CORRESPONDENCE Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689-5522' Fax (561) 689-2592 www.kildayinc.com August 10, 2001 ~ Ms. Lugia Galav; Principal Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-031 0 Re: Woolbright and Congress Fidelity Federal Branch Landscape Reconfigurations Our File No.: 890.16 Dear Ms. Galav: I am writing to request an amendment to the Woolbright and Congress Fidelity Federal Landscape Plan that is currently filed with the City of Boynton Beach. Fidelity Federal would like to relocate the six (6) Coconut Palms that currently exist adjacent to the existing pole sign on the corner of Woolbright and Congress. As you know, the Coconut Palms are part of an upgraded landscape plan that exceeds the City's code minimum requirements, and their relocation would not result in a landscape code violation. The existing flowering Oleanders that meet the City's "signature tree" requirements are to remain in place, along with the existing shrubs in this area. In addition, several landscape areas adjacent to the building will receive new groundcover plants to replace those that have died. Attached with this letter please find one copy of the landscape plan that reflects the changes listed above, along with the previously approved landscape plan, for your reference. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this revision, please do not hesitate to contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, B~O~~ ill [~G i J "1:1 ~ ill Attachments Cc: Dan Turk; Fidelity Federal Savings Bank DEPARTMENT OF Of:VFLQPMENT I~wsf qg /0 {?> DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Plannin'g and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment March 11, 1999 Lindsey Walter Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Fidelity Federal (Rectified Site Plan) Dear Lindsey Walter: As the applicant for the above-referenced project, your rectified copy of the site plan approved by the City Commission on October 6, 1998, is enclosed. This is being sent to you for your files as it has been rectified to address staff comments and accurately represents the approved site plan for Fidelity Federal. Sincerely, ~ ." ~ ~,<=- '-- Michael W. Rumpf Acting Manager of Planning and Zoning MWR:bme J :\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROJECTS\Fidelity Federal\ Trans Rectified-Appl.doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592 E-Mail: info@kildayinc.com November 4, 1998 Michael Rumpf, Acting Planning & Zoning Director Department of Development Division of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Fidelity Federal Bank Site Northeast Corner of Woolbright Road Your File No.: NWSP 98-013 Our Project No.: 890.16 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Attached are four (4) complete rectified site plan packages. The attached plans have been revised to incorporate the conditions of approval attached to the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for site plan approval granted on October 6, 1998. The following is in response to the aforementioned conditions from the applicant's consultant. Engineering Division 1. On the paving and drainage plans, marking, signage, and striping, including right turn only signs, right turn arrows, and one way arrow signs within the Woolbright and Congress Avenue medians have been added to the plans. 2. A note indicating that site lighting shall not be turned off prior to 2:00 a.m. has been added to the lighting plan. 3. Approval by Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering and Lake Worth Drainage District shall be provided prior to permitting. 4. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code requirements at time of application. Michael Rumpf November 4, 1998 Page 2 Building Division 5. The site lighting plan has been amended to show no less than 0.5 foot candles for all traffic/vehicle use areas. 6. A note has been added to the site plan indicating that the architect, at the time of permit review submittal, will add to the site plan drawing the actual setback dimensions from the property line to the leading edge of all sides of the building and/or canopy. 7. A note has been added to the attached site plan, indicating that the architect, at the time of permit review submittal, will add to the site plan drawing the proposed accessibility curb cuts that are identified on the current approved site plan, and where applicable, provide detailed drawings of the accessibility ramps. The accessibility route shall be in compliance with the accessibility code for building construction. Planning and Zoning Division 8. The 5' wide landscape buffer continues eastward from Phase One along the south property line of Phase Two between the access drive and Woolbright Road. Within the 5' landscape buffer, a continuous hedge and one tree per 40 linear feet has been indicated on the landscape plan. Additional Planning and Development Board Conditions 9. The Lantana ground cover has been replaced with a non-invasive plant material. 