SURVEYMAP OF SURVEY. 21 L0CAT~. LAKE Tract "L-3" (Water Management Tract) Edge of Water 34. ._~ --9_,4 '~" 2 STORY C.B.S. BLDG. ~ F.F.EL.-(.14.72) ~o MODEL ISO4-L 35' x 40.67' k4'x4'Conc. 2,004 Sq. Ft. o -- A/C Pod U/AC ~ Covered 20.63' ~ ~ntry Corner ~8' Conc. Dr~ve ~ ~ ~ ~ tility Set 5/B" IRC FPL Pod 4' Conc. Walk ~ tar Meter 06° 49 59 g, ?~ ~ 47.70' ~.~ ~o, ~ho, ~.m~ (40' Utility & (Tract "A" - Pr/vote Roadway) ' ~. 06-04-01 FORMBOARD SURVEY. 2. 05-11-01 REVISE PLOT PLAN - ADD PATIO. · 05-1 I -01 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN - MODEL 1804-L. HAGER, PALBICKF. & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS ,3850 N.~W.BOCA RATON BLVD. SUITE ,3, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA ,3,34,31 PHONE: (561) ,39.5-,3600 FAX: (561) ,395-22,37 MELEAR, P.U.D. - BORGATA SCALE; I "- 20' BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE: 5-10-99 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS . HAGER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATES, INC. T,,,~,~r~-o .... i'ROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Certificate of Aulhorization L.B. No. 6772 I'I,A1TIN(i- ('()NI)()MINItlMS- LAND DEVELOPMENT- CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT- BOUNDARY -TOPOGRAIqlIC ~85}N.W. llocaRahmBIvd. Suile3, BocaRalon, FIorida33431 Phone: (561)395-3600 Fax: (561)395-2237 MAP OF SURVEY Legal Description: Lot 1~, Block 3, "MELEAR, P.U.D.", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (Bearings are based upon the centerline of Sandalwood Drive, as shown on the Plat of "MELEAR, P.U.D.", as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, having a bearing of N.01 ~54'05"W.). Site Data: 1.) Flood Information: Community No: 120192 Firm Zone: B Panel No.: 0190 Base Flood Elevation: n/a Suffix: A Lowest Floor Elevation: + 14.72, Ga r. + 13.98 Date of FIRM: Oct. 15, 1982 Highest Adjacent Grade: +14.2 2.) Benchmark: P.B. County Benchmark "WARD", a cone. monument at 0.25' N. of intersection of Congress Ave. & N.W. 22 Ave, 5.4' W. of walk, 290' N. of C/L of L-21 Canal; El. = +12.38 (N.G.V.D.). 3.) Address: Magliano Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 4.) Area of this Site is: 5,800 Square Feet. This suwey is cedified to the following: 1. 6. 5. 10. Notes: Legend: 1 ) Elevations when shown refer to the National Geodetic Vedical Datum (N.G.V.D.). of 1929. B~L or ~ - Base Line 2) This firm has made no attempt to locate footings and/or foundations or other underground improvements (un[ess C/L or ~ -Centerline othe~ise noted). ~ 1~5 - Catch Basin 3 ) The lands shown hereon have not been abstracted by this firm regarding matters of interest by other padies, such as ~ . As-Built Elewlion easements, rights-of-ways, rese~ations, etc, such information should be obtained and verified by others through Prope~ed Elevation c= ~ ~:- - Edge of Water appropriate rifle verification. - Flow Direclion 4.) This drawing ~s Ihe properly of I/~,r, PMbic~c & A.~,~'oci~lc.~', hw. and was prepared for and cedified to the party ~'' and/or parties indicated hereon and is riel transferable or assignable, it shall not be used or reproduced whole or in ~ - Fire Hydrant pad without wrilten authorization ~ - Sanita~ Manhole - Storm Drainage 5.) All Iron Pipes/or/Rods and Nails & Discs, set by this Firm, set with Cap/or/Disc with L.B. No. 6772. ~ Manhole 6) All easements shown on the attached drawing are per the record plat (unless othe~ise noted) Abbreviations: D,~ = DIAMETER L E = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT P O C = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT DRAIN = DRAINAGE LME = LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT P eT = POINT OF TERMINATION A~ = A~C [ ENGIH EASE = EASEMENT L P = LIGHT POLE R= ~ RADIUS A/C = AIR CONDIT~ONFR E O W = EDGE OF WATER (M) = MEASURED (R) = RECORD R C ~ ~ ~ROWARO COUN1 Y ~ECO~QS EL = ELEVATION M H = MANHOLE R~ = R~GHT OF WAY B~ DO = BDI[ DI~G ELEC = ELECTRIC N TS = NOT TO SCALE S D = STORM DRAINAGE (CI = CALCULATED F F = FINISHED FLOOR N&D = NAIL ~ DiSK SEC = SECTION CATV = CABLE T V F tl = TIRE HYORAN[ N&T = NAIL & TA~ SS = SANITARY SEWER C B ~ CATCH BASIN FPL = FI ORIDA POWER g LIGHT O R B = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK STA. = STATION C B S ~ CONCRE T E BLOCK g S~ DCCO GAR = GARAGE P B = PLAT COOK SVC = SERVICE CIt ~ CHORD FND = FOUND PBCR = PALM BEACH COUN~ RECORDS TEL = TELEPHONE (BELLSOUTH) C [ F = CDAIN LI~K FENCE INV = INVERT PG = PAGE T O B = TOP OF SANK COL = COL UMN I P = IRON PiPE PROP = PROPOSED TYP. = TYPICAL CONC ~ CONCRETF I P C = IRON PIPE g CAP PAVE = PAVEMENT U E = UTILI~ EASEMENT D= = DEL~A [CENTRAL) ANGLE I R = IRON ROD P C P = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT UTIL = UTILITY (Ol = DEED I R C = IRON ROD g CAP P R M = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT W M = WATER METER D E = DRAINAGE EASEMENT LAT = LATERAL P OB = POINT OF BEGINNING W V = WATER VALVE Surveyor's Certification: I hereby certify that the attached "Map of Survey" complies with lhe "Minimum Not Valid Unless Technical Standards" for surveys as contained in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Signed and Embossed Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. with the Raised Seal ~ ~ of the Attesting  Florida Registered [ ~~ Professional Land Su~eyor Thomas R. Palbicke, Vice Pres., Professional Land Surveyor No. 5061, State of FIorida Date of Last Field Work: September 18, 2001 Melear, P.U.D. ~ Job No.: LH M-PUD ~ Date: May 3, 2000 Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets I ~Hwa7~HWA7\HWAproj\DOCfiles~M\Melear\Block3LotO18.doc MAP OF SURVEY, ~ ~ ~ 2~ ~0~ ~ TROT m'~" ~ ~ PROPERTY 0_.E M s~o~_woo0 D,,v, N,T,S, LAKE Tract "L-3" (Water Management Tract) ~-506.20' '~.'~_ Set u'06° 50'49" ..,,'~ / '" ',,,,,5/s" ~RC A- 60.49' ~"~ Set / '~. 5/8 IRC ~ ~ [ (Prop.) e ~ ~ (Prop.) 12' x 20' .- 8'x 15' ~ ~ ~ Patio ~e ~ 34. (Under Cons[ruction) 2 STORY C.B.S. BLDG. F,F,EL,-(*14,72) GAR.EL.-(*13.98) MODEL 1804-L 35' x 40.67' (Prop.) 6'x$.5' Conc. 2,004 Sq. Ft. Pod U/AC 14.33' (Prop.) Covere¢ 20.65' (Prop.) 18' Drive Set 5/8" IRC (Prop.) 4' Conc. Walk Corneff N, It~lity R-400.O0' ~ ~ D-06° 49'59" SI ~'~,b 20'Asphalt Pavement A-47.70' ~ '~q'"P CH-45.29' .... ~' - ' MA GLI.4NO DRIVE (40'Utility & Orolnoge Easement) (Tract "A" - Prlvote Roadway) ADDENDUM= 06-04-01 FORMBOARD SURVEY, 7. 2. 05-11-01 REVISE PLOT PLAN - ADD PATIO, · 05-11-01 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN - MODEL 1804-L. 5. Set I 2' Conc. Volley Gutter HAGER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS .38,50 N.W.BOCA RATON BLVD. SUITE .3, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 53431 PHONE: (561) 595-,3600 FAX: (561) ,395-2237 MELEAR. P.U.D. - BORGATA SCALE= I"- 20' BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE= 5-10-99 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS ! HAGER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Certificate of Authorization L.B. No. 6772 PLATI'ING - CONDOMINIUMS - LAND DEVELOPMENT - CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT - BOUNDARY - TOPOGRAPHIC 3850 