APPLICATION WAL-MART BOYNTON BEACH APPLICATION FOR A BINDING LETTER OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT STATUS WAL-MART STORES EAST, INC. RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, PA July, 1999 RUDEN MCCLOSKY SMITH SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. 215 SOUTH MONROE STREET SUITE 815 TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA 32301 TELEPHONE: (850) 681.9027 FAX: (850) 22+2032 E-MAil: MRK@RUDEN.COM ATTORNEYS AT LAW July 12, 1999 VIA HAND DELIVERY Charles Gauthier Chief, Bureau of Local Planning Division of Community Planning Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399 Re: Application for a Binding Letter of Interpretation of Development of Regional Impact Status for WaI-Mart Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Gauthier: Enclosed please find an Application for a Binding Letter of Interpretation of Development of Regional Impact Status for the proposed Wal-Mart Supercenter in Boynton Beach, Florida. The application requests a determination that the proposed Supercenter is not required to undergo review as a development of regional impact. As required, copies of this application have been forwarded to the City of Boynton Beach and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. A copy of the application has also been provided the Florida Department of Transportation and the South Florida Water Management District. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, RUDEN, McCLOSKY, SMITH, SCHUSTER & RUSSELL, P.A. 71v-y MRK/ed rMargaret-Ray Kemper cc: City of Boynton Beach Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Department of Transportation South Florida Water Management District TAL:20934:1 FORT LAUDERDALE. MIAMI. NAPLES. ST. PETERSBURG. SARASOTA. TALLAHASSEE. TAMPA FORM RPM-BSP-BLID-1 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS DIVISION OF RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT BUREAU OF LOCAL PLANNING 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, Florida 32399 850/487-4545 APPLICATION FOR A BINDING LETTER OF DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT STATUS UNDER SECTIONS 380.06 and 120.57, FLORIDA STATUTES I. Issuance of a binding letter is final agency action and subject to judicial review pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes. The record on appeal will consist of exhibits, documents or other materials prepared by the applicant and submitted to the Division of Resource Planning and Management pursuant to this application plus other information or materials the Division of Resource Planning and Management may develop and make part of the record. The Division of Resource Planning and Management may provide for a hearing if appropriate under Subsection 9J-2.016(16), Florida Administrative Code. If necessary for the preparation of a complete record, the applicant should request a hearing. The hearing shall be conducted pursuant to provisions of Section 120.57, Florida Statutes, which are appropriate to the issues TAL:20352:1 to be decided. Where the Division determines that information submitted is inadequate for a determination, the binding letter may state that determination. II. I, Maraaret-Ray Kemner , the undersigned owner or authorized representative of Wa1-Mart Stores East. Inc. hereby request a binding letter of interpretation of DRI status in accordance with Sections 120.57 and 380.06, Florida Statutes. I hereby certify that all information submitted with and pursuant to this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that on this date a copy of the application has been submitted to the appropriate regional planning agency and local government as required in Subsection 9J-2.016(4), Florida Administrative Code. ':s-...~'-l \)... \ q,\"1 Date IS" .' , ~~~~,~~r 215 South Monroe Street. Suite 815 Street or P.O. Address Tallahassee. Florida City State 32301 Zip (850) 681-9027 Phone Number (850) 224-2032 Fax Number cc: City of Boynton Beach Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Department of Transportation South Florida Water Management District TAL:20352:1 PART I Provide the following general information about the proposed development. Any part of this information which is not relevant to a particular type of development may be omitted. A brief statement of the reasons for omitting any of the following information must be included. A. Identify the Development 1. Name of development, developer, and authorized agent. Name of development: Wal-Mart Supercenter Developer: Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. 2001 S.E. 10th Street Bentonville, Arkansas 72712-6489 Authorized agent: Margaret-Ray Kemper Ruden, McClosky, Smith, Schuster,& Russell, 215 South Monroe Street Suite 815 Tallahassee, Phone: (850) Fax: (850) P.A. Florida 681-9027 224-2032 32301 Location: In the southwest quadrant of the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Winchester Park Boulevard in the city of Boynton Beach, Florida. 2. Has any of this property been the subject of a binding letter, clearance letter, or DRI application for development approval? If yes, please indicate name of development and developer if different than current project. The property has not been binding letter, clearance application for development the subj ect of a letter, or DRI approval. TAL:20352:1 3 3. Distance of the development to the nearest adj acent county. The development is approximately 13.5 miles from Broward County. 4. Legal description (section, township, and range). The property is located in Sections 19 and 30, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach, County, Florida. The legal description for the property is attached as Exhibit "A." 5. Type(s) of development pursuant to Chapter 28-24, Florida Administrative Code (F.A.C.). The proposed development will retail uses and is subject 380.065l(3)(f), F.S., and Rule F.A.C. consist of to Section 28-24.031, 6. Present ownership of property. Wal-Mart is the contract purchaser of several parcels under different ownership. The fee owners of the various parcels are Michael A. Schroeder, Trustee, Bi.ll R. and Elsie A. Winchester, Violet Klatt, et al., Trustees, Marilyn R. Selva, Trustee, and Judith L. Jocis, Trustee. 7. Property owned, optioned or leased by the developer adjacent to or within one-half mile of the proposed site (location and acreage). If yes, describe any physical relationships to the project which is the subject of this binding letter application. The fee owners also own the following property adjacent to or wi thin one-half mile of the proposed site: TAL:2Q352:1 4 4. TAL:20352:1 1. A 13 acre parcel at the southwest corner of the intersection of Boynton Beach Boulevard and Knuth Road. This parcel is owned by a Land Trust, the beneficiaries of which are Bill and Elsie Winchester, their children and Mr. Winchester's siblings. 2. A 15 acre parcel on the south side of Boynton Beach Boulevard opposite the intersection of Winchester Park Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This parcel is owned by the University of Florida Foundation but is under contract for purchase by Bill Winchester and others. 3. A 106 acre parcel located at the northeast corner of the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. A portion of this parcel is more than one-half mile from the proposed site. This parcel is owned in part by a Florida corporation, the ownership of which is divided among approximately fifteen different people, all of whom are the children, grandchildren, and some spouses of Mr. and Mrs. Klatt and by a Family Limited Partnership having an ownership similar to that of the corporation. An approximately 75,000 square feet parcel located north of Boynton Beach Boulevard and fronting on Winchester Park Boulevard. This parcel is owned by a Florida general partnership comprised of Bill and Elsie Winchester and others. Each partner has a 25% ownership interest. 5 There will be no shared infrastructure or common plan of development between the other property owned by the fee owners and the Wal- Mart Supercenter. Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc.'s contract with the sellers requires Wal-Mart to acquire certain property owned by the sellers south of Old Boynton Road. The configuration of the property to be acquired by Wal-Mart and Wal- Mart's proposed orientation of the Supercenter results in a 2.4 acre parcel to the rear of the loading dock areas and south of the proposed dry detention area at the intersection of Winchester Park Boulevard and Boynton Beach Boulevard. A culverted canal and Lake Worth Drainage District easement separate the 2.4 acre parcel from the proposed Supercenter. The Lake Worth Drainage District's regulations require the easement area to remain undisturbed, making it difficult to access the 2.4 acres from the Wal-Mart site, and Wal-Mart does not intend to develop the 2.4 acre parcel. There will be no sharing of infrastructure, common advertising, or common plan of development between the Supercenter si te and the 2.4 acre parcel. Instead Wal-Mart intends to offer the 2.4 acre parcel for sale. Wal-Mart does not own, lease, or have an option on any other property within one-half mile of the proposed site. A map showing the location of the proposed Supercenter, the other property owned by the sellers, and the 2.4 acre parcel which will also be acquired by Wal-Mart is attached as Exhibit "B." TAL:20352:1 6 B. Describe the Project 1. Total acreage and proposed acreage breakdown by land use (e.g., commercial, residential, open space, water bodies, etc.) . The proposed site consists of 39.609 acres which will be developed with a Wal-Mart Superaenter and 7 outparaels with retail uses. 2. Present and proposed land use and zoning. The property has a land use designation of LR-C (Local Retail Commercial) and is zoned C- 3 (CoDl1llunity CODl1lleraial). The land use and zoning designations will permit the proposed retail development. 3 . Number of etc., by criterion units, gross square footage, parking spaces, each applicable development type and each therein pursuant to Chapter 28-24, F.A.C. Wal-Mart intends to develop no more than 295,000 gross square feet of retail uses with no more than 1,525 parking spaces. As noted above, the site totals 39.609 acres. The Supercenter will have 221,000 to 231,000 gross square feet with 1,105 to 1,155 parking spaces. The outparcels are expected to be developed with retail uses totaling between 64,000 and 74,000 gross square feet and 320 to 370 parking spaces. All analyses in this binding letter assume that the site will be developed with 295,000 gross square feet of retail, the maximum square footage contemplated by Wal-Mart. 4. Gross and net residential density. Not applicable as no residential units are proposed. TAL:20352:1 7 5. Proposed phasing of project by time increments, including the amount of development per phase. A single phase Development will required permits development c01llIllence as are obtained. is soon planned. as all 6, Project population at buildout and date of buildout. Not applicable as no residential units are proposed. c. Describe the Regulatory Status 1. Types of permits and approvals applied for, received, required or denied (including zoning and comprehensive plan amendments) . Permits and Approvals Required: u.s. Army Corps of Engineers Individual Dredge and Fill Permit South Florida Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit Consumptive Use Permit Lake Worth Drainage District Drainage Permit Department of Transportation Drainage Permit Palm Beach County Department of Health Water/Sewer Permits Driveway Connection Permit City of Boynton Beach Site Plan Approval Building Permit Abandonment/Vacation Permit Environmental Permit Rezoning/Annexation Approval Driveway Connection Permit Excavation Permit Clearing and Grubbing Permit TAL:20352:1 8 Permits and Approvals Applied For: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Dredge and Fill Permit South Florida Water Management District Environmental Resource Permit Lake Worth Drainage District Drainage Permit City of Boynton Beach Site Plan Approval Department of Transportation Drainage Permit Permits and Approvals Obtained: City of Boynton Beach Rezoning/Annexation Approval No permits have been denied. 2. permitting and approval agency (ies) and status of pending permits and approvals. Permitting and Approval Agencies: U. S. Army Corps. City of Boynton Beach Palm Beach County Lake Worth Drainage District South Florida Water Management Department of Transportation District The pending permits and approvals review by the respective agencies. or approvals have been denied. are under No permi ts D. Provide the Following Visual Exhibits 1. General location map. A general location map is attached as Exhibit "c." TAL:20352:1 9 2. Proposed site plan/preliminary layout of the site. A proposed prel~inary layout of the site is attached as Exhibit "D." 3. Existing land use map of the area. An existing land use map of the area is attached as Exhibit "E." E. Provide any other information which you believe should be considered in this determination. The maximum development contemplated is 74% of the retail square footage guideline and standard, 61% of the retail parking guideline and standard, and 99% of the retail acreage guideline and standard. Accordingly, the proposed development is below 80% of the square footage and parking thresholds and is presumed not to be required to undergo DRI review based upon the acreage threshold. The information provided in Part II of this application indicates that the proposed development will not have an adverse impact on any regionally significant resource or facility and hence is not required to undergo DRI review. TAL:20352 :1 10 PART II Provide the following information, where applicable, regarding the potential impacts of the proposed project. If there is a question regarding the provision of this information, it is recommended that the applicant contact the Division prior to the submittal of the application. A. Describe the Potential Impacts on Natural Resources 1. Air Quality: a. proj ected source, amount, which will be generated by and type of pollution the development. The proposed retail uses will not adversely impact air quality. Retail uses do not require large, industrial equipment for their operations and hence do not produce emissions, and level of service standards will be maintained on the roadway network serving the development thereby ensuring that car emissions will not adversely impact air quality. See the transportation analysis, attached as Exhibit UK." b. Project location in relation to attainment or non- attainment air quality areas. The project location attainment area. is within an 2. Water Quality: a. Potential impacts, both in terms of water quality and quantity, to water bodies which will receive discharge from the project and their current state water quality classification (Class II waters, TAL:20352:1 11 Outstanding Florida Waters, etc.) . aquatic preserve, No adverse impacts water quality or anticipated. ei ther in terms of water quantity are Stormwater runoff from the proposed site will be collected in drainage inlets and routed to an on-site wet detention pond which will discharge to the Lake Worth Drainage District's L-24 Canal. The stormwater runoff will be pre-treated via the use of exfiltration trenches and a dry detention pond. The remaining treatment will be provided by the wet detention pond. The South Florida Water Management District and the Lake Worth Drainage District's standards require water quantity to be less in the post- developed condition than in the pre- developed condition. The proposed drainage design meets and exceeds that standard. b. Potential pollution, impacts to ground water from proj ect run-off, or salt water intrusion. All stormwater runoff will be properly treated as outlined above prior to discharge into the L-24 Canal, and no impacts to ground water are anticipated. 3. Site Clearance - Type and amount of vegetation to be disturbed. The site consists primarily of improved pastureland with tropical trees, oak, pine, mango, Brazilian pepper, and banyan trees scattered throughout the site. TAL:20352:1 12 4. Impervious Surfaces Type and amount (e.g. , paved surfaces, structural, etc. ) Buildings 6.77 acres Parking and Internal Driveways 15.87 acres 5 . Ground and Surface Water: a. Estimated depth to potable and non-potable aquifers. Identify if the aquifers are confining or non-confining. The site is located above the Surficial Aquifer which is classified as a non- confining aquifer. The estimated depth to the Surficial Aquifer is 300 to 400 feet. b. Identify the location of existing surface water bodies contained on site or adjacent to the site. There is a 1.1 acre pond in the upper- middle portion of the site and two smaller ponds to the south of the 1.1 acre pond. There are also two small ponds adjacent to Winchester Park Boulevard. The four smaller ponds connect to a ditch located in the middle of the si te. The Lake Worth Drainage District's L-24 Canal is adjacent to the south property line. c. Indicate if the project is located on a prime recharge area for the Floridan or other potable water aquifer. The project recharge area which is below the estimated Aquifer is 300 is located on a prime for the Surficial Aquifer the site. As noted above, depth to the Surficial to 400 feet. TAL:20352:1 13 6. Stormwater Management: a. Potential impacts conditions. to predevelopment drainage The proposed stormwater management system will use a wet detention pond, a dry detention pond, and exfiltration for the stormwater treatment and discharge. As explained in the response to Part II, A.2.a., water quantity will be less in the post-developed condition than in the pre-developed condition. b. Identify the type of storm event that will be controlled at post development, impacts to any regional drainage system (e.g., canals, river basins, etc.), the point(s) of discharge, and the level of treatment to be provided prior to discharge. The proposed stormwater management system will control a 25 year, 72 hour storm event. The proposed discharge rate of 6.58 cfs is less than the permissible maximum discharge rate of 6.75 cfs required by the South Florida Water Management District and the Lake Worth Drainage District. The system will also pre-treat the required 8.07 ac-ft of stormwater runoff prior to discharge into the L-24 Canal. Since the water quantity will be less in the post-developed condition than in the pre-developed condition, there will be no adverse impacts to the regional drainage system. c. What level of service is required in the local government comprehensive plan? Will this project affect this level of service? The City's adopted level of service for drainage is a three year design storm for TAL:20352:1 14 the duration of time of concentration for the watershed. The City's Comprehensive Plan also requires new development to meet the requirements of the South Florida Water Management District, the Lake Worth Drainage District, or the City, whichever is more stringent. The proposed development will not affect the City's adopted level of service. 