S~nt b~IRUDEN McCLOSKY 18FL Feb-22-ee e4:55~~
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fro~ 954?~44996~5613?56259
June 1999
Boynton Beach, FL
Prepared by:
Kimler-Horn & Associates, Inc:.
601 21st St., #400
Ve~o Beach, FL 32960
Rudeo, McClosky, Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A.
200 East Broward Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 333411
~!l9~ 2 b~=RUOEH n~ClOSKY 19F1 F~b-22-0a e.'55~~
frOM 9~.76.4996~S6137S6259
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""0 DEPl
June 1999
Boynton Beach. FL
Prepared by:
Klmley-Hom & A..~iate.. In~.
601 21st St., #400
VeTO Beach, FL 32960
Rudeo, McClosk)', Smith, Schuster & Russell, P.A.
200 East Broward Boulevard
Fort LlIuderdale, FL 333411
S~nt b~IRUDEN M~ClO$KV 19F1 F~b-22-ea e4155~~
rron 9SA7644996J5613756259
~.<;l~ 3
Boynton Beach. FL
These design standards and criteria have been established at the request of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida to ensw'e overall quality and continuity of design for the approximately thirty-nine
(39) acres of property ("Wal.Mart Center") located in the southwest comer of the intersection of
Winchester Park Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, The development of the property ",ill consist
of a large parcel intended for development of a Wal-Mart Supercenter and an lUldetemlined number
of outparcels for typical outparcel retail use. The Steak 'n Shake outparcel Cl!1Tently being
developed adjacent to the northwest corner of the property is not part of these Design Guidelines.
The Wal-Mart Center property is designated Local Retail Commercia! on the City's Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. It is not the intent of these guidelines to resh;ct or regiment creative design but
rather to assure minimum standards for compatible and consistent deSign,
The criteria set forth herein arc in addition to and supplement those development regulations of the
City ::>fBoynton Beach and other applicable governmental regulatory authorities. These guidelines
will set minimum ~and.ard,~ for site planning, landscaping, signage and roaDway access. Other
re~lations of the City and applicable governmental agencies, such as the design and construction
of utilities, drainage ar.d structures are not affected.
It is the intent and purpose of the regulations and guidelines established herein to ensure that the
goals and objectives of the City's Compreh<:nsive rlan and Zoning Codc arc rnct.
The exact Sizes of the outparcels will be determined at a later date when they are site planned and
developed. The driveways showy; on the attached Exhibit "A" Wal-Mart Site Plan will provide
access for the outparcels. Cross access easements will be established with each outparcel. Each
outparcel shall provide. at a minimum, the parking required by the City Code of Ordinances for the
intended use. The Wal-Mart Site Plan shall be amended as each outparce] is developed to retlect the
S~~t b~IRUDEN M~Cl05KY 18Fl F@b-22-ee @~IS6~~
frQ~ ~~4?644~36~56137562S9
,",!IIq~ 4/"
additional outparcel development. The Steak 'n Shake shall also have cross access rights to utilize
the driveways shown on :he WaJ-Mart Site :PIau.
Standards for landscaping and signage :emain gerleral, providing guidelines for size, location and
design. The Wal-Mart SUpel'center's landscaping and signage shall set the standard for development
of the outparcels. These standards will be further defined as part of the site plan submittal package
to the City tor the develapment of individCJa! outparcels, Ground signs, identifying the use of each
outparcel, shall be single or double faced. Each of the outparcels shall be allowed one (I) such sign,
a maximum of forty-eight (48) square teet in size, and no greater than ten feet (10') in height. These
slgns may not be placed within the ten foot (10') landscape buffer strip adjacent to the roadway.
Each ground sign must be of concrete or masonry consttU<.'tion with solid stucco finish designed
generally similar to the Wal-!vIart sign. Base colors mtJst be compatible with building colors.
