CORRESPONDENCE . ~ STATE OF flORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY ~~[NG,U~J~rn1 ~J ccq I 6. ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. AFFAIRS EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT' HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. RESOURCE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT LAWTON CHILES LINDA LOOMIS SHElLEY Governor Secretary February 14, 1996 --hle,. I' ;( ,,,,,,~{'1J> ') , /2 I<' "aJ I Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ms. Heyden: Thank you for submitting copies of your proposed comprehensive plan amendment(s) for the city. We have conducted a preliminary inventory of the plan amendment package pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida statutes, to verify the inclusion of all required materials. Our reference number for this amendment package is Boynton Beach 96-1. The submission package appears to be complete, and your proposed plan amendment will be reviewed pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida statutes. Once the review is underway, you may be asked to provide additional supporting documentation by the review team to ensure a thorough review. The Department will conduct a preliminary review to make a determination as to whether the proposed plan amendment package should be formally reviewed. The Department will notify you when the determination has been made to review or not to review the proposed plan amendment package in accordance with Chapter 163.3184 and Rule 9J-ll.008, Florida Administrative Code. The Department's notification shall specifically identify the amendment (s) that shall be reviewed and the amendments that shall not be reviewed. 2740 CENTERVIEW FLORIDA KEYS AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 2796 Overseas Highway, Suite 212 Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 DRIVE. TALLAHASSEE, SOUTH FLORIDA RECOVERY OFFICE P.O. Box40n 8600 NW. 36th Street Miami/Florida 33159-4022 FLORIDA 32399-2100 GREEN SWAMP AREA OF CRITICAL STATE CONCERN FIELD OFFICE 155 EastSummerhn Bartow/Florida 338304641 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden February 14, 1996 Page Two If you have any question please contact Roger Wilburn, the Community Program Administrator that will be overseeing the review of the amendment and assigning the amendment to the respective planner for review, at (904) 487-4545. Sincerely, d~ <t.J-- O. Ray Eubanks Planning Manager ORE/per ~~ rrfu City of 'Boynton 'Beacfi '~.--' 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi '1Joulevarcf P.O. 'Bo'{.31O 'Boynton 'Bead., J10ritfa 33425.0310 City:Jfafl: (407) 375-6000 J"}lX: (407) 375-6090 January 26, 1996 Mr. Robert Pennock. Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div. of Resource Planning and Management State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2740 Centerview Drive Tallahassee, FL 32399 RE: Proposed Plan Amendment - #96-1 Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find six (6) copies (individual copies have been simultaneously sent to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the FDOT-District Four. the South Florida WMD, and the Department of Environmental Protection) of the required transmittal documents for the above-referenced map amendment. This proposed amendment consists of one map amendment for 24.77 acres of property. Based on the projected minimal impact of this proposed amendment, and since it is considered to be consistent with all goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City is requesting that this amendment not be reviewed. The proposed amendments were reviewed, and approved for transmittal, by the City commission (who became the Local Planning Agency in 1995) on December 19, 1995. With respect to adoption, staff anticipates that ordinances will be adopted in Mayor June of the current year. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 9J-11.006, please be informed that the subject amendments are not in an area of critical state concern or the Wekiva River Protection Area, and nor are they related to a proposed development of regional impact or to be adopted under a joint planning agreement. Furthermore, as indicated by the certifying letters included within Attachment "A" of the amendment package 94-1 as submitted on July 6, 1994, the Comprehensive Plan and related support documentation were previously provided to other reviewers and they were informed that said documents would be updated by subsequent amendments. ~merial's (jateway to tm (julfstTW1Tl To: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- January 26, 1995 Should you have any questions on the subject amendments, please contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at: City of Boynton Beach, P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 375-6260 With respect to the remaining submittal requirements outlined in the amended Rule 9J-l1.006, the following has also been provided for your information; (1) (b) (1) Six copies of one (1) map indicating the existing and proposed future land use map designation, property boundaries and their relation to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network are included in Attachment IIA"; (1) (b) (2) The present land use designations of the subject site and adjacent properties are shown on the map in Attachment "A"; N/A as no amendments to the text of the Plan are proposed; (1) (b) (3) Property size is indicated within an excerpt of the staff report/Memorandum #95-692 (Attachment "B"); (1) (b) (1) (b) (4) The availability of, and demand on public facilities is summarized in each staff report and in Attachment "C"; (1) (b) (5) Information regarding compatibility of the proposed Map amendment with the Comprehensive Plan, and other information relative to the basis of the recommendation is provided in the excerpt of the staff report (see Attachment "B"), and is summarized below; (1) (c) Staff recommendation is indicated in the staff report within Attachment "B", and the recommendation of the local planning agency/local governing body (City Commission) are indicated in meeting minutes of which excerpts are provided in Attachment "D"; and (2) NA The following information summarizes, or is in addition to that provided by the staff report which indicates, in part, the basis on which this Plan amendment is proposed, and further justifies the proposed amendment with respect to compliance with S.163, F.8., Rules 9J-5 and 9J-11, F.A.C., and the City's Comprehensive Plan: 1. For a brief explanation of the proposed refer to page 1 of Memorandum #95-692. relative to consistency of the proposed the Comprehensive Plan, please refer to amendment, please For documentation map amendment with pages 4 through 7 of To: Mr. Robert Pennock -3- January 26, 1996 Memorandum #95-692 (see Attachment "B"); 2. This proposed amendment does not involve property containing environmentally sensitive or native features worthy of consideration in the City's Comprehensive plan or the County's inventory of native ecosystems. Lastly, the subject site contains no historic features recognized by the City or County. 3. With respect to the elimination or reduction of land uses inconsistent with the City's character and, the need to increase or decrease the intensity of land uses, the proposed amendment will have only a minor impact on actual density of the site as it is predominantly built-out, and the amendment is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, in part, based on the type of demanded land uses-nursing homes/adult care facilities-which are being provided for which are specifically promoted in the plan (the underlying Planned Unit Development master plan limits the property to those nursing homes, ancillary medical offices, and adult congregate living facilities which currently exist or are planned for the project); 4. The subject property is located within both the "B" and "C" flood zones; 5. With respect to Traffic Circulation Element analysis requirements, the only relevant policies in the plan that currently apply, which regard maintaining levels of service standards, will be complied with. As indicated above and in the staff report, the subject property is predominantly built-out, and specifically nearly at the maximum density allowed under the proposed classification. As indicated in Attachment "C", the impact has been reviewed and it has been determined that roadway capacity exists to serve the maximum potential traffic to be generated by the proposed amendment. 6. With respect to Housing Element analysis requirements, theoretically, the proposed amendment will enhance housing opportunities by increasing the maximum density, and therefore the maximum units allowed on the subject property. However, given the built status of the site, the actual impact of the proposed amendment on housing opportunities will be slight. The amendment would allow for an increase of only 60 units or 138 nursing home or ACLF beds (using the City's conversion factor of 2.3 beds per unit). 7. With respect to Infrastructure Element analysis requirements, see Attachment "C" for a description of the surplus capacity projected to remain after project completion. 8. The Coastal Management Element is not applicable as the subject property is not within the coastal management area. To: Mr. Robert Pennock -4- January 26, 1996 9. The Conservation Element is not applicable. see paragraph 2; 10. With respect to Recreation Element analysis requirements, the subject property is nearly built-out with remaining capacity under the proposed land use classification of approximately 60 units. a) NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS - According to adopted levels of service standards, there is no deficiency within the subject area. Furthermore, the subject property currently contains private recreation resources equivalent to a neighborhood park. b) DISTRICT PARKS - The surplus of district park space was calculated in excess of 13 acres on July 6, 1994. According to the level of service standard for district parks, 2.5 acres per 1,000 persons, this 13.76 acres will serve an additional 5,504 residents. It should be noted that BEBR estimated that the City's permanent population grew by 237 persons between 1994 and 1995. Even if post-1995 growth is accounted for, the total increase in population is likely less than 400 persons. The 60 additional maximum units permitted by the proposed amendment are insignificant given the current surplus in district park acreage. c) RECREATION FACILITIES - As of July 6, 1994, four of the eighteen categories of facilities had the minimum number of units as required by the corresponding level of service standards (the remaining had significant surpluses) . However, these facility categories include single facilities which serve large population groups such as practice fields (1 field per 10,000 persons), youth baseball/softball fields (1 field per 17,500 persons), and regulation baseball fields (1 field per 35,000 persons). The maximum potential demand to be generated for recreation facilities by at most 60 dwelling units, will be easily accommodated by the remaining surpluses of all facilities. 