APPLICATION ," .- ~ - / ' \ PROJECT NAME: The GrandC ()Jt,N (D r / LOCA TION: Golf Stream Mall (3637 S. Federal Highway) Boynton Beach COMPUTER ID: 21-000003 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: COUS 00-005 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Conditional Use Approval Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: Cal Brockdorff H. McClintock PHONE: 410-354-1217 PHONE: 561-735-4512 FAX: 410-379-5735 FAX: 561-735-0332 ADDRESS: 5520 Pennington Ave. Baltimore ADDRESS: 3637 South Federal Hwy., MD., 21226 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Date of submittal/Projected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 09/12/00 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 10/01/00 TRC MEETING: 09/19/00 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 10/10/00 MEETING: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 10/17/00 COMMENTS: J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\The Grand\PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc '09/12/00 11; 13 U56}.27! 40f.5 POIZ'<'TE BANK @OOOl/0017 APPLICATION ACCEPTABLE DATE;~_# (/YV)plr~ 9 f..2~ RECEIVED BY STAFF MEMBER: [1/12 FEE PAID: ,/ /-(00 ..,,", RECEIPT NUMBER: .. CITY OF BOYN'l'ON BEACH r PLORIOA PLANNING " D:&:V.ELOPJO:l!iT BOAlW CONDITIONAL USE APPLiCATION NOTE: ':!:'hia form must be filled out. completely and accurately a.nd must accompany all appl~cations submitted to the Planning Division. Two (2) copie~ of application required) PROJECT NAME: --.::x-l. 4&- ~.... 0.1 J AGENT' S NAME: ~. r\.t ~ (1 \ I\J 'l'"oc....-l L- ~~L <) I ~~~ UUJL( ~---Iu)QN ~~ ~(~ ~3j:~':; ~ WP C.QPE) ~~5.4:St? FAX:~l- {;~AO~1> ~ C ak. ts ~\2~ ' ADDRESS: PHONE: OWNER I B NAME: (or trustee) PHONE: 5 ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: G-U\.{'~~VtVLM Ho-ll ""l;.'"Z.>~ S.f'.~ blw. f · {not legi:l descript:LOIlI CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS: * 3~ ~ l S. Pcta.m.Q lJ-w 4 ~e.~ V'tCIb ~~ ,F \. '" l{~ {if diff rent than agent or owner} e:; *This ie the ~y address to whiCh a11 agendasr ~etters and other materi.~s wi~~ be forwarded. '09/12/00 11:13 '2t561 274 U95 POINTE BANE ~OOO%/0017 :2 Fee: I='ile: No. \, CONDITIONAL USE APPLJ;<;ATIOll'( Applicant's Name: ~~~ r_ak Applicant's Addre$S~~ ~l \So l .,.a 'nJ ~ ~ PHONE,5G.L - 1'\ is '4.~ ';). Legal Descripti.on;, _~ \g,~ :],ra~~S:C~) ~ .~~J~l{- F f (Jp~c~~ 7 ":l~"SS -033:;), Q. """ ~ Date Submitted: Project o.oscription: ~ ~ ;-Q. \.. 1:"0-, \ t..3 M ...n- ~ ~~" The Owner has hereby designat.ed the above-signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. {To be executed when OWner designates another to act on his behalf.) 09/12/00 11:13 U561 274 !tiS POI~"TE BANK ~0003/0017 3 G9l1DITIONAL USE APPRO~AL APPL;t~TtON 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: L a. All property owners located within (400) tour hundred feet surrounding the subject parcel shall be notified. b. The ownership of all surrounding properties as submitt.ed by the applicant. shall be reviewed by the City Clerk, who shall notify the owners by regular mail of th@ date and purpose of the public hearing held in conjunction with tbe conditional use a.pplication. c. Notice of the public hearing shall also be advertised in a newspaper published in the City at least ten (10) days in advance of the hearing. d. At the public hearing held by Development Board. evidence for presented. the Plan.."llng or against may a..'1.d be e. The Planning and Development Board may recommend approval, approval with modification or den1al of the application subject to the standards provided in Ordinance No. 76-46. A written report of the Board's findinga shall he forwarded to the City Commi.ssion. f. At a r~Jlar meeting. the City Commission may approve, approve with modification or deny the applicacion subject to the st~dards provided in Ordinance No. 76- 46. g. E&ch new application for conditional use approval shall be a.ccompanied by a fee payable to the Ci.ty of Boynton B8ach as per the attached fee schedule I as well as labels and postage for property owners to he notified. h. Bach application for an extensign in time of a conditional use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payable to the City of Boynton Beach for one hundred a.nd twenty-five ($12S) dollars. Such application sha.ll by submitt.ed to the Pla.'111ing Director not less than 45 days prio~- to the e~iratiop of the approval. ~. Et}.I2r~eptatiy--e of the proiect must. be oresent at all Techn; ca1. Review committee. Planninq and Development and citv C9mmission Meetinas held to review this oroiect;.. 