LEGAL APPROVAL DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redel'elopment November 6, 2000 Dan Hess 4128 Frances Drive Delray Beach, Florida 33445 Re: File No: Location: Dondi Realty ZNCV 00-017 2211 SE 3rd Street (Lot 30-Crestview Subdivision) Dear Mr. Hess: Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for zoning code variance granted on October 17,2000. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, 71., e:i -zL Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning MWR/nl 1. \SHRDA TAiPlanning\SH.-'\RED\ \\'P\PROJECTS\Dondi Realty (Crestview)"Development Order Letter.doc America's Gateway to tile Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 375-6260 FAX: (561) 375-6259 DEVELOl .NT ORDER OF THE CITY COMf.. _~ION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: DONDI REALTY ~JU~' ~ APPLICANT'S AGENT: Dan Hess APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 4128 Frances Dr., Delray Beach DATE OF CITY COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING: OCTOBER 17, 2000 ff:,.~)'--r? ~;: ~ r \F . t I ( ~,: ,- NOVh . ?..~~~~- - 1;:: -,,;, ; .. >-.: _ . "0" L.,__ TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Rear setback LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2211 SE 3rd Street (Lot 30 of Crestview Subdivision) DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "C" ATTACHED HERETO. X TH IS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having consider'ed the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant 1L HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "D" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby ----X- GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. DATED: 10 -~O-OO \\\\\1 1111/ I/IIIZ ",\\ III, ~:>\ ~( l>1 T n AI ~.I ~ 0 .. '1<0. ~ ~ <0 .......... q~ ~ l <c. ..<~OAl4~).., ~ ~ 0 .0 (\ -::. - :!:;I :t ::: = :410 = . - > .- - 'In!1 . =r-t ::: J.., '.L %"0 920 i .~~ ... ~ ~ ......... ^ 't- ~ ~ F o\V ~ :1111. LOp \\\" 11111/11/ II \1\\\\\'\ 7. Other J:\SHROATAIPLANNING\SHAREO\WPlPROJECTS\OONDI REAL TV (CRESTV \ EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Dondi Realty File number: ZNCV-Ol7 (rear setback) Rb C e erence: Zonino- ode Vanance Annlication dated Sentember 11 2000. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PuBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None X BUILDING DIVL.,ION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None X ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: None X ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 1. To be'dc.t'11h~n,d. -, (\/ X "-,, ,- ~lf "-'/'{c J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\DONDI REALTY (CRESlVIEW)\1 0-10-00 P&D CON~, OF APPR SETBACK.DOC Meeting Minutes Planning & Development Board Boynton Beach, Florida . October 10, 2000 5. PROJECT NAME: DONDI REALTY VARfANCE- (CRESTVIEW) (rear setback) Dan Hess/Dondi Realty Group Inc. Dondi Realty Group. Inc. 2211 SE 3ra Street (Lot 30. Crestview Subdivision) Request relief from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations. Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 5.F.2.a. to allow a two and one-half (2.5) foot reduction from the minimum twenty-five (25) foot rear setback required within R- 3 zoning district for a duplex residence. Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Mr. Dan Hess, 4128 Francis Drive, Defray Beach, Florida stated that there are other ways that he could address the building and not encroach on the rear set back by designing the duplexes parallel to the train tracks and parallel to the street. By designing this building this way, eight out of the 12 bedrooms would have windows that would open to the train tracks and four of the 12 bedrooms would face the street. Also, the entrances and family rooms would face the street. However. Mr. Hess felt it would be better for the tenants and the City by redesigning the building. The only way to accomplish this would be to place the building perpendicular to the tracks and the street. Thi~ would create the maximum space between the tracks and the bedrooms. . :i~;../ . -- ~' ,;!;" . .:::::: - ...,';' This would also provide for a common area in the middle of the buildings. The buildings are three bedroom, two bath units directed towards families. There was no one that wished to speak during the public hearing. Motion Mr. Friedland moved to approve the request for relief for 2211 SE 3rd. Street from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2; Zoning, Section 5.F .2.a to allow a two and one-half (2.5) foot reduction from the minimum twenty-five (25) foot rear setback required within R-3 zoning district for a duplex residence. Motion seconded by Ms. Frazier and carried 7-0. Abandonment 6. PROJECT NAME: QUANTUM PARK BUSfNESS CENTER lOTS 32-39 Agent: Eugene A. Gerlica, Mock, Roos & Associates, Inc.' Owner: Gateway Business Park L.C. 13