11. The Intergovernmental Coordination Element analysis requirements have been satisfied as proper notifications and requests for availability of facility analyses have been sent; 12. With respect to Capital Improvements Element analysis requirements, there are no impacts upon capital facilities that have not been projected within the analysis of the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, levels of service are met and all other related policies are complied with; and 13. With respect to consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan and the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan, the above statements, along with that information provided within the staff report address pertinent issues and topics within such plans. Such issues and topics include housing, natural To: Mr. Robert Pennock -5- January 26, 1996 systems, endangered species, levels of service, intergovernmental coordination, public facilities, historic resources, and transportation. If you have any questions concerning this amendment package, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very Truly You.rsik ~ - . ~ /''i, i h.. fJ, , '# ! . ~~ {/' U Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures cc: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Florida Department of Transportation-District Four South Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Environmental Protection MISCXI:NEWPDCA.LET --4. LAND USE DESIGNATIONS \ K.LJ~ \ C-5 R , . . I , , . I I SUBJECT PR~RTY: CURRENT LAND USE: LOR . . . . . I \ . . . , I I I R-2 LOR LAND USE CATEGORIES: CITY R:RECREATIONAL LDR:\.OW DENSITY RESlDEN11AL couNTY R-2 RESIDENTIAL 2 R-3 RESIDENTIAL 3 R-5 RESloeN11AL 5 C-5 COMMERCIAL 5 CI"1''f <-,NIT? \- (i) \ 1-96 ' . PLANNING DEPT. _'"0""':- \ :~ . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . R-5 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDill1 NO. 95-692 FROM: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tambri J. HeYden,~ Planning and Zoning Director Michael W. Rumpf ~ Senior Planner TO: THRU: DATE: December 8, 1995 SUBJECT: NEWPORT PLACE (LUAR 95-006) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning (A,K.A. stanford Park Planned Unit Development) INTRODUCTION Cotleur Hearing, Inc., agent for Newport Place Associates, owner/operator of the Newport Place Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF), proposes to modify the existing Stanford Park PUD (Planned Unit Development) located at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Court (see Exhibit "A"-Location Map). The proposed changes include the land use reclassification of the existing PUD from Low Density Residential land use classification to High Density, the land use reclassification from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential of an adjoining tract proposed to be incorporated into the PUD, and the rezoning of this tract from R-1-AAB (Single Family Residential) and the existing PUD to PUD with LUI=5, as accompanied by a new master plan showing the addition of a 120-bed assisted living facility (ALF) and the addition of the adjoining tract currently used for an alternative ingress/egress for the PUD. This southern entrance was created in June, 1993 following the acquisition and annexation of Lots #7 and #8 of the High Ridge Subdivision, and through the dedication of a portion of these lots for a public right-of-way between NW 7th Court and High Ridge Road. Since the lots would not be used for any purpose but ingress/egress, and to avoid modification to the PUD, when annexed, these lots were zoned comparable to the former county zoning, rather than to PUD. The use of this property will remain limited to accessway as indicated by the applicants and owner when these lots were annexed and incorporated into the traffic circulation plan of the Stanford Park PUD, who where also willing to place such limitations within the form of deed restrictions. These two lots represent 1.59 acres which would increase the size of the entire PUD from approximately 23 acres to 24.77 acres. It should be noted that the original master plan indicates total acreage as being 21.29 acres, which is apparently a discrepancy between the original and current surveys. This smaller figure is indicated below under the description of the original master; however, based on near similarity with that recorded in the current property appraiser's map, staff concurs with this 23-acre figure and therefore has used it within this report where existing density is estimated. Despite the 120-bed proposed addition, the master plan's intensity rating remains at 5 (LUI=5). PROCEDURE Pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9- Administration and Enforcement, when a rezoning request requires an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, staff analyses shall include an evaluation of the project using the eight (8) criteria under Section 9 (e) (7). For this analysis please see the section below titled ISSUES/ DISCUSSION. As the applications also involve a planned zoning district, specific application requirements related to the proposed amendments to the master plan will also be analyzed. For specific information on the proposed revisions to the master plan, see the section below titled PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. Also as a requirement in connection with a land use element amendment that involves property in excess of 10 acres (or density in excess of 10 units/acre), is the ultimate review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). The DCA will conduct two reviews of this proposed amendment, first, following approval by the City commission (prior to ordinance readings), and second, a compliance review following approval of the ordinance by the City. / Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) -2- December 8, 1995 ADJACENT LAND USES AND ZONING The land uses and zoning in the surrounding area vary and are presented in the table that follows: Direction Entitv lilorth City Northeast City Farther northeast County East City Farther east County South City West City Zonina Land Use N/A Hypoluxo Rd. N/A NW 7th Court RS day care center N/A NW 7th Court RS large lot single family homes R-l-AA undeveloped REC High Ridge Country Club APPROVED AND PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The applicant is proposing a new master plan to add a 120-bed assisted living facility to the Newport Place health care campus formerly known as Stanford Park. The land use intensity will remain at 5 (LUI=5). Information regarding site data for the existing Stanford Park PUD (see also Exhibit "B" - Approved Master Plan) is as follows: 1) Acreage: 21.29 acres (23 acres) 2) Land Use Classification: Low Density Residential w/4.84 units per acre 3 ) 4) Zoning District: PUD w/LUI:5.0 "Stanford Park" Permitted Uses: 1. 2 . 3 . A 120-bed nursing home (Ridge Terrace) A 356-bed/220-unit ACLF (Newport Place) A medical office building 5) Current Uses: (see Exhibit "C" - Survey) Tract 1 - 120-bed convalescent center Tract 2 - open space/buffers-lakes/ponds Tract 3 - 6,300 square foot medical office building including open space!buffers-Iakes!ponds Tract 4 - 356-bed ACLF Tract 5 - right-of-way and buffer Tract 6 - open space Tract 7 - open space With respect to the proposed development and request, master plan (see Attachment "D" - Proposed Master Plan) following new components: the proposed reflects the 1) A land use amendment that would change the PUD's and the 1.59-acre tract's (Lots #7 and #8, High Ridge Subdivision) existing Low Density Residential land use classification (4,84 units/acre maximum) to High Density Residential (10.8 units/acre maximum) I and rezone this tract from R-l-AAB to the Stanford Park PUD w!LUl-S as well as rezone the existing POD (zoning designation does not change) to approve a new PUD master plan to incorporate this tract. 2) A two- and four-story, 120-bed assisted living facility (ALF) in the south portion of the site, which will be landscaped similar to the existing uses and contain associated parking. please note that the building setbacks as established within the approved master plan (e.g. 40 foot front (east), 25 foot rear (west), 25 foot side (south) and 15 foot side (north)), will remain unchanged; ') C"- Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) -3- December 8, 1995 3) Two (2), two-way driveways off of the west side of N.W. 7th Court into the portion of the site proposed for the new ALF; and 4) Addition of the 1.59-acre tract that is limited to an existing 60 foot wide public right-of-way. The property is located on the east side of N.W. 7th Court, directly east of the Newport Place ACLF. The public right-of-way connects N.W. 7th Court to High Ridge Road; The proposed master plan depicts the existing and proposed site configuration including the location of existing and proposed buildings for the entire PUD plus the adjacent property proposed to be reclassified and rezoned. That portion of the PUD where the proposed ALF and two new driveways are to be located, is circled and delineated with a symbol on the master plan. The following is an analysis of the basic impacts generated by the new master plan: UTILITIES: Confirmation has been received that all utilities for the proposed development are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. DRAINAGE: The 1988 site plan for the existing Newport Place ACLF originally depicted parking in the area where the new ALF is proposed. This site plan was later modified to omit the parking and relocate the spaces closer to the existing ACLF. A stormwater management plan for the existing project was previously permitted by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). The impact of the proposed development will be subject to review by the South Florida Water Management District to determine whether the original SFWMD permit is to be modified. Although drainage concurrency certification is required at time of master plan approval, there is insufficient information to certify for drainage concurrency at this time. The City's engineering department agreed to allow drainage concurrency to be postponed to time of site plan review for the proposed building. The 1.59-acre tract proposed to be added to the master plan is as previously stated, an existing 60 foot wide City right-of-way and no changes are proposed to this use. ACCESS AND INTERNAL TRAFFIC FLOW: Two (2), two-way driveways to be added will impact the access points and internal traffic flow of the project. Access to Newport place is currently provided by two existing driveways on N.W. 7th Court and two existing cross access points that allow access to the Newport Place site from the adjacent properties located in the PUD and north of the site. Three of the four existing access points, one of which is on N.W. 7th Court, provide access and traffic flow to the north portion of the existing Newport Place ACLF. The fourth and southern-most access point, which is located on N.W. 7th Court, facilitates access to and circulation around the proposed ALF. The two (2) new driveways are located on N.W. 7th Court, south of the existing southern-most driveway and directly east of that portion of the site proposed for the new ALP, However, pursuant to city code only two (2) driveways are allowed per parcel. The applicant is requesting the necessary variance (File No. PKLV 95-006) to allow a total of four driveways to the site in order to accommodate the two new driveways. The variance request is being processed concurrently with this request. The location of the existing access points and the proposed new driveways and internal traffic flow are shown in Exhibit "D" - Proposed Master Plan. The 1.59-tract proposed for incorporation into the POD will remain a 60 foot wide City right-of-way with open space located to the north and south of the road right-of-way (to be maintained by the Newport Place Associates). In part to accommodate access to the west-bound lane of Hypoluxo Road via the lighted intersection at High Ridge Road, which is not allowed at the project's entrance (at NW 7th Court), this additional access point was created between High Ridge Road and NW 7th Court. Lastly, traffic concurrency comments on these requests have not yet been received by the City from Palm Beach County. ~3 Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) -4- December 8, 1995 RECREATION: Although current city code does not require recreation for this use. private recreational opportunities are provided on site. TOPOGRAPHY, SOILS AND VEGETATION: The applicant has indicated that the soil tests taken on the proposed ALF site, determine that existing soils are suitable for construction of the