CORRESPONDENCE .~ ~~ "';/ , .-' ....,-#. -- .......- " MEMORANDUM 6 April 1988 TO: Peter L. Cheney, City Manager FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: Request for Time Extension - Expiration of Development Orders Accompanying this memo you will find two requests for extensions of previously issued Development Orders which are about to expire in the near future. In each instance, progress towards meeting the steps required to vest in the approval has been made. Therefore, it is recommended that these requests be granted. Please place these items on the next available City Commission agenda. ~~~ AN~TO /bks cc: Roy o. Barden Norman Murphy '~ March 31, 1988 The Barden Planning Group Landscape Architects, Urban Planning and Design 305/392-0597 or 368-3740 Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 RE: High Ridge Center Plat Extension Dear Carmen: Upon expiration of allotted time to file, please process a one year extension of time to file and record a final plat for the High Ridge Center. This project was rezoned M-l Light Industrial on March 17, 1987, submitted to your office as a proposed subdivision sketch plan on August 19, 1987, revised and resubmitted on November 9, 1987, and an environmental survey was submitted on February 3, 1988 and a burn program in March 1988. This work effort will support the fact that we are in the process of subdivision plan preparation. QrelY' :OY~Barden, ROB/bw ASLA/AICP cc: Max Schorr, Trustee RECEIVED P.O. Box 3971, Boca Raton, Florida 33427 112 East Boca Raton Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 APR 4 1988 t'~HrNa e~t~ ~ .:=r Currie Sch neider Associates AI:", PA Architects, Planners & Interior Designers 25 Seabreeze Delray Beach, FL 33444 305/276-4951, 391-5592,737-2279 MARCH 30, 1988 CARMEN ANNUNZIATO CITY OF BOYNTON BEACI! PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT PO Box 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33425 RE: DIAZ SHOPPING CENTER #85193 SITE PLAN ApPROVAL EXTENSION DEAR CARMEN: As YOU ARE HO DOUBT A\"'ARE. FOFH'1AL SITE PLAN APPROVAL FOR THE ABOVE REFERENCED PRO.IECT HAS GRANTED ON MAY 26. 1987. DUE TO R.O.W.!EASEMENT QUESTIONS BETWEEN THE OWNER AND LWDD, THE PROJECT HAS YET TO BE SUBMITTED FOR BUILDING PERMIT. THESE QUESTIONS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED AND AGREED UPON IN PRINCIPAL AND ARE CURRENTLY BEING FORMALIZED BY ATTORNEYS FOR BOTH PARTIES. WE. THEREFORE. ON BEHALF OF DR. PEDRO DIAZ, ARE REQUESTING A SIX MONTH EXTENSION OF SITE PI,AN APPROVAL. THANK YOU FOR '(OIIR cor,ISIDERATION IN TillS MATTER AND IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIOW3. PlE.ASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT THIS OFFICE. SINCERELY. ~1=EH Narl.N MURPHY PRO,JF"CT MANACFR ASSOCTATES AlA. rA NM/.Jp A: SITEEXT . I (J3 CC: DR. PEDRO DIAZ RECEI\"~'--<~ - V AeR 4 ~Ni'd'I't6 '~~" I; --: ' .. 'II CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~ ..,.. .. @ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ~310 (305)734-8111 ---_.._-~ c::.1""'...... ~- :,>orrar,u,.J: . .. L~t-!--"'i:::.r.""'Hr;....~=;! '~~ll 1'.'~~~~~~~i03~~BEEEB;;~1 ~ I' ~-~~.~~I~;J~! !!.~ . - t';t - r -_:::::-- '~ -- - ..;.--:..!-_.. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR 5 August 1986 .'"0\" , Mr. Robert Kessler, Chief Bureau of Local Resource Planning Florida Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, FL 32301 Dear Mr. Kessler: Accompanying this letter you will find materials which are related to Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the City of Boynton Beach. These plan amendments were considered by the Planning and Zoning Board, sitting as the Local Planning Agency, and also by' the City Council, at public hearings which were .held after due public notice. The City Council of Boynton Beach has approved the transmittal of these plan amendments to the Department of Community Affairs. One previous plan amendment has been submitted to the Department of Community Affairs in 1986 - an application for a Future Land Use Plan Amendment submitted by Knuth Road Associates, Inc., which was received by the Department of Community Affairs on March 14, 1986. None of the plan amendments accompanying this letter are directly related to a proposed development of regional impact or are required due to an emergency as defined in section 163.3187(1), Florida Statutes. The materials which are being transmitted consist of ten (10) copies of the following: Attachment "A", which is the current Comprehensive Plan including the Future Land Use Plan. Attachment "B", which is the proposed Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report, and which includes the proposed Future Land Use Plan. The addendum which is attached to the inside cover of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report contains those changes which the City Council has made to the report document, and should be considered to be part of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. II Attachment "C", which consists of support data upon which the Evaluation and Appraisal Report is based. Attachment "D" which is a letter from the Department of Community Affairs dated October 21, 1985 confirming the City's ability to proceed with the adoption of the Evaluation and Appraisal Report. