AGENDA DOCUMENTS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Fonn Must be Turned Meeting Dates in to CitY Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meeting Dates Date Final Fonn Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office 0 March 21, 2000 0 April 4, 2000 0 April 18, 2000 0 May 2, 2000 March 8,2000 (5:00 p.m.) o May 16, 2000 o June 6, 2000 IZI June 20, 2000 o July 5, 2000 May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5,2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business IZI Legal o Unfmished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the attached ordinance, pertaining to the request below on the June 20, 2000 City Commission meeting agenda under Legal- Ordinance 2nd reading. As you may recall, this request was approved at the June 6, 2000 City Commission meeting on 151 reading of the Ordinance. This request to rezone from C-3 Community Commercial to R-3 High Density Residential was approved at the December 21,1999 City Commission meeting for transmittal to the State. The State's objections are being addressed with additional information intended to clarify the location of the subject property in proximity to the Coastal High Hazard Area. The amendments may now be adopted and returned to the State for fmal compliance review. Staff continues to recommend that this request be approved. EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Villa Del Sol Bradley Miller Grove Partners Limited Intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway Request to rezone from C-3 Community Commercial to R-3 High Density Residential. PROGRAMIMPACT:N/A FISCAL IMPACT: N/A ALTERNATIVES: N/A City Manager's Signature Department of Development Director r-L.- Z..I 7~ Planning and Zon' g rrector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources liCH\MAlN\SHRDATAIPLANNINGISHAREDIWP\PROlECTS\VILLA DEL SOL CPTA lit. LUARIAGENDA REQUEST FOR CC 6-20-00 REZONE .DOC Response to Objections, Recommendations And Comments Report Proposed Comprehensive Plan Amendment City of Boynton Beach Amendment 00-1 ER I. Consistency with Chapter 163, F.S., and Rule 9J-5 & 9-11, F.A.C. The City of Boynton Beach, in Palm Beach County, has proposed a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, based on the City's Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) adopted on April 1, 1997. The proposed Amendment consists of updating all of the Elements of the City's Comprehensive Plan as anticipated in the EAR. The proposed EAR-based Amendment includes four Future Land Use Maps (FLCM) changes. The City has also proposed a non-EAR related FLUM change. The City proposed to adopt this Amendment in May of June of 2000. The Department has identified the following objections to the proposed Amendment: A. EAR-based Amendment Transportation Element Objection 1. The Transportation Element does not include future transportation maps identifying the major public transit trip generators and attractors based upon the future land use map; and the projected peak hour levels of service for transportation facilities for \vhich level of service standards are established. Response: The MPO generated 2020 throughfare system and 2020 pedestrian facilities are included as support documents. The Public Transit System Map implicitly indicates the location of major public transit trip generators and attractors at various terminals. The map \vill be expanded, however, to explicitly indicate the trip generators and attractors based on the Future Land Use Map. The projected peak hour level of service is contained in the Evaluation and Appraisal Report as Map 2.9. Objection 2. The Transportation Element support documentation indicated that transit market share for Tri-County Rail and Palm- Tran, as well as pedestrian and bicycle facilities, would have to increase in the City through transportation demand management (TD;'v1) strategies in order to modify peak-hour travel demand. How'ever, the City did not include a policy in this Element establishing TDM programs. Response: An explicit TDM oriented policy to establish a transportation management organization as an implementing vehicle for the TDM will be added above and beyond what is implicitly indicated in Objective 2.7 and 2.8, pending the City's concurrence with the costs and Staff implication of a TDM public/private partnership and responsibilities. City of Boynton Beach, Florida Response to Objections, Recommendations, & Comments Report Amendment 00- I ER Date: June 6, 2000 Page I of 5 Objection 3. Proposed Objective 2.4 of the Transportation Element states: The City shall develop and maintain a safe, convenient, and energy efficient multi-modal transportation system l,vhich will meet jilfure as well as current trans needs. The City has provided an inventory of existing intermodal facilities, but not an analysis of the deficiencies or projected needs. These data and analysis will assist the City in addressing the need for additional terminals, connections, high occupancy vehicle lanes; and pedestrian, bicycle, park-and-ride and other facilities based on land use projections to facilitate effective implementation of this objective. Response: The analysis presented within the EAR is adequate and it will be incorporated in the text and maps of the support documents by reference. Additionally, transportation concurrency management map(s) will be expanded to address the Department's concerns. Comment. The transportation map series do not include the appropriate titles, legend, map scale and the preparation or revision date. The inclusion of this information will improve the usefulness of these maps in the City's planning efforts and enhance citizen's understanding of these maps, because the maps can be properly referenced. Response: The map series \vere intended to update and/or augment the maps already in the EAR and not necessarily to substitute them. The maps presented however, did and do contain appropriate titles and legends. They will be expanded and improved upon, however, to adequately address the Department's concerns. Planning Timeframe Comment. The City projected its population and public facility capacities and needs to 2015 in the EAR. The proposed Comprehensive Plan EAR-based Amendment and support data and analysis have been based on the 2015 timeframe. However, the City did not include in the plan or on the FLUM any planning timeframe, either short-term, medium-term, or long-term, toe support the proposed goals, objectives and policies in the Comprehensive Plan. We recommend the City should include at least tv\'O planning periods in the Comprehensive Plan, one for at least the first five-year period and one for at least an overall ten-year period. Response: The Transportation Element addresses appropriate planning timeframes (Policy 2.2.1) for transportation improvements. City of Boynton Beach, Florida Response to Objections, Recommendations, & Comments Report Amendment OO-lER Date: June 6, 2000 Page 2 of5 B. Non EAR-based Amendment Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment (LUAR #99-005: Villa Del Sol) Objection. The Amendment does not restrict development activities where such activities do not protect human life by directing population concentrations away from known or predicted coastal high hazard areas. Additionally, the proposed Amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 1.21.1 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan which requires the City to obtain written approvals from the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management and the City of Boynton Beach Risk Management Officer, "prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation Zone...if the proposed density increase \vould result in an increase of 50 or more dwellings." The Citv - .. has not supported the proposed FLUM Amendment with such written approvals. Moreover, the City has not demonstrated the consistency of the proposed FLUM Amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element of its Comprehensive Plan, regarding the City's commitment to maintain or reduce current estimated hurricane evacuation times if development increases in the coastal high-hazard area of the City. The City did not provide analysis of the projected impact of anticipated population density of the proposed additional 148 dwelling units and potential evacuation needs of the population on hurricane evacuation planning. Response: City staff made two errors in its review comments on the application for amendment. The first was to reference the location of the amendment as being a part of Map location # 16 in Table 24 of the Coastal Management Element. The referenced map location is on the east of U. S. Highway 1, while the subject parcel is on the west of that thoroughfare. In