REVIEW COMMENTS Rumpf. Michael 4/ +1 --s ' ' ,,., ~ ,......~ --"---r- ,..-'J< ~ From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Wednesday, June 14, 20002:14 PM 'kroberson@kimley-horn,com' RE: Traffic Concurrency for Future Development, Wal-Mart Sorry for the delay, I have been absent related to family illness. Yes, to secure concurrency you must receive site plan approval. As the first step in the site plan process is the submittal of traffic study that is immediately reviewed/approved by the County, despite when final site plan approval occurs, the County would have already approved the traffic study. As long as the site plan is approved without intensification of the project following county review, which would affect the traffic data/study, the original approval by the County would remain valid. Does that help? Mike ---Original Message---- From: kroberson@kimley-horn.com [SMTP:kroberson@kimley-horn.com] Sent: Thursday, June 08, 20002:07 PM To: Rumpf, Michael Cc: spm@ruden.com Subject: Traffic Concurrency for Future Development, Wal-Mart , W81-Mart Boynton Beach, FL Store No. 2789-00 NewSC Michael, Palm Beach County has recently released new traffic counts and growth rates which appear to be beneficial to the development of our future outparcels. In fact we have completed some preliminary traffic analysis with these new counts that would allow the development of all of the outparcels with out additional roadway improvements. Wal-Mart has not identified specific users for any of these outparcels; however they have provided us with generic uses that would likely purchase these parcels. What is the process that we would undertake through the City in order to lock in traffic concurrency for the future outparcels on this site? Additionally, it is my understanding that new traffic counts will be released in September. If we made a submittal prior to September however the ultimate approval in your process was granted after September, would we be required to revise the traffic study with the September counts? Please email me or call to discuss. Kevin M. Roberson, P.E. Project Manager Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 601 21st street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 561-562-7981 ex!. 261 kroberson@kimley-horn.com 1 I DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 99-255 TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director J ~ ~~Cf Michael E. Haag, Deputy Building Official . November 4, 1999 FROM: DATE: RE: Wal*mart - Rectified New Site Plan (NWSP 99-003) - 1st review comments The submitted plans shall be modified to show compliance with the following comments: Buildin!! Division (Site SDecific and Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haag (561) 742-6352 1. The plans submitted for rectification are not complete. Add to the submittal the same drawings that were included with the submittal that the City Commission approved, including a current survey. 2. The second comment # 3 from the development order indicates that the plans shall identifY specific elevations with respect to establishing the finish floor elevation for the building. This information has not been provided on the plan. Therefore, add to the site data found on the sheet tilted Site Plan a statement indicating that the proposed floor elevation is above the highest 100-year base flood elevation applicable to the building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations. [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code] Identify the appropriate floor elevation that the design professional has established for the building within the footprint ofthe building that is shown on the site plan, floor plan and civil plan. Submit elevation view drawings ofthe building that include the proposed wall signage. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawing that will verifY that the area of the wall signage depicted on the plans complies with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Indicate on the drawings of the wall signage whether the signs are illuminated and specify type of illumination. Considering that detail drawings of the site signage were not provided, place the following note on the site plan: "Site signage is not approved for this project. Separate site plan ~Wreview and approval is required for site signage." ,)1 ~l ~~ Submit an executed Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the configuration of the property that is depicted on the approved site plan. 6. Add the text "Will require site plan approval" below the words Future Development found on the drawing titled Site Plan. MEH:bg S:\Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\Rectified NWSP 99-003 1st review Walmart.doc &' 0) ~ A9D\1"\o~A\.. c..bM.~~ (9 , nuV\~ ~~~\ Of" (l4O'f\.ol"Ui. ~ f'~T ~ . A'vL.. JiUlc>FT'lIps et.lvIPIAWT ~~'- ~ ~pesrJ.~ ~~ \JI~ @.. 60b'. .. c..~.\ . .sterol I (E.), fiUlI'''e c.'I.O(t~ ~Pl.U l)~ k,P(i, ~ f<t"'lS~ . . f'a.o\llOe- "~~e. ~~ _ (C6V>(LO I f>lU!:. / $!>l.F,.) Aa.4\1't"k.~(&,Il.\"" ~ ~'-- ..eo . c,.e.""t:'~~"f I.U"'~ ne $.ljlA.003I1lPIIIICrj ..~ 1l e.Vu..:r c..JV/~. . c.u.. C\ I ~'C.T. It (A, - t:') - IA-tJDIF'1 e....TIIl,.! COdt.O /,.ac.I.AlDe c()AJT'/~110tlJ, 'StUJ/&I!.--L..llu, WI't\oI O\~tJO ""~A"1> MA~Ald, 1- ~S .1* ~t.J" 0j0...,......~. _f1IIIC.__I!'~'_Yi-' ; ~1U..nc.l~.~~s, \'~'S" ~..",.. IVl1t.lvtlrl", Pl'-lll~ TD S\lBM ,.,.,.,^.la\ Fo/t. ~11'S . ~VI~ O..,-*,...S -(PT'JC.~) - FeNCL [J. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-126 (,eN ~ J~.. S', Of'- l? pi'- .-I-.'e 0 IS ':5 r(c" ~ Jl d>Ja J (?,,-{ r 'L'- (I-~~ f (jv" ~ SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION June 22, 1999 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Project Name: Property Owner: Applicant/Agent: Location: File No.: Land Use Plan Designation: Zoning Designation: Type of Use: Number of Rooms: Square Footage: Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store #2789-00) See Exhibit "A" Kevin M. Roberson P.E. / Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Northeast corner of Winchester Park Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard NWSP 99-003 Local Retail Commercial (LRC) Community Commercial District, (C-3) Retail Store N/A Site Area: 1,725,373 square feet (39.609 acres) Building Area: 220,184 square feet (see Exhibit "B" -location map) North - Old Boynton Road and farther north Boynton Beach Mall, zoned C3. South - Retail stores and vacant lot along Boynton Beach Boulevard zonedC-3 East - Winchester Park Boulevard and Steak-N-Shake zoned C-3 and farther east Boynton Commons, zoned PCD West - Knuth Road and Stor-AII, zoned PCD and farther west is Palm Beach County, zoned RM (Residential Multi-Family) and a daycare use zoned R-3. Page 2 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum 99-003 Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store # 2789-00) Existing Site Characteristics: Proposed Development: Concurrency: The subject property is vacant and consists of 39.609 acres. The site is predominately vegetated with a variety of weeds, grasses and exotic nuisance tree and shrub species. The site has been previously cleared and repeatedly disturbed by off-road vehicles. Two small lakes exist to the north east of the site adjacent to Winchester Park Boulevard. There is no significant vegetation on the site. The developer is proposing construction of a 220,184 square foot, 29 foot high, one story, retail building and related parking on approximately 31 acres. (see Exhibit "C" - proposed site plan). The remaining 8 acres are shown on the site plan as "Future Development", and will ultimately be sold by Wal-Mart and developed separate from the Wal-Mart Supercenter. According to the subdivision and platting regulations, platting has typically been required when three (3) or more parcels are divided from a greater parcel. Since t." is only for the Wal-Mart Supercenter project, subsequent pr 'ep,ts. ':'IiH be eviewed as new site plans, including individual traffic concurr nc~"'rilf6st ojects similar to the subject Supercenter would be processed saP ed Commercial Development Master Plan in the Planned Commercial Development (PCD) zoning district. However, Wal- Mart prefers to qualify for a specific recommendation in the comprehensive plan that directs the subject property to be either developed as a PCD, or developed using similar PCD design requirernents such as a perimeter landscape buffer (10 feet). The project will be required to include a master sign program and design guidelines to maintain compatibility in appearance similar to a unified master plan. Future out parcels wiH also be designed to use the main entrances of Wal-Mart to promote logical access management. a. Traffic. A traffic impact analysis for the project was prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Preliminary analysis indicates that this project will comply with the county's traffic performance standards, contingent upon completion of road improvements that are currently short of capacity. In order to receive traffic concurrency approval, a Public Facilities Agreement must be submitted by the applicant to the County in connection with the fOllowing (2) two road improvements: 1. The addition of a westbound right turn lane at the intersection of Congress Avenue and Old Boynton Road; and 2. The widening of Boynton Beach Boulevard to six lanes from EI Clair Ranch Road to Jog Road. b. Drainage - Conceptual drainage information was provided for the city's review. The city's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval. The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of specific drainage solutions be deferred to time of permit review, when more c Page 3 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum 99-003 Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store # 2789-00) Driveways: Parking Facility: Landscaping: Building and Site Regulations: Community Design Plan: complete engineering documents are required. Proposed on-site traffic circulation consists of three 36 foot wide entry drive aisles with one access point to Old Boynton Road and two to Winchester Park Boulevard. The proposed vehicular use area will provide parking areas containing the required 9' x 16' & 18' spaces, including both 90 degree and 60 degree angled spaces. There are 1,099 parking spaces proposed, including nineteen (19) spaces designated as handicapped accessible. Current plan revisions have been submitted which include a 434 square foot increase to the building size. This increase generates the requirement of 1,101 parking spaces and 20 handicapped accessible spaces. As a condition of approval, the parking calculations will need to be revised to meet requirements stated in the city's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning and ADA requirements for this use. The landscaping of the site will meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated and satisfy a comprehensive plan request that the property be designed with perimeter buffer requirements similar to that required for a Planned Commercial Development. However, additional landscaping requirements are being recommended to enhance the large open areas within the parking lot, and to properly screen the overhead bay doors that would face Knuth Road and Winchester Park Boulevard (in connection with the concurrent request for a Community Design Plan Appeal.) Building and site regulations will fully meet code requirements when staff comments are incorporated into the permit drawings. The proposed building facade, as viewed from Old Boynton Road, has been through a series of architectural changes since the first plans had been submitted. To further promote design consistency as if the entire site were being designed simultaneously as a PCD, staff is requiring that design guidelines be submitted that will require future development of outparcels maintain consistency with the approved Wal-Mart design or adjacent Boynton Commons. Design elements have been incorporated to increase compatibility with the architectural fa9ade qualities of Boynton Commons. The guidelines shall be recorded in the sale transactions to ensure that subsequent owners of outparcels are aware of said design standards. The architectural requirements set forth in the city's Community Design Regulations will be met when all staff comments are incorporated. The new structure will receive stucco surface treatments in the colors of beige and white lettered wall signs. The proposed building is distinctive and with 3 Page 4 Site Plan Review Staff Report Memorandum 99-003 Wal-Mart Supercenter (Store # 2789-00) incorporation of staff comments would generally complement the surrounding development. Signage: A proposed signage detail for Wal-Mart was submitted as part of this site plan review. The submitted sign plan incorporates a series of wall signs and one freestanding two-sided entry monument sign designed with dimensions of 10 feet high, 29 feet wide, and 102 square feet per side. The current monument sign design exceeds the maximum allowable area of 64 square feet for commercial zoning districts. The sign plan did not provide for any future out parcel site signs. With respect to wall signage, the plan indicates the location of proposed amenity signs to be placed on the building facades. A wall sign program was submitted as part of this review and meets all sign square footage and Community Design Plan requirements. As a condition of approval, the applicant shall submit a sign program to also maintain compatibility of future out parcel site signage with the approved Wal-Mart sign and selected existing signage.The monurnent sign shall be redesigned to meet the maximum allowed of 64 square feet. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Division recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit "D" - Conditions of Approval. The Technical Review Committee (TRC) recommends that the deficiencies identified in this exhibit be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. xc: Central File J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREDI'NP\PROJECTS\Wal-Mar1\NWSP\Site plan staff report Wal-Martdoc ~ ()(~ !,.nA-.. t '?=.r c-'~-,rs f-Ct7r ?J,',-,ch,,"s~<"" BlvcG2. S! J l'l, r YOjYvn<<- ~ J<I;,M(n<g- 'D"",s'J~'- ,J<I;~lifl-5 C~(<:rl""'c!) de.v~h'vrts. 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( ) vd--.J2T:... f><~ C:(,6f;, t,;<. ,;) ~ Go ,/, () ({... fa<:.. tJ (< a. DEARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM NO. 99- 153 Staff Report For Planning and Development Board and City Commission TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board THRU: Michael W, Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Jose R. Alfaro Planning Technician DATE: June 7,1999 SUBJECT; Wal-Mart Supercenter - CDPA 99-001 (overhead doors) NATURE OF REQUEST Todd J. Howder of Kimley - Horn and Associates, Inc., agent for Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc., owner of the property located between Old Boynton Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard, and between Knuth Road and Winchester Boulevard, (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map), is requesting approval of a Community Design Plan appeal to allow overhead doors, located on the elevations of the proposed commercial building, that face Knuth Road and Winchester Park Boulevard, (see Exhibit "B" - Proposed Elevations). BACKGROUND The proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter will be a building totaling more than 220,000 square feet and will contain a large variety of commercial activity. To continue its operational efficiency requirements, and to move such large quantities of merchandise, the applicant states that it is necessary to have the overheads doors on the east and west facades. Knuth Road and Winchester Boulevard are listed in Section 11.J of Chapter 9 - Community Design Plan of the City's Land Development regulations, with those other roads along which building elevations fronting these streets shall not display overhead doors. Due to the high degree of visibility, these roads are within areas which the City desires closer architectural scrutiny and higher standards. Page 2 Memorandum No. 99-153 WalMart-overhead doors ZNCV 99-001 ANALYSIS In order to comply with these requirements, all docking bays would have to be relocated to the rear of the building. This relocation cannot occur without reducing the size of the parking area, and undergoing a complete interior redesign moving the entire building northward. In addition, the multi-functional commercial complex design is dictated by operational requirements to meet the efficiency standards for this type of business. This limits the design flexibility, as it relates to reconfiguration of design schemes. In order to minimize visibility, of overhead doors, Wal-Mart proposes to appeal this requirement, and proposes to construct six-foot high masonry stucco walls along Winchester Park Boulevard and east of the wet detention pond along Knuth Road (see Exhibit "C" - Proposed site plan and screening walls). The screen walls will be designed similar to the wall behind the Sports Authority to maximize consistency and minimize aesthetic impact. The project will include a wall extending eastward from the building along the south side of the eastern loading area. To further screen potential views to the overhead doors, staff recommends that the proposed wall along Winchester Park Boulevard be extended westward to the corner of the building extended southward, dense landscaping additions be placed along both sides of the southeast driveway, and additional canopy trees be placed along the southeast wall to reduce the proposed spacing width. It is noteworthy that the overhead doors are over 380 feet from the westernmost right-of-way of Winchester Park Boulevard, and 560 feet from the easternmost right-of-way of Knuth Road. Distance, along with proper screening including walls and landscaping will minimize the degree of visibility. (see Exhibit "0" - Landscape Plan). RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed overhead doors should receive adequate screening from the combination of wall and landscaping treatments proposed by the applicant and recommended by staff. Therefore, staff recommends approval of this request, subject to the conditions of approval included in Exhibit "E". The conditions of approval are also included as conditions of site plan approval which is being requested concurrently with this request. xc: Central File S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\ZNCV WALMARTISTAFF REPORT,doc EPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-055 TO: TRC MEMBERS Bob Borden, Assistant Fire Marshal Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Sgt. Eric Jensen, Police Department Pete Mazzella, Utilities Department Michael Haag, Building Division Ken Hall, Engineering Division AI Kim, Public Works Department John Wildner, Parks Division Ray Davidson, Acting City Engineer Bob Donovan, Permit Application Group ,k/I'./rc~ Michael W. Rumpf Acting Planning and Zoning Manager FROM: DATE: February 26, 1999 RE: SITE PLAN REVIEW PROCEDURES 1 $T Review - New Site Plan Project - Walmart Location - NE Corner of Winchester Park Blvd. and Boynton Beach Bvld. Agent Kevin M. Robertson, Kimley-Horn Associates File No. NWSP 99-003 Find attached for your review the plans and exhibits for the above-referenced project. Please review the plans and exhibits and transmit formal written comments to me no later than 5:00 P.M. on March 12, 1999. When preparing your comments, please separate them into two categories; code deficiencies with code sections referenced and recommendations that you believe will enhance the project. Adhering to the following review guidelines will promote a comprehensive review and enable the applicant to efficiently obtain Technical Review Committee approval: 1. Use the review standards specified in Part IV, Land Development Regulations, Site Plan Review and the applicable code sections of the Code of Ordinances to review and formulate comments. 2. The documents submitted for the project were determined to be substantially complete with the exception of traffic data, however, if the data provided to meet the submittal requirements is insufficient to properly evaluate and process the project based on the review standards or the documents show code deficiencies, additional data and/or corrections should be requested by the reviewer by contacting Scott Barber. 