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report was begun prior to the effective date of the 1985 Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, and therefore does not entirely conform to the requirements of this act. Attachments "E", "F", and "G" which consist of the following amendments to the Future Land Use Plan contained in the Land Use Element: The High Ridge Center Planned Industrial Development (Attachment "E"); The PCD Center Planned Commercial Development (Attachment "F"); Cross Creek Center Planned Commercial Development (Attachment "G"); Attachments "E", "F", and "G" include applications, location maps, master plans, justification statements, staff reports, and other background data, as well as letters to the applicants setting forth the conditions of approval. Copies of the Future Land Use Plan showing the location of the areas covered by the amendments in attachments "E", "F", and "G" are also included. If you have any questions concerning these plan amendments or require further information, please contact Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director at 120 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, PO Box 310, Boynton Beach, FL 33435, or call (305) 734-8111, extension 255. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~({ rL~c4, Nick Cassandra Hayor /bks cc: Ci ty !o1anager Planning Department Central File ClfY of BOYNTON BEACH ~ c~ ~.,)o)";'-~-;::': . ...' ~~-M;:;r""t-4I!'!~~l:::; - -I --- ~~l, ~~~:i~~~r~L~ - -~ ~~._- ;.::.--:-.!..;- -.. @ 120N.E. 2nd AVENUE . .. ~.?,fi. .: BOYNTON BEACH, FLORI;A~~~g .~.;J/& (305) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR June 23, 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Rd. Suite 20l Lantana, FL 33462 RE: The High Ridge Center Dear Mr. Barden: Please be advised that on Tuesday, June 17, 1986 the City Council continued its preliminary review of your request in the form of conducting public hearings for an amendment to the Future Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan from Low Density Residential to Industrial and for rezoning from R-1AAA (Single Family Residential) to PID (Planned Industrial Development District) for the purpose of allowing construction of a 10.45 acre light industrial development on High Ridge Road at Miner Road extension, southwest corner. The City Council has taken the position that they are in favor of this request. In clarifying this recommendation, attached please find a memo dated June 16th from the Planning Director to the City Manager. This terminates the first phase of the review. The second phase of this process will commence in early July when your request will be forwarded to the Department of Community Affairs, as required by State Statute, Chapter 163.3184. The Department of Community Affairs is given ninety (90) days within which it must complete its review, at which point the second phase of the process will have Page Two. been completed. Pending their approval, the third and final phase of approval will be commenced. This phase requires approval of Ordinances to amend the Comprehensive Plan and rezone. It is anticipated that said Ordinances will be approved in either November or December of 1986. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH c ~.. s~ Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director flat cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Central File MEMORAI\IDUI'1 16 June 1986 TO: PETER L. CHENEY CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: THE HIGH RIDGE CENTER STAFF COMMENTS ON MASTER PLAN The following is a summary of the staff comments on the master plan for the proposed High Ridge Center Planned Industrial Development. All of the staff comments are either based on explicit code requirements, performance standards contained in the Zoning Regulations, or policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON EXPLICIT CODE REQUIREMENTS: (1) Provide