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 3, Boca Raton, Flodda 33431 Phone: (561) 395-3600 Fax: (561) 395-2237 MAP OF SURVEY Legal Description: Lot 18, Block 3, "MELEAR, P.U.D.", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (Bearings are based upon the centerline of Sandalwood Drive, as shown on the Plat of "MELEAR, P.U.D.", as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, having a bearing of N.01°54'05"W.). Site Data: 1.) Flood Information: Community No: 120192 Firm Zone: B Panel No.: 0190 Base Flood Elevation: n/a Suffix: A Lowest Floor Elevation: +14.72, Gar. +13.98 Date of FIRM: Oct. 15, 1982 Highest Adjacent Grade: +14.2 2.) Benchmark: P.B. County Benchmark "WARD", a conc. monument at 0.25' N. of intersection of Congress Ave. & N.W. 22 Ave, 5.4' W. of walk, 290' N. of C/L of L-21 Canal; El. = +12.38 (N.G.V.D.). 3.) Address: Magliano Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 4.) Area of this Site is: 5,800 Square Feet. This survey is certified to the following: 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 5. 10. Notes: Legend: 1.) Elevations when shown refer to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G,V.D.), of 1929. e/L or ~. - Base Line 2.) This firm has made no attempt to locate footings and/or foundations or other underground improvements (unless ClL or ~ - Centerline  - Catch Basin otherwise noted). .-t~ - As-Built Elevation 3,) The lands shown hereon have not been abstracted by this firm regarding matters of interest by other parties, such as ~ easements, rights-of-ways, reservations, etc., such information should be obtained and verified by others through Proposed Elevation :_--_ ~.~ - Edge of Water appropriate title verification. ~ . Flow Direction 4.) This drawing is the property of Hager, Palbicke & Associates,/nc and was prepared for and certified to the party ~ and/or parties indicated hereon and is not transferable or assignable, it shall not be used or reproduced whole or in i~ - Fire Hydrant part without written authorization. (~) - SaniteW Manhole - Storm Drainage 5.) All Iron Pipes/or/Rods and Nails & Discs, set by this Firm, set with Cap/or/Disc with L.B. No, (t772, (~ Manhole 6.) All easements shown on the attached drawing are per the record plat (unless otherwise noted). Abbreviations: DIA.. = DIAMETER L.E. = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT P.O.C. = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT DRAIN. = DRAINAGE LM.E. = LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT P.O.T. = POINT OF TERMINATION A= = ARC LENGTH EASE. = E/~EMENT L P. = LIGHT POLE R= = RADIUS A/C = AIR CONDITIONER E.O.W. = EDGE OF WATER (M) = MEASURED (R) = RECORD B.C.R. = BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS EL. = ELEVATION M.H. = MANHOLE RNV = RIGHT OF WAY BLDG. = BUILDING ELEC. = ELECTRIC NT.S. = NOT TO SCALE S.D = STORM DRAINAGE (C) = CALCULATED F.F = FINISHED FLOOR N&D = NAIL & DISK SEC. = SECTION CATV. = CABLE T~V. F.H = FIRE HYDRANT N&T = NAIL & TAB S.S = SANITARY SEWER C.B = CATCH BASIN FPL = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT O.R.B. * OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK STA. = STATION C.B.S. = CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO GAR. = GARAGE P.B m PLAT BOOK SVC. = SERVICE CH. = CHORD FND. = FOUND P.B.CR. m PALM aEACH COUN~f RECORDS TEL. = TELEPHONE (BELLSOUTH) C.L.F. = CHAIN LINK FENCE INV = INVERT PG = PAGE T.O.B. * TOP OF BANK COL. = COLUMN I.P. = IRON PIPE PROP. = PROPOSED TYP = TYPICAL CONC. = CONCRETE I.P.C. = IRON PIPE & CAP PAVE. = PAVEMENT UE = UTILITY EASEMENT D= = DELTA (CENTRAL) ANGLE IR. = IRON ROD PC.