APPLICATION T It E .It J Ii /! J<"[ j) ~ E L E IV 1 E I, I. L .~ 110)2 E JJ/Fo R/1.;fT:r C))j 0.11/ ;1-JJ.J kc J:)lT sri<,E i3 T 5 {, T iEJ1 !f-(j'_ J \ I. f/(CJ to 5 E 1) l c? r Lir (& u r { Y FIr.AI'I ) (TTf-::jt If 1(;/ ) ,. 3. ~.lj{ 0 pu) E j) .It it. E S /:> To /1J )/~=;< I IF! C{ 1t I~ r pC; f J2t?/r.j)s Iv J')j Ii / -/t - ~ /'.- r'~.- i .... 1. ..!JoR):) :,~uR/1.kJ .).011 oj! A-fJ J .LC/v! -~J /...L,-/..5 r, . _ fJ r J i J T J E 5" .Cy. T A- T E J1 E)I T 5" . .:. F R () -S t: c T R E {( (,{j)~ E S J. 5 / ; ERr;,> If E- R It [ t:-j2 ;5 E AI B i5 (., T G', ,;!rP l)l IT 0 )/A-i fA i:J(, r i:r E S :[)/ Fo/~ /1.-1 r 1'0 AI A-'ErJ fA 1 /<..E D . + -~ A-( ( ~,,~ !ftf ftti 0 tv .;: i ~. , , ) '- 'J . ,~ .-' //'; h Ii J'C f I CUr '- ./1 j:/V~-c /~ f'-)= (0); ejl: rA C }/~!-~ ; . ~ - . [' -- 1 I h --- MEMORANDUM September 20, 1989 TO: File FROM: James J. Golden, Senior City Planner RE: REZONING - The High Ridge Center - File No. ~lf On September 19, 1989, the City Commission approved the above-referenced rezoning subject to staff comments. .!d- . GOLDEN J JJG:frb MEMORANDUM TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist DATE: March 21, 1988 RE: High Ridge Road Center - Fire Plan Attached is a copy of the proposed control fire plan for this project. Upon your review, I would like to discuss any additional comments or requirements you would like, as well as: 1. Do we want the applicant to burn the entire site or an agreed upon portion? 2. Do we want to contact the adjacent land owner to have her parcel burned at same time? 3. Do we want Mr. Manley Boss to do a follow up environmental survey a short time after the successful control burn? J7~~~~~(JlLd~ Kevin J. al ahan Forester/Horticulturist Attachment CC: John Wildner, Superintendent Parks Division File(2) KJH:ad RECEIVED DOC:HIGHRIDG MAR 22 1988 PLf\NN\NG DE-PT. - - 2C MONITORING AND MAINTENANCE PLAN In order to maintain the integrity and viability of the natural preserve area the following recommendations are made: 1. The preserve area should be control burned to cause rejuvenation of the floraandfauna. M expert in control burning, acceptable to the City, should carry out the activity. A. Scope of Services required from the Control Burninq expert: 1. Write a prescribed burning plan for carrYlng out the burn to include conditions, equipment, etc. 2. Prepare the site for prescribed burning. This will include chopping the understory vegetation with a double drum chopper pulled by a bulldozer. 3. Scrape small odd-shaped areas within the site down to grass or mineral soil. This will serve to remove the understory vegetation to allow grassy vegetation to come in after the fi r e. 4. Establish fire breaks around the perimeter of the burning area. 5. Prescribe burn the area in accordance with the burn plan. 6. Cne follow-up inspection with project ecologist. B. Equioment and Personnel 1. The site should be prepared with a double drum chopper pulled by a medium size bulldozer. 21 2. Tne fire breaks should je prepared by uS1ng either a fire plow or bulldozer blade to create a clean, wide fire break. 3. The chopping and burning should be under the supervision of experienced, professional foresters. 4. At least one forester should be present during the site preparation and two foresters with a four wheel drive vehicle, water, and hand tools should be present during the burn ing. 5. Division of Forestry personnel and equipment and City of Boynton Beach Flre personnel and equipment should be present during the prescribed burn. 6. The Control burning expert should provide a bulldozer and fireplow or equivalent, which should be present during the prescri bed burn. II. M annual inspection should be carried out that will identify and estimate the following: A. The quality, size and distribution of the plants 1n the sand pine scrub and scrUbby pine flatwoods. 2. The animal species, their populations, SlZes, and 1. distributions. IILAn annual eradication of any exotic plant species by individual removal. IV. M annual eradication of any exotic animal species e.g. feral cats by live entrapment and removal to acceptable animal shelters. ?~ v. An annual report of the quality of the reserve area trans~i:ted to the City of Boynton Beach forester. Upon discussion with the City forester, determination of any necessary corrective measures should be agreed upon and carried out. NOTE TO FILE February 18, 1987 RE: THE HIGH RIDGE CENTER On Tuesday, February 17, 1987 the City Council approved the request submitted by Roy Barden, agent for Max Schorr, Trustee, for rezoning from R-1AAA (single family residential) to M-1 (Light Industrial). .. MEMORANDUM 17 December 1986 TO: File FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director RE: High Ridge Center PID At the City Council meeting of Tuesday, December 16, 1986 the applicant for High Ridge agreed to comply with PID site design requirements when they submit their application for rezoning to M-l. ~~~ /bks I"IEMORANDUI'1 16 June 1986 TO: PETER L. CHENEY CITY MANAGER FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: THE HIGH RIDGE CENTER STAFF COMMENTS ON MASTER PLAN The following is a summary of the staff comments on the master plan for the proposed High Ridge Center Planned Industrial Development. All of the staff comments are either based on explicit code requirements~ performance standards contained in the Zoning Regulations, or policies contained in the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON EXPLICIT CODE REQUIREMENTS: (1) Provide buffering between the PID and future residential development to the north, using a greenbelt with a width of 40 feet along the northern property line. This greenbelt is required by the PID regulations. Along the eastern~ southern, and western property lines, this greenbelt is required to be" at least 25 feet wide (Sec. 7.H.17. of Appendix A~ p. 1928). (2) Preserve 20% of the site as open space. The PID regulations require this open space, which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for paddng lot~:; (S€?c. 7.H.13. of AppE.ndi>: A, p. 1928). (3) Once the open space area has been established and delineated on the site plan, the area should be protected from any encroachment. This includes not allowing the area to be uses for water drainage or on site water retention. The developer should consider the location of this open space in the overall design of the P.I.D. to assure that the area remains in its natural state. (Sec. 7.5-15 on p. 600 and Sec. 7.5-24. on p. 604). (4) Submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of all Sand Pine trees over 6'1 in diameter. Any groups of trees of smalle,.." diameter can be shm.m on the sur-vey as "clusters" of the tree species (Sec. 7.5-7., p. 597). page 1 (5) Construct Industrial Way to the western limits of the parcel. This requirement is based on Article X~ Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137)~ which states: The proposed subdivision street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area and consideration shall be given to existing and planned streets~ relation to topographic conditions~ public convenience, safety, and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provided for the continuation of existing streets in areas not subdivided, and the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land~ then the new street, where necessary~ shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. (6) Construct Industrial Way right-of-way (Article X~ Sec. as a collector, with an BO-foot wide 19 of Appendix C, p. 2147). (7) Dedicate additional right-af-way for Miner Road, in order ta obtain half of the 108-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road <required by Article X, Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137) in the Subdivision Regulations~ and required by the Thoroughfare Plan, on page 65 of the Comprehensive Plan, which is adopted by Sec. 19-7 of the Code of Ordinances). (8) Limit access to the site to two points: (a) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the property. (b) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property~ aligning with Industrial Way. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. The requirements listed under (8) above are necessary to conform to l0trticle X, ~:E'ction 1 of {;PPl2ndi;{ C (p. 2130) which states that "The subdivision shall be designed to accomplish access to the lots by the use of local streets....Where access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it shall be provided by means of a marginal access r-o"Hj" . (9 ) I:::,: 0 c':\ d Make the following improvements to the intersection of High Ridge and Industrial Way: (a) Construct a left turn lane~ northbound, at High Ridge Road and Indu~:;b-i al l~J~\y. p c.~g €.~ :2 (b) Pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection, if and when a signal is warranted. The requirements listed under (9) above are necessary in order to "Provide fOt- !:~afe and efficient mOVE'ment within the City" (page 7 of Comprehensive Plan), and are required by Article X, Sec. 12 of Appendix C (p. 2128), and Article X, Sec. 16 of Appendix C (p. 2129). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN ZONING REGULATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. (10) In order to minimize contamination of surface and subsurface water the following conditions should be imposed: (a) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution retardant structures. Parking areas and roadways adjacent to truck wells should be designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into the surface water management system. (b) Prior to occupancy, each specific tenant or owner that uses, handles, stores. or displays hazardous materials or qenerates hazardous waste should meet the following requirements: (c) The tenant or owner should construct an appropriate spill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup and to prevent such materials from enterinq the storm water drainage system. In addition to a containment system, tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner should also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containment, monitoring, and response systems shoul d be approved by 1:rle Ci ty i. n acco~ance wi th the Envi ronmental Review Permit procedure. (d) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities are constructed by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pretreatment facilities should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure, and should comply with Chapter 26, Article IV. "SE?V~E'ir~;" c:rF the City of BC:lynton 8e2ch Code of Ol'-dinances. Th e 1'-' E"qU. i j'- E~mE'nt. ':=; :l i st. c:.cj un d (01r (1. 0 I E'.b D\i(=- ~;;E'I'''Vt~. to" Mi n i m i z e development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality" (p. 6 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessarv in order to implement "'8est manaqement practices....in new development in order to reduce pollution associated with non-point sources" (p. 28 of Comprehensive Plan). Also, Sec. 4.N.5. of Appendix A prohibits toxic or noxious matter which would 11...contaminate any public \i~clt,c!rs 01'- C'H'"IY ground~lJa't(2r II (p. 1 '702. 1) . p~7:\qf".2 3 (11) In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand: (a) Clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. (b) During land clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other techniques for controlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. ThE~ requi rements listed under- (11) abDve serve to "Mi ni mi ze and mitigate erosion" (p. 34 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessary-to meet Sec. 4.N.3. of Appendi;.: A, which prohibits "the emission of smoke~ dust~ dirt, or other particulate matter which may cause damage to property or vegetation~ discomfort or harm to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property and rights-of-way, at or beyond the property lines of the property on which the use is located" (p. 1902.1>. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: (12) From the tree survey, that area where the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This area can either be one 2 acre site or two 1 acre sites~ but no more than two sites used to meet this requirement. (13) A minimum of 50 percent of the trees and shrubs which are planted by the developer should be native species which are adapted to soil conditions on-site. The requirements listed under the indiscriminate destruction Comprehensive Plan). (12) and (1:::::) above '5el~ve to "EI iminate Df of nat.ive vegetatiDn" (page 6 of (' ~ .__....~._~~---- Carmen S. Annunziato paqf? 'I. MEMORANDU^ Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato DAT' March 31. 1986 rILl .. Lt. Dale S. Hammack 'U.J.CT Rezoning Applications -- Sir: 1 have been contacted by Mr. Roy Barden of Roy Barden Planning Group, in regards to two rezoning applications. Application number one is a 13.03 acre parcel of land located at the Southwest corner of 1-95 and N.W. 22nd Ave. This parcel will be rezoned to a planned commercial district if rezoning is approved. Application number two is a 10.84 acre parcel of land located at the Southwest corner of High Ridge Road and the proposed Miner Road extension. This parcel will be rezoned to planned industrial district if rezoning is approved. This parcel is not yet in the city but is planned to be annexed in the near future. Mr. Barton inquired as to police service to the two parcels and was 1n- fonmed by me that police service is being provided in the case of applicati number one and will be provided regardless of rezoning. 1 also advised that police service for application number two will be when it is annexed into the city. Respectfully, ~#'~ Lt. Dale S. Hammack DH:as / \..' Barden Planning Group Land Planning, Landscape Architecture, City and Regional Planning Consultant 112 East Boca Raton Road. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 P.O. Box 3971, Boca Raton, Florida 33427 L: 407/392-0597 July 24, 1989 Mr. James J. Golden Senior City Planner Off ice of Planning 120 E. Boynton beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0130 Re: High Ridge Center Application Dear Mr. Golden: Enclosed are the following additional items you required for this application: -$900.00 fee. -$ 6.00 postgage cost. -Another affidvit for property owner's list. -Traffic engineer's statement. -Max Schorr's signiture. -Hailing labels. -Extra copy of application and supporting documents. Please advise regarding our public hearing schedule. Thank you. 6. 'v\ Roy o. Barden, RLA!AICP ROB!bw Enclosures cc: Max Schorr, Trustee _____ _,:~"1' :;'~;:';~ -~I7~--' ~W.:':'lllE. .. ..............~.. .. .__m':'_ =.=----=:--=.-- Barden Planning Group Land Planning, Landscare Architecture, City and Regional Planning Consultant 112 East Boca Raton Road. Boca Raton. Flprida 33432 P.O. Box 3971. Boca Rawn. Florida 33427 l.: 407/392-0597 May 1 6, 1 9 89 Max Schorr, Trustee P.O. Box 3403 Palm Beach, FL. 33480 Re: The High Ridage Center Dear ~1ax: Enclosed is a copy of Jim Golden's letter regarding High Ridge Center. Please prepare two checks for this application: $900.00 and $6.00 for postage [22 x .25], sign page 7 of the application, and return to me. As previouly requested, Bernard Goulet will execute an affidavit re property owners' list. Thank you. ?l~erely, ~~~I Barden, RLA/AICP ...-.;<r""l'::~" . p"'D CI't:i--'~' JL. ",-}.:A.. ..1 ~. ~ .' - i.~~il M~'~ ;~~ 18 " - -. - ,- D;~t' · \,"",OO~1\ ROB/bw Enclosures cc: James J. Golden Bernard L. Goulet " Barden Planning Group Land Planning, Landscape Architecture, City and Regiona.l Planning Consultant 112 East Boca Raton Road, Boca Raton, Florida 33432 P.O. Box 3971, Boca Raton, Florida 33427 407/392-0597 4 .. Hay Mr. James Golden Planner Planning Department P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL. 33425 Re: The High Ridge Center Application for Amendment of Two Rezoning Conditions Dear Jim: Please process our application to amend two conditions which were adopted by the City Council as part of Ordinance No. 87-8 rezoning The High Ridge Center from R-1AAA to M-1, Light Industrial. The two conditions, and justification for amendment, are discussed below: [1J. Twenty-five foot landscape buffer along eastern property line. Page 7, Paragraph 1 of the above Ordinance requires a 25 foot landscape buffer along "...the eastern, southern, and western property lines...at least 25 feet wide." We provided 25 feet of buffer on the south and western property line, see our Preap~lication Subdivision Plan, approved by the Planning and Zoning Board, Augus 9, 19~e request a 15 reduction of this required 25 foot buffer on the eastern property line, however. Justification for this request is twofold: First, the existing land use [and zoningJ across High Ridge Road is light ,industrial and manufacturing uses located in an M-1, Light Industrial District. Second, we have set aside a larger preserve area of sand pine than the 20% required by the City Council [see Page 10, Paragraph 12J. Finally, our proposed 10 foot landscape buffer along High Ridge Road is greater than, or equal to, the buffers provided by the existing uses across the street. [2J. Page 8, Paragraph 5 and 6, require dedication of right-oi-way and construction of Miner Road and Industrial Way to the western line of the property. The owners have previously dedicated 54 feet of land on the north for Miner Road. Also, Palm Beach County will construct all of Miner Road . We request amendment of and deletion of those conditions which relate to Industrial Way right-of-way/construction, as well as Minor Rd. construction. Justification for this re~uest is: Miner Road, a four lane major arterial [104 foot right-of-wayJ will provide future ac~~~ed land west of High Ridge Center. L~~~]}IV~ .IMY I! Lg89 ., It PLANNII~G DEPT. -~-''---, ~~::::~------ -=------_.__-=...-:-._--:.~- ---~- , Attached per your request are: A. A completed Land Use Amendmennt And/Or Rezoning Application. B. Attachments required by the above application, as you indicated on the check list. Not attached is an application fee. Because this is a request for amendment of rezoning conditions, we beleive the fee should be minimal. Please advise Max Schorr, Trustee, regarding fee amount. Thank you. Sincerely, [~BQ:B: RLA/AICP Attachments cc: Max Schorr, Trustee MEMORANDUM August 21, 1989 TO: Chairman,and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: The High Ridge Center - Request For The Modification of Conditions Imposed Upon Rezoning to 00-1, Light Industrial - File No. 282 INTRODUCTION Roy Barden, agent for Max Schorr, Trustee, is requesting that certain conditions that were imposed at the time of rezoning to 00-1 in February, 1987 be deleted as follows: 1) Reduction of the 25 foot wide greenbelt along High Ridge Road from 25 feet to 15 feet. The greenbelt is a requirement of the Planned Industrial Development (PID) zoning district regulations. 2) Dedicate right-of-way and construct Industrial Way as an 80 foot wide collector from High Ridge Road to the western property boundary. This requirement is based on Article X, Section 10 of Appendix C, Subdivisions and Platting. 3) Construct Miner Road as a 108 foot wide arterial adjacent to the project's north frontage. This requirement is based on Article X, Section 19 of Appendix C, Subdivisions and Platting. The High Ridge Center is located at the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road extended (see attached location map in Exhibit "A"). HISTORY AND BACKGROUND In September, 1985 the High Ridge Center was annexed into the city and placed in the R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential, land use category. It was then the applicant's intent to seek a rezoning to allow for the development of the site as a Planned Industrial Development (PID), after seeking a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment for the minimum 25 acre land area 1 requirement for a PID (the High Ridge Center has a land area of only 10.84 acres). The variance request was denied and the property was zoned M-1 instead of PID. For a further explanation- of the history and background of this site, see attached copy of previous staff report for rezoning to M-1 in Exhibit "B". ISSUES/DISCUSSION 1. Request for a 10 foot reduction of th\ 25 foot wide greenbelt along High Ridge Road to 15 feet. The applicant's justification for this request is that the properties zoned M-1 on the opposite side of High Ridge Road (east side) require only a 5 foot wide landscape strip and, in addition, the applicant is proposing to set aside a larger open space area than that which would be required by the PID zoning district regulations (20%). However, the applicant does not specify the additional open space preserve area that is to be provided. At a minimum, the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report requires that 25% of the existing native habitat (sand pine) area on the site must be preserved. The staff has indicated that it would be acceptable to locate the sand pine preserve acreage within the 20% open space area. Based on the above, it is recommended that this request be granted. 