buffering between the PID 'and future residential development to the north, using a gree~belt with a width of 40 feet along the northern property line. This greenbelt is required by the PID regulations. Along the eastern, southern, and western property lines, this greenbelt is required to be' at least 25 feet wide (Sec. 7. H. 17. of Plppend i~: A, p. 1928}. (2) Preserve 20% of the site as open space. The PID regulations require this open space, which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for pad::in.;) lot':; (Sec. 7.H.13. of Appendi:-: A, p. 1928). (3) Once the open space area has been established and delineated on the site plan, the area should be protected from any encroachment. This includes not allowing the area to be uses for water drainage or on site water r?tention. The developer should consider the location of this open space in the overall design of the P.I.D. to assure that the area remains in its natural state. (Sec. 7.5-15 on p. 600 and Sec. 7.5-24. on p. 604). (4) Submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of Elll ~3clnd f:'ine trees ove~- 6" in diamet:.er. Piny qrDups of trees of small el'"' d i. arneter can be sho~'Jn on the sur-vey ",IS II C 1 LIsters II of the tree species (Sec. 7.5-7., p. 597). page 1 (5) Construct Industrial Way to the western limits of the parcel. This requirement is based on Article X, Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137), which states: The proposed subdivision street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area and consideration shall be given to existing and planned streets, relation to topographic conditions, public convenience, safety, and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provided for the continuation of e:{isting streets in areas not subdivided, and the arrangement of streets in new subdivision~ shall provide for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided lanel, then the new street, where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. (6) Construct Industrial Wav right-of-way (Article X, Sec. as a collector, with an 80-foot wide 19 of Appendix C, p. 2147). (7) Dedicate additional right-ot-way for Miner Road, in order to obtain half of the lOB-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road (required by Article X, Sec. lOot Appendix C (p. 2137) in the Subdivision Regulations, and required by the Thoroughfare Plan, on page 65 of the Comprehensive Plan, whi~h is adopted by Sec. 19-7 of the Code of Ordinances). (8) Limit access to the site to two points: (a) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the pt-opey-t y. (b) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property~ aligning with Industrial Way. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. The requirements listed under (8) above are necessary to conform to Article X~ Section 1 of Appendix C (p. 2130) which states that "The subdivision shall be designed to ~ccomplish access to the lots by the use of local st~eets..".Whpre access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it shall be provided by means of a marginal access y- o ,::1 d 11 . (9) 1-1"o,l-::e tilE) -f ull CJVJ 11\';) i ,npY--O\/E",men 't::; to th e :i ritel~sec-t Ion of Hi qh ~~i d qe Road and IndustrIal Way: (a) Const~uct a 18ft turn lane, nCJrthbound~ at High Ridge Road and Indu~;i:l~i E,l VJC:'-l. p3g€:? :2 (b) Pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection~ if and when a signal is warranted. The requirements listed under (9) above are necessary in order to "F'rovide for !?~afe and efficient movement within the City" (page 7 of Comprehensive Plan)~ and are required by Article X~ Sec. 12 of Appendix C (p. 2128), and Article X, Sec. 16 of Appendix C (p. 2129). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN ZONING REGULATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. f10) In order to minimize contamination of surface and subsurface water the following conditions should be imposed: (a) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution retardant structures. Parking areas and roadways adjacent to truck wells should be designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into the surface water management system. (bl Prier to occupancy, each specific tenant or owner that uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials or generates hazardous waste should meet the following requirements: (e) The tenant or owner should construct an appropriate seill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup and to prevent such materials from enterinq the storm water drainage svstem. In addition to a containment system, tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner should also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containment, monitoring, and response systems S",h OLl I d be approved by trH? Ci t Y i n c\cco~ance wi th the Envi r-onment;::~l Review Permit procedure. (d) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary s~wer system should be pr-ohibited unless adequate pretr-eatment facilities are constructed by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pr-8treatment facilities should be approved by the City ill 3ccor-dance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure, and should comoly with Chapter ~~, Article IV. tISf:!VJE.