7. Wetlands - Indicate the location and size of wetlands on site or affected by the proposed development and method or source of wetland identification. Provide a site plan indicating the boundary wetland areas. The South Florida Water Management District has conducted a site visit and has determined that there are no jurisdictional wetlands on the site. There are several man-made drainage ditches and a stormwater pond that qualify as Uother surface waters" under the South Florida Water Management District regulations and are jurisdictional. Mitigation is not required for impacts to those surface waters. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' review of the site identified .27 acre over which the Corps asserted jurisdiction. The .27 acre is disturbed with nuisance vegetation and the Corps is not requiring any mitigation for the proposed impacts to the .27 acre. See memorandum from Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., attached as Exhibit UF." 8. IOO-Year Flood Plain - Percent of land area in flood plain and specify the percent of project in a velocity zone. Provide a site plan indicating the boundary of flood plain area. Include a FEMA FIRM map and indicate the year of publication. The entire site is located within the IOO-year flood plain, FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Map designation UB" and is depicted on FEMA Flood TAL:203S2:1 15 Insurance Rate Map Florida, Community Panel 190 of 245, None of the site is for Palm Beach County, Panel No. 120192 0190 B, dated October 15, 1982. within a velocity zone. 9. Dredge and Fill - Amount required and location, including spoil disposal areas. Provide a site plan indicating the boundary of dredge and/or fill areas. Has any previous dredging and/or filling been done on the site? If so, include copies of appropriate permits. The existing drainage ditches and pond were created by dredging. Those ditches and the pond will be filled with approximately 4.13 acres of fill. 10. Natural Vegetation - Indicate the types of vegetative communities on the site, using the Florida Land Use and Cover Classification System designations. The site is presently an undeveloped cattle pasture. Vegetation within the pasture consists of bahia grass, St. Augustine grass, prickly pear cactus, lantana, dog fennel and partridge pea. There are also scattered trees on-site including laurel oak, mango, banyan, Brazilian pepper, Australian pine, and slash pine. 11. Endangered, Threatened, or Species of Special Concern Plant and Animal Species: a. Number and species, and indicate if species have been found on site or if potential habitat exists. Describe the methodology used to determine the existence of endangered, threatened, or species of special concern plant and animal species. Field surveys were conducted to determine if any listed species occur on site. Two biologists surveyed one hundred percent of the site using pedestrian transects. That survey located no endangered, TAL:20352:1 16 threatened, or species of special concern on the site. See memorandum from Kimley- Horn and Associates, Inc., attached as Exhibit "G." b. Will this project affect any threatened, endangered, or species of special concern marine life, such as manatees or sea turtles, near but not necessarily on the site? The project will not affect any threatened, endangered, or species of special concern marine life. B. Describe the Potential Impacts on Historical or Archaeological Sites Indicate the number and type either on-site or in close proximity. Identify which portions of the development will impact such sites. The Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources may be contacted by the applicant to assist in providing this information. The Florida Master Site File lists no archaeological sites, historical standing structures or field surveys on the site. See September 23, 1998 letter from the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, attached as Exhibit "H." C. Describe the Potential Impacts on Public Facilities 1. Wastewater Flow: Sewer service will be provided by the City of Boynton Beach. As the capacity letter attached as Exhibit "I" indicates, the City's facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the development. The City's adopted level wastewater is 90 gallons per of service capita, per for day. TAL;20352:1 17 2. Water Supply: Potable water will also be supplied by the City of Boynton Beach, and the City's facilities have sufficient capacity to serve the development as the capacity letter attached as Exhibit "I" indicates. The City's adopted potable water is 200 day. level of service for gallons per capita, per b. Non-potable Water - gallons per day by land use, source, and availability of supply. Non-potable water will be supplied from the proposed wet detention pond via a pump. The projected non-potable water demand based on historical data compiled by Wal-Mart is 30,000 gallons every other day. 3. Solid Waste Generated: Solid waste disposal service will be provided by Palm Beach County. Attached as Exhibit "J" is a letter from the Palm Beach County Solid Waste Authority indicating that the County has sufficient capacity to accommodate the solid waste expected to be generated by the proposed development. c. What level of service is required in the local government comprehensive plan? Will this project affect this level of service? The City's adopted level of service for solid waste is 7.2 pounds per capita, per day. TAL:20352:1 18 TAL:20352:1 d. will this project hazardous materials, so, are treatment available? generate or store any waste, or effluent? If or storage facilities All proposed uses are retail and are not expected to generate or store any hazardous waste or effluent. General waste, such as waste paper, will be collected and stored in a trash compactor until removed by the waste hauler. Waste oil and lubricants generated in the auto services area of the Wal-Mart store will be contained in a double-walled vessel set in a confined and covered, bermed area prior to consignment to a licensed waste oil recycler. Lawn and garden supplies in the Wal-Mart store that are not sold as new product will be returned to the supplier. These products will be stockpiled and sold from an interior area completely contained from areas where an outside release might occur. Should any of these products be spilled within the store, the spilled material will be immediately containerized in a U.S. Department of Transportation approved waste drum that will be available on site and then handled and disposed of according to the manufacturer's instructions and local and federal regulations. Process chemicals for the self-contained photographic film development unit will be received in impact resistant plastic containers and stored in a fire resistant contained area. Any chemicals not used to exhaustion in the development process will be collected for recycling by a qualified recycling firm. 19 4. Transportation: As the transportation analysis attached as Exhibit "K" indicates, no regional roadway facilities will be substantially and adversely impacted by the proposed development. The proposed development significantly impacts only three road segments and each of those segments will continue to operate at the adopted level of service. 5. Daily Energy Demand - Source of supply and describe any alternative energy plans. Florida Power and Light has sufficient capacity to serve and will provide electric service to the site. See the capacity letter from Florida Power and Light, attached as Exhibit "L." Florida Public Utilities Company, a full service gas company, will supply natural gas to the site. See the letter from Florida Public Utilities Company, attached as Exhibit "M." 6. Available Fire and Police Protection, including response time to the site. The City of Boynton Beach will provide fire and police protection to the site. The fire station located at the intersection of Congress Avenue and Minor Road is approximately three miles from the site, and the response time from that station is approximately three minutes. The emergency response time for police is two to three minutes. TAL:20352:1 20 7. Available proximity Heal th and to site. Education Facilities, including This question is not development as retail generate a demand for facilities. applicable to retail development does not health and education 8. Hurricane Preparedness: Public Shelter Space Availability and Evacuation Times Is this proj ect located within the hurricane vulnerability zone or the high hazard hurricane evacuation area? If so, are adequate public hurricane shelters available, and will the project impact hurricane evacuation times? Such analysis must be consistent with Rule 9J-2.0256, Florida Administrative Code, Hurricane Preparedness Policy Rule. The proposed development does not include any residential units and therefore will not increase the demand for shelter space. However, the site is not in a hurricane vulnerability zone or high hazard evacuation area. D. Describe the Potential Impacts on the Economy of the Region The affordable housing study attached as Exhibit "N" reflects that the availability of affordable housing for the very low, low, and moderate income groups exceeds the estimated housing demand for the proposed development. Accordingly, there is no affordable housing impact associated with the proposed development. TAL:20352:1 21 '"" i ~ .... LEGAL DESCRIPTION (SURVEY); A portion of SECTIONS 19 and 30, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence af the Southeast corner of said SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 19 EAST; run thence S. 87"32'52" W. along the South line of soid Section 19, 0 distance of 1095.22 feet to a point on the Westerly Right-or-Way line of Winchester Pork Boulevard, os described in Official Records Book 5356, Poge 806, of the Public Records of Palm Beach Coun ty; Florida; thence S. 01'18'43" E. along soid Westerly Right-or-Way line of Winchester Pork Boulevard, a distance of 25.01 feet to a point on the North line of Lot A. Block 5, PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLA T NO. 8, according fa the plat thereof. recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 73, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida and the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S. 87"32'52" W. along the North line of Lot A, Blocks 4, 5 and 6 and the Westerly extension thereof, a distance of 869.66 feet; thence N. 00'52'59" W, a distance of 25.01 feet to the Southeast corner of Tract 52, subdivision of SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, according to the plot thereof, recorded in Plot Book 7, Page 19, of the PubNc Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence S. 87'32'52" W. along the South line of said Tract 52, a distance of 628.40 feet; thence N. 00'40"31" w., 0 distance of 3J1 03 feet to a point on the South line of Tract 5' af said subdivision of SECTION '9, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST,' thence S. 87"33'56" W along said South line of Tract 51, a distance of 15.01 feet to the Southwest corner of said Tract 51; thence N. 00'40'31" W along the West line of SOld Tract 51 and the East Right-of-Way of Knuth Road, a distance of 330.72 feet to the Northwest comer of said Tract 51; thence N. 87"19'29" E. along the North line of said Tract 51, a distance of 313.00 feet to the Southwest comer of Tract 47 of said subdivision of SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, thence N. 00'51'06" W along the West line of said Tract 47, a distance of 611 40 feet to a point on the South Right-of-Way line of Old Boynton Rood; thence N. 89'49'73" E. along said South Right-of-Way line of Old Boynton Road and the North line of Tracts 45, 46 and 47 of said subdivision of SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST. a distance of 963.05 feet to a point on the Eost line of said Tract 45; thence S. 01.01'48" E. along the East line of said Tract 45, a distance of 252.53 feet; thence N. 89'09'06" E., a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the West line of Troct 42, of said subdiviSion of SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST; thence N. 01'00'36" W, along the West line of said Tract 42, a distance of 129.99 feet; thence N. 89'50'16" E., a distance of 89.91 feet; thence S. 01"00'33" E., a distance of 123.52 feet to 0 point on the North line of the South 320.00 feet of said Tract 42; thence N. 89'09'06" E. along the North line of the South 320.00 feet of said Tract 42, 0 distance of 217.65 feet to 0 point on the Westerly Right-of-Way line of the aforementioned Winchester Park Boulevard; thence S. 01'06'06" E. along said Westerly Ri9ht~of-Way line, 0 distance of 7.83 feet to a point of curvature of a curve to the right; thence 456.62 feet along the arc of said curve having a radius of 2041.31 feet. 0 central angle of 12'48'59", and 0 chord of 455.67 feet which bears S. 05'18'23" W to a point a reverse curvature of 0 curve to the left; thence 523.38 feet along the ore of said curve having a radius of 2301.99 feet, a central angle of 13"01'36" and 0 chord of 522.25 feet which bears S. 05'12'05" W; thence continUing along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of Winchester Park Boulevard, S. 01'18'43" E., a distance of 27.21 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Said parcel contains 39.6091 acres (1,725,373 square feet) more or less. [E - EXHIBIT "471~37S A ~.. ,~ -- '" WAL ~ MART, BOYNTON ElEAOi <El, R..CROA ~. NO. 2789-00, NEW sc (C~208~sa...-oLl --- PALM BEACH Cot..NTY, A...OAI)A e/l!8(~Q -.- W1NO-ESTER SITE e(2e(9Sl ~ I ;;'fk:if8 g'';;'%l';;' ji i~ '" ~,,- t ~. <\':0 ~ ~fl!Cal~ -I ~.~ !_- Il;': ~~ ~~ ~. ~, .:T~ ~~ ~;. . fg~ " " !~ clD I ! r 00000 00000 00000 co o -< z --< o z CO '" )> (") I CO o + . C + ~ r + : rr1 + + . < + ..0' :> +";=- ;0 + :~ o + :: .~. ........... .. .. .. . ... . .... . . . . .. . .' . y..... .. .. . . . . .. . . ... . .. .. . . ~....... . . .. .. . .. . . . ..' .. .. . ... . .. .. . ... .. . ....~.... .. .. .' .. .. . . . . ... .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . ..' . . .. . . . .. .. ... . .... . . .. ." .. ;0 WINCHES PARK BLVD. CONGRESS AVENUE NOTE: RADIUS OF CIRCLE REPRESENTS 1/2 MILE LEGEND ~ 106 ACRE PARCEL _ 75,000 S.F. PARCEL P ~ 0 ~ q 13 ACRE PARCEL m 15 ACRE PARCEL 2.4 ACRE PARCEL [] EXHIBIT ~ ..~"" - - - inf~~ Irrf pi~ -- '" -- ~!!l Jis !.. m W~- MNn',1O'f'N1'ON BEAai O!)., P\.OfmA -- ~" ~I ... I NO. 27Il-OO. frEW eo (o-aot-8QL.oQ,) -- I~ If !~ PALM IEIDI OOIMTY. R.CPOA -- _till! '/OO/M ---- - Co-' I ~ \ \ [] BOYNTON CANAL C-16 > NORTH <( (J) (J) w Q: Cl Z 0 0 l[) OLD BOYNTON WEST ROAD I 0) Q: I Q:' ...... wO 0 f-> z SITE (J)-' Wm I", OQ: ~<( 3<0- :::J BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. z w > <( (J) (J) w Q: Cl Z 0 0 I f- :::J 0 (J) W. WOOLBRIGHT ROAD S'N ,:,\10 AVE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE - EXHIBIT C 04715378 -- ~, -- '" WAL - MART, BOYNTON BEACH <E), A-Cft)A -- '" NO. 2789-00, fEW SC (C-208-9CL-oLl 6/28/99 PALM BEACH COUNTY, R..OFlOA ..- wr<ClelTBl SITE 6/28/99 " gi~ft U i~ ~ S: ~.~ I.. ~~ ~ , . if !~ - I I c::I , ~ ,_r__ = \ t \! n ~ ~ ::IE \\ -- =----- ----... ~:;:;: -=::) ~-~~ ~.. -.... \] 5IlE I'Ifll ~2 ~\l .0 Cl~ , ! ~ \ , \ : JG- .. & --=:.':;:," ....." - - .. .. .,..,.. -'" ,,'i;;.~.~:......~ ,....~~ E -:E E ~.,., ii\ -0 j!:..... r-;;l. -p ~ '\I -t. c ~!~!gCl r ",'" '\I ~ ~ !~"<l~~ )0- i" Q ~ l>: Z Q . i 1\ ~ t" a ~ ~ ~ '; ~ > . ~~~~~ .~ 'i, ':. ': ~ ~ 0 " ~ > c:. a ~ ::: ~ .... ~ '\l ~ IA ~~l!~ . ~ . . ~ II I, I' II ~ \ % t '" ---J ~ , ~ ~ . \ ~ \ \l \d _---~ i _~~~__J ~ ~ -- - --- . - iW'~ ~\!!Wj \\ II \r1\ ~ \\1 If \0 - ~,z._tIP' EXHI~IT D .... \ ~ ~i ~Ji)j / . ==--- '> J :{(<~~~ It:ll~rno _..--- -----"'4 -=LL_LLL_~. '" ~ . , ." <~J'~" , ~ ~l II I '_I.L,_L.LLL -- I l , , ~l . - -- = -- - -- ,8.'-' Y;!'J,' .-.,./ --IITn -J - l~.~m'-f' 97j '; I ~I I I ,:' ;.;. Cl 'iI-.";' of '- ......-.- ~ '~S~:':. ',//'X' ~.'~' . <:<.:~. ,,' ,." ......." . , ,," /,~: L.w.. b. D_.~d r- "k- ml1~' ~ DIrl' e -~ ~\ \ u .1 ~. ':;'f, ~ D ~":"~-+~~.ro-1(O' '; ',.' 6'.\; I 1 , .-', ..,': . -, 1-.. ~ . :~~' I -, j o~: ~ - ~ ~'\' ~. '.~. EXHIBIT E . I.J ! f7l r--: " I- ~ , \ ".~ ' "..1 i . .__t'l"'........... MAP KEY RESIDENTIAL "..~ .<'. IMWil . .LOW .DENS1IY '.(LDB) . -, .; ,>:./'. tV1AX 44-84 D.D,jAC~R~" }; .. ~' , :', ,~ t:J' t;';:';;~"" :~j -j ,.......... . '.' :: \ " ' I: "; . "=c......_ )\~ "----------. /. !1n I; --; ") _ ['f f II f .';,1~' - ., : !(JO i-)-- .~i ,r 'I W'" rlJ."'-- 0/'0; . 0'" r-.-+r' .. !.., i IJ . ,""-1' .' 1; ," ,,' is '---.1.. ~':..,/i; '. "/ ....... ' I ~,,'--:l'. ,;'~~)\ ::, ," " tj- f ~, 1;:-'. ' /1 '. -, .--.,. . ; r,(C~I. II . f:, ,/ : tiE"-::r=r-" r i,i' i il,."\"8" ~ - -~)..-. . . .~ ... ',iLijL,;-, .F ~."- ~-=;lm' "IL',' \' ' ! L1' " I C,;tt:t:"'L...""""R_:-;Jl"~~..J ""-.:'--l ' ---'" I '. n '. ~""I'/~8~,,,'l , ' i ~~ t9 , , ,., . , : f i. I /1--7' tJ.. / I, I J , L ..... ..... ~ ~ -'-'. .-.- ........ _. .,.... .......--..--. _.-..... - ; :. . 't",. .MODERAIE_p~J':JsrTY ; (~QDR) .. . ,.._. 4'.".... _ . L.;;. ~'. 'MAX 7.26 D.UJ ACRE ~,"~ """'h' ... h _, . ____ . .. .. ,......- , MEDIUM DENSlTY.<tleOR) ''"MAX 9.68 D.Ll,! ACllt~',. . . . \. .- ." 11m }H1GH DENafty : '~<HDH)., .._,-,.!'r-" M:AX io,8DJJ.lACRE , COMMERCIAL .', I "- . . , . .'- --. , <> ~ (~'~'p, ~ Eti~~';~( . ' ~ ~~ '~""'-- --...,-."ot....._......,-~. "~ ~ .-..:r~~ . ~ ;"tOCAL., RET AJ'L i(LRC), " '......._ _..::.. _..". " !r .!7' ... GENERAL l (GC) . -~_.. '" -- -._" :.' . ~lNDUS.TRIAL. ':~I) \ ~ , , .