10. The dumpster enclosure has not been increased at this time. The bank does not require additional accommodations for a recycling container within the dumpster enclosure. If at a later date they have the need for a recycling container, the dumpster enclosure will be increased to allow for this additional recycling activity. Additional City Commission Conditions 11. The perimeter landscaping along the right-of-way for both Congress Avenue and Woolbright Road has been enhanced with additional shrubs and base plantings to include 23 Peregrina shrubs placed in front of the Cocoplum hedge between the Green Buttonwood and Ligustrum trees and accent planting with Liriope. The Green Buttonwoods located adjacent to Woolbright Road have been substituted with Ligustrum trees due to the location of the FPL easement and overhead power lines. Michael Rumpf November 4, 1998 Page 3 12. The Lantana groundcover has been replaced with Dune Sunflower groundcover adjacent to the building. It is my understanding that in addressing all of the above conditions that this project is now finalized and the applicant can now submit for building permit approval. If you should have any questions regarding the site plan submittal package, or the above responses, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, K I ~v~~ Karyn I. Janssen Kilday & Associates, Inc. cc: Dan Turk; Fidelity Federal Doug Winter; Doug Winter Companies Kirk Stetson; Jones & Song Andrea Troutman; Troutman Consulting Calvin Campbell; Campbell Branch Department of Engineering and Public Works PD Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 http://wwwco.palm.beachJLus . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Burt Aaronson, Chairman Maude Ford Lee, Vice Chair Karen T Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Ken L Foster County Administrator Robert Weisman, PE. "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper 1m. rn@.JLD W ~! .~.l.'.~ :. I I '-II" n l . ,. IJui OCT 201998 ' :~j! ; - - - ~ ; , 1- ---::-_. ,> . '..--- October 16, 1998 Mr. Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach Phmnlng and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Woolbright Fidelity Federal Traffic Performance Standards Review Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the project entitled Woolbright Fidelitv Federal pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Use: Proposed Use: Woolbright Road, East of Congress Avenue Boynton Beach 1) Bank, Drive-in 1) Bank, Drive-in 2) Office 1) 265.21 trips per 1000 sf 2) Ln(T) = 0.756Ln(A/1000) + 3.765 498 trips per day 2001 Trip Rate: New Trips: Buildout: ( 2,230 sf) ( 4,200 sf) (10,000 sf) (pBC Article 10) (pBC Article 19) Based on our review the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this review, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER AI Fede co, P.E, Senior Traffic Engineer cc: Andrea Troutman, P.E. - Troutman Consulting, Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review h:'\traffic'\apf\tps'\98014app.wpd - TAZ 499 ~E~.21.1998 5:02PM KILDAY & ASSO:IATES t'10.742 P.1/2 Date: 5.ep-l. Z I To: PO ~,S ... ~~ 375.&~5? Project No.: 890, I U Papal: ~ including cover sheet Cem"lDtI: ~r;A(' d i., '11-t aJ a~7- Y'f~ J II-t P/~. P/~u~ ~oJJ ;./ yud Ta~f'/d 4/7,7th/~~ ~ae. .. .... ... 1 ~ J'" . ~ L - r I ""--- '"" cc: I' KIL:DAY A ASSOCIATES. me 1551 FORUM PLACE. SUITE lUGA WEST PALM BEACH, I'L 33401 (561)689-5522 . f~: (5151)689-2592 From the dale of.. Kat)lQ I. Janssen TRANSMISSION c~. 1 <-~~:;;...---- ..... '\~::~~~;tt\{~~; l-~l. ':",;' ,~, ::~ (fl ::. {\\ o :r- ..A 1" r; ~~;., ..,. ~;\ CO't'll~J..~~ :l>"t.~ ~.. . :..-- - .-- __ ~\,\.--:;-:c ~l~\ ;'> -;, ........... .~\\ . - ~~ '- .. ;. ~ ~ .. ~ < '" -', ~ , ~- -: .:; '" .., .- ~ , 1. \ ~.:. ~ ~~:~\-c ~~~~ .: 't.?... ~,{.;; ,. .. " ~ ~ r \ *~~:~. ~ ~ ~ . . Ii \\ -;..~ \ '. : \ \ , .. I: "' \ \ 'j " i \ \ \ :_----- '" ....1....--- -",..- ~\:~ ~;t--.. \" '~-\ ~ <~. 'J!-~ \~":"'. ~~'\ ~ i \ \ , i \ 1:. \ ::~~ l~ ~~!~j.. 