an early draft of support documents for the Coastal Management Element, the subject property was identified as Map location #17 and corresponding policy direction in Table 24 provided setback requirements for development of the site under a Special High Density Residential designation. The map and policy references were removed from the final version of the support documents \vhen it was decided to recognize the development order in place for the property in 1989 and maintain the commercial land use designation on the site. Staff s second error was to recommend that the proposed amendment \vould be forwarded to the County EMD for review. This is required when a site is located within the Hurricane High Hazard Zone and impacts of the increased density reach thresholds established in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. \vnile the parcel is \V'ithin the City's adopted Coastal Planning Area, it is \vest of the line delineating the Hurricane High Hazard Zone. It is staffs understanding that under Rule 9J-5.003(18), F.A.C., the coastal planning area does not need to be City of Boynton Beach, Florida Response to Objections, Recommendations, & Comments Report Amendment 00-1 ER Date: June 6, 2000 Page 3 of5 coterminous with the Coastal High Hazard Area so long as all of the Coastal High Hazard Area is included within the planning area. Emergency Support Function 18 - PUBLIC SAFETY of the Palm Beach County Comprehensive Emergency J-lanagement Plan details the geographic areas contained within each Traffic Evacuation Zone for hurricane evacuation. The boundaries for each zone are repeated from the Treasure Coast Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study. Zones 11, 12 and 13 encompass areas of the City of Boynton Beach; however, the zone in closest proximity to the subject parcel is Zone 13. Its boundaries are described as, "South of Ocean A venue, east of U. S. 1, north of Gulf Stream Golf Course, west of Atlantic Ocean." Evacuation Zone 13 is classified as the Storm Surge Vulnerable Zone for all hurricanes. (See Attachment A) The subject parcel is located west of U.S. Highv:ay 1, and therefore is not within the Hurricane High Hazard area, defined in Rule 91-5.003(17), F .A.C. as "the evacuation zone for a Category 1 hurricane as established in the regional hurricane evacuation study applicable to the local govemment." Even though the property is not located within the Hurricane High Hazard area, staff requested that the Palm Beach County Emergency Management Division review the amendment and provide comments. Their response indicates that the site is not designated as an evacuation area in the event of a Category 1 storm. (See Attachment B, paragraph 4) II. Consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan The proposed Amendment does not adequately address and further the following goals and policies of the State Comprehensive Plan, Chapter 187, F.S.: 1. Goal (7) Public Safety. Policy 25, regarding local governments adopting plans and policies to protect public and private property and human lives from the effects of natural disasters. Response: Evacuation routes, as shol"vn, addresses the concerns contained with this Goal as it relates to transportation. 2. Goal (20) Transportation. Policies 1 0 & 15, regarding promotion of ride sharing by public and private sector employees; and promotion of effective coordination among various modes of transportation in urban areas to assist urban development and redevelopment efforts. Response: An explicit TDJ'vl oriented policy to establish a transportation management organization as an implementing vehicle for the TDM will be added above and beyond what is implicitly indicated in Objective 2.7 and City of Boynton Beach, Florida Response to Objections, Recommendations, & Comments Report Amendment OO-IER Date: June 6, 2000 Page 4 of 5 2.8, pending the City's concurrence with the costs and Staff implication of a TDM public/private partnership and responsibilities. City of Boynton Beach, Florida Response to Objections, Recommendations, & Comments Report Amendment 00-1 ER Date: June 6, 2000 Page 5 of5 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM Requested City Commission Date Final Fonn Must be Turned Meetinl!: Dates in to City Clerk's Office Requested City Commission Meetinl!: Dates Date Final Form Must be Turned in to City Clerk's Office 0 March 21, 2000 0 April 4, 2000 0 April 18, 2000 0 May 2, 2000 March 8, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) o May 16, 2000 IZI June 6, 2000 o June 20, 2000 o July 5, 2000 May 3, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) March 22,2000 (5:00 p.m.) May 17,2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 5,2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 7, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) April 19,2000 (5:00 p.m.) June 21, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM o Administrative o Consent Agenda o Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o Development Plans o New Business IZI Legal o Unfinished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the attached ordinance, pertaining to the request below on the June 6, 2000 City Commission meeting agenda under Legal - Ordinance 1" reading. This request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Fumre Land Use Support Document Planning Area l.p., to support the reclassification from Local Retail Commercial land use to Special High Density Residential, was approved at the December 21, 1999 City Commission meeting for transmittal to the State. The State has completed its review of this proposal, and their objections are being addressed with additional information intended to clarify the location of the subject property in proximity to the Coastal High Hazard Area. The amendments may now be adopted and returned to the State for fmal compliance review. Staff continues to recommend that this request be approved. EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Villa Del Sol Bradley Miller Grove Partners Limited Intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document Planning Area l.p., to support the reclassification from Local Retail Commercial land use to Special High Density Residential to encourage development and revitalization of this area of the City. PROGRAM IMPACT: NM FISCAL IMP ACT: N/ A ALTERNATIVES: N/A Department of Development Director City Manager's Signamre 1 ~(l~~ lanning and Zoni => irector City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources J\SHRDATAIPLANNlNGISHAREDlWP'PROlECTS\V1LLA DEL SOL CPTA lit. LUARIAGEI'iDA REQUEST FOR CC 6-6-00 DOC Non EAR-Based Amendment Future Land Use Map (FLUM) Amendment (LUAR #99-005: Villa Del Sol) Objection. The amendment does not restrict development activities where such activities do not protect human life by directing population concentrations away from known or predicted coastal high hazard areas. Additionally, the proposed amendment is internally inconsistent with Policy 1.12.1 of the Future Land Use Element of the City's comprehensive plan which requires the City to obtain written approvals from the Palm Beach County Division of Emergency Management and the City of Boynton Beach Risk Management Officer, "prior to approving any increase in residential densities in the Hurricane Evacuation Zone.. .ifthe proposed density would result in an increase of 50 or more dwellings." The City has not supported the proposed FLUM admendment with such written approvals. Moreover, the City has not demonstrated the consistency of the proposed FLUM amendment with Objective 7.6 of the Coastal Management Element of its comprehensive plan, regarding the City's commitment to maintain or reduce current estimated hurricane evacuation times if development increases in the coastal high-hazard area of the City. The city did not provide analysis of the projected impact of anticipated population density of the proposed additional 148 dwelling units and potential evacuation needs of the population on hurricane evacuation planning. [Chapter 163.3177(21); 163.3 I 77(6)(g)7; 163.3177(j)6; & 163.3178(1), F. S. and Rule 9J-5.005(2)(a), 9J- 5.005(5); 9J-5.012(2)(e)1., 9J-5.012(3)(b)6. & 7.; and 9J-5.019(3)(c), F. A. C.] Response. City staff made two errors in its review comments on the application for amendment. The first was to reference the location of the amendment as being a part of Map location #16 in Table 24 of the Coastal Management Element. The referenced map location is on the east of U. S. Highway I, while the subject parcel is on the west of that thoroughfare. In an early draft of support documents for the Coastal Management Element, the subject property was identified as Map location #17 and corresponding policy direction in Table 24 provided