APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: Boynton Landings Administrative Appeal LOCATION: 2309 Congress Avenue COMPUTER ID: 12-000005 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: ADAP 00-001 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Administrative Appeal AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: N/ A David Layman, Greenberg & Traurig PHONE: N/A Attorneys at Law FAX: N/A PHONE (561) 650-7900 ADDRESS: N/A FAX: (561) 655-6222 ADDRESS: 777 South Flagler Drive, Suite 300 East West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Date of submittalIProiected meetine: dates: SUBNnTTAL/RESUBMITTAL 6/29/00, 9/12/00 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/28/00 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 12/05/00 COMMENTS: \\Ch\main\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Landings ADAP 2000\PROJECT TRACKING !l\'FO.doc David M. Layman, 561/650-7990 ~~[[~~[~~ ATTOR'IEY5 AT LAW 1~~~~1~ /) j),4;' Crj. - () 1) I e-mail: laymand@gtlaw.com June 29, 2000 VIA FEDEX ~r. ~ichael VV. Fturnpf Planning and Zoning Director 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Reauest for Code Review and Appeal of June 20. 2000 Determination Dear ~r. Fturnpf: As you know, this firm represents CSC Boynton Landing, Ltd., the owner ofthe Boynton Landings Apartments (the "Property"). This letter serves as an application for Code Fteview and an appeal of the determination made in your June 20, 2000 letter regarding the signs located at the Property. VVe respectfully appeal the determination made in your June 20, 2000 letter on the same grounds originally set forth in our original letter to you requesting a minor modification to the site plan for the Property. Enclosed please find a check for $200.00 for the appeal fee. VV e desire to pursue the approval of the signs where they are currently located and, accordingly, we also request a Code Fteview. Pursuant to Chapter 1, Article VII, Section 1. B. of the Boynton Beach Code, kindly forward our appeal with the documentation we previously provided you with (i.e., we had previously provided you with (4) copies of the Boynton Landings survey and photographs of the signs) to the appeal board for placement on the board's next available agenda. Please call me at 650-7927 to set up a pre-application Code Fteview meeting with your staff. Enclosure cc: ~r. Danny Ftuda (w/o encl.) \'lPB/CANr.-;OFl270759i5sx30 1'.DOCi6/29/oo/20821 013800 GREEC'lBERG TRAURIG, P.A. P.O. Box 20629 WEST PAUl BEACH, FLORID.\ 33416-0629 561-650- 7900 FAX 561-655-6222 www.gtlaw.com 777 SOt:TH FLAGLER DRIVE St:ITE 300 EAST WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 1\II.nll NEW YORK WASHINGTON, D.C. ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA TYSOI'S CORI'ER SAo PAt:LO FORT LAUDERDALE WEST PALM BEACH ORLANDO TALLAHASSEE BOCA RATO'! n~[[~~[~n ATTORNEYS AT l~~~~ln LAW September 12,2000 DIRECT DIAL: (561) 650-7971 Email: schulzt@gtlaw.com !~ i l;J f2 ,01 f?- 'i'-"~dJ If' /uvj s;-:' / """;;.-.,- -";~ , I::> I~-: ~ ," nll TIMOTHY \Ii SCHLiLZ \\TST p.\[ ....1 BF\CH OFFICE Bv facsimile cop\' 742-6054 and U.S. Mail '_i:;_~~ '. '. _. ~~ii![f'.(:/_-".:-j '-'~: ~_.~~ -"~"""~~.' Kicholas 1. Igwe, Esq. Assistant City Attorney City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Boynton Landings Appeal Dear Mr. Igwe: I have received and reviewed your letter dated August 25, 2000, written in response to our August 21, 2000, letter regarding the above cited appeal. After reading your letter, I was unsure as to the City's position on this matter. Your letter does state that the City \vill process our appeal. As a result, it is my understanding that all materials already sent to the city are to be forwarded to City Counsel, who will then place the matter on their agenda and sit in an appellate capacity. However, your letter also states that we should submit the application and the necessary filing fee to Mike Rumpf. I was unsure as to whether your letter was referring to an application and fee for the appeal or some other type of application. In order to avoid confusion, please accept this letter as our Notice of Appeal from the June 20, 2000, decision of Mike Rumpf, denying Boynton Landings' request for a minor modification of the approved site plan. Enclosed is our check in the amount $200.00 for the filing of this appeal. Please have all materials that we previously filed with the City as part of our request for minor modification of the approved site plan forwarded to the City Counsel, said materials constituting the appellate