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ATT ~~ ~ ~ j.AANSMIT: (g:EREWITH 0 UNDER SEPARATE COVEA VIA ~E F9J.LOW.ING: ~TS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTRACINGS/SEPIAS 0 SUBM.nALS 0 CHANGE ORDER o SHOP DRAWINGS 0 copy OF LEmR 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ~ CATE ~f(2~'1_~ /~ / .? ,?J PROJECT N.....E M(/J/~ ,. ~ PROJECT NUMBEA d:jti : /6 c/ g? APPROVAL g~VIEW & COMMENT C:::fFOR YOUR USE ~ AS REOUESTED /V05~ /a-OO.3 ACTION CODE: A REVIEWED B, NOT REVIEWED C. REVIEWED & NOTED D RESUBMIT E. DO NOT RESUeMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FILES NO OF CATE DRAWING ~p4~#3~~ ACTION COPI~S OR I TEM NO CODE I ,4-2 F~ .F~/ ,r2~4~' ~ ~~~ ~- A ~~O~~~?T/L -- --. COPIES TO ;67tk-J ~ WITH ENCLOSURE o o o o o IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE FILE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV. ~GHE~4~ Kilday a Associates Landscape Architects / Planners 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (561) 689-5522 . Fax (561) 689-2592 E-Mail: info@kildayinc.com September 2, 1998 Mr. Mike Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Initial Review Comments-Fidelity Federal File No. NWSP 98-013 Our File No. 890.16 Dear Mr. Rumpf: As requested, please find attached twelve (12) sets of amended plans addressing the "updated draft copy" 1 st review comments made by the reviewing departments in your August 20, 1998 fax to this office. Additionally, the following is in response to the aforementioned comments from the applicant's consultants: Fidelity Federal No.: NWSP 98-013 Public Works Department: No comments Utilities Department: No comments 1. The applicant acknowledges that all utility easements shall be shown on the rectified landscaping plans to avoid potential utility-landscape material conflicts. 2. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 3. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 4. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 5. The applicant acknowledges this comment. An easement for a proposed fire hydrant has been added to the engineering plans. 6. The applicant has revised the plans to add a fire hydrant to comply with the Land Development Regulations. Mr. Mike Rumpf September 2, 1998 Page 2 of 4 7. The applicant has revised the Civil Engineering plans to include a note and detatil describing how the proposed building will be served by water and sewer. Additionally, a Water and Sewer Utility Statement is included with this submittal. 8. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 9. The applicant acknowledges this comment. Fire Department: 10. The applicant acknowledges this comment, and a fire hydrant has been added at the south entrance to the bank parking lot. Police Department: No comments Engineering Division: 11. The applicant has revised the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Engineering Plan to include clear site triangles as specified in D.G.T. Index 546 for both proposed driveways. 12. The applicant has added a note to the Landscape Plan regarding cross visibility. 13. The applicant has revised the plans to include all markings, sign age and striping including right turn only signs, and right turn arrows. The applicant does not see the need for one-way arrows within the Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue medians as the median prevents left turns and, additional sign age adds unnecessary visual clutter on our public roadways. 14. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 15. The applicant has spoken with Ken Hall regarding this comment. Mr. Hall agreed to allow the 6" raised curb to remain in a shortened manner that prevents conflicts with garbage truck pickup and vehicles backing out from angle parking. The revised plans reflect this discussion. 16. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 17. The applicant would prefer to keep the existing paved access drive for access to the subject parcel. Further, the phase 2 site is already sodded and does not need to be irrigated. Therefore, the applIcant does not agree with this comment 18. The applicant acknowledges this comment. Mr. Mike Rumpf September 2, 1998 Page 3 of 4 19. The applicant has revised the Site Plan, Landscape Plan and Engineering Plan to comply with the requested modifications to provide a safe and efficient flow of traffic throughout the site for the public. 20. The applicant acknowledges that a variance is required for the proposed Congress Avenue driveway. 21. The applicant has added a note to the plans to address this comment. 22. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 23. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 24. The applicant does not agree with this comment as they do not see the need to close the existing easternmost driveway. The driveway meets all Access Management Standards. 25. The applicant has revised the plans to locate a handicap access path from the Congress A venue sidewalk in, alignment with the accessible path next to the proposed handicap stall, which is the shortest path to the front building entrance. Building Division: 26. As discussed with Mike Haag, the proposed four sided cube sign will have sign face area on all four sides that complies Article IV Section 2 B. The Landscape Plan has been revised to include a note indicating landscape material at the base of the sign. Also, a 10 foot dimension note has been added to reflect the required sign setback. 