setback requirements for development of the site under a Special High Density Residential designation. The map and policy references were removed from the final version of the support documents when it was decided to recognize the development order in place for the property in 1989 and maintain the commercial land use designation on the site. Staffs second error was to recommend that the proposed amendment would be forwarded to the County EMD for review. This is required when a site is located within the Hurricane High Hazard Zone and impacts of the increased density reach thresholds established in the Land Use Element of the Comprehensive Plan. While the parcel is within the City's adopted Coastal Planning Area, it is west of the line delineating the Hurricane High Hazard Zone. It is staffs understanding that under Rule 9J-5.003(18), F.A.C., the coastal planning area does not need to be coterminous with the Coastal High Hazard Area so long as all of the Coastal High Hazard Area is included within the planning area. Emergency Support Function 18 - PUBLIC SAFETY of the Palm Beach County Comorehensive Emergency Management Plan details the geographic areas contained within each Traffic Evacuation Zone for hurricane evacuation. The boundaries for each zone are repeated from the Treasure Coast Regional Hurricane Evacuation Study. Zones 11, 12 and 13 encompass areas of the City of Boynton Beach; however, the zone in closest proximity to the subject parcel is Zone 13. Its boundaries are described as, "South of Ocean Avenue, east of U. S. 1, north of Gulf Stream Golf Course, west of Atlantic Ocean." Evacuation Zone 13 is classified as the Storm Surge Vulnerable Zone for all hurricanes. (See Attachment A) The subject parcel is located west of U.S. Highway 1, and therefore is not within the Hurricane High Hazard area, defined in Rule 9J-5.003(17), F.A.C. as "the evacuation zone for a Category 1 hurricane as established in the regional hurricane evacuation study applicable to the local government." The subject property is within Traffic Evacuation Zone 43 which is not listed even as a Storm Surge Vulnerable Zone for Categories 4 and 5 hurricanes. It is presumed, therefore, that development of the parcel will not impact the evacuation times or potential evacuation needs of the population; nor will it impact the demand for hurricane shelter space in the event of a Category 1 hurricane. · 1-' .--- I . . ___--1 IIINER FIl E2 ----- : ~ L__-, i 2"Z AVE ~ ' I . . ,_J / . BOYNTON FIJ ?.:r-1 BOYNTON: B CH Ei ~ j . . I . . L, . . I l , ---.. ,____________.1 . I . e · ~ I ~ : Dl. L-_______________ ------ CITY LIMITS HYPOLUXO AD · / 'L ' . V ;1i1 .r . '", . 19~ r-l' I I r--.J : '--- Iii , L -l i I Ii I !. NINeI / - - a: a: x en u BLVD w > ~ en en w a: UJ :z: Q t.I 1I00UlRIGHT AD LO C"l I 1-1 23 AVE LEGEND If-f.~ HURRICANE EVACUATION ZONE BOYNTON BEACH COASTAL NANAGENENT ELEMENT ATTACHMENT A I I ~ ~ ~ c:.;, ~ c:.;, '" J..,. ~ ~ '.J J..,. ~ ~ N. T.S. FIGURE 19 - HURRICANE EVACUATION ZONE WALTER H. KELLER JR., INC. Consultjn~ Ei1~jneers ; PliJ/1/1ers Coral SlJrin~s. Florida -96- Requested City Cornmission Meetinl!: Dates o Novernber 16,1999 o December 7, 1999 IZI December 21, 1999 o January 4, 2000 NATURE OF AGENDA ITEM CITY OF BOYNTON BEA__n AGENDA ITEM REQUEST FORM ~ Date Final Form Must be Turned Requested City Commission in to Citv Clerk's Office Meetinl!: Dates Date final form Must be Turned in to Citv Clerk's Office November 3, 1999 (5:00 p.m.) 0 January 18,2000 November 17,1999 (5:00 p.m,) 0 February 1,2000 December 8, 1999 (5:00 p.m.) 0 February 15,2000 December 22,1999 (5:00 p,m.) 0 March 7, 2000 January 5,2000 (5:00 p.m.) January 19,2000 (5:00 p.m.) February 2, 2000 (5:00 p.m.) February 16,2000 (5:00 p.m.) o Administrative o Consent Agenda IZI Public Hearing o Bids o Announcement o . Development Plans o New Business o Legal o Unfmished Business o Presentation RECOMMENDATION: Please place the request below on the December 21, 1999 City Commission agenda under Public Hearing. The Planning and Development Board with a 5-1 (1 abstain) vote, recommended approval with no additional staff comments. For further details pertaining to this request see attached Department of Development Memorandum No. PZ 99- 302. EXPLANATION: PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Villa Del Sol Bradley Miller Grove Partners Limited Intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document Planning Area I.p., to support the reclassification from Local Retail Commercial land use to Special High Density Residential to encourage development and revitalization of this area of the City. FISCAL IMPACT: N/A PROGRAMIMWACT: N~ ALTERNATIVES: N/A City Manager's Signature Department of Development Acting Director -:15/ c-~ Planning and Zoning Director City Attorney / Finance / Human Resources IICH\MAlN\SHRDA T AIPLANNINGISHAREDIVIIPIPROlECTSI"lLLA DEL SOL CPT A lit. LUARIAGENDA CC lTEMS2- 12-21.99 .DOC 7.A.5 VILLA DEL SOL COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TEXT AMENDMENT DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 99-302 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: December 10, 1999 SUBJECT: Villa del Sol (LUAR # 99-005, CPT A # 99-002) Amendment to Comprehensive PlanText and Future Land Use Map and Rezoning PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project/Applicant: Villa del Sol/Grove Partners, L TD Agent: Bradley D. Miller, AICP Owner: Grove Partners, L TD Location: Northwest comer ofthe intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway; the subject property is located within the expanded CRA area (see Exhibit A). File No: Land Use Amendment/Rezoning (LUAR 99-005) Text Amendment (CPT A 99-002) Property Description: Vacant property consisting of 16 acres classified Local Retail Commercial (LRC) on the Future Land Use Map and zoned C-3 (Community Commercial) Proposed change/use: To amend the Future Land Use Map from LRC to Special High Density Residential (SH), and rezone from C-3 to R- 3, Multi-family Residential. The applicant, Grove Partners, L TD, is proposing these changes in order to develop the subject property as a residential rental project named Villa del Sol. The proposed land use change qualifies as a large scale amendment pursuant to Chapter 163 F.S. This proposed amendment is being reviewed for transmittal to the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA). 1 Proposed change! text amendment: After transmittal and DCA review, the proposed amendment may be scheduled for adoption in Mayor June of2000. The Comprehensive Plan text amendment will apply to Planning Area l.p., as described in Section VIII, Land Use Problems and Opportunities of the Future Land Use Element Support Document (pages 89 and 90). Section VIII was adopted into the Plan by Policy 1.17.3 of the Future Land Use Element. The text currently reads as follows: "1.p. Parcels at Northwest Comer of U.S. 1 and Old Dixie Highwav Due to the limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of U.S. 1, the Coastal Management Element originally recommended that these parcels be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land use category, and placed in the Special High Density Residential category. However, because a site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center on this site have been approved by the City, the City Commission decided to keep these parcels in the Local Retail Commercial land use category." The proposed text reads: "1.p. Parcels at Northwest Comer of U.S. 1 and Old Dixie Highwav Due to the limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of U.S. 1, an initial recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1989 was that these parcels be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land use category, and placed in the Special High Density Residential category. This recommendation was not enacted because a site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center on this site have been approved by the City. The shopping center has not been developed and the site plan and construction plan approvals have expired. Therefore, these parcels should be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land use category and placed in the Special High Density Residential category to encourage development and revitalization of this area of the City." 2 This text amendment and map amendment would allow for the conversion of the current LRC classification of the subject property to the SH classification. The SH classification, with the maximum density of 20 dwellings per acre, originated in the Coastal Management Element of the Comprehensive Plan to encourage infill development south of Woolbright Road; the application of this land use category is limited to the Coastal Area. In