Christopher DeLiso
P.O. Box 1401
Boynton Beach, FL 33435-1401
Tel: 561-731-5755
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September 6. 2000
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. 8oyrlton Beach Bivd.
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
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Att: Kurt Bressner, City Manager
Dear Kurt:
In opening, I would like to thank you for meeting with me on September 1, 2000.
In the meeting you asked me to see what recreational amenities the homeowners
wanted in Boynton Estates. We have a mixture of people in our development,
including retirees and a great deal of families with children.
The retirees would like a walking path with hills to walk over. The residents with
families would like a larger swing set that would have eight swings and a few
small kiddy amenities (Le., slide, little horses that rock back and forth, etc.).
The residents would also like a bench every 25 feet on the walk trail.
Thank you for your assistance in these requests.
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Bressner, Kurt
Rumpf, Michael
Thursday, August 31,20001:19 PM
Bressner, Kurt
Hawkins, Wilfred; Greene, Quintus; Weise, Carisse; Wildner, John
RE: Boynton Estates
The subject residential community is a portion of a an old modified master plan. The subsequent site plan processed for
the property did not include any details for a recreation area, it only implied that the recreation area would be designed at a
later date. This is an old project; it is unclear whether it was to be reviewed administratively and through the permit
process, or through the formal site plan process. To allow the final units to be finished and certified for occupancy prior to
the completion of all remaining improvements, the city accepted surety which included the swing set.
The city's code only specifies certain recreation amenities when credit is received against the City's recreation impact fee
assessed on residential projects. Records indicate that fees have been paid so no amenity obligation applies to this
portion of the greater PUD.
The current developer took over the project prior to the completion of all units and other requirements by the original
developer. The current developer is attempting to finish up the project and hand it over to the HOA. The city has worked
with the developer as best as possible to help him expedite this stage of the project while also ensuring that the minimal
requirements are in place. He proposed to the city that the sod (over the common/recreation area) be replaced with seed,
and that the recreation area was not necessary. Staff held him to the sod requirement, and recommended that some
recreation elements be installed but left the design up to him (I did stress a swing set and something else such as a
sandbox, picnic benches or those spring-based bouncing toys to ensure that some tot lot-like elements be included. This
project is immediately adjacent to an elementary school so I would assume that children exist in a majority of the homes).
The latest is that he has purchased and installed a swing set.
I have spoken to the Mr. Larry Abo, the developer, and determined that he is willing to install additional low-cost items such
as benches. We did not speak of additional recreation items.
Regarding the operating front gate, he also indicated that while work crews are entering the project he does not want to
shut it 24 hours but of course would make it fully operational once the project is 100%. I do not know what the issue is with
the gate, nor have any further details but I am certain that Mr. Deliso can explain.
Lastly, Mr. Abbo has offered his cell phone number for his availability during your meeting with Mr. Deliso if he can assist
in any way. Please let me know if I can assist further.
-Original Message-
From: Weise, Carisse
Sent: Thursday, August 31,200010:22 AM
To: Rumpf, Michael; Wildner, John
Cc: Hawkins, Wilfred; Greene, Quintus
Subject: Boynton Estates
Please provide Mr. Bressner with a brief summary of the situation at Boynton Estates in
regards to landscaping and recreation amenities. Kurt will be meeting with Chris Deliso
tomorrow and would like this information e-mailed to him no later than 11:00 a.m. tomorrow
morning, in preparation for this meeting.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Building - Planning & Zoning - Neighborhood Services - Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment
March 29, 2000
Mr. Christopher DeLi so
P.O. Box 1401
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Boynton Estates Development
Completion of recreation area (ground cover)
Dear Mr. DeLi so:
The developer of the subject development has contacted the city to request a modification of the
corresponding development plan to allow the planting of seed on the recreation area rather than sod as
indicated on the approved plans. Please also be informed that the developer was eXplained the process that
must be followed to request an amendment to an approved site plan, and staff anticipates this request in the
near future. Once filed, a thorough review of the proposed modifications will occur to enS'-lre that codes are
met, and that the modifications are in the best interest of the city and residents. Given the fact that the use of
seed rather than sod will delay the city's final review and approval ofthe project, and further delay access to
the park by residents, the city will not be in favor of this aspect of the anticipated modifications
Please feel free to contact the Planning & Zoning Division (742-6260) as frequently as desirable to keep
abreast of this process.