2. Request to delete the requirement for the dedication and construction of Industrial Way as an 80 foot wide collector road from High Ridge Road to the western property boundary. The above requirement appears in Section 10 of Article X of the Subdivision and Platting Regulations and requires the extension of existing streets to serve adjoining areas that are not subdivided. This requirement was imposed upon the applicant for two reasons: 1) platting is a requirement of the PID zoning regUlations which were imposed on the applicant; and 2) the applicant was proposing to subdivide the parcel to create four parcels and the division of a parcel into four or more smaller parcels is defined as a subdivision in Appendix C, Subdivisions and Platting. The applicant's justification for deleting this requirement is based on an analysis prepared by James R. Zook, P.E., President of Zook, Moore and Associates, Inc. (See copy of traffic analysis in Exhibit "C"). The traffic analysis of the road network in the vicinity indicates that the proposed deletion of Industrial Way will not adversely affect the adjacent transportation network and, in fact, may slightly enhance it. In addition, the applicant has verbally indicated that it is likely that this property will not be divided into four parcels as originally proposed, but into three or fewer parcels. Based on the above, it is recommended that this request be granted. In addition, if the applicant decides to divide 2 this property into fewer than four parcels, platting will not be required. 3. Request to delete the requirement for the construction of Miner Road as a 108 foot wide arterial adjacent to the project's north frontage. Section 10 of Article X of Appendix C, Subdivisions and Platting, requires the "incorporation and compatible development of present and future streets as shown on the official map adopted by the City Commission under the thoroughfare plan, when such present or future streets are affected by the proposed subdivision". Construction of Miner Road is also consistent with the following policies contained within the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report (Ordinance 86-54): "Require improvement of roadways to mitigate the impacts of developments, as a condition of approval of developments." (p. 171). "Construction of Miner Road between I-95 and Military Trail may be required as a condition of the development of adjacent properties." (p. 178). Construction of Miner Road between High Ridge Road and Congress Avenue: To be constructed as part of the development of residential property surrounding High Ridge Country Club and/or Boynton Beach Park of Commerce and/or through the use of road impact fees. (p. 186). Based on the above, it is recommended that the applicant be required to construct Miner Road adjacent to the property's north frontage if he decides to proceed prior to the County, as access is proposed onto this road. The developer should be granted credit toward payment of his road impact fee if he decides to proceed prior to the County. CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATION The modifications requested by the applicant should be approved as requested, with the exception of the requirement to construct Miner Road adjacent to the property's north frontage, as outlined under item No. 3 in the previous section. c~ _ '_ 0'0 ~ Carmen S. Annun ato JJG:cp 3 EXHIBIT A ,1 ; ------- . ~u ----------- - , . .; l, " L__l ~ ---------------. @ (ffi 2J 1m rs ~ c!J o 2 ~ .J D. ~ 2, w. :E D- O .J w ~'gi :> _~:iE' W !l ' c-, 0: TH : ~ HIGI1 RI'CG ~ CENT'ER ~. Site Data Use LI L.IGHT INDUSTRIAL. R/W sp&es 2.65 ~OIi~4 '. Hi . 'i~' 5~~ u' J! 11 Q,tJ =' ~ I e J~ 5o;~ "E ~j~' Acres ,,/ 7.76 1 : 1 \ I I w IV I' Z . ~ ~ <J I I oj! .. .t< \l ~Ilt .",..s;: ~'" i 1 ~' i ~... I I~' I ~~ I'" , ~ 1 a: _. 'I I ~ ' .' I I ~ \ ~~_-+II1-~ .43 I I I I I I I I I , I l-+ i T~ 1+1 ~~] ! ! \) : i : ... . i ~ \., IJi I J ~ ' ~:.;;~ ~,~ I ~ 1 - ~ :~ I ~ ; I~~,~ I ~ 1 ~;; c: _"'"I :-;i I{I ~ I, ' ~I ~ hi I lU' I 1'1 :~: 1', 't-.------, 1111 I~ . +.1 I . I , ,.~ .L I L :1\ ',' ,j, , t - ""'~ :.v..c.rl\en~ _ >r- \j\, ..,' - -.., -~~,_:--' T r-:- ~- 'iJ;j t.. 1 I -I. :1' I, I I I I : I I 1'".,'1 IT 1 I I" .~........ -: . ",-- -- b -~' , '.;\. ~ ~.*- I,'" ili-.S' ~''N !~ I ..I~' . - , 1~r~ 2 ~.2 . n'..l..!ilL. J '- _ . ._~-------_.__. EXHIBIT B MEMORANDUM 2 February 1987 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: The High Ridge Center - Rezoning Application Summary: Roy Barden, agent for Max Schorr, Trustee, is requesting that a 10.84 acre parcel be rezoned from R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential, to M-1, Light Industrial. The Future Land Use Plan designation for this parcel is to remain unchanged (Industrial Commercial). The property is currently vacant and is heavily wooded, with sandpines occupying most of the property. The proposed use of the property is a small industrial/warehouse development to consist of a maximum of four parcels (see attached Master Plan). Current Zoning/Proposed Zoning (see attached location map: Prior to annexation, the property was zoned RS, Single-Family Residential, in Palm Beach County. The RS zoning reflected the land use that was originally anticipated for the entire area. lying between the Miner Road corridor and the Boynton Canal; namely, low density residential. In September 1985, the City Council voted to approve the annexation of the subject property and the rezoning of the property to the City's R-1AAA zoning district. It was then the applicant's intent to seek a rezoning and Future Land Use Element Amendment to allow development of this site as a Planned Industrial Development. It was necessary for the applicant to annex under a residential land use and zoning category, as he was precluded from requesting an industrial land use classification and PID zoning because the minimum lot area for PID's is 25 acres, and unless the property was annexed, no relief could be granted to the minimum lot size requirement. On December 8, 1986 the Board of Adjustment met to consider the applicant's request for a variance to the minimum lot area for zoning to PID, at which time the request was denied. However, on December 16, 1986 the City Council proceeded to adopt an ordinance which amended the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, changing the future land use category on the subject parcel from Low Density Residential to Industrial, as the request was consistent with Comprehensive Plan policy for this area of the City. The chan~e in land use has provided the framework for the applicant to request a rezoning from R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential to M-1, Light Industrial. 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: The property to the east of the subject parcel is in an M-1 Light Industrial zoning district, which is separated from the subject parcel by High Ridge Road. This M-1 district is currently being developed for warehouse and light industrial uses. To the south of the subject parcel is a portion of the Quantum Park of Commerce, which is proposed for industrial uses. To the southwest and southeast is a vacant parcel lying partly in the City and partly in the unincorporated area. This parcel is presently zoned for single-family use, however, it is anticipated that it will eventually be placed in an industrial land use category and developed as a PID. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report, in fact, recommends an industrial land use category for this parcel. Com rehensive Plan - Future Land Use Ma: The Future Land Use p an shows this property to be under the "Industrial" category. Therefore, an amendment to the Future Land Use Plan would not be necessary. ' Comprehensive Plan - Text: The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are relevant to this application: Area 49 >>;:; (t~ W *: g:::j }.';.~ " :.. f Unincorporated parcels at the southwest corner of Miner Road Extended and High Ridge Road. ~ ~ ;.>- -~ "This is an unincorporated enclave that should be annexed. These parcels should eventually be placed in the "Industrial" land use category and developed as Planned Industrial Developments, where the parcel size permits and should be developed in a manner similar to the adjacent Boynton Beach Park of Commerce." (P-11, 12/16/86 addendum) ;:-;'." //~ (,"'; ~~ .:~ .:~ ':'... ~ '.~' j ,.(, . ,:'0' l ::~:- : '::~:; : ~: : "<~<.: ~ "Encourage the complete development of industrial land as industrial parks or concentrated industrial areas in order to maximize the linkage between complimentary industries". (P-39) "Ensure through site plan review procedures that maximum buffering to adjacent residential areas is provided." (P-39) .::.-...' ~;~ ~r{ r5~:1 ,~.J . -) f~~;~ ,~'.O'i m?.jl ~:~;> . ~:~= ,. . ;::':~ ~~~ i'f~ ,: ~f.:1 1~4~ ~ {'J ~1'>:, _E'i, _ "Recommend that vegetative screening be required between industrial developments and residential zoning districts." (P-9, 12/16/86 addendum). "As a minimum, 25 percent of all native plant communities which occur on a site (e.g. Pine Flatwoods, Sand Pine Scrub, Xeric Oak Forest, Hardwood Hammock, etc.) shall be preserved." (P-6, 12/16/86 addendum) "Habitat shall be preserved with intact canopy, understory, and ground cover." (P-6, 12/16/86 addendum). 2 llDiscourage noncompatible development in scrub habitat". (P-6, 12/16/86 addendum) llMinimize development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality". (P.;.6) "The City should require the use of "best management practices" in new development in order to reduce pOllution associated with non-point sources." (P-28) "During land clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other soil treatment techniques appropriate for controlling unconfined emissions, including seeding and mulching of disturbed areas, shall be undertaken and implemented by the developer." (P-8, 12/16/86 addendum) Issues: Ordinance 86-10 requires that the Planning Department evaluate land use amendment/rezoning requests with respect to the following issues: a. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan." The current Comprehensive Plan encourages the development of "concentrated industrial areas". The proposed development would function as an extension of the 540-acre Quantum Park of Commerce and therefore would serve to create a concentrated industrial area. In order to prevent the "indiscriminate destruction of native vegetation", it is recommended that the developer preserve 20% of the site as a sand pine preserve, as the PID regulations require 20% of the site to be preserved as open space, which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for parking lots. The Urban Forester's memorandum, which is attached to this report, outlines the measures which will be necessary for preserving sand pines on site. In order to provide buffering between the proposed industrial development and future residential development to the north, a greenbelt with a width of 40 feet is recommended along the northern property line. This greenbelt is a requirement of the PID regulations. Along the eastern, southern, and western property lines, this greenbelt is required to be at least 25 feet wide and is also recommended for this project. In order to "Minimize development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality" the following conditions should be imposed: 3 ~ ---~------~ -~---------------~ ~~~ i'~ 'l'" b~ :M Ii Wi.(, ~ . ...-{ ".'-): (,4 :{~~ {~~~ ~~~ ;r~q ~~ i'f'~, " w ~~~ ; ~"1 ::t~J~ '~~~f~! Z\~l ';~-(:. ~~(: -;..' ~ ." . ~ ';';"'4 :';';'.: : '-~'.\ .: j~f~ ~~~~ (1) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pOllution retardant structures. Parking areas and roadways adjacent to truck wells should be designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into the surface wa~er management system. (2) Prior to occupancy, each specific tenant or owner that uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials or generates hazardous waste should meet the following requirements: (a) The tenant or owner should construct an appropriate spill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup and to prevent such materials from entering the storm water drainage system. In addition to a containment system, tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner should also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containment, monitoring, and response systems should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure. (b) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities are constructed by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pretreatment facilities should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure, and should comply with Chapter 26, Article IV. "Sewers" of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand, clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. Furthermore, during land clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other techniques for contrOlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. b. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare." It is a policy of the Evaluation and Appraisal report that all of the property south of Miner Road be placed in an "Industrial" land use category. This recommendation was based upon the fact that the M-1 zoning to the east of the subject parcel, and the establishment of the Quantum Park of Commerce to the south and 4 _.7g~~~.l';:.:"", "h .x'; "~ . . --~ --. ----- .._--_::.~- west of the subject parcel, has established industrial development as the predominant land use in the area. c. "Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable." As stated in the paragraph above, the surrounding areas to the east, south and west are developing for industrial use. Therefore, development of th~ subject parcel for industrial use would be desirable, provided that it is developed as a high quality industrial park. d. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other pUblic facilities." , ~",I fl :d ~_-l ~~:,j ;~:~:i I~ i~.i 'X" ~ W'l :f:J :t.j ~SJ ;1.,;.: 9.~ .~ ~1 <td I, ?:~::~ ~" $1'.:1 :~. ~;' . -"! t~ The following analysis assumes that the proposed develoment would contain approximately 182,000 square feet of industrial/warehouse floor space, and would employ approximately 434 persons. By comparison, R-1AAA zoning on the subject parcel would allow for the construction of 32 single-family dwellings, and would house approximately 100 persons. The proposed industrial and warehouse uses would consume 4,000 to 8,000 gallons of water per day compared to 13,000 gallons per day if the property were to be developed for single-family housing. Water is available from an existing water main in High Ridge Road. Sewage generated by the industrial and warehouse uses would range from 1,700 to 6,500 gallons per day, compared to 7,500 gallons per day for residential uses. A sewer connection is available from a manhole located on the eastern property line. The demand on utility systems would be less than or equal to that which would occur under the current zoning, and could be accomodated by the City's utility systems. Traffic generated by the proposed development would be approximately 1,000 trips per day, with 200 trips entering and exiting in the evening peak hour. Development under R-1AAA zoning, by comparison, would generate 320 trips per day. The traffic generated by this project would not be substantial enough to warrant major improvements to the surrounding roadways. Roadway improvements which will be made in the vicinity as part of the Quantum Park of Commerce will generally be adequate to serve the subject parcel. These roadway improvements include the 4-laning of 22nd Avenue from Seacrest Boulevard to Congress Avenue and construction of left and right turn lanes at High Ridge Road and N.W. 22nd Avenue. The applicant should, however, be required to construct left turn lanes, northbound, at High Ridge Road and Industrial Way and High Ridge Road and Miner Road, and should also be required to construct Miner Road as an arterial, and Industrial Way as a collector, to the western limits of the parcel. Both of the roads which abut the proposed development are collector roads, therefore, access to these roads should be 5 c , ':'1 j :-:) ;:~ 21 'I ':-.,', -ci, :;;J limited, in order to maintain efficient flow. The Planning Department recommends that access to the proposed development be limited to two access points: (1) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the property; (2) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property, aligning with Industrial Way. An 80 foot-wide collector road should be dedicated and built to the western edge of the property at this location, in order to provide access to the parcel which lies to the west. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. The applicant should also be required to pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection, if and when a signal is warranted. Furthermore, the applicant should be required to dedicate additional right-of-way for Miner Road, in order to obtain half of the lOB-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road. e. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties." of: ~ If the property is developed as a high-quality industrial park, similar to the Quantum Park of Commerce, it could be anticipated that such development would be compatible with surrounding land uses. ~;~ ~t~ [I: ~."?;- <1.! ~...., i;,~ ".);'4 ~:.~:j il.: ~~\ "."j "':~ .;0:':-1 ,~;J 11 :\,J ~~ ,:m:l i1 ~:'l ~::~ f. "Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning". It is arguable that the subject property, together with the 52-acre parcel which lies to the west, could still be developed for low density housing, however, due to the M-1 zoning which lies to the east, and the industrial and office development which will occur to the south and west, the subject parcel can no longer be considered to be an appropriate location for residential uses. g. "Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole." '~~:i Demand for warehouse and light manufacturing floorspace occurs at the regional level as opposed to the local level. The applicant has submitted a market analysis, which indicates that there is a strong regional demand for warehouse and high-technology manufacturing space. Based upon the absorbtion rate whiqh was projected for the Quantum Park of Commerce, it can be anticipated that build-out of the subject property would take approximately seven years. .;O~-:-: ' "~ . j . :: - ~ h. "Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the City for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed." . /.... - ~ .'. .... ~ .~;.:. l "f' I 6 .~._-~ The Quantum Park of Commerce, Boynton Beach Distribution Center, and High Ridge Commerce Park are all existing approved developments which contain 250 acres which are suitable for light industrial/warehouse development. There are also about 150 acres of vacant industrial property located in other areas of the City. The subject parcel should be considered, however, to be part of the cluster of light industrial and commercial developments centered around NW 22nd Avenue. This is the only part of the City where the opportunity exists for the development of large scale industrial/office development. By comparison, there are numerous sites elsewhere in the City, and particularly in the unincorporated area west of the City, where large-lot, single-family homes could be built. Conclusions/Recommendations: The most appropriate zoning for this property would be as a Planned Industrial Development, with uses similar to those which will be allowed in the adjacent Quantum Park of Commerce. However, since the application to rezone to PID has been precluded by denial of the minimum lot area variance by the Board of Adjustment, it would be appropriate to rezone the subject parcel to M-1, Light Industrial, consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies which require the development of this property for light industrial land uses. As previously mentioned, the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan has recently been amended to place this property in an IlIndustrial land use category. If the property is developed in accordance with staff comments, which include conformance with PID design standards, handling of hazardous materials, and limitations on access, development of this property would be compatible with surrounding land uses, including the Quantum Park of Commerce. Therefore, the Planning Department recommends that this rezoning request be approved, subject to the staff comments and recommendations contained in this memorandum which have been summarized below: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON EXPLICIT CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Provide buffering between the proposed light industrial development and future residential development to the north, using a greenbelt with a width of 40 feet along the northern property line. This greenbelt is required by the PID regulations. Along the eastern, southern, and western property lines, this greenbelt is required to be at least 25 feet side (Sec. 7.H.17 of Appendix A, p. 1928). 