Lettering anellor corporate I(lgos may vary in size, font and color, based on the particular user and
its trademarked colors, font and logos. Each ground sign must be sUlTounded by a one foot (I ') high,
or greater, planter wall wit.\in which ground cover such as flowering shrubs or other landscaping
shall be installed and maintained.
Exterior building colors, including body, trim and roof colors are to be selected from a palette of
colors consistent with surrounding commercial de,'elopment such as Boymon Commons to the east
(but not the Steak 'n Shake). The color palette generally consists of terra cotta and earth tones for
the roofs, pale earth tones and p~1els as tbe primary building colors and various brighter accent
colors on bQilding signs, accent tiles and color bandg, Trademarked colors and signage shall be
permitted but shall be used in such a maMer as to be compa:ible with primary building colors.
Specific guidelines are:
For rhe WaI-Mart Supercenter Parcel
* Signage
The Wal-Mm Supereenter signage will consist of one (I) double faced monument sign to
be located at the Old Boynton Road entrzulccway to the Wal.Mart Center. This sign will not
exceed sixty-four (64) square feet of signable area per face and shall not cxceed ten feet (10')
in overall height. This sign wIll not be located in the ten foot \I 0') buffer area which
sunolU1ds the property. Signage for the Supercenter building shall be as allowed in the City
sign regulations and as shown on attached Exhibit "B" Etevation/Signage Plan.
* Landscaping
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_.~a9~ 5/ 7
The landscape 011 the WaI-Mart Supercenter parcel will be in a,cordance with the City Code
requirements as enhanced by the approved plan, The plant palette shall be consistent and
compatible with that of the Boynwn Beach Mall and the Boynton Commons Shopping
Center. To the extent feasible, existing trees will be incorporated into the site plan.
* Building Colors
The exterior colors of the Wal.Mart Supercenter will be in keeping "ith lhe colors of the
surrounding commercial developments (not including Steak 'n Shake). This color palette
generally consists of terra wtta atld earth tones on the roofs, pale earth tones and pastels as
tlte primary building colors, and vilI'ious brighter ac;;ent colors on signs, accent tiles, and
colol'bands on the buildings; all as referenced on the EJevation;Signage Planes).
* BUllding Materials
Building materials for the Wal.Mart Supercenter shall be compatible VYith the bllilding
materials used in other commercial development in the vicinity includillg the Boyntoll
Commons Shopping Center.
* Building Design
Building design is as set forth on the Elevation/Signage Plan{s) which evidences varied
architectural features such as ball.ding, decorative tiles, columns and glass.
For the Outparcels
* Signage
Signage for outpaxcel buildings shall be in accordance with the City Code requirements aud
compatible with the Wal.Mart signage, except that of maximum sign area. Non-building
signage for the outparcels shall consist of a maximum of one (I) double faced monument
sign to be located along the street frontage of each outparcel. The size of monument signage
alIowed for each individual otltparcel shall be forty-eight (48) square feet of signable area
per face, Each monument sign shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height and will be full V) the ground with appropriate plant material <not just sod) around the base.
Each ground sign must be of concrete or masonry construction ",ith solid stucco finish or
alternative material, both consistent with the Wal.MaJ1 sign and acceptable to City staff.
Each sign shall be generally consistent with the Wal-Mat1 Site sign. Outparcel sign colors
shall be compatible with building colors. The use of corporate logos and colors will be
FTJ. '42~(H5:~
s~~t b~I~UDEN McCLOSKY 18FL F@b-22-83 0~t57~h
frOA ~S~764499b~56137Sb259
"!Iq. 6/ 7
permitted and should be utilized so as to be compatible "ith the overall look of the Wal-Mart
Supcrcenter and the subject outparcel. Building signage shall be limited to entrance areas
of tile buildings, unless minimal, soft, and compatible with sllbject facade, and does not
introduce new colors to the project
* Landscaping
The landscape ,111 the olltparcels shall be in accordance with City Code landscape
requirements and possibly enhanced by each respective outparcel project The plant palette
shall be consistent and compatible with the landscape on the \Val-Mart Supercenter parceL
To the extent feasible, existing trees will be incorporated into the site plan. The ten foot
(10') landscape buffer along the roadways, as shown on the Master Site Plan, shall be
maintained and may be enhanced when outparcels are developed.