3. Each comment shall reference the section of the code that is incorrectly depicted on the documents. Is S vc. U",; fy .f -r:~;; ? J- s r ~ 1..-'0 ( rn~7' ('c~z~_[.? 7]:n&";cS'~ (...~,"~(.<fy5 11<-""" ()? . .-f. . ;:l\.~~<f 5- wy.> {,.~~ -pl,~-€ , find RE{1fE~COMMENTS 3,..d, ? Cc:.-(\c (-~--( <::...- 0>--f'L.5 6=-Cc 't'"_5S cC.(~I..t""""{-J" Project name: WAL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' 2nd Review New Site Plan File #NWSP 99 003 {V?<u (-"..y n, ~/I;fT KCl..V, CL.\AJ .')~ {/!--,Jl .. - DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comment5fNone j UTILITIES Comments: 0 All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. / Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 1/ This offic.e will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. V A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-1 S) FIRE Comments: ~. C} Fire Ilydrallts sllall be He mere thall three ll,ulElred K.~t (JeW) al'lart ami Ihe' ~emete,t part of a,IJ Jtmettlle Jhall net be mere d.lill 1\,8 Ilu",lrea f.et (2ee') ftom a hJd.aut, LDR 6-16. The Fire Department connection will be on the exterior at a site approved by the-authority having;uflsdiction: BBCC 9-23. / Hard roads and hydrants will be in service prior to above grad construction; NFP A I. All fire protection will be submitted on separate plans and designed ,by a fire protection engineer. / It appears that modifications have been made to the 2nd review site plan that was not addressed by the Fire Department in the I st review. POLICE Comments: None Page 2 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: ~ All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. y{ Provide up to date boundary and topographic survey plans that are signed and sealed and show all existing features. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.A. and Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.2.] ~ Applicant shall apply for excavation and fill permit in accordance with Chapter 8 of the City's Land Development Regulations. S;j,vl) r-&hc f..y'(' fr~< 6-)f<'"",,~-r fr/Yn ~ a~-q II. Provide a Batisi'nrtnry tr>:lf"f:ie im~aet aHal)3i3. [l.PR C'RR)3ter 2J, AI'ti<;l~ I, rSelaiull 5.13.11.] /,' The fire lane signage and marking shall conform to LDR Chapter 23, Article c) II.B. & II. M. The 3-foot "Fire Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered. Correct detail. p( Add a General Note to detail sheet that all striping, markings, and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing B-98001. Revise details as necessary . ;l The handicap parallel spaces shall be 25' long per City Standard Drawing B- 90013 and all other parking spaces shall also comply with the same Standard Drawing. li SpecifY a fine amount of $250.00 on the handicap penalty signs. ~ Show all traffic control devices on Paving, Grading & Drainage Plan for inspection purposes. (j) At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thm the driveway and specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.] Jl Revise plans to reflect all comments. [LDR Chapter I, Article VIII, Section I.H.] ~ Specify clear sight triangles at all driveways and adjust landscape plan if needed. [LDR Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.] ~: Permits must be obtained for work within R.O.W. [LDR Chapter 22, Article !leJ: l'l'cJ'.Q.,,- JC':~\~<~ .-t'tv+' -Me- c~~"-",-c:<:_",,,.~..I,- ",f ~<- Page 3 L,-,-(.k~~c~ 12,,-.(/ C.-k.Q ~r<' ,-Sc,~.",- j"S(vu ~', M(>(~,,_~ FileName Wal-MartSupercenter&5 yel~"e..0. '''' *~r+.. ~ky d,1;~ CQv>o-....~~cd:; rrc--.- i, FileNo.: NWSP 99-003 i:!>>'oIc","ce cJ L<"-<+(.fl'~fe of GCCV)'l'"_n<c,. II, Section 7.A.] ~ Provide details for parking lot and driveway sections. [LOR Chapter 6, Article IV, Section IO.F. and Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.BA.] ~. Provide details for drainage structures, grates, exfiltration trench, etc. [LOR Chapter 6, Article V, Section 4.B.2.e.] ~ Provide details to verify that concrete curb will conform to City Standards. [LOR Chapter 23, Article II.E.] @ Verify with Palm Beach County that additional right-of-way will not be required for Knuth Road. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 25. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance to the tire and lube area. Add text to the label that indicates all accessible routes are in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 26. IdentifY on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the base elevation of the B flood zone. Ifthe flood zone does not have a base elevation, indicate that on the plan. Add notes and specifications to the site data that prove the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards of the following: a) Minimum elevation required by the flood zone. b) Minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. c) Show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting right(s)-of-way. 27. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verify that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Indicate on the drawings of the wall signage whether the signs are illuminated and specify type of illumination. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. Page 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 28. The width of the Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawing does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. (Survey 25' and 25' - site plan 25' and 35') 29. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all tots and parcels as one lot. 30. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is localed within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. 31. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: @ Existing Tree Schedule The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. I will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. lY The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.g. Oak) B Lake Planting Plan .34. The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. ;3?) An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. '-/ ~ ~ t/'/ The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit a Lake Management plan. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 37. On the site plan, label the following items: Page 5 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 - Loading areas -Height of fence at north east of building -Fire Hydrants -Proposed wall sign locations -Min 100' stacking at north entrance without curbcuts to outparcels Ch.23 Art.II Par.H.5 -2 y,' buffer strip inside of L WOO easement at south of property -RIW width for Knuth Road 38. Provide a detail drawing the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: -All monument & wall signs. Incorporate architectural elements and finishes into all sign construction (ChA Sec.7 Par.B) - Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.IO Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-900 12) a. The shortest side of all angled parking spaces shall be dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013 b. Parking dimensions for handicapped parallel spaces shall be dimensioned at 12' x 25'. City Drawing #B-90013 c. Show required wheel stops in parking detail drawings 39. Provide the following information in the site plan tabular data: (ChA Sec.7 PaLE) -Required and preposed loading spaces 40. The traffic analysis, dated Feb. 1999, refers to both Winchester Park Blvd. entrances as full access driveways. The site plan notes that the southern entry drive is for delivery trucks only. Staff recommends the removal ofthe "trucks only" notation, and submittal of a variance request to allow more that one entrance drive from the Winchester Park Boulevard Right of Way. (Ch.23 Art.II Sec.H. 7) ./ Provide signed and sealed survey sheets (ChA Sec.7 Par.A) '/ 42. J~\"" 4D (t-- D 44. ,/ 46. Provide the required plant material screening adjacent the following items: -All dumpster, trash compactor or other storage area screen walls (Ch.7.5 Art.II ParJ. & Ch.9 Sec. 10 Par.C.2) 5h-<>-' /""Q~' /y;'tl< < '-, J:' Q.." ~n the landscape plan, ilEItI the~ landscape buffer at the south pro~ _ \: J- Ime. (Ch.7.5 Art.II. Sec.5 PaLO & m ,- f).......t, ., .L~ '-, ,"''';''z to ''''''~- ",,,c~f" ,-,~,,~,-<r-~'5 ~pi?~_f- Kfi, 0' f.-."Jl-"! 'l'\P.--- Provide the appropriate plantings required in parking area landscape islands "t , (Ch.7.5 Art. II Sec.5 Par. G) Provide an architectural floor plan. (ChA Sec.7 Par.D.l) Provide the following information on the architectural elevation plan: (ChA Sec.7 Par. D) -Typical building dimensions including overall height, windows, trim, etc. - Tabular data which describes all materials, finishes, and colors \SV ~ (& J .- L ~L'j ,{. @ Page 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 Submit a colored elevation drawing of all elevations labeling all building materials and colors (ChA Sec.7 Par.D.2) \f:! . v L f c Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign pro~am for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility _ .J e?t.><e-e'V\ Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to t e Wal-Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and interconnection between the principle use and perimeter uses. Archite.ctural design g~i~e.lines shall be r~qu.ire~ for site p~}:.r.pro~aJ}.9. ""'- ensure Internal compatIbIlIty and compatlb"l~~"tr.il' {,(jacentaoyntoif Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous scor,t'-line with diamond shal'eimarkings and other decorative details, f8frLaft~t... decorative columns, tiles.. '-L-~ s Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face Winchester Boulevard. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.J.I. An appeal may be submitted to obtain approval for the existing location the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. Replace the buildings west side equipment screening to be a wall rather than a fence. 53. On the exterior elevations sheet, revise the sign schedule to include calculations which total the wall sign square footages as they relate to the maximum allowable sign area for each wall. (0 The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a major site plan modification, ::tRd <'lIhlT'tiff~' .....-f <;1 rnaotsf ~ILLu ~uo..l"d;u5.... JigR I3fsgrafR as "'@ll a!;: :u~bitB8wfal a8&igR gn;rlpl;n~i' f'nr thQ 'lRtin~ Be. dopu""uL 55. On the exterior elevations sheet, provide the overall height of the roof line including the parapet, and include a note that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at 600'. Ch.9 Sec.l! PaLE ,/ Label the required 10 foot wide perimeter greenbelt where the project abuts JiiiiI the Knuth Road Right-of-Way. (jj) If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same. \\CHIMAIN\SHROA TA\Planning\SHAREO\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc qt- r::.(S- o...nJL n-~M~ d.. "71'-. <1C::C"..s a:..~ EXHIBIT "D" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' Final New Site Plan Planning and Zoning date stamoed 6-1-99 File # NWSP 99 003 - DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: I. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: 2. The Fire Department connection will be on the exterior at a site approved by the authority having jurisdiction; BBCC 9-23. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION . Comments: :(' All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code i"-- requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not I limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as - - FDOT, PEC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. . ~ The fire lane signage and marking shall conform to LDR Chapter 23, Article II.R & II. M. The 3-foot "Fire Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered,. Correct detail. (5J At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new Page 2 of 7 Fil" Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LOR chapter 23, Article II.P.] ~ / VerifY with Palm Beach County that additional right-of-way will not be required for Knuth Road. BUILDING DiVISION Comments: 7. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verity that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 8. Verity that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specity that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. IdentifY within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 9. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 10. Add, to the submittai, detaiied dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 11. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being - subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the . applicable city regulations. 12. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None Page 3 of 7 Fit.;; Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS iNCLUDE REJECT FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 13. Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verifY that the large quantity oftrees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 14. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 44, 94, 97, 9S, 99, 103, 104, 105, 106, 10S & Il2 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) 15. Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. 16. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. 17. The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit an acceptable Lake Management plan. PLANNiNG AND ZONiNG Comments: IS. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.IO Par.C.3 ) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at IS'. City Drawing #B-90013 a. ParldRg elimeRsieRs :fef RaRSiea13J:1eel paFallel spaees shall Be airaeRsiBRse at 12' J( 2)". Ci~' DFWXiRg #8 99Q13 b. Shew re~Hirea WHeel St13fH3 ia 13arl:iRg detail 8FW.':iRgS - , 19. Provide signed and sealed survey sheets for revised survey (ChA Sec.7 Par.A) 29. OR tHe laR8seaJ38 plaR, SRS'A' the 1 9 feet ~?:iee laaQseal3e Indfer at taB seutk fuef38Ft.y liRe 81:eel3t ',dlere eaSeFR8Rts I3rs-:eRt tHe 1 Q' '.Yidth. (CI:t.7.3' .~_Ft.II. ~ee.3 Par.D 1! E) C'~ "0 _ L- ~ "'/< ck./ ~~ ~ CI_ ~ ,7-J~ cc:q ~ ~ ~.,.~ "'>:n <:> C- ? -"'" 6:. "- -<(7, , ;; EXHIBIT "D" CONDITIONS OF AFFROV AL (REVISED) Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' Final New Site Plan Planning and Zoning date stamoed 6 1 99 File # NWSP 99 003 of - - . - DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LOR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 5. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thm the driveway and specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LOR chapter 23, Article II.P.] BUILDING DIVISION Comments: \~ / Add to the site olan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verify that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Page 2 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 .~ r\ D DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT /' Verify that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. IdentifY within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. Ij) At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. r ~dd, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. G At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. f!) Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 13. Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 14. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, IS, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) .\ (" o Page 3 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT IS. Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. 16. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. 17. The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit an acceptable Lake Management plan. PLANNiNG AND ZONiNG Comments: 18. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec. I 0 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013 a. ParbRg EliHl8asisRs fer RaRaisGfl3ea f)afallel sflases shall B8 flimeRsieRea at 12' it 25'. Cit:)' DFll\~:iRg f.:B 99913 b. Show ref}1:lirea wheel steps iR flarkiag aetail anw:iRgs 19. Provide signed and sealed survey sheets for revised survey (ChA Sec.7 Par.A) 211. OR the laR8sea138 131aR, 5R8~.Y the 1 Q foot v:iEle hmaSeafJ8 BHff-er at tRe S8Htl1 flrGf1eF~Y liRe EHlSBpt V'Rere easemsats preyeR! tAB 1 Q' ~.Yi8tR. (Ch.? .5 ~A.Ft.II. See.) Par.D & ~) 22. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility between existing and future site signage on out parcels. 23. IRgress.'egress shall 88 e0enliHatee 1:l5iRg flF8}30Sea fJriasiple elri':eways 18 the '.val ~4aft Hse (sJi":sept fer 1?,~:e elK IUlfsels 8A R8~'Rt8R RaaeR R8Hle\'&nl) aHa iAters8RR8eti8R setweeR tHe flriRsiple \:lEIS ana J3eriHleter lises. 24. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. 1 1 Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends _a continuous score- line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. Page 4 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 25. Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face selected roadways. Ch.9 Sec.11 Par.J.1. An appeal must be BIlBlflitt8a RBII obtained for approval to locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. 26. On the exterior elevations sheet, revise the sign schedule to include calculations which total the wall sign square footages as they relate to the maximum allowable sign area for each wall. 27. The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. 28. On the exterior elevations sheet, provide the overall height of the roof line including the parapet, and include a note that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at 600'. Ch.9 Sec.1! PaLE 29. If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, (and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same, and the road shall be for egress purposes only. 30. Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at the adjacent shopping center to the east and painted to match the principle color ofWal-Mart (add notes on site plan to document same). JI. Ryffer wall eR east siae shall Be 8n-teHsea ~sesBsar8 alsRg thB aorth side sf tll8 L.'.l.'.D.D. eaS8meat t8 the s0Htheast GarRer Grtne lnli18iRg 81:teRsea S8l:ltH:xaF8 if} e8RR8stioR v:ith the GORGl-UreR! appeal rel:lHest. J1. Either 8)'(.f:eRB a buffer v:all (i.e. a feet high eeseFati\'e) asFtRv:ant a~~r81'dmat01y 4Q feet from tHe Rertaeast BElFaST srtae T.L.R. 18 sleek ~.'ie'Ys iete this "shiels FRaiateRaase area, af I3rsT:ia8 a aeesratiT:e BHffer 1~:all aleRg tRe S8l:1tRerR IS l3ar1:iHg spRees leGated aajaG0Rt to the T.L.E. aRa a yegetativ8 serBeR t8 iash:uJe eRAef), t.rees a10Rg the T.Yall. JJ. Te I3FSfJerly sereeR rear lsasiRg an~as, eHRaAse rear laAsseaJ3B 81:lffer asjaseRt ts B1:li1siAg ts iRsl1:lse HlSfB seAse tree spaeiag aAs tAB assitisR sf eans13)' trees eSRsisteRt 'sith eaSBHlBRt rBstrietielRs. 34. Enhance size of existing roof trim or continue E.I.F.S. cornice shown above main entrances along entire building to enhance this large building and maximize compatibility with adjacent shopping center to east. 35. Limit blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances and areas enhanced with the E.I.F.S. surface in order to minimize incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses Page 5 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT should match. Wall sign background should be enhanced with E.1.F.S. surface, score lines and diamond details, and similar building color. 36. Provide color and material samples for the project. 37. Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for traffic concurrency approval. 38. ~ite sign 8?c.e808s mR1LimHHl e 1 SEI"are feet a1l8~.Ye8 [-Elf single Hses. R.dll.. Resertlingl)'. 39. Show cross access connecting to approved future drive for Steak 'n Shake (southeast corner) from portion of proposed plan shown at the northeast corner. 40. Repeat tree and plant labels on all sides of project to clarifY landscape plan. Particularly along south buffer to clarify location of viburnum versus sergrape. 