APPLICATION ...... "-::: , PROJECT NAME: Eckerd Drugstore LOCATION: NE 4th St. between Boynton Beach Blvd. COMPUTER ID: PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: ABAN 99-003 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: Donna West Carnahan, Proctor & Cross PHONE: 954-972-3959 FAX: 954-972-4178 ADDRESS: 6101 W. Atlantic Blvd. Margate, FL 33063 Date of submittallProjected meetinl: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 7/27/99 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: 9/13/99 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING: 9/28/99 CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 10/5/99 COMMENTS: S:\FORMS\PROJECT TRACKING INFO SPEED tETTER@ TO FROM JOHN GUIDRY SEP 0 8 1999 SUE KRUSE UTILITIES DIRECTOR CITY CLERK SUBJECT PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING SEPT. 28. 1999 - FGlD~.C 9or'~ MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an application for abandonment(see legal description & sketch attached.) The application was submitted by Donna West of Carnahan, Proctor & <:ross for Eckerds. Please reV1ew and adv1se ot your recommendat1ons for approval or disapproval in accordance with Chapter 22, Article 111, Section 4 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinance. Please respond to the Planning Dept. by Sept. 17, 1999, with a copy +a this office. DATE --=N~'In.~ REPLY We recommend approval of the alley abandonment with the condition that the developer relocate all existing water and sewer lines to a new utility easement in accordance with the approved site plan, prior to finalizing the abandonment. - FOLD FOR N~L 9 - FOL:::FCR!\JO_'~ . A- .. ~ _""E.--'_-"-_~_~ _ .. WilsonJones@ SENDER: DEi/lCH /If\:D RETAIN YELLOW COPY, SEND WHITE AND PINK COPiES. RECIPIENT. m:r;,: IN 44-902. Triplicate 44-904. Quadruplicate ~ \0 Q'" qQ - ao 3 APPLICATION ACCEPT.~CE DATE: RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBEa RECEI PT NtJ"MBER: FE::: PAID: APPLICATION TO ABANDON/VACATE BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DIVISION APPLICATION INFORMATION FORM NOTE: This form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applications submitted to Planning ~~d Zoning (Two(2) conies 0: application are required.) P~OJ=:CT N.~"1E: ECKERD DRUGSTORE AGENT'S NAME: DONNA C. WEST; CARNAHAN,PROCTOR & CROSS, INC. AGENT'S ADDRESS: 6101 W. ATLANTIC BLVD. MARGATE, FL 33063 AGENT'S FAX: (954) 972-3959 (954) 972-4178 AGENT'S PHONE: OWNER I S NAME: (or Trustee's) GARY P. EIDELSTEIN, PRESIDENT;BOYNTON/FEDERAL DEVELOPMENT, INC. OWNER'S ADDRESS: 2665 S. BAYSHORE DR., SUITE 908 MIAMI. Fl, 31111 OWNER I S PHONE: (305) 285-9595 OWNER'S FAX: (305) 285-1102 PROJECT LOCATION: NE 4TH STREET BETWEEN BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. (not legal description) AND NE 3RD AVENUE COiLtrnS PONDENCE ADDRESS:'" (if different than agent or owner) . This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. 1 APPLICATION TO AB&~ON/VACATh T~e undersig~ed, pursuant to O=dina~ce NO. 75-27 of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, hereby applies to the City Commissior. to vacate/abandon, and discon~inue the, (check one) : x ALLEY STREET SPECIAL PURPOSE EASEMENT OTHER NONFEE I~~EREST OF THE CITY as described in attached Exhibit "A", and to renounce and disclaim any right of the City and the public in ~~d to any land in connection therewith. Said application is to be filed w~th Pla~,ing and Zoning in duplicate and applications involving more th~~ one of the above listed non fee interests shall be filed separately. Each application so filed shall be complete in every respect. Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. The undersigned hereby certify: 1. That a complete and accurate legal description with the specific prope=ty interest sought to be vacated or ab~,doned, including where possible a plat map or drawing showing the general area and location involved, is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. That the title or property interest (check one) : ( ( X ( interest of the City and the public in and to the specific described above was acquired and is evidenced by, DEED DEDICATION PRESCRIPTION Recorded in PLAT Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Book 1 , Page 51 , and Public 3. That no similar application has been considered by the City at any time within six (6) months of the date hereof, and should this application be granted, such abandonment and vacation will prevent no other property owners from access to and from their property and not other property owners in the vicinity will be adversely affected. 4. That the above described property interest is under the control and jurisdiction of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Floridai is not a part of any state or federal highway systemi and was not acquired or dedicated for state or federal highway purposes. 5. That the following constitutes a complete and accurate schedule of all owners and occupants bounding and abutting the property interest described above. 6. The names and addresses on labels and/or addressed envelopes of the owners and occupants of abutting real property and lS~ class postage (stamps or pay for required postage) . 2 N1>J"lE ADDRESS SEE ATTACHED LIST 7. Verification from each affected or potentially affected utility company that they have no interest in the vacation/ab~~donment, or, if they have prese~t or future interest, proposed easement documents protecting their inte=ests. (See attached Utility Company list) (ALL UTILITY COMP~~ RESPONSES MUST BE INCLUDED WITH APPLICATION SUBMITTAL) 8. Obtain a survey of the street (or easement). 9. Obtain a title opinion (ownership and encumbrance report) from a title ccmpa~y. 10. That the following grounds ~~d reasons are submitted in support 0:: this application: THE ALLEY IS CURRENTLY BEING USED ONLY TO SERVICE THE ABUTTING PROPERTIES TO THE EAST. UNIVERSAL REALTY AND DEVELOPMENT IS UNDER CONTRACT TO PURCHASE ALL OF THESE PROPERTIES AND A PORTION OF THE PARCEL TO THE WEST. IN ORDER TO '2GGS 5.. f;AY~o?E ~VC:j So. qo~ M \1:fVr.. \ I 'f0 ~~l ~"5 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The above named applicant (s) being first ~ly sworn by me the day and year above indicated, deposed and stated that .x.. ~ _ are~ the applicant (s) in the foregoing Application to Abandon/Vacate; that they ha~read the same and that the facts therein set forth are true and correct to the best of their knowledge. ~~ NOTARY PUBLIC, State 0 ..p~J.da MARKWALLACE [*: "-~'\:i MY COMMISSION' cc 808725 ~6''J; EXPIRES: 0Icen1bet 10, 2llOlI ~.Rf.:..~'" Bonded Tl1lu NolIry PuIiIa ~ My Commission Expires: S:\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPS\ABAN\ABANDON-10!lS!98.WPD 3 BF50A8WAY - (/ - , , ~_..# l '" DlC.'.... d f'(U/lIItr ~ , : W 1-"/.11"..11_ ~ 23 2:'12 AC. . '" ~ I _.335 ~qo 25 ~ 2G .2.I~ ^'- ",. .~" r:=oc .., .. ''i . ~c 27,1 ':. t": '.. ~ ~ ~ .:J I. 2~ AVE nf .J. o o tn l ,. ~,). ~, . PLAZA to) \ ct)HDO 1'S .; ~~~ '" , " !, i ,eo A,.t It.. . , :/ Nt ~." ~ .~ '/ .:-. _~ ~; liiW~ /J=~O....ll~ . I --" ~ - ~ I - ... .. , ~ , .iJ; - - .... -. I . ~ " ~ ~ ~. .' -rp'-'1: 4 ~ I Aift& ~ -I~ . "' "j.T~ '~i ~ ~! , ,it · ;:o.r"- · I. ~ ~~ ,~.~...-' 'j [ '~ ~ ..~..! .' ~ ?'AJJ, ';I _. ~ ('t!. - \.!l;. ~ . .' .. ~/ t .;' '.', " ~ . :&::. ' ! . . \; ':, I~. . '1'.,4.' . .. -" ",.'. · . ..~~,).~I,?':~, ~'~~:. -,;,~.:" ~' t ".. t _ . ,. I.'. ...'# ~ -' ~. .0- 110 '. - .' ,.-:.' ~' ,,~. . '."__' -r"'.- ,~~ ,... .,- . , . I ." ., ,,:,,,.... ~, \ _: l'~r.:.- .:~'.\<-. .~* t~: Ii. ~ ~ ). , ~ FIRST ~ .._ ,,>-, .., ~ 1 ,'It ..- .""l> __. _ 'f' O. 4--. ..::. ". :i 1 · U-, (, ,,_ ~ J!. . : ,~f, '.T' . ~ ' .