~. ~ OTHER " :~ " ,::~1 ,\ I I ..... \ --- \ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Memorandum 047153.79(02)(05) To: To whom it may concern . Suite 400 6ll121s1Slreel VeroBeach, Florida 32960 From: Lynn Brown Date: June 28, 1999 RE: Wal*Mart - Boynton Beach, FL Store # 2789-00, NewSC Winchester Site Wetland Jurisdictional Determination Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. met at the referenced project site with Barbara Conmy, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) in April 1998. The putpose of this meeting was to verifY that there were no jurisdictional wetlands on the project site. The site consists of improved pasture that is currently used to graze cattle. There are several man-made drainage ditches and a stormwater pond that would most likely be claimed by the District as "other surface waters". The District confirmed that there were no jurisdictional wetlands on-site, but that the stormwater pond and drainage ditches were jurisdictional. Mitigation is not required for impacts to these surface waters. Attached is an exhibit showing the surface waters claimed by the District (SW-I, SW-2 and SW-3). The proposed development plan will impact all of the surface waters on-site. As such, an Environmental Resource Permit application was submitted showing these impacts. There were no comments on the application from Ms. Conmy regarding the proposed impacts. In addition, on June 16, 1998, David Legg, Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) conducted a site visit and performed a jurisdictional determination on the project site. Since this site is currently used for agriculture the U.S. Army Cotps of Engineers (ACOE) determined that NRCS would be responsible for the jurisdictional determination and ACOE would be responsible for permitting any impacts to the jurisdictional areas. The attached exhibit also shows the ACOE jurisdictional areas. The Cotps has conducted a site visit and determined that no mitigation would be required for the proposed impacts (Personal Communication, Ron Miedema, ACOE). The Cotps has also completed their review of the project and has issued a Letter ofIntent to issue the permit (See attached letter). q;?~0".n . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 582 9689 EXHIBIT F G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\wetmem2.doc -IE- -IE- -IE- -J(- l- ~ ~? Ill! ", ~/' 1> Z A= r+- , ~ ~ "'" '-< ! , ,'~ ,:L-;~""~~ UJ r--)> UJ UJ UJ ~ cn~~~ ;;00 I I I II U1 [T1l.N N---' Vl '2 ~ ~9---'---'---' 'lON+>-OQ) J> Z-....jUlOCO () rTJ f:)>)>)>)> nono ~ )>:;::0:;::0:;::0:;::0 )> rrl rrl rrl rrl ...--1 ~UJUJUJUJ ~ ~- )> ;u C'1 )> ~c) r~- l \ \ ! , J ~\ cmJl o r o (l) o -< Z -l o Z :;;; :IJ o 1> o " It t :;~ \ \i-,"tM~" :1 ',~ {1 r'I It ' L~rl 1'.\;. 1 ',,^-~ t ~4", ", ;; ,- 'i (~~)> L I Vl" rr'J '"'~ ~ ~ I, I ~fT1 X . f: . ~ ~ t::'''-~) :l j j -)> ",," ,M _"";W"",_",,,"~ ...--1 ~ ~ "_~ ~C'li ___ C) j , F , 11 -:;:=-- ""~}c,,,,. '0<: __.:~.';:"'~ '.'-"';. ,~'["<;'f. -'. . It " 'i Ii 1 ~ If n__'__~; ------- ---- -- ___ _ ~/NCHE8TER PARK BLVD --- ------ WETlA~ AN:) SURFACE WATER It.f"ACTS llt7lP7ll -. ~ I ~ ~q' ~ ~S'tfS' P i~ ~ "[ ;; tl J] III ~ 0 . . m , !~ . if . ". ~ ~~~~'~,'- ~~, ~':. []' !.! I i: . I WAL - lAAFlT. BOYNTON BEACH e. R..ON)A NO. 278lHJO. NEW 8C (C>-208-fJQl..-<lU PAUl BEACH COlMTY. R.OftDA """"""'""'" -. - -- 4/12/" 4/'"m . DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS WEST PALM BEACH REGULATORY OFFICE 400 NORTH CONGRESS AVENUE, SUITE 130 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 ~,-\5~;lG) Coa) (OS -; "'IY\?, G\...")w Df\ \'r"\ "'.f 'f June 17, 1999 @P~lZo.nrz~ 1 ~.~ . ~;t\-.~ i;. ~.. ~~,~:nq ;J!"d , .'."..' ,. - ,~~.. 1\ .fi~; - ."'~ , [,Ii..........,. . ....'.'...-.,:0'[ UUw~.:' ~.; L:JL? Regulatory Division South Permits Branch 199902062 (IP-RM) ........:.............. "'.. ......._~.... ~__.,J__~, Wal-Mart Stores East, Inc. C/o Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. ATTN: Lynn Brown 601 21ft Street, Suite 400 Stuart, Florida 32969 Dear Applicant: A review has been completed df the Department of the Army (DA) permit application number 199902062 (IP-RM) for Wal-Mart Stores East. The project is located in Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. Although the Corps is rpady to take final actIon, Federal law prevents the issuance of a permit until a State Section 401 Water Quality Certification (WQC) has been issued or waived, and the state has concurred with an applicant's Coastal Zone Management (CZM) consistency determination. The state (South Florida Water Management District) is currently reviewing certification for the proposed project. If the state (SFWMD) does not act within 6 months .from the date that it considers the application complete, the Section 401 WQC requirement and CZM consistency will be automatically waived and the Corps permit may be issued. If you receive a time extension from the state, you must notify this office immediately. You must notify us in writing when you receive a State of Florida (SFWMD) permit/certification and enclose a copy of the State document as well as any revised drawings illustrating project modifications. The Corps will proceed with final action upon receipt of the Section 401 WQC and/or CZM consistency determination. The permit decision is subject to receipt of state approval or waiver within 1 year of the date of this letter, and can be affected by changes in the Corps evaluation policies during that period or by significant project modifications. ~. " ~ t ~ . " The Specific Conditions, if any, found in the State of Florida 401 Water Quality Certification and the State of Florida CZM concurrence will become conditions to the final DA permit. A copy of the State certification/permit is required with a statement of project modifications. Substantial project changes may require a new permit evaluation process, including issuance of a new publlc notice. If the State denies the required Section 401 WQC or does not concur with you CZM consistency determination, the DA permit is denied without prejudice. If a subsequent Section 401 WQC and a CZM consistency determination concurrence is obtained, please contact this office for additional permit application procedures. You are cautioned that commenQ€ment of the proposed work prior to Department of the ArfY authorization would constitute a violation of Federal laws and subject you to possible enforcement action. Receipt of a permit from the Department of Environmental Protection does not obviate the requirement for obtaining a Department of the Army permit prior to commencing the proposed work. If you have any questions, please contact Ronald C. Miedema at telephone number (561) 683-2917. Sincerely, ~ L..) ~ .....9...... J ~ Linda S. Ferrell ~Chief, South Permits Branch \ \ \ \ \ CD 'i ~ ... ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. MEMORANDUM To: To whom it may concern . Suil,400 60121~Slreel Vera Beach, Florida 32960 From: Lynn Brown Date: June 30, 1999 RE: Wal*Mart - Boynton Beach, FL Store # 2789-00, NewSC Winchester Site Listed Species Snrvey Job #047IS3.79(02)(OS) During the preliminary planning for the referenced site, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. requested information from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission (FGFWFC) regarding known occurrences of federal and state listed species on or in the vicinity of the project site. Based on the correspondence received from the USFWS, there are no known federally listed species that would be impacted by the proposed project. Correspondence received from FGFWFC, did indicate that burrowing owls, a State listed Species of Special Concern, have been documented in the vicinity of the project site. Attached are copies of the letters received from both agencies. Based on the information received from FGFWFC, a comprehensive survey for Florida Burrowing Owls was conducted. In addition, during the field surveys observations of other wildlife and/or listed species were made. The following is a discussion of the methodology and results of the survey. Methodology Preliminary field reconnaissance was conducted in March and April 1998 to identifY wetland or surface water features on the project site, and in September 1998 to determine if listed species habitat was present. No listed species or evidence of listed species was observed during any of the site visits. However, based on the correspondence received from FGFWFC, field surveys were conducted on January 5, 1999 to determine if burrowing owls or other listed species occur on-site. The surveys began around 10:00 a.m. and were concluded by 12:30 p.m. One hundred percent of the project site was surveyed using pedestrian transects. Two biologist, located approximately 50 feet apart, traversed the site along transects that ran north to south through all potential habitat areas. Approximately 25 feet on each side of the transect was surveyed. It was partly cloudy and approximately 500F with winds of 10-IS mph. . TEL 561 562 7961 FAX 561 562 9669 EXHIBIT G G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CORRESP\listmem..doc " MEMORANDUM, June 30, 1999, Page 2 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Results The results of the survey revealed that there were no burrows (new or old), burrowing owls or other evidence oflisted species presence on the project site. The results of this survey were transmitted to FGFWFC. Weare awaiting receipt of the letter of concurrence that the proposed project will not impact any state listed species. cf~ G:\BOYNTON\WINCHSTR\WP\CQRRESP\1istmem.doc , ( V-I \ I.......' cc eN-h'v1 ~ \:1\\ (Z United States Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE South Florida Ecosystem Office P.O. Box 2676 Vero Beach, Florida 32961-2676 September IS, 1998 Allison Mitchell, Environmental Analyst Kimley-Hom and Associates 601 21st Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 RE: Proposed Commercial Development Dear Ms. Mitchell: Thank you for your letter dated September I, 1998, requooting information on federally listed species in the vicinity of the proposed project located in Section 19, Township 45S, Range 43E, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has reviewed the information in your letter and examined information available to us on the presence of threatened and endangered species in the vicinity of the site. Based on this review, we find no evidence of federally listed species either on or near the project site. Please be advised that the presence of threatened and endangered species known locations in or adjacent to the proposed project site is based on a review of GIS data maintained by the FWS' South Florida Field Office. The GIS database is a compilation of data received from several sources; its accuracy has not been verified by the FWS. The GIS database is updated as new data is received and resources are available. Listed species may be present in suitable habitat even if no known locations are identified in our database. For section 7 consultations, the FWS must assume suitable habitat supports listed species and recommends site surveys to determine the presence or absence oflisted species. We have provided for your consideration a list of species that are protected as either threatened or endangered under the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (16 U.S.c. 1531 et seq.), as well as candidates for listing that may be present in Palm Beach County. Since this list does not include State-listed species, the Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission should be contacted to identify those species potentially present in the vicinity. In addition, we are providing you with a list of species that we would consider during our review of any proposal associated with this project. This list represents species that the FWS is required to protect and conserve under other authorities, such as the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act , ( (16 V.S.C. 661 et seq.) and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (16 V.S.C. 701 et seq.). We are providing this list as technical assistance only. If you have any questions, please notifY Chuck Sultzman of our office at (561) 562-3909, ext. 241. Sincerely Yours, ~.b.~ r James J. Slack Project leader South Florida Field Office cc: COE, Palm Beach, FL GFC, Vero Beach, FL , I '--~ . T tY"''-'''' '""', . ,"-"--'" , l T-J.J'vJ KlvIR I FLORIDA GAME AND FRESH WATER FISH COMMISSION MRS. GILBERT W. HUMPHREY THOMAS B. KIBLER JAMES L. "JAMIE" ADAMS JR. JULIE K. MORRIS QUINTON L. HEDGEPETH. DDS Miccosukee Lakeland Bushnell Sarasota Miami ALLAN L. EGBERT. Ph.D., Executive Director VICTOR J. HELLER, Assistant Executive Director October 28, 1998 EVERGLADES REGION . MARK ROBSON, Regional Director 8535 Nonhlake Boulevard Wesl Palm Beach, FL33412 (561)625-5122 Ms. Allison Mitchell Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 601 21st Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 Dear Ms. Mitchell: This responds to your September I inquiry regardipi the potential occurrence oflisted species in the vicinity of Section 19, Township 45 South, Range 43 l!ast, in Boynton Beach. As for wildlife species over which this agency has jurisdiction, our database found records of burrowing owls (Athene cunicularia) near the area of concern. Please note, however, that our database is not necessarily inclusive of all..\isted species which may occur in a given area. For various reasons, occurrence records for some species are not necessarily entered into our database on a site-specific basis. Only through systematic field sUITeys could such data be factored in with respect to your specific request. Thank you for consulting us in this matter. As for occurrence records for listed plants and plant communities of concern, the appropriate contact would be the Florida Natural Areas Inventory, 10 18 Thomasville Road, Suite 200e, Tallahassee, FL 32303, (904) 224-8207. . ;~. Ri Zambrano Wi i1life Biologist WLD 4-2-5 cc: Mr. Tom Logan c;\documcnt\tcchasllt\98\lcimleyS.pbc ,":,\ ;;1 ~,. 1 www.state.n.uslgfd ONE OF "FLORIDA'S BEST" WEB SITES ~ :3 :so := ,/;J :E ~ ....-----: "",' rtjRID,4, OEl'AIlTMENT O' $TATE Of1ic~...f the Se!ctl!'tary Offio;.! of li'ltemAlional (i:~Ll.lio(l,a DivjlttWn of Ac:Im.lnUItn.tlvt: Serv.lceo Division of CorporatfQftlil Di"bkm of Cultural NfaJ~ "1i,.fTT"j..~. ...~'.I '\.'.....~.~ ':'_,....'.. ,J"'" "... ,;'l.;.;;~"-"7~ ~~.... '..'~:~~..'.) '. " ' o. r. - . ,-".j .. .', MEM8'ER 01' THE FLORIDA CAB11'1ET Ol.vWoR of library II: tNOftI\ation SerJ\ce Divialon of H1etoric:al ResOUlc~ RinSIlnf; Museutn 01 M DivWion of UceMlng Division at ElectioN FLORIDA. DEPf\R.TMENT OF Sf ATE Sandra B. Mortham Secretary of Slate DlVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES September 23, 1998 Ms. Allison Mitehell Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Suite 400. 601 21 st Street Vero Beach, Fl. 32960 Dear Ms. Mitchell: In response to your inquiry of September 1 st, 1998; the Florida Master Site File lists nO archaeological sites, historical standing structures, or field surveys in the following parcels of Palm Beach County: T45S, R43E, Section 19. In interpreting the results cif our search, please remcmbcr the following points: . Areas which have not been completely surveyed, such as yours, may contain unrecorded archaeological sites, unrecorded historically important structures, or both. . As you may know, state and federal laws require fonnal environmental review for some projects. Record searches by the staff of the Florida Master Site File do not constitute such a review of cultural resources, [fyour project falls under these laws, you should contact the Compliance Review Section ofthe Bureau of Historic Preservation at 850-487-2333 or at this address. SjnCe"'ly,t~ Charles C. aranbam, 850-487-2299 Senior Archaeological Data Analyst, Florida Master Site File Division of Historical Resources State SunCorn: 277-2299 R. A. Gray auilding Fax line: 850-921-0372 500 South Bronough Street Email: fmsfile@mail.dos.state.j1.us Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 Web: http://www.dos,stotejl.U$/dhr/msf/ EXHIBIT H DIRECTOR'S OFFICE R.A Gray Building' 500 South Bronaugh Street. Tallahassee. Florida 32399-0250 . (850)488-1480 FAX: (850) 488-3353 . WWW Address http://www.d05..tate.fl.us o ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH 0 HISTORIC PRESERVATION 0 HISTORICAL MUSEUMS P:IFSF\DOCSlTEMPLArEIN,pltw!.dol $f!ptl:,"~" 23, 1'98 09/23/98 WED 10:01 [TX/RX NO 8510] := "'" :s >< ..... , _,..1, The City of Boynrun Beach C,uu) ',\" K:: Utilities Department 5469 W Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. Florida 33437 Phone (561) 742-6452 FAX.. (56! 73!-0065 (\ ,,-"'\ .: , --' OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES May 12, 1999 Mr. Todd Howder Kimley-Hom and Associates 60 I 21" Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, FL 32960 RE: Wal-Mart, Boynton Beach Dear Mr. Howder: In response to your facsimile of May 11,1999 we offer the following assurances of treatment capacity: Wastewater: 1. South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility 2. 24 MGD of Secondary treatment with Ocean Outfall, including 4 MGD of tertiary treatment for reuse 3. Of the 12 MGD owned by the City of Boynton Beach, approximately 9.4 MGD is in use, with an additional 0.47 MGD committed via firm capacity reservations. 4. Comprehensive plan requires a level of service of 90 gallons per capita, per day. The proposed proj ect will not significantly affect this level of service. Potable Water: 1. City of Boynton Beach East Water Treatment Facility, and City of Boynton Beach West Water Treatment Facility. 2. 27.2 MGD of permitted capacity, of which 18.56 is in use (historical peak day), and an additional 1.04 MGD is committed via firm capacity reservations. 