41. TEl ~rEl~;iele SGfeeRiRg efthe 8verheaa bay 888FS that fase east, 13F8\'iae lam;Jsea13iRg aleBg fli8 ReFili aRa saHiB siela eEtRe S8l:lt.Reast emraRse. Lan6SsafJiRg SRs1::IIEl inshule kedge, ornRFRBRtals ana sane13Y trees. Graelel ReFtR sh;Je laRaseafJing as a8ssrieea herein aRa n~fJla6e sema siEla lanase~iRg ~^,it.B relesates 13eriFReter Buffer wall aHa ~m-teREl 18 S8HtRf.3RSt SBmer sf InlilEliRg tim.taBEllae s8l:lth. 42. Add additional canopy trees to east side buffer, south of southeast entrance to decrease spacing to 20 feet and increase the visual buffer. This is required to properly screen overhead doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. 43. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DR! qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. 44. E1c.-teR8 .NesteFB Bl:lffef T.T,'all s8Hta 18 laR8ssR138 BHffer aRa eastT.\'RFa ts\\'ani s8HtW?:est GSrRer efs1:lildiRg 8n.hmElea S81:lt-h. This is re€ll:1iFea te fJrof3erly SElf-eeR overhead Bay aeers frem "iew iR eeRReetieR v,'ita e8RSHrrBRt aFfJeal re€lHest. 45. Ada eaTIefJ), trees alsRg aflJ3rsu.imatlaly 199 feet sf the '.l.'est BHffer v:all (west siae) immeaiately 81313ssite west side eyer-heaa BR?' aeers. This is re€lHirea to J3rsJ3erly sereeR aesrs freFR \'ie~x iR ElsRReetiea ~.':itR eSRe1::lFfeRt aJ3J3eal FeE)\iest. }Jse rea1::lEle J3erimeter Buffer tree sJ:1aeiRg ta 29 feet ror &J:1f3rsJdmately 109 feet '~'est sftae v.'est sise e~:eFReaa Bay aeers. 46. Repeat column features along south ( rear) fayade. Page 6 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 17. It is reSefRlBBRSea that a miRifRHIR sf 11 aaaitisRallaaaseapea islands ~.~:ith tn~e& he aaaea t8 t.R8 FRFldHg area, staggereEl Tithia areas eaFreatly T:eiEl sf SaBlS, t8 aaEllegieal 8RRaneem8Rts t9 this large 8J38R 13aFldag let. Staffw81::11a reeelRmeaa that a ~:ariaRee be graRtee 18 rec.=h~se fJaFkiag sl3aees iR aH.saRAga fer iRsreasea iRteFflal greeRs}3aee. 48. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fa9ade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchandise (except that displayed as part of the garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. 19. Sa8T}. a feet sia8v:alk aleag HeRR 8RtraRee similar 19 east BRtraRSe. 5Q. Update fJarkiRg ealsHlatioR 18 lHatsR [sT:issa SttHaF8 restage fef fJrejeet. 51. The proposed size and architectural form ofthe projectis inconsistent with established architecture within the area, and offers opportunity for positive enhancement. To maximize compatibility, the roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) between columns and particularly at the two entrances, wall sign, and recommended additional areas enhanced with E.LF.S. The additional areas proposed to be enhanced with the E.LF.S. including score lines, diamond features and raised roof feature are on east fa9ade where portions of the building extend out, and add (two) 2 additional locations on west fa9ade between first two columns and, with the addition of a properly spaced column near the southern most column, add same enhancements. The front fa9ade roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) approximately one (I) to two (2) feet at a minimum offour (4) locations; repeat on both side elevations. Similar to the diversity in shapes over entrances at Boynton Commons' anchor stores, similar diversity in architectural shapes (arched, rectangular, triangular, etc.) should be used at these recommended enhanced areas. The effect gained is the appearance of multiple different uses rather than a large single building/use. 52. DH8 t9 tRB size aRa 8}38RRess sf t.e.e J:1afl:iRg area, aRa lael( af fulllaRElse~e islanEls, staff resefHffi8Rss that wReel st813s 88 I3f8viaea se that H8 mere fRaR 2 assess aisles may 8e tF8?:ersea with9ttt iRteFFH~ti0R. 53. Front of building shall be enhanced with placement of street trees/grates in the sidewalk beneath the main wall sign, between the two entrances and on the far sides of the entrances. 54. Eliminate hedge proposed along boundary shared with Steak-n-Shake and off-set tree. Plantings with those trees on Steak-n-Shake site. ;/ Add sidewalk along north side of southeast entrance ending at row of parking spaces adjacent to T.L.E. - Page 7 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS Add focal points within islands at north and north east entrances snch as fonntains, decorative monument structures, or equivaleut. Show turning arrows at north eutrance and limit egress traffic to right- turn only to avoid hazardous traffic circulation at this intersection with 5 lane (open) on Old Boynton Road. Driveways into future parcels shall include sidewalks (add several notes on site plan to document and require same). Landscape specie labels are not legible. Also add additional call outs to property label and differentiate all south perimeter plantings. Dose total square footage and parking calculation include garden center? / Significantly enhance landscaping and decorative features at 2 principle entrances. F;"(/.- Provide tree spacing dimensions. Enhance large entrance island (northwest entrance) and two islands at north entrance with decorative focal feature or additional landscaping, rocks etc. Omit "pylon" in note number #1 on site plan. Correct direction/arrows for parking aisles to accurately reflect direction based on parking space orientation. To allow for future design flexibility, show more access drives to future parcels from greater parking area. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 55. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 56. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\cond of approval PO 622 99.doc INCLUDE REJECT 7.8.1 SITE PLANS NEW SITE PLAN WAL*MART SUPERCENTER [1:999 ON XlI/XL] 66/60/Z0 EXHIE:-:- A L\: : <'1 '0 ~ " " " u u ~ ~ ii1 ii1 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ '? '-,l "' M '" '" u ,:, u '-' u u I , I I '" '" '" Q.. " 0 ~ '" ~ .s ~ '" C- o .'L .., " '" '" .S C Vi - :.:J :a I!' ... :E '" .. c '" .. 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H!Hi j L L!1 11 L h i1!in 11 !i! it! ~~:* :'0' EXHIBIT "D" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' Final New Site Plan Planninl! and Zoninl! date stamoed 6 I 99 File # NWSP 99 003 - - . - I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE [ REJECT I PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: 2. The Fire Department connection will be on the exterior at a site approved by the authority having jurisdiction; BBCC 9-23. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 4. The fire lane signage and marking shall conform to LDR Chapter 23, Article II.B. & II. M. The 3-foot "Fire Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered. Correct detail. 5. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thm the driveway and specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new \0 Page 2 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.] 6. Verify with Palm Beach County that additional right-of-way will not be required for Knuth Road. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 7. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 8. VerifY that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown ofthe road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. Identify within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 9. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 10. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. II. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off OUlparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 12. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None \\ Page 3 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 13. Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verifY that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 14. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, IS, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, lOS, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) IS. Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. 16. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. 17. The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit an acceptable Lake Management plan. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 18. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: -Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec. I 0 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012) a. The shortest side of all angled parking spaces shall be dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013 b. Parking dimensions for handicapped parallel spaces shall be dimensioned at 12' x 25' . City Drawing #B-900 13 c. Show required wheel stops in parking detail drawings 19. Provide signed and sealed survey sheets for revised survey (ChA Sec.7 Par.A) 20. On the landscape plan, show the 10 foot wide landscape buffer at the south property line except where easements prevent the 10' width. (Ch.7.5 Art.II. Sec.5 Par.D & E) \L. Page 4 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 22. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility between existing and future site signage on out parcels. 23. Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to the Wal- Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and interconnection between the principle use and perimeter uses. 24. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- line with diamond shaped markings and otber decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. 25. Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face selected roadways. Ch.9 Sec. I I Pad. I. An appeal may be submitted to obtain approval to locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. 26. On the exterior elevations sheet, revise the sign schedule to include calculations which total the wall sign square footages as they relate to the maximum allowable sign area for each wall. 27. The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. 28. On the exterior elevations sheet, provide the overall height of the roofline including the parapet, and include a note that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at 600'. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.E 29. If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same. 30. Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at the adjacent shopping center to the east and painted to match the principle color ofWal-Mart. 31. Buffer wall on east side shall be extended westward along the north side of the L.W.D.D. easement to the southeast corner ofthe building extended southward in connection with the concurrent appeal request. 32. Either extend a buffer wall (i.e. 6 foot high decorative) northward approximately 40 feet from the northeast corner of the T.L.E. to block views into this vehicle maintenance area, or provide a decorative buffer wall along \3 Page 5 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT the southern IS parking spaces located adjacent to the T.L.E. and a vegetative screen to include canopy trees along the wall. 33. To properly screen rear loading areas, enhance rear landscape buffer adjacent to building to include more dense tree spacing and the addition of canopy trees consistent with easement restrictions. 34. Enhance size of existing roof trim or continue E.I.F.S. cornice shown above main entrances along entire building to enhance this large building and maximize compatibility with adjacent shopping center to east. 35. Limit blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances and areas enhanced with the E.I.F.S. surface in order to minimize incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match. Wall sign background should be enhanced with E.I.F.S. surface, score lines and diamond details, and similar building color. 36. Provide color and material samples for the project. 37. Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for traffic concurrency approval. 38. Site sign exceeds maximum 64 square feet allowed for single uses. Reduce accordingly. 39. Show cross access connecting to approved future drive for Steak 'n Shake (southeast corner) from portion of proposed plan shown at the northeast corner. 40. Repeat tree and plant labels on all sides of project to clarify landscape plan. 41. To provide screening of the overhead bay doors that face east, provide landscaping along the north and south side of the southeast entrance. Landscaping should include hedge, ornamentals and canopy trees. Or add north side landscaping as described herein and replace south side landscaping with relocated perimeter buffer wall and extend to southeast corner of building extended south. 42. Add additional canopy trees to east side buffer, south of southeast entrance to decrease spacing to 20 feet and increase the visual buffer. This is required to properly screen overhead doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. 43. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DRI qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA that DRI thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. \l\- Page 6 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 44. Extend western buffer wall south to landscape buffer and eastward toward southwest corner of building extended south. This is required to properly screen overhead bay doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. 45. Add canopy trees along approximately 100 feet of the West buffer wall (west side) immediately opposite west side overhead bay doors. This is required to properly screen doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. Also reduce perimeter buffer tree spacing to 20 feet for approximately 100 feet west of the west side overhead bay doors. 46. Repeat column features along south ( rear) fa9ade. 47. It is recommended that a minimum of II additional landscaped islands with trees be added to the parking area, staggered within areas currently void of same, to add logical enhancements to this large open parking lot. Staff would recommend that a variance be granted to reduce parking spaces in exchange for increased internal greenspace. 48. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fa9ade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchandise to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. 49. Show 6 foot sidewalk along north entrance similar to east entrance. 50. Update parking calculation to match revised square footage for project. 51. The proposed size and architectural form of the project is inconsistent with established architecture within the area, and offers opportunity for positive enhancement. To maximize compatibility, the roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) between columns and particularly at the two entrances, wall sign, and recommended additional areas enhanced with E.LF.S. The additional areas proposed to be enhanced with the E.I.F.S. including score lines, diamond features and raised roof feature are on east fa9ade where portions ofthe building extend out, and add (two) 2 additional locations on west fa9ade between first two columns and, with the addition of a properly spaced column near the southern most column, add same enhancements. The front fa9ade roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) approximately one (I) to two (2) feet at a minimum offour (4) locations; repeat on both side elevations. Similar to the diversity in shapes over entrances at Boynton Commons' anchor stores, similar diversity in architectural shapes (arched, rectangular, triangular, etc.) should be used at these recommended enhanced areas. The effect gained is the appearance of multiple different uses rather than a large single building/use. 52. Due to the size and openness of the parking area, and lack offulllandscape \5 Page 7 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT islands, staff recommends that wheel stops be provided so that no more than 2 access aisles may be traversed without interruption. 53. Front of building shall be enhanced with placement of street trees/grates in the sidewalk beneath the main wall sign, between the two entrances and on the far sides ofthe entrances. 54. Eliminate hedge proposed along boundary shared with Steak-n-Shake and off-set tree. Plantings with those trees on Steak-n-Shake site. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 55. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 56. To be determined. J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\cond of approval PO 622 99.doc \<0 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 99-121 TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director ~ Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administr~ i-. ~ . June 2, 1999 V FROM: DATE: RE: W AL-MART - NEW SITE PLAN (NWSP 99-003) 3RD REVIEW COMMENTS We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits. Buildin!! Division (Site SDecific and Permit Comments) 1. Add to the site Dlan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations ofthe Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 2. VerifY that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specifY that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. IdentifY within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 3. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 4. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. Building Division Memo No. 99-121 to Michael Rumpf Re: Wal-Mart - 3'd Review Comments Page Two 5. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity oftitle shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 6. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time ofpefmit review. MEH/ck C:\My Documents\Wa1~Mart Supercenter 3rd Review NWSP 99~003.doc !v& 4-0/1[(1/// l~') /7Il;- 1211" ~ j, /fill) f () CCir-,~ 6"'jc; ) ~- 1T1'-~ - ,,}<l\l7 O.........GV0 A-'~"D- 5 /,c,y f! '" 1<', C/\~<'rJ''? ~ J, /;1 (C"5IfC",'SC, . <//(.-< 7/;2<;?-1 r'oj./,Mt'h( r ~. W VO/</T 1C.^h~ EXHIBIT "D" ONDITIONS-Of ArPR.OV AL (~V(S~," /,-'CJI. :f. wtr,v,- Itf/()velf' ;(v:1) "in!! and Zonin!! date stamoed 6-1-99 File # NWSP 99-003 //"'" ]: ,)JrC)UL/? ")((,,_0<''' 71-t(',A- c~. A~j() /;-.iE-.IL ('!C COo-^/' , CM55f-J CJ(j /- ;tl--1t':'!--e.., ;111'1- , ..L .-'t., (7 iJl" INCLUDE REJECT f Ik~c..\\<:"n. , C~'~f' Cd",AjGf) {b nfC ~. /27 ,- D ; D Pi-v' I, I r ENi \ "'/ ~ (' Ti-K? 5 j)h~F' (2~f<':'''''''''''''' VJ..J..L.i.liJL0 Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LOR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: 2. The Fire Department connection will be on the exterior at a site approved by the authority having jurisdiction; BBCC 9-23. POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. All plans submitted for specific perm its shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WOO, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 4. The fire lane signage and marking shall conform to LOR Chapter 23, Article II.B. & II. M. The 3-foot "Fire Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered. Correct detail. 5. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and specifY that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new Page 2 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article lI.P.] 6. VerifY with Palm Beach County that additional right-of-way will not be required for Knuth Road. BUILDING DIVISION ents: Add to the site Dlan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations ofthe Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. VerifY that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specifY that the elevation of the finis\1 floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. IdentifY within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 9. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. II. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 12. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None INCLUDE REJECT .Page 3 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 13. Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 14. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15,24,44,94,97,98,99, 103, 104, lOS, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) 15. Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. 16. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. V The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit an acceptable Lake Management plan. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 18. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: )PiCal trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.IO PaLC.3) i' ypical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The ~~~ shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at 18'. City , Drawing #B-900 13 a. ParlciHg dimBasi8Rs fur RaIuiieafl13ea fJaFallel sfJaeBs shall Be ElimBasieRea at 12' it 2)'. Ci~' Dnp0'iRg #B 9gg13 b. S~18YX refll:lireEl ./:aeel st8fls in J3arl:iRg aetail ara:'.viHgs ~ Provide signed and sealed survey sheets for revised survey (ChA Sec.7 PaLA) 211. OR the laR8Sea13B plaR, SRWS the 1 Q feot Y.\'iae latuiseape Buffer at thB S8Ht.R I3r8I3e~' liRe em3B}3t 'I'Rere eaSBfR9ats J3fBVBRt the 1 Q' '?:iEkR. (ell.7.5 AFt.II. See.S PaLD &- E) f\ Q\;J - GPcY...;fc ( k-~'"'~, &~~ -f<, e_ (ev<~=+;c"" cC {<<, W""-r4 ? ()7"'-rc, I"Y\<..<"" S qc\ C<'Y.-r"'"~f ~u( '<.(I,'r< /h d;" <-co-ks SClr;,~ 0 ~ "'lJ t ~ Page 4 'of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 I ~r, 33 .!ii. n .3y-.C.' c, '" '( . (.." DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT / Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility between existing and future site signage on out parcels. 23. Iagress/egress shall Be SeOraiRatea llsing ~r8flase8 I3riRsiple 8riYe~.\'a)'s 18 the '-'Tal ~fart Hse (eu.sept wr p.~,'e 01::1t fJarsels 138 ~8YRteR ReaeR RSllley:anl) aRa iRtereSRReetieR setween the flriaeifJle 1:lse aRa fJeriRlster 1:lses. 24. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. ..~ Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face selected roadways. Ch.9 Sec. I 1 Pad. I. An appeal must be submitted and obtained for approval to ,---. locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. V- On the exterior elevations sheet, revise the sign schedu.le to include calculations which total the wall sign square footages as they relate to the maximum allowable sign area for each wall. (i7) The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. X' On the exterior elevations sheet, provide the overall height of the roof line including the parapet, and include a note that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at 600'. Ch.9 Sec.ll Par.E X If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, (and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same, and the road shall be for egress purposes ouly. \0 Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at the adjacent shopping center to the east and painted to match the principle color ofWal-Mart (add notes ou site plan to document same). 31. RHffer '.~:all OR east siEle shalll3e 8n-teHs8a 'sesB.vara al~lRg tRB BortH siElB Elf tHe L.\\'.D.D. eesemeR! 19 tRB s8utR0ast serBer of ills ImilEliHg e~(teRElea sOHtRv'ara in GeRfleetieH witH tRB eeasHrreRt aJ313ea1 reE}1:lest. 32. Either BlC.-teRa a Bl::lffer '''.'all (i.e. (3 feet high Eleesrath'e) RsFtRv:ara at3fJrsJdmately 10 feet from tRB RoFtRBast serBer eftRB T.L.e. te BlesI: .:ie-'Ns Page 5'of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS To f)rs\'iEl8 sSFesAiRg aflRs e~:erA8a8 Ba:,' Boers tRat fase east, pre':iEle laH8sea13iRg aloRg tHe HertR ana s8NtA siEle sftRe s8Htkeast BRtfaHSe. LaR8seapiRg sR8Hla iRshd8ra h88ge, 8FRameRtals ana eaRopy trees. Or aaa HORR sias laRBSSafJiRg as aeserilasa aereiR aHa repIaea EIGHtH siEle laH8ssBfliHg milA. releGates perilHeter lnlff-er wall aHa enteRs 10 s8Htasast sefFler ef l3l:iilEliRg 0l'LteRsea S8HtR. / . 42? Add additi nopy trees to east side buffer, SOU~h utheast entrance to decrease sp g to 20 feet and increase the visual bu . This is required to properly s n overhead doors from view in conn ion ith concurrent appeal quest. 35. ,0 ~} V u' /'. .K 11. ;; ('"'c -te INCLUDE REJECT iRte tRis ~:eHiele maiRteRaRse area, Sf J3F8':iae a aeesratiT/8 I3Hff:ef T.yall alsHg the sOHtaerR 15 raFtiNg spRees lssatea aEljasBRt to t-hB T.L.E. aRa a T:egetati.:e seraeR 18 iRslHae saH813)' trees alsRg tHe Tl:all. 33. Te flrsJ3erly serBeR rear leaEliRg areas, aRRanse rear hlREi5safJe Buffer aEijaeeRt t8 BHilEiiRg t8 iRSlua13 mere aeRse tree SfJaeiHg aRa tRe aaaitisR sf 68.HSfJj' trees e8RsisteRt ~NitR easeFReRt restrietisRs. Enhance size of existing roof trim or continue E.LF.S. cornice shown above main entrances along entire building to enhance this large building and maximize compatibility with adjacent shopping center to east. Limit blue stripe and blue COI~,n-l){(tbl' ""~~~ y~J:~trances and areas enhanced WIth the E~urface in orde1 m mmlmlze incompatibility with ~)"fttfln CVlIIlIluns Shoppmg . represents theeshed desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match; .'Nall gigs llaGkgf01Ind ,l,flul~ witR-E.lJ'.&, ~ ~lIrf~H"'.a, sev~'" 1:I,es <lnrl diaRlQJlG datails, ftfld similar I:JHiIGiag calor. O-{V'l ~-6- .,,(:y fa ~c:. ('CA'\.r.~'S r,A{ (vi p ',,/'c.s .kcCk..'-J 57Z-..(./;: 5 Provide color and material samples for the project. Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for traffic concurrency approval. Site sign exceeds maximum 64 square feet allowed for single uses. Reduce accordingly. Show cross access connecting to approved future drive for Steak 'n Shake (southeast corner) from portion of proposed plan shown at the northeast comer. Repeat tree and plant labels 6n all sides of project to clarify landscape plan. Particularly along south buffer to clarify location of viburnum versus sergrape. "'<-+..:..... f., '" <Ie <"",,\.,.~ C~f> A..--s ..$ ~ '~1.) L.,L. r. ,,(.f.iJ:..,^f'- . <>7 ,~, 0..", (hj,.., < "? "v\ l......,c~ ."-. I-J~ .." 0.-1........', ." ,( . ~~ IS: c".....":v ~~_~<..~."I:t:.-:-=-~~.~.r'~~ Co.! r~~.'.:...>5 ,.k"f,/,.~,P Page 6 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 3>> Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DRI qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DRI. 44. EKteHa ~NesteFR Baffer '~:all SElHtH 1a la-nc:lseap8 }:)Hffer aHa eastv:ara te'~:aFeI SBHtHV:Bst serRer efEHlilEliag EmtBFlaea sOHth. This is rBE(HireB ts preparl)' serBeR o~:erReac:l bay aDen:; fnJfH "ieT^, ia 88RReetisR v:ith 6eR6UFf8Rt appeal reElHest. 45. ~^..:Ela eaR8fJ), trees alsag aJ3J3n~mimately 109 feet eft-h8 ',1.'85t Baffer T,Yall tSElst siae) iHuHsEliately 8flfl8site Y.'Bst siae OT/SCHaaa ea~' seers. TRis is rSfluirsa t8 flF813erly seraeR seers freER vie\': LA 8eRR8stieR 'sith S8R€mrreRt appeal reE(~H:~st. .\Ise reBHse I3srimeter stiffer tree sflaeiag t9 29 feet fur a(3(3rsnimately 199 feet west sf the weot sise syerheas Bay seers. )( Repeat column features along south ( rear) fa9ade. " 47. It is rSSeffilTl8aaea tHat a fHiaiRU:lfR sf 11 aElElitieeallaR8seafl8a ishm8s ~NitR trees Be aaaea te th0 ~aFlr:iRg area, staggeFea 'l:it.:RiR areas sHFfeRtly i'sia sf same, te aee legisal eRRaRSefRBRts te tRis large 8~eR ~arlciRg let. ~taff w8Hle ,"semmeRs tRat a variaRse Be gr-aRtes ts ressse (3arl,iRg s(3as.s iR e"sRaRge fsr iRsreases iRtemal greeRs(3ase. cV To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fa9ade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchandise (except that displayed as part of the garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. 49. SRei~: 8 f8et siee'yall: aleRg ReFtR eRtraRse sim.ilar t9 east eRtraHfi0. 59. U(3sate (3arkiRg salsslatisn ts matsR revises sEIsare fsstage f-er projest. 51. . TRe propesed size on,1 "rchitect'lral form of the project is inr.M<;<t~llt v:ith :~:,::~:e:ur,: ,,:ilhin the are~, .,,"d uff.er3 epperttlnity for p9s.iti"e !:I:e max,m'7e rnmr"t,h,hty thp. TOofhlls sRottld-be-vaflea _ -{l:aised a"d lu"G,cd) Between eeltlmn3 ana particularly at the-two-~6S;' ,vall sign, and recQmmenssd additienal alGa; Ghhaneed 'l'ith P IF.' he additional areas proposed to be enhanced with the E.I.F.S. including score lines, diamond features and raised roof feature are on east fa9ade where portions of the building extend out, and add (two) 2 additional locations on west fa9ade between first two columns and, with the addition of a properly spaced column near the southern most column, add same enhancement,pThe front fapde roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) approximately one (I) to two (2) feet at a minimum offour (4) locations; repeat on both side elevations. Similar to the diversity in shapes over entrances at Boynton Commons' anchor stores, similar diversity in architectural shapes (arched, rectangular, triangular, etc.) should be used at these recommended enhanced areas. The effect gained is the appearance of multiple different uses rather 1-9Qa - Z-3 2. ~ / 7.3 Y 1~5. II TH6zs< Page '7 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 I I DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT than a large single building/use. 52. Due 18 the size aRa 8fJBARBSS sf the l3arkiRg aFaa, aRa lael:: sf fulllaR8sraa138 islaR8s, staff reeeRuHBR8S that ~.v~leel steJ3s Be fJfe.:iaea S8 that AO FREIre taRR 2 assess aisles FRa:r' Be tra-':ersea v:itJ.:1eut iHterrHfJtioR. 53. Front ef building-shan be enhaRc~d with 1'1ac@IR~Rt-ef gtr~et tr~~.lgr.t~s in. th0 3id""walk bCII~atlJ tll'-' Hl~ifi wall !3igR, hphw>pn th~;:'e 6fltra:.t"";:) aud 8n (''''T".~ ~ #r; ," r. .~ r, -r; )l>;~y . -t. ---"'="<.'>.c<:- ..f'l!!li' ~ ,?<""-<:<o::. . e,.--. ...:s- ~ ./ X Ii ~,cH~~~' r f{![;; .. .-' ~ IC~. 1....-....-r~.. ' ~. (yt r 0- . C; /-"'I<.'-('~oe. . Eliminate hedge proposed along boundary shared with Steak-n-Shake and C""" oFf!" --fr tC"c-- <> off-set tree. Plantings with those trees on Steak-n-Shake site. --,....... ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 55. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 56. To be determined. - SZ (e-,)' S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\cond of approval PD 622 99.doc ,51'''ces <>-5 ,_~ c.:'iC::!d 5("..-~ rc r!c<&Q.(). -fr ;"C(dC:: /k c-r>.f;rCj",-~cc-~f::v CA-fi ~. ,k {~, "^-~~ of I F= -t~.o /'t.~:ff S/re r} /-~ .~t?- ~.' "" (. n .)Cc..v~ C"'-.-+ ~(s ~ '<C ~., ~.Q lIe\,\ 1"7 oJ;:; (,.-h.c ~ Ic<f;l( ;1' d- f.- M ~5 f b~ G.Cc:~ 1"'-cc.c..-f-'_O 5 /,,, <-c. ('<<'< j 7 rc- r,.{'i tl;V S J' ..~s ~ (J / ---- s ('~ )) tl-'jjA- · /1/'1";J;J([of>I)"JftP fi4VI vCO ~ (Dpzn-. 1!Cj: ftJ/l"J L,'h'!, ( r .. fl'l-<'V,/lt; 7 LDIiVI '\..'fi ~ _~-3--,,",~[~ '/.tT." Sf ._-~ --~ .~~ { Vbf- /1'1 p-6v L /()(1t (?o{-,41'O '?) (~'.NifiD j,,.w ..sPH G 5> /"'" ~- ~ ~\' 11 (' -,- _ -~ ~ 1~,e,......,v1 S-- .' .- CG0 f rc -\- <; ('re ~--fit vs t: ~ .-L' ...........'~l f fal o}/ SI1C- ~c =-/(~ oV/ .q: fO~ Page 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 42. Provide color and material samples for the project. 43.- Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to improvements required by County. 44. Site sign exceeds maximum 64 square feet allowed for single uses. Reduce accordingly. 4~ Show cross access connecting to approved future drive for Steak and Shake (southeast corner) from portion of proposed plan shown at the northeast comer. 46~epeat tree and plant labels on all sides of project to clarify landscape plan. \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS. doc EXHIBIT "D" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL ~ -0 {'- --- ~ 0t G-- ~il i(; &- C- [} (J ~() (e.v-Sf..-. /-) G~{' &.,,- r i L..-e:--Y--'7 0(c.. ?-o"'i -(\0\' ~ 2 _sG.- i.o'~ \ ~""" D<'- f. ~J. c>-( G. Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference: Final New Site Plan. Planning and Zoning date starn oed 6-1-99. File # NWSP 99-003 lac~l DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT (V\ ,..\f.! PUBLIC WORKS cLc~ Commen6~ '( c- UTILITIES uf !:r' Comments: V X All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings j-Y ':1 " so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and -" ~u \.~ branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable S .) future. LOR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any " trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public ~ rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: ~lYr-If- /' The Fire Department connection will be on the exterior at a site approved by the authority having jurisdiction; BBCC 9-23. POLICE --.... Commen&None ') ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FOOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, LWDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 4. The fire lane signage and marking shall conform to LOR Chapter 23, Article II.B. & II. M. The 3-foot "Fire Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered. Correct detail. 5. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thm the driveway and specifY that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new p: C./t"J ~~ Page 2 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.] 6. Verify with Palm Beach County that additional right-of-way will not be required for Knuth Road. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 7. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 8. VerifY that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. Identify within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 9. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 10. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. II. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 12. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None Page 3 of 7 File Name Waf-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT FORESTERlENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: E) Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 8 The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, IS, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, lOS, 106, 108 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) QY Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. /16) An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. @ The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit an acceptable Lake Management plan. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 18. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: ( )'ypical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec. I 0 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012~ 1 U"he shortest side of all angled parking spaces e dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013 10 <) ~i.lcj "Q Y Parking dimensions for handicapped parallel spaces shall be Jl' dimensioned at 12' x 25', City Drawing #B-90013 . .",o-t f"t ;1' Show required wheel stops in parking detail drawings'--- @ Provide signed and sealed survey sheets for revised survey (ChA Sec.7 <'--~-~ Par.A) / On the landscape plan, show the 10 foot wide landscape buffer at the south property line except where easements prevent the 10' width. (Ch.7.5 Art.!!. Sec.S Par.D & E) f1r Page 4 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ~ Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility between existing and future site signage on out parcels. /~ Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to the Wal-Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and interconnection between the principle use and perimeter uses. /' 24. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. ).. . .:; J f Label all bay doors. Bay ~J~t~~ not facx~ecteUo~ways. Ch.9 Sec.1 I Par.J. I. An appeal submitte~obtai!ll. approval to locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. w On the exterior elevations sheet, revise the sign schedule to include calculations which total the wall sign square footages as they relate to the maximum allowable sign area for each wall. ~ The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. 20 On the exterior elevations sheet, provide the overall height of the roof line including the parapet, and include a note that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at 600'. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.E A @J If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this drivewa{ and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same "-"n.tJ..~. ,,"'~.l2 sf......f( ~ ~ Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at ~ (:'c-J lS"the adjacent shopping center to the east a!ld painted to match the principle d ~(" colorofWal-Mart(<>-.i<<Q ro<:J(C.s ~ f< t~ C~CL'm~"'-+ S WI iF ~ Buffer wall on east side shall be extended westward along the north side of the L.W.D.D. easement to the southeast corner ofthe building extended southward in connection with the concurrent appeal request. '(J (e.Jt9 ""5"3'"":5.5 f' ("s'-~ c.-~ 6.~r-'~ t- 5/~) O~fj L( ( Either extend a buffer wall (i.e. 6 foot high decorative) northward approximately 40 feet from the northeast corner of the T.L.E. to block views into this vehicle maintenance area, or provide a decorative buffer wall along ."<- Page 5 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS ov.- .k (8 2V ~ I< 36. 6J) f @) 6V J/$ '(6 l- IJ'i- f) the southern 15 parking spaces located adjacent to the T.L.E. and a vegetative screen to include canopy trees along the wall. To properly screen rear loading areas, enhance rear landscape buffer adjacent to building to include more dense tree spacing and the addition of canopy trees consistent with easement restrictions. Enhance size of existing roof trim or continue E.I.F.S.. cornice shown above main entrances along entire building to enhance this large building and maximize compatibility with adjacent shopping center to east. Limit blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances and areas enhanced with the E.I.F.S. surface in order to minimize incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match. Wall sign background should be enhanced with E.I.F.S. surface, score lines and diamond details, and similar building color. Provide color and material samples for the project. Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for traffic concurrency approval. Site sign exceeds maximum 64 square feet allowed for single uses. Reduce accordingly. INCLUDE REJECT Show cross access connecting to approved future drive for Steak 'n Shake (southeast corner) from portion of proposed plan shown at the northeast comer. Repeat tree and plant labels on all sides of project to clarify l~~dscape pl~ ' (j.......r~cc.........r f:~~f...sccr-t.."" C<:-a",'fj I<=...--~.;:. VI r{)<..>(k..... To provide screening of the overhead bay doors that face east, provide landscaping along the north and south side of the southeast entrance. Landscaping should include hedge, ornamentals and canopy trees. Or add north side landscaping as described herein and replace south side landscaping with relocated perimeter buffer wall and extend to southeast corner of building extended south. Add additional canopy trees to east side buffer, south of southeast entrance to decrease spacing to 20 feet and increase the visual buffer. This is required to properly screen overhead doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DR! qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. Page 6 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 ;\ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT /' Extend western buffer wall south to landscape buffer and eastward toward southwest corner of building extended south. This is required to properly screen overhead bay doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. ./ Add canopy trees along approximately ]00 feet of the West buffer wall (west side) immediately opposite west side overhead bay doors. This is required to properly screen doors from view in connection with concurrent appeal request. Also reduce perimeter buffer tree spacing to 20 feet for approximately] 00 feet west of the west side overhead bay doors. (46) Repeat column features along south ( rear) fa~ade. "/ It is recommended that a minimum of II additional landscaped islands with trees be added to the parking area, staggered within areas currently void of same, to add logical enhancements to this large open parking lot. Staff would recommend that a variance be granted to reduce parking spaces in exchange for increased internal greenspace. f) To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor are~ along the fa~ade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchand~ to maintain consi~tency wi~h appearance r~9""- 1- ~ f of adJacent uses. <!!t<c""'pf -If....