APPLICATION ~"I'l ~ ~l, f 1\,1-111-"0 , .,)''''oIrl'l I Wlolll.w\lll ........ ,.." ....... . , T , "w w... ," _ 4"" . , I J '" - ; \" ~ CI~ OJ' Bm:HON BBACH, n.oRIDA PLANlfINO , ZONING BOARD APPLICATION FOR VARIANCES 'l'O PARlUHG LOT llEGULATIONS This application must be filled out completely and accurately and sul:lmitted in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applicatioDS will pot be processed. Please Print Legibly or ~e All Information. 1. Project Name 'of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located; NEWPORT PLACE 2. Date This Application is Sullmitted: Oct. 24, 1995 . 3. APPUcant I s Name (person or busines.. entity in whoae name this appl1cation is made): Donaldson E. Hearing Address: 1070 E. Indiantown Rd., Ste. 402 Jupiter, FL 33477 '\" .\', '.'0 .c. (dp Code) Phone: (407) 747-6336 Fax: (407) 747-1377 Agent's lit: (person, if any, representing applicant) :. . ........1 p~Ho.ne i, Aqone I Phone: , · A letter fram the applicant or owner authorizing the agent , is re~red. (Zip Code) . Fax: , , S. Property, pwner I 8 (or 'J:ru8tee 's) Name: jRonald L. Aylor (Owner's Representative) ,Addre... ,Newport Place, 4735 N.W. 7th Court I Lantana, FL 33462 Phone: (407) 586-6455 (Zip COde) I'ax: (407) 586-0828 6. Co;t'nt8pondenco Mdl:e.8 (if different than appl1caat or agent)**: .. This i. tbe addJ:eaB to which all .'1endaB. letters, lmd other _~r1.~ wll1 be 1lIA1le4. PLANNING DEPr. - Jan~ary 1991 A:PkLotVllr SE~iT BY: ,1U-I~-~O , ~'uorM , OUYllvVl1 U\'II I Q^1' "''''' . I'" I \01101,",'" '" w (2) 7. What is appl1oant'. 1nt.~eBt in the premises affected? Owner's Representative Agent : ! i , (Owner, B~, Lessee, BUilder, Developer, ete.) 8. street Address of Locat1on of Site upon Which Parking Lot is Located: 471'; N.W 7t"h ",t"\111"'.... 9. Legal Description of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: See attached Legal Descript~on 10. Intended Users) of Site Upon Which Parking Lot is Located: Assisted Livina Facilitv 11. Developer o~ Bu11der; Newnnrt: Pl~~a. 2l,c:>Qn.....i~f.oco T.rn 12. Architect; Q;Keefe & Associates. Architects 13. Landscape Architect; Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 14. Site Plannerl Cotleur Hearinq, Inc. 15. Engineer; Michael B. Schorah & Associates 16. Surveyor: Landmar~ Surveyi ng. Inc. 17. Traffic Bng~erl Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultnnt~ lB. Copy of 1a8t reoorCled Warranty Deed included? (check) v 19. Letter autharidull a;ent (if any) inaluded7 (cheok.) x 20. S1te plan IlD4 survey (Z copies each) attached? (check) x 21. Hulliber of variance. r~.ted OIl the following sheets: L- BOTE: A separate lIheet lIlU8t be cOIlIPleted for each specific Clesi~n requirement (Sec. 5-1(1) or permit application requJ.rement (Sec. 5-U2) to which a var1ance 1s reClUllsted. A;PkLotVar ;;:; ~,., , F,\(: ~;:: :; J~~ t~ ';~ f~ " : , &- " " ,< ~" ;.,. t. r ~f j' :f ~I N ~? ~,. ~; ,i.: (. , ;; i<.'" ~,' " ~ ".. :t' lIW' CW1LcU~ H~~~lNG lNL 4U'I'I.a.'/b.33b bltlltl l-'Itl~ "........." .....11 ULI IliA"'" 31.'''''b l.:L,ldb 4U7'l47633e . .... '~r' . . . . ... -..... -(" ," " 'I'h'" U~......_~ .........' "Q~IUl~' iH'tJ.t1onR the :Pl_LA", ...<i ~Iu.ng Doa:r:d ~o arant to ~ ~t1'C;ioner a var1ance to Article X "l'tU;king Lots", of Chapter 5, "Bu:l.ld1ng. Housing and CDlUitruatian llcgulat1cms", af the COde of OrdiUilllClas of the City of Bainton Bellch, Florida, as it p.J:t~inB to '~8 property described i~ th1a app~10at1on. and for tbe re41l10ntt Jitated below; BectiCll). Subsection, and paragraph nl1l1l1>or of apeo1tio l'equirf'>lIlltnt to which varilUlce Ls rBlIlI.DlltCl4. ud lI'::lul~t lang1Ulgll contained in t:he CoC!GI Section 23-9 H.7 Number at driveways. No more than (2) driveways shall h~ v~rmi..pc from any property. Where properties abut, more than one (1) public or privatg right-ot-way, additional driveways ~ay be permitted, depending upon traffic volumes, but in no instance shall the'number Of driveways exceed two on each street. T Natu:te o~ VlU:ilU1ce Reque8ted.; Two addi~ional a~~~~~ ~ointe into Planned Unit Devetonment of Newport Place off N. N. 7th Court. Statement: of Speoial Condtt1olUl, BardshiPs. or ot:hu reaDorus Justifying the I! llecJUeflted Var1ance (attached ~ddie1olU\1 IShlMilta 1f neceas:az;y). , I . See attached JU!aclfication Statement , i I I I" \I) \W.) undez ~1Ill1d that ~:I.. QP11o.t1on an4 all PIIPi:ra or pllln. 8Ull1l1itt.d bel:' itlll beCOll\ll .. lJUt of the pe=a.nent reccrcbl of the Planning and nina RQ.~4. (!) (We) her statementtl or herewith ar.. . t.t> t:he beat of application tAl 11 :not be accept d DAte I s1gnatura of o A:plI:LotVar 't ,~, }llr:..' " ,: i:' i: ',. ,. c. ;.:: ,~: ~: , 10"' k , /~:: ,(,. :.f :(0/; ", ,go, 'I:. 1'1' ;f \0-1 '-~11 loJ j . ",. .'" "'w , . - ." (4) SI'ACI BILOW ~S LID tQB. OFFICE USI ONLY I Date Received. by Planning Dept.: Date Reviewed by 'i>acbniaal Review Board; Dates of Advertising for ~lic Bearing: Date of Pul)lic Bearlnll before Planning aIId Zoninll Board: Action: Approved Aye Denied. Nay Stipulations: , . ; ~ :;: ::: ,... . ~ Cotleur Hearing AGENT CONSENT LETTER 1070 E Ind'antown Road Jupiter, FL 33477 TEL: (407)747-6336 FAX: (407) 747-1377 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Bivd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Agency Agreement for: Newport Place Associates, Ltd. (Lilt Project Name and Petition Number) This letter is to serve as permission for Donaldson E. Hearing (LIst Agent Name) to act as the agent, to prepare and submit all documentation and attend aU meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Legal