3. The Comprehensive plan requires a level of service of200 gallons per capita, per day. 4. The proposed project will not significantly affect this level of service. America's Gateway to the Gulfs/ream EXHIBIT I . ( Mr. Todd Howder May 12, 1999 Page 2 I trust this letter addresses your concerns. Any further questions on this matter should be directed to Peter Mazzella of this office. Jo />(. idry Dir ctor of Utilities Attachment JAG/PVM Xc: File 2 .... \ -------------~-- \ I [ED ~ l!7 ~ " ~I ~ '~ H , r II II . ..:ftj~ I . i0i /'WIlING AND ZONING om January 6, 1999 Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City ofBoymon Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-03 I 0 '(ou~ PARTNER fU/l SOLlD WASTE SDWnOf/S Subject: Availability ofSoIid Waste Disposal Capacity Dear Ms. Heyden: The .Solid Wastc Authority of Palm Beach County hereby provides certification that the Authority has disposal capacity available to accolIUDodate the solid waste generation for the municipalities and unincorporated county for thc coming'year of 1999. This lener also constitutes notification of sufficient capaciiy for concwren~y management and comprehensive planning plU])Oses. Capacity is availllbll: for both the coining year, and the five and tcn year planning periods specified in 9]-5.005(4). As ofScptcrobcr 30, 1998, the Authority's North County Land1i.lls had an estimated 35,425,321 cubic yards oElandfill capacity remaining. Based upon the existing Palm Beach County population, the most recently available population growth mtes published by the University ofFlooda Bureau ofEc:onomie and Business and Resean:h (BEBR), and projected cares of solid wl!Ste generation, waste reduction and recycling, the Solid Waste Authority forecasts that capacity will be available at the existing landfill through approximately the year 2023, assuming the depletion ofIhe Class I and CIIlSS m lamifills is balanced. i Th~ Authority continues to pur:sue options to increase the life of its existing facilities and to provide for all. the County's current and fucurc disposal and recycling needs. As pan of its responsibility, the Authority will provide an annual statement of disposal cap3city, using the most current BEaR projections available. Please provide copies of this letter to your pl:m review and concwrency management staff. If you have any questions or r = be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours,. /t{o-vc ~ Marc C. BrWler, Ph.D. Director ofPltlIlIling and Envirorunental Programs 7501 Norlh Jog Ro.d. Wesl P"m Beach; Florid. 33412 (561,640,4000 FAr (5611 640-3400 ,.( .e'c: :J~I' EXHIBIT J ~ , ~ \ \ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 4. Transportation: a, Provide trip generation rates, trip distribution, trip assignments, and source of transportation assumptions. Ensure that most recent version of a source is utilized. The peak hour trip generation rate for the proposed project was based on methodology set forth in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE) Trip Generation, 6th Edition. ITE Land Use 820, Shopping Center, was used in the analysis. The rate was applied to the proposed development intensity to obtain the total external trip generation. The total trips were adjusted to reflect the capture of traffic passing by the site using the methodology set forth in ITE's Trip Generation Handbook. Net new external trips are calculated as the difference between the total trip generation and pass-by capture. The attached trip generation table illustrates the components of project traffic. Project traffic was distributed and assigned to the roadway network using the adopted Palm Beach County data for the Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model Structure. b. Provide an analysis of traffic impacts by completing Table I. Complete Table II only if peak hour data is unavailable, and explain why peak hour data is unavailable. An analysis of the traffic impacts was performed using the format provided in Table I. The analysis was based on a peak hour peak direction traffic conditions in accordance with the procedure recommended by FDOT. The level of service volume thresholds were taken from the FDOT publication Level of Service Handbook, 1998. Roadways upon which the project has an impact greater than five percent of the adopted level of service were evaluated to determine if the adopted level of service standard will be maintained through the buildout timeframe of the project. The evaluation of project impact was performed using the project's net new external traffic volumes. The existing volumes in the analysis were taken from information collected by Palm Beach County during the peak season of 1998. Future volumes were calculated for a 2003 buildout. Volumes were increased using annual growth rates published by Palm Beach County to reflect the growth in non-project volumes. Table II presents a summary of the significantly impacted links and the results of the level of service assessment. c. Describe any proposed improvements to the existing road system and provide legally binding documentation that these improvements are scheduled for completion at buildout of the proposed development. Provide dates by which the facilities are due to be operational. No improvements were found to be required in order to provide acceptable levels of service for buildout of this project and the project is not dependent on the construction of road improvements by others. EXHIBIT K ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. d. In preparing the traffic analysis ensure that the following are included and/or addressed when appropriate: . Traffic impact including level of service, peak hour directional trips and split, and daily trips (if peak hour is not used). Levels of service for roadways significantly impacted by the project were found to be acceptable. Table IT presents a summary of the analysis. . Traffic impact for 100 percent occupancy, at buildout, and by phase if the development schedule extend five years or more. The analysis was conducted for a 2003 buildout with 100 percent occupancy. Therefore, no interim phases were evaluated. . The traffic analysis should cover an area within a radius of not less than a half mile and not greater than five miles from the project site. The study area was determined based on the roadways which are expected to be significantly impacted by project traffic. A radius of one mile was used in the analysis because no roadways outside of one mile are expected to be significantly impacted. . Service volumes or roadway capacities should be derived using acceptable FDOT methodology or definitions. IfFDOT sources are not being used, please indicate what source is being used and why. Levels of service were determined in accordance with recommended FOOT methodology. Roadways were evaluated using the FOOT published threshold volumes. e. Expected increases in water borne traffic, aircraft operations, or other transportation considerations (if applicable). No water borne traffic, aircraft operations, or other transportation considerations are expected beyond those described above. ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. TABLE I W AL MART SVPERCENTER - BOYNTON BEACH TRIP GENERATION Land Vse Intensity PM Peak Hour Total In Out Proposed Site Traffic Commercial Retail 295,000 s.f. 1,282 615 667 Pass-By Traffic Commercial Retail 28.39% 364 175 189 Net New External 918 440 478 Note: Trip generation was calculated using data from ITE's Trip Generation, 6th Edition PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Commercial Retail [ITE 820] = Ln(T) = 0.660 Ln(X) + 3.403 (48% in, 52% out) Pass-By Trip Percentage Commercial Retail, PM Peak Hour [ITE 820] = Ln(T) = -0.291 Ln(X) + 5.001 p: \roblboynwin\[bindletr.x/s}trlp Jen 6/2/9910:07 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. .. ..~ . ~~ ' . ~ . · 9. ~ i ~ = . ,,~ '5~' '~ ..,~(fJ ~311l .~s' ~~ 's z :ili-= ~~~z ~z~zz zzz zzz ..9 ! ^ = ~~~~ $~~~~ '#.~~ $.-.t.1! ~.~ ......8~;; ~___o ~",lC' ::$::i ...."'....... ":,.;.,.;";"': ........,.; ....-,.; Ii . F9= ~~~~ ~~~~~ s~~ $.f!.f! . ~ ;:;::::;8 ....-e....... "'''':..... 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I=PL Rorida PClW1l' & Ughl Company May 18, 1999 - (D ?-} ...-:!> .,0. &ol"'\ I~...M o v>tv",J 6" ~ ~~ I vb t^ Kimley-Horn and Assoclatas, Inc. 601 2'" Street, Suite 400 Vero Beach, Florida 32960 Alln: Mall Srader Re: Wal-Mart Boynton Beach, Florida Store No. 2769-00 Winchester site Dear Mt. stadar: This is to confirm that, at the present time, FPL has sufficient capacity to prOVide electric service to the above captioned property. This service wIll be furnished in accordance with applicable rates, rules and tegulalions. Easements will be needed for all electric lines that will Installed to service the site. Please provide the final site plan, site survey and electrical load data as soon as possible so the necessalY engineering can begin. Early contact wIth FPL is essential so that resources may be scheduled to facilitate availability of service when required. Sincerely, W~1~ Wesley F. Morris Distribution Designer I an FPL Gmup Company EXHIBIT L 05/18/99 TUE 09:50 [TX/RX NO 8885] ~ \ , \ " '- ~ Florida Public j Utilities Company tf~IIIIIiPl'IIjJfHICdllJ,- ...- .,,---" P.O. Box 339S W,," Palm Beadl, FL J3402.3J9S May 7,1999 Todd J. Howder, E. I. Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. Suite 400 60121" Street Vero Beach, FL 32960 Re: Wal-Mart Stores - Boynton Beach, FL Store #2789-00, New SC Winchester Site , Dear Mr. Howder: The Florida Public Utilities Company is a natural gas distribution company located in Palm Beach County whose service temtory covers all of Palm Beach County and Mid-Florida which is comprised of the Sanford and DeLand districts. The Florida Public Utilities Company would like to take this opportunity to offer our assistance with the reference project and any other future projects in our service area where we r~commend natural gas as your energy choice. Please be informed that Florida Public Utilities Company can supply adequate volume and requested pressure of natural gas at the WaI-Mart Stores - Boynton Beach, FL. Florida Public Utilities Company is a full service gas company with a highly qualified installation and service department. We appreciate your consideration in choosing Florida Public Utilities Company as your energy provider. If you need any additional information or have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me at (561) 838-1715 or e-mail: trini-l@msn.com ~~7S\~ Winston A. Humphrey 6 Market Applications Engineer EXHIBIT M ~~~ ! 01 MAY 12 1999 ! .!\ .JUL'J\::7L:iU \J L_ c_" -'-'---'---"'-""---'---'--~~---- - \ ... \ ~ I \ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Draft Wal-Mart Supercenter Boynton Beach Florida Housing Study A housing analysis was prepared in accordance with methodology approved by the East Central Florida Regional Planning Council (ECFRPC). The ECFRPC document entitled "Housing Demand, Supply and Need Methodology for Accessing the Affordable Housing Impact of Developments of Regional Impact" was referenced for the housing analysis. The ECFRPC methodology has been approved by the Florida Department of Community Affairs for the purpose of addressing the housing rule. This section provides documentation of the demand, supply, and determination of need for the proposed project. DEMAND CALCULATION The project is planned for up to 295,000 square feet ofretail space. A portion of the retail area has a known tenant (Wal-Mart Stores) with the remainder being undesignated at this time. Employment projections for the Wal-Mart portion of the project were provided by Wal-Mart Stores. The remainder of retail space is expected to have approximately I employee per 400 square feet (or 2.5 employees per 1000 square feet). Following are the expected uses and employment for the project: Wal-Mart Store: 220,000 square feet 75.000 square feet 295,000 square feet 450 employees 188 emolovees 638 employees Remaining retail: Total Information relative to the Wal-Mart employment was obtained from Wal-Mart Stores, including a local area store in Lake Worth, Palm Beach County. The Lake Worth store is a smaller store than the store planned at the subject site. Accordingly, the Lake Worth store has fewer employees (230) than are expected at the proposed store (450). The distribution of average annual salaries was used from the Lake Worth store to project the distribution of salaries from the proposed store. The percentage of employees who work full-time and part-time vary store by store. Part-time employees comprise about 15 percent of the Lake Worth store employment. Part-time employees typically comprise about 30 percent of a Wal-Mart Supercenter store. In order to provide a conservative analysis, 30 percent of the expected 450 Wal-Mart employees were assumed to work part-time. The calculations relative to the stratification of Wal-Mart employees by work status and salary are shown in Table 1. 047IS306-063099hs.wpd EXHIBIT N -1- ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Lacking detailed information on the remaining 188 retail employees, generalized salary stratification methods were used for the remaining retail area. The average annual salaries for the S.I.C. retail occupational grouping (codes 52-59). In accordance with the ECFRPC methodology, average annual salaries were determined from the Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security's ES-202 Report for Palm Beach County. Information was available from 1989 through 1996. Subsequent data were not available or were being revised at the time of the analysis. Because the housing costs were based on 1999 costs, the average 1999 income for the retail trade area was calculated using the trend of incomes from 1989 through 1996. Calculation of the income level is shown in Table 2. The average 1999 retail trade income was found to be $18,288. The statistical allocation of the remaining retail employees for each wage range was made using a normal distribution and occupational wage ranges published by Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security (1997 Florida Occupational Wages, West Palm Beach-Boca Raton MSA, Salesperson Retail, Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security, Bureau of Labor Market and Performance Information). The total employee distribution was applied to the ECFRPC DRI Housing Demand Calculation Model, as shown in Table 3. The stratified employees by salary for the Wal-Mart store and for the remaining retail were added together to provide the basis for total employment for the site. Table 3 summarizes the employment by wage range. In order to provide a conservative analysis, the part-time Wal-Mart employees were not converted to a full-time equivalent, even though they are expected to be in a group other than head of household with no other income. Using the ECFRPC methodology and demand calculation factors, the total number of employees were further stratified to reflect the number of heads of household by single income and multiple income households. The household incomes were then grouped in relation to the median family income reported by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. The median family income, which is taken as the median household income, for Palm Beach County is currently $55,600. 0471 S306-063099hs. wpd -2- ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Using the median household income, three income groups were identified for study, as required. Table 4 documents the identification of income groups. These income groups, the associated income ranges, and the number of heads of households are as follows: Income GroDD Income Ranee Households Very Low (50%) Low (50% to 80%) Moderate (80% to 120%) < $27,800 $27,800-$44,480 $44,480-$66,720 171 69 4 In keeping with the study methodology, all of these households were assumed to require housing. This assumption, does not reflect that some or all of the new jobs created may be filled by unemployed or underemployed people in the area. Therefore, the total demand for the project was determined to be 244 units. SUPPLY CALCULATION An attempt was made to determine if existing affordable housing supply exists within a reasonable commute distance ofthe proposed project. In accordance with ECFRPC methodology, the housing supply area was determined using a ten-mile/twenty minute boundary. When applied to the roadway network, the lesser often-miles of travel distance or twenty minutes of travel time during congested peak hour travel conditions are taken as the boundaries for the commute area. The estimated commute times were determined using the congested travel speeds from the West Palm Beach Urban Service Area data for the computerized transportation planning modelling program, Florida Standard Urban Transportation Model System. The travel distances were traced over the roadway network, rather than using a radius distance. The resulting commute area is illustrated in an attached figure. Affordable housing supply in the study area was determined using the available for-sale units documented in the Multiple Listing Service (MLS). Because of the availability of affordable housing units, only a portion of the total commute area was evaluated. Evaluating the entire area and alternate sources of available units would increase the documented supply of units. 047 I 5306.o63099hs.wpd -3- ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, Affordable home prices were determined using the ECFRPC methodology. Table 5 documents the average prices of homes available by wage range (the wage ranges were taken from the results shown in Table 4). The mortgage rate variable was conftrmed with two mortgage companies. A requirement in identifying affordable housing units is that a limited amount of the supply may be derived from efficiency and one-bedroom units. Because all of the units included in the housing supply were identifted through the Multiple Listing Service, this criteria was evaluated and found to not be a limitation on the area supply. Speciftcally, no efficiency units were included in the supply. The Very Low Income units included only four one-bedroom units out of a total supply of 182 units. The four units represent 2.2 percent of the total supply compared to 68.7 percent that is allowed. Documentation of the supply, by map area and income group, is attached. A further requirement of the ECFRPC methodology is that for a given supply, a ftve percent vacancy must be allowed for. Adequate supply was identifted for each of the income groups, including this provision for vacancies. Following is a summary of the identifted demand, supply, and remaining vacancies by income group: Reqnired Income GraDO Demand (incl. vacancies) fu!Jm!I Very Low 171 180 182 Low 69 72 294 Moderate 4 4 199 As illustrated above, the supply of available affordable housing exceeds the estimated housing demand for this proposed project. 04715306-063099hs.wpd -4- ~ iJ ) NOT TO SCALE 1,\<""'19\"'_""""__30_'''. ~ " ~ ~~, . ) ~ , a . ~ ~ . $.Il. 7O~ I .J DKE[CIIlJE[ "Lvn : JrLVEKRE;r 1 Ii I ~Ii 1/_ I / . \...-<< \ i .)K ~ ~ ~,~". ! ICe ~A i~ 'P\\~\ ! ) ) '-/ ( u.~ =:=. el ILVII GII'lCLUJRJI ., _u .I ~ AAJ- . ...)~ "--- :1,J. ~ SA ..~ rllllBT HILL LVD . ; Ii ,.- i ~ 1 . /~ ..JJ~ T 'oIDIl!Tll ItD ! 6Tt1 AV $ . . ~ ~ -' SA '12 ~ l4EL.....EUCIILN . ~ LNll","" 01 "r~' ~ fA ~ L",...TANo\ \ \ . S HTPD..UXIl -- . :"'/1 ~ j iii! =~ 2_ ~ ~ i . ~ IlITHTON $Jl.804 i ,V { ~ CLD IlITKTD'l RD. L.' ~ov rAT ~~[Gi $: l3RD H,J . // ~ 51 . ~ ,~" ~ I--~ , ov . ~i / ~~ < SJI.806 LD'JSIJN ~ a.v ..VII ~ . " \1 ''"'-. ,_m ~ ~r' ~ ~ SPNlr~~~ : d /A. Si GU-S .. liD .., / "'-r/ ,.~ '-" ~ L" ..