be ll1col'porated into the site plan. ... Buildmg Colors The exterior colors of the Will-Mart SU(lercenter Will be In keeping with the colors (lfthe sur;-oullding commercial developrnems (not including Steak 'n Shake). .rhis color palette generally c('nsists of terra cotta and earth tones on the flJofs, pale earth tones and pastels <l3 the pritr,llIY building colors, and YllJious brighter accent colors on signs, acccnt tilcs, and color bands on the buildings, all as referenced on the Elevation/Signage Plan(s). * Building Materials Building materials for the Wal-Mart Supel'center shall be compatible with the building ma1cl'ials llsed il1 other commercial devel()pment in the vitinily including the Boynton COl!unons Shopping Center. ... BtJilding Design Btt.lding design I.> .s set forth on the Elevation!Signage Pla.l1(S) which e,~dences varied architectural feat.ll'es such as banding, decorative tile." colwnns and lllass- 1'" or the Ou/parcel.\' .., Slgnage Slgnage for outparcel buildings sh2l11 be in accordance ,....itlt the City Code rcquiremcnts and wmpatible with Ihe Wal-Mart slgnage, except that of n1aximtun sign area. :NOll-building slgnag~ for th~ Otltpateels shalL consist of a maximum of one f 1) double face4 monument sign to be located along the street frontage of each outparcel. The size of monument .ignage allowed for each individual outparcel shall be forty-eight (48) square feet of signable area per face. Each momunellt sign shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height and will be con~tru~ted li.lll to the ground With appropriate plant material (not just sod) around the base. Eai:h grolmcl sigo must be of concrete or masolU"Y construction with solid stucco fmish or altematlve matenal, both COllSlstent mth the Wal.Mart sign and acceptable tc City staff Fach sign shall be generall; consistent with the Wal-Ma>1 Site sign. Outparcel sign c(llors :.;hall be compatible "ith building colon. The n.e of corporal<: 101105 and colors will be Ffl,,42"OI,S:~ 3 Sent. b~:RUDEN McCL05~~ 18Fl JMl-2?-93 04:27~~ rro~ ~~47644gq6~S6137562~9 pa~e 6,' 9 permitted and should be utilized so as to be compatible wllh the Clveralllook of the Wal.Mart Supercenter and the subject outparcel. Building signage shal' be limited to entrance areas of the buildings, unless minimal, soft, and compatibl~ with subject facade, and does not muoduce new colors to the project * L91tdscaping The landscape on the outpal'cels shall be in accordance with City Code landscape requirements and possibly enhanced by each respective outparcel project. The plant palette shall be consistent and cornparjble with the landscape on the Wal-Msrt Supcrcenter parcel. To the extent feasible, existing trees will be incorpcrated into :he sit~ plan, The ten foot (10') landscape hutTer a.long the waclw<.ys, as shown on the Master Site Plan, shall be ma,ntained and may be enhanced when outparcels are developed. * Building Colors Since the WaI-Mart Superc.eoter will be built first, outplll'cels ,,~Il undergo separate review by the City of Boynton Beach. Buildings shall be generally compatible with the coloration oftbe Wal-Mart Supercenter and Boynton Commons buildings. Individual buildings will be permitled to utilize corporate or trademarked colers as part vi' the accent colors on buildings as long a5 unique corporate colors do not represent extreme oolor c.ontmslS ill1d 1I.I:e limited lO entrance areas on the buildings and sigo&ge At the time of City reVIew and sIte plan approval of each outparcel, specific color references shuli be provided. These must he rev rewed by Or)' staff for compatibility whh the Wal-marl Supercenter and B0ynton Commons during the review p"Ocess, * Building Materials Building materials for outparcel development shall be compatible with Wal-Mart Supercentcr building matenals and those Llsed in other eommerClal development in the VIcinity mcluding the Boynton Commons Shopping Center If ,1eW or unique materials r.re used, said matenals shall be used to achieve a higher quality appearance or product * Building Desi gn Building design for oUlparcel development shall be compatible with the Wal.Mart Supercenter as set forth on ElevatiolliSignage Plan whIch evidences varied architectJral f~aturel such as banding limited to entrance areas, columns, decorative tiles, cornices and Jiamoorl features, eto Building design shall also be oompatible v.ith other commercial development in the vicinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. Except for entrance features and ({)Iumn details, no elcments s,\onld extend above the roof line If alternative roof designs are proposed, a maximum effort sh(11I1c1 be given to maximize IT: 4VJI5:5 4 St!!l"'lt b~I~UDEN Mo:.CLOS!<'r l8FL JJ~1-27-93 e4128~~, frOM 95~?544~~6~561375&259 Pi!l';!o!' 7, ';I compatibility with es1ab.lished arc!ritectural character. Also, main entrances shall be enhanced with raised rooffeatw.c, columns and arche.s, unless contrasting corporate design requirements are deemed aeceptable by City statt". * Uses It shall be a goal of this development to enhance the diversity of retail uses in the surroundiniJ; area and to avoid duplication of uses. Where these standards remain silent or are in conflict with City standard>, then the City standards shall apply rn...tl'7(lt5:5 ~ :;,e-,'lt b~:RUDEN McCLOSKY 18Fl J~~1-27-9;,! Oi:28..." frcn ~~4?544996~~61375b2~9 ...age A/ 9 The lii.iJdscape on the Wai-Mart <;lIpercenler parcel wi,1 be In accordan~~ with the Cicy <:;ode I~G.u;emehts as enhanced bv the approved plan. TIle plant palette shall be consistent and compatible with thut of the Boynton Beach Mall and th~ Boynton Commons Shopping Center. To the extent feasible, existing tr~es wiil be incorporated into the site plan. * BUilding Colors The exterior colors oftheWal.Mart Supereenter will be in keeping with the colorg of the surro1Jndillll commercIal deve;opments (not inc!udi.ng Steak 'n Shake). This color palette ge:1erally conSiSts oftena cotlll and earth tones on tbe roofs, pale ea.rrh tones and pastels as the primary buildmg colors. and various brighter accent colors on gigns, accent tiles, and color bands on t.c'1~ buildings; all as referenced on the ElevationlSignage Planes) * Building Materials Building materials for the Wal.Mart Super~nter shall be compatible with the building materials used in other commercial developmcnt in the vicir.ity inclUding the Boynton Cemmons Shopping Center * Building Design Building design is as set fol".11 on the Elevation/Slgnage Planes) which eVIdences varied architectural features such as banding, decorative tileS, coluron$ and ilas!, FQI tho O"lw"ol$ * Signage Silrflaie for oulp=1 buildings shall be in accordance with the City Code requirements and co:npatible with the WaI.Mart si~ge'.lxceDt that of ma.ximum ~i~n area. Non-building signage for the outparcels shan consist ot a maximum of one (I) d 1Jot~ laced monument sign to be lo~ated along the street frontage of each outpar~el. The size of monument signage allowed for each indiviliual outparcel sball be forty-eight (48) squllIe feet of signable area per face. Bach monument sign shall not exceed ten feet (IC') in height and will be constructed fu:J to the ground with appropriate plant material (not just sod) around the base. Each ground sign must be of concrete or mllBonry construction with solid stueco finish or alternative matenal, brnh coosistllnt with the \Val-Mart siElO and acceptable to CIty ,t"ff, Each sign shall b. generally consistent with the Wal-Mart Site sign. Outparcel sign colols shall be compatible with buildinij colors, The use of corporate 10l:OS and colors will be FTLA2701l,l iJJJJN1 r~ 3 S@,,.<"It. b~ :"UDEN Mc.CLOSKY l8FL J!:.~ 1-27-93 134128,.,... fro~ 95476449~6~S613756259 ,. a<;l@o '3/ 9 perrni~~d and sho~ld be utilized so as to be compatible with the overall look of the W~I-Marl Supercenter and the subject Qurparcel. Building signage shall be limited to entrance m-e., d Ihe h"ildings, unless minimal, soft, 811d compatible with subject facade. and does !lot tnlroduce new colors to the project * Landscaping The landscape on the outparcels shall be in accordance with City Code landscape requirements and possibly enhanced by each respective oulparcei proJect. The plant palettl: shaH be consistent and compatibk with the landscape Oil the WaHvIaIt Supercentet parcel. 1 t' the extent feasible, existing,trees will be inaolporated into the site plan. The ten foot (! 0') landscape butfet along the roadways, as shovm on the Master Site Plan, shall be mallltained iIIld may be enhanced when outparcels are developed. * Building Colors Since the Wal-Men Supereenter wtll be b'.Iilt fIm, outparceis will undergo separate review by the City of Boynton Beach, Buildings shall be generally compatible with the coloration of the Wal-Mart ~upercenter and Boymon Commons buiidings Individual buildings will be pennirred to utilize corporate or trademarked colors as part of the accent colors on buildings as long as lU1ique corporate colors do not ,'epresent extreme color contrasts and are limited to entrance areas on the buildings and signa;;c. At tho: lane ef City review and site plan approval of each outpareel, specific c:olor referen,es shall be provided, These m'.Ist be r~vi<wed b)' City staff fer compatibility with the \Val-mart Supercenter and Boynton Commons during the review process, * Buildmg Matenals B~ilding: matQrials for outparcQI development shat be ,-'mpatible with WaI.Mart Supercenter building materials and those used ill other commercial development in the vidnity includilll:\ lilt: Boyntun CurnInons Shopping Ct:mer. ~Ilt:w or uni~ut: malt:rials arc used, soid materials shalt be used to achieve a higher qualitv appearance or product. J * Building Design Building design for outparcel development shall be compatible with the Wal-Man Supercenter as set fonh on ElevationlSignage Plan which evidences varied architectural fear.ures such as banding limited to entrance areas, columns, decorative tlks. cornices IlI1d diarnond feature~ Bmlding deSIgn shall also be compatible with other commercial development in the vIcmity including the l30ynwn CJmmons Shopping Center. Except for ormanee features and COllllTIn details, no elements should e"tend above tne roof line, If altcrnlltiye roof designs are proposed, a maximum effort should be given to ma~imiz. HL:4270d:5 /I,J] () .. iJ '~:{!J ff- 4 ~=n Kim!- Horn and Associates, Inc. !~ r~JL, ~' : ,.~J .n 2 11999 601 21st Street. Suite 400 Vera Beach, FL 32960 TEL 561/562-7981 FAX 561/562-9689 Transmittal ,riD PI Date: July 20, 1999 To: Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach File 047153079 L(2002) E(2072) 4 digit code 1217 Wal * Mart-Boynton Beach (E). FL Store #2789-00, NewSC Winchester Site 100 E. Boynton Beach Blyd. Boynton Beach. FL 33425 PH:5611742.6260 Fed Ex Priority We are sending you ~ Attached D Shop Drawings o Other: D Under separate cover via the following items: D Prints/Plans D Samples D Specifications D Change Copies Date No. Description 7/20/99 Color Samples These are transmitted as checked below: ~ For your use 0 Approved as submitted D Resubmit 0 copies for approval 0 As requested 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit D copies for distribution 0 For review and comment 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return D corrected prints Remarks Enclosed are the Color Samples for the above referenced site. Hopefully this will address your comments left on mv voice mail 7/20/99 at 4om. I[vou have anv auestions ulease [eel free to contact this office. Thank vou. Engineering Planning and Environmental Consultants Copy to GWW KMR Signed ~JeI oJ M (' Todd J. )'fOwder, E.l. G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\Trans\City-Rumpf5 doc el-Jul-20 07:05pm Fro~-RUPE" ~ KY 1547544116 T-771 P 02113 HI4 RUDEN MCCl-D9KY SMITH SCHUSTER &. RUSSEl-I-, P.A. ~uo I "'II I1K~)V\lAkP &()uLfVI\RD rvRT LMIlJIItI)Alf, F~ORIOA l,j301 POST Or~lc..l [lUX hUil fL))(l ~A",OERO",Lf, FLORID^ 33J\l.t (~~'tJ 7(.,,,,,(,6(,0 1:"">'- ('JSIt) 'b4-4'J9b wRITI:R''S UII<tCl UI.....L NUMBER (95., ;;:i'-l4n I.MAII ~J'M@P.UO~I'Il COM JUly 20, 1999 ,ok ~ (05.( , " ~, ....<5)... "..(,.J ( u~ {..<....-G' ...;- .\\- .... V;u fuc.dnlile Mr Michael Rumpf J'lllllnlng Director Cily of Boynton a~:wh 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd. Buyntun B.:adl, f1orid~ 33425 R.:: W41-Man Center Master Plan Design SlllIldarcis ("D~slgn Standards") Dear Mike: Enclosed ~ revised Design Standards pursuant to your markups and conunents I hay. includeCl both a redlinold version from the drJt which you previously reviewed and a clean version I am hoping that thiS should be sufficient for the ddelion ofStaffCommenl #24. My s..:r\:"lary, Lois Stewan, IS in the process of llJiing 10 set up a call wilh you as soon as possible so that we may hopefully delete lIS many ohile St4ff Comments as possibk in pr.:pararion lor next week's TUeeting. Thank you, ~s always. for your cooperation llIld asshliUlce. Sincerely, RUDEN McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCH ER & RUSSELL, PA. Enclosures cc Kevin Roberson Todd Howder l"l'L li1CilSo6 ,0. T fORT l-AUDERDALE . MIAMI . NAPL[~ . <;T PETER5~u~C. ,ARASOT A. T ACl-^HASSEE. AM~^ 9I-Ju1-20 07:05pm Fram-RUOEN-lIC - "SKY 9547644916 T-TTI POl/I! H14 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A 200 Easl 8roward Boul~vara Po.. Oflkdlo" 1900 fon la.dGra.I<,l'ior;oa 33302 Fax No. (954) 764-4996 July 20, 1999 DA1'E: FROM: FILE: SU.ilA P. Motley - :zI98 19583-0049 Wal-Man/8oYAtoQ Beac. DIRECT DIAL NO.: (954) 527-2412 NUMBER OF PACES' If If {here are any problems or complicalions, lease notj uS immediatel at (954J 76+6660. TO: Micb..d M. Rumpf (561) 742-6259 COMPANY: FAX: COMMENTS: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS fACSIMILE MESSAGE IS ATIORNn !'aWn.EGED AND CONflllENTlAL INFORMATION INTENI)EP ONL'\r FOR nlE USE Of THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTIn NAMEP ABOVi. IF THE READ"R OF THIS MESSAGE ,S NOT THE INTENDED REC'PU;NT, '\rou AJU; If EREll\' NOTlF",DT~T AN\' DISSEMINATION, DlSTIUBVTION OR COPY OF THIS COMMVNICATlON IS STRlC'1'LY PROHIBITED. If YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMuNICATION IN EMO\\, PLEASE IM~IEDIArELV NOTIF\' uS B\' TELEPHONE (IF LONG DISTANCE, PLliASE CALL COLLEC"r) ANI) RET\JRN 'rHE ORIGINAL MESSAOE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA Tin: u.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK '\rou. FTl..)bIU l 9HuHO 07:05pm From-RUCE~.. 'SKY 9547644996 W AL-MART CENTER MASTER PLAN DESIGN STANDARDS June 1999 Boynton Beach, FL Prepared by: Kimley-Hom " AiSCltillte~, lat. 601 21st Sr., MOO Vero Bearb, FL 32%0 Ruden, MtCIOIiky, Smith. Srhuster" RusseU, P.A. 200 East BrC/ward BlIlllevllrcl Fori Laudenial!!, FL 33301 RUH.INl1:D UUnllll"IU /lito.: 0411("5 Vt=r.,OIlla:-1..AL D..Jt:; .'ul" 10 1'Nl) .\L'furA"Y of RtdbOlnc Nut GlulrIUUClOd te T-771 P 03/13 F-314 99-Jul-20 07:06pm From-RUDEN ~ 'KY 9547644916 T-771 P 04/13 F-314 -DESIGN GUIDiUNES. INTRODUCTION WAL-MARTS~~ERCENTER Boynton Beaeh, FL OVERVIEW These clesil;ln standll1ds and critena have been established at the requesl of the: Cil)' of aoymon Beach, Florida 10 ensure overall qllality and continllit)' of design tor the approxImately thirty-nine (39) acres of propeny ("Waf-Man Cemer") located in the soulhwesl corner ofloe imersection of Winchester Park Boulevlll'd and Old Boynton Roll4. The developm~m of the property will consist of ;llarge parcel intended for dcvdopm"m of II WaI-MlIJ"t Supercenter am! an un<ltlTermin..d number of outpll1cels for typical outparcel~ use. The Steak 'n Shake oLltparcel cLllTeml)' being developed adjacent to the northwest corner of the propert> is not pan of these Design Guiclelines. The Wal-Man Center property is designated Local Retail Commercial on the CitY's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. It is not the intem of these guidelines to restrict or regiment creative design but rather 10 assure minimum standards for compatible and consistent desigll. The criJeria set forth herein are in addition to and supplement Ihose d"velopmem reg~ations of the City of aoymon Beach and othc:r applicab~ governmental regulillory autllorities These guidelines ",ill ~et nunimLlm stanclards for site planning, landscaping, silinalie and roadway access. Otller regulations at" the City and applicabl" gov,,=emal agencies, such as the q"sign and construcTion of L1tilitie~, drainage and strUClures ar" nOI affected. PI JRPOSE & INTENT It is the intent and purpose of tile rellulation~ an4 guidelines established herein to ensur" lhallhe goals and objectives of the Cit)"s ComprehensIVe Plan and Zoning Cocle are met. SITE lITlIlZATION The ~l\.act >iZe~ of the olltparcels will be determined al a la?lJer, te when they are sile planned ancl developed, The driveways shown 011 the anachecl Exhibi 'A' Wal-Man Site Plan will provide access for the olltparcels. Cross access easemems will be e tablishecl with =h outparcel. Each oUlparc,,1 shall provicle, at a minimLlll1, tile parking required by lhe City Code of Ordinances for the '1\ IU1H.INEP lkt6="m~DJ Nit.; ~2'm!i VrrsiOIh:-1...Ii....:L. Uin~: Idl\l ~I 19~J A~l,:~n(~ <Jf Re41111tlliJ ~Ql' C...UI.trll:d ~ 91-Jul-20 07:06pm From-RUDE" ~ ~KY 9547644916 T-771 P 06/13 F-314 imencl~d u:>e. The Wa!.Mart Site Plan shall be alll~nd~d as ellCh outparcel i. uevt:lopecllo rdlect the aclclillonal outpalcel development. 1he Steak 'll shake shall also have cross acc~ss righls to unlize the driveways shown on the Wal-Man SIte Plan. IMPLEMENT A TION Slll1ldards for landscaping and signase remain ~elle"li. providing guidelines for size. location and design. The WaJ-Man: Supercenter's landsl:apillg and slgnage shall set the standard tor development of the ourparcels. These standards will be further defined as pan of the SIte plan subminal package 10 the City tor the developmc:n! of individual outparcels. Ground signs, idenlit'ylllg the use of each oUlpalcel, shall be single or double faced. EllCh of the outparctls shall be allowed one (1) such silln. a m;\)<UllUlll oHorty-eighl (48) square teeT in size, and no grea"'r Than len reet (10') in height. These signs may not be placed within the ten toot (10') landscape buffer strip adjacent 10 the roaclwaytill.ete lUlut b... .. t..n f<lM (18') lttbaek. Each ground siill mUST be of conCrete or masonry cO!l~~ion \\!iJh ~olid STUCCO finish Wesi2ned ~enerallv similar to the Wat-~an sil1}ll. Base colors muSt be compatible: with building ~olor:s. LeTtering and/or cOlpOratc: logo; ~y vary in size, fonT and color. bElsed on th~ parri<.:u1ar us~r and its trademarked cIllors, tOnt and logos. Each ground sign mu;! be ~l.llTounded by a one foot (I ') high, or g~arer. planter wa!L within which groWld cover such as flow~ring shrubs or other landscaPIng shall be inSTalled and maintainecl, Exterior builcliui colors. including body, !Tim and roof colors are TO b~ ",lec!e<.l from II pallOne of colOrS consistent wiTh sUlToUllding commercial C\evelopment sUl:h illi Boynton Commons to the eaST (but not the Stellk 'n Shak~). The color palene generally consists of terra cona and eart!:l..~.for the roofs, Ilale ea,rrD.IQIl.es !Ill~. p~~t~ls. as the primary buildinl1 colors and vAnQUS brighter accem color~n buildj!llUigns, acc~!lUil~s_and color bands. Trademarked colors and signllge shall be permitted but shall be used in such 11 manner as 10 be compatible wiTh primary building colors. Specific guidehn~s are: For thl! Waf-Marl Sunercl!nler Pan'" * Signage The Wal.Man Supen:enter ;;ilmlll\e will consisl of one (1) double faced monllfllelll sign to be located aT me Old Boynton Roal! entranceway to th~ Wa!-Man Center. Thi. ;ign will not ~ceed sixty-four (64) squan: teet of signable area per face and shall not exceed ten feeillQJ in ov~rall height. This sign will not be locaTed in TlI<: ten foot 00') butler area which sUlTounds the property. Signage tor the Supercenter b.\lilding shall be as allowed in the City sign regulation;; and as shown Oil attach~d E){hibl~'\ElevationlSignage Plan. \' p" IHPLfNED 1)o~..ml!:aJN".: ,,""'111'111 Vcr"IUD.;~ Pille:: .1111\1 20. 199V I\c~~ncy of JlrQlunq; NOI C\lllfliulerd ~ - 2 99-J"I-20 07:06pm From-RUDEN ~ '--'KY 954T644996 T-T71 P 00/13 F-314 "* Lilnd~caping The 11Ill<hcllpe on !he WaI-MIIll Supc:rcemer parcel will be in lICcor<lance wi!h!he: City Code requirements as c:nhanced by the llPl'f".<Il [aporoveqj plan. The pJiIlIl palenc: ~hall be COnsiSlem l\nd compatible with that of the Boymon Beach Mall and !he Boynton Commons Shopping Cemer. To die eXlent feasible, existing trees will be incorporatecl imo the: site plan "* 8uildin~ Colurs The: tlxterior cOlOrS ofrhe WaI-Marc Supercemer will be in keeping wilh the colors of !be ,llrrounding commercial developments (not including Steak '11 Shake). This colOr palene generally consists of terra cotta lUId ellflh tones on the roofs, pale earth tone~ and pa~lc:ls as lhe primary building colors, ana VlI\"iOIlS brighter accent colors on signs, accent tiles, and c..lor b""d. on the b"ildil\8s; ,.jl as referenced on the: El""',,tion/Sisnase Plan(s). ... BUilding Materials Building malerials tor !he Wal-MlU"l Sl.Ipercemcr shall be comparible Wilh rhe building mlll~ials used in other commercial development in !he vicimty including the: Boynton Commons Shopping Cemer ... Building Design Building design is as set torth on !be Elevation/SillPlllle PliUI(s) which evidences "arieq architectlmll features sw;h a~ banding, decoraTive Tiles, columns and glass F,), /}JIf t):uIIJu:n:t<l.), rh,.1 ~. - <<-pI Signage . -~c.x.c ;!'"'vf" / , r yYl v- !: 0--,<,070-- 4 Sigllllge for outparcel bllildings shaJl Jin lIC~ordance with rlle City Code requirements ~ <; ,-1" cllmpatible with the Wal-Man sigllllg~on-building signage for the outparecls shall consist of a Illw.imum of one (I) doubl~ faced monument sign to be 10000t~d along the street frontall<: of each outplll"cd. The size of monument signage allowed for each individual outparcel shall be torry-eight .