connection with this amendment, Table # 24 - Site Specific Future Land Use and Design Considerations - within the Coastal Management Support Document is to be amended to show the 16 acre increase of the SH classification (Map Area # 16). Table # 24 was adopted into the Plan by Policy 7.9.6, and in part, describes the size of the area to which the SH classification and design recommendations apply (see reference. map and Table #24 within Exhibit B). These specific design recommendations are intended to mitigate any potential impacts generated by development at this higher density. The design considerations include expanded setbacks, which increase with building height (e.g. 3- story -75 feet, and 4- story - 100 feet). Logically, if the SH area is expanded to include the subject property, the corresponding design recommendations should apply to the new area, and Table #24 should be revised to accurately describe the property within map Area # 16. Adjacent Land Use and Zoning: Subdivision/Use Existing Use FLU Zoning Name North: Homing Inn Residential Local Retail C-3 (NE) (NE) (NE) R-3 (NW) Los Mangos High Density (NW) Residential (NW) South: T exaco/ Gas Station/ Local Retail C-3 (SE) Shopping Shopping (SE) R-l (SW) Center (SE) Center (SE) Medium Scattered Single Family Density Single Family Residential Residential (SW) (SW) (SW) East: Colonial Club 2 & 3 Story High Density R-3 Condominiums Residential Residential Condominium s West FEC Railroad Railroad ROW N/A N/A Farther Agricultural use mango farm Medium R-2 West: Density Residential 3 PROJECT ANALYSIS The criteria used to review Comprehensive Plan amendments are listed in Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9, Administration and Enforcement, Item C, Comprehensive Plan Amendments: Rezonings. These criteria are required to be part of a staff analysis when the proposed change includes an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map. a. Wltetlter tlte proposed rezoning would be consistent witlt applicable compreltensive plan policies including but not limited to, a proltibition against any increase in dwelling unit density exceeding 50 in tlte Iturricane evacuation zone witltout written approval of tlte Palm Beaclt County Emergency Planning Division and tlte City's risk manager. Tlte planning department sltall also recommend limitations or requirements, wlticlt would Itave to be imposed on subsequent development of tlte property, in order to comply witlt policies contained in tlte compreltensive plan. With regard to the aforementioned written approvals of the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division and the City's risk manager, there is an inconsistency between the criteria specified in the Land Development Regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. Pursuant to the Comprehensive Plan Policy 1.12./, such written approvals are required if the proposed density increase results in the increase of 50 or more dwelling units. Since the proposed density increase for the subject property will result in a potential increase of 148 dwelling units, the application will be forwarded to the Palm Beach County Emergency Planning Division for review. The proposed rezoning is generally consistent with Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies regarding compatibility of the proposed land use classification with adjacent land uses, the availability of service capacity, and the Comprehensive Plan's projected surplus of commercial land. In particular, the proposed amendment /rezoning must comply with the following policies: 1. Policies requiring the consistency with the Coastal Management Element and encouraging infill development compatible with the Community Redevelopment Plan: Policy 1.9.1 {Future Land Use Element} - "Implement the land use and redevelopment policies contained within the Coastal Management Element" Policy 1.13.3(Future Land Use Element} - "Encourage infi// development and redevelopment by adopting and implementing the Community Redevelopment Plans, and the policies contained in the Coastal Management Element". 4 The subject property is located within the Coastal Area as described within the Coastal Management Element Support Documents. The SH classification was established in the Plan to encourage development and redevelopment in the Coastal Management Area (see Exhibit C - except from Future Land Use Support Document). The subject property, as indicated in the Comprehensive Plan text, was originally recommended for the proposed SH designation. 2. Policies calling for monitoring of commercial land uses for consistency with demand for such uses: Policy 1.19.6 (Future Land Use Element) - "...do not af/ow commercial acreaqe which is qreater than the demand which has been proiected... " Policy 1.19.7 (Future Land Use Element) - "In areas where the demand for commercial uses will not increase, particularly in the Coastal Area, subsequent to Plan adoption change the land use and zoning to permit only residential or other non- commercial uses". The replacement of this commercial use with a residential classification is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, as the analysis of data in the Coastal Management Support Document does not project an increase of demand for commercial uses in that area. The Plan recommends, where appropriate, the replacement of commercial uses with residential uses. The results of the analysis - a suggested surplus of commercial land- are consistent with the history of the subject property: it was never developed within its current Local Retail Commercial designation, in spite of the previous site plan approval for a shopping center. Staff has not evaluated the current demand for commercial uses~ however, the Commercial Needs Assessment report, completed by the Palm Beach County Planning Division in August of 1999, provides future (2015) projections of need for commercial space and compares the need to the existing and potential supply. According to the study, the subject area shows a surplus of both retail and office space. 3. The following additional objectives and policies addressed below are either typically referenced by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), or required by them to be analyzed in the review of proposed amendments: 5 Obiective 1.2 (Future Land Use Element - "Coordinate future land uses with soil conditions so that urban land uses are prohibited in locations where it is not economical to remove or treat unsuitable soils..."; and Policy 1. 2. 2fFuture Land Use Element - "...prohibit development of urban land uses where the removal or treatment of unsuitable soils would be uneconomical, provide that unstable soils shall be removed in all construction and land development sites where soils would affect the performance of infrastructure, drainage... " No extreme soil conditions are known to be characteristic of this property. Furthermore, policies such as those above will ensure the use of proper development techniques. Obiective 4.4(Conservation Element) - "The City shall, .....protect all remaining areas of substantive native upland and wetland vegetation and eliminate undesirable exotic tree species. "; Policy 4.5.1 (Conservation Element) - "In the event that a site survey indicates the existence of a representative plant of animal species designated as endangered or threatened on Federal, State or Florida Committee on Rare and Endangered Plants and Animal lists, the developer shall prepare a plan in consultation with the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission and the Us. Fish and Wildlife Services for protecting the resident population. Preservation should be provided to the satisfaction of the City Planning Staff in consultation with the Federal and State agencies. " Policy 1.11.14 (Future Land Use Element) - "... provide for open space preservation by requiring the preservation of25% of all "A ", "B ", and "C" rated sites... ". Except for the trees shown on the survey, the site has been predominately cleared of vegetation. The site is not listed as a natural resource area (an "A", "B" or "C" site) in the Conservation Element of the Comprehensive Plan and there are no wetlands or known wildlife on the property. However, actions indicated in policy 4.5.1. will be undertaken should a subsequent site survey prove otherwise. Obiective 1. 11 (Future Land Use Element) - "... future land uses shaff include provisions for the protection of .. . archeological resources and historic buildings..." There are no archeological amenities known to exist on the subject property. 