Michael Rumpf
Planning & Zoning Director
cc: Quintus Greene
J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\ WP\CORRESP\DeLiso . Boynton Estates.doc
City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Phone: (561) 742-6350 .
Jim White, City Engineer
John Wildner, Parks Superintendent r II
Charles C. Frederick, Director .: - C' _~__--
Recreation & Park Department
Citrus Park P.D.D. - Recreation Fee Credit
January 27, 1994
The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed Engineering
Department Memorandum *94-033. In regards to reimbursement of half
of the recreation impact based on private recreation provided, the
following comments are submitted:
1. This Department does not object to reimbursement based on the
completion of private recreational facilities as specified in
the code and approved by staff (as meeting the recreation
needs of the community).
2. Reimbursement is contingent on the completion of the
facilities or the posting of 110% bond.
3. Pending approval of the City Attorney, no interest is paid on
the reimbursed amount.
JW: ad
XC: J. Scott Miller, City Manager
James Cheroff, City Attorney
Vincent Finizo, Deputy City Engineer
Enrico Rossi, P.E.
625 Whispering Pines Road
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
January 24, 1994
James White, P.E.
Office of the City Engineer
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
RE: Citrus Park P.U.D. Submittal of Preliminary Plat with minor revision
Dear Mr. White,
Enclosed for the City review and approval are twelve (12) sets of the Preliminary Plat and
Engineering Drawings which have been revise~ to show an enlarged recreation area and the
removal of the cul-de-sac. Also enclosed are twelve (12) copies of the proposal from J.W.
Cheatham dated November 24, 1993 which I certify is a fair representation of costs.
Enclosed is a check for the filing fee in the amount of 52,250.00 made payable to the City
of Boynton Beach. Also enclosed is a letter from Mr. William Rudnick, the contract
purchaser of Citrus Park, indicating the desire to apply for credit to the recreation fee in
accordance with code requirements at a later date.
I trust the City's review allows this Preliminary Plat submittal to come before the Technical
Review Committee on February 1, 1994.
Citrus Park, a P.U.D., is situated along the east rights-of-way of
Lawrence Road, immediately north of Palm Beach County School Board,
Elementary School site "P".
On March 20, 1990, the City Commission approved the preliminary
plat, subject to staff comments for the Citrus Park subdivision
(see attached Planning Department letter dated March 23, 1990).
On January 25, 1994, Mr. Enrico "Ric" Rossi, P. E. (Developer's
Engineer) resubmitted the preliminary plat for re-review by the
Technical Review Committee, reference previous staff comments not
yet resolved. Mr. Rossi, on behalf of the applicant, that being
Watermark Group, Inc., has submitted appropriate plan review fees
and is apparently moving forward toward final platting estimated to
occur sometime within February of 1994.
The Citrus Park subdivision shall contain 113 single family lots
(see location plan) and be so constructed as to comply with current
codes relative to the construction of water distribution, sewage
collection, street lighting, drainage and paving, etc.
End of Citrus Park History.
January 21, 1994
Mr. Jim White, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Boynton Beach
100 Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
RE: Minor revisJon to Plat of
Citrus Park pun to provide
for enlargement of
recreation area.
Dear Mr. White:
It is anticipated that Mr. Rick Rossi will deliver the plat and
engineering drawings for infrastructure on Monday, January 24,
1994 to enable a timely review by the Technical Review
We intend to enlarge the recreation area as shown on the
preliminary plat to an area sufficient in size to receive the
recreational fee credit in accordance with the ordinance.
Accordingly, we will provide a detailed site recreation area
drawing within a short span of time following the recording of
the plat.
The reason for not having the drawing at this time is that we
want to further evaluate the buyer profile prior to defining
and positioning the recreational aaenities within that area.
If, for instance, we find that families with children are the
prillary market, we w111 need amenities suitable for the.; if,
however, we find the market consists of .ostly "empty nesters"
or retirees, the recreational allenity requirements will differ.
Therefore, we want to retain an eleaent of flexibility in the
planning of this area.
Enclosed is a check in the allount of $2,250 for the plat
subllittal and review fees.
We appreciate your consideration.
Thank you.
