REVIEW COMMENTS DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 99-229 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board (fl (..- ?-- THRU: Michael W Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Daniel DeCarlo Assistant Planner DATE: September 24, 1999 SUBJECT: Eckerd Abandonment (ABAN 99-003) NE 4th Street NATURE OF REQUEST Donna West of Carnahan, Proctor & Cross, Inc., agent for Gary P. Eldelstein of Boynton Federal Development Inc., property owner, is requesting abandonment of a portion of the NE 4th Street right-of-way located between Boynton Beach Boulevard and NE 3rd Avenue, which is also described as follows: . A portion of that certain 20.00 foot right-of-way lying between blocks 7 and 8 of "Roberts Addition to the town of Boynton Beach" as recorded in plat book one at page 51 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Begin at the northwest corner of lot 2 of said block 8; thence run south 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds west along the west line of said block 8 for a distance of 289.99 feet to a point lying on the north right-of-way line of Boynton Beach Boulevard; thence run north 88 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds west along said north line for a distance of 20.00 feet; thence run north 00 degrees, 00 minutes 00 seconds east along the east line of said block 7 for a distance of 289.99 feet to the northeast corner of said block 7; hence run south 88 degrees 55 minutes 15 seconds east along the south right-of- way line of Northeast 3rd Avenue for a distance of 20 feet to the point of beginning. Those parcels adjacent to the subject right-of-way are being purchased and assembled for the development of an Eckerd Drugstore. A site plan for the project, showing the planned establishment of all required easements and necessary relocations, is being processed concurrently with this abandonment request. The attached Exhibit "A" is a survey that shows the location of the right-of-way and includes a legal description for that portion of \ Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 99-229 ABAN 99-003 the right-of-way to be abandoned. Florida Power and Light, Bell South and Florida Public Utilities Company all require easement rights adequate to preserve utilities within this area. This is effectively dealt with in the conditions of approval, whereby the applicant must show that such easements are established prior to final approval of this request. ANALYSIS Public notice has been given to the property owners that abut the right-of-way to be abandoned, and has been advertised in the newspaper. A summary of the review by the utility companies and city staff as follows: CITY DEPARTMENTS Engineering No objection. Utilities The Utilities Department has no objection subject to the developer relocating all water and sewer lines to a new utility easement in accordance with the new site plan prior to finalizing the abandonment. Planning and Zoning No objection as long as conditions of approval are met. PUBLIC UTILITY COMPANIES Florida Power and Light FPL has overhead facilities in the alleyway that will need to stay to provide service to the existing Bud's Restaurant, therefore a ten foot easement will need to be granted to FPL. Bell South BellSouth has existing facilities in the right-of-way of NE 4th Street. BellSouth will agree to the abandonment provided they are reimbursed to relocate their existing facilities and granted an easement for the replacement facilities. c Page 3 Memorandum No. PZ 99-229 ABAN 99-003 Florida Public Utilities Company - FPUC has existing gas facilities within The area proposed to be abandoned. They object to the abandonment unless all relocation expenses are paid and a Separate easement is granted. Cable Company (Comcast Telemedia, and Adelphia) No objection. The following is a description of the zoning districts and land uses of the properties that surround the subject request. North - Commercial property zoned CBD (Central Business District) . East - Various commercial uses zoned CBD, and farther east, Federal Highway. South - Commercial property zoned CBD. West - Bud's Chicken and Seafood and farther west the FEC railroad. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of this request, subject to comments included in Exhibit "B" - Conditions of Approval. xc: Central File S:\Planning\SHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\ - staff report-eckerdaban,doc 2> FILE: UNIVERSAL REALTY SCALE: 1--100' ORDER NO.: 37850 DATE: JULY 9, 1999 RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION BOYNTON BCH. BLVD./N.E. 4TH ST. FOR: UNIVERSAL REALTY EXHIBIT A ..... ~ SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION BY PULICE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 5381 NOB HILL ROAD SUNRISE, FLORIDA 33351 TELEPHONE' (954) 572-1777 . FAX' (954) 572-1778 E-MAIL' surveys@pullcelo.ndsurveyors,coM CERTIFICATE OF AUTHORIZATION #LB3870 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION A PORTION OF THAT CERTAIN 20,00 FOOT RIGHT-OF-WAY LYING BET'M:EN BLOCKS 7 AND 8 OF "ROBERTS ADDITlON TO THE TOWN OF BOYNTON BEACH" AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 51 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGIN AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 OF SAID BLOCK 8; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 8 FOR A DISTANCE OF 289.99 FEET TO A POINT LYING ON THE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD; THENCE RUN NORTH 88 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 15 SECONDS WEST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 20,00 FEET; THENCE RUN NORTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID BLOCK 7 FOR A DISTANCE OF 289,99 FEET TO THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID BLOCK 7; THENCE RUN SOUTH 88 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 15 SECONDS EAST ALONG THE SOUTH RIGHT-OF -WA Y LINE OF NORTHEAST 3RD AVENUE FOR A DISTANCE OF 20,00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, SAID LANDS CONTAINING 5,800 SQUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, NOTES: 1) THIS SKETCH DOES NOT REPRESENT A FIELD SURVEY, 2) BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST LINE OF BLOCK 8 BEING SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 MINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST. S88'SS'WE 20.00' N.E. 3RD AVENUE POINT OF BEGINNING NORTHWEST CORNER LOT 2 >- <( ~ I <:) II ..J <( ([ W o W u. I SOUTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE ,U ~ ~ 0~ ~~~ ~~~ 8 ~o'(,~ <:> " ~. c(~ ""- o ' u ~~~odl- ~ , .~ <?'v~ '<: 6 5 7 8 10 9 NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE N88'55"15"W b 20.00' d .... BOYNTONBEACH BOULEVARD ~ 77C John F. Pulice, Reg. Land Surveyor #2691 Michael Charles Flynn, Reg, land Surveyor #3281 Jay Keri, Reg. Land Surveyor #5721 State of Florida \\- .. -