APPLICATION iJ1u City of tJ3oynton tJ3ecufi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bta& 'BouUvara P.O. 'Bo'(31O 'Boynton 'B=/i., 7'loritfa 33425-0310 City 9fa[[: (407) 375-6000 7':AX: (407) 375-6090 ~ November 27, 19lJ5 Nr, Pat J'kut:in Lake \~Ol"t11 LJraillage District 13081 ~Ii]italr I'raLl Dt.:'lr:-!y Bt>ach I Flurida 3348l, IU,: NU,I'ORT PLACE (Ilept. No. LOAH '15-006) .\PPLIL:A1ION FOR LAND (!~;E L:LE:lENT ANENDMENTjREZONING AN.U\~l~ UN .\\',\ILAlllUn OF DRAINAGE l'AL:ILlTll'~; Dear Nt'. N.H't in: Pursuant to the requilelllents of the Florida Department of Community Affair!:i for re':lt"hl uf plan dlllE'ndm€uts, 1 am reque::,ting that you pl-ovide me "-'ith specific informaCion on tilt, current a\ ailability of drainage faeili ties and ability I inability to !:lerve demdlllb represent.ed by the subject l"equest ft'll' High Density Residential land use. Based on t.1lt" JIIa~~jl1l\lm density allo\~'ed \\lithin the High Densit). Resitientialland use classification (10,8 units/acre) and existing de"elu}JllIent (47b nursing home nr ACLl-' beds), if approved, this 1"t:~queE.t \-t,i()uld allow tor CJ maximulll of 13') additlonal beds (or bO Huits based on a cunvE'l.sion fClctol of 2.3 beds per un) t). Please indicate specifical1J' ,,1hether adequatt> la-ball servicE'S are available Lo serve the. maximwu demands that cuuld be taLiliLltl:"d by the proposed land use clas~ificaLion. To assist you \vith your review I have enclosed a portion of the application and a publi.c notice \\'hich includes a location map. Although 1 am tUlable to provide you with specific facility demands (i.e. tl'affic generation. change in potable, sanitary se\~'er, solid \.vastt.' demand/generation, etc..) I hope that you are able t.o conduct the necessary analysis \vith the enclosed inft)l.mat ion, Please conduct. the necessary review of this request and forward your comments to Michae_l RtUlIpf of this office. The State has :.l specific t.ime f:1."litme wit.hin lYhich thl!d, illtlll'U1a.l:f(,)t) IlIUbt be tl'al1smit.ted to them. Therefore, a response \1/ould be greatly appreciate.d at your eal'lit.:'.st convenience, If you have any questions, please contact ~h. Rumpf at 375-6260, Thank YDU, Sil:0re1y, ,7/ ~t..d/l"'- J~,:i!$~-V '1'ambri J, Heyden L lJlanning & Loning l>:i.l.ectlH' 'LJlJ; lln ALt~l{:hlllC'llIS :n sex: NE I;~ ~.DC , ~~T ~merica's (jateway to tfU (julfstream \ .,.;.-... CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD lAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print legibly or Type All Information. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Newport Place 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. land Use Amendment Only x c. land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department: 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Donaldson E. Hearing 1070 E. Indiantown Road, Ste. 402 Address: Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: ( 4 07 ) 7 4 7 - 633 6 Fax: (407)747-1377 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, repre.entin~ applicant) : Agent is applicant. Address: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Ronald L Aylor (Owner's Rep) Address: Newport Place, 4735 N.W. 7th Court Lantana, FL 33462 PLANNING 'b~i?Mf.1E&1on~~~I~4?~91 Fax: A:\LandUse ( ) ) (2) 7. Correspondence Address (if difference than applicant or agent): N/A *This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee) Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Owner's Representative/Agent 9. street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: 4735 N.W. 7th Court, Lantana, FL 33462 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: See attached Legal Description 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth 11/l00th) of an acre) : 24.77 acres 12. Current Zoning District: PUD LUI-5, R-1AAB 13. Proposed Zoning District: PUD LUI-5 14. Current Land Use Category: LDR (Low Density Residential) 15. Proposed Land Use Category: HDR (High Density Residential) 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: Assisted Living Facility, Adult Congregate Living Facility, Medical Facility, Convalescent Nursing Facility 17. Developer or Builder: N/A 18. Architect: O'Keefe & Associates, Architects 19. Landscape Architect: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 20. Si te Planner: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 21. Civil Engineer: Michael B. Schorah & Associates 22. Traffic Engineer: Yvonne Ziel 23. Surveyor: Landmark Surveying, Inc. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: \LandUse NOTICE OF NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE ~ rn LAND USE CHANGE t~J, NOV ~ ",: ~II! CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC HEARINGS i;. "J.:'~:l;~ ::;-1)'- .._.~...:.l!:..'::.:i., :)I:ll_._..". NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P. M., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, on Tuesday, December 12, 1995, at City IIall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING covering the parcel of land described below. Also, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the request below on Tuesday, December 19, 1995, at 7:00 P. M. at the Commission Chambers. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. I I t II"). f"".......u(,KI'( " .~C1.. . , NEWPORT PLACE REQUEST: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. Donaldson E. Hearing Expansion of existing Stanford Park PUD to include an additional 1.59 acres and a 120-bed assisted living facility to the existing Newport Place adult fiving facility campus. 24.77 acres at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Ct. (A.K.A. Stanford Park PUD) The plat of Stanford Park as recorded in plat book 46, pages 67 and 68 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida together with Lots 7 and 8, plat of High Ridge subdivision as recorded in plat book 22, page 6, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - Low Density Residential To - High Density Residential REZONE: From - PUD Planned Unit Development w/LUI 5 R-I-AAB (Single Family Residential) To - PUD Planned Unit Development w/LUI 5 PETITIONER: AGENT: DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REQUEST: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY ANn BE HEARD. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OR CITY COMlHSSION IHTII RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WIIICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. PLEASE CALL (407) 375-6260 FOR ANY QUESTIONS HISCI:lIiWP.AD ,frl.i..t0/v HR:arw 1t/3J(i';f- /;//;/ ff" REGARDING TIlE ABOVE MATTERS. SUZANNE M. KRUSE. CMC/AAE CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH iL South Florida Water Management District 3301 Gun Club Road, West Palm Beach, Borida 33406' (407) 686-8800' FL WA: .~-~~~5 G ~1 ~ ~ - )\- ~ ...,' \ Utl FEB 2 2 I9!J) I GOV 10-28 PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. February 20, 1996 Mr. Ray Eubanks, Planning Manager plan Review and DRI Processing Team Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 Dear Mr. Eubanks: Subject: Local Government: DCA Amendment #: Preliminary Review Recommendation City of Boynton Beach 96-1 Staff has reviewed the subject document. We do not recommend that a formal review of the proposed amendments be undertaken. Please call us if you have any questions or require more information. Sincere~~ ~"oon, AleF Director Comprehensive Planning Division Planning Department LP/RL/ng c: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director, City of Boy ton Beach Michael Busha, Executive Director, TCRPC Governing Board: Valeric Boyd, Chairman Frank Williamson,Jr., Vice Chairman William E. Graham \ \'illiam Hammond Betsv Krant Richard A. Machck Eugene K. Pettis Nathaniel p, Reed Miriam Singer Samuel E. Poole III, Executive Director Michael Slayton, Deputy Executive Director _u _____,~lailin2 .\ddress: P.O. Box 24680, W~st Palm Beach. Fl. 31416-4680 %e City of $oynton $elUn 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Bead. 'Boufevaro P.O. 'Bo'{.31O 'Boynton 'Bead., :Florida 33425-0310 City:Jfa[[: (407) 375-6000 :F5U: (407) 375-6090 November g, 1995 ~~ ~~ '.." -=-"-- The IPARC Clearinghouse (' I 0 Town Llf Lantana 500 Gre)nolds (;ircle Lantana, FL 33462 RE: PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NI:I,PORI PLACE - A.LA. STANFORD PARK PUll (LUAR 95-006) ..\ttached. please filld reyuired docmnentation 011 the above-described proposed dlllendlllt.'l1 I tu t.he Ci ty I 5 COlllprehensi VI::'- Plan Future l.and Use Map, Should you have any questions OJ" need additional infonnation, contact Michael Rumpf. Seuiol Flannel. at 375-6260, Sincerely, ~lvtL- {)cJJ<j#' Talllhri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Direct.or TJH:mr EnclosurE's ~: S C1: IlEW?I?P.C ,LET !il.nurica's (jateway to tlie (julfstream Page I of2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AMENDMENTS DATE: NOVEMBER 9. 1995 Reference #: LUAR 95-006 General Information Initiating Local Government: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Contact Person: MICHAEL W. RUMPF, SENIOR PLANNER Address: 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD. BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425 Telephone/Fax: 375-6260 I 375-6357 Applicant! Agent: COTLEUR HEARING. INC./DONALDSON E. HEARING Telephone/Fax: 407-747-6336 I 407-747-1377 Proposed Comprehensive Plan Textual Amendments General Summary of Amendments: - amendments relating to traffic circulation or the roadway networks - amendments relating to affordable housing Amendments related to the following elements: x land use - - traffic circulation - mass transit - ports and aviation - housing infrastructure sub-elements - - coastal management - conservation - recreation and open space - intergovernmental coordination - capital improvements - other Summary of addition (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: N/A Page 2 of2 Summary of proposed change (s) to adopted comprehensive plan: N/A Proposed Amendments to the }<'uture Land Use Map Location of proposed map amendment (include a location map) SOUTHWEST CORNER of HYPOLUXO RD AND NoRTHWEST 7TH CT (A.K.A. STANFORD PARK PUD) Size of Area Proposed for Change (acres) 24.77 Present Future Land Use Plan Desiination (include a density/intensity definition) LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 4.84 UNITS/AC E Proposed Future Land Use Designation (include a density/intensity definition) HIGH DENSITY RESIDENTIAL 10.8 UNITS/ACRE Present Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND R-l-AAB (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) Proposed Zoning of Site (include a density/intensity definition) PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Present Development of Site HEALTH CARE/MEDICAL CAMPUS W/ACLF, NURSING HOME 'AND MEDICAL oFFICES Proposed Development of the Site, if known (Number ofDwelIing Units; Commercill.l Square Footage; Industrial Square Footage; Other Proposed usage and intensity): ADDITION OF 1.59 ACRES AND A 120-BED ASSISTED LIVING FACILITY Is proposed change a Development of Regional Impact? NO Comprehensive Plan Change Processing DatelTime/Location Scheduled for Local Planning Agency Public Hearing DECEMBER 12, 1995/7:00 P.M./CITY CoMMISSIoN CHAMBERS, 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. DateITimeILocation Scheduled for Governing Body Public Hearing DECEMBER 19. 