~~ ~ b -. f/IL."''' 0 .. . 1[, ~ _ I ,4"'~-. ' .' . 1iI 11 ctJIfOO \l ._ .' ._~ ,'" .... ....,.~ ,.-f' v.: ~~ ~ i- ,y'.r'.. .,. .' ",,'l"' J ..,... 0 '" - '"" .~ . .. . I.. . · .. ... .~_ i ~ ~ . , ';. i _ ~ 1 · , ~ ,i'" ~. II :~~"" ~~~~. ,.':.' ~.~l~; I b..,60 ~ "., .Il J ~ . . \ t~~,,-~ .. ~.. ~; I . I o_cE~ t Iol". ,{'h-,lr ,,_ I .. ...\ - ;00" _ _ I - L>> '.... ( . ...... .." " \.. \\', _ ,~I:.""." ~ . :;--"i-.-;" .~. ~ - ,.;. '. - ,{ . -' ( -:.u;-. p . ~.. \...1" ,,' \..... ~' ,- ..~_. i' .~t- :.a~ :si'\ ~; ~~\"~"~ ~ l& ~ ~'~ \' ' . f t'= h A' ~ ....:-....:; - i~.' l~ ., llIl ~B!l\ " \, '~ \ ~.~ -', ~r; . I k~~It~~ ~.j ~~\ \~~~:~~~ , ll: :; r:;;:.. ~ . "I ., ,t , ~ z; . .JII"~.. ",,pIIP ~l C", --r.:.v . '- ~ ~~ . ./ . '.. .'- . 7 ~M ~ . Ii'W ;;;l"~ , .. Wi J/O \ \.. " ~\1 ~ "" c;. . , -.., '-. ~ \.(;~ ,.. '2.~ ~c.. . -, ,..y L_ "C:/' #335' ~ \ .r:;:. ")~.~~ 50 - -- - . ?~ ~ z~ ~ ." ~. ~ "itI I, ,4; . ... :0- s - \ l ...,.'" I~E~ ;?c] .-- -' . . fC\ ~ \It.. - iIf .~ ~ .1 J ~ 1ft'" J ~~, ~II \'. ~II , Q' , ~ EXHIBIT "A" ~ T SKETCH AND LEGAL DE6CRIPTlON BY PULICE LAND SURVEYORS, INC. 5381 t-SOB HILL ROAD SUNRISE. FLORIDA 33351 TELEPHONE: (954) 57c~-1777 FAX. (954) 572-1778 E.-MAIL' s......."ey"@pullcelanol:survllyors,CoM CERTIFICA,E OF AUTHORIZATION IJLB3970 + LEGAL DESCRIPTION: RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION A PORllQN OF THAT CEPTAlfl 2000 fOOl RGHT-OF-WA'i LYlNG OflV.UN 8LOCKS 7 AND II OF "Roe!:RTS -'ODlTlON TO 1l1E TOWI' Of lJOfN.;.ON BEACH" AS RECORDED l"l PLAT BOOK 1 AT PAGE 51 OF THE PlIBUC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH 20UIIT'i, FLe'RIDA, BEING ~ORE PARllCULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS; BEGIN AT THE NOfITliv.t:ST CORNER OF ~OT 2 OF SM.; alOCK /I; TtiE/lCE RUN SOU'll1 00 OE'CRf.ES 00 MINUTES 00 SfCONDS wtST ALONG 7HE WE~T LINE or ;,0.10 BlOC~ ij FOR A DISTANCE <:iF 289_99 F"EET TO A POINT LYING ON THE NORTH RIGI1T-GF-WAY LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD: THENCE RUN NORTH ee Df:Gf'lE'E'S 55 LlINUTES '5 SECCN05 v.~ST ALONG SAID NORn-t LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET: THf.NCE RuN NORT}; 00 OEG<::EES OO"',NU rr.s 00 SECONDS EAST ALONG TI1~ ~AST LINE ('t 5AI0 BLOCK 7 FOR A DISTANC{ cr 269.99 FEET TO THE WlRTHE:AST COR,JER OF SAID el.OCK 7; THtNCE RUN soun; aa OLGREES :$:) "'INUITS 15 SECONDS EAST ALONG n-tr: SOUTH RiGI'T-OF-w'\y LINE OF NORrHEA5T JRD AV1[NU[ roo A OISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID lANDS CONTAINING 5,600 saUARE FEF, \,lORE OR loESS. NOTES: 1) ll11S SJ(HCH DOES NOT REPRES~NT A fIELD SURVEY, 2) BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WEST UNE OF 6\.OCK 8 BEINe SOUTH 00 DEGREES 00 IoAINUTES 00 SECONDS WEST ~~E 20.00' N.E. 3RD AVENUE ~~ ~~ D SOuTH RIGf-n..OF-WAY LINE 10 9 ')- ~ a l:t ~ o ~ I 5 8 _J ALEI UNIVERSAL REALTY SCALEI1--1OO. ORDER NO.1 37850 DA Tel JULY 9. 1999 RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATlON BOYNTON BCH. BLVD./N.E. 4TH ST. FOR: UNNEASALREALTY _.4 .. .. ?;7{: .. -- John F_ ~ulk:e. Reg. Land - Surveyor #2691 Michael Charll!~ flY'~.. .Re9. Loo,# Surve-yor #3281 Joy Keri>_ Reg: Land $ufveyor. 15721 State' of f.Iorido .< . .4..._.....___ ..",,. .',,"; _. ,......tna&If"'__L- :- r- (' !(' ,'. ~-.... ,. L.-/ -+ '..,J . -.,.." L..--- c r It-)!,)) r ~ c..:7''.;.'~~l" ,~..-... ~ ;. . - ....--.,.-,.,.------.-- SPEED LETTER@ ~-~.~-=-;- TO Nancy Byrne . ~ . , ~ '.: FROM Sue Kruse Interim Director of Development City Clerk 3 SUBJECT Planning & Development Board Meeting Sept. 28, 1999 OLD NO.9 or 113 MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an application for abandonment( see legal Descriptic & sketch attached.) The application was submitted byDonna West of Carnahan. KXM~, Proctor & Cross for Eckerds. Pleage review ~nn ~nvi~p nr YOl1r recommendations ~ for approval or disapproval in accordance wi~h Chap~er 22, Article 111, SecLiol1 4 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinance. Please respond to the Planning Dept. by Sept. 17,1999 w1tn a copy ~O th1S off1ce. c t .. ~ DATE SIGNED ,: REPLY ./"" _ f> .. '1 J ~~ Yv\,(~ ~\J .