2. Preserve 20% of the site as open space. The PID regulations require this open space, which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for parking lots (Sec. 7.H.13 of Appendix A, p. 1928). 7 t:l ~~~ :~1 f-;1 ,., .., ",1 '".1 , , -:0 (; {; ;:1 I .-~ :" ~ ,', -.-1 ;.:) -.~. '\ :~:l ~l "::1' .:~ }] j ; ~ ":1 ,( ," 'l.~ i ~d ~ ._.l,~..:."l_ ._ 3. Once the open space areas has been established and delineated on the site plan, the area should be protected from any encroachment. This includes not allowing the area to be used for water drainage or on-site water retention. The developer should consider the location of this open space in the overall design of the project to assure that the area remains in its natural state. (Sec. 7.5-15 on p. 600 and Sec. 7.5-24 on p. 604). 4. Submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of all Sand Pine trees over 6" in diameter. Any groups of trees of smaller diameter can be shown on the survey as "clusters" of the tree species (Sec. 7.5-7., p. 597). 5. Construct Miner Road and Industrial Way to the western limits of the parcel. This requirement is based on Article X, Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137), which states: The proposed subdivision street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area and consideration shall be given to existing and planned streets, relation to topographic conditions, ~ublic convenience, safety, and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the continuation of existing streets in areas not subdivided, and the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins unsubdivided land, then the new street, where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. (6) Construct Miner Road as an arterial, and Industrial Way as a collector, with a 108-foot wide right-of-way for Miner Road and an 80 foot wide right-of-way for Industrial Way. (Article X, Sec. 19 of Appendix C, 2147). (7) Dedicate additional right-of-way for Miner Road, in order to obtain half of the 108-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road (required by Article X, Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137) in the Subdivision Regulations, and required by the Thoroughfare Plan, on page 65 of the Comprehensive Plan, which is adopted by Sec. 19-7 of the Code of Ordinances). (8) Limit access to the site to two points: (a) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the property. (b) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property, aligning with Industrial Way. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. 8 ~~r'- ---~.,. The requirements listed under (8) above are necessary to conform to Article X, Section 1, of Appendix C (p. 2130) which states that "The subdivision shall be designed to accomplish access to the lots by the use of local streets...Where access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it shall be provided by means of a marginal access road". (9) Make the following improvements to the intersections of High Ridge Road and Industrial Way and High Ridge Road and Miner Road: (a) Construct a left turn lane, northbound, at High Ridge Road and Industrial Way. (b) Pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection, if and when a signal is warranted. (c) Contract a left-turn lane, northbound, at High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The requirements listed under (9) above are necessary in order to "Provide for safe and efficient movement within the City" (page 7 of Comprehensive Plan), and are required by Article X, Sec. 12 of Appendix C (p. 2128), and Article X, Sec. 16 of Appendix C (p. 2129). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN ZONING REGULATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. (10) In order to minimize contaimination of surface and subsurface water the following conditions should be imposed: )' (a) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution retardant structures. Parking areas and roadways adjacent to truck wells should be designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into the surface water management system. (b) Prior to occupancy, each specific tenant or owner that uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials or generates hazardous waste should meet the following requirements: (c) The tenant or owner should construct an appropriate spill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup and to prevent such materials from entering the storm water drainage system. In addition to a containment system, tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system 'for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner should also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containments, monitoring, and response systems should 9 ---- --_._-_._-----~--- be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit Procedure. (d) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities are constructed by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pretreatment facilities should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure, and should comply with Chapter 26, Article IV. "Sewers" of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The requirements listed under (10) above to serve "Minimize development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality" (p. 6 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessary in order to implement 'Best management practices'...in new development in order to reduce pollution associated with non-point sources" (p. 28 of Comprehensive Plan). Also, Sec. 4.N.5. of Appendix A prohibits toxic or noxious matter which would "...contaminate any public waters or any groundwater" (p. 1902.1). (11) In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand: (a) Clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. (b) During land Clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other techniques for controlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. The requirements listed under (11) above serve to "Minimize and mitigate erosion" (p. 34 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessary to meet Sec. 4.N.3. of Appendix A, which prohibits "the emission of smoke, dust, dirt, or other particulate matter which may cause damage to property or vegetation, discomfort or harm to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property and rights-of-way, at or beyond the property lines of the property on which the use is located" (p. 1902.1). 1 ) I , 1 J I ,~ ii 3 " STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: (12) From the tree survey, that area where the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This area can either be one 2 acre site or two 1 acre sites, but no more than two sites used to meet this requirement. (13) As a minimum, 25 percent of all native plant communities which occur on a site (e.g. pine Flatwoods, Sand Pine Scrub, Xeric Oak Forest, Hardwood Hammock, etc.) shall be preserved. 10 (It is recommended that this preservation primarily occur in the 20% open space area as outlined in No. 12 above, or within the parking lot landscaping, if necessary.) The requirements listed under (12) and (13) above, serve to "Eliminate the indiscriminate-destruction of the native vegetation" (page 6 of Comprehensive Plan) and page 6 of the 12/16/86 addendum to the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. ~ARMEN 's. ~NU~A~ /bks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Roy Barden Central File 11 __"'~-~.~--'-.~~~_~__ ::-::--"7"'''-,".,,:,.., -- ,.......".....-.-...-__.._ r....... . ".- :-~~ . EXHIBIT C ZOOK,MOORE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 901 Northpoint Parkway, Suite 200 West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 407683-4017 ,~< ./\ c '~.' , ,'\ < _'';,1 '.'\\\. >- . .(."~' ,."",/ . ,"\ - ,.' ... ~~X\\7 v' .' go~1 , , June 20,1989 4219T.OO \ ENGINEERS I PLANNERS Mr. James Golden, Planner City of Boynton Beach Planning Department P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: The High Ridge Center Traffic Impact Statement Dear Mr. Golden: We have analyzed the impact that the proposed deletion of Industrial Way will have on High Ridge Center as well as the adjacent property to the west. The deletion of Industrial Way will require that the adjacent property have access via NW 22nd Avenue and Miner Road. NW 22nd Avenue currently exists and will be widened to six lanes in the future. Right-of-way acquisition is scheduled for completion in September of this year with the construction of Miner Road to begin in December. (Please see attached Palm Beach County Road Program.) This direct access onto two arterials as opposed to access via Industrial \Vay will actually improve traffic operations in the area in that traffic from the adjacent property need not travel High Ridge Road to access NW 22nd Avenue or Miner Road. In addition, internal circulation for the High Ridge Center and the adjacent property will also improve with the removal of Industrial Way. Based on a review of the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce D,R.I., the WPBUA TS update, the anticipated light industrial use of the adjacent property and an overview of the transportation network in the area, the proposed deletion of Industrial Way will not adversely effect the adjacent transportation network. In fact, it will slightly enhance the adjacent roadway network. Very truly yours, ZOOK, MOORE AND ASSOCS, INC. . ames:' zo~:Lrz,~ resident ' / JRZ/JMD/bds Enclosure b0NP_Y$~_Q~gNPMENI_0NQLQB_B~IQN!UQ_aEEbl~eIlQN City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submitted, together with the materials listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be pr'DC:f2~:;sf.;?d . Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. 1. ~CN~Beb_INEgBMBI!QN 1. Pn'j"d I~ame: -::r.hLJh~hj(~&--~~------------- '" ~.. " Type of Application (check one) c:t . I::::~:z oni ng onl y b. Land Use Amendment only " ________ c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning Dc,te thi s 1~Pl ~t;,\~p[~~~~t;1f~~ttd- D(;~P,,':(I,..tment) ~ ''':'u _..__._h_.h._...._._____..._.___._.____..._"___....___.._.h....._......_._...h._.....___..___.._.._._.__.___-.--.....-...--..---....-..--.--.. 4. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): _~kU::J:tO-~~t'~------------------------ ('~c1 c:l r. ('?~:;~>: -~"---...,-..M.::::(-a.\.-..-...-.........--,..~.wa?f-__----..-.-..,-,--------,-.---- ...~lm-~..h,i'....Eb,.,~..,--~4dzO'-,-------.------- Ted E?phcme At I ~\ll.l mb e I'" : '.... ..... ..a1..,., , .. ,..f2:2,6 _-:::: -:J.:J ,.[Ltl_.._ __ _, _ __ ._. _ _, _ _ ___ - - -. -.- -.. -- -.-----..-.--.--- 5. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): ~-a,J~tJ~-l---A32ktrltB~P---m Addcess: 1ff~~~~~~~tJ~------------------ .~6o:-1Z;~-r~t=.--;-~~1f:~...L:::..._....._-,....-.,-.,.-'--_.._--_.--H PI ann i n 9 D"p a,- t m'4-0-11~ 1:-0 F>0-rge 1 T (,:~ 3. (~P h Ci n e .A:t2 ..:'],_1.. ~9-2:~ t.2J~9 -=:\... _ _...._ _ _ -. - -. -... -.- -..- ..... -,-.- - - -..-...- .,... -...... - -- - - ---.. Numb el~ :' 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Tel ~:,~phor\€~ Numb t~'r : ,VY.\aX,,_0.~ho..~L/....Tt0..~~..__,.....-.,......,-,-.._.......-_...__:.........'.........----.....-.--.... ~~~~~~::~=================== PI cl cj \,- e~:;~; :: 7" C()r1r'espond~:,~nc(,? Acjdl'''ess (i f d i ff e\"'(~nt trlan app 1 i cant or" a,gent): * ~__,~__....~~"JcL..______,._.____....,_.._.__..__..___.._,_____" -.-..------.--.-.----.----------.--------------------.-----.--.-------- * This is the address to which all agendas, l~tters, and other materials will be mailed. 8. What is th~ applicant.s interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) _.._.. ..... _, '...' ..,.. ....' .....,.....=IL0...,:2:- ~_,.. ..__,__.._, ,__, ..__ ___._.., __.__ __ _.._______ __....____.. -----.--- 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: ________________ '__ k>Jl1h~_?Q~~hQ~L-KL-'-*m~-Dl.~J 10. ;"9011 De<5cription of Subject Parcel: ~~-=if-~1~.A-\-A IM-42kl6Ga-~-La!::::-lt_~nt1X\fJQlll\:1:;;;f:f 4-: 0&U~/Kgf$&~-~4-IFaWLl&auJ1-~lJhtt i -ft-OAi_,~---~6----~-~~--------------------------- 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): . ".\L2..,J.,~_4:Az::...,....Le..h~,...._,,{)...~lr::S.~-deAL~1eLL-fu..L-- m\'~1ZJ, .,0X~AA" ~,A\e...1- of- \O.4-\--Ac.-. PlanQing Department 1-86 pa(,;)e ::~ 16. CL.U"'j'" to:! IYl': Z on i n q D i ~:; t Ir' j, c: t : _&.-:.t ,_~rlJ...u_-:2+rja,_L.,_ ..._..__'..___ ____., F'1~OpCl~:;€':.c:1 IClr1 i ng D:i. stt- i ct: ~.DJ;l~,....._,.__,_...__..__,__________,_._.._____,____. Cun-ent Lc:\rld U~5("~ Cc:\tegory: ~D_~_~~_ti:al___~___..__.___..________,.,_ PrDposed L,;,;\r1cl Use Catf~~gory: ltOA~_,__,__..__.___.___._..__,_..,_.___,.______,___,___ Intende, Use of Subject Parcel" htibLk41~~~~~~~~~~~~ ck.Vb--op\::rtLnk----------------------------------- --- 1:~ .. 1 :~:. 14. 1:5. 17. ~:::~:;::~-:~-:=~~::~;---ti1a~~~-~ck~~;~t:CL~~~~~~~ .-.---.-.----..----.--."--.-----.--------.----------.----------.----.-.---------------------- 113. Pll~chit.ec:t: 19. Landscape Architect: -rnL'de"N'--2~~Q0f2-.------ 20 . S :i. t e F']' em n e r- : ...__.... .._. .,...._,.., .~~~.... _. ..... ,.... ..... ......... _. .._..... _,...._ __..,.....'.._ _..,.. _. _................._ _ _ _, _ _.._ ____ 21. Civil Engineer": 2:~ . ,., -=!" ..a:.. ....'. Traffic: Engineer: -----------..----__rz~dL.-~~bBd-~~~~T~L. <; ~'3ur.vE?yol'- : II.. M0I~BIAbQ_IQ_~~_~Y~MIII~P_~IIH_AEEbl~aIlQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies. (c:hE.'c: k) ....,~:\.. _.0:)0 This application form. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed., ,...~c:. The f oJ.], m\li. ng docum€mt.s and 1 ett€:~rs of consent: ...t\fAx(l) I'f the pr'OpE~I~ty is under joint Ol~ sever.:\l owrH?rship: A written consent to the application by all owners of record, and J1j:'~(2) If 'thf."= app I i cant. is a contr act purchaser: A c:opy of the purchase contrac:t and written consent of the owner and seller~ and ....0 ~::.) I 'f the ClPP 1 i c.:.'1nt. i s repl~esent.~?c.i by an author i ZE!d agent: A copy 1 of the agency agreement, or written consent of t.he applicant~ and Jl!kt 4, ) If the applicant is a lessee: A copy of the lease agreement, Planning Department 1-86 page 3 A::: " ,_ot!__ (d) U tOO , J,' o:.;.:lsclng and proposed grade elevations. Existing or proposed water bod i ~?~:; . Form of ownership and form of organization spaces and recreational facilities. to maintain common (e) A written commitment to the provision of all necessary facilities for storm drainage, water supply, sewage collection and treatmen~, solid waste disposal, hazardous waste disposal, fire protection, easements'or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications as may be required. t! (11) For rezonings to planned zoning districts, the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan shall also be submitted. III.. BEE~I[BI!9N_E~E~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by ordinance or resolution. The Planning Department will inform the applicant as to the fees which are requi~ed. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~BI!E!~0I19~ (I) (We) understand that this application and all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Plannin~J and ZClrling Board. (I) (We) t1ereby certify tllat the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans ~:;ubmj,ttE'lcj h€~Y-ewith ay-e true to t.he b€~~;t of (my) (our') knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed ~ acem-ding to the ino. uctions below. 5igr;;~o~or Tru~tee, (lL~-~~~lq~-i--- or Aut.horized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other busi.nE-::ss ent.ity.. \/ " _"..~~~~=~~rt~.~~_______ Slgnatu~e of Authorlzed Agent ~ALfJ~ (I) (vJe) hE,.Y'€;:>by d~?si gnaote th~" above si gned per'son agent Vii t Y-f2qal~d to ~app I i cat ion. Siqnat.ure ,f OW~-;;';(;')-O~-T-;:L~ a~; (my) (OUl~) authorized __~~_Lt-t{~t~_o . U Date Plan~ing Department 1-86 page "7 :~ . , <::::;) "'~ L..lJ ,- 0') , """- ..:::t .. -, c:: ?"t " ~ ,;",";'" 'W . .j~_...~ . a VI ~I ,.( --clIl . :l .. ~::::-M . Ul ~~O : Ul . 111- J Z I- ,\ Z oJ ~ 11/ >- Ul::E - q:!:: I~~ :) q: 7 II: ~~ ~ .J ,11/ - f:'.J - J:- I- ~ ~ ! ~ I) - J 0 LI ~, C ? ) ...t::,: n-J,r ~, 0 J 1!I U ~ <i lo' ; 0 1:. , - 0 II: _ o I- .J - Ii. ~ i 0 I- U II: Ii. o 0 3 I- J W Z >> :x: w ) <i ~ ~ .J J n w Ii: ~ X.J r, ii ~ 1:, J: W I- J: :l I- o C Ul l- N I- o .,. 01 W C l) Z , : ~ ; , i' ," . \ ...,. .' .'\ - ," \ '\ ' :/ ,~ ~ \; ~ '. , - . ~ ' @r1hru~ ~1ll>)tmillnmr~\ L 2318 .' wn..re....I' rued It..ueiA, u.. lerm. Hpn.rlJl" ,1a4.U iAclu.a.. u... MlrI, IMP"'.onAl r.p"~u"tQJi.vu, 6uucuor. GAd./ or lU.itll4 of Ul4 rupeel-jlM partiu Jt.nkl; u... UoI. of u... ,i.III,..la,.. '!unu.,. .1".Jl iJlclud. tIl. "lu.raJ. aM U.. 1>l,,,,,,llh. .intrd4.; lh. ..... of ~nll J.nder .Jo"u I~,l"," all t.u,k-n; "'''/, if ....". u.. u.... H1U1I.H .JoaU iJlel...u AU ~ _fa /ul,.iJI duU'iJJllll if '11.4.. u,tIJ. 0". Made,thi.9 iittmttn JOHN N. SLOW, also known as JOHN NICHOLS BLOW, and ELlZABE'IH H. BLOW, his wife of the COfl,7~ty of Duval party of the first part, and MAX' SCHORR, ~RUSTEE of the Connty 0/ Palm Beach in the State of Florida party of the second part,whose mailing address is: 250 Royal Palm Way, '2!17 Palm Re,ach, Flpr..idg. 33480 . , , . , ~~ttlltSSd4 that tlw saw, party oT tILe first part, for and Ln consLderatwn oj the.ttlff~ of TEN AND NO/IOO--------------------------------------Dollars, to /'t,?jrn in hand paid by the said party of the. second part, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, ba1~ained and sold to the said pa.rty of the second part his heirs a,nd assign.s forever, the followin~ described lan.d, sUu,ate lying and being in the County of Palm Beach ' , State of .Florida, to wit: A parcel of land in Government Lot l, Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County ,of Palm Beach, State of Florida, more part- icularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 Easti (beginning point also being the northeast corner of Government Lot l); 'thence running South Olo2l'38" East, along the East line of said Section l7" and Government Lot I, a distance of l311.10 feet to a point on the north corporation line of Boynton Beach Cas referred to in Official Record Book 1804, page 225), thenCE running South 88038t4l West, along said North corporation line a distance of 413.4j feet to a point~ thence running North 00ol2r57" West, a distance of 13l0.76 fe~t to a point on the North line of &~i( Section 17 and Government Lot Ii thence running North 88033t21" East, 'along said North line, a distance of 387.04 feet to the Point of Beginning. 27th day 01 A. D, 1979 August. in the State of Florida SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easements of record and to taxes for the year' 1979 and subsequent years~ And the said party of the first part does hereby jully ;;arrant the title to said land, and will d:"fe'}'d the same asfainst the Za.wful claims of all persons whomsoever, thei ~~~ ~ttllrss mlJrrrnf. i the sal,d party ot the first part has hereunto set R-1.S handsand sea1E.the day and year first above writ g,i!Jnrll. g,l'u{rtl tlntl flrlinrrrtl ht (!Jur Vnlll'nr.r: ~:~,&1 {ANA:' . . ~4..P---L.!..~ ~) tL # ~A /:J (;/_ :: ' (;f;::~':\'~ .J \ UU~UM[N IAHY ,~ ~; .~:: \J~{il':":2~'~,r~\ ')II~~;4T~X~;] <D or PoD. ' . = .( pr'!:I::'f . IIIOh. - . ,."~ttttr o(-1I11nriOtt' ---- - - } Q!nullty of DUVAL --_.-. - 3J .lirrrhy Q!rrtify . That on this day p'ersonally ap;Jeare(l before me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments~ ' JOHN N. BLOW also known as JOHN NICHOLS BLOW, and ELIZABE'lli H. BLOW, .,~ 1 w, , , d #. 4.Ln..r-. H. Blov I~ 'tfP .~ -- (~~_.. ~~:w ,~." -,- .---- '-";'---'~:~~~'[J f\- ::-:-. ..t~ r.. "':- ::~: r:~~" r' " 1-, .., f:::,':(.iJ:':F~~~ ~:;~~~.:{~~..:~.':< ..:,~ ~ !.:}:'!'~ r ~,~, :.: == 1::';:-t.._I-:.:.....}~:..~ 'j Z "n :-: ::..: 6,"1:?9'n \-'\"::....,~~..' .:L v . ,U .~ [:...:.~~'_. ',~'L~.:------ ....: ~ . ~ . ~ .": ...., : '.