L. William Rudnick, President
L WR: 1 p
cc: Mr. Rossi
\lr. Saladrlgas
. 7947 Yorkshire Court Boca Raton. Aorlda 33496 (407) 852-8400 Fax (407) 451-4941
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Division of Planning and Zoning
Planning & Zoning
Occupational License
Community Redevelopment
June 13,2000
Larry Mayer Abbo
Vice President
Prime Investors and Developers, Inc.
21218 Saint Andrews Boulevard # 510
Boca Raton, Florida 33433
Re: Boynton Estates
MMSP 00-034
Dear Mr. Abbo:
In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of modifications proposed to the
above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed changes regarding
landscaping shown on the revised plans date stamped 6/9/00 are "minor", as defined within the Land
Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review.
This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application contingent
upon satisfying the landscaping recommendations outlined in the attached memorandum from Kevin
Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist dated June 13, 2000. Be advised that the proposed change may
require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional
O<U&~ -d-cJlttV
Lusia Galav, AICP
Senior Planner
Cc: Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist
Jose Alfaro, Planner
l'ISHRDATAIPlanning\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\Boynton Estates MJl,1SPIMinor Modification Lencr.doc
America's Gateway to the Gulfstream
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259
U 1--fSP OO,..o3tJ
Building - Planning & Zoning - Neighborhood Services - Occupational Licenses - Community Redevelopment
March 29, 2000
Mr. Christopher DeLiso
P.O. Box 1401
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
Boynton Estates Development
Completion of recreation area (ground cover)
Dear Mr. DeLiso:
The developer of the subject development has contacted the city to request a modification of the
corresponding development plan to allow the planting of seed on the recreation area rather than sod as
indicated on the approved plans. Please also be informed that the developer was explained the process that
must be followed to request an amendment to an approved site plan, and staff anticipates this request in the
near future. Once filed, a thorough review of the proposed modifications will occur to ensure that codes are
met, and that the modifications are in the best interest of the city and residents. Given the fact that the use of
seed rather than sod will delay the city's final review and approval of the project, and further delay access to
the park by residents, the city will not be in favor of this aspect of the anticipated modifications.
Please feel free to contact the Planning & Zoning Division (742-6260) as frequently as desirable to keep
abreast of this process.
Michael Rumpf
Planning & Zoning Director
cc: Quintus Greene
J :\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\CORRESP\DeLiso - Boynton Estates.doc
City of Boynton Beach - 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 - Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
Phone: (561) 742-6350 -
Citizen Service Request
Request Number: 323 Request Taken By: Carisse Weise
March 28, 2000 9:47 am
Via: Phone
Citizen Making Request
District: 0
Christopher Delisa
P.O. Box 1401
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
(561) 731-5755
Request Information
Date Received: 03/28/20009:21:14 AM
Priority: Unknown
Type of Concern: Unknown
Service Requested: Customer has sent letter to Quintus Greene, Development Director & cc:
to Wilfred Hawkins, Interim City Manager regarding park being built in the
Boynton Estates Development. Customer is concerned that grass seed
will be used by builder, instead of sodding, which was called for in the
original plans. If seed does not grow, homeowners will have to pay to sod
area. Customer feels that by allowing builder to use seed, the standards
in Boynton Beach have been lowered.
Location: P.O. Box 1401, Boynton Beach 33435
Department Assigned: Planning and Zoning
Dept. Contact: Tambri Heyden
Dept. Phone: (561) 742-6261
Date Due: 03-31-2000
Date Dept Recieved:
Service Provided:
Letter provided to
and describing the
applicant describing city's position
process developer must follow to amend
Date Citizen Notified: Letter mailed 3/30/00.
E':~er :f?e "".::)1:'; t.~C;'i>...~ ."'2le
Date Completed: 3/29/00
Rumpf, Michael
Byrne, Nancy
Tuesday, March 28, 2000 10:20 AM
Rumpf, Michael
FW: C-Track Concern 323 Dept-Planning and Zoning
I notice that Tambri's name appears as the contact in this request. I think we should let her
-----Original Message-----
From: weise, Carisse
Sent: Tuesday, March 28,20009:58 AM
To: Greene, Quintus; Rumpf, Michael
Cc: Byrne, Nancy
Subject: C-Track Concern 323 Dept-Planning and Zoning
We received a complaint letter in this office from Mr. DeLiso of Boynton Estates Development
and Wilfred has requested that it be tracked via Action Center. Please contact me if you have
any questions.