-f-J2spro.)'oML - 05 r~f ~. ~ Show 6 foot sidewalk along north entrance similar to east entrance. L ~,",^ Update parking calculation to match revised square footage for project. CO ' 29 The proposed size and architectural form of the project is inconsistent with established architecture within the area, and offers opportunity for positive enhancement. To maximize compatibility, the roofline should be varied (raised and lowered) between columns and particularly at the two entrances, wall sign, and recommended additional areas enhanced with E.I.F.S. The additional areas proposed to be enhanced with the E.I.F.S. including score lines, diamond features and raised roof feature are on east fa~ade where portions of the building extend out, and add (two) 2 additional locations on west fa~ade between first two columns and, with the addition of a properly spaced column near the southern most column, add same enhancements. The front fa~ade roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) approximately one (I) to two (2) feet at a minimum of four (4) locations; repeat on both side elevations. Similar to the diversity in shapes over entrances at Boynton Commons' anchor stores, similar diversity in architectural shapes (arched, rectangular, triangular, etc.) should be used at these recommended enhanced areas. The effect gained is the appearance of multiple different uses rather jhan a large single building/use. ./' Due to the size and openness of the parking area, and lack offulllandscape A . S'" (c.P o"f. Page 7 of 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 A DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT islands, staff recommends that wheel stops be provided so that no more than 2 access aisles may be traversed without interruption. 9 Front of building shall be enhanced with placement of street trees/grates in the sidewalk beneath the main wall sign, between the two entrances and on the far sides of the entrances. V Eliminate hedge proposed along boundary shared with Steak-n-Shake and off-set tree. Plantings with those trees on Steak-n-Shake site. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 55. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 56. To be determined. t--- {) S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NW$P\cond of approval PO 622 99.doc '1 ( IV,&( k ]J{ o ~ ..--- - Nw- _<c~-fC O--(~;o c f)C-,?, ~ <.>.-+ '(0 W of nocr{ 5;~-CG c r s=,4<2<:r-",f . ,Q <:LCC4'/-+ ,k, r-<' l/-:, (f S p.=:> 0. J en fr~ ~ 7:L.C ;W f,,( -. ~.~ ~f- /s ~~ 0-1 f)~-'1 7~ ./ I (J;..fhc lo.. '. ~'=_'';~~+''C ..L ~ ~ r - a fYlo'Vl ~""~\ /)C,--fi.. cc-0Z 'J':::+ C:v'-~ S-e- ( <>-s. I........ fc.-;~s ) e rv,':"-v-(c: .<-_ f _ S1r<./,,-,~"'-s , or ( L , O'-l'-vs r:#F ~-f /)c-.r.LA~ - c= '" ~"-C~ :~ 7:;V :J C<s, -I<~ rt< '" 'j: ~ < 7"~ ^""'ti-- ,<; d.. "'-,; J) ~'~!; ..[ "'-<....u_ ,c(c>vS +-f.f.,c c; Y<-~~o..'\ "- -f -f-{,s ~ ....1,-1 'kCi~-$<- '- r ~.. (- :/ '"' rCrSec. h~c.... 4_' '-i-( a ~h-o:. C"P'-..j d(-CZ B~7Yf4, - f", ---Q _ O-n' u<-V-\:>-fs .( "'-- ~ ~~ ( ('J /IS: (jc <.... ( '- "- d.(. cJC -1. YI, "fe-rr:rs CM S / I", fh\'C",Cs S (~( ( I",,-k~, .s.--4.c-..,./t::, I'" .', ;rb C::Z<:"'-""-^.~v-f cz,,~ l0<-( <.J~-rc- ~~ " 6- J 7C. L () ~,~ ~ "UXS. c '7>"-- S fk''C-'' ~ /'" (~rs ^ >1-7" /.". /"r;. ,LA ~ ~.~t',- ~v+ ?6 -"/"",-(2 ,t; b.of"V <" . -;:r<" <<- "'. "7.5'" <.<-R...Q <>-..Q.e r;i.-( -5 r f . '7' ~.-- .s~.~ /,-n",~+~ r.'_ c -Ie ,4-, ct1=~ +.J2.IT'~'-7'>~I"-. /' 7> ';1". L:~""'~ .S~_cy",- f:,f""J<=-- - / rc. c'q~ ('or--(,!; o c,I<c <.. (;4-", l\(\<..LQ<.. J ~,~""'"' ~,,~? S.fs"":f,c~0.f--('y e.", "'-.-.c,," k. t'") , .n'- .1.- -fl - tj 1'''':1.(5C 0'7.0 <. '-,J c;.~ C\~'__7( Ve .C " "! v f . ~7"'c-""<;S 7- c7 '<77') ....=ro(C c:... / ~ Q.._ . r r "TYdc.'1.C<:o:.r.., /0(,/ h_ ~ ~_ ''''> ""'" -:!19<;. _ __ ~~. 6:-y f' C v (co.', C~ "- 0.-....... G _ __.. -+-.~__ fr~0&~ ~ ~ S p",-",,- ~ "y ck:.'; ""''' . L () -f-'\ .s"'-'on.S Ch n<J..t\C<- 4v-.q..c,. e ~ fv~""<:' IS 0- -; . / f) (J ~ C nc.--Mc,., . . . IS ,Itl.,~ c>- r- Ilc.rf-"t.. ~ ./ .,.' f- c:: "- f,,<_ 'tv- ) G- '" d2 ~-r'W.., - " /Y(: Ikc.. "-.L -f{ ~ dZ ';/ . cS~ '-.~' f2.. tL'''5 (/,,--:t?:] .~ '~"'-/"'. j;C.J k-t.." 0< ~M. f,"~{ I. ..(L.-, / kk, ,,( A-".-<.rt4-r r'<~ (-,,,, < '-", c) {'oc,," -f "p.. I~V'o'.';" I I . (YdP "'-('r"'r'-"_*~t\. 1;,- . r ^"T~ Y) ~1M.6"-'_""-;J q." . . y 'I.: -Carr<><...f ,~. ~ ~- Sr~ Prt.,. ..3 -: t/y&~"", b.. 6C~<,,;,J ~CC=, k "'./", '.. ^i,,; ./, C.// . (re", II....." c; .\c-<-': C0-. ft'-,.. k_< , - _ lJ ":S ~ O-C'-"--"ooTC(y ,CrfC"Cr:. ' '. r s 1'''-'-''-. c"""- b..f,...... - -r:;. 0- (' k,w fr f~7'"v,.c- ~s 0-.... f'(';" I:'- ",'(,;.. ((7 '\~. (YF-o(';' O."""'=:S eGG v-" l6 k1'-rc jJc."-~Cs. ~ 5""'("___1""", f'<'''' k"y ""<'_..... / _ .....~-'t,,~"<: Project name: WAL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference' Final New Site Plan ~" ..... ~.: '> >s-A. ')d7~~~~~~*'~~~( EXHIBIT "E" 00. "s Gvf~ C <!> -r (is CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL&~ v c ~....<>--<'t \1~V' . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: 1. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18. I gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 5. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and specifY that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.] BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 7. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location ofthe accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verify that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Plannin!! and Zonin!! date stamoed 6-1-99 File # NWSP 99-003 Page 2 of 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 8. Verify that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. IdentifY within the Site Data the panel number of the FEMA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 9. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 10. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. II. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity of title shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off oulparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 12. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 13. Existing Tree Schedule: The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 14. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, IS, 24, 44, 94, 97, 98, 99, 103, 104, 105, ] 06, ] 08 & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.e. Oak) Page 3 of 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 7 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I IS. Lake Planting Plan The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. 16. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. / The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit an acceptable Lake Management plan. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 18. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.! 0 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at 18'. City Drawing #B-90013 / Provide signed and sealed survey sheets for revised survey (ChA Sec.7 Par. A) ~ Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility between existing and future site signage on out parcels. 24. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: decorative columns, tiles, architectural form and should discourage extreme color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. 25. Label all bay doors. Bay doors may not face selected roadways. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.J.I. An appeal must be submitted and obtained for approval to locate the bay doors facing both Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. ~ On the exterior elevations sheet, revise the sign schedule to include calculations which total the wall sign square footages as they relate to the maximum allowable sign area for each wall. 27. The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will require a site plan modification. I Page 4 of 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS On the exterior elevations sheet, provide the overall height of the roof line including the parapet, and include a note that all rooftop equipment will be screened from view at 600'. Ch.9 Sec. I I Par.E ~ If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, (and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same, and the road shall be for egress purposes only. 30. Project buffer walls shall be CBS and designed similar to the buffer wall at the adjacent shopping center to the east and painted to match the principle color ofWal-Mart (add notes on site plan to document same). 35. l"'> reu Enhance size of existing roof trim or continue E.I.F.S. cornice shown above main entrances along entire building to enhance this large building and maximize compatibility with adjacent shopping center to east. Limit blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances and areas enhanced with the E.I.F.S. surface in order to minimize incompatibility ",ith the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which represents the~stablished desirable -architecturalcharac er t at adjacent uses should match,) Wall ';5" ba~b.grG'md ~q91ild be-enhanc~d wilh E.I.F.S. . . ornl-tIetaili. ~nci <imiladlllild-ingrolor. Provide color and material samples for the project. 37. Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure completion of or contribution to road improvements required by County for traffic concurrency approval. 42. (",G {"'~ Show cross access connecting to approved future drive for Steak 'n Shake (southeast corner) from portion of proposed plan shown at the northeast corner. Repeat tree and plant labels on all sides of project to clarifY landscape plan. Particularly along south buffer to clarifY location of viburnum versus sergrape. Add additional ca opy trees to east side buf~ r south of southe~. trance to decrease spaci to 20 feet and increase the . sual buffer. This' required to properly scree verhead doors from view. m c nection with on urrent appeal reque . 43. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DR! qualifications, prior to issuance of a permit, provide confirmation from DCA that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. INCLUDE REJECt "" ."1 J.- io foe . CCYlSi5{-~~-f &,; /P rTQye.r:; LJ~5 U" 51<<-" ~~,{'s . P<~V.61C" G"---~S5_- s~cfrc'^--- 6, Cc7Y>"<'f'O-''''''(;('''' 'j(<'--('c".( SC\OW.':'f ~""-T o.cQc"ZUC f~ IO..-/F"'" 0 Or"F +1",- UU"-r h."'."d-- 6<>-1' cCc.o.-s 15 ! l:~ cr.-. .~s,1\~ ~_~~~'!r:r~_~ s5~$;_~~c;~._c~L~~~~: /lJ C A ho-n.c_c~ ~~-.~ 'Is ~_~ c9 Page 5 of 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 ."" l"- ~e-II" DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ~. Repeat column features along south ( rear) fayade. 48. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fayade shall be kept free of all vending machines and merchandise (except that displayed as part of the garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. I~ The proposed size and architectural form of the project is inconsistent with established architecture within the area, and offers opportunity for positive enhancement. To maximize compatibility, the roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) between columns and particularly at the two entrances, wall sign, and recommended additional areas enhanced with E.I.F.S. The additional areas proposed to be enhanced with the E.I.F.S. including score lines, diamond features and raised roof feature are on east fayade where portions of the building extend out, and add (two) 2 additional locations on west fayade between first two columns and, with the addition of a properly spaced column near the southern most column, add same enhancements. The front fayade roof line should be varied (raised and lowered) approximately one (I) to two (2) feet at a minimum offour (4) locations; repeat on both side elevations. Similar to the diversity in shapes over entrances at Boynton Commons' anchor stores, similar diversity in architectural shapes (arched, rectangular, triangular, etc.) should be used at these recommended enhanced ~ areas. The effect gained is the appearance of multiple different uses rather than a large single building/use. ------- -rd rr:pc ~{t Si . 53.L Front ~ing shall be enha~itl; placement of str~ees/grates in the side Ik beneath the main w . n, between the two rances and on I~ 'Jc u,- (( "'-1"<.0-<:'- . the far ides fthe entrances. -fr"''''- Y''>;; rc:=- o;....(e.":::') /' ~ "'M 76-; '1 CG<'1fY Eliminate hedge proposed along boundary shared with Steak-n-Shake and off-set tree. Plantings with those trees on Steak-n-Shake site. / Add sidewalk along north side of southeast entrance ending at row of parking spaces adjacent to T.L.E. / Add focal points within islands at north and north east entrances such as fountains, decorative monument structures, or equivalent. ~ Show turning arrows at north entrance and limit egress traffic to right- turn only to avoid hazardous traffic circulation at this intersection with 5 lane (open) on Old Boynton Road. ~ Driveways into future parcels shall include sidewalks (add several notes on site plan to document and require same). //Landscape specie labels are not legible. Also add additional call outs to property label and differentiate all south perimeter plantings. I""h- ~-..:; , 5 t" /f 7"f-~C,S... Pilge 6 of 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT jO' Dose total square footage and parking calculation include garden center? ~. Significantly enhance landscaping and decorative features at 2 principle entrances. ~. Provide tree spacing dimensions. // Enhance large entrance island (northwest entrance) and two islands at north entrance with decorative focal feature or additional landscaping, rocks etc. (3rd alternative) ~ Omit "pylon" in note number #1 on site plan. /' Correct directions arrows for parking aisles to accurately reflect . direction based on parking space orientation. / To allow for future design flexibility, show more access drives to future . parcels from greater parking area. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS 55. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 56. To be determined. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\cond of approval PO 622 99.doc f'le (,J LJfc0~f~ -fe.- bJQ., .LLfc- 7'0 (-:) () I' {j}, '(1 1.."'-1. J L+ (c {<? vV- fi ~ cC,,, l,,'( {"f :5 Cf Fe f- ,2 (tic !.<":.S)' ) hvtJ Correc r ,mo.-~, ""'lUVV'-- '1 "cf2~ Lv.- 'fC5, IlJ(: (,~,- (VI O~{(( Jc"'-.-\,...:..-Qc....''- . .J ~,y 6~ fo< ~ I {10; J <l- -{L fc, Ceif\, fe, w{':' L l'VIus f j f6-( ~', "S < -f cc..- r< (s , 5; Ie- -;b {~G (<-- d/<:: C'" ,'- -(, ,,,' 0<::- =CCDYV\ l"--<,cJ!_f.-,D Iv\ I n { dV\ L 0'" up _<;? '-'''-, C ~c> t- / e yc ((/L~ C G- :; -pO-c.e c; ;- 6- ,,..R. y"t c ci,; f( Ii ,1 f) lj' ,I.I', L y 5 f6C~ pc, --hc~ <(<JOG I('ei. , J' ..-1 iCE" . J =-..,,7 l ,a-V-) U.e S f ~""'.s qS y " '. EXHIBIT "E" CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference: Final New Site Plan Planninl! and Zoninl! date stamDed 6-1-99 File # NWSP 99-003 . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES . . Comments: l. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings X so that we may detennine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. FIRE Comments: None X POLICE I Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 2. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk tbm the driveway and X specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.] BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 3. Add to the site Dlan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location X Page 2 ot ~ File Name Wal-Mart Superc File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance door to the tire and lube area. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verify that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 3. Verify that the crown of road elevations listed within the Site Data are X accurate by including on the site plan elevations of the crown of road at Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard. Where applicable, amend the plans to show and specifY that the elevation of the finish floor is six inches or more above the crown of the road of the abutting right(s)-of-way. Identify within the Site Data the panel number of the F~MA map that reflected the project is located in a B flood zone. At time of permit, submit a copy of the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. 4. At time of permit, submit detailed dimensioned drawings of the wall signage. X The total area of all wall signs shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 5. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign X located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the north property line. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 6. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that X combines all lots and parcels to match the way the property is depicted on the submitted site plan. The unity oftitle shall not prohibit the land from being subdivided to sell off outparcel sites. Subdivision of land shall comply with the applicable city regulations. 7. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit X review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be detennined at time of pennit review. PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 8. Existing Tree Schedule: X The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. Page 3 of .j File Name WaJ-Mart Super( . rile No.: NWSP 99-003 (j) DEPAR1MENTS INCLUDE REJECT These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. Staff will field verifY that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 9. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15, 24, 44, 94, 97, 9S, 99, 103, X 104, lOS, 106, IOS & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (Le. Oak) 10. Lake Planting Plan X The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter. II. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 12. Provide a detail drawing of the following items including dimensions, X materials and colors: IA!:;( U9t<... v.1 , , Or- ,.j".. 1/ rt Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec. I 0 Par.C.3) ~ ~ I c,>\. /'" n -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012).The shortest side of all angled parking spaces to be dimensioned at IS'. City Drawing #B-90013 13. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to X ensure internal compatibility and compatibility between future development ~.>({ of out parcels and the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. Ch.9 Sec. I I /!; ~ \ ( A^-- Par.A-D. As part of the guidelines, staff recommends a continuous score- - 'to ~ ~-- "0'-', (I line with diamond shaped markings and other decorative details, such as: r'~~~';" decorative columns, tiles, architectural fonn and should discourage extreme 5' color contrasts beyond the main entrances and signage. iA.A.&~ UoI' o~ l' .-c iT' L~~ ~. :,,: F. J. ~_..:.." r.Jj .~i I ) t.<. I )').~Jf ~.~, 14. Label all bay doors. Bay dOQrs ~ not face selected roadways. Ch.9 X ? !c"( .' if'_. Irff bf",; See. I I Par.J.I. An appeal Q!~st, e submitted and obtained Cor approval to fj ''L''" ,) ot..'- locate the bay doors facing ooth Knuth Rd. and Winchester Blvd. n, P11 la, 0 '( if' o!.. 15. The subject parcel still includes the entire property. If and when the parcel is X --.. LS ~ ...' to be subdivided, the development of an out parcel will re~ire a site plan OJ p ~J;t'~ modification. " ,I _ ( < ! 1 '",(,:,'",_/'.. I )f P 16. Project buffer walls shall be CBS and ~signed similar to the buffer wa~l at. f"' X ~the adjacel~t_~hopping_center to the east and paintealo nilikllthe 'principle )( color O~Mart (add notes on site plan to document same). 17.~blue stripe and blue color (including the wall sign) to main entrances , I . X /" ~'- tY fr:f/( i1'< o(.t1'f .1. tJ.R 9 (tr_ Page 4 of 4 File I'Jame Wal-Mart Supercentl File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT and areas enhanced with the E.I.F .S. surface in order to minimize - incompatibility with the Boynton Commons Shopping Center which , represents the established desirable architectural character that adjacent uses should match, and to be consistent with proposed design standards. (Iv- ',r 01'11..11/10' Ik Provide to County acceptable Public Facilities Agreement to ensure X , Q completion of or contriLution to road improvements required by County for - I--~ ~1/-J~A .' (-<.;! ' traffic concurrency approval. 'iik {" Ill< ~N'I pfb r _ p(""" f. 6~ nz.":s",,,- A ',,-1- - 19. Provid~oss-sect~r comparable graphic showing that adequate buffering 1-, X of the overhead bay doors is attained. Additional landscaping enhancements &JIJ.-r:J. v-'IJ- lco~ b J and benning shall address identified deficiencies. <oIL Lt!