CORRESPONDENCE AUG.20.1998 3:21PM KILDAY & ASSOCIATES 1'10. 692 P.2/2 Kilday & AssDciates Landscape Architects / Planners 1&61 Forum Pia!!.. Suita 100A West Palm BI!lBch. FlOrida 33401 (561) 689-5622 . Fill( (S61) 68&"2692 E-Mail: infoSkilcllyinc.col..l1 AU2ust 20, 1998 Mr. Mike Rumpf, Interim Zoning Direotor City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard p.o, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 R,e: Fideliry :Federal-Northeast comer of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue OllI'File No. 890.16 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Pur51.lant to a telephone call today ftom. Dan DeCarlo of YO\.lI' office, please be advised that thIs office and representatives of Ftaelity Federal met with Bill Winters and Ron Crone o'f the Lake Worth Drainage District on July 22, 1998. At that me~ting we presented the site plan which is similar to the site, plan submitted to your office. The pUJPose of ant meeting was to discuss the potentisJ. of utilizing District prope..1:y. which is a.djacent to this paroels nOlth property line, for lOite planning pmpos:es. 'The only comment nJ.i:sro by the Dist."ict wa5 that the exi~ting 20 foot wide distriot cascmer:.t on the north side of the property must remain void of any improvements for canal maimenance purposes. At no point in that meeting did the District indicate any objections to the proposed site plan, Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, cc: Dan Turk