Thank ou.
C- Track Concern #323
Department: Planning and Zoning
Received By: Carisse Weise
Citizen: Christopher DeLiso
Rumpf, Michael
Weise, Carisse
Tuesday, March 28,20009:58 AM
Greene, Quintus; Rumpf, Michael
Byrne, Nancy
C-Track Concern 323 Dept-Planning and Zoning
We received a complaint letter in this office from Mr. Deli so of Boynton Estates Development
and Wilfred has requested that it be tracked via Action Center. Please contact me if you have
any questions.
Thank i'
C- Track Concern #323
Department: Planning and Zoning
Received By: Carisse Weise
Citizen: Christopher DeLiso
rvt. MS P f)O..-O a l{
Parks/ Planning Division Memorandum- TRC
Lusia Galav, Senior Planner
Kevin J Hallahan, Forester I Environmentalist t< ~ *
Boynton Estates; park area, common areas landscaping, lake plantings
Minor Modification~ (MMSP-00-034)
Prime Investors & Developers, Inc.
June 13,2000
I have reviewed the above plans pertaining to the common areas landscaping, and proposed
lake(s) plantings. The following comments are based upon my field inspection of the sites and
knowledge of the existing landscape materials, and irrigation systems.
1. The existing irrigation system throughout these sites should be inspected and repaired as
needed to provide adequate water to the existing and proposed landscaping. The existing
irrigation system must be operational prior to relocating or installing new landscape
2. I have no comments on the proposed landscape plantings in the "common areas" (areas
beyond the 20' wide water tracts A,B,C perimeters)
Lake Plantings (water tracts A, B, C)
1. The proposed landscape plantings (i.e. shrubs, bushes, ground coverings, aquatic plants in
the water) should be installed contiguous to the existing plantings.
2. The sod shown on the drawings located between the existing plantings and the proposed
plantings should be removed over time as part of the lake management plan.
3. There should be a lake management plan document created detailing the proper,
perpetual maintenance of the lake plantings.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
XC: kjh
~~f.. DO ..0.34
Parks! Plannine: Division Memorandum- TRC
Lusia Galav, Senior Planner
Kevin J Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist r< ~ ~
Boynton Estates; park area, common areas landscaping, lake plantings
Minor Modification- (MMSP-00-034)
Prime Investors & Developers, Inc.
June 13,2000
I have reviewed the above plans pertaining to the common areas landscaping, and proposed
lake(s) plantings. The following comments are based upon my field inspection of the sites and
knowledge of the existing landscape materials, and irrigation systems.
1. The existing irrigation system throughout these sites should be inspected and repaired as
needed to provide adequate water to the existing and proposed landscaping. The existing
irrigation system must be operational prior to relocating or installing new landscape
2. I have no comments on the proposed landscape plantings in the "common areas" (areas
beyond the 20' wide water tracts A,B,C perimeters)
Lake Plantings (water tracts A, B, C)
1. The proposed landscape plantings (i.e. shrubs, bushes, ground coverings, aquatic plants in
the water) should be installed contiguous to the existing plantings.
2. The sod shown on the drawings located between the existing plantings and the proposed
plantings should be removed over time as part of the lake management plan.
3. There should be a lake management plan document created detailing the proper,
perpetual maintenance of the lake plantings.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.
XC: kjh
.'hut1~ f oo.U!A
Prime Investors & Developers, Inc.
June 9, 2000
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City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf, Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In accordance with our conversation, attached please find the submission for a
minor revision of site landscaping for Boynton Estates. Such sets of plans are
composed of three separate plans a) the existing plantings, b) the proposed
plantings, and c) the combination of 'a' and 'b' the master landscape plan.
Although it is the wish of the homeowners to transfer all of the proposed lake
bank plantings to the park area, we have relocated only a percentage of the trees
while maintaining the majority of the lower plantings (i.e. shrubs, bushes, and
ground coverings). As a result of transferring this material to the park area, we
made aesthetical improvements by creating landscaping focal points upon such
area. In following with the homeowners' wishes, we have relocated sufficient
amounts of lower plantings from the lake banks to the southernmost area of the
park, namely a continuous hedge, in order to create a visual barrier and create a
better separation between Citrus Cove Elementary's temporary classrooms and
the area in reference.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of these maters. Your timely
response and assistance with these matters are greatly appreciated.