DescrilXion .8 it relates to any Concurrency, Zoning, Board of Adjustment, Development Review Committee and Final Site Plan, Final Subdivision Plan Approval or Development Order Amendments. Furthermore, INVe Newport Place Associates, Ltd. owner, or contract purchaser, do hereby (Lilt Name/Name. of Parties Oiving Authorization) authorize Donaldson E. Hearing (Lilt Agent Name) and agree to terms and conditions which may arise as part of the approval of this application. l/INe certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Further, l/we understand that this application, attachments and fees become part of the official records of the Planning, Zoning and Building Department of The City of Boynton Beach and may not be refundable. l/lNe understand that any knowingly false information given by me/us will result in the denial of the application. l/lNe further acknowledge that additional information may be required by The City of Boynton Beach in order to process this application. Very truly yours, , 6-<-v'~.-4:t;; / i2 4 (Signature and Title of Penon Wr / g Letter) /) . c-#---. __ At::.-r..-('ch.-Ll.o' STATE OF FLORIDA THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /3-/0 , dayaf ~!~4'4v!e.:{ 19q( by I!O,J,QLIJ j'4'r'LCf'- -------- " \. He/she-is personally known to me or has ------.-------..--- -- produced (Name of Person Acknowledging) as identification and did/did not take an oath. (Type of Identification) NOTARY INFORMATION: ~, (III IJ~ /) 0tc.c (Signature of Notary) PROPERTY OWNERISIINFORMATION: .-4 t:c.., ,7' .' ..... /.' I ,/';<-t.u<-</ -< ~L'u,-- (Signature of Owner) , 1 . I r11r+((:lnt\) n, (()N? (Name. Must be typed, printed or stamped) Ronald L Aylor, President (Name. Please Print) ;U{JTAI~ V (Title or Rank) f'i--CfSi.-fC 4735 N.W. 7th Court (Street Address) CL3 00 9&-'0 (Senal Number, if any) .\.:.,\:-tl"ltWIf'f/h, .~,.. n~IJN tJ. C v,'/. ,S":-~t\..~:--..."u.". 04'j'<~~' ~ ~1DAI ".s ~j (NOTARY'S SEAE'OR. , 1.9;~'.. ~ :::- "..:t '$ ~ 1{." ~ E*: ..... :*~ ::::z ~ : ~ ~o ~ ICC 300960 . C$~ -;::,.::;..1.. a. :AS,;;:. . ~~....;, Cnd~\\\\\\t.,".<S--~ G:\Prposals\NwPt-Con.x~ J..A..~Y F'in'llli,.(l~...~~ 9/8/95 -;.o//. (j-6'/.......~ (J~ ~..... "/111 f..,/C s;Ip\.\'- ,,\\;. IIIII/illlll\l"" Lantana, FL 33462 (City, State, Zip Code) (407) 586-6455 (Telephone Number including Area Code) ~.e9~2e/1995 22:~0 407851.. .Q <m7'747G33G CO"TLF.UR ""iE:JC<PH<13 PIC 2'3<1 P(,);2 PAGE 03 l:iliil"' 21'95 12129 . Wt-' 1-' " I ,. "--..... III. APPLICATION FEES. fees _hall b4Il pllld at ltIe time th4l11h. 41ppllctlUoo '5submllt/ld. accordIng to the feu wtlleh hav!) been adopted by ordinallce 01' r"olutlon. Tho Planning Oepartn'lent will infofm the applicant as to the fll.. which are required. All fees .h.rr ~ paId by check. paYllble to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERYIFIC,ATION (I) (Wo) understand thallhla appllclIUon and all plans ilnd papers 8ubmltted herewith b~come a part or the perm.nllnt recorda of the Planning llnd Zoning Bo",rd. (I) (We) hllroby ONtlty thallhll above stalament, and any .tatementa or showings In a.ny paper. or plana submitted hereWIth are tl'\J6 to tho best IJf (my) (ourl knowledge and be!iM. Thit application will not be accepted union signod accQrdlng to the ins1rucUoM betow. a) Slanford Park TraCl3 2,4,5.6 & 7 ~Uh Ridge S~bdivi8ion Lot~ 7 , a ~'UJ /t2~IA ,Cvt..--- ---- ~._,._- SlgnatureofOwner(a)orlru Iev,Ronald L. Aylor or Authorlled PrlMlpllllf property I. owned by a corporation or other buslnese entity. ~~~s- Date :r Traot. 1 - -- _ _. __4~~/~ I atur. of 0 II) or rrU$I~, -' or Authorized PrIncipal If propertyr,awrence ~ Whi te II owned by a corporation or other businea. entity. . Oat. c) ~tanrord P!xk Tract 3 Slgriiaturo of ow/ier(s) or Trustee. - or Authorized Principal I' proplll'ty la owned by a corporation or other buslnt.. entity. --.., Date V. AU71l0HZZA'UON OF ACtm' -~. -. .------,....... nford Park Tract. 2.,US,6 & 7 Hi Rid e Bub<:hv~~i6n loot" 7 , 6 ,- (D/&)V:? t reofAuhoriledAgentDonaldson E. Hearing Datu (I) (We) hereby designate the above uigned person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application, pr~ING O~PAR~r ~ APRIL 1991 A: \LandUse . 6~/2g/1995 03:2B 4d7851?" ~. ... . - - - ~""''-'.-.... r~lU~ 4P.l'7-"'17e.::3"=> '~I:)TLEI.JI~ HE:A~ I Hr::. It-Ie ~~2 '" ~3 ,.' - . . " / -LfJ..-r . .'- -/ /. .- . i~.r:<-<<-<..'..d~''-' . (.J?'''lU;;.''I--- ...._._,.....~ ,~----. ~ . SI9J1atureof0WJ1(Jl'llll)o(Tru~te ,Ronald L. Aylor or Author/red Prillclpallf property III owned by a corponltion or other bU$inOlSlIllnllty, - Donaldson E. Hearing '1: (I)-(We) hereby dCllllgnakl the above .lgnod persOn as (my) (our) lIuthotlJ:ed 8gent with regard to this appllll41 ./'t. .~. . ....&~~~/~~~7"' o 19nature of Ow:erle) or 8, Lawr~e E. tilt?'- or I\uthorl~od Principal If pI op8rly I' o\M19d bV II oorJ)oratlon or other bllelneslIl entity. c) !Ll/ntord pat'l:>. !'l"llet .) -Signature of AuthOi-lied Agent (I) (W.) hereby dllulgnate th~ aboVll signed person .$ 1m)') (our) ~uthotjz"d agent with regard to thl. .pplicMtiol1. 'Sl9nature Qf Owner{;) or Tn"latoe, or Authoriz8d Prh\Cip.' If proptrly 1$ owned by a cotporatlon or other bualno.. ontity, l'LIlNNING DEI'AR~MENT - APRIL 1991 ,,-, \LEUlQU".. PAGE 64 2.EP ;"~l' 93 ~::~ 30 " . ,.. .'/ OJ .... ',' ./' ('. / t t!:.! 4' ~) Data _l~~ Dale _:') ) 1.4)11.