6 b. Whether the proposed rezoning would be contrary to the established land use pattern, or would create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, or would constitute a grant of special privilege to an individual property owner as contrasted with the protection of the public welfare. The proposed rezoning is reasonably consistent with the established land use patterns. The adjacent properties are predominantly zoned residential, except for the two C-3-zoned parcels to the north-and southeast of the subject property. However, the first of the two properties is developed as the Homing Inn - a use equivalent to high density residential. Although the proposed amendment represents a rather extreme contrast in intensity compared to the adjacent single family homes, enhanced setbacks and buffering would minimize direct impacts, and traffic impacts should be minimal as the adjacent neighborhoods are isolated without through streets, and project traffic will predominantly follow a direct route to US- 1 . c. Whether changed or changing conditions make the proposed rezoning desirable. After the attempt to develop a shopping center on the subject property failed, it has remained vacant for over 10 years. Based on this history and the request to rezone the subject property, its commercial value may be declining. The proposed zoning is also desirable in view of the increasingly active efforts to redirect development from areas next to the Everglades towards Southeast Florida's existing urban core. The Eastward Hol initiative, which focuses on such efforts, was recommended by the Governor's Commission for a Sustainable South Florida in its October 1995 Initial Report (see Exhibit D). Given the high population growth projected for the next decade, one of the program's main objectives is for the eastern urban restoration and redevelopment to capture a greatest possible percentage of that projected growth. Accordingly, Palm Beach County proposes increased concentrations of residential uses within this area. Moreover, higher density residential uses are also more efficient, particularly in terms of infrastructure, which makes the proposed reclassification and rezoning consistent with the Eastward Ho! goal of advancing the efficient use of land. Higher densities and increased populations (particular of a diverse age and income class) in eastern areas will provide support for economic revitalization and downtown redevelopment. d. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities. 7 to a comprehensive plan, and that the maximum potential demand upon public facilities be determined. The following Comprehensive Plan policies specify general requirements concerning the availability of services, in particular with regard to infill development as in the case of the subject property: Policy 1.3.3. (Future Land Use Element) - ".. . limit the type, intensity, extent and location of land uses to those which the traffic generated by same can be accommodated ... without exceeding the levels of service set forth... " Policy 1.4.4. (Future Land Use Element) - ".. . limit the type, intensity, extent and location of land uses to those which the traffic generated by same can be accommodated by the potable water system... " Policy 1.4.5. (Future Land Use Element) - " residential densities shall not be increased above those which were assumed in projecting water demand in the Potable Water Sub-Element unless it can be demonstrated that capacity will be obtained by reducing the land use density or intensity elsewhere... " Policy 1.5.4. (Future Land Use Element) - "...limit the type, intensity, extent and location of land uses to those which the traffic generated by same can be accommodated by the sanitary sewer system... " Policy 1.5.5. (Future Land Use Element) - II residential densities shall not be increased above those which were assumed in projecting sewer flows in the Potable Water Sub-Element unless it can be demonstrated that capacity will be obtained by reducing the land use density or intensity elsewhere..." Policy 3.A.5.1. (Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element) "In fill development and redevelopment will be encouraged only in areas presently served adequately by sanitary sewer facilities". Policy 3.e.5.1. (Potable Water Sub-Element) "/nfill development and redevelopment will be encouraged only in areas presently served adequately by potable water facilities". Policy 1.5.5. has been determined to be unrealistic and overly restrictive as it would prevent any intensification of land use changes despite the 8 magnitude of change or facility capacity. The EAR recommended that this policy be deleted and that the intent be addressed by the modification of Policy 1.5.4. to include "density" as a development characteristic tied to capacity. The following facilities were analyzed in order to ensure that capacity is available: 1) Roads: The traffic statement has been submitted and indicates that the proposed amendment will represent a reduction of 6,412 average daily trips and therefore lower demand on the immediate roadway network (see Exhibit H). Moreover, the location and the proposed zoning qualify the subject property for Coastal Residential Exception under the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance (Section 15. (I) L). The Coastal Residential exception to the level of service requirements as defined by the subject ordinance is a policy tool intended to promote urban infill and redevelopment, and deter urban sprawl. It allows residential projects located in the area delineated by the ordinance to receive a Site Specific Development Order notwithstanding the standards set by the said ordinance. Consequently, the submitted traffic statement will be submitted to the County for informational purposes only. 2) Water/Sewer: The City's Utility Department reviewed the proposed amendment and indicated that water and sewer capacities are available to serve the maximum demands to be generated on this site (see Exhibit E). 3) Solid Waste: The Solid Waste Authority issues an annual notice relative to operating capacity. Ample capacity currently exist to serve the future solid waste collection and disposal needs generated on this site. This limited, non-quantitative review by the Solid Waste Authority is provided through a standard letter that they request be used for availability of facility analysis until subsequent notice is received from them (see Exhibit F). 4) Drainage: An analysis of drainage facilities from the Lake Worth Drainage District is pending. Development of this site must comply with both the City's drainage requirements and those imposed by the Lake Worth Drainage District; and 5) Recreation: The reclassification to SH represents an increase of 147 dwelling units above that considered for residential development 9 within the current designation and zoning. This increase equates to an estimated 243 persons (147 units multiplied by 1.65 persons per unit, an average number of persons per household in this Census tract as estimated by Palm Beach County). a) NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS - The 1989 Comprehensive Plan designated 20 different geographic areas for evaluating level of service for neighborhood parks. The proposed amendment site is located in area # 18. Neighborhood park levels of service will likely be met on site. As with nearly all comparable coastal area developments, on site recreation facilities will likely include open space, gym, swimming pool and possibly tennis courts. Furthermore, a recreation impact fee will be collected at the site plan review stage which will contribute to the construction/improvement of recreation resources which serve the area. b) DISTRICT PARKS - The needs analysis for district parks was updated as part of the EAR. Using the adopted level of service standard of 2.5 acres per 1,000 persons, the City, in 1996, experienced a surplus of 10 acres of district parks. The proposed amendment will not have a negative impact on adopted LOS standards. c) RECREATION FACILITIES - The 1989 Comprehensive Plan adopted LOS standards for 18 recreation facilities. The EAR updated the needs analysis for these facilities and found them to meet or exceed the adopted LOS standards. The proposed amendment will provide recreation amenities on site. The adopted LOS will not be adversely impacted. E) SCHOOLS - Palm Beach County School Board has been notified and review is pending. e. Whether the proposed rezoning would be compatible with current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, or would affect property values of adjacent properties. Changing the land use and zoning for this site represents a slight deintensification of the property compared to the current permitted commercial use, as traffic generation is projected to decrease. The proposed residential use is generally consistent with the abutting residential properties except for the existing