09/12/00 11:13 U56L274 419$ POIN'fE BANK IibOOOV0017 4 g)N:rENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION II. CONTENTS OF THE ~NDITIONAL USE APPLICATION. for condit.ional use shall,. contain two (2) following items: Application copies of the a. Statement of the applicant's interest in the property to be developed, including a copy of the last recorded warranty Deed, and a certificate from an attorney-at- law or a title insurance company certifying who the current fee simple title holders of record of the subject property are, and the nature and extent of their interest therein. and: 1. If joint and several ownership, a written consent to the development proposal by all owners of record. or 2. If a contract purchase. a copy of the pl,l;rchase contract and written consent of the seller/owner, or 3. If an authorized agent, a copy of the agency agreement and written consent of the principal/owner. or 4. If a lessee, a copy of the lease agreement and written consent of the owner, or 5. If a corporation or other business entity, the name of the officer or person ~esponsible for the application, and written proof that said representatives have the delegated authority to represent the corporation or other business entity. or in lieu thereof. written proof that he is in fact an officer of che corporation. b. Lega1 survey, prepared by a surveyor registered in the State of F1orida, showing an accurate legal description of the subject property. and the total acreage computed to the nearest one-hundredth {1/~OO) of an acre {these two surveys are in addition to the surveys required on page 6 of this application. Sec. III.l9.}. e. Vicinity map. showing the loca-cion of the subject property 1n relation to the surrounding street system. d. Drawing showing the location of all property lying four hundred feet (400) adjacent to the subject parcel, and a complete list of the property owners' names, mailing addresses and legal descriptions. The owners of property shall be thoBe recorded on the latest official Coun~y tax rolls. Such list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the applicant. 6 knowledge, said list is complete and accurate. Contact: Palm Beach county, property Appraisers Office, Attn: Mapping Division, 301 NQrth Oli.ve Ave., WPB, FL. 09/12/0.0. 11: 1.3 C56L27.t 49ti POIl'c"TE BA.t<< iii 6005/o.i)17 5 III. SITE PLAN REOUIREMENTS Twelv~ (12) complete, assembled and stapled sets of plans shall be submitted. All <4awings shall be scaled and the maximum size sheet shall be 24" x 3g". The following site information sball be shown on the submitted plans or where applicable, separately submitted. Incomplete site plans will not. be processed. (Please check) ~1. ."..- 2. 3. ~4. ~ ~. 7. 8. 9. 10. ~ 1.2. ~3. 14. ~5. Boundaries and dimensions of the parcel. Scale, graphic scale, north arrow, and date. Adjacent properties or land uses. Pavement edge and/or right-of-way lines for all streets, alleys, sidewalks', turn li!lnes, driveways and unimprov~d :t:lghts-of -way within one-hundred (100} feet of the site. Also, names of adjacent streets and righcs-of-way. Location existing site_ of all proposed structures, and structures that are t.o remain on ar.y the Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft. 1n height) from property linea. Ose of each structure, indicated on the site plan. Number of effi.ciency ~ l-bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc..dwelling units in each residential structure, to be 1ndicated on site plan. Indication of height and nwnber of stories of each structure. Indication of structures, equipment I etc., above 45 foot height, including height in excess of 45 ft_ Floor plans or typical floor plans for all structures. Fini9h floor elevations of all structure. Uses within each structure, indic.ated on floor plans. Elevations or typical structures; including including roofs. elevations materials, of all surfaces, Indication of the numbers and of types recreationa~ facilities ~ residential developments. ~6 . Indication on sit.e plan of location, orientation, and height of a~l freestanding signs and wall signs. 