proposed facilities. The tests indicate that the soils were generally in the SP or SP-SM soil groups (medium to fine sand) based on the Unified Soil Classification method. The water table was observed to be approximately four (4) feet (average) below existing ground elevation. As previously stated, the area to be developed for an ALF was originally improved as a parking lot. The land is presently graded and unimproved. SCHOOLS: No impact on schools is expected given the elderly age of existing and future residents of this development. ISSUES/DISCUSSION Pursuant to Section 9.C.7 of the Land Development Regulations. staff shall evaluate land use amendment/rezoning applications with respect to the following criteria: 1) WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan addresses land use plan amendments and specifically, the conversion of land to higher densities. The following Comprehensive Plan objectives, policies, and support document text, apply to the subject requests and are analyzed below: Ob-iective 1.17 - "Minimize nuisances, hazards, and other impacts to the general public, to property values, residential environments by preventing or minimizing conflicts."; and adverse and to land use Policy 1.17.8 single-family conversions to - "Maintain and improve the character and lower-density neighborhoods, by higher densities." of existing preventing (The following limitations on commercial development have also been referenced since nursing homes are construed to be commercial uses for purposes of projecting demands for commercial land within the Comprehensive Plan. That shown in "( )" have been inserted by staff to provide an applicable, alternative interpretation) Future Land Use Support Document. pace 40 - "Therefore the City should not change (intensify) the land use to (on) commercial categories, beyond that which is shown on the proposed Future Land Use Plan, except for minor boundary ad-iustments. small infill parcels, or commercial uses of a highly specialized nature, which have special locational or site requirements, and therefore cannot be easily accommodated on already designated commercial areas." and "Commercial development particularly should not be located where it would adversely affect residentially-zoned property, ..." Although compatibility of the proposed reclassification with adjacent properties is addressed more completely below, Objective 1,17 and Policy 1.17.8 are best analyzed, in part, by contrasting them with the justifications for, and descriptions of ACLFs for the elderly which are also found within the Future Land Use Support Document, page 33. Although the text emphasizes the requirements of state law to allow small croup homes within all ~oning districts, it also generalizes that ACLFs/group homes for the elderly should be encouraged which is the basis on which several areas throughout the City have been labeled as ACLF density bonus sites (9.68 units per acre allowed despite the underlying land use classification). In addition, it states that "This density bonus would be limited to ACLFs for the elderly, which is reason~ble, since this type of group home comprises the vast majority of L( Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) -5- December 8, 1995 group homes and Boynton Beach has a very large proportion of elderly residents. " With respect to compatibility with residential environments, the plan alao indicates that "ACLFs for the elderly are also one of the more innocuous types of group homes". Lastly, the plan encourages the appropriate revisions to master plans through the following text which is also found within the Future Land Use Support Document under Demand for Land for Nursinq Homes. Group Homes. and Foster Homes: "The City should continue to allow PUD master plans to be revised to meet market demand, if the impacts of the revised plan do not substantially exceed those of the original plan, applicable design guidelines are met, and the revised plan is compatible with the surrounding properties. ". Please see Exhibit "E" for the aforementioned text from the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document. With respect to that text referenced above which places limitations on additional, or expansions to commercial classifications, this text is also specifically addressed by the previous justifications for and descriptions of group homes and ACLFs which specifically recognize state law with respect to locations for such uses, and description within the Comprehensive Plan which finds them generally compatible with conventional residential uses. 2) WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE CONTRARY TO THE ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN OR WOULD CREATE AN ISOLATED DISTRICT UNRELATED TO ADJACENT AND NEARBY DISTRICTS, OR WOULD CONSTITUTE A GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVILEGE TO AN INDIVIDUAL PROPERTY OWNER AS CONTRASTED WITH THE PROTECTION OF THE PUBLIC WELFARE. The original approval for the PUD was based, in part, on the finding that the proposed use is consistent/compatible with the adjacent properties. Furthermore, as described in detail below, the current PUD has an actual density more appropriate within the High Density Residential Classification rather than the Low Density Residential classification. When the PUD was originally approved, the project was approved at an actual density of approximately 9 dwelling units per acre. Despite the actual numbers describing the density, the City originally determined that the health care facilities were needed, and that the PUD was compatible with adjacent properties. The proposed expansion of a 120-bed ALF is consistent with the nature and type of uses within the existing PUD, and represents a relatively minor expansion of the PUD, under the proposed High Density Residential land use classification, as based on impacts and performance of the proposed use. Lastly, the only adj acent uses warranting an in depth evaluation of compatibility are the single family homes to the east. Although portions of this area within the High Ridge Road corridor may ultimately be developed/redeveloped at higher densities, the existing dwelling units are on large lots and located approximately 200 feet from the PUD, and approximately 350 feet from the ACLF and proposed ALF. Within the area which separates the buildings in the PUD and the adjacent dwelling units are NW 7th Court, and a combination of vegetation on private property and that landscaping within the perimeter buffer of the PUD. This distance and the buffering is necessary to mitigate the potential affects of the four story building heights within the PUD, upon the adjacent low-density residential properties. As further indicated below under Item #5, with the exception of the height of the buildings within the PUD, the typically most offensive characteristics of such uses, parking areas and rear service areas will have minimal to no affect on adjacent properties given their proximity (due to design of the master plan) to other properties, the distance between the uses, and the buffering provided by vegetation. 3) WHETHER CHANGED OR CHANGING CONDITIONS MAKE THE PROPOSED REZONING DESIRABLE. Based on the assumption that Newport Place Associates has realized a need for the proposed addition, and on the above-referenced information from the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document which states the need for group homes/ACLFs for the elderly, staff recognizes the possibility that changes have occurred warranting the addition of the proposed ALF. ..:.J Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) -6- December 8, 1995 4) WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH UTILITY SYSTEMS, ROADWAYS, AND OTHER PUBLIC FACILITIES. To date, staff has not received all the reviews of other agencies on impacts on facilities; however, given the minor addition to the PUD, and the performance of nursing homes which typically include few impacts relative to other residential or commercial uses of equivalent size, the proposed rezoning and amendment is projected to have little impacts on facilities including roads, utilities, and drainage resources. Once received, such verification will be incorporated into this review process, which are also necessary elements of the report to be used to initiate a review by the DCA. 5) WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING WOULD BE COMPATIBLE WITH THE CURRENT AND FUTURE USE OF ADJACENT AND NEARBY PROPERTIES, OR WOULD AFFECT THE PROPERTY VALUES OF ADJACENT AND NEARBY PROPERTIES. /WHETHER THE PROPOSED REZONING IS OF A SCALE WHICH IS REASONABLY RELATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD AND THE CITY AS A WHOLE. What should be recognized in evaluating impact and scale of the proposed amendment is the actual change that would take place with respect to density. Upon reviewing this amendment, staff determined that the original PUD proposal was not evaluated based on density, but rather based on impacts or performance compared to a conventional residential development of equivalent size (units). Criteria used in the comparison included population, lot coverage, impact on schools, water and sewer demands, traffic generation, recreation, and demand on police and fire services. Except for traffic generation, the applicant estimated that the criteria measured less impact from the proposed PUD than from a typical and comparable single-family development. As for traffic generation, more traffic was projected from the PUD, which the applicant proposed to offset through intersection and road improvements. The city accepted the analysis; however, not the method to address excess traffic. As a condition of approval, the City required that the proposed office use within the PUD be reduced from 10,000 square feet to 6,000 square feet, in order to reduce the projected traffic volume to a level comparable with that estimated for a comparable conventional residential project. Although by impacts, the uses within the PUD were found to be compatible with the Low Density Residential land use classification, the PUD does not meet the maximum density limitation of this classification. In estimating existing density of the PUD, the total beds within the ACLF, 356, are combined with the beds within the nursing home, 120, and divided by 2,3 (the City's current conversion factor for beds per unit), and then divided by the size of the PUD, approximately 23 acres. This methodology produces an existing density of 9 units per acre. The density of the proposed PUD is estimated by also including the size of the proposed ALF, 120 beds, and accounting for the additional 1.59 acres being added to the PUD. The total beds now equal 596, which represents a total unit count of 259, and a density of 10.5 units per acre. If the PUD is increased to 24.77 acres and reclassified to High Density Residential (10.8 units/acre maximum), the property could contain a maximum of 615 beds. Since there already exists 476 beds, the site is currently near maximum density, and there would remain capacity for only an additional 139 beds (the proposed project contains 120 beds). In sum, the most significant approval of this site has already occurred, which is the original approval of a PUD within the Low Density Residential land uss classification, at a density nearly the maximum allowed under the Medium Density Residential land use classification (at the public hearing when this original approval was reviewed, the only public comment communicated pertained to fire/EMS response times) . Staff has not considered to repeat the original analysis based on performance, as no documentation remains from this analysis that staff would need to implement a consistent methodology. With respect to affect on property values, the PUD is not expected to negatively affect the values of any adjacent properties and this opinion is based on the following three statements: 1) the relatively minor magnitude of the proposed expansion; 2) the general compatible nature of health care facilities and residential uses; 3) the likelihood that the PUD will always be well maintained (for reasons related to constant / ~) Newport Place (LUAR 95-006) -7- December 8, 1995 marketing of facilities); 4) and since there will likely always remain appropriate distance and vegetative buffers between the PUD and the low density areas to the east. Furthermore, the typically most undesirable elements of such uses, parking and rear service areas, should have little impact on nearby residential properties. As for the parking lots, they are dispersed throughout the PUD and predominantly located farther from the adjacent residential areas than the fronts of the structures, thereby reducing total potential impacts from noise and light. With respect to the rear service areas of the uses, the ACLF and proposed ALF are oriented to the east and northeast, which leaves the rears of the buildings oriented away from the residential properties. The most undesirable aspects of such uses would therefore have no impact on adjacent residential properties. With respect to needs, please see the analysis above under CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. 