AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Meetine Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting: Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office 0 July 20, 1999 ~ August 3. 1999 0 August 17,1999 0 September 7, 1999 July 7, 1999 (5;00 p.m.) o September 21, 1999 o October 5.1999 o October 19, 1999 o November 2, 1999 September 8. 1999 (5 :00 p.m.) July 21. 1999 (5;00 p.m.) September 22.1999 (5:00 p.m.) August 4, 1999 (5;00 p.m.) October 6.1999 (5:00 p.m.) AugUSl18. 1999 (5:00 p.m.) October 20. 1999 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative ~ Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business o Legal o Unfinished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the August 3, 1999 City Commission agenda under Consent- Ratification of Planning and Development Action. The Planning and Development Board with a unammous vote, recommended approval subject to staff comments, and additional comments requiring reduction of the blue stripe to a maximum width of 2 feet, and that perimeter and parking area trees be replaced or supplemented with tree species that will maintain foliage and therefore buffering characteristics, with greater planting intensity in the vicinity of the overhead bay doors, For further details pertaining to this request see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 99-126. EXPLANATION: PROJECT; Wal*Mart Supercenter AGENT; Kevin M. Roberson, Kimley-Horn & Associates APPLICANT; J. Robert Bray, Assistant Vice President of Real Estate Wal*Mart Stores East, Inc, LOCATION; Northwest comer of Winchester Park Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION; Request new site plan approval to construct a 220, 184 square foot retail store on 39.61 acres. '" '.. -' ,.., - ~'. PRO(,RAM ll\li'ACf: NiA FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A - .-'~ $/ ",,-- Development Act g Director City Manager's Signature - /f~/ ~ Planning and Zoning Director City Attorney / Finance I Human Resources J \SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\WAL MARl\NWSP\AGENDA ITEM REQUEST 8-3-99.00T .;VELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-126 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION July 27, 1999 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name: Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store #2789-00) Property Owner: See Exhibit "A' Applicant/Agent: Kevin M. Roberson P.E. / Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Location: Northeast comer of Winchester Park Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard FileNo.: NWSP 99-003 Land Use/Zoning: Local Retail Commercial (LRC)/Community Commercial District, (C-3) Type of Use: Retail Store Square Footage: Site Area: 1,725,373 square feet (39.609 acres) Building Area: 220,184 square feet Surrounding land UseslZoning: (see Exhibit "B" -location map) North - Old Boynton Road; farther north, Boynton Beach Mall, zoned C3. South - Retail stores and vacant lot along Boynton Beach Boulevard zonedC-3 East - Winchester Park Boulevard and Steak-N-Shake zoned C-3 and farther east Boynton Commons, zoned PCD West - Knuth Road and Stor-AI!, zoned peo; farther west, Palm Beach County zoned RM (Residential Multi-Family) and a daycare use zoned R-3. Existing Site Characteristics: The subject property is vacant and consists of 39.609 acres. The site is predominately vegetated with a variety of weeds, grasses and exotic nuisance tree and shrub species. The site has been previously cleared and repeatedly disturbed by off-road vehicles. Two small lakes exist to the north east of the site adjacent to Winchester Park Boulevard. There are some native tree species on site that are utilized in the landscape plan. Proposed Project: The developer is proposing construction of a 220,184 square foot, 39'-2" high, one story, retail building and related parking on approximately 31 acres (see Exhibit "C" - proposed site plan). The remaining 8 acres are shown on the site plan as "Future Development', and will ultimately be sold by Wal-Mart and developed separate from the Wal-Mart Supercenter. According to the subdivision and platting regulations, platting has typically been required when one parcel is subdivided into three (3) or more parcels. Since this site plan only shows Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum 99-003 Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store # 2789-00) development of the Wal-Mart Supercenter, any outparcels created for subsequent developments will generate the requirement of a site plan modification for each additional outparcel. Each new development will require a set of plans that meet all required development standards including individual traffic concurrency. Typically, most projects similar to this Supercenter would be processed as a Planned Commercial Development Master Plan within a Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning district. However, Wal-Mart prefers to qualify for a specific recommendation in the comprehensive plan that directs the subject