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT UTIL. = UTILITY (O) = DEED IR.C. = IRON ROD & CAP P.R.M. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT WM. = WATER METER D.E. ~ DRAINAGE EASEMENT LAT. = LATERAL P.QB. = POINT OF BEGINNING W.V = WATER VALVE Surveyor's Certification: I hereby certify that the attached "Map of Survey" complies with the "Minimum Technical Standards" for Not Valid Unless surveys as contained in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Signed and Embossed  with the Raised Seal of the Attesting Florida Registered Thomas R. Palbicke, Vice Pres., Professional Land Surveyor No. 5061, State of Florida Professional Land Surveyor Date of Last Field Work: June 4, 2001 Melear, P.U.D. I Job No.: LH M-PUD I Date: May 3, 2000 Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets I I \\Hwa7~hwa7\HWAproj\DOCfiles\M\Melear~Block3Lot018.doc MAP Of SURVEY, ~ TRACT "E" ~ PROPERTY S~o~WOOD DRIVE '75 LOCATION MAP: ~~ N.T.S. LAKE Tract "L-3" (Water Management Tract) Edge of Water Set 5/6" IRC R-506.20' D'06° 50'49" A-60.49' LOT BLO K 17 I 3 LOT 18 Lake Eos ~t LOT 19 8' X Conc. 12' x 20' Conc. Patio BIc I 34.98' 2 STORY C.B.S. BLDG. F.F.EL.-(* 14.72) GAR,EL.-(*13.98) MODEL 1804-L 35' x 40.67' 4'x4' Conc, 2,004 Sq, Pod U/AC 14.33' Covered 20.63' 18' Conc. Drive o '~-z Corner N, ~- Box c5 ~ ~ ht Pole ~tility Set VPL Pod 5/8" IRC 4' Conc. Walk ~,~ Iter Meter R. 4 0 0.0 0 '__.--...~""~-.' 0'06' 49'59" .,fi,-/I 7 7f3' ~1 ~ 20' ~phoIt Pavement ~1 ~2' Conc. ....... - ~; .... g~5.29' ~ Valley Cutter .... .... ..... I ADDENDUM= 4. 09-18-01 FINAL SURVEY. 18. 3. 06-04-01 FORMBOARD SURVEY, 2. 05-11-01 REVISE PLOT PLAN - ADD PATIO. · 05-11-01 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN - MODEL 1804-L. HA GER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS `3850 N.W.BOCA RATON BLVD. SUITE ,:3, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA .334.31 PHONE: (561) .395-.3600 FAX: (551) 395-2237 MELEAR, P.U.D. - BORGATA SCALE= I "- 20' I BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE~ 5-10-99 I SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS · HAGER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~,~.~,~,~oo ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Certificate of Authorization L.B. No. 6772 I'I,AII'IN(; - C()NI)()MINIUMS - [,AND DEVELOPMENT - CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT - BOUNDARY - TOPOGRAPIIIC 3850 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 3, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone: (561) 395-3600 Fax: (561) 395-2237 MAP OF SURVEY Legal Description' Lot 18, Block 3, "MELEAR, P.U.D.", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (Bearings are based upon the centerline of Sandalwood Drive, as shown on the Plat of "MELEAR, P.U.D.", as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, having a bearing of N.01 °54'05"W.). Site Data: 1.) Flood Information: Community No: 120192 Firm Zone: B Panel No.: 0190 Base Flood Elevation: n/a Suffix: A Lowest Floor Elevation: +14.72, Gar. +13.98 Date of FIRM: Oct. 15, 1982 Highest Adjacent Grade: +14.2 2.) Benchmark: P.B. County Benchmark "WARD", a conc. monument at 0.25' N. of intersection of Congress Ave. & N.W. 22 Ave, 5.4' W. of walk, 290' N. of C/L of L-21 Canal; El. = +12.38 (NG.V.D.). 3.) Address: Magliano Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 4.) Area of this Site is: 5,800 Square Feet. This survey is certified to the following: 1. 6. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Notes: Legend: 1 .) Elevations when shown refer to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NGV D.). of 1929. B/L or I~ - Base Line 2.) This firm has made no attempt to locate footings and/or foundations or other underground improvements (unless C/L or (~ -Centerline otherwise noted). []~]~ ~t~ - Catch Basin 3.) The lands shown hereon have not been abstracted by this firm regarding matters of interest by other parties, such as k~.~:.-~, - As-Built Elevation easements, rights-of-ways, reservations, etc., such information should be obtained and verified by others through ·~13'= Proposed Elevation ~_~ ~=--- - Edge of Water appropriate title verification - Flow Direction 4) This drawing is the property of Ilager, Palbicke & Associate&', Inc. and was prepared for and certified to the party '-~/~' and/or padies indicated hereon and is not transferable or assignable, it shall not be used or reproduced whole or in ~[~ - Fire Hydrant part without written authorization (~) - Sanitary Manhole - Storm Drainage 5 ) All Iron Pipes/or/Rods and Nails & Discs, set by this Firm, set with Cap/or/Disc with L.B. No. 6772. ~ Manhole 6 ) All easements shown on the attached drawing are per the record plat (unless otherwise noted). DIA = DIAMETER L E = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT P O C = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Abbreviations: DRAIN = DRAINAGE L M E = LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT POT = POINT OF TERMINATION A= = ARC LENGTH EASE = EASEMENT L P = LIGHT POLE R= = RADIUS A/C =AIR CONDITIONER E OW =EDGE OF WATER IM) =MEASURED (R) =RECORD B C R ~BRO~AtARD COUNTY RECORDS EL =ELEVATION M H =MANHOLE RNV =RtGHT OF WAY BLDG =BUILDING ELEC =ELECTRIC N T S. =NOT TO SCALE S O =STORM DRAINAGE lC) = CALCULATED F F = FINISHED FLOOR N&D = NAIL & DISK SEC = SECTION CATV =CABLE T V F H =FIRE HYDRANT N&T = NAIL & TAB S S =SANITARY SEWER C B =CATCH BASIN FPL =FLORIDA POWER&LIGHT OR B = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK STA. =STATION C B S =CONCRETEBLOCK&STUCCO GAR =GARAGE PB =PLAT BOOK SVC =SERVICE CH =CHORD FND =FOUND P B C.R =PALM aEACH COUNTYRECORDS TEL =TELEPHONE (BELLSOUTH) C L F = CHAIN LINK FENCE INV = INVERT PG = PAGE TOB = TOP OF BANK COL : COLUMN I P = IRON PIPE PROP = PROPOSED TYP. = TYPICAL CONC =CONCRETE IPC =IRON PIPE & CAP PAVE =PAVEMENT UE =UTILITY EASEMENT D= =DELTA (CENTRAL) ANGLE I R =IRON ROD PCP =PERMANENT CONTROL POINT UTIL =UTILITY (D) = nEED I R C = IRON ROD & CAP PRM = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT W M =WATER METER D E = DRAINAGE EASEMENT LAT. = LATERAL P O B = POINT OF BEGINNING W V = WATER VALVE Surveyor's Certification: I hereby certify that the attached "Map of Survey" complies with the "Minimum Not Valid Unless Technical Standards" for surveys as contained in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Signed and Embossed Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. with the Raised Seal ~,~//~ -- of the Attesting ,. ' Florida Registered ~ ,... ~_.~.....-~ Professional Land Surveyor Thomas R. Palbicke, Vice Pres., Professional Land Surveyor No. 5061, State of Florida Date of Last Field Work: September 18, 2001 Melear, P.U.D. ~ Job No.: LH M-PUD ~ Date: May 3, 2000 Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets I ! \\Hwa7\HWA7\HWAproj\DOCfiles\M\Melear\Block3Lot018.doc MAP OF SURVEY, I I ,I ~ ~ SUBJECT \ TRACT m'E" ~ /--~ROPERTY 26 0 LOCATION MAP: "~-J--_i~L~:~/ SA. DA~WOOD DR,YE NTS ~ ×/ LAKE Tract" _" . ~ ;; W°tALL WORK INVOLVED ON THIS P MIT SHALJ,-P~0NFORM I '~ s.t D-06" 50'49" .