~~ In ;.;, u') to me well known and known to me to be the individu,alo described in and who . execut~d the loretoint deed, and they, , ack.nQwledged before me that they executed the sa,m e freely ?-11.d vol~nta.rily lo.r:'tl..I.jJ.,p'.~rpos.e~ ..~herein expressc.d, JlUmiul my hand and offi.cl,al seal at Ja~~sony~ll~',:,,,. .; County 01 Duval . and Statetol."l!.lo,r..ida;;tl1:i~~ \ 2~rth ., day 01 August ", A.. D. ,-19 7~. '",:;,:/..-;: -'. ',:,;~ ~ t(CCO(l1 VenCill .' ~ '''!- ' ''OJ.: '" . Palm BC:1ch County l~ .. c . ;' ., _. I '-,/I!' .'~>jj~ Jr<:. '~'"'A' -'- John B. DunkJt n_..(A}Jt -t~_.. ?:.:.:.:.-,-'1'rd4- Cif I Co '11' t I 'p' . bl' '., l;lerk cu t · IIrO, ru. u, ~c ".;' .',. !/1i7 '. . '.' I. .,' , 'r::: /7 My Commission Expires-~ L , ~ / q~,/ OFF REe 3126 PC 1402 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FL,ORIDA, will conc1uct a PUBLIC HEARING <it 7:30 P.M. on TUf'sday, Sf>pf-emhf'r 12, 1989, ill- city rIelll Commlf;f-:;on Chambers, 100 Eaf-:t Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Heach, Floridil to consider a requeRt for a MASTER PLAN (CONDITIONS) AMENDMENT covering the parcel of land described as follows: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: A parcel of land in Government Lot 1, Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 Eaf;t, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East: (Beginning point il1so being the Northeast cor.ner. of: Government Lot 1): thence running South 01021'38" East, along the East line of said Section 17 and Government Lot 1, a c1if;tilnce of 1311.10 feet to a point on the North cor- poration line of Boynton Beach (ilS referred to in Official Record Rook 1804, pelge 225), thence running South 88038'41" West, along f;aid North corporation line a distance of 413.43 feet to a point: thence running North 00012'57" West, rt distrtnce of 1310.76 feet to a point on the North line of said Section 17 and Government Lot 1: thence running North 88033'21" East, along said Nortll line, a distance of 387.04 feet to the point of beginning, less the East 40,.,00 feet thereof and containing 10.841 acres more or less. OWNER Max Schorr, Trustee AGENT: Roy Barden PROJECT NAME: The High Ridge Center PROPOSED USE: Light Industrial Development LOCATION: Southwest corner High Ridge Road and Miner Road Extension REQUEST: MODIFICATION of the following conditions imposed by the City Commission for approval of zoning to M-l. Zoning will remain M-l. 1. Twenty-five foot landscape buffer along eastern property line. 25' of buffer on the south and western property lines will be provided. Request a IS' reduction of this required 25' buffer on the eastern property line. 2. Requirement of dedication of right-of-way and construction of Miner Road and Industrial Way to the western line of the property. The owners have previously dedicated 54 feet of land on the North for Miner Road. Also, Palm Beach County will construct all of Miner Road. Request amendment of and deletion of those conditions which relate to Industrial Way right-of-wayjconstruction, as well as Miner Road construction. ALSO A PUBLIC HEARING will be held by the City Commis~ion of the City of Boynton Beach on the above request on Tuesday, September 19, 1989 at 6:30 P.M. or as soon thereafter as the agenda permits. All interested parties are notifieo to appeilr at said hearings in per- son or by attorney and be heClrd. Any person who decides to appeal Clny decision of the Planning & Zoning noard or City Commission with respect to Clny matter considered at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a ver- bntim record of the proceedingsls m<ldp, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. BETTY S. BORONI CI'rY CLERK mas CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLISH: ~HE POST August 27 & September 3, 1989 a.l!IIW:~ \ .... @72) ~ ~ lru1J ~ ~ : LJ I LnnJ D '~ @ ~ ~ ~ ~ lJ · ~ ~ ~ @g) @g) ~ ~ @ @ ~ ~ ~ 00 ffi ~ @ ~ <f2) @ <S ~ c::::{] ~ c::::::[) ~-=~ o n --t o c:J rr1 :c , ~~ . .~'~r,.} ~~ \~:}~ .. . 0. ,': ".-r",.', . ~ , >- ..'.~ '" ,/",~ · ~ -?~<e~ ~~~\~. <'~~~. <9.\ 5j, .. "'~;V/ '~~\~ \~. '~ - .. - ~ "" CO CO ~ ~ ~ s , -0 "" m :::I:l ~ 0 . ,c:::.:cn:c " (\ 2P ~ c- !'--(s......r ~ m ~r= :c~ FJ jW ~ CI --( - ." I ~ P -c ::c ::! ::0 ; --f c:,."o nc.nn ..... rn - Con d ~, ~ Em a;g o Con g -0 :z: t'"'~ :r a$: v. CD ~!~ 5!5 r- m ~~ ? ~E: 81~Z ~ ~E ~(I') ~~I ~~ffi - . :+ co o~ 81m I! ~ 3:: . 5~i "-J snO ~~ 0-= ~(I)~n - . :+ ~ ...8 CD . 2 _C'"I ~ m ~~... ..t:>~ -4 ~t;~ ..0 rn :z> --f . :+ ::0 :< ~~m ::0< V> me::> ""'co ~ C.f) . :s~ r- ~ -< -<-< pt'"' :+ je: . -< 0 ..... :+ , ~5=' p 0 . , . :+ . I'll: ~...I\1 ..en g rven.... 51 g ~en g g g rTl ::= ~~ . :+ Q:)~ w... ... N VI :z:,. _N . . 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APR-13-198B 02~.s5pm euB-09A405 ORB 563.f~ P9 548 Individuals CRD NO: Partne rsh i ps ROAD Miner Road RIGHT-OF-WAY WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE Made this between M a x S c h 0 r r, T r u s tee 24 day of March , A.D., 19 88 hereinafter called the grantor, to PALM BEACH COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the grantee, . WITNESSETH: That the grantor, for a:ld in consideration of the sum of Ten ($10.00) Dollars and other valuable considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, remises, releases, conveys and confirms unto the grantee, all that certain land situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-wit: "A parcel of land in Government Lot 1, Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, described as follows: ... - ... o lU "E ,~~ ... .. ~ di'~ \ >E ...... .c 0 '\ 1i'U~ .., >- C'... .. c: .. CJ ~ ... u 8 ... <( 0 Beginning at the northeast corner of Government Lot 1, thence running South 01 21 38" East, along the west right of way line of High Ridge Road, a distance of 54 feet to a point along said line thence South 88 33' 21" West, a distance of 347.04 feet to , , a point, thence running North 00 121 57" West, a dlstance of 54 feet to a point on the north line of said Section 17 and Government Lot 1, thence running North 88 331 21" East, along said north line, a distance of 347.04 feet to the point of beginning, and containing 0.43 acres, more or less." . ,? r -" --:;-;-~Ir:y i-' !,ICE I,IOT ",-' l . I \. -' ..... '-' " I I" ~ \' , \ 1 . , 1 \ \ .~ ::~ ~:'-:i~ l~}:f"\-;:'~T"~ \:;;:/\;'~:',:i ,;: " ! !-, ^ I 't r.:" r:- t. . i ~ I ~. -. '. - --' -. \ , "." 1,: D ~,~:"C:~'(15) (b) \ -'... I"ewrn to," ,.~, 10t'\ , 1\ .....,.... . - , (\~r.: " ~ (~' r~.i~:-:,:':< '_ .\. ," ,~~<\ 8'r10 l"~ ,,-,'.-,' W, \ 1....- This ins.trument prepared By: Richard Graddock, Chief Deputy, County Attorney's Office Palm Beach County P.O. Box 1989 West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 .. ," ( , ~ , ORB ~;t.~/: Pc;! -="/,9 -) . TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenancesthereto belonging or in anywise appertaining, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever, AND the grantor h~reby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the title to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrance5, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 19 87 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said grantor'has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first above written, Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: (Signature of two witnesses required ~y Florida Law) 1 ~ CU[~wV\. (~\ x - S c h 0 r r, T r u s tee (SEAL) (SEAL) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State of aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, p3rsonally appeared Max Schorr to me known to be the person(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and_ h p acknowledged before me that he executed the same. WITNESS my hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 24 day of March , 19 88 "f!" ,~:1~;j}~ ~ '--.< .~. -- .;-~ '1"'" ' ,"[.e,'j. ~'i;~::41~.~:..(t. _,/;::.g;~t ,I. r.;-. ~. tJ() '- _ I _. './1 _I,:::..:,:.c,-","-z.r ,\,,,;. ~~:>."d~, NOTARY,J!UBl"I...,'1..". 8- 'll~;1;.gf':. ,,;::J.'/X ~-9r:',~,~;<,,~~:, f~I :~J, My Commissiori. 'expires: ',':~;:fil:t,' , J 4J~-. n01ARY PUBLIC stAtE Of FLORIDA MY COMMISSION EXP, APR 30.1989 DONDED THRU GENERAL INS. UNO. '1.....:'1 II'" "'R~, (NOTaRIAL SEAL) ~.. -.... -". MEMORANDUM 2 February 1987 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director RE: The High Ridge Center - Rezoning Application Summary: Roy Barden, agent for Max Schorr, Trustee, is requesting that a 10.84 acre parcel be rezoned from R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential, to M-1, Light Industrial. The Future Land Use Plan designation for this parcel is to remain unchanged (Industrial commercial). The property is currently vacant and is heavily wooded, with sandpines occupying most of the property. The proposed use of the property is a small industrial/warehouse development to consist of a maximum of four parcels (see attached Master Plan). Current Zoning/Proposed Zoning (see attached location map: Prior to annexation, the property was zoned RS, Single-Family Residential, in Palm Beach County. The RS zoning reflected the land use that was originally anticipated for the entire area lying between the Miner Road corridor and the Boynton Canal; namely, low density residential. In September 1985, the City Council voted to approve the annexation of the subject property and the rezoning of the property to the City's R-1AAA zoning district. It was then the applicant's intent to seek a rezoning and Future Land Use Element Amendment to allow development of this site as a Planned Industrial Development. It was necessary for the applicant to annex under a residential land use and zoning category, as he was precluded from requesting an industrial land use classification and PID zoning because the minimum lot area for PID's is 25 acres, and unless the property was annexed, no relief could be granted to the minimum lot size requirement. On December 8, 1986 the Board of Adjustment met to consider the applicant's request for a variance to the minimum lot area for zoning to PID, at which time the request was denied. However, on December 16, 1986 the City Council proceeded to adopt an ordinance which amended the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan, changing the future land use category on the subject parcel from Low Density Residential to Industrial, as the request was consistent with Comprehensive Plan policy for this area of the City. The chan~e in land use has provided the framework for the applicant to request a rezoning from R-1AAA, Single-Family Residential to M-1, Light Industrial. 1 Surrounding Land Use and Zoning: The property to the east of the subject parcel is in an M-1 Light Industrial zoning district, which is separated from the subject parcel by High Ridge Road. This M-1 district is currently being developed for warehouse and light industrial uses. To the south of the subject parcel is a portion of the Quantum Park of Commerce, which is proposed for industrial uses. To the southwest and southeast is a vacant parcel lying partly in the City and partly in the unincorporated area. This parcel is presently zoned for single-family use, however, it is anticipated that it will eventually be placed in an industrial land use category and developed as a PID. The Evaluation and Appraisal Report, in fact, recommends an industrial land use category for this parcel. Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use Map: The Future Land Use Plan shows this property to be under the "Industrial" category. Therefore, an amendment to the Future Land Use plan would not be necessary. Comprehensive Plan - Text: The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are relevant to this application: Area 49 Unincorporated parcels at the southwest corner of Miner Road Extended and High Ridge Road. "This is an unincorporated enclave that should be annexed. These parcels should eventually be placed in the "Industrial" land use category and developed as Planned Industrial Developments, where the parcel size permits and should be developed in a manner similar to the adjacent Boynton Beach Park of Commerce." (P-11, 12/16/86 addendum) "Encourage the complete development of industrial land as industrial parks or concentrated industrial areas in order to maximize the linkage between complimentary industries". (P-39) "Ensure through site plan review procedures that maximum buffering to adjacent residential areas is provided." (P-39) "Recommend that vegetative screening be required between industrial developments and residential zoning districts." (P-9, 12/16/86 addendum). "As a minimum, 25 percent of all native plant communities which occur on a site (e.g. Pine Flatwoods, Sand Pine Scrub, Xeric Oak Forest, Hardwood Hammock, etc.) shall be preserved." (P-6, 12/16/86 addendum) "Habitat shall be preserved with intact canopy, understory, and ground cover." (P-6, 12/16/86 addendum). 2 "Discourage noncompatible development in scrub habitat". (P-6, 12/16/86 addendum) "Minimize development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality". (P-6) "The City should require the use of "best management practices" in new development in order to reduce pollution associated with non-point sources." (P-28) "During land clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other soil treatment techniques appropriate for controlling unconfined emissions, including seeding and mulching of disturbed areas, shall be undertaken and implemented by the developer." (P-8, 12/16/86 addendum) Issues: Ordinance 86-10 requires that the Planning Department evaluate land use amendment/rezoning requests with respect to the following issues: a. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be consistent with applicable comprehensive plan policies. The Planning Department shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with policies contained in the comprehensive plan." The current Comprehensive Plan encourages the development of "concentrated industrial areas". The proposed development would function as an extension of the 540-acre Quantum Park of Commerce and therefore would serve to create a concentrated industrial area. In order to prevent the "indiscriminate destruction of native vegetation", it is recommended that the developer preserve 20% of the site as a sand pine preserve, as the PID regUlations require 20% of the site to be preserved as open space, which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for parking lots. The Urban Forester's memorandum, which is attached to this report, outlines the measures which will be necessary for preserving sand pines on site. In order to provide buffering between the proposed industrial development and future residential development to the north, a greenbelt with a width of 40 feet is recommended along the northern property line. This greenbelt is a requirement of the PID regUlations. Along the eastern, southern, and western property lines, this greenbelt is required to be at least 25 feet wide and is also recommended for this project. In order to "Minimize development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality" the following conditions should be imposed: 3 (1) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution retardant structures. Parking areas and roadways adjacent to truck wells should be designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into the surface water management system. (2) Prior to occupancy, each specific tenant or owner that uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials or generates hazardous waste should meet the following requirements: (a) The tenant or owner should construct an appropriate spill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup and to prevent such materials from entering the storm water drainage system. In addition to a containment system, tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner should also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containment, monitoring, and response systems should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure. (b) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities are constructed by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pretreatment facilities should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure, and should comply with Chapter 26, Article IV. "Sewers" of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand, clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. Furthermore, during land clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other techniques for controlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. b. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare." It is a policy of the Evaluation and Appraisal report that all of the property south of Miner Road be placed in an "Industrial" land use category. This recommendation was based upon the fact that the M-1 zoning to the east of the subject parcel, and the establishment of the Quantum Park of Commerce to the south and 4 west of the subject parcel, has established industrial development as the predominant land use in the area. c. "Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable." As stated in the paragraph above, the surrounding areas to the east, south and west are developing for industrial use. Therefore, development of the subject parcel for industrial use would be desirable, provided that it is developed as a high quality industrial park. d. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities." The following analysis assumes that the proposed develoment would contain approximately 182,000 square feet of industrial/warehouse floor space, and would employ approximately 434 persons. By comparison, R-1AAA zoning on the subject parcel would allow for the construction of 32 single-family dwellings, and would house approximately 100 persons. The proposed industrial and warehouse uses would consume 4,000 to 8,000 gallons of water per day compared to 13,000 gallons per day if the property were to be developed for single-family housing. Water is available from an existing water main in High Ridge Road. Sewage generated by the industrial and warehouse uses would range from 1,700 to 6,500 gallons per day, compared to 7,500 gallons per day for residential uses. A sewer connection is available from a manhole located on the eastern property line. The demand on utility systems would be less than or equal to that which would occur under the current zoning, and could be accomodated by the city's utility systems. Traffic generated by the proposed development would be approximately 1,000 trips per day, with 200 trips entering and exiting in the evening peak hour. Development under R-1AAA zoning, by comparison, would generate 320 trips per day. The traffic generated by this project would not be substantial enough to warrant major improvements to the surrounding roadways. Roadway improvements which will be made in the vicinity as part of the Quantum Park of Commerce will generally be adequate to serve the subject parcel. These roadway improvements include the 4-laning of 22nd Avenue from Seacrest Boulevard to Congress Avenue and construction of left and right turn lanes at High Ridge Road and N.W. 22nd Avenue. The applicant should, however, be required to construct left turn lanes, northbound, at High Ridge Road and Industrial Way and High Ridge Road and Miner Road, and should also be required to construct Miner Road as an arterial, and Industrial Way as a collector, to the western limits of the parcel. Both of the roads which abut the proposed development are collector roads, therefore, access to these roads should be 5 limited, in order to maintain efficient flow. The Planning Department recommends that access to the proposed development be limited to two access points: (1) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the property; (2) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property, aligning with Industrial Way. An 80 foot-wide collector road should be dedicated and built to the western edge of the property at this location, in order to provide access to the parcel which lies to the west. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. The applicant should also be required to pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection, if and when a signal is warranted. Furthermore, the applicant should be required to dedicate additional right-of-way for Miner Road, in order to obtain half of the 108-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road. e. "Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect the property values of adjacent and nearby properties." If the property is developed as a high-quality industrial park, similar to the Quantum Park of Commerce, it could be anticipated that such development would be compatible with surrounding land uses. f. "Whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning". It is arguable that the subject property, together with the 52-acre parcel which lies to the west, could still be developed for low density housing, however, due to the M-1 zoning which lies to the east, and the industrial and office development which will occur to the south and west, the subject parcel can no longer be considered to be an appropriate location for residential uses. g. "Whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole." Demand for warehouse and light manufacturing floorspace occurs at the regional level as opposed to the local level. The applicant has submitted a market analysis, which indicates that there is a strong regional demand for warehouse and high-technology manufacturing space. Based upon the absorbtion rate which was projected for the Quantum Park of commerce, it can be anticipated that build-out of the subject property would take approximately seven years. h. "Whether there are adequate sites elsewhere in the city for the proposed use, in districts where such use is already allowed." 6 The Quantum Park of Commerce, Boynton Beach Distribution Center, and High Ridge Commerce Park are all existing approved developments which contain 250 acres which are suitable for light industrial/warehouse development. There are also about 150 acres of vacant industrial property located in other areas of the City. The subject parcel should be considered, however, to be part of the cluster of light industrial and commercial developments centered around NW 22nd Avenue. This is the only part of the City where the opportunity exists for the development of large scale industrial/office development. By comparison, there are numerous sites elsewhere in the City, and particularly in the unincorporated area west of the City, where large-lot, single-family homes could be built. Conclusions/Recommendations: The most appropriate zoning for this property would be as a Planned Industrial Development, with uses similar to those which will be allowed in the adjacent Quantum Park of Commerce. However, since the application to rezone to PID has been precluded by denial of the minimum lot area variance by the Board of Adjustment, it would be appropriate to rezone the subject parcel to M-1, Light Industrial, consistent with Comprehensive Plan Policies which require the development of this property for light industrial land uses. As previously mentioned, the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan has recently been amended to place this property in an "Industrial land use category. If the property is developed in accordance with staff comments, which include conformance with PID design standards, handling of hazardous materials, and limitations on access, development of this property would be compatible with surrounding land uses, including the Quantum Park of Commerce. Therefore, the Planning Department recommends that this rezoning request be approved, subject to the staff comments and recommendations contained in this memorandum which have been summarized below: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS BASED ON EXPLICIT CODE REQUIREMENTS: 1. Provide buffering between the proposed light industrial development and future residential development to the north, using a greenbelt with a width of 40 feet along the northern property line. This greenbelt is required by the PID regulations. Along the eastern, southern, and western property lines, this greenbelt is required to be at least 25 feet side (Sec. 7.H.17 of Appendix A, p. 1928). 2. Preserve 20% of the site as open space. The PID regulations require this open space, which should be construed to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped areas which are required for parking lots (Sec. 7.H.13 of Appendix A, p. 1928). 7 3. Once the open space areas has been established and delineated on the site plan, the area should be protected from any encroachment. This includes not allowing the area to be used for water drainage or on-site water retention. The developer should consider the location of this open space in the overall design of the project to assure that the area remains in its natural state. (Sec. 7.5-15 on p. 600 and Sec. 7.5-24 on p. 604). 4. Submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of all Sand Pine trees over 6" in diameter. Any groups of trees of smaller diameter can be shown on the survey as "clusters" of the tree species (Sec. 7.5-7., p. 597). 5. Construct Miner Road and Industrial Way to the western limits of the parcel. This requirement is based on Article X, Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137), which states: The proposed subdivision street layout shall be coordinated with the street system of the surrounding area and consideration shall be given to existing and planned streets, relation to topographic conditions, public convenience, safety, and their appropriate relation to the proposed use of land to be served by such streets. The arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the continuation of existing streets in areas not subdivided, and the arrangement of streets in new subdivisions shall provide for the proper projection of streets. When a new subdivision adjoins un subdivided land, then the new street, where necessary, shall be carried to the boundary of the tract proposed to be subdivided to promote reasonable development of adjacent lands and provide continuity of street systems. (6) Construct Miner Road as an arterial, and Industrial Way as a collector, with a 108-foot wide right-of-way for Miner Road and an 80 foot wide right-of-way for Industrial Way. (Article X, Sec. 19 of Appendix C, 2147). (7) Dedicate additional right-of-way for Miner Road, in order to obtain half of the 108-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road (required by Article X, Sec. 10 of Appendix C (p. 2137) in the Subdivision Regulations, and required by the Thoroughfare Plan, on page 65 of the Comprehensive Plan, which is adopted by Sec. 19-7 of the Code of Ordinances). (8) Limit access to the site to two points: (a) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the property. (b) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property, aligning with Industrial Way. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. 8 The requirements listed under (8) above are necessary to conform to Article X, Section 1, of Appendix C (p. 2130) which states that "The subdivision shall be designed to accomplish access to the lots by the use of local streets...Where access is desired along collector or arterial streets, it shall be provided by means of a marginal access road". (9) Make the following improvements to the intersections of High Ridge Road and Industrial Way and High Ridge Road and Miner Road: (a) Construct a left turn lane, northbound, at High Ridge Road and Industrial Way. (b) Pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection, if and when a signal is warranted. (c) Contract a left-turn lane, northbound, at High Ridge Road and Miner Road. The requirements listed under (9) above are necessary in order to "Provide for safe and efficient movement within the City" (page 7 of Comprehensive Plan), and are required by Article X, Sec. 12 of Appendix C (p. 2128), and Article X, Sec. 16 of Appendix C (p. 2129) . STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS CONTAINED IN ZONING REGULATIONS AND COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES. (10) In order to minimize contaimination of surface and subsurface water the following conditions should be imposed: (a) Truck well drainage systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease receptors and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution retardant structures. Parking areas and roadways adjacent to truck wells should be designed to divert runoff to storage and exfiltration on-site prior to discharge into the surface water management system. (b) Prior to occupancy, each specific tenant or owner that uses, handles, stores, or displays hazardous materials or generates hazardous waste should meet the following requirements: (c) The tenant or owner should construct an appropriate spill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazardous materials for cleanup and to prevent such materials from entering the storm water drainage system. In addition to a containment system, tenants or owners should develop an appropriate early warning system for hazardous materials and wastes. The tenant or owner should also submit to the City a hazardous materials response plan. These containments, monitoring, and response systems should 9 be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit Procedure. (d) Generation and disposal of hazardous waste effluents into the sanitary sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pretreatment facilities are constructed by tenants or owners generating such effluents. Pretreatment facilities should be approved by the City in accordance with the Environmental Review Permit procedure, and should comply with Chapter 26, Article IV. "Sewers" of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The requirements listed under (10) above to serve "Minimize development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water quality" (p. 6 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessary in order to implement 'Best management practices'...in new development in order to reduce pollution associated with non-point sources" (p. 28 of Comprehensive Plan). Also, Sec. 4.N.5. of Appendix A prohibits toxic or noxious matter which would "...contaminate any public waters or any groundwater" (p. 1902.1). (11) In order to minimize erosion and reduce blowing sand: (a) Clearing of building site should not commence prior to development of the site. (b) During land clearing and site preparation, wetting operations or other techniques for controlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. The requirements listed under (11) above serve to "Minimize and mitigate erosion" (p. 34 of Comprehensive Plan), and are necessary to meet Sec. 4.N.3. of Appendix A, which prohibits "the emission of smoke, dust, dirt, or other particulate matter which may cause damage to property or vegetation, discomfort or harm to persons or animals, or prevent the reasonable use and enjoyment of property and rights-of-way, at or beyond the property lines of the property on which the use is located" (p. 1902.1). STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS WHICH ARE BASED ON COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES: (12) From the tree survey, that area where the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This area can either be one 2 acre site or two 1 acre sites, but no more than two sites used to meet this requirement. (13) As a minimum, 25 percent of all native plant communities which occur on a site (e.g. pine Flatwoods, Sand Pine Scrub, Xeric Oak Forest, Hardwood Hammock, etc.) shall be preserved. 10 (It is recommended that this preservation primarily occur in the 20% open space area as outlined in No. 12 above, or within the parking lot landscaping, if necessary.) The requirements listed under (12) and (13) above, serve to "Eliminate the indiscriminate destruction of the native vegetation" (page 6 of Comprehensive Plan) and page 6 of the 12/16/86 addendum to the Comprehensive Plan Evaluation and Appraisal Report. (7 ~ /C ],. ......7 CARMEN S. ANNU~IATO /bks cc: City Manager Technical Review Board Roy Barden Central File 11 IIh. Comparison of Impacts Development of this parcel for 28 single family houses on individual lots would create slightly less demand on City facil- ities such as fire and police protection. But water/sewer demands would be-.higher. Based upon the number of school age children, the impact on, area schools, libraries and hospitals would be great- er than with light industrial use. Traffic generation is nearly the same although frequency of trips are higher for residential projects Envirortmental impacts are similar. Single family homes on individual lots and streets tend to remove nearly as many trees as light industrial use. Specific impacts are addressed below: 1. At three dwelling units per gross acre, the 10.84 acre site would allow 32 subdivision lots of approximately 10,000 square feet each, plus street right-of-way, if zoned and developed as residential. If zoned and developed as M-l, the' site would yield approxi- mately 182,080 square feet of light industrial buildings. This estimate is based upon 40% building coverage for a one story structure with parking in front, truck loading in the rear and driveways on each side. This is typical of site solutions by the Roy Barden Planning Group for similar pro- jects in South Florida. 2. As a PID project, the parcel will be developed as light in- dustrial use in accordance with the City'sM-l Classification. Excluded uses are identified in that Code. 3. There will be one phase of development. Bui1dout is esti- mated to be in ten years. 4. Market Analysis The market for industrial land use has increased substantially over the past several years, especially in the Interstate-95 "High Technology" corridor between Ft. Lauderdale's Cypress Creek Road/I-95 and Palm Beach County's Bee Line Highway/ 1-95. Several industrial par surveys have been completed for projects in this corridor by Goodkin Research, by the City Planning Department of Boynton Beach and the Roy Barden Plan- ning Group. The surveys investigated the park size and location: age: absorption rate: land prices: rental rates: tenant mix and space characteristic: and occupancy in Boynton Beach and within 1.5 miles of the proposed rezoning. The conclusions drawn from an analysis of the above surveys indicate a very strong market demand for warehouse space and although several new industrial parks - such as the Park of Commerce - are now or will soon be competing with this prop- erty, the growth in demand will continue. Specific market useagerecommended for this site are: 1. High Technology Facilities 1.,- Market potentials in this fast growing group include micro-electronic telecommunications equipment: medical electronics: process control technology: electronic surveillance systems and other electronic components: computer systems: engineering, research and designs: and pharmaceutical/medical products. Typical buildings for these uses should contain the fol- lowing features: - Parking in front for employees/visitor - Drive-up truck docks in rear and drive-in doors - 16 to 22 foot clear ceiling height~ - 100% air conditioned and sprinklered for fire protection - 2,400 ampere, 3 phase electric service Rental income from these hightech buildings should range from $6.75 to $7.25 per square foot, all net. 2. Warehousing and Distribution Market potentials for standard warehouse/industrial facil- ities include various types of shippers, distributers, wholesale suppliers, operation centers, light manufac- turing and assembling. Rental income from these buildings should range from $4.00 to $5.00 per square foot, all net, depending upon improvements. Location and Size of Parks Almost twenty parks in this "High Tech Corridor" contain slightly more than 3,554 gross acres of occupied, improved and unimproved industrial land. The two largest - Arvida Park of Commerce and Palm Beach Park of Commerce- contain 2,000 acres. Some parks are very small - two buildings. The newly rezoned Boynton Be~ch Park of Commerce - 539 acres is expected to have buildings ready in the fall of 1986. No site improvements have been made as of March 1986. Slightly more than 1,000 acres are occupied by buildings or have such uses under construction. Gould Corporation has obtained rezoning for a 450 acre industrial research park at Okee- chobee Boulevard and the Florida Turnpike. ACcess to transportation facilities determine the location of industrial parks in South Florida. Interstate-95 creates the South Florida "High Tech Corridor" with clusters of develop- ment in two main sectors: the West Palm Beach Airport/Riviera Area and the Boca Ratqn/Boynton Beach Area. I A future interchange with 1-95 is planned at NW 22 Avenue. Age of Parks Existing parks range from very recent approvals - Boynton Beach Park of Commerce - to projects which are 15 years old. Tenant mix may depend upon age of a park but has little to do with absorption. ~, Absorption Rate of Land The rate at which industrial/commercial land is removed from the market through land sales is a direct measure of absorption. Such a rate may not, however, reflect building construction. Price of land has a direct bearing on absorption rate. Lot size may often reflect price. Size range from 1 to 55 acres with 2 to 5 acres being the most common. Large parks sell land faster while~ smaller parts have a slower absorption rate. Arvida's Park of Commerce in Boca Raton has the greatest absorption rate, including land sales, existing buildings and buildings under construction, of 38 acres per year. The other parks show I to 6 acres per year. Land Prices in Parks Land price for industrial sites vary according to location access ability to key arterials and 1-95. Amenities are also a key factor - the Arivda Park of Commerce contains the Broken Sound Golf Course in its 850 acre park. Tenant mix will also influence price. IBM has a direct bearing on Arvida's $3.70 to 5.70 per square foot price (depending on size/location). Motorola's new plant at Congress Avenue and NW 22 Avenue will likely influence the price of land in the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce, and this proposed project - especially if the proposed interchange with 1-95 is constructed at NW 22 Avenue. Amenities proposed by developers of the Boynton "Beach Park of Commerce, will also enhance the visual quality of Boynton's industrial land. ' As an average, parks in Palm Beach County range between $2.25 to $4.50 per square foot. Office sites are normally higher. Average lot size sold in the industrial parks is 1.75 acres. Building coverage is generally 40% to 45%, depending upon the type of truck loading activity. Such coverage indicates approximately 17,424 square feet of building per acre poten- tial. Rental Rates in Parks Rents in parks vary based upon location, amenities and qual- ity of existing tenant mix. Rent terms usually include a 3 to 5 year period, a Consumer Price Index escalator, and are all triple net. Space which is air conditioned is higher. An average rate of $3.50 to $4.00 per square foot is charged. Vacancies range from 8% to 10% with higher vacancy in new buildings. Type of Space in Parks I Industrial parks along the 1-95 corridor generally reflect a mix of high technology uses, such as IBM in Boca Raton and Motorola in Boynton Beach. Pratt and Whitney near the airport is typical of airo space manufacturing. Building type include: - Buildings with 12 to 24 foot clear ceilings with 16 to 18 feet as the average. - With 10,000 to 100,000 square feet of space with bay size from 1,500 to 3,000 square feet. An average size is 15,000 to 30,000 square feet. - Office space in parks range from 0 to 30%. Most buildings have dock - high and street space available. I." .~ . , ..:.;:.. ", '.~.' ,,:.;:.. ~,:"~,,.-:~~:<"~~:; . .....: '-' _..:-..t__~_'l- '~"""""""''-''':!I._~'''","~'~-"--~.~-. ~ z 0 1= c.. Cl: 0 i < Q z < ~ ... t3 ~ en ..1 ~ a ~ c.. I t; > ~ ~ Ild < c.. ..1 I Q is :l ii E S -d 8- o 'il > -8 ~ . .::'.: . . ,lo../ i ,. ..... ,:., ~'. :. ':,' "\ ,',;~,:~:;,:,<:",t, . .' . _..::....................~...~-~-:.:...~--;---~"---.... -.'~~ '.. ~';<l ~~"l>" ':'i. N "" N ... ex) a> ... ~I ...--.... l.." . .... .,~ ~. : ':".~ '.' .....~,....~ ....: ..... . " , :' . >:~~',:-:c~: ' '. ,'. 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Motorola's 318,608 square foot facility accounts for the major portion of the existing buildings. Another 99,121 square feet are located in the Boynton Beach Distribution Center, of which an estimate 50% is leased. The recently approved Boynton Beach Park of Commerce, in it's Amended Master Development Plan, has 198 acres of indus- trial land for future development. No buildings have been constructed at this time. 5. Traffic Analysis Projection of traffic does not reach 3,000 ADT or 250 peak trips. 