commercial development to 10 the south and the contrast in densities. As for compatibility with adjacent uses regarding the proposed SH classification, the special design considerations will be applied to this classification to offset the potential impacts of the higher density upon adjacent properties. It should be noted that the actual densities vary greatly along the City's coastal area, ranging between 18.8 dwellings units per acre to 45.7 dwellings per acre (including a number of residential developments south of Woolbright Road) as documented in the Comprehensive Plan (see Exhibit G). According to the Plan, the Colonial Club condominiums east of the subject property have a legal. non-conforming density of 21 dwelling units per acre. f. whether the property is physically and economically developable under the existing zoning. Since a shopping center has previously been approved for the site, it is not likely that any unique physical constraints would limit development. However, under the current Local Retail Commercial land used designation, the subject property has been vacant for over 10 years. This indicates that even though it is physically developable, its development, either as a commercial property, or a residential development at a conventional High Density Residential classification with a density of 10.8 units per acre, has not been economically feasible. g. whether the proposed rezoning is of a scale which is reasonably related to the needs of the neighborhood and the city as a whole. Criteria for evaluating the relationship between the proposed amendments and development related to the needs of the neighborhood and the City include service demands, density, use, value and accomplishment of, and consistency with, Comprehensive Plan policies. As indicated above, ample capacity exists to serve the maximum potential service needs generated by this proposed project. and the maximum density is midway between the densities existing throughout the City's coastal area. The amendment request would comply with the initial intent of the Comprehensive Plan through the residential development of this area. The adjacent property values would be enhanced through application of the more stringent design standards for the proposed project. Also, as indicated in the Palm Beach County Commercial Needs Assessment Report of August 1999, a surplus of commercial space exists in the area and extends north to Boynton Beach Boulvard, west to 1- 95 and south well beyond the City's limits (to the Palm Beach County border). The total surplus of the retail and office space for this area has been 11 estimated to be 1,927,830 square feet, based on comparison of the 2015 estimates of need and the existing and potential supply. h. W"et"er t"ere are adequate sites elsew"ere in t"e city for t"e proposed use, in districts w"ere sue" use is already allowed. No vacant parcels of equal or similar size with designations allowing densities over 10.8 dwelling units per acre and with a similar location - close to U.S. 1 and the Intracoastal Waterway - are currently available in either of these locations. The multiple parcels currently classified SH (e.g. Gentleman Jim's/Merkel's), has recently been assembled and is anticipated to soon be the subject of a site plan application by a different party. RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Division recommends that the applications submitted by Grove Partners, LTD for Special High Density Residential land use and R-3 (High Density Residential) zoning be approved, based on the following: 1. The proposed amendments and zoning would be consistent with Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies; 2. The proposed amendments would not be contrary to the established land use pattern, nor would they create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent and nearby districts, and nor would it constitute a grant of special privileges to an individual property; 3. The proposed land use and zoning would be compatible with capacities of utility systems, roadways, and other public facilities; 4. The proposed land use and zoning would be compatible with the current and future use of adjacent and nearby properties, and would not affect negatively the property values of adjacent or nearby properties; 5. The proposed land use and zoning relates in a reasonable way to the needs of the neighborhood and the City as a whole; 6. The proposed land use and zoning is consistent with the goals and policies of the Eastward Ho! movement, which seeks to revitalize 12 urban areas, contain urban sprawl and promote infill and redevelopment. 7. The value of the proposed residential rental project, which would target higher income households, will significantly increase the eRA area tax base. This recommendation is subject to the conditions of approval listed in Exhibit "I", which require that the text amendment includes corresponding site specific design considerations within Table 24 intended to reduce the appearance of density from adjacent rights-of-way and adjacent properties. Such design requirements include the following: 1. Variable north and south setbacks based on project height (e.g. north side adjacent to residential district only; 1 story - 40 feet; 2 stories - 45 feet; 3 stories - 60 feet; and 4 story - 100 feet. South side adjacent to residential district, only; 1 story - 40 feet; 2 stories - 50 feet; 3 stories - 75 feet; 4 stories - 100 feet). 2. Perimeter landscaping on the north and south sides shall be both visually pleasing and shall include at minimum, a hedge, 1 canopy tree spaced no greater than 20 feet, and additional landscaping of varying height placed between rights-of-way shall include a small serpentine berm varying in height. The landscaping should include a combination of palm and deciduous/canopy trees densely spaced with a diversity of plant materials from ground covers at varying height placed within the buffer. 3. Signage shall be compatible (in scale) with adjacent residential properties and be designed in conjunction with materials to be repeated along the perimeter such as posts, fence elements, small monument features, etc. J:\SHRDATA\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\PROJECTSIVILLA DEL SOL CPTA & LUARIVILLADELSOLSTAFFREPORT.DOC 13 EXHIBIT A LOCATION MAP Woolbright Road Golf Road/SE 23rd Ave. :: SITE ~/) ,---4 I f i "0, --~ tar fi -' -' ta: crf wi LU: LL.! >. ta ~ .c .9' %: .!M ~ Q J2 o .'~ . . 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C).S M'- ! - ~ ~en<el5 .s~ .... a- ... u ... a-Q.S"~ ....::co ~ ~ ~ ",' U i! e " w c ~ " - .. 5 ~ .., ci: ell , " . -* CJ - Z - = en - :: e.: b ! :; e 4 .. .. 05 en j - to: ... ! u lll: :: ! .. ~ ri ~ u ~ g en EXHIBIT C There is one other portion of the Coastal Area in which commercial redevelopment is desirable. The segment of u.s. 1 near the southern City limit currently contains a significant number of vacant parcels, obsolete buildings, and marginal commercial uses. In order to upgrade the properties fronting on u.s. 1, the coastal Management Element recommend~ that the existing Local Retail land use category be maintained, rather than permitting heavy commercial uses. Heavy commercial uses would be limited to the parcels which front on Old Dixie Highway. In order to absorb some of the commercial acreage along u.s. 1, the Coastal Management Element recommends that new car sales be allowed on the C-3 zoned property south of Old Dixie Highway, on parcels that have a minimum area of 2 acres. There are several parcels and areas where increased residential densities are recommended, in order to encourage infill development. There are two small parcels, of 1.6 acres and 1.2 acres, located on the north side of Dimmick Road and at the end of Las palmas Avenue, where it is recommended that the land use category be changed from Low Density (4.84 dwellings per acre) to High Density Residential (lO~ dwellings per acre). These density increases are contingent on limiting development to two-story townhouses. ~ In order to encourage infill development south of Woolbright Road, the coastal Management Element recommends that the density be increased on the largest remaining vacant multiple-family parcels. currently, the maximum residential density in the City is 10.8 dwellings per acre. The Coastal Management Element recommends that a Special High Density land use category be created, with a maximum density of 20 dwellings per acre. The application of this land use category would be limited to the Coast~' Area, however. The parcel in question is located along the Intracoastc Waterway and is partly occupied by mangroves. Although the mangroves ar~ protected by law, it would be pOSSible for this density to be transferred to the upland portions of