Vic e ent
Prjine Investors & Developers, Inc.
21218 Saint Andrews Boulevard #510, Boca Raton, FL 33433 - Tel. (954) 227-3360 - Fax (954) 796-6077
, ltf'l S1/- m-Cbf
Prime Investors & Developers, Inc.
May 22, 2000
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
---.....~, -,-_.........~",..,...,.__....... -,
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ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf, Department of Planning and Zonidg
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscap.ig,g.,
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In accordance with our conversation, attached please find the submission for a
minor revision of site landscaping for Boynton Estates. Such sets of plans are
composed of three separate plans a) the existing plantings, b) the proposed
plantings, and c) the combination of , a' and 'b' the master landscape plan. These
however, do not incorporate the concerns of the homeowners as expressed via
their correspondence as attached hereto.
Although it is the wish of the homeowners to transfer all of the proposed lake
bank plantings to the park area, we have not incorporated such request since it
would not be compliant with the applicable codes. Therefore we ask, on behalf of
the homeowners of Boynton Estates, to consider the following requests. To wit:
1. To allow a continuous row of boganvillias to be planted at the park
parallel to the fence on the South of the property. Said plant shall
grow to create an attractive visual barrier to the school's temporary
classroom located South of Boynton Estates' park.
2. To transfer a large majority, if not all, of the proposed plant
material from the lake banks of all three (3) lakes within Boynton
Estates to the park area.
Thank you in advance for your consideration of these maters. Your timely
response and assistance with these matters are greatly appreciated.
21218 Saint Andrews Boulevard #510, Boca Raton, FL 33433 - Tel. (954) 227-3360 - Fax (954) 796-6077
(~/4) 1 ''l-04$.(
Jint"S f DO/O:rf
May 16.2000~
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~ of Boynton Estates
City of BO}'Dton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulcvard
Boynton Beach, Florida 3342;
ATTN. Mr. Mike RumJ'f: Department o!Pbmning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above-referenced
issues. and as representatives of the Boynton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully.request the following modifications be considered in the landscapeIsite
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, L TO.
1. The majority of the homeo\\nels who purchased homes on the lake(s) Ire
stronalY oppoed to the additional plantings being required on 1be lab
banks of Boynton Estates. The planting, presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroachina upon oW" view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Tbc:refore, we recommend for a ll1J'1C m~ority, unot
all, of the plantings prescribed by codc to be planted upon these areas, to
be transferred to the park. area. This will allow for the plantWgs to
beautify the park area where it is needed, mtber than the furthel'
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. With regards to the par~ it is our interest to require planting of Bahia 50d
rather then seed. Although Citrus Park DevelopeD. L TO. bas offered to
contribute any savings to our 8S8Ociation created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately 55,000.00) for use by us for any
impronmcnt we may select. It is our express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area althouah we will not ~eive any additional
improvcments upon the park. area. 1JURlel'l'WDf:A A IIodauoat's .+..d Hock
tOb.uuill\:'C'; And ~wed t6 he iB518lled by otdIr ahsms,
1lw1k you for yolJt strong consideration to our request.
fi1"j. N 0Ji 2~
Date .~
u~/ib/~~~~ 1b:48
:l:j4 - db - bl::: I ,
C~-"I fURy iN\). & t'E.VE.L.
PAr~E ~3
tNlm.sf ooAJ31
City of Boynton Beach
100 East BOynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton, Florida 33425
May 16. 2000
'-v- e"rlUff //ht!,,~c... tA
'l34y_nK iiG-4ciJ' .?-c. J 3t/J'
Lot -fL. of Boynton Estates
ATTN. Mr. Mike RumP4 Department ofPlauning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear 1\.fr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you ",itb regards to the above-referenced
issues, and as representatives of the Bo)uton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully req\lC5t the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) arc
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroa.ching upon ow' view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Therefore. we recommend for a large: majority, if not
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas. to
be transferred to the park area. This \\111 allow for the plantings to
beautify the: park area where it is needed, rather than the: further
obstruction of our views, It is our express interest to bave planted a
continuous plant material at the park. to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. With regards to the park:, it is oW' interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our associ ation created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is our express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not receive: any additional
improvemlmts upon the park area. Humc::uwm:n A5'6eiati9A.'g .40.lil Hgek
Gommit1Pp ap~ c~ed to be iottaUea b}' etaer of ssme,
Thank. you for your strong consideration to our request.