~I~-.:;li CJ";': thr? C:it"l o-f Ij~.J"/ntc;n [~e.::tcn C:ode of j~l:-dj.rlt:inces. Th e 1'-' r:'qu i. t"- c'mer, t.;:: :t:c st l~[j un d (?I~ (1. 0:' =c"b D',le '3f.::'1'-' '-Ie' to "1'1 j. n:i m 1:: e development which Nould exacerbate f.::urf~ce and 3ubsur+ace water qu-:;,l i. t"y. ,. < p" b of eDmpi^" >:.:.'h !O?n S1 ve F':!. ,'::\n I, :;:..[U,d i::lt- e n E'C(,~':=;~=;-:;\r\l in ot-der to implement "'Bast manaqement practices....in new development in or-der to r- c:,dL!.C c. poll u t j. on ,~:,. !:; ""DC i El't E~d \..J i. t h non '-'p oi. nt ~::;ouy- c: c.s. II (p. ::::8 of Comprehensive Plan). Also, Sec. 4.N.5. of Appendix A prohibits toxic or noxious matter- which would ,....contaminate any public V~"I. t. (~r~; 01'- any qt- ound ~"Jc.,t C?r- 11 (p . 1 S'(J2. 1 ) " paqe (11.) In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand: (a) Clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. (bl During land clearing and site preparation~ wetting operations or other techniques for controlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. The requir-ements listed under (11) above serve to "Minimize and mitigate erosion" (p. 34 of Comprehensive Plan), and ar-e necessary~to meet Sec. 4.N.3. of AppendL: A. which pr-ohitJits "the emission of smoke, dust, dirt~ or- other- particulate matter which may cause damage to pr-operty or vegetation, discomfor-t or har-m to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property and rights-of-way, at or beyond the proper-tv lines of the property on which the Lise is located" (p. 1902.1). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: (12) From the tree survey, that area wher-e the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This ar-ea can either be one 2 acre site or two 1 acre sites, but no more than two sites used ~o meet this requirement. (13) A minimum of 50 perc~nt of the trees and shrubs which are plantsd by the developer should be nativ~ species which are adapted to soil conditions on-site. The requirements listed under the indiscriminate destruction Comprehensive Plan). (12) and (C;;) of of nat. i \/e above sel~ve vegE"~tation" to "Eliminate (pC\ge 6 of (' ~ ~ J L-.-.- -, -----------------:~.:Z=~~---- Carmen S. Annunziato p c., q e "I- June lU, lY88 Mr. Carmen Annunziato Director of Planning P.O. .Box 310 Boy ton Beach City Hall Boy ton Beach, Fl. 33425 re: Schorr et.al. High Ridge Road Property Dear Mr. Annunziato: Pursuant to a meeting on 6/7/88 with Carmen Annunziato, Alan Ciclin, and Roy Bardon: It is recommended that the "Preserve Area" be permanently and effectively separated from the remainder of the property by a stout 6 '-7' chain link fence with no grade change. The chain link fence should be positioned only along the northern and eastern boundaries of the preserve, if the preserve is kept in one nondivided piece. If the "Preserve Area" is divided by the proposed "Industrial Way" road, then the "Preserve Area" boundaries bordering the road rights-of-way should also be fenced. The southern boundary should not be fenced since the city has indicated that it will demand a contiguous preserve area be established within the adjacent property to the south. Additionally, since there is good evidence that there is significant animal migration between the western portion of the scrub vegetation of the Schorr et.al. property and the diverse environmental communities to the west, no fencing should occur along the western boundary of the property. Sincerely yours, Mtz!L~~P~~ 3515 South Ocean Blvd. Highland Beach, Fl. 33487 cc: Ciclin Bardon Schorr @ OFFICE OF THE 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (3051 734-al11 ~ -- --_._--~ - . ":}o)'urruN: . .~ '~~-Hi::ir:e:,H"~~1:: ~ '~~ll ~;;1E~:~r. L-- . - ~-:~. :':;";'-;~J--.- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DIRECTOR May 15', 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Rd. Suite 201 Lantana, FL 33462 RE: The High Ridge Center Dear Mr. Barden: Please be advised that the Pre-hearing Conference for the above-referenced master plan is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 1986 at 9:15 a.m. Attached you will find a copy of the staff comments from the Technical Review Board. If you have any questions pertaining to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / j h _.I .d!.1MiL /. /n--:.,/'--",,- 1 r' James J. Golden Assistant City Planner flat cc: Technical Review Board h,EMORANDUM -0 Planning Dept. DATE' May 14, 1986 FILl: "0" Lt. Dale S. Hammack Police Dept. The High Ridge Center !!UBJI[CT As per the discussion at the T.R. B, meeting on 13 May 1986, the plans for the above do not show proposed entrances to the property. I recommend that an entrance to the site on High Ridge Road be located directly West of the intersection of Industrial Way forming a four way intersection. If an entrance is to be located on Miner Road, it should be located on the North side of the North West corner. :<<;, ~'; p:!-p v ,c-t:/.j<~ - Lt. Dale Harrnnack Police Dept. DH:as HE!1ORANDUM April l4, 1986 TO: Chairman and Members Planning & Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: The High Ridge Center - Staff Comments Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments ln connection with the above-referenced request for master plan approval: 1. One (1) parking lot driveway shall be provided onto High Ridge Road to form an intersection with Industrial Way. 2. One (1) parking lot driveway shall be nermitted onto !liner Road at the western property boundary. C":a--_~~4__ JC ~ CARr1El'; S. ANN lATa flat MEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE May 15,1986 FILl: ~"o.. Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist ~U8J~CT The High Ridge Center (Planned Industrial Develop- ment) - Master Plan This memorandum is in reference to the site conditions and the tree preservation requirements for the above project. The pro- posed site location is on part of the Sand Pine Ridge ecosystem comprised mainly of Sand pine trees with an understory of scrub oak/palmetto. This land type is considered both uncommon (less than 2% of all land types in Palm Beach County) and very sensi- tive to development. In accordance with the requirements of the City's Planned Indus- trial Development Regulations, the developer is required to have 20% of the land area in open space. This can be accomplished most effectively on this particular site by the following: 1. The developer submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of all Sand Pine trees over 6n in diameter. Any groups of trees of smaller diameter can be shown on the survey as nc1ustersn of the tree species. 2. From the tree survey, that area where the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This area can either be one two acre site or two one acre sites, but no more than two sites used to comprise the requirement. 3. This open space area should be over and above the landscape requirements for any parking lot or green space areas re- quired by the Landscape Ordinance #81-22. 4. Once the open sP4ce area has been established and delineated on the site plan, the area should be protected from any en- croachment. This includes not allowing the area to be used for water drainage or on site water retention. 5. The developer should then consider the location of this open space area in his overall design of the P.I.D. to assure the area remains in its natural state. I will work in conjunction with the developer and project designer to meet the intent of this memorandum and the city regulations. fi/l'~-- q---l /"/t,.,../. ~ ?,/ Kevin J; Hallahan ,''':'' CC: Charles Frederick, Director, Recreation & Park Departemnt John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ---...-.... CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~. Blvd. ! OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR May 12, 1989 Barden Planning Group Attn: Roy o. Barden, RLA/AICP I PO Box 3971 Boca Raton, FI 33427 RE: High Ridge Center Application Dear Mr. Barden: With respect to the above, the following additional items must be submitted to complete the application: 1. Application fee in the amount of $900. 2. A statement or report from a professional traffic engineer justifying the request to delete the extension of Industrial Way. 3. A proper affidavit for the property owner's list. I hav~ enclosed blank copies of the proper form. 4. Max Schorr must sign page 7 of the application in two places. 5. Mailing labels or addressed envelopes are required for the notification to the surrounding property owners. 