09/12/00 11:13 17. ~ ~ ~L 22_ 23. B$6L 274 t~i5 llJ0006/0011 PO I~"TE B..4...1\IK 6 to be for provided Location of walls and fences, and indication of their height, materials, and color. 18. A landscape plan, showing conformance with the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation Code, and showing adequate watering facilities. Plants must be keyed out according to species, size and quantity. A sealed survey, by a surveyor registered in the State of Florida, and not older than six (6) months, showing property lines, including bearings and dimensions. north arrow, date, scale, existing structures and paving] existing elevations on site, rights-of-way and easements on or ad) acent to the sit.e, ut ilities on ox adjacent to t~e site, legal description, acreage to the nearEst one-hundredth {l!lOO) of an acre, locat.ion sketch, and surveyor's c@rtification. Also, sizes and locations of existing trees and shrubs. including common and botanical names, and indication as to which are to be retained, removed" alld relocated, or replaoed. Location of existing utiliey lines on or adjacent to the property to be indicated on the site plan, in addition to being showr.: on th@ survey. Also, location of existing fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site. Locati.on of additional fire hydrants. t.o meet $tandards set forth in Article X, Sect ion 16 of the Subdivision and Plattina Reaulations. Fire flow calculations justifying line size for both on/off site water lines. Sealed engineering drawings for ut.ilities, as per City specifications. proposed l4. rnfo.l.-mat.ion regarding form of ownership {condominium, fee simple, lease, etc.). 25. Location ~~d orientat~on of garbage ca~s or 09/12/00 11:13 V:6. 'C56L274 4995 PO !2Io"TE BA.... f4I 0007/0017 7 dumpster facilities. All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provide direct access for the City front-end loaders; and the dumpster area must be provided with adequate width and height clearance. The~ site must be so designed to eliminate the necessity for the front~end loader to back into any street. If any use requires the disposal of wet garbage, a ten .foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab shall be provided. ~1 dumpsters must be screened and landscaped in accordance with the City Landscape Code (s$e Sec. 7.5-35(1)). A minimum lO-foot wide opening is req~ired for dumpster enclosures. A parking lot design and construction plan showing conformance to the City parking Lot Regulat.ions, and including the following information. Any exceptions to the Parking Lot Regulations that are proposed for that are to continued will require an application for variance to the Parking Lot Regulations. a. Location of "facilities. and loading all parking b- A parking J.ot layout plan, including curbs, car stops, and double striping. C. A cross-section of materials to be used in the construction of the parking lot. d. A lighting plan for the building exterior and sit.e, including exterior security lighting, and lighting for driveways and parking lot-s; to include the location of ~ighting gtandards~ direction of lighting, fixture types, l.amp types and sizes. and average illumination level{s} in foot candles. e. Information showing conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordinance, including construction of sidewalks along adjacent public streets. f. Location of existing and proposed public and private streets, including ultimate rights- of-way_ g. On-site traffic plan, including arrows and other pavement markings, traf f ic signs, and stop signs at exits. h. Locat ion of handicap parking spaces I p1us 09/12/00 11:13 ~: 0561. 