property to be either developed as a PCD, or developed using similar PCD design requirements including such requirements as 10' (foot) perimeter landscape buffers. The project will be required to include a master sign program with design guidelines that maintain the visual compatibility that is required of all unified master plans. Future out parcels shall be designed to use the main entrances of Wal-Mart in order to maintain logical access management. Concurrency: a. Traffic- A traffic impact analysis for the project was prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Preliminary analysis indicates that this project will comply with the county's traffic performance standards, contingent upon completion of road improvements that are currently short of capacity. Final confirmation from the Palm Beach County Traffic Division in regards to road improvements has not been received. In order to receive traffic concurrency approval, a Public Facilities Agreement must be submitted by the applicant to the County in connection with the following (2) two road improvements: 1. The addition of a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road; and 2. The widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard to six lanes from EI Clair Ranch Road to Jog Road. b. Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review. The city's conCUriel1CY C.-d~r;8nce n;quires ci!'a~nage certification at time of site plan approval. The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required. Drainage for this project is proposed to serve all future parcels. Driveways: Proposed on-site traffic circulation consists of three 36 foot wide entry drive aisles with one access point to Old Boynton Road and two to Winchester Park Boulevard. Traffic exiting the project onto Old Boynton Road will be limited to right-tums, to minimize hazardous traffic conditions. The proposed vehicular use area will provide parking areas containing the required 9' x 16' & 18' spaces, including both 90 degree and 60 degree angled spaces. Parking Facility: There are 1,101 parking spaces proposed, including twenty-three (23) spaces designated as handicapped accessible, and it appears that 10 spaces are utilized as "cart corrals'. Current plan revisions have been submitted which include a 434 square foot building area increase over the first review plans. This increase generates the requirement of 1,101 parking spaces and 23 handicapped Page 3 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum 99.003 Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store # 2789-00) accessible spaces. It appears that the outdoor garden center was not included in the parking calculation, which must be calculated at 1 space per 5,000 square feet. Once the parking calculation is modified to include the garden center, "cart corrals' are eliminated from required parking spaces and the total provided spaces are adjusted accordingly, the plans will meet all parking requirements stated in the city's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning and ADA requirements for this use. Landscaping: The landscaping of the site will meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated. The plans are developed based on the comprehensive plan request that the property be designed with perimeter buffer requirements similar to that required for a Planned Commercial Development (10 landscape buffers). However, additional landscaping requirements are being recommended to enhance the large open areas within the parking lot, and to properly screen the overhead bay doors that would face Knuth Road and Winchester Park Boulevard (in connection with the concurrent request for a Community Design Plan Appeal). Furthermore, landscaping islands are proposed within the sidewalk along the front facade. Building and Site: Building and site regulations will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. Community Design: The proposed building facade, as viewed from Old Boynton Road, has been through a series of architectural changes since the first plans had been submitted. To further promote design consistency as if the entire site were being designed simultaneously as a PCD, staff is requiring that design guidelines be submitted that will reqUire future development of outparcels maintain consistency with the approved Wal-Mart design and adjacent Boynton Commons (see Exhibit "0"). An effort has been made to incorporate design elements that increase compatibility with the architectural faCade qualities of Boynton Commons. Conditions of approval require further enhancement modifications to the buiiding facade and adjacent plantings. Staff recommends that the guidelines be included in the contract documents for the out parcels to ensure that subsequent owners of outparcels are aware of said design standards. The architectural requirements set forth in the city's Community Design Regulations will be met when all staff comments are incorporated. The new structure, proposed predominantly with a split-face block finish, will receive