05/18/2000 15:48
PAr:>=: ~3
h'vW\;P OO/f)jlf'
City of BO)'Dton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
May 16, 2000
Lot:lr- of Boynton Estates
ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf, Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above.referenced
issues, and as representative5 of the Bo)ntoo Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroaching upon our view of the lake for which a
premium -was paid, Therefore, we reconunend for a lqc mlijority, if not
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas, to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of OUI' views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom 00 the south side of the park.
2. With regards to the park~ it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers, LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the planting of seed
father than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is oW" express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
impro'Vements upon the park area. :nOlM(.~rs l'j,sgeliiaQ"'U'~ A....1,Jogk.
COl'l~nil~" l1ud ~u~cd b.., be iRstaUed. l,y nt"n~r af same.
Thank you tbr your strong consideration to our request.
05;18/2000 15:48
CEHTURv 1"1\'. & [lEVEL
Pl\[::iE 03
V'A\MS~ 00'" 0.30/
May 16. 2000
~~~f~:~~~..gLR.~~~ /p
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach~ Florida 33425
Lot ~ of Boynton Estates
A TIN. Mr, Mike Rumpf~ Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear J\,fr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above-referenced
issues, and as representatives of the Bo:ynton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request 'the following modifications be considered in the llIDdscapelsite
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in thelllBelves encroachina upon oW' view of the lake for which a
premium was paid, Therefore, we recommend for a lqe majority, ifnot
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas. to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed. rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park. to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2_ Witb. regards to the park:~ it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the planting of seed
father than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is OUT express interest to receive a ~better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
impwvements upon the park area. Hvw.evwJJ..;n Al>l.'ve;~Ati.vll'lj Ad-HI.A#k
GOuuw:ltl::c i:I..lld ...a.U')r:d t.... be installed b'J artier of game.
1bank you tor your strong consideration to our request.
::to ~
tv \ "',v '01)\)0
05/18/2008 16:48
PAG=: 03
VVlW\S-P 00 -D3I-
May 16,2000
7'-1 c -F 77"(,/ ~ ;;:}I; t:..I</,
1<<:),,;,] r-",_ /-=-~H' FL. d..i'V...?.t:::.,
City of Boynton Beach
1 00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
Lot --lJ..Q- of Boynton Estates
ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf, Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping,
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above-referenced
issues, and as representatives of the Boynton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully:request the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, L m.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks arc in themselves encroachina upon our view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Therefore, we recommend for a IBlie ma.jority, if not
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas, to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. With regards to the park, it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod.
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. L TO. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for anytimprovement we may select. It is our express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
improvemcnu, upon the park area. IIomo6W'JKrs Assseiali9l\'s Ad.-Jlock
Committe. and ~a\lS.eQ te he mstaHed &y age gf ume.
Thank you for your strong consideration to our request.
Ho eo
5'"- /8-00
B5/18/2B~0 1&:48
/}N\,t'Yt-S P 00/0">+
May 16.2000
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach~ Florida 33425
ATIN. Mr. Mike RumP4 Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common atea landscaping.
~ of Boynton Estates
Dear J\,tr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to yuu with regards to tIle above-referenced
issues. and 88 representatives of the Boynton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroaching upon our view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Therefore, we recommend for a lqe m~ority, ifnot
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas, to
be transferred 10 the park area. This will allow for the plantiogs to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park. to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. With regards to the park, it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is oW' express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not :receive any additional
improvements upon the park area. IIoUJ..evwAAl:CS Assocladon.'s Ad-HuGe
C6mmiMee anti CA\:.&beQ t6 be iHstaHed ey 6rtk:r of ~.
Thank you tor your strong consideration to our request.
S "'IYJ -Ob
05/18/2000 15:48
CEHTURv I NV. & ['E\/EL.
Pl\{;~ 03
~s p (X)-- 034-
May t 6, 2000
City of BO)'Dton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Be8.c.h~ Florida 33425
Lot i..LL. of Boynton Estates
ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf, Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park Bre8 and common area landscaping.