(48) SQuare teer of signable area per tilee. Each monumem sign shall not exceed ten feer (l 0') in h"ight and will be consllllcted full TO the groWld with ~propriate plam material (nOT JUST sod) around the base:. (Each oround .il!:n must be of COncrete or ... lH:OLINll:P J)"'~.UleDJJ'ljIl.: 4""111~ "t:I'~uft..~......l..Ii..i- l.hih:; luh..1n 1~/9 A\~..nu,;)' ofR.dlllnna=; !"ial CII.r~1I1ncl ~ 3 99-J"1-20 07:07pm From-RUDEN I[ "m 9547644996 1-771 P Q7I13 F-314 ma5lC1Jlrv con~ructiqlJ wiIh solid ~IUCCO finish or alternati ve material huth consi~lenl with the Wal..Mart ~i~n "'Qd ttCce;?wb1e TO City ~taff Each sh:m shall he Dene~l\I consistel}! wi~b thc Wal-Matl ~ite ~jen.1 OUlparc,,1 sign colors shall be compl\tibl" wllh bllil4ing colors. The \lse of corporllle logos and color~ will be permined and shoU1Q be utilized so as to be compatible with the overall look ofJhe WiU-Mart SlIp"rcemer rand tbe subiect oumsreel]. Bl.lilding signl\ge shall be limited to enll1mce areas of !be buildings, unless minimal, ~ott, and wmpanble with subject f~ca4", and does not introducl; IlClW colors 10 the project * Landscaping The landscape on the oUlpllI"cels s/Jall pc in accordance with Cif)' Code landscape req\.liremems land possibly enhancw bv each ,,,,,neet;,,.. ol1q:>arcel croicctl. The plant palene ~hall be consistent and compatible with tllt landscape on the WaI-Man Supercetller parceL To the extent fe~ible, existing trees Wlll be mcozpofatCl(j imo the site plan. The ten foot (10') landscape: b\.lfter along the roadways, as sho",u on the Master Site Plan, shall b~ maintained land mav he enhan<lOll] when olllparcels life Qe...elcped. * Building Culors Since the Wal-MlIll Supercemer will be built first, OUtparcels will undergo sepllfllle review by tile City of Boynton Beach. Buildings shall be generally compatible with tile COlorlllion oflhe Wal.Mart Supercenter and Boynton Commons buildings. Individual buildings will be permined to utili"" corporate or trademl\fked colors as part of the accent colors Cln b\.lildings as long a:; Wliquc: cOl'pOrate colors do !lOt represem ex.treme color contrasts and lire limited ro "ntrance l\feas on the buildings and sigllage. At the rime of City review ami site plan approval of each oUlparcei, specitlc coior references shall be provided. These must be re"iewed by Cil). staff fOf compatibility with the Wal-mart Supercenter and Boynton COlnmons fdllrin~ the review Droce~sl. ... Building Materials * auilding materials fOT oUlparcel development ~hall be compatible with Wal-Mart S\.lpercenrer b\.lilding ml\tena!s and those used 1n other co=rcial development in the Vicinity including tt!.! Boynton Commons Shopping Center. f{' n<<:!::/,?<..r"'-r,~ 4- "'-re (js",,Q .s,,,~ '-~ /",y,'<<- /. s/,,J/ J 1 ,..,..L- /' BUilding Design /. 'l: '-:-- ~ IS" 'CAe' ~~"""' i" a-c~,<'C"v~ ~ n'J ,., /',,-'< 1'.1' "fr-'>", ^<"'- /jPI'>.P>-<--r. Building design for outparcel development shall ~ complllible ",iJh the Wal-Mart S<lpercenter as set forth all ElevationJSignag" Plan which evidences "<\fied archilecllu-a! IUPL1Nf:U I>~.m(!nf No.~ 4~701~ VChltlllt:-1..i..L DtJrt: .Il1l\' 2H 19j~ A,r;\Ir4~)' ufRtdlilhQ&: NOl"CIt~r.At<<d ~~~l 4 99-Ju1-20 07:07pm From-RUCEN 1M: ..- 'KY 9547644996 T-T71 P olm H14 ef~' feawes such as bandilllllimired f en!lance areas, IcolurIlp~ decorative tiles, ~..I4ftlb..IlIIl3J cornices and dilllllond feames. Building design shall also be compatible with other commercial development in the vicinity including th" Boynwn Commons Shopping Center. Exc,,!,1 for enlrlUlCe features and column details, no elements shOuld extend above the roof line If alternative roof designs are proposed. a maximurIl ellan should be given to maximize compatibility with eS1abhshed architectural character. Alsp, main entrances shall be enhanced with raised roof feature, columns and arches. Ul"Iless contrasting corporale Jesillll requirements are dc:emed acceptable by City staff. Ia ~ It shall he a ~oal of lhi~ de"elnnment to cmhanc~ the divt"fs1t\i uf r~tail uSt:~ in [b~ :surroundin(! 8.{ea and TO avoid ~llrlicaTlon of 1l!U!~ 1 Where these standards remain silent or are in confljct with eit) stillldards, then the City standards sh~1 appl~. IUOJ,lNtl) POCIUQ;oOJ J'rjo.: "17U1l\ Vcr.iuJW:-1.:!iJ.... J,)IU~; .h.ol" .,u IQC)O "~~lIr.~) Df Kt:aIiPtQI NUl C",.r.IUn4 B~:;,~' 5 ~=n Kimley-hvrn and Associates, Inc. 601 21 st Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 TEL 561/562-7981 FAX 561/562-9689 Transmittal Date: July 19, 1999 To; Mr. Michael Rumof Planning Director City of Boynton Beach tOO E. Boynton Beach Blvd. File 047153079 L(2002) E(2072) 4 digit code 1217 Wal*Mart-Bovnton Beach (El. FL Store #2789-00. NewSC Winchester Site Boynton Beach. FL 33425 PH:561/742-6260 Fed Ex Priority We are sending you ~ Attached D Shop Drawings D Other: o Under separate cover via the following items: D PrintsIPlans 0 Samples D Specifications 0 Change Copies Date No. Description 10 Set of Plans for Site Plan Approval Process These are transmitted as checked below: ~ For your use D Approved as submitted D Resubmit 0 copies for approval D As requested D Approved as noted D Submit o copies for distribution D For review and comment 0 Returned for corrections D Return o corrected prints Remarks Per our phone conversation on Friday, July 16, 1999, enclosed are the 10 sets we discussed. If YOU have any ouestions. olease feel free to contact this office. Thank vou. Engineering Planning a"d Environmental Consul/ants Copy to GWW KMR '"'~~ ~ Todd J owder, E.!. G:\80YNTON\WINCHSTRIWP\CORRESP\TransICity-Rumpf4.doc l1' Boice - Raidl - Rhea larchltectsl To: Phone #: Fax#: From: Re: Project #: Via: Letter of Transmittal 7/16/992:07 PM Wal-Mart 208 Team Michael Rumpf Planing Dept. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561-742-6263 561-375-6357 Marinelly Colon Boynton Beach, FL-# 2789 96120554 We transmit the following item(s): Fed EX- Priority Overnight 1.30 x 42 Color Rendering for Boynton Beach, FL Wal-Mart Supercenter. Please call if you have questions. Thanks, Cc: File Tim Rogers, Wal-Mart SAAM -J1I-&J~_J~ Marinelly Colo 6700 Antioch Plaza, Suite 300 . Merriam, Kansas 66204 TEL 913-262.9095 FAX 913-262.9044 EMAIL info@brrarch.com WEB www.brrarch.com Member of American Institute of Architects l-f Boice - Raidl - Rhea I architects I To: Phone #: Fax#: From: Re: Project #: Via: Letter of Transmittal 7/14/995:05 PM Wal-Mart 208 Team Michael Rumpf Planing Dept. 100 E. Boy ton Beach Blvd. Boy ton Beach, FL 33425 561-742-6263 561-375-6357 Marinelly Colon Boy ton Beach, FL-# 2789 96120554 We transmit the following item(s): Fed EX- Priority Overnight 11-30 x 42 ACAD Preliminary elevations for Boy ton Beach, FL WaLmart Supercenter. Please call if you have questions. Thanks, Co: File ~Jl~1.4F -{~;;J Marineliy Colon 6700 Antioch Plaza, Suite 300 . Merriam, Kansas 66204 TEL 913-262-9095 FAX 913.262-9044 EMAIL info@brrarch.com WEB www.brrarcb.com Member of American Institute of Architects DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment July 12, 1999 Warren H. Newell, Vice Chairman Board of County Commissioners P.O. Box 1989 West Palm Beach, FL 33402-1989 Re: Wal*Mart Supercenter (Store #2789-00) File No, NWSP 99-003 Dear Mr. Newell: Enclosed is the current site plan and staff report under review for Wal*Mart Supercenter. Revised plllIls are forthcoming for the July 27th Planning and Development Board meeting (August 3'd City Commission), Iffurther assistance is needed in the matter, please do not hesitate to call Planning and Zoning at your convenience. Sincerely, .. J.- , -. . c...-. , . Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR:dim cc: Wilfred J. Hawkins Interim City Manager Enc. J:\SHRDAT A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\W AL MARTlNWSP\NEWELL - PLANS.DOC 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375.6259 07/08/99 THU 13: 46 FAX 81C'- 862 9689 KHA URG VERO 1al00l ~=r] Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. July 7, 1999 KHA 047153. 79(02)(72XI217) nA FACSIMILE (561137541591 . Sullt.oo IOU,_ 5ntt v... hid>, Fblclo 32910 Mr. Michael Rumpf ptanning Director City of Boynr,)Q Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florid. 33425 Sllbject: Wal*Man. Boynton B.ach (E), FIonda SrOte #2789.00, New SC WU1Chester Sire Re, Rapome to F...imile on 6118199 Back-up Information for tile P!allDing and Dev.lopment Board Meeting on Tuesday 6122/99 Project No. NWSP99.003 OoarMr Rumpf: This is in response 10 E.'<hibil D Conditio"" of Approval. I. All Utilities and Easoments are ,hown on the Landacape Plan Sheet L.l. In thos.lcealions "'Ute Jandscapinllencroaches on the utility easement.!, palm treeS ~ave been specified as the landscape material. The fire department connection h&I been moved to the gr.en space "'est of the building between the prol'O.ed wall md curbing thaI is adjacent 10 the redllCed pressure back flow ptevenlor and meter. Comm.nt is noted. Coordination with variow permitting agencies is und.rway, Th. fire lane signaie and markinll hu been tevi,ed to conform with LDR. Ch.ptOt 23 Article !LB and U.M. The 3' "fire len." words have been placed on both Ian., and wh.re pos,ibl. the !i.......tanding sign stating "110 parkinll fir. i""." bas b.en stagg.red from the.. locations. [n a conv."ation with Micha.l Rumpf on Tu.sday, lun.22, 1999, Ibis issue regarCing the ooncrete sidewalk ..tending lhroullh the asphalt wu to be reviewed 01\ . ,taff level. ' Ki:nley-Hom i. =ent1Y coordinati"ll with Palm Beach County to determine if additional rillhf-of-way is going to be r.quired on Knuth Road. A serio, ofwh.elchair symbol, lias beon add.d from the accessible 'P'c, behind the UE to lb. .c....ibl. door of the TLE showing the acee..ibl. roufe. The building fuushed floor elevation was ..t bued 01\ the high.,. of the crit.ria outlined in your conditions. Th. av.rage bigh arade on Old Boynton Ro.d was taken Crom the .veralle of 17.47 and 15.57 giving an average of16.52. The grade ,)1\ Winchester Park Boulevard was "'k.n as the hIghest grad. shown, which is \5.43. Th. building tlnisbed floor i. set at \7.0, which i.. ~ foot greater than the higher of tho.e, two, Will b., forth corning from the Atcbite.t, The dctsi! from the monumenf sign will b. provided at a lster date from rho ArchitccL The dimensioM of the monument sign !iom Old Boynton Road and from the west property lin. "'" >hown 01\ the sil. pl.n. Tho of bet from the 2. v-i" 1/' t.$."" v( 7 s, 9 \0. . T7'L"l 5627981 FAX 56l 512 _ G:'80YNTON'.W1NCHSTIlIWr\COa.R.ESNt.ump15.dac 07/08/99 THU 13:47 FAX ~~~ ~62 9689 KHA URG VERO 1lJ002 ~=rJ Mr. Mid-.ael Rumpf, July 7, 1999, Pace 2 IGmley.Horn and Associates, Inc. II. nghr-of.way on Old Boynton Road to the sign u cunently 30'. nus ellCeeds !be mi1limum 10' .ig:1 setback. Based on the wording of the conditions supplied to WI on JIUIe 18, 1999, Susan Motley, of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Sclnmcr & Russell, P.A., will provide a unit). oftitlo, however it will Dot ptohibit!and from being subdivided to aeU off outp.1rcel sites. Comm.nt is not.d. W. have had s.veralpeople from our .raffas well as our Urban ForeslCl' visit the Site to .stablish the type of tr..., which were previmlsly lisllld as magnolia. The exact tree species is not yet been determined, howev... it has been determined th.t ir i. Dot a mallllOU. tree. The designation aD thelandseape plBll has been changed to Florida Tropical Tree.. KimI.y-Hom i. ""ndiJ1g a staff member from anot.'.ter office to verify the ipecies of the$e trees. We have also been coordinating wilh Kevin Hallahan on this issue, None of the trees listed are oala or aD the native tre. list. Of the trees listed, they raIl into one of the following calegone.: Black Olive, Florida Tropical, ma:alucka, and Leguninosae. nus plan is stil! being modi5ed iD order to meet this condition. An irrigation system is in the process cfbeing deoigned for the .ntire .ite and will .,dllde the lake planting aroas. A copy of the lake management plan pr.vio\ll51y submitted and an additional caVY is included with this letter. Typical trash compacror and scr~n wal! is shown on the architect plans to be forthcoming. The parking and handicap spaces are derailed on the Miscellaneous Detail Sheet. The ,ite plan has been ,evl..d such that the .hort sid. atoll aJ111le porking i. I g'. Parking dimensions for the handicap parallel space. have been dimensioned ar 12' x 25'. Thi. is shown on the Mi,cellaneous DeTail Sheet ar.d the Site Plan. Rellatding ltom #C, Wal*Ma" wlSheS to not install any wheel stops ar this time. Jr. a cODversal1On with Michael Rwnpf on Junc 22, 1999, in order to avoid installation of wheel stop., the internal islllI1c1e were divided into two such that th.re i. a barrier at the northern end of the parking lor. Sig..,.ed and sealed .urvey ,heet was provided to Michael Rumpf on :-'Iay 11, 1999 rrom AmeriCan Survey Co:npany. Th. p;.ev1ously shown 2 :4' landscape buffer at the south end of the property has ',een changed to a 10' buffe, located north of the 25' wid. Lake worth Drainage Dumct e..<ment. In 90me locations the curbing and utilities go through this area in which the planting .rea may b< Ie.. than 10' a, indicated on thi, comment. Su.an Madey .ubmitted a coordinarcd 'ign and site ';anaie program package for .hared .Ignage and compatibility between the existing and future sire signaae on the outparcels. This is in the proeess ofbei."lg reviewed b}' Michael Rumpf. All .cc." to tac oUlparcels has been .hown as Internal driveways. :-,ro external .c.... will be granted to the adj.cent roadway. for these developments. F urthcrmort, there ar~ no longer two o\Jtparcels on Boynton Beach BO\llcvud IS part of this development. Architocturalauidelinos wcre submittJ:d with coordinated sign program by Susan :-.!otiey Michael Rumpfis currently reviewing this informarion. An .ppe.lhas b..., submitt.d for the bay door. i.cine Knuth Road and WiIlchl.:aster Boulevard. Will bt submitted by the ArchItect under separate cover 12. 13 14. ts. 16. 17, 18. 19 20. 21 22 23. 24. 2.5, Cl:\BOYNTON'.WJNQlSTR'.W1'\CO~"\IfllJ~,d.x 07/08/99 THU 13:48 FAX ~~~. ~62 9689 KHA URG VERO ~003 ~=~ ~2, 43. Mr. Michael Rumpf, July 7, 1m, PlIe 3 Kimley.Hom alId Associates, Inc, 26. Conunent is noled The .ite plan modification will be submitted Wh.ll the first oulparc.l.. developed. Th. Architect i.! addr...inll this comm""t under sep....te cover. Knuth Road is DOt b.ing used for auy ae_s poinb to the property. As indicated Oll the site plan, th.se wans will b. 6' !ugh nwonry Stucco walls, Th. wans will be d.signed fo, win<I nwdos, ele. at alator elat. upon compl.tion of th,. structural design; a d.tail will be added to the plans, which spea!y tho color This color and the type of wan is similaJ to that of the .,...ling waU on the sdjacent ShOPPUlll center. This comment has b.en eliminated because Wal * Mart choos.. to do the option ~re..nted in Item i\l41. (PI.... s.. item #41 for fUrth.r detail). As dIScussed with Michael Rumpf, Jun. 22, 1999, a vegetative buff.r has been add.d a10nll the parkinll !lP"ees inunediately wt ofth. building adjaeent to the Season.l Gard.n Center iItld TLE. No wall is being proposed. The eastern truck dock DOW h.. a waU .xtending along the south lill., wbich butT." this from the propert)l .outh of..... Th. western truck dock 10' lSDdocape buffer now has b.en "'c'....d immediauly south of th. dock. Is b<ln~ addressed by the Architect under seponte cover. Is being addressed by the "'chitect und.r .eparale cov.r, Colo, .amples and material .ampl.s are her. ill Out office aud wiU be hand- delivered at tho elate of the final mcellng. Susan Mcti.y is ;urrently negotiating with the County llltOmey's and staff in order to compl.te an acceptable public faciliti.s .greem.nt Upon the completion of an acceptabl. agre.mcn~ it will th.ll be forwarded to the city. The \-Val * Mart :nonument sigu has been reduced. to 17' 6,t by)' 6''. which provides a total square footage of 61.25'. The cro.. access for the future Steak.n-Shake parcel will be .dd.d to the .ite plan. It b.. not been added at this time. Additional can our. have be.n added to the landscap. plans identifying various 1l~e5 .'!round th.I:! perimeter of the site, In lieu of C01llltructing the pr.viously shown waUat the southeast corner of the property, Wal* Mart ba.t chosen to ;oestruct. wall along the back. ofth. curb south of the sodl entrance drive. The willi ext.nds from the ptopcrty lille at Winchester Patk BOulevard west to the point wher. the pavement kicks out for delivery truck parking. Thi, is approximately 2~' to 30' from the southeast com.r of the building. The additional tre.s wbicb w.r. add.d along the parking field on the east .ide of the building adjacent to the Seasonal GaJden Cenler and TLE has been .xtOllded around the comer on the north side of the south entrance drive. As shown on the landscap. plllILS, additional trees have ;een acldod to the south of tile south.ast .ntrance and a decr...e in nee spacing lli b.en added 10 20' to mer.... the butTer. Wal*Mart has been working WIth DCA in orderlo complete a binding l.tt.r apphc.tion for this proJcct. The proj.ct area haa been r.duced to b.low 40 aeres. The pUlpOse of the binding Ic;rtC:l" applic&tic;Jn is to eliminate the need for a DR! Oll this proj.ct. W.I*Mart will copy Mich..l Rumpr" with the .ignitiC8llt corrC$pondcnce from DCA in relation to this issue. Tb. wall on the ~stsidc has b.en c~t.nded to within 12' of the northern limits of the iandscap. buffer. No additional wolls w.re aclC.d due to .xiating walls located on the .outh property adja.""t to our southern property Iin.. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32, 33. 34 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Ci:\DOVNTON\WINCHSTRIWP\CORRESI"IIlWCl)t5.doc 07/08/99 THU 13:48 FAX 86<' ~62 9689 KBA URG VERO ~004 ~=n 44. 45. 46 47. 48. 49. Mr. Mich..1 Ru",pf, July 7, 1999, PIp 4 Kimley.Hom atld Assoclates, 11lC. SO. S!. The sou1l>c:m 100' olons the wesl perim.ter l"",j.,...,pe bull'er adjacent to KDuIb Road has been inoreued to tree opaciIla of 2'1 ill order to s.,._ \he overbead doors foJ: lIleloadirli dock loca"'" on lb. west side of tile buildiua;. As discuss.d wilb Michael Rumpf in our conference oaU on June12, 1m. lb. additiona1landllCapiDa: along the we.t buff... wall will not be included sillce be.ling up the perim.ter Jondso>.ping buffer will >hield any vi....s of that wall. Will b. addr.s.ed by Arcllitea ""der .eparate cover. In th. cOllference call with Mi<:11ae1 RIlllIp( on June 22, 1999, the .xisting interior landsoape islands have b.en reduc.d in .i>:c to approximately half, ",mch creates twice the nusnbef "nandscape isl""ds. Th.se have beon !tassered throughout the parkins field. 111. outdoor iar>de along the !iont ,,(the WaI*Ma.rt buitdinS wiu b. kept free and clear of an vending machin.. and merchandise. A .id.wo.lk has been added to the we$l side of the entrano. road on Old Boynlon Road. A croSlwalk has also been add.d from the tennin... of this sid.wo.lk hllo the parlting fi.ld. 11w parking data has been updated and is detail.d in the site data chan On the site plan. Is being addrcss.d by the Architect wsder separate cove.. Addition.1 wh.el stop. are not being added to ever! \\vo bays. Thi. wi> discu...d with Mich..l Rwnpf on JWl. 22, 1999. Th. compromise to this soMion wa. to split tile mletior \andQcape island> to pro....ide more 0: a br.ok in the parkiDg lot. The site plal\ will be revi...d .t. futu,. date ""cll that str..t trees with grates are add.d to the sidewallc in &ont of lIle store. The acceptable location. were disc"...d with Michael Rumpf.t the hn. 22, \999 oonfereno. call. As ..qllested, tl:. hedges have been ,emoved from !be boundary adjacent to Stca.k-n-Shake. Howevcl". the proposed tnts are temauU11&. 52. S3 If YOIl should have say qu.stions, pl.... do not he.llate to conlaCt me at (56l) 562.798 L Sincerely, KlMLEY.HORN ANtI ASSOClA TES, INC. I~~!~ cc DAM GWW Susan Motley K.'-1R MCS (j!\90y,...T01\,iWrNOiST!\'\WP\COR.R~~"-4oc 07107;99 WED 16:42 FAX 561562 9689 ~=~ ~q,'C KHA l1RG VERO Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc, July 7, 1999 KHA 047153.79(02)(72)(1217) VIA FACSIMII.E ($61/375-6259) Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City ofBoyntoD Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton BelICh, Florida 33425 Subject: WaJ*Mart. Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store #2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Re: RapoD.e to Fae,lmUe 00 6118/99 Back-up Information for the PlillWing aDd Development BOlId Meeting on Tue,day 6122199 Project No, NWSP99-OO3 Dear Mr. RlIrnpf: Thi, i, in respon,. to Exlnblt D Conditions of Approva:. . All Utilities and Ea.-ments are ,hown on the Land,.ape Plan Sheet L.t. In tho.. location, where laadseapine encroaches on the utility ....ments, palm tr... hove boen specified as the landsca"" material. The fire department c:onnection has been moved to the green space west of the buitdi11.g belWee~ the pro"",ed wall and cutb:ng that 1$ adjaoentto the 3" reduced preuure back !low preventor and meter, Comment is noted. Cootdination with various permitting agencies is underway. The fire lane ,ii\lla~e and markine ha, been revi,ed to conform with LDR Chapter 23 Article ]l,B and !I.M, The 3' "flJ"O lane" words have been placed on both I, ne, and where pos,ible the fr....'t.nding sign stating "no plUking fire lane" has been staggered from thes. locations. In Ii. conversation with Michael Rwnpf on Tuesday, June 22, 1999, this issue regard.ina the concrete sidewalk .xtending lbrough the ..phalt was to b. reviewed on a ,taff level, KlIllley-Hom is currently coordinating with Palm aeach County to determine if additional righl-<lf.way is goine to be required on Knull> Road. A series ofwhe.lchair symbol, ha, been addod from 1he acces,ible spaco behind the TLE to lbe accessible door of the TLE showing the acc...ible route. n. bullding finished floor elevation wa, set based on the hlgher of rhe criteria outlined. in your conditions. The iverage high grade on Old Boynton Road W2.5 taken trom the average of 17.47 ar.d 15.57 giving an average of 16.52. The grade on Winchester Park Boulevard woo taker: as the highest grade shown, whieh is 15.43, The building finished floor is set ot 17,0, which is a Y, foot greater than the higher ofthosej two. 9. Will be forth comIng from lbe Architect. 