6. A check or a sufficient quantity of postage stamps must be submitted for the notification to surrounding property owners. 7. The application and all supporting documentation must be submitted in two (2) copies. I , If you have any questions concerning the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH t-- f- ~~ fames J. Golden Senior City Planner JJG:frb Encs cc: Tambri Heyden BAR.512 Barden Planning Group Land Planning, Landscape Architecture, City and Regional Planning Consultant 112 East Boca Raton Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 P.O. Box 3971, Boca Raton, Florida 33427 407/392-0597 l\~ay 1 1, 1 989 c Mr. James Golden Planner Planning Department P .0. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL. 33425 Re: The High Ridge Center Application for Amendment of Two Rezoning Conditions Dear Jim: Please process our application to amend two conditions which were adopted by the City Council as part of Ordinance No. 87-8 rezoning The High Ridge Center from R-1AAA to M-1, Light Industrial. The two conditions, and justification for amendment, are discussed below: [1J. Twenty-five foot landscape buffer along eastern property line. Page 7, Paragraph 1 of the above Ordinance requires a 25 foot landscape buffer along "...the eastern, southern, and western property lines...at least 25 feet wide." We provided a 25 feet of buffer on the south and western property line, see our Preapplication Subdivision Plan, approved by the Planning and Zoning Board, August; 9, 1989. "lie request a 15" reduction of this required 25 foot buffer on the eastern property line, however. Justification for this request is twofold: First, the existing land use [and zoningJ across High Ridge Road is light industrial and manufacturing uses located in an M-1, Light Industrial District. Second, we have set aside a larger preserve area of sand pine than the 20% required by the City Council [see Page 10, Paragraph 12J. Finally, our proposed 10 foot landscape buffer along High Ridge Road is greater than, or equal to, the buffers provided by the existing uses across the street. [2J. Page 8, Paragraph 5 and 6, require dedication of right-of-way and construction of Miner Road and Industrial Way to the western line of the property. The owners have previously dedicated 54 feet of land on the north for Miner Road. Also, Palm Beach County will construct all of Miner Road . We request amendment of and deletion of those conditions which relate to Industrial Way right-of-way/construction, as well as Minor Rd. construction. Justification for this reQuest is: Miner Road, a fo~~~~~~~~ arterial [104 foot right-of-way J will provide future aC~E~~lnv~UJ1ed land west of High Ridge Center. MAY 11 1989 PLANNh"~G DEPT. Attached per your request are: A. A completed Land Use Amendmennt And/Or Rezoni~ Application. B. Attachments required by the above application, as you indicated on the check list. Not attached is an application fee. Because this is a request for amendment of rezoning conditions, we beleive the fee should be minimal. Please advise Max Schorr, Trustee, regarding fee amount. Thank you. Sincerely, ()A.O · R~Bar:en, RLA/AICP Attachments cc: Max Schorr, Trustee The Barden Planning Group Landscape Architects, Urban Planning and Design 305/392-0597 or 368-3740 L: February 3, 1988 Mr. James Golden Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Ji m: Enclosed please find three copies of an environmental survey of The High Ridge Center project in Boynton Beach, prepared by Manley L. Boss, Ph.D. Please let me know when Dr. Boss and I can meet with you. Sincerely, Roy o. arden, ASLA/AICP RO B /bw Enclosures cc: Max Shorr, Esquire Manley L. Boss, Ph.D P.O_ Box 3971, Boca Raton, Florida 33427 112 East Boca Raton Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 @ OFFICE 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435-0310 (305) 7304-8111 ~ - - --. ---~ ":)o)'urloN: .... ~ ,C~~_H6."t:!~I!!I!'-"~= r- '4ll!:.::t~11 ~e-~=;:~;~r~ J~ . -~ .t.L. ;";':"-;.!.J---' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR May 15', 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Rd. Suite 201 Lantana, FL 33462 RE: The High Ridge Center Dear Mr. Barden: Please be advised that the Pre-hearing Conference for the above-referenced master plan is scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 1986 at 9:15 a.m. Attached you will find a copy of the staff comments from the Technical Review Board. If you have any questions pertaining to the above, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH f'~ l James J. Golden Assistant City Planner h' I / ,.rl-J-AAM.. flat cc: Technical Review Board @ 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~10 (305) 734-8111 l . l" ~ ;,.,;,_'"J I V . f c:'" ..