this property. It is also recommended, in this e ement, that residential densities of up to 40 dwellings per acre be permitted in the CBD zoning district, and that this density be applied in addition to the commercial intensity which is permitted in the CBD zoning district. Many of the existing multi-family projects in the Coastal Area exceed the maximum density which is shown on the Future Land Use Plan. The High Density Residential category of the land use plan allows for densities up to 10.8 dwellings per acre, whereas existing multi-family projects have densities which range from 17 to 46 dwellings per acre. It 1s recommended in the coastal Management Element as well as in this element that the perpetuation of these projects at their eXisting densities be permitted, for two reasons: First, because publiC facilities in the Coastal Area are sufficient to serve these densities; and second, because classifying these densities as non-conforming makes it difficult for potential buyers of these units to obtain mortgages, which creates a hardship for the existing owners, who are often elderly persons with moderate incomes. It 1s not desirable, however, for the City to create higher-density land use categories to accommodate the existing density cf these projects, since it would then be possible for property owners in other areas of the city to request the same density. Also, the large 49 (C{ treQlure co~t regional planniQg council EXHIBIT D December 7, 1999 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 , '-...-~----.-.--- -. Subject: Land Use Amendment/Rezoning (LUAR 99) Text Amendment (CPTA 99-002) Dear Mr. Rumpf; The proposed change to reclassify the above referenced subject property to Special High Density Residential to develop a residential rental project is consistent with the Eastward Ho! Initiative. The proposed project meets the Eastward Ho! Initiative goal of urban revitalization by providing infill-housing opportunities for residents of all income levels. This proposed project may also reinforce the goal of the use of good and effective urban design techniques and may encourage the development community to consider proximity to mass transit and services. Please telephone me at 561-221-4060 if you require additional information. Sincerely, J;~~.dr Joan Barlow Eastward Ho! Project Facilitator enc 301 east ocean boulevard suite 300 stuart. florida 34994 phone (561) 221-4060 sc 169-4060 fax (561) 221-4067 tq EXHIBIT E MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 99 - 331 TO: Michael Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: December 9, 1999 SUBJECT: Property located and the northwest corner of the intersection of Federal Highway and Old Dixie Highway Analysis on availability of utilities relative to Request for Rezoning In response to your memo no. PZ 99-267 we offer the following analysis: 1. The rezoning of this parcel would allow an increase of 244 residents over and above that which is allowed by current zoning. Based upon this population figure, the incremental increase for potable water demand is expected to be 48,800 gallons per day; the incremental increase for sanitary sewer demand is expected to be 21,960 gallons per day. Both of these values are based upon the City's adopted levels of service. 2. At this time, the City's water and sewage treatment facilities have sufficient reserve capacity to service this incremental increase. 3. The adequacy of water distribution and sewage collection systems proximate to the site will be evaluated as part of the site planning process. Any improvements required will be the responsibility of the site developer. I trust this response meets your needs. Please refer any additional questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. Attachment JAG/PVM Xc: File ~o "~ Ms. Tambri Heyden Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33435-0310 f:'J ~ @ ~ 11 ~7 ~ u I ~ - L~j ;; k ; ~ i ~ ! ! : ~ U ; J : ~~ January 6, 1999 PLANNING AND ZON!NG DEPI YOl'R PART\ER FOR SOLID \\.-\STE SOLL'TIO\S EXHIBIT F Subject: Availability of Solid Waste Disposal Capacity Dear Ms. Heyden: The Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County hereby provides certification that the Authority has disposal capacity available to accommodate the solid waste generation for the municipalities and unincorporated county for the coming year of 1999. This letter also constitutes notification of sufficient capacity for concurrency management and comprehensive planning purposes. Capacity is available for both the coming year, and the five and ten year planning periods specified in 9J-5.005(4). As of September 30, 1998, the Authority's North County Landfills had an estimated 35,425,321 cubic yards oflandfiU capacity remaining. Based upon the existing Palm Beach County population, the most recently available population growth rates published by the University of Florida Bureau of Economic and Business and Research (BEBR), and projected rates of solid waste generation, waste reduction and recycling, the Solid Waste Authority forecasts that capacity will be available at the existing landfill through approximately the year 2023, assuming the depletion of the Class I and Class III landfills is balanced. The Authority continues to pursue options to increase the life of its existing facilities and to provide for all the County's current and future disposal and recycling needs. As part of its responsibility, the Authority will provide an annual statement of disposal capacity, using the most current BEBR projections available. Please provide copies of this letter to your plan review and concurrency management staff. If you have any questions or I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, Il{~~ Marc C. Bruner, Ph.D. Director of Planning and Environmental Programs 7501 North Jog Road. West Palm Beach. Florida 33412 (561) 640-4000 FAX (561) 640-3400 ~I EXHIBIT G Table 21. Non-Conforming Residential Densities Map Plan Existing Index II Density Density Comments 1 10.8 38.3 Multi-Family 2 10.8 40.0 Multi-Family 3 10.8 18.1 Multi-Family: includes Recreation Area 4 10.8 17.9 Multi-Family 5 10.8 29.0 Multi-Family 6 10.8 45.7 Multi-Family 7 10.8 30.0 Multi-Family 8 10.8 18.0 Multi-Family 9 10.8 20.3 Multi-Family 10 10.8 18.6 Multi-Family 11 10.8 27.7 Multi-Family 12 10.8 25.4 Multi-Family 13 10.8 32.2 Multi-Family 14 10.8 21.0 Multi-Family 15- 3.0 5.3 Single Family; County Density; City Plan indicates Mod Density 16- 8.0 8.1 Combination Single and multi family; County Density 17- 8.0 9.7 Single Family Source: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. Note: Asterisked sites are subject to potential land use modification per the following Table 24. Redevelopment Potential As stated in the previous discussion, much of the coastal management study area is characterized by established and stable land uses. Based on a historical observation of more built-out communities further to the south, coastal area redevelopment will probably occur on a scattered basis, and only after the regional supply of vacant land suitable for new fIrst stage development has been effectively diminished. Considering the available vacant land in both the study area and in the area west of 1-95, the potential for extensive areawide redevelopment is considered low within the ten-year planning horizon. In terms of residential activity, existing mobile home parks and a few underdeveloped multifamily shoreline properties have the greatest potential for redevelopment. This potential is highest in Planning Area I due to the proximity of these sites to Lake Worth and the Boynton Inlet. Substantial renovation or reconstruction of existing - 6 8- dO-- TDllN " HYfa-1IlCII LEIOENO .1 . !ji ~...~ @ '= ;:- L,: - DIIEX I&.MEIl CIF S1T'E1 IIEllE EXISTINI DEllim EXCEEIlI FUT\R UICl t.IIE PUN DEllim sm lIllHlAIl'I - - I , '----_ l\ r-'-' 11 ~7"~= /1 =:.~ 1/ I r~~ '/" I' : 1 I I II \ I! r-"\"I ~ 1 ( , . ~....:.= 1;/ .;:;:=-=-: .:\ L.____.-: " ("'-.-.-'7.) I j fj; \., ~. i_ _ __ __l. ,-------- i I' 7 l._,_ :.~ J : I ',- ? :: ,.1 I \ 1 I TDIOI fJIf I CIC!.6H AlDee I J / . . . . I I TtMI II' \ ll.ltW..APAN \ I I i ~ . . ! J , & 1 Ji f ~ . .......::~...r,-~ J I / I / I 1 .-" -'- I I I , J , I J I I I I I It 't lo, '" " '" .. ... It 't ... ... 't ~- :11' ...., -...... ~\"I" ... -....-., FIliIR 1& - NllIH:CN'OIIltNli ~StOEllTIAL uE'<S: ~:ES CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH COASTAL ~AN.GE~ENT ELEMENT ..:-:-~ . ~ ~ ... -... .-..-..---- - --------- ------- - . -.. -.. -- - --------#_- SOURCE: Walter H. Keller Jr., Inc. May 1989 -~. _1W. Ii. ........ -;;...... ::--:..: -67- Q3 EXHIBIT H b. Trip generation for the proposed future land use designation. Based on 20 units per gross acre, the subject property will be permitted up to 320 multi-family residential units upon approval of the proposed land use amendment. Accordingly, the proposed development would generate 2,053 daily trips, 163 AM peak hour trips and 192 PM peak hour trips and based on ITE 6th Edition Generation Rates and the calculations shown below. Average Daily Trip Calculation: Use: Apartments (220) Development Potential: 320 Units Generation Equation: T = 5.994 x 320 + 134.114 Gross Daily Trips (ADT): 2052.194 or 2053 trips AM/PM Peak Hour Calculation: AM Peak Equation: AM Peak Trips: T = 0.497 x 320 + 3.238 1 62.28 or 1 63 PM Peak Equation: PM Peak Trips: T = 0.541 x 320 + 18.743 191.86 or 1 92 c. Effect on traffic generation. The proposed land use amendment will reduce the trip generation and impact on the adjacent roadways by 6,412 as calculated below. Proposed Daily Trips - Vested Daily Trips Net Effect on Traffic Generation 2,053 tpd - 8.465 tpd -6,412 tpd 2. MASS TRANSIT DATA AND ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS a. DATA REQUIREMENTS 1) Mass transit provider: The subject property is served by Palm Tran Route 1 according to Fred Stubbs, Special Projects Coordinator of Palm Tran. Vi:ia De! Sol - LUA Application City Cie Boynton Beach Rev. December 8, 1999 c:v.... L P CPROJECTS\VWa :lei Sol (6c)'llton 15)~ua1208.wpd 14 ~3 EXHIBIT "I" Conditions of Approval Project name: VILLA DEL SOL File number: CPTA # 99-002 Reference:.Future Land Use Text Amendment application prepared bv Miller Land Planning Consultants, Inc. dated October 1 1999 , I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I I PUBLIC WORKS I I I Comments: None I UTILITIES None I I I Comments: FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREA nON Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: X 1. The site design requirernents should include variable north and south setbacks based on project height: a) North side adjacent to residential district only 1) 1 story - 40 feet 2) 2 stories - 45 feet I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 3) 3 stories - 60 feet 4) 4 stories - 100 feet b) South side adjacent to residential district only 1) 1 story = 40 feet 2) 2 stories - 40 feet 3) 3 stories - 75 feet 4) 4 stories - 100 feet X 2. The perimeter landscaping on the north and south sides shall include at minimum, a hedge, 1 canopy tree spaced no greater than 20 feet, and additional landscaping of varying height placed between trees. The landscaping to be placed along the rights-of-way shall include serpentine berm varying in height. A combination of palm and deciduous/canopy trees densely spaced with a diversity of plant materials from ground covers at varying height placed within the buffer. X 3. Signage shall be compatible (in scale) with adjacent residential properties and be designed in conjunction with materials to be repeated along the perimeter such as posts, fence elements, small monument features, etc. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 4. None ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 5. To be determined. MWR/dim J:ISHRDATAIPLANNINGISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIVILLA DEL SOL CPTA & LUARICOND. OF APPROVAL P&D 12-14-99.DOC NOTICE OF ZONING CHANGE NOTICE OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CHANGE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PUBLIC HEARINGS The City of Boynton Beach proposes to amend text within the Comprehensive Plan, change the land use plan and rezone property indicated on the map below. Public hearings to consider transmittal of these proposals will be held before the Planning and Development Board on December 14, 1999, at 7:00 P.M., and before the Local Planning Agency/City Commission on December 21, 1999, at 6:30 P.M. at City Hall in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida. ~-/ II ~/ I : :: II ~ I I r I I I : t r - - r I I I 1 I I I I - I - 1-', ..... l-t"1r ....ur T 1"-0 I - I l- I- , -;;;;, 11- 'J , ....L-J..... ' I Tl11'11 I I PETITIONER: AGENT: INTENDED USE: LOCATION: FI nl T 'fOU ~.~ I ~ t V Jj: !:ir-(;:&... J.1 'n. .. I fiI: ffTilll /' '., _ 1= .....- :;.: i:;-~~-~IL::..:: "'" 'ililil..l....o' 1 0 '. "./ -ft.... \III "" !P.'J, ...:a~1 _ :;';; ,~ 'It ~ - I., -", ~- : : I If :mr !I!:; '. _.' . I- '- ! ! ;';1 . t -J 1\ b- . .. I I nTTl -;: l !if '::~ ~I J--I'Q.----- : , r-m :' ~:c-, .;: ':; ~..... L..._ ~ ----- . II ~ j :: .. ~ .16'- . ;: i;: \ IIIICP : !~~ .J "'I- ,Iif ,::; ~ 1IIIrrJ I, ~ = ::: .:: ,.1 t , , : I I r.. ~ 11111 ::.- - ......_ it;.:! ~ ~:'". I I I 11 I ,'. i:~:':':':':':':':':':':':':':':':;~I~':':':':':':::::' ,: :: ' i 'I I r I . .. .... .. . . . ........... ............ .~:~ . I - I I I 1 I !::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.:.:.:.: .:.:.:.:.::::::::l l : ,: I : I- , ~...:-;.x:::l,*""'" . ':::,': I I ~- Tll , ...................................:.:.:~::.. : j . : i: llT1 : t~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. I T E : ,! : : .'" . . . . . . . ................... /1 t . . II ~-- , j~............... . . . . . . I I . , I . ......................... .. , , I I -1....1 - ~ .............. ~ A ' : ~ . 1,:=1 00 I,'l I I I I i/j.::'i'- ~ - -~ '.. , "-iH ,,::'f~ ~ ... ..- L q:;, ~ ;" ~ - ~..~ ~ " ''TJ' ., .; i if;, - ~ 1 ~ -, IJ-::! ;..! ~ ~-; ~T ...... f ..... TT , I~:;:~::.:.:o..,---.. .---'" I I I II -: ~ ., ".- .-. -. -. I. . . ~,!.. '"'' ~A' , ;n~!~!!L- ..(,::: ~ 1----.. s · ,:,~'n..:::::.._'~; i:~ III L O'L :. :,l-rl#J__ . " II T~~:{ !a'o. ::::':;f- '- T'-rf~: cr. -t--- _. I, ' I I' _ I' 0/ I :: !.~.--:.-:-::' :.: ,7 -:;:: If: ~ · : : ! ,.;:::::'j: ,:':: 1 7- I : . . ::: ~ ::. . ',,' J: _ :K -- L : : : , ,.-of- ::,;:,J- ,':.,.::---,- , I '" ; r- :;, ': tJ- '. : :.: 1-_ 1------ " . fj r1 &. "'~jH~!!i 11ft-II I f J .J -11", 1" !, 't::2.~ I:! "~, ,--r.... I I __ I I'. 1. I- ~~r ~ 1.. " . Grove Partners, L TD. Bradley D. Miller, AICP Multi-family residential Northwest comer of the intersection of Federal Highway (US 1) and Old Dixie Highway LEGAL: Complete legal description on file in the Planning and Zoning Division, 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Boynton Beach, Florida AMEND FUTURE LAND USE PLAN From - Local Retail Commercial To - Special High Density Residential (20 dwelling units/acre) REZONE From - C-3 Community Commercial To - R-3 High Density Residential AMEND TEXT OF COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Amend Section l.p., page 89 and 90 of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document. The current text is provided below. l.p Parcels at Northwest Comer of U.S. 1 and Old Dixie Highway Due to the limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of U.S. 1, the Coastal Management Element originally recommended that these parcels be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land use category, and placed in the Special High Density Residential category. However, because a site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center on this site have been approved by the City, the City Commission decided to keep these parcels in the Local Retail Commercial land use category. REQUEST: REQUEST: REQUEST: The proposed text read as follows: l.p Parcels at Northwest Comer of U.S. 1 and Old Dixie Highway Due to the limited demand for commercial floor space along this segment of U.S. 1, an initial recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan adopted in 1989 was that these parcels be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land use category, and placed in the Special High Density Residential category. This recommendation was not enacted because a site plan and construction drawings for a shopping center on this site had been approved by the City. The shopping center has not been developed and the site plan and construction plan approvals have expired. Therefore, these parcels should be taken out of the Local Retail Commercial land use category and placed in the Special High Density Residential category to encourage development and revitalization of this area of the City. A COPY OF THESE APPLICATIONS AND CORRESPONDING LEGAL DESCRIPTION ARE A V AILABLE FOR REVIEW IN THE PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION, MONDA Y THROUGH FRIDAY, 8:00 A.M. TO 5:30 P.M. ALL INTERESTED PARTIES ARE NOTIFIED TO APPEAR AT SAID HEARINGS IN PERSON OR BY ATTORNEY AND BE HEARD. ANY PERSON WHO DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION OF THE PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD OR CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THESE MEETINGS WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS BASED. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION (561) 742-6260 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA TA\PLANNING\SHARED\ WPlPROJECTSWILLA DEL SOL CPT A & LUAR\UP ADA TEDLEGAL.DOC