10. The deta.il fTom the monument sign will be provided at a late'{ date from the ~ Arcm1cet. The dimensions of the monument sign from Old Boynton Road and / from the west propert}' line are shown on the site plan, The offset from the 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 ./ 6. 7. 8. . m561!117illl FAX 161 5/2 9189 O:\BOYJ.,ITOMWINCHS1Jl.\Wl'\COIU\UM..uqtl'$.4o~ Iii 001 . &itHIlO 1012'0151",1 ~oBelcf\,F'orldl 329'0 07107.'99 WED 16:42 FAX 661_662 9689 KHA URG VERO ~002 MI. Michael Aumpf, July 2, 1999, Page 2 ~1=~ ~17. ,/ . ~151 '1, II f ('0 Oil'" \~" IT ~ ,""" 1/" \/'" '.T ,(~ ..;>19. ~ 20 .",,,,',~2L c.f(e~ . h f),. r . [ ~.... u'..Ji.',,\ 22 C""J/... . >V .,t~,r .(M"'!' ,f-' jt "\ 'v (tJ;>" . ~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, lnc. righl-of-way on Old Boynlon Road to the sign i. ellttOnlly 30'. This exceeds the minimum 101 sign setback. B.sed on the wording o[the conditionHupplied 10 US on June 18, 1999, Su..n Motley, of Ruden, McClo.ky, Smith, Schusra& Rus..ll, P.A., will provide a unliy of tit I., however it w1l140t prohibit land from being .ubdivi<ied '" sell oft" outparcd sites. Conunent is noted. We hove had several people tram our "afh. well a' our Urban Fore.ter v;,;t Ih. site 10 eslablilh rhe type of tree., which w.re previously Ii.ted as maillolia. 'The t).&ct tree species is not yet been detentlmcd, however it has been determiued !hat it is not a magnolia tree. 'lb. de.ignation on the landscap. plan bas been chang.d to Florida Tropical Tr.... KimJ.y.Ho;n i. ..ndini a .taft m.mber from another offic. to vonfy the speci.. o[the.. tr.... W. have also b.en coordJ.noling with K.vin Hallahan on this issu., None of the tr.e. l1st~ are asks or on the native tree list. Of rhe trees listod, they f.1l into one of the following caleg"ries: Black Oltve, Florida Tn;opical, malalu:1<&, and Legunin".a.. This plan i, still being modified in order to meet thi, condition. An imgation system 15 m the p,ceess ofb.ulll designed forth. entire site and will include the lake planting areas. A cop,}r ~(the lake ~aI1A.lemcnt plan previously submitted and an additional ~. copy IS JDeluded Wlth th..le~et. .- 18. Typical trash COJlltlactor &I1.d s~reell wall is shown nn tht'" architect plans te:J1e. . .7' ,fQ.tl!;""min.. The parklllg and handicap spaces lITe d.tailed on the / Misce n""eous Detail Sheet The .ite plan h.. been revi.ed such !hatth. short ti . side oE all anele pulcing;, 18'. Parking dimension. for the handicap parallel tlCSspaee~ have been dimensioned. at 121 X 25'. Thil is sho-wn on the Miseellaneous D<:l8iJ Sheet and tM Sit. Plan Regardiug item #C, Wal * Mart wi,he, to not install any wheel stops at this time. In a t'o!1versation with Michael Rumpf on June 22, 1999l in order to avoid instaU&tion of wl:.eel atops, the intem.al131and~ were divided into two such that there iJ a barriel at the north.rn end of the parklni lot. SIgned and sealed .urvey she.t was p"'vided to Michael Rumpf 011 May 11, 1999 from Amencll1 Surv.y Company. The previOll$ly shown 2 i-I' land,eape buffer at the south end of the property h.. beell chllDged 10. 10' "uffer lOCale<! north of the 25' wide Lake Worth Drainage District easement. In $Ome locations the curbing and .bblies go tI1rouih this or.s in whicb the plsnting area msy be less than 10' as indicale<l on tillS (;omment. Susan Motley submilled a coordinated sip and sit. .ignalle program package for ,I:ared signage OlId compatibility betw.en the existinj! and future .ite signage on the Olllpareels. Thi. i. in the process or being review.d by Michael R urnpf. An a"cess to the outparc.ls has be.. .hown as internal driveway.. No oxterr.a1 access will be grmted to the adjacent roadways for the.. dev.lopments. f\lrtbcnnore~ there are: nO loneer ,=,,'0 outpar~cl.s on Boynton Beach Boulevard u part of this development. Arohitectural guideline. w... submitted wilh coordinated sign p,ogram by Susan Motley. Michael Rompfls currently reviewing this donnation. An sppeal h.. been submitted fo, the bay doors faeing Knuth Road and Winchester Boulevard. Will be .ubmllled by the Architec: under s.parate cover. 11. 12. 13. 14. IS. 16. .-/' . J.s~5 J.,? t. (~'f) ('" \ uJ1)~. l?( 23. 24. 25. (:hiOYN1'ONIWfl\'CHSTJtIWP\cOJu..ESNl:UIJlDf! If<< 07/07'99 WIlD ~.:43 FAX 561.5\l.Z_ 9689 ~=n /33 ,-.34. / 35. V'.... '-.I 36. -iP//37. lv' '7 / .38. ~/ ~J.\'( 1. 39. . r xP V 40. KHA lTRG VERO Mr. Mic:hael Rumpf, July 2,1999, Pqt 3 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 26. 27. 28. 29. Comm.nt i. MleCl. Tho .it. plait modifwation will b. .ubmltted wh.n the fltSt out'piU'cel is developed. The Architect is addnssing this comment under separate CQver. Knuth Road is not being used for any access points to ,h. property. As indicat.d on the .ite plan, these wall. will be 6' high muonry .tucco waU.. The walls will b. d..ign.d for wind modes, .tc. at a later date upon compl.tion of the .lructuliJ de.ign; a deWI wlll be added to the pi..... which .pecify th. color, Thil colorand the type ofwall is similar to that ofth. e.i.ting wall on the adj""ent shopping center. This comment has been eliminated b.ca\lS' Wal * Mart choo.e. to do the option - pr.sent.d in 110m #41. (Pl.... ..e item #41 for further detail). A. ms<:ussed with Michael Rumpf, JImO 22, 1999. a vogelahvo buffer h.. be.n added along the porking sp""". immediat.ly e..t of tho building adj...ltt to the Seasonal Garden Cent.r and TLE. No mIl is being proposed. The e..ltm truck dock now has a wane"ending along the south Iitl.. whieh buff.r. this from the property south of us The we.len! truok dook 10' landscape buffer ItOW ha. b.en inc",.sed lmtnodi.tely south of the dock. Is being addressed by the Archit.ct under soparol< cov.r. Is b.ing addressed by the Archit.ct under sep",at. oover. Color samples and mat.riaI 'iUUplos are here in our office and willl>e hand. deliver.d at the date of the fmal meeting. Susa" Motley is currently negonating with the Counl)' attoroey' s and stoff in order to complete an acceptable public f""ilities agreomeat. Upon the compl.tion of an acceptable .greemen~ it willllten be forwarded to the city. The Wal*Martmonumeot.ignbas b.en reduced to 17' 6" by J' 6", which provides a total sqosre foorsg. of61.25'. Th. cro.. acC'" for the future StEak-n-Shake parc.1 will be added to the sit.~ plan. It bas not been added at fbis time. Additio....l oaU cuts have been added to tile landscape plans identifyu>g variOll> lIees around the perimeter of the sire. In lieu of constNollltg the previously shown wall at the soutll...t eom.r of tho property. Wal * Mart has ohosen to construct a wall along the back of the curb south ofth. south .nlIance drive. Th. wall.xt.nds from the property line at Windxamr Parlr Boulevard west to the point where the pav.ment krcks out for deliv.ry tNok parking, This is approximat.ly 25' to 30' from the southeast comcrofthe buildln~, The additional tr.e. which were add.d along the pazking fi.ld On the ...t side of the building adjacent to the S...onal Gordon Center and TLE bas been .xtend.d OIOund the eom.r on the north .id. ofth. south ""tranc. drive. A. .hown on the lllndseape plans, odditJOllal tree. have been add.d to the soulb of the .outhe..t entrance and ~ decrease in tree spacin.u; has been added to 20' to increase the buff.r. Wal*Mm has b.en working with DCA In oreIM to compl.t. al>ind;ng letter application for tl1i$ project The project ate. has been reduced to below 40 acres. The purpose Qfthe binding l~tter app1iclldoll is to eliminltQ the need for . DRJ on Ibis project. WBI*Mart will copy Michael Rumpf with the signiticant CQJt(:spondence from DCA in relation to this issue. The wall on th, w.st side has been extended to within 12' of 1he northern limits of1h.landscap.oulfer. No additional wall$ were add.d due to .xi.hag walls lac.t.d on the south property aq;ac.nt to our southern property lin.. 30. 31. 32. 41. 42. 43. G'\Ba"t'NTON\~CHsn.1W~\c()RRUPl.RInpt'i,dof It: 003 /)t- it'?) '? ~. . 5r~s.. r o-{t.>\ _07/07'~WEl> 16:44 FA! 561..56Z 9689 ~=~ Z~(.>f" V ,<A~"" 44. {cSl-' /:,,~' () S 'i: (O'-? /.; 'Z ~ 45. , . _ ;../" 46. U""" {@ y srlf e~"~? 50 ~l. 7 KHA PRG VERO ~004 Mr. Michael Rumpf, July Z, 1999, Page 4 Kimley-Horn and ~Qates, Inc. 48. The southern 100' along the west porimetor landscape buffer adjacent'" Knuth Road h.. been iDCIOa.od to tree spaeillg of 20' in order to scroen the overhead door. for the loading dock located on the we" side oftbe building. AJ discussed with Michael Rump! in our conf..ence c.ll on June 22, 1999, the .dditioD.lland",.pmg along the west ouff.. w.ll will not be included since beel\r1g up the perimeter landscaping buffer will shield any views of that wall. Will be .ddr....d by Architect under separate cov... In the conf=nce call with Michael Rumpf on June 22, 1999, the ."lsting interior landscape islands have been ,educed in size to approximately half, which crcate8 twIce the number of land",ape islands. These have been staggered throughout the parking field. The outdoor fa~ade alOIll: the frOnl of the Wal*Mal"l building will be keptfr.. .nd clear of all veJ1din# maohines aud merchandi.e. A sidewalk has been added to the west side of the entrance ro.d on Old Boynton Road A cro"w.1k has .Iso been added from the terminus of \hi. .id.walk into the parkin& field. The parkinc data has heeo updated and is detaile<! in the sile data chart on the I ? SIt. plan. <J""""" . 1s beil1C addre"ed by the Architect under sepanlte cover. - --- Additional wheel .tops are oot heing added to every two bays. Thi. w.. di.cussed with Michael Rumpf on June 22, 1999. The compromise to this solution wu to apUt the interior landscape islands to provide more of a break in the pocking lot. __ --- 1,4 "'--? The site plan will be revised at l.Iurure dati),uch that street trees with gutes are \J.Jh= .dded to the sidewalk in front of the .tole. The accept,hlelocations were .mcussod with Mlch.el Rumpf aI the June 22, 1999 conference call. As requested, the bedges have been removed from the boundary adjacent to Stcak-l1-Sbake. However, the proposed trees are ren:.aining. 49. $Z 53. If you .hook! have any question., please do not ht'sitate tQ contact me at (561) 562.7981. Sincerely, KlMLEY.HORN AND n INC. (~J~f cc: DAM GWW SUStin Motley TJH MCS O:\BOYNTON\WlNetlSTJl.\WP\COJl.:USr\llUIl1)~.4:lc ,/~ ~l'J("t: ~~i ~,....I...-+=- "'.,,~ It~-r\ ~ ~ (G.d,,-.~ ~, ,~f,R~) .,/,. En h, ,,-'{"lee:: (7- c,-, ire, ~.,~"- /.,(, 1(d(f) - "-11 M1./ ^ , u'- n, ..... 41. J ~~~~~auJ::lLkft~~ e~us~~--__ _ ~>< cQ<:~.cZ: p {..~::h~s ~ 5(e.;e:-- "r; S TI/ L ",~s.. ~f .skJ2'-<'<e",y-dnL-I'-e. .1.tJ1>4-..:. "" ~_' '" '" Pl:O'ViS<:n~G Sp'-CC.1~u_ 'c 9(?N' S2c .e~? sS> - 5C'"'--tL"" S b..,~ "t- 7:.7.- io::lL.. 'f~.J....i-~....,,- c-b..l~~ . -f" ~. f' ,_ S'~i{",,_ C<M.-f~<{",-K......-t ~L("......9. - .l-....12 5s"f20 j"I"l.l( <>-J.kr-~{~(( n_ __.s.c:.~c:.:.,^ CN.<t. (' ..~ 6,..r~$- c.. /;...omi + c'P.y("",-" ('Vie _ )'kfoo;, (\,"",,-G":"<C~::Ln . / """" s,'XG. r(."."... '-Ie.a.\J~e9 ~1c,>"L_ CV' - .{fi....Q-~e. ,,~ <;, cctJ;,{ <:;.'~ CIA.. s ;fc p (~ . ~ t '1..0 <'~ -f"I,.,,-f- _b.~r:. .wi/(.s ,. (A tc Le ~<.Sti"'..,--p..rk, dY\<::~" --!:r-A c9~"<j'" . 0-+ 7!.<<o~ ~~--S~ .". -/ c -J:9 0-((0.....J ~c-G--i-~ cQ",:>~ B~<(fr) ~ / (<:r't.-fi-- . , .5.j.~ j f -4-,-<-~^,= J>"'c-r -'"-A;=<:;"'= psu.~.s i>..f...f......"'-,..,_~__~f ~ ~'" !r!J~ .;;. C.d'<T~ . r ,'i'<'~r I ",,;I:;U- ~ 1"''';'' ...",1>...., c... D (Ccs..-f,~,,--< ~~("~ _~,,~~<:.Q._-b. ~ 1'Yv---~t. ".f>- flN--(::('1 Sf'"-:"'-"<f:. CXl"--r--- ~~"- 07/08/99 THU 13:46 FAX e61 e62 9689 KHA URG VERO ~=~ Kimley.Horn and As8ociates, Inc. July 7, 1999 KHA 047153.79(02)(72)(1217) n'A FACSIMILE (56/13754159) Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynt"n Beach 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. BOYllton Beach, Florida 33425 Subject: Wal*Mart. Boynton Beach (E), Florida SIOte #2789.00, New SC Winchester Site Re: RuponJe to F...lpille on 6/18/99 Back.up Information for the Planm..g and Development Board Meeting on Tue.day 6122/99 Project No. :NWSP99.003 Dear Mr. Rumpf: This is in respoll.e to Exhibit D Conditions of Approval. I. AlI1Jtilitie. and Easements are .hown on tbe Lanclscape Plan Sheet L-l. In tho.e locations whete landscapiui encroaches on the utility easemeut.!, pilm ceeo have beenopccified as the laud.cape material. 2. The fire department eonnection b.. been moved to the greeu space we.t of the building bctween the propo,ed walllUtd curbing that i. adj.cent to the reduced pressure back flow preventor and meter. 3. Comment is noted. Coordination with various p~tting agencies is underway. 4. Thc fire lane 'ignase and markins has been revised to conform with LDR Chapt<!r 23 Anicle II.B and HM. The 3' "fire lane" words have been placed on both l.ne, and where poosible the fr......tanding sign ststing "uo p.,.killi fue lane" bas been staggered from d\e.. loe.tion'. 5. In a conversation with Michael Rumpf On Tue,day, June 22, \999, thi, issue regarcing the concrete sidewalk ..tending through the asphalt w.. to be ttviev.'ed on a staff level. 6 Ki:ntey-Hom i. cUtTtntly coordinating with p.lm Beach County to cktennine if additional right.of-way is going to be required on Knuth Road. 7. A .erio, of wheelchair .ymbols Itas bem .dded from the acces,ibte 'pace behind the TLE to the acce..ible door of the TLE .bowing the accessible routo. S. The b\LlIding fUlished floor elevation was se' based On the higher of the criteria outlined ill your conditions. The average high srade on Old Boynton Road wa, taken trom the aver'ie of 17.47 and 15.57 giving an average of16.52. The glade ()n Winchester Park Boulevard was taken a:J the highest grade shown 1 which is 15.43. The building Ilniahed floor IS sct at 17.0, wbicb is a ~ foot greater than the higher of those, two. 9 Will b. forth oorning from the Architecl. lO. The detail from tho monument sign will be provided at a later date from the Architect. The dimenSIOn. of the monlunent sign from Old Boynton Road and f<om the west property line are ,hown on the ,ite piau. Th. offset from tbe . TF.L 6el 562 7981 F!.X 1st ~ 1lii9 G:'oBOYN.rON'\WfN(,H5Ttt\Wr\COR-.ESp\.Rump~.dIK ~001 . Su/t8400 'Qti!1stS~ VlroSelcl'1,Fbrida 3296Q 07'08'99 THU 13:47 FAX ~61 ~62 9689 KHA VRG VERO ~002 ~=~ Mr. Mi<:l1ael Rumpf, July 7, 1999, Page 2 Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc, J1. right-of.way on Old Boynton Road", the .ign is clllTendy 30'. Thi. exceeds the minimum 10' sign .otback, Ba.ed on the wording of the condition. .upplied to u. on June 18, J999, Su""" Motley, ofRudon, McClo.ky, Smith, Sohu.ter & Russell, P.A., will provide a unil)' of title, however it will nor prohibit land from beina subdivided to .eU off outp<lrcel sites. Comment is noted. We have had .evera! people from our .taif as well aa our UrblUl Fore.tor vJsit the site to e...bli.h the l)Ipe of trees, which were previously listed as magnolia. The exact tree species is not yet been 4etemljned., howcve,r it has been determined that it is DOl a magDolia tree. The de.ignation on the land.cape 1'1"" has been changed to Florida Tropic.l Tree., Kimley.Horn i. sending a .taff member from another office to verity the .pecies ofth..e trees. We have aloo been coordinating with Kevin Hallahan on this issue, None of the trees listed are <>oks or on the IllItive Dee list. Of lbe trees li.ted, they faU into one of tl1e following categones: Black OUve, Florida Tropical malaJucka, and Legunm05tlc. Thi. plan is .till being modified iD order to meet Ihis condition. An irrigation system is in the process of being designed for the enlire sile aDd will.llclude the lake planting area.. A copy of the lake management pllUl previously submitted and an additional copy is included with this letter Typical trash compactor and screen waJ1 is .shown on the arthitect plans to bl!: forthcoming. The parking and handicap 'paces are detailed 011 the Miscellaneous Detail Sheel. The oite plan has been revi.ed such that the sl10rt .ide of all anile parking i. [8'. Parking dimonsiOllS for the handicap parallel .paces have been dimensioned at 12' x 25'. '!hi. is .hown on the Mi.c.Urneous De,a,1 Sheet and tho Site Plan. Regarding item#C, WaJ*M4rt wISbe. to not instaUanywheelstops at thi. time, In a conva''''Iion wilh Micha.1 Rumpf on June 22, 1999, in order to avoid installation. of wheel stop., the internal islands were divided into two ~uch thttt there i. a barrier lIthe northern end of the parking lot. Signed and seal<d .urvey sheet wag provided to Micheel Rumpf on May 11, 1999 from AmericaD Survey Company. The prevlou.ly shown 2 W landscape buffer at the .outh end of the property has been changed 10 a 10' buffer IDeated Dorth of the 25' wide Lake Worth Drainage District easement. In SOme locations the curbina and utilities go through thi< are. iD which the planting .ro. may be 10.. than 10' as indicated on this comment Susan Molley submitted a coordinated sign arid sJte sipage prolP"atn package for shared .ignlge IUld compatibility between the existing and future site signage on the oU!parcels. This is in the proe.ss ofbei"" r.viewed by Michael Rumpf, All access to til. oUlparce16 bas be.n shown as internal driveways, No external ace... will be granted to the adjacent roadways for these developments. F urtlK:nnQrc, there are no longer two outparcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard as part of this developmeDt. Arcbil.Ctllral guideli".. were submitttd with coordinated sign program by Susan Motley Michael Rumpfis currently reviewing this information, A" .ppeal has be"" submitted for the bay doon (.cing Knuth Road and Winclh~ster :Boulevard. Will b< submitted by lbe Arcbllect under separate cover 12. 13 14 IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21 22. 23. 24. 25. ():\8CYNTON\WlNC1-IST~,WI>\COJu\ESP\~Wll11"'d.x 07/08/99 THU 13:48 FAX e61 e62 9689 KHA URG VERO Ii!J 003 ~=~ Mr. Michael Rumpf, July 7, 1999, Page 3 Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 26. Comment is noted. The site plan modification will b. submitted when the fust oU!pilfoeJ is developed. The An:hiteCI is addre"i!Jll thia comment under separate cover. Knuth Road is DOl being used for auy aee... point. to the property A~ indicated on ~ site plan) these walls witl be 61 high masonry stucco walls. The walls will be de.igued for wind modes, .tc. al a later date upon completion of dr. structural design; a detail will b. added to the plans, which $p<<:ify the color This color and the type of wall is similar 10 that of the existing wall on the adjacent shopping center. This comment he. been elin,onated because Wal * Mart chooses to do the option presented in It.m #41. (PI.... se. item #41 for furth.r detail). As dJSc.....d with Michael Rumpf, Jun. 22, 1999. a ve&.tative buff.r he. beell added alOl1M the parking spaee. munediately easl of the buildin& adjscent to Ih. Seasonal Garden (',ent.r and TLE. No wall is being proposed. The <astern truck dook now has . wal1e~lending along the soutl1line, wbich butTers tha from the propertY south ofll.!. The western truck dock 10' llUld.cape buffer now he. been increased immediately south of lbe dock. Is b.inl: addressed by the Architoct under sepllrllte cover. ]5 being addressed by the AIC:hitect under !Iel'arate coyer. Color lamples and material sample. ar. h.re in out office and will be hand. deliv.red at lbe date of the tinal meeting. Susan Motley i. currently n.gotiating with the County attorney's and staff in ord.r to complete an acceptabl. public facilitIes agreenlOnt. Upon lbe completion of an acceptable aifOement, it will then be forwarded to lbe city. The Wal * Mart monument sillllhas b.enreduccd to 17' 6" by 3' 6", which provides a total sljIl8l'e footage of 61 .25'. The cross acee.. for the fulUre St.ak-n-Shake parcel will be added to the site plan. It h.. nol been added", thi, time. Additional call outs have been added to the landscape pIa... idermfying various b~es ;~rou.nd the: pcrUneterofthe lite. In lie" of constructing the previously shown wanat the soutll..st comer of the property, Wal*Mart has chosen to construct. wan along the back of the curb south oftll. sooth entrance driv.. The wanext.ods from the property line al Winel,.ster Park Boulevard we,t to the point wh.<< tile pav.ment kiclcs out for d.livery truck parking. This is approxilnalely 25' to 30' from the southeast comer of the building. The additianallrees which were added along the parking field on the e..t side of the buildinli adjacent to the Seasonal Garden Cenler and TLE has been e,erended around the comer on the north side of the south entrance drive. As shown on the Iand.cape plans, additional tr.e, have be.n added 10 the .outh of tile sautlleast entrance and a da<re.se in tree SPacilli has be.n added 10 20' to inc<<ase the butTer. Wal * Mast has been working with DCA in order '0 complete a binding letter applicotion for this projcct. The project area has been reduced to b.low 40 aelCS. The purpose Qfthc binding letter application is to eliminate the need for a DR! all this project. W 01 * Mart will .opy Michael Rumpf witll rho si&nificant correspondence from DCA in relotion to tins issne. The wall 011 the we" .id. has b.en c~t.nd.d to within 12' afth. northern limilS ofth. landscape buffer. No additional wan. w.re adeed due to existin& wans located on the south property adjacent to our southern property line. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. n. 33 34 35 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. G.