-'t'\.\?~. R(jf'l\: ks-f\I I-'< A h.L... ~ ~~c~'-=-I ~lYL\ ~~ ~~ --lo ~D'oJ afG:kJ- " c~.~~ )lO FO, ~Q 3 JlO fOR t>tQ ',J Cc: ~,~~~~\JL2 DATE ~ WilsonJor.es~ SENDER: ~ET:',CH AC~D RETAiN YELL:JW COPY, SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES. {!e,i ~~ SPEED LETTER@ FROM TO JOHN GUIDRY SUE KRUSE UTILITIES DIRECTOR CITY SUBJECT o RD MEETING SEPT. 28 1999 - FQlDNQ.9or10 ZONING DEPT MESSAGE Attached is a copy of an applicatl.on for abanclonnent (see legal description & sketch attached.) The application was subnlitt..ed by Donna West of. Carnahan, Proctor & Cross for Eckerds. Please rev~ew and adv~se ot your recommendat1ons for approval or disapproval in ~cccrdancf~ with Chapter 22, Article Ill, Section 4 of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinance. Please respond to the Planning Dept. by Sept. 17, 1999, with a copy ~ this ocffice. DATE SIGNED 0.'1. ) 1 i ! . , " ' /. I ; . Ct.c .u...J:..l ' REPLY We recommend approval 01 the alley d.Da.~.dJll1)jen(. ...'i::b tile .;;uadtcion that: tr.e developer relocate all existing water and gew~r II ies to a iU!W ~ti~ity easement in accordance with the approved si te pL.ll, prior to f:.r.d~.L~ in;:; tbe, dDa.;ld~'llm'.".(.. - FOLD FDR ND. 9 DATE SIGNED "A :----:J... ..--/~~ . I /. 'i~~~'. .I /\17 '.,: 44-902. Triplicate 44-904 . Quadruplicate - FDLD FDR ND. 10 II WilsonJones@ I RECIPIENT: RETAIN WHITE COPY, RETURN PINK COPY. PLEASE TURN OVER FOR USE WITH WulDOW ENVELOPE. _._~~ ---_._~-_.._~-_... OCCUPANTS ADJACENT TO ALLEY VACATION NE 4 STREET BETWEEN BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. & NW 3 AVENUE Apple Insurance Mall of Boynton Beach, Inc 325 N. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 T&T Auto Repair 301 N. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Supreme Hair & Nails 321 N. Federal Hwy. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phoenix Wrecking Services 323 N. Federal Hwy., Suite A Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Barnes Assurance Agency 323 N. Federal Hwy., Suite C Boynton Beach, FL 33435 '7 All Professional Home Car; Inc. 323 N. Federal Hwy., Suite D Boynton Beach, FL 33435 American Mortgage Bane, Inc. 323 N. Federal Hwy., Suite E Boynton Beach, FL 33435 West Indian Grocery Store 519 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach. FL 33435 Resident 519 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Apt. 1 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Resident 519 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Apt. 2 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Resident 321 N. Federal Hwy., Apt. 3 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Bud's Chicken & Seafood 509 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 \\ISMP\r\990504\docs\donnaw\adjown,doc OWNERS ADJACENT TO ALLEY VACATION NE 4 STREET BETWEEN BOYNTON BEACH BLVD. & NW 3 AVENUE P.C. #: 08-43-45-21-26-008-0070-001 property address: 302 N. Federal Hwy. owner: 303 Federal, Inc. 7978 Laina Lane, #3 Boynton Beach, FL 33437 P.C. #: 08-43-45-21-26-008-0030-001 property address: 323 N. Federal Hwy. owner: Elizabeth Gill 3001 Black Oak Ct. Boynton Beach, FL 33436 P.C. #: 08-43-45-21-26-008-0010-001 property address: 325 N. Federal Hwy. owner: Raymond W. Allen 701 Birdie Ct. Delray Beach, FL 33445 P.C. #: 08-43-45-21-26-007-0010-001 property address: 509 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. owner: B-4 518 Industrial Ave., #12 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 \\ISMP\r\990504\docs\donnaw\adjown.doc