6. Water Demand Analysis Projected water demand for the proposed office use has been estimated using the Palm Beach County Health Department stand- ard o( 0.1 gal/100SF of building: Projected Water Demand Land Use Square.Peet Demand Light Industrial 43,360 4,346 The City of Boynton Beach has adequate capacity to serve this project. Existing water mains are located at Miner Road and High Ridge Road, and High Ridge Road at the C-16 Canal to the south. These mains will be extended to this site as part of the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce. A letter of commitment from the City Utilities Department is attached. There is no present use of public water. / This Health Department standard mentioned above, is high because they assume irrigation of the site with public water suppl~ The PCD Project site will utilize wells for irrigation source, therefore water demand will be less. 7. Sewer Flow Analysis Projected sewer flow for the proposed light industrial use has' been estimated using the Palm Beach County Health Department standard of 0.04/SF of building: Projected Sewer Plow. Land Use Square Feet Demand Light Industrial 43,360 1,734 The City of Boynton Beach has adequate capacity to serve this project. Existing sewer mains are located at Miner Road and HIgh Ridge Road, and High Ridge Road at the C-16 Canal to the south. These mains will be extended to this property as part of the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce. A letter of commitment from the City Utilities Department is attached. There is no present public sewage connection. 8. No residential units are proposed. Estimates for the proposed office use are based upon the industry standard for general light industrial use, 40 employees/acre: Projected Employees Land Use Acre Total Employees Light Industrial 10.84 434 "The existing recreational use has no permanent employees. 9. Will be supplied if requested. 10. A. Soil Associations Approximately 90% of the site is classified PcB, paola Sand, o to 8% slopes. The remainder is classified ScB, St. Lucie Sand, 0 to 8% slopes. There are scattered pine with mixed undergrowth. Soil descrip- tion and interpretation"is shown below: Soil Description and Interpretations Soil Name Brief Soil Depth Seasonal High lermeability Degree and Degree and Description to Water Table Rate Kind of Kind ( Map Symbol Rock Depth Duration (in/hour) Limitation Limi ta1 For Low For Pc Buildings Embankr PcB * >20' ) 72" most of 0-80">20 slight s eveJ year (5,6, ScB * )20' )72" most of 0-80 ") 20 slight seVE I year 5,6, / Source: Soil Survey of Palm Beach County, Florida u.S. Department ( Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service issued December, 19' * See attached Resource Conservation Data and map. (1) Wetness (2) Cutbanks,cave (3) Excess humus (4) Low strength (5) Seepage (6) Piping (7) Unstable fill (8) Erodes easily (9) Compressible 10. B. Existing and Proposed Grades All of the site is above elevation of 18 feet with the high point at about 23 feet at the southeast corner, see attached topographic map and survey. Proposed grades have not been determined at this time. The existing grades for High Ridge Road will remain as are. Building floor elevation will conform with 100 year storm requirements. ~ 10. C. Water Bodies There are no existing water bodies. Onsite ponding for the light industrial uses will cqnform to City and South Florida Waste Manageme.ilt' requirements. , ' , . lD (Ij ...... I~~.:l 0001i I q os 51> 01 OOOOZ: t. a,R:JS ~ ~l o !3J.1 000 ()o c oooz I ooor I OOOt I......... 000 Ii ........1 Yo ~ " .. .. ~ z ... J Iii i ~ ~ a g ~ ~ o ~ 5 .; ~ ~ l!5 :;; ~ ~ iil J ~ ~ i fl !i ~ I~ i ~Q cnz Q..... z~ <La.I ..1..1 <~ Zo 2m 1-2 z> LL1cn > Z o (J ... ~ 6... g~ ~:lI ~~ ~ ~ II ~~ ~ ! ~ ~ ~ g <= ::I : ~~ ...J .. g ~ :::li>~ >w.. 11)5;5 5~g ~=i I!! a..O_ ; II) II) l'l II: ~ ~ . 0 I.j 5 dl~ it ~I ~ J- 1$' i I I 01 w ! Sil & .. I n~ i ! G ~ )..:. j i - 5 III t S ~ I ~ ';: I 'Ii I w I ~ 11 J Ii J I ! ! J II ill r~h: j i- ~.i'! i: + ; I: " ij:" ; t__,~ ..J . . + ..' ... '"' e In ..:: . ^" 0 I ! IIi i ! i J ' I I I I ! ! II \\ ) < ~ I @i:; .. .. · II) w a:: :J I- -< W u.. a:: w I- < ~ ~ i ! I ! ~ ; J J j ~ ~ ! ! i ! ! ! i 5 Ilsf!Ja I I ~ a " .. ~ ~ : i ~ I I J ~:r~rl ~:jIJI i .. i · I , I E ::: I I ~ e!:D@!1 I ~ I iii II It I i III i Iii I! I I i 1 ffif " - , I J 1 I j !illii~li '" 15 ; ... i JI.. ;111 ~l. ".1 I -. III' lltl I.jf 1.~' , I i I ,i1 .'I! lis 'lIl or II.;. if.J. .iift JI'til Us It II :. I II I I "I - II I ~ l, t" If" ,II: tIt I! II II II' 'it! Jl .1 ,. I · fIliI IIi 1 III I II I I 1 11 ',i1 jl:IJ IJl I III Ii! li'('" ~ JI =! 11111 I1III J1J 1 f II I I 1 II III JllJJljjJ j iij I!! jj!!l 11 II it lit 'I. lJi III / 1 . E J ;.. '~ j ! J ! s ~ 1- - - - i I I h I J "f ; f =eiiw .. II - t ~t ; 2-1-~- ~ ! 'lil~ ~IIII ~63 6 t II J ~ , I' 6&6 ll!llE~ll i '1' ~~J ~~!e~ ~5 I' ~ J I .(O..._-l ~. ~ 1,1 ! a,' I Ii: ! IIiJ J J ) j i I J II (/l w a: :J I- < W u.. ...J < a: :) ~ .. a I 1 I i I I I I I J ~ ' J I I j ! · 1 I Hi j I . I i lit 1 1 I I J I )11 i i ! .~....,...."'...... ",_._-_..---..._~.":"~. .-.--- so ~. .' - - ....'. ~ .............. , , ..,."; ..... - . ..' ..'--. , "~ ~~;} ~~,~'; ;~,~ . - ... -t. . ~ .....-.. -. ;.. " ", ~_:~ ,;:' :,:,_,::: i:;/~}~:~t;;':b~~~ : ~';;':;-~,!~~Ml '.' ,)?f;it,'t4It~ . ~'.. 'r~- . . - . .,- . ~~ -1~~:~:' .\~~-!~:~:~:.:::~~~:~:~~~~.::S .' : - ., .' " ~...':; -.;~ -' . ....... .. ~. "" -.--- .......... . ....' .' ,'. .,- . . . ~ ~ :->. ,,".-:' .~_.....:.~-_......-..-- ..~...~.":"_"",,,-=-:.~-_. .... SOIL SURVEY dune-like ridges near the Atlantic coast. They fonned in thick beds of sandy marine sediments, The water table is below a depth of 6 feet, In a representative pedon the surface layer is dark . gray sand about 4 inches thick. The subsurface layer is white sand about 17 inches thick, A layer of yellow sand 4 inches thick is at a depth of 21 inches. It is transitional to the subsoil, which is strong brown sand about 12 inches thick, Light yellowish brown sand, extends from a depth of 37 inches to a depth of 80 inches or more, Penneability is very rapid throughout, The available water capacity is very low. Organic-matter content and natural fertility are very low, Representative pedon of Paola sand, about 0.4 mile west of U.S, Highway 1 on the north side of Donald Ross Road in a cutbank on the right-of-way, SWl/4 SW1/4 see, 21, T. 41 S., R. 43 E, AI-O to 4 inches; dark gray (lOYR 4/1) sand; ~ingle grained; loose; many fine and medium roots; very IItrongly acid' clear wavy boundary, . A2-4 to 21 inches; white (10YR 8/1) sand; single grained; lOO8e; common fine and medium roots; slightly acid; gradual wavy boundary, BI-21 to 25 inches; yellow (10YR 7/6) sand; white (10YR 8/1), light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4), and brownish. yellow (lOYR 6/6) splotches; single grained; loose; medium acid; clear wavy boundary, B4:A-25 to 37 inches; strong brown (7,5YR 5/8) sand; single arained; loose; tongues 1 to 3 inches in diameter extend through horizon, filled with white (10YR 8/2). yellowish brown (10YR 5/6). and light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) sand, outer edges of tongues. 0,5 to 1,0 inch wide stained dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) by organic material, weakly cemented; medium acid; gradual wavy boundary. B3--37 to 80 inches; light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) sand; single grained; loose; color gradually lightens with increasing depth; slightly acid, ' Sand extends to a depth of 80 inches or more, Silt plus clay between a depth of 10 and 40 inches is less than 5 per- cent. Reaction is generally strongly or very strongly acid, but ranges to slightly acid during dry periods because of ocean spray, The Al horiion is dark gray (lOYR 4/1), or gray (10YR 5/1, 6/1), and is 2 to 5 inches thick. The A2 horizon is light gray (N 7/0; 10YR 7/1, 7/2) or white (N 8/0; 10YR 8/1, 8/2) and ranges from 10 to 40 inches in thickness, Some pedons have a thin, discontinuous Bl horizon which ranges to 5 inches in thickness and is yellow (10YR 7/6, 7/8) or brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6, 5/8) and has few to common splotches of white, light gray, yellow, or brown, The B&:A horizon is strong brown (7.5YR 5/6, 5/8), brownish yellow (lOYR 6/6. 6/8), or vellow nOYR 7/6. 7/8). Tonguel of white sand, 1 to 3 inches in diameter ex- tend through the horizon. The tongues have a %- to I-inch sheath of dark brown (7.5YR 4/4) to brown (lOYR 5/3) weakly cemented sand. The B&.A horizon commonly has a few coarse weakly cemented, dark reddish brown to strom/; brown pockets, ' The B3 horizon is below a depth of 36 inches and is light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4), brown (10YR 5/3), pale brown (10YR 6/3), or very pale brown (10YR 7/3,7/4,8/3, 8/4). ' Paola soils are associated with St. Lucie, Palm Beach, and Pomello soils, They have a B&A horizon, and St. Lucie soils do not. Unlike Palm Beach soils, they have a B&A horizon and lack ~hell fragments, They ~re better drained than Pamello soils and lack the black weakly cemented Bh horizon of Pomello soils, PeR-Paola sand, 0 to 8 pereent slopes. This nearly level to sloping. excessively drained, deep, sandy soil has yellowish layers beneath the white subsurface layer. It is on long', narrow dunelike 'ridges near the Atlantic coast, It has the pedon described as repre- sentative of the series, The water table is below a depth of 6 feet, Included with this soil in mapping are small areas of St. Lucie, Palm Beach, and Pomello soils; soils that lack the thick. white, subsurface layer; and soils that have the yellowish layer at a depth greater than that described for Paola sand, The natural vegetation is sand pine and an under- growth' of scrub oak, palmetto, and rosemary, The surface is sparsely covered by grasses, cacti, mosses, and lichens. Large areas are in native vegetation. Some areas are cleared and smoothed for urban use. This soil is not suited to vegetables and most culti- vated crops because it is droughty and has many other poor soil qualities. It is moderately well suited to citrus. In citrus groves, a cover crop of weeds and grasses is needed to keep the soil between the trees from blowing.' Tillage should be kept to a minimum. Sprinkle irrigation is needed to insure the survival of young trees and a good yield of fruit from mature trees, This soil is poorly suited to improved pasture of bahiagrass and other deep-rooted grasses, In such pastures, frequent application of fertilizer and care- fully controlled grazing are needed., Capability unit VIs-I. Pineda Series The Pineda series consists of nearly level, poorly drained, sandv soils over loamy material. These soils are on broad: low ftatwoods and in grassy sloughs, They formed in sandy and loamy marine sediments, Under natural conditions, the water table is within 10 inches of the surface for 1 to 6 months in most years and within 10 to 30 inches most of the remainder of each year, except during extended dry periods, Water covers depressions for 1 to 3 months, In a representative pedon the surface layer is dark grayish brown sand about 3 inches thick. Below this is about 16 inches of yellowish brown and brownish yellow sand, The next layer is light gray sand about 15 inches thick, A grayish brown sandy loam that has vertical sandy tongues that extend from the layer above is at a depth of 34 inches. The underlying mate- rial is a mixture of light gray sand and shell fragments below a depth of 44 inches. Permeability is rapid in the sandy layers and mod- erately rapid in the loamy layer. The available water capacity is very low in the sandy layers and medium in the loamy layer. Organic matter content is low, and natural fertility is low, Representative pedon of Pineda sand, about 0.45 mile east of the Sunshine State Parkway and about 660 feet south of Forest Hill Boulevard, NE1/4NWl/4 sec. 16, T, 44 S" R. 42 E. " A1-0 to 3 inches; dark grayish brown (lOYR 4/2) sand; weak fine granular structure; very friable; many fine roots; medium acid; clear smooth boundary. B21ir-3 to 14 inches; yellowish brown (10YR 5/6) sand; common medium faint light yellowish brown (10YR 6/4) and few fine prominent yellowish red mottles; ~t44M;'::~~ 'M,~ ..~.~;lp~.;' ."!,~,'"!!"!''''',.o(l'~AA,~ ..ll~_.~J~J ,~~~l't"""'~"~:".:'Ol',:I"U,'l'".r.'l"'::h""''''''''''''''!'''''~~~.=,..,--o;.~,~.~.,.".:~~4'::,,:,".:-" ...-,.. ......, . ,"~.r..'.~. .\.... ...'..;..... .... '~;'. ....'_. .- ..._". J",o . >, ,.r. ....... .. .. '__.' ~. "~_ . _ . . ~ ...- ...... LAND USE AMENDMENT AND/OR REZONING APPLICATION ---------------------------------------------- City of Boynton Beach, Florida Planning and Zoning Board ' This application must be filled out completely and accurately and submittedj together with the materials-listed in Section II below, in two (2) copies to the Planning Department. Incomplete applications will not be processed. Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. ~s~sBab_!~EQB~aI!Q~ 1. Project Name: ___JE~_~i~E_~~~~_~~n~~~______________________________ 2. Type of Application (check one) X a. Rezoning only "', -------- -------- b. Land Use Amendment only -------- c. Land Use Amendment and Rezoning 3. Date this Application is Accepted (to be filled out by Planning Department): -------------------------------------------------------- 4. Applicant~s Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Max Schorr, Trustee -------------------------------------------------------- Address: -------------------------------------------------------- 250 Royal Palm Way Palm Beach, FL 33480 -----------------------------~.-~-------------------- Telephone Number: 833-7700 -------------------------------------------------------- 5. AgentPs Name (person, if any, representing applicant): _____~~r_B~.:~=_r:.,_~!:Aj!!~~______., .__________________________ Address: Roy Barden Planning Group -----110-E~Atl;nti~-Av~~~-~it;-414W------------------------ _____~~l~-]e~~~-Ek--]d~~~---______~___________________- Planning Dept. 4-86 page 1 Telephone Numb er: " 392-0597 6. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Max Schorr, Trustee Address: _____3~Q_ ~ol'~!~a~~_'i~____________________________._________ _____.P!!lI!!.j)~~~l:!.LX1__.J]~~Q.______________-- -------- - --------- Telephone Number: 833-7700 7. Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent):* same as above * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and ~tner materials will be mailed. , 8. What is the applicant's interest in the subject parcel? (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) Trustee 9. Street Address or Location of Subject Parcel: _~Qytl:!.w~~!_~oSDgL____ B!~~~~~~~~~~~~E~_~~~!_~~~_~~~E~i~~________________________________ 10. Legal Description of Subject Parcel: _ ~_Q.aJs,gL_Q..L l~,IlcL _ _ ___ _ ____, ____ i!Q. ~8~_~<:..~~ 2_ ~n_g.!~ _ ~o~~!:.I!.m~ E! _ ~_~!_.!.l. _.?~.E! i~p._l.z L]...9~!2~1!.?-..P__~2.Jl2.!:! tl.!.L-_ _ _ __ ___ _ !3.~n~~ _ ~-! J:~~ ~L .!'~!~_B~.~~l.!. _C.2..t}.!! ~y_,_, J~"~l'!t~Eg Jii.&h__ RA..d.&~ _,Kq?..9 ~ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ ____ __ ?.~~, ~!~ ~<:.!i~~ _,~~!'~~Y.. _~!l~ _.~,~~~_r:- ~ Q,t.~.9E.,.:.__ _..__ __ __ ___ _ _ ___ ____ __ ___ _ ___ -_ ____ ___ ,.-..--- ..--. - --- - -- .-. -.- _. -,- --- - ".-. --.-.- -- --. ..-. .---- .._--- --- -- -- -- ------- --- -- -- -- - ---- ---- -- ------. ---- - - -.. - -- -- -- - - - --.-. -'-- -..- -. -- ---- ------ ------ ----"-- -----. -. - --. -- - -- - --- - - ... 11. Area of Subject Parcel (to the nearest hundredth (1/100) of an acre): 10.84 acres Planning Dept. 4-86 page 2 12. Current Zoning District: 13. Proposed Zoning District: Residential R-IAAA M-I Industrial 14. Current Land Use Category: Industrial 15. Proposed Land Use Category: None 16. Intended Use of Subject Parcel: _~!~~~!E~~~~j~!_~e!~!~~~~~________ 17. Developer or Builder: Max Schorr, Trustee 18. Architect: 19. Landscape Architect: _____~~[~~E~~~!~~~~E~_~r~~~__________________ 20. Site Planner: ____________~~[~~E~~~!~~~~E~_~r~~~__________________ 21. Civil Engineer: __________~~~~~~_~~~~~~~_~~~~~~~~~!~~~___________ 22. Traffic Engineer: ________E~~333~~~j_____________________________ 23. SLlr veyor : ___________ ____._~~~a.!~_~:..~~~!:~.!~_~_A~~~~:..'_~.:.~:..S..:_________ II. ~aIsBle.b~_IQ_~s_~~~~IIIsQ_~II~_eEEbl~eIIQ~ The following materials shall be submitted, in two (2) copies~ unless otherwise noted. (check) X c3. This application form (3 copies for PUDs, peDs, and PIDs). X b. A copy of the last recorded warranty deed (3 copies for PUDs, PCDs, and prOs). x c. The following documents and letters of consent (3 copies for PUDs} F'CDs~ and PIDs): _~[~(1) If tl,e pr-operty is under joint or several ownership: consent to the application by all owners of record, and A written _~[~(2) If the applicant is a contract purchaser: A copy of the purchase contract and written consent of the owner and seller, and _NL~ (3) If the appltcant is represented by an authorized agent: A copy Planning Dept. 4-86 page 3 protection, easements or rights-of-way, roadways, recreation and park areas, school sites, and other public improvements or dedications a~,may be required. ___~(10) For rezonings to planned, zoning districts (PUDs, peDs, and PIDs), the specific requirements for submission of applications for rezoning to such districts shall also be satisfied. Copies of evidence for unified-- control and development of the property, as well as condominium, homeowners', and property owners' association documents shall be submitted in three (3) copies for planned zoning districts. Furthermore, all materials required for a subdivision master plan (in ~ copies, including survey) shall also be submitted. I I 1. BEEbl~BIIQ~_Es~~~ Fees shall be paid at the time that the application is submitted, according to the fees which have been adopted by resolution, A fee schedule is attached to this application. All fees shall be paid by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. IV. ~~BIIEI~BIIQ~ (1) (We) understand that this application'~nd all plan and papers submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (1) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to t~e i~structions bel~w. _~__~~,_~(fA- _~~~_~,12fb Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date or Autho~ized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. V. ~QBlft~~~_=t~~~~I,. . ---~,lU-1S:~~W\~~-b~/:P Si~~;~re of Authoriz~d Ag~~r~ j2c~~9- /~---- "-(- DC:lt~~ ( I) <l1Je) hereby 'desi gnate the above si qned person agent with regard to this application. _~1iYJ~__~~_~~t-__1ML~.. 8i gn2lture of ,O~^lnerl( s) or Tr"ustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other busi ness entj, ty. as (my) (our) authorized ~~~~~~--~TC/ f?? Date Planning Dept. 4-86 page 7 A F F I D A V I T STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ) ss. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ~lj -'.f!, ~ r ~ . WHO BEING DULY SWORN. DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property OWners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Sworn to and subscribed fkr, f.an. ~,U ~ ~-~a/,/ Notary Public ' State of Florida at Large. ' - ' ) - Q.l~' k(lh'J r-t~ (s\gnature) . before me this 3D ~ day of A.D. 19 g~ _ -.:. (.1, " My commission Expires ::' NOtary P1Jb!ic S~~e 01 nil:ida at L1rgG Uy Call!mi~i::)!' c;(l>ir~ r-Jon.:zr/ 10, 1990 \ Bondad lbnl C;)rllllti~ Jol".nson t. ClarK. \nc:. / "'.. ........ 'w "'_ '1,_ .I,..: ....... .. ......~ .,' .,' ,,"" A F F I D A V I T ... STATE OF, FLORIDA ) ) SSe ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED 'J?rlj "E ~ r~ . WHO BEING DULY SWORN. DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanying Property Owners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi- cial tax roles in the County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. Sworn to and subscribed ~R~~ }-~~l7n-c&n/rj--:':;~;~ . o ary Pu l.C ,.- :" ~ 1 ~;::- "'>;" State of Florida at __ L~,~ge ":.: " 'NOtarY,'Pub!icS!%:~otfl.)fidaatL,rg8 ,- ,. ': ~,;.' My Comin~ior. e;(~r:s Fcrlll;:;ry 10, 1990 My Commission Expires:-~' ,.-" 'IandIdTiwCorllllliw>.Jolu\sQnt.Clark,lnc. ',{ ~>>-.~: ~ ~~,,"~'?'..:' .I~ ".::J .,.... -t. "\ .' .......-:, '4 J ..,.... ""- ~"~,, ....,... "1,01'....1' D~g~~Ep;J~N\ before me this So ~ day of A.D. 19 g~ ______1 ., - , -~GAL DESCRIPTION: , A fARCEL OF LAND IN GOVERNMENT LOT 1, SECTION 17, 'TOWNSHIP 45 ,; SOlTH, RANGE 43 EAST, COUNTY OF PALM BEACH, STATE OF FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ~ BEGINNING AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SECTION 17, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, (BEGINNING. POINT ALSO BEING THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF GOVERNMENT LOT 1), THENCE RUNNING SOUTH 01021'38- EAST, ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, A DISTANCE OF 1311.10 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH CORPORATIO~ LINE OF BOYNTON BEACH (AS REFERRED TO IN OFFICIAL RECORD BOOK 1804, PAGE 225), THENCE RUNNING SOUTH 88038'41- WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH CORPORATION LINE A DISTANCE OF 413.43 FEET TO A POINT: THENCE RUNNING NORTH 00012~57- WEST, A DISTANCE OF 1310.76 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID SECTION 17 AND GOVERNMENT LOT 1, THENCE RUNNING NORTH 88033'218 EAST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 387.