~ / ~ Date Dillie ,. ]1'. i !' ,. I;, 1:~ ;;1: ?i~ ......, L: "., ",: '''; m ".., ~ ,.' :3: : :::~ , '~ ~3(28/139S 22:40 q 07!1S1. .Q ;; PAGE 83 '~c. "'''''1-,'' I ,.. foo -... ... <1~7'747633G C01LF.UR i-iE:Af<'H1(3 HIC 2'5C! r>\:lCZ Sl;ir' 21' 95 12\ ::~'" III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees _hllll b$ pllld at me tlm.. full( the lIppllctlUon 15 .ubmIUtld. accordIng to the I'e&l which hav!) beer) adopted by Ordlnallce 01' rnolutlon. The Pla(lnlng Departn\ent will inform the applicant as to the file. whIch are required. All fees ahall be paId by check, p<lYllble !Xl ths City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERYIFICAT10N (I. (Wo) urtdefltand that thlll application and all plans and papers lubl1'iltted herewith bdcome a part or the penn"nlln' rflcords of the Planning ~nd Zoning Bo",rd. (I) (We) hereby oertffy that the above alalement. and any .talementa or showings In any paper. or plana submitted hereWith ate true to the best u' (my) (our) knowledge and beliut. Thia application will not be accepted unls,., wlgnod accQrdlng to the instructions. below. Il) Stanford Park Tracts 2,4,5,6 & 7 ~Uh Riuge S~bdivi8ion Lot~ 7 , 9 ~~UJ /4L<K..--- Signature or OwiierCsl 0r1 ruitee. Rona ld or Authorlled Prit1Clplll if property I. oWTIed by a corpor.tion or other bualnolla antlty, . - ~~~s- Date L. Aylor *' . O.te c) ~tanrord P!!~ Tract 3 SlgnaMo 0; Ow,ierCt) orTru'tee, - or Authorized Principal If prop.ly 1$ owned by. corporation or other bUlllnll5s entity. -" o"ra V. AUTHOHZZA'J:'ION OF AOtNT --. ., .-... , nford Park Tract. 2,.&,11,6 & 1 Hi Rid e Subd1viaiol'l l.ot. 7 , e ,- I D / 6)v:::::> re of Au horized AgentDonaldson E. Hearing Datu (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to thIs appllcatlo.... PI~ING OePAR~~ - APRIL 19S1 A: \LandUse . eg/2g(1~~5 03:28 41378512'2. _' 4l!l'7-~'17e.::::3,", ,~(nLEIJI~ He:A~I"'IG It-IC Z~2 .33 ...' . ...- / J .-:_/ / . .- ..Lb~(,-C.u:.i,J.'" - f...;!';{{;"'__- Slgnatuf~ orOvm(;;(ifOfTri.u;te .Ro~ald L. Aylor or Authorized Principal 11 proj)erty Ie owned by a cOlporiltlon or other bU,inlllse entity. - Donaldson E. Hearing (I)-(We.) hereby doelgnakl the above IIlgnod person III (my) (our) authothted agent with regard to this IPplllllJ .n.~.. . '1: __.& ~f~;P;;:';~!6~~ . 19nature oro neic8~~ 8, Lawr-;rnce E. fi{.i\-&- or Auth()rl~ed PrinciplIllf Plopetty I. owned by Q corporation or other hl/tlnesa entity. c) !LDnto~~ pa~~ T~lIot 3 -Siijiliture of Auth'Ofiied Agent (I) (We) hQreby d4l1llgnate tillS aboViJ IIlgned perSOn a$ 1m)') tour) authorized agent with regard to thhl application. 'Slgn.tIK;' of Owner(.) or TrllltG8, or Authoril8d PrinCipal If property Is owned by a corporation or other buslneoa entity. PLhNNING DEPAR~MENT - APRIL 1991 1\: \ La.nclU" " PAGE 84 ;.E;p ~..~ 1. t ';.s '~~: 30 / ." ,,;> / J . ,..'" (.... ft ~ :.t.. t,) Data _!~.:Y=> Date ~: i) T/.J)'-i.> / ~ - Date - DallS Landmark Surveying & Mapping, Inc. 1850 fo,esl Hill Blvd, Suite 100 Wesl Palm Beach. florida 33406 (4tl7) ;33-5405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE PLAT OF STANFORD PARK AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 67 AND 68 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA TOGETHER WITH LOTS 7 AND 8, PLAT OF HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 6, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS CONTAIN 24.77 ACRES MORE OR LESS. . . 1 I ru'" 221 '~o . I .,;u. -t' ;1. .) 68 l030~.00038 f ;w 051093 PREPP.RED BY AND RETURN To: Thomas P. Hunt, Esquire Gunscer, Yoakley & Stewart, P.A. PhlEios Point, Suite 500 777 So~th Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 JUN-Q3-1993 4:41pm 93-171899 ORB 7737 p~_ 1833 I .,. .... II .1111 . III . II. Con 4,000,000.0000c:'28,OOO.00 QUIT-CLAIM DEED .. THIS QUIT-CLAIH DEED, executed this ().r~ day of f1q, 1993, by ORANGE GROVE DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Florida corporation ("Grantor"), whose address is 400 Perimeter Center Terrace, Suite 745, Atlanta, Georgia 30346, to NEWPORT PLACE ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership ("Grantee"), whose address is 1150 8th Avenue, S.W" Largo, Florida 34640. (Wherever used herein terms "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives, and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires.) WITNESSETH, that Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of $10,00 in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, do'es hereby remise, release and quit-Claim untO . Grantee forever, all the right, title, interest, claim and demand which Grantor has in and to the following described parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the County of Palm Beach, State cf ~:0r~da, to-wit: Tracts 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 together with that portion of Tract 3 designated as the 50 foot wide ingress, egress, utility and drainage easement, all in STANFORD PARK, according to map or plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 46, Page 67 of the ~ublic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida TOGETHER WITH any and all right, title and interest of Grantor, if any, in and to any and all covenants, restrictions and agreements burdening or benefitting the real property (collectively, the "Premises"), TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same together with all and singular the appurtenancp.s thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and all the estiite, right, title, interest, lien, equity and claim whatsoever of G~antor, either in law or equity, to the only peoper use, benefit and behalf of Grantee forever, IN WITNESS I<lHEREOF, Gr antor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written, Siqned, sealed ,md delivered in presence of: ORANGE GROVE DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Florida corporation - ,--, ...,.... . ~CIC?