-/< BVlilding Colors
Su:ce the Wal-Mart Superccnter will be built fIrst, outparcels "ill Wldergo separate review
by the City of Boynton Beach. Buildings shall be generally compatible with the coloralion
of the Wal-Mart Supercenter and Boynton Commons buildings. Individual buildings will
be permitted to utilize corporate or trademarked colors as part of the accent colors on
buildings as long as unique corporate colors do not represent extreme color contrasts and are
limited to entrance areas 011 the buildings and signage. At the time of City review and site
plan approval of each outparceL specitic color referen~es shall be provided. These must be
reviewed by City staff for compatibility with the Wal-ma."1 SU\lercenter and Boymon
Commons during the review process.
... B uiJding Materials
Building materials for outparcel development shall be compatible with Wal-Mart
Supercenter building materials and those used in other conunel'cial development in the
Vlcinily including the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. If new or unique materials are
used, said materials shall be used to achieve a higher quality appearance or product.
... Building Design
Building design for outplllcel development sball be compatible with the Will-Mart
Supercenter as ser forth on Elevation/Signage Plan which evidences varied architectural
features such as banding linlited to entrance areas, colux:ms, decorative tlles, cornices and
diamond features, etc. Building design shall also be compatible with other commercial
development in the viCinity including the Boynton Commoos Shopping Center. Except for
entrance features and column details, no elements should extend above the roof line. If
alternative roof designs are proposed, a maximum effort should be given to maximize
S~nt b~lRUC€N McC~OSKY 18F~ F@b-22-0a 94:S7~~
fro~ 9~4764~996tS6137562S9
~aqll!> 7/ 7
compatibility with established architectural character. Also, main el\tranCe8 shall be
enhanced with raised roof feature, columns and arches. unless contrasting corporate design
requirements are deemed acceptable by City staff.
* Uses
It shall be a goal of this development to enhance the diversity of retail uses in the
s\irrolu1ding aJ'ea and to avoid duplication of ~es.
Where these standards remain silent or aJ'e in conflict with City standords, then the City standards
shaH apply,
S~n~ b~IRUDEN McCLOSKY laFL Feb-22-ee e4:S5~M
fror, 9547'44996~56137S62S9
I"al'if' '3
Boynton Belich, FL
These design standards and criteria have been established at the request of the City of Boynton
Beach, Florida to ensure overall quality and continuity of design for the approximately thirty-nine
(39) acres of property ("Wal-Mart Center") located in the southwest comer of the intersection of
Winchester Park Boulevard and Old Boynton Road, The development of the property will consist
of a large parcel intended fot' development of a Wal-Mart Supercenter and an lUIdetennined number
of oUlparcels for typical outparcel retail use. The Steak 'n Shake outparcel currently being
developed adjacent to the northwest corner of the property is not part of these Design Guidelines.
The Wal-Mart Center property is designated Local Retail Commercial on the City's Comprehensive
Land Use Plan. It is not the intent of these guidelines to restrict or regIment creative design but
rather to assure minimum standards for compatible and consistent deSIgn,
The criteria set forth hercin arc in addition to and supplement those development regulations of the
City of Boynton Beach and other applicable governmental regulatory aathorities. These guidelines
will set mir,imum st:al1dard,~ for site planning, landscaping, signage and roadway access. Other
regulations of the City and applicable governmental agencies. such as the design and construction
of utilities, drainage and structures are not affected.
It is the mtem and purpose of the regulations and guidelines e~tablished herein to ensure that the
goals and objectives of the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code arc met.