\80YNTON\W1NCHSTkl.wP\tORRES"\R~fS,doe 07/08/99 THU 13:48 FAX S61 S62 9689 KHA URG VERO 1i!J004 ~=n 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. Mr. Mich..l Rumpf, July 7, 1999. Pace 4 Kimlev-Horn 8/Id Associates, 11lC. 44. The .outhem 100' along the well perimeter landscape buffer acljacent to Knuth Road has been increased to tree spacinll of 2'1 ill order to screen the overhead. doors fOr !he loadl"i dock located on the we.t side of 1Ile building. As discussed with Michael Rumpf in our conference call on June 22, 1999, the additional landscaping along the we.t buffer wall wiU not be mcluded .ince beefing up the perimeter llllldscaping buffer will shield any views of that wall. Will be addressed by Architect under .eparate cover (n the conference call with Michael Rumpf On June 22, 1999, the existing interior landscape islands have been reduced i:t size to approximately half, which create. twice the number onandscape island.. These have be"" .taggered throughout the parldng field. The outdoor fayade along the !iont of the Wal * Marl building will be kept ftee and clear of all vending machines and merchandise. A sidewalk has been added to the we" side of the entrance r<>ad on Old Boynton Road. A crosswalk ho. also been added from tile tenninus of this .idewolk into the parking field. The parking data bas been 1II"lared and i, detailed in the .ite data chan on the .iteplan, Is being addressed by the Architect under seplU"l\te cover. Additional wheel stops are not being added to every two bays. This was discussed with Mich..l RUIl1pf on June 22, 1999. TIle compromise to :his .olution wa. to split 1Ile interior Jandacape islands to provide more of a break in the parking lot The .ile plan will be tevi,.d ala futUre date .11ch that sl1eet tree, with gtale. are added to lI1e sidewalk in front of the store. The acceptable locations wete diseu'sed with Michael Rumpf al the June 22, 1999 couference call. A, Ieq\lC.ted, !he hedges have been r.moved from the boundary adJacenl to Steak.n-Shake However, the propo.ed tree. are temauUlI&. 50 SI S2, 53. If you .hould 1lave ouy questions, plea.e do not MSltale to contact me at (561) S62.7981 Sincerely, KlMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ~P/~ I, Todd I Howder ce DAM GWW Susan Motley KMR MCS G~\BOYl\70N\WINeHsr~;WP\COR"R,tlSP',Rwtlp(5,doe 07/08/99 THU 13:46 FAX 66L-66Z 9689 KHi\ t'RG VERO 1il001 ~=~ 9. ;r 10. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. July 7, 1999 KHA 047153.79(02)(72)(1217) JIL4 FACSIMILE (561/3754159) . _4110 10121MS"", VItoSncll,/'bnclo 3l9IO Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynr<>n Beach 100 E. Boynton Beacl: Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Subject: WaI * Ma" . Boynlon Beach (E), Flonda StOR #2789.00, New SC Winchesler Site Re: RqpollH to F...imile OD 6118199 Back-up Information for lIle PlanDing and Development Board Meeting on Tuesday 0122/99 Project No. NWSP99.003 Dear Mr Rumpf: Ti1is ia in response to Exhibil D Conditions of Approval L All Utilities and Easements lIe shown on the Landscape Plan Sheet L.l. In those locations wileR 1andsc:apinllenc'oaches on the utility easemenls, palm trees h.ve been specified as '.he landscape material. The tire department eonnec:tion bas beon II10ved to the gree.. space west of the building between the proposed walllDd curbing that ia adjacent to the ,edllted pressure back flow prevcntor and meIer. Comment is dOled. Coordinatio.. with various permitling agencies ia underway. The fire laIle signage and marking bas been revised 10 conform with LDR Chapl\!r 23 Aniclc !LB and !I.M. The 3' "fire lane" words have been placed on ,ath l.nes IlDd where possible the froe-standing sign stating "lIO parkini fire u.ne" has been st.gg....d from these locations. In a conve"ation with Michael Rumpf OIl Tuesday, June 22, 1999, this issue rellardng the concrete sidewall< ..tending throuih the asphalt WSl to be reviev.'cd on a 5tatT leveL Ki:ntey-Hom is currently coordinatin& with Palm Be.ch County to detetmille if additional right.of-way is going :0 be required on Knuth Road. A serios of wheelchair symbols b.. be.n added from the accessible space behind the TLE to the .ccessible door of tho TLE showing the accessible route. The building twshod floor elevation was set based Oll tho high<:r of the entoria outlined in YOUT conditiOIl$. The average high aradc on Old Boynton R.oad was taken liom the averalle of 17.47 and 15.57 giving an overage of16.52. The grade "n Winchester Park Boulevard was taken.. the highe'l grade shown, which is \S.43. The b~i1din~ finW:.cd floor is set at 17.0, which is a ~ foot ~Ut tha.. the high<< of those. two. WHI b. forth coming from the Architect. The de"i1 from the monument sign will be provided at a later date from the Archileet. The dime&.Sioll5 of the mOO\lme1\1 sign from Old Boynton Road and from tile west property line.,.. shown on the site plan. The offset from the 2. 3. 4. 5. 5. 7 8. . T~L se~ 562 1981 FAX 58' 582 II6ll9 C:\&OYN"r;)N\WIN<:HSTJ\\WP\CORqsP.R.,..,p"._ 07'08/99 THU 13:47 FAX S61-~62 9689 KHA lllG VERO ~002 ~=rJ -12. 13 t- ---;? 24. 25. Mr. Mi<ltae' Rumpf, July 7, 1999, Poce 2 I(jmley.Horn and AssO(iiates,/nc. II. righr-of-way on Old Boynton Road 10 the sign i> cunently 30'. TIns exceeda the minimum 10' .ig:t setback. Based on the wording of the conditions suppliod to us on June 18, 1999, Susan Motey, of Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russen, P.A., will provide a unitj. of title, however it will Dot prohibit land from bein8 subdivided to sen off outp.ucel sites. Comment iJ noted. We have had several people from Oil! .raffas wen a. Oil! Urban Fores~ visit the site to establish the type of trees, which were previouoly listed a.s magnolia. The exact tree species iJ Dol yet been determined, howc'ier it has been determined tha: illS not a magnolia tree. The designatioD OD thellDdscape plac has been cbanlled to Florida Tropical Trees. Kimley.Horn i. sending a sratT member from another Clffice to verify the species of th~e trt'.es. We have also been coordinaliDll with Kevin Hslhhsn OD this i.sue. NODe of the trees lilted are oaks or OD the native tree list. Of the trees listed, they ran into one of the following categones: Black Ollve, Aoride TropicaL malaJucb., and LegUJ1mOSaC. TIllS plan is stil: being mod15ed in arder 10 meet this condition. An irr.g.tion system is in the process of being designed for the e"tire site and will mclude the lake p:anting areas. A copy of the lake management plan previouoly submi:ted and an additional copy is induded W1th this letTer. Typic-al trash compactor IUd screen wall is shown on the architect plans to be fortheomi:1g. The parking and handicap spaces are detail.d on the Mise.llm.ous Detail Sheel. The ,ite plan bas been revised such thaI th. ahort sid. of all anile parking IS I g'. Parking di.>n.n.siOllS for the handicap parallel ~pace;; have hem dimensioned at 121 x 2S~. Thi$ is shown on the Miscellaneous Dew; Sheet llI:d the Sit. Plan. Rell.'Cing itom Fe, W.t....Mart WIShes to Det install any wheel atops at this time. It>. conversatton wit!l Michael Rumpf on Junc 22, 1999, in order to avoid in$tal:ation of wheel.tops, the internal islands were divided into two such that there " a barrier at the nor.h.m end of the parlting lot. Sig.'1ed and sealed SUl'V,y ,he.I was provided to Mich.el Rumpf 00 May 11, 1999 :"rom Ame:jean S"",ey Co:npany. The prevIously shown 2 ~. Imdscape buffer at the south end of the properly has beeD changed to a 10' buff.r loeated DOrth of the 25' wide Lake Worth Drainage Dismel easement. In some locations the curbing lllld utilities go through thil .re. in which the planting orea may be less than 10' as indicated on !hi. comment Susan Modey submitted a coordinated sign and ,ite ,ipaie program paekaae for shared signage and compatib:lity between tho .xiJting and future site signaie on the outparcels. This is in the proe... ofbei,,!! reviewed by Michael Rumpf. All ai;cess to toe outparcels has been sh.O\vn as internal. driveways. ~o external access will be gra:tted to the adjacent roadways for th.se developme:m. Furtht::nD.ore. ther~ are 210 longer two o\Jtparl:els Qn. Boynton Beach Bouh:vlId as part of this devclop",ent. Aren:t.crural iuideliD" were submitted with coordinated sign program by Susan ~otley Michael Rumpfis currently re,,'jewiDg this infOl1J1ation. An .ppea! has been submitted for the bay doors facine Knuth Road and Wt!1.ch."ster Boulevard. Will b< submitted by the Architect Ultder separate cover 14. IS 16. 17. 18. 19 20. 21 22 23. C:\&OVNTON'.WINQlSTR'WJ'\COl.UsP\R.'\IIllllr.5,dox KHA VRG VERO ~003 07/08/99 THl1 13:48 FA.! S6"''Ul2 9689 ~=~ 'A' Mr. Michaol Rumpf, July 7, \999, Pag.3 Kimley-Hom aile Associates, Inc, 26. Comme"t is noled. The site pllll modificatlon will be submined when the firn oUIp.reel i.! developed. The Architeet is addretoma thiJ co==t under separate cov.... Knuth Road i. not being \lied for IlDY ae""". poinll to the property As indicated on the site plan, the.e ",.U. will ". 6' high IIlUOIll)' "",ceo walls. The walls will be de.igned fOJ wind modes, ek:. at a laler date upon completion of tho. structural deoign; a detail will be added to 1he plllllll, whicb spo<;ify the color. Thi.! color and the type of wan is similar to that of the e~isting ",aU 011 the adjacent shopping cent<!. This comment has be." eliminated because Wal * Mart choo... to do the option ;>re..nled mltem 1/41. (PI.... s.. item #41 for !IIrth.r d1:tail). As d,scusoO<J with Michael Rumpf, June 22, 1999, a voaetative buffer has been added llIonll the parkinS spae.. immediately east of tbe building adjacent to the Sea.onal Garden Cenler and TLE. }lo ",a1J i. boing propo.ed. The <astern wclt dock""", h.., a woll .000000illg along the soutl1line, wl1icb butTers thiJ from the property south of\i.l. The western truck dock 10'1andlcape buffer now ha. b.en "'.r....d immediately .outh of Ibe dock Is beir.s addressed by the Architect under separate cov.r. 1s b.ing .ddr....d 'Qy lb. Al:chiteotlDlder separak: cov.r. Color samples and material sampl.. are here in our office .nd will be band- delivered at the dat: of the flnel rrn:eting. Susan Matiey is ;utI'ently negotiating with the County attorney's and staff in order 10 complet. an acceptable public faciliu.s .greemen~ Upon the completion of an acceptable apeOlen!, it will then be forwarded to the city. Tb. Wal* Mart monunteftt sign has been reduced to 17' 6" by 3' 6>>, which provides. total square footage of 61.25'. Th. cro.S access for the future Steak.n-Shake parcel wlll b. .dded to the sit. plan. It has not been added at this time. Additional call ours h.ve been added 10 the landscape pIa.. ident1fying various tree. ;,round the perimeter of the .ite. In \ie" of con,tructing the previously shown wall at tho southeast corner of the property, Wal'" Mart ha. cbosen to construct a wall.long the back of the curb south of the south .ntrance driv.. The wall extends from the property line .t Winch.ster Park Boulevard West to the point where the pavement kicks out for deliv.ry \rUcle parking. This is approximately 25' to 30' from 1bo south...t corn.T of the building. The additional trees whieh were added along the parking fi.ld On the east .ide of the buildinll adJacent to the S....onal Gild." Center and TLE bas been e~tended ",oun.\ the comer on the north side of the .outh entrance drive. As thown on the landscap. pllSIll, additional trees have been .dded to the .outh of the soulh.ast entrance and a d.cr...e in tree spacinll has been added 10 20' to mere... the butTer Wa1 * Mart hM been working wi:h DCA in order to complete a binding l.ner .ppl1c.tio" for this project. The projeel are. has been reduced to below 40 aCf!:S, The pUIpOse of the bindina: Jetter application is to eliminate the need for a DR! on rbi. project. Wal * Mart will copy Micmel Rumpf with the .lgDificarrt corr=fpondc:nce from DCA in relation to this isSue. The wail on lhe west .ide has be.n ."t.nd.d to within 12' of the nonhern limits ofIbelandscape buffer. No additional w.JI. were added due to existing w.lls located on the south property adj.cent to OUI southern property line. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34 35. 36. 31. 38. 39. 4Q. 41 ~2. 43. O:\I!O'l"N'roN,WtNCHSTk\Wl'\CQJ.1\ESP\illm)f5.4ot ~=n KimleY"1 . 1 and Associates, Inc. . III ,. 601 21st Street, Suite 400 Y~ro Beach, FL 32960 .l~L 561/562-7981 F'\'X 561/562-9689 Transmittal Date: July 1, 1999 File 04 7153 79(~lt,-,~ittirtg #72 . J .;.;._._- 4 digit code 1217 To: Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. FL 33425 PH:561/742.6260 Wal*Mart-Bovnton Beach (E), FL Store #2789-00. NewSC Winchester Site Fed Ex Priority We are sending you ~ Attached o Shop Drawings D Other: D D Under separate cover via the following items: Prints/Plans D Samples D Specifications D Change Copies Date No. Description Set of Plans for Site Plan ADofOval Process These are transmitted as checked below: ~ For your use D Approved as submitted D Resubmit D copies for approval D As requested D Approved as noted D Submit D copies for distribution D For review and comment D Returned for corrections D Return D corrected prints Remarks Enclosed please find the revised Engineering and Landscape plans per our phone conversation on Julv I. 1999. Please review and comment at your earliest convenience. The reSDonse letter will be faxed to vour attention on Julv 2. 1999. Ifvou have any auestions. olease feel free to contact this office. Thank vou. Engineering Planning and EnvIronmental Consultants Copy to GWW KMR Signed c--- T~:hf!~, E.I.~' G:IBOYNTON\WJNCHSTRIWPICORRESPITrans\City.Rumpf3 doc 91-06-29 04: 16pm F r cm-RUDE! MCr~ ~ S~I TH 7644966 7-591 P.OI/IZ F-301 RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. 200 East SfI.fW:.ifd Boule\lard Po>! Offic< !lox j 900 Fall l.au<ltrda'e. Florida 33302 Fn No. (954) 764-4996 JQne 211, 1999 FILE: DIRECT DIAL NO.: 19583..0049 Wal.ManlBoynfon Bea.b DATE: FROM: Susan P. MOfley - 2198 (954) 527-2412 NUMIlER Of P^CES tI'~ T W ~I- V fE.- If Ihere are any problems Or compl,callon,. ..... .I) lease nOlii\' us imme.d,ately a!(954l 764.6660,. . TO: Michael M. Rumpf KClVip Roberson (561) 741-6259 (561) 778-3222 COMPANY: FAX: COMMENTS: RClv bCld J>esigp Studard. p"r yo..r comlllents. (RCldlined version also affaa4'bed). Please let me know if1bis is ok. THt INt'ORM^T10N CON1'AINEP IN Ttll$ 1'^CSIMU.t MtSS^Gl: IS "rrORNE\" PRIVU.ECEO NiD CONflOENTIAL INFORMATION INTENDED ON1.Y .'OR Tnt CSE 01' THE IN1IIVI0\)...... OR ENTITY :II^MEO ABOVE. IF THE Rf;APEll 01' Tins MESSAa.: IS NOT THE INTENDED IUCIP1FNT. l'OlJ ARE HEllEBl' NOTIFIED 'I' HAT AN\' DISSEMINATION, DISTIUBUTlON OR ('Ol'\' OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STlUCTU PROH1.llll"E:O. If' l'OV !lAVE Rl:C'EIVED THlS COMMVNICATION IN ERROR, .PLEASE IMMEDIATl:L\' NOTl1'\' US B\" TEUI'"ONE (If LONG DISTANCE, J'l.EJ\SE CALL CO"'LECT) AND aETl.IRl'11lfE OlllCIN.o\L MliSS,~GE TO VS,",T THE ABOVE ADDJu:Sl; VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE. THANK VOll. FTL }67)'t .J 99-06-29 04:35P1/1 Frcm-RUDEN MCCUV ...~ITH 7644990 W AL-MART CENTER MASTER PLAN DESIGN STANDARDS June 1999 Boynton Beach, FL Prepared by: Kimle)-Horn '" Aliso~illte., Inc. 601 2ht St., MOO Vero Belich. FL 32%0 Ruden, McClosky. SlIlith. Schllster & R.u..eU, P.A. 200 Easl Broward Boulevard Fort Lauderdale. FL 33301 ~'I'L ":':'llilS:3 H91 P 02/11 H09 99-06-29 04:16pm From-RUDEN ~r-'\~ITH 7644996 H91 P.OI/12 H09 I MPLEMENTA 1"1 ON Slandards for lamlscaping and signase remain general, providing I>uidelines for si"", location "nd design. The Wal-Mart Supercente(s lan4scaping and signage shall set the slan4ard for devdopment orthe outparcc:ls. These standilr<l. will be funher defined lIS part of lhe ~ite plan subminal Pac\ulll~ to Ih~ City for the dev~lopmenl of individual oUlpalcds Ground sillns, identifying Ihe Lise of each o\llparcel, shall be single or double faced. Each of the outparcel~;;hall be allowed one (I) such sign. a maximum oHorty-eight (48) sqlWe! teet in size, and no grealer th..o len feel (10') in heh:hl These signs may nOI be placed wilhin the ten fOOl (10') landscape buffer smp adjacent w the! roadway; there {he, ..--""mus!, be a ten fo()t ChU')sclback. Each ground sign mU.1 be of concrete or masonry constru~1ion with fr,;r("1 . C. 0<1'- ~olid Stucco filliJP. Base colors mUSI be compatible with building colors. Letlering audlor corpor.!lc! I'fee '1 r I.l~OS may vary in si,c;:. tom and color, bas~d on the parlicular user <Uld liS trae!emark~d colors, font (."J 7 and 10g1lS. Each gro\.lnd sign must be surrowuled hy a one foot (1') high. or grealer. planter wall \', /l~ , within which ground cover such as flowering shrubs or other land~caping shilll b~ instlOllee! and maintained. (lJ:.,l ".,i(c,( '\!l6'J {(.( 9,.{ EXlerior building colors, including bedy, Irim and roof colors are 10 be selecled from <I pale!!e of 'i~ ,'I"- W ,j [rl-' colors consistel1l with surrounding commercial dllvelopmem such a~ Boynton Commons to the east -* ~. V (but nOllhe Steak 'n Shake). The color pal",!!e generally consists of letra Calla ane! earth toneS tor 5{r:' Ih.. roars. pale earth tones and paslels lIS the primary building cok)rs lUld v..nOIlS brighter acct:lll colors lln building signs, ""cem lile!~ and color band~. Tr<ldemarked colors l:lIld signage sltlllJ be permitted hut shall be used in such a manner lIS to be ~ompatibk with primar> building colors. Specific guidelines are For rh~ ~fll-Marl .~'unen..ntt!r Parcel .. Slgnage The Wal-Marl Supercemer slgnago: will consist of one (1) double faced monwnent sign to be 10cI\ted 011 the Old Boynton Road entranceway to Ih~ Wal-Mart Center. ThiS sign willoot ~xceed smy-four (64) squate feet of si~llllble area per fllCe "nd slWl nOl exceed tt:n teel (10') in ov~r4ll height, This sign will not be locat~d in the len fOOl (\0') buffer area which surrounds the pro~tly. Signage for the Supercenter building shall be as allowed in the City ~l~n regulations and as sho...n on attached Exhibit "W' Elevalion/Signage PllUl .. l.andsc<lping The landscape on the Wal.Mart supcrc~n~e parcel will be in accordance with th~ City Code requirements as "nhanced by the appro a Ian The plant pale!!e shall be consistent and compalible Wilh that of Ihe Boynton Be h Mall and Ih" Boynton Commons Shopping Center. Tu the ~xlelll feasible, exisling Ir es will be incorporaled into th~ sile plall. e!. rn.. ".~'101.~ J 2 9H6-Z9 04: S6pm From-RUDEN MCC'~' SUI TH 7U4996 Hl1 P 04/11 HOI * Building Color. The ">>t"riOr colors ot"the WaI-Mart Supercenter will be in keepi~ with the colors of the surrounding commercial devdopments (nOt including SteaK 'n Shake). This color palene gen~ral1y consists of terra cotta and earth tones on the roofs, pale earth toneS anQ pastel. as th~ primary buiidinl!l colors, and various brighter acc"nt colors on siiM, acccm tiles, and color bands on the buildings; all as ref"renced on the ElevationiSiglllllle Plan(s) .. Building Matenals Builcllnb materials for the Wal-Mm Supercenter shall b" compatible with the building materials Lls"d lrl other commcr<.:ial development in [ht vIcinity includinlt the Boynton Commons Shopping Cent<'r. .. Builo:linll Design Buildlllll design is as set forth on Ihe ElevationlSignage J'lan(s) which evidences vllfied IlfchheCluralt"atuleS such as banding. decorative tiles, COIUllUlS and glass. Fur thf ()uuJarceis Signage L/.. ,teb ~i,.v~f .b.~iinage tor outparcel buildings shall be in ao;cordance with me City Cude reql.lirements and ~ Y compatible with Ihe Wal-Mart signage. Non-building Sillil<llle ror t~ outparcels shall consist _ <-~<f-1' t; ota maximum of on" (I) double faced monumelll sign to b,;-Iocated along the street frontage 0(" J' 0 s "J'" . I:>uf each outparcel. The ~ize of monument sillil<lg~ allowed f(.r each individual ol.ltparcel shall (flu<" \ ,,<" c~ ~ b" forty-ei!lht(48) square feel of signable area per tace. EllCh monument sign shall not ~ "".i.. 5 (~~ c"""';X._ce>>c_eed_ tCll ~:t (10') in heighl and will be consU'\Icled full 10 the ground with appropriate IS k 10 v" c."s t plant mat"tialli\OI J I.lsnocrraro\ilicrille base~ OUlparcel sillll colors shall be compatible with ~J-> ~ 5~ i,<- - '5f'I' building "olors. The us.:: of corporate JOlloS and calaIS will be permitted and should be tI I 71' r ....~<A..?"". s-,s~ ulili:t<'d so as to be ~ompatibl<: wim the overalll<;>ok of the Wal-Mart Superc:<:ntejli' Bllilding LJ. U '''{ v l f"P slgnage shall be hmlted to entrance areas 01 Ihe bl.llldhlgS, unltss mllllmal, soft. and f~'k<.l~()< + (.. s'1 .c:omp~tible with subject facade, and does not imroduc:" new colors to the project lllr- .~ teL k ."'..' . ,,:5< ,A. Landscaping vfT sf (..0\' 't.A. (IJ- c-f; oJ H',IP ~. I v.1,...-.,. ("'':5~' The lanQscape on the oUlparcels shall be in accordlulce with City Code landscap~ S j." ,- ~, f"" '> reql.liremen . The plant palene shall be consistent and compatible with the landscape on me , (~ t 5--WaJ-Mart ~percenter plllCel 10 the extenT fea,slble, e>>isting trees will be incorporated into Va The site plan. The ten foot (10') landscape buffer along the rlladways, as shown on the Master Site Plan, shall be maintain~dl(."hen outparcels are developed, 'J c>- YJb- <:' \-, 1,. nCe.Jl ~ . - ".S /y~t!c' g C IV . 0- (l h,vi"'(;.d, r :c:-""f.. ("> F'V' 1"""1 lk pG ~'f ( ~"..:L .t:l "Hn 5 .:3 ("\ .. " " !:L(\~( . S""-i.....f , ou(f""'.../- 3 91-36-29 04:37pm From-RUDEN WCCJ.Wq~ITH 764499S T-S91 P 05/12 F-309 * 8uildins; Colors Since the Wal-Man Supercenter will b" built first, l,l\uparcels will un4erl;\o s""parate revit:w b~ th<' City of Boynton Beach. Buildings shall be generally compatible with the:: coloration of the Wal-Mart Supereenter and Boynton Commons bl.lildings Individual buildings will be permitte::d to utihze corporate or u:ademarked cololS as part of the accent colors on buildings as long a:. unique corp'mlte colors do nO! represcl1l extreme color contrtlSts and are limllee!to "nnance areas On the buildings and sillllag". At tile tim" of City rc:vit:w and sile pl<m approval of each outparcd. specific color reterences shill be provid"d. These musr be reviewed by Cit, staff for compatibility with th" WaI-mart Sl1J>I:rcenter ancl Boynton COllUnons. (',;"'1' Ie. ;"~ikr Cot.....;".