1995/TIME AND LOCATION AS ABOVE Scheduled Date for Transmittal to DCA JANUARY 2 , 1996 NOTICE OF NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE LAND USE CHANGE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Development Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:00 P. M., or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits, on Tuesday, December 12, 1995, at City Hall Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, to consider an application for LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING covering the parcel of land described below. Also, a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the request below on Tuesday, December 19, '1995, at 7:00 P. M. at the Commission Chambers, or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. L r., o . , , o , , . t fI-')" rLlloJ,.J.ur. Kr( .. '..ev' . . . NEWPORT PLACE REQUEST: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. Donaldson E. Hearing Expansion of existing Stanford Park PUD to include an additional 1.59 acres and a 120-bed assisted living facility to the existing Newport Place adult living facility campus. 24.77 acres at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Ct. (A.K.A. Stanford Park PUD) The plat of Stanford Park as recorded in plat book 46, pages 67 and 68 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida together with Lots 7 and 8, plat of High Ridge subdivision as recorded in plat book 22, page 6, public records of Palm Beach County, Florida. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - Low Density Residential To - High Density Residential REZONE: From - PUD Planned Unit Development w/LUI 5 R-l-AAB (Single Family Residential) To - PUD Planned Unit Development w/LUI 5 PETITIONER: AGENT: DESCRIPTION: LOCATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REQUEST: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY AND BE HEARD. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OR CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. PLEASE CALL (407) 375-6260 FOR ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ABOVE MATTERS. SUZANNE M. KRUSE CITY CLERK HISCX:NEWP,AD HR: arw >- UJ > a: :::> :3W z>- oa: :2:~ Uz Iii::l ~o WID <t ~ o z "" \. >" " -; , \ ~\ ~ . ']1' I, i; '.:'.. S I' I I ~ : ;.,! ~ " , ;;; I:; (t t. oil' .- 'in ,',I' 4 ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ... 1.....([ '" ~ 1~~ ~ ! ~~t i 10 "~5 <II ". \{,.. i !" ~~ 'l i ~!~ ~~ i ~ !;i ~~ ~ 5 {S~ h ~ I ~,~ Ii ~ ~ ~~~o I~ ~ ~ ~!~~ d ~ ~ il~i h ~ \ iti!I:5 ~~ . 'I ~ ~~u ~. i - ~ ~ oxn10d"H ] Cl'f'O~ oo.oc,C&S .".'~'- 1., ('.,. ~;~}~~;~::~~~,~l. ;r , ---: \.~ ~ \ j~\1; 1,..1 "'::~ , \ ~ ~ . ~ ! ~ - - ~ -- : I . I ~:~-~-s~~-~;;~~,~'~. T_~ " -I i , ~ ~ I ',~; ,-j ~ ; ill I "u , ~ ct~~:!1 ~.~ , "'", {"\\ 9 "'~ih 16 .~ "'fj! <i .f\' ~l? 1A~,!!",~Cl 'l.,L......~ hQ:~! :1Ms \ Uh~1 ",m ~ht...ea ~~i~il ~~h~~ llo~ni 1 . ~ .. l!! i~t~ Mh~ m~~h i ,.....~-- :.'~ ,,, ,'J'"' -. ,~"t..:I. ~- 'r- ''''''---'-'.It-'.-'' .. \ ~ < ~ , \ ' z f 0 ,I in 5 :1 5: CD~ ~\ ::>' 'I tin ....1 ", o. \ '" J: " z I I I 0 i3 0: ",,-- ,Jl .COS ""~)-:. g i~ . ~~ ~ 'L- - .1 ~ ~g ;~~ ~ -' ~- , <Xl ::> -' u >- 0:, ~ , Z' ::>! 0, ul t5~ 0' c;: :l: \2 J: . . i . I J.___ ~ ,\ .,~;. ... < u < ~ z o in 5 0:' lD ~. ::>. v>, ...., g} C;:' J: \2 J: .... " o il' or \ '~"--; . ~ . ~ :;~ ~ ~ g' :; j i-7 .8:~,,~ ~ : ~ .jl z~: j i .:e~! '(, ';: ...i .~~~: ~ H ~:"~ I .. ~ ,:., ~~ :: ~ ~ :'!~s ~ ~ ~~ c:; 01 ~ ~ 3 ... l t ~ , . '" ~ <>- o 0: o u.. ~ tn , " ~} ", ~ : ~ '" ~ ; "i: ~ 5 ., 2 , ~ ~ ~ ii :_ ~ ~~ :.l ~<r ~ <~ -' ,~ 0-. NEWPORT PLACE JUSTIFICA TION STA TEMENT The subject property is located within the City of Boynton Beach, on the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. Also known as Stanford Park, it is comprised of approximately 23.18 acres. The site currently maintains a zoning designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a LUI (Land Use Intensity) of 5. The Land Use Designation for the property remains at LDR (Low Density Residential). The property lying on the north side of Hypoluxo Road, directly across from the site, known as Island Estates, is located within unincorporated Palm Beach County. Island Estates maintains a PBC Zoning Designation of RS (Single Family Residential). Likewise, the properties located to the east of the site are also within unincorporated Palm Beach County with a zoning designation of RS and are developed as such. The majority of these properties are located within the High Ridge Subdivision. Lots #7 and #8 (which account of approximately 1.59 acres) of the subdivision, have already been annexed into the City of Boynton Beach with an initial zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential). The Land Use designation for the majority of High Ridge, directly adjacent to the subject property, has been proposed by the City to be LDR with an exception of approximately two acres of OC (Office) which is located at the , southwest corner of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. The property to the south and west of the site, known as the High Ridge Country Club, is located within the City limits. This property currently exists as a golf course and maintains recreational land use and zoning designations. Background: The Master Plan for the Stanford Park PUD was originally approved in 1990. The property included a platted area of 23.18 acres, divided up into seven tracts. Tract 1 has since been approved for a one-story skilled nursing care facility, comprising of approximately 40,740 sq. ft. This facility still exists at present as the Ridge Terrace Health Care Center, which is owned and operated by Dr. Lawrence White. It provides a Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt.J I 9/28/95 variety of traditional nursing home services, encompassing 24 hour skilled nursing care, along with rehabilitative support such as physical therapy. Tracts 2, 5, 6 and 7 have not been developed, however, have been accounted toward open space requirements of the PUD. Tract 3 has since been site plan approved and developed into a one-story medical office building comprising of approximately 6,300 sq.ft. The facility is owned and operated by Dr. Helen Salsbury. Dr. Salsbury provides medical services in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The last remaining tract of the PUD is Tract 4, which has also been site plan approved and developed into a four-story ACLF (Adult Congregate Living Facility), known as Newport Place. Newport Place includes two free standing buildings connected by covered walkways. The main facility incorporates two four-story residential wings joined by a two-story administrative facility. An accessory building to the rear of the property is utilized as a two-story recreation building. The two buildings comprise approximately 82,980 sq.ft. of land area. The ACLF provides personal support services for the elderly, while maintaining the resident's independence. Services provided by the facility include security, meal preparation and delivery, housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, social/recreational/exercise programs, transportation and on-site passive ;recreational amenities. Furthermore, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision were purchased by Newport Place Associates, Ltd. for the primary reason of obtaining an alternate vehicular access route. The lots were annexed into the City and assigned a zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential). A sixty foot Right-of-Way was permitted and constructed through the lots to be known as Newport Place. The Right-of-Way is currently maintained by Newport Place Associates, Ltd., however, the roadway was recently dedicated to the City for maintenance purposes. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, IDC. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt.J I 9/28/95 2 Request: The petitioner is requesting the consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission for an amendment to the Stanford Park PUD with respect to Land Use, Zoning and Master Plan revisions. The request to amend the current Land Use Designation from LDR (Low Density Residential) to HDR (High Density Residential) with subsequent amendment of the existing PUD, would ultimately allow for the expansion of the Newport Place facility through the addition of a free standing 120-bed Assisted Living Facility (ALF). This ALF would be located on the southern portion of Tract #4 in the Stanford Park PUD. The application further requests to rezone and incorporate High Ridge Lots #7 and #8 into the PUD. The building is proposed to be developed with two four-story residential wings at a maximum height of 45 ft. connected by a two-story "common area". The design and architectural integrity of the building would essentially mimic the existing Newport Place ACLF, however, this Assisted Living Facility would be developed to provide for health care services that fall between those of Newport Place ACLF and Ridge Terrace Health Care Center. As seniors age, their need for support services increases due to their declining health. This aging process often effects mobility, dexterity and memory. At this point, seniors are not in need of the skilled nursing care provided in nursing homes and the cost of the skilled care is often prohibitive; The services required is that of 24-hour assistance with numerous personal services in a secure environment Assisted Living provides the greatest amount of dignity for seniors who find that they cannot function independently and require around-the-clock supervision and assistance. The assisted living component is the missing link in the "continuum of care" for the "campus" of this PUD. The development of the facility will enable seniors to remain on the campus by living in the appropriate facility. This continuity of residence is extremely