The exaet SIzeS of the outparcels will be determined at a later date when they are site planned and
developed. The driveways shown on the attached Exhibit "A" Wal-Mart Site Plan will provide
access for the outparcel~. Cross acce~5 easements will be established with each outparcel. Eac,h
outparcel shall provide, at a minimum, the parking requued by the City Code of Ordinances for the
Intended use. The WaI-Mart Site Plan shall be amended as each outparcel is devE'loped 10 reflect the
S~nt b~:RUDEH McCL05KY 19FL Feb-22-B6 e~t56~~
fro~ 9~47&44'9b~5&1375&2S9
~!lqe 4_. 7
additional outparcel development. The Steak 'n Shake shaJ.1 also have cross access rights to utilize
the driveways shown on :lte WaI-Mart Site Plan.
Standards for landscaping and signage remain genera1, providing guidelines for size, location and
design. The Wal- Mart Supercenter's landscaping and signage shall set the standard for development
of the outpa.rcels. These standards will be further defined as part of the SIte pial) submittal paclmge
to t!Je City for the development of individual outparcels, GrQUlld signs, identifying the use of each
oltiparcd, shall be single or double faced. Each of the outparcels shall be allowed one (1) such sign,
a maximum of fony-eight (48) square feet in size, and no greater than ten feet (10') in height. These
signs may not be placed within the ten foot (10') landscape buffer strip adjacent to the roadway.
Each ground sign must be of concrete or maSQnry consttU'-'1ion with solid stucco finish designed
generally similar to the Wal-Mart sign, Base colors mtlst be compatible with building colors.
Lettel'ing and/or corporate logos may vary in size, font and color, based on the particular user and
its trademarked colors, fOllt and logos. Each ground sign must be surrounded by a one foot (I') high,
or greater, planter wall ",ithin which ground cover such as flowering shrubs or other landscaping
sh.a11 be instalkd and maintained,
Exterior buUding colors, inclUding body, oim and roof colors are to be selected from a palette of
colors consistent with sclITounding commercial development stich as Boynton Commons to the east
(but not the Steak 'n Shake), The color palette generally consists of tena cotta and eartn tones for
the roofs, pale earth tones and pastels as the primary building colors and various brighter accent
colors on building signs, accent tiles and color bands, Trademill"ked colors and ,ignag" shall be
permitted but shall be used in such a manner as to be compatible with primary building colors.
Specific guidelines are:
For The Waf-Mart Supercenter Parcel
* Signage
The W ai- Mart Supercenter signage will consist of one (1) double faced monument sign to
be located at the Old BOYl'lton Road entrllnccway to the Will-Mart Center. This sign wll! not
exceed sixty-four (64) square feet of signable area per face and shall not exceed ten feet (10')
in overall height. This sign wlllnot b~, located in the ten foot \1 0') b~lffer area which
surrotmds the property. Signage for the Supel'center building shall be as allowed in the City
sign regulations and as shown on attached Exhibit "B" Elevation/Signage Plan.
* Landscaping
nL 427Q15:5
S~nt b~:RIJDEN McCLOSKY IBFL F@b-22-0e e4;56~M
frOM 954?644996~5613755259
!""age :5 / ;>
The landscape on the WaI-Mart Supercenter parcel will be in ~oordance with the City Code
requirements as enhanced by the approved plan, The plant palette shall be consistent and
compatible with that of the Boynton Beach Mall and the Boynton Commons Shopping;
Center. To the extent feasible, eXIsting trees will be incorporated into the site plan.
* Building Colors
The exterior colors of the Wal-Mart Supercenter will be in keeping ",ith lhe colors of the
surrounding commercial devdopments (not including Steak 'n S1W:e). This color palette
generally consists of terra cotta and earth tones on the roofs, pale earth tones and pastels as
the primary building colors, and various brighter accent colors on signs. accent tiles, and
color bands on the buildings; aU as referenced on the Elevation/Signage Plants).
* Building Materials
Building materials for the Wal-Mart Supercenter shall be compatible with the building
materials used in other commercial development in the vicinity includillg the Boynton
Commons Shopping Center.