~~"'(f I~ -rk ("evi"'cJ pr<'~-~s:s, * Building Materials Buildinl;. materials for ourparcel developm"nt shall be: compariblt- with WaI-Mart Supercem"r building materials ane! those used in other commercial e!evclopmt:nt in me VIcinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Cemer. .... BUilding Design Building design for outPillcel development :;hall be compatiblt: with the WaI-Mart Supercemer as set tanh on Ekvlltion/Sisnage Plan which evidences varit:d architectural I~at~:~h a: blllll1inlolliln,llea to ent,cIII,:" are~decorativ~ tilt's, columns~comic.'~s '" S~ dlamona teatures BUilding design Shall also bt: compatible With other commercial ',",!" Y' ~ Jevdupment in the VIcinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. Exc""pt for C entrllllct: f~atures and column de.ails. no elemerns should eXlend above the roof line If alternative roof dt:signs are propos~J, a maximulO efforl should be given \0 maximize compillibility with established architectural character. Also, main entrances shall be enhanced with rai:iled rootfeature. columns and arches, unkss contrasting corporate desiJo:n requirements are deemed acceptable by City soot ...-~ (Where these st:mdards remain silent or are in conflict with City sl:inctards, then the City standanls shall apply. \ ''-.., * f',<!t,\~ f"(~' M"I- 4...7015 : Us,. S ~u+-n_GC'cc:~ l-'Sc-S sc,. (( (/7 L ( f V .J'....I-J) ~ r'- "\c ~<k<- ,\~.':"'~ "" r '0 c-:sS;=~( 0'~ ~ c:rt I I'" ,. \s ' ' ~ -ti'_. '"" cJ 4:- .,. ( ~ ' C' V .1< ~ i..,S . ~ .-. -"",~, "'VI t'V'...._~,~.=>.'!'Jr(~{<'. ~'~4 -~ '<':..<1 (~"c-~ s.~ ,- ~ ...L f (.e.KC:/.A";M'\~~.d'~'.J....J '-:-/ ,.:y P<:t"'JSS",-~.s /' 6J' ',1)1' s k<' s b'5 ';:P S ~"<::'5 ('. .1. /.1lt..~".~f' . .n.7 /I''l~ V" cr: -11" =1r r.J.h,./c 6c~~ I-jII'c6.f.. a>? .(?'S..1r~' <Cr<:. ("7 Of-'o-~.7 ;..,"" (" /' ~. ~( "'.1 ~-C' . - <:. 4, /. . ' Y''""''T ske.s CI" <.. Sc:s I.A ...[ !,..J"'-Sc...1<"'''"")~ J U --r-"",,,_\ Sc-.f( 4 '~;'i'-- -. -'~'7l,:.\,'r~' ,.~~ ~:.,<;",?\c<.'~:",("i':..';;' .1- ,-,;:r, 'C}'''-re,' .-.- "\:;.p;~",~,," '''::''''k\~_'1~'''Ji'irtfi.r.: "'''',~i!I\'''''''''' ''1; ',I ....,J:i' F. ":':""ff*" . <'''f' ,,~i ;;''''''~.I;"~.:;t''l. ';,"', "* Building Colo\'l> Smce the Wal-Matt Supercenter will b" built fim, oUJpaTCeJ$ will un4erjo 5q)8l1lte revillw b~ tho: City of Boynton Beach. Buildings shall be Ileneral~y compatible with the coloration of the WaI-Man Superctmtc:r and Boynton CommollS buildinil" lndiviUual buildings will be perminc:d to utilize corporate or trademarked colon lI:l pan of the accent colots on buildings as long lI:lllllique curpome colors do lUll represent exueme color conttltS1S and are limttell to "ntranCe -areu on the buildings and 'igJllli'" At me time of CitY ri:view and site pllUl approval of each outpart:e\, specific color references li!uaIl be providc:d. These must be reviewed by City sraff fOT compatibility with 111.. Wal-lltan Supo:rceuter and Boynton Coounons. fJr;~ fi, ;......../21; ec..-.r"';,M1J r:" -fk. rev.v frd<=-ss_ * Building Materials Buildin>> mateTiats for outparcel developm~t shall be: compatibl" with WaI-Matt Supercemc:r buil4ing materials and mose uS&!4 in other commercial devo:lopmo:nt in Ute vicinity induding the Bo~nton Commons Shopping Cenler. * BUII4ing Design Buildinll design for oUlplITCel development :ihall be cumplllible with the Wal-Mart Superccnter as :$el tOM on Elt:vlltiOnlSisnage Plan which evidences "ari~d architectural r"lItures sLICh as blll1din~ limited to entr4nC~ areass.decorativ" tiles, collUll/1\ f1:"~//corniccs VI< and diamond teatures. Building design sha11 a1liO bt! compatible with othtr commercial C) v't'"' '> dev.:lopmcnt in the vicinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. Exc~pt for entrance: featUTes and column derails. no elemems should e"~nd above the roof line. If alternative roof dc:signs are pro}l<JSl:q, II maximum efforl should be giv~n to maximize com~tibility with established architectural chari1ctcr. Also, main entrances shaH be enhancea with rai:$ed rooffe=. columns and lITch~s, unt.:ss conlIllStini! corporate desiill requirements arc deem"d acceptable b~ City statr Where these sc.mdards remain silent or are in conflict with City standards, then the City standllflls shall apply. f\<!W~* US~S _ f<>-'~~ ~=~-1+b~.~~S.. ::./;(( t'\c (~2e '\~.(....~ ( <>C f' ro'f~st~( V~"'-5 -~~ . ( ~ ,Q -= Iii 'e. ~/<C ~ /.., .... -.. ~;-._' r' c;~ t'V1_4'~ ~ J'f((" - 4 Con ""'---<"I ',,,--,,,Co-=. s~ ~ 1'> rr . -, .~f .(.:!.I(t(..L;f:!;tn{(" ~~~ ~-7'/ fO~ po/"-::fs- S"'-~..s ~'l' rYll1(' S; f7f~s fr<ie. (..I "'~.f 7 /1 ~-r or "", , S ..s W"; c" .... ~;II'q;fc """'.(? ~5 <<:.rc... f-", D{'<<~ffq;-. t'l' h.. :. I'J ...., Ai , . 7 -. '""f :;kot:.s O('f '- S<S ,--/ ..( <--r( jq,....5Co'{;../l<!! I U ,\h-\ ...,3.-- fTl- '1..701.5 J 4 9H6-29 D4:38pm From-RUDEN 11:",10" 11IITH 7U499S HI1 P. 07/12 HOI -DESIGN GUIDELINES- INTROPUCTION WAL-MART SUI'ERCENTER Boynton Beac:h. FL nVFRVICW Th"s~ design standards ana crlteria h:lY(, ht:en established at the request of the City of Boynton e"ach, Florida 10 ensure l,lverall quality and continuity of deSIgn fur the approximlttdy thirty-nine (39) aCT"S ofpropeny ("Wal-Man Cenler") located in the soumwest \'oorn"r oflhe intersection at" Winchester ~ Boulevard and Old Boymon Road. Tbl: development ofrhe propell) will cOllJiist of a large parcel intended the development of a Wal-Man Supefcentc:r and an l\ltdetcrmin.:d number of outparc"b for typical OUlp4l"cd retail use. Th" Steak '11 Shllke outparcd currently being dewlopea adjacent 10 the northwest comer of lhe property is not part ofthese Design Guidelines. The Wal-Mart Center propel'lY i~ desigmued fLocal Retaill Commercial un the City's Comprehensive Land Use PllIl1. Ir is nor the intent oftllese guide!in<;s 10 restrict Dr regiment creative de,ign but rather to a,sllfe minimum standards lor d.:vel(lfln.elll [comna!;!'>le anq consisrent qe~il!nl The cnl~ria set forth herem ar" in addition to and s~ppltmenr those development regulations of the Cit> of Boynton Beach and ,,!her applic:\ble govt:l1lffiemal regulator)' authorities. These guidelines will ::I...t mmimum standards for slle planning, land~caping, sign"ge am! roa4way access. Other regulations l)f the City and lIpplicllbJ" governmental agencies, ,uch as the desl~n and construction of utilities, drain"'lle and structures are not atTected. PURPOSE & INTFNT It IS the intenT and purpose of the regullltions and gujaeline~ established herein to ellSure that the goals and "l1jective, of me City's Comprehensive Plan and ZOlling Cocle are met SITF lJTI1.I7ATION Th" "xact sius orlbe aUtpatcds will be delerminedal a later date when they are (site "Ianned an~l aeveloped. The driveways shown on the anached Exhibit "An ~ ~ Site Plan will provide access fo,' th" outparcels. Cross access easements ...ill be eSl<IbJished with each "~tparcel. Each outparcel shllil provide, i:lt a mimm1.tlll, the Pllrking reqi.Ured by Ih" City coae of Ordinances 'H I.u.. , I'i ~ P DO,,"wMc"Il'\iu.: 4J"UI~ V.:'ttoicm<lo:~ Pil~~: J..nc]',l, llJW A\:'n.r..,,)' 0" Rtdllalqa: l':~. Gllltr:fPll:'otd i1n"d11 ........ I 99-08-/9 04:38pm Fra.-RUDEN lC-'1.0r'.'WITH 7644995 T-591 P. 08/1/ H09 for th" intended use. The Malt.:r rWal-i'1anj Sile Plan shall be amended as each oUlparcd is developed 10 ro::fl"cl me aadilional ourparcel de'ldop~m. '111e Stc:aJ- '0 Shake shall also have cross a,c"s~ rights to utilize the driveways showo 00 Ine Mt.JI~r LWal.Mart1 Sit" Plan IMPLEMENT ATION Slandanls for landscaping and signage remain general. pro'lidinill>uidelines for size.localion and design. Th" WaI.Man Supercentt:r's landsl:apin~ ilnd signage shall ,"I the srandard for d"vdopmenl of Ihe outparceb These standards will be further defined as parr of rhe sit", plan submiuill package to the City tor me de'ldopm"1I1 of individual oUlparcels. Ground si~ns, identifying Ihe uSol of each outparc"l, shill) be sinllle or double faced. Each of the olltparcels sh,,\l b" allowed one (I) such sign. a maximum oLi.<I) taw (64) If,,!'tv-dabt (48lJ square feet in sjzeW and no grealer than ten fe"l (10') in height. These signs may not be placed witltin the ten ti,ot (10') lalldscape butler strip adjacent to the roadway; Ihere must be a ten fOOl (10') setback. Each gToum! sign muSI be of concrere or masonry construction wirh solid stucco finish. Base ,'olors musl be compatible wilh bUilding colors. L.:It<:ring and/or corporate logos may vary in ~iLe, tont and color, based on the p4l1Kular user and its trademarked colors. font and logos. Each W"ound "ign musl be surroundc:d by a olle foot (1 ') Iugh. or greater. plam"r wall wilhin which groW1d co"er such <IS flowering shrubs "I' other IlIlldscaplllll .hall be installed and ffi>linlaiMd. E;IIo::rior building colors. induding body, trim and roof colo;s are 10 be sekcled from a palen" of colors consbtenl with surrounding commercial developmtml such as Boynton Commons to lhe east (but not the Steak 'n Shake). T~ color plllene generally consj~ls "frerra cOlla lind earth tones for Ih", l"I)uf:;, pale earth 10nes anI! paslels as me primary building colors and various bllghler aCC"n1 colors on buildinj; signs, accent tiles and colOr bands. TrademarJ-ed colors and signlll!le shall be permitted but shall be used in such a ll1llllller as Iv be compatible with primary building colors. Sp"cifh: guidelines are: For The Wa'.A1llrI8Ul)l~Y(:t:n'~" Part:2J * Sillna~e The Wal.Mart Supercenlt:r signage will con:iisl of One (1) dO\lble faced monument sign to be located al the Old Boynton Road .:nrranceway 10 the Wal.Man Center. This .ign will not exceed sixty-follf (64) :;quare feet of SIgnable area per tilee and shall nOI exceed ~ ~ feet ~~ in overall heighl. This sign will nor be located in th" ten toot U 0') buffo::r area which sUITounds t~ property. Signage for me Supercenter building shall be as allowed in the City Cetk !'G. u.( C-J ~nil.b 4i:)t\:t~ r.,inn re~ulLHion~ and'] as shown un attached Exhibit "B" EleVlltion/Signa~" Plan. REDklNIi:P 00(uR"41 N~.: 417dlS Vt'r.'oft.;.......!..A..!. nail;: .lun~::9 1 'J'NI A,t:cur.t')' or RWhalRI NUl Gu.raulcC'd ~ 2 91-06-19 04:39pm Frcm-RUOEH ~W -MITH 7644996 T-691 P 09/1/ F-309 "* Landscaping .1 b.e l:mdscape on th" Wal-Mart Sup.:rcenler pllI"cel will be ill accordance with the City Code requirel1'lents. Pl~tU fa~ enhanced hv ttIr aDOrOl/at "Ian. Th~ nJanr nal~n~l shall be consistent <lnd comp.ltibl" with !he I..M~e.lp' at [ilia! ot1 the BOyntoil Beach Mall and the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. To the extent feasible, existin~ Irees will be incorporated into tb." si'" plan. REDLIN U) UOnlUwdt' ~o.: "Z'uIS Y4"(..;t).b!~ O;llf: .haft.2V IIJ\N Ar.:c..rat)' ufnnllinlA~ 'I", C...."~n1eca ~ ....... , , 91-0e-21 04:37pm From-RUDEN MtCLov'-'WITH 7644996 W AL-MART CENTER MASTER PLAN DESIGN STANDARDS June tt;- 1999 Boynton Beach, FL Prep"reo by: KimJey-Horn & Avsoeiates,lne. 601 2bt St., #400 Veru Beaeb, FL 32960 Ruden. MeClosky, Smith, Schuster & Rusiell, P.A. ZOO East Broward Boulevard Fon Lauderdale. FL 33301 RJ:UL.ll'lI!P DutlJm~l1r"'..."! 11"""11111 VcrsilfQa.~ bllk: .h,n... 29 1991J ^<:~Ut.K)' OS"llctJUllibt NOJ (;u.n.nttd ~ HII p,Dell! HDI 19-06-21 04:40pm Fro~-RUPEN ltCL'~ SMITH 7W916 H9! P. 12/12 HOI * Building Colors Smce tbe Wal-Mart Sup=emer will be built firsl, outparcels will under'go separate review b~ the City of Boymon Beach Buildings shall be generally ~ompatibk with The coloration of the Wal-Mart SlIpercemer bllilJilo! land Rovnton Co,nlnons buildin..~l. IndividUllI buildings Will be permiued to IITilize corporate or rrademlOrk.ed colors as part ohlle accent colors on buddings Ia:'i lone a~ unioue co'morate 9olors do nut repre~nt extreme color ~ontta...c;t~ and are limited to entrance areas on The!! hllildinQ~ and qion~~el At the time ofCiry review and site plan approval of each outparcd, specific eoj"r references shall be provided. These mUsl be reViewed by City staff for compatibility with the Wal.mart Supercemer and Boymon Commons. ... Building Malerials Building marerials lor outparcd development shall b.: cOlnpatit:lle with Wal.Mart Supercenter bllil4ing materials and those used in olher cultUUercial developmenl In the vicinity ulClllding the Boymon Btaell Mall ..nd II" BII}I"'... Commons Shopping Center. ... Buildmg Design Building design for Olllpatcel development shall be c..mpatible with the Wal-Man Sllpercent<,r as set fonh on Elevation/Signage Plan whicl. evidenc~~ varied architeClllral teatures such as banding (limited TO entrance arl!&S 1, dc:corali ve liles, collllllns and ,lcl~]L ~lass oormces and diamond features!. Building design Shllllllbo bl! comp.1tible with other commercial development in the vicinity inclllding the Bo)'mon (ka...l. Mall M41l1c Bv)"l<llI Cl.>>11mons Shopping Center. [EXC~Dt for entranct: teanlre!\ and column details nO elements 9hould extend above th~ roof Hne. If ahernati'Ve roof de~lQn!i:: art: Drono~ed a rp.aximum t;.tJOrl ~lloulg be Qiven to maximi2e comnatibilitv with esLtb~ished architt:crural character. A.lso main entrances sQ~~1 he enhanced wiTh rai!\ed l'Ol)ffea.IJre. cl)lumn~ and arch~~. Lmle!;s ~onlra~tjn~ c(.)I:J>orat~ de!l\i2n r~aL1irements ar~ deemed acc,:olable hv Cilv sIaffl Where these standards remain silem or are in conflIct with City st>lJldards, thell The City standards shall apply. R~ll1.lN€D lJiJ~ullltl1' J'IrlO.: a27lflS \'cnUlA:': I & 3 O....r; JuRI;::!") 1~ ACI::ur;u:y of Rl!CSUnIDC !'iOf ell..,....d l!n,l;f',1 - 6 11-06-29 04:39pm Fro.-RUOE! MCtLOK 'iTH 7644916 T-691 P 10/12 H09 * Builai~ C\llor~ The exterior colors of the Wal-Mart SupeIcenter will be in ke"ping With tbe colors of the sUlTounain~ commc:rcial developments (bat ,.tit therlnot indudinlll St"llk 'n Shake). Thi~ .:olor palette t,I"nerally consi~ts ot'terra coTta and earth ton~s on the roofs, pale earth toneS and P<lSte!s as th~ primary building wlors. and various bright~r accem colors on si~lIs, l\Ccent tile~, and color band:; on the buildings; all as referenced on W.llil Ekvation/Signat.le Plan~. * Building Materials Budding materials for the Wal-Mart Supercemer shall be compatible with !he building materials used in other cCllIunercilll d"ve!opment in the vicini!)' IOcluding the Boynton ~ M"IlIlM the Bv).lt.M Commons Shopping Center. * Building Design Building d<'sil9' i~ as set fonh on ~ Elevation/Signage Planr.w.l which eviJ"nces varied archilcctllClll featllIeS sLlch as banding, decorativ" tiles. coh,mns and gillS; FliT lh.: nt/marcels * Sillnage Slgnage for outparcel builJinis shall be in lIC.:ordance wi!h the CitY Code requirements wld compalible Wlm !he Wal-Mart sillnage. Non-building signage for me omparcels shall consist of a mllXlllllun of one (I) Jouble faced monwnent sign 10 be: locared along !he ~rreet frontag" of" each outpaIcel The size of momunent signal;le allowed for each ind! vidual outparcel shall be .;.:{, (utll (64) ffOrTv-eiGht (48)1 square feet of signable area p.:r tact:. Each monllffient sign shall nor ex"""d ten teet (lO') in height and will be COl1sll"Ucted full to me ground with appropri'l!" plan! malerial (not just sod) arol.U1d the hase. OUlparcel sign colors shall be compatible with building colors. The use of corpord.le logos and colors will be pemlined and should be Utiliz"J sO as to be compatible with the overall look afme Wal-Mart Supercenrer. rBuildir\o ~i.maae shall he hmited to c!nrranc~ areas ofrhe huildinfJs unl~s~ minimaL ~oft and cnmnalible \.V'ith subiect fac~ and doe~ not introduc~ new colors TO the nro;ectl * Landscaping RIWLtN EO UUI=UUIC'"I~O.; ~1"~15 \i.(.iQAJI:~ lllltr.;; .IUDC',!l:) 1!)9Q A~cllr..L")' of IUdbnma: NI,)1' Gu.artOlCcrJ ~ &.;.,. .. 19-0S-21 04:31P11l Fro~-RUOEN hrtLC' '~ITH 764ms H91 P. ; 1 /12 HOI Th~ landscapt' on the oUlparcels shall be in accordam:e wi1h City Code landscape requirc~nts. Ih" plallt mt{.mleuel shall be: consistent and compatiblc w,th the landscllpe On the W"I.MllCt Supcrcemer plal"cel. To 1he "xtent fr;:asible, existing nees will be incorporated into the site plan. The kn foot (10') landscape buffer aloulllhe roadways, as shown 011 fthcJ Mas.er Sit" Plan, shall be maintained when outpan;els are developed. R~PL1NED U(K;lImCIIJ No.; .12"'101!; Vtftlona-;-U...L O:lk; .1..."(019 1999 .\.c:cur<fC) otRldUnin.: ~l)1 CtUtrj(PIC'~ Iln'>Cn~ Q.too. 5 S~~t b~:~U?E~ n~ClJ5KY L8Fl III 2-'=19 lJ4 :46,nn (""0": 9.'34?5-4<l...:iL96~.~f.!~75G2S~ ~ ,go!' 1/:i.: FACSIMILE COVER SHEET Rl'DEN. McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & Rt:SSELL, P.A. 200 Easl Broward Boulevard Post OfrK:e Box 1900 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301 Fax No. (954) 764-4996 DATE, to ) ::t~' ~ FROM, Si.Jsan P. Metle}, Esq. -~ 2198 Fll.E NO: OIRECT DIAL NO: (<;54) 527-2412 r--"" ~..- , ""~ I. .' ..,.. "'i.~,..........::...... "".",. . , " ". ,.' ::. ':-:':'.. ~ ~ ' ,,";' ':. '. ' , :-.' ::'.' ~ r., ' ~"..;.,' , ~'Jti ,', . . .. ..... ....:~;Mtl~,i:i0:m't,;!:i~i1~~~~~~,~~i~~;v~~~~!'~;f!;;i;r,~!,;,"!:',~'.' .. lfth~e are MY \"oblems or complicatior.s. ple~'e noIify Ui inWlcdiattly.t (954j 764.6660 TO: ~~ COMPANY: FAXNO.: ($1 7'1:2 -" ~ S1 COMMENTS: _____.__._ 1H!: tNPORMA.1'fON CON'f41N,f,O IN THrs rJ..C,~li\llH,l? MESSACE IS ATTORNEY PR~\;lLEGtf; .,ND CON'lDItNl"I.AL I~F01\MATION IN'fllNotD ONLY FOR THY, I'SE OF UIE I!'DIVIOU.\l OR i!'TrlY !'/AMEll-"30VE. IF THE REAPER OF TillS ;\1.E$3.\CE lSNor THE 1?'lTE~1>\i:J) Rf:C1PI~NT. \'Qt1 4RE HEF~BY ~OT1Fl~D TJUT Ah'V DlSStMiNATtoN, DlSTJUBUTJON on (Of V OF TIllS COMMUNICATION IS S1'I<ICIl \" PROHIBUED. IF YOU HA VI! RECEIVl!D TIllS COMMVN1CATION I'" ERROR, PLE.4st IMMW!I\'!ELY NOTIFY \fS BY TUEP}J.ONt flf LONG DT5"Jl\lIlCt. tt.EASE CALL COLLECT) A~D "RE'l."'lIRN THE ORIGfNAL ME,%'A.G.E TO US It. THE ADO"€: o\DDRI'3S VIA THE v,s. P05"J 41, snvl.:E. 'f.HANK lOll ~TL,~&07e;!1 S~nt l'~I~IJDEN McCLOSk~ 18FL Jyr 1-98 e4:47~~ rrcn 9S4?644ft~b~5613756259 ..a-:;~ 2/.. RUDEN MCCL.05KY --'------ SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. 200 {A5T "IIl:Qw""r.D BOULEvARO FORT L"l!ClE~o.,'LE, FLORIDA lHOl POST OffiCE BOX 1900 fORi lA(ID~ROALE, flOli:lDA 33:;0:.1 (954) 764-666C FA.X (95AI764-A~qf, WRlTER'S DIRECT DIAL NUMBER: (~~") S27.24~2 ~-M4.IL. SPM@Rl.'DEN.COM !tUle 22. 1999 Viafacsimile Mr Midme1 Rumpf Planning Director City of Boymon Beach lOa E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Wal-Ml!rt SupercenterlAgenda Items #7.A.l. and B.I of Planning and Development Boa:d Meeting of JUlI\) 22, 1999tRequest Approva!to Appe.al the Community Design Plan Chapter 9 Section II.J to allow overhead doors located on ek'vations of the proposed commercial/retail buildings that face Kanuth Road and Winchester Park BO\llevardiRequest New Site Plan Approval to Construct a 220,184 square foot retail store Oll 39.61 acres Oero Mike.; Thank you again for taking the time to discuss with me and other Wal. Mart representatives the staffs conditions of approval for both oftlle agenda items described above. At the conclusion of our discussion, we decided that we siould request a postponement of these items until the Plarming ar.d Development Board meeting of July 27, 1999. This will enable u,s to resolve with you the outstanding issues and to revi..e tbe site plan and elevations to addre.ss your design comments in particular as well as lither staff comments, We look forward to working with you to a s:Jccessful approval and thank you for your cooperation and assistance. Sincerel.y, cc: Tim Cribb Don Mosely Gary Wallace Keva: Roberson Todd Howder Hal Haven FORT l.A,UDERDALE. MIA.MliI NAPLES. Sf Pf[ER~8LJR.C. SARASOTA. TALlA.H."~SH. 'TAMPA, _weST PALM 6EACH ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. \ f" IC'" ~'" p, : ,-,,' i ': i--, 1- ill"' ~ . '1, ~ I Ilggq 601 21st Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 TEL 561/562.7981 FAX 561/562.9689 Transmittal Date: June 10, 1999 To: Mr. Micbael Rumof Planning Director City of Bovnton Beach File 04715379(02) Billing #72 4 digit code 1217 Wal * Mart-Bovnton Beach (E), FL Store #2789.00. NewSC Winchester Site 100 E. Bovnton Beach Blvd. Bovnton Beach. FL 33425 PH:56lI742.6260 Fed Ex Priority We are sending you [8J Attached o Shop Drawings o Other: D Under separate cover via the following items; D Prints/Plans D Samples D Specifications D Change Copies Date No. Description 12 I 24 x 36 Landscane Plan - Sheet L-l 12 2 24 x 36 Landscane Plan - Sheet L-2 12 3 24 x 36 Land Survev Sheet 1 4 8 Y, x 11 Landscane Plan - Sheet L. I 1 5 8 y, x 11 Landscane Plan - Sheet L-2 1 6 8 Y2 x 11 Site Plan These are transmitted as checked be/ow: [8J For your use 0 Approved as submitted o Resubmit D copies for approval 0 As requested 0 Approved as noted 0 Submit o copies for distribution 0 For review and comment 0 Returned for corrections 0 Return D corrected prints Remarks Per our conversation on 6/9/99, enclosed are the plans for the above referenced store. The 8 1;2 x 11 elevation drawimzs will arrive 6/15/99. Ifvou have any auestions. nlease feel free to contact this office. Thank vou. Engineering Planning and Environmental Consultants Copy to KMR MCS ,.". (Ov' ~,,%w~~,<0>- G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESPITrans\City-Rumpf2 doc 9H5-14 O!:3P."" From-RIJDEN ~c,r- S~ITH 7644196 T-969 P 02/03 F-427 RUDEN MCCLlJSKy SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, F'.A. 200 ll\S I i:H<UW"lq) aO......EVARO FORT '..i'lvDeRD'\'LL.1 Ult'lP" li30i rCJST OFFICE 80x, I SOu I (IX I I ^',.fJfl<O~I,J, FLURID/\ 3BCl2 ('i~.J :.'b04.obb", lAX, ("'''i.;) 7t>....4~~a WRITEI ':-' illl<lC, ;.JIAj.. NuM~ER \Cl,,4) ~!i'.1"1~ (~ll. ...1'M@I<VUfN CUM lLme 14, 1999 Viu faL'J:imile Mr Michael Rumpf Planning DireclOr Cily 0t" Boynlorl Beach 100 E. Baymon Beach Dlvd Boynton B~ach. Florida 33425 Re' Exhibils "A and "B" toDe~jgn Ouidehnes fOI Wal-Mau C~nl~r C'Guiddine.") Dear Mike. Enclosed is E>Jubil"A" 10 the Guidelines \\<hich I tOIgot to incl.lde wilh your fill< on Friday. We are in the pLOcess of (lbtainin~ colored cupies oi ExlubJt "Bn (Ele\ ations/Signa~"') 10 anaeh 10 Ihe Guidelines. You do, however, already have a copy of these in YOlle file if you \\<dIlt to rt:view th.m rd"tiv. tu th" DeSign Guidelmes. lfyou have any qlk',lion. or I,eed additional mformation. please ljive me ""all. II i> 01.11 lU1dcmanding thc SItC plan Will ,0 before the Plauning and Development Board on Tuesday June 22, 1999. SllIcerely, Efldv;urcs RUDEN, MeC'LOSKY"MITH, ~=LPA _ ~!:MOtley / cc; Tim Cribb Don Mo;d.,y Gary Wallw;e Kevin Roberson K.eith f>elan FTL...:28~]S 1 fORT LAUDERDALE ~ ,,",dAMI. N',P~,5. Si PETERSBuRG. SARASOTA ~ T"'Ll^H^~~Et . I"'MP" ~ DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY ~~T COlIN OF IIJ.JII!rtS p.o. _ a7ll ....a<IONVIJ.E, FLOIIIIM 3ZJU.GD1. OPPICIAL "..W. RECEIVED FlRSToCLAIS IIAIL u.s. POSTAGE PAIl .I;bannlle, FL _ No. 1442 DEPARTMENT OF THE AfCMV IN:ICIIC)INLLIlllllt11UtT GOItPI OF S T~"'S PIJ._-' ~N"' FLOIllDA szD2-G01' - "r =.