TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Klldey & Auocilltea Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 i ~ . n ~ .' .... ,,~w r 91998 , :.i I ~~i ~? 6!7-v;4A/O~ ~~~~~6. ( /?7c:'~Y~2'~ ATT .//;7~ ~~~ WE TRANSMIT: DATE /77,., .,/~ / 7 /,8 PROJECT NAME ~ / /~ PROJECT NUMBER / -360., / D HEREWITH o UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOllOWING: o PRINTS D SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTRACINGS/SEPIAS 0 SUBMITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER o SHOP DRAWINGS 0 copy OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ACTION CODE: o FOR APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT o FOR YOUR USE 0 AS REouESTED A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED o RESUBMIT E 00 NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FILES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO Ct/7 ~;z:;~.~~ C~ .~ CODE -~ ~/ cycv~ c;:?S /yyct /---- . < ~ r-CV~7L/~ ~ 0....- C~;Y ~~ ~- '" " ,/ - ~-.06~-<--~ --C~~~ ~~ ,~~-aL/ IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. 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G-<-/~ -- T TRAFFIC IMP ACT ANALYSIS TARA OAKS Prepared for Elie Berdougo Prepared by YVONNE ZIEL TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS, INC. 11440 86 STREET NORTH WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33412 (561) 624-7262 April 26, 1998 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EXISTING CONDITIONS ...............................................~........ 1 ASSURED CONSTRUCTION ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TRIP GENERATION .......................................................... 4 TRIP DISTRIBUTION ......................................................... 4 FUTURE BACKGROUND TRAFFIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Growth Rate Analysis .................................................... 4 Major Projects .......................................................... 7 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ANALYSIS ...................................... 7 Test One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Driveway Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Test Two ............................................................. 11 CONCLUSION .............................................................. 11 APPENDIX A - GROWTH RATE ANALYSIS i --1 TABLE 1 2 3 4 5 6 T LIST OF TABLES TITLE PAGE Existing (1997) Daily Traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Existing (1997) Peak Hour Traffic. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 Trip Generation Rates ..............................................5 Trip Generation ................................................... 5 Projected Daily (2000) Traffic Conditions .............................. 8 Projected Peak (2000) Hour Traffic Conditions .......................... 8 ii FIGURES 1 2 3 4 -----,- LIST OF FIGURES TITLE PAGE Site Location Map .................................................2 Project Traffic Distribution .......................................... 