--r{~r ::'tsV\A-..O~.Q I"" p<~cli"-~ 20. Due to the DCA currently monitoring the subject project for DR! X qualifications, prior to issuance of a penn it, provide confinnation from DCA _ _ - fi,. f' , that DR! thresholds are met, or exceeded and begin processing as a DR!. i 21. To maintain quality appearance similar to Boynton Commons and the X ot'-- rJo tt-< Boynton Beach Mall. Outdoor areas along the fa~ade shall be kept free of all . 5"- f\U 5> , or vending machines and merchandise (except tbat displayed as part oftbe ',A) -;:..,p ;)'-. '. /'41.'" I I garden center) to maintain consistency with appearance of adjacent uses. CV~~-, 'f"" ~~ OD 22. To properly soften large wall spaces, tree grate areas shall contain trees as '-" X ~~ Ir~: well as those species shown. ~~~ ~ L- ~C( 2 7 23. Update tabular data to show correct maximum building height (elevation I X (,fiv drawing indicates 39 feet 2 inches). 24. ModifY parking data to include ,entire garden center which must be lU X accom9 minimum of 1 parking space per ~,OOO square feet, , ( exclud " from required sp~ces,andmodifYsite to provide spacPO as neede ,', ' " ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS I ., o}>' ~~I' or-- (;". 25. Blue stripe along front fa~ade shall be a maximum of2 feet in width. X & , , (; t,-eifLv ~ 26. Perimeter and parking area deciduous trees shall be replaced or 'u I CiL, /.0 supplemented with tree species that maintain foliage and therefore" ' . reo ..?~ characteristics with greater planting intensity in vicinity of overhead b9 ~ ~""- F doors. ~ ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION BOARD COMMENTS 26. T.Q b... dwl~J lU;uwJ.~ ~q4 ~ J.< t..... lA ...h' Jo"~ t" ~ J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHAREO\VVP\PROJECTS\WaI Mart\NWSP\cona of approvat CC 8-3-99.doc y1&J ~~~____e,_U~ f [,vL'", / (NQ., l<- t." :, ) ~ cU-U \p'~ \}is' ~ '1'", DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM ENG 99-075 DATE: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Raymond F. Davidson, P.E., Acting City Engin~ May 21, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: W ALMART - NEW SITE PLAN (99-003) 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following: site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping and irrigation. Permits required from other permitting agencies, such as FDOT, PBC, SFWMD, DERM, L WDD, DEP and any others, shall be included with your permit request. 2. Provide up to date boundary and topographic survey plans that are signed and sealed and show all existing features. [LDR Chapter 4, Section 7.A. and Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.2.] 3. Applicant shall apply for excavation and fill permit in accordance with Chapter 8 of the City's Land Development Regulations. 4. Provide a satisfactory traffic impact analysis. [LDR Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.14.] 5. The fire lane signage and marking shall conform to LDR Chapter 23, Article II.B. & II. M. The 3- foot "Fire Lane" words shall be placed along both lanes and staggered. Correct detail. 6. Add a General Note to detail sheet that all striping, markings, and signage shall conform to City Standard Drawing B-98001. Revise details as necessary. 7. The handicap parallel spaces shall be 25' long per City Standard Drawing B-90013 and all other parking spaces shall also comply with the same Standard Drawing. 8. Specify a fine amount of$250.00 on the handicap penalty signs. 9. Show all traffic control devices on Paving, Grading & Drainage Plan for inspection purposes. 10. At the three driveway entrances, show the sidewalk thru the driveway and specify that the existing sidewalks will be removed and replaced with new sidewalk a minimum of 6" thick. Also, show the stop bars and signs 4' back of said sidewalk. [LDR chapter 23, Article II.P.] 11. Revise plans to reflect all comments. [LDR Chapter 1, Article VIII, Section I.H.] 12. Specify clear sight triangles at all driveways and adjust landscape plan if needed. [LDR Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5 .H.] Department of Development Memorandum ENG 99-075 Re: Walmart - New Site Plan (99-003) May 21,1999 Page Two 13. Permits must be obtained for work within RO.W. [LDR Chapter 22, Article II, Section 7.A.] 14. Provide details for parking lot and driveway sections. [LDR Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 1 O.F. and Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.4.] 15. Provide details for drainage structures, grates, exfiltration trench, etc. [LDR Chapter 6, Article V, Section 4.B.2.e.] 16. Provide details to verifY that concrete curb will conform to City Standards. [LDR Chapter 23, Article I1.E.] 17. Verify with Palm Beach County that additional right-of-way will not be required for Knuth Road. RFD/ck Xc: Ken Hall C:\My Documents\Walmart New Site Plan.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 99-108 ~ ~~bNgE1tf.D TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator DATE: May 13, 1999 RE: Wal-Mart - New Site Plan (NWSP 99-003) 2nd review comments We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits. Buildin!! Division (Site SDecific and Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haag (561) 742-6352 I. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance to the tire and lube area. Add text to the label that indicates all accessible routes are in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 2. IdentifY on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the base elevation of the B flood zone. If the flood zone does not have a base elevation, indicate that on the plan. Add notes and specifications to the site data that prove the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards of the following: a) Minimum elevation required by the flood zone. b) Minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. c) Show and specifY that the elevation of the finish floor is not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting right(s)-of-way. 3. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verifY that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Indicate on the drawings of the wall signage whether the signs are illuminated and specify type of illumination. Building Division Memorandum No. 99-108 to Michael Rumpf RE: Wal-Mart - New Site Plan - 2nd Review May 13, 1999 Page Two 4. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 5. The width of the Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawing does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. (Survey 25' and 25' - site plan 25' and 35') 6. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels as one lot. 7. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is located within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. 8. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. MEH:bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\Development\Building~6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-003 2nd review Walmart.doc PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #99-101 TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director D. Larry Quinn, Assistant Public Works Directo~ FROM: SUBJ: Site Plan Review - 2nd Review - Walmart DATE: May 17, 1999 The Public Works Department has no comments in reference to the site plan review listed above. LQ/cr '" fii_ rn n WI 00 U Ui "'hl I 8 1999 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPl Parks Division Memorandum- TRC To: Mike Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Manager Kevin J Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist t<~ tr Wal *Mart of Boynton Beach (E) Florida Site Plan - 2nd Review 00 ~W f5rrnp,.r... ....... .....,~5 In I'" I- I'''' I 4 Ii! "L 1,' " From: Subject: Date: May 14, 1999 The following are comments pertaining to the Landscape Plan, , ___J d are sh91NiNt"t~et L2. EXISTING TREE SCHEDULE 1. The existing tree schedule lists Magnolia trees to be removed from the site. These trees (if accurate) are native trees and efforts should be made by the applicant to preserve, or relocate these trees on the site. I will field verify that the large quantity of trees (75) are indeed Magnolia trees. 2. The following numbered trees; 12, 13, 14, 15,24,44,94,97,98,99,103,104,105,106,108, & 112 should also be evaluated by the applicant to be preserved or relocated on the site if the trees are more clearly identified, and are native trees. (i.g. Oak ) LAKE PLANTING PLAN I. The littoral shelf should be contiguous with the wetland planting zone to encompass 50% of the lake perimeter 2. An irrigation system should be designed for the lake plantings. 3. The applicant for the proper maintenance of the lake plantings should submit a Lake Management plan. . The project should continue in the normal review process. Alea, Joann From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Thursday, May 13,19998:49 AM Alea, Joann FW: Walmart comments Comments from Public Works. ----Original Message----- From: Kim, Allen Sent: Wednesday, May 12,199910:09 AM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: Walmart comments 1. Waste removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate the same. 2. As per section 10-25 in the City Code, free dumping access to containers at all times shall be provided by the user. 3. Applicant must provide a detailed drawing of dumpster enclosure. 4. Gates for enclosure must have locking pegs to secure gates in the open position, each site is responsible to have gates open on pick-up days. 5. If gates are to be mounted on the inside wall of enclosure, the enclosure must be made 1 foot wider. 1 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 99-108 DATE: May 13, 1999 TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator RE: Wal-Mart - New Site PIau (NWSP 99-003) 2nd review comments We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits. Buildin!! Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haag (561) 742-6352 1. Add to the site plan a labeled symbol that represents and shows the location of the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking space and the accessible entrance to the tire and lube area. Add text to the label that indicates all accessible routes are in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review the applicant shall provide detailed data on the plans that will verifY that the path of the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 2. Identify on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the base elevation of the B flood zone. If the flood zone does not have a base elevation, indicate that on the plan. Add notes and specifications to the site data that prove the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards of the following: a) Minimum elevation required by the flood zone. b) Minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project. c) Show and specify that the elevation of the finish floor is not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting right(s)-of-way. 3. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verify that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Indicate on the drawings of the wall signage whether the signs are illuminated and specifY type of illumination. " n1 h'\ !! MAY \ 9 Building Division Memorandum No. 99-108 to Michael Rumpf RE: Wal-Mart - New Site Plan - 2nd Review May 13, 1999 Page Two 4. Add, to the submittal, detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 5. The width ofthe Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawing does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. (Survey 25' and 25' - site plan 25' and 35') 6. At time of permit review, submit an executed and recorded Unity of Title that combines all lots and parcels as one lot. 7. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is located within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. 8. Compliance with the Building Codes will be evaluated at time of permit review. The permit fee, water and sewer facility fees, County fees and State fees will be determined at time of permit review. MEH:bg \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA TA \Development\Building-6870\Documents\TRC\NWSP 99-003 2nd review Walmart.doc FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 99-284 0," ""..,c . ,-- " NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to. TO; Mike Rumpf, Act. Director Planning & Zoning Division FROM: Steve Gale, Fire Marshal ~ Deputy Chief - Fire Rescue D~rtment DATE: May 12, 1999 SUBJECT: Wal-Mart 2nd Review NWSP 99-003 Fire hydrants shall be no more than three hundred feet (300') apart and the remotest part of any structure shall not be more than two hundred feet (200') from a hydrant; LOR 6-16. The Fire Department connection will be on the exterior at a site approved by the authority having jurisdiction; aacc 9-23. Hard roads and hydrants will be in service prior to above grade construction; NFPA 1. All fire protection will be submitted on separate plans and designed by a fire protection engineer. It appears that modifications have been made to the 2nd review site plan that were not addressed by the Fire Department in the 1st review. CC: File "~ ~~v\t,~ APPLICATION TRACKING LOG PROJECT TITLE:WALMART 1,("131" FILE ;99-003 PROJECT LOCATION:NW CORNER OF WINCHESTER PARK BLVD AND BOYNTON BEACH BLVD TYPE OF APPLlCATlON:NWSP PUBLIC NOTICE REOUIRED: CY/Nl 0 REVIEWER'S NAME AGENT:KEVIN M. ROBERSON ADDRESS: AGENT PHONE: FAX: DATE REC'D:2125/99 AMOUNT: RECEIPT NO.: 12 SETS OF PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: 2 OF 12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 APPLICATION/SUBMITTAL: DATE ACCEPTED: o o o o o DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED DATE DENIED: DATE OF LETTER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT: MEMO NO. 99-055 RETURN DATE: ~~ fJ 1< () .. () t rr '" \) \. '( 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLA !IS MEMO# DATE PLANS MEMO# DATE UTIL. CP _ 0'/0 1/:6/1": PLANNING l-i" P.W. '1 C}. Oofi, "jCJ'l' BLDG E:;Y. ':>/' <:>J' PARKS - .1.f<(a ENGR M '1,\-03.1 .;j IS FIRE CJ:? . .:7,;/C.. "/':/ FORESTER M 0 111> POLICE "- ;, 1<;) lGC DATE OF LETTER SENT TO SENT TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: 90 DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE (ASSEMBLED) SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2ND REVIEW: 5- II - i4 PRE-ASSEMBLED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR REVIEW: AMENDED APPLICATION 0 2 OF12 SETS SIGNED AND SEALED 0 SURVEY 0 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 FLOOR PLAN 0 SITE PLAN WITH SITE DATA 0 o o o o o o DRAINAGE PLAN ELEVATION VIEW DRAWINGS COLORED ELEVATIONS RECEIVED MATERIAL SAMPLES RECEIVED TRANSPARENCY RECEIVED PHOTOGRAPHS RECEIVED 2ND REVIEW MEMO: DATE SENT: MEMO NO. RETURN DATE: ~nd R;'~ COMMENTS RECEIVED PLA MEMO# DAT P S MEMO# DATE PLANNING qc BLDG ENGR FORESTER UTIL. P.W. PARKS FIRE POLICE LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY. DATE SENT / SIGNS INSTALLED: DATE: BOARD: BOARD MEETING DATE: CITY COMMISSION: DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER RECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK: 0 DATE: DEVELOPMENT ORDER SENT TO APPLICANT: 0 DATE: S:\FORMS\TRACKING LOG FORM revised 4/25/97 .. ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. May 10, 1999 KHA 04715379 (02), 72,1217 RE: Wal*Mart-Boynton Beach (E), Florida Store# 2789-00, New SC Winchester Site Engineer's Certification To Whom It May Concern: I, Kevin M. Roberson, hereby acknowledge that the proposed drainage system for the above referenced project will conform with all applicable water quality standards, or minimum design and performance standards, as required by the state of Forida and local jurisdictional requirements, including but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Signature: ~t10W-/ # 52074 FL P.E. No. Kevin M. Roberson, P.E. Date: situ! Y'j . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 . Suite 400 60121,t Street Vera Beach, Florida 32960 - 04/05/1999 08: 26 561364738" FIRE LIFE SAFETY PAGE 02 ., ( ( ~ 8'e4d ~. ieUtlle Kimley-Hom & Assoc. Request Date: 03/24/99 Requested From: Todd Howder 601 21 Street #400 Telephone Number: (561) 562-7981 Facsimile Number: (561) 562-9689 Vero Beach. FL 32960 Location: Congress Avenue & Old Boynton Roa - Winchester Site * DIAGRAM (Include direction, street names, hydrant location ,intersections and main sizes) t N Con resa Avenue Circuit City Longhorn 501 N. Congress 515 N. Cc>ngre$s Ave. HCi> HCD -.---.---.-.-. Olel Boynton ROilel -. '-'-'-'-'-'.'-'-'.'.'-'.' Hydrant 1: Static Reading: esidual Reading: 54 Dsi Hydrant 2: Flow Reading: Assign Date: 3/30/99 est Date: 4/1/99 Tested By: FF III Woznick ime Tested: 1400 hrs. AVAILABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 30 4 04/05/99 MON 08:25 [TX/RX NO 7870] MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 99 - 152 TO: Mike Rumpf, Planning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: March 13, 1999 SUBJECT: Wal-Mart Supercenter - New Site Plan - 2nd Review We offer the following comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 2) Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 2) A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office. JAG/PVM Xc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. BD 99-055 DATE: Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning and Zoning Administrator ~ be Michael E. Haag, Building Code Permit Administrator March 10, 1999 TO: FROM: RE: Walmart - New Site Plan (NWSP 99-003) 1st review comments We have reviewed the subject plans and offer the following comments that should be addressed prior to the project being forwarded for Board review: Buildin!! Division (Site SDecific and Permit Comments) - Michael E. Haag (561) 742-6352 1. Identify on sheet 2 the location of the accessible building entrances that are required to allow access for the disabled. Show and label on sheet 2 a symbol that represents the accessible path that leads to the building entrance from all accessible parking spaces. Add dimensions to the plan that indicate the width of the access aisles that are required adjacent to all accessible parking spaces. Also, dimension on sheet 2 the width and length of the diagonal and parallel accessible parking spaces. The size and configuration of the required accessible routes access aisles and parking spaces shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 2. The site plan review submittal requirements specify that a floor plan shall be submitted. Add to the submittal a conceptual floor plan drawing. Add to the floor plan the location of the required accessible entrances to the building. 3. Identify on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the flood zone that the site is located within. The finish floor elevation shall meet the minimum requirements of the following: minimum elevation required by the flood zone, minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project or not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting rights-of-way. Provide verification that the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards. 4. To verifY that the square footage proposed for the building is in compliance with the regulations of the Building Code, indicate on the site plan or floor plan drawing, at time of permit review, the occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for the building. The building area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the specifications identified in the Building Code. Department of Development Memo. No. BD 99-055 to Michael Rumpf RE: Waimart - New Site Plan - 1 st review comments March 10, 1999 Page Two 5. To verify that the wall signage illustrated on the elevation view drawings is in compliance with the limits of the Sign Code, add dimension lines and dimensions to the drawing of the signage. 6. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verify that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 7. Add to the submittal detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance to the project. The size and design of the sign shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 8. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback dimension from each property line to the leading edge of the building. The building setbacks shall comply with Zoning Code regulations. 