6) WHETHER THE PROPERTY IS PHYSICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY DEVELOPABLE UNDER THE EXISTING ZONING. The site within the PUD intended for the proposed ALF was originally used for parking, therefore the site has been determined to be suitable for development. There are no known unique physical characteristics which would limit further development or intensification of this site within the PUD. 7) WHETHER THERE ARE ADEQUATE SITES ELSEWHERE IN THE CITY FOR THE PROPOSED USE, IN DISTRICTS WHERE SUCH USE IS ALREADY ALLOWED. In general, nursing homes of this size are limited to the R-3 (Multi- family Residential), PUD, C-3 (Community Commercial), and PCD zoning district, which districts may be available throughout the City. However, the location has been selected based on the complimentary nature of the proposed ALF and the existing ACLF within the overall Newport Place health care campus. RECOMMENDATION Based on the analysis and discussions contained herein, this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations, subject to staff comments as summarized within Exhibit "F" _ Administrative Conditions, and compatible with current and future uses of surrounding properties and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adj acent or nearby properties. Therefore, staff recommends approval of these requests for land use amendment and rezoning of Newport Place/Stanford Park PUD, and again subject to staff comments indicated within Exhibit "F". Attachments xc: Central File MISCX:NEWP REP 7 LJCAT\ON MF~? STANFORD PARK ~ ~ =-_-=- _,,,_" --" "llllillL ~ L ... ' ".'C~M' ru' ~'O- - ,.- , L _JT- i 'ild ~ ' '", ,,. -'- u lif~r rf '-:r-I -~ [: l;:. \ ;~, ~ ~ _I' ,.. :,::'\'\;.; l ' ~ '1/' ; . ;:::::: t) ',::: - T II ,',-: ' ,. '-"'C" :" r ~ J' j SIT~_Wn ~~ T:- ,-- " " ~ / t $k "', ' , U\ ~ .~ i! ,W:- Jf ~~~ i~ ' ,." . ,-/' OL.m UL'I1',,_:,',':, , ,!.. " '. ,.... 1"-' r' .,' ' ' . , ",.:. \'. I; "..' \\ '\: '-= -- -~. Pli :~ QL1:' ,,' . __ . \\1 ,. , ' ,,' , " '.' 'j' L-- T .If l~i1\\\ II; \} REC?;;' ~J .. r i-'( ~I :", ~ ':. ::'," ...M IR'S! i \ i . ,',' ......' l." ~ ~-l"" ,u:0"!/- . ! ..t~' J ~ JL , ,,_' ~~' t::: ,TT (' . !<~ \ ,_ I z.. \'; ~l:: . . " \ I~J;~ ~., \, ~ \ I,R' ;.~ ~,~~--- 1>1' u"',:\ \i ,'\', v;~ ) \,~ \. STATt~1 ::J 1\ 1 \ " ",.,'"\ i '~" 11~~; \,' \ I .. H!g'.:',,_~'Ll"'< I~;.,:, \,~J' :Iil>',' R'\ A AI""'"'' E L",d'Il.'i:. \ ',', 1 ~_\'." , ,,)- !-' ,\ 1\ P IUJ n 1\ . '!;\:~, i:^~"~ ~., ,-u --.t.l;. \1\""'(" \ . __ 'I ,,,,0'" \.:! : \ill.\li\~\iI ! . , " . '" . . I ' ,,- ,//, ,', \mill\\~:: \ )/ \ \ __~' L s 1/; lit ,\!, , ./ I>:~'( , .____" V I .. It.' /1\:/'/ v 1Fl'1AA~~ ~,I \ ~ I r --/(,,\ '~I" - ~ - --------t. >~ --- ]'. I~ [, \ \ ~ ~ , "~ : ,.4;-- ',.._ J I '.. -\ t ~ I" L... ".I .c' . ., 51 , ~-- '" ,,,' r' :..t - "'f'f~n L L C '11J'[fl 1.'~ '- -\~' - - . : ...... t,~~"/" /} 1-- ~\, ..,- -0" 11,:,1 .:4 Cj. f..:' =t, - .' " .' l"'--l I' ,.. 1 ' A" ,". j/,~ Ln /- f. F)~:\. i\:\'1 . '0 ,18 MILESV - ,: --1 I ' ','. - - T"~' ". I" ~~\ \lb\8~~N~~~T ..:" ,~.:. ~ br~ )~t~17C ~ lli@lliUWllin !I~L DEe ? 6 19S5 i ~' ; County Administrator Robert Weisman Board of County Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee J~ ...J 'geparlment of Engineering , and Public Works J December 1B, 1995 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: STANFORD PARK PUD PLANNING ANO ZONING DEPT. Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic information for the project entitled Stanford Park PUD, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County land Development Code. This information shows the trip generation for an increase of 52 AClF dwelling units. Because this would generate 112 daily trips, less than 200 daily trips, no additional traffic analysis is provided. It is my understanding that the proposed project is an increase of 120 nursing home beds. This would generate 312 daily trips, requiring a traffic study prior to issuing a development order. I have been requested to provide traffic information'for the maximum developmp.nt scenario for the purposed land use amendment. That information is provided below. Development size: Project Traffic Existing traffic volume on Hypoluxo Rd. Volume with project traffic LOS D for Hypoluxo Rd. 139 bed nursing home 361 daily tri ps 29,173 29,353 45,000 If you have any questions regarding this determination. please contact me at €84- 4U30. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~J+~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn57 "An Equal Opportunity' Affirmative Action Employer" Ru, ::11:lJ W\)~t r~lm BC.1CI1, Florida YH16.1229 1-\07) hS-l-4DOO 00 m@rnowrn ill " .i : \ . , PL~,NN1tJG AND ZONING DEPT. / l/ MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 95 - 375 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director ~ ~ FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: December 1, 1995 SUBJECT: Newport Place - Determination of water and sewer availability After reviewing your memo no. 95-674, and based upon a projected increase of 139 beds in a nursing home or ACLF, we project a potential flow increase of approximately 16,000 gallons per day. Sufficient reserve treatment plant capacity exists for both water and wastewater treatment. Water and sewer mains are available, and sufficiently sized within the existing development to provide this anticipated additional demand. These can be extended as"necessary to serve the proposed new construction. The required fire flow of 1500 gallons per minute with a 20 psi residual is also available within the development. The sewage pumping station is designed to pump an average daily flow of 103,680 gallons, compared to a projected total flow of 70,725 gallons per day. The station should be able to accommodate the additional flow without major modification. I trust this memo provides all of the requested information. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter MazzeIla of this office. JAG/PVM xc: File C:\WPWIN6G\WPDOCS\NOVDEC9S\NEWPLACE.WPD March 21, 1995 ~,~ ...-: ~ SWA SOUO WASlE !U1HORIlY YOUR P\RTNER FOR SOLID WASTE SOLUTIONS City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Ann: Planning Director Subject: Availability of Solid Waste Disposal Capacity Dear Planning Director: The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County hereby provides cenification that the Authority has disposal capacity available to accommodate the solid waste generation for the municipalities and unincorporated county for the coming year. This lener constitutes notification of sufficient capacity for concurrency management and comprehensive planning purposes. Capacity is available for both the coming year, and the five and ten year planning periods specified in 9J-5.oo5(4). As of September 30, 1994, the Authority's Nonh County Landfills had an estimated 38,200,000 cubic yards of landfill capacity remaining. Based upon the existing Palm Beach County population, the population growth rates published by the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business and Research (BEBR), and projected rates of solid waste generation, waste reduction and recycling the Solid Waste Authority forecasts that the existing landfill capacity will be depleted in approximately 2021. The Authority continues to pursue options to increase the life of its existing facilities and to provide for all of the County's current and future disposal and recycling needs. As pan of Us responsibility, the Authority will provide an annual statement of disposal capacity, using the most current BEBR projections a'nilable. . If you have any questions or if I can be of funher assistance, please do not hesitate to call. V~~o~ Marc C. Bruner, Ph.D. Director of Pl.nnil1g and Environmental Programs 00 MAR 2 2 'C.:;5 ~rn PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. 7501 Nolth Jog Road, West Palm Beach, Florida 33412 (407}640-4000 FAX 683.4067 ReCYCleOpJper ~"88 Board 01 SupoMlora C. Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John I. WhitwOrth III SecretarylManagar William G. Winters Asslstam Manager Richard S. Wheelihan Anomey Perry & SChone, P_A LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ~ 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 December 5, 1995 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf, Senior Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Subject: LWDD Project # 95-2697D.OI, Newport Place, Analysis on Availability of Drainage Facilities, Canal E-4, BB Dept # LUAR 95-006 The above site is located within our jurisdiction boundaries. Drainage availability is based upon the applicant meeting the L WDD policies and guidelines. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT Patrick A. Martin, P .E. District Engineer P AMlmfb c: Tarnbri J, Hayden, Planning and Zoning Director, The City of Boynton Beach .' ;\ \11','UCll,I~WJ-l~I\\ ',!Ii '\ ' "I' I ,I I ' I 1 , Oe\ray Beach & Boca Raton 498-5363 . BoynlDn Beach & West Palm Beach 737-3835 . FAX (407) 495-9694 . MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1995 not be recorded or provided to the applicant until the conditions are met. Approval on that basis will eliminate the need for the applicant to come back before the Commission. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the abandonment of Miner Road subject to the conditions being rectified prior to the Resolution being prepared, Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion. Mayor Pro Tern Matson asked Commissioners Jaskiewicz and Rosen if they would agree to delete Condition #2. Both were agreeable. . The motion carried 4-0. Mr. Harris confirmed with Mayor Taylor that he must comply with Comments #1, 3, 4, 5 and 6. With reference to Comment #5, the City is only concerned about Waste Management, Florentine Marble and Rollyson. . Attorney Cherof reminded everyone that all paperwork in the agenda package is part of the public record. Exhibit "F" is a list of the administrative conditions. This is a new form prepared by Ms. Heyden and Mr. Hukill which will attempt to simplify the Commission's review. When the development order is prepared. the document can be used as a check off to show "included" or "rejected", and it will expedite the preparation of the development order. D. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: lOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Newport Place PUD (f.k.a. Stanford Park PUD) Donald E. Hearing Newport Place Associates ltd. Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and NW 7th Court FUTURE lAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING - Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future land Use Map from low Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 23 acre, existing planned unit development (PUD) and a 1.59 acre tract and to rezone the 1.59 acre tract from R-1-AAB (single- family residential) and the PUD to Planned Unit Development (PUD w/LUI-5) to add a 120 bed assisted living facility, Dona/dB;a".,., bnd.r"p" arrhitll!d and land plan....... ~ntil1l Nl!WJ'Ort Plate. introduced Ron Ehler, Managing and General Partner of Newport Place, and Steve Gillespie, landscape Architect. He summarized the request by noting that the staff report clearly outlines the request. The applicant is requesting a reclassification of the land use on the property so that completion of the campus master plan can be accomplished. To the west is High Point Country Club; to the north is Hypoluxo Road; to the east are large-lot residential homes which are separated from NW 7th Court by a platted landscape buffer preserve area which was put In place when the original PUD was approved for Stanford Place. Newport Place intends to add an additional 12O-bed assisted living facility. This . will fill the gap in health care services provided at Newport Place. There is already an assisted adult 13 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, flORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1995 . congregate living facility existing on site. This will add the assisted living facility which will provide a greater level of services needed by the elderly. There is an existing nursing home located at the extreme northwest of the property. In addition to the request for the reclassification of the land, the applicant will be adding additional parking to the PUD which were not added in the past. Those areas include Lots 7 and 8 on the east side of NW 7th Court. They will also be rezoned so that they are consistent with the overall PUD master plan. Mr. Hearing advised that the Land Development Regulations require that seven criteria be evaluated for approval of an amendment, or rezoning of the Comprehensive Plan. The seven criteria are outlined on Pages 4 through 7 of the staff report (Planning & Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-692). 5taff finds that each of the criteria have been met and the proposal is consistent with the criteria and land use plan. A variance component involving access drives is included and will be discussed . following review of this request. Mr. Ehler has been in contact with the neighbors and all surrounding properties in an effort to be a good neighbor. The applicant is unaware of any opposition. Ms. Heyden explained that this request involves two issues - a land use and a rezoning. Lots 7 and 8 will be added. These lots were brought into the use to provide access to the PUD. They will be added to the PUD and rezoned to PUD. The land use stays the same, but the density increases. With the addition of Lots 7 and 8. the entire PUD is increasing by only 1.59 acres. This application is considered a large-scale land use amendment, and as such, must be reviewed and approved by the Department of Community Affairs. . Staff recommends approval subject to the staff comments in Exhibit "F". In addition, the Planning and Development Board also recommends approval. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING, THERE WAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS REQUEST. Mayor Pro Tem Matson said this property was useless for a very long time. About four years ago. Mr. Ehler worked tong and hard with Scott Miller and herself to turn this property into a burgeoning senior center. They have done an exceptional job, and they are very visible in the community. They have been very good neighbors. She was extremely pleased to approve this project. Motion Mayor Pro Tern Matson moved to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential for a 23 acre existing planned unit development (PUD), and a 1.59-acre tract at Newport Place, southwest comer of Hypoluxo Road and NW 7th Court, and to rezone the 1.59-acre tract from R-l-AAB (single-family residential) and the PUD to Planned Unit Development (PUD w/LUI-5) to add a 12o.bed assisted living facUlty, including comments in Exhibit "F". Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion. Commissioner Jaskiewicz commended Ms. Heyden for the thorough and comprehensive investigation she provided with regard to this request. Any questions or concerns she might have had were. addressed before she could think of them. The back-up material was excellent. 14 . ;f- . . MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA DECEMBER 19, 1995 >- The motion carried 4-0. E. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Newport Place Donald E. Hearing Newport Place Associates Ltd. Southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and NW 7th Court PARKINC LOT VARIANCE - Request for relief from the City of Boynton Beach LaRd Development Regulations, Chapter 23 - Parking Lots. Article II, Section H.7 "Number of Driveways" to allow two (2) additional driveways onto Northwest 7th Court. Donald Hearing...representing..Ne.wp.odJ>Iau, advised that this is a companion to the previous request. The City land Development Regulations within PUDs limit the number of access points that can be provided to two (2). At the present time, two access points exist on the easterly portion of the Newport Place master pJan. The applicant is proposing that two additional access points be provided from NW 7th Court. Staff is recommending approval of only one additional access and has expressed concern about the second access which would be located inJront of the facility. At the Planning and Development Board meeting, discussion took place regarding approval of the two access points. It is possible to make the project work with only one additional access; however, the applicant feels circulation would improve with the addition of the two accesses. Staff has recommended approval of only one additional access which will provide access to the rear of the facility where most of the services take place. The applicant would like to have the two access points in order to segregate the vehicular traffic associated with the customers from the traffic associated with services. Mr, Hearing requested the Commission's consideration of approval of the two access driveways. Ms. Heyden advised that staff is recommending approval of the southernmost driveway, not the center drive which is located in front of the building. The reasons for this decision involve the fact that the R-l-M property in close proximity to this project is undeveloped at the present time. Staff has no way of knowing how this property will be developed. If it becomes a subdivision, there will be multiple access points. Staff feels it is in the City's best interest to limit as many additional access points onto NW 7th Court as possible at this time. In respol)s~ to Mayor Taylor'S question, Ms. Heyden advised that NW 7lf1 Court presently dead-ends; however, the possibility exists that it could extend through to Miner Read and have multiple street connections to serve the undeveloped property. Mayor Taylor questioned how the second access drive would affect the property to the south. Ms. Heyden explained that the reason for the requirement in the Code is to limit access points so as not to negatively impact the traffic on the road. Attempts are made to channel traffic to the access points so that backlogs of traffic are on site. not on the road system. MAYOR TAYLOR ANNOUNCED THE PUBLIC HEARING. 15 Board of County Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee Jrn[&jlliLJ\vj~r1- , E-.------,' , . , J DEe ? 6 1995 PWJNING AND".' .. ZONING DEPT. County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works December 18, 1995 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: STANFORD PARK PUD ~ ".' Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic information for the project ent i tl ed Stanford Park PUD, pursuant to the Traffi c Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This information shows the trip generation for an increase of 52 ACLF dwelling units. Because this would generate 112 daily trips, less than 200 daily trips, no additional traffic analysis is provided. It is my under~tanding that the proposed project is an increase of 120 nursing home beds. This would generate 312 daily trips, requiring a traffic study prior to issuing a development order. I have been requested to provide traffic information for the maximum development scenari 0 for the purposed 1 and use amendment. That i nformat i on is provided below. Development size: Project Traffic Existing traffic volume on Hypoluxo Rd. Volume with project traffic LOS D for Hypoluxo Rd. 139 bed nursing home 361 daily tri ps 29,173 29,353 45,000 If you have any questions regarding this determination. please contact me at. E84- 4U30. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~ 'J1,~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn57 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on (&Cycled paper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 ~-----------_..._-~-_.__...._-----.__..._~--"._----~-- - Board of County Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works January 22, 1996 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: STANFORD PARK PUD (NEWPORT PLACE) rn ... 3 to _ ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has been contacted by Yvonne Ziel, the traffic engineer for the project, and Steve Galespe, the agent for the project, regarding the trip generation for the Newport Place project. There had been a question as to whether this project should be classified as an ACLF or as a nursing home. They described the project as being designed most like a 52 unit ACLF, with apartment type uni ts. Based on thi s i nformat ion, the ACLF is accurate. I assume that the information received by the City shows a plan that is cons i stent with the descri pt i on. Based on thi s i nformat ion, the Traffi c Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. Mr. Galespe stated that the City was waiting for informatton to send to DCA, I believe that the information was provided in my letter dated December 18, 1995. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684- 4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER 3~ J+-~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn57b "An Equal Opportunity. Affirmative Action Employer" @prlnt9donrecycJ9dpaper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 treOlure cOQJ.t regional planniQg council r;:::;rn R (r) ~[I -;:0"'-;":,,' O L_ 01 G, i " ' . r ~A;I-;-I~'j: . , ___._---.J ! PLANNING "Nt) I ZONING OEPT. : March 8, 1996 J;~ Ms. Tambri 1. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendments - DCA Reference #96-1 Dear Ms. Heyden: Council staff has completed its review of the draft (proposed) amendments to your Comprehensive Plan in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes and has prepared comments for Council consideration. These comments will be presented to the Council at its meeting on March 15, 1996. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Council if you wish. We have enclosed the staff's report and recommended comments as well as the meeting agenda. Following the meeting the comments as approved by the Council are forwarded to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) for transmittal to your governing body for consideration before final adoption of the amendments. If you would like to discuss the staff report or Council procedures for plan amendment review, please feel free to call. Sincerely, ~~~0L Patricia A. Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt Enclosure ~dlgcpa 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, lIorlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269-4060 fax (407) 221-4061 treOlure COC\f.t regional planniQg council o ~_':r,: ~ ~ Wi rn rn "rll -~. -.. May 1, 1996 ~/ , ., '" I \ i)c; . Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O.Box310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Subject: Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Adopted Amendments - DCA Reference # 96-1 Dear Ms. Heyden: This is to notify you that the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council will be providing a recommendation to the Department of Community Affairs (DCA) on the above referenced amendments, which were received in our office on April 29, 1996. Council staff will review the documents for consistency with the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan (RCPP), pursuant to the Council's contract with the DCA. A written report containing a determination of consistency with the RCPP is to be provided to the DCA within 30 calendar days of receipt of the amendment. It is anticipated that the report and recommended comments will be presented at the Council meeting on May 17, 1996. Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda, report and recommendations from staffwill be sent to you. You are invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to address the Council. Following the Council meeting, the recommendations as approved by the Council will be sent to DCA. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. .~~~ Patricia A. Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt 2a1gcpa 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm eltv, Ilorlda 34990 phone (407) 221.4060 sc 269-4060 fax (407) 221-4067 treOlure COOl.t regional planniQ9 council .: r,\ ~ @ ~ ~ w ~ ~ i~ FEe Iz_l~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPI February 9, 1996 ~~ Ms. Tambri J Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Sabje;:t: Boyntcn Beach Comprehensive Plan Draft Amendment - DCA Reference #96-1 Dear Ms. Heyden: This is to acknowledge receipt of the materials pertaining to the City of Boynton Beach's proposed comprehensive plan amendments. Council staff will review the materials in accordance with the requirements of the Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes. It is anticipated that a report and recommended comments will be presented to the Council at their March 15, 1996 meeting. Prior to the Council meeting, the meeting agenda and staff's report and recommendations will be sent to you. You are invited to attend the meeting and will be afforded an opportunity to address the Council. Following the Council meeting the report as approved by the Council will be sent to the Department of Community Affairs. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, ~~~0L Patricia A Tobin, AICP Regional Planner PAT:pt 2d1gcpa 3228 s.w. martin downs blvd. suite 205 . p.o. box 1529 palm city, florlda 34990 phone (407) 221-4060 se 269-4060 fax (407) 221.4067 . Cotleur Hearing landscape Architecture Planning Environmental Consulting Graphic Design r~n J @ ~ ~ w trilll \ V I f; n it I I ':,1' ,. : ~ rl .' ; !, 1 ]1 i, 'JL MAY 21 !C1QT "l L_~~,-,.::,:;;-"""" '.;', j hA,',"',"", I ~~~~',:,.~::.I_: ;,;~:,:,~__-=^",",,~---1 May 23, 1997 Ms, Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Newport Place Our Project #95-0805 Dear Tambri: On April 16, 1996 the City of Boynton Beach Commission approved a Land Use Amendment and Master Plan Modification for the Newport Place Planned Unit Development alkla Stanford Park (File Number LUAR 95-006). (Ordinances 096-26 and 096-27) Exhibit F of the Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-692 (pages 23 and 24) stipulates five (5) conditions ot?pproval which must be satisfied prior to Site Plan Review for the amended portion of the project. Please find enclosed three (3) revised copies of Master Plan modified in accordance with The Conditions of Approval and as described below. 1. Palm Beach County Traffic Division's January 22, 1996 letter to Mr. Mike Rumpf confirmed that the subject property meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. (See attached letter.) This condition is satisfied and requires no modification to the Master Plan. 2. A note has been added to the Master Plan dated May 21,1997 indicating that the project is subject to Site Plan Review prior to permitting. 3a. The maximum density of 10.8 du/ac for the High Density Residential Land Use has been noted on the Master Plan dated May 21, 1997. Suite 402 1070 E. Indiantown Rood Jupiter, Florida 33477 407-747-6336 ~gd~-z\nwpt-heyden,doc ~---~ .~' Ms. Tambri J. Heyden City of Boynton Beach Newport Place May 23, 1997 3b. Conversion computations documenting that the proposed total of 596 ACLF and Convalescent Center Beds does not exceed the maximum density of 10.8 du/ac have been added to the Master Plan dated May 21, 1997. 4. The Revised Master Plan dated May 21, 1997 has been modified to reflect three (3) full and one (1) exit only driveway connection onto NW 7th Court consistent with the City Commission's approval of Variance PKLV, 95-006. 5. No action required. To the best of our knowledge the above revisions to the Master Plan satisfies all conditions of the above referenced project. The applicant anticipates filing an application for Site Plan approval in the near future. Should the Planning and Zoning Staff have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. cc with enclosures: Tom Little (2 copies) Richard Mann Chuck Melear Brian Idle Michael Schorah fJJU City of 'Boynton 'Beac/i '1'-' ,()'i05- Mr. Ronald L. Aylor Managing Partner Newport Place 4735 No W. S\!vl!nth Court Lantana, Florida 33462 July 1, 1996 Dear Mr. Aylor: We recently received a notice dated June 7, 1996, from the State of Florida Department of Community Affairs finding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Ordinance 096-26) in compliance. Ordiriances 096-26 and 096-27 were adopted by the City of Boynton Beach on April 16, 1996 and became effective on July 1, 1996. Ordinance 096-26 changes the land designation for the Plat of Stanford Park and Lots 7 and 8 of the Plat of High Ridge Subdivision (together a.k.a. Newport Place PUD) from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential. Ordinance 096-27 changes the zoning of lots 7 and 8 of the Plat of High Ridge Subdivision from R-1AAB to PUD LUI-5 to be part of the Newport Place PUD (f.k.a. Stanford Park PUD). Through the above approvals, the zoning and land use designations now allow the minimum density required to add to the Newport Place PUD a 120 bed Assisted Living facility . You may now proceed with the site plan approval process. (I should note that prior to submittal of a site plan application, a master plan, revised to simply incorporate fmal staff comments, rnu.t first bl> subm;tted ;~ t-l'pll^"te to the 1>lannl'ng ~".. '70"'-- n~__-+-~_'\ v~_ "^ur . __ _ ___.. ..... w ....,~"""... ...v...... 0UaA.... L.J 1...i"'6 .LI'''::~a.t t.J.U,-,.l..il..,.. .lL'UI.)U information this requirement is stated on page 24 of the staff report, which is in Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-692. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH J /A '~.4' #" / -.. _' t.L-1~iA- /. ~ I Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:dar cc: Steve Gillespie Central File a:Newport.72(1\.ffi.) ~merica's gateway to tfu gulfstream qM City of 13oynton 13eacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Boo 'BCJUfevara P.O. 'B11;(310 'Boynton 'Beadi, :FforUfa 33425-0310 City 9laff: (561) 375-6000 :F.9lX: (561) 375-6090 August 21, 1997 Donaldson E. Hearing 1070 E. lndiantown Road, Suite 402 Jupiter, Florida 33477 Re: Newport Place - File No. LUAR 95-006 (Land Use Plan Amendment/Rezoning) Dear Donaldson E. Hearing: As the applicant for the above-referenced project, enclosed is your rectified copy of the master plan approved by the City Commission on December 19, 1995. This is being sent to you for your files as it has been rectified and staff comments have been addressed and accurately represents the approved master plan for Newport Place. Sincerely, /,- I ! ' ! ~ '7 I /.. -6'tLnL.&/2'f .,'j' )(,li:.<.,</Ct-L,,- 0' / \.1 Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director Attachment TJH:bme s:\share\projects\Newport Place\trnsapp1.wpd Jlmuua's gateway to tlU gulf stream. . COtleur Hearing Landscape Archil8cture Planning Environmental Consulting Graphic Design September 29, 1995 The City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Mr. Michael Rumpf, Planner RE: Newport Place - Planned Unit Development Our Ref. No. 95~805 Dear Mike, We are pleased to submit on behalf of Newport Place Associates, Inc. an application for Land Use Amendment and Rezoning for the above referenced property. This application requests consideration from Zoning and City Commission for an amendment to the previously approved Stanford Park PUD. Specifically, to develop an Assisted Living Facility on Tract #4 that would create an additional 120 beds within the existing community. We believe the Land Use Amendment from Low Density Residential to High Density Residential to be consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, as well as the spirit and intent of the Land Development Regulations of the City. The proposed plan provides a strong emphasis on community interaction and the increased quality of living through enhancement of the surrounding environment. Please find enclosed the following documents pertaining to the Land Use Amendment and subsequent Rezoning Application: 1. Application form 2 copies 2. Warrantee Deed 2 copies 3. Owner's Certification 2 copies 4. Agent Consent Letter 2 copies 5. Sealed Boundary Survey 12 copies 6. Legal Description 2 copies 7. Certified List of all Property Owners of at least 400 . from subject property with mailing labels 1 copy 8. Copy of Palm Beach County's Property Appraiser's Map 1 copy 9. Justification Statement 12 copies Suile 402 1070 E. Indianlown Road Jupiler, Florida 33477 407-747-6336 FAX747-1377 10. Traffic Trip Generation Analysis 12 copies 11. Comparative Analysis for Water and Wastewater 12 copies 12. Land Use, Zoning, Aerial Maps of Subject Property (reduced t081/2'x11') 12 copies 13. Comprehensive Plan Comparative Project Analysis 12 copies 14. Master Plan 12 copies 15. Application fees: Land Use Amendment $1,750.00 DCA Transmittal $ 500.00 Rezoning $1.500.00 Total $3,750.00 Should you require any further information or have any questions pertaining to the attached documents, please contact either Don Hearing or myself. Steve Gillespie Associate Ene. cc: Ron Aylor (NelNport Plaee Assoc.) SG:cc G:\Projects\GeneraJ\Nwpt-c1 . Cotleur Hearing landscape Archileclure Planning Environmental Consulting Graphic Design ~ f?5stf!,. I~r~};;?l~ 1 I I PUIl'!H:~'S !\r.:IJ , 7C,,::O:; '?T. ~.... J' ~'''''- - . ... October 25, 1995 The City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Mr. Michael G. Haag RE: Newport Place - PUD Master Plan Our Ref. No. 95-0805 Dear Mike, Pursuant to the action taken by the City's Technical Review Committee on October 18. 