record. I would suggest that we discuss an appropriate date for City Counsel to hear arguments on this matter. GREE~BERG TRAURIG. P.A. P.O. Box 20629 WEST PALM BEACH. FLORID.o\ 33416-0629 561-650-7900 FAx 561-655-6222 www.gtlaw.com 777 SOUTH FLAGLER DRIVE SnTE 300 EAST WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA 33401 MI.UII NEW YORK WASHI~GTO~. D.C. ATLAI'iTA PHILADELPHIA TYSONS CORNER CHICAGO BOSTON PHODIIX WILMINGTON Los ANGELES DENH 5.:\.0 PAULO FORT LAUDERDALE BOCA RATON WEST PALM BEACH ORLANDO TALLAHASSEE Nicholas I. Igwe, Esq. Assistant City Attorney City of Boynton Beach September 12, 2000 Page 2 If my understanding of your letter is incorrect, please call me in order to discuss. Very truly yours, =-\~w_St/ Timothy W. Schulz TWSidj Enclosure cc: Richard Schlesinger Daniel Ruda James Cherof, Esq. Michael W. Rumpf -,./ Lusia Galav ISCHULZT\307947vO 116LM30I'.DOC\9/5/00 GREENBERG TRAVRIG CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Rumf, Director of Planning FROM: Nicholas I. Igwe, Assistant City Attor e RE: Boynton Landings Appeal DATE: September 14, 2000 I forward to you, a check (No. 02331) in the amount of $200.00 sent to me as appeal fee in the above referenced matter. Given that the Commission is the body to determine the timeliness of the appeal, I am now of the opinion that the subject appeal should be processed. I have attached the check as indicated and recommend that you process the appeal. Thank you. CC: Lusia Galav, Senior Planner S:ca/Depts/Planning/forward of Boynton Landings appeal fee ~~[[~~[~~ ATTORNEYS AT 1~~~~1~ LAW TIMOTHY W. SCHULZ WFST P \IM BEACH OFFICF DIRECT DIAL: (561) 650-797! Email: schulzt@gtlaw.coml>. ~ ~~{\t\ ('L~:' \. - \) ",;" - ...., r--. , . September 12, 2000 Bv facsimile COpy 742-6054 and U.S. Mail 1\:icholas 1. Ig\ve, Esq. Assistant City Attorney City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Boynton Landings Appeal Dear Mr. Igwe: I have received and reviewed your letter dated August 25, 2000, written in response to our August 21, 2000, letter regarding the above cited appeal. After reading your letter, I was unsure as to the City's position on this matter. Your letter does state that the City will process our appeal. As a result, it is my understanding that all materials already sent to the city are to be forwarded to City Counsel, who will then place the matter on their agenda and sit in an appellate capacity. However, your letter also states that we should submit the application and the necessary filing fee to Mike Rumpf. I was unsure as to whether your letter was referring to an application and fee for the appeal or some other type of application. In order to avoid confusion, please accept. this letter.as our Notice of Appeal from th~ June 20, 2000, decision of Mike Rumpf, denying Boynton Landings' request for a minor modification of the approved site plan. Enclosed is our check in the amount $200.00 for the filing of this appeal. Please have all materials that we previously filed with the City as part of our request for minor modification of the approved site plan forwarded to the City Counsel, said materials constituting the appellate record. I would suggest that we discuss an appropriate date for City Counsel to hear arguments on this matter. GREENBERG TRAURIG, P.A. P.O. Box 20629 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33416-0629 561-650-7900 FAX 561-655-6222 www.gtlaw.com 777 SOUTH FLAGLER DRIVE SUITE 300 EAST WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 MIAMI NEW YORK WASHINGTON, D.C. ATLANTA PHILADELPHIA TYSONS CORNER CHICAGO BOSTON PHOENIX WILMINGTON Los ANGELES DENVEI SAO PAULO FORT LAUDERDALE BOCA RATON WEST PALM BEACH ORLANDO TALLAHASSEE Nicholas I. Igwe, Esq. Assistant City Attorney City of Boynton Beach September 12, 2000 Page 2 If my understanding of your letter is incorrect, please call me in order to discuss. ~ Very truly yours, \~w_sy Timothy W. Schulz TWS/dj Enclosure cc: Richard Schlesinger Daniel Ruda James Cherof, Esq. Michael W. Rumpf Lusia Galav \SCHULZT\J07947vO I \6LM30 I !. DOC\9/5/00 GREENBERG TRAURIG .4!J' :3 I ..J :J J >-:J ==- ") ") :) ") n o ..J + ::> J :z: GJ :0 ~ ITl ~ c..n UJ - ~\ en ;z rn = = :-':' )> <: rn z - c -0 = = c.. ,..,., c.-, ...... :z ~ x. <:":' fTl " m rn >< ::c J 0 - OJ - ) -i c:: = tq .; I ..... \ ,- ., '1< " ~ " Tn' C;, -i t i (~ ~ I', _ I ", !. ~ I',"';';; ::! ~~. :" C'l :: :z: I ,', " !11~;;i IJl ..; : '-? '~:".'., A. I ~ , ~ I..' , ~I:': ;i ,\-::f II 'I, ",~i~ . ," - ~. . '.z l;J ;: .z: " ',To I': :, I: '. 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