-' _In'''- ~ Wl"~' 'i=~ -> ,~ r~ .. .. l'\RST.Q.AS$ IIAIL u.s.POStAGE PAIl JI.c-V"'f-tlUe. fL ~ No. 1442 REceiVED MAl{ -L 0 \999 rr\tl'>.'3\i('>'l" CQAS"' REGIONAl PLANNING COUNCIL ID#1391 TREASURE COAST REGIONAL pLANNING COUNCIL ATTN TERRY HESS STE 300 301 SE OCEAN BLVD STUART, FL 34994-2236 Ii 1 ;nrl Ii t;.ila ~i! 'i~\~ r.i! lIhlli i 1; I!i i: il · I'ill & c 1";: ; ~~~ :.~(") ("')1'>- ll-;:= ::I-I.C) U'~ ilti i &~!! :E,;i~ .. ~:z a ~4 ;... i"P. i."nnn if! ni!li ~ X''i ::l~-- Iii llila =,." t';"l!:~ ""311 l_lI'.o<: =-... ii ..~..... ... !l:lI'.a.- j1; ...c'l:=; ...... ...:;il.., "'sO' .;-....S' a_I! 0:- ..ai -sr=- .,- .:.. I.;~ =I'~ as.a ;...- _~.. ...:z ... ..<<~ ___,=,8 "CI ._:r... c i !II ~ ft...~ !:;;'='" !."'i~ ;;-ca.1 C:;:lft I:l"g~ ;'~O. : 51l: !l : JCI:g :!.;!i ~ !i ,,;:rc; i ; ~ ~ .,;-' < . _ft .o.!. i:l'~1~S.IC10Bll.;-1. 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'\"1\NG P ~GE:-J- OF -~ -=- -~ -- -~ .-- -' ~ '-~\~'~~- USGS 7 ,5 Minute Quadrangle Map WA.L *tAA.Ri BO'(NiON BEA.CH, FLORIDA. \ Store No. 2789-00, NeW SC Winchester parcel .1:. ., ,t _N.; , 1"~ ~rJ.'=' .. ..: ~ .. ~~ KilTlle'Y p.,nd ,.,~ Engineel 60121" , Ph: (561) Figu,e '2 .------ oa\e ~g81 ------- 'L16G-(89-19~ au04daTa~ 'aoTJJo sT4~ JO EwapaTW 'J PTEUOB ~JE~UOO ^EW nO^ 'UOT~EOTTddE sT4~ 6uTu~aouoo suoT~sanb ^UE aAE4 nO^ J1 .aoT~ou sT4~ JO a~Ep a4~ wO~J S^EP O( UT4~TM SSa~ppE aAoqE a4~ ~E ~aauT6u3 ~oT~~sTa a44 04 6UT4TIM uT pa~~Twqns aq P1n04s UOT4EOTTddE a44 DUTPIEDaI S4uawwoJ '(1-81(066 sT Iaqwnu UOT4EOT1ddE 4TwIad 40T~4STa 4uawaDEuEW Ia4EM EPT~oT3 44noS :S3IJN3~V B3H~0 WOB3 NOI~VZIBOH~nV uo aOTAIas UOT4EA~asuoJ aOInosaB a4Ts-uo spuET4aM TEUOT40TPsTIn~ a4~ UOT~EWIOJuT uo pasEq panssT 6uTaq '8661 '91 aun[' 1EIn4EN a4~ ^q paTJTIaA aIaM .4ueOTTddE a44 ^q pa4sTu~nJ ST aOT40U JTTqnd ST4~ :3~ON 'S80ETd OTI04STH JO I84STD8B TEuoT4EN 844 uo 6UT~ST1 IOJ 81qT6TTa IO 'P8~sTT S80InOS8I ^UE JO 80u8saId a44 IOJ p8M8TA8I aq o~ '80TJJO UOT4EAIeseId TEOTI04STH e4E4S e4~ 04 pep~EMIoJ eq OSTE TTTM uOT4ew~oJuT e4's 4Je~OId 'saTJads peIa6uEpua IO paua4EeI44 pe4sTT ^UE 40BJJE 04 ^Te~TT ~OU sT ~IOM pBsodoId, aq4 4E44 UOT4EUTwI848P E epew SE4 sIBauT6u3 JO SdIOJ B4~ :NB3JNOJ ~VIJ3dS 30 S3JBnOS3B '- __- PyJ'f,1o,.. lio.c), - '<' DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS C/O DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 400 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE, SUITE 130 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 AEPL Y TO ATTENTION OF MAY 1 7 1999 Regulatory Division South Permits Branch PUBLIC NOTICE Permit Application No. 199902062 (IP-RM) TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This district has received an application for a Department of the Army permit pursuant to Section 404 of the Clean Water Act, as described below: Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc, 2001 SE 10~ Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72712-6489 APPLICANTS: WATERWAY & LOCATION: The project impacts are located in other waters of the'United States and isolated freshwater wetlands on the N.W. corner of the Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard, Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, To reach the site from 1-95, exit west on Boynton Beach Boulevard to Winchester Park Boulevard, The proposed project is located on the N.W, corner of the Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard. LATITUDE & LONGITUDE: Latitude 26031'32" Longitude 8005'48" North West WORK & PURPOSE: The applicant proposes to fill 0.06 acre of isolated freshwater wetlands and 4,13 acres of barrow pits, The work would consist of the construction of infrastructure road system, parking spaces and a commercial shopping center, The purpose of the project is commercial development, The site can be characterized as open water barrow pits and isolated freshwater wetlands dominated by such vegetation as torpedo grass (Panicum repens), water-hyssops (Bacopa' ssp,) pennywart (Hydrocotyle umbellata), cattail (Typha sp,) and duck potato (Sagittaria sp,), For further details, see attached project drawings, sheets 1-3, dated 5/5/99, A complete set of project drawings is available for viewing at the West Palm Beach Regulatory Office', The applicant proposes no mitigation for the wetland impacts, To: Susan Motley Fax: 954-764-6660 / qi3-1-7 lP4 - t.j.q9fo From: Date: Pages: From the desk of... Michael Rumpf Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561-375-6260 Fax: 561-375-6259 f Michael Rumpf " ~ May 17,1999 5, including cover sheet. As requested, I am forwarding to you the excerpts from Chapter 9:. Community Design Plan to be referenced in your request for appeal. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact me. As this section ,is not included under Chapter 2. Zoning, or any other ~hapter requiring relief through the variance process, the appeals process has always been assigned. This process will not require legal notification, ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. May 10, 1999 KHA 04715379 (02), 72,1217 REo Wal*Mart-Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store# 2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Engineer's Certification To Whom It May Concern: I, Kevin M. Roberson, hereby acknowledge that the proposed drainage system for the above referenced project will conform with all applicable water quality standards, or minimum design and performance standards, as required by the state of Forida and local jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Signature: /~I Kevin M. Roberson, PE. # 52074 FL P.E. No. Date: tJ(cot 11 . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 . Suile400 60121slSIreet VeroBeach, Florida 32960 - 04/05/1999 08: 26 56136473 FIRE LIFE SAFETY PAGE 02 ( - ( ~ 8'e4d ~. ieuelte Kimley-Hom & Assoc. Request Date; 03/24/99 Requested From: Todd Howder 601 21 Street #400 Telephone Number: (561) 562-7981 Vero Beach. FL 32960 Facsimile Number: (561) 562-9689 Location: Congress Avenue & Old Boynton Roa - Winehester Site * DIAGRAM (Include direction. street names. hydrant location ,intersections and main sizes) t N Con reS5 Avenue Circuit Cily Longhorn 501 N. Congress 515 N_ Congress Ave_ H~ HiD -------------- Old Boynton Road .- '----------"-----,.---., Hydrant 1: Hydrant 2; Static Reading: Flow Reading: esidual Reading: 54 Dsi Assign Date: 3/30/99 est Date: 4/1/99 Tested By: FF III Woznick ime Tested; 1400 hrs AVAILABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 304m 04/05/99 MON 08:25 [TX/RX NO 7870] FROM THOMPSON CONSULTING FHONE NO. : -- Apr. 19 1999 01:06PM P1 'fl ,1iI\!" J 111 Fax Name: Organization: Fu: Phone: From: Date: Subject: Pages: Thompson Consulting Inc. Urb<a PlaMing Market ..I!roftomic: Analysis Govemm.....l.. Zoning App'o.... Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Bea.cll (PlanninglZoning) (561) 375-6259 (561)375-6260 ..A Carol Thomp$On~\ April 19, 1999 WaI-Mart Supercenter (WinChester Site) 13 At the request of Keith Pelan of Urban Resource Group, I am faxing you a copy of the market statement prepared for the 39.6 acre site l(X;llted at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard, It is our understanding that this site is proposed to acoommodate a WaI.Mart Super-center. Thank you for your time and attention in this matter. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to call me or Mr. Pelan 00: Keith Pelan (561) 562-9689 P.O. Bole 1010 w.o.t hIm Ile.\dl, FL 33402 "I~ PAX:561-.1S4S A'-M~T' ?'TlJVY' ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. May 10, 1999 KHA 04715379 (02), 72,1217 RE: Wal*Mart-Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store# 2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Engineer's Certification To Whom 1t May Concern: I, Kevin M. Roberson, hereby acknowledge that the proposed drainage system for the above referenced project will conform with all applicable water quality standards, or minimum design and performance standards, as required by the state of Forida and local jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Signature: to-1.Il1fltrL-1 # 52074 FL P.E. No. Kevin M. Roberson, P.E. Date: . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 . Suite 400 601 21st Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 - 04/05/1999 08: 26 5613647382 FIRE LIFE SAFETY PAGE 02 ( ( ~ 8'e4d ~. ieue<<e Kimley-Hom & Assoc. Request Date: 03/24/99 Requested From: Todd Howder 601 21 Street #400 Telephone Number: (561) 562-7981 Vero Beach. FL 32960 Facsimile Number: (561) 562-9689 Location: Congress Avenue & Old Boynton Roa - Winchester Site * DIAGRAM (Include direction. street names, hydrant location ,intersections and main sizes) t N Con ress Avenue Circuit City Longhorn 501 N. CongreS$ 515 N. Congress Ave. H~ HlD -.---.---.-.-. Old Boynton Road -. '-'-'---'-'-'-'-'-'-'-'-, Hydrant 1: Static Reading: 60 Dsi esidual Reading: 54 Dsi Hydrant 2: Flow Reading: m Assign Date: 3/30/99 est Date: 4/1/99 Tested By: FF III Woznick ime Tested: 1400 hrs AVAILABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 304m 04/05/99 MON 08:25 [TX/RX NO 7870] 05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 BOYNTON BEAa-! P & Z PAGE 03 I II " 'I i, ii " 11 l' .1 ORPINANC", NO, 099-P8 :i ;j I: ,I " I'; i ;j II III I 'I Ii Or<,ll!\llnce NQ, 9\-70, in VlhI(;tJ a ReIIls~ ZQ/'Ilng Map was adopted for said aty; and I AN ORDiNANCE OF THE (:JiY COMMISSION OF 11iE C11Y OF OOYNTON B~Oi, FLORIDA, ReGARDING AN APPUCA'l'IQN TO ^MEND ORDll\!ANCE 91-70 OF SAID CIl'( BY REZONIN(i A CfiRTI\IN TRAer OF LAND (CONSIsnNG OF :3U7 AC~) MORE PAA,llCUlAALY D~CRIBfD HEREIN, /'ROM AG (AGRIOJLlUAAL) TO C-3 (COMMUNfTY COMME.RCfALl; PROVIDING FOR CONFUCTS, SMAASIlJTY ANP I\N EFFEcnvE DATE. WHEREAS, th~ CitY Cllmmlsslon of the Otv of Boynton 1lelJ(;tJ, Florida has adopted WI1EREA5. KJmley-Hom and Assoclates, Inc., agent for Wal-Mart Stores East:, Inc., contract vendee of owners of lt1e property more partfcularly described hereinafter. has heret1:lfore flied " Petition, pUlSUlInt to s.,ction 9 of Appendix A-Zoning, of the Code of Ordln"n~, Ot'! of Boynton Seach, Flortda, for the purpose of rezoning a certain tract of land m!l$/stlng of .32.37 ilQeli, saldlantl being more particularly described hereinafter, from A9l'lQJltI.!n!1 R.e$1<!l;!ntfal (AG) to c- 3 Community commercial; and WHEREAS, the aty c;ommJ$SiClll deems It in the best Interests of the Inhabitants of said at'! to ilmend tile il~!d RevIsed Zoning /ltap as hereinafter set forth. NOW, THEREFORE, BE Xl' ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY' OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1.= The tQIlowtng described land, 1ocat!1d In the CIty of Boynton Beach, , P10llda lI!i set forth as fQllClws: See ~l1lbit "A. A~ Ii~, ~ ~ncll;he same Is he~ rezCltled from Agrl(UlbJllIl (AG) to C-) Community Commetdal. A IlXiltlpn map ii i'-l1al:l1ec1 hen:to as Eld1lb1t 'S. IInd made II part of tills Otdlnanoe by referenoe, . Al:t<ltI1e<l ~ Exhibit "C' ~ a copy of tile conditions/reqUirements for this rezoning. which lire Incorporated hereln, c;,.nv,n 2: That the aforesaid ReIIIse.d Zoning Map of the Oty shan be amended- accQrdingly . 05/03/99 MON 10:42 (TX/RX NO 85231 '05/03/1999 10:55 'I I 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & 2 PAGE 04 Sed:Ion 3; AlIllfdlnanw or parts of ordinances In conflIct herewith are hereby repealed. , . I, Sectf9n 41 SlIOIIld any sectl(ln or provJ$Iorr of this OrdInance or any portion thereof be 1 . ., 1'1 ~recl by a COIlIt of r.tlIl1Pfi!tllnt jUr/$dlCtlon to be InvaUd, such decision shall not alfed: the ! I remainder of this QrdlnanQ:. . . . Ii Sectfon ~: ThIS ordInance shall become elI'ettlve Immediately upon passage. I FIRST REAOING tills ~ day of A' AR,~ , 1999. SecOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this 4!!!... day of: A'P"-~. 1999. W,U)J. ~~o/'\. CDmrnlssloner ATTEST; ~ Clerk ...~~,ilI;U/f'i (Co~~'II""1 .~_~ ~ ~~ .........:1f ~ f..:: ". .':",\f )rl1--" <&~ ~ if' ''''~v' . "~... ;, ~ ~ :'to Ii$' 0\ 0 ;: j:~~~pz."1i:nls) ~ c 19ZU/ ff ~ ......~~,..- ~ """II. "'lOf\\"~\,,~ ~/"III/Im\li\\\~ 05/03/99 MON In'&? r'l'V/DV;\Tn Oe.,." '. .05/03/1999 10: 55 5613756259 ;r - TOGETHER WlTli: The 2S fac:lt /'QfU~ lie .trown IIn Uta plat of PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO.8, accordin to tile Plat th.ntof, tliloorded If! Plat eOQIe 5, Pllgll 73; Qf the PubUe Records of Palm Beach County F1o;da lyln9 di~cU~ South of and lJd,/l!cent tp !hit SouUt 1I1\41! of Tracts 44. 50 and the 30' veCClted n::ad Iyin ' batween un;! Tracts 44 IUtd 50 at the SUBDIVISION OF SE ~ OF SECTION 19 TOWNsHIP ~ SOUTH, R.\N.GE 43 EAST, lIccordinll to the Plat thereof, recorded In Plat Book 7, pag~ 19 of the Public Recorda of PlIlm Beact1 County, Florida; BOYNTON BEACH P & z PAGE 05 TOGEn.U:;R WITH: Trad 41, Leas the Nlllth 20 feel. th~of for roaet Right-of-Way. of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST ~ OF SECTlON 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 ~T. according ta the Plat thereof. recorded In Plat BOClk 7, P$ge 111. of the Public Record. of Palm Beaeh County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH: The West as.eo feet at the foUowing dllsetibed partel; A portion of Trac:t 42 of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST ~ SECTION OF SECTION 19, IOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANG!; 43 ~T, <<e.c:ording to Iho PI,t thereof, recon:fed In Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Publlo R.c;Q" of Palm Beach CountY. Florida LESS the South 320 feet alld LESS the North 20 feet for rClad Rlght-clf-WIlv a"d being mOlll particularly described as follO'lll8; Cammendns at the Northeast comer al said Lot 42; thence run along the' East tine of said Lot 42 on an a181l1'l1BC1 beerlng of S, 01"06"03" E.. II dilItance of 20 feet to a point al inlel1lecllon of the South Right~f- Way line al Old Boynton Road end the Wt.st Right-of-Way line of Winchesler Park Boulevard as now e~lJ. ,aiel point aI$Cl ~ng U1e POINT OF BEGINNING; thence continua S. 01008'03" E. 8/ong said West. RI\ilht-of~Wily lIt1e ofWl!1c;hester Parte SoulevacQ II dlatans:a of 243.08 feet; thence S. 89"09'06- W., . II ~ce of 3.07.66 filet to 1lI point rm tf1lI Weal One of laid Lot 42; thence N. 01-00'33" W. along the W811t Une. Of said Lot 42, a ~ al1Z4.SO feet; thence N, 89"50'18" E., a distance of 139.90 feet; thence N, 01"OQ'33" W, B distance of 127.53 feet to B point on the said South Right-of-WOI}' line of Old Boynton Road thence N. 89OS0'1S" E. along the South Right-of-Way Une, a distance of 167,26 feet to lhe POINT OF BEGINNING, TQGETH!:R Wl'T1i: That QOrtaln 30 fQQt Road Right-of-Way. u v-Q1te.d by ResolUtIon No. R-76:-B02 I'8COrded In Official Reoords 9QQk 2580. Pag_ 1378, lying between a portion of Blocks 4 and 5 of PAlM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PU\T NO.8, 8CCOtdIng to the Plat thereof, rec:orded In Plat Book 6, Page 73. of the Public ReI=otds of Palm BellCh County. . FIorlda, and that certaItI 30 foot raad RIght-of-Way lying in the SUBOIVISION OF $OVTHEAST % OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP <45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST _ 8CCQn:Qng to the Plat th~. recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Beaeh CountY, F1orieta, 11" u more tully descnbed 118 fo/lows: BfiGIN @t tt1e Nl:lrthwe$t QOm.- of TraQ 42. sa llhClWfl an the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST 11:. OF ~ECTlQN 1 a. TQWNSI-iIP 45 SOISTH. RANGE 43 EAST. acc:ordlng tg the Plat thel1lof, recorded in Plat Boak 7, Page 19, of the Public Recorda of Palm Beach County, Florida; th8l'll:e Southerly, along the West line ofTraQ 42. a distance of 272.13 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING cfthe parcel to be herein described; thence continue SaUlherty along the West line of Tracts 42, 43, and 44; lis shown on said Plat, to liS paint in the South line of said Section 19j thence Westerly along said South Una, 21 cflStance of 30 feet; thence Noitherly, along the Eaat line of Tracts 50,49 and 45, U shown on the aforesaid Plat. to a point of 273,67 feet South of Ute South Rlght-of.Way of Old Bcynton Road, a 40 toot road shown on the said Plat of Section 19; lhence Easterly, a distance of 30,0 feel to the POINT OF BEGINNING. r -. t 'd '.L If tLJ II . "t:VIl.(,~ f J ~,"'99-~8 05/03/99 MON 10-4? r~Y/DY ~n O~~~, ~~---"..- 05/03/1999 10:55 5613755259 - - - -- - WALMART ANNEXATION IREZONIN< BOYNTON BEAa-l P & Z PAl:lE e6 'iI$' . ~ _. --I . - I' 1/ ~ ~ . '11"'0 (: ~ 'n~ .. '0' ~~'.t . I I .. , -..., _. ..,.--'...,.."r 11]] I ',. il- J.. 9l =.,.:.J.~ ", ,~. ;-:-:;~.'l PT-, L"'-' r.. . 'i::r. . '.. .... . 'I 'I ...) L..:.. .... I . ."0' -, r r 1"'t=1/ I r I . - 0 or f ___wo. . [. I I I . . ., . " ~QY!'t/l'C,)~.. C/l~"I,:' "==*. . . ,......""..... ........... __ ~ i ( ! ....... I-=."!' "-JIII" '.:.... -'~':.11:, "'!l:J - . -: '..fflI,rT::-, -. ....l. ,..;: r- "1. ..wJ'---J ,- ']~'I I 1'1-: -. r i ':1' I I _',_ . a1t, I.~ I /oo-........~ .'Ot::- . ~"~rof ~. .1 'E' 1 '!I [" , '. :, 1 . """.1, _...~,oI_.--,.. "'--, :='/"Tf1f'ifP ... '. I I rrr ::J ;; '>I!l'!'~.: . I: ; , ...... -I~~ _: '4.H::[~;, "~l.~..I~!.I111 . 1"1"1", 11 '.. - ,I J \ I' 'I r ~~) , 3[ J - 0 '-MOTOROLA'. ,_ R1AA , .-J . I I I I ,/'. / .". . . o _ III ~ ~ iii '!o ~ D I . R3 M ~J. 1 JlCD 'TON ~if~C ~ . 'r--'-~' ,. . I; ~:~- '1 ", ~ , , t3f91 , ....:~ r,t \ -- ;..... .... ~ '0' 1/8-' MILES. au." I. !; I I . ~ ,}J:I '0 11100. 800 FeeT . . ....~..... .' - 05/03/99 MON 'n~~? fTY/DV ~n Qeq~l 65/63/1999 16:55 5513755259 BOYNTON BEACH P & z PAGE 07 EXHmIT "e" Conditions of Approval ..," PrQJ~1 name;: WaJ-Mart Ptl.'f'l:1l)' Pile; numbc:t: ANNX 99-001 OIId WAR 99-001 DePAR.TMENTS INCLUDE REJECT '" puaLlc WORKS Comments: NONE X UTILITIeS Comments; NON/?: X FIRE '.. COmllie;n1.5: NONE X - .' POLlC~ , CpmPlcnl.$: NONE X" '. . ENO~B1UNG DIVISION . Col\lmel\U: NONE X , BtJlLDlNG DIVISION Commtlnts; NONE X PARKS AND RECREATION CllmmeCl.ts:' NONE X .... FORESTEWENVIll.ONMENTJ\LlST CommcoU; NONE X PLANNING AND ZONING Comrncot$: X I. No principle builliings shall be placecl f~l1ls. nor \lIi1hin SOD f_ fro\ll X Knuth Road (el<"cpe when separalCd by IIIl WIRlatcd IUe or prollel'tV. 2, Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign plUgnun for site X sillll&gc intended 10 mllll.imlu slulled lipase utd compatibility with ""jsting 5i8ft!!. 05/03/99 MON 10:42 I~X/RX Nn .<.., .. '05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 Pag~ 2 Wl!l.Mm PropcrtY Fil~ No,: ANN" 99-00 IlIIId LUA.R. 99.00 I BOVNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 08 DEPARTMENTS - INCLUDE REJECT . (PgteWO!"''' $h.U be ~OOrdillaled using proposed principle driveways X ~. lQ the Wal-M.n US8 (excepl for two 0\11 parcels on Boynlon Beach Boulevard) .nd intCRlonnllC:tllln btolWeen the principle use IIId perimeler U$eS. 4. Arc:hitCClUral design ,uidefines shall be required for sile plan approvalla X ensure internal compatibility and compatibility wilh die adjacenl Boynton Commons PCD, 5. Sile plan approval far die enti.., proj<<t shallll\\;l\ld~ a minimum 10 foot X wide pcrimeter penbell where the project llb\ItJ road rights-of-w.y, 6. Prior to ordinlllce adoption, supply the cily with a' market analysis X verifying adeq\ll.le clcmlllld fllr the proposed Wa/.Mart 5101'1 accounting for existing _ competiro/ll (a.R- K.Mart and Target), ADDITIONAL PLANNlNG AND DSVELOPMENT BOARD CONDmONS - ..- . . 7. To be det8rmin,d. , X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSrON CONDmONS 8, To be detcmtined. X J:\SHIlDA TAIl'l_"sIlAJW)\IV.I'II'ROJECTSIWaI MII\\LUARICOND OF AP'ROVAL.doO 05/03/99 MON 10:42 fTX/RX NO ""., '05/03/1999 10:55 - .' 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 139 II Ij !. Ii :, il i! j! Ii ji ;) II I' ./ Ii I adopted Ordinilnce No. 91-70, in whIch a Revised Zoning Map was adopted for said ORDINANCE NO, 099-49 AN ORDINANCE OF THE OTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON !;lEACH, FLORIDA, REGARDING AN APPUCATION TO AMEND ORDINANCE 91-70 OF SAID CITY BY REZONING A CERTAIN TRACT OF lAND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED HEREIN, FROM AA (AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL) TO C-3 (COMMUNnY COMMERCIAL); PROVIDING FOR CONFUcrs, SEVERABIUlY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHERI:AS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has City; and WHEREAS, Kimley-Hom and AssocIates, Inc., agent for Wal-Mart Stores East, Ine" c:ontract vendee of owners of the prope/'t'f more particularly descrfbed hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petition, pursuant.to SeI;tIon 9 of Appendix A- Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances, City of BoyntQn Beach, Florida, for the purpose of rezolling a certilin \:rcICt of land c:onslsllng of 9.64 aaes, said land beIng more particularly dt;lS<:tlbed hereinafter, from Agricultural Residential CAR) In Palm Beach County to C-3 Community Commerctal; and WH~REAS, the City Commission deems it fnthe best interests of the inhabitants of $lIld City to amend the aforesaid RevIsed Zoning Map as hereinafter set forth. NOW, ntEREFORE, BE IT OIlDAI,.EO BY THE cnv COMMISSION OF THE CI1Y OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: ~on 1: The following desa1bed land, located In the City of Boynton 6I!lIch, florida as set forth as follows: See Bxhibit .. A." A.ttached Hereto. be and the same is hereby rezoned from Agricultural Residential (AR) in Palm Beach ,I 05/03/99 MON ln~4? r~Y/QY Mn o~~~, ~5/03/1999 10:55 II II 5G1375G259 BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE HI I COl,lnty to C-;3 Community Commercial. A location map Is lIttached hereto as Exhibit ~B" i and made a part of this Ordinance by reference. Attached as exhibit ~C' is a copy of the 11 conditions/requirements for this rezQJ1lng, whICh are Incorporated hereIn. I i I SectlOQ 2: That the aforlll!