stucco surface treatments in the colors of light peach and tan, with blue wall signs utilizing white letters, and a blue band on the front facade. The proposed building is characteristic of typical big box retail, but with incorporation of staff comments, the building will be enhanced to complement surrounding developments. Signage: Proposed sign details for Wal-Mart were submitted as part of this site plan review. The plan incorporates a series of wall signs and one freestanding two-sided entry monument sign designed with dimensions of 9'-2" high, 25'-6" wide, and 61 square feet per side. The proposed wall sign area is within the maximum allowable square footage requirements and meets all sign square footage and Community Page 4 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum 99-003 Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store # 2789-00) Design Plan requirements. The monument sign design is within the maximum allowable 64 square foot sign face area requirements for commercial zoning districts. The current sign plan does not include any future out parcel site signage. With respect to wall signage, the plan indicates the location of proposed amenity signs to be placed on the building facades. To guide the design of future out- parcel signage, the applicant has established design standards by which future signs will be reviewed to maintain consistency with the subject sign. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Division recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "E" - Conditions of Approval. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File J\SHROATA\Planning\SHARED\'NP\PAOJECT5\Wal-Mart\NWSP\Site plan 5taf1 report Wal-Man.doc: l~gg9 U~ Xij/Y.LJ Lf:7.! 31' Ci ., '" .. Cl. c: 0 ~ .. j .5 ?: 8- 0 d: 'g .. .~ Q :ii - --' :lS ~ .... .. :E " '" .. ". - W 0 <( 0 "'61i" U6/6017.0 EXHIBt~ A u ~ " '-' u ~ Ci' ~ S iZ ~ ~ ~ '? 2 "' ~ M ~ V U v ,.:, u I , , I ~ u :,~ !oJ ~ ~ 3 Is s .... I " '" I", '" " '" -< -< 1< < '" '" , , I I I I I \ , "- C> S! co co '" ~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, ~ l7 ;;;; "" ~ ~ , ~ -< ~ lQ '1" << ~ -< ~ j\ ~ ~ i:l <r; a. . .., ~ ~ :. ~ ~ "IS .. ,,-~ " .. ~"'''' - ... ~ ~ j~ l ~ ~ ~"':... ~ a .. 15 ........., a:: u: 0:: u: a:: a: II: ... "..~~ . z:' ,. . '" . :. ~ ...- "- ale'" lDco~ a:loi "-"1 moM ~" . .: ~ :a lIW'" !~~8 ,-"'~ Ill' ,-.~ C) .:'" lP ~~CD ~~\D ';~m e..... 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WaI.Mart Supcrcemc:r's landscaping IIlld ~i~ge shall set the Slalldard for Jclvelopmem ut'the outpaccels. These standards will be: furtl1tr defined as pan oflbe site plan subminal package to Ib" Cif) tor the dcvelopmc:nt of indiw:lual outparcels. Ground signs, identifying the \.Ise of each o\.ltparcel. shall be sinjle or double tace4. Each of the outparcels shall be allowed one (I) such Sign. a maximum ot'lo\1Y-eight (48) square leet in size, and 110 greater than Ten fect (10') in height These sllilns may not be placed within the: ten tOOt (10') landscape buffer strip alljacent to the roadway. Each ground sign must be of concrete or masolllY construction with solid stUCco finish desij1lCd generally similar to the WaI-Man sign. Base colors must be compatible with building colors, Lettering and/or cotpOrate logos may vat)' in size. font and color, based on the particular user and its tra4emark<:d colors. fontl\lld logos. Each ground Sign must be surrounded by a one foot ( I') high, or !lreater, planter wall within which ground cover such as fl.:lwering shrubs or uther laIldscaping shall be installed and maintained. Exterior building colors, Ulcludinll body. trim and roof colors are to be selected from a palene of colors consistent with sUlTounding commercial development such as Boynton Commons to the east (but not W Steak 'n Shake). The colOr palette aene:ally consisu Ofleml cOlla I\Ild eanlltones for the roofs, pale el\l'lb tone~ and pastels as the primlU')' building colors 1\Il,;! various brighter accem colofs 011 bUlldloll signs, acc~nt til~s and color bands. Trademarked colors I\Ild signa~e sbitll be p~rmined but shall be used in such a llUlnner as to be compatible ",ith primary bUilding colors. Specific lluidelines are: FOr 1}J(~ Wul..Wurf SlAORrcenltr Parcl!/ * Slgnage The Wal-Man Supen:emer signage will consist of one (I) double faced mOllumem sign to be located III the Old Boynron Road entranceway to the WaI-Mart Cc:nla. This sign will nOT e"ceed sixty-four (64) square teet ofsiillable area per tilee and shall not ~"c.:ed ten feet (10') in overall height. This ~ign will oot be located in the ten foot (10') buff"er area w1uch SUllOWlW the propert)'. SiiMile tOr the Supercenter building shall be as allowed in the Ciry sign regulations and as shown on attached Exhibit "S" EI~\"atiol\lSigoage PIIIll. * Landscaping The landscape on the WaJ-Man StqmcenleT pared will be in accordance with the: Cil)' Code requiremems as enhanced by the approved plllll. The plant palette shall be: consistem and compatible with that of the Boym.:lll Beach Mall and the Boynton Commons Shopptng