important to seniors who experience great stress when faced with the possibility of moving away from spouses, friends, doctors and places of worship. An overall tract use and area table listed below identifies existing and proposed beds within the Planned Unit Development Although the following acreage is approximate Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt~J 1 9/28/95 3 , Ridge Lots #7 and #8 into the PUD would increase the area by 1.59 acres, for a confirmed total area of 24.77 acres. Tract & Use #1 Convalescent Center #2 & 3 Medical Center #4 ACLF (Assisted Living Facility) #5,6,7 Open Space Roads and ROW "Lots #7, #8 of High Ridge Combined Total: Area lAc.) 3.27 2.84 10.36 3.02 3.69 1.59 24.77 Acres Beds ExistinQ/Proposed 120 N/A 356/120 N/A N/A N/A 596 Beds "Note: Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision are proposed to be incorporated into the existing PUD for Open Space area calculations. By utilizing a City Planning and Zoning Department conversion factor of 2.3 bedldwelling unit, which is similar to Palm Beach County's for ACLF designation, the requested Land Use Amendment proves to be within justifiable limitations. The property's land use is requested to be amended from current LOR (4.84 dulac maximum) to HDR (10.8 dulac maximum), including conversion factor of 2.3 for the total area of 24.77 acres, results in the following calculation: 24.77 x 10.8 x 2.3 = 615 bed maximum The proposed amendment total bed count falls below the maximum allowable by 19 beds, which proves to be a justifiable solution to the Land Use Amendment. Site Elements: Access Points: As previously stated, the property is located adjacent to the 100 ft. Right-of-Way Hypoluxo Road and 60 ft. Right-of-Way N.W. 7th Court. Both of these roads are considered by the City to be of public use. It is intended to propose two additional Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\Genera1\N~t-Jl 9/28/95 4 access points onto N.W. 7th Court only. These access points are to be located on the proposed development of Tract #4. The first of the two access points would serve as the primary point of visitor access to the Assisted Living Facility, utilizing a drop-off turnaround area that is very much similar to the one located within the existing Newport Place ACLF. This access point is felt to be a crucial element to the design by way of creating a sense of entry and identity to the facility for not only prospective visitors, but the residents themselves. The second access point is proposed as a means of convenience to service providers of the complex (i.e.: Fire, emergency, solid waste removal, food, and cleaning). The locations of these two additional access points are designed to conform to the maximum vehicular safety standards of the City's Land Development regulations and would ultimately dictate a more efficient internal vehicular circulation program throughout the project. Additionally, the proposed access points are to be located on a portion of N.W. 7th Court, which in actuality serves only the PUD. Therefore, they would not create any undue hardship to any of the surrounding residential communities. Perimeter Buffers: The perimeter buffers of the proposed development would meet the requirements of the City with regard to the rear or western boundary. The existing 5 ft. perimeter buffer on the remainder of Tract #4 would simply be proposed to extend southward along the property line, throughout the portion of Tract #4 on which the Assisted Living Facility is to be located. Likewise, the front of the parcel along N.W. 7th Court is proposed to be set at a minimum of 5 ft. and landscaped according to the City Landscape Ordinance, Section 7.5-16, Perimeter Landscape Requirements. Open Space: Tracts #6 and #7 of the PUD are not proposed to be developed at this time and shall be utilized to count toward open space requirements pertaining to density classifications. Both of these tracts are heavily vegetated with a variety of native plant material and provide a suitable environment for area wildlife. Prepared by CotIeur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\Genera1\Nwpt.Jl 9/28/95 5 Likewise, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision have been proposed to now be rezoned and incorporated into the PUD and utilized for Open Space requirements pertaining to requested density classifications. As with Tracts #6 and #7, these lots are not intended to be developed in any way, but simply kept in tact as Common Open Space areas of native vegetation. Parking: The required parking for the proposed Assisted Living Facility is essentially already accommodated for within the remainder of Tact #4 through the existing ACLF. According to the City Land Development Regulations for minimum parking requirements, Section 2-11.16, "the ACLF shall provide a minimum of one space per three beds". The existing ACLF contains a total of 356 beds with 207 parking spaces (5 of which are handicapped).' According to the LDR conversion, a total of 118 spaces are required. This ultimately leaves an abundance of 89 spaces on Tract #4 of the PUD. The proposed ALF will contain a total of 120 additional beds with a minimum required 40 parking spaces, including two handicapped. The site could potentially sustain these required parking spaces, however, this would seem extremely excessive with the abundance of parking that already exists on the tract. Therefore, the proposal would be to create an additional 20 spaces, including two handicapped accessible spaces, at the front of the facility primarily for visitor parking. The remainder of the required parking would be proposed to take advantage of the existing under utilized parking to the south end of the existing ACLF. This request is felt to be the most logical approach to site planning with respect to vehicular and pedestrian safety, as well as reducing the amount of impervious area to aid in the surface water management system of the entire PUD. Setbacks: The building setbacks, which are standard for this PUD, will remain constant through the proposed addition. The front setback, which falls along N.W. 7th Court, will remain at 40 ft. minimum. The rear setback, which respectively falls along the High Ridge Country Club Golf Course, will remain at a minimum of 25 ft. Since the building is to be located within Tract #4, there would be no required side setbacks to the north. The south is Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-Jl 9/28/95 6 bordered by Tract #7 of the PUD: so no side setback is required here either. However, the building as proposed, easily fits within the current setback limitations for the PUD. Existing Transportation Network: The site is well served by the existing transportation network which borders the northern and eastern portions of the property. N.W. 7th Court serves as a collector road for the PUD. The proposed development will utilize this road as it's primary vehicular access into the site. The road currently exists adjacent to Tract #5 of the PUD. Tract #5 runs the entire length of the eastern perimeter of the property and remains as undisturbed Open Space. This tract actually acts as a buffer between the PUD and the single family residential community of High Ridge. The tract is currently vegetated with mature native Slash Pine and is proposed to remain in it's current state. A secondary means of vehicular access could potentially be accommodated by way of Newport Place Road, located between Lots #7 and #8 of High Ridge. However, it is more likely that this road will be used more by the residents of High Ridge, as is currently the case. Further information regarding the existing transportation network can be referenced in a detailed Trip Generation Analysis that has been prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: The proposed plan has al:;o been designed to be consistent to the existing and future City Comprehensive Plan. The plan identifies the surrounding area as predominately residential with the exception of the High Ridge Country Club to the east. The High Ridge Country Club is a privately owned golf club that maintains a Recreational Designation for both Land Use and Zoning components of the City. An increased residential density seems far more consistent with the surrounding land uses than does a commercial use. Attached is a narrative which describes how the proposed project strives toward satisfying the relevant goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Ine, G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J 1 9/28/95 7 Environmental and Drainage: Environmentally, the proposed project is non-disruptive. The location of Tract #4, where development is to occur, is currently cleared of vegetation. Furthermore, Tracts #6 and #7, which lie to the south of Tract #4, are not proposed to be disturbed as a result of the development. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Agent that no further environmental analysis is needed at this time. With respect to stormwater management, the parcel is included within the surface water management system previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management District. At the time of the permit application, the parcel was actually calculated as an impervious parking area, thus increasing the total in excess of what is currently being proposed. Therefore, this development is not perceived to have any increased impacts to the existing surface water management system. Additionally, a detailed comparative analysis for water and waste water for the PUD, prepared by Michael B. Schorah & Associates, has been included with this submittal. Conclusion: From a planning perspective, the proposal seems the only natural solution to rounding out the entire assisted living care program. The residents of this Assisted Living Facility will have the opportunity to utilize the existing on-site facilities within the Planned Unit Development. The proposed addition, with regard to bed count, actl;lally falls below the potential allowable by Code and the architectural theme of the facility will create a sense of continuity throughout the PUD by it's similarity to the existing Assisted Care Living Facility. Furthermore, no attempt to destroy or remove any of the existing native vegetation is proposed, as is generally the case in similar development requests. To the best of our knowledge, this request is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan, as well as both the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code; in addition to the goals and objectives of the Town's Planning and Zoning Department. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-JI 9/28/95 8 ~ Cotleur Hearing N ewpart Place City of Boynton Beaclz, Florida ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Landuse Map , , I , , , , , r tjDif~~~~~' t ""t".., . ~l~.~.r~ ... ", .... 'I.'H""-'''. I.i.,}.. J -,'1'\- )' .'" ;l~esi'derl,tii;ll ...:')' - \~:; , "~ ~Y:~r.',):?<'~::;'\/~;~~~,~" .. ,,\. 1 ,I. I.,"' 1'~ '. '\ _ ,. t I l\';>)'.';'~ <\') \~. ~l... .:..~ '~4 ~~l.",:\.'" ~ ,. ." ", I .....,\', '"J ': .", /. {I. ' ......,l ,', \. .~. -i.'"\ ."'''l. '; 1- 'yo '" '-) "f ''"\ ., ~.') J\.. :"1 _: -~.\'.:: ").\__:,.,,,:>~>.\:,..~:.\\~l." .:;.~ ,I. .?-~;.~,,: ,;-, ',. ,I \ '.. I . '"' I, I .,', .... "' .:,,",.. ", : ,', .\~.' ". ~" ~ , 'r' .'\ 1 )"ty. 'Desi' a!r1'tf "';,~<' ..l ,.... , I )",'t! .:1" ' ,p' ..'.... "l ,~\:,\.-n.'ec-.\.;,},aa?..f:, ;. -, ~ r\ : !/-r , \ ~. :~'.. . +.~, ~ , "i' . \ :-1\' "l..)' ,." ~.~>,~ \':.:' :~"':"::~'~' :)'" .}~~-':.~:I:?~~' ~\ ."_'. ' " '. .,". I. I' \...., yl I .' f"., . ........ -" -,..., }', \'") . , ._ -_,\\. ",:...,.; 'i~"\ .'. 1~\V... . . , . .: ,:,': .; ~i:-'\<, {;,:> \~'(~!'> '.......~.',;.;.,._:';.':...:,:.':.;.~,;I.'.,<II~'\. 1'\'.: :~,~:~~. J'i' ,\' '. ,. 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Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Zoning Map ~ I'. . , : I ' I ; 'III 1/, !i III ii' I ,I . , ; , .., . -r I I t I ! l' . , I . I , I I,ll II ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Landuse Map , '; .,-\ "0' ..~ ..~',;:.. ,(,.: . ....',....: I.-' I '.... ". \:,.,'.,\~' 'l.~ "{ t".l "I ~ Cotleur Hearing " A I' ' , ' , , , , , , , , \; . , '. '. REC Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Zoning Map UillJ~ C7 ( I " 11/ I ' I " I....,. : -f\ I,:::::r I I Ji ..._-, i . --- ~ on __~p=r-i ---1' Unincorp:r~;e-;l Palm Beach co~~ty I -./ RS --~- ji .~ t: -- ,~..,., , i , . , ; , , , I , , ---.--jt J, " .. ~ . . : / , ' , ' " " ;' " , --I C~'~':d, I " I 11I1 ! I, "' i I ,i I I I . I ; II Ii EXHIBIT "A" THE PLAT OF STANFORD PARK, as recorded in Plat Book 46, Pages 67 and 68 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. TOGETHER WITH Lots 7 and 8, Plat of High Ridge Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book 22, Page 6, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The above described parcels contain 24.77 acres more or less. REPORT ON COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS FOR WATER AND WASTEWATER STANFORD PARK P.D.D. SEPTEMBER, 1995 Prepared By: Michael B. Schorah and Associates, Inc. 1850 Forest Hill Blvd., Suite 206 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 (407) 968-0080 wjw6l~d. 9/2-/ /1r; INTRODUCTION The Stanford Park P.U.D. is located on Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Street in Boynton Beach, Florida. This project is designed as a 476 bed Adult Congregate Living Facility (or A.C.L.F.). Also included, on this site, is a one-story medical facility. A proposed free standing building, as described to us by Cotleur Hearing, will add 120 beds for assisted living facility. This report will compare the expected demand on the water and wastewater for the proposed construction versus the existing demand. WATER AND WASTEWATER As noted above, there are 476 beds to be included in flow demands for water and wastewater. The Health Department's Chapter 100-6, Table I requires, 115 gallons per day (or gpd) for each bed in an A.C.L.F.. The wastewater generated is: 476 Beds x 115 aod Bed = 54,740 gpd The existing water use is 1.25 times the wastewater flows: 54,740 gpd x 1.25 = 68,425 gpd The average water use of the existing medical facility, based on information provided by City of Boynton Beach, is 357 gpd. The wastewater flow for this facility is also 357 gpd. Using the 115 gpd per bed for the proposed 120 bed facility will generate the following wasterwater flows: 120 Bed x 115 aod = 13,800 gpd bed The proposed water use will be: 13,800 gpd x 1.25 = 17,250 gpd CONCLUSION WASTEWATER WATER (gpd) (gpd) 476 Beds Exist 54,740 68,425 Existing Medical Building 357 357 120 Beds Proposed 13,800 17,250 TOTAL 68,897 86,032 The total wastewater flow will increase by 13,800 gpd to 68,897 and the water flow will increase by 17,250 gpd to 86,032 gpd with the addition of 120 A.C.L.F. beds. These estimated flows are based upon standards adopted by the Palm Beach County Health Department The flows may be less depending upon the percent occupancy of the facilities and individual water use. City of Boynton Beach COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Goal 1: The proposed amendment of the Planned Unit Development will create a sense of continuity throughout the entire complex. This assisted living component is the essential missing link in providing special care for the campus of the PUD. Thus, accommodating a full range of services, activities and housing types, while minimizing land use conflicts, maintaining the character of the community, ensuring adequate public facilities and minimizing adverse impacts on natural resources. Obiective 1.5: The development proposal for an additional 120 beds would potentially generate 13,800 g.p.d. of wastewater, which according to the analysis prepared by Michael B. Schorah & Associates, could be accommodated by the current services existing within the City. Obiective 1.7: Stormwater management of the addition was previously accommodated for within the original site plan approval of the tract within the PUD. The parcel of land on which the Assisted Living Facility is to be located is currently clear of vegetation and maintained as an open space area, however, the property was originally calculated for vehicular parking to be included into the proposal drainage system of that submittal. Therefore, the new development, as proposed, shall meet all applicable regulations and requirements of the South Florida Management District, the Lake Worth Drainage District and the City's Code of Ordinances. Prepared by Colleu,. Hearing, lnc.. G:\ProjectsIGeneralWwpt-rJ 9/29/95 Policy 1.7.3: Although the Southern Water Management permit does accommodate for the proposed development, the permit shall be revised to reflect any new drainage water that may occur as a result. Obiective 1.11: No attempt to destroy or remove any of the existing vegetation is proposed to the portion of the PUD on which development is to occur. Moreover, Tracts #B and #7 shall be left in tact as open space preserve areas, thereby striving toward this objective of providing for the protection of native habitat and preservation of existing trees. Policy 1.11.1: Although no wetlands occur within the open space tracts of the PUD, the majority of the parcels contain an abundance of native wetland habitat, which, as of this proposal, shall remain intact. Thus accommodating this policy of regulating development to require the preservation of native habitat vegetation, in accordance with the policies contained in the Conservation Easement. Obiective 1.15: Stanford Park Planned Unit Development, which was approved in 1990, functions as an extremely successful PUD within the City's jurisdiction and complements the City by attributing additional adult care service provisions that are a high demand in South Florida. The plan strives toward this objective by way of being sensitive to characteristics of the site and to the surrounding land uses. Policy 1.15.5: By utilizing a City Planning and Zoning Department conversion factor of 2.3 bed/dwelling unit, which is similar to Palm Beach County's for ACLF's, the recorded Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\ProjectsIGeneralWwpt-rJ 9/29/95 2 Land Use Amendment proves to be within justification limitation. The property's Land Use is requested to be amended from the current LOR (4.84 dulac maximum) to HOR (10.8 dulac maximum). The proposed amendment's total bed count falls below the maximum allowable by 19 beds, which proves to be a discernible solution to the Land Use Amendment and this policy. Objective 1.16: If the Land Use Amendment is approved by the Commission, the density and Land Use Intensity of the proposed development would be conforming to be consistent with the Future Land Use Plan and subsequent Policy 1.161 of this Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Co/leur HelZl'ing, Inc. G:\ProjectsIGeneralWwpt-rJ 9129195 3 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Newport Place 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only x c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department: 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : Donaldson E. Hearing 1070 E. Indiantown Road, Ste. 402 Address: Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: (407) 747-6336 Fax: (407)747-1377 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Agent is applicant. Address: Phone: ( ( ) Fax: 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Ronald L. Aylor (Owner's Rep) Newport Place, 4735 N.W 7th Court Address: Lantana, FL 33462 PLANNING JD~?Mf.1E&10Z)~~~I~4\'~91 Fax: A: \LandUse (2) 7. Correspondence Address (if difference than app1icant or agent): N/A *This is the address to which a11 agendas, 1etters and other materia1s wi11 be mai1ed. 8. What is the app1icant's interest in the subject parce1: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee) Bui1der, Deve1oper, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Owner's Representative/Agent 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parce1: 4735 N.W 7th Court, Lantana, FL 33462 10. Leqa1 Description of Subject Parce1: See attached Legal Description 11. Area of Subject parce1 (to the nearest hundredth (1/100th) of an acre) : 24.77 acres 12. Current Zoning District: PUD LUI-5, R-1AAB 13. Proposed Zoning District: PUD LUI-5 14. Current Land Use Category: LDR (Low Density Residential) 15. Proposed Land Use Category: HDR (High Density Residential) 16. Intended Use of Subject parce1: Assisted Living Facility, Adult Congregate Living Facility, Medical Facility, Convalescent Nursing Facility 17. Deve10per or Bui1der: N/A 18. Architect: O'Keefe & Associates, Architects 19. Landscape Architect: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 20. Si te P1anner: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 21. Civi1 Engineer: Michael B. Schorah & Associates 22. Traffic Engineer: Yvonne Ziel 23. Surveyor: Landmark Surveying, Inc. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: \Landllse (7) III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent reco-rds of the planning and Zoning Board. (I r (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true. to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. ~ v'd) ;7/) vL ~ljvLC.i /_ ~ ~~ Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. I Iz~tON OF AGENT /~ c/<; S- Date V. "Y!Z7!1J?J::;5 Date (I (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. ~Ulv{// /! a~,,- Signature of OWner(s) r Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. <;)<>-/9j Date' PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse . ~ Cotleur Hearing AGENT CONSENT LETTER 1070 E. Indiantown Road JupIter, FL33477 TEL: (407)747-6336 FAX: (407) 747.1377 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Agency Agreement for: Newport Place Associates, Ltd. (List Project Name and Petition Number) This letter is to serve as permission for Donaldson E. Hearing (List Agent Name) to act as the agent, to prepare and submit all documentation and attend all meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Legal OescriJXion as it relates to any Concurrency, Zoning, Board of Adjustment, Devel9pment Review Committee and Final Site Plan, Final Subdivision Plan Approval or Development Order Amendments. Furthermore, 1M/a Newport Place Associates, Ltd. owner, or contract purchaser, do hereby (List Name/Names of Parties Giving Authorization) authorize Donaldson E. Hearing (List Agent Name) and agree to terms and conditions which may arise as part of the approval of this application. INVe certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Further, l/we understand that this application, attachments and fees become part of the official records of the Planning, Zoning and Building Department of The City of Boynton Beach and may not be refundable. INVe understand that any knowingly false information given by melus will result in the denial of the application. INVe further acknowledge that additional information may be required by The City of Boynton Beach in order to process this application. Very truly yours, J //~ ~L /i~".,"zti L'Y:-- "' , ',.<-< c.h. 4'{ (Signature and Title of Penon Wr" . g Letter) STATE OF FLORIDA THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /~-/0 day of .~4/dlU4t6c -( ._~ 19 QS: by .eOtJIiLIJ /,.4VLOC 'l;ie/sho.jspersonaIlYkno~tomeorhas (Name of Person Acknowledging) produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. (Type of Identification) NOTARY INFORMATION: Cf1 ' '1 (I /1 I /,>--, /J (Signature of Notary) ~ PROPERTY OWNERISIINFORMATION: /' ~. ./.-- .'1''' h-<-t(ft'l/'<' ~L:. <:.- (Signature of Owner) fr/AI>C'./;'f\) h / CrY,)?' (Name - Must be typed, printed or stamped) Ronald L Aylor, President (Name - Please Print) i1J DT P, tL Y (Title or Rank) pu...I6LIC 4735 N.W. 7th Court (Street Address) CL30D 900 (Serial Number, if any) ,.,:...'*1fHlWII."U. ",,' ,,\\IN Be"'" ,~'..~~ ......;. OA~~ ~~I(JAI..:!'<-~. (NOTARYS sEAiOf\- ,1.9:?~-'. ~ ~ f~ '.) :-> ~.t ~ ::::*. ...- :*= % ~ :. ICC 300960 i i$ ~ ~::;..o,. 9. ~ ..~~ -::.:~..~ Oqd~\.~\ '" .~-;:- G:\Prposals\NwPt-Con.x~ ;J..A..~.Y F"jn'ln'i>\\t\-~.~~~ 9/8/95 .~/I"rSiitSl~*' ~\",'~ '1111/11111\\\\\\\ Lantana, FL 33462 (City, State, Zip Code) (407) 586-6455 (Telephone Number including Area Code) 9= ~ - Landmark Surveying & Mapping, Inc. IB50 Foresl Hill Blvd, Suil. 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33406 (41)7) 433.5405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE PLAT OF STANFORD PARK AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 67 AND 68 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA TOGETHER WITH LOTS 7 AND 8, PLAT OF HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 6, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS CONTAIN 24.77 ACRES MORE OR LESS. N~WPORT PLACE 140]'5860828 P.02 e9/28/1995 22:qa q07e5~. .,; d~7'74"1'53:5G CO"TLF.UR 1-lE!':'Plr-lG HIC 2'!5~ r"~<;l PAGE 1'l3 l;;1Ojl"" 21'95 12129 1.~W"'I..l'" I ,............. III. APrLlCATION FEES. Felts .hall b40 p..ld lit d1e ttme that thillappllGtlUon Is sublfllttl'd. aCCDrdlng to the re.. wtlleh have beel) adopted by ordinallC~ 01' ...,olutlon. Tho PlaMlng OepartR\ent will inform the .pplicant as to the f".. which are required. All feel _ha" be paid by check. pay.!)le to the CIty of Boynton Eleac;h. IV, CERTIFIOATION (I) (Wo) undorsland thllt thl. application and all plans and pap." eubmltted herewith beCome a part of the perm.nllnt recorda of the Planning <<nd Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certffy that the above statement, llnd any .tatem."" or showing' In allY ~per. or plans submitted hereWith ate true to the best lJ' (my) (our) knowledge and beliu', Thle application will not be accepted unltel signed according to the instruotlons, below. a) Stanford Park Tracts 2,4,5,6 & 7 ~Uh ~ ~~bdiVi.ionILotG 7 '9 ~,.- . ~~~~~~_. Slgn.ture of Owner(s) or 1 rui'ie., or Authorized Prll1Clp.llf property Is oWfled by a corporation or other bualne88 entity. :1~-0;s- Date Tra9 . 1 ___ _ __' __IlJ,'~/~ I atul'4t of (. or Tl'U$tlll, _ or Authorized Principal If property --- II owned by a corporation (lr other bU$lnellil enUty. ~ gate c) ~tanrQrd P!l"k Tract 3 , Signitture ofOwrier{ifor Truiiee.--- or Authorized Prlnclpallf property I. owned by a corporation or other buelnlln entity, --"'"... Date V. AUTIIORlZA'UON OF AGtN'l' -. .. .-..... . ",ford Park Tracta 2,.,11,. .. 1 Hi Rid e Subd1vi.ion l.oU 7 ... e ,- I D / ~rz;ts Date (I) (We) hereby designate thlt above algned person ae (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this appllc::atJo.... PI~ING nEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A. \Landl1se N~PORT PLACE 14eI:586e828 B9/29/1995 a3:28 4El795122.-.., 4I<!'??}7E;.3:3.;. l:C)TLEIJI~ HE:Ar:;; I t-1f.1. I NC:: c;~2 ~'03 ,,' ~ ~ . ' / .{ ......;//:" ..Lf!j~t:<.d.t'.tJ' / . 1.R'...i.L.~:""'(-_. Slgn.ture of OWl'l&tii)"OfTrulite, . or Authorized P""'cl.,., If property 18 owned by tl corporatIon or other bU.in.., entity. (I)'(We) hereby da8lgna\$ the above algnod person as emy) (our) autho/bced agent with r6911rd to this .pptlllll 11'~.' . 'I: ....U ~J~~-i~~0~ . Ignature of 0 e~.~~81 '-j' ~. or Jl,uthClrltocl PrinCipal If pI operty I. owned by a corporation or other bllelnes.entlty. cl 6lontol"d pat'!> Tl'act .:\ - .' .... -......-.. ,,-'" ...----..--- Slgna~re of AuthOl'h:ed Ageht " (I) (We) hereby d4lelgnate the above .'gnlla person .. (mv) (our) authorized agent with regard to thhl .ppllc:.tio.,. -Slgnatii=itOfOwner{.) or Trl.sto8, or Authorized Principal If property I. owned by a Gotlitor.Uon or other buelno.. entity, PLhNNING DEPAR~T - APRIL 1991 1\; \ LlUldV" " p.e3 PAGE 1'14 =,EP .:-~ 1 . 95 ',l '2 ~ 30 / . ,.... ;.y ~ :./1J" Date _!~~ Date ...:1 ) 1.4)'.L~ /' ~ v-_ Date o~ HF- 'RT PLACE 140"'-";860828 P.04 III. P leA I N FE . Fees _hall be paid at the time that the application 'I submitted, 8Gcordlng to tho feu which have been adopted by ordinanve or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All ftJea shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERIlfICAT(QN (I) (We) understand that thl. application and all plana and papers submitted herewith become" part of the permanent reeords of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (Wo) hereby certify that the above .tatamenta and any statementa or showings in any paper. or plana 8ubmltted herewith are true to the beat of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unlea. signed according to the Instructions below. a) Sanfotd Park Tract. 2,4,8,6 & 7 High Ri~18iOn Lots 7 & 8 ,<~ SIgn."" 01 aw..or(.) or TN .... or Authorized Principal If property Is owned by a corporation or other busine8G el\tity. ?~0~ Data b) Stanford Park T~aat 1 Signature of Owner(a) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal If property 18 owned by a corporation or other bualne.. entity. Date c)stanfo~d Park Tract. 3 \'f~~ 1M ~ Slgnab4re of Owner(s) or Trustee, ' or Authorized Principal if property Is owned by a corporation or other business entity. q~rf,~ Date V. AUTHcmlZA'l'ION OF MEN'!' Tracta 2,4,5,8 & 7 diVision Lots 7 , e rO/b/tzs Date (I) (We) hereby dealgnate tha aboV$ .Igned person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this appllcatlol'l. PI~ING OEPAR~~ ~ APRIL 1991 A,\LandUSIl 1-1'-' RT PLACE 140~'5A6062e P.0S ~/~ Signature of Own.r(e) or trU$ , or Authorized Principal I' property Is owned by a corporation or other buslne.. entity. 1/u/PS Date b) stanford iark ~ract 1 Signature of Authorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above algned person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this ..pplioatlon. Signature of Owner(a) or TrusteR, or Authorized Principal if pr()perty I, owned by a eorpotation or other business entity. Date k Traot :3 lo!G:./<Df; Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person 8S (my) (our) authorl:led agent with regard to this application. ~~~ Signature of Ownel'(a) or Tru tee, or Auth()rlzed Principal If property la owned by . corporation or other bUllne.. entity. q I'). 7-/rS-- Date l'Ll\NNING DEPAR'rMENT - APRIL 1991 ./I., \ LlUldU"" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type All Information. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: Newport Place 2. Type of Application (check one) a. Rezoning only b. Land Use Amendment Only x c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this application is accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department: 4. App1icant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this app1ication is made) : Donaldson E. Hearing 1070 E. Indiantown Road, Ste. 402 Address: Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: (407) 747-6336 Fax: (407)747-1377 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant) : Agent is applicant. Address: Phone: ( ) Fax: ( ) 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Ronald L Aylor (Owner's Rep) Newport Place, 4735 N.W. 7th Court ~ '. '. Address: Lantana, FL 33462 PLANNING t~~MME&10?)i~~I~4?if91 Fax: ( A: \LandUse (2) 7. Correspondence Address (if difference than app1icant or agent): N/A *This is the address to which a11 agendas, 1etters and other materia1s wi11 be mai1ed. 8. What is the app1icant's interest in the subject parce1: (Owner, Buyer, Lessee) Bui1der, Deve1oper, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Owner's Representative/Agent 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parce1: 4735 N.W 7th Court, Lantana, FL 33462 10. Lega1 Description of Subject Parce1: See attached Legal Description 11. Area of Subject Parce1 (to the nearest hundredth (1/100th) of an acre) : 24.77 acres 12. Current Zoning District: PUD LUI-5, R-1AAB 13. Proposed Zoning District: PUD LUI-5 14. Current Land Use Category: LOR (Low Density Residential) 15. Proposed Land Use Category: HDR (High Density Residential) 16. Intended Use of Subject Parce1: Assisted Living Facility, Adult Congregate Living Facility, Medical Facility, Convalescent Nursing Facility 17. Deve10per or Bui1der: N/A 18. Architect: O'Keefe & Associates, Architects 19. Landscape Architect: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 20. Si te P1anner: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. 