9. On sheet 2, identify the symbol that represents the property line. 10. The width of the Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawings does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. 11. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is located within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. MEH:bg J:\SHRDATA\Developmen"Building-6870\Documents\TRClNWSP 99-003 1st review Walmartdoc CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Rumpf FROM: S gt. Jensen DATE: SUBJECT: REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: 3-8-99 FILE: Site Plan 99-003 Walmart I see no code deficiencies. No comments at this time. ') fi fnl UL MAR 9',)'1& .m._--l , ",.J)[) -LL..;.2,::FT. MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 99 - 070 TO: Mike Rumpf, Planning Director D/ John A. Guidry, Utilities Director19> ~ ~@ [i li R 8! DATE: March 8, 1999 j~ry;;~hNM~D 10/1/ 1 FROM: SUBJECT: Wal-Mart Supercenter - New Site Plan - 1st Review We offer the following comments on this project: GENERAL COMMENTS 1) All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 2) Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 3) Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 26-l6(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Dept. permit submittal. 4) Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter sizes, or expected demand. 5) Comp Plan policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 6) Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, sec. 7F) SPECIFIC CONDITIONS 1) Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 26-33(a) of the Code. 2) This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 3) LDR chap. 6, Article IV, Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 4) Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. 5) A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 6) Indicate the southernmost point of connection for the proposed 8-inch water main to the existing main along Boynton Beach Blvd. The water main to the site must have at least two connections to the City's system in order to assure continuous domestic water supply and fire service. 7) Several aspects of the utility plan submitted are not in accordance with construction standards adopted by this Department. The plans submitted for Health Department permit review shall comply with Utilities Department standards in all aspects. A copy of the standards may be obtained from the Department at no charge. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella (742-6404) of this office. JAG/PVM Xc: Skip Milor Peter Mazzella File 2 {O)rn@~llW~~ U\} MAR 8 I9SQ U!J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #99-052 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Acting Manager of Planning & Zoning C. Larry Roberts, Public Works Director C Jl2 Al Kim, Sanitation Superintendent ~ Site Plan Review - 1st Review - New Site Plan - Walmart THRU: FROM: SUBJ: DATE: March 5,1999 Listed below are the comments submitted from the Public Works Department in reference to the site plan listed above: 1. Waste Removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate same. 2. The applicant must supply a detailed drawing of the enclosure with the plans. If you have any questions regarding these comments please contact Al Kim, Sanitation Superintendent at 742-6206. AK/cr TO: LEISURE SERVICES: PARKS DIVISION MEMORANDU~ .-<~. ~. ~S (' })YV ~4"~ Michael Rumpf, Acting Manager of Planning & Zoning \\ #- /:~<')) John Wildner, Parks Superintendent y IY /,.t--JJ \\ /~,,,::;\;J\' FROM: RE: Walmart 'V DATE: March 3,1999 The Leisure Services Department, Parks Division, has received the site plan for Walmart. There are no recreation-related comments. The plan may continue through the normal review process. JW:ad _~.,.-w__._..___.....,..... J,fm i~ FIRE & LIFE SAFETY DIVISION Memorandum No. 99-226 :1- rn (,;" MMA L D' -,-",\., ,"'. O. .'~. :' NFPA Life Safety Code 101, National Fire Code 1, all applicable National Fire Protection Association codes, and the City Fire code shall be adhered to. TO: FROM: Mike Rumpf, Act. Director Planning & Zoning Division Steve Gale, Fire Marshal #~ Deputy Chief - Fire Rescue DepartmenV March 3, 1999 DATE: SUBJECT: NWSP 99-003 WALMART A FIRE FLOW IS REQUIRED AND THE LOCATION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT CONNECTION NEEDS TO BE SHOWN. LDR 6-16 CC: File I st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name: W AI- MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference: The olans consist of 15 sheets identified as 1st Review. New Site Plan. File #NWSP 99-003 with a Februarv 26 1999 PlanniOl! and ZoninlZ Deoartment date stamo markinlZ . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: I. Waste removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate same. 2. The applicant must supply a detailed drawing of the enclosure with the plans. UTILITIES Comments: 3. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 4. Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 5. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Dept. permit submittal. 6. Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs fi rst. This fee will be determined based upon final meter sizes, or expected demand. 7. Comp Plan policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 8. Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, Sec. 7F) 9. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included Page 2 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 25- 33(a) of the Code. 10. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. II. LDR Chap. 6, Article IV , Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 12. Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, In accordance with Sec. 26-207. 13. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 14. Indicate the southernmost point of connection for the proposed 8-inch water main to the existing main along Boynton Beach Blvd. The water main to the site must have at least two connections to the City's system in order to assure continuous domestic water supply and fire service. 15. Several aspects of the utility plan submitted are not in accordance with construction standards adopted by the Utilities Department. The plans submitted for Health Department permit review shall comply with Utilities Department standards in all aspects. A copy of the standards may be obtained from the Department at no charge. Comments: 16. A fire flow is required and the location of the fire department connection needs to be shown. Ldr 6-16 POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERJNG DIVISION Comments: Page 3 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 17. The site is to be divided into nine separate parcels which requires the application to enter the plat process. A prerequisite to platting is the submission of a Master Plan. The Master Plan shall include a traffic impact analysis for all parcels to determine possible phasing of the project. A Master Stormwater Management Plan for the whole development shall also be submitted as well as any other documentation specified in Chapter 3 of the Land Development Regulations. 18. This plan meets the definition of a planned commercial development as specified in LDR Chapter 2, Section 6.F.2. and will be compatible with the adjacent parcel to the east known as Boynton Commons and the abutting undevelopment parcel to the west. We recommend the zoning request be for a P.C.D. not C-3. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 19. Identify on sheet 2 the location of the accessible building entrances that are required to allow access for the disabled. Show and label on sheet 2 a symbol that represents the accessible path that leads to the building entrance from all accessible parking spaces. Add dimensions to the plan that indicate the width of the access aisles that are required adjacent to all accessible parking spaces. Also, dimension on sheet 2 the width and length of the diagonal and parallel accessible parking spaces. The size and configuration of the required accessible routes access aisles and parking spaces shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 20. The site plan review submittal requirements specify that a floor plan shall be submitted. Add to the submittal a conceptual floor plan drawing. Add to the floor plan the location of the required accessible entrances to the building. 21. Identify on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the flood zone that the site is located within. The finish floor elevation shall meet the minimum requirements of the following: minimum elevation required by the flood zone, minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project or not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting rights-of-way. Provide verification that the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards. 22. To verify that the square footage proposed for the building is in compliance with the regulations of the Building Code, indicate on the site plan or floor plan drawing, at time of permit review, the occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for the building. The building area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the specifications identified in the Building Code. 23. To verify that the wall signage illustrated on the elevation view drawings is in Page 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT compliance with the limits of the Sign Code, add dimension lines and dimensions to the drawing of the signage. 24. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verify that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 25. Add to the submittal detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance of the project. The size and design shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 26. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback dimension from each property line to the leading edge of the building. The building setbacks shall comply with Zoning Code regulations. 27. On sheet 2, identify the symbol that represents the property line. 28. The width of the Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawings does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. 29. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is located within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: Quantify the number of existing desirable trees which will be preserved in place, relocated on the site, or removed/replaced with additional native trees. The survey sheet #2 of 5 indicates a total existing tree count of 108 trees. This should be shown on the landscape plan. 30. A tree management plan for item # I above in reference to the existing desirable trees. 31. Landscape and irrigation improvement plan for the median on Boynton Beach Blvd. abutting the property (see survey sheet #5 of 5). 32. Provide littoral and upland plantings around 50% of the two wet retention Page 5 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT areas (see sheet #3 Drainage Plans). 33. A management plan for item #4 above in reference to the maintenance of the plantings. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 34. On the site plan, label the following items: -Loading areas -Height and type of all fences -Fire Hydrants -Proposed wall sign locations -ADT volumes at each entrance -Proposed buffer strips with dimensions -All adjacent RIW widths -All lighting sources 35. Provide a detail drawing the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: -All signage (ChA Sec.7 Par.B) -Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.l 0 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012) -Cart corrals (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par. B) 36. Provide a legend on each respective plan sheet which contains unlabeled abbreviations and symbols. 37. Provide the following information in the site plan tabular data: (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.E) - Water bodies and retention areas in square feet and acres -Required and proposed loading spaces -Setback requirements 38. Provide handicapped accessible pedestrian cross access from Right of Ways to main building entrances. (Ch.9 Sec.IO Par. B) 39. The traffic analysis, dated Feb. 1999, refers to both Winchester Park Blvd. entrances as full access driveways. The site plan notes that the southern entry drive is for delivery trucks only. Staff recommends the removal of the "trucks only" notation, and submittal of a variance request to allow more that one entrance drive from the Winchester Park Boulevard Right of Way. (Ch.23 Art.!! Sec.H. 7) 40. Provide signed and sealed survey sheets (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.A) 41. On the landscape plan, provide the following notes: -Irrigation source (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.C) -Safe sight corner dimensions (Ch.7.5 Art.II Sec.5 Par.H.!) Page 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT -Cypress mulch shall not be used -Areas to be sodden, seeded or sprigged etc. 42. Provide the required plant material screening adjacent the following items: -All dumpster, trash compactor or other storage area screen walls (Ch.7.5 Art.II ParJ. & Ch.9 Sec. 10 Par.C.2) - 6' high masonry visual buffer wall (Ch.7.5 Art.II Sec.5 Par.D.l) 43. On the landscape plan, label and dimension all required buffer strips (Ch.7.5 Art.II. Sed Par.D & E) 44. Provide the appropriate plantings required in parking area landscape islands (Ch.7.5 Art.II Sed Par.G) 45. Provide an architectural floor plan (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D.1) 46. Provide the following information on the architectural elevation plan: (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D) -Typical building dimensions including overall height, windows, trim, etc. -Tabular data which describes all materials, finishes, and colors 47. Submit a colored elevation drawing showing all building elevations (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D.2) 48. No principle buildings shall be placed facing, nor within 500 feet from Knuth Road (except when separated by an unrelated use or property. 49. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility with existing signs. 50. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility with existing signs. 51. Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to the Wal-Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and interconnection between the principle use and perimeter uses. 52. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility with the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. 53. Site plan approval for the entire project shall include a minimum 10 foot wide perimeter greenbelt where the project abuts road rights-of-way. 54. Added after forwarding to applicant: 54. If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, and the driveway and isle should be designed to prohibit same. 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 Reference: The olans consist of 15 sheets identified as I st Review. New Site Plan. File #NWSP 99-003 with a Februarv 26 1999 PlanninlZ and ZoninlZ Deoartment date stamo markinlZ . DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: 1. Waste removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate same. 2. The applicant must supply a detailed drawing of the enclosure with the plans. UTILITIES Comments: 3. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-18.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 4. Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 5. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art. , Sec. 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Dept. permit submittal. 6. Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter sizes, or expected demand. 7. Comp Plan policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 8. Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, Sec. 7F) 9. Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included . Page 2 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 25- 33(a) of the Code. 10. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 11. LDR Chap. 6, Article IV , Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 12. Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. 13. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 14. Indicate the southernmost point of connection for the proposed 8-inch water main to the existing main along Boynton Beach Blvd. The water main to the site must have at least two connections to the City's system in order to assure continuous domestic water supply and fire service. 15. Several aspects of the utility plan submitted are not in accordance with construction standards adopted by the Utilities Department. The plans submitted for Health Department permit review shall comply with Utilities Department standards in all aspects. A copy of the standards may be obtained from the Department at no charge. Comments: 16. A fire flow is required and the location of the fire department connection needs to be shown. Ldr 6-16 POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERJNG DIVISION Comments: Page 3 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 17. The site is to be divided into nine separate parcels which reqUIres the application to enter the plat process. A prerequisite to platting is the submission of a Master Plan. The Master Plan shall include a traffic impact analysis for all parcels to determine possible phasing of the project. A Master Storm water Management Plan for the whole development shall also be submitted as well as any other documentation specified in Chapter 3 of the Land Development Regulations. 18. This plan meets the definition of a planned commercial development as specified in LDR Chapter 2, Section 6.F.2. and will be compatible with the adjacent parcel to the east known as Boynton Commons and the abutting undevelopment parcel to the west. We recommend the zoning request be for a P.C.D. not C-3. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 19. Identify on sheet 2 the location of the accessible building entrances that are required to allow access for the disabled. Show and label on sheet 2 a symbol that represents the accessible path that leads to the building entrance from all accessible parking spaces. Add dimensions to the plan that indicate the width of the access aisles that are required adjacent to all accessible parking spaces. Also, dimension on sheet 2 the width and length of the diagonal and parallel accessible parking spaces. The size and configuration of the required accessible routes access aisles and parking spaces shall comply with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 20. The site plan review submittal requirements specify that a floor plan shall be submitted. Add to the submittal a conceptual floor plan drawing. Add to the floor plan the location of the required accessible entrances to the building. 21. Identify on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the flood zone that the site is located within. The finish floor elevation shall meet the minimum requirements of the following: minimum elevation required by the flood zone, minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project or not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting rights-of-way. Provide verification that the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards. 22. To verify that the square footage proposed for the building is in compliance with the regulations of the Building Code, indicate on the site plan or floor plan drawing, at time of permit review, the occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for the building. The building area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the specifications identified in the Building Code. Page 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 23. To verify that the wall signage illustrated on the elevation view drawings is in compliance with the limits of the Sign Code, add dimension lines and dimensions to the drawing ofthe signage. 24. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verify that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 25. Add to the submittal detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance of the project. The size and design shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 26. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback dimension from each property line to the leading edge of the building. The building setbacks shall comply with Zoning Code regulations. 27. On sheet 2, identify the symbol that represents the property line. 28. The width of the Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawings does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. 29. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is located within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 30. Quantify the number of existing desirable trees which will be preserved in place, relocated on the site, or removed/replaced with additional native trees. The survey sheet #2 of 5 indicates a total existing tree count of 108 trees. This should be shown on the landscape plan. 31. A tree management plan for item # 1 above In reference to the existing desirable trees. 32. Landscape and irrigation improvement plan for the median on Boynton Beach Blvd. abutting the property (see survey sheet #5 of 5). Page 5 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 33. Provide littoral and upland plantings around 50% of the two wet retention areas (see sheet #3 Drainage Plans). 34. A management plan for item #4 above in reference to the maintenance of the plantings. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 35. On the site plan, label the following items: -Loading areas - Height and type of all fences -Fire Hydrants -Proposed wall sign locations -ADT volumes at each entrance -Proposed buffer strips with dimensions -All adjacent R/W widths -All lighting sources 36. Provide a detail drawing the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: -All signage (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.B) -Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.1 0 Par.C.3) -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-90012) -Cart corrals (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.B) 37. Provide a legend on each respective plan sheet which contains unlabeled abbreviations and symbols. 38. Provide the following information in the site plan tabular data: (Ch.4 Sec.7 PaLE) - Water bodies and retention areas in square feet and acres -Required and proposed loading spaces -Setback requirements 39. Provide handicapped accessible pedestrian cross access from Right of Ways to main building entrances. (Ch.9 Sec. 10 Par.B) 40. The traffic analysis, dated Feb. 1999, refers to both Winchester Park Blvd. entrances as full access driveways. The site plan notes that the southern entry drive is for delivery trucks only. Staff recommends the removal of the "trucks only" notation, and submittal of a variance request to allow more that one entrance drive from the Winchester Park Boulevard Right of Way. (Ch.23 Art.II Sec.H. 7) 41. Provide signed and sealed survey sheets (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.A) 42 On the landscape plan, provide the following notes: Page 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT -Irrigation source (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.C) -Safe sight corner dimensions (Ch.7.5 Art.II Sec.5 Par.H.!) -Cypress mulch shall not be used -Areas to be sodden, seeded or sprigged etc. 43 Provide the required plant material screening adjacent the following items: -All dumpster, trash compactor or other storage area screen walls (Ch.7.5 Art.II ParJ. & Ch.9 Sec.IO Par.C.2) - 6' high masonry visual buffer wall (Ch.7.5 Art. II Sec.5 Par.D.1) 44 On the landscape plan, label and dimension all required buffer strips (Ch. 7.5 Art.!!. Sec.5 Par.D & E) 45 Provide the appropriate plantings required in parking area landscape islands (Ch. 7.5 Art.!! Sec.5 Par.G) 46 Provide an architectural floor plan (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D.l) 47 Provide the following information on the architectural elevation plan: (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D) -Typical building dimensions including overall height, windows, trim, etc. _ Tabular data which describes all materials, finishes, and colors 48 Submit a colored elevation drawing showing all building elevations (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D.2) 49 No principle buildings shall be placed facing, nor within 500 feet from Knuth Road (except when separated by an unrelated use or property. 50. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility with existing signs. 51. Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility with existing signs. 52. Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to the Wal-Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and interconnection between the principle use and perimeter uses. 53. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility with the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. 54. Site plan approval for the entire project shall include a minimum ! 0 foot wide perimeter greenbelt where the project abuts road rights-of-way. 55. Added after forwarding to applicant: 54. If an additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, and the driveway and isle should be designed to Project name: W AL MART File number: NWSP 99-003 R ~ Th I f15 h 'd 'fi d t ~.~ yJ ~ i..- e1A/) <;; lAl ,z.-- REVIEW COMMENTS e erence: e nlans consist 0 s eets I entI Ie as IS Review New Site Plan. I e #NWSP 99-003 with a Februarv 26 ] 999 Plannin<> and ZoninlZ Deoartment date stamn markinl!. .-, W'f/ ('" 1 r.--I v';'{7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: I. Waste removal in connection with construction process must be serviced by the City of Boynton Beach. Place note on dumpster detail to indicate same. 2. The applicant must supply a detailed drawing of the enclosure with the plans. UTILITIES Comments: 3. All utilities easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping drawings so that we may determine which trees may interfere with utilities. In general, palm trees will be the only tree species allowed within utility easements. Canopy trees may be planted outside of the easement so that roots and branches will not impact those utilities within the easement in the foreseeable future. LDR Sec. 7.5-]8.1 gives public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. 4. Dept. of Health permits will be required for the water and sewer systems serving this project. (Sec. 26-12) 5. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1500 g.p.m. as stated in LDR Chap. 6, Art. , Sec. ]6, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater. (See Sec. 26-16(a)). Please submit these calculations with your Health Dept. permit submittal. 6. Sec. 26-34(E) of the City Code requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon my request for signature on the Health Dept. application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter sizes, or expected demand. 7. Comp Plan policy 3C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may, therefore, not be used for irrigation where other sources are readily available. 8. Provide an engineer's written certification that drainage will conform to all rules of the City and the South Florida Water Management District. (LDR Chap. 4, Sec. 7F) 9, Water and sewer lines to be owned and operated by the City shall be included File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 25- 33(a) of the Code. 10. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. ]1. LDR Chap. 6, Article IV , Sec. ]6 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please ...1~~",~...+.....+", +-1-....+ +1-...." ....1".... .........,..,.+-'" th;" ....rm..-1itinn hlJ J;;!hr\\:Vlno ~11 hvr1r~nt" Page 2 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT within utility easements. Please show all proposed easements on the engineering drawings, using a minimum width of 12 feet. The easements shall be dedicated via separate instrument to the City as stated in Sec. 25- 33(a) of the Code. 10. This office will not require surety for installation of the water and sewer utilities, on condition that the systems be fully completed, and given to the City before the first permanent meter is set. Note that setting of a permanent water meter is a prerequisite to obtaining the certificate of occupancy. 11. LDR Chap. 6, Article IV , Sec. 16 requires that all points on each building will be within 200 feet of an existing or proposed fire hydrant. Please demonstrate that the plan meets this condition, by showing all hydrants. 12. Appropriate backflow preventers will be required on the domestic water service to the building, and the fire sprinkler line if there is one, in accordance with Sec. 26-207. 13. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this office has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to serve the project. (Sec. 26-15) 14. Indicate the southernmost point of connection for the proposed 8-inch water main to the existing main along Boynton Beach Blvd. The water main to the site must have at least two connections to the City's system in order to assure continuous domestic water supply and fire service. 15. Several aspects of the utility plan submitted are not in accordance with construction standards adopted by the Utilities Department. The plans submitted for Health Department permit review shall comply with Utilities Department standards in all aspects. A copy of the standards may be obtained from the Department at no charge. FIRE Comments: 16. A fire flow is required and the location of the fire department connection needs to be shown. Ldr 6-16 POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: Page 3 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 17. The site is to be divided into nine separate parcels which requires the application to enter the plat process. A prerequisite to platting is the submission of a Master Plan. The Master Plan shall include a traffic impact analysis for all parcels to determine possible phasing of the project. A Master Stormwater Management Plan for the whole development shall also be submitted as well as any other documentation specified in Chapter 3 of the Land Development Regulations. 18. This plan meets the definition of a planned commercial development as specified in LDR Chapter 2, Section 6.F.2. and will be compatible with the adjacent parcel to the east known as Boynton Commons and the abutting undevelopment parcel to the west. We recommend the zoning request be for a P.C.D. not C-3. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 19. Identify on sheet 2 the location of the accessible building entrances that are required to allow access for the disabled. Show and label on sheet 2 a symbol that represents the accessible path that leads to the building entrance from all accessible parking spaces. Add dimensions to the plan that indicate the width of the access aisles that are required adjacent to all accessible parking spaces. Also, dimension on sheet 2 the width and length of the diagonal and parallel accessible parking spaces. The size and configuration of the required accessible routes access aisles and parking spaces shall comply with the regulations specified In the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. 20. The site plan review submittal requirements specify that a floor plan shall be submitted. Add to the submittal a conceptual floor plan drawing. Add to the floor plan the location of the required accessible entrances to the building. 21. Identify on the floor plan within the footprint of the building the finish floor elevation. Add to the site data found on sheet 2 the flood zone that the site is located within. The finish floor elevation shall meet the minimum requirements of the following: minimum elevation required by the flood zone, minimum elevation required by the South Florida Water Management District permit for the project or not less than six inches above the crown of the abutting rights-of-way. Provide verification that the proposed finish floor elevation is in compliance with the minimum standards. 22. To verify that the square footage proposed for the building is in compliance with the regulations of the Building Code, indicate on the site plan or floor plan drawing, at time of permit review, the occupancy classification and type of construction proposed for the building. The building area, occupancy and type of construction shall comply with the specifications identified in the Building Code. Page 4 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 23. To verify that the wall signage illustrated on the elevation view drawings is in compliance with the limits of the Sign Code, add dimension lines and dimensions to the drawing of the signage. 24. Add computations and ratios to the elevation view drawings that verify that the area of the wall signage is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. 25. Add to the submittal detailed dimensioned drawings of the monument sign located on sheet 2 at the north entrance of the project. The size and design shall comply with the regulations specified in the Sign Code. Also, add dimensions to sheet 2 that depict the location of the monument sign from the adjacent property lines. The Sign Code specifies the minimum sign setback from all property lines shall not be less than ten (10) feet. Amend the plans accordingly. 26. At time of permit review, identify on the site plan the actual setback dimension from each property line to the leading edge of the building. The building setbacks shall comply with Zoning Code regulations. 27. On sheet 2, identify the symbol that represents the property line. 28. The width of the Lake Worth Drainage District easement identified on the site plan drawings does not match the width of the same easement identified on the survey. Amend the plans accordingly. 29. The City Zoning Map indicates that a portion of the proposed property is not located within the City. The map also indicates that the portion of the project that is located within the City is located within an AG zoning district. Therefore, there is misrepresentation on the plans with respect to what zoning district the project is located within. Amend the plans accordingly. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 30. Quantify the number of existing desirable trees which will be preserved in place, relocated on the site, or removed/replaced with additional native trees. The survey sheet #2 of 5 indicates a total existing tree count of 108 trees. This should be shown on the landscape plan. 31. A tree management plan for item # I above In reference to the existing desirable trees. 32. Landscape and irrigation improvement plan for the median on Boynton Beach Blvd. abutting the property (see survey sheet #5 of 5). Page 5 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 33. Provide littoral and upland plantings around 50% of the two wet retention areas (see sheet #3 Drainage Plans). 34. A management plan for item #4 above in reference to the maintenance of the plantings. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 35. 36. 37. On the site plan, label the following items: ./ -Load iog areas u E: " --;- ~.~!.:., tS- of- ,?, [ ,~ ,,~ .Heighbmd type of all fences l' t" -Fire Hydrants -Proposed wall sign locations -ADT volumes at each entrance.,.. It' - ~p~~cd- buffer strips with dimensions, -AlI~;IjaQ@Rt RlW widths 0 . / -~Jl.~iftg'~s ' - tI (' I, .., - 10 !Jotl 1,t" ,/ -/..( V ;;. 1 , { (':I;, I,i',' ?/f(' '-;',". _,,'i' ".. 'r-, (.,1- ,",C ,,,'/",,,--' r Provide a detail drawing the following items including dimensions, materials and colors: j'>' (, t.. i I \' v -All signs!!e'(Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.B) I.), 1" .. -Typical trash compactor and required screen wall (Ch.9 Sec.10 Par.C.3) \" Ac ,.,'b, -Typical parking and handicapped spaces (City drawing #B-900 12) f""lou" tI ~b>, ". Fo" ,0(,,,",, ,u."", '"! 1'81",.,n ..... f'q~CbM '.'"" '" . ,,',* h'/"i' ", "EAU"PCt' ",RJ .....~H.l.,\ I.. ~f!.c., &U,~.J....Jr / .,:-;, c';-:';-, '{cii"L3 Ar.~'~ ~AP_~"\ f- if,nr..'\i}i',"r 17' ~i." ,,'v . P~ovicle a lege"d.eIHaehrespective-plaa sheet which contains unlabeled abereyiatig"s llIlEl<yrobols. TC n.. l.-~ +_, :J 38. Provide the following information in the site plan tabular data: (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.E) ... . . . _'___ " - Wah:r lJ5dWE;--<;an-n -ret~~lion are~~ in"SquareTeet-and--acres -Required and pl81'".ed loading spaces -SctDa",k reCII:1ireFR9Rts 39. Provide handicapped acc~..iblepedestriancross access from-Right of Ways to main building entrances. (Ch.9 Sec..l{}.Par.B) 40. The traffic analysis, dated Feb. 1999, refers to both Winchester Park Blvd. entrances as full access driveways. The site plan notes that the southern entry drive is for delivery trucks only. Staff recommends the removal of the "trucks only" notation, and submittal of a variance request to allow more that one entrance drive from the Winchester Park Boulevard Right of Way. (Ch.23 Art.II Sec.H. 7) 41. Provide signed and sealed survey sheets (ChA Sec.7 Par.A) 42 On the landscape plan, provide the following notes: DEPARTMENTS .lrFigation sffiIrce (ChA Sec.7 PaLC) -Safe sight corner dimensions (Cho7.5 Art.II Sec.5 Par.H.I) -Cypress mulch shalhwtbe'USed -Areas to be 'SOdden, seed~dorSDrilZlZed etc. ?R,\'vl',---:-: :\. ~. ,~-r-' ':J..;y ',J.:, [',"-r /: f. v Provide the required plant material screening adjacent the following items: -All dumpster, trash compactor or other storage area screen walls (1:;:h.1.5 Art.II Pad. & Ch.9 Sec.10 PaLC.2) ..:-- "ff"-higIrrnall~i~""l J:mF1rwall (CIF.~.II Sec.5 Par.D.I) ^~:L -; "? " ,_~ t,. '.. ,. -, I . r /' .r. .,/ n. .and-dim~Hsion '1lit-reqeiredimffer"Stflps-{Gh. 7.5 Art.II. Sec.5 Par.D & E) 43 44 Page 6 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 INCLUDE REJECT ,/ 45./ Provide tJie-lIppropriate plantings required in parking area landscape islllllds (Ch. 7.5 Art.II Sec.5 PaLG) . .-_._~ c 46 j Provide an architectural floor plan (Ch.4 Sec.7 Par.D.I) 47 / Provide the following information on the architectural elevation plan: (Ch.4 Sec.7 PaLD) -Typical building dimensions including overall height, windows, trim, etc. -Tabular data which describes all materials, finishes, and colors 48./ Submit a colored elevation drawing showing all building elevations (ChA Sec.7 Par.D.2) 49 J .Nt> prinsiple lmildingsshallbeptaced-facing, nerwithiIr500feetfrom Knuth Road (except when separated by an unrelated IIse-or-pr6p<lrty. 50. \/ Site\PlanWJ~,<al~all'jnclll.~1l' '" ~ .'" '" ~~\age intell)j~~iml~ sh~r~i1 sig;)iie\~c~);tii~"''.~ "- .istin~~~s. 51. / Site plan approval shall include a coordinated sign program for site signage intended to maximize shared signage and compatibility with existing signs. ,. '-, ,.. \ -:~ J\j 52. Ingress/egress shall be coordinated using proposed principle driveways to the Wal-Mart use (except for two out parcels on Boynton Beach Boulevard) and interconnection between the principle use and perimeter uses. 53. 54. Architectural design guidelines shall be required for site plan approval to ensure internal compatibility and compatibility with the adjacent Boynton Commons PCD. 'jl',/' :' r:I.. ,~ \)(/,1."'1'. _,'I '1 1,'..,,11-1'" ,.~ OF,) './,' ...- Site plan apl',llyal for the ~"ljle p.~j.ct shall include a mInimlJm-.Ui.foot wide perimetel -greenb~1l where me pJuj~d abuts reat! rights af way. 55. Added after forwarding to applicant: 54. 1fan additional project driveway is added onto Knuth Road, truck/commercial traffic should be prohibited from using this driveway, and the driveway and isle should be designed to Page 7 File Name Wal-Mart Supercenter File No.: NWSP 99-003 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT prohibit same. \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA TA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Wal Mart\NWSP\15T REVIEW COMMENTS.doc . .' uc~ l.mA.. r f ( &/ ~."ys f-.c-tJr ?J(nc-h~s~<" BItd2o, ;/ SlY I, Ir7Y~<<' ;;. Jo;.J;J2.C'n~ l/ u<<,sC;'Y'. :J",;.J:;...(.'t1"'5 '-"" CO(Ol<1:'.y de..V4i:.ftoru. ()nc-~r/~(s r/- Co k......) / .sub.j=--f t'",,{"C,c.-( .s+ill ;."cJuik.s e.J.l.. ~('l+;:'f'e.. fY"'f"""fy. V 1'1' ~hftrc r~~-fy ':& /J'Jd.4t2..J <2.c-<=-c.. .5o-fe./ ~)mcVj CA-'n.a. cY~("f"/>?=Ylf cf 0.-'" cc.---l- ~ <.J7r( r~r<"S<o,"",+ 0- yrJ"j~P yn~Yific~~ ~ ~{I>1tr--f (1l<:u ~ (' ?~ '" 7 '7 r: ;:;;h~ (/0' t'Z /C~ ~,-:J 6-(c---t2 J~~ C<---^-'kr V .'j< ~r6.<..... 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