<lld Revised Zoning Map of the Oty shall be amended II accordingly. Section 3~ All ordinances or parts of ordlna~ces in conflict hereWith are hereby repealed. ~on 4: $hou!d ilnv 5ettlpn or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a (Ourt of competent jurisdiction to be Invalid, such decision shall not aft'l!t;t the remainder of this Qrdinance. Section 5: This ordinance shall become effective Immediately upon passage. FIRST R.EADING ltlls ~ day of AeA/~, . 1999. SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this ...:?~ day of //#/L . 1999. '7/' ~ ce Mayor ~~ Commlssl~ ........ _ . _ 11. . _ ~u.u. \~"- O;1I'nmlssloner \ i , ! ATIEST: ~~u~'_ " ..-,:ON'" ~~'" . ~.....\"'" Q~ ~ .:::.; 0 ....4._... -.., ~ (C9)-oot~.~". 'S'%. ..... 4: /0'" 1. ':::. ~ 1:J 10 \ s:: S:9\~ie..,nlng ~i . E ~ y \. ~~~l ~ -; 'D .... ~":J .... "l" ~ '% ....--.......--,<> ~ -;., 0.... >l' ""/t, FL ~~.... "111/11I1II1\\\\\'\~ 05/03/99 MON 10:42 ITX/RX NO 852~1 -~ 05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 11 .\ " ,. .' . ''':.:. . .~ '"."'" .' .. ~ ." .' . .. . ,.' . ~ - .'. . . ..~. ............. ,. ..,. -..- ~ . T!1i1';t 51 qf lh~ SUBOMSION OF SOuntEAST % OF SECT10N 19, TCVI/NSHIP 45 SOlmi, RANGE <C3 EAST, 8CCOrdJng to lI'Ie Plat #Iemal', I8CClrded In Plat Saok 7, Pap 111, afthe PublIc R8cC1Rf8 of Palm Besch County, Rorida. TtBct 52 of the SUSDNlSION OF SOU11iEAST % of SECTION 111, TD1NNSHIP ~ SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to lI'Ie Plat thnaf, I1ICGrded in Plat BaoJc T, P8ge 18, of the PublIc Recan:Is of Palm Besch County, Florida. Also deScribed as the SoutIl "of the Sauthwat % of the Sauthwest % of the Southeast % of SeCTION is!. TOWNSHIP 4S ~OUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. LESS lha West 15 feet Ihereof; and U:SS lI'Iat portfon theteot lying WithIn the I.aIce Worth Dnlinage Dlatrfd Canal L...z4 Rfght-of. Way. . Also, lI'Iat part of the Lake Wotth Dr8inage Dlattfct Canal L.-24 right-of-way lying North and adjacent to Block 7 of !he Plat of Palm Beach Farms Company P111t No.8, ac:c:ordlng to II'Ie Plat rec:orded in Plat Book 5, Page 13, of the PubHc Records of Palm Beach County, l=IorIcIa: ssme portion of said Canal L-24 rfght-of way lying within Tract 52 of the Subdlvialon of Southeast ~ af Sec:IIon 19, TCIWflShlp 45, Range 43, a=rdlng to the Plat recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public Records of Palm Belich County, Florida. . TosethllJr wfth the West 15 ~ of Tfllct 52 of the Subdlvlalen gf SE % of Sden 19, Township 45. Range 43, according to the Plat rec:ord.,d In Plat Book 1, Page 111, afthe PUblic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, Together with the r1Sht-of~ at Knuth Road lying west and adjaCliint to Ihllllfcre described Tracts 51 and 52. ~llfj" Cf2irD. P'PP-d~ . .?~., ! . " 05/03/99 MON 10:42 [TX/RX NO 8523] 05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & z L,.V\.ir\ I IUI" -MAt" .WALMART ANNEXATION/REZONH-JG PAGE 12 CAnIO. I L -. "MOTOROLA' - " -' / ..- .- o o , R1AA , r' \ \ \ :... : \ :\.1. eo : QC ~3~ ~3 .pea - I!I~IA(;' . .u ~C' TD,N _ . -' .,.., r' "~]~ . . ...' . I .. "- "\ I . . ! '..!.':'-T- 1 y.~ . . , \ '. R~rt.. "::'Ii . . Q" b,' . j .. ....i{ . ~: . ~_ \III. _ I ...,..... -.' -~.;;.. ~ ., ;.1 ~i ?l i,': ~'u '0 lIa MILES . . . I. L I, JJ!J .11 Il!o. aoo FEET . ~, . . Ofi/O.'\/A9 M'nN In.,4? r'l'Y/OV ".... nr""'" ~--~- ---~-- -~-- '05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 13 l'"g"l. Wal-Mart PRlpcny Filc No,: ANNX 99-001 and LUAR 99.001 .. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE: REJECT ~Quernal cOmpatibility ~.. cornpadblllty with thc adJ_DI BoynlQn CQ/DIIIOIIJ pcp. s. Site p'-n apPRlval for th~ cntlre PRlj~ shall include a minimum 10 foot wide ~rimetet ll1~bclt whcrc the micct abuts road rights-of-way. €i. PriQr to ordm.nce adopdon, slIpply thc cil:)' with . m,arkct analysis vc:nfying 1Idc:q\l.t!fl; dllllland for tbc: pra~ Wal.MJtt StQre _untillg fin c:x.i.sliDIl_llClmDetitolJ (IMr. IYMart iI!Id TNKct), ..,- " ADDITIONAL PLAl'lNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDmONS .---." -.... . . - -. .. 7, To be determined. ADDmONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 8. To be determined, f;~IlI\I).UA\PIII\IIin . .I\~"IIM PIOV.u...... CJ. 05/03/99 MON 10:42 ITX/RX NO 85231 135/133/1'3'3'3 113:55 561375625'3 BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 14 EXHIBIT "e" Conditions ofApprovw ~,P.f9jec:t.nBll\C:' WaI.Mart Property Filenumber: ANNX99-OO1 anclLUAJU9-OO/ DEPAAThfENTS . INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: NONE Ul1.L1ms Comments: NONE fIRE C01lllllents: NONE POLICE Coml1lent.s: NONE ENOJNEElUNG DMSION COlDl1l.nrs: NONE BUILDING DMSJON Comments; NONE PARKS AND RECREATION C01lllllents: NON}; FQRE:S~RIENVlR.01ilMENTAUST Commenli: NONE PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: I. No principle bllildillp shall be pIKed hcin& JIOI' willliJl 500 feet from .. Knuth Read (~QeD !!!.!!l. UI UIII8Ied use or prolleftY. 2. Sire plan Ipproval shall include a coordillar.ed sip prosram for IRe sigDage inleJlded to mlXimize sbated sipage and CGnIpalibility widl existing sillllS. ], InllHsalegress shall be c:oonlicwed \ISing proposed principle driv.,.,.ys [0 lite Wel-MIIIt lIIC (_pi for twd OU( parcels on 9o)-ntoft Beach Boulevard) and interconnection "-en lite principle use and perimeter uses, 4, A[l;hiteen.~l design guidelines 9hal1 be ~quin:d for site plOD approval 10 -., . <]. 05/03/99 MON 10:42 rT~/R~ Nn ""9" -05/03/1999 10:55 Ii II I I I ., I I II 11 ;j '1 II II II I 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & z PAGE 15 ORDINANCE NO. 099-/.d AN ORDINANCE OF lliE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITf OF BOYNTON BEACH, R.ORIDA, REGARDING 9.64 ACRES OF LAND OWNED BY MIt;:HAEL SCHROEDfR AS TRUSTEE, AND MARILYN R. SELVA; AMENDING ORDINANCE 89- 3!! Of. SAID CITY BY AMENDING THE fUTURE lAND USE aEMENT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN OF lliE CITY BY ADOPTING THE PROPER lAND USE OF CERTAIN PROPERlY, MORE PARTICULARLY DESooaeo HERSNAFTtR; SAID LAND USE DesIGNATION IS BEING CHANGED FROM C-H (COMMERCIAL HIGH) IN PALM BEAOi COUNTY TO LOCAl. RETAIL. COMMERCIAL; PROVIDING FOR CQNFUcrs, SEVEAABI111Y AND AN EFFECJ1VE DATE. WHEREAS, the City COmmission of the Oty of Boynton Beach, Ronda has adopted a COmprehensive F~re Land Use Plan and as part of said Plan a Future Land Use Element by Ordinance No. 89-38 in accordance with the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act; and WHEREAS, the procedure for amendment of a Future land Use Element of a Comprehensive Plan as set forth In Chapter 163, Rorlda statutes, has been followed; and WHEREAS, an:er public hearing and study, the Oty COmmission deems it In the best interest of the Inhabitants of said CIty to amend the . ('iforesald element of \:he COmprehensive Plan as adopted by the Oty herein. NOW, THEREFORE, 8E IT ORDAINED BY THE cnv COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1: Ordinance No. 89-38 of the Oty is hereby amended to reflect 05/03/99 MON 10:42 (TX/RX NO 8523J ~5/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 '1 I - I BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 16 . ,', i I the fallowing: I i-I .. That th~ Fvture Land Use of the following described land shall be II designated ii$ Loc;al Retail Commercial. Said land Is more particularly i I described as follows: j' see EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO. $.ectlon 2: That any maps adopt2d in accoi'dance with the Future Land Use EIemsnt shall be amended accordingly. Section 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, Section 4: Should ~ny sectton or provision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declare<;! by a- court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not a~ect the remainder of this Ordi,nance, <;Pr.Hon S: The effective date of this small scale development plan amendment shall be 31 deWS after adoption, unless the amendment Is challenged pursuant to Section 163.3187{3), F.S. If challenged, the effective date of this amendment shall be the date a final order is issued-by the Department of Community Affairs, or the AdministratIOn Commission, finding the amendment In f:Qmpllance Wit:l1 Section 163,3184, F.S, No development orders, development permits, or land uses dependent on this amendment may be Issued or commence before it has bea:>me effective. If a final order of noncompliance Is l~ ii IssUed by the Administration Commission, this amendment may nevertheless be made effective by adoption of a resolution afflnnlng Its effective stattJs, a copy of . ~\ 05/03/99 MON 10:42 fTX/RX NO "",., . 05/03/1999 10: 55 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P ~ ~ PAGE 17 i I II I Which resoh,ltlon shall be sent to the Department of CommunIty Affairs, Bureau of -. . f Local Planning, 2740 Centerview DriVe, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-2100. i i , !, SECOND, FINAL READING and PASSAGE this !I 111999, FIRST READING this ~ day of April, 1999. E' ~rk~h""', . Ci Clerk (CO~~'~2 ,s-' _. ~\ON 9 II~ ;Sll~ """,,,::.e..~ g ~ .,?""11'~~""'% s; 0 !o \ e :: lz I = :: '> .- n. I ::: :;. ~ \ no""l ;:: ~ c,) ",\'"d"., ~ ~ ....... ."()~;::: ~ .............. ~ ~ ~"" FLO'r- ~,~,~ 11111Il/flllll\\\~ dh day of A1......~~ 7:4:;- ~ ce Mayor ~~--- CD""""'''''' _~ f~~~ 'Commlssioner . -iAJ LW In.lM.,t\.ttlr''- Commissioner 05/03/99 MON 10:42 ITX/RX NO 8523J ,- .~~I ~:;/l ~~~ l~: ~~ ~b13/~b~~~ . . .j.... BUYNIUN B~AUH P ~ L ~ PA'*. III ...... .. " " '." ." '. , .: ,1 ., .' .:. -:.-".. .' ". ; . . . .. . _. ~. .."....' 0' ~"....... "- Tract 51 of the SUBOIVISION OF SOUTHEAST }G OF SECTlON 18, TOWNSHIP <46 SOIJTH. RANGE 43 EAST, according to the PIst !hereof, t8CCln:led In PI. Book 7. Page 19. at the PublIc Records of Palm Beach County. Florida Tract 52 of the SUBOIVISION OF SOU1'HEAST ~ at SECTION 18. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH. RANGE 43 EAST. according to the Plat thereOf, rec:cuded In Plat Book 7, Page 18, of the PuI* Records of Palm Beach County, Florid:!, Nso desctlbed .. the South % at the Southwest % of th. Southwest % af the Southsast ~ of SECTION 18. TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 eAST, LESS the West 15 feet thereof; and LESS that portion thereof lying within the LaIce WOrth Dl8Inage DIstrict Canal L.24 RIght.<7f- Way, Also, that part of the lJIl<e Worth Drainage DIstrict Canal L.24 right.<7f-way lying North and adjacent to Block 7 at the Plat of Plllm Beach Fams Company Plat No.8. according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; same portion of said Canal L-24 right-of way lyIng withIn Tract 52 of the Subdivision of Southeast % of Section 18. Township 4S, Range 43, according to the Plat recorded In Plat Book 7. Page 19, at the Public Recorda of Palm Beach County, Florida. Together with the West 15 feet atTract 52 of the Subdivision ofSE ~ofSec;tlon 19. T~ship 45,. . Range 43. according to the Plat recon:Jed in Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the Public: Records of Palm ~each County, FlOrida, Together with the right-of-way at Knuth Road lying VYest and adjacent to the /IfOre described Tracts 51 and 52. ~LIA/I tfl,t?'ZJ. I!I??-/o "."- ..... . !i-' ;~ . 05/03/99 MON 10:42 [TX/RX NO 8523J '05/03/1999 10:55 5513755259 'I BOYNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 19 I . II II il Ii 'I I ORDINANCE NO, 099-1'/ AN ORDINANCE OF TIU: QTY COMMISSION OF TIlE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, flORIDA, REGARDING 9.64 ACRE PARCEl LOCAlE) ON lliE NORTIlWESi CORNER OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD AND WINCHESTER PARK BOULEVARD; ANNEXING A CERTAIN UNINCORPOAATE> TRACT OF lAND THAT IS CONTIGUOUS TO TIlE CITY UMITS WmilN PALM BEACH COUNTY AND lliAT WIll, UPON ANNEXATION, CONSTITUTE A REASONABLY COMPACT ADOmON TO THE CITY TERRITORY, PURSUANT TO A PETmON BY TliE OWNER OF WO TRACT OF LAND, REQUESTING ANNEXATION PURSUANT TO ARTIClE I, SECTION 7 (32) OF lliE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEAOf, A..ORIDA, AND SECTIONS 171.044, AND 171.062(2), FLORIDA STA1UTES; PROVIDING TIlE PROPER lAND USE DESIGNATION AND PROPER ZONING of THE PR,OPER'TY SHALL Be REFLEClCD IN SEPARATE ORDINANCES TO BE PASSED SIMULTANEOUSLY fiEREWlTH; PROVIDING FOR CONFUCTS, SEVERASIllTY, CODIFICATION AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE; PROVIDING TliAT THIS ORDINANCE SHAll BE FILED wmt THE ClERK' OF THE ~CUIT COURT OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, flORIDA, UPON ADOPTION. WHe~EAS, tlte Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach requires the development of an Annexation Program; and WHEREAS, Michael Schroeder as Trustee, and Marilyn Selva, property owner.; of the propElIty more particularly described hereinafter, has heretofore filed a Petitlon, pur.;uant tQ ~ 9 of Appendix A-loning, of the Code of On:linanc:es, Oty of Boynton Beach, Florida, for the purpose of annexing a certain tract of land consisting of 9.64 acres; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach hereby exercises Its option to annex the following tract of land as hereinafter described, in accordance with ArtIde I, Section 7 (32) of the Charter of the City ilnd Settlon 171.044, and 171.062(2), El2m!sl Statutes; and 05/03/99 MON 10:42 fTX/RX NO 852~1 ~~f~~f!~~~ ltl:~~ . !' :Jbl.:l t~b:L~~ tsU,,(NIUN }jt:.At..:H t-' & L t-'Abt. :LtJ WHEREAS, said tract of land lying and beIng within Palm Beach County Is contiguous to the existing dty limits of the City of Boynton Beach, and will, upon Its annexation, constitute a reasonably compact addJtfon to the City territory, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORI:)AINED BY THE arv COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNYDN BEACH, FlORIDA, THAt': Section 1. Pursuant to Artlde I, SectIon 7 (32) of the Charter of the Oty of Boynton Beach, Florida and SectIon 171,044, Rorida Statutes the following described unincorporated and contiguous tract of land situated and lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, Florida, to wit: see E?<HIBrr ftAH AlTACHED HERETO is hereby annexed to the Oty o.f Boynton Beach, Aorlda, and such land so annexed shall be and become part of the Oty Y(ith the same force and effect as though the same had been originally Incorporated il1 the territorial boundaries thereof. Section 2:' That Sect10n 6 and 6(a) of the Olarter of the City of Boynton Beach, Rorida, Is hereby amended to reflect the annexation of said tract of land more particularly descrlbed in Sectlon 1 of this Ordinance. , Section 3; That by OrdInances adopted simultaneously Ilerewlth, the proper City zonIng designatlon and Land Use category Is being determined as contemplated in SectJon 171.162(2), Florida Statutes, SectIon 4. All ordInances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are ;\,j ,. ~~ hereby repealed, SectJon 5: Should any section or prOllision of this Ordinance or any portion thereof be declared by a court of competent jurisdlctlon to be Invalid, such dedsion shall ~.; f! not affect the remainder of this Ordinance. '. " 05/03/99 MON 10:42 {TX/RX NO 8523] '05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 BOVNTON BEACH P & Z PAGE 21 Section 6: This Ordinance shall not be passed untll annexation is advertised for t:wo (2) consecutive weeks In a newspaper of general drclJlation In the Oty of Boynton I Beach, Rorjda. as required by the Oty Charter and Section 171.044, Florida Stallltes. . Section 7. Specific authorlty is hereby given to codify this Ordinance. Section 8. This ordinance, after adoption, shall be filed with the Oerle. of the Orcutt Court of Palm Beach County, Ronda. FIRST READING this ~ day of .4....A'/~ . 1999. SeCOND. FINAL READING and PASSAGE this .,.t'd' day of .#.....1t1'1:- .1999. ATTEST: ,~~;;~~'M(~ , ,.!;!.iI/::';!!I' ; . " ..:., "" ,-".v 1'/1" t~' - "tate ~ 'h'-- \.! ~Q ~""""~!~'~~ % -g t.{ /:J/ -"'~\ :." ;:. - Q ." . ~- = iz {g 3;~nD.~Q; wa~rt ~ \l' \':1.t.--..~ ~ ~ ~ ... - ~ ~ '...-.."-- ~,. ~ ~~I. FLO~' ':\,~~ 1III/I/III1l\\\\\\~ 05/03/99 MON 10:42 I~~/R~ NO ..?, -.------- ----..-----.----.-- 05/03/1999 10:55 5613756259 BOYNTON BEACH P & Z ~ PAGE 22 Tract 51 of the SUBDivisION OF' SOiJn.tEAST ~ OF SecnON 19 TOWNSHIP 46 SOUTH RANGE 43 EAST, according 10 the Plat thereaf, l8eOI'ded in Plat. Book 7, Pag~ 19, of the Public Reco~ of Palm Beach County, Florida. Tract 52 of the SUBDIVISION OF SOUTHEAST" of SECTION 111, TOWNSHIP 46 SOUlH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the Plat thereof. recorded In Plat Book 7, Page 19, of the PublIc Rec:ards of Palm Besch County, Florida. Also desalbed as the South ~ or the SouItnNeet % of the Southwest % of the Southeast % of SECnON 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUllf, RANGE 43 EAST. U:SS the West 15 feet theraof; and LESS that portion thereof lying within the UIke Worth Drainage District Canal L-24 Right-of- Way. Also. that part of the lake Warth Drainage District Canal L-24 right-of-way lying North and adjacent to Block 7 of the Plat of Palm Beach Farms Company Plat No.8, according to the Plat rKOrded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of P~'m Beach County, Flortda; urne portian of salcl Canal L-24 rtghtoOt way lying Within Tract 52 of the Subdivision of Southeast % of Sactlon 19, TownshIp 45. Range 43. ac:cording to the Plat recorded In Plat Book 7. PagelS. of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, FlOI'i(l~ . Together with the Welt 15 feet of Tract 52 of the Subc.tlvlslon of SE % of SectIon 19. Townsblp 45. . 'Range 43, according to the Plat recorded in Plat Book 7, Page 1S, of the Public Records of Palm Beach Cowrty, RoOda. Together with the right..of-way of Knuth Road lying West and adjacent to the afora described Tracts 51 and 52, ~'If}/1 ~. ~f7?-//' ";-~. . : ~.t 05/03/99 MON 10:42 fTX/RX NO 85231 MRY-10-1999 13;40 551 478 5770 P.01/01 _ PB: :RFF I C ENG PALI'r BEACH COrJNTY DBPARTMBNT OF BNGINEERING AND PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC BNGINEBRING DIVISION .i1....~..........~......... .W. ti<JB:JO,", FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL Date: May 10, 1999 Name; Joseph PoUack. Jr,. P,E. Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. 561,845,0665 561.863.8175 ..' AI Federico. P.E, ~ Senior Traffic Engineer 561.684.4030 561.478,5770 From: Phone: Fax: Phone; Fax: Subjeet: Wal-tlMart - TPS Review -\1 \ Paces; -1::rilC!i:imng'ihis cover page As we discussed at our meeting April 12, Palm Beach County concurrency approval for this project is pending the submission of a Public Facilities Agreement for the improvements noted in the traffic impact study dated March 1999. Specifically, these improvements are: the addition of a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Beach Road. and the widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard to six lane from EI Clair Ranch Road to Jog Road. ;'r ;:, . Please contact me if you have any questions. ce, Mlkel\um1>f - City of BoyDtoll Baach (fax 5fjl.375.62~Q) h:\tnl'llc\apt\tp.\99012o 1. wpd Please call 561.684.4090 if this information was not traMmitted clearly. le~ Q ('\ )'0. ~~ If ~j.1- 11"" TOTRL P.Bl FRiY : TH[)'1PSON CONSULT HjG PHONE NO. - Rpr. 19 1999 01:05PM P2 Market Statement Wal-Mart Supercenter Winchester Site Store No. 2789-00, New SC April 19, 1999 Prepared for Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. by Thompson Consulting, Inc. West Pahn Beach, FL (561) 659-6068 Filename: C:\Walma.wpcI FRU'1 THl1'1PSON CONSULT I NO PHONE NO. Rpr. 19 1999 01:07PM P3 Table of Contents ....................... 1 Illtroduetion......... .'O...... f... tOo... ...... ..... ..f........ I ., ..-....-.,.... .,. SiteNicinity. . . . . . . . " '" .............',...., -":.n ta ............... .2 Populat:ion/J)es)toa"......_ 8 .............................................. 5 .-..~ ................... Supply/Demand ,......,._1 .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. _ " 5 TI1IdeArea.............. .... ,.,........ ........ ... 5 Supply............. ........ ..... ......... ...... 6 ~d.... '......... ....... 7 SupporUbleSpaceAnaJ)'Jis...,... .,.... .....,....... Ii ...........8 Generallimitid&Coadi ODS........ ... tOo.. ..t...... ................. ii ."--------------_.~~.- -----_._~-------,-----~ FRDM THDMPSON CONSULTING PHONE NO. Rpr, 19 1999 01:07PM P4 Introduction This report pTOlillllB summary findinaa and conclusions relating tc the market potential for COI1IltIIlI'cial retail development of a 39.6 aere:t site. located at ilie northwest collier of Wmchester Pad< Boulevard and Boynton BelIcl1 BolllWoltd. (S~ Exhibit I-Site Location.) OfilietcUl39.6 acre site, approximately 9.64 ae..... is being llIDexed intoilie CityofBoyoton Beach from unincotporatod Palm Beach County. Florida. The 9 64 acres is comprised of two (2) tracts which are Cllmntly designated CH (Commercial High) by Palm Bead! CollJ1ty's Fumre Land Use Atlas, These two tracts are seeking a Future Land Ule desigutiOll within the City ofBoynt<u Beach ofLR/C, with GOI1currentrezooingtoC-3, The balance oftlw 39.6 accuite (approximately 29. 