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, LESS THE EAST 40.00 FEET THEREOF AND CONTAINING 10.841 ACRES MORE OR LESS. , ..!I~ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE SKETCH SHOWN HEREON IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION, AND THAT SAID SURVEY IS ACCURATE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF THERE ARE NO APPARENT GROUND ENCROACHMENTS. UNLESS OTHERWISE HOWN. DATE Mt;rch 3/, IJ8t ) \-)B-8ft PROPERTY SHOWN HEREON HAS NOT BEEN ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHrS-OF,WAY. AND/OR EASEMEl'ITS OF RECORD; SURVEY SHOWN HEREON MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS FOR SURVEY RULE 21 HH-6.03; ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON N.O.S. DATUM UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED; ALL PROPERTY CORNERS ARE IRON ROD WITH CAPS. UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED; FOUNDATION OF EXISTING BUILDINGS LYING BELOW SURFACE NOT LOCATED, BEARING AND/OR ANGLES SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON RECORD PLAT OR DEED CALLS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, THIS SKETCH NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH THE EMBOSSED SEAL OF THE CERTIFYING SURVEYOR. MEASURE- MENTS MADE IN ACCORDANCE WITH UNITED STATES STANDARD. SURVEY OF PROPERTY : DESCRIBED HEREON -Blo 310 SOUTH FEDERAl HIGHWAY P,O.BOX 759 BOYNTON BEACH, R.ORIDA 3J.435 737~46 310 WEST lHlRO STREET P,O.BOX 2278 STUART, R.ORIDA 33494 286-4111 Scale /"= 200 I By Date 3-31-86 Fa SUZANNE /67 Po 63 Drawing No. M-86-3-?9 ; c-..J ,~ C'J Lf':) -- 0") . l"- ~ .. -. ~ .0"' !: ,~ .. ~ .~. ~ ,m . .'2"..,.< ,0 Ul ~l ~"Ctn 'j "-::::-ui'U! ~2Q ~ U! W - j z ~ :.> c( w >- U! ~ - OIl:!:: !~! J OIl: 7 a: ~~~ j ,hi - f::'.J - S'- I- l. ~ 1 ~ :J ~, r ? 3 ..R ~ I .. )' L. ~ n \"), 0 J l!l U ; OIl: (" ; 0 l. < - 0 a: _ J 0 I- .J - II. t i 0 I- U a: II. o 0 ~ I- ~ III Z > ~ ~ ) j.J : .J n iii iL ~ x.J Ii Ci ~ 1:, J: III I- J: j I- o C Ul I- ~ ~ 01 W - c i3 ~ . , \ ' : ~ , , \. .-- , i \', .' , -."..... <, ~.; .~ v ~ " " ":' . @rllnU!Ei ,Jnn~~mtfmmrJf9 L 2318 W7wn"., u.ud A.ereUa., lit. term HpartllH ,1aaJl i.n.clud4 u.. Min, per."ruJJ, ""pr~""'4tiva, .""""..or. GA<t / or ....,tM of U.. rOIIIXeliN part.... h,en/(}; u.. ..... of u.. ""t'Uar lIu....o.r .J,alJ .lIellul. Ut. 1'lural, "Nt U.. pl,uul th. .intrd4r; U.. .... 01 ""11 J,,,der .lInU j"r/"tU "u temlr,..; "",J, il.....I, tAckr". __en .I...u indudJ> alJU..,&Ow "'rcUo dur:ribed if ,no,.. UrAl. IN'. Made thil' iirtmttn JOHN N. SLOW, also known his wife of the County of Duval party of the first part} and MAX SCHORR, ~RUSTEE day of August' ,A, D. 1979 27th as JOHN NICHOLS BLOW, and ELlZABETII H. BLOW, in the State of Florida of the Connty 0/ Palm Beach in the State of Florida party of the second part,whose mailing address is: 250 Royal Palm Way, 'm Palm B.e,ach, FlprJ..dg, 33480 " , ;JlIIttnrssdq that tI~ saLa party oT tM J1-rst part} for and Ln consLderation of ther~'ffJl1: of TEN AND NO/100--------------------------------------Dollars, to J;;-$rn Ln hand paid by tl~ said party of the, second part, the receipt w7~reof is hereby acknowledged, has franted} ba1-.gained and sold to the said party of the second part his heirs Q,nd assigns forever, the following described land, sUu,ate lying and being in the County of Palm Beach . , State of .Florida" tn wit: A parcel of land in Government Lot 1, Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, more part- icularly described as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; (beginning point also being the northeast corner of Government Lot l).; 'thence running South 010211"38" East, along the East line of said Section 17 _, and Government Lot 1, a distance of l3ll.l0 feet to a point on the north corporation line of Boynton Beach (as referred to' in Official Record Book 1804, page 225), thence running South 88038'41 West, along said North corporation line a distance of 413.43 feet to a point~ thence running North 00012'57" West, a distance of 1310.76 fe~t to a point on the North line of &~id Section 17 and Government Lot 1; thence running North 88033t2l" East, 'along said North line, a distance of 387.04 fe~t to the Point of Beginning. SUBJECT TO restrictions, reservations and easements of record and to taxes for the year' 1979 and subsequent years. And thB said party of the first part does hereby fully warrant the title to said land} and will defend the same al!ainst the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever, theil l~ 1ittnrss B4trtuf. i the said party of. the first part has hereunto set R,'IrS hands and seals the day and year first above writ Siglll'll. Sl'lJll'll Bnll BrIinrrrll in (9ur tJrl'.arnrr: )~~~ ; ;L~u_ . , -= /:,' : ,~, f ' '-~ \ lJ.i.': 'U^'c!:^, IAI'Y -= = (.;' ~,~.,\~ Uv ul I' \'- U ~:: : ~i-~j) FLORI~\ 'JSUR TAX' :".S: ,L : ' ot~:'r ",,,,.,, I P.'_ 1,1 5 8. 4 0 =i-) "... HI"'':''. __ 1110.., ____ _ = " ~tatr nr 1JHnriIlu } ClInunty of DUVAL . 1J -llrrrby <Utrtify That on this day p'ersonally ap;Jeare(l-jJ'4ore me, an officer duly authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgments, JOHN N. BLOW also known as JOHN NICHOLS BLOW, and ELIZABE'lH H. BLOW, '. rQI . .:.1, . -- \~;~" ~,..,", -..." ,<'" r-:';-~'(~-'r~:: C:'F" r:'::,~~-':~~"'-T[J 1".: ' ..., p..;' t ~ ' . r 'i 7 .-, ~"{ ." . . - "'; !.- ["! F 1 A x ' ~ -:' ~:~. ......:~,: -..~.t'::f~:::~~~ ~~'.~: .: =. ":'_~---:-7.' I ::: :-: 4""?g'n t,~!::-'.~::::.:t. i 3 2. t'J t) ; .:: t:~~~~ '~~:2:~~---- I ...: '. ~.: .'. . '"I :- ;". l'" :.'.1.: l'i If") to me well known and known to me to be the individuals described in and who , execut3d the foregoing deed, and they. . ack,nQwled~ed before me that they executed the so.m e freely an.d volunta.rily fo.r.,t1.~ji..p'~rpos.es, therein expressC'.a, Dt1nts my hand and offiocial seal Oat Ja..-~~:son~il~~ "':~", . ';, County 01 Duval . and State.J.ol.,!i'lo,r...Lda,;th~~-:.. ": 2~th " day of August ,.I./..D.;197~. ~.':::'.'4-::, :-.":T;~~ nccoraVenfl'~ .' '.'~,t- , :! . ' .' ' Palm BC:lch County ,~ '.' 0 . ." ,. -, · '-l/lt' .~.:;~./- ~.~. . ,4....A. J- John B. Dunkle r J_ of A ;/I.V~t ~lL" ~ -:-10( d?- Cii' 1 Co '11" t I 'p' , bl' . -, lilerK &:u t I; oIrO, MI U, Z,C ,...;. ,.'. !/.-, .' ~.." '...... . 'r:::- a My Commission Expires-:.f:tL, ~ /Cf~'1 OFF REC 3126 PC 1402 EDWARDS & ANGELL Counsellors at Law 1.50 Royal Palm Way P.O. Box 1.61.1 Palm Beach, Florida 33480 305833-7700 Telecopier 305655-8719 Telex 3718004 EDWANGELL PBH December 30, 1986 City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida Attention: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Re: 10.84 Acres, M-l Rezoning Application Southwest Corner of Miner Road and High Ridge Road Dear Mr. Annunziato: Enclosed you will find my check of $900 to cover the application fee on the filing of the applic~tion for rezoning. As you know, my application for rezoning was filed previously, on March 27, 1986, at which time the same filing fee was paid. For circumstances over which we I no control, you have required me to file a new application for the same relief and you have stated that you cannot waive the payment of the second filing fee, but that the City Council has the authority to reimbursethe fee being paid today upon our application. In view of the foregoing, and in order to preserve our rights to the reimbursement, I wish to express my position that the enclosed fee is being paid under protest. I personally wish to thank you for your cooperation and assistance. We are, of course, looking forward to this application being approved as expeditiously as possible. Cordially, btc~!{ 2.700 Hospital Trust Tower Providence, Rhode Island 01903 401 174-92.00 Telex 952.001 "E A PVD" Telecopier 401 176-6611 430 Park Avenue New York, New York 1002.2. 2.1:1. 308-4411 Telecopier U130S.4S.... 165 Franklin Street Boston, Massachusetts 02.110 617439-4....4 Telecopier 617 439-4170 MS : rmb Enclosure 4981s ~ - .. '-:f- ."-". ~"",-'-' Roy Barden Planning Group Landscape Architects, Urban Design and Planning Consultants 1300 West Lantana Road, Suite 201, Lantana, Florida 33462 305/582-1997 December 30, 1986 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: 10.84 Acre Rezoning/M-I Industrial Application ...., Dear Carmen: Please note our new office location: Suite 414W, 110 E. Atlantic Avenue, Delray Beach, FL 33444. Attached is our completed application for rezoning the 10.84 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road to M-I Industrial. All required plans and impact reports are included as part of the application form. An application fee of$900.00 is also attached. We understand this application will be scheduled for hearing in February, 1987. Please let us know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~den. ASLA/AICP Attachments ROB/clh cc: Max Schorr, Esquire . !YJEM()F~:f~NDUI"! 2Ei !"lay 1986 TO :: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROIYJ : CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: THE HIGH RIDGE CENTER LAND USE AMENDMENT AND REZONING APPLICATION ~Ymm~c~~ Roy Barden, agent for Max Schorr, trustee, is requesting that a 10.84 acre parcel be rezoned from R-1AAA Single Family Residential to PID Planned Industrial Development, and that the Future Land Use Plan for this par-Tel be 2\mE~ndt~d fr'om "Low Densi t.y Resi denti al" to II Industr'i al". Present.ly the,property is vacant. The entire property is heavily wooded, with sand pines occupying most. of the property. Proposed use of the propert.y is a small industrial/warehouse development to consist of a maximum of four parcels (see attached master plan). [YCC~Dt_Z9DiQgLEcgQg~~~_ZgniQg_1~~~_~tt~~b~~_lg~~tigQ-m~pli The property is currently zoned RS Single Family Residential in Palm Beach County. The RS zoning reflects the land use that was originally anticipated for the entire area lying between the Miner Road corridor and the Boynton Canal~ namely, low-density residential. In September of 1985 the City Council voted to approve the annexation of the subject property and rezoning of the property to the City's R-1AAA zoning district. After the ordinance to annex and rezone the property to R-1AAA is adopted on second reading, the owner of the property will apply to the City's Board of Adjustment for a variance t.o the 20-acre minimum parcel size which is required in t.he zoning code for Planned Industrial Developments. Provided that the Board of Adjustment approves the variance, the City Council would then be able to approve the ordinance to rezone the property to a PID in October 1986, after the 90-day review period by the Florida Department of Community {..Hfair"::;. ~YccgYD~lQg_b~Q~_Y~~_~Q~_ZgQ1Q9i The property to the east of the subject parcel is in an M-1 Light Industrial zoning district, which is seperated from the subject parcel by High Ridge Road. This M-l district is currently being developed for warehouse and light industrial uses. To the south of the subject parcel is a portion of the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce, which is proposed for industrial uses. To the southwest and southeast is a vacant parcel lying partly in the City and partly in the unincorporated area. This parcel is presently zoned for single-family use, however, it is anticipat.ed that it will eventually be placed in an industrial land use category and developed paqe 1 as a PID. The proposed Evaluation and Appraisal Report, in fact, recommends an Industrial land use category for this parcel. GQm~~gh~D~iY~_El~n==EytY~~_b~n~_Y~~_~~Qi In order for a PID zoning district to be established on the subject parcel, an amendment to the FutL.n-e L.and U~;e PI an to "I ndust~r i al "~, as pr'oposed by the appl i cant ~ woul d be necessat-Y. GQmp~~h~n~iY~_E!~D==I~~ti The following Comprehensive Plan Policies are relevant to this application: "Futulr"e desi gni:\ti on of pI anned i ndustri al di stri ct~; in areas i ndi cated as residential or other uses on the L.and Use Plan map shall be considered to conform to the L.and Use Plan if all PID location and design criteria are satisfied, and upon approval by the Planning and Zoning Board and City Counci 1.." (p. ~.:::6) "Encourage the compl ete development of i ndustl~i al 1 and as i ndustr" i al par ks or concentrated industrial areas, in order to maximize the linkage between complementar-y industr-i<:-::-s." (p. ~,::;9) "Ensun:,::- ttw"ough si t,E:' pI i:ln r'f.?vi ew pr'ocedurE'~; t.hat ma:.( i mum buf'fEn-i ng to cl,djac:ent r-E~sidE!ntial alr'eas is p,"-ovided." (p. ::::8) "Elj,min,:=;,te the indiscriminate dest.ruction of nativE~ vegetation." (p. 6) "1"1inimiz€:,:, qualit.y.." development which would exacerbate surface and subsurface water (p. 6) "ThE':~ City should requirE~ the use of "best mani:lgemf:"?nt practices"... in ne~" development. in order to reduce pollution associated with non-point sources." (p. 28) "MinimizE'~ and mit,igat€"' erosion." (p. ~54) I~~hlg'~,~, Proposed Ordinance 86-10 requires that the Planning Department evaluate land use amendment/rezoning requests with respect to the following issues: a.. "Wrlether' the propo~;E?d rf?zoning II-JOuld be con~;istent with applicable comprehensive plan policies. The Planning Department. shall also recommend limitations or requirements which would have to be imposed on subsequent development of the property, in order to comply with polici~?s con.tainE'cj in thE: corClprehensivt~ pl~:\n." The current Comprehensive Plan encourages the development of "concentrated industrial areas".. The proposed PIn would function as an extension of the 540-acre Boynton Beach Park of Commerce an therefore would serve to create a concentrated industrial area. pa~]e 2 In or-der- to pr-event, the "indisct-iminate dest!'"'uction of native vegetation" the developer- should pr-eser-vB 20% of the site as a sand pine pr-esBr-ve. The PIn r-egulations r-equir-e 20% of the site to be pr-eser-ved as open space, which should be constr-ued to mean open space which is above and beyond the landscaped ar-eas which ar-e r-equir-ed for- par-king lots. The Ur-ban For-ester-'s memor-andum, which is attached to this r-epor-t, outlines the measur-es which will be necessar-y for- pr-eser-ving sand pines on site. Fur-ther-mor-e, a minimum of 50 per-cent of the tr-ees and shr-ubs which ar-e planted by the developer- should be native species which ar-e adapted to soil conditions on-51 t,e. In or-der- to pr-ovide buffer-ing between the PIn and futur-e r-esidential development to the nor-th, a gr-eenbelt with a width of 40 feet should be r-equir-ed along the nor-ther-n pr-oper-ty line. This gr-eenbelt is r-equir-ed by the PIO regulations. Along the easter-n, souther-n, and wester-n pr-oper-ty lines, this greenbelt is r-equir-ed to be at least 25 feet wide. In order to "Minimize development which would exacer-bate sur-face and subsLwf .:Ke 1.o"Jatet- qual i t.y" the -/: 011 owi ng condi t ions sr'loul d be imposed: (1) Tr-uck well dr-ainange systems should be designed and maintained to include oil and grease r-eceptor-s and open bottom sedimentation sumps as pollution r-etar-dant str-uctures. Par-king ar-eas and r-oadways adjacent to tr-uck wells should be designed to diver-t r-unoff to stor-age and exfiltr-ation on-site pr-ior- to dischar-ge into the sur-face water- management system. (2) Pr-ior- to occupancy, each specific tenant or- owner- that uses, handles, stor-es, or- displays hazar-dous mater-ials or- gener-ates hazardous waste should meet the following r-equirements: (a) The tenant or- owner should constr-uct an appr-opriate spill containment system which should be designed to hold spilled hazar-dous materials for- cleanup and to prevent such mater-ials fr-om enter-ing the storm water- dr-ainage system. In addition to a containment system, tenants or- owners should develop an appropr-iate early warning system for hazar-dous materials and wastes. The tenant or- owner should also submit to the City a hazar-dous materials response plan. These containment, monitor-ing, and r-esponse systems should be appr-oved by the City in accor-dance with the Envir-onmental Review Per-mit pr-ocedur-e. (b) Gener-ation and disposal of hazar-dous waste effluents into the sanitar-y sewer system should be prohibited unless adequate pr-etreatment facilities ar-e constructed by tenants or- owner-s gener-ating such effluents. Pretr-eatment facilities should be appr-oved bv the City in accor-dance with the Envir-onmental Review Per-mit p;-oceclLlY"p!,' and should comply with Chapt(2r- 26, Ar-ticle IV. "Se~"er-s" of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Or-dinances. In or-del" to minimize er-osion and r-educe blowing sand, clearing of building site should not commence pr-ior- to development of the site. Fur-ther-mor-e, dur-ing land clear-ing and site pr-eparation, wetting oper-ations or- other techniques for- controlling blowing sand should be undertaken and implemented by the developer. page ,~:' b. II Whether the pr"oposecl rezcmi ng "'JOLtl d be c:ontrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as c:ontra,::,;ted wi th the prot.e.ct i on of the pub lie wel fan",. II It is recommended in the Evaluation and Appraisal report that all of the PF'OPf?lrt y south of I"li ner- Road be p I aced in an II Industr i al" I and use category. This recommendation was based upon the fact that the M-l zoning to the east of the subject parcel, and the establishment of the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce to the south and west of the subject parcel, has established industrial development as the predominant land use in the area. c.. "Wh€~t.her- chc1ngE,>d or Cl'1iH1g i ng cond i t i CJns make the plroposed rez on i ng desirable." As stated in t.he paragraph above, the surrounding areas to the east, south, and west are developing for industrial use. Therefore, development of the subject. parcel for industrial use would be desirable, provided that it is developed as a high qualit.y industrial park. d.. "WhethE~r" the PI'-oposed n?zoning would bE~ compatible ~^Jith utility syst(:;)ms~, rDadways, and othC'Fo publ j, c: faci I i t:i es. " The fallowing analysis assumes that the proposed PID would contain approximately 182,000 square feet of industrial/warehouse floor space, and would employ approximately 434 persons. By comparison, R-IAAA zoning on the subject parcel would allow for the construction of 32 single-family dwellings, and would house approximately 100 persons. The proposed indust.rial and warehouse uses would consume 4,000 to 8,000 gallons of water per day compared to 13,000 gallons per day if the property were to be developed for single-family housing. Water is available from an existing water main in High Ridge Road. Sewage generated by the industrial and warehouse uses would range from 1,700 to 6,500 gallons per day, compared to 7,500 gallons per day for residential uses. A sewer connection is available from a manhole located on the eastern property line. The demand on utility systems would be less than or equal to that which would occur under the current zoning, and could be accomodated by the City's utility system.;:;.. Traffic generated by the PIn would be approximately 1,000 trips per day, with 200 trips entering and existing in the evening peak hour. Development under R-IAAA zoning, by comparison, would generate 320 trips per day. The traffic generated by the PID would not be substantial enough to warrant major improvements to the surrounding roadways. Roadway improvements which will be made in vicinity as part of the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce will generally be adequate to serve the subject parcel. These roadway improvements include construction of Miner Road from High Ridge Road to Congress Avenue, including left. turn lanes at the intersection of Miner Road and High Ridge Road; 4-1aning of 22nd Avenue from Seacrest Blvd. to Congress Avenue, and construction of left and right turn lanes at High page 4- Ridge Road and N.W. 22nd Avenue. The applicant should, however, be required to construct a left turn lane, northbound, at High Ridge Road Industrial Way, and should be required to construct Industrial Way, as a collector, to the western limits of the parcel. Both of the roads which abut the proposed PID are collector roads, therefore, access to these roads should be limited, in order to maintain efficient flow. The Planning Department recommends that access to the PID be limited to two access points: (1) A driveway on Miner Road at the western boundary of the property; (2) An access point on High Ridge Road at the center of the property, aligning with Industrial Way. An 80 foot-wide collector road should be dedicated and built to the western edge of the property at this location, in order to provide access to the parcel which lies to the west. The applicant could then provide a marginal access road running to the north and south, which would serve all four lots. The applicant should also be required to pay a