- ;. ~ " Po\Ul KACH CD.IHTY ---~Co;r;-----.......... .._....:::::;--- "'PAllE:tTOI ""1 CNmtllREAL I S,V.IITllST. ~~ '-.. -- --- - --,,1. ,- . / ...-, \- ~ ' e f-- OCENI,.V J J / BOYNTON WAL*MART AFFORDABLE HOUSING COMMUTE AREA ~_n ~mI6l'-Hom ~_U and Associatas, Ino. . 047153.79 Available For Sale Units (June 27,1999) Very Low Income Low Income Moderate Income Area I Bedroom 2+ Bedroom Total 2+ Bedroom Total 2+ Bedroom Total 4110 I 1 0 0 4120 0 0 0 4130 0 0 0 4140 0 0 0 4200 0 5 5 0 4210 0 0 0 4220 0 0 0 4230 0 0 I 1 4240 5 5 4 4 II II 4320 35 35 0 0 4330 13 13 28 28 0 4340 12 12 5 5 I I 4350 3 3 13 13 4 4 4360 2 2 6 6 4 4 4370 3 3 0 0 4410 6 6 7 7 0 4420 2 2 8 8 I I 4430 33 33 3 3 0 4440 1 I 6 6 0 4460 1 1 1 1 6 6 4470 6 6 I 1 0 4480 1 1 9 9 0 4490 4 4 33 33 14 14 4500 3 19 22 5 5 11 II 4510 1 1 13 13 8 8 4520 0 2 2 5 5 4530 2 2 17 17 11 11 4540 8 8 8 8 I I 4550 I 1 10 10 22 22 4590 2 2 31 31 41 41 4600 10 10 19 19 5 5 4610 2 2 19 19 13 13 4620 1 1 II II 27 27 4630 5 5 30 30 13 13 Totals 4 178 182 294 294 199 199 FROM ERA 50UTH DADE REALTY .. PHONE NO. 305 235 7954 Jun. 28 1999 02:04PM P2 PALM BEACH COUNTY SOUTH "A" . Area Map PB 10 PALM BtACH COUNTY NORTH '15' HYroIJ IXO I<<JM> ;:; (! iI 0) 6 ~ 15 8590 @Q) ti ~ '" l.nc.v<Al. 7-'i 'g ~ 8 ~ :z: 1.22 CANAl. ~ (460V 0SOV 4420 > I 1lO'f.'l'l'ON ~EACII m.m, PB 14 ". Si (4610) ~ ~ ~ COLl' RO/.D t 27C<NAl. (462Q) 0~20) t ;so CANAL PB09 P~8 53 <3~ wm ID. WAll (4S4g) '= ~ 4820 ;; 4710 M '" .... PB 15 4830 4720 4840 4730 AT1AIITIC ^VIiNlJ~ PALM BEACH COUNTY ,SOUTH '15" s~o ~hl<b ocher lhM Sl, 1"", "'Wtl.. 1t:l1m 1\co:;III~. nmwu-d ,ll.loder"""'... IsbMltc:.<lhIx.... us u<her Ih"I ~ Qlllsldcuf theUSnlht...d"" W.",b(tC:ulll!.o:on OW ARI!AS FOR TIllS MAP CE.O AREAS" '" os ~l3ll. ~l~a naG 4-'4z3nh.~.437llb. ~'kSOa, ,"7Ob, ~~1IOb ~S3Oa, ~s-too. ~S$Ob ol(""".~nb ~7"",174Ob. 'I8otOo, 4~1b mO,mo 4200, 121a,l,l2O. (~, -U~.6'1O 44tO. (420. 4.uD. ~~'"'. 4490. 4lOll. 4S10, 4520 -l.\9U,~. 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ERA-SOUTH DADE REALTY INC 305-235-3131 06/27/99 ELAINE SQUIRES '* RESIDENTIAL * Ir** A *** ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z911653 4130 202LARK DRIVE 1 1 710 69 R38 65000 V A Z922035 4150 850NW21ST WAY 2 2 1326 84 R30 100000 A Z926742 4150 489MANCHESTER 3 1 850 58 R30 84000 A Z910600 4180 7098NE7TH AVE 2 2 1943 81 R31 184000 A Z911729 4180 7100NE7TH AVE 2 2 1424 61 R30 169000 A Z927021 4180 7198NE7TH AVENUE 2 2 1311 61 R31 159900 A B469111 4200 630LAKESIDE HARBOUR 4 2 1 1845 85 R32 188000 L A Z913211 4200 622S0UTH RD. 3 2 1514 73 R30 185000 L A Z927618 4200 630LAKESIDE HARBOUR 4 2 1 1845 85 R34 179900L- A Z924477 4200 7250CEAN INLET 3 2 1633 56 R31 145500 L- A Z924460 4200 7250CEAN INLET 3 2 1633 56 R31 145500 L A Z832582 4220 202NE8TH AVE 3 2 1698 73 R30 270000 A Z919025 4220 120NE7TH AVE 3 2 1610 37 R30 259000 A Z919314 4220 901NE5TH STREET 2 1 1058 46 R30 239000 A Z810550 4230 3582ENSIGN CR 3 2 1800 86 R35 249900 A B537762 4230 3511BOSUN CR 2 2 1700 86 R33 235000 A z924937 4230 3578COMMODORE CIRCLE 2 2 1600 80 R31 220000 f.I\ A Z923490 4240 282NW69 STREET 4 3 2359 87 R33 270000 A Z923050 4240 7181NWTURTLE WALK 4 3 1 2552 99 R30 268500 A Z927746 4240 7000NWTURTLE WALK 3 3 2030 98 R31 268000 A Z927887 4240 5901NWFOURTH AVE 3 3 1930 85 R31 268000 A Z927195 4240 7034NW3 AVE 3 2 2032 85 R33 265000 A Z923034 4240 7170NWTURTLE WALK 3 3 2059 99 R30 254500 A Z923056 4240 7171NWTURTLE WALK 4 3 2059 99 R30 254500 A Z924704 4240 240NW70 STREET 3 2 1 2049 88 R31 249000 A Z915969 4240 6000NW4TH AVENUE 3 2 1 2497 77 R31 247500 A D060 4240 7180NETURTLE WALK 3 2 1890 99 R30 244500 A ;,,,13463 4240 6915NW3RD AVENUE 4 3 2475 89 R33 239000 A Z918753 4240 7141NWTURTLE WALK 3 2 1955 98 R31 228800 A Z901168 4240 383ROSEWOOD CIR 3 2 2058 89 R30 225000 M A Z916200 4240 385PRAIRIE ROSE LN 4 3 2100 89 R30 199000"1 A Z927794 4240 6931NW3RD AVENUE 3 2 1981 90 R32 195000 "'1 A Z905574 4240 234NW69TH ST 3 2 2032 86 R32 194000M A Z904824 4240 7800ECOUNTRY CLUB BLVD 3 2 1 2049 90 R30 188900,vl A Z922527 4240 3860REGON LANE 3 2 2120 90 R30 179900 "\ A Z904594 4240 7863TEXAS TRL 4 2 2000 99 R32 179900/01 A Z928029 4240 8098COUNTRY CLUB BLVD 3 2 1509 77 R30 174900"-'1 A Z910414 4240 7195NW5TH AVE 3 2 1679 83 R31 169900'Vl A Z923668 4240 7481WCOUNTRY CLUB BLVD 3 2 1705 87 R31 169900,vl A Z806153 4240 7427TEXAS TRL 4 3 1995 88 R30 159900 ;t-1 A Z914366 4240 7798ECOUNTRY CLUB BLVD 3 2 1836 58 R30 133000 L- A Z905463 4240 435MANCHESTER STREET 3 3 1400 58 R30 119900 L- A Z831834 4240 6380NDIXIE HWY 3 2 1653 80 R32 114000 L A Z921391 4240 5601NOTTINGHAM RD 3 2 982 59 R30 95000 L- A Z923649 4240 475ENFIELD STREET 2 2 927 54 R30 93000 II A Z803795 4240 477IPSWICH STREET 3 1 1152 54 R30 89500 v A Z926548 4240 291GLOUCESTER STREET 3 2 1147 76 R30 88000 v- A Z918526 4240 320IPSWICH ST. 2 1 784 54 R31 79900 v A Z829103 4240 100WJEFFREY STREET 3 2 1000 59 R30 77000 V A Z824091 4240 355HASTINGS 3 1 939 55 R30 74900 v A Z923957 4250 4374NW5TH AVENUE 4 2 1 2700 72 R31 265000 A F259858 4250 9999 NE 25TH CT 3 2 2000 99 R30 198900 A F273356 4250 540 NE 36 ST 3 2 0 1850 *59 R30 187900 * A Z919274 4250 4811NW3RD AVE 4 2 1867 73 R31 169500 A 20803 4250 225NE24TH COURT 3 2 1533 70 R30 155000 A ",.:113064 4250 309KNOB HILL BLVD 2 2 1975 76 R30 153000 A Z927991 4250 3601NE4TH AVENUE 3 2 1464 72 R31 149900 A Z927839 4250 440NE24 CT. 3 2 1616 59 R30 147777 A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z829909 4250 321NWSPANISH RIVER BLVD 3 2 2187 75 R30 144900 A Z923407 4250 373KNOB HILL BLVD 2 2 1 1811 79 R30 139900 A Z918794 4250 3650NE5TH AVE 2 2 1560 56 R38 134900 A Z.925979 4250 2700NE26TH TERRACE 3 2 1810 65 R30 132500 A , .7621 4250 2755NE5 AVE 2 2 1425 58 R30 132000 A . Z~23055 4250 4970NW4TH AVE 3 2 1438 70 R30 129999 A Z927393 4250 3600NW2ND CT 4 2 1410 72 R30 128000 A Z926113 4250 2101NE4TH AVENUE 3 2 1500 56 R30 127900 A Z924729 4250 471NE28TH TERRACE 2 2 1546 60 R30 124900 A Z900874 4250 3480NFIRST AVENUE 3 2 1734 74 R30 114500 A Z912780 4260 1198NE2ND TERRACE 3 2 2300 61 R30 259000 A F270252 4260 601 NW 7TH STREET 4 3 2210 68 R31 238500 A B534785 4260 250NE3 AV 4 2 1678 69 R32 224000 A Z917154 4260 198NW7TH ST 3 1 1327 25 R30 200000 A Z902980 4260 454NE7TH STREET 3 2 1711 56 R31 192000 A Z920625 4260 750NW5TH AVE 3 2 1896 72 R30 188500 A B534779 4260 400NE8 ST 3 2 1850 54 R32 185000 A Z824543 4260 1150NW4TH AVE 4 2 1536 67 R30 184900 A B534772 4260 201NE3 CT 3 2 1248 57 R32 175000 A Z925215 4260 40SW5TH WAY 3 2 1 2326 79 R30 174900 A Z922450 4260 1505 NE4TH AVE 5 3 1 2591 55 R30 164000 A Z922421 4260 455NE4 STREET 3 2 1252 55 R30 159000 A Z900444 4260 650HIGH STREET 3 2 1334 59 R30 155000 A Z901361 4260 243SW5 ST 3 2 1755 65 R31 149900 A Z918453 4260 116NE8TH ST 3 2 1367 59 R38 135000 A Z922867 4270 850ELDERBERRY WAY 3 2 1 2056 64 R31 219900 A Z924536 4270 862CAMINO GARDENS LANE 3 2 1460 81 R30 189000 A Z928151 4270 323SW13TH PLACE 3 2 1355 61 R30 139900 A Z924574 4280 1232NW14 ST 3 4 2708 81 R31 259900 A Z903951 4280 2148NW8TH ST 4 3 2368 88 R30 233000 A Z918933 4280 952NW8TH STREET 4 2 2409 88 R30 229000 A Z823463 4280 846NW7TH STREET 4 2 1642 69 R30 225500 A '-18530 4280 610NW7 AVENUE 1807 60 R33 217000 A ~~16359 4280 833PERIWINKLE ST 3 2 1592 94 R31 199000 A Z921882 4280 701NW6TH DRIVE 3 2 1640 71 R31 195500 A Z922352 4280 345NW22 AVE 3 2 2004 86 R31 194900 A Z923944 4280 1978PARK PL 3 2 1632 73 R31 192900 A Z923382 4280 1139NW8TH STREET 4 2 1845 77 R31 179900 A Z911520 4280 330DENNY CT 3 2 1797 76 R30 175000 A Z916922 4280 701NW7TH STREET 3 2 1616 58 R30 174000 A Z923970 4280 648NW12TH ROAD 3 3 1817 60 R30 165500 A Z914594 4280 1300SW2ND AVENUE 3 2 1910 64 R30 164500 A Z827550 4280 5342PARK PLACE CIRCLE 3 2 1 1986 86 R30 160000 A Z905177 4280 21449FAIRFIELD LANE 3 2 1 1929 87 R30 159900 A Z902123 4280 698NW15TH COURT 3 2 1 1944 71 R31 159900 A Z903172 4280 500NW13TH AVE 3 2 1606 75 R30 159777 A Z903982 4280 21443FAIRFIELD LANE 3 2 1 1929 86 R30 159500 A F262841 4280 21443 FAIRFIELD LN 3 2 1 1929 86 R30 154900 * A Z917400 4280 5091CORONADO RIDGE 3 2 1 1430 87 R30 150900 A Z925893 4280 789ST ALBANS DRIVE 3 2 1850 89 R30 146000 A Z923263 4280 1015NW6TH DRIVE 3 2 1786 66 R30 145000 A Z928149 4280 598ECONFERENCE DRIVE 2 2 1611 65 R30 144900 A Z903165 4280 5088CORONADO RIDGE 3 2 1 1511 87 R30 137900 A Z918233 4290 1401SW2ND ST 4 3 2438 80 R31 265000 R A Z919481 4290 1401SW19TH ST 4 2 1 2361 84 R31 264000 A Z924658 4290 1334SW14TH STREET 4 3 2960 70 R31 259900 A Z910088 4290 936HICKORY TER 3 3 2242 63 R30 249900 A Z918840 4290 1450SW2ND ST 4 2 2418 77 R31 249800 R A Z927420 4290 5058MARINA CIRCLE 4 2 1 2739 88 R31 246900 A Z912800 4290 701APPLE TREE LANE 3 2 1941 68 R31 239500 A '13260 4290 1333SWWALNUT TERRACE 3 2 1967 70 R31 239000 A d13672 4290 1240SW19TH STREET 4 3 2304 75 R31 230000 A Z903782 4290 1499Sw20TH ST 4 2 2263 80 R31 229900 A Z921203 4290 1244SW18TH STREET 4 2 2102 99 R30 225000 A MU AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z920657 4290 1250SW16TH STREET 4 3 2400 72 R31 219900 A Z917555 4290 1145Sw21ST 3 2 1 1690 73 R31 217000 A Z920330 4290 1801GONZALO ROAD 4 2 2028 79 R30 213500 A 2"-"'19569 4290 121SW11 COURT 4 2 2200 67 R31 210000 A 1 )5536 4290 1181 SW WALNUT TE 3 2 0 *1521 *70 R31 204000 A Z913601 4290 1680SW17TH STREET 3 2 1 1899 91 R31 199000 A Z925680 4290 1544SW13TH DRIVE 4 2 1796 72 R31 197900 A Z912675 4290 99SW12TH TERRACE 3 2 1 1968 78 R31 195900 A Z911150 4290 1050SW15TH AVE 4 2 2234 70 R31 195500 A Z915202 4290 1180SW16TH ST 4 2 1680 66 R31 195000 A Z926652 4290 38SW9 TERRACE 3 2 1 1800 60 R30 188000 A Z925487 4290 1120SW12TH STREET 3 2 1868 64 R31 182000 A Z927201 4290 400SW7TH TER 2 2 1910 62 R30 179900 A Z915072 4290 1111SW18TH ST 3 2 1702 71 R31 179000 A Z902428 4290 1133SW12TH AVE 4 2 69 R31 178000 A Z909792 4290 1185SW8ST 4 2 1544 71 R31 175000 A Z924737 4290 1221SW4TH ST 3 2 1552 67 R31 173900 A Z924619 4290 941SW19 STREET 3 2 1536 62 R31 173000 A Z924325 4290 1180SW18TH STREET 3 2 1560 90 R30 169900 A Z920417 4290 1145SW4 ST 4 2 1696 65 R31 169900 A Z902431 4290 792wPALMETTO PARK RD 2 2 1830 64 R31 149900 A F275967 4290 1243 SW 5 ST 2 2 1800 *61 R30 149000 * A Z920282 4290 1351SW8TH STREET 3 2 1680 68 R31 141900 A Z923171 4290 1234SW5 ST 2 2 1349 61 R30 139900 A Z828477 4290 71SW9TH AVE 2 2 1632 60 R30 139800 A Z901968 4290 1032SW13TH PLACE 2 2 1 1220 65 R30 132900 A Z912226 4290 1155wCAMINO REAL 2 1 1200 64 R30 92000 A Z922071 4320 341NE24TH AVENUE 3 2 1080 71 R30 87500 v A Z926967 4320 7470SUNNY HILLS TERR 3 2 1205 80 R30 84900 V A Z923450 4320 490MINER RD 4 2 1228 73 R30 82900 V A Z925873 4320 118ARTHUR CT 3 2 1400 67 R31 78000 V A z..918750 4320 2651NE1ST STREET 3 2 1049 61 R30 77500 V A 04590 4320 221GATEWAY 2 2 1019 66 R30 76900 V A b.:>44867 4320 19901 ST 4 2 1634 73 R32 76500 v A Z914655 4320 7141WASHINGTON AVE 3 2 1200 87 R30 73500 V A F287989 4320 7796 LOOMIS ST 3 1 0 *800 *84 R30 72500 V A Z916292 4320 7824TERRACE RD 3 1 1 1011 81 R30 71900 V A Z914445 4320 1112SRIDGE ROAD 3 2 1175 80 R30 69900 v' A Z905593 4320 115GATEWAY BLVD 2 1 903 67 R30 67900 V A M740925 4320 402 NW 15 AV 3 1 *951 *72 R30 65000 \I A F257213 4320 405 TULIP TREE DR 4 1 *1032 *59 R30 65000 \I A Z916032 4320 7917GRISWOLD ST 3 1 748 50 R38 63900V A Z919379 4320 37310RANGE ST 3 1 966 58 R30 62000V A Z919736 4320 33750CEAN PARKWAY 3 1 1000 56 R30 59900 II A Z919682 4320 530BROWN ROAD 2 1 954 58 R30 57900v R A Z902504 4320 36710RANGE STREET 3 2 913 58 R30 56900 V A Z904735 4320 434NE25TH AVE 3 1 1232 56 R30 55500 V A F276234 4320 240 NW 28 AV 3 1 *851 *58 R30 55000 V A Z906325 4320 45FLAMINGO DR 2 1 1060 56 R30 54950 V A Z901255 4320 2370NW2 ST 3 1 851 59 R30 54900 V A Z831580 4320 3148EPALM DR 3 1 1000 55 R30 54900 v A Z913969 4320 50200LD SPANISH TERRACE 2 1 1 644 59 R30 53700 v' A Z915023 4320 3020NSEACREST BLVD 3 1 1100 56 R30 53500 \1 A Z916262 4320 11l1HIGHLAND RD 3 1 781 58 R30 52900 v A Z911162 4320 310TULIP TREE DRIVE 2 1 616 58 R30 52900 II A Z926892 4320 1500NW2 ST 3 2 999 59 R30 50000 V A Z908521 4320 3240EATLANTIC DR 2 1 616 56 R30 49900 v A Z922963 4320 1124HIGHVIEW ROAD 4 2 1772 51 R30 49900 V A Z921674 4320 540BROWN RD 2 1 752 58 R30 49900 II A Z918272 4320 3240EPALM DR_ 2 1 522 54 R30 44900 V A '79694 4320 1053 RIDGE RD 2 1 0 730 *52 R30 29900 V A ",~24869 4320 2240NSEACREST 73 R30 12000 A Z919412 4330 305Sw2ND ST 2 2 1564 60 R32 97500 f- A Z823337 4330 567SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 1- R A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z823335 4330 559SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000/.... R A Z823334 4330 551SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823333 4330 543SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 I- R A Z~'B332 4330 535SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A L .3331 4330 527SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000L- R A Z823329 4330 572NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823327 4330 564NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823338 4330 575SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823326 4330 556NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L.. R A Z823281 4330 561NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823325 4330 548NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L.. R A Z823324 4330 540NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823323 4330 532SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000L R A Z823322 4330 524SEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823317 4330 2093EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823316 4330 2097EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L RA Z823315 4330 2105EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823314 4330 2109EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823312 4330 2106EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823311 4330 2110EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823308 4330 2114EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823306 4330 2118EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823303 4330 2122EEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L- R A Z823300 4330 585NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L R A Z823299 4330 577NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L. RA Z823290 4330 569NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 95000 L.. R A Z817834 4330 553NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 91900 V R A Z817832 4330 545NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 91900 V R A Z817828 4330 537NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 91900 V R A Z817814 4330 521NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 91900 If R A Z817823 4330 529NEAST RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1072 99 R30 91900 V R A Z902072 4330 407NE2ND ST 3 3 1555 77 R30 76000 V A 21965 4330 2509NE4 CT 3 1 859 56 R30 64900 v A ...",16640 4330 119NW3RD AVE 2 1 1000 59 R30 57000 V A Z920666 4330 402NW15TH AVE. 3 1 951 72 R30 52500 V A Z903325 4330 426NW11 AVENUE 3 1 816 65 R30 49500V A z902880 4330 135NW13 AVENUE 2 1 625 48 R32 44000 V A R810183 4330 403NE11TH AVE NE 3 1 880 61 R30 379001/ A Z922992 4330 2011NW2ND ST 2 1 768 59 R30 35900 V A Z924161 4340 321SW1 ST. AVE 4 3 3 3423 28 R31 189900 M A Z925898 4340 114SWI2TH AVENUE 3 1 1 1506 24 R31 139500 L- A Z924353 4340 644SW3RD AVE 3 2 1685 60 R30 112500 L- A Z924014 4340 424SW7TH AVENUE 3 2 1608 60 R31 108000 L A Z915355 4340 435SW5TH AVENUE 3 2 1 1869 83 R31 105000 L A Z826329 4340 320SW2ND STREET 3 2 1737 57 R30 99500 L A Z830707 4340 110SE22ND AVENUE 3 2 1445 63 R31 92900 If A Z813763 4340 421SW5TH AVENUE 3 2 1064 67 R30 91900 V A Z917045 4340 321SW7 AVE 2 2 1125 64 R30 89900 v A Z910225 4340 415SW7TH AVENUE 2 2 1274 71 R30 89900 V A Z907997 4340 214Sw9TH AVE 2 2 1001 58 R30 89900 V A Z906846 4340 468SW1ST AVENUE 2 1 1 1155 69 R30 86000 V A Z921429 4340 127SW12TH AVE 2 2 1037 55 R30 79000 V A Z924158 4340 136SE7TH AVE 3 1 1041 55 R30 75000 v A Z829770 4340 115SW5 AVE 3 2 1018 59 R30 69900 If A Z821191 4340 123SW3RD AVE 2 1 794 57 R30 69900 V A Z910320 4340 142SW9TH AVE 3 1 925 59 R30 69900 V A Z907113 4340 225SE4 AVE 2 1 916 55 R30 69900 V A F276765 4350 2003 N SWINTON AV 3 2 0 *2234 *50 R31 219000 M A B490953 4350 410MISSION HILL 5 3 2688 63 R33 189000 Iv'\ A 2:919652 4350 731SW28TH AVENUE 4 2 1789 62 R31 175000 M A '23547 4350 226SSEACREST CIRCLE 3 3 1881 60 R30 155000 /VI A ,-, /54 012 4350 1921 HILTONIA CR 3 2 *1876 *76 R33 150000 L A Z924549 4350 2860SW4TH ST 5 2 2350 64 R30 139900 L A Z923913 4350 925SUNSET RD 3 2 1450 54 R30 139000 L- A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST B535944 4350 113SE30 AVE SE 5 2 1 1819 60 R32 134900 L A Z923920 4350 3404SESECOND STREET 3 2 1800 75 R30 121500 L A Z904496 4350 3035SE1 COURT 4 2 1863 62 R31 120000 L- A ZS30526 4350 2704SW4TH 3 2 1470 86 R30 117500 L A , 6762 4350 140SE28 COURT 3 2 1599 71 R31 115000 L A , Z~24784 4350 117SE29TH AVENUE 4 3 1741 72 R30 115000 I- A Z910771 4350 118SW24TH AVENUE 2 2 1551 63 R30 114000 L.... A Z926405 4350 162SE27TH PLACE 2 1 950 58 R31 109000 I- A Z926253 4350 3612SE2ND CT 3 2 1900 75 R30 101000 1- A Z924444 4350 2845SW9 TH ST 2 2 1989 59 R30 99900 L A Z923903 4350 175SE31ST AVE 3 1 1 1701 60 R30 93500 V A Z927074 4350 100MILLER ROAD 2 2 1087 56 R30 69900 V A Z907808 4350 3574NOLD DIXIE HWY 2 1 976 55' R30 56900 V A Z918532 4360 4NE2ND STREET 2 1 800 37 R30 269900 A Z918947 4360 103NE16TH CT 3 2 2136 68 R30 183900 M A Z918507 4360 254NE12TH STREET 4 3 1944 47 R30 179000 M A Z927149 4360 19NE17TH ST 3 2 1300 55 R30 175000 M A Z923785 4360 255NE12TH 2 1 1000 31 R30 159000 M A Z924030 4360 246NE11TH STREET 2 1 1177 48 R30 146000 L- A Z903935 4360 226NE10TH ST 2 1 1 1248 27 R30 144900 L A Z922285 4360 236NE9TH STREET 4 2 1620 54 R30 144500 L A Z911700 4360 22NE5 STREET 3 2 1146 64 R30 143000 L- A Z913647 4360 120NE19 STREET 2 2 55 R31 139900 L A Z904419 4360 222NE17TH ST 4 2 1803 55 R30 125000 L A Z913984 4360 250NE22 STREET 3 1 1215 53 R30 82500 V A Z927860 4360 240NE21 ST 2 2 936 54 R30 57000 V A F282406 4370 909 SE 4 AV 4 2 *1268 *79 R30 97500 V A Z912776 4370 506SE3RD AVE 3 1 1005 31 R30 89900 v A B517656 4370 932SE4 AVE 3 2 1179 87 R32 68000 V RA Z828256 4380 17555TIFFANY TRACE 3 2 1 2508 87 R31 269900 A Z916838 4380 17555TIFANY TRACE 3 2 1 2386 87 R31 267000 A Z905392 4380 4865SUGAR PINE DR 4 3 1 2785 77 R31 260000 A '~'23265 4380 3783MYKONOS COURT 2 2 1486 91 R33 249900 A ~~16905 4380 17356BALBOA POINT WAY 3 2 1821 92 R30 249000 A Z916299 4380 17286ANTIGUA POINT 3 2 1871 92 R32 248000 A Z821593 4380 3663MYKONOS CT 3 3 1 1817 92 R33 234900 A Z906369 4380 17554TIFFANY TRACE DR 3 2 1 2644 88 R31 234900 A Z827564 4380 17155BERMUDA