214 4995 PO I~'TE BM<< tal 000810017 8 s.igns and access ramps, consistent with the State Handicap Code. i. A drainage plan for the entire site, including parking area; to include finish grade and pavement elevations, drai.nage calculations, and details of the drainage system. If the total impervious area on site exceeds twenty~five thousand (25,000) square. feet, t.hen drainage plans and calculations must be prepared by an engineer registered in the State of Florida, and must be sealed. Percolation tests must by provided with drainage calculations. j . Existing e.levations on adjacent properties, and on adjacent rights-of-way. 27. Where conformance with the County's Environmentally Sensitive Lands Ordinance is required.. Qll Application for Alteration of Environmentally sensitive Lands (Environmentally Impact Study) must be submitted to the Palm Beach County Department or Environmental Resources Management (copy to City) Drier to or concurrent with the submittal of the site plan to the City. 28. submi~ a traffic impact analysis for the proposed use. The a~lysis shall comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. Six (6) copies of the analysis shall be submitted with all conditional use applications. Failure to submit traffic impact analysis in the manner described above may delay approval of the site plan application. 49. In addition ~o the above requirements. the following items shall be subnUtted to the Planning Division 1J.Q ..later than the site plan deadline: a. One copy of colored elevations for all buildings and signage to be constructed on site. These elevations must be must be of all sides of each type of building and signage proposed and the colors proposed must be accompanied by a numerical code from an established chart of colors- 09/12/00 11:13 t:tS61_274 4995 POINTE M.~ ~O(J09j0017 '- 9 b. Elevations must also include information related to builaing materials. All elevations must be submitted on 24" x 360 drawings. Buildings constructed will be inspected orr the basis of the elevations submit:ted to the City and approved by the City Commission. Failure to construct buildings consistent with elevations submitted will result in the Certificate of Occupancy being withheld. C. A transparency of the site plan (maximum size of 8-1/211 x 11."). At the discretion of the applicant, the Planning Division will prepare transparencies from the ai te plan document. However, the Planning Division will not be responsible tor poor quality transparencies which result from the submission of poor qUality site plan blueprints, and poor quality transparencies will not be presen.ted to the Planning and Developnent Board or City Commission. d. Colored pbotographs of surrounding buildings (m~imum size 8K x 10ft}_ 30. Any other engineering and/or technical data, as may be required by the Technical Review Comoittee to determine compliance with the provisions of the City's Code of Ordinances. Any of the above requirements may be waived by the Technical Review committee, if such information is deemed to be non-essential by the Committee. 09/12/00 11:13 U'56L274 it'5 POI~'TE BANK 1ll0010i6017 . -'-- 10 IV. S.:rr~ DATA The following information mus~ be filled out be 10...1 and mUst appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in the Comprehensive ?lan~ 2. Zoning District: l ~ 3. Area of Site acres sq_ ft. ~r~~ 4 _ Land Use - - Acreage Breakdown: a. Residential, including aCres :tr of site surrounding lot a:!:"ea or grounds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) acres si.te % of c. Hater Area acres % of site t of site d. Commercial acr~s e. Industrial acres % of site f. Puhlic/Lns~itutional acres t of site g. Public, Private.. ano Canal Rights-af-way acres % of site i. other (specify) Other (speci fy) acres % of site h. aeres % of sit.e j. Total area of Site acr~s ~% of site Inpl,udiU<L ooen soace suitq,ble for outdoor recreation. and. having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft 5. Surface Cover a- Ground Floor Building Area (flbuilding footprL."t R ) sq. ft. % of. site 09/12/00 11: 13 U!561..2H !tIS PO INTE BANK 14I 0011/0017 11 b. Wa.ter Area sq. ft. % of site c. Other Impervious Areas. including paved area of public & private streetsl pave area of parking lots & driveways (excluding .'landscaped areas) and sidewalks, patios, decks. and athletic courts sq. ft. ~ of sit.e d. Total Impervious Area site sq. ft. % of e. Landscaped Area Inside of parking Lots (20 sw. ft. per interior parking space required--see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). sq. ft. % of sice f. Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area sq. ft. % of site 9. Other Pervious Areas. including Golf Courses I Natural areas, Yards, and SWales, but excluding Wat.er Areas sq. ft. % of site h. Total Pervious Areas site sq. ft. %- of i. Total Area of Site sq. ft. ~OO% of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office ;;:'1 \. tAA::) sq. rt. c~ Iruiustrial/warerurn~se sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. PublicI Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) sq. ft. g. Other {specify} sq. ft. h. Total Floor Area sq. ft: ~ 7. Nwnber of Residential Pwel.linq Units a. Single-Family Detached Duplex dwelling unit.s b. dwelling units c. Multi-family {3 + attached dwelling units 09/1%/00 11:13 '17561 --274 t995 PO INTE BA..'<<t ~ 0012/0017 1.2 {l) Efficiency dwelling units (2l 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3} 2 Bedroom !. dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedx"Oom dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling Units B. GrOBS Density Dwelling units per Acre 9- Maximum Height of Structures on Site stories feet 10. Required Off-Street Parkinq a. Calculation of Required Parking Spaces b. Off-Street Parking Spaces c _ Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan lUDER TO Sl:TE PLAN' APPL:ICATIOR The undersigned as applicant. for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge. represent and agree that all plans, 9pecifications. draw~gs. engineering, and other data submitted with this application for reviet<r by the City of Boynton Beach shall. be reviewed by the various hoax'Os.. commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Bea.ch, and any such party reviewing t:he same. ahall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that- all pla.tts t specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Bea.ch, or it.s boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved. and any change to the same shall be deemed material and 6hal.l place the applicant in violation of this application and all approval.s and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees eo allow the City of Boynton Beach al.l rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliances and the applicant shall inde~~ify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost.. expense, claim, liability Or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the sama. RBAD, ACJQIOWLEDGED Am) AGREBD TO this ~ day 0;1; 09/12/00 11:13 U561..-27 -I .ut15 PO 1}1TE BANK IiII 0013/Q017 13 Applicant Witness ,. Witness NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL OSE APPROVAL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS VARIANCE All applications received by t.he City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 sha1.1 be accompanied by oailir19 labels with the names and address~s of all proper<:y owners within four hundred (400} feet of the subject property. Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT: PALH BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE AT"l"N: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (Sol) 355-.3881 _ I ( ~~~ . I 09/1%/00 11:13 US 6 L274. .UtS POIN'l'E BANK flJOOH/0017 l4 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } } S.6. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH} BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY AI?PEARED '0e (\~ ffLl'l\1-oc1--- , WHO BEING DULY RN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest official tax rolls in the County Courthouse for all property with Four H~~dred (400} feet of the below described parcel of ~and_ The property ~n question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT It Aft FURTHER A...VFIANT SAYE"I'H NOT. Sworn to .and ~ub!;Jcribe.d before me this --1 ~ day of A.D. , 2r(J -) Notary Public State of Florida at Large ,,~..,to Christine Cormtin *W *My Commission CC679267 ":;.A II Expil'8s September 10. 2001 -'''1'''- My Commission Expires: 20_ . 