~".,,:,:..:~"O"ct.".'"'oo.. ~-?P- / Y non Ex .'. .July c. 1994. . ~ /YJ/'Y..I L', J By : ot ------Prif:1. Name: ~Z~ If. ~e/e4: . ego p, Ison (), . - ) Vice President __ .1"m ' L~~b- Pr lnt Name: lia f>.12{ ./'/} /7 ,.1' ,J,' JP) w11/)/ -<-^- /;-;~d U6..flnel- -. . .' STATE OF ij-sy(.\~) ~ ) 55 COUNTY OF .1)(0)(17<<&__) ORB 7737 Ps 1834 RECORD.11FIED DOROTHY H WILKEN CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~~ day of /7?B(~ , 1993, by Gregory p, Nelson, vice Presiaent of O~~GE GRO~ DEVELOPMENT CORP., a Florida corporation, o~ehalf ot the corporation, The above-named individual [vr is personally known to me or [ ] has produced the following identification which is current or has been issued within the past five years and bears a serial or other identifying n_umber and J:d (did not) taKe an oath, " ;h"l . ,.~ n.,';""~i7~~"'" , ..J" ~."'. ;I.:t.~y.t.:" ..'. ' ':.;~~::'J~~t~.-;;~~...,::~ ,~'./~.Crf\'A;~i::~fari a1 Seal) ').~""Jf,\~1,,~~,,~.. ,)'",.. . ;- ,.,,;.~,1~ ..I....... ,.,:;~!V' ..".';'s .'."". '..~\",,,,,'.f;jit,.41' '.,,,,\..'.~ :"-.: "~: ,:- [./ ..;:.".1,<(.... :'C v:". ..,~~IO'lW.~~"'i.!t .', ':.:J,'".~~.J;t~t~.~~ ;,"',:~"" , '",7' "'!l'~' ..~l""., - '-.0'/.'.....",.". C.., -'I. . ~'~tI,'.)"'..,...~. ..l,;"~~J:~'/I.:~ . rln Name: NOTARY PUBLIC - STATE Commission Number: My commission expires: Nolary Public. Cobb County' Geofi!a - My CommiS$ion !ixPIr.. JUI; G, ~G~ . (?~ F Grant? . -2- ,-, I'.... I V.....V.....IC,:, Vr T"iIS FORM NOT "I:eSPT ~BLE ~'.\;' 1: LUH' I )A DEPARTMENT OF F-VENUE Rr:1TR:--: FOR ..j. 'iSFERS OF I:"iTEREST I'i FLORlLJA REAL PR01'ERTY 111 ~1'ffTl'" '....",. )m ... 8Y USING "AliGNMENT BOXeS" TYP/iD & I./NE PRINTeo DATA WII.L FALL WITHIN ALL FinDS "rrPlHC 'HI5 DOCUM'N'''''' AN ..," IN TN~ TNISlSA".CHIN'''Ao.ecHO....IFH.NO..,NTlNC A J3C DE ,:e; H r J 0:: L1M NOP QJ<! AI.ICW,\EII'f eO:<'ES ASO\lf., C,ll.f\A1ACiI; flE'TUIUi 1*3 oOCJ,i~lflIr_ Pt,EAS.E ~RINT NUMlilE~S C.4P.EFlJlL Y STU V'/'/ X 'f :ll~ ANO T'!'PE fHAOIJCiH THE H.A.MOPRIf1T BoXes, W\'fHI,. ThE SOleS AS SHOWN Ai /lIGHT." ;: 0 I 2 5 Q 1 8 q P.l.RC~1... CIJ: "J.., _ I A I, If 1. IOENTIi',CATION J ~ ^,,, NUMBER _ n 10 " , . IS THIS A MULTI-PARCEL 0/0 IS THIS TFIANSACTION ADD 2. SPLIT OR CUTOUT FROM TRANSACTION? -- YES NO ANOTHER PARCEL? --YES / NO LaSI Name First NamQ M.I. 13 Gi1ANTOR lOR I nl I R!P (Se,I';H) A N G " GR 0 Vi E E \l F.I T. ~ 1:> "d ~ N '1' I" 01 ?HOi'.'E ) ., "- NO ( COAPOAA7E NAME. \..,)~I ,'jii('":~ I'llilNama loll GRANTEE R~ lw 1) Q t1 1'1' tl iT )l, ,. E . '" I", 1'1 ,. T '" 'l' F <: . lOT' IBuy.r) D STREET 1 1 I, n .~ 1> I" ADDRESS 1- .v ~ N U E 4 ZIP CI11':STATE T. II 10 I,., 1"\ I", . nlo T n " COOE ~ '" A 11 - ( . . ) PHOl\IE 1 COA.POAAT~ NAMe ",0 D,qE OF SALE SALE PAICE 5. r9.~ilo: 219 :31/$1 4 ~Io 0 o 0 010 01 PROPERTY LOCATED IN, GLl COUNTY. FLORIDA ICOVNT"f COOES':N AeVl;.ASE\ !.\v"i1l :,.,. (fler 6. 11'PE OF OOCUMEN7 ) Wammry D QuJ! Clllm Q COI'ltr;,ct/~gr..m.ftI 0 0,,,,,0 D#td O..d X (gr and TO THE sES'TOf YOUIi KNOWLEDGE, WERE THERE UNuSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONDITIONS TO TH!! SALE. MARK (X) THOSE THAT APPLY' 'I "''' 0"""-8 ,.'""~, 0.,", B ,.".." "", B -"'''''~~- 8 roreeJO$UfB S.I. 0/' P.rt,., or ~_ ,:0-::';.0,. UndJIIJdfcJ Jnt.fllSI om,f - - lM,rlrur/ontll R8SfrUrtll..1 Comltl.tr;JlIJ lItf1lJstll.1 Agrlcu/tu,.' M/~c"".n~"U~ C:o".mmalll V"~.nt Lol A~'.a'iJ. 8. PROPERTY 0 D 0 D G D 0 0 TYPE AT TIME 01== SALE? - TO THe BEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE, 0 Q IF "YES", PLEASe STATE !'He 9, WAS UNUSUAL PERSONAL ~ YES NO ~ AMOUNT A TiAIBUTASLE TO -+ s I PROPERTY INCLUDED IN THE SALE? / X THEPEASONALPAOPeRTY 0 AMOUNT QF DOCUMENTARY STAMPS A"FIXED TO DOCUMENT' )0 S h Blo 0 0 0 0 .. 1 IF ITEM NUM8ER 10 IS 'ZERO".IS DEED EXEMPT FROM OOCUMENTAl'IY 0/0 WAS THE PROPERTY. 0 D 12 IMPROVEO AT THE TIME / S~AMP TAX UNDER .20102(6). FlOfllDA STATUT~S? YES NO OF SALE? YES NO .EN EXAMI eo 8Y Me AND TO Tile BEST 01' MY KNOW~eDGE AND BelIEF IS A TAVE AND COMPL.TE ReTVRN O.R. BOOK ~ AND PAO. NUMBER ~ ..", """ [ -0( OA IE aOOK & PAGE NO" OR FILE NO, RECORDED CLERK'S DATE STAMP TO BE COMPLErED BY THE CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURTS OFFICE J J.lJ/llf1 )" '1"<'.11 ......, I;~""e .....c!:"..~....,.... ---'..' ",'''.-- -...-.. . . I ~221 f-# JUN-03-'-"\ 4:41PM 93-171898 ORB 7737 pg 1831 I .....1111111..111111... Con 70,000.00 Doc 490.00 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, is made this ~ay of ~~~ 1993, between NEWPORT PLACE, INC., a Florf;fa:--c;rporation ' Grantor") , and NEWPORT PLACE ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership ("Grantee"), whose post office address is 1150 8th Avenue S.W., Largo, FL 346~O-3l76. WIT N E SSE T H: Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to Grantor in hand paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Grantee, and Gran tee I s hei rs, successors and, assigns forever, the following described land, situated in Palm Beach County, Florida: Lots 7 and S, HIGH RIDGE according to the Plat thereof Plat Book 22, Page 6, of the of Palm Beac~ County, Florida. SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Public Records SUBJECT to applicable land use and zoning restrictions and to easements, reservations and restrictions of record, if any, which are specifically not reimpcsed or extended hereby, and to taxes for the year 1993 and subsequent years. Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend the same a9ainst the lawful claims of all persons '.Jhomsoever. 