--t=;-=';>OJY,;,u>J if! ~. . :. L~M.::o-~i5-=.t::!H;'E"~t::l:.! '~~l; I ~ -y;~ i ~~~~~I~r! L- .. .r -;..:..-.~. :';;":'-:.!J--:' CITY of BOYNTON BEACH OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR April 22, 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1200 W. Lantana Road Lantana, FL 33462 RE: The High Ridge Center Enclosed is a copy of a recently rev~sed schedule prepared by the Planning Department for the above-referenced request. Please exchange the attached schedule with the schedule previously mailed to you that was attached to the correspondence dated April 15, 1986. I have again circled the relevant dates in order to avoid any confusion. If you have any questions concerning this schedule or the public hearing process, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH lr~/~ u ? James J. Golden Assistant City Planner flat Enclosure LAND USE ELEMENT AND REZONING APPLICATIONS B~~li~~:t.iQ!J';' The PCD Center El~!J!Ji!Jg_~!JQ_lQ!Ji!Jg ~Q~!:Q.J:::!g~!:ing2';' ~Q:t.ifi~~tiQn_:t.Q_~~c!:Q~!Jging E!:QQ~!:tY_Q~Q~!:2';' MaY 2, 1986 ~g~2Q~Qg!:_BQyg!::t.i2g~g!J:t.== El~QniQg_~!JQ_lQ!Jing_~Q~!:Q ~QQ_~i!Y_~Q~n~il_~~@!:i!Jg2 May 20, 1986 May 28, 1986 I gi:t.Y_~Q~n~il_~~~!:iQg2';' ~g~Q~Qg!:_BQyg!::t.i2g~gni== giiy_gQ~n~il_~g~!:iQg_QQ1Y June 12, 1986 steven Rhodes I Har 01 d IiJenal The Shops at Woolbright; PCD I Winchester Property-- Railroad Crossing (Comprehensive Plan Text 1fifiendment) June 5!1 1986 7:30 p.m. June 12, 1986 7:30 p.m. 'May 5, 1986 May 12, 1986 May 21, 1986 May 21' 1986 June 17, 1986 8:00 p.m. May 28, 1986 June 5, 1986 July 2, 1986 8:00 p.m. June 12, 1986 June 26, 1986 page 2 CITY of y BOYNTON BEACH , . ,~ -f <:: ....~..~~ . .....-. '. .....;. Q) 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON 6EACH. FLORIDA ~310 (305) 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR . -:. April 15, 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Rd. Lantana, FL 33462 RE: The High Ridge Center Enclosed is a copy of a schedule prepared by the Planning Department for June public hearings before the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council which includes the above-referenced request. The hearing dates which pertain to your application have been circled in order to avoid any confusion. If there is a need for additional meetings with the City staff you will be notified accordingly. I~ you have any questions concerning this schedule or the public hearing process, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH rf..~ James J. Golden Assistant City Planner flat Enclosure LAND USE ELEMENT AND REZONING APPLICATIONS eQQ!.i~~iiQn';' I The Shops at Woolbright PCD I Winchester Property-- Railroad Crossing (Comprehensive Plan Te:{t Amendment) I El~nQing_~QQ_~Qning ~Q~!:Q_!:!g~!:.iQg~';' June 4, 1986 7:30 p.m. , ~Qiifi~~iiQn_iQ_~~!:!:Q~QQing E!:QQg!:iY_Q~ng!:~';' May 2, 1986 , ~g~~Q~Qg!:_eQyg~ii~gmgni== E!.~QQiQg_~nQ_IQQiQg_~Q~!:g ~nQ_~iiY_~Q~n~i!._!:!g~!:inga May 20, 1986 May 28, 1986 ~iiY_~Q~Q~i!._!:!g~!:.iQg~';' June 17, 1986 8:00 p.m. , ~g~Q~2g!:_aQY~!:ii~gm~ni== ~i~Y_~Q~n~i!._!:!~~!:ing_Qn!.Y .. June 12, 1986 Steven Rhodes , Harold Wenal The PCD Center ,. 5, 1986 p. m. June 12, 1986 7:30 p.m. May 5, 1986 May 12, 1986 May 21, 1986 May 29, 1986 May 28, 1986 June 5, 1986 July 1,1986 8:00 p.m. 17, 1986 p.m. June 12, 1986 June 26, 1986 -.r' CITY of ~OYNTON BEACH ~ c ...:~~fol i..."....... ._ .,~. .....;. ...... - Ql 120 N.E. 2nd AVENUE P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FlORI DA 33o(35-()310 (305) 7~111 OFFICE OF' THE PLANNING DIRECTOR -. April 6, 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Rd., Suite 201 Lantana, FL 33462 RE: The High Ridge Center Dear Mr. Barden: Please be advised that the Planning Department has reviewed the above-referenced application and has determined that the following items need to be submitted as outlined below by no later than Monday, April 14, 1986 in order to complete the application and to allow for further processing: ~~. Legal description in application should reference legal 1n attached deed. ~2. An additional copy of the cover letter. /3. An additional copy of the property owners list, affidavit, and tax maps. ~4. Applicant must submit required postage fee for mailing of notices to property owners within 400 feet. If you have any questions concerning the above-listed items, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH t~ j .W4 James J. Golden Assistant City Planner flat cc: Central Fi.le ~~7-< ~ ~ -~~ 14J~::~~. I~/~ i~2-~~~: ~~~ , '~ . ,~;:'~n~~' . . ,,,., , " ~~~~~'., ~ ~',J' >.;-, , '~,,,-".' > . ~' , ,,'r' ' <: CITY of BOYNTON BEACH P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E. 