VILLAGE DR 3 3 2183 98 R31 232500 A Z920443 4380 3831CANDLEWOOD CT 3 2 1 1780 90 R31 229900 A Z919838 4380 17400ANTIGUA POINT 3 2 1871 94 R38 229000 A Z906390 4380 17244ANTIGUA POINT WAY 3 2 1871 91 R33 225000 A Z828186 4380 17268BALBOA POINT WAY 3 2 1821 92 R30 223500 A Z917573 4380 17354VENTANA DR 3 2 1 2302 R31 219900 A Z811537 4380 3676MYKONOS CT 3 2 1486 92 R33 219900 A Z903294 4380 17656CANDLEWOOD TERR 2 2 1916 88 R32 219000 A Z905937 4380 17235VENTANA DRIVE 3 2 1821 98 R30 215000 A Z831180 4380 17235VENTANA DRIVE 3 2 1821 92 R30 215000 A Z928038 4380 17212BALBOA POINT 3 2 1821 92 R30 215000 A Z922152 4380 17563TIFFANY TRACE DR 2 2 1 1917 87 R31 214000 A Z827558 4380 17149BERMUDA VILLAGE DR 3 3 1710 98 R31 213750 A B551342 4380 17650TIFFANY TC 3 2 1 2015 87 R33 205000 A Z907416 4380 3735MYKONOS COURT 3 2 1 1721 91 R33 205000 A Z924238 4380 177570AKWOOD AVENUE 4 3 2460 79 R31 197000 A B545990 4380 3731MYKONOS CT 3 2 1 1721 91 R33 192000 A Z901143 4380 17331VENTANA DRIVE 3 2 1821 92 R30 189900 A Z926530 4380 4449BRANDYWINE DRIVE 4 2 1876 82 R30 189900 A Z909108 4380 17394SPRING TREE LN 4 2 2268 82 R30 189900 A Z920481 4380 17613CANDLEWOOD TER 4 3 1 1450 89 R31 188900 A Z910909 4380 17609CANDLEWOOD TERRACE 2 2 1486 89 R30 185000 A Z912940 4380 17653CANDLEWOOD TER 3 2 1456 87 R31 185000 A '23926 4380 4076BAY LAUREL WAY 4 2 2225 81 R31 184900 A ~.J06711 4380 3715MYKONOS COURT 2 2 1486 92 R32 179900 A Z912696 4380 17575WEEPING WILLOW TRAI 3 2 1608 79 R31 179900 A Z902652 4380 4943ACORN DRIVE 4 3 2500 78 R30 172000 A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z927371 4380 4229SUGAR PINE DR 3 2 1907 86 R30 159900 A Z918326 4380 4175BAY LAUREL WAY 4 2 1924 80 R30 159900 A Z923725 4380 17551WEEPING WILLOW TRL 3 2 1608 79 R30 154900 A Zo.f)5566 4380 4154BIRCHWOOD DR 3 2 1678 79 R30 148900 A , .6750 4390 3FOREST HILLS LN 3 2 1502 74 R38 129900 A L Z924657 4410 5GRANGE PL 3 2 1426 85 R30 110900 L A Z926561 4410 50HASTINGS LANE 3 2 1361 87 R32 104900 L A Z924492 4410 79PAXFORD LN 3 2 1350 91 R30 103900 L- A Z926560 4410 23HAWTHORNE LANE 3 2 1273 84 R30 103000 L A Z919514 4410 70PAXFORD LN 2 2 1230 90 R32 102900 L A Z928112 4410 17RIPLEY WAY 2 2 1297 90 R38 102000 L RA Z919512 4410 6HASTINGS LN 3 2 1186 87 R30 98900 L A Z908087 4410 8VERWOOD WAY 2 2 1230 88 R30 94900 v A Z908538 4410 9THURLOW DR 2 2 1206 89 R30 92900 V A Z915727 4410 10THURLOW DR 2 2 1206 89 R30 89900 V A Z921722 4410 8GRANGE PLACE 2 2 1156 85 R32 84900 V A Z927702 4410 1CHELSEA LANE 3 2 1230 84 R38 82500 V A Z927859 4410 46VIA DE CASAS NORTE 3 2 1200 83 R30 62000 V A Z918969 4420 855NW8TH AVE 4 3 2536 65 R30 163900 M A Z927837 4420 1002CORAL COURT 3 2 1497 71 R33 149900 L A Z919725 4420 1095NW10TH ST 3 3 1524 85 R30 121900 1- A Z921187 4420 1251GONDOLA CT 2 2 1371 57 R32 118000 L A Z911960 4420 8VELAIRE RD 3 2 1458 62 R30 115000 L R A Z908045 4420 726NW8TH COURT 3 2 1375 60 R31 109900 L A Z918407 4420 1012NW7 ST 4 2 1446 75 R30 109900 1- A Z926314 4420 813NW5TH AVENUE 3 2 1185 58 R31 105000 L R A Z922709 4420 815NW6TH AVE 3 2 1141 73 R31 104900 C- A Z926316 4420 71 7NW8TH CT 2 2 1306 60 R30 92500 V A Z923609 4420 1202NW7TH COURT 2 1 1068 62 R30 89900 V A Z919911 4430 1233GONDOLA 3 2 2000 70 R30 147500 L A Z905809 4430 1204SW20TH AVE 3 2 1624 78 R30 99900 L A Z916109 4430 1308SW15TH ST 2 2 1428 74 R30 99000 L- A 17009 4430 1409SW17TH AV 2 2 1624 77 R30 89500 V A ;0,,12852 4430 1905SW22ND AVE 2 2 1624 79 R30 86900 V A Z805357 4430 520SW18TH ST 2 2 1428 70 R30 85500 if A Z908458 4430 2106SW15 TH STREET 2 2 1317 79 R30 85500 \/ A Z923885 4430 1214SW21ST AVE 2 2 1317 78 R30 84900 V A Z927546 4430 632SW4TH AVENUE 2 2 1488 84 R30 84900 v A Z917540 4430 2010SW17TH ST 2 2 1428 79 R30 83900 V A Z927825 4430 1701SW20TH ST 2 2 1428 77 R30 82500 V A Z920315 4430 1908SW21ST AVENUE 2 2 1428 78 R30 81500 V A Z915004 4430 1598SW13TH TERR 2 2 1428 74 R30 79900 V A Z924654 4430 1904SW13TH WAY 2 2 1428 74 R30 79900 V A Z904523 4430 1490SW7 AVE 2 2 1480 73 R30 79900 V A Z916677 4430 1005SW17TH ST 2 2 1317 74 R30 79900 \I A Z919104 4430 2395SW14TH AVE 2 2 1428 72 R30 79500 V A Z922177 4430 2108SW22ND STREET 2 2 1300 79 R30 77500.\1 A Z912080 4430 1600SW13TH TERR 2 2 1428 74 R30 77000 V A Z914830 4430 2011SW15TH STREET 2 2 1317 79 R30 75900 V A Z922147 4430 2202SW21ST WAY 2 2 1542 87 R30 75500 V A Z825913 4430 2398SW11TH AVE 2 2 1128 71 R30 74900 V A Z928111 4430 514SW19TH ST 2 2 1428 70 R30 74900 V A Z922953 4430 10060CEAN AVE 2 2 1025 69 R30 74900 V A Z928097 4430 812SW7TH AVE 2 2 1317 70 R31 73500 V A Z927097 4430 1003SW17TH STREET 2 2 1428 74 R30 69990 V A Z919593 4430 123NW10 CT 2 2 1020 69 R30 68900 V A Z909174 4430 111NW10TH COURT 2 1 69 R30 68500 V A Z927065 4430 511SW19TH ST 2 1 1080 70 R30 68000'V A Z921153 4430 117SW9TH ST 2 1 888 70 R30 67000 V A Z924740 4430 2391SW13TH TERRACE 2 1 1011 73 R30 66900 V A 19958 4430 2394SW10 AVE 2 1 1228 73 R30 62000 V A ,-,.:126006 4430 1918SW19TH ST 2 2 888 70 R30 55900,\1 A B551804 4430 1006SW 5TH. AVE 2 1 1044 70 R32 52700 V A Z909646 4430 2012SW6TH AVE 2 1 851 70 R30 49900 V A MLii AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z912254 4430 1118LAKE TERRACE 2 1 729 99 R32 39900 V A Z927091 4440 1036SW27 AVE 4 2 1 1960 96 R30 139000 L R A Z823175 4440 1185SW27 PLACE 4 2 1895 75 R31 135000 L- R A Z.Q.cn573 4440 1331SW28 AVE 4 2 1966 70 R31 134000 L- RA , 3898 4440 1154SW27TH AVENUE 4 2 1667 73 R31 129900 L- A L Z920789 4440 1154SW28TH AVENUE 3 2 1269 73 R32 118000 L- A Z924885 4440 1000SW28TH AVE 3 2 1269 73 R33 115900 L- A Z923662 4440 2019SW18TH DRIVE 2 2 1288 79 R30 79900 V A Z924070 4460 325NW15TH STREET 4 2 1 2500 53 R31 259000 A Z924857 4460 1502DALE LANE 3 3 2383 55 R31 239000 A Z826787 4460 420NW7TH ST 3 2 1830 84 R30 217000 f/I A Z923598 4460 618GARDENIA TER 3 2 1640 80 R31 215000 N1 A Z915025 4460 402LAKE DRIVE 3 2 1862 56 R30 210000 IV\ A Z825925 4460 1112NSWINTON AVE 3 1 1290 26 R30 197200 M A Z927287 4460 1607NW2ND AVE 2 2 1624 54 R31 169900 M A Z924812 4460 303NE4TH STREET 3 3 2063 68 R30 169500 /VI A Z927581 4460 215SEACREST CIRCLE 2 2 1223 55 R30 138000 L- A B548582 4460 107NW10 AV 2 1 1100 48 R32 74000 V A z923936 4470 2417SUNDY AVE 4 2 1831 79 R30 125000 L- A z905431 4470 909SW10 AVENUE 3 2 1460 58 R30 83500 V A Z927182 4470 316SW7TH STREET 3 1 1524 47 R30 72500 v A Z916091 4470 718SW4 AVE 3 1 1151 81 R30 69900 V A Z910986 4470 210SW14 AVE 2 2 1123 56 R30 69900 v A Z820990 4470 813SW5TH AVE 3 1 988 72 R30 49900 v A Z927864 4470 1408SW3 ST 3 3 1880 61 R30 48000 V A Z912896 4480 864AVOCET RD 3 2 1676 88 R32 179000 L A Z903832 4480 2420ZEDER AVENUE 2 2 1903 98 R30 169000 L.- A Z924977 4480 750HERON 3 2 1890 73 R31 150000 L- A Z908715 4480 3100ECORMORANT RD 3 2 1733 78 R30 119900 L- A Z927432 4480 693LINDELL BLVD 2 2 1649 73 R30 119900 L- A Z92 68 61 4480 619LINDELL BLVD 2 1 1 1310 77 R30 115000 L A F,277392 4480 2549 SOUTHRIDGE RD 3 2 1 *1655 *79 R31 110000 L- * A 10979 4480 2464S0UTHRIDGE 3 2 1700 79 R31 109000 L. A "...21392 4480 2408ZEDER AVE 3 2 1716 80 R30 104900 ~ A z926601 4480 104REIGLE AVE 3 2 1116 87 R30 84900 V A Z907575 4490 3982WESTCHESTER WAY 4 2 1 2566 96 R31 245000 A Z925152 4490 7259NORWICH LN 4 2 1 2566 96 R33 229900 A Z910543 4490 4290REDDING RD 5 4 3719 73 R30 215000 M A Z927517 4490 2000RANGE DRIVE 3 3 1 2264 94 R30 196000 i\il A Z903220 4490 4194MANOR FOREST TRAIL 4 2 2064 97 R32 191000 tv'\ A Z922732 4490 1338EFAIRFAX CIR. 3 2 1 2070 96 R33 184900 iV\ A Z926724 4490 4186MANOR FOREST TRAIL 3 2 1820 97 R32 178900 fv\ A Z904504 4490 1347FAIRFAX CIR E 3 2 2070 95 R32 169900 M R A Z918908 4490 7902MANOR FOREST BLVD. 4 3 2021 95 R31 169900 M A Z915621 4490 8361BERMUDA SOUND WAY 4 2 1 2234 97 R32 161900 M A Z912580 4490 4710YARDARM 3 2 2060 92 R30 159900 M A Z921794 4490 8177MYSTIC HARBOR CIR 3 2 1 1941 95 R30 159900 !VI A Z927639 4490 8261WHITE ROCK CIR 3 2 1813 97 R32 159900 WI A Z920364 4490 1003FAIRFAX CIR W 4 2 1 1842 91 R31 154900 fA A Z924722 4490 144EXECUTIVE CIRCLE 3 2 1970 89 R32 154900 M A F264003 4490 7915 MANOR FOREST BLVD 3 3 0 2041 96 R32 153500 M * A Z924201 4490 14MEADOWS PARK LN 4 2 2118 92 R30 149900 L- A Z920264 4490 4283REDDING RD 3 2 1924 79 R30 149900 L- A Z921381 4490 1077WFAIRFAX CIR. 4 2 1 2220 90 R30 149900 L A z915459 4490 8161MYSTIC HARBOR eIR 4 2 1983 96 R30 149850 L- A F286541 4490 54 EGRET WY 3 2 1700 93 R30 149000 L- A Z913814 4490 7807MANOR FOREST BLVD 3 2 1 2021 96 R30 147900 I.- A Z826125 4490 31HEATHER COVE DR 3 2 1632 89 R31 145900 L- A Z831429 4490 4629pURDUE DR 4 2 1 2050 96 R30 144900 L- A z918834 4490 136EXECUTIVE CIRCLE 3 2 1956 90 R30 140000 L- A 100688 4490 1337EFAIRFAX CIRCLE 3 2 1 1780 94 R30 139900 L- A ~:l03871 4490 7056MIDDLEBURY DRIVE 3 2 1660 97 R30 139900 L- A Z924785 4490 8164MYSTIC HARBOR CIR 3 2 1813 96 R30 139900 L- A Z913311 4490 8159MYSTIC HARBOR CIRCLE 3 2 1730 96 R30 138999 L- A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z918906 4490 30DOGWOOD CIRCLE 2 2 1546 88 R30 138900 L- A F265974 4490 142 CITRUS PARK CIRCLE 3 2 1845 99 R30 137900 L.- A Z906258 4490 7913MANOR FOREST LANE 3 2 1521 95 R30 135990 L- A Zo.1.4524 4490 77CEDAR CIRCLE 4 2 1728 87 R30 135900 L- A Z 6259 4490 1397EFAIRFAX CIR E 3 2 1814 96 R30 134900 L.- A Z907230 4490 8342BERMUDA SOUND WAY 4 2 1540 97 R32 134900 L.- A Z926812 4490 8239WHITE ROCK CIR 3 2 1730 96 R32 134750L A Z916700 4490 8016STIRRUP CAY CT 3 2 1395 96 R30 134500 L- A Z927075 4490 8049STIRRUP CAY CT 4 2 1540 96 R30 134000 L- A Z925101 4490 1317FAIRFAX CIRCLE E 3 2 1814 95 R30 133500 L- A Z911858 4490 77SANDPIPER WAY 3 2 1753 88 R30 129900 L A Z824116 4490 7811MANOR FOREST BLVD 3 2 1521 96 R30 129900 L- A Z914381 4490 8356BERMUDA SOUND WAY 3 2 1395 97 R32 129750 L.- A Z924662 4490 8340LEEWAY LANE 3 2 1961 89 R30 129000 L- A Z910461 4490 12CEDAR CIR 4 2 1470 85 R32 125900 L.- A Z905370 4490 4801CATAMARIN CIRCLE 3 2 2065 92 R30 125000 L.- A Z902508 4490 5CEDAR CIRCLE 3 2 1228 84 R30 124900L.- A Z832711 4490 3630STRATTON LN 3 2 1250 97 R30 122900 L A D890601 4490 8360 BERMUDA SOUND WY 3 2 0 1240 96 R30 119900 L- * A Z913175 4490 7585GREENLAKE WAY 3 2 1726 84 R32 119900 L- A Z926755 4490 7388WILLOWS SPRING CR.E. 3 2 1570 88 R30 91900 V A z926901 4490 54MISTY MEADOW DR 2 1 1005 89 R30 89000 v A R702613 4490 7410PINEDALE DRIVE 4 2 1429 92 R30 79900 V A Z921810 4490 7141GLENWOOD 3 2 1406 85 R30 63770 V A z915809 4500 4278FOX TRACE 4 2 1 2826 87 R30 269900 A Z918301 4500 4093ALPINA CT 3 3 1 3240 87 R30 232000 A Z825901 4500 4356CARYOTA DR 3 2 1 2543 87 R32 225000 N\ A Z919507 4500 4251FOX TRACE 3 2 2224 85 R33 220000 !VI A Z919735 4500 4211PINE CONE LN 4 2 1 2900 85 R30 219000 f\J\ A Z907618 4500 9655PANDAMUS WAY 4 2 1 2550 99 R30 215000 /VI A Z902844 4500 4188FOX TRACE 3 3 1792 87 R31 210000 M R A Z921522 4500 4220FOX TRACE 4 3 2565 89 R31 199900 /Ill A . 11756 4500 4034PALO VERDE DRIVE 3 2 2174 89 R30 189900 ,vi A L05805 4500 4307PALO VERDE DR 3 2 2194 83 R33 179900 M A Z912809 4500 4111ARDISIA PATH 3 2 2162 87 R32 169900 ,Ill A Z909864 4500 4327JUNIPER 3 2 2299 84 R31 167900 JV1 A Z910022 4500 3900S89TH ROAD 3 2 2078 79 R30 159900 fJI A Z916037 4500 4803PALO VERDE DR 3 2 1960 72 R32 14 9900 L.- R A Z917276 4500 1010CORAL CT 3 2 1376 60 R32 144900 L- A Z909301 4500 42750LD BOYNTON RD 3 2 1880 95 R30 139900 L.- A Z906758 4500 8080STIRRUP CAY CIRCLE 3 2 1395 95 R30 122500 L- A Z924131 4500 3555DORRIT AVE 3 2 1516 80 R30 109500 L.- A Z910343 4500 3965WHITE PINE DR 2 2 960 74 R38 64000 V A Z924770 4500 4286BOBWHITE DR 2 2 1056 79 R38 60000 v A Z923837 4500 4070MISSION BELL DR 2 2 840 96 R38 59950 V A Z908074 4500 4020MOCKINGBIRD DR 2 2 1761 88 R38 59900 V A Z924507 4500 4019MEADOW VIEW DRIVE 2 2 1264 91 R38 57000 _ V A Z924509 4500 4019MEADOW VIEW DRIVE 2 2 1264 91 R38 57000 V A Z824861 4500 4039MISSION BELL DR 3 2 1704 80 R38 55000 V A Z903492 4500 4222SSHADY LANE 1 1 620 58 R38 49900 V A Z917391 4500 4132SHADY LANE S. 2 1 854 82 R38 48900 V A z815699 4500 4477SANDPINE CIR 2 2 1248 75 R38 42000Y A Z902122 4500 4093MEADOW VIEW DR 2 1 1 1128 65 R38 39900 V A R711212 4500 4101MOCKINGBIRD DR 3 2 1056 88 R33 39900 V A Z914272 4500 4215MISSION BELL DR 2 1 720 73 R30 35000 V- A Z923974 4500 4064MARIGOLD RD 2 1 947 72 R38 35000 V A B549015 4500 4004BOUGANVILLEA RD 2 2 672 70 R32 35000_l/ A Z830257 4500 4024WHITE PINE DR 2 1 1 932 68 R38 34000 V A Z803856 4500 4328SANDPINE CIR 2 2 888 73 R30 34000 V A Z827248 4500 4014BOUGAINVILLE RD 2 2 872 69 R38 34000 V A 27676 4500 4230MISSION BELL DR 2 2 720 73 R38 28500 II A ,-,-,49645 4500 4398MOCKINGBIRD DR 2 1 872 70 R32 28000Y A B542286 4500 4408MEADOWVIEW DR 1 1 612 71 R38 21000 V A Z911923 4500 4213S88TH PLACE 1 1 470 61 R38 19900 V A MLiI AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z821008 4510 10609PINE TREE TERRACE 4 3 1 2946 R31 265000 A Z902008 4510 4256GLENEAGLES DR 4 4 2942 89 R31 259000 A Z921467 4510 4212GLENEAGLES DR 3 2 2335 80 R31 235000 A Z9.()7093 4510 10164LEXINGTON CIR 3 2 2016 92 R31 189900 fV\ R A , 4793 4510 10213NLEXINGTON LAKES BL 2 2 2301 93 R30 179000 /vi A L Z~28091 4510 10729GRANDE PALLADIUM WA 2 2 1912 98 R32 17 5000 ,-A A Z920300 4510 10615GRANDE PALLADIUM WA 2 2 1912 99 R32 174900,vI A Z920348 4510 3945DIAMOND PALLADIUM 2 2 1 2025 99 R32 174900 JIll A Z915194 4510 4905PINETREE DR 3 2 2174 88 R30 172900 M A Z911390 4510 4830PINE TREE DR 3 2 2182 82 R30 169900 M A Z926961 4510 10382SLEXINGTON CIRCLE 2 2 1860 94 R30 157000 !VI A Z816046 4510 10279LEXINGTON LAKES BLD 2 2 1900 95 R30 149900 L A Z909658 4510 10279SLEXINGTON LAKES 2 2 1874 95 R30 149900 L A F251002 4510 10387 GREENTRAIL DR 3 2 *2051 *79 R30 149000 L A Z919003 4510 1815STONEHAVEN DR 4 2 2528 88 R32 142900 L A Z920102 4510 1725BANYAN CREEK 4 2 1996 89 R32 139000 L R A Z926363 4510 4782FANCY LEAF CT 3 2 1697 87 R32 134900 L A Z924154 4510 14ASPEN COURT 3 2 1368 90 R30 1299001.-. A Z919868 4510 1822NBANYAN CREEK CIR N 3 2 1300 87 R32 116500 L A Z913078 4510 10990GREENTRAIL DR 3 2 2340 87 R30 114900 L- A Z911994 4510 91MAGNOLIA CIRCLE 2 2 1 1468 88 R32 112750 L A Z910016 4510 4704BOXWOOD CIRCLE 3 2 1731 88 R30 109900 L- A Z915625 4510 4880BOXWOOD CIRCLE 3 2 1731 87 R32 109898 L- A Z908510 4510 1805NBANYAN CREEK CIRCLE 2 2 1104 85 R32 96900 L- A z925941 4510 402SE1 ST 2 1 720 63 R30 59000 V A Z927543 4520 11953NLAKE DR 4 2 2674 74 R33 259900 A Z914169 4520 2560SWCRANBROOK DRIVE 4 2 1 2800 86 R32 249900 A B552199 4520 4881GLENN PINE LANE 4 3 2400 98 R32 246900 A Z902302 4520 2547SWCRANBROOK PL 3 2 2572 84 R32 235000 A B548453 4520 2332SW23 CRANBROO 3 2 1 2572 84 R32 230000 A Z905939 4520 2334SWCRANBROOK DR 3 2 1 2170 85 R32 205000 M A Z922211 4520 2639SW23RD CRANBROOK CT 3 2 2214 85 R33 200000 M R A 00068 4520 2665SWCRANBROOK 3 2 1 2572 87 R30 180000 JI\ij RA ~-,19855 4520 2EASTGATE DR 2 2 1806 87 R32 169913 M A Z923654 4520 2503SWCRANBROOK DRIVE 2 2 1 1888 82 R32 169000 /VI A Z924794 4520 2600SWCRANBROOK DR 3 2 1894 81 R30 144500 L- A Z917595 4520 2506SWCRANBROOK DR 2 2 1 1866 84 R30 139900 L A Z912818 4530 1335WBARWICK RANCH CIR 4 3 2343 97 R30 220000 M A Z921490 4530 1335WBARWICK RANCH CIRCL 4 3 2343 97 R30 220000 M A Z921957 4530 3995LAURELWOOD LN 4 3 2531 95 R33 220000 M A Z924207 4530 1365EBARWICK RANCH CIRCL 3 2 1951 96 R31 214900 ,v\ A Z921695 4530 3835SABAL LAKES RD 4 2 2105 91 R33 199500 M A Z919646 4530 4100NW7TH LANE 4 2 1 2348 87 R31 184000 M A Z926556 4530 4021SATIN LEAF 4 2 1 2273 90 R32 170625 M A Z920311 4530 3900MAJESTIC PALM WAY 3 2 1960 95 R32 164900 (11\ A Z915136 4530 3055RIVIERA DRIVE 2 2 2017 88 R30 159951 (11\ A Z921875 4530 4200NW7TH CT 4 2 2085 88 R30 159000 M A Z919988 4530 2604NW12TH STREET 2 2 1754 87 R32 155000 M A Z921070 4530 4135NWI0TH STREET 3 2 1502 93 R32 150000 L. RA Z902126 4530 3740RIVERSIDE WAY 4 2 1 1716 94 R30 149900 L A Z923211 4530 1325NW22 AVENUE 3 2 1 1972 85 R30 145900 L A F273665 4530 2215 NW 14 ST 3 2 *1533 *83 R30 141900 L * A Z825336 4530 1855NWI0 STREET 3 2 1654 80 R32 140000 L A Z927885 4530 1125NW19TH TE 3 2 1573 85 R32 139900- L A Z825614 4530 3805NW9 ST 3 2 1402 95 R30 136900 L- A Z915612 4530 3225NW12TH 2 2 1871 84 R30 125000 L- A B551528 4530 773NW24TH AVENUE 2 2 1702 78 R32 124000 L- A B554313 4530 1355NW29 AV 2 2 1842 83 R32 119900 L A Z806860 4530 3135NW14 STREET 2 2 2189 85 R30 119000 L A Z910639 4530 1440NW25TH AVENUE 2 2 1455 85 R30 110900 L- A 026618 4530 738NW24TH AVENUE 2 2 1692 80 R30 110000 L A _-,51595 4530 2491NW10TH STREET 2 2 1425 79 R32 110000 L A Z905560 4530 3250NW10TH ST 2 2 1600 83 R32 104500 L A Z914747 4530 2575NW15TH STREET 2 2 1433 84 R30 100000 L A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z917021 4530 2400NW9TH STREET 2 2 1245 77 R30 95000 L A Z922229 4530 799NW23RD LANE 2 2 1337 78 R30 92500 V A Z921666 4530 3115NW10TH ST 2 2 1770 82 R30 85000 V A Zo.fJ5877 4540 4477MAURICE DR 4 3 2300 63 R31 249900 A L 0626 4540 4444FRANCES DRIVE 3 3 2384 79 R31 249000 RA Z928049 4540 515LAKE DRIVE 3 2 1382 57 R38 179000 M A Z916975 4540 4105NW2ND ST 3 2 1 2400 85 R31 149900 L A Z922735 4540 4164NW2ND LANE 3 2 1698 90 R30 149900 L A Z927253 4540 4100NW2ND ST 3 2 1525 86 R31 137000 L A M750367 4540 4368 BRANDON DR 3 2 *1663 *90 R30 129000 L * A Z919365 4540 4354BRANDON 3 2 1378 61 R32 126000 L A Z915649 4540 215NW40TH AVE 3 2 1400 94 R30 125900 L A Z916695 4540 735ECHATELAINE BLVD 3 2 1460 72 R30 118000 L R A Z900726 4540 724PLACE TAVANT 3 2 1520 72 R30 114900 L A Z900923 4540 2543ANGLER DRIVE 4 2 1550 60 R30 94900 V A Z905278 4540 4630PINE GROVE DR. 3 2 1428 86 R31 94800 V A Z921525 4540 4732NW6 CT 3 2 1287 78 R30 85000 V A Z806911 4540 754PLACE CHATEAU 3 2 1562 73 R38 84500 V A z927849 4540 2788LAKE IDA RD 3 2 1497 73 R31 77900 V A Z911288 4540 301ROOSEVELT AVE 3 1 1 920 59 R30 69900 V A Z927861 4540 3690VILLAGE DR 3 3 681 89 R30 67000 V A Z828069 4540 14551GLENNVIEW 2 1 784 80 R38 38000 V A Z918268 4550 673LAKEWOODE CIR WEST 3 3 2400 82 R31 265000 A Z917514 4550 4253LIVE OAK BLVD 3 3 2600 79 R31 264900 A Z908672 4550 47760RCHARD LANE 3 2 1995 98 R31 259900 A B537645 4550 4378WHITE CEDAR LA 3 2 1 2388 82 R33 259000 A Z912242 4550 655WLAKEWOODE CIRCLE 2 2 1 2430 78 R33 258918 A Z909807 4550 5003NWPINEVIEW CIRCLE 2 2 3000 79 R31 255000 A Z901478 4550 960GREENSWARD LANE 3 3 2076 94 R30 249900 A Z914398 4550 4414WHITE CEDAR LA 3 2 1 2308 81 R31 239800 A z807167 4550 929FOXPOINTE CIR 3 2 2112 77 R31 235000 A Z903008 4550 16980SILVER OAK CIR 3 2 2251 83 R31 229000 A - 13369 4550 602WLAKEWOODE CR 3 2 1 2412 78 R33 225000 tJ\ A bv06392 4550 908FOXPOINTE CIR 3 2 1 2409 78 R33 225000 M A Z900780 4550 16876SILVER OAK CT 3 2 1 2251 83 R30 225000 1"1 A Z917624 4550 2012SW36TH AVENUE 3 2 1 2198 83 R31 224900 M A Z922529 4550 719FOXPOINTE CIR 3 2 1796 77 R30 219900 M A Z922981 4550 48080RCHARD LANE 3 2 1995 98 R30 219800-M A Z911593 4550 