~ ' / ]1 5/8 ~RC BLO C~K 3 ~ nonce Bldg. Corner O. 10' N. '-', '3'x8' 3'x8' ~.~ .o~ ~ Conc Pod 'f-- ," (Prop.) (Proposed) (Prop.) 2 STORY C.B.S. BLDG. F.F.EL.. · 14.60 GAR.EL.-.14.85 ~ MODEL 1804-L 35' x 40.67' (Prop.) 6'x$.5' Conc. 2,004 Sq. Ft. O Pod U/AC 14.33' ~ (Prop.) Covered 2O.67' · Corner I__ (Prop.) __ _ ~ I ~t~ 18' Drive ~ ~ ~ ~ Set 5/8" IRC (Prop.) 4' Conc. Walk I Set r-400.O0 - - D-06° 4,9,'59" ~ ' · 1 0 oI A-47.70 C~F-'- ~' ~ 2o' Asphalt Pavement ~: L2' Conc ~.//~' .~L CH-45.29' , alley Gutter (40' Utility & Drainage Easement) '/~ ~ ~ (Tract "A" - Prlvote Roadway),~ ADDENDUM, · 05-11 -01 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN - MODEL 1804-L. HAGER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATES, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS .3850 N.W.BOCA RATON BLVD. SUITE .:3, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 5.3431 PHONE: (561) .395-3600 FAX: (561) `395-22`37 MELEAR, P.U.D. - BORGATA SCALE: I "- 20' BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE, 5-10-99 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS I HA GER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIATE& INC. ~w~-t~-GeX ~ PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS Certificate of Authorization L.B. No. 6772 PLATI'ING - CONDOMINIUMS - I,AND DF, VF~LOPMENT - CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT - BOUNDARY - TOPOGPo\PHIC 3850 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 3, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone: (561) 395-360il Fax: (56l) 395-2237 MAP OF SURVEY Legal Description: Lot 18, Block 3, "MELEAR, P.U.D.", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (Bearings are based upon the centerline of Sandalwood Drive, as shown on the Plat of "MELEAR, P.U.D.", as recorded in =let Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, having a bearing of N.01°54'05"W.). Site Data: 1.) Flood Information: Community No: 120192 Firm Zone: B Panel No.: 0190 Base Flood Elevation: n/a Suffix: A Lowest Floor Elevation: Date of FIRM: Oct. 15, 1982 Highest Adjacent Grade: 2.) Benchmark: P.B. County Benchmark "WARD", aconc, monument at 0.25' N. of intersection of Congress Ave. & N.W. 22 Ave, 5.4' W. of walk, 290' N. of C/L of L-21 Canal; El. = +12.38 (N.G.V.D.). 3.) Address: Magi/anD Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 4.) Area of this Site is: 5,800 Square Feet. This survey is certified to the following: 1. 6. 2. 7. 4. 9. 5. 10. Notes: Legend: 1.) Elevations when shown refer to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (N.G.V.D.). of 1929. BIL or I~ - Base Line 2.) This firm has made no attempt to locate footings and/or foundations or other underground improvements (unless C/L or ~ - Centerline ~.t ?~a~ - Catch Basin otherwise noted). - As-Built Elevation 3.) The lands shown hereon have not been abstracted by this firm regarding matters of interest by other parties, such as easements, rights-of-ways, reservations, etc., such information should be obtained and verified by others through ~3'=z_-=-~-~ - ProposedEdge of WaterElevati°n appropriate title verification. - Flow Direction 4.) This drawing is the property of Hager, Palbicke & Associates, Inc. and was prepared for and certified to the party and/or parties indicated hereon and is not transferable or assignable, it shall not be used or reproduced whole or in ~ - Fire Hydrant - Sanitary Manhole part without written authorization. (~) - Storm Drainage 5.) All iron Pipes/or/Rods and Nails & Discs, set by this Firm, set with Cap/or/Disc with L.B. No. 