96 acres), is already 10cated within the City of Boynton Beach and is eumntly desianated LRIC 00 ilie Futlll'B Land Use Atlas of th\l City of Boyntcc Beach. The subject site is intended to ~TlIIIlQdate a Wal-Mart S\lpercenlar store of'approximately 220.000 square k, in addition to a nwnber of' fbture developmeot par.,.)s %lIIllling in size from .57 acres to 1.88 acres, This report addressesilie develClpmont potential ofilie subject site from a supply/demand perspective relativetoilie Wal-Mart Superconter of approximately 220,000 squat'll Net. Th. SllpeTcent<< will not only cater to the needs of residents within the trade ar..., but also to those already 011 Boynton Beach Bo\llevard and Wiochester Park Boulevatd, on their way to other ~s, O~rall site visibility and access are eXDelllllJt, with sllb$tantial frontage on both Boynton Beach Boulevard and Winchester Park Boulevard, SitelVkiDity The subject site is well located relatIve to the exiatiIli COlM\trcial hub develClped proximate to the Boynton Regional Mati, In addition, it is wellloeated r&1ati~ to major residential developments within the cotporate limit. of the City ofBoyntOll Bead1.. well..1llose located in ilie West Boynton uWncotporated area. Primary access to the ,ubject site is via Boynton Beach Boulevard and Wmchetter Pad< Boulevard. The intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and COIl,gteSs A wnue is a major commercial hub of activity, I'e$lIlting, to a great elClllnt to the existence of the Boynton Mall (rogional attractor) at the DOItbwest <<,mer of Old Boynton Reed and CODiTess A vellue The BoyntW Mall is comprised ofaJlPI'OltimateIy 1.200.000 squalll feet, with COltl11Wrcialldail, offiee. industrial and hotel develClpment sllfrounding it. The Congress AWIllI8 cOIridor acoommodates substantial non-residential development from Gateway Boulewrd south to south QfBoynton Bead> Boulevard. Hence, the subject site is well located relative to existing commercial retail land \lS8S and other non-resideotialland \lse. which employ a large nwnber of workers. [Wal-Mart Boynton] 1 FROM: THOMPSON CONSULT1NG PHONE NO. 'EKhibit I . Site Location -" ; J WC:l.ALCUCA, i . , .. If s ! 'i j ..J S... lit , ~ANTItHI. .. ( .Ii IotYP(lt.vro ( "-.:' cw...n f. (J - /"""'c :cArew.,! I ~-..J " ,.."...... ... ,I,,, ~ fCly~tOH S".IO" I ...","'. .."". .'. ....:;; ~- ~ / '7'/ ,.' . I; .... :' J 1: ( }/b' ~~: /.i; . it ::"1 110 ~"., :.L' ..~ Subject Site f ';' ac....cH III VI) / wOC'Jt"ii JGHT ItO \ ----~".. ~e t.oI.T ~Q i ~ i ~ ~c. '....v"" OIer r J ,Q r...."" d S.Jr. lot /. (/ I; ,,,,,,,. I j..,... " ;. tLwr ~ lMe 104 IiI AV .11."""rc ,I . I ~ : I ~ lO'*$QN ...g 61.,"0 I .!. 1(,....0 i ! I ;' '.. , : lI't, ,'- :. ................:..l.....~ /. He . ~ Rpr. 19 1999 01:08PM P5 I or" AV .1 ...J .' ...~ { Z1 'l;! ,;:1 \ . 'i .' ,', r ~ , 0<<'" ;,1 i '. . ! ~" [. .. , .. r ; . : ~ . ""'-" .. I -' y7 " oeC.....AV ;.' . 11 { ;:'11 ~" f .'i 'l I ~ ~ I ~ I !, ~ ~ I I ; 1- t': \ :! ""'r;; Ili VI ,oU '- I'~ ......"~. t I'~ //.I'! J.t." II ''(~o ----11 -wi.VO ./ t Il: aU. ~ NOM [Wal-Mart Boynton] 1. FR::!", THi:I'1PSm1 CONSULT I NO PHOl1E t,O. Apr. 19 1999 01:08PM P6 PopulationlDemographic Data Demographic oharacteristic:s data, as wellas housing and income c:lIlta ....Iated to the residlmt population ofllw trade area (as defined in SupplylD8mand Analysis/Trade Area section), are included in Exhibit 2. A bullet comparison of those characteristics within the 5.0 mile trade area radius (T A.), to those of Palm Beech County as a MlOIIl, is included below; . The 1998 base year populatiOll in the trade area is estimated at 180,884 residents (an increase of nearly 30% since 1990). An estimated 237, I ~3 mideots are pro.i.md by the year 2015 (projectiOlt time frame for population by Palm Beach County M~opolitan Planning 0f3lll11zatioo/MPO by traffic analysis ZOIIestr AZs). . Within the tIade area, the resident population is substantially older than that which is the case countywtdl>, as indicated by the median age estimate (539 Y..."..T.A. 'lIS. 410.Palm Beach County). . A greater proportiCll\ of total households in the nadl> area is comprised of _- oocupieduniUthan is the case within the eowtty as a Mlole (SO.6%-T.A. vs. 7320/... Palm Beach County). . n,e estimated average household inc:ome within the T .A. is comparable tathllt found countywide ($50,269-TA. n. $50,961-Pa1m Beach COIlIIty). Since lXlunt)iwide retail spending per .;apita is used hllrein as the basis ror calculating demand ror space, related demand factors within the tradl> area are assumed 1D be comparable to that found countyWide. Sow-<;e; 1990 ClIlBUS; CACI, Inc.; Palm Bead> COIIIIty M~opolitan Planning Ofllllllizati""; Palm Beach County Planning Division (Wal-Mart Boynton] 2 FROM THOMPSON CONSULTING PHONE NO. Rpr. 15 1559 01:05PM P7 Exhibit Z - SlImDUll'y or Demographic Characteristic, (Ttade Area) Characteristic 1990 1998 2003 TotalPenClIlll 139,789 180,884 201,577 Average H.H. Siaoe 2.12 2.15 2.16 Hou.-.ol<il1 Owner Oee . (0/.) 80.6 82.1 32.7 Reater Oce. (%) 19.4 17.9 17.3 Age Distrib (%) 0-19 15.0 16.0 15.0 20-24 4.0 3.0 4.0 25-44 22.0 22.0 20.0 45~ 19.0 20.0 23.0 65+ 40.0 39.0 38.0 Median Aae 56.2 53.9 55.1 HolUehold lllc. ($) 0/, 1... than $14,999 20.0 16.0 140 'Y. $15,000-$24,999 19.0 16.0 15.0 % $25,000-534,999 17.0 16.0 16.0 % $35,000-$49,999 170 19.0 19.0 % $50,OOO-$74,99!l 15.0 17.0 17.0 % $75,000 andOVe!" 12.0 16.0 19.0 Median ($) 31,309 36,034 38,256 Average ($) 45,181 50,269 53,580 Total Persons Year 2010 222.279 Total PersOll$ Year 2015 237,153 Sour...: 1990 Census; CAel, Inc.; Paw Be8eIt County Metropolitan Plannillg Ozganizatioa; Palm Beach CCUIlty Planning OivisiOll. [Wal-Mart Boydtonl 3 FRO~1 THOl1PSON CONSUL Tl NG PHONE NO, Apr. 13 1333 01:10PM P8 Exhibit 3 - Summary of Demographic Characteristics (palm Beach County) Charaetenmc 1990 1998 1003 T oral Persons 863,518 1,024,865 1,107,280 Average H.H. Size 2.32 2.35 2.37 Households Owner Occ.. (%) 719 732 73.9 Renter Occ. (%) 28.1 26.8 26.1 Age Distrih. (%) 0-19 22.0 230 230 20-24 .50 5.0 5.0 25-44 30.0 27.0 25.0 45-64 19.0 20.0 23.0 65+ 24.0 25.0 24.0 Median Age 38.9 41.0 42.8 Household Inc. ($) % less than $14,999 20.0 160 15,0 % $15,000-$24.999 17.0 15.0 14.0 % $25,000-$34,999 16.0 15.0 15.0 % $35,000-$49,999 18.0 180 18.0 % $50,000-$74,999 15.0 17.0 18.0 % $75,000 lUld over 14.0 19.0 20.0 Median ($) 32)09 37,034 39,256 A wrage ($) 46,662 50,961 54,056 Total Persons Year 2010 1,262,400 Total Persoos Year 2015 1,361,100 Source: 1990 Census; CACl, Inc., Paw Beacl1 County Metropolitan Planning OrglUlizetioo; Palm Beach COUDty Planning Divisioo. [Wal-Mart Boynton] 4 SupplylDemand Analysis Trade Area The l'lItail developDUllrt (Wal-Mart) at the subject site should capture a share of existing. as well as new purchasing power in a growing area of Palm Beach COIIDty. The subject site, locatecl at the northwest comer of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Wmchester Park Boulevard, is intended to ac:oomrnodate a Wal.Mart Sup~r store of approximately 220,000 square feet (in addition to a number of small future developnumt parcels). A Wal- Mart Superc:enter can SClTVe the day-to-day living needs of residents of the area in terms of grocery and phannaceutical items, etc., in addition to specialty conunercial retail needs, such as automotiw sales and servi~ and general morchandise items typically round at discount department stores. As such, a gen8!1lliud trade area represented by a five (5) mile site radius was defined. (See Exhibit 4-Trad. Area.) A five mile radius was selected, as the Urban Land Institute (ULI), as well as the International COIDIcil of Shopping Centers (lCSe) indiaM that discount departll1eDt stores typically S'1V1I a three (3) to five (5) mile radius, while supermarkets/drug stores typically serve a one I/(. one-half (1.5) to five (5) 11liJe radius (depending on locatioo of other competitive slOT\l$ and population density). If a more detailed supply/demand analysis were being performed, a polygon trade area would be defined based on travel time and distan~ studies, taking into consideration the location of complltition as well as population density and the location of natural barriers to aCQllss, etc, Supply Within the trade area, all oommercial retail development offenng general mercbandiSCl in a discount department store, automotive goods and services, drug/phanna~utical goods and services, and grocery goods and servic:es were surveyed and inventoried for inclusion in currently available IUpply. Totals associated with this various retail categories are presented below: . SUDennarketJGrocerv: 700,095 square feet:!: . Oru2IPharmaceutical: 147,000 square feet;!: . General M..rd\smdiSCl: 430,000 square feet:!: . Automotive; 59.500 SQUlIN fllllt+ . Total: 1,336,595 square reetz [Wal-Mart Boynton] 5 FROM : THO~FSO' CONSUL~lNG PHONE NO. A?r. is 1999 Ot:llPM P9 . Exhibit 4 - Trade Are. .~. wrt""'CUCA. s ; ; Subjett Sitlt I .' ":' e ~ S... lOt . ~ ",...","'< ,..... , " "."..... 0.,,'_ II . , j i -r....,.TO NOlfh [Wal-Mart Boynton} Sa -.-----------.--. - ---------~----- ~.._-------_.__._----- FRO~ TH~PSON CONSULTING PHONE ~,O, Rpr. 19 1999 01:11PM P10 ~m.nd - Exhibit 5 - Trade Area Retail Space Demand (1998 & %015 EJtimates) ESTIMATE OJ' SUPPORTABLE KETAIL SPACE GENJ:RATED BY RETAIL SPENDING PA'ITERNS Rotail CalotlorieJ" Ilntm. RelaU Spe.e lmE.lIl1llll'ed 2&15 Eati....ted DomaDd Por Capita _ad (sq. n.) DollW1d (oq. ft.) (.q.ft.) Food s.>> 964.111 1,264,015 E.tinglDrink;ng 8.Il 1,470,587 1,018,054 General Md.e. lZ.41 2.246,579 2,945,~ Apparel 3.97 718,109 941,497 DI1IJ Sto... 1.21 399, 7~ 524,108 Fwuit.lAppliance 6.24 1,128,716 1,479,835 LumberlHardvnue 8.71 1,;7;.SOO 2,06S,603 Automotive 2.34 423,269 "4,'38 G88S!aliOll 156 282,179 369,959 CinemnlAIoode J.~8 647,555 849,008 Other 10.51 1,901,084 2,492,478 ToW 65,00 11,757.460 IS,414,!l4S "lIotaO ..soeo_ CO\1I\1I nUlIe roJlowjIll ......top.....: FOOD: o..ocery_os;moaImarkots; pouliry; ....food deelon, veaelobI";fluits; bokorieo; cJelica1e8llen': oand~, wnfocti""ery; out\dries. EATINGIJ)RL~G: R....uranto; llUl<hroomil; cal<rinl: oem",: and tllvoms, niJhl clubs; ban &. liquor dores. GENJ!RAL MERCHANDISE: DisooUl\t deportment stores; variety stores; limik:d specialty _il; dry goods. APPAREL: Clothin&~; a!laati_; ohoc store. DRUG STOUS: Dru;t _..; plwmacl....poIhC<:anes. FURNfl1JRI!/APPLlANCES: Ful1lilUJe .lOle8 (llowlu..,.;); hou&ehuld appli_ dinnerware, etc.; lnusic .tore.; radio, u.levision. ...,orcIItapo s!ulps and electrooic supplie.. LUMBER/HARDWARE: Hardware, p.int, Ughl machinery &bop.; bicycle shops; decoratiDa/pamlinlfpapo:riD,gldrnp..y; I,nnberlbldi. mal<rillls; f.bric.l..u.. ofwindoWll, doono, cabinolo, ole. AVTOMOTJV:E: Auto .......seri... tires, pot!$, ""to Ale.llJ\d rel.k:d oervicelrepeirs. etc.. GASOLINE STA nON: Gas stations (Iimik:d rapair) CINl!MAIARCADE: Movie theata.; aroades O'I'IIER.: Second had :itOTe!:J; antique ~hops; ~otel()ftice equipment~ burbetlbeauty shops~ cosmeti~ reducing salollS; book ston:s; dry dc:anma/laUlldry; to_shop.; lIoriOls; !lifts; oard, Mvelty, hO\Jl>y, stationery k toy nores; _, post cords, brochures; photo 8< art equipmlmt Uld suwu.., art l!8IIerie', eto:. Sourcc:: Retail oaI..llJ\d useUlll business cWoificotio.., Plorida Department ofRavenue &_ of_ and BusiJlA:>s R_h. University ofFlorida,llJ\d y= end retail sales for Pahn Beach COlDlty; DoD.... and fell" or SIlo..t.... cealo... The Urban Land Institut.; Su",oy of BuyiDg Po".', SaI.. ond Marketing M.mogement; ThOmpsoD Consulting, Inc. [Wal-Mart Boynton] 6 FR:J'1 THO~'P";Qt1 CmjSULT I NG PHONE NO. Rpr. 19 1999 01:12PM P11 Supportable Space Analysis An estimate of demand for commefCllII rotai1 UIelI witbio the trade area is presented in &hibit 5. The retail space per capita figures allSociatlld with the bolded categories totals 22.3Jq\lll1e feet. As explained earlier, these al'll the retail categories which represent the primary retal! goods and services to be offered by the Wal-Mart Supercentor store. Supportable space figure estimates were prepared using 1998 (base year) population and 2015 (projectioll time ~ for T AZ population da1a from MPO) population projec:tions. These population figures repro.eat permanent residents only and not a weighted average ofpermanent and peaklseasonal residents (who also purchase retail goods and serviees) Had weighted average population ettUl1ates been used, the amount ofsupportable space (lIC{lIllICO footage) would likely have beM greater. From Exhibit 5, it is Mimated that retail spendin& patterns within the tnlde area will support a talal of 4,033,714 square tWt::t of commercial retail spaoe within those retail categori86 highliglrted and referenced above, in base year 1998. Comparing Wlting C(lt1UII8reial retail space within the trade area iIllling within those same ,-.tail categories highlighted in Exhibit 5, of 1,336,595 square feet;!:. indicates a polential supply short18ll (demand overhang) of approximately 2,697,119 llqUare feet:!:. While overlap ortrade arees and the existence of additiOllal shoppin& opp<>rtunities located on the periphery of the trade area ha~not been taken into account in thiB summarysupply/demand analysis, it is clearthatmorethan enough demand exists within the defined trade area to support the proposed Wal.Mart Superctlltel' at the subject site. [Wal-Mart Boynton] 7 FRCt1 TH~PSON CONSULTING PHONE NO. : Apr. 191999 01:12PM P12 GENERAL LIMITING CONDITIONS Every effort has been made to insure this report CCIIllainS the most a<x:urate and timely infbnnatiOll possible, wbidl is beliewd to be reliable. However, no responsibility is asswnecl fur inaccuracies in roporting by clevelop, cIeveloper's aaezrts or any other sources. Contra<:tua1 obligations do n<Jt include access to or ownership transfer of any eIectr(ll1w data proclSSUJg files, programs or models completed for or as 8 by-product of this research effort. This repon may not be used fur any pUlpOSe other than for which it is prepared, ~cept by owner/developer. Possession of this repon does not carry with it the right ofpubliClltlon and its contents shall not be dissominated to the public through advertising media, sales media, or any other public mean. of oommunication without prior written consent and approval of Thompson Coosulting, Inc. [Wal-Man Boynton] 8 ~OOI 06/0~/99 TUE lS,18 FAX ~61 S.9 96~9 KHA LTRG VERO ~_~ Kimley.Horn ....I_r. ~ and Associates, Inc. EngilJeeri1ig Planning and Environmental Con.ultan" . Suite 400 60121" Street VelD Beach, florida 32960 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL To: Michael RUtll..l!L-_ Fax No: 561m5-62~9 FirmtLo<:ation: ell:'; of Buvntol\ B..cll Job No.' 04715379(()1) Subject: Wal*Mort -BovntQII Beach IE), Florida Store No. 2789-00. NewSC Winchester Site From: Todd J. Howdc, Date: June 8. 1999 Original coming by mail: Yes: __ No: K lfyou have any problems. please ca1l561/562-7981 and ask for Debby Total number of pages, including cover sheet: _ 2 Comments: Micbael: Attached i. th.e Maintel\811ce Plan for the Littoral Zone Planton:ts for the above referenced store. Twelve (J 2) copje~ were submitted on 612199 with the Lllndscaoe Plans. Please call should vou need anvthin2 else. Thank you. cc; KMR O,\AO'fNTOh'\wmCH!"T(\Wl'\CC;RA~$"'hnapfPa1:.llo:Jl: This fac.imile is inttnded only (or tile add".... n""",d herein and may conIain infonnation thaI i, confidential. lryou are nol the intcnded recipient or [he emplo)'ee or agl:t1t responsible fot dehv~ to Ihc: add.es.see, you are htreby notitle4 that any t'CVi~w, dissemination. disclo,ure. Or copying of tht& communication \1 strictly prOhIbited. If )100 l\tve rec:eh'ed this facsimile in error, pIcas.: immcdiacdy t'lotuy us by telephone, lIDd return ~hl; Qriginal tacslrnile to t;S at the addrtss abQ\lc via the U.S. Postal Service. Thank you. 06. 08/99 '~l1E Ie: 19 FAX 561 562 9689 KHA lIRG VERO ~1I02 Maintenance Plan Littoral Zone P1antings Wal*Mart Boynton Beach (E), Fl Store I; 2789-00, New SC WiClchester Site lob No. 0471 S3,79(02) TIle maintenance plan for the planted littoral zone shall include the following elements: · Maintenance of the water control structure to ensure adequate flow, . Control of exotic and tluisar.ce vegetation, . Rclmoval of debris, as needed, · Replanting ,?f lllItive speti.s, as nece5sar/. S~hedule and Methods; Trash and debris will be removed on an a5 needed basts... part of the overall site maintenance. It is anticipated that this will occur during mowing operations for tbe site. The littoral zones will be monitored for the presence of exot,c and nuisance vegetation, by site maintenance staff on a femi. annual basis. Exotic and nuisance vegetation coverage will be maintained b<elow \0% of the total \tge18tive cover. Best available technology will be employed for coot(1)l of these species, TIlts eould include hand removal or use of herbicides. If herbicides are used to conlrol the invasive species, the herbicide will ~ applied with a wickin~ or similar method, to avoid ovel'$pray 01' killing of oesirable wetland species. As indicated on the Littoral Planting Plan, the contractor will be responsible to ensure plant health and survival for a period of two years. All dead and dying plant material will be reploced during In.t two-yew period. It is anticipated that the plant material will have become established within tl1at two-year period and no additional planling will be needed rO:\SOVJol'1'ONI \\'lNCHSf&\wP\.MAfNTiNANCE:PLAi"ijJb Se-nt. b'jJRUDEN Mc.CLOSKY 18FL Feb- '::l';l-g9 11 : 28",.f'1 ~ ~ ~ '" ~ <: <: = '" "' a "' '" f ... A ~ ~ "" US '" 0 0 6 ~ '" '" $; 0 '" 6 ~ ~ 5? '" '" iii N l::! ;;;; '" '" N ~ !ll ~ w '" i'" ... ~ '" rn !::l ..., .., t:l !l'""J '" "" en a:r~Qcn 1i81 o ~ '" l< 0 g. l"'~ IW en a i~", "1;',,, i~~~ g>&~ i ~~ llt&m ~G''ll go is' i' ~ m (& ~ ;'I!.'" . ~ '" 5'S';;:.g: i<> 5:8.!;~ g: (jJ * R - ... ~~",,,, " -(1);;i ~ .., ~y; !i '" i!:; .t.. '" '" 8; '" (g .. .., '" 1:: '" .., i ~ ." '" 3 '" '" '" eo " '" '" ID '" '" n n n '" '" '" () '" ,,", '" '" '" ,.. ,.. >. '" ;0 ;0 () () " ::I: ::I: I -< ;l " ~ rn ~ '" n -..., <} ![ ;po n 18 "" " " '" z A ;;$ '" e;; '" Sl '" .... ,. ~ ~ o ~ ~ 3 ~ "- ;; ~ ")> o ~ , '" l> .. '5 '" ,co !l Q; <> ~ ,- .. :l Q. '" " .. ~ '" " ... B .. :; !: Q. ::ll '" ~ :l :; .. 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Maintenance Plan Littoral Zone Plantings Wal*Mart Boynton Beach (E), FL Store # 2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Job No. 047153.79(02) The maintenance plan for the planted littoral zone shall include the following elements: . Maintenance of the water control structure to ensure adequate flow, . Control of exotic and nuisance vegetation, . Removal of debris, as needed, . Replanting of native species, as necessary. Schedule and Methods: Trash and debris will be removed on an as needed basis as part of the overall site maintenance. It is anticipated that this will occur during mowing operations for the site. The littoral zones will be monitored for the presence of exotic and nuisance vegetation, by site maintenance staff on a semi- annual basis. Exotic and nuisance vegetation coverage will be maintained below 10% of the total vegetative cover. Best available technology will be employed for control of these species. This could include hand removal or use of herbicides. Ifherbicides are used to control the invasive species, the herbicide will be applied with a wicking or similar method, to avoid overspray or killing of desirable wetland species. As indicated on the Littoral Planting Plan, the contractor will be responsible to ensure plant health and survival for a period of two years. All dead and dying plant material will be replaced during that two-year period. It is anticipated that the plant material will have become established within that two-year period and no additional planting will be needed. [G:\BOYNTON\ WJNCHSTRIWP\MAINTENANCEI'LAt'-:Jlb DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment March 1, 1999 Mr. AI Federico, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Wal Mart NW Corner of Winchester Park Blvd & Boynton Beach Blvd File # NWSP 99-003 Dear Mr. Federico: The enclosed traffic generation statement on the Wal Mart site, prepared by Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, and provide Michael Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator, and I, with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, 7L-C --z"- Michael W. Rumpf Acting Manager of Planning and Zoning MWR:bme cc: Central File J:\SHROATA\PLANNING\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\WAL MARnNWSP\TRAFF1C MEMO lETTER-DOC America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 f)~ I m~i' f Ar-r"'~ - A1J-Y:d ( ~ h:.,-v~ /.=~" 1fv<,cQ,f:--.c -in 6... (Sco, ,(\d~-.oc. ~~(,;+(JL ('<-~ j / ~ C &Nt -r-;:" CJ c. . ~G- $ -r ..,-~ 0..-, / en ,4rc: e, /.~5. C___.--.,o:.. ~.." a"'r ,// S f'l-I- ~,,-..k .5 cu+-/, J ~_I\- _.J.. ..3 - /7~ r ....,. ~T .._ ~ v< t...,';w?,~ ,,/'"'~ ~ Srr;re ~ - 1- ~.....Jlc., (OO-r-!?c;;,..'S ,I' , ./ n <-}I"-H., ..s-r..,c.c.o fi",;.sf( €'.r;:;s f~t-.f4L ,?-.l). , ' /1 AM ..../1" e:-oIor.s tr c:.."cf2 CClc:a:~ ~ 1 ~ ek:\A--ffCM. e2 ~i "'IS A~~c. ~e-!j~ V~.2" - - ~c.;'-'l c.Jcc. t'/' oS rj'" ^." p...<A- 6~ C. . ..; ~ A L>. '1';''< - ~r_.J2 ?6 .-L.{ ~.. . ~",.,..y ~.. ..P-~ {7J. Ie ir.f."... (ft:.. ( c:.~ ;~ ~c../ .{i,,;,,6 { ~/i1 S~ (i,.q; o.....fL. ~~;-o.,<a J2 ~ /,.1"4. [., ,(?r ' / t /'YV1 - ,( !. f ... I . "- {-_., < ,,-. ..so.. 'th f <!J' ~ # ,} /;.5' - I~CZr]/ j;,~ff:.'1 {,v / v '? -1" z./.V o..S, -J h (J-~""C'.-. /b \. (, ~G tq~( ~ /6' ~ 'Pn-::> ? ~ ?cc f - ry P f <- 0'r1~..:'f- ? " ur I.....k.? ;-........l-f---... p~>V\' ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. February 25, 1999 KHA 04715379 (02), 72, 1217 RE: Wal*Mart-Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store# 2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Engineer's Certification To Whom It May Concern: T, Kevin M. Roberson, hereby acknowledge that the proposed drainage system for the above referenced project will conform with all applicable water quality standards, or minimum design and performance standards, as required by the state of Forida and local jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article TV, Section 5 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Signature: ~ ~ f:J.-. Kevin M. Roberson, P.E. / # ~liJ?f FL P.E. No. Date: 2/Z-57'" . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 . Suile400 80121,I61reet VeroBeach,Florida 32960