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above-referenced
issues, and as representatives of the Bo)uton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
I. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroaching upon oW' view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Therefore, we reconunend for a lqe m~ority, if not
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas, to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park,
2. With regards to the park:~ it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. L TO. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is our express interest to receive a ~better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
improvement:! upon the park area. HoalSQ"'''q}ers A3lOChaivu's Ad-Huck
evulluiltl..~ and \.4US~ tu be instt\H..J by artier of game.
Thank you for your strong consideration to our request.
SinoeIely, ~h..
~/ ~~ 5-/~-~
~eov.ner . Date
~5/1B/2~~0 15:48
CE~ITURY 1 "I\}. & [lEVEL.
May 16, 2000
ij~~ ~t.JJ-L
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach. Florida 33425
LottL.2-.. of Boynton Estates
AnN. Mr, Mike Rumpf, Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear 1\.11'. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above-referenced
issues. and as representatives of the Boynton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request 1he following modifications be considered in the Imldsca:pe!site
revisions being requested by Cit1115 Park Developers, L m.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves enoroaching upon our view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Therefore, we recommend for a lqc majority, ifnot
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas. to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of OUI views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the pomble
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. Witl:1 regards to the park~ it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed Although Citrus Park Developers. LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our assoc.jation created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is our express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not m:eive any additional
improvements upon the park area. H8m.e6'MKfS ASS9Sia&iQII.'1l i\d. IIodc:
Ggmmitte4r "no {'ll1JieQ to be iBmalled e~' erQer e:f !lame-,
Thank you for your strong consideration to our request.
0:-/ f' - c;:/c/
/}V)W\sf 00 /<()34J
05/1B/20~0 16:48
CE"-ITURv 1"1\,1. & DE\lEL.
11Am~r eo ' 0; ~
May 16. 2000
~~ 017 /JIll flp}~/,- /JL-
(}y .v'7f) t:u ~ <<kH R J~ Y /t
Lot //3 of Boynton Estates
City of Boynton Beacb
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Florida 33425
ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf. Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above.refc:rcnced
issues. and as representatives of the Boynton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request the following modifications be considered. in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
I. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantP1is presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroaching upon oW' view of the lake for which a
premium we:; paid. Therefore. we recommend for a laI'ie majority, if not
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas. to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed. rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to bave planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. With regards to the park, it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. LTD. has otTered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the pl8nting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is OF express interest to receive i'l ;better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
improvements upon the park area. WeSl89w:a..F5 Ass~ia.1i9l1.'9 Ad Huek
€emmittce a..IlJ ~u:...J to be in!'taHed lJ.~T g~r at Saiut.
Thank you for your strong consideration to our request.
fill};/ ~:JP//O
Date )
05/18/2000 16:~8
CEHTURy iN\/. & ['E\IEL
PArOlE 03
/WlW\Sf' ~"e~~
City of BO)'Dton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
ATIN. Mr. Mike Rump.(, Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
May 16. 2000
~ C,h"s ~4.k 4me
j) ~ fJ tv,.) fl)ur.,h ;::'1 I
?:>?> if ':l f.., I
Lot _ of Boynton Estates
Dear l\.1r. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you with regards to the above-referenced
issues. and as representatives of the Bo,)uton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully.request the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
1. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves encroaching upon ow' view of the lake for which a
premium 'W'8S paid. Therefore, we recommend for a large majority, ifnot
all. of the plantings prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas. to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to bave planted a
continuous plant material at the park. to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2_ Wid) regards to the park, it is our interest to require planting of Bahia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers, LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately $5.000.00) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is oW' express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
improvements upon the park area. :tfo.m~..JJ.t'l5 ASIV\oitdil1u's Ad-Hock
CaHHBitte8 anEi ~auie9 tQ be iastaU.&d by or4if of.gama..
Thank you tor your strong consideration to our requem.
~--- / cf-ou
~~/lB/~e~0 15:48
CEI',ITUR'v 1 "l'<,1. & DEVEL.
.~~ q)--'o~t
May 16. 2000
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach. Florida 33425
ATTN. Mr. Mike Rumpf. Department of Planning and Zoning
Re. Boynton Estates park area and common area landscaping.