6772. (~) Manhole 6.) All easements shown on the attached drawing are per the record plat (unless otherwise noted). DIA.. = DIAMETER LE. = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT P O C = POINT OF COMMENCEMENT Abbreviations: DRAIN. = DRAINAGE L.M E = LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT P O T. = POINT OF TERMINATION CH. = CHORD FND = FOUND P BCR = PALM BEACH COUNTY RECORDS TEL = TELEPHONE (BELLSOUTH) C LF = CHAIN LINK FENCE INV = iNVERT PG = PAGE TO.B = TOP OF BANK D= = DELTA (CENTRAL) ANGLE I.R. = IRON ROD PC P = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT UTIL = UTILITY (D) = DEED I R C. = IRON ROD & CAP P.R.M = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT WM = WATER METER D.E = DRAINAGE EASEMENT LAT = LATERAL PO O = POINT OF BEGINNING W V = WATER VALVE Surveyor's Certification: I hereby certify that the attached "Map of Survey" complies with the "Minimum Technical Standards" for Not Valid Unless surveys as contained in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Signed and Embossed / //~ with the Raised Seal ~,~,.a ,~>. _ · of the Attesting ~/~ ~" Florida Registered Thomas R. Palbicke, Vice Pres., Professional Land Surveyor No. 5061, State of Florida Professional Land Surveyor Date of Last Field Work: May 3, 2000 Melear, P.U.D. ~ Job No.: LH M-PUD ~ Date: May 3, 2000 Sheet 1 of Z Sheets I I \\Hwa7\HWA7\HWAproj\DOCfiles\M\Melear\Block3Lot018.doc MAP OF SURVEY, SUBJE CT PROPERTY LOCATION N,T.S, LAKE Tract "L-3" (Water Management Tract) Edge of Water r-5o6.2o, Set D'06° 50'49" 5/s" ~RC A'60.49'_ ..... 't';X s~6~,,e~c ~ - - - 5--~'¢~C 20' (Prop.) 12' x 20' I ~'x ~5' ~ Bldg. Corner ~ 0.10' N.~ 35.0( (Proposed) ~ 2 STORY ~ C.B.S. BLDG. ~ [ F.F./L.-.I~.60 c~..~...~..~ I ~ ~o~E~ 35' x 40.67' ~ (Prop.) ~ 6'xS.5'Conc. 2,004 Sq. Ft. o Pod U/AC (Prop.) Covered Corner i' N. 18' Drive ~ ~ ~ Set 5/8" iRC (Prop,) 4' Conc. Walk R-400.00 - D.06° 49'59'' ~ 20' Asphalt Pavement A-47.70' CH-45.29' · -'-'~'-' MA GLIANO DRIVE (40' Utility & Drainage Easement) (Tract "A" - Prlvote Roadway) ADDENDUM= 4. 2. 05-11-01 REVISE PLOT PLAN - ADD PATIO. 6. I. 05-11-01 PROPOSED PLOT PLAN - MODEL 1804-L. 5. Conc. Volley Gutter HA GER, PALBICKE & ASSOCIA T_b'S, INC. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYORS .3850 N.W.BOCA RATON BLVD. SUITE 3, BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 334-31 PHONE: (561) 395-$600 FAX: (561) 395-2237 MELEAR, P.U.D. - BORGATA SCALE; I "- 20' BOUNDARY SURVEY DATE; 5-10-99 SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS .... HA GER, PALBICKE & /tSSOCIA TES, INC. ~~-'~ PR O FESSIONAL LAN DS U RVEYO RS Certificate of Authorization L.B. No. 6772 PLATTING - CONDOMINIUMS - LAND DEVELOPMENT - CONSTRUCTION LAYOUT - BOUNDARY - TOPOGILAPHIC 3850 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Suite 3, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone: (561) 395-360{! Fax: (561) 395-2237 MAP OF SURVEY Legal Description: Lot 18, Block 3, "MELEAR, P.U.D.", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. (Bearings are based upon the centerline of Sandalwood Drive, as shown on the Plat of "MELEAR, P.U.D.", as recorded in Plat Book 86, Pages 145 through 150 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, having a bearing of N.01°54'05"W.), Site Data: 1.) Flood Information: Community No: 120192 Firm Zone: B Panel No.: 0190 Base Flood Elevation: n/a Suffix: A Lowest Floor Elevation: Date of FIRM: Oct. 15, 1982 Highest Adjacent Grade: 2.) Benchmark: P.B. County Benchmark "WARD", a conc. monument at 0.25' N. of intersection of.Congress Ave. & N.W. 22 Ave, 5.4' W. of walk, 290' N. of C/L of L-21 Canal; El. = +12.38 (N.G.V.D.). 