3108LAKEVIEW 4 2 1 2608 76 R30 219000 lVI A Z905955 4550 3578LAKEVIEW DR 4 2 2034 77 R31 209000 N\ A Z909799 4550 914FOXPOINTE CIRCLE 3 2 1 2112 78 R31 199000 ;V1 A Z906273 4550 34360LD GERMANTOWN RD 3 2 1522 57 R30 197000_^,~ A Z915252 4550 3212SHERWOOD BLVD 3 2 2121 71 R30 189900,'\1 A z924447 4550 4495SHERWOOD FOREST 3 2 1 2005 90 R31 184500'\/\ A Z831339 4550 2502PAR CIRCLE 3 2 1 3000 88 R32 179000 M A Z905391 4550 676ELAKEWOOD CIRCLE 3 2 2000 78 R30 169900 M A B550908 4550 4548WHITE CEDAR LN 2 2 1 2105 80 R32 165000j\:1 A Z923130 4550 425SHERWOOD FOREST DR 3 2 1835 92 R30 164900 i\;~ A Z913894 4550 800PAR CIRCLE 3 2 1 2072 88 R30 164000Jll1 A Z922948 4550 301SW27TH AVE 3 2 2077 88 R30 162500 I'\~ A Z915791 4550 4794VALENCIA DRIVE 3 2 1547 99 R30 161900 jV1 A Z909678 4550 5101FOXPOINTE CIRCLE 3 2 2069 77 R30 160000,M R A Z926634 4550 450SHERWOOD FOREST DR 3 2 1549 90 R31 159900 !V'l A Z926763 4550 4695SHERWOOD FOREST DR 3 2 1641 93 R30 155900 ;vl A z926609 4550 3104LOWSON BLVD 2 2 1720 65 R30 149900 L- A Z822207 4550 819PAR CIRCLE 3 2 1600 87 R32 149900 L R A Z927188 4550 LT3CLEARBROOK CIRCLE 3 2 1700 99 R30 139900 L A Z927152 4550 LT4CLEARBROOK CIRCLE 3 2 1700 99 R30 139900 L- A Z927187 4550 LT6CLEARBROOK CIRCLE 3 2 1700 99 R30 139900 L A Z908237 4550 503SW29TH AVENUE 2 2 1369 80 R32 117000 L A 05980 4550 2753BEGONIA CT 2 2 1400 81 R30 109500 L A ,,-,,12151 4550 2774BEGONIA CT 2 2 1611 83 R30 107000 L R A Z915524 4550 2773BEGONIA COURT 2 2 1496 83 R30 105000 L A Z912159 4550 2750AZALEA CT 2 2 1496 82 R30 99000 L- A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST F284059 4550 2146 SW 13 ST 3 1 0 *948 *61 R30 74900 V A Z816752 4560 2234NW62 DR 2 2 1 1798 90 R30 270000 A Z902933 4560 2432NW63RD STREET 3 2 1 2102 89 R30 269900 A Z<'-16149 4560 2218NW62 DRIVE 3 2 1 1826 90 R30 269500 A L .0413 4560 2514NW27 STREET 3 2 1 2570 81 R31 269000 A Z829078 4560 5468NW21 AVENUE 3 2 1 2104 88 R30 264900 A Z924898 4560 6367NW24TH STREET 3 3 1955 93 R30 264000 A Z926674 4560 4350NW25TH WAY 4 3 2440 80 R31 259900 A Z901436 4560 2466NW67TH STREET 3 2 1755 92 R32 259000 A Z927417 4560 5331NW26TH CIRCLE 3 2 1 1912 91 R30 255000 A Z914686 4560 5526NW20 AV 3 2 1751 87 R30 249900 A Z924519 4560 2948NW41 ST 3 2 1 2400 88 R30 249000 A B551759 4560 2547NW53RD ST 3 2 1 1912 91 R32 249000 A Z831097 4560 2494NW67TH 3 2 1900 93 R38 249000 A Z919754 4560 3048NW26 AVE 4 2 1 1978 R31 239000 A Z821989 4560 240166TH DR 3 2 2000 R30 239000 A Z924764 4560 4100NW25TH WAY 3 2 1953 84 R31 229900 A Z922463 4560 2423NWTIMBERCREEK CIR 3 2 2075 79 R30 229000 A Z921326 4560 6655NW25TH AVENUE 3 2 1755 91 R31 229000 A Z922140 4560 6399NW23RD WAY 2 2 1783 93 R30 229000 A Z814392 4560 5319NW26TH CIR 3 2 1 1912 92 R31 225000 A B541059 4560 2496NW66 DR 3 2 1755 92 R33 223500 A Z927175 4560 2823NW34TH ST 3 2 2116 80 R31 220000 A Z925632 4560 6684NW25TH AVE 3 2 1755 92 R30 219900 A Z822524 4560 6668NW26TH WAY 2 2 1580 90 R30 209000 A z927357 4560 3307NW29TH AVE. 3 2 1 2342 79 R30 199500 A Z908404 4560 2908NW24 WAY 3 2 1800 78 R30 198000 A B543587 4560 245866 DRIVE NW 2 2 1945 93 R32 197000 A Z927995 4560 2061NW52 ST 2 2 1 1527 88 R30 193000 A Z925100 4560 2361NW30 ROAD 3 2 1467 78 R31 189900 A Z908429 4560 127EWINGED FOOT LANE 4 2 1770 69 R38 165900 A Z927695 4560 3288NW26TH AVE 3 2 1684 75 R31 162000 A 13015 4560 37TAM O'SHANTER 4 3 2176 69 R30 159000 A ~,,10264 4560 2617NW36 ST 3 2 1434 76 R30 159000 A Z832386 4560 32TAM O'SHANTER LN 3 2 1720 60 R31 124800 R A Z906575 4570 21658CLUB VILLA TERR 2 2 2030 85 R33 259000 A Z927141 4570 21813MOUNTAIN SUGAR LANE 5 3 2780 84 R31 258950 A z920468 4570 5504FOX HOLLOW DRIVE 3 2 1 1793 89 R31 250000 A Z900206 4570 20802S0NRISA WAY 4 2 2372 77 R31 249500 A Z922337 4570 21837TOWN PLACE DR 3 2 2140 86 R30 249000 A Z918127 4570 21676CLUB VILLA TERRACE 3 2 2113 85 R32 239900 A Z919415 4570 6537POND APPLE ROAD 4 2 1 2200 80 R31 225000 A Z921221 4570 6491SWEET MAPLE 4 3 1946 80 R33 224900 A Z914050 4570 5532FOX HOLLOW DR 3 2 1 88 R33 219900 A Z916542 4570 21694CLUB VILLA TER 2 2 2012 86 R30 219500 A Z925039 4570 20777RAMITA TRAIL 3 2 2234 77 R31 207500 A Z914058 4570 5444FOX HOLLOW DR 3 2 1 88 R30 189000 A Z921958 4570 21425CAMPO ALLEGRE DRIVE 3 2 1970 81 R30 182500 A Z907315 4570 5552FOX HOLLOW DR 3 2 1 88 R32 179900 A Z919527 4570 5530ILFORD COURT 3 2 1 1585 86 R30 17 5000 A Z828740 4570 21667CROMWELL CIRCLE 3 2 1 1747 86 R30 174500 A Z919201 4570 21593EUCALYPTUS WAY 3 2 1895 79 R30 174500 A Z923340 4570 6340SWEET MAPLE LN 3 2 1683 85 R31 173000 A Z829279 4570 21319S0NESTA LN 2 2 1630 84 R31 162500 RA Z924921 4570 6347AMBERWOODS 3 2 1762 80 R30 154500 A Z907904 4570 5596AMERSHAM WAY 2 2 1017 85 R32 154000 A Z925378 4570 21583REDBAY RD 3 3 1866 79 R30 14 9000 A B553311 4570 21316CAMPO ALLEGRO 2 2 1630 87 R32 139500 A F287414 4580 23133 VIA STEL 3 2 2000 89 R32 269000 A Z-907832 4580 6334BRAVA WAY 3 2 1 2442 95 R33 269000 A 17636 4580 23278TORRE CIR 3 2 1 2258 94 R30 249000 A <.:103203 4580 22127WSOLIEL CIRCLE 4 3 1911 76 R31 249000 A Z907876 4580 22800MARBELLA CIRCLE 3 2 1 2500 87 R32 244900 A Z909576 4580 23275ALORA DRIVE 3 2 1 2258 94 R30 239000 RA ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z907761 4580 6540VIA ROSA 2 2 1831 86 R30 235000 A Z926412 4580 6928VILLAS DR W 2 2 1 2484 79 R32 229900 A Z916301 4580 22691BELLA RITA CIR 3 2 1 2439 86 R31 228500 A z9.02030 4580 6875TERRA TRANQUILA DR 4 2 2559 86 R30 225000 A ,. 9938 4580 6777VILLAS DRIVE 3 2 1 2064 79 R30 224900 A Z~04860 4580 23305LAGO MAR CIR 3 2 2250 88 R32 219900 A Z919945 4580 6506CONTEMPO LN 4 3 2600 87 R33 219000 A Z926208 4580 6782VILLAS DRIVE 3 2 1 2270 79 R32 211900 A Z906725 4580 23196BOCA CLUB COLONY CI 3 2 1 1954 85 R33 209900 A Z824574 4580 23161VIA STEL 2 2 1480 87 R32 209000 A Z923432 4580 6136GOLF VISTA WAY 3 2 1935 77 R31 209000 A Z919089 4580 6770VILLAS DR 3 2 1989 79 R32 205000 A Z829275 4580 6816VILLAS DRIVE 2 2 2004 79 R32 202000 A Z907403 4580 6765SCALLE DE PAZ 3 2 2104 79 R30 199500 A Z919905 4580 6517COLOMERA DR 3 2 1938 94 R30 198500 A Z907420 4580 22765MARBELLA LAKES CIR 3 2 1 2329 90 R30 188900 A Z916622 4580 6912VILLAS DRIVE WEST 3 2 2024 79 R30 169500 A B549782 4580 6425CASABELLA LN 2 2 1860 79 R33 164900 A Z912114 4580 6974CALLE DEL PAZ 3 2 1819 86 R30 164900 A F265279 4580 5662 PINECREST CR 3 2 1889 79 R30 140000 A Z903341 4580 22001COLONY DR 3 2 1864 78 R30 139900 A Z900152 4580 22349TREETOP CIR 3 2 1889 74 R30 139000 A Z904350 4580 22024COLONY DRIVE 3 2 1800 78 R32 137500 A Z808424 4590 6843FAIRWAY LAKES DRIVE 3 2 2595 97 R32 269000 A Z910506 4590 7110LOCKWOOD ROAD 4 3 2900 92 R33 269000 A Z919642 4590 7361PRESCOTT LANE 3 2 1 2208 95 R32 260000 R A Z919899 4590 7703FORESTAY DR 5 3 3180 93 R33 260000 A Z925852 4590 7113LAKE ISLAND DRIVE 4 3 2575 99 R32 254990 A Z919903 4590 7892BRIDLINGTON DR 4 2 2386 94 R32 254900 A F283269 4590 7118 TAYLORWOOD DR 5 3 *3063 *97 R30 253000 A Z927651 4590 7075TAYLORWOOD 4 3 2543 97 R33 250000 A z805989 4590 7700ROCKFORD RD 3 2 1 2236 96 R32 249000 A r-15508 4590 7844DORCHESTER RD. 3 3 2361 91 R30 248000 A ,-_79571 4590 7877 DORCHESTER RD 3 3 *2210 *94 R30 247000 * A Z817653 4590 7547PRESCOTT LANE 4 2 1 2551 96 R33 244900 A Z925844 4590 7098LAKE ISLAND DRIVE 4 3 2546 99 R30 239990 A Z911955 4590 7732ROCKFORD RD 3 3 2070 96 R33 239000 A Z925846 4590 7043PENINSULA COURT 4 3 2546 98 R32 235990 A Z922366 4590 6429BRANCHWOOD DRIVE 3 2 1 2448 98 R30 232900 R A Z916574 4590 7415HEATHLEY DRIVE 4 2 1 2841 91 R30 229000 A Z925849 4590 7094LAKE ISLAND DRIVE 4 3 2546 99 R30 228990 A Z810769 4590 7136TAYLORWOOD DRIVE 4 3 2543 97 R31 228900 A Z918726 4590 7450ANADALE CIRCLE 4 3 2505 92 R33 227900 0 A Z922039 4590 7576PRESCOTT LANE 4 3 2827 95 R30 219000 !Vi A Z900692 4590 7311TILLMAN DRIVE 5 3 1 2934 94 R32 217000 M A Z919516 4590 6790HATTERAS 4 3 2775 93 R30 215000 /VI A Z923364 4590 7199S0UTH PORT DR 2 2 1738 99 R30 215000 /VI A Z916341 4590 7741CEDAR HURST CT 4 2 1 2576 95 R31 206900- M A Z927480 4590 7730CEDAR HURST CT 4 2 1 2551 95 R31 204900,vl A Z927947 4590 7781PENWOOD CT 4 2 1 2489 93 R30 199990 M A Z915875 4590 7729NORTHTREE WAY 4 3 2872 94 R32 199900 M A Z904528 4590 8373HORSESHOE BAY ROAD 3 2 1932 93 R30 198000 JV' A Z918147 4590 854ILAWSON CIR 3 3 2254 84 R30 194900' M A Z925842 4590 7110LAKE ISLAND DRIVE 3 2 2163 99 R30 193990 {VI A Z925791 4590 7086LAKE ISLAND DRIVE 3 2 2163 99 R30 193990 fV\ A Z920077 4590 7570CHICORA CT 4 2 2211 93 R31 192900 fV\ A Z926756 4590 7384HEATHLEY DR 4 2 1 2841 91 R32 192500jA A Z916153 4590 7066GENEVA LAKS CT 4 3 2050 93 R30 189900 M A Z911195 4590 7239DAVIT CIR 4 3 2050 94 R33 187500 M A Z925789 4590 7078LAKE ISLAND DRIVE 3 2 1878 99 R30 181990 fA A --'18125 4590 7603CEDAR HURST CT. 4 2 1 2551 95 R30 179900 fV\ R A _-,13657 4590 7771THORNLEE DR 3 2 1814 96 R31 175000..vt A Z915860 4590 7716CEDAR HURST COURT 4 2 1 2594 95 R30 17490Q,A/I A Z924922 4590 6820BITTERBUSH PL 3 2 1 2366 89 R32 172900 ,\..1 A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z909229 4590 75230AKBORO DR 4 2 1798 96 R32 170000 M R A Z926222 4590 7034DAVIT CIRCLE 4 2 1 2050 94 R30 169900 M A Z911636 4590 7314MICHIGAN ISLE RD 4 2 1 2050 94 R32 169900 M A z~3344 4590 7421ASHLEY SHORES CIR 3 2 1635 90 R30 169500-N\ A . 7264 4590 7633NORTHTREE CLUB DR 3 2 1800 95 R32 169500 M A L Z~22309 4590 7815CARINA CT 3 2 1661 94 R31 169099 IV\ A Z828132 4590 6884BITTERBUSH PLACE 2 2 1831 98 R32 168900 M A Z916398 4590 7890SPRINGVALE DR. 3 2 2106 98 R30 1670001\)\ A Z909734 4590 7620NORTHTREE CLUB DR 4 3 2251 95 R30 165000-1V\ A z927067 4590 6898BIG PINE KEY ST 3 2 1 1603 97 R32 164900M A Z914574 4590 6852BITTERBUSH PLACE 2 2 1 1728 88 R32 164900.1V! A Z917809 4590 7541BRIAR CLIFF CIRCLE 4 2 2103 92 R30 162500,vl A Z907168 4590 7206LAKE ISLAND DR 4 2 1 1992 97 R30 159900_iVl A M728856 4590 7367 ZURICH CR 4 2 1 2237 96 R32 159900 ,'-~ * A Z927953 4590 8089ALLSPICE DR 3 2 1 2000 88 R30 159000 A\ A Z922967 4590 7584THORNLEE DRIVE 4 2 1945 95 R30 154990 1'-\ A Z907163 4590 7246DAVIT CIRCLE 3 2 1 2050 94 R30 154900 M A Z901136 4590 5121WPALM WAY 3 2 1 1782 89 R38 153000_M A Z928026 4590 7896LAKEWOOD COVE COURT 4 2 1 1992 97 R30 152000 IV] A Z918001 4590 7361TRESCOTT DR. 4 3 2053 90 R30 151888 L A Z811327 4590 7693HOFFY CIR 4 2 1 2228 94 R30 149990 L A Z925794 4590 7070DAVIT CIRCLE 3 2 1813 94 R30 149900 L A Z926041 4590 7064CHARLESTON POINT DR 3 2 1713 93 R32 147500 L- A Z920881 4590 6763CORAL REEF ST 3 2 1 2021 96 R30 146900J-. A Z802274 4590 6788BITTERBUSH PL 2 2 1480 89 R32 139900 L- A Z915962 4590 6831TORCH KEY STREET 4 2 1 1900 94 R30 139900 L- A Z919369 4590 7390SHELL RIDGE TERRACE 3 2 1905 93 R30 139000 L A Z819283 4590 7872SPRINGFIELD LAKE DR 3 2 1 1804 97 R30 138900 L... A Z912994 4590 7852CARINA CT. 3 2 1582 93 R30 138500 L- A Z927166 4590 7571SPRINGFIELD LAKE DR 3 2 1460 95 R30 134900-L-. A Z906223 4590 7904LAKEWOOD COVE CT. 3 2 1 1453 97 R32 134 900 ~. A Z927493 4590 7571SPRINGFIELD LAKE DR 3 2 1460 95 R30 134900 L_ A "16925 4590 6886BIG PINE KEY 3 2 1 1603 97 R32 134900 L- A ~_29581 4590 7381ASHLEY SHORES CR. 3 2 1600 89 R30 133900 L A Z915018 4590 4827DOLPHIN DR 3 2 1502 99 R30 132500 L A Z922153 4590 7985LAKEWOOD COVE CT 3 2 1 1827 96 R30 132000 L A Z922892 4590 7162CRAWL KEY WAY 3 2 1 1603 94 R30 129500 L A Z921378 4590 7195VACA KEY WAY 3 2 1 1603 94 R30 128900 L A F269397 4590 7153 PIGEON KEY WAY 3 2 1 1603 94 R30 127400L... * A Z926360 4590 5291ROSE MARIE AVENUE 4 3 2720 79 R32 126900-L A Z922469 4590 4654DOLPHIN DRIVE 3 2 1644 76 R30 125000 h A Z918677 4590 8126WROSE MARIE 3 2 1931 79 R30 1239001- A Z824700 4590 7824SPRINGFIELD LAKE 3 2 1450 97 R30 122500t.- R A Z908055 4590 5173NSAINT JOHN AVE 3 2 1158 76 R32 1149001.... A Z927606 4590 5161ARBOR GLEN CIRCLE 3 2 1190 89 R30 114900-1.... A Z919984 4590 5056ARBOR GLEN CIR 3 2 1454 88 R32 112900 L A Z928116 4590 5193BRIAN BLVD 2 2 1287 86 R32 110900 L- A Z916565 4590 8083EST JOHN 3 2 1158 76 R33 109900 L A Z918913 4590 5104ARBOR GLEN CIRCLE 3 2 1125 86 R30 105000_L.. A Z903023 4590 7647WORRAL RD 2 1 780 65 R32 99000 L A Z926943 4590 7625HAVERHILL ROAD SOUTH 2 2 1198 88 R30 69900 V A Z918734 4590 32240CEAN PARKWAY 3 1 1100 56 R30 59500 V A F283736 4600 10271 E TARA BL 3 2 0 0 79 R31 269000 A Z909849 4600 9375AQUA VISTA BLVD 4 3 2518 95 R33 259900 A Z919020 4600 9408CASCADE CT 4 3 2787 94 R33 259500 A Z928022 4600 9833LAKESIDE LN 4 3 2405 94 R32 227500 fv1 A Z916065 4600 5584DESCARTES CIR 4 3 3037 90 R31 225000 M. R A Z928089 4600 5561MARSEILLES PORT LA 5 2 1 2882 94 R32 225000 M RA Z831265 4600 96100RCHID GROVE TRAIL 3 2 2450 96 R32 220000 tv1 A Z911641 4600 10406UTOPIA CIR E 3 2 2450 98 R32 220000/v1 A -27725 4600 9206CHIANTI COURT 5 3 3039 94 R30 210000-/.4 R A _J03313 4600 9210MARQUIS COURT 4 3 2813 94 R30 200000 ,Nt R A Z814008 4600 9838LEMONWOOD DRIVE 2 2 2195 96 R30 189000 M A Z924 7 50 4600 9826LEMONWOOD DRIVE 3 2 2195 97 R30 189000 IV( A MU AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z927812 4600 9637HARBOUR LAKE 3 2 1913 91 R32 187000 M A Z906718 4600 8710JADE COURT 3 2 1 2157 90 R32 184900M R A Z909732 4600 9813LEMONWOOD WAY 3 2 2175 96 R30 179000/VI A Z9.18284 4600 7661LEMONWOOD ST. 3 2 2129 96 R30 177000 !vI A . 5871 4600 9446EL CLAIR RANCH RD 4 2 1 2142 89 R33 175000 N\ R A , Z~23586 4600 9831SUN POINTE DR 4 2 2149 87 R33 174900;\/1 A Z907873 4600 9271SUN POINTE DRIVE 4 2 1 2142 88 R33 16990cf,Af\ A Z927735 4600 6259WINDLASS CIRCLE 4 2 1 2143 90 R30 169900 M A Z903304 4600 7732CHERRY BLOSSOM WAY 3 2 1708 96 R32 168500 All RA B548565 4600 9869LEMONWOOD DR 3 3 1930 97 R33 159900 M A Z924817 4600 9601CHERRY BLOSSOM TERR 3 2 2 1900 97 R32 159900 M A Z906647 4600 8713WINDY CIRCLE 3 2 1 2265 91 R30 159900- M A Z922173 4600 6393LANSDOWNE CIR 4 3 2352 88 R32 159000 M A z918310 4600 5816LAUREL GREEN CIRCLE 4 2 2142 88 R30 159000 M A Z927135 4600 6327TERRA ROSA CIR 4 2 1830 91 R32 155000 M R A Z911881 4600 6156LANSDOWNE CIR 3 2 1748 89 R32 152500.M A Z927824 4600 9825MAJESTIC WAY 3 2 1867 87 R32 151000 I.- A Z926947 4600 5077ROSEN BLVD 3 2 1838 91 R30 150000 I.- R A Z926010 4600 8735JADE COURT 3 2 1 2157 90 R32 149999 I.- A Z926022 4600 8735JADE COURT 4 2 1 2157 89 R32 1499991.- A F250956 4600 9272 SUN POINTE DR 3 2 *2345 *88 R32 1499001.- * A z923023 4600 9537MAJESTIC WAY 3 2 1775 88 R31 1499001.- A Z920737 4600 6072SUNBERRY CIR 3 2 1800 87 R31 149900L. A Z927341 4600 6296WINDLASS CIR 3 2 1 2083 89 R30 148000 L. A Z920124 4600 6842ALDEN RIDGE DR 4 2 1 2243 90 R30 145000 L A Z911920 4600 8586WINDY CIRCLE 3 2 1867 90 R30 144900.L A Z915776 4600 8574BRIAN BLVD 3 2 1788 89 R32 144500 L.- A Z920403 4600 8607TOURMALINE BLVD 3 2 1674 90 R32 140000 I.- R A Z925838 4600 8636WINDY CIRCLE 3 2 1809 92 R32 139900 l- A Z907330 4600 9676CHERRY BLOSSOM CT 3 2 1750 96 R30 139900 l- A Z921174 4600 6147WINDLASS CIR 4 2 1937 89 R32 139900L A Z915738 4600 8587TOURMALINE BLVD 3 2 1674 90 R32 13 6 9 0 O'L- A "'09656 4600 9031PARAGON WAY 3 2 1764 92 R31 134999L. A ~~27644 4600 6408LANDSDOWNE CIR 4 2 1740 93 R30 134900 L.- A Z927681 4600 8510TOURMALINE BLVD 3 2 1 1715 89 R30 134900 L- A Z923892 4600 5831AMETHYST CT 3 2 1407 89 R32 129900 I- A Z924038 4600 5095ROSEN BLVD 3 2 1677 90 R30 128750-L.- A Z908875 4600 5460HELENE CIR 2 2 1368 86 R30 117900 L A Z916987 4600 5682PEBBLE BROOK LANE 3 2 1130 85 R30 107000 I.- A Z925974 4600 6444COUNTRY FAIR CIR 2 2 1154 88 R32 99500 L A Z925740 4600 9250CARMA DR 3 2 1100 83 R32 94900 \! A Z902999 4600 5010BRIAN BLVD 2 2 1010 84 R32 92500 V A Z926329 4600 5061CAMERON LANE 2 2 969 83 R30 90000 V R A Z906930 4600 6213S97 CT 2 2 946 86 R32 89900 V A Z917269 4600 9102CHRYSANTHEMUM DR 2 2 960 83 R32 89900 \! A Z913372 4600 9109CHRYSANTHEMUM DR 2 2 960 83 R32 89900 V A Z927878 4600 5037SILVER MAPLE LN 3 2 1213 83 R30 89900 V A Z918652 4600 9136CARMA DR. 2 2 1213 83 R30 89900 V A Z819590 4600 5298MINTO RD 2 2 1310 79 R32 82500 V A Z922097 4600 5665PEBBLE BROOK LANE 2 1 840 86 R32 75900 V A Z907934 4610 10087DIAMOND LAKE DR 3 2 1 2604 98 R32 245900 A Z921768 4610 11401WINGFOOT DR 3 2 2040 78 R33 234900 A Z912352 4610 6601JOG PALM DRIVE 3 2 2261 99 R32 207940fll A Z909111 4610 10856ROYAL CARIBBEAN 3 2 1782 96 R30 194900/-11 A Z919667 4610 11590BALLYLEE TERRACE 3 2 1947 98 R30 193900 M A z915487 4610 5273BROOKVIEW DR 3 2 1 2200 95 R30 189900 All A Z927248 4610 11091APPLEGATE LN 3 2 1977 83 R30 189000/VI A Z908664 4610 6755INDIANWOOD WAY 3 2 2000 97 R30 187500'M A Z908839 4610 10399EUTOPIA CIR 3 2 2350 98 R30 184700 tJl R A Z912341 4610 6562JOG PALM DRIVE 2 2 1800 99 R30 174990M A '08962 4610 5635KIOWA CIR 3 2 1897 83 R30 169900M A .~84786 4610 12451 DOGLEG DR 3 2 2100 *90 R30 169000M A Z923191 4610 10391EUTOPIA CIR 3 2 1860 98 R30 165000 M R A Z924183 4610 10271ETARA BLVD 3 2 2080 79 R33 159900 M A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z911033 4610 5714KIOWA CIRCLE 2 2 1759 80 R30 159000 rJ\ A z921459 4610 6413BENGAL CIR 3 2 1848 87 R31 149900 L- A Z923963 4610 6260LUANA CT 4 2 1 2182 88 R31 149900 L A ZR18418 4610 1072 9MANDYA CT 3 2 1 2002 94 R30 148900 L A l 3907 4610 5549LAKEVIEW MEWS DRIVE 2 2 1490 80 R30 140000 L R A Z~14213 4610 11092SPRINGBROOK CI 3 2 1799 97 R30 13990QL A z916863 4610 5710KIOWA CIRCLE 2 2 1750 80 R30 139800L A Z900941 4610 5642AINSLEY CT 3 2 1800 78 R30 129900 L A F270915 4610 6115 BAY ISLES DR 2 2 1618 93 R30 128900L * A Z922277 4610 10062HICKORY WOOD PLACE 2 2 1330 81 R30 119900 L A Z814048 4610 5723LAKEVIEW MEWS CIRCLE 2 2 1740 80 R30 119900_L A Z912023 4610 5711AINSLEY 2 2 1430 79 R30 119000 L R A Z919040 4610 10083BOYNTON PLACE CIRCL 3 2 1258 88 R30 114999 L A Z910992 4610 5522AINSLEY COURT 2 2 1430 80 R32 110000 L R A Z918262 4610 10169BOYNTON PL 3 2 1260 90 R30 107900L A Z918636 4610 10230BOYNTON PLACE CIR 3 2 1287 92 R30 99999 L- A Z912552 4610 10077BOYNTON PLACE CIR 3 2 1439 88 R32 99900 -L- A Z920787 4610 10127BOYNTON PLACE CIR 3 2 1442 88 R30 99900 L- R A Z917087 4610 5500PIPING ROCK DR 2 2 1478 79 R30 97500 L- A Z901510 4610 10052BOYNTON PL. GIR. 3 2 1268 87 R30 95000 L R A Z923021 4610 5588BOYNTON RISE LN 3 2 1232 90 R30 93000 V A Z923777 4610 5680PIPING ROCK DRIVE 2 2 1402 79 R30 89000 V A Z922573 4620 12568MAJESTIC ISLES DR 3 2 2103 96 R32 249900 A Z923181 4620 7443STERLING FALLS LN 3 2 1 2300 97 R31 249000 A Z903102 4620 6080GOLF VILLAS DRIVE 3 2 1977 94 R30 249000 A Z914607 4620 6947ASHTON ST 3 2 2009 97 R32 235500 A Z913269 4620 6051HOOK LANE 3 3 2479 94 R30 229500 A Z927131 4620 7440FALLS ROAD W 3 2 1 2379 98 R30 225900 /-'I A Z916369 4620 7476 FFALLS RD W 3 2 1 2379 98 R30 223900 Jvf A Z915909 4620 6772CHIMERE TER 2 2 2021 98 R30 220000 N1 A Z917233 4620 6068GOLF VILLAS 3 3 2405 95 R30 219900!