6 Future (2000) Traffic Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Peak Hour Driveway Volumes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 iii INTRODUCTION Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. was retained to prepare a Traffic Impact Analysis to assess the traffic impact of a development proposed to include 192 multi-family units and a 20,000 square foot church to be located along the east side of Knuth Road north of Woolbright Road, as shown on Figure 1. Buildout of the development is anticipated to be in 2000. The site was previously vested for 77 single-family units. EXISTING CONDITIONS Woolbright Road, the fIrst accessed link, is currently operating at Level of Service (LOS) B near the site Table 1 shows the existing (1997) average daily traffic (ADT) conditions on the impact area roadways and Table 2 shows the same information for the peak hour. The ADT volumes were obtained from the Palm Beach County (PBC) 1997 Traffic Volumes Map provided by the PBC Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO). The peak hour volumes were determined by factoring the daily volumes by 0.093. ASSURED CONSTRUCTION The Palm Beach County and Florida Department of Transportation Five- Year Road Program does not include any widening projects. 1 T ~ - ~ -g Cii ..c: o m (1) CO c o .... c >. o CD aN'r/ ss~u6uo~ .po~ lunU)j .p~ a::>uaJMel I! eJ.L JtJ e~!I! II'J I I ~ ,;:,e llSGI 0.. ~ ~ ~:=::::::m::::;: / -0 a: ... ..c: . 0) 'C .a o o ~ ! I ! --.. ~ ("") N ~ en '-"" a. (J)<( ~~ <C~ ....Oi= ~.-.f"<{ ::>.....0 Q~O lL.<e...J t-~ U) -0 a:: - o C) '" . ~ (JC9~ ZZ" ....--"'.. Z -.:::~ LLI en ?; ~ ~ _t-~ .1:.., NZa.~_ ~ olS 8l $ W!:j(!) eO: Z:::> Z if z~iii Ot)~ gi w z. ~SJ~o~ u.. u... Go .. u..~.!>- <( I/)~ ~ ~ r- ~ ~ ~(J)l ~I TABLE 1 TARA OAKS EXISTING (1997) DAILY TRAFFIC CONDITIONS 26-Apr-98 11:46:10 AM 1997 #OF 110" ADT VIC 1997 ROADWAY LOCATION LANES CAP TRAFFIC RATIO LOS WOOLBRIGHT RD 700' E of Lawrence Rd 4 31,100 17,713 0.57 B WOOLBRIGHT RD East of Knuth Rd 4 31,1 00 17,713 0.57 B TABLE 2 TARA OAKS EXISTING (1997) PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC CONDITIONS PEAK 1997 #OF LOS PEAK VIC ROADWAY LOCATION LANES 110" HOUR RATIO LOS WOOLBRIGHT RD 700' E of Lawrence Rd 4 2,890 1,647 0.57 B WOOLBRIGHT RD East of Knuth Rd 4 2,890 1,647 0.57 B -- -r-- TRIP GENERATION Trip generation was estimated usmg the Institute of Transportation Engineers' (ITE), Trip Generation, 5th Edition data. The trip generation rates used are shown in Table 3. Table 4 provides the trips generated by the proposed project and the difference between the trips from the proposed project and the vested trips. Trip generation resulted in 760 new daily trips, 48 AM peak hour and 46 PM peak hour trips. The anticipated ADT traffic translates into a radius of development influence of one (1) mile. TRIP DISTRIBUTION _I Trip distribution was based upon the previously approved traffic study. Figure 2 illustrates the project percent of traffic on each link within the study area along with the number of trips and the project percent of roadway capacity. FUTURE BACKGROUND TRAFFIC Growth Rate Analysis Future background traffic was determined by applying growth rates to the existing 1997 Palm Beach County ADT volumes. Three year historical traffic count data was obtained from Palm Beach County. These data were compiled to calculate a growth rates for the links in the study area. The growth rate analysis is included in Appendix A. 4 r NII)CO 1'-1'-0 VV .... MMV .... M M V"- X C/)X ....W a.W Z 0:: Wo:: CO II) V ....0:: en CO II) I'- N Uw COCO II) ~W I'- II) CO M 0::.... ~!z Wz a.W a.W CONN ~...J I'-VII) ..