'O-43-"S'DS'_OI_T,Q,E(;_"ta~ ,parcel number for the aforedescribed property is 00 ~ <;3 -'IS ~ c,- 0/- "eM ~,,'liJo. The tax identification number for the Grantee 15 ~ '-' 9 ~ z ~ lXUJ&" ::::;'a::::;. ~ Cj::;)OI: -0 Q:o, ~ ~:D9 lU~~ 0( ai'O <(:it:! ~ )...., ~ ..... M = . .0... V)X <t oozli:~'_ow l.l.I 0 ~~- ~~... ~1.Jf5 A..:t: .=:I",!::'... \Lio~Qwt::"" 8;~t(~ao~. ~<:5,,-t:;~ >-lD ;;:0'" ~ -,' c.. ~ ~~~ ~ g>;i3 u , ~ s IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: NEWPORT PLACE, INC., a Florida corporation ~'.P C. 81 na- re---' By: Ronal L. President Address: 1150 8th Avenue S.W. Largo, FL 34640-3176 (Corporate Seal) ::JAYN~ E Prlnt name SEi flR-S I ~221 Jh/J JUN-Q3-tlth\ 4:41pm 93-171898 \'..~ 7737 Ps 1 831 I 1Il_" 1111111.. 1111111.. Con 70,000.00 Doc 490.00 STATUTORY WARRANTY DeED THIS INDENTURE, is made this ~Aay of ~~~ 1993, between NEWPORT PLACE, INC., a Flortfa-c;rporation 'Grantor"), and NEWPORT PLACE ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership ("Grantee"), whose post office address is 1150 8th Avenue S.W., Largo, FL 34640-3176. WIT N E SSE T H: Grantor, for and in consideration of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable consideration to Grantor in hand .paid by Grantee, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby aCKnowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Grantee, and Grantee's heirs, successors and,assigns forever, the following described land, situated in Palm Beach County, Florida: Lots 7 and 8, HIGH RIDGE according to the Plat thereof Plat Book 22, Page 6, of the of palm Beacn county, Florida. SUBOIVISION, as recorded in Public Records SUBJECT to applicable land use and zoning restrictions and to easements, reservations and restrictlons of record, if any, which are specifically not reimpcsed or extended hereby I and to taxes for the year 1993 and subnequent years. Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons '..;homsoever. ,0 _43_ 'IS- DS'_OI.T&'a_ Qta~ "parcel number for the aforedescdbed property is ?O "'-13 -'is - ~?- PI_ QQQ -c'{$o. The tax identification number for the Grantee lS ~ '-.J g ~ z ~ ~ "" :>~~ t:;~~ ~ ~5Dt ~ Qv,Q .... Zi..l.l~ Cj~_ <:OJ'.1Jn~ )ooe;~~~-M .= ..o..IIlX <:( oz~~~_o.::J wOo .:J~- ~~a. %~g a. r .~ I-IJ_ ~o~l;:ltIJfE"" ~-'~~oofi ~<:O"'-t;;C' )...CIl ~o"" J: . "" ~ ~~1\ ~ n r:: ~ u ,:; 3 , ~ s IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: NEWPORT PLACE, INC., a Florida corporation '-jY;dY.Mk 'Tn ~JYY;<h Signa ture v yYlf'.\ \<., '-t:.>-.. \!::1 7' c.:.,rYDI lc'\ Pont name ~ ~.P t1 C.~ 81 nii- re By: Rona . President Address; 1150 8th Avenue S.W. Largo, FL 34640-3176 (Corporate Seal) ::r1t'lN~ E Print name S~ftR.S , OHB 7737 Ps 1832 RECORD VERIFIED DOROTHY H WILKEN CLERK OF THE COURT - PB COUNTY, FL STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF fINEUJlS) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~fI T1..... day of (Yic<'-'1/' 1993, by RONALD L. AYLOR, as President of NEWPORT PLACE, fINC" a Florida corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He [is personally known to me] [~a~ prodttc-ed a6 w<:ntifiGaH '-'n..J.... t~ NO~C . Print name J"II'/t{& 5, Scl11es My conunission exp~res: JAYNE E. SEARS Notary Public. Stats 01 Florida My Commission Expires Sept'lll1be, 2 1993 BonOo::l Thn.l Troy Fu(r. It,.urQflQOj inc, ~mm. # 1f11t..98S~7 (TOP H" RESERVED FOR CLERK) 042993 d-l 911\SSW\2955lSWwD2 87956 (SSW-3961) . .,,,,,-,,,,,,1,.,"''-'" ACCEP I ABLE RETURN rOR TR. "'I~RS OF INT~REST IN FLo'RlD, ~'-\L PIWI'I\I(I'V Ni!tt1\\~".' < 8Y USING "ALIGNMENT BOXES" TYPED & LINt; NIINT"O OA TA WILL FALL WITHIN ALL FIELDS >> IF TYPING THIS OOCUMENr. TYpe ^N "I(" IN "H~ f'lS 15 A MA.CHINE R~A::JA.eLE FO~M.lj:' 11AND PRINTlNO ABC D E F= G- H r J K L M N 0 P Q R A1.1GN...eNT eOl(e5 Aeave., CARRIAGE Rii:'Tl,IAN THIS OOCUMEN1', PI..I'iME PRINT NUMBERS CMEfULL.Y AND TYPE rl-lflOUOH1'HE; HANOPRINTBOXES. WITHINTHEBOXE5A,SSHOWNATFlIGHT.~ S r u V w. X y 2. 0 \ 2 3"t 5 e 'l B ~ -----,----- - .-..- -- -. .._- GRANTEE (Buyer) STREET ADDRESS PARCEL 1 . IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 2.ISTHISAMUl.TI-PARCEl. n/o TRANSACTION? - YES l!J NO ..--....- ---- loas! Name IS THIS TRANSACTION A 0 Q Spl.IT OR CUTOUT FROM . . ANOTHER PARCEL 7 - YES / X NO First Name M.1. 3. GRANTOR (S.II.rl PHONE NO. I "". M.1. T . d .a n rs i e ue 4. ,I:: CITYISTATE l~,' ,''''; i:! PHONE ',.: NO. ZIP CODE 3 6 7 ) CO~.OMTE NAME .& --DATEOFSALE ~!~/$ .'~~, M~"'l'" allY 't'U.T ~. l'IPE OF DOCUMENT ) W~;:~IY 0 Qug~:lm 0 conrfBf::t::;ement 0 OIMr 0 :'.:" TO TH€ BEST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE. WERE THEREUNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES OR CONOITIONS TO THE SALE;. MARK (XI THOSE THAT APPLY: ':'}l ~~ Tltls OsfoCIS B Sol. under Duress B' FI.lalsd 10 Sall.r B" Forced ../e br Court Oraer B I,' Mineral Rights Foreclosure S.le gf 0 Portisl or Olh.r Undivided Int.re.' PROPERTY ----~~;D'dtf'lflal comomerr;~/I '"OdUSlr141 A9rlOCUIlUrBI ';,f::f,D~::~~5 8, l'IPE AT TIME OF SALE? ------- TO THE 8EST OF YOUR KNOWLEDGE. 9. WAS UNUSUAL PERSONAL - PROPERl'IINCl.l.JDEO IN THE SALE? PROPERTY l.OCATeO IN; GE CDUNl'I, Fl.ORIDA teOVt(N coo~s ON R~ERSli:l 01 AMOUNT OF DOCUMENTARY STAMPS .',I':XED TO DOCUMENT? ,11F \'E~~;'8ER 1~:~~~0. IS DEEt E;~,m FROM D~~NT ARv DID . ST'MP TAX UNDE:1 120102(6). FLORIDA STATUTES' YES NO. ) $ V,cant Lor Gov,rnmenr o D YES DIG] NO IF "YES", PLEASE STATE THE AMOUNT ATTRISUTA9LE TO -4- $ THE PERSONAL PROPERTY __ f '. WAS THE PROPERT\' 0 GJ I 12. IMPROVED AT THE TIME I X OF SAI.E' ._ YES NO J (';;E;;;~~E--;;;;Y ~~-;T~IS f.u;rUfm H;S BEE; EXAMfN~;-8-~ ME ANO TO tH~ eeST OF MY KNOWLEDG~ AND ';iZ~~~~~-;;~E AND COMPL~T~ RcrURN~ i rs;g,.""",'G".',, ",,,,,,,,0,.,,,,,,.,,,.,, -'~~~P0R~AeE. I-N~. --~'" Cf';1 ) J lL----.