09/12/00 11:13 U561_214 491$ PO L'\'TE BANK ~0013/0017 1.5 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVBLOPMSNT ORDERS OR P~I1:S L Please be advised that all applications for the following land development orders and permits which are submitted on or after June 1, 1990 will be subject to the City's Concvrrency Management Ordinance, and cannot be approved unless public facilities (potable watez.', sani tary sewer, d:t"ainage, solid 1Naste, recreation, park, and road facilities> would be available to serve the project, consistent with the levels of service which are adopted in the City's Comprehensive plan: . Building permit applications for the construction of improvements which, in and by themselves, would create demand for public facilities, Applicati.ons for site plan approval. Applications for conditional use appr~"'al. Applications for subdivision master plan approval.. Applications for preliminary plat approval. Applications for final plat approval- Appl i.cat ions for re~oning to planned zoning districts. Applications for revisions to any of the applications listed above. which wou1d increase the demand for a...1'ly public facility. Any other application which, in and by itself, establish the density or intensity of use -of land, maximum density or intensity of use of land. would or a * Ap~licacions for develo-oment orders and 'Permits submitted after February 1, 1990 and which aenerate more than 500 net vehicle tri~ per day, must comply with the Palm. Beach County ~tf~~ Performance Standards Ordinance. unless exemot from that ordinance. 09/12/00 11;13 U56j-74 un POI~"TE B.~ ~0016/0017 ~ ,.-...;v.. . 16 Please be advised, ho~evers that the following applications will be ~empt from the Concurrency Management Ordinance, pending final approval or this ordinance by che City Commission: Applications for the development of property which was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and either the f1nal plat or the preliminary plat and Palm Beach County Health Depart:ment permit applications were submitted or approved prior to June 1, 1990, and the use of the property i.s consistent with the general use which was intended for the property at the time of platt.ing. Applications for the development of property which was platted prior to January 13, 1978. the area of the platted lots does not exceed 2 acres. and the proposed use would not generate more than 500 net vehicle ~rips per day_ Applications for building permit. if a site plan or conditional use application was submitted prior to June 1., 1990 and subsequently approved and the site plan or conditional use has not expired. Applications for the development approved Development of Regional consistent with the app~oved DRI. of propert. y Impact, and within an which are Applications for approval of final plats, if the preliminary plat aDd application far Palm Beach county Health Department permdts for utilities have bean submitted prior to June ls 1990. Applications for revisions development orders or permits.. demand for any public facility. to previously approved which do not increase the P1ease be. adv:i.ed that these exempt.ion rules are tentative and wi11 be subject to fina1 approval by the City Commission. If you have any questiOfta concerning the proposed Boynton Beaoh Conourrency Kanageaent O~1ft3nce.. please oontaot the Boynton Beaab PlaaDiDg Division at (551) 742-6260 Rev. June 5s 2000 \~""'~"'\~~~~__~lIt,lIloe~ICIl'rI<lIB\OJU<Jn.~-- . ~(:6~~~~~- ~ ~:?:::f~~:-:~ '~~ f-", z.~. __ 11\ I() , ~,.s 6' J '"-' . .' l~ I . ~ "J: J1.;j t'.r <>-- ), J { I'r7~i '-17 /' ~;v, _ '" 1" -rt.- f f1 eaflr ;i Cc- r'.=s..5d2 'i \/)':' (~~ qVIc..4:/v 0v;:d ~ ~""l/ 01 I . _ ~ ~'<-- en V "{'" u- ('''' frl7 'Jk, ~ 1 J f ,6 -14,,- C ='Y" yY'>.(.:;-5 ; =^- ucp {~~ D=_6be-.r 2?-f{, ~8'; -A . ~ "", 7 A""/ yVJLP-Yl-S -' f' +-- D Oof "* . '\-~, ~,:",r' ad2 d)<.f~ 4r ,f?Y(' . Vi'}' p<C;' !'(d . ~ ,j, ,:J: Lhv. '-r 6ft- ,,-r' dd r-r-0;'/ ~ r /0,,1 /)., CYr<-d:S ct2 "-' -';6 ; IS u ~ ~ ~ LA1 iz~e..ne..:sS" o 'Y \' " 't ~,,_ j/J,,=-s"- 6i"=-_ G~sc. ~ f~s~ ' ,'. f G<--,--"""- /f r c::k=f;a12 ''1 d t (jC f::.Y -0-->-7 o-d2 /5 cO <<-- fP2 ,', vp:- <F-'~.Q ~ !7'-C- JdJ~ ..:f:!:. iY/JJ2s 7/ .p W. ::5~!,;! /;;-.rt fr]C~r; Y -? frUr1S .' fliu/Y'''lf /),Jfi ~ 6--- r c. u ,:,d) pi"" "'- ~ s ~ . I rt&, -... ,LLJ 6o--;<c s <:>-,n,(J SZ,:,CYG ~-Jr, . -' ,.,-- . .. -.. ~ '. . ~. ~:---.,,- . -~-' f ~<---z:. en-tf:-u,LA""^- . '" ". / -2 .s~r..s \: ,,' '>-"'~ /~~Jrs~./~' _ /G/ICr c=f'rrf7f o6m:J5 Ivi> ' .~, ~t$,.$i co---hU. " -' . . ~. . --Ir 1A ,'c. I' _ ~/Af-ne.~r .of '?f Mc"",.fl,