-CO "'-11)1'- a.~ ..- ..- CO MV a. ~cici ..- ..- 0: 0+ 0 IX f- f- ...J Xz ~ ~ Z...J ~fn ...J. 0 · N COo a.f- I- Nen ~~ en . II' II a. ....f- zZ ...J...J MVCO ..- LO CO CO en I- CO I'- M I- CO V CO M X X I-W W Z W I'-COV C/)o:: uo:: I'-enl'- CO en o::W ..-NCO 9:w ..- ..- N W.... O::f- a.Z f-Z W Z ~W ..-;QV 0 ifi...J COLOV N CO en en I'- i= MM . a.~ en..-co "-V C/) . .0 0 ..- MO ~O W + + W e:(1- ~ a. ......x I 0:: ...J ~Z .... Z .... ~ .. ...J II) 0 ...-. C/)Z ~ en I'- C/)i= M~O e:(en 0 vco Z V~~ l- . CO 0 we:(- wLU o . ...JO~ ~~ II i= ~Ow I- ~ co~Z ~~W Z c:( W c:( ...J W 1-c:(C> ~~ Z I-a. C> W 0:: I'-ON C>I- vWO 00 a. ..- M a.O .... vcor-- M CO 0:: en en -c:( C") ..- I'- 11)_1'- I- W 0::. I-C/) .... I-w 5~ -u 09: C/)z e:(0:: c:(a. O::c:( I- Wz 0:: W_ .... ZO -0:: ~O 000 WW N..-CO ZW NO I'- .;...:. NNII) ou. en 0 r-- -.... W ..- o. I W ~u N 0 U en N 0:: 0 I-~ ::> WQ ~u o::~ I 0- U g,~ C/) Zz ::> ...J ~::> a. 1-0 0 u. u.U W ~u.: I- OI C/) -C/) I- wU f- W ....0 a. I-~ a. > Ow ~ ~ W.... u.u. ::>co u.. u.. --,C/) ~C/) ~~ ~ C/) Ow ::J~ .......J ::J ...J 0::> C/)e:( a. ~ c:(e:(u.. ~a. c:(u..e:( 0C/) W --C/) W -C/)- wC/) coe:( f-f--. ....-.f- en ZZI LULU (/) ZIZ C/)W en 0 ::> WWo 00 ::> WUW 0...J ..!....- 0. .. 0 QQo:: 0::0:: 0 Qo::Q a....J ~~ Z C/)(/)::> ::>::> Z C/)::>(/) O~ CO ..- ::i WWI 00 ::i WIUJ 0::0 N ..- 0::0::0 C/)C/) o::uo:: a. I- -- ----T .______n____ I \ \ I ~\ ."e <:0 ~ 0 (") ci Ii) ."e <0 0 (") ..... (") N \ \ a^,"" ssa.16UO~ ~9'O Z~-O \.9Z :;:g CO Zg\. tD 0 ~ 0 %OZ Ii) %~~ CO <0 N I \ t::::::::~::.::t::J. .pOH I.nl1u}4 \ -- ~ :;:g ~ ';; C") 0 ..... Ii) ("01 ..... ..- ci ~ - -0 .pH ~uelMel ~ .....0:: 0 Ii) ...-;- ~9.0 N ..... 00 el 9L %O\. N \ :;:g co ..... 0 (") ci Ii) , \ \ neJ1. A.1elmVi \ -0 :;::. ai ~ ~ c c -5 ::J ::J c c ('IS 0 0 Q) -0 f/l <II CO .9- .9- C 0::, }::: ~ 1:\ . ~ \ -0 -0 . c i\ \ 0 .~ Q) :;0-. , 0 "0 z er- er- 0 w\ CO C)' a '0 w! c= CD ...J " 5 .0 i E " Q) ~ i I a... z I I- Z UJ ~ Z (!) en ~ o ~ z. o i= ::> co ~ ~ o (.) - u. ';t cr. l- t UJ -, o CC 0... ~ C'l<( wO " 6<( u:C! <<( \- ?: o to g- o Cl If) o ....l o ~ ....~~~ UJcn~} NZ~ . UJ~olSl ..,::::> l!l 1 ,.;;. en ~ . 'Zz~~ 08i ?ou u:.u: ~~ 0=1= I- a c 8 Q) a... 11 II II ~ ~ <0 ~~ 0 ..... N 0 r . --------==-- - --------- ------------- ---_._~-- ~-- Maj or Proj ects A review of the Palm Beach County major project map indicates that none of the major projects within the study area would reftect traffic of 10 percent or more of the threshold LOS liD" service volume on the impact area roadway links by the build-out of this project. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ANALYSIS Test One ~I Project traffic was added to future background traffic and a Test One analysis of the study area was conducted. Each roadway link was assessed according to Palm Beach County LOS standards. The future background daily traffic totals are shown in Table 5; the peak hour volumes are shown in Table 8. Figure 3 illustrates the future 2000 conditions on the roadways within the study area. The analysis indicates that all of the significant links meet the LOS standards. Driveway Analysis Based on the projected site turning movements, a northbound right turn lane at the projects' northern entrance along Knuth Road should be considered to accommodate the peak hour volumes. If however, Knuth Road is extended to the north, this right turn lane would not be needed The driveway peak hour turning movement diagram is included as Figure 4. 7 - -----T------ ---- \-':~~ ~00"" ~~ <i ~O ~ ~(t. (,) ~~ (/) ~ Q~9- a"'" v.- ~b~ yet. y (/) tJ~ ~~ o-")y ~ ~ %~\ C4%O ~~ - \ , \ ~ 9- ~ ~ <6 9- ~ ~ tOY \P~' ~O~ ~~o Y'4.~ y~ ~ ~ ~ '0 ~ ~ ~ \ \ ':i cP~ a:~ ~~ ,d ~o (/) 3 ~-i~~ ~b~~ y ~tt ~y '0 tt,~(/) ~O~ ~(t.tt ~~y ....tt,-:s:. <3~(!)~ ~-;?~o ~A.~ tS)t!> \"::':t,~ ~~o <'~~ ~ 9- ~ ~ <6 9- v.- '2. cntt u;l~y ~O~ ~40 4. ~ :c. yy~ u> 0.- a 'b ~ ~ ? '? u.- ':t,(f) A. o~o ~~" <& ~~ ....------ .- - - --- - - -.~~ if) z 0 E- O Z a^,rJ ssai6uo'J ~g'o \ 0 I cJ) 0 ('I) 0)' ~ 0 ~o)~N 0) 1-. ~ -. ("l 4G:. I- .<:O~ ~N N 'M O~ ? C) 41- u: """"""",:: " '0 \ - .pOB \nnu)\ ~ cs:. 0 0 ~O)~t;\ ('l') t- ~ C'l 0) 1-. ~ ~ 1.0_ ~ uJ I-N~o\ cc. ..- N' ::> - -0 I- .p'd ~uaj/'/\el \ ~ ::> i ~ u.. , 0 \ ~ \ \ \\81!- 1~..re\m\N -ci Z co . ... 13 u ~ i "Zz'" tU .-1-%' Q) -ci ~~~~ co c ~ .9 1: ~ UJ'::i~ c .~\ \ I, \ ,%~z ~ .:0 \ffi , -z,"Zs to 0\ i HH~ \ Oo~ \ o. \ U'Z $\ ~....C).... u og'..u.... ?tJ\ ; \ ~~3~1! u-i ;;.,.:;eo \ ~ I ..-twu..G.t- , Ie> \ 1\ " " n II ~ \u.I \ r I.J \ \ \ <'l.n :g , to b. 2 ~ r-. ~ I \ '. '" "" , \ 1~~ ~ ,--- -----~----'------- ui I - - ,.... !:::.. e C'? C'? ~ ,.... J l L ! r--o-: . . I . . , ~ :-r .8:1 <:3?): I. . . :1;344:: :.r. ...... I. ~ I........ J .:e. i ......... I I: e:: ~ I. I I. 1 I. 1 ~ i o 0::: :r: I- :::> :z: ~ I~. '2'(3)': ~ ,T'-' , I' . . . , I" .. . 93,- , I':rr: .... ~ I:~:: . . , . . r :::: :::::::::: ::r'~~~)': "r:" :93: .;....: ''It. . .!:.- . .Il)' ,. :~.: .:.: ~~:~'!~):: WOOLBRIGHT RD. I 14- 13 (53) I 'I , I ' , i 4 (13) .....; LEGEND I ! 2,896 I L Tolal Daily Volume I PM Peak Hour Volume I AM Peak Hour Volume I ~ :~ YVONNE ZIEL C TRAFFIC CONSULTANTS. INC. /1.... :J TRAFAC ENGINEERING & PLANNING 114<10 16 S~l N., We.l Polm Beech, FL 33-412 (561)6247262 FIGURE 4 TARA OAKS DRIVEWAY PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENTS r -- Test Two There are no Test Two links within the study area. CONCLUSION This project meets the Palm Beach County-wide Traffic Performance standards and may be approved. 11 APPENDIX A GROWTH RATE ANALYSIS -, :x:ulta tOtO en en ~~(/) <i<i 00::.":> ~ :x:ul tOtO ~~ 0':l.0':l. << 00::. ct: (!) ~ c<')c<') ~~ 3 r-r- r--=r--= 0 ~~ "'7 en ~ r-r- Z. enC'> en en 0 u.1 ~~ % -r ~ \ ..:> (/)u ~t ~ cOcO ~~ au c<')c<') ~~ 3 \!>\!> ~~ 0 ~o::. "7 :x: '2. << \ CJ)CJ) \ CJ)CJ) u.l ~~ -r (!) -c-c ,,0::. 5~ ~c ....':f. ~o -.l"'U) 5 (5(0 uJu.l .- Id, '0 0 () r- g ~~ \-:'i j:(!) ~ ~ Cl_ cO ~o::. 0')0 ~ cP~ \ ~ ~~ '2. 60 , ~ 00 \O~ ~~ \ ('l~ -------------------