-- _.- - ---' q;, ~9 . ,__~:~~INt~ ".AlLUM ro F/I.~ TM/$ qJ;n,J~"~._.:~I~::::.!.R:ana.t~d~I'f!~!lA.~ IN :Mi,ljrl QTN~r:I P~NI1~ T't' IMI'OSfrJ 13" TNt! F!.E~~~~~~ 0; P~.. "'DA. I'TO BE COMPLETED BY THE' CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT'S OFFICE CLERK'S OATE STAMP , O.R. aOOK l- AND PAGE NUfIJ8ER.... II. AND~ "'" ,""'" l DATE SODK & PAG" NO ~ OR FILE NO. RECOl10EO J '------- "CLERKS O,FICE TO RETAIN WHITE CO'v FOR DEPA~TMENT OF REVENUe RePReSENTATIVES. SEND CANARY COpy TO PROPERTY APPRAISEW :.I01li1i D,w "'U' J NEWPORT PLACE JUSTIFICA TION STA TEMENT The subject property is located within the City of Boynton Beach, on the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. Also known as Stanford Park, it is comprised of approximately 23.18 acres. The site currently maintains a zoning designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a LUI (Land Use Intensity) of 5. The Land Use Designation for the property remains at LDR (Low Density Residential). The property lying on the north side of Hypoluxo Road, directly across from the site, known as Island Estates, is located within unincorporated Palm Beach County. Island Estates maintains a PBC Zoning Designation of RS (Single Family Residential). Likewise, the properties located to the east of the site are also within unincorporated Palm Beach County with a zoning designation of RS and are developed as such. The majority of these properties are located within the High Ridge Subdivision. Lots #7 and #8 (which account of approximately 1.59 acres) of the subdivision, have already been annexed into the City of Boynton Beach with an initial zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential). The Land Use designation for the majority of High Ridge, directly adjacent to.the subject property, has been proposed by the City to be LDR with an exception of approximately two acres of OC (Office) which is located at the , southwest corner of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. The property to the south and west of the site, known as the High Ridge Country Club, is located within the City limits. This property currently exists as a golf course and maintains recreational land use and zoning designations. Background: The Master Plan for the Stanford Park PUD was originally approved in 1990. The property included a platted area of 23.18 acres, divided up into seven tracts. Tract 1 has since been approved for a one-story skilled nursing care facility, comprising of approximately 40,740 sq. ft. This facility still exists at present as the Ridge Terrace Health Care Center, which is owned and operated by Dr. Lawrence White. It provides a Prepared by Codcur Heariag, lac. G:\Projects\Genera1\Nwpt-Jl 9/28195 Request: The petitioner is requesting the consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission for an amendment to the Stanford Park PUD with respect to land Use, Zoning and Master Plan revisions. The request to amend the current land Use Designation from lDR (low Density Residential) to HDR (High Density Residential) with subsequent amendment of the existing PUD, would ultimately allow for the expansion of the Newport Place facility through the addition of a free standing 120-bed Assisted Living Facility (AlF). This AlF would be located on the southern portion of Tract #4 in the Stanford Park PUD. The application further requests to rezone and incorporate High Ridge lots #7 and #8 into the PUD. The building is proposed to be developed with two four-story residential wings at a maximum height of 45 ft. connected by a two-story "common area". The design and architectural integrity of the building would essentially mimic the existing Newport Place AClF, however, this Assisted Living Facility would be developed to provide for health care services that fall between those of Newport Place AClF and Ridge Terrace Health Care Center. As seniors age, their need for support services increases due to their declining health. This aging process often effects mobility, dexterity and memory. At this point, seniors are not in need of the skilled nursing care provided in nursing homes and the cost of the skilled care is often' prohibitive. The services required is that of 24-hour assistance with numerous personal services in a secure environment. Assisted Living provides the greatest amount of dignity for seniors who find that they cannot function independently and require around-the-clock supervision and assistance. The assisted living component is the missing link in the "continuum of care" for the "campus' of this PUD. The development of the facility will enable seniors to remain on the campus by living in the appropriate facility. This continuity of residence is extremely important to seniors who experience great stress when faced with the possibility of moving away from spouses, friends, doctors and places of worship. An overall tract use and area table listed below identifies existing and proposed beds within the Planned Unit Development. Although the following acreage is approximate Prepared by Cotlcur Hcaring, IDe. G:\Projects\Genera1\Nwpt-J I 9/28195 3 Ridge Lots #7 and #8 into the PUD would increase the area by 1.59 acres, for a confirmed total area of 24.77 acres. Beds Tract & Use Area lAc.! Existinq/Proposed #1 Convalescent Center 3.27 120 #2 & 3 Medical Center 2.84 N/A #4 ACLF (Assisted Living Facility) 10.36 356/120 #5,6,7 Open Space 3.02 N/A Roads and ROW 3.69 N/A "Lots #7, #8 of