3.) Address: Magliano Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida 4.) Area of this Site is: 5,800 Square Feet. This survey is certified to the following: 1. 6. 2. 7. 3. 8. 4. 9. 5. 10. Notes: Legend: 1.) Elevations when shown refer to the National Geodetic Vertical Datum (NG.V.D.). of 1929. B/L or ~ - Base Line 2.) This firm has made no attempt to locate footings and/or foundations or other underground improvements (unless ClL or ~. -Centerline otherwise noted). [~ 1~~ - Catch Basin 3.) The lands shown hereon have not been abstracted by this firm regarding matters of interest by other parties, such as,~, ~.c.~ - As-Built Elevation easements, rights-of-ways, reservations, etc., such information should be obtained and verified by others through ,''~3~ Proposed Elevation ~_ ~ =--- - Edge of Water appropriate title verification. ~ - Flow Direction 4.) This drawing is the property of Hager, Palbicke & ~ssociates, Inc. and was prepared for and certified to the party and/or parties indicated hereon and is not transferable or assignable, it shall not be used or reproduced whole or in ~ - Fire Hydrant part without written authorization. (~ - Sanitary Manhole 5.) All Iron Pipes/or/Rods and Nails & Discs, set by this Firm, set with Cap/or/Disc with L.B. No. 6772. - Storm Drainage 6.) All easements shown on the attached drawing are per the record plat (unless otherwise noted). (~) Manhole DIA = DIAMETER LE. = LANDSCAPE EASEMENT P O C, = POINT OF COMMENCEME.C~T Abbreviations: DRAIN. = DRAINAGE L.M E = LAKE MAINTENANCE EASEMENT P QT. = POINT OF TERMINA'[ION Am = ARC LENGTH EASE. ~ EASEMENT LP. = LIGHT POLE R= = RADIUS NC = AIR CONDITIONER E.OW, = EDGE OF WATER (M) = MEASURED (R) = RECORD B.C.R, = BROWARD COUNTY RECORDS EL. = ELEVATION M H = MANHOLE RNV = RIGHT OF WAY BLDG, = BUILDING ELEC, = ELECTRIC N.T.S = NOT TO SCALE SD = STORM DRAINAGE (C) = CALCULATED F.F. = FINISHED FLOOR N&D = NAIL & DISK SEC. = SECTION CATV. ~ CABLE T.V F.H = FIRE HYDRANT N&T = NAIL & TAB SS = SANITARY SEWER C.B. = CATCH BASIN FPL = FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT O.R.B = OFFICIAL RECORDS BOOK STA = STATION C.BS. = CONCRETE BLOCK & STUCCO GAR = GARAGE P.B = PLAT BOOK SVC. = SERVICE CH. = CHORD ' FNO = FOUND P.E C.R = PALM BEACH COUNTY RECORDS TEL. = TELEPHONE {BELLSOUTH) C.L.F, = CHAIN LI~ FENCE INV = INVERT PG = PAGE TO B. = TOP OF BANK COL. = COLUMN I.P. = IRON PiPE PROP = PROPOSED TYP = TYPICAL CONC. = CONCRETE IP C, = IRON PIPE & CAP PAVE. = PAVEMENT UR. = UTILITY EASEMENT D= = DELTA (CENTRAL) ANGLE I.R. = IRON ROD PC.P. = PERMANENT CONTROL POINT UTIL. = UTILITY (D} = DEED I.R.C. = iRON ROD & CAP PRM. = PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT W M = WATER METER D E = DRAINAGE EASEMENT LAT = LATERAL POi = POINT OF BEGINNING WV = WATER VALVE I Surveyor's:~"ertification: I hereby certify that the attached "Map of Survey" complies with the "Minimum Technical Standards" for Not Valid Unless surveys as contained in Chapter 61G17-6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant to Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. Signed and Embossed ~,~, .~/~___~ with the Raised Seal ~. '_.~. of the Attesting ..... Florida Registered Thomas R. Palbicke, Vice Pres., Professional Land Surveyor No. 5061, State of Florida Professional Land Surveyor Date of Last Field Work: Ma~/3, 2000 Melear, P.U.D. ~ Job No.: LH M-PUD ~ Date: May 3, 2000 Sheet 1 of 2 Sheets I I \\HwaT~HWAT\HWAproj\DOCfiles\M\Melear\Block3LotO 18 .doc