27. The applicant has revised the elevation view drawings to dimension the width and height of the proposed wall signage. In addition, the elevation view drawing has been revised to include the square footage and colors of each sign. A dimension of the length of the front of the building has been added to verify that the total sign face area of the proposed sign wall is in compliance with the sign code. 28. The applicant has revised the site lighting plan to include a note to comply with this comment. 29. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 30. The applicant acknowledges this comment. Parks and Recreation Department: No comments. Mr. Mike Rumpf September 2, 1998 Page 4 of 4 Forester/En vironmentalist: 31. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 32. The applicant has discussed this comment with Kevin Hallihan. The applicant will agree to provide landscape /inigation plans for the grassed median on Woolbright Road in front of phase 2 concurrent with development of phase 2. The applicant acknowledges the balance of this comment. 33. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 34. The applicant has revised the plans to include the proposed signage setback label. 35. The applicant acknowledges this comment. 36. The applicant has revised the plans to include a dumpster elevation showing gates and labeling construction materials and paint colors. 37. The applicant has revised the floor plans to include exterior dimensions. 38. The applicant will be submitting colored elevation drawings addressing all building facades. 39. The applicant has revised the Landscape Plans to comply with this comment. 40. The applicant has revised the Landscape Plans to comply with this comment. It is my understanding that this item is scheduled for the September 8, 1998 Technical Review Committee meeting and the September 23, 1998 Planning & Development Board Hearing. Please feel free to call either- Karyn Janssen of this office or myself with any questions. Sincerely, ytf~t?uJd~ Lindsey { W a~ter cc: Daniel Turk Doug Winter Kirk Stetson Andrea Troutman w~ ~ou.q _.. ilAi, 9."u. ee~01W"- 4047 Okeechobee Blvd., Suite 222 . West Palm Beach, FL 33409 . Ph: 561-471-9863 · Fax: 561-471-5075 WATER AND SEWER UTILITY STATEMENT ---'/ "FIDELITY FEDERAL" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH SITE PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA AUGUST, 1998 INTRODUCTION The subject parcel of land is located on the north side of Woolbright Road on the east side of Congress Avenue and constitutes 2.14:t acres. It was formerly used as a bank site. An existing water meter service and liftstation with force main provided water and sewer to the bank. These utility facilities are to revised during project planning and design. PROPOSED UTILITIES Water and sewer utilities to serve the proposed bank site will be designed to meet the following: 1) Compliance with specification and standards of Boynton Beach Utilities Department. 2) Compliance with criteria of Palm Beach County Health Department and Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 3) Compliance with any other applicable regulatory agencies or departments (i.e. Fire Marshall, FOOT, etc.). A) SEWER A private, grinder pump lift station will be designed to accomodate sewage flows from the proposed bank site as well as account for future flows for adjacent property. A new force main will be constructed to '~e-in" to the existing force main connection to the sanitary manhole within Woolbright Road. The existing lift station and a portion of existing force main will be removed. The proposed lift station "depth" and "diameter" will be contingent upon flow design factors per industry standards. Cizil.' EnzirrmmcnU/ i Agricu/tllr.A! Enginecrinl: _ tVilt ,. r::"WJif/'CCI . Lilid Duclofimcllt _ G'mlllldu'dtcr H)drogeo/ul;) tr'( d/lld L'pl.wd I-Libr!,,! - Pmicd Pcrmi!!1I1g .lI,i Il.Il::< m, il! - Golf Cr,unL' Renr,z',ilioll . em/l tmettr,n - Colrn- Rcndering r B) WATER Based on conunents received and project coordination, an 8" water main extension is being proposed from the 16" water main along the south side of Woolbright Road. 1be water main extension will provide for a fire hydrant, for the ability to relocate the water meter and add a backflow preventor for water service connection to the bank, and for long range planing to extend the 8" water main, ifnecessary. or obtain additional water services (i.e. domestic or fire line) for future project development. '- Any facilities to be owned/maintained by the City of Boynton Beach Utilities will be located within appropriate utility easements. Applicable govenunental permits will be obtained as necessary for utility facilities. 0>-' 1:1. u:l"..L.., Dou . Wmter. P.E. Florida Registration #35658 ~J 311 U Date