High Ridge 1.59 N/A Combined Total: 24.77 Acres 596 Beds "Note: Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision are proposed to be incorporated into the existing PUD for Open Space area calculations. By utilizing a City Planning and Zoning Department conversion factor of 2.3 bedldwelling unit, which is similar to Palm Beach County's for ACLF designation, the requested Land Use Amendment proves to be within justifiable limitations. The property's land use is requested to be amended from current LDR (4.84 dulac maximum) to HDR (10.8 dulac maximum). including conversion factor of 2.3 for the total area of 24.77 acres, results in the following calculation: I 24.77 x 10.8 x 2.3 = 615 bed maximum The proposed amendment total bed count falls below the maximum allowable by 19 beds, which proves to be a justifiable solution to the Land Use Amendment. Site Elements: Access Points: As previously stated, the property is located adjacent to the 100 ft. Right-of-Way Hypoluxo Road and 60 ft. Right-of-Way N.W. 7th Court. Both of these roads are considered by the City to be of public use. It is intended to propose two additional Prepllred by Cotleur HaME. Ine. G :lProjeds\Genera1\N\<pt-I1 9/28195 4 access points onto N.W. 7th Court only. These access points are to be located on the proposed development of Tract #4. The first of the two access points would serve as the primary point of visitor access to the Assisted Living Facility, utilizing a drop-off turnaround area that is very much similar to the one located within the existing Newport Place ACLF. This access point is felt to be a crucial element to the design by way of creating a sense of entry and identity to the facility for not only prospective visitors, but the residents themselves. The second access point is proposed as a means of convenience to service providers of the complex (i.e.: Fire, emergency, solid waste removal, food, and cleaning). The locations of these two additional access points are designed to conform to the maximum vehicular safety standards of the City's Land Development regulations and would ultimately dictate a more efficient internal vehicular circulation program throughout the project. Additionally, the proposed access points are to be located on a portion of N.W. 7th Court, which in actuality serves only the PUD. Therefore, they would not create any undue hardship to any of the surrounding residential communities. Perimeter Buffers: The perimeter buffers of the proposed development would meet the requirements of the City with regard to the rear or western boundary. The existing 5 ft. perimeter buffer on the remainder of Tract #4 would simply be proposed to extend southward along the property line, throughout the portion of Tract #4 on which the Assisted Living Facility is to be located. Likewise, the front of the parcel along N.W. 7th Court is proposed to be set at a minimum of 5 ft. and landscaped according to the City Landscape Ordinance, Section 7.5-16, Perimeter Landscape Requirements. Open Space: Tracts #6 and #7 of the PUD are not proposed to be developed at this time and shall be utilized to count toward open space requirements pertaining to density classifications. Both of these tracts are heavily vegetated with a variety of native plant material and provide a suitable environment for area wildlife. Prepared by Cotlcur Hearing, loc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 5 Likewise, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision have been proposed to now be rezoned and incorporated into the PUD and utilized for Open Space requirements pertaining to requested density classifications. As with Tracts #6 and #7, these lots are not intended to be developed in any way, but simply kept in tact as Common Open Space areas of native vegetation. Parking: The required parking for the proposed Assisted Living Facility is essentially already accommodated for within the remainder of Tact #4 through the existing ACLF. According to the City Land Development Regulations for minimum parking requirements, Section 2-11.16, "the ACLF shall provide a minimum of one space per three beds". The existing ACLF contains a total of 356 beds with 207 parking spaces (5 of which are handicapped). According bthe LOR conversion, a total of 118 spaces are required. This ultimately leaves an abundance of 89 spaces on Tract #4 of the PUD. The proposed ALF will contain a total of 120 additional beds with a minimum required 40 parking spaces, including two handicapped. The site could potentially sustain these required parking spaces, however, this would seem extremely excessive with the abundance of parking that already exists on the tract Therefore, the proposal would be to create an additional 20 spaces, including two handicapped accessible spaces, at the front of the facility'primarily for visitor parking. The remainder of the required parking would be proposed to take advantage of the existing under utilized parking to the SQuth end of the existing ACLF. This request is felt to be the most logical approach to site planning with respect to vehicular and pedestrian safety, as well as reducing the amount of impervious area to aid in the surface water management system of the entire PUD. Setbacks: The building setbacks, which are standard for this PUD, will remain constant through the proposed addition. The front setback, which falls along N.W. 7th Court, will remain at 40 ft. minimum. The rear setback, which respectively falls along the High Ridge Country Club Golf Course, will remain at a minimum of 25 ft. Since the building is to be