proportionate share of the cost of signalizing this intersection, if and when a signal is warranted. Furthermore, the applicant should be required to dedicate additional right-of-way for Miner Road, in order to obtain half of the lOB-foot right-of-way which will be required for Miner Road. E!. "l'Jhet.her the propos€:>d rez oni ng woul d be compati b 1 e wi tt1 the current and fut.ure use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would af feet 'the prooopet-ty val UElS of adj c:\cent and nearby propert i es. II If the property is developed as a high-quality industrial park, similar to the Boynton Beach Park of Commerce, it could be anticipated that such development would be compatible with surrounding land uses. f. "Wt'leth€~r the properooty j, s physi call y and E!conomi call y devel opabl e undel~ thE,: E.).:isiting zoning. II It is arguable that the subject property, together with the 52-acre parcel which lies to the west could still be developed for low density housing, however, due to the M-l Zoning which lies to the east, and the industrial and office developement which will occur to t.he south and west, the subject parcel can no longer be considered to be an appropriate location for residential uses. ~1. "lJ,jhe-l:her' the pn:Jpo~3ed yooezoning i~:, of a scale I,~hich is I"-e,';:\sonably rooel ated to the ne€:>ds of the nei ghborhc)(:Jd and t.l"",e Ci ty as a whol e. II Demand for warehouse and light manufacturing flocrspace occurs at the regional level as opposed to the local level. The applicant has submit.ted a market analysis, which indicates t.hat there is a strong regional demand for warehouse and high-technology manufacturing space. Base upon the absorbtion rate which was prOjected for t.he Botynon Beach Park of Commerce, it can be anticipated that build-out of the subject property would take approximately 7 years. h. "Whethet- there ar-e adequate si tes el sewhere in the Ci t.y f or the pa~Je 5 pl~ClpDs.:;ed use, in d:i. stt- i cts where such use is al ready allowed." The Boynton Beach Park of Commerce, Boynton Beach Distribution Center, and High Ridge Commerce Park are all existing approved developments which contain 250 acres which are suitable for light industrial/warehouse development. There are also about 150 acres of vacant industrial property located in other areas of the City. The subject parcel should be considered, however, to be part of the cluster of light industrial and commercial developments centered around N.W. 22nd Avenue. This is the only part of the City where the opportunity exists far the development of large scale industrial/office development. By comparison, there are numerous sites elsewhere in the City, and particularly in the unincorporated area west of the City, where large-lot single-family homes could be built. GQD~lY~lQQ~LB~~gmm~Q~~tigQ~~ The most appropriate zoning for this property would be a Planned Industrial Development, with uses similar to those which will be allowed in the adjacent Boynton Beach Park of Commerce. The issue of a variance from the 20-acre minimum far PID zoning will be addressed by the Board of Adjustment, however, it is reasonable to assume that, since the subject property would be adjacent to a 540-acre PID, the establishment of a PID on the subject property would be consistent with the intent of the 20-acre minimum. If the prc~erty is developed in accordance with staff comments, which include preservation of native vegetation, handling of hazardous materials, and limitations on access, development of the property would be compatible with surrounding land uses, and would be consistent with the PIO regulations. Therefore, the Planning Department recommends that this land use amendment and rezoning request be approved, subject to the comments contained in this memorandum and the attached staff comments. The Planning Department also recommends that the Planning and Zoning Board and City Council make a finding that this land use amendment and rezoning request is consistent with the City"s Comprehensive Plan. A c;~~~'--S'~'~:A~~{~~~""'--'---"-"""-" page 6 i . -------------------- . ~ '1- _-C- ~ ~,>" il il I : ~ :.::0/ ~ I [ , Iii I II ~:I ! I 2,.; !: -: . ~;: I >1=1 . i ~.:il """ .". , 1111' I Eql ~i: ~_....... --q~i il ~ il: d , :l~ III : : ~ - i I il: Ii' = .' ~ l' ' ~ ' g:I~~ , ~'~'h_~ ~-- :ij...l.___ u - :C~. . .\ ~-I N D.C STR WAY 2 i~ Pi ~ --- __~~n tilt ! 110'/ ~ : 5:1 - ~ i.1 ~ n ! ~I I i.:1 I- :, 1 2 ~ ~ x ' W Ii ::, L I 1..:1 1!I I H ::i:'1 Ii I ' ~ ',I,' ~ H 10.8 4 m"':"~I: ~ D. ~ij if' I' SIT E I 1:11': ;i O e11 !: I ill ~;y i ! I ':1 !, ~ U~]l i ~ ' '~I t" '-~~I a~ > ~e>::Il., . U' I I:, r ' '~ .:' .:', e,,_ : :: Ii I ( tft-_t1J?[OOi] _~~'1 't W - i ~, lWjil' Ill. _Ii' '~ C :10 J::'; ~~, '0 '. ~' . ----;:.;...;- -- - I: / II if' M ~ .t';;;;~~;;.;..~~;:;;?-16..jj.. 'i!b n~ ~ HUGH ~n[Q)~'1 In 1 I 1\ <( C ~ N T ~ I}dJ ~~~f{%AJ g~~E ~ By Max Schorr, Trustee < ?f' -' [So Site Data u.. Acree LI LIGHT INDUSTRIAL 10.45 R .MINIIR ROAD .39 Tat:1I1 10.84 . I I I I ~D /#IfCAAIICO 6" !fOSS'. IIAL~!I CNtJlfIICClfS tHe J-21-H I I I I 1- --- - I" 1 -- ..-____ .~,~ '_~ ~_~ .- ._. .-.0-.......,,-..--. 7,1,U:J iEMORANDUM TO Carmen Annunziato Planning Director DATE: May l5J 1986 FILE FROM Kevin J. Hallahan Forester/Horticulturist gUBJ~CT The High Ridge Center (Planned Industrial Develop- ment) - Master Plan This memorandum is in reference to the site conditions and the tree prese4Vation requirements for the above project. The pro- posed site location is on part of the Sand Pine Ridge ecosystem comprised mainly of Sand Pine trees with an understory of scrub oak/palmetto. This land type is considered both uncommon (less than 2% of all land types in Palm Beach County) and very sensi- tive to development. In accordance with the requirements of the City's Planned Indus- trial Development RegulationsJ the developer is required to have 20% of the land area in open space. This can be accomplished most effectively on this particular site by the following: 1. The developer submit an accurate and detailed tree survey showing the location of all Sand Pine trees over 6" in diameter. Any groups of trees of smaller diameter can be shown on the survey as "clusters" of the tree species. 2. From the tree surveYJ that area where the largest and most viable Sand Pine trees exist should be designated as the 20% open space area. This area can either be one two acre site or two one acre sitesJ but no more than two sites used to comprise the requirement. 3. This open space area should be over and above the landscape requirements for any parking lot or green space areas re- quired by the Landscape Ordinance #81-22. 4. Once the open sp~ce area has been established and delineated on the site planJ the area should be protected from any en- croachment. This includes not allowing the area to be used for water drainage or on site water retention. 5. The developer should then consider the location of this open space area in his overall design of the P.I.D. to assure the area remains in its natural state. I will work in conjunction with the developer and project designer to meet the intent of this memorandum and the city regulations. ~~4~Ar~ 9~jd'//A~~-?i r-^- Kevin J Hallahan CC: Charles Frederick, Director, Recreation & Park Departemnt John Wildner, Parks Superintendent I" .I,: i' l 'I ' ,r CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH id ),) ll~;'l'Nl~N r, DATE Nov. 18, 1986 ,.' downer (s) hereby respectfully petition the Board of Adjustmen1 ';),,' 1~J),1.-1~19~C titioner (5) a special exception or variance to the existing l.n '11 dnct. ~o ofe said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described, ':0111 ng ooe ~;nd in support thereof state (s): 1. Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s) " A part of Old Gov't. Lot 1, Sec. 17, Twp. 45S, Rge.43 Block SiD E. - Plat Book , Page , or otherwise described as follows: Property Address High Ridge Road R1AAA (to 'be rezoned to PID) 2. Property is presently zoned: Formerly zoned: RS (Palm Bch. County) 3. Denial was made upon existing ,zoning requirements from which relief is required: Appendix A- Zoning, Sec. 7-C requires that the mlnlmum land area for a Planned lndustrial Development shall be 25 contiguous acres. 4. Nature of exception or variance required: .' The property contains 10.84 acres; therefore, a 14.16 acre waiver is requested to rezone land to the Planned Industrial Development (PID). 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships br reasons justifying the requested exception or variance: (Please respond to t~e six (6) questions as .outlined on the attached (a-f)) 6. Certified spot survey (not more than six (6) months old) is required, with all setbacks and'dimensions. 7. Proposed improvem~nt (attach site development sketch): See attached master development plan for proposed light industrial develop- ment. 8. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal description of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse. Such 'list shall be accompanied by an affidavit stating that to the best of the appli~ant's knowledge said list is complete and accurate. 9. Proof of ownership of prQperty by Petitioner (s) such as deed or purcnase contract agreement.' If agent submitting petition, copy of document designating him as such,must acc~mpany petition. 10. Application fee is in the amount of $275.00, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, accompanies this Petition. ll. Case # 111 Meeting Date Dec. 8, 1986 '/b'lCUI JU &1Jv -J!,AL\1Je f2 " B I Q , a tlA ~ ~ i!Rd (-j' ~~- Signature of Appli~~nt l2. Name of Applicant: Date: of Applicant: 1- S- 0 ~~I lf2-rqCib { Nov. 18, 1986 Permit Denied: .-/ Phone Number f~3 ~ 11 ()[, ~ Address Date: SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR BOARD USE ONLY DARD OF ADJUSTMENT ACTION: Approved ____ Denied Aye Nay _ :ipulations: ~eting Date: signed: C'i t\" r::-..,! ,..'r"'.+ :.t :'," rn\l'fI (;'-:' 'l, f!',"" ''"';1' Paragraph 5 Statement of Special Conditions . Background A 14.16 acre waiver of the 25 acre minimum requirement of Section 7. Paragraph "C". Boynton Beach Code. is re~uested because the applicant's 10.84 acre site abuts exist- ing PID zoned property and is across the stree~ from light industrial buildings already in place or under construction. The intent ,of the minimum acreage require- ment is to avoid spot zoning, by encouraging large PID districts. In this case, the applicant's site is part of a larger, well planned light industrial district com- prised of the following pr?jects: 1. The Boynton Beach Park of Commerce 2. The High Ridge .Commerce Park 3. The Boynton Distribution Center There are more than 600 acres of land in the above projects. The City Land Use Master Plan was amended in December, 1985, to allow the pro rezoning of the Park of Commerce. Because the applicant's smaller site is contiguous to, and partly sur- rounded by, industrial land use, it' cannot be ~sed feasibly for single family hous- ing, as presently zoned. Response to Six Questions a. Special conditions do e*~st in this case, as noted above. The applicant owns 10.84 acres of land adjacent to an existing pro district. This existing district contains more than 600 acres. The site cannot be used feasibly for single family housing. as zoned, because of light industrial land use across the street, and contiguous to the site on the 'south and southeast. However, the City Code requires a minimum of 25 acres to apply for pro rezoning. b. property across the street and contiguous to the south and to the southeast and northeast has already been rezoned to the pro district by the City. This rezon- ing did not result from any action by the applicant: c. Granting a 14.16 acre variance of the 25 acre minimum requirement will not confer special privileges because abutting land is planned for light industrial use. Also. other land owners in the area with less than 25 acres have the same right of var iance . d. Literal interpretation of paragraph "c" would, if applied in this case, force the land owner to build single family homes next to industrial uses. rf this variance is not granted, the applicant will be forced into an inappropriate land use. and thus deprived of the PIn zoning enjoyed by adjoining property owners in the imme- diate area. e. Granting this variance will not only permit a reasonable use of the land, but also the most app~opria~e use in this section of the city. f. The intent of Paragraph "C., is to avoid rezoning land too small in acreage to be self-sustaining or to be planned in a comprehensive unit. Since the appli- cant's 10.84 acre parcel is abutting a large, well planned light industrial district and is across the street from existing light industrial uses. this variance will not be injurious to the surrounding area nor will it be detrimental to the public welfare. 'ii'" ;';1 , "'- ;......:.. ~- ~.. /- ~ ') () ~-h-h ~~~ ..t:.,t\)-h --~ ~~B -- . h '",") ,"-' :xr'" -- <..t.1<..t.1 tii""l ,~ &~ -- rv"'t) '7";: /il'-<J ---- ilCIiLA[iE NOOo31'//" E (FJ NOoo/Z'51'W (0) o If> ~ 13 to ii ~~ -r-~ ~2 Cl !l ~ O)(J) N~ \h 2~ \~ ~9 <hi ~~ <..t.1 ~ 13/2.03 (FJ 1310,16(0) ~<!> <7~ <2/,>........ \ ~ :Jl t.,-1, ,\ ;0;- <> ';"\ 8.- '&..:)....\\ ~ f.\? \~ ~~~ Ie:> '< "< ~<..t.1 .~~~ t;~ b' Q),~--! .. 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CtltlS ..t"J(/) t;~ ::IS" ... t'i o U)~ ~ ~~ l'O'" ~3 ~~ I:"'CtI 0;1: .,0.... H~ o ,..... .. "" --,------'-'~ ..,----------------- ~fCl~-~MB~_~~bQBB_~eBIB~[~_B~QY~~Ii 1. The p~ope~ty was annexed on Septembe~ 3~ 1986 into the City's R-1AAA zoning dist~ict. The p~ope~ty was p~eviously zoned RS (Single Family Residenti31) in Palm Beach County. ~Il -rl--!E~ p~"-Ci~)i.7:!~.-t.\'" c:~:!nt..:::ti ,,-3 1(,:: E~.{~ .:;ic;'-e~::... ~-::J;:-:.:,~=t:i.c!j-! 7.1=.. c)f thF~ Z.._",:ing G.:~?gu.l-3..!::ic)j-:':=: ,-E'qLl.i::-i::::":=: t.~i=!t F'II),::. h3.\/2 .-. I fi i n i en u. in .:::t r"- ':::.' ::'4, Cj .f 2 5 ::!, c: r- i=:: ':::, I; ~'. 1"I"le Boynton Bcac.h [:()fn~}ret12j~sive Plan (see at-tached pages) j'-~=-'cc!n'i:'n~~=.':'l{j.::. tr-J.~~t t.l--Ji':::. c:tj"-'~~''::-!. b':? dr::.....T..-elcJp:~;j '::-I'~~ .;3 F'l..::i.nnF~d Ind'_l-3tr-i~31 [) G.' \/ c=:.]. c".) iJ iY: l.:: r-I -i.:: ( .:'?.":= ();::I ~) C.)'~ E:' cj t 0 1....1.- 1 ~.: Ci r"l i n i]) .. T !-": E' t- E' i:::-l ~~ CI rl -[- CII-- t his recomtnol-ld2tion is tt12t F'ID zoning w(}uld create a higher qLtality deveJ.op~ent~ 0r~d wc)u].d aJ.ll,Jttle City to 2~<er.t greater. control over si"te desigr1~ a2stt1etics, and uses on tl.1B property. II . ~c:[:(}rdinq to state law, 311 land deve].~[Jmerlt consistent Nith the Comp~ehensive Plan. is ?,Uppo':=:-ed to '-- - L!t::" SA Ttle City COllncj.l has giver} preliminary approval for zoning the p~ope~ty to a PID. Final app~oval by the City Council 15 contingent upon the applicant obtaining a va~iance from the Board of Adjustment for the 25 ac~e requirement. 6. A 540-acre PIn has al~eady been established immediately to the south of the subject prope~ty. Furthermo~e~ it is anticipated that the 52 acres which lie to the west of the subject p~operty will also be developed as a PID. r~P~':-~~~~ ~~~~~~~-~- .~~~~ ".f~ (7) ~ 7'-- 71?~ ~ ~ , .J J .. ,I )J J ] l{ ] .. ] ~ ] l ,~ -J ~ "] ~ ~ 3 -:J.'I., .. Road, between the church and High Ridge Road, should be placed in the "Local Retail Commercial" category, consistent with the Palm Beach County Land Use Plan. The parcel at the southwest corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge Road, to a depth of approximately 300 feet, should be placed in the "Office Commercial" land use category. The large vacant parcels on the east side of High Ridge Road should be annexed only if analysis of the annexation applications shows that annexation would be consistent with the City's annexation policies and State statutory requirements. If annexed, these properties should be placed in the "Low Density Residential" land use category and should be developed so as to be compatible with the surrounding low-density residential subdivisions. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that most of the abutting parcels between High Ridge Road and Seacrest Blvd. will be annexed. However, the right-of-way for Interstate 95 and the Seaboard Airline Railway abutting any annexed parcels should be annexed, in any case. Area 48 High Ridge Shopping Center Site and Palm Beach Memorial Gardens A utility and annexation agreement exists between the City and the owners of the High Ridge Shopping Center Site, which is located on the southwest corner of Seacrest Blvd. and Hypoluxo Road. Palm Beach Memorial Gardens may be required to apply for annexation if utility service to this cementery is expanded. These properties should only be annexed if found to be consistent with the City's annexation policies and State statutory requirements. Although High Ridge Shopping Center would be contigious to the City along only 25 percent of its boundary, it may be advantagious to annex this property because of the property taxes that this commercial development would generate. Also, annexation of the shopping center and cemetery sites would make annexation of parcels on the west side of 1-95 possible. High Ridge Shopping Center, if annexed, should be placed under the "Local Retail Commercial" land use category, while Palm Beach Memorial Gardens should be placed under the "Public and Private Governmental/Institutional" land use category. The adjacent right-of-way for Hypoluxo Road should be annexed only if there is reasonable expectation that the parcels abutting Hypoluxo Road from High Ridge Road to Seacrest Blvd. will be annexed. The rights-of-way for Interstate 95 and Seacrest Blvd. adjacent to any these parcels, however, should be annexed with the adjacent properties. Area 49 Unincorporated Parcels at Southwest Corner of Miner Road Extended and High Ridge Road This is an unincorporated enclave that should be annexed. This parcel should eventually be placed in the "Industrial" land use category and developed as a Planned Industrial Development in a manner similar to the adjacent Boynton Beach Park of Commerce. 124 __J ~ ~ J ~ ] ] ]~ ,,> ,] ~ , , --- ~ ~ ~ J j l'tl s:: l'tl U M I UJ ---I ~~:::.-:::,='".. i:;,;;:",-c''..~~; I"=~--:= . ~~=~~~;; ~J:[U _ , -- ._r ~=--~-::~-.-~~=~-. L- 20 -Can~I~_~_ - _":'~'." -~-~. ~ r1 2 I,... : t J : '1" \! iJ -<, :t ____ If ,?= -["'.....' i ! __:~~ :~...~., l I l--.' -' , i :66: ~~I i BOYl1ton "Canal' :1 72' Q) , ,--. ' , ;: , ~Qlq..a'QYJJ1Qn_B.Jt~ . F ~..... 7 : Bo ''''''C''' ~ ==- ~l7ton Beach ro: ~ -, ,-' .,-1 ~: J ,~,~ =--=-o~f '," '. L:~~'~ . . ~ ~-::/. ~/, Ii : ~-T-' -:- :;T,- _ -.:t ~. ~ == <t -- -=.;,..:.-- ~ h . C - h C --<~ . -::-" ~~ '....: ~ "" - S.w--2.3rJ1.:A.\ai. ~.:rr-Cnt ' ---:-' ---'-, \-:~ I ." (' I : )<-- I f,~ ~ ~') .' ,4' ~JE;5;: : ~~ . "0 -- c:,~c -----=-,;:;- ,-'--._0 --=~.' --, .,. .-=-::..- -- 111111111 FRAMEWORK - AREAS l' 'ADDED REGULATORY TO BE frA [, ,'::/):rl ~ r' II ....l Areas of Poten t ial La nd Use Con fJict Areas Of Existing Land Use Conflict Recommended Controls for Annexation Area EVALUATION & APPRAISAL REPORT - 1986 Recommended Limits of Annexation BOYNTON BEACH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN PREPARED BY: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1986 38-A Roy Barden Planning Group Landscape Architects, Urban Design and Planning Consultants 1300 West Lantana Road, Suite 201, Lantana, Florida 33462 305/582,1997 ('-larch 29, 1986 Mr. Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director City of Boynton Beach P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 RE: 10.84 Acre Rezoning/Land Use Amendment Dear Carmen: Attached is our completed application for rezoning and land use amendment for the 10.84 acre tract of land located at the southwest corner of High Ridge Road and Miner Road. All required plans and impact reports are included as part of the application form. An application fee of $1;000 is also attached. Please let us know if you have any questions. Sincerely, ~den, RLA/ AI CP cc: Max Schorr, Esquire MEMORANDUM 2 January 1986 TO: Betty Boroni, City Clerk FROM: James Golden, Assistant City Planner RE: Request for Rezoning The High Ridge Center Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy of a rezoning request submitted by Roy Barden, agent for Max Schorr, Trustee. A check in the amount of $900 is enclosed to cover the review and processing of this application. The applicant is now requesting a rezoning to M-l, Light Industrial, as the request before the Board of Adjustment for a variance to the minimum acreage required for rezoning to a PID category was denied. Please advertise this request for a public hearing before the Planning and Zoning Board at the February 10, 1987 meeting and before the City Council at the February 17, 1987 meeting. Thank you. ML ~ES GOLDEN /bks Attachments