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
In an effort to address our concerns to you ~ith regards to the above-referenced
issues. and as representatives of the BO)'D.ton Estates Homeowners Association, we
respectfully request the following modifications be considered in the landscape/site
revisions being requested by Citrus Park Developers, LTD.
I. The majority of the homeowners who purchased homes on the lake(s) are
strongly opposed to the additional plantings being required on the lake
banks of Boynton Estates. The plantings presently existing in such lake
banks are in themselves enoroachina upon oW' view of the lake for which a
premium was paid. Therefore, we recommend for a lqe majority, if not
all. of the planting! prescribed by code to be planted upon these areas. to
be transferred to the park area. This will allow for the plantings to
beautify the park area where it is needed, rather than the further
obstruction of our views. It is our express interest to have planted a
continuous plant material at the park, to obstruct our view of the portable
classroom on the south side of the park.
2. Witl) regards to the park~ it is our interest to require planting ofBabia sod
rather than seed. Although Citrus Park Developers. LTD. has offered to
contribute any savings to our association. created by the planting of seed
rather than sod (approximately SS.OOO.OO) for use by us for any
improvement we may select. It is our express interest to receive a 'better
looking' park area although we will not receive any additional
improvements upon the park area. Huu~..........J..I.~~~ ASliU\:hd:iun'S .I\~ Ueek
6eHlfl'littee Mtel CA'tlsoQ t~ be iMtaHEia by Macr of Iftmt,
ou! tor your strong consideration to our request.
~5-(g -DO
,. ~.
PROJECT NAME: Boynton Estates
Larry Mayer Abbo
Prime Investors & Developers, Inc. PHONE:
PHONE: (561) 702-0436 FAX:
FAX: (954) 796-6077 ADDRESS:
21218 Saint Andrews Boulevard #510
Boca Raton, FL 33433
Date of submittallProjected meetin~ dates:
Contact Date: 12/11/98
]\'leetine: Date: 12/14/98
Time: 10:30 Ai\-I
J\tIodify :Main Entrance Sie:n
PROJECT NAi'VIE: Bo 'nton Estates PERMIT NO.: 98-5384
Attending Staff: Dan DeCarlo, Bob Donovan, Ken Hall, & Ed Yates
Attending for Applicant: Fred Abbo/Prime Investors & Developers
Phone: 561 702-0436 Fax: 561 883-3194
Name of Owner: Citrus Park Developers
Address: 12 Valencia Dr.
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Phone: (561) 702-0436 Fax:
~ame of Applicant/Contact: Fred Abbo
Address: 21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510, Boca Raton, FL 33436
Phone: (561) 702-0436
Project Address: 8350 Lawrence Rd.
PCN: 08-43-45-18-00-000-3030
I Phone:
I TYl'e of Al'l'lication:
Type of Business:
I Fax:
Date Submittal Received:
Date Denied:
I Heie:ht reqUirements - question 0 minor site plan modi Ication.
Contact Date: 12/11/98
Meetin2 Date: 12/14/98 Time: 10:30 AM
PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Modify Main Entrance Sign
PROJECT NAME: Bo nton Estates PERMIT NO.: 98-5384
Attending Staff: Bob Donovan, Ken Hall, & Ed Yates
Attending for Applicant: Fred Abbo/Prime Investors & Developers
Phone: 561 702-0436 Fax: 561 883-3194
Name of Owner: Citrus Park Developers
Address: 12 Valencia Dr.
Boynton Beach, FL 33436
Phone: 561 702-0436 Fax:
Name of Applicant/Contact: Fred Abbo
Address: 21218 St. Andrews Blvd. #510, Boca Raton, FL 33436
Phone: 561 702-0436
Project Address: 8350 Lawrence Rd.
PCN: 08-43-45-18-00-000-3030
T e of A lication:
Type of Business:
Date Submittal Received:
I Date Denied:
~ ,
COMMENTS: V\.\.Q.l<<ht res< U\I~~\\:'- 'Y\P--9\\-..~...>...... 0'" ~ , V'-..a:..-
~\V- D\~ "'- ~ \. ) \. """ I.-
l\IEETING DATE: 12/14/98
TIl\'IE: 10:30 Ai"I
City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant
Attendine: Staff
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