21. Civi1 Engineer: Michael B. Schorah & Associates 22. Traffic Engineer: Yvonne Ziel 23. Surveyor: Landmark Surveying, Inc. PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A: \LandUse (7) III. APPLICATION FEES. Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are required. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all plans and pape~s submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I)" (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true 0 to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. ~ ' , 0 . ' / I ;/~'u;'~/I./_t2/~ Signature of Owner(s)/or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. 1 .~ <'/'/ (0"'- Date V. AGENT "E:J/Z7/rz; !5 Date (I (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. fi rULo(// / r::2:r.6/L- Signature of owner(s) Or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. "//0,,/9)- Date 0 PLANNING DEPARTMENT - APRIL 1991 A:LandUse , ~ Cotleur Hearing AGENT CONSENT LETTER 1070 E. Indiantown Road Jupiter, FL 33477 TEL: (407)741-6336 FAX: (407) 747-1371 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director The City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE: Agency Agreement for: Newport Place Associates, ltd. (List Project Name and Petition Number) This letter is to serve as permission for Donaldson E. Hearing (List Agent Name) to act as the agent, to prepare and submit all documentation and attend all meetings pertaining to the property described in attached Legal Descrirtion as it relates to any Concurrency, Zoning, Board of Adjustment, Development Review Committee and Final Site Plan, Final Subdivision Plan Approval or Development Order Amendments. Furthermore, IMle Newport Place Associates, Ltd. owner, or contract purchaser, do hereby (List NamelN.mes of Parties Giving Authorization) authorize Donaldson E. Hearing (List Agent "ame) and agree to terms and conditions which may arise as part of the approval of this application. IMle certify that the above statements and the statements or showings made in any paper or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of my/our knowledge and belief. Further, l!we understand that this application, attachments and fees become part of the official records of the Planning, Zoning and Building Department of The City of Boynton Beach and may not be refundable. IMle understand that any knowingly false information given by me/us will result in the denial of the application. IMle further acknowledge that additional information may be required by The City of Boynton Beach in order to process this application. Very truly yours, , ,_ . {o./ / ~ i~U-(.-' -l' / (~{<.- .0'- . ) .",.d-- /-:tr: -.:.('-d.i' LtC' (Signature and Title of Person Wr". g Letter) STATE OF FLORIDA THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /3~1 day of~j'/,-{.t-'/<d;c <- 19 tl <; by,e 0 JJ P L rJ J... A T. Lt__' e. , l;Ie/- personally known'!o me or has (Name of Person Acknowledging) produced as identification and did/did not take an oath. (Type of Identification) . h '{I 7 Ii~ (Signature of Notary) ] CJ G:~I"".. PROPERTY OWNERIS1INFORMATION: /:~t..P-'U. /~~L1L:'c.- (Signature of DI/mer) ,y NOTARY INFORMATION: A 'fI ' .) , ('" i__ ',[(I('J[ n, ~ (/t/~ (Name - Must be typed, printed or stamped) Ronald l. Aylor, President (Name - Please Print) ILl (IT f\ I~ '7 (Title or Rank) I 'ce IS 1../ (. 4735 N.W. 7th Court (Street Address) (c.. :3 (~1 L' 5iCLY..) (Serial Number, if any) .... , :,\;,''.~lHttt!l!h''h, . " ,,\UN B Cav~ .}~~~~.......~.. ~p~ ~~/nAI...""~ (NOTARY'S Se.J-OR- ",r;;':t",,;... \ -= :.:t 'S ~ ~~ ~ E*: -.. :*= :s~~ ICC300960 :j!J$ ~/\... eo ..~;: -:.:~..~o Ol/d!ll~'tI\'\>r.,"..~;:: G:\Prposals\f\lwPt-Con.xlt,.. -;... ';'..'J' f"in-lns\l~~.. ~~ 918195 ';.''l.: (f8:......~ ~\ ~~ :/111 ,-Ie ~~\.... '!o,\'''' III'H"III\\\"" lantana, Fl 33462 (City, State, Zip Code) (407) 586-6455 (Telephone Number including Area Code) a: ~ - Landmark Surveying & Mapping, Inc. 1850 Forest Hill 8lvd. Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Flood, 33406 (4il7) 433.5405 LEGAL DESCRIPTION THE PLAT OF STANFORD PARK AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 46, PAGES 67 AND 68 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA TOGETHER WITH LOTS 7 AND 8, PLAT OF HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 22, PAGE 6, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCELS CONTAIN 24.77 ACRES MORE OR LESS. NEWPORT PLACE 1407S8~0828 P.02 e9/28/1995 22:q0 Q076S.. .,; <I~7'747&3;;5G CQ"rL\":UR Io-iE!AF<'H-Il3 PIC 2S:o! f"~a PAGE e3 l::1Oi1" 21'95 121~'9 '~b.W""I.J'" I r............ Ill. APPLICATION f E1;3. "..es .h.1I be p..ld at the tlm II th..1lh. lIppllutltlon I. submlttf'd. Olcl:orcflng to the reG' wtdeh hive bee I) adopted by ordinallce 0" ,..,olutlon. Tho Plal\nlng Oepartn\8nt will infclfItI the lIpplicant a8 to the fit.. which a", required. All fe.s eMII be paid by check. payllf)le to the City of Boynton B..~h. IV. ClERT1FlOATION (I) (We) under.tand that thlll application and al/ plllns and papers eubmltted herewith become a part of the penn.nllnt rocorda Of the Planning Clnd Zonl...g Boafd. (I) (We, hereby oerlffv th4t thl! above .lal8men'- llInd any etatemente or showings In ally P41per. or plana submitted hereWith aft true to the best u' (my) (our) knowledge and beli"f. This application will not ba accepted unlen signed accQrdl...o to the instructions. below. B) SlanfO(d Park 'l'racts 2,4,5.6 & 7 ~Uh Rikbdivh..!.on ILotfJ 7 , e . M~~~--- signature of own4ii(s) 0; 1 iUii8e. or Authorized PrIMlp.llf prOl3orty Is owned by a corporation or other bu.lne.. entIty. - -'l.(~~ J'" D.te Tra9 . 1 ~_ _ __ __AJ"",~/~~ I .ture of (t or TI'l.l$till. _ or Authoriled Principal If property -- II owned by a corporation ur other buslne$; entUy. :y Oate c:) ~tanf()rd P!-.:t"1<. Tract 3 Slgn.Me o{OWiicr(t) orTrustee, - or Authorized Prlnclpallf property la owned by . corporalion or other bUllnllali entity. -... D.te V. AU'I'IlORIZA'l:J:ON OF .I\OtN1. -". .. .......... .....,...... nford Park Tract. 2.,t,tS.. & 7 Hi fli e subd1vi..ion l.oU 7 ... 6 ,- ID / b/~ Datu (I) (We) hereby designate tho above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to thl. appllcatlo.... PI~ING DgPAR~~ ~ APRIL 1991 Al \Land,Use NEI,IPORT PLACE 14075860828 ~9/29/1995 63:28 40185122.___ 41i'l'7~"<~7e.33"" ,~OTL_EIJI~ t-iEA":Il'If.!\ 1t-:<: C::~.2 f:;.'03 ", ... . . ~ / .{ . "-/ /. " ..LfjU.(.I-U,:p'> . (.../!"'~i..-c:I"'C-- Slgl'lat\Q of O~)'OiT;UlOb!"i, . or AuthorIzed Prlt1clpallf property III owned by II corporation or other buain.., antity. ~ (I)-(We) hereby dClelgnaw the above 8lgnod perton as (my) (our) authorbced 8gent with ,..gard 10 this IppllllG . n. /;' . ._.&~~~ -i~!6- ~/~ . lonatureofO'ltn'er(Il)Or ., f'l)~ or Authorl:tOd PrinCipal'f pi operty ,. owned by a oorporatlon or other blllllnes$ entity. c) flt..ontord pat-k 1.'ract 3 w. 1 ._ -.--........-.. ......... _.~_._-- Signature of AuthQrit.ed Agent (I) (We) hereby desIgnate thll above signed person as (my) (our) authori~ed agent with regard to thlll .ppllc:alioll. ..~....__..__. ...Jo ..... SIgnature of OWner'.) or Truatoe. or AlIthorlzerJ PrhlClpal If property Is owned by a corporal/on or other bualne.. entity. l'Ll\NNING DEPM~ - APRIL 1991 l\;\Lll,D,<lU"a P.03 PAGE 64 :.E;p ~..! 1 ' 9S J ~: :::0 /' .' ..... ;.'/,t 'i4S'~ , II ~~ I .... ~. Data _!~~ Ollte ..:1/ l-/.) IL~/ ~j- "- Date Dale HE' 1RT PLACE 14075860828 P.04 III. P leA I N F . Fees _haJl be paid at tha time that the application Is submitted, according to tho feu which ha". been adopted by ordinane>e or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the feee which are required. All fen $haU be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. CERTIFICATIQN (I) (We) understand that this application and all plana and papers submitted herewith become" part of the permanent records of the Planning and %oning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showing. in any paper. or plana submitted herewith are true to the beat of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless aigned according to the Instructions below. a) Stanford Park Tracts 2.4,5,6 & 7 High Ri~i8iOn Lots 7 & e ~ ~~ Signature of OWller(.) or Tru ., or Authorized Principal If property Is owned by a corporation or other busin... entity. 1~0.r- Data b) Stanford Park Traot 1 Slgnalute of Owner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal If property 18 owned by a corporation or othot bualnea. entity. Date c) stanford Park Tract. 3 '1~J~ 7h ~ Slgnalure of Owner(s) or Trustee, " or Authorized Principal If property 18 owned by a corporation or other business entity. ti p:rf,;- Date V. AUTH~IZA'l'ION OF AGENT Tracts 2,4,5,6 & 7 division Lots 7 & e rO/b/rzs Date (I) (We) hereby designate tho aboV$ signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this appllcatlo.... PI~ING OgPAR~r ~ APRIL 19~1 A: \LandUsv HE' ,RT PLACE 14075.860828 P.0S ~/~ Signature of Owner(a) or trul; I or Authorized Principal If property 18 owned by a corporation or other busln..lS entity. 7,h-r/PS Date b) stanford Par~ Tract 1 Signature of Authorized Agent (I) (We) hereby deelgnate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent with regard to this application. Date Signature of Owner(s) or Truatell, or Autllorlzed Principal If property ,. owned by II eorpotation or other bu.lnoss entity. Date Tract 3 lO/b/~ Date (I) (We) hereby deeignate the above .'gned person as (my) (our) authorlad agent with regard to thle application. ~1k~ Signature of Ownel'(a) or 1ru tee, or Authorized Principal If property Is owned by a corporation or other buelne.. entity. q I?