* Building Design
Building design is as set forth on the Elevation/Slgnage Plan(s) which evidences varied
a.rchitectural features such as banding, decorative tiles, columns and glass.
For the Outparcds
* Signage
Signage for outparcel buildings shall be in accordance with the City Code requirements and
compatible with the WaI-Mart signage, except that of maximum sign area. Non.building
signage for the outparcels shall consist of a maxitnum of one (l) dOllble faced monument
sign Lo be located along the street frontage of each outparcel. The size of monument signage
allowed for each individual outparcel shall be forty-eight (48) square feet of signable area
per face. Each monument sign shall not exceed ten feet (10') in height and will be
construc,~ed full to the ground ,,~th appropriate plant material (not just sod) around the base.
Each gro\llld sign must be of concrete or masonry construction with solid stucco finish or
alternative material, both consistent with the Wal.MaJ1 sign and acceptable to City staff,
Each sign shall be generally consistent with the Wal-Mart Site sign. Outparcel sign colors
shall be compatible with building colors, The use of corporate leg03 and colors will be
5~nt b~I~UD~N M~ClOSkY 18Fl F@b-22-Ba 04157~M
rrc~ 9~47644996)5613756259
"<!IIqil!' 6 / 7
permitted and should be utilized so as to be compatible "illi the overall look of the Wal-Mart
Supcrcenter and the subject outparcel. Building signage shall be limited to entrance areas
of the buildings, unless minimal, soft, and compatible with subject facade, and does not
introduce new colors to the project
* Larulscaping
The landscape on the outparcels shall be in accordance with City Code landscape
requirements and possibly enhanced by eac;h respective outparcel project. 111e plant palette
shall be consistent and compatible with the landscape on the Wal-Mart Supercenter parcel.
To the extent feasible, existing (TeeS will be incorporated into the site plan, The ten foot
(10'\ landscape butfer along the roadways. as shown on the Master Site Plan, shall be
maintained and may be enhanced when outparcels are developed,
* Building Colors
Sinc;e the Wal-Mart Supercenter will be built fust, outparcels will undergo separate review
by the City of Boynton 8each. Buildings shall be generally compatible willi the coloration
of the Wal-Mart Supercenter and Boynton Commons buildings, Individual buildings will
be permitted to utilize corporate or trademarked colors as part of the accent colors on
buildings as long as unique corporate colors do not represent extreme color contrasts and are
limited to entrance areas on the buildings and signage. At tbe time of City review and site
plan approval of each outparcel, specitic wIer reteren~es shall be proYlded. These must be
reviewed by City staff for compatibility with the Vial-mart Supercenter and Boynton
Commons during the review process.
... Building Materials
Building materials for outparcel development shall be compatible with Wal-Mart
Supercenter building materials and those used in other commercial development ill the
vicinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. If new ()T @iq\le materials are
used, said materials shall be used to achieve a bigher quality appearance or product.
... Building Design
Building design for outparcel development sbaH be compatible with rhe Wal-Mart
Supel'center as set forth on ElevationlSignage Plarl which evi.dences varied architectural
features such as banding limited to entrance axeas, colLlJ::J.ns, decorative tlles, cornices and
diamond features, etc. Building design shall also be compatible with other conunercial
development in the vicinity including the Boynton Commons Shopping Center. Except for
entrance features and column details, no elements should extend above the roof line. If
alternative roof designs are proposed, a maximum effort should be given to maximize
S~~~ b~~RUCEN McCLOSKY laFL Feb-22-ea O~~57PM
frOM 9~47&4~996~5'1375&259
F~<;le 7- 7
, ,
compatibility with established architectural character. Also, main entrances shall be
enhanced with raised roof feature, columns and arches, unless controsting corporate design
requirements are deemed acceptable by City staff.
* Uses
It shall be a goal of this development to enhance the diversity of retail uses in the
sllrrounding area and to avoid duplication of uses.
Where these standards remain silent or are in conflict with City standll)'ds, then the City standards
shall apply,