1995 in connection with the above referenced project, we are hereby transmitting a revised set of all applicable submittal documents, in addition to responding to your comments. A) Recreation and Park Memorandum No. 95-476 - No further action at this time. B) Fire Prevention Memorandum No. 95-359 WOC - No further action at this time. C) Police Department Traffic Unit - No further action at this time. D) Building Division Memorandum No. 95-385 - No further action at this time. E) Public Work Department Memorandum No. 95-188 - No further action at this time. F) Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-580 - All comments have been addressed, as the Master Plan has been revised to reflect. G) Development Department Engineering Division Memorandum No. 95-0404 - All comments have been addressed, as the Master Plan has been revised to reflect. We believe the revised amendments to be consistent with the City's comments. Enclosed are twelve sets of amended documents for your reference. Additionally, two sets of documents are enclosed with the application for requesting a variance. Suile 402 1070 E.lndianfown Road Jupiler. Florida 33477 407.747-6336 FAX 747-J 377 Should you require any further information or have any questions pertaining to the attached documents, please contact either Don Hearing or myself. We look forward to appearing before the Planning and Development Board hearing on November 17, 1995. Your time and consideration on this project is greatly appreciated. rs, Enc. cc: Ron Aylor (Newport Place Assoc.) SG:cc G:\ProjectsIGenerel\Nwpl-c2 . COtleur Hearing land=pe Archileclure Planning Environmental Consulting Gmphic Design September 5, 1995 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Michael Rumpf, Planner Re: Stanford Park PUD Dear Mike, I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you informally to discuss possible solutions to amending the current Land Use Designation and zoning district of the above referenced project. Access to your files was extremely helpful in gaining a sense of what the previous development approvals entailed. I believe the option we most recently discussed is possiby the most beneficial in all cases. As you are aware, the City previously informed Mr. Ronald Aylor, President of Newport Place Associates, Ltd., of an option of amending the current Low Density Residential Land Use Designation to Local Retail Commercial Use with subsequent rezoning of the existing Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Planned Commercial Development. Although the PCD zoning would substitute the limitation on density with an evaluation of intensity, it is felt that this process would create unnecessary opposition from the surrounding residential communities, in addition to raising flags with the Department of Community Affairs (DCA). This process could, however, work with the support of staff and strong efforts to inform the public of the intentions well in advance of any public hearings. On the other hand, an alternative approach we had discussed was to amend the current Land Use to High Density Residential (HDR) with subsequent amendment of the existing PUD to allow for the expansion of the Newport Place facility through the addition of a free standing, 120 bed Assisted Living Facility (ACLF). This ACLF, as previously stated, would be located on the southern portion of Tract #4 in the Stanford Park PUD. We believe this option to be the most beneficial to all involved. It would be much easier to justify amending to a higher density residential land use rather than commercial, not only to Development of Community Affairs. but the surrounding residential communities. Suite 402 1070 E. Indion-. Road Jupiter, Florida 33477 407-747.6336 FAX747.1377 [fDJ rn @ rn 0 \VI rn ~ IUDI SEP 7/gg) ~ 1 WINNING ,\ND ...._SQNING DEPT. ,e,..",. At the conclusion of our discussions, you requested that I put some figures together for your department to review. Although the following acreages are approximate and yet to be confirmed by Landmark Surveying, Inc., they do prove to be a justifiable solution to this alternative Land Use Amendment. Tract & Use Area IAc.l #1 Convalescent Center 3.0 #2 & #3 Medical Center 2.84 #4 Assisted Living Facility 10.36 #5 Open Space 1.49 Roads & R-O-W's 3.70 Beds: Existina/Proposed 120 N/A 356/120 N/A N/A #6 & #7 Preserve Open Space 1.53 N/A "Lots 7 & 8 of Highridge 1.59 N/A Subdivision (to be utilized as Open Space) Total 24.51 Ac. 596 Beds .Note: Lots 7 and 8 of the Highridge Subdivision are proposed to be incorporated into the existing PUD for Open Space area calculations. Land Use Amendment: From LDR (4.84 DUlAC maximum) to HDR (10.8 DUlAC maximum), including City designated DU/bed conversion of 2.3 (24.51 AC/10.8 DU/AC/2.3)= 608 beds maximum. Taking the above data into consideration, we believe the Land Use Amendment to be consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The proposed addition of beds falls below the maximum allowed within the HDR Land Use by using allowable conversion factors. Subsequent amendments to the PUD Master Plan would include the addition of 120 proposed beds and incorporation of Lots 7 and 8 of the Highridge Subdivision. I will try to confirm the existing acreage by September 7th. Please review this alternative proposal and call me with any questions or comments that might arise. I look forward to hearing from your shortly. I would also like to confirm our review meeting with Tambri, yourself and Carrie Parker for September 7, 1995. Your consideration on this matter is greatly appreciated. urs, L . cc: Mr. Ron Aylor, Newport Place SG:cc G:\Projects\Stnfd-c1 fJ'he City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacfi 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Btadt 'Boulevard P.O. 'Bo'{.310 'Boynton 'Beculi., 1[QriIia 33425.0310 City:JfJJU: (407) 375-6000 15fX: (407) 375-6090 November 28, 1995 Mr. Dan Weisburg, P.E., Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 RE: NEWPORT PLACE (Dept. No. LUAR 95-006) APPLICATION FOR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT/REZONING ANALYSIS ON AVAILABILITY OF TRAFFIC FACILITIES Dear Mr. Weisburg: This office has previously requested of you a review of the traffic study for the above-referenced project. However, this office inadvertently did not request that your review also be formulated to satisfy requirements of the Florida Department of community Affairs for review of plan amendments. Therefore, I respectively request that you conduct the necessary review of the maximum potential impacts represented by the land use classification requested, High Density Residential. Based on the total area of the site and existing development (beds), staff has estimated that the proposed classification could allow a maximum of 139 additional ACLF or nursing home beds (or 60 units based on a conversion factor of 2.3 beds per unit). Please format this response similar to past responses by indicating current traffic counts, capacity remaining under the adopted standards, and impact of project traffic. To also assist your review, I have included a location map and a copy of a previous response from you to serve as a guide. I thank you in advance for your response to this request. Sincerely, ,/" - -:il J ~~Vu 9-,e~tl.~.-v TambrJ. J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director Attachments TJH:mr II!SCX;gE~PTRr.:!~ 5tmerica's (jateway to tfU (julfstream NOTICE OF NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE /OJ, rn & rn 0 WI Kill, LAND USE CHANGE t~l Nav:. I<J<J~ I, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC HEARINGS i ! ; :. ! . ~ \;: i!} ._.~.,~:.!L~il___ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plannins and Development Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA. shall meet at 7:00 P. M., or as soon thereafter as the asenda permits. on Tuesday, Deeenlber 12, 1995, at City naIl Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard. Boynton Beach. to consider an application for LAND USE AMENDMENT/REZONING covering the parcel of land described below. Also. a PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach on the request below on Tuesday, December 19, '1995, at 7:00 P. M. at the Commt..ion Chamber., or aa soon theresfter as the agenda permits, J I t II")" fLAoJo.;,ur. lEi'r .,.."'t'\... , . NEWPORT PLACE REQUEST: Cotleur Hearing, Inc. Donaldson E. Hearing Expansion of existing Stanford Park PUD to include an addition,,] 1.59 acres and a l20-bed assisted living facility to the existing Newport Place adult livins facility ca.npus. 24.77 acres at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and Northwest 7th Ct. (A.K.A. Stanford Park PUD) The plat of Stanford Park as recorded in plat book 46, pages 67 and 68 of the public records of Palm Beach County. Florida together with Lots 7 and 8. plat of High Ridge subdivision as recorded in plat book 22, page 6, public records of Pslm Beach County, Florida. AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN: From - Low Density Residential To - High Density Residential REZONE: From - PUD Planned Unit Development w/LUI 5 R-l-AAB (Single Family Residential) To - PUD Planned Unit Development w/LUI 5 PETITIONER: AGENT: DESCRIPTION: LOGATION: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: REQUEST: ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY ANI> BE HEARD. ANY PERSON WIlO DE'dDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OR CITY COMmSSION InTII RESPECT TO ANY HATTER CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS WILL NEED TO ENS liRE TIIAT A VERBATH! RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS HADE, WIlICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. PLEASE CALL (407) 375-6260 FOR ANY QUESTIONS HISCX:IlEWP.AD f;cl..t.:;lv HR:m 1t/3Jlfff- /;//,;/ fr REGARDING THE ABOVE HATTERS. SllZANNE H. KRUSE, CMC/ME CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Board of County Commissioners Kl'n L. Foster, Chairman [lurt Aaronson, Vice Chairman J(aren T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County AdministrattH Robert Weisman Department of Engineering and Public Works January 23, 1995 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: WOOLBRIGHT COMMERCIAL Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the revised traffic impact study for the project entitled WoolbriQht Commercial, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This response has been delayed because there were errors in the original study, and the revised study was just recently received. The proposed project consists of 22,500 square feet of retail. The build-out is 1996. The proposed project will generate 1,541 net daily trips. The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. In your transmittal letter, you requested traffic information for the maximum development scenario. That information is provided below. Development size: Project Traffic Existing traffic volume on Woolbright Volume with project traffic LOS D for Woolbright 45,308 square feet of retail 2,409 net daily trips 27,616 28,868 29,400 If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684- 4030. Sincerely, 00 ~ u n In i~ OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER Q 1./ 'c- /~ .'~....<"./~ -,,",v y' ,~ 7 Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer File: TPS - Hun. - Traffic Study Review p~ i h:\traffic\diw\boyn34 "'\n Equ.J1l1ppl1rtllJlII\ - -\1111Jl1.l11\l' .\LII(llll'mplll\VI , ,.., ", ..Ih' nox 212~9 \Vl'~t P.111ll Be.ldl, Flnrid,1.:n-llh41229 (.H)7) t>."\.I..IlI(I() ""nl~ORT ~L("lC. 1 o1ca7'5...~I3"'~'" 1::.@1 * Newport Place A Full Service Retirement Community .. fn)~@~owrnrnl iL~l\ JUN ') 81996 I~ L_._Cd...._-==:J h ;,t~:~iNG hND _u...~.._ fO\~\.~G DE-PT. If A X MESSAG.! TO:j-1' C(.,JAcL RvHPP. COMPANY, C-I"N t>F- gl>'1~Tr>;.j .g~ FAX NUMBER' >'7>" ~ ~t>'1() f).eaA.. /1. ~ . ~ MESSAGE: of -I-~ -;k.A.f.A.~~"" ':CJ ~ ..,qL 1'11>:'85'<1"" ~ ~ ~ ~ r ~"/O<...... :t....:u 'J!. -<;- v,,~-!!J _ ,4.~ 7/', rl? ...... ~ ~"'~.7"':-t'-f ~ d!",t-r-{,..<4 .J yt-~ r ~. ~.icJTf~./-. A. ~ fp 1~<tN"~. t<.A- w~;/o- ~ &-<H<~ ..-~ ~ ~ ,u.. ~ui'-~' ,12 --"" "*'7 ~ ....p.. ~. .-.. t;::R.-~~;:;:;~~~- JZp ~.;.t..L I~" l.tJ *,1I""~id L..~ tt=..~:'1/~ ....~,;'J,-;I,.~ . ~ ~~~~~~)...k<-d...jP4~.... ~ ~--r---"'" iI><""~..A, -r-~....J r:? ~~ ---~~. JjY"'......t<l!..-n.;w:.. ~. r. afi~' ':;Z:- r'/~ ,...... ~, -"- ~ ~, ~ 4, ' ..;;d ~ ~ ,4 ....s.... . ,...A-ft< ~~e~1 1"1~ ~ r ~ ;Ltuz. ~ ... ...,f) dt__Avlc.e. / DATE: fe>1'Z~f{p TOTAL PAGES: 2- p7 /J /1. FROM, ~ ~ 4735 N W Scv' tl C . ., en \ our!. Lantana, Florida 33"'62 ("'071 586-6455 Pax \407) 586-0828 NEWPORT PLACE 14137586121828 P.02 July 1, 1996 Mr. Ronald L. Aylor Managing Fartne~ Newport Place 4735 N.W. Seventh Court Lantana, Fl. 33462 Dear Mr. Aylor: We recently received a letter dated JUne 7, 1996, from the State of Florida Department ot community Affairs finding the Comprehensive Plan Amendment (Ordinance 096-26) in compliance, Ordinances 096-26 and 096-27 were adopted by the City of Boynton Beach on April 16, 1996. Ordinance 096-26 changes the land designation for the Plat of Stanford Park and Lots 7 and 8 of the Plat of High Rid~e Subdivision (together a.k.a. Newport Place) from Low DenSlty Residential to High Density Residential. Ordinance 096-27 changes the zoning of lots 7 and 8 of the Plat of High Ridge Subdivision from R-lAAS to POD LUI-5 to be part of the Stanford Park PUD (a.k.a., Newport Place). Through the above approvals, the zoning and land use designations now permit the development of a 120 bed Assisted Living Facility within the Stanford Park PUD (a.k.a., Newport Place). You may now proceed with the filing of a building permit application for your project. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner ~~ YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INC. 918 U.S. Highway One, Lake Park, Florida 33403 Telephone (407) 842-0907. Facsimile (407) 842-9284 September 20, 1995 Mr. Michael Haag Planning & zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 RE: Stamford ACLF Dear Mr. Haag: Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. has been retained to prepare a trip generation analysis for the above referenced project, located at Hypoluxo Road and 7th Court. The project has been approved for an ACLF with 272 dwelling units, the applicant is proposing to increase the dwelling units by 52 to a total of 324 units. Attached are the trip generation calculations for both the approved and proposed uses. Trip generation indicates that the change results in an increase of 112 daily trips. Since the increase is less than 200 daily trips, according to section 7.9. (I) G, Subsection 1. (C) (1), a complete traffic study is not required. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely, T INC. Ziel, P.E. nt Enclosure C Mr. Dan Weisberg, Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering and Planning TABLE 1 STAMFORD ACLF TRIP GENERATION RATES 24-Sep-95 02:41 :26 PM AM PEAK TRIP RATES PM PEAK TRIP RATES LAND USE IACLF/DU SOURCE: INSTITUTE OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERS, TRIP GENERATION, 5TH EDITION SOURCE: PALM BEACH COUNTY IMPACT FEE ORDINANCE- ADT ITE CODE ADT TRIP RATES TOTAL PERCENT ENTER EXIT TOTAL PERCENT ENT:: EXI:1 252 2.145 0.06 61 39 0.17 TABLE 2 STAMFORD ACLF TRIP GENERATION - APPROVED UNITS LAND USE IACLF/DU SIZE ADT TRIPS AM PEAK TRIPS TOTAL ENTER EXIT 272 583 16 10 6 PM PEAK TRIPS TOT:L ENT:6R EX~: I TABLE 3 STAMFORD ACLF TRIP GENERATION - PROPOSED UNITS LAND USE SIZE ADT TRIPS AM PEAK TRIPS TOTAL ENTER EXIT PM PEAK TRIPS TOTAL ENTER EXIT ACLF/DU 324 695 19 12 8 55 31 24 APPROVED TRIPS: TRIP INCREASE/(DECREASE): 583 112 16 3 10 2 6 1 46 9 26 5 20 4 * Newport Place fj -1 /J 1-' i ~,11:ii:.. I ^ Pull Service Retirement Community October 5, 1994 Mr. William Hukill City Engineer The City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 Re: Hold Harmless Agreement Dear Mr. Hukill: Newport Place abrees to save and hold harmless the City of Boyhton Beach for any claims for injury or damages to persons or property arising frOm a parking space narrower than nine feet in the two covered parking areas constructed at Newport Place in October, 1994. Very truly yours, Newport Place Associates, Ltd. by Newport Place, Inc., General Partner /~~&t/0L~ Ronald l. Aylor President Swam to and subscribed before me this 5th day of October, 1994. , Notary Pu~~ <-I' I / My Commission Expires: qQa.J 1 rr!&tf}o..-.P ..$)\1/1:\ L1HDAF.tfOUANtj loW' ;, MY COMIIISSIOH , cc 228<<l8 ~. . < EXPIRES: Seplombo, 3. 11198 ".' _1Jw~_,-, 4735 N. W. Seventh Court, I "I)t~n~, Fh'rid~ 33462 (407) 58(> 'is Fax (407) 586-0828 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 94-309 TO: ,~~~~~i J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~am Hukill, P.E., City Engineer September 30, 1994 FROM: DATE: RE: NEWPORT PLACE, AKA STANFORD PARK We have measured subject parking/carport installation and discussed the code variations until we are nearly blue in the face. The actual measured variations from the 9' wide parking stalls specified in the Parking Lot (Chapter 5, Section x, Page 446) portion of the code vary from about 7/8" to 27/8". In our opinion, that constitutes a minor change. The bad news is that we can find nothing in the code permitting administrative relief short of entering the formal variance process outlined on pages 450.7 & 450.8 of the code. It would seem reasonable for a procedure to be established authorizing administrative review of this type of situation in the future. Our only apparent choice is to require the applicant to submit an application and fee through the formal process. One alternative I see is to take this case to the P & D Board informally and ask if they support giving the City Engineer latitude in this and similar situations, and if they do, proceeding to the City commission. Another possible alternative, now that the City Engineer and Building Official are one and the same, is to declare this a decision to be made by the Building Official, subject to appeal through the Building Board of Adjustment and Appeals. After October 1st the latter method would speed up the process. By copy of this memo I am asking City Manager Parker for input on possible procedural changes. WVH/ck C:NEWPORT.LOT xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager Al Newbold, Dep. Bldg. Official Jim Du Vall, Engineering Insp. ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 94-314 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director ~~/iLam ~ukill, P.E. (:JJfJf5l. En g ~ nee r October 4, 1994 FROM: DATE: RE: NEWPORT PLACE AKA STANFORD PARK I have discussed the 2" dimensional discrepancy on the covered parking stalls at subject location with City Manager Parker and we both agree that the applicant should be allowed to proceed with construction, A satisfactory document holding the City harmless against future claims should be provided by the applicant. WVH/ck C:NEWPORT.STL xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager ~ Or.T 4 1994 PlANNING AND ZONING DEPT. tJ1ie City of 'Boynton 'Beacli 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi '1loulevartl P.O. 'Bo't310 'Boynton 'Beadi, J'fmUfa 33425.0310 City %Jfl: (407) 375-6000 J'.9IX: (407) 375..(j()9() OF THE CITY ENGINEER October 6, 1994 Mr. Ronald L. Aylor, President Newport Place Associates, Ltd. 4735 N.W. Seventh Court Lantana, FL 33462 Re: Newport Place Dear Mr. Aylor: As you know the City Manager and I recently allowed you to continue construction of the two covered parking canopies at Newport in spite of the slight dimensional discrepancy between supports. Please do not interpret this to include future canopies which do not provide 9' clear for each parking space, as our variance applies only to the two canopies already partially completed. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ?{://f&rc;1" ~ 6d/ William Hukill, P.E. City Engineer WVH/ck C:NEWPORT.PL xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director JImerica's (jateway to tfie (julfstream VA~/fWcE ~. A/PtliAflOllJ . . Cotleur Hearing landscape Architecture Planning Environmental Consulting Graphic Design ii , i; I', Ii f'. ,[ OCT 28 L- -"..... October 25. 1995 .. The City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: Mr. Michael G. Haag RE: Newport Place - PUD Master Plan Our Ref. No. 95~805 Dear Mike, Pursuant to the action taken by the City's Technical Review Committee on October 18. 1995 in connection with the above referenced project. we are hereby transmitting a revised set of all applicable submittal documents. in addition to responding to your comments. A) Recreation and Park Memorandum No. 95-476 - No further action at this time. B) Fire Prevention Memorandum No. 95-359 woe - No further action at this time. C) Police Department Traffic Unit - No further action at this time. D) Building Division Memorandum No. 95-385 - No further action at this time. E) Public Work Department Memorandum No. 95-188 - No further action at this time. F) Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-580 - All comments have been addressed. as the Master Plan has been revised to reflect. G) Development Department Engineering Division Memorandum No. 95-0404 - All comments have been addressed. as the Master Plan has been revised to reflect. We believe the revised amendments to be consistent with the City's comments. Enclosed are twelve sets of amended documents for your reference. Additionally, two sets of documents are enclosed with the application for requesting a variance. Suite 402 1070 E. Indionlown Road Jupiter, Florida 33477 407.747-6336 FAX 747.1 377 Should you require any further information or have any questions pertaining to the attached documents, please contact either Don Hearing or myself. We look fOlWard to appearing before the Planning and Development Board hearing on November 17. 1995. Your time and consideration on this project is greatly appreciated. rs, Steve Gillespie Associate Ene, ee: Ron Aylor (Newport Plaee Assoc,) SG:cc G:\ProjectsIGenerallNwpl-c2 FORMICA & ASSOCIATES CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1600 NW. 2nd Avenue, Suite 15180ca Raton, FL 33432/(407) 368.3611 City of Boynton Beach Building Department POBox 310 120 NE 2nd AVE Boynton Beach. FI 33435 November 8, 1995 Attn: Chief Electrical Inspector Ref: Portofino Fountain Electrical Wiring Dear Sir, I have reviewed the electrical wiring for the fountain located in the Portofino project courtyard, Although routing high and low voltage wires in the same conduit is frowned upon by the National Electrical Code, I feel that in this particular case there is not a hazard to public safety for the following reasons stated below: I. The insulation jacket for both high and low voltage conductors is 600 volts. 2, The conduit is non<onductive PVC. 3. Each circuit is protected by GF! circuit breakers. 4. The lighting and the pump will not be operating simultaneously on a continuous basis. If you have any questions regarding my professional opinion on this matter, please call me. Sincerely, Robert F. Formica P.E. \',< !,,: h~ ,)~ ~~I .~ "I : ~. .'<: ~\, .' " " :\: f ~': .' r ~~ 1~ ~; . t: t:i }'," i~ :.i- I,,' \~ 'to ~~: ~, ~ p: ,; " -'.. ..,.' , U ' Hl::::.H~ If'JG lr'-J.L ....l1.d'/.(.4.,~b..;;Jb eLl I LI:::=. ..... ~I.:::.lW t-'l.:::l.d.- ...." .....11 ULI 1 ,,^"'T ,.;..:1.' ':::d.'=:J 1.:.t ~ l.::.~b 407'/418331 . . ... . . . ... ..... .(":i r- . .,. II 'l'h1J "...~..__J U"." 'aQle'lUl3t' iHltJ.t.l.Q&1R *"1\8 >>1....... ...11 .on;a.ftg 8CHU':d t:o QTant 1::0 olalwo ~t:l1:iQ;per a vas-1l1Jl.a. to Art1al. X "l'cu;-k.t.Dg Lot.", of Cb.pl:.~ S, "8\lild1ng, Housing and CD!Ult:J:\IOt1on Rogula.t:1ons". of the Code of o:t'd1l1auoea of t:he City of Bo"ut= a.lUJh, J'~odcla, as 1t: p.zot:a1n. to .the property descrlbed U th18 appUcat:.1on. IUI.d for t:ba zoealllOIUJ stAtAd below; Section, Sub.cation, a.nd iaragr~ number of Ilpoo.1f.1a l'acnurfllMnt: to whlch YArilUloe 2.1 :r:sqnaat:e4, aM ~ot: l~9'e contained in t:he Code. Section 23-9 H,' Number of driveways. from any proper~y. No mors ehan (2) driveways shall hQ p~~m~+'~~d Where properties abue, mo~e than one (1) pu~11c or privato right-ot-way, additional driveways =ay be permitted, depending upon erattic volumes, but in no instance shall the'number Of driveways exceed two on ~ach street. Nature o~ Vcu:ilWce llOqueatedl Two additional jl~"""" points into Planned Unit Dev~~ODment ox Newport Place off N.W. 7th Court. Btate%llBnt of Special eomUt1ons, HardshiPs. or othe:: realJons .:Justifyil\g' ~he 'I Reqa8Utad varLance I attached add.t.doul Meset., neceqaa.r:y) I , See attached Ju6tificat1on Statement . if u) \W.) undelC tBllld that tbis Qpl1aat1on an4 all ~pe:r. 01' plll1l. .\JJlm.i.l;te4 hel:' itlll btlccxaa u. put of the pe=anant reCoz4ll of the Pl.anning and :rWnlf HQud. (!) (We) her 1!rU't:1fr thAt: the llllove statements and. the statemenb or 1nlll!l JIl4de 111 any 8 0 laDa subaLitl:4ul herewi tb are ue t.o i:he beat Qf our) w1sd~e. '!J)hill application w 11 not be ac:cept 8 low. D&te; A:pkLotVar If ~l\