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 334315 March 27, 1986 The Roy Barden Planning Group West Palm Beach, Florida Att: Roy Barden The city will provide sanitation service to the following properties upon annexation to the boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. a. IO acres owned by Max Schorr West Highridge Road and South Miner Road b. 13 acres owned by City of Boynton Beach South of N.W. 22nd Avenue and East of Highridge Road i ~---------.... // ) Robert L. Eichorst Assistant Director Public Works ....--:--~-~ ~ ..-;.:..... ":"'~..............-- ..... ...... ..-..~:.:. ~ . - n. .....~ .,~:~- ...;;-;:.;~. ",,::., .~.-. .~::~...' - -..." '- . ,......... "..\. ," :. ~-~ . _..:...'~: .;. -:...... . . '.". -", ~ ( ", : . . ~. ;; .- , ~ '. . . . ' '..: n. ~ .- - .~ .... '1'" :'. .. '" - . .. . .-,.- ,. ...... -', , - ~.;.. ~.~ ~ ;;:.F\:-: . . ,. . ;~-'. ~,~X:~t',:~-, ^:~" -,'. - ~. :"I;. . . ., ~ - ~, .. ."-:-./: "'::::;~~'"'~~~~l~i:;-;~~ > ',. ;.. - ...... :.-, .,4,," . ...' ".#' . .. __ _...... .4_'... . "...... .~ . . ... . ~ .... a'" ....__ .. ';,;' :ir~:>~~., ;~:::'. :. ,-' __: __.,.-.9.- . . . ,". .~ .~ ", ~ . ~'::'~' ~.., ,-.;.~ . .,. 0-.". :. ... ... ..::~~, (fr..".\i.:~}giffi1:4~ -~!>:.:. :t._>: :. . .... .', ~~/'''C I TY 0 f BOYNTON BEACH ~ P. O. BOX 310 120 N.E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 March 31, 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Road, Suite 201 Lantana, Fl. 33462 Dear Mr. Barden, Re: Master Development Plan - The High Ridge Center 10.84 parcel located on the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. Please be advised that water and sewer service is available for the subject site, conditioned upon the satisfying of all city ordin- ances, and the approval of appropriate plans and specifications for water and sewer utilities. Cordially yours, pvm/lw xc: Carmen Annunziato file CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CE !l ~~ Perry ':::Jsna Director of Utilities J..EMORANDUM ro Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato DATIE March 31, 1986 FILE "0" Lt. Dale S. Hammack !!UIIJECT Rezoning Applications Sir: 1 have been contacted by Mr. Roy Barden of Roy Barden Planning Group, in regards to two rezoning applications. Application number one is a 13.03 acre parcel of land located at the Southwest corner of 1-95 and N.W. 22nd Ave. This parcel will be rezoned to a planned commercial district if rezoning is approved. Application number two is a 10.84 acre parcel of land located at the Southwest corner of High Ridge Road and the proposed Miner Road extension. This parcel will be rezoned to planned industrial district if rezoning is approved. This parcel is not yet in the city but is planned to be annexed in the near future. Mr. Barton inquired as to police service to the two parcels and was in- formed by me that police service is being provided in the case of application nu~ber one and will be provided regardless of rezoning. 1 also advised that police service for application number two will be when it is annexed into the city. Respectfully, ~~~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack DH:as CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ~' P. 0, BOX 310 120 N,E, 2ND AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 March 27, 1986 The Roy Barden Planning Group West Palm Beach, Florida Att: Roy Barden The city will provide sanitation service to the following properties upon annexation to the boundaries of the City of Boynton Beach. a. 10 acres owned by Max Schorr West Highridge Road and South Miner Road b. 13 acres owned by City of Boynton Beach South of N.W. 22nd Avenue and East of Highridge Road ,// /- ~17g:z:; Robert L. Eichorst Assistant Director Public Works z~ ~eadt 'JiM Z'~ 150 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 FIRE CHIEF James M. Rhoden, Sr. 734-8111 Ext. 446 March 27, 1986 Mr. Roy Barden Roy Barden Planning Group 1300 W. Lantana Road Lantana, FL 33462 RE: Annexation & Rezoning (PID) 10 Acre Max Schorr Parcel West Side of High Ridge Road South of Miner Road Extended Dear Mr. Barden: City of Boynton Beach Fire Department presently provides Fire Protection Services in this area. Upon annexation of the above land parcel we will provide service to the property. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to call on me. Sincerely , ~' .' "] ?:7 '- '~ ~-&:~. <a[a/?~~~ William D. Cavanaugh j Fire Inspector