- rh5' Dale l'LhNNING DEf'AA'I'MENT - APRIL 1991 ^, \ LandU"e NEWPORT PLACE JUSTIFICA TION STA TEMENT The subject property is located within the City of Boynton Beach, on the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. Also known as Stanford Park, it is comprised of approximately 23.18 acres. The site currently maintains a zoning designation of PUD (Planned Unit Development) with a LUI (Land Use Intensity) of 5. The Land Use Designation for the property remains at LOR (Low Density Residential). The property lying on the north side of Hypoluxo Road, directly across from the site, known as Island Estates, is located within unincorporated Palm Beach County. Island Estates maintains a PBC Zoning Designation of RS (Single Family Residential). Likewise, the properties located to the east of the site are also within unincorporated Palm Beach County with a zoning designation of RS and are developed as such. The majority of these properties are located within the High Ridge Subdivision. Lots #7 and #8 (which account of approximately 1.59 acres) of the subdivision, have already been annexed into the City of Boynton Beach with an initial zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential). The Land Use designation for the majority of High Ridge, directly adjacent to the subject property, has been proposed by the City to be LOR with an exception of approximately two acres of OC (Office) which is located at the 1 southwest corner of the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court. The property to the south and west of the site, known as the High Ridge Country Club, is located within the City limits. This property currently exists as a golf course and maintains recreational land use and zoning designations. Background: The Master Plan for the Stanford Park PUD was originally approved in 1990. The property included a platted area of 23.18 acres, divided up into seven tracts. Tract 1 has since been approved for a one-story skilled nursing care facility, comprising of approximately 40,740 sq. ft. This facility still exists at present as the Ridge Terrace Health Care Center, which is owned and operated by Dr. Lawrence White. It provides a Prepared by Catleur Hearing, Ine. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J 1 9/28/95 variety of traditional nursing home services, encompassing 24 hour skilled nursing care, along with rehabilitative support such as physical therapy. Tracts 2, 5, 6 and 7 have not been developed, however, have been accounted toward open space requirements of the PUD. Tract 3 has since been site plan approved and developed into a one-story medical office building comprising of approximately 6,300 sq.ft. The facility is owned and operated by Dr. Helen Salsbury. Dr. Salsbury provides medical services in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The last remaining tract of the PUD is Tract 4, which has also been site plan approved . and developed into a four-story ACLF (Adult Congregate Living Facility), known as Newport Place. Newport Place includes two free standing buildings connected by covered walkways. The main facility incorporates two four-story residential wings joined by a two-story administrative facility. An accessory building to the rear of the property is utilized as a two-story recreation building. The two buildings comprise approximately 82,980 sq.ft. of land area. The ACLF provides personal support services for the elderly, while maintaining the resident's independence. Services provided by the facility include security, meal preparation and delivery, housekeeping, laundry, maintenance, sociallrecreational/exercise programs, transportation and on-site passive recreational amenities. Furthermore, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision were purchased by Newport Place Associates, Ltd. for the primary reason of obtaining an alternate vehicular access route. The lots were annexed into the City and assigned a zoning designation of R-1 AAB (Single Family Residential). A sixty foot Right-of-Way was permitted and constructed through the lots to be known as Newport Place. The Right-of-Way is currently maintained by Newport Place Associates, Ltd., however, the roadway was recently dedicated to the City for maintenance purposes. Prepared by Cotleur Hear-ing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J 1 9/28/95 2 Request: The petitioner is requesting the consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Commission for an amendment to the Stanford Park PUD with respect to Land Use, Zoning and Master Plan revisions. The request to amend the current Land Use Designation from LDR (Low Density Residential) to HDR (High Density Residential) with subsequent amendment of the existing PUD, would ultimately allow for the expansion of the Newport Place facility through the addition of a free standing 120-bed Assisted Living Facility (ALF). This ALF would be located on the southern portion of Tract #4 in the Stanford Park PUD. The application further requests to rezone and incorporate High Ridge Lots #7 and #8 into the PUD. The building is proposed to be developed with two four-story residential wings at a maximum height of 45 ft. connected by a two-story "common area". The design and architectural integrity of the building would essentially mimic the existing Newpdrt Place ACLF, however, this Assisted Living Facility would be developed to provide for health care services that fall between those of Newport Place ACLF and Ridge Terrace Health Care Center. As seniors age, their need for support services increases due to their declining health. This aging process often effects mobility, dexterity and memory. At this point, seniors are not in need of the skilled nursing care provided in nursing homes and the cost of the skilled care is often prohibitive. The services required is that of 24-hour assistance with numerous personal services in a secure environment. Assisted Living provides the greatest amount of dignity for seniors who find that they cannot function independently and require around-the-clock supervision and assistance. The assisted living component is the missing link in the "continuum of care" for the "campus" of this PUD. The development of the facility will enable seniors to remain on the campus by living in the appropriate facility. This continuity of residence is extremely important to seniors who experience great stress when faced with the possibility of moving away from spouses, friends, doctors and places of worship. An overall tract use and area table listed below identifies existing and proposed beds within the Planned Unit Development. Although the following acreage is approximate Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 3 Ridge lots #7 and #8 into the PUO would increase the area by 1.59 acres, for a confirmed total area of 24.77 acres. Beds Tract & Use Area lAc.} ExistinQ/Proposed #1 Convalescent Center 3.27 120 #2 & 3 Medical Center 2.84 N/A #4 ACLF (Assisted Living Facility) 10.36 356/120 #5,6,7 Open Space 3.02 N/A Roads and ROW 3.69 N/A "Lots #7, #8 of High Ridge 1.59 N/A Combined Total: 24.77 Acres 596 Beds "Note: Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision are proposed to be incorporated into the existing PUD for Open Space area calculations. By utilizing a City Planning and Zoning Department conversion factor of 2.3 bed/dwelling unit, which is similar to Palm Beach County's for AClF designation, the requested land Use Amendment proves to be within justifiable limitations. The property's land use is requested to be amended from current LOR (4.84 du/ac maximum) to HOR (10.8 du/ac maximum), including conversion factor of 2.3 for the total area of 24.77 acres, results in the fOllowing calculation: I 24.77 x 10.8 x2.3 = 615 bed maximum The proposed amendment total bed count falls below the maximum allowable by 19 beds, which proves to be a justifiable solution to the Land Use Amendment. Site Elements: Access Points: As previously stated, the property is located adjacent to the 100 ft. Right-of-Way Hypoluxo Road and 60 ft. Right-of-Way N. W. 7th Court. Both of these roads are considered by the City to be of public use. It is intended to propose two additional Prepared by Cotleur Hearine. Ine. G:~<ds\G",...allNWpt-J1 9/28/95 4 access points onto N.W. 7th Court only. These access points are to be located on the proposed development of Tract #4. The first of the two access points would serve as the primary point of visitor access to the Assisted Living Facility, utilizing a drop-off turnaround area that is very much similar to the one located within the existing Newport Place ACLF. This access point is felt to be a crucial element to the design by way of creating a sense of entry and identity to the facility for not only prospective visitors, but the residents themselves. The second access point is proposed as a means of convenience to service providers of the complex (Le.: Fire, emergency, solid waste removal, food, and cleaning). The locations of these two additional access points are designed to conform to the maximum vehicular safety standards of the City's Land Development regulations and would ultimately dictate a more efficient internal vehicular circulation program throughout the project. Additionally, the proposed access points are to be located on a portion of N.W. 7th Court, which in actuality serves only the PUD. Therefore, they would not create any undue hardship to any of the surrounding residential communities. Perimeter Buffers: The perimeter buffers of the proposed development would meet the requirements of the City with regard to the rear or western boundary. The existing 5 ft. perimeter buffer on the remainder of Tract #4 would simply be proposed to extend southward along the property line, throughout the portion of Tract #4 on which the Assisted Living Facility is to be located. Likewise, the front of the parcel along N.W. 7th Court is proposed to be set at a minimum of 5 ft. and landscaped according to the City Landscape Ordinance, Section 7.5-16, Perimeter Landscape Requirements. Open Space: Tracts #6 and #7 of the PUD are not proposed to be developed at this time and shall be utilized to count toward open space requirements pertaining to density classifications. Both of these tracts are heavily vegetated with a variety of native plant material and provide a suitable environment for area wildlife. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing. Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J I 9/28/95 5 Likewise, Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision have been proposed to now be rezoned and incorporated into the PUD and utilized for Open Space requirements pertaining to requested density classifications. As with Tracts #6 and #7, these lots are not intended to be developed in any way, but simply kept in tact as Common Open Space areas of native vegetation. Parking: The required parking for the proposed Assisted Living Facility is essentially already accommodated for within the remainder of Tact #4 through the existing ACLF. According to the City Land Development Regulations for minimum parking requirements, Section 2-11.16, "the ACLF shall provide a minimum of one space per three beds". The existing ACLF contains a total of 356 beds with 207 parking spaces (5 of which are handicapped). According to the LDR conversion, a total of 118 spaces are required. This ultimately leaves an abundance of 89 spaces on Tract #4 of the PUD. The proposed ALF will contain a total of 120 additional beds with a minimum required 40 parking spaces, including two handicapped. The site could potentially sustain these required parking spaces, however, this would seem extremely excessive with the abundance of parking that already exists on the tract. Therefore, the proposal would be to create an additional 20 spaces, including two handicapped accessible spaces, at the front of the facility primarily for visitor parking. The remainder of the required parking would be proposed to take advantage of the existing under utilized parking to the south end of the existing ACLF. This request is felt to be the most logical approach to site planning with respect to vehicular and pedestrian safety, as well as reducing the amount of impervious area to aid in the surface water management system of the entire PUD. Setbacks: The building setbacks, which are standard for this PUD, will remain constant through the proposed addition. The front setback, which falls along N.W. 7th Court, will remain at 40 ft. minimum. The rear setback, which respectively falls along the High Ridge Country Club Golf Course, will remain at a minimum of 25 ft. Since the building is to be located within Tract #4, there would be no required side setbacks to the north. The south is Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-Il 9/28/95 6 bordered by Tract #7 of the PUD, so no side setback is required here either. However, the building as proposed, easily fits within the current setback limitations for the PUD. Existing Transportation Network: The site is well served by the existing transportation network which borders the northern and eastern portions of the property. N.W. 7th Court serves as a collector road for the PUD. The proposed development will utilize this road as it's primary vehicular access into the site. The road currently exists adjacent to Tract #5 of the PUD. Tract #5 runs the entire length of the eastern perimeter of the property and remains as undisturbed Open Space. This tract actually acts as a buffer between the PUD and the single family residential community of High Ridge. The tract is currently vegetated with mature native Slash Pine and is proposed to remain in it's current state. A secondary means of vehicular access could potentially be accommodated by way of Newport Place Road, located between Lots #7 and #8 of High Ridge. However, it is more likely that this road will be used more by the residents of High Ridge, as is currently the case. Further information regarding the existing transportation network can be referenced in a detailed Trip Generation Analysis that has been prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan: The proposed plan has also been designed to be consistent; to the existing and future City Comprehensive Plan. The plan identifies the surrounding area as predominately residential with the exception of the High Ridge Country Club to the east. The High Ridge Country Club is a privately owned golf club that maintains a Recreational Designation for both Land Use and Zoning components of the City. An increased residential density seems far more consistent with the surrounding land uses than does a commercial use. Attached is a narrative which describes how the proposed project strives toward satisfying the relevant goals, objectives and policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Cotleur Hearing, Inc. G:\Projects\General\Nwpt-J 1 9/28/95 7 Environmental and Drainage: Environmentally, the proposed project is non-disruptive. The location of Tract #4, where development is to occur, is currently cleared of vegetation. Furthermore, Tracts #6 and #7, which lie to the south of Tract #4, are not proposed to be disturbed as a result of the development. Therefore, it is the opinion of the Agent that no further environmental analysis is needed at this time. With respect to stormwater management, the parcel is included within the surface water management system previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management District. At the time of the permit application, the parcel was actually calculated as an impervious parking area, thus increasing the total in excess of what is currently being proposed. Therefore, this development is not perceived to have any increased impacts to the existing surface water management system. Additionally, a detailed comparative analysis for water and waste water for the PUD, prepared by Michael B. Schorah & Associates, has been included with this submittal. Conclusion: From a planning perspective, the proposal seems the only natural solution to rounding out the entire assisted living care program. The residents of this Assisted Living Facility will have the opportunity to utilize the existing on-site facilities within the Planned Unit Development. The proposed ad<;tition, with regard to bed count, actually falls below the potential allowable by Code and the architectural theme of the facility will create a sense of continuity throughout the PUD by it's similarity to the existing Assisted Care Living Facility. Furthermore, no attempt to destroy or remove any of the existing native vegetation is proposed, as is generally the case in similar development requests. To the best of our knowledge, this request is consistent with the City of Boynton Beach's Comprehensive Plan, as well as both the spirit and intent of the Zoning Code; in addition to the goals and objectives of the Town's Planning and Zoning Department. Prepared by Cotlcur Hearing, Inc. G;\Projects\General\Nwpt~Jl 9/28/95 8 ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida ~ ..-.-- ---. ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Landuse Map , I. I , \ , , , " ~ ea1leur Hearing r ;, " (. ' , , . , , , , , , \' . , .. , " REC Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Existing Zoning Map "" - - -1=\ I,: ; I . I I - I Unincor~:ra;e~1 --1 Palm Beach County i ..--J I I JI 1L.- , , I []m: " " ,.. , . , ' , ' " R1AA , , , ' , ' , , ,. ,', -T ~'--"-,.., , . - - - ~ " ,- '.., .' . ....-~.. , ! I i j ill Ij I . 'j III I[! ' .' III I . . , ,I .J .;! , -to . , i I I III IT , , ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Landuse Map I. I , \ , , , <<~..:.\::~';" , ~ ...., - , -'-I ." ", , , ~ Cotleur Hearing Newport Place ., 1. , '-i, " ,. , \,\\. \'.~\ \<J R1AA r' A /. , . , . . , , , , ~. ; " : ., REC City of Boynton Beach, Florida Proposed Zoning Map UlillL ~ ,- ~r~ 1 I >, , ' . ' '-I -, i ~ I Unincorporated I Palm Beach County. --I _-' '--- RS ,-J~ ___. -,--~ -- , , , ' , , , , j, ,. -... f .' , . " " ~ " " " -or . , I .' C:::J-- -, ., , ~.. I " . - - ~. ~ ',~. >: J 'I i II; II 1 I I: If-... /. I '. , , I I I I , I IIII II City of Boynton Beach COMPREHENSIVE PLAN FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT Goal 1: The proposed amendment of the Planned Unit Development will create a sense of continuity throughout the entire complex. This assisted living component is the essential missing link in providing special care for the campus of the PUD. Thus, accommodating a full range of services, activities and housing types, while minimizing land use conflicts, maintaining the character of the community, ensuring adequate public facilities and minimizing adverse impacts on natural resources. Obiective 1.5: The development proposal for an additional 120 beds would potentially generate 13,800 g.p.d. of wastewater, which according to the analysis prepared by Michael B. Schorah & Associates, could be accommodated by the current services existing within the City. Obiective 1.7: Stormwater management of the addition was previously accommodated for within the original site plan approval of the tract within the PUD. The parcel of land on which the Assisted Living Facility is to be located is currently clear of vegetation and maintained as an open space area, however, the property was originally calculated for vehicular parking to be included into the proposal drainage system of that submittal. Therefore, the new development, as proposed, shall meet all applicable regulations and requirements of the South Florida Management District, the Lake Worth Drainage District and the City's Code of Ordinances. Prepared by CotleUl' Hearing, Inc. G:l.ProjectslGeneralWwpt-l'l 9/29/95 Policy 1.7.3: Although the Southern Water Management permit does accommodate for the proposed development, the permit shall be revised to reflect any new drainage water that may occur as a result. Obiective 1.11: No attempt to destroy or remove any of the existing vegetation is proposed to the portion of the PUD on which development is to occur. Moreover, Tracts #6 and #7 shall be left in tact as open space preserve areas, thereby striving toward this objective of providing for the protection of native habitat and preservation of existing trees. Policy 1.11.1: Although no wetlands occur within the open space tracts of the PUD, the majority of the parcels contain an abundance of native wetland habitat, which, as of this proposal, shall remain intact. Thus accommodating this policy of regulating development to require the preservation of native habitat vegetation, in accordance with the policies contained in the Conservation Easement. Obiective 1.15: Stanford Park Planned Unit Development, which was approved in 1990, functions as an extremely successful PUD within the City's jurisdiction and complements the City by attributing additional adult care service provisions that are a high demand in South Florida. The plan strives toward this objective by way of being sensitive to characteristics of the site and to the surrounding land uses. Policy 1.15.5: By utilizing a City Planning and Zoning Department conversion factor of 2.3 bed/dwelling unit, which is similar to Palm Beach County's for ACLF's, the recorded Prepare.d by Colleur Hearing, Inc. G:l.ProjecfsIGeneralWwpt.rJ 9/29/95 2 land Use Amendment proves to be within justification limitation. The property's land Use is requested to be amended from the current lDR (4.84 du/ac maximum) to HDR (10.8 du/ac maximum). The proposed amendment's total bed count falls' below the maximum allowable by 19 beds, which proves to be a discernible solution to the land Use Amendment and this policy. Obiective 1.16: If the land Use Amendment is approved by the Commission, the density and land Use Intensity of the proposed development would be conforming to be consistent with the Future land Use Plan and subsequent Policy 1.161 of this Comprehensive Plan. Prepared by Cotlmr Hearing, [nc. G..lProjecfs\GenerolWwpt~r) 9/29/95 3