located within Tract #4, there would be no required side setbacks to the north. The south is Prtparcd by Cotlcur Hcaring, Inc:. G:\ProjectslGenerallNwpt-J 1 9/28/95 6 bordered by Tract #7 of the PUD, so no side setback is required here either. However, the building as proposed, easily fits within the current setback limitations for the PUD. Existing Transportation Network: The site is well served by the existing transportation network which borders the northern and eastern portions of the property. N.W. 7th Court serves as a collector road for the PUD. The proposed development will utilize this road as it's primary vehicular access into the site. The road currently exists adjacent to Tract #5 of the PUD. Tract #5 runs the entire length of the eastern perimeter of the property and remains as undisturbed Open Space. This tract actually acts as a buffer between the PUD and the single family residential community of High Ridge. The tract is currently vegetated with mature native Slash Pine and is proposed to remain in it's current state. A secondary means of vehicular access could potentially be accommodated by way of Newport Place Road, located between Lots #7 and #8 of High Ridge. However, it is more likely that this road will be used more by the residents of High Ridge, as is currently the case. Further information regarding the existing transportation network can be referenced in a detailed Trip Generation Analysis that has been prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: The proposed plan has also been designed to be consistent to the existing and future City Comprehensive Plan. The plan identifies the surrounding area as predominately residential with the exception of the High Ridge Country Club to the east. The High Ridge Country Club is a privately owned golf club that maintains a Recreational Designation for both Land Use and Zoning components of the City. An increased residential density seems far more consistent with the surrounding land uses than does a commercial use. Attached is a narrative which describes how the proposed project strives toward satisfying the relevant goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Cotleur Hcaring, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 7 Environmental and Drainage: Environmentally, the proposed project is non-disruptive. The location of Tract #4, where development is to occur, is currently cleared of vegetation. Furthermore, Tracts #6 and #7, which lie to the south of Tract #4, are not proposed to be disturbed as a result of the development Therefore, it is the opinion of the Agent that no further environmental analysis is needed at this time. With respect to stormwater management, the parcel is included within the surface water management system previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management District At the time of the permit application, the parcel was actually calculated as an impervious parking area, thus increasing the total in excess of what is currently being proposed. Therefore, this development is not perceived to have any increased impacts to the existing surface water management system. Additionally, a detailed comparative analysis for water and waste water for the PUD, prepared by Michael B. Schorah & Associates, has been included with this submittal. Conclusion: From a planning perspective, the proposal seems the only natural solution to rounding out the entire assisted living care program. The residents of this Assisted Living Facility will have the opportunity to utilize the existing on-site facilities within the Planned Unit Development The propq>ed addition, with regard to bed count, actually falls below the potential allowable by Code and the architectural theme of the facility will create a sense of continuity throughout the PUD by it's similarity to the existing Assisted Care Living Facility. Furthermore, no attempt to destroy or remove any of the existing native vegetation is proposed, as is generally the case in similar development requests. To the best of our knowledge, this request is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan, as well as both the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code; in addition to the goals and objectives of the Town's Planning and Zoning Department. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-Il 9/28195 8 Q CUlleur \ ICclflllg N ewpart Place ('thl of BO'l"lol Bendt, Flond1l ^ , ~ COlleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Landuse Map , ,. I , 1_.... ,. '.,-. ~:.~ .~.,t;: ~ Cotleur Hearing Site r ~ l::,' ,. ' , , , , , . , . , , , , ~ ; REC , ' . , " , , ' , ' " Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Zoning Map II '~'" , " , . ~\ \ ' t, ~---- ., \, : ~_. I \ , .,.-- , \.. '\ '", \:. ,,\ '\::.\ '<J . R1AA :::p. I,: ! I , , , , , , ' , , , , : Unincorporated ,Palm Beach County , -J i I - -]1 ~_u_ --. - =1 , '. , , , , , ' , ' , , , , .' " " ., ., r I .' \ " J , II .' ! /1;' I i I ! I, ' I I "' j ...." I 11'1,' III ill !i III I I Ii ~ Cotleur Hearing , I I t \ l Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Landuse Map 1)1 I! I II I , , , , , ! " o . .~I~ll~t~;;~;a ~ Cotleur Hearing v A r REC t ", '~,. , '..: . " , ' , " j, " ~.. ' .. / , , .' .' : ~. 'o, 1, . \~, \ ,. , \. ~\, '\::,\ \:) R1AA C::::J,. ",. ,., : . - ~ - . .' . '..' Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Zoning Map llillJ~ IV/ I , I Iii ! I,. I 1', .-, -+\<': '. r 'I , -I - - I I Unincorporated I' Palm Beach County, --' I RS I -ji ~ J . , ' . , . , , , . -r .' , i II I I! i 1/ '[ I [' III J r .,. . ; 1'1 I Ii i