Center. To the extent feasible. existing nc:es will be incorporated into the site plan. F1~'42~~:'~ , 2 ,'-),:-ll 07:09,. Frcm-RJCEh ~ CL)SKY 9547644916 T-m P 11/ll H14 * Building Colors The ext~nor colors of the Wltl.Mart Superc.:nlc:r will be in keeping wilh the colors of lhe surrounding commercill! developments (not including Steak 'n Shak.:). This color palene genel'lllly cOllSists oftem cona and earth IOnes on the roots, pille c411h IOnes and pastels as the priml\l'Y building colors. and various brighter accent colors 011 si~. accen1tiles, l\Ild color bands on the buildings; lIllllS referenced on lhe ElevationlSignage Pll\Il(s). * Building Materials Building mllterillls for the Wal-Mart Supercclnter sbalI be complltible with the building malerials us.::d in oth.:r commercial ckvc!lopment in th.: vicinity mCluding Ihe Boynton Commons Shopping Center. * B..ullimll Oesign Buildin~ dc!sign is lIS set fonh OIl lhe ElevlltionlSignage Plan(s) which ~vidences varied lUchitec1UIOlJ felltures such as banding. d.:corati ve tiles. colwnns and glass. Fur Iht! l.hJ1JJat"cel,f1 * Slgnage Sil!llllge for outpacc.:l buildings shall be in accordance with the Cit)' Code requirements and compatIble WIth the Wal-Mart si~e. Non-building siilU\llc for the outplUceb shall consist of a mlIXimurn of one (I) double faced monument sign 10 be locatt:d along the street frontage of ellCh ourparcel. The size of mOllUlnCnt sigllilge allowed for each individual oUlplUcel shIIll be fon~-.:ighl (48) square feet of signable arell per face. Each monument sign shall not excted leo feet (10') in heIgh! and \\till be consuucted full to the llrDuod Wlth appropriate pll\Ilt mat.:rial (not just sod) around the base. Each ground sisn musl be of \:on,rele or masonry constrUction with sohd stucco finish or alternative material, both conSlSt.:nr with the Wal-Mart sign and acceptable 10 City staff. Each sign shall be genenlh con~istent with th.: Wal.Man Site silln. Olltparcel si~ colors shall be compatibl~ with bUlldinll colors. The use of corporAte logos and colors \\till be permined aod should be lltiliz~d so as 10 be compatible with the ovel'llllloo," of the \Val-Man Supc:rcenler l\Ild the sUbjc:,t oUlparcel. Building sillllllie shall be limitecllO entrance lUeas ofthc buildings. unI.:ss minimal. soft, and compatible \\tith subjecl facllde, and does nol introduce new colors 10 th.: projecl * Landscaping The landScape on the o\ltparcels shall be in accordance wilh Cit)' Cod~ landscape requin:~nts llI1d possibi) .:nhanced by each rc:spc:<:tive outparcel projecl. The plant pal.:ne rn..':.!?C:;',4 3 Il-Jul-2l 07: 10.. Frc.-RJtEft lC CLlSKv 1547644116 ETI P 13/13 HI4 shall be COnsiSl~nt lUld compatible with the landscape 011 the WaI-Mart Supercentc:r parcel. To fhl, eJClent feasible, c:xisting aees will be incorporl\led Into the site plan. The ten fOOl (10') landscape butler along the roadways. as shown on the Masler Sit~ Plan. shall be maintaiMd lIIld mil) be enhanced wb.!n oUlparcds are developed. ... Building Colors Since 1he Wal-Mart Supercenter will be built first, oUlparc.:13 will undergo Stparate review by fhl, City ofBo)'nton Beach Buildinl:s shall be generally compatible with the colorlltion of the WaI-Mart Sl.lpcrcenter and Boynton Commons buildinllS. InQiVlclll:ll buildings will be permitted to utilize corporate or trademarked colors as pan of the accent colors on build milS as long lIS unique corpol1lle colors do nol represent extreme color cuntr<lSts and are limited to entrance arellS on the buildings lIIld signage. At the time of City review and site plan approval of ea.-:h outparcel. specific color references shall be provided. These must be reviewed by City staff for compatibihl) with the WaI-mart Supercenler lIIld Boymon Commons during the review pra<:css. .. B'iilding Materials Building materials tor oUlparcel developmen: shall be compatible: with Wal.Man Supercemer building matenals and those used in other co=rcial development 10 lhe vicinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Ctnltr. * Building Design Building design for outparcel dcvelopmelU shall be compatible with the Wal-Mart Sup.:rcenter as set forth on ElevationlSigJlaie Plan which evidences varic:d arcmteclUfll! f~iltUles sllCh lIS blItlding limited to entrance areas. columns. decorative liles. comices and diamond telltlll'es. Building design shaU also be compatible with other commercial development in tilt vicinity includiJlll the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. Except for entran\:e feat\ll'cs and column cletails. no elements should extend above the roof line. If alternative roof designs are proposed. a maximum effon showd be given to mllXUDlze compalibilil) y,;th established architectural character. Also. main entrances shall be enhanced with raised roof feature. collUIlllS and arches, unless contrastinll corporate dcsit:n r~qulTements are deemed acceptable by City staff. '* Uses It shall be: II goal of this development to enhance the diversity of retail uses in th" surrounding area and 10 avoid duplication of uses. \\There these standards remain silent or are in contliet with City sundards, then the City s1lIIldllJds shall apply. F';L ,,;.l?iJ.';,i 4 EXHIBIT "E" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' Final New Site Plan Planning and Zoning date stamoed 6-1-99 File # NWSP 99-003 . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: l. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings X so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 2. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and X specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.) BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 3. Add to the site Illan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location X -------_.._-~ ~.._---- Page 2 of 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verify that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 3. Verify that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are X accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation ofthe finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. Identify within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 4. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. X The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 5. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings ofthe monument sign X located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 6. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that X combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity oft ide shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 7. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 8. Existing Tree Schedule: X The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. Page 3 of 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 9. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, X 104, 105, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) 10. Lake Planting Plan X The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. II. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 12. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, X materials and colors: Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec. 10 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013 13. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to X ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. 14. Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face selected roadways. Ch.9 X Sec. I I Par.I.I. An appeal must be submitted and obtained for approval to locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. 15. The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is X to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. 16. Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at X the adjacent shopping center to the east and painted to match the principle color ofWal-Mart (add notes on site plan to document same). 17. Limit blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances X Page 4 of 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT and areas enhanced with the E.I.F .S. surface in order to minimize incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match, and to be consistent with proposed design standards. 18. Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure X completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for traffic concurrency approval. 19. Provide cross-section or comparable graphic showing that adequate buffering X of the overhead bay doors is attained. Additional landscaping enhancements and berming shall address identified deficiencies. 20. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DRI X qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA that DRI thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DRI. 21. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the X Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fayade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchandise (except that displayed as part ofthe garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. 22. To properly soften large wall spaces, tree grate areas shall contain trees as X well as those species shown. 23. Update tabular data to show correct maximum building height (elevation X drawing indicates 39 feet 2 inches). 24. Modify parking data to include entire garden center which must be X accommodated by a minimum of 1 parking space per 5,000 square feet, exclude cart corrals from required spaces, and modify site to provide spaces as needed. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 25. Blue stripe along front fayade shall be a maximum of2 feet in width. X 26. Perimeter and parking area deciduous trees shall be replaced or X supplemented with tree species that maintain foliage and therefore buffering characteristics with greater planting intensity in vicinity of overhead bay doors. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 26. To be determined. J:\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJE.CTS\Wal Mal1.\NWSP\cond of approval CC B-Z.99.dOC -~-~------------ -