\l1 A B551965 4620 12570CORAL LAKES DR 3 2 2176 97 R32 219900_M A . - ')4774 4620 6210GOLF VILLAS DR 3 2 2210 90 R33 219000 i"~ A ~_27980 4620 7061ASHTON ST 3 2 1841 97 R38 199900 M A Z912367 4620 6049GOLF VILLAS DRIVE 3 3 2405 94 R30 197500 M A Z910617 4620 6833ASHTON STREET 3 2 1841 96 R30 194500 M A Z918183 4620 6863ASHTON 3 2 1729 66 R30 193900 rJ\ A Z922940 4620 6613SUN RIVER RD 2 2 1689 96 R32 190000 M R A Z908758 4620 12585CORAL LAKES DR 3 2 1717 97 R30 188000 M A Z921908 4620 7317LUGANO DRIVE 3 2 2163 97 R32 179900 M A Z832174 4620 6020GOLF VILLAS DRIVE 3 2 2143 94 R32 179500 M A Z822272 4620 6040PITCH LN 3 2 2350 94 R30 179000_M A B552406 4620 12203CASTLE PINES RD 3 3 1800 96 R32 179000 fo/\ A Z911764 4620 6906NCAMILLE STREET 3 2 1800 97 R38 172900,vl A Z927547 4620 12440SAND WEDGE DR 3 2 1838 89 R30 169900 M A Z928132 4620 6976LISMORE AVENUE 3 2 1750 98 R30 169900 ^^ A Z916326 4620 6406WESTCHESTER DR 3 2 1935 98 R30 169500_^^ R A Z927648 4620 12341SAND WEDGE DR 3 2 1671 94 R30 160900 M A Z821845 4620 12255PLEASANT GREEN WAY 3 2 1650 93 R32 159900 "^ A Z925801 4620 12371SANDWEDGE DR 3 2 1895 94 R32 159500 M A Z910268 4620 12441SAND WEDGE DR 3 2 1836 94 R32 159450 Nl A Z901746 4620 12467PLEASANT GREEN WAY 3 2 1834 95 R30 157900 M A Z927699 4620 12435PLEASANT GREEN WAY 3 2 1877 94 R30 157500- M A Z922509 4620 6120BAY ISLES DR 3 2 1827 93 R30 155000 1-'\ A Z912217 4620 6177BAY ISLES DR 3 2 1643 94 R30 145000 L- A Z823820 4620 6065BAY ISLES DRIVE 2 2 1934 92 R32 144900 L- A Z906396 4620 7332GRANVILLE AVE 2 2 1545 99 R30 144900 L A Z926974 4620 12391SUMMER SPRINGS DR 3 2 1877 94 R30 139900 L A Z832172 4620 12401BONEVENTURE DR 3 2 1800 90 R30 139900 L A Z903421 4620 6012BAY ISLES DRIVE 2 2 1643 90 R30 139900 L- A '03230 4620 6008BAY ISLES DR 3 2 1649 90 R30 137900 L- A _-,27023 4620 6110BLUEGRASS DR 2 2 1741 93 R30 129800 L A Z915542 4620 12298PLEASANT GREEN WAY 2 2 1486 94 R30 124888 L A Z'918689 4620 7853MANSFIELD HOLLOW 3 2 1600 89 R32 117990 L A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z822641 4620 5687NORTHPOINTE LANE 2 2 1 1635 84 R32 104900 L- A Z911854 4620 12375NMILITARY TRAIL 2 2 1418 73 R38 42900 V A Z922259 4620 12375NMILITARY TRAIL 2 2 1325 74 R38 15000 A Z9.1l754 4630 7470SKYLINE DR 2 2 1812 74 R30 249000 A l 5307 4630 7723MONARCH COURT 3 2 1 2405 98 R30 245030 A B!J49862 4630 13662WWEYBURNE DR 3 2 1 2350 96 R32 212900 M A Z907329 4630 7660DOUBLETON DRIVE 3 2 1814 97 R33 199000 M A Z923918 4630 7571CHARING CROSS LANE 3 2 2014 98 R30 198900 M A Z927596 4630 5153BEECHWOOD RD 4 3 2500 86 R30 189900 ft-'1 A Z907760 4630 7608CHARING CROSS LANE 3 2 1727 96 R30 180000 /VI R A Z917989 4630 7716DOUBLETON DRIVE 3 2 1814 97 R30 179000 !vi A Z927660 4630 7572CHARING CROSS LANE 3 2 1628 96 R30 175000 M A Z927087 4630 5613ASPEN RIDGE 3 2 1600 93 R32 170000 M A F265618 4630 5650 ASPEN RIDGE CIRCLE 3 2 1 2142 95 R30 169900 M * A Z914545 4630 7746EDINBUROUGH LANE 3 2 1727 97 R30 169900 M A Z920432 4630 13636BRETON LANE 3 2 1704 97 R30 163900 !vi A Z912088 4630 7699NSTIRLING BRIDGE BLV 3 2 1699 94 R32 159900 !\~ A F284 770 4630 13274 ROYALE SABAL COURT 3 2 1 1669 97 R30 154900 M A F269959 4630 7524 CHARING CROSS LN 3 2 1924 96 R30 149900 L A Z912422 4630 5202CONKLIN DRIVE 3 3 1834 86 R31 148900 L A Z921839 4630 5397GRANDE PALM CIRCLE 3 2 1465 96 R30 142500 L A Z923036 4630 14051FAIR ISLES DRIVE 3 2 1700 93 R30 139850 L A Z915290 4630 7555NSTIRLING BRDGE BVD 2 2 1382 93 R30 139500 L A Z928068 4630 7812LAKE CHAMPLAIN COURT 3 2 1680 89 R32 137500 L A Z924282 4630 6271TIMBERLAKES WAY 3 2 1339 82 R32 135900 L A Z912950 4630 7677MANSFIELD HOLLOW RD 3 2 1874 89 R32 135000 L A Z920457 4630 7713MANSFIELD HOLLOW 3 2 1874 89 R32 135000 L A Z913726 4630 5184WOODLAND DRIVE 3 2 1 1806 97 R30 134000 L A Z927830 4630 5427PINETREE DRIVE 4 3 2200 86 R30 128900-L A Z926791 4630 5266GREENWOOD DR 3 2 1150 86 R30 126900 L A Z927996 4630 5362INWOOD DRIVE 3 2 1782 95 R30 125000 L A Z903427 4630 7721MANSFIELD HOLLOW RD 3 2 1592 88 R32 124900L A . ')9700 4630 6252STANLEY LN 2 2 1182 86 R30 124900 L A L.J26817 4630 7884MANSFIELD HOLLOW 3 2 1679 90 R30 123500L. A Z831318 4630 5040BEECHWOOD ROAD 3 2 1600 89 R30 121500 L A B539239 4630 7716MANSFIELD HOLLO 3 2 1850 91 R32 120500 L A Z909422 4630 6447SAGEWOOD WAY 2 2 2144 80 R30 119900 L A Z915065 4630 5572AMERICAN CIR 3 2 1376 90 R32 119900_L A Z902959 4630 7868LAKE CHAMPLAIN CT 3 2 1 1714 88 R32 119900 L A Z921218 4630 6336POINTE PLEASANT CIR 2 2 1310 93 R38 119000 L A F277532 4630 7853 MANSFIELD HOLLO 3 2 0 1600 89 R30 117990L. A Z923790 4630 14657SUNNY WATERS LANE 2 2 1341 79 R32 117500 L A Z909115 4630 7864LAKE CHAMPLAIN CT 2 2 1200 88 R32 117000 L A Z917464 4630 7961MANSFIELD HOLLOW 3 2 1483 88 R30 11530o-L A Z919696 4630 6395COUNTRY WOOD WAY 2 2 2475 79 R30 112900 L- R A Z900070 4630 6544SLEEPY WILLOW WAY 3 2 1468 77 R31 110990 L- A Z917201 4630 14897SUNNYVIEW LANE 2 2 1635 82 R30 107000 L A Z906637 4630 14586SHADOW WOOD LANE 2 2 1686 79 R30 106000L R A Z914154 4630 6297STANLEY LANE 2 2 1750 82 R32 94900 V A F285845 4630 6401 MOONSTONE WY 2 2 *1344 *81 R30 93500 V A Z924008 4630 14574SHADOW WOOD LANE 2 2 1338 79 R30 92500 V A Z916859 4630 5305PINETREE 3 2 1218 81 R38 92000 V A B536168 4630 5211PALM RIDGE BLVD 3 2 1303 81 R32 87000 V A Z924936 4640 7496GLENDEVON LN 3 3 2000 86 R32 269000 A F281027 4640 5197 MONTEREY LN 3 2 2163 94 R30 265000 * A Z905699 4640 5055VENTURA DRIVE 3 2 2764 95 R31 259900 A Z901300 4640 7696DUNDEE LN 3 3 1950 88 R30 259900 A Z918887 4640 7532EAGLE POINT DR. 5 3 2729 98 R38 249900 A Z927185 4640 6291SAN MICHEL WAY 3 3 2045 95 R30 249000 A Z911152 4640 16654REDONDO WAY 3 3 1783 97 R32 239900 A '21082 4640 5304VENUTRA DRIVE 3 2 1 2060 97 R32 224777 A ~.:!13402 4640 5050ENCINITAS DRIVE 3 3 1783 96 R31 215000 A Z904307 4640 16658MADRID CT 3 2 2085 93 R30 205000 A Z928073 4640 5183VENTURA DR 3 3 1783 96 R30 191000 A MLli AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z916536 4640 16861BOCA DELRAY DR 2 2 1755 82 R32 189900 A Z904313 4640 5677WILLOW CREEK CT 2 2 1938 86 R32 189500 A B534970 4640 16650LA MESA DR 3 2 1792 96 R32 184000 A Z9.14356 4640 5284BODEGA PL 3 2 1914 92 R32 169700 A ~ 7932 4640 5284FAIRWAY WOODS DR 3 2 1 1727 86 R32 165000 A Z~24955 4640 5356BODEGA 3 2 1768 90 R30 159900 A Z900779 4640 5204BODEGA PL 3 2 1710 92 R32 148900 A F173164 4640 15380 JOG/CARTER RD 2 2 1368 98 R33 118990 * A Z901918 4640 5302VAN BUREN RD 3 2 1248 76 R30 99700 A Z921891 4640 16270GREEN APPLE WAY 2 2 943 83 R30 75000 A Z909257 4650 17062NEWPORT CLUB DRIVE 3 3 2531 90 R32 279500 R A Z906184 4650 6243SAN MICHEL WAY 3 3 2082 91 R33 270000 A Z905123 4650 6237SAN MICHEL WAY 3 2 1 2274 92 R32 269000 A Z904515 4650 6613HAMPTON CIR 3 2 1 2250 93 R31 265000 A Z819450 4650 16958KNIGHTSBRIDGE LN 3 3 2325 90 R30 259000 A Z921280 4650 16962KNIGHTSBRIDGE LN 2 2 1670 92 R31 249900 A Z913298 4650 17084NEWPORT CLUB DRIVE 3 2 2236 94 R30 249500 A Z916607 4650 17145NEWPORT CLUB 3 2 1 2150 90 R33 230000 A z926371 4650 5354VALLEJO TERRACE 3 2 1 2096 96 R30 205000 A z903517 4660 4155NW58TH LN 3 2 2 2374 94 R30 265000 A Z814733 4660 5855NW42 TERRACE 3 2 1 2074 91 R33 259000 A Z819464 4660 5624NW39TH AVE 2 2 1 1918 88 R32 255000 A B551191 4660 5845NW42ND WAY 2 2 1 2072 R33 249900 A Z826035 4660 5840NW42ND TERRACE 3 2 1 2374 96 R30 249900 A Z819239 4660 5875NW42ND TER 3 2 2009 93 R30 249000 A Z912267 4660 5760NW42ND COURT 2 2 2009 93 R30 239900 A Z920662 4670 20885ESCUDO DR 3 2 1 2300 81 R38 267500 A Z925275 4670 20885ESCUDO DR 3 2 1 2300 81 R31 259900 A Z927353 4670 20846PINAR TRAIL 3 2 2241 78 R31 249900 A Z903254 4670 7131SAN SALVADOR 3 2 2165 79 R31 245000 A z818991 4670 6881NGRANDE DRIVE 3 2 1 2189 77 R32 234900 A Z927518 4670 7499SAN CLEMENTE PLACE 3 2 2427 83 R31 233700 A '--25962 4670 7171SAN SALVADOR DR 3 2 2075 78 R31 215000 A ~~25994 4670 7826VILLA NOVA DRIVE 3 3 1734 86 R31 192000 A Z923002 4670 7947VILLA NOVA DRIVE 3 2 1744 89 R33 187500 A B549932 4670 7623S0LIMAR CR 2 2 1499 83 R32 139000 A Z912883 4670 7890CLOVERFIELD CIRCLE 3 2 1895 83 R30 134850 A Z826230 4680 23281BUTTERFLY PALM COUR 3 2 1 2618 86 R32 269000 A Z811032 4680 7287VIA PALOMAR 3 2 1 2481 88 R33 259000 A Z901094 4680 22508CARAVELLE CIRCLE 3 2 1 2403 83 R30 256900 A Z906434 4680 23285MIRABELLA CIRCLE 3 2 1 2364 90 R38 255000 A Z912639 4680 23460SMIRABELLA DRIVE 2 2 1800 89 R32 236000 A Z927164 4680 7709TRAVELERS TREE 2 2 1800 86 R30 235000 A Z819414 4680 23280NMIRABELLA CIRCLE 2 2 1800 90 R30 229900 A Z908224 4680 23288MIRABELLA CIR N 3 2 1996 90 R31 228900 A Z818504 4680 23421BUTTERFLY PALM CT 3 2 1785 87 R32 219900 A Z918321 4680 7888TRAVELERS TREE DR 2 2 1836 90 R31 210000 A Z926814 4680 7367PANACHE WAY 4 2 1 2252 92 R30 184900 A Z922969 4680 7961PALACIO DEL MAR DR 2 2 1732 82 R30 179900 A Z916707 4680 7851SAN MARCOS 3 2 2100 86 R30 174900 A Z825195 4680 7239PANACHE WY 3 2 1 1709 94 R30 171900 A Z916843 4680 22334GUADELOUPE ST 3 2 1706 81 R31 159900 A Z924998 4680 22511NMERIDIANA DR 2 2 1950 84 R30 149000 A Z927071 4680 7810LAGO DEL MAR 3 2 1 1420 87 R32 116900 A Z902471 4710 9785HINDEL CT 4 2 1 3064 90 R38 256900 A Z923958 4710 9248TALWAY CIR 4 2 1 2731 90 R32 249900 A Z922081 4710 8335NMIZZEN DRIVE 3 2 2600 81 R30 210000 A Z926602 4760 9280LAKE SERENA DRIVE 5 2 1 3030 93 R30 265000 A Z917750 4760 18680CASSANDRA POINTE LN 4 3 2352 94 R32 254900 A Z922150 4760 9300VEDRA POINTE LN 4 3 2352 93 R30 249000 A '24541 4760 9603LAKE SERENA 4 3 2472 94 R30 244900 A _-'01147 4760 19891MILAN TERRACE 4 2 1 2554 89 R33 234900 A Z925918 4760 9468LAKE SERENA DR 4 2 1 2500 93 R30 234900 A Z925973 4760 9463LAKE SERENA DR 4 2 1 2500 94 R30 234900 A ------~.,.- ML* AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z926366 4760 9576ELAKE DR 4 3 2462 88 R31 225000 A Z917195 4760 9535FOX TROT LANE 4 2 1 2552 96 R32 225000 A Z901701 4760 19891MILAN TER 4 2 1 2554 89 R33 224900 A Z9.25940 4760 9750ENCHANTED POINTE LN 4 3 2383 94 R30 224900 A ~ 4936 4760 9596LAKE SERENA DRIVE 4 2 1 2253 94 R31 219900 A Z~22026 4760 9291LAKE SERENA DR 4 2 1 2205 92 R30 219000 A Z906550 4760 9408PEABODY CT 3 2 1 2223 95 R32 217000 A Z917698 4760 9483LAKE SERENA DRIVE 4 2 2205 94 R30 209900 A Z925733 4760 18017SAMBA LN 3 2 1813 96 R32 209000 A Z923165 4760 9492BARITONE COURT 3 2 1 2223 95 R38 208000 A F272839 4760 8717 EAGLE RUN DR 3 2 0 1986 89 R32 190000 *R A Z911316 4760 8011NADMAR AVE 3 2 1700 90 R32 190000 A Z823252 4760 9431PEABODY COURT 3 2 1900 95 R30 189900 A Z919792 4760 9501AEGEAN DRIVE 4 2 1 2196 91 R32 189900 A Z924281 4760 8548EAGLE RUN DR 3 2 1986 87 R30 189900 A Z919973 4760 8542EAGLE RUN DRIVE 4 2 2250 87 R30 189000 A Z900405 4760 8871S0NAOMA LAKE BLVD 3 2 1875 89 R33 186600 A F275920 4760 9721 CT OF THE OR 6 3 *2320 *86 R30 184900 A F219989 4760 9629 TRIVOLO PL 4 2 *2076 *85 R30 180000 * A z820183 4760 8723EAGLE RUN DR 4 2 2251 88 R32 179900 A Z910971 4760 18839CASPIAN CIR 4 2 1 2058 92 R30 179000 A Z926273 4760 8951S0NOMA LAKE BLVD 3 2 1995 92 R32 175000 A Z921712 4760 8927S0NOMA LAKE BLVD 3 2 1995 92 R32 174000 A Z922922 4760 9620TAVERNIER DR 4 2 1 2051 93 R30 169900 A Z901737 4760 9125TIVOLI PL 4 2 1934 85 R30 169500 A z925778 4760 9637RICHMOND CIRCLE 4 2 1912 79 R33 169000 A Z923331 4760 8710EAGLE RUN DR 3 2 1986 87 R30 168900 A Z906784 4760 18408VIA DI REGINA 3 2 1800 97 R32 168500 A Z830880 4760 8830S0NOMA LAKE BLVD 3 2 2026 89 R32 167500 A F271709 4760 8015 COPENHAGEN WY 3 2 1623 91 R30 159900 * A Z917242 4760 9692TAVERNIER DRIVE 3 2 1961 93 R32 159900 A Z908658 4760 9314S0UTHAMPTON PLACE 4 2 2000 79 R31 159900 A ~-, 14 513 4760 9680TAVERNIER DR 3 2 1539 93 R32 155000 A ._85381 4760 9784 LIBERTY RD 4 2 *1728 *81 R32 149900 A F256800 4760 9082 CHATSWORTH 3 2 0 1610 85 R30 142900 * A Z918968 4760 9714COLORADO CT 5 2 2100 78 R31 139900 A Z909098 4760 9836LIBERTY CT 4 2 1500 77 R38 136500 A Z922193 4760 9542TAVERNIER DR 3 2 1402 88 R30 134900 A Z832388 4760 9058CHATSWORTH CASCADES 3 2 1550 84 R30 129900 A Z911376 4760 9528RICHMOND CIR 3 2 1347 79 R38 129900 A Z921649 4760 9308GETTYSBURG 4 2 1400 80 R31 127900 A Z924687 4760 18873CLOUD LAKE CIRCLE 4 3 1600 85 R30 122500 A Z916676 4760 9908LIBERTY CT 3 2 1382 77 R32 121902 A z926455 4760 9833RIDGECREEK RD 3 2 1308 85 R32 119900 A Z927305 4760 18834CLOUD LAKE CIR 3 2 1364 86 R32 119900 A F285276 4760 9793 N RIDGECREEK RD 3 2 1364 85 R32 119800 A Z921205 4760 9746ALASKA CIRCLE 3 2 1200 77 R31 117500 A Z920494 4760 19559DELAWARE CIRCLE 3 2 1170 78 R31 114999 A F260920 4760 18782 CLOUD LAKE CR 3 2 1132 86 R32 113900 * A Z916086 4760 9850RIDGECREEK ROAD 3 2 1364 86 R30 112000 A Z923489 4760 19638COLORADO CIR 3 2 1248 77 R31 111888 A Z916967 4760 19155FAIRLAWN 2 2 1155 84 R30 109000 A Z908733 4760 9901LIBERTY CT 2 2 1330 83 R30 107000 A Z919727 4760 9923SPANISH ISLES DR 2 2 1300 81 R32 104990 A Z927069 4760 18898CLOUD LAKE CIRCLE 3 2 1332 87 R30 103000 A Z904351 4760 9449S0UTHHAMPTON PLACE 3 2 1200 79 R30 99777 A Z907443 4760 18901CLOUD LAKE DRIVE 2 2 1200 85 R30 97900 A Z925403 4760 19265CAROLINA eIR 2 1 840 78 R30 94900 A Z917488 4760 18825CLOUD LAKE CIR 2 2 1096 85 R30 89900 A Z 92 6555 4760 6530SW17TH STREET 2 2 1012 70 R38 59000 A ~08787 4760 1551SW65TH AVE 3 1 1 1058 70 R38 57000 A _ ..120079 4760 1521SW65 TERRACE 2 2 960 70 R38 57000 A Z926373 4770 22860HARROW WOOD COURT 3 2 2100 92 R33 269000 A Z915719 4770 22861CHELSEA WOOD COURT 4 3 1 2509 97 R30 239900 A MLJI AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST F266218 4770 8331 HAMPTON WOOD DR 3 2 1 2026 98 R31 239900 *R A 2902862 4770 9740VINEYARD CT 4 3 2604 98 R30 236900 A 2917132 4770 21272SESCONDIDO WAY S 4 2 2400 77 R31 235000 A 2~1967 4770 9648VINEYARD COURT 3 3 2490 99 R30 233900 A ~ 7476 4770 8150HAMPTON WOOD DR. 3 2 2132 93 R32 229900 A 2':106999 4770 8649VISTA DEL BOCA 4 2 1 2358 87 R31 219900 A 2907174 4770 8710VISTA DEL BOCA DR 3 2 1 2358 86 R31 219900 A 2919396 4770 90770LD PINE ROAD 3 2 2100 82 R31 211500 A 2913913 4770 8481VIA D'ORO 3 2 1853 98 R30 194500 A 2916846 4770 21005MADRIA CIRCLE 3 2 1 2548 83 R33 189900 A 2830922 4770 9711 VIA EMILIE 3 2 1 2065 93 R30 179900 A 2916367 4770 9747VIA EMILIE 3 2 1 1811 93 R30 172900 A 2923512 4770 21111NESCONDIDO WAY 3 2 1 1936 80 R31 169900 A F245042 4770 8944 E ESCONDIDO WY 2 2 *1492 *78 R30 165000 A 2912533 4770 21284HA2ELWOOD LANE 3 2 1521 83 R32 155000 A 2904506 4770 21195ESCONDIDO WAY 3 2 1500 78 R31 149900 A 2913907 4770 8816ESCONDIDO WAY E 3 2 2061 81 R30 149500 A 2832277 4770 21300CHINABERRY LANE 4 2 1788 83 R30 149000 A 2925501 4770 9064PINE SPRINGS DR 3 2 1812 84 R32 139000 A 2907844 4770 21918RAINBERRY PARK CIR 3 2 1394 84 R30 119000 A 2927969 4770 9536PALISADES PARK RD 2 2 1097 86 R32 113900 A Z926344 4770 8396ECLUB ROAD 2 2 1136 72 R38 54000 A Z926942 4770 8308S0UTH ST 3 2 1390 72 R38 49900 A Z921814 4770 8281S0UTH ST 2 2 960 72 R38 44000 A Z928157 4770 8185S0UTH ST 2 1 1008 72 R38 43900 A Z918975 4770 8337ECLUB RD 2 2 1056 72 R38 41000 A Z927906 4770 8156SANDALWOOD CT 2 2 1080 70 R38 37900 A Z922021 4770 8156S0UTH STREET 2 1 797 72 R38 34900 A Z919698 4770 20858SUNRISE DR 2 2 1058 71 R38 29000 A Z807914 4770 8232S0UTH ST 2 1 1 800 72 R38 25000 A Z915554 4780 22251MARTELLA AVENUE 4 2 1 2360 86 R31 234900 A Z813759 4780 22432MARTELLA AVE 4 2 1 2467 87 R30 218900 A , ')6129 4780 22072ENSENADA WAY 4 2 1 2418 87 R31 210000 A ~_26063 4780 8796THAMES RIVER DRIVE 3 2 1714 96 R30 174900 A F286663 4780 22341 SANDS POINT DR 4 2 1 2264 89 R30 169900 A Z903692 4780 23360SEDAWIE DRIVE 4 2 1 1924 88 R30 159900 A z825455 4780 8844THAMES RIVER RD 2 2 1726 95 R30 159900 A Z922047 4780 22825ROYAL CROWN TERRACE 3 2 1570 97 R30 154000 A F274656 4780 22965 SW 56 AVE 3 2 0 1848 *81 R30 138900 * A Z900943 4780 8570BRODY WAY 3 2 1681 88 R30 137900 A Z921503 4780 8574KIMBLE WAY 3 2 1428 88 R30 134900 A 2925667 4780 22671SW54TH WAY 4 2 1766 78 R32 129900 A Z918703 4780 22800SW 53RD WAY 3 2 1917 78 R30 129898 A Z927475 4780 9033SW5TH STREET 3 2 1716 75 R30 126900 A F233964 4780 22583 SW 6 ST 3 2 0 1560 84 R30 126000 A F287659 4780 23083 SW 59 WY 2 2 1970 *79 R30 125900 A Z921087 4780 8574DYNASTY DRIVE 4 2 1485 86 R30 125000 A Z923256 4780 22578SW65TH TERRACE 4 2 1736 72 R30 123900 A Z905283 4780 22588SW65TH TERRACE 3 2 1477 78 R30 119900 A Z925231 4780 22358SW66TH AVENUE 3 1 1618 72 R32 119888 R A F283178 4780 8895 SW 9 ST 3 2 *1981 *78 R30 118900 * A F288304 4780 9300 SW 2ST 3 2 *1513 *73 R32 117900 A 2927205 4780 9018SW7TH STREET 3 2 1500 76 R30 116500 A Z927358 4780 9078SW1ST ROAD 3 2 1480 74 R30 115000 A 2911609 4780 22649Sw65 WAY 3 2 1896 72 R30 115000 A Z925328 4780 22795SW65TH TERRACE 2 2 1385 72 R32 114900 R A H715053 4780 9253 SW 3 ST 3 2 1960 *73 R32 112900 A B553758 4780 9383SW3 ST 3 2 1467 73 R32 109900 A 2912046 4780 22519SW65TH AVENUE 4 2 1736 72 R31 109900 A Z925732 4780 22632SW64 WAY 2 2 1593 72 R30 109900 R A '16093 4780 8459GARDEN GATE PL 3 2 1103 84 R30 109900 A _-,28032 4780 8140CEDAR HOLLOW LN 3 2 1103 84 R30 109800 A 2919641 4780 22743SW54TH WAY 3 2 1400 78 R30 109500 A Z918267 4780 22255SW62 AVE 3 2 1624 73 R30 108900 A ML# AREA ADDRESS BD B/H LA YR STY LIST PRICE ST Z919217 4780 1481SW65 WAY 3 2 1492 97 R38 106000 A Z900662 4780 8364HUNTSMAN PLACE 3 2 1459 84 R32 105555 A F282524 4780 9346 SW 2 ST 3 2 *1513 *73 R32 104900 A F285379 4780 22380 SW 66 AV 3 2 *1454 *72 R32 104900 A L 1137 4780 9771SW3RD PLACE 2 2 1853 72 R33 102995 A ZY25034 4780 9641SW2ND ST 2 2 1678 74 R31 102500 A F268571 4780 9356 SW 2 ST 2 2 0 *1271 *73 R32 99990 A Z926795 4780 23267NEW COACH WAY 3 2 1103 84 R30 99900 A Z921713 4780 8439RED WAGON LANE 3 2 1103 84 R30 99900 A Z902863 4780 9738SW2ND STREET 2 2 1174 73 R30 99000 A Z901764 4780 22740SW65TH TERRACE 3 2 1491 74 R30 98900 A Z912492 4780 22239SW 61ST AVE 2 2 1350 73 R30 98900 A Z911034 4780 22412SW65TH AVENUE 2 2 1956 73 R30 98000 A Z911819 4780 22185SW64 WAY 2 2 1214 74 R30 97900 A Z916329 4780 9674SW1ST PLACE 2 2 1200 74 R30 96000 A Z927431 4780 8269HUNTSMAN PL 2 2 1000 84 R32 95900 A Z917495 4780 23414SHETLAND RUN 2 2 1187 84 R30 94900 A F278741 4780 22588 SW 65 WY 2 2 *1442 *72 R30 93500 * A Z922662 4780 8429RURAL LANE 2 2 980 84 R30 93000 A Z927034 4780 8338BUTTERFIELD LN 2 2 980 84 R32 92800 A Z911198 4780 8398RURAL LANE 2 2 980 84 R30 89000 A Z923120 4780 8317CEDAR HOLLOW LN 2 2 980 84 R30 88800 A z901846 4780 8151CEDAR HOLLOW LANE 2 1 1000 84 R31 85000 A Z928006 4780 1761SW65TH. AVE 3 2 1592 80 R38 78000 A Z901783 4780 186065TH AVENUE 2 2 1460 77 R38 61900 A B539229 4780 1440SW64 WY 2 2 1344 83 R38 55000 A B539006 4780 1590SW64 WY 3 2 1200 72 R38 50000 A B551014 4780 1540SW65 AV 2 2 1200 76 R32 45000 A Z828850 4780 1521SW65TH WAY 2 1 775 70 R38 39000 A Z810148 4780 1780SW65TH AVE 2 2 1254 70 R38 36000 A Z832510 4780 1540SW65TH TERRACE 2 2 684 77 R38 34000 A Z916954 4780 1570SW65 TERRACE 1 1 864 71 R38 28900 A 25021 4780 8447DYNASTY DR. 3 2 1400 86 R38 1300 A ,., \~lO